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ABC Amber LIT Converter BELOW THE BELT Sarah Mayberry Prologue HE WAS A BIG MAN.

Six foot three in he! tall" broa# !houl#er!" $o%erful ar&! an# thigh!'he #o&inate# the boxing ring (u!t by !tan#ing in it. )e!$ite hi! !i*e" he oul# &o+e. Li,e Muha&&a# Ali" he #an e# aroun# hi! o$$onent!" fa!t an# balan e#" a (oy to %at h. -a&ie Sa%yer !tu#ie# hi! e+ery &o+e on her tele+i!ion ! reen" her thigh! an# !houl#er! an# belly ten!ing" her right han# urling into a fi!t a! he hit hi! o$$onent %ith a (ab" then follo%e# u$ %ith a ro!! to the bo#y. The $o%er of the &an. The elegan e. The !heer beauty of %at hing hi& fight. .He/! the one"0 !he !ai#" !itting ba , in her hair. .1oo$er 2it*geral#. He/! the one I %ant.0 On the ! reen" 1oo$er hit hi! o$$onent %ith a %hi!tling u$$er ut that a&e out of no%here. The other fighter/! hea# ro ,e# ba ," hi! eye! lo!e#. He !taggere# ba ,%ar#. Then he hit the an+a! li,e a t%o3hun#re#3$oun# !lab of &eat. 4ea hing for the re&ote ontrol" -a&ie fro*e the i&age a! the a&era $ulle# in lo!e on 1oo$er 2it*geral#/! fa e. A no!e %ith a har&ing bu&$ in it fro& &any brea,!" !trong hee,bone!" a !5uare (a%" #ee$ !et na+y3blue eye!" #ar, hair. He %a! a goo#3loo,ing &an. But !he %a!n/t intere!te# in hi! loo,!. She %a! intere!te# in the fier e" triu&$hant !narl on hi! fa e an# the light of +i tory in hi! eye!. He %a! a %inner" a ha&$ion. 2or four year!" the be!t hea+y%eight boxer in the %orl#. An# no% he %a! retire# an# !tarting hi! o%n fighter!/ gy& an# ta,ing on fighter! to train. She $lanne# to be one of the&. She %a! going to be one of the&. She nee#e# hi& if !he %a! going to ,ee$ her $ro&i!e. .I !till li,e Go#frey"0 her gran#father !ai# fro& behin# her on the ou h" hi! +oi e thin an# ree#y. E+ery no% an# then it !tru , her ho% &u h he/# hange# !in e hi! heart atta , !ix &onth! ago. The lo!! of hi! robu!t" #ee$ +oi e %a! (u!t one of &any $rofoun# !hift!.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Go#frey/! ex$erien e#" he/! onne te#. He/! &y hoi e"0 he !ai#. .No" 1oo$er 2it*geral# i! the one"0 -a&ie !ai# again. .He/! the one %ho/! going to $ut &e %here I nee# to be" Gran#$a.0 He ,ne% better than to argue %ith her %hen !he #ug her heel! in. .Ha+e to get hi& to ta,e you on fir!t"0 he !ai#. -a&ie !too#. Her leg! a he# fro& ye!ter#ay/! roa#%or," but !he !till $lanne# on getting another ten &ile! un#er her belt to#ay. .He/ll ta,e &e on"0 !he !ai#. She (u!t ha# to fin# the right %ay to a!,6 7 1OOPE4 .THE 2IST0 2it*geral# a#(u!te# the ollar on hi! !il, !hirt an# t%ea,e# the uff! on hi! (a ,et. )e!$ite ho% %ell3&a#e an# %ell3 ut the !uit %a!" it felt %rong. He/# !$ent half hi! life in %or,out lothe!" o+ere# in !%eat'he %a!n/t a !uit ,in# of guy an# $robably ne+er %oul# be. But he/# o&e ourting" an# he %a! !&art enough to ,no% that he nee#e# to loo, the $art if he %a! going to on+in e 4ay Mar!hall to lea+e hi! urrent trainer an# (oin 2it*geral# 2ighter!/ Gy&. Before hitting the #oorbell an# announ ing hi! arri+al" 1oo$er !5uinte# at the !lee," &o#ern hou!e 4ay ha# (u!t bought. Situate# on the bea hfront of the in rea!ingly ex lu!i+e Sy#ney !uburb of Bronte" he figure# the $la e %a! %orth %ell o+er 7.8 &illion. But he alrea#y ,ne% that 4ay %a!n/t har# u$ for a!h. If 1oo$er %a! going to %oo hi& to hi! !table" it %a! going to be about &ore than &oney. It %a! going to be about offering hi& the one thing that all fighter! %ante#9 i&&ortality. -u!t li,e e+ery fighter %ho/# e+er #onne# leather an# !%eate# hi! roun#! in the ring" 4ay %ante# to be re&e&bere#. Ali" Sugar 4ay" Ty!on'no one %oul# e+er forget their na&e!" e+en if Ty!on %a! a! infa&ou! the!e #ay! a! he %a! fa&ou!. An# 1oo$er ,ne% he oul# &a,e 4ay unforgettable. He ha# all the ra% ingre#ient! to be o&e a legen# of the !$ort rather than !o&e guy %ho/# gotten lu ,y %ith a fe% hea+y $ur!e!. Together" they oul# fly high. It %a! getting to the .together0 bit that %a! going to ta,e !o&e fan y foot%or," !in e 4ay ha# been %ith hi! urrent trainer !in e he !tarte#. A%are that he %a! !talling" 1oo$er hit the bell. He %a! ner+ou!. Li,e the !uit" thi! %a! the $art of !etting u$ hi! o%n e!tabli!h&ent that &a#e hi& feel the lea!t o&fortable. He %a! a fighter" not !o&e !li , !ale! guy %ith a line of $atter. Hell" ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter he %a! only thirty3four. Not young by boxing !tan#ar#!" but if hi! bo#y ha#n/t gi+en out on hi&" he/# !till be in the ring" gi+ing u$3an#3 o&er! li,e 4ay a $oun#ing. When he/# bought the gy& la!t year" it ha# been %ith the long3ter& in &in#. No %ay ha# he $lanne# to be training at thi! age. That %a! !u$$o!e# to o&e later. Mu h later. He glan e# at hi! han#!. A ! ar ran a ro!! hi! left ,nu ,le!. He rubbe# it ab!ently. He &i!!e# fighting. Stu$i# to $reten# other%i!e. But there %a! no $oint !$en#ing the re!t of hi! life thin,ing about %hat &ight ha+e been. The #o tor! ha# gi+en hi& a lear hoi e after he/# #eta he# the retina in hi! left eye in hi! la!t fight',ee$ fighting an# go blin#" or retire. So&e hoi e. .Hey" &an" goo# to !ee you"0 4ay !ai# a! he o$ene# the #oor. He ga+e 1oo$er a one3ar&e# hug aroun# the !houl#er!" the &u! le! of hi! big ar&! har# again!t 1oo$er/! ba ,. A hea+y%eight" 4ay %a! an in h taller than 1oo$er" %ith a broa#3no!e#" hea+y3 bro%e# fa e an# oli+e !,in. He %ore hi! #ar, hair !ha+e# lo!e to hi! ! al$" a !tyle that &a#e it ea!ier for training an# #i!gui!e# the fa t that it %a! ra$i#ly re e#ing. .Goo# to !ee you" too"0 1oo$er !ai#. Before he/# retire# three &onth! ago" he an# 4ay ha# traine# together for a %hile. There %a! $lenty of &utual re!$e t bet%een the&" a goo# foun#ation for a future $artner!hi$. .1o&e on in an# he , out &y ne% $a#"0 4ay !ai# %ith a big grin. 1oo$er follo%e# hi& along a %hite ar$ete# hall%ay" the $lu!h $ile !o #ee$ an# thi , un#erfoot that he %a! al&o!t in #anger of brea,ing an an,le in the !tuff. The hall o$ene# into a huge li+ing roo& %ith a high eiling" !li , bla ,3leather3 an#3 hro&e furniture an# lot! of %in#o%!. The glare fro& the &orning !un $ouring through all the gla!! %a! al&o!t unbearable an# he !5uinte# hi! eye! in !elf3#efen!e. .:eah" I ,no%" I gotta #o !o&ething about that. Get !o&e urtain! or !o&ething"0 4ay !ai#. .Let/! he , out the $ool.0 They $a!!e# through a !tate3of3the3art ,it hen to a terra e that %a! #o&inate# by a la$ $ool an# a !e$arate !tru ture that hou!e# a !hiny gy& bri!tling %ith high3en# e5ui$&ent" all of it +i!ible through a %all of %in#o%!. 4ay %a+e# 1oo$er into one of the hair! arrange# in a on+er!ational grou$ing near the hou!e. .:ou %ant offee;0 4ay a!,e#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Sure. Why not;0 1oo$er !ai#. 4ay !te$$e# to%ar# the hou!e an# o$ene# the !li#ing #oor a ra ,. .:o" -i&&y' offee %oul# be great" than,!" if the offer/! !till goo#"0 he alle#. 1oo$er !at ba ," re!ting hi! right an,le on the ,nee of the o$$o!ite leg. Man" but hi! ollar felt tight. 4e!i!ting the urge to run a finger un#er it li,e a ,i# at hur h on Sun#ay" he !ur+eye# the rear of 4ay/! hou!e. .Great $la e" bro"0 he !ai#. .I li,e it"0 4ay !ai#" laughing at hi! o%n un#er!tate&ent. He !hoo, hi! hea#. .If you oul# ha+e !een %here I gre% u$60 1oo$er un#er!too#. The be!t fighter! %ere the one! %ho nee#e# it a! %ell a! %ante# it. They all ha# their har#lu , !torie!" !o&e har#er than other!. .So" ha+e you thought any &ore about &y $ro$o!al;0 1oo$er a!,e#" utting to the ha!e. They both ,ne% thi! %a!n/t a !o ial all. Behin# 4ay" he aught !ight of a figure &o+ing aroun# the ,it hen &a,ing offee. Be au!e 4ay ha# u!e# the na&e -i&&y" 1oo$er %a! !ur$ri!e# to !ee it %a! a %o&an. A really hot %o&an" he note# a! !he bent to retrie+e !o&ething fro& a lo%er #ra%er. She %a! %earing a unifor&" a $lain ba , #re!! %ith a *i$ u$ the front an# a %hite a$ron aroun# her %ai!t. When !he leane# o+er he o$$e# an eyeful of !trong" athleti leg! an# a tight" roun# butt. So&e guy! $referre# their %o&en !,inny li,e greyhoun#! but he/# ne+er ha# a thing for bone!. He li,e# %o&en %ith brea!t! an# butt!" an# !trong" athleti %o&en $arti ularly got hi& going. Perha$! it %a! the o&bination of texture!" har# an# !oft" !il, an# !teel6 He reali*e# 4ay %a! tal,ing. He/# been !o $reo hire# hel$ that he/# &i!!e# half of it. u$ie# %ith he ,ing out the

.6but I/+e got !o&e re!er+ation!" I/# be lying if I !ai# any #ifferent"0 4ay !ai#. .An# I/+e got a fa+or to a!," if %e an ut a #eal.0 )a&n. Ha# 4ay (u!t !ai# ye! to hi&" an# he/# been bu!y !taring at !o&e bi&bo/! butt; 2o u!" 2it*geral#. .I %ant u! to be !traight u$ if %e/re going to #o thi! thing" 4ay" !o let &e ,no% ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %hat your on ern! are an# %e/ll #eal %ith the&"0 he !ai#" ,ee$ing hi! ga*e fir&ly on 4ay no%" e+en though he oul# !till !ee the %o&an out of the orner of hi! eye. .Well" you ,no%" it/! the ex$erien e thing. :ou/+e got no tra , re or#. Sorry" &an" but it/! true. :ou %ere one hell of a fighter" an# I/# ,ill to ha+e half your for&" but you/re fre!hly &inte# a! a trainer"0 4ay !ai#. 1oo$er no##e#. .:ou/re right. I/& ne%" I/& unte!te#'%hi h &ean! I/& al!o hungry. I li,e to %in" 4ay. :ou ,no% that about &e. I built a areer being a %inner. An# I/+e traine# %ith !o&e of the be!t guy! in the bu!ine!!'guy! you #on/t ha+e a han e of getting near be au!e they/re in the <.S. no%" or they/+e retire#. I/+e got a lot of ,no%le#ge an# ex$erien e to $a!! on'an# I/& han#3 $i ,ing &y boy! be au!e I only %ant to %or, %ith fighter! %ho I ,no% ha+e %hat it ta,e! to go all the %ay. :ou/re at the to$ of &y li!t" that/! %hy I/& here"0 1oo$er !ai#. .:eah" !ure" I bet you !ay that to e+eryone you/re tal,ing to"0 4ay !ai#" an# 1oo$er oul# tell he %a! only half (o,ing. .I/& not tal,ing to anyone el!e (u!t yet"0 1oo$er !ai#. .Li,e I !ai#" you/re at the to$ of &y li!t.0 Maybe it %a! a &i!ta,e to gi+e a%ay !o &u h" but he ha#n/t o&e here to !ha#o%box. He hel# 4ay/! eye" an# the other &an !lo%ly no##e#. .O,ay. O,ay. I/& intere!te#"0 4ay !ai#. 1oo$er grinne#" an# 4ay grinne# right ba , at hi&. .So %hat/! thi! fa+or you &entione#;0 1oo$er !ai#" (er,ing hi! tie loo!e an# unbuttoning the ollar on hi! !hirt. They %ere on the #o%nhill run no%" he oul# feel it. .I/+e got a frien#" an u$3an#3 o&er. No fight re or#" (u!t !tarting out. Loa#! of natural talent" !trong" fa!t" great $o%er. I !ai# I/# $ut in a %or# %ith you"0 4ay !ai#. Hi! ga*e !li# o+er 1oo$er/! !houl#er a! he !$o,e" an# 1oo$er fro%ne#. Wa! it (u!t hi&" or #i# 4ay loo, a little6un o&fortable; .2air enough. Get hi& to o&e #o%n to the gy& to&orro%. I/ll ta,e a loo, at hi&" $ut hi& through hi! $a e!. If I li,e %hat I !ee" I/ll ertainly on!i#er hi&"0 1oo$er !ai#. That %a! a! goo# a! it %a! going to get. He ha# a re$utation to buil#" an# untrie# fighter! %oul# not #o it for hi&. .<h" yeah. Thing i!" it/! a !he" not a he" 0 4ay !ai#" rubbing the ba , of hi! ne ,. .Sorry" 4ay" but I #on/t follo% %o&en/! boxing"0 1oo$er !ai# oolly" ho$ing 4ay ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %oul# get the hint an# #ro$ the !ub(e t. It %a!n/t that he thought %o&en/! boxing %a! %rong or frea,i!h the %ay !o&e of the ol#3ti&er! #i#. He !i&$ly #i#n/t thin, there %ere enough %o&en out there truly o&&itte# to the !$ort. It %a! #ifferent for &en. Often boxing %a! the only %ay out for the&" an# that ga+e the& a hunger" a o&&it&ent that oul#n/t be fa,e#. .If you !a% her fight" you/# ,no% %hat I &ean. She/! goo#'really goo#. I thin, !he oul# go all the %ay"0 4ay !ai#. .Not %ith &e"0 1oo$er !ai#" !ha,ing hi! hea#. .I/& not intere!te# in training %o&en. I %ant real fighter!" not a bun h of Barbie #oll! $laying aroun# %ith boxer i!e.0 The #oor to the hou!e !li# o$en a! the &ai# a$$eare# %ith a tray of offee. Hi! ga*e hone# in on her in!tin ti+ely" ta,ing in her !traight brunette hair" $ulle# high in a $onytail" the fine bone! of her fa e" her full li$! an# the !u$$le gra e %ith %hi h !he &o+e#. Her eye! %ere an unu!ual light gray" al&o!t !il+er" an# %ere !lightly tilte#. Her bo#y %a! e+erything he/# i&agine#'!trong an# ur+y" her leg! long" her !houl#er! !5uare an# $rou#. .Wo&en/! boxing i! huge no%"0 4ay !ai#. .Pur!e! are bigger" an# the Wo&en/! International Boxing A!!o iation ha! really !te$$e# thing! u$. With %o&en li,e Laila Ali out there" it/! only going to get better.0 .Li!ten" I a$$re iate %hat you/re trying to #o for your frien#" but I/& not intere!te# in ta,ing on !o&eone %ho/! going to bail %hen the going get! tough. Boxing i! a &an/! !$ort.0 The thu&$ of the tray #ro$$ing abru$tly onto the table #re% hi! attention ba , to the &ai#. 1offee ha# !lo$$e# o+er the !i#e! of both u$!" but !he %a!n/t the lea!t bit on erne#. In!tea#" !he ha# her han#! on her hi$! an# %a! glaring at hi&. .Ex u!e &e;0 !he a!,e#. Her +oi e %a! lo%" hu!,y. Sexy. .-i&&y60 4ay !ai#" !tan#ing an# #ro$$ing a han# onto her !houl#er. She !hoo, hi& off" her ga*e !till $inne# to 1oo$er. She %a! furiou! %ith hi&. He too, in all the telltale !ign!'the !light flu!h of olor in her hee,!" the ten!ion in her bo#y" the %ay !he/# ta,en u$ a la!!i #efen!i+e !tan e" her %eight balan e# on the ball! of her feet" her ,nee! !lightly flexe#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Then he got it'!he %a! the %anna3be fighter 4ay ha# been $it hing to hi&. .:ou %ant to ex$lain to &e %hy boxing i! only for &en;0 !he a!,e#" ignoring 4ay/! atte&$t! to &ollify her. .Be au!e $eo$le get hurt. Be au!e it ta,e! #i! i$line an# o&&it&ent. Be au!e it/! not ea!y"0 1oo$er !ai#" hol#ing her ga*e. .:ou nee# any &ore;0 Her hin a&e u$. With the !un !hining on her anger3har#ene# fa e" !he loo,e# li,e an A&a*onian %arrior %o&an" rea#y to ta,e on any an# all o&er!. He fla!he# to a thought of %hat !he/# be li,e in be#. 2iery" he bet" fighting for !u$re&a y e+ery in h of the %ay. .What &a,e! you thin, I/& any le!! o&&itte# than 4ay; Or you; What &a,e! you thin, that %o&en an/t han#le being hurt; E+er hear# of hil#birth;0 She %a! getting %or,e# u$" her brea!t! ri!ing an# falling ra$i#ly no% a! her te&$er got the better of her. Man" !he %a! a han#ful. An# hot. )a&ne# hot. .Than,! for bringing u$ &y next $oint. Male fighter! #on/t get $regnant an# thro% a%ay their areer! (u!t %hen they/re hitting their !tri#e!"0 1oo$er !ai#. She ga+e hi& a ! athing loo," !tarting at hi! han#&a#e Italian !hoe!" trailing u$ hi! !il,3an#3%ool la# leg!" u$ hi! tor!o until !he &a#e eye onta t %ith hi& again. .I an only i&agine %hat ,in# of ina#e5ua y a big &an li,e you &u!t be hi#ing if he an/t han#le the i#ea of a %o&an %ho an hol# her o%n"0 !he !ai#. That !ur$ri!e# a ra , of laughter out of hi&. He !ettle# into hi! hair a little &ore an# ro!!e# hi! ar&! behin# hi! hea#'&o!tly be au!e he !u!$e te# it %oul# $i!! her off. .Belie+e &e" baby" thi! big &an/! not hi#ing any ina#e5ua ie!. :ou/re %el o&e to ta,e a loo," if you li,e"0 he !ai# !ugge!ti+ely. She a tually too, a !te$ for%ar#" the &u! le! in her (a% len hing" an# 4ay &o+e# to inter+ene. .-i&&y. 1ool #o%n. Go in!i#e an# ta,e a breather. I/ll tal, to 1oo$er"0 he !ai#. .I/& not going to hange &y &in#" 4ay"0 1oo$er !ai#" !u##enly !eriou!. .If you o&ing to &e i! tie# to ta,ing on your frien#" then %e #on/t ha+e a #eal. I/& not intere!te# in %o&en fighter!.0 .A! if I/# %ant you a! &y trainer after hearing all thi! bull!hit"0 -i&&y fire# the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %or#! at hi&. .I an/t belie+e I thought there %a! a brain behin# all that beautiful boxing. I gue!! it &u!t be #u&b lu , that you an e+en he% gu& an# %al, #o%n the !treet at the !a&e ti&e.0 She !$un on her heel" !tri#ing to%ar# the hou!e %ithout a ba ,%ar# glan e. Both 1oo$er an# 4ay !tare# after her" %at hing the un on! iou! ani&al gra e of her &o+e&ent!. On e !he %a! out of !ight" 4ay let hi! breath hi!! out bet%een hi! teeth an# ran a han# o+er hi! hea#. .That %ent %ell"0 he !ai#. 1oo$er %aite# for the other &an to &eet hi! eye. .I &eant %hat I !ai#. Anything el!e %e an tal, on" but -i&&y i! not" an# %ill ne+er be" a $art of our #eal. O,ay;0 .I hear you"0 4ay !ai#. .An# for the re or#" I/& !orry that got !o6out of ontrol. -i&&y/! ,in# of inten!e. )ri+en" if you ,no% %hat I &ean.0 .I thought !he %a! your &ai#"0 4ay laughe#" !ur$ri!e#. Then he !hoo, hi! hea#. .)on/t let her hear you !aying that. She too, ti&e off %or, to o&e o+er an# &eet you.0 .What ,in# of na&e i! -i&&y for a girl" any%ay;0 1oo$er a!,e#. Not be au!e he %a! really intere!te#. He %a! (u!t6 uriou!. Whi h %a! #efinitely not the !a&e thing. .It/! really -a&ie" but -i&&y i! a hil#hoo# ni ,na&e that !tu ,.0 1oo$er &a#e an intuiti+e lea$. .:ou/re !eeing her;0 4ay !hoo, hi! hea#. .:ear! ago. -i&&y #oe!n/t li,e to be $inne# #o%n.0 1oo$er got the #i!tin t feeling that 4ay %a!n/t too ha$$y about that. He oul# !ee %here the other &an %a! o&ing fro&'e+en a fe% !e on#! in her o&$any ha# been enough to tell hi& that -a&ie %a!n/t the ,in# of %o&an a guy %al,e# a%ay fro& ea!ily. .So" a& I alling &y la%yer an# getting hi& to #raft a ontra t;0 1oo$er a!,e#. 4ay/! glan e !traye# to the hou!e again. .I nee# to thin, about it. 1an I all you tonight;0 1oo$er fro%ne#. 4ay ob+iou!ly felt a !trong loyalty to%ar# thi! -a&ie %o&an if he %a! $re$are# to rethin, a #eal that ha# been a! goo# a! #one. There %a!n/t ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter anything 1oo$er oul# #o about that" ho%e+er'no %ay" no ho% %a! he ta,ing on a %o&an fighter. He %a! buil#ing hi! gy&" hi! re$utation" an# he %ante# to %in. Wo&en/! boxing %a!n/t going to a hie+e any of tho!e goal! for hi&" an# he refu!e# to (oin the ran,! of ha!3been fighter! %ho oul#n/t ut it out!i#e of the ring. .:ou ,no% &y nu&ber"0 he !ai#" !tan#ing. They %ere both !ilent a! 4ay le# hi& through the hou!e. 1oo$er ,e$t an eye out for -a&ie. There %a! an inten!ity to her" a fo u!6An#" of our!e" there %a! that hot bo#y. But there %a! no !ign of her. He $au!e# on the #oor!te$ to offer 4ay hi! han#. .I/ll hear fro& you tonight"0 he !ai# fir&ly. .2or !ure"0 4ay !ai#. Wal,ing #o%n the $ath to hi! ar" 1oo$er refle te# that if -a&ie an# her fighting a&bition! ha#n/t been in!erte# into the #eal" he/# $robably be %al,ing a%ay %ith hi! fir!t fighter in hi! $o ,et right no%. He !%ore un#er hi! breath" &ore an# &ore $i!!e# off a! he thought about it. )a&n it" he nee#e# 4ay. He %a! young" full of $ro&i!e" the $erfe t orner!tone for the !table 1oo$er %ante# to buil#. So&e !ixth !en!e &a#e hi& glan e o+er hi! !houl#er before he !te$$e# into the !treet. A urtain t%it he# in one of the front %in#o%! an# !o&eone !te$$e# out of !ight. She %a! $robably %i!hing !he/# !lugge# hi& one. Hell" if 4ay ha#n/t inter+ene#" !he &ight e+en ha+e trie#. 1oo$er laughe#. E+en though he %a! feeling royally $i!!e# that her $re!en e ha# !oure# hi! #eal. She ha# ball!" he/# gi+e her that. Big" hairy one!.

-AMIE/S HAN)S flexe# a! !he %at he# 1oo$er 2it*geral# !tri#e #o%n the front $ath an# into the !treet. He %al,e# !lo%ly an# #eliberately" hea# u$. An a#+erti!e&ent for arrogan e. .-er,3off"0 !he !ai#. .What ha$$ene# to =it ha! to be 1oo$er 2it*geral#/;0 4ay a!,e#. -a&ie turne# aroun#. She !hrugge# a!ually. She/# !een !o &any of 1oo$er/! fight!" rea# !o &any inter+ie%! %ith hi&" !he/# ha# one hell of a $re on ei+e# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter i#ea about %hat he %oul# be li,e. More fool her. He &ight o&e a ro!! a! %itty" har&ing an# intelligent in the &e#ia" but in the fle!h the guy %a! (u!t another gar#en3+ariety ,nu ,le3#ragger %ho !a% %o&en a! li+ing" breathing a&u!e&ent $ar,! for hi! genital!. She/# ,no%n enough of the& in her ti&e" than, you +ery &u h. Hell" !he/# !le$t %ith a bun h of /e&" !o !he #efinitely ,ne% %hat !he %a! tal,ing about. Why !he/# thought thi! guy %a! going to be any #ifferent fro& the re!t of the !$e ie! !he ha# no i#ea. It/! be au!e you/+e al%ay! been #u&b about guy!" a little +oi e %hi!$ere# in her ear. It %a! true" too'her ba# (u#g&ent %here &en %ere on erne# %a! a &atter of hi!tori al re or#. .I &a#e a &i!ta,e. I thought he %a! !o&ething he %a!n/t"0 -a&ie !ai#" turning a%ay fro& the %in#o%. .Gran#$a %ante# Go#frey. I gue!! %e/ll ,no , on hi! #oor next.0 4ay o ,e# hi! hea# to one !i#e" !tu#ying her. .Maybe you ought to ta,e thi! a! a !ign" 5uit before you ruin that gorgeou! fa e of your!"0 he !ai#. -a&ie &a#e an i&$atient noi!e. .I thought you !ai# you %ere going to hel$ &e.0 .I #i#. I %ill. I (u!t6I gue!! I #on/t un#er!tan# %hy you !u##enly %ant to get in the ring"0 he !ai#. -a&ie !tare# at hi&" al&o!t te&$te# to tell hi& about her $ro&i!e" about her burning nee# to !et thing! right for her gran#father" to %i$e out the !ha&e that ha# be o&e her fa&ily/! heritage. .It/! in &y bloo#. What an I !ay;0 -a&ie !ai#. 4ay #i#n/t loo, a! though he belie+e# her" but he al!o ,ne% her %ell enough not to $u!h. .I/ll try 1oo$er again tonight %hen I all hi&"0 he !ai#. .)on/t bother. I %oul#n/t ta,e hi& a! a trainer no% if he ra%le# on hi! belly. I %ant !o&eone %ho belie+e! in &e" not !o&e gru#ging" !exi!t a!!hole.0 .He/! a goo# guy. A !&art guy"0 4ay !ai#. She fli ,e# an a$$rai!ing loo, hi! %ay. .:ou/re going to go %ith hi&" aren/t you;0 .He/! got !tuff I nee# to ,no%. An# Lenny/! getting $a!t it"0 4ay onfir&e#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Goo# lu ,. :ou/re going to nee# it"0 !he &uttere#. 4ay !&ile# an# !hoo, hi! hea#" u!e# to her li$. .I gotta get ba , to %or,"0 !he !ai#. .Than,! for $it hing &e to#ay. I o%e you one.0 .)o I get to $i , %hat the one i!;0 4ay a!,e#. She $un he# one of hi! bulging bi e$! a! !he bru!he# $a!t hi&" ,ee$ing thing! light. 4ay ha# ne+er really gotten o+er the fling they/# ha# fi+e year! ago. She %oul# ha+e #ri+en hi& ra*y if they/# !taye# together" but he ha#n/t 5uite a#&itte# that to hi&!elf yet. She/# #one hi& the bigge!t fa+or of hi! life %hen !he/# %al,e# out on hi&. She #i#n/t #o o&&it&ent. She ertainly #i#n/t #o lo+e" %hate+er the hell that %a! a$art fro& a really great %ay for a $er!on to let her!elf get ! re%e# o+er. .I/ll %ax your ar for you" but that/! about a! lo!e a! you/re going to get to %hat you/re thin,ing"0 !he !ai# a! !he hea#e# to%ar# the front #oor. Behin# her" 4ay laughe#. She felt the !&all &o&ent of ten!ion !li#e a%ay" a! !he/# inten#e#. .Al%ay! %ith the &outh" Sa%yer"0 he !ai#. She !%i+ele# on her heel. .)on/t all &e that aroun# anyone el!e" o,ay; A! far a! anyone ,no%!" I/& -a&ie Hollo%ay" not Sa%yer" an# that/! it.0 4ay hel# u$ hi! han#!. .Whoa" hill out" -i&&y. I/& not an i#iot.0 She no##e#. She/# o+errea te#" but a! !oon a! anyone hear# her la!t na&e" they/# ,no%. An# !he %ante# a han e to $ro+e her!elf before the !hit !tor& #e! en#e#. >i!!ing 4ay goo#bye" !he agree# to hoo, u$ %ith hi& for a training !e!!ion later in the %ee, an# &a#e her %ay out to her beat3u$ !$ort 2or# utility. She he ,e# the $a!!enger3!i#e rear tire before !he got in an# !a% that it %a! running flat again. 2ortunately" there %a! a ga! !tation aroun# the orner %here !he oul# $u&$ it ba , u$" an# !he/# allo ate# fun#! fro& thi! %ee,/! $ay he , to o+er a ne% tire. It %a! all !ta+ing off the ine+itable #ay %hen the #a&ne# ru!t bu ,et fell a$art" of our!e" but until that &o&ent a&e" !he/# e,e e+ery la!t &ile out of the ol# girl if it ,ille# her. 2or (u!t a !e on#'a %ea," !elf3$itying !e on#'!he allo%e# her!elf to %on#er %hat it %oul# ha+e been li,e if !he/# fini!he# her naturo$ath training all tho!e year! ago" if her father %ere !till ali+e an# he ha#n/t #one %hat he/# #one. Ho% ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter #ifferent %oul# her %orl# loo,; Ho% #ifferent %oul# !he loo,; .Patheti " girl"0 !he tol# her!elf a! !he !%ung into the tru ,. T%i!ting the ,ey in the ignition" !he %aite# for the engine to at h" hol#ing her breath a! !he hear# the fa&iliar labore# %hine of the !tarter &otor turning o+er. A! it ha# &ore an# &ore lately" the &otor faile# to at h on the fir!t try. 1lo!ing her eye!" !he bange# her forehea# again!t the !teering %heel. .Not no%" you $ie e of ra$.0 She/# a!,e# her fello% hotel &ai# an# frien# Narelle to o+er for her ba , at the Hyatt on the Par, %hile !he &et %ith 1oo$er. But if !he #i#n/t get ba , !oon !he/# be &i!!e# an# the la!t thing !he nee#e# %a! another %arning letter in her $er!onnel file. The thought of being one !te$ lo!er to une&$loy&ent be au!e !he/# rearrange# her life to be in!ulte# by an ignorant a$e %a! al&o!t unbearable. E!$e ially %hen !he re&e&bere# the !hiny re# hun, of &etal that !elf!a&e a$e ha# li&be# out of %hen he/# arri+e# at 4ay/! $la e earlier'a 2errari S$i#er on+ertible" no le!!. An# here !he %a!" unable to e+en get her $ie e of !hit to !tart. An# he/# been %earing a !uit'a #ar, gray !ingle3brea!te# nu&ber that ha# learly been u!to&3&a#e for hi&" along" no #oubt" %ith hi! %hite !il, !hirt an# hi! fine bla , leather !hoe!. It ha# thro%n her for a &o&ent" !eeing hi& #re!!e# li,e a bu!ine!!&an. She %a!n/t !ure %hat !he/# been ex$e ting'fight trun,! an# a !heen of !%eat" $erha$!; Ben3Gay an# %or,out gear; Whate+er" it ha# all &a#e hi& !ee& far le!! a$$roa hable than !he/# i&agine# hi& to be. It ha# al!o &a#e her feel #efen!i+e. She hate# ha+ing to a!, anyone for anything" but !he/# $!y he# her!elf u$ to a$$roa h hi&. Then he/# %al,e# in loo,ing li,e !o&e ,in# of G? &o#el in!tea# of the fighter !he/# been ex$e ting. No %on#er he ha# a re$utation %ith %o&en. That han#!o&e fa e of hi!" tho!e #ee$ !et" inten!e eye!" that big" !trong bo#y'!he #efie# any %o&an to loo, at hi& an# not %on#er %hat he/# be li,e na,e# an# har#. <ntil he o$ene# hi! &outh" that %a!. Then the illu!ion %a! %ell an# truly #e!troye# an# &o!t right3 thin,ing %o&en %oul# be either rea hing for the hea+ie!t ob(e t han#y" or hea#ing for the #oor. Sha,ing her hea#" -a&ie hel# her breath an# trie# the ignition again. She %a! about to gi+e u$ an# go beg 4ay for a lift %hen the &otor aught" oughing to life an# bel hing bla , !&o,e out the exhau!t. 1ro%ing %ith triu&$h" !he $atte# the #a!h %ith rene%e# affe tion an# !la&&e# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter the tru , into gear. A! al%ay!" !he/# ! ra$e# through. -u!t a! !he/# ! ra$e through being re(e te# by 1oo$er 2it*geral#. There %ere other trainer! out there'goo# one! %ho %oul# belie+e in her an# !ee the !a&e #rea& !he !a%. An# %hen !he %a! finally %earing the %orl# ha&$ion/! belt" !he/# ha+e the $lea!ure of utting 1oo$er 2it*geral# !tone ol# #ea#. It %a! an i&age that a$$eale# a lot" an# !he %a! grinning fit to bu!t a! !he $ulle# out into traffi . @ A MONTH LATE4 "-a&ie for e# her!elf to !it 5uietly a! her gran#father ta$e# her left han#. .Ho%/! that;0 he a!,e#. She flexe# both han#! into fi!t!" then !li# off the &a!!age table in the %o&en/! hange roo& an# trie# a fe% $un he! in the air. .Goo#. Not too tight"0 !he !ai#. .Let/! get your glo+e! on"0 her gran#father !ai#. He %a! a little $ale. Ner+ou! for her. That &a#e t%o of the&. She ha# !o &u h a#renaline $u&$ing through her !y!te& right no% that !he %a! rea#y to (u&$ out of her o%n !,in. Thi! %a! her fir!t $rofe!!ional fight. .Stay %ar&" but #on/t tax your!elf"0 her gran#father a#+i!e# on e her glo+e! %ere la e#. .It/! going to be all right"0 !he a!!ure# hi&. .I/& going to %in.0 He no##e# an# #ro$$e# a to%el o+er her !houl#er!" $atting her on the ba ,. .:ou/re a tough u!to&er" -i&&y.0 She ,ne% it %a! too &u h to ex$e t &ore fro& hi&. He/# alrea#y leane# on ol# fighting onta t! to get her thi! &at h" #e!$ite hi! belief that !he !houl# %ait until !he ha# a trainer before !he !tarte# o&$eting $rofe!!ionally. But !he %a! !i , of being ,no ,e# ba ," fir!t by 1oo$er 2it*geral#" then by Bob Go#frey an# a !tring of other le!!er light!. None of the& ha# e+en %ante# to !ee her fight. None of the& %ere intere!te# in %o&en/! boxing. She figure# the 5ui ,e!t %ay to turn the !ituation aroun# %a! to burn u$ the an+a! %ith a fe% fa!t %in!'then they ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter oul# all o&e ,no ,ing on her #oor. Boun ing fro& foot to foot" !he trie# out !o&e o&bination!'(ab" (ab" ro!!" (ab" ro!!. .>ee$ your guar# han# u$"0 her gran#father in!tru te#" referring to her left han#. .I #on/t %ant to !ee it a%ay fro& your hin unle!! it/! in your o$$onent/! fa e.0 She no##e# her un#er!tan#ing an# for e# her!elf to be &ore on! iou! of $rote ting her hea#. .Tol# you I #i#n/t nee# anyone el!e ex e$t for you"0 !he !ai#" trying out !o&e bo#y !hot! no%. He &a#e a ru#e noi!e. .I/& !ixty3!e+en year! ol# %ith a brain that/! been $oun#e# aroun# &ore boxing ring! than you/+e ha# hot #inner!. :ou nee# better than an ol# !lugger" -i&&y.0 Before !he oul# re!$on#" they hear# the roar of the ro%# fro& out in the au#itoriu& an# the !oun# of the bell ringing. .O,ay. That/! &e"0 !he !ai#. .I/& u$.0 Su##enly !he felt #i**y an# out of breath. 1areful not to !ho% it too &u h" !he too, a han#ful of #ee$ breath!. She %a! going to get hurt out there to#ay. She ,ne% %hat that felt li,e'!he/# traine# in Tae >%on )o for nearly ten year! an# ha# $lenty of boxing !$arring roun#! &ore re entlyA !he ,ne% %hat it %a! to ta,e a hit. But thi! %a! the fir!t ti&e !he %a! going to be fa ing !o&eone %ho %ante# to &o% her #o%n" ,no , her out" annihilate her. She %a! !till trying to get her hea# !traight %hen her gran#father $ulle# her aroun# to fa e hi&. He hel# her by both glo+e! an# loo,e# her !tea#ily in the eye. She !tare# into hi! %atery blue ga*e" for ing her!elf to fo u!" to be har#" to thin, of only one thing9 %inning. .O,ay"0 he !ai# %ith a !har$ no# after a fe% long !e on#!. .:ou/ll #o. Go ta,e her a$art.0 The to%el !till on her !houl#er!" -a&ie follo%e# hi& out of the hange roo&.

1OOPE4 SAT BA1> in hi! !eat an# he ,e# the &e!!age! on hi! ell. Aroun# hi&" the !oun# of the ro%# fille# the au#itoriu&. It %a! a full hou!e" an# the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter at&o!$here %a! harge# %ith energy. )e!$ite hi&!elf" he oul# feel hi! heart !tarting to ha&&er again!t hi! he!t. He/# $robably ne+er be able to be aroun# boxing an# not ha+e the !a&e +i! eral" in!tin ti+e rea tion. He %a! a fighter. E+en if he ne+er !too# in the ring again" he %oul# al%ay! be a fighter" an# the roar of the ro%# %oul# al%ay! lift hi& an# fire hi& a! it #i# no%. A (ournali!t he ,ne% %al,e# $a!t. 1oo$er !hifte# in hi! !eat" &a#e a !ho% of he ,ing the fight bill. He/# been fiel#ing ba , $at! !in e he arri+e#" an# he/# (u!t !$ent a !oli# ten &inute! !igning autogra$h!. He &ight only be the for&er hea+y%eight ha&$ion of the %orl#" but e+eryone !till %ante# to ba!, in hi! glo%. He %on#ere# ho% &any &onth! it %oul# ta,e before $eo$le faile# to re ogni*e hi&. Not long" %a! hi! gue!!. There %oul# be a ne% onten#er !oon" !o&eone el!e the $ubli an# the &e#ia %oul# fall in lo+e %ith. It oul#n/t ha$$en !oon enough for hi&A the &a!! attention %a!n/t a $art of the !$ort that he/# &i!! +ery &u h. He/# ne+er 5uite o&e to ter&! %ith the lo!! of $ri+a y that a&e han#3in3han# %ith fa&e. He !a% fro& the fight bill that there %ere !till another t%o =exhibition/ bout! to be en#ure# before the real a tion began an# the young fighter he %a! here to ! out %a! ! he#ule# to fight. A! %a! be o&ing &ore an# &ore u!ual" the exhibition &at he! %ere both %o&en/! bout!" $art of the !$ort/! atte&$t! to lift the $rofile of %o&en/! boxing an# buil# a follo%ing. He on!i#ere# going out!i#e to grab a #rin, or &a,e a $hone all" to!!ing u$ the relati+e ri!,! of being hit u$ for &ore autogra$h! again!t the bore#o& of %at hing fight! he %a!n/t intere!te# in. Then he !a% her. She &a#e her %ay to%ar# the ring %ith the in%ar#3fo u! o&&on to all fighter! before a bout. She ha# a large %hite to%el #ra$e# o+er her !houl#er!" but her long" !trong leg! %ere bare beneath the loo!e !atin of her re#3an#3%hite trun,!. -a&ie. 4eali*ing he ha# no i#ea %hat her la!t na&e %a!" he ! anne# the fight bill. Hi! finger foun# the na&e!9 -a&ie Hollo%ay +!. Maree -o+a+i h. -a&ie Hollo%ay. 4ight. He !tu#ie# the ol# &an %al,ing in front of her. Wa! thi! her trainer; Surely not. But e+en fro& a #i!tan e he oul# !ee the ol# guy %a! a for&er brui!er'there %a! no hi#ing the #a&age year! in the ring #i# to bro%" ear! an# no!e. Where the hell ha# !he #ug hi& u$ fro&;

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He !%it he# hi! attention ba , to her" leaning for%ar# a! !he li&be# into the ring. She fli$$e# the to%el off her !houl#er!. Man" !he %a! in goo# !ha$e. The ring light! aught the ri$$le! of her belly &u! le!. The #efine#" fir& &u! le! of her thigh! gli!tene# %ith oil. She %ore a he!t guar#" but beneath the bul, of it he oul# #i! ern the !%ell of her brea!t!" full an# generou!. Her ar&! %ere !trong3loo,ing but not too bul,y'!he %a! goo# $o!ter3girl &aterial for the boxing a!!o iation" a onten#er %ho !till loo,e# li,e a %o&an. The ro%# %a! going to lo+e her if !he oul# a tually fight. She %ore her #ar, hair brai#e# tightly ba , again!t her !,ull in !&all $lait! to ,ee$ it out of the %ay. Her fa e %a! !hiny %here her trainer ha# grea!e# her bro% an# hee,bone! %ith Ba!eline to hel$ #efle t blo%!. Her ga*e %a! har# an# flat a! !he %aite#. He !at ba , in hi! hair. She/# been !eriou! about fighting" then" that #ay at 4ay/!. He ro!!e# hi! ar&! o+er hi! he!t an# %on#ere# if her talent &at he# her attitu#e. Her o$$onent" Maree -o+a+i h" li&be# into the ring. Shorter" broa#er" bigger" !he loo,e# li,e !he %a!n/t going any%here fa!t" no &atter ho% ni ely anyone a!,e#. He bet hi&!elf !he ha# a har# hea#" too" the %ay !he ! anne# the ring" &ar,ing out her territory. He felt a !tirring of intere!t #e!$ite hi&!elf. Thi! &ight a tually be a goo# &at h. He %at he# -a&ie Hollo%ay a! the M1 announ e# the fighter! an# ran through their !tat!. -o+a+i h ha# ten %in! un#er her belt to one lo!!. -a&ie %a! untrie#" but !he ha# t%o in he! on the other %o&an in height an# at t%enty3!e+en %a! t%o year! younger. The %hole ti&e the M1 %ent through hi! !$iel" -a&ie #i#n/t ta,e her eye! off her o$$onent" letting the other %o&an ,no% !he $lanne# to %i$e the floor %ith her. 1oo$er grinne#" gi+ing her full $oint! for !tyle. P!y hing the other guy out %a! an i&$ortant $art of the ga&e. A! the M1 exite# the ring" the referee alle# both fighter! to the enter of the an+a!. He/# be !aying the !a&e thing referee! al%ay! !ai#" about %anting a goo#" lean fight" an# ho% he %a! going to !ignal %hen he %ante# the& to brea, or !to$ fighting. Both %o&en no##e#. The referee %aite# for the& to ta$ glo+e! an# &o+e ba , to their orner!. Then he !ignale# that the roun# %a! rea#y to begin. The bell e hoe# aroun# the !ta#iu&. The ro%# yelle# a! the t%o %o&en *eroe# in on ea h other li,e heat3!ee,ing &i!!ile!. -a&ie %a!n/t !hy'!he too, the fight !traight to her o$$onent %ith a (ab" ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter follo%e# by a left ro!! before #an ing a%ay fro& the other %o&an/! fi!t!. They %ere both goo#" $o%erful hit!" an# he oul# !ee -o+a+i h rea!!e!! -a&ie a! !he !hoo, off the blo%! an# ir le# in again. A flurry of $un he! follo%e#" %ith both %o&en lan#ing goo# hit!. But 1oo$er fro%ne# a! he began to regi!ter a %orrying tren# in -a&ie/! for& a! the roun# $rogre!!e#. The longer a fight %ent" the le!! a fighter thought an# the &ore !he fell ba , on in!tin t an# habit'he ,ne%" be au!e he/# been there a &illion ti&e!. An# it !oon be a&e lear that -a&ie ha# !o&e ba# habit!. 2or !o&e inex$li able rea!on" !he ,e$t he!itating %hen the other %o&an %a! o$en" an# her foot%or, %a! off. In!tea# of &aintaining her !tan e an# !huffling in an# out" al%ay! &o+ing" al%ay! %ea+ing" !he !ee&e# to forget her!elf an# lift her feet" al&o!t a! though !he %a! going to ,i , the other %o&an or lunge to%ar# her. The fir!t ti&e he !a% it" he fro%ne#. The fifth ti&e" he !%ore un#er hi! breath. .What are you #oing" &an;0 he &uttere# a! -a&ie too, hit after hit" the $ri e for tho!e he!itation! an# that $oor foot%or,. He oul# !ee the %riting on the %all by the en# of the fir!t roun#" but he ha# to !it through all fi+e of the& an# %at h -a&ie get $u&&ele# aroun# the ring before it %a! o+er. She too, e+ery hit an# a&e ba , for &ore" e+en though it %a! lear to e+eryone that there %a! no %ay !he %a! going to %in unle!! !he ! ore# a lu ,y !hot an# ,no ,e# the other %o&an out. By the ti&e he %a! !ha,ing hi! hea# in gru#ging a#&iration of her !heer $ighea#e#ne!!" the final bell rang an# -o+a+i h %a! #e lare# the unani&ou! %inner on $oint!. 1oo$er %at he# -a&ie/! ol# trainer ten# to her in her orner" ta,ing her &outh$ie e" &o$$ing at her fa e" he ,ing her for ut! an# brui!e!. He %a! !aying !o&ething to her" but !he %a! !ha,ing her hea# +igorou!ly" her glo+e# fi!t! thu&$ing #o%n onto her thigh! a! !he e&$ha!i*e# her $oint. 2inally" the ol# &an ga+e u$ an# !i&$ly hel# the ro$e! o$en !o !he oul# exit the ring. The ro%# %a! !till heering -o+a+i h a! -a&ie &a#e her %ay to the hange roo&!. She #i#n/t !lou h or !lin, a%ay fro& her #efeat. She hel# her hea# high" !taring out into the ro%# a! !he $a!!e#" #aring the& to $a!! (u#g&ent on her lo!!. He oul#n/t loo, a%ay" e+en if he/# %ante# to. Then their eye! &et a ro!! the !ea of $eo$le" an# he !a% her burning #efian e an# #eter&ination.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She/# be ba ,. E+en a! $art of hi& a#&ire# her hut*$ah" the fighter in hi& regrette# the le!!on! !he %a! going to ha+e to learn the har# %ay until !he bro,e her ba# habit!'or they bro,e her. Not your $roble&" &an" he tol# hi&!elf. She/! nothing to you. He %at he# her all the %ay to the hange roo&.

WH: )I) he ha+e to be there ; -a&ie !la&&e# an u$$er ut into the long bag t%o #ay! later. She $un he# again" thro%ing all her %eight behin# it. Better yet" %hy #i# I ha+e to noti e that he %a! there; She ,nee# the bag" then follo%e# u$ %ith a roun#hou!e ,i , that !ent it ro ,ing on it! hea+y hain. Of all the $eo$le !he oul# ha+e lo ,e# ga*e! %ith in that huge au#itoriu&" it ha# to be 1oo$er 2it*geral#. What %ere the o##!; Too high for her to al ulate. An# yet !he/# !tare# !traight into hi! #ee$ blue eye! a! !he %al,e# a%ay fro& the fir!t #efeat of her $rofe!!ional boxing areer. .4e&in# &e to ne+er let you get near &e %ith one of tho!e ,i ,!"0 4ay !ai#. He %a! %or,ing the !$ee#ball behin# her in hi! la+i!hly e5ui$$e# ho&e gy&" the rhyth&i thu##ing of hi! $un he! a on!tant in the ba ,groun#. Her year! of Tae >%on )o ha# gi+en her the leg !trength" !$ee# an# a ura y to en!ure that her ,i ,! %ere a for e to be re ,one# %ith. She/# been lub ha&$ion for !ix year! an# !tate ha&$ion for t%o before !he/# #ro$$e# out to !tart training for the boxing ring !ix &onth! ago" follo%ing her gran#father/! heart atta ,. She thought %i!tfully of the #ay! %hen !he %a! at the to$ of the foo# hain in her ho!en !$ort" rather than the botto&. 2ro& %here !he %a! !itting right no%" they !ee&e# a long %ay off. .Let/! ta,e a brea,"0 4ay !ai#" hitting the !$ee#ball one la!t ti&e. .:ou nee# to gi+e your!elf !o&e re o+ery ti&e after that fight.0 -a&ie ,e$t her fo u! on the bag" !la&&ing another o&bination into it' ro!!" (ab" ro!!" hoo," ro!!" (ab. She %a! !%eating bullet! an# her fa e a he# fro& the brui!e! !he/# ! ore# in her fight but !he %a!n/t e+en lo!e to being rea#y to !to$. .Not yet"0 !he $ante#. 4ay !hoo, hi! hea#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .:ou are the &o!t !tubborn $er!on I ,no%"0 he !ai#. It %a! the !a&e thing her gran#father ha# !ai# to her after the fight. He/# been u$!et by her lo!!" angry that !he/# ignore# hi! a#+i e an# gone into the ring before he thought !he %a! $re$are#. But !he oul#n/t ba , #o%n. She %a! #oing thi! for hi&" to re lai& hi! re$utation. Sin e it %a!n/t too hot a #ay yet" they/# $u!he# the fol#ing #oor! that for&e# one %all of the gy& all the %ay o$en" an# 4ay !auntere# !traight out to %here a !un lounger %aite# be!i#e the $ool. She %at he# hi& !tret h out" &o&entarily toying %ith the i#ea of (oining hi& an# ta,ing a brea,. But !he ha# &ore %or, to #o. She hit the bag %ith another roun# of $un he! then" (u!t for fun" !o&e ,i ,!. There %a! nothing li,e the bu** !he got fro& the $o%er of a great roun#hou!e ,i , !la&&ing into the bag. She %i$e# !%eat fro& her bro% an# aught her breath. Turning" !he leane# her ba , again!t the hea+y long bag an# o$ene# her &outh to !tart gi+ing 4ay !hit for ha+ing le!! !ta&ina than a girl. An# $ro&$tly !hut it again %hen !he regi!tere# %ho %a! !tan#ing be!i#e the $ool tal,ing to hi&. 1oo$er 2it*geral#. -u!t li,e la!t ti&e" !he felt in!tantly at a #i!a#+antage a! !he too, in hi! #e!igner #eni& (ean! an# ri!$ %hite linen !hirt. Hi! eye! %ere hi##en behin# #ar, !ungla!!e!" an# hi! hair loo,e# a! though it ha# been ut by one of tho!e fan y hair!tyli!t! to the !tar!. He loo,e# li,e a &illion bu ,!" %hile !he %a! o+ere# in !%eat an# brui!e!. She $u!he# her!elf a%ay fro& the bag an# turne# her ba , on both &en. She #i#n/t are that he %a! here. He #i#n/t &atter. An# it #i#n/t &atter that he/# !een her lo!e the other night. 1on entrating on her o&bination! %ith rene%e# #eter&ination" !he atta ,e# the bag !o&e &ore" trying to ,ee$ all of her gran#father/! a#+i e to$ of &in#9 ,ee$ your guar# han# u$A !huffle for%ar#" ne+er !te$A !na$ your $un he!" #on/t $u!h the&A $un h through your o$$onent" not into her . After four &inute! of har# %or," !he $au!e# again. He %a! !till there" !he oul# !en!e hi&. )a&n hi&. Why #i#n/t he get hi! bu!ine!! %ith 4ay o+er %ith an# lea+e; Su ,ing &u h3nee#e# air into her lung!" !he began to rain ,i ,! on the bag'a !na$ ,i , fro& the ,nee" then another thun#ering roun#hou!e an# a !$inning ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter ba , ,i , that !ent the bag !%inging. .That/! !o&e ,i , you/+e got there.0 She ignore# hi&. A!!hole. .What !tyle #o you #o" Tae >%on )o; Maui Thai;0 She ,nee# the bag an# follo%e# u$ %ith !o&e elbo% %or,. .Tae >%on )o. State ha&$ion three year! in a ro%" right" -i&&y;0 4ay an!%ere# for her. She !$un another ,i , into the bag. .T%o year!"0 !he orre te#. .:ou/re goo#"0 1oo$er !ai#. Be au!e !he %a! out of breath an# ga!$ing for a #rin," !he !to$$e# an# tugge# one of her glo+e! off !o !he oul# grab the %ater bottle. .Than,!. 1o&ing fro& you" it &ean! !o &u h"0 !he !ai#. He lifte# an eyebro% at her !ar a!& an#" e+en though he %a! %earing tho!e #ar, !ungla!!e!" !he oul# feel hi! ga*e !li#e o+er her bo#y. She felt a ri#i ulou!" o&$letely un%el o&e !urge of a%arene!! an# o+ere# by thro%ing ba , her hea# an# gul$ing %ater. .Ho% are you $ulling u$ after your fight;0 he a!,e#. She !%allo%e# then bru!he# at the !%eat bea#ing her forehea#. She ,ne% exa tly ho% !he loo,e#9 re# in the fa e" !hiny %ith exertion" hair !tu , to her forehea# an# ne ,. She %a! al!o !$orting one ba#ly brui!e# eye" a !%ollen li$ an# nu&erou! brui!e! a ro!! her belly an# rib!. .I/& fine"0 !he !ai#. She #i#n/t %ant to tal, about the fight. .:ou foun# your!elf a trainer yet;0 .What i! thi!" t%enty 5ue!tion!;0 !he a!,e#" rea hing for her to%el. .-u!t %on#ering if you/+e got !o&eone other than that ol# &an to tell you %here you/re going %rong"0 he !ai#. -a&ie/! han#! urle# into the to%el. If he ha# any i#ea %ho her gran#father %a!" he/# ,no% ho% !tu$i# he !oun#e# right no%. But telling hi& %oul# o$en a an of %or&! !he %a!n/t rea#y to #eal %ith yet. She %a! going to fa e the boxing %orl# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter #o%n one #ay'but it %oul# be on her ter&!" on her ! he#ule. .)on/t you %orry your $retty little hea# about &e"0 !he !ai#. .I/ll get !i , of thi! boxing thing !oon enough an# go ba , to &y nee#le%or, an# oo,ie3ba,ing li,e a goo# Ste$for# %ife.0 2la!hing hi& a !a harine !&ile" !he !lung the to%el aroun# her ne , an# !tro#e o+er to her gy& bag. She to!!e# her %or,out glo+e! in!i#e an# hoi!te# the bag onto her !houl#er. Ignoring 1oo$er" !he ,i!!e# 4ay on the hee, a! !he $a!!e# by. .I/ll !ee you to&orro%"0 !he !ai#. Then !he hea#e# for the hou!e" her !tri#e long" her hea# high" e+ery &u! le in her bo#y !ignaling to 1oo$er 2it*geral# that he oul# go hang" than, you +ery &u h" a! far a! !he %a! on erne#.

