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Luis Saldana Peterson Period 4 To Kill a Mockingbird

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee wants readers to walk away with a better understanding o pre!udice" Pre!udice is happening to #ost people who are not white" In the book, pre!udice happens to To# $obinson, %oo $adley, and &tticus" Lee's #ost striking e(a#ple o pre!udice is when people were declaring To# $obinson guilty even be ore the trial" '')udge Taylor was polling the !ury, guilty"""guilty"""guilty"""guilty"* This is signi icant because they're calling hi# guilty be ore the trial is done" +hen readers encounter this state#ent, Lee wants the readers to know that you should not #ake a decision be ore you gather all o your options" , &nother pro#inent e(a#ple o pre!udice is when )e#, Scout, and ,ill were !udging ''%oo

$adley be ore they even #et hi#" Miss Stephanie said ''old %oo $adley was going to any asylu#, suggesting that a season in Tuscallosa #ight help boo"* This is noteworthy because they're saying that boo needs help even though they do not really know hi# that #uch" Perhaps Lee chose to include this event in the plot to show readers that you should never !udge anyone until you really know the#" ,uring the book Lee's e(a#ple o pre!udice was when people were saying that &tticus was a nigger love" --&tticus are you a nigga lover* said scout" This noteworthy because they-re !udging &tticus saying that he is a nigga lover even though they don-t really know" +hen readers encounter this state#ent, Lee wanted the readers to understand that you should never tell anyone anything unless you know or sure that it-s a realistic"

Luis Saldana Peterson Period 4 To Kill a Mockingbird In the end o the book Lee wanted us to walk away with a better understanding o pre!udice" ,uring the book pre!udice happened to #any people like To# $obinson, %oo $adley, and &tticus" Harper Lee wish that pre!udice didn-t happen to so #any people especially non white people"

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