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coma On) sxBET involvement in the seizing of Nikola Tesla's research papers and other documents and ecientific instruments after his death on January 7, 1943. They poured ee that Tesla was @ scfentific ae genius and imenter who was Yugoslavia of Serbian arents on ef f56 ene" as wetgols later in rae Austria. ague, aki aris, eee bt8, “tn ori ‘early 1881 ene hom Thoma: faon'a laborator a couple of years, then started his own lab tee being paid a million dollars for rights to his patente on his polyphas “ystems of alternating current dynamo ch legd to the harnessing of Niagra Falls for producing electricity and then the power system of the whole country. He was natu: a 1889. He predicted wireless communication (radio). lis eriments in Colorado and elsewhere legd to his producing artificlal Lightning in the Billions ‘of volts. He aleo had Titer ned on ike beeing of neon pers floure: cent teres Led he eer made little money oo cer ions," although he tontim Gs txperteerte Te ‘leading eo eee potential torch, which he never patented. reclusive in his later years, living in various hotels in New York City. In the 1930's he claimed he had developed the concept and method of building a "death ray", which could destroy planes at many miles distant, for defending Americe. Also, there are report of resonance machines or devices whereby he could shake one or many large city buildings from some distance away. Both = and id that Tesle donated “sone” of his papers (or les thereof) to the Tesla Institute in ie Belgrade, Yugoslavia, set up in the 1930's in his bonor by tl 4 povernment, “Biographies on Tesla claim chat aither the custodian Sf Alten Property and/or the FBI seized his papers and other : Yenedise effects, fncluding a safe or safes, and other property diately after his death in 1943. This ip elaborated on in gasccoriet of certain pages of Margaret Cheney's book, (g ‘ime" Ye said that after World fax ¥y te ta Papers were ela Institute in Belgrade By hts who had become Tit 0 the // re’were reports that some microfilming of resla’s Pe overnment agents while they were still in storage EnPhew vorE°under Rosesovie's cuscouy” . -2- af \s4 ‘ os fomgmmn» &0 ss Algo; the Soviet Oyton has ellepediy had edheos -- to some of Tesia’s 3, possibly in Belgrade and/ else where, which influenced their early res¢arch into directed ehergy weapons, and Butler feels access to wuch of Tesla's papers on lightning, beam weapons and/or "death rays" would ive him more insight into the Soviet beam eeernel program. -. is Butler's area of expertise and responsibility. He ~ thas been unable to locate any Tesla parece or copies of same in the classified or unclassified aries at 'B. However, there are reports that some porti of them were shipped by the Custodian of Alien Property Office in Washington, D.C. to a technical research lab at WPAFB, possibly the Zquipment Lab", now closed for some years or reorganized into another organization. ? oie. he both desirous of Learning| ght locations ef such papbre ef Sesia gp Sov. ghiat in the o for both intelligence and research purposes erefot would like to examine FBI files relating to Nikola Tes: ; possibly any on Sava Kosanovic, his nephew who received the Zz bulk of his pape: Tesla's death, and may possibly have been the subject of FBI investigation. travels to the Washington, D.C. area on FID bus: riodically and can review FBI files at FBIHQ relating to Tesla and Kosanoyic. REQUEST OF THE BUREAU The Bureau te requested to conduct full indices checks on both Nikole Tesla and Sava Kosanovic. Should there be such files at FBIHQ,-as well as at ated that Bureau consider Branting the FID, official access to ‘same, in the curity. . : NEW_yoRK ‘AT_NEW YORK, NEW YORK Will conduct same indices check as requested of Bureau and advise the Bureau and Cincinnati of results and confirm such files and references