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EXPRESIONES CON DO Do the shopping Do a favour Do harm Do the housework Do the homework Do the ironing Do business Do an exercise Do ones best Do the washing up Do it yourself Do someone good Hacer la compra Hacer un favor Hacer dao
Hacer las tareas de la casa

EXPRESIONES CON MAKE Make clear Make a deal Make the beds Make a decision Make excuses Make a mistake Make sense Make friends Make progress Make a promise Make an effort Make sure Make a choice Dejar claro Hacer un trato Hacer la camas Tomar una decisin Poner excusas Cometer un error Tener sentido Hacer amigos Hacer progresos Hacer una promesa Esforzarse Asegurarse Elegir Causar problemas Hacer ruido

Hacer los deberes Hacer la plancha Hacer negocio Hacer un ejercicio

Hacer lo mejor posible

Fregar los platos

Hazlo t mismo (bricolaje)

Sentar bien

PRACTICE.- Complete with do or make

Make trouble Make noise

1.- Before you leave, __________ sure you lock the door! 2.- It___________ sense! I dont understand anything at all. 3.- Dont worry about the results. Just ______ your best! 4.- Remember the promised you __________ last night. 5.- Im sick and tired of ____________ the washing up every day. 6.- Happiness________ friends, adversity tries them 7.- Lets ________ a deal: I help you with Maths and you teach me English. 8.- You shouldnt _____ any more excuses. Admit that your behaviour was not correct 9.- Forgive me, I had no intention to ______ you any harm 10.- Going out more often will probably __________ you good. 11.- I want to _________ clear that I didnt _________ that decision. 12.- Please dont ________ any noise! . Im ____________ my homework. 13.- Theres only one way to _______ progress, and its always to _________ your best 14.- What youre saying doesnt _________ any sense. 15.- Will you ______ me a favour? Get lost. 16.- What do you ________ after work?. I go running for a while, as it ______ me good. 17.- If you want to get far in this profession, you must ________ efforts. 18.- If you ________ mistakes, _________ your best to correct them 19.- While I was _________ the beds, my brother was____________ the ironing. 20.- We have _____ a deal: I ________ the shopping and he _______ the housework

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