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n 788, the Avars, a pagan Asian horde that had settled down in what is today Hun gary (Einhard

called them Huns), invaded Friuli and Bavaria. Charlemagne was pre occupied with other matters until 790, when he marched down the Danube and ravag ed Avar territory to the Gyor. A Lombard army under Pippin then marched into the Drava valley and ravaged Pannonia. The campaigns would have continued if the Sa xons had not revolted again in 792, breaking seven years of peace. For the next two years, Charlemagne was occupied, along with the Slavs, against the Saxons. Pippin and Duke Eric of Friuli continued, however, to assault the Av ars' ring-shaped strongholds. The great Ring of the Avars, their capital fortres s, was taken twice. The booty was sent to Charlemagne at his capital, Aachen, an d redistributed to all his followers and even to foreign rulers, including King Offa of Mercia. Soon the Avar tuduns had thrown in the towel and traveled to Aac hen to subject themselves to Charlemagne as vassals and Christians. Charlemagne accepted their surrender and sent one native chief, baptised Abraham, back to Av aria with the ancient title of khagan. Abraham kept his people in line, but in 8 00, the Bulgarians under Khan Krum also attacked the remains of Avar state. In 803 Charlemagne sent a huge Bavarian army into Pannonia, defeating and bringi ng an end to the Avar confederation.[41] In November of the same year, Charlemag ne went to Regensburg where the Avar leaders acknowledged him as their own ruler .[41] In 805 the Avar khagan, who had already been baptised, went to Aachen to a sk permission to settle with his people south-eastward from Vienna.[41] The Tran sdanubian territories became integral parts of the Frankish realm, which was abo lished by the Magyars in 899-900.

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