till exist there 3+ 7. ios «peg o CINCINNATI fi sg AEDAYTON, OBTO * : faa a ry ' i, maintain contact with a Ob) A amt bite - boats abe cena othe 2 te] ake 136 ARGARET CHENEY 2 smiea TSBN O-44O-39077-X NIE NEE’ A OE RBIS, + 5: ower across the Aitatic, (Courtesy L. Anderson afer photo by Lillian McChesney) oeep ofthe wat of te fre w of \38 134 wz Ha ; iil i fel y rT i iil i tt i a a Hi i i & i i : (PRL EES) BERLHE EE Mepeee aap ener EEE ull in nue Het ieede Bee LE ea eek vp ter dteeeee GUE Peebiaapegl fe a GE : : § reer il Hl fit MU ull ily re Pe a i as. [DEATH AND TRANSAIGURATION <> 260 “Thus he began using Tea forthe poly docied agit the Gant tment as an honored. "Vesour portcal messages elite from Te for home cat ‘naepon, says Radi, wore actually writin by Kosance* time t connce Teda thot monarchy wes lang in Yogodaa snd tha a new Yogodada was beginning to come out from the fad (Gul une As the largest maory of Sebs in Croatia were fing To, (Roxana cominced Tesa tha he wo shoud om the movement th es Tororly chard by the rani of the people, Serbs end Cross So JJadas mesage 1 the Serbs and Croats was uren by Kosencs "On the wels ofthe Tela Museum in Belgrade one ry red ves erlenged photocopy tthe words alegedy sont by Tek ois ‘Gnoeied courtymen only oaths before fis own death, Arete ieePredent Henry A. Wallace also hed a hand in i draitog ‘Tyoowrtien, Khas many craarouts end ttanings in Tee's ove Tendring yet the sla le thal of an tdeogu, which the Kena wa nck (Out ol tis war. new word must be bor, 2 wot that would justly the scriicesctlemd by humanity, Thi unt be a word in which thew shall be no exploitation ofthe ‘Weak by the song, Lhe anod bythe vl, where there Al be tno hurdiadon ofthe poor by the valence ofthe rich; whe ths Larned acuesed che uy ot fee nations, equal in grity end mepect fr eran. “Thetnuecta’s name so appeased on anther menage—eent tothe Sovet Academy of Sdencas on Oxia 12,1941, ugngyoiat Rune eget te As powersby Ruma, Gat Bein, and Amati, ap so mae d be Tapa pes Te |. Seem poms! (rower royalist Yugodavia. This naw organization also began woeking, : FT Cerra tact Eacpenn Fecton Radi woo beac 8 member ofthe Tao ing Peer won Gesperaily soaking fr Mhailnt the support ff y ‘Anica vould send atpanes to the Chetdks as acon as thoy could York Cy, aiendng 8 large racepson forthe Amerkan Frlends of ‘GD in Anerca, had been founded et the tngaraion of enargat My ‘Yugodins atthe Colony Chub The Colony the rst female sociated Shane Morgen. She atended the funcion, as dd the Kings mothe, 4) aera ty (Quen Mare, and Mex Rooeorat twas the srt of oii Tata Sime digedndieetioneera sonata ne ica (A King Herp) rede a8, 1942.tq 4 Flue orm “Tied De Nels To tbe wotierons ES Mtrcanecnt ntiseganentibe beanies ite || ‘Neer hed posted ten the aged ecient si itl my grstet honk ‘peat rar [balave | wive ul you come back to free Vs From your father you have rcetved hist words Tam glad you aren your yout, and content thet you wl be 8 a ‘upland, “Guard Yugodata? iF Tram proud tobe a Settian and a Yugodau Our people cannot pari Pare dhe unty of al Yugoaaw—tbe Seb, the Cou andl) _ eee | te FHUTE Ste i en 7 we at sf A i bel beegtee af Hata Lo ie Hh Hi iit ae hi Hl Hin! Et: retell il i t 8 | ‘Fah uy 00 seam ioom samy auc eG inn 9 weg moe on "pu ooh ‘monn on wor 7s, i Ae oe ‘ama oer nae xine ea SOOT xy ‘todd oe Ie Pn any 3) Pry oo) 5H RUDY Hm KITE ones Bw LL OK 9m <> Nouvwnousivu cw Huva0 Pay ays oi pes pur soev pects ETE HEAL? HE URGE il i va AE iu He et a Ae it aa ah me ie Phat il He lie di Hy HE na i SE rt a EL ie wen honored by centennial clebrations i Amara end ‘with daahiddntegator besm weapone? And what became of bi (te Cueago| { ‘td vous univeraan, the Tele Society laying an acve role a such fwcoguion Penmanent mera tn the form of scholanhips and ates kn trials wore propane and exh presented by science museura. ‘Speci cremenien wen conducted at Negara Fabs and a stme