1OOPE4 SLI) HIS !ungla!!e! u$ onto hi! hea#" the better to %at h -a&ie Hollo%ay !tal, a%ay fro& hi&. He %a! !till o&ing to ter&! %ith the %ay hi! bo#y ha# rea te# to !eeing her again at lo!e range. The tight bla , !hort! an# for&3hugging ro$ to$ !he/# been %earing left $re iou! little to the i&agination" e!$e ially %hen !oa,e# in !%eat fro& a goo#" har# %or,out. She ha# a !i**ling bo#y'all fir& &u! le" %ith high" full brea!t!. Hi! bo#y ha# gone to re# alert the &o&ent he/# re ogni*e# her" then !he/# turne# aroun# an# a +i! eral !tab of e&otion ha# ri$$e# through hi& %hen he/# regi!tere# her brui!e# an# battere# fa e. He %a! !till trying to %or, out exa tly %hat that e&otion ha# been. Prote ti+ene!!; Anger; 2ru!tration; A! her roun#e#" &u! ular butt #i!a$$eare# into the hou!e" he turne# to 4ay" a fro%n on hi! fa e. .Who i! the ol# guy" any%ay;0 he a!,e#. .Her gran#father. He #i# a bit of fighting in hi! ti&e"0 4ay ex$laine# +aguely. 1oo$er !%ore. .:ou/re ,i##ing &e; She/! got her gran#father gi+ing her a#+i e in the ring; No %on#er -o+a+i h ate her for brea,fa!t.0 .She %ant! it. She/ll learn. Lo!ing that fight i! burning her u$. It %on/t ha$$en a !e on# ti&e"0 4ay !ai#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er ga+e the other &an a fru!trate# loo,. .I !a% the fight" o,ay; She/! a long %ay off being rea#y to go $ro. She/! got ba# habit!'an# no% I an !ee %hy. She/! u!e# to fighting %ith her feet a! %ell a! her fi!t!.0 .I ha# to be in Melbourne an# I oul#n/t &a,e the fight. What ha$$ene#;0 1oo$er !li# hi! !ungla!!e! ba , onto hi! fa e. .She %a!n/t rea#y. So&eone ought to tell her that.0 4ay !$rea# hi! han#! %i#e. .:ou thin, I %ant her in that ring in the fir!t $la e; I felt frea,in/ !i , %hen I !a% her fa e thi! &orning.0 :ou an# &e both. .:eah" %ell"0 1oo$er !ai#" !u##enly a%are that he %a! %a!ting %ay too &u h ti&e on a #ea#3en# !ub(e t that ha# nothing to #o %ith hi&. .I %ante# to tal, to you about your training ! he#ule for next %ee,.0 He !at be!i#e 4ay a! he began to outline the ne% training regi&e he/# o&e u$ %ith" a $lan #e!igne# to buil# !ta&ina an# a$itali*e on 4ay/! !$ee# in the ring. They tal,e# for half an hour or !o before 1oo$er he ,e# hi! %at h. .I/+e got to be !o&e$la e el!e" but I/ll !ee you at the gy& to&orro%" yeah;0 he a!,e# a! he !too#. .:eah.0 4ay ran a han# o+er the bri!tle on hi! ! al$" hi! ga*e fixe# on the hori*on for a beat a! he thought !o&ething through. .She/! got another fight in t%o %ee,! ti&e" you ,no%"0 he !ai#. 1oo$er $al&e# hi! ar ,ey!. .Then !he/ll lo!e again. So&eone nee#! to tell her to 5uit %hile !he/! ahea#.0 .She/! not a 5uitter"0 4ay !ai#" loo,ing at 1oo$er a! though he %a! the one %ho oul# #o !o&ething about the !ituation. .She/! not &y $roble&"0 1oo$er !ai# +ery fir&ly. He %a! al&o!t !ure he &eant it" too.

:ET TWO WEE>S LATE4" 1oo$er %a! %at hing a! -a&ie Hollo%ay &a#e her %ay to the ring for her !e on# $ro fight" the ol# &an follo%ing in her %a,e %ith bu ,et an# %ater an# !tool. Why a& I here; ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He/# a!,e# hi&!elf the !a&e 5ue!tion about a &illion ti&e!. There %a! no $ro&i!ing young fighter to ! out here tonight'there %a! only -a&ie an# her $ighea#e# #eter&ination. An# !till he %a! !itting here" on the e#ge of hi! !eat" ho$ing to !ee a #ifferent out o&e for her thi! ti&e. Stu$i#. Pointle!!. 2ru!trating. Be au!e if !he fought the %ay !he #i# la!t ti&e' an# the o##! %ere !he %oul#'!he %a! going to lo!e. He leane# hi! elbo%! on hi! thigh! a! the M1 rea# out the fighter!/ !tat!. -a&ie/! o$$onent thi! ti&e aroun# %a! a girl fro& ?ueen!lan#" taller than -a&ie" &ore ex$erien e#. Not that that %a! har#. He oul# !ee -a&ie/! gran#father tal,ing !tea#ily near her ear a! !he %aite# in her orner for the referee to all her for%ar# for in!tru tion!. What %a! the ol# &an !aying; An# #i# it &atter" %hen !he ha# year! of training" fighting an# thin,ing in another #i! i$line hol#ing her ba ,; A! !oon a! the $re!!ure %a! on" -a&ie %a! going to %ant to u!e her ,nee! an# leg! again. An# that !$lit !e on# of he!itation %here her brain o+erro#e her in!tin t %a! going to lea+e her %i#e o$en to atta ,. -u!t li,e la!t ti&e. No##ing one final ti&e" -a&ie &o+e# a%ay fro& her gran#father to%ar# the enter of the ring %here the ref %a! %aiting. 1oo$er %at he# the ol# &an li&b #o%n fro& the ring" hi! &o+e&ent! !lo%. Tal, about the blin# lea#ing the blin#. What a ri#i ulou! bloo#y !ituation. 1oo$er !too#. He/# !een enough. Then the bell rang" an# the t%o %o&en a&e out fighting. A! before" -a&ie thre% the fir!t $un h" a ni e !traight ar&e# (ab that ro ,e# the other fighter/! hea# ba , on her !houl#er!. He !at #o%n. It #i#n/t ta,e long for -a&ie/! ol# habit! to un#er&ine her natural talent. An# !he %a! talente#'4ay ha#n/t lie# %hen he !ai# that. She %a! !trong" fa!t" 5ui , on her feet. She ha# goo# $o%er in her $un he!" goo# ontrol. She %a!n/t afrai# to go in har# an# ri!, her o$$onent fin#ing an o$ening. But that he!itation an# that fu&bling foot%or, let her #o%n e+ery ti&e. A! the roun# en#e# an# the bell rang" he %at he# %ith fru!tration a! !he !an, onto the !tool in her orner. She ha# a lot of $otential. But !he %a! ne+er going to rea h it if !o&eone #i#n/t ta,e her in han#. After the regulation &inute" the bell rang an# the !e on# roun# !tarte#. Again -a&ie lan#e# !o&e goo# $un he! fir!t u$" an# 1oo$er loo,e# to the (u#ge!" urging the& to ! ore her high. But a! the roun# ti ,e# into the !e on# then the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter thir# &inute" tho!e he!itation! of her! began to tell again. .Thin, %ith your fi!t!" not your feet"0 he foun# hi&!elf yelling in fru!tration at the ring. Hi! +oi e %a! one of &any" #ro%ne# out by the ro%#" an# he !$rang to hi! feet" unable to %at h any&ore. She %a! ta,ing a $oun#ing" her hea# bobbing on her ne ," her !te$! !lo%ing a! her bo#y rea te# to the $ain. He oul#n/t !tan# by an# %at h her go #o%n. It %a! li,e %at hing a bully ,i , a #og. He ex u!e# hi! %ay $a!t the other fan! to get to the ai!le. )e! en#ing the !tair!" he hea#e# for the neare!t exit. At lea!t" that %a! %here he thought he %a! going. The bell !oun#e# the en# of the !e on# roun# an# !o&eho% he foun# hi&!elf !&ooth3tal,ing hi! %ay $a!t the !e urity guy guar#ing the ring an# barreling u$ to -a&ie/! orner %here !he %a! !itting on her !tool" breathing hea+ily an# %a!hing her &outh out %hile her gran#father rin!e# her &outh $ie e o+er the bu ,et. .Sto$ lifting your go##a&ne# feet"0 he bar,e# at her a! !oon a! he %a! %ithin ear!hot. The ring %a! four feet off the groun#" $utting hi& %ell belo% her" but her hea# !na$$e# aroun# %hen !he hear# hi&. .:ou ,ee$ %anting to u!e your feet an# it/! ,illing your te hni5ue.0 She loo,e# #a*e#" a little $un h #run, he figure#" but then her eye! leare# an# !he fro%ne#. .What the hell are you #oing here;0 !he #e&an#e#. .Li!ten to &e. She #ro$! her guar# e+ery ti&e !he hit! you %ith a ro!!. Wat h her" you/ll !ee it. Blo , her %ith your forear&" an# &o+e in %ith a hoo,. :ou get her right" you an lay her out"0 he !ai#. He !hot a glan e to%ar# the enter of the ring. He oul# !ee the ref gearing u$ to begin the thir# roun#. .Why;0 -a&ie #e&an#e#" !taring at hi& intently. .Why %hat;0 he a!,e#" ga*e #arting to the ref again. Their ti&e %a! nearly u$A ha# !he ta,en in a %or# he !ai#; .Why are you gi+ing &e a#+i e;0 He !hoo, hi! hea#. .I ha+e no i#ea. 1all it harity.0 She !hoo, her hea# in turn. .Not goo# enough. I #on/t ta,e harity.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter The ref ge!ture# for -a&ie to &o+e a%ay fro& the orner" but !he !too# there" hol#ing hi! eye. He !%ore. Lou#ly. Wa! he in!ane; Wa! he really going to allo% !o&e &i!$la e# !en!e of guilt an# !exual intere!t an# Go# ,no%! %hat to $u!h hi& into thi! #e i!ion; He ha# hi! training a&bition! to thin, of" hi! re$utation" hi! future6 .All right. I/ll ta,e you on. No% get out there an# lay her out"0 he !ai#. She ga+e hi& a fier e" al&o!t feral grin before gi+ing her attention o+er to the fight. Still not 5uite belie+ing %hat he/# #one" 1oo$er !too# ba , an# %at he# a! -a&ie too, it u$ to her o$$onent again. Man" but !he %a! full of $lu ,. .Na&e/! Arthur"0 a +oi e yelle# near hi! ear" an# he tore hi! ga*e fro& -a&ie' hi! fighter'to !ee her gran#father !tan#ing there" gnarle# han# exten#e#. .1oo$er"0 he !ai#" !ha,ing han#!. The ol# &an bobbe# hi! hea# an# 1oo$er !%it he# hi! attention ba , to the fight (u!t in ti&e to !ee -a&ie !te$ in!i#e the other %o&an/! guar# an# !en# a !&o,ing right hoo, to%ar# her o$$onent/! (a%. He ,ne% before it lan#e# that the fight %a! o+er. The other %o&an/! hea# !na$$e# to the !i#e. Her eye! rolle# %hite" an# !he !taggere# into the ro$e! then #o%n onto the an+a!. The ref !te$$e# in to #eli+er the eight ount. Li,e a $ro" -a&ie ,e$t her eye! glue# to her fallen o$$onent until the ref !ignale# the fight %a! o+er. Then -a&ie lifte# her ar& in a !ingle" triu&$hant $un h to the !,y. Her fir!t %in. )e!$ite hi! &i!gi+ing!" he felt the ru!h" too. An# %hen !he glan e# a ro!! at hi&" grinning" he grinne# ba ,. Her gran#father %a! %hoo$ing %ith (oy" an# -a&ie !li# bet%een the ro$e! an# out of the ring to hug hi&. .I tol# you"0 !he ,e$t !aying. .I tol# you I oul# #o it.0 When they finally bro,e" !he loo,e# to%ar# 1oo$er al&o!t !hyly. .She #ro$$e# her guar# (u!t li,e you !ai#" !o I #i# %hat you tol# &e to #o"0 !he !ai#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I ,no%. I !a%.0 She bu&$e# her glo+e! together. He oul# feel her un ertainty. He gue!!e# that !he ha#n/t thought beyon# thi! &o&ent" !he/# been !o fo u!e# on ! oring her fir!t %in. .So" %hat no%;0 !he a!,e#. .No% the har# %or, really begin!"0 he !ai#. C SHE HA) A T4AINE4. An# not (u!t any trainer'!he ha# 1oo$er 2it*geral#. Lying on the ratty ou h in the a$art&ent !he !hare# %ith her gran#father later that night" -a&ie lifte# the bag of fro*en $ea! fro& her hee,bone !o !he oul# !ee her gran#father %here he %a! $uttering aroun# in the ,it hen. .He %ant! to !ee &e at hi! gy& fir!t thing to&orro%"0 !he !ai#. .I hear#. Not #eaf yet"0 her gran#father !ai#. She oul# hear the !&ile in hi! +oi e. She fell !ilent again" reli+ing in her &in# the &o&ent %hen her fi!t onne te# %ith her o$$onent/! (a% an# !he/# %on the fight. All be au!e 1oo$er !ho%e# her the %ay. Ex ite&ent an# anti i$ation bubble# u$ in!i#e her. With hi& at her !i#e" !he %a! going to &a,e her &ar,. .He/! goo#"0 !he !ai#" #ro$$ing the bag of $ea! again. .The %ay he !$otte# her %ea,ne!! li,e that.0 .:e$. He ,no%! %hat he/! #oing.0 1ro!!ing o+er fro& the ,it hen" he !li# a $late onto the battere# offee table in front of her. Toa!te# hee!e an# ha&" hi! !$e ialty. .Shoul# ha+e &ore $rotein after a big fight" but you ,no% &y oo,ing/! not u$ to &u h.0 He !hrugge# a! he !an, into hi! fa+orite ar& hair an# re!te# hi! $late on hi! ,nee!. He %a! %earing an an ient green !hirt her gran#&other ha# bought hi& ba , %hen they %ere fir!t &arrie#" an# %hat %a! left of hi! gray hair !at u$ in tuft! o+er hi! ear!. Hi! on e3!trong !houl#er! urle# for%ar# %ith age an# tire#ne!!" an# the han#! that hel# hi! $late %ere thi , an# t%i!te# %ith arthriti!. A fier e ru!h of lo+e fille# her. She a#ore# thi! ol# &an %ith e+erything !he ha#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He/# ne+er let her #o%n" ne+er betraye# her" ne+er !to$$e# $rote ting her. An# no% it %a! her turn to #o the !a&e for hi&. Her riti al ga*e ! anne# the roo&" noting the graye# urtain!" the !taine# %all!" the hi$$e# tile! in the ,it henette an# the %ay the !tuffing %a! ex$lo#ing out of one orner of the ou h %here the u$hol!tery ha# gi+en %ay after year! of %ear an# tear. Arthur Harri!on Sa%yer #e!er+e# better than thi!. In hi! #ay" he ha# been a boxer of reno%n" one of the great! %ho ha# forge# a na&e for Au!tralian boxer! aroun# the %orl#. He/# fought both Muha&&a# Ali an# 2ra*ier before he/# #ro$$e# #o%n a %eight la!! an# ar+e# out hi! o%n ni he. He/# fought har# an# long an# %ith enor&ou! heart. He #e!er+e# better. She %a! going to &a,e thing! better for hi&" for both of the&. They %ere going to get out of thi! a$art&ent. She %a! going to &a,e !ure he ha# heating in %inter an# ooling in !u&&er" an# that he ne+er ha# to thin, t%i e about buying hi! &onthly o$y of The 4ing" hi! fa+orite boxing &aga*ine" be au!e it %a! a luxury they oul#n/t really affor#. She %a! going to &a,e it $o!!ible for hi& to hol# hi! hea# high again after %hat her father ha# #one. She %a! going to right the %rong" re&in# the boxing %orl# that the na&e Sa%yer %a! an honorable one" a great one" not a !y&bol of %ea,ne!! an# gree# an# failure. .We/ll be able to lea+e thi! $la e !oon"0 -a&ie !ai# a! !he rea he# for her toa!t. She bit into it %ithout te!ting it for te&$erature an# hi!!e# %ith $ain a! !he burne# the roof of her &outh. .E+ery ti&e"0 her gran#father !ai#" !ha,ing hi! hea# an# huffing out a laugh a! !he lunge# for her %ater gla!!. .What an I !ay; I/& a reature of habit"0 !he !ai# %ith a grin. Lea+ing her toa!t to ool !o&e &ore" !he lay ba , on the ou h" re$o!itione# her bag of $ea! an# lo!e# her eye!. To&orro% !he ha# her fir!t !e!!ion %ith 1oo$er 2it*geral#. Thing! %ere finally on the &o+e. She fro%ne# a! the one re!er+ation !he ha# about her ne% trainer ir le# to fill her thought!" a! it ha# on an# off e+er !in e the fight an# 1oo$er/! unex$e te# a$$earan e in her orner9 !he #i#n/t ,no% %hat ha# hange# hi! &in# about her. She %ante# to thin, it %a! be au!e he !a% the $otential for greatne!! in her" but !he %a! al!o unea!ily a%are that e+ery ti&e they/# &et" he/# loo,e# at her the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %ay a &an loo,! at a %o&an he %ant! to get bu!y %ith. An# !he ha#n/t exa tly not noti e# the fa t that he %a! a %hole lot of &an" either. Wa! it going to be a $roble&; She o$ene# her eye! an# !tare# at the %ater !tain on the eiling. She/# &a,e !ure it %a!n/t a $roble&" one %ay or another. Thi! %a! her !hot" an# it %a! %ay &ore i&$ortant than !exual urio!ity or %hate+er it %a! that exi!te# bet%een the&. Sitting u$ again" !he te!te# her toa!t %ith a finger before ta,ing another bite. .S&art girl"0 her gran#father !ai# %ith a half !&ile. .Ab!olutely"0 !he !ai#.

THE MOMENT -a&ie Hollo%ay %al,e# in the #oor of hi! gy& in the inner3%e!t Sy#ney !uburb of Ne%to%n the next &orning" 1oo$er reali*e# he/# bought hi&!elf a %hole %orl# of trouble %hen he !igne# her on. 2or !tarter!" e+ery !ingle &ale in the gy& !to$$e# %hat he %a! #oing the &o&ent he noti e# her long leg! la# in tight bla , Ly ra" her bo#a iou! a!! an# her generou! brea!t!. It #i#n/t &atter that !he %a! %earing a loo!e %hite T3!hirt o+er her legging!. Or that !he %a! !$orting a brui!e# hee,bone" #i#n/t ha+e a ! ra$ of &a,eu$ on an# her hair %a! $ulle# ba , into a tight" high $onytail. She %a! !exy" hot" gorgeou!" an# e+ery &an in the $la e ,ne% it an# %ante# to #o !o&ething about it. An# that %a!n/t e+en the &o!t #i!turbing $art of it all. No" that honor belonge# to the fier e" fun#a&ental !urge of (ealou!y an# territoriali!& he felt %hen all tho!e &ale eye! he ,e# her out. Mine" hi! bo#y an# hi! ani&al in!tin t! ! rea&e#. Get your frea,in/ eye! an# &in#! off her. He %a! about to e&bar, on an inti&ate" inten!e relation!hi$ %ith her that %a! !u$$o!e# to be ba!e# on &utual tru!t. He %a! about to be o&e her &entor" for Pete/! !a,e. An# all he oul# thin, about %a! ho% it %oul# feel to ha+e her bo#y again!t hi!" !,in to !,in" an# ho% %et an# tight an# hot !he/# feel a! he !li# in!i#e her6. Shit. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Ta,e a ol# !ho%er an# get o+er it" 2it*geral#. It %a!n/t a! if he %a! har# u$ for booty a tion. Hell" he oul# $i , u$ hi! $hone an# ha+e a %o&an (u!t a! !exy an# hot in hi! be# %ithin the hour. The thought #i#n/t $ro+i#e the relea!e +al+e he nee#e# an# he %a! fro%ning by the ti&e !he/# ro!!e# the gy& floor an# !to$$e# in front of hi&" her ex$re!!ion o$en an# !unny. .:ou/re late"0 he !ai#. .Le!!on nu&ber one" I ex$e t &y fighter! to be $un tual.0 The !&ile fro*e on her li$!. .We oul#n/t fin# a $ar,ing !$ot. My gran#father/! !till loo,ing"0 !he !ai#. He eye# her oolly. .War& u$" then %e/ll tal,"0 he !ai#. She fro%ne#" o$ene# her &outh" then !hut it again %ithout !aying a %or#. Slinging her bag to one !i#e near the %all" !he $ulle# out a !,i$$ing ro$e an# began to (u&$. He %ent o+er to the ounter near the front #oor an# !tarte# he ,ing !o&e $a$er%or, hi! la%yer ha# !ent through" ,ee$ing a #i! reet eye on her all the %hile. Slo%ly" the guy! aroun# hi& !to$$e# ga%,ing an# !tarte# %or,ing out again. Patheti . Men really #i# thin, %ith their #i ,!'an# he %a! a! ba# a! the re!t of the&. Arthur Hollo%ay entere# a fe% &inute! later" !to$$ing along!i#e the ounter to greet 1oo$er. .Hiya"0 he !ai#" hi! ga*e !har$ a! he he ,e# out fir!t 1oo$er then the gy&. .Ni e $la e you got here.0 1oo$er glan e# aroun# at the ra% bri , %all!" the ex$o!e# eiling bea&!" the ! arre# %oo#en floor! an# the !ingle regulation boxing ring that o u$ie# the +ery enter of the !$a e. A long ti&e ago the buil#ing ha# originally been a grain !tore" but it ha# been a gy& for &any year! no% an# the !&ell of leather an# !%eat ha# !oa,e# into the &ortar. When he/# bought the $la e he/# re$ainte#" fixe# bro,en %in#o%!" in!talle# ne% bathroo&! an# e5ui$&ent an# u$#ate# the offi e!" but the $la e retaine# it! ol#3! hool feel. That an# the fa t that he %a! aroun# the $la e a lot &ore no% that he %a! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter retire# ha# hel$e# buil# &e&ber!hi$ nu&ber! an# bu!ine!! %a! boo&ing. It #i#n/t hurt to ha+e $ro! li,e 4ay training here. Guy! %ho !at behin# #e!,! for a li+ing li,e# to !%eat along!i#e real fighter!. Ma#e the& feel a! if they %ere $laying %ith the big boy!. .Than,!. :ou al%ay! o&e to -a&ie/! training !e!!ion!;0 1oo$er a!,e#. He ho$e# he %a!n/t going to ha+e $roble&! %ith the ol# guy ounter&an#ing or#er! or !ti ,ing hi! oar in. .No$e. -u!t %ante# to he , thi! $la e out" &a,e !ure it/! e+erything -i&&y !ee&! to thin, it i!"0 Arthur !ai#. By %hi h the ol# guy &eant he , 1oo$er out. 1oo$er %a! about to re!$on# %hen he regi!tere# that -a&ie ha# &o+e# onto the long bag an# %a! $oun#ing it %ith a !erie! of $o%erful ,i ,!. .Ex u!e &e"0 he !ai#. He !tro#e a ro!! the floorboar#! an# #i#n/t !to$ until he %a! !tan#ing in front of her. She !to$$e#. Her eyebro%! ro!e to%ar# her hairline a! !he regi!tere# hi! annoyan e. .What no%;0 .2ro& no% on" I #on/t e+er %ant to !ee you u!ing your leg! to fight again. :ou got that;0 he !ai#. .:ou/re a boxer. Boxer! fight %ith their fi!t!" not their feet.0 .What;0 Her !il+er eye! fla!he# #efian e. .It/! a goo# %or,out" a goo# %ar&3u$.0 .:ou lo!t that fir!t fight an# you nearly lo!t la!t night be au!e you/re u!e# to relying on your leg! too &u h. E+ery ti&e you %ant to fire off a roun#hou!e or a ba , ,i ," you lo!e $re iou! !e on#! re&in#ing your!elf that you/re in a boxing ring an# only your fi!t! are legal"0 he !ai#. She !hoo, her hea#. .No %ay. I lo!t that fight be au!e !he %a! fa!ter than &e.0 Why %a! he !ur$ri!e# that !he %a! #i!agreeing %ith hi& at the +ery fir!t hur#le; Ha# he hone!tly ex$e te# anything le!! fro& a %o&an %ith !o &u h attitu#e; He %a! te&$te# to yell at her the %ay hi! fir!t trainer u!e# to yell at hi& ba , %hen he %a! young an# hot3te&$ere# an# la ,ing in #i! i$line. But -a&ie %a! a !&art fighter. She learne# 5ui ,ly %hen !he %ante# to'!he/# !ho%n hi& that in !$a#e! la!t night %hen !he too, hi! a#+i e an# ,no ,e# her o$$onent out. He %ante# to harne!! tho!e !&art! !traight off the bat. Going hea#3to3hea# %ith her %a!n/t going to a hie+e that. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .:ou %ar& enough to go a fe% roun#!;0 he a!,e#. She loo,e# !ur$ri!e# that he %a!n/t $re!!ing the i!!ue. .Sure.0 1oo$er ! anne# the gy&" honing in on Mi ,. At aroun# a hun#re# an# !ixty $oun#!" Mi , %a! a &i##le%eight li,e -a&ie an# only ha# an in h on her in height. .Mi ,ey" !uit u$. I %ant you to go a fe% roun#! %ith -a&ie"0 1oo$er alle# out. Mi , loo,e# a! though all hi! 1hri!t&a!e! ha# o&e at on e. 1oo$er rolle# hi! eye!. The !ooner the re!t of the tea& !tarte# to !ee -a&ie a! one of the boy!" the better. One of the gy& a!!i!tant! hel$e# -a&ie ta$e an# glo+e u$ an# fitte# her %ith a $a##e# hea#3guar# %hile 1oo$er #i# the !a&e %ith Mi ,. .I #on/t %ant you to go ea!y on her"0 he in!tru te# a! he %or,e#. Mi , ,e$t thro%ing glan e! -a&ie/! %ay" e!$e ially %hen !he $ulle# off her T3 !hirt to re+eal a tight3fitting !$ort! ro$ to$. 1oo$er grabbe# the other &an/! hin an# brought hi! ga*e ba , to &eet hi! o%n. .Li!ten to &e. I %ant you to $re!! her'not too har#" !he/! $robably !till feeling la!t night/! fight. But I %ant you to &a,e her !%eat" o,ay;0 Mi , no##e#. 1he ,ing the la e! on Mi ,/! glo+e!" 1oo$er ga+e hi& the all lear an# hel# the ro$e! for hi& to li&b into the ring. Then he !ignale# for -a!on" one of hi! gy& a!!i!tant!. .:eah" bo!!;0 -a!on a!,e#" hi! attention glue# to -a&ie. .Grab the +i#eo a&era. I %ant you to get e+erything !he #oe!"0 he in!tru te#. It %a! a o&&on enough tool'football $layer! u!e# ta$e all the ti&e to re+ie% $lay! an# un#er!tan# their o%n !trength! an# %ea,ne!!e!. -a&ie %a! !o !tubborn an# !trong3%ille# that he ,ne% the only %ay !he/# un#er!tan# hi! no3 ,i , rule %oul# be if !he !a% her faulty foot%or, her!elf. 1oo$er glan e# a ro!! to !ee Arthur ha# (oine# hi&" ar&! ro!!e# o+er hi! he!t. .Thi!/ll be intere!ting.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .At the +ery lea!t"0 1oo$er !ai#. They grinne# at ea h other. Arthur ha# a tooth &i!!ing" a o&&on ha*ar# for boxer! #e!$ite the $rote tion of &outh guar#!. 1uriou!" 1oo$er !tu#ie# the other &ar,! that boxing ha# left on the ol# guy/! fa e. .:ou u!e# to fight" 4ay !ai#;0 1oo$er a!,e#. .)i# he; :eah" I/+e !een a fe% roun#!"0 Arthur !ai# %ith a !hrug. He ,e$t hi! fo u! on the t%o fighter! %ar&ing u$ in the ring an# #i#n/t offer u$ anything &ore. Ta iturn ol# bugger. 1oo$er !%it he# hi! attention ba , to the ring. .O,ay" let/! get into it"0 he or#ere#. -a&ie an# Mi , &et in the enter an# ta$$e# glo+e! before falling into ortho#ox !tan e! an# !tarting to ir le one another. True to for&" -a&ie %a! the fir!t to &o+e in" feinting %ith her right before hitting Mi ,/! tor!o %ith a left ro!!. Mi , let her get a fe% !hot! in before he began to %or, her o+er. None of the hit! %ere har# or inten#e# to hurt" but both fighter! ha# %or,e# u$ a !%eat %ithin &inute! an# it #i#n/t ta,e long for -a&ie/! foot%or, to be o&e o&$ro&i!e# a! !he began to feel the $re!!ure. 1oo$er let the& fight for a fe% &ore &inute! before alling a halt. .Than,!" Mi ,. Ni e %or,. -a&ie" &y offi e"0 he !ai#. Grabbing the +i#eo a&era fro& -a!on" he le# the %ay to hi! #o&ain. By the ti&e -a&ie follo%e# a &inute later" to%el in han# an# %ithout her glo+e! an# hea# gear" he ha# the a&era hoo,e# u$ to the TB an# the ta$e rea#y to $lay. -a&ie/! ex$re!!ion %a! %ary a! he ge!ture# her to%ar# a hair o$$o!ite hi! o%n. .Ma,e your!elf o&fortable"0 he !ai#. .:ou #i#n/t tell &e you %ere going to fil& u!"0 !he !ai#. .)i#n/t I;0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She %a! !till breathing hea+ily. In the en lo!e# !$a e of hi! offi e he %a! +ery a%are of her ! ent'!o&ething fre!h an# bright that he gue!!e# %a! her #eo#orant. In!tea# of ta,ing a hair" !he leane# again!t hi! #e!," her butt $ro$$e# on the e#ge. He ha# to for e hi! ga*e a%ay fro& her long leg! a! !he ro!!e# her an,le! an# leane# ba , on her ar&!. 2or a fleeting !e on#" he allo%e# hi&!elf to %on#er %hat tho!e thigh! %oul# feel li,e len he# aroun# hi& a! he $oun#e# into her. .Well" go on"0 !he !ai#. He hit the $lay button an# they both %at he# the o$ening fe% !,ir&i!he!. A! Mi , $i ,e# u$ the $a e" the fir!t of -a&ie/! he!itation! a$$eare#. .>i ,"0 1oo$er !ai#" (u!t in a!e !he ha#n/t !een it. .An# another one" an# another one. :ou #on/t a tually thro% the&" of our!e" but they/re there. :ou %ant to fight %ith your feet !o ba# it hurt!.0 Her &outh an# fa e gre% tight a! !he %at he# her!elf &a,e the !a&e &i!ta,e o+er an# o+er. 2inally !he alle# a halt. .O,ay. I get it. :ou/+e &a#e your $oint.0 He !%it he# the tele+i!ion off. .:ou/+e got !o&e ba# habit! %e nee# to brea,.0 She no##e#. .:e$. Ho%;0 .I/+e got a fe% i#ea!.0 He outline# the& to her a! !he $atte# the !%eat off her fa e an# he!t. He follo%e# her &o+e&ent! %ith hi! eye!" i&agining %hat her brea!t! %oul# loo, li,e na,e#" ho% hea+y an# !&ooth they/# feel in hi! han#!. A bea# of !%eat ra e# #o%n her belly an# he barely re!i!te# the urge to lean for%ar# an# tra e it! $ath %ith hi! tongue. She/# ta!te !%eet an# !alty at the !a&e ti&e" he bet6. 4egi!tering that he ha# a har#3on" he rolle# hi! hair lo!er to the #e!,. He ha# to !to$ thin,ing li,e thi!. .It/! not going to be ea!y"0 he on lu#e#. .It/! going to ta,e ti&e an# effort.0 .I/+e got ti&e. I/+e got effort"0 !he !ai#" !traightening fro& her !lou hing $o!ition again!t hi! #e!,. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter On e again" he !truggle# to ,ee$ hi! ga*e on her fa e. .O,ay. Let/! get !tarte#"0 he !ai#. She o$ene# the #oor an# ho+ere#" %aiting for hi& to (oin her. .I/+e got to &a,e a 5ui , $hone all"0 he lie#. .:ou !tart in on the !$ee#ball.0 She exite# an# he ran a han# through hi! hair. Hi! $o!!e!!i+ene!! %here !he %a! on erne#" hi! hy$era%arene!! of her $hy!i ally" hi! on!tant !li#e into !exual fanta!y" the huge frea,in/ boner in hi! $ant!'it all ha# to !to$. She ha# o&e to hi& for one $ur$o!e. She %a! hi! fighter no%" not an ob(e t of lu!t. He %a! her trainer" her &entor" her gui#e" an# !he %a! offi ially off3li&it!. Man" but thi! %a! going to be one hell of a te!t of hi! %ill$o%er.

B: THE TIME SHE %a! hea#ing into the hange roo&! after her fir!t !e!!ion %ith 1oo$er" -a&ie ,ne% that he %a! a far better trainer than !he/# e+er i&agine#. She al!o ,ne% that he %a! the &o!t !exually #e!irable &an !he/# e+er ,no%n. It %a! hi! attitu#e" the feeling !he got %hen !he %a! aroun# hi&" a! &u h a! hi! bo#y'although that %a! $retty #a&ne# i&$re!!i+e all on it! o%n. E+en though !he/# ta,en $ain! to #i!gui!e her intere!t" !he/# been unable to !to$ her!elf fro& %at hing hi& a! he &o+e# aroun# the gy& in bet%een gi+ing her in!tru tion!. Hi! ar&! alone %ere enough to &a,e her ,nee! %ea,'!oli#" roun# %ith &u! le" !trong. When he #e&on!trate# a te hni5ue on the !$ee#ball to one of the younger fighter!" !he/# $au!e# in her o%n %or,out to %at h the &u! le! of hi! ba , an# ar&! in a tion. Ni e. Bery ni e. Then there %a! hi! butt. Si&$ly %at hing it flex a! he %al,e# &a#e her finger! url. She ,ne% fro& %at hing hi! fight! that he ha# a broa# he!t %ith %ell3 #efine# $e ! an# ab#o&inal &u! le!" an# !he lo!e# her eye! a! !he !too# beneath the !ho%er" i&agining ho% it %oul# feel to ha+e her brea!t! $re!!e# u$ again!t all that &a! uline har#ne!!. A! the %ater $oun#e# #o%n on her" !he !li# her han#! o+er her !oa$y brea!t! an# #o%n bet%een her thigh!" i&agining it %a! hi! finger! fin#ing her #a&$ an# rea#y for hi&. Abru$tly !he be a&e a%are of %hat !he %a! #oing'eroti i*ing her har#3%on trainer on #ay one. She !%it he# the %ater to full ol#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She ,ne% her!elf %ell enough to un#er!tan# that the !i&&ering #e!ire !he %a! feeling %a!n/t going to e+a$orate. She either ha# to learn to ontrol it an# ignore it" or !he ha# to neutrali*e it. A! !he #re!!e#" her thought! fle% to the han#ful of &en !he oul# all on for a!ual !ex if an# %hen !he %ante# it. She/# ne+er been !enti&ental about !lee$ing %ith the o$$o!ite !ex'not for a long ti&e" any%ay'an# it %a! a &in#!et that ha# al%ay! !er+e# her %ell. Hu&an being! ha# nee#!'foo#" !helter" !ex. Not ne e!!arily in that or#er" #e$en#ing on %hat el!e %a! going on in a $er!on/! life. 4ight no%" for %hate+er rea!on" !he nee#e# !ex. Sin e !he oul#n/t get it fro& 1oo$er" for a +ariety of +ery !en!ible an# rational rea!on!" !he %oul# loo, el!e%here. She grabbe# her $hone fro& her %or,out bag an# alle# )ean" her &o!t re ent lo+er. He %a! flatteringly $lea!e# to hear fro& her" but oul#n/t hoo, u$ until Thur!#ay night. To#ay %a! Mon#ay. She fro%ne#. She felt #i!tin tly e#gy at the $ro!$e t of ha+ing to %ait that long until !he oul# feel a &an/! na,e# bo#y $re!!e# again!t her o%n. .Are you !till there" -i&&y;0 )ean a!,e# %hen the !ilen e bet%een the& ha# !tret he# too long. .Sure" I/& here. An# Thur!#ay i! fine"0 !he a!!ure# hi& 5ui ,ly. Hone!tly" ho% har# u$ %a! !he" any%ay; .I/ll o&e to your $la e" o,ay;0 The one #o%n !i#e to li+ing %ith her gran#father %a! that it &a#e entertaining at her $la e next to i&$o!!ible. Not that !he %a! ,een to infli t her #u&$y little #i+e on any of her lo+er!. When !he re&e&bere# the %ay thing! u!e# to be" the beautiful thing! her &other ha# olle te#" the !u&$tuou! furniture her father ha# in!i!te# on6 She *i$$e# her bag !hut %ith a fir& han#. The %orl# ha# &o+e# on" an# !he %a! in the $ro e!! of la%ing ba , !o&e of %hat ha# been lo!t. There %a! no $oint in #%elling on the $a!t. Steeling her!elf for one la!t en ounter %ith 1oo$er before !he oul# e! a$e for the #ay" -a&ie hea#e# into the gy&. She oul# feel a bun h of &ale eye! tra ,ing her a! !he &a#e her %ay to 1oo$er/! offi e to !ay goo#bye. They/# get u!e# to her. Mo!t fighter!/ gy&! %ere light on for %o&en" but they %oul# get o+er the fa t that !he loo,e# #ifferent fro& the& !oon enough. E!$e ially %hen they reali*e# !he %a!n/t about to !lee$ %ith any of the&'in lu#ing 1oo$er. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er/! offi e %a! e&$ty %hen !he #u ,e# her hea# in. She ! anne# the gy&" %on#ering if !he/# &i!!e# hi& in a orner !o&e%here. She ha#n/t. He/# gone. Without !aying goo#bye. He/! your trainer. Li,e it &atter! if you !ay hello or goo#bye or u$ your no!e %ith a rubber ho!e to hi&. The only thing that &atter! i! that he ,no%! ho% to hel$ you be o&e the be!t. She !hoo, off the &o&ent of !tu$i#ity. Her gran#father %a! %aiting for her near the #oor an# !he for e# a !&ile an# ga+e hi& a %a+e. 4oll on Thur!#ay. She ha# a feeling !he %a! going to nee# e+ery in h of )ean/! %or,3har#ene# bo#y by the ti&e their #ate rolle# aroun#.

HOW 1O<L) A PE4SON feel !o &u h fru!tration an# !o &u h !ati!fa tion at the !a&e ti&e; It %a! a 5ue!tion that #ogge# 1oo$er o+er the next fe% #ay! a! he gui#e# -a&ie/! training !e!!ion!. She %a! a fa!t learner'&u h !&arter an# &ore intuiti+e than 4ay or the other t%o $ro&i!ing young guy! he/# ta,en on. Not that he %oul# e+er +oi e that thought alou#'there %a! enough &ale3fe&ale $oliti ! logging u$ the air%a+e! in the gy& %ithout hi& thro%ing another ele&ent into the &ix. She ,ne% her bo#y extre&ely %ell an# only ha# to li!ten on e %hen he ex$laine# !o&ething before !he %a! able to a#a$t her !tan e or her a tion an# #e&on!trate %hat he %a! loo,ing for. She %a! al!o re!$on#ing %ell to hi! retraining exer i!e!" although !he/# gru&ble# the fir!t ti&e he/# !tra$$e# the fi+e3$oun# !oft %eight! aroun# her an,le!. But the a##e# %eight at her feet %a! ha+ing the #e!ire# affe t'e+ery ti&e !he lifte# her foot follo%ing the in!tin t to ,i , in #efen!e or atta ," !he regi!tere# the extra loa# an# be a&e on! iou! of %hat !he %a! #oing. He %a! onfi#ent they %oul# !oon ri# her of her that fatal he!itation'an# on e that %a! gone he ha# the feeling he %a! going to ha+e a truly ex e$tional fighter on hi! han#!. That %a! %here the !ati!fa tion $art a&e fro&. He/# &a#e the right #e i!ion in ta,ing her on. She %a! !o #ri+en an# o&&itte# an# full of $otential that !he #e!er+e# a han e to go a! far a! !he oul#. Hi! !i&ultaneou! fru!tration !te&&e# fro& the fa t that %hile e+ery #ay brought $rogre!! in her !,ill le+el" it al!o ine+itably brought a ne% for& of torture for hi! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter alrea#y tightly lea!he# libi#o. He %a! going in!ane %ith %anting her an# not being able to ha+e her. He/# ne+er been !o hot for a %o&an before. Perha$! it %a! be au!e he oul#n/t ha+e her. Or $erha$! it %a! !o&ething uni5ue to -a&ie. Whate+er" it %a! #ri+ing hi& aroun# the ben# an# lea+ing hi& in !e+ere #anger of !uffering the fir!t a!e of blue ball! he/# ha# !in e hi! teen year!. He/# ha# hi! han#! on her enough no%" !hifting her bo#y into $o!ition" gui#ing her" to ,no% exa tly ho% goo# !he felt. Pretty #a&n goo#" %a! the an!%er. But hi! lu!t ha# &o+e# on fro& !i&$ly %anting to ,no% her $hy!i ally. No% hi! fanta!ie! in+ol+e# %anting to hear that hu!,y +oi e of her! ry out in e !ta!y. He %ante# to loo, into her beautiful eye! an# !ee her lo!e her &in# a little. She %a! al%ay! !o fo u!e# an# intent'he %ante# her !oft an# $liant an# %anting in hi! ar&!" in hi! be#. So" yeah" he %a! (u!t a little fru!trate#. With hi&!elf" %ith hi! bo#y" %ith the fa t that he %a! in an i&$o!!ible !ituation that #i#n/t loo, a! if it %oul# re!ol+e it!elf anyti&e !oon. It %a!n/t a! though he ha#n/t trie# to ta,e are of bu!ine!! %ith !o&eone &ore !uitable. He/# ta,en one of hi! a!ual girlfrien#! out on Tue!#ay night an# ha#n/t been able to &u!ter e+en a fra tion of the #e!ire he felt for -a&ie. >ara %a! a flight atten#ant" gorgeou! an# blon#" a %o&an he/# ha# $lenty of no3!tring! goo# ti&e! %ith in the $a!t. He/# been !ure !he/# #o the tri ," but after a bout of la ,lu!ter ,i!!ing an# fu&bling in hi! 2errari" he/# been for e# to gi+e u$ the atte&$t a! a ba# (o,e an# #ri+e her ho&e" !ha,en to reali*e that %anting -a&ie ha# ,ille# hi& belo% the %ai!t %here other %o&en %ere on erne#. 4eally frea,in/ great. Tal, about being bet%een a ro , an# a har#3on. To#ay" Thur!#ay" he al&o!t groane# out lou# %hen -a&ie arri+e# for her e+ening %or,out %earing a $air of Ly ra hot $ant! an# a teeny3tiny gy& to$. )i# !he ,no%; Wa! !he #oing it on $ur$o!e; A#&itte#ly" it %a! $u!hing one hun#re# #egree! out!i#e" but %a! it really ne e!!ary for her to flaunt %hat he ab!olutely oul# not ha+e right in hi! fa e li,e thi!; A$$arently" the an!%er %a! ye!. .It/! hot out there"0 !he !ai# a! !he #u&$e# her bag again!t the %all. .)ay! li,e thi! I %i!h I ha# air3 on#itioning. Gran#$a ne+er get! a goo# night/! !lee$ %hen ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter it/! too hot.0 He tore hi! fo u! fro& the !heen of $er!$iration that ha# for&e# in her lea+age. .:eah" it/! a ,iller"0 he !ai#. .I an %or, a little later tonight"0 !he !ai#. .I ha# the &orning !hift at the hotel" an# I/& &eeting a frien# aroun# nine or !o" !o if there/! anything extra you %ant &e to #o6;0 He a#&ire# her %or, ethi " he really #i#. If he oul# get hi! &in# out of her un#er%ear" he/# $robably thin, of !o&ething really $ro#u ti+e for her to #o. .I %ant you to %or, on u$$er bo#y !trength to#ay"0 he !ai#. He in#i ate# the %eight e5ui$&ent in the orner. .Let/! !ee if %e an/t get a little &ore $o%er into tho!e $un he!.0 .I/& all about the $o%er"0 !he !ai#. He follo%e# her a! !he ro!!e# to the four3!tation a$$aratu!. Hi! attention %a! glue# to her butt the %hole %ay. 4eali*ing %hat he %a! #oing" he !na$$e# hi! ga*e a%ay an# he ,e# to &a,e !ure no one ha# noti e#. No$e. They %ere all too bu!y !taring at -a&ie/! butt. Grabbing the %i#e bar of the lateral $ull#o%n &a hine" !he a#(u!te# the %eight !ta , an# began to #o re$!. He %at he# her te hni5ue for a fe% &inute!" telling hi&!elf that he %a! #oing hi! (ob an# not he ,ing out her brea!t!. In #e!$eration" he !at o$$o!ite her an# !tarte# to #o !o&e tri e$ $u!h#o%n!. Maybe if he got a really goo# &u! le burn going he oul# !to$ beha+ing li,e a life !u$$ort !y!te& for a har#3on. .So %hen #o you thin, I/ll be rea#y for &y next fight;0 -a&ie a!,e# a! !he re!te# bet%een !et!. .Got to brea, that ba# habit of your! fir!t"0 he re&in#e# her. .I ,no%. -u!t6 uriou!"0 !he !ai#. .I&$atient" you &ean. E+ery fighter %ant! to ru!h to hi! next fight.0 .Her next fight"0 !he orre te#" a glea& of hu&or in her eye!. .:eah" %ell" that/! &y ba# habit"0 he a#&itte#. .Got to ,ee$ re&in#ing &y!elf %ho I/& #ealing %ith.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter A! if he nee#e# re&in#ing that !he %a! a %o&an. Hi! ga*e #i$$e# to her brea!t!. Man" but he %ante# to ta!te her. He %a! !ur$ri!e# by the intent loo, in her eye! %hen he returne# hi! ga*e to her fa e. She loo,e#6hungry. Al&o!t $re#atory. Hi! o , tightene# a! he un#er!too# that !he/# aught hi& loo,ing at her an# ,ne% that he %a! thin,ing about her. An# !he li,e# it. A lot. A bolt of $ure #e!ire !hot through hi&. )a&n. .:ou ,no% %hat; :ou !houl# (u!t %or, your %ay /roun# the &a hine!"0 he !ai#" !tan#ing. .I/& going to go for a run. I/ll be ba , in an hour or !o.0 She fro%ne#. .It/! ab!olutely boiling out!i#e.0 .:eah" I ,no%.0 Maybe all that ba,e#3in heat in the roa#! an# buil#ing! %oul# fry !o&e of thi! lu!t out of hi! bo#y. So&ething ha# to" be au!e he/# ne+er been !o lo!e to brea,ing hi! o%n rule! an# !i&$ly rea hing out for %hat he %ante#. It %a! a 5uiet night than,! to the %eather" but there %ere one or t%o guy! !till %or,ing out on the !$ee#ball an# long bag! in the other orner. He/# ha+e to lea# her through to hi! offi e an# ,i , the #oor !hut before he oul# get hi! han#! on her. But on e they %ere in there he oul# !li#e hi! han#! in!i#e tho!e tight little $ant! !he %a! %earing an# fin# out if !he %a! a! hot an# rea#y for hi& a! he %ante# her to be6. .:ou (u!t ,ee$ #oing your thing. An# if you fini!h before I get ba ," I/ll !ee you to&orro%"0 he !ai#. He %al,e# a%ay fro& her before he oul# a t on hi! D3rate# thought!. In the hange roo&" he #ragge# on a $air of running !hort! an# a !$ort! tan,. When he la e# hi! tra , !hoe!" he !a% hi! han#! %ere !ha,ing. Thi! %a! getting out of ontrol. He ha# to #o !o&ething. Maybe gi+e >ara another !hot" for e hi&!elf to go the #i!tan e thi! ti&e. Surely on e he a tually ha# her in hi! be#" hi! bo#y %oul# re$ort for #uty;

