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Elastin fibers

- It is less abundant as compared to collagen. - It is a rubbery protein. - It is found in ligaments ( e.g. ligamentum nuchae ) , walls os arteries, organs and muscles, - It has a high content of glycine. - It contains 8 amino acids. - The two amino acids specific to elastin are desmosine and isodesmosine. Desmosine forms cross links and it binds 4 adjoining elastin chains by forming intermolecular linkage between their molecules due to non polar amino acids and desmosine cross links.

Collagen fiber
- It comprises of short stout elongated fibrils. Many collagen fibrils come together and form a collagen and form a collagen fiber. - Diameter of collagen fibers is 1- 12 um. - Rarely seen as branched. - Collagen fibrils are formed of long tropocollagen molecules. - Collagen is a glycoprotein containing galactose and glucose. - Glycine is one - third of total amino acid content of collagen followed by hydroxyproline and proline account for another one-third of amino acid content of collagen. Hydroxyproline is exclusive to collagen and due to this reason to estimate collagen normally hydroxyproline is estimation is done. - Collagen has intermolecular cross linkages and due to these has high tensile strength of collagen fibers. - There are about 14 types collagen.

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