wos [eer ected in his honor on Goa! Iand, a git hom the people tnd, the Egon, a hg Cohanbsan be Fxpodtion of 196 the “wonder othe gobs” dedicated anew public a ded to Tea memos “The tavenior od coleagues othe AIEE journeyed to Europe * (© ated more celebrations situe urveings, and dedications i he thor Th ternational loceetecnical Commiadon in Munich wk 7 ‘al con, kr at a anal ee un (ele jing such lace ectical bol as fred vl, pen {or his search, although some om ‘Hie contibution was major rater than incremental Hie ‘ental 1 nuclaar hon, begn io att scenic atlnion. Some, uth whom dacs work "Tea year of secet experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899 Eptou toler wcentiorscn frhenmeuch ese’ | oad he Ca nus fr mck of hs ae = inthmaempe Greenies | Gibiisuntanks sede baars Serene handgin ent : pm ret et That 29 Br yb mi Tt 7, oi ot ‘mame or les shrouded in mystery And, because of the handling o the bd Hoss Naw Yorks, New York many experiments in connection wih the wireless tansmisdon of ‘and no saps have boon taken to peeve them OF of tre United Nasona..." (The FBI wa, an charge ofthe museum and 1 Tala's oom “ td wah be nan llr bole al proms i Hiaetls = NYC (2 G2) 2 2 = Baltinore C 2 m 100-8189 900 inventions and patente, SPANEL stated that at one tine TESLA hed ‘an iovention in which he was able to direct electrical current without the aeans of @ conductors He felt that this type of an invention would be of invaluable assistance te any country at war snd . felt that TESLA's inventions snd patente should be put into the hands of proper Goverment officials, where they might be put to the best advantage for the United States. fe does not believe the sibject is ‘engaged in any un-dnericen activities and stated that he wae more than willing to turn these patents and iaventions ever to the ‘ment agency. He asserted that before TESLA died, be had subject regarding bis becoming a United States citisen and SPANEL welieves that he Le mow taking the proper steps to achieve to SPANEL alao stated that the-eubject had handed all of the ‘the deceased TESLA to the Alien Preperty Custodian in New York Citys j ‘SPAMEL advised that the day before TESLA died he had tried to get in | touch with War Departaent officials in Washington in order that he might make available to them patents and inventions that he hed developed. However, he was not able to get in touch with the proper suthorities and he died the following day. SPANEL advised that the Yugoslavian Government had been sending TESLA approxiastely $600.00 per month for somatine prior to hie death and this was described as being a sort of pension. SPAMRL stated further that he has previously turned over information regarding the subject to Spectal agent of the New York Field Division, ie also advised that * Mew York Times and BILL LAURENZ, Science Feature Writer, New and the Science Rditor of tbe Herald Tribune would be able to elaborate on sone of the accomplishments of NICK TESLA and that the June 1900 Assus of the Century Magasine also contained an article relating to ‘the inventions af TESLA. SPAMEL also stated that he believed BLOYCE FITZOERALD, Pierpont Hotel, Broo! ‘York, Secretary to TESLA, has been contacted by Special Agent ‘that if the Office wishes to contact SPANEL ‘be reached at his hose = HSPERRED UPC! COMPLETION TO THE GFFICE OF ORIGIN - 167 JOHN EOGAR HOOVER cC-287 Mr. Toleon, Sacevon ee ee Mr. cis Federal Bureau of Investigation ie cieet, i ‘United States Department of Justice Me. Ladd, / Mr. Nichol Washington, B. C- Mr, Rosen. Mr, Tracy —_ Ono July 17) 1902 Me, Carsea, : Mr. Coffey Mr. Heeden, Mr. Kea MENORANDIM FOR Nagao, Mr. McGuire, Mr, Harbo ® SBVA KOSANOETCH Mr. Quion Tamm Heike SLCIITL (4) Tele. Room, ur. AL this tine statins on tne »revious arternoon, stated tet sne vo. > be interviewed concerning certain infornstio possessed ofsice Jamarced £2 tre Eurce cree entitled J Cknciy & 1 tie exectrica. fleas, Glee £ Ales TeOR EL wer Tore seve Koeanovi tive, ana obser inoiv Kop PeLAT Henuee © tue mle Gustouiauts office, tae burezs aia uot eo.cuct a: ALL, roared CONTAINED > 2 {, COPIES DESTROYED Hered SIFU ie hy ate oct 26 1960 ATE. BY ausgo 168. fe. Ladd sets coves te tit nus Gaeta, Flee ue conducted anc eter ver referreé eecectfaleys \of Bederal Bureau of Investigation Bnited States Department of Justice New York 7, New York re senerey, russe neren To aseere umno, 65-12200 L Sead ape Rnb F--We | pe Director, FBI * rer Re mits REGION B Batted SAVASFOSANOVT #3 Experiments and research of NIKOLA TESLA (deceased) SSPIONAT = Dear Sir: Reference is made to the Pureau letter dated January 21, 19%3, which bore @ caption simtliar to that xentioned above. The reererced letter dealt with the death, on Janvary 7, 1543, of inventer, NIK who as well as being the inventor of ating Current, perfected many electricel devices. He is also creditc? with heving develensa the death ray" which would safervard eny counury fron attack by air. mm June 9, 1,5, iy . New York City 4 n of a nonsvecific nature indtcatine the: it mas hie belie? yanathetic to Zussie were mabing ar effort to secure the eft hin orden to salvage therefro: ary madels or designs of possible value. elaine? that he heard that, ASRAHAY N. Precidert of the PARIORAL LAT" 70722779", of Dover, Delawere wes q the motivating influence behind this atteant to obtain TESzA'§ poners which j aoe Suhel in sterare al thee eeT A! STARACT WABTINEST din New York (ey EM ro se8 t9 retin 29 the Sew Work Field Division shortly attor bes Inetten visit ant {urniex curther an¢ nore enecific infor 7 to XH _ guonert his cleins. Bevin 7 74: vey + ENCLOSURE attacyey y 2 at : ie was noe heard frou acain, however, until Septerber 27, ae TT whteh time he furnished the fmtlowing add’ tional information: Me gata that e boyhood chim of his from Wichite, Kansas, 514 -Frrvnemarty hag bean Testvs protere and ne of the ‘nvenucrs few confiderts. ce) Accorting t y, FTTZAF2AID who 4s now an Amz Trivate stationed Ht Meld, Darton, Thic, is a brilliant. 29 year old scientist who scent. hours with "SLA prior to the latters deat during which time TTSLA ed to him most secret exnerinent: stated that FITZCIOAIN 1942, but he had been corresponding with the latter According to the infornant, TITZOTRALN had developed sone sori. tet cons the details of mich te cresented to TSLA who mede corte! | GiSons in deeter and soaci fientians ts further perfeet the meaner. t soetine in Decesber 1%2, when 217" ari epee who becare Interested in QeITA eres eo TRAING Letter, DIRECTOR, Bi Gee a Wy 65-12299 : . Meseemetaeearaee gun. SPAISL offered financial sid to FITZGERALD and the two were in the closest contact with each other for a considerable period of tine. jd that FITZC3@ALD had lined up a deal for the purchase of ‘the gun by the“RENTNGTON ARVS OOMPAYY.mut for sone reason SPANEL blocked this deal by reaching top men in the-REVTNOTON OMPANY. PANEL is then reported as having obtained a: job for FITZGERALD with tl RIGGENS S©7P BUILNTEC COMPAYY in New Orleans and negotiated a contract with FITZGSPALN for the nurchas= and manufacture of the gun in a manner which would return G03 of the profits derived to SANT, stated that in November of 1943, for sone unknown reason| bet which he Dolieves to be attributable to SPAVEL, FITZCIRALD was fired by the HICGINS OMPAXY. In Septenber of 1944, FITZGERALD was inducted into the Amy and for & considerable period of time was located at an ordinance experimental station at Plein Meld, Florid tated that at the rresent tine FIT7CEREID ie engaged in a highly rimental, project at Wright Feld in Dayton, Ohio. In soite of his rank of Private, FIT2SRAIN actually is the director of this research and is working with many ton young scientists who were inducted into Army from leading industrial posts. socoring to, e720 ts premntty