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Per+er!ely ho$ing that it %oul# be really" $uni!hingly hot out!i#e" he #i# !o&e %ar&3u$ !tret he! an# &a#e hi! %ay to the front #oor. .Hey" %ait u$"0 -a&ie alle# fro& behin# hi&. He turne# to !ee her a$$roa hing" her ar&! bu!y behin# her hea# a! !he brai#e# her hair. .I nee# to get &y roa#%or, hour! u$ thi! %ee,. I/ll o&e %ith you"0 !he !ai#. He !tare# at her. He/# trie# to e! a$e te&$tation" he really ha#. No% fate'or %hate+er'%a! thro%ing it right ba , in hi! fa e. E+ery &an ha# hi! brea,ing $oint. He ha# a feeling hi! %a! #a&n lo!e. .Sure" %hy not;0 he !ai#. E ST<PI). Stu$i#. Stu$i#. -a&ie hante# the &antra !ilently to her!elf a! !he $oun#e# the $a+e&ent along!i#e 1oo$er. Why ha# !he gone out of her %ay to !$en# &ore ti&e %ith hi&; E!$e ially %hen they/# (u!t ha# that &o&ent %here they/# loo,e# into ea h other/! eye! an# a ,no%le#ge# at la!t that there %a! !o&e hea+y3#uty he&i!try going on bet%een the&; She/# been re(e te# by fi+e other trainer! before 1oo$er ha# re on!i#ere# hi! original #e i!ion an# ta,en her on. She %ante# to $ro+e to the !$ort" to her!elf an# to her gran#father &ore than anything that !he oul# &a,e it to the to$. So %hy %a! !he ri!,ing all of that by $ur!uing her attra tion to her trainer; She !hot a !i#e%ay! glan e at hi& a! they ran" ta,ing in hi! !u$erbly fit bo#y" the har!h" #eter&ine# line! of hi! fa e" the onfi#ent ea!e of hi! &o+e&ent!. Be au!e he %a! hot" that %a! %hy. Be au!e !he %ante# hi&. Be au!e he/# !tarte# to in+a#e her !lee$ing a! %ell a! her %a,ing hour!. Ma,ing be#! at the hotel" !he i&agine# hi& !$ra%le# na,e# a ro!! the %hite !heet!. S rubbing #o%n !ho%er !tall!" !he $i ture# hi& bea#e# %ith %ater" $u!hing her u$ again!t the ool tile! a! he too, her. An# at night !he ha# the !tea&ie!t" #irtie!t #rea&! !he/# e+er ha# about any &an" #rea&! of har# heat an# fri tion an# nee# that left her ga!$ing %hen !he %o,e u$ alone an# #e!$erately horny. She %a! !eeing )ean tonight. Surely that %oul# ! rat h thi! it h of urio!ity an# nee# that %a! urrently #ri+ing her (u!t a little bit ra*y. She trie# to $i ture )ean/! fa e an# bo#y" trie# to re&e&ber ho% goo# it ha# been bet%een the& ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter la!t ti&e6an# oul#n/t get $a!t her a%arene!! of the &an running at her !i#e. The &an %ho" for %hate+er rea!on" ha# 5ui ,ly a!!u&e# enter !tage in her fanta!y life. S%eat #ri$$e# off her hin an# onto her he!t. She %i$e# her bro% %ith her forear&. The !&ell of hot a!$halt fille# the air" an# the only !oun# %a! the !la$ !la$ of their feet a! they ran. Nor&al" !ane $eo$le %ere ta,ing refuge in their ho&e!" urtain! #ra%n" air3 on#itioning on. Not her an# 1oo$er. They %ere $uni!hing the&!el+e! in the heat. He #i#n/t %ant to %ant her. She #i#n/t %ant to %ant hi&. But he #i#" an# !he #i#. An# if )ean #i#n/t #o the tri , tonight" -a&ie hone!tly ha# no i#ea ho% to han#le the !ituation. Hu&an #e!ire %a! a $o%erful" $o%erful thing. It ha# ruine# &arriage!" brought #o%n go+ern&ent!" #e!troye# #yna!tie!. Ho% in the hell %a! !he !u$$o!e# to !tay !trong %hen !he !a% the &an e+ery #ay; When he tou he# her ti&e after ti&e in the our!e of their %or,; When' She aught &o+e&ent out of the orner! of her eye! an# nearly groane# %ith fru!tration. He %a! $eeling hi! tan, to$ off" lea+ing hi! he!t bare. Oh boy" oh boy" oh boy. She forgot to breathe for a &o&ent a! he balle# hi! to$ in hi! han# an# &o$$e# hi! !%eaty he!t %ith it. He %a! beautiful. Great $e !" a&a*ing ab!" tho!e big !houl#er!. Lu ,y !he %a! alrea#y $anting. A! it %a!" !he oul# barely ,ee$ her eye! off hi&" her ga*e on!tantly #arting to the !i#e to ,ee$ he ,ing that" ye!" he really %a! that #a&ne# hot. .So" #o you &i!! it;0 !he blurte# !u##enly" #e!$erate to nor&ali*e the !ituation. .2ighting" I &ean.0 He !hrugge#" hi! breath o&ing ea!ily #e!$ite the fa t they/# been running for nearly half an hour no%. .Of our!e. It/! been the enter of &y %orl# !in e I %a! !ixteen year! ol#. Ne+er really ,no%n anything el!e.0 .An# you ha# to %al, a%ay fro& the title.0 .No hoi e. Not if I #i#n/t %ant to go blin#"0 he !ai#. She trie# to i&agine ho% har# it &u!t ha+e been. To ha+e %or,e# li,e a #og to get to the to$ of the $ile" only to ha+e to gi+e it all u$ be au!e hi! bo#y let hi& #o%n. .:ou &u!t ha+e been !o $i!!e#.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .2or a %hile. What/! #one i! #one. No $oint %a!ting energy"0 he !ai#. .I/+e got the gy& no%" &y fighter!. Life goe! on.0 )e!$ite the !urfa e onfi#en e of hi! %or#!" !he hear# the un ertainty beneath the&. He %a! !till feeling hi! %ay" trying to %or, out %hat life %a! about if it %a!n/t about the ring an# %inning an# training an# being the be!t. .:ou/re a great trainer"0 !he !ai# i&$ul!i+ely. She felt her!elf blu!h. He !hot her a loo,. .Su ,3u$! get an extra &ile.0 .I/& not !u ,ing u$" (u!t telling it the %ay it i!. All the guy! are ha$$y. 4ay ,ee$! !aying that o&ing o+er to you %a! the !&arte!t &o+e he e+er &a#e.0 He !hrugge#" but !he oul# tell he %a! $lea!e#. Hell" %ho #i#n/t li,e to ,no% they %ere #oing a goo# (ob; He %a! big on $rai!e. She/# noti e# that about hi& o+er the $a!t fe% #ay!. He al%ay! re%ar#e# har# %or, %ith a %ell3$la e# %or# or a $at on the !houl#er or the ba ,. She/# !tarte# to loo, for%ar# to tho!e &o&ent!" to !eeing the light of a$$ro+al in hi! eye!. Another rea!on %hy !lee$ing %ith hi& %oul# be a big &i!ta,e. She %a! %ell a%are that there %a! a healthy #o!e of hero %or!hi$ &ixe# in %ith her lu!t. He/# been a great ha&$ion. He %a! an in!$iring trainer. Gi+ing in to ba!i in!tin t %oul# &e!! thing! u$ bet%een the& big3ti&e. Or6&aybe it %oul# lear the air. The thought $o$$e# into her hea# a! though it ha# been han#3#eli+ere# by the #e+il hi&!elf. The roa# ahea# began to ri!e" an# 1oo$er $ulle# ahea# of her a! he #ug #ee$er. She eye# hi! broa# ba , an# $o%erful leg! gree#ily" toying %ith the i#ea that ha# (u!t in!inuate# it!elf into her thought!. Hy$otheti ally !$ea,ing" if they let in!tin t ta,e o+er an# %ent at ea h other" all the !exual ten!ion that ha# been #ogging her #ay! %oul# be gone. The %eir#ne!! bet%een the& %oul# be a noni!!ue'for both of the&. No hy$era%arene!!" no %a,ing fanta!ie!" no nothing. -u!t6!ati!fa tion. All the 5ue!tion! her bo#y ha# been a!,ing %oul# be an!%ere#. They oul# $ut it behin# the& an# &o+e on. The &ore !he thought about it" the &ore !he li,e# it. It &a#e !en!e. She %a!n/t the ,in# of %o&an %ho ha# to #re!! !ex u$ a! !o&ething el!e to en(oy it'for her" it %a! !i&$ly t%o bo#ie! !ee,ing $lea!ure %ith ea h other. Mo!t &en" in her ex$erien e" %ere on the !a&e %a+elength an# !he/# hear# enough go!!i$ about ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er an# hi! %o&en o+er the year! to !u!$e t that they !hare# a !i&ilar $hilo!o$hy %hen it a&e to the be#roo&. In theory" there %a! nothing !to$$ing the&. In no !e on#! flat" her bo#y %a! on fire a! !he ga+e her!elf $er&i!!ion to ex$erien e her full #e!ire for 1oo$er. A! they neare# the to$ of the hill" her anti i$ation ro!e an# %ith it her heartbeat. She %a! #eter&ine# to ha+e hi& no% that !he/# &a#e her #e i!ion. 2ir!t han e !he got" !he/# &a,e her $lay" get thi! &a#ne!! out of her !y!te&. .:ou rea#y to hea# ba ,;0 he a!,e# a! they !tarte# #o%n the hill. It %a! $a!t #u!," an# they %ere about fi+e &inute! fro& the gy&" running through the ba ,!treet! of Ne%to%n. In a han#ful of &o&ent!" they/# ha+e $ri+a y. Hi! offi e" the hange roo&!'!he #i#n/t are" a! long a! there %a! bare !,in an# hea+y breathing in+ol+e#. .Ab!olutely"0 !he !ai#. He !hot her a loo, but #i#n/t !ay anything. They o&$lete# the re!t of their run in !ilen e. <!ually after roa#%or, !he felt $lea!antly tire# an# %ar& an# loo!e. To#ay" #e!$ite the heat" !he %a! bu**ing. She oul# feel her $ul!e $oun#ing lo% in her belly an# bet%een her leg!. Her &in# %a! fille# %ith !tea&y i&age! a! !he anti i$ate# hi! tou h. She/# been thin,ing about thi! fro& the &o&ent !he fir!t !a% hi& in the fle!h" !he finally a#&itte# to her!elf. Wee,! an# %ee,! of !e ret %anting" all of it about to o&e to a hea#6. The oolne!! of the air3 on#itione# gy& hit her the &o&ent they $u!he# on the front #oor!. One of the gy& atten#ant!'-a!on;'%a! ti#ying u$ the front ounter. .Goo#" you/re ba ,"0 he !ai#" loo,ing relie+e#. .I %a! a bit %orrie#" !in e it %a! ti&e to lo , u$.0 1oo$er fro%ne# an# loo,e# at the ti&e. It %a! t%enty &inute! $a!t the u!ual lo!ing. .Sorry" &ate" I #i#n/t ha+e &y %at h on. :ou hea# off" I/ll lo , u$"0 he !ai#. .:eah; Great. Than,!"0 -a!on !ai#" grabbing hi! ar ,ey! an# hea#ing for the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter #oor. -a&ie !&ile# to her!elf. No% they really %ere alone. .I/ll lo , thi! for no%. :ou an let your!elf out %hen you/re fini!he# in the !ho%er"0 1oo$er !ai# a! he lat he# the front #oor after -a!on. She !te$$e# in front of hi& %hen he turne# to hea# for the hange roo&!" blo ,ing hi! $ath. Hi! hair %a! #a&$ %ith !%eat" hi! he!t gli!tening. She !tu#ie# hi& for a fe% #eli iou! !e on#! before &eeting hi! 5ue!tioning ga*e. .I thin, %e ha+e a $roble&"0 !he !ai#. He fro%ne#. .)o %e;0 .:eah. An# I thin, the be!t %ay to ta,e are of it i! to (u!t #eal %ith it" get it out of our !y!te&!.0 He fro%ne#. She too, a !te$ lo!er an# !he !a% !o&ething %il# an# ex iting flare in the #e$th! of hi! eye!. .No. I/& your trainer" -a&ie"0 he !ai#'but he al!o too, a #ee$ breath" a! though tho!e areful %or#! %eren/t hi! fir!t i&$ul!e. .:e$. An# you %ant to !lee$ %ith &e. -u!t li,e I %ant to !lee$ %ith you. I/+e been thin,ing about it all %ee,"0 !he !ai#. .It &a,e! it har# to on entrate. It/! #ri+ing &e ra*y.0 .Whi h i! exa tly %hy thi! i!n/t going to ha$$en"0 1oo$er !ai#. .We/re !u$$o!e# to be getting you rea#y for your next fight.0 He too, a !te$ aroun# her. -a&ie rea he# for the he& of her !$ort! ro$ an# $ulle# it o+er her hea#. Her brea!t! boun e# free" her ni$$le! alrea#y tight in anti i$ation of hi! tou h. .)a&n"0 he !ai#. Hi! ga*e are!!e# her" an# hi! fa e %a! tight %ith re!traine# #e!ire. .Let/! (u!t #o it" get it out of our !y!te&! an# &o+e on"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er lo!e# hi! eye!" the &u! le! of hi! he!t an# ar&! ten!ing. .It/! &y (ob to oa h you" to a#+i!e you" to $rote t you. Thi! %ill &e!! thing! u$" -a&ie"0 he !ai#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .No" it %on/t. It/ll &a,e it leaner. No &ore %on#ering" no &ore i&agining. It/ll be a noni!!ue" o+er.0 He o$ene# hi! eye!. She oul# !ee the re!ol+e har#en in hi&. .I/& not !tarting &y training areer by ! re%ing one of &y fighter!"0 he !ai#. 2ru!tration an# nee# %elle# u$ in!i#e her. She ,ne% he %ante# her a! &u h a! !he %ante# hi&. She %a! !o !ure that thi! %a! %hat they nee#e#'the relea!e of it" the free#o& of it. She too, a la!t !te$ for%ar#" !o lo!e that !he oul# feel the heat o&ing off hi! bo#y" !o lo!e that her ni$$le! bru!he# hi! he!t. .:ou/re really going to let thi! go to %a!te;0 !he a!,e#" hol#ing hi! eye a! !he !li# a han# onto the long" thi , ri#ge !training again!t the fabri of hi! !hort!. He felt !o big an# har# in her han# !he al&o!t $urre# %ith anti i$ation. Hi! (a% tightene# a! !he gri$$e# hi& through hi! !hort! an# rubbe# her han# u$ an# #o%n hi! !haft" on e" t%i e" &aintaining eye onta t all the %hile. He !%ore an# rea he# for her" hauling her again!t hi& an# angling her hea# a! he too, her &outh in a fier e" no3hol#!3barre# ,i!!. She lo!e# her eye! a! !he #i! o+ere# hi! !houl#er! an# ar&! %ith her free han#" the other re&aining on hi! !training o ,. Hi! tongue #an e# %ith her!" !tro,e# it" tea!e# it a! hi! han#! !li# onto her brea!t!. She ar he# her ba , a! he &a!!age# the&" $lu ,ing at her ni$$le! before !5uee*ing the& gently. Bet%een her thigh!" &olten heat $oole# an# !he relin5ui!he# her gri$ on hi! ere tion in fa+or of grabbing hi! butt an# grin#ing her!elf again!t hi&. He felt !o goo#. So !trong an# big an# har#. Hi! !houl#er!" hi! belly" hi! thigh!" hi! o ,6 She #ro$$e# her hea# ba , a! he bro,e their ,i!! an# began to li , an# !u , an# bite hi! %ay #o%n her ne ," finally $ulling fir!t one then the other ni$$le into hi! &outh. Hi! tongue %a! hot an# fa!t a! it fli ,e# o+er an# o+er her" an# !he len he# her han#! into hi! taut butt an# #ragge# hi& a! lo!e a! they oul# $o!!ibly get %ith lothe! on. .1oo$er60 !he begge#" nee#ing &ore. He re!$on#e# by !u ,ing her ni$$le !o har# it al&o!t hurt an# !li#ing both ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter han#! #o%n her ba ," beneath the %ai!tban# of her hot $ant! an# o+er her butt hee,!. Hi! han#! &a!!age# her ur+e! for a torturou! &o&ent before he !li# farther !till an# !he felt the fir!t &agi tou h of hi! finger! bet%een her thigh!. .Oh" &an"0 he groane# a! he #i! o+ere# ho% %et an# hot !he %a! for hi&. She &a#e an inarti ulate" nee#y !oun# an# %i#ene# her !tan e" in+iting hi& in. Ba ,ing her u$ again!t the front ounter" he !li# a han# aroun# her hi$ an# #o%n the front of her $ant!" into her #a&$ url!. She hel# her breath a! he !li# a long finger bet%een her fol#!" gli#ing in her !li , heat" !ee,ing the heart of her. Her %hole bo#y ontra te# a! he foun# her an# !li# in!i#e. She !obbe# hi! na&e an# rea he# for hi! har#3on again" &o+ing her han#! in!i#e hi! running !hort! to gri$ the $ure" har#ene# !teel of hi&. He %or,e# hi! han# bet%een her thigh!" hi! &outh bu!y at her brea!t!" hi! bo#y ten!e an# fo u!e# entirely on her. Then hi! thu&b foun# her litori!" an# !he bu ,e# again!t hi& a! he $re!!e# her" tea!e# her" fli ,e# her. She %ante# hi& in!i#e her %hen !he a&e" but alrea#y her li&ax %a! ru!hing u$ at her" fa!t an# furiou!" an# all !he oul# #o %a! let it ta,e her" her &u! le! throbbing aroun# hi! le+er finger!. Hi! tou h gentle# a! the ten!ion left her bo#y" then he !li# hi! han# free fro& bet%een her thigh! an# lifte# hi! hea# fro& her brea!t!. She !tare# at hi&" lo+ing the #a*e#" unfo u!e# loo, in hi! eye!" alrea#y i&agining ho% goo# it %a! going to be bet%een the& %hen he %a! in!i#e her. She rea he# for the %ai!tban# of hi! running !hort!" rea#y to !tri$ hi& bare. He aught her han#. .No.0 .What;0 !he a!,e#" not 5uite un#er!tan#ing the %or#. .:ou hear# &e.0 Hi! eye! %ere ri!$ an# lear" not a !ha#o% of #oubt in !ight. .That/! a! far a! it an go" -a&ie.0 He ha# to be (o,ing. They %ere (u!t getting !tarte#. She !till ha#n/t ta!te# hi&" or ha# hi& in!i#e her. She ha#n/t #i! o+ere# all the !e ret" !oft $la e! on hi! bo#y that #ro+e hi& %il#. There %a! !till too &u h un,no%n" unex$lore#6 .1oo$er" forget your on! ien e for ten &inute!. Hell" forget it for an hour or t%o. It/! (u!t !ex. It #oe!n/t &ean anything" it %on/t hange anything"0 !he !ai#. She rea he# for hi& again. Thi! ti&e he aught her han# an# hel# it loo!ely in hi!. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .:eah" it %ill. We ha+e a $rofe!!ional relation!hi$. My (ob i! to get the be!t out of you" not !lee$ %ith you. :ou/re &y fighter" -a&ie. We/re !u$$o!e# to tru!t ea h other" not #o ea h other.0 She !tare# at hi&" unable to belie+e that he oul# %al, a%ay fro& all the heat bet%een the&. She oul# !ee ho% &u h he %ante# her !till'hi! har#3on %a! #a&ne# un&i!!able the %ay it tente# the front of hi! !hort!. .Let &e $ut it thi! %ay'%hat #o you nee# &ore" !o&eone in your be#" or a trainer;0 he a!,e#. That hit her li,e a bu ,et of ol# %ater. He/# #ra%n a line" gi+en her a hoi e. An# #e!$ite ho% &u h her bo#y ra+e# hi! tou h" no &atter ho% &u h her bloo# !ang %ith nee# for hi&" !he ,ne% an# he ,ne% %hi h o$tion !he %a! going to hoo!e. .2ine"0 !he !ai#. It ha# been a long ti&e !in e a &an ha# !ai# no to her. Not that !he thought !he %a! !o&e irre!i!tible fe&&e fatale or anything" but !he/# ne+er gotten half3na,e# %ith a &an an# ha# hi& %al, a%ay. Ho% +ery bloo#y noble an# !elf3 ontrolle# of 1oo$er. It &a#e her %ant to $un h hi&" a goo# (ab !traight to hi! ro ,3har# belly. Probably it %oul# hurt her &ore than it %oul# hurt hi&" but it &ight relie+e !o&e of the fru!tration !he %a! feeling. .I !u$$o!e I !houl# than, you for !a+ing &e fro& &y!elf"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er re&aine# i&$a!!i+e. .I/# better not at h you loo,ing at &e again"0 !he !ai#. .If I at h one hint that you/re thin,ing of anything belo% the ne ,line60 To her inten!e annoyan e" he !&ile#. .:eah; What are you going to #o;0 he a!,e#. She glare# at hi&" ,no%ing he %a! right. What %a! !he going to #o; 2or e hi& to !lee$ %ith her; ?uit; Bang her hea# again!t a bri , %all; )a&n hi&. )a&n hi& an# her !tu$i# hor&one! or $hero&one! or %hate+er %a! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter re!$on!ible for ho% !he felt right no%. Without another %or#" !he turne# on her heel an# hea#e# for the hange roo&. .-a&ie.0 She turne# aroun#. He to!!e# her ro$ to$ at her. She aught it %ith one han#. .2or %hat it/! %orth" you/re the hotte!t #a&n thing I/+e e+er !ai# no to"0 he !ai#. What %a! !he !u$$o!e# to !ay to that; She fli$$e# hi& the finger. .Than,! a lot"0 !he !ai#.

I2 THE POPE #i#n/t announ e 1oo$er/! !ainthoo# !oon" there %a! no (u!ti e in the %orl#. 1oo$er %at he# -a&ie %al, a%ay" na,e# ex e$t for tho!e teeny tiny hot $ant! an# her running !hoe!. She %a! &agnifi ent. An# he/# (u!t !ai# no to her. The &o&ent !he entere# the %o&en/! hange roo&" he let hi! !houl#er! !ag an# ran a han# through hi! hair. He !till oul#n/t 5uite belie+e that he/# !ai# no to her. He ha# a boner in hi! $ant! that oul#n/t 5uite belie+e it" either. She/# felt !o goo# in hi! ar&!. E+en her !%eat ha# ta!te# goo#" lean an# fre!h. An# the nee#y !oun# !he/# &a#e %hen he !u ,le# her brea!t!" an# the %ay her &u! le! ha# len he# aroun# hi& %hen he !li# hi! finger in!i#e her6He %a! going to be torture# by tho!e fe% breathle!! &o&ent! for the re!t of hi! life" along %ith all the %hat3if!. What if he/# ta,en %hat !he %a! offering; What if he/# lifte# her onto that ounter an# %ra$$e# her leg! aroun# hi! %ai!t an# burie# hi&!elf to the hilt in!i#e her; Sha,ing hi! hea#" he #eraile# hi! thought! before hi! o , literally ex$lo#e# %ith fru!trate# #e!ire. Then" feeling li,e a #e!$erate fourteen3year3ol#" he too, hi&!elf off to the hange roo& an# too, are of bu!ine!! !olo" %ith nothing but the hot flo% of the !ho%er an# a han#ful of !oa$ for o&$any.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Not 5uite the !a&e a! all the !li$$ery !%eet heat that -a&ie ha# been offering. Not e+en lo!e" in fa t. But it %a! going to ha+e to #o. He/# &a#e a o&&it&ent to her" an# he %a! going to !tan# by it if it ,ille# hi&. She %a! gone by the ti&e he/# #rie# hi&!elf off an# #re!!e#" not that he/# ex$e te# anything #ifferent. He $au!e# by the front ounter to !%it h on the after3hour! an!%ering &a hine. He %oul# ne+er be able to enter hi! gy& again %ithout re&e&bering -a&ie $u!he# u$ again!t the ounter" her bo#y !training %ith #e!ire a! !he foun# her li&ax. He/# loo,e# into her fa e a! it gri$$e# her" %anting to !ee her lo!e ontrol" lo+ing the %ay her &outh ha# o$ene#" the %ay !he/# $ante#" the little fro%n !he/# gotten bet%een her eyebro%!. He/# ne+er #one that %ith a %o&an before. He/# $ri#e# hi&!elf on &a,ing !ure they ha# a goo# ti&e" but he/# ne+er !a+ore# a %o&an/! $lea!ure !o &u h before. Get o+er it. She/! a hot bo#y" a hallenge an# off3li&it!. Of our!e you %ant to ! re% her. :ou/+e !$ent your life bu ,ing the !y!te&. But at the en# of the #ay" !he %a! (u!t a %o&an" !a&e a! any other %o&an that he/# !le$t %ith. Or not !le$t %ith" to be te hni ally orre t. There %a! nothing !$e ial about any of it.

AS L<1> WO<L) HABE IT" Arthur Hollo%ay a o&$anie# -a&ie to the gy& for her %or,out the next #ay. E+en though 1oo$er tol# hi&!elf that he an# -a&ie %ere gro%n a#ult! an# that nothing ha# ha$$ene# la!t night for either of the& to feel un o&fortable about" he !till felt a fli ,er of guilt %hen he &et the other &an/! eye!. There %a! (u!t !o&ething about the ol# guy" a !ort of al&" entere# integrity" that &a#e 1oo$er feel li,e an a!!hole for %hat ha# al&o!t ha$$ene#. 1oo$er ha# ha# t%o trainer! #uring hi! areer" both of %ho& !till o u$ie# i&$ortant role! in hi! life. A legen# in fighting ir le!" Harry Mul#oon ha# !$otte# 1oo$er bra%ling in the !treet %hen he %a! !ixteen year! ol# an# ho&ele!! an# !ha$e# hi& fro& nothing. Harry ha# been e+erything to 1oo$er for &any year!' father" brother" tea her" trainer. When he retire#" 1oo$er ha# felt li,e a heel going to another trainer. It ha# ta,en hi& a long ti&e to forge a bon# %ith Baughn Ste+en!on" hi! !e on# an# la!t trainer. :ounger an# better3e#u ate# than Harry" Baughn ha# brought fre!h i#ea! an# ne% ! ien e to 1oo$er/! training regi&e. But 1oo$er ha# tru!te# both &en i&$li itly'%ith hi! health" hi! areer" hi! &oney" e+en hi! life" if nee# be. That %a! the ,in# of tru!t he %ante# hi! fighter! to $la e in hi&. He %a! $retty ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !ure he ha# the goo#!" ex$erien e an# ,no%le#ge" to be o&e the !ort of trainer he %ante# to be. But %hat ha# ha$$ene# %ith -a&ie la!t night ha# !ha,en hi! !en!e of hi! o%n +alue!. She ha# to be able to tru!t hi&" an# he ha# to be able to &a,e lear3hea#e# #e i!ion! about her. Sex %a! not" an# ne+er oul# be" a $art of that e5uation. .She/! loo,ing goo#"0 Arthur !ai# %hen 1oo$er finally for e# hi&!elf to ro!! the gy& to he , in on -a&ie/! %or,out. .:eah"0 1oo$er !ai#" %at hing -a&ie/! for& a! !he %ent at the !$ee#ball. She !taun hly ignore# hi&. He #i#n/t for e the i!!ue. The ol# &an !li# a !i#e%ay! loo, hi! %ay" !en!ing !o&ething %a! u$. 1oo$er fought the urge to !huffle hi! feet. .She/! been %or,ing $retty har#. Want! to i&$re!! you"0 Arthur !ai#. .E+en ble% off her #ate la!t night !o !he oul# get u$ early an# #o !o&e &ore roa#%or,.0 1oo$er trie# not to let hi! intere!t !ho% on hi! fa e. -a&ie ha# ha# a #ate la!t night; He re&e&bere# her &entioning a =frien#/ %ho& !he $lanne# to &eet at nine after her %or,out. Only" a or#ing to Arthur" !he ha#n/t. Be au!e of %hat ha# ha$$ene# bet%een the&; .I/& alrea#y i&$re!!e#. -a&ie/! got a lot of natural talent"0 he !ai#. .It/! in the bloo#"0 Arthur !ai#. .She $ra ti ally gre% u$ in the ring.0 .:eah;0 1oo$er o ,e# hi! hea#" !ilently in+iting &ore infor&ation. It ha#n/t really o urre# to hi& before" but -a&ie ne+er !ai# &u h about her fa&ily or her life. He ,ne% !he %or,e# a! a &ai# at one of the big hotel! in the ity. He ,ne% !he li+e# %ith her gran#father. But that %a! $retty &u h it. Either Arthur #i#n/t $i , u$ on hi! !ilent ue" or he %a! a+oi#ing re!$on#ing. 2ro%ning" 1oo$er re&e&bere# that %hen he/# a!,e# the ol# guy about hi! fighting re or# he/# la&&e# u$" too. .So the %hole fa&ily %a! in+ol+e# in the !$ort" then;0 1oo$er a!,e#. Arthur !ho+e# hi! han#! into the $o ,et! of hi! Ber&u#a !hort! an# #u ,e# hi! hin into hi! he!t. .:eah" gue!! you oul# !ay that"0 he !ai#. .Sure i! hot out!i#e" eh;0 1oo$er ignore# the hange of !ub(e t. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .:ou ne+er #i# !ay %here you #i# &o!t of your fighting" Arthur. By the loo,! of you I gue!! you %ere a hea+y%eight;0 he a!,e#. .2or a %hile" but then I #ro$$e# #o%n to rui!er%eight. An# &o!tly I fought in the State!"0 Arthur !ai#. .They !ay there/! a ool front o&ing through tonight" #i# you hear;0 .That/# $ut you o+er there %hen Ali an# 2ra*ier %ere aroun#. :ou e+er !ee the great &an fight;0 1oo$er a!,e#" genuinely intere!te#. There %a!n/t a fighter ali+e %ho #i#n/t a#&ire Muha&&a# Ali an# en+y hi& hi! areer. .See hi&; Went !e+en roun#! %ith hi& in Loui!+ille" >entu ,y" one ti&e"0 Arthur !ai#" hi! eye! bright an# hi! !houl#er! ba , a! he $uffe# hi! he!t out. .That &an oul# &o+e" let &e tell you. Li,e $oetry in &otion.0 1oo$er narro%e# hi! eye!. .:ou fought Muha&&a# Ali;0 He %a!n/t alling the ol# guy a liar" but he %a! $retty !ure he/# ne+er hear# of an Arthur Hollo%ay ta,ing on Ali. Arthur blu!he#" the ti#e of olor ra ing u$ fro& hi! ollar /til e+en the to$ of hi! hea# %a! $in,. .S$arring &at h"0 he !ai#. .-u!t fooling aroun#" you ,no%.0 .4ight. Sure"0 1oo$er !ai#. .Might go get &y!elf !o&e %ater"0 Arthur !ai#" hea#ing for the front ounter. 1oo$er !tare# after hi&. He felt e&barra!!e# for the ol# guy. If a fighter %a! going to brag about a fight he ne+er fought" he !houl# ,no% better than to $i , the &o!t fa&ou! boxer in hi!tory. When he brought hi! attention ba , to -a&ie" !he %a! %at hing hi&" her ex$re!!ion unrea#able. .2eeling +irtuou!" Mr. Self31ontrol;0 !he a!,e# after a fe% ten!e &inute! of !ilen e. .E+er hear# of letting !lee$ing #og! lie;0 .I #on/t !ee %hat the big #eal i!"0 !he !ai#. .I/& not into all that heart! an# flo%er! ra$" if that/! %hat you/re %orrie# about. Lo+e i! for greeting ar# &anufa turer!" an# I #on/t e+er %ant to get &arrie# an# ha+e ,i#!" !o that $retty &u h let! you off the hoo, on all front!.0 .Ex e$t $rofe!!ionally"0 he !ai#" ro!!ing hi! ar&! o+er hi! he!t. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She too, a fe% la!t !hot! at the !$ee#ball" her botto& li$ #e i#e#ly $outy. She %a! !ul,ing. )e!$ite hi&!elf" he %a! flattere#. .Hey" for all you ,no% I oul# be hung li,e a ha&!ter an# it %oul# all be o+er in fi+e !e on#! flat"0 he !ai#. Wa! he in!ane" or #i# he a tually (u!t run #o%n hi! o%n !exual $erfor&an e to an in re#ibly hot %o&an; She rolle# her eye!. .Puh3lea!e" you thin, I/& feeling i&$aire#; I ha# &y han#! on you la!t night" I ,no% %hat you/re $a ,ing. I ,no% exa tly %hat I/& &i!!ing out on.0 )a&n" no% he %a! blu!hing. 4ubbing the ba , of hi! ne , %ith hi! han#" he glan e# at her an# foun# !he %a! laughing at hi& %ith her eye!. .)on/t %orry" I get it"0 !he !ai#. .I (u!t %ante# to gi+e you a har# ti&e.0 Har# being the o$erati+e %or#. .Than,!. I a$$re iate it.0 .My $lea!ure. An# I &ean that"0 !he !ai#. .-u!t for that" you an #ro$ an# gi+e &e fifty $u!h3u$!"0 he !ai#. She rai!e# an eyebro% at hi&" then hit the &at an# !tarte# ounting the& off. Man" !he %a! a $ie e of %or,. He oul#n/t hel$ but a#&ire her ourage. Her fran, an# o$en attitu#e to !ex %a! hot" an# her !traight3#o%n3the3line %ay of han#ling the %orl# %a! (u!t $lain li,eable. She %a! li,eable. <n#er #ifferent ir u&!tan e!" at a #ifferent ti&e6 He fro%ne#. E+en if he #i# allo% hi&!elf to !lee$ %ith -a&ie" her li,eability or not %oul#n/t &a,e any #ifferen e to the out o&e. He/# ne+er ha# a relation!hi$ %ith any %o&an that la!te# longer than a fe% &onth!. Hi! areer &eant he &o+e# aroun# a lot. Plu! he/# been ex$o!e# to a lot of gorgeou! %o&en %ho %ere &ore than ha$$y to ha+e !ex %ith hi&" no !tring! atta he#. There ha# ne+er been a lot of in enti+e to o&&it hi&!elf to one %o&an before. But life %a! a little #ifferent the!e #ay!. He %a! en(oying not ha+ing to tra+el aroun# a! &u h. He ha# a great hou!e in Annan#ale" a ou$le of &inute!/ #ri+e ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter fro& the gy&" an# %hen he %a!n/t it hing to be ba , in the ring" he %a! en(oying !$en#ing &ore ti&e %ith hi! frien#! an# le!! ti&e training. Who %a! to !ay that hi! attitu#e to%ar# %o&en %a!n/t hanging a! %ell; All of %hi h %a! irrele+ant %here -a&ie %a! on erne#" he re&in#e# hi&!elf a! !he ounte# off the la!t $u!h3u$ an# rolle# onto her ba , to at h her breath. .:ou/re a real har#3a!!. An# I an +ou h for that"0 !he !ai#" %iggling her eyebro%! at hi& !ugge!ti+ely. He tol# her to lo , !o&e ti&e on the long bag before %al,ing a%ay. Only then #i# he let hi&!elf !&ile. She ha# li$ to !$are" that %a! for !ure. That night" he &a#e hi! %ay o+er to 4ay Mar!hall/! $la e for #inner %ith a ou$le of ol# boxing bu##ie!. It %a! a boy!/ night" an# the beer an# language flo%e# thi , an# fa!t a! they tal,e# bull. Li,e 4ay" the other t%o guy!" To& an# Mar o" %ere !till a ti+ely fighting" an# 1oo$er felt a #i!tin t $ang of en+y %hen he hear# the& #i! u!!ing their u$ o&ing bout! an# tal,ing about utting %eight an# training ! he#ule!. Gotta get o+er that" he tol# hi&!elf a! he &a#e hi! %ay to the bathroo& in bet%een our!e!. No $oint %anting !o&ething you an ne+er ha+e. It %a!n/t a! though he %a!n/t en(oying hi! ne% role a! trainer. He/# been !ur$ri!e# by ho% !ati!fying he foun# it" in fa t. It %a!n/t the !a&e a! being the ,ing of the ring" but he %a! beginning to a$$re iate the benefit! of !ha$ing !o&eone el!e/! areer" the !ati!fa tion of hel$ing !o&eone el!e a hie+e their goal!. He %a! goo# at it" too. Pretty !oon" hi! gy& %a! going to be attra ting talent fro& all o+er. Hi! life %a!n/t o+er. Not by a long !hot. Li,e the re!t of the hou!e" 4ay/! bathroo& %a! large an# &o#ern" although he/# $er!onali*e# it %ith !o&e boxing &e&orabilia. After %a!hing hi! han#!" 1oo$er !to$$e# to a#&ire a Muha&&a# Ali $o!ter" a &ontage of la!!i i&age! fro& the great &an/! areer along!i#e hi! o&$lete fight hi!tory. It &a#e hi& thin, of Arthur Hollo%ay/! boa!t that he/# fought Ali" an# the %ay the ol# &an ha# olore# %hen 1oo$er ha# alle# hi& on it. Man" tal, about an a%,%ar# &o&ent. He %a! about to turn a%ay an# re(oin 4ay an# the other guy! %hen he aught !ight of a na&e on the fight re or#9 Arthur Sa%yer. He/# fought Ali in Loui!+ille" >entu ,y" in 7FG7. Hi! gut tightene# a! he !tare# at the !i&$le line of text. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Again he re&e&bere# the flu!h of olor ri!ing u$ Arthur/! ne , an# fa e that afternoon. He re&e&bere# the ol# &an/! e+a!i+ene!! %hen it a&e to tal,ing about hi&!elf or hi! fa&ily. Then he re&e&bere# the %ay 4ay ha# loo,e# un o&fortable %hen he fir!t intro#u e# -a&ie to hi&" all tho!e &onth! ago out by the $ool. See hi&; Went !e+en roun#! %ith hi& in Loui!+ille" >entu ,y" one ti&e. -e!u!" he oul# !till hear the $ri#e in the ol# guy/! +oi e. 1oo$er !%ore un#er hi! breath. He ha#n/t aught Arthur lying about hi! fighting re or#'the ol# &an ha# been bu!te# lying about !o&ething &u h &ore fun#a&ental9 hi! i#entity. Be au!e %hile the %orl# ha# ne+er hear# of Arthur Hollo%ay" Arthur Sa%yer %a! a legen# of Au!tralian boxing'!ur$a!!e# only by hi! !on" -a , Sa%yer" %ho ha# hel# the hea+y%eight ha&$ion!hi$ title for an i&$re!!i+e fi+e year! before he retire#" only to return for an ill3fate# o&eba , that re!ulte# in hi& being harge# %ith frau# for thro%ing a fight. He/# ta,en hi! o%n life a fe% year! ba ," after being o!tra i*e# by the boxing o&&unity" an# ha# in!tantly be o&e a! infa&ou! a! he/# on e been fa&ou!. -a&ie ha# lie# to hi&. She/# lie# to hi& right fro& the %or# go. 8 -AMIE P4OPPE) HE4 2EET on the offee table an# #i$$e# her !$oon into the ontainer of lo%3fat +anilla yogurt !he/# allo%e# her!elf a! a treat in!tea# of ha+ing !ex %ith 1oo$er. It %a!n/t 5uite i e rea& or ho olate. In fa t" it al&o!t ta!te# healthy" %hi h %a! a !ure !ign it %a!n/t #oing it for her in the foo#3a!3 on!olation !ta,e!. More the $ity" !in e !he %a!n/t going to get a !hot at either of her t%o fa+orite $oi!on!'or 1oo$er" for that &atter'anyti&e !oon. The fli ,ering light fro& the &ute# TB !ent !ha#o%! u$ the %all. She !tare# re!tle!!ly at the ! reen a! !he #ug into the yogurt. It ha# been a %hile !in e !he/# been ho&e on her o%n. Her gran#father u!ually %ent to $lay !enior! $o,er on 2ri#ay night!. Ty$i ally !he/# go out" too. She #i#n/t ha+e a lot of frien#!" but tho!e that !he #i# ha+e %ere lo!e'4ay" Narelle" a ou$le of guy! fro& Tae >%on )o. But !he ha#n/t felt li,e $laying %ith any of the& thi! e+ening. )ro$$ing her !$oon into the e&$ty ontainer" -a&ie leane# for%ar# to #u&$ it on the offee table. There %a! nothing on TB" !he/# ne+er been a big rea#er an# !he/# alrea#y !u ,e# the life out of her gran#father/! &o!t re ent o$y of The 4ing. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1lo!ing her eye!" !he in#ulge# in her fa+orite $a!ti&e9 i&agining the &o&ent %hen !he !too# enter ring %ith the %o&en/! %orl# &i##le%eight boxing ha&$ion!hi$ belt in her han#!. She oul# al&o!t feel the &agi of the &o&ent. All the !a rifi e! %oul# ha+e $ai# off" an# the $a!t %oul# be obliterate#. Peo$le %oul# re&e&ber %hat the Sa%yer na&e !too# for in boxing. Her gran#father oul# hol# hi! hea# high again. Her $ro&i!e to hi& %oul# be fulfille#. An# the lu&$ of anger an# hurt an# guilt that ha# been !itting on her he!t for the $a!t t%o year! %oul# be gone. She al&o!t lea$e# out of her !,in %hen !o&eone $oun#e# on the front #oor. The !e urity hain rattle# %ith the for e of the blo% an# !he !too# %arily. She an# her gran#father li+e# lo!e to the ity in Glebe'the !ee#y" #o%n3at3heel $art" not the ex$en!i+e" #ouble3in o&e3no3,i#! $art'an# there/# been trouble in their a$art&ent buil#ing before. >i#! hro&ing an# #oing other #rug!" al oholi ! on ben#er!. She he ,e# through the $ee$hole an# fro%ne# %hen !he !a% the har# line! of 1oo$er/! angry fa e. What %a! he #oing there; She !hot a glan e o+er her !houl#er" a utely a%are of ho% lo%3rent her a$art&ent %a! o&$are# to e+erything he o%ne#. She !hut #o%n the thought i&&e#iately. So" !he #i#n/t ha+e a lot of &oney. She ha# nothing to be a!ha&e# of. .I! !o&ething %rong;0 !he a!,e# a! !he o$ene# the #oor. 1oo$er ga+e here a ol# loo, an# $u!he# $a!t her into the a$art&ent. .:ou lie# to &e"0 he !ai#. She #i#n/t e+en bother trying to o+er'he ,ne% %ho !he really %a!. She oul# tell by ho% angry he %a!. .I #i#n/t thin, it %a! rele+ant;0 !he !ai#. .:ou #i#n/t thin, your real na&e %a! rele+ant"0 he !ai#. .-a&ie Sa%yer" #aughter of -a , Sa%yer" gran##aughter of Arthur Sa%yer. :ou #i#n/t thin, your boxing trainer &ight fin# that $e#igree e+en +aguely intere!ting;0 .I #i#n/t thin, it &attere#"0 !he !ai#. .Bull!hit. If it ha#n/t &attere#" you %oul#n/t ha+e lie#.0 She oul#n/t &eet hi! eye. .I #i#n/t %ant $eo$le to ,no%. Not until I ha# a fe% fight! un#er &y belt.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Or &aybe a %orl# title. .:eah" %ell" that %a! a #e i!ion %e !houl# ha+e &a#e together. But there/! no $oint he%ing the air o+er it. I (u!t a&e o+er to let you ,no% %e/re #one. :ou/re no longer %el o&e in &y gy&"0 he !ai#. The botto& #ro$$e# out of her !to&a h. .What;0 .Thi!'0 he ge!ture# bet%een the t%o of the& .'relation!hi$ i! !u$$o!e# to be about tru!t. Me to you" you to &e. :ou lie# to &e. :ou %ithhel# i&$ortant infor&ation. I an/t %or, %ith that.0 He hea#e# for the #oor. She oul#n/t belie+e %hat he/# !ai#" that he %a! going to #u&$ hi! #e i!ion on her that %ay an# lea+e. .No. Wait"0 !he !ai#" #arting for%ar# to blo , hi! $ath. .At lea!t gi+e &e a han e to ex$lain.0 .I #on/t are. I #on/t %ant to hear ex u!e!. Thi! %a! a &i!ta,e.0 She #i#n/t &o+e. .I/& not letting you go until you at lea!t hear &e out"0 !he !ai#. Pani !urge# in!i#e her. It ha# been !o har# to get 1oo$er to ta,e her on" an# e+erything ha# been falling into $la e %ith hi&. But no% !he/# blo%n it an# he %a!n/t e+en going to gi+e her a han e to $ut thing! right. .)o you &in# !te$$ing a%ay fro& the #oor;0 he a!,e#" hi! (a% ten!ing. .Let &e ex$lain"0 !he in!i!te#. He &o+e# for%ar#" an# !he #i# the fir!t thing that a&e to &in#'!he !5uare# u$ an# $un he# hi& in the he!t. There %a! a &o&ent of !tunne# !ilen e. .4ight" that/! it"0 he !ai#" grabbing her %ri!t!. She %ren he# a%ay fro& hi& %hen he trie# to haul her out of the %ay" bra ing her leg!" $utting all !he ha# into it. Hi! gri$ %a! unbrea,able. Panting" !he glare# at hi&. .:ou thin, you ,no% e+erything" that e+erything/! !o ut an# #rie#. :ou try li+ing %ith the lega y of -a , Sa%yer hanging o+er you. :ou try %at hing your ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter gran#father fa#e a little &ore ea h #ay a! e+erything he +alue! turn! to !hit an# hi! frien#! turn their ba ,! on hi& an# he/! left %ith nothing.0 She ge!ture# %ith her hea# to%ar# her gran#father/! ar& hair. .That ol# &an i! the bra+e!t" &o!t honorable" &o!t generou! $er!on in the %orl#. All I %ante# %a! to gi+e hi& ba , %hat &y father too, a%ay fro& u! fi+e year! ago %hen he !ol# hi! areer for a fe% thou!an# #ollar!.0 Angry" #e!$erate tear! !tung her eye!. She blin,e# furiou!ly but !he oul#n/t !to$ the& fro& falling. She t%i!te# her fa e a%ay an# yan,e# on her %ri!t! again. She ne+er rie# in front of anyone" e+er. .1oul# you let &e go" $lea!e;0 !he a!,e# in a lo%" inten!e tone. He relea!e# her. She #a!he# the ba , of her han# a ro!! her eye! an# !%ung aroun# to o$en the #oor. .Go"0 !he !ai#" not loo,ing at hi&. She !tro#e a ro!! the roo& an# into the !&all hall%ay that le# to the be#roo&!. In the $ri+a y of her roo&" !he !at on the be#" her ba , to the #oor. Her han#! len he# into fi!t!" !he $re!!e# her ,nu ,le! again!t her forehea#. 1rying %a! !u h a %ea," $ointle!! exer i!e. It #i#n/t hange anything" it (u!t !ignale# to the %orl# that a $er!on %a! #o%n an# +ulnerable an# rea#y to be ex$loite#. She %oul# fin# another trainer. Or !he %oul# ontinue %ith %hat 1oo$er ha# !tarte#. Either %ay" it #i#n/t &atter. Thi! %a!n/t o+er. She %a! no%here near rea#y to gi+e u$. Her !houl#er! !tarte# to !hu##er a! a !ob ro!e in her throat. She/# been fighting for !o long'e+er !in e her father/! betrayal ha# be o&e a $ubli ! an#al. 2i+e year!. 2ighting to ,ee$ hi& out of (ail for a year" then fighting to !a+e their ho&e an# their !a+ing! %hile he %a! #oing t%o long year! for frau#. An#" finally" fighting to ,ee$ her gran#father ali+e after her father ha# o&$oun#e# hi! ri&e! by ,illing hi&!elf. .-a&ie.0 1oo$er %a! !till here. Gul$ing" !he !%i$e# at her tear! an# ,e$t her ba , to hi&. .Get out. :ou %ante# to go" !o #o it"0 !he !ai#" her +oi e ra ,ing. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter The &attre!! !an, a! he !at on the en# of the be# an# !he !hot to her feet. .2or Go#/! !a,e" %ill you (u!t go;0 !he !ai#. He %at he# her" hi! ex$re!!ion unrea#able. .Ex$lain it to &e"0 he !ai# 5uietly. She !tare# at hi& for a beat before !he got it. .Oh" right. I rie# a bit" an# you feel !orry for &e no%. Well" you ,no% %hat you an #o %ith your $ity; :ou an ta,e it an# !ho+e it u$ your'0 .I #on/t feel !orry for you"0 he !ai#" tal,ing o+er her. .:ou/re a $ain in the a!!" you irritate the hell out of &e" but the la!t thing I feel for you i! $ity.0 She fro%ne#" thro%n. .Sit an# tal, to &e. Tell &e %hat I/& u$ again!t"0 he !ai#. .:ou/re not u$ again!t anything"0 !he !ai#. .)on/t try to &a,e &e !oun# li,e a hea# a!e.0 .Anything that &e!!e! %ith a fighter/! &in#!et i! a $roble&"0 he !ai#. .I #on/t %ant you thin,ing about anything ex e$t hurting your o$$onent %hen you/re in that ring.0 Maybe it %a! the %ay he !ai# it" a! though !he %a! !till hi! fighter an# he her trainer. Or &aybe it %a! the !tea#ine!! of hi! regar#. Or &aybe !he !i&$ly %ante# to !ay it out lou#" !he/# been hol#ing it all in!i#e for !o long. Sitting" !he !tarte# to tal,. .My gran#father ha# a &a(or heart atta , !ix &onth! ago. He/# been not great for a %hile before that" e+er !in e -a ,6Any%ay" he nearly #ie#. The #o tor! #i#n/t gi+e hi& &u h of a han e. He/# been !o %orn #o%n by e+erything. After -a ,/! frau# a!e" %e ha# !o &any legal bill!. We ha# to !ell the hou!e" the ar" e+erything. An# all of Gran#$a/! ol# boxing bu##ie! turne# their ba ,! on u!. What &y father #i#" thro%ing that &at h6he !ha&e# !o &any $eo$le. He &a#e it all a lie" hi! %hole areer" &y gran#father/! areer. An# then he #i#n/t e+en ha+e the ourage to fa e u$ to %hat he/# #one. He/# been out of $ri!on one %ee, %hen he ,ille# hi&!elf. Gran#$a foun# hi! bo#y6.0 She $au!e# to !u , in !o&e air. 1oo$er %aite# her out" a !ilent $re!en e at the en# of the be#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .When he got !i ," I ,ne% Gran#$a #i#n/t feel a! though there %a! anything to li+e for. He/# been !o ta$$e# out. He u!e# to %al, into hi! ol# gy& u$ in ?ueen!lan# an# e+eryone %oul# !to$ %hat they %ere #oing to tal, to hi&" (u!t to loo, at hi&. He %a! a li+ing legen#" you ,no%; But after -a ," $eo$le turne# on hi&'he %a! no one" nothing. I %ante# to gi+e that ba , to hi&. So I &a#e hi& a $ro&i!e.0 -a&ie $au!e#" re&e&bering the &uffle# 5uiet of the ho!$ital roo&" the rhyth&i !%i!h of the +entilator" the $itying loo,! of the nur!ing !taff. 2or the fir!t ti&e in her life !he/# hel# her gran#father/! han# in her o%n an# felt the frailty of hi! ol# bone!. He/# al%ay! !ee&e# !o big to her" larger than life. .I &a#e a $ro&i!e that I %oul# hange thing!. That I %oul# get ba , hi! re!$e t for hi&. That I %oul# &a,e $eo$le forget %hat -a , ha# #one"0 !he !ai#. .He %o,e u$ the next #ay. An# he/! been better e+ery #ay !in e I !tarte# training for the ring.0 There %a! a long !ilen e a! 1oo$er $ro e!!e# her %or#!. .:ou/re #oing all thi! for your gran#father;0 he a!,e#. .There/! a lot of $ain %aiting for you out in that ring" -a&ie. 2ighting for !o&eone el!e i!n/t enough.0 .I/& #oing it for &e" too"0 !he !ai# in a lo% tone. .I/& a Sa%yer" too. I #on/t %ant &y father to be the &ea!ure of all of u!. I hate hi& for %hat he #i#.0 She/# ne+er !ai# it out lou#" but it %a! true. She/# loo,e# u$ to hi&" i#oli*e# hi&" an# he/# !ol# hi! re$utation for &oney he #i#n/t nee#. He/# betraye# the& all then o&&itte# the ulti&ate betrayal by ta,ing hi! o%n life an# lea+ing the& to lean u$ the &e!!. The &attre!! #i$$e# a! 1oo$er &o+e# lo!er. The %ar& %eight of hi! han# lan#e# in the &i##le of her ba ,. She reali*e# !he %a! rying again" the tear! lea,ing fro& her eye! an# #ri$$ing off her no!e an# hin an# onto her len he# han#!. .I ne+er ry"0 !he hi u$$e#.

