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Blood flow in cavum nasi. 1. Anterior Ethmoidalis artery (branch A. Opthalmica - A. carotid externa). nto the cavum nasi!

nasal septum! lateral wall of the cavum nasi antero-superior part. ". #osterior Ethmoidalis artery (branch A. Opthalmica). $asal to the superior portion of the septum! lateral wall cavity nas superior part. %. &pheno-palatine artery (branch A. 'axillaris nterna - A. carotid externa). (o the lateral wall of the cavum nasi. ). $asopalatina artery (continued A. sphenopalatine). *ea tap cavum nasi! most of the septum nasi! nasal beranastomose basic cavity with the descendin+ palatine artery to the base of the lateral wall of the cavum nasi and cavum nasi rear. ,. $asal lateral artery (branch A. 'axillaris externa). (o the lateral wall of the cavum nasi near the nares. -. #haryn+ea artery (branch A. 'axillaris nterna). (o the posterior radix nasal. .. $asalis artery #osterior &epti (branch A. 'axillaris externa). (o the bottom of the septum nasi! alon+ da sar cavum nasi. $erves n cavum nasi /eceived innervation from the tri+eminal nerve branches! namely0 1. $. Opthalmica 1 $. Ethmoidalis Anterior 1 /amus $asalis Anterior /i. 'edial nterna $asalis (o the mucosa of the anterior part of the septum nasi. /i. $asalis nterna 2 ateralis (o the lateral wall of the cavum nasi continue as nasalis externa. ". $. 'axillaris the sphenopalatine +an+lion /i. $asalis #osterior &uperior

/i. 1 chonca lateral to the superior and media /i. 1 to the medial septum nasi. (o the inferior turbinate. /i. &uperior alveolar! anterior to the inferior meatus. /i. $asalis nterna mobile septum and vestibule to the nasal.

/i. $asalis #osterior nferior (2 ateralis)

$. &uperior alveolar

$. nfraorbitalis

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