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_eroteme_ This warm gust ~ He still knows ~ To kiss from across the ocean
2013-06-03 08:23:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ocarinaofrhyme: I want you when it's summer's time. I want you when the sun don't shine. I want you 'til I know you're mine and then so
2013-06-03 08:15:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LaSaLace Last question for the night: Are the contents of the tweet, something you like to do or adding an "m" (why not a p or q)? :-)
2013-06-02 21:32:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LaSaLace Glad you enjoy the words. :-) Do excuse my curiosity but what does the "m" at the end mean?
2013-06-02 21:30:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a bloom did Fate make of her ~ Her petals for poets ~ Her liquor for lovers
2013-06-02 13:19:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silhouette ~ Of tremble

2013-06-02 13:13:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His sunlit gaze ~ Daring me to imagine ~ Night

2013-06-02 13:11:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her feet that beg ~ To walk my sin

2013-06-02 13:09:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His breath ~ An echo ~ In my cleavage

2013-06-02 13:06:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To swim the bounds ~ Of a ripple

2013-06-02 13:03:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All we believe love can do ~ All we do to believe it is love

2013-06-02 13:00:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His gaze ~ Crackling under mine

2013-06-02 12:59:00 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ A lullaby ~ To forget

2013-06-02 12:57:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes, aflutter, doth make ~ A butterfly of my ~ Cocooned heart

2013-06-02 12:55:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have imagined ~ Her stole slip softly ~ And whisper Spring
2013-06-02 12:52:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Belligerent thunder ~ And in their clasp ~ They gave home ~ To a raindrop
2013-06-02 12:49:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All time through the eye ~ Of longing, to embroider hope

2013-06-02 12:41:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her memories ~ Falling on my ~ Parched mind

2013-06-02 11:55:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seriousness isn't a facade or gravity of expression. It summons all the earnestness of intent & singularity of purpose.
2013-06-02 11:24:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life ~ Spent building half-bridges ~ Waiting for one ~ Who's life will be spent ~ Building half-bridges
2013-05-29 10:34:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We die ~ When people stop saying ~ "If she was here, she'd..."
2013-05-29 10:31:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His gaze ~ Holding my eyes ~ As if in a watery embrace

2013-05-29 10:28:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the real ~ Conniving to burn ~ The imagined ... What speak of the eyes ~ That see not the stake
2013-05-29 08:26:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some hold a poem ~ Some, the wind ~ Ways of a page

2013-05-29 08:24:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
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away. --Philip K Dick

2013-05-29 08:20:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A pin pierce ~ And a blossom of red ~ Seeking a nightingale's lullaby

2013-05-27 12:24:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That moment ~ Of plea, yearn, search held in a gaze ~ Before mindlessness rules
2013-05-27 12:20:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The summary ~ Of ash

2013-05-27 12:16:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if in clasp ~ Aeons of scent ~ Finds a moment's rest [@ feltsensejunkie: Pressing flowers was a way to hold a memory still]
2013-05-27 12:15:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Flick of his wrists ~ The whip of his gaze ~ A thousand lashes ~ To paint me a tigress
2013-05-27 12:12:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pushing you back ~ I search in your eyes ~ That violence to own me
2013-05-27 12:08:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wrapped in your embrace ~ I am what once ~ Would never ripen

2013-05-27 12:06:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your feet on my breast ~ Breaking my maddening descent ~ Into you

2013-05-27 12:04:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a potion ~ Waiting to be stirred ~ By your tongue

2013-05-27 12:02:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @NerudaLove: ..until grape by grape you had made the wine sing in my veins. #neruda
2013-05-27 12:00:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every virgin stream ~ Yearning to touch smooth pebbles ~ Like I

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once caressed you [ pic courtesy: BBMaui]

2013-05-27 11:51:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hold me like your Venus ~ Yearning for such ~ A right hand clasp [cf. Allegory of Venus ]
2013-05-27 10:54:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her decolletage ~ They call it the Taj!

2013-05-26 23:07:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her purr ~ Drawing curtains ~ On all hesitation

2013-05-26 23:05:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His fingers long gone ~ Yet it lingers ~ This swirl to madness
2013-05-26 23:04:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He fed me on his tongue ~ What he welled within me

2013-05-26 23:02:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish to live ~ Between his kiss ~ And finding myself naked
2013-05-26 22:59:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sparrows flapping flapping ~ Holding on to the boughs ~ Some trees simply won't fly
2013-05-26 22:57:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the dark ~ My voice ~ Stoking the embers ~ In your eyes

2013-05-26 13:17:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Running in madness ~ Smashing into the glass walls of you ~

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Startling you from your sleep ~ Tasting me on the lips ~ You unknowingly bit
2013-05-26 13:14:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He held her ~ In pieces within his breast ~ Fusing her in tears
2013-05-26 13:10:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My bed, made of things ~ Not understood. ~ You are welcome

2013-05-26 13:05:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wide spread fingers ~ Yet thoughts of you ~ Slip not

2013-05-26 13:04:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dreamwalks: My dirty secret/is to tear the spigot/from the blood moon/fill my cup with her wine/drink until shes empty/and break my gl
2013-05-26 12:56:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My seasons of feelings ~ Need your winds of breath

2013-05-26 07:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And that day ~ Your cries shall echo ~ Through night's chasms ~ To the tune of my name
2013-05-25 09:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thoughts of him ~ Pinning down ~ My sighs

2013-05-25 09:47:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rose petals ~ Hiding amidst ~ Her blush

2013-05-25 09:44:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ache of white scent ~ Crushed jasmine ~ On the bed

2013-05-25 09:42:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those who travel ~ Searching ruins of heart

2013-05-25 08:37:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ancient idols ~ Stained by ~ Infinite gaze

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2013-05-25 08:36:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik Nice one!! :-D

2013-05-24 22:41:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @agatekartik: @_eroteme_ He knifed her a knight ~ With poles he called ~ Maces :-D
2013-05-24 22:41:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala: "@_eroteme_ Moon ~ Just when I thought ~ You couldn't be more beautiful ~ Gossamer cloud" //
2013-05-24 22:28:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This sun ~ Dipping its fingers ~ In the river

2013-05-24 22:15:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pudgy cloud ~ Nearly spliced ~ By a ray of sun

2013-05-24 13:22:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The heat of myriad lovers ~ Makes of moon ~ The dawn sun
2013-05-24 13:20:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She came to me ~ Dressed in the waters ~ Of the lake

2013-05-24 13:14:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moon - ~ Just when I thought ~ You couldn't be more beautiful ~ Gossamer cloud
2013-05-24 13:10:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knit me a night ~ With holes I called ~ Stars

2013-05-24 13:04:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd fill every unformed cavern ~ With echoes of his gaze
2013-05-24 12:59:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between my breast & heart ~ The words ~ I dreamt he'd say
2013-05-24 12:57:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My every lover ~ My want to reach within ~ And feed a piece of myself ~
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To the crows of time

2013-05-23 08:06:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Wrapped a moist promise ~ In whispered goodbyes

2013-05-21 22:58:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ruptureschism As if all the puzzle pieces were meant to be the waterfall of broken: dewdrop linger of her cascade.
2013-05-21 22:55:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Embers floating ~ Yet I believed ~ You were my sun @perlygates butterflies in the wind / how easily i tell you / all that i am not
2013-05-19 21:15:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Since when did someone whose very smile smoulders need a lighter! ;-)
2013-05-15 23:59:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Burn me, love, ~ For ashes ~ Are better than the bound
2013-05-15 23:49:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Scalding memories ~ And this cold cold moon

2013-05-15 22:45:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Vacant photo-frames ~ An infinity of nostalgia

2013-05-15 21:43:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well, all I'd say, sweet one ~ Is life is full of dreams; ~ Some are for me to realise, ~ Some stay behind closed eyes.
2013-05-15 08:01:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor: "In this room the hours of love still make shadows."
2013-05-15 07:54:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes did blot ~ The day's gold warm ~ To shine on my
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2013-05-14 23:27:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A rich meadow ~ With dancing gold coins ~ Of sunlight

2013-05-14 00:30:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @platosflunky Glad you enjoy the words :-)

2013-05-14 00:29:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every waft did say ~ Gently, my dear, gently ~ The thirst of breath ~ Is not for a storm to quench
2013-05-13 12:04:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 If you admire her thus, there is no way she would not have imbued you with her admirable traits... :-)
2013-05-12 12:13:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that we make of rain ~ And all that it wants to be - ~ Falling embers
2013-05-12 12:12:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How rivers contain ~ The scent of all bathers

2013-05-12 12:10:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Self-immolating ~ Questions

2013-05-12 11:44:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her lips ~ To make a thief ~ Of every man

2013-05-12 11:41:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spent ~ And clinging to my skin ~ Your absence

2013-05-12 11:39:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her eyes ~ Her mother's avi]

2013-05-12 11:36:43 (EDT)

[hat tip to @aparna639 's

_eroteme_ Her sashay ~ To doubt ~ One's worth

2013-05-12 11:32:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her gaze ~ Like seas ~ To my sailor-heart

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2013-05-12 11:24:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her voice ~ Struck the tongue ~ Of far temple bells

2013-05-12 11:22:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What solace hath a man ~ Whose life doth lack ~ In smile & verse
2013-05-12 11:18:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love me a love ~ To carve the bamboo ~ Reliquary of all love [Inspired by @atonedfor]
2013-05-12 11:16:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He vanished into cloud ~ To rain words ~ On her parched heart

2013-05-12 11:14:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bound in satin flesh ~ Our throb to crescendo to ~ Distant storms @purplepoetry77
2013-05-12 11:13:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I prefer this world ~ Mirrored in your eyes

2013-05-12 11:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Siren me into ~ Your cocoon ~ To birth a flutter @ purplepoetry77

2013-05-12 11:04:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ A reliquary of ~ The unsaid atonedfor]

2013-05-12 11:02:36 (EDT)

[Inspired by @

_eroteme_ As if the leaf dived ~ To unpurse a lake's ~ Reliquary of ripple [Reliquary: n. a coffer/shrine for sacred relics. Inspired by @ atonedfor]
2013-05-12 11:00:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How beautiful the usage of the word "reliquary"... :-) Lovely! RT @atonedfor: Darkness kindles the reliquary hands of stars.
2013-05-12 10:52:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To him I'd give my reins ~ Who has nowhere to go

2013-05-12 10:51:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sing me the ochre ~ Of your desire's ~ Melt @purplepoetry77

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2013-05-12 10:44:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The darkest rhythm ~ Wrapped in ~ The unfold of thirst @ purplepoetry77

2013-05-12 10:33:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come, be my reason ~ To crave ruin

2013-05-12 05:39:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thinking of you ~ Biting my lip ~ Down my neck ~ The bleeding calligraphy of yearn
2013-05-12 05:36:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lets make love ~ Till the night air ~ Is fragranced with poetry
2013-05-12 05:34:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A lifetime ~ Of imagining cages

2013-05-11 22:58:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Glad you enjoy the words here, dear friend! :-)
2013-05-11 00:07:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The cup that overfloweth ~ With him

2013-05-10 11:00:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @marebright Glad you enjoyed the words & word play! :-) @ minalrh
2013-05-10 10:31:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Waking to ~ Naked trust

2013-05-08 12:34:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love in the rain ~ The sizzle of caress

2013-05-07 13:16:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Slow drag of fingers ~ Crescendo of gasp

2013-05-07 13:10:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ Births in me ~ Yearn & haunt

2013-05-07 13:08:18 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ That thief ~ Yearning immortality - ~ Love

2013-05-07 13:05:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He who filled ~ My flesh ~ With memories

2013-05-07 12:57:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these journeys ~ Love thrusts on us

2013-05-07 12:55:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His kind eyes ~ Like the song ~ In my mother's womb

2013-05-07 12:50:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each page turned ~ Spoke in the tongue ~ Of breeze

2013-05-07 12:46:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you. --Read it somewhere
2013-05-07 05:32:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Read this if you are an American. Read this if you aren't.
2013-05-06 12:20:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77: A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home. ! #Rumi
2013-05-06 09:13:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her head thrown back ~ A single tear ~ A sun that nearly fell
2013-05-06 09:12:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Uncarved chipping arch ~ Splintered willow bough ~ Richer by rain's silver beads
2013-05-05 12:54:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A distant nightingale ~ And the sounds of sunrise

2013-05-05 12:45:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Bella_Whispers Glad you enjoy the words here! :-)

2013-05-05 12:40:29 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Casting every lover ~ In the sculpt of ~ The imagined

2013-05-05 10:37:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beneath your window sill ~ Letting the rain ~ Tell you the truth
2013-05-05 10:32:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My love that ~ Smeared your memory ~ On every viola's strings

2013-05-05 10:26:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She knew love ~ And the fragrance ~ Of depart

2013-05-05 02:19:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A going deeper into ~ As if the journey just began

2013-05-05 01:38:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They held each other ~ Like a raindrop undecided

2013-05-05 01:36:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silent strolls ~ By the night sea ~ Loving you felt ~ So peaceful ~ Yet so close ~ To walking into drown
2013-05-05 00:10:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if life needed ~ Reason to torment ~ That evening ~ We met

2013-05-05 00:03:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Being alive ~ Was being remembered ~ By you

2013-05-04 23:55:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He who can ~ Yet, owns me not

2013-05-04 23:45:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Teach me the return ~ Of lost forever

2013-05-04 23:31:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You make ~ My dreams beg

2013-05-04 23:19:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You see, ~ I don't

2013-05-04 23:13:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @VioletCrab: There were letters I wrote you that I gave up

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sending, long before I stopped writing.

2013-05-04 23:07:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @itssylviaplath: I want to be silverly beautiful.

2013-05-04 22:52:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @angeldreamsof Glad you find the words to your taste... :-)
2013-05-04 22:49:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your words - ~ Bee to my soul's nectar

2013-05-03 14:39:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For all poetry ~ Is pregnant magic

2013-05-03 13:43:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you know not love ~ Hold the hands ~ Of one who loves you
2013-05-02 04:50:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings And one would think it was so obvious to behold! Perhaps it needs wise eyes & mind... _/|\_
2013-05-02 00:34:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: You can't legislate your way out of violence. You can't shoot your way out of violence. You have to let go of the fear, le
2013-05-02 00:33:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There is always a choice ~ Between illusion & real ~ Till real is known
2013-05-01 11:15:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ruptureschism: the sanctuary within an always of growth and plow / the solace within a sometimes: / sunlit stars with moonlit day
2013-05-01 11:12:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beauty is the sands ~ On which Nature walks @OliviaDresher

2013-05-01 11:10:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the dances she danced ~ Before hands opened ~ The music box
2013-05-01 10:49:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have wished ~ A melt into greens & pink ~ To colour this barren oak
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2013-05-01 10:37:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Maybe this world is a network of flowers leading us to each other, through gardens of mind & pauses of fragrance but always in the earth
2013-05-01 10:36:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I remember bending to smell a rose and seeing, through the stalk, a pretty boy at the other end of the Earth doing the same. Scents of us!
2013-05-01 10:32:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Desultory walk ~ To pleat the path ~ Bringing there to here ~ In folds
2013-05-01 10:30:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Threads of reprieve ~ Within dusk's furbelows RT @ ruptureschism: pieces of a ripple: within the fathom of a peace
2013-05-01 10:27:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He held me ~ In the silhouettes ~ Of sighs

2013-05-01 10:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the soul ~ Is a bridge ~ Pliable as a smile

2013-05-01 10:24:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LoveMusicDreams Why, yes, thank you! :-)

2013-05-01 10:22:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LoveMusicDreams Long time, Ms. K :-) Hope all's well...

2013-05-01 09:41:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She bit her lip ~ As if none,save me ~ Would feel the heat
2013-05-01 09:22:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Nothing much to agree. Just acknowledged your statement! :-)
2013-05-01 09:01:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Aah! Si! Io capisco! :-)

2013-05-01 07:24:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 What a wonderful offer! Indeed! :-) Yes, Gulzar is a

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magician of the rarest kinds.

2013-05-01 07:11:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ *bows* & *wipes brow* Humour is the Swiss army knife of all who slip! ;-)
2013-04-30 23:52:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ You are not Iranian!? Kid me not, milady! I was so convinced you were... Damn! Those eyes... ;-)
2013-04-30 23:38:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To have ~ And not want more

2013-04-30 23:13:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some people never die ~ They merely learn the dissolve in wind -- My Epitaph
2013-04-30 23:11:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Oh absolutely! And their preference for kohl kills me softly... :-)
2013-04-30 22:09:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ hahahaha :-D You bring the textbook seaside romance to that, dear friend! :-D
2013-04-30 22:08:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Interesting that that reminded you of that song. Yes, "lone" & "city" seem to link them. Very interesting... :-)
2013-04-30 22:06:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your absence ~ This thirst in my eyes ~ Sere of lips ~ This stutter of heart ~ Mute of voice ~ This garden of pain ~ Watered in your wake
2013-04-30 14:48:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ More intricate than the lace ~ What lies beneath

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2013-04-30 14:42:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love feels ~ Like a forever falling

2013-04-30 14:36:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where sigh rode ~ A flute's note

2013-04-30 14:35:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the city of dreams ~ A lone awakening

2013-04-30 14:32:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This heart ~ Safe-keeping for you ~ Across lives

2013-04-30 14:30:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These silken nights ~ Stretching forever ~ I remember the black ~ Where I pinned ~ My darkest secrets ~ For you to find
2013-04-30 14:29:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our own blue ~ Our own clouds of breath ~ Our own sunshine ~ Our own rain ~ Be my earth ~ Make me your petrichor
2013-04-30 14:26:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is this life ~ If full of care ~ I find you not ~ Here or there?
2013-04-30 14:24:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have held her ~ Reaching into her ~ Many births

2013-04-30 14:21:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His gaze ~ Tuning my harp ~ To play him

2013-04-30 14:20:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The language of leaves ~ In the wind or ~ Beneath my feet

2013-04-30 14:19:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come, wipe this debt ~ I carry on my lips

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2013-04-30 14:04:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ I hold to my ear ~ Filling the ocean ~ With your voice ~ And then you whisper ~ The beckon of depths ~ In my eyes' moist
2013-04-30 13:56:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ A 3-sided coin? ;-)

2013-04-30 13:51:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A poet ~ Unprepared to be ~ A lover

2013-04-30 13:49:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Ocean's 11, 12 or 13?

2013-04-30 13:48:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whom shall I ask ~ Where was born ~ This honey I carry ~ On my lips
2013-04-30 13:38:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life ~ A parchment of unwrite

2013-04-30 13:36:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My nights - ~ Fugues of my heartbeat ~ And memory of his

2013-04-30 13:25:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drat! I missed noticing crossing the 12000 mark! Well, let's wait another few hundreds... :-)
2013-04-30 13:23:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take my innocence ~ And fashion Spring

2013-04-30 13:18:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who but a drunk bee ~ Can understand the tale of ~ Her fatal fragrance & me
2013-04-30 13:17:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For every heart ~ There is ~ With shade & recess ~ A tree, silent, swaying
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2013-04-30 13:14:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ask me not ~ Of this night; ~ Who can know ~ Ink's depth?
2013-04-30 13:12:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala It was a translation of sorts of a song penned by Sawan Kumar, sung by Vijeta Pandit in the movie Dev. :-) Yes, Greek! ;-)
2013-04-30 13:11:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a dream ~ Departing into the sun ~ Love thus ~ The breeze of vanish's wings @minalrh
2013-04-30 13:07:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You were whom I met ~ Everyday in the mirror

2013-04-30 13:05:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you weren't ~ You still were with me ~ Like a beat within a heart ~ Like life within flesh ~ My earth ~ My season ~ My day & night, you
2013-04-30 13:04:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Time dwells not ~ Anywhere for long Its mien too is ~ So human [Gulzar-saheb in the voice of Jagjit Singh-ji]
2013-04-30 12:59:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where shall I go ~ Who will understand here ~ This grief-laden voice of my heart [Sahir Ludhianvi-saheb, in the dulcet voice of Talat]
2013-04-30 12:53:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Return to me ~ My priceless sight ~ Lost in bejeweled labyrinths ~ Of you @minalrh

2013-04-30 12:49:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If death were like sleep ~ I fear never being ~ Free of you
2013-04-30 12:47:33 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The thirst ~ Without you. ~ The thirst ~ When drowning in you
2013-04-30 12:44:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know not ~ Where to buy ~ Mirrors like your eyes

2013-04-30 12:42:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To live in ~ The unbelong

2013-04-30 12:41:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @K__Quotes: How will you know that it is stupid to be a nationalist?

2013-04-30 12:41:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lonelier ~ When with ~ Thoughts of you

2013-04-30 12:40:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wherever I touched you ~ Now the moon does

2013-04-30 12:39:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such is love's fate ~ Eyes speak ~ Heart is, mute

2013-04-30 12:38:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An evening listening ~ To a violin ~ Crying my tears

2013-04-30 12:36:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Don't come closer ~ I love pining for you ~ More

2013-04-30 12:32:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amethyst gasp ~ Of the unsaid

2013-04-30 12:31:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cut by his glance ~ Spilling scarlet poems ~ To ruby Winter's canvas
2013-04-30 12:28:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Would anything lesser befit thee? :-)

2013-04-30 12:26:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My heart ~ Rushing to join ~ Crumpled paper in the wind

2013-04-30 12:25:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fair boughs ~ Find root ~ Around your trunk

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2013-04-30 12:24:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She drew rivers ~ To where she sat ~ In curl of sigh tip to my dear friend @ZinniaTung 's avi]
2013-04-30 12:22:16 (EDT)


_eroteme_ Her feet ~ And the journeys ~ It imagined for me

2013-04-30 12:19:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the alley ~ Where you meet ~ Your forgotten self

2013-04-30 12:16:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silk threads ~ We wind around trees ~ As if to hold ~ The timeless within
2013-04-30 12:15:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sum up my dreams ~ And they are yours ~ Differently ordered

2013-04-30 12:13:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He is my illusion ~ Till I realise it

2013-04-30 12:11:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly :-) I just found one person doing that & I didn't know what to feel though it was a lemony blend of compassion & amusement!
2013-04-30 12:10:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hold my head between your hands & when tear singes earth push, with a single thrust, your tongue between my brows & taste what I never said
2013-04-30 12:09:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knew the song ~ Of my every limb

2013-04-30 12:06:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When wind turns into paper ~ And sunlight, to ink

2013-04-30 12:05:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Seasons don't feel cruel, but one Spring I thought perhaps the days were wrapping themselves in discarded pages torn f
2013-04-30 11:52:44 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Word-twigs to nest ~ Poems of flight ~ Through skies, tongued [a take on @soHbet_ 's poem]
2013-04-29 00:15:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor: We only live, only suspire consumed by either fire or fire. - T.S Eliot
2013-04-28 08:11:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mosaic of me ~ In the eyes ~ Of wandering deer

2013-04-28 08:08:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unknown to love ~ Except in a lover's eyes

2013-04-28 08:08:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Heat of my love, inspissate words to reveal what I can only say in wishing to say to you, my welling heart feeding my eyes. Poems of tears..
2013-04-27 11:35:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My last words to him ~ Held in the mist ~ That he entered forever
2013-04-27 11:21:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar Some shapes lend themselves well for rolling... ;-)
2013-04-27 11:19:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @AkiHsiR_AuT Glad to see you enjoy the words so much that you adopt them! :-D
2013-04-27 05:26:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I was once in a cave, where the air was infused in goodness, every rockface within, sacred... Perhaps all living is such a sepulchral quest!
2013-04-27 02:44:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kindness is the only currency. Kindness can never be "currency"...

2013-04-27 02:40:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Always a pleasure re-discovering her every minute... :-)

2013-04-27 02:39:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Most happily, I hope she likes to jump in puddles,

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cook & cook-up crazy tales & laugh crazily. ;-)

2013-04-27 02:26:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez ..discrimination & intolerance. When we take care as a single unit & grow there is lesser space for any of that...
2013-04-27 02:24:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez More & more I get to see people concerned about just their kids & family, in the name of security & what not, sowing seeds of ..
2013-04-27 02:23:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez ..contributing to the best of ability & intention. Not recommending adoption but demonstrated goodness on a wider scale... :-)
2013-04-27 02:19:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Nope, not a trial-child. But an open child whom everyone takes care of because that is how a child must be treated, each one..
2013-04-27 02:18:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez This monstrosity of selective parenting is the root of all discrimination & intolerance...
2013-04-27 02:06:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Not sure what you meant, but I've always been declaring the need for an open child, where everyone raises her in unified love...
2013-04-27 02:05:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every moment lived ~ Like the discern of sacred

2013-04-27 01:51:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are all craftsmen, conjuring luscious images with pen or sigh. To live is to play God in closet or cloister...
2013-04-26 23:54:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A child's glee ~ Why butterflies exist

2013-04-26 23:38:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ And never realise

2013-04-26 23:35:42 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Gurus feel like friendly monsters to me.

2013-04-26 23:33:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Staring at this ~ Beautiful reflection ~ The moon & I

2013-04-26 23:31:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wrap me ~ In a taste ~ Of forever

2013-04-26 23:29:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To lower her gaze ~ And grant wishes aparna639 ]

2013-04-26 23:25:56 (EDT)

[hat tip to @

_eroteme_ My heart ~ Orbiting her twirl

2013-04-26 23:24:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His fingers ~ Introducing me ~ To me

2013-04-26 23:17:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undressing to ~ The rhythm of words

2013-04-26 23:16:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 What a delight! Do I get to make my 3 wishes? ;-)

2013-04-26 23:11:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To sip ~ Her spent ~ From her navel

2013-04-26 23:10:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His fingers ~ Lightly drumming ~ Against the night sky

2013-04-26 23:09:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Now to find ways to make you nod more often... ;-) Glad you aren't complaining!
2013-04-26 23:04:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The touch ~ That illumens return @purplepoetry77

2013-04-26 23:02:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 No argument, dear lady! A tte tte.. :-)

2013-04-26 23:00:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Isn't it all English or some other language? :-) With language we hope to cloister that which must be free... :-)
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2013-04-26 22:59:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her laughter ~ In my head ~ Somewhere ~ A butterfly takes flight

2013-04-26 22:57:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My palm ~ To his breast ~ My name ~ Within

2013-04-26 22:55:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Potay-toes, Potah-toes! :-p

2013-04-26 22:53:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Oh! Absolutely. It takes a willing heart, after all... ;)

2013-04-26 22:48:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The braille ~ Of her smile

2013-04-26 22:30:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seated on the banks ~ My poems best ~ Casting a reflection ~ In her eyes
2013-04-26 22:28:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: chasing butterflies ~ my eyes reaching higher grounds ~ suddenly the moon # haiku
2013-04-25 10:58:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson

2013-04-25 10:04:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life." by Fernando Pessoa
2013-04-25 09:55:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her hot-chocolate moustache ~ My melt

2013-04-24 13:02:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At once a doe ~ And a tigress ~ This stream, blinking reflections [for my dear friend @dgdreamin who likes a forest]
2013-04-24 00:15:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar There is this saying about declaring brahmarishi... ;-)

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2013-04-23 22:58:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moonless night - ~ A lone star ~ Hidden behind her silhouette

2013-04-23 22:56:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind a chiffon screen ~ Lesser to imagine ~ More to yearn

2013-04-23 22:53:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Chanting his name ~ Thunder in my breast

2013-04-23 22:46:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moments ~ Living my life

2013-04-23 22:45:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Glad it was to your taste! :-)

2013-04-23 22:41:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touched by my fantasy ~ How could I ever ~ Be a virgin?

2013-04-23 21:34:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Looking into her eyes ~ Was my favourite journey

2013-04-23 12:06:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I kiss ~ He paints ~ His tremble

2013-04-23 12:00:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is deep ~ What is shallow - ~ This river's water is both

2013-04-23 11:58:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her feet on my shoulders ~ Anklets trembling ~ Like a distant temple's prayer
2013-04-23 11:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My eyes moisten ~ My lips smile ~ Yet my fingers ~ Seek to know it is you
2013-04-23 11:55:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've held my ears ~ To his breast ~ And heard rain within
2013-04-23 11:52:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala: forgiveness that will never be granted when the Penance given
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is in the prayer she forgot

2013-04-23 11:40:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come to me ~ In the scent of earth ~ That I may be your rain

2013-04-22 23:50:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life's tune ~ Found in knocking on ~ Deserted doors

2013-04-22 09:14:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The blind streetlight ~ Missing the music ~ Of moths

2013-04-21 10:22:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Does cocoon of rapture work? :-)

2013-04-21 08:41:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He returns again ~ Garrulous wind and ~ The dumb charades of clothesline
2013-04-21 08:39:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Prose? On the blog? I shall surely do my best, though the blog is my little alcove of indulgence. Sigh! English is so lovely! :)
2013-04-21 08:35:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Glad it is to your taste! :-)

2013-04-21 08:27:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in Autumn's sere ~ This poem cracked & stumbling ~ Another leaf turns
2013-04-21 08:13:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All of the sky ~ On this lake ~ And then a ripple

2013-04-21 07:39:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seeking those hands ~ Shaped to my chin's curve

2013-04-21 07:31:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The contours of unclothe ~ Under a single sheet

2013-04-20 22:43:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A simple musical note keeps me company through dusk. Yes,

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even the most clouded nights have a hum...

2013-04-20 22:36:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have never felt more trusted than when a bird eats from my hand...
2013-04-20 22:17:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The nonchalance ~ In my eyes, battling ~ Under his touch

2013-04-20 22:14:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whispering poems ~ To tune her dreams

2013-04-20 22:10:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have seen Spring ~ In a lover's gush

2013-04-20 15:02:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @jmbhatt: For every lover is, in his head, a madman and in his heart a minstrel ~ Neil Gaiman
2013-04-19 23:10:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ A lens

2013-04-19 23:09:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His fingers within ~ Unmapped labyrinths ~ To find me in lost

2013-04-19 22:55:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stripes of moist hair ~ Cling to your gasping visage ~ My tigress

2013-04-19 22:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His words find stroll ~ On the sands of my life

2013-04-19 22:49:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All thoughts ~ But conversations ~ With one I'm yet to love
2013-04-19 22:47:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Singed ~ Sighs

2013-04-18 21:50:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Be my night sky ~ And I shall kiss you stars

2013-04-18 08:41:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She sent me skies ~ Of sighs

2013-04-18 08:40:49 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ This path ~ Winding to your home ~ Or is it my mind?

2013-04-17 23:48:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To resurrect ~ Yet not sublime ~ To own ~ Yet not summon @ aquaticstripes: @VinHampton
2013-04-17 21:25:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @manaman_chhina The words are honoured to be compared to that of Gulzar, though I doubt Gulzar saheb would feel the same way! :-)
2013-04-17 21:21:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her lips ~ Perennial poppies

2013-04-17 13:07:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The equations we believe ~ We can teach Fate

2013-04-17 12:42:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have crumbled before ~ I have dissolved many a time

2013-04-17 12:41:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her broad shoulders ~ A tongue's treacherous journey

2013-04-17 12:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The breeze in the bamboo ~ The nod I was seeking

2013-04-17 12:38:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 No no... In other words, best felt with what you least expect to serve as net... :-)
2013-04-17 12:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hands, now old ~ Waiting to walk up ~ Your thighs

2013-04-17 12:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This thirst ~ Needs a fire

2013-04-17 12:24:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I want to be ~ The regret you deny

2013-04-17 12:21:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar While it is vital to know, it is equally vital, if not more, to clear our eyes of mirage. Then alone can clarity be...
2013-04-17 12:20:38 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Sometimes I call her ~ To watch her walk ~ Sometimes ~ To taste her name
2013-04-17 12:19:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Another lily ~ Which trusted a bee

2013-04-17 12:17:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Measuring her ~ In clench of flesh

2013-04-17 12:13:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have held his name ~ Till the bleed of tongue

2013-04-17 12:12:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Burgundy whispers ~ Intoxicating memory

2013-04-17 12:08:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Define? We'd be better off catching the wind with chopsticks! :-) If you must: I am in triplicate - shadow, reflection & I
2013-04-17 12:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've been making ~ A gate of myself ~ For you to enter

2013-04-17 12:02:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is a moon ~ With trepidation, ~ It's blemish

2013-04-17 12:01:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We love ~ So we may give abode ~ To the giver

2013-04-17 11:59:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A loss compensated ~ Was no loss

2013-04-17 11:57:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Hence, the words aren't & never will be who I am (in the palpable world) & I am not so ambitious to be them! :-)
2013-04-17 10:40:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Actually, my words & the human-me have little relation. I am merely a conduit for their flow. The conduit is called Eroteme! :-)
2013-04-17 10:38:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar An honour that you think so! Yes, there will be sequels. This is merely the necessary shake-up to clarify before proceeding..
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2013-04-17 01:47:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have heard ~ My body sing ~ To your touch

2013-04-17 00:09:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar This is precisely what the post says!! It is the being (heart, mind, soul, etc.) that pervades each moment & to cleave is sad
2013-04-16 23:37:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar Au contraire, madame! I am trying to reestablish simplicity. This'd be the stepping stone to the summary called consciousness
2013-04-16 23:34:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 The name must best describe the person, non!? :-)
2013-04-16 22:48:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Self

2013-04-16 21:52:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What scorching sun to fear ~ For one shaded ~ By your eyelashes!?
2013-04-16 12:44:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his kiss ~ I un-found all of life

2013-04-16 12:33:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his laugh ~ I found Spring's butterflies

2013-04-16 12:32:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his touch ~ I found the ensconce of lullaby

2013-04-16 12:32:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his gaze ~ I found opal tales

2013-04-16 12:31:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his voice ~ I found the path home

2013-04-16 12:27:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I pleated around my hips ~ The echoes ~ His gaze left

2013-04-16 12:22:04 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Where he ~ And moist wind ~ Held conclave

2013-04-16 12:18:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even her shy ~ Sighed in touch

2013-04-16 12:16:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 :-D Si Senora!

2013-04-16 12:03:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I never said ~ I wish you'd hear

2013-04-16 11:59:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you must ~ Then wear a veil ~ Of a blush

2013-04-16 11:54:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leave your wet words ~ For my noon sizzle

2013-04-16 11:52:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 I agree! ;-) *raising a white flag*

2013-04-16 11:50:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @VinHampton How delightful! I write about agora & as I went to check the spelling, stumbled on only to find you here!
2013-04-16 11:49:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some questions ~ That taste like answers

2013-04-16 11:46:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An agora conversation ~ Of shadows

2013-04-16 11:45:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love taught me ~ Wince

2013-04-16 11:44:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That one sunset I wish ~ When your gaze searches the horizon ~ Sun on your face ~ Smile on lips ~ And the tears I signed ~ In your eyes
2013-04-16 11:43:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hate my skin ~ That it lets not ~ The seep of your touch
32 / 4823

2013-04-16 11:41:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps you were born for me ~ That I may die for you
2013-04-16 11:37:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her lop-sided smile ~ The tilt of my world

2013-04-16 11:35:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To know life's words ~ And not have an eraser handy

2013-04-16 11:34:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My dearest friend shared with me a quote by an actor's mother "Look for the helpers!" Let's not focus on the bile that rage draws out...
2013-04-16 11:33:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ On the mirror behind me ~ In front of me ~ Enveloped

2013-04-16 11:31:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In gasp ~ A rush of ~ Whispered serenades RT @ atonedfor: In clandestine, a hush of twilight and dreams of you.
2013-04-16 11:30:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Armed with my pillow! Ok! ;-)

2013-04-16 11:28:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He weaved her tremble ~ Into verses of dissolve

2013-04-16 11:28:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Oh! Nothing much. Just a little about this, a little about that... ;-) Had put together a post on my thoughts!
2013-04-16 11:25:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar Consciousness turns a lot of things.. :-)

2013-04-16 11:15:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 And how hastily that time arrives... :-)

2013-04-16 11:14:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I enjoyed writing this post on the timeless debate on the heart & mind: . Let the fires rage on... :-)
2013-04-16 11:14:24 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Like a marble god ~ Unchanged & unmoved ~ Yet birthing a transform
2013-04-16 09:10:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 A draw it is... till later! ;-)

2013-04-15 10:20:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vishasuchde Glad you feel thus... :-)

2013-04-15 10:14:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Perhaps it needs further elaboration & I shabbily embark on it here within 140 characters. I apologise. Will elucidate shortly...
2013-04-15 10:14:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 I neither worship "heart" nor "mind". I think they are one & the same. One can merely disallow reason or tenderness as deemed fit
2013-04-15 10:13:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Queerly I wasn't teasing. I see no dichotomy in heart & mind. That which feels, discerns (hence, feels). To cleave is unnatural..
2013-04-15 10:10:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vishasuchde An honour to find this ink inspired by your dulcet avi... :-)
2013-04-15 08:49:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vishasuchde Well, some loveliness can intimidate the blackest ink, so please do pardon those who merely gasped & wrote not their heart! :-)
2013-04-15 08:48:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 I, for one, feel the sigh of my mind all through me. Even in the heart as in the kidneys! :-)
2013-04-15 08:43:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Surely we don't believe the mind resides in the cranial bulb!? Then I find it difficult to trace the throb merely to the left :-)
2013-04-15 08:42:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The teachers I loved in school were those

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who passionately loved what they taught. They didn't teach me anything, rea ...
2013-04-14 23:03:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Happiness has many a fount ~ Grief has but one well @ OliviaDresher and hence, we suspect that my happiness might be of lesser causes..
2013-04-14 23:02:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Mighty coincidence. Just yesterday I was recalling my days at school, on my blog...
2013-04-14 23:00:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Abstract my ~ Being's tremble RT @Laviniastongue Landscape my soul.

2013-04-14 22:58:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 The sanguine pump? That surely is of this body as is the liver. But that which gasps in wonder resides in the mind, no?
2013-04-14 22:38:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 Oh! The bridge must be built anyway. Where else do we go to watch the sunset!? :-)
2013-04-14 22:35:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Without the mind ~ What would remain ~ Of this body

2013-04-14 21:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aparna639 'Tis but the willow that knows this truth & they who sit under it suffer not from versions of real. Yes, Ms. D? @ OliviaDresher
2013-04-14 20:59:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A mole to help ~ Jump on the silver vines of ornament - ~ My tongue's journey [hat tip to @vishasuchde 's AVI]
2013-04-14 20:54:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hid his secrets ~ That never would be mine

2013-04-14 13:50:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her smile ~ Was like a watercolour ~ Of poppies

2013-04-14 13:31:46 (EDT)
35 / 4823

_eroteme_ We aren't victors ~ When winning is depriving

2013-04-14 13:17:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There she stood ~ Amidst my blackest memories ~ A crescent of what she was
2013-04-14 13:05:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plough me ~ In your gaze

2013-04-14 12:48:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am all the sin ~ You won't confess to ~ And won't deny
2013-04-14 12:43:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On a full moon night ~ My being glows the trail ~ Of his forgotten kisses
2013-04-14 12:41:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These eyes ~ In the mirror ~ Seeing what I see

2013-04-14 08:37:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I carry within feels like an infinity I haven't yet glimpsed
2013-04-14 08:29:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of her ~ Sun under my skin

2013-04-13 13:39:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An unfulfilled satiety

2013-04-13 13:28:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crayons are what remained of a long lost magical place...

2013-04-13 12:25:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Windows invite escape ~ Doors, a return

2013-04-13 12:21:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wear tonight ~ The perfume of ~ Dark memories

2013-04-13 12:19:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These hands ~ That roam you ~ Shall be my eyes tonight

2013-04-13 11:47:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only they would realise this!

36 / 4823

2013-04-13 00:16:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fading prayer flags ~ Where do they go? ~ Colour & wish?
2013-04-12 12:49:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To feel, and become feeling... RT @ NerudaLove: To be, and to go on being

2013-04-12 12:42:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every breath ~ Making of me ~ A better ruin

2013-04-12 12:41:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun tilted ~ To hold her face ~ In cupped beams

2013-04-12 12:39:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And kindness, wider than wonder RT @OliviaDresher: Wonder is wider than wisdom.
2013-04-12 12:37:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The leaf ~ That spoke to distant shores ~ In a ripple

2013-04-12 12:33:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She festooned echoes ~ Through empty hallways ~ Of longing

2013-04-12 09:06:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nitidnenuphar Unless you haven't seen a young banana tree & are only imagining Redwoods! ;-)
2013-04-12 01:07:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The flowers ~ My lips birthed ~ On the trunk ~ Of her neck

2013-04-11 23:53:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Walking over her broken words ~ Poetry of soiled feet

2013-04-11 23:34:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Engrave on my shoulder ~ Your stubbled signature

2013-04-11 13:19:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hold me in the bend ~ Of elbow, knee ~ Or mind

2013-04-11 13:05:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She who held ~ An ocean to arouse

2013-04-11 13:04:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The silver dew ~ Of a black night's melt

2013-04-11 13:03:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Swelling ~ To your thoughts ~ A tide's envy

2013-04-11 12:59:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wrap me ~ In the curse ~ Of wanting you

2013-04-11 12:56:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Had the wrinkles ~ Of an oak

2013-04-11 12:54:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my undoing ~ Spells your name

2013-04-11 12:52:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I build bridges ~ Alongside rivers

2013-04-11 12:48:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take my tremble ~ Build it an oyster

2013-04-11 12:45:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He wrote me ~ In a poem ~ Making love to ~ Metered rhythm

2013-04-09 21:46:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know a place ~ For you to taste ~ The pinks of Autumn's watercolour @dreamwalks
2013-04-09 21:43:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dreamwalks: I know a place where you could hold liquid summer on your tongue
2013-04-09 21:42:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in the labyrinths ~ Of a kiss

2013-04-09 12:50:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With this food that I lovingly prepared & serve may we bond, letting me be a part of your flesh & vigour. Om shanti shanti shantihi...
2013-04-07 20:48:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only all living ~ Was a hindsight

2013-04-07 10:38:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have we travelled far enough to allow our tears to fall?

38 / 4823

--The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

2013-04-07 06:11:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poor is he ~ Who has no unread book

2013-04-03 13:13:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In love does one find ~ The urge to name

2013-04-03 13:12:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deny me not ~ My pleasure of loving fret ~ Poorer am I then ~ Than when in abject debt
2013-04-03 13:11:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How silences often ~ Spawns from words

2013-04-03 13:07:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every traveller ~ Carries his roads

2013-04-03 12:52:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An hour beneath a tree ~ Can never be uninspiring

2013-04-03 12:46:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I may lose ~ Paling before ~ All I have lost

2013-04-03 12:45:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun does know ~ How to float ~ Pearls on a river

2013-04-03 12:43:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd like to have a matching belly button!

2013-04-03 09:26:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I look up to find him standing behind me, gazing down my soft cotton blouse, the stretch & outline screaming & I unconsciously heave...
2013-04-01 21:33:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The eager trot ~ Of Fate ~ In dice's step

2013-04-01 21:10:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories stirred ~ Tasted of his smile

2013-04-01 20:52:17 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The feather ~ That remained ~ This Winter

2013-04-01 20:51:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where every human act reeks vile filled with pretense that deserts the visage when placed before the blackest mirror of me...
2013-04-01 12:16:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm the salt winds that abrade all morality, standing o'er cliff & crag, salivating at the sight of depravity. I told you so...
2013-04-01 11:56:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm what peels the goodness in every man who walks...
2013-04-01 11:54:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Human beings want - & manufacture such grand notions of honour, love, worth & respect to lend flesh to a ghost of deceit...
2013-04-01 11:50:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What conversation is that ~ Without a breeze of trust!?

2013-04-01 11:47:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @K__Quotes: There is no thinker without thought

2013-04-01 10:30:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you like the assemblage, dear Deb. Always a delight to smile together... :-)
2013-03-31 11:26:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ hehehe! How many times did mommy tell you to not go about dropping your woolens!! Lint!!! :-o
2013-03-31 11:19:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Is it? *looking around innocently* ;-)

2013-03-31 11:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly :-D Maybe I just mixed a little too much of your words' oomph in the bubbly... But is there ever too much of _that_!? ;-)
2013-03-31 11:04:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A drum clamour of breath, settling to the night's hum as the lovers watched a cloud shaped like their want. Someday, when they meet, someday
2013-03-31 10:57:53 (EDT)
40 / 4823

_eroteme_ She whom I pillaged now searching in my eyes the treasures she locked away behind a gasp's door, her hair painting my chest to calm
2013-03-31 10:54:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And I hold him now gasping, my child who made me a woman, whose breath clings to my neck, his words of exult, my earrings...
2013-03-31 10:51:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the blind red haze, her moan of visceral islands where tides lash against rocks of throb & convulse to hang my name on prayer flags
2013-03-31 10:49:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ah! The shudder, the veins on his visage, the knead of my breasts as he suffers a auroral ecstacy that must find roots in my trembling soil
2013-03-31 10:45:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She readies to receive, her pink chalice singing songs of homecoming as I rush the final mile into arms that take me on another journey
2013-03-31 10:40:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Immersed in each other, his body to swallow me through skin & eyes & hungry kisses that devour all shame & shy into a molten cocoon of lust
2013-03-31 10:39:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes roll like dice in lust's gamble, her wager waiting to be drawn to its height & unfurled till all chance is a deep digging of nails
2013-03-31 10:35:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a sudden tremble he awakens & moves with no care, ploughing the earth that has been drenched in the monsoon of sin & nether
2013-03-31 10:32:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her body whips fugues of untamed cries, rippling across the lakes of desire & a full moon lust casting not shadows of what we've become...
2013-03-31 10:30:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He plays me like a violin from Eden, sawing satin plunges into
41 / 4823

caves of vanish where oceans of want quench not what the fjords of mind brew
2013-03-31 10:28:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She who is now unbottled wine of salty labour & earthy grind, sweet saliva & tangy froth beaten between his fragrant thighs to coat my lips
2013-03-31 10:26:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He owns me like I want him to, amidst a pretended battle to escape, tightening the silken noose further around my rasp & smudged eyeshadow
2013-03-31 10:24:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She trembles, yields only to pin me with an animal I stirred in her loins that inhabits all of her & goodness. She, who is beast must be fed
2013-03-31 10:23:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he lunges to catch the doe of my want, pouncing, holding her tender nape in his jaws to bring down in tremble & shudder to resurrect...
2013-03-31 10:21:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her every greedy pound of flesh slapping against my every eager gram as if such generous splatters might fuse us in the furnace of desire
2013-03-31 10:19:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hair wound around his wrists as he bends me back to taste his evoke over the salt on my lips dripping down my neck as I recede into him
2013-03-31 10:18:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her arch to hold a rainbow's want, & stretch on its rim firm mounds of a goegraphy of temptation unchartered while I merge within her hues
2013-03-31 10:16:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He cleaved me where I thought I was one, multitudes of me regaling in his sway of primal pendulums keeping time in lust's timeless clocks
2013-03-31 10:11:23 (EDT)
42 / 4823

_eroteme_ Her throb that set worlds to spin, my gaze in swirls of fading boundaries - what is her becomes me in passion's stir of marblesque thrust...
2013-03-31 10:09:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His breath touching me before his tongue & in that ephemeral interval a world of imagined torture so intoxicating that I rush to his lick
2013-03-31 10:06:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Amen! Let there be flames of caress & carefree... :-)
2013-03-31 10:04:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the taper of her mane lightly touched her swollen breath, a purple Rorschach orchid from last time waited smudge or companion to shriek
2013-03-31 09:58:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if his teeth & tongue, fingers & wrist held a mind each, clones of his one mind held in my gaze begging him closer, wilder, hungrier...
2013-03-31 09:54:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her chin, to hold my bite, while grasp & clench run amock set to the extempore orchestra of sigh & silence, drawing in all the world & night
2013-03-31 09:50:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fingers in his hair, teasing his mind, kneading its need to draw closer, swallow me in a life-breath-crave, singularly worth seeking
2013-03-31 09:48:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jannagae Glad you found it so, dear friend. :-)

2013-03-31 09:46:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly What better way to end Winter than with some flames... ;-)
2013-03-31 09:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I could spend all night, deciding where to touch her first & sigh when all of her rises like a wave to bathe my desire, setting it on fire
2013-03-31 09:40:20 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ His eyes closed, breathing in the musk of my eyes' smoulder,his breath to light myriad lamps across my body's wicks, illuminating his gasp
2013-03-31 09:31:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lace caught in her folds, sighing shadows from the candle, the calligraphy of shy stretched on breathing want & her arm across her eyes
2013-03-31 09:21:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He traced constellations on my taut skin, lending glimmer with his eyes' throb, & licking his lips he pronounced my name - Vulpa Seductress
2013-03-31 09:17:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As her cashmere slipped off a shoulder, my breath to a different rhythm, as if the beat of the universe was - let's undress slowly
2013-03-31 09:12:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My nights haunted ~ By the echos ~ Of her breath caught

2013-03-31 09:06:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tales he wrote ~ Between chin & lip

2013-03-31 09:00:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watching her sleep ~ Watching her watch ~ Her dreams

2013-03-31 08:37:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Glad you found them so... :-) RT @angeldreamsof: @_eroteme_ totally evocative x
2013-03-31 00:44:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes we care. Sometimes we want to ensure that the other person knows that we care...
2013-03-30 17:06:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He filled me ~ To an arch

2013-03-30 16:28:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman, bigamous ~ At once loving the man ~ And what she made of him
2013-03-30 16:26:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The orchestra ~ Of heartbeat & anklet

2013-03-30 16:21:29 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Some rivers ~ Unseen, unheard ~ Yet drowning souls

2013-03-30 16:20:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like tales of float ~ To an oak tree

2013-03-30 16:18:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a waterfall ~ Lost in the sea

2013-03-30 16:12:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He'd braid my breath ~ With his tongue

2013-03-30 16:06:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He turned me thus ~ On passion's axis ~ Kaleidoscope of desire

2013-03-30 14:33:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I willed to tell her ~ Escape my tongue ~ Hide behind my eyes
2013-03-30 14:32:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have seen her ~ In shades of pink ~ Undreamt, unblushed

2013-03-30 14:21:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your curves ~ Etched on my palms ~ And a puzzled fortuneteller

2013-03-30 11:20:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nodding my head! :-) RT @beezknez @dgdreamin You know .. *".you are truly the loveliest with your words #$%:))
2013-03-30 11:18:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In vacant nights ~ Rolling my thumb o'er fingers ~ Memories of all I undid
2013-03-30 11:15:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Most certainly! It is Spring! :-)

2013-03-30 11:11:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How my words ~ Curled into ~ His eyes

2013-03-30 11:09:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His smile - ~ Thus I knew ~ Trapped in snow ~ A sun

45 / 4823

2013-03-30 11:07:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every breeze ~ Shaped like her skirt

2013-03-30 11:03:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 You are kind & generous, not to mention a fantastic lead on all the dances! :-)
2013-03-30 01:55:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This bleeding heart ~ I hid in the oceans ~ Alas! This pink moon rising...
2013-03-29 00:26:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Study words ~ In their shadows cast ~ When falling off ~ The cliff of connotation
2013-03-28 23:11:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alike in our joy ~ Unique in melancholy

2013-03-28 23:05:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The braille ~ Of passion's ~ Awakening

2013-03-28 23:04:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin haha!! :-D Maybe that tweet is dedicated to her! I've been good...mostly! And you? Been the sunshine that you uniquely are? :-)
2013-03-28 22:59:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One grip of your flesh ~ And I am a believer

2013-03-28 13:36:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He weaved her words ~ To stir her musk

2013-03-28 13:30:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ To teach her ~ Glow

2013-03-28 13:27:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She smelt ~ Of burned desire

2013-03-28 13:26:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His game ~ To unravel her win ~ In his

2013-03-28 13:23:06 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ He folded her deny ~ Between clench ~ And gasp

2013-03-28 13:21:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He hid his touch ~ Where silhouette ~ Wrapped an unfold

2013-03-28 13:19:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CarolTurner5 Inspired by yours. Twitter was stingy hence, couldn't add mention! :-)
2013-03-28 11:23:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hands held, this world so dear ~ Hands held, this fear nowhere near ~ Hands held, I pray to rise ~ In hands held between today & tomorrow
2013-03-28 11:23:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm god ~ In giving flesh ~ To bloodless minutes

2013-03-28 11:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He tied her ~ In a moment's gasp ~ To stain all of memory

2013-03-28 11:08:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you love ~ Is where you came from ~ Before becoming you RT @dgdreamin How you love is a reflection of your soul. #mywords
2013-03-28 11:07:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where does a bubble belong ~ To froth ~ Or firmament?

2013-03-28 11:04:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her arms ~ Like driftwood ~ On a shore

2013-03-28 11:04:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How sunlight ~ Finds home ~ On a still lake

2013-03-28 11:00:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 :-)

2013-03-28 10:44:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all we need to do is write poetry, laugh & make love...
2013-03-27 23:34:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her scent he found ~ In his scream

2013-03-25 13:07:05 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I've seen the dark ~ Tremble in his desire

2013-03-25 12:58:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His was a touch ~ To leave me ~ Incomplete

2013-03-25 12:56:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The myriad ways ~ We invent ~ To forget, we are humans

2013-03-21 23:55:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her kiss ~ That draws ~ My mind's curtains

2013-03-18 11:40:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the love ~ A wind could make

2013-03-18 11:34:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor Still all the world now, bind the broken wings of dreams.
2013-03-14 23:01:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Something so beautiful about this... :-) RT @Heidi_Ayala equidistant silences...

2013-03-14 22:50:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ That begged yours ~ To look within

2013-03-14 11:32:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your breath ~ Hurries to meet my flutter ~ Guiding your tongue

2013-03-14 11:26:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To my touch ~ An orchid, your breast blooms ~ To my nectarhunting lips

2013-03-14 11:24:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Past my smouldering eyes ~ Past my burning breath ~ Past my trembling grasp ~ Past my throbbing lips ~ What do you seek ~ In my heart?
2013-03-14 11:20:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dry leaves ~ Showing me the way home. ~ The wind changes
2013-03-14 11:11:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She wrote ~ Poems to the sea ~ Twixt a river's gurgle

48 / 4823

2013-03-14 11:07:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin wink wink! ;-) Now you know!

2013-03-14 11:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be this river ~ That bathes you

2013-03-14 11:04:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you could read my mind ~ You'd never stand in sheer linen ~ With your back to me
2013-03-14 11:00:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin I only pray that they quickly spot the typo before Rilke gets out of the grave, hunting for Milke! ;-)
2013-03-11 12:30:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All life seems ~ A journey to the womb ~ Of a stream's gurgle ~ A mountain's shoulder ~ A forest's swallow ~ Or a mist's glisten
2013-03-11 10:01:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @brontides It was for me but I feel on meditating upon it, it might connect with a significant population too... :-)
2013-03-11 09:49:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @brontides But I did employ "my". Seems subjective enough for me!! ;-p
2013-03-11 09:29:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @brontides They don't for you. For me, they are the universe of all activity. A world without pain is impossible as am I without art! :-)
2013-03-11 09:21:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If my industry is not to the direct alleviation of someone's pain or confusion, then that act must either be from routine or for art...
2013-03-11 09:07:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ It refers to the shine/glitter usu. coming from adornments like the bindi etc.
2013-03-11 09:04:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Call it whatever ~ This thing we have ~ Just bite it ~ On my lips

2013-03-05 11:04:18 (EST)

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_eroteme_ I was his flag ~ Fluttering truce with lust ~ How I waved on him
2013-03-05 10:50:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lily's fold ~ Of sunshine ~ A lake's golden rattle

2013-03-05 09:51:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Had you remained ~ I'd show you ~ Words I hid under the pillow
2013-03-05 09:49:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you enjoy the words here, Sir. :-)
2013-03-03 06:16:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ruptureschism His rhyme climbs the tree of where lullabies stir bloom.
2013-03-02 20:55:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lies we buy ~ Hoping a truth ~ Might come on sale

2013-03-02 12:44:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the world's gold ~ Might outweigh your kiss ~ But my lips shan't wear ~ Another
2013-03-02 12:43:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides oh no! This is about the lives we imagine & verily live
2013-03-02 11:21:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ He knew the chant ~ To make purple ~ Of pink, of white

2013-03-02 11:16:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ We weren't given a life ~ To live just one

2013-03-02 11:11:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am the sum ~ Of unknown mistakes

2013-03-02 11:04:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your voice is what ~ Fills this night ~ With black

2013-03-02 11:02:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ There are deep voices ~ And then his ~ Finding within me ~ Such frightening deeps
2013-03-02 03:04:58 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Clepsydra of yearn ~ Her tears ~ That halted moments [Clepsydra: n. a clock to measure time by the flow of a quantity of water]
2013-03-01 10:56:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ No moon so soothing ~ As when moist lips ~ Touch brow @ purplepoetry77

2013-03-01 09:22:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Well, in poetry everything is made up!! ;-p

2013-02-28 23:39:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @aladreth Yes!! I read about it in his book... :-) I'd only get you stolen papers so you may slink under sheets & write in torchlight! ;-p
2013-02-28 22:16:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BarnestormJohn They only become more & more like the absent soul, as if words, earn flesh & sinew in vanish...
2013-02-28 22:14:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BarnestormJohn I don't think the words wait for "no longer" They dwell in shadows & silhouettes & tinkles that remind till discerned...
2013-02-28 22:13:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Oh! That's at normal heat. At really high temperatures it de-pigmentises & dissolves... ;-p
2013-02-28 20:13:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ No rain as sweet ~ As when our tremble ~ Mingled

2013-02-28 10:16:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ The "maybe"s ~ You planted ~ In our backyard

2013-02-28 10:09:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your flawless fault line ~ As you reach behind to unhook

2013-02-28 10:06:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love is that disease ~ Where the salve ~ And germ ~ Lie in the same ~ Clenched heart.
2013-02-28 09:59:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Like a floater in the eye ~ Dodges my grasp

2013-02-28 09:57:41 (EST)

51 / 4823

_eroteme_ The hiss ~ Of the setting sun. ~ Steam gathers into a moon
2013-02-28 09:56:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wrap your legs around me ~ Pull me into your womb ~ So I'll be the child ~ You wanted of me.
2013-02-28 09:56:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sun setting ~ In the tear-rimmed ~ Horizon of your eyes

2013-02-28 09:55:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ What his fingers stirred ~ My tongue fed him

2013-02-28 09:53:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her feet on my breast ~ The henna that fades ~ In our heat
2013-02-28 09:48:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ask me not to love ~ Like this or that ~ I can only love ~ To the call of throb
2013-02-28 09:45:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ To hold you from behind ~ My hands ~ Your living cloth

2013-02-28 09:39:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ His heaving torso ~ Studded with my ~ Snapped pearls

2013-02-28 09:32:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ He knew ~ The tongue twirl ~ To birth roses ~ On my barren skin

2013-02-28 09:27:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Forgetting to smile. Then, forgetting what makes me smile. The slow death of a once-happy soul.
2013-02-28 09:25:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ She across the alley ~ Catching the sun of my want ~ In her window's open
2013-02-28 09:23:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your maze of scars ~ And the tongue of my love ~ Walking blindfolded ~ Through them
2013-02-28 09:22:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Choose wisely ~ Or otherwise. ~ Doesn't matter.

52 / 4823

2013-02-28 09:21:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spend hours ~ Understanding hunger ~ Or eat

2013-02-28 09:21:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ How we seek ~ The trust of a sparrow ~ The nod of a squirrel ~ The alight of butterfly ~ The rub of cat ~ How yearns that soul
2013-02-28 09:19:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ How intimate ~ The crease & taper ~ Of a chewed pencil

2013-02-28 09:16:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pock-marked cars ~ When the rain stops

2013-02-28 09:12:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Scrubbed by a cloud ~ The brighter ~ Moon

2013-02-28 09:10:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Plugging the holes of life with the fingers of humour...

2013-02-28 09:10:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ No rain for days ~ Yet I sit by the puddle ~ In her eyes
2013-02-28 09:08:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ In a poem is born ~ A wicker bridge to sway ~ A periwinkle ponder

2013-02-28 09:05:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Now stored in my attic ~ Jars from under park benches ~ Packed with childhood laughter
2013-02-28 09:03:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only men ~ Had the movement of trees ~ Voice of streams ~ Shades of the sky ~ And clarity of snowflakes
2013-02-28 09:03:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tripping on words ~ Thinking they are ~ Indeed her

2013-02-28 09:02:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words spoken ~ And denied ~ Nowhere to go ~ In disown

2013-02-28 08:58:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love is what ~ Exposes the copper ~ Beneath a skin of

53 / 4823

2013-02-28 08:57:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is only in sleep ~ That we pretend not

2013-02-28 08:55:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all past ~ Fails to compress ~ Into "the past"

2013-02-28 08:54:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ @aladreth Awww! :-) That is the sweetest thing that happened to me today!! Thank you! Sending you warm hugs & blank sheets of paper... :-)
2013-02-28 08:09:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shadow of his words ~ Their long "L"s snaking ~ To where the "O" burst ~ 'Twixt the "V" ~ And the dissolve of "E"s
2013-02-26 06:43:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ How you remain ~ In thought ~ In blood ~ In bones under the sods ~ In ash strewn on waves ~ In the desire ~ To forget you
2013-02-26 05:38:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his touch ~ Passion & fear ~ Cleaved

2013-02-26 05:34:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ So easy to lose ~ All that was ~ Never won (As if all winning ~ Prepares the possibility ~ Of loss)
2013-02-23 14:18:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ For imagination ~ Is the making of god ~ After genesis

2013-02-22 07:54:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CletisStump Glad you like the words... :-)

2013-02-22 07:51:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if his vanish ~ Was a dissolution ~ Into all that surrounds

2013-02-19 23:15:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @an_ahm Perhaps RT ing as it is would be better than quoting it. You seem to have added an "And" which wasn't there & which changes import
2013-02-19 19:02:31 (EST)

54 / 4823

_eroteme_ @an_ahm It gladdens the writer's pen to see your attention to the words here. :-) Nevertheless...
2013-02-19 19:02:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The immense possibility ~ In a crayon

2013-02-19 11:16:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Yes, but perhaps she imagined herself the catalyst, the philosopher's stone...
2013-02-19 11:14:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ All she wished ~ A palm to hold ~ Her dreams

2013-02-19 10:32:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ She was drawn to base men, dreaming that she'd be the touch to make them noble. Her fingers burnt, clothes torn, yet her hand reaching out..
2013-02-19 10:31:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shy she was ~ Till her veil caught on brad ~ And she paused not

[Brad: n. a slender wire nail having a small, deep head]

2013-02-19 10:27:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ To nap on a cloud ~ Leeward to moon

2013-02-19 10:25:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ To hum ~ And ride ~ An Autumn leaf down

2013-02-19 10:21:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ This cave your carved within ~ When taking my heart ~ To places of un-touch & un-hold
2013-02-19 10:20:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra :-)

2013-02-19 10:17:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ He tore ~ A shred of moon-shine ~ To wrap these moments

2013-02-19 10:01:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lap me ~ With kitten tongue ~ And purr me a tune ~ Of forever

55 / 4823

after @purplepoetry77
2013-02-19 09:39:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2013-02-19 09:28:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ In impassioned hurl ~ Her hair she tossed to heavens ~ Making night for ailing hearts
2013-02-19 09:26:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Own me ~ With the musk ~ Of untethered passion ~ That harps may find ~ Meaning in taut @purplepoetry77
2013-02-19 09:23:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ This unbecoming ~ Unchartered, unseen ~ Unknown intimate scent ~ Of hair brushed ~ Before clench @jaya_misra @purplepoetry77
2013-02-19 09:21:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The animal in us ~ Yearning for knout ~ And licked salve

2013-02-19 09:14:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Braid me a glance ~ In hop-skipped mischief ~ And I shall tie myself ~ To your anklet's tinkle @ jaya_misra @purplepoetry77
2013-02-19 09:07:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her curves that make men bend ~ And her lines... sigh ~ Her nose, her brow, her spine ~ Whipping men to bend ~ To her smile's curve
2013-02-19 09:05:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Helpless altar ~ And the prayers ~ To stone

2013-02-19 09:02:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Monosyllabic gulps ~ Your ballads of choke ~ Unbuttoning my composure @purplepoetry77

2013-02-19 09:00:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ How she kneads the dough ~ To something never as soft ~ As her decolletage
2013-02-19 08:57:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ The nakedness ~ Before he enters the lake ~ The nakedness ~ After
2013-02-19 08:52:03 (EST)
56 / 4823

_eroteme_ The ruled pages ~ Of my skin ~ Under wet hair. ~ Who dares be ~ A poet?
2013-02-19 08:50:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Glad you like the words here.. :-)

2013-02-19 07:23:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My every smile's threads ~ Drawn to the lines ~ On your hands

2013-02-18 23:17:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides sigh! Because many things, other than FF, are salty. Perhaps you need to discuss this with your doc on your annual check-up! ;-)
2013-02-18 23:02:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Hey! French Fries is nectar to many! Haven't you seen all these people on twitter going #ff ? What do you think that means!? ;-)
2013-02-18 22:52:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ How some avi make no sense as a thumbnail &, when enlarged, makes one prefer the incomprehensible...
2013-02-18 20:33:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every wolf knows ~ I'm a different scent ~ When I think of you
2013-02-18 20:23:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ His thumb knew ~ Where all my gasps hid

2013-02-18 20:20:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides yeah! Like french fries! ;-)

2013-02-18 12:10:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Full woman of my dreams ~ Hide me in your folds ~ That I may drink ~ Your salty nectar
2013-02-18 11:26:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have sat ~ On slivers of moon-sparkle ~ To watch you ~ While you sleep
2013-02-18 11:23:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ To tame this wind ~ And fill this mirage ~ Called you
2013-02-18 10:44:47 (EST)
57 / 4823

_eroteme_ His teeth ~ To hold ~ My waking want

2013-02-18 10:43:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her gaze ~ To comb ~ Sunshine

2013-02-18 10:41:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Through the hoops ~ Of her name's calligraphy ~ The moonlight I yearn
2013-02-18 09:27:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ The swift paraph ~ Of his lips ~ In a kiss's wake [Paraph: n. A flourish made after a signature]
2013-02-18 09:21:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ So often ~ This urge to ~ Run my fingers through ~ A flame's mane

2013-02-18 09:12:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ All that could be breathed ~ And the sigh ~ Of his touch
2013-02-16 13:20:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Undressed and taken ~ Before touched by any wind

2013-02-16 13:11:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ And in a kiss ~ Their tongues summoned ~ Earth to cocoon them within
2013-02-16 13:10:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have imagined ~ His slow gait ~ Halting, his toes pressed ~ Against my throb
2013-02-16 13:06:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where even wind ~ Found body in swaying meadows ~ His gaze ~ That tripped sunlight
2013-02-16 12:59:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gazing through the window ~ As if to strum ~ The raindrops

2013-02-16 12:57:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Glad you like the words here...

2013-02-16 10:40:51 (EST)
58 / 4823

_eroteme_ @brontides hahaha :-D Yes!

2013-02-16 10:36:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BigKlaus786 :-D Perhaps!

2013-02-16 07:49:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is only one love ~ Of ink on paper

2013-02-16 03:29:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beneath the masks ~ Of quickened heartbeats ~ A coquettish smile

2013-02-16 03:27:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her fire ~ He put out ~ In her wet

2013-02-16 03:25:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his gaze ~ Infinity felt incomplete

2013-02-16 03:23:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Till the right ~ Shade of red, ~ Kiss

2013-02-16 03:21:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ By the pier ~ A single shoe ~ That didn't catch up

2013-02-13 11:06:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes fell on her ~ Like Sakura

2013-02-13 11:01:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @officialmadman Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2013-02-12 22:04:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am ~ What makes him ~ Wet his lips

2013-02-12 02:14:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Purple silk ropes ~ In his hands ~ Red silk shadows ~ On my wrists
2013-02-12 02:10:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @other_roads So glad you like the words here, dear friend. :-) Wishing you well.
2013-02-11 19:48:06 (EST)

59 / 4823

_eroteme_ In this black night ~ The blacker musk ~ Of her lotus bud
2013-02-11 12:42:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her glass breast ~ My warm breath ~ Misting heart-shaped within

2013-02-11 07:16:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Through her eyes ~ I saw a painting ~ None shall see

2013-02-08 10:37:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ His thumb in my wet ~ And my breath ~ This explorer's wind

2013-02-08 10:30:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ For all history ~ Is a refrain ~ Of our ignorance

2013-02-08 10:24:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Both chisel & mallet ~ Prisoner & sculptor of escape ~ With every beat, a path to you, carved ~ The tale of my heart
2013-02-07 10:43:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Heavens do tug me ~ On the marionette strings ~ Of her hair

2013-02-07 09:39:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hold me close ~ For our hearts ~ Beg a bridge of sighs

2013-02-06 23:25:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ No finger to press to ~ The ever-moist lips ~ Of voices past

2013-02-06 21:52:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ No eyelids ~ To shade me ~ From memories

2013-02-06 21:48:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ When the origami of silence ~ Wraps the fall of glass beads ~ On a floor of sighs
2013-02-06 11:33:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some vacant noons ~ My teeth dream ~ Of your lip

2013-02-06 11:26:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ This moonless night ~ In his glow ~ I shine the journey ~ Of his touch
2013-02-06 11:13:06 (EST)

60 / 4823

_eroteme_ Glass bangles ~ And the kaleidoscope ~ Of our passion

2013-02-06 08:18:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the flex of his shoulder ~ I knew the lust ~ Of panther for gazelle
2013-02-06 07:55:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ The glow ~ Of alabaster skin ~ Curtained in white

2013-02-06 07:45:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ How gently they touch ~ These leaves ~ On a lake's face

2013-02-05 23:11:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every tangled wind ~ Seeks to braid her hair

2013-02-05 23:06:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl Ooops! Was there something offending in the discussion? :-o @CoyoteSings
2013-02-05 23:02:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Unquestionably it is. Not for once do I imagine that it is just another incident. Its gravity is personal. @myearthgirl
2013-02-05 22:56:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Surely in the case of rape there is no 2nd person with an opinion on whether to keep the child or not, right!? @myearthgirl
2013-02-05 21:46:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Oh! Of course. In the wake of a rape all rights of choice belong only to the victim. I was focused on consensual.. @ myearthgirl
2013-02-05 21:44:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl What isn't? The act of impregnating & child bearing OR willing & nurturing a child? @CoyoteSings
2013-02-05 21:26:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Perhaps Nature bears ingenuous hope that there'll be union of souls & both man & woman will feel divinely aligned in all acts..
2013-02-05 20:47:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Absolutely! I've known men who would rather

61 / 4823

bear the child themselves & moan the act of Nature. Perhaps Nature is wiser...
2013-02-05 20:46:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings It is strange that when it deems fit people appeal to Nature's "design" & when not, they appeal to free will!! :-o
2013-02-05 20:44:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Just because Nature didn't give us choices in locating the womb doesn't mean one side of the equation is out! :-o
2013-02-05 20:43:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings I agree! There are all kinds of men & women, but a child must be a joint decision, as much as it is a joint act!
2013-02-05 20:42:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings As if all a man is is a beer tap of child producing draught! Thank heavens we have you around, sir! :-)
2013-02-05 20:37:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every reflection ~ Waits for a thirsty visage

2013-02-05 09:13:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unzip my skin ~ To hide the sun of you within ~ Twist my hair ~ To rope your fires to my neck ~ But gently... gently... gently, my love
2013-02-05 08:55:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Straining under the weight ~ Of my lash on your eyelashes ~ Your trembling boldness
2013-02-05 08:43:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ My face ~ Beneath his knitted fingers ~ Yet, my gleaming eyes

2013-02-05 08:33:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ All beauty ~ Born in the ugly

2013-02-05 08:01:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ This black beast of night, rippling across above, eyes narrowed to a crescent, drops of perspiration gleaming on its fur- till moult of dawn
2013-02-04 21:50:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ The grandiloquence ~ Of a dewdrop

2013-02-04 01:32:06 (EST)
62 / 4823

_eroteme_ @brontides Perhaps you should then come back when I am indeed better than them! Maybe like in 1000+ years! ;-p
2013-02-03 22:32:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Oh! The reading!! Yes, it took 20+ attempts to get the recording right (& still it isn't)! Maybe a new one is due... :-D
2013-02-03 22:16:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @baxterpm Absolutely & Carol gets it too! :-) Since it wasn't her TL, she just needed me to confirm that too. All's well! @ CarolTurner5
2013-02-03 21:33:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CarolTurner5 It is indeed kind of you to stand up for me. Appreciate it! But surely when the words are out there, one can't "own" them! :-)
2013-02-03 20:27:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CarolTurner5 @baxterpm I do this so often (though in pvt) & with my tweets too, that I only laughed when I saw the original & the twist!
2013-02-03 19:45:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CarolTurner5 Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2013-02-03 19:41:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CarolTurner5 @baxterpm All's well. Not offended though I was clueless as to which tweet earned that response! :-D Quite a twist in the tale
2013-02-03 19:41:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2013-02-03 11:35:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ The solace we find ~ Under warm blankets ~ Of assurance ~ That we'll be missed ~ When no more
2013-02-03 11:35:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My cartographer ~ By touch

2013-02-03 11:27:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra I dare not imagine myself to hold such office. I was merely curious! You must have a beautiful soul to discern so well! :-)
2013-02-03 11:16:54 (EST)
63 / 4823

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Splendid! But do you say that your choice automatically builds character in your chosen writer!? :-)
2013-02-03 11:11:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra You are indeed clever, but I'm sure there are vile writers, mean or self-centred. No? Or would they not be in your "likes"? ;-)
2013-02-03 11:00:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Interesting. Is this so only for writers or any artist?

2013-02-03 10:55:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra If only! ;-)

2013-02-03 10:47:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Achichi65 :-)

2013-02-03 10:46:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Glad you found it so... :-)

2013-02-03 10:46:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Nobody likes me! Everyone is partial to these words! :-(
2013-02-03 10:45:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Be my sun ~ Carried on a breeze ~ Tripping o'er my window sill ~ Lighting me beneath my lace
2013-02-03 10:41:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Oh! You run a school bus!?

2013-02-03 10:34:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Waking to his eyes ~ Waiting for me ~ To enter his dream

2013-02-03 10:32:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra Why!? You collecting damaged pancreas!?

2013-02-03 10:29:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaya_misra :-) Sighing is good for the pancreas, I'm told!
2013-02-03 10:27:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ A jigsaw of dreams ~ All the pieces ~ We left behind

2013-02-03 10:24:20 (EST)

64 / 4823

_eroteme_ Wordlessly ~ In our eyes held ~ He tells me ~ I'm his animal

2013-02-03 10:21:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her tongue ~ That cut a stencil ~ Of his love

2013-02-03 10:13:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ She placed wicks ~ At the ends of his smile ~ Lighting them with hers
2013-02-03 10:11:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ She held me ~ In the endless spiral ~ Of belonging

2013-02-03 10:09:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ I seek him ~ Whose voice is ~ The breeze to ripple ~ My eyes' moist
2013-02-03 10:07:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ I seek her ~ Whose eyes tango with ~ My candlelight's sway

2013-02-03 10:05:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if our meanderings ~ Need the sinuous undulations ~ Of ink on parchment ~ To birth mirrors
2013-02-03 09:54:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Most certainly there is trepidation. Urdu isn't in my blood. I do hold each couplet gingerly begging insight. No cure there! :-)
2013-02-03 03:49:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Perhaps an elaborate comment on the post itself might help so I may fold its import into an edit of the post.
2013-02-03 03:46:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Thank you for reading it! I had doubts that anyone would! :-) Flooded what with emotion? Sounds of what are plateaued?
2013-02-03 03:45:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ My pleasure, dear friend. Glad you liked it. I was never in any position to allow or not, so... glad we walked together on this :-)
2013-02-02 22:11:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ In 2500+ words, an earnest translation of love, devotion & intoxication #Ghalib's Hazaaro'n Kwaishe'n Aisi: @
65 / 4823

2013-02-02 14:46:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who is it ~ That binds sunshine ~ Monitors colour ~ Tethers beauty?

2013-02-02 14:06:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ You are that wine ~ Intoxicated even when ~ Still in the grape's seed
2013-02-02 12:56:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have known ~ The dance of a peacock ~ Even in rains that mask tears
2013-02-02 12:31:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dressed in the robe ~ That Winter left ~ At Spring's doorstep

2013-02-02 12:27:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ His tongue ~ Knew the smudge of minutes ~ Making nights of a hundred years
2013-02-02 12:18:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come let us trade slumber ~ You pick from my dreams ~ I, from yours
2013-02-02 12:16:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bury me that I may breathe ~ My throb has been missing awhile
2013-02-02 12:15:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Truth tossed ~ In the wells of false ~ Wishes held in limbo @ OliviaDresher
2013-02-02 04:48:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ There isn't schism in love ~ 'Twixt life & death ~ Live we gazing longingly ~ At who takes our breath away #MirzaGhalib #Ghalib
2013-02-02 04:46:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ We could pick one at a time over here if you are ok!
2013-02-02 03:24:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Twin moons ~ His eyes ~ My tides within

2013-02-02 02:45:05 (EST)

66 / 4823

_eroteme_ Like vines of passion ~ Dragging down my frame ~ Her hair

2013-02-02 02:42:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ But isn't all history, a present lived by another?

2013-02-02 00:04:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Waaaah! But I just finished memorising this textbook!! :-(
2013-02-02 00:01:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ That is out of syllabus! ;-p

2013-02-01 23:58:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the moon ~ There is omen ~ That in the darkest days ~ My lover's eyes ~ Shall hold light
2013-02-01 23:57:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ This Autumn ~ These leaves find company ~ In my tears

2013-02-01 23:37:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Distillation of myriad loves ~ This black we call ~ Night

2013-02-01 23:33:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ He built me ~ A lace sky ~ Of words

2013-02-01 23:25:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ We are ~ The sum ~ Of our fractures

2013-02-01 23:20:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ For all poetry is a dislodging...

2013-02-01 23:20:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @thismomentonly: You make me warm in a way that has nothing to do with being cold. #monostich #micropoetry
2013-02-01 23:10:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ The teardrop void ~ 'Twixt her toes ~ Palette for my tongue
2013-02-01 23:09:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ I was the hypotenuse ~ To the farthest spread ~ Of her delicate ankles
2013-02-01 23:07:24 (EST)

67 / 4823

_eroteme_ Memories of forgotten pangs - like an endless labyrinth of darkness where a chance reaching out to hold lights the air before vanish & union
2013-02-01 23:06:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Glad you found these words to your taste... :-)
2013-02-01 20:27:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung That much was a lot of *much*, Mrs. S :-) As in, a book & a cute beige frothy moustache!! What more! :-D
2013-02-01 20:26:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ In punishing him ~ With my pain

2013-02-01 12:32:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ This pane of glass ~ Between our bodies ~ As if passion could be framed
2013-02-01 12:31:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ That moment, when a young woman on a swing, let's her skirt fly in abandon, a tribute to days of not caring...
2013-02-01 11:14:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ A wet cardinal's ruffle ~ Rain comes ~ In different sizes

2013-02-01 09:10:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ How rain ~ Fills all concave ~ To reflect the azure home
2013-02-01 09:02:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides She is glad he didn't listen. So she has something of him...
2013-02-01 09:00:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides What remains of him is the footprint in the concrete. It was made when the concrete walk was laid & she told him to keep off...
2013-02-01 08:50:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ His footprint ~ In the concrete. ~ Glad he never listened

2013-02-01 08:40:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ This wind ~ As if to move a little to the left ~ This moon

2013-02-01 08:36:11 (EST)

68 / 4823

_eroteme_ To own ~ And be owned ~ By that wish

2013-01-31 12:25:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ He tugs my hair ~ And my sails fill ~ Our passion's voyage

2013-01-31 12:24:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ He brewed in me ~ A venom for ~ Any alien tongue

2013-01-31 12:22:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ His tongue ~ My throat ~ Our opera

2013-01-31 12:20:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Holding on to ~ The memory of ~ His hold

2013-01-31 12:18:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his wake, my flesh ~ Like harp strings ~ Unstrung

2013-01-31 11:01:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt the chimes ~ I hang ~ Pale whispers

2013-01-31 10:54:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such a gaze, either ~ Seeking a lover in me ~ Or wishing to birth one

2013-01-31 10:53:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ What is it ~ That bends the blade of thought ~ Forging introspection?

2013-01-30 23:13:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ This scalpel ~ That peels layers ~ To the real - ~ How unreal!
2013-01-30 23:12:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ "Orange", he said,& began chanting it, kissing me, into my hair, cupping my hemline & filling it with sounds. Love, today, was "Orange"...
2013-01-30 19:54:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Henna of the mind

2013-01-30 11:33:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ The distil of innocence ~ In her laugh ~ That of passion ~ In her smile
2013-01-30 11:32:13 (EST)

69 / 4823

_eroteme_ His last words ~ Rhymed with his life

2013-01-30 11:23:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Why just India!? Every country is increasingly vulgar & sickening in their assumed role of custodians of propriety...
2013-01-30 11:22:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ To hold up ~ Words to the sun ~ Prisms of interpretation

2013-01-30 11:20:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Calligraphy ~ Of koi fish ~ When water becomes ~ Ink

2013-01-30 11:06:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Telegraph post ~ Wishing to fly ~ Holding a kite's tail

2013-01-30 11:03:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ Lends mind to ~ My skin

2013-01-30 10:26:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ The snowflake ~ That wished to fall ~ Mauve

2013-01-30 10:17:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ A voice ~ That caresses ~ A homeless dove

2013-01-30 09:19:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Hey! No ditching me! ;-p

2013-01-30 06:59:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ His glow ~ In which he read ~ Her poems of blush @ purplepoetry77

2013-01-29 23:26:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ Rippling to distant shores ~ Of passion @ purplepoetry77

2013-01-29 23:18:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ His hum ~ Strumming me ~ On a harp's gasp @purplepoetry77

2013-01-29 23:11:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DisPoetzSoul :-) Glad you enjoyed the words...

2013-01-29 23:10:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trapped in this ~ In between ~ All that we thought ~ Was free

70 / 4823

2013-01-29 23:10:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ This night ~ Pressed between us ~ And this black echo ~ Of heartbeats
2013-01-29 22:59:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Done, let's work on this ghazal... :-)

2013-01-29 20:02:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Myriad wishes thus ~ Each leaves me breathless ~ Much have I lost in yearn ~ Yet never enough (to wish a little more) @ soHbet_
2013-01-29 20:01:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ A cloud ~ Swinging between ~ Sun-rays

2013-01-29 19:58:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who taught ~ This winter sun ~ Shy?

2013-01-29 08:46:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ His gaze ~ Playing me ~ Like a flute

2013-01-29 08:32:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ All love ~ Washed in the rain ~ Of departure

2013-01-29 03:31:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Prayer wheels ~ ........ ~ I forgot what I wanted

2013-01-28 11:47:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Somewhere in his aftershave ~ A world of ~ Infinite doves ~ And safety

2013-01-28 11:27:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ He who was ~ And the sweet memory ~ That is

2013-01-28 11:19:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ It brings my heart untold delight that you found connect in these words:-) Your father must be a wonderful man to be describes thus
2013-01-28 11:08:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ My cuts he stitched ~ With words threaded ~ In lies

2013-01-27 23:18:26 (EST)

71 / 4823

_eroteme_ Such were his eyes ~ A horizon's secret held @purplepoetry77

2013-01-27 22:52:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such were his hands ~ Where sparrows found nest

2013-01-27 21:33:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The 25 Most Beautiful Public Libraries in the World

2013-01-27 20:12:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ 10 Awesome Bookstores Repurposed from Unused Structures

2013-01-27 20:11:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ He calls my name ~ Like the last flower ~ Offered to unseen gods
2013-01-27 19:40:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dreams that roll ~ Pearl-eyes ~ Within mother 'o pearl sleep
2013-01-27 19:31:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ These paeans to crumble ~ Of souls thrashing in the mist ~ When touch shudders ~ A multi-hued shadow ~ Of remembrance @ atonedfor
2013-01-27 19:28:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Coffee waves along her lip ~ A book on her lap ~ I am undone
2013-01-27 12:18:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ My tears ~ Where he walked ~ Reflected as stars above

2013-01-27 12:16:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unlatched windows ~ In poems

2013-01-27 12:14:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ In a seed ~ The know of all seasons

2013-01-27 12:09:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ It was in his grip ~ I prayed

2013-01-27 12:07:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Errr... Bedbugs?

2013-01-27 12:05:44 (EST)

72 / 4823

_eroteme_ My spine ~ In his hands ~ Whipping himself

2013-01-27 12:05:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Kiss me ~ Only when you mean it ~ Kiss me harder ~ When you don't
2013-01-27 12:02:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Now every statue ~ In this town ~ Knows why I am alone

2013-01-27 12:01:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ She walks past my window ~ Letting the scent tell me ~ That she missed me
2013-01-27 11:58:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Why aren't you here ~ In my every there!

2013-01-27 11:55:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ My cat ~ Licks the down of ~ Fallen poetry on her

2013-01-27 11:54:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ On her chin ~ I've balanced ~ Many a promise

2013-01-27 11:50:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be a tree ~ With nests & blooms ~ And a wind ~ With an accent
2013-01-27 11:48:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Glad the words have your approval! :-) Will pass on the request for them to keep it up! ;-)
2013-01-27 11:44:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ He smacked a book ~ And in the slant of sunshine ~ Words that weren't written
2013-01-27 11:39:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ For love ~ Is not a claim ~ But one's unmistakeable scent ~ In the sigh of another
2013-01-27 11:30:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ He examines ~ The hem of my skirt ~ And then my pulse

2013-01-27 11:28:47 (EST)

73 / 4823

_eroteme_ She knows ~ I know ~ That she sees me ~ Down the alley ~ Where silhouettes ~ Are scented of her
2013-01-27 11:27:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have watched him ~ Chase my words ~ And when I turn ~ Hide behind streetlamps ~ Of connotation
2013-01-27 11:26:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ She bathes with my words ~ And hangs them to dry ~ 'Twixt her lingerie
2013-01-27 11:25:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ All these questions ~ And questions about questions ~ Till silence bent in eroteme's hook ~ Hold sediments of sound
2013-01-27 11:22:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his teeth's hold ~ I wish I was ~ An apricot

2013-01-27 11:20:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ His love throbbed ~ Till only violence ~ Was salve

2013-01-27 11:18:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ She arches ~ To reveal ~ The harps ~ That house her heart
2013-01-27 11:13:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides hahahaha! A woman must be ... well, ... held properly! ;-p
2013-01-27 11:11:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ With every want ~ To be you ~ I become ~ More me

2013-01-27 11:10:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like a painting ~ We neither choose colour ~ Nor gasp

2013-01-27 11:09:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have watched him ~ Emerge from the lake ~ Of my many minds
2013-01-27 11:07:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Winds blow ~ When poems ~ Desire incomplete

2013-01-27 11:04:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the oak ~ In her yard ~ Sent roots ~ To touch me here

74 / 4823

2013-01-27 10:58:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Caught in the wet salt ~ Of her belly's fold

2013-01-27 10:48:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ She caught me ~ In falling tears

2013-01-27 10:42:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ She, made of sighs ~ With a tremble ~ Finer than sunshine ~ And a hum of bees ~ Nostalgic to withered roses @atonedfor
2013-01-27 06:36:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Lover ~ Loveless

2013-01-27 04:06:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ I love you ~ Because I love ~ Illusion

2013-01-27 04:06:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words - ~ Rapidly growing forests ~ When soul needs vanish

2013-01-27 04:04:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Figments of my imagination ~ The stained glass ~ Of perspective

2013-01-27 04:01:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ He found me ~ Under a blanket ~ Of sunshine

2013-01-27 03:23:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Awww! My pleasure :-)

2013-01-26 23:20:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Conch-shells ~ With past-winds ~ The hum of now @soHbet_

2013-01-26 23:19:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Oh please! You stun as if meaning to brush aside a free strand of hair... :-)
2013-01-26 21:26:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every smidgen ~ Is born with ~ The seeds of nostalgia @ soHbet_
2013-01-26 21:25:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Wow! That was powerful...

75 / 4823

2013-01-26 21:22:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Keys to doors ~ Long torn down ~ Vestiges ~ Of having lived @ soHbet_
2013-01-26 21:08:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @dgdreamin: the soul ~ before ~ and after ~ the touch ~ never the same #gogyohka Inspired by @ _eroteme_
2013-01-26 15:35:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wow! Nice catch! :-) RT @ Heidi_Ayala: RT @_eroteme_ Blind waves ~ Reading the braille ~ Of wet footsteps
2013-01-26 14:44:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his arms ~ Like finding a ~ New window-sill

2013-01-26 14:10:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ All these dead leaves ~ Crossing the road

2013-01-26 13:46:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ While she prances ~ I sell my being ~ So she remain in innocence

2013-01-26 11:29:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every kneeling fragment of soul~ Begging to be ~ The parent she runs to
2013-01-26 11:22:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ She gives me reason ~ To return ~ To naught

2013-01-26 11:12:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ It takes a child ~ To make me ~ Fiercely love

2013-01-26 11:11:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The importance of ~ Emoticons ~ She explained ~ 'Twixt giggles [lol]

2013-01-26 11:10:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy :-)

2013-01-26 11:08:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ She gasps ~ And stumbles ~ And giggles ~ And breathlessly tells me ~ She has nothing to say [ :-) ]
76 / 4823

2013-01-26 11:07:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Into her angel heart ~ I prayed today ~ Remain preciously thus [for sweet little A]
2013-01-26 11:05:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ We are never ~ The same soul ~ Between touches

2013-01-26 10:57:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you always wondered, what to read next after finishing a read of a good book: (it might surprise you)
2013-01-26 08:37:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Breadcrumbs of words...

2013-01-26 07:20:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blind waves ~ Reading the braille ~ Of wet footsteps

2013-01-26 07:12:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where the earth and ocean meet, And all things seem only one In the universal sun. -- Percy Bysshe Shelley
2013-01-26 06:19:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Yearn ~ Is the sixth taste

2013-01-25 23:49:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ When all experience ~ Is recognising ~ The mist

2013-01-25 23:19:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ In an instant ~ What never existed ~ Dissolved

2013-01-25 23:08:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ratidevi Glad the words here are to your taste! :-)
2013-01-25 21:53:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @VinHampton Aye aye, ma'am! :-)

2013-01-25 10:55:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @VinHampton Is there some place I could go to see the entire

77 / 4823

panorama of this Role Play or must I hope from one TL to another?

2013-01-25 10:54:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @VinHampton Thank you for the explanation. Amazing the little wonders that are conjured up with this little contraption called Twitter! :-)
2013-01-25 10:51:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such an honour you bestow on these words! Your generosity, ma'am, is received courteously. :-) What is RP, btw? @ VinHampton
2013-01-25 09:53:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even propriety allows ~ This touch of ~ Your tear on mine

2013-01-24 23:28:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his hold I found ~ The never-ending ~ Journey of envelope

2013-01-24 23:20:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Emptied of you ~ I rail not against life ~ But emptied of you ~ What life is that! [translation of Gulzar-saheb's lines from Aandhi]
2013-01-24 23:16:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ What is this city ~ My heart takes me to ~ All these windows ~ Open into me ~ From houses within ~ My soul
2013-01-24 23:12:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Connotation of words ~ In the shadows they cast

2013-01-24 23:02:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Glad you like the words. Merci! Your kindness grows with the moon... :-)
2013-01-24 22:58:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Before the touch ~ Tender ~ After the touch ~ All measure lost
2013-01-24 22:55:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Feed me with your body ~ Cutlery is for the timid

2013-01-24 22:31:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have found Neverland ~ Behind your knee

2013-01-24 22:27:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dissolve me ~ Your words ~ To paint the caves ~ Of inhabitable desire

78 / 4823

2013-01-24 22:22:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where the find of rare ~ Grew embers ~ Holding gasps of shade ~ In light's palm
2013-01-24 22:13:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some pass in ease. Some teeter on the edge before passage. Some, victim of Providence's hand, miss. Life of crumpled paper enroute to a bin.
2013-01-24 21:30:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Reminds me of the opening pages of Bend Sinister... :-)

2013-01-24 20:12:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ For deep down ~ There is deeper down

2013-01-24 20:11:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ He spoke ~ She spoke ~ Hanging words ~ On the gliding melt ~ Of a mist yet to form @softmauve
2013-01-24 19:47:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tasting his shadow ~ For the tang ~ Of that night's black @ dgdreamin
2013-01-24 19:45:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ She was what ~ Filled his shadow ~ In her shade of dark @ dgdreamin
2013-01-24 19:42:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ He spoke of the future ~ In the past

2013-01-24 11:35:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ This breeze ~ Poor mimic of his breath ~ On my nape

2013-01-24 11:29:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'm one of the many ~ Shadows she tried on

2013-01-24 11:26:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ He read her to sleep ~ And in the darkest alcoves of night ~ Hid his tears of joy
2013-01-24 10:45:41 (EST)

79 / 4823

_eroteme_ His words ~ I carry in ~ My lace

2013-01-24 10:41:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Stalking my beads of sweat ~ I pray they hasten ~ To dark alleys
2013-01-24 10:31:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fresh from the shower ~ Her cool feet ~ On my warmed breast
2013-01-24 10:29:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Immense gratitude for lighting parchment skies...:-)

2013-01-24 08:25:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ She bit the sun ~ Oozing a copper run ~ And sanguine sighs ~ On the skies ~ She held in her eyes
2013-01-24 08:23:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Indeed! Perhaps I am the devil's workshop on two legs... ;-)
2013-01-23 22:14:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @softmauve Glad you found it so, dear friend. :-)

2013-01-23 22:13:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Blessed am I to find shade in your beautiful pic, for these words... :-)
2013-01-23 11:47:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ My touch ~ To burn you ~ Even as ash ~ You sigh

2013-01-23 10:06:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Chasing your shadow ~ I've hugged every wall ~ In this nameless town
2013-01-23 09:49:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ In passion's rub ~ This flame we light ~ Unborn candles shall yearn ~ The burn of desire @dgdreamin
2013-01-22 23:08:31 (EST)

80 / 4823

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin You are generous even in your lies, dear Deb! ;-p How could I match the weaver of sensuous words!? An honour, nevertheless.. :-)
2013-01-22 22:49:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Chiaroscuro of unmelt ~ Your hesitating fingers ~ Their unabashed shadows @dgdreamin
2013-01-22 22:44:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ How love ~ Makes cloud ~ Of rock

2013-01-22 22:42:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin But not good enough for you to join in the play!? ;p
2013-01-22 22:29:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire An honour... :-)

2013-01-22 22:28:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ In darkest melt ~ My smelt ~ Love's alloy @dgdreamin

2013-01-22 20:27:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her lip ~ Succulent fruit ~ Of myriad tastes

2013-01-22 20:23:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ All Nature ~ Is a watercolour

2013-01-22 20:20:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ We collected words ~ In wicker baskets ~ Planting connotation ~ Before Spring

2013-01-22 20:17:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Winds to my ~ Mind-chimes

2013-01-22 20:15:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @marousia Perhaps they like a cool draft?

2013-01-22 20:12:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ The blade of horizon ~ Splicing the sun ~ Bleeding this sky
2013-01-22 20:08:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ While English might not have many words found in other languages, the same is true for some words in English, nonpareil
81 / 4823
2013-01-22 01:42:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her heart beating quicker ~ Than the silk ~ That just fell ~ Off her shoulder
2013-01-22 00:46:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ The moonless night ~ So bright when juxtaposed ~ With my desire

2013-01-21 20:18:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ To remember is ~ To care

2013-01-21 20:16:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-)

2013-01-21 11:33:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful quote...

2013-01-21 10:37:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ My life's credo!

2013-01-21 09:48:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Before the touch ~ The shadow of it @Gods_Evangelos

2013-01-21 06:13:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Before the whisper ~ The taste of ear

2013-01-21 04:22:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dip your passion ~ In my well ~ Simmer me ~ In the stir & swirl
2013-01-21 03:50:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ She loved the taste ~ Of her on me ~ My words ~ Bathed in her memory
2013-01-21 03:48:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ I still seek ~ That kiss ~ Shaped like a hook

2013-01-21 03:45:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Making love 'neath the stars ~ They talk about us ~ Sipping adulterous dew ~
82 / 4823

These butterflies of dawn

2013-01-21 03:43:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani Well, the sheer company these thoughts gave him made solitude less so.
2013-01-21 03:32:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani My pleasure... :-)

2013-01-21 00:54:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani ... he found even solitude (often shunned in preference to the lover) such a relish!
2013-01-21 00:51:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani What he intended I know not. Perhaps, neither does he! :-) What we can imagine is that when he was immersed in thoughts of his love
2013-01-21 00:50:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani Of course if you didn't find it satisfactory, do let me know. Will attempt again with no guarantees! ;-)
2013-01-21 00:42:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani This one is both translated & reinterpreted (2 tweets)on the stream. You should find it around the one you replied to with your ask
2013-01-21 00:40:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Hemani Which one!?

2013-01-21 00:36:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bathe in green ~ I in blue ~ Plough me across this floor ~ Let's paint a new world
2013-01-21 00:32:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ In slow slow ~ He entered me ~ To this day

2013-01-21 00:27:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Roll me ~ 'Twixt your rough ~ Heathen fingers

2013-01-21 00:26:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Make me ~ Your palette

2013-01-21 00:22:38 (EST)
83 / 4823

_eroteme_ Your every rhythm ~ Throb, sigh & moan ~ I paint on my fingers ~ Bring you to me tonight
2013-01-21 00:18:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ She painted him ~ With a handful of night ~ Her own black horse
2013-01-21 00:12:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dip in me ~ Your brush ~ Become my hue

2013-01-20 23:20:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who would believe ~ Last Autumn's leaf ~ Shy on the branch!
2013-01-19 11:15:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if a lake ~ Preferred the hug ~ Of land

2013-01-19 11:12:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Still curled ~ Sculpted in our hold

2013-01-19 11:09:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you are an option ~ You never were

2013-01-19 10:57:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every scream ~ She wrapped a little ~ Deafening silence ~ Just in case
2013-01-19 10:53:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I have lost ~ Love for you ~ Bury me

2013-01-19 10:51:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where will they go, these lonely misspelt messages, some illustrated, written on bus shelters & public toilets?
2013-01-18 20:34:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Demand justice for #aaronsw: Fix the law + demand inquiry into his persecution via @demandprogress
2013-01-17 22:53:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ This clench of ~ Breast & gullet ~ This searing deluge ~ This heave & thrash ~ This incoherent demand ~ To know why
2013-01-17 20:31:40 (EST)
84 / 4823

_eroteme_ In every mask I tried on, there were slits for his eyes -- Vladimir Nabokov, Bend Sinister
2013-01-17 10:34:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @softmauve Glad to be of use, dear friend... :-)

2013-01-17 02:10:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ I like this idea as well... Let's drown the academicians!! ;-p
2013-01-17 00:20:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ I've been raised on Diwan-e-Ghalib (a Re. 1 copy). Fairly literal. I think a work should've both to help students & artists alike
2013-01-16 23:19:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ You are only going to pick 5 out of the 81!!? ;-p Sigh, fine, I'll pick the remaining :-D
2013-01-16 23:06:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ I'd think we should pick 81 choice ghazals/nazms and translate them, literally as well re-rendered... What say?
2013-01-16 23:00:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oft, this loneliness ~ I liked ~ Drowned in you ~ That was RT @ GulzarPoetry: tere khayal mein doob ke aksar achi lagey tanhaai
2013-01-16 22:59:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Done deal! I hope you are serious... :-)

2013-01-16 22:55:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ And thus the world is richer to have such variety of choices made... :-)
2013-01-16 22:53:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ That is why I attempted a near direct translation before attempting a poetic rendition of the same
2013-01-16 22:47:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ True. English does lack words to capture the angst of tanhayi. Solitude is ambivalent. Forlorn doesn't bring in the aloneness...
2013-01-16 22:44:54 (EST)
85 / 4823

_eroteme_ Drowned in ~ Thoughts of you ~ So desired ~ This solitude RT @GulzarPoetry: tere khayal mein doob ke aksar achi lagey tanhaai
2013-01-16 22:40:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ One of the proven consequences of global warming is fewer people smiling & laughing...
2013-01-16 22:25:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only beginning ~ Knew the fabric ~ Of remain

2013-01-16 22:24:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ The forever ~ Of nothing @brontides

2013-01-16 22:10:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ For in love ~ We inhabit another ~ To love ourselves

2013-01-16 20:32:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ruptureschism @_eroteme_ yes, ...the tree that never worried to be written. [The tree that wrote ~ On the winds]
2013-01-16 20:29:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Just when I thought ~ Desire's dream would awake ~ He whispered my name
2013-01-16 20:28:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Light my loins ~ This passion's torch ~ Shall cast your shadows
2013-01-16 20:26:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ When in a locked gaze ~ The mute shriek ~ To be ravaged

2013-01-16 20:24:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ When all reason fails ~ Fate shines

2013-01-16 20:12:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ For love is best understood ~ In yearn

2013-01-16 20:10:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ My delight to add a tinge of colour to your morning... :-)

2013-01-16 09:57:46 (EST)
86 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @brontides repetend decimal point studs infinity & segments. colours come & go from patience called sky [The ellipsis ~ Forever fathered]
2013-01-16 09:47:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pendulum of trust ~ Making up their minutes

2013-01-16 09:44:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor: In fields of dreams, songs sprout into the misty radiance of children. [A meadow of children ~ The winds of ~ Innocence]
2013-01-16 09:41:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ He taught them love ~ Till the point ~ Of need

2013-01-16 09:38:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ The half you yearn ~ Due to the half ~ You see tip to @soHbet_ 's AVI]
2013-01-16 09:36:59 (EST)


_eroteme_ @beezknez Glad you found it so, dear friend. :-)

2013-01-16 09:31:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if all night ~ Waits to be swallowed ~ In the white hole

2013-01-16 09:30:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The fish ~ That never understood ~ Swimming

2013-01-16 00:05:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ To lick the wet love ~ Throbbing in the air ~ Before our fingers touch
2013-01-15 22:54:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have seen ~ The fade of Fate ~ In her smile

2013-01-15 22:46:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every season ~ The same ~ Yet this tree, so different [Playing with the words of @ruptureschism ]
2013-01-15 22:44:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Like rain on ~ The cobweb of my mind

2013-01-15 22:39:46 (EST)

87 / 4823

_eroteme_ Against the other ~ With the other ~ Then stillness ~ The symphony of passionate love
2013-01-15 11:16:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ She knew ~ The whisper ~ Of jade

2013-01-15 09:48:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ This burn of dream ~ I have sipped ~ From his mouth

2013-01-15 09:47:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor: The light drains me of what I might be, a mans dreams of heat and softness - Lizel Mueller
2013-01-15 09:35:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ One portion of day ~ Seven, of night ~ To wash my hair in

2013-01-15 09:35:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @soHbet_: pink flamingos / spun sugar / all over the sky [Koi fish ~ Following my submerged thoughts ~ Round & round...]
2013-01-15 09:30:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The language of rain ~ Inking this earth ~ The calligraphy of flight ~ Sparrowing the skies [An attempt on @beezknez words]
2013-01-15 09:13:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Adorned ~ With a love-bite ~ From that dream

2013-01-15 07:45:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Up she jumped ~ Plucked the sky ~ Sending it on a kite-wing

2013-01-15 07:27:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ A single strand of hair ~ On your ear ~ I have a kiss ~ To fix that rupture too
2013-01-15 07:19:03 (EST)

88 / 4823

_eroteme_ Every night bathing in the lake ~ Yet this moon washes not ~ That cloud-grime
2013-01-15 07:10:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ The winds ~ Through the pines ~ Lisping

2013-01-15 07:06:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ His abraded thumb ~ Singing its song ~ Down my spine

2013-01-14 20:41:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The vial of elixir ~ Secured ~ By two thighs

2013-01-14 20:37:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ The hunt ~ 'Twixt my curves ~ For his fingers

2013-01-14 20:31:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shadows of pine ~ That dress her ~ By the window

2013-01-14 20:25:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ She hid the dice ~ Beneath her tongue ~ His turn to play
2013-01-14 11:52:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ This tremble he owned ~ With a lop-sided smile

2013-01-14 11:34:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ When words ~ Are door-stoppers

2013-01-14 10:25:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Remove United States District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz.
2013-01-14 06:05:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ I'd like to think so too... :-(

2013-01-14 05:52:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Thank you for being here in my grief. Yes, death could hardly ever be associated with him... :-(
2013-01-14 00:58:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ The snow knows not ~ He can't catch flakes ~ Still it falls
2013-01-14 00:10:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ In demise ~ Candles lit ~ For the living

89 / 4823

2013-01-14 00:03:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ This crescent ~ To hold tears ~ On heavenward journey

2013-01-13 23:58:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ To strive ~ Is to not be

2013-01-13 23:53:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ All these people obsessing about their heartbreaks & kidney stones, about the next bout of entertainment. People who live-die for a cause
2013-01-13 23:50:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ People lost in their own pain, their own needs & judgement, their own hunger & lust. People who live & die for a principle. All these people
2013-01-13 23:46:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Throughout history it takes a death for the unconscious living to awaken again & again... So be it with my friend, Aaron Swartz...
2013-01-13 23:39:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Perhaps. It is often an articulation which helps us "go on with life". So as a kaleidoscope for Fate & the intangibles, yes.
2013-01-13 22:01:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ In life's tender hold ~ She held his stars ~ While he, her Sun
2013-01-13 15:57:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all philosophy is consolation to a distraught heart

2013-01-13 14:25:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every book of note ~ Lived a little

2013-01-13 14:17:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even when tripped ~ And lying in mud ~ I find this moon lovely
2013-01-13 14:13:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such were the wars ~ Where poem fought heart's melt ~ In welcome battles
2013-01-13 14:08:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Windows opened ~ To the scent of freshly made ~ Love

90 / 4823

2013-01-13 14:06:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ She housed love ~ Carrying it ~ Unlit

2013-01-13 14:02:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ He tied me ~ To bedposts ~ Of poetry

2013-01-13 13:59:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ While some build wells ~ And some break them ~ We toss words in ~ Raising the water
2013-01-13 13:50:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ How shameful ~ To ask ~ To be honest

2013-01-13 13:48:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this strife ~ My ink ~ Thus blacker

2013-01-13 13:39:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Death brought him peace ~ The living ~ Poorer of it

2013-01-13 13:36:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Long before the touch ~ He birthed in me ~ Shy

2013-01-13 13:33:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Held between my fingers ~ Sunshine

2013-01-13 13:30:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every tear ~ With wings ~ Heaven's rain

2013-01-13 12:08:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ A child & I watch an animation & I am the one to shudder in the horrifying scenes. I wait for when I'll grow up...
2013-01-13 12:06:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ He pinned my arms ~ To the forest earth ~ Far away ~ Fluttered a butterfly
2013-01-13 11:59:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fragranced ~ This moment's ~ Smoulder @minalrh

2013-01-13 11:56:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ His words ~ In her Winter ~ Snowflakes of connotation

2013-01-13 11:50:39 (EST)

91 / 4823

_eroteme_ @coyotedolphin Glad you found it so, dear Sir. :-)

2013-01-13 11:34:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cupped in my hands ~ All that you lost ~ All that I lust @ WordExotica
2013-01-13 11:32:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ In passion's rub ~ The smooth of ~ A coy smile @coyotedolphin

2013-01-13 11:28:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @coyotedolphin: lust it may be/ but with passion plays of the harp/...all the edges become rounded/ like the wings of angels @_eroteme_
2013-01-13 11:23:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ The sole alchemy making ~ Beautiful worlds ~ Of souls

2013-01-13 11:23:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your heart's beat ~ Entombed in that kiss ~ Of forever flight @ WordExotica
2013-01-13 11:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her nails that left ~ Harp strings ~ On my breast ~ To play our ~ Ballad of lust
2013-01-13 11:11:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ In that kiss ~ Many were born

2013-01-13 11:05:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Touching this rim of lake ~ And the heavens ~ Changed forever
2013-01-13 11:02:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Verily this wound ~ Shall be ruby ~ In the tapestry of Fate

2013-01-13 10:51:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ This sun ~ Dancing 'twixt daisy ~ Flower of light and shadow
2013-01-13 10:46:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ His voice ~ Was the stitch ~ Of my throbs

2013-01-13 09:58:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I am gone ~ Look within ~ For my smile ~ Behind your eyes
92 / 4823

2013-01-13 09:38:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nothing comes of grieving ~ Nothing, of forgetting

2013-01-13 09:34:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Death is a mirror ~ The living must gaze into

2013-01-13 09:21:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have died ~ On many an arm ~ Yet in a child's glee ~ I am reborn

2013-01-13 09:16:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ In art's shadow ~ In beauty's rays ~ Rest dear soul... rest

2013-01-13 09:12:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Calligraphy of desire ~ On perfumed silk @minalrh

2013-01-13 09:08:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ A rain of language ~ And I, dry earth

2013-01-13 09:02:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ None have ~ From the forest of love ~ Emerged the same
2013-01-13 09:00:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Art has no purpose ~ Save stilling rippled lakes ~ To gaze into
2013-01-13 08:54:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Held on a leash ~ Of a remembered touch @minalrh

2013-01-13 08:49:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ A bite of lip ~ The wet of clasp ~ The breathless weight ~ Of desire I carry @minalrh
2013-01-13 07:57:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ You must go where I cannot ~ Pangur Ban, Pangur Ban ~ This life is but a haze ~ We live but for a mist's hours [For my dearest A]
2013-01-13 07:34:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Grief always poses a choice: To act on what is best in us, in our
93 / 4823

heroes OR to act on what is vulgar, base. Choose wisely & act but act...
2013-01-13 01:06:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is inevitable that we doubt when in grief, but to not act, to not create what is vital or representative of the loss, is not an option
2013-01-13 00:59:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ For loss must be grieved ~ Lest we forget, in its wake, ~ The gold we must pan ~ In our souls.
2013-01-12 23:09:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @sandcave Thank you, dear friend.

2013-01-12 08:21:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @sandcave Thank you for stopping by to share my grief. Could you talk to a child today & brush on him/her the need to be honest & fair?
2013-01-12 07:34:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @sandcave Loss, sadly, is loss. Its need or lack can only be known in retrospect. But the quality of loss remains whether made up or not :-(
2013-01-12 07:33:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The blood of this bright young man will always paint the hands of @MITnews, @JSTOR & @BarackObama. FBI is a conscienceless cesspool anyway
2013-01-12 06:33:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is no bravery in living 35 years in jail because some scoundrel govt. wishes to prove a point for their capitalist friends!
2013-01-12 06:22:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ He didn't commit suicide because he was weak. He did so because he was victimised & hounded by the FBI & he knew he would lose...
2013-01-12 06:21:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shame on USA, on the FBI, on MIT, on JSTOR... Don't you dare say we didn't press charges! You let the sick FBI do it! He was just 26! :-(
2013-01-12 06:15:58 (EST)

94 / 4823

_eroteme_ This utterly sickening feeling that I live with knowing I couldn't save that boy, is killing me. He was just 26! Damn it! 26!!!
2013-01-12 05:57:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Aaron Swartz was a genius & a colleague who committed suicide at the tender age of 26. His achievements are numerous & goodness, deep
2013-01-12 05:52:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ It saddens me most to live with Aaron Swartz's death. He was killed by the barbaric judicial system of USA:
2013-01-12 05:51:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ There she sat ~ Till the world ~ Bloomed about her
2013-01-12 05:26:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @soHbet_ ease in / put your ear to my chest / and listen for the explosion / of silence [A gentle slide ~ To rein in ~ The sigh]
2013-01-12 05:18:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ A narrowed gaze ~ A flick of wrists ~ The fall of silk ~ The rise of passion
2013-01-12 05:16:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ A drop of ink ~ A pall of silence ~ And all the words they could be
2013-01-12 05:14:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Searching for her answer ~ In the mesh ~ Of hair imprinted ~ On my sleepy arm
2013-01-12 05:12:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @minalrh There! :-)

2013-01-12 04:47:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have tuned my heart ~ To the contralto ~ Of departing footsteps

2013-01-11 23:56:25 (EST)

95 / 4823

_eroteme_ This heart ~ That holds ~ And holds ~ Till it holds all of ~ Me, within
2013-01-11 23:50:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ruptureschism: To share within the differences... to celebrate within the impossible beauty.
2013-01-11 23:39:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ To win my love ~ Lose yours

2013-01-11 14:16:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ To kiss her lips ~ And then... ~ That inevitable smile

2013-01-11 14:12:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ That life be ~ Moments that fill ~ A never-ending fall

2013-01-11 12:48:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The seasons of her body ~ A skin of Winter's loom ~ Summer heat in the valley ~ Her bosom for Spring's bloom ~ Autumn, her braid's glee
2013-01-11 12:45:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Float me ~ A lie ~ Of our drown together

2013-01-11 12:31:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her body ~ Sprouting tips ~ To touch mine

2013-01-11 12:30:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dissolve your eyes ~ In tears for me ~ And take mine

2013-01-11 12:29:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @atonedfor: The vicissitudes of light inherit the earth and the remnants of rain.
2013-01-11 12:26:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @SnagBreac :-)

2013-01-11 01:15:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Si senora... :-)

2013-01-10 22:12:11 (EST)
96 / 4823

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Hiding what ~ Her lace couldn't

2013-01-10 11:41:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ Turning the key ~ In your locked lust

2013-01-10 11:36:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ That love be ~ The echo's carry ~ Of poetry

2013-01-10 11:26:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ His fingers ~ Glissade memories ~ Into my skin

2013-01-10 11:23:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ You can own my words ~ If I can, your throb

2013-01-10 11:19:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ These nouveau pauvre arms ~ Bereft of you

2013-01-10 11:17:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her heaving breasts ~ Conduct a symphony

2013-01-10 11:04:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ The stupidity of it all ~ Yet this all

2013-01-10 11:03:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ My lips now know ~ To draw gold ~ From your hair

2013-01-10 11:00:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her chin ~ Invited sinners

2013-01-10 10:53:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ This blind sun ~ Reading the braille ~ Of my body

2013-01-10 10:51:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ On moonless starless nights ~ I glow a constellation ~ Of his touch

2013-01-10 10:45:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ At midnight ~ On his dark skin ~ She imagined stars ~ And sang a lullaby
2013-01-10 10:40:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ He wrote ~ Love letters ~ To lampposts

97 / 4823

2013-01-10 10:37:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ She worshipped ~ The broken ~ As if all healing ~ Was a sham

2013-01-10 10:27:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Held as if ~ His last breath ~ Would stay ~ To watch us blend

2013-01-09 12:04:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ And I still beg ~ The melting permanence ~ Of your sigh ~ Behind my ear @primxvita
2013-01-09 11:58:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ In a nest of bronze ~ Her marblesque nape

2013-01-09 11:49:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Their tome of togetherness ~ Bookmarked in ~ Stolen glances

2013-01-09 11:47:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ This rogue wine! ~ Promising me drown ~ Yet sculpting her ~ In the very carafe I hold
2013-01-09 11:43:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Moistening my eye ~ Ah! This watercolour ~ Of his words

2013-01-09 11:37:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ In this tangle of love, we hide that from those whom we hope will unearth & take it from us, letting us excavate their poorly hidden trove..
2013-01-09 11:32:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pretty skirt ~ On the stairs - ~ A breeze came ~ Tripping down

2013-01-09 11:24:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ This violescent desire ~ I hold between ~ My teeth [Violescent: adj. Tending to a violet colour]
2013-01-07 10:48:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ :-) There, there & there... ;-p

2013-01-07 10:23:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Now she makes fun of my shape!! :-(

98 / 4823

2013-01-07 10:18:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fashioned as a flute's timbre ~ Dodging sunlight ~ Through the holes

2013-01-07 10:17:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Exactly! I so agree with you...

2013-01-07 10:12:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every journey ~ Lying about ~ Where we were ~ Where we are ~ And the mist ahead
2013-01-07 10:00:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you find it so, ma'am! :-)

2013-01-07 09:59:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Written on the Body - Jeanette Winterson, Terra Amata - J M G Le Clezio @DangerslyClaire
2013-01-07 09:56:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trapped between ~ My palm & chest ~ Her hugged beat

2013-01-07 09:46:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Buried in the snow ~ My poem ~ About Spring

2013-01-07 09:43:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Opened into the bathtub ~ Such a wonderful companion ~ This tap...
2013-01-07 09:40:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drunken bee ~ Teetering on a lotus bloom - ~ The pond frowns a ripple
2013-01-07 09:34:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Glad you found it so, dear friend... :-)

2013-01-07 09:30:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Half a pilgrim ~ This moon doth make me ~ Searching in this desert sun [For my dear friend @halfmoonpilgrim]
2013-01-07 09:29:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala sunshine & sea /painted across his flesh /brushstrokes of her hair [Labyrinth & horizon ~ Taut in his gaze ~ Held with
99 / 4823

2013-01-07 09:26:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who shall hold ~ The strings of my dreams ~ With him gone?
2013-01-07 09:22:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this black of night ~ Yet all this poetry ~ For a sliver
2013-01-07 09:09:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ A greater quiet demands ~ A larger cataclysm

2013-01-07 08:58:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The finest wine ~ He served, dripping ~ From his fingers

2013-01-07 08:30:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ This blush ~ Following the trail ~ Of your gaze

2013-01-07 08:25:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ When love becomes ~ A charade of masks

2013-01-05 10:28:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tongue ~ Strumming ~ My gasp

2013-01-05 10:25:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like a magician ~ She reveals wondrous vistas ~ With every disrobe
2013-01-05 10:23:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ That Summer's room ~ Where lurks his ~ Captive scent

2013-01-05 10:21:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ In that passionate seize ~ Breaths held ~ Tremble yoked ~ In guttural fugues
2013-01-05 10:20:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ From the threshold ~ I watched him ~ Yearn

2013-01-05 10:07:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ My stubble ~ Dragging up it's way ~ To press

2013-01-05 09:46:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ I sleep beneath waves ~ So you may ~ Wherever you are ~ Wash your feet ~ In my dreams
100 / 4823

2013-01-05 09:31:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our cave in which ~ We think thoughts

2013-01-05 09:10:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ask not a robin ~ Where he learnt a tune ~ Or a poet ~ Of import

2013-01-05 07:59:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ My mouth ~ Shaped in the furnace of your kiss ~ Annealed in the cold ~ Of your absence
2013-01-05 07:38:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ A pair of sandals ~ Dangling from her fingers ~ Is all she wore
2013-01-05 01:01:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like silken brandy ~ The fall of her hair

2013-01-04 12:39:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ All words ~ Squeezed in a breath ~ Since I knew ~ You saw me

2013-01-04 12:35:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glide the length ~ Of my thigh ~ Till blossom meets bee

2013-01-04 12:06:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ There she sat ~ In all her curves ~ Leaving me in a knot

2013-01-04 11:47:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @i_am_smilingxx Glad you find them so... :-)

2013-01-04 10:57:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ After the rain ~ A million mirrors ~ For this moon

2013-01-03 10:58:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every love ~ A fresh lexicon ~ Of touch

2013-01-03 09:41:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her lips parted ~ To strange entry

2013-01-03 09:39:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wrapped in brown paper ~ A muted heart

2013-01-03 09:37:55 (EST)

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_eroteme_ She sought residence ~ In timeless phrase

2013-01-03 09:36:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ All seduction ~ Is a disrobing ~ Of the mind

2013-01-03 09:33:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have a quilt ~ Of his dappled caresses

2013-01-03 09:16:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the downpour ~ Skipping up Myrtle street ~ A young pink umbrella

2013-01-03 08:55:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ All my senses ~ Rush to tips ~ That touch your smile

2013-01-03 08:37:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Held in glass ~ The blush of light

2013-01-03 08:32:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ When words ~ Wear a shade ~ Of your name

2013-01-02 11:25:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ He hid her shy ~ Amidst September dew

2013-01-02 11:21:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ She was seen ~ Only in the mirrors ~ Of a doe's eyes

2013-01-02 11:19:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her laughter ~ The ball of silver yarn ~ Rolling down the stairs
2013-01-02 11:17:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Forever changed ~ Once touched ~ By rain

2013-01-02 11:15:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ O'er her breasts ~ ~ The salty traverse ~ Of her lover's shadow
2013-01-02 11:01:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ I still recall ~ The sound of my name ~ On your tongue ~ Stuck to a metal post
2013-01-02 10:54:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Someday you'll tug & pluck a dahlia & the world will sigh as all breath escapes through the open vent. What shape will be my deflated
102 / 4823

2013-01-02 10:52:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ He named each footstep ~ And rhymed the ones ~ That skipped
2013-01-02 10:49:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Meet me where ~ Songs once heard ~ Rest

2013-01-02 10:47:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Guitar strings ~ Lake ripples ~ Laugh lines ~ The joy of unmeet
2013-01-02 10:46:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rainbow of her eyes ~ When caught in a snowflake ~ A stray ray of sun
2013-01-01 23:00:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sparkling indigo roses ~ And your smile ~ That taught them red
2013-01-01 00:18:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ My secrets ~ Hid in the ~ Arch of her neck

2012-12-31 23:07:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ This moon ~ Best held in the filigree ~ Hands of poplars

2012-12-31 23:06:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ The questions we ask ~ So we may just ~ Die a little

2012-12-31 23:02:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tender pale flesh under ~ Delicate white lace ~ 'Neath my finger
2012-12-31 22:59:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ My skin ~ He covers in floral print ~ Of his bites

2012-12-31 22:58:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ He carved me ~ A desire of melt

2012-12-31 22:56:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Whispering all ~ He'll do to me

2012-12-31 22:54:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Pulling at it from either end!! ;-p @purplepoetry77

2012-12-31 22:48:15 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Between my breasts ~ This ribbon of ~ Taut sun

2012-12-31 22:45:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 I was about to ask whether you offer her that only in exchange of gifts for that month!! ;-p @heidi_ayala
2012-12-31 22:43:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Only in the month of May? :-o @Heidi_Ayala

2012-12-31 22:41:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is to become ~ Love ~ With no ~ Unbecoming

2012-12-31 22:37:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Not all ~ That falls in Autumn ~ Finds a Spring

2012-12-31 22:36:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love ~ So like a wind ~ Speaking in touches

2012-12-31 22:35:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your touch ~ This sunrise ~ Borrowed

2012-12-31 22:33:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ My mouth, dry ~ My life, lifeless ~ Yet this eye ~ Alive & wet
2012-12-31 22:32:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his one gaze ~ A lifetime

2012-12-31 22:28:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ He festooned ~ My gasps ~ Into a bodice ~ Of clasps

2012-12-31 22:27:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ My eyes ~ Which leave ~ Dew on her

2012-12-31 22:24:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your shoulder ~ Where my lips ~ Find purpose

2012-12-31 22:22:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ You are the letter ~ I must read ~ In the envelope ~ Of my legs
2012-12-31 22:19:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Leaves of my heart ~ In the Autumn breeze ~ Of your words

2012-12-31 22:18:39 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Have I ever ~ Loved you less? ~ Have I ever ~ Been imperfect?
2012-12-31 22:15:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your tongue there ~ The language of flutter

2012-12-31 22:14:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dip your finger in me ~ Make me an ~ Eddy of desire

2012-12-31 22:13:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ How your down ~ Rises to meet ~ My touch

2012-12-31 22:11:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Why aren't you here ~ In my every nowhere?

2012-12-31 22:07:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every breath ~ A fork birthed ~ In the road ~ To myself

2012-12-31 22:06:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Prairies of my vanish

2012-12-31 22:04:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ At the doors ~ Of twelve chimes ~ We imagine ~ A new minute

2012-12-31 22:02:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her eyes ~ She held ~ A moon's lullaby

2012-12-31 22:00:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ This life's fingers ~ Over the prayer wheels ~ Of memories

2012-12-31 21:56:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Know that a blossom ~ Is the reflection ~ Of a distant smile

2012-12-30 22:47:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ What if guns shot those who pulled the trigger? What if knives cut, who clenched them? What if breath deserted, who wished to take it away?
2012-12-30 22:42:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ She leaves him ~ So much to adore

2012-12-30 05:59:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you found them agreeable... :-)

2012-12-28 07:48:47 (EST)

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_eroteme_ @nimue_ It is a pleasure that you enjoy the words here... :-)
2012-12-28 07:46:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ In summary, fix the fundamental problems before adding new ones which are way too difficult to control in their scale of damage.
2012-12-28 02:44:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Having more police throughout the country is good as long as no civilian has a gun, else, a random shot can kill either...
2012-12-28 02:43:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you aren't carrying a gun every single min. you really aren't protecting yourself from crazy people
2012-12-28 02:42:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ If everyone is going to carry guns every minute of the day, then we have higher chances of emotional responses leading to deaths
2012-12-28 02:42:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Giving everyone a gun ensures that stupid people (like the Texan who killed 2 in Durham over peanut shells) can do stupid things really fast
2012-12-28 02:41:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the reasons people cite (crazy govt., mafia, mad men, etc.) for requiring a gun, are lame. Nothing can protect you from them, eventually
2012-12-28 02:36:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ All our sense of security is a mirage till we face a muzzle. What is vital is to have an unshaken core that knows the fabric of goodness...
2012-12-28 02:32:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ In adopting the route of getting better armed, we will only be raising our children to know how to point a weapon & kill...
2012-12-28 02:31:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ In adopting the route to establishing rightness we will eventually have a culture/society which recoils at the thought of undue violence
2012-12-28 02:30:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ We can either lose our lives establishing what is right, or lose it anyway living in fear till we face the bigger or misguided gun
2012-12-28 02:28:53 (EST)
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_eroteme_ What beautifies this town in trust & Love, infects a county, nourishes a state & will eventually, bless this country of misguided people
2012-12-28 02:28:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ If no one in the town has a gun (save the police), the chances of such a crime are virtually eliminated. Educate people to surrender fear...
2012-12-28 02:27:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Then everyone in the town can surrender their weapons, take care of each other, ensure that no one goes insane or uncared for & live...
2012-12-28 02:26:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ If we re-take our vows of caring, nurturing each other, supporting each other in times of difficulty, adhere to Truth & goodness why guns?
2012-12-28 02:24:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ What we need to do now, is trust each other. Yes, we might suffer but that is the price for neglecting our core fundamentals all these years
2012-12-28 02:23:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The dynamics of groups equipped only with cudgels & sticks is very different from one with guns & grenades. The tension/fear is palpable
2012-12-28 02:17:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ While a sword could only kill people within reach, reach was redefined with guns. While swords needed training, guns became point-nspray
2012-12-28 02:16:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ If a gun can only be countered by a better gun, this is an ever escalating process (along both axes) leading to sheer terror...
2012-12-28 02:15:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ What technology brings in is rapidity & scale. When applied to means to kill/subdue they are manifold. Hence, the bomb vs balls of fire...
2012-12-28 02:13:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like most human, Natural & cultural facets, the effects of these are revealed only over time. We are not water to change colour immediately
107 / 4823

2012-12-28 02:12:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ With the industrial revolution skills were preferred over principles. Hence, the focus on education & within society changed...
2012-12-28 02:11:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every tribe & then society honoured the wise amongst them. They educated their children to be well-intentioned as well. That is education...
2012-12-28 02:09:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ When society faces a problem, it is vital that the wise & wellintentioned return to the origin, i.e. revisit the fundamentals.
2012-12-28 02:08:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is comforting to know that we have the likes of @CoyoteSings & @CherelleLovely in our midst. Most of my following tweets, hat tip to them
2012-12-28 02:07:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings But sir, you clearly are also very generous esp. when you declare some people rational when they are far from it! ;-p
2012-12-28 02:03:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CherelleLovely Laws don't work. Fewer the laws, the better. We need to build trust & educate people. Like every purgation there will cramps
2012-12-28 02:00:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Amen! And I thought it didn't require a genius to see that, but seems like it requires at least opening one's eyes...
2012-12-28 01:59:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Japan does a lot of tests before it lets someone buy a gun & then repeats that process periodically! We just hand out guns!!
2012-12-28 01:58:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Amen! To be able to have morals & a perspective without letting the outside affect you much, that is mettle! :-)
2012-12-28 01:55:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott I have nothing more to add. You quote irrelevant events in your life only to highlight your paranoia. Hope you heal
108 / 4823

from it
2012-12-27 23:20:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Revisit your fundamentals. If you can't, then pull out a gun & do as you please. Trust & humaneness don't coexist with guns
2012-12-27 23:19:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott It is this thinking of yours (& such people) that is the cause of the current state of affairs. This & your paranoia.
2012-12-27 23:17:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott It is this thinking of yours that is the cause of the current state of affairs. This & your paranoia.
2012-12-27 23:16:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And only the US reports it in such volumes? Clearly you feel that everything is so unique to the US that all is justified!
2012-12-27 23:16:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott In one breath you say cops then you say 911's slow. So if we have 10 cops per street, we aren't afraid of a military state?
2012-12-27 23:13:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Convince the Syrians of what? It's tragic if we'd compare ourselves to Syrians & Nazis & feel right.. @CoyoteSings @ eachus
2012-12-27 23:11:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And why does so much abuse on children happen only in the US? Have we analysed that?
2012-12-27 23:10:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott UK is far from being a mono-culture! Which age are you referring to?
2012-12-27 23:08:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Instead of fixing the fundamental stupidity that reigns supreme, let us not bring gun shaped band-aids.
2012-12-27 23:07:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Then we should fix that! Teachers are

109 / 4823

custodians of our wards as much as we are. If we don't trust them, home school...
2012-12-27 23:06:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CherelleLovely Glad we concur. I am sure most of us feel this way, but are doing very little about it..
2012-12-27 23:05:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Since we are a cauldron of cultures which individually aren't in favour of guns, together we should be more so, no?
2012-12-27 23:05:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott So we are 90% Mexicans? We are a good number of Asians, Europeans, Indians, Filipino, et al. None with guns back there!
2012-12-27 23:04:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And hence, we are all armed for decades to prepare for a Civil war today that never happened? :-o Wow! I am amazed...
2012-12-27 23:02:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott We are similar to Syria, how? What civil war are we waging? There are many countries which have high diversity sans guns...
2012-12-27 23:01:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Jesus! I have to reply to so many people & I've never done this before. Hang in there! Will give it my best *shot* ;-p
2012-12-27 22:53:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @eachus It is utterly naive to think our guns will save us from an armed state. They've better guns/training @CoyoteSings @wmcarterelliott
2012-12-27 21:10:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott What are you talking about? :-/ Do you wish to sidestep the main issue & look at every other event as possible reason?
2012-12-27 21:07:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott I don't care about politics. I care about people tricked into thinking guns/armed security are indispensable!
2012-12-27 21:06:24 (EST)

110 / 4823

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And what was the racial/ethnic/cultural diversity level of Newtown? 95% White. Lanza: White (perhaps Italian). Hence..?
2012-12-27 21:03:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott So are you saying that some cultures are inherently violent? And when such cultures get together, boom!?
2012-12-27 20:56:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Improve on family structure, reduce prescribing meds for everything, reach out to neighbours & things will be a lot better
2012-12-27 20:55:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Singapore has more diversity density than the US will ever!! No guns there. Excellent family support & low meds..
2012-12-27 20:54:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott ..then I think we have to agree that you (& the class of you) & I (& the class of I) are looking at the problem differently
2012-12-27 20:53:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott If we wish to be so uninvolved in shaping our kids' psyche but only expect laws to tackle the outcome (or asses evil genes)
2012-12-27 20:52:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott The seed for the killing, was way before the call. When Adam wasn't given the support due but had guns accessible to him...
2012-12-27 20:51:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And this is a phenomenon exclusive to the US? Why? Could we go into that & see if any of that can be addressed differently?
2012-12-27 20:48:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Perhaps you don't understand what a child goes through when always in the presence of guns & policemen.
2012-12-27 11:50:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott And for every example you quote there are 10
111 / 4823

countries that don't let everyone have guns & are mostly fine...
2012-12-27 11:48:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Your examples of countries are either old war time states or countries who have other structs in place (military service)
2012-12-27 11:37:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @wmcarterelliott Oh! You want me to quote the timestamps of those tweets with the word gun in them?
2012-12-27 11:25:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every song ~ She re-wrote ~ With a husky whisper

2012-12-27 10:14:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder why Americans think their problems are so unique that they need a solution only in guns @CoyoteSings @wmcarterelliott @eachus
2012-12-27 10:01:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Aching to be ~ You

2012-12-27 09:49:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Behind closed eyes ~ Kaleidoscope of broken memories

2012-12-27 09:22:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Puddles - ~ Portholes into the nether ~ With a sky like ours
2012-12-27 09:20:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ In each cupped hold ~ Echoes of plea ~ For tremble @ purplepoetry77

2012-12-26 08:43:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ In each tilt of gaze ~ She inspired ~ The laze of dunes @ purplepoetry77
2012-12-26 08:18:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ In each tear ~ She inspired seas

2012-12-26 07:33:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ The journey ~ From one open door to another

2012-12-26 07:31:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her dark hands each ~ This night carrying ~ A lily ~ A moon
2012-12-26 07:28:29 (EST)

112 / 4823

_eroteme_ Bloom-studded bough ~ Trading scent ~ For bend ~ With the winds
2012-12-26 07:24:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you care about justice & fairness (esp. if you are American), then do find time to read this: & sign on the petition
2012-12-25 13:06:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Amen...

2012-12-23 10:12:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Glad you enjoyed the article! :-) I need to get it out of my system... :-)
2012-12-23 10:06:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Train of memory ~ Halting at unmarked ~ Stations of sigh

2012-12-22 23:54:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ You and I ~ Folded into each other ~ Origami of love

2012-12-22 23:52:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if marble blushed ~ To birth your lips

2012-12-22 23:52:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rage ~ Of unspoken words

2012-12-22 23:50:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you care about justice & fairness via @ demandprogress
2012-12-22 23:22:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even the horrible Lynndie England & Charles Graner got only 10 yrs where they deserved 1000! But #AaronSwartz will be victimised by the FBI
2012-12-22 23:04:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ While #AaronSwartz might have done things inappropriate, none of it deserves 35 years imprisonment or $1M as fines!
2012-12-22 23:02:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ What has the world come to when it finds ways to vicitimise a brilliant mind with lame charges. Aaron Swartz:
113 / 4823

2012-12-22 22:47:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ My dreams ~ Firewood for when we meet

2012-12-22 22:20:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Now every wind ~ Wishes to be you ~ Pressing the silk ~ To my bosom
2012-12-22 22:02:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ How final ~ To bury you ~ Than the corpse of days with you
2012-12-22 14:17:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Broken shards ~ In my velvet pouch ~ For a vase is but a belief

2012-12-22 14:16:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ This silence and I ~ In the moonlight ~ Thanking crickets

2012-12-22 14:14:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ How from beauty ~ They remove ~ Till more beautiful - ~ These ruins
2012-12-22 14:05:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ The screams of minutes ~ As they plummet in an hourglass

2012-12-22 14:04:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ The colours of night ~ Without her

2012-12-22 14:03:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ She imagined butterflies ~ When she heard words

2012-12-22 14:02:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ I miss him most ~ In the shapes he left ~ On my thighs

2012-12-22 13:22:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ His nights warmed ~ In the smouldering memory ~ Of her gaze

2012-12-22 13:21:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ I never said ~ I love you. ~ I never took my lips ~ Off yours
2012-12-22 13:20:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am all that ~ You deny

2012-12-22 13:19:42 (EST)

114 / 4823

_eroteme_ She splattered ink ~ On parchment ~ Letting me read it ~ As I pleased

2012-12-22 13:18:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ This spine of loneliness ~ In the midst of gaiety

2012-12-22 13:17:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ My window sill ~ Talking to me ~ In her raindropped voice

2012-12-22 13:16:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spinning madly on ~ Then a pause ~ Before returning to memories - ~ My ceiling fan.
2012-12-22 13:15:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ How much I want each lie of yours to be a truth, but even our love cannot be such a philosopher's stone.
2012-12-22 13:14:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am what ~ Births his hunger & ~ Feeds it too

2012-12-22 13:13:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ After his ravage ~ I tasted of ~ A seashore

2012-12-22 13:11:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ It was then ~ I saw why ~ I was blind

2012-12-22 13:11:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ How walls ~ Still carry ~ A smattering ~ Of porcelain anger

2012-12-22 13:08:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ In a kaleidoscope ~ Of touch ~ She painted his skin ~ In geometries of desire

2012-12-22 13:07:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ These scars ~ Invisible wicks I carry from birth ~ Waiting for you ~ To light them
2012-12-22 12:43:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ This winter night ~ By the window ~ An untranslated embrace

2012-12-22 12:40:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even death ~ Needs love

2012-12-22 12:38:01 (EST)

115 / 4823

_eroteme_ This mist ~ Wearing her pearls ~ Of raindrops

2012-12-22 12:22:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ On the moon ~ A crow-shaped tattoo

2012-12-22 12:17:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ She searched in his eyes ~ Promises of open

2012-12-22 11:26:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rexdude You might say, were they intelligent with an opposing thumb, they'd be the same. Perhaps. Till they are, humans rule sickness!
2012-12-22 10:05:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rexdude The point of difference is that most of their acts are contained within a set of needs. Human acts dwell on greed & entertainment!
2012-12-22 10:04:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rexdude Rape, or similar acts, exists even in ducks! Not much to do with intelligence. But humans use intelligence to perverse ends...
2012-12-22 10:03:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dkkauwe Yes, it is, but I was referring to life itself coming to life by repeating what it must be. A willed existence...
2012-12-22 09:42:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rexdude Yep, looked it up. I'm not surprised. But in having our 100x perversion we only prove we aren't the most intelligent...
2012-12-22 09:40:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ He ran a wet finger ~ Along the frills ~ Of my dreams

2012-12-22 04:29:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ When life becomes ~ True by repetition

2012-12-21 23:25:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ To wish to be ~ A parakeet ~ Is to wish to have ~ Other reasons to sigh

2012-12-21 22:50:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sunlight ~ Threading ~ Beads of snow ~ For a crow's ~ Shadow

2012-12-20 10:09:58 (EST)
116 / 4823

_eroteme_ Days when I shy ~ From meeting leaf & deer ~ In the eye
2012-12-19 10:43:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be a fish is for fishes. To be a tiger, for tigers. To be wet, of water. To be human is an idea & hence, we can't claim it without strife
2012-12-19 10:31:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ The balance we seek ~ In equations of human consolation

2012-12-19 10:23:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ All civilisation ~ Is a water-colour ~ In blood

2012-12-19 10:15:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Please read @CoyoteSings tweets on dolphins. We aren't the most intelligent specie. We are the sickest... :-(
2012-12-19 10:12:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ These alleys ~ Forever reading ~ The riddle of footsteps

2012-12-18 07:39:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ How Time ~ Knows the origami folds ~ Of wail

2012-12-17 10:33:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Echos lost ~ In the siren song ~ Of misty valleys below

2012-12-17 10:30:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rain me the rain ~ Of dissolve ~ That I may jump in ~ Blue pools of a once ice-cream cart ~ Splashing reds of my ~ Vanishing boots
2012-12-17 09:31:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where journey ~ Finds resting ~ Distance finds ~Reach @purplepoetry77

2012-12-17 08:38:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where reflection ~ Finds ripple ~ Ponder finds ~ Sighs @ purplepoetry77

2012-12-17 04:53:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where touch ~ Finds cold ~ Smiles ~ Find melt @ purplepoetry77

2012-12-16 22:01:58 (EST)

117 / 4823

_eroteme_ Where the mind ~ Finds stains ~ The heart ~ Finds beauty
2012-12-15 23:40:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ This lamp that burns within letting me burn the grief, agony, confusion & bitterness before returning to the steady light that illumines...
2012-12-15 23:16:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Death ushers in death ~ To those who live

2012-12-15 23:02:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ This is not one man's doing. It is all of us - all of us holding those moments, creating this world that led him to lift a gun...
2012-12-15 22:57:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Those whom ~ I shall never know ~ Reside in my tears

2012-12-15 22:50:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ The earth ~ More barren ~ Without little ~ Footsteps

2012-12-15 22:48:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ By the gutter ~ I wail ~ Hugging shadows ~ Uncast

2012-12-15 22:43:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take this life instead ~ Large enough for ~ All those bullets
2012-12-15 22:40:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ These nights ~ Darker ~ Yet, these stars ~ Bleed light for hope
2012-12-15 22:37:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ All my words tonight ~ Shaped as wreaths

2012-12-15 22:33:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ If poems could ~ Bring life ~ Let us burn for rhythm ~ That they may return
2012-12-15 22:32:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Christmas presents ~ For the past

2012-12-15 22:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @VinHampton True... :-(

2012-12-15 22:29:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Those who remain ~ In wordless fear

118 / 4823

2012-12-15 22:27:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Metal burned ~ Into tiny flesh ~ And I live ~ In this death
2012-12-15 22:26:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ When death ~ Becomes the sole means ~ To bring life to dead souls
2012-12-15 22:17:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @talissalove Thank you for reminding me of this. Now more than ever, this feels like a prayer we all need... :-(
2012-12-15 22:16:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ 'tis sad that modern cities will never leave ruins...
2012-12-11 09:37:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the stampede ~ Shadows abandoned

2012-12-11 09:30:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ When voice ~ Met echo

2012-12-11 09:28:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ She pinned her sighs ~ With dew

2012-12-11 09:18:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The winds plucked her tears ~ To piece together ~ A lost flower
2012-12-09 20:15:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ It takes more than eyes ~ To see beyond the grime

2012-12-09 08:40:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @brontides Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-12-09 05:58:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ The cartography of lips ~ And her uncharted alcoves

2012-12-08 23:05:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mohankartha Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-12-08 06:17:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ My gaze ~ Moth-like ~ Into the flames ~ Of his eyes

2012-12-08 06:17:17 (EST)

119 / 4823

_eroteme_ While he sleeps ~ His dreams I paint ~ With my hair

2012-12-07 21:41:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ She came to me ~ In night's lace

2012-12-07 21:40:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her teeth ~ That tattoo ~ Desire's ink

2012-12-07 21:36:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tunes of silk ~ Strumming my bosom's harp ~ In slow undress

2012-12-07 21:32:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like the golden throb ~ Of a sun held long ~ You swim in my lake ~ Beneath closed eyes
2012-12-07 20:29:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ No tree barren ~ This full-moon night

2012-12-07 06:39:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ His thumb ~ Building cobbled paths on her skin ~ Up to her ocean
2012-12-06 23:26:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tin trees ~ Glass earth ~ Music of snowfall

2012-12-06 10:47:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ When she cried ~ The smudge of ~ A distant butterfly wing

2012-12-06 10:45:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ She ~ Let him ~ Melt her

2012-12-06 10:43:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ In farewell, she wrapped ~ Memories in shadows ~ Of silent whispers

2012-12-06 09:43:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt the image I love ~ And that which walks ~ This groaning chasm ~ Of heartbreak
2012-12-06 09:40:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ I build grand kingdoms ~ In your gaze ~ And on your lips ~ Labyrinths of sighs
120 / 4823

2012-12-05 11:36:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ He had become ~ A flower ~ Demanding poetry

2012-12-04 12:00:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ In touch ~ She married depths

2012-12-04 11:59:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ The loss ~ Of what one never had

2012-12-04 11:50:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you find the words here to your taste :-)
2012-12-04 11:49:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some sip from it ~ Some paint scenes with it ~ Some walk by it ~ But what choice has the river ~ But to flow!?
2012-12-04 11:45:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ He, a mosaic of mirrors ~ Revealing monolithic me

2012-12-04 11:43:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ She showed him ~ Tales of Yes

2012-12-04 08:50:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every rendezvous ~ I'm birthed anew

2012-12-04 08:48:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ The ropes that bind ~ He carries in his eyes

2012-12-04 08:40:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sowing you ~ Into this tilled field ~ With my body's thrust
2012-12-04 08:36:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ This fire of your loins ~ That lights my torch

2012-12-04 08:01:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ He locked her away ~ In a throb

2012-12-04 01:30:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have run ~ Lengths of sorrow ~ To deliver chiselled tears

2012-12-03 11:27:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have inherited the tears ~ Of abandoned mists

2012-12-03 11:21:15 (EST)
121 / 4823

_eroteme_ Beware of the sword ~ Sharpened on kindness

2012-12-03 11:13:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Swirl in me ~ The flavours ~ Of your hunger

2012-12-02 07:01:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Dear Deb! Missed you & Twitter too. Yes, been on some exciting work but should be back soon... :-)
2012-12-02 05:31:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ To write between her lines ~ Till they met ~ In connotation

2012-12-02 05:23:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come! Pleat my darkness ~ With your desire

2012-11-27 11:50:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have seen great rivers swallow forest fires & feed the spark to fishes...
2012-11-26 06:57:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every man doth build a bridge, when he smileth...

2012-11-26 06:55:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sitting there ~ Clothed in silence

2012-11-24 21:26:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like hands of ~ Hourglass sands ~ Reaching across time

2012-11-24 10:04:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Origami skies ~ The fold ~ Of sunshine

2012-11-24 09:58:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ To care ~ Plotless

2012-11-23 23:40:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ They fell ~ Landing on their minds

2012-11-23 23:08:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some souls ~ Rag-picking smiles

2012-11-22 21:32:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Through her smiles ~ She trapped ~ Sunshine within

122 / 4823

2012-11-22 21:24:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every kiss ~ Has its season ~ Of recall

2012-11-22 11:01:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ No one owned ~ A river's whims

2012-11-22 10:58:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am the womb ~ He wishes to vanish into

2012-11-22 10:51:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the cup of her hand ~ Another

2012-11-22 10:49:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ How my windows danced ~ In the rain

2012-11-22 10:47:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ How darkness ~ Begs to veil

2012-11-22 10:44:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his breath's play ~ My hair like in the meadows

2012-11-22 07:51:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Many tears frosted ~ On the candelabra

2012-11-22 07:49:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @minalrh Long time... :-)

2012-11-22 07:40:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every butterfly's waft ~ Forgetting a tear

2012-11-22 05:07:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lakes ~ Thirsty for rain

2012-11-21 23:54:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your breath doth make ~ A fluttering kite ~ Of my heart

2012-11-21 01:18:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ I want 3334 RT @Ayanatgquk: Hi @Paula_Jayne_ , @_eroteme_ I will send you 3333 twitter followers in less than 24 hours
2012-11-20 08:43:16 (EST)

123 / 4823

_eroteme_ @agatekartik To hold an entire city to ransom & deny the citizens any civic services & amenities because one man died is preposterous!!
2012-11-20 03:26:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik Completely agreed! Every place has its own demons to fight but the Bombay incident revealed that the demons there are gross!
2012-11-20 03:25:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @WordExotica Exactly! That was the mirage I referred to...

2012-11-19 22:51:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @MissMistreated I wish :-) Then the solution would simply be to ignore me. But that is the sad state of affairs. India is not a free country
2012-11-19 22:50:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ India is populated with people who have very little choice or live loving some mirage. It is a country that has never been free.
2012-11-19 22:30:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ India & Indian law enforcement has always been servant to thugs. Why is anyone surprised about the Bombay incidents since Saturday!?
2012-11-19 22:27:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where words ebb ~ Leaving glistening silence ~ On my lip's sandy shore
2012-11-19 09:49:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ At length, I knew ~ He loved ~ My scars

2012-11-19 09:46:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your fingers ~ Slowly invading ~ The forest of my thoughts

2012-11-19 09:45:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who invented the sigh RT @OliviaDresher Who invented the wink.
2012-11-19 09:43:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ O'er her still lake ~ My paper-boat dream

2012-11-19 09:40:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DrkAnjel Glad you find it so... :-)

124 / 4823

2012-11-16 02:22:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be beautiful ~ Yet unaware

2012-11-15 20:00:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ The heavens must burn ~ To discourage every ~ Icarus' flight

2012-11-15 09:15:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ I came to him ~ Dressed in the shadows ~ Of wants

2012-11-13 10:17:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ What become ~ Of filigree glances ~ When the lights ~ Go out?

2012-11-13 10:16:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Kindness ~ Like a song ~ Held in the mist of breaths

2012-11-13 10:07:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ No void as empty ~ As a loveless heart

2012-11-13 10:03:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ My single measure of a person's action: Are they taking a convenient route which they'd abhor if you took against them?
2012-11-13 09:50:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mysensuallife Glad you find it so... :-)

2012-11-13 09:12:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Peering into ~ The eyes of the present ~ The past

2012-11-13 09:08:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ A little bookstore with stories in books & eager readers walking in...
2012-11-13 09:02:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Thus, when we hold hands & step into this river, decided to end our lives, what we drown in these waters, is all history.
2012-11-13 09:01:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our love began before we knew each other, in how our ancestors met, in these wars & seas that wiped out not your home or mine...
2012-11-13 09:01:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Missed you too, dear Deb. I have been breathing.
125 / 4823

You? :-)
2012-11-13 08:24:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her body doth inspire ~ Words scented in her

2012-11-13 08:17:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt her toes ~ A tongue ~ An eye ~ A finger ~ A plea

2012-11-13 08:16:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Around her ankles ~ I bind my sinews

2012-11-13 08:15:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Down her shin ~ My disrepute

2012-11-13 08:15:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Behind her knee ~ I hid visions of desire

2012-11-13 08:14:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Along her thighs ~ Breadcrumbs of purple

2012-11-13 08:14:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ O'er her throbbing mound ~ Moaned promises

2012-11-13 08:13:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Around her hips ~ My penance

2012-11-13 08:11:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Around her wrists ~ The dark of my hold

2012-11-13 08:11:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her navel ~ My eddying destiny

2012-11-13 08:09:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ O'er rungs of ribs ~ My desperate cling

2012-11-13 08:08:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Along her breasts' slide ~ Purpose for my palms

2012-11-13 08:04:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ O'er her buttressed shoulders ~ Disarming of wonder

2012-11-13 08:03:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt her breasts' dunes ~ Thirstless wandering

2012-11-13 08:02:15 (EST)
126 / 4823

_eroteme_ Down her collar ridges ~ Estuaries of deceit

2012-11-13 08:01:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Along her neck ~ The ascent of surrender

2012-11-13 07:59:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her hair ~ The secrets of night

2012-11-13 07:59:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ On her lips ~ Mapless ardour

2012-11-13 07:58:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ On her tongue ~ The melt of resolve

2012-11-13 07:58:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her eyes ~ The dissolve of words

2012-11-13 07:57:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his hush ~ The melodies of lust

2012-11-13 07:04:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Smelt time ~ Till a lance be ~ To pierce all memory

2012-11-13 06:28:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ The flavour of fear ~ Till given a name

2012-11-13 06:13:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I die ~ Will you know? ~ Will I know that?

2012-11-13 06:09:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @brontides: day or night, skies and oceans, trees and greatness never sleep.
2012-11-13 06:08:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if all loving ~ Is naming a river

2012-11-13 06:07:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ All her wonder ~ Drew strength ~ From the nights

2012-11-10 09:32:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ For each lacuna ~ A myriad hunts ~ To blame

2012-11-10 09:29:14 (EST)

127 / 4823

_eroteme_ Heaven must be a well-stocked kitchen or a well-endowed library...

2012-11-10 09:26:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Living like ~ Another's shadow

2012-11-10 07:53:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ All sight ~ Drowned in tears

2012-11-10 05:04:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ My lips ~ That waft over ~ Her crenellated teeth

2012-11-08 11:33:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ A man's value is known from what he pauses for...

2012-11-08 08:46:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ How breeze ~ Hides poem ~ In rippling waters

2012-11-08 08:36:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rainbow of ~ Memory slick ~ On the lakes of life

2012-11-07 10:17:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Alleys where ~ I'm still remembered ~ For my masks

2012-11-07 10:16:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ How keys marry ~ Door to ajar

2012-11-07 10:14:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Patch quilt ~ Of touches ~ To warm her nights

2012-11-07 09:17:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ This cobbled alley ~ Wearing limp ~ Frangipani flowers

2012-11-04 12:31:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our love ~ Walking the tightrope ~ Of our breaths

2012-11-04 12:19:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Convenience ~ Never built ~ Character

2012-11-04 12:17:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ To fall to the earth ~ Become a well ~ For her thirst's quench
2012-11-04 12:14:44 (EST)

128 / 4823

_eroteme_ For years ~ On the park-bench of loneliness ~ The striations ~ On my soul

2012-11-04 12:13:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ She conjured rains ~ To rust his resolve @ purplepoetry77

2012-11-04 11:59:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her silence's lace ~ To spell-bind ~ My words

2012-11-04 11:56:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ When the world's aslumber ~ This house doth glow ~ Wherever he had touched
2012-11-04 11:55:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am the tear ~ In a candleflame's ~ Heart

2012-11-04 11:48:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ She hand-painted his dreams ~ In lace & satin

2012-11-04 08:16:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ She of the dollhouse ~ He of the lighthouse ~ Atop a terraced dream ~ 'Neath a smile's seam
2012-11-03 14:48:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Running through the rain ~ Dissolving at the horizon

2012-11-03 14:39:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze and love is a riddle -- Lenka (though I loved Casey Beane in Moneyball)
2012-11-03 14:38:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the nameless river ~ Loving the myriad ~ Who bathe in me

2012-11-03 14:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Eyes rolling ~ Down the stairs ~ Onto her tongue ~ Mmmm, peppermint!
2012-11-03 14:25:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The drip of dreams ~ Through the keyhole ~ Of doorless wonder

2012-11-03 14:24:43 (EDT)
129 / 4823

_eroteme_ @demlips Twitter did the same to some people I followed too. :-(
2012-11-03 08:16:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your every dream ~ Shall rhyme ~ With my sigh

2012-11-02 23:32:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All might's ~ Are might-nots

2012-11-02 23:21:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be his pitcher ~ To hold his soul ~ Unpoured

2012-11-02 23:19:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In their hearts ~ The rich soil ~ For questions

2012-11-02 22:56:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @minalrh Hope the moon shone through in time... :-)

2012-11-02 13:33:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grey rainbows ~ Slung over ~ Night clouds

2012-11-02 13:25:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His voice ~ Warm cocoon ~ Of possibility

2012-11-02 10:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He moved my eyes ~ To where my knees were ~ My nose ~ To my navel ~ My brow ~ Around my waist~ My lips ~ On his wrist ~ To hear me tell time
2012-11-02 09:57:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tapestries ~ Of gratitude ~ In a smile

2012-11-02 09:48:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her dreams ~ Were the missing pieces ~ In her wings

2012-11-02 09:42:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pumpkins ~ Forced to shine ~ And smile

2012-11-01 12:54:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trapping a whirlwind ~ Under my skirt

2012-11-01 12:52:13 (EDT)

130 / 4823

_eroteme_ Thus I burned ~ Leaving every warmth ~ To haunt her

2012-11-01 12:50:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have watched her ~ Naked, a white blaze ~ Scattering to become ~ Poetry
2012-11-01 12:47:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shop-girl ~ Lost in the peddle of ~ My dreams

2012-11-01 12:36:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She dusted the debris of words ~ On silver courtyards ~ Dancing a dance ~ Of connotation
2012-11-01 12:31:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His hand ~ The heat ~ And melt

2012-10-30 09:19:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the poetry ~ This raincloud can hold

2012-10-30 07:35:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @purplepoetry77: the wind ~ giving loneliness ~ a name

2012-10-30 01:37:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you must ~ Unfurl beauty ~ Trust first ~ A bud

2012-10-29 18:24:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For we are all raindrops ~ Given a chance ~ To rise

2012-10-29 17:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In knowing salve ~ Wounds do not heal

2012-10-29 16:25:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @BeingInJoy Her Mother was the pendulum swing of weather's many moods ~ Woman [Seasons' ~ Maternal ~ Essence]
2012-10-29 15:47:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every Autumn leaf ~ A single-winged ~ Butterfly

2012-10-29 15:14:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How warm ~ The memory ~ Of my first snowfall

2012-10-29 15:13:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ :-)

131 / 4823

2012-10-29 15:09:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Church spires ~ Home to ~ Bat & dove

2012-10-29 15:08:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every moment ~ So still ~ Yet this mind's ~ Yesterday & tomorrow
2012-10-29 15:07:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these poems ~ For what we fear ~ To say

2012-10-29 14:54:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Precipitated in ~ Departure

2012-10-29 14:51:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trees were once ~ Souls that craved ~ To hold snowflake

2012-10-29 14:47:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love doth chant ~ The call to dive

2012-10-29 14:35:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She learnt the alphabet ~ In the school ~ Of pointlessness

2012-10-29 14:34:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sternum split ~ Of breath ~ Of love

2012-10-29 14:31:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We often hope ~ That healing ~ Would bring ~ Forgetting

2012-10-29 14:27:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps I am ~ A gramophone needle ~ On the record of my life

2012-10-29 14:26:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every journey ~ Is a returning ~ To your self

2012-10-29 14:21:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moon grows brighter ~ With poetry

2012-10-29 14:20:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd wear them ~ Held in platinum clasps ~ Your eyes ~ That teach shine to gems
2012-10-29 13:19:58 (EDT)

132 / 4823

_eroteme_ She was a brew ~ Of forget-me-nots

2012-10-28 15:59:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Like a river ~ Comes in many depths

2012-10-28 14:33:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if mountains ~ Summon deep courage ~ To echo

2012-10-28 14:25:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those words whom none would recognise under a streetlamp, whom you think you know before changing the radio station, yes, those words.. gone
2012-10-28 14:23:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We, here, are a tribe of deeply sensitive souls, loving without sanction or protocol, stringing art & poetry 'twixt our souls till they hum
2012-10-28 14:17:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He gently raised my chin ~ Till I was one ~ With the sun
2012-10-28 14:13:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Echos ~ Of songs ~ Never sung

2012-10-28 12:58:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @marrowtide: He spoke as if he were a violin missing a string... a string that was never there
2012-10-28 12:58:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps all these years gravity was trying to tell us that heaven is beneath our feet...
2012-10-28 12:33:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Actually they are sectors & not triangles. ;-) Just saying...
2012-10-28 12:23:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How they collide ~ And laugh ~ And teeter ~ And sigh ~ These cello notes
2012-10-28 12:22:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The unchartered seas ~ That were his eyes @purplepoetry77

2012-10-28 12:13:14 (EDT)

133 / 4823

_eroteme_ The wind-vane ~ That was his smile

2012-10-28 10:04:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unravelled origami - ~ How naked ~ The crumpled paper [hat tip to @gennepher]
2012-10-28 09:17:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No wind the same ~ Through the barren oak

2012-10-28 09:08:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-10-28 09:00:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If your deeds & speech must differ ~ Speak not or ~ Do not
2012-10-28 08:57:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nature knows ~ No moderation

2012-10-28 08:42:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Till we go deeper ~ We can all imagine ~ That we love

2012-10-28 08:41:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moonbeams stayed behind ~ To watch us make love ~ On a glistening shore

2012-10-28 08:39:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rainbows birthed ~ In a child's wonder

2012-10-27 14:34:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Waking up ~ From a disowned ~ Dream

2012-10-27 14:31:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've always lingered more ~ Than a season would

2012-10-27 14:24:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... RT @dreamwalks: I've always needed the ocean more than it needs me.
2012-10-27 14:24:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tambourine lies ~ Wind-chime truths

2012-10-27 14:10:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind the curtain ~ Eyes begging me ~ To disrobe

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2012-10-27 14:06:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thus, he grasped me ~ And lo! On my alabaster ~ Spring birthed

2012-10-27 14:03:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When shall they learn? ~ Masks are worn ~ To reveal

2012-10-27 14:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are ~ Where wind is not

2012-10-27 13:51:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He brought me days ~ That begged for nights

2012-10-27 13:49:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ :-D

2012-10-27 13:47:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alas! ~ The sole dagger ~ That shall cleave our love ~ Is deep in my heart
2012-10-27 13:47:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Glad you found it so, dear friend. :-)

2012-10-27 13:40:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Yes, that one. My pleasure to bring you a smile, saffron laced. :-)
2012-10-27 13:40:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every soul ~ A unique collection ~ Of voids

2012-10-27 13:38:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She thinks me hale ~ That I smile to her gaze (translating a recent tweet by @soHbet_ )
2012-10-27 13:36:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wearing the memory ~ Of his touch

2012-10-27 12:44:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her neck-vine ~ Bent by the winds ~ Of my breath

2012-10-27 12:17:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these words ~ Gathering in the braid ~ Of the unsaid tether
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2012-10-27 11:27:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do we love sunrises? Is it in knowing that we too are purposeless yet resplendent, inconsequential yet unique as the hue & shimmer?
2012-10-27 08:24:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaf on a rivulet - ~ My life ~ Your delight

2012-10-27 08:12:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All of me ~ That you can grip ~ Between fingertips

2012-10-27 02:23:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Succession of knots - ~ My tongue tied ~ Before he binds me ~ In his

2012-10-27 02:00:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez to steal a blackbirds cry ~ blue hour [To wet a violet's gasp ~ Lilac dew]
2012-10-27 00:12:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He taught me ~ To see the red & ochre ~ Of snowflakes

2012-10-26 13:35:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I love, all I want to do is cook my love a meal... As if love was to be ladled or hung in muslin cloth
2012-10-26 13:31:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He loved me ~ By breathing me in the clouds ~ To dissolve me in mountain streams

2012-10-26 13:29:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was the flame ~ Of every prayer candle

2012-10-26 13:22:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He hid her ~ In the thirst of a desert

2012-10-26 13:18:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He collected ~ Ripples in the wind ~ When she laughed

2012-10-26 12:56:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ends of her smile ~ Solstices of satiation

2012-10-26 12:53:15 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ She filled ~ The cup he made ~ Of her

2012-10-26 12:52:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His hands ~ Groped for doors ~ Where nothing but her soul ~ Breathed open
2012-10-26 12:41:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She tied knots ~ Around moments ~ Where they smiled ~ Unknown to the other
2012-10-26 12:39:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she glowed ~ Under a nightingale's song

2012-10-26 12:35:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Holding my hand ~ She led me through ~ Stories unimagined

2012-10-26 12:31:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In every daughter ~ The seed ~ Of a mother

2012-10-26 12:30:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All she'd been through ~ Wrapped in an ~ Unblossomed jasmine

2012-10-26 12:28:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A Zodiac ~ Of tales ~ Twinkling in her eyes

2012-10-26 12:24:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He reads ~ The braille of my lips ~ With his

2012-10-26 11:00:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She wept ~ A lake's ~ Dance

2012-10-26 10:42:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Submerged ~ In sighs

2012-10-26 08:13:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sunday noons ~ Hugging a lost cloud

2012-10-26 08:11:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I can feel her ~ Gaze across the void ~ Looking at me ~ Myriad miles away
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2012-10-25 13:14:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My lips ~ On her shoulder ~ And a wave ~ Of taut skin

2012-10-25 11:44:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even our breath ~ Held hands ~ In our farewell

2012-10-25 10:59:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The night ~ Darker, where you stood

2012-10-25 10:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touch is the only ~ Touchstone

2012-10-25 10:55:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My body ~ Dunes ~ Of butterfly dust

2012-10-25 10:53:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I shall feed you ~ Fire from the womb ~ Of original sin
2012-10-25 10:51:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Garbed ~ Silences ~ Mocking ~ Nude words

2012-10-25 10:47:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She bottled ~ The unknown ~ In amethyst vials

2012-10-25 10:47:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've heard ~ Clocks gasp & linger ~ While you kissed
2012-10-25 10:45:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he drew me ~ From life's ~ Misted window

2012-10-25 10:41:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She cupped each sunrise ~ For his night's sky

2012-10-24 07:50:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The petrichor ~ Of parched flesh ~ As falls on me ~ His warm breath [Petrichor: n. Scent of earth on first rain. Here, the musk of me]
2012-10-24 07:47:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Across oceans ~ I hear her ~ Unasked questions

2012-10-24 07:42:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A clothesline ~ For hope

2012-10-23 10:31:06 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Love makes a lake ~ Of him ~ Hearkening to my plunge

2012-10-23 09:09:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My wings take flight ~ Only in the winds ~ Of his breath

2012-10-23 08:59:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amidst myriad clouds ~ A spot to unthink

2012-10-22 14:27:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between my fingers ~ And the fire 'neath his skin ~ A wail of want
2012-10-17 12:06:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her beauty ~ Like sunshine ~ On a distant night ~ Of flaws

2012-10-17 09:58:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words ~ Lost in her ~ Eyes' roam

2012-10-17 09:56:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He filled my walls ~ With his gaze

2012-10-16 21:21:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even her kisses ~ Lisped on ~ My lips

2012-10-16 12:59:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She peeled ~ A strip of morning ~ To wrap his smile in

2012-10-16 12:57:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shy fish ~ Nowhere to hide ~ In the clear stream

2012-10-16 12:56:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With a clap of wings ~ Morning soared ~ When she smiled

2012-10-16 12:52:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The clay now firm - ~ I could never be ~ What she wished
2012-10-16 12:51:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez sometimes Im ~ the moon and you look ~ up to me [Sometimes I'm the breeze ~ And you ~ Embrace me]
2012-10-16 12:49:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the heart ~ Knows the carry of tremble ~ Till touched
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2012-10-16 09:33:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a night awakened ~ From its nightmare @ purplepoetry77

2012-10-16 09:25:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a breath's journey ~ Meandering the warmth @ purplepoetry77

2012-10-16 00:02:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I took a pin ~ To a silhouette ~ Would it pour ~ The night?

2012-10-15 12:51:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I met Love ~ That came from ~ A deserted island

2012-10-15 12:49:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a snowflake's dream ~ Of forsaken blue

2012-10-15 12:45:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day you healed me ~ The dissolve of seams @ purplepoetry77 @ZinniaTung
2012-10-14 10:13:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day you placed ~ A finger on my lips ~ Words fossiled forever @purplepoetry77
2012-10-14 10:02:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day ~ You led me through ~ Labyrinths of want ~ I forged journeys ~ Of touch @purplepoetry77
2012-10-14 09:49:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly You are, as always, kind, milady. @ purplepoetry77 's creative fount is surely where all of us can bathe... :-)
2012-10-14 09:41:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day of your touch ~ My eyes closed ~ Birthing night ~ In the heat @purplepoetry77
2012-10-14 09:40:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day you held me ~ Memories from my womb @ purplepoetry77

2012-10-14 09:24:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day you walked ~ By my side ~ I learnt to lean @

140 / 4823

2012-10-14 09:12:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77: the day I slipped into your soul ~ it felt like wearing moonlight [The day ~ You read to me ~ The writing ~ On my body]
2012-10-14 09:06:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is it ~ About a woman ~ You comprehend not? ~ A touch ~ A glance ~ A smile ~ Windows opened
2012-10-14 09:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wrought-iron dreams ~ How supple ~ The marks on her mind [To the AVI of a recent visitor @ IsabelRaffaella]
2012-10-14 01:07:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wonder how you imagine these... :-) RT @ feltsensejunkie: How water held a feeling to a snowflake sigh of moment.
2012-10-14 01:02:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She found sleep ~ In the untranslate ~ Of loving melody

2012-10-13 23:42:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: she started to think ~ she was the message in the ~ bottle lost at sea [Tossed in the waves ~ Of her breath]
2012-10-13 23:35:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovely.. :-) RT @ Heidi_Ayala: raindrops cradled by lashes /as if the clouds fell merely to peer into her own sky / before the final blink
2012-10-13 23:33:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wait for the monsoon ~ Hide all testimony ~ In the rain
2012-10-13 18:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He bound ~ All reflection ~ To the dark ~ Of her eyes

2012-10-13 18:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the forest ~ A nightingale off-key ~ Missing his mate

2012-10-13 18:00:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All she had to offer ~ Was neatly folded ~ Sunshine

2012-10-13 17:45:01 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ This moth ~ Selling me a tour ~ Through the flame

2012-10-13 17:30:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pendulums on strike ~ Who'll tell the sun?

2012-10-13 17:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trespassing thoughts ~ In the backyard ~ Of our memories' ~ Shadows

2012-10-13 17:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Full moon ~ And I ~ Share tales of ~ "If only..."

2012-10-13 16:45:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Desire eddying ~ In her navel

2012-10-13 16:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Incantation of spells ~ One undone button ~ At a time

2012-10-13 16:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sakura ~ Even when ~ It falls

2012-10-13 16:02:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My shadow ~ Preferring my walks ~ By the river

2012-10-13 16:01:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that is untranslated ~ Soothes

2012-10-13 16:00:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To care ~ Is to redefine ~ Possibility

2012-10-13 15:57:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For writing ~ Is what ~ I wear

2012-10-13 15:54:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One who travels not ~ Is forever lost

2012-10-13 15:50:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beauty ~ Measured ~ In silence

2012-10-13 15:47:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My twin ~ That tree ~ I could never be

2012-10-13 15:41:51 (EDT)

142 / 4823

_eroteme_ My mind curls ~ Into the rolling undress ~ Of her

2012-10-13 15:35:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How often ~ Re-discovered ~ By the torch ~ Of your touch

2012-10-13 15:35:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unknown to man ~ A woman

2012-10-13 15:27:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Infinitely lost ~ In the trace ~ Of his lips

2012-10-13 15:26:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her gasp ~ Time stood still

2012-10-13 15:23:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To devour ~ Was due ~ Devoir

[Devoir: n. a usually formal act of civility or respect]

2012-10-13 14:56:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My reddest sighs ~ Wafting in ~ The autumn of love

2012-10-13 14:54:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unfitting ~ Yet befitting ~ Wrapped in her

2012-10-13 14:48:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ Mosaic-tiled ~ Of his touch

2012-10-13 14:46:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His every gaze ~ As if I were ~ His crystal ball

2012-10-13 14:45:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each day ~ A tile ~ Paving the road ~ To nowhere

2012-10-13 14:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her words ~ The tiles ~ I'd happily slip on

2012-10-13 14:42:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Are the rain ~ On my mind's window

2012-10-13 14:41:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her mind ~ To clothe ~ The mystery

143 / 4823

2012-10-13 14:40:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt my breast ~ And the noose ~ The trapped length ~ Of your name
2012-10-13 14:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a door ~ That speaks a knock ~ I sigh ~ Your recall

2012-10-13 14:30:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In this room ~ In every room ~ In every roomless ensconce ~ The envelope ~ Of his call
2012-10-13 14:28:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of him ~ Like frail fingers ~ Holding the waters ~ Of us

2012-10-13 14:23:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know not ~ What I prefer ~ This artificial life ~ Or pretending ~ You love me
2012-10-13 14:10:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am not just ~ One of your ~ Many sighs

2012-10-08 12:31:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only I could ~ Brush your hair ~ And straighten your frowns
2012-10-08 12:30:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between you ~ And me ~ This betweenness

2012-10-08 12:29:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The jigsaw of butterflies ~ Pieced to reveal ~ Her name

2012-10-08 12:29:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If all of us ~ Shuddered together ~ Would the seas ~ Understand?

2012-10-08 12:28:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trembling kisses ~ Now I know ~ Now I don't

2012-10-08 12:27:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soluble memories ~ Insufficient tears

2012-10-08 12:27:02 (EDT)

144 / 4823

_eroteme_ If we all ~ Held hands ~ And sighed ~ Who would be clapping?

2012-10-08 12:26:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all doves ~ Lent tonight's moon ~ An unknown white

2012-10-08 12:25:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How I believed ~ That love was that fire ~ Which could melt ~ My wax mask!
2012-10-08 12:23:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are ~ No baby steps ~ In love

2012-10-08 12:23:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Becoming ~ Is poor substitute ~ For being

2012-10-08 12:22:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poetry ~ Of ~ "Almost"

2012-10-08 12:22:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The past ~ Is a museum ~ Of wishing things ~ Would be otherwise

2012-10-08 12:21:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She taught him ~ To marry ~ Touch & shiver

2012-10-08 12:20:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tale of my life ~ And the unread tales ~ Within

2012-10-08 12:19:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His breath ~ That clothes me now

2012-10-08 12:16:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These arms ~ That once held her ~ How the wind ~ Howls through them
2012-10-08 12:12:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Women are ~ Creatures of touch ~ Of choice

2012-10-08 10:26:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deaf without ~ Your voice ~ I look for ~ The hues of sound
2012-10-08 10:22:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every sunrise reflects ~ The red of your marked skin ~ Every
145 / 4823

sunset ~ Of promised branding

2012-10-07 22:54:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It amuses me when some people say "You don't know me" when what they mean is "I'll do as it pleases me, hence, not even I can know me."
2012-10-06 14:04:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher Which browser? On a twitter page hit the "N" key to tweet & "M" to DM (click on the "Direct Messages" to see earlier DMs)
2012-10-06 12:42:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seek not ~ A sunrise ~ When in a ~ Golden mist

2012-10-06 12:31:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of her laughter ~ Fit like mittens ~ O'er my days [for my dear friend @JennWhetton & her love]
2012-10-06 11:30:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Kindred_Hearts Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-10-06 11:20:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The night's satin ~ That you folded ~ Into your gaze @ purplepoetry77
2012-10-06 11:06:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is in love ~ We learn to house him ~ In our eyes

2012-10-06 10:45:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The verses they write ~ Under an invisible water's pen [Pic: Courtesy: Yu Gong-Quan, Mao Zhi]
2012-10-06 10:37:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know not wherefrom ~ I come to a bridge ~ Save that is where ~ My heart doth smile [Pic: Courtesy: Claude Monet]
2012-10-06 10:24:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all earth ~ Is the sinking sigh ~ Of mountains [Pic (Sumi-e painting): Courtesy: Nadja Van Ghelue]
2012-10-06 10:02:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thus I learnt - ~ There is always a violet bloom ~ Taller than I [Pic: Courtesy: Fumiyo Yoshikawa]
2012-10-06 09:59:52 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Bleed me the sanguine ~ Of an innocent's ~ Bloom [Pic: Courtesy: Derek McCrea]
2012-10-06 09:51:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mark ~ My mind leaves ~ On your alabaster @ purplepoetry77

2012-10-06 09:48:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The unclasp ~ Of sigh ~ From trembling tongue @ purplepoetry77

2012-10-06 09:38:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala @purplepoetry77 Effortless? Don't know about the purple princess but I am on a treadmill right now! :-o
2012-10-06 09:37:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 @Heidi_Ayala Yes, enough puddle for 3 pairs of legs! :-)
2012-10-06 09:36:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those little boys ~ Painting flowers on ~ The Autumn moon [Pic:, courtesy Mochiku]
2012-10-06 09:35:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How passion peeks ~ Purpled gaze ~ O'er bitten lips @ purplepoetry77
2012-10-06 09:29:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whoever returned the same ~ From peering into ~ A calm lake
2012-10-06 09:28:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish to be ~ Is a song's shadow ~ On a still Autumn leaf

2012-10-06 09:26:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poems like footprints ~ No sand could carve

2012-10-06 09:23:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His hand ~ Was dusk ~ Brushing day ~ From my blush

2012-10-06 09:22:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Within a tear's convex ~ The swell of your ~ Ardent ask @ purplepoetry77
147 / 4823

2012-10-06 09:19:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What speak of whispers ~ That creased ~ A nightingale's song @VinHampton

2012-10-06 08:17:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ While you slept ~ I wrote stanzas ~ Of dew

2012-10-06 07:33:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breathless, ~ Cooling brow ~ On brow

2012-10-06 05:41:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Were the shores ~ Of her sepia skin

2012-10-06 05:40:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 You are generous with your compliments, dear J. Glad you find the words here to your taste. :-)
2012-10-06 05:11:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his "Ummm" ~ Rhythms of thought

2012-10-06 05:10:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Around the corner ~ Wrapped in his ~ Lack

2012-10-05 10:47:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You are my penance ~ For the sin ~ I won't commit

2012-10-05 10:46:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why is the measure of love, loss? -- Jeanette Winterson

2012-10-05 10:43:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am not your moon ~ But see how I glow ~ Through the scars [Pic:
2012-10-05 10:42:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wanting him ~ Is not a feeling ~ But inhabiting ~ A different body

2012-10-05 10:38:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mummified ~ In the coarse silk ~ Of her absence

2012-10-05 10:37:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if pebbles ~ Knew the translate ~ Of gurgling streams

148 / 4823

2012-10-05 10:33:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She smiled ~ To the taste of words ~ I would think

2012-10-05 10:31:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Till I met you ~ I knew not ~ That I had always ~ Lived within you. ~ I knew not ~ Your contours ~ Your succulent flesh ~ To be my skies
2012-10-05 10:28:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala riding my senses /he holds me on the edge / as i wait for permission / to fly [He taught her ~ The tango ~ Of never falling]
2012-10-02 07:14:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his voice ~ My name's milk

2012-09-28 13:21:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This heat of now ~ Always wishing ~ To be then

2012-09-28 13:16:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moments maketh ~ Life's desiderata

2012-09-28 13:13:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Passing under your gaze ~ My words, ablaze

2012-09-28 13:06:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sea ~ Where all secrets met

2012-09-28 13:04:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dancing ~ To the dodge ~ Of recurring dreams

2012-09-28 12:58:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala as if my unspoken / was his playground / of written words [As if my unseen ~ Was his tapestry ~ Of silvered awe]
2012-09-28 12:52:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On broadest plateau ~ Walking as if ~ On tightrope

2012-09-28 12:49:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To own ~ What I can hold ~ 'Twixt my teeth

2012-09-28 12:47:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feel the braille ~ Of my speechlessness

2012-09-28 12:45:04 (EDT)

149 / 4823

_eroteme_ Memories of you ~ Like pleated muffin cups ~ Empty

2012-09-28 12:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My virgin urge ~ To possess ~ I give you

2012-09-28 12:28:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some skies smile ~ In the speckle of kites ~ Some, in lost memories
2012-09-28 12:25:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Running through ~ My field of words

2012-09-28 12:23:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I was more beautiful ~ In what you destroyed ~ Than in my longing

2012-09-28 12:21:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the universal pause of pens ~ The write of silent words

2012-09-28 12:20:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Could the colour wear its hidden to a truth that made invisible.
2012-09-28 12:19:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This pigeon ~ Knowing all ~ Yet blinking its pink

2012-09-28 12:18:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sang to ~ Slide of her hair ~ She, lost in her book

2012-09-28 12:17:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Glittering shrapnel ~ Line my fence ~ Thanks to broken hearts

2012-09-28 12:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I needed was a run ~ And the world to fall away ~ And away forever ~ Then, I'd be flying
2012-09-28 12:13:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only our lives ~ Were clouds ~ And swaying daffodils

2012-09-28 11:57:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I believed the pastels ~ Of your dress ~ Spilled from your heart
2012-09-28 11:38:26 (EDT)

150 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ! Dr. Seuss
2012-09-28 11:30:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self confidence. ~ Robert Frost
2012-09-28 11:29:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My foot ~ Always within ~ The outline of its shadow

2012-09-28 11:28:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is my window sill ~ Promising me ~ A greater beyond ~ If only I'd jump
2012-09-28 11:17:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This leash ~ Your scent ~ Of that night

2012-09-28 11:15:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you found it so, sir. Hope you are well. :-)
2012-09-28 11:12:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your most soiled, crumpled ~ Faded in alien suns ~ Jammed in the doorways of your mind ~ Stuck to the gum on your sole - ~ Give me that word
2012-09-28 11:06:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My inked letters to you ~ Under my tears ~ Watercolour of angst

2012-09-28 10:50:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How Freud thought every male fantasy had something to do with a mother figure! Most men haven't met his mom, I'm sure.
2012-09-27 23:11:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Possibilities ~ Like a tidal wave ~ Never spilling over ~ The still lake
2012-09-27 22:48:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even now ~ He fumbles with ~ The hook's clasp. ~ Yet he wonders ~ Why he understands me not
2012-09-27 21:35:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil everybody looks

151 / 4823

to see what everybody else is looking at [Everybody nod ~ With the clueless nod]
2012-09-27 21:29:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He made love ~ To her naivete

2012-09-27 21:26:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Painting a goblet ~ With her lips. ~ Across the room~ He shifted ~ In his seat
2012-09-27 21:25:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like his trophy ~ Straddling him

2012-09-27 21:20:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the sun ~ In the rain ~ In melody ~ In love ~ All she sought -~ The drench of forever
2012-09-27 21:07:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All she wanted ~ Was to steal the hands ~ Of his clocks
2012-09-27 21:04:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She came to me ~ Wearing the lace ~ Of her mind

2012-09-27 21:01:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every drop of rain ~ Dries my lips for nights ~ Unwet by your scent @purplepoetry77
2012-09-27 20:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire her resolve found in the reasons that were all wrong [Her grin ~ Lost in the thicket ~ Of censure]
2012-09-27 20:45:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This blurred today ~ So much clearer ~ As yesterday

2012-09-27 20:40:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She painted the labyrinths ~ Of my mouth ~ With the silver ~ Of her tongue
2012-09-27 12:25:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What shall I speak ~ Of the circumstance ~ When eddying leaf and I ~ Met by the river
152 / 4823

2012-09-27 12:24:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every night's sleep ~ Readies me for a life ~ Without feeling you
2012-09-27 12:04:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm an orchids's ~ Secret lover

2012-09-27 11:25:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He rode the waves ~ Of her mane

2012-09-26 22:56:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Married to this night ~ To a witness of glowworms

2012-09-26 22:52:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For all acts ~ Come with ~ Apposite fig leaves

2012-09-26 22:35:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that we can build ~ With lies. ~ All we can break ~ With truth
2012-09-26 21:08:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ The blue is only for display purposes. We only deliver red toy Lexus ;-p
2012-09-25 23:18:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amen! :-) @agatekartik

2012-09-25 11:29:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A distant typewriter ~ Tap dancing ~ What I wish to imagine

2012-09-25 10:10:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik The moment's fleeting in physical time & eternal in psychological time. When the souls are no more, psychological time ends too
2012-09-25 09:54:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thank you for responding to the survey. Your coupon code is YFJ28GH. @soHbet_
2012-09-24 23:06:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Evenings ~ When the sun hid behind ~ His dismay

2012-09-24 23:03:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I thought the answers would be yes or no! Did you mean amen!?
153 / 4823

;-) @wordblender
2012-09-24 23:01:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Will you let me say ~ I love you ~ And not have you quote it later?
2012-09-24 22:38:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No marriage complete ~ Without lover

2012-09-24 22:37:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the crave for his eyes ~ I carve my sight

2012-09-24 22:08:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unblossomed words ~ Gathering connotation @purplepoetry77

2012-09-24 21:07:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Taut memories ~ Strumming yesterday @ purplepoetry77

2012-09-24 20:28:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77 the echo of a breath ~ shared deliverance @_eroteme_

2012-09-24 20:27:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I can never hate you ~ Watching you sleep

2012-09-24 13:21:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hills ~ Filled with the shadows ~ Of prayer flags

2012-09-24 13:13:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Called to ~ My animal

2012-09-24 13:11:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her hair clenched ~ Songs birthed

2012-09-24 13:10:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They lost the perennial ~ Every now & then

2012-09-24 13:09:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His love ~ Was what made him ~ Inhuman

2012-09-24 13:09:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I never followed a river ~ That followed me back

2012-09-24 13:07:28 (EDT)

154 / 4823

_eroteme_ Go away ~ Into me

2012-09-24 13:06:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way cherry trees ~ Make a sighing pink ~ Bed for you
2012-09-24 13:05:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His every word ~ I carried ~ Like it could never ~ Be spoken

2012-09-24 13:04:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was ~ Limbed like a cobweb ~ Trapping the sunshine of sighs
2012-09-24 13:02:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she fell ~ To the outline ~ Of pebbles

2012-09-24 13:01:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knew ~ The delve ~ Of a glance

2012-09-24 13:01:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her touch ~ Was a constant ~ Disrobing

2012-09-24 13:00:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Before I knew it ~ He did

2012-09-24 12:59:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love cannot ~ Be handled ~ Delicately

2012-09-24 12:59:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shadow of a poem ~ Startled silence

2012-09-24 12:57:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This is not me ~ This is not you ~ Yet, when we are gone ~ So shall it - ~ This moment
2012-09-24 12:54:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A flower ~ That believed ~ In a wind

2012-09-24 12:53:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Descend on me ~ So we shall rise

2012-09-24 12:52:24 (EDT)

155 / 4823

_eroteme_ The tango of sere leaves ~ Scratching their song ~ In a portico's breeze
2012-09-24 12:49:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ None hath loved me so ~ As a rivulet once did

2012-09-24 12:47:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Colour my love ~ With the season of minutes

2012-09-24 12:47:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The torment of a love ~ Unspoken ~ Untouched ~ Unheard ~ Unbedded ~ Unrecognised on a ghost-street
2012-09-24 12:47:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pillage me with the mute ~ That your words left behind
2012-09-24 12:45:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The many who love are not ~ But Love alone remains ~ A virgin
2012-09-24 12:45:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In Wonderland everyone cheats & love is Wonderland, isn't it? -- Jeanette Winterson
2012-09-23 04:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Only in its end ~ Revealed ~ If it was love

2012-09-22 12:34:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her hair ~ Where I'd nest

2012-09-22 12:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You are ~ What I could be ~ Had you wished ~ To be me

2012-09-22 12:27:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sunflowers chanted ~ While we made love ~ In the fields

2012-09-22 12:25:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all memory ~ Is the betrayal of now

2012-09-22 12:24:04 (EDT)
156 / 4823

_eroteme_ The you, you want me to see ~ And the you clinging to her leg
2012-09-22 12:21:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her untranslated ~ Writhing moans

2012-09-22 12:10:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On love I closed doors ~ But this rain through my ~ Roofless house
2012-09-22 12:09:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the smatter of glass ~ That never emerged ~ From the furnace
2012-09-22 12:05:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every word I spoke ~ A porcelain vase's shatter

2012-09-22 12:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hearts that chime ~ From cathedrals of agony

2012-09-22 11:51:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where the word is the deed, that is integrity. -- JK

2012-09-21 23:33:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his ravage ~ He left on me ~ The Autumn of touches

2012-09-21 10:45:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All our ardent wishes ~ Are but asks ~ To find the ~ Dissolve of real
2012-09-19 22:40:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He enters me ~ As if I was the gate ~ Birthed solely for ~ His passage
2012-09-19 22:38:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Connotation is the disease of age

2012-09-19 00:22:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She blinked ~ With my breath

2012-09-19 00:18:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When touches ~ Are the wordless tunes ~ You hum for me [for a
157 / 4823

dear friend]
2012-09-18 23:58:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Knew the gasp of ~ Periwinkle

2012-09-18 23:24:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I carry the hands ~ Of a long lost ~ Clock

2012-09-18 23:22:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was ~ A little like catching ~ Dawn's sparkle ~ On a lake @ DangerslyClaire
2012-09-18 22:04:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love this! :-) RT @DangerslyClaire he was a little bit like catching a bolt of lightening
2012-09-18 22:00:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire sunlight lit the bruises ~ he left on her thigh ~ in his dreams ~ [The hues of autumn ~ He birthed ~ On my landscape]
2012-09-18 21:59:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire licking my taste ~ from his lips ~ throwing hearts ~ into the well ~ with dirty pennies ~ [Musk of wishes ~ Granted]
2012-09-18 21:56:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come to me ~ Clothed in a ~ Sigh

2012-09-18 21:50:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she hummed ~ In the winds ~ And the tinkle ~ Of her sole silver belt
2012-09-16 10:58:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crows ~ That never lend wing ~ To let night fly

2012-09-16 10:15:29 (EDT)

158 / 4823

_eroteme_ @APlentyoTea @primxvita See what I found! A print of what both of you once quoted. Thanks to @purpledusk001
2012-09-16 09:33:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between the aisles ~ Bakery & drinks ~ Our kisses ~ Never taken off the shelf
2012-09-16 09:30:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His every breath ~ Rhymes with my name

2012-09-16 09:29:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tearing my clothes off ~ Then a pause ~ And in those eyes ~ All of an animal's purr
2012-09-16 09:17:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I let moments ~ Roll off her chin ~ To where blushes ~ Are timeless
2012-09-16 09:14:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hue of your skin ~ And how much ~ You've loved
2012-09-16 09:02:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We never ~ Emerge the same

2012-09-16 08:56:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The flames of Fate ~ A poet must fall into ~ So verses may swirl ~ As sinuous incense
2012-09-16 08:55:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I lie down ~ Beside this brown leaf ~ Hoping the wind ~ Will turn me too
2012-09-16 08:50:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crickets ~ Asleep ~ But still ~ The echos...

2012-09-16 08:49:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We seek the same ~ In pyre ~ In candlelight ~ In forests ablaze ~ In the glowing eyes of cigars ~
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In the smoulder of hearths ~ In hands held

2012-09-16 08:46:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ushering in ~ Premature dusk ~ Her sad eyes

2012-09-16 08:00:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if stars ~ Found mirror only ~ In her eyes' twinkle

2012-09-15 23:51:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This ache ~ Of my fingers ~ Scraping through ~ Your fjords

2012-09-15 23:22:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In all this pain ~ My salve in knowing ~ He aches for me

2012-09-15 03:48:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her every memory ~ Readily miscible ~ In the red of wine

2012-09-15 02:07:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everything's more beautiful because we are doomed -- Achilles (Troy)

2012-09-13 09:59:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Men are wretched creatures -- Achilles (Troy)

2012-09-13 09:57:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your eyes ~ My leash ~ Lower them at your risk

2012-09-12 23:08:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wear the moist belt ~ Of my nibble's journey ~ Around your hip
2012-09-12 23:00:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let the throb ~ Of our union be what ~ Births waves in oceans ~ Sinking ships
2012-09-12 22:55:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Make love to me. ~ Sun-gaze at me ~ Knowing that I look best ~ Dressed in dew
2012-09-12 22:51:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if streams knew ~ The translate of breeze

2012-09-12 22:41:54 (EDT)

160 / 4823

_eroteme_ Sunshine fingers ~ Strolling down my ~ Distending contours

2012-09-11 09:52:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Now such a habit! ~ Missing you ~ While in your arms

2012-09-11 09:50:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My teeth in ~ My arms, tasting ~ Your delight

2012-09-11 09:48:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shatter your fall on me ~ Let's scent this night ~ With the petrichor of us [Petrichor: n. smell of earth after first rain]
2012-09-11 09:47:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think the previous link brings up too many advt. Here is a link to a slideshow of pictures:
2012-09-10 23:34:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you liked the pictures from earlier, here is a larger collection for your perusal.
2012-09-10 12:46:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ring me the ring ~ Of an echoless ~ Throb [Pic: Jagdish temple, Udaipur]
2012-09-10 12:37:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A myriad keys ~ For your lockless ~ Heart ~ And then ~ An unkeyed smile [Pic: Markets of Jaipur]
2012-09-10 12:25:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every wind ~ Mimics your knock ~ On my door ~ Alas! [Pic: Saheliyon ki Baadi, Udaipur]
2012-09-10 12:20:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fingers around a goblet ~ Your eyes imagining them ~ Elsewhere

2012-09-10 10:47:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I want to be ~ What you'll regret ~ On your penultimate breath

2012-09-10 10:42:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in ~ The magical forest ~ Of why & how

2012-09-10 10:36:08 (EDT)
161 / 4823

_eroteme_ With every wave ~ A slightly exhausted ~ Ocean

2012-09-10 10:30:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin You should see me when I've combed my hair!! ;-p
2012-09-10 10:03:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Running my fingers ~ Through winds ~ That kissed you

2012-09-10 10:00:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When memories ~ Melt into cobblestone flights ~ To nowhere

2012-09-10 09:20:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad to see you enjoyed them all. More to come... :-)
2012-09-09 21:01:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she held ~ The tune of ~ My breath [Pic: Young girl interacting with street musician, Udaipur]
2012-09-08 11:58:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Entwined in many ~ Yet this scent ~ Of your wrist's last tug [Pic: Blue pottery, Jaipur]
2012-09-08 11:39:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alone she stands ~ Till stone melts into ~ Her lover [Pic: Lady in Red, Ranakpur]
2012-09-08 08:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Towering over me ~ This nebulous possibility ~ Of bliss [Pic: Ranakpur temple]
2012-09-08 08:41:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her swirl ~ Time's dizzy laughter ~ And the illusion ~ Of a past [Pic: Folk dancer, Bhagore ki Haveli,Udaipur]
2012-09-08 08:35:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thus I became ~ That which never learnt ~ To close again [Pic: From the gardens of Saheliyon ki Baadi, Udaipur]
2012-09-08 08:25:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When doors ~ Open into ~ Closures of life [Pic: Ranakpur, Udaipur]
162 / 4823

2012-09-08 08:21:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the swell of hue ~ I wear ~ Shades of you

2012-09-08 08:15:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the wind's howl ~ Names you could have ~ Called me
2012-09-04 23:36:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who will be ~ The first yellow voice ~ Of days to come?