He #i#n/t !ay anything" (u!t rubbe# o&forting ir le! on her ba , until the tear! !to$$e# an# !he !tarte# !niffing. He !hifte# then" $ulling !o&ething fro& hi! $o ,et'a han#,er hief. A bubble of laughter ro!e in!i#e her. .:ou/re ,i##ing" right; Big ba# 1oo$er 2it*geral# $a ,! a han,y;0 !he !ai#" her +oi e hu!,y fro& rying. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .It/! about to !a+e your a!!" i!n/t it;0 He ti$$e# her hin u$ %ith one han# an# %i$e# at her tear! %ith the other. She let hi&" &o!tly be au!e he %a! bigger than !he %a! an# !he %a!n/t u$ to fighting hi&. But her ga*e !li# a%ay fro& hi!. She ha# no i#ea %hat he %a! thin,ing or feeling right no%. She hate# being !o ex$o!e# an# +ulnerable. .Blo%"0 he !ai#" hol#ing the han#,er hief beneath her no!e. She too, the han#,er hief fro& hi! han#" not about to let hi& blo% her no!e li,e a little ,i#. On e !he/# fini!he#" !he !hifte# a%,%ar#ly" not !ure %hat %oul# ha$$en next. .I/ll %a!h thi! for you"0 !he !ai#" in#i ating the ! run he#3u$ han#,er hief. He !hrugge#. .That/! u!ually the %ay it %or,!.0 .I !u$$o!e I loo, li,e one of tho!e gol#fi!h %ith frea,y $uffy eye!"0 !he !ai#. He #i#n/t re!$on#. Go#" %hat ha# !he tol# hi&; E+erything. An# !he/# ba%le# li,e a little ,i#. .I gue!! thi! i! %hy you %ante# to !ti , to &ale boxer!" huh;0 She t%i!te# the han#,er hief in her han#!. .:ou an/t fight all the ti&e" -a&ie"0 he !ai#. .What/! that !u$$o!e# to &ean;0 !he a!,e#" e+en though !he ,ne%. .It &ean! it/! o,ay to let your guar# #o%n e+ery no% an# then"0 he !ai#. .:ou thin, I #on/t ha+e ba# #ay!; 4ay; The other guy! at the gy&; Al&o!t anyone %ho get! in that ring ha! got !o&e ,in# of &on,ey on their ba ,. Who el!e %oul# +olunteer for all that $ain;0 .What/! your!" then;0 !he hallenge#" not $re$are# to ta,e hi! get3out3of3(ail3 free ar#. La!t ti&e !he/# tru!te# a &an" la!t ti&e !he/# &a#e her!elf +ulnerable" !he/# been taught a le!!on !he %oul#n/t forget in a long" long ti&e. .I li+e# on the !treet! for four year! until Harry Mul#oon !$otte# &e %hen I %a! !ixteen.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She !tille#. She ha#n/t been ex$e ting that. Ho&ele!!6On the !treet! at the age of t%el+e6 Slo%ly" !he lifte# her hea# an# &et hi! ga*e. .Li,e I !ai#" e+eryone/! got a &on,ey on their ba ,"0 he !ai#. She %ante# to a!, &ore 5ue!tion!" but !he #i#n/t. He ha# offere# her a 5ui# $ro 5uo to e+en the onfe!!ional ! ore" not an in+itation to $ry into hi! $er!onal hi!tory. .Than, you.0 He no##e#. Then he !too#. She felt a lut h of !o&ething'nee#; fear; #e!$eration;'in her he!t %hen !he loo,e# u$ at hi&. He %a! going; .:ou going to be o,ay;0 he a!,e#. -a&ie !too#. She #i#n/t %ant hi& to lea+e. She/# (u!t bare# her !oul to hi&. She #i#n/t %ant to be alone. She #i#n/t %ant hi& to %al, out the #oor an# to ne+er !ee hi& again. .)on/t go"0 !he !ai#. In!tantly the air ra ,le# %ith a%arene!! a! he loo,e# into her fa e. Hi! ga*e #ro$$e# to her li$!" then lo%er" to her brea!t!. That 5ui ,ly" her heart !hifte# into o+er#ri+e an# her bloo# turne# thi , a! trea le. Without %aiting for hi& to !ay %hat he al%ay! !ai#'no'!he !tu , her thu&b! into the %ai!tban# of her %or,out $ant!. She $eele# the& o+er her hi$! an# butt an# #o%n her leg! in one &o+e" ta,ing her $antie! %ith the&. Then !he %hi$$e# her T3!hirt o+er her hea# an# un li$$e# her bra. When !he %a! na,e#" !he &o+e# lo!er to hi&" $re!!ing her!elf again!t hi&. She oul# !ee a telltale $ul!e ha&&ering at the ba!e of hi! ne ," oul# feel the ten!ion in hi! bo#y. .)on/t go"0 !he re$eate#. She too, hi! left han# in both of her! an# $la e# it again!t her !ternu&. She lo ,e# eye! %ith hi& a! !he !li# hi! han# #o%n onto her brea!t. Her %hole bo#y tightene# in re!$on!e. She ontinue# to $u!h hi! han# #o%n" #o%n" o+er her rib! an# belly an# #o%n bet%een her leg!. Her o%n han#! ur+ing aroun# hi! !ingle big han#" !he gui#e# hi& bet%een her thigh! to %here !he %a! %et an# rea#y for hi&. .I a& not a frea,in/ !aint.0 He gro%le# the %or#!. But he #i#n/t try to $ull hi! han# a%ay.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I #on/t %ant you to be"0 !he %hi!$ere#. Then !he urle# a leg aroun# the ba , of hi! ,nee an# leane# ba , %ith her bo#y %eight to tu&ble hi& onto her be#. He oul# ha+e ea!ily re!i!te#. He #i#n/t. Hi! bo#y fell on to$ of her! a! they hit the &attre!!" an# !he lo!e# her eye! a! !he felt the gloriou! $re!!ure of hi! har# he!t again!t her brea!t!. He %a! !till for a &o&ent" then he let hi! breath out on a !igh. She %aite# for hi& to ex$lo#e into a tion the %ay he ha# la!t ti&e %hen hi! ontrol ha# !na$$e#" but he turne# hi! fa e into her ne , an# o$ene# hi! &outh an# began to ,i!! her. He/# $ulle# hi! han# fro& bet%een her leg! %hen they fell" in!tin ti+ely trying to brea, their fall" an# no% he !li# both han#! u$ the !i#e! of her bo#y until they %ere !$laye# %i#e (u!t beneath her brea!t!. He hel# her that %ay for a fe% long !e on#! a! he &a#e a lei!urely !ur+ey of the !i#e of her ne , %ith hi! &outh an# tongue. Sen!ation unfurle# in her belly" %ar& an# li5ui#. They %ere going to ta,e thi! !lo%" not fa!t an# ra*y li,e la!t ti&e. Part of her %el o&e# the thought" e+en a! $art of her rebelle#" %anting'nee#ing'the obli+ion of har#" hot !ex to blot out %hat ha# (u!t ha$$ene# bet%een the&. Sen!ation 5ui ,ly %a!he# all thought a%ay a! he !li# hi! han#! u$ onto her brea!t! an# began to &a!!age the&" hi! finger! $laying her ni$$le!" hi! $al&! u$$ing her %eight. She lo!e# her eye! an# groane# lo% in her throat" !$rea#ing her leg! beneath hi& !o that he ne!tle# &ore !nugly into the ra#le of her thigh!. The ! ra$e of hi! (ean! again!t her na,e# !,in %a! highly eroti " an# !he ir le# her hi$!" !a+oring the fri tion" re+eling in the feel of hi! ere tion $re!!ing again!t her through the #eni&. Slo%ly he traile# o$en3&outhe# ,i!!e! u$ her ne ," an# her %hole bo#y !hu##ere# a! he !li# hi! tongue into her ear. She &oane#" her ba , ar hing. When ha# her ear! e+er been !o !en!iti+e; But !he felt li,e e+ery $art of her bo#y %a! on fire %hen 1oo$er %a! tou hing her. Her o%n han#! %ere lut hing hi! !houl#er!" hol#ing hi& !tea#y" or $erha$! !i&$ly hol#ing hi&. She #i#n/t %ant hi& to go" to lea+e her %anting again. Thi! ti&e" !he ha# to ha+e hi&. She felt the ra!$ of hi! fi+e o/ lo , !ha#o% a! he #ragge# hi! &outh fro& her ear. She o$ene# her li$! in anti i$ation a! hi! &outh finally foun# her!. Hi! tongue !li# in!i#e an# !he !tro,e# it %ith her o%n" #e!ire ri$$ling through her bo#y in $o%erful" buil#ing %a+e!. She began to &o+e her han#!" gli#ing the& #o%n hi! ba ," one fin#ing hi! butt" the other tugging hi! !hirt free fro& hi! (ean! !o !he oul# tou h hi! !,in. She $re!!e# her $al& flat again!t the &u! le! of hi! %ai!t" re+eling in the lea!he# $o%er !he oul# feel beneath her han#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter One of hi! han#! #rifte# fro& her brea!t to u$ her butt. Lifting her" he !ilently en ourage# her lo!er to hi&. She %illingly $re!!e# her!elf again!t hi&" her thigh! %i#e" her bo#y 5ui+ering. .:ou are unbelie+able"0 1oo$er %hi!$ere# into her &outh. .:ou &a,e &e !o hot.0 She rea he# for the he& of hi! !hirt an# began to tug it u$ hi! ba ,. He bro,e their ,i!! for a fe%" torturou! !e on#! to !hrug the !hirt off entirely. Then hi! na,e# !,in %a! again!t her!. She ra,e# her han#! #o%n hi! ba , an# o$ene# her &outh %i#e to hi! in+a#ing ,i!!e!. When ha# ,i!!ing e+er been !o inten!e" !o a&a*ing" !o all3en o&$a!!ing; She felt a! though her bone! ha# &elte#" a! though e+erything in!i#e her ha# be o&e one big li5ui# a he. 1oo$er en#e# their ,i!! an# rolle# to one !i#e. She lay %ith her eye! half3 lo!e#" li!tening to the !oun# of #eni& !li#ing o+er !,in" her breathing &ore an# &ore !hallo% a! !he anti i$ate# %hat %a! going to ha$$en next. Hi& in!i#e her" at la!t6. .1o&e here"0 he &ur&ure#. He rea he# out to #ra% her lo!e again. Her leg! tangle# %ith hi!" their hi$! an# he!t! o&ing together a! they lay on their !i#e! fa ing ea h other. He nu#ge# a ,nee bet%een her leg!" en ouraging her thigh! a$art. She !&oothe# a han# #o%n hi! beautiful he!t an# belly until !he felt the bru!h of hi! ere tion again!t her han#. Wra$$ing her $al& aroun# hi&" !he !,i&&e# her han# u$ hi! !haft until !he felt the hot +el+et of the hea# of hi! o ,. He %a! !o thi , an# long. She ran her thu&b ba , an# forth a ro!! hi! hea#" i&agining ho% it %a! going to feel to ha+e all thi! &a! ulinity $oun#ing into her6. She felt hi! bo#y ten!e" an# he #ee$ene# their ,i!! for a fe% !e on#! before rolling on to$ of her. A! he !ettle# bet%een her thigh!" !he gui#e# hi! har#ne!! to her !oftne!!. She rubbe# her!elf again!t hi&" ba , an# forth" ba , an# forth" a torturou!" !il,en" !li$$ery tea!e. 1oo$er nu**le# her ne ," then he lo%ere# hi! hea# to her brea!t! an# began to la+e her ni$$le! %ith hi! tongue. The a he bet%een her thigh! be a&e al&o!t $ainful a! her #e!ire built. She !ent a 5ue!ting han# for the #ra%er be!i#e her be#. .1oo$er"0 !he !ai# %hen !he foun# a !ingle !&all foil $a ,et. He too, it fro& her" le+ering hi&!elf on one elbo% a! he rolle# on the on#o&. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Wat hing hi& tou h hi&!elf" !tro,ing the latex on %a! one of the bigge!t turn3on! of her life. On e he %a! !ati!fie# they %ere $rote te#" he !tare# #o%n at her" hi! ga*e !&o,y a! it atalogue# her !training brea!t!" her %i#ely !$rea# thigh!" the neat !tri$ of #ar, urly hair bet%een the&. Ta,ing hi&!elf in han#" he $o!itione# hi&!elf at her entran e" then lifte# hi! ga*e to her! an# !lo%ly flexe# hi! hi$!. She %ante# to lo!e her eye! an# en(oy the fir!t #eli iou! !tret h of hi& a! he !li# in!i#e her" but hi! eye! o&$elle# her to %at h hi&" to !hare the &o&ent. She bit her li$ a! he !lo%ly" !lo%ly burie# hi&!elf to the hilt. .:ou/re !o tight"0 he !ai#" hi! +oi e lo%" hi! eye! lo!ing a! he felt her e&bra e hi&. She tilte# her hi$! an# %ra$$e# her leg! aroun# hi! an# re+ele# in being !o utterly" o&$letely full. He began to &o+e" hi! big o , !o har#" !o right in!i#e her" hi! butt flexing beneath her han#!" hi! %hole bo#y !training. He ,e$t the $a e !lo%" buil#ing the fri tion bet%een the&" hi! !tro,e! fir& an# ,no%ing. She ro#e %ith hi&" &at hing her rhyth& to hi!" #e!ire oiling tighter an# tighter in!i#e her. He lo%ere# hi! hea# to her brea!t! again" hi! tou h &ore #e&an#ing no%" hi! &outh !u ,ling" hi! teeth ni$$ing" hi! han#! !ha$ing her. It %a! exa tly %hat !he %ante#" %hat !he nee#e#. She #ug her finger! into hi! butt an# en ourage# hi& to go har#er" fa!ter. He lifte# the $a e" $oun#ing into her no%" the ex5ui!ite fri tion bet%een the& buil#ing" buil#ing6She thre% her hea# ba ," her %hole bo#y tre&bling %ith ten!ion a! !he felt her #e!ire li&b higher. An# then !he %a! !hu##ering aroun# hi&" her han#! lut hing at hi&" her inner &u! le! $ul!ating" her breath o&ing in !hort" #e!$erate $ant! a! !he a&e an# a&e an# a&e. He !lo%e# hi! !tro,e! a! her li&ax #i!!i$ate#" %ith#ra%ing until he/# al&o!t left her entirely before !lo%ly $lunging all the %ay ba , in!i#e. She &ur&ure# her a$$re iation" ro ,ing again!t hi&" her bo#y %ar& an# loo!e an# #a&$. He li ,e# at her brea!t!" tea!ing her ni$$le! lightly" then gently !u ,ing the& into the heat of hi! &outh %here he !oothe# hi! tongue o+er an# o+er the&. She rolle# her hea# fro& !i#e to !i#e" her eye! lo!e#" her han#! bu!y &a$$ing the &u! le! of hi! ba , an# !houl#er! an# butt. He !li# a han# #o%n her belly" #el+ing into her url!" fin#ing the har# nub of her litori!. Her eye! !hot o$en a! he $re!!e# it" ir le# it" fli ,e# it. )e!ire in!tantly flare# to life in!i#e her again.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Seeing the ne% a%arene!! in her eye!" he grinne#'a #ee$ly !ati!fie#" ,no%ing grin. .Let/! !ee ho% you han#le roun# t%o.0 SHE WAS SO TIGHT an# hot an# %et" he oul#n/t belie+e that he/# la!te# a! long a! he ha#. At the !a&e ti&e" he %ante# to exten# the $lea!ure a! far a! it %oul# go. She %a! in re#ible" utterly uninhibite#" her bo#y the !exie!t #a&n thing he/# e+er ha# hi! han#! on. When !he/# o&e" he/# al&o!t lo!t it" he/# gotten off on her $lea!ure !o &u h. The %ay !he/# ar he# her ba ," the little hit h !he/# gotten in her breathing" the %ay her finger! ha# urle# into hi! butt an# an hore# hi& in!i#e her a! !he !hu##ere# aroun# hi&6 Staring into her flu!he# fa e" ta,ing in the tight $ea,! of her brea!t!" !till %et fro& %here he/# ,i!!e# the&" a#&iring the flat $lane! of her !to&a h" he felt hi&!elf !tart to lo!e ontrol. He oul#n/t la!t &u h longer" but he %ante# to &a,e !ure !he a&e %ith hi&. Shifting hi&!elf higher" he hange# the angle of hi! !tro,e! an# !li# hi! finger o+er an# o+er her lit. She !tarte# to &oan. She began to bu ,. He groun# hi&!elf into her" re+eling in her" gi+ing hi&!elf u$ to the ten!ion in!i#e a! he #ro+e into her. So !%eet" !o tight" !o %et" !o o$en an# %illing6Hi! %hole bo#y ten!e# a! he li&axe#" an# beneath hi& -a&ie ten!e# a! !he a&e a !e on# ti&e. Hi! bo#y !li , %ith !%eat" he olla$!e# on to$ of her" a%are of the $oun#ing of her heart beneath hi& an# the ra$i# ri!e an# fall of both their he!t!. After a fe% &inute!" he rolle# to one !i#e. He/# noti e# a lo!e# #oor %hen he a&e after her earlier. He !too# an# %ent in !ear h of the bathroo&. After ta,ing are of bu!ine!!" he returne# to the be#roo& to fin# -a&ie lying exa tly a! he/# left her" her eyeli#! at half3&a!t" her hair #ar, an# tou!le# on the !heet!. He %a!n/t 5uite !ure %hat to !ay. He/# ex$e te# !ex %ith her to be goo#" e!$e ially on!i#ering the #ay! an# #ay! of buil#3u$ to thi! &o&ent. He ha#n/t ex$e te# it to be !o inten!e an# gri$$ing an# o+er%hel&ing. She %a! a +ery attra ti+e %o&an" in &ore %ay! than the $hy!i al. Wat hing her try to hol# ba , her e&otion! %hen !he/# been tal,ing about her father an# her gran#father6She/# hate# rying in front of hi&" a true %arrior to the en#. Seeing her e&otion! lea, out aroun# her !elf3 ontrol ha# been $ainful to %at h. He/# %ante# to $ull her into hi! ar&! an# let her ,no% it %a! all going to be all right. Not an urge that ha# e+er gri$$e# hi& %ith any of the %o&en he/# !le$t %ith $re+iou!ly. Not !o&ething he oul# guarantee for her" either. The !heet! ru!tle# a! !he lifte# her!elf u$ onto her elbo%!. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .My gran#father/! going to be ho&e !oon"0 !he !ai#. He blin,e#. She %ante# hi& to go. .Sure"0 he !ai#" fro%ning. He/# !hu ,e# hi! (ean! an# boxer! in one &o+e" an# he $ulle# hi! un#er%ear free an# tugge# it on" 5ui ,ly follo%ing %ith hi! (ean!. She $a!!e# hi& hi! !hirt %hen he !tarte# bu ,ling hi! belt. He !hrugge# into it an# #i# u$ the &ini&u& of button! before !li#ing hi! feet into hi! !hoe!. .Before you go'you/re !till going to be &y trainer" right;0 -a&ie a!,e#. He !tare# at her. So beautiful" !o #eter&ine#" !o go##a&ne# fo u!e# on re#ee&ing her!elf an# her fa&ily na&e. Wa! he the only one %ho ha# felt anything a$art fro& a bun h of great !en!ory !hit %hen they/# been together (u!t no%; 2eeling angry %ith her all of a !u##en" he hea#e# for the #oor. .I! that a no;0 !he a!,e#. He $au!e# in the #oor%ay. .We nee# to !ort !o&e thing! out"0 he !ai#. A !lo% !&ile !$rea# a ro!! her fa e. .But you/re !till &y trainer.0 He !tare# at her for a long beat. .I/ll !ee you to&orro% at the gy&.0 G THE NEDT MO4NING 1oo$er %a! #oing $a$er%or, in hi! offi e at the gy& %hen 4ay !tu , hi! hea# in. .Hey. -u!t %ante# to !ee ho% it %ent %ith -i&&y.0 1oo$er ha# baile# on 4ay/! #inner $arty to go onfront -a&ie la!t night" an# the other &an %a! %ell a%are of hi! rea!on! for lea+ing early. 1oo$er regar#e# hi& !ilently for a &o&ent. 4ay ha# lie# to hi& about -a&ie. Whi h &eant he ha# t%o fighter! %ho ha# been #i!hone!t %ith hi&. .2or %hat it/! %orth" I/& !orry. -i&&y an# I go a long %ay ba ,. She #i#n/t %ant ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter anyone to ,no%" an# I figure# that %a! her #e i!ion"0 4ay !ai#" ta ,ling the i!!ue hea#3on. It %a! an a$ology" but there %a! a fair !hare of #efian e in there" too" in the !et of 4ay/! !houl#er! an# the %ay he hel# 1oo$er/! eye. 2air enough. 1oo$er figure# he/# $robably feel about the !a&e %ay if he %ere in 4ay/! !hoe!. He/# only ,no%n -a&ie for a han#ful of %ee,! an# alrea#y !he/# burro%e# into hi! $!y he. It %a! lear to hi& that 4ay %a! !till half3gone on her 'he %oul# ha+e foun# it al&o!t i&$o!!ible to #eny -a&ie if !he a&e to hi& a!,ing for hel$. .Let/! forget it" o,ay; -a&ie an# I ha+e got !o&e !hit to !ort out" but you an# I are !5uare. I get %hy you #i# it"0 1oo$er !ai#. 4ay a&e fully into the offi e. .So it %ent o,ay la!t night" then;0 It %a! 1oo$er/! turn to feel un o&fortable. .Li,e I !ai#" %e !till ha+e !o&e !hit to !ort out.0 4ay #ro$$e# into the hair o$$o!ite 1oo$er/! #e!,. .)on/t be too har# on her. She/! o$$e# a lot of ra$ in her life. All that !tuff %ith her ol# &an thro%ing that fight" then >yle Ban#enburg #i# her o+er" then her father/! #eath6I! it any %on#er !he %ante# to (u!t $ut it all behin# her;0 4ay !ai#. .What/! >yle Ban#enburg got to #o %ith anything;0 A hea+y%eight" >yle %a! the ,in# of ego&ania al &oron %ho ga+e boxing a ba# na&e. He bra%le# in bar!" thre% hi! %eight aroun# an# hung %ith all the %rong $eo$le. He %a! al!o a #irty fighter. 1oo$er ha# beaten hi& t%i e in hi! areer" an# both ti&e! it ha# been a $lea!ure to $oun# the ba!tar# into !ub&i!!ion. .He %a! hoo,e# u$ %ith -a , for a %hile. Sort of a &entor thing. -a , toye# %ith training for a bit before he a&e out of retire&ent an# too, that la!t fight"0 4ay !ai#. They both ,ne% ho% that ha# en#e#'-a , ha# hit the an+a! in roun# fi+e after a la ,lu!ter #i!$lay. He/# been arre!te# in the hange roo& for frau# !traight after%ar#" the unu!ual le+el of betting again!t hi& ha+ing ti$$e# the authoritie! off. It ha# been front $age ne%! in the <.S. an# Au!tralia an# ha# brought the !$ort an inten!e a&ount of ! rutiny for !e+eral &onth! after%ar#. .When -a , %ent #o%n on the frau# harge!" -i&&y %a! !tu , %ith a bun h of legal bill!. Ban#enburg !te$$e# in to hel$ out. -i&&y %a! only t%enty3t%o. -u!t a ,i#. I &ean" I ,ne% her ba , then" an# !he %a! gorgeou!" but there %a! no %ay I %oul# ha+e gone there. She %a! !o u$!et about -a ," her an# Arthur %ere really ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !truggling. But Ban#enburg #i#n/t gi+e a ra$ about any of that. He %ante# her" an# he got her. Tol# her he/# ta,e are of e+erything" get hi! bu!ine!! &anager in+ol+e# to hel$ the& %or, thing! out.0 1oo$er rubbe# the bri#ge of hi! no!e. .Ban#enburg ri$$e# her off;0 he a!,e#. 4ay no##e#. .Hi& an# hi! bu!ine!! &anager. The Sa%yer! lo!t their hou!e" ar!" e+erything. Ha# to #ro$ the a$$eal on -a ,/! !enten e" an# -a , %oun# u$ #oing the full t%o year!. -i&&y bla&e# her!elf for a long ti&e for being !u h a !oft tou h. That/! %hy !he ne+er let! her guar# #o%n any &ore. That a!!hole really #i# her goo#. Then her father fini!he# the (ob t%o year! ago %hen he ,ille# hi&!elf.0 1oo$er re&e&bere# the %ay !he/# hun he# her !houl#er! in on her!elf la!t night a! !he !truggle# to ontrol her tear!. No %on#er !he hate# being +ulnerable. Life ha# taught her that only the !trong !ur+i+e#. .I/+e been trying to get a &at h %ith Ban#enburg e+er !in e -i&&y tol# &e"0 4ay !ai#. .Maybe thi! year.0 1oo$er no##e#. .:eah. We/ll ha+e to !ee %hat %e an #o about that.0 4ay grinne#. .1an/t thin, of anything I/# li,e &ore than to &a,e &in e&eat of that $ri ,.0 1oo$er oul#'he/# li,e to be the one to #o it" %ith hi! bare fi!t!. It !houl# ha+e !ur$ri!e# hi& that he felt !o fier ely about the %rong! that ha# been +i!ite# u$on -a&ie" but after la!t night he %a! o+er %ith being !ur$ri!e# %here !he %a! on erne#. She %a! un#er hi! !,in in a big %ay. It %a! &ore than great !ex. Ho% &u h &ore" he ha# no i#ea. He %a! !ailing into un3 harte# %ater!" big3ti&e. An# hi! gut tol# hi& that it %oul# be rough going all the %ay. But %hen ha# anything e+er been ea!y %here -a&ie %a! on erne#; .Than,! for o&ing to lear the air" 4ay. I a$$re iate it"0 he !ai#. 1oo$er !tare# at hi! lo!e# offi e #oor for a fe% &inute! after the other &an ha# left. What %a! he going to #o %ith -a&ie Sa%yer; La!t night he/# o&&itte# to !taying on a! her trainer" yet thi! &orning 4ay/! re+elation! an# hi! rea tion to the& ha# !ho%n hi& that he %a! far fro& ob(e ti+e %here !he %a! on erne#. He oul#n/t bring hi&!elf to ut her loo!e" either" not %hen he ,ne% ho% &u h !he burne# to re#ee& her!elf an# her fa&ily. Who %a! he to #eny her that ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter han e; An# ho% %a! he going to %or, lo!ely %ith her an# not %ant her again" no% that he ,ne% ho% goo# it felt to be in!i#e her; S rubbing hi! fa e %ith hi! han#!" 1oo$er $u!he# hi&!elf to hi! feet. When in #oubt" %or, out ha# al%ay! been hi! &otto" an# he hea#e# out to hit the long bag an# %or, u$ a !%eat.

THAT A2TE4NOON" -a&ie exite# her ar in the $ar,ing lot at 2it*geral# 2ighter!/ Gy&. Her gran#father !la&&e# hi! #oor !hut on the other !i#e of the ar an# fanne# hi! fa e. .Another !tin,er"0 he !ai#" !5uinting u$ at the lear blue !,y. He/# in!i!te# on o&ing into the gy& %ith her %hen !he/# tol# hi& that 1oo$er ,ne% !he %a! a Sa%yer. He %ante# to a$ologi*e in $er!on for lying to 1oo$er. She %a!n/t about to !to$ hi&. She felt ba# enough for a!,ing hi& to lie in the fir!t $la e. He/# ne+er been o&fortable %ith the !ubterfuge" e+en if he/# un#er!too# her rea!on! for %anting anony&ity. She (ingle# the ar ,ey! in her han#. Her $al&! %ere !%eaty. Her gran#father glan e# her %ay. .What/! u$;0 .Nothing.0 She an# 1oo$er ha# ha# !ex la!t night. It %a! no big #eal. It #i#n/t hange anything. In fa t" it %a! !u$$o!e# to &a,e thing! better" relea!e the ten!ion. :eah" right. She ,e$t telling her!elf that the fir!t fi+e &inute! %oul# be the &o!t un o&fortable" then &aybe !he/# &a,e !o&e ra , or 1oo$er %oul# be a !&art3 a!! an# all %oul# return to nor&al. Whate+er the hell that %a!. She/# %o,en that &orning to a ru!h of hot" !ti ,y &e&orie! an# a %a+e of6Not 5uite regret" but lo!e. Sex %ith 1oo$er ha#n/t been %hat !he/# ex$e te#. It ha# been great. It ha# al!o been #i!turbingly inten!e. No% !he ha# to fa e hi& for the fir!t ti&e.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Thi! i! %hy they in+ente# that rule" #on/t ! re% the re%. 2unny ho% the!e thing! al%ay! !ee&e# far &ore &anageable %hen lu!t %a! raging an# getting na,e# %a! on the agen#a. Only in the ol# light of #ay %ere all the $itfall! e+i#ent. The fir!t thing !he !a% %hen !he %al,e# into the gy& %a! a !ea of ba ,!. E+eryone'!taff an# fighter!'%ere gathere# aroun# the ring. Alar& ra e# u$ her !$ine %hen !he !a% 1oo$er %a! in there" !$arring %ith 4ay. Both &en %ere %earing boxing !hort! an# tan, to$! a! %ell a! $a##e# hea# $rote tor! an# glo+e!. In her one %ee, in the gy&" !he ha# ne+er !een 1oo$er !$ar %ith anyone" %hi h %a! nothing le!! than %hat !he/# ex$e te#'the &an ha# !uffere# a ba#ly #eta he# retina. Any hea# trau&a oul# aggra+ate it an# lea# to $er&anent blin#ne!!. So %hat the hell %a! he #oing tra#ing $un he! %ith 4ay; He &ight be %earing a hea# guar#" but 1oo$er %a! !till ta,ing a !tu$i# ri!," an# for %hat; To gi+e 4ay a %or,out; Or %a! thi! &ore about %hat he/# !ai# the other #ay %hen they %ere running; About hi& not e+er ,no%ing anything other than fighting an# &i!!ing it; )ro$$ing her bag" -a&ie foun# a ga$ in the ro%# an# !too# %ith her ar&! ro!!e# o+er her he!t. She/# !een 4ay fight li+e &any ti&e!" but !he/# only e+er !een 1oo$er on the !&all ! reen. E+en though !he %a! #ee$ly on erne# about the ri!, he %a! ta,ing" !he oul#n/t hel$ but a#&ire the !$ee# an# gra e of hi! foot%or, an# the !,ill %ith %hi h he #u ,e# an# %ea+e#. Many hea+y%eight fighter! %ere !lugger!" !huffling aroun# the ring an# u!ing $o%er to $u&&el their o$$onent! into !ub&i!!ion. 1oo$er $o!!e!!e# a rare o&bination of gra e an# $o%er" an# 4ay %a! ha+ing a har# ti&e ,ee$ing u$. After a fe% &inute! of tra#ing blo%!" 1oo$er $ut hi! han# u$ an# alle# an en# to the bout. Both he an# 4ay %ere breathing hea+ily an# laughing" the big lug!" a! they $ulle# off their glo+e!. .Man" you/re fa!t"0 4ay !ai# a$$re iati+ely. .Lu ,y you/re retire#" that/! all I/& !aying.0 .Lu ,y you %ere going ea!y on &e"0 1oo$er !ai#. They li&be# out of the ring together. -a&ie glare# at 1oo$er. Ho% oul# he beha+e !o a+alierly %hen hi! eye!ight %a! at ri!,; A ou$le of the other fighter! %ere $atting hi& on the ba , %hen he glan e# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter a ro!! an# !a% her !tan#ing there. An ab!ur# ru!h of %ar&th %a!he# through her a! !he &et hi! #ar, blue eye! an# re&e&bere# the %ay he/# hel# her ga*e a! he !li# in!i#e her la!t night. Annoye# %ith her!elf" !he !hrugge# it off. .1an I !ee you for a &o&ent;0 !he a!,e#. He no##e#" grabbing a to%el an# follo%ing her a! !he &ar he# through to hi! offi e. She %aite# until he %a! in!i#e before ,i ,ing the #oor !hut %ith her foot an# turning to fa e hi&" ar&! ro!!e# o+er her he!t again. .What %ere you #oing" fighting 4ay; What if he/# hit you in the hea#;0 1oo$er/! eyebro%! ro!e. .Why #o I feel a! though I/+e been alle# into the $rin i$al/! offi e;0 he a!,e#. .I/& !eriou!" 1oo$er. What if he/# lo ,e# you a goo# one an# you in(ure# your eye again; 2or a !tu$i# !$arring &at h" for Go#/! !a,eH0 1oo$er !tare# at her for a beat" then hi! li$! ur+e# into a !&ile. .I #i#n/t ,no% you are#.0 .I #on/t"0 !he !ai# 5ui ,ly. .:ou %ere the one going on about not going blin# the other #ay.0 .:et you/re the one %ho (u!t haule# &e in here an# tore !tri$! off &e"0 1oo$er !ai#" o ,ing hi! hea# to one !i#e an# !tu#ying her. .I thin, I/& flattere#. After you ,i ,e# &e out la!t night I figure# I &u!tn/t ha+e been u$ to ! rat h.0 E+en though !he ,ne% he %a! #eliberately $ro+o,ing her" her hee,! gre% %ar&. .I #i#n/t ,i , you out. It %a! (u!t that &y gran#father %a! #ue ho&e. It %a!n/t a o&&ent on your" u&" $erfor&an e.0 .Oh. Goo#. That/! a loa# off"0 he !ai#. He %a! !till grinning. .S&art3a!!.0 .Sexy a!!.0 She !tare# at hi&" $ainfully a%are of the urge to rea h out an# tou h hi&. To !li#e her han# aroun# one of hi! bulging bi e$! an# !na,e her leg aroun# one of hi! leg! an# $re!! her!elf again!t the fir&ne!! of hi! bo#y. She !u ,e# in a #ee$ breath. Wa!n/t thi! !tuff !u$$o!e# to go a%ay no% that ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter they/# ha# !ex; Wa!n/t that the %hole $oint of la!t night; 1oo$er/! !&ile fa#e# a! he !tare# ba , at her. .On e %a! ne+er going to be enough" %a! it;0 !he a!,e#. .No.0 .No% %hat are %e going to #o;0 He !hrugge#. .Su , it u$ an# get o+er it. We/re both a#ult!.0 She ,ne% it %a! the right an!%er" the be!t an!%er" the an!%er they !houl# ha+e !tu , %ith all along. She !till felt the !ting of #i!a$$oint&ent. That in it!elf %a! rea!on enough to agree %ith hi&. Sex %a! !ex'it !houl#n/t o&e a e!!ori*e# %ith feeling! of longing an# on ern for 1oo$er/! health an# #i!a$$oint&ent that %hate+er thi! %a! bet%een the& %a! o+er before it e+en began. .O,ay. But you/re going to ha+e to ,ee$ your !hirt on aroun# &e"0 !he !ai#. .An# I ne+er %ant to !ee tho!e hot $ant! in &y gy& again. )eal;0 )e!$ite ho% gri& !he felt right no%" an# ho% har# !he ,ne% it %a! going to be not thin,ing about 1oo$er/! hot han#! an# hot &outh an# hot o ," !he foun# her!elf !&iling. At lea!t they %ere both in thi! thing together" !tra$$ing the&!el+e! to their re!$e ti+e &a!t! to a+oi# the !iren/! !ong of their &utual attra tion. .)eal.0 They !hoo, han#! a! a ,no , !oun#e# on the #oor. .1o&e in"0 1oo$er !ai#" relea!ing her han#. .-u!t %ante# to !ay &y $ie e" if you/+e got a &o&ent.0 It %a! her gran#father" loo,ing #eter&ine#. .Of our!e"0 1oo$er !ai#. Arthur/! ex$re!!ion %a! unrea#able a! he a$$roa he#" hin for%ar#. .I %a!n/t o&fortable lying to you" I %ant you to ,no% that" an# I/& !orry. It/! not the %ay I u!ually li,e to han#le thing!.0 -a&ie ha# to loo, a%ay. Her gran#father ha# lo!t e+erything el!e alrea#y'hi! goo# na&e" hi! !on" hi! !tan#ing in hi! ho!en o&&unity. She hate# ,no%ing that !he/# ta,en !o&ething el!e fro& hi& %hen !he/# a!,e# hi& to lie for her. .:ou %ere !tan#ing by -a&ie. I/& not !aying I li,e being &a#e a fool of" but I ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter un#er!tan# %hy you felt the nee# to #o it. It/! goo# to ,no% -a&ie/! got $eo$le %ho %ill ba , her u$. E+ery fighter nee#! a loyal tea& in their orner"0 1oo$er !ai#. -a&ie !hot a loo, at hi! fa e" !ure that !he/# hear# !o&ething el!e beneath hi! %or#!. .Well. Goo#. We un#er!tan# ea h other"0 her gran#father !ai#. He offere# 1oo$er hi! han# an# the t%o &en !hoo,. There %a! a !&all a%,%ar# !ilen e in the offi e after%ar#" the three of the& !tan#ing there a! though they %ere %aiting for !o&ething el!e to ha$$en. 1oo$er bro,e it by turning to -a&ie" one eyebro% o ,e# in 5ue!tion. .I/& $retty !ure one of u! i! !u$$o!e# to be out on the !$ee#ball right no%" #oing her on#itioning training"0 he !ai#. -a&ie for e# a !&ile" e+en though !he %a! feeling trouble# after the e+ent! of the $a!t fe% &inute!. Trouble# by %hat !he/# for e# her gran#father to #o an# be au!e e+en though !he ,ne% ,ee$ing her relation!hi$ %ith 1oo$er $rofe!!ional %a! the !&art thing to #o" a $art of her %ante# hi& +ery" +ery ba#ly. La!t night" %ith hi! bo#y &o+ing in!i#e her! an# hi! heat %ar&ing her" !he/# felt the be!t !he ha# in a long ti&e. .Gue!! I/# better get &y butt into gear" then"0 !he !ai#. She %a! +ery a%are of the t%o &en %at hing her a! !he left 1oo$er/! offi e. One &an %a! the &o!t i&$ortant $er!on in her %orl#'an# !he %a! a little #i!turbe# to reali*e that 1oo$er %a! 5ui ,ly &o+ing into !e on# $la e. He/! your trainer. He/! !u$$o!e# to be an i&$ortant $art of your life. But li,e her gran#father" !he/# ne+er been a great liar" e+en %hen !he %a! only lying to her!elf.

TH4EE HO<4S LATE4" -a&ie %al,e# out of the hange roo&" her hair #ri$$ing %ater #o%n her ba , fro& the !ho%er. Her gran#father ha# ta,en the bu! ho&e earlier. The heat al%ay! tire# hi& out. She gue!!e# he/# be na$$ing by no% %ith the urtain! #ra%n an# the fan on. A ro!! the gy&" 1oo$er %a! %or,ing %ith one of the young fighter! he/# ta,en on. Peter %a! a o ,y ba!tar#" but !he oul# !ee %hy 1oo$er li,e# hi&. He %a! tough an# #eter&ine#" an# %ith the right training an# !o&e lu , he oul# go ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter $la e!. She %at he# 1oo$er #e&on!trating a o&bination on the long bag. He &a#e it loo, effortle!!" !hifting hi! %eight on hi! feet" hi! big ar&! bulging. It %a! a rying !ha&e he/# ha# to retire. Shoul#ering her bag" !he turne# for the #oor. Stan#ing aroun# %at hing 1oo$er %a! not a !&art &o+e. Not after the #i! u!!ion they/# ha# in hi! offi e earlier. Heat ro!e off the a!$halt in !hi&&ering %a+e! a! !he &a#e her %ay to her ar. The #oor han#le burne# her finger! a! !he fli$$e# it o$en. She #ug her to%el out of her bag to $rote t her!elf fro& the !ting of the hot +inyl u$hol!tery. After !he %on her fir!t #e ent $ur!e an# they/# &o+e# a$art&ent!" !he %a! getting a ne% ar. So&ething &a#e in thi! entury. With air3 on#itioning. Bra ing her!elf for the !tuffine!! in!i#e the ar" !he li&be# behin# the %heel an# !li# the ,ey into the ignition. The engine hurne# for a !e on# then &a#e an ear3!$litting &etalli ! ree h. -a&ie (er,e# her han# a%ay fro& the ignition. She %a! no &e hani " but that !oun#e# ba#. Ex$en!i+e ba#. She !tare# out the %in#!hiel# for a long &o&ent. If !he (uggle# fun#! an# &axe# out her re#it ar#" !he oul# ! ra$e together fi+e hun#re# for re$air!. -u!t. If it %a! any &ore than that" !he %a! ! re%e#. .Shit.0 She !ho+e# the #oor o$en in a +ain atte&$t at reating a ro!! bree*e an# $ulle# out her ell $hone. The auto&oti+e a!!o iation/! hel$line !%it he# her o+er to a 5ueue for !er+i e. She ran,e# the !eat ba , a little. Thi! %a! going to ta,e !o&e ti&e. After ten &inute!" !he got through to the all enter" %ho $ro&i!e# a to% tru , %oul# be there" %ithin t%o hour!. Great. She !hot a loo, to%ar# the gy&. It %a! ooler in there" an# !he oul# a!, one of the guy! on the ounter to ,ee$ an eye on the $ar,ing lot for %hen the to% tru , turne# u$. She #i#n/t &o+e. She tol# her!elf it %a! be au!e !he #i#n/t %ant to ri!, &i!!ing the to% tru ,.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter The truth %a!" !he #i#n/t %ant 1oo$er to ,no% !he %a! ha+ing ar trouble. She ,ne% he/# offer to hel$" an# !he #i#n/t %ant to be a!t in the role of #a&!el in #i!tre!!. Maybe if they ha#n/t ha# !ex" !he %oul#n/t feel !o !trongly. But !he #i#. A little heat %oul#n/t ,ill her. She ran,e# the !eat all the %ay ba ," $ro$$e# her feet on the #a!h an# lo!e# her eye!. Man" it %a! hot. S%eat ran #o%n her ba ," an# the air felt hea+y in her lung!. She/# been %aiting nearly forty &inute! %hen !he hear# the run h of gra+el a! !o&eone a$$roa he#. She ,ne% it %a! 1oo$er %ithout loo,ing. .1ar trouble;0 .Wor,ing on &y tan.0 She o$ene# her eye!. He/# hange# out of hi! gy& gear" an# he %ore #ar, !ungla!!e!" a na+y linen !hirt an# a $air of three35uarter ,ha,i argo $ant! an# fli$3flo$!. Hi! hair %a! %et fro& the !ho%er. She lo!e# her eye! again. He %a! too attra ti+e. It %a! unfair" an# !he %a! only hu&an. .I/ll gi+e you a lift ho&e"0 he !ai#. .I nee# &y ar for %or, to&orro%.0 .-a&ie" it/! fi+e o/ lo ,. No &e hani in the %orl# i! going to fix it o+ernight.0 She o$ene# her eye!. .A to% tru , i! on the %ay.0 .-a!on an ta,e are of it for you.0 .I an ta,e are of it &y!elf.0 1oo$er/! li$! &o+e# a! he !ai# !o&ething %ith four letter! un#er hi! breath. .2ine. Ha+e it your %ay"0 he !ai#. .I u!ually #o.0 He %al,e# a%ay. She !$ent the next ten &inute! trying to thin, of anything other than the %ay he/# tou he# her la!t night. Sex ha# ne+er been thi! o&$li ate# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter before. A ta$ on the %in#o% &a#e her !tart" an# !he glan e# a ro!! to !ee 1oo$er !tan#ing on the $a!!enger !i#e of the ar" a big +anilla i e3 rea& one in han#. 2ro%ning" !he leane# a ro!! to unlo , the #oor. 1oo$er !li# into the $a!!enger !eat. .What are you #oing;0 !he a!,e#. .Waiting %ith you.0 .Why;0 He li ,e# the i e rea&. .What/! %rong %ith the ar;0 She rolle# her eye!. Wa! he ,i##ing; .I thin, the fet*er +al+e nee#! re$la ing" an# &aybe it nee#! a ne% horn!%oggle"0 !he !ai#. He turne# hi! hea# to%ar# her. E+en %ith hi! !ungla!!e! on" !he ,ne% he %a! gi+ing her a #ry loo,. .Ho% the hell %oul# I ,no%;0 !he !ai#. .I/& not a &e hani . I turne# the ,ey" it &a#e a horrible noi!e. I alle# the auto&oti+e a!!o iation. En# of !tory.0 .Soun#! li,e the !tarter &otor.0 He too, another ta!te. .:ou %ant !o&e i e rea&;0 He offere# her the one. .It/! not on &y #iet.0 .:eah. Sorry. Gotta !ay" it/! one bonu! about being retire#.0 She glan e# a%ay a! he li ,e# the i e rea& again. No &an/! tongue !houl# loo, that goo#. .I! a !tarter &otor ex$en!i+e;0 !he a!,e#. .)e$en#!. :ou oul# $robably get a re on#itione# one. They/re hea$er.0 She no##e#" filing the infor&ation a%ay. .I !u$$o!e if I offer to len# you &y ar until your! i! fixe#" you/ll !ay no"0 he a!,e#. .)e$en#!. Are %e tal,ing about the 2errari or the big bla , four3%heel3#ri+e ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter thing;0 .Whi h #o you thin,;0 .1ool. I/+e al%ay! %ante# to #ri+e a 2errari.0 He/# rea he# the one an# it run he# lou#ly a! he bit into it. .I/& not len#ing you the 2errari"0 he !ai#. .No !hit.0 He !norte# a laugh. .It/! an in!uran e thing" that/! all.0 .:ou ,ee$ telling your!elf that.0 He bit #o%n on the la!t of the i e rea&" then $u!he# hi! !ungla!!e! on to$ of hi! hea#. He turne# to fa e her" hallenge in e+ery line of hi! bo#y. .O,ay" you an #ri+e the 2errari. I/ll ta,e you ba , to &y $la e an# you an $i , it u$ right no%.0 Her li$! urle# into a relu tant !&ile. Thi! &an ,ne% ho% to $lay har#ball. .It/# !er+e you right if I !ai# ye!.0 He !hoo, hi! hea#" a !&ile on hi! li$!. .)o you e+er a e$t hel$ fro& anyone;0 -a&ie fla!he# to the la!t ti&e !he/# $ut her %ell3being in another $er!on/! han#!. .No$e. Ho% about you;0 He ran,e# hi! !eat ba , an# $ro$$e# hi! feet on the !ill of the o$en #oor. .)i# you hear May%eather/! ta,ing on Mo!ley in Ne% :or,;0 He !li# hi! !ungla!!e! ba , o+er hi! eye!. .:eah. May%eather/! going to %hi$ hi! a!!"0 !he !ai#. The !&ell of hi! after!ha+e %a! hea+y in the air. It re&in#e# her of la!t night. She %riggle# in her !eat. .:ou #on/t ha+e to %ait %ith &e"0 !he !ai#. .4eally.0 .I thin, Mo!ley/! got a han e. )i# you !ee that fight he ha# %ith 1otto la!t ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter year; He/! a ni e fighter.0 -a&ie turne# her hea# to loo, at hi&. He %a!n/t going any%here. She %a!n/t a e$ting hi! offer to borro% one of hi! ar!. A !tan#off. She li,e# 1oo$er 2it*geral#. A lot. Probably it %a! (u!t a! %ell that they %ere ne+er going to ha+e !ex again. Li,ing !o&eone !he ha# great !ex %ith oul# only lea# to trouble. .I !a% the fight. Mo!ely %a! goo#. But May%eather i! in better for&. An# 4ay/! better than both of the&"0 !he !ai# loyally. .True. But ti&e %ill $ro+e that"0 1oo$er !ai# onfi#ently. He %aite# %ith her until it !tarte# to get #ar, an# the to% tru , finally a&e. Nearly three hour!" tal,ing on an# off" tra#ing boxing ane #ote!'her about her gran#father" hi& about hi! o%n areer. When !he li&be# u$ into the to% tru , be!i#e the #ri+er" her ar on the hoi!t behin# the&" 1oo$er ga+e her a !tern loo,. .If you nee# a lift to&orro%" all.0 .I %on/t"0 !he !ai#. .:eah" I ,no%.0 He %aite# for the tru , to $ull onto the roa# before he turne# ba , to%ar# the gy&. Hi! !houl#er! loo,e# big an# broa# !ilhouette# again!t the brightly lit fa a#e. .1an/t belie+e I (u!t &et 1oo$er 2it*geral#"0 the #ri+er !ai#. .I !a% that fight he ha# %ith Lennox Le%i!. Man" he %a! goo#.0 -a&ie turne# her eye! to the roa#. .:eah" he/! the be!t.0 An# !he %a! !tarting to reali*e that !lee$ing %ith hi& &ight ha+e been the !tu$i#e!t thing !he/# e+er #one. TWO WEE>S LATE4" 1oo$er !too# out!i#e the gy&/! ring an# %at he# Mi , an# -a&ie go hea#3to3hea# in a !$arring roun#. They/# been going at ea h other ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter for nearly ten &inute!. Mi , ha# $ut the $re!!ure on a nu&ber of ti&e!" but not on e ha# -a&ie &a#e the &i!ta,e of thin,ing %ith her feet. If anything" Mi , %a! the one feeling the $re!!ure a! -a&ie $e$$ere# hi& %ith bo#y !hot!" u!ing the o&bination! they/# been #rilling for the $a!t %ee,!. She %a! +ery goo#. He ,ne% in hi! gut !he %a! a real onten#er" an# that !he ha# the fire an# the %ill to go all the %ay. It %a! ti&e to !tart tal,ing to $eo$le about her next fight. She %a! !till a +irtual un,no%n" %ith only t%o fight! to her na&e" but he %a! onfi#ent he oul# get her !o&ething %ith a rea!onable !tan#ing an# a #e ent $ur!e. She nee#e# the &oney. She/# been lo!e&outhe# about ho% &u h it ha# o!t to re$air her ar" an# he/# !een the a$art&ent !he !hare# %ith her gran#father. She %or,e# long hour!" ta,ing on extra !hift! %hen !he oul#" yet !he !till traine# har#er than half hi! guy!. A #e ent $ur!e %oul# &a,e a big #ifferen e in her life. He oul# !till re&e&ber the hange ea h fight ha# &a#e to hi! %orl# a! he/# %on hi! %ay u$ the ran,ing!. )e ent foo#" #e ent lothe!" the ability to !to$ &oo hing off Harry an# hi! %ife an# fin# a $la e of hi! o%n. Soon -a&ie %oul# ha+e a han e to ex$erien e the !a&e !en!e of a hie+e&ent. The !ooner he %ent into hi! offi e an# !tarte# &a,ing all! the !ooner !he/# be on her %ay to the to$. A fe% of the guy! %at hing ga+e hoot! of a$$ro+al a! -a&ie lan#e# a goo# (ab !traight into Mi ,/! hin. 1oo$er fro%ne# an# for e# hi&!elf to fa e !o&ething he/# been a+oi#ing for a fe% %ee,! no%. He #i#n/t %ant to $ut -a&ie in the ring to fa e another $rofe!!ional bout. He #i#n/t %ant her to get hurt. Whi h %a! %hy it ha# been a really !tu$i# i#ea to !lee$ %ith her" be au!e no% e+ery ti&e he loo,e# at her he !a% a %o&an fir!t an# a fighter !e on#. That %a! !o&ething they oul# get a%ay %ith in training" but on e !he %a! !tan#ing in the ring fa ing !o&eone %ho %ante# to brea, her" it %a! going to be a $roble&. He %a! going to be a $roble&. He #i#n/t %ant to %at h her get brui!e# an# battere#. He %ante# to $rote t her. Ma,e her laugh. Ta,e her to be#. La!t %ee, he/# boo,e# a fight for 4ay'a big $ur!e" %ith a har#3a!! onten#er fro& the State!. 4ay %oul# ha+e to $ut on hi! A3ga&e an# e+en then be extra ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !har$ if he %a! to %in. But not on e ha# 1oo$er !e on#3gue!!e# hi&!elf or feare# for hi! fighter or %ante# to tal, 4ay out of the bout. Wherea! he oul#n/t e+en thin, about boo,ing -a&ie a fight %ithout feeling a! if he %ante# to $un h !o&ething. He lo!e# hi! eye!. He really %a! an i#iot. Of all the %o&en he/# en ountere# o+er all hi! year! of li+ing" %hy %a! -a&ie Sa%yer the only one %ho/# e+er in!$ire# the!e e&otion! in hi&; She %a! !tubborn" $rou#" #ri+en" #efen!i+e. She too, on e+ery #ay a! though it %a! a battle" an# !he +ie%e# e+eryone" ex e$t her gran#father" %ith $ri ,ly !u!$i ion. 1oo$er a#&ire# her. He un#er!too# the urge to fight an# ,ee$ fighting" no &atter %hat. It %a! %hat ha# #ri+en hi& to li&b out hi! be#roo& %in#o% %hen he %a! t%el+e year! ol#" a hing an# brui!e# fro& the &o!t re ent beating ourte!y of hi! &other/! late!t boyfrien#. He/# #e i#e# then an# there that life on hi! o%n oul# not be &ore #angerou! an# $ainful than life un#er hi! unreliable" #rug3a##i te# &other/! roof. He/# been both right an# %rong. Li,e -a&ie" he/# ha# to learn ho% to loo, after hi&!elf. Ho% to toughen u$. Ho% to $rote t hi&!elf. Ho% to hit fir!t to a+oi# being a +i ti&. Hi! &other %a! #ea# no%. She/# o+er#o!e# %hen he %a! t%enty. He/# &a#e !ure !he ha# a #e ent burial" e+en if he ha#n/t atten#e# the !er+i e hi&!elf. He/# figure# he/# o%e# her that &u h an# no &ore. Ba , then" hi! life ha# been all about %hat %a! o%e#" not %hat %a! gi+en or offere# freely. O+er the year! he/# unlearne# !o&e of tho!e tough le!!on! that the !treet ha# taught hi&. Harry/! genero!ity" 1oo$er/! o%n gro%ing &aturity" the o&fort an# !afety of !u e!!' all of tho!e ele&ent! ha# o&bine# to bring hi& to a $oint in hi! life %here he/# loo,e# at -a&ie Sa%yer being beaten aroun# the ring an# been unable to !tan# ba , an# let it ha$$en %hen he ha# the $o%er to &a,e a #ifferen e. No% !he %a! in hi! life" an# e+ery #ay he !a% &ore of the %o&an !he oul# be if !he #i#n/t ha+e !u h a fero iou! fire burning in her belly. He li,e# that %o&an a lot" al&o!t a! &u h a! he a#&ire# the %arrior in her. Al&o!t a! &u h a! he #e!ire# her !trong" !exy bo#y. 1oo$er !%ore un#er hi! breath an# retreate# to hi! offi e. 2or a long &o&ent he !at !taring at hi! #e!,to$" hi! hea# in hi! han#!. Then he #ragge# the $hone to%ar# hi&!elf an# fli ,e# o$en hi! a##re!! boo,. 2or an hour he &a#e the roun#!" tal,ing to hi! onne tion!" buil#ing u$ -a&ie" $utting out the feeler! to !ee %hat %a! out there" %hat %a! $o!!ible. When he/# fini!he#" he #ro$$e# the $hone an# $u!he# hi&!elf a%ay fro& the #e!,. No% they %aite#. It &ight ta,e a %hile to hear ba ," &aybe a #ay or t%o. -a&ie %oul# ,ee$ training" an# he %oul# ,ee$ telling hi&!elf that not only #i# !he nee# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter a trainer &ore than a lo+er" but al!o !he #i#n/t %ant the latter at all. He %a! on hi! %ay out to the gy& %hen the $hone rang. He turne# ba , to an!%er it. After a brief ex hange of %or#!" he !tarte# to %rite #o%n #ate! an# figure!. .I/ll nee# to get ba , to you on a fe% #etail!"0 he !ai#. Brian Hoylan# %a! a !&all3ti&e $ro&oter an# one of the fir!t all! he/# &a#e. .Sure. Get ba , to &e. It/! a goo# offer.0 .It/! #a&ne# fa!t" that/! for !ure.0 .I ha# a an ellation" you ,no% ho% it i!"0 Brian !ai#. 1oo$er en#e# the all an# rubbe# the bri#ge of hi! no!e. He ha#n/t ex$e te# thing! to &o+e thi! 5ui ,ly. Ha#n/t %ante# the& to. He left the offi e. -a&ie %a! #oing !tret he! on one of the &at!" her bo#y glo%ing %ith a fine !heen of $er!$iration. She loo,e# u$ at hi& a! he a$$roa he#. .Before you a!," I/+e #one all &y !it3u$!"0 !he !ai#. .:ou/+e been offere# a fight.0 Her fa e lit %ith anti i$ation. .4eally; That/! great.0 No" it/! not. :ou/re going to get hurt. An# I a& beginning to reali*e that you are the la!t $er!on in the %orl# I %ant to !ee hurt. .:eah.0 He %a! her trainer. He %oul# train her. )o hi! (ob. Not &atter ho% har# that %a! !ha$ing u$ to be. I TH4EE WEE>S LATE4" 1oo$er !te$$e# out of the !ho%er ubi le in hi! &otel roo& an# rea he# for the to%el. Thin an# ! rat hy" li,e the &otel it!elf" it ha# !een better #ay!. But it %a! lean" a! %ere hi! !heet! an# the bathroo&.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter It %a!n/t a! if they/# ha# a %orl# of hoi e in a rural to%n the !i*e of )ubbo. Situate# about fi+e hour!/ #ri+e %e!t of Sy#ney" it %a! a ity of forty thou!an# !oul! an# no fi+e3!tar hotel!. It %a! al!o the ity %here -a&ie %oul# be ta,ing on her next o$$onent" a Melbourne fighter na&e# Liana Nel!on. The fight %a! to&orro% night" the +enue the ity/! bigge!t !$orting au#itoriu&. -a&ie an# Liana %ere the fir!t fight on the bill" %ith a nu&ber of &ale boxer! roun#ing out the night. Liana %a! huge" taller than -a&ie" built. She %a! $u!hing the %eight li&it for the &i##le%eight la!! an# he/# hear# that !he/# barely !5uea,e# by at thi! afternoon/! %eigh3in. She %a! an ex$erien e# fighter" %ith fifteen %in! to her na&e an# only one lo!!. Li,e -a&ie" it ha# o&e early in her areer. She/# &a#e a habit of %inning e+er !in e. 1oo$er %a! !till a little !ur$ri!e# that the other %o&an ha# been %illing to ta,e on a ne% o&er li,e -a&ie. It %a!n/t a! though Liana nee#e# %in!. She %a! at the !tage in her areer %here !he %a! loo,ing for title !hot!" not run! on the boar#. But no &atter %hat her &oti+ation" it %a! a goo# fight for -a&ie. They/# only been able to !our e a grainy a&ateur ta$e of Liana/! &o!t re ent bout in the %ee,! !in e the fight ha# been ! he#ule#. It ha# !ho%n a fero iou! fighter %ho a&e out har# an# ai&e# to $ut her o$$onent! a%ay a! early a! $o!!ible. 1oo$er an# -a&ie ha# !tu#ie# it o+er an# o+er" noting Liana/! habit!" tal,ing about her %ea, !$ot!. There %eren/t &any. She !o&eti&e! #ro$$e# her guar# han# before la!hing out %ith her ,iller u$$er ut. An# !he ten#e# to o&e out fighting %hen !he got hurt" thra!hing aroun# %ith little !,ill or !trategy. If -a&ie oul# antagoni*e her" they oul# u!e that te&$er again!t her. But -a&ie ha# to %ith!tan# the other %o&an/! on!laught fir!t. He !at on the e#ge of the be# an# ran both han#! through hi! hair. Thi! %a! a lot har#er than he/# i&agine# it %oul# be. In nearly eighteen year! of o&$etiti+e boxing" he/# ne+er felt thi! ner+ou! before a fight. It ha# ta,en e+ery bit of !elf ontrol he $o!!e!!e# to !to$ hi&!elf fro& on+eying hi! fear! to -a&ie %hen they #i# a light training !e!!ion thi! afternoon. She/# been 5uiet an# in%ar#ly fo u!e#. He ha#n/t trie# to #ra% her out. The la!t thing !he nee#e# %a! the ,no%le#ge of (u!t ho% #i!tra te# an# ! re%e#3u$ her trainer %a!. He let hi! to%el #ro$ an# ro!!e# to hi! !uit a!e to fin# un#er%ear. A ,no , at the #oor ha# hi& rea hing for the to%el again. He hel# it !e urely in one fi!t at hi! hi$ a! he o$ene# the #oor.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter -a&ie !too# there" her fa e $ale. .I nee# to tal,"0 !he !ai#. Her eye! !li# #o%n hi! bo#y. Hi! heart ,i ,e# into gear" !la&&ing again!t hi! rib!. One loo,'he %a! !o hoo,e# on her it %a!n/t funny. .Gi+e &e a &o&ent"0 he !ai#" !hutting the #oor. -a&ie an# near nu#ity %ere not a goo# &ix. Alrea#y he %a! half3har# !i&$ly be au!e !he/# been %ithin ar&/! rea h. By the ti&e thi! %a! all o+er" he figure# he/# ha+e #efinitely earne# hi&!elf that !ainthoo#. He #re!!e# 5ui ,ly in (ean! an# a T3!hirt then let her in. .O,ay" %hat/! u$;0 he a!,e# a! !he bru!he# $a!t hi& an# !an, onto one of the t%in be#!. .I an/t !to$ thin,ing about that u$$er ut. What if I #on/t !ee it o&ing; I/& %orrie# I %on/t be able to ta,e it"0 -a&ie !ai#. She re!te# her elbo%! on her ,nee!" leaning for%ar#. Her fa e %a! tight %ith %orry. .:e$" an# you %on/t ,no% if you an or not until it lan#!.0 He !at o$$o!ite her. She ! o%le#. .Than,! for the %or#! of rea!!uran e.0 .It/! the truth. There/! a bun h of !tuff !he &ight thro% at you in the ring that you &ight not be able to ta,e. :ou %on/t ,no% until you/re there an# that leather hit! you an# hurt! you. Nothing I !ay i! going &a,e any #ifferen e to that. Nothing. 0 He hel# her eye. She let out a big gu!t of air. .O,ay. O,ay"0 !he !ai#" flo$$ing ba , onto the be#. She %a! %earing a $air of hi$3hugging" !,in3tight (ean!. Be au!e he %a!n/t a !aint (u!t yet" hi! ga*e tra+ele# u$ her long" lithe leg! before tra ing u$ her belly an# o+er her brea!t!. She %a! fo u!e# on the eiling" an# he #e i#e# it %a! goo# that !he oul#n/t !ee the %ay he %a! loo,ing at her" re&e&bering %hat it ha# been li,e to be in!i#e her" re&e&bering all the ti&e! he/# fanta!i*e# about being %ith her again o+er the $a!t fe% &onth!. She/# ruine# hi& for any other %o&an an# lately he/# been re#u e# to the teenage re&e#y of hi! o%n han# on too &any o a!ion! to ount. .Wa! 4ay li,e thi! before hi! fight la!t %ee,;0 !he a!,e#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter They/# both gone to %at h 4ay fight. E+en fro& 4ay/! orner he/# hear# -a&ie hollering her !u$$ort fro& the front ro%. 4ay/! har#3fought %in on $oint! ha# been the fir!t big3ti ,et ou$ of 1oo$er/! training areer'but it %oul# be nothing o&$are# to -a&ie %inning to&orro% night. Winning in the fir!t roun#" on the fir!t $un h" before the other fighter e+en ha# a han e to breathe near her. That %oul# be hi! ab!olute i#eal. 2at han e. .4ay ,ne% %hat he ha# to #o. So #o you"0 1oo$er !ai#. At lea!t he oul# !oun# li,e a trainer e+en if he #i#n/t feel li,e one. .I (u!t %ant to !to$ thin,ing. I %a! tire# after the #ri+e here an# our training !e!!ion" an# I thought I oul# !a , out early" get a goo# night/! !lee$6. Hell" Gran#$a i! out li,e a light. 2ell a!lee$ %at hing !o&e able ne%! !ho%. But &y brain %on/t let u$ on &e"0 -a&ie !ai#" eye! !till on the eiling. Half the battle in the ring %a! $!y hologi al. A night !$ent !e on#3gue!!ing her!elf %a! not going to lea+e -a&ie fre!h an# rea#y to fight to&orro%. She nee#e# to be re!te# an# alert. Whene+er he/# gotten li,e thi! before a fight" hi! trainer ha# alle# in a &a!!age thera$i!t to %or, the ,in,! out of hi! &u! le!. Har#ly an o$tion in the &i##le of rural Au!tralia. .Let/! go for a %al,"0 he !ai#. It %a! late an# they %ere on a high%ay %ith nothing &u h in the %ay of ! enery in either #ire tion" but at lea!t it %oul# be a #i!tra tion. .Trie# that"0 !he !ai#. .)i#n/t %or,.0 Sitting u$" !he rotate# her ne ,. .Maybe I/ll try another !ho%er" or !o&e hot &il,. I gue!! &y brain ha! to !to$ !o&eti&e" right;0 Or it oul# ,ee$ ir ling for hour!" exhau!ting her an# lea+ing her full of #oubt. Again!t hi! better (u#g&ent" he ge!ture# to%ar# the be#. .Lie #o%n. I/ll gi+e you a !houl#er rub.0 She !tille# an# ga+e hi& a loo,. .I #on/t ,no% %hether that/! really going to relax &e a %hole hell of a lot"0 !he ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !ai#. Her ga*e ran u$ an# #o%n hi! bo#y again. .Then %e go for a %al,.0 He !hrugge#. She he!itate#" thin,ing o+er the t%o o$tion!. Then !he !li# ba ,%ar# on the be# an# arrange# her!elf fa e#o%n" toeing off her fli$3flo$ !an#al!. .Preten# I/& !o&eone el!e"0 he !ai#. .2ine. )on/t tal," #on/t breathe an# go ! rub off your after!ha+e an# I/ll ha+e a fighting han e"0 !he !ai#. He !&ile# tightly. It %a! li,e that for hi&" too. The hu!,ine!! of her +oi e. The %ay !he laughe#. The ! ent of her bo#y. There %ere a &illion thing! about her that #ro+e hi& %il#. If !he/# been &o&ent! a%ay fro& !tra##ling hi! ba , an# laying han#! on hi&" he ,ne% he/# be har# a! a ro , an# #rilling a hole in the be#. He fro%ne#" one ,nee on the &attre!!. Gi+en all of the abo+e" %hat the hell %a! he #oing" offering her a &a!!age in the fir!t $la e; .Stringing it out i!n/t hel$ing" by the %ay"0 !he !ai#. S re% it. It %a! a ba , rub at the en# of the #ay. He/# !ur+i+e# nearly fi+e %ee,! of %at hing her &o+e" laughing %ith her" running %ith her" !$otting her %hile !he traine#. There ha# been &o&ent! of inten!e te&$tation e+ery #ay'the ti&e %hen it ha# been only the t%o of the& in the gy& late at night" an# he/# ,no%n !he %a! na,e# in the !ho%er in the %o&en/! hange roo& an# that he oul# go in there an# ha+e her again!t the lo ,er! in !e on#!. The ti&e %hen they/# been %at hing fight ta$e in hi! offi e early one &orning an# the ! ent of her ne%ly %a!he# hair ha# ,e$t hi& on e#ge all #ay. The ti&e %hen he/# #ri+en her ho&e after training an# they/# !at ten!ely out!i#e her a$art&ent buil#ing for a long" long ti&e" neither of the& !aying a %or#" before !he finally got out of the ar an# %ent in!i#e. He oul# han#le a ba , rub. Stra##ling her hi$!" he leane# for%ar# an# $la e# hi! han#! on her !houl#er!. )igging hi! thu&b! in" he !tarte# to %or,. She let out a groan of a$$re iation. .Oh" that/! goo#"0 !he !ai#. That 5ui ,ly" he %a! har#. Gritting hi! teeth" he on entrate# on %or,ing on ea h of her &u! le grou$!" &entally na&ing ea h bo#y $art a! he %or,e# hi! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %ay #o%n her ba ,'the long flat $lane! of her tra$e*iu! an# lati!!i&u! #or!i &u! le!" the roun#e# #eltoi# &u! le! on her !houl#er!" the long !erratu! &u! le! along her !$ine. If only !he #i#n/t feel !o %ar& an# fir& an# ali+e beneath hi&" it &ight ha+e %or,e#. A! it %a!" he %a! !%eating an# ten!e by the ti&e he %a! rubbing the &u! le! aroun# the !&all of her ba ,. .O,ay. Thi! i! !o not %or,ing"0 !he !ai# !u##enly" her hea# !na$$ing u$. .It/! been fi+e %ee,!" 1oo$er. 2i+e long" lonely %ee,!. I/+e been thin,ing about you tou hing &e e+ery #ay. An# thi! i! not ho% I i&agine# you #oing it.0 Hi! han#! !tille#. He !tare# at the #ar, urtain of hair !$illing o+er her !houl#er! an# a ro!! the be#. Hi! har#3on throbbe# a! he allo%e# hi&!elf to i&agine ho% goo# it %oul# be to roll her o+er" !tri$ off her (ean! an# bury hi&!elf in!i#e her again. Goo#. )a&ne# goo#. But !he ha# a fight to&orro%. A tough fight" fro& %hat they/# !een of her o$$onent. -a&ie %a! relying on hi& to hel$ her $re$are for it" &entally an# $hy!i ally. He oul#n/t !lee$ %ith her. But &aybe he oul# offer her !o&ething. 4elaxation. 4elea!e. Sati!fa tion. .4oll o+er"0 he !ai#. Before he oul# thin, t%i e. Not that he %a! #oing a hell of a lot of thin,ing %ith hi! u$!tair! brain right no%. About fi+e !e on#! after he/# fla!he# to an i&age of -a&ie !$rea# %il# an# %anton before hi&" hi! rational brain ha# gone off3line. He/# been hol#ing out for fi+e %ee,!. An# he %a!n/t a !aint. Not e+en lo!e.

