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Sartre I:

Existence precedes essence Define Anguish Forlornness Despair Configuration Lawmaker Circumstances Subjectivity / Subjectivism Choice Ethics as Art

Sartre II
Bad faith Inner consciousness (immanence) Outer deed (transcendence) The Self The Other Deception Facticity Transcendence The coquette The waiter The pederast The sad man Pre-reflective / reflective consciousness In-itself For-itself Object / Subject The Look Judgment Cogito Ego Freedom (Absolute) Responsibility Choice Existential psychoanalysis Ontology Spirit of seriousness

First Immediacy Mediation Second Immediacy Form / Content Anxiety Bourgeois Philistine Knight of Infinite Resignation Knight of Faith Movement of faith Faith (as passion) Virtue of the Absurd Paradox Abraham Indifference Sacrifice Individual Ethical as universal Sensately Psychically Spiritual Trial Tragic Hero Spiritual Ordeal/Test Teleological Telos Inner / Outer Absolute duty to God Reflection All things are possible

Sickness / Health The body Philosophy Transfiguration Common Noble Higher human being Intellectual conscience Herd instinct Science (as pain) Herd instinct Selflessness (New) Morality God is dead Categorical imperative Taste / Reason Shadow De-deification Madman Fate / Province Amor fati Giving Style to Character Consciousness Romanticism Strength

The call Inauthenticity Authenticity Resoluteness Conscience Ownedness Existentiell Dasein Being Guilty Indebtedness Disclosedness Listening Being-the-Self The they/the they-self The voice Factical Lostness Thrownness Uncanniness Being-the-basis (of a nullity) Situatedness Potentiality

de Beauvoir
Internality / Externality Assume the Ambiguity Failure (Useless) passion (Phenomenological) reduction Existentialist conversion New universal principle of action Rejection of Theological ethics Secular ethics Marxist rejection of ethics Ethics Revolution / Revolt Content Obstacles Creative freedom Justification Moral plane Rigorous circle Disclose

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