2012-09-04 22:41:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pressed under the weight ~ Of a river's sashay ~ An anonymous last sigh
2012-09-04 22:34:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No colour ~ Forbidden to sky ~ And love

2012-09-04 22:29:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Nice pix. Makes me want to go there! :-) Thanks for sharing...
2012-09-04 22:24:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hold not ~ Reins of my love ~ So you tell me - ~ Shall I ~ Or shan't I ~ Love you
2012-09-04 13:04:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @kaushikgopal Glad you enjoyed the blog post. Will surely look up Jaimini Mahabharata. Thanks for the pointer. :-)
2012-09-03 21:03:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Live with me ~ Like moon in lake

2012-09-02 22:51:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if this sunlight ~ Sweeps the entire world in ~ Through my window

2012-09-02 22:50:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mottled nostalgia ~ Of Time's ~ Passionate brew @VinHampton

2012-09-02 22:48:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Uncork this vial ~ Come dwell in it

2012-09-02 22:43:47 (EDT)

163 / 4823

_eroteme_ With my thumb ~ I stirred ~ Her garbed thoughts ~ Into her heaving bud
2012-09-02 22:42:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I loved her ~ In her outlines ~ Smudged by the touch of longing

2012-09-02 22:38:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Striated verses ~ From a night ~ That never ended @ VinHampton

2012-09-02 22:36:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her poetry of light & dark - ~ Long grey shadows ~ Of unwritten words
2012-09-02 22:30:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @meghnaSJ Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2012-09-02 22:26:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where darkness ~ Wears kohl ~ To seduce his soul

2012-09-01 07:34:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Ranakpura wooed me enough! :-)

2012-08-31 10:04:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Glad you liked it. I didn't stop at Dilwara because I decided to wander through the streets instead. :-( Next time! :-)
2012-08-31 09:47:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Dear Deb, glad to see you enjoying them. :-) I've been off for a while too. Just getting back on... Wishing you well!
2012-08-31 07:17:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He who hath loved ~ But changed not ~ Neither did love
2012-08-31 06:54:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Make love ~ And watch ~ The soul's seasons

2012-08-31 06:52:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She sang songs ~ Till their melt

2012-08-30 22:59:42 (EDT)

164 / 4823

_eroteme_ That night-breeze ~ Collecting sleepy ~ Smiles

2012-08-30 22:23:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @HonestlyClaire Glad they were to your taste... :-)

2012-08-30 13:00:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every song I sang ~ As your chisel ~ Cut deep into me [Pic: Ranakpur Temple, near Udaipur
2012-08-29 13:22:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Step your way ~ Into depths of mine ~ The gleam in my eye ~ As you sink deeper [Pic: Chand Ki Baori, Jaipur
2012-08-29 13:11:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Million lovers I hide ~ In the spirals ~ Of my wrists [Pic: Johari Bazaar, Jaipur
2012-08-29 12:31:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gate within gates ~ The ochre of all ~ Mystery [Pic: Jantar Mantar, Astronomical Observatory, Jaipur
2012-08-29 12:28:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her gaze ~ A myriad hues ~ Vied for sparkle [Pic: Ghoomar dance performance, Bhagore Ki Haveli, Udaipur
2012-08-29 11:53:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where wings ~ Lead wind ~ To hear its murmur [Pic: Jagdish Temple, Udaipur:
2012-08-29 11:29:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Still the mind, stay all need to separate, to isolate, to embrace, to accept, to reject, to patronise, to debunk... Stay. Stay. Stay.
2012-08-29 10:05:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where once pettiness separated, now holier fingers pointing outward keep many at bay, ensure that the rifts of righteousness burn brighter
2012-08-29 09:58:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in this noble effort to help one human find map to Godliness, to Goodness, to Goldness, I cleave this earth further building islands
2012-08-29 09:56:04 (EDT)
165 / 4823

_eroteme_ I erect citadels of the ideal human, the good man, the noble breast that feeds all, mirrors where every soul can find its distance from gold
2012-08-29 09:53:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Slowly I become human from human, neither lesser so nor otherwise, & shade my eyes, calling this vulgar & that banal, this true & that not
2012-08-29 09:53:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I seek human hide of golden hue, human voice of echoless timbre, human glance of the purest waters, human wisdom that created all...
2012-08-29 09:49:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I seek not lion, nor eagle, nor the gods of parakeets to come help me, to provide shoulder to bear weight or tear, to speak clearly
2012-08-29 09:47:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In mirrors, in lakes, in voices that ring sweet, in echos of touch, I believe I shall find that which we naively called human & then forgot
2012-08-29 09:45:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Yet in all this, I turn to a mirrored face hoping to find that light I believe shall rid us all of our base works, bringing us an equal calm
2012-08-29 09:44:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To loot from you, as my son's belly is more deserving than the guts I hang there, to deny you as if anything more shall deny me mine
2012-08-29 09:42:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To banally snatch all that's yours as I believe 'tis mine, by virtue of belief, or pretend wiping all boundaries by erecting invisible walls
2012-08-29 09:41:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To polish my soul till it is brighter than thine, by virtue of feigned virtue or usurped credibility, proclamations beaten out of your lips
2012-08-29 09:37:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To practice the enactment of a soul carved in the edicts of each vulgar religion while digging the heels of venom deeper into my fabric
166 / 4823

2012-08-29 09:36:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To recall repeatedly that this lesser being shan't be called so, that she who is blacker than I must be reminded that I am benevolent to her
2012-08-29 09:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be human, let alone humane, human as an animal looking to honour its own specie is now a forced habit to which I must set aside time
2012-08-29 09:33:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The utter corruption of soul, of intent, of all things held sacred by these very hands that sully, yet I seek other hands to help cleanse it
2012-08-29 09:30:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every single day dawns where the vileness of this specie is the miasma I must rise in. Yet, it is in this animal I must have faith.
2012-08-29 09:28:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tragedy in being human is that we must curse that which we believe in.
2012-08-29 09:25:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under her lace band ~ My finger ~ Now, your mind

2012-08-26 12:03:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love wind, shaped rock, long lashes & sturdy fingers alike is not to hold them clones but merely to recognise their hold on my heart...
2012-08-26 02:04:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is difficult to love for length. Love is, after all, a tide & no moon ever stayed full. But every love, every time is pure & honest
2012-08-26 02:01:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a breath, then, I rush to profess my love, met with the fixed gaze of an onyx inlay painting, suspicion in his eyes or indifferent rain
2012-08-26 02:00:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Then love becomes touch, gaze, smile, fragrance, awe, rapture, a feeling of oneness, the bridge we eagerly cross, a simmering madness
2012-08-26 01:57:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In each I find what had separated from me at birth, across births, a familiar crevice where the peg of my heart finds clasp & joyous
167 / 4823

2012-08-26 01:54:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @tushirox :-)

2012-08-26 01:50:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun, aah the golden sun, melting its promise into giggling lakes into which men & mountain alike, peer & twirl moustache & cloud...
2012-08-26 01:22:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The twin moons of a woman's gaze behind the night of her veil, mica beaten to fine white to paint lilies for the queen's curtains
2012-08-26 01:20:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mighty fortresses with their seductive shadows, tribals with their quaint art & quainter wonder, men billowing sinuous marijuana hints
2012-08-26 01:17:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Welling in my breast, then, is an ardent passion that leaves me in tears while I smile, a human simulacrum of a sunned-upon rainbow...
2012-08-26 01:09:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every statue, every wayward ripple, every parrot looking askance, every man's square jaw & woman's succulent breast, births love in me..
2012-08-26 01:06:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The present moment is a voyeuristic window, albeit a moth-hole in the curtain, to imagine tomorrow while the past parades in Eastman colour
2012-08-25 10:18:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alleys of time, shifting familiar cobblestones to trip & bleed memories sans address only to have the past & future perversely yield now...
2012-08-25 10:15:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The future is the woman every man chases & slows down when passing by the windows of his wife's room, only to run again...
2012-08-25 10:11:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The past too moves with the tales we wish to be remembered
168 / 4823

by, a festoon of seasons to the solstices of our whim...

2012-08-25 10:09:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The past & future are twin shadows of now; one birthed in the light of tales chosen & the other in hopes we nurse...
2012-08-25 10:08:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Perhaps! :-)

2012-08-25 10:04:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ Our inarticulate need ~ For madness

2012-08-24 11:12:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How life seems ~ Like the forever shedding ~ Of Autumns & Springs
2012-08-24 10:04:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tell me a story, Pew What kind, my child? One with a happy ending There's no such thing As a happy ending? As an ending -- Lighthousekeeping
2012-08-24 08:47:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the well-intentioned ~ Cripple too (on how parents, unfortunately, attenuate a child's growth with their need to secure the future)
2012-08-22 12:39:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In us is the world without. In us, all relating. In us, all learning & insight. In us, the urge to run away from ourself. Clear the waters..
2012-08-22 12:18:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mischief in her eyes ~ Lingerie I shan't remove

2012-08-22 12:09:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if curtains ~ Knew the shush ~ Of breeze

169 / 4823

2012-08-22 11:40:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Missing @neernool... Her erudition & sensitivity is rare!

2012-08-22 11:19:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To bed my all ~ You must bed my mind

2012-08-22 11:18:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Worth pressing between my choicest pages... :-) RT @fawnlette anthophilia | n. | the love of flowers
2012-08-22 11:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Torches of "should" ~ Lighting my labyrinths ~ Of regret

2012-08-22 11:16:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just a thread ~ From her blouse ~ The rest of her ~ Re-emerges
2012-08-22 11:08:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We pretended ~ That we spoke ~ Different tongues ~ To love wordlessly

2012-08-22 11:06:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bells, bangles & skirts - ~ 'Twixt their colourful twirls ~ An untranslated sigh
2012-08-22 10:58:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Winds, eddying ~ Hoping to smell ~ Jasmines within

2012-08-22 10:52:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a shudder ~ A squirm ~ Moulting us ~ From ever after [hat tip to @Heidi_Ayala]
2012-08-21 09:47:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings part lie part sunshine -- love [Part mist ~ Part fallen petals -- ~ Remembering]
2012-08-19 22:59:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spread on the desert sands ~ Feet that trip the wind ~ Skirt, high to tempt ~ Moonlight in
2012-08-19 22:37:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if my life ~ Is stumbling upon ~ Words

170 / 4823

2012-08-18 14:09:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where the wind forks ~ A nightingale's song ~ Undecided

2012-08-18 14:02:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How stories ~ Never really begin ~ Or end

2012-08-18 13:59:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Make me sweat - ~ Watch me birth a new sky ~ Beneath you ~ This full-moon night
2012-08-18 13:56:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your pen ~ On my paper ~ Shall tell tales ~ That will be called sin
2012-08-18 13:52:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was my ocean ~ I, his fish ~ And his mind often tossed me out ~ Just to know ~ If I'd gasp
2012-08-18 13:38:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Are the melt ~ Of my skin

2012-08-18 13:35:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if people ~ Were Earth's living ~ Tattoo

2012-08-18 13:29:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These sands ~ And lakes ~ And fortresses ~ Of remembering

2012-08-18 13:27:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When memories ~ Grow my mind a tongue ~ And lick thoughts of you ~ In the evening air
2012-08-18 13:23:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come not to me ~ In the day ~ I only know you ~ In darkness

2012-08-18 13:15:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Glad you found it so, dear M :-)

2012-08-14 22:19:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pirouetting gypsy ~ Trapping sands-storms ~ In her skirt's twirl

2012-08-14 22:12:36 (EDT)

171 / 4823

_eroteme_ What is it with rustic folks & effortless goodness! I cannot have been born in an urban world...
2012-08-14 22:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A green glass bangle ~ That broke to leave ~ A bleeding red one
2012-08-14 22:05:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Colourful glass bangles - ~ Still so ~ When broken

2012-08-14 22:04:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where the desert ended ~ Her lips began

2012-08-14 22:03:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her lips ~ Were the dunes ~ Of my life's desert

2012-08-14 22:02:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if ruins ~ Peeled their visage ~ To give breath ~ To awe

2012-08-14 21:58:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He pressed ~ Sweet breaths ~ 'Twixt the pages ~ Of my sighs

2012-08-14 21:54:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She festooned ~ The evening air ~ With questions, lit

2012-08-13 06:20:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The certainty ~ Of an illusion ~ Till it becomes one

2012-08-13 06:19:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A single lost piece ~ Rejected by every ~ Puzzle

2012-08-13 05:54:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In their wake ~ The smiles that clung ~ To the window grills
2012-08-12 13:17:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Today's rain ~ Has fallen too ~ My lips, still as parched ~ As he left them
2012-08-12 13:09:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Of all winged ~ Chirps & songs ~ I seek the melody ~ Of flitting Time
2012-08-12 07:04:36 (EDT)

172 / 4823

_eroteme_ @forgingwords True. There are but few other mirrors which reflect the soul as well as does tenderness. @shakenidentity
2012-08-11 05:48:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @shakenidentity The garb of the mind...

2012-08-11 05:47:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @shakenidentity The same way we believe in nakedness

2012-08-11 00:47:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you find the words here worthy of such a title, dear friend. :-)
2012-08-10 20:28:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Knight my heart ~ With your tongue

2012-08-10 13:34:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if Turkish rugs ~ Held nostalgia in dust

2012-08-09 23:06:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the ~ Rained-on arches ~ Of your lips ~ I walk to dissolve

2012-08-09 22:59:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you found it so, dear friend. :-)

2012-08-08 23:13:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the corn field ~ Answers my questions ~ In its sway

2012-08-08 11:56:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way the winds ~ Used her name ~ To colour orchids
2012-08-08 11:54:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez :-) I agree with all your points including that about having so much more...
2012-08-08 09:24:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Oh! I believe you. I've always been suspicious of therapists of the kinds I heard in the US. Largely parasitical...
2012-08-08 08:44:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Amen! You said it like it is...

2012-08-08 08:38:28 (EDT)

173 / 4823

_eroteme_ My every tear ~ Dew on his breast

2012-08-07 21:09:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly :-)

2012-08-07 11:56:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What shall you ~ Wear tonight ~ That I haven't undone ~ In my mind?
2012-08-06 21:41:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I slowly chant your name ~ To scent this night ~ In your musk
2012-08-06 21:20:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With the choicest words ~ She fenced in ~ Her soul

2012-08-06 20:54:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The endless ~ Spiraling wisdom ~ In stirring tea

2012-08-06 20:41:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @shakenidentity In summary, the words are still yours, maybe they want to express something else? The lack of meaning, perhaps?
2012-08-06 20:19:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @shakenidentity Perhaps it is like wanting my child to be a ballerina. She might be a poet at softball but I keep sighing seeing a tutu...
2012-08-06 20:18:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @shakenidentity Not all understanding lends itself to words. Realising that, I'm readily at peace with silence. Die we must, by this or that
2012-08-06 19:55:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She showed me ~ A childhood ~ Kept in the museum ~ Of tears

2012-08-06 13:06:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My loving you ~ Like wishing each river ~ Would seep into me
2012-08-06 12:58:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This ache ~ I hang ~ With my prayer flags

2012-08-06 12:35:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Upside down ~ Round & round ~

174 / 4823

Inside out ~ Of my pout ~ Kiss me

2012-08-06 12:23:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They said ~ Time will heal all - ~ Except memories

2012-08-06 11:09:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her extinguish ~ The pale fire ~ Of her smoked words

2012-08-05 10:38:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His voice ~ Like shadows ~ Of a distant banjo

2012-08-04 15:22:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mischievous nights - ~ Ending too soon ~ With you in my arms ~ Never-ending ~ While I wait for you
2012-08-04 15:21:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun that drank ~ Her wet toes ~ On my porch steps
2012-08-04 15:12:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Still streams ~ Till I step ~ Into them

2012-08-04 15:08:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I personally think religion would be better if it allowed each individual to start from scratch & construct Godliness naturally! @nslater
2012-08-04 12:20:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nslater Not sure I need a sexual pronoun for God. It, suffices. Her is fertile. His is cliche. Or just God. Yes, we can't side-step it.
2012-08-04 12:14:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nslater We make God human so that we can eddy in our shallow image of an angry, revengeful, loving, hating, jealous sire! Not to understand
2012-08-04 12:12:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nslater Given that man is broken, anthropomorphises things, wars, has an ego, is petty etc. is sufficient reason to not make God human :175 / 4823

2012-08-04 12:08:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nslater Because, unlike when done to understand, here it leads to fighting (often brutally) over whose imagination is better!!
2012-08-04 08:34:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you found it so, sir. :-)

2012-08-04 06:03:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To make God the collective noun for chance, luck, whims, predilections, randomness & the unexpected... Just don't make God, human!
2012-08-04 05:48:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her feet ~ To rest ~ On the night's curve [hat tip to @jaya_misra 's avi]
2012-08-03 12:43:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my silences ~ Cast shadows ~ Of words

2012-08-03 12:30:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ripples of lake ~ Tremors of lands ~ Flutters of wind ~ And then my name ~ On your trembling lips
2012-08-03 12:29:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps my life ~ Is to learn a fall

2012-08-03 12:26:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Maybe I am little! ;-) @URM1

2012-08-03 12:25:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To walk ~ Till melt

2012-08-03 12:21:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He collected pebbles ~ To recall her lisp

2012-08-03 12:20:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He built her winds ~ Of silken threads

2012-08-03 12:19:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Floating on ~ A flute's note ~ Lost butterfly

2012-08-03 12:15:28 (EDT)

176 / 4823

_eroteme_ As if ~ A rosebud knew ~ The whirl of return

2012-08-03 12:12:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undressed ~ To the chase ~ Of his eyes

2012-08-03 12:11:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Smudging the moon ~ Into dawn

2012-08-03 12:08:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soothed by ~ The rumbling voice ~ In his breast

2012-08-03 12:03:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the punctuation ~ Of his silence @ purplepoetry77

2012-08-03 12:01:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the bend ~ Of his grasp @ purplepoetry77

2012-08-03 11:58:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even his memories ~ Tug raw ~ My hair

2012-08-03 11:57:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the carve ~ Of his teeth

2012-08-03 11:53:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We lived in a house ~ Of thumbprints & smudges

2012-08-03 11:50:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Return me ~ To the clay ~ That once ~ Was your hands

2012-08-03 11:48:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come to me ~ Wearing but your pout ~ I know the magic ~ To iron them out
2012-08-02 20:00:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He made love ~ Echo in my bones

2012-08-01 11:45:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovers' hearts - ~ Envelopes of summer ~ Under this cold wind

2012-08-01 11:16:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my wrong ~ Mustered to right ~ My heart

177 / 4823

2012-07-30 22:45:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her hip's sashay ~ The whip to ~ Many a kiss

2012-07-30 22:41:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if rivulets ~ Found mother in the ~ Ebb of poetry

2012-07-30 12:33:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They way his eyes ~ Polish their blue ~ On the leather of me
2012-07-30 12:18:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These fronds ~ Blessed with knives ~ To shred the skies

2012-07-30 12:13:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aching to hold ~ Your ache ~ In my shivers' ~ Pleats

2012-07-30 11:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: Eyes hold words that ink could never write. [Breath holds rhythms ~ That no poem ~ Could hum]
2012-07-29 10:29:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: It's not called waiting if it never comes.

2012-07-29 10:28:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vinhampton Oh! How I wish I had something half as lovely to say as what you left unsaid on that paper... :-)
2012-07-29 09:58:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Slide me in ~ A Devil's curve ~ And shine your ~ Eyes on me ~ Yes, shine their silver on me [Once more, @ vinhampton 's]
2012-07-29 09:56:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The voluptuous lie ~ I left behind ~ In the artistry ~ Of falsehood

[Inspired by the lovely @vinhampton 's]

2012-07-29 09:53:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This want ~ To abandon sanity ~ And whisk you away ~ Asking not, if you wish the same ~ I call love
2012-07-29 09:46:46 (EDT)
178 / 4823

_eroteme_ How he feeds me ~ To eyes that despair ~ Thinking him unworthy of me ~ And then owning me
2012-07-29 09:42:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cast him in clay ~ Sitting outside the kiln ~ Fired by my sigh
2012-07-29 09:40:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @kokeesachdeva Glad you enjoyed the words. Loved the visuals in yours... :-)
2012-07-29 09:38:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @kokeesachdeva: On an edge ~ how she's wants ~ to be that wave ~ spraying ~ his face [To be the ~ First push of ~ Sunshine on his lips]
2012-07-29 09:35:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if serendipity ~ On a writer's soul ~ Took pity

2012-07-29 07:54:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Back to that moment ~ Of several decades ago ~ When we lay spent ~ Wanting nothing to know ~ The peal of hours since ~ Was Love's evidence
2012-07-29 06:37:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memory of blossoms ~ In the smoulder of ~ Cherrywood ash

2012-07-29 06:05:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the heat of us ~ Burns the incense ~ Of touch

2012-07-29 00:54:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Amen! All I was suggesting was a setting to implement living the truth. I like to design landscapes! :-)
2012-07-29 00:05:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Again, it is not that we are unique but impressionable to get so immersed in trade that we lose our eyes for that lens...
2012-07-28 23:50:29 (EDT)

179 / 4823

_eroteme_ As if I needed all of poetry ~ To breathe

2012-07-28 14:53:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you shan't know ~ Till I tell you ~ Is the power ~ The reigns ~ The futile salve ~ I hold over you
2012-07-28 14:39:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you found the words here to your taste. :-) Your generous attention to the words here, warms :-)
2012-07-28 14:15:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool I speak not of barter but of producing for direct consumption rather than mass assembly-line production. Everyone creates on need
2012-07-28 14:14:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dreamwalks The pleasure was mine... :-)

2012-07-27 23:16:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For I am ~ The pursed smile ~ Dwelling in the ~ Lover's heart

2012-07-27 21:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dreamwalks What is it * within the wind's voice * that forces me to hear? [What is it ~ In a night's mute ~ Makes me crave ~ A whisper]
2012-07-27 21:34:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dreamwalks But my reply barely did justice to the simple beauty in your original tweet! Glad you liked it, nonetheless :-)
2012-07-27 21:31:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dreamwalks What is it/ within the music of lapping water/that so quickly/ quiets my soul? [What is it ~ In a dew's bulge ~ Wets my eye?]
2012-07-27 12:22:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What my imagination ~ Perfected, life couldn't ~ Replicate

2012-07-27 12:17:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let my words ~ Inhabit the touch ~ Of your fingers

2012-07-27 12:14:14 (EDT)

180 / 4823

_eroteme_ Bring me night ~ Of the faintest gasp

2012-07-27 10:15:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tangled ~ In the curtains ~ Of my mind

2012-07-26 00:34:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Fed me belief

2012-07-26 00:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take my all ~ But leave me ~ Your virgin forehead

2012-07-26 00:23:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wake me ~ To a door ~ Locked to ~ An unframed thought [The lovely @ocarinaofrhyme 's inspires so much]
2012-07-26 00:21:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her skirt ~ On the clothesline ~ Practicing the "flutter"

2012-07-26 00:16:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To his every "How" ~ She fed him ~ A gasp unheard

2012-07-26 00:14:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Held in her hands ~ She caressed her curves ~ Where light shadowed not
2012-07-26 00:14:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a moment's lick ~ Unfathomed moans

2012-07-26 00:12:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hold Time's throat ~ While I undress you ~ With my eyes

2012-07-26 00:10:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To plummet ~ On glass chins ~ Holding hands ~ With rain

2012-07-25 12:07:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if fables knew ~ The tick of once upon a time ~ And step of ~ Far far away
2012-07-22 02:17:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have activity that is essential, meaningful, relevant & direct. A world not built on scale but necessity, vitality, relevance & ability[2/2]
2012-07-22 02:13:39 (EDT)

181 / 4823

_eroteme_ The tragedy of industry & commerce, as if to trade, is the only means for creating value, content & bonds. Eliminate that & we only [1/2]
2012-07-22 02:11:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad the words were to your taste, dear N. :-)
2012-07-21 12:42:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you found it so, dear Deb :-)

2012-07-21 12:42:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Maybe simple RT rather than quoting, would prevent this problem!! ;-p
2012-07-21 12:40:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @PoemWit Glad you liked it. Thanks to you & @Heidi_Ayala for establishing the importance of an underscore. ;-p
2012-07-21 12:38:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We were one ~ In our division

2012-07-19 12:39:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_mrsrita Glad you feel so. That was the intent... :-)
2012-07-18 23:39:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love and betrayal happen to different minds in the same body.
2012-07-18 21:57:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To kiss ~ As if to leave ~ A silver bell ~ On the wet of imprint

2012-07-18 21:13:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain My apologies, dear friend. I feel this periodic need to manage inflow because I find it overwhelming. Wishing you the best...
2012-07-18 21:11:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hug ~ As if to draw in ~ Spring's flowers ~ In a single breath

2012-07-18 21:09:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I collect beds ~ Where people made love ~ And played the violin
2012-07-18 11:33:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nostalgia ~ In the kisses ~ She returned

182 / 4823

2012-07-18 10:50:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For Time ~ Creates fodder of Life ~ To devour it

2012-07-17 23:22:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these birds ~ Plucking the guitar strings ~ Of telegraph lines
2012-07-17 10:54:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The curves of ~ Her silhouette ~ As if to evade ~ The moon in puddles

2012-07-16 12:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her wordlessness ~ Like amethyst tears ~ Floating on a mountain stream

2012-07-16 12:27:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ All's fair for a laugh! :-)

2012-07-16 00:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning! RT @perlygates left hanging like a moon with no where to glow [Left hanging ~ Like a full moon ~ With no lake ~ To bathe in]
2012-07-15 23:34:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ oh yes! Nothing like glass. The smooth feel of it as it brushes against... the eyelashes, yes? ;-p
2012-07-15 23:31:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Really!? Wow! Glad you found it so. :-)

2012-07-15 23:02:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung :-) Always a pleasure to feed you, dear ZT

2012-07-15 21:22:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordsbleeding Thank you! An honour... :-)

2012-07-15 21:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @bnb_13 Thank you so much! :-) Your continued appreciation of the words here is gladdening...
2012-07-15 21:20:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Thank you! And for sharing the journey too... :-)
2012-07-15 21:19:16 (EDT)

183 / 4823

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ He craved words

2012-07-15 21:18:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @TheInsaneDiary Glad to note that the words are to your taste... :-)
2012-07-15 21:18:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_mrsrita Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-07-15 21:17:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With this I complete 10000 excursions into fragments as tweets. I've enjoyed the journey & thank you for humming along! The meal never ends!
2012-07-15 13:42:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'll take this opportunity to share a hug with all who enjoy the words here. Folks I follow are exceptional in their magic with words...
2012-07-15 13:38:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In their eyes held ~ Matryoshka mirrored souls ... [Matryoshka dolls aka Russian nesting dolls]
2012-07-15 13:36:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was now ~ Pregnant with ~ Her promise

2012-07-15 13:31:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A medley of dreams ~ Stolen from ~ The seas

2012-07-15 13:17:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bound ~ In the leather ~ Of her wrists

2012-07-15 13:15:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She came to me ~ Dressed in the imprint ~ Of undress

2012-07-15 13:11:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He stitched me ~ A promise of nights ~ Where I shall be moon ~ And he, tide
2012-07-15 13:04:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Speak to me ~ In the fabric of ~ My mind's curl

2012-07-15 13:02:51 (EDT)
184 / 4823

_eroteme_ Seams ~ Hanging in air ~ The promise of mend ~ Where none was broken
2012-07-15 13:01:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When it rained ~ A fade of colours ~ Naked butterflies ~ And rainbows that hid ~ Behind clouds
2012-07-15 12:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the night knew ~ Dissolve of screams ~ And translate to stars
2012-07-15 12:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His tongue ~ Carved trails ~ For the wind ~ Along her thighs
2012-07-15 12:30:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if rivers ~ Knew the chronicle ~ Of touch & wade

2012-07-15 12:26:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She hung her tears ~ In the gasp of breeze ~ A mist where light sang
2012-07-15 12:23:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bring me my ~ Lover's lips ~ Where swell the ~ Salty seasons

2012-07-15 12:13:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wonder how you weave such magic, effortlessly... :-) RT @ coeuraloha She awoke climbing as if the ocean had stairs.
2012-07-15 08:11:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha ...all the closets of the mist... held key

2012-07-15 07:49:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! RT @feltsensejunkie Her footsteps carved in words that left their bruising in a shade of violet universe.
2012-07-15 07:42:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She wrote ~ In the nude ~ So her lament ~ May wear words
2012-07-15 07:37:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha She tore down the wallpaper and drew the window for sky. [She buried bouquets ~ To blossom weeds]
2012-07-15 07:35:53 (EDT)
185 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie Are my eyes in that memory you hold? [And my wrinkles ~ In the nostalgia ~ You fold?]
2012-07-15 07:31:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your kiss ~ Is the flag ~ Of my lips

2012-07-15 07:28:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How beautiful this wind ~ That heaves in your breast

2012-07-15 07:25:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How rustic sunshine ~ Knows the wrap of ~ Dust

2012-07-15 07:08:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When being happy ~ Called for celebration - ~ Irony

2012-07-15 07:03:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ :-)

2012-07-15 05:44:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad you enjoyed the words here, dear DC. :-)
2012-07-14 09:39:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates tonight's breath / a bird hops / to another limb [A star lost ~ Behind a cloud ~ The nightingale ~ Skips a note]
2012-07-14 08:29:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mentalbit lone bird in broken tree / her cracked song / its sweet strength [The crumbling ~ Timbre ~ Of an eggshell bird]
2012-07-14 08:19:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feverish rain ~ Even train windows ~ Need to hide ~ Their tears
2012-07-14 07:53:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool the latter

2012-07-14 03:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watercolour care ~ Acrylic obligations

2012-07-14 03:16:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dipping words ~ In the wet of my mind ~ Painting his awe

2012-07-14 03:11:57 (EDT)

186 / 4823

_eroteme_ She wore ~ Diaphanous lies ~ To reveal her secret

2012-07-14 03:10:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tenderness, when a mirror, is terrifying... @ neernool

2012-07-14 03:06:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unwind the black ~ Of your eyes ~ Bind me in ~ Their white passion
2012-07-14 03:00:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The terrifying presence of tenderness...

2012-07-12 16:59:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Press me to your pale bosom ~ I am he who suckles on your sin.

2012-07-12 16:00:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soak me in the Styx of your love ~ My skin bronzed in the fire of your lust ~ My heart, your meal.
2012-07-12 15:30:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This drop of tear's ~ Gradual flow over spaces ~ You once inhabited
2012-07-12 15:08:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your heart I stole, ~ Still beating ~ In the vial ~ Of my passion.

2012-07-12 14:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the world's sin ~ Floating up ~ To create night

2012-07-12 13:52:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Spring of my gaze ~ And your visceral blossoming.

2012-07-12 13:30:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The agony of conjuring pains I haven't had occasion to suffer.

2012-07-12 12:29:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dragging you ~ Around the hell of my love ~ My jaws around your neck ~ My little kitten.
2012-07-12 12:02:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that he ~ Left unsaid ~ In the slow shake ~ Of his head
2012-07-12 11:58:30 (EDT)

187 / 4823

_eroteme_ In the fall of words ~ Swinging mid-air ~ Quotes & apostrophes

2012-07-12 11:31:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She left him notes ~ In countries ~ He'd never sail to

2012-07-12 11:18:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On her whim ~ A traveler born ~ Of my tongue.

2012-07-12 11:17:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Robbing connotations ~ Of words

2012-07-12 11:16:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Look deep into my eyes ~ Discern the patterns ~ Of my soul

2012-07-12 06:16:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where the thirst ~ Of tranquil ~ Leaves the wet of rivers

2012-07-12 05:58:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My haircut - ~ Making his hold ~ Dearer

2012-07-12 05:45:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whisper those words ~ Where breath remains not ~ To speak them
2012-07-11 21:42:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Exquisite! :-) RT @coeuraloha all the furniture of time moved / watching out within / a window
2012-07-11 21:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The walk of echoes ~ That returned not

2012-07-11 21:03:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha The duet lingered in the print of her dress. [Strings tuned ~ In the stretch of ~ Her pinstripes]
2012-07-11 21:01:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the sky ~ Found reflection ~ In green [@ Heidi_Ayala Evening walk...]
2012-07-11 20:56:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Open your eyes to night ~ And you'll find day

188 / 4823

2012-07-11 20:49:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he thumbed my lips ~ Like a book ~ Of moans

2012-07-11 20:48:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @kokeesachdeva The arrogance of silence.

2012-07-11 20:27:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He built her ~ Exquisite shadows

2012-07-11 12:26:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Souls that spoke ~ In smiles

2012-07-11 12:24:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She died ~ In the middle of a word - ~ The winds that howl ~ O'er her open mouth
2012-07-11 12:23:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if stars marked ~ Where dreams collided

2012-07-11 12:18:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She stitched ~ Waistbands ~ For roses

2012-07-11 12:16:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sizzle of ~ What was left ~ Unsaid @vinhampton

2012-07-11 00:04:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her blush ~ A worthy pilgrimage

2012-07-10 21:16:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My sigh ~ The sinuous smoke ~ Of what he set ablaze ~ With his eyes @vinhampton
2012-07-10 21:15:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool sky pressed earth kissed, rain a jaunty mnage trois. [Twixt heaven ~ And his fingers ~ My sway ~ A kite's ~ Mnage trois]
2012-07-10 20:45:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To lay her to dreams ~ To wake her to more

2012-07-10 20:42:10 (EDT)

189 / 4823

_eroteme_ Burn my heart ~ To smoulder ~ Some day they'll seek me ~ To light your pyre @Jaelvarma
2012-07-10 20:39:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Viola strains ~ Hanging ~ In the mist

2012-07-10 17:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd like to ~ Live upside down ~ Breaking my heart ~ Before falling in love
2012-07-10 16:49:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dusk ~ Tugging at the furbelows ~ Of night

2012-07-10 15:48:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trees swaying ~ But never in a ~ Sparrow's way

2012-07-10 14:29:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Childhood marbles ~ Still sitting ~ On spots of sun

2012-07-10 14:15:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the end ~ Of it all ~ The beginning ~ Of nostalgia

2012-07-10 13:45:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman ~ Wants a man ~ Who can unlock ~ Her gate ~ Back to childhood
2012-07-10 13:42:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ he scent ~ Of her smile ~ Fluttering on the hedge

2012-07-10 13:00:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tired limbs ~ Of a flute's notes ~ Yonder

2012-07-10 12:02:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @APlentyoTea @primxvita Splendid! Then it is mightier coincidence that both of you quote this around the same time! :-)
2012-07-10 08:47:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He whispered her dreams ~ Of a lavender hue

2012-07-09 23:59:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober Long time! Nice to see you online again. Hope you are much better now. Wishing you the best. :-)
2012-07-09 23:58:28 (EDT)

190 / 4823

_eroteme_ @APlentyoTea So similar in sentiment & content to @primxvita 's tweet from a while ago... :-)
2012-07-09 23:50:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To know change ~ Is utile; ~ To know constancy ~ Is tranquil

2012-07-09 23:39:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Yes, dear friend. A very very dear soul used to urge me to write 100 sonnets a day! This is my 1st one for her! :-D
2012-07-09 23:36:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mirage of a lips' ~ Kiss @dreamwalks

2012-07-09 21:07:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Vein me the sky ~ In green defy [Pic: Rishikesh]

2012-07-09 16:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Little girls break hearts ~ Older ones break vanity

2012-07-09 14:08:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The love letter ~ I blew ~ Onto a butterfly's back

2012-07-09 14:06:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her eyes ~ A doe of fear

2012-07-09 14:00:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ricocheting ~ Connotations

2012-07-09 13:45:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A crayon's press ~ Of waxing ~ Melody

2012-07-09 13:30:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A girl humming ~ In a woman's body ~ Like moonbeams ~ Engirdled in an hourglass

2012-07-09 13:19:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Braiding ~ A breeze's tresses

2012-07-09 13:11:20 (EDT)

191 / 4823

_eroteme_ As if the sacred ~ Could be roused ~ In a bell's clang

2012-07-09 12:25:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the spiral of eddies ~ My mind reflected clear

2012-07-09 12:16:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The strict reprimand ~ Of an ice-pack

2012-07-09 11:11:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wrap of hello ~ And a bow ~ Tied & denied

2012-07-09 11:09:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the ~ Uncanny of his life

2012-07-09 11:07:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When to be loved ~ Is lesser than ~ To know that ~ None else is loved
2012-07-09 10:41:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ :-) I, as a lover, would use you as my love, right? As long as there is a need, a want, there is the user & the used... Si?
2012-07-09 10:29:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Precisely, & hence my wonder at the discomfort we feel in using the word "use". As if to look into a mirror is voyeuristic!
2012-07-09 09:00:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the end ~ We use each other ~ In rise ~ Or in love

2012-07-09 08:14:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wear my tongue's journey ~ This negligee of moist

2012-07-09 08:09:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dreamwalks From the floor / I press my kisses / to his palms / and beg him to put them / everywhere it hurts [Salve of a ~ Lips' moist]
2012-07-09 08:04:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_lalicat As if mazes were there to teach us about exits. [As if paths ~ Were there ~ To invite ~ Trespassers]
2012-07-09 03:44:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat Looks fine to me. It does come up here! You read it already? :-o
192 / 4823

2012-07-09 00:11:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat Then you might like this :

2012-07-08 23:53:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat On my blog. And before that on loose sheets of paper which I left on benches once I was done...
2012-07-08 23:40:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha The mermaid looked perplexed after hearing the lyric. [The perplex ~ Of what was ~ To be touch]
2012-07-08 23:32:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat As did the publishing world & every other engine of commerce...
2012-07-08 23:31:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool This is indeed very close to lovely @coeuraloha 's style & ways... :-)
2012-07-08 22:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @HonestlyClaire Twitter was my excuse to prove to myself I could be terse. Then I feared that is all I could be. No longer so! :-) Thank you
2012-07-08 21:28:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad you found the words here to your taste... :-)
2012-07-08 20:33:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you manage to imagine such tapestries is the delight of surprise! Beautiful :-) RT @ocarinaofrhyme Picnic dinner
2012-07-08 13:49:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I can watch this for hours. Such a beautiful poem! :-) RT @ ocarinaofrhyme Morning decisions,
2012-07-08 13:47:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @ocarinaofrhyme: Light,

2012-07-08 13:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: the stains of god left ~ colours of rainbows on glass ~ houses made of stones #senryu
193 / 4823

2012-07-08 13:44:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wish I, a ghostly cave of conch, to be ~ Ocean's tongue held 'twixt a salty conquest. [Six Wishes & Another - Sonnet ]
2012-07-08 08:42:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silver shadows of whim I hold to flesh ~ To vanish into, or live life afresh [From - Six Wishes & Another - Sonnet ]
2012-07-08 08:31:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @forgingwords I thought a lover's lips were to arrest speech! No? :-)
2012-07-08 08:29:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @forgingwords Borne on the wings of your words, what else could they be!? :-)
2012-07-08 07:07:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @forgingwords: On a poets lips, I slept [On a dream's lips ~ I woke]

2012-07-08 06:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He carefully placed ~ Words on her bosom ~ To melt her fire within
2012-07-08 02:26:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool You are, as always, kind & generous in your compliments towards these words... :-)
2012-07-08 02:23:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the air ~ Held between us - ~ The play ~ The ponder ~ The pause
2012-07-08 01:10:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Voyeurs ~ Of ruins #death

2012-07-07 14:48:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I mourn tonight ~ For every soul ~ Who passed, unnoticed # death
2012-07-07 14:37:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Morbid thoughts ~ Overwhelm me not ~ Just that living ~

194 / 4823

Underwhelms me #death
2012-07-07 14:20:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aren't we all ~ Puddles after a shower ~ Lost in summer? # death

2012-07-07 13:59:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the dead ~ Pretend #death

2012-07-07 13:00:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The inconsequentiality ~ Of it all #death

2012-07-07 12:56:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How grey ~ All this music ~ This romance ~ This poetry ~ This silk ~ This filet mignon ~ When the lens I wear is ~ "To what end?" # death
2012-07-07 12:33:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I never knew him ~ Never will ~ But I know ~ The door he opens #death
2012-07-07 12:28:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Life was never ~ Reward for the deserving ~ Why ask "Do I deserve to..."? #death
2012-07-07 12:24:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do you see, son, ~ He asked ~ There is nothing ~ To see? # death

2012-07-07 12:22:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All our loves ~ In the sack of regret ~ And a breath ~ That refused inhale #death
2012-07-07 12:21:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I live the dreams ~ Of one ~ Long dead #death

2012-07-07 12:15:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The purpose we brew ~ The ambitions we craft ~ And then a freight train ~ That didn't stop #death
2012-07-07 12:14:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The illusion of ~ Being alive ~ Of being dead, someday #death

2012-07-07 12:12:06 (EDT)

195 / 4823

_eroteme_ All these words ~ Are a mirage ~ Of oblivion #death

2012-07-07 12:06:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This door ~ How will you know ~ When I am behind it? #death
2012-07-07 12:02:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come ~ Astride a jaguar ~ Warm to my mind

2012-07-07 11:47:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you enjoyed the words here, dear Deb. :-)
2012-07-07 11:37:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her sleep ~ To be the smile ~ She hides ~ Along the quilt's edge
2012-07-07 11:15:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Incomplete breath ~ Heartbeat incomplete ~ Unformed am I ~ But the moon is full tonight ~ And I know he thinks of me ~ Full am I now
2012-07-07 11:07:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sky ~ The moon stole ~ From sunflowers

2012-07-07 11:05:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let there be love ~ For winds need ~ Poetry

2012-07-07 11:04:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Press me to your bosom ~ I need more than me ~ To stem this deluge
2012-07-07 11:02:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This faceless stranger ~ And the crumble ~ Of familiarity

2012-07-07 10:57:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her caress ~ The gurgle ~ Of Danube

2012-07-07 10:43:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dipping apologies ~ In the ash ~ Of what once ~ Withstood blazing fires
2012-07-07 10:35:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How rivers ~ Teach the meander ~ Of mind

2012-07-07 10:32:08 (EDT)

196 / 4823

_eroteme_ Lightening ~ Rushing ~ To hide ~ Beneath a lover's touch @ neernool

2012-07-07 10:24:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She brought him a day ~ And in it, let him fashion ~ Stars & mermaids
2012-07-07 10:24:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To photograph ~ Intent

2012-07-07 10:11:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @primxvita (12:34 min onwards or the whole video)

2012-07-07 10:00:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Yes, parks do that to me...

2012-07-07 06:08:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool I see monsoon is finally back! :-)

2012-07-07 06:06:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whispers ~ To flutter ~ A dream

2012-07-07 02:47:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grab my hair ~ Make the arch of me ~ Play your violin

2012-07-06 23:18:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ zzz! RT @coeuraloha He wrote her as a piece of his puzzle which was a truth; though, he forgot the truth she could puzzle within puzzle.
2012-07-06 22:06:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Draw flowers ~ Around wounds ~ And let them heal

2012-07-06 22:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: Slow anchor, to place a thought: comma of sea. [Buoys ~ Of ellipses ~ Oceans of interpretation]
2012-07-06 12:24:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her ink ~ To touch ~ Her lover's ~ Paean ~ Or left to mark ~ The vast of pain (for the ever so loving @JennWhetton)
2012-07-06 12:18:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Don't come to my doorstep ~

197 / 4823

Don't listen in the shade ~ You know I'll know ~ You were here ~ And then... I'll bleed more on this page
2012-07-06 12:08:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her tattoo ~ Was her last ~ Sigh

2012-07-06 12:03:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stand behind me ~ Let me rest my head ~ On your breast

2012-07-06 11:59:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This room of words ~ And the rain ~ Inside

2012-07-06 11:58:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vinhampton Wishing them many decades of mornings in each other's arms... :-)
2012-07-06 11:54:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she laughed ~ How she cried ~ When tossed, her dress ~ Fell with a sigh
2012-07-06 11:45:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her tears ~ Consoling what had ~ Flown

2012-07-06 11:43:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the subway ~ She married each ~ Till their station arrived
2012-07-06 11:42:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How sincere ~ His belief ~ That this love ~ Was unlike that
2012-07-06 11:40:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why must I ~ Be the one ~ To live my life?

2012-07-06 11:39:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some journeys ~ Are a learning ~ In becoming dust

2012-07-06 11:36:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I live on ~ The whisper of a theory

2012-07-06 11:30:59 (EDT)

198 / 4823

_eroteme_ Warm summer promised ~ In fresh laundry

2012-07-06 11:29:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take me back ~ To the pond ~ Where I was ~ A green dewdrop

2012-07-06 11:18:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was ~ A strange echo ~ That refused return

2012-07-06 11:16:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hour ~ Of meaningless whispers ~ And soft sighs

2012-07-06 11:15:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In an ink's dry ~ Another tear

2012-07-06 11:11:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She taught me ~ The repeat ~ Of reflection

2012-07-06 11:10:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The cunning ~ In offering ~ Her innocence

2012-07-06 10:59:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Creak ~ Of floorboards ~ As he steps ~ Into my mind

2012-07-06 10:57:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My charity ~ My offering of self ~ Bottled in ~ Words of prudence

2012-07-06 10:52:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the highway ~ Slapped by ~ Hurrying cars

2012-07-06 10:50:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Hurry! The pucker's ruining my laugh lines! ;-p

2012-07-06 10:47:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the park ~ Waiting for someone ~ To kiss me

2012-07-06 10:18:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The estuary ~ Of his fresh words ~ And my salty smiles

2012-07-06 10:07:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that I've disallowed ~ Are the rocks in my pocket ~ As I walk into the river
2012-07-06 09:55:55 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ In her voice ~ Dulcet ripples

2012-07-06 03:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under the weight ~ Of quilts ~ A warm delight ~ Well pressed

2012-07-06 01:27:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung :-) The melt of tales...

2012-07-05 23:44:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With every twist ~ This swallow owns my heart ~ More

2012-07-05 21:26:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A bush ~ That shouted out ~ Butterflies

2012-07-05 21:25:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @primxvita I'd start with understanding what makes me unhappy with it, why it stays so & then hitchhiking into the mountains...
2012-07-05 21:24:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The brew of dreams ~ Sown in distant slumbers

2012-07-05 13:06:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She whispered ~ To leaking faucets

2012-07-05 12:58:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everything, she believed, ~ Was deceptive ~ Except her beliefs

2012-07-05 12:48:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her lips slightly parted ~ His mind ~ Departed

2012-07-05 12:45:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She kissed to breathe ~ His accent

2012-07-05 12:41:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She thought ~ Books were cousin to butter ~ And needed warm hands
2012-07-05 12:39:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every time he looked ~ She was new ~ Like the breeze
2012-07-05 12:38:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every time she begged ~ He fed his heart ~ To the vultures
2012-07-05 12:36:58 (EDT)

200 / 4823

_eroteme_ If only dying ~ Was picking a river ~ To dissolve in

2012-07-05 12:36:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she giggled ~ The prance of deer

2012-07-05 12:34:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under her thick black hair ~ Her thicker blacker mind
2012-07-05 12:34:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even books ~ Need lullabies

2012-07-05 12:32:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How old books ~ Don't strive ~ To smell nice

2012-07-05 12:30:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between my strap ~ And neck ~ Space for his mouth

2012-07-05 12:27:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her mind a pot ~ Where the wet of us ~ Never dried

2012-07-05 12:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cry of rice ~ Winnowed & ~ Thrashed

2012-07-05 12:22:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For no reason ~ We were born apart ~ And given an inept love ~ That knows not ~ How to fuse
2012-07-05 12:21:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Names are lies ~ She said ~ And asked me mine

2012-07-05 11:07:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She changes form ~ With a smile

2012-07-05 10:31:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Well, the earth's been living long & going in circles thanks to that. That is as sustainable as I would ever have! ;-p
2012-07-05 09:58:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Decades together - ~ He forgets her name ~ While complaining ~ About the eggs
201 / 4823

2012-07-05 09:57:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sip me ~ A mist's ~ Drunkenness

2012-07-05 09:50:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The indecision ~ In mist

2012-07-05 09:47:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She carried ~ The tales of mist ~ In her eyes

2012-07-05 09:45:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If she'll wear ~ The mist again ~ I might recognise her

2012-07-05 09:41:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How shepherd's music ~ Knows the draw ~ Of forgotten dreams

2012-07-05 09:39:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Were the day ~ That ended all night @minalrh
2012-07-05 09:11:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gracias, hermano! Muy amable de su parte :-) RT @ oswaldopalacio5: Como si la noche* fuese una piedrita* descansando en mi ojo
2012-07-05 09:08:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Glad you liked the words, dear Beez. :-)
2012-07-05 08:59:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if night ~ Was a pebble ~ Resting on my eye

2012-07-05 08:52:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @surbhimittal *bows* Glad you find them worth the colourful vistas of your mind.. :-)
2012-07-05 03:21:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @surbhimittal Wow! I don't even recall having written some of those! Thank you for resurrecting them. :-)
2012-07-05 02:33:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sacred - ~ The private wordless conversation ~ Of lady & her ~ Unborn child
2012-07-04 23:15:17 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @ramvee Dear sir, it gladdens my heart immeasurably that the words here delight you thus... :-)
2012-07-04 23:11:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under the crust ~ Of connotation - ~ Words

2012-07-04 23:09:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Missing in her dreams ~ As if they belonged ~ To someone else

2012-07-04 23:08:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wrapped in her shadow ~ Caged in her lightless ~ Past

2012-07-04 23:06:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She wrote the rain ~ Notes in puddles

2012-07-04 12:11:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A world of lather ~ A song of float

2012-07-04 11:47:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the last petal standing ~ Holds an ancient quest @ coeuraloha
2012-07-04 11:44:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On her lisp ~ He hung ~ Garlicky words

2012-07-04 11:42:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How each flower ~ Is content saying ~ Just one thing

2012-07-04 11:40:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Migratory kisses ~ Heading south ~ In my winters

2012-07-04 11:38:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When forever ~ Seemed real

2012-07-04 11:21:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if growing up ~ Was an act of ~ Disbelief

2012-07-04 11:18:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Standing outside your mind ~ Whispering the secret code

2012-07-04 11:14:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The patient wait ~ Of rooftops ~ For a snowflake

2012-07-04 10:52:13 (EDT)

203 / 4823

_eroteme_ A flower ~ That became wind ~ In its fall

2012-07-04 10:20:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Caramel ~ Consonants

2012-07-04 10:16:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They flapped their wings ~ And tears streamed ~ Flightless eyes
2012-07-04 10:13:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Were where ~ Sighs gathered

2012-07-04 10:10:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her peppermint eyes ~ And the cluck ~ Of my tongue

2012-07-04 10:04:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: Certain words know the haunt of violins. [Certain pauses ~ Know the thrill ~ Of a plunge]
2012-07-04 10:02:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tangoing lips - ~ His attempts ~ At quieting me

2012-07-04 09:54:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vinhampton Glad you find the words here oppressive & to your taste... :-)
2012-07-03 22:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These words ~ Hath no remorse ~ Leaving the moon, sleepless @vinhampton
2012-07-03 22:38:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Over fences of skin ~ Your beat ~ In my veins

2012-07-03 22:04:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These word-fingers ~ Dip into your mind ~ And at the tips ~ Curl a little
2012-07-03 22:02:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How unreal ~ When we think ~ No one is watching

2012-07-03 21:58:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Swan dive ~ Into my dreams

2012-07-03 12:12:10 (EDT)

204 / 4823

_eroteme_ @HalfMoonPilgrim My pleasure. I am fine, thank you. And you? :)

2012-07-03 12:09:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sliver silhouettes ~ And honey whistles

2012-07-03 12:08:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ And I thought I was blunt!! ;-p

2012-07-03 12:03:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Join the dots ~ Of scars to find ~ Who my lover is

2012-07-03 11:50:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wish you'd sit on the horizon ~ Forcing all breeze ~ Through your hair
2012-07-03 10:48:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @NerudaLove: there are so many reasons, and yet so few, for love has to be so [So many ways ~ Yet so few ~ To forget love]
2012-07-03 10:24:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the mask ~ These words wear

2012-07-03 04:53:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love my words ~ That is all ~ There is

2012-07-03 04:53:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your sins ~ My night's stars ~ Your ask ~ My darkest mask @ DangerslyClaire
2012-07-03 01:28:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Set free the demons ~ Locked in the shudder ~ Of half-closed eyes @DangerslyClaire
2012-07-02 23:54:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unleash the fantasies ~ You clench ~ In your fists ~ As you whisper my name
2012-07-02 21:37:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nights spent ~ Illumined by your eyes ~ Behind mine, shut

2012-07-02 21:08:02 (EDT)

205 / 4823

_eroteme_ Her sapphire eyes ~ Set amidst ~ Diamond tears

2012-07-02 11:44:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bridges of doubt ~ From here ~ To here

2012-07-02 11:37:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love me ~ Hate me ~ But let there be you ~ Let there be me ~ And these unfinished words (bowing to you too @HalfMoonPilgrim )
2012-07-02 11:25:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lie to me ~ Say you love me ~ I need reason ~ To write

2012-07-02 09:46:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What bring you ~ Dear wind - ~ A leaf ~ An echo ~ A sigh?

2012-07-02 09:44:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His departure is the loom ~ Which weaves roads ~ Between our feet
2012-07-02 09:39:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @HalfMoonPilgrim Where were you, dear N? Missed you. Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)
2012-07-02 09:35:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This moonless night ~ Caught ~ In a blind man's eye

2012-07-02 09:35:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just when I thought ~ I had forgotten you - ~ This cloud ~ This falling flower ~ This abandoned parasol
2012-07-02 09:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shape ~ Of remembering you

2012-07-02 09:29:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was ~ The fragrance of smiles

2012-07-02 09:25:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When none watch ~ When the sun does set ~ When the rivers sleep ~ I confess ~ I do whisper ~ Your name to the winds
2012-07-02 09:13:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not to lovers ~ Is there the duality ~

206 / 4823

Of living & dying. ~ They bequeath their breath ~ To who takes their breath away -Mirza Ghalib
2012-07-02 09:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In you I found ~ What I wasn't ~ Looking for

2012-07-02 09:03:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your thoughts ~ I cast my heart ~ Burning sinuously ~ The incense of love
2012-07-02 09:00:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Your blessings are held in cherishable coffers, dear sir. Thank you. :-)
2012-07-02 08:56:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee I'm not sure if I can ever be humble. I am merely aware that these words aren't mine & hence, I pass your accolades to them... :-)
2012-07-02 08:54:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Glad you found it so, dear H. :-)

2012-07-02 08:45:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Dear sir, you are kind & generous with compliments. It gladdens my heart to know that you enjoy in the words here. :-)
2012-07-02 08:44:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are other parts ~ To a night sky ~ Without stars ~ Or moon
2012-07-01 16:38:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had I craved pain ~ I'd have loved ~ Without words

2012-07-01 14:26:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pressing memories ~ Of you ~ To release the scent ~ Of us

2012-07-01 13:45:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sighing moon - ~ Another poem ~ Poorly translated ~ By mist

2012-07-01 13:24:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish your thoughts would ~ Leave my loneliness ~ Alone

207 / 4823

2012-07-01 13:24:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @VioletCrab :-) Not at all. I just felt you could have inserted a "real" flower while editing... Nice ensemble. Very demure! :-)
2012-07-01 13:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The infinite ways ~ To a knot ~ But only one ~ To naught

2012-07-01 12:55:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @VioletCrab Are those cutely inserted software asterisks in your hair?
2012-07-01 12:51:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lake ~ That clung ~ To a flamingo's flight

2012-07-01 12:50:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This view ~ From my window ~ Never coming in

2012-07-01 12:50:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It takes ~ Not a lake ~ But a lover's upturned eyes ~ To dissolve the moon
2012-07-01 12:37:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Translating ~ Your heart ~ That smile

2012-07-01 12:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in my head ~ His voice ~ Calling my name ~ As it never will be

2012-07-01 12:24:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What was I thinking? ~ Chasing butterflies ~ Instead of ~ Becoming a flower?

2012-07-01 12:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if winds ~ Could be ablaze ~ In the warmth ~ Of her hold [Varanasi: ]
2012-07-01 11:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between his lips ~ My succulent name

2012-07-01 11:26:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sun trapped ~ In my cat's fur - ~ The sleeping log ~ Finally worth something
208 / 4823

2012-07-01 11:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shadow of the ~ Swallow ~ Still flying

2012-07-01 11:08:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: to disappear like ~ footsteps, washed away by one ~ wave, of an ocean [To reappear ~ Like ~ Driftwood]
2012-07-01 10:27:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Swell of my soul ~ Against the lace of his words ~ The outline on ~ Alabaster sculpt
2012-07-01 10:01:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cracks know the ~ Precious of hold @KEYAsMamma

2012-07-01 09:49:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He caged my voice ~ In the porcelain tremor ~ Of want

2012-07-01 09:32:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Headless statue ~ Rainwater in the hollow - ~ All of Buddha's wisdom [Sarnath: ]
2012-07-01 08:55:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ However dark ~ Night is when you must ~ Search for stars
2012-07-01 08:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ochre swirls ~ Scarlet shadows of light ~ The shape of your words ~ Once in my soul
2012-07-01 07:24:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the womb ~ Of silhouettes ~ Glacial lustre ~ To cup earth's blood [Antelope Canyon: Arizona ]
2012-07-01 07:23:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in the labyrinths ~ Of volcanic veins ~ The glow of shadows ~ The darkening of light
2012-07-01 07:21:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @K__Quotes: I cant believe something is true. Either it is true or not true
2012-07-01 07:15:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pointlessness of it all ~ Yet this scab ~ I tug at

209 / 4823

2012-07-01 06:55:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Curves of seek ~ Angles of yearn

2012-07-01 06:13:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some breaths ~ To keep me alive ~ Till I breathe you

2012-07-01 06:05:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: half my life drawing the line half my life erasing it [Half my life ~ Denying ~ Half my life ~ Yearning]
2012-07-01 06:02:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To pretend ~ Is to give ~ Another chance ~ To a trembling heart

2012-07-01 05:55:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To imagine love ~ Where there was none ~ To suffer aches ~ Where there was no pain
2012-07-01 05:48:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not even his shadow ~ Heard my plea to stay

2012-07-01 05:24:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Songs of memory ~ In the key of ~ Slowly rusting ~ Wrought iron benches
2012-07-01 03:48:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning... :-) RT @feltsensejunkie: Tears and fears to feed the marigolds [Tremble & crumble ~ To soothe an orchid]
2012-07-01 03:35:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Weave me a tapestry ~ Of torn sunsets ~ And tattered aquamarine ~ Lakes @primxvita
2012-07-01 03:17:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I see only what I am unsure of... @soHbet_

2012-07-01 01:46:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ They sit by shores, hoping to meander...

2012-07-01 01:35:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The seep ~ Of incense

2012-07-01 01:28:52 (EDT)

210 / 4823

_eroteme_ Card paper ~ Remembering its folds ~ Faded ink

2012-07-01 01:27:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dandelions ~ And my lace bodice

2012-07-01 01:19:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tears ~ For each ~ River that wished ~ To be human

2012-07-01 01:03:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Swans ~ And clouds ~ And my breath ~ This cold morn

2012-07-01 01:02:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat Glad you like it, lovely V. Been a while. Hope you are well... And S? :-)
2012-07-01 00:20:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ruins ~ Of my heart ~ Look best ~ Against your blue eyes [Pueblo Indian settlements, Arizona: ]
2012-07-01 00:19:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silver lace ~ Hemming dew ~ On alocasia fronds [pic courtesy zirconicusso]
2012-07-01 00:07:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @umeshnrao Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-06-30 23:43:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To ignore ~ All of life ~ And live

2012-06-30 23:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If writing would only use my blood for ink, my hair for metaphors, my skin for ellipses & my bones for rhythm, I'd believe in reincarnation
2012-06-30 23:12:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I dont feel I should be doing something else. - Gloria Steinem
2012-06-30 23:10:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those fleeting moments when all you want to be is a beggar with drool stuck in his beard (though I can't grow one)
2012-06-30 23:02:56 (EDT)

211 / 4823

_eroteme_ Soothsaying ~ By the discard ~ Of his clothes

2012-06-30 23:00:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life spent ~ Perfecting departure

2012-06-30 22:58:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Was the scent ~ Of feeling wanted

2012-06-30 12:19:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Is that ~ Melting mirror ~ Which once ~ Showed me beautiful
2012-06-30 12:17:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your love ~ I felt nothing ~ In its absence ~ I wish ~ I felt nothing.
2012-06-30 12:15:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I lied ~ When I said ~ I gave you all. ~ These tears ~ I kept ~ Beneath the ~ Lace
2012-06-30 12:14:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was the animal ~ She unleashed ~ When she ~ Wanted love.
2012-06-30 12:11:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This is certain ~ All my life ~ I have been poor ~ At dying

2012-06-30 12:10:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undoing her ~ Frangipani belt ~ Deflowered

2012-06-30 12:10:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Frayed saffron - ~ His words ~ Colouring the milk ~ Of my mind

2012-06-30 12:03:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clouds that hide ~ Behind the sky

2012-06-30 11:58:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gargling time ~ Mint flavoured - ~ Fate

2012-06-30 11:55:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ache of conception ~ Growing ~ Word-wings

2012-06-30 11:54:35 (EDT)

212 / 4823

_eroteme_ A taken shooting star

2012-06-30 11:53:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On a moonbeam ~ Watching you ~ Lick your lips ~ In a dream

2012-06-30 11:50:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pirouette of falling blossom ~ How he rolled ~ His "r"s

2012-06-30 11:49:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Candles put out - ~ Now in his breath ~ That fire

2012-06-29 13:31:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Man is strange ~ Finding cleanse ~ Within a sullied being

2012-06-29 13:12:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In every way, Spring ~ A thorn pricks ~ A rose onto my finger

2012-06-29 13:09:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My will ~ Is the brush ~ Every lover dips ~ In your hues

2012-06-29 13:07:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where age ~ Knows not the tick ~ Of harried clocks

2012-06-29 13:05:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know not ~ How to tell ~ My lover ~ From this flame

2012-06-29 13:03:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How some words ~ Float ~ And some ~ Sink ~ Under the weight ~ Of a tear
2012-06-29 13:00:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman carries ~ Her lexicon ~ Of yearn

2012-06-29 12:39:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clouds ~ Preening themselves ~ With kites

2012-06-29 12:20:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They spoke ~ In hugs

2012-06-29 12:17:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A sweet sin ~ To read his name ~ Unhushed

2012-06-29 12:15:57 (EDT)

213 / 4823

_eroteme_ In the deer's eye ~ I recall ~ My childhood friend

2012-06-29 12:09:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @coeuraloha If I knew the incantation to fill my pen with your mind's ink, I'd mark myself blessed. Please know that your words are magic...
2012-06-29 11:56:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if ~ To cradle ~ The ache ~ Of silence @ coeuraloha

2012-06-29 11:50:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: As if to breathe the diary of a word.

2012-06-29 11:26:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just when I thought ~ I had no love in me ~ A sunset

2012-06-29 10:34:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shores traveling ~ Meandering ~ Leaving behind ~ Still waters

2012-06-29 10:14:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat Exactly those.. :-)

2012-06-29 10:10:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: To quilt a listening. [To furbelow ~ A touching]

2012-06-29 10:06:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat Oh! No thread at all. I recall you writing similar tweets with interesting definitions of words. I woke up thinking of one! :-)
2012-06-29 00:08:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Epiphany: The centre of origin of all things funny (for Ms @ fumanchucat & her hashtag which I forget)
2012-06-28 20:54:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm dying ~ Do join me

2012-06-28 13:42:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Graffiti ~ Of shadows

2012-06-28 13:42:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some names ~ Carry an ache

2012-06-28 13:40:07 (EDT)

214 / 4823

_eroteme_ Henna stained ~ Heart...

2012-06-28 13:36:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Voices that ~ Stood still ~ Even when plucked ~ By an ear

2012-06-28 13:34:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Greedy ~ He slit the night ~ Seeking diamonds ~ Birthing dawn

2012-06-28 13:22:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wherever you go ~ I wish you were ~ Coming to me

2012-06-28 13:18:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A ripple ~ Is but ~ Reason to touch your shores @ purplepoetry77

2012-06-27 21:29:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) @purplepoetry77 an echo ~ is but ~ a reason to return

2012-06-27 21:20:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And the fine ladies are kind & generous as ever... :-) How your words make the muse strut, miladies! @purplepoetry77 @Heidi_Ayala
2012-06-27 21:18:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For a sigh ~ Is but ~ Reason to breathe RT @purplepoetry77 For a teardrop ~ is but ~ a reason to weep
2012-06-27 13:38:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hand on her belly ~ And no curve ~ Un-coupled

2012-06-27 13:34:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For a lover ~ Is but ~ An excuse to love

2012-06-27 13:27:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mists are clouds ~ That wouldn't let go

2012-06-27 13:14:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He would never know - ~ She pressed her thighs ~ Thinking of him
2012-06-27 13:12:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Finding the courage ~ To speak ~ Dripping kitchen tap

2012-06-27 13:07:58 (EDT)

215 / 4823

_eroteme_ Empty pockets feel curt...

2012-06-27 13:05:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Treacle ~ Goodbyes

2012-06-27 12:59:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all windows ~ Spoke the language ~ Of ajar

2012-06-27 12:49:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Are poor match ~ For sighs

2012-06-27 12:43:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poetry is the wind ~ Stirring tunes ~ In the flute of words

2012-06-27 12:39:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What became ~ Of that earnest wish ~ Un-granted?

2012-06-27 12:37:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's serve each other ~ Lies ~ Making a relation ~ Of not meeting eyes
2012-06-27 12:35:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The serenade ~ Of embers

2012-06-27 12:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Reading aloud ~ To the lily-bud wallpapers ~ Blossoming each ~ Differently

2012-06-27 12:23:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My blood ~ Like fish ~ Seeks your ~ Crumbled touch

2012-06-27 11:51:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad it was to your taste... :-)

2012-06-25 23:02:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For science ~ Is the art ~ Of guarantee

2012-06-25 21:13:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Only if ~ You know the spell ~ To wrap surprise ~ In Infinity @ VioletCrab
2012-06-25 21:13:30 (EDT)

216 / 4823

_eroteme_ Her kiss ~ Was the ask ~ Of Winter

2012-06-25 21:07:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She, who would drink ~ Footsteps

2012-06-25 21:05:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: algorithm of night / her stare [Theorems of season ~ Her touch]
2012-06-25 21:03:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if night ~ Is a vast lake ~ Reflecting dreams

2012-06-25 21:00:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her low neck dress ~ So men would salivate ~ And he, she hoped, ~ Would learn to lust her
2012-06-25 20:53:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the drop ~ Of tamarind ~ Which escaped your lips

2012-06-25 14:20:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What have you ~ That I can't trade ~ With seashells?

2012-06-25 14:16:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do you love me ~ When all we did ~ Was float paper boats ~ To each other?
2012-06-25 14:11:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish to tell you ~ That I love you not ~ And watch your barrel chest implode ~ Before rushing to ~ Tell you ~ That I lied...
2012-06-25 14:09:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where will these lies take us? ~ Do they speak Latin there?
2012-06-25 14:07:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When revealing the heart ~ Is a constant ~ Falling from a cliff

2012-06-25 14:03:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Three primary colours were they ~ And the myriad hues ~ Of their smiles (to the lovely @ocarinaofrhyme & her sisters)
2012-06-25 13:53:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knew not why ~ He loved her ~ Perhaps it was the ~ Rhyme of her eyelashes
217 / 4823

2012-06-25 13:50:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She knew not ~ Why she loved him - ~ Perhaps it was the way ~ Rain fell on him
2012-06-25 13:49:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My washed shirt ~ On the clothesline ~ Fits today's wind

2012-06-25 13:36:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The dissolve of reflection ~ In the lake ~ Of forgetting

2012-06-25 13:33:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @minalrh Thank you for a delightful play of words... :-)

2012-06-24 23:18:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @oswaldopalacio5 Greetings from my heart... :-)

2012-06-24 23:08:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the snow, rabbit feet ~ Followed by boots ~ Then, just boots
2012-06-24 13:06:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clouds ~ Rushing to grasp ~ A kite's trail

2012-06-24 13:04:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This ravage of blaze ~ Your ash ~ Still holding mine @ minalrh
2012-06-24 13:01:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Harvest moon - ~ This crow searches the night ~ To hide

2012-06-24 12:58:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mute your heart's throb ~ Warm your soul ~ On the cryptic fires ~ Of my askance @minalrh
2012-06-24 12:47:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tell me ~ Behind those ascetic eyes ~ That dream you dream ~ Is of me
2012-06-24 12:43:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala i am the music light dances to in a forest of trees [I am the rendezvous ~ Of errant sunlight ~ Orchestrating whims & smoke]
2012-06-24 10:48:41 (EDT)

218 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala i am the echo of loneliness in howling wind [I am the ~ Desertion of ~ Touch]
2012-06-24 10:42:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala i am the gentle movement of air created by butterfly's wings [I am the swirl ~ Of hues ~ In a butterfly's ~ Flight]
2012-06-24 10:41:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala I am a prism of light held within a dewdrop bending a blade of grass. [I am the ache ~ Of spark contained]
2012-06-24 10:40:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala i am sand clinging to your feet longing to travel to new destinations [I am untranslated ~ Sojourns ~ To lands set ~ Afloat]
2012-06-24 10:36:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala i am flickering candlelight breathing stillness of collective prayer in church [I am the sway ~ Of earnest ask]
2012-06-24 10:33:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The cling of sigh ~ To the lee ~ Of longing

2012-06-24 10:16:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She sang to locks ~ The fugues ~ Of undo

2012-06-24 10:10:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had the loveliest Greek food & couldn't help think of the lovelier @LoveMusicDreams & @rgogos. Wishing you, both, well.
2012-06-24 06:28:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. ~ Oscar Wilde
2012-06-24 06:23:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All he left me with ~ Is this tug of sands ~ In the ebb of his words
2012-06-24 06:20:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her goodbyes ~ Were a dare ~ To make him ~ Make her stay
2012-06-24 05:57:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Red_Sekhmet Her love affair with language lasted a lifetime; it was the only lover that never betrayed her [Or promised her ~
219 / 4823

2012-06-24 05:56:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher No one is fake when asleep. [Or when sneezing]

2012-06-24 05:06:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Composing poems to Iranian & Egyptian classical music should be fun...
2012-06-24 03:08:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the keeper ~ Of your tales ~ Pregnant with your ~ Twists

2012-06-24 03:04:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Indeed. A lovely night to you, too... :-) A delightful play of words. Merci! @C_Vee823
2012-06-24 03:02:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the mirage of words ~ A night ~ With dreams of your choice @C_Vee823
2012-06-24 03:00:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brush ~ Stroke ~ Love ~ Fill my life ~ With the rhythm ~ Of your absence @C_Vee823
2012-06-24 02:54:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am not your wound ~ To heal ~ Nor your Fate ~ To seal

2012-06-24 02:45:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kohl my eyes' dark ~ Colour our night @C_Vee823

2012-06-24 02:41:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Origami sighs ~ The delicate fold ~ Of exiled sunshine (for the delicate @primxvita)
2012-06-24 02:36:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let us wear Time ~ Along a horizon's blush @C_Vee823 (wear: vi. to exhaust)
2012-06-24 02:29:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wear your kiss ~ Like a latte moustache

2012-06-24 02:27:18 (EDT)
220 / 4823

_eroteme_ Come to me ~ Wearing your guilt

2012-06-24 02:23:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ The decimated intention ~ Of soap bubbles

2012-06-24 02:21:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hold my face ~ And let your hot tears ~ Melt my visage ~ To the shape of your love
2012-06-24 02:17:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hold the night ~ Twixt slender digits ~ Black sands ungripped ~ Shining in my hair @primxvita
2012-06-24 02:09:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the third ~ From top ~ Of a barque's sails

2012-06-24 02:02:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @VioletCrab A pleasure to have had a dance of words with you... :-)
2012-06-23 23:19:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aye_nihilist Not sure I follow what you said. Why must Kelly live a song? @VioletCrab
2012-06-23 23:18:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_noobzor_ Is what coffee? @VioletCrab

2012-06-23 23:16:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drawing the curtains ~ On your eddying mirror-eyes ~ Where should I lose ~ What I shall never find? @VioletCrab
2012-06-23 16:54:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Following your eyes ~ I re-read me ~ A trail of sentences ~ Leading into knowing you @VioletCrab
2012-06-23 16:35:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tap this night, this blackest strip of never ending void, & let the dark words fall, bathing in the pond, curdling to birth a moon pleated
2012-06-23 16:23:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let us stand across this fjord, building bridges of sight, rooted to our spots, healing this scar of earth as the winds bring us to our kiss
221 / 4823

2012-06-23 16:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They planted shrubs & flowering plants when they had anything to say to the other & to silence, vines of duets braiding wordlessness
2012-06-23 16:14:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The corpse of hope, I carry on my shoulders, telling it tales of its youth & of glittering worlds that shan't be. Stories of hope for hope..
2012-06-23 16:04:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these infinite possibilities, rampantly arraigning helplessness, nails dug deep into the voile of frailties, dispersing cohesion asunder
2012-06-23 16:01:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would you worship me, bring your cupped hands to offer yourself to me, to my tears, to my bitten lips, to my distended mind? Beg to love...
2012-06-23 15:52:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He set his words to the tune of fading indigo, of plaintive dawn's creep, of a long sinuous strand of hair floating over ceramic death
2012-06-23 15:46:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where would you be, if I removed all here & now, razed this meadow of belonging to the prairies of shunned aloneness served by a dry stream?
2012-06-23 15:33:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Katha kije na ta-aluq humse ~ Kuch nahin hai to adaavat hi sahi [Sever not all bonds ~ If nothing, at least hate me] - Ghalib @MaheshNBhatt
2012-06-23 15:08:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This decapitated desire to be without want, a cloak I often wear - oversized - yet beckoning me like a lover with unfulfilled promises
2012-06-23 15:00:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Roslinda98 It delights in ways unknown to note that the words here hold you... :-)
2012-06-23 14:53:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @susufahad Glad you found the words to your taste... :-)
2012-06-23 14:51:56 (EDT)
222 / 4823

_eroteme_ Ghouls of words, pillorying intent, burning pause & ellipse at the stakes of hasty banausic import caring not for careful undressing of soul
2012-06-23 14:46:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be lost, truly lost, where twig & dirt are of alien fabric, where touch is uncommonly irrigating, iridescent, where words are but hues
2012-06-23 14:41:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He cared too much, as if gravity was the will of Providence, holding this world together making breath possible; the suffocation of depth
2012-06-23 14:36:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I fear curtains, their sudden fall shattering loudly all the secrets they held & feign rigor mortis while truth whimpers nude unfinished
2012-06-23 14:26:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish not to be understood, to be loved, to be healed, to be held, to be heard. Just forget me & well. Till this name is of unknown timbre
2012-06-23 14:20:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At once a filigree shell of secrets, an armour of adamant viciousness, a wound waiting for healing love & to infect. A wind that stood still
2012-06-23 14:12:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I set my mind on a butterfly wing, a twirling, dancing blossom, fleeting train plumes, falling stars, this dizzying brevity of madness
2012-06-23 14:07:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sheets, scented of him, always promising his return, while I sew his endearments, tassles for the blinds of my heart, I shan't part...
2012-06-23 14:01:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Carmine her smile, sanguine her flight, in her sigh the taste of blood, scarlet the dreams she birthed in me, waking to her garbed in mist
2012-06-23 13:56:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These prayers, terse, uncut, tearing away my mask, to the God absent behind his mask, too hurried to be poetic, poetry of earnest. Listen
2012-06-23 13:46:48 (EDT)

223 / 4823

_eroteme_ His eyes, the smoulder of distant summers, gash of lightening, bronzed discs of granite, soft by the wet of grief. Yet his soul, sans season
2012-06-23 13:40:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hid her picture in clouds of longing only to rain on the distant mountain stream where she discarded my soul. Puddles of her reflecting me
2012-06-23 13:31:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shades of ivory where I dissolve my hue & hum, lost to all transparent mirrors, found not in the ash of burn yet alive in your distant tears
2012-06-23 13:27:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Folks talking about a street that never was, sighing about windows that opened into clotheslines of banter & alleys of mirages. Was it love?
2012-06-23 13:21:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'll try fragments, darling. Do let me know if they fit your dainty mouthful...
2012-06-23 13:15:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: His sigh held a sonnet of her voice. [A paean ~ To brewing ~ Storms]
2012-06-23 13:12:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is this ~ That we share ~ Your life ~ Or mine ~ Or an untranslated tale ~ Of building bridges?
2012-06-23 13:09:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I fill this journal ~ Under a tree ~ With shadows

2012-06-23 12:57:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I found ~ What I had meant to say ~ Come down as rain

2012-06-23 12:53:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In driftwood ~ In a cut kite ~ In a leaf, eddying in the stream ~ I find soulmates
2012-06-23 12:53:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @coeuraloha: As if the rain understood the need of puddles. [As if puddles ~ Understood the splash ~ Of little gumboots]
2012-06-23 12:06:01 (EDT)
224 / 4823

_eroteme_ How Time ~ Architects ~ Ruins

2012-06-23 05:24:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish these feet ~ Would run ~ Through tales ~ And run, run, run...
2012-06-22 11:55:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Butterfly tears ~ Lost in the hum of ~ Dew

2012-06-21 22:40:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie If I could bottle this day I wonder what it would tell me a year from now. [Wine of recall ~ Aged in un-cellared ~ Life]
2012-06-21 21:18:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was my wish ~ To see a lily bloom ~ On a rose bush

2012-06-21 21:15:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a touch ~ I became him ~ Without

2012-06-21 21:12:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Bubbles floating to him ~ Bursting ~ Scenting his dawn ~ With import
2012-06-21 21:11:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words are ~ Asylum for ~ The naked

2012-06-21 21:07:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @iBeingMe He will never see her again, whenever it rains he will think of her.
2012-06-21 09:26:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soldiersthird An interesting take. I would seriously think that it's a lovely way of putting it too... :-)
2012-06-21 09:21:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind pursed lips ~ Her bite ~ Unpractised

2012-06-20 10:10:00 (EDT)

225 / 4823

_eroteme_ Forgotten ~ Like hurting ~ That brought no pain

2012-06-20 10:05:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Give me a starless night ~ And a single glowing ~ Memory

2012-06-20 10:00:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Caesarean?

2012-06-20 09:59:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she ran ~ Into the wind ~ Holding horizon ~ For railing
2012-06-20 09:48:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates again i speak of leaving/ don't tell me/ butterflies are only / for watching [Sprinkling ~ My departure ~ On butterfly wings]
2012-06-20 09:46:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those who break ~ Wanting a chance ~ To mend

2012-06-20 09:43:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @sanbibibi Sore wa k&eidesu. Hope I said it right. :-)

2012-06-20 09:22:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @sanbibibi My apologies. I didn't quite understand. Are you saying you translated the tweet? Or are you asking me to translate your words?
2012-06-19 23:08:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @sanbibibi Could you help me understand what you wrote in Japanese? :-)
2012-06-19 20:50:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I had ~ More to add, but ~ Words leave me ~ Divided

2012-06-19 12:43:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You don't need me; ~ You need ~ Not needing me

2012-06-19 12:30:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You can't relate to fire ~ And not burn

2012-06-19 09:29:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her touch ~ Gave eyes ~ To my mind

2012-06-19 09:16:34 (EDT)

226 / 4823

_eroteme_ Pagination of caress ~ The tale of touch ~ Infinitely retold (@ OliviaDresher)

2012-06-19 09:13:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mirages questioned with trembling tears ~ Darken into night's answer ~ Of candle flames twirling shadows ~ In chaste Aramaic (@ primxvita)
2012-06-19 09:10:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I look into his eyes ~ For a distant ~ Memory of butterflies

2012-06-19 08:19:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Letting an ache ~ Bow a viola ~ Into what ~ I cannot speak

2012-06-19 08:14:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What do I make of it ~ Holding stillborn ~ Promises

2012-06-19 08:11:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @zahrahaya I love it when someone says "As" :-)

2012-06-19 06:54:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under the weight ~ Of dew ~ A petal nods ~ To a whining bee

2012-06-18 15:15:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that time ~ Will fix ~ Because we didn't

2012-06-18 15:09:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man ~ Piecing together ~ What I wasn't ~ And can never be
2012-06-18 15:02:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the things ~ They say she said ~ And all the things ~ She whispers on my window sill - ~ This harvest moon
2012-06-18 14:54:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The father ~ He nursed in his breast ~ Bursting for every child ~ Though none, his
2012-06-18 14:51:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Golden laughter shimmering - ~ Even the sun is childlike ~ In the mountain stream
2012-06-18 14:41:05 (EDT)
227 / 4823

_eroteme_ Build me a house ~ Of words with which you despise me ~ And at it's centre ~ I shall live ~ Throbbing in the love you deny
2012-06-18 14:36:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What unearthly hour ~ Of yours shall I plague ~ With thoughts of what we could ~ But didn't?
2012-06-18 14:32:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dear @bella_donna___ I'd love to follow if alone I had the capacity to read all in my stream. Blame my ineptitude or want to respect words!
2012-06-18 03:38:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: she never ~ saw the distance arrive [She measured distance ~ In yearning-lengths]
2012-06-17 21:05:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those who'd rather ~ Half-cross the well ~ Of love

2012-06-17 12:33:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It's no longer ~ About pride ~ But entirely ~ About pointlessness

2012-06-17 12:25:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish to smudge ~ The kohl ~ Smear the lipstick ~ Stagger in ripped garb ~ Only to answer ~ To your "What happened?" ~ With, "Nothing..."
2012-06-17 08:47:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The many tales ~ Of a scarf washed along ~ A dried river

2012-06-17 08:44:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am a country ~ With a ~ Tattered flag

2012-06-17 08:42:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cryptic tales ~ Quadriptych of Fate ~ Woven onto our palms [Quadriptych : n. Work on four panels, here referring to the 2 pairs of palms]
2012-06-17 06:57:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is left to lose ~ Except this want ~ To lose all of you!? @Heidi_Ayala
2012-06-17 06:12:02 (EDT)
228 / 4823

_eroteme_ A flip book ~ Of his mind

2012-06-17 06:05:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ See it ~ Taste it ~ Feel it ~ Hear it ~ But you'll never know truth
2012-06-17 06:04:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the mirage - ~ He is a different man ~ Who leaves

2012-06-16 22:06:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if trees ~ Dreamed in clouds

2012-06-16 11:35:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All entertainment ~ Is the entertainment ~ Of the self

2012-06-16 10:23:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I never knew ~ We were building ~ Choice ruins

2012-06-16 10:10:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I knew ~ I'd know that voice ~ Which all called ~ A moon
2012-06-16 09:53:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His innocent words ~ The paper cuts ~ I wear today

2012-06-16 09:45:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pieces of night ~ Falling to reveal ~ A blacker beyond

2012-06-16 09:39:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her warmth ~ I kept alive in ~ Monologue

2012-06-16 09:32:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Co-habiting - ~ Those who value & ~ Those who mark value
2012-06-15 21:52:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This lake decides ~ I've questioned my reflection enough - ~ I look better, pleated
2012-06-15 12:21:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Paul_McGovern Girls that understand why captivate me.

2012-06-14 10:35:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he wore ~ His words ~ 'Twixt frown

2012-06-14 10:32:02 (EDT)

229 / 4823

_eroteme_ And her smile ~ Reveals ~ The incompleteness of words

2012-06-14 10:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A future ~ That all ~ Have seen

2012-06-14 09:52:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And when her heart exploded ~ His reddest words ~ Trickled from her ~ Still lips
2012-06-14 09:36:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Learn from shadows ~ To blend ~ While retaining ~ Contours

2012-06-14 09:26:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Was A's emphasis on it being a Wednesday? :-)

2012-06-14 09:18:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @minalrh Hush hush, my heart ~ Anneal our merge ~ Of darkest love ~ In night's pitch @BeingInJoy
2012-06-14 04:42:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ And technically, all I was saying was you serve me a smile & I volley with censure by withholding all urge... :-)
2012-06-14 03:51:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy @minalrh Am all puckered up, girls!! ;-p

2012-06-14 03:20:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cynicalma Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-06-14 03:18:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy I'm sure she knew it all these 6 years. She just wanted you to relish the awards by making them rarer! ;-)
2012-06-14 03:17:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ haha :-D Absolutely!!

2012-06-14 01:53:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy I'm sure then holidaying dynamics have changed... ;-)
2012-06-13 23:07:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's play that game - ~ You smile ~ I'll hold the urge ~ To make
230 / 4823

2012-06-13 23:04:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've never, since, ~ Held a more filling ~ Handful

2012-06-13 23:00:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy I thought flower beds ranked lowest on vacation haunts for mosquitoes... No? ;-p
2012-06-13 22:57:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She delicately chisels ~ From this black night ~ Her blacker silhouette
2012-06-13 22:48:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Filigree dreams ~ Bleeding desire ~ In the spaces

2012-06-13 22:44:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The scars ~ Are mere ~ Decoy

2012-06-13 22:39:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pouncing on the moon ~ My cat ~ Brings home ~ Emptied puddles

2012-06-13 09:50:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her tear drop ~ So lonely ~ Amidst the dew

2012-06-13 09:48:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lake & wild grass ~ Ripple & sway - ~ Journeys reigned in
2012-06-13 09:45:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ That vulcanise

2012-06-13 09:40:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Glad you found it so... :-) RT @URM1 @_eroteme_ What a perfectly-formed idea that...
2012-06-13 09:29:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wiselar As in, where to find such works? Pessoa, Nabokov, Shakespeare, Gogol, Woolf, Sri Aurobindo...
2012-06-13 09:28:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You are very generous, dear one. :-) RT @ syahidahz @_eroteme_ And that applies well to you. Everytime.=)
231 / 4823

2012-06-13 09:20:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Splendid writing is that which leaves the aesthetic mind, at the edge of each period, satisfied & dissatisfied, fulfilled & yearning...
2012-06-13 08:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Happy birthday, Pessoa. You're the brother I never had...

2012-06-13 08:52:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: I wait for the night when the day feels like a violation. [When day is ~ The breath ~ I must take]
2012-06-12 21:27:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When she sat ~ By my side ~ Oh! The paucity ~ Of just two sides
2012-06-12 12:25:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How denial feels ~ Like promised taste ~ Of a shattered ladle

2012-06-12 11:06:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And a seed knows ~ To hold ~ Tree-sized secrets @ coeuraloha

2012-06-12 10:56:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ Like drops of scented spirit ~ Tiny vanishing winters ~ On my skin
2012-06-12 10:43:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breathe me in ~ This saffron-laced fire ~ Marinade your soul @ashfrnd

2012-06-12 10:10:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She built bridges ~ Starting in the ~ Middle

2012-06-12 09:52:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Litter the lawn ~ With your smiles ~ Teach Autumn ~ The lay of colour
2012-06-12 09:48:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hours of the clock ~ Wrinkling my day [hat tip to the gifted @ coeuraloha]
2012-06-12 09:46:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Till men realise ~ That my soul ~ Is not 'twixt ~ My cleavage

232 / 4823

2012-06-12 09:43:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If touch ~ Was a crayon ~ Draw me ~ A moustache

2012-06-12 09:41:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if waves ~ Rub their tongue ~ On sea-shells

2012-06-12 09:38:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The caress ~ Of sunshine ~ On brass knobs

2012-06-12 09:37:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the shatter ~ The birth of ~ Colourless silence

2012-06-12 09:31:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @primxvita: she destroyed his dreams, and he made her wind chimes. [He splashed in her whims ~ Making a kaleidoscope of them]
2012-06-12 09:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all creation ~ Is a sowing ~ Of ruins

2012-06-11 23:06:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Sub-anything about/towards you is unimaginable, your highness... ;-)

2012-06-11 23:03:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moral eyes, ~ That gaze at ruins ~ Filling void shadows ~ With what once ~ Should have been, ~ Now turn to my heart
2012-06-11 22:57:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In my deepest labyrinths ~ Where your mind ~ And lust ~ Meet as strangers
2012-06-11 12:44:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@meerajoe Sometimes tears ~ create rainbows" [Sometimes ~ Tears ~ At a rainbow's ~ End]
2012-06-11 12:42:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No wind ~ Passes over lake ~ Unnoticed

2012-06-11 12:41:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every try ~ To be otherwise ~ Yet more the same

2012-06-11 12:02:39 (EDT)

233 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @Brugbeez: writing down a pocket of forgotten yesterday [Festooning, taut, ~ Oblivious ~ Tomorrow]
2012-06-11 12:00:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between the room ~ And her breath ~ A tug-o-war ~ Of sighs

2012-06-11 11:51:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They named ~ Each other's ~ Tears

2012-06-11 11:45:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he married ~ His dreams ~ To her slumber

2012-06-11 11:41:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She built swings ~ Wherever she saw ~ Wind

2012-06-11 11:35:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle At your service. Everyone who reads you knows that every tweet & every carefully constructed response of your is worth a RT :-)
2012-06-11 11:26:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her moments ~ Were curved shadows ~ Of a forgotten smile

2012-06-11 11:22:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: volcanic illations incept silent births - his creation mystifies even god. [illation: n. the act of inferring]
2012-06-11 11:12:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat I thought that is what one needed to do with nearly every tweet of Ms. @neernool ;-p
2012-06-11 11:10:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm not sure ~ I understand your silence ~ Please return ~ When the sparrows have quietened
2012-06-11 11:08:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This colourless rain ~ Secretly painting the leaves ~ Green

2012-06-11 11:05:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The weary lean ~ Of a book - ~ Slide of import

2012-06-11 11:00:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Pinning me beneath him ~ And the still ~ Of it all
2012-06-11 10:50:21 (EDT)

234 / 4823

_eroteme_ What have we ~ But a life of trusting ~ An untrustworthy mind!?

2012-06-10 20:40:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the bind ~ Of a trickling raindrop ~ Birthed in ~ Her cloudeyes @purplepoetry77

2012-06-09 23:23:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the cuddle ~ Of a draft ~ From a broken ~ Heart-pane

2012-06-09 22:26:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is in this ~ Maddening eddy ~ That I find myself ~ Immobile

2012-06-09 20:45:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle Not one bit. You perhaps possess neither an oven nor have you warmed chunks of pineapple. The aroma is heavenly! :-)
2012-06-09 20:37:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @minalrh Errr... what?

2012-06-09 19:24:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where you doubt not ~ The fire of ~ Summer's lust ~ And merge ~ A seed's want ~ Into your gasp... ~ There @minalrh
2012-06-09 19:24:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dulcet moans ~ Night's lullaby

2012-06-09 18:44:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where your tremble ~ Seeks the spine ~ Of passion ~ And the real bends ~ An arch of mirages... ~ There @minalrh
2012-06-09 07:05:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nights ~ That fold ~ Whispers into ~ Origami dreams

2012-06-09 07:01:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lean ~ Of slope ~ As if the mountain ~ Wished to fall

2012-06-09 06:54:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I found your note ~ Blank & torn ~ Scented with your silence
2012-06-09 06:46:26 (EDT)
235 / 4823

_eroteme_ @vellicle The aroma, the aroma... Sigh! Somebody help her!
2012-06-09 06:44:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@minalrh Wherever you want me to be" [Where the musk ~ Of longing ~ Meets the melting sigh ~ Of another ~ Vacant sunset... ~ There]
2012-06-09 06:41:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle Sigh! If only you'd let me cook pineapple in an oven, for you,& then introduce you to her!! ;-)
2012-06-09 06:35:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle True, not a direct presence of the govt. but a definite beneficiary...
2012-06-09 06:29:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle Not at all. Curiosity can be catered to by mere asking. Only when denied or taboo does one need clandestine means...
2012-06-09 06:28:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle Surely we remove the rind!! You didn't imagine me putting a whole fruit in there, did you!? :-D
2012-06-09 06:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The discipline ~ Of aging

2012-06-09 06:14:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To dwell ~ In the shade ~ Of her ~ Lowered lashes

2012-06-09 06:13:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Serves their purpose, as none would rise to question their moves while immersed in FB, IMs, texting & games...
2012-06-08 12:41:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool A thought I was having. A systematic dumbing down of people, eliminating the willingness & strength to read long pieces..
2012-06-08 12:39:50 (EDT)

236 / 4823

_eroteme_ @neernool It would be voyeuristic if I spied upon the train's thoughts. Since I seek, I would call it curiosity.
2012-06-08 12:37:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool No metaphor, wise lady. :-) Simple pure sensation. A pineapple slice placed in an oven exudes the finest aroma...
2012-06-08 12:36:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An old piece I enjoyed:

2012-06-08 12:31:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her words ~ Fireflies birthed ~ In the night ~ Of her mind (enjoying Ms. @soHbet_ 's dulcet sprinkles)
2012-06-07 13:45:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The brush ~ Of cotton on ~ My breast and ~ Memories of ~ Wordless whispers

2012-06-07 13:41:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Of rain ~ I seek the secret ~ To leave no trace ~ Of fall @Heidi_Ayala

2012-06-07 13:35:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The forest ~ We created ~ Didn't need us ~ To create ~ Being lost

2012-06-07 13:29:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish ~ Is to know ~ The fleeting thoughts ~ Of a departing train

2012-06-07 13:28:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The feel ~ Of ripples ~ On my tongue

2012-06-07 10:50:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Carved life ~ From fantasies

2012-06-07 10:46:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pineapples in the oven - ~ The scent ~ Of her laughter

2012-06-07 10:20:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dovetailing lips - ~ The fit ~ Of our desire

2012-06-07 09:27:56 (EDT)
237 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @soHbet_ bending of longing [Till the ending ~ Of belonging]

2012-06-07 09:24:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Wyrde: Love withheld ~ a vile oxymoron ~ only language could produce such a travesty.
2012-06-07 09:14:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @primxvita If winter were but a singly delicate snowflake, everyone would try to "preserve" it. Thus, they are, too, towards all fragility.
2012-06-07 09:08:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She spoke ~ To the rhythm ~ Of unfurling buds

2012-06-07 09:04:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The soul of outside ~ With the taste of inside

2012-06-07 02:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @soHbet_ Good use of all those torn letters, you'd say? ;-)
2012-06-07 02:28:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Se7ensLove Wishing you the best of delights, dear friend. :-)
2012-06-06 23:19:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Is linguistic & literary slovenliness merely the agency of govts. to ensure that its citizens grow unaccustomed to deliberation & pondering?
2012-06-06 09:44:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Merci.... :-) RT @whispersigh @_eroteme_: your words are always so beautiful and accurate; thank you for sharing them!
2012-06-05 20:00:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the end of my line ~ Her letter-fragments hooked ~ What soul shall I bait?
2012-06-05 11:30:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come make ~ A mirror of ~ My dreams (@whispersigh )

2012-06-05 11:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her name ~ Like the spine of ~ My choicest book

2012-06-05 11:21:58 (EDT)
238 / 4823

_eroteme_ His hand ~ Through my hair ~ Winds ~ O'er meadows

2012-06-05 11:19:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To completely ~ Relate ~ To a word

2012-06-05 11:14:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She smiled ~ And the lake ~ Rippled back

2012-06-05 11:10:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The constant ~ Vanishing act ~ Of beauty

2012-06-05 11:09:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poorish arms, these ~ Holding her less ~ Than my maimed ~ Mind does
2012-06-04 12:38:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her smile ~ Was the gentle ~ Stop of time

2012-06-04 12:36:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ None ~ But you & I ~ And a chaperon ~ Silk sheet

2012-06-04 12:34:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The flutter of his hands ~ A hair's length from me ~ Touching ~ Not touching...
2012-06-04 12:32:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bouquet of shadows ~ All the dark velvet ~ I could've been

2012-06-04 12:28:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The musk ~ Of remembering you

2012-06-04 12:24:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stepping back ~ Is the only way ~ To yourself

2012-06-04 12:23:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @minalrh And I thought it was the shopping & the scores of books I had bought!! Well, I do love books so... :-)
2012-06-04 09:10:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Melody of garb ~ Wrapped in dulcet dreams ~ Her heart's sweet lullaby (to the joyous radio-station that is @LoveMusicDreams)
239 / 4823

2012-06-02 12:37:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soap bubbles ~ And kisses ~ That filled her hair - ~ Forest of desire ( @nimue_ )
2012-06-02 12:15:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ishan6 It would be fine too, but that tweet was in response to @purplepoetry77 's tweet which was about the swansong of words!
2012-06-02 12:10:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The melt of his ~ Into hers ~ Tales trickling down ~ Steamed windows @nimue_
2012-06-02 10:18:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Err... I meant on the windows! Geez! Beez! Don't look at me like that! :-D
2012-06-02 09:50:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Steamed windows ~ Do I need to ~ Write more?

2012-06-02 09:42:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This was fun! I got to drift along the waves of poetry without having to do much! :-) @purplepoetry77 @Mentalsins @brainyshady @ _eroteme_
2012-06-02 08:13:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through fingers ~ Of rock ~ 'Neath whispers ~ Of blushing wisps ~ This soothing meander @dgdreamin Photo: Yangtze River
2012-06-02 00:44:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @whispersigh But these very fallacies help identify & treasure what is beautiful, iridescent & delicate about a soul...
2012-06-02 00:26:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Days when wind ~ And daisies ~ And herons ~ And meadows ~ And paper boats ~ And pebbles ~ And I ~ Understood each other
2012-06-01 23:21:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @whispersigh Lately!? I thought that is why we had people on earth for aeons, no? For all other things there are dogs, parakeets & snakes...
2012-06-01 23:12:59 (EDT)
240 / 4823

_eroteme_ Words ~ That button ~ My mind @purplepoetry77

2012-06-01 23:11:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ Dissolving your every strap ~ To leave you ~ Bound @DangerslyClaire
2012-06-01 23:09:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ However deep you hide ~ Your echo ~ Shall find you
2012-06-01 23:07:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I will send ~ The sea to you ~ The braille of waves ~ To read my heart (@whispersigh )
2012-06-01 22:33:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Glad you enjoy the words here, dear friend. :-)
2012-06-01 22:22:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stride in the footsteps ~ Of rain drops

2012-06-01 12:29:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An anklet of kisses ~ And the bells ~ In her heart

2012-06-01 12:13:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stare long ~ At the mosaic of my words ~ I might emerge

2012-06-01 12:03:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feel the kiss of clouds ~ Down a kite's twine

2012-06-01 11:58:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her many moods ~ Woven into the carpet ~ Of sighs

2012-06-01 11:54:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the storm ~ Had an urgent secret ~ To whisper

2012-06-01 11:52:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Orchids ~ In the tiny grasp ~ Of rain

2012-06-01 11:50:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @demlips Congratulations to your son & to you. Must be quite a proud moment. :-)
241 / 4823

2012-05-31 22:27:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fading henna ~ Unbroken bangles ~ Sandal-scented sunshine (Indian @whispersigh )

2012-05-31 21:57:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In this love ~ Choking my throat ~ I hastily create lovers ~ Who shall ne'er be born
2012-05-31 21:52:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Premeditated ~ Wonder

2012-05-31 21:50:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in his eyes ~ The same doubt ~ That Spring has ~ Before first bloom
2012-05-31 21:48:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I care, ~ Not for innards, but ~ Hues

2012-05-31 21:46:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @WomanWithNeeds Glad you find the words here to your taste... :-)
2012-05-31 21:00:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vellicle But the perceived truth is different from axiomatic truths that Math indulges in. Hence, poets et al can revel in the former.. :-)
2012-05-29 10:51:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her breath - ~ Cinnamon dreams

2012-05-29 07:41:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if shadows ~ Were messages ~ To the unmoved

2012-05-29 07:34:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Belief isn't a matter of truth or untruths. Mathematicians deal with the countable(& countably uncountable); the rest with beliefs
2012-05-29 07:32:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As he filled them, ~ My voids ~ Dawned on me

2012-05-29 07:27:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Steinbeck on falling in love -

242 / 4823

2012-05-28 11:08:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear hear! RT @neernool: body is; supreme cognition - an indelible knowledge, an unflinching certitude.
2012-05-28 00:06:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How sunflowers ~ Feel alien ~ Under a full-moon

2012-05-27 23:53:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: lock; incessantly turning thought, inside wisdom's key to paradox.
2012-05-27 23:51:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Not Indian... Childian

2012-05-27 23:49:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @neernool: dusk gulps light after light; night sculpts light after light.
2012-05-27 23:48:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All of life ~ Has but one purpose ~ The sowing of ~ Ingenuousness
2012-05-27 23:45:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Awww! I'll get it, ma'am. Jusht a leetle moe plactice... Pleesh!?
2012-05-27 23:44:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! RT @neernool: write; to pin beautiful kerfuffle to staid word, chisel sand & flood red, or carve winds to winnow peace.
2012-05-27 23:39:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Oh! That "htun" ;-p

2012-05-27 23:38:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool htun?

2012-05-27 23:34:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I believe, only the mindless, love. RT @neernool: mindless earth loves; how every green soaks to amaranth, divine.
2012-05-27 23:32:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if ~ The blot of night ~ Became dawn @neernool

243 / 4823

2012-05-27 23:10:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: dust gold on leftover night curls; sprinkle dawn.

2012-05-27 23:09:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77: heartbeats in braille ~ he traced her [Connecting the dots ~ Of her love-bites ~ I outline me]
2012-05-27 22:49:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In this urgent rush to you ~ I dissolve into ~ A mist, fragrant

2012-05-27 22:46:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The echo ~ Of a lotus' ~ Bloom []

2012-05-27 12:47:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ishan6 :-) The brake's stuck... Damn! The gear is too... Wait! This is a catamaran I am rowing... Errrr! Will get back to you shortly. ;-p
2012-05-27 12:30:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What delicate shoulders ~ Taught the ~ Stumble of wind (hat tip to the lovely @LoveMusicDreams 's turquoise tinged AVI)
2012-05-27 12:19:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I spoke ~ In turquoise ink

2012-05-27 12:13:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With my unborn child ~ Through monsoon showers ~ Lullaby of drizzle

2012-05-27 12:07:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rain ~ Sewing vagrant ~ Dreams

2012-05-27 12:00:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At night ~ These chattering ~ Stars

2012-05-27 09:53:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nearly 90% of our needs are synthetic & enforced upon us so that some commercial enterprise can thrive. Revisit them when you can...
2012-05-27 08:29:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ridiculously stupid! Why'd I pay him even $1 to sharpen my pencil? I was taught to perfect since childhood!
2012-05-27 08:28:12 (EDT)

244 / 4823

_eroteme_ @Achichi65 Awww! Sorry, about the slow response! :-(

2012-05-27 02:34:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Achichi65 Oh! You don't need Pilao masala. A lot of it can be made on the fly... Have onions? Cumin seeds? Coriander seeds? Any seed!!?
2012-05-27 02:08:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wind chimes ~ Of leaves

2012-05-27 02:03:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad you found it so, dear Claire. :-)

2012-05-27 01:55:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This path ~ That always hides ~ Behind the hill

2012-05-27 01:54:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shall I birth a boy ~ And teach him the ways of the perfect man ~ Or a lovely girl ~ And teach her ways I have divined?
2012-05-27 01:51:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Merci, madame... :-)

2012-05-27 01:47:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'll stop here. I had lengthy debates whether sensuous writing must be explicit in anatomical description &/or coital acts. I'll stop here..
2012-05-27 00:56:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As you ease ~ Into the armchair ~ My unease

2012-05-27 00:53:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You ~ There ~ Talking of wayward matters ~ With a single strap ~ Off your shoulder
2012-05-27 00:52:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words ~ And your buttons ~ Undone

2012-05-27 00:50:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hush, hush ~ My love ~ Your tremble ~ Is what the Gods lust
2012-05-27 00:49:01 (EDT)

245 / 4823

_eroteme_ And when your ~ Neck ~ Spine ~ Fingers ~ Toes ~ Lips ~ Curl in taut ardour ~ I whisper a prayer ~ Into your bosom
2012-05-27 00:42:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the sculptor's thrust ~ And arch your ~ Every length

2012-05-27 00:39:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ All I wish ~ Is to bring ~ Untold pillage ~ Unspoken ravage ~ To your body
2012-05-27 00:35:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That moment ~ When you hover above me ~ Wanting to sink ~ Wanting to stay afloat ~ In this passionate tangle ~ That moment ~ And your eyes
2012-05-27 00:33:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Into my mouth ~ I shall draw you in ~ Mind first

2012-05-27 00:29:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come to me ~ My leopard ~ In love-bite spots

2012-05-27 00:28:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No, I shan't ~ Leave that kiss ~ Unpaired

2012-05-27 00:26:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The love his hands made ~ The glaze his tongue added
2012-05-27 00:23:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Serenade ~ Of wet

2012-05-26 16:05:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The songs ~ He tied ~ Around my waist

2012-05-26 15:59:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hands ~ Orchestrating ~ Your breath

2012-05-26 15:55:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In love with a statue ~ Versus ~ Being loved by a statue

2012-05-26 15:41:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Chasing her blush ~ Till where she birthed ~ Moans

2012-05-26 15:35:20 (EDT)

246 / 4823

_eroteme_ Love is ~ Wanting you & I ~ To be real

2012-05-26 15:34:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My name ~ Echoing in the ~ Hollow you left

2012-05-26 15:33:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This moonless night ~ And your mother-of-pearl ~ Sighs

2012-05-26 15:27:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I can't say ~ I bite into ~ Your flesh

2012-05-26 15:26:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Did the winds whisper ~ My uncontrollable ~ Shudder?

2012-05-26 15:24:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let me clothe you ~ With my threadlessness

2012-05-26 15:22:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tastes of you ~ When you are asleep

2012-05-26 15:20:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My each word ~ That shall melt your garb ~ Till you be naked, before me ~ And I, speechless
2012-05-26 15:13:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have you basked ~ In the calligraphy ~ Of sighs?

2012-05-26 15:12:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An echo ~ That hugged mountains

2012-05-26 15:07:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He thought ~ He could imagine ~ His feeling

2012-05-26 15:03:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Living along ~ A begging bowl's ~ Ask

2012-05-26 15:01:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all Nature ~ Is a patient ear

2012-05-26 14:56:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love me not ~ Till you divine ~ That I am ~ Your need to love
2012-05-26 14:55:45 (EDT)

247 / 4823

_eroteme_ Through swollen memories ~ The broken comb of ~ "Why?"

2012-05-26 14:52:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma I also need that stranger to be obedient!! ;-p Only one "?" not two "?" :-D Next stranger, please...
2012-05-26 14:51:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A bowl falls ~ The new cat's shock ~ The old cat's yawn
2012-05-26 14:48:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I seek a stranger ~ To receive me with ~ "Where were you?"

2012-05-26 14:45:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Born with half ~ An incantation of love ~ I seek the severed ~ Puzzle of Fate
2012-05-26 14:43:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A continuum ~ Of fevered ~ Night-like days

2012-05-26 14:39:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The nocturnal dance ~ Of discarded shadows ~ Under a neglected night

2012-05-26 14:32:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The alphabet of ~ Desiderata

2012-05-26 14:30:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poetry of the unsaid ~ To honour ~ Silence

2012-05-26 13:13:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ishan6 Not sure I got that...

2012-05-26 09:27:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Conversations ~ With silence

2012-05-26 05:27:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This darkness ~ Dressed in white ~ With an ersatz ~ Sun

2012-05-25 12:41:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ishan6 Glad you enjoy the words here... :-)

2012-05-25 09:47:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love ~ To this ache ~ Named you

248 / 4823

2012-05-25 08:45:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All she did ~ Was lock her legs ~ And breathe in my eyes ~ With hers
2012-05-25 08:37:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Then he'd take my name ~ The dissolve of all ~ Restraint

2012-05-25 08:33:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deny not ~ The lavender hue ~ Of the moon ~ Held across seas ~ By the silken threads ~ Of our sighs
2012-05-25 08:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you enjoy the words that float here, dear sir. :-)
2012-05-25 08:24:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hold ~ A dew drop ~ Forever

2012-05-25 08:22:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Aye aye ma'am! :-)

2012-05-24 21:25:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be ~ What makes you smile ~ In your sleep

2012-05-24 12:25:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if rain ~ Fell to collect ~ Genuine wonder

2012-05-24 12:21:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Church bells dreaming of chime ~ And fluttering doves

2012-05-24 12:18:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trust not your eyes ~ For I shall wither ~ Trust not your ears ~ For my voice shall tremble ~ Trust your skin ~ And the touch
2012-05-24 12:14:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even spent raindrops ~ Wish to keep ~ Their breathlessness @ A_Grey_Sky

2012-05-24 11:33:57 (EDT)
249 / 4823

_eroteme_ Held in those hands ~ That would grip ~ A panther's mane

2012-05-24 11:31:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am untamed waters ~ Drown your tremble ~ In me

2012-05-24 11:27:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come, let me protect you ~ Come, let me take your fire
2012-05-24 11:26:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His is the pen ~ That parts my ink ~ To the darkest poetry
2012-05-24 11:24:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a woman ~ Making you wish ~ For fingers, ringless

2012-05-24 11:17:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When every child ~ On the swing ~ Promises me a hope

2012-05-24 11:09:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Braiding breaths ~ So somewhere ~ Lilies may bloom

2012-05-23 21:05:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The slow lick ~ Of her contours ~ And the tales ~ They carried to ~ Pirates of silhouettes (hat tip to @Heidi_Ayala 's avi)
2012-05-23 20:49:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she drew ~ Autumn into her blush

2012-05-23 20:41:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A fairly old one. Busy digging, eh? ;-) RT @Heidi_Ayala "@_eroteme_ The seasons of a woman ~ Are but different heats ~ Of wanting touch"
2012-05-23 20:30:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ All we make of it ~ And none

2012-05-23 20:27:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the night~ Needs embers ~ To feel beautiful

2012-05-23 13:13:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Goodnight, sweet Beez. Sleep a lovely sleep... :-)

2012-05-23 12:06:57 (EDT)

250 / 4823

_eroteme_ Their reflection ~ Concentric abandon ~ Of vivid mirth @ beezknez

2012-05-23 11:39:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the mist ~ Ruins to dew

2012-05-23 10:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some scents ~ Are magic carpets ~ Ascending in the winds ~ Of recall
2012-05-23 09:29:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Connotations spiralling ~ Into the blur ~ Of intent

2012-05-23 09:25:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tempered filigree ~ Of porcelain sighs

2012-05-23 09:20:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a cardinal's blush ~ A poem sanguine

2012-05-22 23:57:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Awww! So sweet. (hugs) ooooh! Nice biceps... So there's this bully in the park who never let's me get on the swing &.... ;-p
2012-05-22 22:04:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! That's an old one you found, sir. Delightful! :-) RT @HumanistPoet An age when / Lead flies and / Hearts sink - Eroteme Thinks
2012-05-22 21:58:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala The pleasure, milady, has been all mine... :-) Hoye your day was lovely
2012-05-22 21:56:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Awww! May the 2nd word never be called upon... ;)
2012-05-22 21:55:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ishan6 Glad you enjoy the words here, Dr. :-)
2012-05-22 21:54:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fountains ~ When you need ~ A shoulder to cry on

2012-05-22 21:53:33 (EDT)
251 / 4823

_eroteme_ The debunk of ease ~ As if nightingales may sing only ~ Following penance @ManiasVoice
2012-05-22 13:24:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lonely journey ~ Of moonlight

2012-05-22 13:18:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All he wanted ~ Was to cut his lips ~ On her hair

2012-05-22 13:15:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Two measures of wit ~ A full span of elan ~ A length of tongue ~ And I'll call it a deal
2012-05-22 13:10:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I shall kiss you ~ When you'll paint your lips ~ In the purple of yearning
2012-05-22 13:07:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For a lover ~ Is unique ~ In his wretchedness

2012-05-22 13:03:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ But an unspoken want ~ To be treated thus

2012-05-22 13:02:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Two days of love ~ Two decades of memories

2012-05-22 13:00:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A lover has ~ But two words - ~ A sigh ~ Till when we'll meet ~ A sigh ~ Since we'll soon depart
2012-05-22 12:56:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind my knee ~ The memory ~ Of his tongue

2012-05-22 12:51:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He wrapped ~ Her lisp ~ Around his tongue

2012-05-22 12:50:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our hearts of wax ~ Seeking the flame ~ And a sigh of melt
2012-05-22 12:50:05 (EDT)

252 / 4823

_eroteme_ To walk ~ Till I've ~ Nowhere to go

2012-05-22 12:44:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way his eyes ~ Snuggled into ~ My glee

2012-05-22 12:39:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the mind alone ~ Travels from here ~ To forever

2012-05-22 12:37:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What he set afire one night ~ Now burns ~ A black flame ~ In broad daylight
2012-05-22 12:35:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With a flounce ~ She let her "f" ~ Dangle its legs ~ On the line below
2012-05-22 12:31:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hope that grew ~ In the cracks of the wall

2012-05-22 12:24:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all shape ~ Was in a dew's whim

2012-05-22 11:02:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A satin stole ~ Embroidered with ~ Feelings denied

2012-05-22 10:58:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind her veil ~ A mind that held me ~ In the bare

2012-05-22 10:51:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He is the breeze ~ That was lost in my hair

2012-05-22 10:46:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On a bed ~ Of sharp guilt

2012-05-22 08:24:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala stars sigh / as moon steals light / from sun [In her single glance ~ My eyes' light ~ Begged theft]
2012-05-22 08:17:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala searching the story / behind the sadness / of his smile [Reading between ~ The lines ~ Of his smile]
2012-05-22 08:13:12 (EDT)

253 / 4823

_eroteme_ @neernool I do? :-o

2012-05-21 23:58:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if breathing ~ Was the price paid

2012-05-21 11:23:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sleeplessness ~ Of dreams

2012-05-21 11:05:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My blue eyes ~ When seen ~ In your green

2012-05-21 10:42:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @A_Grey_Sky Why ever apologise for falling asleep!? Quite a matter of rejoicing... Hope it was relaxing. Thanks for creating beauty together
2012-05-20 06:49:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her whispers ~ That lent ~ Touch to souls

2012-05-20 05:17:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For you ~ These chants eager ~ To touch your sigh ~ To bathe in your love (@A_Grey_Sky )
2012-05-20 03:18:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Anoint me with hymns ~ Thence I'll engirdle you ~ In my petaled senses (@A_Grey_Sky )
2012-05-20 01:32:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Speak not ~ Of ever ~ To the minuteless chimes ~ Of a virgined heart (@minalrh )
2012-05-19 23:38:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fasten me stronger ~ In the chords of silence ~ I am yet to birth ~ What shall sense you deep (@minalrh yes, I meant chords :-)
2012-05-19 23:23:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that you burned ~ Dissolved in breath ~ Or thirst

2012-05-19 23:16:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To undress ~ Or clothe in words

2012-05-19 23:15:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They who whisper ~ The soul's patina (@kokeesachdeva )

254 / 4823

2012-05-19 23:10:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Murals of touch ~ The braille within ~ My thirst for you (@ minalrh)
2012-05-19 23:07:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each dawn ~ A fragment ~ And hence, a complete life

2012-05-19 22:58:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The languorous turn ~ Of a newspaper ~ In a table-fan's chatter

2012-05-19 22:53:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ They're the sin ~ We never sang ( ;-) @JennWhetton )

2012-05-19 22:46:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Against the fire of my words ~ My mind's shadow lengthening ~ To you

2012-05-19 22:30:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These jelly-words ~ That trembled ~ On every tap ~ Of possibility

2012-05-19 22:27:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The elope ~ Of warm ties ~ 'Twixt fingers ~ That pine ~ And on the sky of my mind ~ This inevitable smile (@antoinxtte)
2012-05-19 22:18:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @antoinxtte To read a poem in that light...

2012-05-19 22:14:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where words cease ~ Eyes speak ~ Where glances mute ~ Touch purrs ~ Where touch holds not ~ The golden amalgam of thrums
2012-05-19 14:21:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he owned me ~ Before asking ~ If he may

2012-05-19 14:00:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is ~ My every smile ~ Denied

2012-05-19 13:58:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The trembling slivers ~ Of his passion ~ Binding me in ~ The night he shreds
255 / 4823

2012-05-19 13:57:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my tears ~ Wash me ~ To his shores

2012-05-19 13:52:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To fall ~ Like a ~ Pirouetting flower

2012-05-19 13:51:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shadows of ~ Wind chimes ~ Music of caress

2012-05-19 13:47:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A kaleidoscope ~ Of heart shards

2012-05-19 13:45:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The cartographer ~ Of my ~ Unchartered mind

2012-05-19 13:43:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The over-populated fear ~ Of being lonely

2012-05-19 13:38:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For truth ~ Is a lonesome ~ Companion

2012-05-19 12:49:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With you I find ~ The inadequacies of tongue

2012-05-19 12:15:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Promiscuous sleep - ~ To bed with night ~ To rise with dawn

2012-05-19 11:40:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her glance ~ Was the call of harps ~ To passioned fingers

2012-05-19 11:27:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the lies - ~ Driftwood on ~ White-sand beaches

2012-05-19 11:23:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ The summon of ~ Heat

2012-05-19 11:22:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drenched in the night ~ An inviting ~ Silence

2012-05-19 11:20:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish Twitter let me decide when a tweet is done...

2012-05-19 10:22:41 (EDT)

256 / 4823

_eroteme_ What your eyes don't ask ~ What your tears dissolve ~ What your lashes cage ~ I understand, sweetie
2012-05-19 10:19:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @orangeuapoet haha :-D Must be one kinky property!

2012-05-18 22:09:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the shade ~ Of a palm tree ~ Every cat, a tiger

2012-05-18 09:02:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tied in ~ The leather ~ Of propriety

2012-05-18 09:00:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In all this arson ~ The serenade of ~ A blush

2012-05-17 23:49:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The withering inadequacies ~ Of mistaken mores

2012-05-17 23:43:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where rightness is defined by all that one shouldn't do that I won't...
2012-05-17 23:42:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The gnawing ~ Hope for ~ The ideal ~ Level of disregard

2012-05-17 23:41:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rust of my heart ~ The peeling paint ~ Of blush

2012-05-17 20:54:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come ~ Finger-paint ~ My desire ~ Disowned @antoinxtte

2012-05-17 20:50:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like the characters of my memory ~ Looking to their right ~ For that earlier memory ~ Which shall be cue ~ I look for me ~ In the you of me
2012-05-17 20:44:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love you ~ This shape-shifting you ~ The one I began to love ~ Through mazes of mirrors ~ Revealing a different you ~ To be loved
2012-05-17 20:41:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sterility ~ Of conclusions

2012-05-16 12:02:09 (EDT)

257 / 4823

_eroteme_ Money devalues what it cannot measure - Ivan Illich

2012-05-15 11:53:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Thank you, sir. You are indeed generous with your compliments for the words here... :-)
2012-05-13 02:02:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She swam ~ Turbulent oceans ~ Her heart, the message ~ Emerald eyes ~ The bottle none would find
2012-05-13 02:01:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Caressing the moon ~ With my slice of bread ~ Dinners at the seashore
2012-05-13 01:48:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Handcuffed ~ In her tresses ~ My words, unspoken

2012-05-13 01:45:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crickets ~ Make the night ~ Lonelier

2012-05-13 01:42:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kiss me ~ The song ~ Of dew

2012-05-13 01:35:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Toothache? ;-p

2012-05-13 01:30:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Caravans of ~ Homeless ~ Hope

2012-05-13 01:28:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Awww! I must've been doin' that then

2012-05-13 01:21:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take me blindfolded ~ To where you arch ~ A lip's bite

2012-05-13 01:17:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Thass juss me tryin to be hawt! ;-p

2012-05-13 01:15:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am god ~ In your passion's ~ Temple tower

2012-05-13 01:14:03 (EDT)

258 / 4823

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Liar! ;-p

2012-05-13 01:13:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The softening of earth ~ When it know ~ It shall rain ~ Soon

2012-05-13 01:12:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The road is widest ~ At the fork

2012-05-13 01:10:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We recall not ~ Our roads that merged ~ Into an "us" but ~ Lament the impending fork
2012-05-13 01:08:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wasn't designed ~ To love ~ Or lie ~ Yet, I try both

2012-05-13 01:02:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How wind ~ Never consoles ~ While we heal

2012-05-13 01:02:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A book must be given shelf-space commensurate with its import

2012-05-13 01:01:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The porcelain shatter ~ Of returning ~ To no home

2012-05-12 22:25:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The caress of ~ Shadows ~ On the market floor

2012-05-12 22:23:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beveled ~ Emerging from ~ The shower

2012-05-12 21:25:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When a pause ~ Found refuge ~ In a mind's still

2012-05-12 21:21:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sleepless words ~ Bloodshot connotations

2012-05-12 14:52:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The prayer for vanish ~ Is a confession ~ Unspoken

2012-05-12 14:46:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pans made of ~ Heart & mind ~ Tipping in the shiver ~ Of possibility
2012-05-12 14:42:00 (EDT)

259 / 4823

_eroteme_ The secret language ~ Of her moans

2012-05-12 14:34:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What burned ~ Under the rough of his palm ~ His tongue, soothed
2012-05-12 14:32:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His hands ~ Taught me ~ The art of melt

2012-05-12 14:30:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I, a flower ~ Eddying in ~ His mind

2012-05-12 14:30:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And then ~ The sun splintered ~ Into a million stars

2012-05-12 14:21:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the park bench ~ Sometimes her ~ Sometimes a memory

2012-05-12 14:16:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her tangled hair ~ A promise ~ Of moonless nights [hat tip to @antoinxtte 's AVI]
2012-05-12 14:08:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher If you'd slice the land one mile deep you could roll it into a smaller sphere fitting well in the Caspian Lake @thefoxisblack
2012-05-12 13:10:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fading shadow ~ Of a love's echo

2012-05-12 12:39:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her mind ~ Like an outline ~ Beneath her skirt

2012-05-12 12:27:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For Love is ~ The taste of something ~ In all this ~ Nothing

2012-05-12 12:26:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Arms outstretched ~ The yonder ~ That shan't be [hat tip to @quiverymoments ' pic]
2012-05-12 12:23:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@antoinxtte wish-stones and buttercups" [Prayer-clouds ~ And floating-flowers]

2012-05-12 12:21:38 (EDT)

260 / 4823

_eroteme_ Burgundy cream ~ And the lies ~ Her tongue stirred

2012-05-12 12:18:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fires he lit ~ Grazing thumb ~ O'er lips

2012-05-12 12:13:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Speechless sighs ~ Washed ashore ~ And the froth of longing

2012-05-12 12:11:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Yes... ;-)

2012-05-12 12:10:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lexicon ~ Of touch ~ Lies in the mind

2012-05-06 21:07:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the rain ~ Which touches her ~ Into a smile

2012-05-06 21:00:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is the soil ~ Where I wish ~ To take root

2012-05-06 20:57:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ O'er my chest ~ Her unkempt hair ~ Her heartbeat ~ In my belly

2012-05-06 20:56:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To own ~ With the certitude ~ Of need

2012-05-06 20:53:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Calligraphy of tongue ~ Glistening under ~ Moonlight

2012-05-06 20:51:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On my breast ~ The same mouth ~ Last night ~ And, now ~ Asleep
2012-05-06 20:41:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The erotica of us ~ Across the room ~ Glances locked ~ World ignored ~ Fantasies sipped ~ From our wineglass
2012-05-06 20:38:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To make love ~ Bejeweled ~ In beads of moonlight

2012-05-06 20:36:08 (EDT)

261 / 4823

_eroteme_ His thumb ~ Moving along my curves ~ Smudging an ~ Exhausted painting

2012-05-06 20:32:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fugues ~ Of touch ~ And shudder

2012-05-06 20:31:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An envelope of ~ Silk sheets ~ And within ~ A breathless you

2012-05-06 20:28:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the missing piece ~ For all my love bites ~ Is your tongue
2012-05-06 20:26:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your hand moving ~ Down, within ~ And my obedient zipper

2012-05-06 20:25:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shop windows ~ Dissolving the display ~ Into an outline of me ~ Longing

2012-05-06 20:24:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sow the wind ~ Garden of whispers @ManiasVoice

2012-05-06 10:30:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My name ~ Between his teeth ~ And all the summers ~ He dragged me through
2012-05-06 10:21:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His glance ~ The silk threads ~ Where my words stumble

2012-05-06 10:13:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ The dissolve ~ Of all hesitation

2012-05-06 10:05:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The stars ~ So bright ~ When the candle dies

2012-05-06 09:44:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All she had ~ Was a smile ~ For a door-knob

2012-05-05 00:48:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All he had ~ Was a smile ~ For a door-stopper

2012-05-05 00:48:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her chin ~ On her knees ~ On a park bench ~ On a misty morn

262 / 4823

~ On my mind ~ On and on
2012-05-05 00:44:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez I have never laughed & smiled as joyously as when I read this & visualised it. You are lovely, Beez. Bless your child-heart! :-)
2012-05-05 00:41:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@beezknez im not afraid to die ~ im just afraid I'll die before love" [Our fingers ~ Entwined ~ Across lives]
2012-05-05 00:39:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@beezknez the momentary touch ~ of our eyes ~ the longest time ~ of my life" [The graze of eyes ~ Grasp of longing ~ Grit of memories]
2012-05-05 00:38:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His dissolve into ~ Passing mists ~ A goodbye, untold

2012-05-05 00:17:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@SondraJByrnes each one opens as if for the first time flowers in the garden" [Each drop of rain ~ As if for the first time ~ So wet]
2012-05-05 00:07:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LoveMusicDreams Thank you, dear Ms. Kassapi :-)

2012-05-04 12:56:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A cloud asked ~ A tree ~ Which way is heaven? [hat tip to @ quiverymoments ' pic]
2012-05-04 12:10:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the blue ~ Of her eyes ~ A bluer sea [hat tip to the lovely @LoveMusicDreams ' background image]
2012-05-04 11:58:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In gentle tenderness ~ Love beguiles

2012-05-04 11:56:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some unfinished journeys ~ Like a vacant boot ~ By the railtracks

2012-05-04 11:52:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The salt of her ~ On his tongue ~ The ocean spray ~ Behind his eye
2012-05-04 11:43:13 (EDT)
263 / 4823

_eroteme_ He swam ~ In the undress ~ Of her whims

2012-05-04 11:36:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To dwell in ~ The mist of her thoughts ~ Where moon light rests
2012-05-04 11:35:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma :-) An honour & pleasure...

2012-05-04 11:21:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Was!? Aaah! Cruel time that sways it all... Et tu Jael! Then fall, caeser salad... ;-p
2012-05-04 10:20:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poetry ~ Of an ~ Overturned pot

2012-05-04 09:23:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Paul_McGovern An inside that has no walls. [An outside ~ With nowhere ~ To go]
2012-05-04 09:17:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where thought & want collide ~ A little sandcastle ~ Washed by tears...
2012-05-04 09:16:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An ocean's sigh we birth ~ Waves & tides ~ The gulls of our glances @JennWhetton
2012-05-03 20:54:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The forgotten carve ~ Of your ~ Fingers' bite

2012-05-03 20:51:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He kissed her ~ Where her smiles ~ Cast indigo shadows

2012-05-03 20:36:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @JennWhetton Held and heaved~bruising the air [In a wisp's grasp ~ Tangle of the ~ Breathless]
2012-05-03 20:31:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Slice me fine ~ With your tongue ~ Let's dip our braid ~ In passion's smoulder
264 / 4823

2012-05-03 20:28:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton That must be one helluva breath!! ;-)

2012-05-03 20:25:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In my arms ~ Or in my breath

2012-05-03 13:19:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice The heart of a home can be heard from the laughter within. [The hearth ~ Felt in ~ The open door's warmth]
2012-05-03 13:02:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just the finest cut ~ Of sin @DangerslyClaire

2012-05-03 12:59:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lilac liquor eyes ~ Lips that flesh grapes ~ Inebriation in her veins @ghostmemoirs
2012-05-03 12:57:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tiara ~ Of her untouched tears ~ My soul's rag @JennWhetton

2012-05-03 12:52:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He loved ~ The thought ~ Of loving

2012-05-03 12:50:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had I craved pain ~ I'd have loved ~ Without words

2012-05-03 12:48:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between his lips ~ My succulent name

2012-05-03 12:46:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd hide you ~ In the clouds ~ But Oh! This moon...
2012-05-03 12:41:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if dreams ~ Were the yield ~ Of sighs

2012-05-03 12:39:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her smile ~ Sunlight caught ~ In a feather's fall [wishing @BeingInJoy well]
265 / 4823

2012-05-03 11:22:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Loved years ~ Gathering fragments ~ To birth nostalgia

2012-05-02 12:50:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Exquisite imagery, dear Beez! :-) RT @beezknez: peels of paint ~ a wall ~ of butterflies [Cracked walls ~ Frieze of ~ Distant lightening]
2012-05-02 12:36:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The symphony of breath ~ Orchestrated by her ~ Tipsy stumbling strap

2012-05-02 11:23:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breathing under ~ The crimson weight ~ Of a blush

2012-05-02 11:20:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her bidding ~ To furbelow ~ The lake's moon @minalrh

2012-05-02 11:12:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez My pleasure in bringing you smiles, dear Beez. Wishing you a lovely night's sleep with dreams of your choice... :-)
2012-05-02 11:01:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @DreamsOfTaos like May / I rest between / the bloom and heat
2012-05-02 10:38:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dgdreamin The tangle ~ of my thoughts ~ in yours [Your fingers ~ To comb ~ What I shan't say]
2012-05-02 10:34:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Lemme guess... You lost an RT in the sheets of lasagna!? The trick is to dip your mobile in bechemel sauce before tweeting... ;-p
2012-05-02 10:27:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shadows of ~ His cloud-tongue ~ O'er my parched contours

2012-05-02 10:14:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memory rolled ~ Into joss-sticks ~ Fragrance of the neverforgotten

2012-05-02 10:11:05 (EDT)
266 / 4823

_eroteme_ And in her smile ~ A bouquet of sighs

2012-05-02 10:07:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And every tear ~ Fell, rippling ~ Within the mirror

2012-05-02 10:04:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cousins of heat ~ In burn ~ In extinguish - ~ Candle & heart

2012-05-02 10:02:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Yes, my cat. ;-)

2012-05-01 20:57:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Dj_Sojourner Glad the words are thus, to you... :-)

2012-05-01 13:04:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There's a smile ~ Flowers gather to watch ~ Laughing eyes ~ Rippling a lake's touch ~ Be gentle, Providence, ~ Learn from her.. @ BeingInJoy
2012-05-01 13:04:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Then I shall pray for you till then... :-) And thenceforth...
2012-05-01 12:56:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My heart ~ Only echoes ~ What beat once

2012-05-01 12:53:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The oneness of heart & mind ~ Dwells gently in all heart ~ And so, in all mind
2012-05-01 12:52:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your heart I stole, ~ Still beating ~ In the vial ~ Of my passion

2012-05-01 12:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Wishing you a lovely day, too, with your choicest sunshine. :-) I hope you are feeling much better now. Scan results out?
2012-05-01 12:43:27 (EDT)
267 / 4823

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy You are indeed generous, dear Deirdre. Glad you enjoy the words in here... :-)
2012-05-01 12:28:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a raindrop ~ Lonely ~ Amidst the rain

2012-05-01 11:21:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deep inside me ~ He recalls being nothing ~ But my lover

2012-05-01 10:27:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Aye aye ma'am!

2012-05-01 10:13:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whenever I try to love you ~ You come in the way

2012-05-01 09:57:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that lay hidden ~ In her mind's dcolletage

2012-05-01 09:08:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You and I ~ Folded into each other ~ Origami of love

2012-05-01 03:53:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Candle flame - ~ Slapping the darkness ~ Gently

2012-05-01 03:52:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool When one meditates on what is it in one's being that wishes to meditate, then there is a revelation of a different fabric... :-)
2012-05-01 03:34:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she holds ~ Her unborn child ~ The sigh ~ Of thousand Springs
2012-05-01 03:32:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The braille ~ Of a flowerbed

2012-05-01 03:25:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Meditate on ~ Who wants ~ To meditate

2012-05-01 03:23:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin :-) Glad you found it so...

2012-04-30 11:14:01 (EDT)

268 / 4823

_eroteme_ To hold his eyes ~ Behind ~ Within ~ Above mine

2012-04-30 08:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Temples sprout ~ Wherever a blossom ~ Falls

2012-04-30 08:29:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His departure ~ Like the rain's shadow ~ Caught in the wind
2012-04-30 08:23:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind the mirage-curtain ~ Of my mirror ~ Another and another ~ These labyrinths of dissolution @ghostmemoirs
2012-04-29 21:42:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breadcrumbs ~ Of longing gazes ~ Lanterned her path ~ Back home [hat tip to @quiverymoments]
2012-04-29 05:31:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind the gossamer veil ~ Behind these diamond threads ~ Of virgin moonlight ~ The black that night long lost ~ To your eyes
2012-04-29 05:17:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I taught my five year old to bow to every flower he sees. The manners and exercise helps.
2012-04-28 14:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had I one ~ To call my love ~ I might be less human ~ And more a breeze.
2012-04-28 14:20:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The game of love ~ Sunlight on the window ~ And the cat ~ Who turns her face away
2012-04-28 14:10:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Few creatures match the departing beauty of fishes.

2012-04-28 14:00:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I feel like ~ A flower in a bush ~ Unable to turn purple ~ When you bend ~ To pick the loveliest
2012-04-28 13:50:00 (EDT)
269 / 4823

_eroteme_ Most of what we wish, we wouldn't, if there was none to notice it being granted.
2012-04-28 13:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Guilty am I ~ To have whipped love ~ With guilt.

2012-04-28 13:30:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some nights ~ I don't want to sleep ~ I want to listen ~ To a fiddle play ~ Or thunder claps ~ Or your breath ~ As it brushes ~ The pillow
2012-04-28 13:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have tried ~ This life before ~ And I still can't ~ Do things differently.
2012-04-28 13:10:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pavement ~ Of broken hearts ~ And only my shards ~ Stab my feet
2012-04-28 13:00:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a moonlight's sway ~ In a lullaby's soothe ~ In a sleep's song ~ Cradle me @ManiasVoice

2012-04-28 12:57:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hold the sun waiting ~ For you to rise.

2012-04-28 12:50:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sail on ~ The river's breeze ~ Braid questions ~ And their shadows ~ Into a birdsong @JennWhetton
2012-04-28 12:45:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My touch ~ The key you gave me ~ To open what you deny
2012-04-28 12:43:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The questions ~ You buried - ~ Lilac blossoms ~ Whispering unknown ~ Answers in the wind @JennWhetton
2012-04-28 12:40:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The winds carry the "why" ~ Whispering it over meadows, ~ Not
270 / 4823

a question but an invitation

2012-04-28 12:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: If truth is warmth, may I burn for eternity. [If innocence ~ Be dissolve ~ May I vanish ~ On first raindrop]
2012-04-28 12:34:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where does ~ Innocence go ~ When blush ~ Fades? @ indigo_sky360

2012-04-28 12:30:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A single diamond of time ~ And a lifetime ~ Of its facets.

2012-04-28 12:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That scent ~ Your glance ~ Mixed with ~ Shy sunlight @ erogenousmind
2012-04-28 12:26:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where do words go ~ When the book is shut?

2012-04-28 12:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wept ~ She did ~ The dissolve of iris

2012-04-28 12:16:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A soul to sponge! ~ A soul to sponge! ~ Crying along the shores ~ Of his heart...
2012-04-28 12:10:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have you read ~ The moon tonight?

2012-04-28 12:00:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tonight ~ As lonesome ~ As the night

2012-04-28 11:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you smiled that day ~ How I chose to remember it

2012-04-28 11:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I met him again ~ Whom you once called the door ~ That gave you a black eye
2012-04-28 11:40:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her beauty ~ That whips me ~ For giving in ~ Too soon

2012-04-28 11:30:01 (EDT)

271 / 4823

_eroteme_ My mind ~ Made of you ~ And what you did

2012-04-28 11:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This cold wind ~ And the moon's ~ Chapped lips

2012-04-28 11:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Doing a head-stand ~ And our toes ~ Kissing

2012-04-28 10:50:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man would love to meet his father and describe how he would have liked to be raised.
2012-04-28 10:45:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The zoetrope of dreams ~ When I wake up ~ The subtitles change.

2012-04-28 10:30:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Origami Fate - ~ No wrong folds ~ No unexpected shape

2012-04-28 10:27:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some poems ~ Are best half done. ~ Others, are...

2012-04-28 10:25:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some harps ~ Must be strummed ~ By the tongue

2012-04-28 10:24:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all memory ~ Is the eager want ~ To set oneself afire ~ With what we denied, then
2012-04-28 10:21:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your flawless fault line ~ As you reach ~ To unhook

2012-04-28 10:15:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The "maybe"s ~ You planted ~ In our backyard

2012-04-28 10:13:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A butterfly kiss ~ And the wind ~ In your dress ~ Thousands of miles away.
2012-04-28 10:10:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Did Eve invent fruit and nut!?

2012-04-28 10:08:46 (EDT)

272 / 4823

_eroteme_ How candles ~ Still find the hum ~ To flicker

2012-04-28 10:07:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Temper the sashay ~ Of heat

2012-04-28 10:07:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Night awakens ~ The other senses

2012-04-28 10:06:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Climbing a fog ~ Towards the warmth ~ Of fireflies

2012-04-28 10:05:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if dawn knew ~ How to hold birdsong ~ Suspended in its ~ Blush

2012-04-28 10:02:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit Surely it was nibbling. Patience, my dear, and the night might be rewarding... ;-p
2012-04-28 10:01:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ocean is made of ~ Memories ~ Taking grains of me ~ In its ebb

2012-04-28 10:00:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: empty head; silent mind - it shows. [It radiates]

2012-04-28 09:59:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love others ~ Like I did, you ~ Needs you

2012-04-28 09:54:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the back-alleys ~ Where words meet ~ Connotation

2012-04-28 06:26:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the earth has ~ Nothing left to say - ~ Crocuses

2012-04-27 13:22:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A life spent ~ Undoing the braids of mind ~ While the world ~ Spins on an axis
2012-04-27 12:27:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When no one ~ Believed in ~ My silence

2012-04-27 12:18:14 (EDT)

273 / 4823

_eroteme_ The way sunshine ~ Stirs itself ~ Into lakes ~ That kind of love
2012-04-27 11:53:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along the gravel ~ Of thought ~ The cartwheels ~ Of Time

2012-04-27 11:27:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tin-taste ~ Of betrayal

2012-04-27 11:21:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@ghostmemoirs she was nothing more than a black and white of herself / yet again." [To be the light ~ And shade ~ Of memories]
2012-04-27 11:08:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I wanted none ~ Along came ~ A shadow

2012-04-27 11:06:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All throb ~ Hath a menstruum ~ Like the soul ~ Hath poetry [Menstruum: n. a solvent, esp one used in the preparation of a drug]
2012-04-27 10:59:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along the frills ~ Of satiation ~ An outstretched hand

2012-04-27 10:44:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fragranced ~ In the colours ~ Of your recall

2012-04-27 10:30:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~ Lao Tzu
2012-04-27 10:24:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sunshine mixed ~ With the butter ~ On my toast

2012-04-27 10:22:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her undress ~ Like Autumn's fall ~ Followed, though ~ By Spring

2012-04-27 10:14:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad you find the words here, so. :-)
2012-04-27 10:11:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @jmbhatt Glad you enjoy the words in here, kind sir. :-)
2012-04-27 10:10:55 (EDT)

274 / 4823

_eroteme_ His lips' shadow ~ On my breast - ~ An eclipse of restraint

2012-04-27 02:33:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Desiccated ~ Innocence #forTheChildWhoCries

2012-04-25 12:50:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Their plight ~ Kills me ~ And gives me ~ Reason to live # forTheChildWhoCries

2012-04-25 12:48:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Glad you found it so, dear friend. Someone shared with me the dismal state in which some children live & are hurt. Vulgar. :-(
2012-04-25 12:46:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One more hope lost ~ When our vile ~ Burns their soul #forTheChildWhoCries
2012-04-25 12:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A child ~ Is born ~ Not on first cry ~ But on ~ Worshiping ~ The new ray ~ Of hope ~ For goodness #forTheChildWhoCries
2012-04-25 12:36:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For her sleep ~ I build worlds ~ Seasons of ~ Twinkling dreams #forTheChildWhoCries
2012-04-25 12:29:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ 'Twixt this clench ~ Of fledgling trust ~ The hold of a ~ Loving finger ~ Or noose of ~ Scalding deception #forTheChildWhoCries
2012-04-25 12:24:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sere of rivers ~ In their withered ~ Hope # forTheChildWhoCries

2012-04-25 12:14:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No summer ~ Can dry this tear ~ Along the echo ~ Of a plea # forTheChildWhoCries
275 / 4823

2012-04-25 12:10:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shadow ~ Of a dahlia ~ In this rock garden # forTheChildWhoCries

2012-04-25 12:07:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Conversations ~ Of wing ~ And wind

2012-04-25 11:39:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sanctum sanctorum ~ Of words ~ Caverns of the unsullied

2012-04-25 11:35:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Parts of him ~ Stuck in my ~ Teeth

2012-04-25 11:27:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The verses ~ That give this moon ~ Its shine

2012-04-25 11:24:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 I'd call it whatever would make it come to me... ;-p Try "sweetie"
2012-04-25 11:12:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Miss not ~ The festoon ~ For the flowers

2012-04-25 10:58:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in the labyrinths ~ Of mind's conch

2012-04-23 10:58:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you found it so, dear Deb. :-)

2012-04-22 22:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy :-) Wishing you fine health & cheer...

2012-04-22 22:33:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This wine I sought ~ To forget ~ Not, taste like her

2012-04-22 12:38:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool :-o Gosh! In all genuine honesty, I didn't even know that haiku existed. Maybe Issa took over the keyboard!? @ carlolight
2012-04-22 11:44:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mocking lovers on the bench ~ The cherry tree ~ Hurling blossoms
276 / 4823

2012-04-22 11:32:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My son ~ Grasps my finger ~ Not poetry

2012-04-22 11:27:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Hockey4416 Lovely pic! Haunting in its geometry... via @ Heidi_Ayala
2012-04-22 09:48:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touch these words ~ As if they will scald ~ And again ~ Because they didn't
2012-04-22 09:44:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all depart, ~ Swinging on the old tire ~ The evening wind
2012-04-22 09:42:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How everyone wants truth but in their favourite flavour...

2012-04-22 09:34:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her grasp ~ Begged of time ~ A pause longer than now

2012-04-22 09:06:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a gaze ~ In a linen's float off the clothesline ~ In an old man's sleeping tilt - ~ Poetry unrhymed
2012-04-22 06:23:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When devotion ~ Is the only ~ Sacred

2012-04-22 06:15:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The whisper of ~ Shadows making love ~ On a moonless night

2012-04-22 06:12:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her kiss ~ As delicate ~ As a wish

2012-04-22 06:10:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy My pleasure, dear friend

2012-04-22 05:47:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if conversations ~ Are ladders ~ To the heavens

2012-04-22 05:41:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Nothing else goes better with melting innocence

2012-04-22 05:25:58 (EDT)

277 / 4823

_eroteme_ Mind is the oar ~ That creates oceans of time

2012-04-22 05:23:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All decisions ~ Invite doubt ~ So be it ~ With love

2012-04-22 05:21:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When crowds ~ Resemble a single soul

2012-04-22 05:21:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trees that flew ~ Backwards in the wind ~ Leaving blossoms behind
2012-04-22 05:20:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sipping on rain ~ Verdant soul's ~ Dance

2012-04-21 01:18:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Apparitions of sensation ~ These ripples across ~ Never and ever @ghostmemoirs
2012-04-20 22:19:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the things ~ I'll never be ~ Team a garden

2012-04-20 11:35:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The curl ~ Of memories ~ Cast in the fires ~ Of grief

2012-04-20 11:07:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sharpened my quill so I could bleed @quiverymoments

2012-04-20 11:04:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind those eyes ~ A world ~ Unseen [hat tip to @BeingInJoy 's avi]
2012-04-20 10:58:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Besides the stone Buddha ~ Half-eaten ~ Candies

2012-04-20 10:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ His favourite ice-cream ~ When melted

2012-04-20 10:49:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hold her ~ Like the wind does ~ Her dress

2012-04-20 10:49:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hidden in the closet ~ Of yesterday ~ Memories for today

278 / 4823

2012-04-20 10:47:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tunes ~ Of a harp ~ 'Neath a waterfall

2012-04-20 10:46:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along your back ~ My journey ~ Of a thousand & one ~ Sleepless nights
2012-04-20 10:44:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On his tongue ~ Even my name ~ Birthed a heart

2012-04-20 10:42:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My eyes ~ Followed her blush ~ Down her neck

2012-04-20 10:40:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the sun's dream ~ Twinkling stars

2012-04-20 10:39:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crumpled bed-sheets - ~ A medley of motifs ~ Of lovers' heat

2012-04-20 10:38:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wind nuzzling ~ The down of a gull ~ An ocean's breath

2012-04-20 10:36:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Beautiful! How strange the hold of soul-hands that let us know each other's beats... :-)
2012-04-20 10:35:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rain on the awning - ~ The cling ~ Of some memories

2012-04-20 10:30:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sans sails ~ Sans oars ~ This armada ~ Of leaves & blossoms
2012-04-20 09:32:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nude my body ~ Clothe my mind

2012-04-20 09:27:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No summer ~ Could ever wither ~ That kiss

2012-04-19 20:53:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fleet of masks ~ As if a smile ~ Should be doubted

2012-04-19 12:19:29 (EDT)

279 / 4823

_eroteme_ Long journeys ~ To the centre of ripples - ~ Raindrops

2012-04-19 12:13:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Some disappearing acts are perhaps just smiles fading with the dispersion of clouds... :-) @purplepoetry77
2012-04-18 00:02:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A love for ~ A faceless lover, ~ Complete with sighs & blushes
2012-04-17 20:19:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The kite trapped ~ In the willow - ~ All those journeys ~ Remaining where I was
2012-04-17 12:18:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Raise me to your lips - ~ The intoxication of being ~ Your bottle of wine
2012-04-17 12:09:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Caught in the ~ Unwind of metaphor

2012-04-17 12:08:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her breath ~ Like ikebana breeze

2012-04-17 12:03:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How often this dawn ~ Is all I remember ~ Of my dream

2012-04-17 10:27:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My ear to her ~ Sleeping belly - ~ All the words ~ She smiled away
2012-04-17 10:11:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His voice ~ Like a walk ~ Down cobbled paths

2012-04-17 10:09:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come! ~ Let's make love & pretend ~ We'll never understand each other
2012-04-17 10:04:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if waves ~ Never make up their mind ~ About how to say it

2012-04-17 10:00:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you found it so, Sir. :-)

2012-04-17 09:52:40 (EDT)

280 / 4823

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Technically, you could be a bad person even if you did like them. So ... :-D
2012-04-17 09:34:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tripped on a rainbow ~ Off the cliff

2012-04-17 09:22:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How love becomes ~ The grasping of ~ Choicest beliefs

2012-04-15 09:53:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I never asked ~ To be human

2012-04-15 09:36:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all love ~ Culminated in ~ A lullaby [thinking of a dear dear child-friend]

2012-04-15 09:18:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung @wordblender Is "Neither" the German who kisses when asked? Then, me Neither. ;-p @ Obscureskies
2012-04-15 06:45:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your absence ~ Resurrects you ~ In the cloisters of my world

2012-04-15 01:54:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let your fingers ~ Invent my ~ Anatomy

2012-04-15 00:26:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Six senses ~ Can't capture ~ Our passion @thismomentonly

2012-04-15 00:24:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The vowels ~ Of gaze held. ~ The syllables ~ Of eyes lowered @quiverymoments
2012-04-15 00:22:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tender the hold ~ Of a friend's gaze ~ Like the grasp of ~ Moon & reflection @JennWhetton
2012-04-14 23:32:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The invisible brocade ~ Of fingers entwined - ~ The tether of minds ~ The anchor of rising hearts @JennWhetton
281 / 4823

2012-04-14 23:21:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Distances measured ~ In unmeasured ~ Smiles

2012-04-14 23:15:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "RT @JennWhetton What's an ocean~between friends~a puddle" What's a puddle!? ~ Between friends ~ A celebration splashed
2012-04-14 23:08:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We always meet ~ When all are asleep - ~ This sunrise & I
2012-04-14 23:04:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "RT @QueenOf_DeNile all the poems / that died and became / stars" All the pauses ~ That lived ~ To become ~ The night
2012-04-14 23:01:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@purplepoetry77 restoring scars to their original beauty" And thoughts ~ To their original ~ Depravity
2012-04-14 11:10:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish to master ~ Is the art of ~ Mute spectatorship

2012-04-14 10:51:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Build me an expansive kitchen with woodstoves & ovens, and a large wooden central table & I will cook forever! :-D
2012-04-14 10:43:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad to note that the words here delighted you... :-) Your generosity warms the heart
2012-04-14 10:20:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Twin memories ~ She aborted

2012-04-14 10:11:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Char the insides too after hollowing & fill with cous-cous & veggies! :-)
2012-04-14 09:44:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "@Heidi_Ayala traveling in circles / he traces into my lower back"

282 / 4823

Orbits of ecstasy ~ Spiraling into the ~ Gasp

2012-04-14 09:42:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Intimacy ~ Is letting you grab ~ The lace of my mind

2012-04-14 09:36:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I've the wings I need ~ Trust me ~ Let's jump [hat tip to @ zoegem 's AVI]
2012-04-14 09:32:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was the pantheress ~ Who darkened ~ His dreams

2012-04-14 09:10:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cut my tongue ~ Along the sharp ~ Of her jaw

2012-04-14 09:08:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A girl humming ~ In a woman's body ~ Like moonbeams ~ Engirdled in an hourglass

2012-04-14 08:53:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Demand neither: ~ A woman's season ~ A man's reason

2012-04-14 08:41:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Splendid childhood you must have had! :-) A lovely ghazal to fill the day...
2012-04-14 04:16:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile BTW, That is from Masroor Anwar's ghazal, Hum ko kiske gham ne mara... :-)
2012-04-14 03:37:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Yep, I'll settle for that! ;-p @ QueenOf_DeNile

2012-04-14 03:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if music ~ Is the sieve ~ For sighs

2012-04-14 03:04:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Awww! Sweet sweet friend. Naam ayega tumhara, ye kahaani phir sahi! ;-p
2012-04-14 03:01:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some evenings are best spent leaning against the kitchen door, sipping rooibos & smiling at the jars of spices... Yes, my life's fine!
283 / 4823

2012-04-14 02:58:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The inarticulate eager ~ Of storms

2012-04-14 02:28:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do women call others bitches because the latter go get what the former secretly want?
2012-04-14 02:26:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When ears blur ~ His words stirring tones ~ Into my favourite song
2012-04-14 02:24:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aphrodite44 The words are honoured to be amidst such elegant company and adorning your bay window for the sunset view... :-)
2012-04-14 02:14:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ask me not ~ To christen this ache. ~ I had sworn ~ To not fall in love again ~ With your name
2012-04-14 02:09:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poetry ~ Makes a heart of ~ One's entirety

2012-04-14 02:04:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some glances ~ Build bridges

2012-04-14 01:53:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aphrodite44 Glad you found it so, Goddess. :-)

2012-04-14 01:51:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And those hearts ~ She broke, she carefully assembled ~ As her stained-glass window
2012-04-14 01:51:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be that stream ~ Gurgling in its catch ~ Of blossoms

2012-04-14 01:49:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All he'd hear ~ Are my tidal whispers ~ Across oceans

2012-04-14 01:47:27 (EDT)

284 / 4823

_eroteme_ Heartless wind ~ Carry nothing of her to me ~ If all you will ~ Is her breath
2012-04-14 01:46:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shameless heart - ~ Admiring the diadem ~ Of its own shatter

2012-04-14 01:44:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be owned ~ And dispersed in the wind - ~ Dandelion heart

2012-04-14 01:40:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her breath is the wind ~ That shall return me ~ To my innocence

2012-04-14 01:39:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish to be ~ Is the refrain ~ Of an old melody

2012-04-14 01:38:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only every verse ~ Erased a little ~ Of my shadowless self

2012-04-14 01:36:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I was promised ~ Less of myself ~ With every verse written

2012-04-14 01:36:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Quaffing ~ The ink of my soul ~ Verse after verse

2012-04-14 01:35:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whatever it is ~ Shall come to pass ~ Or you shall

2012-04-14 01:33:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Standing here ~ In the agora ~ Feeling the throbs ~ Of lonely hearts ~ Bargaining over tomatoes ~ When all they want ~ Is a soul, priceless
2012-04-14 01:31:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the slumber ~ Of journeys ~ I seek you

2012-04-14 01:29:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Covering her face ~ Under her arm ~ She revealed ~ What my tongue had neglected
2012-04-14 01:26:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knew how ~ To enter me ~ In a never-ending journey

2012-04-14 01:22:42 (EDT)

285 / 4823

_eroteme_ What curves do you hide ~ What wetness ensconced ~ In that mind of yours?
2012-04-14 01:22:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dressed in ~ The lace of ~ His shadow

2012-04-14 01:20:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if Fate ~ Liked to build a swing ~ On the boughs of Time

2012-04-14 01:19:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Could I melt ~ Her locks ~ To honey my life?

2012-04-14 01:17:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The bronze of her tresses ~ Veil to the aquamarine ~ Melt of her eyes
2012-04-14 01:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How Autumn gathered ~ Its cascade ~ In her tresses [hat tip to @UntappedHeart 's AVI]
2012-04-14 01:16:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is the fugue ~ In my every song

2012-04-14 01:12:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Don't make me ~ Imagine you ~ Everywhere

2012-04-14 01:01:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shivering ~ In the cold dark night ~ These homeless stars

2012-04-13 22:17:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Conversations between ~ Trees, grass & ~ Wind

2012-04-13 22:00:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The chant ~ Of violets ~ In the breeze @OliviaDresher

2012-04-13 21:50:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in a gasp ~ The lotus bloomed

2012-04-13 21:44:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The music of ~ Buds bursting ~ Open

2012-04-13 21:43:05 (EDT)

286 / 4823

_eroteme_ With fingers making love ~ We shape ~ Our love-clay

2012-04-13 21:34:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The echo ~ Of your memories ~ In the void ~ You left within
2012-04-13 21:29:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The journey ~ Of a silken thread ~ In the wind

2012-04-13 21:24:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His whispers beyond ~ Aroused my dreams within

2012-04-13 20:12:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her smile was ~ The harvest of dreams

2012-04-13 20:04:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blessed is he ~ Who smiles in labour

2012-04-12 23:39:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brandish your pulchritude ~ Play your diabolic mind ~ Hoist your ardour ~ And swoop into mine.
2012-04-12 23:36:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brittle skies ~ And the falling away ~ Of night ~ Into dawn
2012-04-12 23:32:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bring yourself to me ~ And I shall ~ Take you to thee

2012-04-12 23:31:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breasts that know ~ When you think of me

2012-04-12 23:28:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blinded by ~ The absence of you

2012-04-12 23:25:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @MeghanTwitty Glad you do... :-)

2012-04-12 20:58:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Arbitrary ~ association ~ Of hearts

2012-04-12 12:33:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Askance ~ I have watched ~ Destiny

287 / 4823

2012-04-12 12:31:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Avian ~ Gravity ~ Of dreams

2012-04-12 12:28:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alphabet ~ Of unspoken ~ Skin

2012-04-12 12:19:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ah! ~ To blush again

2012-04-12 12:18:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the night ~ Grew wings ~ And cawed

2012-04-12 12:09:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that ~ Belief could stir

2012-04-12 12:08:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that could be hidden ~ In the shadow ~ Of a sigh

2012-04-12 11:33:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sabinajgkde Thanks a tonne. Will give it a shot... :-)

2012-04-12 09:34:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress That I agree is the the determinant as will as the most difficult thing to achieve. @purplepoetry77
2012-04-10 09:18:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The intimacy ~ Of familiar touches ~ Still birthing ~ A blush, a tremble

2012-04-10 07:37:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Intimacy ~ Is fully recognising ~ Your heart [hat tip to @ quiverymoments ' series]
2012-04-09 23:19:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress Differentiator? Crowd-sourced curated content which is genuine in intent. Beyond that, nothing else! :-) @purplepoetry77
2012-04-09 23:16:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The calligraphy ~ Of a falling feather

2012-04-09 12:56:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress The sanctum sanctorum of Lord Shiva.

288 / 4823

2012-04-08 10:27:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress :-( ok...

2012-04-08 09:07:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress All of you! :-)

2012-04-08 08:40:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @toluOloruntoba So we would be writing anyway but some would get handpicked into an issue. A collectively curated magazine... :-)
2012-04-08 06:55:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @toluOloruntoba Thanks for your input. I do not suggest writing for the sake of a magazine but collecting produce into a mag...
2012-04-08 06:40:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile :-( Oh ok... That's sad.

2012-04-08 02:20:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile No one does? :-(

2012-04-08 02:20:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile But there is no curating of content. That is what differentiates things...
2012-04-08 02:20:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What do you think (please read below)? @EdBremson @ gennepher @JennWhetton @mentalbit @QueenOf_DeNile @monokrow @ syahidahz @Paul_McGovern
2012-04-08 02:07:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What do you think (please read below)? @inVinceWil @ RareSwanPress @feltsensejunkie @purplepoetry77 @OliviaDresher @ CoyoteSings @bigmax722
2012-04-08 02:04:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just to imagine the kind of splendid content that that magazine could provide. It would be superlative to all the periodicals out there!
2012-04-08 02:00:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am amazed at the wonderful creatives here. I wonder if all of us could put together a magazine of sorts with tweets & pix & longer pieces!
2012-04-08 01:59:27 (EDT)
289 / 4823

_eroteme_ Shy lace ~ Bejeweled with ~ Blushes of alabaster skin

2012-04-08 01:51:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments True, but the world & her ways per se when felt deep down in the bones feel so simple so natural... :-)
2012-04-08 01:17:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your heart ~ Habits a love ~ That shall birth ~ A soothing caress [words for @orangeuapoet & what s/he is going through]
2012-04-08 00:35:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments I'd think it would be "ever simplistic" :-)

2012-04-08 00:23:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the bite of her lip ~ When she'd know these words ~ Were written for her
2012-04-08 00:21:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be lost ~ In the rust ~ Of her tresses [hat tip to @ untappedheart 's avi]
2012-04-08 00:19:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @UntappedHeart The only star - she wanted to be - is the one leading him home. [The only wish ~ He had ~ Was to be ~ The one she'd make]
2012-04-08 00:17:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ink-shod ~ Footsteps ~ Of a quill

2012-04-08 00:14:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Handwritten ~ Acts ~ Of love

2012-04-08 00:11:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thus she wrote ~ Paths for his ~ Tongue to englisten

2012-04-08 00:10:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sauteed garlic ~ Sunlight through windows ~ Distant rush of birds from fields ~ My mind enveloped ~ In my maiden's hair
2012-04-08 00:09:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He signed ~ On her tongue ~ With his

2012-04-08 00:07:48 (EDT)
290 / 4823

_eroteme_ Sensuous ~ Warm ~ Bread

2012-04-07 23:55:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be held ~ In the fold ~ Of butterfly wings

2012-04-07 23:54:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What does Autumn do ~ When it is not falling?

2012-04-07 23:34:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At his funeral - ~ All that memories ~ Made him to be

2012-04-07 14:31:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seasons ~ Of make-believe

2012-04-07 14:25:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Violet velvet meadow - ~ This breeze still tries to ring ~ The bluebells
2012-04-07 13:44:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The "why" ~ Stuck in our door hinge ~ Never closing on "us"
2012-04-07 13:26:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This silence ~ Has nothing more ~ To write

2012-04-07 11:06:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice If you are nothing more than your own desires, you are nothing more.
2012-04-07 07:19:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry moonless ~ the night trembles [Starless ~ It falls silent]

2012-04-07 06:39:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mentalbit: how her still / stirred him up [How her curves ~ Straightened him]
2012-04-05 21:19:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry: as sudden ~ as a surprise ~ the eclipse ~ of her eyes

2012-04-05 20:44:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry I ripple ~ like water ~ reflections ~ as I pass ~

291 / 4823

beneath the moon [A crumpled moon ~ Still beautiful]

2012-04-05 20:41:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Conversation of dreams ~ Across seas

2012-04-05 13:13:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all journey ~ Becomes a sieve ~ Separating familiar ~ From ones, not
2012-04-05 12:50:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if raindrops ~ Knew the stitch ~ Of disowned dreams

2012-04-05 12:29:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @JennWhetton Wind chimes begging the caress ~ of a breeze [To touch ~ A tune's ~ Plea]
2012-04-05 12:22:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala my lips softly pressed / against his memory [Tasting touches ~ He had long ~ Forgotten]
2012-04-05 12:16:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @UntappedHeart The listen and hold of him. [The glisten & gold of him]
2012-04-05 12:15:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bless me a mind ~ Of a blossom's ~ Float on a stream

2012-04-05 11:58:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue's sojourn ~ Served well ~ By her moans

2012-04-05 11:13:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Choose night ~ If you fear ~ Bathing in dew

2012-04-05 11:12:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where her straps ~ Once did dig ~ Now reins

2012-04-05 11:09:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A grain ~ On a sand-castle ~ On a dune ~ On a desert - ~ As if all perspective ~ Is a matter of distance

2012-04-05 11:08:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The joy ~ Of finding unexpected reflection ~ Wanton streetlight

2012-04-05 11:04:52 (EDT)

292 / 4823

_eroteme_ Chaste was I ~ Lest my want ~ Dissolve her touch

2012-04-05 11:01:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are all animals in our want & love for a tummy rub...
2012-04-05 11:00:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes could teach ~ Oceans, restraint

2012-04-05 10:57:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be her ponder ~ On a moonless ~ Window-sill

2012-04-05 10:53:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! how she gazed ~ As if I were ~ A rainbow

2012-04-04 13:08:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She knew ~ The lullaby for ~ Throbs

2012-04-04 13:07:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is just ~ A breath ~ Fogging the mirrors ~ Of memory

2012-04-04 12:58:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Flowers on ~ The park bench ~ Except where someone ~ Had sat
2012-04-04 12:57:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To grab ~ A lighthouse's beam ~ And swing o'er seas

2012-04-04 11:11:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is the rust ~ Of an iron heart

2012-04-04 11:02:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are slaves ~ Of metaphor ~ Though masters ~ Of orphaned words

2012-04-04 11:01:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His fingers ~ Dipped in sherry wine ~ Now running through my hair
2012-04-04 10:59:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She left out ~ The commas ~ From her mind ~ Watching him trip ~ Along a chant
2012-04-04 10:58:17 (EDT)

293 / 4823

_eroteme_ A butterfly's sigh ~ A raindrop's courage ~ A night's velvet ~ A river's sparkle ~ Sewed in silks of hope ~ That you may want ~ Such a heart
2012-04-04 10:55:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These flowers ~ Decking boughs ~ And brown earth

2012-04-04 10:49:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What have you done? ~ I call my heart ~ By your name!

2012-04-04 10:47:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Teach me the spell ~ Of a moon's caress ~ On the wet ~ Of what you did
2012-04-04 10:27:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He taught ~ My touch ~ To sing

2012-04-04 10:22:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A warmth ~ No fire dared ~ To bring

2012-04-04 10:18:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Sweet of you to say that, dear Jv. :-)

2012-04-04 09:03:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Glad you found it so, dear Kris. :-)

2012-04-04 09:02:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perforated wings - ~ As if to let sunshine through ~ Is more beauteous than flying
2012-04-03 21:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love ~ To a twist of ~ Phrase

2012-04-03 12:13:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The throb of alleys ~ In the summer serenade of ~ A falling bloom's ~ Dying breath @ghostmemoirs
2012-04-03 12:12:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'm my only cure ~ I am my only disease

2012-04-03 09:39:13 (EDT)

294 / 4823

_eroteme_ Henna-stained dreams ~ Fading into ~ Alabaster echoes ~ Of the unsaid

2012-04-03 08:55:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Triptych time ~ Then, now and ~ Hereafter

2012-04-01 12:39:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pirouette ~ Of unbecomings ~ Life's painting ~ In swirls

2012-04-01 10:58:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be ~ What holds ~ The flow, Divine

2012-04-01 10:44:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-04-01 09:04:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-04-01 09:04:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie My eyes speak for me, but you can't see them, so I will write and write until I understand what eyes want me to say.
2012-04-01 01:21:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Shouting. All this silent shouting. [Whispering. All this unechoed whispering]
2012-04-01 01:12:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Draping mother-of-pearl wings ~ On translucent winds ~ The primal music ~ Of falling Sakura ... @ghostmemoirs
2012-04-01 01:09:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Be not with me ~ What you shan't be ~ With yourself

2012-03-31 23:57:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He walked caves with her ~ As if a preface ~ To living her mind

2012-03-31 23:52:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When memories ~ Become the cue to ~ Resurrect trembles

2012-03-31 23:49:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The art of unloving ~ Was never mine

2012-03-31 23:42:15 (EDT)

295 / 4823

_eroteme_ All I need ~ Is a lover ~ And I'll show ~ How it's done
2012-03-31 10:11:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you liked the words in here... :-)

2012-03-31 07:56:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Disbelief & I ~ Skipping stones ~ Over the horizon

2012-03-31 07:24:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love summoned ~ By an untapped ~ Heart

2012-03-31 05:32:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To dip ~ A finger ~ In your dreams

2012-03-31 01:47:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The curl within ~ Ripples without ~ To wake a breeze ~ Of untraveled thirsts @ghostmemoirs
2012-03-30 11:24:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy Glad the words here are to your taste :-)
2012-03-30 11:12:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Like shattered ~ Soul-mirrors

2012-03-29 22:47:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Things you care about are best done slowly, with full awareness... Except when removing Band-Aid
2012-03-29 22:44:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The seasons of a woman ~ Are but different heats ~ Of wanting touch
2012-03-29 21:39:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A beehive heart ~ Beautiful and ~ Compartmentalised

2012-03-29 21:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With eyes ~ That envelope ~ All sight

2012-03-29 21:31:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your tongue to trip ~ O'er my hips ~ To catchments ~ Eager

2012-03-29 10:07:58 (EDT)

296 / 4823

_eroteme_ The winds know ~ The moon in the lake knows ~ The serenade of vines know ~ Marzipan hearts, behind the counter, know ~ When I think of you
2012-03-29 10:01:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The most secretive nights ~ She hid in the winds ~ Of her sighs
2012-03-29 09:58:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Across seas ~ We wake from the same dream ~ Reaching, touching the ~ Same emptiness beside us
2012-03-29 09:42:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those mornings ~ That taste of night

2012-03-29 09:39:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This night ~ Wasn't all ~ That you tore ~ Into dawn
2012-03-29 09:37:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What happened, ~ Blindfolded, ~ Stays in my dreams

2012-03-29 09:28:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Twin archs ~ Joined in a thrust ~ At the hip

2012-03-29 09:19:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My head on ~ This calf's belly ~ Listening to the wind ~ In faraway meadows
2012-03-29 08:17:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A mirage's levitate ~ In wants undreamt

2012-03-29 08:09:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The night's dream ~ I sweat ~ Now your ooze ~ Touches my blushes
2012-03-29 08:05:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone the flames, the water, the constant calling breeze: so many directions in walking-compass.
2012-03-28 13:13:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some love ~ Are just Gaelic mists ~ To walk through ~ And wet the soul
2012-03-28 12:42:55 (EDT)

297 / 4823

_eroteme_ Even the kitchen recalls ~ Our passion's heat ~ The hearth ~Put to shame
2012-03-28 12:01:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @vaidehirajan You like my new haircut!? *patting my locks* ;-)

2012-03-28 11:45:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Light shafts ~ Neatly dividing ~ My world of ~ Forever-shadows

2012-03-28 11:03:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alabaster reflections ~ A dream's teary-eyed ~ Unframing @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-28 10:02:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Chiaroscuro heartbeats ~ These strokes ~ That set shadows ablaze @purplepoetry77
2012-03-28 09:52:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a brush's swirl ~ These colours ~ That bleed differently @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-28 09:43:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perforated souls ~ Torn whispers ~ Dovetail with longing @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-28 09:26:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @zahrahaya Lovely! O 'se... :-)

2012-03-28 09:20:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not every wind ~ Gives wings to a flag ~ Not every touch, ~ Love, to a heart
2012-03-28 09:18:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I cannot love ~ Till I know ~ Myself

2012-03-28 09:14:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love is ~ Merely sitting ~ On being's precipice ~ Tearing disbelief ~ To shreds
2012-03-28 09:13:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These journeys ~ To you ~ Taking me ~ To me

2012-03-28 09:11:48 (EDT)

298 / 4823

_eroteme_ Silhouette of love ~ Blurred memories ~ Of tenderness

2012-03-28 09:09:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trying to stay afloat ~ Her heart ~ Chained to a steeled soul

2012-03-28 09:01:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trees that hid ~ Their leaves ~ In the wind

2012-03-27 11:47:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone Glad you find them so. Your words ring true of an innocence, a sparkle rarely seen here on Twtr or elsewhere. Honest :-)
2012-03-27 11:40:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: I guess I'd die for poetry... though is not death by the very journey of it-- a poetry? [To die ~ A life ~ Of poetry]
2012-03-27 11:07:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watching life ~ As a voyeur

2012-03-27 11:04:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let me tell you the tale ~ Of the hand that falls ~ From shoulder ... down ~ Under thigh ~ Raising knee ~ To hip, ~ And moans ~ To lips
2012-03-27 10:23:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie Laid down / a watch / melting tick sky [Supine sundial ~ Minutes pass ~ With each shadow ~ Stirred]
2012-03-27 04:00:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are but ~ A fold ~ In a galactic origami

2012-03-27 03:03:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone Everything hidden in the seep. [And nothing revealed ~ In a weep]
2012-03-27 03:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All those forgotten promises ~ Sitting by a lake ~ On a cold evening

2012-03-27 03:01:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Rising under the dress ~ Of your mind

2012-03-27 02:04:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All he wished ~ Were nights ~ Watching her sleep ~ And smile
299 / 4823

~ Thus, he became ~ Her moon

2012-03-27 01:51:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I believe the clothes are on top of the floor! ;)

2012-03-27 01:32:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The trust in ink ~ Before the thrust ~ On parchment

2012-03-27 01:25:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she denies ~ The glance she stole

2012-03-27 01:18:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @zahrahaya And "As" would be akin to a nod of affirmation? :-)

2012-03-27 01:16:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To watch how words arrive & assemble into a poem is far more stressful than counselling a hundred distressed couples!! :-o
2012-03-27 00:02:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be water ~ That fills ~ Without asking

2012-03-26 23:57:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ To muffle ~ A heart's scream

2012-03-26 23:56:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The urge to say ~ "I want to make love to you" ~ But revealing just a smile
2012-03-26 23:55:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To watch a cello ~ Thus, play its soul

2012-03-26 23:50:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His touch ~ Dissolved words ~ In my shudder

2012-03-26 23:47:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rain in the pond ~ The skirts of drops ~ Widening in the dance
2012-03-26 23:43:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undone clothes ~ The Morse of our passion ~ On the floor [hat tip to @queenof_denile]
2012-03-26 23:39:53 (EDT)

300 / 4823

_eroteme_ Glances & sighs ~ Punctuation of silence

2012-03-26 23:31:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How are you ~ He asked ~ I wonder too ~ How, what, why.. @ mentalbit
2012-03-26 23:27:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Make me ~ Forget my name ~ Tonight

2012-03-26 23:24:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are no mishaps ~ Only altered plans

2012-03-26 23:16:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @UntappedHeart The day she stopped caring about the rain. [That day ~ She believed not ~ In tears]
2012-03-26 21:02:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He believed ~ The heartless ~ Were safe ~ Like rain ~ That never fell
2012-03-26 21:00:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The grass ~ Is greener ~ On the other side ~ Of the blades

2012-03-26 20:59:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Life's motions ~ Slowing down till stillness ~ And then a reversal ~ Of all that was thought
2012-03-26 20:55:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: beauty is taciturn truth / poetry their word.

2012-03-26 11:42:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil A delight to have brought you a smile, sir. :-)

2012-03-26 10:56:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clotheslines ~ As if window sills ~ Could walk the tightrope @ inVinceWil

2012-03-26 10:53:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: Houses have feelings, too. [Windows ~ Have ~ Dreams, too] :-)
2012-03-26 10:50:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: you'll know / the answer / because there'll be /

301 / 4823

more questions [When all "intelligence" ~ Seems to be ~ In separating them]

2012-03-26 10:49:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: What we say and what others hear is a neverending echo. [Ricocheting ~ Connotations]
2012-03-26 10:41:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: between the cutting board and the knife the slice ['Twixt will ~ And gallows, ~ Fate]
2012-03-26 09:04:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry: in shadows ~ the shy of violets ~ beneath ~ winter skirts ~ of green leaves [Lo! A gust ~ Skirt rises ~ To scent the air]
2012-03-26 08:57:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry: falling blossom ~ messages ~ passed on ~ to the wind ~ by trees [Braiding ~ A breeze's tresses]
2012-03-26 08:56:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: i am. / a plank, in / the rivers of you. / inebriated [The float ~ Of staggered ~ Surrender]
2012-03-26 05:58:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hot summer showers ~ The Buddha statue ~ Sizzles

2012-03-26 05:51:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mirrors ~ Reflecting only ~ The want for love

2012-03-26 05:33:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blue campfires ~ At the centre of ~ Tales of unlove

2012-03-26 05:30:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To dress up ~ For the unknown

2012-03-26 05:27:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Parched ~ For the normal

2012-03-26 05:23:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Herringboned words ~ The tetris of ~ All connotation

2012-03-26 04:33:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The precipitate ~ Of all lust ~ In a sigh

302 / 4823

2012-03-26 04:32:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ocean breeze ~ In her hair ~ Salt on my tongue

2012-03-26 04:30:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along the clench ~ Of attire ~ Imprinted paths ~ For a tongue

2012-03-26 03:32:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all winds ~ Are but screams ~ Of falling blossoms

2012-03-26 03:17:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A heart ~ Made of ~ Soft corners

2012-03-26 03:12:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Princess ~ Of the waking ~ Nightless

2012-03-26 03:11:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she imagined ~ His dreams @nimue_

2012-03-26 03:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she kept ~ Nights awake

2012-03-26 03:07:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When poems ~ Are the mind's ~ Lingerie

2012-03-26 03:06:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grinding ~ My silk against my skin ~ The perfume of passion

2012-03-26 03:05:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She longed ~ For the ebb of fabric

2012-03-26 02:56:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Caught between ~ Pond & tears ~ My eyes, rippling

2012-03-26 02:54:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He'd love, ~ Never waiting to know ~ If he was loved

2012-03-25 14:52:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seduced ~ On the isles ~ Of the wordless

2012-03-25 08:26:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was his sun ~ Watching over his all ~ Now she is his reflection ~ On a lake ~ He doesn't visit
2012-03-25 00:07:01 (EDT)
303 / 4823

_eroteme_ The sigh of skin ~ On the unclasp

2012-03-24 22:02:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come hold ~ My dream. ~ Let me feel ~ Your want ~ On the nape ~ Of my desire
2012-03-24 14:24:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To believe ~ In a sky ~ Of a lark's ~ Gossamer songs

2012-03-24 14:16:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Glad you found them to your taste... :-)

2012-03-24 13:59:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her "no" ~ Shall drown me in grief ~ Her "yes" ~ Will burst my heart with joy
2012-03-24 09:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her "no" ~ Couldn't beg me ~ As much as her ~ "Yes"

2012-03-24 09:10:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern My pleasure, sir.

2012-03-24 08:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are no ~ Doorbells ~ For passion

2012-03-24 08:05:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Snowflakes ~ Falling in the summer ~ Of my tears

2012-03-24 07:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her head out the car window ~ Gold perfumed highways ~ To whispers
2012-03-24 07:20:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the parchment ~ Which he touches ~ Before the poetry

2012-03-24 07:11:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Glad it was to your taste :-)

2012-03-24 07:09:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not hands ~ Not pleas ~ Not force ~ But sighs ~ Shall rearrange ~ Stars tonight
2012-03-24 07:04:21 (EDT)

304 / 4823

_eroteme_ The people I meet ~ In dreams, ~ No different

2012-03-24 06:58:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The knowing within lush of silence.

2012-03-24 06:55:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Paul_McGovern: ache cited as reference [Dreams ~ Cited as ~ Evidence]

2012-03-24 06:52:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she curved ~ To the tell of sunset ~ My pretty horizon @ feltsensejunkie
2012-03-24 06:49:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She stretched ~ To let the travel ~ Of tongue ~ Find new detours
2012-03-24 06:47:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Across the room ~ The glance of narrow eyes ~ And soft swallow ~ Lit the fire within
2012-03-24 06:42:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his glance ~ In his walking away ~ The dare ~ To not plead
2012-03-24 06:40:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the words ~ He tossed ~ To draw her here

2012-03-24 06:38:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monokrow Armchair... But what speak of depths of a high-back armchair! :-)
2012-03-24 06:37:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nightingale's notes ~ Flying off ~ With butterflies

2012-03-24 06:33:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His heart ~ Is my favourite ~ Sweater

2012-03-24 06:32:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monokrow Lowercase "g", mine. You never know what gets caught in the dangling hook :-)
2012-03-24 06:32:03 (EDT)

305 / 4823

_eroteme_ How he knew ~ To reach his glance ~ Behind my eyes

2012-03-24 06:30:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He knew ~ The scent ~ Of my sigh

2012-03-24 06:26:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There she sat ~ Atop the table ~ Of my mind's eager

2012-03-24 06:13:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Simmered on the warmth ~ Of her soul

2012-03-24 06:11:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Speaking to the child ~ I never wanted ~ In the mirror

2012-03-24 06:06:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let me tell you the tale ~ Of the hand that falls ~ From shoulder ... down ~ Under thigh ~ To raise knee ~ To hip, ~ And moans ~ To lips
2012-03-24 06:05:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hands ~ Still fragranced ~ By your words

2012-03-24 06:02:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The window of the mind ~ Rained on ~ Yet this ~ Desiccated heart
2012-03-24 05:51:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Harlots ~ When they aren't

2012-03-24 04:24:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He found paeans ~ Below her knee

2012-03-24 03:42:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What she served ~ With her eyes ~ He swallowed ~ Whole @ ghostmemoirs
2012-03-24 03:40:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grip my ankles ~ Whip the reins ~ Of your chariot

2012-03-24 03:38:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feast on ~ What I'll never ~ Say

2012-03-24 03:37:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An orgy ~ Of hopes ~ Behind staid facades

306 / 4823

2012-03-24 03:36:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her tongue ~ Wrings ~ Metaphor

2012-03-24 03:34:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The invitation ~ To set me ~ On fire - ~ Often a glance

2012-03-24 03:30:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Violet gleam ~ Of desire

2012-03-24 03:28:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Old picture album - ~ Every time ~ A different myth

2012-03-24 03:28:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Collecting words ~ To build my nest

2012-03-24 03:25:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Heidi_Ayala Welcome back! :-)

2012-03-23 23:11:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only "No" ~ Could become wings

2012-03-22 11:02:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I was merely emphasising on the word "did". Oh! I never refuse a hug. :-)
2012-03-22 10:12:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile :-)

2012-03-22 09:48:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have you ever really loved? Unlikely, if you say you did...
2012-03-22 08:35:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He left no trace ~ On my being. ~ What heart?

2012-03-22 08:27:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Burn the trail ~ To my incompleteness

2012-03-22 08:26:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Breadcrumbs ~ Of sighs

2012-03-22 08:25:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All dawn, a plea ~ To touch the skies ~ All night, a prayer ~ For another chance
307 / 4823

2012-03-22 08:12:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Minds which imagine Autumn in Spring ~ Minds which imagine Spring no matter when
2012-03-22 07:59:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil I need a nicer way to refer to idiots!

2012-03-21 23:31:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My navel is ~ One ripple that ~ Remained

2012-03-21 23:29:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Together ~ We blew winds ~ At each other

2012-03-21 23:25:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His gaze ~ My personal sun

2012-03-21 11:26:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dive to the ~ Rainbow of my depths

2012-03-21 11:20:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pulchritude has been stained with hues of the vulgar. As if to love a man for his looks is cheap but for his brain/soul is virtuous! :-o
2012-03-21 10:59:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She worshiped ~ The breeze ~ By breathing

2012-03-21 10:55:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rivers like ~ Floating murals ~ Of smiles

2012-03-21 10:50:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where anklets bared ~ The journey's chime ~ And shaped a silver ~ Dream [hat tip to @quiverymoments]
2012-03-21 10:43:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ A bookmark is all ~ I wish to be

2012-03-21 10:38:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind those glasses ~ The colour of her eyes ~ Changing

2012-03-21 10:31:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And then ~ There was thought ~ And nothing ~ Remained the same
308 / 4823

2012-03-21 10:26:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I need the past ~ And future ~ To make good or evil ~ Of now
2012-03-21 09:22:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lick me ~ A fire's touch

2012-03-20 22:02:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_mrsrita Aah, like a note to yourself!? :-)

2012-03-20 21:25:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if love learned from shadows ~ To merge into the other ~ And emerge somewhat whole
2012-03-20 21:24:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tightrope of words ~ The plummet of words ~ The landing on words ~ The concussion of words ~ The last smile ~ At the cloud of words
2012-03-20 21:22:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher A boy's eyes before he knows how to see without seeing. A girl's eyes before she knows she's being looked at.
2012-03-20 21:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_mrsrita I beg your pardon, what shouldn't I be describing?

2012-03-20 21:17:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There is an Autumn ~ For all who don't believe ~ In roots

2012-03-20 21:01:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Build me a tunnel ~ Of imagined worlds ~ And I shall play within

2012-03-20 20:58:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Birds & wind ~ Are but in ~ A tree's dream

2012-03-20 20:56:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Typos are like water filling my boat, taking my journey through your words in a different direction...
2012-03-20 20:53:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those days when you wake up to find every single word shockingly new & unheard of...
2012-03-20 20:51:41 (EDT)

309 / 4823

_eroteme_ The delicate tremble ~ When opening ~ A parchment heart

2012-03-20 20:48:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tactile epiphanies ~ His exploration of me

2012-03-20 20:45:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The spiralling of lies ~ Into mirrors

2012-03-20 11:18:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The veins on her breast ~ Unscrambled ~ To my name

2012-03-19 11:58:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aladreth Your words are kind as ever, dear lady... Xoxo :-)
2012-03-19 09:06:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be lost ~ In a ballad's pause

2012-03-18 13:40:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sighing entry ~ Of tongue, finger or heat ~ Into a scoop of ice-cream
2012-03-18 13:30:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I could be ~ Uncertain about you

2012-03-18 13:28:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if life ~ Was but a narrow lane ~ And we are but ~ Different coloured shoes
2012-03-18 13:27:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The breathlessness ~ Of goodbyes

2012-03-18 13:25:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Imagined translations ~ Language's windows ~ Are in the mind

2012-03-18 13:23:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Something so violent, in endlessly watching a half-eaten apple, brown...

2012-03-18 13:21:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When a smile is hearth ~ In an alone's ~ Winter

2012-03-18 13:17:42 (EDT)

310 / 4823

_eroteme_ When the leaf fell into the pond ~ The dreams of all in thevillage ~ Changed hues
2012-03-18 13:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Batting her eyes ~ As if singular ~ Butterfly wings

2012-03-18 13:15:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @aladreth sigh! I thought I was tell-tale... ;-)

2012-03-18 13:14:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some necks ~ Are best imagined ~ In a sweat

2012-03-18 13:11:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that we think ~ We know of love ~ And all, love knows of us
2012-03-18 13:11:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A wafting torn page. ~ What now ~ Would be the tale?

2012-03-18 13:10:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps it isn't the wind ~ Perhaps it is leaves ~ Begging leave to float
2012-03-18 13:09:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love ~ Becomes an impetus to ~ Forget

2012-03-18 13:07:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To depart ~ From one's own recollection ~ Of things past & hazy
2012-03-18 13:01:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Always in his arms ~ Wishing to be ~ His mistress

2012-03-18 11:34:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The footsteps ~ Of moonbeams ~ We call dew

2012-03-18 08:42:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the curls of my hair ~ His finger curled

2012-03-17 13:12:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lightening ~ Dragging along thunder

2012-03-17 13:07:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The toad of time ~ Waiting by a pond

2012-03-17 13:02:50 (EDT)

311 / 4823

_eroteme_ The need ~ To be stalked ~ By dream, unseen

2012-03-17 12:56:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along the hypotenuse ~ Of our estranged ~ Hopes

2012-03-17 12:51:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: words write me / for souls to slip [Tripping words ~ Caught in a metaphor's ~ Soul]
2012-03-17 12:49:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if memories seek ~ Better translation

2012-03-17 12:47:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: the beautiful gnarl of roots / covered in moss / writing letters to my dead father
2012-03-17 12:42:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her rose tattoo ~ Where he'd bring ~ Blush

2012-03-16 09:56:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin All your's, dear D! :-)

2012-03-16 08:14:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Journeys to the end ~ Which journeys to the beginning ~ Where waits all travel (@ghostmemoirs )
2012-03-16 04:21:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Dear Deborah, your words are kind & I am glad that you find words here to your taste & soul's hum. :-)
2012-03-15 21:08:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moist sigh ~ Of sandy shores ~ Beneath an ebb

2012-03-15 13:18:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How life seems ~ Like possibilities ~ Gone haywire

2012-03-15 12:01:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77 the terrifying taste ~ of a thought # sixwords

2012-03-15 10:36:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @bigmax722 Glad you found it to your taste, dear Sandi :-)
2012-03-15 00:12:02 (EDT)

312 / 4823

_eroteme_ Night awakens ~ The other senses

2012-03-14 10:19:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all poetry ~ Is a little boy ~ Running through metaphorfields ~ Kite-words, in tow
2012-03-14 10:18:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77 words ~ please be more ~ than words [Pauses ~ Please be less ~ Interrupted]
2012-03-13 23:00:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How glass knows ~ It's time to fall

2012-03-13 12:58:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Butterscotch kisses ~ Tumbling down ~ Numb lips...

2012-03-13 12:49:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was ~ Her sweetest sigh

2012-03-13 12:48:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Temper the sashay ~ Of heat .. @ feltsensejunkie

2012-03-13 12:43:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie A flame should carry a sway, gentle as a whisper, soulful in a slow make. Not loud in garish stagnancy.
2012-03-13 12:42:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @feltsensejunkie Too many breaths, no space for flicker.
2012-03-13 12:41:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where breeze comes ~ To rest in a ripple

2012-03-13 12:38:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The charcoal of his voice ~ Knew the outline of my want

2012-03-13 12:32:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @rvrsun Glad you find them to your taste... :-)

2012-03-13 12:18:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To melt ~ As if to give heat, a home .. @purplepoetry77

313 / 4823

2012-03-13 12:17:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To know ~ As if to birth innocence .. @neernool

2012-03-13 12:16:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tear stained rain ~ Cringe stained memories .. @ghostmemoirs

2012-03-13 10:35:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mentalbit I was unprepared / for everything / but even less ready / for nothing [The machinations ~ Of surety]
2012-03-13 10:30:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To touch ~ As if to be nourished .. @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-13 10:26:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To tremble ~ As if to ripple the skies .. @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-13 09:12:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning .. :-) RT @neernool: the colourless gentleness of morning air / calibrates silence, vibrates life.
2012-03-13 09:01:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To blush ~ As if Winter needs Spring .. @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-13 08:57:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hug ~ As if to imbibe

2012-03-12 22:41:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BrokenVerses_ Will give it a shot... :-)

2012-03-12 10:45:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the ~ Gravity of hush ~ Knows the tango ~ Of dusty sunrays RT @ghostmemoirs the heavy secrets we all have laying around / gather dust
2012-03-12 10:03:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pace of rain ~ Of snow ~ Of falling leaves ~ Set to the tune ~ Of my awe .. @ghostmemoirs
2012-03-11 21:00:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You birthed in me ~ The want to create this world ~ Now reality
314 / 4823

is that ~ Which is best imagined .. @ghostmemoirs

2012-03-11 20:58:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Anneal my words in your blood

2012-03-11 17:30:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some poems ~ Are best written on tongue ~ By tongue

2012-03-11 17:00:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This pain I imbibe from the breeze...

2012-03-11 16:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between your flame & the sun ~ My infidel shadow falling nowhere
2012-03-11 14:26:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How we like to believe ~ That it was but ~ A grasp away

2012-03-11 12:12:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between heaven ~ And earth ~ There are kites

2012-03-11 12:10:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How eyes ~ Let pass ~ Sorrow saddled ~ Tears

2012-03-11 11:24:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How he tripped and ~ Fell right into his shadow

2012-03-11 11:21:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Distance measured ~ In breaths or sighs ~ Fork of span

2012-03-11 11:19:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do you feel ~ What my heart ~ Doesn't yet know?

2012-03-11 11:08:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The umbilical of ~ Thought to senses

2012-03-11 10:59:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hum that dislocates ~ What is, from ~ What should be .. @ ghostmemoirs
2012-03-11 10:57:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dressed in ~ The threads of erosion

2012-03-11 10:57:04 (EDT)

315 / 4823

_eroteme_ Like the rain ~ Loves ruins ~ How does one tell ~ When it's too late?
2012-03-11 10:55:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What Fate unbound ~ This trickle ~ Of a grasp's ease!?

2012-03-11 10:40:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BrokenVerses_ I am usually less sharp on Sundays. Are you suggesting that I use "desperate romance" as a stimulus to poems here?
2012-03-11 08:29:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @BrokenVerses_ I am sorry, what is?

2012-03-11 08:22:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober Glad you found them so... :-)

2012-03-11 08:17:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amalgam of flutters ~ Along a palm's lay ~ The birth of chaos [Lay: n. ballad or poem to sing. @ghostmemoirs]
2012-03-11 07:44:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ghostmemoirs: finding peace in the joining of two chaoses / clasped hands
2012-03-11 07:43:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A masseur's delight ~ This knotted crumpled ~ Mind

2012-03-11 00:29:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sun ~ Painting glass ~ On the church floor

2012-03-10 22:47:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ She rhymed her dreams ~ With the meander ~ Of dried streams
2012-03-10 13:02:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lustre ~ Of things felt ~ Under the waterfall ~ Of silence

2012-03-10 12:58:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ The amorality ~ Of words

2012-03-10 12:57:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ The blindness of shadows, ~ Their strength

2012-03-10 12:55:59 (EST)

316 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Fingers tussle voile / sheer the length/eyes the gossamer touch [Textures of ~ Pretended censure ~ The crpe of whims]
2012-03-10 10:19:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ For a minute ~ The goat & I held a glance ~ A hope ~ That we'd be understood
2012-03-10 08:58:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like an okie ~ Without its dokie

2012-03-10 08:52:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Has anyone suffered a finger stuck in a nostril!? Is that even possible? If it is, then please guide me on breathing through one nostril...
2012-03-10 07:52:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words are ~ Vines for the soul

2012-03-10 07:38:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hearts of butterfly wings ~ Dwell a little longer ~ On smiles of flowers

2012-03-10 07:09:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ This green worm ~ Rearing its head ~ As if to share a secret

2012-03-10 07:05:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ We are all ~ Raindrops ~ On an ocean

2012-03-10 06:57:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her tears ~ Summoned the warmth ~ Of sorrows

2012-03-10 04:30:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this will ashen ~ Save memory of my name ~ On your tongue
2012-03-10 04:11:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Life is hers ~ Who is his

2012-03-09 13:18:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ In her wake ~ She infused ~ My world ~ With her musk

2012-03-09 13:03:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mustard fields ~ Eager to follow ~ The gentle breeze

317 / 4823

2012-03-09 13:01:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Infinite little tales ~ That go into making ~ A desert dune

2012-03-09 12:29:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Winnowing ~ Binding into sheaves ~ This heat

2012-03-09 11:36:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ If thus ~ Must be this world ~ Why be?

2012-03-09 11:25:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crowded alcove ~ With your thoughts, me & ~ My solitude

2012-03-09 11:22:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ She loved him ~ Along the margins ~ Of untranslated books

2012-03-09 11:00:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ When all education ~ Is the simultaneous ~ Being of breeze & tree
2012-03-09 10:59:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ I remember crying when I read the dedications offered on the park benches in Central Park, Conservatory Garden.
2012-03-09 10:47:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Glad you find them so, dear em :-)

2012-03-09 09:59:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you find them so, dear Ni. :-)
2012-03-09 09:59:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ How innocence ~ Holds fire ~ In a whisper [pic:]

2012-03-09 09:21:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the flutter ~ Of beings, winged ~ Lent colour to all dreams [pic:]
2012-03-09 09:16:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some journeys ~ Are the love ~ For leaving footsteps [pic:]
2012-03-09 09:12:50 (EST)

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_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 I'd agree. Spirited Away is indeed a classic. :-)

2012-03-09 09:03:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ A widow ~ Dries her clothes ~ On the leafless birch ~ Along the dried river
2012-03-09 08:58:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The seep ~ Of minutiae ~ Around grand nothingness "@_Co_ra_ The golden sand adores her legs"
2012-03-09 08:51:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BeingInJoy :-) Glad you enjoyed the words...