-AMIE 24OJE AS SHE hear# 1oo$er/! lo%" inten!e %or#!. Then a ru!h of &olten heat ra e# through her. She %a! alrea#y enor&ou!ly turne# on fro& ha+ing hi! han#! on her for the $a!t t%enty &inute!. E+en through her T3!hirt" 1oo$er/! tou h %a! in re#ible. Then there %ere the $a!t fi+e %ee,! of fore$lay that they/# both en#ure#. Seeing hi& e+ery #ay. Loo,ing into hi! #ee$ blue eye!. Wat hing hi! %hite" ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !traight teeth fla!h into a !&ile or a laugh. Trying not to !tare %hen he %or,e# on the long bag or #i# $u!h3u$! or !it3u$!. It ha# been torture" $ure torture. An# no% he %a! offering to en# it. At lea!t" !he ho$e# he %a!. To&orro% night/! fight floate# to the to$ of her &in# a! !he %riggle# aroun# until !he %a! on her ba ," hi! big thigh! !tra##ling her thigh!. She !houl# !tay fo u!e#" ,ee$ her relation!hi$ %ith 1oo$er $ure an# $rofe!!ional. She ,ne% that it %a! the rational" !en!ible" right thing to #o. But !he %ante# hi& !o ba#ly. She a he# for hi&'a %et" hot a he that ha# been #ri+ing her ra*y e+ery night. No &atter %hat !he #i#" ho% !he tou he# her!elf" it %a!n/t a !ub!titute for hi&. Maybe if !he ha# hi& again" !o&e of thi! nee#y" in!ane lu!t %oul# ea!e. At the +ery lea!t it %oul# !to$ her fro& thin,ing about the fight" about Liana Nel!on/! big" !5uare !houl#er! an# fa!t han#!. .-u!t relax"0 1oo$er !ai#" rea hing for the !tu# on her (ean!. She !u ,e# in her breath a! !he felt hi! tou h again!t her belly. Hi! finger! foun# the tab on her fly an# he !li# it #o%n $ur$o!efully. Her eyeli#! #ro$$e# to half3&a!t a! he $eele# her (ean! off. She lifte# her hi$! to hel$ hi& a! he tugge# the #eni& #o%n an# o+er her an,le!. Hi! hot blue ga*e #e+oure# her" gli#ing u$ her leg!" !ee,ing the (un ture bet%een her thigh!" &a,ing her e+en hotter than !he alrea#y %a!. She oul# !till re&e&ber ho% big he/# been" ho% he/# !tret he# her" ho% o&$lete an# !ati!fie# !he/# felt %hen he %a! in!i#e her. She !&ile# a! !he anti i$ate# ex$erien ing all that again. He hoo,e# hi! finger! into the %ai!tban# of her bla , !atin $antie! an# $ulle# the& off. Thi! ti&e %hen he loo,e# at her" !he oul# !ee the na,e# hunger in hi! fa e. .S$rea# your leg!"0 he or#ere#" hi! han#! re!ting on her ,nee!. She #i# !o %illingly" her heart $oun#ing har#. Hi! ex$re!!ion %a! intent a! he &a$$e# her %ith hi! eye!. She ,e$t her url! %axe# into a neat !tri$ on her &oun#" but !he li,e# it bare bet%een her leg!. She oul# tell by the %ay hi! finger! tightene# aroun# her ,nee! that he %a! en(oying the +ie%. .I/+e been %on#ering for a long ti&e %hat you/# ta!te li,e"0 he !ai#. Mo+ing #o%n the be#" he !ettle# hi&!elf. Hi! breath %a! %ar& again!t her inner thigh!. All her &u! le! tightene# a! he lo%ere# hi! hea# to%ar# her. Oh boy. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She lo!e# her eye! an# let her hea# #ro$ ba , a! he tra e# a %et" #eli ate $ath along the !ea& of her !ex" %or,ing hi! %ay u$ to%ar# her &oun#. 4ea hing hi! goal" he re$eate# the a tion again an# again" ea h ti&e exerting a little &ore $re!!ure" #el+ing a little &ore #ee$ly bet%een her fol#! until at la!t he/# $enetrate# all her !e ret! an# ha# tea!e# out the alrea#y har# nub of her litori!. She !hu##ere# an# !$rea# her thigh! %i#er a! he began to ta!te her in earne!t" hi! tongue ir ling" fli ,ing" $re!!ing flat again!t her" ra!$ing again!t her !en!iti+e fle!h. Nee# $oole# in her belly an# !he ir le# her hi$! a! he began to u!e hi! han#!" one to !$rea# her %i#e !o he oul# #e+our her %ith o$en&outhe# ,i!!e!" the other to begin tea!ing at her inner li$!" a !ingle finger !li ,ing aroun# an# aroun# her entran e but ne+er 5uite $enetrating. She %a! on fire. She $u!he# her finger! into hi! hair an# ro#e the re!t of a %a+e of #e!ire" her bo#y tre&bling. At la!t he !li# a finger in!i#e her" then another. Her han#! fi!te# in hi! hair a! he !u ,e# her litori! into hi! &outh an# fli ,e# it o+er an# o+er again %ith hi! tongue" hi! finger! &o+ing in an# out of her all the %hile. She ga!$e#. The ten!ion in her rat hete# tighter an# tighter. He !li# a thir# finger in!i#e her an# !he a&e" a %or#le!! ry flying fro& her li$!. Her bo#y !hu##ere#. Her ba , ar he#. He ea!e# her gently ba , #o%n to earth" ,i!!ing her &oun#" !oothing her %ith hi! finger!" $re!!ing ,i!!e! again!t the ten#er !,in of her thigh!. She %at he# la*ily a!" at la!t" he !hifte# a%ay fro& her. Hi! eye! %ere hea+y3li##e# %ith #e!ire. She %aite# for hi& to un#re!! an# re(oin her. But he #i#n/t !tart to !tri$. In!tea#" he !at on the e#ge of the be#. She only un#er!too# that it %a! all o+er %hen he !too# an# olle te# her #i! ar#e# (ean! an# un#er%ear. She $ro$$e# her!elf u$ on her elbo%! an# !tare# at hi& a! he #ro$$e# her lothe! be!i#e her. .:ou are not #oing thi! to &e again"0 !he !ai#. .No %ay.0 .:ou/re fighting to&orro%"0 he !ai#. A! though that ex$laine# e+erything. .Ha+ing !ex i! not going to !to$ &e fro& fighting"0 !he !ai#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He ran a han# o+er the ba , of hi! ne ,. .I #on/t %ant you to get hurt" -a&ie. It/! ba# enough a! it i!" an# tonight %ill only &a,e it har#er.0 Hi! +oi e %a! 5uiet" lo%. 2or a &o&ent !he #i#n/t un#er!tan# %hat he &eant. .I alrea#y tol# you" I #on/t #o lo+e" 1oo$er"0 !he !ai#. .:ou #on/t ha+e to %orry about &e getting lingy or ta,ing thing! the %rong %ay.0 .-e!u!" I %i!h that %a! %hat I/& %orrie# about"0 he !ai#. .I &eant I #on/t %ant to %at h you ta,e hit! to&orro% night.0 She blin,e#. Then the full i&$ort of %hat he/# !ai# an# %hat it &eant !un, in. 1oo$er ha# feeling! for her. 2eeling! that %ent beyon# %anting to ha+e !ex %ith her. She rea he# for her un#er%ear. The la*y languor of a fe% &inute! ago %a! gone" big3ti&e. .I an/t ontrol ho% you feel"0 !he !ai# a! !he !li# her leg! into her (ean!. .I #on/t re all !aying you oul#.0 .:ou feeling re!$on!ible for &e i! not $art of our #eal. I nee# a trainer" not a $rote tor.0 .Thi! i!n/t !o&ething I !a% o&ing" either"0 he !ai#. .I #on/t nee# you to loo, after &e. I #on/t %ant you to. All I nee# i! for you to hel$ &e train an# get fight!.0 .Aren/t you forgetting !o&ething; :ou %ant &e to ha+e !ex %ith you" too" %hen you %ant it" ho% you %ant it"0 he !ai#" hi! (a% !et. .:ou %ante# it a! &u h a! I #i#"0 !he !ai#. .)on/t $reten# you %eren/t har# for &e e+ery ti&e. :ou oul# ha+e %al,e# a%ay.0 .I !houl# ha+e"0 he !ai#. .I ha# no bu!ine!! !lee$ing %ith one of &y fighter!.0 She !tare# at hi&. So&ething aught in her belly at the haunte# loo, in hi! eye! an# the ten!e !et to hi! !houl#er!. .It #oe!n/t &ean anything. It/! (u!t !ex"0 !he !ai#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He eye# her !ilently. She ha# to loo, a%ay. .I nee# to get !o&e !lee$"0 !he !ai#" hea#ing for the #oor. He #i#n/t !ay another %or#. She %aite# until !he/# lo!e# the #oor behin# her an# %al,e# aroun# the orner before !to$$ing an# leaning again!t the ool bri , %all. There %a! a ti&e in her life %hen ha+ing a &an li,e 1oo$er 2it*geral# onfe!!ing he ha# feeling! for her %oul# ha+e &a#e her heart !ing. Tho!e #ay! %ere o+er. It #i#n/t &atter if there ha# been (u!t a &o&ent there %hen he/# !ai# tho!e %or#! an# a $art of her ha# unfol#e#" %ar& an# %el o&ing an# ho$eful. S%earing at her o%n !tu$i#ity" -a&ie $u!he# a%ay fro& the %all. War& an# %el o&ing; Ho% about gooey an# %ea, an# $atheti ; Ho% about !oft an# %illing an# $erfe t +i ti& &aterial; What/! it going to ta,e for you to learn; What el!e #o you nee# to lo!e before you !&arten u$; Her ba , !traight" -a&ie &a#e her %ay to her roo&. 1oo$er %oul# get o+er it. He/# ha+e to" be au!e he %a!n/t e+er going to get %hat he %ante# fro& her.

1OOPE4 WAS )AMNE) te&$te# to $un h a hole in the %all %hen -a&ie %al,e# out the #oor. There %a! !o&ething bro,en in her. Maybe it %a! the !a&e thing that ha# on e been bro,en in hi&" but he tru!te# hi&!elf an# life enough no% to ta,e a ri!,. -a&ie #i# not. Or oul# not. Sa&e thing. He/# !een her eye! go blan, %hen !he/# regi!tere# %hat he %a! !aying. Hi! feeling! for her %ere about a! %el o&e a! a #o!e of the la$. Hell" !he/# $robably $refer the la$ to hi! relu tant" ha&3fi!te# #e larationA at lea!t !he oul# treat that %ith a ou$le of #o!e! of antibioti !. Hi&" !he/# ha+e to fa e #ay after #ay. Shit. E+en though he/# ne+er been the ,in# of &an %ho #ro%ne# hi! !orro%!" he ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter $oure# hi&!elf an o+er$ri e# gla!! of bourbon fro& the &inibar. Sitting on the be#" he to!!e# ba , a &outhful an# hi!!e# at the burn. He nur!e# the gla!! in hi! han# an# trie# not to re&e&ber the !%eet !oun#! of -a&ie/! #e!ire. Out of the orner of hi! eye" he oul# !ee the be#" ru&$le# fro& her $a!!ion. She/# been !o hot" !o turne# on. It ha# nearly #ri+en hi& o+er the e#ge. Ne+er ha# he got off on a %o&an/! $lea!ure !o &u h. E+ery !oun# !he &a#e" e+ery hit h in her breathing" e+ery t%it h of her hi$!" the %ay her han#! ha# lut he# at hi! hair. Without a #oubt" one of the &o!t inten!e !exual ex$erien e! of hi! life" an# he/# been fully lothe# the %hole ti&e. He rai!e# the bourbon to hi! &outh" then !tare# #o%n at the gol#en li5ui#. He !too# an# $oure# it #o%n the !in, in the bathroo&. Wa! there anything &ore tragi than a lonely" horny ex3boxer !itting in a !hitty &otel roo& to!!ing ba , roo&3!er+i e bourbon; He oul#n/t thin, of a !ingle thing. Grabbing hi! roo& ,ey" he !tro#e out into the night. T%o &ile! u$ the #ar,ene# high%ay" an# t%o &ile! ba ,. Han#! (a&&e# into hi! $o ,et!" hi! thought! ir ular. Wa! he falling in lo+e %ith -a&ie; Wa! that %hat all thi! bull!hit %a! about; He ha# no &ea!uring !ti ," no ben h&ar, to go by !in e he/# ne+er lo+e# a %o&an before. Ne+er tru!te# it" ne+er %ante# it" ne+er $ur!ue# it. In the ba , of hi! &in#" there/# al%ay! been too &any #ar, !ha#o%! fro& the $a!t. I&age! of hi! &o& being !la$$e# aroun#" or $a!!e# out on the ou h" a nee#le lying be!i#e her on the ar$et. )o&e!ti har&ony ha#n/t exa tly been the at h ry of hi! hil#hoo#. He/# a+oi#e# lo+e. <ntil no%. Then -a&ie ha# !,yro ,ete# into hi! life" un#eniable fro& the +ery beginning. Whi h left hi& %here" exa tly; He !norte# an una&u!e# laugh a! he !a% the light! of the &otel loo&ing ahea#. Who %a! he ,i##ing; He %a! no%here" %ith a fi!tful of nothing" %ith no ex$e tation of anything hanging. Not on e ha# -a&ie gi+en any in#i ation that !he !a% hi& a! anything &ore than a han#y har# bo#y to get off on. An# no" the un#eniable he&i!try an# $a!!ion bet%een the& &eant (a ,. E!$e ially %hen her fir!t rea tion to the ne%! that he are# for her %a! to hightail it out of hi! roo& a! though he/# $ulle# a gun on her. To to$ it all off" he ha# to %at h her fight to&orro%. 2an3frea,in/3ta!ti . ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He finally fell a!lee$ at aroun# one in the &orning. He %o,e feeling gritty3eye# an# !hort3te&$ere#. -a&ie %a! out by the $ool" lying in the !un %ith a boxing &aga*ine. He !$are# one glan e at her !u$er3fit bo#y in a bla , bi,ini before %al,ing in the o$$o!ite #ire tion. On the #ay of a fight" a boxer/! only re!$on!ibility %a! to !tay loo!e an# to ho% #o%n on arb! before the &at h. Arthur ha# alrea#y lo ate# a $a!ta re!taurant in to%n an# 1oo$er ,ne% that the Sa%yer! $lanne# to be there at &i##ay for -a&ie to loa# u$. They #i#n/t nee# hi& to %at h her eat. He !taye# a%ay fro& her /til late afternoon %hen he !$otte# her on e again out by the $ool" thi! ti&e !itting in a yoga $o!e" #oing !o&e ,in# of &e#itation. He &a#e $lenty of noi!e !o !he ,ne% he %a! a$$roa hing. Her $onytail !%i!he# o+er her !houl#er a! !he glan e# at hi&. .Ho% are you feeling; 4e!te#;0 he a!,e#. .:e$. Ha# a goo# lun h" $lenty of flui#!"0 !he !ai#. .O,ay. :our bout/! at !e+en. I figure %e !houl# get o+er there about fi+e or !o"0 1oo$er !ai#" !ho+ing hi! han#! into hi! $o ,et!. She no##e# an# !too# in one flui#" gra eful &o+e&ent. .I/ll go grab a !ho%er.0 He turne# to lea+e. .1oo$er"0 !he !ai#. He glan e# ba , at her" an# !he hel# hi! eye. .If the fight goe! har#" if !he hurt! &e" I #on/t %ant you thro%ing in the to%el"0 !he !ai#. He (er,e# hi! hea# a! though !he/# ta,en a !hot at hi&. .Ex u!e &e;0 .:ou hear# &e. If it get! ugly" I #on/t %ant you trying to $rote t &e"0 !he !ai#. .I nee# a han e to %in thi! fight.0 .An# you thin, I/& going to ta,e that han e a%ay fro& you;0 he a!,e#. He %a! a boxer. He ,ne% the %or, !he/# $ut in" ho% hungry !he %a! for thi!. He/# ne+er #o that to her" no &atter ho% &u h it ,ille# hi& to !ee her in $ain. She !hrugge#. .I #on/t ,no%. I figure#" in light of %hat ha$$ene# la!t night" that I !houl# lay it on the table.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He roun#e# on her an# &o+e# in lo!e. She hel# her groun# %here a lot of &en %oul#n/t ha+e. .I %ill #o &y (ob. If you/re hurt an# you an/t fight" I %ill gi+e u$ the fight. )o not ha+e any #oubt about that" o,ay; An# there i! nothing you an !ay that %ill hange that" -a&ie. E5ually" if you/re (u!t getting an ol#3fa!hione# $oun#ing" I %on/t ta,e a%ay your han e. After all" I ,no% ho% &u h all thi! &ean! to you.0 Her hin a&e u$. .It #oe!. It &ean! e+erything"0 !he !ai#. .Exa tly"0 he !ai#. He %al,e# a%ay fro& her. He #i#n/t tru!t hi&!elf to !ay anything further. She nee#e# to get her hea# on !traight for the fight. Maybe he !houl# ha+e bitten hi! tongue altogether" but there %a! no %ay he oul# ha+e let that o&&ent !tan#. )i# !he hone!tly thin, he %a! going to han# the fight o+er to Liana Nel!on be au!e of %hat he/# !ai# about not %anting to %at h her get hurt; He fought the urge to turn on hi! heel an# go ba , an# li!t for her all the !hit he/# ha# to en#ure in hi! life" all the &o&ent! that ha# &a#e it $o!!ible for hi& to !tan# by tonight an# %at h her ha+e $ain infli te# on her" e+en though it %oul# te!t hi! %ill to the nth #egree. He ,e$t %al,ing until he %a! in hi! roo&. 2or the next ten &inute!" he on entrate# on $utting hi! ,it together. To%el!" %ater" -a&ie/! &outh guar#" gau*e ta$e for her han#!" oa h/! ta$e for the la e! on her glo+e! an# boot!" Ba!eline for her fa e" an i e $a , an#" finally" the No3S%ell" a $ie e of &etal that he %oul# ,ee$ in a bu ,et of i e be!i#e the ring an# $re!! on her hee,bone!" bro% an# (a% bet%een roun#! to re#u e !%elling. -a&ie %a! %aiting be!i#e the ar %ith her gran#father %hen 1oo$er e&erge# %ith hi! ,it an# a bu ,et in han#. She %a! #re!!e# in a %ar&3u$ !uit an# her hair %a! brai#e# tight to her !,ull. The loo, !he ga+e hi& %a! hallenging. He !ent it !traight ba , at her. They #ro+e the ten &inute! to the au#itoriu& in !ilen e. There %ere a lot of &e#ia +an! in the $ar,ing lot. 1oo$er fro%ne# a! he $ar,e# in a !lot near the front entran e. He turne# to Arthur. .Any of the guy! fighting tonight ha+e a $rofile I #on/t ,no% about;0 he a!,e#. Arthur !hrugge# an# loo,e# e5ually be&u!e#. Then they %al,e# through the #ouble #oor! into the foyer" an# re$orter! !%ar&e# the& fro& e+ery #ire tion" !na$$ing into a tion li,e %ell3traine# !ol#ier! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter the &o&ent they aught !ight of their $rey. .M!. Sa%yer" an you o&&ent on %hy you/+e !tarte# your boxing areer u!ing a $!eu#ony&; Are you trying to fool the boxing $ubli or are you a!ha&e# of your father/! hi!tory;0 .M!. Sa%yer" i! it true you oul#n/t fin# anyone to train you an# that 1oo$er 2it*geral# only too, you on a! a fa+or to a frien#;0 .M!. Sa%yer" %hat #o you !ay to the o&&ent that you/re !i&$ly a!hing in on your na&e to try an# ! ore hea$ $oint! in the boxing ring;0 2la!he! $o$$e#" re$orter! (o!tle# for%ar# an# -a&ie !too# roote# to the !$ot" her fa e $ale" her eye! %i#e %ith $ani . Be!i#e her" Arthur %a! re# in the fa e. He $u!he# belligerently at the &o!t aggre!!i+e of the re$orter!" yelling at the& to ba , off. 1oo$er glan e# aroun#" !$otting a $air of !e urity guar#! hea#ing their %ay. .Hey. :ou %ant to #o !o&ething about thi!;0 he #e&an#e#. Then he turne# on the re$orter!. .M!. Sa%yer ha! nothing to !ay. A! you %ill !ee fro& tonight/! fight" a tion! !$ea, lou#er than %or#!.0 He for e# hi! %ay bet%een -a&ie an# the $a ,. Angling hi! bo#y" he !li# an ar& aroun# her !houl#er! an# urge# her to%ar# the neare!t #oor. They e&erge# into the +a!t" e&$ty !ilen e of the au#itoriu&. The &o&ent they %ere through the #oor" 1oo$er let -a&ie go an# !hot the bolt to $re+ent any re$orter! follo%ing the&. .What the frig %a! that;0 Arthur #e&an#e#" hi! fa e a #angerou! !ha#e of re#. 4e&e&bering the ol# &an/! heart atta ," 1oo$er grabbe# a nearby fol#ing hair an# !ho+e# it to%ar# hi&. .Sit"0 he or#ere# before turning to a $ale3fa e# -a&ie. .Ho%; No one ,no%!" ex e$t for 4ay an# you an# &y gran#father"0 !he !ai#. Her +oi e 5ua+ere# %ith un ertainty. )a&n it" he !houl# ha+e been &ore autiou!. He !houl# ha+e at lea!t gone in!i#e on hi! o%n to he , out the !ituation. That %ay -a&ie %oul# ha+e ha# the han e to $re$are her!elf. A! it %a!" !he/# been a !itting #u ,. .I #on/t ,no%. It #oe!n/t &atter. None of it &atter! ex e$t for %hat goe! on bet%een you an# Liana Nel!on in that ring tonight"0 he !ai#. He ha# to refo u! her an# &o+e her $a!t the !ho ,. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Tho!e 5ue!tion!. )i# you hear %hat they %ere a!,ing; My Go#"0 !he !ai#. Her han#! %ere !ha,ing a! !he %orrie# at the han#le of her !$ort! bag. He/# #ealt %ith the &e#ia for a long ti&e" an# he figure# !he/# ha# her fair !hare of #ealing! %ith the& after her father/! frau# harge! an# hi! #eath. A! far a! 1oo$er %a! on erne#" there %a! no !u h thing a! (ournali!ti ethi !. It %a! all about hea#line! an# !elling ne%!$a$er!. None of the& ga+e a #a&n about %ho they !to&$e# on along the %ay. .2orget /e&"0 he !ai#. .They/re a $a , of a!!hole!" an# they ha+e no i#ea about you or your fa&ily. What they thin, or !ay i! not i&$ortant.0 .Ex e$t for the fa t that they $rint it in a ne%!$a$er that (u!t ha$$en! to go out to hun#re#! of thou!an#! of $eo$le"0 -a&ie !ai#. Arthur !%ore" an# 1oo$er !$are# a glan e for the ol# &an. Hi! olor %a! better" but he !till loo,e# agitate#. Thi! %a! a huge $!y hologi al blo% for -a&ie" one that none of the& ha# been $re$are# for. .Let/! go fin# your hange roo&"0 he !ai#. She nee#e# ti&e to re o+er an# $ro e!! %hat ha# ha$$ene#. He ho$e# a ou$le of hour! %a! going to #o it" be au!e $retty !oon !he %a! going to be !tan#ing o$$o!ite a !ea!one# fighter %ho %ante# nothing &ore than to %i$e the an+a! %ith -a&ie/! fa e. They %al,e# to%ar# the glo%ing exit !ign on the farthe!t !i#e of the au#itoriu&. 1oo$er &o+e# for%ar# to o$en the #oor" but it !%ung to%ar# hi& before he oul# gra!$ the han#le an# he %a! for e# to ta,e a !te$ ba ,. A tall figure fille# the #oor%ay. 1oo$er hear# -a&ie &a,e a !&all" !ur$ri!e# noi!e behin# hi&. >yle Ban#enburg !&ile#" hi! #ar, ga*e *eroing in on -a&ie. In ontra!t to her" he #i#n/t loo, e+en re&otely !ur$ri!e#. .-i&&y. It/! goo# to !ee you"0 Ban#enburg !ai#. -a&ie/! fa e &ight ha+e been ar+e# fro& !tone. .What are you #oing here;0 .I/& here %ith &y girl" Liana"0 he !ai#. He angle# hi! bo#y !o they oul# !ee the %o&an %aiting i&$atiently behin# hi& in the orri#or.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Liana Nel!on/! $ale green eye! %ere belligerent a! !he !ur+eye# the&" a !neer on her li$!. 1oo$er ha# !een hi! fair !hare of $!y h3out! in hi! ti&e" but thi! ha# to ta,e the a,e. Ban#enburg ha# ti$$e# off the &e#ia. So&eho%" he &u!t ha+e gotten %in# of -a&ie/! fle#gling areer an# #e i#e# to ex$loit her for all it %a! %orth. The 5ui , fight offer" Liana/! %illingne!! to ta,e on a +irtual un,no%n'all of it &a#e !en!e no%. -a&ie Hollo%ay %a! no feather in Liana Nel!on/! a$'but -a&ie Sa%yer %a! a %hole other &atter. Liana oul# &il, the $ubli ity on thi! bout for &onth!" &aybe e+en $arlay it into a title !hot. .Loo,ing for%ar# to !eeing you !5uare u$" -i&&y"0 Ban#enburg !ai#. .Shoul# be a goo# &at h.0 1oo$er !te$$e# for%ar#. He/# ne+er li,e# Ban#enburg" an# he li,e# hi& e+en le!! !in e fin#ing out %hat he/# #one to -a&ie. Wat hing hi& !tan# there a! though he an# -a&ie %ere !till on !$ea,ing ter&!" a! though he ha#n/t !et all thi! u$ to ex$loit her" &a#e hi! bloo# boil. .Ho% about ba ,ing off;0 1oo$er !ai#. .Before I &a,e you.0 Ban#enburg fli ,e# hi! #ar, ga*e 1oo$er/! %ay. .2it*geral#. I hear# you/# been for e# to retire. Ba# lu ," #u#e.0 .It %on/t %or,"0 1oo$er !ai#. .:ou thin, thi! i! going to gi+e your girl the e#ge; -a&ie/! going to %a!te her" no &atter %hat you try an# thro% at her. But then you ne+er un#er!too# that fighting %a! all about heart" #i# you;0 Ban#enburg/! eye! fla!he# an# Liana !hot hi& a loo, a! though !he %a! a!,ing for $er&i!!ion to #o !o&ething &ore than !tan# by. 1oo$er too, another !te$ for%ar#" for ing Ban#enburg to hol# hi! groun# an# onfront 1oo$er or ba , u$ into the orri#or. He ho!e the latter. 1oo$er %aite# until -a&ie an# Arthur ha# !li$$e# $a!t hi& an# %ere hea#ing for the hange roo&! before he relin5ui!he# hi! $o!!e!!ion of the #oor%ay. Without a %or# or a ba ,%ar# glan e" he follo%e# -a&ie. The fir!t thing he !a% %hen he %al,e# into the hange roo& %a! -a&ie !itting on a ben h" her hea# in her han#!. Slo%ly !he lifte# her a!hen fa e. .I #on/t thin, I an #o thi!"0 !he !ai#. K

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter -AMIE 1LOSE) HE4 E:ES an# hun he# lo%er on the ben h. She/# been !o $!y he# for thi! fight. So rea#y to go out there an# %in. E+en the %or#! !he/# ha# %ith 1oo$er before they/# left the &otel ha#n/t #eterre# her. If anything" they/# only re&in#e# her of %hat !he %a! fighting for. Then !he/# %al,e# in the #oor of the au#itoriu& an# been bo&bar#e# by all tho!e re$orter!. An# >yle6 She/# ne+er %ante# to !ee hi& again. On e !he/# lo+e# an# tru!te# hi& totally" an# he/# ta,en %hat he %ante# an# left her %ith nothing. .So you/re (u!t going to let Ban#enburg ! are you off" are you;0 1oo$er a!,e#. Her hea# !hot u$. .)on/t try that a&ateur $!y hology ra$ on &e" 1oo$er.0 He !$rea# hi! han#! %i#e. .I/& not trying anything. It/! the truth. Ban#enburg $ur$o!ely got thi! fight %ith you !o he oul# $ull all thi! off. A&bu!h you %ith the &e#ia" then rattle you by re+ealing hi&!elf. He %ant! to a!h in on your na&e to %in $ubli ity for hi! girl" an# he/! ban,ing on you being !o thro%n by thi! ir u! he/! reate# that you/ll lo!e the fight. Or" e+en better" that you/ll $ull out at the la!t &inute" %hi h %ill bring the& e+en &ore $ubli ity.0 He %a! right. But it #i#n/t !to$ the hurning in her gut or the thought! ra ing aroun# her hea#. .I (u!t6I %a!n/t rea#y for thi!"0 !he !ai#. She hate# that !he !oun#e# !o !ha,en an# !&all. .Maybe %e !houl# $ull out of the fight"0 Arthur !ai#. .I #on/t li,e $laying into that A3hole/! han#!" but if you/re not u$ to thi!" -i&&y60 Her gran#father/! fa e %a! $in he# %ith on ern. She ha# a !u##en fla!h of ho% he/# loo,e# #uring tho!e ! ary" terrifying #ay! in the ho!$ital. Ho% $ale an# fragile an# infinitely $re iou! to her. .She/! u$ to it. -a&ie/! one of the toughe!t $eo$le I ,no%"0 1oo$er !ai#. He !5uatte# in front of her" bringing hi! fa e to her le+el. He hel# her eye" hi! regar# !tea#y. .Here/! %hat you/re going to #o. :ou/re going to go out an# %in that fight. Wi$e the !neer off that !teroi#3(un,ie/! fa e. An# you/re going to !tart #oing %hat you !et out to #o're lai&ing your na&e.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Staring into hi! eye!" !he oul# al&o!t !ee her!elf #oing it" exa tly a! he/# #e! ribe#. .It/! -i&&y/! #e i!ion"0 her gran#father !ai#. .If !he/! not ha$$y" I/& not ha$$y.0 1oo$er #i#n/t ta,e hi! eye! off her fa e. She oul#n/t loo, a%ay fro& hi&. She %oul# hate her!elf if !he ba ,e# out of thi! fight. She %oul# feel li,e a +i ti& again" the %ay !he ha# %hen !he/# #i! o+ere# %hat >yle an# hi! bu!ine!! &anager ha# #one to her an# her fa&ily. But to ha+e all tho!e re$orter! %at hing" %aiting for her to !li$ u$. She/# al%ay! ,no%n thi! %a! o&ing. She/# i&agine# the &o&ent of re+elation a hun#re# ti&e!'but on her ter&!" not their!. .It #oe!n/t &atter"0 1oo$er !ai# a! though he oul# rea# her &in#. .:ou/ll ne+er be able to ontrol the $re!!. Ignore the&. Thi! i! a fight" nothing &ore" nothing le!!. :ou an# Liana Nel!on in that ring. Ten roun#!" one %inner. S%eat an# bloo# an# leather.0 She lo!e# her eye!" !truggling to #o a! he !ai# an# $u!h e+erything el!e to one !i#e. He %a! right" it #i#n/t &atter. At the en# of the #ay" tonight %a! about her an# Liana Nel!on. About %hi h one of the& %a! !tronger" both $hy!i ally an# $!y hologi ally. .1o&e on" %arrior %o&an"0 1oo$er !ai#" hi! +oi e !o lo% !he al&o!t #i#n/t at h %hat he/# !ai#. She lifte# her ga*e fro& the floor an# &et hi! eye! again. Then !he ga+e a !hort" !har$ no#. Hi! li$! urle# into a !&all" a$$ro+ing !&ile. He bra e# hi! han#! again!t hi! thigh! an# $u!he# hi&!elf to hi! feet. .Let/! get you ta$e# an# %ar&e# u$"0 he !ai#. Ta,ing a #ee$ breath" -a&ie let it go on a !igh" on! iou!ly letting all the !tre!! of the $a!t half hour !li#e a%ay %ith it. She/# o&e here to fight" an# that %a! %hat !he %a! going to #o. 2or the next hour" !he %ar&e# u$. S,i$$ing" !ha#o% boxing" !it3u$!" %or,ing %ith the fo u! &itt!. 1oo$er tal,e# to her 5uietly the entire ti&e about Liana/! %ea,ne!!e!" the area! %here -a&ie oul# atta ," thing! to loo, out for. When !he %a! %ar& an# loo!e" !he !tri$$e# #o%n to her un#er%ear an# 1oo$er ga+e her a bri!, rub#o%n on the &a!!age table the organi*er! ha# $ro+i#e#. 2or the fir!t ti&e" hi! tou h #i# not !et her %orl# on fire. Hi! han#! %ere fir&" %ar&" !trong" but hi! tou h %a! i&$er!onal. Her &in# %a! fo u!e# only on the battle to ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter o&e. There %a! no roo& for anything el!e. A! he %or,e# her &u! le!" 1oo$er re&in#e# her of all the training they/# $ut in. All the hour! of !%eat an# effort. He tol# her !he %a! !trong an# fa!t an# a urate. He re&in#e# her of the !$arring !e!!ion! !he/# %on again!t Mi , in the gy&" of her en#uran e an# her $o%er. The %orl# !hran, until there %a! (u!t the #ee$ rea!!uran e of hi! +oi e an# the feel of hi! han#! on her bo#y. Her bo#y !hiny %ith oil" !he #re!!e# in her fight trun,! an# !$ort! ro$" en!uring her he!t guar# %a! fitte# $ro$erly. She $ut her boot! on" then %at he# 1oo$er ta$e the la e! #o%n !o that they #i#n/t o&e un#one #uring the fight. 2inally !he !at on the e#ge of the table an# %aite# a! 1oo$er %ra$$e# her han#!. .Ho% #oe! that feel;0 he a!,e#. She flexe# both han#! into fi!t!. .Goo#.0 1oo$er !li# her glo+e! on an# !e ure# the la e!" ta$ing the& #o%n. Hol#ing her hin in one han#" he rubbe# Ba!eline a ro!! her fa e" on entrating on her bro% an# hee,bone!. They %ere !o lo!e !he oul# !ee the in#i+i#ual %hi!,er! of hi! !tubble an# feel hi! breath on her fa e ea h ti&e he exhale#. She oul# !ee ho% long an# #ar, hi! eyela!he! %ere an# tra e the bu&$ on hi! no!e. She re&e&bere# the !tory he/# tol# her that night %hen they %aite# for her ar to be to%e#" about the fir!t ti&e he/# ha# it bro,en in the ring. The !ilen e !tret he#. She lo!e# her eye! to a+oi# loo,ing at hi&. .It/# be ironi if thi! !tuff turne# out to be great for &y o&$lexion" huh;0 !he !ai#. Anything to #i!$el the gro%ing !en!e of inti&a y. She ha# enough ra$ %hirling aroun# in her hea# %ithout a##ing &ore onfu!ion to the &ix. .E+en if it %a!" I thin, it/! !afe to !ay that getting !&a ,e# in the fa e a fe% #o*en ti&e! i! going to an el that out"0 1oo$er !ai#. .:eah" %ell" there/! al%ay! that"0 !he !ai#. When !he o$ene# her eye! again" he %a! %at hing her intently. .>ee$ your guar# u$" o,ay; I #on/t e+er %ant to !ee that han# #ro$$ing. :ou $rote t your!elf e+ery !e on#"0 he !ai#. So&ething fla!he# #ee$ in hi! eye!" !o&ething $rote ti+e an# fier e. She loo,e# a%ay.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Hi! han# lan#e# on her ba ," hea+y an# %ar&. .:ou/re a fighter" -a&ie. Ta,e it u$ to her" &a,e her angry" then lay her out.0 She no##e#" then !li# off the &a!!age table. Her gran#father ha# %at he# fro& a hair again!t the %all throughout" but he !too# no% an# &a#e t%o fi!t! %ith hi! han#!. .:ou go get /e&" S$itfire"0 he !ai#" ta$$ing hi! fi!t! again!t her glo+e!. She laughe#. .S$itfire;0 .E+ery boxer nee#! a na&e"0 her gran#father !ai#. .-a&ie S$itfire Sa%yer !oun#! $retty goo# to &e.0 A ,no , !oun#e# on the #oor. The referee entere#" neat in hi! bla , $ant!" %hite !hirt an# bo% tie. 2or the next fi+e &inute!" he ex$laine# the rule! of the bout to -a&ie" all !tan#ar#. Before he exite#" he %arne# that they %ere only &inute! a%ay fro& fight ti&e. .Let/! go"0 1oo$er !ai#. He gathere# u$ hi! ,it. Her gran#father ha# fille# a !&all bu ,et %ith i e" an# he grabbe# the larger !$it bu ,et. 1oo$er !to$$e# to #ra$e a to%el o+er -a&ie/! !houl#er! to ,ee$ her %ar&. .Nee# to get you a robe"0 he !ai#. She !hrugge#. Ner+e! %ere beating a tattoo in her belly. She felt a! though !he/# !%allo%e# a bolt of lightning an# the energy %a! ra ,ling aroun# in!i#e her" #e!$erate to fin# a %ay out. Then they %ere %al,ing the long orri#or to the au#itoriu&. She oul# hear the !oun# of the ro%#" the &u!i " the announ e&ent!. 1oo$er hel# the #oor for her. She bru!he# $a!t hi& an# !te$$e# into the bright ir le of a !$otlight that $inne# her to the floor an# tra ,e# her a! !he &a#e her %ay #o%n the %i#e ai!le to the ring. The ro%# began to roar. She oul#n/t tell %hat they %ere yelling" but !he oul# feel the energy of their attention an# anti i$ation. The la!t t%o ti&e! !he/# fought" !he/# fe# off the bu** of the ro%#. Tonight !he felt ex$o!e#" un ertain. They ,ne% %ho !he %a! no%" %ho her father ha# been. They/# be %at hing" %on#ering. The ring loo&e# before her. 1oo$er &o+e# ahea# to hol# the ro$e! o$en an# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !he !li# into the ring. She %a! alone on the an+a! !5uare" the glare of the light! an# a&era! an# thou!an#! of eye! on her a! !he #an e# fro& foot to foot. She rolle# her !houl#er!" %or,ing to ,ee$ her breathing !tea#y an# e+en" #e!$ite the fa t that e+ery in!tin t %a! ! rea&ing at her to ga!$ for air an# run" run" run. The !oun# of the ro%# inten!ifie# an# !he gue!!e# that Liana %a! &a,ing her %ay to the ring. -a&ie turne# her ba ,. The other %o&an %oul# be $o!turing" !ho%ing off" trying to $!y h -a&ie out !o&e &ore. )eliberately" -a&ie #i# a !lo% ir uit of the ring" (ogging fro& foot to foot a! !he &a$$e# out her territory. E+en %hen Liana entere# the ring !he #i#n/t gi+e the other %o&an her attention. 4ight no%" !he %a! irrele+ant. Thi! ti&e %a! about -a&ie getting her hea# right" !etting her!elf u$ to fo u! an# thin, an# a t %hen the bell rang. The M1 began to &a,e the announ e&ent!. -a&ie note# that they/# hange# her na&e fro& Hollo%ay to Sa%yer on the bill. It %a! offi ial. Her (ourney of re#e&$tion ha# begun. .-a&ie.0 1oo$er ge!ture# her to%ar# her orner. She ro!!e# to hi&" ,ee$ing her feet &o+ing" !taying %ar& all the %hile. He han#e# her the &outh$ie e" tugge# the to%el off her !houl#er!" he ,e# her glo+e! again an# !&oothe# a little &ore Ba!eline onto her hee,bone!. Then he grabbe# her glo+e! an# hel# her eye. .:ou an #o thi!. :ou/+e got the $o%er" you/+e got the %ill" you/+e got the !,ill. Ma,e it ha$$en.0 .O,ay"0 !he !ai#. She felt a! though !he %a! &a,ing a $ro&i!e or ta,ing an oath. 1oo$er he!itate# a &o&ent. Then he !la$$e# a han# onto her !houl#er an# !5uee*e# her on e" fir&ly" before !te$$ing a%ay. She !ought her gran#father/! fa e in the ro%# be!i#e the ring an# foun# hi& !tan#ing to one !i#e. He ga+e her a !tern3fa e# no# of a ,no%le#ge&ent. She &a#e hi& a &ental $ro&i!e9 2or you" Gran#$a. Thi! one/! for you. Then !he turne# aroun# an# too, her fir!t goo#" long loo, at her o$$onent. Liana Nel!on %a! big an# broa#. She ha# roun#e#" &u! ular ar&! an# a flat" %i#e fa e %ith har# $ale green eye! fra&e# by !hort" !$i,y blon# hair. Ab#o&inal &u! le! ri$$le# #o%n her belly" an# her thigh! an# al+e! %ere thi , %ith &u! le. She eyeballe# -a&ie !traight ba ," her to$ li$ urling into a !neer. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter -a&ie bu&$e# her glo+e! together. She/# !een that !neer one too &any ti&e! to#ay. 2ir!t han e !he got" !he %a! going to !&a , the hell out of it. >yle !too# behin# Liana/! orner. Hol#ing onto the ro$e!" he leane# for%ar# an# fe# Liana la!t &inute in!tru tion!. -a&ie lo ,e# eye! %ith hi& briefly a! he !te$$e# #o%n fro& the ring. On e" !he/# let hi& ! re% her o+er. Tonight !he %a! going to !ho% hi& !he %a! nobo#y/! +i ti&. The ref alle# her into the enter of the an+a!. She !too# 5uietly a! he tol# the& to ,ee$ the fight lean. Liana ,e$t u$ her inten!e eye %or,. -a&ie !taye# ool. She oul# tell it $i!!e# her o$$onent off. Goo#. They ta$$e# glo+e! an# retreate# to their orner!. -a&ie aught !ight of 1oo$er !tan#ing belo%" hi! ar&! ro!!e# o+er hi! he!t" hi! leg! !$rea# %i#e. He loo,e# i&&o+able" ar+e# fro& granite. A har# &an %ho/# %on all hi! battle!. An# he %a! on her !i#e. It %a! a little ! ary to reali*e ho% &u h that &eant to her. She turne# ba , to fa e the ring an# brought her fi!t! u$. Her breathing lou# in!i#e her o%n hea#" !he %aite# for the bell to ring. The re+erberating lang !ee&e# to hang fore+er in the air. -a&ie &o+e# for%ar#" rea#y to ta,e the fight u$ to her o$$onent. Liana &et her half%ay" fi!t fir!t. -a&ie blo ,e# a (ab to her fa e an# a ro!! to her rib! before getting in a o&bination of her o%n. Liana/! hea# ro ,e# on her ne , an# !he blin,e# 5ui ,ly. Her green ga*e too, on a har#er" angrier light. Pre!!ing for%ar#" Liana %ent on the atta ,. -a&ie blo ,e# a! be!t !he oul#" but it %a! i&$o!!ible to #efle t all her blo%!. Her hea# !na$$e# ba , on e" t%i e. She lo!t breath a! her o$$onent/! fi!t foun# her belly. Su ,ing air" -a&ie !hoo, her hea#. She for e# the $ain into the furthe!t orner of her &in#. It %a! goo# for one thing an# one thing only',ee$ing her fo u!e#" re&in#ing her that thi! %a! a battle" an# that only the !tronge!t %oul# !ur+i+e. >ee$ing her guar# han# u$" -a&ie %ent on the atta , again.

