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Walter Jankowski Assignment 2 Reflection Section HB McGough December 13, 2013 Reflection on Argument 2 The revisions I made in my causal

l argument about binge drinking in college students were heavily based on the target audience. Originally, I had written my paper focused towards an older audience, mainly college graduates, because they would be able to relate their own experiences to the arguments I was making. When I needed to change my argument to accommodate Jr. high aged children I had to change the support and approach to the argument to help someone who hasnt experienced the social situation understand the connection I was making. In order to help Jr. high school aged children relate to what the social norm is for drinking in college I added a picture that showed what the perception that many high school students have about what drinking in college is like. I included that image below in figure one. I then explained how high school students get this idea from movies and television even at a young age that they would have been able to relate to talking about alcohol being included in Disney movies such as Pinocchio. I expressed how the exposure to this idea of heavy drinking in college is part of what causes such heavy drinking.

Figure 1: Typical idea of a college student among pre-college students

Source: College Drinking on

Along with adding visuals and examples to help the target audience what causes heavy drinking in college students there were parts of my original argument that would not have been appropriate for Jr. high aged children. I had to scrap my original introduction because it was too explicit for children by directly associating drinking in college as something that everyone does. For my original audience this would have been acceptable because they could have related to the idea without it influencing their future actions. Along with the introduction I had to change the wording of some descriptions about why

college students drink. I used support from a research done by Thomas Vander Ven, an associate professor in the department of sociology at Ohio University, who had asked college students why they drink and their responses almost glorified drinking to a point that was not appropriate to portray to Jr. high aged children.

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