2012-03-09 08:38:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jmbhatt I echo @NeelaVanam 's words. An esteemed coterie to share! @sunilgivesup @myearthgirl @OliviaDresher @tessellated_me @ tankaqueen
2012-03-09 08:31:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ I fill your air ~ With my eyes ~ Seek not ~ A mirror beyond .. RT @Jaelvarma: In d reflection ~i saw me~in u
2012-03-09 08:29:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ We met like strangers ~ In the world ~ Of reflections

2012-03-09 00:55:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder of eyes ~ Afloat on wisp-back ~ Beating the blue heart RT @melancholundone: awe grasps in heartbeats / wings of cliffs / mere eyeline
2012-03-09 00:52:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cerulean whispers ~ Seducing wings and ~ Ponderous smoke @ ghostmemoirs

2012-03-09 00:50:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ The fjords ~ Where diamond streams ~ Cut gasp .. RT @ melancholundone: The sky of stars to weave treasure
2012-03-08 23:07:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Quarrying ~ Depths ~ Of dissolved silver .. RT @ melancholundone: Warmth-queary of water

2012-03-08 22:55:23 (EST)
319 / 4823

_eroteme_ As if sun rays ~ Knew the soft of bounce ~ On a lake .. RT @ melancholundone: As if rain knew the compass-clarity of ripple
2012-03-08 22:50:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The shadow on the wall lost in gender. [Reflections ~ Dissolved in genderless ~ Wet]
2012-03-08 22:27:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Absolutely!! How going incognito with colours let everything become legitimate!! :-D
2012-03-08 22:17:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Bare's good. :-) Happy holi to you too. Couldn't muster sufficient celebration here... :-) But the heart's drenched in hues!
2012-03-08 21:49:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Watch me, ~ Scream your soul ~ Deny it @purplepoetry77

2012-03-08 21:34:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ From ocean ~ To cloud ~ To eyes - ~ This journey of tears [hat tip to @melancholundone & @OliviaDresher]
2012-03-08 11:22:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ What if every dewdrop ~ Had a tang ~ Of its own @melancholundone

2012-03-08 11:09:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I am gathering sufficient indicators of being alive... ;-) And you?
2012-03-08 10:57:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ The stumble of ~ A word's tremble ~ Along a cymbal's ring @purplepoetry77

2012-03-08 10:52:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice When love ceases to shelter, it ceases to be. [When love ceases ~ Shelters are all ~ That shall be]
2012-03-08 10:14:49 (EST)

320 / 4823

_eroteme_ When poetry ~ Is un-inked ~ Tears @ purplepoetry77

2012-03-08 10:09:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ When poetry ~ Is the harvesting ~ Of tears...

2012-03-08 09:45:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @crosescribe Absolutely! It is one of the many I collected in my notebook... :-)

2012-03-08 09:41:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ What you wish will end ~ Won't, till your affection for endings ~ And beginnings, does
2012-03-08 09:19:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @crosescribe Loved seeing someone use pococurante :-)

2012-03-08 09:14:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Life is the ~ Simultaneous arraying ~ Of frames of reference

2012-03-08 09:09:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Err... nope

2012-03-08 08:33:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Does anyone know what happened to @ dianewitch ? :-| @JennWhetton
2012-03-08 06:16:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Desiccate ~ The swim of ~ You in my eye @ JennWhetton

2012-03-08 06:12:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Dehydrated sounds like nurse-talk! :-D

2012-03-08 06:11:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Clutter of glances ~ Caught in the mirage ~ Of sightless deserts @JennWhetton

2012-03-08 06:07:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lashes ~ Combining ~ Tender dreams @ JennWhetton

2012-03-08 06:04:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Married to ~ The flutes ~ Of the blue above

2012-03-08 05:28:10 (EST)

321 / 4823

_eroteme_ The mesh of love ~ You wove around me ~ One rainy noon [Brooklyn Bridge:]
2012-03-08 02:40:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drown me ~ In shades ~ Of marigold

2012-03-08 02:29:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ World's white flowers ~ Shall be coloured ~ Today

2012-03-08 02:27:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today ~ The sunshine ~ Of colors

2012-03-08 02:25:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: A shimmer / full / anew [A drench ~ Plenitude of past]

2012-03-08 02:14:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wearing ~ A negligee ~ Of pinned ripples

2012-03-07 12:15:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ A journal's ~ Unwrite of ~ Memories

2012-03-07 12:13:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dear tree ~ Was that flower ~ Too heavy?

2012-03-07 12:08:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if life ~ Promised the erasure ~ Of horizons

2012-03-07 12:06:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Se7ensLove Yes? :-)

2012-03-07 04:14:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perceptions ~ Are an unreliable lantern ~ For the lost

2012-03-06 22:47:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every pebble ~ Falling through clear stream ~ Feels exceedingly human ~ In descent
2012-03-06 12:39:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ On this swing ~ Waiting for the tree ~ To fly

2012-03-06 12:25:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ When words ~ Are all that make ~ The heart speechless
322 / 4823

2012-03-06 12:22:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trapped between ~ Myriad glass marbles ~ A sun-ray

2012-03-06 12:22:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ How some paths ~ Patiently collect ~ Footsteps

2012-03-06 12:20:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ The petrichor ~ Of tears [Petrichor: n. Smell of the earth after the first rain]
2012-03-06 12:19:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beneath the ice ~ Of a pillowcase ~ Dreams swimming by

2012-03-06 12:16:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ How bridges ~ Promise not ~ The other side

2012-03-06 12:14:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some waiting ~ Rusts the yearn

2012-03-06 12:14:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The alabaster smile ~ Of a breeze furled

2012-03-06 12:13:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ The honesty ~ In a birdsong

2012-03-06 12:13:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile kiss me a butterfly /right on the breastpin /my heart swiftly flowers its /own violin [Where heartbeats ~ Flutter a wing]
2012-03-05 21:33:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Light me the way ~ Of a heron's dance ~ Of a bamboo's lilt ~ Of a rainbow's awe ~ Of an oak's baritone ~ Of roads that end before they begin
2012-03-05 20:20:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments Very deep insight...

2012-03-05 20:16:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments * bows * Thank you. Which way will the fireflies light when I reach a fork in the road, lovely Ms. Ben-Elkana? :-)
2012-03-05 20:13:27 (EST)

323 / 4823

_eroteme_ A sparrow's sigh ~ A curtain's hesitation ~ Wooden half-bridges ~ Because everything is not the same @ghostmemoirs
2012-03-05 20:11:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ So many candles ~ In the shadows ~ Of the night [hat tip to @ quiverymoments ' tweet on fireflies]
2012-03-05 20:06:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the wind ~ Knows the braid ~ Of birdsongs

2012-03-05 20:03:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish you well always ~ But just this once ~ Will you pirouette & fall ~ Sakura?
2012-03-05 11:33:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice Broken wings fly in a different direction. [Trajectory of ~ Staggering departures]
2012-03-05 11:29:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Held in the shadow ~ Of a wave's lurch ~ These salted dreams

2012-03-05 11:27:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the sea ~ Would curl up ~ In the ship's wake

2012-03-05 08:32:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ I seek not one ~ To complete me ~ But one ~ Who makes me feel ~ Incomplete
2012-03-05 08:17:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Corridors of dreams - ~ The gleam of passing sighs ~ Under a streetlight's cone @ghostmemoirs
2012-03-04 20:23:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Extempore life ~ Yet re-played ~ Impromptu

2012-03-04 10:35:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Little beasts ~ That inhabit dreams ~ Echos & voices from ruined walls ~ These words
2012-03-04 10:34:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if all wind ~ Is the parade of ~ Sighs of bereaved trees

2012-03-04 10:32:20 (EST)

324 / 4823

_eroteme_ The serenade ~ Of mirages ~ Imagined

2012-03-04 09:56:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ To look up ~ And feel his breath ~ On my lips

2012-03-04 09:36:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her heel ~ Whispered down my spine ~ To moan ~ Behind my knee

2012-03-04 08:47:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Women are ~ Creatures of touch ~ Of choice

2012-03-04 08:32:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sleeping swan ~ Woken by ~ A stray ripple

2012-03-04 07:59:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sink ~ Of frayed spine ~ Into supine

2012-03-04 07:34:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bridging dawn & dusk ~ The darkest saffron ~ Blends in my breast @neernool
2012-03-04 07:20:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: arms wide open / tip fingers vermilion / dip to mix dawn with dusk; to miss the noon blanched blind eyed sky.
2012-03-04 07:19:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Elegance / sprawled [Poise ~ Crumbled]

2012-03-04 07:18:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ He owned ~ The vanilla swirls ~ Of her being

2012-03-04 07:14:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today's been one chatty day! So unlike you E. Get your act together... Off you go to the mill! :-)
2012-03-04 07:09:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Not one bit. You are quite kind to consider "my" sonnets on par or beyond those of Shakespeare. I was merely offering explanation
2012-03-04 07:09:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you find them so, but Shakespeare is

325 / 4823

Shakespeare & the depth of his metaphors are brilliant.

2012-03-04 06:21:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Really? Hmmm. I nearly love all his works. Some aren't great, I agree, but each one is superior to what parades today as poetry!
2012-03-04 06:16:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Perhaps that is so because his poems can't be anything else. His plays are poetry, tale, drama, insight all at once.
2012-03-04 06:06:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: why do we not see ourselves until another's light falls on us?
2012-03-04 06:05:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Amen! :-)

2012-03-04 06:04:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ I love words so, that I seek them even to articulate my distaste for what they do... Now I know why some cling to odd relationships! :-)
2012-03-04 01:13:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love marionettes ~ On word-strings

2012-03-04 01:11:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober Yep! What a lovely conversation! And all thanks to your eyes & my dear friend who sent me scurrying to your AVI. :-)
2012-03-04 01:10:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @gwkeena Glad you find it so, sir. :-)

2012-03-04 01:07:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dwell like a twig ~ In the midst of fire ~ But bathe first ~ In the moist of clarity
2012-03-04 01:05:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @gwkeena Glad you are better, sir. Hope it continues getting better. Life's been generous with words beneath clouds of connotations... :-)
2012-03-04 01:02:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober What it boils down to, is the ability to see words for words & being comfortable in aloneness. All's well thereafter... :-)
326 / 4823

2012-03-04 01:01:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober But where are there warning labels ever? And part of deception is in throwing a wordy cloak over the signposts! :-|
2012-03-04 00:58:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Are but lies ~ Rain lacking the wet

2012-03-04 00:57:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @gwkeena Welcome back. Been a long time... Hope all's well with you.
2012-03-04 00:45:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 But... but... waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! @ Jaelvarma @JennWhetton

2012-03-04 00:43:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober The tragedy is when people use words, metaphors to lure. Words are always lies, my friend. Words can't be anything else...
2012-03-04 00:41:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma But still, I wasn't placed alongside those greats! Waaaaaaah! :-( @purplepoetry77 @JennWhetton ;-p
2012-03-04 00:39:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ For the heart ~ Was never ~ Scabbard to ~ Word-sabres

2012-03-04 00:38:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Oh! Ok... *blush* I thought... never mind! Glad you enjoy the words. Now to join the same club as @purplepoetry77 & @ Jennwhetton
2012-03-04 00:33:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober But then so is a lot of what surrounds us. It finally rests on each individual to recognise the real within & without.
2012-03-04 00:32:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober While on one hand it can be helpful, invigorating & energising, on the other, it can serve up facades that trick.. :|
2012-03-04 00:31:06 (EST)

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_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober It is amusing since I recently had similar conversations with 2-3 people regarding the same duality of the online medium.
2012-03-04 00:30:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober A sexy AVI, seductive words, wooing, needs & voila! we think we know each other & are in "love". Farthest from truth!! :o
2012-03-04 00:28:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober The consequences are the furthering of the imagery we deal with even in real life. There is very little "real" left
2012-03-04 00:27:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober I agree. Twitter & online medium is just that. Since it is always words, one is left to imagine the rest as one deems fit!
2012-03-04 00:26:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma What does?

2012-03-04 00:17:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober If the ledge be the alter where people adore you, then why save yourself from there? ;-p Any other ledge belongs not to you
2012-03-04 00:16:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober Aah! Ok. :-) Glad you liked it. Can never do justice to the real...
2012-03-04 00:02:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CallMeWhenSober Sobering? Not sure I comprehend...

2012-03-03 23:34:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Taught butterfly wings ~ The inspissate of hues [hat tip to @callmewhensober 's AVI, pointed to by a dear friend]
2012-03-03 23:17:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ When he expected lips ~ I fed him teeth

2012-03-03 23:05:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: how far how wide / do these arms / stretch /

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before they become indistinguishable / from broken twigs

2012-03-03 22:57:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ I crave not ~ For Fate's kindness ~ Bring me the unplanned ~ But as a bookstore
2012-03-03 22:29:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @rasmithii: fingers dripped / her imagination / silky smooth [Her imagination dripped ~ Her fingers sought ~ The silky smooth]
2012-03-03 22:21:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Eyes open ~ To the vanish of being ~ As if to be, needed one ~ Not to see @ghostmemoirs
2012-03-03 22:20:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Voodoo dreams of you ~ Pinned down with my tongue ~ Reality will be your curse
2012-03-03 22:15:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire: I paint my dreams with you ~ Wake up slick with sweat ~ Turn to see a strangers face ~ And the sting ~ of regret
2012-03-03 22:09:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire: Tracing trails ~ up my shoulder ~ pressing want ~ into my neck [The trek up ~ My desire's nod]
2012-03-03 22:07:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her each finger ~ Tasted different ~ When bit differently

2012-03-03 13:43:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where the unruly fold ~ Of sheets ~ Engraved the path ~ For my tongue ~ On her skin
2012-03-03 13:42:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ He taught ~ My lips ~ The shudder ~ To the beat ~ Of his name

2012-03-03 13:37:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cage me ~ In your fire's yolk

2012-03-03 13:34:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ When his hands were done ~ Then began his eyes
2012-03-03 13:29:05 (EST)

329 / 4823

_eroteme_ As if her eyes ~ Could ask the moon ~ To blur

2012-03-03 13:22:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Honoured? Wonder why! Your words are lovely & in their dulcet merit, they draw tender hearts to a sigh. The honour's mine. :-)
2012-03-03 13:14:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Conversations of ~ Dove wings ~ With an orphan breeze

2012-03-03 13:12:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Se7ensLove Wishing you the same & more...

2012-03-03 13:08:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Alabaster clouds ~ Dance you into ~ Dreams of distant ~ Sighs

2012-03-03 13:07:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ The eddy of tears ~ In her sorrow's dance

2012-03-03 13:00:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Blame who/what you will, but morality is of human creation & will lead to human destruction. The Way has no morals...
2012-03-03 12:35:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shadows ~ Of memories past ~ Flow as clear tears

2012-03-03 04:25:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am what prowls ~ The night ~ Marked with your ~ Clench & knead... [hat tip to @witheredwillow 's twitter background]
2012-03-03 01:53:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gypsy eyes - ~ Never resting on ~ Any part of me

2012-03-03 01:38:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool But morality is essentially the departure from oneness with the Divine. Hence, nature cannot be guided by morals.
2012-03-03 01:24:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ He entered me ~ Like choice words ~ Curling into the lee ~ Of my mind
2012-03-03 01:22:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ How you taught ~ Night to dream ~ Trembles

330 / 4823

2012-03-03 01:21:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Linen kisses ~ Are all ~ She'll wear

2012-03-03 01:20:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Venture not ~ To unravel ~ The labyrinths of my soul. ~ Love me so ~ That walls sublimate
2012-03-03 01:18:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ For the lover ~ Is designed after ~ Your heart births love
2012-03-03 01:15:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Truth! RT @ L0RD_BYRON: Those who can love only one . Perhaps have hearts too small [Love only one ~ If the rest ~ Have won your apathy]
2012-03-03 01:13:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @MlleBlake Perhaps you meant @neernool

2012-03-03 01:08:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ When wishes ~ Break the back ~ Of hope

2012-03-03 01:06:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Caverns of shadows ~ Of the unwalking dead

2012-03-03 01:05:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful! :-) RT @neernool: inlay time / with tracing paper transience; touch every petal / to place eternity.
2012-03-03 01:03:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ The felicity ~ Of dreams ~ Festooned 'twixt clouds

2012-03-03 01:03:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ What a lovely video shared by someone dear, upon reading the tweets here:
2012-03-03 00:59:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wring the mist ~ Of blushes denied

2012-03-03 00:57:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: melt lightnings / fill a zsolnay pitcher - pour radiance / in a secret poem, splay truth / to play the word.
2012-03-03 00:55:50 (EST)

331 / 4823

_eroteme_ Where conversation ~ Is the exchange of souls

2012-03-03 00:49:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Within a bud ~ The education ~ Of unfurl

2012-03-03 00:43:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Read me the tale ~ From books ~ Pressed 'twixt leaves

2012-03-03 00:37:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: clarity is respect; while ambiguities enslave history / to repeat itself.
2012-03-03 00:31:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sawdust tears ~ Of trees cut

2012-03-03 00:29:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: When the cave of thought explores the man.

2012-03-02 23:39:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ In an imagined life, pain alone comes unimagined.

2012-03-02 23:15:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @heidi_ayala wound so tight / unravel went unnoticed / until undone [via @purplepoetry77 ]
2012-03-02 23:14:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if the poem of sky destined to wander unfinished.

2012-03-02 23:12:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins So do accept my apologies. I shan't spread word against him. I am more inclined to spread word against the others! :-(
2012-03-02 13:40:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ When moral degradation ~ Tempts one to believe ~ That violence is the only cure
2012-03-02 13:39:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ The miasma ~ Of thought

2012-03-02 13:36:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where all civilisation ~ Has become a strife ~ For cunning

332 / 4823

2012-03-02 13:33:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Burn the savages ~ Redefine savagery ~ Amongst those who remain ~ Start the pyres afresh
2012-03-02 13:32:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Morality ~ That sanctions vulgarity ~ Defines violence

2012-03-02 13:30:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins If I went about prescribing burning of children, I'd be ostracised & jailed. But people don't feel his views are THAT bad!
2012-03-02 13:27:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins IMO, I don't think he is a problem. The sheer vulgarity that pervades a significant portion of the population is... :-(
2012-03-02 13:25:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins I feel sick in my stomach to know that he is such a star in the US. You can't become a star by yourself. People love him!
2012-03-02 13:24:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins So while eradicating a man like him is easy, there is no way we can educate the millions who subscribe to his views! :-o
2012-03-02 13:23:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins Here's a man who has been awarded several times & even has a talk show to his name in a country considered intelligent!
2012-03-02 13:22:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins I did a preliminary read of him & am less shocked by his views (fools are permitted by natural law) than by his following!!
2012-03-02 13:21:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ntaylorcollins Hi Taylor, I have no clue who this gent is. I will surely study the reports & assist in capacities effective & possible :-)
2012-03-02 10:47:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ This world was never made for a child in adult clothing.
2012-03-02 10:41:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ I like what my fingers do to my name on your tongue.

333 / 4823

2012-03-02 10:40:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Futureless relationships versus timeless relationships

2012-03-02 09:59:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her ways of glass ~ In carrying raindrop tears ~ And in cut

2012-03-02 04:50:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is in possibility ~ That we become

2012-03-01 20:51:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Symbiotic love - ~ Your breathlessness ~ I breathe

2012-03-01 20:51:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone: The strange alphabetic neighborhoods found in a dictionary. [Where etymology ~ Spans boundaries]
2012-03-01 20:49:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Clothe me ~ With the travel ~ Of half-shut eyes

2012-03-01 20:47:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sigh-shaped doors ~ That opened into ~ Her dreams

2012-03-01 11:53:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @h0ll0wd0ll Oh! I think you captured it so well. Like spying on someone preen in front of the mirror... :-)
2012-03-01 11:36:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll i love it when bits of people's DMs slip into the TL. It's like driving past a house at night, the lights on & curtains open.
2012-03-01 11:20:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ In my next birth, I wish to be born somewhere in a Tiramisu.

2012-03-01 11:16:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ My words - ~ Silent screams ~ For you

2012-03-01 11:12:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the shadows ~ A crow's shadow

2012-03-01 10:14:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ How poetry ~ Is the resolute surrender ~ To the tremble of the heart
334 / 4823

2012-03-01 10:13:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all love ~ Is the dissolution ~ Of convenient illusions

2012-03-01 10:12:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Teach my flesh ~ The whip of your voice

2012-03-01 10:08:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ The kelp of her hair ~ Painting my breast ~ With her breathlessness
2012-03-01 09:59:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ His haiku ~ Measured to the length ~ Of my halter's fall

2012-03-01 09:34:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ She let her hair ~ Fall over her shoulder ~ And last night's fire
2012-03-01 09:26:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Impregnating this night ~ With reason to blush

2012-03-01 08:14:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Burgundy lips ~ Denying me ~ Intoxication

2012-03-01 08:07:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ghostmemoirs: arabian dream twister [Chinese ~ Whisper chanter]

2012-03-01 03:18:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ghostmemoirs: kohl eyes, cold heart [Eyes ~ The slivers of heart]
2012-02-29 22:41:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ He is made ~ Of what ~ Kindles my imagination

2012-02-29 20:15:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie My pleasure, dear Felt. :-)

2012-02-29 19:46:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pirouette of a snowflake ~ My mind turns to you

2012-02-29 13:05:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ My passion ~ Muffled in lace

2012-02-29 12:57:05 (EST)

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_eroteme_ To be reborn ~ In a world ~ Where I can openly confess ~ I want you

2012-02-28 12:13:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ I tried hard ~ Not to love you ~ Only to know ~ It is not easy ~ Loving you
2012-02-28 12:12:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ The theft ~ Of breath ~ And thus built ~ A sky

2012-02-28 12:11:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her red nail paint ~ Was insufficient warning

2012-02-28 12:08:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The marriage ~ Of grasp to ~ Gasp

2012-02-28 11:03:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ He loved me ~ To exhaust his ~ Imagination

2012-02-28 10:34:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ What he couldn't colour purple ~ With his bites ~ He painted sanguine ~ With his tongue
2012-02-28 10:32:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ All he gripped ~ In a pinch ~ And bite ~ Recreate him against ~ This moonless night
2012-02-28 10:28:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ I could love her ~ By reading her

2012-02-28 10:26:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ All his words ~ Danced on ~ The tapestry ~ Of his skin

2012-02-28 10:24:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all their union ~ Taught seasons ~ Different falls & heat
2012-02-28 09:54:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ To roll my tongue ~ Around a raindrop's ~ Fall

2012-02-28 09:52:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz: When they're whispered~ words can cut the heart [When they cut ~ Hearts can but bleed sighs]
2012-02-28 09:49:51 (EST)

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_eroteme_ That river ~ Where thoughts easily ~ Dissolved

2012-02-28 09:44:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ That Autumn ~ When I bled ~ Leaves

2012-02-28 09:40:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ How she aged ~ Watching me, in disbelief

2012-02-28 09:37:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Moan me the swell ~ As my mind ~ Bows your sinews [Still reeling under the loveliness of @ocarinaofrhyme 's pic]
2012-02-28 05:57:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ How you curve ~ The crave ~ Of my body's hum [hat tip to the lovely @ocarinaofrhyme 's pic]
2012-02-28 03:32:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Echos ~ Unfolding distant music ~ Leisurely

2012-02-28 01:57:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Will you let me love you ~ Unknown ~ Unmet ~ Unworded ~ Unconfessed ~ Untouched ~ Ungasped?
2012-02-28 01:24:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ This meandering journey ~ From one mirror ~ Into another

2012-02-28 01:18:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Se7ensLove I have been simply staring at your mention for the past few minutes. Wow! Thank you. Wishing you the same & more. :-)
2012-02-27 23:14:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ As though her variety ~ Taught the song of hues ~ To rainbows @purplepoetry77
2012-02-27 23:04:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if her reflection ~ Taught the heart ~ To ripple @purplepoetry77

2012-02-27 22:11:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ For words are ~ The gift ~ The surprise ~ The ribbon, bowed ~ The hands cupping ~ The discarded cellophane ~ The memory [for @ rammadu]
337 / 4823

2012-02-27 11:20:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Thirstless clouds ~ Gifted with ~ The wet

2012-02-27 11:15:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tree that flowered ~ Gnarled ~ Unperfumed

2012-02-27 11:14:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perhaps I am just the parcel delivery personnel... :-) @rammadu

2012-02-27 11:11:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ She left her tears ~ In the drift of mists ~ To light ~ A traveler's way
2012-02-27 11:08:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ For temperance ~ Mounts all sensuousness

2012-02-27 11:04:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rammadu Errr... or maybe it was the nose? Or was it something else... too dark, milady! Couldn't differentiate nose for knee! :-D
2012-02-27 10:52:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if her blink ~ Taught me ~ The timeless grasp ~ Of mellow @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-27 10:49:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool No no... this was not about me pausing my talk but... never mind! :-)
2012-02-27 10:48:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Ewww! Not when I have just slept! :-o

2012-02-27 10:48:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if her undress ~ Taught me ~ The explore of ravish

2012-02-27 10:05:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Did you know ~ That I licked your eyebrows ~ While you slept?
2012-02-27 10:04:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lost in the silver ~ Of her caress

2012-02-27 10:02:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Speak if you must ~ Don't ask me to pause

338 / 4823

2012-02-27 09:50:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ His words ~ Steamed silk ~ From my cocooned ~ Heart

2012-02-27 09:47:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ The feel of chiffon ~ Riding up my legs ~ Carrying his fingers along
2012-02-27 09:45:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The search for omens ~ Perhaps is ~ The omen we miss @DangerslyClaire
2012-02-27 09:04:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Because it was Sabbath... ;-)

2012-02-27 08:45:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Naked we sat ~ Studying restraint ~ In the other's eyes

2012-02-27 08:33:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire Watching wandering clouds ~ they search for secrets ~ hands intertwined ~ faces slanted ~ towards the sky
2012-02-27 08:11:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if imagination borrowed the sky to scribble [And finger-painting ~ Clouds]
2012-02-27 05:59:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Will my soul ~ The wick of you ~ Burning in our warmth

2012-02-27 02:40:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ She who sets ~ Fires within ~ Fears not Winters ~ Of time
2012-02-26 23:31:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ The winds that swirl ~ In a heart's flight ~ On wings of sighs

2012-02-26 23:28:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ The heart is ~ A selfish throb

2012-02-26 23:12:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ When self-control is not of ~ The lack of opportunity

2012-02-26 22:20:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @coastmoor I possess that book (or it possesses me) but don't
339 / 4823

recall reading this one. Thanks. Another reason to re-read it... :-)
2012-02-26 22:20:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her moon I still ~ Spy on ~ With a love ~ I hate

2012-02-26 20:22:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool hahaha! Drag me you will into the mire! I shall pass the opportunity. I delight in articulating my anguish. Tremendously relieving
2012-02-26 10:57:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Laviniastongue: Pretty pretty words / swallowing meaning. [The gulp ~ Of connotation]
2012-02-26 10:45:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rvrsun Poets - the flight of doves ~ A river eddied ~ A dream remembered ~ A keyhole's sunbeam ~ Braiding souls ~ Eternally
2012-02-26 10:37:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sing me the tale ~ Of my passion's thrust ~ Now, an octave lower

2012-02-26 10:34:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile And I am a drug lord? :-o

2012-02-26 10:27:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Crack is slang for cocaine & pot is marijuana. I would think pot'o'crack would be some heady mix, no? :-D
2012-02-26 10:18:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil Kind sir, your smile, you verily know, is cherished... :-)
2012-02-26 10:12:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile hahahah :-D as long as it is not pot'o'crack

2012-02-26 10:11:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ She knew the art ~ Of spinning a vase ~ Around cracks

2012-02-26 10:06:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her stride ~ Taught rainbows ~ To climb

2012-02-26 08:21:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ All I wish to do is travel the world by foot cook for genuine
340 / 4823

people & hug warm souls, bare breast/chest...

2012-02-26 08:18:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ And in her sigh ~ The tang of ~ Ocean breeze

2012-02-26 08:16:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin As long as she believes me & you get to hand over all your candies to me! :-)
2012-02-26 08:15:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ We picked Istanbul ~ To be where we'd become ~ Childhood friends again

2012-02-26 08:13:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin No YOU DIDN'T! :-o Wait till I tell your mommy!
2012-02-26 08:08:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sigh of a dream ~ In a distant sleep ~ That kind of touch

2012-02-26 08:03:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ We were five ~ And agreed ~ We'd only kiss trees

2012-02-26 08:01:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ If every Sunday of mine can be filled with food & lovely conversations I'd have nothing else to wish for :-) Except the same on other days!
2012-02-26 07:58:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Oh! Beez! Did you see the one I resurrected from your old tweets!? Such a lovely one it is... :-)
2012-02-26 07:51:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wow! RT @ neernool: splaying time / on convex gravity; i pin the moment down / to run a kite to eternity.
2012-02-26 07:47:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the ocean let ~ Tiny dangling feet ~ Create waves of their own
2012-02-26 07:46:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the rainbows ~ She hid in the pockets of ~ Her "Hello!"
2012-02-26 07:45:39 (EST)

341 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Happiness caught a cold where a flower discovered her petals were meant to be blue. [And the dew ~ Sneezed.. Bless you]
2012-02-26 07:40:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Remember our deal? ~ I push you higher in the swing ~ And you'd grab blue ~ And green clouds to bring
2012-02-26 07:36:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Deep fried ~ Sugar dusted ~ Pout

2012-02-26 07:31:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tell me your dreams ~ And I'll fashion you ~ The season of calm
2012-02-26 07:29:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @witheredwillow A painting I had seen a while ago. Some vague memory of a painting... Not sure. :-|
2012-02-26 06:13:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool It is sad that one would rather subscribe to the paucity of profanity than dip in the vastness of a language's generous lexicon...
2012-02-26 05:58:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Autumn ensconced ~ In a violet bud. ~ Who paints her dreams? [hat tip to @witheredwillow ]
2012-02-26 05:56:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @witheredwillow Thanks for stopping by. I am uncertain why your AVI reminds me of a painting. I have been staring at it for a long time now!
2012-02-26 05:53:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @witheredwillow And aren't they just reasons to create poetry or paint or furiously saw a cello!? :-) Or make love...
2012-02-26 05:52:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @swambi But why would I be swearing then? I might cheer or stamp my foot, but swear... Why, indeed?
2012-02-26 05:50:28 (EST)

342 / 4823

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma Because they are effortlessly what human beings can never be... :-)
2012-02-26 05:44:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Is it just me or does profanity indeed represent a lazy mind?

2012-02-26 05:40:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Under the awning ~ Of the night ~ Where dew is birthed

2012-02-26 05:39:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: time's dandelion grasp / of reality's talons.

2012-02-26 05:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @sonajain *looking askance & whispering* shhh! Angels ain't sold. Tiptoe into any bedroom & watch 'em asleep. That is all of angelhood left
2012-02-26 04:54:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ If they be your fingers ~ That fall as rain ~ You'd know my want ~ Under this shirt
2012-02-26 03:26:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The envelope of mist ~ And love-letters ~ Within

2012-02-26 03:25:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ The solitude ~ In all feeling

2012-02-26 03:21:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ndinda_ Glad to know you have enjoyed the words in here... :-)
2012-02-26 03:15:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be the dew ~ On your eye-lashes

2012-02-26 02:31:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ How lakes ~ Create a world ~ By reflecting

2012-02-26 02:17:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Strumming the banjo ~ Of your moans

2012-02-26 02:15:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ You are ~ My tongue's favourite ~ Journey

2012-02-26 02:06:10 (EST)

343 / 4823

_eroteme_ In the lee of her mind ~ His word-embers ~ Of love

2012-02-26 01:44:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Across a cloud ~ How we searched in the other ~ For rain in our soul
2012-02-26 01:42:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ The art of loving ~ Without words

2012-02-26 01:41:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ How truth ~ Lets itself be ~ Sponged by the soul ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 01:29:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ How diacritics ~ Nearly graze the palate ~ That kind of touch [Diacritic: n. those little cute horns that some letters grow]
2012-02-26 01:09:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the memory of ~ Cello strings habit fingers ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 01:03:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The caress of an echo ~ Upon the grass of its childhood ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 00:56:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all innocent reflection ~ Touches a lake's visage ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 00:44:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ How snowflakes ~ Birth the shudder of earth ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 00:43:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the first tear ~ Touches trembling cheek ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 00:42:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ How a lark's song touches ~ The evening breeze ~ That kind of touch
2012-02-26 00:41:08 (EST)

344 / 4823

_eroteme_ How ink ~ Touches parchment ~ That kind of touch

2012-02-26 00:38:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ When was the last time you really touched? Not to titillate, castigate or declare, but with the intent to feel with every iota of being...
2012-02-26 00:33:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ The only education ~ Is the education of touch

2012-02-26 00:20:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ I sit naked ~ On the cobblestone ~ But people ~ Offer me clothes

2012-02-26 00:18:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ To sit astride ~ His bare thigh ~ While he played ~ The violin
2012-02-26 00:17:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Starless ~ In my soul ~ Yet the distant shakuhachi [shakuhachi: n. Japanese flute]
2012-02-26 00:15:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some nights ~ Are an aching search ~ For touch

2012-02-26 00:08:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @TheWonderQueen Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-26 00:05:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ An entire life spent ~ Getting convinced ~ That this is indeed ~ The life I wanted
2012-02-26 00:03:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ How dreams ~ Defy gravity

2012-02-26 00:02:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Ghosts of crayons. [And the pantomime ~ Of smudges]

2012-02-25 23:59:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Strange the ask ~ For a soul ~ Of the Devil ~ Who hath myriad ~ But none, his @sonajain
2012-02-25 23:49:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ All he did was ~ Touch my hips ~ I imagined the rest

345 / 4823

2012-02-25 23:45:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @sonajain One mirror coming up. What else, ma'am? We are closing shop, so you get to pick... half price! :-)
2012-02-25 23:43:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool And it wasn't a mistake. The original tweet was longer explaining the irony. But then I cut it short... What's to explain!?
2012-02-25 23:31:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Well, that is what it is called. Ask "them" to choose another phrase! Sorry, I just bailed out! :-D
2012-02-25 23:29:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ How some feelings ~ Aren't merely feelings ~ But invitations

2012-02-25 23:17:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Amen to that! But that verily happens & hence, that tweet wasn't oxymoronic! Do I get bail now? ;-p
2012-02-25 23:16:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Not when the act of baring is deemed a medal of honour in itself...
2012-02-25 23:10:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ All he wished ~ Was the distance ~ Where he breathed in ~ What she breathed out
2012-02-25 23:08:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ The conceit ~ In baring the heart

2012-02-25 23:07:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only we could thumbnail the issues of the world and their wives, I am sure that they might actually look pretty.
2012-02-25 23:05:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ No one bought ~ That mirror ~ Which reflected ~ The soul

2012-02-25 22:51:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool I'd confidently say, neither! :-D That said, the 2nd translation is a departure from the original. Hence, I'll prefer the 1st
2012-02-25 22:05:59 (EST)

346 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77: "We write to taste life twice, in themoment and in retrospection." ~ Anais Nin [Thrice: and in possibility...]
2012-02-25 21:41:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Thank you. :-)

2012-02-25 12:32:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @quiverymoments: when I think of you ~ do you feel it? [When I long your grasp ~ Are your fingers set afire?]
2012-02-25 08:03:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma It is, indeed, my pleasure... :-)

2012-02-25 07:48:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The teetering tango ~ Of a word ~ Trespassed @ melancholundone

2012-02-25 07:22:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love can be in the grooming & not merely in stumbling upon the right person...
2012-02-25 06:34:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every time ~ He chose to watch me undress ~ My fingers forgot the unclasp
2012-02-25 06:19:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @coastmoor Where did you find that quote, if I may ask?
2012-02-25 06:17:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ She missed ~ The hold of words ~ Around her midriff

2012-02-25 04:23:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fasten me to ~ The lone mast of sinking love ~ Sailors, yonder, need to know
2012-02-25 04:22:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Draw your eyes away ~ If you wish to watch ~ The famine of love
2012-02-25 04:20:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Have you seen me naked ~ Flying down from the night sky ~ Ending all need for sight?
2012-02-25 04:18:02 (EST)
347 / 4823

_eroteme_ Where the plunder ~ Of tears ~ Wrought droughts

2012-02-25 04:14:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Weave me dreams ~ Of textures ~ Diaphanous

2012-02-25 04:12:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take me where ~ Dawn & dusk ~ Drown to new time

2012-02-25 04:09:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ I give you unclothed words ~ Dragging a naked me

2012-02-25 03:55:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nude me ~ To your hum ~ This night demands

2012-02-25 03:54:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Late night conversations ~ With raindrops ~ On a window

2012-02-25 03:39:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Irrationality is of the heart. How could the mind understand that!?
2012-02-25 03:38:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Retreating raindrops ~ Misguided by winds

2012-02-25 02:46:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gravel words ~ I toss at ~ Your heart's window

2012-02-25 02:46:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ An old love... :-) Rt @beezknez like a slow waltz ~ a feather in the air #poetry @beezpoetry
2012-02-25 02:43:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Since when is "single & unavailable" the designation of the arrogant!?
2012-02-25 02:41:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool I shall await your brilliant touch... :-)

2012-02-25 01:48:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Then please help me. How would you have translated it? :-)
2012-02-25 01:40:59 (EST)

348 / 4823

_eroteme_ @neernool :-) Glad you enjoyed the words...

2012-02-25 01:37:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool The lines were written by none of the above... :-)
2012-02-25 01:34:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool ..declaring that no night exists at all. Since there is "zahmat ki" it pits nights against the yearning rather than as a container
2012-02-25 01:31:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Because when the poet brings home the incapability of any night to be worthy enough to end this yearning, it is equivalent to ...
2012-02-25 01:29:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool That there is no night for the pain & that no night exists which is capable of stemming the pain are both implied here...
2012-02-25 01:28:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool "I am related" & "Related am I" are essentially the same with poetic license thrown in.
2012-02-25 01:26:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tere khayaalon ka kya, bin-khayaal koi din aave na // Iss dard se waastah bhi hai, is zahmat ki koi raat aave na [the original lines]
2012-02-25 00:58:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool :-) Glad you like them, dear Ni. Part of a translation effort... :-)
2012-02-25 00:55:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ What speak of your memories, there isn't a warm day without them; But related am I to this ache too, this yearning no night can stem
2012-02-25 00:52:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Inaccessible to all ~ Even those within

2012-02-24 23:52:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: His gaze understood the lighthouse at

349 / 4823

sea. [Her breath ~ Understood ~ The dash of waves]

2012-02-24 23:03:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool It gladdens me so to find that the words here have held your attention. Thank you for sharing your brilliant responses to them :)
2012-02-24 20:38:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @umeshnrao Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-24 20:29:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your departure ~ The pied piper walk ~ Of my life's moments

2012-02-24 12:47:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come! ~ Blindfold me in your tresses ~ And sing me ~ The echo of the moon
2012-02-24 12:40:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RantingsOfaGirl Glad you feel thusly & the words here are to your taste... :-)
2012-02-24 12:37:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Se7ensLove Glad you feel suchly & the words here are to your taste... :-)
2012-02-24 12:36:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dear Tess, I don't have voting rights in your country. Here, it is legal! RT @Tessk88 : join @OperationWeed & lets get marijuana legalized!
2012-02-24 11:18:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Serendipity ~ Of all smoke ~ Curling to the now ~ Absent smile's contours
2012-02-24 11:01:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ He defied all solstice ~ And brought Spring to me ~ With an Autumnal touch
2012-02-24 10:46:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @K__Quotes: You see what you do? You reject the older generation and you do exactly the same thing
2012-02-24 10:25:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Knowing not how ~ To hold on to time ~ She let love slip
350 / 4823

2012-02-24 10:18:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ There she stood on the balcony ~ Trembling in the breeze ~ Like the flag of Beauty
2012-02-24 08:24:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The frightening fabric of a fecund mind.

2012-02-24 08:15:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pleating her days ~ The furbelows of ~ Yearning

2012-02-24 08:15:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jmbhatt Glad that you've enjoyed words here... :-)

2012-02-24 07:55:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you enjoy them. :-) Yes, punctuations are delightful... :-)
2012-02-24 07:51:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her kohl swirls ~ Outlining my unspoken

2012-02-24 03:42:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ And thus, it all began ~ This thus-ness

2012-02-24 01:37:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Of pantomime loves ~ And indulgent departures

2012-02-24 01:27:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stars are ~ But poorly hidden ~ Secrets of the dark

2012-02-24 01:25:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ The treachery ~ Of a heart returned ~ Unused

2012-02-24 01:21:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ How beginnings never end ~ And endings never end too.
2012-02-24 00:30:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rammadu And his attention to his socks would indicate his love for himself & his consideration for those around. :-D
2012-02-24 00:27:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rammadu The attention he gives to food often reveals his

351 / 4823

patience & comfort with seemingly mundane things while breathing life into them...
2012-02-24 00:27:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @rammadu :-D Well, the attention he gives words would reveal how much he cares about communicating aptly with you.
2012-02-24 00:26:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ This need for you. ~ For you, this need. ~ Need you for this. ~ For this need, you.
2012-02-23 23:43:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Study a man by the attention he gives to 3 things: words, food & his socks
2012-02-23 23:42:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-23 23:15:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like heat in fire ~ Love thrives in ~ Even an unstrummed heart

2012-02-23 22:48:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ The ways of ~ Naked loving ~ Are but a preface ~ To earnest living.
2012-02-23 22:45:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Near a waterfall in the south of India... Perhaps you have heard of Papanasam?
2012-02-23 22:41:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ She lit me fire hoops ~ To jump through ~ I sat afar, drenched ~ Playing the flute
2012-02-23 22:39:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ I pierced her dark ~ Her moans, the night

2012-02-23 22:38:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ The way his mind ~ Explored my body ~ While his tongue ~ Navigated my mind ~ That kind of love
2012-02-23 22:36:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Time simply constructs "now"s ~ We construct mirages ~ Of the rest

352 / 4823

2012-02-23 22:35:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this want to word ~ Stilled by a ~ Ripple pushing ~ The moon
2012-02-23 22:33:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Well said... :-) RT @ ManiasVoice: Nothing is disputed as much as that which cannot be denied.
2012-02-23 21:04:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-23 20:58:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Oh! Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-23 20:58:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @andreochka Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-23 20:58:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Capsized paper boat ~ How early the lesson ~ In growing an island
2012-02-23 12:16:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Classy, you say... Why, may I ask? :-)

2012-02-23 11:57:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool True. I couldn't help but stare at her & feel hollow... :|
2012-02-23 10:00:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Heavenly blue ... [pic from a recent trip]

2012-02-23 09:59:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Street artist in India [pic from a recent trip]

2012-02-23 09:48:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Colours within colours. [pic from a recent trip]

2012-02-23 09:36:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @aura_xyz Sure, as long as I don't have to share mine! :-)

2012-02-23 01:11:39 (EST)

353 / 4823

_eroteme_ @aura_xyz I know I know... The answer is 0, 1 & 2. Right? Do I get the teddy bear now?
2012-02-22 23:16:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ A vase's dream ~ Holding the shadows ~ Of blooms

2012-02-22 23:03:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ A kiss so deep ~ As if he wished ~ To remember ~ Her soul forever

2012-02-22 22:51:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have worn brown feathers ~ And hopped ~ And chirped ~ Yet, this sparrow ~ So happy
2012-02-22 20:26:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ I've tried long ~ To love another ~ In the antechamber ~ Of your memory
2012-02-22 20:23:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even my solitude ~ Has your voice

2012-02-22 20:19:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ All these words ~ Yet we pine for ~ The few unsaid
2012-02-22 20:00:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the speechlessness ~ My tongue has tasted

2012-02-22 19:42:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every face ~ So different a disguise ~ For the same hurt

2012-02-22 19:40:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ The serendipity ~ Of incense swirls ~ Shaped like your mind @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-22 19:33:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad you found it so. I might have a couple more to share... :-)
2012-02-22 19:30:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pressing my thumb ~ To the hard of you ~ Then your shudder ~ Giving forth ~ A menu of options ~ My Android phone! (what were you thinking?)
2012-02-22 12:03:23 (EST)
354 / 4823

_eroteme_ All I wish to do ~ Is grip a cliff's edge ~ And set a balloon free
2012-02-22 11:18:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beads rolling ~ The breath of ~ Her breasts

2012-02-22 11:11:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ The frivolity ~ Of a touch ~ Misplaced ~ Appropriately @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-22 10:56:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ The soliloquy ~ Of a dream ~ Undreamt @purplepoetry77

2012-02-22 10:08:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sun ~ Setting ~ In the eye ~ Of a dead fish

2012-02-22 10:06:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ This echo ~ Unchained ~ In the crevices ~ Of sighs @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-22 10:04:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ My sin is ~ Your lips' curl ~ Your spine's arch ~ Your tongue's quiver ~ Your ankles locked in a tussle with ~ Your sin
2012-02-22 10:00:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our shadows ~ Walking ahead of us ~ Grow shorter ~ As we grow fonder

2012-02-22 09:22:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Press not ~ To leave so soon ~ My heart has just ~ Learned to not ~ Stutter
2012-02-22 09:20:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the night ~ Knew the wink ~ Of a crow's flight

2012-02-22 07:44:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ This somewhere there-ness ~ Of sounds ~ In the night

2012-02-22 07:41:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oh poet! ~ Sharpen your quill ~ On the jagged edge ~ Of broken hearts
2012-02-22 07:36:19 (EST)

355 / 4823

_eroteme_ Bridging heaven & earth... (pic from a recent trip)
2012-02-21 21:17:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Walking into a shop ~ Trying to guess ~ Which glass vase ~ Would shatter like her
2012-02-20 06:57:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sakura - ~ I forget the haiku ~ I had to write

2012-02-20 06:14:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Jump high ~ Wave hands as wildly as you can ~ Bite off clouds
2012-02-20 05:34:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala she wept :: when his poems ::read her heart :: finding beauty :: between broken beats [Poems tile ~ Mosaic heart]
2012-02-20 05:28:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ I've tried hard ~ To help you see ~ That love isn't ~ Understood by seeing
2012-02-20 04:55:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ These trees ~ Along the highway ~ Who are they waiting for?
2012-02-20 04:50:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ This sun ~ Dragging shadows ~ Under the trees

2012-02-20 04:47:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let me love you ~ The way I know - ~ Without certainty

2012-02-20 04:46:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ This sand in my shoes ~ These waves in my ears

2012-02-20 04:45:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ It's not the same without you ~ And it's probably not ~ The same with you
2012-02-20 04:42:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is beauty in silence. Had I designed the tongue, it'd go numb every 45 min for 2 hrs. God! Seriously, please design better next time..
2012-02-20 01:51:19 (EST)

356 / 4823

_eroteme_ When all is burned ~ The swirling ~ Memories of smoke

2012-02-20 01:45:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ I often scrub ~ My soul's mirror ~ With poetry

2012-02-20 00:45:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Amidst these ~ Mighty ancient pillars ~ I know not how ~ To hold my head high
2012-02-20 00:35:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @HalDockins Glad you enjoyed it.. :-)

2012-02-19 08:22:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ On this road ~ No matter, up or down ~ There are mirages

2012-02-19 08:18:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Under the waterfall ~ The silence ~ Of wet pebbles

2012-02-19 07:55:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nightingale ~ Lip synching ~ The wind

2012-02-19 07:18:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool the facade / is all. [How we learn ~ To quench our thirst ~ At a mirage]
2012-02-18 09:03:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ It takes ~ A moonless night ~ Murmured chants of his name ~ The smell of a candle spent & ~ A wet tongue ~ To give life to my ~ Lone tattoo
2012-02-18 08:53:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ White crane in the lake ~ One eye on the fish ~ Another on me
2012-02-18 08:27:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @marousia And possum was at the hairdresser? :-o

2012-02-18 01:20:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her cadenced sigh ~ Taught mountain streams ~ The lust ~ Of raw texture @purplepoetry77
2012-02-18 00:07:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Intoxicate ~ My shudder ~ With your baritone

2012-02-18 00:03:41 (EST)

357 / 4823

_eroteme_ Her trembles held ~ Taught melt ~ To patient ~ Glaciers @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-18 00:00:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @snowtalker Glad you found it so. It is a delight to wordplay with Ms. @purplepoetry77 :-)
2012-02-17 23:58:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ The way he'd pause ~ To notice ~ My undone button

2012-02-17 23:37:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her furbelowed laugh ~ Taught meadows ~ To dance ~ With the dew's fall @purplepoetry77
2012-02-17 23:21:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if her moans ~ Were but translations ~ Of my name

2012-02-17 23:07:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her dulcet glances ~ Taught the sun ~ To paint ~ Shades @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-17 23:05:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @marousia Possum is?

2012-02-17 22:47:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her welling tears ~ Taught this earth ~ To pearl ~ Seabeds @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-17 22:42:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her lissome sway ~ Taught rope-bridges ~ To translate ~ Winds @purplepoetry77

2012-02-17 22:20:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The hand ~ On the small of my back ~ Heralding ~ Unfinished proximities

2012-02-17 22:05:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her fanning lashes ~ Taught the winds ~ To articulate ~ Gasps @purplepoetry77
2012-02-17 22:02:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her ornate dance ~ Taught the earth ~ To hide gems ~ In her
358 / 4823

2012-02-17 21:26:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mellow dance ~ Where alabaster toes stroked ~ The earth's blush
2012-02-17 20:43:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stars sighing ~ In C Minor

2012-02-17 20:29:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is something therapeutic about opening windows, slowly with a chant...
2012-02-17 20:15:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if ~ Some stained glass windows ~ Understood me

2012-02-17 20:13:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ How do they know ~ When I wake up ~ These thoughts

2012-02-17 20:10:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Don't ask me ~ About my dreams. ~ Some have you ~ In them

2012-02-17 12:58:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ From behind me ~ The moon ~ Peeks at your ~ Satiated sleep

2012-02-17 12:54:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ A word ~ For a touch

2012-02-17 12:51:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ To pillage ~ Without ~ Guilt

2012-02-17 12:47:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ To lust ~ Without ~ warmth

2012-02-17 12:46:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ To yearn ~ Without ~ Memories

2012-02-17 12:46:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Without ~ Consequences

2012-02-17 12:46:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ These ants ~ Hauling a leaf ~ As I, my notebook

2012-02-17 12:45:07 (EST)

359 / 4823

_eroteme_ Thoughts of you ~ I roll into dew

2012-02-17 12:43:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile cummings?

2012-02-17 12:39:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ The secret wine ~ Of her dark lips

2012-02-17 12:38:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your finger ~ Smoothening the corrugated skin ~ Beneath straps & bands
2012-02-17 12:33:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin :-) Glad you do...

2012-02-17 12:14:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perfect words ~ Birth ~ Perfect moments @ZinniaTung

2012-02-17 10:07:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ That winter ~ When you & I ~ Made love dragging each other through the snowed meadows ~ They thought ~ Spring was early
2012-02-17 10:05:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Across the room ~ You watch my fingers ~ On the wine glass ~ Romancing you
2012-02-17 10:00:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @buddhall Glad you like the words here... :-)

2012-02-17 09:57:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress could I ever forget her or K? ;-)

2012-02-17 09:53:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ My lips cloud ~ Your parched ~ Throb

2012-02-17 09:52:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil I am? I mean, yeah sure, of course! ;-)

2012-02-17 09:50:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'm the raindrop ~ Cascading in ~ Parched throats @ inVinceWil

2012-02-17 09:43:40 (EST)

360 / 4823

_eroteme_ The asexual mirrors ~ Of poetry... RT @ purplepoetry77 words need no gender to touch #sixwords
2012-02-17 09:34:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let float my breath ~ On the purple waters ~ Of what could be @purplepoetry77
2012-02-17 09:32:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glad you like the words in here, kind sir. :-) @ jmbhatt
2012-02-17 09:28:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your breath ~ Drawing in my light ~ Exhaling my dark ~ The diurnal heartbeat
2012-02-17 06:57:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unfurl your soul ~ With the fervour of opening ~ Infinite windows at once
2012-02-17 06:37:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gothic eyes ~ As if they let ~ My words trickle out

2012-02-17 06:02:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress Who's x? And why should s/he bless me?

2012-02-17 05:59:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Can't believe you are that old to have been around when those days dawned... ;-)
2012-02-17 05:31:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Seek blossomed bosoms ~ Or burrows bleak, ~ Either way, this world's, ~ Lure does grow weak [hat tip to the sultry @Jaelvarma]
2012-02-16 20:14:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The years of the soul ~ Follow not the same calendar ~ As the years of the skin
2012-02-16 11:59:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Believe that your ~ Heart can fill your body ~ And you shall be ~ Love
2012-02-16 11:56:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'll share my dreams with you ~ If you'll sleep ~ When I close my eyes
361 / 4823

2012-02-16 11:52:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ If my breath ~ Would paint ~ I envy the richness ~ Of evenings spent waiting ~ For you
2012-02-16 11:36:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @RareSwanPress Ask the dark why you are the dark of me
2012-02-16 11:33:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ The wet your tongue ~ Shall lose from my ankle to throb ~ I shall replenish
2012-02-16 11:28:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Piecing together ~ Drops on my window ~ Into yesterday's cloud

2012-02-16 11:26:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Seated pillion ~ His goodbyes

2012-02-16 11:07:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ The night's scalpel ~ Carving a heart out of ~ Smokeless sighs

2012-02-16 11:04:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ When the degree ~ Of deception ~ Defines good

2012-02-16 11:00:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @buddhall Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-16 10:01:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like a puzzle ~ With pieces, shifting shape with touch ~ This love ~ Across ages
2012-02-16 09:43:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Brilliant... :-) RT @purplepoetry77 if you need to ask for a sign ~ chances are ~ that's your sign
2012-02-15 22:50:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile The grandeur of love exotic, possession not easily had, the headiness of worship & the mystery of one not readily understood
2012-02-15 22:49:27 (EST)
362 / 4823

_eroteme_ Nightingale ~ Separated from his song ~ In the mist

2012-02-15 19:43:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Same here...

2012-02-15 09:28:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ This dried rose ~ Casts the same shadow ~ As its fragrant past
2012-02-15 09:18:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ Painting miniatures ~ Behind your knee

2012-02-15 08:15:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ On my bicycle ~ This snail ~ In a rush

2012-02-15 08:12:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The slide ~ Of feverish ~ Hesitations

2012-02-15 08:07:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come! ~ Let me take ~ Your fingers home

2012-02-15 08:00:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pressed against the glass ~ Of my mind ~ Her staccato breath

2012-02-15 07:57:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love comes to naught ~ If not for the ~ Chance to create

2012-02-15 07:49:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trees combing ~ Sunshine

2012-02-15 07:45:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Water ~ Air ~ Love of those who helplessly care ~ All that is in abundance ~ We readily ignore
2012-02-15 07:21:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unicorn-hair brush ~ Painting tunes of you ~ Around the curves ~ Of my past @purplepoetry77
2012-02-15 03:34:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ These palms are all I have ~ To shelter you ~ To reveal you ~ To create you ~ To warm you ~ With sighs cupped @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-14 20:05:33 (EST)

363 / 4823

_eroteme_ The colours of you ~ I blend with my tongue ~ Sunset sky of your skin
2012-02-14 20:02:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let my hands ~ O'er your landscape ~ Dance a journey @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-14 19:56:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool And more than mere rigour in deliberation over the words, your responses, your insight, your counterpoints... :-) priceless.
2012-02-14 19:50:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Your careful attention to the words here is humbling & gratitude follows effortlessly. You are indeed a blessing to many here! :-)
2012-02-14 19:48:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Slow dance ~ To the ascending flames ~ Of this night's black

2012-02-14 11:32:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this love ~ He poured into a thimble ~ And fed his cat
2012-02-14 10:21:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Concave ~ To my convex ~ As I hypnotise ~ Your diagonal

2012-02-14 10:20:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ He rolls his heart ~ Hoping to be lucky this time

2012-02-14 10:15:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Swallows ~ Making love ~ To the wind

2012-02-14 10:12:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cold winter nights ~ Riding the smoke ~ Of a lover's hearth

2012-02-14 10:09:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sometimes a woman wishes to be taken with raw animal passion. It takes a man to know when, & when not...
2012-02-14 10:06:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ His zen garden mind ~ Of pebbled words

2012-02-14 10:03:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lassoed by her hair ~ Branded by her glare

2012-02-14 10:01:56 (EST)

364 / 4823

_eroteme_ What have you to fear? ~ I only burn ~ And drown ~ And storm ~ And impale
2012-02-14 09:56:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ This wind brings me ~ Her heart's hum to my ears ~ And the salt of her tears
2012-02-14 09:47:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The heart loves he ~ Who knows I am his slave ~ But commands me not
2012-02-14 09:43:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ He doesn't write ~ Love letters. ~ He inks me

2012-02-14 09:39:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love dressed in etiquette ~ And love that undresses all

2012-02-14 09:38:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The river ~ That loved ~ Sky too much - ~ Laden clouds
2012-02-14 09:37:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ His love was strange ~ Where he wanted nothing

2012-02-14 09:36:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ His memories ~ Are but twigs I burn ~ To keep lost love warm
2012-02-14 09:29:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ She made his words ~ Feel naked ~ O'er the threshold
2012-02-14 09:24:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Festooning ~ Moments between ~ A smile & ~ The final sigh

2012-02-14 09:20:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Burnt hearts ~ Know the need ~ For night

2012-02-14 07:37:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Actually I pray the canyons are spared of such excursions! :-D
2012-02-13 23:42:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Through these canyons ~ Red earth ~ Red sky ~ Every day ~ A valentine
365 / 4823

2012-02-13 23:04:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The waves ~ Tempting me to grip them ~ Tug at them ~ Pull my captain closer
2012-02-13 20:52:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glad you found it so, dear Jenn :-) @JennWhetton: @_eroteme_ Absolutely stunning!!!! the very definition of rich..brava
2012-02-13 20:20:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oh! Today is the love day! Let me bring out my red-white striped socks & pointed hat!
2012-02-13 20:18:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ No measure of hindsight ~ Can furnish fresh ones ~ Before their time
2012-02-13 20:17:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ In this mind ~ Such loves birthed ~ Providence shuddered

2012-02-13 20:14:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soak my words ~ In the oils of your soul ~ Thus poetry paints ~ The canvas of breath
2012-02-13 20:05:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her threnodies ~ By the bay-window ~ Lighthouse ~ To broken hearts

2012-02-13 19:53:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ His hands ~ Tracing my crescents. ~ Sparks stars

2012-02-13 19:49:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ I think my only true friend, lover, confidant & treasured company in vacuous hours & nights where I needed someone, has been my dictionary!
2012-02-13 11:56:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Errrr... that too! :-|

2012-02-13 11:50:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Propinquity ~ Of his desire ~ To all things ~ Held in sashes

2012-02-13 11:47:10 (EST)

366 / 4823

_eroteme_ To wade through ~ The infinities ~ Of piacular caresses [piacular: adj. sinful or wicked]
2012-02-13 11:40:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone: As if unique had brushstroke of the ordinary with wings.

2012-02-13 11:37:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shy dreams ~ Insisting I ~ Close eyes

2012-02-13 11:35:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Seeing you today ~ With the eyes ~ Of tomorrow

2012-02-13 09:58:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hold me with your feet ~ Walk distances of ecstasy

2012-02-13 06:13:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ What I thought were freckles, ~ Were cake crumbs. ~ Glad I licked to find.
2012-02-13 06:04:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ My palm, battered, ~ After calming so many storms. ~ Now even a wave of goodbye, ~ Unleashes a mad wind.
2012-02-13 06:01:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ In death I learnt ~ That it was never you I'll miss ~ But the opportunity to love you ~ In ways that'd make you smile.
2012-02-13 05:59:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Measure love in yards of distance removed between.

2012-02-13 05:57:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pauses between your words, and all I imagine in them.
2012-02-13 05:55:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ The suicide of porcelain love offered to a cudgeled mind.

2012-02-13 05:55:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blindness versus blindedness

2012-02-13 05:54:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Silence ~ Masquerading ~ In words.

2012-02-13 05:53:54 (EST)

367 / 4823

_eroteme_ Come cruel Autumn ~ All tree obey and shed - Even ~ That which bore just one leaf.
2012-02-13 05:48:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Slippers swapped in the ~ Dark - Suddenly, my feet have ~ Forgotten to walk.
2012-02-13 05:45:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ That leaf which didn't ~ Fall in Autumn, would it still ~ Carry Summer's dew?
2012-02-13 05:44:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sad eyes ~ That shed ~ Words

2012-02-12 22:29:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the press ~ Of thumbs ~ Brings out the ~ Shapes in her
2012-02-12 22:28:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ I was born ~ With palms, curled ~ To the shape ~ Of yours

2012-02-12 22:27:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ I left her words ~ All over the floor; ~ Walking bare feet...
2012-02-12 22:23:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ The cornucopia ~ Of a rag-picker

2012-02-12 22:19:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool who knows a river's sorrow / who sees the water's tears?
2012-02-12 22:12:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ She had left ~ Potted words ~ On his window sill

2012-02-12 22:10:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Well said... RT @ Zen_Moments: The successful teacher is a senior student anxious to help his juniors. ~ William Osler
2012-02-12 16:01:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Raindrop ~ Hopping amongst leaves ~ Till lost in a ~ Child's mouth

2012-02-12 11:57:04 (EST)

368 / 4823

_eroteme_ So sad the ~ Shakuhachi even Ishikari-gawa ~ Swells with tears [Ishikari river:]
2012-02-12 11:27:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ A gust of memories ~ Shattered my jar of life ~ Lo! Behold my coruscant fragments [hat tip to @dgdreamin]
2012-02-12 11:09:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: lakes wait / rivers reach / oceans pray; water is a trilogy [The resignation of lakes vs the fervour of rivers]
2012-02-12 11:05:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Caleea Do I get to choose? Well, then I am funny & you girls are pretty! @purplepoetry77
2012-02-12 11:03:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'd travel to Mt. Hiuchi ~ If only I wouldn't miss ~ My window's creak [Mt. Hiuchi:]
2012-02-12 10:59:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nightingale ~ Who told you to sing Spring-songs ~ A day earlier?

2012-02-12 10:52:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse What isn't? :-o

2012-02-12 10:30:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool You wish it & it was delivered... :-)

2012-02-12 10:30:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 22.576 Kgs of dark chocolate is... But varies from solstice to solstice... :-)
2012-02-12 10:26:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perhaps if I stayed ~ Long - this winter sea might find ~ The right ebb of words?
2012-02-12 10:25:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Clicking on it might help...

2012-02-12 10:21:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ How Winter ~ Moulds the sharp ~ Of fir trees [hat tip to the background image here:]
369 / 4823

2012-02-12 10:18:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse What is? :-o

2012-02-12 10:14:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool A code error which manifests as a math error. Cache refresh issues, methinks. :-)
2012-02-12 10:13:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Are you a Google employee? ;-p Sorry, no excuses acceptable. Such a math error is unacceptable! :-D
2012-02-12 10:04:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ The joys of gathering proof! Here's Google's Math Expertise:
2012-02-12 09:49:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rainbow ~ Of her grief ~ When tears shed

2012-02-12 09:24:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry They've organised it according to what seemed sensible to someone in But I'm sure you'll find your way around :-)
2012-02-12 08:11:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nostalgia ~ Of barren oaks

2012-02-12 08:07:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Well, it is also the one stuck in my throat for decades now... ;-)
2012-02-12 07:06:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Ooops! Porn? :-o Nope. Never intended. You hoped it would be something sexy so again... a failed attempt at a joke. :-(
2012-02-12 07:05:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Hmmm. Which faith do you belong to? I want to join in there if that's the kind of penance prescribed!! ;-)
2012-02-12 06:54:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse It means holding one's lavender lingerie between the teeth... and if everyone's watching, it means clearing of guilt or blame! :-D
2012-02-12 06:48:46 (EST)
370 / 4823

_eroteme_ Where were you ~ When I set afire ~ Your mask?

2012-02-12 06:45:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Those days, when the soul of an elephant in musth takes a grip of one, urging one to pillage minds & raid the darkest depths of nothingness
2012-02-12 06:43:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ride the ink ~ Of a pen ~ Untethered

2012-02-12 06:39:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I am gone ~ You'll know ~ Each line you read ~ Was a clue to who I am ~ In death
2012-02-12 06:36:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Your's would be a story of love tasseled to the winds & a generosity that lends calm to the lakes... Tape your life, not death!
2012-02-12 06:31:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Immortal fragrance ~ Of your goodbye ~ Raised in the petrichor ~ Of my dreams [Petrichor: n. smell of the earth tickled pink by rain]
2012-02-12 06:29:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Exculpatory ~ Sojourns ~ Under a tree...

2012-02-12 06:13:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am ~ The flap of Destiny ~ The cry of hours past your Death ~ The shudder of Doom ~ Yet the smile of ~ The Docile and ~ The Destitute
2012-02-12 06:12:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @buddhall I have no clue why, but your response made me smile... :-)
2012-02-12 06:08:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the dark ~ Tears the flames ~ To shreds

2012-02-12 06:03:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Satyr ~ Sip AT Your Risk

2012-02-12 06:00:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love makes ~ A magician ~ Of this tongue

2012-02-12 05:58:23 (EST)
371 / 4823

_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @Zen_Moments: Zazen is the self being itself by itself'. ~ Kodo Sawaki Roshi
2012-02-12 05:56:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ I recall ~ Once she was ~ This color ~ Of dreams

2012-02-12 05:54:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ And in a split-second ~ Hands held ~ Kisses devoured ~ Hugs entwined in sighs ~ Sails hoisted ~ Scars healed ~ And then the hush ~ Of night
2012-02-12 05:37:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ I just realised, I have some of the most beautiful women on this timeline... :-o Wow! Ok... Done dropping jaw...
2012-02-12 03:58:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ In every burled breath ~ There is a little you ~ There is a little void
2012-02-12 03:53:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ The kind heart asked ~ If I was well. ~ They tell me ~ It is Spring somewhere [yes, this is for you]
2012-02-12 03:48:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ If rain be ~ Blades of truth ~ I shall levitate

2012-02-12 03:46:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ To commit propriety to flames ~ Drink the smoky shriek ~ And dance to the tune of night
2012-02-12 03:45:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cloaked in your shadow's burn ~ I walk this night ~ Of forgotten decadence
2012-02-12 03:37:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ I don't know ~ Where to go ~ Every wall bleeds roads ~ Every road spills rivers ~ Every river choked with boats ~ But in no boat, you
2012-02-12 02:59:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where the green ~ Of meadows ~ Rests the winter

2012-02-12 01:43:45 (EST)

372 / 4823

_eroteme_ When sun-rays ~ Walked a ~ Ruin's length

2012-02-12 00:35:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trap me ~ In your fumble ~ For I can only be ~ Baited by incongruence

2012-02-12 00:33:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Well, it is "on every grain of rice is written the name of who shall eat it".
2012-02-12 00:32:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: words are; like love, the teacher the parent our child & our meanings' mannequin [Words are. Metaphors are birthed in silence]
2012-02-12 00:30:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oh god! I Gouda love cheese...

2012-02-12 00:27:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: fire flowers / delight flames. [The hiss ~ Of their fall ~ Into the river]
2012-02-12 00:24:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Caleea Aah! Ok. Neither do I... :-)

2012-02-12 00:21:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile It would if we lived life without going beyond assurances! But we act on it & reality kicks in & then...
2012-02-12 00:19:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Caleea Which problem? Of undergoing chemical reactions?

2012-02-12 00:16:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ At the end of the day, do we ever really change? What brings about change? What leads to transformation? Isn't love, then, transformation!?
2012-02-12 00:16:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ But when that one guy/girl DMs telling me how sexy I look (which is what the other guy/girl said too) I melt & other chemical reactions...
2012-02-12 00:14:21 (EST)

373 / 4823

_eroteme_ So I put up a sexy picture of myself & all the men DM me fawning over the pic. I call them desperate & kick them with my toenail.
2012-02-12 00:12:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you are a man & I, a woman, I might toy with the idea of your attention. If I am a man & so are you, why would I care?
2012-02-12 00:11:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Try caring or being involved in the day to day business of another. Try caring for someone ill or helping someone & watch yourself shunned!
2012-02-12 00:10:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ All grand talk suggests loving everyone & accepting all love, but each one of us will turn our nose on someone "so eager" to love us...
2012-02-12 00:09:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ How time ~ Ushers us ~ Into the chamber of night

2012-02-11 23:58:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Worship that which helps you recognise the sacred & not merely the sacred, for it is that eye which will help you see God
2012-02-11 23:56:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ We want to be loved by whom we pick. Every other love coming your way need not be reciprocated. Such is the way of the needy heart...
2012-02-11 23:54:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ She is my favourite ~ Praline prayer

2012-02-11 20:23:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sigh of ~ The chair cushion ~ As you cross legs ~ I find a soulmate
2012-02-11 20:21:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ My hesitation ~ Icicles on my limbs ~ Melting in the sun ~ Of his "Yes?"

2012-02-11 20:19:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Now you know ~ It isn't rumour - ~ Sip me ~ At your risk

2012-02-11 20:17:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ I watched her eyes ~ Watch mine, unperturbed ~ As she

374 / 4823

2012-02-11 20:13:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ He, my favourite belly-dancer ~ I joked ~ He laughed ~ There!

2012-02-11 20:12:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My ear ~ To the wooden boards ~ Where people once danced ~ Grains of mirth
2012-02-11 20:10:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Time ~ And conception of "right time" ~ Rarely in the same garland
2012-02-11 20:07:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pleasure of walking down the aisle of an old bookstore, forefinger running along spines, reading aloud titles & nodding in approval...
2012-02-11 20:05:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ She was ~ His aftershave

2012-02-11 20:01:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ I study your mind ~ To know the contours ~ Of your bed

2012-02-11 19:58:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Kingfisher without ~ Fish within ~ And the script of a lake

2012-02-11 19:49:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ For art is ~ Paving avenues ~ To re-discover ~ Metaphors

2012-02-11 19:48:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the fire of love ~ Sighs blow ~ Thin glass hearts

2012-02-11 19:45:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: his chest / a canvas / she paints tulips / with the tip of / her tongue [Her lips ~ The grain ~ For his landscape]
2012-02-11 19:32:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KiranKhalap Hence, I chose the word resolving vs solving. I hope I have explained my concern. BTW, isn't it "An Einstein" ;-p
2012-02-11 06:24:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KiranKhalap The mind having found the solution is still unable to resolve conflict. The division between mind & being perhaps causes it!
375 / 4823

2012-02-11 06:22:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KiranKhalap Dear Sir, thanks for the quote but the twist here is that the mind has solved the problem! It is not a case of inability...
2012-02-11 06:21:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Aah! So you aren't still cross with me?

2012-02-11 04:10:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Perhaps, but all the convincing and education a mind might receive comes to nought in innately transforming the entire being...
2012-02-11 03:53:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Why is the mind sufficient to create conflict but insufficient in resolving it!?
2012-02-11 03:37:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Inventing ways ~ To interlock thus ~ Allowing but a thread of breeze ~ Between our navels
2012-02-11 03:29:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Glad to have been of any help... :-)

2012-02-11 02:17:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dark night ~ Why trace ~ The moon's footsteps?

2012-02-10 12:23:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The archive of night sky where all memories meet. [The cinerary of ~ Smouldering past ~ And echos undone]
2012-02-10 12:20:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let me show you ~ How you wish to be ~ Owned

2012-02-10 12:11:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ In what is left ~ The weave of whispers ~ Thread me to your want ~ Do you hear the echoes ~ Of a butterfly's dream? @purplepoetry77
2012-02-10 12:07:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is love ~ And there is my immobile being ~ Tearing through buildings & traffic ~ To be with you
2012-02-10 11:51:20 (EST)

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_eroteme_ This window & I ~ Carve longing ~ From fragrant breeze

2012-02-10 11:33:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pilgrimage ~ Of kisses ~ Up her knee

2012-02-10 11:28:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Across geographies of hearts ~ Your love ~ Translates to pain

2012-02-10 11:25:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Offer me your heart ~ And I shall give you flames ~ Why expect like for like ~ In love?
2012-02-10 11:22:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ He undresses me ~ Marking, where ~ My straps hadn't

2012-02-10 11:11:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Water buffalo ~ Imagining how it would be ~ To hop on a branch & chirp
2012-02-10 11:06:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ This still lake ~ For all who wish to ~ Walk amongst clouds
2012-02-10 11:02:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Lacey smoke

2012-02-10 10:58:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her soul ~ Was the cavern ~ For his tremble's ~ Echo
2012-02-10 10:46:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Imagining your eyes ~ When you see me ~ Dressed in shattered dreams
2012-02-10 10:34:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Truth knows not ~ To drip

2012-02-10 10:30:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Brocade dreams ~ Shining in my ~ Oystered whims ~ Do you hear the sizzle ~ Of unkept promises? @purplepoetry77
2012-02-10 10:28:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dulcimer hues ~ The swirl of forgotten ~ Whispers... @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-10 08:57:30 (EST)

377 / 4823

_eroteme_ In your moan's nocturne ~ Let's dance a moon's arc @ purplepoetry77

2012-02-10 08:16:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her thoughts ~ Glowing in my shadows bend @purplepoetry77

2012-02-10 06:28:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton My utmost pleasure, and as @purplepoetry77 says, your words do stun. :-)
2012-02-10 05:29:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her legs ~ Stockinged in my kisses

2012-02-10 03:18:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish they made it a crime to use the wrong word/phrase to express something. Way too much damage done by the lazy...
2012-02-09 23:06:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ The little cardboard earrings ~ I made her when we were 7 ~ As if loving was an excuse for creating
2012-02-09 22:17:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Poets are voyeurs ~ Watching your eyes ~ Through the window ~ Of their words
2012-02-09 22:13:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Why would you not kiss ~ It is such a lovely moon tonight
2012-02-09 22:11:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bathe me in pauses ~ Where metaphors sullied

2012-02-09 22:06:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ In me contained ~ All the ages I'll be, ~ Yet, clueless am I

2012-02-09 22:01:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher: Longing to share both earth and sky, the way trees do. [Longing to ply ~ Between Earth & sky ~ Like moonbeams do]
2012-02-09 20:37:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words of love ~ Left on the park-bench ~ But are they for me?
2012-02-09 20:34:11 (EST)

378 / 4823

_eroteme_ Such a long time ~ Since I kissed ~ A memory

2012-02-09 11:57:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ The scared ~ Never became ~ Sexy

2012-02-09 11:55:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come wet ~ The dig of ~ My shoulder straps

2012-02-09 11:54:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sing me a song ~ Of dreams forgotten

2012-02-09 11:50:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BurgerrB I am aware of who she is though have never heard if her cat...
2012-02-09 11:48:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BurgerrB No offence taken! Just asked because I had no clue... :-)
2012-02-09 11:45:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tale ~ Of two fingers & ~ A sigh

2012-02-09 11:38:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Don't underestimate ~ Your mind ~ By bringing ropes along

2012-02-09 11:35:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @BurgerrB Errr... Who's Taslima?

2012-02-09 11:33:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Art of listening ~ I learn from my cat ~ Eyes half-shut

2012-02-09 11:29:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Another moon ~ Rides down the window ~ On a fresh raindrop

2012-02-09 11:24:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Valentines day ~ My granny coos about ~ Her favourite pickle jar
2012-02-09 11:16:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be the aroma ~ Of cinnamon coffee ~ He draws in ~ In a breath

2012-02-09 11:13:39 (EST)

379 / 4823

_eroteme_ The mosaic ~ Of things ~ That remind me ~ Of her

2012-02-09 11:11:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Heidi_Ayala overcast sky holds my melancholy :: neither one of us ready to shed tears [The tremble ~ Of rain ~ In her dark pools]
2012-02-09 10:59:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Little girls ~ Scratching their ankles ~ Talking about ~ When they'll be "big"
2012-02-09 09:29:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Wait a min. Lemme get into my yellow and black suit... There! Buzzzzzz
2012-02-09 09:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Not the leaves ~ Not the lines ~ Not the preface or colophon ~ But one-third from below ~ Where you'd thumb
2012-02-09 09:16:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Hola! :-)

2012-02-09 09:14:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry: all her words ~ he offers the insides ~ of his lines ~ palms ~ open wide [All his sentences ~ Braided ~ Eyes trembling]
2012-02-09 09:12:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Compass of clouds ~ Always pointing ~ Away

2012-02-09 09:01:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love like the moon ~ Available in whole ~ To all who sigh
2012-02-09 08:52:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where ~ Shadows ~ Undress form

2012-02-09 08:50:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Summer ~ No match ~ For my memory ~ Of snowflakes

2012-02-09 08:42:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pale lotus ~ Would you rather prefer ~ Falling from trees?
2012-02-09 08:36:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik hahahahaha :-D I knew it would catch your eye! ;p

380 / 4823

2012-02-09 08:21:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) Wish I could... @JennWhetton: massage away~ the stress~ daily duties beg #3lines
2012-02-08 10:33:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bathe you must ~ After drawing out ~ The pain & fatigue ~ Of another being #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:56:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Summon all elements ~ Lift your soul ~ And fill your hands ~ As you lower them ~ On the trust that lies ~ Spread-eagle below # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:55:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Thus end the ~ Sutras of physical massage ~ Know this ~ That only a body prostrate ~ Can teach you Truth # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:53:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Know this ~ Where nerve braid ~ And bones gently couple ~ Finger trips themselves ~ Are a crowd # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:51:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Know this ~ Where skin sheaths bone ~ The crescent between ~ Thumb & index ~ Skims #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:50:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Know this ~ Where there is ~ More of flesh ~ The whole palm works #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:49:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ To snap knuckles ~ And toes is an art ~ Unworded ~ Delve not till the ways ~ Of sinews ~ Are understood #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:49:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Engage the head ~ Only when seated upright ~ Spread the fingers ~ Cover the scalp ~ Gently roll ~ As if to smooth undulations # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:47:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ The nape ~ Must approach with love ~ Send the pain not headward ~ Soothe & whisper with finger-tips ~ Pressing not too hard #
381 / 4823

2012-02-08 09:44:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Arms you'd stretch ~ With the shoulder socket gripped ~ Until tender, & limp ~ With joy #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:41:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is sheer love ~ To take the body of another ~ And paint your hands' ~ Good intentions ~ Into gullies of escape ~ For ennui # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:40:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The calf ~ Tender calf ~ Milk it ankle-ward ~ Hands curved, in tandem ~ Leave them to throb ~ While you roll the heel #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:39:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The thumbs do know ~ The lay of the feet ~ Listen to the scuttle of pain ~ And chase outward #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:38:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Roll gently ~ With the blade of the palm ~ Gathering sandcastles ~ From the thighs ~ To the back of the knee # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:37:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ From the spine ~ Fan out ~ Hold yourself above ~ And slide to the sides #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:35:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cup the shoulder blades ~ Lovingly as you'd cup to gather ~ Roll the heal of your palm ~ Let your fingers meet #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:34:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Weave the shoulders out ~ Like fashioning epaulettes ~ Gentle & firm ~ Braided with finger tips #artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:31:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Palms out ~ Like little wings ~ Moving up the spine ~ To let fly ~ Your pain # artOfMassage
2012-02-08 09:27:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Kneading of flesh ~ Under the needs of fingers

2012-02-08 08:33:22 (EST)

382 / 4823

_eroteme_ How every woman ~ Leaves a bit of her ~ On my massage-table mind

2012-02-08 08:29:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ The brooch to my summer dress ~ His love-bite

2012-02-08 07:31:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ All my thoughts ~ Come to roost ~ In my bathtub

2012-02-08 07:29:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The journey of his tongue ~ Along my spice trail

2012-02-08 07:25:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ My secrets ~ She dissolved in tears ~ Unshed

2012-02-08 07:20:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come now! ~ Trust me ~ To imagine you ~ In clothes

2012-02-08 07:17:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Driftwood hearts ~ And timid love

2012-02-08 07:15:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The calligraphy of ~ Prayer flags ~ On wind-scrolls

2012-02-08 07:12:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 I understand. :-( Definitely a model reader and her comments & attention to tweets were priceless...
2012-02-08 07:00:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dunno. She seems to be off twitter as her last tweet said. Perhaps @Paul_McGovern or @feltsensejunkie might know @ vonguyenphong22 @neernool
2012-02-07 20:26:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ She collected ~ Breaths held

2012-02-07 11:44:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beauty that slipped ~ Through God's mind

2012-02-07 11:44:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shudder of a petal ~ When the dew slips off

2012-02-07 11:39:53 (EST)

383 / 4823

_eroteme_ For the Nth time - My belly-button DOESN'T work!

2012-02-07 11:36:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Journeys conspiring ~ To take you where ~ The walk of roads won't
2012-02-07 11:34:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nectar of my depths ~ Sirens to your heights

2012-02-07 11:30:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Listen carefully ~ For Fate doesn't ~ Repeat itself

2012-02-07 11:28:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The wind playing ~ She loves me-loves me not ~ With the cherry-blossom tree
2012-02-07 11:25:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Traverse my distances ~ In tongue-lengths

2012-02-07 11:22:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like a raindrop ~ In outer space

2012-02-07 11:16:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ A gasp to journey a star's footprint ... @melancholundone: A whisper to know the moon's handwriting.
2012-02-07 10:07:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ The timbre of ~ Silence birthed ~ In satiation

2012-02-07 09:46:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ My child heart ~ Padded with adulthood ~ To fill the shell

2012-02-07 06:15:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ He caught & turned ~ My sighs ~ On the kaleidoscope ~ Of his tongue

2012-02-07 06:14:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wouldn't trade ~ Mint-flavoured sorrows ~ For plain ones

2012-02-06 11:23:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish @neernool didn't stop writing... :-(

2012-02-06 11:18:44 (EST)

384 / 4823

_eroteme_ We were all made ~ To sink, and when done, ~ Float

2012-02-06 10:00:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! Such vivid imagery!! The Masters convince me to rest my pen... @EdBremson: -- a gust of wind / whitens / the water birds # Buson
2012-02-06 09:51:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Little else do I aspire ~ Than to be the stone ~ In her anklet's bell
2012-02-06 09:46:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sunset drains ~ Me of colour. ~ How else could I perceive ~ Night?

2012-02-06 09:43:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ I seek ~ What sows ~ Tremors

2012-02-06 09:41:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ All that makes her ~ Breaks her ~ Quakes her ~ Aches her ~ Yet, makes her [hat tip to @ QueenOf_DeNile]
2012-02-06 09:38:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: she keeps her pleasant close / and she keeps her trying closer / all of it / makes her
2012-02-06 09:33:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nights, when I believed ~ That crickets wanted to be ~ Understood

2012-02-06 09:31:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lexicon of love ~ Is unique

2012-02-06 09:27:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the heart ~ Speaks the language ~ Of ruins

2012-02-06 09:24:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ This wood-fired heart ~ And your smoky ~ Ardour

2012-02-06 09:20:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ The darkness beyond ~ Promising me bridges ~ And neverending falls

2012-02-06 09:07:40 (EST)
385 / 4823

_eroteme_ The problem is not ~ That we are becoming animals ~ It is ~ That we aren't
2012-02-06 09:02:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I'd happily bequeath you all my abnormal!! :D

2012-02-06 09:00:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ My life passing ~ Like a background score ~ Ignored

2012-02-06 08:46:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RMHollett: All I want ~ Is normal // "The trouble with normal is it always gets worse" -- Bruce Cockburn Gosh! Even normal is endangered!
2012-02-06 08:41:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ All I want ~ Is normal

2012-02-06 08:34:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tender ~ Is the only way ~ I'll touch ~ What was ravaged
2012-02-05 13:15:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rivers of sun-rays ~ Flowing beyond the bamboo grove ~ Into the sea of day
2012-02-05 12:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ A shadow ~ Never lies

2012-02-05 12:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is in love ~ That a lover can be ~ Both there ~ And here, at once
2012-02-05 12:00:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even the firmest ~ Footprints on the shore ~ Are swallowed by waves
2012-02-05 11:36:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile :-(

2012-02-05 11:34:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some pain come & go ~ Some, wipe out all ~ Memory of painlessness
386 / 4823

2012-02-05 11:32:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ All that I could've been ~ Had I but ~ Dwelt in his eyes
2012-02-05 11:11:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if all rain ~ Falls to take ~ The myriad hues of life

2012-02-05 10:51:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Once I am granted wings ~ I needn't ask ~ For God

2012-02-05 10:49:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come ~ This fire can only be brighter ~ If you too ~ Throw yourself into it
2012-02-05 10:24:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nakedness ~ Is a virtue ~ Understood only ~ By the rivers

2012-02-05 10:11:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this ascent ~ To learn the joy ~ Of uninhibited descent

2012-02-05 10:08:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ It was never created; ~ Timid love

2012-02-05 09:45:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @JSAbsher: No one knows how sad I am to find / on any street the least display of mimes.
2012-02-05 09:05:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shadows of the sharp palms ~ Tickling my dog's ~ Tummy

2012-02-05 08:33:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Breadcrumbs ~ Of his whispered silences ~ Mapping the journey ~ Of my soul

2012-02-05 07:14:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Does anyone know what happened to @ManiasVoice !? :-(

2012-02-05 05:15:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Oh my god! Sorry. Not an iota of sarcasm! I stupidly thought I was being funny. No offense, please. :-|
2012-02-05 02:55:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bridges of silence ~ Pull shores together ~ What's left ~ To

387 / 4823


[hat tip to @syahidahz]

2012-02-04 22:36:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @syahidahz: And if the bridge~ was made of silence~ will you cross it~ to be with me
2012-02-04 22:36:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Given that I am the only on with access to this account, I would conclude, yes. :-)
2012-02-04 22:35:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your long hair ~ Tied to your ankles ~ With this bow ~ I shall hunt my passion
2012-02-04 22:34:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ For words ~ Are the pebbles I toss ~ Into this mighty river ~ Hoping some day ~ You'll use the bridge
2012-02-04 11:41:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ This undoing ~ And redoing - ~ Never the same

2012-02-04 11:35:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ God really needed to consult me before designing teeth! No! There is no need for nerve endings there! :-|
2012-02-04 11:33:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ How endings ~ Are tethered ~ To beginnings

2012-02-04 11:32:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @vonguyenphong22: Foggy road/ who whispers there?/ in the falling leaves. #haiku
2012-02-04 11:25:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Glad they are to your taste... :-)

2012-02-04 10:50:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ The mountain monk rarely spoke for in speech there is continual death. Nonetheless, he shared his 12 breaths today before going to sleep.
2012-02-04 05:23:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ 1. The Master said, before you utter a word realise that a fish doesn't need rescuing from the rapids
2012-02-04 05:23:31 (EST)
388 / 4823

_eroteme_ 2. The Master said, where there is fire there you'll find wood. Ensure the converse doesn't happen unless intended
2012-02-04 05:23:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ 3. The Master said, all that you see so clearly is invisible to one who is asleep on the other side of this mountain.
2012-02-04 05:23:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ 4. The Master said, know this that stuffing your belly is all there is to life but with what? That is why you must meditate
2012-02-04 05:23:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ 5. The Master said, pain is not what assails you, joy is not what exhilarates you. What goes with the flood never breaks.
2012-02-04 05:23:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ 6. The Master said, fresh water & a young girl's lap is refreshing until things rise above the nose. Keep your breath steady
2012-02-04 05:23:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ 7. The Master said, people will exalt love, benevolence & charity. Let the Water in the pot settle before you sip from it
2012-02-04 05:23:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ 8. The Master said, tie your laughter to the belly, tie your anger to the winds. Whatever cannot be tied was meant to be free
2012-02-04 05:23:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ 9. The Master said, people make much of words. If you stay silent, they'll make much of silence. Be what isn't much
2012-02-04 05:22:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ 10. The Master said, attach your tongue to your body. What does that mean, you ask? Look in the mirror, I say. Now open your mouth
2012-02-04 05:22:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ 11. The Master said, water a dead plant, burn the rivers, anchor the sun, tie ribbons to the chimney smoke & your mind will be full
2012-02-04 05:22:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ 12. The Master said, if you can learn & walk & wait there is very
389 / 4823

little else you need to carry on this journey

2012-02-04 05:22:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Perhaps they all came out running because there was no snow... No? And what were you trying? Trip the pachyderms? ;)
2012-02-04 04:42:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. ~ Hyman G. Rickover
2012-02-04 04:22:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Chuang Tzu
2012-02-04 04:21:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way. ~ Sophocles
2012-02-04 04:20:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @syahidahz: "To have a song so ordinary that no one knows how much story it carries."
2012-02-04 04:20:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: The cold penetrates deep; love penetrates deeper

2012-02-04 04:12:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Don't remember ever being that... :-)

2012-02-04 04:06:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wow!! RT @ QueenOf_DeNile point of no return / when the chandelier crashes / living inside of graves
2012-02-04 00:40:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ If such be your torture ~ Bind me forever ~ With the thorns of your mind
2012-02-04 00:37:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ It's in the pauses, she said ~ For breath ~ To roll your eyes on my tongue ~ To imagine veiled journeys atop ~ Magic carpets. ~ Those pauses
2012-02-04 00:35:09 (EST)
390 / 4823

_eroteme_ @aladreth Glad you find them to your taste. :-)

2012-02-03 04:25:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: time and love / mutually exclude each other; well.
2012-02-03 04:19:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The quest ~ And the lover ~ Blurring the divide ~ Of sin & sacred ~ Of you & me ~ Of you & he ~ That kind of love @purplepoetry77
2012-02-03 00:20:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ When soul sought ~ Passionate fiery hearts ~ But found a warm ~ Reflection instead ~ That kind of love @purplepoetry77
2012-02-02 22:27:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such be the flavour ~ Of souls wrapped in love ~ Warming from within ~ And without
2012-02-02 22:20:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The warmth & caress ~ Of sensual words, ~ Blazing in the hearth ~ On a cold winter night ~ That kind of love
2012-02-02 22:15:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The way touch ~ The knowing touch ~ Reassures the heart ~ Of intangibles
2012-02-02 22:13:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ A voice ~ So dulcet ~ Kept far from oceans ~ Lest they slumber ~ Into lakes
2012-02-02 20:16:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ A finger each ~ On sun & moon ~ Smudging dawn from the night
2012-02-02 19:37:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Anneal my tongue ~ With your fire ~ Lance me ~ Float me in the flames ~ But pick I will ~ From your kisses ~ My serenade @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-02 10:14:00 (EST)

391 / 4823

_eroteme_ @rammadu Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-02 10:07:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Would the lovely ladies following me stay just a li'l longer till I click on their AVI? Ceasing to exist so fast isn't good for young hearts
2012-02-02 10:04:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ The boat is of your mind ~ The ocean is of your mind ~ The journey, though, is of your soul
2012-02-02 09:43:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ To all who have chosen to follow this timeline (& not me, because you know not me) I hope there continue to be words which delight you
2012-02-02 09:29:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ To all whom I follow, I bow down :-) You have brought me closer to beauty & love, than any caress or kiss could have. Thank you... :-)
2012-02-02 09:28:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ So for all the RTs, favs & wordplay, I would like to hug each of you for sharing the delight in words.
2012-02-02 09:26:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ That said, I feel like hugging those who receive them as they land as much as I feel like hugging readers who enjoy words found elsewhere...
2012-02-02 09:24:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ But my children, they aren't. I don't recall ever claiming them as "my words". They are words. I, merely a bamboo conduit for their flow...
2012-02-02 09:22:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ If these were indeed something I produced woven from my flesh & blood, I'd perhaps thank you if you wished to kiss them.
2012-02-02 09:21:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hence, I find it inappropriate to thank anyone for enjoying words that would've landed anyhow (perhaps on another timeline or in a book)...
2012-02-02 09:19:52 (EST)

392 / 4823

_eroteme_ Suffer me while I explain. Words are the darkest creatures of a ray of sunshine. They'll find their way with or without a particular poet
2012-02-02 09:18:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have rarely thanked friends who have enjoyed the words here for the singular reason that these words aren't mine to effuse gratitude. :-)
2012-02-02 09:16:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your generous words leaves me without any... Glad you find the words here to your taste. :-) @purplepoetry77 @abitofmybrain
2012-02-02 09:14:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ I repeat I don't miss you ~ But why does my heart gasp ~ On the tunes of a distant flute?
2012-02-02 09:12:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fire my moist ~ These limbs your wood ~ But let me pick the creeper's climb ~ As we entwine @purplepoetry77
2012-02-02 08:52:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Will do, dear Ni. :-)

2012-02-02 06:00:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-02-02 03:05:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Breath suckers, you mean!? ;-p

2012-02-02 00:17:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: words / that make / you opulent / or impoverished / in a short breath [Words ~ That take ~ Your breath away]
2012-02-01 23:57:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stretch my resolve ~ To drum your lure ~ But let me pick the love-bite-dots ~ To connect with my tremble... @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-01 23:29:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bind my wrists in your secrets ~ Moaning to the clench ~ But I'll pick the lies ~ For the world about my ~ Purple bracelets @purplepoetry77
2012-02-01 22:52:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fold my smooth into you ~ Orchestrate the fluid of our move ~
393 / 4823

But let me pick where to summon ~ Sparks of rub & tongues @ purplepoetry77
2012-02-01 22:37:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @purplepoetry77 trim my edges with hunger ~ savor every drop of my rhyme ~ but let me refuse to deny ~ your blazing
2012-02-01 22:24:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Origami my whispers ~ Those wet sunshines ~ But let me choose from sighs ~ For a blanket @purplepoetry77
2012-02-01 22:17:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Draw my song ~ Into your oysterous mouth ~ But let me choose ~ The cadences @purplepoetry77
2012-02-01 21:57:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every night ~ A bridge to where ~ I don't wish to go

2012-02-01 21:52:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern The skies?

2012-02-01 21:44:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ All things sweet, nice & bare ~ But know this ~ With each breath, my son ~ To remember is to care
2012-02-01 21:43:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Night is when ~ Colours throw a cloak ~ On their revelry

2012-02-01 21:37:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shirt ~ And sock ~ And sassy lady @ZinniaTung

2012-02-01 21:29:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ I thought I knew him ~ Till I tasted the ~ Tears he left behind
2012-02-01 20:50:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ The solitary love ~ Of paper ~ Absorbing all I mean

2012-02-01 20:18:04 (EST)

394 / 4823

_eroteme_ His word-lanterns ~ Filling my unruled ~ Notebook of night

2012-02-01 20:17:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you love libraries, enjoy this: [and for @ dgdreamin for reasons she knows best :-) ]
2012-02-01 11:51:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Laughter ~ And leaves ~ Turning in the autumn wind

2012-02-01 11:42:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ If there could be one credo to live by... @ syahidahz: When the heart that doesn't know learns, it will know no boundaries.
2012-02-01 11:35:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch: nostalgia ~ only diet ~ my heart knows [Feed me time ~ Once stilled ~ Aflutter with your touch]
2012-02-01 10:46:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love affair ~ Of seas ~ And an island

2012-02-01 09:49:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some words ~ Dissolve in her tears ~ To a sparkling shade ~ Of purple

2012-02-01 09:42:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fireside ~ Her secrets ~ Ablaze

2012-02-01 09:39:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ She understood my need ~ To love her ~ Across a window sill

2012-02-01 09:37:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ I think we grow a bit when something falls - rain, snow, leaves... Summer is for shrinking
2012-02-01 09:36:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ How rain at the rim of my umbrella has time to talk unlike the shower beyond my sanctuary...
2012-02-01 09:24:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern Not to mention oil spills on his shoulders...

2012-02-01 09:21:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ How love makes ~ Outsiders of everyone

395 / 4823

2012-02-01 07:24:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be taken ~ Like the shadow of ~ A butterfly's dream

2012-02-01 07:22:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ The domino of words ~ Your memory, flicking ~ A finger

2012-02-01 07:19:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Holding the doorknob ~ Your warm grasp ~ Still lingers

2012-02-01 07:17:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be one ~ Who'd sow ~ Madness in ~ The lover's breast

2012-01-31 21:04:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ She loved yearning ~ More than ~ What she yearned for [hat tip to @ManiasVoice]
2012-01-31 21:02:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ManiasVoice: Your voice the music. Your hand the dance. [Your glance ~ The siren ~ Your breath ~ The beckon]
2012-01-31 20:55:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77: the moment i met him~i knew~the woman i wanted to be [He knew the secret ~ To speak to ~ The woman in me]
2012-01-31 20:47:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @perlygates: clouds, rivers, words; the absence of arms and lips [But tongues ~ Aah! such tongues]
2012-01-31 20:44:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @perlygates: it was always the poet and never the poem [The poem ~ Of "Hello" ~ The poet ~ In his touch]
2012-01-31 20:44:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @perlygates: my daily practice / the art / of living without [Eroding winds ~ Of life ~ Yet this stray leaf ~ Clings]
2012-01-31 20:43:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @kokeesachdeva A typo, the bane, of a poet [A typo ~ To where words ~ Lead the poet]
2012-01-31 20:30:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish to be ~ Clothed in your smile

396 / 4823

2012-01-31 12:18:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 Delightful word isn't it? Given I've more questions than answers it made most sense... :-)
2012-01-31 12:14:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Triped oe'r ~ A comma ~ Caught by an ~ Eroteme

2012-01-31 12:03:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil punctuation: matters [If only people attended to the matters of punctuation...]
2012-01-31 12:01:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ She soaks ~ Her lavender ~ As he likes her, purple

2012-01-31 11:47:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Chapter 2 of that tweet goes like this: To try to ~ Shut your account ~ And you don't understand ~ Love. Many ways to not get love
2012-01-31 11:40:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ He never trusted ~ The sea would protect ~ His island

2012-01-31 11:35:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ All my journeys ~ Begin at a ~ Dead end

2012-01-31 11:32:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ To try to ~ Understand love ~ Is not to

2012-01-31 11:27:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Chewing on ~ The marrow of your name ~ This canine heart

2012-01-31 11:20:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool okee will do.. ;-)

2012-01-31 11:01:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Curl into ~ The concave ~ Of my mind ~ Splash in my ~ Half empty

2012-01-31 10:40:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fold me ~ Into a paper boat ~ But let me pick ~ The sea to sail
2012-01-31 10:03:47 (EST)

397 / 4823

_eroteme_ Conversations ~ With a discarded ~ Paper cup

2012-01-31 09:52:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Split hearts are we ~ One that laps accolades ~ The other, shooing questions
2012-01-31 09:39:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words are but ~ The silken bell-chord ~ Enter the door ~ You must, in silence
2012-01-31 09:18:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Long staring ~ At the butterfly's skip ~ And a flower I become

2012-01-31 09:16:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Fire hydrants? ;-p

2012-01-31 09:13:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Echoes ~ Walking me home

2012-01-31 09:07:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie If there are puddles around, count me in! :-D

2012-01-31 09:00:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spin me ~ As you unfurl ~ The sash of ~ My never-ending mind

2012-01-31 08:56:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every night ~ A bit of me ~ Coils further

2012-01-31 07:51:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Be my Valentine ~ Or be real

2012-01-31 07:49:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @vonguyenphong22: Sinking the sun/ into the inflamed clouds/ on my cold finger. [Drawing blinds ~ Of rain ~ Pinning a cloud ~ Down]
2012-01-31 07:47:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie I wants now :-D

2012-01-31 07:19:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Throb of my lips ~ When he's done ~ Biting

2012-01-31 01:47:29 (EST)

398 / 4823

_eroteme_ Some scents ~ Waking me from my grave ~ A wick put out ~ Petrichor ~ Crush of herbs ~ The musk of when ~ You return to yourself ~ Spent
2012-01-31 00:11:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Whispering wet words ~ As you sleep ~ Changing the course ~ Of your dreams
2012-01-30 22:55:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the glow ~ Lingered on her face ~ Even after putting out ~ The sole candle
2012-01-30 20:29:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Discover all that ~ You can become ~ By the fireplace

2012-01-30 20:26:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Certain am I ~ Through each dark night ~ My dreams strive ~ To smelt what ~ No sunshine can ignite
2012-01-30 20:15:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sunlight that touched earth ~ Calling out to ~ Sunlight that stayed ~ With the leaves
2012-01-30 11:53:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glass glance ~ Lances my ~ Stance

2012-01-30 11:39:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ My name ~ On his tongue ~ An order

2012-01-30 11:23:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ When words suffice ~ Wounds ne'er surface

2012-01-30 09:33:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soot of my mind ~ Calligraphy of smoke

2012-01-30 09:19:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Thank you Beez. :-) Wishing you the same & more...
2012-01-30 09:11:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mighty tomes ~ Wise & leaning

2012-01-30 09:11:14 (EST)

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_eroteme_ The braille ~ Of snowflakes

2012-01-30 09:09:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ How Sundays never cross over to becoming Tuesdays...

2012-01-30 09:04:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Oh! Everything is up for inspiration! The strewn index cards o'er my desk, children screaming outside, beautiful pictures... :-)
2012-01-30 09:01:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch I was referring to your Autumny orange & black AVI... :-)
2012-01-30 08:58:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Ooops! I didn't realise it went out as a DM. TD keyboard shortcuts! :-)
2012-01-30 08:57:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry My pleasure... in reading your words & running down the alley, waving it like a snared ray of sunshine... :-)
2012-01-30 08:41:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ A flash of pink ~ I knew it was her ~ Falling from the tree ~ Sakura
2012-01-30 08:37:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry May the skies fall on s/he who dare attempt softening the cheer of the beez! :-)
2012-01-30 08:21:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her nape to me ~ All she had swallowed ~ My eyes do taste

2012-01-30 08:20:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Your words do make pinchable entities of sedate folks! ;-p
2012-01-30 08:16:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry: hurt ~ dusk ~ a seagulls cry [Unruffled ~ The horizon's ~ Breath]
2012-01-30 08:09:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The seduction of ~ Sakura & Tsukuyomi ~ In a geisha's glance

2012-01-30 08:02:28 (EST)
400 / 4823

_eroteme_ Exhaust me ~ Till I can't help ~ But love you

2012-01-30 07:48:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ It makes absolute sense for an elephant to call a pachyderm, an "elephant". What's with the "Look who's talking!"?
2012-01-30 07:47:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung If only that could be communicated to the car behind or to the lady at the check-in counter at the airport... ;-p
2012-01-30 03:07:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung they clearly didn't set a time limit for the activitywho parks best within 30 secs! That is a research I'd like to see.. ;-)
2012-01-29 19:22:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool errr... Whadya think? ;-)

2012-01-29 16:11:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soulgami ~ Art of unfolding

2012-01-29 16:07:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie You missed stating that the "looking" has to be done without a light! ;-)
2012-01-29 15:58:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll prayer-stained palms / as i whisper into cupped hands / in the dark [All that needs answering ~ Two spans wide]
2012-01-29 15:56:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates sunday phone calls to my dad / when the price of peaches/ was so little [All the things ~ He'd say ~ All things ~ He doesn't]
2012-01-29 15:51:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress Such a delight, studding this timeline with your gems... :-)
2012-01-29 15:43:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful RT @neernool shredded ribbons / fly with silhouette branches; to raise prayers / umbrellas harbingers / rhapsodies in rain, better
2012-01-29 15:42:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @RareSwanPress origami unfolding

401 / 4823

paperplay. soulfood telling tales in dishevelling; windswept folded into pages

2012-01-29 15:37:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates night train / how far must i travel / to reach the day [Night train ~ Connecting the dots above ~ To reveal the day]
2012-01-29 15:29:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ The wisdom ~ In seeking less ~ And relishing more

2012-01-29 12:02:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shock of trees ~ Caught in headlights

2012-01-29 11:55:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ To seduce ~ Is an oath ~ To reveal the chant of ~ Your heart

2012-01-29 11:41:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tessellated compulsions ~ Juxtapositioning of refrains

2012-01-29 09:56:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Actually that tweet was inspired by @marousia 's AVI & the recent discussion with @inVinceWil & @haikujaiku ... :-)
2012-01-29 08:57:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: laughter's name / poesy's gain / sunshine buttered / ideal's prince / code's king. ;)
2012-01-29 08:56:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Oh! Don't mention the cat part to your pigeons! :D
2012-01-29 08:47:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am ~ The night's envelope ~ The mist's pat ~ Fiction's scope ~ The purr of a cat
2012-01-29 08:45:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Still learning the chant of the purple kite... :-)
2012-01-29 08:39:13 (EST)
402 / 4823

_eroteme_ @dianewitch My purpose of life ~ To be fluent ~ In the language of kites

2012-01-29 08:09:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat Hear hear! I'd once said that those who don't follow for the words will un-follow for any other reason...
2012-01-29 08:01:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come ~ I'm what's forbidden ~ For your bidding

2012-01-29 07:57:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch If only one could re-assemble you from the words you emanate... Then you did capture the intent. For now it's just the words ;)
2012-01-29 07:55:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Lovely words blush better when shared... :-)

2012-01-29 07:50:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Oh! I shouldn't have?

2012-01-29 07:38:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ How ~ Even his heart ~ Lisped

2012-01-29 07:29:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Lucky you. Will they consider me too? I have an unaccented gurgle & coo. I can also tilt my head pointlessly...
2012-01-29 07:23:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sigh of a river ~ Moan of the sea

2012-01-29 07:20:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Conversations ~ With pigeons ~ Going round and round

2012-01-29 07:19:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her off-key ~ Footsteps ~ A bell amiss from ~ The anklet

2012-01-29 07:14:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dawn ~ Clearing his voice ~ Clap of birds ~ Aroused

2012-01-29 07:12:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some streets where conversations of the day echo through the
403 / 4823

night, under a lone streetlight.

2012-01-29 07:09:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch That soporific? :-o And you need to stand to keep yourself from sleeping!? ;-) Glad you feel that way... ;-p
2012-01-29 05:55:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ The whisper of ~ Coincidences

2012-01-29 03:55:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Amen... :-) RT @OliviaDresher: To care about words is a caring that can spread out in many directions.
2012-01-29 03:54:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch Missed this one due to mistyped handle... :-)

2012-01-29 03:50:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ An ode to ~ What flows down ~ Her shin and ~ My chin [hat tip to a pic uploaded by @dianewitch]
2012-01-29 03:36:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cross your legs ~ Dangle my heart ~ On your toes

2012-01-29 03:34:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Keeping me company ~ A kitchen tap's ~ Memory

2012-01-29 03:29:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ What're you wearing tonight? ~ Black again? ~ The Moon shrugged...
2012-01-29 01:01:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Snowflakes ~ As if myriad geese ~ Made shabby love

2012-01-29 00:30:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ The flower ~ In the temple ~ Singing fragrant tunes ~ To his twin ~ In the geisha's hair
2012-01-29 00:25:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Jealous ~ Of her smile ~ While she sleeps

2012-01-29 00:05:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ The church ~ That offered nothing ~ But God ~ Now in ruins
2012-01-28 23:57:17 (EST)

404 / 4823

_eroteme_ Love to the ~ Detriment of my eyes. ~ Nights when your passion ~ Doesn't keep me awake ~ Yearning for them does
2012-01-28 23:54:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ To those interested in the works of Ghalib (in 3 scripts, with transliteration+translation) coupled with architecture:
2012-01-28 23:40:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wish poetry ~ Was the breath ~ That wrote me

2012-01-28 23:02:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The fortnightly ~ Wink of the ~ Moon

2012-01-28 22:54:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Promise, I won't interrupt but ~ Shall we discuss ~ Your resolve ~ As my feet ~ Walk up yours?
2012-01-28 22:53:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Were always ~ Breadcrumbs to the heart

2012-01-28 22:47:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool An honour to read your words, dear Ni. Few are minds like yours... :-)
2012-01-28 22:33:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @JennWhetton Clearly, the pleasure was all mine... :-)

2012-01-28 22:32:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @JennWhetton Her style caught eyes~ none seeing the despair ~ under the lacy facade ~ but mine [Lacy hesitation ~ Behind a veiled breath]
2012-01-28 22:23:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @neernool a voice shapes / her nape's tilt; a gaze pulls in / a thread; moonlit.
2012-01-28 22:18:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice Where a man feeds, reveals his hunger. [The hunger of the soul ~ But nowhere to dine]
2012-01-28 21:22:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie Inhaled / a fabric / pressed with thought

405 / 4823

[The silken hemp ~ Of her musk]

2012-01-28 21:17:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Learn from the moon - ~ A heart reflected ~ Cannot be broken

2012-01-28 10:50:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Paper screen daisies ~ Now as shadows ~ On her sleeping form

2012-01-28 10:47:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The mountain ~ Covering the moon's rise ~ Till I change into nightwear
2012-01-28 10:41:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch You are indeed generous with compliments. :-) Glad you find the words here to your taste...
2012-01-28 09:47:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Glad you found it so, milady. :-)

2012-01-28 09:42:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Iridescent tunes ~ Biting, in vain, your ~ Lower lip @ purplepoetry77

2012-01-28 09:37:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Captured in the mirror ~ A pair of mirrors @ beezpoetry

2012-01-28 09:20:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry Sometimes all I want to see are your words on your stream, but you set me on a treasure hunt amidst your RTs.. ;-)
2012-01-28 09:10:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the abrade ~ Of the fit ~ An aria to our night @ purplepoetry77

2012-01-28 09:05:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish to build a library where you can issue a book at a nominal charge of an evening, telling me how much you loved it...
2012-01-28 09:00:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cut my satiate ~ I like to tremble ~ Your eager @ purplepoetry77

2012-01-28 08:54:59 (EST)

406 / 4823

_eroteme_ Swallow my moan ~ I like ripples ~ In your eyes @ purplepoetry77

2012-01-28 08:45:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ His mind ~ Where no eyes ~ Could go

2012-01-28 05:32:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ His fingers ~ Butterflying behind ~ Unhooking ~ My mind

2012-01-28 05:31:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes ~ Prelude to his fingers

2012-01-28 05:28:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern I know that I know that!! Phantom! *beaming* :-)

2012-01-28 05:22:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Likewise. I hope she's well... RT @ coyotedolphin #FF Missing her and holding her in good thoughts @Sahrazad528
2012-01-28 05:14:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ These knots ~ Now slippery

2012-01-28 03:10:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Butterfly on ~ My bicycle ~ Slowing me down

2012-01-28 00:40:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung But I thought a bazooka was long invented...

2012-01-28 00:35:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry: the song ~ of bees ~ lavender [Swirls of ~ Fading incense ~ Lilac fragrances]
2012-01-27 23:44:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stunning... :-) RT @beezpoetry: the loneliness ~ of sound ~ when there is no other #smallstones
2012-01-27 23:40:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is to resist ~ Assuming

2012-01-27 23:16:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @jaelvarma Glad you find the words here to your taste... :-) [hat tip to @BurgerrB]
407 / 4823

2012-01-27 20:56:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RMHollett Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-01-27 09:44:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Multi-syllabic quiver ~ Of tears contained ~ To the tune of your ~ Memory

2012-01-27 09:30:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where do they go, ~ Homeless winds, unheard tunes ~ Disowned shadows ~ Light from abandoned lamps ~ Oe'r streams lost in flumes?
2012-01-27 09:14:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bequeath me your blanket. ~ Trapped in there ~ Is that dream ~ You had once smiled off
2012-01-27 09:07:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit Glad you find it so... :-)

2012-01-27 08:53:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tread carefully oe'r ~ My eggshell dreams

2012-01-27 08:38:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil Same here, esp. some women in some bikinis ;-) But at the end, I'd think soul is what matters, form or none... No?
2012-01-27 08:23:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil equally disastrous is when a lazy mind rejects form and rhythm to parade fragmented wares as poetry...
2012-01-27 08:12:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ I train my dreams ~ To row a boat ~ Just wait, my love ~ We will meet soon
2012-01-27 08:06:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ My fair skin ~ I offer in exchange for the night's pitch ~ Now hide me in your passion
2012-01-27 07:58:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ My winter haiku ~ Still incomplete amidst ~ Curious blossoms [hat tip to @dgdreamin]
2012-01-27 07:12:26 (EST)
408 / 4823

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin sprinter?

2012-01-27 07:01:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Home is not where you live, it's where people understand you. ~ C. Morgenstern
2012-01-27 05:08:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Why canes? Touching fingertips can be so beautiful...

2012-01-27 04:43:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ This moonless night ~ Deserted by all ~ Even my shadow

2012-01-27 04:18:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the press ~ Of the dark ~ Makes of my desire ~ A moon

2012-01-27 04:04:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Alright, enough chatting. Down to work... Where're the dozen poems, huh?
2012-01-27 03:57:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Oh! Sorry! The angler looked like a guy & BF I thought stood for boyfriend (someone's hopefully). Sorry! :-D
2012-01-27 03:52:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ The only thing I abhor about technology is the speed it brings in.
2012-01-27 03:08:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse My pleasure, sir. :-)

2012-01-27 03:06:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ I know ~ This shall be his last torment ~ Thus, I console myself ~ Everytime
2012-01-27 02:00:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blessed... :-) RT @neernool: bathed by dawn / i am a lake.

2012-01-27 01:54:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Someday I will. For today, I am still confounded by my original puzzle: Why no conditional/un~ hate/envy/passion/etc. ?
2012-01-27 01:37:51 (EST)

409 / 4823

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile That's not what duck-typing is supposed to be! ;-) But I hope it is a pearl cockatiel... :-D
2012-01-27 01:33:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse And tiramisu... ;-p

2012-01-27 01:31:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik hahaha :-D Yes! But last night, I could've used a math geek for Fate.
2012-01-27 01:29:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse All dichotomies can be represented as a circle - all that is included defined by all that is exclude & conversely...
2012-01-27 01:24:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nail me ~ To your cross ~ And smiles too

2012-01-27 01:22:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse There seems to be something so absolute about hate, envy, ambition etc. that a dichotomy is incongruent there. Trying to understand
2012-01-27 01:21:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Perhaps. My concern is less about love-hate-envy as much as it is about why only the dichotomy for love & not the others...
2012-01-27 01:19:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like at a game of cards ~ We dropping, in tandem, ~ Our masks

2012-01-27 01:10:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Loving everything or hating everything? :-)

2012-01-27 01:07:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Words do both - aide & obstruct. :-) You don't think conditional & unconditional are opposites? Mutually exclusive?
2012-01-27 01:06:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Winds ~ Goad fledgling and ~ Origami-crane alike

2012-01-27 00:59:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse But we can love everything? That most of us don't should leave a tinge of hope that there are those who can hate everything... :-)
410 / 4823

2012-01-27 00:56:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Conditional & unconditional are... Love & hate aren't. They are actually deeply related... :-)
2012-01-27 00:54:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sigh... so true. Dreary be that world sans words... :-( RT @ OliviaDresher: A love of words is a love of love...and a love of connecting.
2012-01-27 00:50:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse A cleaving into two mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities... As when deciding where the toilet seat should rest...
2012-01-27 00:39:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Where the sun discriminates, ~ The moon colouring all ~ A silvery alike
2012-01-27 00:24:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ That day ~ When robins, falling leaves ~ Dew & desultory winds ~ Translated what ~ We never said [hat tip to @ OliviaDresher ]
2012-01-27 00:19:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Hold still... ~ The emptiness ~ Was meant to fill

2012-01-27 00:13:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your palms ~ That cloud my breast... ~ Now I know, dear Moon ~ Now I know
2012-01-27 00:10:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fear not my tales ~ They are but glimpses ~ Of worlds I ready for you
2012-01-27 00:08:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ My desire ~ Finer than the finest silk ~ Take it between your teeth ~ You'll know
2012-01-27 00:04:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Someone's profile read: "In order to teach a child you have to enter their view of the world!" I thought we were the ones learning from them
2012-01-26 23:58:16 (EST)

411 / 4823

_eroteme_ I seem to be in a chatty mood today... Wonder why! Maybe a sparrow pecked me while I dozed...
2012-01-26 23:55:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse If only love is, who creates the dichotomy therein? If it is X then that X can also create hate & envy. Why no dichotomy there?
2012-01-26 23:54:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ @1DaMuse Not sure I understand. We have love, hate, jealousy etc.. But the dichotomy of conditional/un~ is applied only to love. Why?
2012-01-26 23:52:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Hence, twitter! QED ;-p I think creators-forcreations-sake often dwell on the experiences of others as flow-starters...
2012-01-26 23:51:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Perhaps we represent two sides of creation creation as an echo of experience & creation because it can be created
2012-01-26 23:44:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Or perhaps just about the moon... :-) [Moon, changing ~ Behind palm-leaf ~ Screens]
2012-01-26 23:42:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @AsSheWalks: Lavender skies curl the edge of day ~ her slow sunset curtsy ~ greets the cimmerian shade [Twirls ~ Accelerate ~ Darkening]
2012-01-26 23:31:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Well, if I revealed all... ;-p

2012-01-26 23:28:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Heart, mind & the intangible imagination are vital to creating. I might well be able to imagine heartbreak without ever facing 1
2012-01-26 23:27:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Oh absolutely! Depth of understanding is always vital, but must that come only from having loved or lost? That's what puzzles me
2012-01-26 23:26:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Breads help absorb the oils of spicy food &
412 / 4823

olive oil helps dissolve them further... :-)

2012-01-26 23:23:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Which is fine. :-) Realness is not to be abhorred. But if reality is all that should be, how do I paint a beckoning crescent?
2012-01-26 23:08:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku ..then that would be stifling what the heart is capable of, don't you think? Poetry was always about indulging the heart, no?
2012-01-26 23:06:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku A poet's heart is sensitive, vulnerable. Hence, an inclination to love, hurt & sighs. If it merely responded to human-affections
2012-01-26 23:01:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku But impersonal needn't mean falsehood, right? While love lends the heart thrusts & tugs, surely a poet doesn't wait for them?
2012-01-26 22:57:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil Ability to capture timeless truth & previously indescribable beauty with the rhyme of soul & splendour unique to that language
2012-01-26 22:52:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ink of tears ~ Writings for those who ~ See with their heart [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2012-01-26 22:50:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 You are generous with compliments, dear Jennifer. Surely, you're aware that it is mutually felt & cherished... :-)
2012-01-26 22:45:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Or with bread drenched in olive oil... That helps too!
2012-01-26 22:35:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am continually amazed at the need to recognise conditional & unconditional love. Why isn't there un/~conditional hate or jealousy?
2012-01-26 22:33:51 (EST)

413 / 4823

_eroteme_ Lovely! :-) RT @OliviaDresher: To beautifully confess the most fragile things, and to have those things treated with curiosity and care.
2012-01-26 22:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool And millions of Hindus & Jews & the like. They just don't believe their eyes are unique. :-D
2012-01-26 22:27:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ So true! And nothing, absolutely nothing, is supposed to change that, esp. love. RT @OliviaDresher: Living is a lostness.
2012-01-26 22:19:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Religion ~ Like eyes ~ Is individual

2012-01-26 22:13:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher For that would need one to be willing to see citadels fall & rise unlike how it was created earlier...
2012-01-26 22:06:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool A pleasure and honour... :-)

2012-01-26 21:36:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I don't know how to fall out of love. What's wrong with me. [Why seek to do what your heart knows is untrue?]
2012-01-26 21:36:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Well, depends. If the poet weaves magic without revealing inner vicissitudes then all's fair. If platitudes creep in... :-(
2012-01-26 21:04:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @vonguyenphong22: Do you feel cold?/ my waning moon/ trembling in the well.
2012-01-26 13:05:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lovely... :-) RT @ crosescribe: wooden flute ~ culling the breeze ~ awakens ~ my evergreen heart [Reminds me of]
2012-01-26 13:01:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Word for a word ~ Heart for a heart ~ Mix if you wish ~ Heartless words .... @purplepoetry77
2012-01-26 12:58:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ I want to be the one ~ You're leaving her for ~ Every one...
414 / 4823

2012-01-26 12:52:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ 1 follower & 4 lists less, all my nos. (as of the previous tweet) would've been divisible by 7. If only Fate was mathematically inclined
2012-01-26 12:35:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Learn how to ~ Float flowers big & small ~ And you too shall ~ Be a river
2012-01-26 12:26:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rebellion of rivers - ~ Water sans wetness

2012-01-26 12:14:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mountains descending ~ To valleys ~ For the view

2012-01-26 12:05:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stitched together ~ By their will ~ Their individual loves

2012-01-26 11:59:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even the memory ~ Of water from a surahi ~ Pleasantly fragrant [Surahi: n. narrow necked earthern round pot]
2012-01-26 11:56:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ The relationship ~ Of photographs ~ Forced into an album

2012-01-26 11:52:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Striking together ~ Hardened hearts ~ Still no spark...

2012-01-26 11:47:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ At the epicentre of carefully ~ Assembled word-mirrors ~ She undresses ~ Her mind
2012-01-26 11:44:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stars blinking clues ~ To where ~ The new moon disappeared

2012-01-26 11:38:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ My eyes fail me ~ But the meadows ~ More beautiful when blurred
2012-01-26 11:35:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ At the funeral ~ All pass & ignore ~ Budding daffodils

2012-01-26 11:33:20 (EST)

415 / 4823

_eroteme_ @neernool Well, if only it was easy as writing it out as a tweet! Hence, my point of "thrive justifiably". They'd manage anywhere, I'm sure
2012-01-26 10:54:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool If the wise spend their time strategising, that is pretty much all they will do. :-)
2012-01-26 10:47:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool The wise are not to fill a wise man's plate for there is no need. But the wise are to guide, the ignorant automatically follow...
2012-01-26 10:44:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool You rush too soon. I didn't say the ignorant are the problem. I said "vile knaves". Hugely different!
2012-01-26 10:42:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Nope. I am saying that wisdom in the midst of vile knaves will only be murdered. Wise folks only thrive justifiably amidst wise...
2012-01-26 10:16:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ A drop of water ~ Is safest ~ In an ocean. ~ So be it ~ With wisdom

2012-01-26 09:21:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Glad you found it so, dear Ni

2012-01-26 08:20:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you found it so, dear Deb... :-)

2012-01-26 08:19:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool hahahaha :-D True! Didn't realise that... But today isn't (officially) a weekend...
2012-01-26 08:19:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wabaidon Theatre of Simultaneous Possibilities: & the links therein...
2012-01-26 08:02:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wabaidon I would not recommend reading too many books. Pick a few wisely & meditate on them. Once done, pick the next batch...
2012-01-26 07:49:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wabaidon Here is something I wrote a while ago. Education of

416 / 4823

a Writer: What I have to say is therein...

2012-01-26 07:48:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wabaidon I believe you are earnest in your request (though I see similar tweets). Will point you to some resources which might help...
2012-01-26 07:47:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch My pleasure... :-)

2012-01-26 03:41:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @dianewitch: as if pains ~ are the pages ~ books should be ~ made of [As if ~ In her ponder ~ She'd unearth ~ Colours for ink]
2012-01-26 03:37:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if rains ~ Are clues ~ To what dreams ~ Should be made of

2012-01-26 03:30:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher They'd become murals on the floor...

2012-01-26 01:07:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is ~ A recipe ~ For preserving ~ Nights that happened. ~ Take a bowl ~ Large enough ~ To cover the sun ~ And...
2012-01-26 00:59:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @legerdenez Merci Mlle! Vous tes gentil. :-)

2012-01-26 00:57:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the silk ~ Of her thoughts ~ Were echoes ~ Of lanterns

2012-01-26 00:46:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: between the brink of a broken window / and the eyes of the north wind / empty air, spilled memories and time
2012-01-26 00:44:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wrap your legs ~ Around my words ~ And hear them moan ~ Sonnets of dark
2012-01-26 00:39:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Don't bat your eyes ~ Stare long into the mirror ~ And it will ~ Surrender truths
2012-01-26 00:35:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @crosescribe And if you were speaking to an English prince,

417 / 4823

that would be deemed kinky! ;-)

2012-01-26 00:34:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @legerdenez No! It wasn't me! It was the One-Armed Man! ;-p And you, milady, are very generous with your kind words... :-)
2012-01-26 00:32:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ I need memories ~ Of his vile ~ To unswirl ~ The memories ~ Of his cologne
2012-01-26 00:20:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: To some people, life seems to be an acquired taste. [And to some, an acquired tastelessness]
2012-01-26 00:12:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @haikujaiku: In love the poet glows, in loss the poet grows / I raise my glass & toast a bit,to both [Some poet's words ~ It ne'er shows]
2012-01-26 00:11:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Crme brle in the gutter is a crime!

2012-01-26 00:02:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: healing is also a decision [As is loving]

2012-01-26 00:00:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile And similarities unmistakable (with some hearts) - crackable, sweet, soft below the crust, and best in small packages! :-)
2012-01-25 23:59:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crme brle ~ And my heart

2012-01-25 23:51:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: for once / I would like to read / a poem / straight from / your lips [Or taste ~ Rhyme there]
2012-01-25 23:35:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Gets worse when the battery runs down and s/he is unaware of it. Keep trying...
2012-01-25 20:13:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @aladreth An underscore missed ~ Yet, sweetness ~ Found its way :-)
418 / 4823

2012-01-25 20:11:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher @Paul_McGovern: I wonder what the wind would be like if time was slowed way down. [Tiptoeing wind]
2012-01-25 19:41:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ The chorus ~ Of a field of sugarcane ~ In the wind

2012-01-25 19:39:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ His purest love ~ When he held me ~ To absorb the shudder

2012-01-25 17:38:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Caramelised longing - ~ The sizzle of ~ My heart

2012-01-25 17:33:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ My cat ~ So certain ~ Of her elegance

2012-01-25 17:31:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Years practising ~ Sneaking on a sparrow ~ No longer a want ~ To catch it

2012-01-25 17:29:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beneath the tomboy suit ~ A girl

2012-01-25 17:26:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ She spared poetry ~ Where a smile sufficed

2012-01-25 17:07:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Paul_McGovern You can't straighten time, it arcs anyway. [Where time dips and swoops ~ Porcelain moments]
2012-01-25 16:59:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Petrichor! :-)

2012-01-25 16:55:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mirrors speaking ~ The language of ~ Faces

2012-01-25 12:45:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Soft love ~ Hard landing ~ His fall

2012-01-25 10:30:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Is it just me or are other folks finding people follow them only to discover that "user does not exist"?
419 / 4823

2012-01-25 10:28:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ The only music I desire - ~ The rustle of ~ Her clothes dropped
2012-01-25 10:21:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin One more reason not to, now... ;-)

2012-01-25 10:18:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ All these moths ~ Flapping their wings wildly - ~ Poor blaze
2012-01-25 10:17:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Multiplying ~ The flames [hat tip to @dgdreamin 's AVI :-) ]
2012-01-25 10:14:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ How all journeys ~ To wherever ~ Lead into the caverns ~ Of Time
2012-01-25 09:43:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stunning! :-) RT @OliviaDresher: An experience trapped within the experience until reflection sets it free.
2012-01-25 09:42:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ How a bare tree ~ Builds homes ~ For leaves ~ And waits
2012-01-25 09:38:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I could say it all in one ache. [A yodeling ~ Ache]

2012-01-25 09:35:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ The memory of her hands ~ And how ~ They shaped me

2012-01-25 09:34:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Know this night ~ To be the myriad reins ~ I whip, to keep you near
2012-01-25 09:02:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Parrot - ~ The only green left ~ On that tree

2012-01-25 08:50:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Puddles of ~ Sunlight ~ On the mudroad

2012-01-25 08:49:36 (EST)

420 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @syahidahz: What she holds vs. what holds her [What she becomes vs what becomes her]
2012-01-25 08:41:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lover, glistening ~ With the dew ~ Of a night's wait [@ KrisLindbeck interested? :-) ]
2012-01-25 08:36:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Poetry ~ Set words afire ~ Illuminating the soul's journey

2012-01-25 08:17:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Honoured... :-) RT @KrisLindbeck: "An Exchange" on love between me and _eroteme_ Enjoy!
2012-01-25 08:13:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Winds know well ~ Not blowing hard ~ Near the roots
2012-01-25 08:12:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ These rocks ~ That stayed the year apart ~ Now under one snow blanket
2012-01-25 02:13:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil How many apologies / must I offer / for everyone else / who never loved you? [Was it ever love ~ Or mere reassurance?]
2012-01-24 22:12:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Oh! Most certainly... My pleasure. :-)

2012-01-24 20:08:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some journeys ~ Are walks to where ~ The nightingale's song ~ Falls asleep
2012-01-24 12:00:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ My shadow ~ Preferring my walks ~ By the river

2012-01-24 11:48:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sakura ~ Even when ~ It falls

2012-01-24 11:44:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am the reason ~ For your tongue

2012-01-24 11:38:52 (EST)
421 / 4823

_eroteme_ Incantation of spells ~ One button ~ At a time

2012-01-24 11:10:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Desire eddying ~ In her navel

2012-01-24 09:56:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ The dune ~ Of her shoulder ~ And the parched run ~ Of my lips there
2012-01-24 09:45:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ The melt ~ Of thresholds ~ As the need to move ~ Rests

2012-01-24 09:41:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sweat of words ~ The blood of poets

2012-01-24 06:48:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Depends on whose navel... ;-p

2012-01-24 06:47:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ A procellous heart ~ And its faith ~ In boat-shaped loves [Procellous: adj. stormy as the sea]
2012-01-24 06:44:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Full moon ~ And I ~ Share tales of ~ "If only..."

2012-01-23 09:57:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch So taut ~ The deception ~ Curving ~ The willing

2012-01-23 09:53:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @beezpoetry: treading my thoughts [Tiptoe ~ But alas! ~ These anklets]

2012-01-23 09:22:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie What speak of the mind ~ That curved ~ To the tell of ink
2012-01-23 09:20:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ The gasp of rocks ~ Unbathed by the ocean

2012-01-23 09:17:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I am gone ~ Wait till Autumn ~ And they'll fall all around you ~ Ochre words I could never say.
422 / 4823

2012-01-23 09:15:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @monokrow: Softness grips each ripple to be plucked [Every alternate ring plucked ~ I build ripples ~ For my soul]
2012-01-23 09:11:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Trespassing thoughts ~ In the backyard ~ Of our memories' ~ Shadows

2012-01-23 09:07:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress: the cartography /of coffee;/ naked mornings/ de-mooring you from /your sea of dreams [Into avalanches ~ Of day-dreams]
2012-01-23 09:03:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pendulums on strike ~ Who'll tell the sun?

2012-01-23 08:59:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ This moth ~ Selling me a tour ~ Through the flame

2012-01-23 08:55:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'm amazed at technological fodder for human stupidity. Talk of pilots & love & I'm spammed by dating sites for pilots seeking single women
2012-01-23 08:52:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Murder of crows ~ On the snowed in roof ~ Sunshine, joining the dots
2012-01-23 08:50:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Woah! One second! Why is there so much love-talk on this timeline!? * Smacking head *
2012-01-23 08:47:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 But when it's freely given it isn't good enough! Nearly everyone wants the love that isn't easy to get... Wonder why?
2012-01-23 08:46:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Sometimes I just want the background score in my head to go out with the words...
2012-01-23 08:43:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dreamyme There always is, milady... always. :-)

2012-01-23 08:42:41 (EST)
423 / 4823

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 :-) Glad you're good. May this year bring glistening seduction to the purple of your words... :-)
2012-01-23 08:40:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile To the flute ~ Of his mind

2012-01-23 08:39:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck To love ~ Is to study the heart ~ Flowers, cracks and all :-)
2012-01-23 08:34:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dreamyme: We did hear of pilots. #justsaying. Good one :) haha :-D Nice (near) catch! I haven't ever seen a pilot fly! Planes, yes.
2012-01-23 08:31:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ All study of love ~ Cannot save you from hurting. ~ Whoever heard of ~ An ornithologist flying?
2012-01-23 08:23:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ My best time ~ Spent with you ~ Was when I ~ Hopelessly waited for you...
2012-01-23 08:18:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher: A pair of lost sandals buried under the snow. Somehow a pair makes me sadder, as if in singularity there was rebellion..
2012-01-23 08:16:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher: Imagine words before interpreting them. Let them take you places before you arrive there. [Playing tag ~ With words]
2012-01-23 08:15:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: she unties her hair / it curls with his / deep dark eyes [The reflection ~ Of dark snakes ~ In the blackest of eyes]
2012-01-23 08:09:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you wish to grab ~ You must drop ~ What's now in your hand
2012-01-23 08:06:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @purplepoetry77 Welcome back! Been a while since you stopped by, yes. Hope you've been keeping well & lovely as your words, glimmering...
2012-01-23 08:03:51 (EST)
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_eroteme_ @EternallyClaire Watching's good, watching's good! :-)

2012-01-23 08:02:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only I could master the art of NOT being an inveterate kibitzer... [Kibitzer: n. one who gives unsolicited advice]
2012-01-23 05:27:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik That, I don't know. But it was super-satisfying! :-)

2012-01-23 02:59:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Well, your translation was endearing & lovely enough to wish that Ghalib had said that. :-)
2012-01-23 02:53:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Since it's come to pass, then amicably discuss, why should one / Nothing ever became of words, then utter words, why should one
2012-01-23 02:22:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: Finding the right man is like finding the perfect word. [And there is a perfect word for each occasion]
2012-01-22 12:24:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile And sometimes ~ They have ~ A siren's call :-)

2012-01-22 12:22:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: hidden in his top drawer / her steeple / desires [Through the oriels ~ Of his hesitations ~ The glimmer ~ Of his eyes]
2012-01-22 12:17:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mariner ~ Of her whims

2012-01-22 12:09:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ My words too ~ Prefer Her. ~ Anklets for Her feet

2012-01-22 11:51:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The shudder ~ Of explosions contained

2012-01-22 11:45:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ His breath - ~ The wind in my ~ Soul's kite

425 / 4823

2012-01-22 11:42:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The temerity ~ Of surrender

2012-01-22 11:41:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ He knows ~ The sequence of caresses ~ To gush the purple

2012-01-22 11:40:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ My eyes find their glow ~ In knowing ~ I stoke his flame

2012-01-22 11:38:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ My hand in this stream ~ I recall the joy ~ Of stroking her hair
2012-01-22 11:36:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sashay ~ Of the untamed

2012-01-22 11:33:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Sure will! :-)

2012-01-22 10:46:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr This is embarrassing. I recall it as lith (read it somewhere). It is English. I don't have a reference though. Maybe I'll find one!
2012-01-22 10:44:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ There! Done with 30 recipes for this weekend! Phew! It was maddening shuttling between research report, food & poetry, not to mention chores
2012-01-22 10:32:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Saute cashewnuts. Cook peas+sweet potatoes. Process all w paprika+oil+lime juice. Mount on skewers & set on fire. Douse with pineapple juice
2012-01-22 10:32:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stuff cabbage sheets with puree of avocado+tomato+sauteed onions+walnuts+jalapeno+lime juice & tie into a bundle. Shallow fry bundles.
2012-01-22 10:22:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dice firm tofu/paneer small. Saute in garlic oil till golden. Soak cooked peas in orange juice. Toss all with onion+plum tomatoes+basil
2012-01-22 10:13:24 (EST)
426 / 4823

_eroteme_ Grill cauliflowerlets on skewers. Toss with feta+blck pepper+olives+tiny wedges of lime+olive oil+pine nuts+croutons,in Romaine lettuce cups
2012-01-22 10:05:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Coarse grind roasted peanuts+paprika+roasted white sesame. Saute tomatoes with garlic in excess olive oil. Blend all with some firm yoghurt
2012-01-22 09:58:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bridges - ~ Tempting me ~ To nowhere different

2012-01-22 09:21:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress Glad you like them, dear R. :-) If only there were ways to float them on a sea current to where you are...
2012-01-22 09:19:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blend charred green capsicum (black removed) with cream+cucumber+finely chopped green chilli+mint+sherry wine(2 tbsp). Use as dip for pita
2012-01-22 09:10:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Sorry, missed you question yesterday...

2012-01-22 09:07:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @butteryleil Glad you found them so... :-)

2012-01-22 08:54:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr An orange lith is that little sac of juice on each clove of the fruit. These sacs together make the flesh of the fruit... :-)
2012-01-22 08:51:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cook whole potatoes, halve, scoop insides into a cup & fry. Mix cream cheese+diced tomatoes+caramelised onion rings+black pepper. Stuff cups
2012-01-22 08:24:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Of course you know that veggies grilled can always be mildly bathed in herb-olive oil with parsley sprinkled on top... :-)
2012-01-22 07:57:28 (EST)

427 / 4823

_eroteme_ Mash steamed corn. Mix corn+paprika+cheddar+sauteed garlic.Coat with breadcrumbs & fry. Place 'twixt grilled eggplant tongues (salted)
2012-01-22 07:56:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hmmm. This is going to be tough. I always took the exotic for granted... :-o
2012-01-22 07:51:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ok! Breads, veggies, mushrooms, tofu, soy sauce, vinegars, wines, olive oil & the like are in. Rice, Asian/African spices, zata'ar etc. out
2012-01-22 07:51:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ I think I'll try non-exotic ingredient based dishes for the benefit of those who'll find them less accessible. Err... what is non-exotic!?
2012-01-22 07:47:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cook bruised raisins in a little water+chopped green chili till syrupy. Pinch of cinnamon to that. Brush on green apple slices & bake
2012-01-22 06:30:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @bhavyaxoxo My pleasure, though I wonder why you thank me. :-)
2012-01-22 06:25:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I just hope it is good for them as well... :-)

2012-01-22 06:25:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile I do cook for people I love, so... I suppose I am not! ;-)
2012-01-22 01:08:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Hope those three help. Will add more if something strikes me... :-) Yes, of course, there's more coming..
2012-01-22 00:30:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dry roast cinnamon quills. Place crushed garlic on these & cover(1 hr). Saute garlic in lots herb butter+oil+green chili. Spread on bread
2012-01-22 00:29:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Process soaked(4 hrs) rice+black gram with 5 tbsp shredded coconut+cardamom+jaggery+1 banana. Add a pinch of cinnamon. Dollop
428 / 4823

into hot oil

2012-01-21 23:50:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Line half-bamboos with cinnamon quills. Layer nearly-cooked wet rice (NCR),spinach,NCR,steamed corn,NCR,shredded carrots,cheddar. Bake@400F.
2012-01-21 23:32:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Splendid, milady. How do you wish your senses be assailed today? :-)
2012-01-21 22:00:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Or the warmth & color of languages would compense the external season's inadequacies. :-)
2012-01-21 21:59:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Saute portabella mushrooms (no stalks) in EV olive oil+garlic+red paprika+red bell peppers. Add wt. wine+lemon juice before taking off stove
2012-01-21 19:31:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cut eggplant into tongues. Rub sea-salt & lime. Brush both sides with a honey+tabasco sauce+rosemary mix. Coal grill till soft & golden
2012-01-21 19:10:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dice artichoke hearts. Brown in butter+garlic+peas. Mix with parsley & grated parmesan+manchego. Stuff a hollowed tomato & bake till browned
2012-01-21 18:46:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tell me not ~ What you think of me ~ I dare you - ~ Show me

2012-01-21 16:00:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only our language changed with the seasons

2012-01-21 15:46:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ All I could remember ~ Buoying ~ All I should forget

2012-01-21 13:40:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ All she had to offer ~ Was neatly folded ~ Sunshine

2012-01-21 13:25:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Red earth - ~ How difficult to hide ~ The trail of our passion
429 / 4823

2012-01-21 13:20:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the forest ~ A nightingale off-key ~ Missing his mate

2012-01-21 13:17:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ I whispered a poem to a stone and threw it southward into the lake. I wish that each furbellow sings the lines to you.
2012-01-21 12:40:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The certainty ~ Of a fall ~ Even in the dark

2012-01-21 12:38:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lovely textures ... :-) RT @ mentalbit: Photo: cobbled

2012-01-21 12:34:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ My skin ~ Guards you ~ From my heart

2012-01-21 12:32:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @neernool: a cork / bobs; the ocean. [Feather ~ sways; the wind]
2012-01-21 12:22:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @purplepoetry77: slow smolder ~ he promised to hold her ~ fold her into his forever [Never ~ The nether ~ Unfolded ~ Unheld]
2012-01-21 12:16:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love this RT @feltsensejunkie: Beautiful / the cotton cloth of nurture / set on emerald blaze of sight /a memory when gold matched its light
2012-01-21 12:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: hit by a snowflake / ... the many weights i carry [Weighing them down ~ With a sigh]
2012-01-21 12:14:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr My pleasure! :-) Glad they caught your interest... Yes, poeticChef might be lovely!
2012-01-21 12:08:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Virga ~ Of truth ~ Parched soul [for dear @ syahidahz virga: n. water drops evaporating before reaching the ground]
2012-01-21 12:06:58 (EST)
430 / 4823

_eroteme_ :-) RT @syahidahz: The quiet wisdom of rain grips me ~ my soul thirsting for a drop of realness
2012-01-21 12:02:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ How true... :-) RT @OliviaDresher: Solitude can't pretend. [But all the things ~ I pretend in solitude]
2012-01-21 12:01:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder how you think thus... :-) RT @ melancholundone: As if the location of reflection held the fire of her eyes.
2012-01-21 11:56:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stunning... :-) RT @melancholundone: She listened to the wind as if answers had questions.
2012-01-21 11:55:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The miraculous to rustle things to fly and float. [And wonder ~ Shone a torch ~ On all that escaped]
2012-01-21 11:55:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The lantern of a sigh. [In the hurricane ~ Of longing]

2012-01-21 11:54:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ I think 15 recipes should make a fairly epicurean Saturday. I shall pause & continue tomorrow. :-)
2012-01-21 11:50:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Steam cubed sweet potatoes. Soak dry fenugreek (FG) leaves in warm water (or fresh). Saute cumin+green bell peppers+sw. potatoes+paprika+FG
2012-01-21 11:43:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Toss pitted olives in a olive oil vinaigrette. Add crumbled feta, red paprika, mint & crushed grissini. Spice per taste. With fresh bread...
2012-01-21 11:34:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 There you go! Hope you enjoy creating them... :-)
2012-01-21 10:55:23 (EST)

431 / 4823

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 Mind what? I am certain you'd be able to find all of the ingredients in US. It is often a case of knowing where to look! :-)
2012-01-21 10:48:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 Glad you found them worthy of collecting... :-)

2012-01-21 10:28:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Marinate beet-slices in wt. wine+lemon juice+kaffir lime leaves. Grill,top with emulsion of grilled-pineapple juice & coconut (w flesh) milk
2012-01-21 09:52:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ BTW, when I said vinaigrette, it meant with Balsamic vinegar.

2012-01-21 09:21:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool You are indeed kind. While nearly all of them are impromptu, the raw mango one is my mom's recipe. :-)
2012-01-21 09:12:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Glad you found them so... :-) I am sure they will be poetic in taste too! :-D
2012-01-21 08:41:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool And hence, you find them Greek & Latin? :-D Your are generous with compliments...
2012-01-21 05:31:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Orange liths+feta+blanched broccoli+red onions (squared) tossed with EV-olive oil+lemon zest vinaigrette+pinch of zata'ar+roasted pine nuts
2012-01-21 05:22:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ While we are still with cooking, here is a way to peel a head of garlic in 10 sec!
2012-01-21 05:00:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you found it so, sir :-)

2012-01-21 01:26:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Now that you mention it, let me search my head for the Green recipes I had... ;-p
2012-01-21 00:33:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cut gashes in whole, small okra. Marinate in spicy tamarind

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water. Toss & fry with sauteed cumin seeds...

2012-01-21 00:33:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ How lovely! :-) RT @annehedonia13: Poetry in herb and spice~ in chop and julienne~ in sear and saute [Rhythm of tang ~ Chars my soul]
2012-01-21 00:28:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blanch broccoli. Dip in a batter of thick curd+ginger-garlic paste+lemon juice+cayenne pepper+drops of honey. Roll on breadcrumbs & deep fry
2012-01-21 00:25:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Herb croutons+sauteed paneer cubes+steamed corn+shredded-peppered green apples, wrapped in romaine lettuce, bound with softened chives
2012-01-21 00:20:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ BTW, T&C means toss & cook! ;-p

2012-01-21 00:12:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Saute cumin seeds+curry leaves+onion(till translucent)+diced potatoes. Add chunks of fresh bread+cayenne pepper. Sprinkle water. T&C!
2012-01-21 00:11:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ @the_radish YESS! Listen to the soul of the kitchen! :-)

2012-01-21 00:02:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Deep fry potato wedges w skin. Blend finely chopped onion+parsley+cayenne pepper+shredded strawberries+sour cream. Brush wedges with dip.
2012-01-21 00:02:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Note: If you intend following the recipes here, you'll have to use your imagination. Of course, salt has to be added!! Spice as per taste
2012-01-20 23:58:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Infuse water with thyme & star anise to cook spaghetti. Saute red bell-peppers in garlic butter. Blend w silken tofu+walnuts. Toss in pasta
2012-01-20 23:53:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Twitter, herb focaccia, twitter, jasmine tea, twitter, tapas, twitter, dips, twitter, sauces, twitter, sherbets, twitter...
2012-01-20 23:46:22 (EST)
433 / 4823

_eroteme_ Dice & boil raw-mango with a li'l salt till pulpy. Add jaggery & stir till thick. Saute red chilli+mustard seeds in ghee & mix. Let stand
2012-01-20 23:40:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Overcook Basmati in saffron water, mash & mix with pomegranate seeds & red paprika. Make into round balls, wrap in angel hair noodles & fry
2012-01-20 23:32:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Most happily! :-)

2012-01-20 23:27:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @the_radish There! Your wish is my command... ;-)

2012-01-20 23:26:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Char red&yellow bell peppers, clean & rub with herb butter, chop fine, saute with garlic+rosemary & whip into sour cream for a dip (pita)
2012-01-20 23:25:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Julienned ginger, marinated in lemon juice vinaigrette, mixed with cooked Basmati+sauteed cumin seeds+fresh basil, wrapped in rice paper
2012-01-20 23:20:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ 3" Zucchini-cylinders, steamed, seared, hollowed & stuffed with a blend of ricotta, spinach & jalapenos with slivers of roasted pine nuts
2012-01-20 23:16:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Awwrighty! Lemme go wash my hands & get ready... :-)
2012-01-20 22:47:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung I think I should do my food tweets again this weekend like I once did last year, thanks to @wordblender & @the_radish
2012-01-20 22:45:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Wonderful! When you are done picking, bring them over & I'll cook you a wicked sauce... ;-)
2012-01-20 22:41:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nothing makes me smile like after slicing a fresh zucchini &
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watch beads of excitement on its white flesh. Vegetables are truly sensuous...
2012-01-20 22:36:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dark rain ~ On a dark night ~ And then ~ Headlights

2012-01-20 22:33:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ How stained glasses ~ Beg you ~ To enter the chambers

2012-01-20 22:29:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher More likely to be good intentions than love, methinks...

2012-01-20 22:27:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ The hastened tremble ~ In my heart ~ As a tree, slowly, falls

2012-01-20 13:20:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ An eye for an eye ~ A kiss for a kiss ~ Thus we never took our eyes off the other ~ Or our lips
2012-01-20 13:19:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Oh! It did. I was aware of hashtags but the ilk # fourwordsplusonethenonemore made me go :-o. Thanks, @neernool, for the explanation
2012-01-20 13:16:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: The older we grow, the less we want any deep, fundamental change, because we are afraid.
2012-01-20 13:08:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ A treasure-hunt ~ Of words ~ To a fresh journal

2012-01-20 13:05:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Oh thanks! What is hth?

2012-01-20 12:53:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Ginger > Garlic [And thus, the hierarchy of roots & bulbs was established...]
2012-01-20 12:52:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perhaps I am gauche but why do people tag their tweets with # sixwords or #fivewords? Surely, if I am here, I CAN count that much...
2012-01-20 12:47:50 (EST)
435 / 4823

_eroteme_ A cloudless ~ Blue sky ~ Except for ~ That cloud

2012-01-20 12:45:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beneath a rock ~ Neatly folded in four ~ A blank note

2012-01-20 12:31:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dreams ~ Segueing ~ Into eyes-shut ~ Hopes

2012-01-20 12:26:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ On the shore ~ Imagining each wave ~ Around my ankles ~ To be you

2012-01-20 12:22:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only ~ The earth turned into a piano ~ Just before ~ Autumn
2012-01-20 12:20:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ A slight tongue ~ 'Twixt his lips ~ Now... ~ What shall I bite!?
2012-01-20 12:13:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ His lips ~ To my nape ~ To taste what ~ I'll never say

2012-01-20 11:59:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ From everyone ~ Who broke my heart ~ I beg a fragment ~ To design my mosaic soul
2012-01-20 11:56:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ None willing to ~ Break my heart. ~ What shall I do ~ With this ink?
2012-01-20 11:53:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ I collect ~ Minutes ~ When I should've said ~ Those words

2012-01-20 11:51:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this loving ~ Taking a toll ~ On my heart

2012-01-20 11:37:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ I practice ~ Calling him ~ By his name ~ Without a sigh

2012-01-20 11:27:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Still echoing ~ In my head ~ The slam ~ Of her "bye"

2012-01-20 11:26:30 (EST)

436 / 4823

_eroteme_ The silent ~ Outline of a cat

2012-01-20 11:24:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Throwing stones ~ At the moon ~ In the pond

2012-01-20 11:22:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Distance measured ~ In heartaches

2012-01-20 11:18:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Doves ~ Chanting ~ No name

2012-01-20 11:17:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words that melt ~ Words that meld

2012-01-20 09:54:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cup my love ~ Raise it to your lips ~ And let me be drunk

2012-01-20 09:38:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @thismomentonly: Kisses layered between thighs that sigh. [And in their throb ~ A slide in ~ One more]
2012-01-19 23:08:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @thismomentonly: Make magic with your words until my thoughts stutter. [My mind's tongue ~ In the grip of ~ Your words' teeth]
2012-01-19 23:06:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: To buy books would be a good thing if we also could buy the time to read them. ~ Schopenhauer
2012-01-19 22:30:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung Doesn't it work like spiked mountaineering boots? And if the manicure's been done well, there! you have your pick-axe! ;-)
2012-01-19 21:08:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ My mind ~ A bunch of grapes ~ Holding sunlight

2012-01-19 12:04:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ His cat's footprints ~ Shivering ~ Beneath the snow

2012-01-19 11:55:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Suffer me now ~ Relish me later

2012-01-19 11:52:35 (EST)

437 / 4823

_eroteme_ Her sleepy hand ~ O'er her bed's edge ~ Dripping ~ Caresses
2012-01-19 11:45:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ The leaves of his mind ~ Bound in the leather ~ Of his smile
2012-01-19 11:42:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come ~ Dry your hair ~ O'er my breath

2012-01-19 11:40:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ However you ~ Enter this night ~ Stained you will be

2012-01-19 11:38:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Oh! Dream!? Sorry skipped the preface. Sure! Now it all makes sense. Mating tank tops, straps intertwined.. Ok! I'll stop...
2012-01-19 11:34:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take me back ~ To when you were ~ Clay

2012-01-19 11:31:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile But they'd all be females, so... how does it work then?
2012-01-19 11:29:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Desiccated sighs ~ Summer of yearning

2012-01-19 11:24:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin My bookshelf is pure intoxication. So unlike me... :D

2012-01-19 10:04:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin It tells me more than about me... :-)

2012-01-19 10:01:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @ZinniaTung I would then be glad that I have stocked enough books in my library! Heck! I am glad already! :-D
2012-01-18 22:54:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Agreed, but it still leaves you without knowing a single innocent person! Hence, proved. Thanks for helping me cement it! ;-p
2012-01-18 20:47:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rivers ~ Testing the water ~ Of the sea

2012-01-18 20:27:30 (EST)

438 / 4823

_eroteme_ And all it takes ~ Is a tongue ~ To slow your words

2012-01-18 20:21:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher: Some things have to be all or nothing. Like breathing. [Like jumping across a well]
2012-01-18 20:17:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch True! :-D

2012-01-18 20:15:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Oh no! Wisdom is contextually more available than innocence. I'm sure you can name 1-2 wise wo/men but truly innocent?Not ignorant
2012-01-18 20:14:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Alas! The winds ~ Of yearning ~ Fill not ~ The sails of resolve
2012-01-18 11:22:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ His shadow ~ At the threshold ~ Lingering a little longer

2012-01-18 10:35:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Calligraphy of her longing ~ Beneath her ~ Silk robe

2012-01-18 10:30:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Life's triumvirate - ~ What if? ~ Why me? ~ If only...

2012-01-18 10:19:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ All that fell ~ In the shake of a book - ~ Tales untold

2012-01-18 10:10:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wait for the monsoon ~ Hide all evidence ~ In the rain
2012-01-18 10:05:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ She needed ~ Her cello ~ To cry [for my dear friend @ OliviaDresher]
2012-01-18 10:02:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her brave words ~ Moistened

2012-01-18 10:00:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dianewitch: You distilled well what @ syahidahz teaches - the art of the heart enveloping all of one with the sole company of a single tear
439 / 4823

2012-01-18 09:58:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dark alleys of pain ~ Lit by her tears

2012-01-18 09:52:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ The choiceless ~ Movement of water ~ Into the void

2012-01-18 09:49:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Innocence ~ Is rarer than ~ Wisdom

2012-01-18 09:41:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Park benches ~ And the secrets ~ They never tell

2012-01-18 09:30:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Accept ~ Or reject ~ It matters not

2012-01-18 08:29:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Is it just me or does the seal of the president of America seem like the flag is being used to cover the delicates of a spread bald eagle?
2012-01-18 08:24:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fewer things bring me as much joy as holding a copy of Nabokov's Lectures on Literature. He is unquestionably the best. :-)
2012-01-18 08:14:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ The geometry ~ Of his desire ~ My protracted faith ~ In the compass ~ Of his sighs
2012-01-17 20:34:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @monokrow: Prosaic life of a straight line [Sinuous tangent ~ Taut ~ When sought]
2012-01-17 20:28:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ I love how ~ Your concaves ~ Fit my convexes

2012-01-17 20:26:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ White calligraphy ~ Of snowed ~ Rooftops

2012-01-17 20:25:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher: When talk is like a walk... A talk-walk... [Footsteps of conversations]

2012-01-17 20:22:03 (EST)

440 / 4823

_eroteme_ Name that part of me ~ Which names every part of my life ~ As you.
2012-01-17 20:21:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cut ~ And stitch ~ Never works ~ With memories

2012-01-17 10:20:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @rasmithii: when you feel it /the tip of the pen /balances perfectly /on those insecurities [Ink me ~ What you'll ~ Deny]
2012-01-17 10:18:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Flick of her wrists ~ Rainbows sprayed ~ Drying clothes in the sun
2012-01-17 10:13:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ The swoop of a hawk ~ Incomplete ~ The sparrow's day-dream

2012-01-17 10:07:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you found it so, dear Deb. :-)

2012-01-17 10:06:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Palm trees ~ Clawing at ~ Noon breeze

2012-01-17 10:05:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her sash undone ~ Whipping out untethered ~ My resolve

2012-01-17 10:04:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your thoughts ~ Cannot rein in ~ Mine

2012-01-17 09:58:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ The taste ~ Of cold heart-ash ~ With Chateau Haut Brion (1989)
2012-01-17 09:50:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @kokeesachdeva :-) Perhaps, but it is safer? ;-)

2012-01-17 09:46:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder what is safer - ~ Never-been loved ~ Or heart-broken to immunity

2012-01-17 09:44:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ I stand ~ Against the sere wind of ~ The never-loved

2012-01-17 09:41:10 (EST)

441 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @syahidahz: There is a song in disguise~ unveil it~ play itfor the world [Some songs ~ Best heard with ~ Moistened eyes]
2012-01-17 09:30:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come ~ Let's make love ~ Melting Winter ~ Into Spring

2012-01-16 11:57:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ To lose myself in words, in the seasonal cycle of words, holding on just enough to know that I'm lost irreversibly... unattainable dichotomy
2012-01-16 11:51:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ What was once a crime, become national pride, what was vulgar becomes a credo to live by, what was taught to be a sin, is taught no more
2012-01-16 11:39:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like mosquitoes growing resistant to chemicals, the human race gets cleverer in evading judgment, building tunnels in the maze of conscience
2012-01-16 11:35:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ When nearly nothing goes unrepeated, no storm singular in its devastation, what then has history to bring us save tales of origins of gore?
2012-01-16 11:32:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @HonestlyClaire You are generous with compliments. :-) Glad you found it so...
2012-01-16 11:27:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @butteryleil Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-01-16 11:26:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Worth it, I suppose. :-)

2012-01-16 09:17:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only I could find a ledge, wherefrom the sun would be that candle & the world, as we never know it, threw cosmic shadows & flickered
2012-01-16 07:15:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soon the once familiar world around you, drapes shades of orange & shadow to create silhouettes & crevices to hide phrases & laughter in
2012-01-16 07:13:35 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Struck & carefully brought into a darkened world, slowly unfurling & standing erect - lighting of a candle can be such a ceremony of grace
2012-01-16 07:10:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ In one whom merges Nature & mindlessness, is the magic to create designs & arrangements with an effortless pulse. Creators of wabisabi
2012-01-16 07:05:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ And then emerges a green apple left on an ebony mantlepiece, books agape on the window sill, furbelows of drapes lightly grazing moccasins
2012-01-16 07:03:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ When in pure mindlessness the world is re-arranged, what emerges is a soft beauty shyly standing behind the curtains
2012-01-16 07:00:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nature has no vulgarity nor lacks aesthetics. Mindlessness too has no design or will. Nature & mindlessness are co-perspectives to the same
2012-01-16 06:58:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Allow the world to arrange herself. There is a certain design, a certain flavour to the serendipitous disarray when the rattling is halted
2012-01-16 06:53:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lovely... RT @ OliviaDresher: An old poetry book on an old green sofa in the early morning candlelight [& a tap dripping in a faraway sink]
2012-01-16 06:49:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Certainly none other than I can know what questions to ask when & in what sequence - I who have sculpted this life you are curious about.
2012-01-16 04:20:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The presumptuousness of every interviewer, fashioning him/herself to be the finest chronicler of the protagonist. Allow each to his tale...
2012-01-16 04:19:16 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Of all rituals, the ones which demand deliberation tug at my heart. Like carefully applying kohl or cleaning of bronze statuettes...
2012-01-16 04:07:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Surely, to spy on or petty theft would need me to be invisible, but what else am I denied except in invisibility?
2012-01-16 03:57:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Most people wish - assured of its certitude - to be invisible. But why? Doesn't it say more of that society than of the person?
2012-01-16 03:56:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sometimes, I wish to compile a book of quotes by people the reader hasn't known or has no chance to. Perhaps all born & dead in my head...
2012-01-16 03:54:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie hahaha Still reeling under the tomato encounters? I'd recommend a scented bath. Perhaps you'd feel saucy, then! ;-)
2012-01-16 03:36:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Logs of wood, lay bare & cut to measured size, unable to meet the gaze of squirrels ousted. How strange to behold fallen worlds!
2012-01-16 03:34:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool There is no way that anyone could've guessed that grapes, fermented, would produce wine. Everything about code is predictable
2012-01-16 01:12:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Programming is less of a mystery now. I am fairly comfortable with the innards. What I mentioned creates new experience unimagined
2012-01-16 01:06:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Alrighty then! Into the kitchen I go... :-)

2012-01-16 01:01:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @neernool Well, I do, but no matter how much I do, I can't digest what stemmed the idea... ;-)
2012-01-16 00:59:10 (EST)

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_eroteme_ @Aphrodite44 Glad we concur. All I wish to earn is that imagination. The products are for others to relish! But that thought! Aah! Brilliant
2012-01-16 00:58:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am overjoyed when the finest sword is gripped in the hands of the most sensuous warrior. How they move together, unbridled yet married.
2012-01-16 00:57:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish to meet the person who first pickled mangoes, made icecream, brewed coffee (after roasting the beans). How did they ever imagine it?
2012-01-16 00:54:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Goodnight, Ms. L. Wishing you lovely dreams of your choice... :-)
2012-01-16 00:54:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ I can only aspire to be like clouds - traveling without censure, intangible, wetting earthy throats & such perspective! Oh! & always sunny!
2012-01-16 00:51:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ She said "Snow as proof of god" & I smiled, thought to myself "Words as proof of the Divine". To take words beyond transaction is godliness
2012-01-16 00:46:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ If rocks & boulders spoke, I can't imagine them in a squeaky voice. Like a discordant image of a hummingbird with a booming baritone...
2012-01-16 00:44:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if my voice is married to the celebration of the uncommon, the exalting of ruins & worship of singular unshared wonders that might not be
2012-01-16 00:42:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ I imagine flowers in a vase talking to each other, sharing where they came from & tales of there. Accents of fragrance revealing more...
2012-01-16 00:40:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Do you have blonde or redhead dust? No? Then

445 / 4823

I believe they are all cousins... :-)

2012-01-16 00:16:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Five yards of walking & I am amazed at so many things around me whose innards I only vaguely know. Like cement, broken tubelights, chiffon..
2012-01-16 00:15:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ A gentle slap to a book - learned dust flying out to settle elsewhere. How wise of dust to not discriminate, just settle & blend...
2012-01-16 00:11:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Would table manners ever know or present the joy of chasing back streams of mango pulp/juice, up my arm, with my insatiable sheepdog tongue?
2012-01-16 00:02:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @the_radish Yes, perhaps. But can it ever be an undoing of what traffic & nudges brought about? And what is forward?
2012-01-15 23:58:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if all becoming is a one way street. Yet I imagine a woman returning to her li'l self, wanting nothing more than to trust & feel abandon
2012-01-15 23:57:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder what trips little girls into becoming women. And when they do become that, it pains me to watch them wish they could return.
2012-01-15 23:52:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Little girls intrigue me. They hold the entire essence of their future selves but go about unaware of why they want the hug or attention
2012-01-15 23:48:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ I need to walk, through pastures or my mind, gathering dull or glistening shards. Back home, I toss them on my bed & sing them a lullaby.
2012-01-15 23:30:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ I realise I write with the Sun. No wonder I was nearly speechless in Portsmouth! :-) Today, doesn't feel like a poetry day. Fragments, yes.
2012-01-15 23:24:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ This ancient stone pot in which I prepare today's sauce - all the
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heat & spice it has seen in its lifetime cannot match my finest cooking.
2012-01-15 23:23:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @the_radish The name's Stein. Frank In Stein. ;-p

2012-01-15 23:16:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blessed are the forgetful & forgotten...

2012-01-15 23:09:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Blessed are they who remember not their first kiss but relish each as if learning passion afresh, waking to a sun unimagined.
2012-01-15 23:08:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Images sans flesh & blood of real flesh & blood, in pantomime relationships creating telescopic images of increasing departure from the real
2012-01-15 23:05:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Then isn't all action, all relating, all smiles & frowns merely a response to what was & what we still carry in our minds?
2012-01-15 23:02:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if life is nothing more than the parceling & religious heaving of what we think we'll need in order to be human, loved and remembered!
2012-01-15 23:00:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Not only are we plagued by our memory, we are also judged by that of others disallowing me to disrobe what is now soiled clothing.
2012-01-15 22:57:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ No alchemy, no prestidigitation could summon what was with the shattered porcelain that memory is. Yet we treasure it the most.
2012-01-15 22:55:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our primal curse is memory -of joy, of love, of pain, of fear- but the memory is not it. It isn't what we recall. Still we cling to a shadow
2012-01-15 22:54:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ I watch snakes shed their skin & long to be able to discard all I was yesterday, introducing myself to everyone anew.
2012-01-15 22:51:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Molted snakeskin - ~ Wonder what ~ It has now become

447 / 4823

2012-01-15 22:49:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lost in the urge to draw more out of life... :-( RT @ OliviaDresher: The beauty of reflection and savoring. The beauty of slow.
2012-01-15 22:47:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ The leaf that missed the water ~ What became of the watersound ~ It was promised? [inspired by @vonguyenphong22 's tweet]
2012-01-15 22:23:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @TheWonderQueen Glad you found it so... :-)

2012-01-15 22:20:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every lake ~ Holds memories ~ In ripples

2012-01-15 22:20:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your playing with the skirt's hem ~ Is it shyness ~ Or giving me directions?
2012-01-15 22:17:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments :-) All's fair & well taken, Mlle.! You are indeed generous with kind words...
2012-01-15 22:14:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Predict ~ My next move ~ Or moan

2012-01-15 22:10:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments Woe to me! Alas! I have become predictable. Time for a new crystal ball... :-)
2012-01-15 22:09:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @quiverymoments It's not politically correct to brag about one's own eyes (calling them brilliant!) ;-p My utmost pleasure!
2012-01-15 22:07:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @vonguyenphong22: Drought well/ a leaf falling in/ dreams of water sound. #haiku
2012-01-15 22:02:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie I completely understand. The willing rupture from plenary satiation. Unable to contain a growing warmth &... there! split!
2012-01-15 21:56:53 (EST)

448 / 4823

_eroteme_ Shattered rhinestone ~ Those eyes ~ No night could hide [hat tip to @quiverymoments AVI]
2012-01-15 21:49:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Under lies' aegis ~ Another fiction ~ Decadent

2012-01-14 23:29:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Find that one thread ~ When tugged ~ Shall disrobe my all
2012-01-14 23:26:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Splendid! RT @monokrow: I Camembert to see you hurting; fill the need in Brie, let me take you Parmesan, and make you feel feta # lovecheese
2012-01-14 23:17:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: Polishing your act; dulled your performance [Perfection ~ In incompleteness]
2012-01-14 23:14:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: Pull the need from my touch [What remains ~ Is but ~ A shadow]
2012-01-14 23:11:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today I learnt ~ Love is the rub of ~ Sandalwood ~ Between my mind's fingers
2012-01-14 12:05:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take me in your hands ~ Roll me into the incense of love ~ Light me on your altar
2012-01-14 12:01:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Thus he built ~ A third life ~ Picked from dreams ~ And waking
2012-01-14 11:59:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today I felt ~ The joy of ~ Glacier's melt

2012-01-14 11:56:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today I felt ~ What lilies do - ~ Blossoming

2012-01-14 11:52:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Standing there ~ Amidst myriad lovers ~ How strange this oneness ~ How strange this singularity
2012-01-14 11:42:54 (EST)
449 / 4823

_eroteme_ Gravity was designed ~ To ease prostration

2012-01-14 11:38:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Bleed me ~ And watch ~ The calligraphy ~ Of sanguine rivulets

2012-01-14 11:22:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fires raised ~ His eyes across the flames ~ Melt ~ Or is it my vision ~ Sublimated?
2012-01-14 11:20:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such a love ~ I cannot share ~ Such a love ~ I cannot purse. ~ Silently you gave me all ~ Silently you watch ~ My silence
2012-01-14 11:18:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pleasure ~ Of begging ~ You

2012-01-14 11:16:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if ~ I had to re-learn love ~ You beckon me

2012-01-14 11:13:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shy not ~ From this frenzy ~ It might not choose you ~ Tomorrow
2012-01-14 11:10:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The love I mocked at ~ The love, I now ~ Secretly carry in my womb
2012-01-14 11:09:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ In your presence ~ Every bit of me springs feet ~ And dances ~ While I gaze on
2012-01-14 11:05:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sealed is my vision ~ Once I have ~ Glimpsed you

2012-01-14 10:58:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Watching you stand there ~ Adorned, adored ~ I wish to drop ~ All civility ~ And rush
2012-01-14 10:53:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oh! Let me ~ Glow for you ~ Tonight ~ Rubbing my heart ~ To a hue of lilac
2012-01-14 10:49:26 (EST)
450 / 4823

_eroteme_ Decades I've lived thus ~ While You patiently ~ Undid my becoming
2012-01-14 10:48:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Everyone liken madness ~ To madness ~ For they haven't felt it

2012-01-14 10:42:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Just when I thought ~ This is as much as I can love ~ He smiles

2012-01-14 10:34:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ He ~ By any name ~ Is loved

2012-01-14 10:32:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ You don't know ~ What you did to me today ~ Do you?

2012-01-14 10:22:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Countless strings ~ From every sensate sliver of me ~ Tugged

2012-01-14 10:21:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the agora of plenty ~ Our eyes meet ~ To dispel all other ~ Existence
2012-01-14 10:18:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Chant ~ As breath ~ As reason ~ As wind & gale ~ As all knowing ~ As singular wonder ~ As joy unencumbered... ~ Chant
2012-01-14 10:14:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is love ~ And then there are the tears ~ That flow knowing not ~ Why I was chosen to love
2012-01-14 10:08:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ To love ~ As if an explosion ~ Of all of me

2012-01-14 10:07:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Throb of the gongs ~ At once ~ We are all one beat

2012-01-14 10:01:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Miserly god ~ Giving me but two eyes ~ To behold you

2012-01-14 09:59:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be held in thrall ~ The gentle smile ~ Of a stone idol

2012-01-14 09:57:56 (EST)

451 / 4823

_eroteme_ Promised ~ A hunger-less life ~ Why still crave that feast?

2012-01-14 09:50:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take me ~ When I'm mindless ~ Then tell me tales ~ Of my true self
2012-01-13 12:38:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie As long as you don't ululate ;-)

2012-01-13 12:35:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Slip ~ Slide ~ Tumble ~ Trip ~ Roll ~ Reel ~ As long as it is ~ My way

2012-01-13 12:19:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crooning lullaby ~ Of a pane-less window ~ On one hinge

2012-01-13 12:05:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Moat of my mind ~ Filled with ~ Sharp-teethed words

2012-01-13 12:01:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ @monokrow No, no... Thank _you_ :-)

2012-01-13 11:46:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: Free your tongue; from the side of cheek [...Mine]
2012-01-13 11:27:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @coastmoor: wires, wired between ~ unseen from fall to fall ~ make the call ~ before the rust turns sheen
2012-01-13 09:58:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ These telegraph posts ~ How like me ~ Clinging to the rust ~ That must fall
2012-01-13 09:52:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Henna-stained & ~ Dragging their mind ~ Clouds across yawning sky
2012-01-13 09:46:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile Glad you enjoyed the words, dear Manisha. :)

2012-01-13 09:12:14 (EST)
452 / 4823

_eroteme_ Watching the night sky ~ In rapt silence ~ Sliver of moon

2012-01-13 07:53:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile If only someone/ invented a dark, dulcet/ wrapping chatoyant flickers of our soul/ nighting our suns/ with a sigh/ of pitch
2012-01-13 07:50:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ These myriad ways ~ To whisper your name ~ And yet tonguetied
2012-01-13 07:38:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Turn off the lights ~ Watch your kisses ~ Glow on me

2012-01-13 07:31:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wonder what this hue and cry is about passion - can't one do a task exceptionally well without passion?
2012-01-13 07:13:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Somewhere ~ Someone ~ Is biting her thigh ~ As I've wished to

2012-01-12 20:20:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: Talk with tips; fingers and tongues [Or in lengths; of fingers & tongues]
2012-01-12 20:14:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ On every wall ~ Even behind the curtains ~ Of my eyes - ~ His eyes.
2012-01-12 10:13:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spit polishing ~ Scars. ~ Don't look away

2012-01-12 10:11:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz Two words for one ~ Two words for one ~ Slivers of hearts ~ Smuggled in
2012-01-12 09:57:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz The corners melt ~ Where they separated ~ My heart & he
2012-01-12 09:44:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ The echo of his trot to my door ~ Tonight will be ~ Ginger453 / 4823

sauteed aggression
2012-01-12 09:30:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your smile ~ Was the tongue that ~ Wet my heart's lips
2012-01-12 09:12:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pinned beneath me ~ Choose your words ~ Sensually

2012-01-12 09:11:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soon, soon ~ My thoughts will join ~ The fireflies' dance

2012-01-12 08:59:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ The kite's shadow ~ And the darting eyes ~ Of the cat
2012-01-12 08:58:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit: I failed - again / Ill try - again [But rest assured, my love ~ Never the same ~ Again]
2012-01-12 08:52:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz: His heart settles~ on the edge~ of her goodbye [All memories of him ~ Tripping o'er ~ The slant of his wave]
2012-01-12 08:49:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ If every wing-flap ~ Was a cymbal struck ~ Symphonies o'er horizons

2012-01-12 08:21:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @the_radish and all it took was for him to speak her name [And thus he ~ Took all of her]
2012-01-11 11:13:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ His eyes dervishing ~ Down, down ~ Oh! ~ Down...

2012-01-11 11:09:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tattooing his breath ~ On my heart

2012-01-11 10:53:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Time is a ~ Sculptor of ruins

2012-01-11 10:47:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern I wonder why you thank me, but certainly, you are welcome. :-)
2012-01-11 10:04:55 (EST)

454 / 4823

_eroteme_ Pirouetting prayers ~ A cherry blossom ~ Falls

2012-01-11 09:39:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ And rivers ~ Shall only know from afar ~ What it is to be on fire
2012-01-11 09:36:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sometimes, I've the urge ~ To leave my footwear ~ At your doorstep, ~ And vanish
2012-01-11 09:30:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cloud above ~ So white ~ This ice cream on my shirt

2012-01-11 08:22:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the words ~ Masked by ~ Silence

2012-01-11 08:17:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Small streams ~ Becoming large rivers ~ Yet they remain small ~ Those little fish
2012-01-11 08:15:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only ~ My thoughts ~ Would end ~ On what I see

2012-01-11 08:09:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Completely agree. :-)

2012-01-10 23:03:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Palmsfull of water ~ Separated from the river ~ Still a river

2012-01-10 11:47:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Misplaced spectacles ~ How hopeless ~ This worlds appears

2012-01-10 11:40:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Taking your hesitations ~ One by one ~ To make of them ~ An insatiable longing
2012-01-10 11:37:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fresh varnish ~ Forgotten scent ~ Of his departure

2012-01-10 11:34:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beads of my dreams ~ Around her neck ~ Descending to where ~ They've never dreamed
2012-01-10 11:26:17 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Her lashes ~ Fluttering ~ In a moonless night

2012-01-10 11:19:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Leg over hip ~ Hand clasping shoulder ~ Inventing knots ~ That leave silhouettes ~ Gasping
2012-01-10 11:08:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Serendipity ~ Of sighs

2012-01-10 10:40:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Breathe in ~ The west wind and ~ Exhale it my way

2012-01-10 10:25:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit: she spoke with her eyes - as the lines around them multiplied - so did her vocabulary [Lexicon ~ Of glances ~ Unbound]
2012-01-10 09:51:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit RT @libertine_esque I would kiss the sight & sound of you ~ and your listen too [Braid your fret & glee ~ And your daydreams too]
2012-01-09 09:03:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ How today ~ Like no other day ~ I wish these words were ~ The catamaran you'd board ~ To reach here... ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:57:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the waters rose ~ And swallowed our pier ~ Yet left our favourite rock behind ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:55:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ How that letter ~ Full of teenage-promises ~ Returns, now, undelivered ~ Yet opened ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:51:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ How blossoms ~ In full blush ~ Return to the earth ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:44:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ How this black, black night ~ Disrobes slightly ~ To let moon rays pass ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:42:34 (EST)

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_eroteme_ How this wide earth ~ Lets small fires ~ Smelt her gold ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:41:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ How a child - warned - ~ Reaches out slowly ~ To the novel blaze ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:39:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ How the Winter sun ~ Skips not a step ~ On my porch ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:37:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) @OliviaDresher: Wonder is unconditional love.

2012-01-09 08:34:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Snow dropped eyes / pooling hues / undefined [White laced lashes ~ Tremble of her gaze ~ Untrammeled]
2012-01-09 08:32:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ How roads ~ Become other roads ~ But rarely abruptly vanish ~ That kind of love
2012-01-09 08:29:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wingprints ~ Of a falcon that ~ Slit the sky

2012-01-09 01:59:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Swaying fields ~ Nearly overtaking ~ The winds

2012-01-08 11:16:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly And you, milady, are kind as ever... Glad you found them to your mind's tang. :-)
2012-01-08 09:51:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Our tongues touch ~ Slithering warmth ~ This flame & I

2012-01-08 09:46:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Paul_McGovern Desperation is when one's colon is semirelieved

2012-01-08 06:44:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Turn off the moon ~ I have more ~ To show you

2012-01-08 06:42:04 (EST)

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_eroteme_ Held 'twixt his lips ~ Now, his teeth ~ Heaving to meet his heat ~ Swollen word-hips
2012-01-08 06:40:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let me make love ~ And step back ~ To watch you writhe
2012-01-08 06:34:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @Paul_McGovern I fill my night with thoughts of the girl [And the girl ~ With thoughts of that night]
2012-01-08 06:30:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nights of pure lust ~ I chain myself to the moon ~ Dragged around the world
2012-01-08 06:29:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Jaelvarma You are generous with compliments. Glad you find the words here to your taste... :-)
2012-01-08 06:26:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cypress minarets ~ The gods resemble ~ The moon tonight

2012-01-08 06:24:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ If trees were human we'd have a palm tell a willow to not limit itself but bloom roses and lilies...
2012-01-08 05:55:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ My poetry for her soul ~ For mine ~ Her gooseflesh

2012-01-07 22:22:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @thismomentonly Transparent dreams ~ that you can easily step into ~ when the scene suits your fancy [Come wear ~ My transparent ~ Dream]
2012-01-07 22:12:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @forgottenworks: pressed flowers / the questions it's too late / to ask [What remains ~ Has lost its scent- ~ Flowers & questions]
2012-01-07 22:07:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I was young ~ I felt the old ~ Were alone allowed ~ To wear wrinkled masks [hat tip to @forgottenworks via @cirrusdreams]
2012-01-07 21:58:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spent - ~ We watch our longing ~ Make love in the shadows

458 / 4823

2012-01-07 21:46:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Yet this ~ Palpable urge to ~ Wring specialness ~ From every moment
2012-01-07 21:40:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @syahidahz His heart danced~ with her smile~ together~ and apart [While we danced ~ Our smiles ~ Tangoed]
2012-01-07 21:12:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The breeze ~ As if his eager breath ~ Pressing the silk to me

2012-01-07 10:17:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ My eyes ~ Watching his eyes ~ Travel my blush

2012-01-07 10:15:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mornings ~ Waking to a ~ Familiar bare leg ~ O'er mine

2012-01-07 10:13:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Burn my heart ~ Oil the soot ~ Kohl your eyes ~ Then you'll see ~ Why I love you [Approximate recipe for making kohl:]
2012-01-07 10:07:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pull my hair ~ Arch my back ~ String the bow ~ And lets war
2012-01-07 06:20:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Turn off the lights ~ And let me hunt you ~ By warmth
2012-01-07 06:17:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Last knot undone ~ Yet you ~ Not undone

2012-01-07 06:16:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your heels ~ Guiding my ~ Eagerness' keel

2012-01-07 06:14:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mine ~ What is thine ~ Now mine

2012-01-07 06:09:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ When all I wish is ~ To pillage ~ Your passion's chest

2012-01-07 06:08:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ The things ~ We did ~ In sin-light

459 / 4823

2012-01-07 06:06:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ How her ~ Slightest tap ~ Shattered sunlight...

2012-01-07 06:05:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Leave my words ~ For others ~ For you I reserved ~ The lemony husks
2012-01-07 06:04:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth I wonder how you think thus... Beautiful... :-)

2012-01-07 05:17:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Waves of departures ~ Feathered farewell ~ Moon setting ~ In an orchid's dream
2012-01-07 05:12:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Shards of sparkles ~ This beach of ~ Mirages

2012-01-07 04:56:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Bend me ~ The colours ~ Of your sighs ~ I shall then shine ~ On your kissbow
2012-01-07 04:35:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Love leads one down many roads, many going in opposite directions. [The strangeness ~ Of roads ~ Going nowhere]
2012-01-07 04:32:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The way letters grow into words. The way words grow into sentences. [The way sentences ~ Grow into what ~ I never meant]
2012-01-07 04:29:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: A monastery in moonlight. [The chants ~ Of reflections ~ In the lake]

2012-01-07 04:28:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth To be the note ~ The flautist's finger ~ Let escape

2012-01-07 04:26:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shiver me ~ A winter's touch ~ Memory icicles

2012-01-07 04:08:45 (EST)

460 / 4823

_eroteme_ Life is a ~ Mnage trois ~ Of Timed, Time and ~ Will be time

2012-01-07 04:02:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Sodium would need more Na than Ni! ;-)

2012-01-07 03:59:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ My collar ~ Of her kisses ~ Trickling down ~ When I miss her

2012-01-07 02:25:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ To ride the wind ~ And tickle lakes. ~ To ride the waves ~ And tug at shores. ~ To ride the rains ~ And kiss treetops
2012-01-07 02:23:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: Feast of the Epiphany / I suddenly realize / it's today [Todays ~ Held in my hand ~ Till they become ~ Yesterdays]
2012-01-07 01:10:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rivers ~ Are conversations ~ Between pebbles

2012-01-07 01:06:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sigh of ~ Sofas ~ In a coffee shop

2012-01-07 00:59:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ How I never used the brass knocker on her door. As if, the personal feel of everything about her, even her teak door, felt like an offering.
2012-01-07 00:58:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @coastmoor: @feltsensejunkie the slip of clay ~ as clear as day ~ our moulding days ~ were soon to be over
2012-01-06 13:28:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Kohl rimmed urn ~ In your porcelain fingers, held ~ Is it a dream ~ Or a silence ~ The potter spins? [tying it all back!]
2012-01-06 13:15:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Most certainly! It seems to be waiting for your wishes, to get better! :-)
2012-01-06 13:04:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this learning ~ And accumulation ~ Only to walk through ~ The doors of forgetting
2012-01-06 12:51:45 (EST)
461 / 4823

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Run your clay fingers ~ O'er my moist heart ~ Why speak of purity now!
2012-01-06 09:41:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @h0ll0wd0ll Count me in.... :-)

2012-01-06 04:29:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Ming urn - ~ Blue tinged dreams ~ Of a potter's wheel

2012-01-06 04:17:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Kohl lined intrigue ~ Your wanton eyes ~ Colouring outside
2012-01-06 03:25:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fricassee ~ Of what I ~ Will not say

2012-01-05 22:59:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ @amaeryllis Just to understand, are you saying that a man has no say on the question of whether to abort or not?
2012-01-05 22:29:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: Coiled inside a tendril vine / I sleep outside a love / unseen. [Sepal that love ~ Unleash the hues]
2012-01-05 22:22:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @unspunearth: white desire / is a room of a thousand pillars / roof less, wall less / a speechless word.
2012-01-05 22:20:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: outside the inside / night is a shield. [Innards of night ~ Shining under the skin]
2012-01-05 22:19:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth 'Tis unfortunate. I have personally felt & known people who feel effortless joy at the simplest & grandest thing.
2012-01-05 21:33:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Really? Then why aren't we viscerally in pain when we see a sunrise? Or why doesn't a babe (well-fed) frown & sulk constantly?
2012-01-05 21:18:12 (EST)
462 / 4823

_eroteme_ It takes abundant cunning & deviousness to make a religion of pain & sadness.
2012-01-05 20:27:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the land ~ Of mutual dreams ~ What remains a secret?

2012-01-05 20:20:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you only knew ~ All you said ~ In my dreams

2012-01-05 20:19:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glass & tin kettles ~ Out where it pours ~ Rainchimes

2012-01-05 20:17:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Oh! Yes... :-) RT @ OliviaDresher: The way handwritten letters slowed down thinking into a savoring.
2012-01-05 20:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ I loved her ~ In her satin robe ~ And more so ~ Just in the sash
2012-01-05 20:01:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The slow meandering ~ Over your buttressed chin ~ Through ravines below ~ Of the first line ~ Of passion's sweat
2012-01-05 19:59:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shut the doors ~ Shut the windows ~ Let it just be us ~ That we breathe
2012-01-05 19:54:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Palette of his lies ~ This tapestry ~ Of my life

2012-01-04 12:52:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rotten carrot ~ Floating in a puddle ~ Wonder where ~ My snowman went

2012-01-04 12:00:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stars for night ~ Kites for day ~ Alas! No solitude ~ While I do pray
2012-01-03 21:02:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stunning! @unspunearth black porcelain slips / ebony's glaze; this domed night / this doom's surface. [Firm kohl ~ Firmament ~ Dark mense]
463 / 4823

2012-01-03 20:59:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ What Winter you speak of ~ Warmed by your kisses!

2012-01-03 20:53:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Elastic horizon ~ Curving just a bit ~ Some more sunset

2012-01-03 20:52:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Panting tongue ~ Wordless, writing its last breath ~ On your thigh
2012-01-03 20:46:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The cosmic drummers - ~ Taking flight ~ Rhythmic birds

2012-01-03 20:43:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ An age when ~ Lead flies and ~ Hearts sink

2012-01-03 11:29:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ @iBeingMe Punctuated passions ~ Clinging to the ~ Hyphen connecting them

2012-01-03 11:21:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Vivid imagery :-)

2012-01-03 09:55:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drip from the ~ Farm pipe ~ Falling suns

2012-01-03 03:07:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tastes of a demon ~ In your nether worlds

2012-01-03 02:51:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ You ~ In my silk tie ~ And one sock ~ Rolled down

2012-01-02 11:38:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Heaving bosom ~ Of the lovely drummer ~ Rhythms of unrest []

2012-01-02 11:28:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Licentious stream - ~ Making love ~ To my reflection

2012-01-02 11:25:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Braided wind - ~ Tongue twisted ~ As you undo your sash

2012-01-02 11:23:40 (EST)

464 / 4823

_eroteme_ Ladle me ~ The Winter suns ~ Of your long-due smile

2012-01-02 11:14:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sing me the dreams ~ The river pebble's dream

2012-01-02 11:06:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ @mentalbit sometimes/unable to bear more/unable to bare more/I just read [Sometimes ~ For your assent ~ My passion's ascent ~ To your words]
2012-01-02 10:51:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie And where there's a will there is someone claiming that the deceased is the father of her lad!
2012-01-01 23:01:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Listen ~ Between the church bells ~ Dove wings

2012-01-01 22:26:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @haikujaiku Wishing you the best this year, dear Jenni :-)
2012-01-01 20:30:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ And with this, I complete a square number of tweets, included in a square number of lists & a square number of people to follow! :-)
2011-12-31 13:32:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the RTs, fav's, DMs, repartees, jostling are much appreciated & are eagerly sought out in 2012 as well. Thank you. Happy new year!
2011-12-31 13:32:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Today, I warmly hug each of you on my follower/~ing list for infusing life into this clique of word-sorcerers. There is immense beauty here
2011-12-31 13:31:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ I rarely thanked folks for RT-ing or fav-ing because these words don't belong to me. Nonetheless, it warmed my heart to see so many connect!
2011-12-31 13:31:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ While I created my account in 2010, 'twas merely to follow stalwarts like @OliviaDresher. This year my blog yielded for Twitter's sake!
2011-12-31 13:31:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ This year has been a beautiful on Twitter. The variety of those
465 / 4823

befriended through words & in person was satisfying to an extent unimagined

2011-12-31 13:31:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Love ~ Everywhere ~ But this insatiable thirst.

2011-12-31 13:30:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ How you stretch ~ In idle morn's wake, ~ Revealing ~ Places ~ I neglected ~ Last night.
2011-12-31 13:30:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the penury of words ~ Love takes a different hue.

2011-12-31 13:29:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her lips ~ Like the world ~ Where fire and water ~ Comprehend.
2011-12-31 13:29:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sigh softly ~ My love ~ Why rearrange ~ The firmament?

2011-12-31 13:29:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Will you ~ Read a poem ~ For me? ~ Or at least ~ Make love ~ Under the ~ Bronze moon?
2011-12-31 13:29:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Spreads happiness ~ Within me ~ Your lack ~ Spreads loneliness ~ Everywhere.
2011-12-31 13:21:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ A strand of your hair ~ On the pillow ~ Now between my teeth ~ Strumming our song.
2011-12-31 13:20:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Here! ~ Violate me ~ Make me believe ~ In a God

2011-12-31 13:18:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your shoulder ~ When you sleep ~ In my dreams.

2011-12-31 13:16:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ My girl-heart ~ Loved your sweet lies ~ About me ~ Till you lied ~ To me.
2011-12-31 13:14:42 (EST)

466 / 4823

_eroteme_ Even in my memories ~ Memories ~ Of her scent

2011-12-31 13:14:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her name ~ One tongue-length ~ Curled

2011-12-31 13:10:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ An elegant heartbreak ~ Can only come ~ To a pantomime love.

2011-12-31 13:08:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ I like it ~ When you crush my heart ~ And beg me to remove ~ The slivers in your palm.
2011-12-31 13:07:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words tied ~ At their wrists ~ By silken cords ~ Of your hair. ~ Silence moans.
2011-12-31 13:07:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ My poems, though well-bred ~ Are still human. ~ Why blame them ~ For climbing in naked ~ When you left the window open?
2011-12-31 13:06:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your sighs - ~ The scent ~ My tongue tracks

2011-12-31 13:04:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Look! ~ That flower which flies to another ~ Oh! A butterfly

2011-12-31 13:01:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ In your departure ~ Life is impossible. ~ In the hope that remains ~ Death, unthinkable.
2011-12-31 12:59:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tragedy ~ When the inside falls ~ And the outside stands
2011-12-31 12:58:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ I want you to bathe me ~ And apply lather ~ Between my fingers
2011-12-31 12:58:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The echoes / Of our love tonight - / Young bamboos thrill in Zizhuyuan (Zizhuyuan is the purple bamboo garden in Beijing)
2011-12-31 12:56:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your smile / Measured in kiss-lengths.

467 / 4823

2011-12-31 12:55:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ageless ~ Shadows ~ Exchanged ~ For new keepers

2011-12-31 12:54:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ The scarecrow's gift ~ For the new year - ~ A new crow
2011-12-31 12:52:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The girl I was has come back. [Welcome! ~ Now your turn ~ On the swings]
2011-12-31 12:50:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ The love letter ~ I blew ~ Onto a butterfly's back

2011-12-31 12:49:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: -- dragonflies / all facing / the setting sun # Rangai [A winged ~ Necklace]
2011-12-31 12:48:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The song I hummed ~ Into the tree's hollow ~ Felled & set free
2011-12-31 12:47:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The blossom that fell ~ Across years ~ Into the stream ~ Ephemeral
2011-12-31 12:38:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ His every touch ~ Like a bunch of keys ~ Unlocking my every moan
2011-12-31 12:31:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every year ~ That crow ~ Startled by fireworks

2011-12-31 12:22:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ How placid the lake! ~ Who'd believe me ~ About the kingfisher's plunge?
2011-12-31 11:45:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Old man on the park bench ~ Telling each flake ~ How celebrations were back then
2011-12-31 10:27:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Like a restaurant sink ~ Of tired souls ~ This subway train

2011-12-31 10:15:02 (EST)

468 / 4823

_eroteme_ All's in the mind ~ My mind's within him ~ And he, in me...
2011-12-31 09:17:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every move ~ Every glance ~ Every button he undid ~ Every lop-sided grin ~ Commanding me near...
2011-12-31 09:14:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Headlights swimming through ~ Her pool of tears - ~ Cosmopolitan sorrows

2011-12-31 08:50:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ The native tongue ~ Of this sighing ~ Moist evening breeze

2011-12-31 08:33:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @EdBremson Yep! I think mine's from the 30's too. I relish in old books! :-) My copy of Snow Leopard had a train ticket from WAS-PHL (80's)
2011-12-30 23:22:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @EdBremson Absolutely one of the finest books. I remember remaining silent for many days after reading it as a kid... :-) I have an old copy
2011-12-30 22:36:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ To learn promiscuity ~ From words

2011-12-30 22:19:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tattered prayer flag ~ Wonder what became of ~ The prayer

2011-12-30 17:00:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ It is not that I haven't touched you there, but your sighs are new.
2011-12-30 16:45:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Learning about relationships from a tree in Autumn. In Spring.

2011-12-30 16:30:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The beauty of chasing your mind as it plunges through thoughtlabyrinths - I in my mind in me - caves yawning into caves in a dew drop.
2011-12-30 16:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Behold the poetry that gushes from a torn heart! How could you ask for life to be happy?
469 / 4823

2011-12-30 16:00:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ The only warm hearth we can always return to is our childhood memories.
2011-12-30 15:45:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such a pitiful heart which mistakes attention for love.

2011-12-30 15:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ How different is day from night!? My life is not of my plot; my dreams are not of my design.
2011-12-30 15:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sit by my side. Show me what is happening in the world to my right and I'll show you what's happening to your left.
2011-12-30 15:00:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Till I recalled the city's name, this road felt so promising...
2011-12-30 14:45:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Window shopping ~ Dreams ~ Through ~ Your sleepy smile.

2011-12-30 14:30:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Silhouettes ~ Of her scent ~ Trembling at the fire's hem

2011-12-30 14:00:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ What came first? ~ Winds or ~ Wings?