1OOPE4/S HAN)S %ere fi!te# again!t hi! rib age" hi! ar&! lo ,e# rigi#ly a ro!! hi! he!t. E+en hearing that hi! boxing areer %a! o+er felt li,e a %al, in the $ar, o&$are# to %at hing -a&ie get $oun#e# %ith hit after hit. E+erything in hi& %ante# to boun# into the ring an# $rote t her fro& the blo%! raining #o%n on her. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter But thi! %a! boxing. Thi! %a! %hat -a&ie %ante#. What !he nee#e# to $urge her !oul an# fulfill her $ro&i!e to her gran#father. 1oo$er ha# no hoi e but to !it ba , an# %at h an# ho$e that !he foun# %hat !he %a! loo,ing for in!i#e the ring. The ro%# roare# a! Liana lan#e# a !trong (ab on the !i#e of -a&ie/! hea#. -a&ie !taggere#" then thre% her!elf !traight ba , into the atta ,. 1oo$er/! !houl#er! ten!e# a! -a&ie on entrate# on the other %o&an/! bo#y" $oun#ing her %ith (ab! an# ro!!e!" loo,ing for an o$ening. Liana %a! fa!t an# #a&ne# re!ilient. She bore u$ un#er the a!!ault" lo!ing the #i!tan e bet%een the& an# grabbing -a&ie in a lin h to !to$ her atta ,. The t%o %o&en !%aye#" lo ,e# together in an angry" !%eaty e&bra e. The ref !te$$e# for%ar#" or#ering the& to brea,. A! -a&ie relin5ui!he# her gri$" Liana %hi$$e# a (ab a ro!! the !$a e that !e$arate# the&" at hing -a&ie on the hin una%are. 1oo$er bello%e# %ith outrage. The ref !hoo, hi! hea# an# hel# u$ a han# to !ignal he %a! gi+ing Liana a %arning for a foul hit. -a&ie blin,e#. She !hoo, her hea#" then on e again too, u$ her !tan e. 1oo$er felt a !%ell of $ri#e. Tough an# beautiful'no %on#er !he ro ,e# hi! %orl#. By the ti&e the fir!t roun# bell !oun#e#" 1oo$er al ulate# that -a&ie %a! ahea# on $oint!" but only (u!t. Thi! %a! going to be a lo!e fight unle!! one of the %o&en ! ore# a ,no ,out $un h. He %a! in the ring be!i#e -a&ie in !e on#!" $u!hing her onto the !tool. He a e$te# her &outh$ie e an# %a!he# it out" then rea he# for the No3S%ell an# began to $re!! it a ro!! her hee,bone!. .:ou/re #oing great. >ee$ riling her. E+ery ti&e !he get! angry" !he %a!te! a lot of energy an# !he get! !tu$i#.0 -a&ie no##e#. She !5uirte# %ater into her &outh then !$at into the bu ,et. She ha# the beginning! of a brui!e o&ing u$ on her left hee,bone" an# a !&all ut on her lo%er li$. He leane# the ut an# !li ,e# &ore Ba!eline on a! !he !u ,e# in big lungful! of air. .She/! fa!t. An# !nea,y"0 !he !ai#. .)irty. But %e ,ne% that about her alrea#y"0 he !ai#. With Ban#enburg training her" there %ere no !ur$ri!e!. .>ee$ &o+ing" ,ee$ $o$$ing u$ un#er her guar#.0 Their ti&e %a! nearly u$. He $u!he# her guar# ba , into her &outh. Their eye! lo ,e# for a brief &o&ent. He ho$e# li,e hell !he oul#n/t !ee ho% &u h he ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %ante# to !ling her o+er hi! !houl#er an# #rag her out of there. I !houl# ha+e %al,e# a%ay. He ,ne% it %ith ab!olute larity. He %a!n/t #oing hi&!elf or -a&ie any fa+or!" feeling !o torn %hen all hi! fo u! !houl# be on ,ee$ing her in the *one an# gi+ing her the fee#ba , an# a#+i e !he !o #e!$erately nee#e#. The ref !ignale#. 1oo$er !li$$e# ba , through the ro$e!" !li#ing the !tool out after hi&. Arthur too, the bu ,et an# !tool fro& hi&" $la ing the& at the rea#y for the en# of the next roun#. The bell rang an# Liana a&e after -a&ie %ith fero iou! *eal" %or,ing her into a orner a! !he !la&&e# $un he! into her !houl#er!" hea#" belly. The ro%# !urge# to it! feet" ex ite# by the !trong atta ,. Ban#enburg ro%e# fro& the o$$o!ite orner. 1oo$er ,e$t hi! fo u! on -a&ie" %illing her to !tay !trong. To en#ure. -a&ie !li$$e# a !hot in un#er the other %o&an/! guar#" then #an e# a%ay. Liana a&e at -a&ie again" her ar&! a blur of &u! le# &otion a! !he !tru , an# !tru , an# !tru ,. Again -a&ie %a! #ri+en into the orner. 1oo$er %ante# to loo, a%ay but he oul#n/t let -a&ie #o%n (u!t to !$are hi&!elf. -a&ie let fly %ith another 5ui ," fa!t !hot" thi! ti&e to Liana/! belly. The other %o&an loo,e# &o&entarily outrage# that -a&ie ha# on e again gotten beneath her guar#. )an ing ba , to the enter of the ring" -a&ie grinne# aroun# her &outh guar# an# ge!ture# to%ar# Liana9 1o&e on" i! that all you got; The ro%# lo+e# it. They %ere on their feet again" hollering their a$$ro+al. All fine!!e %a! forgotten a! Liana !tal,e# to%ar# -a&ie" !houl#er! bun he#" hea# #o%n lo%. 2uriou!" !he !%ung out at -a&ie" an# on e again they %oun# u$ in the orner" -a&ie trying to $rote t her!elf a! be!t !he oul#. Liana %a! ahea# on $oint! by the ti&e the bell !oun#e# an# -a&ie a&e ba , to her orner. 1oo$er !5uatte# in front of her an# hel# her hin %ith hi! han# to &a,e !ure he ha# her attention. -a&ie/! ga*e fo u!e# on hi&" tire# but #eter&ine#. Go#" !he %a! tough. He %aite# %hile !he rin!e# an# !$at. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Ho%/! your %in#;0 he a!,e#. She no##e#" #e!$ite the fa t !he %a! ga!$ing for air. .I/& o,ay.0 .Goo#. :ou nee# to ,ee$ her &o+ing" %ear her out. She/! not a! fit a! you. :ou an brea, her.0 -a&ie no##e# again. He !hot a glan e at the ref. It %a! ti&e to let her go again. He %ante# to !ay !o&ething" #o !o&ething that %oul# %in the fight for her" !a+e her all the $ain that %a! yet to o&e. But it %a!n/t hi! fight to %in. He !li$$e# out of the ring a! the bell rang. On e again both %o&en a&e out fighting. They ex hange# a flurry of blo%!. -a&ie %or,e# har# to out&aneu+er her o$$onent" her feet a blur of &otion a! !he #an e# aroun# her. Liana tra ,e# her aroun# the ring" her he!t hea+ing li,e a bello%!" her ga*e ne+er %a+ering fro& her target. Then -a&ie feinte# %ith a left" an# before !he oul# &o+e in %ith her right" Liana let fly %ith the %hi!tling u$$er ut that ha# >O/# !o &any of her $re+iou! o$$onent!. -a&ie turne# %ith it" trie# to #efle t it %ith her forear&. The other %o&an/! glo+e !&a ,e# into the !i#e of her (a%. Her eye! lo!e#. 1oo$er bra e# hi&!elf to ru!h into the ring. Wa! !he going #o%n; -a&ie #i#n/t fall. In!tea#" !he !te$$e# to%ar# her o$$onent in a ounterintuiti+e &o+e that onfu!e# Liana an# &a#e her !huffle ba ,%ar#. -a&ie #eli+ere# a !i**ling hay&a,er %ith her right" the $un h ta,ing fore+er to !%ing aroun# before !la&&ing into the other %o&an/! (a% %ith a re!oun#ing !&a ,. Liana/! hea# lolle# on her ne ,. Her ,nee! bu ,le#. Then !he hit the an+a!" out ol#. The ref bent o+er her" he ,ing her eye!. He !ignale# %ith hi! han#! that !he %a! out. The ro%# %ent ra*y" yelling at the to$ of their lung!" hanting -a&ie/! na&e. 1oo$er #o+e for the ring. He !li# bet%een the ro$e! an# ! oo$e# her into hi! ar&!" lifting her high. She %ra$$e# her leg! aroun# hi! %ai!t an# $un he# the air. She thre% her hea# ba ," !%eat !$raying off her in gli!tening bea#!. He/# %on four ha&$ion!hi$ bout! in hi! areer" but no +i tory ha# e+er felt a! !%eet. He/# %ante# thi! for her !o ba#'both be au!e he/# %ante# the #anger to be o+er" an# be au!e it &eant !o &u h to her.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter They %ere both laughing an# grinning li,e i#iot!. Then Arthur %a! there be!i#e her. 1oo$er relin5ui!he# hi! gri$ on her. He %at he# a! !he hugge# her gran#father" her fa e flu!he# %ith exertion an# triu&$h. The next fe% &inute! $a!!e# in a blur a! her %in %a! offi ially announ e# an# the ro%# roare# for her again. On their %ay ba , to the hange roo&" -a&ie %a! !to$$e# by t%o #ifferent ne%! re%! for o&&ent!. She !hrugge# the& off" refu!ing to fee# the& %hen they/# been $re$are# to tear her a$art earlier. Then they %ere in her hange roo&" the three of the& high on relief an# ex ite&ent. -a&ie %a! bright3eye# a! !he boun e# fro& foot to foot" !till hy$e# fro& the fight. .I thought !he ha# &e that !e on# ti&e on the ro$e!"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er thre% a to%el aroun# her !houl#er! an# %ent to %or, on the ta$e hol#ing her glo+e la e! !e ure. .She/! a !lugger" that/! for !ure. But !he #oe!n/t thin, enough. All $o%er" no brain"0 he !ai#" tugging the la e! free. .Go#" I feel !o goo#.0 Life #i#n/t offer u$ &any &o&ent! of $ure triu&$h li,e thi!. He ,ne% fir!than# ho% high !he %a! feeling right no%. A! though !he oul# ta,e on the %orl#" all the a he! an# $ain! an# brui!e! forgotten for a &o&ent a! !he re+ele# in her +i tory. 1oo$er tugge# her glo+e! off" then grabbe# her han#! to ,ee$ the& !till a! he un%oun# the ta$e $rote ting her ,nu ,le!. .:ou get in the !ho%er" an# %e/ll go elebrate"0 Arthur !ai#. He %a! grinning" fit to bu!t. .Hell" yeah"0 -a&ie !ai#. She $ulle# a%ay fro& 1oo$er/! gri$ to ,i!! her gran#father again. .Let/! go $aint the to%n re#.0 Arthur !li$$e# out the #oor into the orri#or to offer -a&ie $ri+a y %hile !he hange#. 1oo$er rea he# for her han#! again. .Let &e fini!h u$ an# you an get in the !ho%er"0 he !ai#. He oul# feel the energy +ibrating through her a! !he %at he# hi& un%ra$ her han#!. .:ou thin, I/ll ha+e trouble getting another fight after thi!;0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Are you ,i##ing; Any fe&ale fighter %ith an ego i! going to be lining u$ to try to ,no , #o%n -a , Sa%yer/! #aughter. E!$e ially no% that you/+e ha# !u h a !$la!hy #ebut.0 He %a! a utely a%are of the heat o&ing off her bo#y" the &ingle# ! ent of her lean !%eat an# #eo#orant an# the &a!!age oil he/# u!e# on her earlier. He felt an o+er%hel&ing #e!ire to bury hi! fa e in her ne , an# !u , her e!!en e into hi! lung!. She infuriate# hi&" !he arou!e# hi&" !he be&u!e# hi&. Wat hing her get hit ha# been hell. No% he felt her (oy" her triu&$h. He %a! !o $rou# of her" !o #a&ne# $rou# of her6. .)i# you !ee the loo, !he got in her eye %hen I $o$$e# that fir!t !hot un#er her guar#; I thought !he %a! going to $oun# &e into the groun#"0 -a&ie !ai#" her eye! unfo u!e# an# #i!tant. He/# #enie# hi&!elf la!t night" he/# been #enying hi&!elf for %ee,! on en#. He nee#e# to hol# her. To be %ith her. To be a $art of her" e+en (u!t for a fe% a hing !e on#!. He to!!e# the ta$e to one !i#e an# rea he# for her" !li#ing hi! han#! u$ her ne , an# onto her !,ull !o he oul# hol# her hea# !till a! he lo%ere# hi! &outh to her!. Her &outh o$ene# beneath hi! hungrily an# her tongue !li# o+er hi!. She angle# her hea# to allo% hi& greater a e!!. He oul# feel her %hole bo#y $oun#ing %ith the for e of her ra&$e#3u$ heartbeat. Hi! bo#y %a! bu**ing" too" fro& a hea#y &ix of triu&$h" relief an# #e!ire. Gro%ling lo% in hi! throat" he ba ,e# her u$ until !he %a! $re!!e# again!t the ool tile %all. He rea he# for the lo%er e#ge of her !$ort! ro$. He ha# her out of her he!t guar# an# bra in !e on#!" an# he lo%ere# hi! hea# to ta!te her" li , her" bite her. She !tarte# to lo!e it" grin#ing again!t hi& a! !he anti i$ate# %hat %a! going to o&e next. He $u!he# hi! han#! in!i#e the %i#e ela!ti on her fighting trun,! an# !ho+e# the& to%ar# the floor" along %ith her un#er%ear. Then he hoo,e# one of her long leg! o+er hi! hi$. Hi! &outh #e+oure# her! a! he !li# a 5ue!ting han# into the !li , heat bet%een her thigh!. She %a! %et an# rea#y for hi&. Her %hole bo#y 5ui+ere# a! he $re!!e# the flat of hi! $al& again!t her. .1oo$er"0 !he %hi!$ere# #e!$erately. He %a! %ay ahea# of her. He unbu ,le# hi! belt" then $o$$e# hi! button fly o$en. Within !e on#! hi! ro ,3har# o , %a! $re!!e# again!t her belly. He too, are ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter of $rote tion" hi! han#! !ha,ing. Then he hit he# her a little higher an# gui#e# hi&!elf bet%een her thigh!. He entere# her %ith one long" $o%erful thru!t. She ga!$e# an# lo!e# her eye!. .I ha+e #rea&e# of thi! e+ery night"0 !he !ai#" !o lo% he al&o!t oul#n/t hear her. He began to &o+e. He lo!e# hi! eye!" re+eling in ho% tight an# hot !he felt" ho% !li ,ly their bo#ie! &o+e# together" ho% $a!!ionately !he hel# hi& %ith her thigh! an# her !trong ar&!. .:e!"0 !he %hi!$ere#" her hea# thro%n ba ,. .:e!" 1oo$er.0 It %a! !o goo#" !he %a! !o goo#" he oul#n/t hol# on. He gri$$e# her hi$! an# en ourage# her to lift her other leg fro& the groun#. He too, her full %eight a! !he %ra$$e# both leg! aroun# hi& an# lo ,e# her an,le! behin# hi! ba ,. He $oun#e# into her" teeth gritte#" eye! lo!e#" hi! %hole bo#y !training to%ar# $lea!ure. She %a! !o beautiful" !o bra+e" !o !exy" !o #a&ne# hot. The %ay her bo#y gri$$e# hi!" the !li$$ery !li#e of her" the ta!te an# !&ell an# feel of her. Hi! li&ax !la&&e# into hi& li,e a fi!t. He o$ene# hi! eye! an# !tare# at her a! he $oure# hi&!elf into her. She %a! aught bet%een agony an# e !ta!y a! !he ro#e her o%n orga!&. He !5uee*e# her butt hee,! har# a! he $u&$e# one la!t ti&e into her" feeling her inner &u! le! tightening again an# again aroun# hi& a! they a&e !i&ultaneou!ly. 2or a fe% !e on#! after%ar# there %a! nothing but the !oun# of their har!h breathing in the hange roo&. He re!te# hi! forehea# again!t her!. She %a! tre&bling. He loo!ene# hi! gri$ an# %ith#re% fro& her" letting her leg! !li#e to the groun#. -a&ie/! !il+er eye! %ere #ar, %ith !ati!fa tion %hen he loo,e# at her. .That/! %hat you get for hol#ing out la!t night"0 !he !ai#" rea hing out to u$ hi& in her han#. Be au!e he %a! a &an" an# be au!e he %a! !taring at the !exie!t %o&an he/# e+er &et" hi! o , i&&e#iately began to har#en all o+er again. She !&ile# a !elf3!ati!fie# little !&ile. He !tarte# to re!$on# %hen the #oor to the hange roo& !5uea,e#. He ha# (u!t enough $re!en e of &in# to #rag hi! (ean! u$ o+er hi! bare butt an# thru!t a to%el at -a&ie before her gran#father !tu , hi! hea# aroun# the #oor.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Sha,e a tail feather" -i&&y. Thi! ol# &an/! hanging out for a beer"0 Arthur !ai# before he !a% the&. Sho , hit hi! feature!" follo%e# 5ui ,ly by a %a+e of olor. There %a! a &o&ent of !ilent ten!ion. Then Arthur a!t 1oo$er a #ar," #i!a$$ro+ing loo,. He !te$$e# ba ,%ar# %ithout a %or#" letting the #oor fall !hut behin# hi&. .Shit"0 1oo$er !ai#. He #ragge# hi! (ean! together an# buttone# hi! fly. -a&ie/! hee,! %ere $in,. She %ra$$e# the to%el aroun# her bo#y" tu ,ing in the en# bet%een her brea!t!. .O,ay" that %a! e&barra!!ing" but !in e thi! !ee&! to ,ee$ ha$$ening" he %a! boun# to fin# out !o&eti&e"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er bu ,le# hi! belt. .I an only i&agine %hat he/! thin,ing right no%"0 he !ai#. He/# only ,no%n Arthur a fe% &onth!" but he/# gro%n to re!$e t the ol# &an enor&ou!ly. The %ay he loo,e# out for -a&ie" hi! fier e loyalty an# hi! 5uiet $re!en e all !$o,e of a &an of hi! %or#" a &an of honor. The exa t o$$o!ite of the ,in# of &an %ho/# a e$t the role of tru!te# trainer to a fighter then $ro ee# to thro% her on her ba , an# !ti , it to her at e+ery gi+en o$$ortunity. .Li,e I !ai#" he %a! al%ay! going to fin# out e+entually"0 -a&ie !ai#. She hea#e# for the !ho%er. 1oo$er &a#e a ru#e noi!e. She ga+e hi& a ,no%ing loo, o+er her !houl#er. .<ntil %e get thi! thing out of our !y!te&!" it/! going to ,ee$ ha$$ening" 1oo$er. :ou ,no% it" an# I ,no% it. It/! not a big #eal" a! long a! %e both re&e&ber %hat it i!'an# %hat it i!n/t.0 He !tare# at the !ho%er !tall #oor a! !he lo!e# it bet%een the&. A fe% &onth! ago" ha+ing a %o&an a! !exy a! -a&ie offer hi& no3!tring! !ex %oul# ha+e been right u$ there %ith being offere# a han e to o&e out of retire&ent %ith no ri!, of $er&anent in(ury. Proble& %a!" !ex %ith -a&ie %a!n/t no3!tring!. Not for hi&" any%ay. He ! rubbe# hi! fa e %ith hi! han#!. Ben#ing" he olle te# the #i! ar#e# ta$e an# ti#ie# u$ the re!t of hi! ,it. He oul# only $ro ra!tinate for !o long. After a fe% &inute! he bra e# hi&!elf an# exite# the hange roo&.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He felt li,e a teenager %ho/# been bu!te# (er,ing off o+er hi! &o&/! un#er%ear #ra%er'#irty an# #o%nright %rong in !o &any %ay!. He/# ,no%n better. He/# trie# to #ra% a line" but he ha#n/t been able to &a,e it !ti ,. Arthur %a! !tan#ing %ith hi! han#! !ho+e# into hi! $o ,et!. Slo%ly hi! fo u! !%ung aroun# to fix on 1oo$er. .Ho% long ha! it been going on;0 .Long enough"0 1oo$er !ai#. .Not that it &a,e! any #ifferen e" but I/& !eriou! about -a&ie.0 Arthur/! fa e %a! !et. .:ou thin, I ha+en/t hear# that line before; She tru!t! you. She/! $ut her %hole areer in your han#!" an# you re$ay her by #i##ling her at the fir!t o$$ortunity;0 1oo$er !huffle# hi! feet. .:ou/re right. I !houl#n/t ha+e ro!!e# the line an# I ,no% it. I/# alrea#y #e i#e# tonight to 5uit training her"0 he !ai#. .I an/t !tan# out!i#e that ring an# %at h her ta,e another beating. It/! #oing &y hea# in.0 He ran a han# through hi! hair" re&e&bering again the urge he/# felt to !to$ the fight in it! tra ,! an# $rote t her. When he &et Arthur/! eye! again" the ol# &an/! ex$re!!ion %a! a!!e!!ing. .She nee#! a trainer &ore than !he nee#! a boyfrien#. Got the& line# u$ aroun# the blo ,"0 Arthur !ai#. 1oo$er !hrugge#. He felt the %ay he felt. An# he/# alrea#y trie# to $ull ba , to being only -a&ie/! trainer. It %a!n/t going to ha$$en. .I/ll hoo, her u$ %ith !o&eone. She/! got a re or# no%" an# the Sa%yer na&e i! boun# to attra t !o&e intere!t"0 he !ai#. .She %on/t li,e tra#ing on the na&e.0 But they both ,ne% that hor!e ha# %ell an# truly bolte#. .)oe! !he ,no%; About you not training her any &ore;0 Arthur a!,e#. .No.0 -a&ie %a! !o #ri+en" !o intent on $ro+ing her!elf that there %a! no roo& in her life for #oubt or other $eo$le/! &ixe# &oti+e! or feeling!. He/# alrea#y trie# to ex$lain to her ho% &u h their !exual attra tion o&$ro&i!e# their $rofe!!ional ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter relation!hi$. She #i#n/t %ant to hear it. Tonight !he %a! going to ha+e to li!ten. He !tare# at the hange roo& #oor. She %oul# be angry. But there %a! no other %ay. He are# too &u h. He %ante# her too ba#ly. The 5ue!tion %a!" on e their %or,ing relation!hi$ %a! leare# u$" %oul# !he a ,no%le#ge their $er!onal one; Or %a! he going to ha+e yet another battle on hi! han#!; F -AMIE STEPPE) O<T of the !ho%er an# $re!!e# her fa e into her to%el. She %in e# for the tenth ti&e in a! &any &inute! a! !he re&e&bere# the loo, on her gran#father/! fa e. It %a! u!ele!! to $reten# that hi& fin#ing her bu , na,e# an# $in, %ith afterglo% %a! not au!e for (u!t a little bit of !elf3 on! iou!ne!!. But it ha# ha$$ene#" an# in a %ay !he %a! gla#. The attra tion !he felt for 1oo$er %a! not going to go a%ay %ith a fe% roll! in the hay. )e!$ite their be!t intention!" they ,e$t %in#ing u$ na,e# an# !%eaty %ith ea h other. It oul#n/t la!t" of our!e. That ,in# of #e!ire ne+er #i#. E5ually" it %a!n/t fa#ing of it! o%n a or#. The $a!t fe% &onth! ha# &ore than $ro+en that. Whi h left her an# 1oo$er in a 5uan#ary. After tonight" &ore than e+er" !he ,ne% !he nee#e# 1oo$er a! her trainer. He/# groun#e# her %hen !he/# been rea#y to %al," he/# fo u!e# her" he/# gi+en her onfi#en e. With hi& in her orner" !he felt ro ,3!oli#. There %a! only one !olution9 they nee#e# to burn thi! thing out. -u!t go at it until they %ere bore# or tire# or o+er ea h other. A %ee," t%o %ee,!" a &onth. Whate+er it too,. She hone!tly oul#n/t !ee any other %ay aroun# it. He %oul# get on hi! high hor!e again" no #oubt. He ha# !o&e $retty ol#3 fa!hione# +ie%! about the tru!t that !houl# exi!t bet%een a fighter an# a trainer. She li,e# that about hi& a hell of a lot but it #i#n/t !ol+e the $roble& of their &utual attra tion. Only o+erex$o!ure %a! going to #o that. On e they/# !ate# ea h other/! #e!ire" !ex %oul# be a noni!!ue an# they oul# get ba , to %hat ounte#. -a&ie !&oothe# her han#! #o%n her !li&3fit (ean! an# in!$e te# her fa e. Her lo%er li$ %a! $uffy fro& Liana Nel!on/! $o%erful left (ab" an# her right eye %a! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter !tarting to turn $ur$le %ith a brui!e. Go#" !he/# %on. She lo!e# her eye! an# reli+e# the &o&ent %hen the final bell ha# !oun#e#. -u!t li,e la!t ti&e" it ha# brought a hea#y ru!h. Winning %a! a##i ti+e. She %ante# &ore of it'!oon. Maybe !he %a! her father/! #aughter. She $ulle# her hair into a $onytail then turne# a%ay fro& the &irror" her &outh tight. Her father ha# no $la e in any of thi!. She %a! annoye# %ith her!elf for thin,ing of hi&. Sto%ing the re!t of her gear in her gy& bag" !he $re$are# to fa e her gran#father. He %oul# ha+e thing! to !ay" no #oubt" about her an# 1oo$er. But !he %a! a gro%n %o&an" an# !he %a! entitle# to #o %hat !he %ante# %ith %ho&e+er !he %ante#. Maybe it %a! the high fro& her %in" but tonight !he #i#n/t feel a! though there %a! any $roble& that %a! in!ur&ountable. Both &en %ere %aiting for her in the orri#or. Neither of the& 5uite &et her eye. 2ine. A fe% beer! an# a goo# &eal %oul# ta,e are of any a%,%ar#ne!!. .Let/! go. There/! a $ub %ithin %al,ing #i!tan e of the &otel that loo,! li,e it ha! a goo# #inner &enu"0 !he !ai#. She %aite# until they/# $ulle# u$ out the front of the $ub before turning to fa e 1oo$er an# her gran#father. .Let/! get thi! out of the %ay !o %e an all ha+e a goo# ti&e" o,ay;0 !he !ai#. She loo,e# her gran#father in the eye. .1oo$er an# I li,e ea h other. It #oe!n/t &ean anything. I/& !orry you ha# to fin# out li,e that" but there/! not &u h I an #o about it no%. O,ay;0 Her gran#father eye# her !tea#ily. .1oo$er/! your trainer" -i&&y. What you/re #oing together &e!!e! thing! u$. :ou nee# to be able to rely on ea h other.0 -a&ie o$ene# her &outh to tell her gran#father that !ex %a! nothing but a bun h of bo#y $art! rubbing together an# that it %oul#n/t &e!! u$ anything. She lo!e# it again %ithout !aying a %or#. She &ight be a gro%n %o&an" but there %a! no %ay !he oul# ha+e that on+er!ation %ith her gran#father. .1oo$er an# I un#er!tan# ea h other"0 !he !ai#. .)on/t %orry about it.0 Her gran#father !hot 1oo$er a loo,. She !u!$e te# he/# been gi+ing 1oo$er a har# ti&e %hile !he hange#. 1oo$er %a! a big boy" he oul# han#le it. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .1o&e on. I/& thir!ty"0 !he !ai#. She le# the %ay in!i#e. The 4oyal Stan#ar# %a! a la!!i Au!tralian ountry $ub %ith a long %oo#en ounter along one %all" booth! along another an# a olle tion of table! an# hair! filling the bul, of the floor !$a e. Lo al &e&orabilia !er+e# a! #e oration" an# in one orner a tele+i!ion !ho%e# highlight! fro& the #ay/! football &at he!. The &enu %a! %ritten in olore# hal, on a bla ,boar# behin# the bar. -a&ie &ar he# !traight u$ to the ounter an# or#ere# three beer!. Te hni ally" ha&$agne %a! $robably alle# for" but !he/# al%ay! been &ore of a beer girl an# !he %a! %illing to bet 1oo$er an# her gran#father %ere the !a&e. She arrie# three fro!ty gla!!e! ba , to the table 1oo$er ha# ho!en" !li#ing a beer to%ar# ea h of the& an# rai!ing her o%n gla!!. .To laying Nel!on out"0 !he !ai#. The %ary loo, left her gran#father/! eye! a! he re&e&bere# the fight. .That !ure %a! a beautiful !hot you $o$$e# her"0 he !ai# %i!tfully. They all too, a #rin," then 1oo$er rai!e# hi! gla!!. .To -a&ie" for fighting li,e a ha&$ion again!t the o##!. :ou #i# great"0 he !ai#. War&th fille# her he!t at the a$$ro+al" re!$e t an# a#&iration !he !a% in hi! fa e. Tal, be a&e &ore natural after that a! they reha!he# the fight. Her gran#father ro%e# o+er the loo, on >yle Ban#enburg/! fa e %hen Liana ha# gone #o%n. .Wi!h I/# ha# a a&era"0 he !ai# %ith a rueful !ha,e of hi! hea#. .A3hole.0 They or#ere# another roun# of beer! an# a &eal ea h. By the ti&e they/# $u!he# their $late! a%ay" the &oo# %a! &ello%. -a&ie %a! onfi#ent that any a%,%ar#ne!! ha# been #ealt %ith. There %a! !till !o&e re!i#ual ten!ion %ith 1oo$er" but they %oul# !ort that out. Thi! ti&e" they/# #o it her %ay" an# not hi!. Ab!tinen e %a! not a +iable $ro!$e t bet%een the t%o of the&. 1oo$er %a! going to ha+e to fa e the fa t" get o+er it an# &o+e on. .Well" I thin, that/! it for &e"0 her gran#father !ai#" $u!hing hi&!elf ba , fro& the table. .The!e ol# bone! are alling for be#.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter -a&ie he ,e# the lo , on the %all. It %a! barely ten o/ lo ,. .:ou/re ,i##ing" right; We/re (u!t getting !tarte#.0 Her gran#father !hot 1oo$er a &eaningful loo,. .I/& tire#. It %a! a big #ay. An# I/& !ure you t%o ha+e thing! to tal, about.0 >i!!ing her on the hee," he hea#e# for the #oor. She follo%e# hi& %ith her eye! until the #oor !%ung !hut on hi&. She turne# to 1oo$er. .What %a! that !u$$o!e# to &ean;0 1oo$er turne# hi! gla!! aroun# an# aroun# on hi! beer &at. Then he loo,e# her in the eye. .I/& not going to train you any&ore" -a&ie.0 She/# been half ex$e ting thi!. She rolle# her eye!. .Hone!tly" you an# &y gran#father !houl# go $oli!h your !uit! of ar&or together. It/! (u!t !ex" 1oo$er. :ou ha+en/t ex$loite# &e or ta,en a#+antage of &e or let &e #o%n. ?uitting a! &y trainer %oul# be letting &e #o%n.0 She leane# a ro!! the table an# !li# a han# behin# hi! ne ,. Pulling hi& lo!e" !he angle# her &outh o+er hi! an# ,i!!e# hi& long an# !lo%. Hi! eye! %ere !&o,y %ith #e!ire %hen !he $ulle# a%ay. )a&n" but thi! &an #i# it for her. .We ha+e great !exual he&i!try" an# that/! been a #i!tra tion. We (u!t nee# to get it out of our !y!te&!" burn it out"0 !he !ai#. .A fe% %ee,! of letting nature ta,e it! our!e an# it %on/t be an i!!ue any&ore.0 She urle# her finger! into hi! hair an# leane# lo!er for another ,i!!. Thi! ti&e 1oo$er $ulle# a%ay. .:ou/re not li!tening to &e. I an/t train you any&ore. I !houl# ne+er ha+e ta,en you on in the fir!t $la e %hen I %a! !o hot for you. I/ll fin# you !o&eone el!e' Bob Go#frey" Gary Be#for#. Either of the& %oul# be great for you.0 She fro%ne#. Why %a! he !o hell bent on being Mr. Bloo#y Honorable o+er thi!; .1oo$er" I #on/t bla&e you" if that/! %hat you/re %orrie# about. We both #i# thi!. An# %e/re both a#ult!. Slee$ing %ith ea h other i! not the en# of the %orl#.0 .-e!u!" -a&ie. )o you ha+e any i#ea ho% har# it %a! for &e %at hing you in ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter that ring tonight; I %a! ner+ou! for you" I %a! #a&ne# near !i , for you. I %ante# to ri$ Ban#enburg/! hea# off an# !la$ Liana Nel!on #o%n an# !te$ into that ring an# !a+e your a!!.0 .My a!! #oe!n/t nee# to be !a+e#"0 !he !ai#. .I get that. An# I get that you #on/t %ant to hear that I ha+e feeling! for you" an# that you thin, !ex i! (u!t !ex an# all that bull. But here/! the thing" -a&ie'I li,e you. A lot. I thin, about you" I #rea& about you" I %ant &ore fro& you than &in#le!! hu&$ing. I %ant to !ee %hat el!e there &ight be bet%een u! other than great !ex.0 -u!t li,e la!t night" her ba , a&e u$. She #i#n/t %ant to hear thi! fro& hi&. She #i#n/t %ant hi& to feel anything for her. S o%ling" !he ,no ,e# ba , &ore of her beer. .I #on/t #o relation!hi$!"0 !he !ai#. .I/& not Ban#enburg"0 he !ai#. .I/& not going to ! re% you o+er" -a&ie.0 She flin he#. She hate# that he ,ne% about her %ea, $a!t. .If I ha+e to hoo!e bet%een ha+ing !ex %ith you an# ha+ing you a! a trainer" I hoo!e the trainer"0 !he !ai#. .:ou #on/t get that o$tion any&ore" it/! off the table.0 She !tare# at hi&. He %a! #ea# !eriou! about thi!. Then !he re&e&bere# her gran#father. 1oo$er re!$e te# her gran#father. Thi! %a! ob+iou!ly a bout of !elf3flagellation after being aught %ith hi! $ant! #o%n. .If thi! i! be au!e &y gran#father aught u!" it #oe!n/t &atter"0 !he !ai#. .He/ll get o+er it.0 1oo$er leane# for%ar#" hi! bo#y ten!e. .Li!ten to %hat I/& !aying an# !to$ trying to &a,e it about !o&ething el!e. I are about you" -a&ie Sa%yer. That/! %hy I an/t be your trainer any&ore. I are too &u h to %at h you get hurt.0 .I #on/t %ant you to are. I #on/t %ant any of thi!"0 !he !ai#. She !oun#e# li,e a ! are# ,i#" but !he oul#n/t ta,e the %or#! ba ,. 1oo$er rea he# out" hi! han#! u$$ing her fa e %ith infinite ten#erne!!. He #re% her lo!e for a ,i!!. Hi! li$! bru!he# her! gently" #eli ately. Then he !li# hi! tongue into her &outh. She oul# ta!te the #e!ire in hi&" the !in erity" the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter e&otion. So&ething #ee$ in!i#e her ro!e u$ in re!$on!e. She foun# her!elf rea hing for hi&" lut hing at hi! !houl#er! a! !he lo!t ontrol for a fe% !e on#!. He %a! a goo# &an" an hone!t &an. He/# al%ay! been !traight %ith her. She lo+e# the %ay he &a#e her laugh" an# the %ay he ran hi! gy& an# !$o,e to hi! !taff" an# !he a#&ire# the hell out of hi! grit an# #eter&ination an# !elf3re!$e t. He ha# an a&a*ing bo#y" an# !o&eti&e! %hen he tou he# her !he felt !o beautiful an# #e!irable it &a#e her !oul a he6. She ga!$e# an# $u!he# hi& a%ay. The la!t ti&e !he/# been !tu$i# enough to fall in lo+e" >yle Ban#enburg ha# ! re%e# her o+er an# to!!e# her a!i#e. She oul# !till re&e&ber the #ay !he/# gone to hi! hou!e %ith the letter! fro& the #ebt olle tor!" trying to fin# !o&e ex$lanation for %hat ha# ha$$ene# other than that he/# let her #o%n. He ha#n/t e+en let her $a!t the #oor!te$. He/# !i&$ly tol# her he oul#n/t hel$ her. Shit ha$$ene#" he/# !ai#. In+e!t&ent! fall through" $eo$le are unreliable. She/# !tarte# to ry" unable to fully o&$rehen# that thi! %a! the !a&e &an %ho ha# !hare# her be# for o+er a year an# hel# her at night %hen !he angui!he# o+er her father. To her !ha&e" !he/# e+en begge# hi& to tell her %hy he %a! #oing thi! to her. She !houl# ha+e ,no%n the an!%er9 be au!e he oul#. Be au!e he %a! a $rofe!!ional fighter" a $re#ator" an# hi! nee# to on5uer exten#e# out!i#e the ring to e+erything in hi! life. He/# ha# her" he/# gro%n bore# of her. Her finan ial affair! ha# be o&e &e!!y an# e&barra!!ing. It %a! ti&e to &o+e on. 1oo$er %a!n/t li,e >yle. Her heart ,ne% that" a! %ell a! her gut. But !he ne+er %ante# to feel that +ulnerable again. Be au!e $eo$le %ere unreliable. >yle. Her father. So&ething hea+y an# #ar, $re!!e# #o%n on her he!t. She blin,e# ra$i#ly. She loo,e# after her!elf no%" relying on no one. The only $er!on !he tru!te# %a! her gran#father. .Thi! i! about &ore than !ex"0 1oo$er !ai#. He rea he# for her" but !he flin he# a%ay fro& hi&. .I #on/t %ant to ha+e feeling! for you. )on/t you get that;0 !he a!,e#. .I #on/t %ant to are.0 .It/! too late" -a&ie. We/re alrea#y frien#!. We/re lo+er!. We are about ea h other. When I ,i!! you" I ,no% it/! &ore than !ex that/! #ri+ing u!. I an feel it.0 He ta$$e# hi! he!t %ith t%o finger!. She !tare# at hi&. .Sin e %hen #i# you be o&e the ex$ert on e&otion!; I bet ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter you/+e ne+er ha# a long3ter& relation!hi$ in your life. I bet you/+e ! re%e# your %ay a ro!! the State! an# all the %ay aroun# Au!tralia"0 !he !ai#. .:e$. -u!t li,e I bet you/+e !le$t %ith &en %hen you %ante# !ex" too"0 he ountere#. .That/! %hy I ,no% thi! i! real. That it ount! for !o&ething. That it/! %orth ex$loring.0 It %a! true. She/# ne+er felt thi! %ay %ith any of the other &en !he allo%e# into her be#. Not the hot" in!atiable #e!ire" not the nee# to be %ith hi&" not the thrill %hen their glan e! aught" not the %ar&th that !$rea# through her he!t an# belly %hen !he hear# hi& laugh or he thre% a %or# of $rai!e her %ay. That %a! all for 1oo$er" only for 1oo$er. She !ho+e# her hair a%ay fro& the table" #i!tan ing her!elf fro& hi&. .2ine. :ou/re not &y trainer any&ore"0 !he !ai#" !itting ba , an# ro!!ing her ar&!. .Than, you for e+erything you/+e #one for &e !o far. Than,! for a goo# ti&e. Ha+e a ni e life.0 There %a! a long !ilen e a! he !tare# at her. She rai!e# her eyebro%! an# !tare# ba ,. .What %ere you ex$e ting to hear; I/& not going to !ay I ha+e feeling! for you" 1oo$er. I li,e ha+ing !ex %ith you. :ou ha+e a great bo#y an# a beautiful o ,. En# of !tory. If I ha# the hoi e again" I/# !ay no to the !ex an# ,ee$ you a! a trainer.0 1oo$er !too# an# rea he# for hi! %allet. Without a %or#" he thre% &oney #o%n for the tab an# !li# hi! %allet into hi! ba , $o ,et. Then he turne# an# hea#e# for the #oor. She for e# her!elf to %at h hi& go. Only %hen he/# #i!a$$eare# fro& !ight #i# !he reali*e that !he ha# a %hite3,nu ,le hol# on the e#ge of the table. She too, a #ee$ breath an# relea!e# her gri$. She oul#n/t 5uite belie+e that he/# %al,e# a%ay fro& her. E+en right u$ until the la!t fe% &o&ent!" !he/# ho$e# that !he oul# tal, hi& aroun#. She/# (u!t been hitting her !tri#e. She/# foun# her training groo+e" un#er!too# %hat he ex$e te# fro& her" %hat they %ere ai&ing for together. She li,e# hi! !en!e of hu&or" the !u in t %ay he offere# riti i!& an# !ugge!tion! for i&$ro+e&ent! to her te hni5ue. They/# %on tonight again!t a fighter %ith +a!tly &ore ex$erien e. They &a#e a goo# tea&. She !%ore un#er her breath. 4ea hing for her beer" !he #o%ne# the la!t of it in one big !%allo%. -u!t %hen !he/# ta,en the fir!t &a(or !te$ in her boxing areer" ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter he/# %al,e# a%ay fro& her. 2or all hi! fan y tal, about not being li,e >yle" about the relation!hi$ bet%een a trainer an# fighter being about tru!t" he/# let her #o%n. -u!t li,e the re!t of the&. She #i#n/t %ant hi& to are for her. She %ante# a relation!hi$ %ith hi& on her ter&!'a relation!hi$ !he oul# ,ee$ at ar&/! length an# ontrol. A relation!hi$ that %a!n/t going to lea+e her ra% an# hurting an# bro,en. S re% hi&. She !la&&e# her e&$ty beer gla!! #o%n onto the table. 1ro!!ing to the bar" !he or#ere# a !traight +o#,a. The barten#er !li# it to%ar# her an# !he !u ,e# ba , a fiery &outhful. She !ettle# onto a !tool an# $ro$$e# her elbo%! on the bar. There %ere other trainer! out there. She #i#n/t nee# 1oo$er. She ertainly #i#n/t %ant %hat he %a! offering her'%hate+er the hell it %a!. The han e to .ex$lore0 the feeling! bet%een the&'not intere!te#" than,! for alling. Next" $lea!e. An hour $a!!e#. She %a! on her thir# !traight +o#,a %hen a grou$ of a #o*en or !o $eo$le bree*e# into the $ub. She #i#n/t $ay the& any &in# until one of the& $ro$$e# be!i#e her at the bar. After a fe% beat! !he turne# her hea# to loo, at hi&. .What #o you %ant;0 !he a!,e# >yle. .To buy you a #rin,. That %a! a goo# !ho% you $ut on tonight" -i&&y"0 he !ai#. .No.0 Behin# hi&" !he oul# !ee the ro%# he/# o&e in %ith ha# ta,en o+er t%o booth! along the ba , %all. Liana Nel!on %a! a&ong the&. Her green ga*e bore# into -a&ie fro& a ro!! the roo&. So&eone %a! a ba# lo!er. .1o&e on" for ol# ti&e!/ !a,e"0 >yle !ai#. He leane# a little lo!er. .We ha# $lenty of goo# ti&e! before thing! %ent !our" -i&&y.0 She !tare# at hi&" ta,ing in hi! onfi#ent !&ile an# goo# loo,!. On e" !he ha# lo+e# hi&. .Not if I %a! #ying of thir!t"0 !he !ai# +ery learly. She turne# her ga*e to the tele+i!ion ! reen in the orner of the bar.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter >yle laughe# an# rea he# out to tou h her. She aught hi! %ri!t before he e+en a&e lo!e. 2i+e year! of burie# rage an# grief burne# it! %ay u$ her he!t an# into her throat a! !he glare# at hi&. .I/& not t%enty3t%o any&ore" >yle" an# I ,no% ho% to loo, after &y!elf. Belie+e &e" you #on/t %ant to ta,e &e on.0 She let hi! %ri!t go. .No%" %hi h $art of $i!! off #on/t you un#er!tan#;0 The !&ile #ro$$e# fro& hi! li$! an# hi! I/&3a3goo#3guy #e&eanor !li$$e# at la!t. .:ou al%ay! #i# thin, you %ere too goo# for &e"0 he !ai#. .With your $ri+ate ! hool e#u ation an# your fan y BMW that #a##y bought you.0 She !tare# at hi&. .I! that %hy you ! re%e# &e o+er; Be au!e of the ! hool I %ent to;0 >yle/! &outh %or,e# for a beat" a! though he %a! trying to #e i#e %hether to !ay !o&ething or not. .I a!,e# your father for a loan on e" %hen I %a! (u!t !tarting out. )o you ,no% %hat he tol# &e; It/! goo# for fighter! to be hungry" >yle. 0 .My father #i#n/t belie+e in han# out!. He thought it %a! goo# for a fighter to nee# to %in a! %ell a! %ant it.0 Wa! it $o!!ible that >yle %a! really that $etty; That her father/! a tion! an# hi! o%n !en!e of inferiority an# entitle&ent ha# le# hi& to betray her all tho!e year! ago; .:eah; Well" you tell &e" -a&ie. Ho% #oe! it feel to be the hungry one for a hange; Ho%/! that %or,ing out for you;0 There %a! !o &u h bitterne!! in hi& that !he ha# to loo, a%ay. She !ignale# to the barten#er to hit her %ith another +o#,a. .What" nothing to !ay no% that the boot/! on the other foot;0 >yle !ai#. .That/! right. I ha+e nothing to !ay to !o&eone %ho/! !o feeble he bla&e! hi! o%n %ea,ne!!e! on !o&eone el!e. :ou %ere al%ay! !$en#ing &ore than you earne#" e+en %hen you !tarte# %inning big. :ou al%ay! %ante# the be!t" e+en if you oul#n/t affor# it. )on/t you #are bla&e &y father or &e be au!e you oul#n/t li+e u$ to your o%n ex$e tation!. No%" if you #on/t &in#" I %a! en(oying &y!elf u$ until about fi+e &inute! ago.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She turne# a%ay fro& hi&" rea hing for her +o#,a. She %a! a%are of hi! anger" of the $otential for +iolen e that hung bet%een the&" but !he ,e$t her ga*e fixe# !traight ahea#. After a long &o&ent" >yle $u!he# a%ay fro& the bar an# !%i+ele# on hi! heel" returning to hi! $o!!e. Her !houl#er! relaxe#. She !houl# go" but !he #i#n/t %ant hi& to thin, he/# ! are# her a%ay. She fro%ne# a! !he $ai# for her +o#,a. She oul#n/t belie+e that hi! ex$loitation of her an# her fa&ily ha# o&e #o%n to !o&ething !o !&all an# !i&$le. Ho% ha# he be o&e !o re!entful" !o en+iou!" that he/# !een her father/! fall fro& gra e a! an o$$ortunity to e+en the ! ore; .If you ,no% %hat/! goo# for you" you/ll !tay a%ay fro& hi&.0 -a&ie loo,e# u$ to !ee Liana Nel!on loo&ing o+er her. The other %o&an %a! !$orting a bla , eye an# a brui!e# (a% fro& %here -a&ie ha# ,no ,e# her out. .4elax. He/! all your!. I %oul#n/t ta,e hi& if he a&e %ith a &illion bu ,! tie# aroun# hi! ne , %ith a bo%"0 -a&ie !ai#. .He tol# &e about you" ho% your fa&ily bla&e! hi& for the %ay your father ! re%e# u$ your li+e!"0 Liana !ai#. .Poor little #a##y/! girl %ho oul#n/t &a,e it on her o%n.0 -a&ie len he# her han# aroun# the gla!!. She/# ne+er ha# a fight out!i#e of the #o(o or the ring" but right at that &o&ent !he %a! ex$erien ing an al&o!t irre!i!tible urge to $u!h the other %o&an/! teeth #o%n her throat. Ex e$t that %a! exa tly %hat Liana %ante#. .:ou %ant a re&at h" you tal, to &y trainer"0 -a&ie !ai#. Then !he re&e&bere# that !he #i#n/t ha+e a trainer. She $u!he# her +o#,a a%ay. She %a! !tarting to feel #i!tin tly !orry for her!elf" %hi h &eant it %a! ti&e to go ba , to the &otel. .:ou got lu ,y"0 Liana !ai#" leaning in lo!e. Anger ra#iate# off her. -a&ie !li# off her !tool !o they %ere !tan#ing eye3to3eye. .I %on. Su , it u$.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She hea#e# for the #oor %ithout a ba ,%ar# glan e. Out!i#e" the night air %a! %ar& an# #u!ty. She too, a &o&ent to blin, an# get her bearing! in the #ar,ne!! of the $ar,ing lot. Te hni ally" !he %a! $robably a little #run,. But the %al, ba , to the &otel %oul# hel$ lear her hea#. She %a! barely half%ay a ro!! the a!$halt lot %hen !he hear# the $ub #oor o$en behin# her. She ,ne% %ithout turning %ho it %a! an# %hat %a! about to ha$$en. So &u h for ne+er ha+ing ha# a fight out!i#e the ring. .Sa%yer"0 Liana alle#. -a&ie !to$$e# but #i#n/t turn aroun#. .-u!t let it go" Liana.0 .What/! the &atter; )on/t thin, you an get lu ,y t%i e;0 Liana a!,e#. -a&ie !et her (a%. Thi! %o&an %a! beginning to really $i!! her off. )e!$ite her %in" it ha# been a $retty !hitty night. Bet%een 1oo$er/! aban#on&ent" her gran#father/! #i!a$$ro+al" >yle/! !&ugne!! an# Liana/! $ro##ing" !he #i#n/t !ee ho% it oul# get &u h %or!e. .Why the hell not;0 !he &uttere#. Maybe it %a! the +o#,a. Maybe it %a! %at hing 1oo$er %al, a%ay. Maybe it %a! a %hole bun h of !tuff that ha# been $iling u$ in the ba , of her &in# for too long. She turne# aroun#. >yle an# hi! frien#! ha# follo%e# Liana out of the bar. Great" they ha# an au#ien e. .:ou %ant a $ie e of &e;0 !he a!,e# Liana" !5uaring u$. .1o&e an# get it.0

1OOPE4 WAT1HE) the taillight! of a $a!!ing ar fa#e into the #i!tan e a! he a$$roa he# the $ub on foot. He/# been about to hea# to be# %hen Arthur ha# o&e ,no ,ing on hi! #oor. The ol# &an ha# been on erne# that -a&ie ha#n/t returne# to the &otel yet. Li,e the !a$ he %a!" 1oo$er ha# offere# to go loo, for her. 1hi+alry" it !ee&e#" %a! not entirely #ea#" e+en in )ubbo late on a Satur#ay night. A! he roun#e# the fen e line an# a$$roa he# the $ub/! $ar,ing lot" he !a% a hu##le of $eo$le in the orner an# hear# hooting an# at all!. He/# been in enough !treet bra%l! to re ogni*e the !ign!. He !teere# aroun# the&" not %anting to get !u ,e# into !o&ething that %a! none of hi! bu!ine!!. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Then he aught !ight of the t%o o&batant!. A#renaline !5uee*e# hi! gut. Liana Nel!on %a! going at -a&ie. Any fine!!e !he/# $o!!e!!e# in the ring fell by the %ay!i#e a! !he got !tu , into -a&ie/! rib! an# belly. -a&ie %a! o+ering an# blo ,ing the be!t !he oul#" but he oul# !ee !he %a! hurting. Bare3,nu ,le fighting %a! a hell of a lot &ore $ainful than boxing %ith glo+e! on" an# a hell of a lot &ore #angerou!. .-e!u!"0 he &uttere#" !tri#ing for%ar#. He %a! on the outer ri& of the ir le of !$e tator! an# $u!hing hi! %ay through %hen a big" bra%ny !houl#er blo ,e# hi! %ay. .Let the& !ort it out"0 >yle Ban#enburg !ai#. .Get out of &y %ay"0 1oo$er !ai#. .My girl #e!er+e! a re&at h.0 1oo$er/! ga*e !li# o+er Ban#enburg/! !houl#er. Liana %a! ta,ing !hot! at -a&ie/! fa e" trying to hurt her a! &u h a! $o!!ible. A bright !trea, of re# ble# #o%n fro& -a&ie/! no!e an# a ro!! her &outh. So&ething $ri&iti+e %ent off in 1oo$er/! brain. He elbo%e# hi! %ay $a!t the other &an" for ing hi! %ay into the ir le. In t%o !tri#e! he %a! on Liana" hauling her off -a&ie an# !ho+ing her a%ay. .Ba , off"0 he %arne# in a lo%" inten!e gro%l. -a&ie !tu&ble# an# lifte# a forear& to %i$e at her fa e. She loo,e# !ur$ri!e# to !ee bloo# !&eare# u$ her ar&. He oul#n/t tell if !he %a! $un h3#run, or (u!t #run,3#run,. No% #i#n/t really !ee& the ti&e to %orry about it. .Let/! get out of here"0 he !ai#" grabbing her han#. Ban#enburg blin#!i#e# 1oo$er %ith a (ab to the (a% before he/# ta,en hi! fir!t !te$ to%ar# the &otel. Hi! hea# !na$$e# ba , an# $ain ra#iate# u$ the !i#e of hi! fa e. ?ui ,ly 1oo$er !huffle# ba , to get out of Ban#enburg/! range. The other &an !5uare# u$" hi! teeth bare# in a feral grin. Out of the orner of hi! eye" 1oo$er oul# !ee Liana ir ling in on -a&ie again. Not ta,ing hi! eye! off Ban#enburg" 1oo$er rea he# behin# hi&!elf an# grabbe# -a&ie/! ar&. .Stay behin# &e"0 he !ai#. Ban#enburg feinte# for%ar#" thro%ing a ro!!. 1oo$er #u ,e# aroun# it" firing a ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 5ui , one3t%o into the other &an/! rib!. Ban#enburg fell ba , a !te$" an# 1oo$er glan e# at -a&ie. Liana %a! o&ing at her again" thro%ing $un he!. -a&ie #an e# aroun# her" her boot! ra!$ing lou#ly on the a!$halt" her breath o&ing fa!t. Then he %a! too bu!y #efen#ing hi&!elf again!t Ban#enburg" #u ,ing !hot!" %ea+ing. 1on entrating on bo#y !hot!" he raine# blo%! #o%n on Ban#enburg. It #i#n/t ta,e long for the !nea,y !on of a bit h to try a ,nee in 1oo$er/! ball!" then a gouge to the eye. 1oo$er thu&$e# hi& har# in the ,i#ney! in retaliation. Getting a goo# gri$ on the other &an/! !houl#er!" he !ho+e# hi& ba ,%ar# !o for efully that Ban#enburg fell on hi! a!!. 1oo$er he ,e# on -a&ie. Liana ha# a han#ful of her hair" an# -a&ie ignore# e+erything he/# e+er taught her an# ra&&e# her ,nee into the other %o&an/! tor!o. The ! rat h of gra+el un#erfoot tol# hi& Ban#enburg %a! on hi! feet again. Before he turne# a%ay he !a% -a&ie lan# a $un h !5uare in the other %o&an/! fa e. The run h of bone brea,ing %a! au#ible fro& ten feet a%ay. Liana #ro$$e# to her ,nee!" bloo# gu!hing fro& her no!e. 1oo$er brought u$ hi! guar# a! he fa e# Ban#enburg. .Liana/! #o%n. )on/t you %ant to !ee to her;0 he !ugge!te#. Hi! breath %a! o&ing har# an# fa!t. .She an loo, after her!elf"0 Ban#enburg !ai#" !$itting bloo#y !ali+a to one !i#e. .:ou al%ay! %ere a !tu$i# ba!tar#"0 1oo$er !ai# a! he &o+e# in for the ,ill. 4uthle!!" he !la&&e# a fi!t into the !i#e of Ban#enburg/! ne ,. It %a! an ol# !treet3fighting te hni5ue" an# it !ent Ban#enburg to hi! ,nee!" ga!$ing for breath. Ga&e o+er. Wi$ing hi! bloo#ie# ,nu ,le! on hi! (ean!" 1oo$er turne# to loo, for -a&ie. She %a! hun,ere# #o%n on a nearby urb" trying to at h her breath. Liana %a! being atten#e# to by one of her frien#!" a bloo#y T3!hirt hel# to her fa e. .Thin, I bro,e her no!e"0 -a&ie !ai#. She !hoo, her right han# a! though it hurt. She ha# a ut a ro!! the bri#ge of her no!e" a fat li$ an# one of her eye! %a! ba#ly !%ollen. .Let/! get you ho&e"0 he !ai#. He hel# out a han# to $ull her to her feet. She rea he# out to ta,e it. Then her ga*e !li# o+er hi! !houl#er an# her eye! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %i#ene# %ith fear. .1oo$erH0 !he ! rea&e#. He !tarte# to turn. He %a! too late. So&ething har# an# hea+y !la&&e# into hi! !,ull. ?ui ,er than he oul# e+er i&agine" the %orl# %ent bla ,er than bla ,. 7L -AMIE WO>E WITH a ri , in her ne , fro& !lee$ing urle# a ro!! three %aiting roo& hair!. 4olling into a !eate# $o!ition" !he re!te# her hea# in her han#! an# ! rubbe# her fa e %ith her $al&!. The !tunning blo% to the hea# that Ban#enburg ha# #eli+ere# %ith a !tray $ie e of &etal $i$ing ha# gi+en 1oo$er a on u!!ion. It ha# al!o torn the retina a%ay fro& hi! ba# eye again. The #o tor! at )ubbo ha# been relu tant to o$erate on !u h a o&$li ate# in(ury" e!$e ially gi+en 1oo$er/! &e#i al hi!tory. He/# been airlifte# to the Sy#ney Eye Ho!$ital the &o&ent he ha# been #ee&e# fit for tran!fer. Her gran#father ha# #ri+en her ba , to Sy#ney in 1oo$er/! four3%heel #ri+e a! !oon a! the ho!$ital ho$$er ha# left. She/# $a e# the ho!$ital orri#or! for hour! e+er !in e" %aiting for %or# on 1oo$er/! on#ition. She ha#n/t been allo%e# in to !ee hi&. She %a!n/t fa&ily" !he %a!n/t anything to hi&. So far !he/# only gleane# the bare!t infor&ation9 he/# ha# a re!tle!! night" an# fir!t thing thi! &orning he/# gone into !urgery. He/# been un#er the !urgeon/! ,nife for fi+e hour!. 2i+e long" #ar," terrifying hour!. She/# !ent her gran#father ho&e long ago. He/# been $ale an# !hrun,en %ith fatigue an# !he/# in!i!te# he go" fir&ly u!hering hi& into a taxi. She he ,e# the %all lo ,. Enough ti&e ha# $a!!e# for her to a!, after 1oo$er/! on#ition again. There %a! a ne% nur!e on the #e!," a younger %o&an. She fro%ne# %hen -a&ie !to$$e# in front of the nur!e/! !tation. -a&ie ha# a fair i#ea %hat !he %a! !taring atA %hen !he/# exa&ine# her!elf blearily in the la#ie!/ bathroo& at 89LL a.&. thi! &orning" !he/# been !ha,en by her o%n a$$earan e. She oul# only i&agine %hat the other %o&an %a! thin,ing. .I/& !orry" but E&ergen y i! the next le+el #o%n"0 the nur!e !ai#. .I/& fine. I (u!t %ante# to he , an# !ee if 1oo$er 2it*geral# i! out of !urgery yet.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I !ee. 1an I a!, %hat your relation!hi$ to Mr. 2it*geral# i!;0 the nur!e a!,e#. -a&ie too, a #ee$ breath an# rea he# for $atien e. 1oul#n/t the!e $eo$le !ee that !he %a! #ying in!i#e" %aiting to fin# out if 1oo$er %a! going to be all right" if hi! life %a! going to be blighte# be au!e of her; .He/! &y trainer. I/& a boxer"0 !he ex$laine#" a! !he ha# !e+eral ti&e! o+er the $a!t fe% hour!. .Plea!e. I nee# to ,no% he/! all right.0 The nur!e loo,e# torn. Then her ex$re!!ion !oftene#. .Gi+e &e a &inute"0 !he !ai#. She #i!a$$eare#. -a&ie re!te# her a hing hea# in her han#. When the nur!e returne#" !he %a! a o&$anie# by a !hort" gray3haire# &an %earing a #o tor/! oat. .:ou %ere a!,ing after Mr. 2it*geral#;0 he !ai#. -a&ie %aite# for the u!ual bru!h3off" but to her !ur$ri!e he too, her gently by the elbo% an# !teere# her to%ar# the hair! %here !he/# been %aiting. .I/& )r. Sa&uel!. I ta,e it you/re -a&ie; He/! been a!,ing after you"0 the #o tor ex$laine#. She ignore# ho% &u h her !tu$i# heart !%elle# at hi! %or#! an# on entrate# on %hat &attere#. .I! he going to be o,ay; Wa! the !urgery !u She allo%e# hi& to gui#e her into a !eat. .The o$eration %a! o&$li ate# be au!e thi! i! the !e on# ti&e he/! !uffere# an exten!i+e #eta h&ent" but all the !ign! are goo# !o far.0 .So far. What #oe! that &ean;0 !he a!,e#. Her han#! gri$$e# her ,nee! tightly. .It &ean! that %ith eye !urgery there are al%ay! ri!,!. There are o&$li ation! that &ay ari!e in a fe% #ay!/ ti&e that %e &ight ha+e to #eal %ith. But at the &o&ent he/! ha# the be!t treat&ent $o!!ible an# he/! re!ting o&fortably.0 -a&ie !%allo%e# the hot ru!h of tear! that logge# the ba , of her throat. She %oul# ne+er" e+er forget the i&age of >yle !%inging that length of $i$e #o%n on 1oo$er/! hea#" or the %ay 1oo$er/! bo#y ha# ru&$le#" hi! ,nee! bu ,ling" hi! hea# lolling on hi! ne ,. The &e&ory of it alone %a! enough to ABC Amber LIT Converter e!!ful;0

