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Lesson 6

Mathematics: Basic Algebra

Expressions: An algebraic linethat doesnt contain an = sign. Equation: Contains an = sign; the lines to either side of the = need to be balanced. Constant: The non-varible numbers in the line.

Variable: The uncertain, alphabetic character.

Coeffiecient: The multiplicative factor attached to the variables. Absolute Value: The positive, overall value of a number, regardless of its current positive/negative ( 5 and -5 would both have an absolute value of 5).

Activity: Label them!

3x 1 = 11 -4x + 3 + 2x 7x + 4 = 39

A basic algebraic equation can be solved by balancing both ides of the = sign- that is, both sides should be able to be simplified to be identical. Addition/Subtraction method

Division method
Equations with 2 Variables: Both these methods work well with more than 1 variable in the equation.

Addition/Subtraction Method
Watch the example the instructor walks through on the Adobe Web Connect screen. Remember this method when:
You are given two equations with the same variables (x will equal the same thing in both). One variable in both equations share a coefficient. The coefficients are variables of one another.

X=2 + 2y X=10 6y

Division/Substitution Method
Watch the example the instructor walks through on the Adobe Web Connect screen. This is a good method when you need to simplify an equation before solving it.
A= b + 1 2A + b = 10

Activity: Solve it!

Solve each of these equations, using both of the methods discussed at least once. Let your instructor know if you need help.
Problem 1: -6x = 4(y 2) x+8=5 Problem 2: a + b = 4 2a b = 8 Problem 3: 2p + q = 9 3p q = 16

Assessment 6
Your instructor will give you the assessment information.

You will have 45 minutes to complete this assessment.

Ask your instructor if you have questions or require assistance with this task.

Great Job!
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