2011-12-30 11:53:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Just the thought of you ~ And on my neck ~ A love-bite's shadow

2011-12-30 11:52:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @EternallyClaire Glad you find them so... :-)

2011-12-30 11:50:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her scent ~ An amalgam ~ Of how I wished ~ To remember her

2011-12-30 11:50:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: The broken heart / builds a temple for wisdom; after / the surcease of pain. [True! If only wisdom would dwell with love]
2011-12-30 11:47:19 (EST)

470 / 4823

_eroteme_ Take a knife ~ To my thoughts ~ And hear your scream

2011-12-30 11:45:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ With all my ~ Intention to reach you ~ I build a cage

2011-12-30 11:40:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: My moonless nights / within. [Mimicked ~ Occasionally ~ Without]

2011-12-30 11:36:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow Jam's to be spread thicker than thin; gin to be poured heavier than sin [Plunge farther & within ~ End not what's yet to begin]
2011-12-30 11:32:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Brevity of a sigh ~ Prefacing the tale ~ Of your gaze

2011-12-30 11:16:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ How do I stay ~ Moments when I ~ Quicken your pulse?

2011-12-30 11:13:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ The chessboard sounds ~ Of his words ~ And silences

2011-12-30 11:03:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @mentalbit: silent slow dance ~ hearing the music ~ with our hands [Fugues of you ~ And me ~ In C minor]
2011-12-30 11:00:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ On my fourth round ~ This snowman ~ Has gained weight

2011-12-30 10:57:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mauve ~ Lop-sided ~ Tugs

2011-12-30 10:56:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 :-) I've been there. Honestly, Such events help you revisit what is really vital & purge what crept in unnoticed. #Hugs
2011-12-30 10:51:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come, don ~ The garb ~ Of my palms

2011-12-30 10:36:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: -- end of the year / snowflakes falling / into the

471 / 4823

New Year [What started last year ~ Rests now ~ On my palm]

2011-12-30 10:34:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ @RareSwanPress Wishing you the best too, dear R. And the best of you... :-)
2011-12-30 10:32:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 And you don't have backup? At least a list of contents to help you re-construct? :-| Perhaps going forward..
2011-12-30 10:31:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Geometric sighs ~ Of a rainbow - ~ Dragonfly's broken wing

2011-12-30 10:27:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ @vonguyenphong22 Backup. Have you tried taking your HDD to someone who could retrieve data from bare metal? Your data might not be lost...
2011-12-30 10:24:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: Light lights light. [Not as much as ~ Darkness darkens darkness]
2011-12-30 10:23:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: My palms tell many stories / no fortune teller tales [The lines ~ Of my palms ~ Curved to ~ What you were]
2011-12-30 10:22:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Warming my hands ~ O'er the memories ~ Of summer

2011-12-30 10:19:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Well, if you have to brush your teeth, you have to... ;-p
2011-12-30 10:16:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ @bigmax722 And these are for your tweet: [From NYC] :-)
2011-12-30 10:09:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only ~ New years ~ Weren't like old ones ~ Unseen...

2011-12-30 09:51:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ The helplessness ~ Of needles gazing at ~ Threads on a spool

2011-12-30 09:47:19 (EST)
472 / 4823

_eroteme_ Hold down your skirt ~ Against my mind's ~ Breeze

2011-12-30 09:21:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ The bobbing boat ~ Never hosting ~ A New Year party

2011-12-30 09:20:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ The wave ~ Of blossoming daffodils ~ And the wind's rush ~ To watch them all
2011-12-30 09:17:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Back from ~ Eavesdropping ~ On mountain-top conversations ~ With cloud-wisps

2011-12-30 09:16:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Passion's precipitate - ~ Grains of my longing ~ Down your hourglass

2011-12-30 09:12:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Life is ~ Full of past ~ Or hoping ~ It were so

2011-12-30 08:20:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: my big hand on your little hand time stops | #senryu [And when ~ Your little hands slides down ~ Hours rush past]
2011-12-29 04:50:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Non-discriminating ~ Cobwebs

2011-12-29 04:47:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Place not truth's blade ~ Midst the green meadows ~ Of a filly's jounce
2011-12-29 04:35:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Mermaids in water ~ Gods in heaven ~ All to the silhouette ~ Of a man not on earth
2011-12-29 04:28:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ The voice ~ In my head ~ Never suffering ~ A sore throat

2011-12-28 11:44:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher And love, coincidental...

2011-12-27 09:20:21 (EST)
473 / 4823

_eroteme_ Between ripples ~ A fish ~ Lost

2011-12-27 02:34:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cobweb strings ~ Of the viola ~ And the tune of memories

2011-12-27 02:28:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ If there is something that evolution has gifted us, it is the ability for vacant pondering
2011-12-27 02:23:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone: Humanity's lost and found box: the sky [Found at night ~ Lost in the day]
2011-12-26 10:13:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher There are non-vegetarian beans? :-o

2011-12-26 10:04:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only my mind knew how to still itself, I could dream (in sleep) without continuous analysis... :-|
2011-12-25 01:19:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ I like her in stripes ~ Like the shadows ~ Of the blinds ~ Across her form
2011-12-24 12:41:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Sure! A sonnet sounds like a fine christmas present for Ms. @feltsensejunkie ;-)
2011-12-24 12:03:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth When asked ~ Where from ~ Her love doth fount ~ The clue... Actually, inspired by @feltsensejunkie's avi
2011-12-24 09:29:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ The clue, ~ Her chin ~ Pointing to her heart

2011-12-24 09:11:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drunkenly forming landscape ~ Of her back as she reaches ~ To unhook

2011-12-24 04:45:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ I know places to touch ~ Which will close ~ Her trembling eyes
2011-12-24 04:32:14 (EST)
474 / 4823

_eroteme_ The eroticism ~ Of her mumbling ~ In her sleep

2011-12-24 04:28:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ The puckered geometry ~ Of her passion's arousal ~ I wish I hadn't edges
2011-12-24 04:18:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her wet towel ~ Whipped from her balcony ~ Aah! Such scented mist...
2011-12-24 04:16:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pondered long enough ~ Are you the subject of ~ Or substance of ~ My thoughts?
2011-12-24 04:12:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The titillation ~ Of chucking my mind's pebbles ~ At her window

2011-12-24 04:09:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ She summons curves ~ On her self ~ Like an adroit garlandmaker

2011-12-24 04:02:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Neighbour's dog ~ Greets me with a growl ~ Perhaps my snoring ~ Kept him awake too!
2011-12-20 12:02:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Old mill-keeper - ~ Still hails me ~ By my wrong name

2011-12-20 12:00:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ How strange! ~ All of god's houses ~ Need man-made doors

2011-12-20 11:56:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nervously treading ~ The horizon ~ Setting sun

2011-12-20 11:54:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lavender hopes ~ Dissolved in love's bath ~ Heart's door ~ Slightly ajar
2011-12-20 11:50:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ The character ~ Of dinner plates ~ In the sink

2011-12-20 11:40:55 (EST)

475 / 4823

_eroteme_ Dried river ~ I look to my left ~ And right ~ Before crossing

2011-12-20 11:37:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Effortless haiku - ~ My cat's departure ~ Tail upright

2011-12-20 11:33:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stone-skipping ~ Words ~ Across the lake ~ Of "I wish..."

2011-12-20 11:29:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful ... :-)RT @CoyoteSings: fresh snow I can hear every star | #haiku [Star-fragments ~ Singing their way ~ Atop firs]
2011-12-20 11:27:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Paper-boat words ~ Set asail ~ In the seas ~ Of hopelessness

2011-12-20 11:26:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ The melody ~ Of his thrust ~ Ringing in my body

2011-12-20 11:23:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" ~ How oddly she pronounced ~ Love.
2011-12-20 11:21:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ How every woman ~ Is two at once...

2011-12-20 11:20:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perforated - The little boy's yawn ~ Without two teeth.

2011-12-20 11:17:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ A door & knocker - ~ All that remained ~ Of a once-loved heart

2011-12-20 11:12:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: RT "@monokrow: Endorse this parchment with the depths of your soul" [My identity - ~ Echos of ~ Your soul]
2011-12-20 10:19:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Perhaps I would've ~ Loved you ~ Had you not asked

2011-12-20 10:15:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lamenting the ~ Lack of depth - ~ Gravedigger

2011-12-20 10:13:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Geese - ~ Letting us all know ~ Which way is summer

476 / 4823

2011-12-20 10:11:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Deja vu ~ Death

2011-12-20 10:10:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The inadequacies ~ Of grieving ~ For memories ~ Uncreated

2011-12-20 10:07:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly You brought the torch, dear lady. :-) Thanks for the opportunity for wonderful exchange...
2011-12-20 10:03:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ All over the place ~ Her commas

2011-12-20 10:01:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ What is left to say? ~ Moon through the leaves ~ Sighs through my lips
2011-12-20 09:58:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Postboxes ~ Bleeding ~ In the rain

2011-12-20 09:51:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The half-bloomed ~ Fist of my love ~ Asleep

2011-12-20 09:50:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth The crumbs, whispers or pews? ;-p

2011-12-20 09:49:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Gold-heeled dance ~ On every twirl ~ The taste of want #wordplay
2011-12-20 09:48:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: Love is / the tremble of the dew drop / as the rose opens. [The shudder ~ Of blooming ~ Pregnant]
2011-12-20 09:36:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Tangy ~ Love-bites ~ Gilded # wordplay

2011-12-20 09:33:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ The crumbs ~ Of whispers ~ On the pews

2011-12-20 09:25:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: -- no heaven, no earth / the snow / keeps

477 / 4823

falling #Hashin [No past ~ No future ~ Yet this masquerading ~ Now]

2011-12-20 09:23:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ All this becoming ~ That I need to fit in ~ What is

2011-12-20 09:22:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly :-) Glad to be of use...

2011-12-20 09:22:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ The memory ~ Of you above me ~ Your hair barely touching my forehead ~ Doesn't fit any frame ~ I have
2011-12-20 09:21:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: love / leaves; never. [Leave love ~ For the ever]
2011-12-20 09:17:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Naked bubbles ~ Rushing heavenward ~ For cover

2011-12-20 09:17:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Your turmeric touch ~ On my slaked-lime lips ~ And the red of blush #wordplay [FYI, yellow turmeric turns red on white lime]
2011-12-20 09:15:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Passion's ~ Peristaltic ~ Propagation

2011-12-20 09:11:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Who are you ~ When you ~ Lose yourself ~ In me?

2011-12-20 09:08:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drink with me ~ From this carafe of ~ Promises gone dry

2011-12-20 09:04:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ Kites ~ Sewing ~ Clouds

2011-12-20 08:59:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Yellow rose plucked ~ Before she taught ~ That bud to bloom
2011-12-20 08:58:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cherry tree ~ Begging the river to still ~ One blossom at a time
2011-12-20 08:56:21 (EST)

478 / 4823

_eroteme_ @ramvee Glad you find them so. :-) Your generous compliments do nudge the pen...
2011-12-20 08:53:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Full moon night ~ I pause ~ Even in my dreams

2011-12-20 08:50:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @bigmax722: the pond's silken surface ~ a heron drinks ~ the lustre of the sun [Sipping gold ~ Still ~ So white]
2011-12-20 08:48:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her curtain song ~ Of demure ~ Longing

2011-12-20 08:47:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ On the clothesline ~ Her prom dress ~ And sighs

2011-12-20 08:37:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Collation of journeys ~ Airports...

2011-12-16 23:29:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ You are kind... :-) RT @ unspunearth: for ineffable subtlety of philosophy poetry & life expressed to perfection in 140 characters.
2011-12-16 10:22:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Glad you find it so. You are very kind... :-) RT @ ZinniaTung : the subtleness of your words is what makes it great, beautiful
2011-12-16 10:20:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ No dream complete ~ Without waking up

2011-12-15 09:12:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Neighbours moved - ~ Now my nights sleepless ~ Recalling their child's wails
2011-12-14 22:49:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @bigmax722: walking back ~ puddle by puddle ~ my smile grows [Puddles ~ Begging to be ~ Pounced on]
2011-12-14 20:31:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Nightingale's song ~ Eaves dripping ~ Off-beat

2011-12-14 20:29:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ Down of meadows ~ Parted by ~ The gentle breeze

479 / 4823

2011-12-14 20:27:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come Spring & even ~ My dustbin has its share ~ Of flowers
2011-12-14 12:09:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Soft rice cakes - ~ With them I practice ~ Kissing

2011-12-14 12:04:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Telling the same tales ~ As at the neighbour's ~ Little sparrow

2011-12-14 12:02:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Winter ambitions ~ Every warm breath ~ Trying to be a cloud

2011-12-14 11:58:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz :-) It drives me crazy when someone says "I was in love with ..." Was? How does that work? You're either always in love or never!
2011-12-14 11:57:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish people stopped saying "I love you" when all they mean is "I find you interesting enough to get tizzy with"
2011-12-14 11:53:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Every yearning minute ~ Since then ~ Like myriad candles ~ Unlit
2011-12-14 11:52:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if the tree reflected into the lake to understand water. [Or grow closer ~ To the moon ~ In there]
2011-12-14 11:47:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Caught in thought [Suspended in hope]

2011-12-14 11:28:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ The way you'd know ~ The next note ~ Of a can rolling down the alley
2011-12-14 11:26:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ The last ~ Jasmine blossom ~ Before the white ~ Of Winter

2011-12-14 11:22:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the sights ~ Unimagined ~ Wide-eyed fish from Tsukiji market
480 / 4823

2011-12-14 10:19:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ The myriad ~ Who stare into the same sky ~ Thinking different thoughts...
2011-12-13 11:59:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ The wind, the flute notes ~ Glazed clouds ~ All that comes over the hills ~ Yet none to your shape
2011-12-13 11:58:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wyrde You are indeed kind. I am a knave. Do forgive me. All the words here, are pure fiction. Please let fiction not abrade your kindness.
2011-12-12 17:16:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ All that these locks pretend to hold away. All that we must allow so that we may disallow a fading of being a woman...
2011-12-12 12:10:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Tomorrow's the day when a man will ask me the time & I will let him know & maybe a little more. Witty exchanges, coffee, ... pg 127. Locks.
2011-12-12 12:08:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Time to change the mascara, the lace, the favourite ice cream, the name of the boy in high school who... Time to change the door locks.
2011-12-12 12:05:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ And it must all end, like tonight, in chanting the Psalms of being the other woman & denying that I wanted it to last longer...
2011-12-12 11:59:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ On your shoulder ~ I always ~ Colour outside ~ Her love bites

2011-12-12 11:54:23 (EST)

_eroteme_ Always page 127 - seeing him arrive, rushing to the couch, leafing a book, acting like I forgot that it was his wife's night shift - pg 127
2011-12-12 11:52:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rusty spring beds ~ Never let you feel ~ Lonely

2011-12-12 11:50:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ A door shut, steps growing hoarser, a car started & eaten up by the dawn - in the ebb do I define myself...
2011-12-12 11:49:37 (EST)
481 / 4823

_eroteme_ @Wyrde Because I boasted of burying mine & not caring...

2011-12-12 11:44:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ My grandma said, "She who has buried her heart, speaks not of it." I never looked her in the eye thereafter...
2011-12-12 11:42:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ To believe in marriages & hope to realise it by breaking one...

2011-12-12 11:40:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ You need to be ~ The "other woman" ~ To be a woman

2011-12-12 11:34:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The cheapest anaesthetic, to numb the tug of the heart, is to hang it out with your lingerie over the fence. Hope, that is.
2011-12-12 11:29:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Morality is the desperate plea of women who know they'd lose what they magically had possessed if a suitable woman so decided.
2011-12-12 11:23:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am she ~ Who weaves mirages ~ Into your dreams

2011-12-12 11:20:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ Deny as they severely would, every woman envies the other who has had an affair & still stands drawing men to her...
2011-12-12 11:19:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ How strange the misconception that an affair is about the man involved. No, my dear brute, no. It never was. Never will be.
2011-12-12 11:17:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stand up, li'l girl ~ It takes two ~ To get used to

2011-12-12 11:16:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Grab him with a scent ~ He can't live without ~ Nor parade
2011-12-12 11:15:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ If he misses something about her, don't adopt it. Desecrate it. He will either leave you or hate that very trait. You aren't in therapy!
2011-12-12 11:13:34 (EST)
482 / 4823

_eroteme_ She must know soon, else an affair would resemble truth (which it can never be). If he is not nervous it isn't an affair. You'd be his stool
2011-12-12 11:12:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ If you find her lipstick in his pocket, you know she knows. Unfazed, take it out, use it well & return it to the pocket. She'll understand
2011-12-12 11:08:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Smile not ~ Camouflage the snare ~ Make him believe

2011-12-12 11:05:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ They who draw ~ Men from their woes ~ Into one we create for them - ~ We are ~ That secret sect
2011-12-12 11:03:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ Women ~ Need ~ An affair ~ Often just to ~ Know we still can

2011-12-12 11:00:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Let him return ~ To her ~ Smelling of me

2011-12-12 10:57:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Window sills ~ Shaped to my ~ Idle gazing

2011-12-12 10:56:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ [Part 2 of 2] Now you are older & know it can mean many things, but essentially it means to put your shoes on the wrong feet. - Lorrie Moore
2011-12-12 10:55:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ [Part 1 of 2] When you were six you thought mistress meant to put your shoes on the wrong feet.
2011-12-12 10:54:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ The doctor ~ Complaining about platelets. ~ Surely he can afford ~ Bigger plates.
2011-12-11 20:10:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crows atop scarecrow ~ Complaining about ~ Migrating geese [hat tip to @tinywords ]
2011-12-11 20:08:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil hehehe! :-) I still have my apron on! Can surely
483 / 4823

whip something up for you! Tangerine swirls atop pepper infused Crme brle?
2011-12-11 20:02:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: tender frailty; morning air slips through indigo silk's weave. [Dessicated mist ~ Trapping early rays ~ And cow-bells]
2011-12-11 19:58:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EmilyEDickinson: I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you Nobody too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! they'd advertise you know!
2011-12-11 19:56:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come to me tonight ~ In the glowing garland ~ Of my kisses

2011-12-11 11:44:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Years from now ~ Will I still have it in me ~ This deftness ~ Of killing mosquitoes
2011-12-11 11:43:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drawing from ~ The kohl ~ Her inspissate stare

2011-12-11 10:49:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ The eclipse ~ Of your eyes ~ In the shadow of tears

2011-12-11 10:12:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Saffron-veined delicacy - ~ Memories of ~ Nibbling you

2011-12-10 22:03:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Headless statue ~ Rainwater in the cavity ~ All of Buddha's wisdom

2011-12-10 12:44:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wish to vanish ~ Never to be found ~ Save by dandelion wisps

2011-12-10 12:18:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @TinaNguyen Now I am ushered under the critical gaze of @ perlygates to uphold her reputation & tastes! The pressure kills! ;-)
2011-12-09 08:28:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ I held the words ~ That gave her ~ A Tequila blush

2011-12-08 12:01:53 (EST)

484 / 4823

_eroteme_ Dear All, please pause, breathe gradually, smile & read the wonderful poetry shared by @EdBremson. It will be the best think you did today!
2011-12-08 11:59:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Translating ~ Your heart ~ That smile

2011-12-08 11:57:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ @EdBremson Dear Sir, thank you for sharing such stunning, beautiful words bringing rain to wilted hearts... Thank you. :-)
2011-12-08 11:54:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ However dark ~ Night is when you must ~ Search for stars
2011-12-08 11:51:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ The mould ~ On masks ~ Of masks

2011-12-08 11:50:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stunning imagery... :-) RT @ EdBremson: -- to the sweltering sky / it rises and disappears / dust from the winnowing #haiku Ryunosuke
2011-12-08 11:47:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Caterpillar ~ Tip-toeing on its ~ Own shadow

2011-12-08 11:46:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @EdBremson: - a dead chrysanthemum / and yet, isnt there still something / remaining in it? #Kyoshi [All that lingers ~ In the void]
2011-12-08 11:42:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! RT @EdBremson: -- a butterfly in the cold / it flies in pursuit / of its own soul #Kyoshi [Shadow of the ~ Swallow ~ Still flying]
2011-12-08 11:41:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: - it begins to bud / close to the trunk of the great tree / I strain my ears to listen#Kyoshi [Origami ~ Birth-cries ~ Mauve]
2011-12-08 11:39:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ What was I thinking? ~ Chasing butterflies ~ Instead of ~ Becoming a flower?

2011-12-08 11:33:41 (EST)

485 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: -- the piercing cold / I marry a plum blossom / in a dream #Soseki [Wind-loved bloom ~ The rouge of my ~ Sojourns, eyes shut]
2011-12-08 11:30:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Homeless tears ~ Packed into ~ A pillow

2011-12-08 11:23:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ @priyavinz :-) You are kind...

2011-12-08 11:14:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ He wasn't everything to me ~ But enough to make ~ Everything insignificant

2011-12-07 22:38:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ And in my head ~ His voice ~ Calling out my name ~ As it never will be
2011-12-07 12:05:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ Greedily gathering ~ All that memory can ~ Recall of him

2011-12-07 12:02:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ How nothing changes ~ But nothing ~ Remains the same

2011-12-07 12:01:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ As if the mighty oceans ~ Withdrew all moistness ~ In its ebb...

2011-12-07 11:54:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ The desultory walk ~ Of life ~ Through the gates ~ Of the dear dead
2011-12-07 11:52:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ In his wake ~ All goodness stands ~ Orphaned someone who should not have died]
2011-12-07 11:37:20 (EST)


_eroteme_ Carried yonder ~ On the memory ~ Of a tune

2011-12-05 11:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Well said! :-) RT @ unspunearth: i best know people / when i am silent / and they are not.
2011-12-05 11:13:58 (EST)

486 / 4823

_eroteme_ This view ~ From my window ~ Never coming in

2011-12-05 11:13:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cut placenta ~ Birthing silver skied nights ~ This moon

2011-12-03 13:21:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stray ray ~ Of moonlight ~ Sharing my bed ~ Tonight

2011-12-03 13:11:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: life exacts / breath; love / death. [Life extracts breath ~ For the love ~ Of death]
2011-12-03 13:10:28 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) Lovely... RT @ RareSwanPress: balladeer of waterproof songs; he forgot she wore mascara . . . // #twostories
2011-12-03 12:59:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ventriloquist moon - ~ The dark comes alive ~ In the voice of crickets
2011-12-03 12:51:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ It takes ~ Not a lake ~ But a lover's upturned eyes ~ To dissolve the moon
2011-12-03 12:37:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wise flowers - ~ All taking the hue of wine ~ In moonlight

2011-12-03 12:27:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sighing moon - ~ Another poem ~ Poorly translated ~ By mist

2011-12-03 12:23:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: beauty is / the snare of heaven / to pull earth to itself. [Lasso of ~ Pulchritude ~ Choking it]
2011-12-03 12:19:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ There are other parts ~ To a night sky ~ Without stars ~ Or moon
2011-12-03 12:15:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her heart ~ Like a moon's reflection - ~ Seldom moved but ne'er moistened
2011-12-03 12:13:20 (EST)

487 / 4823

_eroteme_ Who did ever ~ Comprehend ~ The conspiracy of ~ Time?

2011-12-03 12:08:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ The pierced moon ~ Always heals after a ~ Crow's flight through it
2011-12-03 12:07:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ How pointless ~ A moon ~ When no lover ~ In sight

2011-12-03 11:59:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish your thoughts would ~ Leave my loneliness ~ Alone

2011-12-03 11:53:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ This mist ~ Drenching the night ~ And my trembling lips

2011-12-03 11:50:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lovely... :-) RT @ unspunearth: reticello / sensitivities; body / the stretched soul / enlaced.
2011-12-03 11:34:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: love is a sloth ; alchemy's living gold / it dilates time. [Love's minute ~ Ending too soon]
2011-12-03 11:28:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: your sorrow / my silence; your pain / my plight; your tears / my light; your absence / my burden; your presence / the way.
2011-12-03 11:25:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pressing memories ~ Of you ~ To release the scent ~ Of us

2011-12-03 11:24:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Vases ~ Shocked ~ With flowers

2011-12-02 11:43:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ The infinite ways ~ To a knot ~ But only one ~ To naught

2011-12-02 11:40:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tang ~ Of raw mang..oh!

2011-12-02 11:38:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wish you'd sit on the horizon ~ Forcing all breeze ~ Through your hair
488 / 4823

2011-12-02 11:37:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ I approach nonchalantly ~ But just then, it flies away ~ This last stanza
2011-12-02 11:36:14 (EST)

_eroteme_ Words huddle ~ On this Winter night ~ Crumpled poems

2011-12-02 11:32:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ The incessant ~ "Why?"s, to the tune ~ Of the woodpecker

2011-12-02 11:29:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Vibrant imagery... :-) RT @ unspunearth: pink flamingo / sheds the water's flight ; dips and picks / to stir the damask rose / twice.
2011-12-01 20:25:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: the moment / opens up / the meaning; to sew up the word's pink pearl mouth [Now ~ All that could be said ~ Of silence! ]
2011-12-01 20:24:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Profound... :-) RT @ unspunearth: unnamed / the river; flows. [Yet ~ An irreligious blossom ~ Falls into the cascade]
2011-12-01 20:22:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson -- my eyes, having seen all / came back to / the white chrysanthemums [Rivers ~ Sailed the seas ~ To return ~ On clouds]
2011-12-01 20:21:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth I wish I could recognise what my stamp was! Nonetheless, thank you for being an ideal follower. I hope to learn to reciprocate!
2011-12-01 20:19:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: ! Your stamp all over this. Perfect. RT @ _eroteme_ I have a jar ~ Where I keep glow worms ~ And dark memories
2011-12-01 20:17:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ @bigmax722 No, no. Thank YOU, Sandi. Your words are lovely & your enthusiasm to collect & share is warming. :-)
2011-12-01 20:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the crook ~ Of my past ~ Your laugh

2011-12-01 11:59:16 (EST)
489 / 4823

_eroteme_ Loved this. Simply kept smiling after reading it... :-) RT @ bigmax722: florida frost ~ tiny bells tinkle ~ in the palms
2011-12-01 11:54:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ This thin ice ~ Promising to hold me up ~ But not my thoughts

2011-12-01 11:45:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ "What time is it?" ~ The never-aging ~ "It"

2011-12-01 11:41:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Galactic stir ~ Of things past

2011-12-01 11:40:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ I have a jar ~ Where I keep glow worms ~ And dark memories
2011-12-01 11:38:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ The cat & I pause - ~ She decides ~ We've never met before
2011-12-01 11:36:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Poor resurrection - ~ With every speeding car ~ Dead butterfly's flight
2011-12-01 11:31:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Palms immersed in the river ~ Trembling heart-line

2011-12-01 11:22:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The eye of journeys ~ This little bridge ~ And its reflection
2011-12-01 11:14:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lacy winks ~ Against a whirring fan ~ Drapes

2011-12-01 11:12:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such is the ~ Weight of night - ~ Loneliness precipitates everywhere

2011-12-01 10:57:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ What crosses its mind? ~ This drop ~ That clings ~ To the faucet...
2011-11-30 13:15:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even the littlest stars ~ Join hands ~ To make the sky ~ Dark
2011-11-30 12:55:01 (EST)

490 / 4823

_eroteme_ How shall I ~ Love a heart ~ Unwet by rain?

2011-11-30 12:50:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: how do you steal a flower's bloom? where do you hide its rainbow hues? [Butterfly baits]
2011-11-30 12:00:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fresh-water ~ Lies ~ And salt-water ~ Infidelities ~ Oystered on the same tongue
2011-11-30 11:45:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ To slide down ~ The impression ~ Of her straps

2011-11-30 11:22:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ Conclave of ~ Memories unremembered

2011-11-30 11:21:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the nakedness ~ As a caged heart's ~ Garb

2011-11-30 10:53:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Church bells ~ And the steeple's ~ Snort of doves

2011-11-30 08:23:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crumbling ~ In their steep descent ~ Shafts of sun

2011-11-30 08:16:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: We wade to shore / from the stranded boat / waves still calling
2011-11-29 19:42:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Good evening, Ms. L. Open windows? I do? What a delight, to know that flowers, other than those I planted, also blossom :-)
2011-11-29 19:42:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... You are a blessing! :-) RT @ unspunearth: decoct / bliss; distill / time. [Braid breaths ~ Desiccate moments]
2011-11-29 12:26:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: "@Paul_McGovern: Writing like water, with universal understanding." [Like water ~ Dissolving the need ~ To be understood]
2011-11-29 12:19:00 (EST)
491 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: Love is the Silence before / the Word after ; that said 'Let there be light' [Love is ~ What should've been ~ Left as is]
2011-11-29 12:18:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Whoever said ~ Shadows are cooler ~ Never had you ~ Leaning naked ~ On the beach
2011-11-29 12:05:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Thoroughly enjoyed reading Stuart Dybek's "We Didn't". A stunning short story which has all the ingredients of excellent fiction.
2011-11-29 11:59:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ If only ~ Opening my window ~ Would open yours

2011-11-29 11:49:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the best of you ~ Measured in ~ My palms-full

2011-11-29 11:48:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the waves ~ That skirted ~ The stranded boat

2011-11-29 11:47:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ A lullaby ~ To put nightmares ~ To sleep

2011-11-29 11:46:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Petals & twigs ~ Unlike birds ~ Don't leave the nest
2011-11-29 11:45:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ The sanctity ~ Of being defiled ~ By you

2011-11-29 11:43:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Drawing the throb ~ From all the world's touch ~ To give you ~ Your moment
2011-11-29 11:41:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Leaves - ~ Perfecting the art ~ Of nearly coaxing ~ A drop to stay.

2011-11-29 11:39:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hanging from every tree, ~ Yet we listen not ~ To the chimes of leaves
2011-11-28 10:49:55 (EST)

492 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: the sky spreads her clouds / revealing withclear intent / the pearliest moon [Poker of winds ~ Straight flush]
2011-11-28 10:44:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spectacles on the table ~ Now I know what grandpa means by ~ The world has shrunk
2011-11-28 10:29:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Whisper ~ My thoughts ~ I need not ears ~ If your lips ~ Are near [hat tip @YIWrite]
2011-11-28 10:18:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Journeys of the tongue ~ Unjournaled ~ Memorised

2011-11-28 10:15:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ Come! ~ Let's play ~ Take-my-breath-away

2011-11-28 10:13:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the journeys ~ Into myself ~ And still no place ~ To rest
2011-11-28 10:08:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ Caress of a finger ~ The dulcet notes ~ Of the flautist

2011-11-28 10:05:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @thepoetrytree: upsun, weave me. [Comb ~ My rainfall]

2011-11-28 09:55:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Fiery red leaves ~ All over the road ~ Still ~ Snow falls...
2011-11-28 09:52:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @thepoetrytree: purple distractions, sparrowflight [The day ~ My bruises ~ Too left me ~ Heading south]
2011-11-28 09:50:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Something you can hang from a christmas tree while teens giggle? RT @thepoetrytree: what is sexuable behaviour?
2011-11-28 09:50:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ [Eddies of ~ Blushes] RT @CoyoteSings: the time one of our kisses fell in the river (and all the stones glistened like stars)
2011-11-28 09:48:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: Waiting under a long-forgotten tree for you to

493 / 4823

find me. [That which ~ Autumn spared ~ Your neglect seared]

2011-11-28 09:46:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Demolishing ~ The circumference of my resolve ~ The arc of your ~ Smile

2011-11-28 09:44:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Flavours of solitude ~ Snaking from ~ The teapot

2011-11-28 09:42:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ I wish ~ Gravity would ~ Give up on me

2011-11-28 09:37:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: the poet who turns / such a phrase / I cannot tell / the way or the wind / of the word [Twirling ~ Blossoms ~ Descending]
2011-11-27 22:41:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ My little cat ~ Stretching ~ Rehearsing how to ignore me

2011-11-27 11:40:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ Chalked outline ~ Of her seduction

2011-11-27 11:38:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ "Heavy cloud" ~ On a bright summer day ~ The Chinese don't like subways.
2011-11-27 11:35:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the cloud ~ Rushed to say ~ In a puddle

2011-11-27 11:33:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Straw exhausted ~ The cow walks away ~ I thought she liked haiku
2011-11-27 11:31:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Rosehips ~ In her tea ~ In my mind

2011-11-27 11:29:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ The rush ~ Of shadows ~ To the nearest wall

2011-11-27 11:27:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such a peaceful smile ~ While granny screams at him ~ Deaf grandpa
2011-11-27 11:25:40 (EST)

494 / 4823

_eroteme_ Give my lips ~ One last chance ~ Paeans to your desire

2011-11-27 11:21:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ I rise to the clouds ~ Merely to rain ~ On your window sill ~ Overlooking ~ Unnamed streets.
2011-11-27 11:17:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ The deciduous love ~ Of a mortal heart

2011-11-27 11:17:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ When we stare ~ Into each other's eyes ~ The infinite mirrored ~ Corridors of our souls.
2011-11-27 11:16:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: Arms can hold a moment. Words, an eternity. [Lexicon ~ Of an embrace ~ Timeless pagination]
2011-11-27 11:14:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ There. ~ Your gasping eyes ~ Missing the fireworks.

2011-11-27 11:13:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Did you know ~ I sought you ~ To know?

2011-11-27 11:07:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her every move ~ Commanded my breath ~ Leash of air

2011-11-27 11:06:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Slivers of saffron ~ 'Twixt our grinding selves ~ Aroma of love

2011-11-27 11:04:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ You'd think ~ The heart would've learnt

2011-11-27 11:02:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her smile ~ Cut me in two

2011-11-27 11:01:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the puddles ~ The ocean left behind ~ For the timid souls
2011-11-27 11:00:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the fruits ~ That fell in the river ~ Wonder what was cooking...
495 / 4823

2011-11-27 10:53:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shadowless ~ Consequences ~ Of falling in love

2011-11-27 10:51:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Brothers in ignorance ~ Foes in intelligence

2011-11-26 14:45:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: What is that state when there is no becoming? When thought is in abeyance, as it were, what is that state?
2011-11-26 14:10:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) Truly, so... RT @ hw1: 4 year old grandson Rafi to my daughter, his mom: I love you. Mom: I love you too. Rafi: What a coincidence.
2011-11-26 14:07:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @ManiasVoice: The wind knows her secret, for it whispers his name. [Wind tousled hair ~ His syllables ~ Unkempt]
2011-11-26 14:06:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wyrde No, no... I didn't take it as a challenge. I am seriously seeking clarification/understanding. I wish my words knew how to plead...
2011-11-25 21:41:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @EdBremson Not to put you on the spot, Sir, but do you genuinely manage to read 414 streams daily? Sufficiently regularly?
2011-11-25 21:39:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wyrde As in? Not sure I get your point. Is following the "right" way to treat real people? Like inviting all who greet me, home for lunch?
2011-11-25 21:36:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ @bigmax722 True & it makes me cringe everyday. Personally, I feel it may be because I crave those "follower" numbers. Then again... not sure
2011-11-25 21:35:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ @Wyrde I slowly realise that, but it has now become etiquette & moral code. Teens are exempted but adult artists/creators of content!?
2011-11-25 21:33:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ Even if I read one person's stream per day what will I do with
496 / 4823

more than 365 followers? Read someone once in 2 yrs?

2011-11-25 21:30:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ I'd be shocked & surprised to know that someone can indeed read through the streams of all 500+ followers! That person clearly has > 24 hrs
2011-11-25 21:29:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Is it my mistake to take "following" so seriously? So literally? That I genuinely follow you(r words)?
2011-11-25 21:26:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ Personally, I don't even find time to read from my lists which is a mere 10% of all whom I follow. What am I missing?
2011-11-25 21:23:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ I keep wondering whether people follow just to ensure that the "followers" count stays up or for fear of offending someone who followed you
2011-11-25 21:21:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Is it just me or does everyone feel a twinge of dishonesty following so many but unable to read them all? Is following mere courtesy?
2011-11-25 21:20:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ If they well-up today ~ Let them flow ~ For tomorrow ~ You'd yearn for these ~ Very tears
2011-11-25 17:15:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ My arms ~ Where you fell asleep ~ Wearing the mesh imprint ~ Of your hair
2011-11-25 17:00:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @URM1: We need anchors, but we need raging storms too. [And hail and fire and the chance to start all over again]
2011-11-25 16:54:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Curtains - ~ Textures of seduction

2011-11-25 12:49:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unattended ~ Dusk ceases not ~ To blush

2011-11-25 12:28:33 (EST)

497 / 4823

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Layer beneath layer ~ The same mystery ~Of you
2011-11-25 12:25:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the valley of love ~ Reverberate how it all ~ Could have been
2011-11-25 12:18:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @DangerslyClaire: Sighs ~ punctuated ~ by probing fingers [Incense twirls ~ How he smokes ~ My passion out]
2011-11-25 12:16:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ She always ~ Coloured outside ~ The lines of my mind

2011-11-25 12:03:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ @thepoetrytree Silence ~ A way ~ Of serenading . How are you? Yes, a long long time. Hope all's well with the angels... :-)
2011-11-25 12:02:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ All her silhouette ~ Promised

2011-11-25 11:58:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Muddy paw-prints ~ On my dog's ~ Grave

2011-11-25 11:56:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ That night ~ When stars ~ Deserted the moon

2011-11-25 11:53:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some love ~ Like some fortresses ~ Best in ruins

2011-11-25 11:51:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such abject sorrow - ~ Even I leave it alone

2011-11-25 11:50:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ "No, don't stare" ~ I tell my son ~ And steal one glance ~ At the lady's cleft lip
2011-11-25 11:49:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ So vivid... :-) RT @pauldavidmena: holiday weekend / a school bus parked / at the local pub
2011-11-25 11:47:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Philosophy class - ~ Everyone bring along ~ Their Gods & nonGods
498 / 4823

2011-11-25 11:44:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Babble ~ Of clothes drying ~ On the line

2011-11-25 11:43:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cats don't sleep ~ To a dog's lullaby

2011-11-25 11:43:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Most recluses ~ Wanting to be famous ~ For being a recluse

2011-11-25 11:39:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Damned li'l ones always hop on a branch to look away when I begin singing
2011-11-25 11:38:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ My broken anklets ~ Fused to the canter ~ Of his beckon

2011-11-25 11:37:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ That towel ~ Which can only be undone ~ By intent

2011-11-25 11:34:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Schadenfreude roads - ~ Merging back into ~ The fork I avoided

2011-11-25 11:33:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ "Salt to taste" ~ Another way of saying ~ "Sprinkle with love"

2011-11-25 11:29:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Dusk & rain ~ Diurnal temperaments ~ Of a bruised heart

2011-11-25 11:24:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ I make sense only ~ To a cow

2011-11-25 11:20:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Take me ~ Into your folds ~ And I shall lend you ~ Blush
2011-11-25 11:15:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sparrows ~ Are bad for my ego

2011-11-25 11:13:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ I carry ~ Through all seasons ~ The Winter of my heart

2011-11-25 11:11:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ He who never ~ Understood love ~ What would he know ~ Joys of drowning
499 / 4823

2011-11-25 11:08:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Always a game to her - ~ This rolling of dice ~ This making of promises
2011-11-25 11:06:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ These alleys ~ All alike ~ Till I get lost

2011-11-25 11:05:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ Enquire not ~ Into the ruins of my heart. ~ The edges are still sharp
2011-11-25 11:02:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ Memory of a lover's sigh ~ Proof that ~ Poetry can be wordless

2011-11-25 11:01:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ @vishasuchde haha :-D I doubt the schedule is up, but will surely let you know :-)
2011-11-25 10:59:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ This crow & I ~ Both waiting for ~ The other to leave
2011-11-25 10:57:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ She made an ~ Art of peeking ~ Through blinds

2011-11-25 10:56:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lanterns ~ For those going nowhere ~ Glow brightest

2011-11-25 10:54:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @agatekartik Congratulations, Sir. May I have her book? ;-p

2011-11-25 10:51:40 (EST)

_eroteme_ I am always ~ Attracted to coffee shops ~ Where sits a girl ~ With a book
2011-11-25 10:46:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ Knowing ~ Never soothes ~ The heart

2011-11-25 10:44:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ This afternoon heat ~ Could I take more? ~ You knock on the door...
2011-11-25 10:41:35 (EST)

500 / 4823

_eroteme_ Lover incarnate - ~ The same dye ~ I try on everyone

2011-11-25 10:32:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Unbutton ~ My mind ~ If you dare

2011-11-25 10:30:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ This rain ~ Set to the metronome ~ Of buzzing flies

2011-11-25 10:27:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Recycled shadows - ~ This one ~ Still smells ~ Of yesterday's socks

2011-11-25 10:12:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ What did you do ~ With the thanks ~ I gave last year?
2011-11-24 20:18:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth All thanks ~ To a shadow ~ Turned

2011-11-24 20:17:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: so clear now / the difference between day and night / as though i have never before seen either thus.
2011-11-24 20:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: If there's no spark; don't waste the fuel [If no fuel in sight, spark not]
2011-11-24 20:12:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ The time between the ask "When was this taken?" till the answer... :-) RT @ unthreads: are there any safe times to look at old pictures?
2011-11-24 20:09:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @CarolineSkanne: hide and seek / the pleasure of being found / through childs eyes [Hands over eyes - ~ How simply everyone ~ Vanishes]
2011-11-24 20:00:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shadows of your sighs ~ Striating the red ~ Of my heart

2011-11-23 17:05:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: What am I to do? I have meditated, I've sacrificed, I've disciplined, I've done every kind of dirty trick I can invent
2011-11-23 16:30:02 (EST)

501 / 4823

_eroteme_ @shrutihaasan Try watching Le marie de la coiffeuse or any of Patrice Leconte's

2011-11-23 11:57:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ Ironing ~ Memories of her, ~ Still that day ~ Always wrinkled

2011-11-23 11:52:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire The abyss...

2011-11-23 11:51:53 (EST)

_eroteme_ @DangerslyClaire Glad you found it so. :-) Sometimes I wonder whether all that we speak are but echoes such... :-)
2011-11-23 11:47:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings I thought you'd have a cross boy & a cross monkey (and they aren't pleasant when cross)... :-)
2011-11-23 11:45:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil And what is worse, Herman, is that I read a comma after "shit" (where there was none) - wondering why is he talking to shit! :-)
2011-11-23 11:43:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ Days ~ When all I can do ~ Is watch words ~ On the far shore...
2011-11-23 11:41:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ @APartirDuCoeur But stories are like a golden monument built, belong to none but crows & pigeons to alight on. :-)
2011-11-23 11:40:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ When echoes ~ Refused to return

2011-11-23 11:38:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ Grip my tongue ~ Between your toes ~ And I'll tickle you ~ With my feather-words.
2011-11-23 11:38:18 (EST)

_eroteme_ To whom shall ~ I bequeath ~ My nightmares?

2011-11-23 11:33:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ I pray for demons ~ Leaving my hand near ~ Your pillow.

2011-11-23 11:28:12 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tremble ~ Of my tongue ~ Where her heartbeats ~

502 / 4823

Sounded loudest
2011-11-23 11:26:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ The lake ~ Of forgotten promises - ~ A rudderless boat

2011-11-23 11:09:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ [Where ~ Swings ~ Needn't be pushed] RT @unspunearth: Inside the secret garden / all the child souls, play.
2011-11-23 11:05:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ Window shopping ~ Dreams ~ Through ~ Your sleepy smile.

2011-11-23 11:03:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ The memory of her ~ Still fits ~ This bed of mine

2011-11-23 11:02:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Silhouettes ~ Of her scent ~ Trembling at the fire's hem

2011-11-23 11:00:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Stream == twitter stream, koi == words swimming in the stream, cat peering in == all those who read these streams... :-)
2011-11-23 10:59:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ Boats ~ Bobbing ~ Itching to sail

2011-11-23 10:49:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shadows ~ Taking all ~ The cool spots

2011-11-23 10:48:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth Your kind attentions to the koi-words in this stream, delight the cat that peers into the waters. Thank you. :-)
2011-11-23 10:45:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ Powerfully beautiful! RT @ unspunearth: burlesque / emptiness; parody / of the assumed. [Many-hued ~ Void]
2011-11-23 10:43:11 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @unspunearth: embed me in your essence / where i was born. [Between the folds ~ Of death ~ A birth]
2011-11-23 10:41:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ I don't grieve the ruins you leave behind ~ Why take so long,
503 / 4823

2011-11-23 10:20:38 (EST)

_eroteme_ Some farewells ~ Are best composed ~ On a cello

2011-11-23 10:07:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ But why do you think ~ That balloons ~ Don't become clouds?
2011-11-23 10:03:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ You standing there ~ In only my shirt and sock ~ Right on left ~ Third button in fourth eye
2011-11-23 10:02:03 (EST)

_eroteme_ Memories ~ Like peeling paint ~ Holding hues of what was

2011-11-23 09:58:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Yet, everyone seeks just that. From books, lovers, sights, sounds & the stock market.
2011-11-23 09:57:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Your scent ~ In memories ~ Your taste ~ In words ~ Your voice ~ In shadows ~ Nothing ever where I want it
2011-11-23 09:55:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ The moon ~ Through your hair ~ Julienned.

2011-11-23 09:54:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ My girl-heart ~ Loved your sweet lies ~ About me ~ Till you lied ~ To me.
2011-11-23 09:53:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pouring honey ~ On my side of the ocean ~ Sweet tidings ~ For you
2011-11-23 09:49:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ To ride ~ The whip ~ Of her mind

2011-11-23 09:27:20 (EST)

_eroteme_ An elegant heartbreak ~ Can only come ~ To a pantomime love.

2011-11-23 09:25:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ To expect of you ~ Is to limit you. ~ Surprise me.

2011-11-23 09:22:50 (EST)

504 / 4823

_eroteme_ It took more than ~ One kiss to bring back ~ The taste of her heart
2011-11-23 09:17:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ Will you cry for me ~ My love ~ And wash night into dawn?
2011-11-23 09:15:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ A poem without subscribing to anyone's sense of completeness can still be beautiful.
2011-11-23 09:14:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ @kokeesachdeva Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-11-23 09:13:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ An uncertain ~ Mirror

2011-11-23 09:12:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ Catamaran ~ Of goodbyes

2011-11-23 09:11:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ All belief ~ Reborn to a girl ~ Infatuated

2011-11-23 09:10:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ For every man ~ Fervently learns ~ The Braille of ~ Goosebumps

2011-11-23 09:02:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ When ~ Swords crossed ~ Released a sigh

2011-11-23 09:00:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ A small town it was where people either understood the other or spoke not. My life is merely an attempt to recollect the road back to there
2011-11-23 08:58:35 (EST)

_eroteme_ Such is this world ~ Drowned in its ~ Suchness

2011-11-23 08:55:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ This poison you mixed / In my wine / Is that love?

2011-11-23 08:53:09 (EST)

_eroteme_ Completeness is a utilitarian want for something we'd rather have

505 / 4823

2011-11-23 08:52:32 (EST)

_eroteme_ When I said "No" ~ What did you ~ Hear?

2011-11-23 08:50:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Heartbreak ~ In D Minor

2011-11-23 08:49:07 (EST)

_eroteme_ The immensity ~ Of sighs

2011-11-23 08:46:42 (EST)

_eroteme_ Flavours of touch ~ Promised to a ~ Girl in love

2011-11-23 08:46:02 (EST)

_eroteme_ All happiness is the finest blade which peels our toughest scales.
2011-11-23 08:45:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ Conversations ~ Of hasty footprints ~ On the beach

2011-11-23 08:44:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ I shore up my saddest days with million ribbon-bowed smiles and presents. My happiest days are spent in listening to the saddest ballads.
2011-11-23 08:42:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Intelligence creates balance often where intensity was destined, building igloos in the summer of my mind, fanning flames to the Arctic.
2011-11-23 08:42:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ This earth ~ Eager to catch me ~ As I fall

2011-11-23 08:40:31 (EST)

_eroteme_ Shadows of ~ Butterflies ~ Attracted to ~ Flower shadows

2011-11-23 08:39:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The star ~ That lingered ~ Till I composed ~ A haiku

2011-11-23 08:38:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ When the urge to hurt ~ Seems the only salve ~ For hurt
2011-11-21 10:43:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ A piece of Indian artistic brilliance, relished & savoured after many years since its creation:
506 / 4823

2011-11-19 14:46:59 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Night is memory's stain. [Still those twinkling hopes...]

2011-11-19 12:26:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ There is something utterly sensuous about a female taiko drummer in the height of her spirit... [ ]
2011-11-19 12:13:25 (EST)

_eroteme_ All the wars ~ That must be waged ~ To end all wars
2011-11-19 11:48:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ How can I ~ Believe in love ~ And not re-birth?

2011-11-19 11:29:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ On her whim ~ A traveler born ~ Of my tongue.

2011-11-19 11:10:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ @roheenmalu All the best for your exams. :-) I call them icicles. :-)
2011-11-19 11:09:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Spreads & dips ~ Were innocent indulgences ~ Till I met her
2011-11-19 11:08:19 (EST)

_eroteme_ How often this need ~ To not need

2011-11-19 11:03:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stirring sharply ~ While waking & dreams ~ Duel

2011-11-19 11:03:15 (EST)

_eroteme_ The vacant plea ~ From a ~ Bookshelf

2011-11-19 11:01:56 (EST)

_eroteme_ The tired limbs ~ Of a flute's notes ~ Yonder

2011-11-19 11:00:41 (EST)

_eroteme_ @roheenmalu Isn't he simply brilliant? I assure you the reason extends beyond that mere sliver of an excerpt. He, dear sir, is a true genius
2011-11-19 10:58:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ Whence this cowardliness ~ Sanguine sun of dusk?

507 / 4823

2011-11-19 10:56:50 (EST)

_eroteme_ And in a shudder ~ Winter birthed

2011-11-19 10:54:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ @roheenmalu You are kind as is chance, shepherd of all unexplained events. Nonetheless, I'd encourage you to read Nabokov's take on genius
2011-11-19 10:53:04 (EST)

_eroteme_ Furbelows ~ Of nonchalance ~ Her lingering ~ In the room

2011-11-19 10:49:48 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: How darkness tunneled the plush for starlight. [Every star ~ As if ~ Ending the tunnel ~ Of a thought]
2011-11-19 10:47:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Breeds consciousness

2011-11-19 10:18:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ @a_risingphoenix Thank you for your kind words... :-)

2011-11-18 21:51:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ The taste of hope ~ In her single ~ "Hello"

2011-11-18 21:50:34 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: music in silence, watching the piano keys [Fugues ~ Of possibilities]
2011-11-18 21:49:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ To be the flute ~ Of your ~ Yearning's wind

2011-11-18 11:27:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ The scent ~ Of her smile ~ Fluttering on the hedge

2011-11-18 11:20:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ At the end ~ Of it all ~ The beginning ~ Of nostalgia

2011-11-18 11:17:26 (EST)

_eroteme_ The exhaustion ~ Of hopes ~ In the mirror

2011-11-18 11:14:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ The bookmarks ~ Of memory - ~ Pagination of smiles.

508 / 4823

2011-11-18 11:12:47 (EST)

_eroteme_ @unspunearth As long as you don't dip the cat in the oil... ;-p
2011-11-18 08:55:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Inspissate all passion ~ To the quickened tell ~ Of an innocent heart [Inspissate: v tr. & intr. To undergo thickening or cause to thicken]
2011-11-13 12:08:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ Alas! ~ This heart tethered ~ To a lark's tune

2011-11-13 07:05:33 (EST)

_eroteme_ This cold North winds ~ Like an echo ~ Of hurt

2011-11-13 06:48:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @coastmoor: a dharma ~ of washed ~ floats ~ reasserted

2011-11-13 06:42:57 (EST)

_eroteme_ An armada ~ Of paper boats ~ Deserted

2011-11-13 06:41:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ To shred the sun ~ All it takes ~ A thatch roof

2011-11-13 05:23:08 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: fall into my stare; I'll show you meaning [Blink not ~ Lest misinterpreted]
2011-11-13 05:15:36 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @bigmax722: leaves flying this way ~ my thoughts that way ~ the petulance of winds [This wind ~ So human ~ Sifting ~ By colour of flight]
2011-11-12 17:18:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Barely done ~ Missing a cool night ~ And another darkens

2011-11-12 10:07:46 (EST)

_eroteme_ Stealthy winter sun ~ Tiptoeing over the horizon ~ Then my window sill
2011-11-12 09:00:58 (EST)

_eroteme_ The first time she made love ~ Now a leaf ~ In her book of blushes
509 / 4823

2011-11-11 13:06:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ Wind-chimes ~ To the tune of a ~ Cat's curious paw

2011-11-11 13:02:24 (EST)

_eroteme_ Hugging the ghost ~ Of missing ~ Companionship

2011-11-10 23:51:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ No fig leaf ~ To cover ~ My mind

2011-11-10 20:29:21 (EST)

_eroteme_ This burning need ~ To be every stitch ~ She wears

2011-11-10 20:20:13 (EST)

_eroteme_ So much of her ~ Easily measured ~ In palms full

2011-11-10 19:59:16 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sly full moon ~ Picked the better canvas ~ Between night & day
2011-11-10 19:51:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ @pprfldr That is a common sight there, yes. These are spices, though... :-)
2011-11-10 19:45:49 (EST)

_eroteme_ My last candle - ~ Trying to cast ~ A palm tree's shadow ~ On passing clouds
2011-11-09 23:58:05 (EST)

_eroteme_ Her silhouette ~ Igniting ~ The paper screen

2011-11-09 20:17:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ The heat of her fingers, then. ~ The cold of her fingers, now ~ Waving bye
2011-11-09 20:02:54 (EST)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Never tire ~ Through the pebbly terrain ~ Of her gooseflesh
2011-11-09 19:59:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. ~ Confucius
2011-11-09 19:46:14 (EST)

510 / 4823

_eroteme_ @pprfldr Glad you like it... :-)

2011-11-09 11:00:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ When will the sun learn ~ To be the green & yellow ~ Of my son's drawing?
2011-11-08 22:59:27 (EST)

_eroteme_ Sighing bamboo pipes ~ Carry a lonely river ~ Sans stray reflections...
2011-11-08 22:52:37 (EST)

_eroteme_ Breathlessly abloom - ~ Still this cherry tree no match ~ For this full moon night
2011-11-08 22:48:39 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @_lalicat: Inward or outward? [Backward]

2011-11-08 22:40:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @_lalicat: To look back at who I was the last time I looked back, and so on. As if playing with mirrors. [Spiraling memories]
2011-11-08 20:21:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ When all relating ~ Is bringing out ~ The dye

2011-11-08 11:29:44 (EST)

_eroteme_ Crows ~ Unabashed ~ Wearing night

2011-11-08 11:23:00 (EST)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil And I feel so caramel today...

2011-11-08 11:17:06 (EST)

_eroteme_ Married to ~ The dying wish ~ Of an Autumn leaf

2011-11-08 11:15:30 (EST)

_eroteme_ Filling each crevice ~ Of my wall ~ With her name

2011-11-08 11:14:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ RT @beezpoetry into the crows eye ~ the black hole ~ of the sky [A passing whim ~ Of black to be ~ Blacker]
2011-11-08 11:07:51 (EST)

_eroteme_ She taught ~ Smiles ~ To fly

2011-11-08 11:04:13 (EST)

511 / 4823

_eroteme_ The scent of love ~ Always ~ When unexpected

2011-11-08 11:03:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Lovely! :-) RT @myearthgirl: no angels / the halos / take to the street lamps
2011-11-07 20:31:43 (EST)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: no wind / a crow's caw falls / from the fence post [Splash in the puddle ~ No one around ~ Now I know]
2011-11-07 20:24:10 (EST)

_eroteme_ Patina of echoes ~ Drape the toothless ~ Fortress walls [cont. @ epitomize @solaikuyil]
2011-11-07 20:22:45 (EST)

_eroteme_ Cradled ~ In the bowel ~ Of a question mark

2011-11-07 12:37:17 (EST)

_eroteme_ You there! ~ Yes, you ~ Stay there.

2011-11-07 12:35:29 (EST)

_eroteme_ Splashing ~ Laughter ~ In gumboots

2011-11-07 12:17:22 (EST)

_eroteme_ Pleading with myself ~ "Just one last time" ~ Off the precipice
2011-11-07 12:15:55 (EST)

_eroteme_ Each ruin ~ A secret code ~ Left untouched

2011-11-07 12:10:01 (EST)

_eroteme_ Leaves of Autumn ~ Eddying down - ~ Starfish of rivers

2011-11-07 11:53:52 (EST)

_eroteme_ In the mire ~ Bathing ~ A million times

2011-11-03 23:00:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil The Future has scissors. Don't worry. [For a past ~ Which is a ~ Tube of glue]
2011-11-03 22:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My prickly mind ~ I let roll ~ Through a kindergarten playground

2011-11-03 12:46:00 (EDT)

512 / 4823

_eroteme_ And in those eyes ~ A trust ~ God had let slip [for one whose face is so trusting]
2011-11-03 12:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Twilight glitter ~ Of her mind

2011-11-03 12:35:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man ~ Is my lover ~ I never told

2011-11-03 12:30:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be a feather ~ In a tornado

2011-11-03 12:28:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I could be drunk without raising a glass. Insanely drunk, discriminating not between dream & babble, & thus, write, sing, compose...
2011-11-03 12:24:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Raid my days ~ With your nights ~ Lending blush ~ To stars

2011-11-03 12:22:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her gaze's cup ~ I fill ~ My hopes

2011-11-03 12:21:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This floating ~ In & out of sleep ~ Believing I am ~ Indeed awake

2011-11-03 12:20:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The worlds ~ I inhabit ~ While resisting sleep

2011-11-03 12:17:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those Winter nights ~ When even sighs ~ Stay within

2011-11-03 12:14:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is not ~ To know

2011-11-03 12:03:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If wisdom be twigs ~ Light them ~ On a cold winter night

2011-11-03 12:01:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everyday ~ He meets her ~ But knows her not - ~ His enlightenment
2011-11-03 12:00:39 (EDT)

513 / 4823

_eroteme_ Across dimensions ~ Across eras ~ Across worlds ~ Across this table, now ~ As always ~ Lovers.
2011-11-02 21:40:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It was the candle ~ And dice ~ That melted ~ Our gamble
2011-11-02 21:19:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the fires ~ Of love ~ The warmth ~ Of bliss

2011-11-02 21:16:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Today is when ~ We learned ~ How to truly meet

2011-11-02 21:14:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your heaven ~ My earth ~ Making love ~ To an arched horizon

2011-11-02 21:14:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The breathlessness ~ Of my whole ~ As you dive ~ Under my memories.

2011-11-02 21:12:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @bigmax722 dark night stroll ~ this same moon follows me ~ and the owl [As I turn ~ That forbidden bend ~ A cloud ~ Where goes the moon?]
2011-11-02 20:55:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ From a rusted drainpipe ~ Dripping memories

2011-11-02 11:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I reached ~ Within her ~ To touch ~ A star-studded night

2011-11-02 11:31:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Untouched; all remains unhallowed. [Unknown, unseen, unheard, innocent]
2011-10-30 20:56:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some dreams ~ Like keyholes ~ To darker dreams

2011-10-30 18:29:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those birds ~ That stood still long ~ Now have leaves ~ For plumes [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2011-10-30 06:05:34 (EDT)

514 / 4823

_eroteme_ Sketches & drawings of Sylvia Plath:

2011-10-30 06:03:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There is only I ~ Whose eyes pour you wine. ~ Of course, other taverns exist ~ If wine ~ Is all you need [Translation of Shahryar contd]
2011-10-30 06:01:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You aren't sole ~ Lover dishonoured. ~ In this town are many ~ Lost to my love [translation of Shahryar's lines from Umrao Jaan]
2011-10-30 05:54:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bury me ~ So I shall breathe. ~ My heart beats ~ Lifelessly of late [translation of Gulzar's composition]
2011-10-30 05:42:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lamenting one! ~ Your time's in the offing ~ Get up, live!
2011-10-30 05:36:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender Interesting! I call my trampoline Ms. Victoria, but volcano sounds so cool... ;-)
2011-10-30 04:20:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I only trust those who are extremely sensitive; he only trusts those who aren't so extreme [I, those who don't expect it]
2011-10-30 03:56:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Surprise came ~ Dressed differently. ~ That was just ~ The beginning
2011-10-30 03:51:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think the sole reason I will consider moving to the US would be the wide availability of red/yellow/orange bell peppers...
2011-10-30 03:48:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @AutopsyofGod: The religious man hails a bus he cannot see.
2011-10-29 18:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even memories ~ Now smell ~ Of her

2011-10-29 14:16:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That summer ~ When we invented words ~ "Fizutlah" meant ~

515 / 4823

What love doesn't ~ Anymore

2011-10-29 14:12:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Living a life ~ Which received ~ Highest votes

2011-10-29 14:08:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil Yours, sir, is a splendid imagination... :-)

2011-10-29 09:53:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: We make ampersands / of tangled limbs, making things / combine their meanings [Glue threads looped ~ Fusing ~ This & that]
2011-10-29 09:53:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grey glass windows ~ 'Twixt golden wimple - ~ What do you see? [hat tip to @feltsensejunkie 's AVI]
2011-10-29 09:42:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Raindrops ~ Never ~ Change their mind

2011-10-29 09:22:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @solaikuyil: Tired / the river translates / into a lake.

2011-10-29 06:46:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The smoothest pebble ~ And still ~ These ripples

2011-10-29 06:45:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie :-) If only one had control over that. All you control is the bounce; the ripples form anyway...
2011-10-29 06:44:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The trick, to breathe under water, is to stay away from it all...
2011-10-29 06:41:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hence, I remain ~ A river ~ Unquenched

2011-10-29 06:34:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie I am sure that is more aesthetically pleasing & less damaging (except to the smitten few) :-)
2011-10-29 06:31:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Autumn ~ Dripping from my roof ~ As it departs

2011-10-29 04:57:01 (EDT)

516 / 4823

_eroteme_ A murder of crows ~ Hide the night

2011-10-29 01:23:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Little did I know ~ Her tattoos ~ Were windows ~ Ajar

2011-10-29 00:58:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson: -- a quiet morning / watching red birds in the yard / and sipping green tea [Camouflaged ~ In Autumn's ~ Hues]
2011-10-29 00:50:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @alotus_poetry: curbside yellow grass / a butterfly nudges / the edges of dawn [Morn's hues ~ Drawn from ~ Nglig wings]
2011-10-29 00:39:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: I take your name / I forget mine. [Thus, my life ~ Lived, unbeckoned]
2011-10-29 00:34:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On your tongue ~ Melting ~ Mine

2011-10-29 00:32:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @solaikuyil: I run away inside myself to all my love for you.
2011-10-29 00:29:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: From which solitary rainbow world are you? [From where ~ Coloured shadows ~ Curve]
2011-10-29 00:23:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: She trips over all the loose ends he leaves. [And in her dance ~ Ties]
2011-10-29 00:22:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil True. I wanted to reply thus to another tweet of yours on the body.
2011-10-29 00:20:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Your eyes / are my river. [Your eyes ~ Are my fever]
2011-10-29 00:18:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She, a flower ~ Petalled ~ To my touch

517 / 4823

2011-10-29 00:17:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Powerful! :-) RT @ solaikuyil: My absence / is me; / fuller. [Into my void ~ I recede ~ Becoming me]
2011-10-29 00:05:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Why chain a change's pull? [For the mind ~ Needs all ~ In chains]
2011-10-29 00:03:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful! :-) RT @cat_cat_: siphoning silence between bulletproof dreams / and the grace / of autumn / falling
2011-10-28 23:55:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil Absolutely! Which is why I don't understand a lot of what goes on here! :-) I thought the motto was "Write and vanish"
2011-10-28 23:52:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie The kinds bouncers do? ;-)

2011-10-28 23:49:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @voxohm: Please, please...don't discard your old banana skins, they make ideal sun hats for starfish. [Watch your step on the ocean bed]
2011-10-28 23:44:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @HalfMoonPilgrim I wish I had fingers like whips - cracking them with an elongated move
2011-10-28 23:43:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Gnarled tree ~ Braiding my tale in - ~ My tenderness now ~ A shoot

2011-10-28 23:41:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sounds of a waterfall ~ In a desert ~ This yearning ~ For what ~ Should be

2011-10-27 12:55:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under the garb ~ Of darkness ~ All this darkness

2011-10-27 12:42:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie The dew of her sigh ~ Cleaving to blades ~ On Melancholy's meadows
518 / 4823

2011-10-27 11:29:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Thus made ~ Of shadows ~ It shone ~ Once again - ~ Her heart's threnody
2011-10-26 20:43:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I dare you ~ To unfurl ~ Our past ~ Sans me

2011-10-26 12:18:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: let our souls speak; words are for herds, to graze [The throb ~ Which births ~ Words]
2011-10-26 12:17:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every bend ~ In my room ~ Where I ~ Held you

2011-10-26 12:15:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: As if love gathered the garlands of longing in a mist of clarity.
2011-10-26 11:45:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if love just knew to know. [Quieting ~ All need ~ To know]
2011-10-26 11:39:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if love knew the words before thoughts could speak. [Thoughts ~ Knocking on the door of love ~ With words]
2011-10-26 11:32:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin And our dreams touch ~ Where our imagination ~ Shied
2011-10-26 11:11:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All dreams ~ Dream ~ But one

2011-10-26 10:17:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The engine of all worldliness... :-) RT @therisinsun: i think; therefore you are
2011-10-26 10:13:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How love ~ Was once an exploration ~ Till it became ~ Reading maps.
2011-10-26 07:56:13 (EDT)
519 / 4823

_eroteme_ Swan ~ And reflection ~ In primal tango [hat tip to @ SimonScotland 's, via @gennepher ]
2011-10-26 07:54:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Ropes of love / play fire and ash. [Taking turns ~ To love ~ And adore]
2011-10-26 07:50:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Salivate - ~ For what you see ~ Is where your tongue ~ Should be
2011-10-26 07:49:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie In the slow march ~ Of dark ~ Glistening shadows ~ Of my name ~ Once on your tongue
2011-10-26 07:48:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well worded... RT @ OliviaDresher: True homelessness is when heartlessness lives in the home.
2011-10-26 06:04:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie In the vial ~ Of plaintive echos ~ A voice ~ That once held me
2011-10-26 05:28:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Hum me the salve ~ For the forlorn beat ~ Of a gasping heart
2011-10-26 05:20:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie Think ~ To the melody ~ Of a nightingale's dream ~ For my being throbs ~ To the tread ~ Of your mind
2011-10-26 04:50:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeously deep... RT @solaikuyil: I name you, and I cannot take that word with anyone other. [And every word ~ Thus, became ~ Your name]
2011-10-25 22:36:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A traffic jam ~ Of clouds

2011-10-25 12:03:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if stars ~ Were where ~ God leaked through

2011-10-25 11:58:21 (EDT)
520 / 4823

_eroteme_ Behind the blinds ~ Her eyes

2011-10-25 11:46:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My beige curtains ~ Sunbathing

2011-10-25 11:45:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For pumpkin lovers:

2011-10-24 23:12:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil Yes, most certainly. But when you say only on humour, do you mean only jokes?
2011-10-23 10:53:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Just stay where I can seek a glimpse of you, to catch and put in my treasure box. [Dandelion wisps ~ Of loving glances]
2011-10-23 10:52:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ Imagining all conversations ~ Before we converse

2011-10-23 09:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ The subtle plea ~ Of every smile

2011-10-23 09:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ Mistaking all beauty ~ To be named you

2011-10-23 09:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ The nadir ~ Of all passion

2011-10-23 08:50:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ The incense of your skin ~ Lit by my touch

2011-10-23 08:23:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ The helpless yearning ~ Of a caress

2011-10-23 06:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ That fledgling from its nest ~ Falling ~ Falling ~ Falling... ~ Forever
2011-10-23 06:33:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For love is ~ Not an option

2011-10-23 06:30:14 (EDT)

521 / 4823

_eroteme_ For love is ~ The fire ~ In winter breeze

2011-10-23 06:26:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Lamentations in candlelight. [Blurred shadows ~ Across the ~ Paper screen]
2011-10-23 06:23:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The dark ~ Lets things be ~ Till dawn ~ Re-assembles the world ~ For us.
2011-10-23 06:22:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Memories falling out of their nests. [Winged dissonance]

2011-10-23 06:21:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With me ~ Everywhere ~ The shadows of hurt ~ Under the suns ~ Of memory [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2011-10-23 05:18:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Her cello in the music cabinet, moaning silence. [Sagging strings ~ Mute fugues]
2011-10-23 05:06:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautifully put... :-) RT @solaikuyil: The body leads when love takes it.
2011-10-23 02:41:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How often are we willing to re-look a hero, a god, a saint? Here is revisiting Steve Jobs & what he wasn't:
2011-10-23 02:41:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: The wait's linger ~ my palm on your face. [A smile's thrust ~ Ignites ~ My palm's mind]
2011-10-23 01:46:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spit-polishing ~ The moon's ~ Reflection

2011-10-21 06:32:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And to a kiss ~ Her eyes' glint ~ Like once eclipsed ~ Suns
2011-10-21 04:27:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What will become of me ~ If this moon ~ Revealed all?

2011-10-18 11:01:31 (EDT)
522 / 4823

_eroteme_ To love is eternal innocence ~ And the only innocence is not to think... - Pessoa
2011-10-16 05:33:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A remnant of night ~ Outlining ~ Each ray of dawn.

2011-10-14 18:55:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @monokrow: your form defies function [And yet defines my needs]
2011-10-14 16:57:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Indiscreet ripples - / Making love / In the boathouse.

2011-10-14 16:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The driftwood ~ Of her soul ~ On the shores ~ Of Loneliness

2011-10-14 15:30:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lament of waves ~ Speak only ~ To a broken heart.

2011-10-14 14:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd like to sit ~ On a moonbeam ~ And watch you ~ Lick your lips ~ In sleep.
2011-10-14 14:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sprinkle ~ Words on your being ~ And watch them sizzle.

2011-10-14 13:49:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pleasure to see you return... :-) RT @ OliviaDresher: If I was younger, I'd run away. If I was older, I'd give up.
2011-10-14 13:49:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her searing sighs ~ Like a candle ~ At an altar of flesh

2011-10-14 13:47:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: a comma that drips with sarcasm [Or a prematurely delivered period]
2011-10-13 21:49:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: Dreams to memorize the silent melody of stars.
2011-10-13 21:48:38 (EDT)

523 / 4823

_eroteme_ Some dreams ~ So embarrassing ~ I cover up and close myeyes

2011-10-13 18:00:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Doff thy Aegis ~ So I may see thy translucent heart ~ Whence comes the chant of my name
2011-10-13 14:02:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A taken shooting star

2011-10-13 13:03:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My ear ~ On your neck ~ Hearing ~ Before you speak.

2011-10-13 12:53:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such love we made on the horizon ~ No sun would set.

2011-10-13 12:45:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In pain there is complete re-discovery of the body. The muscle I never knew now holds my knee in place & speaks to me in plaintive tones.
2011-10-13 12:43:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @feltsensejunkie hahaha :-D

2011-10-13 12:30:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I'd write in purple would take flight as origami word-birds.
2011-10-13 12:29:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I write in black are mirrors we refuse to gaze into

2011-10-13 12:28:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His Rorschach love-bites - ~ Naked in front of the mirror, ~ Figuring him out
2011-10-13 09:59:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ The unbecoming ~ Of Wisdom

2011-10-13 09:42:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: our first kiss / even better / had it really happened [Teach me to live ~ In my mind ~ And we can ~ Bid adieu]
2011-10-13 09:41:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is a complimenting gaze that makes lingerie sexy

2011-10-13 09:39:32 (EDT)

524 / 4823

_eroteme_ Winged dewdrops ~ Swooping from ~ The sky

2011-10-13 09:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The same could be said of honesty or goodness... But... RT @ solaikuyil: If we were meant to be like trees or flowers we will be, won't we?
2011-10-13 09:30:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The prestidigitation ~ Of her smile ~ On recall

2011-10-13 09:27:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: making a meal from the bones of summer / the flavor of now /missing [The warm buzz ~ Of memory ~ Glistening in the distance]
2011-10-13 09:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feeling mischievous! Wish my face gave it away... [hat tip to @ feltsensejunkie]
2011-10-13 09:15:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Threshold blossoming ~ In the needed breeze ~ Of your arrival

2011-10-12 21:17:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Inhabiting that world ~ Where air is bereft ~ Of breath

2011-10-12 21:15:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The stubbornness ~ Of photographs

2011-10-12 21:14:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This terrible yearning ~ For someone ~ To long for

2011-10-12 21:10:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Translating winds ~ Falling blossoms

2011-10-12 10:36:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if there were a perfect place to weep [Or the perfect time to yearn]
2011-10-12 10:33:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil :-)

2011-10-12 10:30:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do people think that my copy of Pablo Neruda's Extravagaria is a book about extra viagra!? :-(
525 / 4823

2011-10-12 10:20:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shimmying rooftops ~ Noon's heated tunes

2011-10-12 10:19:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And the sun ~ Fell through an ~ Evening cloud

2011-10-12 10:13:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: She charges for touches / then he charges for the door [And thus happily married ~ Masseuse ~ And carpenter]
2011-10-12 10:10:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Stretched slender, I thread more than the untenable.

2011-10-12 10:08:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Two oceans never part. [No heaven ~ And peak ~ Apart]
2011-10-12 10:08:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: rubbing sticks together/trying to ignite sparks/in this damp heart [All it'd take ~ Is the fi (cont)
2011-10-12 05:11:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Twitch of a thought ~ Dwelling on your shoulders

2011-10-12 05:09:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @URM1 Oh! Present ma'am! Will try to be around more often now... :-)
2011-10-12 02:16:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @URM1 As in? I am here... :-)

2011-10-12 02:14:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @URM1 Absolutely, & on such a woman as in the pic!? Sarees are for women with curves! For any target group, $6100 for that is vulgar! No?
2011-10-12 02:12:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Without you I cannot drink the blue stars. [Be the night ~ To my thirst]
2011-10-12 02:05:15 (EDT)
526 / 4823

_eroteme_ @URM1 Seriously! How stupid can people get!? $6100 for THAT!? :-o So many better sarees out there in Benaras for 1/100th the price!
2011-10-12 02:03:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wanting to know ~ Wanting to be ~ A sparrow ~ Wasted not time chirping [hat tip to @wordblender ]
2011-10-11 22:38:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind the door ~ Under the scarf ~ What I wanted to tell you ~ Last summer.
2011-10-11 22:34:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @a_risingphoenix So sweet. I wish we could all just gather around and hug each other's words ... :-)
2011-10-11 22:29:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the near-sighted beetle ~ Full-moon ~ In a dewdrop

2011-10-11 22:25:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For every name ~ Is a magical chant ~ On the right lips

2011-10-11 22:20:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dusk ~ Tugging at the furbelows ~ Of night

2011-10-11 22:19:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spake the magician to the novice, "Your spells can beckon demons myriad, but can they imagine red rose from green stalk from brown mud?"
2011-10-11 22:18:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Simulacrum of passion ~ In Autumn leaves

2011-10-11 22:12:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @a_risingphoenix It's a pleasure that the words are to your delight... :-)
2011-10-11 21:02:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile But then you would've unfollowed me had I said that in response to your tweet!! :-D
2011-10-11 12:25:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Childhood marbles ~ Still sitting ~ On spots of sun

527 / 4823

2011-10-11 12:24:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trees swaying ~ But never in a ~ Sparrow's way

2011-10-11 12:22:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyelashes ~ Curled ~ Beckoning

2011-10-11 12:19:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @solaikuyil: The finger smudge of light - a presence. [Glitter ~ Clinging to ~ My thumbs]
2011-10-11 12:17:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: When in doubt, you. And when not. [Except when you doubt]
2011-10-11 12:16:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stir this lake ~ With your bayonet ~ Eddying reds

2011-10-11 12:15:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clouds ~ Floating by ~ With windows shut

2011-10-11 08:10:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fidelity of shadows ~ Except over stairs

2011-10-11 06:22:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: I'll be there soon / turn your light on [Said the train to the tunnel-mouth?]
2011-10-11 06:21:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Echoes condensing ~ Into puddles ~ Of shouts

2011-10-11 05:52:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @URM1: The Almighty can do all but make man love Him. [Or hand over things without putting up a price]
2011-10-11 05:39:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Star-punctuated night ~ Sonnets of ~ Forgotten dreams

2011-10-11 05:10:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aberrant threads ~ Fugues of mute clothes ~ Scarecrow's drapes

2011-10-11 05:08:19 (EDT)

528 / 4823

_eroteme_ @QueenOf_DeNile :-) Glad you did. It earned me followers from the world of commercial crochet! :-o
2011-10-11 01:04:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is strange how the genuine hurt of another is transmitted, without reducing in the original chalice, across distances to an unknown heart
2011-10-10 22:18:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she suffers! ~ Clenching my heart ~ With words that ~ Don't ease her pain [hat tip to @PurplePoetry77 ]
2011-10-10 22:16:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bring not ~ Your trepidations ~ To passion's doorstep

2011-10-10 22:15:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: edge of the bed/curled in with your words/my mind laid out /in gossamer brooding [Traipsing thought ~ Caught in crochet]
2011-10-10 22:10:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way he smiled ~ A prelude ~ To an unrealised kiss

2011-10-10 22:08:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lexicon of sighs ~ An appendix of gazes

2011-10-10 22:07:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil True! Renunciation is verily an admission of what one wishes to deny.
2011-10-10 22:06:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: Kernel love, my body's lilt. [Kernel love ~ Popped ~ With butter on it ;-p ]
2011-10-10 22:05:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such is love - ~ Beautiful in your arms ~ Birthing beauty ~ In its wake [For @PurplePoetry77 's lovely heartfelt poems]
2011-10-10 22:04:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil Try kissing one as it rests! :-D Good morning to you too... Flowers and cats are incomparable!
2011-10-10 22:01:13 (EDT)

529 / 4823

_eroteme_ Dissolving walls ~ And what became ~ Of what I doodled on them

2011-10-10 21:59:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Passion hath but one rule ~ Yield or ~ Regret.

2011-10-10 21:55:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @solaikuyil: The ochre silence. The caramel words. [But still they blend not]
2011-10-10 21:50:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Except when it is resting (which is like forever) ;-p RT @ solaikuyil : Every cat is a kiss, million times over.
2011-10-10 21:49:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bridges ~ As wedges ~ Shores un-met

2011-10-10 13:25:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: To understand the heartbeat of a million stars. [In the moon's ~ Reflected sigh]
2011-10-10 13:21:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Will you be my ~ Valet in tie?

2011-10-10 09:59:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat 2 boxes of Ferrero Rochers?

2011-10-10 08:01:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat If they'll spell check my thesis, sure! ;-p

2011-10-10 07:43:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat Oh! Simple. You either submit a thesis or a member of your family to the front line! :-D
2011-10-10 07:25:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat If we insisted that everyone submit a thesis paper on why one should physically harm another, I feel wars wouldn't be repeated!
2011-10-10 07:20:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Because we never learn. No seriously! RT @fumanchucat: Alexander the Great / the Russians / couldn't conquer Afghanistan / why are we there?
530 / 4823

2011-10-10 07:13:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil And the calmly serpentine river that smoothens all rock
2011-10-10 06:41:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thumb behind strap ~ My name behind your lips ~ Me, not far behind.
2011-10-10 06:39:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil The trot's ~ Reddening hue

2011-10-10 06:38:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Return those wings to me ~ Which your smile once lent ~ My heart
2011-10-10 06:34:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One for "Oh! I thought..." RT @feltsensejunkie: 'There's a blush for won't, & a blush for shan't / & a blush for having done it' - Keats
2011-10-10 06:19:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PurplePoetry77: even the most devout procrastinator hurries to his beloved [But surely he put off the confession for later? ;-) ]
2011-10-10 06:17:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our fingertips ~ Toying with the idea ~ Of entanglement

2011-10-10 06:13:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Strange place ~ This being lost ~ But not wanting ~ To leave
2011-10-10 05:18:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovely poem: by @feltsensejunkie

2011-10-09 21:37:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The clear mirror ~ Of her words ~ Alas! My shattered eyes...

2011-10-09 13:22:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil You are quite a gift to writers & readers on Twitter. The sheer attention you provide to so many of us is humbling. Thank you!
2011-10-09 12:57:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: The hubris of a mountaintop eyebrow [And the disdain in a valleyed scowl]
531 / 4823

2011-10-09 06:07:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What did the voice in my head say ~ Before I learnt to speak?
2011-10-08 13:10:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the night ~ Our bodies rubbing ~ Crickets silenced

2011-10-08 13:03:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wild dreams ~ In my ~ Domesticated sleep

2011-10-08 12:53:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unlike for this oak ~ Spring doesn't follow ~ My Autumn

2011-10-08 12:52:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where goes ~ The green ~ Of leaves?

2011-10-08 12:40:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The twine of ideas ~ And colourful ~ Festooned words

2011-10-08 12:38:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She dissolved ~ Her songs ~ In my every dream

2011-10-08 11:29:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Which is what I often do: "As tempting as you might think it to be, no, thank you!" :-)
2011-10-08 11:28:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Friendly or presumptuous thing to assume that the recipient might be interested! :-D Consider her/him declining!! :-o
2011-10-08 11:27:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And that question remains even if you are pretentious enough to say "f*** you". No one imagines it to mean "free you"!
2011-10-08 11:25:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When people say "fuck you" do they realise that the recipient might just accept the offer? Isn't it like saying "feed you tiramisu"?
2011-10-08 11:20:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perforated reality ~ This lake ~ That flows through fishes

2011-10-08 11:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Marzipan sighs ~ Behind olive trees. ~ Which butterfly ~

532 / 4823

Flapped its wings?

2011-10-08 10:52:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaves hang still ~ Trees float ~ Into clouds

2011-10-08 10:49:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Yipee!! Finally my club membership request got approved! ;-) @inVinceWil @other_roads
2011-10-08 10:46:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shattered glass floor ~ Of trust...

2011-10-08 10:42:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When distaste ~ Is the measure ~ Of love

2011-10-07 12:23:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @solaikuyil Perhaps it is, but I am amazed how a distant whinnying of a child reveals exactly how it will cry, the tone, the pitch...
2011-10-06 12:18:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A million pilgrimages ~ Still I know not how ~ To leave with the shoes ~ That I finally wear at the shrine
2011-10-06 12:14:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The familiarity ~ Of a baby's wail

2011-10-06 12:12:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The abundant poverty ~ Of a smitten tongue

2011-10-06 12:08:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love & disgust leave me smelling of you. Only in one, do I want that to remain...
2011-10-06 12:06:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in all that dark ~ I thought I saw ~ A flickering ~ Black flame.
2011-10-06 12:05:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For every journey ~ Is a rabid urge ~ To change oneself...

2011-10-06 12:02:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sculpt my home ~ And create alcoves ~ By curling up ~ With a lengthy tome
533 / 4823

2011-10-06 11:58:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How easily you love another ~ Walking by my lane ~ Pretending to have ~ More important thoughts
2011-10-06 11:55:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nightmare of a lake ~ Falling through air once ~ And never again.
2011-10-06 11:24:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Inviolate rain ~ Till it drops

2011-10-06 10:23:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The traffic lights of destiny ~ To a colourblind me

2011-10-06 01:43:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant... :-) RT @solaikuyil: Intent sculpts time.

2011-10-06 01:13:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So lovely... :-) RT @ melancholundone: so quiet / so quiet / language of footprints [Raindrops ~ In his ~ Toes]
2011-10-04 23:47:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful pieces... :-) RT @Holly59: Some of the #paintings that will be on exhibit at #Montreal exhibition: #art
2011-10-04 12:11:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @crosescribe: her flesh becomes a tuning fork a shiver in his vibe [The hum ~ Of her moan ~ Against his nose]
2011-10-04 12:05:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I miss the Ganges. It is a strange tug I feel whenever I recall those waters... It is sad we have lost the ability to dissolve.
2011-10-04 12:04:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The remou ~ Of nostalgia ~ As I walk down your lane [Remou: n. swirling of a liquid around an obstacle]
2011-10-04 12:00:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps I gave you ~ My all at the outset ~ Now, you think me ~ Empty.
2011-10-04 11:56:24 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Play me the tune ~ Of the candle-flame's ~ Dance

2011-10-04 11:53:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Familiar things ~ On the clothesline ~ Unfamiliar shadows

2011-10-04 11:50:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @URM1: You create your doors, hold your keys, fold your wings. It is you who binds; it is you who must set free.
2011-10-04 11:33:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain Same shoes!? :-o Clearly proves you aren't a woman... ;-p
2011-10-03 06:57:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rain within rain ~ Drops on the rim ~ Of my umbrella

2011-10-02 21:04:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @kayo2011 Good evening. Your creation was worth all the attention we could muster... Hence, my pleasure.
2011-10-02 11:45:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Eddying abandon ~ Worth all ~ The impending regret

2011-10-02 11:43:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How pictures ~ Steal the luxury ~ Of imagining

2011-10-02 11:13:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Coeur_Belle :-) Yes, that too...

2011-10-02 10:47:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The laughing Buddha ~ On the way ~ To the funeral

2011-10-02 10:35:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Poetry needs ~ Broken hearts

2011-10-02 10:32:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A home for books ~ A world for me ~ This bookshelf

2011-10-02 10:19:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat I can't buy things frozen other than ice-creams... :-)
2011-10-02 08:33:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat hahahaha :-D I agree with you completely. Pizza

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needn't be bad if it is loaded with veggies & not a mere cheese-pizza!

2011-10-02 08:32:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat Yes, I heard that reversal of quantity. But why eat so much if what follows immediately is sleep!?
2011-10-02 07:58:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords If I cease to be all cognizance of God (from my PoV) ceases to be... :-)
2011-10-02 07:43:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Interesting. I know a fine old lady in NC who told me a tale of a squirrel named Charlie. :-)
2011-10-02 06:09:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With footwear at this price, I'm happy they're small! RT @ CoyoteSings: So they can't get away? @abitofmybrain: Why are women's feet smaller?
2011-10-02 06:03:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords It is the only worthy transition... :-)

2011-10-02 06:00:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Disallowing new needs - ~ The apple tree ~ Bears apples.

2011-10-02 06:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords hahahaha :-D

2011-10-02 05:53:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ Thus, God is.

2011-10-02 05:49:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Autumn rain ~ A prickly sun ~ In every puddle [hat tip to @ HalfMoonPilgrim ]
2011-10-02 05:23:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Castaway affections ~ This rack ~ Of greeting cards

2011-10-02 05:07:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Little girls break hearts ~ Older ones break vanity

2011-10-02 05:05:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat And properly cooked food is not diet food that people
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shun. Everyone wants it but is too lazy to prepare it. S is lucky! :-)
2011-10-02 05:04:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat If my food doesn't have colours, veggies, fragrance & texture, I'd rather not eat & fasting is anyway good for the tums!
2011-10-02 05:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat I was shocked when I saw an adult eat peanutbutter+banana slices sandwich for lunch!! As in, where is the nutrition!?
2011-10-02 05:01:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat Totally agree with that. If people don't have the time to cook properly for their own body, eat carrots & fruits... :-)
2011-10-02 05:00:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you become that ~ Which I engaged ~ To help me ~ Forget you!
2011-10-01 12:14:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cobbled paths ~ Thought forks ~ Into another silence # wordplay @dgdreamin [Something like this?]
2011-10-01 12:01:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Aaah! Ok. Kinda got it... :-)

2011-10-01 11:57:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Errr... I am not sure what one does with # wordplay ! :-o Even @umeshnrao tagged one tweet as that. Is it like a game of tag?
2011-10-01 11:45:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @HalfMoonPilgrim (bowing) Glad you found them so. :-)

2011-10-01 11:24:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All it took ~ Was a cough - ~ Field of sparrows

2011-10-01 11:17:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Stumbling stillness in the way she wore autumn. [The fox's coat ~ Shimmering]
2011-10-01 11:13:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wishes aren't wasted. ~ They are answered or ~ Give colour ~ To butterfly wings
2011-10-01 11:12:03 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Habit not ~ The slaked lime ~ Of my dreams

2011-10-01 11:08:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: As if he wrote the future of her [In the past tense]
2011-10-01 11:07:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Meet me ~ In the alley ~ Of unspoken thoughts

2011-10-01 11:04:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All cardamom trails ~ Lead to the ~ Taste of her tongue

2011-10-01 11:02:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A winged night ~ This crow

2011-10-01 06:21:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ive been on a diet for two weeks and all Ive lost is two weeks - Totie Fields
2011-09-30 05:12:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The past ~ Is the flowerbed ~ Of nostalgia

2011-09-29 21:25:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sunset ~ And then ~ The dark ~ Of your eyes.

2011-09-29 21:22:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings _/|\_ , sir. :-)

2011-09-29 21:20:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When reflections ~ Frown upon ~ The moiety

2011-09-29 21:19:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Seditious conspiracies ~ unbridled mirth ~ adventures in love. [The tangy taste ~ Of novelty]
2011-09-29 21:17:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I collect that tone ~ When, even a termagant ~ Speaks of her ~ First love
2011-09-29 21:15:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Absolutely! :-) RT @CoyoteSings: the watery "please" in a cow's eyes | #senryu
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2011-09-29 21:13:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Eavesdropping ~ On fresh dew

2011-09-29 21:12:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: in a puddle the sun I kept in my pocket with a hole [A rainbow ~ On my knee ~ Where the sun ~ Curved]
2011-09-29 21:12:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your picture ~ That I forgot ~ In my jeans

2011-09-29 21:09:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It takes a rain ~ To get windows ~ To sing

2011-09-29 21:06:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love, perhaps, is the most intoxicated way of padding our illusion of identity & self-worth, i.e. when love is not a transformation.
2011-09-29 21:04:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Star pierced moon ~ Tonight ~ More than moolight

2011-09-29 21:00:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All our inventions & education hasn't taught us to be like a river that wets all stones but clings on to none.
2011-09-29 20:59:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Seeds of melancholy ~ Sowed ~ In the way ~ She ended her songs
2011-09-29 20:57:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wherefrom comes this need to continuously have a new experience? Isn't that the root of all boredom, adventure, emotional promiscuity?
2011-09-29 20:55:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would she ~ Be kept warm ~ In the heat ~ Of the candle ~ I lit for her?
2011-09-29 20:52:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Quills of swaying sugarcane ~ Writing poems ~ On the sky

2011-09-29 11:02:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: the humiliation of justification [And the

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echoes, after you are left to yourself...]

2011-09-28 21:28:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_lalicat: Those are my own foot prints ahead of me. [And still I wish to go elsewhere]
2011-09-28 21:15:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The ache of wildflowers in her stare [The breath ~ Of aching ~ Butterflies]
2011-09-28 21:12:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @EdBremson -- sounds of church bells / and wings / of startled pigeons [And then ~ The steady drip ~ From my kitchen]
2011-09-28 12:00:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A million years ~ Of grazing ~ And thus ~ The calm ~ In the cow's eyes
2011-09-28 11:58:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What else ~ Could the wind ~ Through the broken window ~ Do, but howl?
2011-09-28 11:54:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher and nay-neighs

2011-09-28 11:51:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Enough solitude to drown in. [And then, one peg more...]
2011-09-28 11:49:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Whilst departure from childhood went unnoticed, a return to it is an ordeal which makes many enemies... :-)
2011-09-28 11:48:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @OliviaDresher: Childhood was easier than this. And yet childhood is what has made all this so hard.
2011-09-28 11:47:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: When everything in the past feels like a mistake. [Yet ~ Now ~ Still real ~ Built on all that]
2011-09-28 11:47:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all lies ~ Beckon cleverness. ~ How truth ~ Beckons not!
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2011-09-28 11:45:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant... :-) RT @OliviaDresher: Lies don't last, but they keep coming back. Whereas truths last, but they keep going away.
2011-09-28 11:32:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I fear the day that beauty is invisible. [And I fear the day when beauty is merely the visible]
2011-09-28 11:30:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: middle of the night what isn't sleeping sings quietly [Middle of the night ~ What isn't a dream ~ Feels like one]
2011-09-28 11:26:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thousand footsteps later ~ Still no place ~ Where I can ~ Take root
2011-09-28 11:25:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The beggar ~ Kicking dreams ~ Down the alley

2011-09-28 11:23:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Her eyes so black, his green believe not the truth they speak. [Strike a match ~ To those black ~ And melt the green]
2011-09-28 11:22:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @vonguyenphong22: Dark well/ falling/ a raindrop's sound. [Dark echoes ~ Of worlds ~ Buried] [via @frushwords ]
2011-09-28 10:24:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The imprint ~ Of sighs ~ On Autumn breeze

2011-09-27 09:22:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Know this, wanderer! ~ You create not a God ~ You merely contain one
2011-09-27 09:21:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! Please do! RT @philoquotes: Practice yourself, for heaven's sake in little things, and then proceed to greater. ~ Epictetus
2011-09-27 09:18:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She'd sprinkle ~ Words on his ~ Parched conscience

2011-09-27 09:15:16 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Collecting shadows ~ Of a Harvest moon's night

2011-09-27 02:30:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Threshers secret song! RT @ frushwords: The secret is to remove the chaff from the kernel & keep either neither or both.
2011-09-27 02:29:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @thismomentonly Glad it gave you exactly what you needed! :-) In a way, my time in the US does feel distant except when I sip on tea... :-)
2011-09-27 01:03:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true! :-) RT @frushwords: Pain's surrender is ennui.

2011-09-27 00:07:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silver accents ~ And red silks ~ Velvetting your mind's lips [hat tip to @thismomentonly 's AVI]
2011-09-26 23:42:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender It is pretty much like your roll on deo-sticks. Sockets keep it in place allowing it to roll but not pop out or sink in.
2011-09-26 23:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! RT @frushwords: Turquoise silk ~ wisdom's noons ~ meadows of light ~ love. [The palette ~ That slipped ~ Between lovers' fingers]
2011-09-26 23:09:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. ~ Winnie the Pooh
2011-09-26 23:03:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that cannot be explained. ~ Georges Braque
2011-09-26 23:00:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. ~ Henry W. Longfellow
2011-09-26 22:48:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats. ~ Iris Murdoch
2011-09-26 22:13:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Those mornings ~ When I wake up in a dorm ~ Filled with me ~ At different ages
2011-09-26 21:47:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: She her own weather system of whether. [And wise ~ To all ~ Why's]
2011-09-26 21:17:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_lalicat You'll still need to pay taxes... And now they might also charge entertainment tax over and above...
2011-09-26 21:14:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The bedlam ~ Of falling ~ Leaves

2011-09-26 21:02:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She made ~ Shirt buttons ~ Gasp

2011-09-26 13:02:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stir the lake ~ Long enough ~ To dissolve the moon

2011-09-26 13:00:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All it takes ~ Is a pinch of love ~ On the derriere

2011-09-26 12:55:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She sings ~ A lullaby ~ For the son ~ She never had
2011-09-26 12:53:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her belly butterfly ~ Still sighs ~ When she hums his name
2011-09-26 12:50:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Only her pillow knew ~ That she still wanted to know ~ Whether he loved her
2011-09-26 12:44:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if ~ The only way ~ To love her ~ Was from behind ~ Slightly ajar doors
2011-09-26 12:43:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For so many years ~ He kept it warm in his mouth - ~ That first "hello"
2011-09-26 12:36:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She wore clothes ~ Like a necessary ~ Conversation

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2011-09-26 12:23:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Her smile within the infancy of the rain.
2011-09-26 12:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear hear! :-) RT @frushwords: Happy and sad people anger each other.
2011-09-26 12:06:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords Agreed... :-)

2011-09-26 01:57:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords So be it. Would prefer to be grounded than lazy! :-)

2011-09-26 01:22:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords The e.g. was less of food & more around the necessity to understand adjectives & discourage folks from being hasty
2011-09-26 01:21:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords It is like saying all food is sweet & then claiming that chilli flakes are just sweet at another level of consciousness
2011-09-26 01:17:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords Your words convince not. If everything is beautiful there is no need to have the capacity of discrimination
2011-09-26 01:16:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords Belief is never experience. But neither is resolve, including the resolve to call everything beautiful
2011-09-26 01:14:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender hahahaha :-D That I must accede to... ;-)

2011-09-26 01:13:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords Beauty isn't mere pulchritude. It is certainly a blend of that & much more in tune with one's inner fabric. Hence, myriad tastes
2011-09-26 01:13:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender Which is what it seems to me, but I'd rather balance negativity with clarity than with something that adds to the mist.
2011-09-26 01:10:47 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ @wordblender Are we replacing "beauty" for "good" for it seems like we are saying "There is some good in everyone"? :-)
2011-09-26 01:09:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender If beauty is something at some level then to seek or appreciate beauty is moot as it is always there, not to be sought, right?
2011-09-26 01:05:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If we truly believe that everyone is beautiful, wherefrom arises hate, discomfort, revulsion, etc.? Where lies the fount of discrimination?
2011-09-26 01:04:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do people believe in such platitudes? Then people start claiming about inner beauty! Try selling that to someone! It's a compliment to none!
2011-09-26 01:03:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I read statements like "Everyone is beautiful" I can't help roll my eyes! Why do people indulge in these platitudes?
2011-09-26 01:00:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Err... Those words are @ KrisLindbeck 's. :-)

2011-09-26 00:57:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under striated shadows ~ Of the palm tree ~ The tigress ~ She never would be
2011-09-25 23:18:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All time ~ Is the movement ~ Of the mind

2011-09-25 23:15:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When he says "Of course, I love you", you know he doesn't...
2011-09-25 23:13:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of him ~ Like an infinite sword ~ Forever impaling ~ My heart

2011-09-25 23:11:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is sad how so many people use Twitter as another means of flashing & hoping the flies come for the honey we imagine we have!
2011-09-25 23:06:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love without wanting it in return is to wish without caring.

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2011-09-25 22:59:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hypocrisy of it all! Women devotees can love a God as her husband/lover but a man can only love a Goddess as his mother or child!
2011-09-25 22:49:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: The blaze beneath founds the tranquil without. [Simmering symbiosis]
2011-09-25 22:12:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She leaves him ~ Love notes ~ Under the ~ Scales of snakes
2011-09-25 22:06:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Still lost ~ In the brightness ~ Of his shade

2011-09-25 21:54:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @feltsensejunkie: Where will she dance / when her daisies have gone? [What will she sing ~ When the conchs ~ Dissolve]
2011-09-25 11:28:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Along ~ Bridges that ~ Loop back

2011-09-25 10:19:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The breeze ~ Stealthily between ~ Wind chimes

2011-09-25 10:11:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If rain ~ Had wings

2011-09-25 09:59:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everyone wants the truth ~ Except ~ About themselves

2011-09-25 09:58:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Escorting songs ~ To listeners

2011-09-25 09:51:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her dark ~ Rolled into joss sticks ~ In zazen ~ He burns her.
2011-09-25 09:47:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rising heat of summer ~ And now - ~ The residue of red ~ On the leaves
2011-09-25 09:45:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: A naked cloud buried in

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her smile [And sunset ~ Cascading ~ With every tear]

2011-09-25 09:43:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unrelenting wind - ~ My cloak on a different route ~ To Mt. Fujisan [inspired by ]
2011-09-25 06:59:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Simply stunning. I can watch this forever! [via @andreochka. For some reason, couldn't RT]
2011-09-25 06:39:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tethered winds ~ My humming ~ Frozen

2011-09-25 06:34:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The solitude of ~ Prayers ~ Once answered

2011-09-25 05:00:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Candle of my past ~ Burns to leave ~ Puddles of you

2011-09-25 02:58:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: [smoothing the angst ~ of ~ the Sorgenfalten ~crescent forehead ~ deep flumes] @monokrow: cou (cont)
2011-09-25 02:56:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @QueenOf_DeNile: butterscotch kisses, tripping murmurs, petal breaths & fading light as you slowly fall asleep in tender arms... :-)
2011-09-24 13:33:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sepulchering ~ Through ~ Your sighs

2011-09-24 13:27:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wonder what ~ Whispers are made of...

2011-09-24 13:16:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Nice ... RT @coastmoor: he welcomed her ~ as if she were snow
2011-09-24 13:03:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all memories ~ Melt to the colour ~ Of her purple

2011-09-23 23:44:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She arrived ~ In the shape ~ Of ecstasy.

547 / 4823

2011-09-22 12:36:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Walking the line ~ Where God & Devil ~ Never meet [If you prefer a long tale:]
2011-09-22 12:27:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Give me a penny for every time someone thinks "good food" means "lavish exotic meals" & I'd very well be a millionaire!
2011-09-21 02:07:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @URM1: Thank God there's no such thing as immortality. We are inhuman enough in one short life.
2011-09-20 20:27:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: holding the breath of tremble / each leaf / in journey / autumn [Burnt Sienna ~ Breaths ~ And dulcet tunes]
2011-09-20 11:19:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: The irrelevance of pain's inevitability. [When pain ~ Makes all inevitability ~ Irrelevant]
2011-09-20 11:10:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every sunset, ~ The shadows of my thoughts ~ Stretching towards her

2011-09-20 11:06:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I continue trying ~ To convince you ~ That my fingers ~ Make better clothes
2011-09-19 12:28:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tales of the road - ~ A muddy shoe print ~ Too close to ~ Tread marks
2011-09-19 12:21:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Origami memories ~ On the porch steps

2011-09-19 12:19:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cavernous temples ~ Inspiring me ~ To look within myself

2011-09-19 12:16:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Little Prince, Lost Horizon, Atlas Shrugged, The Zen Teaching of Instantaneous Awakening, Tao Te Ching, Savitri & silent meditation...
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2011-09-19 12:03:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The perfection of ~ Ingenuous ~ Imperfection [tribute to wabisabi]

2011-09-18 01:09:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only people could comprehend this joy! :-) RT @OliviaDresher: "What tremendous happiness not to be me!" (Pessoa)
2011-09-18 00:34:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the end of every day ~ We are but ~ A failed dream of yesterday
2011-09-16 22:48:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @vonguyenphong22: Distance/ Makes the birds/ Tinier than dragonflies. [These origami herons ~ I must run from]
2011-09-16 14:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This cow ~ In the middle of the road ~ Welcomes me back home!
2011-09-16 14:23:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How tears ~ Lighten the ~ Blue of her eyes!

2011-09-16 14:22:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do you know me ~ When I don't know you?

2011-09-16 14:20:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who will tell the tales ~ Of those who believed ~ In that one eternal love ~ And died loveless?
2011-09-16 14:09:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The familiar ~ Scent of the sting ~ Before the slap

2011-09-16 14:08:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How your tongue ~ Moves on me ~ Irrigating dead poems ~ Of my skin!

2011-09-14 12:59:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Die ~ For it is ~ Time

2011-09-14 12:57:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words ~ Riding your mind ~ Bareback

549 / 4823

2011-09-14 12:55:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How your hands ~ Teach my legs ~ Not to walk away

2011-09-14 12:51:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: recitation of the universe/ an explosion / blooms of daffodils [Rains of scents ~ Petrichor of stars]
2011-09-14 12:51:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She surprised me ~ Wearing clothes ~ Where I least expected them

2011-09-14 12:49:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I need no sky above me ~ Other than the ~ Gasping smile ~ Flowering your curly tresses
2011-09-14 12:47:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tracking your scent ~ In words I hear

2011-09-14 12:43:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aah! ~ A fresh blossom. ~ Whom will its scent ~ Inhabit today?
2011-09-14 12:42:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wind chimes ~ Of memories. ~ A tune ~ Of sighs to @moonflowernco)

2011-09-14 12:33:23 (EDT)

(hat tip

_eroteme_ The lingering ~ Lingerie ~ Coaxed ~ By a breath

2011-09-14 12:31:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trust - ~ The way of the lazy mind; ~ The jewel of a soul
2011-09-13 22:37:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground But wasn't he paid on entry into the life, now that it is being lived backwards!? :-)
2011-09-11 07:57:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where every ~ Dream ~ Echoes as a ~ Song unsung

2011-09-11 07:39:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In a life lived backwards, does one receive hindsight & still proceed to trauma?
2011-09-11 07:36:50 (EDT)

550 / 4823

_eroteme_ I fear ~ The extinction ~ Of windows

2011-09-11 07:34:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun's ~ Differently accented heat ~ O'er nostalgic worlds ..... (Still fighting jetlag!)
2011-09-11 07:26:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gwkeena Thank you for your generous & kind words... :-)
2011-09-11 07:22:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When will we get it? ~ Words aren't good ~ For explaining words
2011-09-07 15:26:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In every puddle ~ In every window ~ In every blind beggar's eye ~ The same old ~ Aging me.
2011-09-04 20:31:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moon shall ~ Echo the songs ~ Of my heart ~ When I am gone
2011-09-04 19:27:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I would prefer a happy ending, every now & then...

2011-09-03 14:58:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This is the land ~ Of lush green ~ Graveyards

2011-09-03 14:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Changing ~ Under each falling ~ Teardrop

2011-09-02 18:09:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Presumptuous words - ~ Distilling the reality ~ Of imagination

2011-09-01 06:39:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The loneliness ~ Of fences

2011-08-31 21:52:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Colloidal hopes ~ Of clarity

2011-08-29 11:43:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tap-dancing duel ~ I and the ~ Woodpecker.

2011-08-28 19:47:36 (EDT)

551 / 4823

_eroteme_ I build windows ~ To welcome sparrows ~ But they ~ Atop a tree ~ Build me a nest.
2011-08-28 19:46:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your departure ~ Life is impossible. ~ In the hope that remains ~ Death, unthinkable.
2011-08-28 19:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every child is fathered by every man who kneels and combs his soft hair.
2011-08-28 19:42:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poetry ~ Of rolling words ~ Over a glass dream

2011-08-28 19:19:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words ~ Sans mind ~ Like a river ~ Sans wetness [hat tip to @ OliviaDresher ]
2011-08-28 19:13:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The circus of passion ~ Called Life

2011-08-28 19:11:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh sweet one! ~ Walk long in this rain ~ And you shall ~ Dissolve
2011-08-28 14:18:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish it was a hurricane ~ The night you were born ~ At least then ~ The world would've been warned
2011-08-28 14:16:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hands spread out ~ Mouth open heavenward ~ This running in the rain ~ They never taught us in school.
2011-08-28 14:03:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Till I am betrayed ~ By all ~ This world, ~ Is not ~ An untrustworthy place

2011-08-28 14:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rains outside - ~ I learn again ~ Smell of ~ Steaming jasmine rice

2011-08-28 14:01:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some trees ~ Take the hint ~ And lie down

552 / 4823

2011-08-28 13:59:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @moonflowernco: dragonfly hovering ~ in the wind ~ so many things ~ that can't ~ be spoken
2011-08-28 13:58:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Glad you found it so, dear Deborah. For some reason, I don't get notifications & finally saw this one. Hope all's well with you!
2011-08-27 11:37:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every heart ~ A singer

2011-08-26 20:43:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The unbecoming of my travel trunk... :-) RT @LalySky: I'd say the question is: What to unpack to go beyond? ;)
2011-08-26 20:41:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mistaking oneness ~ For lack of ~ Separateness

2011-08-26 20:39:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The surprise ~ Of your love ~ Matching ~ My imagination

2011-08-26 20:33:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shadow ~ Of words ~ Unspoken

2011-08-26 20:18:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @stormyaffairs: And there are yet so many who await the angel of lost postcards.
2011-08-26 20:17:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: There's a reality beyond the senses. [What should I pack ~ To go beyond ~ Beyond?]
2011-08-26 20:17:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @therisinsun: Fearing the deep / humanity drown itself / in the shallow [Searching ~ For what it lost ~ By any ~ Bright flame]
2011-08-23 11:58:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nothing remains ~ Between us ~ Why then does that "hello" ~ Tug deep?
2011-08-23 11:56:37 (EDT)

553 / 4823

_eroteme_ _/|\_ A life well lead & unnoticed... RT @inVinceWil: ceremonious life / no audience / no applause #sixwords
2011-08-23 11:39:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Were cotton given the pride of morality, it would resist burning when thrown in fire.
2011-08-23 06:50:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Are you well, I wonder ~ The moon ~ Sheds a tear

2011-08-23 06:49:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @inVinceWil :-) Yes, something about that image still wanders motionless in my mind's eye!
2011-08-22 09:15:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Or slimmer!! ;-p

2011-08-21 19:10:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am always invited ~ To the ceremony ~ Of putting out ~ A lover's heart

2011-08-21 19:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The morbid ~ Rusted words ~ I sleep on ~ Make every dawn ~ Seemingly beautiful [hat tip to @frushwords ]
2011-08-21 19:08:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You can't know me ~ Till you help me ~ Light my funeral pyre
2011-08-21 19:05:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stars ~ Slipping ~ In the rain

2011-08-21 19:01:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every poem ~ Starts with the poet ~ And ends where he isn't
2011-08-21 17:50:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords I thought this is where we came to create moribund writing, no?
2011-08-21 17:48:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The colour of flames ~ To the hue of each sonnet ~ Offered.

2011-08-21 17:46:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: @OliviaDresher: The only time we're

554 / 4823

completely honest is when we're in the womb. [And, when in love] [Or in indigestion]
2011-08-21 17:38:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! :-) RT @ frushwords: The thousand petals of my heart's lotus, are knowledge teguments carved by your sun' (cont)
2011-08-21 17:36:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: a rose ~ is not supposed ~ to be blue [Well, blue is not supposed to be rose either]
2011-08-21 17:34:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The levitation ~ Of eyebrows ~ As she enters

2011-08-21 17:30:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crickets ~ Asleep ~ But still ~ The echos...

2011-08-20 17:25:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: You can't convince a believer... for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on (cont)
2011-08-20 17:23:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: Don't make promises until you see the potential [Promise not till you understand why flows the sand in the hourglass]
2011-08-20 15:43:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Why, I haven't forgotten to RT yet! ;-) Nor enjoy a beautiful line when I see one... :-)
2011-08-20 15:41:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She taught him ~ To marry ~ Touch & shiver

2011-08-20 15:40:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man ~ A painting ~ Incomplete

2011-08-20 15:38:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @therisinsun Sigh! They never get it. It is so much more fun to watch a television switched off!
2011-08-20 15:38:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @cat_cat_: Saturday smooth and comforting / lines and shadows undisturbed / angles resting / pavements preaching / to casual
555 / 4823

2011-08-20 15:37:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @therisinsun Hope they at least switched it on! ;-p

2011-08-20 15:36:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all frustration is in ~ Balancing equations ~ That never were

2011-08-20 15:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition. -Carl Sagan
2011-08-20 15:33:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How this world ~ Sticks to the script ~ Of my life!

2011-08-20 15:30:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The past ~ Is a museum ~ Of wishing things ~ Would be otherwise

2011-08-20 15:27:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Trying is a substitute for being. [As is becoming]

2011-08-20 15:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The art of ~ Looking vacantly ~ Out of a window.

2011-08-20 15:23:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When becoming ~ Takes all ~ Of life

2011-08-20 15:17:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Words can't kill, but they can almost kill [The poetry ~ Of ~ "Almost"]
2011-08-20 15:17:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Now ~ Often finds meaning ~ Only as memory

2011-08-20 15:12:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are ~ No baby steps ~ In love

2011-08-20 15:07:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I lie down ~ Beside this brown leaf ~ Hoping the wind ~ Will turn me too
556 / 4823

2011-08-20 15:00:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That mirror ~ Which showed me ~ What I could be ~ Cracked

2011-08-20 14:58:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oblivious to the ~ Surrounding disgust ~ The curled up ~ Roadkilled skunk

2011-08-20 14:53:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "Promise?" ~ How different the tone ~ Since I asked ~ Aged 5.

2011-08-20 14:51:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When shadows ~ Played ~ Dress up

2011-08-20 14:48:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He said ~ I am the ugliest woman ~ But yet ~ My body ~ Every month ~ Readies me ~ For a child
2011-08-20 14:46:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those days ~ When everything ~ Feels like an omen

2011-08-20 14:45:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It could've been you ~ Or could've been worse

2011-08-19 20:09:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some bouquets ~ Are best ~ Imagined

2011-08-19 19:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @perlygates: my lover and i / swirling dust / in sunlight [The shimmer ~ Of love's ~ Lightness]
2011-08-19 19:57:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rhythmic words ~ Of the passing train ~ Calligraphy within ~ Parallel lines
2011-08-19 18:10:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every piece of land ~ Travelling far ~ With a lighthouse ~ At the helm
2011-08-18 10:26:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The personality ~ Of ruins

2011-08-12 18:51:41 (EDT)

557 / 4823

_eroteme_ All that ~ The night hides ~ And all that ~ We refuse to see ~ In daylight
2011-08-12 16:29:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Timber of forgotten songs ~ Keeps me warm tonight

2011-08-12 16:22:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @frushwords Love is a tree for it still clings to the fragrant soil even when uprooted...
2011-08-12 16:20:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If we all ~ Held hands ~ And sighed ~ Who would be clapping?

2011-08-12 16:19:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Splendid verse! :-) @vonguyenphong22: Who knows?/ A leaf falling on the dark yard/ Cold sound. #haiku [via @frushwords]
2011-08-12 16:18:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tremble ~ Of driftwood ~ Distant memories

2011-08-12 16:17:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant image of octopus abacus! :-) RT @frushwords: Monsoon pearls on the spider-trellis ~ octopus abacus.
2011-08-12 16:09:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your forked tongue ~ Pleasuring ~ Twice as much

2011-08-12 16:03:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Loved this one... :-) RT @inVinceWil: Are you / a prisoner / of form, rabble-rouser, / a reluctant rebel with a / stanza? #cinquain
2011-08-12 15:59:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Then smitteen, routeen, caffeine before unseen! RT @ inVinceWil : Remember when counting: it's umpteen, eleventeen, twelveteen, & then thirt.
2011-08-12 15:59:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How I believed ~ That love was that fire ~ Which could melt ~ My wax mask!
2011-08-12 10:16:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful! :-) RT @frushwords: Noon finagles ~ dove's white ~ feather moon nights.
558 / 4823

2011-08-10 15:52:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every handshake ~ Makes me ~ More invisible

2011-08-09 10:19:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I must learn ~ To walk over ~ Broken hopes

2011-08-05 07:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A single rain drop ~ Clinging to the cloud.

2011-08-05 07:01:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone The perpetual pulse of her blue / @ frushwords stayed by a black blink ~ meshed in this indigo night ~ of twinkles
2011-08-05 06:53:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Winds unzipping ~ To let the ~ Larks through

2011-08-05 06:37:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soluble memories ~ Insufficient tears

2011-08-05 06:31:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: @melancholundone relocation of hush/ a tremble/birdsong of her stare~ trills of light & eye (cont)
2011-08-04 21:05:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: @melancholundone Frames in moving-pause to capture outside wink of perception./ embrangled whi (cont)
2011-08-04 21:04:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: All the broken wings in a forgotten box fluttering. [And all dreams ~ Of faraway lands ~ Wrapped in tarpaulin]
2011-08-04 21:03:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Ashes scattering where the saxophone played for the roses yet to grow.
2011-08-04 21:02:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How do you do it!? Every time!! :-) RT @melancholundone: tapestry-hope / gripping the unravel / breathing threads
2011-08-04 21:01:40 (EDT)
559 / 4823

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: candlelight of touch / blackness in a whisper / flames crescendo

2011-08-04 21:01:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @thepoetrytree: confine me to Imagination [Or unleash me ~ Unimagined]

2011-08-04 20:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she ~ Convinces the air ~ To smell of her!

2011-08-04 20:55:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if you ~ Entered my life ~ To make me do things ~ You can't say aloud!
2011-08-04 20:51:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How we danced ~ When the rainbow ~ Tripped over ~ The piano keys!
2011-08-04 20:47:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman ~ Is a child ~ Waking up ~ To be a woman

2011-08-04 20:44:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between you ~ And me ~ This betweenness

2011-08-04 20:43:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost ~ In the fog ~ Of your breath

2011-08-04 20:40:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If all of us ~ Shuddered together ~ Would the seas ~ Understand?

2011-08-04 20:38:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The utter silence ~ When we both ~ Think different thoughts

2011-08-04 20:36:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That day ~ When rivers threatened ~ To flow back

2011-08-04 20:35:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Imagine a bloodline ~ Passing knowledge ~ Across rebirths

2011-08-04 20:33:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trembling kisses ~ Now I know ~ Now I don't

560 / 4823

2011-08-04 20:32:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Is a ~ Tree

2011-08-04 20:28:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear hear! RT @TinyKeats: If it were easy to communicate, none would need poetry or art to speak. Articulate (cont)
2011-08-04 20:25:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pine shadows ~ Clawing ~ At the evening breeze

2011-08-04 20:22:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: RT @DarkHaikuMoon: I never thought I'd - miss the metal after taste - of your clockwork kiss
2011-08-04 20:21:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all nostalgia is a ~ Lament of ~ The mould

2011-08-04 10:29:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ You should wear more! That might help... ;-p
2011-08-04 09:29:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @therisinsun: wringing the seafront from my morning walk [Small islands ~ Of sea ~ On my carpet]
2011-08-04 09:29:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: @KrisLindbeck: All I can do / most days /is point and say /this / this || And / on others (cont)
2011-08-04 09:28:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Congratulations! It is such a pleasure to read your words... :-)

2011-08-03 14:55:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Awww! Thank you for the delight & honour was mostly mine... :-)
2011-08-03 06:11:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Merci! But yours gave birth to it so... :-)

2011-08-02 19:15:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates I call mine "reserves"... for a rainy day... ;-p And how dare I speak about svelte perlygates! ;-p
561 / 4823

2011-08-02 19:15:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @hw1 It is a delight & a feeling of warmth in knowing that you connected with those words... I bow down to you, Sir. :-)
2011-08-02 19:06:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only ~ That drained cloud ~ Had left ~ The silver lining behind
2011-08-02 17:26:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The waning moon ~ Slowly revealing ~ What she hides - ~ Nothing!
2011-08-02 17:00:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: If my beloved was a bird with two broken wings[...] There are many ways to fly. [What if flying's the only way to love?]
2011-08-02 16:58:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! And deny him the chance to write poetry!? RT @perlygates: grasshopper jumps on my foot / i think better that / then me jumping on his
2011-08-02 16:53:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Woman of the night ~ Asks me about ~ My day job.

2011-08-02 16:52:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautifully melancholic... :-) RT @moonflowernco: I can't see it ~ but I feel it ~ yellow primrose ~ blooming alone ~ in the darkness
2011-08-02 16:51:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @perlygates: neglected garden / all that we never said // [And all that ~ We never knew ~ Bloomed]
2011-08-02 16:42:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Did he too see ~ The pink butterfly's dance? ~ This smiling little boy ~ Who emerges ~ From the woods.
2011-08-02 16:34:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My grandfather's painting - ~ Even in Spring ~ He frowns.

2011-08-02 16:29:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain :-) Nice avi. Nice Doestoevsky-ish touch to it... :)

2011-08-02 16:27:25 (EDT)

562 / 4823

_eroteme_ This summer ~ Even the sugarcane's sweetness ~ Melts

2011-08-02 16:22:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I ask every ~ Journeying breeze ~ For a hike

2011-08-02 16:18:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sleeping on the dog's belly ~ Blind man prays ~ For no nightmares
2011-08-02 16:16:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "foolish wildflower / without a trace / of bitterness." -Issa #haiku #senryu
2011-08-02 16:11:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amazing! A true touch of a master! :-) RT @CoyoteSings: ""Come this way, this way / blind man!" / little butterfly." -Issa # haiku
2011-08-02 16:10:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love is ~ Learning the pronunciation ~ Of moans

2011-08-02 16:09:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cupid's axe ~ How the tree ~ Hugs the dusty earth!
2011-08-02 16:08:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning... simply stunning... :-) RT @frushwords: Vinolent tendrils of my violent desire uncoil slowly inside your luminous labyrinths.
2011-08-02 16:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "cloud becomes a mountain / becomes / a cloud." -Issa [Stand still, my friend ~ Watch mind ~ Become mountain ~ And cloud]
2011-08-02 15:55:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovely! :-) RT @frushwords: Come closer, my love ~ Let not the sun's modesty ~ Go in vain. / nor the rain's pulling silver chains...
2011-08-02 15:48:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @inVinceWil: @_eroteme_ If I were a breath / I'd expand the universe / and then be nothing [To fill ~ Everything ~ With nothing]
2011-08-02 14:55:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @inVinceWil: that I could just be / a metaphor, perhaps then / I'd be so much more #haiku [Or a breath ~ Then I'd be ~ Lesser]
563 / 4823

2011-08-02 13:37:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "What if..." ~ The luxury of ~ The vacant

2011-08-02 13:23:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crows ~ Impatiently wondering ~ Whether I will ~ Finish my meal ~ Or not

2011-08-02 12:52:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The love ~ For the mute ~ Nightingale

2011-08-02 12:50:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "words / are a waste of time... / poppies." -Issa [Oh! darling poet ~ That flower you wrote about ~ Is it still abloom?]
2011-08-02 12:41:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One lick of her ~ And my tongue's ~ A whip

2011-08-02 12:38:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stepping back ~ Into the ~ Now

2011-08-02 12:37:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sunlight ~ Slipping ~ Tumbling ~ Down boughs

2011-08-02 12:36:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come closer, my love ~ Let not the sun's modesty ~ Go in vain.
2011-08-02 12:32:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How my dog understands ~ By not understanding ~ A word!

2011-08-02 12:29:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @IgnoredShamrock: my million thoughts / on one petal / of a flower / rain shower. [How easily ~ It lets them all ~ Drop off!]
2011-08-02 10:53:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mannequins ~ Nose pressed to the glass ~ Recognising ~ What she once wore
2011-08-02 10:41:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Raindrops, fallen leaves ~ Gasping bubbles on the sea shore ~ As if all things small ~ Live to make ~ Us meditate.
2011-08-02 09:57:01 (EDT)

564 / 4823

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @frushwords: (scent of roses threads lemongreen dreams) Hugging & sliding ~ Down the trun (cont)
2011-08-02 09:23:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be a petal ~ Buoying ~ On the winds

2011-08-01 20:34:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hugging & sliding ~ Down the trunk ~ Of the palm ~ I imagine ~ You touching me
2011-08-01 20:30:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A large ring ~ Of water ~ On the desert sands ~ And we ~ Sit within.
2011-08-01 20:28:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is to understand ~ The pointlessness ~ Of walls

2011-08-01 20:26:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The industry of dew ~ Burning suns ~ Of their own

2011-07-31 22:39:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all feeling ~ Feels like ~ Remembering

2011-07-31 22:23:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Alas! In all that we could be ~ We choose ~ To be human.

2011-07-31 22:17:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ferocity ~ Of knaves ~ Cornered

2011-07-31 19:30:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I see young lovers, or really old ones, I feel their love as Love should be felt - in its promise & in its immortality. Thus I love.
2011-07-31 19:23:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Their progeny ~ The stillness of Time ~ That stagnates not.
2011-07-31 19:19:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only ~ I could make a lover ~ Of this forever ~ Darkness

2011-07-31 18:47:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I seek that God ~ Who wishes not ~ To be sought

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2011-07-31 18:14:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ What God ~ Fears to be

2011-07-31 18:08:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A petty God ~ They caricature ~ Who demands blindness ~ And mute submission, ~ Deprivation ~ And mourned senselessness
2011-07-31 18:07:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ From the very God ~ Who is there ~ Where I am not ~ I ask to know ~ Without miracles ~ Without faith ~ Without sacrifice
2011-07-31 18:05:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: From all to nothing, except for memories. [The tea leaves ~ Of what-I-thought-was ~ In a now ~ Empty cup]
2011-07-31 10:43:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! How my past ~ Grows younger!

2011-07-30 21:49:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Petal puppets ~ An autumn breeze

2011-07-30 20:18:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The catapult ~ Of hope ~ And the yanking ~ Of now

2011-07-30 20:08:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let my words ~ Be the dew ~ That shall glisten our passion ~ Through your every remaining dawn ~ After me
2011-07-30 20:06:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ After every shower ~ Verdant ripples assemble ~ Into sleeping trees
2011-07-30 20:02:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Palpable void ~ Of hope

2011-07-30 19:56:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When knowledge ~ Weakens not ~ Trust.... ~ The dawn ~ Hearkened ~ By chirps [hat tip to @OliviaDresher & @frushwords ]
2011-07-30 19:53:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The adult decision ~ To remain ~ Children.

2011-07-30 19:49:26 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Swirling incense ~ Like a gesture ~ Of the heavens

2011-07-30 19:48:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ Not I ~ Till you ~ Let me in.

2011-07-30 19:47:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @moonflowernco It is so uncanny! It seems we both wrote about koi fishes & the new moon!! :-)
2011-07-30 19:18:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Long lost incantations ~ Of trembling whispers

2011-07-30 18:22:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The deadening of smiles ~ On the parched ~ Road to truth

2011-07-30 18:15:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As I hold her hands ~ The tremors of the past ~ The calls of the future ~ Where do I look? ~ Where are her hands now?
2011-07-30 18:10:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This pale koi fish ~ Imprinted by ~ The new moon ~ Night
2011-07-30 18:07:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The blood of ~ Daisies ~ For roses

2011-07-30 17:57:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where the river bends ~ Brittle ~ Memories

2011-07-30 17:01:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sleep not ~ To rest. ~ I sleep ~ To live ~ The impossible

2011-07-19 10:26:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He moves with the sun ~ This homeless man ~ Sitting under the ~ Tree's shade
2011-07-17 17:43:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow... RT @ melancholundone: life's slingshot / flame of infant's reaching cry / mortality's reflection
2011-07-15 21:40:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: her moonlight to promenade/ a walk as magnitude / orchid's longing beyond vase
567 / 4823

2011-07-15 21:00:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @avioletfire: sometimes i loved him. sometimes he loved me. & sometimes we smile at us thinking it was just sometimes.
2011-07-15 20:31:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: RT @LaraKerensky A man should only pay a woman to move far away from him.
2011-07-15 20:30:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Resting our forehead ~ On either side ~ Of a door ~ Many miles ~ Apart. ~ Do you now feel ~ What I couldn't say? [hat tip to @avioletfire]
2011-07-14 16:37:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: #DefineArt A paradox that is both a homage to all existence and a challenge to its evinced lacunae.
2011-07-14 16:24:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amen! :-) RT @frushwords: #DefineArt A truth unrepeatable, an experience irrefutable and a divinity ineffable.
2011-07-14 16:22:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Reminds me of a recent conversation.. :-) RT @ frushwords: # DefineArt The only contrivance of man that redeems, liberates and actualizes Man.
2011-07-14 16:22:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: #DefineArt Eternal river of healing waters threading the draining triteness of everyday life.
2011-07-14 16:21:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Mind reading, check. Inter-state communication, check. Everything looks fine, Ms. Lindbeck! We are on track! :-)
2011-07-14 13:44:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Orchestrating ~ Breath ~ One sensation ~ At a time # DefineArt [for @CoyoteSings ]

2011-07-14 13:40:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gravity is not my best friend when I am about to eat something delicious
2011-07-14 13:16:32 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: thoughts ~ in the head ~ of a cat #haiku [And then ~ The nonchalant ~ Exit]
2011-07-13 16:39:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We all ~ Return to square one ~ Strangers ~ On a tile [hat tip to @perlygates ]
2011-07-13 16:38:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Park benches ~ Where offered hearts ~ Are left behind ~ Unwanted ~ By both
2011-07-13 15:53:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: When resonating through words, together, becomes a way to make love [The moans of ~ Punctuation ~ Coyly misplaced]
2011-07-13 15:00:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @meadow_blue Resonating? Soultrue? Deja vu? Ididthat? Sorry, had to invent a couple of suggestions... :-) Glad it was to your taste.
2011-07-13 14:59:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I dream ~ Of walking past my grave ~ Flowers rested ~ For me to pick ~ And guess, who stopped by
2011-07-13 13:08:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If deer ~ Walked into a butcher's shop ~ Would you cleave ~ Without amazement? [Still reeling under the regular sight of blood on highways]
2011-07-13 11:58:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The flames of Fate ~ A poet must fall into ~ So verses may swirl ~ As sinuous incense
2011-07-12 10:55:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: The sweet mel of knowledge draws no flies.

2011-07-12 09:51:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: When his heart entered his mind, he broke. [The rejection ~ Of unison ~ Of what was once ~ Singular]
2011-07-10 23:07:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shock ~ Of gulping ~ Reality

2011-07-10 22:37:03 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Fate builds a Shangri La for two, from their cancrine rallies in light and love.
2011-07-10 21:38:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Were it that my love is my nepenthe from my love's pain [Like heart ~ Being ~ Heart's ~ Salve]
2011-07-10 21:29:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My love ~ Is the zither ~ I have strummed ~ To the tune ~ Of her sighs.
2011-07-10 21:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @frushwords: His toe in the waters of her selcouth mind is scumbled in gold.
2011-07-10 21:20:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: An adroit rain drop on the thin vein of the faint green - its equipoise is my satori. [As it falls ~ The metronomic nod]
2011-07-10 21:18:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Coil me into you ~ And let me be ~ What makes you move ~ Involuntarily.
2011-07-10 21:14:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poems ~ I must write ~ To elude ~ Moaning her name.

2011-07-10 21:06:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fletiferous innocence ~ And the winds ~ I blame [Fletiferous:]

2011-07-10 20:59:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My nakedness ~ Will make you cry ~ And wipe your ~ Tears
2011-07-10 20:57:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thank you for revealing so many beautiful words... :-) RT @ frushwords: In its kef, the moon broods. [And smokes ~ Clouds ~ To hide behind]
2011-07-10 20:52:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: The bee harangues the bud to blossom a surrender of nectar. [Flutter me ~ A moan ~ And my pink nectar ~ You shall
570 / 4823

2011-07-10 20:49:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her pen, ~ The sash ~ Spinning ~ Whipping ~ Verses through dark clouds ~ Handed to me ~ Virga-coated. [Virga:]
2011-07-10 20:48:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! Never have I heard such apt description! :-) RT @ frushwords: She gift-wraps her every thought in ooid words.
2011-07-10 20:44:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Rain's every kiss on earth wafts her euonyms in petrichor. [The imprint of love ~ Made ~ In earthy tones]
2011-07-10 20:41:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushwords: Rain dithers, to wink at their umbrellas' chiaroscuro slack and yare. [The colourful quilts ~ Bursting to life ~ Under rain]
2011-07-10 20:38:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This coal-night ~ Pressed under ~ The weight of sighs. ~ What diamond ~ Shall it yield? [hat tip to @frushwords ]
2011-07-07 02:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @melancholundone: As if the tangible grew each word [And tuned ~ The strum ~ Of all meaning]
2011-07-06 16:00:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blindfold me ~ In your hair ~ So I shall know ~ The silk ~ Of dark secrets [hat tip to @avioletfire ]
2011-07-06 15:59:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sigh me ~ A wind ~ For my sinews ~ To hum

2011-07-06 15:56:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His love ~ Burnt my soul ~ Into the fine filigree ~ That flutters ~ In the wind ~ Of memories.
2011-07-06 15:53:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mummification ~ Of love ~ In words

2011-07-06 13:43:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the parts of you ~ I love ~ All the parts of you ~ I hate ~ And
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still so much ~ To you.

2011-07-06 13:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hum of a violin ~ In its case - ~ No audience

2011-07-06 13:38:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mount the rains ~ And traverse ~ My nglige.

2011-07-06 13:35:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ In her dreams ~ Doing what it couldn't ~ In my dreams

2011-07-06 13:32:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Innocence ~ Like the ~ Last flower ~ In the breeze

2011-07-06 13:30:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The infidelity ~ Of waters ~ Flowing past ~ My fingers

2011-07-06 13:26:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fingers ~ Raking my body ~ To smell ~ Of you

2011-07-05 23:49:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An ounce of silence ~ To reveal ~ The cackle of words

2011-07-05 21:01:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When goodness ~ Is but a ~ Checklist.

2011-06-29 13:06:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the abattoir ~ Of innocence ~ Echoes of memories

2011-06-29 13:05:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaning against the mirror ~ Of my soul ~ The heated mist of my breath ~ Thinking about you ~ And then the tears ~ Flowing down ~ The glass
2011-06-29 10:40:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The collision ~ Of breath ~ Against the fences ~ Of our skin ~ Touching.
2011-06-28 10:59:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well said! :-) RT @ Rosie_Real: @crosescribe love shall always be / the light shining forth from the / poet's saddened eyes #micropoetry
2011-06-27 15:02:28 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @frushnabokov: Twenty little teak boxes inlaid with ivory, hold each a feak of his renounced lovers, renouncing ever again...
2011-06-27 11:56:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love shall ~ Always be ~ A poet's lament

2011-06-26 20:48:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she ~ Binds summer heat ~ In her eyes!

2011-06-26 20:47:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Insomniac dreams ~ Some as ~ Memories

2011-06-26 20:43:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @frushnabokov: Tells, mends, bends and melts of his heart flow in marbled reluctance of storms inside rainbows.
2011-06-26 20:38:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: whispers / through the open window / wind stories [Windows ~ As pagination ~ Of winds]
2011-06-26 18:55:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sigh ~ Of the bough ~ Before the cherry-blossom ~ Fell

2011-06-26 18:11:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaning forward ~ As if to finally tell me ~ Their secret ~ These curtains.

2011-06-26 18:08:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I want ~ Is to know ~ That words evade him ~ When he thinks of me.
2011-06-26 18:05:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All our incongruities ~ And still ~ The ocean ablaze...

2011-06-26 18:02:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @avioletfire: a panther soul~ welcomed~ on a dragons back~ the exquisite views~ of a wish come true [Gliste (cont)
2011-06-26 17:56:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The old lady ~ Singing by the fire ~ Smiling ~ At her favourite line.
573 / 4823

2011-06-26 17:53:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The decolletage ~ Of promises

2011-06-26 17:42:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everyday ~ I remember ~ To forget you

2011-06-26 17:36:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This bed of daggers ~ Heals not ~ My pain

2011-06-26 17:35:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moan ~ Of fingers ~ Stumbling ~ Over your arched spine

2011-06-26 17:32:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You are not ~ What you seem ~ In the mirror ~ Of memory
2011-06-26 17:28:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mystery of geography

2011-06-26 17:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Make this world ~ Meaningless to me ~ In love ~ And , by the fireside, ~ Explain it all to me ~ Again.
2011-06-24 21:59:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With my silver ~ Crayon ~ I colour ~ Within the lines ~ Of your silhouette.
2011-06-24 21:14:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those butterflies ~ Innocently ~ Fanning the desire ~ Of unheard volcanoes ~ In my breast.
2011-06-24 21:10:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ianacampbell: taking my time/ time takes me/ where it will [This journey ~ To the golden ~ Cessation of time]
2011-06-24 20:35:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: gathering violets / her beautiful sorrows / fill the hillside [And the ache ~ Of a breeze ~ Verdant shimmering]
2011-06-24 20:25:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The bota ~ Of your skin ~ With my drunkenness ~ Preserved. [hat tip to @frushnabokov ]
2011-06-24 19:15:47 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @frushnabokov: His etiolate wait for her ends but dies not. [And in time ~ He smells ~ The fabric ~ Of love]
2011-06-24 19:13:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blame not my mind ~ For it bears the brunt ~ Of all I'd do to you ~ But don't.
2011-06-23 19:23:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those glacial eyes ~ And the summer ~ Of mournful memories.

2011-06-23 19:23:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: slow rhyme where bloom falls / each petal to cling past walls / silent rhythm calls #haikuchallenge (rhyme)
2011-06-23 19:21:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not all wetness ~ Calms ~ A blaze.

2011-06-23 19:20:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Know that ~ Your dress clings to you ~ In the wind ~ Of my breath ~ Furlongs away.
2011-06-23 19:18:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her thought ~ Fondling a memory ~ I smile

2011-06-22 15:03:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What was it thinking? - ~ This raindrop ~ That fell into ~ The flames.
2011-06-22 08:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: RT @apwpoet: In fewer than three lines / the sky / has already said it.
2011-06-22 08:23:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A poet ~ A madman ~ A drunkard ~ A monk - ~ All the things ~ Your love made me ~ But a lover.
2011-06-22 08:11:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: If I were the plaything of every thought, I would be a fool, not a wise man. ~ Rumi
2011-06-22 08:09:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her violet shadow ~ Was all ~ I got to keep

575 / 4823

2011-06-22 07:30:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a ~ Memory of fragrance ~ This love ~ Which never was.

2011-06-22 07:25:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: RT @monkeywillow: no questions / no answers - / butterfly // #haiku #senryu #micropoetry #monkeyzen
2011-06-22 07:22:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: between each raindrop ~ a tiny space ~ full of life ~ where giants cant tread [In everything grand ~ A little ~ Sigh]
2011-06-22 07:21:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful ... RT @gennepher: piano keys ~ whispering ~ enchantment [And the tug ~ Of harp strings ~ Aching within]
2011-06-22 07:15:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful phrase: "marrow of night" RT @ melancholundone: Storm to liaison the marrow of night.
2011-06-22 07:13:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! Simply wow! :-) RT @ melancholundone: pitch black of psyche / her lightning / what was left unsaid
2011-06-22 07:12:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well crafted... :-) RT @ frushnabokov: An emollient embrocating his corrading calluses, her croissant curls snarls his fingers.
2011-06-22 07:11:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @stormyaffairs: RT @Sylent_Wryter Probability is God's only excuse

2011-06-22 07:03:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The once-upon-a-time ~ Of everything ~ Now.

2011-06-21 23:07:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The prestidigitation ~ Of hope.

2011-06-21 23:00:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I will depart ~ And you won't know ~ That I was by your door ~ Polishing the brass.
2011-06-21 23:00:06 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I don't know what to say ~ But I wish to ~ So, could you ~ Look away?
2011-06-21 22:51:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My youthful mistresses - ~ She ~ And my ~ Pride.

2011-06-21 22:44:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How tragic ~ Your sigh ~ Against the ~ Departing window.

2011-06-21 22:43:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And as you grip me tight ~ Let me play ~ Love songs ~ Strumming ~ Your sinews.
2011-06-21 22:41:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love ~ With vowels ~ A prayer.

2011-06-21 22:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Because ~ It is boring ~ To assume

2011-06-21 22:37:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the frog's ~ Clumsy splash ~ A giggling moon.

2011-06-21 22:35:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Vulgar beings! ~ Looking around ~ Before a passionate ~ Kiss

2011-06-21 22:34:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wonder what pains me more? ~ That she loves me ~ Or that ~ She'd rather ~ Purple ~ Her tattoos ~ With it.
2011-06-21 22:33:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: beyond tangible tears / philosophy class / clouds pass window
2011-06-21 22:31:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: how real you have become / ever since / i made you up [Born behind ~ Closed eyes ~ You're the reason ~ I close them ~ Again]
2011-06-21 22:31:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I need her ~ Indifference ~ To polish ~ My love for her

2011-06-21 22:26:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Silhouette-thinking between ripples of

577 / 4823

pond. [And what they write ~ Outside those lines]

2011-06-20 13:34:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: incandescence of quiet swells / untouched / yet framed

2011-06-20 13:34:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So @frushnabokov is not quoting Nabokov. S/he is writing to the tune of Nabokov. Impressive! :-) My apologies for misunderstanding..
2011-06-20 12:47:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ The noose ~ She must ~ Hang from

2011-06-20 12:30:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @frushnabokov: He scoops out pearls of thought from seas of pulchritude and buffs them to moons of brooding bliss.
2011-06-20 11:49:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_m_blanc: do oceans dream their salt? [Or shudder their waves?]
2011-06-20 11:42:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To the one man, who makes me feel inadequate. :-) RT @ frushnabokov: Their abiding love, he attenuates through desuetude.
2011-06-20 11:25:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aah! Brilliant! :-) RT @frushnabokov: The turn of a cunning, sophisticates love into fugacious dalliances far-flung.
2011-06-20 11:24:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who else would use tintinnabulation! Nabokov, my love! RT @ frushnabokov: Tintinnabulations of their laughte (cont)
2011-06-20 11:20:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This is my tale! :-) RT @frushnabokov: Their virtues their own, but every sin & every crime, every evil or eve (cont)
2011-06-20 11:18:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! RT @frushnabokov: ..and... so I gambol on the boundless verdure of my life, to the erstwhile thrum of your stilled heart
578 / 4823

2011-06-20 11:17:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This air I breathe ~ Becomes me ~ And you

2011-06-20 05:48:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @alotus_poetry: within the clouds / of your arms / the stillness / of butterflies / from my breath #5lines #micropoetry #aros
2011-06-19 19:41:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I love such words like petrichor, virga & anamnesis.... :-) RT @ victoriakay203: "sillage" - the scent left after a woman leaves a room
2011-06-19 12:51:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is the willingness ~ To be ~ A child.

2011-06-19 12:41:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This sun ~ This moon ~ As if God ~ Switches eyes ~ Through ~ The peephole
2011-06-19 12:31:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sheer contrast of ~ The "her" in me ~ Juxtaposed with her.

2011-06-18 23:30:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Hello dear friend. I suppose the non-thinking is beautiful in wisdom or innocence & not in laziness or presumptuousness. :-)
2011-06-18 20:44:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: A religious life is a most intelligent life. It has nothing to do with beliefs, it has no (cont)
2011-06-18 18:32:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @Zen_Moments: The Buddha was a very wise person, he'd learned how to stop thinking. ~ Ajahn Chah
2011-06-18 18:21:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: If literature isn't everything, it's not worth a single hour of someone's trouble. ~ Sartre
2011-06-18 16:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true... RT @philoquotes: The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. ~ Epictetus
579 / 4823

2011-06-18 15:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @poetryspaceltd Thank you! :-)

2011-06-18 14:32:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With that tweet, I complete a joyous 5000 tweets. I thank all who inspired & shared their words, for no creation is without influence.. :-)
2011-06-18 14:23:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the end ~ Is the beginning ~ Of all memories

2011-06-18 14:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Maps ~ Don't go ~ The distance

2011-06-18 14:03:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even the silhouette ~ Of jasmines ~ Smells sweet.

2011-06-18 13:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The waxing ~ And waning ~ Of "forever"

2011-06-18 13:00:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My heart is but ~ A fount ~ Of spliced ~ Umbilical cords.

2011-06-18 12:55:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every night ~ I practice ~ Telling you ~ That I never ~ Thought about you.
2011-06-18 12:50:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those dark nights ~ When I chased ~ The scent of your ~ Eyes.
2011-06-18 12:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How each shadow ~ Is an unfinished ~ Journey

2011-06-18 12:18:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A recurring dream ~ Of a smile ~ Hiding no pain [For my dear friend's daughter]
2011-06-18 08:39:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Sea salt in the demeanor of how she paints. [Even pastels ~ Of desert landscapes ~ Command the seas]
2011-06-17 10:03:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @1_Fallen_Angel_ Thank you for sharing this. Was an insightful

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read... :-) I'd written something similar long ago:

2011-06-17 07:37:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @iBeingMe Oh! Thank you! For some reason, I didn't get notifications of your RT/Mentions on TD/Tw! Just visited your page to find this.. :-)
2011-06-17 07:29:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I am ~ Washed away ~ In all I couldn't be ~ When you needed me.
2011-06-17 00:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @_m_blanc: wrapped in melancholy; silked memorabilia

2011-06-16 21:49:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lend me your ~ Forehead, for ~ My kiss needs a bed

2011-06-16 21:46:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touch me ~ For I miss ~ Trembling.

2011-06-16 21:31:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Is it still love ~ When I break your shell-comb ~ And tell you ~ That you left it ~ On the subway?
2011-06-16 21:25:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A bit of moon ~ On the crow's wing ~ As it flies through

2011-06-16 21:20:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire My pleasure & delight... :-)

2011-06-16 21:19:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings :-)

2011-06-16 18:42:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I will make you think ~ Hence ~ I will make you hate me
2011-06-16 17:35:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the mirror ~ That reflects ~ Your mind

2011-06-16 14:02:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Alverik Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-06-16 14:00:05 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ To keep them fresh ~ Sprinkle memories ~ On your potpourri ~ Of lost loves
2011-06-16 12:19:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The infidelity ~ Of dreams ~ Forgetting you ~ In the morning ~ After

2011-06-16 12:16:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way ~ No road ~ Is ever ~ Really empty...

2011-06-16 12:14:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Colour ~ Swirling out of the teabag - ~ His smile, ~ Reading her letter.
2011-06-16 11:51:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Raindrops ~ In the empty paint can ~ Were her eyes really grey?
2011-06-16 11:31:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Glistening shards ~ The cat ~ Must know ~ The secrets

2011-06-16 11:08:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: Thinking about what makes a good haiku. The verb is key, as I realized when I RT'd @ _eroteme (cont)
2011-06-16 10:02:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire Sigh wicks ~ Lighting a field ~ Of stolen dreams

2011-06-16 10:01:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire Glow those scars ~ Chart the rampage ~ Of my muted ~ Passion.
2011-06-16 09:27:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire Words gasping ~ Strangled in your ~ Tresses

2011-06-16 09:17:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire Good morning! :-)

2011-06-16 07:44:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dulcet... :-) RT @avioletfire: the ghost of my memory traces the curves of your words in a lilac mist.
2011-06-16 07:09:41 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @avioletfire: ill send you a gift wrapped in words, thoughts & limbs. [Wet your lips ~ Before you un-knot ~ The fingers]
2011-06-16 07:09:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-06-16 06:37:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sea-gulls ~ Boomerang ~ Around clouds.

2011-06-15 18:07:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hurl my love ~ At your bay windows ~ And bask in the ~ Moonbeams ~ Through stained glass
2011-06-15 17:37:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender hidden gills / only appear / when you're drowning [As do prayers ~ In the hellish moment ~ Of losing myself ~ Within you]
2011-06-15 17:27:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who are you ~ If not me ~ When I gaze at you ~ Looking at me, lovingly?
2011-06-15 17:06:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Never to meet you ~ I'll imagine you ~ Even in my grave ~ Smiling ~ And laughing ~ The Winter breeze.
2011-06-15 15:45:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What am I ~ If not a mongrel ~ Of love!

2011-06-15 15:21:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fragments of him ~ Distributed ~ In breaths

2011-06-15 15:18:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The balm ~ Of imagining you ~ Think of me.

2011-06-15 15:14:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A lost button ~ In the rose bush - ~ A blossom blushes [hat tip to @CoyoteSings ]
2011-06-15 15:12:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watching them skip stones ~ I wait for one to sink ~ So they'll understand ~ My grief today
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2011-06-15 15:10:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: RT @moxxnixx: follow me down to the sea my love ~ follow ~ the sway of my hip ~ the tease ~ my skirt ~ the breeze
2011-06-15 15:09:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: RT @anti_pi: when I play fire / guitar wires / across my fingertips / bleeding prints / from identity
2011-06-15 15:07:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In mid-splash ~ Frozen ~ Hopes

2011-06-15 15:03:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Quiet hid in the realm of vision-visceral. [A silence ~ Spoke in the gentle sway ~ Of tresses]
2011-06-15 12:26:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dust storms ~ Of words ~ That should've been said.

2011-06-15 12:25:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brush me the wait ~ Of your ~ Distant nod

2011-06-15 12:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tears ~ Warming ~ Cold reality

2011-06-15 12:07:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant. I just wish I could think like this... :-) RT @ melancholundone: His words floated to capsize thought.
2011-06-15 12:04:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Seasons unwrap her hesitation: the uncloaking of time. [Recipe of Autumn ~ One side warmed ~ The other, frosted]
2011-06-15 12:03:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Twin stars ~ Giggling the sun ~ Out of bed. [For two darling angels out there]
2011-06-15 11:59:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her blushes ~ Outlining ~ Wordless poems

2011-06-15 11:57:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Amalgamation: the sky of her sigh

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2011-06-15 11:52:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love ~ Doesn't seek ~ Permission

2011-06-15 11:20:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The weathering of cheer ~ In the Winters ~ Of mindlessness

2011-06-15 11:18:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undress my mind - ~ My clothes will ~ Follow

2011-06-15 11:17:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some evenings ~ Are meant ~ For dissolving smiles ~ In the rivulet
2011-06-15 11:15:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The uneducated rose ~ Stuttering ~ Stumbling ~ Unsure ~ Blossoming.

2011-06-15 11:08:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She was ~ The venom ~ In him

2011-06-15 11:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Where the parable walks lost finding breath. [Roads through air ~ Milestones of thoughts ~ And losing myself]
2011-06-15 11:05:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In his sighs ~ Her melting ~ Into curves

2011-06-15 09:22:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do I think of you ~ When I shiver ~ Under my fur coat?

2011-06-14 21:19:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: the child always felt ~ a lift wouldn't stop, that it ~ would go through the roof [And sit on clouds ~ That lift ~ The lift]
2011-06-14 21:13:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck The pleasure, milady, is entirely mine. :-) Hope you are keeping well.
2011-06-14 21:03:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: My tongue ~ Like waves ~ Touching wordshores ~ To reassure [like DylanThomas poems don' (cont)
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2011-06-14 20:57:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where can I find ~ The home ~ Of water's ~ Wetness?

2011-06-14 20:56:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every night here ~ I miss stars ~ Twinkling ~ In my native tongue

2011-06-14 20:41:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her purple butterfly ~ Flapping ~ The memory ~ Of laughing together

2011-06-14 20:34:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The careful crafting ~ Of ~ Nearly-love ~ And leaving it thus.

2011-06-14 20:20:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: cloudy night / I only know / what poetry is not [In the negation is clarity]
2011-06-14 14:50:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: expanse of whispers / the echo of water / the way she sat [And ripples of gaze beyond the horizon]
2011-06-14 12:18:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How do you do it!? :-) RT @melancholundone: Ricochet of thoughts to time the kites of drums as serendipitous.
2011-06-14 12:18:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Within declaration grew all the questions of his fate. [And what remained, haughty traveler? The mists of conviction?]
2011-06-14 12:17:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: uncovering silence / words as moss / pauses uprooted
2011-06-14 12:16:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Braid me ~ A lasso ~ Of your longing

2011-06-14 07:44:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even a dying man ~ Has company ~ Albeit in vultures.

2011-06-13 22:40:55 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Is it a sin ~ To love one ~ While hating her?

2011-06-11 22:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Silence gallops to roam : finding oneself. [Searching the trot of troth]
2011-06-11 22:45:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: She fell asleep in the etch of where the illustration began. [And the lines found curves where no space existed]
2011-06-11 22:43:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When yesterday ~ Met memories ~ Of Tomorrow. [hat tip to @ xieyipainter]

2011-06-11 22:43:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: awaken soak / each wave tasting / the aroma of salt
2011-06-11 22:41:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The child of trees - ~ Her laughter ~ Forever pregnant.

2011-06-11 22:39:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ Like waves ~ Touching word-shores ~ To reassure.

2011-06-11 22:38:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When meaning ~ Crab-walked ~ Between possible ~ And fantastic

2011-06-11 22:25:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My mind ~ A virgin ~ To the impaling ~ Of his words

2011-06-11 22:24:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in their love ~ They were ~ Temporally displaced ~ Reflections ~ Of the other.
2011-06-11 22:21:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @avioletfire: the crispy symphony of candycane words. [And the nocturnal dregs of wordless nirvana]
2011-06-11 22:11:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be a match ~ That creates fire ~ Or a candle ~ That sustains it? [hat tip to @therisinsun ]
2011-06-11 21:16:01 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ In all the purple ~ She missed ~ His dark

2011-06-11 19:06:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: She blinked in whispers. [And twiddled her giggles]

2011-06-11 18:04:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @scifullat Errr... A wick!?

2011-06-11 16:43:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @scifullat True. I think conflict is impossible with the catalyst of the human mind & ego. Left to themselves, no rock would hurtle...
2011-06-11 11:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gods are ~ Mere windows into ~ The Divine

2011-06-11 07:59:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Night to constellate the mend of being.

2011-06-10 22:28:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How much ~ Should she pay ~ For her mistakes?

2011-06-10 22:21:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all silence ~ Was invented ~ To feel you ~ Deeper

2011-06-10 22:17:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stubborn flame ~ Braving all winds ~ But unmindful ~ Of the thinning wick
2011-06-10 22:07:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Slice me ~ Portion of your heart ~ To go with ~ Poems ~ Marinated in memories

2011-06-10 21:53:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some words ~ Are best as ~ Echos

2011-06-10 21:52:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He lowered ~ The daggers ~ Of promise ~ Into her breast

2011-06-10 21:50:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ A peddler ~ Of dreams ~ You saw ~ With open eyes

2011-06-10 21:48:33 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Every woman ~ A lake ~ Allowing only those fingers ~ To ripple her.
2011-06-10 21:38:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of the earth ~ Some places, coal ~ Some, gold.

2011-06-10 20:46:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We gaze ~ At each other ~ Across banks ~ Shunning every bridge ~ As the poison ~ Of reality.
2011-06-10 20:41:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @petrichorlines Thank you for your kind attention to the words here. I am delighted that some of them are to your taste. :-)
2011-06-10 20:34:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Finding love ~ At the bottom ~ Of the quagmire.

2011-06-10 16:35:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mornings spent ~ Dancing with ~ Dew

2011-06-10 16:29:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whispers ~ Scissoring ~ Her resolve

2011-06-10 16:28:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As I hold you down ~ Beneath my heat ~ Spring blooms ~ All over your ~ Landscape
2011-06-10 16:25:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tango ~ Of tongue ~ And hip

2011-06-10 14:42:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Night ~ Smashed into ~ Day's shadows

2011-06-10 14:41:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @dgdreamin: his thoughts ~ twice as heavy ~ as my soul [This ~ And that ~ Twice ~ Each other]
2011-06-10 14:35:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was ~ Twice as heavy ~ As his thoughts

2011-06-10 14:32:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @petrichorlines: every moment in time is my only destiny,

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every point in space is my only home.

2011-06-10 14:31:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Bridge of his mind to deluge the unknown.

2011-06-10 14:30:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And still we believe... :-| RT @petrichorlines: there is no lover, there is no beloved, there is no world that holds them dear in its heart.
2011-06-10 10:24:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: Corridors of the labyrinth: a gaze.

2011-06-10 10:23:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: rest / in the waking / wings of her butterfly [Shimmer / The tranquility / Of rainbows]
2011-06-10 10:23:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I turn the sun ~ Towards me ~ So you may sleep ~ And I watch ~ Blinded.
2011-06-10 01:08:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One look at you ~ And I knew ~ It wouldn't suffice.

2011-06-09 22:32:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Alverik A pleasure to note that you liked that tweet. Wonder what "RR" means... :-)
2011-06-09 17:53:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moist words ~ Flowering on ~ Parched earth

2011-06-09 17:29:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I was punished for the misdeed, for the erotic manipulations of the shallow fingerprints.
2011-06-09 17:27:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Exchanging memories, ~ Creating some more

2011-06-09 17:26:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A lifetime ~ Of sipping ~ From the ~ Chalice of death

2011-06-09 17:22:12 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ In my hair ~ I carry some of my bath ~ For the sleeping him

2011-06-09 17:19:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the eyes ~ Of a child ~ All I don't ~ Know

2011-06-09 17:17:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the market ~ Holding a plum, ~ She knew ~ She was now ~ Alone.
2011-06-09 17:15:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As children ~ We rushed out ~ In the rain. ~ My wet clothes ~ Ushered ~ The rapid loss of innocence
2011-06-09 17:13:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Once, just once ~ I wish to feel ~ Lightening ~ Pierce my heart.

2011-06-09 17:11:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poetry of clouds ~ And our umbrellas ~ Of ignorance.

2011-06-09 17:09:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every butterfly ~ Shuddering to hear ~ What I have ~ To whisper.

2011-06-09 17:04:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In my imagination ~ I challenge ~ Fate's ways

2011-06-09 14:55:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This feeling ~ That I could ~ Be someone ~ And the need to sleep ~ To be that
2011-06-09 14:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Moonlight ~ knocks on my door ~ But prefers to ~ sit on the threshold.

2011-06-09 14:51:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shrugging shoulders is unbecoming of a lover.

2011-06-09 14:49:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How do I kiss you ~ On your lie stained lips? ~ But I do... ~ The only lie ~ I uttered to you.
2011-06-09 14:48:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That single leaf ~ Joyously pirouetting in its fall ~ Sums my life.
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2011-06-09 14:47:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I miss losing myself ~ In the labials ~ Of my name ~ Echoing in your ~ Just-kissed mouth.
2011-06-09 14:44:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The purple she ~ Left with me ~ Insoluble ~ In tears

2011-06-09 14:41:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That day ~ Like barbed wire. ~ Threads of memories ~ Still fluttering ~ On each thorny ~ Moment
2011-06-09 14:40:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That song ~ Which reminds me ~ How we connected ~ Only in a ringtone.

2011-06-09 14:37:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is the shape ~ Of your navel ~ Stretched ~ As a scar on ~ The arch of your body.
2011-06-09 14:33:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What will become of me ~ If this moon ~ Decided to reveal all?

2011-06-09 14:32:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With you around ~ My poems ~ Aren't orphans.

2011-06-06 12:27:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love ~ Like we did ~ Hundred years ago ~ In our previous life.
2011-06-06 12:26:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All writing is a hand that opens a window to what you can imagine
2011-06-06 11:01:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Monochrome Winter - ~ The memory of lark songs ~ Missed a note.

2011-06-06 10:57:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A thorn ~ Pricked ~ And apologised ~ In blood

2011-06-04 20:43:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Never loved ~ I don't know ~ How to recognise it - ~ On my

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doorstep ~ A tail wags.

2011-06-04 20:42:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The kicked can ~ Of "What if?" ~ Down the alleys ~ Of memory
2011-06-04 20:35:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My spelunkering ~ Tongue ~ Chasing echos ~ Of you.

2011-06-04 20:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In an impermanent ~ World ~ This tear drop.

2011-06-04 20:31:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Holding his ~ Sigh ~ Of last night - ~ Henna on my hands.

2011-06-04 20:30:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: my little haiku / does it count / if I can't? # micropoetry [My little words ~ Will they breathe ~ When I'm gone?]
2011-05-27 15:47:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: blustery wind / a young buzzard / tries / and tries again / to land on the pine [Tree tops ~ Blowing ~ Birds away]
2011-05-27 15:21:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our differences ~ Our distances ~ Gone. ~ What will I now ~ Frown upon?
2011-05-27 14:28:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mind-dipping ~ In your purple ink ~ And squeezing it ~ On your tongue ~ Tea?
2011-05-27 13:18:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The words that create ~ The words ~ That summon ~ Tornadoes.
2011-05-27 12:23:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The purple stain ~ Is gone ~ My flesh ~ No longer beautiful

2011-05-27 12:08:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pointlessness ~ Of games ~ Never played.

2011-05-27 11:50:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The distant fireworks ~ Of her ~ Proximal laughter.

2011-05-27 09:07:09 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @_m_blanc: her voice /blossomed /longstemmed:/ filling the vase /of his blank page #gogyohka
2011-05-26 19:48:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_m_blanc Hatless sunshine!? How did you know I was bald! ;-p Jokes apart, that was a beautiful verse which I shall hold dear. :-)
2011-05-26 17:46:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Expectation & illusion - ~ The bridges of smoke ~ Between your shores ~ And mine [hat tip to @silence_litost ]
2011-05-26 17:33:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll i will coax the darkness from You / and bring it out / to be bathed / in my silver light
2011-05-26 12:37:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Telling is easy. Meaning it or realising it together is the tough part. :-)
2011-05-26 10:24:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Shared undiscriminated ~ Becomes a smile. ~ A smile ~ Shared thus ~ Becomes a heartbeat
2011-05-26 10:23:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Collecting days ~ Strewn over the forest of time ~ To bouquet ~ A life.
2011-05-26 10:07:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @petrichorlines: In the emptinessof his inner labyrinths, he gropes for god's sun.
2011-05-26 09:34:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The chessboard of time ~ Coloured ~ Days & nights

2011-05-26 07:22:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @petrichorlines: Abandonment is a mark of ephemeral relationships. It is when eternal vibrations are involv (cont)
2011-05-26 07:02:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Growing up into childhood, the clothes don't

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fit, but the memories do.

2011-05-26 06:52:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Words awoke her so they might dream again. [Her pen patting them back to pregnant sleep]
2011-05-26 06:50:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: She fell asleep in a tomorrow that would never happen. [Smiling to the ~ Lullaby ~ Of yesterday's ~ Echos]
2011-05-26 06:48:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: A shy night in a vase of moonlight. [Multicoloured ~ Star-blossoms ~ In a spray ~ Of mist]
2011-05-26 06:47:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: silence fell apart / falling star dripping / constellation of conversation
2011-05-26 06:45:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fortunate is he ~ Who chances upon ~ A voiceless night

2011-05-26 06:44:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why can't we ~ Just cry and ~ Be friends

2011-05-25 22:59:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The blossoming ~ Of an end

2011-05-25 22:52:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pointless life ~ Of questions ~ Answered.

2011-05-25 22:49:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All our intelligence ~ To nought ~ When we can't ~ Trade places ~ With a squirrel
2011-05-25 22:47:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How do you think ~ Of me ~ Without words?

2011-05-25 22:45:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Russian roulette ~ Of seasons ~ Two chambers ~ Of unknown ~ Colour [hat tip to @melancholundone]
2011-05-25 22:41:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wonderful world of ~ Rudderless boats

595 / 4823

2011-05-25 22:37:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Her seasons got stuck in a sorrow of inconsolable etch. [Each flower's red ~ Outlined in ~ Snow ~ And thunder]
2011-05-25 22:31:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every beautiful vase ~ And my desire ~ To be inside it

2011-05-25 22:29:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Not this ~ Not that ~ Yet this ~ And that

2011-05-25 22:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Evenings ~ When undressing myself ~ Never ends

2011-05-25 22:24:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is a word ~ When all the tongues ~ That spoke it ~ Are dead?
2011-05-25 22:23:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Staring at a glass ~ Of water ~ For hours ~ I wonder ~ What makes me ~ Thirsty
2011-05-25 22:22:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plane crashes ~ And how they make you ~ Think about death
2011-05-25 22:20:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What aloneness ~ Gave me, ~ Company ~ Theived

2011-05-25 22:18:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have perhaps ~ Never wanted to live ~ Especially ~ Since I have

2011-05-25 22:14:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The beauty ~ Of imagining death ~ Seeping into ~ My being ~ Like dew ~ On cotton pods
2011-05-25 22:13:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touching & deep... Please read :-) RT @ coyotedolphin: Tiger's new poem
2011-05-25 22:10:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The surreal feeling ~ Of togetherness ~ Under a barren ~ Oak tree

596 / 4823

2011-05-25 22:07:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He felt like ~ A promise ~ For someone else

2011-05-25 22:03:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She hated him for being what she couldn't.

2011-05-24 22:42:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wearing mermaid jeans ~ A sea of healing promised ~ On the ocean floor [ hat tip to @Heavenly_Ocean]
2011-05-24 22:01:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your grazed elbow ~ The healing magic of a kiss ~ When we were ten.
2011-05-24 20:42:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every footstep, the missing piece in the journey's puzzle.

2011-05-24 20:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So sweet! :-) RT @Heavenly_Ocean: "Take a piece of my humble- silence to heal - your wounded broken heart." # Mermaidmicropoetry
2011-05-24 19:50:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have set shop ~ To mend broken hearts. ~ No one enters ~ Exchanging heart ruins ~ And returning ~ In pairs
2011-05-24 18:55:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words - the life I was never given.

2011-05-24 18:39:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I thought were freckles, were cake crumbs. Glad I licked to know.
2011-05-24 18:27:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words heal only when silence hurts.

2011-05-24 18:27:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Opprobrium. Tossing that word in an empty copper jug, I listen to its dying roll.
2011-05-24 18:25:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I seek you ~ To tell me ~ What I should do ~ With memories ~

597 / 4823

That don't turn ~ To ash

2011-05-24 18:24:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sieve my heart, and the residue is what you shouldn't throw out.
2011-05-24 18:23:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His sighs, from miles away, a deadening roar.

2011-05-24 18:23:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'll pour out my heart, if you'll promise not to touch the glass.
2011-05-24 18:22:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Holding your name ~ On my tongue ~ Refusing these winds ~ Their joy.
2011-05-24 16:53:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: I love you because I feel as free as a stranger in a strange city when I am close to you.
2011-05-24 16:34:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Winter breeze ~ The proud moon ~ Shivering ~ When you look away and ~ At the lake.
2011-05-24 12:20:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: after the rain / pressing / clay stars in my palm #haiku #micropoetry
2011-05-24 12:17:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What does the sea hold ~ That rivers ~ Winds ~ And daisies ~ Are drawn ~ Towards the vast liquid?
2011-05-24 12:15:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your arms ~ The exorcism ~ Of love

2011-05-24 11:49:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that ~ The night taught ~ Warning me ~ Of you.

2011-05-24 11:16:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her mouth ~ Above mine ~ Drawing out crimson desires ~ I never knew ~ I had
2011-05-24 11:12:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her navel ~ My home. ~ To be her child ~ Without.

598 / 4823

2011-05-24 10:59:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undoing her ~ Frangipani belt ~ Deflowered

2011-05-24 10:54:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drink in the pink ~ Of my mind ~ And all the grime ~ Unbathed ~ For you.
2011-05-24 10:45:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Puddles transported ~ Cart wheels ~ Journeys unintended

2011-05-24 10:44:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Clenching her neck ~ He held her up ~ Admiring her paling face ~ Against a ~ Moonless sky.
2011-05-24 10:35:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He was the animal ~ She unleashed ~ When she ~ Wanted love.
2011-05-24 10:33:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground Oh! She'll flow the next year too & so will the crows fly... :-) The invitation remains on your magnificent desk.
2011-05-24 10:27:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ That was very beautiful... :-)

2011-05-24 10:24:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground Then do accept my invitation to there, sir. There are crows there too & fields of wheat to make your bread... :-)
2011-05-24 10:23:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: talking to the wall / as if / my words could turn mortar / into mud / as if / bricks would fall / if I found the right meter
2011-05-24 09:26:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground And the river which is the blessing of the Gods. The Ganges is beautiful, sir & holy in Her flow & touch.
2011-05-24 09:21:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground Oh! I can't swim either & it seems I can't die very well either... :-)
2011-05-24 09:13:22 (EDT)

599 / 4823

_eroteme_ @agatekartik Ssshhhh! ;-p

2011-05-24 09:07:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground Along the Ganges, I have lain flat on cool river stones & heard them whisper tales of the heaven. :-) Oh! Of course, half naked.
2011-05-24 09:05:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @coastmoor Aye aye, sir! :-)

2011-05-24 09:02:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: She to dwell in the whisper of forest.

2011-05-24 07:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I feel like a butterfly with one wing. [Discovering the joys of using it as an oar]
2011-05-24 07:05:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The joy of ~ Solitude - ~ Blue cloudless sky [hat tip to @ OliviaDresher ]
2011-05-24 06:55:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The divinity ~ Intact ~ In the ruins.

2011-05-24 06:38:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: murmur / the breeze / her eyes breathing silk

2011-05-24 06:38:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nabokov believed in the same & refused interviews! :-) RT @ OliviaDresher: Sometimes I don't want to speak unless I can speak as I write.
2011-05-24 06:37:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love a woman is to love the way she gives herself to you without a care in the world.
2011-05-24 06:36:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @ocarinaofrhyme: An island lost between sea and time with mutual law of lure and line.
2011-05-23 22:05:53 (EDT)

600 / 4823

_eroteme_ When I am delighted, when I feel genuine love, when I feel the simple gaze of deer or honest industry courses my veins, I am not bored. Amen
2011-05-23 21:04:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When a flitting swallow needs not awe & only the wounded lark deserves care, that avian world bores me.
2011-05-23 18:46:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the magic of laughter is forgotten & the molten beads of anxiety roll down your eyes, walking through that charade bores me.
2011-05-23 18:42:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This need to conclude, to summarise, to inspisate the substance of a starlit sky, bores me
2011-05-23 18:38:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That love to you means I will viscerally find other men unattractive, bores me
2011-05-23 18:33:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That it has to be summer for me to wear my bikini, bores me

2011-05-23 18:32:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This painful preoccupation with all that went wrong & the "too late"-ness of hope, bores me
2011-05-23 18:31:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you shake your head at every couple kissing at the checkout counter, bores me
2011-05-23 18:30:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you see the immense pain of life awaiting a little child clapping her hands at the tumbling Pringles array in the store, bores me
2011-05-23 18:23:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you think my walking naked in the house means I am a desperate woman, bores me
2011-05-23 18:22:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you need a night & a bed to ask me to take my clothes off, bores me
2011-05-23 15:47:42 (EDT)
601 / 4823

_eroteme_ That all your education & collegiate degrees taught you nothing about imbibing sunshine for nights together, bores me
2011-05-23 15:45:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I ask you "What do you know!" & you begin listing things for me, bores me
2011-05-23 15:44:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you think every horny woman is cheap & a streetwalker, bores me
2011-05-23 15:41:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you think all necessary words have been invented, bores me
2011-05-23 15:39:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you'd rather spend hours digging up some childhood incident & cling on to it as your source of misfortune, bores me
2011-05-23 15:38:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This laziness to rather blame than transform, bores me

2011-05-23 15:37:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That rolling down the hill dirties your clothes, bores me
2011-05-23 14:17:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you worry about death & the afterlife forgetting whether guacamole needs avocados or guavas, bores me
2011-05-23 14:12:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ghani_b :-) Glad you found them so...

2011-05-23 14:11:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These hands you stare at, thinking you raped me, makes me feel raped & that bores me.
2011-05-23 13:35:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @avioletfire Perhaps but I'd need someone to draw me little pink squigglies! :-D
2011-05-23 13:33:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @JeffMeyerson Oh! This world, children, colours, food, literature,

602 / 4823

science, bubbles, lace, balloons, chocolate, clothes, fresh grass... :-)

2011-05-23 13:32:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ghani_b Actually! Yes. I think it take a lot to get bored & infinitely more to stay bored. :-)
2011-05-23 13:30:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz Absolutely & to be needed in exactly that way in which I wish to be needed. God!
2011-05-23 13:29:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! Suddenly I received all the tweets in response (RT, replies etc.) to the "bores me" stream, in one shot of over 20. :-o
2011-05-23 13:29:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That people believe colours are an extravagance, that Spring is a spendthrift, that tastes are all eventually shades of numbness, bores me
2011-05-23 13:26:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these theories of yours, all these dark columns of what should be, bore me
2011-05-23 13:23:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you find my letting my hair swim in the stream currents bad for my hair, bores me
2011-05-23 13:19:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you'd pick flowers only when you visit my father's grave, bores me
2011-05-23 13:11:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That you refuse laughter & bend sunlight away from you, bores me
2011-05-23 13:05:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those depressed drapes that clothe your dead windows, bore me
2011-05-23 13:00:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This chanting of mourning rituals for everything that doesn't conform to your shade of grey, bores me
2011-05-23 12:55:46 (EDT)

603 / 4823

_eroteme_ @LalySky Lovely ladies sending me the sting!? I have painted an "X" right where you need to aim! ;-p @avioletfire Content with purple, I am!
2011-05-23 12:10:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If pain is your gateway to all things pure, then passing by that doorway bores me
2011-05-23 10:02:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To debunk in order to exalt one's lacunae & inadequacies, making a mockery of simpleness, bores me
2011-05-23 10:00:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If this world cannot wake up to Spring & lives in the monochrome of Winter, then the world has ended long ago & feeling that bores me.
2011-05-23 09:59:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The grey skies here, bore me

2011-05-23 09:55:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To make a religion of navel gazing & melancholy, bores me

2011-05-23 09:55:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To confuse joyousness for shallowness, bores me

2011-05-23 09:55:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everything that bores a child, bores me

2011-05-23 09:54:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If pain is all there is, if suffering is all there is, if love is all there is, then I am the perennial out-caste & not being one bores me
2011-05-23 09:53:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To imagine all things grey & refuse sunlight is to disrespect life, to disrespect living, to ill-treat reality & that bores me
2011-05-23 09:51:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The want for all without making oneself worth it, bores me
2011-05-23 09:48:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A figure can have infinite complexity & still be useful Mathematica section, Museum of Science, Boston
2011-05-23 09:44:28 (EDT)
604 / 4823

_eroteme_ To worship tears & pillory laughter, bores me

2011-05-23 09:41:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This fascination for suffering, bores me

2011-05-23 09:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The inability to receive perspective, bores me

2011-05-23 09:28:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This adoration of the grave & depressing, bores me

2011-05-23 09:27:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This obsession with one's feelings, bores me

2011-05-23 09:27:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love bores me

2011-05-23 09:27:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the shadow ~ Of a tree ~ Shadow of ~ Wind chimes ~ Ringing

2011-05-23 00:33:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gargling time ~ Mint flavoured - ~ Fate.

2011-05-22 10:10:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sauna ~ Of breeze ~ Emerging from ~ My gateaux-ed oven

2011-05-22 10:06:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the dreams ~ Of shadows ~ A blue candlelight

2011-05-22 10:03:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @MarG2104 Wishing you the same and more... :-)

2011-05-22 10:01:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What am I ~ To you ~ In the first ~ Rains?

2011-05-22 09:50:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Left to me ~ My night sky ~ Would be ~ An upturned bowl of ~ Fruit salad ~ With frozen honey drops ~ For stars.
2011-05-22 08:57:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful.. :-) RT @_m_blanc: lips that lie a little about rainbows
605 / 4823

are mouths of love's best season; moonlight.

2011-05-22 08:56:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Graveyard pillow ~ And all that I ~ Buried in it tip to @beezknez ]

2011-05-22 08:53:17 (EDT)



_eroteme_ Sweet! :-) RT @beezknez: wrapping the death ~ of a teardrops fall ~ in tissue #poetry
2011-05-22 08:50:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ache of conception ~ Growing ~ Word-wings

2011-05-22 08:48:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // crow finds a place to sleep between two stars // #haiku
2011-05-22 08:47:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! :-) RT @ _m_blanc: arc my dark, under tongue.

2011-05-22 08:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Morning hours of the turtledove of sleep

2011-05-22 08:45:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaf veins - ~ Braille tales ~ Merged in roots

2011-05-22 08:44:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Thank you, kind lady. :-) The picture is beautiful...
2011-05-22 08:36:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Sahrazad528: Photo: Every tear ~ Promises to be ~ The last ~ But this one ~ Surely is. ~ Or maybe ~ Not
2011-05-22 08:11:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. ~ Herman Hesse
2011-05-22 00:23:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ~ Michael J. Gelb
2011-05-22 00:21:38 (EDT)
606 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: rapture captured / in the way / she erased the page.
2011-05-22 00:15:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every tear ~ Promises to be ~ The last ~ But this one ~ Surely is. ~ Or maybe ~ Not...
2011-05-22 00:10:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your love ~ I felt nothing ~ In its absence ~ I wish ~ I felt nothing.
2011-05-22 00:06:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Dogs are indeed masters of all... RT @abitofmybrain: The dog - without knowing, knowledge - knows - unconditionally - eyes - full of you
2011-05-22 00:04:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These words ~ I lash against my self ~ Hoping you'd hear ~ The cries ~ Of my blood ~ Warmed by your love.
2011-05-22 00:02:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @highjeep Oh! Lines as in lines of cocaine? No. I don't do drugs not even on prescription... :-)
2011-05-21 23:52:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I lied ~ When I said ~ I gave you all. ~ These tears ~ I kept ~ Beneath the ~ Lace
2011-05-21 23:48:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @highjeep But please do tell me what it means...

2011-05-21 23:45:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @highjeep I beg your pardon, but what does that mean? I am sorry, I don't understand what it means to be "doing lines"... :-(
2011-05-21 23:43:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These words ~ Are not the wails ~ Of a deserted woman. ~ These are the knives ~ That shall fill your minutes
2011-05-21 23:42:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Is that ~ Melting mirror ~ Which once ~ Showed me beautiful
2011-05-21 23:39:21 (EDT)
607 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Nested within the breeze: a thousand chirps. [And withing each chirp, a thousand sighs]
2011-05-21 23:38:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wise words... :-) RT @ ondrethenee: Mind's kings stall not my spirit's wide flight. An arrow's fate is but a single mark.
2011-05-21 23:36:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well, said... :-) RT @ ondrethenee: @_eroteme_ Everyone is good enough for one who covets in the name of love, but knows not love.
2011-05-21 23:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @ondrethenee ...a block of heavy suns or a frayed filigree of stars - his whimsies of knowledge.
2011-05-21 23:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This love ~ You gift her ~ Still has ~ My stain ~ On it.
2011-05-21 23:30:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd rather love ~ Naked ~ From the minute ~ It is born ~ Than wait ~ For the night ~ Of your propriety.
2011-05-21 23:27:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A blazing love ~ Knows no ~ Moderation.

2011-05-21 23:26:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my decency ~ Masks that one hope ~ That no ~ Other woman ~ Be good enough ~ For you.
2011-05-21 23:21:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This fire ~ Into which ~ I poured ~ My all ~ Is what ~ You will miss ~ In your winters
2011-05-21 23:19:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: As if poetry knew the escape hatch of truth.

2011-05-21 23:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I now ask ~ My dog ~ Why? ~ Why? ~ Why?

2011-05-21 23:17:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Was the scent ~ Of feeling wanted

608 / 4823

2011-05-21 23:16:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This pain ~ I feel ~ I'd rather not. ~ These nightmares ~ I see ~ I'd rather not. ~ The tassled love ~ I sketched for us ~ You'd rather not?
2011-05-21 23:09:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shards of ~ My heart ~ You must fuse ~ With your blaze
2011-05-21 13:25:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Because it didn't have any rhythm...

2011-05-21 11:17:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You loved me ~ Naked ~ Dirty ~ Your slave ~ I was all that only ~ When you left me
2011-05-21 11:10:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The vulgar ~ Beats of my heart ~ Found their rhythm ~ In your smile's ~ Stir.
2011-05-21 11:05:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Absolutely gorgeous... :-) RT @melancholundone: Ancient eyes in her mystery of nightingale.
2011-05-21 11:03:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Amen! That is exactly how I feel about prolonging life & curing grave illnesses... You are wise, ma'am. :-)
2011-05-21 11:02:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Perhaps that was my point. When we don't bring our "humaneness" to things that happen, how do they appear?
2011-05-21 10:44:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hands I raised ~ To hold yours ~ Now wipe ~ My tears

2011-05-21 08:44:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I gave you ~ My body ~ And with it ~ Fragments of ~ My heart

2011-05-21 08:23:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The wind doesn't suffer. It escapes itself. [Oh! But it does! Carrying the lament of broken hearts as if it were in pain]
2011-05-21 08:12:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Humor is pretend. [Love is pretending that

609 / 4823

one has escaped sorrow. Sorrow is pretending that one is open & naked]
2011-05-21 08:08:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Bomb me with truth, for love is a bomb shelter. [What say of the bomb named love?]
2011-05-21 08:06:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Maybe time is just one big blatant nuance. [Or maybe it is one ungraspable excuse]
2011-05-21 08:05:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love a woman is to love the way she looks into the sky as if she was born there.
2011-05-21 07:54:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kids in Japan need care to recover from trauma. Support # opsafe by donating a tweet a day. #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-20 20:09:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How words ~ Are always strangers...

2011-05-20 14:30:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher My pleasure & delight, milady. It was very fine... :-)
2011-05-20 14:26:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What say of ~ Beauty & tragedy ~ In places ~ None visit?

2011-05-20 14:16:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @gennepher: as / the / crow flies / the loop / of a rainbow #gogyohka #micropoetry #5lines
2011-05-20 14:15:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @avioletfire: blot your smile onto this page so i can own the most perfect poem.
2011-05-20 13:40:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The amourous pond ~ And her ~ Lily freckles.

2011-05-20 13:17:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Glad you found it so. Perfect as a cat is quite a compliment for words. :-)
2011-05-20 13:16:49 (EDT)

610 / 4823

_eroteme_ @coastmoor :-) I like they way you make words stand on their head... :-)
2011-05-20 12:57:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even the demons ~ He invoked for her ~ Black heart ~ Were courteous
2011-05-20 12:53:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fish & I ~ One eye ~ Locked

2011-05-20 12:45:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How I smile ~ When I think of you ~ And immediately ~ Frown

2011-05-20 12:44:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This wishing ~ Not to know

2011-05-20 12:31:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: vine climbing / imagination / child in a tree

2011-05-20 12:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To believe ~ In love ~ And then ~ Be unloved. [For a dear friend]

2011-05-20 12:23:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wind chimes ~ Fallen off ~ Their perch ~ Now ~ Rain chimes.
2011-05-20 11:17:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil Good morning to you too, kind sir. :-)

2011-05-20 09:18:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: May even murmurs / with an adorable lisp / her thick-tongued breathing [Daisy breath ~ Tripping o'er ~ Giggling clouds]
2011-05-20 09:13:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take a knife ~ To my dreams ~ And they'll bleed ~ Your purple blood.
2011-05-20 09:12:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: the space / inside the zero / where all the value hides
2011-05-20 06:28:29 (EDT)

611 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: domino effect / of yawns: eventually / we will all fall down #haiku
2011-05-20 06:28:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: they / a burning umbrella / on a rainstorm #senryu

2011-05-20 06:26:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You know you've been a bad boy when all those Nigerian princes & widows want to pay you $1M. Don't deny it.
2011-05-19 20:00:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The number of self-help books out there is astounding. There aren't that many selves in this world!
2011-05-19 19:47:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Once upon a time, (yes, the same Ms. Marie Time) there was a young & handsome prince...
2011-05-19 19:26:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All those moonlit nights when I have looked up into his eyes & dreamily said, "Where are my glasses?"
2011-05-19 19:18:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am told airline companies are coming up with this seat which will plug you if they sense gaseous outbursts. You then get to burp, politely
2011-05-19 19:13:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Letters replaced by email, books by the Kindle, cash by PayPal. What will toilet paper become!? Oh! We already have TMZ.
2011-05-19 19:10:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If superpower magnets replaced metal detectors, security checkin would be so much more fun. Esp. for those with pierced nostrils.
2011-05-19 19:02:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender To understand want...

2011-05-19 14:00:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee It gladdens me that you find the words interesting in this stream & they are often to your taste. :-)
2011-05-19 13:54:49 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Kids in Japan need care to recover from trauma. Support # opsafe by donating a tweet a day. #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-19 13:37:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself. ~ Albert Einstein
2011-05-19 10:54:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love another is to allow them to occupy your very being.
2011-05-19 10:37:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The flight ~ Of a tune. ~ Humming pines.

2011-05-19 10:27:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. ~ Serbian proverb
2011-05-19 09:53:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: Sighs per second. [Measuring longing per lifetime]

2011-05-19 09:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the earth ~ Can't hold back ~ Dreams of you - ~ Spring.
2011-05-19 08:48:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through my lens today Autumn is like a second Spring, where every leaf is a flower vi (cont)
2011-05-19 08:04:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @iBeingMe Thank you for your kind words. :-)

2011-05-19 07:02:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @rasmithii My pleasure & delight... :-)

2011-05-19 05:06:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @crosescribe Glad you found them so, milady. :-)

2011-05-18 22:30:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have been lonely ~ But not thus. ~ I have been thirsty ~ But not to make ~ A sip of oceans. ~ I have been in love ~ But not with another
2011-05-18 21:43:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words ~ Made of thunder ~ Cannot but ~ Reach within your

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breast ~ And explode.

2011-05-18 21:37:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dreamersteve_99 :-) Glad it evoked that response... Wishing you well.
2011-05-18 21:34:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The chorus ~ Of Daffodils ~ Swaying ~ And telling me to ~ Love.

2011-05-18 21:33:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are many ~ Who'd die for ~ My single glance ~ But my eyes wait ~ For when you'll ~ Commit ~ Suicide.
2011-05-18 21:31:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: within the never ending / a flint / ocean ablaze with sun
2011-05-18 21:09:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He lost ~ All his words to her ~ And was left ~ Holding a ~ "Why?"
2011-05-18 20:23:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The swing ~ Now tied ~ To the stump

2011-05-18 20:21:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That was ~ As much ~ Gloom ~ That a cloud ~ Could hold

2011-05-18 18:14:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A lost ~ Snowflake ~ In Spring

2011-05-18 17:56:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd like to ~ Live upside down ~ Breaking my heart ~ Before falling in love.
2011-05-18 17:51:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When he left ~ He took with him ~ His body

2011-05-18 17:50:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well said... :-) RT @ syahidahz: We were ~ Meant to be ~ And then ~ Not. | The skimpiness of compatibility.
2011-05-18 17:47:44 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ We were ~ Meant to be ~ And then ~ Not.

2011-05-18 17:42:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Over the precipice ~ Trust, I will ~ Regret, I must

2011-05-18 15:57:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Purple regrets ~ Playing with the switch ~ For the moon.
2011-05-18 15:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Viola strains ~ Hanging ~ In the mist

2011-05-18 15:50:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Quivering chin ~ Bells of ~ Consciousness

2011-05-18 15:50:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All shadows dusted ~ And ~ Lights turned ~ Off

2011-05-18 15:46:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Behind a bush ~ My imagination

2011-05-18 15:42:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The world of roots ~ Beneath each tree ~ And man.

2011-05-18 15:38:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The vortex ~ In the middle ~ Of her shadow

2011-05-18 15:35:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What have we here! ~ Oh! ~ Yesterday.

2011-05-18 15:33:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Petal lined shoes - ~ Where goes ~ My dead cat?

2011-05-18 15:28:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her laugh ~ Waved ~ Tickles

2011-05-18 15:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lost in translation ~ Bare tree ~ In the wind

2011-05-18 15:21:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shiver. ~ Thoughts ~ Relived

2011-05-18 15:20:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Yawning books ~ The air ~ Smelling ~ Of her tales.

2011-05-18 15:15:31 (EDT)
615 / 4823

_eroteme_ Tip toeing ~ Dreams ~ A mitten ~ Half-knit.

2011-05-18 15:11:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A dewdrops hues ~ Ever changing ~ A deer barks

2011-05-18 15:07:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dry earth's hope ~ A distant thunder ~ Soap bubbles ~ Colliding ~ On a child's window
2011-05-18 15:02:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kids in Japan need care to recover from trauma. Support # opsafe by donating a tweet a day. #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-18 10:13:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Think not this is ~ the blush of a woman's cheek ~ warpaint it is ~ of a heart crazed in love
2011-05-18 08:26:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am going ~ To be ~ Her ~ For today

2011-05-18 08:22:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Now where will ~ The wind alight? ~ An oak, cut.

2011-05-18 08:21:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why does " :-) xo " feel like a smiling person wearing a bowtie, showing off his enlarged navel?
2011-05-18 08:18:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Oh! I do know that. I was him in a previous birth! He was able to create poetry only because he had the fortune of such pages.
2011-05-18 08:00:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence That destiny ~ Will fill the sails ~ Of verse ~ Cruising through this world ~ Of metaphors ~ Loving each wave ~ In a desert
2011-05-18 07:36:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence But the landscapes, my love ~ The territories ~ Strewn with precipices ~ Of our desire ~ Untamed ~ Isn't that journey ~ Love?
2011-05-18 07:21:00 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence My manicured diacritics ~ My purring gutturals ~ Echoing through ~ The fjords ~ Of your uncharted ~ Nether
2011-05-18 07:03:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love a woman, to find yourself lying in her arms waiting for summer to pierce your very heart.
2011-05-18 06:59:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Reaching spaces ~ I had feared ~ To discover

2011-05-18 06:56:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Undress me ~ Fearing the worst ~ And you shall be ~ Rewarded.

2011-05-18 06:51:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @ondrethenee: time blinked and you went to sleep
2011-05-18 06:40:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Well, his page was not arrogant. His page was humble, yielding to his pen & will & annoyed corrections... :-)
2011-05-18 06:37:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee What I mean is the urge to watch genuine innocence in this world & derive delight from it & even try to get some for oneself.
2011-05-18 06:36:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: Aye, Amen RT @ rasmithii not for love / not for peace / for my restless spirit / I keep sharing here
2011-05-17 22:37:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trembling drops of water ~ Rising up the ~ Windshield ~ At 60 mph

2011-05-17 19:56:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ From the nest of belief ~ Love birds ~ Flew apart

2011-05-17 17:59:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An unimagined love - ~ Waves wash ~ The sandcastle

2011-05-17 17:55:33 (EDT)

617 / 4823

_eroteme_ When all sorrow ~ Feels like the ~ Lupine howling ~ For the dead.
2011-05-17 17:18:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Good afternoon to you too. It is pouring out here, so not really that good as good can be! :-(
2011-05-17 17:09:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He stopped ~ To play with a dog ~ And softly whispered ~ "Shakespeare" ~ Ignoring what was written ~ On the collar
2011-05-17 16:44:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What fate drew ~ And hurriedly ~ Scratched out ~ Of my life - ~ Are you that ~ One?
2011-05-17 16:39:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How vulgar ~ Love feels ~ When undeclared

2011-05-17 16:34:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher As Mirza Ghalib said, Sever not all bonds with me. If nothing else, let us be bonded in dislike.
2011-05-17 16:31:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This love ~ Can't be ~ That

2011-05-17 16:12:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost Then maybe you should also stick to the centre of the road & not swerve! ;-p
2011-05-17 13:04:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil Merci monsieur! You are very kind... :-)

2011-05-17 13:00:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost Seriously, you should stop talking to road fenders! ;-p
2011-05-17 11:52:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love a woman is to know that she will hold the seed of your being in her mind, in he (cont)
2011-05-17 11:51:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love is to watch your beloved in her sleep as her dreams become a part of your darkest reality.
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2011-05-17 09:01:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: Love is the most beautiful machine working to wipe out prejudice, hate and injustice.
2011-05-17 07:09:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Their love ~ Was the one ~ Chosen to be ~ Doomed

2011-05-17 06:51:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kids in Japan need care to recover from trauma. Support # opsafe by donating a tweet a day. #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-17 04:59:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The closet under ~ The stairway to ~ Once upon a time

2011-05-16 23:19:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gingerbread laughter ~ Crumbs ~ Down memory lane.

2011-05-16 23:17:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Looking straight ~ Into the eye of time ~ Who will blink first? ~ For once, ~ Time waits.
2011-05-16 23:13:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cars parked under streetlight seem to be shivering from the rain...
2011-05-16 23:09:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She kept him up ~ With words ~ That smelled of dreams

2011-05-16 23:08:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @JonCone: My interest in old wells, old churches, old tools, hymnals, grammars. [Reminds me of @LetsMakePurple's list]
2011-05-16 23:05:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When no one's watching ~ I chalk out ~ What to be ~ When someone's watching
2011-05-16 22:59:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In all my care ~ In all my worries ~ In all my restlessness ~ I hoped to tell you ~ In a glance ~ That I ... never mind.
2011-05-16 22:55:07 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Oh world! ~ Shatter all my beliefs ~ But just this one night ~ Just this one night...
2011-05-16 22:51:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @PolyamorousPoet: To love someone is to accuse them of immortality. [The blasphemy of mortality at the congregation of love]
2011-05-16 22:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @AutopsyofGod: You can't change people wanting to change people.

2011-05-16 20:14:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Only a wailing heart ~ Knows the tune ~ Of grief.

2011-05-16 19:25:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: with every stitch/ she placed/ a thought/ finally/ the hand made doll was ready #gogyohka from blog
2011-05-16 18:07:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stubby fingers of heavens ~ Clouds plucking the ~ Dulcimer moon's ~ Heart strings
2011-05-16 16:35:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: choir hues of feathers / arpeggio of moonlight / migration

2011-05-16 16:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @AutopsyofGod: Religion assumes God uses language when this is impossible.
2011-05-16 16:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Worlds rippled ~ Boat's entry ~ Giggles of frightened herons

2011-05-16 14:35:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @cat_cat_: fiction of bricks/ stuck between the delicate / teeth / of history # micropoetry #london
2011-05-16 14:22:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Winds unzipping ~ To let the ~ Larks through

2011-05-16 14:04:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: The word that wasn't ~ wasn't it a word that

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meant ~ was not wasn't it #HaikuChallenge

2011-05-16 14:03:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be butterfly - ~ Connoisseur of buds ~ But not a poet.

2011-05-16 13:58:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! How I loved ~ Till I woke up.

2011-05-16 13:54:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I was a nightingale ~ In my previous birth ~ Till I learnt ~ To ponder ~ Over why
2011-05-16 13:51:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: Love is a scheme which turns our lives into a romantic dream. [A dream you return to, every night, every hope...]
2011-05-16 10:17:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D RT @P0eticLicence: The fastest way to get someone to shut up is to agree with them.
2011-05-16 09:56:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Colour my heart ~ Colour my body ~ Your paintbrush glances ~ On my entire canvas.
2011-05-16 06:55:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like the dawn ~ That doesn't seek sanction - ~ That is how ~ I wish ~ To love you.
2011-05-16 06:54:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A redder rose ~ A bluer jay ~ A whiter cloud ~ When I walk around ~ With your lipstick ~ On my mouth
2011-05-16 06:47:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! :-) RT @ gadgetgreen: a blizzard of cherries~syrup & all~in a sun bleached landscape of apathy~cherrie (cont)
2011-05-16 06:41:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gadgetgreen :-) I like the words that you add to this...
2011-05-16 06:36:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No poem ~ Can be written ~ On an arrogant page.