wetter 2 the perfection of tolls Naenenenantesch in NTZCSRRED'S onkoton isthe oviy posetble defense azainst offensive use by another nation of theAtomic Bonb. In this connection, it ig noted that tne-Tew York Times’of September 22, 1940 fn an article entitled MScrercs JN TH: " by WILLTAV AeTAURENCE, Science yt ttien Tee ieagel waite iene de tes sees a “Geath ray" or Wee’ ‘oree” which TESTA claimed would melt airplane @ et 5 distance of 25C niles, e> that ectually an invisitle Thinese Well would eluerre aroune alow atrslagetastiateact ion’ enrag as terest hecording to the article in thefr=s, this electrical device would operate by the penarstion of power fron a plant, 8 numer of which might be located straterically alonr our coast lines and tre bean fron which would relt eny engine within e radius of 25¢ niles. QI 50258. 2% avring FITZO-RALT'E acquaintance with SOPTL, FIT CuRALT hed told S"WEL of his asgoziations with TESLA and hee | apparenthy described to SFW0%L, ame of Z2SLH'S wast secre: =>. i> betieves that SPAT, wh he cleine is definitely nro-tuacian in aeereueey fs ron attenstin: through lepal grocedure ts secure custody of TSSLA'S erfects whi ch ave now held by TESLA'S only heir, one Sk% PISANI, whe is presentiy in Yugoslavia occupriny sone povermertal pos". be recatled thet in an article nublished on March 25, 1645, res SHMTCATS TE ORPORATT, ATSTRPOOK-ECGLER charged S7AN with spreading oro-conmunist and pro- Russian propaganda thr-vgh his full pape advertisment tr. the nenszavers, wich STATSI eneracterized as being PATTON LATTS NREWRATION, as a public service “ate TL is aiso interest‘ng to observe the: in the New York Maes of Octobr- “y SLE, ar article appears which states Svat SPANEL 4s suing the INC TATE RTORATED fe six nillicn ‘ollars alleging the coluan b: e been liftelous. “te 00°02 Letter- Director, ~ ost NY 65-12290 3 WIND esses. that through s712nRAn he too had aet SPAT and fron this personal acquaintance he fomed the opinion that STAXEL was! jefinitely @ communist and is probably the financial supporters of ‘the \Ponmunist Party in this country. stated that SPANEL was born in Russia, now an Anerican citazene "He also charged that SPANEL exerted trenendous political influence in Washington, D. C., and said that j oe of SPARTL'S eloges: political friends was HENRY ‘Fada i 7 advised that two agents fron Aray Intelligence contacted and stated tna" in an investigation to deternine the quelifications of FITZCSRALD for a commission, they had developed inforration indicating that SPATE was definitely endeavoring to secure possession of TESLA'S effacts. | MMMM fochcated thet Amy Intelligence was porsuing an invest gation |] ‘along these Lines in an atterpt to ascertain the corplete story in this regure. CPt ee Ak gated that, PTT-OTRALD Amy ecientiste now Working with his at rig) a this foundation, and heir yltinate goal is to secure the supnort of a wealthy backer in order thot a foundation tipht be established aot that a sorh of idea factory® nicht result. He said that they intended to contact HEMPYAORN, SR., to solicit his aid In thts repard, Teleted that probably thegreates* idea of TESIA'S was thas involving the wireless transzission of electrical power. He clained that, TASTA hed perfrmaed a successful experinent tany years aco at Pikes Peak, at which tine he harnassed local current fron the sun's raya which he buftl un Hato a hee otentiay o° electrical eneray, I/P 2.9, 230 accontine to 7TTZCIPAIN, if this idea could be furth-red, electrical obo overate the world's machinery micht be eotten absolutely free rather tnan by the esstly method with which electrical power is presently He seid that his idea was te emnduct further experiments alone this line in Tiina where the nec’ ‘or electrical power is very great. Inquiry wes mace at the MACSATTAY STORAGE UARENOUSE in New York Sitsry art it wae determined that the effects of NIXILA TSSLA are