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Here is a secret

Speak when subject breaths out shut up when they breatch in

52 embedded commands by David Eisaiah Engel

Embedded commands are softening language. hey are good at bypassing the conscious mind to place ideas directly into the subconscious.

!ne bogus claim is that embedded commands delivered in normal conversation will make people "do anything you want.# $ot even suggestions in real hypnosis are guaranteed that kind of success.

%hen embedded commands are used to manipulate& their effect wears off 'uickly.

he best time to use embedded commands is during a hypnosis session. hey are very effective on emotionally suggestible patients.

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a sneaky one here most creates urgency



get this now

/ou probably already know0 ) wouldn1t tell you to 222& because0 /ou may 2222. Some people0 0. said "22222# !ne might& you know 222222222. . person may not know if 222222222. )1m wondering if you1ll 2222& or not. ) could tell you that 0 but 0 +aybe you haven1t 0. yet )t1s easy to 22222& is it not3 Sooner or later0 /ou may not know if 222. +aybe you1ll 222. /ou don1t have to 222. /ou might notice how good0 feels when you0 %ill you 22222 now& or will you 22223 /ou might notice the sensations in 0 while you 0 4fact5& 4fact5& 4fact5 and 222222. /ou could 2222. /ou might notice it feels 0.. as you 0.. Eventually& 0. /ou can 2222& because 0

-an you imagine0. -an you really enjoy0.3 How would it feel if you 0.3 6eople can& you know 2222. 6eople don1t have to & 4name5& 22222. ry to resist0. . person is able to 2222. . person might& 4name5& 22222. /ou might 22222 0. once told me& "22222# !ne could 22222& because0. /ou might not have noticed 0. . person could& 4name5& 22222 !ne may& 4name5& 22222 /ou can 2222& can you not3 ) don1t know if 2222. )f you 222& then0 %hat happens when you 22223 . person may 222& because 0 %hen you 222& then0 /ou are able to 2222. Sometimes 0 /ou may or may not 2222. )1m wondering if you 0. %ill you 0.& or 0& or 0 /ou might want to 2222& 0 now

!ne can& 4name5& 2222 !ne doesn1t have to& 4name5& 2222. Don1t 2222 too 'uickly.

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