2011-05-16 06:24:54 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ :-) RT @wordblender: perspective of trust / leaves forgiveness / gifted

2011-05-16 06:21:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "Accordion clouds"... Beautiful! :-) RT @ cat_cat_: invisible planes move / through Monday morning sky / accordion clouds / squeezing sound
2011-05-16 06:19:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Hip2Yall : if you have felt this. effortless demonic touch. hide quietly here.
2011-05-16 06:18:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Paralysed butterflies ~ Looking into the eyes ~ Of a caterpillar

2011-05-16 06:17:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We kissed ~ In the cemetery of poets ~ Assuring them ~ Their words ~ Still live ~ On our lips
2011-05-16 06:12:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because every time that I get the urge to psychoanalyze you, I find myself in (cont)
2011-05-16 06:10:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What the hell does he know about recursive algorithms! Seriously, what does a Marshal know about recursion & convertibility to iteration!
2011-05-15 22:54:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I don't know why people try to act intelligent! This guy on "In Plain Sight" (USA) says "I'd say it is as tough as a recursive algorithm"
2011-05-15 22:52:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This flask of sake ~ I keep by my side in case ~ Dusk isn't red enough.
2011-05-15 22:36:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ First on violets ~ Then the rose, now on lily ~ Butterfly-wing dust
2011-05-15 22:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This moon ~ For the first time ~ So silent

2011-05-15 22:22:48 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ All the things ~ That are always ~ There

2011-05-15 22:19:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For whom does ~ He paint ~ Uninhabited islands?

2011-05-15 22:16:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish to scream ~ Such that ~ Only dogs hear ~ For they will come.
2011-05-15 22:11:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rippling ~ Of shadows ~ Over picket fences

2011-05-15 22:10:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sleep walk ~ Into my ~ Burning dreams

2011-05-15 22:07:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soluble memories ~ Insufficient tears

2011-05-15 22:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I want ~ To be ~ Is a sparrow ~ Who isn't asked ~ Why he ~ Chirps.

2011-05-15 21:59:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do you even know ~ What you ~ Haven't done?

2011-05-15 21:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The warm impression ~ In the chair ~ Where sat my ~ Imagination

2011-05-15 21:54:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What can I tell you ~ That your heart ~ Doesn't know?
2011-05-15 21:23:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These rains ~ As if they ~ Know

2011-05-15 21:20:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Crows ~ And sparrows ~ Remembering ~ The 60s

2011-05-15 21:12:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am enjoying contrasting & comparing the ways of different worlds! :-)
2011-05-15 21:11:43 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ One Sunday ~ I was shocked ~ To meet ~ A real human being.

2011-05-15 19:38:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: RT @WhitneyCummings: Saying "I'm proud of you" is a great way to tell someone that you thought they'd be unemployed forever
2011-05-15 16:41:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that people say about love ~ And then that lover ~ Sitting alone on the park bench.
2011-05-15 15:01:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Confronted with a kid with a knife - what would you do? Run, fight - or take him to dinner? ~ Zen Moments
2011-05-15 15:00:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: To look at myself without time.

2011-05-15 14:58:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: as it lands / the mallard shatters the house / in the river
2011-05-15 14:57:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck We never / would have seen / those whispers / of gray cloud / without the moon
2011-05-15 14:56:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: looking down / to keep rain off my glasses / petals in the grass || # haiku #aros
2011-05-15 14:56:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the 14th floor ~ Of this hotel ~ I look over the perch, ~ Name each passing car ~ And forget ~ Why I came here.
2011-05-15 14:51:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil The we is perhaps to assure you that nothing fishy had happened & they were in it together... :-D
2011-05-15 14:50:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @JDProuty: RT @catjzim: Within the tempest / blown away, oblivious / anonymity. # haiku
2011-05-15 14:49:56 (EDT)
624 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: Overdressed for a party of one. #sixwords

2011-05-15 14:48:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When twitter gives me the whale, I think it is asking me to take my blubber elsewhere... ;-/
2011-05-15 14:48:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pornography ~ Of Innocence.

2011-05-15 14:46:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All this gravity ~ And then ~ There's my spirit ~ Sticking ~ Its tongue out.
2011-05-15 14:45:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have fallen ~ In love ~ With a stripper ~ Of souls

2011-05-15 14:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When trees touch ~ And sunlight ~ Reassures them

2011-05-15 13:51:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How dare you ~ Lift a moral finger ~ Against your ~ Base & dark ~ Shadow
2011-05-15 13:49:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh cruel fate! ~ You give me love ~ And then nonchalantly ~ Stir my mind.
2011-05-15 13:41:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He only loved ~ The shadow of the moon ~ On the night sky
2011-05-15 13:25:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These snails ~ That travel in my pocket - ~ Motion sickness.

2011-05-15 13:22:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Schadenfreude ~ Hurtling of ~ My soul ~ Against the barbs ~ Of human ~ Being.
2011-05-15 13:06:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the anomaly ~ This world ~ Will soon expunge

2011-05-15 13:04:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the country of bridges the bridge is ~ More real than the
625 / 4823

shores it doth unsever - Fernando Pessoa

2011-05-15 12:56:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My love, & not I, is the egoist. ~ My love for thee loves itself more than thee - Fernando Pessoa [Funny, I wrote something similar earlier]
2011-05-15 12:56:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watching love ~ Through the windows ~ Of a deli

2011-05-15 12:53:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It thrills me when people think I am a woman. Or a man. Oh! How they'd be surprised!
2011-05-15 11:53:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only ~ He could abandon truth ~ He would ~ Be a better lover. ~ Degenerating ~ But a better ~ Lover.
2011-05-15 11:50:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The eloping ~ Of the mind ~ Hence, ~ Love.

2011-05-15 11:46:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Skin sinks kins [In other words, lust turns us against our own well wishers, but said using only 4 letters arranged differently]
2011-05-15 11:45:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ Is the fragrance of ~ Jasmine - ~ At once not ~ The flower ~ And also ~ Not mere air.
2011-05-15 11:44:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: the myth of separation [How only that can separate which was never aware]
2011-05-15 11:41:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Because it is most needed there or ... ?

2011-05-15 11:38:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher And those who insist on not knowing love, so they needn't have to fall in or out of anything; but such people don't count ;)
2011-05-15 11:37:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i look to see / where the edge of rivers flow / how high mountains meet clouds / why questions spiral nowhere
626 / 4823

2011-05-15 11:36:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My fascination with feeding people, as if it is the surest way of becoming a part of their life.
2011-05-15 11:35:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone Not if they are vegan... ;-p @OliviaDresher

2011-05-15 11:29:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kids in Japan need care to recover from trauma. Support # opsafe by donating a tweet a day. #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-15 10:58:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_m_blanc: mute me with your mouth: speak me masked as your poem [Our breaths, the necessary punctuations of verse]
2011-05-15 10:55:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @_m_blanc: fold me like a saint, that I be your paper prophecy: wordless.
2011-05-15 10:55:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aaah! Beautiful... :-) RT @_m_blanc: stitch me to you seamlessly before our bodies resume their boundaries.
2011-05-15 10:51:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_m_blanc: her gaze falls; petals in peril.

2011-05-15 10:50:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Silence as boughs, words woven into a nest

2011-05-15 10:49:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I will have nothing ~ To do with love ~ Once I am empty ~ Of words.

2011-05-15 10:42:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I would if I could ~ But I can't ~ So I won't

2011-05-15 10:40:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I love the architecture of language, because I love the way words change into meaningless meanings.
2011-05-15 10:38:08 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I'd agree... :-) RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because a lot of people call themselves poets, but I am really, really a poet[...]
2011-05-15 10:37:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because it's easier to love someone who hates you than to love someone who does not know who you are.
2011-05-15 10:32:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because to love is to know and to know is to die a million times upon thy beloveds lips.
2011-05-15 10:31:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ The art of ~ Deification.

2011-05-15 10:29:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because love rips a man in half and in the process it turns woman into a goddess.
2011-05-15 10:29:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! By far one of the finest phrases I have read... :-) RT @ RomanticCreep: [..] I want the metaphors to become mistresses of vanity.
2011-05-15 10:25:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I do not know the difference between life and love. [I love you, because you are that difference]
2011-05-15 10:17:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because the geographical violence of my souls stretches across time.
2011-05-15 10:16:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mind ~ Refusing ~ To let me ~ Not know.

2011-05-15 10:15:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every beginning ~ Has its muzzle ~ Rubbed with ~ The stench of the end ~ So it can ~ Head that way.
2011-05-15 10:12:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The things ~ I want to do ~ To love ~ Outweigh ~ What I wish to do ~ To you.

2011-05-15 10:09:22 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ So true... :-( RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because love is all that we have left, because we really have nothing else left.
2011-05-15 10:05:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because that one time you kissed me I had the urge to stand in front of a moving bus.
2011-05-15 10:05:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because you are beautiful. What is beauty. What is the monomania of beautiful things.
2011-05-15 10:03:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Well, no. I thought she might find it weird. Human beings seem to suspect kindness or childlike-cheer. :-(
2011-05-15 08:56:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do people "LMAO" as if that's the thing that people snort out when they laugh uncontrollably?
2011-05-14 23:59:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The bug was that time was not represented as HH:MM. Bugger says "Oh! I missed a colon". Clearly not the only visceral organ missing in him!
2011-05-14 23:53:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Being loved by the one she loves makes all the pain go away. [Strangely, another person said a similar thing today]
2011-05-14 23:48:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have a free mobile plan to call my landline. That is how I justify having a landline.
2011-05-14 23:34:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We should have an annual unawareness day. Then we'll have everyone walking around whistling in the air refusing to look at the other.
2011-05-14 23:32:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So exhausted that I ate 250 of the 500 ear swabs. Glad they are vegetarian...
2011-05-14 23:18:06 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The old lady who ran the bookstore & how I wanted to arrange the books for her...
2011-05-14 23:15:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When well-meaning folks RT or fave a tweet with typos (& don't correct it), I am not sure whether they even got it!
2011-05-14 23:14:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love burns ~ The mask I wore ~ When I was ~ A stranger ~ To you.
2011-05-14 23:09:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No, seriously! what's this global obsession with chickens & crossing roads? Get over it!!
2011-05-14 22:51:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ostentatious ~ Silver linings ~ And the clouds ~ That wear them
2011-05-14 22:45:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If she ~ Could keep pace ~ With his words ~ She'd know ~ How the breeze ~ Felt in her hair.
2011-05-14 22:39:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You ~ Don't deserve to know ~ That I love you.

2011-05-14 22:35:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nights ~ Are when ~ Silence ~ Is loudest

2011-05-14 22:33:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If rivers ~ Claimed their price ~ For quenching thirst...

2011-05-14 22:30:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her moods ~ My diurnal ~ Seasons

2011-05-14 22:28:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @CaterinaSky: The lotus blooms from the muck, the heart from despair, the smile from chaos. [hope from defeat]
2011-05-14 22:26:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sliding dew ~ That frightened ~ A butterfly.

2011-05-14 22:25:28 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I can't love you ~ Now that you know ~ I can love you.
2011-05-14 22:24:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This heart ~ That smiles ~ For no reason

2011-05-14 22:04:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All morality ~ Is running away ~ And knitting ~ Shrouds ~ For who ~ We are
2011-05-14 19:41:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I can never ~ Be sorry ~ That I ~ Loved someone

2011-05-14 19:40:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All that ~ We make of ~ Life & its ~ Futility.

2011-05-14 19:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This need ~ To walk ~ Till I become ~ A desert puddle

2011-05-14 19:35:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My phone ~ And I ~ Talk to each other.

2011-05-14 18:55:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am but a glass-prism ~ In the moonlight ~ Remembering ~ The colours of day. (RT)
2011-05-14 17:26:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sheer curtain ~ Of your frayed jeans ~ Over my love bite.
2011-05-14 13:14:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps ~ My flowerless ~ Butterfly-heart too ~ Will evolve ~ Into those winged ~ Migratory birds
2011-05-14 10:31:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Only you can imagine "pink shoes of dreams" :-) RT @ melancholundone: pink shoes of dreams / memories in aroma / apple blossoms
2011-05-14 10:21:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Children need hugs, help and hope! Donate a tweet a day to help #opsafe #DT @operationSAFE
2011-05-14 10:04:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This tongue ~ Tied around my fingers ~ Holding back the urge
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~ To write to him
2011-05-14 09:58:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bravo! RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I am ignorant, and [...] ignorance is the ability to feel life without being overly stimulated.
2011-05-14 07:10:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @AutopsyofGod: It is good that the external world exists - if only as a place of refuge.
2011-05-14 07:07:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: They said it was love... (with @_eroteme_ )

2011-05-14 06:35:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This returning to human form - ~ I now feel the ~ Horrid pain ~ Of werewolves.
2011-05-13 23:18:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Always placing earth ~ Between sun & me ~ I live this ~ Endless night
2011-05-13 23:16:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My grey soul ~ As if all colour ~ Was chained ~ In inaccessible ~ Realms of being
2011-05-13 23:10:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ Ugliest ~ When I ~ Care.

2011-05-13 23:07:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even in my world of mirrors ~ I am frowned upon for ~ My way of being.

2011-05-13 23:04:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I can no longer ~ Call my stupidity ~ Innocence. ~ It is simply ~ A refusal ~ An inability ~ To learn ~ The ways of ~ The world.
2011-05-13 22:57:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life ~ Is simply ~ An endless repetition of ~ That singular day ~ Of endless mistakes.
2011-05-13 22:47:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The mountains ~ That grew ~ Around my feet ~ As I stoodalone ~ Far from the madding crowd
2011-05-13 22:46:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because there is an infantile energy in the room whenever we are together alone.
2011-05-13 22:13:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love ~ Forces me ~ To meet ~ Me

2011-05-13 22:08:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Yes, precisely why I feel days with people awake, walking around, lacks that. As if the brightness of day drowns its notes...
2011-05-13 21:38:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher But dulcimer days would be lovely to wake up to... :-)
2011-05-13 21:34:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Days feel more percussion or wind. As if only the night knows how to coax pain over stretched strings...
2011-05-13 21:33:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ These ~ Viola ~ Nights ~ In C minor sharp

2011-05-13 21:30:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The love ~ Of waves ~ Never ceasing ~ To try ~ Drawing the shores ~ Away from dry worlds.
2011-05-13 21:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What perverse God ~ Created storms ~ And let us imagine ~ Boats?
2011-05-13 21:05:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: Ideals are the inventions of the mind which runs away from what the thing is.
2011-05-13 20:34:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Acting is happy agony. ~ Sartre

2011-05-13 20:33:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I long not to objectify

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you the way the system has objectified me.

2011-05-13 20:30:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @rgogos: All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. ~ Edgar Alan Poe
2011-05-13 20:08:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The cat ~ That loved ~ A mouse ~ And hated ~ The Pied Piper ~ For what ~ His tune did
2011-05-13 19:56:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ After the ~ Flamboyant sunset ~ A staid moon ~ Takes the dais and ~ Announces ~ "Next, we have night"
2011-05-13 19:52:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I knew ~ I couldn't love her ~ When she said ~ "It's just a sunrise"
2011-05-13 19:45:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish death was ~ Transforming into water ~ Under my ~ Favourite tree.
2011-05-13 19:38:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He bought her ~ A fridge magnet ~ And left ~ Anagramed ~ Love-notes ~ Under it.
2011-05-13 19:36:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come! ~ I found that little ~ Silver ball ~ Which can ~ Roll down ~ Over a rainbow.
2011-05-13 19:32:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: scavenging the dictionary of heart / where all the beats soliloquy / a direct connection to peace
2011-05-13 19:29:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: is it sleep / or a dream / asking permission [Or simply the ventriloquism of my neighbour's mind?]
2011-05-13 19:29:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On slips of paper ~ He wrote his thoughts ~ And left them ~ Beneath stones ~ On street-corners
2011-05-13 19:26:30 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @melancholundone Over a stack of letters ~ My love-books ~ Saved for dark nights
2011-05-13 19:17:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deaf without ~ Your voice ~ I look for ~ The hues of sound.
2011-05-13 19:16:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have learnt ~ How to bite my lip ~ And wait

2011-05-13 19:13:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i put the beautiful scene outside my window / inside my head [And what did you see in the mirror?]
2011-05-13 19:11:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @_m_blanc: to the silence/spoken of the Ages/stained of papyrus and thyme/makes him mine: thimbles of scent.
2011-05-13 19:09:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @ondrethenee: No earth unrimmed, is wider than his love. [No cloud ~ Unlined ~ More promising]
2011-05-13 12:29:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And my heart ~ Pirouetted ~ Beneath the ~ Xylophone cone ~ Of sun rays.
2011-05-13 11:36:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous... as always... :-) RT @melancholundone: fire written flames / paper imbued language / phoenix of eternity
2011-05-13 11:34:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Moonlight quote of her to seize speechless [Ellipses of waves ~ Trip her thoughts ~ Stirred by moonbeams]
2011-05-13 11:32:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Then it isn't understanding but mere reacting...

2011-05-13 11:28:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Perhaps some people still believe that it is. :-) The words here simply dance out into the stream, so...
2011-05-13 11:25:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @peterwilkin1 My pleasure, sir. :-)

2011-05-13 10:38:26 (EDT)
635 / 4823

_eroteme_ Under your heel ~ My punctured self ~ Releases ~ Lust bubbles ~ Up your shin.
2011-05-13 10:37:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_m_blanc: the dusk of forgetting was lit with a scattering of memories. #microfiction #fragments
2011-05-13 10:17:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A little flitting sparrow ~ That reminded ~ The weeping child ~ To smile. OperationSAFE (
2011-05-13 10:13:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Call me ~ By any name ~ And I am still ~ Yours @InVinceWil ]

2011-05-13 10:08:43 (EDT)

[hat tip to

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: Sometimes / it is as if / I've forgotten my name / and need hungrily for you to / call it #cinquain
2011-05-13 10:07:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: RT @peterwilkin1 A charm/ of finches/ bolt from the hedgerow/ sparks/ of sunlight #gogyohka
2011-05-13 09:24:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @therisinsun: awake: the realisation that skin divides you from your vision.
2011-05-13 09:10:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @therisinsun: orange juice: sun pressed in the palm. # monostitch

2011-05-13 09:10:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I am seeking revenge for a crime that has yet to be committed.
2011-05-13 09:09:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because time is slow, because the sunshine is soft, because the endemic nature of human thoughts is brilliant.
2011-05-13 09:09:42 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Our orthogonal fates ~ Hanging on the tangent ~ Of ignorance

2011-05-13 07:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee It would refer to the starved love or as you please... :-) Glad to see that the words in this stream hold your interest.
2011-05-13 07:36:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the amoral Yangtze ~ Drowning the ~ Careless ~ And suicidal.

2011-05-13 07:35:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This wind ~ Putting out ~ All the stars ~ And asking me ~ To find my ~ Way back home.
2011-05-13 07:15:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these years ~ I spent ~ Feeding the pain of love ~ Starving love ~ Till it writhed ~ And was no more.
2011-05-13 07:13:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // this morning's awkward moment sparrow and I waiting for each other to sing // #tanka #5lines
2011-05-13 07:10:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: how tightly she held on to the smoke in her cupped hands [But all she contained ~ Was the fire that ~ Burned on ~ And on...]
2011-05-13 07:10:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // before the sun comes up this quiet lake and I agree not to say anything // #tanka #5lines
2011-05-13 07:08:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @moonflowernco: a break ~ in the clouds ~ the moon shines ~ on the wings ~ of a night bird #gogyohka #5lines
2011-05-13 07:08:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: spring ~ is a willow ~ sweeping the grass ~ and sighing ~ at passing time #gogyohka #5lines
2011-05-13 07:03:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ondrethenee Sure! You must try convincing the Jews of that about Hitler! :-)
2011-05-13 06:48:01 (EDT)
637 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: I feel swindled when I follow a poet and they don't tweet poetry...or even poetic thoughts. I need stimulation or separation
2011-05-13 06:44:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Touch me ~ And you will burn ~ But touch me ~ You must ~ Some day.
2011-05-13 06:40:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am destined ~ To disrupt ~ To bring decay ~ To divulge dirt ~ To demystify ~ To desecrate ~ To debunk ~ The unsacred.
2011-05-13 06:39:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pillory ~ The sunlight ~ That reveals ~ Your stains.

2011-05-13 06:34:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drowned in the ask ~ Of a world ~ I never chose ~ To converse with

2011-05-13 06:32:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: RT @iBeingMe: The blood on my wrists are just the form of words I can't express...
2011-05-13 06:29:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: swallowing the moon / you taste like the sea [Waves trickling ~ From the corner ~ Of your mouth]
2011-05-13 06:22:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The illusion ~ Of the ~ Doer.

2011-05-13 06:21:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Flowers ~ The love-child ~ Stolen by the wind

2011-05-13 06:19:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I could never forgive myself for loving you and the more I love you the less I can forgive myself.
2011-05-13 06:18:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: RT @CaterinaSky Joy is so patient, waiting to welcome you, waiting patiently for aeons.
2011-05-13 06:17:01 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Take me there/ leave me there/ lost, not lonely/ in the love bazaar
2011-05-13 06:16:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Diana605 My pleasure & honour. :-) Your words & the photograph were stunning. :-)
2011-05-13 05:43:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the beast ~ Every zoo ~ Rejected

2011-05-13 04:01:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only clouds ~ Were flowers ~ And rain ~ Falling petals

2011-05-12 21:48:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She promptly ~ Dropped my heart ~ Into her bag ~ And walked away.
2011-05-12 21:46:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @jamesjoyce_: All Moanday, Tearday, Wailsday, Thumpsday, Frightday, Shatterday. [Not to mention Shunnedday]
2011-05-12 21:45:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: What is important is what you are, not what the ideal is, not the ideal student or his qualifications.
2011-05-12 21:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man. ~ Anon
2011-05-12 21:41:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D RT @Zen_Moments: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. ~ Mark Twain
2011-05-12 21:41:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful. ~ Michelangelo
2011-05-12 21:40:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: RT @Diana605 'Mouth To Mouth' collaboration with photographer Val Macedo at @ PhotographProse
2011-05-12 21:36:46 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ She stood there ~ Barefeet in shorts ~ While my heart ~ Raced.

2011-05-12 21:34:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No sunrise ~ Goes ~ Unwatched

2011-05-12 21:28:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone The language of watches, narrating the adventures of time

2011-05-12 21:26:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The jarring notes ~ Of excessive ~ Self-absorption

2011-05-12 21:25:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Doff thy garb ~ Strangle thy voice ~ Burn thy skin ~ And in what remaineth ~ Seek me.
2011-05-12 21:23:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The castaway from ~ The kingdom of words ~ And his vacant gaze ~ Into worlds ~ He can't describe.
2011-05-12 21:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The curse ~ Of wordless ~ Lamenting

2011-05-12 21:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The songs in my mind ~ And the hum of ~ Your body.

2011-05-12 21:16:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The depth ~ Of shallowness ~ Versus ~ The meagre depth ~ Of genuineness.

2011-05-12 21:15:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To destroy you ~ Is easy - ~ All I need ~ Is a knife ~ Through ~ My gullet.

2011-05-12 20:29:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @andreochka: late at the theatre! / thunder of applause / as I stumble #senryu
2011-05-12 20:27:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like fly ~ Against a pane ~ I against ~ The window ~ Of your heart.
2011-05-12 20:26:30 (EDT)

640 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: there / was / time / in / abundance [But I could ~ Grab only a ~ Lifetime]
2011-05-12 20:25:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: crumpled tissue origami tears #monostich # haiku #micropoetry
2011-05-12 19:17:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: drape / her silent sky / scarlet [Or unwrap the golden globe for some more dark]
2011-05-12 19:14:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sigh ~ Of a dew ~ Settling ~ On my tee.

2011-05-12 16:32:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: a thought / a leaf / the sound of distant laughing [A wink ~ A whim ~ The mist tumbling through shrubs]
2011-05-12 16:32:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This robin & I ~ Watch the sunrise. ~ One of us leaves ~ While the other ~ Adjusts his camera.
2011-05-12 16:30:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez I'd agree. :-) @iBeingMe

2011-05-12 14:16:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because a man has two options, either he can love the woman he loves, or he can hate everything else.
2011-05-12 14:07:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You bring the heart ~ And I'll ~ Bring the heat
2011-05-12 13:05:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sparrow ~ That wishes ~ To be an ostrich ~ How she chirps ~ And hides her shy head ~ In the ground.
2011-05-12 13:02:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You'd think that was obvious... :-) RT @ CoyoteSings: // when I cling to nothing only then am I flying
2011-05-12 10:57:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos My pleasure, sir. :-)

2011-05-12 10:32:52 (EDT)
641 / 4823

_eroteme_ I dare that cloud ~ To rain ~ Only on me

2011-05-12 10:32:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: If I could wear this weather, it would be all I'd wear.
2011-05-12 09:54:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: owl hoots / remembering / when this / was going to be / the future #tanka #5lines
2011-05-12 09:54:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Why! Thank you. Very kind of... wait a sec! You meant Ms. Rand!? :-(
2011-05-12 07:55:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence You do know what Ms. Rand & her mentor Ms. Paterson had to say about belief, right? Not a fan, but love how they summarise it
2011-05-12 07:36:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence QED! Which is all I was saying: "suspension of rationale" happens when one goes "whatever the reason". Not good or bad! :-)
2011-05-12 07:35:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I am only religious when I am within 100 feet of your body. [And a breath away from your memory]
2011-05-12 07:32:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To understand ~ Is to demonstrate ~ Care.

2011-05-12 07:30:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence In other words, I prefer understanding & clarity to forgiving for then, pardon becomes moot. Am I making sense? :-)
2011-05-12 07:29:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Absolutely! There's anger when reason's violated. To forgive that without clarity of reason is an escape into conviviality..
2011-05-12 07:28:46 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Hindsight ~ Of the blind ~ Vibes ~ To the deaf ~ And you ~ To me.
2011-05-12 07:26:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Amen! Then all forgiveness is non-existent!! ;-p

2011-05-12 07:23:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @therisinsun: bath: a vessel for liquid solitude.

2011-05-12 07:21:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence It is practical for the person forgiving, but not rational for the entire affair. Else the initial anger was misplaced.
2011-05-12 07:19:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That which we call love ~ By any other name ~ Would still be painful
2011-05-12 07:12:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @P0eticLicence: Say my words/ think my thoughts/ let's play, let's flow/ like music/ born of the heart
2011-05-12 07:11:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because I meditate on my existence, in order to hunt your spirit down.
2011-05-12 07:10:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Well, it also needs you to suspend rationale...

2011-05-12 07:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: She reaches out/ with an invisible hand/ to a man/ who won't see [Drawing him in ~ With the tinkle ~ Of her finger tips]
2011-05-12 07:09:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: May you never stop seeking [Even if you think you found it]
2011-05-12 07:04:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Don't know where we are going but I know my way back. [The swing of a safe pendulum]
2011-05-12 06:45:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you hid your tears ~ I knew I'd ~ Have a lot ~ To cry
643 / 4823

2011-05-11 22:07:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our stillborn ~ Love-child ~ Of our ~ Unborn ~ Love.

2011-05-11 21:34:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I take her love ~ And stroke ~ Every cat I meet.

2011-05-11 17:26:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories of you ~ Are the whips ~ I swing against my body ~ Through moonless nights.
2011-05-11 14:18:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Pinstripes meets polkadots. They have an affair. [Polka dots grated into pin stripes]
2011-05-11 12:35:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ True... :-| RT @ RomanticCreep: I love you because it is easy to become philosophical when your heart is filled with this much love.
2011-05-11 12:34:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fabric of her voice ~ Caught and ~ Fluttering on the door nail
2011-05-11 12:33:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: seeing in myself ~ feels like ~ falling out [Falling without inside of my soul]
2011-05-11 12:02:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rain falls ~ In colours ~ Of the landscape

2011-05-11 12:00:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The global itch ~ That will still remain ~ What my soul sought
2011-05-11 11:58:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Enn uyir poovinn ~ Ondre thenee :-(

2011-05-11 11:50:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wanted ~ Is for us ~ To smile ~ Together

2011-05-11 11:49:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This pain ~ Of watching ~ My soul ~ Thrashing ~ Like a fish ~ Out of the water ~ Of your kindness.
644 / 4823

2011-05-11 11:48:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my humour ~ Is the dog ~ By the sea ~ Proud at barking ~ The sea ~ Into receding.
2011-05-11 07:25:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @HalfMoonPilgrim: touched by moment / fallin' in the air / slipping whisper.

2011-05-11 07:22:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: When rain is patient, it doesn't rain. [Yes, it tip toes and waits at the door]
2011-05-11 07:14:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true :-| RT @OliviaDresher: Absurdity doesn't take away the tragedy.
2011-05-11 06:52:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the house of mirrors ~ How I kissed you ~ In 34237890678891 ~ Different ways. [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2011-05-11 06:47:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Tenderness keeps destroying my rage. [And all those shattered pieces coalescing into a monster that bides time]
2011-05-11 06:45:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So close ~ Yet so far ~ The birthplace ~ Of wind ~ And river ~ That finally meet ~ O'er sea.
2011-05-11 06:44:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I want to give myself to myself then give myself away. [To winds that gave themselves to meadows, to rivulets]
2011-05-11 06:41:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The heart ~ That has learnt pain ~ Can see it ~ Everywhere.
2011-05-11 06:40:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher To think is to wander, to discover hidden patches of grass by the stream of life
2011-05-11 06:38:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @OliviaDresher: To think is to have a conversation with silence.

645 / 4823

2011-05-11 06:35:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: True suffering is the experience of profound aloneness. All that isn't the sensation of profound aloneness becomes joy.
2011-05-11 06:33:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence Wow! What a coincidence. And one awaits you... ;-)
2011-05-11 06:32:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Happiness is simple. Everything we do to find it is complicated. ~ Karen Maezen Miller
2011-05-10 21:40:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: The function of education, then, is to help you from childhood not to imitate anybody, but to be yourself all the time.
2011-05-10 21:39:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be the one ~ Who kisses her good night ~ In her dreams.
2011-05-10 21:38:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What happens now? ~ I continue standing ~ On the railway station ~ Holding all the words ~ We created ~ To feed our vacant evenings?
2011-05-10 21:37:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His admiration ~ Was no longer ~ Valued.

2011-05-10 21:33:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the shortest blink ~ Ours eyes meet ~ This butterfly ~ And I.
2011-05-10 21:24:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Howtrue RT @InstantFiction "What wasteful war brought you to this place?" "How did you kno (cont)
2011-05-10 21:05:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @wordblender I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing... :-)

2011-05-10 20:11:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The fount of understanding ~ Dwelling over invisible springs ~ Of your soul ~ Is also ~ The fount of love.
2011-05-10 18:13:14 (EDT)
646 / 4823

_eroteme_ Those strange ~ Wild flowers ~ Called smiles

2011-05-10 17:04:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @alotus_poetry: a sense of peace, a sense of being [A sense of quiet, a sense of sighs]
2011-05-10 17:02:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We are twins ~ He wages wars ~ And conquers nations ~ I sit under the tree ~ Catching falling leaves.
2011-05-10 15:55:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Boy! That sure feels like a nightmare!

2011-05-10 15:49:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Wow! Do people in your neighbourhood get to choose!?

2011-05-10 15:45:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Funnily, it isn't a nightmare when everyone is naked too...

2011-05-10 15:44:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 being naked. Not getting naked!! :-D Why the oops?
2011-05-10 15:42:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The dead butterfly ~ On the road ~ Moving ~ With every passing car.
2011-05-10 14:49:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I love you ~ Because years ago ~ You taught me how ~ To cry.
2011-05-10 14:35:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lies ~ We didn't tell ~ Make for a life ~ We'll never live.
2011-05-10 14:33:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because we grow together even as we grow apart.
2011-05-10 14:31:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil Hola, senor!

2011-05-10 14:30:09 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: an ornate signature for / such an ordinary name [Like an ornate life for such ordinary dreams]
2011-05-10 12:45:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @RomanticCreep: I love you because the doctrine is this, many times have they seen the light, many times have they known the path.
2011-05-10 12:42:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if he knew ~ What "forever" ~ Held in store ~ For us.

2011-05-10 12:31:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: indigo curve of night / a calm / tree stoic in lullaby

2011-05-10 12:28:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: The field held vigil where the wildflowers danced. [But the wind, the mischievous wind]
2011-05-10 12:27:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ A bird soul ~ Trapped in ~ A fish's body - ~ I neither swim ~ Nor stop trying to fly ~ Over islands.
2011-05-10 12:24:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: quietude of the perch / rhythm / heart's silent beacon

2011-05-10 12:23:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He accused me ~ Of being naked.

2011-05-10 12:22:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I say ~ I love you ~ Will you respond ~ And tell me ~ If you'll love me ~ Thirty years from now?
2011-05-10 12:22:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @syahidahz :-) Thank you for playing with the words. I always wished someone would! :-) [His inability ~ To give ~ Sadness]
2011-05-10 12:18:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sign on the bottom ~ Of a bottle of life: ~ Do not gulp ~ Love [hat tip to @InVinceWil ]
2011-05-10 12:17:16 (EDT)
648 / 4823

_eroteme_ All that she wanted ~ Versus ~ All that he wanted ~ To give her.
2011-05-10 12:15:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Don't play with my heart ~ For every time you pretend ~ I believe you.
2011-05-10 11:52:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where is this ~ That I stand ~ Now that ~ She has ~ Burnt my world ~ To cinders?
2011-05-10 11:51:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beginner's mind for me ... :-) RT @Zen_Moments: In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in th (cont)
2011-05-10 11:26:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) I wish people followed this. Wish I followed it! ;-) RT @ Zen_Moments: Do not speak - unless it improves upon silence. ~ Buddhist Saying
2011-05-10 11:25:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war. ~ Desiderius Erasmus (1466 -1536)
2011-05-10 11:24:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. ~ Anais Nin
2011-05-10 11:24:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding. ~ John Locke
2011-05-10 11:22:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She makes ~ The devils ~ Frown.

2011-05-10 10:54:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I once ~ Had a name ~ For every step ~ I took ~ To nowhere [hat tip to @jshb32 ]
2011-05-10 09:58:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: her glass words / shattered / under the

649 / 4823

weight of wine [Intoxicated gravity, slurring connotations]

2011-05-10 09:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @jshb32: train through nowhere / and yet every little place / has a name [Naming the worlds I never knew were ever built]
2011-05-10 09:51:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: sparrow song picking the lock on a cage of fog
2011-05-10 09:50:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence The strict love ~ We smoothened ~ To the curves ~ Of our ~ Sigh-ridden ~ Calls to each other ~ From the abyss.
2011-05-10 08:56:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence But what does ~ The world know ~ Of depths ~ Or the ecstasy ~ Of drowning ~ Fingers entwined.
2011-05-10 07:18:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The great sorrows are silent symphonies [Strings of the heart fugues with strings of Fate in the string ensemble of life]
2011-05-10 07:17:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher But they are different, right? Books unreturned are most likely fantastic. Love not returned... ? Well...
2011-05-10 07:16:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence And in their soft caress ~ They finally taught ~ Love, how its done.
2011-05-10 07:14:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the clouds leave ~ After their downpour ~ Never giving ~ The earth ~ A chance ~ To share.
2011-05-10 07:08:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: They said ~ it was love ~ we were too entrenched ~ to care [They said ~ It was evil ~ What we ~ Bit into ~ Each other]
2011-05-10 07:07:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hope you remember ~ That I can't ~ Forget you

2011-05-10 07:03:18 (EDT)
650 / 4823

_eroteme_ I remember this day ~ When we coined ~ What transcends ~ All definition
2011-05-10 07:02:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She returned ~ To return ~ His soul

2011-05-10 07:01:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the snowflake ~ Waiting for your ~ Sunshine

2011-05-10 06:59:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: if love is real / I feel it / through my finger tips [The charge of passion against ramparts of skin]
2011-05-10 06:41:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @iBeingMe: Lose love and find the meaning. [Of meaninglessness]
2011-05-10 06:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mhabibp hahaha :-D Yeah! And stuck out my tongue too! ;-)
2011-05-10 06:25:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I slipped ~ Into this world ~ When god ~ Wasn't watching

2011-05-10 06:10:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: your words / rubbed together / starting fire / deep within / this chilled heart [The sparks of flint words]
2011-05-10 06:05:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Who?

2011-05-10 05:55:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She gets a hug for this... :-) RT @myearthgirl: the sun is closer / to us tonight / right on top of those trees -- by my 6-year-old daughter
2011-05-10 05:53:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mind ~ Altering ~ Sleep

2011-05-09 21:49:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sell every ~ Bit of you ~ To the devil ~ So that ~ I can have ~ Dreams of you
2011-05-09 21:48:29 (EDT)

651 / 4823

_eroteme_ @kembangkembang I used exactly that till the server went down! :-)
2011-05-09 20:40:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @OliviaDresher: Truth is in the gut, fiction in the mind, and the mix of both in the heart.
2011-05-09 19:59:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Jagged truth ~ And the various ~ Blood on its teeth.

2011-05-09 19:59:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: not ~ so shy ~ violets bloom ~ in places ~ they're not planted [But always, in warm places]
2011-05-09 19:52:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Everything feels broken. I wish it would rain, to put things back together again. [Fused wi (cont)
2011-05-09 19:27:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @SilentLucid: cats are mysterious, people are unknown.

2011-05-09 19:22:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: RT @JDProuty Assuming nothing, ~ you become receptive to ~ pleasant surprises. #haikuchallenge 'assume' # am17
2011-05-09 19:17:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: She gasped as if all words collapsed into a needed silence.
2011-05-09 19:15:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ Defining it ~ Together

2011-05-09 17:57:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: thick like the weight of of wet paint, i finger paint windows into my idea of you...
2011-05-09 17:50:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It annoys me ~ How larks sing ~ Even when they ~ Know it all
2011-05-09 17:31:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: new leaves / on an / old tree.. #haiku

652 / 4823
2011-05-09 17:29:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: must your words / mean what they mean?/is there a lighter strand of silk that ties your heart to paper? [Or of blood to ink]
2011-05-09 17:28:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: what if your fine words / tossed up / into the night sky / scattered down slowly / into something else [The birth of snow]
2011-05-09 17:26:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: moonless, starless sky / i swear i saw that rainbow. / the illusion of control // # micropoetry
2011-05-09 17:24:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An inseparable love ~ Like butterfly ~ And forest.

2011-05-09 12:11:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The words ~ I send out to you, ~ I licked lovingly.

2011-05-09 12:10:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I sinned ~ Wildly ~ Because ~ He forgave me ~ Tenderly ~ Over & over again.
2011-05-09 12:09:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Thank YOU lady! All I am doing is enjoying your generous share of words. You are the one creating. So, thank you. :-)
2011-05-09 11:54:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful & soothing... :-) RT @cat_cat_: may there be balm / in the breeze / swaddling / the absence #micropoetry
2011-05-09 11:15:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: it always / comes back / to a sigh [The sighing return to the original sigh]
2011-05-09 10:55:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @m_blanc_: buried by verse, sighs weighed more than clouds. [But tasted sweeter than sunshine]
2011-05-09 10:23:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @perlygates: can it ever be about / what it's

653 / 4823

about / or is the moonlight / really love

2011-05-09 09:53:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i knew you were real / the moment / i made you up [But still you needed time, to think it over]
2011-05-09 08:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez Horses always were fond of pink haired tails! ;-p Green tail, yes, but the tuft is pink, no?
2011-05-09 07:21:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Being alone ~ Is desirable ~ When you get ~ To choose.

2011-05-09 06:18:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes ~ Were twin lakes ~ Where reflections ~ Dissolved.

2011-05-08 22:39:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Eternal melody: she sang where guitar strings levitate
2011-05-08 22:33:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: All the old words have gone stale on the roads of silence [And when the road forks, the old debate begins]
2011-05-08 22:31:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His butterfly lips ~ Always alighted ~ On her smiling flower

2011-05-08 21:38:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He always ordered ~ For two ~ Just so that ~ He isn't denied ~ His fairytale ~ Because he was stingy.
2011-05-08 21:37:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Across worlds ~ You wait for my return ~ I make the bed for you ~ Head on your lap ~ I drink jasmine tea ~ You'd brew ~ Had you been here.
2011-05-08 21:32:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her voice ~ Unlocked the heavens ~ Of godless joy.

2011-05-08 21:25:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wild dreams ~ Of the wind chimes

2011-05-08 21:16:25 (EDT)

654 / 4823

_eroteme_ My body ~ The fiefdom ~ Of your fingers.

2011-05-08 21:08:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @beezknez Beyond the stars ~ there are meadows ~ the color of violets [With green cows grazing?]
2011-05-08 20:38:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @gennepher: within / is / a bigger place / than / without [Without within, there wouldn't be without]
2011-05-08 20:36:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are ~ Only two ways ~ To suffer joyously - ~ Live or ~ Love
2011-05-08 13:02:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the store ~ An umbrella skeleton ~ I blushed ~ And looked away.

2011-05-08 13:00:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So pointless ~ This rain ~ Competing with me.

2011-05-08 12:56:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every Mother's day ~ She wishes ~ Her children ~ Were more like ~ Her nephews & niece.
2011-05-08 11:15:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The same story ~ Everywhere I go ~ As if ~ Human relationships ~ Have no imagination.

2011-05-08 11:12:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Sahrazad528: Photo: RT @_eroteme_ I am ~ His Scheherazade ~ Exchanging ~ Words ~ For nights ~ Together.
2011-05-08 10:25:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How did ~ They secure hearts ~ Before jesting ~ And lying ~ Was invented?
2011-05-08 09:55:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Writing ~ Is the art ~ Of making black filigree ~ Out of a ~ Blank sheet.
2011-05-08 09:51:15 (EDT)

655 / 4823

_eroteme_ Dressed ~ In his hands.

2011-05-08 08:04:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am ~ His Scheherazade ~ Exchanging ~ Words ~ For nights ~ Together.

2011-05-08 08:03:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His words ~ The firewood ~ Of her ~ Heart's furnace.

2011-05-08 07:57:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You were born ~ To be loved ~ One "hello" ~ At a time

2011-05-07 23:04:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I imagine ~ Our voices intertwined ~ Long after we ~ Lie exhausted ~ In each other's ~ Arms
2011-05-07 22:57:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kissing each dream ~ I watch you blush ~ In your sleep

2011-05-07 22:50:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are days ~ When I don't wish to ~ Understand her tongue ~ But simply ~ Listen to her breath ~ Sheath me.
2011-05-07 22:49:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I dip my hands ~ Into the stream of her voice ~ Lifting her up to me
2011-05-07 22:41:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How her words ~ Found rhythm ~ Between the lines ~ At the corners ~ Of his eyes.
2011-05-07 22:25:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would I breathe ~ My last ~ And be found ~ At dawn ~ As dew on Z Zh Yun's ~ Lovely grass? [ Z Zh Yun G&ngyun :]
2011-05-07 17:58:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman ~ Secretly desires ~ To be madly ~ Loved by ~ One far younger
2011-05-07 17:47:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her library ~ Of longings ~ Arranged ~ To the alphabet ~ Of her desire

656 / 4823

2011-05-07 17:44:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ I realise I forgot to reply. Yes, I read it before your tweet! :-) It is stunningly beautiful as are most things you touch.
2011-05-07 17:34:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Love is ~ Finding ~ The tangy taste ~ Of novelty.

2011-05-07 17:32:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There is normal love ~ Then there is ~ The fire which burned your ~ Upper arm ~ Which you still lick ~ In the moonlight.
2011-05-07 17:29:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who are you ~ When you want me ~ To accept ~ That this is ~ Really you?
2011-05-07 17:28:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher The pain of running away from pain. The pain of seeking joy. When the air becomes pain, we still seek the interlude vacuum.
2011-05-07 17:27:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our love ~ Was taking turns ~ In holding ~ The blazing coals ~ Of our words.
2011-05-07 17:22:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All memory ~ Morphing ~ In the quagmire ~ Of perception.

2011-05-07 17:20:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Blessed with many loves ~ I still hold ~ The purple dark love ~ I ran away from
2011-05-07 17:19:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your love ~ Gives me nothing ~ But pain ~ Aah! such sweet pain.
2011-05-07 17:18:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When tenderness ~ Is mistaken for ~ Weakness

2011-05-07 17:17:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Centuries ago I planted ~ A graft ~ Of truth ~ Now I look for it ~ In the forests ~ Of strange ~ Crafty words.
2011-05-07 17:16:38 (EDT)
657 / 4823

_eroteme_ She wanted ~ Nothing from him ~ But was saddened ~ To receive ~ The same.
2011-05-07 17:13:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The butterfly ~ That dreamed of being a singer ~ And not a tattoo.
2011-05-07 17:12:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! to be a raindrop ~ Falling against ~ Fern & rock ~ In the orchestrated ~ Melody ~ Of breath.
2011-05-07 12:34:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain Hey! BTW, nice profile pic. When I first saw it a few days ago I was like "Who's this!?" Glad you didn't change the handle!
2011-05-07 11:17:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain Oh ok. I see what you're saying & agree. :-)
2011-05-07 10:57:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain It is less about the thank you than the assumption that you need to wait to be asked before one should be concerned or help.
2011-05-07 10:55:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gladdens my heart that you enjoy it. :-) RT @KrisLindbeck: @ _eroteme_ I like how you take a tweet & turn it in an unexpected direction.
2011-05-07 10:46:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @WordWhispers: Listening to the bright chatter of starlight. [Midst the hushing black]
2011-05-07 10:45:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every time I am made to realise that my help or concern was never asked for, I lose a little more faith in human beings
2011-05-07 10:44:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love is fine. ~ To reveal it ~ Is stripping your skin ~ To the salt ~ Of ocean breeze.
2011-05-07 10:42:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much. You

658 / 4823

effortlessly surpassed yourself from last time! Thank you, thank you... :-)
2011-05-07 10:25:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Sahrazad528: Photo: @_eroteme_ To love ~ With an understanding of the impossible ~ Is love ~ Nevertheless.
2011-05-07 10:25:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ With an understanding of the impossible ~ Is love ~ Nevertheless.

2011-05-07 01:19:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My wish ~ Tonight ~ Is I am around to ~ Kiss you ~ On your pouting lips ~ When your hair ~ Turns grey.
2011-05-06 23:22:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am walking ~ Through the undoing of my life ~ Hoping to find you ~ In the desert ~ Or be the blood ~ That coyotes smell ~ On the cactus.
2011-05-06 23:02:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love implodes

2011-05-06 22:52:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My poison ~ Is my medicine ~ Is my love ~ Is you.

2011-05-06 22:35:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I need to dissolve ~ In the liqueur ~ Of the impossible.

2011-05-06 22:28:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She serves me love ~ Like a mirror ~ I won't look into.

2011-05-06 22:17:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: What if we had secret names? [One for each person who held a secret of mine]
2011-05-06 21:57:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In her love's blaze ~ I begin to ~ Hate myself.

2011-05-06 21:25:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When her ice melts ~ Tears in my eyes.

2011-05-06 21:20:07 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I must learn ~ To walk over ~ Broken hopes

2011-05-06 21:14:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her love ~ Makes me regret ~ Being who I am

2011-05-06 21:11:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The only pieces ~ Of her that remain ~ Are these scalding shards ~ Of tears.
2011-05-06 21:10:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I don't belong ~ Where her heart beats. ~ The life of a ~ Desolate castaway.
2011-05-06 20:48:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Why do your clothes go upstairs if you are downstairs!? Spooky clothes!
2011-05-06 20:46:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia :-) I wasn't even suggesting that you microwave! I was merely reassuring you about the food at my place! :-)
2011-05-06 20:45:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She loves me not ~ She loves me not ~ She loves me not ~ She loves me not ~ She loves me not ~ She loves me not ~ She loves me.
2011-05-06 20:09:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Again I learn ~ Left flap over right ~ Golden twines binding ~ A little orchid on top & ~ Off my heart goes ~ Into safekeeping.
2011-05-06 19:56:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia But you should come over. I'd love to cook you & the kids a nice meal. Fresh. No microwaved stuff... :-)
2011-05-06 19:48:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Then I would have to drive over, right!? Sly lady! You thought you'd get me back on the road, didn't you!? ;-p
2011-05-06 19:48:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I like the rules back in India - Keep driving. Don't hit anyone (willingly). And enjoy the changing colours at every signal as you pass it.
2011-05-06 19:36:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia I am still mentally lost. I have no clue how I got

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back to the room! :-) Hereafter, I am staying indoors. ;-)

2011-05-06 19:34:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia I am lost and you are giving me ideas for shopping!? Girl, you rock! :-D
2011-05-06 19:27:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia I think the biggest problem here is no human being walking around to ask directions. Back home, you'd pray they'd stay home!
2011-05-06 19:25:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To shamelessly ~ Yield ~ Is the only way ~ I know to love.

2011-05-06 19:17:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There is a fine line between a kibitzer and someone helpful.

2011-05-06 19:16:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia I am just staying indoors & sticking to stereotypes. I am not driving. Anyone can chauffeur me around!
2011-05-06 19:02:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Oh! Nice. So I get to admire the cone I am circling for the past few hours!? Nice...
2011-05-06 18:59:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia hahahaha :-D On the west coast I get to choose the road to get lost? Like, let's take the yellow road today?
2011-05-06 18:57:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All roads ~ To getting lost ~ Look alike.

2011-05-06 18:47:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: the weight / of silence / my thin hips bear / another / childless morning
2011-05-06 15:53:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Anything for you, ma'am. Everything for S, though. :-D
2011-05-06 15:46:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My pale beauty ~ With tickle cell ~ Anemia!

2011-05-06 15:42:56 (EDT)

661 / 4823

_eroteme_ I carve window panes ~ She draws curtains ~ Together ~ We dress the wind [hat tip to @LalySky ]
2011-05-06 15:38:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: all of those curtains I use to show the truth. [And still the sunlight tears through]
2011-05-06 15:34:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @edoowado: on the same rose bush / young buds and mottled petals _ / and a drop of blood [And thus is born another rose]
2011-05-06 15:24:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between my fingers ~ A moment gripped ~ And all Time ~ Flutters ~ Over a peony world.
2011-05-06 14:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: Education is the cultivation of the mind so that action is not self-centred
2011-05-06 14:28:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: She wrote the word tenderness as if the fragility of ink might not smudge. [The trembling ink before it dries]
2011-05-06 12:43:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: long empty corridors / countless blank doors / more questions than answers [Carrying the smooth brass knocker in my hand]
2011-05-06 12:41:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaves, ~ Waiting for Autumn ~ When they will ~ For the last time ~ Fly ~ Down.
2011-05-06 12:40:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This ability ~ To be Sun & Moon ~ Earth & air ~ Fire & water ~ Devil & god ~ Deep & light ~ Is a curse ~ To being ~ No one.
2011-05-06 12:39:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The proof of love ~ She demands ~ In blood.

2011-05-06 12:36:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She is ~ Who lights ~ My fire.

2011-05-06 12:13:47 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Thank you. Of course, you are welcome to use them as you deem fit. :-)
2011-05-06 11:53:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I just wish people didn't reply-all in their tweets. Or I learn quickly how to not wonder why a stranger is including me in his/her tweet!!
2011-05-06 11:52:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The beast of love ~ Untethered ~ Tracks ~ Your midnight scent.

2011-05-06 10:43:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning! :-) RT @CostisDemos: rain and tear / long lost brothers / of cleansing #senryu
2011-05-06 09:49:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @bloodspelll: my writings are my scars... [Glowing in your love]

2011-05-06 09:26:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue ~ Sizzles ~ As I touch ~ Her black ~ Glistening love.

2011-05-06 09:17:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the winds ~ Moved dulcet sunlight ~ To your sleeping ~ Eyes.
2011-05-06 09:15:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The winds of nothing ~ Blowing whispers ~ Through the shell curtain
2011-05-06 09:13:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To give up ~ As an offering ~ To the gods ~ Of hurt.

2011-05-06 09:10:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Blank pages smile and don't care. [Even when we pour ink over them]
2011-05-06 09:08:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Individuality is a curse. [esp. when it refuses the same to others...]
2011-05-06 09:07:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My staid self ~ Burning as incense ~ On her twilight altar.

663 / 4823

2011-05-06 09:00:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @bloodspelll: i am the mess he has chosen...he is my favorite mistake [The error of life lived everyday anew]
2011-05-06 08:58:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Weave in silk when you speak.

2011-05-06 07:42:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: RT @wordblender breathless / between sheets / rain via @ therisinsun

2011-05-06 06:19:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amen! :-) RT @KrisLindbeck: Atheists have hearts ... believers have brains. | in response to much foolishness I read, esp. in web comments.
2011-05-06 06:19:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Glad you liked the words inspired by your beautiful ones... :-)
2011-05-06 06:17:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: move my mind to earth my heart [And storm my desires with the seasons of your touch]
2011-05-06 06:16:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Please refrain from replying-all. Thanks :-) @klnithin @ asim7asim @myearthgirl @wintergifts @Diana605 @beginni (cont)
2011-05-05 23:53:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: Low day indoors / with only the wind-chimes / to bring me news of sky [The muted tinkle of thunder over the sparkle]
2011-05-05 22:07:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You can't be serious! I have to live life till the end?
2011-05-05 20:46:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To all the people who are too gloomy to notice... :-) RT @ Zen_Moments: Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health. ~ Joseph Addison
2011-05-05 20:43:48 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @LalySky At 21:13 hrs...

2011-05-05 20:34:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She hurtled me ~ Against the stars ~ To give them ~ A taste of my blood.
2011-05-05 19:53:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She liked me ~ Done rare ~ To taste the crimson ~ Of me.

2011-05-05 19:50:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @_stoicOne_: Each song / was a green leaf / curled tight / within the sky's blue kiss
2011-05-05 19:12:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear Hear! RT @melancholundone: RT @Mizreikilover There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people ~ Howard Zinn
2011-05-05 17:10:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She arched her back ~ Shrieked her primal cry ~ And in one swift swirl ~ Flew from my loins
2011-05-05 17:09:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: she slipped / between worlds / shivered / then / came back [The chilling magma of ethereal journeys]
2011-05-05 16:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How our red ~ Rips off moments ~ From Time ~ And dangles them ~ In the courtyard of our sin.
2011-05-05 16:33:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tree ~ That didn't bridge ~ Earth & heaven ~ Does, now, ~ Bridge shores [hat tip to @stardirt & @gennepher ]
2011-05-05 16:24:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aliciahphoto My pleasure. Your work is beautiful enough to deserve all the attention... :-)
2011-05-05 15:54:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: journey of words / reaching past / a destination [Where I stop is when the sirens sing]
2011-05-05 15:20:37 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Amazingly weaved... :-) Beautiful RT @perlygates: i write of the morning / as if / it comes only once / in the lifetime / of today
2011-05-05 15:18:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With known words ~ And explored feelings ~ I sing the unknown tune.
2011-05-05 15:15:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: RT @BeyondRoses ...stars spun out of darkness / scattering dust of fallen wishes / pieces of mortals dreams
2011-05-05 15:09:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wearing the darkest purple ~ We bring a speck ~ Of night ~ Into our day.
2011-05-05 15:08:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: @voxohm: | Return flights they take me back | [To the place I wanted to leave]
2011-05-05 14:58:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ wabi-sabi for you... :-) RT @cirrusdream: RT @AlexaSkies: red tea / in china-blue cups / a chipped rim #haiku #poetry #micropoetry
2011-05-05 14:58:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @melancholundone Well, it feels like one with the unending rain out here.. ;-p
2011-05-05 14:57:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: To travel a stillness of a bloom in falling petals.

2011-05-05 14:55:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: RT @kajjajja Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. ~John W. Gardner
2011-05-05 13:45:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If the sky's blue ~ Is the water's mirror ~ Where are the ripples ~ My pebble birthed? [hat tip to @melancholundone ]
2011-05-05 13:44:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lewd Autumn ~ Deflowering ~ Every virginal plant.

2011-05-05 13:42:29 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: cross-pollination / hybrid of words / "I love you" [The garden of no thoroughbred flowers lost in each other's love]
2011-05-05 13:15:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @yearning4d_sky Likewise, ma'am. :-) Just that there was a sudden downpour & I forgot my jacket... :-)
2011-05-05 13:14:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love is a treasure hunt through the maze of togetherness

2011-05-05 12:15:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In my dream, colours had wings

2011-05-05 12:14:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your arms ~ Eternity is ~ The briefest unit of time.

2011-05-05 12:12:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How dare you doubt me! I who bleed my heart into word-embers for you!
2011-05-05 12:10:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Heat is required to forge anything. Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart. ~ Mary Lou Retton
2011-05-05 12:07:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: The purpose of education is to cultivate right relationship, not only between individuals (cont)
2011-05-05 12:05:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Perhaps when we throw a line at the night sky and keep pulling it in...
2011-05-05 12:03:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Loved the pic. Beautiful... :-) RT @Aliciahphoto: 2 New 11:11 365 Photos - "113 & 114 / 365" -
2011-05-05 11:20:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: together at last / a bottle of tequila / and the desert moon [Swimming drunkenly in my mouth]
2011-05-05 11:16:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would appreciate it if we didn't reply-all. Thanks :-) @

667 / 4823

yearning4d_sky @carol_red @ChirpyBebo @CoyoteSings @cirrusdream @ iamDodge @CyberBonn

2011-05-05 10:59:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: For everything alive is searching for something or someone. (Lispector)
2011-05-05 07:26:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So profound & true... :-) RT @bloodspelll: reality. the only obstacle to happiness. [As if, happiness must be won with an unreal sword]
2011-05-05 06:39:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ With the hook of her laugh ~ She pulled out his ~ From the well of his gullet.
2011-05-04 23:35:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll: You are in my inappropriate thoughts # sixwords [And unthought appropriations]
2011-05-04 23:30:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He needed words ~ Because they taught him ~ Innocence.

2011-05-04 23:28:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Words in a book have a bigger heart than words on a computer screen.
2011-05-04 23:19:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To simultaneously love a god & devil isn't infidelity. A Devil cannot be loved otherwise & a God must be loved anyway.
2011-05-04 23:18:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: With every beat of her heart, a try. With every breath, a why...then a sigh. [Till wisdom draws nigh]
2011-05-04 23:16:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: How perfect, the way these fingers are made for typing. [I believe they were cut for writing & later, tapered for typing]
2011-05-04 23:13:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @bloodspelll Try selling that as dessert to a meat lover! :-/

2011-05-04 23:01:39 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @bloodspelll Ewww! Gross! Yuck! :-O Tu tu tu tu *spitting all over the floor*
2011-05-04 22:58:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_stoicOne_: Dream me / into the timeless dance / of a poem's endless variation [In the tones of forgotte (cont)
2011-05-04 22:58:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! How he wailed ~ Seeing a crushed frog ~ As if he knew ~ All its life's dreams ~ Unfulfilled.
2011-05-04 22:53:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She brings out ~ In me which ~ The Devil had buried ~ Hoping none would know ~ The freeing incantation.
2011-05-04 22:51:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Perhaps only tears transcend gender...why I love tears. [But there's male & female tears based on the undulation of flow]
2011-05-04 22:49:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D Wicked! RT @ perlygates: i throw him a bone / too bad / he's not a dog // #micropoetry
2011-05-04 22:46:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She will always remain my flower on fire

2011-05-04 22:45:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: All because of words... [Yes, all because of them & the lives they chose to lead]
2011-05-04 22:42:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To know I am trapped in the fanged caves of your darkness becoming what beats silver in the fount of your blackest black
2011-05-04 22:42:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every day I wake up with the resolve to hate you! And every day I happily fail.
2011-05-04 22:38:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He lived life as if an afterthought.

2011-05-04 22:32:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Love is the empty space framed by a window, through which birds & Spring pass.
2011-05-04 22:30:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The same price you paid as ransom for my dreams... :-) RT @ LalySky: How many words is your silence worth?
2011-05-04 22:28:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Yes, mostly. Food's still an issue, but I am getting better at managing it. :-) Thanks for asking.
2011-05-04 22:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fairlycynthia Hello, dear friend. :-)

2011-05-04 22:22:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The electricity ~ Of my tongue ~ Placed on her filigree mind.

2011-05-04 22:18:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: He was never mad at me, never. It made me feel so lonely. [She called herself feisty & whipped herself over my staid self]
2011-05-04 18:49:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: if we are all lost, why aren't we all together? [Because we didn't get lost together. I told you to wait up!]
2011-05-04 18:33:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How strange! ~ Every word you spoke ~ Grew you a new face.
2011-05-04 18:16:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And who allowed you to be so crimson-hued good?

2011-05-04 18:14:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Char my skin of repute ~ With the purple blaze ~ Of your tongue.
2011-05-04 18:12:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That song which ends in a hum and a cry, sing it to me in my dreams
2011-05-04 18:09:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pin me to the swing ~ Of your ecstasy ~ And take me higher

2011-05-04 18:09:03 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Gorgeous in every way... :-) RT @ melancholundone: Truth wrapped vulnerable in a baby's cry.
2011-05-04 18:02:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The salt spray ~ Of our walks ~ O'er the grass of our dream
2011-05-04 18:01:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My little nephew ~ Who believes ~ Every goodbye ~ Is the end of the world ~ Till his mom turns on ~ Cartoon Network.
2011-05-04 17:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: light drizzle / a kiss from the granddaughter / I've just met [When children ~ Make parting ~ Impossibly painful]
2011-05-04 17:21:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Thanks a tonne, once again. :-) If you prefer, you can use the pictures here:
2011-05-04 16:33:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i am a piano / a tray of paint / a cloud to float on [I'm a soap bubble ~ The last tulip ~ Th (cont)
2011-05-04 16:14:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How it is always too late.

2011-05-04 16:11:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sprinkling star dust ~ Over her vacant body ~ And kissing ~ Where none fell.
2011-05-04 16:08:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How naked I feel ~ When a day goes by ~ Without a word written!
2011-05-04 16:06:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Oh! Those guys! Never mind them. Silly fellas! ;-)
2011-05-04 16:05:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Consider it, ma'am, a world of conceiving unrealisable possibilities! When you say "You" or "u" who's that? My fingers? :-D
2011-05-04 16:03:17 (EDT)

671 / 4823

_eroteme_ Love is better when merely a possibility.

2011-05-04 15:58:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ There are days ~ When I wish to walk ~ Through broken glass windows ~ Broken ceilings ~ Broken frozen lakes ~ Broken lives ~ And not cry.
2011-05-04 15:56:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The punishment ~ For loving ~ Is to know it will end ~ But not when.
2011-05-04 15:54:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish for myself ~ Is to be planted ~ In an incessant rain ~ And rust away.
2011-05-04 15:53:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I could touch beauty & leave it untouched...

2011-05-04 15:51:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His chiaroscuro mind ~ And her candlelight ~ Love. [Chiaroscuro: bowing to @m_blanc_ ]
2011-05-04 15:45:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thanks. Learnt a new word. :-) RT @ m_blanc_: chiaroscuro haunting....

2011-05-04 15:42:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Abundant preciousness is rarely valued.

2011-05-04 15:41:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She saw her ~ Lovely demon in him. ~ He saw the ~ Demon in him ~ And stayed away.
2011-05-04 15:40:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You look smashing, dear! :-) RT @ perlygates: i look better in writing she thought
2011-05-04 15:37:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I look into my cup of water ~ And see bubbles ~ Stuck to the bottom ~ Refusing to come up. ~ What are they thinking right now?
2011-05-04 15:34:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "There is," someone says, & we stick to that "there is." See
672 / 4823

there's nothing, Only the sound of the pine win (cont)
2011-05-04 15:29:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only I could learn to leave the fish in water & not save them from drowning...
2011-05-04 14:46:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @melancholundone: River written in wet-lace of mortality

2011-05-04 14:22:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the alter of our differences, I kneel my predilections.

2011-05-04 13:09:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: shall we live / in those dreams / or in a house [Or a house of dreams, or a dream-house, houseless-dream, dreamlesshouse]
2011-05-04 13:01:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl Yes, and then the scenes moving backwards, you pulled back over the fence, zippo back in the drawers, shutting the drawers :-)
2011-05-04 11:20:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your lisped kisses ~ All over my palms ~ Changing the contours ~ Of my fingerprints.
2011-05-04 10:32:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful! :-) RT @myearthgirl: RT @forgottenworks: light and shade the dapple tree's falling fruits #haiku #micropoetry
2011-05-04 10:30:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @bloodspelll: my words sprinkled with black & white glitter & poems of upside down rainbows are kept in a purple box under his mind.
2011-05-04 10:30:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll Two minds and souls / that touch in darkness / and bring light / to each other [Sparks of finger tips]
2011-05-04 10:29:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl Very nice. The whole scene reeled in slow

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motion... :-)
2011-05-04 10:28:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The storm of bees ~ Around the bush ~ Waves of nectar.

2011-05-04 10:18:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I realised it is possible to love someone & never want to live with them.
2011-05-04 06:38:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @rgogos Oh! I thought @m_blanc_ was suggesting that that is a pointless hope for morally corrupt people can be artists too. No?
2011-05-04 06:21:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Wonder ends in ellipses, not a period. [With vast spaces between each dot in the ellipses]
2011-05-04 06:20:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_ @rgogos... hitler wrote books and poetry too you know. [Certainly fodder to my fear.]
2011-05-04 06:13:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only someone could explain to the end as to why there is violence, I am certain s/he would stop talking & walk away wondering...
2011-05-04 06:09:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How a snake never asks a mongoose to change religion

2011-05-04 06:08:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I fear if soldiers carried poems instead of guns, we'd find out how violent words can be too.
2011-05-04 06:06:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If all we did was let things be, lean on someone's shoulders & read a poem to each other... [smiling with @ rgogos :-) ]
2011-05-04 06:04:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Problem is, we've always been human, irrespective of era. Therein lies all violent mystery.
2011-05-04 05:57:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The more I love mankind, the more I despise human beings.
2011-05-04 05:53:31 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ A whole Spring passed ~ And no one sent her flowers ~ Again.
2011-05-04 05:41:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Trying to Be vs. Being

2011-05-04 05:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Is every bubble, like every snowflake, unique? [Much more considering the mobile interference of colours on the surface]
2011-05-04 05:15:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @bloodspelll: my words are a bodice of broken bones woven with dead flowers & wings of butterflies, creating his wicked garden.
2011-05-04 05:11:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This search for Truth ~ With a biased comb.

2011-05-03 17:04:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @cirrusdream: RT @monkeywillow: spring dusk - / the river pauses / for a moment / to take the weight / of a swan
2011-05-03 17:03:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @carol_red: coming home / the war continues / inside his head [The violence of memories, the defeat of all future]
2011-05-03 17:02:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That sunset ~ When I didn't rush ~ To describe it.

2011-05-03 16:55:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ I could write an entire book ~ About this distaste for writing.
2011-05-03 16:54:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @monkeywillow: doing nothing it takes all day... // # monostich #haiku #senryu
2011-05-03 16:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @cirrusdream: gathering clouds / mother speaks / with her teacher voice
2011-05-03 16:51:20 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @edoowado: on the muddy path / each footstep a miracle / each footprint a sea #haiku
2011-05-03 16:50:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: stormy tears of moonlit tides / the inhale waiting / as exhale
2011-05-03 16:20:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: first day of school / a soccer ball / crosses the street [As long as it crossed it & not sat plumb in the middle]
2011-05-03 16:19:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The art of lingering mastered by scents & memories.

2011-05-03 11:29:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @bukowski_lives: "I think the only time poetry gets any good is when it forgets its holine (cont)
2011-05-03 09:00:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @Bill312: fly on the window / its shadow / walks on the sill | #haiku
2011-05-03 08:59:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @bloodspelll: my words are his gypsy. [Dancing with abandon under the wet midnight sun]
2011-05-03 08:58:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: Gradual change - a little more refinement, a little more intellectual, a little bit mor (cont)
2011-05-03 08:21:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The only use ~ I have of my pen's sharp nib ~ Is to cut the ~ Umbilical cord ~ Between word & me.
2011-05-03 07:02:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The uncertain clouds ~ Always sprinkling ~ Checking moods

2011-05-03 06:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The clarity of guilt ~ The mistiness of love.

2011-05-03 06:49:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wishing river ~ Guilty of collecting a coin ~ For a wish it

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can't fulfill ~ But that guilt flows away.

2011-05-03 06:46:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tragedy of a breath held, unreleased

2011-05-03 06:43:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The secret lives of sighs

2011-05-03 06:20:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @alotus_poetry: the tremble of a rose as the hummingbird takes wing [The metronome of parting]
2011-05-03 06:16:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That silly tree ~ Thought it could ~ Hold on to the kite ~ And fly. [hat tip to @poemblaze ]
2011-05-03 06:01:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be famous for a life of anonymity...

2011-05-02 20:44:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_stoicOne_: If I could only find the colors, I'd paint you a picture of a butterfly's dream... [Steal from a rainbow's secret]
2011-05-02 20:38:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: RT @sleepwriter: She lined up her books, stroked their covers.. "When I grow up" she said "I'm having books, not babies."
2011-05-02 20:36:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: What if dandelions and roses became extinct. [We'd have little use of wind and thorn]
2011-05-02 20:16:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ For your name on the book...

2011-05-02 20:15:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @MsEmMay Aah! Merci, mlle. :-)

2011-05-02 19:27:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @MsEmMay My apologies, but I don't know what that means. :-|
2011-05-02 19:18:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have you ever known how it is to have your breath leave you,
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visibly, noisely? Ask a dead man, but would you know how to talk to the dead?
2011-05-02 19:16:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All this hate, jealousy, violence and in its midst our constant assertion that we aren't animals.
2011-05-02 19:09:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I imagine you ~ Gasping on my name

2011-05-02 19:05:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It seems I wrote this: Can't even believe it. :o

2011-05-02 18:55:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One glance to pay salary to all my sweaty clandestine effort of years. One glance. That is all I ask. One glance.
2011-05-02 18:52:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ (contd) is this brown patch amidst glowing red an indication of the painter's affair with a brunette?
2011-05-02 18:51:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One glance that would paint invisible shades of gossip on my paintings & raise their value three-fold - (contd)
2011-05-02 18:51:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One glance to help me breathe in unbroken joy of having raised the Devil in my ways.
2011-05-02 18:51:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One glance that would hurtle me down the chaste towers of senior propriety.
2011-05-02 18:50:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ One glance which is stitched closely to a muted moral cavil of how old men lose their sanity first to the tender flesh of young female groin
2011-05-02 18:50:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Today, I search the beveled sea of faces for that one glance which shall absolve me of all wasted sin.
2011-05-02 18:50:15 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Sometimes air and water seem like illusions, too. [But none venture to shatter them]
2011-05-02 18:39:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The grass under my feet ~ Her fingers between mine ~ And heaven in each breath.
2011-05-02 18:37:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Intimacy ~ Was ~ Her religion - ~ Her skin ~ Her God. [hat tip to @perlygates ]
2011-05-02 18:31:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates :-)

2011-05-02 18:27:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Absolutely, esp when one moves willingly within the periphery of the other, the movement weaving poems of a different fabric :-)
2011-05-02 18:26:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All her wishes ~ Included ~ Holding hands.

2011-05-02 18:23:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way ~ She leaned out ~ Of her window ~ Gazing at the sunset ~ As if she'd lower her head ~ Push from her toes ~ And soar through the air
2011-05-02 18:22:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This feeling of lightness and the having to feel lightness.

2011-05-02 18:03:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She hid him a smile ~ Under the flowerpot ~ So it would flow out ~ With the water ~ If he remembered ~ Or bloom a sunflower ~ If he didn't
2011-05-02 17:59:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ A fitting honour. Congratulations! :-)

2011-05-02 17:54:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Where the weather knew the fragility of thoughts. [The rain of thoughts, the dew of thoug (cont)
2011-05-02 17:43:09 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: letters jostle for position in words. words fight over space and time. silence waits in mourning.
2011-05-02 17:11:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cre8tivkj It is my pleasure & honour... Very beautiful words. :-)

2011-05-02 17:09:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Hearing the color blue in the listeningwet. [Where tone melt to the heat of sight]
2011-05-02 17:09:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @perlygates: i feed you my touch / from the gentle hands / of one who knows hunger
2011-05-02 17:01:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Winter wearing his ~ Floral coat ~ Till its too hot ~ And then taking it off ~ And feeling cold again.
2011-05-02 16:59:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A soul should never ~ Be confused ~ For a cherry tree ~ Can only put forth ~ Cherries.
2011-05-02 16:46:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He placed this thought ~ On the right pan ~ And that, on the left ~ And soon divided himself ~ Clearly. [hat tip to @ perlygates ]
2011-05-02 16:40:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: RT @cre8tivkj: these little wings / can't help me fly / but with them / I will land / softly
2011-05-02 16:37:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mhabibp Waah, waah! Subhaan allah! Very well said... :-)
2011-05-02 16:28:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky I read it as bodyguard and was wondering what surfing are we discussing here! :-o ... :-D
2011-05-02 16:14:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps, if we kill each man who believes his country/religion is the best, we'd have a peaceful world. Empty, but peaceful.
2011-05-02 15:11:40 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ It saddens me when people equate revenge/justice to peace. Really?

2011-05-02 15:06:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And we continue to imagine bringing peace to this world...

2011-05-02 15:03:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fly me to an alien land ~ Where I can cry a tongue ~ That a passerby won't comprehend ~ But still his heart ~ Would echo the wail.
2011-05-02 12:27:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My accordion shadow ~ On your porch steps ~ Serenading you in the dark.
2011-05-02 12:11:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! I hate you ~ From the bottom of my heart ~ Which you still keep.
2011-05-02 10:49:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. ~ Machiavelli

2011-05-02 10:45:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A life spent ~ Creating the eulogies ~ He wanted to hear.

2011-05-02 10:41:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos The cigarette butt, sir! What were you thinking? ;-)
2011-05-02 10:21:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates As long as the forever people wait for... :-)

2011-05-02 10:10:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And they lived ~ Happily ever after ~ For now.

2011-05-02 09:45:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I close my eyes ~ And demand proof ~ Of dawn.

2011-05-02 07:44:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I feel strange ~ Having to explain ~ A heart ~ That loves easily.

2011-05-02 07:04:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I waited thinking ~ You were beautiful. ~ I wait now ~ Without

681 / 4823

2011-05-02 07:01:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl Glad it was to your taste, milady. A pleasure... :-)

2011-05-02 06:47:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When he realised ~ He could only love air ~ He breathed long breaths ~ Down his hairy chest.
2011-05-02 06:45:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: It's easy to lie to ... those you don't feel close to. [But people choose to confess to strangers & lie to loved ones]
2011-05-02 06:44:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Mizreikilover Glad you found it so, ma'am. A pleasure... :-)

2011-05-02 06:42:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a beautiful blackboard ~ And all God could think of was ~ Chalking stars & one moon?
2011-05-02 06:39:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My mind ~ Feels like ~ An uninhabited world ~ Where invisible hands ~ Splash multi-coloured ~ Paints into the air.
2011-05-02 06:36:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It isn't pornography, when I watch young blood make love, and I pray for them.
2011-05-02 06:28:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: falling star ~ where it lands ~ is my heart #senryu #haiku [But it falls and falls and falls...]
2011-05-02 06:26:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: the lilac blooms ~ by the gate ~ of the house ~ that's no longer ~ there #gogyohka #5lines
2011-05-02 06:25:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ellipses ~ of stars ~ The period ~ Of the moon, ~ Midst the inky ~ Unsaid.
2011-05-02 06:25:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The naivete ~ Of an all-consuming ~ Fire.

2011-05-02 06:20:51 (EDT)
682 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: To write in a notebook is an act of love. [To love knowing, pondering, pausing long enough to articulate & writing]
2011-05-02 06:19:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Her tears were perfect [When traversing the much kissed path to her chin]
2011-05-02 06:17:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Wow! Two in a day. I am honoured. Truly honoured. :-)

2011-05-02 06:11:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Sahrazad528: Photo: The sheet of paper ~ That will soon become a crane ~ And join the rest ~ On Ms....
2011-05-02 06:11:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindground: Who are you ~ When you become ~ A memory? | With care & in tune, hopefully true, the music will sound like its initial play.
2011-05-02 05:57:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: ancient in bloom / sharing landscape of learning / oxygen [When learning is oxygen]
2011-05-01 23:35:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: watercolour my mind with your poems...

2011-05-01 23:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Those who hate rules basically prefer to live unconsciously

2011-05-01 23:00:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When loving you ~ Is like clearing the pond ~ To see myself better.
2011-05-01 22:52:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish I was ~ The red crayon ~ She secretly used ~ As her lipstick.
2011-05-01 22:48:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How do I love one ~ Who thinks ~ Only reality ~ Is true?

2011-05-01 22:47:19 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Children at the funeral ~ Taking turns ~ Pretending to be dead.

2011-05-01 22:45:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He adopted every girl ~ Who hadn't received ~ A father's love.

2011-05-01 22:43:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful, as if that is the only way you breathe... :-) RT @ melancholundone: Gallop of unicorns in the storm reckoning of her childhood.
2011-05-01 22:38:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every morning ~ I wake up to the smell ~ Of a smouldering moon.

2011-05-01 22:36:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He built her a swing for birds...

2011-05-01 22:32:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My worst nightmare - ~ Falling down a cliff ~ And forgetting the lines ~ Of the poem ~ I wanted to read ~ With my last breath.
2011-05-01 22:31:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He handcrafted ~ Time ~ For her.

2011-05-01 22:30:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A single rain drop ~ Clinging to the cloud.

2011-05-01 22:29:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @moonflowernco: the wind ~ rocking baby birds ~ to sleep #haiku
2011-05-01 22:28:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Leaves are ~ The love letters ~ The wind writes ~ For the earth ~ Delivered in Autumn
2011-05-01 22:26:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who are you ~ When you become ~ A memory?

2011-05-01 22:22:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the trees in my backyard ~ And the places ~ They've never been to.
2011-05-01 22:20:21 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ I read the sender's name ~ Of every spam mail ~ And wonder to myself ~ How lonely they must be.
2011-05-01 22:18:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The script ~ For silent words ~ Is locked ~ In her smile.

2011-05-01 22:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She read Madame Bovary ~ While I smiled in my sleep ~ Dreaming of flying ~ On a butterfly's wing
2011-05-01 22:14:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your Spring burns my sinews ~ Your heat withers my tongue ~ Autumn shades freeze my resolve ~ In you're cold I bloom ~ Our seasons in tandem
2011-05-01 22:09:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @PenseesOntheRun Hello! :-)

2011-05-01 22:01:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dozing off ~ As I speak to the tune ~ Of falling rain.

2011-05-01 20:00:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The colours ~ Of our tongues ~ Waiting on a plate ~ For you to taste.
2011-05-01 19:43:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On your palms ~ I paint dreams ~ Of our happiness.

2011-05-01 19:36:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: look! / those lovely flowers / see / how they blossom / without me [Look, look. Another one]
2011-05-01 18:34:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_stoicOne_: The sound / of rustling slivers of stars / within the moon's halo [The darkness raking sparkles through the night sky]
2011-05-01 18:34:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think I find it simply beautiful to talk to absolute strangers as if I knew them forever, perhaps across lives.
2011-05-01 18:04:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The elderly house-keeping lady called me "honey". How sweet!

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She was so casual, even sincere in that simple word.

2011-05-01 18:03:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: You cannot take a future or a past breath. The breath is definitively always in the present. ~ Rabia Hayek
2011-05-01 17:38:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The more you can dream the more you can do. ~ Michael Korda
2011-05-01 17:35:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Neat one, sir! A hidden poet I see... ;-) RT @mhabibp: Sleep ~ is restless ~ Dreams ~ a torture ~ Inviting!
2011-05-01 16:39:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's see someone throw their Kindle at it... RT @ myearthgirl: RT @jmrowland: If that spot on the wall moves (cont)
2011-05-01 13:56:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She ~ Unlike him ~ Loved him. ~ He ~ Unlike her ~ Realised it.
2011-05-01 12:36:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: To grapple the indigenous sigh of being alive. [And know one must breathe in, to sigh]
2011-05-01 12:34:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wiping the dust ~ Off the screen ~ A clean square ~ Of her avi.
2011-05-01 12:31:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl My delight & honour... :-)

2011-05-01 12:28:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: Awareness is that state of mind which observes something without any condemnation or acce (cont)
2011-05-01 12:23:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! :-) RT @ melancholundone: Her tune of notes to tourniquet the melody of his wound.
2011-05-01 12:19:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Deep down we know. From here, we only don't know how to go deep down.
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2011-05-01 12:11:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps Truth isn't meant to be loved or hated. There is a third way to connect & calling it meditation will entice you to react, so I won't
2011-05-01 12:09:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fate wasn't created to suffer your myopic whims.

2011-05-01 12:05:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Terse are the incantations that stoke your conscience. A glance, a memory, an abject dishonest act.
2011-05-01 12:04:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Till we see that love is the home, the womb, the primal waters we left, there is no seeing
2011-05-01 12:02:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: Creation is where the nerves, the organism, the brain, the mind, all are completely in ha (cont)
2011-05-01 12:00:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: The usual instinct is to compare and thereby create idolatry
2011-05-01 11:59:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Completely resonate with that... RT @Zen_Moments: I love and treasure individuals as I meet them; I loathe an (cont)
2011-05-01 11:59:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~ Henry Brooks Adams
2011-05-01 11:57:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: If you come to a fork in the road, take it. ~ Yogi Berra
2011-05-01 11:57:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @hermonhermit: bluebell wood a smell of teenage antiperspirant # senryu #micropoetry
2011-05-01 11:56:09 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: a cigarette / locked itself up / in thebathroom / with the pastors / daughter [Ooh! La la! ;-) That butt is naughty]
2011-05-01 11:49:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Growing old ~ To do all that we once hated ~ To those ~ Who will grow old too. [hat tip to @tankaqueen ]
2011-05-01 11:48:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @jmrowland: it's so quiet here / I can hear the rain moving / after it's fallen # haiku #micropoetry
2011-05-01 11:47:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @beezknez hahahaha :-D Nice one! Yes! Bottoms up to that! Ooops! ;-)
2011-05-01 10:52:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: passing train / the rhythm / of moving on [And the sigh of the Joshua tree by the tracks, wondering how it would be ..]
2011-05-01 10:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: the edge / is just a line / drawn [From here to here and back to where it was meant to go]
2011-05-01 10:48:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: the edge / is just a line / drawn / a cartographer / doing her best / a country / choosing it' (cont)
2011-05-01 10:43:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: at the bottom of everything ~ there ~ is the beginning of it all [The bottomless chasm of origins]
2011-05-01 10:41:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It takes so little to be soft, to be affectionate, to just hold hands...

2011-05-01 10:38:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How long would it take to toss the dare back at them & them out of the window? But sometimes one doesn't do it out of affection/love...
2011-05-01 10:35:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I find this "I dare you to.." tone rather silly. It makes the speaker believe that s/he is intimidating. Quite the contrary. Shabby dmarche
2011-05-01 10:33:54 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @ianacampbell: what wreckage is this/ washing up against/ rocky reality #senryu #micropoetry
2011-05-01 10:27:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ Aah! That didn't strike me. Allow me to revisit that then... :-)
2011-05-01 10:06:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The unaccented ~ Gurgling & joyous shrieks ~ Of a baby.

2011-05-01 09:51:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: he coins her to the lie of his palms [Tossing truth & falsehood in the air, never to land back in his palm]
2011-05-01 09:41:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sheet of paper ~ That will soon become a crane ~ And join the rest ~ On Ms. Yamomoto's table.
2011-05-01 07:28:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: seven sons of the robin / seven fleeting thoughts / of the monk
2011-05-01 07:26:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The morning sun ~ Letting float sparkles ~ For the river fish.
2011-05-01 05:59:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: RT @andreochka: out of the temple / two monks are / what they are #senryu Mango Moons - Issue 37 : May-Jun 2011
2011-05-01 05:37:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher The cover design is so vibrant and fitting the season... :-)
2011-05-01 05:37:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We that have done and thought, ~ That have thought and done... - William Butler Yeats
2011-05-01 05:18:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindground: If birds knew what flight was, they'd fall.

2011-05-01 05:02:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Oh! But it is your sensitive eye that brought

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them together to the altar... :-) So you'll have to accept the blame! ;-)
2011-05-01 04:57:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My mind with her ~ Now. ~ Now, to make ~ The body follow.
2011-05-01 04:54:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Liked? Loved it! I have been staring at it ever since... :-)
2011-05-01 04:46:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ I sit on a rock ~ And imagine ~ Sunflowers ~ On the sea.
2011-05-01 04:13:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // the same blue when I'm feeling down that holds up the sky.. [The blue enso]
2011-05-01 04:12:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A long time ago, I will know love [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2011-05-01 04:10:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: What isn't love is pollution. [And rotting of beauty, wailing & calling out to love. Ah! The cries haunt me still]
2011-05-01 04:09:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A heart ~ That was once filled ~ Empties itself ~ With tears.
2011-05-01 04:08:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I know I am an animal ~ Tracking your thoughts ~ Through the alleys ~ Of Prague.
2011-05-01 04:05:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Beautiful.. RT @gennepher ripples / on / the water / the moon / shivers
2011-05-01 04:04:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps your mystery lies ~ In your art ~ Of seamlessly becoming ~ Memory ~ And present.
2011-05-01 04:01:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 Thank you so much, ma'am. That is the most beautiful & apt picture I could have ever imagined. :-) Thank you, thank you...
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2011-05-01 03:53:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Sahrazad528: Photo: Come in, dear ~ Ive built you a swing ~ Pushing you higher ~ With each heartbeat....
2011-05-01 03:43:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The permanence of death ~ Since life is unbearable ~ To he who has glimpsed heaven
2011-04-30 20:19:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @m_blanc_: rhyme me into a transgressor of frontiers

2011-04-30 20:09:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Aren't you sick of me yet? [And give you what you want? Never!]
2011-04-30 20:09:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When an unknown ~ Waft asked me my name ~ I wrote on the wet sands ~ "Loneliness"
2011-04-30 20:04:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To love ~ As a habit

2011-04-30 20:01:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come in, dear ~ I've built you a swing ~ Pushing you higher ~ With each heartbeat.
2011-04-30 20:01:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The forest ~ That found purpose ~ In the beautiful butterfly.

2011-04-30 19:54:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How she admires ~ Herself in the mirror ~ And simultaneously ~ Ensures that ~ No one is looking.
2011-04-30 19:08:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Last night ~ I saw ~ The lonely moon ~ In my starless dream.

2011-04-30 19:05:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: MT @toxictilak: Shouldve. Couldve. Wouldve. Didnt. Didnt. Didnt. #sixwords #zen #buddhism
2011-04-30 18:49:32 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ For him ~ I wish ~ I could be ~ A virgin ~ Again.

2011-04-30 18:36:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Insomniac moon ~ Midst the ~ Traffic of clouds [hat tip to @ _stoicOne_ ]
2011-04-30 18:32:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moon ~ Immersed in tears ~ Night frowned.

2011-04-30 18:29:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Twirl robust hues: her smile of language

2011-04-30 18:18:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down and if you tug too hard, so will the oxygen cylinders.
2011-04-30 17:47:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, whether oxygen masks will drop down or not is something we are hoping to find out.
2011-04-30 17:43:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down & grab your nostrils. Please don't blow your nose in a case of evacuation.
2011-04-30 17:41:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down and scamper off along the emergency lights on the floor.
2011-04-30 17:38:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down unless the captain's charging his mobile.
2011-04-30 17:36:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down if you didn't have flight food. Nothing's saving you, if you did.
2011-04-30 17:33:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down for those who provided good feedback on their previous trip. Karma masks.
2011-04-30 17:33:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down
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unless the plane's belly up. Please fall o (cont)

2011-04-30 17:31:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I realise how easy it is to find faults in others when I correct my tweets by looking at them RT-ed in other streams! :-o
2011-04-30 17:26:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Talking to the dead ~ Feels far more real ~ Than talking to grass. [corrected]
2011-04-30 17:15:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Just when ~ I mustered courage ~ To hold her hand ~ She raises hers ~ To wave ~ Goodbye.
2011-04-30 16:56:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tigress ~ Curled up in her pyjamas ~ Under the striped ~ Shadow of a palm tree.
2011-04-30 16:54:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Calling her cell over ~ And over again ~ I took a liking ~ To heavy metal.
2011-04-30 16:44:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That monsoon evening ~ When the rains ~ And my tears ~ Laughed at my heart.
2011-04-30 16:06:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Living spoonsful ~ Of life ~ Hand trembling ~ Spilling all essence ~ For the cat to ~ Lick
2011-04-30 15:28:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spring over the threshold ~ More beautiful than when ~ Imagined ~ Or when in my garden.
2011-04-30 15:22:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez she slips out ~ of herself ~ just for awhile ~to be alone [Watching the heap of her self by the candelabra, admiring the folds]
2011-04-30 15:20:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Hush to answer the impossible [Or sprinkle the question between stars]
2011-04-30 15:17:51 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ His archaic tastes ~ As if, he grew to his present age ~ In the year of his birth.
2011-04-30 15:15:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @coyotedolphin I agree. The fabric of what we create through unplotted connection is different from indifferent creation. :-) My honour, sir
2011-04-30 15:11:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Well said... :-) RT @ coyotedolphin: The seasons of the grass are like the seasons of the soul--everyone gets mowed down occasionally.
2011-04-30 14:52:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Talking to the dead ~ Feels far more real ~ Than to talking to grass.
2011-04-30 14:40:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How every song ~ Feels like a lie ~ In Autumn.

2011-04-30 14:17:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Knowing when to let go ~ Bud, folds ~ Calyx, petals [hat tip to @melancholundone ]
2011-04-30 13:21:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Yes, a strangely sweet country & my prehistoric ways make for comical scenes. I am still laughing my head off (I don't LMAO) :-D
2011-04-30 13:00:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Did you mean sweet potato when you said yam a long while ago? I just learnt that sweet potato is yam in the US! :-o @ wordblender
2011-04-30 12:59:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates But it's so much fun discussing laws & rules with them. They think we're from outer space! All with a straight face. It was fun!
2011-04-30 12:54:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Yes, I now realise that. Indian customs of respect so don't fit the US :-D He even thought me strange for calling him sir!
2011-04-30 12:53:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I thought it was respectful to step out of my car when a cop

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pulled me over! Isn't it bad manners to sit while another stands? :-o
2011-04-30 12:51:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @HalfMoonPilgrim: gone to the forest / my words / lost. [Found again, climbing the rays of sun that wriggle down the greens]
2011-04-30 11:56:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life's tale RT @OliviaDresher: be intelligent and not to experiencing madness without being insane... (Lispector)
2011-04-30 11:51:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cobbled path - ~ A rat pauses, pays tribute ~ To the streetlight.

2011-04-30 11:45:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My heart ~ Made of yours.

2011-04-30 04:34:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wow! :-) RT @ _stoicOne_: The melody / of sweet scented breeze / like sugar cane / pours slowly / into the moon
2011-04-30 04:32:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ I just want to be stupid ~ And ask ridiculous questions ~ So that you'd smile ~ And know ~ Its one of ~ Those days.
2011-04-30 04:10:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The irrationality of love ~ And still I cherish it.

2011-04-30 04:05:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ But my stream doesn't even match the brilliance of yours! Did you lose some followers? ;-p
2011-04-30 03:44:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We played the number game ~ Counting years we missed ~ Running through meadows.
2011-04-29 19:22:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: head over heels., my shadow tumbles into his light [Walking towards each other, heads meeting first]
2011-04-29 14:41:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ Wow! Glad so many are to your taste. Anyone visiting your stream today might end up mistaking it for mine! :-)
2011-04-29 12:36:54 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ @poemblaze Glad you found it so. It was supposed to be darkly humourous. :-)
2011-04-29 12:31:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Teachers open the doors, but you must enter by yourself. ~ Chinese Proverb
2011-04-29 11:44:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I had you around ~ I wouldn't need ~ To tell myself ~ That all will be well.
2011-04-29 10:01:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @monkeywillow: I feel it... / what the daffodils / no longer say // #haiku #senryu #nahaiwrimo
2011-04-29 09:27:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had I one ~ To call my love ~ I might be less human ~ And more a breeze.
2011-04-29 06:50:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: She never wanted to be a man or woman. She wanted to be a third gender that combined the best of both. [Child?]
2011-04-29 03:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I fall asleep on my laptop, that will be the only tweet that came from my head.
2011-04-29 01:08:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I feel like ~ A flower in a bush ~ Unable to turn purple ~ When you bend ~ To pick the dearest.
2011-04-29 01:06:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every night ~ I dissolve ~ A little of myself ~ Into the dark ~ And the curious moon ~ Shines.
2011-04-29 00:52:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My smile ~ Gathering scents ~ Of wild flowers ~ And the wet ~ Of the Aegean ~ Till it tiptoes ~ To your bedpost ~ Waiting for you to awake.
2011-04-29 00:33:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Most of what we wish, we wouldn't, if there was none to notice it

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being granted.
2011-04-29 00:29:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Guilty am I ~ To have whipped love ~ With guilt.

2011-04-29 00:23:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is breathing out ~ That makes you age. ~ Hold your breath ~ If you don't ~ Believe me.
2011-04-29 00:19:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some nights ~ I don't want to sleep ~ I want to listen ~ To a fiddle play ~ Or thunder claps ~ Or your breath ~ As it brushes ~ The pillow
2011-04-29 00:17:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have tried ~ This life before ~ And I still can't ~ Do things differently.
2011-04-29 00:13:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hide ~ And seek ~ Of Fate ~ With Fate.

2011-04-29 00:12:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Frozen vegetables in plastic covers must feel so humiliating.

2011-04-29 00:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How lonely, Cupid ~ Unable to shoot ~ Arrows for yourself!

2011-04-29 00:07:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pavement ~ Of broken hearts ~ And only my shards ~ Stab my feet.
2011-04-29 00:05:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aren't you ~ The chant ~ I call ~ My breath?

2011-04-29 00:04:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How our names blend ~ Like our images ~ In a pool of ~ Golden rain.
2011-04-29 00:02:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I chip ~ A sliver of my shadow ~ And help you carve yours ~ On every bone ~ Of mine.
2011-04-29 00:00:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What I weave ~ Is hope ~ That you will ~ Love ~ Without

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wanting ~ To hide it.

2011-04-28 23:56:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hold the sun waiting ~ For you to rise.

2011-04-28 23:55:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her tender goodness ~ Disarming ~ All my intelligence.

2011-04-28 23:54:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If you can love ~ Only one ~ You have never ~ Loved.
2011-04-28 23:53:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Why is a beautiful word. Gusts of wind say it. [Whispering it over meadows, not as a question but an invitation]
2011-04-28 23:52:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A single diamond of time ~ And a lifetime ~ Of its facets.

2011-04-28 23:51:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: He spoke as if he held the lullaby of her childhood. [Reminded of a tweet I wrote about unlocking a woman's childhood]
2011-04-28 20:29:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Aah! Ok... cool! Nice.... err... sorry, I still don't get it! :-( What's irony got to do with precision?
2011-04-28 17:59:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @perlygates: where does the promise sleep? / a soft hidden patch of tender green clover / behind the wing of a red bird in flight
2011-04-28 16:52:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where do words go ~ When the book is shut?

2011-04-28 15:46:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Oh! I didn't get that... :-|

2011-04-28 15:42:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: every part / of the circle i am / moves towards knowing round [And all that can be learnt in remaining in one place]
2011-04-28 13:41:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rippled page of the lake ~ And the wind ~ That wrote
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poems ~ Between the lines.

2011-04-28 13:36:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Someone who knows too much finds it hard not to lie. ~ Wittgenstein
2011-04-28 12:02:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind. ~ Andy J. Sklivis
2011-04-28 12:00:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: That married couples can live together day after day is a miracle that the Vatican has overlooked. ~ Bill Cosby
2011-04-28 11:59:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: To an engineer, good enough means perfect. With an artist, there's no such thing as perfect. ~ Albert Camus #fb
2011-04-28 11:56:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Art is a marriage of the conscious and the unconscious. ~ Jean Cocteau
2011-04-28 11:54:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Learn from history, but do not identify it as the limits of reality. ~ Alan Cohen
2011-04-28 11:53:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Silicon and silicones are subtly different but I get your point! :-)
2011-04-28 11:51:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: engaging in the art of whatever.

2011-04-28 11:48:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: fresh paint / fresh paw prints / on the back door #senryu #nahaiwrimo
2011-04-28 11:46:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @JDProuty We're both cast and clay; ~ shaped by our past while molding ~ every coming day
2011-04-28 11:45:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The seductive breath of a blank page.

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2011-04-28 06:24:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i will / turn away / when courage / and love / collide [And whoever follows me then, will be my companion]
2011-04-28 06:23:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He made words cry their own poems.

2011-04-28 06:22:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A headstand ~ In Autumn ~ Look! The sky ~ Has finally given out ~ Red leaves.
2011-04-28 06:19:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ God only created ~ Shattered heart fragments ~ And we make a life ~ Of imagining how ~ It'd look ~ Pieced together.
2011-04-28 06:18:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true. :-) RT @silence_litost: I like humans. Especially when they are sleeping.
2011-04-28 06:15:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: You had me exhausted at hello. [The ennui in a greeting]

2011-04-28 06:14:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A villain he became ~ For making his love ~ A sweet river ~ For every thirsty ~ Pitcher-heart.
2011-04-28 03:57:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So warm... :-) RT @_stoicOne_: Little bird / fly beyond the horizon / drop your smile / into the sunlight kiss (cont)
2011-04-28 03:35:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @perlygates: she holds people / and they don't / even know it [And in her arms, forever asking for someone to lover her]
2011-04-28 03:27:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Had I known ~ Words to bring love ~ I would have ~ Offered him ~ My entire tongue.
2011-04-27 18:29:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the dictionary ~ Was her little music box ~ Which she
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turned upside down ~ For a new tune

2011-04-27 18:25:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sunshine ~ Happily entering her window ~ Was deftly ~ Folded into ~ Origami whispers.
2011-04-27 18:03:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: He understood her respiratory frolic of language. [The visceral trembling of voiced silences]
2011-04-27 18:00:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have a fetish for eyes ~ Eyes that look at me.

2011-04-27 17:47:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My dreams ~ Setting over the horizon ~ Of reality's dawn.

2011-04-27 17:30:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun rose ~ And thanked me ~ For opening my eyes. [hat tip to @melancholundone & a warm hug to @LalySky ]
2011-04-27 17:23:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: @LalySky Why am I being thanked! :-) I didn't even add a comment. It is pure @melancholundone:-beauty! :-)
2011-04-27 17:19:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: She ran her fingers through her hair as if the ocean of her mind might part.
2011-04-27 17:09:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @orgKrishnamurti: The result of introspection is morbid, painful, whereas awareness is enthusiasm and joy.
2011-04-27 15:33:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates I'd rather drive past one. Driving through one might hurt, right? Is it even legal to do so?
2011-04-27 15:25:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates And what do I do with a hungry guy with a sweet tooth!? Oh! Oh! Ooooooh! :-)
2011-04-27 15:22:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Viewed from the moon ~ All the world's garbage bins ~ Form a beautiful ~ Pattern of a leaf.
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2011-04-27 15:20:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You can't ask ~ What she'll do to your love ~ Before you give it to her.
2011-04-27 15:16:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What we would all be ~ If only there was ~ No memory.

2011-04-27 15:12:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How the canary ~ Drew in the yellow ~ Of the fields ~ Before bursting ~ Into a song.
2011-04-27 15:08:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @silence_litost: It's not in my nature to initiate. I wouldn't, even if it was. [The vulgarity of presenting intention, unasked]
2011-04-27 15:06:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is ~ An invitation ~ To elegant haunting.

2011-04-27 15:05:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain That's a nice looking profile pic. I was wondering who is this, till I saw the handle! :-)
2011-04-27 14:54:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Totally agree. The women too are beautiful in a way they will never be again. :-) And they don't know that (mostly).
2011-04-27 13:14:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ When I am tongue tied ~ But want to tell you ~ I love you, ~ I bring you ~ A bowl ~ Of steaming ~ Jasmine rice.
2011-04-27 13:11:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everything ~ Seems so real ~ To an illusion.

2011-04-27 13:08:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Oh! And I am sure you know that one shouldn't clear their throat after holding the belly. Frightening to the babe, in a sense. ;-)
2011-04-27 13:07:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ You will live long and be blessed for that, milady. :-) The simple beauty of tenderly holding the swell and... :-)
2011-04-27 13:07:09 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Shadows ~ Alive ~ In the rain.

2011-04-27 13:04:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Seriously! Belly whispering is a forgotten incantation of this human race.
2011-04-27 13:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: All the levels of intimacy she felt, yet he thought there was only one. [One source for the myriad coloured streams]
2011-04-27 12:55:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I felt the breeze of your blink. [The scent of your eyes, looking for me]
2011-04-27 12:51:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every traveler ~ Is a poor ~ Imaginer.

2011-04-27 12:49:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Oh! The things I would like to tell my unborn son. Things I wish I could find a man worthy of telling. :-)
2011-04-27 12:48:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Do seasons ever meet ~ And talk about ~ Exchanging garbs?

2011-04-27 12:46:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When a pregnant woman smiles at her belly, I hold back the urge to ask her "What? What did he say?"
2011-04-27 12:45:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the things we've invented ~ To hide all the things ~ We didn't.
2011-04-27 12:44:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sitting on the porch steps ~ I thank them.

2011-04-27 12:43:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A wind chime ~ Of unwritten ~ Haikus.

2011-04-27 12:42:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you fell asleep ~ On your arm ~ I hated the desk ~ For giving you ~ That deep ~ Love bite.
2011-04-27 12:38:58 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ My dreams ~ Look best ~ Against the night sky.

2011-04-27 12:37:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if this rain ~ Wants the world to know ~ That I cried too.
2011-04-27 12:35:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: light drizzle / what we / nearly lost #haiku #nahaiwrimo

2011-04-27 12:34:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And when I move ~ Away from the window ~ You still continue ~ To love ~ What you thought ~ You saw.
2011-04-27 12:32:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This tempting electric socket ~ And my urge ~ To pour myself ~ Into its three ~ Geometric caverns.
2011-04-27 12:31:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How tenderly the past ~ Remembers the present ~ And forgets the future.
2011-04-27 12:28:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How naive! ~ Assuming that ~ All clocks ~ Say the same ~ Thing.
2011-04-27 12:26:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Understanding you ~ Like erosive waves ~ On the jagged shores ~ Of your words.
2011-04-27 12:18:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A woman's life ~ And the Autumn ~ Of her heart ~ Falling ~ In love.
2011-04-27 12:16:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each desert ~ Known by ~ The sand waves ~ His lover leaves.
2011-04-27 12:12:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The importance ~ That lampposts ~ Feel.

2011-04-27 10:01:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To trust is to be lazy & all prosperous living is an insatiable movement to complete indolence.
2011-04-27 09:49:53 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ The impolite certainty of numbers.

2011-04-27 09:48:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For all his resolve was the mere chaining of shadows...
2011-04-27 09:48:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @perlygates: she plays with fantasy / as if / it's not real //. #micropoetry
2011-04-27 09:42:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @nufcraghav Oh damn! I didn't see you enter! Now what's the point of jumping from behind the door! :-D Could you leave & re-enter? ;-p
2011-04-26 08:55:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do I need ~ To love you ~ When I still have ~ Every iota ~ Of memory ~ Kept safe ~ In alabaster jars?
2011-04-26 08:49:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Yeah baby, I am back! Ta-da! ... Okkk. No one's around! I'll go and hide behind the door & wait... (sigh! Gotta practise that beaming smile)
2011-04-26 08:45:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The viola ~ That silently wept ~ In the orchestra...

2011-04-26 08:43:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How I wish ~ You'd love me less ~ For the challenge ~ Of making me ~ Love you.
2011-04-24 07:35:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Carefully drop ~ The thinnest glass bulb ~ Down three storeys ~ And listen ~ To the tinkle ~ Through the drainpipe.
2011-04-24 07:33:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hence, my child ~ A star goes out ~ Every time ~ You break a heart.
2011-04-24 07:31:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why love me ~ When it'll burn you ~ For the pettiness ~ Of being human
2011-04-24 07:29:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The anagram of ~ My scars ~ Rearranged ~ To our secret.

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2011-04-24 07:27:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My every sinew ~ You shred ~ And dip in the indigo ~ Of your whims ~ To thus placate ~ Your heart ~ That believes ~ I love you not.
2011-04-24 07:25:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fortunate is he who ~ Even in sleep ~ Is blessed ~ With more nightmares.

2011-04-24 07:23:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish to go ~ To heavens ~ That river pebbles ~ Dream of.

2011-04-24 07:19:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I collect smiles ~ Found in subways ~ At news stands ~ While leaving the church. ~ Smiles that ~ Never became ~ The affairs ~ They promised
2011-04-24 07:17:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is only ~ Your eyes ~ Which reflect me ~ Completely. ~ Why then wonder ~ Why I despise you?
2011-04-24 07:13:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come now! ~ Hate me fierce ~ So I shall know ~ All your passions.
2011-04-24 07:11:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am off for a while. Should be back online in a couple of days... :-)
2011-04-22 06:34:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your arms ~ I carried your name. ~ In my arms ~ You breathed your last ~ Into me. [For someone who'd understand]
2011-04-21 12:13:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And I think, that is it...

2011-04-21 08:16:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your fingers ~ Walking up my legs. ~ Footsteps of love

2011-04-21 08:15:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ O'er mountains ~ Across lakes ~ Through desserts ~ Slipping over glaciers ~ Love is ~ Sleep-walking ~ To you.
2011-04-21 08:15:18 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Her menthol tongue ~ On my burning desire ~ An explosion ~ Of Sun and Moon.
2011-04-21 08:14:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ I don't want to make love to you ~ Or write you poems ~ Or buy you trinkets. ~ Sometimes, I just want ~ To watch you laugh.
2011-04-21 08:13:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All loving togetherness ~ Is the uncaging of Time ~ And it flies ~ And flies ~ And flies away...
2011-04-21 08:11:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's try again - ~ In the bus ~ Reading Pessoa ~ You smile ~ I put the book down ~ And re-live 20 years ~ A little differently.
2011-04-21 08:10:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plunge your hot iron words ~ In my blood ~ And in the steam that rises ~ I want to see you ~ And all that you meant.
2011-04-21 08:09:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I like my night ~ Polka dotted ~ So I fling tangerines ~ From my terrace. ~ Wonder why ~ People curse ~ On the streets.
2011-04-21 08:08:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am but a glass-prism ~ In the moonlight ~ Remembering ~ The colours of day.

2011-04-21 08:07:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This endless ~ Becoming ~ That rarely is.

2011-04-21 08:07:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman ~ Wants a man ~ Who can unlock ~ Her gate ~ Back to childhood.
2011-04-21 08:06:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trust the rhythm ~ Of tongue and skin. ~ They are the ~ Ancestors of Love.
2011-04-21 08:06:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Going to RT a couple of tweets for a friend...

2011-04-21 08:05:53 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ To be or not to be that is a tautology [Shakespeare knew his predicate calculus!]

2011-04-21 08:04:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In your arms ~ I carried your name. ~ In my arms ~ You breathed your last ~ Into me. [For someone who'd understand]
2011-04-21 08:00:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @kamroxz Not yet... :-)

2011-04-21 06:07:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @kamroxz Yes?

2011-04-21 05:58:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @OliviaDresher: When her pen ran out of ink, it was like falling off a little cliff.
2011-04-21 04:37:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In every face ~ I see myself - ~ The liar ~ Who wants ~ To be loved.
2011-04-21 04:34:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How sure this wind ~ Even in ~ Alien woods.

2011-04-21 04:05:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ hahahaha :-D Very true! RT @ silence_litost: "Santa Claus had the right idea. Visit everyone once a year." -- Borges
2011-04-21 03:25:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A delight & honour that the words here were to your taste: @ The_Linnet @gennepher @P0eticLicence @moonflowernco @darkntwistd @ OliviaDresher
2011-04-21 03:23:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A delight & honour that the words here were to your taste: @ bhavya10 @h0ll0wd0ll @beezknez @syahidahz :-) @Twinkless_ @ cynicalangel13
2011-04-21 03:20:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He chose the things ~ He didn't say ~ More carefully ~ Than the ones ~ He mouthed.
2011-04-21 03:17:32 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Louis Armstrong - "What we play is life."

2011-04-21 03:16:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wandless ~ Magic of words.

2011-04-21 03:15:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think we begin and end life with a quality of huggability that we carefully disown in youth and withering...
2011-04-21 03:12:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do I wish to hug the old lady in the aisle who thanked me for helping her pick the box of cereals?
2011-04-21 03:11:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be your happiness engine...

2011-04-21 03:09:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I hate spell-checkers. They make me doubt my education. Of course, "learnt" is correct, perhaps not in the US of A. Daft software!
2011-04-21 03:08:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How children trust easily ~ How easily we unlearnt that.

2011-04-21 03:07:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Oh Clarice Lispector, oh Pessoa...what would I do without you. [Yes, it would be difficult to even imagine them]
2011-04-21 03:03:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Life is poor alternative to imagination

2011-04-21 03:01:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When love sobs ~ And then says ~ "No, nothing. Just the wind."
2011-04-21 02:57:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: When love tries to wear friendship clothing but it doesn't fit. [All these strange prison garb for having loved]
2011-04-21 02:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I needed your hands ~ To complete ~ Becoming a woman.

2011-04-21 02:53:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How words ~ Create bonds ~ Birth hopes ~ Swell breasts ~

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Bring tears ~ To desert eyes ~ By lying still ~ On a page.

2011-04-21 02:53:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Waking up ~ Knowing that you played ~ With my hair ~ In your sleep
2011-04-21 02:50:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An hour spent ~ Mouthing the same word ~ In myriad tones ~ And moods ~ Is meditation. [No, seriously, try it]
2011-04-21 02:48:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When all love ~ Feels like ~ A fresh brew ~ Of jasmine tea.
2011-04-21 02:46:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All writing ~ As if ~ Vassal to that ~ One smile.

2011-04-21 02:44:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Burn your heart ~ At the thresholds of hope ~ And rid your home ~ Of all doubt.
2011-04-21 02:43:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The length ~ Between loving ~ How your child falls ~ And rushing over to help.
2011-04-21 02:42:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Since when I knew ~ I loved ~ Life has become ~ An unbecoming.

2011-04-21 02:40:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The way one beautiful line can last a lifetime. [The life of tongue lives beyond voice]
2011-04-21 02:39:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wish my eyes ~ Glowed the lilac ~ You'd trust ~ And pour out ~ All your secrets.
2011-04-21 02:38:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rise in love ~ The fall of self.

2011-04-21 02:34:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This rain ~ I believe ~ Will dissolve ~ The worlds ~ Between you ~ And me.
2011-04-21 02:27:27 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ The lines on your palms ~ The script for ~ All known ~ Erotica.
2011-04-21 02:18:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In loving a child ~ A plant ~ A pup ~ I learn ~ There is much to give ~ And that I smile ~ For no reason.
2011-04-21 02:16:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you snuggle deeper ~ Into the pillow ~ Dear child, I envy ~ Every thread of cotton spun. [hat tip to dear @beezknez ]
2011-04-21 02:14:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @beezknez like the beauty of rose buds curled ~ the child asleep [Oh! A child's sleep is unmatched. I'd spend a lifetime watching]
2011-04-21 02:11:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The way you ~ Folded the sheets ~ And put them ~ Away. I should ~ Have known then ~ The fate of ~ Our memories.
2011-04-21 02:09:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the train windows ~ All the lives ~ I am not ~ And in knowing that, ~ Am.
2011-04-21 02:06:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why distrust ~ A heart ~ Offered ~ Without chase?

2011-04-21 02:05:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @beezknez humming lullabies ~ quietly to the trees ~ a little white moth
2011-04-21 02:03:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How strange this love ~ Not taking sides.

2011-04-21 02:00:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence My delight in hearing that, is unbounded. Glad you found it so... :-)
2011-04-21 02:00:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I knew you loved me no more when you changed your aftershave.
2011-04-21 01:57:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The joy ~ Of learning ~ To love you ~ As if all wonder ~ Was

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explained ~ In your smile.

2011-04-21 01:57:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh how you ~ Found art in rain - ~ Drizzle ~ Sleet ~ Powder rain ~ But distance me ~ When I cry.
2011-04-21 01:54:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Myth has it ~ That there once was ~ A church for lonely hearts ~ Then they called it ~ The world.
2011-04-21 01:50:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wind that refused to move ~ The trees that learned to sway ~ Anyway.
2011-04-21 01:49:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To whom ~ Grandeur comes naturally ~ Brevity & anonymity ~ Is most desired.
2011-04-21 01:44:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The right combination ~ To the vault of many a heart ~ Is a little love ~ And a smile ~ Before the click.
2011-04-21 01:42:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Women would rather ~ Alter their ways ~ For what they wear ~ Than for whom ~ They so dress up.
2011-04-21 01:40:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The things we say ~ Because we think ~ Someone's listening.

2011-04-21 01:37:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She said ~ "I enjoy the process" ~ And hoped ~ To trick Fate.
2011-04-21 01:37:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How all "love" ~ Starts with a goal ~ And usually ends ~ Elsewhere.
2011-04-21 01:36:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The way musical instruments patiently wait. [Containing all the rhythms that remain mute till touched by unrelated hands]
2011-04-21 01:32:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: She named her cello "oh". [Oh!]

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2011-04-21 01:31:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: To surrender to quicksand. [All for the taste of the earth, gradually overwhelming]
2011-04-21 01:16:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: graft precision / a sigh / morning breeze

2011-04-20 22:28:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @perlygates: how you know that inside of a song one note will surely follow the next
2011-04-20 21:42:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lion maned girl ~ And her man ~ Who'd never ~ Lift the whip.
2011-04-20 06:17:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ugly rainbow ~ The sky refused.

2011-04-20 06:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @beezknez: she wakes me early ~ still dark inside ~ kissing me lightly ~ with the first morns light ~ the sun
2011-04-20 03:50:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Before we could complete ~ The conversation ~ A wind ~ Takes the ~ Leaf away.
2011-04-20 03:11:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher You probably need to follow the instrucn. here:
2011-04-20 02:49:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @ThoseThr3Words: cobblestone shadow/no longer certain/who i am [Monochrome mosaic of my being]
2011-04-20 02:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: @_eroteme_ [birthing a resurrecting funeral]

2011-04-20 01:31:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moon ~ A hole ~ Through which ~ The day leaves.

2011-04-20 00:45:15 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ :-) RT @myearthgirl: trying to fit / this four-cornered cloud / into a round sky [The cubes that cloud rained, heavenly tetris]
2011-04-20 00:41:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nice finale! :-) RT @cirrusdream: passing by a cherry tree in bloom the wind [Imagining still winds and passing trees]
2011-04-20 00:38:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: I stand like the emptiness ~ of left behinds ~ watching you share embrace with another ~ to you I am but a shadow of yourself
2011-04-20 00:14:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LetsMakePurple Maybe you should use a shorter brush & not reach beyond the teeth... ;-)
2011-04-20 00:10:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher: I know all the names ~ of the weeds in my garden ~ they are beautiful #haiku #senryu
2011-04-20 00:06:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To turn on ~ And off ~ Caring ~ Is only possible ~ By an animal ~ Boasting of the ~ Grandest mind.
2011-04-20 00:06:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: the void / devoid / of nothing / still unsure / of everything [As it dissolves into the nothing of a pregnant mind]
2011-04-19 23:58:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All my words ~ You imbibe ~ And in a shuddering moment ~ Inspissate into the ~ Dark of your eyes. [inspissate:]
2011-04-19 23:52:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: tonight i feed the stars. [To the night]

2011-04-19 23:38:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have a magical tree ~ Which springs green poems ~ And blooms ~ Lavender whispers. ~ Come ~ Let's sit by its shade.
2011-04-19 23:36:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Strange heights of angles where perceptions kiss the questions of infinite. [Questions - the gateways to the
714 / 4823

2011-04-19 23:32:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only you knew ~ The conversations ~ That continue ~ After you say good night.
2011-04-19 23:28:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @m_blanc_: dead wing games of bitten tongues and lost memory. flightless [The wings that grow back, will they remember?]
2011-04-19 23:20:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tell me all ~ Your secrets, love. ~ Never mind ~ The cleaver ~ I twirl.
2011-04-19 23:18:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Dropped a letter in a tornado headed your way. [I shall read it once the words stop swirling]
2011-04-19 23:16:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i am asked to believe / this universe continues / with or without us [But how, when I am creator, created & destroyer?]
2011-04-19 23:15:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LiLiacSin Well, (all grand stmt start with "well") when one weaves colour, smell, taste & voice effortlessly into whispering flowers... :-)
2011-04-19 22:55:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I dream ~ Of being your dream.

2011-04-19 22:32:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Heard the rain in your voice the last time we spoke.
2011-04-19 22:30:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: Her eyes to cry where the riverbed slept.
2011-04-19 11:00:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @LiLiacSin: whisper your words to your favorite flower. make the color of my petals smell like the taste of your voice...
2011-04-19 10:40:12 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @dgdreamin @m_blanc_ Wishing both of you well... :-)

2011-04-19 10:39:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: I'll see you in sepia if you try and steal my shine..
2011-04-19 09:12:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tenderly ~ Now ~ Die ~ Again.

2011-04-19 07:37:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I am at a knife's end and asked to sum life in three words, it shall be thus: What is, is...
2011-04-19 07:33:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only ~ You'd receive my heart ~ As you receive ~ In the elevator ~ My "Hello".
2011-04-19 07:31:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fashioning myself ~ To be an ~ Immoral conversationalist.

2011-04-19 07:29:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @peterwilkin1: Life is so beautifully meaningless ~ there are no equations that explain the soul
2011-04-19 06:53:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: One is still what one is going to cease to be and already what one is going to become. ~ Sartre
2011-04-19 03:31:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @AutopsyofGod: We think we measure Time when it is the other way round. [And how much really is measurable?]
2011-04-19 03:24:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @gammaword I promise in the same way every human breath keeps saying what it can say in the very face of what it cant.
2011-04-19 03:23:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A serene piece... RT @Aliciahphoto: A New 11:11 Blog Post & 365 Photo - 102 - As Is -
2011-04-19 02:35:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: There is no such thing as a lovers' oath. ~ Plato [Tell that to the lawyers!]
716 / 4823

2011-04-19 02:06:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @priyavinz A pleasure to have you around. Strange you start with a promise. Feels so human. Oh! Wait! You are human! :-o Noooooo!
2011-04-19 02:04:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When no one watches ~ Grip a good book ~ By its spine ~ And give it a shake. ~ You are allowed ~ To keep the words ~ That drop out.
2011-04-18 23:18:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @amyflyingakite Glad you found it so. The simplicity that would come with it is almost child-like... innocent. Desirable. :-)
2011-04-18 23:08:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wait for the day when I can call a woman beautiful and not explain.
2011-04-18 23:05:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: The predictability of humans. [And their predictable denial of it]
2011-04-18 23:03:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the swings ~ Asking me to be careful ~ And not push you too high. ~ How much ~ You've changed! [hat tip to @ forgottenworks ]
2011-04-18 22:59:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Absolutely gorgeous! :-) RT @expatinCAT: Night sky full of beautiful black rainbows. #monostich
2011-04-18 22:55:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CWG2012 The heartographer's delight... :-)

2011-04-18 22:52:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @myearthgirl: it has to do with the sound of the symbol [The symbol of you & I entwined]
2011-04-18 22:47:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a world ~ Where truth ~ Finds a companion ~ Only in Truth.

2011-04-18 22:40:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Are we still talking about cats here? ;-p

2011-04-18 22:38:59 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Wishing for ~ The desert winds ~ Of love ~ Eroding me ~ Into oblivion.
2011-04-18 22:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings But don't we always fall in love with one whose brain is unlike ours? ;-)
2011-04-18 22:31:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @m_blanc_: love is never compliant. never manufacture its standards. #musings
2011-04-18 22:30:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @myearthgirl all this time / tightening all my knots / when all along / it was love / that was undone [Letting love knit]
2011-04-18 22:29:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: RT @forgottenworks the heat of dandelions / the coldness of daisies / - distant suns #haiku #micropoetry
2011-04-18 22:26:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CoyoteSings: // there is always a piece of the night deep in the crow's eyes he keeps to himself // #tanka @monkeywillow
2011-04-18 22:25:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CoyoteSings: "If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 22:25:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @cat_cat_: I spin/into the black/ink of night/a trail/of muddied thoughts/almost/footprints/that you should/have followed
2011-04-18 22:20:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @CoyoteSings: "Many books do not use up words; many words do not use up thoughts." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 22:20:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear hear! RT @CoyoteSings: "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world." -Paul Farmer
2011-04-18 22:19:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Indeed RT @CoyoteSings: "A book is like a garden carried in

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the pocket." ~Chinese proverb

2011-04-18 22:15:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I write because I have no answers, just thoughts & feelings in every direction. [When al (cont)
2011-04-18 22:12:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful RT @OliviaDresher: She wanted to fly a bubble more than she wanted to fly a kite. [With twines the length of a breath]
2011-04-18 22:10:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 22:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All clocks ~ However elegant ~ Eat time.

2011-04-18 22:08:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back." ~Chinese proverb [Wishing to know of death, I listen to the gurgling babe]
2011-04-18 22:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: I undo / my do / only don't i know / not / to do it again. [do-bee-do-bee-dooooo]

2011-04-18 22:04:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) 1939... RT @perlygates: when was it / you first knew / that no one / could undo / what you held so tightly #micropoetry #gpoem
2011-04-18 22:01:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "We forget even incense in easy times; come hard times, we embrace the Buddha's feet." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 22:00:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Many thanks and cheer to you @CoyoteSings for sharing the Chinese proverbs. A wonderful start to my day. _/|\_
2011-04-18 21:59:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: "A bird can roost but on one branch, a mouse can drink not more than its fill from a river." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 21:55:00 (EDT)
719 / 4823

_eroteme_ In the diary-ed ~ History of our time ~ That day ~ I dared not write down.
2011-04-18 21:50:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher Time, like swallows, is perhaps best in flight... :-)

2011-04-18 21:48:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Reminds me of Kung-Fu Panda... :-) RT @ CoyoteSings: "Often one finds one's destiny just where one hides to avoid it." ~Chinese proverb
2011-04-18 21:45:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All loving togetherness ~ Is the uncaging of Time ~ And it flies ~ And flies ~ And flies away...
2011-04-18 21:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Even through this tiny / Hole in my paper screen door / The moon is still full
2011-04-18 13:15:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: She ate grapes as if each one were a thought bubble. [Or night-gelatin drops]
2011-04-18 13:15:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ First on violets / Then the rose, now on lily / Butterfly-wing dust.
2011-04-18 13:00:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The season of kites / Hey! caterpillar, can you / Imagine flying?
2011-04-18 12:45:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // earth and hearts never come to a complete halt // #senryu
2011-04-18 12:33:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @dgdreamin: To ensure I will / invade your dreams, I'll delight / you in waking hours #Senryu
2011-04-18 12:32:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: Autumn just blows her nose and leaves !

2011-04-18 12:30:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In this mustard field - / Even in my memories / I wear yellow shorts.

720 / 4823

2011-04-18 12:30:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @therisinsun: you cannot offend / the salt in the sea #couplet
2011-04-18 12:29:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Incense on his grave - / Fanning the spiraling fumes / A grey butterfly.
2011-04-18 12:15:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. ~ Indian Proverb
2011-04-18 12:14:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. ~ Albert Einstein
2011-04-18 12:14:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A summer sunrise - / How painful, after losing / My heart to the night.
2011-04-18 12:03:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kiss me like I would miss those butterflies.

2011-04-18 09:01:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To rain, shadows, tears and all things that choose to fall - a paean in C minor
2011-04-18 03:00:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If her mind ~ Didn't speak ~ Would her heart ~ Ever think?
2011-04-18 02:51:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A life spent ~ Deciding between ~ Being a success ~ Or a monk ~ Is a fool's life.
2011-04-18 02:46:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I thought you'd like it. No, I can't take it back. It doesn't work that way.
2011-04-18 02:44:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Morsels of night ~ Dipped in tangy ~ Moon.

2011-04-18 02:42:34 (EDT)

721 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The absurdity of contemporary answers to primal questions.

2011-04-18 02:41:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The robin that kept singing after the sun set. [The virtue in blindness]
2011-04-18 02:31:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @Heavenly_Ocean: Spring is when ) Cherry petals eternaly )Dissolve into water. # Mermaidhaiku
2011-04-18 00:58:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Autumn is when ~ Leaves finally ~ Meet their roots.

2011-04-18 00:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How can I love you ~ When your breath burns ~ Every ice carving I bring you.
2011-04-18 00:12:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: will you remember / my eyes are blue / my skin soft [I always mix the order- eyes soft when your skin turns blue in my hold]
2011-04-17 23:56:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Grip my spine ~ Draw me to you ~ Spread me open ~ Lick your fingers ~ As you run them over me ~ Gaze at me (cont)
2011-04-17 22:38:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: walking to your house / wildflowers / in bloom #haiku #nahaiwrimo

2011-04-17 22:12:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: i know branches / and i know trunks / i've seen them be together [Together in their work to keep roots & leaves apart!]
2011-04-17 21:27:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: the parts of love you can't touch, ever [Till all love grows to becoming a single touch]
2011-04-17 21:25:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: her head rests on her hand / she doesn't know what to do with the rest of herself [There is (cont)
2011-04-17 21:24:31 (EDT)
722 / 4823

_eroteme_ Gorgeous as ever... :-) RT @ melancholundone: He played the violin as if he understood the weather of time.
2011-04-17 21:22:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @pauldavidmena: what can I say / that hasn't been said? / full moon #haiku #nahaiwrimo
2011-04-17 21:21:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_stoicOne_ And you are generous with your compliments, kind lady! :-) Wishing you a wonderful day once you awake... :-)
2011-04-17 21:01:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings My honour and pleasure, sir. :-)

2011-04-17 20:58:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @beezknez: Captive ~ between the bars ~ the empty space [And the echos of all it contained]
2011-04-17 13:00:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @JDProuty nothing else to do; ~ love and assist each other ~ on the long way home [Strange how so many speak of going home, today]
2011-04-17 12:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: footprints dash / memories / meandering walk home [The curvaceous paths that recollections draw on my landscape]
2011-04-17 12:25:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This little silver ~ Bauble word ~ Skipping down ~ Endless marble stairs ~ And your ~ Growing smile [to my listener friend @rgogos ]
2011-04-17 12:13:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How painful ~ This inability of rain ~ To but be wet ~ And fall.
2011-04-17 10:21:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sifting through the abundance of my losses, I found a gem.

2011-04-17 10:07:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aah! :-) RT @LalySky: Take the pain I felt when a dream of you made me bite my lips. [The mystery of lashes across my chest is solved]
2011-04-17 10:03:21 (EDT)

723 / 4823

_eroteme_ Such fine words... :-) RT @LalySky Strangers smile at her when she thinks of him. [As if they knew that he smiles elsewhere, too]
2011-04-17 09:55:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Gifted?

2011-04-17 09:51:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Your password?

2011-04-17 09:46:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: The sea is not the same since you. [Nor the roaring waves, since you spoke my name]
2011-04-17 09:46:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: The woman who writes vs the woman they read. [vs the woman whom the writer wished to be seen as]
2011-04-17 09:44:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: The number of times a word has been said is not the same as the times it has been heard. [or worse, understood]
2011-04-17 09:39:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LalySky: We, the children of the language playground. [Burrowing tunnels through word-castles, giggling when our soul-fingers meet]
2011-04-17 09:29:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Under the full Moon, listen to the drops of pain fall in the bowl of your life...
2011-04-17 09:28:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: walk the shape of my shadow that i may never shade your light.
2011-04-17 09:19:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You thought ~ I was always ~ There for you ~ Like the breeze. ~ Yes, I was. ~ I am ~ And like the wind ~ I don't care.
2011-04-17 09:13:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @m_blanc_: white wraps words/draping ideas/to the lilt/ of his mind #haiku
2011-04-17 09:03:40 (EDT)

724 / 4823

_eroteme_ Multiply your deaths and you shall live...

2011-04-17 08:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A bold thrust ~ Cleaving the wet softness ~ And the stillness of the union. ~ Thus, a boat arrives ~ On sandy shores.
2011-04-17 08:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Parched memories ~ Of sprinkled whispers ~ Under a mango tree.

2011-04-17 08:20:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: First find the peace within; then give it away. ~ Elsa Joy Bailey
2011-04-17 06:44:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes. ~ Chinese Proverb
2011-04-17 06:42:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D RT @Zen_Moments: The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap. ~ Anon
2011-04-17 06:42:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true! :-) RT @Zen_Moments: Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. ~ Mark Twain
2011-04-17 06:41:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @cirrusdream: RT @monkeywillow: spring river - / in the swan's wake / I let / what might have been / drift further away
2011-04-17 06:40:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_ moon leans / into the black / stack of the sky / have you ever heard the night sigh? [Or the moon stretch & yawn?]
2011-04-17 06:39:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: the tiger cub / viewing the sunrise / for the first time / understands / orange
2011-04-17 06:37:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: lamplight / on the page / the shadow of my pulse [A throbbing shadow writes...]
2011-04-17 06:36:04 (EDT)

725 / 4823

_eroteme_ This repeated assurance ~ That this is it ~ And our repeated ~ Hope ~ That that be true.
2011-04-17 02:30:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: 'But there is one thing I'm good at, and that's looking at the sea.' (Duras) [And I, at watching leaves as they brown]
2011-04-17 01:53:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @_stoicOne_ Such could be said ~ Of most two words ~ Or two names ~ Born as soul mates. ;-)
2011-04-16 22:27:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When kindness ~ Feels random ~ How sad ~ The world we live in ~ And still ~ The cherry blossoms. [for @CWG2012]
2011-04-16 22:21:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Glad you found it so, dear Deborah. :-) RT @dgdreamin: Your "Sometimes...laugh" is absolutely wonderful. I love it!
2011-04-16 12:29:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @P0eticLicence: Turn me away not, sweet lover. Love unrequited will turn me toxic. [The venom that love can dip into]
2011-04-16 12:28:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes ~ I don't want to make love to you ~ Or write you poems ~ Or buy you trinkets. ~ Sometimes, I just want ~ To watch you laugh.
2011-04-16 12:25:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost I love that too. I actually pat my car then and scratch its side-view mirrors.
2011-04-16 12:20:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost Come on now! Was that really what you were watching? ;-)
2011-04-16 12:19:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It saddens me to see artists use art to vent their sorrow, frustration, anger. As if everything must be about them.
2011-04-16 12:18:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Take that Paulo Coelho! RT @ OliviaDresher: That New Age

726 / 4823

saying "ask the universe for what you want..." I migh (cont)
2011-04-16 12:16:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is fun to hear someone without two front teeth swear away. Suddenly they become ice hockey fans & discuss the black disk vehemently!
2011-04-16 12:12:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: mid-April / still so many tree branches / without words #haiku #nahaiwrimo
2011-04-16 12:06:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is the loneliest being ~ Always seeking hearts ~ In pairs.

2011-04-16 12:05:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the wings ~ Of a crow ~ A penciled ~ Love letter ~ And bread crumbs. [to @mindground and @_stoicOne_ :-) ]
2011-04-16 12:01:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @pauldavidmena Wishing them all divine protection & a beeper to remind them to call home :-)
2011-04-16 11:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @darkntwistd Ok! I'll speak to the head Postmaster. They are cost cutting on glue anyway...
2011-04-16 11:23:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tie me to the branch ~ Outside your window ~ And write poems ~ To my blossoming heart.
2011-04-16 11:14:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Tears turning the world into an impressionistic painting. [A world seen through the monsoon windows of her eyes]
2011-04-16 11:12:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: in the recovery room / a rubber glove reaching / from the box #senryu #nahaiwrimo
2011-04-16 11:10:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At my command ~ You shall invoke ~ Memories ~ Of a kiss ~ You never had.
2011-04-16 10:09:45 (EDT)
727 / 4823

_eroteme_ The brazenness of ~ Unbridled joy ~ Midst those ~ Who temper theirs.
2011-04-16 10:08:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: recurring nightmare / a flag-draped coffin / bearing my last name [How is he? Do you get to hear from him regularly?]
2011-04-16 10:06:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: There should be churches of no religion, which would be churches of poetry, philosophy, mus (cont)
2011-04-16 10:06:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ hahahaha :-D Oh! For the humourous implications... RT @ melancholundone: Quintessential deduction of life's mystery in a wink.
2011-04-16 10:04:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true, so true. And s/he knows not of depth or universe... :-) RT @melancholundone: Simple depth of a universe: child's smile.
2011-04-16 10:03:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous... :-) RT @melancholundone: Immeasurable vastness in the unraveling of heart. [The infinite packing of heart whispers]
2011-04-16 10:02:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The broken beautiful even more beautiful. [Ruins not of beauty but of what we thought lent it beauty]
2011-04-16 09:59:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How crayons ~ Invited my fingers to dance ~ Three fingers ~ At a time. [hat tip to @melancholundone & @OliviaDresher ]
2011-04-16 09:57:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @_stoicOne_ cherry blossoms / sway in the sunset breeze / greeting the moonrise [The pink fans in the court of Queen Moon]
2011-04-16 09:52:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Warming her hands ~ O'er the fire ~ Of burning ~ Heartsplinters.

2011-04-16 09:23:01 (EDT)

728 / 4823

_eroteme_ Wow! RT @ P0eticLicence: Let those lines ~ on your beautiful palm ~ shift some more ~ make room for you ~ I wis (cont)
2011-04-16 09:14:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: A constant mood. [But not a consistent one]

2011-04-16 09:12:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: These words that have a mind & heart of their own, seducing me to go wherever they go. [The moss lining the rabbit hole]
2011-04-16 09:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: my daughter of many seasons / black silken hair / and so many secrets // [The many winds their unfurling caused...]
2011-04-16 09:05:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To remind me ~ Of you ~ I look at my hands ~ And the lines shift ~ To a sketch of you. [ hat tip to @ P0eticLicence ]
2011-04-16 09:03:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence I'll need to go through the videos again to check that... ;-p
2011-04-16 08:57:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence This forgetting of yours and my remembering... :-)

2011-04-16 08:54:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence You do!? After all that happened, you still do!? So, there's still hope? ;-p
2011-04-16 08:52:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A life ~ With every minute spent evading God ~ Is holy.

2011-04-16 08:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The separate strolls ~ I undertake ~ With heart and ~ With head.
2011-04-16 08:47:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His shot ~ In the dark ~ Of my heart.

2011-04-16 08:45:12 (EDT)

729 / 4823

_eroteme_ @P0eticLicence @cat_cat_ Glad you liked the menthol tweet... :)

2011-04-16 08:44:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl My pleasure, sweet lady. Long overdue. Still incomplete... :-)
2011-04-16 08:38:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each nail ~ You painted purple ~ With your bite. ~ Now, gripping the railing ~ I wince ~ And smile.
2011-04-16 08:37:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I like my night ~ Polka dotted ~ So I fling tangerines ~ From my terrace. ~ Wonder why ~ People curse ~ On the streets.
2011-04-16 08:30:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @fumanchucat My pleasure and delight... :-)

2011-04-16 08:22:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @jshb32 My pleasure, sir. :-)

2011-04-16 08:22:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let there be suffering ~ For poetry is vital.

2011-04-16 08:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @perlygates Bless your tummy! :-)

2011-04-16 06:24:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @m_blanc_: Horizons lie/ in infinite pieces/explorers of you gather remnants/artefacts of your breathing/still life. #gogyohka
2011-04-16 06:12:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you grab my throat ~ In your jaws ~ Sucking my moans ~ Before they reach my tongue!
2011-04-16 06:10:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant :-) RT @wintergifts: ~ the clerk / so available / so overlooked ~ #senryu #micropoetry [via @myearthgirl]
2011-04-16 06:08:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I missed this amongst your play of words.. RT @CostisDemos: mathematical reality / versus / botanical uncertainty / square roots / replanted
730 / 4823

2011-04-16 06:06:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wonderfully captured tones... RT @ wordblender: swift crackle / morning comes / like wasted paper
2011-04-16 06:05:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @EGStubbs My pleasure and delight... :-)

2011-04-16 06:03:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Missing your mood ~ Of orthogonal toes ~ And flippity steps.

2011-04-16 06:00:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her eyes on the clouds ~ As she runs. ~ The stern glance ~ Turning to pleas ~ As drizzle thickens.
2011-04-16 05:56:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @EGStubbs: There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. ~G.K. Chesterton
2011-04-16 05:54:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @fumanchucat: In the gloaming /ravens against /indigo skies #micropoetry
2011-04-16 05:53:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trying to apply ~ The mask of my lover ~ On every face I meet.

2011-04-16 05:13:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ No man ~ Has always been ~ Wise.

2011-04-16 05:11:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: I cut my lips on his words. [The poetry of bleeding...]

2011-04-16 01:52:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @perlygates: the slow pace of a distant horizon

2011-04-16 01:19:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Perhaps ~ I will never learn ~ That a heart ~ Is safest ~ Unused.

2011-04-16 01:12:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thank you @annehedonia13, @ghani_b, @LetsMakePurple & @

731 / 4823

melancholundone for what you know comes from my heart...

2011-04-16 00:53:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thank you @sahrazad528, @AnaisAngel @syahidahz, @ CostisDemos, @darkntwistd, @jazzmann91 & @rgogos for things you best understand... :-)
2011-04-16 00:28:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Surely, your words deserve all of that and more... :-) A delight to read them.
2011-04-16 00:18:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ok... This is seriously not working. I can't go back & read 15 days of all the tweets I missed... Apologies to all the wonderful writers!
2011-04-16 00:16:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: A soliloquy no one ever listened to. [But the wind, aah! the wind, the being of myriad ears...]
2011-04-15 23:58:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Beautiful... RT @CoyoteSings: // I leave my window open so the breeze can remind me when it wants // #tanka #gogyohka
2011-04-15 23:56:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @moonflowernco: RT @gennepher a large green field/one sheep in it/ but her head is through the fence/ eating/ the next field's grass
2011-04-15 23:51:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @moonflowernco: RT @ten_ten_ten the field fresh plowed / the scarecrow / with a halo of crows #haiku
2011-04-15 23:51:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sparkle of such smiles... :-) RT @moonflowernco @ gennepher the / sun / smiles / through / raindrops
2011-04-15 23:50:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovely, as is effortlessly you... :-) RT @melancholundone Cherry blossom calligraphy: her thoughts written on his hand
2011-04-15 23:43:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The curves of pain... RT @moonflowernco: RT @PriWrites In between her pain, she smiles #sixwords
2011-04-15 23:42:44 (EDT)
732 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost We play the same game but you keep forgetting. [That there are no rules...]
2011-04-15 23:37:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lovely... :-) RT @ perlygates the green hill suddenly grew tall / time was of the essence / she grabbed her wings and ran
2011-04-15 23:35:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @beezknez My eyes~ my oars~ my mind~ my sails ` my sky my deep blues of a sea ~ calm like the ocean within me~ come sail with me
2011-04-15 23:34:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Mickey Mouse does, too.. :-) RT @ CoyoteSings: humans the only creatures who cut down flowers and put them in water just to mate
2011-04-15 23:33:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Thank god for such unconscious acts... :-) RT @pauldavidmena: spring in the air / she lets her hair down / for no one in particular
2011-04-15 23:30:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And your dreams have come true... :-) RT @perlygates: last night / i dreamed there were bright stars / in the deep sky // # micropoetry
2011-04-15 23:29:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moves of a poor lover! RT @perlygates: he loved me/ but only for the time / it took a tulip to open/ and then/ hang its head forever
2011-04-15 23:20:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! RT @perlygates: how easy / to be the pose of deceit / supposing that somewhere / there is a / larger truth to fill
2011-04-15 23:18:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Aren't nice days defined thus? :-) RT @silence_litost: What a nice day to do things you don't want to.
2011-04-15 23:16:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost Indeed the source of all problems that we categorise with our myopic understanding... :-)
2011-04-15 23:10:23 (EDT)

733 / 4823

_eroteme_ @perlygates Horses too?

2011-04-15 22:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Finally, back on a proper network connection! Now to honour all the great writers and folks associated with this stream. :-)
2011-04-15 22:24:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Please refrain from replying to all! :-) Thanks... @indrawiijaya @ ChirpyBebo @amoz1939 @Suburbanhaiku @Winterthur @spsweetsunshine
2011-04-15 10:03:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her menthol tongue ~ On my burning desire ~ An explosion ~ Of Sun and Moon.
2011-04-15 05:14:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @darkntwistd I don't think you're discussing speed dial, right?

2011-04-15 04:15:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 Surely, Sir Vince wouldn't mind some coffee too, yes? ;-) @InVinceWil
2011-04-14 21:12:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CWG2012 I think the dinos died thinking about me! So we'll never know what happened. I know what happened in my dream ;-) @ DreamTeenQuotes
2011-04-14 21:08:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil Surely, sir, you deserve it all... :-) @annehedonia13

2011-04-14 21:03:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 @InVinceWil Your words: a house of many mansions. I believe that's Biblical. But it fits. [Such lovely praise :-) ]
2011-04-14 20:53:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @DreamTeenQuotes A hungry T-Rex thought about me before the meteorite hit!? :-o Wow! [via @CWG2012 ]
2011-04-14 20:49:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindground I feel that both mindsets are tragic: 1) lovers as masturbatory tools only, & 2) physical intimacy as "sinful" or "shameful"
2011-04-14 20:33:14 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @_stoicOne_ The pleasure, milady, has always been mine. Undoubtedly you know, you were introduced to me by the gentle @ mindground :-)
2011-04-14 20:29:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So sweet... :-) RT @amoz1939 trees ~whispering ~ to each other ~ what gowns to wear ~ this coming season
2011-04-14 20:23:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a cloud ~ We cry ~ Hoping to dissolve ourselves in it ~ And hope tomorrow's sun ~ Creates a new ~ Silver-lined us.
2011-04-14 20:22:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Delicately beautiful,,, :-) RT @_stoicOne_ soft rain/ flowers fill and tip/ a bow [via @melancholundone ]
2011-04-14 11:26:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am but a glass-prism ~ In the moonlight ~ Remembering ~ The colours of day.

2011-04-14 10:30:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil You are sharp, sir! ;-)

2011-04-14 09:06:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil 2
2011-04-14 08:58:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A liar ~ Your love made of me ~ Albeit ~ A poetic one.

2011-04-14 07:05:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Imagining life with you ~ And all the "I wish..."
2011-04-14 04:52:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why do so many people feel hesitant/guilty/sorry/sad to say that they are married? As if the chance for romance is threatened.
2011-04-14 04:48:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Must I have a passion?

2011-04-14 04:24:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @OliviaDresher :-)

2011-04-14 03:20:36 (EDT)

735 / 4823

_eroteme_ Be my burgundy silk shirt ~ Unbuttoned ~ Sliding ~ Off my shoulders

2011-04-14 03:06:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ His drunk love ~ Teetering on ~ Her indecision.

2011-04-14 03:05:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The road ~ Where the mourners walked ~ And the million moons ~ In the rain puddles.
2011-04-14 03:03:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is never ~ The wrong time ~ Snuggle up ~ With my dog.

2011-04-14 03:01:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Yes indeed, sir. Twenty fingers, actually... :-)

2011-04-14 02:57:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Learning from leaves ~ To not want to be ~ Roots

2011-04-14 00:30:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You have but three monosyllables to change your world. Choose wisely.
2011-04-14 00:23:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Stunning... :-) RT @melancholundone desire-smear-heart to sunflower-swirl / quiet arpeggio / field orchestrates
2011-04-14 00:21:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ O'er mountains ~ Across lakes ~ Through desserts ~ Slipping over glaciers ~ Love is ~ Sleep-walking ~ To you.
2011-04-14 00:18:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The incapacity of the heart ~ To hold ~ Love or sadness ~ From spilling all over.
2011-04-14 00:16:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A fragile heart ~ Left in the rain ~ Of its tears.

2011-04-14 00:12:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck :-) A little clarity would have helped, no? ;-)
2011-04-14 00:08:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let me hold you ~ While you bite ~ Your anger into my arms.
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2011-04-14 00:05:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would the stars come out ~ If, somewhere, love didn't ~ Charge the night?
2011-04-14 00:03:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LetsMakePurple Old churches? :-| Interesting...

2011-04-14 00:00:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your fingers ~ Walking up my legs. ~ Footsteps of love

2011-04-13 23:56:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When she whispered "Make me scream", throwing her iPhone out of the window was perhaps not the right method.
2011-04-13 21:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All I wish ~ Is to hold your hands ~ Stirring rosemary ~ Into the cream.
2011-04-13 10:23:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Reading between the lines ~ That your fingers ~ Left on my breast
2011-04-13 09:16:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When caring without the exclusivity of love is found vulgar...

2011-04-13 02:31:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This endless ~ Becoming ~ That rarely is.

2011-04-12 13:14:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Waiting for you ~ To make the first move ~ And follow me.
2011-04-11 23:38:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The deeper the kiss ~ The more I taste ~ The fount of your love.
2011-04-11 23:37:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wind ~ Silently soothing ~ The cries ~ Of distant hearts.

2011-04-11 23:33:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KenpoBear Thank you kind, sir. And to you too, milady @ Sahrazad528 :-)
2011-04-11 23:29:20 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Scoop my eyes ~ With your tongue ~ Roll it on your tongue and ~ Mix black and white ~ So I can see ~ Your other side.
2011-04-11 23:28:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The things night lets me do...

2011-04-11 23:24:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I could change the past, I am unsure whether I would alter the day when you stopped loving me or when I fell in love with you.
2011-04-11 23:23:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Different coloured boxes ~ For different coloured scars.

2011-04-11 23:18:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sitting on the threshold ~ Forming lines and tone ~ For what to say ~ When you never return.
2011-04-11 23:15:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Oooh wheee! Oooh wheee! Ooooooooooh whee! Ok I am running out of characters now! Hello! :-)
2011-04-11 22:58:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The maze of a broken heart where wisdom never walks. [hat tip to @OliviaDresher ]
2011-04-11 22:55:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky Granted. But do I still get to say hello?

2011-04-11 22:49:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart I thought nerve endings in teeth was the greatest flaw in human design, but maybe we have different copies of the blueprint... ;-)
2011-04-11 22:48:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If every relationship began with the vision of its future state, how many of us would ever connect?
2011-04-11 22:46:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain of this life offering no escape except in pain.

2011-04-11 22:42:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain of looking for a woman just like you but who will love me
2011-04-11 22:41:11 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Pain of searching for you in the crowd and finding you laughing at someone's joke
2011-04-11 22:39:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain of ennui within the soul

2011-04-11 22:38:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain, undulating, refusing cure.

2011-04-11 22:37:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain when the heels of time dig into the flesh of hope
2011-04-11 22:36:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain in your "Over"

2011-04-11 22:35:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain when truth recognised by silhouette.

2011-04-11 22:35:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain in clarity

2011-04-11 22:34:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain that binds, bonds

2011-04-11 22:33:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain when you chose not to understand

2011-04-11 22:33:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain, pressing the razor to my vein, undecided

2011-04-11 22:32:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain, translucent and impermeable

2011-04-11 22:31:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as lips gone dry calling out to you

2011-04-11 22:30:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as intentional incompleteness

2011-04-11 22:29:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain tethered to my being

2011-04-11 22:29:20 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Pain as the melody under a moonless night

2011-04-11 22:28:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as the hands that tightened the rope

2011-04-11 22:27:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as companion

2011-04-11 22:27:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as a lavender tongue on my wounds

2011-04-11 22:26:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as a promise of tomorrow

2011-04-11 22:26:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as sole memory

2011-04-11 22:25:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as reward...

2011-04-11 22:25:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as belonging

2011-04-11 22:23:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pain as an offering...

2011-04-11 22:22:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The delight of waking ~ To my name ~ Muttered in your dreams.

2011-04-11 22:18:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you rise ~ From beneath water ~ The kelp of your hair ~ Clinging to your breasts.
2011-04-11 22:14:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A dead blackbird ~ Bleeding on snow. ~ I look around ~ Before admiring the beauty of this.
2011-04-11 22:11:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The magic of hope ~ We give each sunrise

2011-04-11 22:08:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rope ladder ~ Of lies ~ To climb into ~ One's heart.

2011-04-11 22:06:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ When untangling a ball of yarn always leads to recalling past relationships...
2011-04-11 22:00:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Sahrazad528 It gladdens my heart that the words here are to your taste. Let me wash the dishes and make you some more! :-)
2011-04-10 08:30:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every flower knows ~ It looks best ~ Amidst green leaves.

2011-04-10 03:29:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pressing half-breast ~ To yours ~ Hearts overlapping ~ Playing the primal tunes ~ Of eagerness.
2011-04-09 22:40:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ditzl One person says she does it every night & helps. The other is going to give it a try! :-) It does work when done properly :-)
2011-04-09 22:32:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos You seem to be enjoying word-connotation play! :-) Made me smile, dear friend.
2011-04-09 12:48:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The immense invincibility of naked Love

2011-04-08 23:09:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every woman ~ Wants a man ~ Who can unlock ~ Her gate ~ Back to childhood.
2011-04-08 22:55:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The tragedy of words ~ Summoned ~ Only to reflect ~ The wordsmith

2011-04-08 22:43:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @ditzl Interesting! I was saying the exact words to someone prescribing them a sleep-inducing technique! :-)
2011-04-08 22:41:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Often the want to reveal ~ And the want to be discreet ~ Are the hands that create masks.
2011-04-08 22:40:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hundred women ~ I make love to ~ Who remind me ~ Their

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name is not ~ Violet.

2011-04-08 22:19:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The venom of hope ~ Making me believe ~ That you who smile ~ Aren't like him ~ Who stopped.
2011-04-08 13:35:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Vex me ~ Do you ~ With that pout? ~ Or add a curve ~ To your frame ~ With that frown?
2011-04-08 09:36:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Unlearn3r Miss out on all that fashion which requires long arms which can reach behind to do/undo attire?
2011-04-08 04:29:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only I could ~ Learn from my reflection ~ To ripple ~ With each pebble tossed.
2011-04-08 00:33:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every act of creation ~ Is testimony ~ To our dissatisfaction ~ With God.

2011-04-07 21:29:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between Spring & Autumn ~ Leaves undecided ~ About home and hue.
2011-04-07 21:17:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How every kiss ~ Sashays on a carpet ~ Of warm breath.

2011-04-07 21:03:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is the chase ~ That makes my lady heart ~ Feel wanted

2011-04-07 20:54:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl @ntaylorcollins @h0ll0wd0ll @sageraven @ CostisDemos. Glad you enjoyed the words in this stream. :-) Wishing you well.
2011-04-07 20:49:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My apologies to many. Since I am on the move (aka slow conx) Mentions/RTs don't load up. I might miss responding for another week.
2011-04-07 20:47:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Give me the blue ~ Of your green eyes ~ Its been ages ~ Since
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the sky clothed me.

2011-04-07 09:57:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Trust the rhythm ~ Of tongue and skin. ~ They are the ~ Ancestors of Love.
2011-04-07 09:55:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tonight ~ You shall have ~ All the rage ~ You crave
2011-04-07 09:53:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watching you sleep ~ A tear clinging to your lashes ~ I wonder who it was ~ You missed in your dreams.
2011-04-07 09:50:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kiss my thoughts ~ Before you kiss me. ~ I seek ~ The salt of them ~ On your lips.
2011-04-07 09:48:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To brutally tear off ~ The clothing ~ Of your thought.

2011-04-07 09:33:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And to the child ~ Who knows not words ~ I hum ~ My poem.
2011-04-07 09:29:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soaked in ~ Thoughts of me ~ Your taut skin.

2011-04-07 09:25:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's ~ Make love ~ Wonder.

2011-04-07 09:15:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The warm glow ~ Of a woman clenching ~ A towel ~ Around her ~ Bathed self.
2011-04-07 05:08:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The segue ~ Of my bed ~ Into ours.

2011-04-07 04:55:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Now I am surely going to throw a tantrum!! ;-p

2011-04-07 01:06:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To paint a world ~ Without revolutions ~ Needs love. [In what I think is a response to @LetsMakePurple 's tweet]
743 / 4823

2011-04-07 00:02:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @clownfysh Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-04-06 23:56:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This sky ~ Weeping ~ Against ~ Columns ~ Of rain.

2011-04-06 23:54:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the palette of you ~ Tonguing your beauty spot ~ So I can paint ~ The night on your thigh
2011-04-06 23:34:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the neighbour's yard sale ~ All the things ~ She said money can't buy
2011-04-06 10:09:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nervousness and excitement differ only in the location of the butterflies you get...
2011-04-06 02:15:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love me ~ With the then warmth ~ Of Vesuvius

2011-04-06 01:59:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @codeSparrow Got it... Thank you! You sure are putting together a very neat idea. Really brilliant! :-)
2011-04-05 20:25:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @codeSparrow Sorry... Didn't get this! :-( @ dacollman

2011-04-05 10:02:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Unabashed Spring ~ Every year ~ Visiting me this evening ~ Alone.

2011-04-05 09:56:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck Thank you for the kind mention... :-) I can now safely throw a tantrum and blame it on being moody! ;-p @OliviaDresher
2011-04-05 03:57:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ On the window ~ My heart-fragments chimes ~ Ringing in the wind ~ Of distant heart beats.
2011-04-05 03:09:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: It's in these hours I wake to find you sleeping

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in the corners of solace. [At this hour (cont)

2011-04-03 04:25:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Very nice... :-) RT @ perlygates: i forgot the part of poetry / where the words matter
2011-04-03 02:09:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @therafluent: dance begging for approval / the water-based portrait my all in facade / trials chip pain (cont)
2011-04-03 00:28:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Such a lovely scene... :-) RT @HalfMoonPilgrim: rain, wind, broken boughs / along the road / a fun adventure riding / for a job / interview.
2011-04-02 23:01:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @HalfMoonPilgrim: such and such / keep going on / the day that i / dont / belong.
2011-04-02 23:00:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ An interesting thought.. RT @CostisDemos: We are attuned with the frequencies of the primal orgasm. With the clay goblet of the earthmother.
2011-04-02 22:59:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Your meddling aroma... ;-)

2011-04-02 22:57:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every dance ~ Is re-discovering ~ Parts of us.

2011-04-02 22:56:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: kissing terminal / baggage on the carousel / going round and round #haiku [Nice play of words and images! :-) ]
2011-04-02 22:51:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @h0ll0wd0ll: Alone in the dark, and that's how I like it. # passingthought [Same here. Just distant sound of crickets]
2011-04-02 22:49:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: there was no part of him she did not savor [Especially those that held together the tastier ones]
2011-04-02 22:41:37 (EDT)

745 / 4823

_eroteme_ So true... :-| RT @OliviaDresher: The quicksand of going deep.No wonder people stay on the surface.
2011-04-02 22:40:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @expatinCAT: Words / a shattered mirror / fragments of me.

2011-04-02 22:39:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Nature's languages that aren't words, put into words.
2011-04-02 22:38:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The way my questions met your cleverness, not your core. [The armour of cleverness & the lance of humour for a heart?]
2011-04-02 22:28:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Rouge of time in the teeter-totter quest: inquisitive-blush [You always bring new meaning & melody to words! Beautiful]
2011-04-02 22:27:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: her fingers extended far beyond his body [Into memories of his journeys over my body, now bringing life to my fingers]
2011-04-02 22:25:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Weigh my worth ~ In words spoken ~ And you'll receive ~ A gift-wrapped ~ Unspoken one. [Thus I complete 300 (cont)
2011-04-02 22:21:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: she never knew how much she loved sweat [I was thinking the same thing yest. To lie on cold concrete & sweat in company]
2011-04-02 22:14:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky @silence_litost Which 2nd part? Glad you are with us. Nothing like a gang-up against Love! Wabbout the other black-magic woman? ;-)
2011-04-02 22:06:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Monochrome mosaic ~ Of tree shadow ~ On gravel [inspired entirely by @KrisLindbeck ]

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2011-04-02 21:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @Zen_Moments: What is today accepted as truth will tomorrow prove to be only amusing. ~ Louis L'Amour
2011-04-02 21:54:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I never knew ~ The ball I hurtled into the bush ~ Was a bomb ~ Exploding butterflies ~ And sparrows.
2011-04-02 14:22:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost I simply had to RT that, my friend. I have been ranting about this for ages now but shot down due to lack of experience! ;-)
2011-04-02 14:20:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Love cannot be measured, so it cannot be superior. Mutual love is an accident.. There is no way to foretell an accident.
2011-04-02 14:20:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Arranging dreams ~ In the vase of the night ~ Pricked by one about us.
2011-04-02 13:51:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Arranging dreams ~ In the vase of night ~ Pricked by one about us

2011-04-02 12:06:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: @richardsaffron: "A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him." - Man Ray
2011-04-02 11:58:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: We sanctify the moment with the quality of our attention. ~ Zen Moments
2011-04-02 11:57:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
2011-04-02 11:44:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Phantom nests - ~ Crows gliding ~ To where their tree was felled. [hat tip to @gennepher ]
2011-04-02 11:29:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At the funeral ~ The same thought ~ Walking up to the coffin ~

747 / 4823

Am I next?
2011-04-02 11:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is a pleasure that many of you found words to your taste in this stream. Thank you for sharing them with your friends... :-)
2011-04-02 10:37:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // I catch the roses staring as the dandelions float off // #haiku #senryu
2011-04-02 10:35:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream spring sun - / branch by branch / a blackbird / sings the plum tree / into blossom #tanka #5lines
2011-04-02 10:34:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @moonflowernco: RT @Etenim even if I have nothing / the cherry blossoms / bloom and fall - Santoka #haiku
2011-04-02 03:19:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Imagination ~ Has no place ~ In relating.

2011-04-02 02:40:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh! Die now ~ So I needn't carry around ~ The eulogies ~ I wrote for you.
2011-04-02 01:48:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @darkntwistd Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-04-02 01:46:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KiranKhalap Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-04-02 01:46:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KenpoBear Moon beams/ and raindrops/ washed away/ innocence [And that puddle into which your soul stepped, barefoot.]
2011-04-02 01:45:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My word marbles ~ Rolling down your neck ~ Through valley ~ Resting ~ In the navel of your mind.
2011-04-02 01:05:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My skin ~ Shedding ~ Wanting to feel you ~ Anew.

2011-04-02 00:36:38 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ I recognise ~ Your footsteps ~ By the tingle ~ On my tongue.

2011-04-02 00:34:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Come ~ Let's make love ~ Blush.

2011-04-02 00:26:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Turn words on their head ~ So they'll meet the shadow of their minds. ~ That is what poetry does.
2011-04-02 00:09:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Polishing my tongue ~ On your skin ~ Before it smoothly ~ Enters you.

2011-04-01 23:59:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plunge your hot iron words ~ In my blood ~ And in the steam that rises ~ I want to see you ~ And all that you meant.
2011-04-01 23:57:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Profound! :-) RT @ CostisDemos: dots and shadows - coming together or drifting apart. why? how? Don't ask
2011-04-01 23:42:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The shadow ~ Of your dot dot dot ~ At the end of your lines ~ And all you didn't say. [hat tip to @ CostisDemos ]
2011-04-01 23:40:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This wanting to know ~ That you are fine. ~ Then seeing your purple ~ Fingerprints in the clouds. [For a friend I missed & now know is fine]
2011-04-01 23:37:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: Haphazard continuity : serendipity of lips

2011-04-01 23:30:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @melancholundone: RT @therisinsun Photography: Ansel Adams Roots, Foster Gardens, Honolulu*1948
2011-04-01 23:28:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All love ~ Is arranged.

2011-04-01 23:27:25 (EDT)

749 / 4823

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos But at that minute, in retrospect, it feels so odd, so arranged to not know & still twirl through it all...
2011-04-01 23:27:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Everyone knew ~ Time knew ~ The spilling coffee knew ~ Those birds that rapidly flew away knew ~ Everyone except you & I knew ~ Why we met.
2011-04-01 23:25:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A cloudy night - ~ The stars hiding ~ Their tears.

2011-04-01 23:18:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Woe to them ~ Who employ ~ "Sexy" ~ To pole vault over ~ Their laziness. [I can't stand descriptions of "cool", "sexy" or "awesome"]
2011-04-01 23:12:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A very interesting thought... :-) RT @melancholundone: RT @ selkiec We are all just walking each other home. ~BabaRamDass
2011-04-01 23:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Your words, a permanent stain on my imagination. [My worded life, what imagination could never be]
2011-04-01 23:09:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: A memory is a tattoo on silence. [In the altering hues of time]
2011-04-01 23:07:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliantly put! :-) RT @Zen_Moments: Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment. ~ Chogyam Trungpa
2011-04-01 23:03:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Be very patient. You will sit for a long time. Birds will come and go, but the sky remains. ~ K. Brobeck
2011-04-01 23:02:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The prostitute's mother ~ Shaking a finger at her neighbour's child ~ "Darling you should not..." ~ And stopping mid-sentence
2011-04-01 22:35:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fine! ~ Just this time ~ I will live this life.

2011-04-01 22:19:08 (EDT)

750 / 4823

_eroteme_ This sexless wind ~ And still ~ What it does to your dress!
2011-04-01 13:48:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Sex appeal is the keynote of our civilization ~ Henri Bergson
2011-04-01 13:47:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ We were one only in our hatred for having met.

2011-04-01 13:47:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I wish ~ To play the tune ~ To which this fire dances.

2011-04-01 13:46:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That lonely flame ~ With no splinter ~ Around.

2011-04-01 13:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wonder why you thought your poor nude paintings meant you were not good in bed.
2011-04-01 13:43:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Watch whom you hate while he sleeps and you just might feel tenderness.
2011-04-01 13:41:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @cirrusdream: RT @monkeywillow: in agreement / with the wind - / each daffodil // [Till it comes to pass...]
2011-04-01 13:40:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Oh ruthless one! Why keep me unkilled?

2011-04-01 13:38:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every day this year ~ I see myself ~ In the mirror.

2011-04-01 13:38:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A soul to sponge! A soul to sponge! Crying along the shores of his heart...
2011-04-01 13:36:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Have you read ~ The moon tonight?

2011-04-01 13:34:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hysterical laugh before the tears

2011-04-01 13:33:11 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Unqualified as we may be, in spite of all our drunken tears & screams into the night sky at God, we are but curators of memories.
2011-04-01 13:32:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How you smiled that day. How I chose to remember it.
2011-04-01 13:30:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The jaggedness of time ~ And my heart caught ~ On its tooth.

2011-04-01 13:27:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I met him again ~ Whom you once called the door ~ That gave you a black eye.
2011-04-01 13:24:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To watch a sunrise ~ And merely smile.

2011-04-01 13:23:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Her beauty ~ That whips me ~ For giving in ~ Too soon.

2011-04-01 13:22:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wish the wind ~ Was an array of razors ~ And I was endlessly falling.
2011-04-01 13:19:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment. ~ Rumi
2011-04-01 13:16:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it. ~ George Carlin
2011-04-01 13:15:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! :-) RT @JDProuty The whole world shatters ~ into ten thousand fragments; ~ baby learns to speak #haikuchallenge 'fragment'
2011-04-01 13:12:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: walking in memories / silk sensation / tumble reach / dreams root movement
2011-04-01 13:11:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To find the Master whom none of heard of...

2011-04-01 12:56:13 (EDT)
752 / 4823

_eroteme_ @mhabibp Yep! Hence, I keep on journeying and refusing to stop! ;-)
2011-04-01 01:13:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KenpoBear Thank you... :-)

2011-03-31 22:04:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To find a woman who is a female me, is, perhaps, my singular journey.
2011-03-31 21:55:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Peering at ~ The tree beyond a rushing train ~ So many unknown faces ~ And the bare branches
2011-03-31 08:51:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @m_blanc_: Spun sleepless of words; paintings adorn nightless chambers of your mindscape @PaintswithWords
2011-03-31 08:26:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: fingerpaint me all the colours you are. [And blend them with the wet of me]
2011-03-31 06:41:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @m_blanc_: paper press me to your ages; Timeless #fragments #wordsmiths #poetry
2011-03-31 06:40:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @CWG2012: Remembering so often ~ so at least you can touch ~ my mind. [My mind ~ Made of you ~ And what you did]
2011-03-31 06:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos ashes at her feet / but damn, tonight / this glow
2011-03-31 06:38:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Past midnight ~ When your lover leaves ~ My window sill ~ Sighs.
2011-03-31 06:24:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @therisinsun Thank you for sharing her tweet... :-)

2011-03-31 05:25:42 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Fingers over ~ A smile ~ And glass shards [hat tip to @ ThoseThr3Words ]
2011-03-31 05:25:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @ThoseThr3Words: how could we know/it would end so soon?.../I run my fingers/over your smile/immortal in monochrome
2011-03-31 05:22:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart In summary, we have spicier wars to fight & better spaces to rule. Let them keep their Area 51! I have my dimpled queen size bed!
2011-03-31 03:29:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart Oh! Wait, is that why Bush invaded all those places? :-o
2011-03-31 03:24:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart And when you tell them that your gym instructor has such a toned body, they'll know better than ridicule our hot flashes!
2011-03-31 03:24:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart So the plan for generations has been this. Let them believe they rule the world & watch them whimper when we invite our mom home!
2011-03-31 03:22:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart Abolutely! All it would have taken was to shut the lid. But no! They never learnt to do that from their mommies!
2011-03-31 03:20:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart Exactly! So we let them make fools of themselves and then file our nails and blame them for the oil slick in the lawn! :-D
2011-03-31 03:16:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart It already is with all the women in it. :-) But this ruling bit is best left to the stupider folks. ;-) We need someone to blame!
2011-03-31 03:13:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monakart Oh! I never doubted the better taste. *That* is exactly what worries me. The taste & the clashing "so 80s" predicaments! ;-)
2011-03-31 03:09:14 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @monakart And war over whether our borders should be pink or blushing bride's red? :-|
2011-03-31 03:01:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Passing trains ~ Hurtling metal screams ~ Across coaches. [Inspired by @akigibbons via @moonflowernco ]
2011-03-31 02:49:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As beautiful as the painting in my head... :-) RT @ moonflowernco: grey morning ~ red fox moves in and out ~ of the fog # haiku
2011-03-31 02:46:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Somewhere in the fog ~ A nightingale ~ Clears her throat

2011-03-31 02:00:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @therisinsun: @Aliciahphoto: A New 11:11 365 Photo - 89 - Memories and Nightmares -
2011-03-31 01:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The vain cherry tree ~ Decorates itself ~ With blossoms ~ Or icicles ~ Through the year.
2011-03-31 01:55:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How Spring ~ Makes even Winter ~ Melt

2011-03-31 01:50:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ It is her screams ~ That gave me power.

2011-03-31 01:45:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tripping on words ~ Thinking they are ~ Indeed her.

2011-03-31 01:40:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beeee-autiful... :-) RT @myearthgirl: at the kitchen sink / washing / a single wine glass / the transparency / of me #tanka #gogyohka
2011-03-31 01:39:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @KrisLindbeck: A confusion / of prancing sunset grackles / as two crows fly home || # haiku #aros
2011-03-31 01:36:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @AnaisAngel 'tis gladdening that you find the words here to
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your taste.
2011-03-31 01:35:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Opening my mind ~ Occasionally ~ To see if ~ The words are done yet.
2011-03-31 01:30:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @moonflowernco: RT @Miridunn She writes ~ metaphors ~ of mountains ~ too steep ~ to climb #gogyohka
2011-03-31 01:27:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KenpoBear: @moonflowernco Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Thank you, kind sir :-) ]

2011-03-31 01:25:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only men ~ Had the movement of trees ~ Voice of streams ~ Shades of the sky ~ And clarity of snowflakes... [hat tip @moonflowernco ]
2011-03-31 01:21:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! :-)RT @perlygates: the moment a circle meets its end
2011-03-31 01:02:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: find me / i am the moon / and the root // # micropoetry [The wind and the cave]
2011-03-31 01:02:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Now stored in my attic ~ Jars from under park benches ~ Packed with childhood laughter.
2011-03-31 00:41:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A poem builds benches ~ Where we can sit ~ And silently ponder.
2011-03-31 00:30:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @pauldavidmena: the junkyard at night / a hubcap filled / with rainwater and stars #haiku #nahaiwrimo
2011-03-31 00:26:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When the moon cries ~ Leaving stars ~ Behind.

2011-03-31 00:24:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ She who lived across the street ~ And reflected sunlight ~ When she opened her windows [hat tip to @silence_litost ]
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2011-03-31 00:22:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plugging the holes of life with the fingers of humour...

2011-03-31 00:11:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful, the image... :-) RT @CoyoteSings: RT @ten_ten_ten: rusting in rain / the indistinct shadows of an abandoned car
2011-03-30 23:59:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Scrubbed by a cloud ~ The brighter ~ Moon.

2011-03-30 23:55:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In the bazaar ~ Claims and intent paraded, ~ Slinking away ~ At the mention of ~ Genuineness or ~ Innocence.
2011-03-30 23:50:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spend hours ~ Understanding hunger ~ Or eat.

2011-03-30 23:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Choose wisely ~ Or otherwise. ~ Doesn't matter.

2011-03-30 23:29:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // most of my words start over my head // #senryu [Aah! Explains the angel ring... ;-) ]
2011-03-30 23:28:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your maze of scars ~ And the tongue of my love ~ Walking blindfolded ~ Through them.
2011-03-30 23:14:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Forgetting to smile. Then, forgetting what makes me smile. The slow death of a once-happy soul.
2011-03-30 23:07:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If a child walks up to me and says, "You are my father. I know." I would merely nod my head & take her/him along to where I live.
2011-03-30 23:04:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: the harbor at night / two empty party boats / pass in the rain [Nothing but the boatman's radio playing old melodies]
2011-03-30 22:51:51 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The static of dawn ~ Before the clearly transmitted ~ Sun.

2011-03-30 22:48:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Jemfyr: Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand. ~ Plato [This would be my introduction! :-) ]
2011-03-28 20:41:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ Thank you for your wishes. :-) Somehow reborn under mango trees, these words would wilt without... :-)
2011-03-28 11:44:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be. ~ Ellen Burstyn
2011-03-28 11:29:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: The fog comes on little cat feet..It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunche (cont)
2011-03-28 11:24:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful ... :-) RT @moonflowernco: on the lilac ~ an apparition ~ summer butterfly #haiku
2011-03-28 11:22:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Yeah! Immediately as soon as I woke! Silly fellow... :-)

2011-03-28 11:19:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @moonflowernco Thank you for sharing your wonderful words... :-) I am just the water carrying flowers...
2011-03-28 10:38:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindheart: diverse miniature word gardens -> @_eroteme_ [Please do stop by and have tea in the lawns... :-) ]
2011-03-28 10:37:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words, blossom ~ Wind carrying pauses ~ Spreading the mindless-scent of ~ Phrase dew. ~ Thus, verse gardens ~ Bloom [hat tip to @mindheart]
2011-03-28 10:35:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground :-) That is the sweetest response I have received. Thanks for the numbers. Based on the math my stomach did, I'll live... ;-)
2011-03-28 10:25:07 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ @mindground Oh! Us flies are rather tolerant! ;-) Nevertheless, how frequently is "sometimes"?
2011-03-28 10:22:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If the best poem ~ Would win a war ~ How much better! [Thinking of @pauldavidmena 's son]
2011-03-28 10:11:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A dream ~ So wishing to be alive ~ That I woke up.

2011-03-28 10:05:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindground: Sigh! To be a fly in your bakery...

2011-03-28 09:53:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: the humming breath of the open road # monostitch [Siren calls to the unrested soul]
2011-03-28 09:43:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ It was beautiful! I esp. loved how it ended... :-)

2011-03-28 09:41:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @TrishScott Ridiculous in this entire desparation to stay alive at all cost. This is one of the first things to learn from animals.
2011-03-28 09:38:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To hold you from behind, my hands, your living cloth.

2011-03-28 09:29:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sun setting ~ In the tear-rimmed ~ Horizon of your eyes.

2011-03-28 09:24:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Consider the difference it would make to this world if you are willing to die when your body says so.
2011-03-28 09:00:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The vulgarity of bringing a child into this world.

2011-03-28 08:54:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: my son re-enlists / the crows / are silent # haiku #nahaiwrimo [Wishing him well...]
2011-03-28 08:34:00 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Wrap your legs around me ~ Pull me into your womb ~ So I'll be the child ~ You wanted of me.
2011-03-28 08:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My bleeding fingers ~ Painting outside the lines ~ Of your lips [Inspired by the profile pic of @delovelylou ]
2011-03-28 08:02:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl You sure have an angel-souled son... :-)

2011-03-28 07:59:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @monkeywillow Absolutely! I think we all draw immense inspiration from nearly everyone in the stream... Kin of a creative kind. :-)
2011-03-28 07:58:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The hiss ~ Of the setting sun. ~ Steam gathers into a moon.
2011-03-28 07:10:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: tiptoing through night / as if not to wake her / I pass a porch light and pause / as I'm painted with light [Loved it! :-) ]
2011-03-28 07:09:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Learn from the sky ~ To juggle a sunny wife ~ And a starry eyed mistress. [hat tip to @therisinsun]
2011-03-28 05:36:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @rgogos Done. :-) I had RT-ed it earlier too with my comments... Should be about a day or two ago...
2011-03-28 05:24:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nice RT @rgogos: "at one / with the moss - / stone Buddha's belly" ~@monkeywillow [Reminds me of @tankaqueen's tweet on moss & gravestone]
2011-03-28 05:17:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @therafluent Interestingly, the portion you chose brings in a meaning in a different context. :-)
2011-03-28 05:07:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love ~ Like a floater in the eye ~ Dodges my grasp (for the poetically inclined. The thesis paper was in the previous tweet! ;-)
2011-03-28 04:33:28 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Love, like floaters in the eye, flits away as we chase it. Look beyond and it stays where it should be.
2011-03-28 04:29:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Straight from the oven ~ I blow-cool each ~ Before lowering the words ~ On to your navel.
2011-03-28 02:38:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your heaving breast ~ Before the slow spiral ~ Of the towel ~ To the floor.
2011-03-28 01:35:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Nothing is funny, that's why there's humor. [I thought there is life to prove that it is all a joke!]
2011-03-28 01:33:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: I hum the notes of our antiquity. [Strained echo-tones from our past]
2011-03-28 01:32:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Her mind a tunnel inside her heart. [The labyrinths of thought devouring the filigree heart]
2011-03-28 01:31:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is that disease ~ Where the salve ~ And germ ~ Lie in the same ~ Clenched heart.
2011-03-27 23:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: We are trained to be occupied, to do something all the time, rush about, because it's our escape
2011-03-27 22:53:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Pleasant life ~ Belongs to her ~ Who is like water ~ Or in the midst of Spring.
2011-03-27 22:52:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Absolutely! And I have this other DVD of dreams you should have... :-)
2011-03-27 22:27:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Let's try again - ~ In the bus ~ Reading Pessoa ~ You smile ~ I put the book down ~ And re-live 20 years ~ A little differently.
2011-03-27 22:00:00 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Fill my vision again ~ Like you once did ~ Through my door's ~ Peephole.
2011-03-27 21:50:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Strangle my words ~ With your silk sash ~ If you wish them ~ A darker hue.
2011-03-27 21:27:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: To grow up without fear. That would change the world, wouldnt it?
2011-03-27 21:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Foot fetish: #photography

2011-03-27 20:50:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bonding by the sea: #photography

2011-03-27 20:48:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The stone that once blazed: #photography

2011-03-27 20:46:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Waiting for that one: #photography

2011-03-27 20:45:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A purple sunrise: #photography

2011-03-27 20:42:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Shadows heading in the same directions: # photography

2011-03-27 20:40:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My unaccented caws - ~ Wonder how ~ They can still tell.

2011-03-27 20:34:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: @bukquotes: "A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover." ~ Charles Bukowski
2011-03-27 20:32:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: trembling tingling glistening night [Surrounding joyous, breathless, careless dreams]
2011-03-27 20:30:58 (EDT)
762 / 4823

_eroteme_ Your widening smile and increasing laughter - signs of poorly hidden sorrow.
2011-03-27 20:24:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Like a twine ~ That tied, ~ A once bound heart ~ Sags.

2011-03-27 11:34:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: moments before / the alarm clock rings / a distant train #senryu #nahaiwrimo [If only they let me decide the tone!]
2011-03-27 11:26:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To pour poetry ~ Over rocks ~ And smooth them ~ Over time.
2011-03-27 10:46:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: It is thought that is destroying love.

2011-03-27 10:42:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The heart's depth ~ Is measured in ~ Milliscars of pain ~ Unshared.

2011-03-27 10:23:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tear me apart ~ Feed me to ~ The moaning storyteller - ~ The easterly winds.
2011-03-27 10:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This exasperating urge for all this to vanish now, but I still look.
2011-03-27 10:11:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The roots of the invisible.

2011-03-27 10:10:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The thorns of time, clenched in the fist of memories, scar you on my skin.
2011-03-27 10:08:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I didn't mind love stabbing me, but in the heart?

2011-03-27 09:17:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @expatinCAT: I know a place / where snow doesn't / settle. # senryu #haiku [Or winds curve]
2011-03-27 08:27:24 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ My gate hinges ~ And the way they ~ Greeted you.

2011-03-27 08:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Memories that wear your skin and smell of the wine bottle you hurtled against the wall...
2011-03-27 03:02:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man must learn to share his woman with her secret demons
2011-03-27 02:51:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To still pine for him whom I didn't marry - such a bitter pleasure.
2011-03-27 02:48:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To write and never reveal...

2011-03-27 02:24:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) Beautiful... RT @moonflowernco: all your aspects ~ so suit you ~ gentle ~ grey ~ dove #gogyohka
2011-03-27 02:18:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @amoz1939 to get that quiet moment ~ a cupcake ~ and chamomile tea ~under my mango tree [The things one can do under a mango tree...]
2011-03-27 02:15:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: You get tragedy where the tree, instead of bending, breaks. ~ Wittgenstein
2011-03-27 01:06:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please. ~ Epictetus
2011-03-27 00:33:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums @myearthgirl He pauses by the gnarled oak, where Fate has never stopped. To listen to a song carried o'er word winds, swapped.
2011-03-27 00:22:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums The tinkle of anklets as you stride my breast, journeys of the silver veined warrior @myearthgirl
2011-03-27 00:12:12 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @roseplums @myearthgirl Awash with burgundy dreamscreased to the touch of your memories
2011-03-27 00:06:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl @roseplums And I can butt in, right? :-|

2011-03-27 00:02:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I just realised I can't say it aloud: "I have such fine ladies in my stream" :-|
2011-03-27 00:01:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Seriously! Why would I lay a table and then threaten the members!? :-o
2011-03-26 23:59:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Me too. But I don't eat any meat anyway. Nothing on my table ever moved or held the potential to move (eggs)...
2011-03-26 23:56:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl Why? He was saving on his electricity bills? Keep away from him, lady... Stingy bugger!
2011-03-26 23:54:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Never heard of Ms./Mr. Volley... :-)

2011-03-26 23:51:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The day I can place a water bowl only for one sparrow, I will love only you.
2011-03-26 23:49:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The need for exclusivity is our insecurity in leather robes...

2011-03-26 23:47:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A starving stomach never rid one of woes.

2011-03-26 23:45:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The precipitate of all depth - tears, scalding and unwilling.

2011-03-26 23:42:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: Profound... :-)

2011-03-26 23:33:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl @markosul: Loneliness / is the stillness of a

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pine / after the two birds have flown [Brilliant, simply brilliant]
2011-03-26 23:24:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @tankaqueen: Filling the name / of a headstone -- / moss. [Somehow, the green befitting what she was]
2011-03-26 23:08:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: Do you think if you loved your children the world would be like this?
2011-03-26 22:36:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Faith means belief in something concerning which doubt is theoretically possible. ~ William James
2011-03-26 22:32:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This amazing willingness to continue living astounds me.

2011-03-26 22:31:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: From such crooked wood as that which man is made of, nothing straight can be fashioned. ~ Kant
2011-03-26 22:18:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: You and I are just swinging doors. This kind of understanding is necessary. ~ Shunryu Suzuki
2011-03-26 22:16:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Between trees ~ A black canvas ~ And watercolour moon. [Rework of @expatinCAT 's verse. Having said "black", do we need to state "night"?]
2011-03-26 22:14:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @dgdreamin: Unknowingly, you have met your match # sixwords [In a game, I was unknowingly playing]
2011-03-26 22:08:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! RT @apwpoet: Don't bother / getting up - / reality / was better / while you were asleep.
2011-03-26 22:03:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Your countenance, a boarded window, a splintering house. [And the glow in the attic]
2011-03-26 22:00:54 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: coquette of failure, she took easily to chocolate; it bled less than guilt.
2011-03-26 21:59:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @NaiveProstitute: I will never be socialized, I will run away from my own sense of value. [But every sto (cont)
2011-03-26 21:53:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The sour chasm of sarcasm. [hat tip to @InVinceWil ]

2011-03-26 21:50:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums :-) It is indeed beautiful...

2011-03-26 21:39:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @blacbard Indeed the spit on which my heart turns... :-) Appreciate your responding in verse. It feels like a joyous duet when done so. :-)
2011-03-26 21:38:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ Glad you found them so! :-)

2011-03-26 21:36:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your thoughts ~ Are the twigs ~ My mind tosses ~ Into the fire ~ My heart tries ~ To extinguish.
2011-03-26 20:03:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I rise to the clouds ~ Merely to rain ~ On your window sill ~ Overlooking ~ Unnamed streets.
2011-03-26 18:56:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kindness and love served repeatedly complimentary is only realised when found missing at the next meal.
2011-03-26 17:54:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If I don't wish to defend myself, how does that make me arrogant?
2011-03-26 16:52:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only love had the character of death...

2011-03-26 15:52:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The deciduous love of a mortal heart

2011-03-26 14:50:02 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ When we stare ~ Into each other's eyes ~ The infinite mirrored ~ Corridors of our souls.
2011-03-26 13:45:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My finger words ~ Undoing your ~ Buttoned mind.

2011-03-26 13:10:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @expatinCAT: The almost indescribable importance of a sigh. #monostich [The sigh and all that I didn't say]
2011-03-26 13:06:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ For the soul ~ That cascades thus ~ I play the shakuhachi ~ Sitting on that rock. [With earnest bows to @Buddahnature and her profile pic]
2011-03-26 13:01:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Thoroughly enjoyed your playground tweets of love... :-) May I join too?
2011-03-26 12:59:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This heat ~ Melting even ~ The sun.

2011-03-26 12:41:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @dgdreamin Thank you for your kind words. :-) Perhaps they quiver and shake in the presence of your evocative words! :-)
2011-03-26 12:39:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The song you never sung ~ Still echoing in your corridors ~ Of my mind
2011-03-26 09:20:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Buddahnature You are kind. It does please me that these words are to your taste. :-) Let me see if I have some more for the walk back home.
2011-03-26 09:16:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongue / There. / Your quivering eyes / Missing the fireworks.

2011-03-26 09:14:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would you try my heart for a day and break in for me?
2011-03-26 09:09:38 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Ten soap bubbles later ~ My son learns ~ To set them free ~ And look just that long.
2011-03-26 09:03:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I pause and ~ Breathe in ~ What you breathe out. ~ The parry and thrust ~ Of our life forces [hat tip to @dgdreamin ]
2011-03-26 08:59:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: first love... / another scar / in the beech bark #haiku #senryu [Amateur carvers! Amateur lovers too! ;-) ]
2011-03-26 08:56:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @redonohue Perhaps its just his tone or energy. Walk with him. If you try and receive his words, you won't! :-)
2011-03-26 08:55:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To be that one pearl ~ On your long necklace.

2011-03-26 08:48:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only a smile could explain all that I am...

2011-03-26 08:28:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Somehow, undressing your mind feels more arousing than anything else.
2011-03-26 00:06:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I always lie down ~ Before crying. ~ The deafening gongs ~ Of tears falling ~ On marble.
2011-03-25 23:37:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Type_One_ : "We must introduce new intelligent patterns by journeying into the novelty of creation" [Totally agree!]
2011-03-25 23:33:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LetsMakePurple: when children refuse to wear clothing. -_[Perhaps we should learn from them & drop ours to. So much to drop!]
2011-03-25 23:33:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @wordblender: the corrupt / of relations / to ships #sixwords [Shatering what we relate to ions]
2011-03-25 23:32:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if all our wants and desires are the locks on that one door...
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2011-03-25 23:18:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ Thank you. Wishing you a good night's sleep too. :-)
2011-03-25 23:09:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A cat playing with the tassels ~ A distant wind chimes ~ The confused cat ~ Cautiously paws ~ Another dangling knot.
2011-03-25 22:40:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: torn to stone, he dresses my water to the edge of my necessity; i drown willingly. [Like shores drowning in waves]
2011-03-25 22:35:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Oh! Its nice and sparkling with tassels & a sprinkling of rosewater. A day with a clear agenda usually comes to busy people. ;-)
2011-03-25 22:32:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I only understand relationships when they flicker away with the setting sun.
2011-03-25 22:29:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Always! I feel most lost when I wake up to a day with a clear agenda. :-)
2011-03-25 22:25:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All helplessness, all sorrow & all pain, adorned in words, hues & set to the tune of the viola becomes the art others desire, knowing not.
2011-03-25 22:24:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have made feeling lost an art.

2011-03-25 22:22:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bright golden windows ~ Shutting out ~ The moon and stars.
2011-03-25 22:14:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moaning cries ~ Of letters burnt ~ Unread.

2011-03-25 22:11:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love comes in two flavours: instinctive & learnt. Like when I saw you enter the bookstore and when you left me.
2011-03-25 22:08:37 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ All these beautiful worlds I have been to and invented from the rubble of my home.
2011-03-25 22:06:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A goat on her hind legs ~ Peeling off pamphlets ~ Promising peace.
2011-03-25 12:45:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil And for that poem, here is something you might like: :-)
2011-03-25 12:10:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @InVinceWil: a beautiful lily / bends in grace / to drink / its own reflection / pausing first to see #gogyohka [Absolutely gorgeous!]
2011-03-25 12:09:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The touchstone for words ~ That God took with Him.
2011-03-25 11:09:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How easily you call it belief when it is the entire way of a beautiful heart! [To a friend who wrote to me of his belief :-) ]
2011-03-25 10:57:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Through the cracked window ~ A beautifully ~ Cracked moon.

2011-03-25 10:44:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I still cringe ~ When a sparrow ~ Retreats on my entry.

2011-03-25 10:41:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @WordWhispers Or with a paean half done making the dawn seek more... ;-)
2011-03-25 10:38:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to wear my chains again...
2011-03-25 10:30:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wolf's cry ~ And under its cover ~ My sobs.

2011-03-25 10:28:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All those women who dream of love in its full intensity and then the torment of that blaze.
2011-03-25 08:42:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ The irony of needing words to write about them. Like first needing love to be able to recognise the shape of my heart.
2011-03-25 08:41:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All these words - all the hearts they set aflutter & the minds they illumine - yet are words which I lay out like a corpse in their graves.
2011-03-25 08:38:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The drag of words making me accept what they imply.

2011-03-25 08:36:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Drops ~ Sliding off the back ~ Of a rainbow [hat tip to @ perlygates ]
2011-03-25 01:13:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: Collecting red and violet crumbs / from a rainbow / the colors add up //. #micropoetry [Beautiful! Loved it]
2011-03-25 01:11:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @pauldavidmena: lying in a hammock / in the beachfront villa / of my dreams #senryu #bequia
2011-03-25 01:06:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The dissipative departure into doubts...

2011-03-25 00:54:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hands held behind ~ I love the mock stern walk ~ Of your tongue on mine.
2011-03-24 22:42:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I only have ~ The now cold candle-wax ~ To remind me ~ Of that night.
2011-03-24 22:28:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You deceive me ~ With your truths.

2011-03-24 22:20:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A plastic bag ~ On the road ~ Rising in the wake ~ Of every hurried passerby
2011-03-24 22:14:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every tree in the wind ~ Asks me one question ~ Why didn't you?
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2011-03-24 22:09:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @deborahmilligan Dear Deborah, glad you found it so. :-) A pleasure...
2011-03-24 21:57:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My resolve ~ As if held by the hook ~ You just undid.

2011-03-24 01:23:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
2011-03-24 00:50:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The presumptuousness of every word, certain to make you feel what I did.
2011-03-23 23:47:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl @CostisDemos: Art is a lofty as the humans who create it. Or as low. [If only art cleaved from the creators. Like humans]
2011-03-23 23:15:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the lies we said ~ So that we'd have something ~ Akin to love.
2011-03-23 23:07:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if the fragility of entities demand their crumbling and pulverisation...

2011-03-23 22:55:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The moon ~ In the day sky ~ For all her claims ~ Of preferring nights.
2011-03-23 22:04:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The corset ~ Of my words ~ Shaping ~ Your mind.

2011-03-23 12:35:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I fill your shadow with words ~ And watch them tickle your feet.
2011-03-23 12:34:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I am dead ~ Please don't discuss ~ "How he used to always say..." ~ I didn't.
2011-03-23 12:30:54 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Some poems ~ Are best half done. ~ Others, are...

2011-03-23 12:24:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My bamboo curtain ~ Remembers its youth ~ And lets the wind in.
2011-03-23 12:20:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Don't resist pain, my friend. Be the frictionless conduit for its flow and you will be free of it.
2011-03-23 12:05:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Arleenelfoe Not sure I got it... :-| Who was I speaking for? Sunlight? Cat? Window?
2011-03-23 10:21:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ held wordless to an origami sky ~ wrapped of you and I into ~ linens of Caravaggio. [Beautiful words here:, @m_blanc_ ]
2011-03-23 06:47:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your cauldron of sin ~ Over the fires of my passion.

2011-03-22 23:53:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain As much as dwelling on destructive history is useless, so is dwelling on laudatory bits of time. But that point is missed...
2011-03-22 23:23:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain Absolutely! It is parasitical. But as an individual, I think it is stupid of me to selectively accept only what is sweet!
2011-03-22 23:22:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain If thinking positively means shutting doors on the negative reality, then that isn't rational. To see as things are is vital.
2011-03-22 23:14:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @JDProuty: RT @OpelDHell: a simple haiku ~ is the inverse function of ~ life's complexity [By far the best description I have heard]
2011-03-22 22:47:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: A sense of playfulness is the best defense against taking yourself too seriously. ~ Peter Chang
2011-03-22 22:45:35 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ A butterfly kiss ~ And the wind ~ In your dress ~ Thousands of miles away. [for a mistake I made]
2011-03-22 22:44:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The entire industry of thinking positively seems to be the disposing of all rational thinking.
2011-03-22 22:41:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Did Adam invent fruit and nut!?

2011-03-22 22:31:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain :-) It must be fun. Gripping toes and tugging and ... *thud* ... damn!
2011-03-22 22:30:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The zoetrope of dreams ~ When I wake up ~ The subtitles change.

2011-03-22 22:29:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All three of us stretch and I squeal a yawn. My dog takes the hint and rushes over. The cat walks away shaking her head.
2011-03-22 22:14:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think I'd live my life in four phases: childhood, childhood relived, youth, youth re-lived.
2011-03-22 22:07:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every man would love to meet his father and describe how he would have liked to be raised.
2011-03-22 22:05:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I taught my five year old to bow to every flower he sees. The manners and exercise helps.
2011-03-22 22:03:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Few creatures match the departing beauty of fishes.

2011-03-22 21:58:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The great guru ~ Talks about "purpose" and "mission". ~ The frogs and I ~ Jump into the pond.
2011-03-22 21:56:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Probably is statistical. Maybe is lazy! ;-)

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2011-03-22 21:54:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Doing a head-stand ~ And our toes ~ Kissing. (no wonder the blood rushes to my head! ;-)
2011-03-22 21:52:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The "maybe"s ~ You planted ~ In our backyard.

2011-03-22 21:49:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This cold wind ~ And the moon's ~ Chapped lips.

2011-03-22 20:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The game of love ~ Sunlight on the window ~ And the cat ~ Who turns her face away.
2011-03-22 20:01:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The conversation of shops ~ Convincing me ~ That I need that ~ Braided keychain.
2011-03-22 19:58:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Throwing stones ~ Where the sun hits the stream - ~ Hundred more suns.
2011-03-22 19:52:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your flawless fault line ~ As you reach behind to unhook.