ABC Amber LIT Converter &a,e her feel !i , an# %ea,. She/# lunge# for%ar# in ti&e to u!hion 1oo$er/! hea# before it hit the groun#" but it ha# been too little" too late. .My &a(or on ern at the &o&ent i! Mr. 2it*geral#/! agitation. He ,ee$! a!,ing after you" %anting to ,no% if you/re o,ay"0 )r. Sa&uel! !ai#" hi! bro%n eye! ! anning her battere# fa e. -a&ie !hrugge#" a! !he ha# e+ery ti&e one of the ho!$ital !taff !ugge!te# !he !ee, treat&ent for her in(urie!. .I/& fine"0 !he !ai#. .Ho% about %e let &e be the (u#ge of that; I/# li,e to ta,e a loo, at you. That %ay I an a!!ure Mr. 2it*geral# that you are in one $ie e an# largely unin(ure#.0 -a&ie o$ene# her &outh to ob(e t. Then !he thought of 1oo$er. If he %a! genuinely %orrie# about her" being offere# rea!!uran e &ight hel$ hi& re!t. .O,ay. Whate+er"0 !he !ai# gra ele!!ly. The #o tor le# her to an exa&ination roo& %here he he ,e# her o+er bri!,ly" te!ting her $u$il! an# other reflexe!" exa&ining her han#" $al$ating her !to&a h. .That/! a na!ty eye you ha+e there" but I #on/t thin, you/+e !u!taine# any $er&anent #a&age. An# the han# i! brui!e# rather than bro,en" fortunately.0 .1an I !ee hi&;0 !he a!,e#. .He/! !lee$ing off the ane!theti !till.0 .I #on/t are. I nee# to !ee for &y!elf that he/! all right.0 )r. Sa&uel! he ,e# hi! %at h. .-u!t a fe% &inute!" then. But I/# li,e you to go ho&e an# get !o&e re!t your!elf" $ut !o&e i e on that eye.0 .When an he go ho&e; What ha$$en! next;0 !he a!,e#" !tubbornly on entrating on 1oo$er. .He/! going to be effe ti+ely blin# for the next fe% #ay!. If he %ant! to go ho&e" there/! no &e#i al rea!on %hy he an/t #o !o to&orro%. But he %ill re5uire full3 ti&e hel$. He &ay %i!h to re&ain in the ho!$ital. Many $atient! #o.0 Not 1oo$er. She ,ne% that %ithout a!,ing. He %oul# hate to be any%here %here he felt &ore $o%erle!! an# %ea, than he ha# to. She ,ne%" be au!e that %a! ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter exa tly ho% !he %oul# feel. The exa&ination o+er" )r. Sa&uel! le# her along the orri#or to a $ri+ate roo&. He hel# the #oor o$en for her. .T%o &inute!"0 he %arne#. .:e!. Than, you. I a$$re iate you ben#ing the rule! for &e"0 !he !ai#. He ga+e her a faint" ,in# !&ile an# !he !li# $a!t hi&. The roo& %a! #ar," the urtain! #ra%n o+er the %in#o%. Only a !&all light #ire tly o+er the be# %a! on. 1oo$er/! #ar, hair !too# out !tar,ly again!t the %hite of the !heet!. Hi! eye! %ere ban#age# !hut" a thi , $a# of gau*e re!ting o+er hi! left eye. A #ri$ fe# into hi! right ar&. The only !oun# %a! the faint hu!h of hi! breathing an# her o%n heartbeat $oun#ing in her ear!. She %a! afrai# to tou h hi&. He %a! in thi! on#ition be au!e of her. Be au!e !he ha#n/t %al,e# a%ay fro& Liana/! !tu$i# hallenge. Be au!e !he/# been angry an# fru!trate# about not getting %hat !he %ante# fro& 1oo$er" an# angry an# fru!trate# be au!e he/# a!,e# for !o&ething fro& her that !he/# been unable'un%illing'to gi+e. .I/& !o !orry"0 !he %hi!$ere#. Tentati+ely !he rea he# out to tou h hi! ar&. Hi! !,in felt %ar& an# fa&iliar. She urle# her finger! aroun# hi! forear&. If he/# #ie#6 She oul#n/t o&$lete the thought. She !tare# #o%n into hi! fa e. .Plea!e be all right"0 !he !ai#" lo% an# inten!e. The #oor o$ene# behin# her. .-a&ie"0 )r. Sa&uel! !ai#. She %ante# to tell hi& to go to hell. In!tea#" !he lo%ere# her hea# an# ,i!!e# 1oo$er/! brui!e# ,nu ,le!" bru!hing her han# u$ hi! forear& in one final are!!. Then !he left the roo& an# the ho!$ital an# %ent ho&e. He/# nee# a ho&e nur!e to &a,e it $o!!ible for hi& to lea+e the ho!$ital to&orro%. A! !oon a! !he !%ung in the front #oor" !he grabbe# the $hone boo, ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter fro& beneath the ,it hen ounter an# rea he# for the $hone. Her gran#father a&e in fro& the be#roo&" tying the !a!h on hi! #re!!ing go%n. .Ho% i! he;0 .Out of !urgery. The #o tor !ai# it %ent %ell" an# that he an o&e ho&e to&orro%. I/& organi*ing a nur!e for hi&"0 !he !ai#. Her finger %a! alrea#y running #o%n the olu&n of a#+erti!e&ent! in the $hone boo,. She oul# feel her gran#father %at hing her. She ignore# hi& an# rea he# for the $hone. .)i# you get your!elf he ,e# out;0 he a!,e#. .I/& o,ay. A ou$le of brui!e!.0 She $i ,e# an agen y at ran#o& an# alle#" ex$laining the !ituation. The %o&an a!,e# a !erie! of 5ue!tion!'%a! t%enty3four3hour o+erage re5uire#" %oul# it be a li+e3in role" %hat %a! the lo ation; -a&ie reali*e# !he #i#n/t e+en ,no% %here 1oo$er li+e#. Her &in# ra ing" !he a$ologi*e# to the %o&an an# tol# her !he %oul# all her ba , %ith the #etail!. Then !he $hone# 4ay. .I nee# 1oo$er/! ho&e a##re!!"0 !he !ai#. .-i&&yH Man" I ha+e been trying an# trying to get through to you on your ell $hone. What a fight" girlH Ha+e you !een the $a$er!; :ou/re all o+er the $la e"0 he !ai#. -a&ie fro%ne#" onfu!e#. 2ight; Pa$er!; Ho% ha# the &e#ia got hol# of 1oo$er/! !tory !o 5ui ,ly; Then !he re&e&bere# her bout la!t night" being oute# a! a Sa%yer" the &e#ia ! ra&ble. It all !ee&e# !o #i!tant an# uni&$ortant no%. .Li!ten" 4ay" I really an/t tal,. I (u!t nee# 1oo$er/! a##re!!"0 !he re$eate#. Be&u!e#" 4ay reele# it off to her. -a&ie (otte# it #o%n" alle# ba , the agen y" then ! oo$e# u$ 1oo$er/! ar ,ey! again. .Where are you going;0 her gran#father a!,e#. .To 1oo$er/! $la e. I nee# to &a,e !ure he/! got e+erything he nee#! for %hen he o&e! ho&e"0 !he !ai#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .:ou an #o that later. :ou/re exhau!te#. Grab !o&e !hut3eye. 1oo$er/! hou!e %ill !till be there in a fe% hour!/ ti&e.0 She !hoo, her hea#. She ha# to #o thi! before !he #i# anything el!e. .At lea!t ha+e a !ho%er" get ri# of tho!e bloo#y lothe!.0 Her gran#father/! +oi e %a! rough %ith fru!tration an# on ern. -a&ie loo,e# #o%n at her!elf. The ,nee %a! ri$$e# out of her (ean!" an# bloo# an# #irt %ere !&eare# a ro!! the front of her to$. She #i#n/t are. The only thing that &attere# %a! 1oo$er" &a,ing hi& o&fortable" &a,ing thing! right for hi&. .I/& fine"0 !he !ai#. It %a! be o&ing a &antra" !he/# !ai# it !o often to !o &any #ifferent $eo$le to#ay. Her gran#father &a#e a #i!gruntle# noi!e but !he ignore# hi& an# !%ung out the #oor. 1oo$er/! hou!e %a! in Annan#ale" only fi+e &inute!/ #ri+e fro& her o%n a$art&ent. She ta$$e# her finger! i&$atiently again!t the !teering %heel the %hole %ay. She/# ta,en t%o #ay! off %or, for the fight" the 2ri#ay an# Mon#ay" to &a,e a four3#ay %ee,en#. To#ay %a! Sun#ay" !o !he ha# t%o %hole #ay! to get 1oo$er !ettle#. She &a#e a &ental li!t of the hore! !he %oul# ta ,le. She %oul# hange 1oo$er/! be# an# &a,e !ure he ha# lean !heet! an# to%el! to o&e ho&e to" !to , u$ hi! fri#ge an# $antry %ith gro erie!. She/# $a , a bag for hi& !o he oul# lea+e the ho!$ital in hi! o%n lothe!" an# !he/# &a,e !ure that the !taff at the gy& ,ne% %hat %a! going on. 2ollo%ing 4ay/! #ire tion!" !he $ulle# u$ in front of a gra iou!" %i#e t%o3!tory Bi torian terra e hou!e. Painte# a !an#!tone olor" it ha# !hiny bla , !hutter! an# %a! !urroun#e# by lu!h tro$i al lan#! a$ing. Barely !$aring a glan e for any of it" !he let her!elf in!i#e. Poli!he# floorboar#! an# lean rea& %all! greete# her in the hall%ay. She #u ,e# fir!t into a !$a iou! for&al li+ing roo&" furni!he# %ith %ar& &o#ern furniture in #ar, bro%n leather. The #ining roo& %a! next" then a granite an# !tainle!! !teel ,it hen o$ening onto a !$a iou! a!ual li+ing *one. 4eali*ing there %ere no be#roo&! #o%n!tair!" !he &a#e her %ay u$!tair! an# foun# hi! be#roo&. At the front of the hou!e" it feature# a ,ing3!i*e be# an# !&elle# of 1oo$er. 1lothe! %ere #i! ar#e# in the orner" an# the 5uilt %a! thro%n ba , on hi! be# a! though he/# rolle# out of it an# ne+er loo,e# ba ,. There %a! !till an in#ent on ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter hi! $illo% fro& %here hi! hea# ha# re!te#. She ur+e# her han# into it a! !he too, in hi! &o!t $ri+ate !$a e. Photo! fro& hi! boxing areer fille# the %all! on either !i#e of the %in#o%!" !tyli!h bla ,3an#3%hite !hot! in thi ," !5uare bla , fra&e!. The ar$et %a! #ar, ho olate3bro%n" an# hi! be#roo& furniture %a! !i&$le'a %alnut hea#boar# an# lean3line# table! %ith ol#3fa!hione# !%ing3ar& la&$! on either !i#e of the be#. Hi! 5uilt o+er %a! %i#e %ale or#uroy in a ri h offee olor" an# hi! !heet! %ere #ar, ho olate" the !a&e a! the ar$et. It %a! a &an/! roo&" un$retentiou!" &a! uline" !i&$le. Mo!t i&$ortantly" it %a! 1oo$er/!. She !%aye# on her feet" %earine!! at hing u$ %ith her. Sha,ing her!elf a%a,e" !he !ear he# through hi! u$boar#! until !he foun# hi! !heet!. She !tri$$e# the be#" re&a#e it" fluffe# hi! $illo%! an# arrie# the other !heet! #o%n!tair! to the laun#ry. <nable to !to$" !he !ho+e# the& into the %a!hing &a hine an# turne# it on. Then !he turne# to the ,it hen. By the ti&e !he/# returne# fro& the !u$er&ar,et" the %a!hing %a! #one. She $ut it on to #ry. Only %hen !he/# $a ,e# a%ay the gro erie! an# run out of other ta!,! to o u$y her #i# !he o&e to a halt in the &i##le of 1oo$er/! rear li+ing roo&. She oul#n/t thin, of a !ingle other thing to #o ex e$t %ait an# ho$e. She lo!e# her eye!. Her hin %obble# in a %ay that it ha#n/t !in e !he %a! a +ery little girl. She too, a #ee$" !ha,y breath. Thi! %a!n/t the ti&e to in#ulge her!elf. He ha# to be all right. He ha# to regain hi! !ight. He ha# to %al, a%ay fro& thi! a! %hole a! he/# been before he/# o&e ba , to !a+e her fro& her!elf. Sin,ing onto the ou h" !he hel# a u!hion to her he!t an# gri$$e# it har#. She %a! !o tire#" a %earine!! that %ent &ore than bone #ee$. Pro&i!ing her!elf !he %oul# !teal only a fe% &inute!/ !lee$" !he lay #o%n. 1urle# on her !i#e" !he lo!e# her eye!. When !he next %o,e" lear &orning light %a! $ouring in the rear %in#o%!. She !at bolt u$right an# he ,e# the ti&e on the &i ro%a+e in the ,it hen. It %a! nearly F9LL a.&. She/# !le$t aroun# the lo ,. Her &outh felt #i!gu!ting" her han# !till a he# an# there %a! a feeling of hea+ine!! aroun# her ba# eye. A$art fro& tho!e &inor on ern!" !he felt learhea#e# for the fir!t ti&e !in e the atta ,. She %al,e# into 1oo$er/! ,it hen. The o+ernight bag !he/# $a ,e# for hi& !at %aiting in the hall%ay. A long !u$er&ar,et re ei$t %a! urle# on the ounter. 2lo%er! fille# the +a!e !he/# foun# un#er hi! !in, ye!ter#ay. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She $re!!e# a han# to her &outh a! !he !u##enly reali*e# %hat !he/# #one' in+a#e# 1oo$er/! ho&e an# life %ithout any thought for ho% he &ight feel. 1oo$er ha# tol# her that he are# for her. That %a! all. An# on that !ingle" tentati+e #e laration" !he/# ta,en o+er hi! life a! though !he ha# a right to be the one to loo, after hi&. She too, a !te$ to%ar# the +a!e. Then !he !to$$e# an# !hoo, her hea#. She oul#n/t un#o the thing! that !he/# #one. Any of the&" goo# or ba#. Her han# urle# into a fi!t. When 1oo$er #i! o+ere# all that !he/# #one for hi&" he/# ,no% that !he are# for hi&. It ! are# her al&o!t a! &u h a! it fille# her %ith ho$e. She grabbe# the ar ,ey! an# olle te# the o+ernight bag. When !he !te$$e# onto the front $or h" !he !a% the ne%!$a$er rolle# u$ on the #oor!te$. She %al,e# $a!t it" not intere!te#. They/# ha+e the !tory of 1oo$er/! a!!ault by no%. She ho$e# li,e hell the ne%!$a$er! ha#n/t tra ,e# hi& to the ho!$ital yet. 4unning the gauntlet of the $re!! %a! the la!t thing 1oo$er nee#e#. She !to$$e# by her o%n a$art&ent only long enough to rea!!ure her gran#father" !ho%er an# hange lothe! before !he #ro+e to the ho!$ital. To her relief" there %ere no ro%#! of $hotogra$her! an# re$orter! ho+ering. The !&alle!t of ble!!ing!. She oul# hear 1oo$er fro& the orri#or a! !he a$$roa he# hi! roo&. She lo!e# her eye! in relief at the fir&" un o&$ro&i!ing note in hi! +oi e. Surely he %oul#n/t be thro%ing hi! %eight aroun# if he %a! truly ill; .I #on/t nee# t%enty3four3hour are. I ertainly #on/t nee# to be in ho!$ital for another three #ay!. Sti , &e in a taxi an# !en# &e ho&e. Or let &e all one of &y !taff fro& the gy& to o&e get &e"0 he !ai#. She too, a #ee$ breath. Then !he entere# the roo&. )r. Sa&uel! !too# by the be#. -a&ie only ha# eye! for 1oo$er. He %a! $ro$$e# in a !eate# $o!ition" hi! eye! !till ban#age#" hi! hair &u!!e#. Her heart on!tri te# $ainfully in her he!t. She %ante# to tou h hi&" hol# hi& !o ba#ly. She ho+ere# at the en# of the be#" her han#! gri$$ing ea h other. .Hi"0 !he !ai#. .Ho% are you feeling;0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er turne# to%ar# her. .-a&ie"0 he !ai#. E&otion !%elle# at the ba , of her throat at the relief in hi! +oi e. She !$o,e in a ru!h" %anting to get the &o&ent of onfe!!ion o+er an# #one %ith. .I brought you !o&e thing!. An# I/+e organi*e# a nur!e for you. )r. Sa&uel! !ai# you/# $robably be able to go ho&e to#ay if you ha# are on han#.0 1oo$er #i#n/t a$$ear to regi!ter the $re!u&$tion in %hat !he/# #one. He !i&$ly turne# to )r. Sa&uel!" !ati!fa tion e+i#ent in e+ery line of hi! bo#y. .See; I/ll be fine"0 he !ai#. .Write &e u$ !o&e $ain,iller! an# I/& out of here.0 )r. Sa&uel! too, a &o&ent to re+ie% the hart in hi! han#! before an!%ering. .So&eone %ill ha+e to a$$ly your eye #ro$! in a #ar,ene# roo& four ti&e! a #ay. An# I %ant to !ee you ba , here the #ay after to&orro% %hen the ban#age! an o&e off $er&anently"0 he in!tru te#. .The nur!e i! o&ing thi! afternoon"0 -a&ie !ai#. .There %ill be !o&eone to loo, after hi& all the ti&e.0 )r. Sa&uel! no##e#. .It loo,! li,e I/& relea!ing you into -a&ie/! are" 1oo$er.0 -a&ie flu!he# at the a!!u&$tion inherent in hi! %or#!. 1oo$er turne# hi! hea# to%ar# her again. With hi! eye! ban#age#" it %a! i&$o!!ible to rea# hi! ex$re!!ion. .I a$$re iate thi!"0 he !ai#. The %or#! %ere too for&al" too !tiff for all that ha# $a!!e# bet%een the&. )i# he bla&e her; If hi! !ight %a! $er&anently affe te#" %oul# he $ut it #o%n to her !tu$i#ity in being #run, an# $rou# an# $i!!y an# not %al,ing a%ay fro& Liana/! (u+enile baiting; .I/ll go %rite u$ your $re! ri$tion!"0 the #o tor !ai#. Hi! %hite oat billo%e# behin# hi& a! he exite#. There %a! a long beat of !ilen e on e they %ere alone. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .-u!t !o you ,no%" Ban#enburg/! been harge# %ith a!!ault"0 !he !ai#. .The )ubbo $oli e !ai# they/# be in onta t to get a !tate&ent fro& you" but ba!e# on %hat the barten#er !ai# an# other eye%itne!! re$ort!" it loo,! li,e they/+e got a $retty goo# a!e again!t hi&.0 .The #o !ai# he hit &e %ith a bit of $i$e;0 .An ol# &etal !ign $o!t.0 She !hi+ere# a! !he again re&e&bere# the !oun# of it onne ting %ith hi! !,ull. .Al%ay! %a! a gutle!! $u!!y.0 1oo$er $u!he# the be# o+er! ba ,. Hi! ho!$ital go%n %a! bun he# u$ aroun# hi! rot h. She !%allo%e# at the !ight of hi! !trong thigh! an# al+e!. .:ou %ant to $a!! &e !o&e lothe!;0 he a!,e# a! he !%ung hi! leg! o+er the !i#e of the be#. She !hut her &outh %ith a li , an# (u&$e# to a tion. .4ight. <&" I brought you !o&e %or,out $ant!" !o&e un#er%ear" a T3!hirt60 She $a!!e# ea h ite& o+er an# %at he# a! he lo ate# the ba ,! of the gar&ent! by i#entifying lothing label! by tou h. A! though he oul# !en!e her ! rutiny" he ga+e her a half !&ile" hi! hea# turning to%ar# her again. .Been here" #one thi! before.0 .4ight. Of our!e"0 !he !ai#. She %on#ere# ho% long he/# lo!t hi! !ight for the la!t ti&e. An# if ha+ing been blin# before &a#e it &ore or le!! terrifying thi! ti&e aroun#. She felt o&$elle# to loo, a%ay %hen he !too# an# tugge# hi! boxer brief! u$ o+er hi! leg!. It !ee&e# %rong to feel the $ull of !exual attra tion %hen he %a! !o +ulnerable. .What about !hoe!;0 he a!,e# a! he tugge# the %or,out $ant! on. .I brought your fli$3flo$!. Thought they %oul# be ea!ier"0 !he !ai#. .They $robably %on/t let &e %al, out" any%ay"0 he !ai#. She $ulle# hi! !hoe! fro& the bag an# ,nelt at hi! feet. Wra$$ing her han# aroun# fir!t one an,le an# then the other" !he gui#e# hi! feet into the !an#al!.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter When !he !too# to &o+e a%ay" hi! han# !hot out an# grabbe# her elbo%" hi! finger! !li#ing #o%n her forear& until he hel# her han# in hi!. .Are you o,ay;0 he a!,e#. Hi! han# %a! %ar& an# fir& aroun# her!. She fought the urge to t%ine her finger! through hi! an# ling to hi&. .<gly enough to ! are hil#ren" but the #o !ay! it/ll heal o,ay.0 Hi! thu&b are!!e# the ba , of her han#. He o$ene# hi! &outh to !$ea, a! )r. Sa&uel! $u!he# a %heel hair into the roo&. .O,ay" I nee# a fe% !ignature! an# then you/re free to go.0 -a&ie !li# her han# free. The #o tor han#e# o+er 1oo$er/! $re! ri$tion! an# ga+e in!tru tion! for the a$$li ation of hi! eye #ro$!" ho% often 1oo$er oul# ha+e $ain relief" an# %arning !ign! to loo, out for that %oul# re5uire an i&&e#iate return to ho!$ital. 1oo$er !igne# the re5ui!ite for&!" an# the #o tor hel$e# !ettle hi& into the %heel hair. She !lung 1oo$er/! o+ernight bag o+er her !houl#er" then !te$$e# into $la e behin# the hair. .Ho&e" -a&e!"0 1oo$er !ai# in a !tu$i# Engli!h a ent. )e!$ite the hea+y e&otion! %eighing her #o%n" -a&ie laughe#. On the groun# floor" !he left hi& %aiting in the foyer %hile !he ran to get the ar. .I/+e been u!ing your ar" I ho$e you #on/t &in#"0 !he !ai# a! !he gui#e# hi& out the ho!$ital #oor! an# to%ar# the o$en $a!!enger #oor. .Goo#. I %a!n/t !ure ho% you an# Arthur got ba , to to%n" an# I %a! %on#ering if I/# ha+e to !en# !o&eone to )ubbo to $i , it u$.0 .Well" you #on/t"0 !he !ai#. She leane# a ro!! hi& to !lot hi! !eat belt in $la e. He !&elle# of anti!e$ti an# fre!h laun#ry. On e again !he ha# the o+er%hel&ing urge to $re!! her fa e into hi& an# ling li,e a li&$et. The ar %a! thi , %ith !ilen e a! !he $ulle# a%ay fro& the ho!$ital. It %a! a Mon#ay" an# traffi %a! #en!e in the heart of the ity. -a&ie on entrate# on #ri+ing hi! !till3unfa&iliar ar until they/# turne# off the &ain roa#!. .Are you in any $ain; Woul# you li,e to !to$ for anything before %e go ho&e;0 !he a!,e#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .A !ho%er i! at the to$ of &y li!t" an# &y toothbru!h"0 he !ai# %ith a gri&a e. .Be# bath! are (u!t not the !a&e a! the real thing.0 A !tab of (ealou!y ri$$e# through her a! !he i&agine# a nur!e %a!hing hi! big bo#y. Mine" her in!tin t! ! rea&e#. Ho% #are you ,no% hi& the %ay I #o; She fro%ne#. Her $o!!e!!i+ene!! %a! totally ina$$ro$riate" to !ay the lea!t. She an# 1oo$er ha# only ha# !ex a han#ful of ti&e!. He/# in#i ate# he %ante# to !ee if there %a! !o&ething &ore bet%een the&" but that oul# &ean anything. Mean%hile" !he/# ex$lo#e# fro& ab!olute #enial of her feeling! for hi& to6 %hat; What %a! it exa tly that !he %a! feeling; 2ollo%ing 1oo$er/! in!tru tion!" !he $ulle# into the lane%ay at the ba , of hi! $ro$erty an# #i! o+ere# a hi##en garage. Par,ing the ar be!i#e hi! 2errari" !he !hut off the engine. .Let/! get you into the !ho%er"0 !he !ai#. She %in e# at the for e# brightne!! of her tone. It only highlighte# ho% a%,%ar# !he %a! feeling. He got out of the ar un#er hi! o%n !tea&" !li#ing hi! han# along the hoo# of the ar until he/# %al,e# a! far a! he oul# ungui#e#. She !too# ba , an# let hi& #o it on hi! o%n" un#er!tan#ing that he nee#e# to #o a! &u h a! he oul# for hi&!elf. .If you o&e an# !tan# in front of &e" I an $ut &y han# on your !houl#er"0 he !ai#. .That !ee&e# to %or, o,ay for &e la!t ti&e.0 .Of our!e"0 !he !ai#. She &o+e# 5ui ,ly to o&$ly. Hi! han# %a! hea+y an# %ar& on her !houl#er a! !he %o+e her %ay u$ the $ath of hi! artfully lan#! a$e# ba ,yar#. .There/! a !te$ ahea#"0 !he in!tru te# a! they neare# the terra e out!i#e the ba , #oor. .Than,!.0 .We/re at the ba , #oor no%"0 !he !ai#. Her han#! %ere !ha,ing a! !he unlo ,e# the #oor. She hate# !eeing hi& li,e thi!. Silently they &o+e# through the hou!e. 1oo$er #ro$$e# hi! han# fro& her !houl#er on e they/# rea he# the !tair a!e. She %aite# at the to$ a! he !lo%ly ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter a! en#e# to (oin her. .If you an a#(u!t the !ho%erhea# !o thi! ban#age #oe!n/t get %et an# lea+e &e a to%el" I an $robably han#le the !ho%er &y!elf"0 he !ai#. She no##e#" then reali*e# he oul#n/t !ee her. .No $roble&.0 Her +oi e ra ,e# on the la!t %or#. She !%allo%e# a lu&$ of e&otion. She #i# a! he a!,e#" angling the !ho%er ar& #o%n !o that the %ater %oul# !$ray onto hi! bo#y an# not onto hi! fa e" an# lea+ing a bath !heet on the +anity. He than,e# her before turning hi! ba , an# beginning to !hu , hi! lothe!. She lo!e# her eye! %hen !he !a% the brui!e! on hi! ba , an# he!t" the gra*e! on hi! ar&! fro& falling on the a!$halt. They %ere no #ifferent fro& her o%n in(urie!" but !eeing the& on hi& %a! #ee$ly #i!turbing an# un!ettling. Wa! thi! ho% he/# felt %hen he/# !een her fight; Ha# he ex$erien e# the !a&e !i , feeling !he ha# in her gut right no% a! !he ataloge# hi! hurt!; The ru!h of the !ho%er turning on re&in#e# her that !he %a! on e again in+a#ing 1oo$er/! $ri+a y. She ba ,e# out of the bathroo& an# %aite# in the hall%ay until !he hear# the %ater !hut off. After a fe% &inute! of !ilen e" he o$ene# the #oor. .I an/t fin# &y toothbru!h"0 he !ai#. He %a! una!ha&e#ly na,e# an# #a&$. She a+erte# her eye! a! !he bru!he# $a!t hi& an# foun# %hat he %a! loo,ing for in the +anity abinet. 2i+e &inute! later" the bathroo& #oor o$ene# again an# he !te$$e# out into the hall. He %a! na,e# !till" hi! bo#y #ry no%. .<&" I hange# your !heet! an# $i ,e# u$ a fe% gro erie! if you/re hungry. I ho$e you #on/t &in#6.0 !he ex$laine# a! he u!e# the %all to gui#e hi&!elf to hi! be#roo&. He he!itate# for a beat a! he regi!tere# her %or#!. Then he !huffle# for%ar#" !%earing lightly %hen hi! !hin! onne te# %ith the fra&e of hi! be#. She ro!!e# to #ra% the urtain! !hut a! he $ulle# ba , the o+er! an# !li# bet%een the !heet!.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .That/! better"0 he !ai# a! he lay ba , again!t hi! $illo%!. .No%" o&e here.0 He $atte# the be#. She !tare# at hi&. .:ou/re $robably tire#.0 .Get your heinie o+er here or I/ll o&e loo,ing for you.0 4oun#ing the be#" !he !an, relu tantly onto the &attre!! be!i#e hi&. He rea he# blin#ly for her. One han# foun# her belly" the other her !houl#er. She re!i!te# a! he trie# to $ull her lo!er. .I %ant to &a,e !ure you/re not lying to &e"0 he !ai#. She !to$$e# re!i!ting an# he !li# both han#! u$ to u$ her fa e. He u!e# the $a#! of hi! thu&b! to !ur+ey her feature! %ith infinite ten#erne!!" a!!e!!ing her !%ollen li$" tra ing the ut on her no!e" &a$$ing the $uffine!! aroun# her eye. .S%eetheart"0 he !ai#" hi! +oi e #ee$ %ith regret. .S%eet -a&ie.0 Hi! tou h %a! !o gentle" hi! on ern for her !o e+i#ent. Wet heat burne# at the ba , of her eye!. The fir!t tear !li# hotly onto her hee, an# !$la!he# onto hi! he!t. .-a&ie"0 he !ai# !oftly again" then he tugge# her lo!er !o that he oul# ,i!! her. It %a! her un#oing. Before !he ,ne% it" tear! %ere !hu##ering out of her an# he/# $ulle# her #o%n be!i#e hi& on the be# to hol# her tight. .I %a! !o %3%orrie# about you"0 !he !obbe# bro,enly" her ar&! !li#ing aroun# hi! tor!o to hol# hi& tight. .When he h3hit you" I thought you %ere #3#ea#. I/& !o !orry. So !orry60 She rie# her eye! out. Hi! han#! !oothe# her ba , again an# again until the ti#e of e&otion at la!t !ub!i#e#. Slo%ly !he be a&e a%are that her %et hee, %a! $re!!e# into hi! bare he!t" an# that far fro& her loo,ing after hi&" he %a! the one o&forting her. She trie# to $ull a%ay" but he %oul#n/t let her go. .:ou ,no%" I/+e #one a lot of ra*y !hit in &y ti&e"0 he !ai#" hol#ing her fir&ly. .But I ha+e ne+er in &y life been !o ! are# a! %hen I !a% you fighting that blon# bit h.0 He !&oothe# a han# o+er her hair. She lo!e# her eye! an# li!tene# to hi! heart thu&$ing !trongly beneath her ear. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I %a!n/t loo,ing for it. I %a!n/t e+en !ure I belie+e# in it" to be hone!t. But I lo+e you" -a&ie"0 he !ai# 5uietly. .I lo+e you %ith e+erything I/+e got an# e+erything that/! in &e.0 Her breath aught in her throat. Tear! $re!!e# at the ba , of her eye! again. 1oo$er 2it*geral# lo+e# her. E+en though !he/# on+in e# her!elf for a long" long ti&e that lo+e %a! the la!t thing !he %ante# in her life" !he %a! fille# %ith a fier e gla#ne!! that they/# foun# ea h other. .I feel the !a&e %ay"0 !he !ai#" $re!!ing her fa e lo!er to hi! he!t. She inhale# the lean &ale ! ent of hi&" ho$e ri!ing li,e a bubble in!i#e her a! !he allo%e# hi! %or#! to !in, in. 1oo$er/! he!t began to +ibrate. He %a! laughing. She lifte# her hea# to loo, at hi&" forgetting he oul#n/t &eet her eye!. .What/! !o funny;0 .:ou/re going to ha+e to #o better than that" !%eetheart. I %ant to hear you !ay it. I nee# to hear you !ay it"0 he !ai#. All tra e! of hu&or fa#e# fro& hi! fa e a! he !li# hi! han#! into her hair an# are!!e# the na$e of her ne ,. .I ,no% you/+e been fighting a long ti&e" baby. I ,no% it/! been tough an# #irty. But you #on/t nee# to fight again!t &e"0 he !ai# 5uietly. .I %ant you to tru!t &e. I %ant you to feel !afe %ith &e. I lo+e you.0 Hi! %or#! hit her in the he!t. .I lo+e you"0 !he !ai#. .Of our!e I lo+e you.0 The %or#! a&e fro& a $la e #ee$ in!i#e" a $art of her!elf that !he/# hel# len he# into a fi!t for a +ery long ti&e. On e !he/# o$ene# that fi!t" the %or#! (u!t ,e$t tu&bling out" un!to$$able" ra%" re+ealing. .I lo+e you !o &u h it hurt!. I lo+e e+erything about you'your bo#y" the %ay you loo, at &e" the %ay you #eal %ith the %orl#" your hone!ty" your gentlene!!" your !trength. I lo+e the %ay you !&ell" an# the little rea!e! you get at the orner! of your eye! (u!t before you !&ile" an# the %ay you al%ay! $u!h your hair off your forehea# %hen you/re fru!trate#. I lo+e that you an/t !tan# it %hen the guy! !%ear in front of &e at the gy&" an# that %hen you loo, at &e I an feel it in &y bloo# an# &y bone!. I lo+e that you #i#n/t he!itate to try to $rote t &e" that you/+e trie# to $rote t &e fro& the +ery fir!t &o&ent %e &et" I lo+e'0 1oo$er ut off the re!t of her #e laration %ith a ,i!!. Hi! tongue &ate# %ith her! a! he rolle# hi! bo#y on to$ of her!" hi! %eight $re!!ing her #o%n into the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter &attre!!. )e!$ite the fa t that he/# barely been out of ho!$ital an hour" he ha# no trouble fin#ing the he& of her !,irt an# $u!hing it u$ to%ar# her %ai!t. With one fli , of hi! %ri!t he ha# her $antie! #o%n. Then he %a! !li#ing in!i#e her" big an# thi , an# har#. .Say it again. All of it"0 he !ai# again!t her ne , a! he began to !tro,e into her. He felt !o goo#. They felt !o goo#. She/# been !o afrai# of feeling thi! %ay again. So ! are# of &a,ing her!elf %ea, an# +ulnerable. )ee$ in!i#e" there %a! !till fear" #oubt" un ertainty. She/# learne# %arine!! too %ell for it to #i!!ol+e !o ea!ily. But !he/# let thi! big" beautiful &an into her life" (u!t a! !he/# allo%e# hi& to (oin %ith her bo#y. An# for the &o&ent" there %a!n/t a !ingle regret in her heart. 1lo!ing her eye!" her ar&! %ra$$e# aroun# hi! !houl#er!" !he %hi!$ere# her lo+e into hi! ear a! he #ro+e the& both a little bit ra*y. 77 1OOPE4 STI44E) to %a,efulne!!. The fir!t thing he regi!tere# %a! the %ar& !il, of -a&ie/! bo#y $re!!e# again!t hi!" then the ! ent of her !ha&$oo" an# la!tly the !oun# of her breathing" #ee$ an# !tea#y in hi! ear. He !&ile# a! he re&e&bere# her heartfelt %or#!" burro%ing hi! fa e lo!er to the na$e of her ne , an# inhaling the ! ent of (a!&ine an# -a&ie. He lo+e# her. The &o!t !tubborn" bra+e" $ri ,ly" !a!!y %o&an ali+e. He %a! al&o!t grateful for Ban#enburg/! brutality in atta ,ing hi&. Woul# -a&ie e+er ha+e a#&itte# her feeling! if they ha#n/t both ha# the ! are of a lifeti&e; She !hifte# in be# be!i#e hi& an# her bare butt $re!!e# &ore fir&ly into hi! groin. Hi! o , har#ene#. )e!$ite the fa t that hi! eye %a! !tinging an# hi! hea# throbbing. )e!$ite the fa t that they/# &a#e lo+e barely an hour ago. Ma#e lo+e. He $re!!e# a ,i!! again!t her !houl#er an# $ulle# her lo!er. He/# ha# a lot of !ex in hi! lifeti&e. So&e goo#" !o&e a+erage" !o&e !lea*y. It ha# al%ay! been inten!e an# fiery %ith -a&ie. But tou hing her" being in!i#e her" ha+ing her tou h hi& %hen he ,ne% they ha# a future" that !he lo+e# hi& an# he lo+e# her ha# been a re+elation. Ne+er ha# he felt !o ten#er an# onne te#" a! though he %oul# ne+er be alone again" no &atter %here !he %a! in the %orl#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter They ,ne% ea h other" an# #e!$ite the& both ha+ing &ore than their fair !hare of fla%!" they lo+e# ea h other. After year! of !tan#ing %ith hi! ba , to the %all" letting the %orl# ,no% he #i#n/t nee# anyone or anything" he/# finally o&e ho&e. -a&ie &o+e# again" t%i!ting in hi! ar&! thi! ti&e an# $re!!ing a ,i!! to hi! ne ,. .Ho% are you;0 !he a!,e#. Her +oi e %a! hu!,y fro& !lee$. .)o you nee# $ain,iller!; Are you hungry;0 He o$ene# hi! &outh to an!%er. Hi! belly beat hi& to it" gro%ling %ith e&$tine!!. .O,ay" that/! a ye!.0 She laughe#. .I/& not &u h of a oo," but I &a,e a &ean hee!e on toa!t. It/! a fa&ily !$e ialty. I oul# bring it u$ to you in be#;0 He $ulle# a fa e. .An# get toa!t ru&b! on your ni e lean !heet!;0 .Ah"0 !he !ai#" a! though !he/# (u!t #i! o+ere# !o&ething ne% about hi&. It %a! a&a*ing ho% &u h &ore nuan e he oul# #ete t in her +oi e %ithout hi! eye!ight to #i!tra t hi&. .Not a be# eater" then"0 !he !ai#. .There are ertain thing! I/& &ore than ha$$y to eat in be#.0 She laughe# again" the !oun# lo% an# !exy. .Hol# that thought.0 She rolle# a%ay fro& hi&. He felt the lo!! of her bo#y heat ,eenly. .I/ll o&e #o%n %ith you"0 he !ai#" thro%ing ba , the o+er!. He oul# lie an# tell hi&!elf it %a! be au!e he %oul# be bore#" lying in be# %aiting for her to o&e ba , u$!tair!. The !i&$le truth %a! that he %ante# to be %ith her. After all the %ee,! of not being able to tou h her an# hol# her" he !u##enly ha# $er&i!!ion. He %a!n/t e+en lo!e to ha+ing hi! fill of her yet. She $a!!e# hi& hi! robe" an# he hear# the ru!tle of lothing a! !he #re!!e#. .What are you %earing;0 he a!,e#. He %ante# to $i ture her in hi! &in#/! eye. .A bla , !,irt an# a re# T3!hirt"0 !he !ai#. .I! the T3!hirt tight;0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Tight enough.0 .Tell &e you #i#n/t $ut your bra an# $antie! ba , on"0 he !ai#. .I #i#n/t.0 He &a#e an a$$re iati+e noi!e. She a&e an# too, hi& by the han#. .2oo# fir!t"0 !he !ai#. .I/& !u$$o!e# to be loo,ing after you" not ri#ing you li,e a $ony at the fair.0 .But if the $ony %ant! to be ri##en60 She le# hi& to%ar# the #oor. .Sto$ te&$ting &e. :ou ,no% I ha+e no !elf3 ontrol %here you/re on erne#.0 He file# that little $ie e of infor&ation a%ay a! !he gui#e# hi& to the to$ of the !tair! an# $la e# hi! han# on the bani!ter. He li,e# that !he #i#n/t try to o!!et hi& an# that !he un#er!too# he nee#e# an# %ante# to #o a! &u h for hi&!elf a! $o!!ible. She ha#n/t trie# to #re!! hi& at the ho!$ital or in!i!te# on !u$er+i!ing hi& in the !ho%er. She un#er!too#. But on an in!tin ti+e le+el" they/# al%ay! un#er!too# ea h other" ha#n/t they; He oul# hear her feet on the floorboar#! ahea# of hi& a! he #e! en#e# the !tair!. He follo%e# her to the ,it hen" one han# on the %all. He #i#n/t ha+e a lot of #e orati+e ra$ in hi! hou!e" !o he oul# &o+e freely" ,no%ing there %ere no +a!e! to ,no , o+er or hall table! to %al, into. One han# exten#e# in front of hi&!elf" he foun# the e#ge of the i!lan# ounter in the ,it hen an# %al,e# along it until he bu&$e# into the fir!t of the three !tool! tu ,e# beneath it. He !at" re!ting hi! elbo%! on the ool granite ounter. .The light/! fla!hing on your an!%ering &a hine. )o you %ant to he , your &e!!age!;0 !he a!,e#. .Sure.0 There %a! a li ," then the !tilte# +oi e of a &an %ho %a! +ery a%are he %a! tal,ing to a &a hine. .Thi! i! the )ubbo $oli e alling for 1oo$er 2it*geral#. Mr. 2it*geral#" %e nee# to inter+ie% you regar#ing the a!!ault harge! %e ha+e lai# again!t >yle Ban#enburg relating to the in i#ent on Satur#ay" )e e&ber t%elfth. Plea!e all u! to let u! ,no% %hen it %oul# be !uitable for an offi er to atten# your hou!e to ta,e your !tate&ent.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter The $oli e&an reele# off a nu&ber" then the &a hine bee$e# to in#i ate there %ere &ore &e!!age!. .Thi! i! Ali e -en,in! fro& the )aily Telegra$h alling. Mr. 2it*geral#" I/# lo+e to tal, to you about your re ent ex$erien e in )ubbo. If you oul# all &e a! !oon a! you get thi! &e!!age" that %oul# be'0 The &a hine ut off before the &e!!age fini!he# an# 1oo$er gue!!e# -a&ie ha# #elete# it. There %ere three &ore &e!!age! after that one" all of the& re$orter!. They all got the !a&e treat&ent'a fe% !e on#! of air ti&e" then #eletion. .I/& a $o$ular guy"0 he !ai#. .Bloo#y $ara!ite!.0 He oul# hear the !oun#! of her %or,ing in the ,it hen" an# he trie# to i#entify ea h noi!e. The li ,3!5uel h of the fri#ge o$ening an# !hutting" the ru!tle of a $la!ti brea# bag" the !li#e of ontainer! being $la e# on the ounter. .My &other u!e# to &a,e &e hee!e on toa!t %hen I %a! a ,i#"0 he !ai#. It %a! the one thing he/# al%ay! been ertain of gro%ing u$'no &atter ho% out of it hi! &o& %a!" there %oul# al%ay! be a loaf of %hite brea# in the $antry an# a $a , of $ro e!!e# hee!e !li e! in the fri#ge. In her &e!!e#3u$" half3a!!e# %ay" !he/# trie# to #o her be!t for hi&. There %a! a long $au!e before -a&ie a!,e# hi& if he %ante# to&ato on hi! toa!t or not. He #i#n/t nee# to !ee her fa e to ,no% that !he/# %ante# to a!, hi& &ore. She %a! !o areful %ith her o%n $ri+a y" he ,ne% !he %oul# ne+er $u!h. He %aite# until they %ere !eate# on the ou h" a $late ea h on their ,nee! before he !$o,e u$. .It/! o,ay" you ,no%. If you %ant to a!, 5ue!tion!.0 He hear# the ru!tle of lothe! a! !he !hifte# be!i#e hi&. .What ha$$ene# that you ha# to lea+e ho&e;0 !he a!,e# 5uietly. He !%allo%e# a &outhful before he an!%ere#. .My &other %a! a heroin a##i t. She #i# the be!t !he oul#" but !he ha# lou!y ta!te in &en. Mo!t of the& %eren/t $arti ularly ha$$y to ha+e a little ,i# hanging aroun#.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter There %a! a !&all !ilen e a! -a&ie #ige!te# %hat he/# tol# her an# he ate hi! toa!t. .)i# they hit you;0 .:eah. So&e of the& %or!e than other!. An# they hit her" too. It %a! bloo#y &i!erable.0 Hi! finger! tightene# on the $late a! he ha# a !u##en fla!h of &e&ory9 hi! &other urle# into a ball" trying to $rote t her!elf" hi& thro%ing hi&!elf into the fray" trying to !a+e her. He/# felt !o hel$le!!" !o #a&ne# $o%erle!!6. That 5ui ,ly he un#er!too# %hy it ha# been !o har# for hi& to %at h -a&ie get hurt in the ring. Wat hing her un#er atta , ta$$e# into !o&e #ee$ !hit for hi&. He %a! !till exa&ining the reali*ation %hen -a&ie !$o,e u$ again. .I bet you %i!h you oul# go ba , in ti&e an# beat the li+ing ra$ out of !o&e of the&. What ,in# of o%ar# beat! u$ on %o&en an# little ,i#!;0 Her +oi e +ibrate# %ith anger. .I #i# run into one of the& on e. -u!t after I !tarte# %inning &y fir!t fe% fight!. Guy a tually ha# the ball! to o&e u$ to &e after the bout an# a!, if I re&e&bere# hi&. Li,e that %a! a goo# thing an# I/# be ha$$y to !ee hi& again.0 He !hoo, hi! hea# at the &e&ory. .What #i# you #o;0 !he a!,e#. .I %ante# to hit hi&" but I %a! nearly a foot taller than hi& an# t%i e a! %i#e. I %al,e# a%ay. :ou an let that !tuff o%n you" or you an u!e it to get %hat you %ant in life. I %on/t e+er forget %here I a&e fro&" but it/! not the &o!t i&$ortant $art of &e.0 It %a! i&$ortant !he un#er!tan# that. He %a! a lot &ore than a ,i# %ho/# ha# a har# ti&e gro%ing u$. Hi! #e&on! #i#n/t ri#e hi& any&ore. He %i!he# he oul# !ee her fa e but ha# to be !ati!fie# %ith rea hing a ro!! to tou h her thigh. .I! your &other !till ali+e;0 !he a!,e#. Her han# $re!!e# #o%n on hi!. .No. She O)/# %hen I %a! t%enty.0 Another !&all !ilen e. Then -a&ie leare# her throat. .My &o& #ie# %hen I %a! eighteen. 1an er. I thought !he %a! too young at the ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter ti&e" but later I %a! gla# !he %a!n/t aroun# to !ee %hat -a , #i# to u!. She u!e# to be !o $rou# of hi&" hi! nu&ber3one fan.0 -a&ie often referre# to her father by na&e. It %a! !o&ething he/# noti e# before. A! though !he %a! trying to #i!tan e her!elf fro& hi&" #eny hi! role in her life. Hi! gut tol# hi& that they &u!t ha+e been +ery lo!e. The #ee$er the onne tion" the &ore bitter the betrayal" in hi! ex$erien e. An# -a&ie %a! +ery bitter an# angry %hen it a&e to her father. .:our ol# &an %a! a hero to &e %hen I %a! o&ing u$ through the ran,!"0 he !ai#. .He ha# !o &u h heart an# tena ity. I u!e# to %at h hi! fight! o+er an# o+er to $!y h &y!elf u$ !o&eti&e!.0 -a&ie !tiffene#" then !li# her han# a%ay fro& hi!. .What #o you thin, i! going to ha$$en to Ban#enburg;0 !he a!,e#. .)o you thin, he/ll be banne# fro& boxing if he/! foun# guilty;0 There %a! a beat of !ilen e a! he $ro e!!e# the hange of !ub(e t. They %eren/t going to tal, about -a , Sa%yer. No !ur$ri!e! there. .They &ight !u!$en# hi& for a %hile" but I #oubt he/ll be banne#. Ty!on fought again after he #i# (ail ti&e" re&e&ber;0 She too, hi! $late fro& hi! la$ an# he hear# her &o+e ba , into the ,it hen. He $u!he# a%ay a fli ,er of on ern o+er her refu!al to #i! u!! her father. Tal,ing %a!n/t the only %ay to #eal %ith thing!. He/# %al,e# a%ay fro& enough hea+y on+er!ation! in hi! lifeti&e. He/# li,e for her to tal, to hi&" to let hi& in fully" but there %a! no ru!h. To#ay" it %a! enough that !he lo+e# hi&. Anything el!e %a! bonu! &aterial.

-AMIE STA1>E) the lun h #i!he! in the #i!h%a!her" +ery a%are of the !ilen e in the roo& after !he/# #i+erte# their on+er!ation into le!! $er!onal hannel!. She o$ene# her &outh to try to ex$lain to 1oo$er about her father. The only %or#! that a&e to &in# %ere !o angry that !he !%allo%e# the& again. She #i#n/t %ant to taint thi! !$e ial ti&e %ith 1oo$er %ith her father/! lega y. It %oul#n/t #o any goo#" an# it %oul#n/t hange anything. Maybe" one #ay" !he %oul# tell hi&. When the ,not of anger an# guilt in!i#e her %a!n/t !o tight an# o&$li ate#. The nur!e a&e at four. They !ur+i+e# three %hole hour! %ith her in the hou!e before -a&ie ha# a hurrie# on!ultation %ith 1oo$er an# !ent her ho&e.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She #i#n/t %ant !o&eone el!e loo,ing after hi&. She %ante# to #o it her!elf. Ol#3fa!hione#" but it %a! ho% !he felt" %hat in!tin t #e&an#e#. She %a! hi! lo+er. ?uite literally" the %o&an %ho lo+e# hi&. An# it !ee&e# only right that !he ex$re!! that lo+e by loo,ing after hi& %hen he %a! in(ure# an# li+ing %ith the $ro!$e t of lo!ing the !ight in hi! left eye. She $hone# into %or, to let the& ,no% !he %a! ta,ing all the !i , #ay! !he ha# o%ing'four in total. Her bo!! %a!n/t ha$$y" an# -a&ie %on#ere# if !he/# ha+e a (ob to go ba , to. It #i#n/t &atter. 1oo$er %a! &ore i&$ortant than leaning bathtub! an# u!ing &ai# origa&i on the toilet roll. Any%ay" !he ha# t%o $ur!e! un#er her belt no%" an# though &o!t of thi! %ee,en#/! $ri*e &oney %oul# be he%e# u$ by the lingering bill! fro& ha+ing her ar fixe#" !he/# ha+e enough left to ,ee$ the %olf fro& the #oor for a fe% %ee,! if !he ha# to fin# another (ob. That night after #inner" !he #i&&e# the light! in 1oo$er/! be#roo& an# a$$lie# hi! eye #ro$!. She ra#le# hi! hea# in her la$" hol#ing hi! !trong (a%. She felt !%a&$e# by ten#erne!!. He %a! !o !trong" but al!o !o fragile. He/# ha# a horrible hil#hoo#" but he/# !ur+i+e# it to la% hi! %ay to the to$ of hi! ho!en fiel#. He/# literally on5uere# the %orl#'(u!t a! he/# on5uere# her. 4ea$$lying hi! ban#age" !he ,i!!e# hi! forehea# an# !&oothe# hi! hair ba ,. .Are you tire#;0 !he a!,e#. .A little. Why" %hat ha+e you got in &in#;0 he a!,e#. She hear# the un#erlying #e!ire in hi! +oi e an# un#er!too# the 5ue!tion he %a! a!,ing. She ra+e# hi& again" too. Woul# it al%ay! be thi! %ay bet%een the&; So&eti&e! it felt a! though they/# barely rolle# a%ay fro& ea h other before nee# %a! buil#ing bet%een the& again. She !tu#ie# hi&" her ga*e !,i&&ing hi! bo#y. .Why #on/t you (u!t relax"0 !he !ai#. He !&ile# !lo%ly. .I thin, I an han#le that.0 He lifte# hi! hea# !o !he oul# !li#e out fro& beneath hi&. Stret hing along!i#e hi& on the be#" !he !&oothe# her han#! #o%n the !atin of hi! bathrobe. She un#i# the !a!h !lo%ly" an# $u!he# the robe off hi! !houl#er!. He ha# !u h a beautiful bo#y. She !a% %ith a !urge of #e!ire that he %a! alrea#y har# for her" hi! o , a rigi# #e&an# again!t hi! belly. She oul# feel her!elf getting %et (u!t loo,ing at hi&. She li ,e# her li$!. She %ante# hi& in!i#e her again +ery ba#ly. But fir!t !he %ante# to ta!te hi& an# ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter #ri+e hi& a little bit ra*y" the %ay he/# #ri+en her ra*y that night before her fight. Trailing her han#! through the hair on hi! he!t" !he follo%e# the narro%ing arro% #o%n" #o%n into the thi ," #ar, url! !urroun#ing hi! ere tion. She %ra$$e# her $al& aroun# hi&" !li#ing her han# u$ an# #o%n hi! !haft a fe% ti&e!. She %at he# a! hi! &outh $arte# a fra tion an# hi! (a% &u! le! tightene#. En(oying her $o%er" !he %riggle# farther #o%n the be# an# too, hi& in her &outh. He ta!te# lean an# hot" an# he %a! +ery" +ery har#. She tra e# the hea# of hi! o , %ith her tongue" then fli ,e# hi& again an# again %hile %or,ing hi! !haft %ith her han#. He lifte# hi! hi$! an# &a#e an en ouraging noi!e a! !he too, hi& all the %ay into her &outh" &ar+eling at hi! length an# brea#th. He groane#. She oul# feel hi! belly &u! le! ten!ing a! hi! #e!ire built. <!ing her &outh an# her han# in on ert" !he began to %or, hi&" la+ing the hea# of hi! o , %ith the flat of her tongue" then fli ,ing it" then !u ,ing hi& #ee$ into her &outh. .Shift u$ the be#"0 he !ai#. .I %ant to tou h you.0 She oblige#" angling her leg! to%ar# hi& e+en a! !he ontinue# to !u , an# li , hi&. He foun# her ,nee! by tou h an# $u!he# the& a$art. He !li# a han# $a!t her !,irt an# u$ her thigh. She !%allo%e# a &oan a! hi! finger! foun# her fol#!" gli#ing into her !li , %etne!!. .Oh" &an"0 he &uttere#. She felt hi! bo#y ten!e e+en &ore a! he began to ex$lore her %ith #eft finger!" #el+ing bet%een her leg! to $lunge a finger in!i#e her" then !li#ing out again to ir le an# tea!e an# torture her lit. She torture# hi& in turn" !te$$ing u$ the rhyth& a! !he re!$on#e# to the in rea!ing urgen y gri$$ing her o%n bo#y. She lo+e# the %ay hi! %hole bo#y %a! fo u!e# on %hat !he %a! #oing to hi& an# %hat he %a! #oing to her. 1lo!ing her eye!" !he felt her orga!& ri!ing. Her #e!ire fe# hi!" an# he !u ,e# in a breath" hi! bo#y ten!ing a! he a&e. Sa+ouring hi! !alty !%eetne!!" !he ga!$e# a! her o%n li&ax too, her at la!t" ra!hing #o%n on her an# !%ee$ing her a%ay. She re!te# her hea# on hi! thigh for a fe% beat! after%ar#" her %hole bo#y %ar& an# li5ui#. .Ta,e your lothe! off"0 he !ai#. She lifte# her hea# to loo, at hi&. Hi! hee,! %ere flu!he#. She ,ne% that if !he oul# !ee hi! eye! they/# be #ar, an# !&o,y %ith $a!!ion. In front of her" hi! o , !tirre# to life again. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter An an!%ering throb $ul!e# bet%een her thigh!. <nbelie+able. She $ulle# her lothe! off" then !li# u$ hi! bo#y" en(oying the !ubtle fri tion of hi! hairy he!t again!t her brea!t!. She foun# hi! &outh an# ,i!!e# hi& hungrily" $re!!ing her!elf again!t hi! har#ne!!. .I an/t get enough of you"0 he %hi!$ere# into her &outh. .I feel the !a&e %ay"0 !he !ai#. Hi! belly ten!e# beneath her a! he huffe# out a !ur$ri!e# laugh at her e hoing of her earlier o&&ent. While he %a! #i!tra te#" !he grabbe# hi! o ," $o!itione# her!elf abo+e hi& an# !li# ho&e. .-a&ie"0 he !ai# a! !he e&bra e# hi& in her !li , heat. .:e!.0 She ,ne% exa tly %hat he %a! feeling an# #i#n/t ha+e the %or#! to !ay. Plea!ure that %a! !o inten!e it %a! al&o!t $ain. )e!ire that %a! !o #e&an#ing it felt a! though it oul# ne+er be !ate#. Nee# that %a! !o o+er%hel&ing" !he ha# no ho$e of e+er #enying it. Bra ing her han#! on either !i#e of hi! hea#" !he !tarte# to ri#e u$ an# #o%n hi! thi , !haft" ir ling her hi$! a! !he !ought the fri tion an# rhyth& they both nee#e#. She lo%ere# her hea# an# ,i!!e# hi&. Her tongue $lunge# #ee$ly into hi! &outh" an# hi! ro!e u$ to &eet it. Her ni$$le! bru!he# ba , an# forth a ro!! hi! he!t" !tiff %ith arou!al. Ine+itably #e!ire built again. She bro,e their ,i!! to on entrate on %here they %ere (oine#" her hi$! flexing an# relea!ing. Her breath a&e in ga!$! a! !he lo!e# her eye! an# ha!e# glory. .I %i!h I oul# !ee you"0 1oo$er groane#" hi! han#! !li#ing u$ her rib age to fin# her brea!t!" hi! finger! tea!ing her ni$$le!. .Next ti&e"0 !he $ante#. .An# the ti&e after that.0 A! if the thought of all the next ti&e! they %oul# ha+e !$urre# hi& on" 1oo$er/! hea# #ro$$e# ba ,. Hi! finger! ten!e# aroun# her %ai!t a! he $u&$e# u$ into ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter her on e" t%i e" three ti&e!. She o$ene# her eye! to %at h hi! orga!& ta,e hi&" infinitely turne# on by %ay hi! %hole bo#y ar he# an# hi! li$! $ulle# ba , fro& hi! teeth in an ani&al !narl. Then it %a! her turn to #ie a little. She !li# #o%n hi! !haft one la!t ti&e an# felt her bo#y !hatter aroun# hi&" heat an# !en!ation $ul!ing through her until !he %a! left li&$ an# ga!$ing. 2lo$$ing #o%n onto hi! he!t" !he $re!!e# ,i!!e! into the ur+e of hi! ne ,. .I lo+e you"0 !he ga!$e#. .I lo+e you !o &u h.0 He %ith#re% fro& her an# rolle# her to one !i#e !o he oul# $ull her tight again!t the ra#le of hi! bo#y. She lay in the !helter of hi! ar&! a! her breathing !lo%e#" her &in# a#rift in a for&le!! o ean of !en!ation an# tire#ne!! an# gratitu#e an# !ati!fa tion. .I thin, you !houl# &o+e in"0 1oo$er !ai# a! their heartbeat! returne# to nor&al. She !tiffene# in!tin ti+ely. Mo+e in; A! in" li+e %ith hi&; In ea h other/! $o ,et! #ay in" #ay out; In the !a&e be#" night after night; .I li+e %ith &y gran#father"0 !he !ai#. .Thi! i! a four3be#roo& hou!e"0 he !ai#. .Next ob(e tion;0 She fro%ne# a! !he thought furiou!ly. .I ha+e no &ore ob(e tion!"0 !he a#&itte# after a !&all !ilen e. He !tille#" then ,i!!e# her #ee$ly. Hi! han#! !li# into her hair a! he #ran, fro& her li$!. .Gi+e &e half an hour an# %e/ll elebrate $ro$erly"0 he $ro&i!e#.

