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Read Romans 15:5-13 Through this scripture passage God is referred to as-God of endurance, God of encouragement, God of Hope,

and He is all those and more! We see His faithfulness, mercy and grace. We serve an awesome God who is continually faithful and abounding in love. We are called to live in harmony with one another. We were created in relationship (trinity) for relationship. When we open our hearts to Christ acknowledging our unworthiness and need for our Lord and Savior, then inviting the Holy Spirit into our hearts and live lives lead by God we receive this Amazing Joy inside. As we prepare to celebrate our Saviors birth, let us reflect on the greatest gift ever given and the Joy that ONLY Christ can bring and may we look forward to spending eternity together. If you know someone who has never unwrapped the greatest gift ever given, please share it with them this Christmas:) Written by Stephanie Wiley

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