2011-03-22 19:47:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A nasty exit is not directed towards the gathering. It is to the exit and to ensure one isn't tempted to return.
2011-03-22 19:44:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @benhockliffe: a deck of cards / flows down brixton road / black cabs and red buses / in aces, twos / and threes
2011-03-22 19:42:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Neighbour slams doors - ~ My five-year old asks ~ Do earthquakes sound like that?
2011-03-22 19:41:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As if fervently twiddling my pen would make words drop out...

2011-03-22 19:40:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // the flowers the stars, everything walks

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with you walk as slow as you want // #tanka #gogyohka [Brilliant!]

2011-03-22 19:29:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nice... :-) RT @m_blanc_: print my water; I want you ankle deep. #fragments #lovestories #wordsmiths
2011-03-22 19:28:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @VerseEveryDay To find myself / I loved / I did [Makes one wonder how much loving and doing it would take]
2011-03-22 19:27:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: Sensuality is not what you feel. Sensuality is what you think. Touch something once, think about it forever. [Well said!]
2011-03-22 19:25:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D RT @CoyoteSings: // playing with these children I solved that wasting time thing // #senryu
2011-03-22 19:23:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // there are words my mind uses that i don't understand.. // #senryu
2011-03-22 19:23:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @poemblaze1: The wind ~ grinds poems ~ to koans. # micropoetry [Quite a nice way of looking at it! :-) ]
2011-03-22 19:20:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Neat... :-) RT @clownfysh: before I've seen / that expression / between lies
2011-03-22 19:10:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cirrusdream: spring raindrops / the restlessness / you fail to see #haiku #haijinx
2011-03-22 19:08:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: Silent procession / of kisses / marching / disperse / on your mouth #gogyohka #micropoetry
2011-03-22 19:06:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: a light on in the kitchen / polygon blaze /across a diffused front porch /I inhale / and smell no fear [polygon blaze.Nice]
2011-03-22 09:19:41 (EDT)
777 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~ Marcel Proust
2011-03-22 06:35:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The soot of all burned hopes - night.

2011-03-22 06:34:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Silently searching for ways to completely un-say.

2011-03-22 01:46:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why seek depth in me measured in spoonsful of your mind?

2011-03-21 23:47:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My body, the debris of myriad invasions.

2011-03-21 23:44:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I could tell you the tale of your life. Come, hold this dagger firm.
2011-03-21 23:42:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LalySky That would still be paper of sorts... :-)

2011-03-21 23:41:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pilgrimage of words that found no paper.

2011-03-21 23:33:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Wish I'd never known

2011-03-21 23:32:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Night is for exploring within you.

2011-03-21 23:27:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Tell me, can you still balance burning worlds on your fingertips? [Yes, but can you bear to see that flaming sight?]
2011-03-21 23:27:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Why would I climb mountains ~ If all I wish is to return ~ And let everyone know?
2011-03-21 23:24:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When you sing me a song ~ Part forgotten ~ Part hummed ~ I fall asleep ~ Part dreaming ~ Part holding you close.
2011-03-21 23:22:16 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Words are pennies tossed in the stream ~ Glistening on the bed with the rest ~ Indistinguishable.
2011-03-21 23:19:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This corpse of Time - ~ Sometimes I carry it ~ Sometimes, it, me.

2011-03-21 23:18:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This broken hourglass ~ Sands of my past ~ And future, motionless.

2011-03-21 23:16:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This moon ~ Could have been you ~ Watching me sleepless.

2011-03-21 23:13:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @gennepher My pleasure... :-)

2011-03-21 07:52:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Now, beer bottles hurtled - ~ I miss my old neighbours & their ~ Crashing bone China.
2011-03-21 07:40:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My has-been, my am, my will-be, my could-be, my should-be, my better-off-me and my disgusting-me - all arguing about the philosophy of life.
2011-03-21 07:06:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @peterwilkin1 My pleasure. :-) And sorry, I had to edit my tweet hence, deleted it (the one you RT-ed).
2011-03-21 07:03:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only birds were swift drops of paint colouring a blue canvas, we wouldn't have to wish for a rainbow.
2011-03-21 07:02:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Strips of yellow ~ Barricade tapes and ~ A child's red crayon marks.
2011-03-21 06:54:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @myearthgirl: RT @peterwilkin1: Last night ~ i begged the moon ~ to tell me ~ but she merely ~ smiled
2011-03-21 06:51:27 (EDT)
779 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @Buddahnature: @cat_cat_ @CostisDemos good morning folks :) [and noon too... :-) ]
2011-03-21 06:09:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: pink dove petals / flight path palpable of breath / traces of chimes [The sheer music of these lines... :-) ]
2011-03-21 05:14:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @gennepher a / nowhere / peace / an / empty place # gogyohka [I feel great peace reading the phrase "nowhere peace"]
2011-03-21 05:02:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: You were always somewhere I had yet to stumble upon... but I always knew that you were somewhere. [And stumble I had to]
2011-03-21 05:00:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: in silence ~ they greet each other ~ and melt into one ~ the closing day ~ and coming dusk [The watercolour transitions]
2011-03-21 03:37:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: the wild west wind ~ keeps blowing ~ ancient leaves ~ into ~ the koi pond #gogyohka
2011-03-21 02:35:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KenpoBear: The unloved/ often rage in anger/ or weep in sadness/ but if we love them/ a new journey is possible [Well said! :-) ]
2011-03-21 01:44:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I met my words at the town-square and asked, "Who are you?" and they replied, "We are you, unloved."
2011-03-21 01:06:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-D RT @haikunut: Suddenly surrounded / by ambiguous uncles / and well-suited women of questionable intent; (cont)
2011-03-20 23:30:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So help me here! Why am I thanking you? You love my words not me. You love their curves, not mine. You tongue them through the night,
780 / 4823

not me
2011-03-20 22:57:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @mindground: Strange how truth slowly cooks, then rises. [As if Time is hearth for all Truth]
2011-03-20 22:50:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: RT @quietdaemon: I'd be remiss/if on gazing upon/your upturned face/I didn't softly confess/my soul's song into your mouth
2011-03-20 22:45:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @cat_cat_: the bruised / blue / of this calico / hue / is still happy / to be / a part of it #micropoetry
2011-03-20 22:42:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Amen! :-) RT @redonohue: What is holier than flesh / on flesh / consenting / and in need
2011-03-20 22:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @redonohue: Until next time / this / will be the last time / I play fool / for your attention [Nice! Don't we always say this... :-) ]
2011-03-20 22:39:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The girl who ripened in Winter and withered this Spring.
2011-03-20 22:37:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl To you too... :-) x (not the smiling guy with the bow-tie)
2011-03-20 22:36:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @myearthgirl: incense tray / I pour out yesterday's ashes / and light up again #senryu #micropoetry
2011-03-20 22:34:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @silence_litost: If I build this tunnel from here to nowhere, will you live with me in the rubble of poor architecture?
2011-03-20 22:29:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sit by my side. Show me what is happening in the world to my right and I'll show you what's happening, to your left.
2011-03-20 22:19:01 (EDT)

781 / 4823

_eroteme_ My ear to the window sill, listening to the mood of the passerby, as he crunches on the glass shattered across the pavement.
2011-03-20 22:13:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Completeness is a utilitarian quest for what we'd rather see. [from meditations on wabi-sabi ]
2011-03-20 22:09:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes, I read in candlelight, on nights when the words wish to dance.
2011-03-20 22:05:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The gecko on the wall, and our silent, unrecalled conversations
2011-03-20 22:02:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How empty the parchment; invisible words crawling, waiting to be caught in ink... [To @ CostisDemos and @cat_cat_ for their ink tweets]
2011-03-20 21:59:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The ideal reader is the writer just before the words come together on the page. - Alberto Manguel, A Reader on Reading.
2011-03-20 21:52:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I build a slight alcove ~ With a single beam of light, ~ Where I shall find none, ~ Not even myself...
2011-03-20 21:46:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think good food is made of the same substance as poetry or music. Watch a man dig into his plate & his conduct thereafter.
2011-03-20 21:43:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @KrisLindbeck You are indeed generous with kindness. :-) I am glad you found the words so. The phrase "conversation of crows" is remarkable!
2011-03-20 21:38:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I think I will walk out of my house and answer every question coming my way with a "The Oracle deemed it so. I am bored."
2011-03-20 21:35:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How we wish we were independent of that thing called Fate! And then act in defiance which probably is our very Fate...
2011-03-20 21:33:26 (EDT)
782 / 4823

_eroteme_ Even flowers darken, ~ So none will miss ~ The full moon tonight.
2011-03-20 21:32:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Aww! Now I am all blushing and twirling toes! :-) Thanks, sir. More blushing... more twirling toes... I mean, the same 10 toes.
2011-03-20 21:30:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Cats: Weren't they really created to make man feel gauche! [To @silence_litost's and @CostisDemos's respective cats ]
2011-03-20 21:28:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos We should "hmmm" alternately and let the cat meow at its own will. That, my friend, is music for an Autumn eve! :-)
2011-03-20 21:26:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If all you want is to hear me say "I love you", why must I look into your eyes?
2011-03-20 21:26:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Zen_Moments: Consider what you want people to remember of you and live accordingly. ~ Barb Rogers [If it is nothing, live anyway & free]
2011-03-20 21:25:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @silence_litost: You are not what I breathe, but wish it were so. [Be the air or be the sods under which I shall lie...]
2011-03-20 21:22:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Imagination, by the quality of its mechanics, is self-centredness placed in abeyance.

2011-03-20 21:17:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ "I love you" - The sign on the door leading to the labyrinths of your mind.
2011-03-20 21:13:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous! :-) RT @melancholundone: As if the dewdrops know to resemble tears. [And the myriad sorrow of the green world]
2011-03-20 21:11:19 (EDT)

783 / 4823

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Trust a cat to make best use of human inventions! Like the stove top! ;-)
2011-03-20 20:57:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: chair cat [Awww! Adorable! ... and the hat... Isn't it a little big for the feline head? ;-) ]
2011-03-20 20:49:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I would be mostly away from Twitter but wanted to share this for World Sparrow Day:
2011-03-20 09:00:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Re-playing sparrow recordings ~ The ones outside shake their heads - ~ Same old conversations.
2011-03-20 04:46:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Happy holi and Happy sparrow's day to all...

2011-03-20 04:32:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Jokes apart, I really liked the flicked flecks.. It could very well mean the writing or the refusal to write cognizable words. :-)
2011-03-19 23:20:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Oh! You do realise I have my ways of extracting those "x"s ... ;-)
2011-03-19 23:17:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ I didn't have space to say it, but I loved the imagery you created. Flicked flecks, eluding words, pools of ink... very nice! :-)
2011-03-19 23:15:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @cat_cat_: blots of ink/pooled onto paper/nib flicked flecks of me/sprayed across the sheet/eluding words ["Eluding words" - like that]
2011-03-19 23:12:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The most important questions of life are, for the most part, really only problems of probability - Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace.
2011-03-19 22:36:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mhabibp hahahahaha :-) Yes, dude. Surely not in that way! ;-)
2011-03-19 22:08:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @h0ll0wd0ll: Moon-drunk / I spin / in silver light #

784 / 4823

2011-03-19 21:58:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @ThoseThr3Words: lipstick-smeared blues/at the heart of daybreak/she pulls/another cloud/from a tissue-box sky
2011-03-19 21:48:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: wolf moon / the faraway look / in my dog's eyes #haiku
2011-03-19 21:36:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Boy! Never had so many RTs. Must be something I ate! It is a pleasure to note that the finned-words in this stream interested some of you.
2011-03-19 21:27:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tap-dancing duel ~ I and the ~ Woodpecker.

2011-03-19 19:28:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Kiss me like its the only way to stay alive.

2011-03-19 13:20:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Electrical cables ~ Threading ~ The moon's upper lip.

2011-03-19 13:15:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @haikumonk: gnarled old elm / much better than i am / at flying my kite #haiku #senryu (Appeared in "Dragonfly" April 1984)
2011-03-19 13:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @LiLiacSin: the things we do to poetry. the things im going to do to you. [Count my syllables and break me across lines? ;-)]
2011-03-19 13:06:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You make me wish for more nights in a day...

2011-03-19 13:05:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @jshb32: full moon so close / I set another plate / for dinner [A bowl of water would surely bring the moon to your table :-) ]
2011-03-19 13:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @johnpavelkehlen Sambar? That's unusual on a non-Indian menu...

2011-03-19 12:59:52 (EDT)
785 / 4823

_eroteme_ @jenkmiller75 Glad you found them so... :-)

2011-03-19 12:54:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words aren't the bridge ~ Between who I am ~ And who they make you ~ Think I am.
2011-03-19 12:52:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The more I scrub ~ The more they stain ~ These unwanted memories.
2011-03-19 12:39:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The smell of sadness from a widow's clothesline.

2011-03-19 12:35:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Joining the dots. ~ My tongue ~ Your goosebumps.

2011-03-19 12:31:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Some days ~ All I do is ~ Hang my hands out of the balcony ~ Waiting for my fingers ~ To become flowers ~ For hummingbirds.
2011-03-19 12:26:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The snowman's nose ~ In my vegetable soup.

2011-03-19 12:07:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I don't recall his tongue stuck to my neck. Wonder why he called me frigid?
2011-03-19 12:02:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: Everything has been thought of before, but the difficulty is to think of it again. ~ Goethe [To look with fresh eyes.]
2011-03-19 11:56:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: a break ~ in grey clouds ~ your face # haiku #senryu [Oh! A cloud-shape...]
2011-03-19 11:54:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The rising super-moon ~ I tell my son ~ "I found your balloon".
2011-03-19 11:54:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground My pleasure, kind sir. :-)

2011-03-19 11:51:08 (EDT)

786 / 4823

_eroteme_ The only blemish ~ In the noon sky - ~ Conversation of crows [A re-write of @KrisLindbeck 's poem]
2011-03-19 11:50:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @monkeywillow beside the moon / my mind / in the water // [The moon still, but my mind...]
2011-03-19 11:49:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KrisLindbeck: blacker / against this bright day / a small / conversation / of crows
2011-03-19 11:47:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: imperceptible ~ the passing ~ of all ~ truly beautiful ~ things #gogyohka [How true!]
2011-03-19 11:45:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Who are you when I love you? Who am I when you stopped loving me?
2011-03-19 10:15:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every loss tears apart my sense of home.

2011-03-19 10:08:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dispassion doesn't sink the heart; it keeps it twelve feet below water, impervious to currents.
2011-03-19 10:05:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Listening to the tales of orchards from the butterflies that flit by...
2011-03-19 09:48:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I fell in love, I left the world behind. With you gone I have to re-enter it & like every new-born I cry and cry and cry... cry.. cry..
2011-03-19 09:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher Witness the gulf and hear its empty music. [The fugues of retreat, of air withdrawing from life]
2011-03-19 09:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Making love is not what is sacred. It is my willingness to be naked with you, taking you back to what I was before life happened.
2011-03-19 09:25:01 (EDT)

787 / 4823

_eroteme_ Two flaws don't make a flow.

2011-03-19 09:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where is the world I lived in, where no wind would take your fragrance away from me?
2011-03-19 08:58:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I wish I didn't care if I was loved or not. I wish I could just love. [Sadly, all love is a prayer to be loved... :-| ]
2011-03-19 06:07:35 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If God gave me just one wish, I would wish that girls never grow older than 11 & boys, 7. Yes, the numbers rhyme, but that's not the point!
2011-03-19 06:00:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-( RT @OliviaDresher: The girl I loved when I was ten. Sitting by the window as it rained outside, the sound of it. I still hear it.
2011-03-19 05:59:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ 30 min of daily making faces at myself in the mirror and I am ready to face the world with my true self.
2011-03-19 05:49:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: In the realm of the personal, everyone loves differently. [Perhaps just the opposite. In the personal all is primal]
2011-03-19 05:47:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Care is a cradle. [A cradle of air, cupping any soul, with stars dangled as chimes to soothe ... ]
2011-03-19 05:43:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Absolutely... :-) As long as you share pix! :-D

2011-03-19 04:51:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) @JDProuty: to let the mystery be is to let the mystery be home...
2011-03-19 04:36:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: A lost flame. A found dark. [Unreturned. Unclaimed]

2011-03-19 04:32:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your being ~ I could only admire ~ From outside the cage.
788 / 4823

2011-03-19 04:28:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The barren soil of tears where nothing can grow. [The weeds of longing growing even on rocks]
2011-03-19 04:26:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Arriving, lost. [Departing from the final destination]

2011-03-19 04:23:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Behind every lover a human. Behind that human, a lover. Behind that lover, a human. Behind that human, a lover. Layers of human lovers.
2011-03-19 04:19:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love is not an invention of the human mind, else it would have come with a button to turn it off.
2011-03-19 03:59:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The coldness of imagination. The fresh soil on feeling's roots.

2011-03-19 03:57:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The answer to philosophy is poetry. [Poetry, thus answering, many a calling...]
2011-03-19 03:55:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: You never saw me. You thought me and unthought me. [As Pessoa said - To think is to have eyes that aren't well]
2011-03-19 03:54:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher Her screams, the sound of love burning [Soul-curdling cries for at least love-ashes to not blow away in the wind]
2011-03-19 02:47:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher If these feelings inside could look in a mirror, what would they see [Where would they find a mirror? In another heart?]
2011-03-19 02:40:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher The only way to have hope is to not look at all the evidence. [Even at the evidence that this is just hope]
2011-03-19 02:37:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The quality of "I love you" standing alone and when preceding a "but".
789 / 4823

2011-03-19 02:35:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher People walk around not noticing, they just walk around. [Living and loving absent-mindedly]
2011-03-19 02:22:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher There are things that can be learned, & there are things that can only be felt. [&those that vanish when I turn around?]
2011-03-19 02:20:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @BarnestormJohn: @CoyoteSings True... true! :-) How often we miss this.
2011-03-19 02:18:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher This can't go on...but it will go on...until it goes somewhere else... [As if all living is sailing eddies]
2011-03-19 02:13:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher I have something to say and not-say... [In a voice and in silence]
2011-03-19 02:10:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The heart singing until it breaks, and then even more. [Yes, the chorus... The deafening chorus]
2011-03-19 02:06:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I knew you/never knew you; I know you/I'll never know you. [This "I" this "you" and this terrible "knowing"]
2011-03-19 02:03:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: What's left? Tears. What means anything anymore? Tears. [What would life be without tears? And tears without a heart? ]
2011-03-19 02:02:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: What is there to say when no one really wants to know? [But the wind? Surely, the wind and the moonlight?]
2011-03-19 01:57:32 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hurry over, my love, Spring is about to leave and so is our youth.
2011-03-19 01:56:21 (EDT)

790 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: step-by-step, aloneness-by-aloneness [truthby-truth, want-by-want, sigh-by-sigh]

2011-03-19 01:54:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The skies of my childhood and all the cloudshapes I remember, as if friends. [The shapes we gave them then and now...]
2011-03-19 01:49:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Why do sunrises feel less intimate than sunsets? [Intimacy is perhaps the promise of impending darkness]
2011-03-19 01:48:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Count not my heart's beat, for when else will we have these moments (lines from Yeh Zindagi Usiki Hai - Anarkali)
2011-03-19 01:44:15 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Life is an infidel, loot love for its mirth. (lines from Yeh Zindagi Usiki Hai - Anarkali)
2011-03-19 01:43:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This life is his who has lost it to love (lines from Yeh Zindagi Usiki Hai - Anarkali)
2011-03-19 01:42:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The child at the store looked into my eyes, wanting nothing from me. Just looking. [Peering into the eyes of my soul]
2011-03-19 01:40:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Last night I told myself wordless secrets, as if making love with a god. [The god of words who alone knows wordlessness]
2011-03-19 01:37:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: How can words be whispered here? I want to whisper these words. [..`.'..'.,.''''...---,,,...,.;.;..,.; '.'.'','`'.,.`.`]
2011-03-19 01:34:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I want to trust them all: words and silences, hands and eyes, laughter and tears. [The angst in just wanting to trust.]
2011-03-19 01:29:27 (EDT)

791 / 4823

_eroteme_ I think the only person who has ever been my master is Master Oogway (from Kung-fu Panda)
2011-03-18 23:54:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos @CoyoteSings Agreed! So if we'd understand lust, perhaps it will cease to be all we call it & we'd resign lesser to law? :-)
2011-03-18 23:48:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The lust between willing minds ~ The rape of an unwilling mind ~ Always the mind.
2011-03-18 23:26:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos @CoyoteSings And if the law sanctioned it? :-) What speak of that animal which needs a lake to reveal its beauty/ugliness.. :-)
2011-03-18 23:23:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @moonflowernco: Everything has been thought of before, but the difficulty is to think of it again. ~ Goethe [the poet's creed]
2011-03-18 23:20:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I can't see a crow and not think of @ mindground. [Same here. As if all thoughts of him are crow-shaped or baked :-) ]
2011-03-18 23:18:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings Illicit-legitimate, deep-shallow, yours-mine... How we distribute the sunlight with words and propriety... :-)
2011-03-18 23:16:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I promise ~ To give you a truth ~ For every ~ Lie you utter ~ If you promise ~ To stay ~ No matter ~ How much ~ It hurts.
2011-03-18 23:15:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I build windows ~ To welcome sparrows ~ But they ~ Atop a tree ~ Build me a nest.
2011-03-18 23:10:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Lies as anchors, truth as sails [thought of @LalySky and @ OliviaDresher ]

2011-03-18 23:06:44 (EDT)

792 / 4823

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @m_blanc_: kissed to the waterborder and into a collapse of sighs...
2011-03-18 23:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the million times ~ You said "I love you" ~ Weighed against ~ Once, when you fell asleep ~ Holding my hand.
2011-03-18 22:50:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: warming trend / her neckline / deepens # senryu #erotica [If this trend continues, I am heading to the Sahara ;-) ]
2011-03-18 22:45:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The poison of the military. When will people understand!

2011-03-18 22:45:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @annehedonia13 :-) Glad you found it so...

2011-03-18 22:38:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Bamboos baskets ~ Floating under cherry trees. ~ Sea-water is ~ Too harsh for falling blossoms. # prayingforjapan #prayforjapan
2011-03-18 22:37:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am as much an audience to my words as you are. So don't call it humility when I read them and say "Those words don't feel right".
2011-03-18 22:33:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tongues ~ Beckoning me to fill them ~ Leaves of my open journal.

2011-03-18 22:27:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Out in the open ~ Zazen, watching the sun ~ Curl within my navel
2011-03-18 22:17:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // it's only lust if you're not supposed to have it // #senryu [But what if I am supposed to have lust?]
2011-03-18 22:08:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @KenpoBear: @myearthgirl AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!! [Is that the sound before you break a few tiles with your bare hands! ;-) ]
2011-03-18 22:07:47 (EDT)

793 / 4823

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: he folds his tongue around my words and lets me taste them if I beg [On his skin, now steeped in my words]
2011-03-18 22:04:07 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @LiLiacSin: throwing myself~ like a handful of coins~ into the center~ of his unsaid wish
2011-03-18 22:02:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @haikuczar: Buddha statue / laughing beside a restaurant's / cash register [Big bellied Buddha ~ Of course ~ In a restaurant]
2011-03-18 22:01:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: wear me naked to the wind; so i might breathe you: poem by poem [Poetry marked by lightening]
2011-03-18 21:42:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Teasing the flame ~ With a finger ~ Has become play ~ Since I met you.
2011-03-18 21:36:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CoyoteSings: // shades and buckets I think I keep out the rain and sun but they are always there in shades and buckets //
2011-03-18 21:33:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd like to thank everyone who is related to this stream (follow(ing/ers)) for imbuing it with life. Often, I wish it was less virtual.. :-)
2011-03-18 21:30:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @tinywords: a jarful of coins from faraway places winter stars -Melissa Spurr
2011-03-18 21:29:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums This is life! Writing, cooking, painting, chatting, shooting (pix), singing, dancing - IOW creating & sharing with friends. :-)
2011-03-18 21:26:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl @sageraven @CostisDemos @roseplums Glad to note that you liked/enjoyed some of the pix. :-) Perhaps I will have more to share!
2011-03-18 21:19:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Windows for no house:

2011-03-18 21:15:04 (EDT)
794 / 4823

_eroteme_ A portrait in the hills :

2011-03-18 21:00:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Buddha head :

2011-03-18 20:45:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Prayers at the Ganges:

2011-03-18 20:35:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A myriad lamps in her eye:

2011-03-18 20:18:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The golden moon :

2011-03-18 20:08:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fearless amidst a hundred flames:

2011-03-18 19:45:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And in a few hours from now, some pictures from one of my albums...
2011-03-18 12:58:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The glaciers of truth melting to create streams of well-meaning words, flowing into oceans of devious brine.
2011-03-18 09:29:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words, how immoral in the worlds they create devoid of air and wetness.
2011-03-18 09:19:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ He died tasting the sweet fires of your passion.

2011-03-18 09:10:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To rain, shadows, tears and all those things that chose to fall - a paean in C minor
2011-03-18 09:04:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My hesitation to understand what I feel and your discomfort in that.

2011-03-18 08:58:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Feelings light rays of the sun, there but not really there
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2011-03-18 08:52:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Every feeling undefined, running amock or sitting by the tap letting the water flow over from the bucket...
2011-03-18 08:51:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I could give you the recipe to baking me, but then I dread what would become of the world.
2011-03-18 08:49:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ In re-reading your words I only find reasons for making our distance last.
2011-03-18 08:30:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When a woman changes her clothes in my presence without a thought #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 08:00:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A young girl-woman sleeping, one knee bent, foot against her other calf and covered with a thin sheet #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 07:45:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The smell of petrol #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings

2011-03-18 07:30:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sun-dried clothes piled on my bed in Winter # aFewOfMyFavouriteThings

2011-03-18 07:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A child walking in my shoes (literally) # aFewOfMyFavouriteThings

2011-03-18 07:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plotting the movement of traffic (of course, on Indian roads) and seeing vehicles move as per my calculation #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 06:45:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ After a day's labour, drinking cool water and letting just a bit trickle down my chin #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 06:30:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Rolling on early morning grass #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings

2011-03-18 06:15:01 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ A father kissing his daughter, and her arms around his torso # aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 06:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Loud trumpeting on a child's belly amidst peels of breathless laughter #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 05:45:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A svelte girl-woman in a cotton white skirt and against the windy sun #aFewOfMyFavouriteThings
2011-03-18 05:30:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My shadow ~ And I ~ Prongs of ~ My soul's ~ Tuning fork.

2011-03-18 04:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The music ~ Of fencing swords ~ Never the same.

2011-03-18 03:21:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Hear, hear! RT @philoquotes: If literature isn't everything, it's not worth a single hour of someone's trouble. ~ Sartre
2011-03-18 03:13:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @justender @wordblender @dgdreamin My apologies in case there has been a mistake in RT-ing it. I liked the words and that is it... :-|
2011-03-18 03:08:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I am the reflection of fire. Love me and you either you burn to cinder or grow resplendent like the sun.
2011-03-18 02:52:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To lie is to love enough to want a second chance...

2011-03-18 02:02:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: One often makes a remark and only later sees how true it is. ~ Wittgenstein [So true in my blabbering case... ;-) ]
2011-03-18 01:48:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The journey from loving and denying it to not loving and claiming it.
2011-03-18 00:00:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Tell me how ~ To return to then ~ When we loved ~ Without

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knowing it.
2011-03-17 23:42:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @benhockliffe: as i walk this street / my shadow now squat below me / now extended before me / died and reborn / under each lamplight
2011-03-17 23:14:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-)RT @wordblender I've never a gambler been/but my heart is on the table/maybe I've learnt to risk/or maybe it's no longer important to me?
2011-03-17 23:10:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Would our unshared memories be merely a figment of my imagination?

2011-03-17 23:00:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Una vita, un destino. One life, one destiny but oh! so many dreams...
2011-03-17 22:53:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: dressed in poems / i twirl like child / my best dress [The most delightful act of a young girl is twirling in her skirt :-)]
2011-03-17 22:49:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @InVinceWil: you are not a word / on the edge / of a petal / you are a garden / of poems #gogyohka
2011-03-17 22:42:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ oooh! Nice! :-) RT @InVinceWil: I know your tactic: / you make me wait just so that / I can make you wail #haiku
2011-03-17 22:40:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful imagery RT @FullMoonPoet: The ocean lies on ~ his back and lets the sky feed ~ him tasty rainbows # tfmp #haiku #rainbows
2011-03-17 22:39:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When I grow up, I want to be Nature's Intellectual Property lawyer! Then let's see who paints a crocus or records birdsongs!
2011-03-17 22:35:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @Suburbanhaiku: Whatever you do / the cat will escape

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outside / on nice days like this.

2011-03-17 22:33:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @HalfMoonPilgrim: let go / if the kite is mine / the wind will lead / it back. [But the string, the string.. the twine that makes a kite]
2011-03-17 22:31:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: you, the rooted tree / i / the sun that grows // #micropoetry [I just liked this. Don't know why, but still smiling]
2011-03-17 22:25:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If the Sun could ~ I am certain ~ It would touch the horizon ~ And roll along its length.
2011-03-17 22:24:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: the bold of her summer fleshed the cheek of his umbrella under her rush of water
2011-03-17 22:19:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain Ironically, volitional tenderness is a quality largely human & not as the instinctive trait of a cat hoisting its kitten! :-)
2011-03-17 22:18:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Allow me to transpose the strings, if that is the only way you will re-learn music.
2011-03-17 22:14:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain And people find pure anger and pure gay laughter equally unnerving. The abandon in a laughter makes many people insecure...
2011-03-17 22:10:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @mindground Uncanny! I was trying to explain the same thing yesterday over a game of pool & he thought I was stupid not to want to win!
2011-03-17 22:06:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If birds could simply walk with me and sit on rocks by the lake...
2011-03-17 22:03:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aliciahphoto :-) Hello...

2011-03-17 21:52:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @abitofmybrain True, like they often are of things pure and
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untainted by the mind. Perhaps they see in it the distance they are ashamed of..
2011-03-17 21:36:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @Aliciahphoto Yes?

2011-03-17 21:33:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I would happily be a monk in a monastery were it not for their tasteless kitchens
2011-03-17 21:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All this talk about love, lust, passion and this silent solitude...
2011-03-17 21:00:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The terrifying presence of tenderness...

2011-03-17 20:45:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love and betrayal happen to different minds in the same body.
2011-03-17 20:37:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I listen to the tales of raindrops on bamboo leaves.

2011-03-17 20:28:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The agony of conjuring pains I haven't had occasion to suffer.

2011-03-17 20:15:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: @myearthgirl Pharaonic sunsets / weaved on the astral loom / of your hair
2011-03-17 13:11:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ All the world's sin ~ Floating up ~ To create night.

2011-03-17 12:55:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The Spring of my gaze ~ And your visceral blossoming.

2011-03-17 12:51:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CostisDemos: Shards of moist silver / raindrops tracing the hamon / purified spring sword #haiku [Such a powerfully composed haiku!]
2011-03-17 12:44:56 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You should know by now ~ That I am the devil ~ Who has been rewarding you ~ For your truest dark.
2011-03-17 12:39:10 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ My teeth sinking ~ To the marrow of your lust ~ And your screams.
2011-03-17 12:32:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dragging you ~ Around the hell of my love ~ My jaws around your neck ~ My little kitten.
2011-03-17 12:30:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My words ~ I whip with the night ~ Hurtle against the fortress of your beauty ~ Strangle with your tresses ~ Because you prefer love stained
2011-03-17 12:27:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your heart I stole, ~ Still beating ~ In the vial ~ Of my passion.

2011-03-17 12:16:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ While you sleep ~ My words spinning around you ~ In a primal dance ~ Of seducing even your dreams ~ To love me.
2011-03-17 12:11:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @J__Krishnamurti: Is order the opposite of disorder? [Hmmm Is it?]

2011-03-17 12:04:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Press me to your pale bosom ~ I am he who suckles on your sin.

2011-03-17 12:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Soak me in the Styx of your love ~ My skin bronzed in the fire of your love ~ My heart, your meal.
2011-03-17 11:55:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your butterfly ~ Flies away as my ~ Shadow trips ~ Over your navel.
2011-03-17 11:05:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: sideways I turn / the lined page / and spill / syllables / over each thin horizon #tanka #micropoetry
2011-03-17 11:02:08 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Plunging my hand ~ Into your bosom ~ Plucking your purple ~ Flower soul.
2011-03-17 10:34:34 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Come to me as you'd approach a blank journal. Write moments, now.

2011-03-17 10:15:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This drop of tear's ~ Gradual flow over spaces ~ You once inhabited.
2011-03-17 09:38:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I'd sew you a bodice of words, "heart" setting the beat, skin breathing to the tell of "lust" & all that peeks through "Dcolletage"...
2011-03-17 09:10:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @LetsMakePurple Glad you found it so... :-)

2011-03-17 09:08:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @LiLiacSin: my scent~ lingering inside his book~ is his favorite poem
2011-03-17 08:43:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Love cast in the abyss of time always echos as memories.

2011-03-17 08:30:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I have a little notebook ~ Of words ~ I want you to tell me ~ Without looking ~ At the pages
2011-03-17 08:22:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @myearthgirl The pleasure's mine, milady... (bowing --- leaves --- sound of hooves retreating --- curtain falls --- Act III Scene II)
2011-03-17 07:25:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Whenever I try to love you, you come in the way.

2011-03-17 07:19:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ If it fancies you, sir! ;-)

2011-03-17 06:52:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Profound... :-) RT @ perlygates: no one really leaves #fourwords

2011-03-17 05:32:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // I build a door that isn't there so I can get through your brick wall that isn't there either [With corrections]
2011-03-17 05:28:07 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ @CoyoteSings This reminds me of @wordblender 's tweet: "I like you like red likes blue to make purple."
2011-03-17 05:26:42 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: You.. make me memorable. [And you make my memories]

2011-03-17 04:48:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You were the reason, I always imagined my lover in heels.

2011-03-17 04:46:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @cirrusdream: a hole in the clouds / just big enough / for a haiku #haiku
2011-03-17 04:45:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Atta girl! :-) thassa spirit! RT @dgdreamin: When youre gone ~ Im going to write the story ~ the way I wanted it to be #micropoetry
2011-03-17 04:44:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @myearthgirl: be the last man to love me #sevenwords [Be the man who'll make love last for me]
2011-03-17 04:43:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The pain in the cry of bagpipes. All I did was give it my breath.
2011-03-17 04:32:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ At least my tears ~ Aren't lonely ~ Cascading twin streams.

2011-03-17 04:06:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @rahara_dreams And when I stare they scold me for it! :-(
2011-03-17 04:04:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I roll up my sleeves, and squat right in the midst of memories of us.
2011-03-17 02:54:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As has become common, beautiful! :-) RT @melancholundone: Kaleidoscopic: her tenderness in frolic.
2011-03-17 02:49:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CoyoteSings: // I was getting dressed when I saw you weren't they can wait // #tanka #gogyohka
2011-03-17 02:49:24 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Splendid! :-) RT @CoyoteSings: // I didn't say anything and neither did you and neither did the broken cup on the floor // #tanka
2011-03-17 02:48:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @melancholundone: framing intimacy / gaze night waltz / starry eyes dancing portrait
2011-03-17 02:43:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How much I want each lie of yours to be a truth, but even our love cannot be such a philosopher's stone.
2011-03-17 01:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Yez zat ees right! Vut theener sliceez vud ave been *muah* deliceeus... But it looks super-gorgeous! :-)
2011-03-17 00:57:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Zee garleek-vutter respee veet rosemaary!

2011-03-17 00:53:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful, thanks. x :-) RT @roseplums: here you go>>> But is this my recipe or yours? Mine had square thin slices
2011-03-17 00:51:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Spinning madly on ~ Then pausing ~ Before returning to memories - ~ My ceiling fan.
2011-03-17 00:46:13 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: after the rain / I remember / her eyes # haiku

2011-03-17 00:44:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The many worlds I taste and at night, pass it on to your tongue.
2011-03-16 22:39:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Life as a vendor of dreams in the middle of the Sahara.

2011-03-16 22:38:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Our instinctive urge to define, to barricade, to classify and then deny a word to mean whatever it wants to on a sunny afternoon.
2011-03-16 22:36:44 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ All this oneness with a spine of individuality.

2011-03-16 22:33:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Words on the screen will always feel less real than words on paper. [In turn, less real than when I hear them]
2011-03-16 22:33:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The mystic who swallowed words and worlds. [And kept them within in the darkness near her heart]
2011-03-16 22:32:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ When push comes to shove, I help push in shoving.

2011-03-16 22:31:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That noon ~ When you smiled ~ I thought I saw ~ The Gods in the sky ~ Nod.
2011-03-16 22:29:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Words, always poetic when spoken from the heart [hat tip to @ OliviaDresher ]
2011-03-16 22:28:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nights of longing, days of hardening.

2011-03-16 22:27:37 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos The colour of nights without her...

2011-03-16 22:27:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The wholeness I sometimes feel when I am both fjord and foam, valley and echo, still lake and reflection, me and not me.
2011-03-16 22:26:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I remember that night, when we sat on the beach, talking about the various colours night could have been.
2011-03-16 22:24:53 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: The words that come out of pencils, the words that come out of pens. [The softness of one, the wetness of the other]
2011-03-16 22:22:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My life is nothing more than proving a point to no one in particular.

2011-03-16 22:21:13 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ An evening at the railway station watching people meet. Intensity wasn't meant to be prolonged.
2011-03-16 22:19:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Each raindrop, given a musical note to hold on and plant it in the soil or roll it down rooftops...
2011-03-16 22:16:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ If only everything had a name, my sand-clock would be a chant of Xi, Prenjer, Laog, Tilber, Onji and the other grains of sand, plummeting.
2011-03-16 22:14:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I feel my will, using me as a plough to till the earth of Fate.

2011-03-16 22:12:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A torn prayer flag / Rises, limp, in the wind to / Be what it once was. [Reminded of this after reading @pauldavidmena 's haiku]
2011-03-16 22:05:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What is gone ~ Makes the ruins ~ Beautiful.

2011-03-16 22:03:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @m_blanc_ @cat_cat_ India has fantastic, simple coffee filters!, & in action
2011-03-16 08:42:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ That I cry ~ Is not my weakness. ~ I can't keep secrets ~ From the air you breathe. (with correction made)
2011-03-16 08:35:11 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This place ~ Where everyone ~ Leave their footwear ~ And words ~ At the gate.
2011-03-16 08:32:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The music of ~ Light switches ~ Set to the tone ~ Of thoughts of you.
2011-03-16 08:02:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This silence and I ~ In the moonlight ~ Thanking crickets.

2011-03-16 07:50:49 (EDT)

_eroteme_ To stand behind the wind from where it starts, flapping its entire
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body onward...
2011-03-16 07:45:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I imagine you ~ Outside my window ~ Peeking ~ Breathing heavy. ~ I move aside ~ The silk sheet ~ Seeking ~ Breathing heavy.
2011-03-16 07:40:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Oh! Oh! Contradistinguish, murmell, fulvous, zibeline and tmesis :-)
2011-03-16 07:31:47 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Hissing is elegant! ;-) Just flick your tongue out and move on to the next word. But the coffee's perhaps cold now! ;-p
2011-03-16 07:27:50 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ It is easy. Sip. Splash the coffee around. Muscles are warmed & teeth squeaky. A N A M N E S I S... see? :-)
2011-03-16 07:05:41 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I have woven a parachute out of everything broken. (William Stafford)
2011-03-16 07:03:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @cat_cat_ Absolutely. Such delicious words go well with coffee. Virga, petrichor, prestidigitation, anamnesis... aah! The never ending list!
2011-03-16 07:03:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding. ~ John Locke
2011-03-16 06:56:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: There are also two kinds of truths: truth of reasoning and truths of fact. ~ Leibniz
2011-03-16 05:15:02 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I, in my dreams, and my thoughts about my thoughts when I wake up.

2011-03-16 05:06:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This thinking and not doing, such bliss with no reality to intervene.
2011-03-16 05:00:03 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @philoquotes: A philosophical problem has the form: I don't know my way about. ~ Wittgenstein
2011-03-16 04:56:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ How final ~ To bury you ~ Than the corpse of days with you.
2011-03-16 04:32:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Profoundly true... :-) RT @ OliviaDresher: It almost feels like a misunderstanding, when love isn't mutual.
2011-03-16 03:16:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @OliviaDresher: I wish I could give you a gentle thought to hold in your heart.
2011-03-16 03:15:46 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: While you sleep, the night is awake. [Redolent with thoughts of you]
2011-03-16 03:15:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @silence_litost Scuzi! I am awake too! Wha...! ;-)

2011-03-16 02:54:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: You occupied my dreams before I imagined you. [Aren't dreams the firewood of imagination!]
2011-03-16 02:53:57 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true... :-| RT @OliviaDresher: "grief and fear move directly into flesh" (Susan Griffin)
2011-03-16 02:53:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: Love is short, betrayal is long. [Love isn't what the leather satchels of the heart carry. Those botas are for darkness]
2011-03-16 02:51:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant! Makes me think "Why didn't I think of it?" :-) RT @ OliviaDresher: blind mirrors
2011-03-16 02:48:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: He is a passionate stone. [Take a chisel to him & not the warmth of things human.The Pieta wasn't the work of serenading]
2011-03-16 02:48:20 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ RT @OliviaDresher: I can't remain silent. I want words to speak silence. [The rage of unspoken words]
2011-03-16 02:35:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Somehow the mention got missed. The previous tweet was inspired by @CWG2012 's profile pic...
2011-03-16 00:41:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your lips ~ Pink amongst pale ~ As if the marble blushed.

2011-03-16 00:14:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @InVinceWil Et tu Vince? Then pucker up eroteme! ;-p

2011-03-16 00:10:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ You and I ~ Folded into each other ~ Origami of love.

2011-03-16 00:08:23 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sweet :-) RT @InVinceWil: Miss me a bit when / amorous April arrives / with blooms on her breasts #haiku
2011-03-16 00:06:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ As some alight ~ And some board ~ How the train of memory ~ Transforms at the stations of thought.
2011-03-15 23:45:44 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Relationships ~ Outlined ~ With dark tears.

2011-03-15 23:41:31 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I feel I should let today's stream only be filled with the gorgeous words of @m_blanc_ but her words coax me to write, albeit shabbily.
2011-03-15 23:35:09 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Often ~ The past holds ~ Marionette-nows.

2011-03-15 23:33:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @WordWhispers: The littering of smiles on a playground, the recycling of laughter. [Very nice play of words]
2011-03-15 23:27:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Now I know ~ My skin looks best ~ On you.

2011-03-15 23:27:21 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Well said! RT @ WordWhispers: Sometimes, burying your head in a book may be the only reasonable response.
2011-03-15 23:25:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Throwing twigs ~ At my impotent past ~ When I threw twigs.

2011-03-15 23:23:28 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Ironic but still makes me smile. :-) RT @ perlygates: he complains out loud / the takeout food is cold / i think of japan // #micropoetry
2011-03-15 23:21:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ What pleasure could you get ~ Biting my inner thigh? ~ Mosquito.
2011-03-15 23:02:20 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @amoz1939 long fingers ~of the setting sun ~dragging colors ~from the sky ~ leaving behind darkness #gogyohka #love
2011-03-15 23:01:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: bare my feet, to dance you fingertipped... listen

2011-03-15 22:28:24 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous... Simply gorgeous... :-) RT @ m_blanc_: vintage to the melt of your tongue; tread me red. lustdrunk
2011-03-15 22:27:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Your words run ~ On my tear stained ~ Soul.

2011-03-15 22:22:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @m_blanc_: you remind of all I love to vandalise...

2011-03-15 22:21:33 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: slice me of all your trespasses for I am breaking and entering...
2011-03-15 22:19:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful.. :-) RT @m_blanc_: Anonymity caught himself breathing, deeply, sharing the man within: soul knew him by name and poetry loved him
2011-03-15 22:15:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @m_blanc_: unobserved by those she loved, she built of

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them a city, word by word: poet.

2011-03-15 22:14:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @tankaqueen: After the quake / stiff upper lips / trembling. #senryu #haiku #micropoetry
2011-03-15 22:11:19 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @tankaqueen: I wait for the wind / and then I howl / so my neighbors/ won't think/I'm mad.
2011-03-15 22:09:52 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @moonflowernco: crumbling rock fence ~ a memory the wild rose ~ never forgets #haiku #senryu
2011-03-15 22:07:18 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CWG2012: Laying awake / on satin sheets / with arms around / thoughts of you. [Love the way you casually twist it at the end... :-) ]
2011-03-15 22:05:59 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @darktimespoet: She stutters / she reaches blindly / she knows the answer / she is afraid of the question #poetry
2011-03-15 22:00:51 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums :-o I've been starving!

2011-03-15 21:59:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @tinywords: iridescence of the dogwood leaf--autumn moon -Bruce H. Feingold
2011-03-15 21:56:38 (EDT)

_eroteme_ And he's back... :-) Very nice imagery... RT @ Paiku: Waiting to hear / A glimmer of dawn / In the blackbirds eye / #haiku #micropoetry
2011-03-15 21:56:12 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @h0ll0wd0ll: You set me aflame / when you say / you smell / my desire #micropoetry
2011-03-15 16:41:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Candle flame - ~ Slapping the darkness ~ Quietly.

2011-03-15 16:38:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My tongued words ~ Your breathless skin ~ Conversations

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2011-03-15 16:34:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The confidant strokes of an earthquake - ~ No one dare point out ~ The crooked lines in the sketch
2011-03-15 16:32:21 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @JDProuty Change will do you good ~ but too much, too soon, too fast ~ can tear you apart. #haikuchallenge 'change'
2011-03-15 16:21:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @pauldavidmena: nightmare / where my city / used to be #senryu

2011-03-15 16:19:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @melancholundone: Her sighs awoke bluegreen.

2011-03-15 16:18:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @melancholundone: All the betweens in a touch. [And all the touches in between...]
2011-03-15 16:17:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @Hip2Yall strangled small town dreams. up through tangled pavement weeds. blow away the wind [I am just letting it run in my head...]
2011-03-15 16:12:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: are you saving your love up? #sixwords [No. I am burning it little by little to keep me warm through the winter of life]
2011-03-15 16:09:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: I walked only in circles but somehow still made it here. [The world at the epicentre of your journeys]
2011-03-15 04:46:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: are the ropes / that tie you / real / or is the knot / just your mind // [The knot is real the ropes aren't! ]
2011-03-15 03:33:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @perlygates: so you think / my real / is any more / than your / illusion? // [This thing they call real, how real is it anyway?]
2011-03-15 01:08:47 (EDT)
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_eroteme_ Under my gaze ~ How you arch ~ Your "h" and "m" ~ hmmm
2011-03-14 23:50:14 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @CostisDemos Thank you for making your words strut the way they do... :-)
2011-03-14 22:54:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @craftygreenpoet: thick cloud / the skylark's song / rains down #haiku
2011-03-14 22:47:40 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @jshb32: setting a kite / in a future summer - / my grandchildrens laughter [I suppose I always fall for grandchildren haiku]
2011-03-14 22:47:22 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Nice imagery.. RT @ Jemfyr: As the moon hungers for strewn rice in his sea of soy ~ silly ~ we call *it* a starry night
2011-03-14 22:41:54 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful... :-) RT @apwpoet: All she needed / was soil and encouragement / and the little daisy / grew / just like a poet.
2011-03-14 22:34:55 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Where my hard ~ Meets your soft ~ Jazz of the minds.

2011-03-14 22:33:04 (EDT)

_eroteme_ :-) RT @CostisDemos: weaving the breeze behind you / to lasting breath #micropoetry
2011-03-14 22:12:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant :-) RT @m_blanc_: i fold you into paper, pretending we never invented kissing #microfiction
2011-03-14 22:06:34 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @silence_litost: Bitter rivers need not flood. [Still they do, still they do... Alas, what else could water hatred in the mainland :-( ]
2011-03-14 22:05:29 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: unstitch your letters and find me inside [Breathing the syllables you hear]
2011-03-14 22:03:47 (EDT)

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_eroteme_ Beautiful, again... :-) RT @perlygates: when all that is left / are words / and barely that // #micropoetry
2011-03-14 22:01:39 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Brilliant. A treat. RT @CWG2012: The moment / sends me back / reveling in the memory / of a future of hope / as I stand here / time is now.
2011-03-14 22:00:03 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Fingers of chocolate ~ Knuckles of almonds ~ Now, unleash your tongue!

2011-03-14 21:57:43 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful :-) RT @perlygates: let your hands / be the words, / the poetry of touch // [In a font, glowing as you lick them to life]
2011-03-14 21:55:27 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @m_blanc_: grow me a wild tree of you; for all the leaves by which you branch me.[I'll be the earth into which you dig your root fingers]
2011-03-14 21:53:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @pauldavidmena: my granddaughters / in matching dresses / crocuses in bloom [The tenderness of that moment as they twirl & show off...]
2011-03-14 21:51:25 (EDT)

_eroteme_ RT @CoyoteSings: // I stand on my roof out of the water and wait for noah's dove to bring me a cherry blossom // #prayforjapan
2011-03-14 21:49:48 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Gorgeous, as you often create, effortlessly... :-) RT @ m_blanc_: Pompeian figs cinder the tang of tongues in languages of ash #memorabilia
2011-03-14 21:49:17 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Flower sans petals ~ Even the bees ~ Hesitate. [hat tip to @ melancholundone ]
2011-03-14 21:47:30 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Beautiful ... :-) RT @melancholundone: Blue linger within the dusk of feelings.
2011-03-14 21:43:45 (EDT)

_eroteme_ @roseplums Bring your yams and we'll cook up fine meals with
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my spices! :-) Where are the pix? Nope, I don't forget... ;-p
2011-03-14 21:41:05 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The mirage of Time over the desert of life ... RT @ m_blanc_: your moments loiter between dusk and dawn, timeless from dawn to its dusk.
2011-03-14 21:39:26 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The smell of words ~ Of deeds ~ Of thoughts ~ Of past ~ Of times to come ~ So unlike truth (for @CWG2012)
2011-03-14 21:37:36 (EDT)

_eroteme_ The uncertainty ~ That follows ~ Every moment ~ Of certainty.

2011-03-14 21:33:58 (EDT)

_eroteme_ So true... :-) RT @CWG2012: So beat up / believing lies / as truth / loosing ability / to tell the difference. [Truth often doesn't try]
2011-03-14 21:26:16 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Dusk ~ Time to throw ~ Day's curtains aside ~ And let the night in.
2011-03-14 18:40:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ This poison I brew in me ~ For you to flutter here ~ And sip your life breath.
2011-03-14 17:50:06 (EDT)

_eroteme_ Sometimes turn back ~ And contemplate closely ~ On an intimate level ~ Who the one reciting is. - T'aego
2011-03-14 16:42:01 (EDT)

_eroteme_ My every breath ~ A poem - ~ Some shared.

2011-03-14 15:52:00 (EDT)

_eroteme_ I dread the day ~ When mirrors have ~ A mind of their own.
2011-03-14 14:45:10 (EDT)

_eroteme_ A sight of immense beauty and love - A woman carrying her unborn child
2011-03-14 13:46:01 (EDT)

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Sent Direct Messages

_stoicOne_ I have a strange mix of eye ache, headache & uneasiness...
2013-06-03 12:15:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, wish you were here...

2013-06-03 12:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be working from home tomorrow... :-(

2013-06-03 11:56:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no clue why I was so so hungry today. Feeling a shade better now but headache is still on! :-(
2013-06-03 11:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was boring & pointless. I was feeling feverish & unwell. Left the office early. Came home. Had a cream-bun on the way. Felt better!
2013-06-03 11:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ;-) That would set things right!! ;-p

2013-06-03 11:54:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Welcome home, darling. Kissing you softly on your nose... Well, I am not there so... Maybe I should also kiss you only if you were here
2013-06-03 11:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! No pic! :-(

2013-06-03 01:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely! You always look lovely in whatever you wear... Do I get a pic? ;-)
2013-06-03 00:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. All set for work? :-)
2013-06-03 00:24:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. A soft kiss on your nape... I slept ok. Not the best but good enough. Maybe tonight I should manage a better on! :-)
2013-06-03 00:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Logging out now... :-) Goodnight!

2013-06-02 13:14:02 (EDT)

816 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Yes darling! :-) Just like that...

2013-06-02 13:10:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Joining you, darling... Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Holding you close to me... :-)
2013-06-02 13:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Kissing your palms gently... Shall we go to bed now, darling? :-)
2013-06-02 12:56:42 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Actually, I am not. It's not like they were sending me to Toronto! ;-p
2013-06-02 12:46:03 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I was traveling to Delhi to finish some formalities for a trip to Uganda (work). Those didn't happen so no trip to Uganda! :-)
2013-06-02 12:37:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Office work done. I am not able to write! :-(

2013-06-02 12:37:00 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Belated wishes for a happy b'day. How was it? What did you do? How does it feel to be 18? ;-) I was traveling over the past week.
2013-06-02 11:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Coming in June might not be possible (given that you too are busy). July is bad due to rains. How is Aug? Sept?
2013-06-02 11:01:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I could meet you now, I would rush over. Yes, you are more than welcome to sit with me... :-)
2013-06-02 10:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is long since we met. Do you have any thoughts about meeting before Nov.? How? Where? When?
2013-06-02 10:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have some office work to do. I will get down to that & maybe write a little too... Been ages since I wrote!
2013-06-02 10:11:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... :-)

817 / 4823

2013-06-02 10:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Kissing the top of your head softly...

2013-06-02 09:57:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you close... :-)

2013-06-02 09:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-06-02 09:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... I am here but dozing off! :-) Bathroom!!? Errr... I hope you've washed your hands! ;-p
2013-06-02 06:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch... Feeling sleepy. Maybe I should nap a little & then get down to my office work! :-)
2013-06-02 05:04:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Air hostesses are not all pretty & they don't shower attention on EVERYBODY! So.. well, ;-p
2013-06-02 05:04:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it was a vacation trip, then I wouldn't have had problems. That is why I was a little careful! :-)
2013-06-02 05:03:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was the first one to try hugging you at Boston airport & you shushed me! :-o Yes, I was a little uncomfy as I was on an assignment!
2013-06-02 05:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Showering attention...

2013-06-02 03:47:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I've landed & am on my way home. Flight back was smooth. Read a book. Air hostesses were pretty & kind, showing attention... ;-)
2013-06-02 03:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, anywhere!! :-)

2013-06-02 03:44:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, we can hug & kiss anywhere... :-)

2013-06-01 22:19:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sweet soft kisses on your chin. I'm all set to leave for the airport. Having breakfast... :-) Join me? ;-)
2013-06-01 22:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight! :-)

2013-06-01 13:35:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling... Loads! :-)

2013-06-01 13:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ours is pasteurised too...

2013-06-01 13:33:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ UHT? What's that? I shall go to bed now, darling. Do come & join me, sweetie. Holding you close & kissing your forehead... :-)
2013-06-01 13:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We buy milk every day. Our milk would get spoilt in a day! Maybe yours is more processed or something like that...
2013-06-01 13:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milk is best bought daily, no?

2013-06-01 13:16:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you are right. They are best bought fresh. You buy milk for a week? :-o
2013-06-01 13:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a morning flight... I should be back in Chennai by 13:30...

2013-06-01 13:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you have to buy every weekend? :-)

2013-06-01 13:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My mobile battery was really low, so couldn't get online earlier...
2013-06-01 12:48:11 (EDT)

819 / 4823

_stoicOne_ My time with my bil was good. We went shopping too, for a new pair of footwear ate Oriental food. It was nice... :-)
2013-06-01 12:46:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good evening, darling. How was your day? My day was packed & largely tiring though some bits were fun entertaining... :-)
2013-06-01 12:34:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is unfortunate that you feel I neglect you. Maybe I am just not a good person!
2013-05-31 22:36:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So the known plans for today: I leave now to meet my brother in law. Lunch. Office party. I don't know when I'll return.
2013-05-31 22:35:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have I ever complained that you always wake up late & then rush off? No. Have I ever complained that you came so late? No. So don't worry!
2013-05-31 22:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..every 10-20 min & then every 30 min. That'd be far more efficient & you know I wouldn't complain if you were late in responding.
2013-05-31 22:34:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would also strongly urge you to not send a DM & stare at the screen leaving everything else unstarted or incomplete. Please DM & check
2013-05-31 22:32:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I can only share with you known plans. Anything that happens on the spur of a moment is difficult to communicate.
2013-05-31 22:31:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the contrary, you would suddenly vanish in the midst of a chat because you got a phone call! Damn! I missed the chance to whine! :-(
2013-05-31 22:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If we agree to meet up at a time & we do & we are chatting, then if I vanished suddenly, you have a point. I have never done that...
2013-05-31 22:30:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..checked periodically. I think it doesn't even sound like a

820 / 4823

sensible thing to do as we are not chatting but DM-ing (140 char emails)
2013-05-31 22:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I never imagined you writing a DM & sitting at the laptop waiting & staring at the screen. I always thought you went about your chores &
2013-05-31 22:28:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. What's lined up for your day? Mine will be a lot of commute...
2013-05-31 22:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Goodnight! Do come & join me!

2013-05-31 14:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ bribe? I was kissing you... ;-)

2013-05-31 14:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who wants to melt you? I want to make you sizzle... ;-p
2013-05-31 14:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why ignore something you like!? ;-)

2013-05-31 13:58:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you join me?

2013-05-31 13:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-05-31 13:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My feet are killing me. I stood all the way back... Painful! :-(
2013-05-31 13:26:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi Darling! :-) I just got home. Went to meet a friend & to shop for a proper shirt for tomorrow's party! The subway journey back was long
2013-05-31 13:18:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It felt so nice to have so many people insist on my staying here... Was touched! :-)
2013-05-31 06:16:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling... Kissing you softly! :-) I am extending my stay here in Delhi because tomorrow is an office party here & the folks insisted I stay
2013-05-31 06:10:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Will do. Now I kiss you softly & tuck you into bed... Goodnight, sweet Jen! :-)
2013-05-30 22:55:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire They leave soon though. I might have some local travel & some conference travel. If I came down to NYC, would you like to meet up? :)
2013-05-30 22:45:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My sis & nephew are here for a month (remember how you were surprised/shocked that they were staying for a month, last year!!?)
2013-05-30 22:44:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Congrats on the graduation! Would love to see pix if you have any to share. Glad to hear the kids are fine. Mom & granny are fine!
2013-05-30 22:43:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you have to rush to work in the morning & then you are gone throughout the day. I've to rush to bed at night (as humans do), so... ;-)
2013-05-30 22:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..nothing to worry about & that I can travel to there & get a vaccine there. I am not keen on that.
2013-05-30 22:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept better. The cold is still troubling me. Today one more day of trying around & then back home. Folks in Uganda are saying there is
2013-05-30 22:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? Soft kisses down your back... Holding you close as you smile & stir... :-)
2013-05-30 22:40:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I might have some travels coming up. Will keep you posted. How have you been? Done with your tests? How are the kids?
2013-05-30 22:39:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been good dear Jen. :-) Someone seems to have been
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bad though! ;-p I saw your tweets & was wondering "Wow! Some mood!" :-)
2013-05-30 22:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now, sweetie! Sleep well. Goodnight!! :-)
2013-05-30 13:41:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm relieved.. I have some not so fleshy parts. Remind me to show them to you when we meet!! ;-)
2013-05-30 13:34:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here darling. Welcome home. I was watching Comedy Central & lost track of time! Kissing you softly on your forehead... :-)
2013-05-30 13:30:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No vaccine even today... :-/

2013-05-30 07:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A fire extinguisher can fell on my back! Ouch! Fortunately it fell on my fleshy part & I survived! :-)
2013-05-30 01:00:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could pull you back & shut the door & kiss you & keep you at home... ;-)
2013-05-30 00:57:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, I am kinda relieved that I don't need to travel. I was only partly keen on this project. :-)
2013-05-30 00:57:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I travel back tomorrow. I had planned in case I don't get the vaccine & need to visit a few places. Still no use... :-(
2013-05-30 00:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Yes, went to that place & got back. They don't have it either.
2013-05-30 00:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I shall go to bed, darling. Please do join me. Really tired. I wish I could give you a cool bath & then hug you... :-) Goodnight!
2013-05-29 13:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are worse than someone!! :-D

823 / 4823

2013-05-29 13:30:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..understood & not be blaming poor me!!! ;-p

2013-05-29 13:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If someone had read "Hence, even if weeding gets cancelled, I'm not required for garage & plumbing as you have people" then they would've
2013-05-29 13:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And tell you, Oh! Its raining! Weeding can't be done now. Let's just put me on library when it comes up! :-D
2013-05-29 13:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is as if I agreed for weeding & walked out of the door & waited till other people got assigned to garage & plumbing & then I come back in
2013-05-29 13:06:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..project, other people were assigned to the other boring projects. Hence, even if the Uganda thing gets cancelled, I won't be put on those!
2013-05-29 13:06:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no! You still don't get it. There is no risk. Since the vaccine isn't available, I don't travel. But since I was "assigned" to the Uganda
2013-05-29 13:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ want to do.. Makes sense?

2013-05-29 12:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..for those chores. Hence, by signing up for a not so interesting short term thingy I am trying to ensure that I am available for stuff I
2013-05-29 12:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ assigned other people to garage & plumbing. Hence, even if weeding gets cancelled, I'm not required for garage & plumbing as you have people
2013-05-29 12:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had I picked up garage or plumbing I might be safe but I would miss out on library work. So now that I have signed up for weeding, you have
2013-05-29 12:52:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ So i sign up for weeding so that I will be done with the job & be free in 3 days & ready for the library work. Makes sense?
2013-05-29 12:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the I will miss out on being free when the library work starts. So I sign up for .. oops sorry, weeding takes 3 days.
2013-05-29 12:51:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..library. You say, oh that will start only in 4 days. So I calculate that if I take up weeding (10 days), garage (12 days) or plumbing (9)
2013-05-29 12:50:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... You don't get it. Say you tell me Anand, you either weed the garden, build a garage or fix the plumbing. I say, I want to setup the
2013-05-29 12:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I decided to do this 3 week thingy so that I needn't have to be locked in & basically I become unavailable for the 2-4 month projects.
2013-05-29 12:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The other projects would lock me in for 2-4 months & would make me miss exciting work that is expected in a month or so... :-(
2013-05-29 12:44:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Frankly, I have no interest in going to Uganda! :-/ I signed up because the other options were not interesting & would lock me in for longer
2013-05-29 12:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does expose me to the risk of contracting that disease in the first 10 days after which no vaccine helps!! :-(
2013-05-29 12:43:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree it doesn't make sense if I get it when in Uganda. It takes 10 days to kick in & I would leave in 10 days after that.
2013-05-29 12:43:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So it is just an unfortunate mess...

2013-05-29 12:42:23 (EDT)

825 / 4823

_stoicOne_ How do you hunt across so many pharmacies in a large crowded city? Someone says clinic X has it. We call & they say "Oh! We ran out of it!"
2013-05-29 12:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Go hunt, buy a vial & bring it to us & we will administer it. This is what they say! :-(
2013-05-29 12:41:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today after standing for hours in the queue we are told that there is no stock. Few vials exist across 1000+ pharmacies in Delhi!
2013-05-29 12:40:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had called the hospitals from Chennai. My office folks in Delhi had called the hospitals. We were all told that they had stock.
2013-05-29 12:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The problem with the govt. activities here is that people you ask may say something & what happens might be entirely different!! INDIA!!
2013-05-29 12:39:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me make you a nice cool coconut water drink with mint & a dash of lime! :-)
2013-05-29 12:38:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling... Kissing you softly on your lips! Twirling my lady... shushhhhh... All serious talk later! :-)
2013-05-29 12:38:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Someone's in a mood!! :-)

2013-05-29 11:08:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If none available, some people are suggesting that I come to Uganda & get the vaccination done. But that would mean 10 days of exposure!
2013-05-29 06:23:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Vaccine supplies not available anywhere! :-( Been on the road since morning! They plan on trying at one more place tomorrow... :-(
2013-05-29 06:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! I do not visit my sis now & then! What gave you that idea!? Never have I simply visited her. Either work took me there or she traveled!
2013-05-29 06:22:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Meeting could happen in Turkey instead of India. Nov is pleasant in Turkey & off season too... We both will have an equal share of headache!
2013-05-28 21:03:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I feel that your travelling to India is simpler than my travelling to Hungary. I was actually thinking last night that maybe our Nov
2013-05-28 21:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So yes, each person's travel is indeed their headache till they reach the destination. We can only pick the one which is lesser of the 2
2013-05-28 21:00:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indian. If it was the same for both of us & you had to travel to Paris for your visa, I would have never suggested that you visit India...
2013-05-28 20:58:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You live in Budapest. I don't live in Delhi. The visa process is easier for entry into India. It is complicated for Euro countries for an
2013-05-28 20:55:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I hope you sleep with a smile. :-) Kissing you softly on your shoulders...
2013-05-28 20:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Maybe I'll explain better in the morning... Soft kisses on your nose! Do join me! :-)
2013-05-28 14:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My office's problem. They want it, they spend on it. The hassles for the Hungary trip would be entirely my headache. Do you see the diff?
2013-05-28 13:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For the Hungary trip. It would be entirely my expense & my gamble. These tickets were booked in the afternoon today. Really expensive but
2013-05-28 13:44:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This travel, stay, doctor appointment all arranged by my office. Any problem, their headache!! That wouldn't be the case when I plan
2013-05-28 13:43:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, reached. On my way to the guesthouse... Softly kissing my sweet lady. Don't be sad. When we meet it will be well!
2013-05-28 13:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Uganda seems nearly certain... Of course, anything is possible! :-)

2013-05-28 09:13:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm at the airport heading to Delhi to get my vaccination. Chennai & south india have run out of stock of the vaccine. Missing you, darling!
2013-05-28 09:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you terribly.. :-)

2013-05-27 22:54:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I not like you!? :-o Have you changed into a dinosaur!!? Actually, I like dinosaurs... :-)
2013-05-27 22:52:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree! Milady is all that & more!! She is lovely & hard working & efficient &.. Modest!!! ;-)
2013-05-27 22:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sure I don't look cute when I sleep!! :-D I must look like a noisy hairy fat bear!! :-)
2013-05-27 22:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As their team in India. Anyway, all's well now. Back to my old office... :-)
2013-05-27 22:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't mind the Germans. Actually in our finale yesterday they were most supportive... The problem came when they assumed we were as lazy
2013-05-27 22:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might be put on some training assignments once I return from Uganda so not sure...
2013-05-27 22:46:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could do Turkey, but with June lost to Uganda & July
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onwards not being a great month to travel to Turkey... :-(

2013-05-27 22:43:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up with a dusted noise & signs of a cold!! :-(

2013-05-27 22:42:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Slept well? Soft kisses on your shoulders.. :-) My night was bad with a power cut, sweating, then a blast of a/c...
2013-05-27 22:41:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... Nov. it is then! :-( But I eagerly look fwd to it. :-) Goodnight, darling. Kissing you softly on your cheeks!! :-) Do join me soon!
2013-05-27 12:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think Uganda might not be a good idea given your work condition & the short time window there & the cluelessness of the arrangements there
2013-05-27 12:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I might sleep earlier than usual tonight. Really tired... :|
2013-05-27 12:09:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you sweetie. How goes your day? Hope it is not stressful. Soft kisses along your neck. How is your headache?
2013-05-27 09:31:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! My stint with Siemens officially ended. Just one more cursory visit next week & I'm done. Tiring day. Heading home now...
2013-05-27 09:30:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care sweetie. Please drive carefully. Missing you! I would pull you & keep you close to me & tell you to skip work!! ;-)
2013-05-27 00:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Kissing my sweet lady on her lips!! :-) I slept ok. Over sleeping is good! Your body needed it! :-)
2013-05-27 00:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I shall retire for the day darling. Really tired, sweetie. Do come
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& join me! Goodnight, sweetie. Kissing you softly on your lips! :-)
2013-05-26 12:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... :-( I was hoping you could come. Never mind! :-(
2013-05-26 12:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your safety is my responsibility. We will be in the main city of Kampala.

2013-05-26 12:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If confirmed, I will be there between 9th-29th or 30th June. You could join me from 21st or 22nd till the end. We can go on a safari! :-)
2013-05-26 12:30:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it has to do with my company. I might be there for about 3 weeks. I was hope you could join me for a week. If it is alright...
2013-05-26 12:17:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think Uganda is dangerous? Perhaps you should read a little about it, maybe online from reliable sources & decide...
2013-05-26 12:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So what are your thoughts on visiting Uganda?

2013-05-26 11:46:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you should warm your palms & place them over your eyes, pressing them gently. Always have some balm & band-aid! :-)
2013-05-26 11:45:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too... A lot! :-)

2013-05-26 11:40:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall I massage my darling's head? Why headache? Do you have some balm?
2013-05-26 11:40:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Angel boy wanted to eat something different so made some for the everyone. How are you, sweetie? What are you doing? Lazy Sunday!? :-)
2013-05-26 11:24:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Corn & tomatoes & olives (green & black) & cheddar & olive oil :-)
2013-05-26 11:24:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling... I am here. Was making dinner! Bruschettas! :-)

2013-05-26 11:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With us they've been understanding & tolerant but still they try to make statements which need patient explaining... then I think of you!
2013-05-26 07:49:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The team here is indeed shabby with very little technical merit & competence. Understandably the Germans are impatient.
2013-05-26 07:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I like timeliness. I think these particular Germans are simply disappointed with the bunch of people they had to work in India
2013-05-26 07:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hungarians?
2013-05-26 07:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My work with Siemens was decent. Nothing too great. The Germans were ok though a little troublesome.
2013-05-26 07:12:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could nap together for a bit... :-) Missing you.
2013-05-26 07:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-05-26 07:11:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Decided I could do something in those few hours saved!! :-) I wrote a couple of articles about the consulting assignment I did at Siemens
2013-05-26 06:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not very social. I prefer smaller groups of meaningful classy people... Unfortunately, I always attract people who need help!!
2013-05-26 06:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kept asking myself what i would do at the meet-up: meet new people, chat a bit, get free food (which is a good reason).. Waste of time!
2013-05-26 06:01:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I shaved yesterday, but you are welcome even today! ;-p
2013-05-26 06:00:56 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh please! I was mostly just doing minor chores! :-)

2013-05-26 06:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well, darling? Feeling fresh? :-)

2013-05-26 03:46:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ chores. :-) Then had to get the boy fed & entertained for a while. Did some office work too. Had my bath, prayers done & writing to you! :-)
2013-05-26 03:46:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ wake up so that got cancelled. Then there was a bloggers meetup out here which I want to go to, then dropped it. Rearranging my books &
2013-05-26 03:45:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was a little busy in the morning. Sis was unwell so it seemed like I would've had to take the boy for some origami classes but he didn't
2013-05-26 03:44:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Soft kisses along your shoulders... :-)
2013-05-26 03:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We lost power. Managed to charge a little to wish you goodnight. Sweet dreams milady. Kissing you on your nose! :-)
2013-05-25 13:18:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That I could! :-) What are you doing, dear?

2013-05-25 11:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back home darling! My day was ok. Only the temple visit was lovely! :-)
2013-05-25 11:46:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What did you shop today, dear?

2013-05-25 09:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, would like to show you these parts some day... :-)
2013-05-25 09:35:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is a beautiful part of the city. Old, dirty, narrow roads but beautiful... :-)
2013-05-25 09:31:48 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Of course we lived here only for few years till my late teens, still... I was born here but we left immediately only to return 12 yrs later
2013-05-25 08:31:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...lived. My school is next door to this temple. My old house where I was born is a km from here! So many memories! :-)
2013-05-25 08:29:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Vehicles on the road would slow down near these temples. This part of Chennai is the temple side of the city, where most of the Brahmins
2013-05-25 08:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..since we came here. Always a treat. I love the temples here esp. some of these special ones we've visited since childhood! :-)
2013-05-25 08:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A friend of mine from Bangalore decided to visit this temple to make a special offering. We were invited & we readily accepted. Been ages..
2013-05-25 08:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm at a temple. This temple is to Hanuman. I grew up near this temple. Yes it's at a good distance from home. :-) Mom & I am here...
2013-05-25 08:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well. I slept too less & have been on chores since morning.. I don't feel tired though! Soft kisses for you
2013-05-25 03:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do freshen up darling & join me. I head to bed now. Hot tiring day. Off to sleep now... Goodnight, sweetie. Sweet dreams... :-)
2013-05-24 12:25:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it probably is best to accept that we differ in our approaches on these matters. :-)
2013-05-24 12:24:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ all your lady friends on the net invite you home. That is not the only way I can make arrangements for my stay!
2013-05-24 12:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Chronologically, I asked you if you would be interested in

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meeting in Uganda with the stay taken care of & your response was
2013-05-24 12:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I crave that infinite trust & in its absence, I ... forget it!
2013-05-24 12:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love it that if a woman told you that I was her child's father you would know that I would have told you about it if it was true!
2013-05-24 12:22:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..lie to you. I would love it if you would trust me so that even if you found a pic of me and a woman naked, you'd think it was tampered!
2013-05-24 12:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it is what I expect from you that clashes & I wonder how to reconcile that. I would like you to trust me blindly knowing that I won't
2013-05-24 12:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, sweet A. :-) Preparing a cool bath for you & then a nice massage... :-)
2013-05-24 12:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your Friday going light? Is my sweet jealous lady all smiles? Missing you!! :-)
2013-05-24 08:52:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think God has hearing problem. I asked to be saved from you & he served you to me!! :-p
2013-05-24 08:50:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No clue when my new project will start. No clue what it is... Will soon find out! :-)
2013-05-24 08:48:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you didn't simply ask. You assumed that women in twitter invite me home. You assumed I'm kissing them & inviting then into my bed!! :-(
2013-05-24 08:46:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My engagement with Siemens technically ends today. I would have to come 2 more Mondays & that's it! :-)
2013-05-23 23:18:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you darling!! :-)

2013-05-23 23:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God save me from you!! ;-p

2013-05-23 23:15:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wish some miracle happens & you stop worrying about other women or being jealous!! :-|
2013-05-23 23:13:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! :-) Slept well? Kissing you softly on your chin... :-)
2013-05-23 23:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I must head to bed now. Really sleepy... Kissing my sweet pouting lady softly on her lips. Goodnight. Do join me soon! Hugging you!
2013-05-23 12:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, because I do wonder why you are pouting!! :-D

2013-05-23 12:56:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I enjoy ignoring her & taking her to the houses of my other lady friends! ;-p
2013-05-23 12:47:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told her it is for myself. :-) Kissing My sweet lady!!

2013-05-23 12:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I have the pic ready for you. I just thought I had told you about the bangles... :-)
2013-05-23 12:35:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought I told you. Sorry! Gold bangles with enamel work on it... :-)
2013-05-23 12:27:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gold bangles!

2013-05-23 12:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You looked lovely lovely lovely in the daisy dress!! I wanted to give you a tight hug & deep kiss! You looked so... so.. fresh! So beautiful
2013-05-23 12:25:36 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ She did! She liked the bangles & the dinner as well... Kissing my sweet darling tenderly! :-)
2013-05-23 12:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you! Loads... :-)

2013-05-23 10:15:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good evening darling. Kissing you softly. We are here at a Greek restaurant for dinner. You looked stunning in the daisy dress!!
2013-05-23 09:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dozed off... Sorry! Do come join me. Off to bed now. Softly kissing you. :-) Goodnight!
2013-05-22 13:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, every woman on Twitter invites me to stay over at her place! What to do!! You should be happy that you get a free stay! ;-p
2013-05-22 12:34:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will send you a pic of the gift!

2013-05-22 12:32:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hot day & so exhausting!! :-(

2013-05-22 12:29:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Tiring! Tomorrow is mom's b'day so was out shopping for her! :-)
2013-05-22 12:29:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling! :-) Twirling my sweet lady round & round...
2013-05-22 12:27:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Would you be interested in visiting Uganda? You get a visa on arrival. Your stay will be taken care of. We can split your airfare
2013-05-22 01:59:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It seems like June & July will be crazy packed. I'm still trying to work things out. Will keep you posted! :-)
2013-05-21 22:51:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww!! Let me talk to that Indian!! How dare he trouble milady!
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He should pick on that other girl!! ;-)

2013-05-21 22:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had thought about the cancellation option both for your travel to India & mine to Hungary. It might work... :-)
2013-05-21 22:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning! :-) Holding you close, kissing your hair! Dear dear Andrea, miss you. :-)
2013-05-21 22:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... :-) Goodnight!

2013-05-21 12:41:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall I go to bed sweetie? Really sleepy! Do come & join me, darling! Lets hug & go to sleep! :-)
2013-05-21 12:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Its interesting! :-)

2013-05-21 12:36:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Twirling my sweet sweet lady around... :-)

2013-05-21 12:36:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was watching Inside Man, waiting for you! :-)

2013-05-21 12:33:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling... Kissing you from top to toe! :-)
2013-05-21 12:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... Reached home! :-)

2013-05-21 09:51:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...reading. It felt nice imagining my time with you... :-)

2013-05-21 04:20:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close... I ate well & a little too much. I was day dreaming today morning that we were together in the mountains, laughing &
2013-05-21 04:20:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetie... Missing you too! A lot. Your number comes in different on your text messages. Is this another mobile number?
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2013-05-21 04:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I remember everything... How you'd hug your towel. Shush me! Rush into my arms, your back to me & whisper "Good morning, darling!"
2013-05-21 00:51:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Hundred soft kisses on your belly! :-)
2013-05-21 00:51:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would come there even if it was hot! ;-)

2013-05-20 12:33:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come lets go to sleep now. Goodnight darling. Do join me soon... :-)
2013-05-20 12:26:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So so exhausted darling. The heat's too much... Softly kissing your nose
2013-05-20 12:26:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you reached safe. I was cooking dinner for the boy. Pasta!! :-)
2013-05-20 12:25:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly for a safe drive! :-)

2013-05-20 07:00:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This one: "Miss you. Will join you in a bit. Please hold me close...with your hand on my belly... Sigh. Miss being held by you like that!"?
2013-05-20 05:15:34 (EDT)

URM1 Been mostly good, thank you! :-)

2013-05-20 03:55:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee... Waiting for your DMs! Drive safely! :-)

2013-05-20 03:21:55 (EDT)

URM1 Someone's getting prettier in her pix! How are you, milady? And J? :-)
2013-05-20 03:20:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I was there waiting for you! Heck, if I can wish then I'd wish I was there with you, driving back... Holding your hand! :-)
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2013-05-20 03:17:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because of my sweet darling's home-country! :-)

2013-05-20 03:12:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling. Was just reading about von Neumann (yes, related to computer science) & noted he was from Hungary. I felt so proud! :-)
2013-05-20 03:11:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your neck & collarbone... ;-) Missing you, darling. A lot. Hope you are enjoying your holiday!
2013-05-19 23:24:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I saw this & thought of you:

2013-05-19 21:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! How are you? :-) Missing you a lot too. Soft kisses down your shoulder. :-)
2013-05-19 21:44:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. :-) Do come & join me... Kissing you softly! :-)
2013-05-19 12:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure it looks nice. Nearly everything looks pretty on you! :-)
2013-05-19 10:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! The new dress you recently bought?

2013-05-19 10:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The show was ok. Too much noise! The little boy was thoroughly entertained!! :-)
2013-05-19 09:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought I did mention the show but wasn't sure!! :-) What are you wearing!? :-)
2013-05-19 09:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetie!! :-) Missing you! I would've so loved to be there with you, go on a walk & then disappear together... :-)
2013-05-19 09:23:25 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ That is why I stick to dms... :-(

2013-05-19 08:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That wa the text I sent you. See? That is why I such to dm... :-( I had sent it early so that you could see it when you wake up!
2013-05-19 08:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling :-) Hope you slept well! Soft kisses down your neck & back. What's for today? We go to a magic show! How did you know?
2013-05-19 08:12:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Did you not get my text msg of the morning? We are heading to the magic show! Missing you a lot sweetie... :-)
2013-05-19 06:05:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We had a power cut for 2 hours! Just restored...

2013-05-18 04:46:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some trouble with Twitter! All your DMs come after a delay. Kissing you bye, darling. Missing you already! :-(
2013-05-18 04:45:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could pull you back & hug you to me. I don't want you to go. I want to go out for a walk with you... :-(
2013-05-18 02:27:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yesterday there was some major confusion at home & my little boy was crying profusely. Had to console him & bring things to normal... :-o
2013-05-18 02:26:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I wish I was there with you. I wish you didn't have to go. Yes, I was spending time with my nephew (music)...
2013-05-18 02:25:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is weird! I got all your DMs just now. Both in my email & here... :-o
2013-05-18 02:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling! Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your shoulders... :-)
2013-05-17 13:03:30 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Off to sleep now dear...

2013-05-17 13:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I send you a smile... :-)

2013-05-17 12:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need to send something to see your msgs

2013-05-17 12:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ DMs don't refresh well

2013-05-17 12:40:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-05-17 12:25:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish I was there with you, sweetie. :-) I would love to drive with you seeing how you maneuver the car so well... And then stop! :-)
2013-05-17 12:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't need an invitation to come here. You can just be a tourist without an invitation.
2013-05-17 12:13:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing noteworthy. There is some fair in the city & some magic show. Might go out & spend some time with the boy! :-)
2013-05-17 12:11:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You want to hold my hand when she & I... ? Maybe you should just read a book in your room!! ;-p
2013-05-17 12:11:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you'd be late so decided to have a late dinner... :-)

2013-05-17 12:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was having dinner, dear.

2013-05-17 12:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling... A long kiss for my sweet lady!

2013-05-17 12:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...rejection are lower as India would love to get foreigners spend their money in India. All the "white" countries make it really tedious!
841 / 4823

2013-05-17 03:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, getting an Indian visa is a lot simpler. You even have an online process. The number of forms to submit are far less. The chances of
2013-05-17 03:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, with the belly dancer. She said she'll keep a small room for you! She's kind, no? ;-p
2013-05-17 00:51:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you as you fly out

2013-05-17 00:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..there. Stay is taken care of. A gorgeous place too!! A new experience for both of us! What say? End of June? I want to meet you... :-)
2013-05-16 23:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd still request you to consider Turkey. No visa issues for both of us. You would only have to spend on your tickets & the expenses
2013-05-16 23:00:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...long as it wouldn't go waste. Problem is they all expect us to buy tickets & canceling them it's a huge loss
2013-05-16 22:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ .. Assignments. I hope you trust me now. That I wasn't making excuses about the difficulties in travelling to you. I'd spend any amount as
2013-05-16 22:57:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! I think the trip to Hungary is best done sometime later. As you can now see, it is way too complicated & in July I'll get into new
2013-05-16 22:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shouldn't you be up by now?

2013-05-16 22:54:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We will have some time together before you leave! Yes, you're getting busier & busier!! But in a way I'm happy. Always a blessing to be busy
2013-05-16 22:54:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you..your belly! I miss our mornings & our walks & shopping&... Everything!!
842 / 4823

2013-05-16 22:52:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think you are silly or anything!! I think it's very sweet & cute. Glad it is working. Do give it a kiss on my behalf.. :-)
2013-05-16 22:51:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Soft butterfly kisses on your cheeks & shoulder... Slept well? I slept ok wanting more...
2013-05-16 22:49:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come let's sleep, darling... Goodnight! Hugging you close! :-)
2013-05-16 12:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dozing away now, though. The heat & the day really exhaust me... BTW, wouldn't it be raining in July in Hungary?
2013-05-16 12:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I try to keep awake tillyou get home

2013-05-16 12:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here too... :-)

2013-05-16 12:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling. :-) I wish I was there to make your tiredness go away. Kissing you gently on your neck. :-)
2013-05-16 12:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You once mentioned "Even if things are difficult, I am unable to kiss you farewell" What is difficult? Why do you wish to bid me farewell?
2013-05-15 22:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Slept well? Kissing you softly on your lips... Brushing your hair gently. :-)
2013-05-15 22:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eyes closing away... I would love to hug you & sleep away! Come join me darling. Goodnight... :-)
2013-05-15 12:55:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was tiring too... Waiting to jump into bed with you! Do come & join me sweetie! :-)
2013-05-15 12:54:38 (EDT)
843 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Darling... I am up & waiting for you! :-)

2013-05-15 12:53:43 (EDT)

2013-05-15 00:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have sent you that email in BCC. Please do not reply to it or do anything with it...
2013-05-15 00:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I will try to come. Why would I not!!? I am going to see if I can authorise some agent to do this for me... At a charge, yes!
2013-05-14 23:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet sweet darling! Good morning! Hope you slept well. Kiss my sweetie softly on her temples as she sleeps
2013-05-14 23:36:37 (EDT)

perlygates I hope your travails end soon, dear friend. Sending you a warm hug... :-)
2013-05-14 23:35:46 (EDT)

perlygates Glad to hear the girls are well. I am fine. Mostly doing nothing other than work. How is your store coming along?
2013-05-14 23:35:12 (EDT)

Darkntwistd How are you sweet Annie? Missing you...

2013-05-14 23:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet darling on her nose! :-)

2013-05-14 12:27:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eyes hurting a little. I think the sleep will help me a bit... :-|
2013-05-14 12:27:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you didn't have to drive so much! :-( But... sigh! Sleep well darling. Go to bed early. Hugging you tightly to me..
2013-05-14 12:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Welcome home! Such a lovely timing! Kissing my sweet lady all over... :-)
844 / 4823

2013-05-14 12:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling.... :-)

2013-05-14 12:25:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch, darling! Missing you. I will try to get a trip to Hungary by end of June or July. Let's see... :-)
2013-05-14 03:56:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ fall asleep before I do! At least then the snoring might have lesser effect!
2013-05-14 03:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You are sweet, darling! I should still consider getting it operated on... :-| Yes, I would love to have you by my side & wait for you
2013-05-14 03:55:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry... Maybe I should go get an operation done for this snoring thing. :-( I wish it would go away! :-(
2013-05-14 02:25:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, just a room but such a beautiful world. I enjoyed every minute of it. You sat by my side!!? :-o Took advantage of my innocence!!? ;-)
2013-05-14 01:02:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. Kiss my sweetie on her shoulders & holding her to me... :-)
2013-05-14 01:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling... :-)

2013-05-13 12:40:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you close to me & kissing on your forehead! :-)

2013-05-13 12:39:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come and join me, sweetie... Goodnight! :-)

2013-05-13 12:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I shall crash now! Sleeeppppyyy!!

2013-05-13 12:36:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sis for herself... :-o

845 / 4823

2013-05-13 12:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss shopping with you darling.. :-)

2013-05-13 12:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Gold jewellery shopping...

2013-05-13 12:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you close & kissing you softly! :-)

2013-05-13 11:57:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I am here. I was with my mom, sis & nephew discussing their day of extensive shopping... :-) Welcome home, darling! :-)
2013-05-13 11:57:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes well & you smile a lot. Please don't let anything overwhelm you... :-)
2013-05-13 00:06:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to be with you, dear. It would indeed be fun & enjoyment... :-) So much to do together! :-)
2013-05-13 00:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your apple crumble sounds delicious. I wish I was there! I am sure it would have been lovely to taste & I might have gobbled it all! :-D
2013-05-13 00:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if the words do feel like making love in the open then I think they are doing a good job! That is the intent in those poems...
2013-05-13 00:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If anyone does in a way that is poetic, I will respond in kind. Simple.
2013-05-13 00:00:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ purplepoetry likes it that way & I play along till I have words in my head or interest. With that it ends. No one else plays with me... :-)
2013-05-13 00:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Word play is word play. I am sure if I did that with some guy you would have no problem or maybe suspect me of being homosexual!
2013-05-12 23:57:04 (EDT)

846 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I somehow don't find your teasing like teasing. It always feels like suspicion under the pretext of teasing. Anyway... I just let it be!
2013-05-12 23:56:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Hope you slept well. Holding you close & humming in your hair... :-)
2013-05-12 23:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. I will be off to bed in 5 minutes. Hugging you close. Do come & join me... :-)
2013-05-12 12:15:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy about what?

2013-05-12 11:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! :-|

2013-05-12 11:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am doing some work now & hoping to tweet as well... :-)
2013-05-12 10:43:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day breezed by. Lunch was good

2013-05-12 10:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I meant was that you know what you want & then you go after it single-mindedly. I, OTH, know not what I want & hence, no mind... :-(
2013-05-12 10:42:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah yeah yeah! :-D

2013-05-12 10:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Always suspicious!!

2013-05-12 10:19:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely is good too. :-)

2013-05-12 09:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) That would be lovely... Did you find the strap?
2013-05-12 08:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww!! I'd so love to come with you! :-)

847 / 4823

2013-05-12 07:28:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are my dessert! Missing you a lot... :-)

2013-05-12 05:22:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think he'd like you immensely. We are out for lunch... :-)
2013-05-12 04:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whenever my darling gets overwhelmed she should think of me sitting behind you, holding & kissing you & whispering to you - All's well! :-)
2013-05-12 03:27:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How long did that girl take to become so good at this job? Maybe you need that much time. :-)
2013-05-12 03:25:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweetie. Hope you slept well. Sitting by your bed watching you sleep & sighing... :-)
2013-05-12 00:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Off to bed now. Do come & join me sweetie... :-)
2013-05-11 14:04:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know SAP. Not worked on it myself but I know what it is... :-)
2013-05-11 14:04:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if you have decided that nothing can be done then maybe it simply is that complicated!
2013-05-11 13:53:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you'd share more details so I can help...

2013-05-11 13:53:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be lovely... :-)

2013-05-11 13:52:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
2013-05-11 13:51:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If 10 emails come in & all need an immediate response, is it even possible? If not, then one must simply do what is possible..
848 / 4823

2013-05-11 13:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree it is quite complicated. I am not saying it is simple. All I am saying is you need to be realistic.
2013-05-11 13:21:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trello doesn't require any installing

2013-05-11 13:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Try using in case you want to manage your tasks & activities. I can create a dashboard for you if you want. It's free
2013-05-11 12:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you have things in front of you & not in your head, it would be less overwhelming. When you finish one at a time, tear up the note! :-)
2013-05-11 12:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Use Post-Its liberally. When you get an email, make a note of the order, merchant & customer on it & put a priority/sequence no. to it
2013-05-11 12:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you get 10 mails at once, order them based on priority & sort them out. Use your email feature to organise & sort things...
2013-05-11 12:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Keep a ready XLS of all the prices as & when they change
2013-05-11 12:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do not carry anything in your head except where to look things up...
2013-05-11 12:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have tables of material Name & number. Another table of Customers & their contact info. Another about Merchants
2013-05-11 12:33:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You SHOULDN'T be keeping anything in your mind. Create lists of references, print them out & pin them in front of you.
2013-05-11 12:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... The matter is simple

2013-05-11 12:32:20 (EDT)
849 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Talk to people who have been there done that & learn their tricks. Maybe you could discuss it with me & I might have some ideas!
2013-05-11 12:08:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am certain that all it takes is simply working out the routine. Work out the details on a sheet of paper & then it would be simpler... :-)
2013-05-11 12:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't buy that. You are damn good. Maybe it is simply about finding your rhythm in this job. Maybe it doesn't interest you?
2013-05-11 12:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it is just a matter of jotting down your process to be followed & committing it to memory. Working out a schedule & flow... :-)
2013-05-11 12:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home. I can't believe you are slow... You are too good to be slow! Honest!
2013-05-11 12:00:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think you are slower?

2013-05-11 11:50:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else irritated you darling? Is it just things external or something else...?
2013-05-11 09:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, are you reading some book of late?

2013-05-11 09:17:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most of all, I loved how you cooked the sweet potato & fenugreek dish... So delicious! We were a good team, darling... :-)
2013-05-11 09:16:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have never had that breakfast since I returned. I mites having it with you. I loved seeing you seated in front of me... :-)
2013-05-11 09:15:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was out at a mall with them. Poor signal. Now taking him to meet my grandmother! :-) Missing you... Loads! :-)
2013-05-11 09:12:24 (EDT)
850 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Sweetie! Finally! Hugging my sweet lady! :-) So, is she the reason your mood was off?
2013-05-11 09:07:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady seems busy today! Hope you slept well & had a good breakfast... :-) Missing you, darling!
2013-05-11 04:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not in a good mood, sweetie? Did that lady irritate you again?
2013-05-10 23:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? Hugging you close & kissing your shoulders... :-)
2013-05-10 23:35:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling. Let's curl up together while I tell you tales of my rides on Night Fury & slur & mutter into sleep... Goodnight, sweetie! :-)
2013-05-10 14:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall we, darling?

2013-05-10 14:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, he had a ball of a time!! Everyone found him entertaining too. He was the only kid! :-)
2013-05-10 14:52:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fourth, was a make your pizza round!! :-)

2013-05-10 14:35:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Third round was a quiz about the hosting restaurant & Italian cuisine
2013-05-10 14:34:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Second round was blindfolded tasting & guessing the ingredients...
2013-05-10 14:34:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One round was who eats a whole pizza quickest

2013-05-10 14:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
851 / 4823

2013-05-10 14:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok... Nothing unusual. Finished off some good work.
2013-05-10 13:49:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it just got over... Kissing my sweet lady on her tired lips... How was the day, sweetie?
2013-05-10 13:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Came home late & I just wanted to watch this movie... Wish you were here. You would have loved it too... :-)
2013-05-10 13:48:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We won vouchers, tee shirts & caps

2013-05-10 13:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought they'd disqualify us, but then they didn't & let my nephew be a part of the team. We came 3rd amongst all the team!! :-D
2013-05-10 13:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I took my sis & nephew out for a food fest We had 4 rounds of a competition each team with 3 members each
2013-05-10 13:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was watching "How to train your dragon". I so love it... I wish I had a dragon! Like Night Fury! Oh my god! I would kill for that dragon!
2013-05-10 13:46:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And my sweet darling is back home... :-)

2013-05-10 13:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If June July would be tough, then we will have to wait till Nov. I so wish I could meet you earlier... :-)
2013-05-10 00:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling! Slept well? How are you feeling now? Fresh as dew with a smile like sunshine? :-)
2013-05-09 23:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close. Feeling very tired, darling. Will you come & join me in bed? I shall head there now... :-)
2013-05-09 12:47:45 (EDT)

852 / 4823

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-05-09 12:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing noteworthy... Usual work & more work... :-)
2013-05-09 12:26:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie... Why are you feeling irritable? Come come come... Let me gently brush your hair & hold you close & caress your cheeks... :-)
2013-05-09 12:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too... Your kiss would be my dessert!! :-)

2013-05-09 05:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who? Our Portsmouth? :-D Why toy turtles? And how many do the neighbours really have!?
2013-05-08 23:37:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? Yes, I had to crash early. My eyes & head are fine, thank you. :-)
2013-05-08 23:36:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to bed darling. Hope you reach home safe & join me. A trail of soft kisses lighting the way to where I sleep... :-)
2013-05-08 12:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a mild headache today. Maybe it is the improper sleep or god knows what... Eyes hurting & so is my head... :-(
2013-05-08 01:02:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I neglect you!? When did that happen!!? ;-)

2013-05-08 01:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet of him to ALWAYS make you coffee! ;-) Does it taste sweeter when he brings it!?
2013-05-08 01:01:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So this sweet guy is hoping to get you hooked!!? Aha! And milady's been enjoying his attention, eh? Naughty naughty...
2013-05-08 01:01:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely day with warm sunshine & more curious moments where people wonder why you are so happy... ;-)
853 / 4823

2013-05-08 01:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie! Glad to hear you slept well. Darling... I slept not-so-well. You troubled me too much in my sleep!! ;-p
2013-05-08 01:00:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you looked so pretty they just wanted an excuse to talk to you ; -)
2013-05-07 13:05:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You looked that sad!!!? ;-)

2013-05-07 13:00:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed darling... Goodnight. Do come & join me & fold yourself into me... :-)
2013-05-07 12:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure about my sis, but my boy definitely does enjoy his stay! :-)
2013-05-07 12:41:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was reading Shakespeare's sonnets to my nephew as he last in bed to sleep

2013-05-07 12:40:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing noteworthy... :-)

2013-05-07 12:39:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I not be up waiting for my hard working lady!! :-) Welcome home darling. Twirling & kissing you! :-)
2013-05-07 12:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes well & is full of smiles...

2013-05-07 00:41:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pulling you close to me... :-)

2013-05-07 00:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Kissing my sweet one on her lips... softly, butterfly kisses to make her blossom! :-)
2013-05-07 00:41:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling! :-) Soft kisses along your neck! Sleep well...
854 / 4823

Sweet dreams! :-)

2013-05-06 12:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you can work with me. Organise things. We will work together. Cook & read & go on walks.. Interested?
2013-05-06 12:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all of the places in the mountains are beautiful... :-)
2013-05-06 12:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No issues... :-) I am glad you explored the list.

2013-05-06 12:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tiring day... Heading home. Wish you were there! :-)
2013-05-06 09:10:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Few of the ones you picked are shut or not really stuff either of us can claim expertise in. check out the ones in Dharamshala or Kumaon!
2013-05-06 09:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will look up those places asap... Yes, I was serious! :-)
2013-05-06 01:09:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think that will never happen?

2013-05-05 21:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Slept well? Kissing you softly on your lips. :-) Holding you close to me...
2013-05-05 21:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Goodnight...

2013-05-05 12:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) In bed now, darling. Do come & join me. Kissing you softly on your forehead. Goodnight! :-)
2013-05-05 12:36:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She's not pouting, she has come around to behaving alright... for today! :-)
2013-05-05 10:19:20 (EDT)
855 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Kiss you back... All over! :-)

2013-05-05 10:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He doesn't shout. My sister does... at him. I didn't have to shout or even raise my voice at him. He is a good boy! :-)
2013-05-05 10:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He is a good boy. He needs a soft yet firm voice to tell him what to do. He is not a fuss but sometimes finds eating boring... :-)
2013-05-05 06:24:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... My day is going ok. My sister is largely being ignored. I managed to motivate my nephew to eat all his food without shouting
2013-05-05 06:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Also for you to see where we will be... :-)

2013-05-04 21:37:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm reminded of you. Esp. when I clean up or arrange something or organise something - makes me think Would Andrea like this? :-)
2013-05-04 21:37:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Slept well? A soft kiss on your chin... I sent you the pic because of what I said earlier. When I do something proper
2013-05-04 21:35:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be nice... Off to bed now. Do come & join me. Goodnight, darling! Soft kisses on your eyes... :-)
2013-05-04 13:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's enough place for us... :-)

2013-05-04 12:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My bed has been taken over by the duo.. :-)

2013-05-04 12:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You did nothing. I just feel gracious tonight!! ;-p
2013-05-04 12:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just laid it out. This really not where I sleep, but my sis & boy have occupied that room. Hence I have shifted here! :-|
856 / 4823

2013-05-04 12:36:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Check your mail! ;-)

2013-05-04 12:29:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the child's drawing... :-)

2013-05-04 12:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The last time you sent me cake pic was for Renata's b'day, right?
2013-05-04 11:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would have loved to go shopping with you, darling... :-) A lemon cake? Mmmm. Yum! Do send me a pic!
2013-05-04 11:55:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just "some" time!!? :-o

2013-05-04 11:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was my darling's day? :-)

2013-05-04 11:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indeed! Supremely modest! :-D

2013-05-04 11:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yes, you & she are quite opposite. :-) You are laconic & she far far from it.
2013-05-04 11:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, my sweet lady would also insist that someone drop her at the airport even if people were unwell!! ;-p
2013-05-04 11:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then she wants everyone to shop for her & take her shopping. She is genuinely quite spoilt. :-(
2013-05-04 11:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, high time to do that! :-( She wants the AC always on, she wants everyone to babysit her boy while texts & plays on her mobile!
2013-05-04 11:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She is just too loud & starts screaming. I think I am going to put my foot down this time! :-(
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2013-05-04 11:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I took him with me to the temple. Sweet boy!

2013-05-04 11:08:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish you would rescue me from here... But the boy is an angel!
2013-05-04 09:59:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She shouts a lot & likes to boss around! And to add to it she comes in & wants everything her way. She doesn't know how to adjust!
2013-05-04 09:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm taking a break from being with him. My sister annoys me! sigh! A whole month to bear! :-(
2013-05-04 08:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. It is not always easy to keep track of numbers. He is 8.5 years. :-) Yes, it would have been lovely if you were here too! :-)
2013-05-04 08:43:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I mind you snuggling up close to me.. :-)

2013-05-04 06:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was so nice to see my boy again! :-) He has grown up a little, still the same sweet one. I hugged him close... :-)
2013-05-04 06:56:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear one! My morning was spent cleaning & arranging & then went to fetch them from the airport.
2013-05-04 06:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight... Eat well. Sweet dreams :-)

2013-05-03 14:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-05-03 14:46:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, I'll feed you... :-)

2013-05-03 14:44:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Had dinner?

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2013-05-03 14:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But doesn't he need to be 18 before he can do that? He likes Germany a lot? Do the two of you connect like mom & son?
2013-05-03 14:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I understand. Is he living with you now or with his father?
2013-05-03 14:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I shall go to sleep now, dear darling.... Will you come & join me?
2013-05-03 14:26:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but none of that will provide relief when you are frustrated with the lack of basic amenities or conveniences. :-)
2013-05-03 14:24:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But lots of fresh air, honest simple people, clean streams, lush landscapes, gardens, woods, swings, butterflies... :-)
2013-05-03 14:17:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe no broadband, no tar/concrete roads, problem with electricity (maybe just 4 hrs a day if you're lucky), no supermarkets!
2013-05-03 14:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You need to realise that it would be 10 times worse than living in an Indian city (which is 10 times worse than living in a European city)
2013-05-03 14:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I was not hoping for just a visit or a trip but for a way of living. Amidst such people, helping those who need help & so on... :-)
2013-05-03 14:05:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Its like as if I could simply walk into your office with any problem & you would help me solve it! :-)
2013-05-03 14:02:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be doing so much!!!

2013-05-03 14:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, their annual visit. My annual chance to influence my nephew's perspective of life... :-)
2013-05-03 13:50:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My day was the usual. We did a load of work, lots of meetings & then I hurried home
2013-05-03 13:48:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is it that you do at work? I presume it is more than translation, yes?
2013-05-03 13:44:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They will stay for a month. Sorry to keep you waiting... How was your day?
2013-05-03 13:43:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not a twirl in the box... I left the message in the DM box
2013-05-03 13:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Do your Fridays wrap up earlier than other days?
2013-05-03 13:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Things are fine with me. Why do you ask?

2013-05-03 13:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom too needed some attention...

2013-05-03 13:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was arranging the rooms & beds. My sis & nephew arrive tomorrow so was cleaning up & making space for them
2013-05-03 13:36:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again.. I left that in the box! :-(

2013-05-03 13:36:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you get a twirl! :-)

2013-05-03 13:36:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom's ok... Cold, headache & slight fever

2013-05-03 12:31:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are back early!! Welcome home! :-) Hugging you close to me... :-)
2013-05-03 11:28:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Would you be interested in joining me on any of these:

2013-05-03 06:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. My mom wasn't too well...

2013-05-03 00:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is pleasant & filled with smiles... :-)
2013-05-03 00:55:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you good morning, dear :-)

2013-05-03 00:54:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie... :-)

2013-05-02 12:58:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think that there is some truth to the adage "If you aren't in love hold the hands of one who loves you" I ignored that in the past! :-|
2013-05-02 04:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have been single-minded, something I am not. I admire that.

2013-05-02 04:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can always find myself a wonderful woman as you can find such a man. Point is, I am not really looking out. Not interested... :-)
2013-05-02 04:46:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are not squirming in your chair? Honest? Ok.. Then I'll believe you on that. :-)
2013-05-02 04:45:29 (EDT)

dgdreamin I hope I didn't offend you... Goodnight! :-)

2013-05-02 00:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I suppose it is just that we think differently... Anyway! :-)

2013-05-02 00:04:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am kinda used to your suspicion. All I have to say is "date" & you are squirming in your chair. I think I am growing tolerant of it!! ;-p
2013-05-02 00:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why you? I really don't know. I have enjoyed my time with you
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& was happy with you.

2013-05-02 00:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I left you alone so that you can go find yourself someone & move on. You didn't. And in not doing so you made me revisit things... :-)
2013-05-02 00:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes well & full of sunshiney smiles :-)
2013-05-01 23:59:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your shoulders... :-) And then I'll pull you into me... :-)
2013-05-01 23:58:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I hope you did. Your dinner sounded really really light though. Hope you are eating well... :-)
2013-05-01 23:58:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, milady. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your nose... :-) Yes, yes,... coming.
2013-05-01 13:15:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am off to sleep, darling. Nothing to apologise. As long as you can see how I feel & think & trust me... :-)
2013-05-01 13:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it will help the next bunch of people who come in. And it also helps establish my thoughts & make my presence in the community :-)
2013-05-01 13:14:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't bring home work. This is simply an extra I am doing... :-)
2013-05-01 13:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Coconut rice with a yoghurt dip (raita). What do you plan on having?
2013-05-01 13:01:40 (EDT)

dgdreamin Do pass on my wishes to your mom for her birthday & to her on Mother's Day. I remember you once visited her & her mom for Mother's Day :-)
2013-05-01 13:01:03 (EDT)

dgdreamin Please don't get me wrong, I love your words as TMO. But then I
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always felt you were just another sensuous poet. DGD feels different... :-)
2013-05-01 12:58:34 (EDT)

dgdreamin Some people touch me dearly. Like you do. :-) Others are good with words but I have difficulty imagining a human soul behind them. E.g. TMO
2013-05-01 12:57:38 (EDT)

dgdreamin Oh yes! I do admire the many layers of your mind, esp. when you told me you had a foot in IT as well! :-) Just that my mind works different
2013-05-01 12:56:43 (EDT)

dgdreamin Ouch! I suppose classy sensual writing does have its downside too! Why do women do that? Can't they trust & co-exist? :-(
2013-05-01 12:55:45 (EDT)

dgdreamin Ewww! Nude pix!? Wonder why men can't get a grip on their hopes! :-(
2013-05-01 12:54:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I was having dinner & then completing the office work I had...
2013-05-01 12:53:48 (EDT)

dgdreamin When thismoment wrote things earlier like "Sometimes all the drama..." I would have let it pass. Now I wonder "What's troubling Deb?" :-D
2013-05-01 12:36:14 (EDT)

dgdreamin Nothing spoiled, really. Just that thismoment was someone whom I read & forgot. You (dgdreamin) I care about. Now I must care about her! :-D
2013-05-01 12:35:00 (EDT)

dgdreamin I know you are both the same & I cannot ignore it as someone's words anymore :-)
2013-05-01 12:30:16 (EDT)

dgdreamin What I meant was that thismoment was someone largely "faceless" to me. You on the other hand were/are a dear friend. But now...
2013-05-01 12:23:16 (EDT)

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dgdreamin How to I differentiate between you & the other? :-D I mighthave ignored thismoment's statements earlier. Now, I nearly do before pausing...
2013-05-01 11:14:39 (EDT)

perlygates Hello dear L. Sending you a warm hug. How are you? How are the girls? :-)
2013-05-01 11:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any action of mine can be misinterpreted (just dealing with such a jerk in the Siemens office) & there is only that much care I am willing
2013-05-01 11:05:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My words have always responded to the words of others. That to me is artistic & playful. Like throwing paint at each other...
2013-05-01 11:00:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are degrees of flirting. Even to kindly acknowledge a man for his favour to you might be perceived as flirting.
2013-05-01 11:00:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You look at flirting as an intention to sexually explore the other person. To me it is not that. It is just a light remark & laugh...
2013-05-01 10:59:15 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Juicy! Hey! Meat-eater! Take your eyes off my paunch!! ;-p
2013-05-01 10:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then it is their own doing. I wish to be alive. Wish to be responsive without censure. Sometimes I worry if you can bear that kind of me
2013-05-01 10:39:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't. I used to. I have stopped doing that. If I hurt someone then I wish to know. If they bring upon themselves hurt by misunderstanding
2013-05-01 10:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ People suffer for umpteen reasons. Their misunderstanding is just one more. I wish to live like a river. Bathe or drink from me! :-)
2013-05-01 10:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I only respond in kind. If someone is kind I will be that way. If someone flirts, so will I while retaining the glass wall...
2013-05-01 10:33:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You have a valid point & I have lived by that logic for most of my life. I don't wish to any more. I want to live as I think it should be...
2013-05-01 10:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A child is not cautious... look how happy she is! :-)
2013-05-01 10:21:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And when they do, I clearly let them know I have no interest in love. But does that mean one should be cautious always? :-|
2013-05-01 10:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only everyone could be like that, the world would be a happier place! :-) Poetry, goodness, caring & laughter... Recipe for happiness!
2013-05-01 10:09:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I reach out, laugh, care for, help, educate, joke around all because I think that is how human beings should be & because my soul wishes it!
2013-05-01 10:08:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't stop doing things because people misunderstand. I do things based on my moral compass & my soul's direction... :-)
2013-05-01 10:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you be coming along with the bikini you send to me?
2013-05-01 09:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if I were with you would worry endlessly about every woman I joked heavily with or danced a salsa with!! :-D
2013-05-01 09:49:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd wordplay with anyone who can match the words! :-) Let's admit it: You are quite possessive & jealous! :-D
2013-05-01 09:48:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Which tweeter do you think I got close to? Nearly all I am in touch with are such good friends & nothing more! :-)
2013-05-01 09:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! I miss that bikini... :-)

2013-05-01 09:23:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Surely one who has been burnt by my need to keep a distance cannot doubt me!! ;-p
2013-05-01 09:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or for getting a free night of excitement! I have nearly always withdrawn the minute I think things are getting too close for comfort! :-)
2013-05-01 09:20:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Flirting is good when the intention is merely to tease, laugh & slap backs in friendly camaraderie. Not when it is for fetching a partner!
2013-05-01 09:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Playful jesting is inevitable. I would try the same thing with men & they would walk away... to women! So, yes flirting is inevitable! :-)
2013-05-01 09:19:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! Sunbathing!? Orange bikini? :-)

2013-05-01 08:49:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My actions have remained the same from time immemorial. :-D I enjoy chatting with people. Men rarely prefer chatting with me! :-(
2013-05-01 08:48:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day's been ok. Had an oil bath, napped, watched Scorpion King (Kelly Hu is sexy) doing some office related work... :-)
2013-05-01 08:48:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad to prove that! ;-p

2013-05-01 06:49:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just waking up from a nap. So, after all this time & repeatedly thinking what you wished we have proven that you were always mistaken! ;)
2013-05-01 06:49:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Like when? :-)

2013-05-01 05:19:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but when we don't know what to think why don't we assume the most innocent or simply ask? :-)
2013-05-01 04:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes things are simple as sleepiness or simply a whim...

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2013-05-01 04:27:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly! It was late when you reached! You really must learn to not suspect the worst or most saddening reason for things... :-(
2013-05-01 04:25:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but...

2013-05-01 04:23:42 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I've had the most exciting times the past 6 months!!! I go to work come back eat & sleep. E V E R Y D A Y! Can you believe that! Wow! ;-)
2013-04-30 23:55:11 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :-) Missed you too... How are the boys? Have you take over Rogers yet? How is the love life coming along?
2013-04-30 23:50:17 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hey! And the sexy one! And the charming one! And ... you left all the fun pieces out!! ;-p
2013-04-30 23:24:50 (EDT)

thismomentonly Merci! :-)

2013-04-30 22:08:38 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I do not suggest that you give her money. You need to be wise with finances. You needn't be wise with kindness. :-)
2013-04-30 22:04:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was laconic because I had poured words all over the timeline & was just about to sleep when you arrived. Mere tiredness...
2013-04-30 22:03:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant smuggle. What do I need to regret? Not sure what you mean...
2013-04-30 22:03:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. I wrap you in my arms & pull you closer to me, kissing your shoulders... :-)
2013-04-30 22:02:45 (EDT)

thismomentonly Errr! Just checking. Was that by any chance for me given
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the coincidence that I just discovered things? :-|

2013-04-30 22:01:38 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'd hold her hand hoping touch has a better wisdom to guide me... Just listening & good intent will suffice. Roads will open up! :-)
2013-04-30 14:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I'm off to sleep now darling. Do come & join me... :-) Goodnight! Sleep well...
2013-04-30 14:51:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come smuggle me! :-)

2013-04-30 14:45:04 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :-) Jen, you know the magic of reaching across geographies! :-) You know the gift that lies in your heart & voice... :-)
2013-04-30 14:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Kissing you softly...

2013-04-30 14:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I have to tell you that it has been a long time since I kissed you so please... ;-)
2013-04-30 14:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So is plush leather seats with a nice table... ;-)

2013-04-30 14:26:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our office is quite a mess though vibrant... :-)

2013-04-30 14:22:50 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Why don't you ask her? Why don't you call her or meet her, feed her & ask her?
2013-04-30 14:22:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been writing a bit... :-)

2013-04-30 14:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there with you... :-)

2013-04-30 14:15:30 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Nope! Perhaps my penury is world-renowned!! ;-)

2013-04-30 14:01:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ How are you darling? Hope your day went well. Come come come... Tomorrow is a day off out here. There?
2013-04-30 11:43:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had that sitting in my DM window without sending that is why I decided to send it anyway!! :-D
2013-04-30 11:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good afternoon!

2013-04-30 11:42:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is where our office in Germany is: ThoughtWorks Deutschland GmbH Groer Burstah 46-48 D - 20457 Hamburg
2013-04-30 04:22:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-04-29 13:24:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I shall now go to sleep. Do rest well after a good dinner. Do come & join me later, sweet lady... :-)
2013-04-29 13:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am still here, darling. Waiting for my sweet daisy to get back home... :-) Softly kissing you on your cheeks... :-)
2013-04-29 13:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet lady seems to feel like a daisy today!! :-)

2013-04-29 00:50:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Softly kissing you to add a blush to your white-n-yellow day! :-)My day goes on ok. I slept ok. You? :-)
2013-04-29 00:50:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I always wanted you in my arms... Honest. I was afraid things might go out of control! :-(
2013-04-28 12:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed, darling! I am sorry. Never meant to shoo you away. Just... :-(
2013-04-28 12:56:21 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I care for you enough to not ensure that you are safe
2013-04-28 12:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I had to leave you alone so you might make your choice...
2013-04-28 12:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes,, I miss our time together shopping, cooking & watching movies... :-)
2013-04-28 12:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You might want to return to your life if you find reality not as pleasant as you imagined it...
2013-04-28 12:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think we can work out the money matters if you are planning to come here. That should not be your concern. :-)
2013-04-28 12:23:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is near bed time, dear. :-)

2013-04-28 12:22:24 (EDT)

atonedfor How was the performance? Did you enjoy yourself

2013-04-28 08:10:35 (EDT)

atonedfor Yes, that is why I was worried if you didn't hurt yourself in the process. Is there no one around when you take these pix? :-D
2013-04-28 08:10:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ you have a job & finances when you got back? That is a great concern. I am sure you can head back, but would you be able to resume life
2013-04-28 08:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you need money to live here several months without a job? I would be supporting you, right? Point is, if you wished to return would
2013-04-28 08:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My company will most likely not move me. They wouldn't do it as they want people to move to the Global South (Africa, Asia, South America)
2013-04-28 08:04:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As I mentioned in the email, it is far more difficult to move to

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US, Europe & Australia than it is to any other continent. :-(

2013-04-28 08:03:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then, recently I felt, what is the point of it all? Maybe we could be happy together! And I went over your mails & pix & smiled... :-)
2013-04-28 08:00:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you'd move on & hence, I could feel happy that you & I were never meant to be. Maybe because I don't know love... :-(
2013-04-28 08:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why am I back? Because maybe I never went away. I recall our days together with a lot of softness & then sigh & shake my head... :-|
2013-04-28 07:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mistake me not, I still think the same way, but then I had to also discourage any emotional responses... So I was being clear!
2013-04-28 07:57:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given my background, my family, your background, your family, I thought it was way too difficult to consider anything together...
2013-04-28 07:56:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you had to know how slim the chances were esp. since you have simpler & more convenient options which you might not regret
2013-04-28 07:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Firstly, I wasn't mean to you. I think I was simply being honest & objective. I had place reality between us to see how difficult things are
2013-04-28 07:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am glad you were happy to see me! I wish you were here. I miss you too, dear darling. :-) Yes, I'd so enjoy going to sleep like that
2013-04-28 07:47:02 (EDT)

atonedfor I do like it... Must have been difficult shooting that, no?
2013-04-27 13:55:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel it is irresponsible to invite you to India. It is dirty, hot, corrupted & so full of craziness... :-( You deserve better!
2013-04-27 11:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My tweets are rarely ever for anyone. If it is inspired by a

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pic/conversation, I quote it. The 2 butterfly tweets... :-)

2013-04-27 11:26:51 (EDT)

atonedfor You shot that picture? :-)

2013-04-27 11:26:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is far more difficult to move to Europe now than ever. It is still easier to move to India but it is not a pleasant place :-(
2013-04-27 11:25:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still have those odd napping patterns! :-( I wish you didn't nap like that. I'd be more than happy to be there with you but how?
2013-04-27 11:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my darling?

2013-04-27 11:23:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you have to go to the office today too? :-(

2013-04-27 04:54:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you in those dresses! That's the only way I'll forgive you! I love your sense of dressing & coordination... :-)
2013-04-27 01:41:36 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-)
2013-04-27 01:40:14 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Thought as much... :-) In the UK or in Punjabuh!? :-)

2013-04-26 23:46:14 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Yes, I can't imagine you teaching Physics. I think you'd teach more humane, relevant issues with people closer to the earth... :-)
2013-04-26 23:43:23 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Which is a good thing. Do you ever imagine yourself teaching?

2013-04-26 23:34:56 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh good! Student for life... :-)

2013-04-26 23:29:00 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I hope you do recall my complimenting you on this pic. I think I even wrote to it... Makes me sigh! :-)
2013-04-26 23:22:28 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung Why is your schedule off schedule?

2013-04-26 23:20:57 (EDT)

ZinniaTung But you love changing your pix! :-) I won't keep that from you! You so remind me of a girl in her fave clothes store! This? This? And this?
2013-04-26 23:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... A lot! I wish I had a way of keeping you here... :-)
2013-04-26 23:13:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many rituals are not meant to be observed other than the doer (me). The only thing you'd be doing is not eat onion & garlic on those days...
2013-04-26 23:13:35 (EDT)

ZinniaTung And what is the princess doing up so late?

2013-04-26 23:10:55 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I wish I could tell you to never change it... :-)

2013-04-26 23:10:36 (EDT)

ZinniaTung My favourite pic of you... :-)

2013-04-26 23:10:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that tweet was for you... :-)

2013-04-26 23:07:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling. Good morning! :-) How was your day? Slept well? Sending you a warm kiss to butterfly on your shoulder... :-)
2013-04-26 23:07:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a warm hug & kiss... :-) Tonight is an eclipse... Tomorrow morning I'll perform a ritual like during the new moon! :-)
2013-04-25 08:48:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...create a happy life with a good & honest companion! :-)
2013-04-24 22:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Affection is something I feel for good people. Men or women... :) Sexual attraction can be towards many. What stays is the resolve to..
2013-04-24 22:57:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I agree that the love I talk about is rarer still. :-) Would you like to grow old with me? :-)
2013-04-24 22:54:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing about that guy is different nor has he changed drastically. She has become more accepting & tolerant. Human beings are like that!
2013-04-24 22:53:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ that. I have a friend who hated the guy she was marrying but had to go with it for family reasons. Now she thinks she loves him.. :-)
2013-04-24 22:52:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I find elderly couples cute too. A sign of discipline & character. What they share, to me, is affection & familiarity. A lot of people are
2013-04-24 22:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm happy you are immersed in such work. Somehow it helps keep distraction at bay.. :-)
2013-04-24 22:49:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie! Kissing my lady's elbows a she sleeps. It amazes me how much you work nowadays. Is the pay significantly better?
2013-04-24 22:47:52 (EDT)

dgdreamin Good morning! Had to mention the forest in order to maintain the nonchalance of the tweet... :-) It kinda fit well, too... ;-)
2013-04-24 10:34:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you a lots too, dear. A lot... Hope your day goes well... :-)
2013-04-24 03:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do believe in love. Completely. Just that I have never seen that kind amongst human beings.. :-)
2013-04-24 03:27:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, i am aware of what you feel for me but people try & if nothing is happening, they move on. So I was wondering why you didn't?
2013-04-24 03:26:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I imagined that you utilised that option around you & actually met new guys & go on dates with them. It is a normal Western trait & approach
2013-04-24 03:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since you live in a place where it is normal & easy to go on dates & find yourself a guy because for the past 1 year nothing seems to work..
2013-04-24 03:24:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I wonder about you not going on a date is simple: 1) I am a normal guy 2. Women like to move on & find themselves a guy...
2013-04-24 03:24:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will remove the earplugs the next time but I didn't see their lips/beaks move at all!! ;-p
2013-04-24 03:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetness. How are you? Slept well? Kiss you softly on your temples... :-)
2013-04-24 01:28:25 (EDT)

dgdreamin I still find it difficult to imagine the two of you one... You two seem so different! And to know it is all in one wonderful woman! :-)
2013-04-24 00:10:46 (EDT)

dgdreamin And those are your feet to which I once wrote a poem? It's like I have missed the memos for the past decade!!
2013-04-24 00:08:30 (EDT)

dgdreamin In IT, a traveler, a gardener, a birder, a poet, an erotic/sensuous poet... Wow! What else have you up your sleeve? :-)
2013-04-24 00:07:42 (EDT)

dgdreamin Yes, I do know now! How sad that someone can be offended by something as beautiful as your poetry... Alas! Human beings! :-)
2013-04-24 00:05:15 (EDT)

dgdreamin You are thismomentonly!!!? :-o I never did guess that! Oh my god! And I imagined you to be so doe-like!! ;-p What a surprise! :-)
2013-04-23 23:50:59 (EDT)

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ruptureschism Courtney Courtney Courtney! :-)

2013-04-23 12:02:30 (EDT)

ruptureschism That is exactly what I guessed... :-)

2013-04-23 11:57:54 (EDT)

ruptureschism You've pestered me... Never! :-) You've only made me miss you... And you won't be forgiven for that! ;-)
2013-04-23 11:48:54 (EDT)

ruptureschism Everyone is well. Thanks for asking. :-) How are you? How are the deer? And the fish?
2013-04-23 11:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think they've even dropped the idea of a new office in Europe... :-(
2013-04-23 11:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Highly unlikely that I'll get to come to Europe. The company is deciding to have more movement into the global south countries!
2013-04-23 11:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm single because I haven't been drawn to anyone yet... :-)
2013-04-23 11:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Secondly, I haven't met anyone with whom I want to date. I'm still the same guy. :-) The one who doesn't believe in love...
2013-04-23 11:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ India is not a place for dating! You don't ask people out on dates here. Then her parents will come to meet my mom & share their tsk tsk...
2013-04-23 11:11:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, the birds & butterflies said nothing. Must be as laconic as the sweet lady herself... ;-)
2013-04-23 11:09:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you do get home late per Indian standard time!! ;-) And poor me needs to sleep...
2013-04-23 11:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. I miss you too. Bright & jasmine scented
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kisses for my dear.. :-) Have a wonderful day at work. Eat well...
2013-04-23 01:15:26 (EDT)

atonedfor Dear Keran, I saw & read the mail before the Dm. :-) Will reply shortly. Hope all is well with you! Sending you a hug... :-)
2013-04-22 21:00:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you suggesting that you could move here to live for a bit & can go back & still have a job? It is not quite like that in India...
2013-04-22 08:01:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is mostly ok. I did spend some time in the basket when I woke up... :-)
2013-04-22 08:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gently kissing your knuckles as you work hard... :-)

2013-04-22 07:59:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling! How are you? How is your day? Monday's used to be your busy day but now every day is like that... :-(
2013-04-22 07:59:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nearly fell asleep... Yes, time for bed. Goodnight sweetie! Sleep well! Soft kisses on your nose! :-)
2013-04-21 12:35:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish to cooperate... So can you tell me how would you design a solution to this problem?
2013-04-21 09:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True... How would you like to solve that problem? :-)
2013-04-21 09:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lovely cooking & watching SH together... Or watching anything together. :-) Come over, dear! :-)
2013-04-21 07:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hey! Not fair! You can't use my tweet against me. Or for me!! :D Good morning, sweetie pie! :-) Slept well? Soft kisses on your shoulders!
2013-04-20 21:34:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-) Yes.... Goodnight!

2013-04-20 15:00:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. You would simply fix things & make them right... I completely enjoyed our time together. :-)
2013-04-20 14:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or "What would she say if she saw this" :-)

2013-04-20 14:48:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. Many times I walk around my house, look at something which isn't kept well & say to myself "Andrea would disapprove"
2013-04-20 14:48:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be lovely! :-) Yes, do join me... Goodnight, dear. A soft kiss on your eyes. Sleep well... :-)
2013-04-20 14:40:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I shall hold these statements to you in future! ;-p All set to sleep, dear?
2013-04-20 14:33:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree that handsome rich men can be stupid. Intelligent men can be boring too. All sad combinations are possible!
2013-04-20 14:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... I am not interested in knowing why another woman might want me or not. I ask you... :-)
2013-04-20 14:17:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are handsome rich men with six pack toned abs... Why would a woman want me, then?
2013-04-20 13:45:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't suffer from an inferiority complex. Far from it! :-D But I look outside see handsome studs & wonder - why would a woman like me?
2013-04-20 13:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These questions arise because I wonder why would someone like me. Not that I feel stupid or unlikeable, but what exact reasons...
2013-04-20 13:42:37 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I didn't work. I was simply listening to people speak & then surfing. Downloading books & Sherlock Holmes! ;-)
2013-04-20 13:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad your day was good. Mine was ok. Went for a conference in the office. Yes, I do go to the temple but skipped today! :-(
2013-04-20 13:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, dear?

2013-04-20 13:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie... :-)

2013-04-20 13:21:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy?
2013-04-20 13:15:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D dearest A

2013-04-20 13:15:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is what I keep wondering... I am just an average guy out there. Why?
2013-04-20 13:02:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you haven't gone on a single date since we met? :-o
2013-04-20 13:00:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, dear A :-)

2013-04-20 13:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wonder why you still like me. I am fat, balding, avg looking. I snore & am a tradionalist (in some sense). Then why... ? Seriously!
2013-04-20 07:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I completely understand. I'm sure something at work must have held you up, else you would have come early! :-)
2013-04-20 04:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not sure how my months after May will turn out. I might have to travel locally officially... Lots of uncertainty.
2013-04-20 04:44:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Seeing me before Nov might be really difficult. It would make sense to come to Hungary only if I get at least 12 days there. Unlikely! :-{
2013-04-20 04:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweetie. It's ok. I couldn't keep my eyes open & I think fell asleep on my comp! :-) I would've decorated the basket for you..
2013-04-20 04:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doesn't look like you'll be home soon... I so wanted to chat with you, but maybe some other day! Goodnight dear! Take care. Happy anniv! :)
2013-04-19 13:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd stay up late so you can come home & find me awake!!
2013-04-19 06:01:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you still have those pj with the cartoon characters!!? :-D
2013-04-18 20:44:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting by your side & smiling at my sweet sleeping lady.. :-)
2013-04-18 20:42:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie! I hope you're sleeping peacefully. Yesterday was way too hectic though very productive. today it's a festival...
2013-04-18 20:42:15 (EDT)

soHbet_ At your service, milady! Hope your day's well... :-)

2013-04-17 12:34:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what you mean! ;-p I hope you have a lovely day too, dear A :-)
2013-04-17 01:19:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As I said, once you have the date there is no backing out... Rest assured... :-)
2013-04-16 23:00:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I would love to! :-) any excuse to meet you in a new locale... At least new for me! :-)
2013-04-16 22:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A june trip is unlikely. There is some project work lined up which
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might make travel difficult...

2013-04-16 22:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The Germans are here today. I'll be thinking of you as I talk to them... :-)
2013-04-16 22:57:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. :-) Hope you slept well & continued to even after I kissed you on your shoulder... :-) You work too hard, dear! :-|
2013-04-16 22:56:32 (EDT)

soHbet_ Haha!! :-D Glad I kept myself chewable! ;-) I was just speaking the truth, milady! :-)
2013-04-16 22:54:13 (EDT)

soHbet_ :-) Lovely AVI... The ornament needed you to make it lustrous! :-)
2013-04-16 12:15:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you dear! A lot... I'm really looking forward to your coming here! I wish we had more time together... :-)
2013-04-16 07:28:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tight & close... :-)

2013-04-16 00:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing my sweet lady on her lips... Do you really want to leave? ;-p
2013-04-16 00:54:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are just 25!! ;-)

2013-04-15 02:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Your new job is really getting learning a lot of new things. I am so happy for you. :-) Kissing milady softly on her cheeks! :-)
2013-04-15 02:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand. I won't disappoint you... :-) Good morning dear. Slept well?
2013-04-14 22:53:30 (EDT)

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dgdreamin No problemo! :-) My weekend was quotidian. How was yours? Where are you off to next? Wishing you many a delight in your week.. :-)
2013-04-14 22:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do send me pictures of your plants... :-)

2013-04-14 12:06:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling up to you... I'm off to bed too. When you wake up, do join me! :-)
2013-04-14 12:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is all it would take to make you stop talking to me!!? ;-p
2013-04-14 12:05:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand that you need to book your tickets & there is money involved. So once I give you the dates then there will be no changing minds
2013-04-14 08:36:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 10 days in Nov not Oct. :-) I wish it was Oct instead. Earlier the better. :-)
2013-04-14 08:35:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish we could run over grass now, hand in hand... Talking about the sky & clouds and... sigh :-)
2013-04-14 08:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Sweetie pie. How are you? How is your weekend? Today was our New Year. Spent in rituals & good food... Wishing you a Happy New year too
2013-04-14 08:34:38 (EDT)

dgdreamin How are you, dear Deb? :-) Somehow, this moment I feel a tenderness which I would like to share with you in a hug... Hope you don't mind!
2013-04-14 08:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept well & had a hectic day! Hopefully this weekend will be more productive & relaxing. Wish you were here! :-)
2013-04-12 09:03:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You have my permission for whatever you please! :-)

2013-04-12 09:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd like you to come here in November. We could spend about 10 days here. I wouldn't get more than that off...
2013-04-12 09:01:26 (EDT)

Darkntwistd We could talk. Do you want to Skype? Or Gtalk?

2013-04-11 09:05:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My grandfather's annual ceremony won't come on the same day every year. We follow a different calendar. Will keep you informed... :-)
2013-04-11 09:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, mom enjoyed her trip immensely. I think we are a travel loving family, yes! :-)
2013-04-11 09:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The dinner date was nice! ;-)

2013-04-11 09:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll hold you from behind as you work & blow gently in your hair.. How's your day, dear? Mine was ok & hectic. I'll go home, read a little
2013-04-11 09:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too sweetie! A lot... :-) My days are a little hectic. Driving back home in the cab. I'd so love to hold you in my arms. Tenderly
2013-04-11 08:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your shoulders as you sleep ... & on your hip! :-)
2013-04-09 21:32:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My mom had returned from a trip so we chatted a little last night & I crashed.
2013-04-09 21:31:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, today is indeed the new moon. :-) You are sweet! Not always, but mostly!! ;-p
2013-04-09 21:05:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. My day was ok with a few shuttles up & down. Yesterday was my grandfather's annual ceremony (performed every year).
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2013-04-09 21:05:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, lovely lady! :-)

2013-04-09 21:04:19 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Annie, it is ok you don't do Twitter anymore. But that is my indicator of your being around so I was worried. How are you?
2013-04-09 21:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your day, sweet one? Mine is ok yet tiring... I have a dinner date with my ex-client!! ;-)
2013-04-09 08:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I'm not generous with msg is because the mobile service provider would sometimes not deliver yet charge... :-(
2013-04-09 08:05:02 (EDT)

Darkntwistd To say the least, I feared the worst! I began hunting for Brianna's email id... Please do keep in touch.
2013-04-09 08:03:28 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I am so so so happy to hear from you! I was not pleased that you were not on Twitter for nearly 2-3 months! :-o
2013-04-08 23:49:00 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Sweet Annie, how are you? It has been such a long time. How is V & B? Sending you a warm hug. I missed you. Honest. Late, but honest...
2013-04-07 23:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Angry about what? Nothing at all.. Goodnight! :-)

2013-04-07 12:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I have a fair idea... ;-) Miss you too. Goodnight. Sleep well. Sweet dreams! :-) Soft kisses on your ears!
2013-04-07 12:12:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At home & about to go to bed... :-)

2013-04-07 12:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Password, I forgot! ;-p

2013-04-07 11:35:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sorry! Found it! I was looking under A. ng_andrea

2013-04-07 11:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your ID is not on my list!! Weird!!

2013-04-07 11:32:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can you get on Skype now?

2013-04-07 11:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if you aren't now, we could video as well. :-) I miss your pictures in various clothes... :-)
2013-04-07 10:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe we should fix a date & then meet up to chat. Would you like to Skype? I recall your saying that you felt uncomfy over video...
2013-04-07 10:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ;-) Now I do... How was your Sunday? Yes, I always try to keep myself busy. Often you aren't online when I am or vice versa.
2013-04-07 10:46:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "and you were always with different ladies each time!" is clear & crisp! ;-)
2013-04-07 10:32:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "and you were always with another lady!" means I was always with a woman other than you. Could be multiple or the same woman!! ;-p
2013-04-07 10:32:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was it always the same woman? ;-)

2013-04-07 06:32:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not on a trip though I am caught up in work & stuff... :-) Glad your butterflies are around to flap & create some breeze!! ;-p
2013-04-06 13:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your Saturday was good, dear one. What did you do? Hope you got to rest a bit...
2013-04-06 13:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your butterflies are quite inspiring.. ;-p

2013-04-05 23:06:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I loved the DM downpour! :-) Holding you gently as you sleep & kissing your shoulders softly! :-)
2013-04-05 23:05:09 (EDT)

atonedfor Oh my day & week have been fine, thank you. I shall respond to the rest of your email today! How have you been?
2013-04-05 23:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got your message. Saved your new number! :-)

2013-04-04 07:52:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will let you know the dates soon. It should be pleasant as there is a fair & camels being traded. You can ride one too!! :-D
2013-04-04 07:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you. Nov should be good. There is a festival in Rajasthan (near Delhi) so you can fly in & we can travel to there.
2013-04-04 07:50:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember ducking down to wave out to you & you'd be sweetly standing there... I would always feel bad leaving you behind! :-(
2013-04-04 07:49:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It did seem like the women got dreamy & hot! :-D
2013-04-04 07:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know I don't go RT or fav so that people will read my tweets nor get chatty online, so I was genuinely surprised both by output & attn.
2013-04-04 07:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Honestly, I wasn't even aware where that series was going. Equally honestly, I didn't even think people would be reading it, so...
2013-04-04 07:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was hugging you to sleep instead of this pillow... :-)
2013-04-02 20:04:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still remember holding you & watching the sunset through the window of the hotel room... :-) Miss you!
2013-04-02 20:03:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just asked if you read the tweets because that was such an
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extempore series which got unexpected attention!! :-D Wanted to share it with u
2013-04-02 20:02:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why November? Because it is pleasant then. There is also a festival for which I'll be travelling & I thought we'd combine that & your visit
2013-04-02 20:00:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. :-) Hope you are sleeping well. Soft kiss on your tattoo... :-)
2013-04-02 19:58:08 (EDT)

atonedfor Someone's been enjoying the tweets, I see... ;-) How are you lovely K? :-)
2013-04-01 20:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come... :-)

2013-04-01 12:30:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now. Goodnight sweet one. Sleep well. :-) Sweet dreams!
2013-04-01 12:20:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hahaha :-D Crazy too!!

2013-04-01 12:19:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And?
2013-04-01 12:11:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That you are still not interested in any man in Hungary?
2013-04-01 11:59:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What & what? What do I know about you dear!? What should I? ;-)
2013-04-01 11:40:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What should I know about you!? :-)

2013-04-01 11:29:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, anything is possible on this earth, so... :-)

2013-04-01 10:30:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You wanted to but not any more?

2013-04-01 09:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Heading home! I was wondering if you'd like to come in Nov...
2013-04-01 08:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here dear. Wrapping up for the day. Nice shiny car!? :-) Would you want to visit India?
2013-04-01 08:42:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tweets inspired by boredom! ;-) Do you plan on replacing boredom? ;-p
2013-04-01 06:34:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you get to read the steamy tweets yesterday!? ;-p
2013-04-01 05:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am at work & at the client location. Things are a little hectic but fine otherwise! :-)
2013-04-01 05:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wrote to you on 29th itself, early morning! Why would I not want to write to you? :-o Glad you are well & bonding with your mom! :-)
2013-04-01 05:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You sure have been busy! No time even over the weekend? Or is it the fever? Or the fine lady has been having fun & forgot about me? ;-p
2013-03-31 21:26:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope you now know which pics I was talking about... ;-)
2013-03-31 21:25:18 (EDT)

soHbet_ hahahahahah :-D

2013-03-31 11:23:54 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Glad to hear life's good. Always should be for you. I pray thus. Still packing lunch boxes for the hubby? :-)
2013-03-31 10:12:15 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I just noticed that I wasn't following you! :-o That's weird with Twitter! Anyway, in case Tw acts up again, eroteme.thinks@ :-)
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2013-03-31 09:37:11 (EDT)

ZinniaTung O ji! Kaise ho? How is the life of the UK mem? ;-) Long long time... And would you trust me if I said that I missed the princess? :-)
2013-03-31 09:32:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wished those days you were here so that I could hold you... :-)
2013-03-30 23:18:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There were days when I missed you & looked at your pix & videos. I still love your sexy pic & the one with the view from above. :-)
2013-03-30 23:16:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Everyone's well! :-) I've been lost in work & travel! How are the kids? I'm sure you can braid that...
2013-03-30 23:14:59 (EDT)

soHbet_ You don't look plump. You have the sultry, ruffled look which goes well with the smoulder! Yes, to pick another ghazal! :-)
2013-03-30 08:30:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It has been a while... Hope you are well. Miss you. Thought of you when I saw this:
2013-03-29 23:01:26 (EDT)

soHbet_ Pretty pic, dear friend! :-) Hope all's well with you!
2013-03-29 12:23:16 (EDT)

ruptureschism I am, sweet Courtney! :-) I wasn't worried. Au contraire! I was overjoyed! :-D You don't answer my questions of how are you! Why?
2013-03-28 23:10:12 (EDT)

ruptureschism Are you in Nyc? :-o

2013-03-28 23:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On your belly button

2013-03-28 23:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes,I'd love to have you by my side, dear. :-)

889 / 4823

Hugging you close as you sleep sweetly! Hope your health is back to normal.. A soft kiss
2013-03-28 23:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2013-03-28 10:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But at their Chennai office... :-(

2013-03-26 09:43:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Everything is fine. Work is alright. I'm out of the project & on a new one. Consulting for Siemens. Yes, the one in Germany!! :-)
2013-03-26 09:43:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Its getting hotter here, so no blanket in bed!! ;-)

2013-03-26 09:41:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think if you too, dear! :-) I've tried to come to Europe twice & both times it was thwarted!! :-(
2013-03-26 09:39:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How do you feel now? Better? Medicines on? Are you getting enough rest? I wish I was there to take care of you
2013-03-25 13:00:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear... Holding you close! :-) Goodnight...

2013-03-25 13:00:13 (EDT)

atonedfor I've missed you too, dear Keran. Honest. Am in the midst of an assignment (work). I hope to write to you when I wake up tomorrow... :-)
2013-03-25 12:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well.. .Yes, do come & join me! :-) Goodnight!
2013-03-24 12:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will tell you about my trip. I just got back from some errands so very tired. I will head to bed now. Have a lovely evening... A warm hug!
2013-03-24 12:28:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling! Was it so bad? I even sent you a text msg. I thought you were away in Germany or something. How is your health now?
2013-03-24 12:27:41 (EDT)

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ruptureschism The new one. Somehow her nose, her walk etc. reminded me of you. How have you been? How is your mom? Are you still in the deer house? :-)
2013-03-24 12:27:04 (EDT)

ruptureschism Watching the Oz movie. Annie from the initial scenes reminds me of you. Missed you.. :-) How you are well!
2013-03-24 07:08:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you ok? Where are you dear one? Missing you... :-(
2013-03-20 10:01:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good evening dear Deirdre. :-) How are you? How is Avery? I'm still in the mountains with some signal. Missing both of you! :-)
2013-03-14 22:57:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one... I'm still in the mountains but closer to a city. I return in 2 days. Miss you... How are you, sweetie?
2013-03-14 11:09:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie! Am in a remote location. So no signal. Miss you too! Sending you a warm hug... :-)
2013-03-09 09:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a soft kiss... On a flight! Miss you... :-)

2013-03-06 06:55:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The train journey was not comfy. :-( I'm going to bed early tonight. Miss you... Hugging you close!
2013-03-05 10:46:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad to hear your mom was there. How was her visit? I think this is her first visit since I got to know you... How is your son?
2013-03-03 20:29:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Trips end. I wish you could come with me on this trip. Or maybe on another one... :-)
2013-03-03 20:27:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your hair. Yes, the past month has had a lot of travel. I return tonight & in 2 days leave for the mountains (10 days). With that my planned
2013-03-03 20:26:14 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Yesterday was tiring. Got pretty late & I ended up crashing the min I could. Sitting by your side, playing with
2013-03-03 20:23:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Someone's busy... How goes your weekend? Sending you soft kisses for your forehead...
2013-03-02 20:38:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... :-)

2013-03-02 10:59:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll be back Tuesday early morning! Hope you are free over weekends & get to rest... Hugging you tightly! :-)
2013-03-01 20:24:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sitting by your side, sweet one. :-) Good morning! I'm heading to Bangalore now. Have a conference there. Missing you! :-)
2013-03-01 20:21:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Kissing you softly to wake you up to a wonderful day... :-) Yes, I remember the hotel room. :-)
2013-02-27 23:21:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, the interviews were good but tiring. I am back in the office. How are you? :-) Still doing crazy hours? And drives? :-(
2013-02-27 23:21:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one I'm travelling on work, conducting interviews.

2013-02-25 23:36:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How would you like to solve our problem? Honestly! Realistically! How?
2013-02-23 21:31:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am by your side dear, brushing your hair from your face & watching you sleep... :-)
2013-02-23 21:30:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But there were too many mosquitoes, so not sure if you would
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have liked it here. :-( Maybe you would have regretted offering to be with me!
2013-02-23 21:30:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would have been lovely had you been here. I am certain I would not have been bored at all & perhaps we would have gone for a walk!
2013-02-23 21:29:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The wedding was not boring. The reception was. I think people were just to absorbed in dressing up & I spent the hrs reading Nabokov! :-D
2013-02-23 20:53:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) I trust you so I needn't check 2012's calendar. I just found it funny that you missed a whole year! :-D
2013-02-23 20:52:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really tired. I will head to bed, dear. *Hugs* :-)

2013-02-22 11:35:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finally back home. Boring reception! :-( I should have skipped. How was your day? My day was the usual same thing. Fixed some issues :-)
2013-02-22 11:34:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Haha 2012 calendar!!? Seriously!? Now who's silly? ;-)

2013-02-22 07:34:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes would love the cuddly waking. :-)

2013-02-22 07:33:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I'm at a wedding. Been here since yesterday. Couldn't check anything since I lost battery.
2013-02-22 07:32:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The new moon is on 11 March. :-)

2013-02-20 20:14:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one! I miss our cuddles. :-)

2013-02-20 20:14:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing... Goodnight, dear one. Holding you close. Sleep well.
2013-02-20 11:03:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
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2013-02-20 10:19:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Trust me!

2013-02-20 09:55:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes... For your own good!

2013-02-20 09:32:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Yes, I am still the silly person you left behind! :-)
2013-02-20 09:28:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 17 hrs!!!? That will kill you! :-o Why work such long hours? I thought Europe had rules against such hours! No?
2013-02-20 09:26:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The leading role is ok. Nothing fancy. I want to do interesting work but... Anyway, enough of me. How is your new role?
2013-02-20 09:21:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no.. It isn't something I dislike. I can remain here forever. But if the rule in the office is to keep rotating, it must be done fairly!
2013-02-20 09:19:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No... That is not the only thing I miss. :-(

2013-02-20 09:07:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think the project is decent. If people find it so bad then we should scrap the project...
2013-02-20 09:07:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would think there is a matter of fairness: if everyone rolls off, so must I. If others can call this project boring, then so can I...
2013-02-20 09:06:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Another project where there is a need to replace someone who is rolling off. People keep moving around like that. Not a matter of interest
2013-02-20 09:04:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss hearing about your days too. Honest

2013-02-20 08:55:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the reason they can't replace me is because other senior folks aren't interested in this project. Then why dump it on me!? Anyway... :894 / 4823

2013-02-20 08:55:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ People typically rotate projects on a 6-8 month basis. I have been here for nearly 1.5 years. People who joined after me are rotating out!
2013-02-20 08:54:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lead to discussions about meeting up & related matters...

2013-02-20 08:42:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My days are pretty much the same. The usual project issues & people issues. They are unable to find a replacement for me so stuck here! :-(
2013-02-20 08:41:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh of course I could tell you all that but most of those discussions lead to only one & I thought it would help. I am more than happy to...
2013-02-20 08:39:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you aren't that... I really don't know what to say. Our ways may never meet again & what can I say?
2013-02-20 08:21:07 (EST)

atonedfor I will respond to your email asap. I feel like an animal for not having done so earlier. My apologies! Sending you a warm hug! :-)
2013-02-19 19:05:58 (EST)

atonedfor Sweet sweet Keran! :-) Please know that I'm not even remotely upset! I just lost your email in the pile up & work overwhelmed me... :-)
2013-02-19 19:04:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-)
2013-02-19 10:17:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning,sweetie! :-) I'm glad you aren't angry though it would be fair to be. I'm silent because I don't know what to say. Hugs! :-)
2013-02-18 20:12:17 (EST)

ManiasVoice Are you leaving Twitter? :-(

2013-02-17 19:35:34 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, work does keep me busy.

2013-02-17 11:04:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Please forgive me. I ... I don't know what to say! :-(
2013-02-17 10:09:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dear friends from back in the earlier days of work... But I feel extremely sad to have missed yours. I completely lost track of time.
2013-02-17 10:08:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just called you & it kept ringing. I suppose you are angry & it is correct. I have missed wishing 3-4 people's b'days this year. :-(
2013-02-17 10:08:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so so sorry! :-( No, this was not planned or ignored. I truly lost track of all time & date due to the travel. Do forgive me! :-(
2013-02-17 10:07:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie.. :-)

2013-02-16 03:14:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was travelling on work. I have read bits of your gift. It is about butterflies & scientific on details, so not a leisurely read... :-)
2013-02-16 03:14:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That is not the reason. sigh! Are you liking your new role? I do miss you...
2013-02-12 02:46:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nothing much new out here... How are things at your end? What's new!?
2013-02-11 05:32:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest dear... You know well why I'm silent. How are you? How are the cats? How is work coming along?
2013-02-11 03:03:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And through ask my layers of fast, I feel a butterfly wing ;p How are you? :-)
2013-02-11 03:02:33 (EST)

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Heidi_Ayala Yes, the vultures were visible... :-)

2013-02-07 08:50:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Glad you liked the tweet... :-)

2013-02-07 08:42:02 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good morning, dear H. :-) Slept well? Hope you did. I watched your videos & pix. Yes, I'm home, reading the newspaper. :-) Have a lovely day
2013-02-07 08:41:45 (EST)

beezknez Yes, you do seem to be in your element in the pic. :-) Hope the remainder of your week is joyous! :-)
2013-02-07 08:40:19 (EST)

beezknez Awwww! You look so pretty in your AVI. :-) So full of glee!! Your bestest pic! :-)
2013-02-06 08:20:33 (EST)

dianewitch My sweet sweet Diane! You are following only me? Why? :-D I could just hug you & kiss you! You are adorable beyond reason! :-D
2013-02-05 23:05:10 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Take care... (((hugs)))*

2013-02-03 11:24:04 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Haha :-) Have a lovely day sweet H. *holding you close* *Kiss* Have you forgiven me!?
2013-02-03 11:23:03 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I'm off to bed now. If only now was a woman!! ;-)
2013-02-03 11:20:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Heidi... :-)

2013-02-03 11:20:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I do not seek ways to alter anything within you. It is a sacred space where my muddle shan't find home! :-)
2013-02-03 11:19:20 (EST)

897 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala :-)
2013-02-03 11:18:20 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala No no... I'm fine with you. Just... Yes, the dream is beautiful & joyous! It sets in me no trepidation.... :-)
2013-02-03 11:13:32 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Sometimes it frightens me, the way you love, and I hunt for flaws to show you so you may love me less & absolve me from such honour...
2013-02-03 11:07:20 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala :-) Perhaps you hold me too high in esteem & in your dream that is what was shown... I wish I could show you I'm human too!
2013-02-03 11:03:47 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala What do you mean tall!? Like an obelisk?

2013-02-03 10:57:40 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala What else did we do?

2013-02-03 10:54:05 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I understand. I'm sorry... :-( Please forgive me!

2013-02-03 10:53:35 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You don't hate me!?

2013-02-03 10:47:03 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It made me smile wide to read about your dream! To know that we hug beyond real moments... Those tweets were for you. Spiral & wick
2013-02-03 10:45:00 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala My sweet darling Heidi. I didn't miss the point at all. Forgive me for being a jerk. I'm sorry...
2013-02-03 10:43:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Awww!! You angry? :-(

2013-02-03 10:38:36 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Awww!! Don't worry! They ain't passing no crying bill in congress
898 / 4823

2013-02-03 10:33:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You cried in your dreams too!!? God! We ought to make it taxable
2013-02-03 10:31:23 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Did I behave myself!?

2013-02-03 10:27:53 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Merci! Glad you liked the words here... :-)

2013-02-03 10:26:04 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Hola, dear H!! How are you? Slept well? We are here without power... Working on my mobile :-)
2013-02-03 10:25:34 (EST)

atonedfor The photographs on Twitter... are they yours? I recognise some of them from what you sent me, but the others are stunning too... :-)
2013-02-01 06:11:34 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I'll be at the wedding for just a few minutes. So not part of joyous moments.. :-)
2013-01-31 20:39:00 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Not sure whether we can chat today unless you are up at around 10:30 my time... Sending you a hug & a kiss... :-)
2013-01-31 19:04:30 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good evening, dear Heidi. How was your day? I'm off to a wedding in a bit & then to work. I have a 2 hr meeting as soon as I get in... :o
2013-01-31 19:03:03 (EST)

atonedfor Compliments me!! :-) To inhabit a woman's body, albeit just in words, is a delight... :-)
2013-01-29 19:55:06 (EST)

atonedfor Is to discourage conversations from those seeking a distraction of sorts... It tickles me pink when some guy, thinking me a woman,
2013-01-29 19:54:04 (EST)

atonedfor I love words far more than anything else. My truest lovers are all dead authors of genius. :-)
899 / 4823

The reason my profile stays strictly asexual

2013-01-29 19:52:30 (EST)

atonedfor So you enjoy monochrome more than colours? Oh! I'm happy emailing too: Looking fwd to sharing your pix... :-)
2013-01-29 19:50:52 (EST)

atonedfor Your pictures are lovely. You have such innate aesthetics in your perspective... You should attempt, if not already, coupling words & pic
2013-01-29 19:49:08 (EST)

atonedfor "culture, says much about what goes on inside of me, or defines whatever I feel this me really is" the complete bit you sent...
2013-01-29 19:47:39 (EST)

atonedfor "I feel as if my being in reality is more of the deception, because I don't know that I am only that which my gender, age" could you explain
2013-01-29 19:46:36 (EST)

atonedfor A student of photography!? I would love to see your work. Would you mind sharing any of your portfolios online? What kinds do you enjoy?
2013-01-29 11:50:11 (EST)

atonedfor Personally, the only traits that matter to me are honesty & goodness... Everything else is at best desirable...
2013-01-29 11:48:56 (EST)

atonedfor Touch might be the skeleton of an image formed therein. Not sure... It would be so nice if all of us could be simply honest & child-like
2013-01-29 11:47:53 (EST)

atonedfor Are images ocular? Perhaps, but I think they assume the contours of whatever pleases us. By that token even without sight, sweet voices &
2013-01-29 11:45:59 (EST)

atonedfor Or rather, heterosexual...

2013-01-29 11:43:21 (EST)

atonedfor Which of why I keep my avi inanimate & the tweets asexual... I feel that the only thing that should matter is the words & not the
900 / 4823

2013-01-29 11:43:00 (EST)

atonedfor All over... Many good things that real life denies you. But many things that real life makes impossible which you can exploit here too...
2013-01-29 11:39:23 (EST)

atonedfor There is a lot available here that isn't there in physical interaction. An opportunity to retain works, put your best foot forward, start
2013-01-29 11:38:29 (EST)

atonedfor Good wife & not hoops wife. Sheesh!! You must think me drunk with all these typos, but this mobile phone has its own mind... :-(
2013-01-29 11:34:54 (EST)

atonedfor And love to, not louvre to... :-)

2013-01-29 11:32:06 (EST)

atonedfor Virtual & not guttural... :-)

2013-01-29 11:31:25 (EST)

atonedfor Doesn't swear but I would louvre to swear like a sailor! Guttural reality & all curtained media of interaction let us be anything...
2013-01-29 11:30:58 (EST)

atonedfor But this is also the opportunity to live what one can't due to conformity. I'm a hoops wife, but I would love some spice. I'm someone who
2013-01-29 11:29:58 (EST)

atonedfor Honest & fearless out here? Given that there is no censure per se, one might thing this is the 2nd chance we all crave for in this very life
2013-01-29 11:28:59 (EST)

atonedfor Good morning! :-) Yes, the rapidity of response here does feed the urge for urgency. You raise a valid point. Shouldn't one want to be
2013-01-29 11:27:06 (EST)

atonedfor But I find charlatans & angels too... That I do in "real" life too... :)
2013-01-28 19:36:00 (EST)

atonedfor Facade & masquerade create such beautiful combinations... I am

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amazed. I still choose to believe in the decency & honesty of man...

2013-01-28 19:34:55 (EST)

atonedfor Has being here changed the way I view others!? Yes. And the way I view myself too. So much to introspect on. But the sheer possibilities of
2013-01-28 19:33:25 (EST)

atonedfor That is the lazy image we begin to relate to, but then hey! We are human! :-) Does this make sense!?
2013-01-28 19:31:18 (EST)

atonedfor On the way, but every vital facet should be on the table before a summary is cast. Ideally, no summary should ever be drawn of a person as
2013-01-28 19:30:17 (EST)

atonedfor Next, suspend all judgement and coronation till every necessary "had I known" is known. Not EVERYTHING can be known & it is ok to discover
2013-01-28 19:29:10 (EST)

atonedfor Of beautiful words coupled with a handsome avi seems like a promise. By understanding yourself you are aware of these traps...
2013-01-28 19:27:17 (EST)

atonedfor Once that is clear, the traps are exposed. If I'm a lonely woman hoping to find romance or that one man who was born for me, then every set
2013-01-28 19:26:06 (EST)

atonedfor To completely relate one must first understand oneself with a hope to be this or that. What am I? And go into it in immense seriousness...
2013-01-28 19:24:48 (EST)

atonedfor Me, another image. We are failures in relationships even when offline & the victim has no privilege to call herself "genuine". Ok, now what?
2013-01-28 19:23:29 (EST)

atonedfor All our "real" relationships are also relations between images. I think of you like this, an image, which is in love with what you think of
2013-01-28 19:21:48 (EST)

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atonedfor How does one manage that!? How does one manage heartbreak in real life!!? :-) As long as one relates to images there will be suffering!
2013-01-28 19:20:28 (EST)

atonedfor Human desire & imagination. We begin to inhabit those till a point when it seems so real that reality hurts...
2013-01-28 19:19:20 (EST)

atonedfor If we meet in the real? But here I can be the cast away prince who seeks true love... :-) These two elements are dangerous when coupled with
2013-01-28 19:18:12 (EST)

atonedfor Tales of my life with no necessity for validation or censure. If I was an old man struggling with his walking stick, will I boast of youth
2013-01-28 19:16:59 (EST)

atonedfor Another trait of the online world which doesn't exist in the real world (how real is that then?) is facade. I can flirt with 8 men & cook up
2013-01-28 19:14:52 (EST)

atonedfor An online persona writing beautiful words & spring an avi of a sensuous woman with butterfly tattoos as potential escape from my drudgery...
2013-01-28 19:13:06 (EST)

atonedfor One tends to imagine the other person cloaked in garb of our hope & desire. If I was in an unhappy marriage with no excitement I might view
2013-01-28 19:11:52 (EST)

atonedfor Sensuality or mystery that I can't if I was an old hag you met on the railway station. Since the mind enters first, hence imagination,
2013-01-28 19:10:39 (EST)

atonedfor Pronounced in the "real" world - masquerade. Here I can have an avi of a lithe woman with butterfly ratios on my back & hence project a
2013-01-28 19:09:26 (EST)

atonedfor Everything is real. Or everything is unreal. Depends on how you

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define real. :-) The online world has one characteristic which is less
2013-01-28 19:07:41 (EST)

soHbet_ Hmmm. Hope you get through this fine. Surely you know that if you ever wished to talk about anything... Feel free to ping... :-)
2013-01-28 11:44:45 (EST)

soHbet_ Please, M. Maybe we can trade? I have a nice shiny red ball of smiles. What ails your heart, dear friend?
2013-01-28 11:36:06 (EST)

soHbet_ Don't be sad. That's just an uncommon typo. Of course, I meant tell & not tel!
2013-01-28 11:32:04 (EST)

soHbet_ Heyyy! No crying! :-( Come, lets cluck tongues on fresh tamarind & tell each other stories. (((hugs))) Tel me about your father, if you wish
2013-01-28 11:30:00 (EST)

soHbet_ Oh! There is a sale on. You get one free too!! (((hugs))) :-)
2013-01-28 11:25:00 (EST)

atonedfor My pleasure & honour. If you ever feel the need to discuss the incongruities of this mirage called online... Feel free! :-)
2013-01-28 11:23:34 (EST)

soHbet_ I'm sure, with you, he always is... :-) Sending you a hug, dear friend...
2013-01-28 11:21:07 (EST)

atonedfor I hope your reasons to return are well-founded & hold you in good stead till words blossom within you (or forever, whichever is later) :-)
2013-01-28 01:48:34 (EST)

atonedfor Since I must fill something on the variety of dotted lines I encounter in "real" life... I am male only there! ;-)
2013-01-28 01:47:35 (EST)

atonedfor The words here are entirely asexual & hence, able to drift from
904 / 4823

seemingly masculine to feminine to inhabiting squirrels, winds & blossoms

2013-01-28 01:47:06 (EST)

atonedfor I was feeling the same. That you call yourself a "great fan" of the words here when I am softened by yours... :-) An honour indeed!
2013-01-28 01:30:54 (EST)

atonedfor You were on twitter before? What made you leave, if I may ask? I don't take offense unless it was what was intended... Then I ignore! ;-p
2013-01-28 01:29:21 (EST)

atonedfor hahaha :-D And now you are certain I am not a woman? Wonder why!
2013-01-28 01:27:31 (EST)

ruptureschism I was just telling a friend how much I adore your words & you... And here you are! :-)
2013-01-27 23:22:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire A place you might like to visit:

2013-01-27 20:06:21 (EST)

atonedfor So it does surprise me that you would find anything worth your attention on this TL. Nevertheless, glad you enjoy the words... :-)
2013-01-27 18:58:38 (EST)

atonedfor (and I assume you are a woman based on your choice of avi) who in angst or cheer wrote stuff of fantasy. A cross between Woolf & Frida :)
2013-01-27 18:56:42 (EST)

atonedfor Really!? Your words make it seem like you know the secret to sipping nectar from sunshine. Honest! I thought you were one of those women
2013-01-27 18:54:17 (EST)

atonedfor But I felt you two were different. Once again, a delight to watch your words swim by... :-)
2013-01-27 08:08:15 (EST)

atonedfor Your words oft remind me of another tweeter who used to thrive in our midst. I suppose she left (I think she went by primxvita or some such)
2013-01-27 08:07:42 (EST)
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atonedfor I thought you'd like to know that your words are lovely little fireflies in a forest night. :-) An honour to revel in them...
2013-01-27 08:07:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 hahahahaha :-D I had to go back to my DM list to see what I sent you... You are always naughty, sweet Jen! ;-p
2013-01-26 22:30:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am good. :-) Happy to deliver to your needs... :-)

2013-01-26 08:46:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How are you, dear J? It has been a long time. I hope you are well... Sending you a hug to warm your morning. :-)
2013-01-26 07:16:45 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I know, dear. :-)

2013-01-24 10:29:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Goodnight dear Andrea. Holding you close behind closed eyes... :-)
2013-01-23 11:48:16 (EST)

dgdreamin Awww! I was just teasing! ;-p You didn't have to...
2013-01-22 22:41:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Glad you like it. Me too. More than gifts (and I would love a book) I prefer experiences & crafting of time... How was your day?
2013-01-22 22:32:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Holding your hands in mine & smiling into your smile... :-) Hope you slept well.
2013-01-22 20:04:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Softly kissing your ears as you sleep... :-)

2013-01-22 03:41:27 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Here is another element I would have added as a gift on your b'day:
2013-01-22 03:41:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Jen. :-) Missing you...

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2013-01-22 01:51:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank heavens! :-) I would so love to treat you to a memorable experience tonight... Yes, gauzy... with a linen-like feel. :-)
2013-01-22 01:40:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I am sorry... Was I too forward? :-|

2013-01-22 01:31:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'd read poetry in English & Urdu. You'll then show me what the former evokes in you & I will show you what the latter would have evoked...
2013-01-22 00:57:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The clothes would be flowing... linen... I am imagining creamish beige... draping your body in lovely curves..
2013-01-22 00:56:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Then I'd drape a single silk band about your neck & delight in you... Happy birthday, dear Jen. :-)
2013-01-22 00:53:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Then I'd read to you, poetry, fragments & deep erotic passages, whispering into your ear & letting some of them blossom on your nape :-)
2013-01-22 00:43:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Then I'd dress you in clothes that I would have picked up for you... wrapping a gentle, delicate bracelet on your wrist...
2013-01-22 00:42:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire We'd celebrate it first with a lavish dinner, which I'd cook for you & serve it to you, some on a fork, some from my lips...
2013-01-22 00:40:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And in an hour the fine lady will be cherished & pampered... Wish you were here. :-)
2013-01-21 23:05:37 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Kinda... Nothing unusual. Just reading through things...

2013-01-21 09:46:59 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala :-) Good morning, sweet H. :-) Slept well?

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2013-01-21 09:35:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close, dear... :-)

2013-01-21 05:48:53 (EST)

soHbet_ Works fine with me. My urdu is rusty too. We'll work together & have pillow fights... No worries! :-)
2013-01-16 23:26:29 (EST)

soHbet_ We should perhaps try over email. One thread per ghazal/nazm.
2013-01-16 23:10:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And how could I forget? :-) The making of a woman had chosen that day... :-)
2013-01-16 23:07:11 (EST)

soHbet_ You are only going to pick 5 out of the 81!!? ;-p Sigh, fine, I'll pick the remaining :-D
2013-01-16 23:05:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And what have you lined up for your b'day? :-)
2013-01-16 22:30:26 (EST)

soHbet_ Aah! The lethargy of scholars. They must work at the mills every alternate year to be grounded in reality! Wishing you well, dear friend :-)
2013-01-16 20:30:59 (EST)

soHbet_ Surely you have tried setting up a plan & getting them to agree to it!? Will this pass soon?
2013-01-16 10:33:33 (EST)

soHbet_ What happened? All's well? You always seem like one who remains unfazed no matter what! :-) Anything I can help with? I can cook! ;-p
2013-01-16 10:04:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I like the taste of your smile & its scent as it grows wide... :-)
2013-01-14 23:30:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How alike in dream & restraint... :-( Sleep well, sweet Jen. Holding you close to me as you drift into sleep...
2013-01-14 23:15:39 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire I've missed you too. A lot... Yes, the dream was delightful. Banal too as I recall giving someone instructions about grocery stores in NYC
2013-01-14 23:03:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..waiting, hungry & it was such a passionate meeting on the streets of NYC. :-)
2013-01-14 20:35:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ...our minds. You kept telling me to hunt for your phone number in my email list & I was impatiently doing that & then I somehow found you..
2013-01-14 20:34:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I dreamt of you... of your voice. I was suddenly in NYC & desperately trying to reach you without knowing means to. But we kept speaking in
2013-01-14 20:33:50 (EST)

ruptureschism I am certain you have it in you. No, this is not imagination or pep talk. You very clearly have it in you. The way you love is gentle... :-)
2013-01-14 00:36:56 (EST)

ruptureschism Why would I want that!? I want you to be happy & complete with yourself. I want you pleasantly hugging each sunrise...
2013-01-14 00:24:33 (EST)

ruptureschism Sending you my deepest hug... Please talk to me...

2013-01-13 23:54:50 (EST)

ruptureschism Courtney...? You there?

2013-01-13 23:53:04 (EST)

ruptureschism Let me full your life with laughter dear Courtney. I've always want to see you smile & laugh, your eyes lighting up ... :-)
2013-01-13 23:42:03 (EST)

ruptureschism I cannot think of hurting myself as I hold my life precious even with all its strife. A piebald gem through which I see life & beauty
2013-01-13 23:34:34 (EST)

ruptureschism There cannot be darkness in your beautiful soul. I stand

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here outside your door. Please let me in... :-(

2013-01-13 23:31:18 (EST)

ruptureschism Don't keep any distance from me Courtney. I don't want you to. I wish I was there to be with you, create journeys with you, hold you...
2013-01-13 23:30:26 (EST)

ruptureschism Innocence can only be the spring you drink from. It can't be harmed. Please, Courtney! Listen to me. Trust me... You are very dear to me!
2013-01-13 23:29:13 (EST)

ruptureschism Dearest Courtney! I have always wanted to be there for you. I an always at your disposal. You know that. Don't worry about me. Let me in
2013-01-13 23:27:55 (EST)

ruptureschism I'm seeking that assurance from you, that you will reach out to me... Please?
2013-01-13 20:53:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What group?

2013-01-13 14:23:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I have been fine, dear Jen. Glad you like the book. Your tweets had me worried, so... :-)
2013-01-13 14:07:29 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Oh please! Nothing whatsoever to do with our chat! :-)

2013-01-13 13:53:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Is all well?

2013-01-13 13:53:23 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Yes, the lingerie goddess is someone who follows me too... You have an interesting audience! ;-p
2013-01-13 11:33:01 (EST)

ruptureschism Promise me, that if you ever feel low or need a friend or are uncertain, you will reach out to me! Please, promise me!
2013-01-13 11:01:26 (EST)

minalrh Dear Ms. Ruhela, thank you for your patience. I realise you might
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have something to say. If you do: eroteme.thinks@

2013-01-13 09:14:10 (EST)

minalrh I will respond when I am less grief stricken... :-( Sorry to dampen your spirits.
2013-01-12 06:18:02 (EST)

minalrh Pretty skirt ~ On the stairs - ~ A breeze came ~ Tripping down (9th Jan)
2013-01-12 06:14:07 (EST)

minalrh Apologies. Some recent development hasn't left me in the best of spirits. I can't be playful when in such a state. I hope you'll forgive me
2013-01-12 06:13:56 (EST)

minalrh That tweet about the stairs & skirt was clearly inspired by your AVI. Thought you'd like to know. :-)
2013-01-12 02:50:01 (EST)

_lalicat How are you? Wishing you & S well... :-) In case you wish to stay in touch after you deactivate all accounts: :-)
2013-01-12 00:03:02 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme If there be any beautiful soul who must be drenched in the tenderest love, I think it is you... Glad it has found you. :-)
2013-01-07 19:01:05 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Hugs!!!! Hope your day is lovely! :-)

2013-01-07 10:25:30 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Glad to hear that. I presume you are in love. :-) How is your cat?
2013-01-07 09:38:10 (EST)

dgdreamin Wishing you well & sending you a hug & smile... :-)
2013-01-07 09:36:42 (EST)

perlygates Do send me the url once you setup your businesses.. Would love to be your customer! :-)
2013-01-05 10:11:57 (EST)

perlygates We are doing fine. Still the same! :-)

2013-01-05 10:11:08 (EST)
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perlygates I'm glad the older one is much better. I'm sorry that many challenges are in your path. I pray that you be given necessary strength...
2013-01-05 10:10:45 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme As much I hold back, I must confess I miss you. Wonder why... Wishing you well.
2013-01-05 07:36:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish with all my heart that this year brings you smiles & warmth to your heart & soul...
2012-12-31 23:37:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wanna chat/talk over GTalk?

2012-12-31 23:07:03 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ooops! Missed that one & the earlier one about your monthly tears! Sorry! Yes, off. :-)
2012-12-31 22:55:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Asking what?

2012-12-31 22:52:19 (EST)

BeingInJoy Didn't get that?

2012-12-31 22:51:56 (EST)

BeingInJoy Why apologise? I am sure this retreat will help you if it always has... :-)
2012-12-31 22:40:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 It feels like most Tuesdays have. So post-Mondayly & preWednesdayly ;-p
2012-12-31 22:26:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 They say of elephants that they never forget. You could say the same of me... ;-)
2012-12-31 22:25:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Honoured! :-) *bowing down* And you, will always be cherished... :-)
2012-12-31 22:25:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Yes, dear J. How are you tonight? Certain kinds of loves,
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2012-12-31 22:22:51 (EST)

perlygates How are you dearest L? Been a long time & I miss you. Hope the girls are fine & life treats you well... :-)
2012-12-31 22:15:16 (EST)

BeingInJoy And I miss you too, sweetness.

2012-12-31 22:03:20 (EST)

BeingInJoy I wish you & A the same... :-)

2012-12-31 21:58:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I hope 2013 showers you with a tonne of moments for you to smile. How are things with you? Settled?
2012-12-30 10:53:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen. :-) Such a pleasure to see this DM. How are you? How are the boys? I think about you too... :-) (((hugs)))
2012-12-30 10:53:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What got you spirited, may I ask?

2012-12-27 22:07:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Spirited is good... :-)

2012-12-27 11:59:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Someone's been supremely sensuous on the tl!! ;-)

2012-12-27 09:42:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I've been doing more of the usual... And you? :-) Everyone's well here, thank you. And there?
2012-12-27 09:19:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire My heart breaks too imagining the vacant or heartwrenching plight when unclaimed gifts remain under the tree for some of them. :-(
2012-12-27 09:18:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hope christmas was fun... :-)

2012-12-26 07:35:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I felt the same. I had abandoned reading the news
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years ago but such news reaches me & then I seek details... I wrote to the teachers!
2012-12-19 07:59:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I've been busy with work & in other stuff that I get to do by myself... What about you!? Yes, I thought of Lily too... A hug for her :-)
2012-12-17 05:31:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hugging you close, dear J. I cried the weekend morning as well. I was distraught as my tweets reveal.. :-( Spoke to a friend & meditated
2012-12-17 05:29:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sweets, you never pester me. I keep feeling that you are so busy with your family & studies that I should let you pick your time to talk...
2012-12-17 05:27:00 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I just had to reach out to you... Missing you Jen... :-(
2012-12-15 22:51:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Dear J. How are you? How are the kids? I read about the gross tragedy! :-(
2012-12-15 22:50:57 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi Annie! How are you? Missed you. I'm fine. Absorbed in work. How are B & V? How's her knee? How are you sweetie?
2012-12-11 09:11:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight...
2012-12-05 12:02:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry...

2012-12-05 10:11:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you wouldn't feel low, dear one. :-(

2012-12-05 10:00:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie pie. I really do. How have you been?
2012-12-05 09:27:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good! Keep that month light & gather energy for the next year... :-) Miss you!
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2012-12-04 11:36:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Awww! I wish I was there to give you a nice massage & pamper you! Another tight hug for my sweet Jen. :-) You need a break, dear...
2012-12-04 05:45:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'm fine dear... You? :-) Sending you a tight hug & a warm kiss... :-)
2012-12-03 11:17:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Missing you... :-)

2012-12-02 04:54:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This is just work related stuff. New programming language, tools & frameworks... Something to learn! :-) Also studying data analysis/stats
2012-11-29 23:48:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Saw this and was thinking of you:

2012-11-29 23:12:31 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I am sure, sweets. (soft kiss on your nose). :-) Not working working. Just learning something new & playing around with it... :-)
2012-11-29 22:53:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Missed you! ::hugs:: :-)

2012-11-29 21:08:57 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How was your weekend (and he asks this when the next one is around the corner)? How was your week?
2012-11-29 21:07:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hola! :-) Apologies for not writing in. Been really busy with a project due tomorrow & business meetings. Everything's fine. How're you?
2012-11-29 21:06:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hope you have a lovely brunch... :-)

2012-11-25 11:17:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I don't know what caused it but the eyes & head hurt. Must have been the excess working at the computer... Not sure. Ok now... :-)
2012-11-25 10:17:55 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Oopsie! Goofed it up. Mikey! I am sorry. I somehow recall your saying Sammy, but I was mistaken. How was it?
2012-11-25 10:16:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How goes your weekend? What are you up to? I spend most of my time studying & working on some stuff.. How're the kids? How's Sammy's b'day?
2012-11-25 05:26:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This weekend was spent trying to heal my eyes & head. Both hurt too much. A lot better now.
2012-11-25 05:23:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I said, it is about you not finding things in the specific shape & order in which you expected it... I am sorry. Goodnight...
2012-11-23 12:15:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't recall mentioning "walking away"...

2012-11-23 12:07:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ To me it is only sensible to be thus with everyone around me. To enjoy company & laugh & smile & enjoy soft memories... And stop there!
2012-11-23 12:00:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think of you at all those moments but there is nothing romantic or sexual. I still smile & cherish those days & miss you as my dear Andrea
2012-11-23 11:59:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had no reason to change my behaviour till you clearly expressed disinterest in being just my dear friend. I don't know what to say... :-(
2012-11-23 10:51:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hence, I choose simple conversation but even that you call cold... :-( I'm at my wits end...
2012-11-22 19:05:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Treat you like what? You want me to treat you in a specific way which is not practical. Anything I say, you don't believe, so why say!?
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2012-11-22 19:04:40 (EST)

ruptureschism How are you now, sweet C? Ms. D & I were worried...
2012-11-22 07:46:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. How goes your day? How are the cats?
2012-11-22 07:40:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Dear Jen, I am fine. And you? Tomorrow is another packed day, yes? I was so sure you'd do well in your test. :-) Yes, kept myself busy.. :-)
2012-11-22 00:16:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning dear. I hope you slept well. Perhaps all you say is true. But, then, why do you still wish to be with someone who plays games?
2012-11-19 21:16:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... :-(

2012-11-19 10:44:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, perhaps work is the best way to help one focus away from things unpleasant....
2012-11-19 10:30:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Do well in your tests, sweets.. :-)

2012-11-19 09:26:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear Andrea. My day was ok. How's yours?
2012-11-19 09:25:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wishing you the best for your exam... Miss you. Miss the conversations we had, but I understand that real life keeps you busy.. :-)
2012-11-17 13:56:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire But how will strangers ever get to see your profile pic? They need to receive an email from you, right!?
2012-11-17 13:55:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wow! You sure have a packed week ahead! :-o

2012-11-17 13:54:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

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2012-11-17 08:22:58 (EST)

OliviaDresher Is she not picking her phone? I'll check if I have her mother's phone number...
2012-11-16 10:37:31 (EST)

OliviaDresher She did mention her fear of hurting herself & that she thought she asked me something inappropriate in a letter (which I don't recall)
2012-11-15 23:22:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, why are you up so late? Please sleep. Sigh. I miss you too... :-(
2012-11-15 19:59:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And what kind of attention was the lovely lady getting!!? ;-) How was your day? Exams done? How are the kids? Missed you...
2012-11-15 19:58:22 (EST)

OliviaDresher Yes, I wished her as well with no response! She has been sounding low for a while. Did you get to call her?
2012-11-15 19:56:58 (EST)

marrowtide Belated wishes for a happy birthday. How was it? What did you do?
2012-11-15 03:41:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You've changed your GMail profile pic too! I miss the sexy Jen! Though the up-close-pretty Jen is acceptable bargain! ;-p
2012-11-14 09:36:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Phew! Hence I was careful in the words I used. You might notice that that is not how I respond to you ever... But I was on alert!
2012-11-14 09:34:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire To your phone... :-|

2012-11-14 09:20:43 (EST)

DangerslyClaire There can't ever be a reason to not want to get in touch with you esp. after such a long hiatus... I just thought your husband found access
2012-11-14 09:20:27 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Having, not gabbing

2012-11-14 09:19:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And festivals...

2012-11-14 09:18:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire It is normal to forget dates, but to forget gabbing wished a person is so not Jen! Yes, I was going to write an email but was caught in work
2012-11-14 09:18:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I can't associate with you forgetting that you wished. Had my b' day not passed I would have not suspected a thing...
2012-11-14 09:17:22 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I was going to write an email. Honest. Hope you trust me. That you forgot my b'day & that you had wished me over a month ago.. Unlike you!
2012-11-14 09:16:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Nowhere! Just that your previous dms sounded odd & I was not sure if it was you indeed sending them... :-|
2012-11-14 08:27:34 (EST)

beezknez Sorry, I dozed off last night. Yes, the weather is crazy out here too. Not as bad as you paint yours, but still... Hugging you back! :-)
2012-11-13 22:32:07 (EST)

OliviaDresher So sweet to think of me! :-) Yes, past-present can be so poetic... How are you?
2012-11-13 22:30:49 (EST)

beezknez Sending you a hug, dear Beez. Hope all's well with you... :-)
2012-11-13 09:08:43 (EST)

OliviaDresher ..the past & being able to see it in the past with the eyes of the present. A circle of the past knowing of the present looking back. Lovely
2012-11-13 09:05:23 (EST)

OliviaDresher Good morning, Ms. D. It has been a long time. How are you? I couldn't help but write when I saw that we both wrote about the present sown in
2012-11-13 09:04:02 (EST)
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dgdreamin So very true. Our perennial obsession with frivolous & petty details drains us more than the one perspective of a complete life... :-(
2012-11-13 08:56:20 (EST)

dgdreamin I am a software engineer. Yes, boring techie... ;-) Financial services, eh!? Nice!
2012-11-13 08:43:21 (EST)

dgdreamin I am sorry to hear about your grandmother but she seems to have lived a rich life. Hope it wasn't painful. How's your uncle?
2012-11-13 08:42:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close to me...

2012-11-13 08:31:44 (EST)

dgdreamin How have you been, dear Deb? Yes, I have been on & off. Work keeps me busy. Have you been traveling lately? May I ask, what is your work?
2012-11-13 08:28:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Huh!? :-o You just wished me on my birthday! Is everything alright?

2012-11-10 11:48:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, that Anand is this. I miss you too, dear. :-(
2012-11-10 07:50:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire to normal? How are the kids? Missed you...

2012-11-10 02:48:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire We can setup a time whenever it is convenient for you over the weekend. I should be able to manage it in... How are you? Is everything back
2012-11-10 02:48:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It must be one which my relatives created. I had told you, that the family is out looking for a match... They are employing all means!
2012-11-09 06:31:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No! I read the stories. Not the butterflies bit...

2012-11-09 05:06:03 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ It is not like I won't talk to you. I would love to talk to you, but you are uncomfortable with how we can be with each other...
2012-11-09 04:08:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you once again for the book... :-)

2012-11-09 04:01:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. I really do... I don't want to nor can forget you. I love the feel of the book. I am sure Nabokov will amaze me!
2012-11-09 04:01:48 (EST)

marrowtide I don't recall anything in your letter which I didn't want to answer! Heck! There is nothing that I feel I would want to hold back from you!
2012-11-07 21:53:12 (EST)

marrowtide I thank you for the time in Arizona & in Portsmouth... Very cherished memories... :-)
2012-11-07 21:51:18 (EST)

marrowtide My nephew & I are fine. We do our fun things once in a while. Just bought him a truckload of books!! :-)
2012-11-07 21:50:11 (EST)

marrowtide Courtney!! Relax! You have no need to apologise. We are friends! Is there anything I can do for you to not feel this way?
2012-11-07 21:48:59 (EST)

marrowtide Why do you say you won't be well dear Courtney? :-(
2012-11-07 11:30:05 (EST)

marrowtide Yours is coming up...

2012-11-07 11:29:07 (EST)

marrowtide How are you, dear Courtney? Is all well? Was re-reading your letter to me... :-)
2012-11-07 10:19:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to receive it in person. Hugging you back, dear baklava. :-)
2012-11-06 09:55:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just loved the feel of the book & the sheer weight of it! :-)
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Thank you, darling. Thank you. :-)

2012-11-06 09:20:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet Andrea, I received your parcel. Thank you so much for the gift. It is beautiful. You shouldn't have. It must have been expensive
2012-11-06 09:19:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I do.

2012-11-06 02:22:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What is this I hear about 4 alarm fires in NJ. Hope no one you know was affected... **hugs** missing you dear.
2012-11-06 02:22:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Congrats! Thank heavens! Yes, I wish all of you pleasant days ahead. Gosh! Quite an ordeal. Do take care & spread the work of cleaning up
2012-11-04 10:32:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-11-04 09:41:31 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen! Are things getting better? How is Sammy? Sending you a hug..
2012-11-04 06:28:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My intention was never to hurt you. All I wanted was to share what was in my heart & mind. Perhaps I should not. My apologies...
2012-11-04 06:26:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Serve him hot fluids... Sure. Sleep well, darling. I know how tiring this can be. **hugs** Hope things get better soon...
2012-11-02 23:40:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I could have been of some help... :-(

2012-11-02 23:33:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire *Hugging you tight* How are the kids? I hope they are dry & safe. This is unfortunately also the time when illness creeps in. Take care
2012-11-02 21:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Well, at least the good thing is that you haven't changed much!
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2012-11-02 13:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will let you know when it arrives. I check my DMs too every day. Anyway... I hope you are well & fine.
2012-11-02 10:32:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweets, take care darling. :-(

2012-11-02 10:32:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww! I wish I was there to cheer you up! Wish I could whisk you away... ::hugs:: I am fine. How are you charging your mobile?
2012-11-02 10:30:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am so sorry to hear that. But the Jersey resilience will surely spring you folks back to normalcy sooner than expected... ::hugs:: kisses
2012-11-01 23:34:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you dear one? I think of you many times & sigh... Missing you
2012-11-01 12:37:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweets! It is nothing compared to the cyclone you guys experienced! We are all fine. A few trees fell all over the city. All's well
2012-11-01 09:15:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Take care. Missing you. Hoping all gets well soon...
2012-10-31 23:35:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire God! :-o ::hugs:: Do take care. We had our own mini cyclone here with a power outage of over 24 hrs. Trees knocked down & some casualities
2012-10-31 23:34:31 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Thinking about you. Hoping you are well & dry... Missed you!
2012-10-31 05:24:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweets, how are you faring? Are things under control? Missing you...
2012-10-30 23:50:37 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) You are kind, princess.

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2012-10-29 23:49:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you faring, sweets? I hear troubling news about the storm. Hope you & the kids are well. Sending you a hug & a kiss...
2012-10-29 23:48:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am studying for stuff related to work. A fairly recent area of engineering that I would like to be familiar with. :-)
2012-10-29 23:48:09 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you for being who you are... Hope your day is lovely & you smile whenever you hear a bird... :-)
2012-10-29 15:38:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not sure about him, but I'm ok. ;-) Cooked a meal today, some chores & some studying. Missed you loads! Yes, basics have a beauty unparallel
2012-10-29 15:36:43 (EDT)

ZinniaTung You seem to have been on a marathon fav-ing spree! Glad these words brought you delight... :-)
2012-10-29 14:56:24 (EDT)

Darkntwistd How are you sweet Annie? Been a while... I just felt like holding you & saying very little else... :-) How are B & V? How are your parents?
2012-10-29 14:41:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Do take care. Not sure whether you'll have power cuts etc. Hope you are well stocked & with flashlights etc.
2012-10-29 14:16:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am so excited too... :-)

2012-10-28 14:47:39 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh! I didn't mean to pry. I was just asking whether that is what you meant by "safer". Where should I write to? PO box?
2012-10-28 14:18:53 (EDT)

BeingInJoy At every "/" you move to a new line... :-)

2012-10-28 14:02:37 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Anand Krishnaswamy / G-8, Phase 2, Jains Aashiana / 13,

924 / 4823

Vembuliamman Koil Street / K.K.Nagar(West) / Chennai - 600078 / Tamil Nadu / India

2012-10-28 14:02:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Why safer? So that your direct address is not revealed? My address is complicated. I shall write a separate DM for that
2012-10-28 14:00:35 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My email ID is

2012-10-28 13:39:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I just read about the play & the myth surrounding it. Tragic & lovely. Yes, we can exchange addresses here too.
2012-10-28 13:39:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I'd love to write to you. My handwriting is bad. If you can suffer that I would delight in writing to you... :-)
2012-10-28 12:53:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Yes, we are ahead of you in timezone...

2012-10-28 12:52:39 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I've been in the States but am from India & currently residing here as well. :-)
2012-10-28 12:52:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Why would someone name their child, sorrowful one!? Just wondering...
2012-10-28 12:51:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy It must be a different world without cable & internet connection, right? I occasionally disconnect myself...
2012-10-28 12:18:31 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I think I could renounce all, save my books, pendulum clock, stationery & few other trinkets... :-)
2012-10-28 12:17:09 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My name, in nearly all the languages of India, means happiness. To me it means the cycles of returning to oneself... :-)
2012-10-28 12:15:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My name is Anand

925 / 4823

2012-10-28 06:18:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I also love traveling and shooting pictures. Not sure if you would be interested, but if you are:
2012-10-28 06:03:43 (EDT)

BeingInJoy to Tennessee. I collect all kinds of books! :-) And pens. And pencils. Stationery.
2012-10-28 05:58:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I collect books & notebooks. All kinds. I love handmade paper. I have notebooks bound in leather & books with train tickets from washington
2012-10-28 05:57:04 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-)
2012-10-28 05:49:15 (EDT)

BeingInJoy What will you have, dear friend with piercing eyes?
2012-10-28 05:49:12 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My decade in the industry seems boring to share with you on a Sunday morn. Demise & departure are too gloomy for the start of the day...
2012-10-28 05:48:59 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am rummaging through my years looking for a tale to tell you. My years in college I scatter as they were largely uniform.
2012-10-28 05:48:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear friend. :-) Hope you slept well. Wonder what dreams you saw... :-) Do you carve pumpkins too?
2012-10-28 05:34:02 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I know Wisconsin for 2 things: University of WisconsinMadison & cheese :-)
2012-10-28 03:02:59 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-) Most certainly... For now, I wish you a lovely night's sleep with dreams of your choice. :-)
2012-10-28 03:02:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Shouldn't you be asleep? :-)

2012-10-28 02:50:36 (EDT)

926 / 4823

BeingInJoy It is about 12:00 hrs now. Are you near Chicago?

2012-10-28 02:30:20 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Perhaps in him, in you & an abysmal few others, I see the fabric of what I thought was being human. A generosity with character & goodness
2012-10-28 02:28:05 (EDT)

BeingInJoy You remind me of him. I don't know you well. But something about you reminds me of him. How you reach forth, perhaps. How you.. I don't know
2012-10-28 02:26:57 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And thanking that man...

2012-10-28 02:26:07 (EDT)

BeingInJoy running, searching for my bus on the road. I finally spotted it & dashed to it. Yes, I did manage to board it. I recall sitting in the bus
2012-10-28 02:25:56 (EDT)

BeingInJoy before finding a beggar sitting outside a laundry store (Band Box was the name). I placed the coin on the window sill of the shop & kept
2012-10-28 02:25:20 (EDT)

BeingInJoy would be scolded for taking money from strangers. But I kept running, clenching the coin in my fist. I must have run half a mile or so
2012-10-28 02:23:55 (EDT)

BeingInJoy ..again but this coin was burning in my palm. I felt wrong for having taken someone's money. I had no way of repaying. I also thought I
2012-10-28 02:23:19 (EDT)

BeingInJoy & pressed into my palm, money for a ticket on the public bus home. I was panting & refused but he insisted & left. I began running
2012-10-28 02:22:28 (EDT)

BeingInJoy ..the athletics team so I could sprint really fast! :-D Suddenly, a man stopped me & asked me why I was running. I told him. He took pity on
2012-10-28 02:20:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy ..up. I ran through the crowded streets. Traffic here can be crazy & very unsafe. I ran along the pavement/sidewalk. Fortunately, I was in
2012-10-28 02:20:10 (EDT)

927 / 4823

BeingInJoy I saw the bus leave the school compound. I rushed after it, butit was faster. I knew the bus stopped to let some children off so I'd catch
2012-10-28 02:18:48 (EDT)

BeingInJoy There was this day when I missed my school bus. I was 6-7. I was afraid my parents would scold me. It was my mistake as I was playing...
2012-10-28 02:18:02 (EDT)

BeingInJoy How was your day?

2012-10-28 02:06:05 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-)
2012-10-28 02:05:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope you studied well, sweet Jen

2012-10-28 01:41:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire For?
2012-10-27 14:25:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have a lovely day, sweets. :-)

2012-10-27 14:18:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) You are sharp! Such a delight. I miss you but realise that you must go... I'll head to bed now.
2012-10-27 14:16:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wouldn't mind, hence I asked. :-) The pic was you in a leather arm chair withe a sheet... from the shoot.
2012-10-27 14:12:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You need to leave?

2012-10-27 14:04:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooooh! Nice. I recall that pic you had up on your other twitter account as well as on GTalk... ;-p Wish I was there at the shoot!
2012-10-27 13:57:51 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I wouldn't want you thinking me a knave to receive & sow not. (sow, not as in a female pig)
2012-10-27 13:56:24 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I don't know what of would you be interested in. Please ask
928 / 4823

what you wish to know & I shall tell...

2012-10-27 13:54:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear friend. Slept well? :-)

2012-10-27 13:52:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww! ::hug:: :-) Would love to see you blush! But do you have such a shot of yourself? ;-p
2012-10-27 13:51:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) I wouldn't have thought it was you but ... :-)
2012-10-27 13:48:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire About the pic on your page header... :-)

2012-10-27 13:38:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You didn't tell me though...

2012-10-27 13:14:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But what is cooking without real fire! :-)

2012-10-27 12:27:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Do you cook on electric stoves or gas stoves? Ovens?

2012-10-27 11:36:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It rains a little out here. Cooler than usual. Miss you... Wish I could cook with you.
2012-10-27 11:29:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is Sandy heading your way now?

2012-10-27 10:57:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Studying... reading, writing, cooking.

2012-10-27 10:39:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I guessed that, dear Jen. Good morning. Slept well? What's lined up for the weekend?
2012-10-27 09:45:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is that pic on your page, you? The header pic?

2012-10-27 01:58:31 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Goodnight, dear friend. Wishing you lovely dreams of your

929 / 4823

choice... :-)
2012-10-27 01:57:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-)
2012-10-27 01:56:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are up late, sweets? You ok? Shouldn't you be sleeping?
2012-10-27 01:34:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It always starts with tying the tongue & then the rest of you... :-)
2012-10-27 01:34:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What challenge? ;-)

2012-10-27 01:31:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Deal! Just that!? ;-)

2012-10-27 01:16:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Come here right now. Let me give my tired darling a nice massage to help her relax... :-)
2012-10-27 00:18:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But you aced those exams, right?

2012-10-27 00:18:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, zillion multiplied by 3 is indeed a lot of schoolwork

2012-10-27 00:17:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Has anyone tried to understand what is her issue?

2012-10-27 00:16:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But still we dwell on things.. :-) Knowing something doesn't seem to help us, does it?
2012-10-27 00:15:59 (EDT)

BeingInJoy **hugs** :-) What's lined up for the weekend?

2012-10-27 00:14:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And she made it tough for you? The whole week?
2012-10-27 00:13:22 (EDT)

930 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Why rough, sweets?

2012-10-27 00:07:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, :-( How was your day?

