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Lesson 7

Mathematics: Intermediate Concepts


Order of Operations Algebraic Word Problems

Exponents tell you how many times a number needs to be multiplied in the equation or expression. 62 =x becomes 6x6=36 Solve the equation below.

72 + 4 = y

In more intermediate or complex algebraic expressions and equations, finding the correct answer can hinge on addressing and solving in the correct order. The Order of Operations is: Parenthesis Exponents Multiply Divide


Activity: Try It!

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract) In the examples below, identify if an exponent is being used. Then, simplify using the order of operations. 42 x 5x3 4 6 + 3 (42) 8 + 33 x 10


Basic steps to Word Problems: Read through the problem, looking for key words to help you build the equation. Build the equation! Solve the equation, checking to see if your solution fits.

Key Words in Word Problems

Is: Equals (=) Positive, added, gained, etc.: Addition (+) Negative, lost, etc.: Subtraction (-) Unspecified or missing info: Make a variable for the problem (e.g., if the problem mentions a number, call that x)

Build and Solve the Problem

Use the key words to build the equation. Once you have, you should be able to solve it using the techniques already talked about (Order of Operations, substitution method, etc). Make sure you plug your answer into the equation to see if it fits.

Activity: Word Problems, Yay!

Complete the following basic word problem.

The ninja turtles paid 28 dollars for pizza expenses, as well as 10 dollars per hour to play games at the computer lab. If they played there for 4 hours, what was their total expenses?

Assessment 7
Your instructor will give you the assessment information. You will have 45 minutes to complete this assessment. Ask your instructor if you have questions or require assistance with this task.

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