contained in em > 903702 \12 yatter, Mrector, 65-12290 or 17, 1945 75 packing cases and trunks and are presen‘ly under seal by the New Tork State Department of Taxation. It was learned that the rental for this storars, which aprroxinates 415 per month, is being paid by one CHARLOTTE ATTA, 134 ant 63r4 Street, New York, New York, who is listed as the agent for SAM KOSANOTTTN. Inouiry nag also made at the office of the Alien Property Custodian An Yew York Citr, concerning an investigation conducted by this office at the tine of TT=IA'S death, and at which time the latters property was placed under seal by tie “In’ted States Goverment. Vr. MALTER CORSI'™H, Chief Investigator fer the Alien Property Custodian, provided a cover letter an‘ 2 suvvary of naterigla omed by TESLA at the tine of his decth exanired by JOEY CACRIM, of the office oSSCTENTIFIC BOSEARSH ITT. Mr. GOASUI ats> stated chat hic Tile in this matter reflected thst on the night TSLA éicd his safe was forced open by @ representative o” the SHORE E WELAE® SAFE OOPPAEY, Tt was Ur. CORSTONNS beltef that a Vrs" win is berfeved to be one of the editers of the@I7"LA2 STNCE MACAZIIT mas present in TZSLA'S rom shortly after the safe was opened. These individuals were STTLISTIEOW, EDWARDNPALER, and JOM d. NRSETTS . There a Lose? herewith tro typearittar copies of the resort by Foot the ALTIC PRISRTY ‘eo reflecting the findings of fr. TUT, following We exarinetion of TELA'S effects. There is als> exc) zed herew'th a chotestattc copy of a let of mersons ween Sys Ten his deur ite mos Seale! 5; irr * Ge) mnished for the Bureau's information, seta by thie fice. ‘The above infomnation is ani na investiration is 2eine & 907%94 173 Zour request snd that of ir. Joseph Ts King of Washington office of the Alien Property Custodian, T : As a result of thie exmination, it is ay eonsidered m_ibat there exist saong De» Teeli's papers snd pososssiens spinrtts thi onal be of gut 2 BOF a Filner (ad some oenaan wom sta s habed tn friendly hnda, I can theret aioe raikitey™ Pitty rer sof nF Tex your reoords) thare has boon reaoved to, your oftioe a ite of Taliow weitees Seectal yi Melati eee ,: Wyploally end fairly completely the ideas with which he was con "" earned during his later years, These documents are emmerated sot brafly Whetrseted 8 the sthachnest te hts Intiers oS O 13814 wo = Semary 30, 1943. Tt should be no discredit to this distinguished engineer and less transaission of power-—but did not include new sound, work- eble principles or methods for realising such results. Very truly yours, OHO. TROP, : Technical side, ‘ Division 14, MIRC. perce aereeee ee ee ae Pate 000006 i 175 > @ © ABSTRACTS OF DR, WIXOLA TESIA'S WRITINGS ‘RETAINED AS EXHIBITS ‘FOR THE ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN we mi Qn Jamery 26 end 27, 1943, am exmminstion was made of the technical papers of Dr. Nikola Tesla which, after his decease, had been stored in the Menhattan Warehouse in Hew York City. This ex- auination was made for the purpose of deteraining if any ideas of significant value in the present United States war effort could be found mong bis possessions, Participating in this examination were ir. John C. Mewington, Wen York Office of the Alien Property Custodians Mir. Charles J, Hedetnieat, Washington Office of the Alien Property Custodian; Dr. John 0. Trump, Office of Scientific Research and De= velopment, Massschusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachi- setts; Willis George, Office of Raval Intelligence, Third Kaval Dis- trict; Edward Palmer, Chief Yeoman, USNR; John J. Corbett, Chief Teo- man, USER, a The following papers, which are regarded as typical of Nikola Tesla's writings and thoughts in the period of 1925 to 1942, were removed for the purpose of record and are listed below in the random order in which they were found, together with » brief individual abstract. ‘Exhibit A bilities