2012-10-26 23:47:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Sparkled, not sparked!! :-D

2012-10-26 23:47:23 (EDT)

BeingInJoy You really sparked my day. Thank you. :-)

2012-10-26 23:37:06 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Awww! :-) If we both could just sit by a window high up & watch over trees & lawns below... :-)
2012-10-26 13:32:19 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I welcome you with open arms... :-)

2012-10-26 12:54:08 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am so glad Avery is under the aegis of one as well-rooted as yourself. A child couldn't ask for more... :-)
2012-10-26 12:08:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Our conversation here fills me with the gold of so many poems & lines... I feel my fingers itching! :-)
2012-10-26 12:08:03 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I doubt you would ever be otherwise... :-)

2012-10-26 12:06:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am glad you are close to your siblings. And your children are well knitted too. That is a beautiful foundation to grow on... :-)
2012-10-26 11:50:56 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My writing is writing, song of a nightingale or the flutter of a butterfly. But you, lady, are the warmth of a Winter moon. :-)
2012-10-26 11:49:58 (EDT)

BeingInJoy So you are deeply immersed in the esoteric beliefs & practices? Astrology too? Interesting... :-)
2012-10-26 11:49:09 (EDT)
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BeingInJoy You are magical... You simply light up the pitch of night making time forget all but sunshine.
2012-10-26 11:48:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am truly sorry to hear about how your mother passed away. :-( I wish she had dipped into your reservoir of strength & courage...
2012-10-26 11:08:50 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Allow me to confess that I admire you... I do.

2012-10-26 11:08:02 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Have you taught your daughter to open up so easily too? :-)
2012-10-26 10:55:38 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Not even remotely boring. I don't recall your mentioning about your mother. I am sorry. I also feel sad that life turned awkward thereafter
2012-10-26 10:53:28 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I think the finish that travel lends a soul is unlike anything else life can serve up... You are fortunate! :-)
2012-10-26 10:49:33 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Gosh! I wish I could hug you in the midst of all these tales! :-) You are quite adorable...
2012-10-26 10:47:27 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am sorry the divorce is stressing you thus. It is wonderful of you to be so considerate of Rob & easing him on his way...
2012-10-26 10:40:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I hope you take care of yourself & not become weak with this regimen.
2012-10-26 10:13:59 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Wow! I haven't heard of a Westerner who fasted for spiritual reasons! Interesting. Would love to know more... :-)
2012-10-26 10:13:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-) Yes Cleo's mom might be a tough role to play! ;-p
2012-10-26 09:00:58 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Samhain? You Irish?

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2012-10-26 09:00:12 (EDT)

BeingInJoy When I saw your avi I thought it was a pic of a flame with a dark background! Just realised it is you... :-)
2012-10-26 08:09:25 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I love how you open your heart. You are beautiful in that way! :) Tender, too. Come let us sip from what the cup holds... :-)
2012-10-26 08:08:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Why stressed? Is this diet to reduce your stress? Is it helping?

2012-10-26 08:06:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I thought you are supposed to be scary for halloween! Cleopatra!?

2012-10-26 08:05:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, we do end up being available at times tandem.

2012-10-26 01:25:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Why now?

2012-10-26 01:24:31 (EDT)

BeingInJoy How are you? How is A? Wishing both of you the best...
2012-10-25 10:42:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Jen... Miss you. :-)

2012-10-25 06:39:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love her imagery too... She is good. :-)

2012-10-25 06:39:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Grumpy or not... I am hugging you! ;-)

2012-10-25 06:38:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think it is very well written & I would unhesitatingly place her amongst some of the most gifted writers. I've also read Lighthousekeeping
2012-10-25 06:27:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) So happy to find you online at the same time... :-)
2012-10-25 06:26:36 (EDT)

933 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets. Holding you close as you stir from your slumber
2012-10-25 06:26:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No no.. Nothing written on the body per se

2012-10-25 06:25:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I loved her style of writing & insight into human psychology. Interesting parallels she draws to another world of, say, inanimate things
2012-10-25 06:25:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Written on the body is a work of fiction centered around love (without being mushy) where the protagonist's sex is concealed...
2012-10-25 06:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-10-25 06:23:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just read "Written on the body". Still reading God Delusion (about 4-5 pages/day). What about you?
2012-10-24 03:07:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, that is missing. :-( You are missing too. I wish I could kidnap you to some island with beaches... ;-p
2012-10-24 02:55:14 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Why are you in London? I thought you were getting married...
2012-10-23 10:12:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Remote institute & help them find jobs.

2012-10-23 08:53:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Interesting both in the adulation & sweetness of them all, so young, so tender, so dreamy eyed... And in the opportunity to reach out to a
2012-10-23 08:53:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The recruitment process went on well. Had an interesting time. This university is an old university which is only for girls. :-)
2012-10-22 03:39:04 (EDT)

934 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. :-| How are you? Had a really hectic past couple ofdays.
2012-10-22 03:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close...

2012-10-19 22:13:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... :-( I am at a university conducting interviews. Whole weekend out here. Very poor signal.
2012-10-19 22:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-10-19 06:01:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Rushing over rightaway!! :-D

2012-10-18 23:26:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww! Then I shall hold you close, your hip pressing against mine as I softly kiss you on your tired eyes... :-)
2012-10-18 22:27:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I could just hold you close to me & absorb all your tiredness... :-)
2012-10-18 22:09:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 16 hour day? Why darling? :-o

2012-10-18 22:08:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Most senior folks in the company are involved in recruitment. This is a campus visit. So I am heading to a university tomorrow. :-)
2012-10-18 22:08:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missing you too, sweets

2012-10-18 22:07:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is your day lined up?

2012-10-18 06:38:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So, I'll be on & off...

2012-10-18 06:38:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::hugs:: Good morning, sweet Jen. Hugging & holding you close. Hope you slept well.
935 / 4823

My day's ok. I am traveling for recruitment (4 days)

2012-10-18 06:38:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no intention of hurting you. Why would I? But... :-(

2012-10-17 09:58:10 (EDT)

dgdreamin :-) But your beauty is like the sun shining on some distant night of faults.. :-)
2012-10-17 00:08:45 (EDT)

dgdreamin You know something, Deb. I think you are really a beautiful soul & really adorable. A rare one in this specie... :-)
2012-10-16 21:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I prefer to vanish away....

2012-10-16 12:59:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-| Goodnight, sweet one

2012-10-16 12:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Watching you from behind the curtains...

2012-10-16 09:32:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, we could discuss all of that & more...

2012-10-15 23:35:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Goodnight, sweet Jen. Sleep well. May your dreams be refreshingly lively... Soft kisses on your eyes.
2012-10-15 23:35:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Such an honour! Such a delight! :-) Wish I was there right now, holding you into your sleep...
2012-10-15 22:46:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd so so love that. Just to be holding you & running my fingers through your hair... Gently kissing your cheek bones. :-)
2012-10-15 21:21:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Way to go!! Congrats! It surprises me not that you aced them both. (((hugs))) :-) I've been good. Lost in work. Missing you immensely...
936 / 4823

2012-10-15 20:37:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is my sweet Jen? :-) Busy?

2012-10-15 12:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... :-( Goodnight...

2012-10-15 12:44:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear Andrea. Sleep well.

2012-10-14 13:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some decisions are individual & need no democracy. I hope you can get to realise that without being shocked by it!
2012-10-14 13:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Each one gets to make their own decisions. If some day you aren't in a mood for something it will be your decision. I wouldn't whine!
2012-10-14 13:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heaven save you! A mere wordplay gets you so agitated! :-(
2012-10-14 13:40:12 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) Long time, princess. How are you? Seems like you are back in Canada? Missed you...
2012-10-14 10:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Before that, we were in a state where I simply refused to meet up in order to avoid all this... Do you realise the difference?
2012-10-14 08:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's only recently that we had a conversation about whether to meet up & how to conduct ourselves if we do, hence, all of this.
2012-10-14 08:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't understand why you think this is just now or something that just happened over the past week! This is what I always said... :-o
2012-10-14 04:52:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All that we had cannot be had again. It doesn't matter if I want it or not... :-|
2012-10-14 03:55:26 (EDT)

937 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Finished the ritual for this fortnight. Tomorrow is the new moon. So one more ritual tomorrow...
2012-10-14 03:54:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire (((hugs))) :-)

2012-10-13 14:18:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else can I do? Lie to you & ... Forget it
2012-10-13 10:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... :-(

2012-10-13 08:31:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know this state of matters hurts you...

2012-10-13 08:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we cannot ever settle this debate... :-(

2012-10-12 10:54:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This way or that, there is always something to say about this or that by you or me...
2012-10-12 10:00:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had I been on a leash then, you would have said "You never gave us an opportunity so how can you ever know."
2012-10-12 10:00:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I neither blame you nor regret what we shared in the US. But that was then given that you were there else, it wouldn't be...
2012-10-12 10:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't blame you & I clarified this earlier. Why do you keep repeating your misunderstandings? :-(
2012-10-12 09:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling... :-(

2012-10-12 04:21:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is running through your mind? Do you not want to talk?
2012-10-12 04:20:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why are you driving at a light!!? :-D Have a lovely day, dear Jen. I just miss you... That's it. :-) Take care...
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2012-10-11 07:15:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Busy lady! :-(

2012-10-11 06:30:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire One caffeine loaded hug coming up, ma'am! ;-p

2012-10-11 06:13:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yep. Usual project issues & staffing concerns etc. Nothing to crease a frown.. I know morning's aren't your best time, but I'd hug you still
2012-10-11 06:07:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My day's going on as usual. Nothing extraordinary. Work & meetings & other issues... :-)
2012-10-11 06:04:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww! I'd so love to kiss that yawn! :-)

2012-10-11 06:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you now not going to talk to me? :-|

2012-10-11 03:48:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Did you rest well?

2012-10-11 03:47:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How did they go? I am sure you cracked them. :-)
2012-10-11 03:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. I hope you get to rest well.
2012-10-10 11:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? My day was ok. Just reached home. Way too tired. Will probably sleep in a bit.
2012-10-10 11:51:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. I hope you managed to sleep well. I slept a much needed sleep. Another long day ahead...
2012-10-09 22:03:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight dear. Sleep well. Hope you feel well rested.
2012-10-09 11:38:38 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. Thank you :-) Slept well? My day was ok. Nothing unusual. Miss you... :-)
2012-10-09 11:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing like that. Of did whatever I did with all my heart.
2012-10-09 11:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, all you are concerned of is yourself & your wants, so why does it annoy you that I reflect that same approach!!?
2012-10-09 09:37:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which is why I discouraged you from coming to the US. Once there, it didn't make sense putting up a scene. Simple
2012-10-09 09:36:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What did I ignore? If you are with me, there is no point sulking or keeping you far with a pole. We might as well be sweet & civil
2012-10-09 09:36:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, what can I say? My decision also disallows me from certain things which restrict your behaviour. But that is inevitable, right?
2012-10-09 08:54:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wasn't able to get to DMs. I think I will go inside & sleep. I really feel drowsy. Your call was a very nice surprise. :-)
2012-10-09 06:01:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire All the best for the tests. I am sure you'll ace them too. Wishing you a lovely day, sweet Jen. :-) :::hugs:::
2012-10-09 06:00:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you so much for your call. It was super sweet. I was just too delighted with that call... :-)
2012-10-09 04:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I hope you got to sleep well. My day has been busier than my normal days!! So much for a birthday! :-D
2012-10-09 04:57:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Wishing you sweet dreams.

2012-10-08 12:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
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2012-10-08 12:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes
2012-10-08 11:39:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have I lost you for today?

2012-10-08 11:29:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is not nice & it isn't the same... :-| But this is how it is
2012-10-08 11:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hug you tight & twirl you around...

2012-10-08 11:12:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-08 11:11:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I recognise that... Just wish we were at least in the same timezone. Better still, on the same road ;-p
2012-10-08 11:07:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, back home. My day was normal. Nothing noteworthy

2012-10-08 11:06:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) New position keeping me fairly busy but other than that... All's well though missing you. :-)
2012-10-08 10:43:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I feel so happy when your DMs come in... This leisure you give me warms me... :-)
2012-10-08 10:35:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling?

2012-10-08 10:22:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But am willing to be as old as you prefer! ;-)

2012-10-08 10:21:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will be 34 :-)

2012-10-08 10:21:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No plans whatsoever! I will get up & go to work... The usual routine. :-)
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2012-10-08 09:44:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Has anyone told you that you are adorable!? ;-)
2012-10-08 09:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The first line ends with Aashiana. 2nd with street. 3rd with (W).
2012-10-08 07:00:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I took them all & housed them in the velvet box... I was ":-(" for the earlier DMs...
2012-10-08 03:13:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-08 03:06:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't wish to be like how we were this week either, but... What can we do? Till the bitterness settles... :-(
2012-10-08 02:36:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you feel well rested now. Sleep deprived is not a good state to be in. :-( Miss you too, sweetie.
2012-10-08 02:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I hope you did. My day yesterday was ok with spring cleaning & then shopping with mom.
2012-10-08 02:35:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Huh!? Since when has my posting online meant that you are bothering me!? :-o Lady is getting busier by the day & now pricier!! ;-p Goodnight
2012-10-08 02:32:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) Hope your weekend was lovely. Wishing you a hoops night's sleep. Miss you...
2012-10-07 21:04:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, goodnight, darling. Sleep well... Holding you close till you fall asleep.
2012-10-07 12:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I am... :-)

2012-10-07 12:37:29 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Just... I prefer taking it from you in person! :-)

2012-10-07 11:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-10-07 11:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd still suggest that you don't try sending anything....
2012-10-07 09:28:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too..

2012-10-07 09:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand Krishnaswamy G-8, Phase 2, Jains Aashiana 13, Vembuliamman Koil Street K.K.Nagar (W) Chennai - 600078 Tamil Nadu India
2012-10-07 09:05:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, I'll send you my address...

2012-10-07 09:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This? Shouldn't I clean this before Andrea finds this?" :-D
2012-10-07 05:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lovely to have you here. :-) Ever since I met you I look at my house & surroundings differently & wonder "would Andrea like
2012-10-07 05:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. I slept ok. Spring cleaning the house. How is your day?
2012-10-07 03:19:39 (EDT)

gennepher Oh! And so that you remember easily: N is for New tweet & M is for Message
2012-10-07 03:18:23 (EDT)

gennepher Have a lovely night's sleep...

2012-10-07 00:21:10 (EDT)
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gennepher :-) My pleasure, dear Jenny. I am a software developer so I cringe at such poor design but am glad the shortcut keystrokes help you :-)
2012-10-07 00:20:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Please do. Holding you close to me...
2012-10-06 13:54:00 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 How are you dear Jen? Feeling better?

2012-10-06 09:24:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with your shopping? I was away at the temple...

2012-10-06 09:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sad sigh indeed... :-(

2012-10-06 09:20:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ None of my words or what I said hold anyway as you keep repeating whatever you wish to say... :-( I shall stop here.
2012-10-06 08:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ While I say this all, I still miss you. Still wish to hold you...
2012-10-06 05:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If we have no future together such meetings as in the US are not valid as per my upbringing.
2012-10-06 05:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could steel myself but clearly I can't expect you to without asking you. Without letting you know. And I have been asking that for months
2012-10-06 05:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I would reconsider was when I asked myself "Aren't you being too stoic? Can't you just meet as friends?" And then I realised.. No
2012-10-06 05:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "If we decide to take it further..." I was always clear that there are possibilities but slim. :-(
2012-10-06 05:15:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't deny the time in the US felt beautiful, but before that &
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after that I had to take stock of things before things got out of hand
2012-10-06 05:13:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Had a power outage for a long time. Good morning, darling. Slept well?
2012-10-06 05:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed now. Goodnight.

2012-10-05 15:00:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just up... Watching a movie.. pointlessly!

2012-10-05 15:00:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I hold you so...

2012-10-05 14:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too... :-( Goodnight.

2012-10-05 14:44:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling... Holding you close. Sleep well, dear one.
2012-10-05 14:27:55 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 What infection? Hospital? :-o That's serious? Are you on meds?
2012-10-05 10:50:01 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 What happened?

2012-10-05 10:45:51 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You ill? What happened? I am sorry, I have been away from Twitter & been traveling on official business. How are you now?
2012-10-05 10:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing need be pleasant for me to miss you.

2012-10-05 06:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ you stand there telling me that I tricked you. :-(

2012-10-05 06:07:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ that I simply didn't take advantage of you ever. I treated you with the gentleness & required boundaries so that you don't feel tricked, yet
2012-10-05 06:07:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ So nothing was kept from you for the last minute. And if I was planning, then what did I gain in this exercise? Nothing!! I ensure I didn't
2012-10-05 06:06:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was planning nothing. I told you that things won't work out last year. You said we should at least meet. Even after that I said it won't..
2012-10-05 06:05:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are well. That is all I can hope.

2012-10-05 04:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But no matter what I say, you will hold on to your conclusions about me, about the men in this world, etc. :-(
2012-10-05 04:55:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did not play with you. I did not just give you a line. I did not randomly pick you
2012-10-05 04:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lot...
2012-10-05 04:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you...

2012-10-05 04:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling...
2012-10-05 04:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one. Sleep well. I wish you pleasant rest. Holding you close to me before you go to sleep...
2012-10-04 12:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not happy. Why would I be?

2012-10-04 12:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh?
2012-10-04 12:36:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Andrea! Please...

2012-10-04 10:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What does one do when one has to face reality? And the thing is I have been warming you up to this since last year! :-(
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2012-10-04 10:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not for once am I saying or assuming it is pleasant. But it is the truth. :-(
2012-10-04 10:37:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sigh! :-(

2012-10-04 10:32:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know I didn't mean to... Why would I? I wish I could hold you close now till your hurt vanishes... :-(
2012-10-04 10:15:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.... :-(

2012-10-04 09:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you managed to sleep well.

2012-10-03 22:16:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I am sorry that my words hurt you...

2012-10-03 22:15:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear... :-|

2012-10-03 12:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure I get it...

2012-10-03 11:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-10-03 09:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So you won't talk to me?

2012-10-03 09:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-03 09:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ a case by case basis. I am not asking you change. All I am saying is this is the state of my being. I don't think that make me a better man!
2012-10-03 00:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you how I look at things. You are free to look at things
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your way. If anything required mutual participation then it will be taken on

2012-10-02 23:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is sad that you have made it a matter of trust now & a universal trust issue. I did not decide that we treat each other as this or that
2012-10-02 23:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. Slept well? :-) I kinda did. Body still hurts. I am sorry I fell asleep last night & hence missed wishing you goodnight.
2012-10-02 23:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some things aren't like that. E.g. Allergies! :-D

2012-10-02 10:45:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some things are discussed & a mean point is obtained (like in a car, or a sofa or where to go out for dinner as long as no one has allergies
2012-10-02 10:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are tonnes of such examples for when one person has more stringent rules/constraints & the other complies. Not uncommon!
2012-10-02 10:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Isn't this simply the way it is? If the woman wanted a clean house the man has to comply. If she doesn't feel like sex, the man complies
2012-10-02 10:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait a min! Whoever has constraints will have constraints! You don't! For some things you do & if I didn't then it might seem like YOU YOU!!
2012-10-02 10:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-02 09:34:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you want to let it be?

2012-10-02 09:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I still care deeply about you. I do miss you. I still wish to share a lot with you. Apparently that doesn't count as sweetness... :-(
2012-10-02 08:59:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So the sweetness will feel reduced as I have nearly entirely eliminated all confessions of sweet gestures & dreams...
2012-10-02 08:58:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Am I making sense?

2012-10-02 08:58:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ is how I am with all my dear friends. So I don't want to pacify you & remain inconsistent.
2012-10-02 08:58:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ want to. Because the minute I call you a dear friend but also say that I kiss you deep in your mouth you are bound to (rightly) ask if that
2012-10-02 08:57:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I respect you & hence, shared the stance I have taken & hence, how certain acts of sweetness only feel like encouraging something I don't
2012-10-02 08:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do not & will not respond to many of the things you say as it is contrary to the stance I have taken. I don't want to lie to you.
2012-10-02 08:56:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ so that we are both comfortable & honest?

2012-10-02 08:55:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Though you never say to drop something, you do sulk & feel low. Then I feel guilty & then ... wrong train! So is there something we can do
2012-10-02 08:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ many things to do in the real. I always keep returning to auditing my time spent & feel like there is so much more to do. :-(
2012-10-02 08:54:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The point is, can I feel safe telling you that I have something to do & not be told that I never have time for you, etc.? Because I do have
2012-10-02 08:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no.. I am not picking on your Goa thing. I am glad you realised quickly but instinctively it is different. But I think we are digressing
2012-10-02 08:53:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even while I was in Goa you did the same thing. Which takes me back to my age old question: Why do you always assume the negative?
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2012-10-02 08:20:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even when I come back from something & tell you after a couple of DMs that I have to go to sleep, you feel disappointed, right?
2012-10-02 08:19:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think the sweetness is there only if I keep DM-ing you?
2012-10-02 08:19:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-02 08:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ understand what I am trying to say? :-(

2012-10-02 07:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ do something & be able to go about doing it. Most often, you'd feel bad & think I do not have time for you. That is not true but ... do you
2012-10-02 07:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do try to understand. It is not like I neglect you or take you for granted. I would rather love it if I could simply tell you that I want to
2012-10-02 07:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now you are cross. Is it uncommon or unacceptable for one to be lost in chores? If I told you, you'd say that I barely have time for you
2012-10-02 07:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day?

2012-10-02 07:28:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't mean to vanish. Just lost in chores...

2012-10-02 07:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-10-02 07:17:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went to bathe then & then lunch & then reading some work related & other stuff & just resting my limbs
2012-10-02 07:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here it comes... :-) Kissing you on your shoulders...

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2012-10-02 03:04:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Eat well, dear. That will be my wish. Holding you close & rocking you gently... :-)
2012-10-02 02:59:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wish I was there to gently massage your head :-)

2012-10-02 02:41:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have half a mind of munching on warm garlic bread but I think it simply has to wait! :-D
2012-10-02 02:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The no garlic/onion rule is because we observe this fortnight for our ancestors. Not sure it makes sense for you but it is sweet of you! :-)
2012-10-02 02:39:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is a national holiday. Gandhi's birthday. So no rituals. National holidays rarely have rituals. Just a day off.
2012-10-02 02:38:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every part of my body hurts. I think I should not have danced so much or so long. Anyway, I am like an old man now. :-)
2012-10-02 02:36:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Glad to see you already going about your day. I slept really late, fussing over my pix & woke up late! :-)
2012-10-02 02:36:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hold me... :-)

2012-10-01 13:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose. Do join me soon...
2012-10-01 13:34:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed now. No office tomorrow. National holiday...

2012-10-01 13:30:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The leash is automatically there. With every woman (which makes you happy) & with you (which makes you unhappy)
2012-10-01 13:19:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ To see if I won't like you etc. Those are mind games. I don't wish to play any with you
2012-10-01 13:15:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doesn't work that way! :-(

2012-10-01 13:14:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What would living close do? I would still not be with you in a way a married couple can be. So?
2012-10-01 12:41:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If my mind was open, what are the options that come to your mind?
2012-10-01 12:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand, but it is not right when there is nothing in store for us in the future
2012-10-01 12:30:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could send you my address, no issues, but I would suggest that you give it to me when we meet. I'd prefer that... :-)
2012-10-01 12:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can I look at you as a mere friend? Yes.

2012-10-01 12:18:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Precisely my concern. Hence, I wanted to check that with you. If it is torture in thought it will be worse in reality. :-(
2012-10-01 12:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ friends then it might be wise not to meet.

2012-10-01 12:10:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok sweetie. You can give it to me when we meet. Our meeting or not depends entirely on your state of mind. If it can't take our being
2012-10-01 12:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached & fine... Had dinner. How was your day?
2012-10-01 12:08:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Written on the body - Jeanette Winterson. Will switch off the mobile. Take care darling. Yes, I got all your kisses. :-) Kissing you too
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2012-10-01 06:32:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My feet are better though would love a massage... :-)

2012-10-01 06:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would read on the flight. I love this book... :-)

2012-10-01 06:11:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got an emergency exit seat too. Yes, I would have genuinely loved to have you here with me. Honest!! :-)
2012-10-01 06:10:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached the airport. The resort arranged special food for me as I told you yesterday, so didn't have to go anywhere. Security check done
2012-10-01 06:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your shoulders. My flight is in the evening 16:00 or so. Need to check out in a bit...
2012-10-01 01:50:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) I hope you managed to sleep well. I did & woke up a while ago. Still exhausted!
2012-10-01 01:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... Dozing off now

2012-09-30 14:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling! Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose. Do join me soon :-)
2012-09-30 14:46:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm not going to read tonight. Straight to bed. I logged in only to send you dms...
2012-09-30 14:44:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No honestly I did. A girl was wearing a white & black dress & I went back to our trip to the farmers market :-) Another girl walked like you
2012-09-30 14:43:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do sleep sweetie. It is late for you & you hadn't slept properly... :-)
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2012-09-30 14:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back into my room & had a hot shower! Dead tired! Feet are killing me. I danced like crazy. Lots of fun. :-) Missed you!
2012-09-30 14:39:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling...
2012-09-30 14:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you managed to sleep & made yourself some hot foods. Please do not neglect your diet. :-(
2012-09-30 08:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They had special food made for me. Nothing elaborate: rice, dal (legumes)& a side dish. But I'm glad I ate. We had some team games. Fun! :)
2012-09-30 08:26:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel good working for such a company that has ethics & morals & is interested in making society better through technology...
2012-09-30 08:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Interesting discussions with a whole bunch of people. It was good to hear some passionate people talk. No tiredness today... :-)
2012-09-30 08:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was genuinely amazed at why you'd like that pic so much. I can sleep but the point of this gathering would be lost. I had some very
2012-09-30 08:19:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tight & kissing your eyes softly. :-) I didn't ignore anything
2012-09-30 08:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It looked so ordinary to me. Anyway, if it lightened your day & brought a smile to you, I am happy. :-)
2012-09-29 22:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Times in between too. I don't feel tired, though. Sweet Andrea! :-) I'm just smiling & shaking my head. What is so nice about that pic?
2012-09-29 22:40:05 (EDT)

954 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I definitely didn't!! Slept at 1:30, woke up at 4:00, went back to sleep & up at 8:00. Woke up many
2012-09-29 22:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the flight. Hugging you... :-)

2012-09-29 04:43:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your weekend is nice & joyous with some time for your friends as well...
2012-09-29 01:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will try to get online whenever there is signal or time. Please know that I will be thinking of you. I head to have lunch now & then leave
2012-09-29 01:37:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did, yes. Packed & all set. Shaved & clean. Camera packed. Books packed. Missing you... :-|
2012-09-29 01:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-09-28 14:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your fingertips. Holding you close... :-|
2012-09-28 13:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-09-28 13:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you instead... gently. :-(

2012-09-28 09:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet affectionate friendship is also a relationship...

2012-09-28 09:36:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-|
2012-09-28 09:31:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ intimacy rule with you. Simple. And suddenly you imagine that you are following all my hundred rules & so on!?
2012-09-28 09:16:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And what is this about rules? If you had rules in our relationship, I either follow them or not. I have had no rules other than no-physical
2012-09-28 09:15:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now you are clearly over-reacting. Did I say you were my toy? All I said is that I have some reservations. And that makes you my toy?
2012-09-28 09:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..then fine. If you are hoping that it will change or melt or anything like that, then it is likely that it might not happen & hence.. :-(
2012-09-28 09:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not asking you to change your way of looking at me. All I say is that this is how I view the relationship now. If you are ok with it
2012-09-28 09:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I leave tomorrow afternoon for Goa. Reached home.

2012-09-28 08:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is the consequence of an action? You believing more about this relationship, etc.? Then that is a consideration... :-|
2012-09-28 07:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss it but can't subscribe to something because I miss it... :-|
2012-09-28 07:16:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember those mornings & that was the 1st thing that came to my mind when I thought of a trip: we can't have such mornings! :-(
2012-09-28 05:57:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am certain you will feel offended & sulk often over the trip. It is not a good way to spend time together, then. :-(
2012-09-28 05:06:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I wear the watch. Many many times & smile thinking about you... :-)
2012-09-28 05:06:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will I like it? Will it make me happy? I can't be governed by those two questions, else I would be like other men! :-|
2012-09-28 05:05:45 (EDT)

956 / 4823

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-28 05:05:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-09-28 05:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hence, I will remain on leash though friendly. I am not sure if you will like that. I wouldn't want you feeling offended! :-(
2012-09-28 03:05:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what is right or wrong & hence, want to keep away from anything that promises or assumes something over another.
2012-09-28 03:04:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am wearing the watch right now & I look at it & smile. :-)
2012-09-28 03:03:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Coming to think of it, on the couch, lights muted, would be lovely! :-)
2012-09-27 22:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Removing the leash would be unwise.

2012-09-27 22:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Might annoy you or disturb you. I don't know what else to be or do... :-(
2012-09-27 22:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is exactly why I asked you. Because I wouldn't be willing to demonstrate anything that makes me feeling inappropriate & that resistance
2012-09-27 22:54:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, that too! :-)

2012-09-27 22:50:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, that would be lovely indeed. Full moon night by the seashore...
2012-09-27 21:47:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lovely way to end a day. Off to Goa for 3 days. Corporate celebration...
2012-09-27 21:22:13 (EDT)
957 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Mostly work. I will be travelling this weekend so just wrapping things up... :-) All set for the night?
2012-09-27 20:57:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you feel better, sweet Jen. :-) How was your day? Busy busy busy? I slept well, thank you. :-)
2012-09-27 20:53:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close to me, dear. Very tight & close. Good morning, sweetie. Slept well? I did. :-)
2012-09-27 20:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweetie. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your palm. Do join me if you wish to...
2012-09-27 12:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now darling. Very very tired.

2012-09-27 12:06:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I said? We would be meeting as friends.

2012-09-27 11:55:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home. Major argument with the cab company... I'm looking at those dates. I hope it's doable. Still how do you reconcile to
2012-09-27 11:55:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We'd arrive 19th afternoon or so & leave 28th morning or so

2012-09-27 11:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can do a 7-8 day trip. 4 days in Istanbul & 3 days elsewhere. Sounds like a plan? 19th to 28th
2012-09-27 10:54:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And definitely better than dec or jan!!

2012-09-27 10:50:32 (EDT)

2012-09-27 10:43:18 (EDT)

2012-09-27 10:42:45 (EDT)
958 / 4823

_stoicOne_ But still this is a good time for quiet rest for tourists. Istanbul is always crowded - no matter what season or month you choose.
2012-09-27 10:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ November is a good choice for visiting Istanbul. It's not so cold as you might hear, it's rather mild, though it may be rainy as well.
2012-09-27 10:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's see how end of Nov. looks...

2012-09-27 10:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too...

2012-09-27 10:30:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope you slept well, sweet Jen. :-) Good morning. How is your fever? Hope you are all well & fit. Soft kisses on your eyes... :-)
2012-09-27 08:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back, dear one.

2012-09-27 08:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How do you intend ridding me of the confusion? I think we will have to plan the trp later as now the prices have gone up...
2012-09-27 08:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how to make your mind/heart think in a particular way. I can only tell you how mine works.
2012-09-27 08:11:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that you cannot think of me as a dear friend only, it seems like only thing can bring you ease. :-(
2012-09-27 02:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish you could rid me of the confusion. I don't wish you to go away, but that is what you feel I am telling you. :-(
2012-09-27 02:40:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & rushed to work. Softly kissing your hair & your eyes... :-)
2012-09-27 02:30:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To hold you gently and touch your hair, with their waves
959 / 4823

back... :-)
2012-09-26 22:56:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Fever!!? :-o How come? Have you taken something? Oh how I miss you! Miss taking care of you! :-(
2012-09-26 21:53:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen! :-) Where have I gone!? Why!! You just had to look within! ;-) How was your day?
2012-09-26 20:36:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want to. But truth hurts by it's own fabric... :-(
2012-09-26 13:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... Lets just hold each other.

2012-09-26 12:39:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just kept looking at your pic, holding you secretly... :-(
2012-09-26 11:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Another day of your wanting to be by yourself? :-(

2012-09-26 07:34:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you are in discomfort. I wish I could help. Honestly.

2012-09-26 03:09:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. My eyes got the rest they needed.
2012-09-26 02:19:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your forehead, Sweet dreams, dear one.
2012-09-25 12:10:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-09-25 12:10:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And that is the exact reason I said you should also come to terms with this confusion in my head & withdraw...
2012-09-25 10:07:42 (EDT)

960 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Sigh... :-|

2012-09-25 09:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I don't wish to withdraw. I only wish to no longer promise or give hope for anything beyond the sweetness we have. Simple.
2012-09-25 02:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was still aligned with the Divine & this lack of clarity makes me swerve from the path...
2012-09-25 02:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still feel those things for you. But I also realised around the same time I felt those things for you that there was no future in it...
2012-09-25 02:51:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I cannot forget you. Simple. I don't wish to. I don't want to.
2012-09-25 02:49:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So asking me to go now or ask me why I don't go is pointless. I have nowhere to go. But I also don't wish to mislead you.
2012-09-25 02:49:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ that I will temporarily associate myself with someone. I tried that & have burnt my fingers. I don't want to do that again, ever...
2012-09-25 02:48:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 2. I don't have anywhere to go. I do not have anyone in mind to go to. I don't think I will find that person any day. But that doesn't mean
2012-09-25 02:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 1. Repeated meetings might make things dearer & more difficult for you given we might not be together ever or I might stumble upon that one
2012-09-25 02:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't understand. Allow me to try one more time...

2012-09-25 02:45:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stop me. Hence, the concern for you. Simple!

2012-09-25 00:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be. I can't drag you into this state of confusion because tomorrow if I feel that for someone I will leave. No sense of propriety will
961 / 4823

2012-09-25 00:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish that we withdraw because I often feel the urge to be alone & unrelated. I do not feel the connection with anyone the way I imagine it
2012-09-25 00:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, scheduled tweets. Glad you liked them. I had actually written some on Sunday & scheduled them for yesterday. :-)
2012-09-25 00:09:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Soft kisses on your temples. How is your nail? How is lady cat?
2012-09-25 00:08:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Cooking & laughing with you can be fun!! :-)

2012-09-24 22:59:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll be off in a bit. Wishing you a good night's sleep. Hope your dreams are lovely & filled with apples! :-)
2012-09-24 22:16:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, we do... :-)

2012-09-24 22:15:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Work, work &... Lemme think... Yes, work! :-)

2012-09-24 22:10:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You sound so full of life! :-) You should do this often... Sending me dms, that is!! ;-p
2012-09-24 22:09:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too. Loads! :-) A mild craving for your voice & eyes...
2012-09-24 22:07:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like their interface. And the quality of pictures up there is stunning. You could go paid too for a meagre sum of $20/year
2012-09-24 22:02:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Try

2012-09-24 22:02:33 (EDT)
962 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Yes, please send me an album of pix!! How was your day today!? :-)
2012-09-24 21:56:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where are the pix of you & a skirt full of apples!!? :-)
2012-09-24 20:25:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen! :-) I'm fine. The retreat was ok. Glad to hear you had a splendid time!! Sounds lovely, too. :-)
2012-09-24 20:24:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Certain that I will not like you this time?

2012-09-24 12:51:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now you are certain?

2012-09-24 12:48:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is exactly what you said the last time :-(
2012-09-24 12:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your shoulders. Do join me soon.. :-)
2012-09-24 12:42:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late here, darling. Let's go to bed. Very tired.

2012-09-24 12:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, it will only make things dearer & more difficult to withdraw from
2012-09-24 12:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would like to... But I fear that things would only get worse!
2012-09-24 12:33:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-24 12:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee... Just this week. Hugging & kissing you, sweet one. :-)
2012-09-24 11:57:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home just now. Thought I'll login quickly to DM you. :-)
963 / 4823

2012-09-24 11:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling... :-)

2012-09-24 11:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll send you the user manual... :-/

2012-09-24 10:02:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your puppy?

2012-09-24 09:45:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-24 09:41:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ -)
2012-09-24 09:41:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your man misses you too

2012-09-24 09:41:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The traffic lessens after 8 & hence this trial for a week. Either at 5 or at 8
2012-09-24 09:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Work & any other reading etc. that I might want to do. Study & other things... Reading a novel or even tweeting.
2012-09-24 09:14:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I plan to stay this week till 8 every day... Just to see if I can still do all my stuff sitting here in the office.
2012-09-24 08:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will be in office till 20:00 hrs...

2012-09-24 07:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a sec... Missing you! :-) Soft kisses to you. :-)
2012-09-24 07:42:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... :-) Catch up with you soon.

2012-09-24 05:06:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Busy busy lady! Hope you slept well! :-) Good morning, sweet Jen. Hope your day is filled with a smiling sunshine. :-)
964 / 4823

2012-09-24 05:06:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch. It was nice. :-) Hugging you close too & kissing you. :-) How goes your day? I am so so packed in activities... :-o
2012-09-24 04:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still hold you close & dear. Simple. Even if you married a smart Hungarian tomorrow.
2012-09-24 00:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are able to see the distinction. Just because we can't have a future together doesn't make you despicable or such.
2012-09-24 00:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do I write to you? Because you are my dear friend. I don't think I'm wasting time. Dear friendship is not pointless. I can't forget you!
2012-09-24 00:02:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? :-) I kinda did, & am at work now. Busy morning. A soft kiss on your temples...
2012-09-24 00:00:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your finger tips. Sweet dreams. Do join me if you feel like.
2012-09-23 12:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you will remain confused as long as you imagine things I didn't say... :-(
2012-09-23 12:30:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it is late here... I must sleep. Let's go to sleep now, shall we?
2012-09-23 12:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not so. I would like to smile & enjoy with you in everything. I just do not wish to encourage thoughts of a future together. Simple
2012-09-23 12:21:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? If you do these antics, your nails will begin to fall off...
2012-09-23 12:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As can you... So?

2012-09-23 12:15:09 (EDT)
965 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I'd like you to be there in genuine cheerful spirit... Are you saying that is not possible given the circumstances? :-(
2012-09-23 12:09:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No I am not... :-(

2012-09-23 12:00:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you well?

2012-09-23 11:52:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know...

2012-09-23 11:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Ok. :-|

2012-09-23 11:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In anyway did it help?

2012-09-23 11:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... :-(

2012-09-23 11:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did it help you being left alone?

2012-09-23 11:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. And how did it help?

2012-09-23 11:26:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you alright? Were you at home throughout?

2012-09-23 11:20:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally! Where were you throughout the day? Missed you!
2012-09-23 11:19:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Andrea.... What happened?

2012-09-23 10:58:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now this doesn't feel alright! Are you angry? Decided on not DM-ing? Please let me know that you are ok. BTW, I reached home.
2012-09-23 09:27:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is everything alright? You aren't away from DMing for so long.
966 / 4823

Busy? Out somewhere? I hope all is well with you.

2012-09-23 06:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-09-23 01:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do not bore me. Not then, not now. Hugging you gently to me. :-)
2012-09-23 01:36:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd always love you to join me but when it becomes a ques. of "if there is nothing now, why should I join you?" I have no answer.
2012-09-23 01:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did though woke up several times. Nothing disturbing, just woke up... :-)
2012-09-23 01:32:46 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Finally!! Such a delight! :-)

2012-09-22 12:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-09-22 12:23:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might write a bit tonight...

2012-09-22 12:19:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet Andrea. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your chin. Do join me soon...
2012-09-22 12:18:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No point going over this again & again. Might as well realise that the forest is fading as it needed 2 to keep it alive... :-(
2012-09-22 12:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's just cuddle & sleep off. I should be sleeping shortly. How was your day!?
2012-09-22 11:57:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I didn't walk away is because I wanted to ensure you are out of the forest & then see how we wanted to take this. Simple!
2012-09-22 11:49:58 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't drink tea. Just stood with them, read & then spent some time with this really old but really sharp lady conversing about many things
2012-09-22 11:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Sessions got over. Back in the room. :-)
2012-09-22 11:46:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm so happy you slept well! Music to my ears... :-)

2012-09-22 11:45:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What is it that creates problems? Why do we make something into a problem? How do we approach a problem? What in us relates to a problem?
2012-09-22 11:45:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The theme of the retreat is Freedom from Problems. I had gotten it wrong. Good morning, sweets! :-) Slept well? A soft kiss on your forehead
2012-09-22 07:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what do you mean it was too late! 2 months into knowing each other, without meeting, speaking or even shaking hands I told you forget it
2012-09-22 06:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As always you miss the point. No I am not. But maybe I should be so that you can pull yourself out of this. :-( Going for a tea meeting...
2012-09-22 06:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yours might seem weird or unacceptable to me as mine are, to you. No point saying you'd never pull back. You too would but for other reasons
2012-09-22 06:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I was called into a session. As I said, you have your set of what you call justifiable reasons to withdraw & I have mine.
2012-09-22 06:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do I have to love her!? No...

2012-09-22 04:45:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, if I told you I am at this retreat with a woman whom I'm physically close to, you too would change your mind. Just different reasons..
2012-09-22 04:32:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Msg sent...

2012-09-21 23:58:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire About photography before the days of photoshop! :-)

2012-09-21 23:43:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tried reducing the size... Lets see if it goes. By the way, there is a photography exhibition at MoMA NYC. In case you are interested.
2012-09-21 23:43:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Last night...

2012-09-21 23:36:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been trying to send you a pic of here, but it is not going. :-( Parakeets chirping around me... :-) Jen... My dear Jen. :-)
2012-09-21 23:36:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am there already. Should have been there lady night but decided to go early morning. The theme is The Problem of Living. Vague, yes.
2012-09-21 23:34:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your hair softly in your sleep. Hope you have a lovely day, darling.. Thinking about you :-)
2012-09-21 22:39:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I discouraged you from coming to the US. But no point repeating the discussion of then. Sigh... Anyway... :-|
2012-09-21 22:37:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do understand why you grow sad when there is lesser "sweetness". I do. But it makes me frown when the gloom sets in randomly...
2012-09-21 22:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The place is quiet & full of trees & plants. Lots of insects too. Peaceful. You would have liked it here... :-)
2012-09-21 22:34:22 (EDT)
969 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did, woke up early, got ready & am at the retreat. Feels nice. Quite some time since I was here...
2012-09-21 22:32:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like to tenderly call out to you... :-)

2012-09-21 22:30:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There is a general theme. I'm sure you would've loved it. :-) I would have loved having you here!! ;-)
2012-09-21 22:01:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missing you so much too... How was your day!?

2012-09-21 22:00:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do... Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your fingertips. Sweet dreams. Do join me soon (yawn)
2012-09-21 12:11:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's go to sleep now...

2012-09-21 12:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing like that. I nearly dozed off with my computer

2012-09-21 12:07:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am dozing off now... :-|

2012-09-21 12:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have to look up that pic!

2012-09-21 12:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why?
2012-09-21 12:03:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't get any...

2012-09-21 11:53:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one.

2012-09-21 11:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Depends on the signal there. Nice... A field. We don't have fields
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here for several several miles... :-(

2012-09-21 11:39:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Describe your walk to me please. Did you walk by the river? Do you drive to a spot & then walk?
2012-09-21 11:30:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to apologise. If it made you lose track of time, it was good indeed!! :-)
2012-09-21 11:30:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is in the city. Yes, whole weekend. I was supposed to be there tonight, but I decided to go there early morning instead
2012-09-21 11:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back to a hug & kiss. I was just about to crash out... Was hoping you'd return. :-)
2012-09-21 11:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady's still out... A long walk? With friends? Shopping?

2012-09-21 10:54:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A retreat for philosophers & thinkers or just the curious to discuss some topic & ponder over things... :-) Missing you. A lot... :-)
2012-09-21 09:57:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is my sweet lady? :-) Slept well? Busy busy days? I am done with my week (yay!!). I am off for a retreat this weekend.
2012-09-21 09:56:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached, done with the call & waiting for my lady. :-) Tiring day. Need to sleep early as I have to leave early & each the venue by 8
2012-09-21 09:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too sweetie. Done for the day. Will head home now. Thank you for the kisses! :-) Kissing you on your shoulders.
2012-09-21 08:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To mix the two & colour everything in one shade. Am I making sense?
2012-09-20 22:51:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ So, in summary, hopes, wishes, plans of us together etc. will have mixed response, everything else is welcomed in joy. Hence, I ask you not
2012-09-20 22:50:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you tell me about your groceries or friends I am happy & join in in full measure. Even to be in the kitchen with you or shop or cook...
2012-09-20 22:48:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have not refused to be part of your cheer. But if it involves romancing or making plans of a togetherness, then I hesitate.
2012-09-20 22:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Issue of unanswered questions, I thought that was uncalled for. I think one can focus on being joyous without being pretentious...
2012-09-20 22:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The 2nd issue is about being gloomy in general. Be it the other day when you were snapping at me or yesterday when you needlessly raised an
2012-09-20 22:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That you feel embarrassed about the distance that has been brought in, saddens me. I am sorry. I don't know what else we can do... :-|
2012-09-20 22:39:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That does cause anguish, I can understand but to be otherwise would be nurturing something which might not be the right thing to do...
2012-09-20 22:37:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you are mixing 2 issues, one valid & the other not so. That I don't talk like I used to or rejoice as I used has been explained & if
2012-09-20 22:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Hugging you close. Slept well? I hope you did... :-)
2012-09-20 22:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wouldn't want to leave like this, but I have to sleep. Goodnight.
2012-09-20 12:37:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now. Goodnight. Sleep well. Wishing you

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pleasant dreams.
2012-09-20 12:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please check your DMs & spot the one which asks me the details of the 2 projects!
2012-09-20 12:25:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When nothing seems to be amiss, you wish to cloud the skies. Of course, there are days when you are cheerful & bubbly, but lesser so.. :-|
2012-09-20 12:18:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think so, because that is what you often do. On a bright day, you pick up some strange issue & start complaining about it as you just did!
2012-09-20 12:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These are details which I don't know you'd be interested in. Anyway, you don't seem to have asked about them. So where is the repetition!?
2012-09-20 12:17:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The projects have been on since a while. It is the existing project & an off shoot of this one that started since the client's visit
2012-09-20 12:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I already told you that the decision was made on Tuesday
2012-09-20 12:15:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing in yesterday's DMs talk about my new role. Please check & let me know if I missed one.
2012-09-20 12:15:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ your only way of conversing? Complaining about something and then asking me to drop it before we get into debating it?
2012-09-20 11:47:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it is unimportant, and (like you said a couple of days ago) you want to drop debating with facts, then why sulk & bring it up!?
2012-09-20 11:47:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why mention it now if you want to drop it. Yes, a long email. Do you want me to send it to you so that you can verify its length?
2012-09-20 11:46:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes! Then what of the past are you referring to?
2012-09-20 11:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ask what several times? What bits and pieces?

2012-09-20 11:27:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? :-o

2012-09-20 11:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Need to send out an email. Brb...

2012-09-20 10:21:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you gently to me & kissing your shoulders... :-)

2012-09-20 10:16:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you dear...

2012-09-20 10:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they have. The role has started. Projects were already on...
2012-09-20 10:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok dear. Getting used to the juggling contexts & working with both streams... Not tiring but packed...
2012-09-20 09:27:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached!! Traffic was ok. Much better than usual... The corporate meeting is with sessions & other activities along with some fun... :-)
2012-09-20 09:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the day... Hope the traffic is easy too
2012-09-20 08:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The drive to the office was super smooth as due to the protests, most people stayed off the road!! :-) Nearly no traffic! :-)
2012-09-20 06:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This Goa trip is our annual corporate trip. The dates were finalised recently.
2012-09-20 06:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every time I opened the DM window, someone would come up asking for something... How has your day been? Lunch was normal...
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2012-09-20 06:47:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had a tough time finding a min to ping you

2012-09-20 06:46:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Done for the day?

2012-09-19 21:44:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I told you the story of the tweet you'd probably laugh & find your jealousy stupid, but I don't want to nurture this side of you... :-|
2012-09-19 21:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Obviously, your issue yesterday was not my answering your ques. or not. It was just that tweet. I wish you'd find help to deal with that...
2012-09-19 21:32:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Hope you slept well, milady! :-) I kinda slept ok, woke up early to completed the last part of the ritual & all set to work.
2012-09-19 21:31:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Slept well, yes. A fairly busy day ahead. I like that you get under the sheets, clean. Can nearly imagine the scent of your skin... :-)
2012-09-19 21:30:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening darling! :-) I'm so sorry your sleep was unsatisfactory. Do you have a warm shower before bed? No you didn't wake me... :-)
2012-09-19 19:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Goodnight darling. I'm off to sleep in a bit. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your palms. Do join me soon...
2012-09-19 12:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So do I get to know how your day was?

2012-09-19 11:55:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm!
2012-09-19 11:48:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was concerned... Simple!! :-)

2012-09-19 11:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Had you told me I'd have played the Andrea role: sulk &
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complain about your not being exactly like how I want you to... ;-)
2012-09-19 11:38:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen! Slept well!? :-) I hope you did. My day was ok. Nothing special... :-)
2012-09-19 11:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is everything alright!? You sound different!

2012-09-19 11:24:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bought a trouser. Grey. Pretty neat texture... :-)

2012-09-19 11:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shopping was ok. Nothing much to enjoy. Wish were here shopping with me...
2012-09-19 11:01:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the temple & then the shop... Missing you. Hope all is well.
2012-09-19 08:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You out somewhere?

2012-09-19 08:04:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the midst of work?

2012-09-19 06:48:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But thanks for offering... Sweet lady!!

2012-09-19 06:44:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahaha If I remembered to tell you I would remember to carry it!! :-D
2012-09-19 06:38:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day?

2012-09-19 06:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Need to be a lot careful tomorrow. But I can't even work from home as I don't have my laptop... :-(
2012-09-19 06:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There might be some shutdown of activities tomorrow due to political protests in the country. Diesel price hike & other things...
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2012-09-19 05:49:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome. :-) How's your day? I'm fighting the urge to sleep! Will probably work on something including the plan... :-)
2012-09-19 05:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we have the company trip to Goa. 29,30,1

2012-09-19 05:17:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so don't want to go!! :-(

2012-09-19 04:49:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day coming along? I also have to go shopping because a few coupons excite this month & I'm off the next 2 weekends..
2012-09-19 04:49:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, just had lunch. Nice & heavy. Didn't feel like eating it at all... Glad you liked the pic. :-)
2012-09-19 04:48:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't I tell you today's a day off!? I thought I did. Sorry... Today is off & the weekend I'm off to a retreat of thinkers & philosophers..
2012-09-19 04:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rituals just got over, sweetie. I offered your flower. Sending you the pic... :-)
2012-09-19 03:57:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will get down to the rituals in a bit. I then want to spend some time planning for my role & marking what I will & wont do with my time!
2012-09-19 00:09:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel so indisciplined!! And I forgot my laptop in the office forgetting that today's an off!! Feel stupid! :-|
2012-09-19 00:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am angry with myself for sleeping in late. I think I should just drop everything at 21:45 no matter what!! :-|
2012-09-19 00:08:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? :-) I kinda did. Kissing my sweet lady's shoulder tips as she sleeps sweetly, mumbling in her sleep! ;-)
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2012-09-19 00:07:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hugging you close... Kissing your eyes! :-)

2012-09-18 23:46:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And my sweets has gone to sleep... Goodnight, dear. :-) Sleep soundly & may you wake up rested & still wanting me with you! ;-p
2012-09-18 23:41:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sigh! Just a metaphor? ;-p

2012-09-18 23:12:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really!? Up your skirt!? ;-)

2012-09-18 22:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. The grapes took the longest to eat. Kissing you softly on your cheeks. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-09-18 13:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rushing to bed darling....

2012-09-18 13:00:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing silly at all. I'd love to share my pizza with god but that is not allowed...
2012-09-18 12:45:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I totally agree that something that can be genuinely beautiful as a gesture can be vetoed as disrespectful...
2012-09-18 12:44:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not a bother at all. I wasn't hungry but mom insisted I eat fruits so was nibbling on them... :-)
2012-09-18 12:42:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, ritual is in the morning...

2012-09-18 12:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We do not touch the flowers to ourselves before offering it to the gods. But I shall offer it on your behalf... :-)
2012-09-18 12:03:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee... One flower from you. Will send you a pic :-)
2012-09-18 11:55:54 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Missing you too. The flowers are laid at the feet as well as a garland...
2012-09-18 11:48:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And some grass too for Ganesha

2012-09-18 11:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back home... :-) Had to buy a Ganesha idol, flowers & a small umbrella for the idol... :-)
2012-09-18 11:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home... :-) I've to step out to buy things for tomorrow's festival. Will be back soon.. :-) A tight hug & a soft kiss for my darling
2012-09-18 08:41:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And we probably want to plan the trip, if you are interested...
2012-09-18 05:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting back to work now. Will ping you soon. Btw, I don't want anything for my birthday :-)
2012-09-18 05:15:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I want dessert. Come give it to me ;-p

2012-09-18 05:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really. As I said, I will define my role & what I will be able to best to given my time & energy
2012-09-18 05:14:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Except the redwood trees!! ;-)

2012-09-18 04:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No one can be older than me!!

2012-09-18 04:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with lunch. The decision is out. I will now be as Tech Lead for two projects...
2012-09-18 04:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, let's not argue further. You? Old? Since when is 18 called
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old! ;-p
2012-09-18 04:51:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-18 04:50:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Surprisingly, right up to the Sunday conversation we had no problems or arguments. We were actually fine, I thought. All was forgotten in
2012-09-17 22:52:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Moments with the same energy & diligence as you collect someone's faults. Hence, I think you should lighten up...
2012-09-17 22:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if you think that it is the last of many then I think you are you carry too much baggage because you don't seem to be collecting sweet
2012-09-17 22:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if you think that not answering one question hurts you so much then you really want to check if that is not being touchy..
2012-09-17 22:48:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think all this started with my not tripling you why I was up so late on Sunday. Ask anyone whether that warrants a day's conversation! :-o
2012-09-17 22:47:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? I kinda did though not enough. Gently kissing your hair as you sleep... Sleep on.
2012-09-17 22:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still think you are touchy esp. if you are going to be lost in your limits for every minor issue... You should sleep & lighten up
2012-09-17 13:48:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Me want to see! Me want to see!! :-)

2012-09-17 12:43:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do join me soon...
2012-09-17 12:42:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Me too... Wish I could hug you & rid you of all that makes you frown...
2012-09-17 12:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't seem in your best mood. What's bothering you darling? Come to me, let me hold you...
2012-09-17 12:27:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you should wait a little for the other dms to come too... :-|
2012-09-17 12:23:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets! :-) Slept well? My day was fine & normal... What's lined up for you today?
2012-09-17 12:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, reached. Long day. Was ok. Nothing fabulous... Yes, it's late. Will go to bed soon...
2012-09-17 12:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm :-|

2012-09-17 12:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Are you alright? What happened, darling?

2012-09-17 12:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyone can smile when there is something to smile. It takes a different soul to smile when there is little reason to... :-)
2012-09-17 11:13:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm just saying that you need to lighten a bit & smile more... :-)
2012-09-17 10:47:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should know that air can never be chained... ;-)
2012-09-17 10:38:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Leaving for home in a bit... Done with your work, darling?
2012-09-17 10:19:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww!!! ;-)

2012-09-17 08:58:09 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I was just being joyful... ;-p

2012-09-17 08:39:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D hahahaha Yes, I remember those days. Nowadays, I don't feel like doing that at all... I seem to have lost interest in so many things!!
2012-09-17 07:53:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch... How is your day, darling?

2012-09-17 04:52:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet silly lady...

2012-09-17 04:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really thought your question was a rhetoric esp. when you added that with you not here why should I be up. I just smiled...
2012-09-17 02:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't mean that you decide you won't ask me anything ever in the future!! :-o Don't you think that's being overly touchy!?
2012-09-16 20:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you don't ask what!? Why was I still up? Because I couldn't sleep... Simple. I thought that was obvious given I had an afternoon nap...
2012-09-16 20:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Soft kisses on your arms, sweetie... :-) Long day ahead...
2012-09-16 20:41:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling, sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your wrists. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-09-16 13:48:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost power

2012-09-16 13:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had written that I just want to hold you & kiss you & to not ask me why... Why didn't that go through!? :-o
2012-09-16 13:31:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No darling, I was cleaning up my bed.

2012-09-16 13:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your lady cat?

2012-09-16 12:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't get back late, darling. Just in time. :-) Glad you had a decent time. Maybe if you let yourself, it could be a fantastic time...
2012-09-16 12:29:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am just doing some work & then had dinner... What are you doing, sweets?
2012-09-16 12:28:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok.. I hope you catch up on some rest during the day... :-)
2012-09-16 11:38:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Weird dreams? What kind? Poor you...

2012-09-16 11:22:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And you definitely have the belly for it (at least what I saw in the picture shot from outer space of you in your PJs)
2012-09-16 11:00:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My sweet darling. You have more than the youth. Look at you!
2012-09-16 10:59:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses on butterfly wings... :-)

2012-09-16 10:53:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire don't like much jewellery on your body, but... :-) A very delightful picture of you like that. Delicately on your skin... :-)
2012-09-16 10:51:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My sweets!! Good morning. Slept well? I hope you did. I had a sudden picture of you wearing a thin silver belt on your hips. I know you
2012-09-16 10:50:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-09-16 10:20:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I hope my sweet one is enjoying her time... :-)

2012-09-16 10:20:46 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Chicken pooped?

2012-09-16 09:01:23 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :-)

2012-09-16 08:47:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing on top of my sweet darling's head as she leaves... Have a splendid time! :-)
2012-09-16 07:51:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you have a fantastic time with all your friends. I am so so happy that you are meeting up with them. And so many of them! :-)
2012-09-16 07:49:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up.. I did hear you while sleeping! :-)

2012-09-16 07:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling my sweet darling as my eyes grow heavy... Kissing you softly... :-)
2012-09-16 05:40:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wanna join me for a nap?

2012-09-16 05:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was way too heavy...

2012-09-16 05:29:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I'd like that too... Feeling drowsy!

2012-09-16 05:26:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are meeting up with friends. I miss you too, darling. A lot. Kissing my sweet lady on her nose...
2012-09-16 05:14:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! Poor Renata. I used to feel happy when she came over to you... :-)
2012-09-16 05:14:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Any plans to visit your friends? How come
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Renata doesn't visit anymore...

2012-09-16 04:59:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I find something fancy which i want to try out just on a whim, then I will check prices, compare, etc.
2012-09-16 04:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I usually shop like that. When I know I need potatoes, then their cost is inconsequential...
2012-09-16 04:55:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or maybe he simply knew that he must have whatever he picked so how does the cost matter!?
2012-09-16 04:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My calf is super happy now with the kisses!! ;-p

2012-09-16 04:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Spaghetti with red & yellow bell peppers, jalepenos, corn
2012-09-16 04:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Calf pain is gone... :-)

2012-09-16 04:14:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm fine darling. Had lunch. Spaghetti... :-)

2012-09-16 04:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For nearly every other aspect of my life my mind doesn't let my heart stray too far... :-|
2012-09-16 01:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are things that are meant to be & things that are crystal clear. For them, my mind never puts my heart on leash.
2012-09-16 01:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for holding me through the night. Felt nice... :-)
2012-09-16 01:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I listen to my sweet lady... ;-)

2012-09-16 01:18:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I am at home. Organising stuff. Getting some work done. Planning for the next week. Going to cook & study too... :-)
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2012-09-16 01:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I enjoy being with kids, but in my way & not by traveling long distances & aimlessly entertaining them. So... :-)
2012-09-16 01:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ seems primarily to entertain the kids which is good but with many many people signed up as volunteers, my role is pointless.
2012-09-16 01:16:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I decided to stay at home today. 3 reasons: 1. Tired & tomorrow's a long day too 2. Lots of pending work & study 3. This entire exercise
2012-09-16 01:15:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though pulled my calf muscle in my sleep. Soft kisses on your calf... ;-)
2012-09-16 01:14:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sure... :-) Maybe I'll write some too, now that I feel warmer than usual! ;-)
2012-09-15 23:50:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight...
2012-09-15 23:42:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire May it cool your dreams as the breeze hovers over the mark... :-)
2012-09-15 23:42:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I was there putting you to sleep & then watching you breathing evenly with a smile... A soft moist kiss on your forehead, sweets. :-)
2012-09-15 23:42:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is late and I presume you would love to sleep, yes?

2012-09-15 23:36:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you found them so... :-) Sure, take your time. I'd prefer you postpone till you have the luxury of leisurely perusal. :-)
2012-09-15 23:36:28 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Sure... :-)

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2012-09-15 23:35:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And did my sweets get time to see the pix? :-) I suppose not...
2012-09-15 23:24:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That tweet, darling, was for you... :-)

2012-09-15 23:23:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And from me to you... :-) I'd really like to take in the scent of your shoulder while you feel my breath on its ridges...
2012-09-15 23:19:46 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 GTalk?
2012-09-15 23:14:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, Just to feel the passage of my fingers edges through the fjords of your hands...
2012-09-15 23:14:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, scents do that to me too. And if someone is sweet smelling, it calms me a lot more... :-)
2012-09-15 23:13:22 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I am on the other side of the sun! Surely, I am up!! ;-)

2012-09-15 23:12:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So... Yes, an ache indeed... A sweet ache that lights a smile on half closed eyes... :-)
2012-09-15 23:00:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have way too much on my plate & wish to have a day of calm & organising as tomorrow too will be a long day. I was working yesterday too
2012-09-15 22:59:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oooh! Showered & sweet smelling!? ;-) My day was supposed to be spent with the kids at the destitutes' home. But I decided to skip it...
2012-09-15 22:59:14 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I am ready if you are up...

2012-09-15 22:00:16 (EDT)
987 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Thinking about you.... Missing you. Missing everything about you! :-) Don't know why. I just want to hold you to me...
2012-09-15 21:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too...

2012-09-15 12:39:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-15 12:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet lady on her lips... Fine! The undershirt is off! Happy!? ;-)
2012-09-15 12:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have a point. Let's see how the morning is...
2012-09-15 12:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or should I go spend some time with the kids?

2012-09-15 12:10:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You think I should stay at home tomorrow?

2012-09-15 12:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is time to sleep now... :-)

2012-09-15 12:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you are. You've been secretly wanting one!! ;-)
2012-09-15 11:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your feelings? Fine, I'll buy you an undershirt too!!! :-D Happy?
2012-09-15 11:52:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't...

2012-09-15 11:44:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ n't understand the undershirt world do you?

2012-09-15 11:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My undershirt will feel neglected if you don't give it a scratch!!

2012-09-15 11:43:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hey! My undershirt is sensitive! :-|

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2012-09-15 11:39:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then the undershirt feels neglected!! :-(

2012-09-15 11:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? :-( No? :-(( No? :`-((

2012-09-15 11:28:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Undershirt stays! :-D

2012-09-15 11:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Coming coming coming.. All set for pampering!! ;-)

2012-09-15 11:21:01 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Ooops! Missed the 10:00 a.m. time slot. Sorry, was working today & got home late. Can we do something Sunday morning?
2012-09-15 11:15:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, not dozed off. Just got a call from an old family friend which went on forever & then dinner... Then you! ;-)
2012-09-15 11:11:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too

2012-09-15 11:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So sweet... To help the boy with the baguette. What do they do there? You should have asked... :-)
2012-09-15 09:35:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging my sweet darling... Still in the kitchen!? ;-p

2012-09-15 09:34:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Horrible cab driver. So so tired... I'm wondering whether I should go tomorrow for the kids thingy... :-(
2012-09-15 09:32:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be so much fun if we were shopping together!! :-)

2012-09-15 06:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care while shopping & don't go into aisles where they kiss ;-p
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2012-09-15 06:57:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... Loads!

2012-09-15 06:57:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Work goes on till the evening... :-(

2012-09-15 05:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't read my dm!! I wonder why I write! ;-p

2012-09-15 04:23:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still in the midst of interviews. They haven't decided on my role. Tues is when it will happen.
2012-09-15 04:23:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I got all your DMs. Why?

2012-09-14 23:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss my sweet sweet soft soft lady as she sleeps... :-) The decision on my role will be known on Tues, it seems...
2012-09-14 22:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I had no clue of it.. :-) Feels good. Sorry I couldn't stay up later but my eyes were sinking & I had to wake up early too. Rituals done
2012-09-14 22:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was completely knocked out. I'm told that there were severe thunder claps & everyone woke up to it. My mom even came to check on me!!
2012-09-14 22:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I definitely did!! :-) I slept like a log or a rock! So needed this sleep. Kissing my sweet darling..
2012-09-14 22:41:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) How are you? Missing you... Sending you a tight hug & soft kiss...anywhere you want! :-)
2012-09-14 21:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet dreams. Sleep well, darling. Soft kisses

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around your lips!! ;-p Do come & join me soon... :-)

2012-09-14 11:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come darling... Let's sleep

2012-09-14 11:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am feeling very very slleepy... Can we cuddle up & go to sleep?
2012-09-14 11:20:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-09-14 11:16:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is good & keep getting better... ;-)

2012-09-14 11:16:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all of it would be good...

2012-09-14 11:08:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there near you... Yes, weekends together would be good
2012-09-14 11:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie... hugging & kissing you :-)

2012-09-14 11:00:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling? Seems lost in her work...

2012-09-14 10:46:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling? How was the day? Happy to have a weekend?
2012-09-14 10:26:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I need to complete the rituals before I head to work...

2012-09-14 10:23:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The traffic was not so bad (wonder why!) & the ride home was peaceful. I will crash early tonight, though as tomorrow's new moon...
2012-09-14 10:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And home! :-)

2012-09-14 10:23:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Heading home. Had a presentation to give. Tired...

2012-09-14 09:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is not crisp?

2012-09-14 07:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We'll have dessert & a walk together... Ok?

2012-09-14 06:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Having lunch out with the team! :-) Missing you...
2012-09-14 04:42:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The clients might still reject the idea... Let's see...
2012-09-13 22:37:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It also gives me the opportunity to sharpen my technical knowledge base by reading more, trying more etc. All this if the role comes through
2012-09-13 22:37:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I get to decide what this role does & how to bring maximum value to the project, so the amount of load can be managed.
2012-09-13 22:35:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But for this I still need to be technical & write code, but not purely for delivery. I also get to look into new ideas, technologies, etc.
2012-09-13 22:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This gives me an opportunity to focus on developing different skills. Negotiating, designing for the future, etc.
2012-09-13 22:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was doing most of this earlier too but was being overwhelmed. Now I do more of the guidance, architecting & designing...
2012-09-13 22:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The role is a leading role but not people management, so I've no problem. I will still be part of delivery though with new responsibilities
2012-09-13 22:28:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing milady's back as she sleeps on her side! And then holding her tight to me... :-)
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Drawing circles on her tummy... ;-)

2012-09-13 22:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did though we had more power cuts & even woke up to no power! But I was fresh thanks to your kisses!!
2012-09-13 22:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So more meetings but less work of the current sort

2012-09-13 12:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The role will be different. Not the same work multiplied by two. I'd be doing none of this work & most supervising & guiding technically...
2012-09-13 12:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweetie. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your tummy... Do come & join me... :-)
2012-09-13 12:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's wish each other goodnight, darling. I need to be in office early...
2012-09-13 12:31:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We lost power here. Not much battery left!! :-(

2012-09-13 12:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They need to talk to the client & I have no clue why they are dragging it. But if it comes through it would be a decent learning opportunity
2012-09-13 11:58:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like the dual project it will be. Still negotiations on... :-|
2012-09-13 11:53:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Naah! Not one bit hard. Too soft maybe

2012-09-13 11:39:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I still feel I have fallen short of what I could do. Maybe I never found the point. Dunno. Maybe I am just lazy! :-(
2012-09-13 11:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie?

2012-09-13 11:27:47 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ He lives on...

2012-09-13 11:18:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly girl!!! :-) I'm none of that. A man who might not as well have lived...
2012-09-13 11:05:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be an unmatched expert... Sigh :-(

2012-09-13 10:53:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Still I'm not...

2012-09-13 10:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No I'm never that... I wish I could be but no... :-(

2012-09-13 10:26:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd like to be unmatched, unrivalled, unimaginably the best... Gifted by the gods! :-)
2012-09-13 10:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come watch with me... Secretly I wish to be like Achilles!! :-)
2012-09-13 10:06:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... :-)

2012-09-13 10:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day does feel tiring! But I have some time to myself before I sleep... :-)
2012-09-13 09:50:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I get out of the house every day! :-) Perhaps I just want to stay at home! Cuddling up with sweet you! ;-)
2012-09-13 08:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, the meetings were ok. I got home!! Hugging & kissing you & twirling you round & round... :-)
2012-09-13 08:51:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, softly kissing you on your eyes... Rest dear. Wish I could hold you & kiss you deep... :-)
2012-09-13 05:08:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I did tell you about the question & why it would be a non-issue if we lived in neighbouring cities to simply drive down & meet often...
2012-09-13 05:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling... Just had lunch. A sequence of meetings now. How goes your day? Hope there's no headache...
2012-09-13 04:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not just for this but nearly everything. If it some activity that is just a Sunday excursion I might not think too much...
2012-09-12 22:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least I do. Why am I doing this? Is there an intent? Is there a longer term relationship? I have tonnes of questions in my head.
2012-09-12 22:30:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting up, sweetie, is not about walking across the street. It involves a lot & to go through that lot one must need sufficient clarity
2012-09-12 21:22:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) slept well? I kinda did. Soft kisses on your arms as you sleep... :-)
2012-09-12 21:20:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where is the lovely sassy lady? Good morning. :-) Hope you slept well...
2012-09-12 12:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it is a daydream

2012-09-12 12:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Kissing you softly on your chin. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-09-12 12:32:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm :-(

2012-09-12 12:31:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is time to go to bed now. Let's cuddle up & sleep...

2012-09-12 12:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... we'll let it be.

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2012-09-12 12:22:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, Kelvin. :-) Maybe he has the same rights, but does he accept equal responsibility?
2012-09-12 12:22:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ex's girlfriend help!

2012-09-12 12:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just didn't know what to say. If you find Kevin like your ex you should perhaps employ similar tactics in reasoning with him or let your
2012-09-12 12:13:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie

2012-09-12 12:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-12 12:08:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm?
2012-09-12 12:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ alike in what ways?

2012-09-12 11:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done, darling. Mom had some financial things to check out & she just has to know everything... :-|
2012-09-12 11:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ His father is rude too in words?

2012-09-12 11:56:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you should brief grandma Lia & get her to open up this conversation with Kevin
2012-09-12 11:39:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom wanted me to check out something...

2012-09-12 11:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My evening cab timings to return from the office.

2012-09-12 11:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not dinner really, but just some snacks...

996 / 4823

2012-09-12 11:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, was stuck in traffic at two places. I don't think these timings make sense. I am re-scheduling my return cabs for the Thurs & Fri
2012-09-12 10:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached & had something to eat... :-) Hugging my darling tightly & kissing her softly... :-)
2012-09-12 10:53:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not as late as yesterday! Leaving now.... Hugging my darling tightly... :-)
2012-09-12 09:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to work now... Signing out.

2012-09-12 04:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kids perceive things differently.. You might think you just "normally" said something but he might pick a tone/hint that implies he is wrong
2012-09-12 04:56:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was breads & cauliflower+potato+tomato

2012-09-12 04:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting down to work. Thought I'll message you before that
2012-09-12 04:54:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe have someone else whom he loves talk to him. It might help reveal some openings...
2012-09-12 04:54:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kids can be defiant. If they sense you are marking them as "wrong" they will refuse to open up. Perhaps you should try a different approach
2012-09-12 04:50:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is packed... Busy. Had lunch. Tasty.

2012-09-12 04:50:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too.

2012-09-12 04:49:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling... :-) Perhaps what you feel is a normal tone is not normal to him. :-)
2012-09-12 04:08:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now come here, let me hug you & holds you tight... Yes, the mountains are a good option!! :-)
2012-09-11 22:54:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps talk to another mother to get some ideas on handling such a situation. Don't frown darling as it might worsen the situation... :-)
2012-09-11 22:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't be ashamed. No use. Explore with him. Is he trying to asset himself? Is he craving attention? Why is he choosing rudeness to softness?
2012-09-11 22:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why is he behaving like that? Have you sat with him & asked him without sounding like you are blaming him or are disappointed with him?
2012-09-11 22:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok, darling. We all have real work which can occupy us. I'm just sad it wasn't the most pleasant work... :-(
2012-09-11 22:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did though still feel like I could sleep more!! ;-p Drowsy, kissing my sweet lady on her ears.. :-)
2012-09-11 22:47:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you...

2012-09-11 20:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your forehead as I cuddle up with you & go to sleep... Do join me darling.
2012-09-11 11:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady is busy... Reached home! :-)

2012-09-11 11:13:07 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Cool :-)

2012-09-11 11:12:10 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 Sounds possible...

2012-09-11 10:30:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading home... :-)

2012-09-11 10:27:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is my darling lady busy? Working hard? Out shopping? Isn't a while since Renata visited you?
2012-09-11 10:25:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would love to hear your thoughts on the pix. Not sure whether you will have time given that they are about 199
2012-09-11 09:26:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Yes, I think it is there a dash of play that underlies your tone... ;-p
2012-09-11 09:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you sweetie... :-)

2012-09-11 09:17:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet lady's nose while holding her tight to me...
2012-09-11 09:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am still in the office in the meeting. Will leave in about an hour's time. I genuinely hope the traffic is better. :-|
2012-09-11 09:09:45 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 In a official meeting & then will head home.. Today would be unlikely. Saturday morning, your time?
2012-09-11 09:08:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eyes are ok. Good busy day :-)

2012-09-11 07:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes, busy day. Lunch done. Did you have lunch? How are you? Miss you, sweetie... :-)
2012-09-11 06:42:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure how to explain...

2012-09-10 22:52:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The reason I let those bits pod info press is because I don't wish to... I don't know. I feel cherishing them would keep growing bonds...
2012-09-10 22:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My eyes hurt really bad last night. Had rose water drops in them before going to bed. A little better now. Need to be careful...
2012-09-10 22:48:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked the pix. Quite a lot of effort went into them, as you well know. It nearly feels like manual labour!! :-)
2012-09-10 22:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie! :-) Slept well? I kinda did though could have used more. Kissing your hair & the side of your neck as you sleep :-)
2012-09-10 22:42:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I forgot to mention, your eyes in the video had such a playful mischievousness in them... :-) And a cute chin!
2012-09-10 22:40:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets! :-) How was your day? Hope it wasn't too tiring. Did you get to see the pix? Missing you
2012-09-10 22:39:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweets. Hope you enjoy the pix I have shared... :-)
2012-09-10 12:48:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Hope you enjoy the pix I have shared. Hugging you tight & kissing your ears. Do join me soon.
2012-09-10 12:47:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-09-10 12:47:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too

2012-09-10 12:46:55 (EDT)

1000 / 4823

DangerslyClaire I so wish the same... :-)

2012-09-10 12:46:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be the same... :-)

2012-09-10 12:37:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are available in every city...

2012-09-10 12:36:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-10 12:36:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kinda settling in... :-) Glad you slept so... Really makes my heart sing! :-) ::hugs::
2012-09-10 12:27:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To kiss you?

2012-09-10 12:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel the same... :-)

2012-09-10 12:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I say that, it doesn't mean I treat you as a random person... It means I treat the words the same no matter who likes them :-)
2012-09-10 12:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you do...

2012-09-10 12:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-10 12:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anything... I think I should tweet a couple before I hit the sack
2012-09-10 12:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That doesn't sound like a plan to put me to sleep... ;-p Tell me anything darling...
2012-09-10 12:01:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me... :-)

2012-09-10 11:57:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will go to bed in about 30 min. My mom mocks me &

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dares me to sleep on time. She says I'll be up till 23:00

2012-09-10 11:51:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not neglecting you darling... Just sitting with my eyes shut & talking to my mom...
2012-09-10 11:49:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then you have so many men who won't neglect you so why fret ;-p
2012-09-10 11:39:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did tell you bu it feels nice to have implemented it...

2012-09-10 11:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I left the laptop at the office. Feels good

2012-09-10 11:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lighten up, lady... :-)

2012-09-10 11:14:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One simple hug & kiss coming up!!!

2012-09-10 11:07:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! That's some nice poetry!! ;-)

2012-09-10 10:45:41 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You got one, given that it's been pouring cats & dogs here...
2012-09-10 10:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! Missed you sweetie! :-)

2012-09-10 10:38:20 (EDT)

dgdreamin True... :-)

2012-09-10 10:37:56 (EDT)

dgdreamin Nice ring... :-)

2012-09-10 10:33:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling... Where is my sweet lady to hug & kiss me!?
2012-09-10 10:26:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Stuck..
2012-09-10 09:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On my way home. Such in miserable traffic due to the rains :-(
2012-09-10 09:18:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't have sent out the email during the day as office work would keep me busy... It would've been tonight! :-)
2012-09-10 08:48:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't say anything to your clothes because I wish to hold back the urge to know more or see a pic of you... :-|
2012-09-10 08:47:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your tiny shorts look best when all lights are switched off!! ;-p
2012-09-10 08:45:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets! :-) Slept well? I hope you did... Wishing you a warm & sunny day... :-)
2012-09-10 08:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good amount of work & meeting... Not tired but will sleep early :-) How was your day!?
2012-09-10 08:42:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But whatever you wear is crisp & smart. I like it... :-)
2012-09-10 06:54:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your dress from today & day before yesterday sound lovely! I've always liked your dressing sense... :-)
2012-09-10 06:24:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, tonight I will go to bed on time. I will be leaving my laptop in the office... :-)
2012-09-10 04:26:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch, darling. How is your day? Missing you.. My day's ok. The email, if it waited till today could be sent only tonight. We lose a day
2012-09-10 04:25:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hence, no clue how that recording came out & even if my entire face was visible! :-) Just wanted to send you one... :-)
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2012-09-09 23:40:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I couldn't even have the video capture software screen up as I didn't want someone wondering what I was doing! So minimised it! :-D
2012-09-09 23:40:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-)
2012-09-09 23:39:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sent you a little surprise before you go to bed... :-)

2012-09-09 23:30:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm good. In office & smiling... You? Why off?

2012-09-09 23:27:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are still up?

2012-09-09 23:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I get it now. Yes, maybe I should have picked a darker shade. Done in a hurry... :-) Consolidating the email took a while... :-(
2012-09-09 22:30:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Seems like my sweet lady slept off without a warning! :-) I hope you slept well. Kissing your ankles... :-)
2012-09-09 22:28:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Echocardiography is quite a mouthful!! Study of the results of an echocardiogram's output?

2012-09-09 22:26:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Indian for dinner. Indian to put you to bed & wake you too... ;-p
2012-09-09 22:25:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And organising some conference details...

2012-09-09 22:24:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I slept late. Had some work to complete for an organisation that is being setup here in India. Related to software. Was designing their logo
2012-09-09 22:23:53 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Done for the day?

2012-09-09 21:16:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yippee! Super-glad to see you online too... :-) :::huuuugs:::

2012-09-09 21:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses around your nose! ;-p Come join me darling. Let's snuggle up! :-)
2012-09-09 13:38:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am exhausted. Lets sleep! I haven't rested since having an oil bath! I should have :-(
2012-09-09 13:38:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, need to draw the hands better & use a more indian font...
2012-09-09 13:19:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll send you the logo. It is just an idea & not the final version... Check your email.
2012-09-09 12:58:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I find it silly!? Not one bit... :-) Shall I send you more incense?
2012-09-09 12:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish we could cuddle up too... & fall asleep in each other's arms... :-)
2012-09-09 12:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how much you warmed my heart yesterday... I was smiling throughout the evening! :-)
2012-09-09 12:32:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. I get your typos!

2012-09-09 12:32:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I nearly asked myself why I was being so stupid but.. Anyway, I really really thought you're so sweet to say & do that. Deeply touched! :-)
2012-09-09 12:17:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know something...

2012-09-09 12:15:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Most vegetarians don't eat them..

2012-09-09 11:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Liar! You didn't even know when I entered the room! You slept like a log!! Pretty log but still a log!
2012-09-09 11:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Grandma's good. Mom doesn't eat them because they are considered non-veg!
2012-09-09 11:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should have used parmesan too! Forgot about it entirely! :-|
2012-09-09 11:32:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling my sweet lady :-)

2012-09-09 11:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Why didn't you sleep? You should have had a light nap at least...
2012-09-09 11:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweetie is sleeping... :-) Gently kissing her hair
2012-09-09 09:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I made pasta with white sauce, red & green bell peppers, sweet corn & walnuts. Quite delicious.. :-)
2012-09-09 09:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! You are the most modest. ;-) Still napping? We are on our way back. Missing you...
2012-09-09 09:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-09-09 06:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is the evening here! 16:20. We are heading out now. Shutting down my computer... :-) I? Mean? Did I learn so quickly!? ;-p
2012-09-09 06:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I leave now... Will catch up with you later... :-) Soft kisses on your eyes. :-)
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2012-09-09 06:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you for sneaking in a deal! ;-p

2012-09-09 06:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hahahaha :-D Oh that deal! Hmmm... Sounds like a long journey! ;-p Ok!
2012-09-09 06:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about which deal?

2012-09-09 05:49:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Need to do some logo creation for the new organisation & some cleaning up before we leave... :-) Had lunch, darling?
2012-09-09 05:33:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. All your kisses. Done with lunch

2012-09-09 05:32:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope not shaved.. But I'll take them all, please
2012-09-09 04:49:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cooking lunch... Yes, would be lovely to do it together & then go for a walk or a movie... :-)
2012-09-09 04:49:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ learn. But perhaps that will have to wait... Dunno. Let's see. How is your day lined up darling? :-)
2012-09-09 00:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I will dm you today. Only away from computer work. :-) I actually had to listen to some video lessons on a subject I wanted to
2012-09-09 00:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My eyes burn from the heat. I desperately need an oil bath. Been a month since I had one. I think I will be away from the comp mostly..
2012-09-09 00:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have an oil bath today & then prepare lunch & later in the evening will go to meet my uncle, aunt & granny in the evening.
2012-09-09 00:41:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Woke up at leisure. Soft kisses on my sweet lady's shoulders... :-)
2012-09-09 00:40:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight goodnight goodnight... Go! Else I'll keep chatting! :-) Heavens!
2012-09-09 00:12:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love to watch you sleep... :-)

2012-09-09 00:11:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet dreams, darling... May they be lively & cosy... :-)
2012-09-09 00:07:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I so wanted to kiss you on your shoulders... Goodnight, sweets. :-)
2012-09-09 00:04:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Were you lying in your bed while shooting that? The angle looked different. I thought you were standing then the physics looked different!
2012-09-08 23:48:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But you have to go to sleep... Won't keep you up. You looked so beautiful in the video. Really. Goodnight, sweets. A soft kiss on your chin!
2012-09-08 23:47:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it feels like I could perhaps reach through the screen & touch you... :-) I wish I could
2012-09-08 23:43:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooooh! I see my sweet sweet Jen is online. Feels such a tingle to have you online simultaneously! :-)
2012-09-08 23:31:34 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I think now is ok too. If you are awake & free... :-)
2012-09-08 23:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you enjoyed the walk;l' :-)

2012-09-08 13:09:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not an issue at all... Just shook out of my sleep to check if you
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got back. Back to sleep noww...

2012-09-08 13:09:18 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I think of you too. Yes, we should catch up some day. How about a Skype chat tomorrow? Do let me know when you'll be free... :-)
2012-09-08 12:50:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just... Missing you. :-)

2012-09-08 12:48:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go to bed. Have left enough space for you. Do come & join me. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your lips... :-)
2012-09-08 12:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am really really tired, darling. I was up waiting for you to return. Unable to keep my eyes open... :-(
2012-09-08 12:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! You needn't ask me... :-) Please do go & enjoy the afternoon on my behalf too. Rituals got over well... :-)
2012-09-08 11:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking a break between the rituals.. Sending you a hug! :-)
2012-09-08 10:34:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Home. Now I will go have my bath & prepare for the rituals. They begin in about 20 min... :-)
2012-09-08 09:07:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Join me in waiting to find out what is in store for me in the office so that we can decide together... :-) I am off to the temple now. brb..
2012-09-08 08:38:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too... :-| Yes, just swaying, smelling the fresh bread & you, kissing you while mixing & kneading.. :-)
2012-09-08 08:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to be with you in the kitchen now... Miss you. :-)
2012-09-08 08:11:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No one gets any money. This is a non-profit organisation

2012-09-08 08:10:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No, she is in Sweden

2012-09-08 08:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The problem in the batch process was not volume. The command was different for Windows.
2012-09-08 07:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still... No professionalism. This lady I met at a conference in Bangalore (about 4 yrs ago) & I are the only ones doing the necessary work
2012-09-08 07:23:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, work has to be done. That is pretty much all I focus on. These people will be sloppy. They are experienced industrialists & professors
2012-09-08 07:22:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The toes had to be a little big to be visible... ;-)

2012-09-08 07:22:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'll come hold you from behind& sway you slightly as you pretend to work ;-p
2012-09-08 07:21:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, yes, I would like to keep my personal time sacred too but often, the team that's supposed to work, doesn't!! :-(
2012-09-08 06:23:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was up till late monitoring the batch process & doing some more edits... :-) I knew you'd frown but I have no options. Had to finish
2012-09-08 05:15:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the power stays...

2012-09-08 05:14:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a call in about 20 min with the patterns group folks...
2012-09-08 05:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch. We had a longer than usual power cut. Is your headache gone? Wish I was there to massage it. Rituals start in the evening.
2012-09-08 05:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I hand-edited some of the ones that needed different effects, cropping, editing, etc. That takes lesser time. Finished it all... :-)
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2012-09-08 01:13:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ attention. So about 70% of them needed one effect to be applied & that was taking time. The batch job helped do it in one go! :-)
2012-09-08 01:13:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I managed to get the batch editing work so in one shot I was able to edit 150+ images!! :-) I edited only the ones that needed specific
2012-09-08 01:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft gentle kisses on the back of your neck, sweetie. Hope you got to rest well after having woken up in between. :-)
2012-09-08 01:11:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? :-) I kinda did though last night's rain & power cut (hence couldn't reply) continued till now...
2012-09-08 01:10:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you a lot... Honest. :-( Goodnight!

2012-09-07 15:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight. Sleep well. Sweet dreams... A soft kiss on your forehead. Not sure if you are interested in joining me but there is ample space..
2012-09-07 13:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you ask me to measure against you & ask me for exact percentages I can only make an estimate & think...
2012-09-07 13:32:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I do...

2012-09-07 13:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm
2012-09-07 13:23:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how else to soothe your heart...

2012-09-07 13:18:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know darling... :-(

2012-09-07 13:13:37 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie... Don't be :-( Cheer up. Hug Portsmouth & kiss lady cat... I'll hug you into my sleep soon... :-)
2012-09-07 13:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-07 13:03:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. Just to hug you & make you feel better... :-)
2012-09-07 12:58:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-09-07 12:55:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why sweetie? What happened?

2012-09-07 12:51:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something clearly is troubling you...

2012-09-07 12:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened darling?

2012-09-07 12:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... :-)

2012-09-07 12:32:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day?

2012-09-07 12:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come come darling. Let me hug & kiss my sweet sweet lady... :)
2012-09-07 12:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the visit? Were they celebrating?

2012-09-07 12:20:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just finished writing the CFP draft & sent it to the team. This is unrelated to my office work. :-)
2012-09-07 12:09:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am helping them do that. I along with a few others. Putting together the conference details, call for papers, setting up the org here
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2012-09-07 12:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is this organisation called Hillside in the US which is a software Patterns organisation. They are starting an India branch
2012-09-07 12:07:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do wish him on my behalf too... Will you be staying there long?
2012-09-07 11:22:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am going to try out this arrangement for a few more days & if it doesn't feel any convenient then I will drop it.
2012-09-07 11:07:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Traffic was bad. Took me more than the usual time to reach home! :-(
2012-09-07 11:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But was pulled into a call with a software patterns organisation that is being setup in India
2012-09-07 11:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got back home a while ago

2012-09-07 11:02:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got back home a few minutes ago

2012-09-07 11:02:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here
2012-09-07 11:02:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thinking about you, sweets. Hope you slept well... :-) Hope your day is lovely
2012-09-07 09:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the week ends!! :-) So relieved... I hope to complete image editing this weekend. We also have a festival tomorrow! Krishna's birthday!
2012-09-07 09:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Next to impossible...

2012-09-07 09:04:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I meant is that beyond acknowledging that it would be

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lovely together there is nothing that I can say or do. Given that realising it is
2012-09-07 09:04:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Heading home. Tiring day...

2012-09-07 09:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Busy day again...

2012-09-07 05:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely...
2012-09-06 22:23:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lively to be together & enjoy the day. :-) I won't say anything more than that...
2012-09-06 22:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did though I feel tired. But it's a friday!! :-) Soft kisses on milady's knees... How are you?
2012-09-06 22:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am really really sleepy now darling. Let's sleep. Kissing you softly on your chin & lips... :-) Do come & join me...
2012-09-06 12:26:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling

2012-09-06 12:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you kiss me! You cuddle me. You put me to sleep.
2012-09-06 12:14:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Delhi trip seems slimmer than the dual project...

2012-09-06 12:11:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Miss you. Yes, come & hold me...

2012-09-06 12:11:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, pizza & movie... And you!

2012-09-06 11:54:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-06 11:53:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet one missed you while having it... :-)
2012-09-06 11:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner was pizza... :-D

2012-09-06 11:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-09-06 11:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I had it as a break, yes. I'm invariably in a meeting or discussing something or back to work...
2012-09-06 10:57:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting down for dinner...

2012-09-06 10:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I should do that... Look for another partner! Care to come along!? ;-p
2012-09-06 10:37:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I am in by 8:30, till 17:15 is about 8:45 hrs. Which means 45 min of lunch (I rarely need more than 25 min) & other things... :-)
2012-09-06 10:37:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really. I need to clock 8 hrs. With this new cab partner I am not able to get to office on time...
2012-09-06 10:31:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will be staying in the office till 18:15 every day.
2012-09-06 10:23:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mine was ok. Nothing unusual other than the match.
2012-09-06 10:22:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And home... Rushing to hug my sweet one.. :-)

2012-09-06 10:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving office..

2012-09-06 08:54:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting meeting!! :-)

2012-09-06 08:41:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Going forward

2012-09-06 07:28:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet lady on her nose!! Miss you sweetie... :-) I'll ne in office for another hour or so.. Meetings hong forward from the office
2012-09-06 07:28:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, another busy day. Had a few volleyball matches. Lost in the semi-finals. Sending you kisses, darling..
2012-09-06 06:08:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't let these bother you, sweetie. We'll meet... :-)
2012-09-05 22:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I get on to another project then no clue!! :-o Let's see. Will keep you in the loop... :-)
2012-09-05 22:41:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how the responsibilities will be. If I have to go to Delhi, then travel might be tough. If the other role then possible...
2012-09-05 22:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did though fewer hours. Soft kisses on your hips. I hope you wake up well rested & smiling :-)
2012-09-05 22:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Barely 5
2012-09-05 13:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You think I could've edited 200 pix in the few minutes that you spent pouting!? :-o
2012-09-05 13:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-09-05 13:14:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed now...

2012-09-05 13:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok...
2012-09-05 13:13:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-05 13:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am up to be with you... :-)

2012-09-05 13:07:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish they make a decision soon

2012-09-05 13:06:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What what?

2012-09-05 12:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, I wish so too... :-|

2012-09-05 12:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I'll sit through the night today and ... :-D
2012-09-05 12:47:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could edit them little by little but the wait is killing me! :-(
2012-09-05 12:47:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No clue about any of the options! All in discussion stage

2012-09-05 12:46:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do I have to carry you?

2012-09-05 12:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, bedtime... But I could also cuddle up with my darling & chat a bit ;-p
2012-09-05 12:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am now running a batch process to edit the images! I wonder if it will work!
2012-09-05 12:33:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late yes... So?

2012-09-05 12:31:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Its not that late. Finished picking the pix...

2012-09-05 12:24:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, and then I was away... Its ok! Chill!! :-)
2012-09-05 12:24:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I'm here, darling. You were away so... Mom was watching the pix while I was dining... Hence, couldn't access dm...
2012-09-05 12:20:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Both are equally likely. Of course, the 3rd option would be an entirely different project & no clue what will happen there... :-)
2012-09-05 10:25:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would be supervising over 2 projects simultaneously. Less of writing code. OR I would take a project to Delhi & set it up there...
2012-09-05 10:24:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'm picking about 200+ from 3000+ pix!! :-o
2012-09-05 10:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging & kissing my darling... :-) How was your day? I still have so many photographs to pick from!! :-o
2012-09-05 09:32:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So it seems like things are in flux.

2012-09-05 09:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One option might be my taking a project to Delhi & setting it up there in that office. Another might be out here but across 2 projects!
2012-09-05 09:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ e meetings weren't pointless. Just packed my day. They are still discussing options...
2012-09-05 09:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached
2012-09-05 09:30:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got off my last meeting. Wrapping up for the day... How are you sweetie? Soft kisses on your lips... :-) Will ping you when I reach home!
2012-09-05 07:57:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, today was busier than I ever expected. Way too many meetings, interviews! :-o I even ate my lunch standing while talking to someone
2012-09-05 07:55:28 (EDT)

marrowtide Yes, I do too. Did you try out the technique I had sent you a
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long while ago?

2012-09-05 00:01:04 (EDT)

marrowtide I just saw your tweet about sigh & float. Used related imagery in my tweet too! Coincidence! :-)
2012-09-04 22:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Wish I could just hug you now or just watch you while you sleep.. :-)
2012-09-04 22:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glass you liked the pic. If you noticed, in the background is a picture of Ravi Shankar on the wall! I liked that coming together... :-)
2012-09-04 22:20:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! :-) Slept well? I did though couldn't sleep promptly last night. Kissing my sweet lady on her elbow... Sigh :-)
2012-09-04 22:19:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your shoulders... Do come & join me! :-)
2012-09-04 12:46:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I will wish you goodnight...

2012-09-04 12:46:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I didn't! :-)

2012-09-04 12:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want to sleep on time (which I haven't over the past 2 days)
2012-09-04 11:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I will be off to sleep in a few minutes. Take care darling. I'll probably send you one more pic for your night's sleep... :-)
2012-09-04 11:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-04 11:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Check your email...

2012-09-04 11:32:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I have a picture of a chipmunk daring me! :-D

2012-09-04 11:15:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) It would be lovely to have you by my side & check if the editing I am doing is good enough... :-)
2012-09-04 11:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, recall our watching pix together... :-)

2012-09-04 10:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie... :-)

2012-09-04 10:15:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working with my pix now... :-)

2012-09-04 09:59:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They have couple of options which they want some time to reflect on
2012-09-04 09:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D You are incorrigible. Hugging you back darling. And soft kiss on your cheeks... Day was ok. Nothing unusual. Project details are not out
2012-09-04 09:26:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, reached home... I was on a conf call & she got off half way so... ;-p
2012-09-04 09:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come come come!! I'd like a whoosh of kisses too! :-D
2012-09-04 06:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok...

2012-09-04 06:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The drive was ok. She's a quiet person so I do my reading!! :-)
2012-09-04 05:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweetie!

2012-09-04 05:48:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I wish we were near each other so that we didn't have to worry about chores consuming our attention :-)
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2012-09-04 00:37:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I do miss you... :-)

2012-09-04 00:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I agree with you. Sometimes these things get missed in the flow of a day & with my striving to keep it packed it only gets worse!
2012-09-04 00:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today I get a new cab partner. Let's see if this works. How is your day lined up? Mine will be nearly entirely work & meetings...
2012-09-03 22:21:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will...

2012-09-03 12:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok...
2012-09-03 12:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Let's sleep. Sweet dreams, sweetie. A kiss on those pouting lips!! Come join me soon... :-)
2012-09-03 12:31:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, lets cuddle up & go to sleep now...

2012-09-03 12:23:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm
2012-09-03 12:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No... Not at all. Am I the kinds who has ever done that?
2012-09-03 11:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Portsmouth!
2012-09-03 11:51:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I wish I could hold you to me & help you see that the physical distance exaggerates things... If you were here it would be like in
2012-09-03 11:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D You are silly as a poodle!

2012-09-03 11:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I don't know what to say... :-(

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2012-09-03 11:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I try to keep myself occupied... :-|

2012-09-03 11:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you have work too but if you say you have something, I don't expect you to drop it & come to me...
2012-09-03 11:34:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you don't feel that there is a difference? That I actually have things occupying my time & not just a whim? :-(
2012-09-03 10:52:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I don't. Can you help me understand what triggered this?
2012-09-03 10:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But not enough... :-( I think I will always never demonstrate enough! :-(
2012-09-03 09:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That I DM-ed you in the midst of work doesn't even count. The only thing that you notice is that I didn't use the exact words "miss you" :-(
2012-09-03 09:17:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's with you not dm-ing? Angry for some reason?
2012-09-03 08:01:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You surely are busy today not writing in once. Or... I hope nothing odd has happened to you. Where are you darling? :-|
2012-09-03 07:13:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You ok? Busy busy? I hope you slept ok... Wonder what keeps you away!
2012-09-03 05:57:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for today!? For me it's mostly work & then some reimbursements submission. Sending you soft kisses for your eyes...
2012-09-02 21:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though woke up wanting more. Need to get back to my routine with discipline.
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2012-09-02 21:07:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling, goodnight to you too. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your shoulders... Do come & join me. :-)
2012-09-02 13:03:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! It's 22:30 hrs! Didn't see the time! Was wondering why you were saying goodnight! :-o
2012-09-02 13:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 143 now...

2012-09-02 13:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Busy?
2012-09-02 12:56:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 105 pix from 5 days...

2012-09-02 11:12:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
2012-09-02 10:15:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do lie down dear... You need the rest. What were you doing all this while? Is the nightstand done? How does it look?
2012-09-02 10:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The kids were of the age of 5-14 or so. I had a decent time with them. It was a sweet bonding.
2012-09-02 10:02:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be putting them up on my blog asap. So will surely send you the link. What are you doing? :-)
2012-09-02 09:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got about 62 pix worth editing from the 1st 3 days or so!! :-)
2012-09-02 09:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am organising my trip photos!! :-)

2012-09-02 09:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleeping?
2012-09-02 08:52:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No no... This time I was waiting for you & ended up reading the paper! So here I'm... Yes, we'll cuddle & I'll hold you... :-)
2012-09-02 06:50:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a nice meal. Very delicious! So sleepy... Come let's nap... :-)
2012-09-02 06:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! :-)

2012-09-02 06:19:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Sitting down for lunch...

2012-09-02 05:46:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Started!!! :-)

2012-09-02 04:45:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm so so hungry

2012-09-02 04:42:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The bus is simply not starting!! :-(

2012-09-02 04:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm in the bus heading back home. Will dm you once I get back there. Soft kisses for milady's lips!! ;-)
2012-09-02 04:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was on call nearly roll I reached & then completely engrossed with the kids. Just got out of there now.
2012-09-02 04:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Glad you slept the bits you did! I slept well & long hence had to leave in a rush. Then my friend called & I
2012-09-02 04:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tonight your chin got lucky ;-p

2012-09-01 13:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to be up with you... For a bit... :-)

2012-09-01 13:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your chin. Do come & join me... :-)
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2012-09-01 13:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late here, darling. I must sleep now. Shall we?

2012-09-01 13:35:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's a long cuddle!! :-)

2012-09-01 13:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sounds like a plan! But candles burn away...

2012-09-01 13:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That its what I meant when I said, side-table. You & I must cuddle with candles!?
2012-09-01 13:12:51 (EDT)

2012-09-01 13:04:36 (EDT)

2012-09-01 13:02:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's a night stand? like a side-table?

2012-09-01 13:00:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I thought it was a nightlamp! :-(

2012-09-01 13:00:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I saw a candle arrangement which reminded me of you... :-)
2012-09-01 12:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me.. what is this night-lamp you bought? Desk top?
2012-09-01 12:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't go... :-(

2012-09-01 12:56:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry... Please?

2012-09-01 12:54:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please?
2012-09-01 12:43:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sweetie.... Let's stay up for a while together. Ok?

2012-09-01 12:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow I go to do some volunteering work with children in a school for abandoned kids... Some learning workshops for 3 Sundays.
2012-09-01 12:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In a bit...
2012-09-01 12:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling. Had to finish off these things really quickly... Done with the nightstand?
2012-09-01 12:17:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-09-01 12:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The nightstand doesn't look nice without me? :-o I look like a bulb to you!?
2012-09-01 11:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in the middle of some conference planning & sending out some emails...
2012-09-01 11:30:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else are you up to?

2012-09-01 11:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Based on that, we can make plans...

2012-09-01 10:43:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D What else do I say!? When do we meet? Not sure. Will need to have the discussion with the office around the new plans they have for me!
2012-09-01 10:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was fine. :-)

2012-09-01 10:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home. Will let you know. Missed you!

2012-09-01 10:13:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm headed out to the temple, dear. Will be back shortly... :-)
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Want something from outside? Juice? Milk? Bread? :-) Grapes!? ;-p
2012-09-01 09:35:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling! Of course I missed you & hence, the dms. :-) A tight hug & many kisses all over you... :-)
2012-09-01 09:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure when I'll get down to making it...

2012-09-01 09:34:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A house in the mountains...

2012-09-01 09:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no no... I already backup my tweets with backupify (for the past several months). This site lets you create tasks of all kinds. Neat idea
2012-09-01 09:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is Sandy darling? Resting well?

2012-09-01 07:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I found this really neat site online called IFTTT which lets me back up tweets, etc. very easily! :-)
2012-09-01 07:47:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss our cooking together. It was fun...

2012-09-01 06:11:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you so talented in twisting what I say!!? :-o I said that the house I build might only have visitors! :-D
2012-09-01 06:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not even half of it...

2012-09-01 06:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a heavy lunch. Mostly rice & okra & raita... :-) Somehow, nowadays I have lost my appetite. :-| Can't eat the usual quantity!
2012-09-01 06:10:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just when I was about to DM you my Chrome crashed

2012-09-01 06:09:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, darling!

2012-09-01 06:09:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Dunno... Life feels like a perennial autumn. Beautiful in its natural beauty but progressively drier & withering away. :-|
2012-08-31 23:54:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the thought of a marriage. So, I feel that in my asylum, my home in the mountains, I might at best allow visitors. Permanent residents? :-/
2012-08-31 23:53:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the very next minute I shake my head & realise how silly & pointless it is. Not with you, with anyone. I don't know... I just feel tired at
2012-08-31 23:52:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ it. I might enter it only reluctantly. I have no need from a marriage. The thought of a marriage at first (for a few sec) feels exciting but
2012-08-31 23:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I think I am at the state (not stage) in life where I have no interest in a marriage. I don't know why I want it. I feel happier without
2012-08-31 23:50:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Partner. :-) I felt at ease with you around. So, yes, I agree it would be splendid to be married & do so many things together & enjoy life!
2012-08-31 23:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I were to look at our time in Portsmouth as a slice of life, it was indeed lovely. You were a very good & wonderfully fitting & extending
2012-08-31 23:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet lady seems to have gone on a fantasy tour last night! :-) Yes, it would be lovely had we been married 10 years ago! :-)
2012-08-31 23:48:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did & slept long hours too. Soft kisses on your shoulders, dear one. :-)
2012-08-31 23:47:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening sweet one! :-) Miss you too! A lot! Slept in late & just woke up. How was your day? What are you wearing? :-)
2012-08-31 22:59:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ All I said was that I will logout... :-)

2012-08-31 12:50:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll probably be reading for a bit. But yes, time to logout... :-) Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your ears. Do join me! :-)
2012-08-31 12:45:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be difficult to get any of that professional finish in India, but still some design ideas to guide...
2012-08-31 12:38:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it didn't sound bad to me so... ;-p

2012-08-31 12:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lovely images & ideas for a retreat in the mountains... :-)
2012-08-31 12:34:40 (EDT)

2012-08-31 12:34:19 (EDT)

2012-08-31 12:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-08-31 12:27:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds good!

2012-08-31 12:27:49 (EDT)

2012-08-31 12:26:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do. But I don't think that was the issue...
2012-08-31 12:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off darling. Will get down to some reading before sleeping... Are you done with your day?
2012-08-31 12:21:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't even think that should've existed... Anyway, it was an experience... :-)
2012-08-31 12:20:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't think marriage exists in my life...

2012-08-31 12:15:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! :-)

2012-08-31 12:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-08-31 12:06:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That we can't be as man & wife...

2012-08-31 11:57:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D I think I've gone crazy but what the hell! :-) I'll let you know when plans firm up. Give it a shot. Of course,everything stays the same
2012-08-31 11:50:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Come join me... Do you have money saved up & an assurance of a life/job in case you don't like it in the mountains?
2012-08-31 11:45:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't have an idea of life in isolation & in the mountains, do you? Because I have very little... :-)
2012-08-31 11:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, darling. Holding you to me & just sitting... :-|
2012-08-31 11:34:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some other office or quit all offices!! :-|

2012-08-31 11:34:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't want it to look bleak. Just don't want it to be a false promise...
2012-08-31 11:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! The work here feels overwhelming & more & more I feel I am going nowhere! :-(
2012-08-31 11:25:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But talking less? Hmmm... I really don't know. Maybe it is a mix of work, other things, distance, etc. Not lack of interest. :-|
2012-08-31 11:17:44 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, I don't want to keep strengthening in you a hope for something that looks bleak. That would be leading you on & I can't do that to you
2012-08-31 11:17:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I have changed how I express myself to you, undoubtedly. But for that to translate to lack of interest? Not sure...
2012-08-31 11:02:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still call you sweetie pie. Dunno. If you feel something then I don't know what to say... :-|
2012-08-31 11:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm
2012-08-31 11:00:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you have an instance to share!?

2012-08-31 10:12:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, slept for about an hour

2012-08-31 10:05:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why?
2012-08-31 10:05:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost interest in what?

2012-08-31 09:48:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you?

2012-08-31 09:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We perform a ceremony by making offerings in a fire. Like here (though smaller in size):
2012-08-31 09:01:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In?
2012-08-31 08:59:00 (EDT)

dgdreamin True, there is no way you can do it all in 2 weeks. Hence, you must pick the place as per scenery. Avoid July-Aug as rains can play havoc!
2012-08-31 08:58:47 (EDT)

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dgdreamin :-) Yes, but you didn't know people in Peru & China.
2012-08-31 08:48:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on milady's nose... I'll doze for about 45 min or so... Sleepy due to the fire...
2012-08-31 07:18:01 (EDT)

dgdreamin True. An uncle of mine had a stroke too & suffered similar woes. Yes, forces one to take stock of life... :-|
2012-08-31 07:13:47 (EDT)

dgdreamin The colours, the festivals, the tradition, the art & architecture, the mountains & landscapes, the food, the culture... Which facet?
2012-08-31 07:10:08 (EDT)

dgdreamin What facet of India do you want to see?

2012-08-31 07:08:46 (EDT)

dgdreamin How are you, Deb? Long time. Liked the pix? Tempts you to come to India? :-) How's your uncle?
2012-08-31 06:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling sleepy after that kiss. One more & I'll sleep ;-)
2012-08-31 06:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope didn't solve that issue... Not even looking at it! :-(
2012-08-31 06:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I took the day off. Lunch was the traditional lunch. Heavy! Day's going ok... Yours?
2012-08-31 06:55:28 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Words you spin...

2012-08-31 06:34:28 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie I love the words you soon, but the gravity in there makes me wish all is well with you...
2012-08-31 06:31:39 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Yes, thank you. Missed you till the point I couldn't hold back writing to you. Is the melancholy writing mere flavour of the season?
2012-08-31 06:30:42 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I think our meeting is for joy. It is not for business or for a future together, it is to have fun times together, right?
2012-08-31 06:03:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Super-exhausted!
2012-08-31 05:53:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my father's annual rites got over today. 15 years without a break! :-) This one is more elaborate than the new moon rituals
2012-08-31 05:52:58 (EDT)

marrowtide Pain's not constant but I can't stress the knees. :-) What are you up to these days?
2012-08-30 23:10:41 (EDT)

marrowtide Nephew is fine. I am. Knees are still at the same distance above ground level! :-)
2012-08-30 23:03:37 (EDT)

marrowtide How are you, Courtney? Hope all is well with you, your mom & deer...
2012-08-30 22:22:31 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie How are you, dear Felt?

2012-08-30 22:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come let me hug you. I'm tired of human beings too... :-)
2012-08-30 21:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indian festivals are like that...

2012-08-30 21:21:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like my father's annual ritual (today). Festivals are also rituals to god & hence not merely exchanging gifts & fireworks!
2012-08-30 21:21:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Addressed. Btw, we didn't have festivals for over a year due to deaths in the family & morning. Some rituals are irrespective of deaths
2012-08-30 21:19:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are not being left till last but life's practicalities often take
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precedence! Crisis, job, illness, rituals, ceremonies, etc. need to be

2012-08-30 21:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now you have decent people in Maria & your friend who takes care of Sandy...
2012-08-30 21:16:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I recall your mentioning that your ex & son refused to help you when you needed it. I'm sorry.I truly wish I could've been there for support
2012-08-30 21:15:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is like saying I've always been there for people through tough times but no one wants to come with me to Disneyland!
2012-08-30 21:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our meeting is pure entertainment & not help or crisis or a favour. It is not an emergency or a necessity.
2012-08-30 21:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One person always takes more time than the other. Still, to have been through pain over so many months, as you say,... Why!? Over a meeting?
2012-08-30 21:11:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can understand if you say your patience ran out & you lost interest. That is fair, but in any partnership both persons need clarity...
2012-08-30 21:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That too, as you say, over months!? :-o

2012-08-30 21:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indecision & a feeling of pointlessness in this whole exercise, but why cry!? I'm puzzled at that. Sure, we miss each other, but crying!?
2012-08-30 21:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not as easy as meeting for coffee. Now with your country visa also being so complicated!! Of course, there was a long period of
2012-08-30 21:06:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry you feel so much pain in this but it puzzles me too. Our meeting up is an excursion. Given the money, logistics, your/my work...
2012-08-30 21:04:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I thought you were going back to Hungary plans & hence mentioned Winter etc. Turkey plans aren't affected by Winter. Some confusion. :-|
2012-08-30 21:02:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have most of the research for Turkey the only possible issue being my project move which was something that started when I was away...
2012-08-30 21:00:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 24th was ok for Turkey. Wait a min. I'm confused here. Are you asking about a trip to any place or Hungary!?
2012-08-30 20:58:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Hope you are having sweet dreams & kitty doesn't disturb you. A soft kiss on your hair!
2012-08-30 20:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be odd if you said "you always prioritise brushing teeth, over me"... :-)
2012-08-30 13:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Festivals are must dos, like brushing teeth...

2012-08-30 13:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Winter!?
2012-08-30 12:56:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is not fair dear!?

2012-08-30 12:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I rush to bed. Kissing you softly on your lips. Hugging you. Goodnight. Sleep well, dear. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-08-30 12:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't be sad darling. All will be well...

2012-08-30 12:44:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that winter & festivals are around the corner... :-(
2012-08-30 12:43:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's see....

2012-08-30 12:23:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I think we'll have to better plan a trip. With the possibility of my moving projects around the corner, a long trip now might not be wise!
2012-08-30 12:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. See!? That's me! Mr. Generosity. Its called idli here in India. :-) Miss you too sweet one. I must head to bed in a bit... :-)
2012-08-30 12:22:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! One for you too. Out of 8!!!

2012-08-30 12:15:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom made rice dumplings. So it took a while to prepare each. :)

2012-08-30 12:11:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting down for dinner

2012-08-30 11:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The courier guys are to blame! They stopped for a drink.... ;-p Here it comes! 101 kisses & hugs. Haircut at home as the folks in the US do?
2012-08-30 10:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back! You don't do this at home?

2012-08-30 10:47:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ His hair seems to grow fast!! :-D

2012-08-30 10:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ few min

2012-08-30 08:56:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not cross though I hope we don't encounter a blame game again.
2012-08-30 08:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No it doesn't disturb me while it does distract them!! Video call!! ;-p
2012-08-30 08:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, tricky one. Meeting on...

2012-08-30 08:27:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Still stuck with one. Welcome back darling. A soft kiss & ahug... How was the outing?
2012-08-30 07:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Be back soon, dear. Waiting for you...

2012-08-30 06:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. Some critical issues have popped up. Working on those... No, those kisses were given happily! :-)
2012-08-30 06:41:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.... Ok! They get one too!

2012-08-30 05:19:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fever's at bay though cold still lingers.

2012-08-30 05:18:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've no clue why I'm staying at home! :-o I was planning on going & then decided I won't. Of course, you get a soft sweet kiss on your cheek
2012-08-30 05:02:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside on the porch steps, mild sun & texting sounds so beautiful! :-)
2012-08-30 04:48:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, had a heavy lunch. How are you? How is your day?
2012-08-30 04:47:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where are you!? Missing you... :-)

2012-08-29 22:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will work from home today. How is your day lined up?
2012-08-29 21:40:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did though was not able to sleep for a while. Hugging you gently...
2012-08-29 21:38:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets! :-) How was your day? Glad you like the pix. Where are yours!? ;-)
2012-08-29 21:03:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your forehead. Do join me soon...
2012-08-29 13:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All it means is that I am tired & don't wish to think now... :-(
2012-08-29 13:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, I'm in no mood for a trip... :-|

2012-08-29 13:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go to bed in a min

2012-08-29 13:09:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the colours are lovely indeed... :-) Yes, it would've been nice to have you on that trip. :-)
2012-08-29 12:37:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come... :-) Let's go.

2012-08-29 12:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, nothing will change & I think I will always live like this... :-(
2012-08-29 12:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just tired of having to justify every single thing! :-(

2012-08-29 12:02:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, ... nothing like that. Just not in my most pleasant mood. :-|
2012-08-29 12:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What does one do, if the other person sounds reluctant? Not just perceived but clearly states "it is a lot of money to be spent"...
2012-08-29 11:07:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets. :-) I'm a few shades better. Went to the office & back. Slept well? I feel so bad you woke up in between...
2012-08-29 09:00:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Frankly, my dear, I don't need compliments. I need people who have the guts to accept what they did or said. Yes, I'm home.
2012-08-29 08:59:31 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Fine
2012-08-29 04:16:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went ahead & nearly researched the entire itinerary. You raised issues. What do I do other than drop discussing it?
2012-08-29 04:03:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you pick dates to book your ticket? Did you even contact the tour companies? Did you say "ok, lets book tickets!"? No. No. No. No
2012-08-29 04:02:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not even blaming you. You do that. All I said was there was no clear go ahead from you & hence dropped it!! Did you say, yes let's do it
2012-08-29 04:00:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did talk to you & you were disinterested. Now you will deny it... :-|
2012-08-29 03:57:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight sweets :-)

2012-08-29 03:51:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your...
2012-08-29 03:33:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems to have become tour favourite way of resolving every issues!! :-(
2012-08-29 03:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Told that I went ahead even though you were clearly reluctant & hence, again only working with my mind!? Either way you blame me!! :-(
2012-08-29 03:32:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now that's just being clever!! You didn't show any enthusiasm in the plans & even raised issues. What should I do then? Go ahead & then be
2012-08-29 03:30:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Worried about the cost. Nothing wrong, but it was dropped because of that...
2012-08-28 20:23:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ When I told you that more days means more expense yousimply agreed & hence, Turkey was dropped.. So... And I think it is fine for you to be
2012-08-28 20:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing milady's shoulders as she sleeps... Shhhh.. Sleep... :-)

2012-08-28 20:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. Woke up just before the alarm. Thanks a tone for the kisses & hugs. Scented my morning sweet
2012-08-28 20:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For a change, you hold me... :-)

2012-08-28 13:27:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll logout now, darling. Goodnight. Sleep well. A soft hug & kiss on your nose... Do join me soon...
2012-08-28 13:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) That would be nice...

2012-08-28 13:19:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't wake up earlier. And since I sweated it out, I'm happy I slept...
2012-08-28 13:18:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Problem is, since I slept through the evening, I am not sleepy right now. But I should go to bed soon else tomorrow will be tough. :-|
2012-08-28 13:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch, but didn't feel like dinner...

2012-08-28 13:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day?

2012-08-28 13:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope to return to work tomorrow...

2012-08-28 13:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Just reading work emails that had piled up over time... Couldn't do that over the past few days...
2012-08-28 12:49:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I thought you found it too costly & hence it was dropped....
2012-08-28 12:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, those days would be lovely to relive! Miss you too
2012-08-28 12:05:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too... :-(

2012-08-28 11:23:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't hold you as a thing or someone random... Holding you close...
2012-08-28 10:52:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) You need to send me pix!

2012-08-28 10:50:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I wish I could hold you now. :-(

2012-08-28 10:44:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely! Nothing about her resembled you other than the confidence! Still she was you... :-)
2012-08-28 10:41:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Actually, it left me feeling nothing. Just amazed & amused... You looked lovely in it.. & confident! :-D
2012-08-28 10:29:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am a lot better. Sweated it out. Really? Google Vagina! :D

2012-08-28 10:21:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! Really? I didn't know about the rooms being female. These rooms had chain mail like curved doors. Really tall doors!
2012-08-28 10:12:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What is disconcerting?

2012-08-28 10:11:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Good morning! :-) Slept well? I used the cooling treatment just to bring the fever to a manageable point. Haven't used the strips since
2012-08-28 10:11:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Everyone's mind decides on its own...

2012-08-28 10:10:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got that, but what has been dropping into it?
2012-08-28 10:01:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What jar!? Not sure what is there to win or lose here... :-|
2012-08-28 09:51:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was just about to say the same thing! :-| Yes, I know it is beautiful to be held as a woman or a man. But to foster that without a future?
2012-08-28 09:04:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which is only from the liveliness PoV.... Nothing else is gone or reduced
2012-08-28 08:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It amazes me. Just one ingredient less & the while meal has become rotten! :-o
2012-08-28 08:24:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure why one thing drowns everything else! The lack of sexual liveliness suddenly makes everything else that we still have as irrelevant
2012-08-28 08:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for being by my side. Slept well. Sweated it out... Fever is technically on its way out :-)
2012-08-28 08:20:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll probably doze off now...

2012-08-28 04:16:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leash? Chloroform? Pillory?

2012-08-28 04:16:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would indeed be nice having you here.. How's kitty?

2012-08-28 04:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Last night when I had the ice pack on my forehead, I was thinking about you & missing you... I was remembering our days in the US
2012-08-28 03:48:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Not really... :-(

2012-08-28 02:48:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think they did. How are you?

2012-08-28 02:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our dm crossed again...

2012-08-28 02:25:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Slept well? I quite didn't, took the day off. Slept again. Just woke up...
2012-08-28 02:23:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not really sure how it ends. Weird, no? Your pix, the Google room, our making love & and the subway train whizzing past stand out so clearly
2012-08-28 02:22:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The embassy. You come with me too & decide to leave abruptly as your husband is one of the Embassy guys there. You wear a black short coat..
2012-08-28 02:20:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Her but got stabbed instead. With her sword stuck I move & plunge my sword into her, killing her. Later all the police arrive & folks from
2012-08-28 02:19:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It gets stuck in a man's belly. This man is Google appointed to protect each physical room! He was hiding behind her & had moved fwd to stop
2012-08-28 02:17:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gets angry & pulls out a large sword with which she threatens me. I seem to have a sword of my own too!! When she raises it to strike me
2012-08-28 02:16:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The door is slightly ajar. Curious, I go in to find my mom busily trying to hack into my account to find your pix. I ask her to stop & she
2012-08-28 02:15:34 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire And keep walking to this room. I recall that I had made myself completely visible online so decide to flip the lever. While doing that I see
2012-08-28 02:14:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire We meet in the same city where my Google designated physical room is. Somewhere in the US. I need to hug a wall while a subway train goes by
2012-08-28 02:13:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But you wear bright red lipstick. I know nothing like you but... Anyway, we meet& I think we make love too. Yes, torrid. :-)
2012-08-28 02:11:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You've sent me pix of you in a yellow transparent teddy with yellow bra & thongs. Very erotic poses & there's yellow glitter on your back
2012-08-28 02:10:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Physical room where their data is stored. Imposing steel gates with a lever outside as to whether I wish to be seen online or not.. Weird!
2012-08-28 02:08:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The details we shared in our conversations were the stuff I know about you & you of me... Google has provided each mail account with a
2012-08-28 02:07:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Jeanette C****** Something. Your gmail profile pic was a metallic pic with silver red & blue. But it was you because of how we spoke...
2012-08-28 02:04:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Had a weird sequence of dreams. They involved you but you looked very different. Blonde, voluptuous (big) etc. Your name was different too
2012-08-28 02:02:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling. I had crashed out due to the fever & cold. Woke up now because I felt thirsty... Goodnight. Sleep well.
2012-08-27 18:26:20 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I did go to the office. Maybe that aggravated it... :-(

2012-08-27 18:25:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just woke up because I felt thirsty... Yes, please do regulate your timings & somehow get your sleep on track... :-)
2012-08-27 18:24:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not sure if it is viral. I just cooled myself out with cloth dipped in cold water & alcohol. Absorbs the body heat. I crashed out...
2012-08-27 18:22:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sad because you are... :-(

2012-08-27 10:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-08-27 09:56:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Heal me quicker...

2012-08-27 09:49:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kiss me quicker than a left cheek!? ;-p Just wanted to let you know that I might be out of dm for a while in case I crash... :-)
2012-08-27 09:35:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet J. :-) Slept well? Now is when I need your professional expertise... I have a fever & a cough. Would a right cheek
2012-08-27 09:34:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding my sweet lady close... If she'll allow me...

2012-08-27 09:24:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel sad too.. :-(

2012-08-27 09:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-( Please don't be cross...

2012-08-27 08:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-|
2012-08-27 07:39:29 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-08-27 07:23:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise it hurts & hence avoided discussing this earlier. :-(
2012-08-27 07:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mellowed down sweet & non-sexual elements... Does that that I have completely changed, etc.? I don't think so... :-|
2012-08-27 07:11:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss holding you & sweetness has no relationship with being lively. My care & deep affection for you is the same. The physical part has
2012-08-27 07:10:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry. :-(

2012-08-27 06:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, if I met you I'd hold you dearly but somehow those lively feelings feel irresponsible & I don't want to be that with you...
2012-08-27 06:26:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know because my mind can numb my body. Since my mind has decided about lack of future of us, my body can't treat you like a woman
2012-08-27 06:23:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Not sure if I was missed. It feels ok to be back here. Didn't you say it was raining till a couple of days ago?
2012-08-27 06:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. Glad your day is ok. Has it stopped raining?
2012-08-27 05:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling. Finished some work but feeling very weak. The fever & cold are draining me & in an ac office it feels worse
2012-08-27 05:51:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Hugging you tight as you blush. Sweetie... I... I don't know what to say or do. :-|
2012-08-26 23:03:37 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Glad you liked the painting & tweets... :-)

2012-08-26 22:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm on my way to the office. Will try today & if it its not easy I will the days off... :-)
2012-08-26 22:58:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ While I'm there for you, you need real friends too. Like e-books vs real books... Think about it. But anyway, I'm glad your Sunday went well
2012-08-26 22:55:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad Maria & her husband are there for you not to mention he in whose backyard Sandy sleeps. You should make more friends too... :-)
2012-08-26 22:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad you went to your friend's place. This staying cloistered at home is not good for you & I've been saying this for a long time..
2012-08-26 22:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wish I could have cuddled up with you. Soft kisses on your jawline... Shhhh! Sleep sweet one! :-)
2012-08-26 22:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I hope you did. I kinda did but woke up too early though stayed in bed with my blanket. :-)
2012-08-26 22:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me wish you goodnight. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your chin. Do join me when you're back. Missed you ....
2012-08-26 11:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't seem to be back. :-( I'm off to bed darling. Head & eyes hurt. I don't feel like going to work!!! :-(
2012-08-26 11:53:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady seems to have fallen asleep at Maria's place. Soft kisses on her shoulders& when she turns around to see who, another on her forehead
2012-08-26 10:53:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hope everyone liked the cake. Hope you are having fun. :-)
2012-08-26 09:37:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Loved the movie. Nearly cried! :-) You would've loved it too. Wish you were here... :-)
2012-08-26 09:31:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you like it, sweet one. I knew I needed some novelty to hold you! Good morning. :-) Slept well?
2012-08-26 08:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now watching Real Steel... I wish I had popcorn

2012-08-26 07:24:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't you see the mail I sent you!? I'm ok. Still feverish. Cleaned up a little, bathed, had lunch & watched the end of Unstoppable movie
2012-08-26 07:03:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm Miss you too.

2012-08-26 04:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doing some random stuff so will be away from DM for a while...
2012-08-26 04:08:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rains too! It rained crazy last night!! :-o

2012-08-26 03:47:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The stuff I got for the house & not a house!! :-D
2012-08-26 03:19:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom had gone to a couple of temples for 4 days. I got her a saree & a curd setter earthen pot & lamp...
2012-08-26 03:18:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't forget you but get absorbed in other things... Simple! ;-p
2012-08-26 03:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was hot last night & still is.

2012-08-26 03:16:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up when my body felt rested... But I don't feel the best
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with this cold & headache... :-(

2012-08-25 23:00:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We got power later but kept losing it too... Bad night in a way!
2012-08-25 22:59:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleeping time, I agree, but without the fan & not knowing where things are, bumping into them, sweating wasn't pleasant :-(
2012-08-25 22:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom enjoyed her trip very much. She also enjoyed the stuff I got her & the house... :-)
2012-08-25 22:58:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I wasn't uninterested but I could've let you know. In the confusion of the keys & then the joy of finding the books I forgot...
2012-08-25 22:57:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How did the cake come out? Had it all? Do the cats get any? :-)
2012-08-25 22:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My cold is worse. Voice is hoarse. Will get down to treatment today. A few concoctions, steam inhaling, gargling etc. headache's still mild
2012-08-25 22:53:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though woke up a few times. Soft kisses on your hair & shoulder... Sleep sweetly, darling
2012-08-25 22:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll say goodnight now. Need to lay my bed in the dark. Mom's home now. Goodnight sweetie. A kiss on your cheeks. Sweet dreams. Do join me
2012-08-25 12:55:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now we've lost power!! Since mom wasn't here, the inverter was switched off. No charge!! :-( Fun coming home! :-(
2012-08-25 12:53:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some problem with my system. Started giving some drive error, was looking into that & my router failed!! :-o
2012-08-25 12:45:33 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Now I have a headache!! :-(

2012-08-25 12:05:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's called 5 pepper pizza. Thin crust. Medium. How was your day dear? How's kitty? Headache?
2012-08-25 12:04:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Twitter is acting strange! It doesn't deliver my dm, but when I delete a character it does!! Pizza arrived!! :-)
2012-08-25 10:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you can hug & kiss me as I will too...

2012-08-25 10:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hard book implies real book as pdf etc are called soft copies. I suppose you mean hard or soft cover...
2012-08-25 10:32:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Up, I ended up arriving before her.. :-)

2012-08-25 10:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom will return in a couple of hrs. She went on her trip a few days ago. She was supposed to return before I did but with the flight mix
2012-08-25 10:30:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Check your mail, please.. :-)

2012-08-25 10:27:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I'm home. Had to hunt for the main gate keys at the neighbours place. Finally am inside! Ordered pizza...
2012-08-25 10:20:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My nose runs into the sea... :-)

2012-08-25 10:01:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She was worth admiring. Anyway, you won't so lets discuss something else... I prefer hard books too, but availability is an issue...
2012-08-25 10:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely book. I bought it too. It was delivered when up was away... Just opened it & Written on the Body... I'm happy! :-)
2012-08-25 09:59:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My flight was ok. Nose still running. But I finished one novel & started another.... Yep on my nook :-)
2012-08-25 09:03:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why envy!? Anyone or anything beautiful can be admired... And we can never be blessed with all the prefect things... :-)
2012-08-25 08:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Landed, darling. Retrieved my luggage & in the car to home. Stuck in the infamous traffic... :-o
2012-08-25 08:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll keep kissing your fingers till you remove them. If you don't, I get to kiss your fingers for long!!!
2012-08-25 05:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. My flight will take off soon. Will come online around 18:00 hrs... Take care & stay hydrated... :-)
2012-08-25 05:06:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! My sweet pouting lady! I'm sure you would've admired her curves too... Smooth & firm... ;-p Soft kisses on your nose! :-)
2012-08-25 05:01:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I saw this absolutely sexy, shapely blonde with slightly unruly hair!! Wow!! What curves!! ;-)
2012-08-25 04:41:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. Wish I was there to take care of kitty while you slept....
2012-08-25 04:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a cool shower to keep you.. Well, cool! :-)
2012-08-25 04:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, at the airport now. I got my flight advanced to 2:45... The 16:25 flight was for 4 hours... :-o
2012-08-25 04:24:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really really hope you managed to sleep well...

2012-08-25 01:21:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Stuffed through the night... Had to wake up regularly to clearit!! :-(
2012-08-25 01:20:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm at my sister's place. I'm not feeling too good. Slight headache, stuffed nose... But I'm glad I'm home. Couldn't sleep as my nose was
2012-08-25 01:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I hope it is cooler there. Softly kissing your wrists... :-)
2012-08-25 01:17:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it would be lovely to hold you like that, gently humming into your hair, barely audible... :-)
2012-08-25 01:15:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yeah! Me maybe you should turn off mentally too. I'm sure your kids are most important but perhaps you should get into the rhythm before...
2012-08-25 00:28:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire God! How I wish I was there to hold you from breaking down :-( Yes, regulating your time is vital. Everything should come after food & sleep
2012-08-24 23:33:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But have you really been able switch off stuff & ease into an even breath!? With the kids & all?
2012-08-24 23:29:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And you tried what I wrote in vain? :-( How I wish I was there to ease you into sleep... :-)
2012-08-24 23:19:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets! :-) Please! it brings me closer when I worry about you! But what's this about not sleeping well?
2012-08-24 22:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Just got all your dm. Why are you unwell? Heat? Do take care, darling. I'd make you something refreshing & ready on the tummy!! :-)
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2012-08-24 12:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to sleep now, darling. Sleep sweet. Soft kisses on your cheeks. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-08-24 11:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still sleeping, darling? Soft kisses on your temples... :-)

2012-08-24 11:14:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You have heard of this temple before!? :-o

2012-08-24 09:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! I think it's a cold. My nose is stuffed & I am showing signs of phlegm... :-(
2012-08-24 09:38:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I missed you too. Kept wondering what happened to you... What's a boardwalk?
2012-08-24 09:37:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Finally! There you are! I was worried a bit, sweets. Good morning. Slept well? I leave for Delhi now (in the train) & home tomorrow evening
2012-08-24 09:36:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok darling. Was setting up my berth & reading too. Do rest, sweetie. Fanning you & keeping you cool while you sleep... :-)
2012-08-24 09:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I must read. Been so long since I read properly. What makes a life productive?
2012-08-24 09:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think the constant wearing of socks also adds to it. Removed them all. This is an ac compartment so it should be ok. Unless I've a cold!!
2012-08-24 08:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still feels

2012-08-24 08:17:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, my breath still ferula warmer than usual. Not very happy with it... :-(
2012-08-24 08:16:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Reached the station. Overnight journey. Will reach early morning. Will freshen up at my sister's place, lunch with them & fly out @16 :30
2012-08-24 07:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be leaving in 45 min or so... I'll go offline to charge my mobile. Maybe you should have a cold shower! :-)
2012-08-24 06:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, you didn't! I thought he was Hungarian given you met him early... I don't feel so feverish now, though I'll wash again before I leave
2012-08-24 06:45:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! And you are required only to translate his mails?
2012-08-24 06:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What does the website serve? Yes, washing my feet sounds good... :-) So did you get the stickers?
2012-08-24 06:14:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Washed my face. Feels good! Washed my arms too!! Maybe I should bathe in cold water!!
2012-08-24 06:03:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Isn't he Hungarian? What does his company do?

2012-08-24 05:58:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My last meal in Rajasthan was disappointing... :-( Sending you soft kisses, darling. Now I sit in the lounge of my hotel, waiting...
2012-08-24 05:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would a translation company need stickers? My breath feels hot. I feel my eyes growing hotter. Maybe it's a fever... :-|
2012-08-24 05:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are these? Car stickers? Why do you need them? What exactly does your company do? What exactly do? Translation, yes, but what kind?
2012-08-24 05:23:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Reached the #1 restaurant of Udaipur!! Sad! Really sad! :-( Drive safely darling. Will wait for you to get back... Miss you!
2012-08-24 04:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I leave for delhi today & for chennai tomorrow

2012-08-24 03:37:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I packed my bag in the morning & checked out. So have nothing left to do but sit & wait for my time to go to the station! :-)
2012-08-24 02:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Camel. No dye, no chemicals. Just soft natural leather... Pinkish hue! Will send you pix... Done sight-seeing
2012-08-24 02:57:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went to a book binding workshop & watched them do their stuff. Also bought a leather bound hand made paper notebook. The leather is of a
2012-08-24 02:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got 2 recipes eventually. The chef came to see me off downstairs & we had a chat about his life etc. It was a lazy elaborate meal... :-)
2012-08-23 21:04:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Order around then. My sweet sweet darling. Kissing you gently... :-) I took my luxurious time to order asking into the ingredients of each..
2012-08-23 21:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you saw the time of each of the dm, you will more that there is no way I could have had a dinner in 30 min!! They bring in the first
2012-08-23 21:01:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Now I see where the confusion came from!! When I said "feeling full" I meant in my heart! Because I got the recipe in his writing! :-)
2012-08-23 20:58:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gently while bookkeeping your hand in mine. Shhhh, sleep... :-)
2012-08-23 20:52:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! :-) Slept well? I kinda did & woke up early without an alarm. Thought I could sleep more, but no! Kissing your hair
2012-08-23 20:51:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No I didn't forget. I was with you till food arrived then I need both my hands. When done & after speaking to my mother I dm you.. :-o
2012-08-23 12:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Were you expecting that I would dm while eating? Tough to do it with Indian food!
2012-08-23 12:57:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Errr... Was having dinner! :-| Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kiss on your nose. Do join me soon... Eat well. Hope kitty feels better
2012-08-23 12:45:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! But you said goodnight so... Anyway, spoke to my mom too! All's well. I'll perhaps head to bed too... It's late here...
2012-08-23 12:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a lovely slow walk would be great! I'm over stuffed!!! :-) Skipped dessert though!! ;-)
2012-08-23 12:34:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a good meal. Spent some time with the chef. He gave me one more recipe!! :-) You're off to sleep? This early?
2012-08-23 12:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Today's been a good day!! My return flight also got advanced! So all's well... :-) Wish you were here to share this dinner with me! :-)
2012-08-23 10:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling full!! :-)

2012-08-23 10:52:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep!! In the chef's handwriting!! :-)

2012-08-23 10:48:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ They don't!! :-( But I'm punishing them by asking for the recipe! ;-p
2012-08-23 10:17:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure! Join me. I hope they have a soup I love. It is a corn & buttermilk based soup... Delicious. Heading out.. :-)
2012-08-23 09:57:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good! :-) Will head out for a proper dinner in a bit... :-)
2012-08-23 09:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your headache gone? How is kitty cat?

2012-08-23 09:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But strict too. They will ensure their rules no matter what. That is why it remains thus for 600 years!! :-)
2012-08-23 09:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think even if it was popular the sect if people maintaining it would ensure its beauty & sanctity. They are a very soft bunch of people
2012-08-23 09:08:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I went to Rankapur, which had Jain (one of the indian religions) temple. Gorgeous!! When I send you the pix you'll know why!! :-)
2012-08-23 09:06:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets. :-) Slept well? Had a busy day yesterday? Missed you. Today was my best day of the trip. Spectacular weather & site!!
2012-08-23 09:04:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hands down the highlight of my trip is today!! :-)

2012-08-23 09:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've seen nothing till you see my pics!! :-)

2012-08-23 09:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Neither was I aware till I did my research. I am so happy I didn't drop this place over another. Absolutely gorgeous! :-)
2012-08-23 08:36:58 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ As in, people in India too are unaware of this gem. The Taj Mahal is nothing compared to this. Highly overrated!! I'm so happy.. :-)
2012-08-23 08:33:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for singing the songs as today was picture perfect. I got a truck load of pix. Beautiful place. So ignored by India!! :-o
2012-08-23 08:30:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, back home. Hugging you & kissing you all over, not to mention the twirl. Today was the best day of my whole trip! Gorgeous!!
2012-08-23 08:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm on the bus to Ranakpur. There lies a gorgeous temple of the Jains. I go there primarily to shoot pix. There is also a Sun temple nearby
2012-08-22 21:33:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your hip. Sleep sweetly my darling. :-) Seems like you simply crashed last night... Poor darling! Hope you feel well rested!
2012-08-22 21:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did but woke up before the alarm rang. Went out to check the weather. It was fine, so got ready!
2012-08-22 21:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As early as today...

2012-08-22 13:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, our dm crossed! :-) Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your fingertips. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-08-22 13:10:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late here & I might have to wake up early. Hope it is sunny tomorrow...
2012-08-22 13:09:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'll head to bed now...

2012-08-22 13:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good, not flouts!!

2012-08-22 12:40:43 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I want you to take flouts care of yourself. Foods, sleep, hygiene & exercise (mind & body) are vital.. Simple! :-) Rest will fall into place
2012-08-22 12:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too... How is the cat? Did you eat properly?
2012-08-22 12:20:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then maybe you simply need to sleep early... Eat well & sleep early!
2012-08-22 12:12:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! :-(

2012-08-22 12:11:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't miss you? Where did that come from?

2012-08-22 11:40:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because of the visa

2012-08-22 11:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaking in a kiss on my little girl's ears... Sleep dear one! :-)
2012-08-22 10:55:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets! :-) Slept well? Fresh? Hugging you softly (I remember your morning mood)... What's lined up today?
2012-08-22 10:32:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These were dirty markets. You'd go mad here!! Hugging you again. I'm logging out for now. Want to read/write... Catch you in a bit.. :-)
2012-08-22 10:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I am there with you. Hugging you. Holding you... :-) Do nap... I'm heading back to the room. Been walking around the markets! :)
2012-08-22 09:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll probably have just the shake. Tasty & light... You can try it
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too!! :-)
2012-08-22 09:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My my, don't we now have a growing list!! ;-) I napped & went over things that I might still have to do! Then was staring at the ceiling!
2012-08-22 08:35:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should have taken a nap too darling. Poor you, didn't even sleep well! :-(
2012-08-22 08:15:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did nap for a little over an hour!! You use the slightest excuse to wear the littlest clothes!! ;-D
2012-08-22 08:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the phone's battery was all but gone so had to charge it... How are you? Gimme a kiss! Now! :-)
2012-08-22 07:38:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling I'd play with your hair. And hug you close & kiss your back. Yes, let's just cuddle up.. Been having signal problems again
2012-08-22 07:37:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... :-)

2012-08-22 07:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie... :-)

2012-08-22 07:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be having them too frequently nowadays. You should get that checked...
2012-08-22 03:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to do Ranakpur too today, but with this weather, I'll consider tomorrow... How is the cat? How is your headache?
2012-08-22 03:44:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Could hear him!! People spitting out of the window... God! North India is known to be dirty but it hits me every time I see it... :-(
2012-08-22 03:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The bus back was decent. The people weren't. 3 local women
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were unbearably loud. One old man plays his radio so loudly that passing trucks
2012-08-22 03:42:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The temple's messy & dirty. Very poorly maintained & the people are generally very uncivilised! Spitting everywhere, throwing things around
2012-08-22 03:41:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pillory? ;-p

2012-08-22 03:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I had something light & non-oily & directly had lunch. Fine! The leash & pills idea was not the best... But something similar?
2012-08-22 03:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to visit the temple before I ate anything. Little did I know that the places around the temple wouldn't have decent food. Too oily
2012-08-22 03:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back to my room. The signal is better if I stand near the door! :-o Had lunch. Sumptuous... :-) Will probably nap
2012-08-22 03:35:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My trip is going fine, sweets... :-) My mom's finished the 1st leg of her journey. :-)
2012-08-22 02:41:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am feeling hungry. Haven't eaten anything yet. :-(

2012-08-22 00:28:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The signal's not bad here. In between when driving through the hills it was bad. It rains here & an told it is worse in Jaipur! :-o
2012-08-22 00:27:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope your dreams are lovely & leave you smiling & blushing when you wake up... :-)
2012-08-22 00:26:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You must already be asleep. Was in the temple so couldn't

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use my mobile. My apologies... Kissing your bare shoulders, softly. Goodnight :-)
2012-08-22 00:25:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That my dear, would be lovely... To smell your nape as I hold you near... :-)
2012-08-22 00:20:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, thunder is indeed comforting. I can feel it in my chest & it warms me so... :-)
2012-08-21 22:56:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Rewrote it & sent it... :-)

2012-08-21 22:32:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, darling. :-) How was your day? I'm on my way to an old temple outside city limits. It's drizzling here. Do you like dancing in
2012-08-21 22:25:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Seems like one of my dm was lost... :-(

2012-08-21 22:24:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire In the rain? Sending you a warm hug... :-)

2012-08-21 22:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since this place is outside the city (about 80 km), I'm not sure about the signal. Sitting in a rickety bus while I type this... :-o
2012-08-21 21:09:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm so sorry for the confusion darling one min you were busy & lazy & the next min running around... :-( Please do take care, sweetie...
2012-08-21 21:07:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe mix sleeping pills in her milk? That way she will stay put. No?
2012-08-21 21:06:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hold you close & kiss your ears as I whisper & him into your ears. Darling, accidents happen. Perhaps you should put her on a leash?
2012-08-21 21:02:21 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Did you manage some sleep? I slept ok, woke up early & am headed to the temple outside city limits!
2012-08-21 21:00:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight sweets... :-)

2012-08-21 11:58:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet one. Soft kisses on your wrists. Sleep well. Yes, there's enough place for you & your cat... :-)
2012-08-21 11:56:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care darling. Hope the vet fixes everything. Take care. Be careful...
2012-08-21 11:55:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Twitter's been acting up

2012-08-21 11:54:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Absolutely! The rule here is "don't hit anyone knowingly". One rule to rule over them all!! :-)
2012-08-21 11:54:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, & their comfort it's evidence that we don't need overwhelming rules etc to thrive. The strict rules of the US leaves people unprepared
2012-08-21 11:27:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. What if you need me before you leave!? :-) I'm fine darling...
2012-08-21 11:24:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, people are comfortable on this mess. You must sit for 2-4 hours watching how self-managed these junctions are! Amazingly amusing!!
2012-08-21 11:16:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Apart from dm-ing you, nothing much. Trying to stay awake till you head out to the vet... :-)
2012-08-21 11:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok.
2012-08-21 11:11:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I had the saffron flavoured thick buttermilk shake. Enough... :-) Do you leave now for the vet!?
2012-08-21 11:07:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to apologise about. I understand your anxiety & how it has multiplied since Sandy. But one must be strong else animals can sense it!
2012-08-21 10:54:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! :-) Yes, anywhere would be fun!

2012-08-21 10:48:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Perhaps you imagine too severely. Please don't worry so much. Her leg will be fixed... Please breathe deeply. Wish I was there! :-(
2012-08-21 10:48:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me missing you too, sweetie... Breathe easy. All will be well.. :-|
2012-08-21 10:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She will be fine..

2012-08-21 10:26:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Hugging my sweet sweet lady... Don't be sad. All will be well. Rest assured. The vet can fix this. Kissing you softly on your throat..
2012-08-21 10:25:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you guys should always spank the car before taking it out. Or rev the engine till all animals flee
2012-08-21 10:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Poor thing. Do soothe it's nerves & feed it fish... Will calm it down. Place a nice warm blanket for her! Poor thing!
2012-08-21 10:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How do you know he is a boy!? You recently removed all certainty of that!!
2012-08-21 09:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take a cool shower... Might help

2012-08-21 09:52:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie is a girl's name. Just pie!? Naah!

2012-08-21 09:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then name him Pie! No confusion! ;-)

2012-08-21 09:09:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope... It is pronounced pie! :-)

2012-08-21 09:00:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing like that! How about Pi ?

2012-08-21 07:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked it. I have many many more which I will share later... :-)
2012-08-21 07:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please focus on your work for a while! It is a work day & I can't distract you so much. ;-) Maybe I'll go inside & rest a bit too. Ok?
2012-08-21 07:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Unfinished!? It didn't even start significantly. We pasted then into hexagons which took a while & then the boy wasn't quite interested! :-D
2012-08-21 07:19:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lovely to sit like that & enjoy the evening together... :-)
2012-08-21 07:10:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you see the email I sent you?

2012-08-21 07:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll take pix when I get back home. Things are packed. My nephew & I never did the lampshade. He got bored in between... :-)
2012-08-21 07:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slow down? Slow what down!? They refused to transport me from the village to the city except at their rates (3 times the usual). So I walked
2012-08-21 07:04:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish you were here with me. It would've been fun. Yes, I took several pix. Sent you one over email... :-)
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2012-08-21 06:41:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, lovely Jen! :-) Slept well or did the image trouble you too much!? ;-p I was at an art village today. It was lovely. :-)
2012-08-21 06:40:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do wish Portsmouth happy birthday. Belated wishes to Sandy... Does Portsmouth get cake?
2012-08-21 06:34:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet lady tenderly & hugging her tight... Hope you got all your stuff.
2012-08-21 06:33:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I bought some interesting lamps, a curd setter pot & a painting... This is a traditional painting on silk :-)
2012-08-21 06:32:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The guys at the village were demanding exorbitant rates so I walked!! But now I am tired. :-o
2012-08-21 06:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I walked several km from that art village to the city roads to get an auto. In the heat, with stuff to carry!! :-(
2012-08-21 06:21:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hello sweetie. I'm back in my guesthouse thigh sitting outside in the lounge where the signal is strong. My feet are killing me... :-(
2012-08-21 06:20:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm now in Shilpgram & there seems to be poor signal here too. Missing you. Hope you get this dm...
2012-08-21 01:26:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you sweetie...

2012-08-20 23:15:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sent. I found that today,& boxed it's ears... But the mail goes out when it wants to :-(
2012-08-20 23:14:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tried sending you dm till I got tired & sent then to you a an
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email!! There us an outbox in which all sent mails go & hide, pretending to be
2012-08-20 23:13:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was your day?

2012-08-20 23:12:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets. :-) How are you? I wish I could hug you tight, now... Missing you..
2012-08-20 23:10:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fading fast... Do come & join me sweetie. A soft kiss on your lips. Sleep well. Sweet dreams! :-)
2012-08-20 12:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah but the concrete of my home & office don't bother me much... :-(
2012-08-20 12:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why aren't you going to watch them? You should & also take pix... Getting sleepy now, darling...
2012-08-20 12:22:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie

2012-08-20 12:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 100 feet

2012-08-20 12:06:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps there is a problem with my room. Outside my room, about 100 get away, all is fine... That & roaming!!
2012-08-20 12:05:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure it is a slow connection. Sometimes the signal falls off!! And this is at the heart of a city & not on a hill!! :-D
2012-08-20 12:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm in the room. I stepped out to have a thick buttermilk shake & that's it... I did the likes dislikes thingy. Have an XLS for that... :-(
2012-08-20 12:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to be sorry about. The problem is manifold. Had I clear dislikes or passions or inabilities, it would be simpler!
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2012-08-20 11:43:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here. Twitter doesn't deliver your dm very well. I was waiting for your dm... :-)
2012-08-20 11:39:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Resting it doesn't solve anything. I've tried looking away long enough... No use.
2012-08-20 10:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I am increasingly confused nowadays & wanting to find some clarity in life per se... It eludes me
2012-08-20 10:26:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A walk might be nice but you aren't around. Too lazy to go walking by myself though I must do so in a bit... :-(
2012-08-20 10:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging milady right & kissing on her lips... Softly. I think I'm lost & hence not most responsive... Nothing else!
2012-08-20 10:11:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sleep sweets. Don't wake up for a bit... Wish I was there to give you a nice massage! I'm in Udaipur. 2nd leg of my journey... :-)
2012-08-20 09:56:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where do you go or what do you do when you are confused about fundamental things?
2012-08-20 09:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm just confused with life... People, relationships, career, purpose, etc. just clueless!!
2012-08-20 09:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Weird!! So maybe my email it's also a problem just that it doesn't tell me so!! :-o Yes, it would be nice to have you in the room :-)
2012-08-20 09:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Twitter was acting up& I sent you an email as I couldn't send dm...
2012-08-20 09:02:42 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets. :-) Slept well? Where are you? Back home? I did very little today & feel a lot more relaxed... :-)
2012-08-20 09:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... I'm sitting in a dark room in my undergarments, writing about my cluelessness
2012-08-20 09:01:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you doing? How was your day so far?
2012-08-20 08:07:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back in the room. It feels like it will rain more today so decided to get back & read/write... What didn't I answer?
2012-08-20 07:32:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least I got all the dm that I think you wrote!!! :-D
2012-08-20 05:55:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with lunch... Will probably head out soon as the rains seem to have stopped too... :-)
2012-08-20 05:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got them all. Not really a diary as much as my thoughts on life etc. Not a single entry in 2011!!!
2012-08-20 05:51:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now it pours heavy

2012-08-20 04:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It started again, so I decided to rush out to have lunch. Sitting in the restaurant. :-)
2012-08-20 04:55:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was writing in my diary when it started raining & it poured quickly. When it stopped I quickly dm-ed you before returning to my diary...
2012-08-20 04:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It stopped now... Back on the bench! Will dm later! :-)

2012-08-20 03:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was lovely till it began to rain... :-(

2012-08-20 03:29:38 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Missed you a lot too. Yes, us in a room enjoying us together would be lovely... :-) Thanks a tonne for the pix!
2012-08-20 03:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the kisses... My tummy is happy!! :-)

2012-08-19 23:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Slept well? I did & my tummy ache is gone. Of course I'll be careful today. :-) Soft kisses for your
2012-08-19 23:23:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nose. I plan on relaxing today. Will head to a famous garden here & stay there throughout the day... Maybe a boat ride at best... :-)
2012-08-19 23:23:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sent you an email...

2012-08-19 13:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Testing twitter...

2012-08-19 13:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had an antacid... Feel like puking!! :-(

2012-08-19 13:01:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a walk back with milady after my dinner. Having Mediterranean... :-)
2012-08-19 11:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was fabulous! Stunning array of performances. I was absolutely floored. I must have shot 1000 pix! :-)
2012-08-19 11:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was just thinking yesterday that it will be 1 year. Miss you too. Didn't do the palace as it was getting late. Dance just got over!
2012-08-19 11:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to the temple, though not the palace or dance yet... After lunch will head there! :-) Yes, would have been lovely had you been here
2012-08-19 06:07:25 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Please, I told you that my friends family would be with me for half the trip.. Anyway, having my lunch just now. Been walking since noon!!
2012-08-19 06:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will try to get online in between... Sending you a soft kiss for your throat... :-)
2012-08-19 03:03:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll probably go to the city palace, temple & bagore ki haveli, finally watching the folk dance there & then maybe dinner... :-)
2012-08-19 03:02:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally got transferred to my booked room. Last night I had to stay in a temporary accommodation (better than this one). Heading out... :-)
2012-08-19 03:01:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I now sit down to plan my days here... Yes, I do miss you... :-)
2012-08-18 22:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't I tell you that half the trip is with friends & half by myself? Why do you then ask if I am alone!? :-o
2012-08-18 22:19:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't make it easy because you seem to focus only on that aspect & often it annoys! :-) Hence I cook up stories for you!
2012-08-18 22:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did, woke up early & scolded myself back to sleep!!! Soft kisses on your ear... :-)
2012-08-18 22:17:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would so love to see you in your favourite settings... :-)

2012-08-18 22:14:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have shot loads of pix & many more to go. I'm sure I'll get more given that I'm by myself now. Not fair! Do shoot a few of yourself & crab
2012-08-18 22:13:32 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Aah yes! And the back to school sales go on... Was there last year for them & loved buying stationery... :-)
2012-08-18 22:11:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Made me nearly wish I was there watching you write... :-)
2012-08-18 22:10:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Very sensual... :-)

2012-08-18 22:09:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets! :-) I read your tweets from over a week ago. Been a while since I came there given the client visits & my travels
2012-08-18 22:09:31 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Wow! Mighty coincidence indeed! I love it when that happens. How are you dear H? 10 hrs ago I arrived at the 2nd leg of my journey... :-)
2012-08-18 22:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fine. If you are convinced... Goodnight

2012-08-18 14:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It means you fret too much...

2012-08-18 14:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-08-18 13:55:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I'm growing old...

2012-08-18 13:51:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tweets! :-) Who do you write then for!? :-)

2012-08-18 13:50:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Someone's been heating their timeline like Devil's bathtub! Good morning, sensuous one. :-) How are you? Gosh! You got me high with your
2012-08-18 13:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... :-)

2012-08-18 13:39:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now, darling. Do come & join me. Sweet dreams, sleep well. Soft kisses on your forehead... :-)
2012-08-18 13:33:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are sillier than ever...

2012-08-18 13:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D
2012-08-18 13:32:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She was already here for a project & decided to join me!
2012-08-18 13:30:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think they enjoyed their time! More packed than they would have liked it but better than doing nothing...
2012-08-18 13:22:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing like that. It would be nice to have you here with me on my trips... :-)
2012-08-18 13:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! I'm not alone. I'm with a friend of mine. She is my colleague from the US. My other 5 friends left for Delhi & even reached!
2012-08-18 13:13:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The trains in northern india are dirtier & the passengers more uncouth... But I stuck to my book & nook... :-)
2012-08-18 12:56:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I didn't know Sandy but miss her for keeping you happy... :)
2012-08-18 12:55:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? I think mine was largely uneventful... I did read lighthouse-keeping & enjoyed it though fell asleep.. Sweet kisses to you
2012-08-18 12:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I reached & have checked into the room too. Super-tired! I dozed off couple of times on the train... Hugging my sweet lady, tight! :-)
2012-08-18 12:52:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ As the battery is at 42%. Miss you too. Let's see if we can ever do the temple-mountain trip... I miss Sandy too & how she kept you happy!
2012-08-18 09:09:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I reach at 21:30 hrs. Then head to the room. The train trip is boring. I was referring to the Jaipur leg! I will switch off the phone again
2012-08-18 09:08:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Madam seems busy... I'm turning my phone off to save on battery... Hope you are well. Miss you. Soft kisses on your throat... :-)
2012-08-18 06:17:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Udaipur is called the Venice of the East. Lots of interesting peaceful places to visit... Few temples too...
2012-08-18 04:33:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting in the train to Udaipur. Quite a tiring trip, though enjoyable. Perhaps the next leg of my journey will be relaxing... :-)
2012-08-18 04:30:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missed you, Jen. This place is teeming with Europeans & Americans. How was your day? Kids back in school? Relaxed time for yourself? :-)
2012-08-17 21:44:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets. :-) Yes, my day was packed & good. Got some decent pix & tried around quite a bit. Today I leave this city for another
2012-08-17 21:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sights. Add these together & I'm able to peacefully dm you in the morning & at night... Not that any of this will convince you, but...
2012-08-17 21:40:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As I don't want to receive annoying calls. Even with my mom I only call & speak at night. I do miss you & yes, one does get engrossed in new
2012-08-17 21:39:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that I am mostly on hills & in forts, yes signal is a problem. Since I'm on roaming charges, most of the time my phone is switched off
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2012-08-17 21:38:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though my feet still hurt. A soft kiss on the lady's neck... Sleep long today... :-)
2012-08-17 21:36:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweetie Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your lashes. Do join me once you're back...
2012-08-17 14:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright darling. Hope your sister is fine..

2012-08-17 14:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got some lovely pix today. And some nice shopping, too!! :-)
2012-08-17 14:15:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need a proper signal both for messaging & dm-ing!! :-o
2012-08-17 14:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got back to the room some time ago. The day was good. Your no rain song helped a lot. Kissing my sweet lady. Sorry couldn't dm earlier...
2012-08-17 14:12:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shuttle you to the Boston airport.

2012-08-16 23:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't complain when we were together because there was no reason except when you insisted that we walk in the rain or when I had to
2012-08-16 23:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My point is simple: people who participate have every right to introduce their preferences! Not otherwise!
2012-08-16 23:50:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I asked them to prepare a plan & share some ideas but not a single person bothered to find out anything! I mean it!! And then they complain!
2012-08-16 23:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? I did, finished the rituals & all set for today. Soft kisses on my
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surety lady's nose... :-)

2012-08-16 23:45:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Should reach the room in a bit. Wishing you a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your chin. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-08-16 12:45:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have next week for that. Will relax there & then. :-) But you are right... :-)
2012-08-16 12:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eating times. Off now...

2012-08-16 11:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are fine people though they over pamper their child who is quite spoilt! And then they want us to alert plans according to her sleep &
2012-08-16 11:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm ok. I think I'm best when I travel alone or at least without kids & fussy parents... :-D
2012-08-16 11:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, not yet. Don't want to. Overstuffed!! :-o Really really tired... Wish we could cuddle up & size off for 10 years!!
2012-08-16 11:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ladies are fine. I don't recollect my past days but I think I was good!! ;-p Might lose signal when I get back so I thought I'll dm you
2012-08-16 11:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope I didn't forget! I've brought my stuff with me. Should be able to perform the ritual out here. Miss you... :-)
2012-08-16 11:37:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We also went to a weapon museum today but couldn't take pictures...
2012-08-16 07:09:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The amount of nose & traffic here is crazy!! People drive in all directions simultaneously!!! :-D But some very beautiful sights...
2012-08-16 07:09:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My first dm I had written in the morning & was trying to send since then. Soft kisses all over for my sweet lady...
2012-08-16 07:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Things before it rains. It drizzled a little in the morning but otherwise ok. Thanks for the no-rain sing! :-) We'll need it tomorrow
2012-08-16 07:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day is fine. My feet hurt though. How are you sweetie? Soft kisses for milady's chin. :-) Here it is ok. We are eagerly trying to finish
2012-08-16 07:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm during in the middle of a crossroad where the signal is best. I've asked my friends to do their stuff while I dm you! :-)
2012-08-16 06:58:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We had a signal problem at the hotel & then at the forts. Just had lunch when I sent you that dm... Now back with a good signal :-)
2012-08-16 06:58:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... Here I am!

2012-08-16 06:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did.

2012-08-16 05:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do join me soon..
2012-08-15 14:23:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If missing you can only be revealed by the number of dms, should I doubt you when you return from meeting your friends & say you missed me?
2012-08-15 14:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, rainy season was stupid to pick for a trip along this side of the country... :-(
2012-08-15 14:19:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ If it doesn't matter why wish?

2012-08-15 14:18:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope your day's been fine so far. Off to bed now. Goodnight sweets... Do smile when you see this dm. :-)
2012-08-15 14:16:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm happy with some of the pix I got today... :-)
2012-08-15 14:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks. We have gained independence so that we can loot our own people & ruin this country. I prefer being ruled by the British... :-(
2012-08-15 14:11:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was ok. Dinner was in a revolving restaurant & was fine. Rains messed up plans today too! :-( I don't celebrate independence day but..
2012-08-15 14:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, I can be immersed in my surroundings & might forget everyone else then, but I do think of you & miss you... :-)
2012-08-15 14:08:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll get back home & tell you about the places & experience in detail. Dms don't work well...
2012-08-15 14:06:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm fine. Got back to the room & were capturing accounts & expenses of the day... How are you? Missed you! Honest... :-)
2012-08-15 14:05:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Off to eat breakfast now. You might sleep off? Let me tuck you into bed, sweets. Catch you soon :-) Goodnight sweet one.
2012-08-14 22:47:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Of course, I do know. Just love teasing you. Yes, sleeping well. I always ensure sleep & food are proper before anything else! :-) Rooted!
2012-08-14 22:31:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I start by shutting my left eye then right then deep breaths then settle into the rhythm & ensure my eyes are closed. How do
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you sleep!? ;-p

2012-08-14 22:15:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I still have time. The rest are just stirring... :-) I'm all ready though so you have all of me...
2012-08-14 22:01:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Then I won't keep you with me :-) Do wrap up the day & sleep well. Sweet dreams. A tight hug & warm kiss on your forehead. Goodnight, sweets
2012-08-14 21:52:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, there are. Parades & some cultural shows & the usual shopping! :-) Will get you loads of pictures!! Miss you. Done for the day?
2012-08-14 21:33:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Today we go to see some architectural marvels, ruins, temples etc. Today is India's independence day so we plan to avoid the crowds.. Hugs!
2012-08-14 21:13:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening sweets. :-) All well? How was the water park trip? Miss you, Jen. Wish you were here! Day starts shortly when everyone wakes up
2012-08-14 21:07:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today we go to see some rare constructions & handicrafts etc. Slight change in plans due to the rains. Shuffled things around... :-)
2012-08-14 21:04:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinds did though woke up too early & then slept off again. Soft kisses for my sweet lady's knees!
2012-08-14 21:02:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet one. Sleep well. A soft kiss & hug for my darling. Do come & join me...
2012-08-14 13:05:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning sweets! How are you? Slept well? Yes, I'm here at the first stop of my 2-part trip. How goes your day? :-) Miss you...
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2012-08-14 13:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really exhausted but we did quite a bit. How was your day darling? Missed you... Nothing to thank - I simply had to get to you! :-)
2012-08-14 13:00:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back in the room! The day was ok. It rained often & nearly ruined our plans... :-( We ate well though!! :-D
2012-08-14 12:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on milady's arms... :-)

2012-08-14 03:14:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you... :-)

2012-08-14 03:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one. :-) Slept well? We reached Jaipur & finally checked in to our rooms. Need to head out for lunch. Famished! :-(
2012-08-14 03:12:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet J. :-) Reached safely. Will take the morning train to the first stop in my journey. Hope you are well. :-)
2012-08-13 12:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses for milady's wrists... Do come & join me... :-)
2012-08-13 12:39:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Landed safely. Heading to my friend's place. Sending you soft kisses... :-)
2012-08-13 10:24:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting in the aeroplane... :-)

2012-08-13 06:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sent you the plans. Mostly illegible...

2012-08-13 05:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to the airport. I have such plans on paper. I could send you a pic... :-)
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2012-08-13 05:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will now get back into the meeting. Catch you soon... :-) Hope your day goes well & not too busy.
2012-08-13 04:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course it would have been fun to have you on this journey... :-)
2012-08-13 04:02:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have all the printouts now as well as maps, plans & other required info to proceed on the journey. :-) I'm all set now. :-)
2012-08-13 04:01:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet one. I miss you & smile when I think of you. Had lunch. Another 45 min & I should be out of here.. Yes, I did focus on work! :-)
2012-08-13 04:01:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire God! Poor kids! :-D . . . Miss you... :-)

2012-08-13 00:53:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha :-D You have a phobia for illness?

2012-08-13 00:49:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why do you hate it?

2012-08-13 00:26:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww! You're sweet. Yes, I got sufficient sleep. There is always the flight to sleep on if req. I'm fine, sweets. :-) And what did you do?
2012-08-13 00:17:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I leave in about 6 hours from now... :-)

2012-08-12 23:30:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) Seems like your day has been busy. Hope you too had fun at the birthday parties & did some reading. :-)
2012-08-12 22:37:58 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses for your nose. :-) I should be online occasionally during the trip. Don't you worry... :-)
2012-08-12 22:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though it was hot last night. All packed & set for the trip. A few more printouts & done.
2012-08-12 22:23:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No you aren't.. as often! Yes, I hold you close dear. Goodnight... :-)
2012-08-12 12:55:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweets. :-) How are you? Slept well? I hope you did. Missing you. I'm off to bed now so I thought I'll send you a hug :-)
2012-08-12 12:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your finger tips. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-08-12 12:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will crash now, darling. It is late hear & I need to wake up early. Lets go to bed now... :-)
2012-08-12 12:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-08-12 12:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fly to Delhi. Sometimes, my heart doesn't stay on leash! Maybe this will be one of those trips... You never know! :-)
2012-08-12 12:28:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fly, then stay overnight at my friend's place then train in the morning...
2012-08-12 12:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they are far from my earlier plan. I'll try my best to be good but who can guarantee the ways of the heart!! ;-)
2012-08-12 12:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Yes, I go to the office for a few hours & then
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whoosh... :-)
2012-08-12 11:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I leave tomorrow around 14:15 hrs. From the office. Packing's nearly done. Final pieces in tomorrow... Have you eaten well, darling?
2012-08-12 11:52:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blossoming well?

2012-08-12 10:16:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling. I am still in the midst of packing. Going to have dinner now... How was your visit? You ok? Is the bush in place &
2012-08-12 10:15:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course yes! I'm all waiting & puckered up! ;-) My flights to Hungary are actually costlier. I'm going to do some packing. Catch you soon
2012-08-12 06:03:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that I suggested this trip the cost for me was factored in. It would cost me around the same if not more to come to Hungary too... :-)
2012-08-12 05:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok
2012-08-12 04:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How many days would make you feel like value for money? How much money for 7+ days will make you feel like value for money?
2012-08-12 04:14:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your yesterday's dm got delivered today!! About your friend arriving from Sweden! :-o
2012-08-12 04:13:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, as I said yesterday, if you feel it is too expensive & not good value for money, then yes... we should drop it.
2012-08-12 03:31:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Same day! Not sure where you are checking!

2012-08-12 03:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you should check out Turkish Airlines site. They have a flight which leaves at 10:50 in the morning & arrives at 13:45 in Istanbul!!
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2012-08-12 03:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, depending on when we arrive it will be less than 8 days... But we could arrive at 00:00 & leave at 23:59 hrs!! ;-p
2012-08-12 03:28:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now now dear... The point is Thurs-Thurs is not one week & hence, not 7 days. For that you need a Math course! ;-p
2012-08-12 03:27:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That is a problem indeed! But the flight duration is not too long & your flight prices are less than half my prices!! :-o
2012-08-12 03:26:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahaha You are not only stubborn but need a course in Math too!! ;-p Thurs-Wed is one week hence, 7 days! You should use your fingers! ;-p
2012-08-12 03:09:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, a lovely lovely chat... Bringing us closer! :-)

2012-08-12 00:43:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ((hugs))
2012-08-12 00:39:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Jen. :-) Sleep well & hope you rise feeling well rested. :-) Tomorrow might have you rushing around a bit... :-)
2012-08-12 00:39:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire your time of comfort. :-)

2012-08-12 00:34:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just have a reel of images running through my head of you in one or the other dress... And no, I would never ask you to stay up beyond
2012-08-12 00:34:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww! :-) I was teasing. Yes, it is late, sweet one. Do sleep well & with a smile knowing that I can't help but imagine you in many dresses!
2012-08-12 00:33:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would you not turn in if I would mind? ;-p

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2012-08-12 00:24:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok! Sheath dresses would look oh so classy on you! Sigh! You are a treat to clothe... :-)
2012-08-12 00:20:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Noted
2012-08-12 00:18:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Okee....
2012-08-12 00:18:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Similar to which one!? Maybe I should take a breath & not send so many links! :-o
2012-08-12 00:18:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is this even to your taste:

2012-08-12 00:17:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes... I love pencil skirts on finely chiseled women... :-)

2012-08-12 00:15:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wouldn't this look sexy on you?

2012-08-12 00:15:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like the lines on this one though a lower neckline might look better...
2012-08-12 00:14:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Skirts?
2012-08-12 00:12:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really!? Dresses only? Feminine tastes?

2012-08-12 00:09:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ooops! Forget to paste the link. Here goes: or
2012-08-12 00:06:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I think I would enjoy you most in something like this () with an off-shoulder cotton blouse which falls short of your hip
2012-08-12 00:06:01 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Yes, yes... All natural fibres & designs for the lady! or even this
2012-08-12 00:03:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You'd look lovely in them, darling! :-) Now you see why I can't hold myself back!? I just have to want to dress you up! Or just fuss over...
2012-08-12 00:00:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was thinking something like this: (though a different blouse) or cropped or textured...
2012-08-11 23:59:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire High waist trousers, interest you? With a slightly thin silky plain blouse?
2012-08-11 23:52:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes... You'd look best in western clothing, IMO :-)

2012-08-11 23:52:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Perhaps a specific sleeveless hugging dress in #8B7500 ( Geometric lines to accentuate the curves
2012-08-11 23:51:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hmmm... I'd pick beige linen or Egyptian cotton.

2012-08-11 23:46:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I completely understand & agree with you. As I said, I trust your taste & style. :-) Why else would I be eager to see your loot from today?
2012-08-11 23:45:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And eager to learn more... :-)

2012-08-11 23:44:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think being aware of that fine line is super-vital. Maybe I'm not the best at it... :-)
2012-08-11 23:41:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire hahahah :-D I'm also familiar with Western garb. I just love textiles, fabrics, designs & fashion of every country! :-) But I get your point
2012-08-11 23:40:55 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Hmmm. You make a fantastic point. Perhaps I straddle that line just about ok leaving some people pleased & some exasperated. Noted. :-)
2012-08-11 23:40:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So if you tell me "Just sit back & enjoy what I wear & keep your ideas to yourself" I might slowly lose interest in mute spectatorship! :-)
2012-08-11 23:36:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I find it hard to resist suggesting different combinations, or experiments to try out etc. Sometimes, I receive an ensemble as any other
2012-08-11 23:35:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire See!? I'm already becoming a pain! ;-p Of course, I would love to see you in what you put together. That would give me an idea of your style
2012-08-11 23:34:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, your collarbones are the fine parts of your sculpture... :-)
2012-08-11 23:33:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I presume I can be a pain at times, getting over details, suggesting this & that... But yes, it would be very sensual to pick your clothes!
2012-08-11 23:28:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not even a string of pearls around your neck? But I recall your having a fairly slim long neck... Lovely! :-)
2012-08-11 23:27:06 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I am doing fine. Heading out for a trip, shortly. So might not be online. Thought I'll check on you before that. :-) Glad all's well. :-)
2012-08-11 23:26:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd so love to watch you assemble your attire for an evening... Such a delightful ceremony! :-) And dress you up too, in choicest threads...
2012-08-11 23:23:03 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Aah! Glad you like textures. Textures are lovely to play with! :-) 100s? Seriously? That means you could wear some just for 2 days/year? :-o
2012-08-11 23:00:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Patterns don't blend with the rest of you, drawing attention away from the entirety to just you or just the patterns?
2012-08-11 22:59:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you don't have a favourite brand. Personally, I prefer custom made or will pick as per my sense of goodness & design... :-)
2012-08-11 22:54:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Of course, you dress smartly! It just seems to be in your breath! :-)
2012-08-11 22:53:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So you don't like prints because accessorising can be a challenge? Not even something like a tweet or herringbone weave?
2012-08-11 22:53:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So what's your favourite brand?

2012-08-11 22:20:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! I absolutely understand that! :-) Shoes surely make a woman's statement! I wish I could hug you right now!
2012-08-11 22:20:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nope. I would find them interesting I am sure going by my feel of your taste. :-)
2012-08-11 22:02:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Do send me pictures of your loot! :-) Yes, lovely, we shall chat as much as we can. I should be online even on my trip though less often...
2012-08-11 21:51:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So it is about 33 hrs till I leave. Any plans? ;-p

2012-08-11 21:42:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I leave tomorrow evening, sweets. Had a fun day? Lots of shoe shopping!? :-)
2012-08-11 21:41:32 (EDT)
1088 / 4823

DangerslyClaire God! I was just about to write to you asking you where on earth were you! :-) Good evening, sweets! :-) Where on earth are you? ;-p
2012-08-11 21:25:18 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Good evening, dear Danielle. How are you? How is your kitty? I miss you as ever, dear one. Wish I was somewhere near you... :-)
2012-08-11 21:20:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Costly as my plan. Out there we can do a lot of simple things & plan our own trips. Hence I say, it will be cheaper than any trip to Turkey
2012-08-11 20:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would strongly advice against taking a package tour. They will always be costlier. There is a Turkey tour from India - more than twice as
2012-08-11 20:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Higher as both of us are travelling but so is the total novelty of experience. Neither of us have seen Turkey... :-)
2012-08-11 20:52:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The trouble is getting the visa is also a gamble!! In short Turkey has far lesser problems than travelling to Hungary. The total costs are
2012-08-11 20:50:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've had to book the tickets now & got everything ready by tomorrow so that I could drop the docs when I travel this time around
2012-08-11 20:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes it will always be a hassle but I needn't rush into it. Right now I would need to rush into it & am afraid I might miss something...
2012-08-11 20:47:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor poor lady... :-D Trying so hard to prove it is 6!!! Thurs-Thurs is 8 days not 7!! But keep trying, it might shrink into 6 ;-p
2012-08-11 20:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Kissing my lady softly on her back. :-)
2012-08-11 20:41:24 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your eyes. Please do come & join me... :-)
2012-08-11 13:55:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alrighty... It is getting late here. Hope your time was good with your friends. :-)
2012-08-11 13:53:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ nominal expense... As in inevitable expense for an experience. Turkey in Oct. is ok

2012-08-11 13:47:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have a point, but given that you get to see a different country too & any trip to Turkey would cost you more might make me think it is
2012-08-11 13:47:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Agreed it would be a lot cheaper if I came to Hungary but the visa is way too much of a hassle. :-o And it is getting closer to Winter! :-(
2012-08-11 13:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... What are the options?

2012-08-11 13:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fine! Still not 6 days!

2012-08-11 13:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you think it is too expensive? You can be frank...

2012-08-11 13:29:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, 8 days! :-)

2012-08-11 13:28:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1st - 8 days!
2012-08-11 13:24:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The more days you add, the more the expense...
2012-08-11 13:21:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why over $1000?

2012-08-11 13:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here
1090 / 4823

2012-08-11 13:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whirling dervishes:

2012-08-11 06:46:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have fun sweetie. Soft kisses on your lips... :-)

2012-08-11 06:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had to pick the plan that would work for the least cost impact...
2012-08-11 06:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My current trip is simple. 14-18th in Jaipur, 19-24 in Udaipur 25th return
2012-08-11 06:28:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I gave you the dates for the Turkey trip. You could pick any slot in between to fill out the form to just get an idea of the costs!! :-o
2012-08-11 06:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have filled out as many forms as possible... :-D

2012-08-11 06:23:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, will hug you & kiss you tightly before you leave... :-)
2012-08-11 06:17:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a lovely time. Miss you darling. :-)
2012-08-11 06:08:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... Nothing like that. I was filling out the forms on the Turkish websites for details. :-o
2012-08-11 06:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will check out those links. I fell asleep, woke up a little while ago, had my bath & lunch... Oh! Have fun with him & Maria... :-)
2012-08-11 05:33:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Still watching over you as you sweetly sleep... :-)

2012-08-10 22:53:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Jen. May your dreams be of your choice. Hope you wake up well rested & all set to rock the weekend... :-)
2012-08-10 22:29:07 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire You must know that I'd definitely not want you to sleep! But I'll let you go. Yes, softly blowing into your hair & humming as you sleep :-)
2012-08-10 22:28:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) And I'm smiling thinking of you in a dimly lit room, your beautiful face lit by the phone screen... :-)
2012-08-10 22:00:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sending you a tight hug! :-) Done for the day!?
2012-08-10 21:58:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Me too... :-) Really miss you...

2012-08-10 21:45:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have another week after that

2012-08-10 21:35:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 5 of us. But only till 19th. Then, I am on my own. :-)

2012-08-10 21:19:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Definitely! Will send you many of them. She has a temple trip planned where she wants to go... :-)
2012-08-10 21:16:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mom stays at home. She has her own mini trip planned! :)
2012-08-10 21:10:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish so too. You would have loved the colours & vibrant culture of this place... :-) And the food is amazing.
2012-08-10 21:09:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I am heading to where my sister stays & then I move out to the new destination. Even for the old one, I would have headed that way
2012-08-10 21:08:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! I was mighty disappointed :-( But nothing much one could do. I didn't want to travel at this time. I usually go Oct. But my friend & his
2012-08-10 21:07:21 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Yep! I go now to Rajasthan. About 4-5 days there & then I don't know what to do. I could stay there longer or return & go to Pondicherry
2012-08-10 20:53:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! About the floods & stuff? Not sure why. I thought I did tell you or it might have skipped my mind with all these client interactions....
2012-08-10 20:52:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tell you all what, sweets?

2012-08-10 20:51:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I didn't get any link you sent.

2012-08-10 20:51:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses to scent your pillow & bed & then jump on you once you open your eyes... :-)
2012-08-10 20:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did though late & woke up early. Had many weird dreams. Will nap later.. :-)
2012-08-10 20:47:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But yes, the break is welcome. :-) I'll bring you back lots of pictures... I'll be absent in nearly all of them! :-D
2012-08-10 20:46:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, I'm not getting the break I had planned as there were flash-floods in the mountains & general havoc there. Heading elsewhere now...
2012-08-10 20:45:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wish you were here... :-) You should consider a trip to India sometime or perhaps I will land in the US before that! :-)
2012-08-10 20:44:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I leave on Monday. :-)

2012-08-10 20:43:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been good. Slept well though seemingly lesser than optimal hours. Will probably have an afternoon siesta! ;-) Care to join!?
2012-08-10 20:42:37 (EDT)
1093 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Good! Yes, shoe shopping is a must to cleanse life of tests & drudgery! :-D Missed you. Really... :-) Will be thinking of you on the trip!
2012-08-10 20:41:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Awww! You really are a sweetheart. :-)

2012-08-10 20:40:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. Weekend's here for you!! :-) What's planned? How was your day?
2012-08-10 20:29:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll head to bed now sweets. Missed you!! :-)

2012-08-10 13:50:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My day was super packed though with some light activities .... Just got back home.
2012-08-10 13:49:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too

2012-08-10 13:48:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Asleep well. Soft kisses on your nose. Do join me soon...
2012-08-10 13:47:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling missed you too...

2012-08-10 13:45:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, indeed, do send me a pic. Or add it to the list of pix you are going to send me... ;-p
2012-08-10 13:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Yes, I wish them the same & more. She is my favourite on the team... Come darling, lets sleep!
2012-08-10 13:38:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie. Super exhausted. Can barely keep my eyes open... :-(
2012-08-10 13:35:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's show shopping? What kind of dog do you have!?

2012-08-10 13:31:18 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire You must do that, sweets. Routine & health before everything else. 5 in the morning is really bad! :-(
2012-08-10 13:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The dinner was kind of a last minute thing since one of my team members is off getting married... So a grand dinner!
2012-08-10 13:18:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And thinking about you too!! How's your day so far!? Slept well? What's lined up?
2012-08-10 13:17:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling. Had to charge the phone a few minutes before up could turn it on. The last dm killed it!
2012-08-10 13:16:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I'm fine. Just ran out of battery & still out with the clients. Will get home & dm you... Miss you! :-)
2012-08-10 12:18:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? Why irritable? Why step out due to that?
2012-08-10 08:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why darling?

2012-08-10 08:14:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We could try a package too .. Found any? Do send me details...

2012-08-10 07:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Check the flight schedules on Turkish Airlines site. Flying to Izmir is a lot cheaper with many many more options.
2012-08-10 06:12:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ C is worth a stay of 2 days. So I was planning, 4 nights in Istanbul, 2 in C & at most 1 in P... Should suffice, right?
2012-08-10 06:11:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We must stay at C. P can be a day trip or an overnight stay to get an early morning flight. Anything...
2012-08-10 06:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Need to check...

1095 / 4823

2012-08-10 05:49:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fly
2012-08-10 05:38:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For P, you flu to izmir and bus to denizlli and then local bus to P. :-)
2012-08-10 05:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We could fly out of istanbul to both places. 1 hr each

2012-08-10 04:55:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Phew! :-) Then we get to chat uninterrupted till then? ;-)
2012-08-09 23:03:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What did you do during the rest of the day? More tests lined up or done?
2012-08-09 22:47:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, sweets! :-) Friday...

2012-08-09 21:43:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am so glad that it was weighed in the mysterious ways of tests!! :-D Poor sweet you must be exhausted. Did you eat well?
2012-08-09 21:32:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire CONGRATS!!! This calls for a party! Huuugs!!! :-)

2012-08-09 21:31:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think Istanbul, Cappadocia & Pamukkale would be all we can do... We could stay 3 days in Istanbul, then Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Istanbul!
2012-08-09 20:43:07 (EDT)

2012-08-09 20:38:14 (EDT)

2012-08-09 20:37:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope the test went well! How are you, sweets? :-) Ate properly? Retiring early? More tests tomorrow?
1096 / 4823

2012-08-09 19:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, there's no belly dancer as of now... But don't be surprised if there is one tomorrow. You might as well be prepared for one!! :D
2012-08-09 19:45:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you could hold such feelings for me surely can more women, right? Point is, you still feel shocked & jealous!!
2012-08-09 19:42:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would you assume that I live in a world filled only with men & get shocked every time I mention a woman!!?
2012-08-09 19:40:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you told me that so-n-so liked you or proposed to you I would not go "God! Please! :-(" or some such grand reaction.
2012-08-09 19:39:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It amazes me that you even react like that. Why do you imagine that I won't have lady friends who might be interested in me!?
2012-08-09 19:35:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Slept well? I did & woke up long before the alarm!! Soft kisses on your shoulders... :-)
2012-08-09 19:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know a beautiful belly dancer who was going to give it all up & stay with me. Well... She might be able to get us a place for free... :-)
2012-08-09 12:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your cheeks. Do come & join me... Do bring some Hungarian paprika when you come!! ;-)
2012-08-09 12:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll call it a night. Really really tired. Maybe you can look up places to visit & see in & around istanbul... :-)
2012-08-09 12:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should be able to arrange for the hotel... If we travel out of istanbul then we might need to do something together... :-)
2012-08-09 12:25:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Istanbul. We'll stay in a hotel...

2012-08-09 12:18:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ;-p Hugging you tight! Now... The TEST!!! You really are distracted! :-D
2012-08-09 12:18:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why!? :-o Not fair, but for now focus on your test. We'll return to your abusing your body later! Hugs! :-)
2012-08-09 12:13:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Then we should plan for it. Shall we book tickets? 25th to about 3rd Nov?
2012-08-09 12:11:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That was manner, not manger

2012-08-09 12:09:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Neither can I... All set? All the best. Wishing all your facilities work in their best manger & loads of luck too! :-)
2012-08-09 11:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too...

2012-08-09 11:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can stay a week out there... Yes, visa on arrival at the airport. :-)
2012-08-09 11:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your shopping? Bought anything for yourself? So what do you think of Turkey? Please do check your visa rules & ticket logistics
2012-08-09 11:43:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you get to hug me. :-) Not asleep though heading there. It is late here & I'm so so tired...
2012-08-09 11:41:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That all I can do is roll my eyes. :-)

2012-08-09 11:39:58 (EDT)

1098 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Welcome back home, darling!! :-) Not angry but rolling my eyes & shaking my head. You might say you were teasing but it has become so common
2012-08-09 11:36:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too. Once the exams are done, we'll get back to our lively chats!! :-)
2012-08-09 11:24:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen! :-) Wishing you all the best. Do very very well... Praying out here for you! :-)
2012-08-09 10:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no intention to hide. To me these are pointless details. Sometimes I go with guys, sometimes with girls & sometimes with families!
2012-08-09 09:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I say I meet a friend I meet a friend!! Lady or gent is inconsequential to me as I hope it would be to you... :-|
2012-08-09 09:10:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are having a lively time with your guests. my day is done & not so tiring though productive...
2012-08-09 09:08:03 (EDT)

BeingInJoy If only you found time to stop by more often... The flowers might find reason to stay abloom... :-)
2012-08-08 23:24:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tickets & tours. I might be able to arrange for free stay...
2012-08-08 22:31:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason why Turkey might be better is they provide visa on arrival... New place for both of us, fairly exotic & we might have to pay for
2012-08-08 22:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Another option for the meeting is that we could both travel to Turkey & spend 10 days there... What say?
2012-08-08 20:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please!! If every activity of mine which involves unmarried women is going to leave you upset, you are going to be perennially upset!!
1099 / 4823

2012-08-08 20:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I did. A good lovely sleep. Woke up before the alarm.. Soft kisses on milady's shoulders :-)
2012-08-08 20:05:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was your day, dear? :-)

2012-08-08 20:01:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope I didn't keep you waiting... Sorry! Did you go check out the test venue? All set? When is the test?
2012-08-08 20:01:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets. :-) I'm so so sorry... I fell asleep holding the phone, completely knocked out. I must have been really exhausted :-(
2012-08-08 20:00:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) I'll just watch over your shoulder...

2012-08-08 12:03:37 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Awww! Sweet princess is in a fit... What ails you?

2012-08-08 12:00:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not really but I thought you hinted at having to do your work so...
2012-08-08 11:57:50 (EDT)

beezknez Sending you a warm hug, dear one... :-)

2012-08-08 11:45:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Okee... Wishing you a lovely productive day... May the sun smile just right on you :-) Yes, miss you...
2012-08-08 11:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your ears (though you don't deserve it ;-p)... Do join me soon
2012-08-08 11:32:25 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No wonder you readily suggested that I sleep!! You had your evening entertainment arranged!!! I'm not a good enough option!! :-(
2012-08-08 11:30:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! How you ignore me & ditch me!! :-( Poor poor me!!
2012-08-08 11:29:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exhausting day... God! I wish I could vanish...

2012-08-08 11:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-) Why don't I deserve it!? Poor innocent me! ;-p
2012-08-08 11:26:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's lined up today? More chores? Studies?

2012-08-08 11:25:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok. I thought you said you will so I thought you hadn't got to it... Give it a shot if you are so inclined.. :-)
2012-08-08 11:24:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't imagine reading a book now. Eyes are heavy... I'll dm with you till I fall asleep... Have D & J left?
2012-08-08 11:22:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you slept well. :-) That is all that matters. I hope you find time to read the email...
2012-08-08 11:12:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel terribly sleepy... :-o

2012-08-08 11:11:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What awww?

2012-08-08 11:10:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you figured out why I don't tell you! Darling, did you eat well today!?
2012-08-08 11:00:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm going with my friend his wife kid and 2 sisters in law... :-) Happy!?
2012-08-08 10:45:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ A tight welcome home hug & kiss... :-) No the one on the kumaon side. The one on the gharwal side was a monastery... :-)
2012-08-08 10:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the news from the mountains is not good. Lets see what can be done... I've canceled the resort booking for now...
2012-08-08 08:51:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your being here would have been nice... :-) Miss you, sweetie. Soft sweet kisses & bear hugs to you...
2012-08-08 08:50:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. :-) Hope you slept well & feel rested. A warm tight good morning hug to you... :-)
2012-08-08 08:49:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I reluctantly booked the trip going nothing significant would happen... But... Alas!! :-(
2012-08-08 08:47:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I suggested AGAINST this trip due to the season. But my friend said he had to travel later for some festivals & wasn't available..
2012-08-08 08:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lesser headache today. How was your day, darling? Like the haircut?
2012-08-08 08:42:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, done for the day. Today was tiring but ok. These merlins & discussions are often more tiring than real work... :-(
2012-08-08 08:17:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Pretty much the same... Work & work

2012-08-07 23:29:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Yes, do retire early to make up for the stress of today & a poor sleep from last night... I'm fine. Just missing you.. :-)
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2012-08-07 23:18:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm so happy you are having a nice long meal!!! ;-p
2012-08-07 23:06:27 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala :-)
2012-08-07 22:36:03 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Huuuuugs
2012-08-07 22:35:48 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala I'm glad they kid around. They are kids!! Touchwood! I wish they retain their bond forever... :-)
2012-08-07 21:49:34 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala But she had you to guide her. She's in good hands... :-)
2012-08-07 21:48:17 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Judgement. Even at the hotel I stayed, the older ladies (20s) were less loud as compared to the teens in their clothing...
2012-08-07 21:47:50 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala One can't treat them as kids or ladies... Perhaps that too is a source of the anomalous behaviour in the US. People just confused & losing
2012-08-07 21:46:37 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Thank heavens she doesn't! Perhaps it us the food & genes. Yes, I saw little girls in bra-strap revealing spaghettis at malls... :-o
2012-08-07 21:44:50 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Maybe she'll outgrow that group too. Maybe she needs a guy to tell her that. D?
2012-08-07 21:42:59 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Aah! Coarse hair can be annoying. Then shorter is better... Maybe he'll outgrow it too! :-)
2012-08-07 21:40:46 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She really looks like she is 22-25 but that it's something I noticed about teens in the US. In India, teens look more puny & less.. grownup
2012-08-07 21:39:37 (EDT)

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Heidi_Ayala Thank god she isn't real thin. Please do let her know that she can chisel herself anyway she wants if she has curves not otherwise!!
2012-08-07 21:37:51 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala I think he should grow it a bit. Will look nice for his faceshape... :-)
2012-08-07 21:36:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, same on weekends usually. :-) Please go eat something proper. I'll be here... :-)
2012-08-07 21:21:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I'm glad we had this coincidence of typing out to each other. :-) I am up by about 5:30 every day so... :-)
2012-08-07 21:16:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Food, sleep & wellness come over & above anything else... even in crisis! Please do eat something. At least a fruit. Yogurt...
2012-08-07 21:15:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire WHAT!!!? Jen! Are you serious? You haven't eaten at all? :o This is not fair. Must you treat yourself thus?
2012-08-07 21:15:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire First smile!? I thought you said the pic brought you a smile too... :-(
2012-08-07 21:14:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweets. How was your day? Busy busy busy? :-) I hope you get to read that email before you go to bed...
2012-08-07 21:10:58 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala And she has your hair... lovely. :-)

2012-08-07 21:07:50 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She still does? What are her concerns? I thought looks were her primary concern & IMO it need not be if this is how she is turning out...
2012-08-07 21:07:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging my sleeping darling softly while she sleeps... :-)

2012-08-07 21:06:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ well through these things. Yes, I wish I knew German too. It
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would be lovely. But your written English is fine. I don't notice a struggle...
2012-08-07 21:06:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All this in the midst of the client visits. Genuinely overwhelming... Miss you sweetie. Wish you were here. So sure you would have helped so
2012-08-07 21:05:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will need to work with the resort where I've done the booking to see how much it will cost to cancel. :-(
2012-08-07 21:03:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like none of my trips are destined for success. :-(
2012-08-07 21:03:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My vacation seems doomed due to the rains, so I had to work out additional options. All of them will be a cost an extra amount. :-(
2012-08-07 21:02:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie! :-) Slept well? Soft kisses up your leg ... till your knee. :-) I slept ok. Spent last night worrying about my trip
2012-08-07 21:01:56 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala tackle without resorting to lies etc. I am glad she doesn't have to worry much about it now... :-)
2012-08-07 20:56:43 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She has a signature pose!? :-D hahaha! Teens sign-off on all kinds of things. But glad to see her & D. Low self-esteem is one tough thing to
2012-08-07 20:56:09 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Yes, and too lost in the soaps in the store!! :-D I thought she was D's gf/ex. Quite a pose too. Perhaps the lighting also played an effect!
2012-08-07 20:52:35 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She looks so different from the earlier pix you sent me & from the video too. :-)
2012-08-07 20:48:16 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala My my! And K keeps wondering if she is too fat or not pretty
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enough!? Gosh! Please do let her know that a guy in India thinks she is lovely!
2012-08-07 20:47:14 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Good evening! :-) How are you? Was wondering who the boy & girl in the pic are? D?
2012-08-07 20:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your chin. Do come and join me... :-)
2012-08-07 12:02:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I think I will retire for the day. I am tired. And the heat is too much. Let's go to bed, darling...
2012-08-07 11:57:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. I have called every person who has anything to do with Hungary! :-( Anyway...
2012-08-07 11:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I called the Delhi office & they said that is an old one & they no longer do visa processing anywhere else... :-(
2012-08-07 11:50:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am fine, sweets. Do take care & have a lovely day... :-)
2012-08-07 11:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That info is old. Those numbers do not exist... :-(

2012-08-07 11:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ New!? You've been to india before!?

2012-08-07 11:25:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-( I just sent you an email with something you can try out. I hope it helps you. :-)
2012-08-07 11:00:54 (EDT)

2012-08-07 10:57:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm wary of my jinx too. What if I book the tickets today only to have my visa rejected!? :-(
2012-08-07 10:47:28 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Planning properly. You get to see India in the best season & I, Hungary... Sounds good?
2012-08-07 10:46:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps your coming here might make more sense. We can book a trip to a resort & spend 10 days or so together... I could come in March after
2012-08-07 10:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh please please please. Give me my hug & kiss, and another and another and another.... :-)
2012-08-07 10:40:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be a lot of weight!! ;-) I got home, got out of my formal clothes & got down to exercising. Else it just gets missed :-(
2012-08-07 10:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you would not be equally sweet!! ;-p

2012-08-07 10:36:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What if I don't like any new place I travel to? :-) Always a risk darling. Worth it, in this case... :-)
2012-08-07 10:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling I reached home. Back from a speed walk session. Now to so some crunches & weights...
2012-08-07 10:13:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, anytime I come it is bound to be a hassle. Will need to work with it... :-)
2012-08-07 09:33:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was fine sweetie. Less stressful because I got to avoid pointless discussions.. Yes, it is a complicated hassle this visa process
2012-08-07 08:55:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning sweet Jen. :-) Slept well? What are my chances you are up? A gentle good morning hug... :-)
2012-08-07 08:25:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I'm trying to focus on the clients but this too needs action...
2012-08-07 08:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That money of the tickets to a great amount... :-(

2012-08-07 08:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, not very curious. Lets see if I can get things arranged. Yes, I have to but the tickets first, but of the visa gets rejected I lose
2012-08-07 08:19:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom asked why. I said I'm meeting a friend. Sis didn't ask
2012-08-07 07:15:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, miss you...