WA>ING IN 1oo$er/! ar&! the next &orning only onfir&e# -a&ie/! #e i!ion. She lo+e# hi&. She %ante# to be %ith hi&. She %a! !till afrai#" !till autiou! about ex$o!ing her!elf" of being +ulnerable. But the lo+e an# #e!ire !he felt for hi& far out%eighe# her fear. Her gran#father greete# the ne%! %ith a !niff %hen !he alle# hi& before lun h an# tol# hi&. .In &y #ay" %e &arrie# before %e li+e# together"0 he !ai#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .When %a! your #ay again" Gran#$a;0 !he tea!e# lightly. .Before or after the #ino!aur!;0 He !$luttere# out a laugh at her hee,ine!!" then %a! !u##enly !eriou!. .:ou !oun# ha$$y" -i&&y. I! thi! really %hat you %ant;0 .I lo+e hi&"0 !he !ai# !i&$ly. .An# he lo+e! &e. We %ant to be together.0 Her gran#father leare# hi! throat. .Well. :ou tell 1oo$er I/ll !to$ $oli!hing &y !hotgun after %hat I !a% the other night" then.0 .He/ll be relie+e#" I ,no%"0 -a&ie !ai# %ith a !&ile. She !hot a loo, to %here 1oo$er %a! eating a bo%l of ereal at the ,it hen ounter. .I/+e ha# a ou$le of $hone all! for you %hile you %ere gone. The international ne%! !er+i e! &u!t ha+e $i ,e# u$ on your fight be au!e one of the& %a! A&eri an.0 .:eah; Huh"0 -a&ie !ai#" fro%ning. .:ou %ant &e to gi+e the& 1oo$er/! nu&ber if they all again;0 .Sure. Why not;0 She &ight hate the $re!!" but buil#ing a re$utation for her!elf in the State! %oul# be goo# for her areer. She !$ent the re!t of the #ay lounging aroun# the hou!e %ith 1oo$er. They #i# a ro!!%or#" then !he !u u&be# to 1oo$er/! a(oling an# finally rea# hi& the ne%!$a$er/! +er!ion of %hat ha# ha$$ene# in )ubbo. They ha# t%o #ay!/ %orth of ne%!$rint to $i , o+er by then. Sun#ay/! $a$er %a! full of her %in an# the !ur$ri!e re+elation of her i#entity" an# !he !,i&&e# o+er the !tory 5ui ,ly" not %anting to #%ell on the ba ,groun# &aterial they/# #ug u$ about her father. -a ,/! frau# on+i tion an# !ui i#e t%o year! ago %ere the !tuff of (ournali!t!/ %et #rea&!" an# !he refu!e# to rea# yet &ore olu&n in he! on a !ub(e t that ha# alrea#y au!e# her enough $ain. Mon#ay/! $a$er %a! fo u!e# &ore on the fight in the $ar,ing lot" going o+er Ban#enburg/! fight hi!tory an# briefly re a$$ing the t%o $rofe!!ional bout! the t%o &en ha# ha# in the ring. 1oo$er !&ile# broa#ly a! !he rea# hi& the (ournali!t/! a!!e!!&ent that Ban#enburg ha# re!orte# to .#irty tri ,! an# thuggery0 %hen it be a&e lear that 1oo$er ha# beaten hi& yet again. .They/re $u!hing $retty har#"0 1oo$er on lu#e#. .Maybe he %ill get !u!$en#e#.0 .1oul#n/t ha$$en to a better a!!hole"0 !he !ai#. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter A $oli e offi er fro& the lo al $re in t a&e by in the early afternoon to ta,e 1oo$er/! !tate&ent on behalf of the )ubbo $oli e" an# to%ar# the en# of the afternoon" !he too, hi& for a #ri+e" (u!t to get out of the hou!e. They %oun# u$ in be# after an early #inner. It %a! %here they both %ante# to be '%here their hor&one! an# e&otion! #e&an#e# they be. After%ar#" !he lay %ith her hea# on hi! he!t an# a han# on hi! belly. .:our #o tor/! a$$oint&ent i! to&orro%"0 !he !ai# after a long !ilen e. .:e$.0 She ,ne% fro& on+er!ation! they/# ha# after !he/# a$$lie# hi! eye #ro$! that he oul# #i! ern light through hi! in(ure# eye. A $o!iti+e !ign" 1oo$er !ai#. .Are you %orrie#;0 !he a!,e#. She %a!. He/# ha+e to be !u$erhu&an not to be. .There are a bun h of $eo$le %ho get by %ithout any !ight at all"0 he !ai#. .E+en if the ne%! i! ba#" I/ll #eal %ith it. But I #on/t thin, it %ill be. It feel! goo#. It hy a! all hell" but goo#.0 The #o tor agree# %ith hi! !elf3a!!e!!&ent the next #ay. While -a&ie lut he# 1oo$er/! han#" )r. Sa&uel! ea!e# the $a# off an# exa&ine# hi! eye. It %a! re# an# !ore3loo,ing" but 1oo$er 5ui ,ly onfir&e# that he oul# !ee. It too, -a&ie a &o&ent to reali*e !he %a! rying. .I #on/t ,no% %hat/! %rong %ith &e"0 !he tol# 1oo$er" !niffing the tear! a%ay. .I !%ear" before I &et you I ha#n/t rie# for year!.0 .My !$e ial gift to you"0 1oo$er !ai#. With a he ,u$ ! he#ule# for the follo%ing %ee," they #ro+e ho&e again. 1oo$er %a! 5uiet. She ,e$t !hooting glan e! at hi& a! !he #ro+e. Sen!ing her ! rutiny" he &et her ga*e an# !ilently rea!!ure# her by ta,ing her han# in hi! an# !&iling. Ha$$ine!! %a!he# o+er her. He %a! going to be o,ay. 1oo$er/! &in# ha# turne# to gy& bu!ine!! by the ti&e they $ulle# into the garage at hi! $la e. He %a! li!ting the all! he nee#e# to &a,e %hen they reentere# the hou!e. Ab!ently he $re!!e# the fla!hing light on the an!%ering &a hine to retrie+e hi! &e!!age!" an# they both fro*e %hen they hear# an A&eri an a ent boo& out into the roo&.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Thi! i! Le%i! White alling fro& the <.S. I/& loo,ing for -a&ie Sa%yer. -a&ie" if you %ant to all &e ba ," I/+e got an offer to $ut to you.0 The aller reele# off a long nu&ber. 1oo$er !%ore an# rea he# for the #elete button. -a&ie aught hi! finger (u!t in ti&e. .What are you #oing; Le%i! White i! one of the bigge!t fight $ro&oter! in the <.S."0 !he !ai#. A! though he #i#n/t ,no% that alrea#y. .He/! a lying" !nea,y $ie e of ra$"0 1oo$er !ai#. .If he %ant! to offer you !o&ething" %ait until %e/+e foun# you another trainer.0 .I !houl# at lea!t !$ea, to hi&" !ee %hat he/! offering.0 .No"0 1oo$er !ai#" !ha,ing hi! hea#. .2ighter! %ho #eal #ire tly %ith $ro&oter! get #one o+er. Tru!t &e" I/+e !een it ha$$en too &any ti&e! to ount.0 She fro%ne#. .So I (u!t #on/t re!$on#; What oul# it hurt to tal, to the guy;0 .If you %ant to get a !tart on the <.S. ir uit" lea+e it u$ to !o&eone %ho ,no%! to !teer you right.0 -a&ie bit her li$. The nee# to fin# another trainer %a! but one of &any thing! that !he/# !ho+e# to one !i#e %hile 1oo$er re o+ere#. Ho% long %oul# it ta,e before !he ha# !o&eone el!e line# u$; An# %hat %oul# ha$$en to the #eal Le%i! White %a! offering in the &eanti&e; .I/& going to all hi& ba ,"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er/! (a% ten!e#" but he #i#n/t !ay another %or#. He !too# %ith ar&! ro!!e# o+er hi! he!t %hile !he li!tene# to the &e!!age again" (otting #o%n the $hone nu&ber before $ulling out her ell $hone. Le%i! White an!%ere# on the thir# ring. .Mr. White. My na&e i! -a&ie Sa%yer. :ou left a &e!!age for &e"0 !he ex$laine#" +ery a%are of 1oo$er ho+ering #ar,ly at her elbo%. .I/+e been trying to get a hol# of you for t%o #ay! no%. :ou/re a tough la#y to tra , #o%n"0 Le%i! White !ai#. .Sorry about that" I/+e been bu!y.0 .M!. Sa%yer" I/& going to ut to the ha!e !in e I/& in a bit of a ti&e (a& here. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter :ou e+er hear# of a fighter alle# 4o&a Willia&!;0 -a&ie/! $ul!e 5ui ,ene#. .Of our!e I ha+e. She/! the %orl# nu&ber fi+e"0 !he !ai#. She/# !een 4o&a fight a half #o*en ti&e! at 4ay/! $la e on able. She %a! ! ary goo#. .I/+e got a fight ! he#ule# bet%een Willia&! an# an u$3an#3 o&ing Philly girl by the na&e of Lari!!a 2arna& in La! Bega! in !ix %ee,!/ ti&e'ten roun#!" a half3 &illion3#ollar $ur!e. Proble& i! M!. 2arna& ha! gone an# bro,en her leg in a training a i#ent.0 .4ight"0 -a&ie !ai#. .Whi h lea+e! &e loo,ing for a re$la e&ent. I %on/t lie to you'you %eren/t &y fir!t or e+en !e on# hoi e. But I hear# about %hat you #i# to Liana Nel!on on the %ee,en# an# $eo$le %ho ,no% !ay that you an fight. I figure %e &ight get a! &any fol,! intere!te# in !eeing -a , Sa%yer/! little girl !trut her !tuff in the ring a! M!. 2arna&. So" are you intere!te#;0 -a&ie blin,e#. Her hea# %a! !$inning. 4o&a Willia&!. She %a! being offere# a !hot at the %orl# nu&ber fi+e. If !he %on" it %oul# fa!t3 tra , her areer an# $ut her that &u h lo!er to a title fight. .:ou !till there" M!. Sa%yer;0 Le%i! a!,e#" hi! A&eri an a ent e hoing #o%n the line. .:e!. I/& !till here. An# ye!" I/ll ta,e it"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er/! eyebro%! !na$$e# together in a fro%n. .What; What are you ta,ing;0 She ga+e Le%i! White her e3&ail a##re!! !o he oul# !en# through the $ertinent #etail!. 1oo$er $ut a han# on her !houl#er. .Let &e tal, to hi&"0 he !ai#" hol#ing out a han#. .I/ll !$ea, to you !oon" Mr. White"0 -a&ie !ai#" en#ing the all before 1oo$er oul# !nat h the $hone fro& her han#. .What #i# you (u!t agree to;0 1oo$er a!,e#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I/& fighting 4o&a Willia&! in La! Bega! in !ix %ee,!/ ti&e.0 She !ai# it #efiantly" hallengingly" be au!e !he ,ne% that 1oo$er %a! going to ob(e t. He flu!he# a #ull re# an# thu&$e# a han# #o%n onto the ,it hen ounter. .What the hell" -a&ie"0 he !ai#. .Ha+e you !een your fa e; That eye alone i! going to ta,e three %ee,! to heal. An# you %ant to go into the ring in !ix; :ou/+e (u!t ta,en a &a(or $oun#ing.0 .I/ll be fine. I/& a fa!t healer.0 .4o&a Willia&! i! a tough fighter.0 She ro!!e# her ar&! o+er her he!t. .An#;0 .She/! &u h &ore ex$erien e# than you. :ou/re not rea#y for her.0 Hi! %or#! !tung. A lot. .4eally; Than,! for the +ote of onfi#en e. I/ll try to ,ee$ tho!e in!$irational %or#! in &in# %hen I/& in the ring.0 .:ou/+e ha# three fight!" -a&ie. Thi! %o&an i! a !ea!one# $ro. :ou/re not rea#y.0 .I %ant thi! fight. An# I/& going to %in it"0 !he !ai#" !etting her (a% !tubbornly. He !%ore. .-a&ie60 .:ou/re not &y trainer any&ore. :ou #on/t ha+e a !ay in thi! !tuff"0 !he !ai#. He !tare# at her. .Thi! i! not about %ho i! or i!n/t your trainer. Anyone you ta,e on i! going to !ay the !a&e thing'%ait. Buil# your!elf u$. Get &ore fight! un#er your belt. Then ta,e on the big girl!.0 .If I %in thi!" I/ll be only a fe% fight! a%ay fro& a title !hot.0 .An# if you lo!e your #ebut on the <.S. ! ene %ill be a #efeat. What #o you thin, that/ll #o to your han e!;0 Anger &a#e her bo#y !tiff. .I/& %illing to ta,e the ri!,.0 She turne# a%ay fro& hi&" !tarte# %al,ing u$ the hall%ay. .Thi! #i! u!!ion i! not o+er"0 he !ai#" hi! %or#! follo%ing her. She li&be# the !tair! an# olle te# the fe% $er!onal ite&! !he/# brought %ith ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter her. 1oo$er %at he# fro& the hall%ay a! !he #e! en#e# again an# hea#e# for the front #oor. .What are you #oing;0 .I/& going ho&e to %here $eo$le belie+e in &e"0 !he !ai#. .I belie+e in you" -a&ie. I belie+e in you !o &u h I %ant you to ha+e a long" !u e!!ful areer" not !o&e $ubli ity3#ri+en frea, !ho%.0 Her &outh fell o$en. .2rea, !ho%; Than,! a lot.0 .That/! %hat thi! i!. <!ing your na&e to get a bun h of &oron! to ga%, at -a , Sa%yer/! #aughter. Le%i! White/ll be ha&&ering the $ubli ity" your #a#/! na&e %ill be e+ery%here. None of it %ill be about you.0 She eye# hi& !tea#ily. .It i!n/t about &e" any%ay. Thi! i! about &y gran#father re#ee&ing hi! na&e. I thought you un#er!too# that.0 Her ba , !tiff" !he left the hou!e. If 1oo$er #i#n/t belie+e in her" he oul# go ! re% hi&!elf. She &ight lo+e hi&" but !he %a!n/t gi+ing u$ her #rea&! for hi&. An# if he #i#n/t un#er!tan# that" then he %a!n/t the &an !he thought he %a!. 7@ .THIS IS A BA) fight" -i&&y.0 -a&ie bra e# one leg in front of the other an# !tret he# out her alf &u! le!. It ha# been four %ee,! !in e !he/# !$o,en to Le%i! White an# %al,e# out of 1oo$er/! hou!e. She %a! !i , of $eo$le trying to tell her %hat to #o. 2ir!t 1oo$er" then her gran#father an# no% 4ay. .It/! a fine fight" an# I/& going to %in"0 !he !ai# through her teeth. 4ay rolle# hi! eye! to%ar# the !,y. .Man" you/re !u h an i#iot !o&eti&e!.0 .2eel free to lea+e" then. I/& ,in# of bu!y any%ay" in a!e you ha#n/t noti e#" training for a fight.0 Straightening" -a&ie ro!!e# to the long bag hanging in the orner. 4ay follo%e#" hi! brui!e# fa e rea!e# %ith on ern. He/# %on hi! !e on# bout un#er ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er/! aegi! t%o night! ago. She/# %at he# the fight on TB at a lo al !$ort! bar" bea&e# li+e fro& the <.>. 1oo$er an# 4ay ha# lan#e# ba , in Sy#ney thi! &orning" !he ,ne%" but only 4ay ha# gone to the trouble of tra ,ing her #o%n in her ne% gy&. Whi h %a! fine by her. She/# ha# &ore than enough argu&ent! %ith 1oo$er o+er the $a!t four %ee,!. She #i#n/t nee# yet &ore $roof that the &an !he lo+e# #i#n/t belie+e in her. .Thi! $la e i! a #i+e"0 4ay !ai#" hi! ex$re!!ion #i!$araging a! he ! anne# the #i&ly lit roo&. Lo ate# at the en# of an alley%ay in the re# light #i!tri t of >ing! 1ro!!" -a&ie/! ne% gy& !&elle# of ol# urine an# #a&$ an# &o!t of the e5ui$&ent %a! eaten by ru!t. It %a! a far ry fro& 2it*geral#/!" to !ay the lea!t. .No !hit"0 !he !ai#. .-i&&y. Thin, about %hat you/re #oing. Li!ten to the $eo$le %ho lo+e you. :ou really thin, &e" 1oo$er an# Arthur ha+e all got it %rong;0 -a&ie began to $e$$er the long bag %ith o&bination!. .I ,no% %hat I/& #oing. Thi! i! %hat I %ant.0 She/# !ai# it !o often lately" !he %a! thin,ing of getting T3!hirt! &a#e. Maybe that %ay $eo$le %oul# ba , off an# lea+e her alone. Her gran#father %a! angry %ith her. E+ery &o&ent !he !$ent in the a$art&ent %ith hi& %a! fraught %ith ten!ion. 1hri!t&a! ha# been an un&itigate# #i!a!ter" %ith the t%o of the& !tiffly ex hanging $re!ent! an# &a,ing a%,%ar# !&all tal, o+er a tur,ey &eal at the lo al $ub. A! for 1oo$er61oo$er oul# barely !tay in the !a&e roo& %ith her for &ore than fi+e &inute!. Three ti&e! he/# o&e o+er an# trie# to tal, her aroun#" an# ea h ti&e they/# %oun# u$ yelling at ea h other. She ha#n/t !een hi& for nearly ten #ay! no%. It ! are# her ho% &u h !he &i!!e# hi&. It %a!n/t the !ex. It %a! e+erything. She lo+e# hi&. She/# been about to &o+e in %ith hi&" her an# her gran#father. Then all thi! ra$ ha# blo%n u$. She oul# !till re&e&ber their $arting %or#! a %ee, an# a half ago. .Peo$le get hurt in fight! %hen they/re out la!!e#" -a&ie. Peo$le #ie"0 he/# !ai#. She/# !tare# at hi&" %illing hi& to un#er!tan#. .I ha+e to #o thi!. I nee# thi!.0 .)o you %ant &e to beg; Be au!e I/ll get #o%n on &y ,nee! if that/! %hat it/! going to ta,e.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter It ha# gotten ugly fro& there. Why oul#n/t he belie+e in her; Why oul#n/t he un#er!tan# that thi! %a! !o&ething !he ha# to #o; She/# ex$laine# to hi& about her gran#father" about her father" an# ho% !he nee#e# to #o thi! for her fa&ily. Why oul#n/t he !ee that thi! %a! not negotiable; She ha# to ta,e thi! thing a! far a! it %oul# go an# then !o&e. She ha# to !ho+e her fi!t #o%n the %orl#/! throat an# for e e+eryone to forget the !ha&e. 4ay leane# again!t the %all near the long bag" %at hing her $oun# !hot! into the hea+y leather. .1oo$er/! li,e a bear %ith a !ore hea# %ithout you aroun#. He %a! an a!!hole all the %ay to Englan# an# ba , again.0 .So;0 4ay a#(u!te# the ban# on hi! %at h. .)o you lo+e hi&;0 he a!,e# a!ually. -a&ie fli ,e# hi& a loo,. .Why; :ou loo,ing for one for ol# ti&e!/ !a,e;0 4ay/! li$! urle# into a relu tant !&ile. .-u!t an!%er the 5ue!tion.0 .:e!.0 .)o you re!$e t hi&; A! a fighter; A! a trainer;0 .:ou ,no% I #o.0 .Then li!ten to hi&. He/! right. )on/t go to Bega!.0 -a&ie !la&&e# an u$$er ut into the bag" hanneling all the fury an# fru!tration that ha# been buil#ing in!i#e her for the $a!t fe% %ee,!. 4oun#ing on 4ay" !he too, it right u$ to hi& !o that they %ere toe3to3toe. .I an loo, after &y!elf. An# I ,no% %hat I %ant. I #on/t are if all of you #on/t thin, I an #o it'I a& going to %in. An# I/& going to ,ee$ on %inning until I/+e got that %orl# ha&$ion!hi$ belt in &y han#! an# &y gran#father an hol# hi! hea# high again.0 4ay !tare# at her. .:our gran#father #oe!n/t %ant you to #o thi!.0 .I &a#e a $ro&i!e"0 !he !ai#. She turne# a%ay fro& hi&.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .What; What $ro&i!e;0 .It #oe!n/t &atter. There/! nothing you an !ay that/! going to hange &y &in#" 4ay.0 She !tarte# in on the long bag again. .I hear# a ru&or %hile I %a! a%ay. That you/# ta,en on Paul Mur$hy a! your ne% trainer"0 4ay !ai# after a !hort !ilen e. .Tell &e it %a! bull!hit.0 .Paul Mur$hy i! a goo# trainer"0 !he !ai# a! !he $un he# the bag. .About a hun#re# year! ago. No% he/! a !e on#3!tringer" if that" an# you ,no% it.0 She #i#n/t bother to argue. Paul %a! ol#" $a!t hi! $ri&e" an# only a year or t%o a%ay fro& retire&ent altogether. .I nee# a trainer. I an/t go to Bega! %ithout one.0 .Then ta,e the ti&e to fin# !o&eone goo#. So&eone %ho o&e! e+en re&otely lo!e to re$la ing 1oo$er.0 -a&ie lo ,e# her (a% an# ,e$t thro%ing $un he!. Paul Mur$hy ga+e her legiti&a y in the eye! of the boxing %orl#" an# that %a! all !he nee#e# or %ante# fro& hi&. They/# o&e to a ta it un#er!tan#ing on the !ub(e t %ithin the fir!t fe% #ay! of %or,ing %ith ea h other. No%" he &a#e a to,en effort to turn u$ for training a ou$le of ti&e! a %ee," an# !he ontinue# to follo% the routine 1oo$er ha# reate# for her %hen !he %a! in training for the )ubbo fight. After a fe% &inute! of being ignore#" 4ay hea#e# for the #oor. She !lo%e# then !to$$e# after he/# gone" !taring blan,ly at the %orn leather in front of her. It %oul# ha+e been ni e if 4ay ha# been on her !i#e. It %a! tough not ha+ing anyone in her orner. She/# ne+er fought %ith her gran#father thi! %ay before. An# it %a! e+en tougher #ealing %ith 1oo$er/! #i!a$$ro+al an# !ilen e. About the only goo# ne%! !he/# ha# lately %a! the boxing a!!o iation/! #e i!ion to ban >yle Ban#enburg for three year!. Gi+en hi! age" it %a! a areer3en#ing $enalty. A! !he/# !ai# to 1oo$er $re+iou!ly" it oul#n/t ha+e ha$$ene# to a better a!!hole. Her fa e t%i!te# %ith regret a! !he re&e&bere# tho!e fe% gol#en #ay! of nur!ing 1oo$er after hi! o$eration. It ha# been !o har# to let hi& into her heart. No% !he felt a! though !he/# &a#e that lea$ of faith for nothing.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Her !$ine !traightene#. He %a! !tubborn" (u!t li,e her" but he %oul#n/t %al, a%ay fro& %hat they ha# out of $ure $ri#e. When !he %on" he %oul# !ee that !he %a! right" an# he %oul# o&e ba , to her. She ha# to belie+e that" be au!e !he oul#n/t #eal %ith the alternati+e. Not %hen !he %a! u$ again!t !o &u h negati+ity alrea#y. Ta,ing a #ee$ breath" !he !tarte# u$ again. Left" right" (ab" ro!!. 2o u!. 2oot%or,. Prote t her!elf. 4ight no%" that %a! all that &attere#.

.:O< SHO<L) HABE #one !o&ething. :ou !houl# ha+e !to$$e# her.0 1oo$er loo,e# u$ fro& hi! o&$uter to fin# Arthur Sa%yer in hi! offi e #oor%ay. The ol# &an/! fa e %a! re# %ith anger a! he !tro#e for%ar# belligerently. -a&ie ha# flo%n to the State! ye!ter#ay. 1oo$er ha# refu!e# to gi+e e+en ta it !u$$ort to the fight by !aying goo#bye or !eeing her off at the air$ort. He %a! furiou! %ith her'furiou! that hi! o$inion an# ex$erti!e an# feeling! &eant !o little to her" an# that !he/# re$la e# hi& %ith a trainer !o $a!t hi! $ri&e it %a! a (o,e. He ha# no i#ea %hat ha# ha$$ene# to the %ar& inti&a y an# hone!ty they/# !hare# after hi! o$eration. On e the fight offer %a! on the table" !he/# !i&$ly !hut #o%n" turning ba , into the !tubborn" lo!e#3off" #ri+en %o&an !he/# been %hen he fir!t &et her. He/# thought they %ere $a!t that. 1learly they %eren/t. He ha# no i#ea %hat to #o about any of it. The only thing he ,ne% for !ure %a! that he oul#n/t !tan# out!i#e the ring an# %at h 4o&a Willia&! $oun# -a&ie into the an+a!. Not again. He lo+e# her too &u h to %at h her !uffer. .What !houl# I ha+e #one" Arthur; >i#na$ her until after the fight; Lo , her a%ay until !he !a% !en!e;0 Arthur $a e# in front of the #e!," hi! !houl#er! hun he#. .I #on/t ,no%. So&ethingH :ou !houl# ha+e #one !o&ething.0 1oo$er ,ne% the ol# &an %a! railing at hi& out of guilt be au!e he" too" ha# refu!e# to go to Bega! %ith -a&ie" but it !till $i!!e# hi& off. E!$e ially %hen !he %a! $utting her!elf on the line li,e thi! for hi&. .:ou/re the one !he/! #oing thi! for. :ou !houl# ha+e relea!e# her fro& her ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter $ro&i!e if you %ere !eriou! about !to$$ing her"0 he !ai#. Arthur/! hea# !%ung aroun#. .What; What the hell are you tal,ing about;0 1oo$er !tare# at the other &an. .What $ro&i!e; Tell &e"0 Arthur #e&an#e#. .:ou #on/t ,no% anything about it" #o you;0 1oo$er !ai#" reali*ation !lo%ly #a%ning. .What $ro&i!e;0 Arthur re$eate#" #ra%ing hi&!elf to hi! full height" hi! +oi e lo% an# &ena ing. .-a&ie tol# &e !he &a#e a $ro&i!e to you %hen you %ere !i , in ho!$ital after your heart atta ,. To re#ee& the fa&ily na&e an# &a,e thing! right for you. She !ee&e# to thin, you %ere a!ha&e#" that you/# lo!t your !tan#ing %ith your bu##ie! an# ha# nothing to li+e for.0 Arthur !%ore" hi! fa e &ottle# re# %ith e&otion. .I al%ay! a!!u&e# you ,ne%"0 1oo$er !ai#. .Well" I #i#n/t. :ou thin, I %ant &y gran##aughter to get bu!te# u$ in that ring; When !he tol# &e !he %ante# to ta,e u$ boxing" I %a! #ea# !et again!t it. She/! !u h a beautiful girl. Before all the &e!! %ith -a , an# Ban#enburg !he %a! !o ha$$y an# (oyful. Hell" !he %a! training to be a naturo$ath" an you belie+e it; She %a! going to be a healer" not a brui!er. But !he %a! !o #a&ne# #eter&ine#" an# I !a% it &eant a lot to her !o I !u$$orte# her" #i# &y be!t by her.0 The ol# &an/! +oi e 5ua+ere#. 1oo$er !too# an# %ent to hi! !i#e. .Li!ten. It/! not your fault. -a&ie thought you %ere going to #ie. She thin,! !he/! gi+ing you your $ri#e ba ,.0 Arthur !an, into a hair an# $ut hi! hea# into hi! han#!. .Thi! i! about -a ,"0 he !ai# after a long beat. .In &y heart I al%ay! ,ne% it %a!" but I oul# ne+er &a,e &y!elf bring it u$. I ,ne% I !houl# ha+e &a#e her tal, to !o&eone after %e foun# hi&. She %a! !o 5uiet after%ar#" it %a! unnatural. No tear!" nothing.0 1oo$er !tille#. .-a&ie tol# &e you foun# hi! bo#y.0 .We both #i#. He6-a , #i# it in the garage of the a$art&ent %e %ere renting. I ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter %al,e# in fir!t" then -i&&y. She %a! the one %ho ut hi& #o%n6.0 1oo$er lo!e# hi! eye!. Poor -a&ie. No %on#er !he %a! !o angry at the %orl#. No %on#er !he felt !o betraye#. .<ntil he thre% that fight" !he i#oli*e# hi& !o ba#"0 Arthur !ai#" hi! eye! +a ant a! he !tare# !traight ahea#. .Ne+er !een anything li,e it'right fro& %hen !he %a! born !he %a! #a##y/! little girl. She %at he# hi& train" !he a&e to e+ery fight" traile# aroun# after hi& li,e a !ha#o%. A! far a! !he %a! on erne#" he oul# #o no %rong. Then he thre% that fight.0 Arthur let hi! breath out %ith a lou#" #efeate# !igh. .)on/t ,no% %hy he #i# it. He/# al%ay! li,e# !$la!hing out on fan y ar! an# %hatnot. He ha# &oney" but &aybe he %a! %orrie# it %oul#n/t be enough %ith no &ore $ur!e! o&ing in. Go# ,no%!" there are enough !torie! of ex3 ha&$! li+ing on %elfare to ! are a retire# fighter. I figure# he/# (u!t gotten gree#y. The truth i!" he ne+er offere# to ex$lain" an# I ne+er a!,e#. Thi! !$ort an be ugly !o&eti&e!. But -a&ie6-a&ie %a! !hattere#. All the $re!!" then the trial. Hi! boxing bu##ie! turning their ba ,! on hi&" &outhing off about hi&" alling hi& a frau#. The light %ent out in!i#e her. I gue!! !he felt li,e he/# been lying to her all tho!e year!" letting her thin, he %a! larger than life %hen really he %a! (u!t a &an li,e anyone el!e. When he a&e ho&e fro& $ri!on" !he oul# barely loo, hi& in the eye. He bro,e her heart" an# !he bro,e hi! right ba ,.0 1oo$er rubbe# the bri#ge of hi! no!e a! the $ie e! fell into $la e. -a&ie/! reti en e. Her anger. Her burning nee# for re#e&$tion. He !houl# ha+e $u!he# her har#er. He/# ,no%n !he %a! angry %ith her father' he !i&$ly ha#n/t reali*e# ho% #ee$ an# #ar, it all ran. He !houl# ha+e ra ,e# her o$en an# for e# it out of her. But he/# thought he ha# all the ti&e in the %orl#. 4ea hing for hi! ar ,ey!" he grabbe# the ol# &an/! elbo%. .1o&e on" let/! go"0 he !ai#. .Where;0 .Where #o you thin,;0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter -AMIE )AN1E) 24OM foot to foot" $un hing the air. 4ight" left" right" right" left. Behin# her" the &a!!age thera$i!t !he/# hire# $a ,e# u$ hi! table. Ha+ing hi& %or, on her ha#n/t been anything li,e %hen 1oo$er ha# rubbe# her #o%n before her la!t fight" tal,ing to her all the %hile" telling her ho% !trong !he %a!" that !he %a! going to go out there an# %in. Her ne% trainer" Mur$hy" ha# trie# to offer her $re3fight a#+i e" but !he/# !ent hi& out of the roo&. The only $eo$le !he %ante# in her orner %ere thou!an#! of &ile! a%ay" an# !he #i#n/t %ant !o&e $ale i&itation &outhing $latitu#e! to her. She ,ne% %hat !he ha# to #o. That %oul# ha+e to !uffi e. Her han#! %ere ta$e#" her bo#y %ar&. Soon Mur$hy %oul# return an# la e her into her glo+e!. Alrea#y !he oul# hear the ro%# roaring out!i#e. Thi! %a! the bigge!t au#ien e !he/# e+er fought in front of. When they heere# the %all! +ibrate# an# the orri#or! thun#ere#. She/# trie# to all her gran#father before Mur$hy ha# ta$e# her han#!. He ha#n/t $i ,e# u$. Neither ha# 1oo$er %hen !he/# trie# hi&. She/# been !o !ure that he/# relent at the la!t &inute. She/# gro%n u!e# to hi& o&ing through for her. More fool her. She thre% !o&e &ore $un he! at her in+i!ible o$$onent. It #i#n/t &atter. She %a! about to $ro+e both 1oo$er an# her gran#father %rong. An# if !he #i#n/t6 She oul#n/t let her &in# go there. She ha# e+erything ri#ing on thi! fight. 2inan ially a! %ell a! e&otionally. Her bo!! ha# loo,e# at her in re#ulou!ly %hen !he/# a!,e# for the ti&e off to fly to Bega!. -a&ie ha# $u!he#" #e!$ite ,no%ing that !he #i#n/t exa tly ha+e a !$otle!! %or, re or# an# that !he/# fallen e+en further out of fa+or by tra#ing off !hift! lately !o !he oul# train for the big fight. No% !he %a! offi ially une&$loye#'(u!t in a!e !he nee#e# further in enti+e to %in tonight. A ool bree*e hit her a! the #oor behin# her o$ene#. Mur$hy returning to la e her glo+e!. She ,e$t !ha#o%boxing a! !he !$o,e o+er her !houl#er. .I/ll be %ith you in a &inute"0 !he !ai#. .-a&ie.0 She fro*e" then !lo%ly $i+ote# on her heel. 1oo$er !too# there" a bro%n $a$er ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter $ar el in hi! han#!. .:ou a&e"0 !he !ai#. A !&ile ur+e# her li$!. She !tarte# to%ar# hi&. .To try to &a,e you !ee !en!e one la!t ti&e"0 he !ai#. Her !&ile #ie#. She !to$$e# in her tra ,!. .Then you an get out.0 .:our gran#father i! here. He #oe!n/t %ant you to #o thi! for hi&" -a&ie. I tol# hi& about your $ro&i!e" an# he #oe!n/t %ant you going out there in hi! na&e.0 .I/& #oing thi! for both of u!"0 !he !ai#. .No" you/re not. :ou/re #oing thi! be au!e of your father.0 .I/& here to &a,e thing! right"0 !he !ai# fier ely" her han#! fi!ting. .:eah; 4eally;0 1oo$er a!,e#. Hi! blue eye! $ier e# her" nailing her to the %all. .I! that really %hy you %ant to !te$ into the ring an# ta,e all that $ain;0 Su##enly !he %a! furiou!. Ho% #are he o&e into her hange roo& before a fight an# hallenge her li,e thi!; She nee#e# to be fo u!e#" her &in# lear" her $ur$o!e ab!olute. .:ou !ay you lo+e &e" yet you/re here trying to ! re% &e u$"0 !he !houte#. .:ou/re !u$$o!e# to be on &y !i#e.0 .I/& here to hel$ !et you free" -a&ie.0 She glare# at hi& ol#ly. .Get out. An# #on/t o&e ba ,. I #on/t %ant anyone in &y life %ho #oe!n/t belie+e in &e.0 1oo$er hel# her eye !tea#ily for a long &o&ent" then he no##e#. .I/ll go. But fir!t I %ant to gi+e you thi!.0 He hel# out the $ar el. She eye# it %arily. .What i! it;0 .Ta,e it. O$en it. Pro+e to &e that you/re here for all the right rea!on!"0 he !ai#. .I #on/t ha+e to $ro+e anything to you.0

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He thre% the $ar el at her. She aught it in!tin ti+ely. It %a! hea+ier than !he/# ex$e te# an# the $a$er ru!tle# beneath her han#!. .O$en it.0 .:ou/re !u h an a!!hole"0 !he !ai#. .But if thi! i! %hat it ta,e! to get ri# of you" fine.0 )igging her finger! into the $a$er" !he &a#e a hole an# tore the $ar el o$en. Shiny blue an# %hite !atin !lithere# a ro!! her han#! an# the !&ell of &othball! an# ol# !%eat !%a&$e# her. A !ingle %or# ar he# a ro!! the fabri " %hite !atin !tit he# on blue. SAW:E4. Her father/! fight robe. She #ro$$e# the $ar el a! though !he/# been gut3$un he#. .:our father %oul#n/t %ant you to $uni!h your!elf li,e thi!"0 1oo$er !ai#. .He lo+e# you. He/# hate for you to get hurt in hi! na&e.0 -a&ie $re!!e# her han#! to her he!t" fighting har# to breathe. A hea+y %eight %a! $re!!ing #o%n on her" !uffo ating her. .I/& not #oing it for hi&. He %a! a heat" a frau#. I hate hi&.0 .No" you #on/t. :ou lo+e hi&"0 1oo$er !ai# 5uietly. .:ou lo+e hi& &ore than anything in the %orl#.0 -a&ie !hoo, her hea#" trying to #eny hi! %or#!" but !o&ething #ar, an# hi##en %a! ri!ing u$ in!i#e her. Her ga*e #arte# aroun# the hange roo& a! !he trie# to fin# !o&e %ay of e! a$ing the truth" but !he oul#n/t an# !u##enly !he %a! ga!$ing" tear! !trea&ing #o%n her fa e" 1oo$er/! !trong ar&! lo!ing aroun# her. .There %a! no rea!on for hi& to #o %hat he #i#. No rea!on at all"0 !he !obbe#. .We #i#n/t nee# the &oney. We #i#n/t nee# anything. I oul#n/t un#er!tan#. He %a! the be!t &an I ,ne%. An# then he #i# thi! thing. Thi! horrible" #i!hone!t thing that &a#e a lie of e+erything that ha# o&e before it.0 .He &a#e a &i!ta,e"0 1oo$er !ai#. .I thought he %a! $erfe t. I lo+e# hi& !o &u h6.0 She lung to 1oo$er/! broa# !houl#er! then a! it all a&e $ouring out9 her ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter father/! guilt an# re&or!e" her o%n !en!e of anger an# outrage an# fear that the hero !he/# built all the ertaintie! in her life aroun# ha# turne# out to be !o in re#ibly or#inary an# hu&an an# fallible. An# la!tly the final #ar, %ee, %hen he/# been relea!e# fro& $ri!on an# #i! o+ere# that the %orl# of boxing %a! fore+er barre# to hi& an# hi! ol# frien#! ha# turne# a%ay an# hi! o%n #aughter oul#n/t forgi+e hi&. .He a!,e# &e. He loo,e# &e in the eye an# a!,e# &e if I %oul# e+er forget %hat he/# #one" if I oul# e+er thin, of hi& in the !a&e %ay again. I %a! !o angry %ith hi& !till. We/# lo!t e+erything be au!e of the ourt fee! an# be au!e I let >yle ! re% &e o+er" an# I bla&e# hi&. I %ante# to hurt hi&. So I !ai# nothing. The next #ay he ,ille# hi&!elf.0 .It %a!n/t your fault" -a&ie.0 She lifte# her hea#" loo,ing at hi& through tear3!oa,e# eye!. .He a!,e# for one ,in# %or#" one &o&ent of rea!!uran e" an# I oul#n/t gi+e it to hi&.0 .It %a!n/t your fault. :our father &a#e a #e i!ion %hen he #e i#e# to thro% that fight" an# he oul#n/t li+e %ith the on!e5uen e!. :ou #i#n/t hol# a gun to hi! hea# an# tell hi& to #o it. :ou #i#n/t !en# hi& to $ri!on or hara!! hi& in the &e#ia. :ou #i#n/t tell hi! frien#! to o!tra i*e hi&.0 .I !houl# ha+e tol# hi& I forga+e hi&. I !houl# ha+e tol# hi& I un#er!too#" that thing! %oul# get better"0 !he !ai#. 1oo$er gri$$e# her by the !houl#er! an# !hoo, her lightly. .Li!ten to &e. :our father %a! a gro%n &an. He &a#e a hoi e" an# it %a! hi! hoi e" an# only hi!. :ou annot %ear thi!" -a&ie. It/! not your bur#en to arry. An# you an/t ,ee$ going into that ring an# $uni!hing your!elf a! !o&e ,in# of $enan e for %hat you thin, you #i#. :ou lo+e# your father" an# he ,ne% it. Anything el!e i! on hi! !houl#er!.0 She %ante# to belie+e hi&. She %ante# to !et #o%n the %eight that !he/# been arrying for !o long. But her guilt %a! !o !trong" !o $o%erful. .Let it go. )on/t let your father/! &i!ta,e! rule your life" -a&ie"0 1oo$er !ai# !oftly" hi! &outh near her ear. .It/! tragi that he %a! !o bro,en that he ,ille# hi&!elf" but it/! not your re!$on!ibility. :ou an/t ta,e on a #ea# &an/! bur#en!. It/! i&$o!!ible" an# it/! a fight you an/t %in. I %on/t let you #o thi! to your!elf. I lo+e you too &u h to let you %allo% in thi! ra$. Let it go.0 .O,ay" %e/+e got fi+e &inute!"0 Paul Mur$hy !ai# a! he !%ung through the #oor. He !to$$e# in hi! tra ,! %hen he regi!tere# 1oo$er an# the fa t that -a&ie %a! in hi! ar&! rying. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .Ha+e %e got a $roble& here;0 he a!,e# autiou!ly. 1oo$er !$o,e u$. .So&ething/! o&e u$. -a&ie %on/t be fighting tonight"0 he !ai#. Mur$hy/! eye! $o$$e# %i#e. .They/+e got a a$a ity ro%# u$ there.0 .Not our $roble&"0 1oo$er !ai#. Mur$hy turne# for the #oor. -a&ie lifte# her hea# fro& 1oo$er/! !houl#er" her !to&a h hurning" her &in# %hirling. .Wait"0 !he !ai#. She felt 1oo$er/! bo#y !tiffen beneath her han#!. .No"0 he !ai#. She loo,e# u$ at hi&" her ga*e !tea#y. .I thin, I nee# to #o thi!.0 .No" you #on/t.0 .I gre% u$ in boxing gy&!. I %ent to e+ery fight &y father e+er ha#. There/! a rea!on %hy I %a! #ra%n to thi! !$ort" %hy I ha+e thi! fire in!i#e &e" %hy I/& here tonight. :ou on e !ai# to &e that e+eryone %ho get! in the ring i! fighting their o%n #e&on! a! %ell a! the other guy. Maybe I nee# to ta,e #o%n &y #e&on! tonight.0 1oo$er lo!e# hi! eye!. She oul# !ee ho% afrai# he %a! for her. .-a&ie'0 .All tho!e other fight!'they %ere for the %rong rea!on!. -u!t on e" I/# li,e to fight %ith e+erything I/+e got" %ith a lear &in# an# heart. I/# li,e to ,no% %hy I/& out there" %ho I/& fighting for.0 .Who; Who are you fighting for;0 he a!,e#" !taring into her eye!. .Me. Thi! ti&e" it/! for &e an# no one el!e.0 1oo$er $ulle# her lo!e an# %ra$$e# hi! ar&! aroun# her" hi! e&bra e !o tight it !tole her breath. After a long beat" he let her go an# turne# to #eal %ith her trainer. .Get &e !o&e ta$e an# her glo+e!. I/& ta,ing o+er.0 ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Mur$hy o$ene# hi! &outh to $rote!t" an# 1oo$er !$o,e again. .)on/t %orry" you/ll !till get your ut.0 -a&ie felt a !urge of gratitu#e an# relief a! hi! %or#! !an, in. 1oo$er un#er!too#. Thi! a&a*ing &an ha# flo%n all the %ay to Bega! to !a+e her fro& her!elf. An# e+en though !he ,ne% it %a! going to ,ill hi& to %at h her !lug it out in the ring again!t an o$$onent %ho %a! +a!tly &ore ex$erien e#" he %a! going to #o it be au!e he un#er!too# that !he nee#e# to #o thi!. .I lo+e you. I/& !orry for being !u h a $ain in the a!!. Than, you for $utting u$ %ith &e"0 !he !ai# hu&bly. .:ou an &a,e it u$ to &e o+er the next fifty o## year!"0 he !ai#. He he ,e# the ta$e on her han#! before !li#ing her glo+e! on. .I/+e been ,ee$ing a li!t.0 She !&ir,e#. .I bet you ha+e.0 .It/! long" too. So I/& going to ha+e to a!, you to be areful out in that ring tonight be au!e I $lan on olle ting on &y #ebt!.0 -a&ie %at he# hi! fa e a! he on entrate# on la ing her glo+e! an# ta$ing the la e! #o%n. He %a! a &an in a &illion. )e!$ite all the ob!ta le! !he/# $ut in hi! %ay" he/# fought hi! %ay through to her. 1oo$er te!te# her glo+e!" then he ,e# her boot la e!. 4ea hing for the Ba!eline" he grea!e# u$ her fa e a! he !tarte# to tal,. .She/! a !outh$a%" !o you nee# to ,ee$ an eye out for her left hoo,. That/! her ,no ,out $un h an# !he/ll try to nail you %ith it early on. She/! ne+er !een you fight" !o you ha+e the a#+antage. :ou/re a &y!tery to her" an# !he/! going to o&e out o ,y be au!e you/+e only got three fight! to your na&e.0 .She/! fa!t. So&e of the be!t foot%or, I/+e e+er !een"0 -a&ie !ai#. A#renaline %a! !urging through her" her li&b! tingling %ith it. .:ou/re fa!t" too. But you/re going to ha+e to be !&arter than her. :ou/re going to ha+e to reel her in.0 2or the next fe% &inute!" 1oo$er outline# hi! !trategy. -a&ie no##e#" a!,e# a ou$le of 5ue!tion!. Then Mur$hy he ,e# the ti&e an# &o+e# to the #oor. .We nee# to go. They/re about to announ e you"0 he !ai#.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I/& rea#y"0 -a&ie !ai#" loo,ing to 1oo$er. .One &o&ent.0 1oo$er ro!!e# the roo& an# ! oo$e# her father/! robe off the floor. -a&ie !%allo%e# a lu&$ a! he !ettle# it o+er her !houl#er!" the blue !atin ri$$ling in the fluore! ent light. .No% you/re rea#y"0 he !ai#. The orri#or %a! #i& a! they &a#e their %ay to the au#itoriu&. She oul# hear the roar of the ro%#" &uffle# through layer! of on rete" the !oun# getting lou#er an# lou#er a! they neare# the exit. Nee#ing the rea!!uran e" !he glan e# ba , o+er her !houl#er" (u!t to onfir& that 1oo$er %a! really there. He &et her ga*e !tea#ily" a! he al%ay! ha#. A! he al%ay! %oul#. The glare an# noi!e in the arena %a! o+er%hel&ing'fla!he! $o$$ing" !$otlight! *eroing in on her" the ro%# ! rea&ing her na&e. Her heart $oun#ing" -a&ie &a#e the long %al, to the ring. She %a! afrai# of thi! fight" &ore afrai# than !he/# e+er been before. But !he al!o %ante# to %in &ore than e+er before" too. 1oo$er boun#e# u$ the !te$! to $art the ro$e! for her. She !li# bet%een the& an# into the ring. Her father/! robe billo%e# behin# her a! !he lifte# her han#! in the air an# #i# a !ingle !lo% la$" letting the ex ite&ent in the au#itoriu& bu** into her bloo#!trea&. When !he %a! a little girl" !he/# li+e# for fight night!. Thi! !$ort %a! in her bloo#. She %a! a fighter" fro& a fa&ily of fighter!. 4eturning to her orner" !he loo,e# #o%n an# !a% 1oo$er onferring %ith her gran#father. Her gran#father loo,e# #i!tre!!e#" an# !he #eliberately aught hi! eye an# !&ile# a big" bu**y" o ,y" I/&3gonna3%in3thi!3fight !&ile. He !to$$e# &i#3!enten e" hi! ex$re!!ion arre!te#. Then he !lo%ly !hut hi! &outh an# no##e#. -u!t the on e" but !he ,ne% that her gran#father ha# re ei+e# her un!$o,en &e!!age. Thi! %a! going to ha$$en. She ,ne% %hat !he %a! #oing" an# !he %ante# it for all the right rea!on!. The lou#!$ea,er a&e on an# her o$$onent %a! announ e#. 1oo$er li&be# the !te$! to he , on her one la!t ti&e an# ta,e her robe. She %at he# hi! fa e lo!ely the %hole ti&e" lo+ing hi&" #ra%ing energy an# $o%er fro& hi! $re!en e. .I lo+e you"0 !he !ai# a! he $re$are# to #e! en# the !te$!. .I lo+e you" too. No% go ,i , !o&e a!!"0 he !ai#" hi! +oi e #ee$ %ith e&otion. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter She grinne# aroun# her &outhguar# an# $un he# her glo+e# fi!t! together. .)eal.0 Turning" !he rolle# her !houl#er! an# boun e# fro& foot to foot an# eye# u$ her o$$onent. She %a! rea#y.

1OOPE4/S PALMS %ere !%eating. Hell" hi! %hole bo#y %a! !%eating. -a&ie %a! in the ring" an# on e again he %a! going to ha+e to !tan# by an# %at h her get hurt. She/# &a#e her hoi e. He un#er!too# it" in hi! gut" if not in hi! hea#. But it %a! !till going to be har#. Arthur Sa%yer &a#e a li ,ing !oun# %ith hi! teeth. 1oo$er !hot the ol# &an a loo,. Arthur ha# been u$!et" to !ay the lea!t" %hen 1oo$er ha# ex$laine# the out o&e of hi! onfrontation %ith -a&ie. Then he/# !een her #eter&ination an# larity fir!than#. She %a! un!to$$able. Al%ay! ha# been" al%ay! %oul# be. Lu ,y 1oo$er li,e# hi! %o&en !trong an# fei!ty. -a&ie %a! !tan#ing in the enter of the ring %ith her o$$onent" li!tening to the referee. She an# 4o&a Willia&! ta$$e# glo+e! an# retreate# to their orner!. 1oo$er/! heart ,i ,e# again!t hi! rib! a! the bell rang. The fight %a! on. Ty$i al -a&ie" !he &o+e# in fa!t an# too, the fight u$ to Willia&!. Six foot" bla , an# !oli#" 4o&a Willia&! %a! tough an# !he too, -a&ie/! (ab! in her !tri#e" #an ing aroun#" getting -a&ie/! &ea!ure. -a&ie too, the o$$ortunity to lan# a fe% &ore $un he!. 1oo$er glan e# a ro!! to !ee the (u#ge! &ar,ing their !heet!. Goo#. -a&ie ha# lo ,e# u$ !o&e early $oint!" (u!t a! they/# #i! u!!e#. Willia&! #i#n/t ta,e long to (oin the $arty. Ha+ing %at he# -a&ie &o+e" !he began to turn u$ the heat" $e$$ering -a&ie %ith (ab! an# ro!!e!" ,ee$ing -a&ie bu!y blo ,ing an# #u ,ing an# %ea+ing. -a&ie too, hit!" her hea# bobbing on her ne ," !%eat flying off her fa e a! leather !tru , fle!h. Mi#%ay through the fir!t roun#" Arthur leane# a ro!! an# !ei*e# 1oo$er/! ar& in ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter alar&. .What/! !he #oing; She/! thin,ing %ith her feet againH0 the ol# &an hi!!e#" hi! eye! %i#e. -a&ie ha# re+erte# to ol# habit!" her feet lifting an# then #ro$$ing a! !he 5uelle# the in!tin t to ,i , her o$$onent" ea h aborte# &o+e &a,ing her +ulnerable to atta ,. .Mu!t be the $re!!ure"0 Arthur !ai#" hi! fa e ! re%e# u$ %ith on ern. 1oo$er narro%e# hi! ga*e an# %at he# the o$$o!ite orner %here Willia&!/! trainer !too# %ith hi! ar&! ro!!e#" eye! intent on the a tion. Ha# he noti e# -a&ie/! %ea,ne!!; Woul# he #ire t 4o&a to *ero in on tho!e fatal he!itation! of -a&ie/! in the next roun#; The %o&en ontinue# to ex hange blo%!" #an ing for%ar#" engaging" falling ba ," ir ling" al%ay! ir ling. After %hat !ee&e# li,e fore+er" the bell rang an# they both retreate# to their orner!. 1oo$er !li# the !tool through the ro$e! an# !li$$e# through after it. He hel# hi! han# out for -a&ie/! &outhguar#. She !$at it onto hi! han# an# he rin!e# it o+er the bu ,et %hile !he %a!he# her &outh out. .)o you thin, they bought it;0 !he a!,e# in bet%een trying to at h her breath. .He noti e#. We/ll ha+e to !ee %hat !he $lan! to #o about it. If !he trie! to ta,e a#+antage" you ,no% %hat you/+e got to #o"0 he !ai#. She no##e#" #ro$$ing her hea# ba , again!t the ro$e!. He loo,e# at her long" !trong" lean bo#y" her beautiful fa e" her !tartling !il+er eye!. He lo+e# her &ore than he/# e+er thought it %a! $o!!ible to lo+e another hu&an being. He %ante# her to %in thi! +ery ba#ly. .:ou an #o thi!" S$itfire"0 he !ai#. Her &outh tugge# u$ into a half !&ile. A%are of the lo , ounting #o%n" he offere# her the &outhguar#" he ,e# her hee,! an# bro%" an# &o$$e# the !%eat off her he!t. Then he %a! ba , through the ro$e!" the !tool follo%ing hi&. He/# barely turne# to fa e the ring before the !e on# roun# bell %a! re+erberating aroun# the arena. Willia&! a&e out &ore !trongly thi! ti&e" ,een to ! ore $oint!. -a&ie &aintaine# her a%,%ar# foot%or," offering the other %o&an o$ening! to ex$loit. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter 1oo$er %at he# in fru!tration a! the other %o&an refu!e# to bite. In!tea#" Willia&! on entrate# on her o%n fight $lan" %earing -a&ie #o%n %ith an unrelenting barrage of bo#y blo%!. Hea# blo%! &ight ,no , a fighter out" but the bo#y %a! a &u h larger target an# therefore har#er to $rote t. There %a! no %ay -a&ie oul# !to$ all the blo%! Willia&! raine# #o%n her. By the en# of the !e on# roun#" !he %a! hurting. He !a% it in her eye! a! !he #ro$$e# onto the !tool. He $re!!e# the No3S%ell again!t her bro% an# hee,bone!" an# offere# her %hat he oul#. .She/! trying to %in# you. >ee$ an eye out for her right u$$er ut'!he al%ay! (ab! %ith her left before !he goe! for your !olar $lexu!.0 -a&ie !tare# at hi&" her !il+er eye! #e!$erate a! !he !u ,e# in air. .)o I !to$ trying to bait her;0 !he a!,e#" ga!$ing for breath. .1o&e out har#" #o %hat I an %ith e+erything I/+e got;0 .No. She/ll bite. I ,no% !he %ill"0 he !ai#. -a&ie no##e# her a e$tan e of hi! a#+i e. He !li# ba , to the !afe !i#e of the ro$e! a! the bell rang. He !uffere# through another roun# of %at hing -a&ie get $oun#e# a! !he offere# u$ o$ening! again an# again to her o$$onent. A! the bell rang at the en# of the thir# roun#" he ha# to !to$ hi&!elf fro& !%ee$ing -a&ie into hi! ar&! an# refu!ing to let her go. She %oul# hate hi& for not letting her fight her o%n battle!. She %oul# al%ay! %ant to $ro+e her!elf fir!t" before !he loo,e# to anyone el!e for hel$. It %a! a fun#a&ental $art of %ho !he %a!. They #i#n/t #i! u!! !trategy thi! ti&e a! !he !an, onto the !tool. -a&ie gul$e# air" rin!e# her &outh out an# !i&$ly %at he# hi&" her ga*e ab!olutely tru!ting. He ho$e# li,e hell he/# #one !o&ething to earn that tru!t. That he ha#n/t offere# her ba# a#+i e an# hel# her ba , for no rea!on. .It/ll be thi! roun#"0 he $re#i te#. .Stay alert.0 Hi! heart !urge# into hi! throat %hen a &inute into the fourth roun#" Willia&! at la!t too, the bait. -a&ie offere# u$ a he!itation" the &ere!t faltering of her foot%or," an# Willia&! !te$$e# in an# trie# to lay -a&ie out %ith her left hoo,. The $un h fle% through the air" un!to$$able" a$$arently i&$o!!ible to !ur+i+e. -a&ie rolle# %ith it" !tu&bling ba , a !te$. Her bloo# u$" Willia&! &o+e# after her" rea#y to fini!h -a&ie off. ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter Whi h %a! %hen -a&ie !te$$e# aroun# the other %o&an" u!ing Willia&!/! o%n &o&entu& again!t her" an# !la&&e# a right hoo, into the angle of the other %o&an/! (a%. The %orl# !ee&e# to !to$ a! Willia&! !%aye# on her feet. The ro%# roare#. 1oo$er hel# hi! breath. -a&ie $o$$e# a !traight3ar&e# (ab high on the other %o&an/! hee,bone" !ealing the #eal. Willia&! %ent #o%n li,e a felle# tree" her bo#y !la$$ing again!t the an+a!. There %a! no nee# for a ount. She %a! out ol#. 4elief !urging through hi&" 1oo$er ru!he# the ro$e! a! -a&ie %a! #e lare# the %inner. She $un he# the air" thro%ing her hea# ba ,. He rea he# her" %ra$$ing her in her father/! robe. She !$at her &outhguar# to one !i#e an# ,i!!e# hi&" her fa e !trea&ing %ith tear!. .I #i# it"0 !he !ai#. .I #i# it.0 .I ,no%" baby" I ,no%"0 he !ai#" $re!!ing a ,i!! into her ne , an# hol#ing her lo!e. Than, Go# !he %a! !afe. The ro%# !too# for -a&ie an# heere# a! !he %al,e# a%ay fro& the ring. Near the exit" a a&era re% %aite#. Thi! ti&e -a&ie #i#n/t turn her ba , on the&. She !te$$e# u$ an# !tare# #o%n the barrel of the a&era" her beautiful fa e +ery !eriou!. Ignoring the (ournali!t/! 5ue!tion!" !he !$o,e into the &i ro$hone. .I %ant to #e#i ate tonight/! fight to &y father" -a , Sa%yer. He %a! a great &an" a great fighter" an# I lo+e# hi& +ery &u h"0 !he !ai#. Her $ie e !ai#" !he turne# a%ay" lea+ing the (ournali!t ga!$ing li,e a lan#e# fi!h. 1oo$er %a! !till laughing %hen they entere# the hange roo&. .So&eone/! going to get a re$utation for being #iffi ult %ith the $re!! if !he ,ee$! that u$"0 he !ai#" .a! %ell a! a re$utation a! a ,no ,out arti!t.0 She !hot hi& a %ary loo, an# he o ,e# hi! hea# at her. .What;0 .I %a! thin,ing that &aybe you/# be rea#y for &e to retire after tonight"0 !he !ai# arefully.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter He !tu#ie# her" her fa e !hiny %ith Ba!eline an# !%eat" her olor high" her hair %et %ith $er!$iration. .:ou an/t gi+e thi! u$. Not yet. It/! $art of you" for %hate+er rea!on. :ou/re a %arrior %o&an"0 he !ai#. Her &outh o$ene# an# !he blin,e# at hi&. .:ou al%ay! ,no%" 0 !he !ai#" her +oi e lo% %ith e&otion. .Ho% #o you al%ay! ,no% %hat/! in &y heart;0 .Be au!e %e/re the !a&e" baby"0 he !ai#" #ra%ing her lo!e. .We/re t%o hal+e! of a %hole.0 He ,i!!e# her li$!" her eyeli#!" the ur+e of her ne ,. .What about you; What about ha+ing to %at h &e fight;0 !he a!,e#" brea,ing the ,i!! to eye hi& %orrie#ly. .If you an/t !tan# it" I/ll %al, a%ay. I !%ear it.0 He $u!he# the hair off her forehea# an# tra e# the ur+e of her ear %ith hi! finger!. .I/& tough. Before thi! training gig" I #i# a little ti&e in the ring &y!elf" you ,no%. I ,no% %hat it/! li,e to %ant to o%n that !$a e. An# you/re a beautiful fighter" -a&ie. There/! no %ay I %oul# ta,e that a%ay fro& you. A! long a! you/re out there for the right rea!on!" I/ll !tan# be!i#e you.0 .I lo+e you"0 !he !ai#" gri$$ing hi! fa e in her ta$e# han#!. .I feel the !a&e %ay"0 he !ai#. They both bro,e into big" !lo% grin!. .:ou/re going to ha+e to #o better than that"0 !he !ai#. .:eah;0 .A %hole lot better"0 !he !ai#" rea hing for the !tu# on hi! (ean!. He thre% a glan e o+er hi! !houl#er to%ar# the #oor. .:our gran#father %ill be here any &inute"0 he !ai#. .No" he %on/t. He/! a !&art &an. He ,no%! %hat ha$$en! %hen I %in"0 !he !ai#" $o$$ing the button! on hi! fly. He !hu##ere# a! !he foun# hi! o , an# %ra$$e# her finger! aroun# it. .What ha$$en! %hen you %in;0 he a!,e#" rea hing for the lo%er e#ge of her !$ort! ro$.

ABC Amber LIT Converter

ABC Amber LIT Converter .I get horny. 4eally" really horny"0 !he breathe#. .Huh. I ,ne% there %a! a rea!on I lo+e# thi! !$ort.0 ISBN9 FIK373E@GK37IKC3L BELOW THE BELT 1o$yright M @LLK by S&all 1o% Pro#u tion! PT: Lt#. All right! re!er+e#. Ex e$t for u!e in any re+ie%" the re$ro#u tion or utili*ation of thi! %or, in %hole or in $art in any for& by any ele troni " &e hani al or other &ean!" no% ,no%n or hereafter in+ente#" in lu#ing xerogra$hy" $hoto o$ying an# re or#ing" or in any infor&ation !torage or retrie+al !y!te&" i! forbi##en %ithout the %ritten $er&i!!ion of the $ubli!her" Harle5uin Enter$ri!e! Li&ite#" @@8 )un an Mill 4oa#" )on Mill!" Ontario MCB C>F" 1ana#a. Thi! i! a %or, of fi tion. Na&e!" hara ter!" $la e! an# in i#ent! are either the $ro#u t of the author/! i&agination or are u!e# fi titiou!ly" an# any re!e&blan e to a tual $er!on!" li+ing or #ea#" bu!ine!! e!tabli!h&ent!" e+ent! or lo ale! i! entirely oin i#ental. Thi! e#ition $ubli!he# by arrange&ent %ith Harle5uin Boo,! S.A. N an# TM are tra#e&ar,! of the $ubli!her. Tra#e&ar,! in#i ate# %ith N are regi!tere# in the <nite# State! Patent an# Tra#e&ar, Offi e" the 1ana#ian Tra#e Mar,! Offi e an# in other ountrie!. %%%.eHarle5uin. o&

OIt/! All About Attitu#e

OIt/! All About Attitu#e

OOSe ret Li+e! of )ayti&e )i+a!

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OOSe ret Li+e! of )ayti&e )i+a!

OOSe ret Li+e! of )ayti&e )i+a!

About this Title Thi! eBoo, %a! reate# u!ing 4ea#erWor,!NStan#ar# @.L" $ro#u e# by O+er)ri+e" In . 2or &ore infor&ation about 4ea#erWor,!" $lea!e +i!it u! on the Web at%%%.o+er#ri+e. o&Prea#er%or,!

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