of trostatic atore® - en undated saesaPiPenepeusins of risctroesstte, cneretore ‘written 34 dscun possibili~ ties, as a source of high-voltage D-C power, of the Yan de — Graaff type of electrostatic belt generator. The article states correctly the electrostatic principles employed in this device and points out that such generators are not suitable for commercial high-porer applications, though of undoubted scientific value, Tesla's wireless tower, erected in 1902 on Long Telend, 2 stated in this nenorandum to heve been charged to 30 million volte. + Si 2 Lve Forces of and ter — an undated memorehdwm involving some calculations sive power of certain da and then deviating to a discussion of the ‘oompoun: possibility of transmitting power by mechanical vibrations ‘along the earth's crust. 000007 ; g, 1935, mewere que y Soviet enginsare and scientists regarding Tesla's proposal of iy 16, 1935. Haas consisted of a high-voltag supported on an Ansulating column and charged by a gaseous charge ‘nedinm passing betweon ground + The ideas contained 4n this memorandum are fairly similar to the belt yor electrostatic generator methods pr jan daNBrantt and do not appear to offer any umsuel fenturess Exit £ ef the earth's crust, The source of power 1s a mechanical cr electromechanicel device bolted to some rocky protoberance and ‘The proposed scheme appears to be completely visionary and un— worksble, Westinghouse's reply indicates their polite rejection of this idea, . ‘| a QO ca Esnintt 7 (cont) + fhe proposed scheme bears some relation to present means for producing high-energy cathode rays by the cooperative use Of & bighwoltage electrostetic generator and an evacusted electron accelgration tube. It is well know, however, that ouch devices, while of scientific and medical interest, are Ancapable of the transeission of large mounts of poner in ‘mon—disporsed béums over long distences.. Tesla's disclosures in this memorandum would not eneble the construction ef worksble combinations of generator end tube even of linited power, though ‘the general elements of such. combination are succinctly de- scribed. : Benast @ A ‘by Car d, dated September 10, 1938, on- titled. dows New rer Soon to Be Unleashed". This de~ scrit popular style sone biographicel information concern— 4ng Wikola Teale snd sone ideas for the transmission of power on which he is stated to be working, It appeara thet the method of tranemission 19 by the mechsnical resonance method outlined in Exhibit F, above. Bahtbtt # ‘This exhibit consists of a series of letters to represen- tatives of the British Government dated August 28, 1936; Ooto~ ber 26, 1937; Deceuber 15, 1997; and April 5, 1938, It includes a reply dated Jamary 7, 1938, from the British Goverment. ‘These letters offer to the British Government, for a the @isclosure of a means for accelerating to high energies minute particles, Such beans would constitute a death ray capable of ‘the protection of Great Britain from air attack, . ‘The method proposed 4s essentially that described in Bxbi- ‘bit F sbove, Following the initial letter dated August 28, 1936, the subsequent letters attempt to clear up the "xisunder- standings" of the British representatives and to expedite their acceptance of the Tesla proposal. The British reply dated Janu— ary 7 4s a polite expressica of disinterest in the proposal. An undated menorendum written after Tesle's 79th birthday describing several discoveries which he believed he had made, The first related to a dynmie theory of gravity which is de- scribed as not yet completed, The second stated as a physical ‘truth the belief that "there is no energy in matter other then ‘thet received from the environment®, This second statement, which 1s discussed at length in thie end other writings of Tesla, Andicates Mas disbelief in the gretippe, of stale or moles ae : (7%

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