2012-08-07 03:55:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry darling. I was researching the Hungary visa & ticket things. Spoke to my sis about whether she could submit on my behalf... :-|
2012-08-07 03:50:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. But I try to do other things in the morning & whoosh...time goes by. :-(
2012-08-07 03:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today I was stick in major traffic due to some strikes on the roads. Had to work with the driver in navigating...
2012-08-07 03:41:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweetie! Yes, that is exactly what happened! :-( I think I should dm you from home before I leave. Soft kisses on your lips!
2012-08-07 03:04:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A soft kiss on your nose to fragrance each breath... :-)

2012-08-06 23:44:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think I am too late. Truly sorry. Goodnight, sweet Jen. Wish I could hold you & read poetry to you till you fall asleep. :-)
2012-08-06 23:44:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Am I too late? :-(

2012-08-06 23:36:36 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire You get to choose! ;-) Sorry, had got a call from the office & couldn't dm from the same phone...
2012-08-06 23:32:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I like you here & here & here... :-)
2012-08-06 22:39:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Won't ever leave you, sweet one :-)

2012-08-06 22:37:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nope not bad weather. Must be some maintenance stuff... Miss you! :-)
2012-08-06 22:32:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Huuuuugs
2012-08-06 22:16:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would I ever leave you!? :-)

2012-08-06 22:16:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nope! Lost power. Sorry! Yes, to breathe in synchrony... Lovely! :-)
2012-08-06 22:16:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I so wish you were right here with me, right now... It would be lovely, yes. To see you smile in your eyes... :-)
2012-08-06 21:52:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Glad you feel that way, dear Jen. It gladdens me immensely that I can bring you a smile... even across this distance
2012-08-06 21:46:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Same here. I keep wishing it was on your front porch or on the terrace balcony
2012-08-06 21:41:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 10 min is perfect :-)

2012-08-06 21:38:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thanks for sharing that. If you must go, I understand... :-)
2012-08-06 21:34:26 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire :-) Sweet... I have seen those delicious hip bones of yours so now I think I have a fair idea of you walking around... :-)
2012-08-06 21:34:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Then you must leave? :-( If I may ask, what do you normally wear when at home? To bed?
2012-08-06 21:26:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Like this: or

2012-08-06 21:18:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yeah! Getting lost in Times Square would never occur to me! ;-p Done for the day? Dinner over? Kids in bed? :-)
2012-08-06 21:11:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So you found it! :-) Hmmm. I'd like to get lost with you at the mouth of a cave opening into the oceans... :-) Someplace naturally closed!
2012-08-06 21:06:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You basically just want to get lost with a beach!!

2012-08-06 20:36:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I so knew that there would a beach involved there!! :-D

2012-08-06 20:32:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Likewise, dear Jen! :-) If you & I were together & we were to get lost, where would you prefer to get lost?
2012-08-06 20:22:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missing you... Good morning, dear Jen :-) How's your day so far?
2012-08-06 19:59:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It would be lovely, yes... Hugs! :-)

2012-08-06 12:46:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am off to sleep now, dear one. Hope your day is lovely & full of smiles... :-)
2012-08-06 12:32:40 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire And the world swallowed my sweet Jen! :-)

2012-08-06 12:29:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling... goodnight!

2012-08-06 12:29:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that I wish you were here...

2012-08-06 12:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What what?

2012-08-06 12:25:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sweet soft dreams to you. BTW, what was I doing in your dream? Soft kisses on your knees. Do come & join me, dear :-)
2012-08-06 12:20:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, let's head to bed. I am feeling very drowsy. :-( I could use some sleep...
2012-08-06 12:20:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... :-)

2012-08-06 12:19:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. :-)

2012-08-06 12:11:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just did, darling. Veggies & an orange. How was your day? Wish you were here. We could talk into sleep...
2012-08-06 12:11:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You wrote a lot yesterday... :-) Been a while since I saw something like that on your timeline. Made me smile... :-)
2012-08-06 12:10:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, we could hold each other in spite of all the calamities of our past! :-)
2012-08-06 12:09:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My life had its share of toughness but nothing like yours. I am so glad you are out of it, in a family blessed with 3 lovely kids... :-)
2012-08-06 12:08:49 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Oh! Sure you can ask anything! My father died when I was 18. He died in an accident where the office building in which he worked caved in!
2012-08-06 12:07:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am glad you aren't hurting but I still wish I was there holding you...
2012-08-06 12:06:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry, to have you recall this. Wish I could hug you now & make it all go away... I am truly sorry Jen. I wish I could do something :-(
2012-08-06 12:03:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweets, I understand that these things make one tough & clear but no one wishes this for themselves! :-(
2012-08-06 12:02:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am so so sorry... :-(

2012-08-06 11:56:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! Just last christmas? :-(

2012-08-06 11:56:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You've never met your father?

2012-08-06 11:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll wear a thin undershirt

2012-08-06 11:35:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry you had to go through this. I... (((hugs))) :-(
2012-08-06 11:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Undershirt stays!!! :-)

2012-08-06 11:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would indeed make my days sweeter. Of course, you must hug & kiss me right NOW!!! :-D
2012-08-06 11:11:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ever feel inclined to share it with me... If it is too painful to relive we shan't ever discuss it... :-|
2012-08-06 11:05:36 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire You mentioned this earlier too, that your childhood wasn't really rosy. I'm not sure what etiquette prescribes, but I'd be interested if you
2012-08-06 11:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't have done it while in Delhi as the embassy is only open on weekdays!! :-( They seem to be experts at making it difficult!!
2012-08-06 11:02:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You read the post already!? :-) So you were quite a woman at 17 itself, eh!? ;-)
2012-08-06 10:50:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow!! :-o I am surely not your league!! In a museum! And you speak of multi-faceted!? You only have sides to you!! :-D
2012-08-06 10:41:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Try this:

2012-08-06 10:39:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to buy the tickets first, then apply for the visa by going over to Delhi. Then once again go to Delhi... If there is no other way...
2012-08-06 10:34:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you don't tire me. Why would I not want to come? Would I do all this in the midst of my client visit if I didn't want to!!? :-(
2012-08-06 10:32:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Here is a sample of a painting I did a while ago: It is a folk/ethnic style of painting! :-)
2012-08-06 10:29:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! I do like to paint & draw for leisure too, though rarely find time for it. :-)
2012-08-06 10:28:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really!!? I am up like a puppy at the crack of dawn! :-) Night time... that's a different story! ;-p
2012-08-06 10:22:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yep, reached home. Had some issue with my tenant in Hyderabad & was trying to resolve it. Human beings tire me! :-(
2012-08-06 10:21:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yep, drawing diagrams, flowcharts, design, etc. I hope so too... How was your night!? (((hugs))) :-)
2012-08-06 10:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a complete package (hotel, airplane & tour). I would have to go once to Delhi for this & again for flying out! :-(
2012-08-06 10:19:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope there is no other way. The travel agents say they will do it for me only if I buy a package from them!! :-(
2012-08-06 09:41:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the cab. I spoke to the travel visa company. Slightly convoluted process. Has to be done in Delhi only! :-(
2012-08-06 09:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They continued because people were too self-absorbed!! They wouldn't simply let go of their point! :-(
2012-08-06 08:57:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My day was difficult, with pointless discussions & way too much time on my feet at the board explaining, drawing...
2012-08-06 08:31:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. :-) Slept well? Just to prop my chin on elbows & chat with you while you still rouse from your slumber.. :-)
2012-08-06 08:29:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We had a lunch meeting too hence the day was packed beyond good limits... I just want to crumble & crash... :-(
2012-08-06 08:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was tiring. Painful. Spent most of my time at the board standing. Pointless irritating discussions... In summary not a good day! :-(
2012-08-06 08:19:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I thought I sent you a dm in between. I think I just

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didn't hit the send button!! :-(

2012-08-06 08:17:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too. I think I must confess that I rush to my message list looking for your DMs first thing in the morning... :-)
2012-08-05 23:34:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sleep well, dear. Woke up, worked out a little & rushed to work... How was your day?
2012-08-05 23:18:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope to return & do crunches, weights & cardio. Lets see... :-) My day is bound to be a little packed. I also need to call the travel agency
2012-08-05 22:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why is my darling not feeling well? Heat? Missing Sandy? I really wish you managed to sleep well. I did some stretches in the morning...
2012-08-05 22:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. :-) How are you? Hope you managed to sleep well. Soft kisses on your sturdy arms, sweetie ;-)
2012-08-05 22:41:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope your day was lovely, dear Jen. :-)

2012-08-05 22:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. :-) Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your shoulders. Do come & join me. Workout at home... :-)
2012-08-05 12:50:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, let's go to bed now. It is late & I need to wake up early to workout before heading to work. Shall we?
2012-08-05 12:44:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too. Yes, will watch for wet floors & won't spend a penny on anything!! :-o
2012-08-05 12:43:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Of course I can smiley a teeny one for my lady... I think I should watch my step/mouth tomorrow. Might end up falling flat! :-o
2012-08-05 12:21:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A book I ordered got cancelled too! :-( All these things showed as in stock! The guacamole is not good. Not the way it should be. :-(
2012-08-05 12:20:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's the avocado seed!

2012-08-05 12:19:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you here would cheer me up. Feeling really irritable. Trip, book, weights, guacamole... :-(
2012-08-05 12:08:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've sent you my brain!! Check your email

2012-08-05 12:05:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. The avocado I bought was a little raw. Guacamole won't come out well. I seem to be jinxed! :-(
2012-08-05 11:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too sweetie... :-)

2012-08-05 10:56:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might just have to wait, I think... Let's see. :-)

2012-08-05 10:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Simple dumbells are simple too... :-)

2012-08-05 10:41:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing my sweet lady's nose... What were you doing?
2012-08-05 10:41:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The kit is out of stock in most places online!! :-( Or way costlier than here... :-( Maybe I'll buy simple dumbells...
2012-08-05 10:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It did in parts. And to proceed any more would be an indulgence. At the end I would prove that what was done was not to be done! :-o
2012-08-05 10:34:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But we both have "real" things to do so... Au revoir! :-)

2012-08-05 10:25:19 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Lunch was pretty late & I like to sleep on a near empty stomach. :-) Oh! You know I could be up with you as long as legally permissible! ;-p
2012-08-05 10:24:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nope. Will have a fruit or something. Alrighty! Then I'll be off reading my book... Have a lovely day, sweet J. :-)
2012-08-05 10:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Has my lady gone out with Diana & co.?

2012-08-05 10:13:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nope... Still have 2 hours to start retiring for the day... :-) How's your day lined up?
2012-08-05 10:12:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh It's simple. You subtract 2.5 hrs from your time & change A.M. to P.M. & vice versa... :-)
2012-08-05 10:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And done. Tried out something, was more convoluted than I thought. More sad news. The kit I ordered is out of stock! :-(
2012-08-05 10:02:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And soon the lady will tell me she has to go... And I will smile & nod. :-)
2012-08-05 10:01:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What a morning rush we have in conversation! :-) As if night is but the hand on one's mouth.. till dawn... to continue! :-)
2012-08-05 10:00:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When people today tell me "Anand, perhaps you were rude" I respond softly with a "Was I incorrect? No? Then tones are matter of taste."
2012-08-05 09:58:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would love to work with you! It is a pleasure when one can deal with the matter at hand rather than wrapping oneself in sentimentality! :-)
2012-08-05 09:56:53 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Throwing pearls before swine? Ayn Rand... :-)

2012-08-05 09:54:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Which one?

2012-08-05 09:54:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really!? Hot temper? :-) You seem like one so sure, so clear.. as I said earlier, the lioness with whom you walk or step aside! :-)
2012-08-05 09:53:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire pearls before swine is not a wise way to live. :-)

2012-08-05 09:53:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think I was largely polite & diplomatic as a child. Very careful in festooning words & connotations. I grew up to realise that to throw
2012-08-05 09:52:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh absolutely! Mollycoddling a child is preparing her/him for such favours in the future. Not wise! But patience is a different fabric, no?
2012-08-05 09:51:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So, I don't think I am fantastic on absolute terms though ... but why talk about non-absolute terms! ;-p
2012-08-05 09:49:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire why mollycoddle. Children, on the other hand, are genuine & deserve all softness & patience! :-)
2012-08-05 09:47:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And often I choose (for the past 5-7 years) the direct & candid style. Perhaps I wish to test whether the other person is sincere... Else
2012-08-05 09:47:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahahahaha! You are perhaps my most devout palladin! I should have you here! ;-p But I think they have a point. There are ways of presenting
2012-08-05 09:45:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! I'm very animated! An Israeli friend of mine once said (on hearing me talk about food, art & everything): You're the most Italian
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2012-08-05 09:45:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sometimes my tone can be like a voice from the skies leaving people unsure or discouraged. But kids don't find any of this to be true! :-D
2012-08-05 09:43:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do tend to be a little difficult at times, asking questions or challenging stances but hardly ever to snub anyone. Just to educate myself!
2012-08-05 09:41:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet J. Slept well? What's lined up today? :-) I meant: Eyes weren't to your approval... :-)
2012-08-05 09:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I have some work to complete for the clients, so will be off DMs for a while... Come back to you asap. :-)
2012-08-05 07:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A big trumpet kiss on milady's cheek & neck... :-)

2012-08-05 07:16:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Maybe that is it... ;-p So if you were with me, then I'd never buy veggies!? :o
2012-08-05 07:06:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I am back.. I went to buy stationery & ended up buying vegetables! :-o
2012-08-05 06:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am stepping out for a bit, darling. Will be back asap...

2012-08-05 05:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was splitting my vacation between Kumaon & Gharwal. If the weather gets horrible in both places I might not even get there! :-(
2012-08-05 05:29:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I am not buying anything fancy like that. I just bought this:
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2012-08-05 05:11:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I've been mostly fine. Often caught up with work. How's your health? I realise it must be late there so shan't keep you up. Wishing you well
2012-08-05 05:02:53 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I'm sorry that the ugliness of the separation is setting in. I wish both of you strength & peace through all of this... Car will "die"? How?
2012-08-05 05:01:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here is a detailed map of the 2 sides of the state I mention:
2012-08-05 04:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was planning to head to the Gharwal side after spending 4-5 days on the Kumaon side. Here is a map: I head to Almora
2012-08-05 04:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am heading to the state of Uttaranchal/Uttarakhand on the Kumaon district side. The current catastrophe is on the Gharwal side... :-(
2012-08-05 04:41:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ annual vacation of a good length! :-( You should be my fitness equipment! :-D What did you have for years which none used?
2012-08-05 04:40:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ airline agency to check with them on cancellation/reschedule policy. I will lose money if the rains don't calm down! Not to mention my only
2012-08-05 04:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think the comment has been accepted. It does show up now on the article page. I didn't help mom with lunch today. I had to call up the
2012-08-05 04:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, here I am. Done with lunch. We lost power here so was away from all things electronic (to save battery) & was reading my book! :-)
2012-08-05 04:37:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hope you had a good time with Diana. Maybe you guys should go out or have a bbq! :-)
2012-08-05 01:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure if things will get better over a week. Let's see... My morning was lost in this & looking for fitness equipment!
2012-08-05 01:50:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was busy catching up on the weather in the mountains. Bad bad news. Flash floods & rains have already taken several lives... :-(
2012-08-05 01:48:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling :-) How are you? Slept well? I kinda did. Soft kisses on your tummy... :-)
2012-08-05 01:47:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Please do send me your beach pics, if it is ok. Would love to see your favourite haunt! :-)
2012-08-04 21:28:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No clue why I'm telling you all of this. Perhaps to amuse you! :-)
2012-08-04 21:28:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Latter, not later...

2012-08-04 21:27:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Even when I'm my friendliest, people find me serious or overpowering!!! :-( Hence, I hang around with kids! They are less complicated! :-)
2012-08-04 21:26:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To overpowering to aggressive. I've noted times when I came across as the later & have muted my words accordingly but there are times when
2012-08-04 21:24:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As to the nature of my presence, it really depends on the audience. Kids think I'm one of them. Adults usually find me ranging from strong
2012-08-04 21:23:04 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Not sure if you noticed but the rhombii in the bookshelf are differently coloured inside; some light, some dark..randomly!
2012-08-04 21:21:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet J. :-) Hope day was productive. Btw, it was flattering to note your approval of the pic though the eyes perhaps weren't!
2012-08-04 21:19:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Off I go...

2012-08-04 15:23:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me wish you a good night's sleep with dreams of your choice, darling. Kissing you on your fingertips (how is the nail?). Do join me :-)
2012-08-04 15:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Try this:

2012-08-04 15:01:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really tired, but I must sleep. Maybe I'll read my way into sleep now... :-)
2012-08-04 15:00:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sent you the comment. It is awaiting moderation!

2012-08-04 15:00:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My comments are nearly always long!! :-)

2012-08-04 14:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done...
2012-08-04 14:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Still framing my comment... Yes, it is pretty decent.

2012-08-04 14:42:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not yet. I am adding a comment to the article... Maybe after that I will read a bit & then doze off. Do you have to leave?
2012-08-04 13:55:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I want that? :-o

2012-08-04 13:48:13 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sure... :-) Don't you want to attend to your guests? I know they aren't yours but.. :-)
2012-08-04 13:41:08 (EDT)

2012-08-04 13:36:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope darling. I am up. Her article is ok. Nothing new, but for a first time write, it is decently researched. :-)
2012-08-04 13:31:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And the lady has vanished!! :-)

2012-08-04 13:26:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here darling. Reading an article written by a colleague's daughter. She is a research student. So was just reading that... :-)
2012-08-04 13:25:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your wish is my command... I should be in your inbox now! :-)

2012-08-04 12:54:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hence, it is neither obnoxious or superficial to ask. We haven't started DM-ing since last night to worry about that. :-)
2012-08-04 12:45:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet sweet J! What privacy? I don't walk around in a burqah! ;-) I would love to jump in front of you & go "ta da" the closest being a pic!
2012-08-04 12:44:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And if ever you wish that I complete the circle for you by sending you a pic or something like that, all you need to do is ask... :-)
2012-08-04 12:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He does think like most people on this Earth. It is so common that I fret not... :-)
2012-08-04 12:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging & kissing my sweet darling. Freshly showered & smelling oh so sweet... :-)
2012-08-04 12:36:44 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire As if a voice would suffice. As if the air suffices over colour of sky or a fist of cloud... No form, no colour, no taste, just a stillness!
2012-08-04 12:32:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't take it in an offending way. It just surprises me that you are comfortable in not knowing what or who you converse with... :-)
2012-08-04 12:31:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dark hair was a given; Indians don't come in blondes or redheads!! :-D Tall I already told you! ;-p
2012-08-04 12:15:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What is the picture of me that you hold in your mind, if I may ask?
2012-08-04 12:09:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, with you as well... :-)

2012-08-04 12:09:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You have captured it so so right... And the butter in the centre of the table. I'd love to cook for you. :-)
2012-08-04 11:49:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire hahahahaha :-D See! How do we guarantee loveliness!? ;p

2012-08-04 11:46:44 (EDT)

URM1 I have been mostly good. Work often keeps me away from Twitter. I am also atoning for staying away from reading. Still have 700+ books!! :-o
2012-08-04 11:43:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Somehow the weathered feel & look of such a table with irregular edges yet the arrogance of Nature would be a lovely place for meeting :-)
2012-08-04 11:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. :-)

2012-08-04 11:41:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Where are you? Still away?

2012-08-04 11:41:21 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I would love wooden, irregularly shaped like the remainsof a shipwreck, but still solid with grains & a slightly rough texture! :-)
2012-08-04 11:40:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have no clue what I look like... I am told, by an American, that I am huge even by American standards. Otherwise I am your avg male! :-)
2012-08-04 11:39:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really? But what if I am the hunchback of Notre Dame!? Or eat with my mouth open!!? ;-p
2012-08-04 11:38:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But yes, it would be lovely... On an old wooden/granite slab bench, sharing, getting your toast rightly buttered... Delightful! :-)
2012-08-04 11:28:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But you haven't seen my eyes! :-| Or any part of me...
2012-08-04 11:25:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would so love to have breakfast with you & discuss this... :-)
2012-08-04 11:21:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Which is what I tweeted about today...

2012-08-04 11:21:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The inclination to not look for evidence is what is ridiculous & religious folks are better off worshiping Chance, Randomness, etc.
2012-08-04 11:20:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I think his approach has several strengths which are vital to an understanding of religious stupidity.
2012-08-04 11:19:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Most certainly a weak point. :-) For religious apologists, mythology & fables are evidence. I believe one should construct a fair argument!
2012-08-04 11:17:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, he says this is highly improbable & that is highly

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highly improbable. :-)

2012-08-04 11:15:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do not question evolution. That makes sense to me... But his argument is not built strongly on grounds of improbability.
2012-08-04 11:15:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is exactly what probability is - likelihood. If A is highly improbable & B is highly improbable. Why would I allow A & not B?
2012-08-04 11:13:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..I can't allow it" which is inconsistent. If something is being shot down on the grounds of improbability, all things improbable should be!
2012-08-04 11:09:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not just that. He says "This was highly improbable, but it is science & we are here so its ok. That is highly improbable & not science so
2012-08-04 11:08:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why art thou losing patience & vitality with studies? Would studying in a group of students bring in some change?
2012-08-04 11:00:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But as I say, I must read on. Too early to set impressions about his mental faculties & his prowess as a logician. :-)
2012-08-04 10:59:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire then so should a God which has literary & psychological foundations! I'd have respected him more if he had shot down both! :-)
2012-08-04 10:59:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire shot down God because he couldn't find evidence for it. If multiverses as a theory is sufficient because we have math & scientific extension
2012-08-04 10:58:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire as he might provide some more evidence. Also the readiness he shows for parallel universes & multiverses feels silly for someone who just
2012-08-04 10:57:40 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire accepts but allows for evolution/creation he disallows for the existence of Godly forces. That makes me raise an eyebrow. But I must read on
2012-08-04 10:55:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet J. :-) Slept well? The book is interesting in systematically knocking down each reason. But the improbability that he
2012-08-04 10:54:09 (EDT)

ZinniaTung And between us, it's absolutely ok for you to let me know if there is any problem & that we can't/shan't meet... :-)
2012-08-04 09:54:29 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Are we on for 25th Aug lunch? I'll be leaving in a few days & once out in the hills there is very less likelihood of coordinating & planning
2012-08-04 09:53:05 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I'm good. It's so nice to see you enjoy this phase. Very very sweet. :-) Touchwood!
2012-08-04 09:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wish I could come with you too. I'm heading to the temple now. Take care darling... My hello to Sandy
2012-08-04 09:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Should be there... Glad to see my lady beaming! Kissing milady softly... :-)
2012-08-04 09:28:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think I'll really be away as I should have some net connectivity...
2012-08-04 09:11:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. Are they home?

2012-08-04 09:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I'm here. Had fallen asleep after the lunch & dm to you... I vaguely recall sering your dm before dozing off! Shopping done?
2012-08-04 09:08:53 (EDT)

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BeingInJoy How are you, dear friend? :-) Hope all is well. Been a while since I heard from you. How is A? Settled down well?
2012-08-04 05:53:01 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Haha! You did!? How adorable! Does he know how to cook? Are you past your no non-veg days? Oh! How are you? ;-)
2012-08-04 05:51:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up late too. I decided to wake up when my body chose to. The gym helped cure my headache... All well shaved today! ;-)
2012-08-04 05:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This gym us near my place but slightly expensive. I got an offer so I tried a month. Looking for a cheaper yet equipped gym...
2012-08-04 05:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be leaving on the 13th. And should be back on the 25th. Not really 2 weeks... Yes, I'll miss you too...
2012-08-04 05:42:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish I was there too, shipping with you for your guests too! :-) Glad you like the visitors. Should keep you occupied... :-)
2012-08-04 05:41:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Had a partial oil bath, helped prepare lunch, had lunch & am here. :-) Oh! So your day & coming days are going to be packed!
2012-08-04 05:40:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing milady's lips. Then her eyes. Then her cheeks. Lips. Chin. Nose. Eyes. Lips. Ears. Chin. Lips. Forehead. Hair. Eyes. Nose.
2012-08-04 00:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to the gym & back. My membership ends tomorrow. Will take a break as I will be travelling soon. Maybe see if there are other gyms near
2012-08-04 00:26:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-)

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How are you? Slept well? I kinda did though had bad dreams & hence woke up in the middle with a headache
2012-08-04 00:24:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too. Nothing much. Resting, reading, writing... Lazing around... All set to slink into bed!? :-)
2012-08-04 00:03:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear J.:-) I'm mostly good, thank you. Glad your studies are going good...
2012-08-03 21:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now my head hurts...

2012-08-03 12:50:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With that I'm done... Off to sleep now, darling. Do join me. Goodnight. :-)
2012-08-03 12:46:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes

2012-08-03 12:37:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-08-03 12:35:30 (EDT)

URM1 That was very sweet of you to say... :-) How are you? And li'l J?
2012-08-03 12:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look for it... Not to far away, musically... ;-p

2012-08-03 12:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see you found one... :-)

2012-08-03 12:31:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Find them... :-) Fairly obvious!

2012-08-03 12:25:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 2 of them for you... :-)

2012-08-03 12:22:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure I feel like it as much as I feel like ensuring that I can write...
2012-08-03 12:19:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My eyes are begging me to sleep, but I think I want to write at least a couple of tweets... :-o
2012-08-03 12:04:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet J :-) Slept well?

2012-08-03 11:44:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But we'll continue tomorrow.... :-)

2012-08-03 11:41:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The flaws aren't in his original point of no "god". The problem is that the reasons he gives for an improbable god, he openly grants science
2012-08-03 11:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come then darling, let's sleep. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Soft kiss on your temples. Hugging you tight & dozing away...
2012-08-03 11:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really really sleepy....

2012-08-03 11:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I nearly slept off... Can we go to bed now cuddling, cheek to cheek?
2012-08-03 11:32:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice, it is a decent book though I'm spotting flaws in his arguments...
2012-08-03 11:20:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No you don't bother me at all. I'm reading the god delusion...
2012-08-03 11:12:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. He was quite pleased. The other person will come in next week. I think most of the discussions were good... Some pointless
2012-08-03 11:02:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why headache?

2012-08-03 10:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad it was refreshing. I wish I was there too. Miss you. Kissing you back & hugging you tight... :-)
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2012-08-03 10:51:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Home, darling. :-) How was your day? Had fun in the rain?
2012-08-03 10:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here is near you!

2012-08-03 10:38:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling! :-)

2012-08-03 10:26:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok. Tiresome. It is drizzling here too! :-)
2012-08-03 08:11:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you enjoy your time in the rain!! Imagine the rain to be my fingers! :-)
2012-08-03 08:10:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The place was good but not its buffet. We had to go for a buffet due to time constraints.
2012-08-03 08:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was poor. If I kissed someone else you'll throw me out!?
2012-08-03 04:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Kinda good busy. We are all out for lunch.
2012-08-03 04:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will my lovely lady let her dear sir kiss her so late? Please please...
2012-08-03 04:15:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then meetings took over. Now at a team lunch. Really busy day... But yes, Friday!! :-)
2012-08-03 04:14:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Sorry about not being able to dm earlier. I thought I'd dm you while in the cab but got a call to discuss some work
2012-08-03 04:12:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And that tweet is dedicated to you... :-)

2012-08-02 20:03:09 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet J. :-) Another day at the beach!? Wow! That means another lovely pic for me? ;-) Glad you enjoyed the lyrical response!
2012-08-02 19:57:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-08-02 12:14:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really have neglected twitter... :-(

2012-08-02 12:05:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie. Come lets cuddle up & sleep. Soft kisses on your elbows. Goodnight. Do join me... :-)
2012-08-02 12:05:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I did see who I was kissing... Hmmm... Not sure! Looked like you. Smelled like you. Laughed like you. Kissed like you. Not you? ;-)
2012-08-02 11:45:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, very tired. My eyes hurt! :-(

2012-08-02 11:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I kiss someone else? Hmmm! Tastes nice though!! ;-p
2012-08-02 11:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think the meetings were bad. They just required people to be involved. People prefer to not be bothered... :-(
2012-08-02 11:29:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. :-) Why was your day tiring? Softly hugging my lady. Ate well?
2012-08-02 11:27:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling, reached home. I got delayed in traffic, got home, had dinner while watching Oceans Thirteen... And now kissing my sweetie!
2012-08-02 11:25:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tired. These are meetings are exhausting as I need to stay alert. Most folks nearly slept off... :-) I didn't, darling
2012-08-02 08:07:13 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Another meeting about to start. Thought I'll grab you & kiss you, darling :-) Today was good. I feel mentally energised though physically
2012-08-02 08:06:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I rushed out claiming to want to go to the restroom & ta da

2012-08-02 07:22:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh how I would love to see that pout!! And perform the necessary magic to iron it out... ;-)
2012-08-01 23:10:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweetu hugs for the lovely lady! :-) My day is mostly client meetings & design. will be long as I have an eve meeting with a team in Chicago
2012-08-01 23:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was way too exhausted last night. I just slept off without putting my mobile on silent our turning off wifi... Just conked off!!
2012-08-01 21:08:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm very glad you are a decent dinner but why is my sweet lady overwhelmed? Do tell me & we could talk it through... Yes?
2012-08-01 21:06:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Before I get down to all of them. Today we chant for 1008 times an important mantra...
2012-08-01 21:05:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Slept well? I did & woke up early to perform another set of rituals today. Softly kissing your lips
2012-08-01 21:04:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are things at your end, other than the studies? I really wish we were neighbours or accessible enough. :-) Yes, you can forget studies!
2012-08-01 20:26:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire to put my mobile on silent. I usually do that around 21:30

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hrs. But somehow, you didn't Sneaky one, you! ;-p

2012-08-01 20:24:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) How are you? Miss you too! Loads! Glad you've been studying. Actually you could have woken me up 'coz I forgot
2012-08-01 20:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your eyes... :-) Come darling, join me. Goodnight sweetie... :-) Do eat well & come to bed..
2012-08-01 11:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can barely keep my eyes open...

2012-08-01 11:38:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling really sleepy, darling. Shall we cuddle up & sleep?

2012-08-01 11:38:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You sound like you & he are more distant than you'd want to be...
2012-08-01 11:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you miss her. :-( I wish something could be done... Maybe Time knows better
2012-08-01 11:11:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Strange! A boy not liking a dog is uncommon...

2012-08-01 11:06:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the haircut? Did Kelvin cry for Sandy?
2012-08-01 10:12:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our lunch was in the office cafeteria. Lunch out might be on Fri. Dunno
2012-08-01 10:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day just was tiring. The work, the meetings, the thinking... Just tiring though vital...
2012-08-01 10:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to give you a massage... :-) Yes, its been a year
2012-08-01 10:07:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Hugging you tight & kissing you on your cheeks. Miss you too... :-)
2012-08-01 10:06:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Couple of more internal discussions & I should be heading home. How are you sweetie? How's your back? Soft kisses on your lips... :-)
2012-08-01 07:48:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, the meetings just got done. :-)

2012-08-01 07:43:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Get immersed in the day's work... How is your day lined up?
2012-07-31 21:04:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trouble you!! ;-) How are you? How is your back? Hugging you softly. Yes the rituals start soon, hence, I thought I'll write to you before I
2012-07-31 21:03:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I woke because your kisses started chattering from under the pillow! Sending you a 1000 more to
2012-07-31 21:00:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Did you get to do some studying? Missed you...

2012-07-31 20:58:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) How was your day? (((hugs))) I was really exhausted & out by the time your dm came in. Apologies!
2012-07-31 20:56:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That I would love! :-) Good night darling. Lets cuddle up. Soft kisses on my darling's back. Sleep well & early. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-07-31 12:01:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, the stress will hit you! Poor darling! How's your back now? Sweet one, I hope I was there to massage it for you & fall asleep!
2012-07-31 11:44:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I'm tired too. The plumber had come & then I helped mom prepare dinner. Had it & am all set to crash... My eyes burn!
2012-07-31 11:43:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whenever we change it there is a ritual to be performed. But tomorrow is a festival...

2012-07-31 11:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually we can get ourselves a new one any day. This is an annual ritual where we need to change the thread. Why? Because it gets dirty!!!
2012-07-31 11:07:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I miss you darling! :-)

2012-07-31 11:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We discard the old one.

2012-07-31 10:53:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then rush to the office for the client meetings. How are you darling? Hugging you tight & squeezing you with a kiss...
2012-07-31 10:14:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel so sleepy! Tomorrow is a festival where we change the sacred thread that I wear. Need to wake up early & get ready for the priest...
2012-07-31 10:13:51 (EDT)

dianewitch Where are you, dear Diane? Why would you not let me know that you are well!? :-( I really hope you are fine...
2012-07-31 09:20:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling. I don't feel like going to the gym even now! :-( I really feel tired... In a way, it was a hectic day! :-|
2012-07-31 09:12:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lots of meetings & catch ups. But necessary stuff...

2012-07-31 07:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, really sorry. Since the clients are coming in tomorrow, there is a lot of prep work going on. Sending you a 100 butterfly kisses!
2012-07-31 07:06:56 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh! I wish she heals soon... :-|

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2012-07-31 01:28:32 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Glad you finally stopped by... :-) Hope your kitty is keeping well.
2012-07-31 01:18:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't go to the gym in the morning. Didn't feel like. Maybe in the evening... How is your day lined up?
2012-07-30 22:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Hope you managed to sleep well. How are you? Soft kisses on your hips... :-)
2012-07-30 22:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could indeed watch them. Don't worry, I can sleep on the floor. I am used to it... :-)
2012-07-30 12:27:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, goodnight, sweetie. A soft kiss on your nape. Holding you close & whispering into your hair. Do join me soon, darling... :-)
2012-07-30 12:15:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd just be able to manage a cuddle & a smile & a kiss on your neck before snoring away... I think the heat is still here & making it tough!
2012-07-30 12:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are done for the day! Yes, I think you will enjoy reading it too. I am tired, too, darling. Let's sleep now, ok?
2012-07-30 12:05:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, catching up on reading. Reading the God Delusion

2012-07-30 11:05:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. Why would you be here & do this? I'd not apply for a visa if you were here, unless you want me to go meet your sexy neighbour!!
2012-07-30 11:04:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how could you ever help sitting so far unless you knew someone who had a chartered plane!!? Relax! :-)
2012-07-30 10:43:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No phone meeting. Client is on the plane... :-) No more phone meetings for a month!!
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2012-07-30 10:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, was eating pizza. Suddenly felt like having one so ordered one. :-)
2012-07-30 10:41:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. At home now. :-) I'll get in touch with agents tomorrow & see if I can get something done... Missing you sweetie
2012-07-30 09:34:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is a little bothersome. But we'll work it out... :-) Soft kisses for my sweet darling!
2012-07-30 09:15:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Able to help me in which case I could pay him an amount to get my job done. Or if I get to travel to Delhi then I might do it ..
2012-07-30 09:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Its not about a hassle. The problem is that I might need to be there in case they need clarifications. I'm checking if any agent might be
2012-07-30 09:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Appearing personally at the consulate. I thought I could simply mail the forms or have my sister drop them. But no... :-(
2012-07-30 08:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To the US my company got my visa. Secondly, we have a US consulate in Chennai. Hungary seems to have one only in Delhi. And they insist on
2012-07-30 08:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you planted the rose bush. How are you darling? I called up the embassy again but not much info... Lets see...
2012-07-30 08:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It seems like the Visa process will be a little complicated with me required to travel to Delhi to get a visa etc.
2012-07-30 06:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had to also be clear in my mind that I was not being reckless etc.
2012-07-30 05:28:04 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Why the sudden decision? I was pondering over it for a while. I just didn't think aloud. :-)
2012-07-30 05:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. The day's been busy. We were having an officewide session to discuss some things. Yes, had lunch. Did you eat breakfast?
2012-07-30 05:15:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Likewise... :-)

2012-07-30 00:51:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, dear. Tomorrow. :-) Would love to just watch you sleep... :-)
2012-07-30 00:44:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Jen. Was lovely chatting with you today. Made my day! :-)
2012-07-30 00:37:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I will be, sweet one. We shall catch up tomorrow. Tucking you into bed, now with a soft kiss on your chin. Sleep sweet with soft dreams
2012-07-30 00:37:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll most likely be taking you with me, but the signal strength in the mountains can be unpredictable. Don't know. :-|
2012-07-30 00:22:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I leave mid-Aug. There's nothing more I would love than to have you with me while sitting by the river. You would surely love it there :-)
2012-07-30 00:12:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am not sure I know who I am. Yes, I think deep but still feel lost. Hence, I go to the mountains to connect to the primal source... :-)
2012-07-30 00:04:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww! I wish I was there to give you an equally big hug! Fold you into me & fly away... Care for a ride!? ;-)
2012-07-30 00:03:46 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Yes, recklessness & belligerent demands to accept what one states in ever increasing volume or force! Truly ridiculous in its apparatus!
2012-07-30 00:03:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You do!? What made you feel that!? :-D

2012-07-29 23:59:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Appropriate phrases.

2012-07-29 23:59:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is often like having to show why I love you. I can't, beyond a point, show you why or how... I won't call it sacred, but merely lacking
2012-07-29 23:58:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely, showing ones work is often vital. Nevertheless, I would respect one for a carefully assembled explanation that brings them peace
2012-07-29 23:57:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Achieving just that can take an entire lifetime... :-)

2012-07-29 23:50:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have come to formulate a tiered approach to human psychological & spiritual development which holds humane secularism as it's 1st tier...
2012-07-29 23:49:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire At the end a full belly is the intent... :-)

2012-07-29 23:46:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think the intent if multiple schools of enquiry was to appeal to the inclinations of different people. Some like ham, some fruits..
2012-07-29 23:46:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Centuries. Nearly everyone today (& in India as well) recognise Hinduism to be just this...
2012-07-29 23:36:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There are elements of paganism too. One of the schools is theistic & unfortunately has gained predominance over others in the past
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2012-07-29 23:34:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hinduism is nearly entirely a spiritual enquiry. There are 6 schools of philosophy therein of which one is atheistic & one based on logic
2012-07-29 23:31:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You can't think straight now? Imagine your wordlessness then! :-)
2012-07-29 23:27:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lovely it would be, dear Jen. As if our bodies could melt in that cloudiness :-) I better right this conversation before I get all fidgety!!
2012-07-29 23:24:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely! And imagine if I paused when you didn't want me to, just to ask you a question that would lead to a debate of equal heat! :-)
2012-07-29 23:22:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it would've been difficult to hold back. :-) We would have just added to the steam, I suppose... ;-p
2012-07-29 23:15:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sure, we should discuss this at length some day. What I attempted was a mix of translation, interpolation, inferring & extrapolation...
2012-07-29 23:14:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't know why or how but you did come to my mind & I wished you were really there, wrapped in a towel! :-)
2012-07-29 23:09:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire On your tl? Let me go check. You'll find fanatics amongst Hindus too. Fanatics abound everywhere!!
2012-07-29 23:07:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I have read it & have translated the passages too! :-)
2012-07-29 22:59:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Btw, I was in the steam bath today, at the gym, & was suddenly drawn to thinking about you... Missed you! :-)
2012-07-29 22:56:46 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Even original Hindu philosophy... Did you know that Hinduism houses the oldest, most elaborate school of atheism!? :-)
2012-07-29 22:54:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I think only spirituality exists & it is too personal to gather a club around that. Hence, I feel more at home in Taoist, Buddhist or
2012-07-29 22:53:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie.. :-)

2012-07-29 22:50:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm making enquiries into travel requirements to Hungary. We will be together shortly, darling. :-) I'm really looking fwd to this trip :-)
2012-07-29 22:49:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Did you manage to sleep in spite of the thunder? I wish you did. Soft kisses on your palms :-)
2012-07-29 22:47:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When used to cloud the thinking mind, it is at best a benign cancer. I think any organised entity of esoteric purpose, deteriorates...
2012-07-29 22:44:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I agree, when religion is used as an instrument of discrimination & gross inhuman behaviour then it is at it's vilest...
2012-07-29 22:42:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Families typically stay together here. It is considered disrespectful to leave them to their agencies. Quite an Asian way of living.. :-)
2012-07-29 22:40:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) How are you? My father is no more. My mother stays with me. It's uncommon in India for parents to live separate
2012-07-29 22:37:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Atleast have a juice & a slice of bread. Yes, come... cuddle up with me now. Holding you close to me. :-)
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2012-07-29 13:09:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet darling. Sleep well. Do eat before you retire. I miss you. Soft kisses on your cheeks. Do join me soon. Yes,Sandy is missed
2012-07-29 13:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late darling, shall we go to bed?

2012-07-29 13:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No issues darling. You are tired. I wish I was there to gently massage your temples & ease you into sleep & sit by you...
2012-07-29 13:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, you get a kiss & a twirl & a hug & a kiss & twirl. :-) These prez are their view on how the software should develop. Not good/bad
2012-07-29 12:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry, darling. Nails grow back. All will be well ... shortly.
2012-07-29 12:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was just teasing you darling. These are prez that the clients have sent for our study. Just going through them before they arrive... :-)
2012-07-29 12:42:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we can do all that, darling. Working through some presentations that the client had sent. Yes, we'll walk in the house like that!! ;-p
2012-07-29 12:10:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a walk would be so lovely. I'd hold you gently at your hips... :-) Nothing to be ashamed of being hungry. You are human too!
2012-07-29 11:42:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling.... :-( Glad you ate a little...

2012-07-29 11:22:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you alright, darling? Asleep? :-|

2012-07-29 10:32:12 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hello, sweet one. How are you? How is Bri & Ver? Hope you have finally gotten used to the phone & your days are warm... :-)
2012-07-29 09:43:41 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, how are you? Done with the bills? Missing you... Worrying about you... :-|
2012-07-29 09:30:11 (EDT)

2012-07-29 08:07:47 (EDT)

2012-07-29 08:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just paid a load of bills. Reading the God Delusion. Enjoying it... :-)
2012-07-29 07:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Definitely, darling. A soft hug & a deep kiss for my sweet sweet lady... :-)
2012-07-29 07:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then please go eat something now... :-(

2012-07-29 07:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but you have the famous paprika!! :-D Missing you too, darling. Did you eat something?
2012-07-29 07:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We'll go shopping when I' there... :-)

2012-07-29 07:26:29 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hello... :-) You are up really late. Hope all is well with you.
2012-07-29 06:31:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I'll come after the festivals. I would've loved to see Hungary in it's best weather but that is less important... :-)
2012-07-29 05:47:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My knee is ok. How are you darling? Bathed & fresh? How is the weather there? Ate something?
2012-07-29 04:23:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The 1st & last are pending...

2012-07-29 04:22:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I ordered a Neruda, thinking fast & slow, god delusion, how will you measure your life & speak memory by Nabokov...
2012-07-29 04:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ideally, I would prefer good weather but that seems possible only in March. Should we push the trip to March!? ;-)
2012-07-29 04:20:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! I wish I was there to massage your back & take care of you. Please rest. Use a hot water bag. And some balm...
2012-07-29 04:18:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I might be able to stay longer then, I think. :-)

2012-07-29 00:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, it seems like Oct 15 might also be a problem as we have festivals then. I might only be able to leave by 24. Is that ok, darling?
2012-07-29 00:02:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had ordered 5 books of different genres & 3 of them arrived yesterday. I'm on a book reading spree... :-)
2012-07-29 00:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It felt nice to have him over. I had to wait for him to leave before heading to the gym... :-)
2012-07-28 23:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He was my uncle's driver several years ago. He stops by once in a while out of old time affection. Must be about a year since he stopped by
2012-07-28 23:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back from the gym. Ice pack on my knee. We had a visitor in the morning & that delayed everything, but he was most welcome! :-)
2012-07-28 23:56:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Did you manage to get some sleep? Holding you close to me as you sleep,darling. Soft kisses on your nose
2012-07-28 23:54:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I told myself stories because I needed them when I was

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eating or in bed. My parents had exhausted their supply!!! ;-p So I created them
2012-07-28 21:05:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I remember once singing to make rain fall & after a while it rained!! My only purpose to sing songs then were because the words were there
2012-07-28 21:02:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would be on my tricycle riding all around the place & sang songs that I composed on the fly, to birds, clouds, sun etc.
2012-07-28 21:00:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Funny you mention point 3. I'm right in the midst of reading The God Delusion :-) So you don't go to the church? Survive childhood? Why?
2012-07-28 20:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'll do the same... Goodnight!

2012-07-28 14:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. She was all of that to you. Yes, I would love to be there with you right now... :-( I hate to have to leave you with the cats!
2012-07-28 14:42:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll sleep darling. You need it more. I wish I was there to take care of you, heal you, bring back your cheer... But I'm not Sandy. :-(
2012-07-28 14:17:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most of my day was spent feeling bad for you & Sandy... I wish I could just hug you & take your pain away
2012-07-28 14:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your ears...

2012-07-28 13:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I am there with you, holding your hands gently humming into your hair. Sleep well darling. You need it... :-(
2012-07-28 13:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You are up! I thought you had fallen asleep. Darling, I join you too. Hold you close to me sweet one... Kissing you on your tired eyes..
2012-07-28 13:00:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, welcome home. I wish I was there to welcome to you. Sleep darling, you need the rest..
2012-07-28 12:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think it is silly of you to clearly plan Sandy's resting place. She deserves such attention. Yes, I wanted to meet her too... :-(
2012-07-28 07:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry, but I fell asleep holding the phone. Just woke up to a courier guy coming over to deliver some books I had ordered... :-(
2012-07-28 07:34:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope Sandy likes her new resting place. I feel sad that I'm not there to hold you as you shy away from crying in public. :-(
2012-07-28 07:33:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you, darling...

2012-07-28 05:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Around where you live? Darling, I'm with you... Always.
2012-07-28 05:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Sandy has really been lovely to you & I'm grateful to her for that. Very sweet of your friend to offer his space. Is there no space
2012-07-28 05:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please please, don't cry. I couldn't bear to hear you over the phone & ended up crying out here. :-( Please, darling. Pull yourself together
2012-07-28 04:20:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ asked for a better friend than you. I am sure she thanks you for the kindness & love you have showed her till the end... :-(
2012-07-28 04:19:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you find strength & gradually stop crying & suffering thus. Sandy was happy every minute she was with you. Surely she couldn't have
2012-07-28 04:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really don't know what to say. I wish I was there to hold you & help you with all the things you must do... Please darling. Please...
2012-07-28 04:18:36 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, I am so so sorry. I really wish somehow she would start responding to the medicines... :-( Sweetie, I am so sorry. :-(
2012-07-28 04:17:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off now to have my oil bath. Catch you in a bit. Miss you... :)
2012-07-28 00:52:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems to be intact....

2012-07-28 00:51:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to the gym in the morning. Feeling fit. My weight doesn't seem to be reducing, though!! Your pillow tummy sends to be intact!! :-D
2012-07-27 23:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You at the temple today. My sweet sweet darling... Holding you close to me... How I wish I was there.. :-(
2012-07-27 23:24:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really hope you slept well. I hope Sandy is feeling better. I hope the results come good & Sandy is healed... I'll be praying for both of
2012-07-27 23:23:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Slept well? I did. Long & without an alarm. Soft kisses on the corners of your mouth. :-)
2012-07-27 23:22:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Please take of yourself. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-07-27 12:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm feeling really sleepy. Shall we go to bed? Of course you get the hug & kiss... :-)
2012-07-27 12:32:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Let it be. I'm just worried about you... :-(
2012-07-27 12:30:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A monk, a sage is calm even when in the eye of a storm. How? At the deepest point in the ocean, storms & earthquakes affect not. Why?
2012-07-27 12:25:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sleep & eat like a baby. Not that if I served you great food you'd forget all reality...
2012-07-27 12:09:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Psychological balance. The calm of the soul. When one is at peace & accepts the world as it is, there is a calm of the soul, letting one
2012-07-27 12:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You're missing the point if you imagine that I'm recommending food as a cure. I clearly state that it is an indicator of poor visceral &
2012-07-27 12:07:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. Had a long short & dinner... What does the vet say?
2012-07-27 11:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't have to agree with me, but that is my view... :-)
2012-07-27 10:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Food is everything. All our ambitions, our health, our illness, our moods .. Everything comes from the food we eat. :-)
2012-07-27 10:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think food is the solution to everything. But I know that the ability to keep the body & soul at ease is revealed in our eating well
2012-07-27 10:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have often told you that to let one suffer due to any external circumstances & mishaps is not wise...
2012-07-27 10:00:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To able to eat & sleep well means a good psychological & physiologic centring... It means that the mind & body work in tandem & are in sync
2012-07-27 09:59:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, back from the gym. Ice pack on my knee...

2012-07-27 09:57:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. If that doesn't help, what will? Whatever it takes to give you strength, you must adopt because she needs you calm & strong...
2012-07-27 08:42:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Hang in there darling. Keep strong & eat well. You need it. Sandy needs it... I wish I was there too..
2012-07-27 08:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A hundred kisses for you my darling... And hugging you tight! :-)
2012-07-27 07:45:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back darling. How are you? Ate something? How is Sandy? Work today was ok. Mostly just meetings & discussions...
2012-07-27 07:44:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't go to the gym in the morning. Will go in the evening. Meetings are off today as the clients will be travelling soon...
2012-07-27 04:15:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope they are able to flush out the toxins. I want to meet Sandy when I'm there!
2012-07-27 04:14:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please. Nothing to apologise about. I completely understand how you feel. I just wish I was there to hold you & take care of you...
2012-07-27 04:06:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close to me, sweetie. I so wish I could be there with you & ensure you are fine... :-(
2012-07-26 20:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I had called but seems like milady doesn't want to talk to me. Every time I call I only hear the ringtone :-(
2012-07-26 20:34:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I thought dogs had a sense of what is poisonous & not. Poor thing... :-(
2012-07-26 20:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad the vet has been doing his bit in curing Sandy. Poisonous mushroom!? :-( It's tough to prevent them from doing such things!!
2012-07-26 20:32:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) I hope you slept well. Kissing you softly on your hair & humming a soft number... :-)
2012-07-26 20:31:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how are you? Still in the meeting. Heading to the vet shortly? Holding you to me, sweet one...
2012-07-26 10:10:01 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-o Seriously!? Please go there...

2012-07-26 07:46:35 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Where have you not been to?

2012-07-26 07:12:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... please don't lose hope. Hang in there. Let the vet decide what is best. Holding you close to me... :-|
2012-07-26 06:24:48 (EDT)

ZinniaTung ..I don't want your mom hating me! ;-p

2012-07-26 06:19:01 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Consider a trip to Uttaranchal. To Ananda in the Himalayas. Pamper yourself! Or any other similar place... I'd recommend you tonnes but
2012-07-26 06:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am fine, darling. What matters now is you & Sandy! Did you eat something? How is Sandy? Miss you too, darling. A lot. Wish I was there
2012-07-26 06:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could've slept so that you could be of use today for Sandy's sake. Are you now going to drive Sandy to the vet's? :-o
2012-07-26 03:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! :-(

2012-07-26 03:28:31 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Travel, girl!! What is keeping you locked home?

2012-07-26 03:25:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Or is it none of my business!!? :-D

2012-07-26 00:46:57 (EDT)
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ZinniaTung Or is momsy overwhelming you?

2012-07-26 00:46:47 (EDT)

ZinniaTung It was quite a rushed visit & way too packed a conference. How are things at your end? Why irritated? Not enjoying the courtship period?
2012-07-26 00:46:32 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Hello, pretty princess! How are you? I see I have your attention! ;-p BTW, was in Delhi over the weekend. Sorry, couldn't inform you...
2012-07-26 00:45:41 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Is this what you were wearing? You give wind & light, pride. You are so so lovely, Danielle... :-)
2012-07-26 00:25:27 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme ..heart here & happily return heartless. :-)

2012-07-26 00:23:18 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I come to your page, to see you, your pix & feel a trembling want to just hold you or kiss your forehead. Danielle, I could verily lose my
2012-07-26 00:22:58 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme How are you Danielle? How is your kitty? Been away from Twitter for a while, so couldn't ask earlier.
2012-07-26 00:22:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please don't worry. Stay strong. Sandy needs your love & strength to heal. I so wish I was there to help you... Just be with you..
2012-07-25 22:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so so wish I was there too. Gently taking care of you & Sandy. Be strong darling. All will be well. My sweet sweet darling...
2012-07-25 22:52:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) I hope my sweet one got to sleep well. I realise it might have been difficult. Softly kissing your shoulders...
2012-07-25 22:35:15 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. How all is well. Sweet dreams.Do come & join me.
2012-07-25 12:13:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please!! Nothing to be sorry about! Sandy is more important now!

2012-07-25 12:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A quick goodbye kiss for you! :-)

2012-07-25 11:57:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you the best! Hope he is willing to help. Do let me know what he says... Miss you.
2012-07-25 11:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have you met your vet?

2012-07-25 11:37:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your vet can help too. I'm sure Sandy would prefer that too.
2012-07-25 11:33:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is Sandy!? How are you? Kissing you softly & hugging you, dear. Don't worry. All will be well...
2012-07-25 11:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Today's meeting was equally boring. The entire set of activities lined up for the future seems bleak... :-(
2012-07-25 11:31:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is it possible for Sandy to stay there & you visit once in a while?
2012-07-25 07:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Considering? Would the treatment help long term?

2012-07-25 07:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good god! Poor Sandy!! Don't you want a second opinion? Insufficient time? I wish I was there darling to help with you. What are
2012-07-25 07:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All will be well. Sandy will be back to jumping around again. Maybe it is just something in the stomach...
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2012-07-24 22:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope they let you know early in the morning & give you good news. I wish I was there to hug you & hold you close, darling. Don't worry
2012-07-24 22:48:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, very stupid of then to leave without giving you the results. Idiots indeed! How could they be so irresponsible!
2012-07-24 22:46:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Woke up many times & finally to go to the gym. Soft kisses for my sweetie... :-)
2012-07-24 22:45:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do keep me informed about Sandy's condition...

2012-07-24 12:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the meetings continue. Shall we cuddle & sleep? Fading away. Goodnight, sweet dreams. Kidding your nose. Do join me... :-)
2012-07-24 12:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was tiring. Very exhausting. Fixed the issue. Then the meetings... Quite tiring. I'll hold you darling & feed you properly...
2012-07-24 12:09:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home, darling. We had pre-booked cabs so no problem. Still it took time. How is sandy? Any news? Softly kissing milady...
2012-07-24 11:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your nose & holding you tight. Don't worry, darling. She'll be fine.
2012-07-24 10:05:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The meetings are pointless & repetitive. I'm working on a critical bug while in the meeting. Yes, I had lunch & a snack too. You? :-(
2012-07-24 10:02:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, in the long meeting. Missing you. How is Sandy? What did the doc say? Are the results out? Maybe it is colic...
2012-07-24 10:00:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yourself too. If you keep doing this for every unhappy unpleasant incident, you will suffer! :-(
2012-07-23 22:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I completely understand your anxiety about your dog. I'm not angry & there's nothing to forgive. But you need to take care of
2012-07-23 22:24:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened to your dog lady? Is it just age? Poor thing. I wish I could hug her...
2012-07-23 22:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did, got up early & went to the gym. Soft kisses on my lady's shoulders :-)
2012-07-23 22:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Cuddling & kissing your ears. Do come & join me once you've eaten something... :-)
2012-07-23 12:04:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lets go to bed, then darling. You eat something before that. I'll just crash here. Feeling tired...
2012-07-23 12:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With a new release starting, we will have discussions into the night. So next few days will be long & hectic...
2012-07-23 11:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly! I also feel insincere... Anyway, enough of this seriousness! Did you eat well? I should be off to bed soon. Next 3 days are long!
2012-07-23 11:57:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel like writing or doing anything... Just an urgent want to understand what I should be doing...
2012-07-23 11:50:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry darling, it is not a low but an annoyance with the helpless cluelessness...
2012-07-23 11:49:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Had dinner just now. How are you sweetie!? Ate properly today?
2012-07-23 11:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I look at each minute I feel satisfied (more or less) but in summary I feel I am not going where I should be...
2012-07-23 11:45:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but some have such clarity. I don't know. Maybe it is just tiredness...
2012-07-23 10:57:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Missing you too. I'm wondering what I'm doing with my life! :-( I seem to be largely clueless...
2012-07-23 10:41:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly, darling. Yes, lets cuddle up. I'm just reading through some technical stuff... Thanks for the link. :-)
2012-07-23 09:42:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll skip the gym. Feel like resting a bit... :-(
2012-07-23 09:09:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting should end in a bit, then I head to the gym! There was a good deal of work to do. Wrapped it all... How was your day?
2012-07-23 08:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the meeting...

2012-07-23 08:45:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie :-)

2012-07-23 06:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again I ask you, is it the comfortable time of the month for you, else with the rain, roaming around etc. it might be uncomfy for you...
2012-07-23 05:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And we have time to plan... :-) I'm still to book tickets...
2012-07-23 05:52:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We'll do touristy stuff too, watch movies, order nagy pizza!! ;-) But won't you have work to do then? We can set aside time for your work
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2012-07-23 05:47:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That hill you mentioned & the ancient bath... Maybe any scenic places. A walk by the river where you went with your childhood sweetheart!!
2012-07-23 05:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like, including on a picnic etc.

2012-07-23 05:15:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't need to do anything for my visit. Your clean is 100 times better than mine. I just wish to be with you & go to all the places you
2012-07-23 05:14:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. You are there. :-) I'm sure we can enjoy anyway...
2012-07-23 04:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll cook on all days, don't you worry! :-) Would it rain so bad that we can't go see places? Are the days inconvenient for you to drive etc
2012-07-23 04:17:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Warm clothes & umbrellas!! :-) Will plan around then. Will keep you posted. Are those days convenient for you? Nothing else lined up then?
2012-07-23 04:16:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Performing rituals there would not be ideal. It just would be complicated. Can we plan for mid-Oct? Would that be ok?
2012-07-23 03:21:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not just no onion/garlic but also the rituals & not eating out at all...
2012-07-23 02:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is fixed as per our calendar which is according to the sun & moon. These 15 days come anytime in Aug-Oct, usually in Sept.
2012-07-23 02:55:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So it seems like my plan won't work. The only options are end of Sept (from 21st) or after 15th Oct. Is 2nd half Oct very bad?
2012-07-23 00:22:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Every year we observe 15 days of austerity for our ancestors. Just checked with my mom. This year it is from 30th Sept to 15th Oct. :-(
2012-07-23 00:21:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did, woke up at leisure. Am working from home. Kissing my darling softly on her ears... :-)
2012-07-23 00:18:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope your day was lovely & the swim was refreshing. :-)
2012-07-22 23:10:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just landed back home. Will now head to bed. Hope you & Lily have a lovely time. Miss you... :-)
2012-07-22 15:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will work from home. Yes, it is late. Let me say goodnight. Sleep well, darling. Soft kisses on your cheek. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-07-22 14:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Landed, darling. Heading home...

2012-07-22 14:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You sound so much better today. Thank heavens! :-)

2012-07-22 10:48:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. :-) Slept well? About 23 days to go... How is your day lined up?
2012-07-22 10:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting into the flight now... :-) Will dm you once I land. Soft kisses on your chin, darling... :-)
2012-07-22 10:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One of the flights reaches at 10:45 in the morning. So it would be nearly a whole day... :-)
2012-07-22 10:18:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I haven't booked tickets yet. I thought I'll spend my birthday with you. :-) 7 full days is perhaps more than what we had in Portsmouth :-)
2012-07-22 10:18:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love to stay longer but I might not get enough holidays from
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the office. I'm taking 2 weeks off in Aug when I head to the mountains
2012-07-22 10:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up feeling that it didn't make sense. There is no harm in meeting & laughing & smiling together :-)
2012-07-22 10:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know we didn't meet as lovers last year too, but I felt I needed to be explicit. No, I'm not saying we won't meet. I'm saying I don't know
2012-07-22 10:14:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do not wish to give you any false hopes etc. I was hoping to be there on the 2nd Oct & leave on 9th. Would that be convenient for you? :-)
2012-07-22 09:15:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I must tell you though that we are not meeting as lovers or anything like that. If you find that unacceptable then let me know asap.
2012-07-22 09:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We will meet to enjoy a joyous togetherness. I'm not sure if we can meet again after this. And I want to ensure you take care of your health
2012-07-22 09:12:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should be leaving in about 30 min to the airport. Yes, I'm serious. I think it is fair to meet. I don't know what the future has in store.
2012-07-22 09:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On my way to my sister's place. In the metro train. Kissing you softly darling. I was considering coming to Hungary if it is ok with you!
2012-07-22 05:21:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You must either be asleep or heading to bed so I shan't expect you to be up dm-ing me. :-) Goodnight sweet one. Soft kiss on your forehead!
2012-07-22 01:58:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tackle that expectation & lifestyle & we are good reading writing traveling studying creating laughing joking making love singing dancing
2012-07-22 01:57:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As often as possible. I think our need to put in effort is

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only for things we don't like or need to achieve in order to appear well off!
2012-07-22 01:56:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening! Hope you are having a lovely time with your family. Yes, a relaxed non-effort based life would be ideal. I try to ensure that
2012-07-22 01:56:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is first week of Oct a good time to visit Hungary? :-)

2012-07-22 00:10:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to my sis place. What's lined up for you?

2012-07-22 00:07:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The conf is starting late. Most people haven't even arrived! Expected of a Sunday morning! Post-lunch I might attend a session or two before
2012-07-22 00:06:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did though I could use more! Kissing you softly along your neckline.. :-)
2012-07-22 00:05:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought typical english movies last 1.5 hrs so I should be in my room by 1. The movie was nearly 3 hrs!!
2012-07-21 12:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See the first day show. No reason beyond it being a whim! Should have been wiser!
2012-07-21 12:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of couldn't sleep at my sis place as getting to the conference would have been difficult. We could have skipped the movie but I wanted to
2012-07-21 12:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Cleaning done? Shopping done? Fridge brimming with life? :-)
2012-07-21 12:45:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I would love to cuddle up with you, sweet one. Please do come. Goodnight, sweetie. A kiss on your neck. :-)
2012-07-21 12:44:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ In the room darling. Tiring day, but glad I got to meet these folks. Nice people. Dinner was excessively heavy & oily... :-(
2012-07-21 12:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not all offices have such rooms here. Our office does. Having dinner. Miss you loads. Will ping you in a bit..
2012-07-21 11:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every office of mine had a "sick" room. The one in this office had only one bed. Yes, we were talking old tales. Missing you... :-)
2012-07-21 10:34:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you up to? How goes your day? I'll be going now to meet an old family friend's family. She & my grandfather were colleagues :-)
2012-07-21 07:49:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, lets cuddle & stay together anyway. I was rushing to the bed as there was only one bed & it could get taken.
2012-07-21 07:47:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No there was a conf talk. It got over now. Heading to bed now. :)
2012-07-21 05:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch. Conf is fine. I might take a nap after this talk. If you were here I wouldn't be in a conference :-D
2012-07-21 04:32:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I'd love the kisses!! Sending you twice as much. Slightly sleepy. Drinking cold fluids to keep me awake... :-)
2012-07-21 03:16:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up!? How is your headache? Gone? Are you eating well?
2012-07-21 01:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? At the conference. Super sleepy... Kissing you softly on your forehead... :-)
2012-07-21 01:15:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too, sweet Jen. How is the weekend expected to
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be? :-)
2012-07-20 23:51:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing my darling. Tomorrow might be packed. Not sure... Anyway, goodnight...
2012-07-20 16:50:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of the day take up all my time. :-( I'm sorry.

2012-07-20 16:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was busy hunting the place. Finally found it & am here. Miss you too. I'm sorry but I don't intend to neglect you. Just that the affairs
2012-07-20 16:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Movie just got over, darling. I liked the movie. Now heading to the room... Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Kissing you on your nose.. :-)
2012-07-20 15:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Nope not staying with my sis... Heading back after the movie!!
2012-07-20 12:35:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We're having dinner then watching the dark knight rises!!! :-)
2012-07-20 12:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With my sis & bil. Missing you... :-)

2012-07-20 11:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too....

2012-07-20 10:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my dear one softly. Waiting at the baggage carousal... What are you doing, sweet one?
2012-07-20 10:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Landed in Delhi, darling. Yes, I took the velvet box. :-) How was your day darling? Mine was decent & packed... Now I meet my sis & bil
2012-07-20 10:18:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking off on the flight darling. Missing you. All rushed up at the end hence didn't have time to dm properly. Kisses..
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2012-07-20 07:33:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was your day, sweet one? Done for the day?
2012-07-19 23:37:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) It is less of work & more of learning. I do take time to relax... So much that I wonder if I am not whiling it all away!! :-)
2012-07-19 23:37:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or the worry that talking as I used to might trigger talks on meeting up/being together which hurts both of us... Not sure! :-(
2012-07-19 22:40:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not sure why, but I feel like writing lesser nowadays. Be it online or off. Maybe it is the way my day is packed now with work, gym, etc
2012-07-19 22:36:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? Hope your tummy & head are fine. Kissing you softly on your cheeks as you sleep... :-)
2012-07-19 22:34:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear J. :-) Hope your day goes smoothly. Mine was ok. Tonight I head out to another conference. This lasts the whole weekend..
2012-07-19 20:26:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Juices, soups should help. Please take care of yourself. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your finger tips. Do join me... :)
2012-07-19 12:19:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too... Did you eat properly today?

2012-07-19 11:57:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Worried about what? Yes, that would be lively, though lets just cuddle. I don't think I want a massage... :-)
2012-07-19 11:30:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. :-) How are you? Slept well? How's your day lined up!? Sending you a warm
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hug... :-)
2012-07-19 11:22:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Giving you a tired hug & trembling kiss...

2012-07-19 11:17:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back from the gym & steam bath. Super-exhausted today!! Every part of me hurts!! :-(
2012-07-19 11:17:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course not!! :-) Darling, I'm off to the gym now. Kissing you on your lips.... And whoosh.... :-)
2012-07-19 09:11:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Meeting on... Sneaking a tender kiss for your chin. :-)
2012-07-19 08:44:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I genuinely enjoy solving technical problems. Actually any kind of problem that doesn't involve human beings... :-D
2012-07-19 07:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Yes, mine was really packed. There were multiple issues to look into. But all well. :-)
2012-07-19 07:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling... Soft kisses on your spine... :-)
2012-07-19 05:03:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, dear Jen. Sleep well. Wishing you lovely dreams of your choice! :-0 ((hugs))
2012-07-19 02:14:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Makes sense... Are you done writing? Sleepy, sweetie?

2012-07-19 01:52:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, sweets... Are you writing online?

2012-07-19 01:09:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll be around so feel free to ping when you are done... :-)
2012-07-19 00:54:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! Let me not stop you then! Please go right ahead. I
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really thought you were asleep. Happy to see you bursting with thoughts. :-)
2012-07-19 00:54:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And the sweet lady has fallen asleep! :-)

2012-07-19 00:31:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) I wish you didn't have to take the load of your friend's predicament all by yourself. So undesirable this crease on your forehead.. :-(
2012-07-18 23:55:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To be sincere to every minute would let people remain peaceful. This feeling of not-enough is a sad one...
2012-07-18 23:46:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely. :-) Kids in bed?

2012-07-18 23:45:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Support systems, organ replacement & other invasive treatment. Our departure from Nature is our reason for many ills...
2012-07-18 23:36:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you find the expression resonating with your inner being. :-) I actually believe that people should gracefully die & not get on medical
2012-07-18 23:35:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire If only each of us had the complete clarity of past present future & the timeless, one would not be in agony...
2012-07-18 22:54:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Artificial Spring in Winter. Most of pain is merely a matter of resisting. One needn't romanticise it but to not resist is why rivers flow..
2012-07-18 22:44:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The soul. The reaction to prolong or prune life are equally ridiculous, IMO. None of the animals do that. None of the trees create an..
2012-07-18 22:41:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Samuel as in Samuel Johnson. Nice. Chloe is nice too. More than objectivity it is a matter of seeing things as they are even in matters of
2012-07-18 22:39:57 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire When they did not do it for anything else in their life, why do it for death?
2012-07-18 21:56:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The only advice to give those contemplating death is to accept the way of Destiny & not attempt to accelerate or retard anything...
2012-07-18 21:56:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 6' 4". Is Sammy his complete name or what he is called at home? Lily Grace.. I thought you'd name her Claire! :-)
2012-07-18 21:55:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love to hug as if to gather the woman up & into my torso... :-) You look perfectly shaped for that!
2012-07-18 21:08:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Work should be largely peaceful. How is Michael? What are the names of the other two, if I may ask?
2012-07-18 21:07:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Someone was dying & wanted to walk away. Sprang my entire series of #death tweets & a quiet evening starting at the ceiling...
2012-07-18 21:06:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, you mentioned that. True, dealing with someone's suicidal thoughts can make one reflect a lot. The same happened to me when I heard
2012-07-18 21:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back on Sunday night. This time I travel to Delhi.

2012-07-18 21:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wrong, so will go to the gym in the evening. How is your day lined up? I travel this weekend for another conference. Will leave tomorrow &
2012-07-18 21:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or something like that. Please. Eating properly will take care of your body automatically. Sending you soft kisses darling. I set the alarm
2012-07-18 20:59:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Glad you ate something though bread its not the best at night. I really wish you had a bowl of veg soup
2012-07-18 20:58:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing on agenda, really. Office work & back. Will go to the gym in the evening. Other than that nothing else. Oh! Yes, and missing you!:-)
2012-07-18 20:56:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) Why weird!? Melancholic? You? Is that even legal? Let me give you a nice warm hug & dance to the music of hums
2012-07-18 20:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 985569... I wish I could. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. I hope you eat a proper dinner. Soft kisses on your nose... Do join me
2012-07-18 12:09:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nearly there. I'll head to bed now dear. Feeling really tired. Want to sleep... Will you join me?
2012-07-18 11:55:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. 789569 ... Breathless!!

2012-07-18 11:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right here, dear. Had got a call from my granny & hence was occupied. I'm right now at 325623...
2012-07-18 11:28:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the count starts now...

2012-07-18 10:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to the shower now, darling. Well return to cover you in a million kisses &5 hugs!! ;-p
2012-07-18 10:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, I was afraid that if I kept sitting after the meeting it will be like the other day when I kept postponing the gym till really late!!
2012-07-18 10:24:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I went to the gym too... Just got back. My chest hurts a but. Really pushed myself today... Feels good. :-) ice-pack session on...
2012-07-18 10:10:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. On the call.

2012-07-18 08:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You keep saying that you don't need a doc, then why are you weak & unwell? A medical mystery!? :-(
2012-07-18 08:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like more salt or exercise or yoga, etc

2012-07-18 08:19:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am glad your head feels better. Do eat properly & regularly. You also need to check with doc if there is any lifestyle changes you can do...
2012-07-18 08:19:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which ones did I ignore? The ones which are repeated conversation I have responded to earlier. Really nothing new to share out there...
2012-07-18 08:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Saw
2012-07-18 05:36:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, such days are good between packed days... :-)
2012-07-18 05:20:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is true!! Lunch had on time. It would be lovely under trees in a drier climate!
2012-07-18 04:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Boring because there is no major exciting work. Routine stuff. Miss you! :-)
2012-07-18 03:48:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaking a soft kiss for my sweet lady. How goes your day? Mine is largely boring!
2012-07-18 03:32:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really wish you would take care of yourself. Hinging on to

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something pointless doesn't make sense. Please take care... :-(

2012-07-17 22:39:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did & slept in long. Soft kisses on your temples. Hope your headache's gone when you wake up
2012-07-17 20:49:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! And yes, would any day take your offer for a massage... You can introduce me to all my muscles ;-p
2012-07-17 20:47:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Real life you need to deal with too!! :-)

2012-07-17 20:45:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) How was the day? Continues to be great? How was the trip? Yes I miss our chats but acknowledge that there is a
2012-07-17 20:44:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Alrighty! I am off to bed. Goodnight, dear Jen. Hope your day is lovely... :-)
2012-07-17 12:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Do eat a proper dinner. Soft kisses on your lips. Do come & join me... :-)
2012-07-17 12:38:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Something like this:

2012-07-17 12:03:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire This is an ethnic tunic of sorts...

2012-07-17 11:59:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tore it!! :-(

2012-07-17 11:44:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What a relief!! Glad both of you are recovering! My day's been the usual busy. Nothing special other than I caught my clothes on a knob &
2012-07-17 11:44:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning sweet one. :-)

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Slept well? How are you feeling? How is Michael? His results in? Please do rest & take care. Thinking of you :-)
2012-07-17 10:22:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just called to cheer you up.didn't mean to disturb you... Sorry if it troubled you...
2012-07-17 10:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the drive back well be a lazy one. I can't even read in this darkness... Why is your head hurting darling?
2012-07-17 10:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care dear. I wish I was there to massage your temples
2012-07-17 10:11:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, no gym tonight so will go home & crash. I tore my clothes in the office!! :-( It caught in a door handle & ripped... Waah!! :-(
2012-07-17 09:57:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was so packed that I forgot to have my meals on time. Ended up having then later than usual!! But good packed... :-)
2012-07-17 09:16:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm in the long meeting. Missing you. Sending you a kiss on butterfly wings...
2012-07-17 09:12:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Sneaking a soft kiss for my sweet lady. Yes, packed day with pairing... How is yours? Hugging my sweet lady... :-)
2012-07-17 05:39:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is the tired lovely lady asleep!? I do think you should get all the rest you can...
2012-07-16 22:35:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gym was good. Muscles ache. Would love a nice massage!!
2012-07-16 21:54:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire One must clearly evaluate pros & cons. You have me the latter; I, the former!! ;-p
2012-07-16 21:53:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And soft kisses for my darling... :-)

2012-07-16 21:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll come back & kiss my sweet lady on her cheeks... :-)
2012-07-16 21:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did, went to the gym, lifted weights, back, ice-pack on knee & going for a shower now... :-)
2012-07-16 21:30:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And back...

2012-07-16 21:17:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm off to the gym now, sweet one. Take care. Will be back soon... :-)
2012-07-16 20:21:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D If we both get sick we both get to stay in bed!!
2012-07-16 20:09:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, lovely when we think of each other at the same time esp across oceans & clocks... :-)
2012-07-16 20:08:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire For some reason I woke up feeling a strong urge to hug you... I'm still in bed & sending you a hug. :-)
2012-07-16 20:02:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was your day? Did you get sufficient rest? Just imagining you on the swings while I sit on the porch steps.... Delightful! :-)
2012-07-16 19:54:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) How are you? Better? And Michael? I dozed off last night holding on to the phone... My apologies.
2012-07-16 19:51:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Help. I wish I could be of help. Glad you enjoy the words there. :-) You seem to have found the words that were for you! :-)
2012-07-16 13:21:13 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Heavens! Do take care. It is difficult to not contract the same given that the kids will stick to you.. :-( Do rest well. Chicken soup might
2012-07-16 13:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, lets sleep then. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your tummy. Do join me... :-)
2012-07-16 13:08:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you eat well?

2012-07-16 13:07:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. :-) Hope your day goes well. How's Michael? Thought I'll write to you before I crash for the day...
2012-07-16 13:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lets go to bed, dear. It is late here. Have to get up in the morning & go to the gym again! Then a long day at work!! :-(
2012-07-16 13:05:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ewww!! Sweaty!? No way...

2012-07-16 13:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you'd prefer me freshly showered!! Hugging & kissing my pouting lady... :-)
2012-07-16 12:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, no pain. Just precaution... :-) That needn't stop the kisses... ;-)
2012-07-16 12:28:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. That was a good rapid workout. Cooling down with an Ice-pack on my knees
2012-07-16 12:23:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be a great idea though I'll be on the bike. So a slow drive back home...:-)
2012-07-16 11:03:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see a 3-9 min delay on them. I might head to the gym now...
2012-07-16 11:00:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Nope! Your dm comes to my tweetdeck rather slowly...

2012-07-16 10:45:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really!? Must be my morning prayers...

2012-07-16 10:11:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one.

2012-07-16 10:11:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. All our new moon rituals require that we touch no cloth or fabric... Too tough!
2012-07-16 10:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting, whether in Hungary or India, isn't different, dear one. :-(
2012-07-16 09:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about the carpet in my room?

2012-07-16 09:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have been to the north & to goa with my friend...

2012-07-16 09:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, now I did wash them. :-) I follow what I was taught wherever I go...
2012-07-16 09:25:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was good. Good amount of work done...

2012-07-16 09:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a hug & a kiss is due... ;-p

2012-07-16 09:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds like a plan! I just get out of the cab & in front of the computer. Don't even get to wash my hands & legs...
2012-07-16 09:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Meeting done. Wondering whether I should go to the gym....
2012-07-16 08:58:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your lips.. Please rest well today. :-)
2012-07-15 23:01:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Today is the winter solstice so we have a ritual like the new moon one. Just finished that. Heading to work now...
2012-07-15 23:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every time you star a tweet I feel overjoyed! That to me is surplus compliments esp when you find the tweets meant for you.. :-)
2012-07-15 22:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Glad you reached safely. Kissing you all over. Shhhh! Sleep on...
2012-07-15 22:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care darling. Goodnight. Drive carefully. I kiss-brooch to keep you warn through the journey. Yes, please do join me...
2012-07-15 13:15:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonder why you prefer to make assumptions. Kissing & hugging you a safe journey back home. Do let me know when you reach safely...
2012-07-15 12:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No sweetie.. It does. It makes me swell with joy when I note that you like the words... :-) Still I wish you richer baubles!
2012-07-15 12:45:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hardly so.. Not entirely happy...

2012-07-15 12:33:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) That would be lovely. Raining? :-( That means the roads would be wet!
2012-07-15 12:20:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing darling. Staring at a blank screen hoping words would arrive...
2012-07-15 12:15:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. That is difficult to say. You wouldn't have much to make your heart pine or reminisce...
2012-07-15 12:04:42 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Half my day was spent returning from the trip, unpacking & catching up on sleep. The other half in reading & the like... Yours?
2012-07-15 12:03:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I do. To completely pause and be aware of each hair's movement in the wind, the coarseness if fabric on skin... Lovely! :-)
2012-07-15 12:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope. I am not holding on to it. I am saying that this feeling of yours that it can't get worse is a moving target...
2012-07-15 11:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trust me, it can get worse...

2012-07-15 11:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is what you said when we discussed not meeting last year & that we owe ourselves at least one meeting... :-(
2012-07-15 11:14:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting up will only give you reprieve for a few days. Then the pain begins all over...
2012-07-15 11:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish the pain goes away, darling. I really do...

2012-07-15 11:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-15 10:45:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss those days too, Andrea. I really do

2012-07-15 10:28:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or the one we ordered to our room while watching the movie...
2012-07-15 10:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Sounds lovely! :-)

2012-07-15 10:03:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which pizza did you have?

2012-07-15 10:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! Pizza Nagy! :-) I still see Large & laugh/smile to myself
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2012-07-15 09:57:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pizzeria sounds lovely. Last night I ate at a pizzeria. :-) Wood fired pizza! :-)
2012-07-15 09:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are driving in the evening. Nice chat? Where are you going for late lunch? My evening is ok...
2012-07-15 09:02:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have nothing to say as it will not be accommodated. Simple. I would have advised you to travel in day light & sleep the night peacefully..
2012-07-15 08:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Hmmm... What can I say!?

2012-07-15 08:05:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because visibility is low, drunk morons drive, you will be less alert... :-(
2012-07-15 07:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you want to drive at night!!? :-(

2012-07-15 06:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I feel good though have a slight headache... How are you!? When do you head home?
2012-07-15 06:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do let me know once you reach...

2012-07-15 05:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ever since I got back!!! Woke up just a while ago & had lunch... I suppose you are driving back? Please be careful...
2012-07-15 05:35:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad dinner was good. I'm glad you had a good time... :-) You should do this more often...
2012-07-14 22:39:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. :-) Slept well? I just reached the station. Heading home. Kissing your cheeks
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softly as you sleep.. :-)

2012-07-14 22:33:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Pressing against the back of the thigh... It gets more delicious if you wear thin cotton shorts which don't hug the thigh. Flutter of entry!
2012-07-14 21:27:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And yes, people miss the beauty of breeze on a bare thigh. Utterly sensuous & oh so lovely... Same with metal rivets on a park bench, coldly
2012-07-14 21:25:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) You seem to have had a busy day. How is the child? I'm in the train back home. Should reach in about 20 min
2012-07-14 21:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your nape. Do come & join me dear...
2012-07-14 15:00:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. In the train. Will settle in the berths now. Are you all set for the night?
2012-07-14 14:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the station now. Miss you...

2012-07-14 13:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the kisses!! I'll keep then through the journey... :-)
2012-07-14 12:53:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trains are good for me. I'm not driving, so it's ok... :-)
2012-07-14 12:50:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope. You said you would travel in the morning. :-)
2012-07-14 12:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you...

2012-07-14 12:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was the swim, fun? :-) Would love to see you swimming...
1177 / 4823

2012-07-14 12:20:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm here. Had dinner with an old friend with whom I've travelled before. Here in the room waiting for the rest to go to the station
2012-07-14 12:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the office...

2012-07-14 10:15:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They seem to advise you to not ruin yourself over this. It doesn't matter what I say or clarify... Are you driving now!?
2012-07-14 10:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. that is not it.

2012-07-14 09:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your friends give you practical advice...

2012-07-14 09:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. I really do...

2012-07-14 09:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
2012-07-14 09:25:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok. Rested a bit... How was the walk? Pleasant?
2012-07-14 09:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, on your walk. Maria, Renata all say the same thing. :-(
2012-07-14 08:11:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Back from lunch. Conference is fun so far. Some of the talks are boring!! How goes your day!?
2012-07-14 05:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Ears there, eyes here

2012-07-14 03:22:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad you're eating better here. Please ask them to adopt you!
2012-07-14 03:04:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, a soft deep kiss on your lips, darling... :-)

2012-07-14 03:03:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My conference has been fun so far.. So far! ;-)

2012-07-14 02:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner was decent. Breakfast was also decent. Are you eating well!?
2012-07-14 02:30:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft small kisses all over your arms. I miss you. In the conference which is fairly interesting... :-)
2012-07-14 02:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I fell asleep holding my phone. Did you sleep well? Are you staying with your friends today? Do drive in sunlight
2012-07-14 02:25:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire His eyes with it if he feels an itch. The eye-fluids might colour the cloth red (reaction with turmeric) & shouldn't psyche him... :-)
2012-07-14 02:21:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So take a neat piece of cloth. Mix turmeric powder in warm water. Dip cloth in it & dry it in the sun. Fold it for the child. Let him dab
2012-07-14 02:19:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet one. Soft kisses on your forehead. I hope you feel the hug I send you... :-)
2012-07-14 02:17:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you too. But I keep thinking that if I kept telling you that you'd roll your eyes & get bored! But I do miss you! :-)
2012-07-14 02:03:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not an issue. Feel free to send it to me when you are happy with it... :-) I am keen to see it...
2012-07-14 02:00:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Used to wipe our eyes. The turmeric acted as a natural disinfectant & helped in cure.
2012-07-14 01:58:21 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Pink eye can be annoying. Irrigation should help. We used clean cloths dipped in warm turmeric water& dried. This cloth was the napkin we
2012-07-14 01:56:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sorry, was in a breakfast meeting, so couldn't dm earlier. Are the kids in bed? And you? :-)
2012-07-14 00:04:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm 5 hrs drive from home...

2012-07-14 00:02:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) How has your day been? How's the kid feeling now? The conference begins in a coupe of hours...
2012-07-13 20:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, lets sleep. Had food. Sleepy. Goodnight. A soft kiss on your ears. Come join me darling... :-)
2012-07-13 14:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel so tired. Didn't sleep well last night & a hectic day... Miss you.
2012-07-13 14:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is raining here...

2012-07-13 14:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you?

2012-07-13 14:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, reached the room. Really hungry so ordered food. My while body hurts from the workout...
2012-07-13 14:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you are here I'll shut the Nook... :-)

2012-07-13 12:14:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. I hold you close. My seat is separate from my friends so I am all by myself... With my Nook!! :-)
2012-07-13 10:49:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Did you guys finally watch the movie?

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2012-07-13 10:32:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. :-) Slept well? I'm glad we "met" too... How is your day lined up? I'm on the train to the conference... :-)
2012-07-13 10:31:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We lost signal. Haven't yet reached. Another 2.5 hrs. Missing you too, sweet one... How are you!?
2012-07-13 10:28:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought I wrote reach & thought you were mocking at me... :-D
2012-07-13 07:48:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no reason to feel so low. You have a rich life ahead of you...
2012-07-13 07:23:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, straight from office. Sitting in the train now.

2012-07-13 07:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does, hence I am concerned. Less worried about traffic & more about your own health...
2012-07-13 06:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because you have just recovered...

2012-07-13 06:00:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too...

2012-07-13 05:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have still preferred that you didn't drive... :-(
2012-07-13 05:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you did it to be in good company & not cry, I am happy...

2012-07-13 05:40:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But why did you suddenly go? I'm happy you are safe & sound..
2012-07-13 05:19:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? :-(

2012-07-13 03:55:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Have you reached!? Are you alright? Why this sudden whim!? :-(
2012-07-13 03:26:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, one per morning would be ideal. I can't help but be intrigued by your work.. They are lovely... :-)
2012-07-13 01:51:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Do send me more of your works. I am hooked! :-)

2012-07-13 00:11:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sure you'll do fine! You are so good with things.
2012-07-13 00:11:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok!!! :-D

2012-07-13 00:08:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sinus?
2012-07-12 23:46:53 (EDT)

Darkntwistd You are such a sweet & loving person. Why would anyone give up the experience of your friendship! You're a darling! Xoxo :-)
2012-07-12 22:48:15 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I wish you found love too, dear. It would surely make you happy & cheerful. Why do you say you've lost your friends? I doubt that...
2012-07-12 22:47:03 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Dear Annie, we should perhaps Skype some day. Would Sunday be ok? I miss our daily conversations too. Wish I was there to hug you...
2012-07-12 22:44:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Business. Kids are in bed!? How was your day, dear? Did you get to study well? :-)
2012-07-12 22:43:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Today I still get some shirts stitched but tailors are rarer to find. With more people heading the branded route, tailors are nearly out of
2012-07-12 22:41:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not at all, though it would be delightful to be woken up by you! :-)

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2012-07-12 22:40:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And the bound look is indeed suggested... :-) I love the detail you carefully craft into your work!
2012-07-12 21:16:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is this the one you wore with the olive green sundress!?
2012-07-12 21:14:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love it when people create their own stuff. Since I was a kid, I would buy material & get it stitched by a tailor according to my designs
2012-07-12 21:12:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And back!! :-) Don't know why but I slept late & woke up couple of times & finally around 4:45! Still I feel rather fresh! Gym helped too!
2012-07-12 21:11:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Heading to the gym now. Brb. Missed you too, sweet one... :-)
2012-07-12 20:03:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What! Are you serious!? You should not be driving long distances!! Darling! Why are you doing this!? :-(
2012-07-12 20:02:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I saw your mails. Lovely bracelet. I agree with out looking classy on a slim wrist, as yours... :-)
2012-07-12 20:01:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) Productive day so far? What else did you do? I barely slept but I'm ok...
2012-07-12 20:00:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, dear Jen. Hope you have a lovely day... :-)
2012-07-12 12:33:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I schedule tweets some times, to keep appearing on my tl even while I sleep! :-)
2012-07-12 12:32:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm in bed now. No sheets though!! :-D

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Productive as in? A tan? ;-)

2012-07-12 12:29:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your chin. Sweet dreams. Hope you get to sleep without interruption. Please do join me...
2012-07-12 12:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never meant to...

2012-07-12 12:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry...
2012-07-12 12:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. I wish you wouldn't let that wreck you. Nothing is worth wrecking one's health/mind/life over... :-(
2012-07-12 12:15:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's lined up for your day?

2012-07-12 12:14:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Presently, I am scheduling tweets & readying for bed! :-)
2012-07-12 12:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it were for friends over a weekend I wouldn't do just one day! :-)
2012-07-12 12:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Office conference. Going with office folks.

2012-07-12 12:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back home Sunday morning. Saturday will be my day of rest! :-)
2012-07-12 12:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go to bed now, darling. Really tired. Need to wake up early & go to the gym again. I leave for Bangalore tomorrow evening
2012-07-12 12:05:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you tight...

2012-07-12 12:05:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Know that I miss you... :-)

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2012-07-12 12:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I don't know what to say other than shake my head, smile & hug you close...
2012-07-12 11:57:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Knee is ok...

2012-07-12 11:41:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I not want the hug & kiss when I am the one who asked for them!? :-o
2012-07-12 11:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, darling. Didn't lose my way. :-)

2012-07-12 11:31:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do I get my kisses & hugs? ;-p

2012-07-12 11:12:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too. Back from the gym. Good workout, cooled, icepack for knee, shower, dinner all done! :-)
2012-07-12 11:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached home! Hugging & kissing you deeply, sweet one. I head to the gym now. How was your day!? :-)
2012-07-12 08:31:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Slept well? Busy day ahead?

2012-07-12 07:39:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. :-) I like how you sleep off without warning. Didn't want to dm lest your phone buzzes for a new dm... :-)
2012-07-12 07:39:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day?

2012-07-12 06:50:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you?

2012-07-12 06:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..decided to write about it. Then 2 more. :-)

2012-07-12 06:50:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Why will I not want to talk to you? Please, darling. Nothing ever like that. Someone in the office mentioned something about a haircut & I
2012-07-12 06:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling? Ate lunch well? Kisses between your lower lip & chin! :-)
2012-07-12 06:05:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The whole thing is ok because we are completing things as planned so there is a sense of success. But bugs are also piling up! :-(
2012-07-12 06:04:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes, the day is busy. Lots to complete as this is the last week of development. Next week on is bug fixing...
2012-07-12 06:03:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire For lunch while there!!! I'd prepare my lunch everyday much to their annoyance & then I started packing some for them too!!!
2012-07-11 22:57:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I thought you, being in the field of medicine, already knew this! Yes, I've seen people eat a bag of crisps or peanut butter banana sandwich
2012-07-11 22:53:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I haven't done anything yet to make you bite your lips!! ;p
2012-07-11 22:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I do

2012-07-11 22:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back still hurts. The massage helped then but the pain returned... :-(
2012-07-11 22:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? It rained here heavily last night. I had no clue! Skipped gym again. Soft kisses on your hair... :-)
2012-07-11 22:46:26 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire A light belly lets you sleep peacefully & the basal metabolism finds it's source in whatever light dinner you had...
2012-07-11 22:44:06 (EDT)

coeuraloha My pleasure, pleasure, pleasure... :-)

2012-07-11 22:42:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You typically need energy before or during industry. Hence, breakfast should be nutritious & lunch larger... Dinner is expendable.. ;-)
2012-07-11 22:42:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) As rich as your eyes?

2012-07-11 22:40:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sleep!! :-p Details in the picture of you in a sheet... :-)

2012-07-11 20:32:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lunches ideally should be heavy as you need the energy through the day. Dinners ideally should be light or absent as you don't ned energy to
2012-07-11 20:31:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I really like the details of what I saw in your pic. :-)
2012-07-11 20:19:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I eat 5 times a day. Oats, veggie sandwiches, bowl of fruits, veggies & finally a bowl of cooked nuts or legumes... :-)
2012-07-11 20:18:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I liked your neck too & the press of your calves... Delicate & sensuous... :-) I usually skip dinners. Here lunches are the big meals
2012-07-11 20:16:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) How was the day? Less humid? I love that you are aware of your every detail & admire some! :-)
2012-07-11 20:15:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Will do... :-)

2012-07-11 12:07:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Soft kisses on your knees. Sleep well. Hope you eat dinner properly. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-07-11 12:01:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I had a bowl of nuts... :-) Had breakfast? Do you have a bad hair day if it gets humid?
2012-07-11 11:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am just done with dinner. Shall we go to bed? Really tired...
2012-07-11 11:51:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is hot out here. Rains should start shortly! Lazy day sounds good! :-)
2012-07-11 11:35:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. Slept well? How's your day lined up? Movie on today? My day was super-packed but productive! :-)
2012-07-11 11:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Of course our meeting was beautiful. Of course my room felt empty & I missed you. None of that is denied.
2012-07-11 11:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Frayed from?

2012-07-11 10:51:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom's giving me a massage with rock salt....

2012-07-11 10:38:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All set for the hug & kiss!!

2012-07-11 10:28:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back hurts still so decided not to push my luck with the gym. So I decided to come & cuddle up with you :-)
2012-07-11 10:28:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your hai grows white!? My hair doesn't even grow!! :-(
2012-07-11 10:27:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Ok, gym plan dropped. Feeling really tired...

2012-07-11 10:25:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I head to the gym now. Will be back soon... Soft kisses for my sweet lady's cheeks :-)
2012-07-11 10:16:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today was genuinely a packed day but fairly productive! :-)
2012-07-11 10:15:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home. Was working extra hours to close out on some issues, then meeting & rushed home. How are you?
2012-07-11 10:15:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even wordplay is comfy only with those who merely enjoy the words...
2012-07-10 22:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would meet a girl only as a mere friend unless I was slated to marry her... That is why my meetings with friends in the US were smooth...
2012-07-10 22:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no reason to be sorry. Honest. Wish we also had identical perspectives & no constraints... :-(
2012-07-10 22:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I hope no thunderstorms. Soft kisses on your shoulders. Shhhh...sleep on. :-)
2012-07-10 22:51:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Jen. :-) Looking forward to tomorrow. Yes, I missed our chats too but didn't want to add to your to-do list! ;-p
2012-07-10 22:48:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope you have a lovely night's sleep, dear J. :-)

2012-07-10 21:17:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Software engineering & related subjects... :-)

2012-07-10 20:32:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Except weekends but sometimes even then... Like this

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Saturday I'm off for a conference. :-)

2012-07-10 20:18:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I work everyday, dear J. Wish I was there to help you with some of the stuff. Or maybe massage your feet & palms... :-)
2012-07-10 20:14:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire between. :-)

2012-07-10 20:03:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww!! Hope the kids don't mind. I was sleeping. Just woke up. :-) How was your day? Seems incredibly busy... Hope you find a moment's calm
2012-07-10 20:03:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no lame excuses to give you. My missing you is honest. My realising that nothing can come of this is also true. I can live with it!
2012-07-10 11:47:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. Slept well? Hope you did & the day doesn't tire you out. Hope you enjoy the movie too... :-)
2012-07-10 11:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie. Let's go sleep. Sleep away this uneasy day. Come join me darling. Soft kisses on your knees. Goodnight...
2012-07-10 11:39:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why is today a bad day?

2012-07-10 11:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'll be off to bed soon. Very tired & drowsy.
2012-07-10 10:52:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The newer projects aren't very great either.. I wish I could come to the uK or Germany. Doesn't seem like it is going to happen anytime soon
2012-07-10 10:51:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The project is getting to be less of a place where I could learn something, hence, not exciting. The Europe office decision is not done! :-(
2012-07-10 10:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the client's trip! To India. The German doesn't come. Not really a choice. I am already on one... :-|
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2012-07-10 10:24:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, planning for their trip end of July. A new project to be planned & this time 2-3 simultaneous runs. I will be only on one, though!
2012-07-10 10:16:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling! Meeting just wrapping up in a bit...

2012-07-10 10:10:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly, darling. :-)

2012-07-10 08:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. In a call now. It is ok. I suppose I could have just waved it off as well instead of rolling my eyes! All's well... :-)
2012-07-10 08:49:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why!? What happened!? All settled well at the post office?
2012-07-10 07:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( God save me!!

2012-07-10 07:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still I think about her whenever I write!!

2012-07-10 06:49:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I knew you were heading there! :-( Would you ever stop comparing yourself to others!? I didn't write because she said but when I could
2012-07-10 06:48:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice weather. A friend of mine who prefers my blog to twitter used to set me up for such tasks. So that sonnet is partly a nudge from her...
2012-07-10 05:08:48 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh! Absolutely! Just thought I'd let you know the date... :-)
2012-07-10 05:02:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire (((hugs)))
2012-07-09 23:54:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Completely understood. :-) Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well & peacefully with dreams of your choice. Hope you feel super-refreshed
1191 / 4823

2012-07-09 23:54:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So are the tickets for the movie booked for tomorrow?
2012-07-09 23:43:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Please know that I would love to see them & hear the tales... :-)
2012-07-09 23:43:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire BTW, I am still awaiting the designs & the tales behind them. But I sense you are busy so will let you decide the best time. :-)
2012-07-09 23:42:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..a goodnight.

2012-07-09 23:42:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So cute. You watch over your older bro. :-) And I enjoy knowing every detail of your world. :-) Are you off to bed? The "xoxo" sounded like
2012-07-09 23:41:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad to hear he is settling in well. Younger to you? Where in CA? My day's just begun... Hopefully it will be long & eventful. :-)
2012-07-09 23:35:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, you just did tell me about him. :-) I like that you feel that you have shared so much with me about your life. A tender familiarity...
2012-07-09 23:34:58 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I have been mostly good, thank you. May I count on meeting up on 25th Aug. 2012? Lunch? New Delhi, of course! :-)
2012-07-09 23:32:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missing you... :-)

2012-07-09 22:45:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Removed band-aid...

2012-07-09 22:42:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you too. Honest. But I think it will keep alive the pain for longer. That to me is unwise. Like sticking back a half
2012-07-09 22:41:52 (EDT)
1192 / 4823

_stoicOne_ The little I slept I slept well with a hot water bag & balm. Hence, I slept late...
2012-07-09 22:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I didn't as I slept later than usual & woke up earlier than usual (gym). Soft kisses on your temples :-)
2012-07-09 22:34:29 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Awww!! That is such a sweet thing to say. :-) I am touched (& by a princess!) How are you? Sweet sighs & vacant smiles for the engaged girl?
2012-07-09 19:52:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) How has been the day so far? So you whip a mean-say? ;-) No the latest link is not mine. Thank heavens! :-)
2012-07-09 19:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we will. And I will sing you a song too... :-) Come darling. Let's sleep. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your lips. Do join me
2012-07-09 12:29:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is late here & I am tired. Shall we go to bed?

2012-07-09 12:26:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no no.. My undershirt stays. I am married to my undershirt! :-D

2012-07-09 12:23:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've so love a scratch!! :-)

2012-07-09 12:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you eat properly?

2012-07-09 12:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not from the gym, per se. It was always weak since the accident. Gym puts a strain on it. No other option...
2012-07-09 11:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was yours? Typical Monday?

2012-07-09 11:56:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing remarkable. Nothing noteworthy. Usual...

2012-07-09 11:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. Done with shower, dinner. I had to treat my knee to an ice-pack too. Hence, the delay!
2012-07-09 11:49:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Here is an example of what I can never call as poetry:

2012-07-09 11:05:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. :-) Slept well? Busy day today? My day was mostly fine. I'm back home done for the day, went to the gym & exhausted!
2012-07-09 11:04:44 (EDT)

dianewitch Diane... please.

2012-07-09 10:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will take a shower soon...

2012-07-09 10:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, just got back... Cooling down

2012-07-09 10:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahahah :-D I think I know you well enough to know what you meant! God! There is no woman in my life. Simple. You, I still hold dear. :-)
2012-07-09 10:25:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since it is mostly cardio, my back should be fine. Do you mean "Has someone else become your lady?" ;-p
2012-07-09 09:24:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly sweet lady! Holding you gently in my arms & giving you a gentle squeeze & kiss... :-) & whoosh!
2012-07-09 09:18:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Meeting over. Will now head to the gym. :-)
2012-07-09 09:12:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading home darling! :-) Is it still hot there? Hope it is not causing a headache... Missing you! :-)
1194 / 4823

2012-07-09 08:08:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you! My pair stepped out for a min!! :-) Soft kisses all over you!
2012-07-09 05:42:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your nose darling. Busy day? Is your ex back? How is your bruise? Are all the accident related stuff completed?
2012-07-09 03:48:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did. Will go to the gym in the evening. I've pulled my back muscle again! :-(
2012-07-09 03:47:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, you are sleeping. Goodnight, sweet Jen. Wishing you beautiful dreams. Kissing you softly on your forehead... :-)
2012-07-09 02:58:54 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Wishing your kitty a speedy recovery! :-)

2012-07-09 02:41:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-o Are you pulling my leg!? Sorry was pulled into too many meetings... I presume you are asleep?
2012-07-09 02:25:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) You are good. Period! Honestly, I find you quite a woman. Please! I drive kids crazy. I keep upping the bar of lunacy for them! :-D
2012-07-09 00:42:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Somehow I feel sure you have a calm reassuring voice that can bring anyone back from unwise decisions...
2012-07-09 00:35:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Children are the loveliest sub-specie of humans. I could spend my entire life with them... :-)
2012-07-09 00:34:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I understand. The farther from the ledge the better. I am so glad you are taking this matter into your hands... :-)
2012-07-09 00:32:52 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire You are doing a lot of right, dear Jen. Why doubt that!? And the all-day smile is pasted wide on me! :-)
2012-07-08 23:45:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..poor life, by taking even that away. Cut the nose to spite the face...
2012-07-08 23:44:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you. *bowing* :-) I'm glad your friend is past that. Suicide is surely not wise. As if we wish to punish fate for giving us a...
2012-07-08 23:43:49 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 To find poetry in soiled knees & bathtub toys, in confused adult worlds & fear of the dark, in spiderman costumes & talking to their pet...
2012-07-08 23:38:18 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Teach them the poetry of the mundane & the poetry of irrational & the poetry of the impossible to imagine...
2012-07-08 23:35:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Take your time, sweet one. A goodnight kiss from me to the kids. :-) Waiting for you... :-)
2012-07-08 22:33:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is your friend who is ill? And your friend who didn't pick up the call?
2012-07-08 21:29:54 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh! And rest assured - My adoration of your works is not chained to my adoration of you... :-)
2012-07-08 20:54:45 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I wish I could say more but I'd rather you laughed this off & conclude I'm mad than be annoyed... Danielle... I wish I was there in person.
2012-07-08 20:45:10 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Danielle, I find you lovely. I find you beautiful. I find your words, photos, your sensitivity of a fabric that soothes my soul...
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2012-07-08 20:42:23 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I don't know why I even share this with you whom I may never meet. It just feels like I should before prudence steels me again...
2012-07-08 20:40:50 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Of your shadow, breathed not the air you inhale, just hold you & say what I've never said to anyone.. I don't know why I feel that, Danielle
2012-07-08 20:39:42 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Wishing deeply,earnestly to hold your face in my hands, knowing nothing of you, heard not the slightest of your whisper, seen not the shadow
2012-07-08 20:38:06 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I find myself amusing when I say that for I have more often than not been chastised for being excessively rational & practical, but here I'm
2012-07-08 20:36:40 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Your pictures are beautiful, Danielle, as are you. I have no reason or rhyme to offer you when I confess that I am drawn to you & your works
2012-07-08 20:35:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I felt his work did complete justice to the poem. There are some beautiful details in there, both poem & drawing... :-)
2012-07-08 20:32:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The second link I sent you yesterday was a collaboration with a graphic artist. So the art work was done for the poem. Very interesting...
2012-07-08 20:31:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you liked the poem. Your generous compliments will have me smiling all day! :-) Poor Shakespeare! To find his name alongside mine! ;-p
2012-07-08 20:29:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. How was the day? Pleasant I hope. The movie is fun & light but after a point lacks story, not that kids will
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2012-07-08 20:27:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Twitter might have corrupted me into losing my ability into thinking long form & beyond 140 characters. That has been rested.. :-)
2012-07-08 13:08:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The movie (Brave) was cute & fun. Loved the Scottish accent throughout. How goes your day? I simply had to write that poem as I feared that
2012-07-08 13:07:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss it all, too. Yes, it is late. Let's go to bed. :-) Goodnight darling, sweet dreams. A 100 soft kisses on your tummy. Do join me dear
2012-07-08 13:05:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Cute movie! :-) Glad you liked the poem. Was a long time since I wrote a long one. Simply had to... Missed you...
2012-07-08 12:39:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or should I stop saying that so that you can start believing that I don't? :-(
2012-07-08 08:55:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I leave now to watch the movie. Please eat well & take care. Will let you know once I am back. Miss you, darling.
2012-07-08 08:55:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire to know about it. Hope you rested well & feel fresh. Hope Sunday is spent well lazing & rejuvenating... :-)
2012-07-08 08:54:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. I leave now to watch a movie. I might not be back when you are up. I wrote a sonnet on the blog! Thought you'd want
2012-07-08 08:53:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, one must also worry about what would come of this. It is easy to meet & enjoy, but what next? Another meeting? :-|
2012-07-08 08:52:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I wish so too, but know it should not be... :-(

2012-07-08 08:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-08 07:23:30 (EDT)

dianewitch Won't you speak to me? :-(

2012-07-08 07:20:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling?

2012-07-08 07:14:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She is fine & happy to get herself a new fridge! :-)
2012-07-08 06:43:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At home, darling. Just sitting & reading stuff & talking to mom...
2012-07-08 06:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree, but there are constraints too. Anyway, we have gone over this several times... :-(
2012-07-08 05:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, we only regret what made us smile. Why would you regret the time you fractured your leg!?
2012-07-08 05:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. :-(

2012-07-08 04:12:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A warm hug & a soft kiss on your forehead, dear one. Sleep soundly... :-)
2012-07-08 04:12:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, dear Jen. Warmest & loveliest dreams... Sleep in late please... :-)
2012-07-08 04:10:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was simply sharing those links with you since you asked. Honestly, I didn't even expect you to read them now! :-)
2012-07-08 04:09:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not one bit! I was wondering what was keeping you up so
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late. Please sleep sweetly, dear Jen. And please, no formalities! :-)
2012-07-08 04:08:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok! Glad you like it. You might also like this one:
2012-07-08 04:04:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise & understand how it would be... :-(

2012-07-08 04:02:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, darling! :-)

2012-07-08 04:01:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet one. :-) Did you sleep well? How is your headache?
2012-07-08 04:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, sweet darling. :-)

2012-07-08 03:55:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am also going to watch a movie in the evening with my office colleagues. Brave. 3D :-)
2012-07-08 03:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lovely. Come along with me! Let's go to fetch the unit & then go for a walk in the shade...
2012-07-08 03:53:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Which one?

2012-07-08 03:52:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not really. Frankly, I don't even remember any of what I have written!
2012-07-08 03:47:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing really, dear one. Will perhaps write some long form poems, read a bit, tackle a problem from work & document some old recipes!
2012-07-08 03:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet kisses on your arms darling. Those guys just left & forgot the stabiliser unit! I have to go to get that shortly! :-(
2012-07-08 03:39:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I slept in late, went to the gym, had a steam bath & then had to deal with the fridge people
2012-07-08 03:37:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Perhaps I meant to ask whether s/he is someone who is on both our timelines. Wrongly, worded... :-)
2012-07-08 03:34:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Yes, that is what I meant to ask.

2012-07-08 03:12:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Someone on twitter?

2012-07-08 02:52:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But if you aren't sleepy, what are you doing right now? Kids in bed already, I presume.
2012-07-08 02:38:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad it is to your taste. Once again, if you feel sleepy feel free to let me know. Wouldn't want to prolong the exhaustion... :-)
2012-07-08 02:37:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I couldn't have offered you a word less than that. I had to weigh it carefully against the image of you in my head! :-)
2012-07-08 02:21:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..calm a lioness with bare hands. No wonder you want more from life! :-) Quite a fire you house in that being!
2012-07-08 02:20:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It surprises me not that people are drawn to you. As I had said, beauty with brains is such an intoxicating mix, gives rise to the want to
2012-07-08 02:19:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank heavens for that! I have always found modesty & humility over-rated!! I prefer honesty & self-awareness to all of that!
2012-07-08 02:15:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I can't help but smile thinking of you in the olive green sundress with all right accessories! Like a sylph out of the forest.
2012-07-08 02:14:17 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Oooh! Modesty is clearly the dust you flick aside with your toes! ;-p
2012-07-08 02:09:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Take what position? Sending you a hug to ease the fatigue... :-)
2012-07-08 01:54:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You sound tired... Exhausting day? You still didn't tell me whether you were the cynosure of it all...
2012-07-08 01:11:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I enjoy our conversations. The play, the ponder, the pause... :-)
2012-07-08 01:05:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely. I think the mountains are to me what the beaches are to you.
2012-07-08 01:05:02 (EDT)

soHbet_ Agree with every word of yours. Ironically, yes, our virtual lives live on after us... :-|
2012-07-08 01:03:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missed you today... :-)

2012-07-08 01:02:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Asleep?
2012-07-08 01:01:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire All tickets & stay booked... :-)

2012-07-08 00:55:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I leave on 13 th Aug & should be back by 26th Aug

2012-07-08 00:55:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire True. If she knew the details she should be less mad. Perhaps you could have called her earlier, but I suppose it skipped your mind too...
2012-07-08 00:54:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-( Do you have her fixed line number? Or if you called
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from another number?

2012-07-08 00:26:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww! Take your time. Deal with that first. I am going to be awake for a long time. :-)
2012-07-08 00:17:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I presume you are asleep... :-) Goodnight, sweet Jen. Sleep with a smile & pleasant dreams... :-)
2012-07-08 00:03:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just got back from the gym... :-) And a hot steam bath!
2012-07-07 23:24:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you had those talks. Sometimes they reveal things which are vital...
2012-07-07 23:24:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So you were the cynosure of the party!? ;-)

2012-07-07 23:22:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, everything with an intention of selling vs enriching is bound to head to the dogs. Be it writing, feeding, clothing...anything!
2012-07-07 23:22:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you're back home. :-) So this grandma is not on your side but your husband's side?
2012-07-07 23:21:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm fine. your morning tweets made me wonder if all was well... How are things at home? Kids? Work? Finances?
2012-07-07 23:19:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. I see the bbq has been engaging enough! Hope you are having fun & grandma has been smiling throughout... :-)
2012-07-07 21:32:32 (EDT)

dianewitch Where are you, dear one? :-(

2012-07-07 14:59:14 (EDT)

soHbet_ Thank you....

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2012-07-07 14:54:02 (EDT)

soHbet_ I can't help but ponder over the inconsequentiality of it all. As if, nothing, none of our petty concerns & obsessions, matter...
2012-07-07 14:53:49 (EDT)

soHbet_ And then the thought that he would vanish & people, twitter will go on has left me feeling sick. I barely know him, but...
2012-07-07 14:52:50 (EDT)

soHbet_ Dear M, you are sweet to stop by & ask. I am fine & life's been good. I heard recently that a particular writer on twitter is near his end..
2012-07-07 14:52:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That would be very nice of you. :-)

2012-07-07 14:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late & I am confused... Let's just sleep, darling. Maybe tomorrow...
2012-07-07 14:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your finger tips...

2012-07-07 14:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I haven't fallen asleep, darling. Just quiet. :-( I heard some news that left me empty. Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well. Do join me
2012-07-07 14:22:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I used to hold that for food and writing as well. I can't imagine books published for a faceless reader.
2012-07-07 14:09:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! I agree, that which is not manufactured as an indifferent unit has something so beautiful about it. The vulgarity of assembly lines!
2012-07-07 14:08:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would love to some day see your jewellery collection. :-)
2012-07-07 13:49:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh absolutely! And when the wind presses against her... sigh! To be the wind. ;-p
2012-07-07 13:40:59 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Beautiful. And your collar bones were chiseled to greet the sun! Cloaking them is such injustice! :-)
2012-07-07 13:27:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire WOW!! I can nearly imagine you in all that. Gorgeous! And you designed the earrings? I am impressed, lovely lady! :-)
2012-07-07 13:24:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Done dressing? :-) What do you wear, if I may ask?

2012-07-07 13:15:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Reached? What's on the skewers?

2012-07-07 12:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry to disappoint you...

2012-07-07 12:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am not. :-(

2012-07-07 12:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps... :-(

2012-07-07 12:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-07 12:01:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, darling.

2012-07-07 11:56:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That made me realise that no matter how beautiful the possibility, there is a need to factor one's constraints...
2012-07-07 11:56:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would you be a mistake? I was drawn to you. I smiled every minute of it. I realised that there is nowhere to go with this & hence learn!
2012-07-07 11:53:30 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Are you well? Is everything alright?

2012-07-07 11:44:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were NOT a mistake

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2012-07-07 11:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why what? You were a mistake. I was not cautious enough, not wise enough to think 10 steps ahead... :-(
2012-07-07 11:42:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't do it either, dear one. Why would I? After last year, I have become 10 times more cautious! :-|
2012-07-07 11:39:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have loads of fun. Once again, wishes for the young lady! :-)
2012-07-07 11:26:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I shall sleep in a bit, yes. :-)

2012-07-07 11:23:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't be sad darling... Surely there is a way out of this sadness.
2012-07-07 11:16:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A pleasure it was peaceful... :-)

2012-07-07 11:14:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Play with a variety of structure & form, enjoy the words & you'll sail smoothly on what is closest to your heart. Let others see form there
2012-07-07 11:14:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I might have been the whisper if you did turn in your sleep & smile... :-)
2012-07-07 11:12:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire True! All absence of form is a form of sorts... :-) Wabi sabi!
2012-07-07 11:11:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I re-sent what I wanted to write about form being human. We lose an hour of power every day! :-) Power deficit!
2012-07-07 11:10:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. :-) Slept well? When do you leave for your grandma's? What have you got her?
2012-07-07 11:09:29 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. I really do...

2012-07-07 11:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Darling, are your friends back? Maria & hubby?
2012-07-07 10:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! :-( Sorry... I just... Sorry.

2012-07-07 10:34:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! I had no clue. Really? Wow! ;-p

2012-07-07 10:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How does that make a day lovely!?

2012-07-07 10:23:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-07-07 10:22:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mostly whooshed past. Nothing significant beyond the necessary sleep. :-) Maybe I'll write now. Darling....
2012-07-07 10:20:50 (EDT)

coeuraloha As I am. I'm glad we got to speak after my saying that I'm not Courtney! :-D
2012-07-07 10:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day sweetie!?

2012-07-07 10:16:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The old one lasted about 10-11 years. What are you doing, sweet one?
2012-07-07 10:09:52 (EDT)

coeuraloha Hello & thank you for what?

2012-07-07 10:09:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you should use the A/C or at least sprinkle water on the floor to absorb the heat...
2012-07-07 10:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our old fridge kinda stopped working. The technician said it would cost a lot to repair, so... :-)
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2012-07-07 10:03:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Booked the fridge. Went to the temple. Back home. Do stay away from the heat. Do you have air conditioning at home?
2012-07-07 08:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought Cat-C would amuse you! :-( I'm off to buy a fridge...
2012-07-07 06:28:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't appear amused. What happened dear? Did you manage to eat properly?
2012-07-07 06:10:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cat-C
2012-07-07 06:02:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cat Caesar

2012-07-07 06:02:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I vote for Caesar

2012-07-07 05:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing, not losing

2012-07-07 05:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Losing you deeply and stretching! Boy! I needed that nap... Now lunch!
2012-07-07 05:24:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aah yes! I keep getting confused!! Except with Portsmouth!! Yes, Sandy's pic... :-)
2012-07-07 05:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to ask you to send me a pic of nina mama after the haircut... :-)
2012-07-07 02:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses along your jaw, darling. How are you? Headache absent, I hope? Chores lined up?
2012-07-07 02:46:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My whole body ached but I went anyway. Body hurts even more.
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:-( Did some chores, power cut & had a heavy breakfast. All set for a nap
2012-07-07 02:45:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I didn't but write up to go to the gym...
2012-07-07 02:38:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It would be safe to conclude that you are asleep! Goodnight, sweet Jen. Know that the breeze in your dreams is my whisper from beyond.. :-)
2012-07-07 02:30:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Form is a human creation. Be it sonnet, pentameter or haiku. Form is the ask of the human in mind. Not to belittle it but to recognise it...
2012-07-07 01:41:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I had also written something else which was lost after several retries to send!! :-(
2012-07-07 01:35:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not one bit. We lost power here hence the silence from my side & the network was acting up. Had no other means of letting you know :-(
2012-07-07 01:31:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is often the last stage which differentiates 2 great poets; in the penultimate stages the greats surface leaving the average to drown...
2012-07-07 00:25:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So my practice around poetry is to seek within, shudder in harmony of all senses, write as it comes & then finish it off with skill... :-)
2012-07-07 00:24:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Undoubtedly, it is best that such inspired works alone deviate from the norm but hurried works whether they stick to form or not, disappoint
2012-07-07 00:22:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do not demote form. Far from it. I am very strict about
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form. Nevertheless, I have read poetry which transcends form...

2012-07-07 00:20:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So now to poetry... I subscribe to Coleridge's view. Prose is words in their best order; poetry is best words in their best order :-)
2012-07-07 00:18:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D Done deal...

2012-07-07 00:17:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And back, after completing some chores as well. So I figured out how you can repay me: a beach trip. I'll leave you to your real estate! ;-)
2012-07-06 23:54:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Heading for the shower... Will think! ;-) I'll return to discuss poetry in case you're awake!
2012-07-06 23:23:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Repay!!? Ooooh! Now you have me thinking!!!

2012-07-06 23:17:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Why do you think you're silly tonight!? It is fun like this...
2012-07-06 23:16:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why angry!?

2012-07-06 23:15:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Poetry need not be about form as much as rhythm, most apposite imagery. Like sensual writing need not be about body parts or the act...
2012-07-06 23:15:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooooh!! Yes madam! I've ben a good boy, madam. Care for an apple, madam? ;-)
2012-07-06 22:50:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D Lioness you are, even in that pic. :-)
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How come you write les of poetry & more of.. statements, confessions, dares?
2012-07-06 22:47:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Speechless!? I thought there was a prior mention of loudness!!! ;-p

2012-07-06 22:24:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Delicious. Nothing like an elegant woman with refined male tastes... Something of a lioness in that! :-)
2012-07-06 22:16:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I thought compartmentalising was the stereotypical male trait that women get to pick on when eager to debunk! ;-)
2012-07-06 22:03:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Let us not be so adventurous to list all the things you could teach me & all that I'd be obedient towards!! ;-p
2012-07-06 22:01:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What a delicious fortune to find tenancy in lovely Jen's mind! :-) BBQ sounds like fun. Many wishes to her from India.
2012-07-06 22:01:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wonder how you manage 4 accounts,4 members of the family & your studies, not to mention hours at the beach!! :-) Teach me!
2012-07-06 21:47:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) Yep, awake & well. Had gone to the gym! How was your day? All set for a weekend that is already on!? ;-)
2012-07-06 21:46:34 (EDT)

JennWhetton There! But I would have wanted to do more justice to your poems. Perhaps it is exhaustion that I shall blame for poor produce! :-)
2012-07-06 12:19:28 (EDT)

JennWhetton :-) You are kind, dear Jen. Let me write you one...
2012-07-06 12:12:00 (EDT)

JennWhetton I couldn't help but think of you... Gosh! I need some help
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writing straight! My apologies. :-|

2012-07-06 12:06:51 (EDT)

JennWhetton Honestly, upon writing that I could help think of you! :-) How are your eyes?
2012-07-06 12:06:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am off to bed, dear Jen. Wishing you a lovely day. Hope you get to laze more & find words to read that warm a smile for you... :-)
2012-07-06 11:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-06 11:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can caring be "that's all"??? :-o

2012-07-06 11:26:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling... goodnight. Sleep well. I wish you'd eat something before sleeping. Soft kisses on your shoulder. I rush to hold you! :-)
2012-07-06 11:25:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! THAT is lazing around for you!? :-o 9th-October-Every year
2012-07-06 11:22:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do I write to you? Because I ... care about you & want to know that you are fine. Because you are my baklava! :-(
2012-07-06 11:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I was there too, humming you to sleep & whispering meaningless words... sigh... :-(
2012-07-06 11:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And long...

2012-07-06 11:09:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why aren't you feeling well? Did you eat properly? Maybe you just need to sleep early...
2012-07-06 11:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are!! Thank heavens you are fine. I was worried that you fainted off or something like that esp. with no one at home! :-|
2012-07-06 11:06:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Where are you? Is everything ok? I am feeling really tired. Might end up sleeping in a bit... Please do come to say goodnight, darling!
2012-07-06 11:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Where are you? Out for a walk?

2012-07-06 10:50:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen! Surely you are lazing under the quilts, longer! Slept well? I did have a question for you: When's your birthday? :-)
2012-07-06 09:57:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home & was helping mom arranging things... Done for the day?
2012-07-06 09:53:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah yeah yeah! I caught you snoring! :-D

2012-07-06 09:52:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too miss coming home to you & watching you sleep... :-)
2012-07-06 07:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too! Heading home!!! :-)

2012-07-06 07:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was it the thunder that spoilt your sleep!?

2012-07-06 07:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweep me into your arms!!? My! What sturdy arms you have! ;p
2012-07-06 07:01:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your homophone tweet.. Did you mean you will keep striking the knocker/ringing the bell & slamming the picket gate when you arrive? ;-p
2012-07-06 03:51:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well? No headache?

2012-07-06 03:41:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Took the cab. I decided it is worth the expense... I also get some time to read...
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2012-07-06 03:40:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I go before work. Hence, I wake up at 5 & am out in 30 min. My mornings are more packed & that makes me smile! :-)
2012-07-06 03:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad to see you up, sweet one. Stealing a min for you... :-)
2012-07-06 03:28:29 (EDT)

Jaelvarma Good morning! :-) You caught that tweet late! It was last night when you said that looks can deceptive! I thought you were swifter, dear J!
2012-07-06 02:03:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet J. :-) Vivid befits the sensuous Dangerously Claire!
2012-07-06 01:58:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Then people have been unjust to you! :-) Goodnight, dear Jen. Sleep well. Wishing you dreams of your choice... :-)
2012-07-06 01:48:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would feel horrible if I am the sole reason keeping you from your sleep. Feel free to let me know, dear Jen. :-)
2012-07-06 01:37:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And why would the lovely lady, blush!? ;-p

2012-07-06 01:36:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) I do find you adorable!

2012-07-06 01:25:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooooh!! Nothing like the reassuring weight of blankets in the cold... :-)
2012-07-06 01:21:34 (EDT)

beezknez Hugging you back, dear B. :-) It is my delight to find in you someone like that.
2012-07-06 01:13:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As are you, dear Jen! Reached home? Showered & all set for bed?
2012-07-06 01:11:43 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I missed you too! Honest. Then I had to tell myself "She has a family! And she's having fun!" :-) But felt nice... Kids are such a delight!
2012-07-06 00:14:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad your kids are like you in that! It is often beautiful to watch people connected to Nature in different ways... :-)
2012-07-05 23:58:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire About 5-6 months last year... So was through the gloomy months of April & May in New Hampshire! :-o
2012-07-05 23:57:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & went to the gym again. Feels good. :-) Soft kisses on your ear... :-)
2012-07-05 23:54:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tired? Did the kids have a lovely time? Did your husband join you too?
2012-07-05 23:45:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) I realised I love the sun in similar ways when I was in the US deprived of the same for a while. Never had to worry about it in India!
2012-07-05 23:45:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Splendid! So it is an absolute love with the beaches. :-) I like the reasons you picked. Hope your day's great. I presume you are still out
2012-07-05 19:40:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What do you like most? The heat on your skin? Lovely bodies around? Or the thought that many around will be wishing to be with you? ;-p
2012-07-05 13:42:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling. Tell me what purpose does that serve. Tell me how that will solve anything. Tell me how it will ease your pain. :-(
2012-07-05 12:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. :-|

2012-07-05 12:30:41 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It would be lovely. Also without an end in sight... :-(

2012-07-05 12:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( It is time for bed darling... Let's cuddle up & sleep. Sweet dreams, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your nose.
2012-07-05 12:18:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love to meet you too, but...

2012-07-05 12:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, we have gone over this so many times... :-(

2012-07-05 12:05:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thinking about you & imagining you lazing around on the beach... :-)
2012-07-05 12:05:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-07-05 12:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too...

2012-07-05 11:59:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please!!! Do eat properly first!! :-(

2012-07-05 11:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was my lady's day? Tired? What's for dinner?

2012-07-05 11:49:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please stay indoors, darling. No venturing out, please. Yes, strange indeed... :-)
2012-07-05 11:49:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Had a bite too. Somehow after all the workout I feel less hungry!!!
2012-07-05 11:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, most joyously! Am happy with the workout I did now. Will cool down a bit & then a shower & you... :-)
2012-07-05 11:08:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! Sounds lovely! I hope you have a great time!

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2012-07-05 10:26:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wonderful! :-) The whole day? Which beach is this? No, I don't plan on stalking. What do you do on the beach? Laze? Read?
2012-07-05 10:20:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nice! The beach must be fun! With the family or friends? Would love to treat you to a warm breakfast! :-)
2012-07-05 10:15:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I head back for the next routine

2012-07-05 10:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Watching you eat ice cream?

2012-07-05 10:10:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Breakfast in bed? Shall I bring you toast, hot coffee, muffins & pancakes! Or something spicy & unlike what you've had!?
2012-07-05 10:07:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww! What a sight to watch the pantheress stretch! Good morning, dear Jen. Of course, you must indulge yourself! :-D What's for the day?
2012-07-05 10:05:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Miss you too...

2012-07-05 10:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I decided against going out now with the traffic & pollution. I'll workout at home with the stuff I have! :-)
2012-07-05 09:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lady gets a hug, a kiss, blueberry muffins, another kiss, a twirl, tchoin tchoin, marmalade toast, another kiss & since I am tired a hug!
2012-07-05 09:35:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. I took the cab today. I am considering going to the gym again... now! What say?
2012-07-05 09:09:08 (EDT)

beezknez I held back long enough the urge to share that feeling with you. Honest... Today it was simply meant to be shared with you. :-)
2012-07-05 09:01:25 (EDT)
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beezknez Dear Beez, every time I see your name on my mentions or read some of your tweets, I feel the urge to hug you. As if you are my sis! :-)
2012-07-05 09:00:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling

2012-07-05 08:55:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... Stealing minutes from pairing! :-D

2012-07-05 06:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why would the heat affect you still? Hmm. Then it is clearly a matter of insufficient food. :-( Eat whether you want to or not, please!
2012-07-05 02:48:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then please buy yourself some cucumbers & place slices of them on your eyes. You should also drink a lot of juice...
2012-07-05 02:42:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't know me!! I can make them vanish in a week!! And then - no tidal waves!! :-D
2012-07-05 02:41:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww! Why a headache? Perhaps you are not eating properly!
2012-07-05 02:40:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing milady softly along her spine. Now sitting by your side watching you.. I take the cab today. :-)
2012-07-04 22:42:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me go shower & then come fresh to kiss my darling lady! :-)
2012-07-04 21:19:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I decided to burn that fat, flat!! Man, am I dead!! :-o

2012-07-04 21:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I finally did!! I think I simply needed those hours! I joined a gym today! No more pillows for you! ;-p
2012-07-04 21:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-07-04 12:10:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Glad you liked it... :-) Off to bed now. Can't hold them open any more! 8-|
2012-07-04 11:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That tweet was for you... :-)

2012-07-04 11:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Yes, I would have loved the cuddle. Sweet dreams. Do join me... now! :-) A kiss on your bruise. How is it?
2012-07-04 11:37:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why I feel so sleepy! I have been yawning incessantly...
2012-07-04 11:33:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too. That is why I stayed up waiting for you. I nearly dozed off in the chair when mom asked me to go to sleep, but I stayed...
2012-07-04 11:33:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am feeling excessively sleepy tonight. May i go to bed?

2012-07-04 11:23:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-04 11:23:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shopping?
2012-07-04 11:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home darling!

2012-07-04 11:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am so confused in my head myself!! :-D

2012-07-04 09:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eventually, I see myself heading to the mountains. For that, why do I need a PhD?
2012-07-04 09:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then all confusion. Even today I toy with the idea of doing a PhD but then I ask myself what will I do with it. What use is it?
2012-07-04 09:44:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Once I started working, it was difficult to get out as I hadbought a house on a loan. Had to repay that. Then the marriage happened!
2012-07-04 09:43:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ off to do my PhD then I wouldn't be earning but just consuming more. Hence, I had to make a choice.
2012-07-04 09:43:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't pursue my PhD because I had to fund the family's living. My dad's death was sudden & we had enough money till a point. Had I gone
2012-07-04 09:42:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We met just once a year for few years & then hardly ever. So it was really a long distance sweet longing.
2012-07-04 09:42:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ that I will not hurt her that way. Hence, I had to tell my friend to forget about things. She & I knew each other since we were kids (10-12)
2012-07-04 09:41:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When my father died my sis got married to someone from outside our caste. My mom was shattered. At that point I couldn't help but assure her
2012-07-04 09:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the Divine. Hence, I am at ease giving up on anything. Perhaps I do pick up the path of least resistance...
2012-07-04 09:40:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not about difficult & complicated or trying to avoid them. Primarily, I don't feel strongly connected to anything or anyone other than
2012-07-04 09:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry. The ride home was ok. Today was quite packed with a good deal of pairing & work. I still feel the team needs to buck up!
2012-07-04 09:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually I reached home a while ago but my mom insisted that I first eat what she prepared before sitting at the comp! Now I've missed you
2012-07-04 09:37:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling.

2012-07-04 09:36:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To be fair, I should share a pic of myself but I have none online. I could send you one if you wish to write in to eroteme.thinks@gmail .com
2012-07-03 21:49:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't mean to tire you darling. Just that I see no way out of this... :-(
2012-07-03 21:32:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And another problem is, if my head it's clear my heart would effortlessly go quiet & vice versa.
2012-07-03 21:31:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Point is, for me to do something my head & heart need to be in sync. I wouldn't do something just because my head said so, either...
2012-07-03 21:29:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Forget about me as after my dad's death my responsibility was towards family. No qualms. There are myriad things I do out of the love for it
2012-07-03 21:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to do my PhD but my father died & my mind told me to drop & alter plans. I did. No qualms. So be it when I asked my first gf to
2012-07-03 21:26:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not that that my mind sees only itself. But if the mind realises something is not sensible or practical it will drop it all...
2012-07-03 21:25:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Slept well? I kinda did. I still wake up feeling tired. Leaning over & softly humming songs as I kiss your ears...
2012-07-03 21:24:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! I've nothing to ask, or at least not now. :-) I don't understand the connotation of underwhelmed. Do you mean it doesn't take your time?
2012-07-03 21:22:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Now to you. Corresponding answers to the questions you

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asked me. :-) Whatever you ask me, I answer & ask you back... :-)
2012-07-03 21:06:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 33, single, nope, currently South of India, any tastefully prepared vegetarian meal, I wish I could have led a completely vagabondish life!
2012-07-03 21:05:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. I will answer each right away but do I get answers for the same from you too? :-)
2012-07-03 20:32:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning. Slept well? Yes, Billy Joel. What do you wish to know? Ask & I shall tell you... :-)
2012-07-03 12:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I don't know...

2012-07-03 12:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In my dreams... :-)

2012-07-03 12:11:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, dear, come....

2012-07-03 12:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me, sweetie. Softly kissing your chin. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. :-)
2012-07-03 12:02:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes darling, but now I must sleep. Feeling drowsy & nearly fell asleep... :-( I would have loved the picnic & ti watch the sunset.. :-)
2012-07-03 12:01:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I wish I was there too....

2012-07-03 11:51:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not very productive day as we were stuck on one problem which randomly disappeared...
2012-07-03 11:32:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Long one since the clients were presenting their future
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plans!! I ate while in the meeting... :-)

2012-07-03 11:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too sweet one... How was your day? Boring meeting...
2012-07-03 11:01:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please massage them darling. I would happily settle in my chair. Hugging & kissing you on your nose... :-)
2012-07-03 09:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just caught up in stuff & meetings!!

2012-07-03 09:33:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home. In a meeting now. Will ping you later... Sending you soft kisses... :-)
2012-07-03 09:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading home now... :-) Sending you soft kisses...

2012-07-03 08:07:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could avoid letting my mind run sternly...

2012-07-03 06:07:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I got them all. They had multiplied too!! I am covered on them darling!!! :-D
2012-07-03 06:06:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses dear... :-)

2012-07-03 04:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No companion yet. One guy might be interested but his timings & often he is travelling... :-o
2012-07-03 04:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one. :-)

2012-07-03 04:04:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A woman who would do as she pleases... :-) Heard that song, "She's always a woman to me..."
2012-07-03 03:00:41 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire The image of an elegant lady, sure of her skill, clear in her want & need, seductive in her ask, passionate in her promise & then...
2012-07-03 02:51:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As I am, undoubtedly, attracted to the image of you in my head. To deny that would be a lie. To hope for anything else would be pointless!
2012-07-03 01:57:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do not skip your meals. I wish you stuck to a routine. Please do. How does it feel to have the place to yourself? :-)
2012-07-03 01:46:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & am in office. Sending you soft kisses for your nose, sweetie... :-)
2012-07-03 01:42:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not one bit. Honestly, nothing to apologise. Surely we can be open without having to be opportunistic... I respect you still. Honest. :-)
2012-07-03 01:33:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) Lovely. A delight I'm sure...

2012-07-03 01:24:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing if you are uncomfy, dear Jen. I believe you can be open without worries. If you feel otherwise, feel free to let me know :-)
2012-07-03 01:16:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Like how!? ;-)

2012-07-03 01:11:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would you prefer anything else to robe you!? ;-)

2012-07-03 00:52:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha My pleasure! ;-)

2012-07-03 00:31:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Seems like you've vanished... Dinner?

2012-07-02 21:40:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And that tweet was for the image of you... :-)
2012-07-02 21:37:51 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Aww! Just to catch you blushing. I am sure he would have loved the thought of being ruled over like that... Who wouldn't! :-D
2012-07-02 21:27:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you enjoy the words, dear lady. :-) Past couple of days have been generous in the flow. :-)
2012-07-02 21:27:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire These were less of photography trips than trips to meet friends. No pix really. I will certainly send you pictures from my upcoming one :-)
2012-07-02 21:26:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! I can nearly imagine you in that state! Lovely. Did you really imagine ravaging that young boy? :-D
2012-07-02 21:23:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've mostly good, in summary. Work has absorbed me for when sleep & chores haven't. Other than, had a few short trips & reading & writing...
2012-07-02 21:21:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! Congrats! Brains & sexiness! What a fatal combination! :-)
2012-07-02 21:20:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And your tweets, milady, are as hot blooded as ever! :-) Wondering if you are nonchalant when you write them or immersed in that mood! ;-)
2012-07-02 21:20:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. How are you? It really brings a smile when I read your DMs. Miss you. Still busy in work? Are your exam results out?
2012-07-02 21:15:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing let it be. Let's go to sleep, sweet one. It is late. Come join me. Let's cuddle & sleep. Goodnight... Sleep well. Eat well...
2012-07-02 12:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing.... :-(

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2012-07-02 12:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could avoid doing that...

2012-07-02 12:28:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling .... :-(

2012-07-02 12:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe, but meeting elderly people in India can be a little awkward... :-|
2012-07-02 12:03:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I suppose he has been... I just didn't feel it till today... :-)
2012-07-02 11:53:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Not so tiring on the bike. It did feel good to read his compliments. They felt so deeply sincere... :-)
2012-07-02 11:29:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost power... Restored! :-)

2012-07-02 11:26:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. A gentleman was very kind & complimented the words I gathered... :-)
2012-07-02 09:45:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I was in Greece, we just hung around in togas! But that is several millenia ago!! ;-p
2012-07-02 09:44:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Her mouth is also too wide...

2012-07-02 09:34:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Delhi was 46 yesterday!!!

2012-07-02 09:34:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's blazing hot in the North of India!! :-o

2012-07-02 09:22:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some Indian women are pretty... Most aren't

2012-07-02 09:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think that girl is pretty!! She's ok.

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2012-07-02 09:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So you have the bathtub to yourself!!!

2012-07-02 09:20:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... Come come come .... :-) I wish I had as sturdy arms as yours!! ;-p Kissing you softly as you pout! I am mostly fine, darling. You?
2012-07-02 08:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am home now, darling... :-)

2012-07-02 08:51:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses for your shoulders, darling... :-)
2012-07-01 23:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was online only till I saw your response. Thereafter (& even before that) it was all scheduled tweets... :-)
2012-07-01 23:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I think I did. How are you feeling? Please go easy on your busy day...
2012-07-01 23:40:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do sleep well, darling. Hope you ate well too.... Off to bed now. :-)
2012-07-01 12:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-07-01 12:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet sweet lady...

2012-07-01 12:40:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is late. I shall go to bed now. Would you join me? Soft kisses on your rainbow bruise! :-) Sweet dreams dear one...
2012-07-01 12:37:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, an old one. Yes, I am complicated, but I don't know how to be otherwise... :-(
2012-07-01 12:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember it all... I miss it all, too... :-(

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2012-07-01 12:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could do exactly that... :-)

2012-07-01 11:45:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't wish to hurt you. I would never want to. You know that. But we come from different worlds... :-(
2012-07-01 11:45:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie...

2012-07-01 11:31:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can bring myself to maintain that if required... :-(

2012-07-01 11:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "Not physically" what?

2012-07-01 11:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wouldn't push you away but certainly discourage you. Because this is not how we should be given that we aren't going to be married! :-(
2012-07-01 10:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which is exactly why I asked you... Then you will want another meeting & another... How does one manager it, dear Andrea? :-(
2012-07-01 10:28:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would hug & hold but my mind is capable of putting my heart on a leash as you already know...
2012-07-01 09:58:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... But can we meet as friends? You know it in your heart that you don't want to meet as old friends would!
2012-07-01 09:40:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish the same too, darling... :-)

2012-07-01 09:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you... Wishing I could hold you close to me. :-|
2012-07-01 08:39:20 (EDT)

_lalicat How are you? Been a while... How is S? Hope you like the other pix that I have uploaded... :-)
2012-07-01 07:34:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ .........................................................................................................
2012-07-01 07:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is the bruise? The bodyache?

2012-07-01 07:07:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you...

2012-07-01 06:50:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. What can I say? :-(

2012-07-01 06:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Have you decided to not write to me at all? :-(

2012-07-01 06:10:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, is everything alright? Sunday internet problems? :-|

2012-07-01 05:24:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how is your body? You should soak long in a warm bathtub...
2012-07-01 03:37:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure what I have to do today. There is some office work to be done. I need to read. I need to study. God! :-(
2012-06-30 23:09:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. I kinda did. Woke up feeling tired with my eyes burning. Been a while since the oil bath...
2012-06-30 23:04:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Unable to think straight.. Let's go to bed darling. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on the bruise. Do come & join me darling...
2012-06-30 13:40:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry that things have come to this... :-(

2012-06-30 13:38:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry... Had dozed off!

2012-06-30 13:33:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is nothing much to do... :-(

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2012-06-30 12:08:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. That was the sweetest thing I received today. Yes, busy, but I think of you too... :-) How are you?
2012-06-30 12:07:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling.... :-(

2012-06-30 11:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The movie was ok. Very realistic, violent & gory & full of expletives ...
2012-06-30 11:52:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have ripe too... :-)

2012-06-30 11:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These are raw mangoes... :-)

2012-06-30 11:44:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Quite, not write...

2012-06-30 11:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is write nearby. Was grating raw mangoes for mom...

2012-06-30 11:30:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... Went to the temple. Slight drizzle. Just got back. Have one more chore to do... Brb
2012-06-30 10:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is kinda drizzling outside. Hence, I returned home. Else I would have gone to the temple as well... I'll try to go again later.. :-)
2012-06-30 09:33:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't write as the phone glows bright in the movie hall. Not kind...
2012-06-30 09:33:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, let us not talk about it & make the yearning more pronounced... How is your bruise? Ache? Do you have a checkup with the doc?
2012-06-30 09:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you'd do all of those things with me. Why! We did them
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all while you were there in Portsmouth. Yes, it could be fun... :-)
2012-06-30 09:32:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie. I really do. I would never recommend your moving here. It would be hell for a European. :-o Sweet darling... sigh!
2012-06-30 09:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ are usually not interested in quality foreign movies. They prefer local movies which I run away from!! :-o
2012-06-30 09:29:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Problem with screening movies here is that it makes people have to stay late at work. People avoid that & rush back home. Those who stay at
2012-06-30 09:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The folks I went out with aren't in my team. They are from other teams. I haven't yet gone out with one person in my team!! :-D
2012-06-30 09:27:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling. Just got back home. Done with the movie. We were part of a recruitment drive hiring fresh students.
2012-06-30 09:27:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We used to screen movies in the office in Bangalore. Here there is no enthusiasm... :-(
2012-06-30 04:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now there's company...

2012-06-30 04:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ones I know are out of touch. I wanted to watch movies for a long time but kept dropping the idea as I could watch it at home.
2012-06-30 04:27:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back is only slightly better. I am at office doing office work. The movie is with office colleagues... I don't have friends outside of work
2012-06-30 04:26:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I go for a movie at 3:30 with office colleagues...

2012-06-30 03:12:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm at the office doing some recruitments. Will leave shortly I
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think. How is your day lined up? How is your body?

2012-06-30 03:10:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. Had a water bag for my back but woke up completely wet in sweat & had to sleep again...
2012-06-30 03:07:55 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Work, travel, read, write, cook, sleep... You know! The works! :-)
2012-06-29 13:32:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a lot of space next to me.... :-)

2012-06-29 13:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was as simple as that. We aren't children. We cannot do thing with no care for the future... :-(
2012-06-29 12:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let us go to bed now, darling. It is late here. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your bruise. Do come & join me, sweet one. Goodnight....
2012-06-29 12:57:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-29 12:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you speak like this!? :-( I always wish you well.
2012-06-29 12:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but sometimes you just want to write &... I don't know.
2012-06-29 12:23:25 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Ah! The princess returns. How are your days occupied? :-)
2012-06-29 12:16:48 (EDT)

coeuraloha Yes I did. Glad you are back. Do boil a little cumin seeds & drink the water (cooled). The deer tweet was for you... :-)
2012-06-29 12:10:42 (EDT)

coeuraloha Pshaw! Come on! You write brilliantly beautifully even if you never knew India existed!! :-) How are you, dear Courtney? :-) Back? How's mom
2012-06-29 12:05:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think I can write tonight! :-(

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2012-06-29 11:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. And no, I would have preferred you in neither car... :-( Silly woman!
2012-06-29 11:45:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but you are more accident prone & hence... :-)
2012-06-29 11:33:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back dear. Fruits & cat food bought? Please be careful while driving, climbing stairs or walking on wet surfaces...
2012-06-29 11:29:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do wish to see you dear, but I also realise that that is not the right thing to do. :-(
2012-06-29 10:20:17 (EDT)

dgdreamin Dear Deb. How are you? :-) What are uDDs?
2012-06-29 10:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise that, darling. :-(

2012-06-29 10:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Makes sense. I would apply warm healing bags all over you. They will ease the pain... Sweet one! :-(
2012-06-29 10:15:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! I would love to give you a massage & soothe you... :-)
2012-06-29 10:09:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back is not any better...

2012-06-29 10:02:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be nice though parks here are dirty... :-(
2012-06-29 10:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The wet floor was in the lobby of my office building due to the rains. Not at home. At home we walk bare feet, so less likelihood for that
2012-06-29 09:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was busy. Pairing & quite productive. Enjoyed the work today. :-)
2012-06-29 09:11:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The evening looked beautiful with rusty clouds & a pleasant sun. Drive back home was lovely. Would have loved to have you with me... :)
2012-06-29 09:10:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had read your dm, closed my eyes & imagined you with me, hugging my sweet lady... :-)
2012-06-29 09:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I used to analyse horoscopes. Not anymore. I no longer touch a horoscope. :-|
2012-06-29 09:07:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or short & curly, or none at all. His love for crows indicated a Saturnine influence & hence I must have asked...
2012-06-29 09:06:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't recall wanting to know how old D was. Perhaps it was a casual question. I asked about his hair as I thought it would be thin & wiry
2012-06-29 09:04:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm home. Where are you!? Hugging & gently twirling my sweet one. :-) How are you feeling? Ate well?
2012-06-29 09:03:07 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aww! But you loved Kaneda no? But I am glad that we have a chance off meeting mid-Aug when I'll be in Dilli
2012-06-29 00:31:57 (EDT)

ZinniaTung ...he will have to deal with my bad poetry against him!! :-D
2012-06-29 00:10:41 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Woooohoooo!!! This is very good news! A handsome Punjabi munda I presume. :-) Someone who resides in Kaneda? He better be good to you or
2012-06-29 00:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back hurts really bad. Woke up a few times to adjust myself. I'll take the cab in the morning & return on my bike as it is still there...
2012-06-28 20:45:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping much better tonight. Soft kisses on your hair... :-)
2012-06-28 20:44:07 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Fever's gone? Long haul!? Ooooh! Let me guess! The princess is getting married!!! :-)
2012-06-28 20:39:38 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Lovely mehndi! How are you!? Miss seeing you online... Miss being online too. How long are you here!?
2012-06-28 13:26:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I knew those magic incantations too...

2012-06-28 13:22:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your bruise. Do join me soon...
2012-06-28 12:53:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I reached home. Will now head to bed. Really tired & nearly sprained my back when I slipped on the wet floors...
2012-06-28 12:51:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. I remember it all & those kids playing those musical instruments... :-)
2012-06-28 12:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. How are you feeling? Ate well? How is the bruise? Are you applying anything on it?
2012-06-28 12:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I remember watching you sleep on the couch. :-) How could I forget!?
2012-06-28 12:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, just done with the movie. We missed the initial 50 min due to horrible trains & traffic but what we got to see was worth it!
2012-06-28 12:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses & dear hugs for my darling...

2012-06-28 08:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, folks in the office are going for a movie. Madagascar 3.
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Heading out now. Take care

2012-06-28 08:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, yes pairing. Write a busy day. Was productive though... How is my darling feeling? I'd happily kiss you everywhere :-)
2012-06-28 08:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... I'm so glad that nothing severe or grave came out of this accident. Please wait a while before you drive again, darling
2012-06-28 03:23:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. How are you? Rested well? Bruise reduced? Ache reduced? Soft kisses wherever you ache... :-)
2012-06-28 03:19:24 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-) Someone's in a really smooching mood today! ;-p How are you, dear friend? How's Avery? I wish I could read her a story... :-)
2012-06-27 20:50:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Need to heal

2012-06-27 13:29:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I still hold that you jeered to heal before any further discussion...
2012-06-27 13:28:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your bruise. Come join me soon darling... After you've eaten well
2012-06-27 13:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See what?

2012-06-27 12:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling you are holding on to it at the cost of your health. Unwise!
2012-06-27 12:28:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to avoid, darling. But we need to get this thing back to normal first.
2012-06-27 12:22:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I wish that you focus on getting well soon & resolving all issues with the accident. There is a time & place for everything... :-|
2012-06-27 11:40:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ New office is not yet decided... They are still deciding it. :-|
2012-06-27 11:39:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'd love to see you too, but this is not the time to discuss this. Let's first have you heal completely & settle off this matter
2012-06-27 11:30:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing significant because it wasn't an accident. Just something stupid I did & the car didn't cooperate! :-o All's well...
2012-06-27 11:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are meant to live a happy full & enriched life. Please don't lose the opportunity!
2012-06-27 11:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you still alive? Because you are meant to be alive & enjoy life & avoid driving at night!
2012-06-27 11:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ your mind from mulling over it. Perhaps being with someone will help. I find it touching & strange too that you recalled my name in it all..
2012-06-27 11:19:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is natural to go over the accident. I had a near-accident in Arizona & even today I wince when I think of it. But please try to distract
2012-06-27 11:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you ate something. Please have a proper meal in the evening
2012-06-27 11:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just read your email... :-(

2012-06-27 10:40:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry I am not with you, darling. I truly wish I could have been. Please eat something, cookies, fruits, juices, breads... Please.. :-(
2012-06-27 10:40:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have you eaten well? Did you visit a doc to check if everything
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is fine?
2012-06-27 10:07:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my millionaire lady!!! :-D

2012-06-27 09:54:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. Honest. Relax now & worry about the money later...
2012-06-27 09:44:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you fine? Hope there are no legal issues...

2012-06-27 09:23:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Just before the rains. Are you not receiving the calls because you don't wish to talk to me!?
2012-06-27 09:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I called again... :-(

2012-06-27 07:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to help you through all of this. Please darling, recover from this & that alone should be your focus...
2012-06-27 05:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please treat your body well. I'm glad you aren't hurting. Still, be mindful of any weak muscles etc. Please take care of the car paper work
2012-06-27 05:24:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm yet to check my email. Pairing!! :-(

2012-06-27 05:22:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, tried calling you... No response. Is everything alright?

2012-06-27 05:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling.. How are you!? I hope you aren't hurting too much... :-(
2012-06-27 02:26:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do let me know a good time to call... :-(

2012-06-26 23:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses for your belly... How was the drive in the Audi? Enjoyed it? :-)
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2012-06-26 20:41:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Where are you? I thought you's return & dm. I hope all is well & it was mere tiredness that made you not dm...
2012-06-26 20:40:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do join me once you are back... :-)

2012-06-26 13:12:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my god! I fell asleep holding on to the phone! Just woke up. Yes, darling, goodnight. Sleep well. Kissing your wrists. Do drive carefully
2012-06-26 13:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... :-)

2012-06-26 11:38:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I care about the foundation & the permanent... The heart will always get better. But the body must be protected...
2012-06-26 11:38:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do not let your mind bully your body... Please..

2012-06-26 11:29:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do that nearly every year! Such a beautiful place... :-)

2012-06-26 11:28:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eat whether you like it or not.. :-(

2012-06-26 11:06:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just got home from a tiring day. I'd love to run away to somewhere too... :-) I plan on going into the Himalayas soon...
2012-06-26 11:05:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Than your busier days...

2012-06-26 11:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Salad & feta is not enough!!! :-o

2012-06-26 10:59:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That you do... Think of so much. :-)

2012-06-26 10:58:34 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire You seem to be a lot freer... :-)

2012-06-26 10:57:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here to give me a nice massage with your sturdy arms!!! ;-p
2012-06-26 10:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will ask at work to see if there is anyone coming this way, but as far as I know there's just one guy who is always travelling...
2012-06-26 10:54:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Amen! ;-)

2012-06-26 10:53:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was after I ate that I saw your dm but that you remembered was sweet. Did you way well today? What?
2012-06-26 10:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were under the table I would act out being unconscious & fall down & roll under the table... ;-p
2012-06-26 10:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. The ride home though without traffic was tiring & my shoulders hurt...
2012-06-26 10:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your day!? Sending you soft kisses for your nose... :-)
2012-06-26 07:42:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I'm here. Hectic day & long meetings. Will be in office till late. Yes, had lunch. Thanks for reminding me :-)
2012-06-26 07:42:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Not one bit uncomfortable! I love what you do with images & sensuality... :-) Look away so that I don't get too drawn into the flow... ;-p
2012-06-26 01:03:50 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I find it strange that I feel such dulcet hues for one I haven't met or spoken to. As if sharing smiles across seas can be a relationship...
2012-06-25 23:09:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did, though late, and woke up early. Feeling sleepy!! Soft kisses on your hips dear... :-)
2012-06-25 23:05:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank god! Was a wee bit worried.. Your words have such raw sensuality in them that I need to look away after reading some of them... ;-p
2012-06-25 23:04:18 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Wow! What takes you to Chicago, if I may ask?

2012-06-25 20:05:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Are you ok? Your tweets sound like you really aren't in the best of moods... Hugs!
2012-06-25 13:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Holding you close to me...

2012-06-25 13:57:01 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Would you understand if I said to you that I feel the deep urge to hug you & paint butterfly wings with you? Would you brush it off?
2012-06-25 13:56:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Neat!! Enjoy. :-)

2012-06-25 13:46:59 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I'm fine, sweet one. How are you? What are you up to these days? :-)
2012-06-25 13:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Let's go to bed now dear. It is too late here.goodnight. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your join me darling...
2012-06-25 13:43:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I had something happy to say... :-(

2012-06-25 13:31:13 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Lovely pictures esp.the one with your sisters. Somehow you stand out effortlessly... :-) How are you dear D? Miss you...
2012-06-25 13:30:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-( ...

2012-06-25 13:22:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think the night's rest should help...

2012-06-25 13:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought I'll have an early breakfast but decided to eat something now lest I get cramps... Milk & biscuits...
2012-06-25 13:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-06-25 13:15:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No trees here! Just a concrete stretch... But you can still pounce on me!
2012-06-25 13:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And skipped dinner! :-(

2012-06-25 12:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back! Did crunches & stretches & pulled a muscle!! :-( Showered & sprayed the muscle with an anti-pain spray... I forgot to have lunch!
2012-06-25 12:59:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, indeed & make the clients wonder why he is babbling!! :-D Miss you too sweetie. Heading out for the power walk now.
2012-06-25 11:56:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ride was fine. Not much traffic, no crazy drivers but still it is not the most comfortable way to move around over such distances! :-|
2012-06-25 10:13:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sent out the email last week. On Wednesday or so. Yes, my evening meeting calls. Yes, let's exercise together, massage & cuddle! :-D
2012-06-25 10:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope to finish my call today & work out! I really need some exercise & muscle activity. How is the rest of your day lined up!?
2012-06-25 09:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might consider other options but for now, I will ride a bike. Missed you too. Wrists & ears fine. Jaw still hurts.
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2012-06-25 09:54:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, sweetie? How was your day? Ate well? I sent out an email to the office asking for a cab partner, no one responded. :-(
2012-06-25 09:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I had to light the lamps etc. Finished all that, had a call with an elderly gentleman I know. And then logged on! :-)
2012-06-25 09:52:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am alright, had a couple of back to back meetings at the fag end of the day & then I got on to the bike reached home. Mom's not at home...
2012-06-25 09:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am home! :-)

2012-06-25 09:50:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jen. I am doing good! How are you? Are you out traveling somewhere or enjoying the sun outside your house!? :)
2012-06-25 09:50:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am going to try a bike for this week. My cab partner dropped out a week or so ago & hence I have to look for other options. :-(
2012-06-24 23:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. I kinda did & overslept! So had to rush to work. Today I was on my bike. Reached really rapidly!
2012-06-24 23:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You'd love one who steals toys!? :-o What about one who does tchoin tchoin in your sleep!?
2012-06-24 13:03:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could go and kick Santa & steal toys... Maybe then you could hate me? No?
2012-06-24 13:01:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the hold of you too, sweet one... :-( I shall now log off & go to bed.
2012-06-24 12:48:54 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-( Sigh... I hold you close to me...

2012-06-24 12:36:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do join me if you feel so... :-|

2012-06-24 12:33:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do try & eat something... It is late here, darling. I must go to bed. Please sleep early & well. A soft kiss on your forehead.
2012-06-24 12:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you so & feed you with my hands... :-(
2012-06-24 12:23:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is important to me that your health doesn't suffer...

2012-06-24 12:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Juices?
2012-06-24 12:17:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Why do you do this? Please eat something. Fruits, yoghurt... something... :-(
2012-06-24 12:14:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, have you eaten properly? How's your head?

2012-06-24 12:11:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? Our should I not ask? :-(

2012-06-24 10:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what are you doing?

2012-06-24 09:48:55 (EDT)

LoveMusicDreams Allow me to confess that when you appear in my "Interactions" page, you bring pure unadulterated smiles... :-) Wishing you well, lovely lady
2012-06-24 06:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... :-(

2012-06-24 05:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not holding on to anything. I don't want to. I only need to if I have to clarify. I miss you too... :-(
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2012-06-24 05:12:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You clearly said we should meet at last once. Hence, the once happened. Thereafter it has to be mutual...
2012-06-24 04:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And had I told you that when we met, what would have changed? I think you are holding on to rather slim issues & missing the point...
2012-06-24 04:44:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you had decided not to marry me for some personal reason...
2012-06-24 04:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I said "if you didn't wish..." An IF... A hypothetical situation to demonstrate that not at all times can there be a democratic vote
2012-06-24 04:26:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Least once before deciding. That happened. The realisation didn't change. Not sure why anyone is a victim out here.
2012-06-24 04:15:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We both came to the forest together. One of us woke up realising that this was unfeasible. That was shared. The other felt we should meet at
2012-06-24 04:14:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because your son was inconsolable it wouldn't need me to decide anything. So am not sure why you feel that you are the victim!
2012-06-24 04:12:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ wasn't right given that a future together was dim. There is nothing that needs collective decision making. If you didn't wish to marry
2012-06-24 04:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well before our meeting was this realisation which is why I discouraged our meeting. Even then you insisted. I relented & still felt it ..
2012-06-24 04:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the realisation was not just for you but anyone... That I am not made for this... And that I shouldn't slip again... :-(
2012-06-23 23:50:25 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ..and that I was dreaming. Thereafter, I have consistently & continually informed you of the same. Nothing to stay through or run away from.
2012-06-23 23:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...your info that you already had a son, etc. In the light of that past I slapped myself awake & realised that there was no future in this..
2012-06-23 23:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was & is nothing for me to stay with you & endure through. The storm was my realisation that you & D were really really intimate &
2012-06-23 23:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your finger tips as I rush out! :-)

2012-06-23 23:22:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. I was supposed to put ear drops & I forgot! Now I head out for a haircut... :-)
2012-06-23 23:21:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did not play with anything nor set anything up. We came to the forest together before storms... :-( Please, I will surely go to bed now!
2012-06-23 16:56:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling... Not all why's come with answers. Please go to bed now as I will too... :-|
2012-06-23 16:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops! You are supposed to be asleep. None of those tweets were meant for anyone. Please darling, don't let things dig deeper into you.. :-(
2012-06-23 16:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close, dear one...

2012-06-23 15:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let us go to bed now, darling. It is late. You need to sleep too. Goodnight. Sweet kisses on your cheeks. Sleep well. Do come & join me.
2012-06-23 15:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... :-(

2012-06-23 14:56:01 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, please... :-(

2012-06-23 14:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What am I supposed to do with my fingers!!? ;-p

2012-06-23 14:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you did all that, how am I to write? :-D

2012-06-23 14:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahahaha :-D You don't miss a chance against my undershirt or mind!! :-D
2012-06-23 14:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you find the words so. I started thinking that I simply cannot write tonight & should probably give up! :-D
2012-06-23 14:10:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you, but I must steel my heart to do what is right. :-(
2012-06-23 13:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But we can't meet as mere friends. Anything other than that only reinforces something which must dissolve into time... :-(
2012-06-23 13:32:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only it was that easy. Even if you offered me a ticket, I'd not do anything irresponsible...
2012-06-23 12:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one... :-)

2012-06-23 12:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll write for some time though I feel like reading instead... :-D
2012-06-23 10:58:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be difficult to do all those... :-)

2012-06-23 10:58:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oye! Don't you call my undershirt silly! ;-p

2012-06-23 10:20:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) Most certainly... :-) Darling... Andrea... :-)

2012-06-23 10:17:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, back from the temple. Mom also wanted Tiger Balm, so went to get that... How was your day, darling? :-) Yes, lets go for a walk!
2012-06-23 09:58:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The doc flushed my ear & removed the wax clog. I can hear so clearly that I can tell you what your neighbour's say!!! ;-)
2012-06-23 09:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, good nap. :-) Had wrapped my wrists for support. Feeling a bit better. At the ent now...
2012-06-23 09:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And up!! :-)

2012-06-23 08:44:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was documenting my mom's recipes since the morning. Need to continue on that. So much to do. Who fixed 24 hrs for a day? :-D
2012-06-23 05:19:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll crash now. I feel so so tired! Evening I need to go to the temple & then to the ENT doctor. How is my sweet lady? Chores done?
2012-06-23 05:18:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have an inverter at home. Keeps some lights & fans on for a while. Still... :-( Why did you sleep late? How's your head? Finger? Eyes?
2012-06-23 05:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...for myself. :-) Bought another book for my mom. Bought some plumbing seals for the faucet. So exhausted!! Went on my bike! :-)
2012-06-23 05:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't go to a supermarket. I went to a bookstore to buy some books for the 80 year old lady. Parceled it off to her. Bought the same
2012-06-23 05:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie.. :-)

2012-06-23 05:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. It is murderously hot outside!! :-o The skin on my feet were nearly burning!! This is crazy heat! Had a heavy heavy lunch... :-D
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2012-06-23 05:13:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am heading out now. Need to buy some stuff. Should be back shortly. Hugging you gently, kissing your ears & whoosh... :-)
2012-06-23 01:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did. Had loads of chores for the morning. No power at home! :-(
2012-06-23 01:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes...
2012-06-22 13:11:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Help you see why it would not be right...

2012-06-22 13:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, dear one. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your palms. Do come & join me... Please...
2012-06-22 13:01:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I wish I could... dunno! :-(

2012-06-22 13:01:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry... I don't mean to hurt you but to prevent us from acting casually given that we are not getting married, etc.
2012-06-22 11:53:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, there is no point going over this topic again & again... :-(
2012-06-22 10:29:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. I really do. I would love to do those things with you. :-)
2012-06-22 09:50:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Drive was normal. Nothing remarkable. Hugging you softly, dear one... :-)
2012-06-22 09:23:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you should wear pants to bed? ;-p

2012-06-22 09:22:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too, sweetie. Hugging you softly & kissing your
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eyes... :-)
2012-06-22 08:21:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why a bad dream, darling? :-( Perhaps you should sleep early tonight to catch up on your sleep...
2012-06-22 08:19:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a pretty busy day. Pairing & then my pair had to leave a little early, so more busy ness.. How are you sweet one? Rested a bit?
2012-06-22 08:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, heading home. Forgot to carry my bag today & hence need to carry my laptop, charger & other stuff in my hand... :-o
2012-06-22 08:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gently hugging you & kissing your hair as you sleep sweetly. I'm so eagerly looking forward to the weekend! :-)
2012-06-21 23:58:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! :-) Slept well? I kinda did though woke up at 4:30 & lay in bed. Hope you get enough rest from the drive...:-)
2012-06-21 23:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now darling. Please drive safely. Is Maria the musician's wife? Take care. Goodnight. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your nose...
2012-06-21 19:01:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home a while ago. I didn't get my cab so had to take the rickshaw!! Pain. Now my tw on mobile isnt refreshing. Your dm are not there
2012-06-21 19:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Hugging you tight! The GM was here & hence, I was busy talking to him. :-)
2012-06-21 10:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All those with a conscience have stayed back. Couple of the team members left anyway... But as decided, I just ignore!! :-)
2012-06-21 09:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a sweet baklava kiss. Still in the office. Compensating for the extra long lunch today!
2012-06-21 09:23:34 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I'd be careful!! ;-p

2012-06-21 09:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could you!!! I look that bad!!? :-( I couldn't watch the entire video as it is full of bikini babes. NSFW!!! :-)
2012-06-21 06:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Jaw pain is there. Wrist hurts at random moments. Eyes are ok but will use the cooling liquid tonight!!
2012-06-21 06:41:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had baklava, my sweet one & missed you so much... :-)
2012-06-21 05:18:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have a team lunch out today. Heading there now. You are sweet, darling, arranging your breakfast like that... :-)
2012-06-21 03:27:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie pie. Our time together in the US was fun. I enjoyed nearly every min of it... :-)
2012-06-20 22:46:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I need a new life. I'm ready to die any moment now...
2012-06-20 22:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'm a damaged piece!! :-( Hope you slept well. Just as I was getting ready to leave for work, my left wrist started hurting. :-o
2012-06-20 22:42:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I definitely did though woke up with eyes feeling heavy & jaw hurting near my ear. No clue.. :-(
2012-06-20 22:40:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And thank you for being such a darling... :-)

2012-06-20 21:21:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is the lovely lady still having her "fun" days!? ;-) How are the girls? I'm fine. Mostly caught up in work & sundry...
2012-06-20 19:39:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. :-) Sorry for not writing earlier. I was travelling & lost track. How are you? How are things at your end? :-)
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2012-06-20 19:37:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm feeling really sleepy. Off to bed now. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Kisses on your knees. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-20 10:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True! :-|

2012-06-20 10:11:31 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear friend. :-) Hope your day goes well. Read your tweet. Unfortunate it is drag... :-|
2012-06-20 09:57:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like I'd wish to vanish into the mountains & teach & read... Not practical! Need to settle off my mom, etc.
2012-06-20 09:31:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I live in conflict because I wish to do something but can't/don't due to some reason. Rules, traditions, practicalities, cost, etc.
2012-06-20 09:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do... :-)

2012-06-20 09:24:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At home. If my mind had taken over there would be no conflict or indecision. I live in conflict!!!
2012-06-20 09:12:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D I just don't let my mind take over...

2012-06-20 08:54:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want to focus on things that enrich my life & not merely provide possibilities of entertainment with people... So no trip... Most likely
2012-06-20 08:24:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel it does matter though not in ways you define. My day was ok. Did some work. I might not be going on the weekend trip. Decided to rest
2012-06-20 08:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nose is not stuffed though it was hot at night & sweaty. How's your finger? Hopefully no headache today...
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2012-06-20 07:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then office work took over like always! Yes, things are packed as ever.
2012-06-20 07:48:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it was still morning for you, right! ;-) Jokes apart my morning was spent in chores& cab ride in talking to a lady who just turned 80
2012-06-20 07:47:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day's going busy. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did. Slightly exhausting already...
2012-06-20 04:33:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling... :-)

2012-06-20 04:31:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-19 12:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do. Just that I don't think you should let something differing from your want, to spoil your health. Goodnight, dear...
2012-06-19 12:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But to leave you in a "bad shape"? :-| Please dear, I beg you. Your health cannot be subject to people & incidents in your life... :-(
2012-06-19 12:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lets go to bed together, cuddle up & sleep long hours. Soft kisses on your lips dear one. Goodnight. :-)
2012-06-19 11:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what happened!?

2012-06-19 11:56:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can barely keep my eyes open! Yes, it would have been lovely to cuddle & doze off together... :-)
2012-06-19 11:52:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling.. I dozed off. Fortunately I woke up & had dinner. Really exhausted! :-(
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2012-06-19 11:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do realise that it pains you but... :-(

2012-06-19 09:18:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-19 08:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. :-(

2012-06-19 08:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lake cannot be dirtier than our seas. Our oceans & seas stink & are unimaginably dirty!!
2012-06-19 08:02:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pure pleasure trip. My mom's eyebrows were raised. She's rarely seen me do this. :-)
2012-06-19 08:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The trip was ok. Perhaps I should have made it a weekend only trip. But it is ok. I have one more trip with office colleagues this weekend..
2012-06-19 07:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With conditions etc. Huge difference!

2012-06-19 05:54:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All my trips aren't pointless. This trip was just about meeting with the tenants & some friends, ruined by the rain. Nothing romantic or...
2012-06-19 05:54:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You saw a tweet at 3:50? But I didn't tweet anything then. The last I tweeted was at 00:45 or so.
2012-06-19 02:34:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did manage some hours of sleep. Won't refuse if I got more! :D
2012-06-19 02:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel fine to work today so decided to go to the office. I would have loved to be received by you. :-)
2012-06-19 02:29:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I reached a while ago, no battery,

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finished the rituals & am on my way to the office.

2012-06-19 02:21:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Strange that you wrote that. I used to believe in exactly that everyone being father & mother to every single child in the village! :-)
2012-06-18 14:56:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go back to sleep now dear one... You take care. :-) Sleep well...
2012-06-18 14:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure when I'll reach. I doubt whether I can even go to work tomorrow... I might only reach near noon. God knows!
2012-06-18 14:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Though she ends up complaining by saying "See? No complaints!" ;-p Just teasing, darling. Thank you for understanding
2012-06-18 14:16:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bus halted here in some unknown spot. Bought a bottle of water. I miss you too. :-) Yes, my lady does try hard to not complain ;-p
2012-06-18 14:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll crash for the night. Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well. Hugging & kissing your sweet lips... Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-18 11:53:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, bus has started moving, finally. I would've loved your soothing & pampering me. I'm really exhausted, darling...
2012-06-18 11:51:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally sitting in the bus. God knows when it will leave now!! :-( I just want to go home!!
2012-06-18 10:42:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll need to conserve my battery, so I'll come online once in a while whenever there is a signal...
2012-06-18 09:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will try my best to keep you updated, but if I don't, please
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don't mind. Really in the middle of a mess.. :-(

2012-06-18 09:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The rain ruined everything again! Caught in a horrible traffic jam & rain, I missed the train back. Made some arrangement on a bus!! :-(
2012-06-18 09:00:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Insomnia? Bad bed? Toothpicks over your eyes? Yeeeeaaaah!! Wishing the young lady all the fun she can remember... :-)
2012-06-18 03:52:57 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good evening! Isn't it late, unless you have shifted timezones! :-) Wishing you & A loads of luv... :-)
2012-06-18 03:43:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Do take care. Please do talk to the doc about your headache... How's the finger?
2012-06-18 03:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope it doesn't rain till I get into the train. But the forecast looks cloudy so I shall simply cross my fingers & hope for the best.
2012-06-18 03:41:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Slightly stuffed nose though not a cold. Need to be careful. I forgot to mention to you, we have orange marmal. at the office!!
2012-06-18 03:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sorry to hear you have a slight headache. Seems more frequent than is passable. Doc? Soft kisses for your knees!
2012-06-18 03:39:44 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I'm sure after all these years it's your mother's turn!! ;-p
2012-06-17 13:21:25 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Welcome to India! You already tired of your mother!!? :-o I thought you were missing her like crazy. Have fun, princess... :-)
2012-06-17 13:16:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your elbow. Hope the finger's fine. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-17 12:41:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Looks like you've fallen asleep on the couch again! I wish you manage to sleep properly. I'm off to bed now...
2012-06-17 12:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just had some shopping & dinner planned, but all was spoilt.
2012-06-17 12:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got wet in the rain. Not a pleasant day. Anyway, it will end soon. Hope the heart's not bothering you...
2012-06-17 12:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Way too much rain here. No power. Bad Sunday. :-( I miss you too. :-)
2012-06-17 10:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Re-posted... :-)

2012-06-17 06:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too! That tweet was for you... :-)
2012-06-17 06:44:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's raining here... Seems like evening plans might get wet!!! :-(
2012-06-17 06:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Howdy! Yes, I'm still at my friend's place. Will leave tomorrow evening. Lying on the grass sounds so beautiful... Would love to join you
2012-06-17 05:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tightly & kissing you softly. :-) How's your day lined up? Mine is mostly at home.
2012-06-17 02:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did, though, woke up really early. Went to check on my tenants & to the temple again...
2012-06-17 02:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ From an eating point of view, yes, a splendid day! :-) Otherwise, tiring & exhausting... :-( I will be reaching home in a but.
2012-06-16 13:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on milady's wrists. Goodnight. Sleep well. Do come & join me darling... :-)
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2012-06-16 13:47:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could I deny my sweet lady her kisses!? ;-) Hope you have a lovely walk... :-) My thoughts join you on your walk... :-)
2012-06-16 13:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. We are out eating late. Heading back home. Thank you for the sweet kisses. Sending you manifold back. :-)
2012-06-16 13:42:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, sweetie? I just wish I could get back home & sleep in my bed... :-(
2012-06-16 09:21:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the temple visit! Dead tired. At some mall now. I prepared lunch for 5!!! A 3-course meal. They loved it all... But I'm exhausted!
2012-06-16 09:18:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I will... :-) Will be heading to the temple soon. If I get a good signal there, will dm again.. :-)
2012-06-16 07:15:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just stepped down to go to the atm, and managed to get some signal. Miss you too. :-)
2012-06-16 06:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) The signal is quite a problem here. My last night's tweets got posted only partly. How are you? How's your day?
2012-06-16 06:44:32 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Congratulations on finding the apartment! Does A like it too?

2012-06-15 12:59:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are away. Will go to bed now. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your hair. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-15 12:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm having a slight headache due to the heat & then windy rainy weather & the sweat. I will sleep it off
2012-06-15 11:07:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I'm in Hyderabad to inspect the property & ensure the tenants are keeping it well. No problems from them. That & meeting up with friends...
2012-06-15 11:06:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I shall go to bed in some time.

2012-06-15 11:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, miss you too. Yes, I got the kisses. Thank you! :-) Sorry, the signal's acting up here. How was your day? Mine was ok...
2012-06-15 11:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too... :-) I hope these dm reach you. How's your day? How's your finger?
2012-06-15 03:07:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. I reached here about 5 hrs ago but had problems with signal & battery.
2012-06-15 03:05:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. So soft kisses on your finger. Do come & join me in this rattling train, dear... :-)
2012-06-14 10:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm on the train. Signal's bad. I miss you too. Let's wish each other goodnight now as I will turn off the internet connection soon...
2012-06-14 10:13:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily... :-)

2012-06-14 09:32:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-06-14 09:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm not saying you are married! I'm saying our current situation is like as if you were married which would close all doors on us...
2012-06-14 08:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I said "as if....". Social norms would state them that I should not flirt with a married woman our have anything physical with her...
2012-06-14 03:45:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, though what I feel for you won't change what I can & can't
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realise with you will change, if we adhere to social norms...

2012-06-14 03:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I felt for you still holds, dear. What I wanted of us has changed... It is like as if you are married and gone...
2012-06-14 03:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was a time when I hoped you'd be more than a friend. Then it slowly waned & today you are someone I hold sweetly, dearly as a friend.
2012-06-13 21:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses for your nose, dear one... :-)
2012-06-13 21:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? How is your hand? I slept fine though for some reason my body ached yesterday. Fine now...
2012-06-13 21:07:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your wrists. Do come & join me, dear. Please take care of your finger...
2012-06-13 12:41:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll reach there Thurs early morning. Mostly set. Yes, lets go to sleep. It is late here...
2012-06-13 12:40:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What comes to my mind?? Hmmm. Candy-puff & bare feet where the ocean ebbs... ;-p
2012-06-13 12:22:13 (EDT)

BeingInJoy :-D Your day sounds lovely! I am mostly well, thank you. Been a while since we were in touch so thought I should ping the fine lady... :-)
2012-06-13 12:21:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss it & you, but I have also reconciled to the fact that it is not in my future. :-( I leave from the office...
2012-06-13 12:19:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was & am packing. Two friends having a fun time together is sweet & fine. Do you view me as a mere friend? If not then it is irresponsible
2012-06-13 11:50:48 (EDT)
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BeingInJoy Good morning. :-) Hope you are well & smiling. How is Avery? My hello to her...
2012-06-13 09:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you & hope we cross paths... But we cannot relive those days. It would be irresponsible to do even that... :-(
2012-06-13 09:54:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care of your hand. I'd recommend wrapping it in a protective bandage..
2012-06-13 08:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since I know we cannot create a life together, I don't imagine us being together or doing things together.
2012-06-13 08:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not meeting is not intended to make anything easier. It is so because there is no point in meeting...
2012-06-13 08:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading home now. Packed day. Yes, dear I have the note. Will take it with me... :-)
2012-06-13 08:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your shoulders, sweet one... :-) Please take care of your hand...
2012-06-13 01:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Did you go to the doc yesterday? How's the finger!? I slept ok. Packed day again...
2012-06-13 01:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you'll still not go to a doc!? :-(

2012-06-12 12:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you too...

2012-06-12 12:27:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, dear one. How's your finger? Sleep well. Soft kisses on your forehead. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2012-06-12 12:26:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you Yes, please do come & sit beside me. I would love it...
2012-06-12 12:24:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Seems like you won't write. I hope your finger is much better now...
2012-06-12 10:46:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Coasting!? Leaves so much open to my mind.... ;-p

2012-06-12 10:41:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you alright? Why aren't you dm-ing? Are you unable to or decided against it?
2012-06-12 09:30:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, dear one? Pretty late in the day...
2012-06-12 04:44:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses for your palms...

2012-06-11 23:01:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you managed to sleep well. Hope the thunder didn't exist our bother you. I slept well. :-)
2012-06-11 23:00:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Busy & lazing & non-productive... Someone's having fun!! ;-p
2012-06-11 22:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed as you haven't slept well either. Do bind your hand in a soft towel lest it get hurt while you sleep... Goodnight!
2012-06-11 12:38:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do join me if you feel so...

2012-06-11 12:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is late here. I need to sleep early as tomorrow will also be a long day. Please sleep well. Soft kisses on your forehead.
2012-06-11 12:36:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And which of my words held any weight anyway?

2012-06-11 12:35:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Nothing would've changed had I told you that or anything else earlier.
2012-06-11 12:30:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think we have gone through this discussion earlier too... :-|
2012-06-11 12:30:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet Jen. How are you? How you aren't too immersed in your work... I am happy to inform you that my sis has left!! :-D
2012-06-11 12:14:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It isn't better but it at least doesn't add to the confusion... It leaves things where they were...
2012-06-11 12:12:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, darling, coming, meeting will solve no problem nor ease pains.
2012-06-11 12:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, dear one :-)

2012-06-11 12:01:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww... Come, let me kiss it for you. Poor you... :-( Did you see a doc?
2012-06-11 11:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is the finger? How is the car window?

2012-06-11 11:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My internet connection beat your internet connection

2012-06-11 11:20:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our DMs are crossing a lot nowadays!! :-D

2012-06-11 11:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the meeting now... :-)

2012-06-11 11:13:46 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Good morning, dear Annie. Hope you have a lovely day. I wish you'd send me a pic of Bri & you, Versace & Bri's puppy... :-)
2012-06-11 10:28:43 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-) Reached home. In the meeting... :-) The drive home was rattling (old car) but reached fine. :-) Hugging you, dear one. And kissing too..
2012-06-11 10:27:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Rest well darling... :-) Leaving for home shortly...
2012-06-11 07:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they are busy with their work. It is manageable but just packed. Yes, I have stolen these precise min for you & I to kiss softly... :-)
2012-06-11 04:56:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie! I remember the hearing-my-heartbeat tale if yours! ;-) that is why I said that isn't an option!
2012-06-11 04:55:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not normal busy. Two persons are on leave & one on an emergency leave so suddenly a lot of their work is on my head...
2012-06-11 03:54:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should go to a doc. Maybe a cast would help. Buy ear plugs, but your delicate ears...
2012-06-11 03:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got only your good morning dm. Now I received many more... Poor you! You must catch up on your sleep. :-(
2012-06-11 03:50:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What dm s?
2012-06-11 03:29:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are up!? I think our DMs crossed paths over Lebanon!!
2012-06-11 02:54:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Slept well? I kinda did & rushed to work. My day has been really really busy so far... :-o
2012-06-11 02:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, need to sleep now. Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your finger. Do come and join me.... :-)
2012-06-10 12:31:14 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, a house out there. Got to crash now...

2012-06-10 12:23:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... please. :-(

2012-06-10 12:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also leave for Hyderabad on Thursday evening. Have some work out there.
2012-06-10 12:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need to go to bed now, darling. It is late here & I need to rush to work tomorrow morning... Lots of things lined up
2012-06-10 12:16:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-10 12:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I really do...

2012-06-10 12:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing at all, dear. Just imagining the window episode! :-)
2012-06-10 12:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing... :-D

2012-06-10 12:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anything more & you'd be offended!! ;-)

2012-06-10 12:00:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anything more & you'd be offended!!

2012-06-10 11:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-06-10 11:54:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-o And my presence out there could have saved this, how? :-o
2012-06-10 11:22:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the minute you felt your finger going to get jammed, you didn't stop pressing the button to raise the window!?
2012-06-10 11:16:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ One sec! Window? But doesn't a window rise slowly? Then you surely must have had time to take your finger out, right? :-o
2012-06-10 11:08:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would have carefully opened the door for her! :-) You won't lose a nail or anything. Just keep it under ice & then protect it...
2012-06-10 10:57:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, not! :-o It will hurt darling. But please immerse it in cold ice-water.
2012-06-10 10:22:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dalring! Please take care of your finger... God! I'm really worried... :-(
2012-06-10 10:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you mad!? :-o Why would I laugh at such a painful accident? Please dip it in ice-water. I think you also need to apply a balm! :-(
2012-06-10 10:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, there are many things we would do if we were together. I recall every day of our time together in Portsmouth! sigh... :-(
2012-06-10 07:34:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Somehow I didn't get a notification for the DMs you sent. When I refreshed all my browser pages I finally got them!
2012-06-10 07:33:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft sweet kisses on the fresh lady's shoulders & cheeks. :-) I was busy working on some office work which needs to be ready by tomorrow!
2012-06-10 07:32:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! Glad you managed to sleep well. I got more than enough sleep. I would have loved to be with you through the storm.. :-)
2012-06-10 07:32:17 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Pshaw! You have so much to give. Honest! You are a bundle of love. So much willingness to share & love... Rarely seen that in anyone!! :-)
2012-06-09 21:43:01 (EDT)

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Darkntwistd Please! Nothing to thank me at all. We are friends. What else were we supposed to do than make each other's lives happier! :-)
2012-06-09 21:34:06 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Wow! You seem to be having so much fun. I am so so sohappy for you, sweet one. I wish I could hug you tight right now. :-)
2012-06-09 21:08:37 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I am so happy that Bri is with you. Surely that must make you feel a lot more cheerful... :-)
2012-06-09 21:03:41 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Splendid! This sounds like you are doing nearly everything right!! I am so happy to see this turn of events in your life... :-)
2012-06-09 21:03:21 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I am fine, sweetie. Just busy with work etc.

2012-06-09 20:57:01 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Awww! You are sweet. Waving a big hi to Bri & V & other doggie!! :-) How are you? How is Bri's knee? Is she still as lovely as ever? :-)
2012-06-09 20:55:13 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Good evening, dear Annie. Yes, I am on for a bit...

2012-06-09 20:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one... I kiss you softly, darling. Please sleep... :-)
2012-06-09 19:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I hold you close to me. Sleep... sleep... sleep! No thunder will come near you now. :-)
2012-06-09 18:49:59 (EDT)

dgdreamin As are you, my lovely lady! Did you buy yourself some good silk gowns & teas & sauces? What else?
2012-06-09 17:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I softly hug you & kiss you on your cheeks... Shhhh its me... Go on... Sleep... :-)
2012-06-09 17:42:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ more. Some other weird dreams... I'm sorry I didn't wake up earlier but kept you waiting! :-(
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2012-06-09 17:41:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I dreamed of tom & jerry and then sending my parents to London on a trip for they wedding anniversary only to remember that my dad's
2012-06-09 17:40:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been knocked out for 10-11 hrs!! That must have been one helluva oil bath!! :-D
2012-06-09 17:38:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm surprised my mom didn't try waking me up. Or maybe she did & I didn't...
2012-06-09 17:36:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling!!! Today I did what you did yesterday!! My nap knocked me out & I woke up just now (3:00). No temple, no dinner, no nothing...
2012-06-09 17:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lady... I shall nap now. Do join me...

2012-06-09 07:06:02 (EDT)

dgdreamin I've been mostly good,& at other times a pitcher of lemonade! ;-) Glad you are back...
2012-06-09 06:43:46 (EDT)

dgdreamin Ah! I see you are back though still keeping time with Asia :-) How was the trip?
2012-06-09 06:33:47 (EDT)

dgdreamin Dear Deb, are you still in the country of silk? Enjoying yourself!? :-)
2012-06-09 06:31:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is pure stress that had taken a toll on the eyes. Breaks, rest, proper food & coolants would take care of it... :-)
2012-06-09 06:24:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really miss my cheerful lady. Truly! I wish her bubbly laugh would return... :-|
2012-06-09 06:23:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Just had one refreshing oil bath. I feel so beaten up. I wish someone had given me this nice massage & bath!! I will sleep a while... :-)
2012-06-09 06:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..can justify neglecting the body.

2012-06-09 06:20:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing me, wishing I was there, etc. cannot undermine the due attention you must give your body. Nothing, not success, not death, not grief
2012-06-09 06:20:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..hurt a bit. Will rest & perhaps have an oil bath to cool the system. How is your day darling? Mine will be some office work & writing...
2012-06-09 00:14:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..than anyone else on this planet. I slept ok. Was up till about 00:30 hrs waiting for you & fell asleep.. Woke up later than usual but eyes
2012-06-09 00:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I think your body needed the rest it was denied. The body must be respected & loved more
2012-06-09 00:11:22 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I am keeping well, Annie. And you? How is Brianna's knee? Hope it is getting better. Do send me a pic of both of you. Have a lovely day! :-)
2012-06-08 13:44:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are... :-( Let me wish you goodnight, darling. Sleep well. I hope you'll eat well. A soft kiss on your nose. Do join me...
2012-06-08 13:34:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still napping, darling? Won't it affect your night sleep?

2012-06-08 13:11:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie napping away! :-) Softly kissing your lips & little boy's head. I don't feel writing, darling. I don't feel like doing anything!
2012-06-08 11:00:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling! Got back home & done with meetings. Had some confusion around an online shopping experience which I had to resolve too by calling!
2012-06-08 10:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wilting? As in? I wish I could be there, too

2012-06-08 07:34:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why whispering? Why faint? Are you alright? Why silent? Yes, the poor boy must be feeling lighter than usual!
2012-06-08 06:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? You seem to be away. Busy with something? How is the little boy? Did you manage to sleep & eat properly?
2012-06-08 05:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sis & nephew are leaving today (in about 20 min). We will go to see them off at the airport. Morning has been super-packed with meetings!
2012-06-08 05:27:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My eyes are a lot better. Feel well rested. Power cut timings are shifted to the morning so couldn't DM you earlier. Am working from home...
2012-06-08 05:24:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? Do I get to kiss my fine lady on her sweet lips? I slept fairly well, darling. :-)
2012-06-08 05:23:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have loads of fun!! Congratulations to the young lady! :-) Hope you've been keeping well...
2012-06-07 23:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-06-07 13:32:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie. Hugging you as I go to sleep... :-)

2012-06-07 12:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Have a glass of hot milk. It might help. A soft kiss on your nose. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-07 12:44:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I thought I'll quickly wish you goodnight before I reach...

2012-06-07 12:30:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm dead tired. Fell asleep while reading some printouts! Could barely keep my eyes open! Just called home requesting them to set my bed!!!
2012-06-07 12:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got off the train. In an auto rickshaw. Couldn't rest thanks top some unruly kids & incompetent parents!! :-(
2012-06-07 12:27:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one... :-)

2012-06-07 10:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. I hold you close & nibble your ears... :-)
2012-06-07 09:56:08 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Glad you do! Good morning, dear H? :-) How are you? Slept well? How is your ankle? How are K & D?
2012-06-07 09:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes...
2012-06-07 09:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Nothing to be sorry about! Strokes of misfortune - my health, job, marriage, accidents, etc.
2012-06-07 09:29:30 (EDT)

soHbet_ Lovely lovely lovely... The words you set as stars... :-)
2012-06-07 09:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bangalore was significantly cooler than Chennai. It has grown hotter nowadays providing only marginal relief from Chennai... :-(
2012-06-07 07:42:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bangalore had far more unpleasant memories for me than nearly any other city.
2012-06-07 07:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the train now. Chennai is my home town. We have a house here. Since I moved to the US mom moved back to Chennai & I returned there...
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2012-06-07 07:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it would matter. You know it would. Yes, it was nice bonding with his family, given that I'm known to most of them... :-)
2012-06-07 03:20:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do console him on my behalf too! It isn't as much fun as rituals & the like... I keep telling you this , - please do not ruin your health!
2012-06-07 02:45:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I took the velvet box with me. Sending you honey dew kisses for your shoulders... :-)
2012-06-06 22:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did. Had to wake up early to go to the station to pick up some more guests!
2012-06-06 22:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Goodnight, sweet one. Soft kisses on your neck. Sleep well, dear one. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-06 14:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached my friend's place. Low on battery (both me & my phone). Will crash now as I have to wake up early & pick someone up at the station!
2012-06-06 13:59:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why should I say that to you?

2012-06-06 12:19:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( What do I say!?

2012-06-06 11:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I return tomorrow night... Nothing happened on Sunday. I miss you even though I might never meet you... :-|
2012-06-06 09:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have been careful to answer all your questions except ones about my coming to Hungary or about our meeting...
2012-06-06 08:21:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This was the trip I told you about but you thought it was
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insensitive of me to tell you about this...

2012-06-06 08:19:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to Bangalore for a function at my friends place...

2012-06-06 07:18:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. On my way to the train station... Sending you soft hugs & kisses... :-)
2012-06-06 07:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on my lady's ankles! And then a tender hug... :-)
2012-06-06 03:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm so glad you enjoyed the show. Congrats to your friend for a successful re-launch of his group. :-)
2012-06-06 03:17:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though the cab guys ruined it!! They called me at 2:30a.m. !!
2012-06-06 03:16:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet one. Sleep well. You should go for the rehearsals. It will be fun. A soft kiss on your wrists. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-05 12:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling... :-(

2012-06-05 11:52:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Just hmmm...

2012-06-05 11:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... :-|

2012-06-05 11:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could I ever forget that!? ;-) I stay away from the a/c nearly every night... :-)
2012-06-05 11:23:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't let things become tiring. It is not for your good... :-|
2012-06-05 11:18:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I spend most of my waking day in an a/c-ed room! Eyes are ok. Will do the cooling liquid tonight as well... :-)
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2012-06-05 11:17:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why was your day tiring!?

2012-06-05 11:01:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too!! Meeting's over. Had dinner... Sweating! Don't want to use the a/c...
2012-06-05 11:00:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I keep kissing you while the client answers my questions!! Hugging you back, darling... :-)
2012-06-05 10:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling. In a meeting now!! :-(

2012-06-05 09:48:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh! Of course, you'd be the first to know. :-) Hope your week is coming along fine...
2012-06-05 08:39:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... He's with my company not in my office. Soft kisses for my sweet lady... :-)
2012-06-05 08:35:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet to say what!? Hold me to what!? :-D Good morning, dear Jen. :-)
2012-06-05 06:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, the Hungarian guy is in the UK, I think... :-) Missing you too. Yes, a very busy day... :-)
2012-06-05 06:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..and feel much better. Still in the uneasiness in my head remains... How's your day lined up? Mine's the usual
2012-06-04 22:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Sleeping sweetly? Soft kisses on your hair. I slept fairly well. I put a cooling liquid in my eyes last night..
2012-06-04 22:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I miss you too, darling... Come now. Let's hold each other in our mind's arms & go to sleep...
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2012-06-04 12:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, let's hug & snuggle up tonight... Goodnight, sweet one. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your fingertips... :-)
2012-06-04 12:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I would love to cuddle up with you, darling. Why not? But yes, we must sleep. My eyes burn miserably...
2012-06-04 12:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was with the electrician who replaced the condenser on 4 of the ceiling fans! They spin so much better now... :-)
2012-06-04 12:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And just happen to be a really smart lady!!! :-)

2012-06-04 12:06:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You surely are quite a current affairs lady!! :-) I hardly keep track of these things!
2012-06-04 11:46:49 (EDT)

2012-06-04 10:26:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. I wish I could indeed fly to you, sweet one... :-)
2012-06-04 09:51:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The new cab is definitely better than the old one but still not the best. Undoubtedly I am relieved to have these folks over having none...
2012-06-04 09:50:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I like puzzles. Frankly that makes it best for me... :-)
2012-06-04 09:49:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you back darling. And softly kissing your ears... :-)
2012-06-04 09:48:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting these cab drivers to get me home is such a pain! Getting them to Budapest would be next to impossible!!
2012-06-04 09:16:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just ok, yes. The day hardly had anything to offer beyond
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mundane activity...
2012-06-04 09:14:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached... :-)

2012-06-04 09:12:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please be careful & not catch a cold in such varying weather...
2012-06-04 07:46:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have glasses which I don't wear. I don't think it would be that. But lets see.. :-)
2012-06-04 07:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day! Neutering him!!? God!! All his mojo lost!! ;-p Poor guy. How are you sweet one? My day was ok. Very sleepy...
2012-06-04 07:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Eyes hurt a bit. Today will be back to pairing & meetings... Miss you, darling... :-)
2012-06-03 22:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie. Sleeping sweetly? A soft kiss on your shoulders, darling. Humming soft songs to you... :-)
2012-06-03 22:31:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling... :-) Off to bed now...

2012-06-03 13:21:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The top sounds lovely. Is it like the other top you had with the writing on it? The one in white with blue motif...
2012-06-03 13:04:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day darling? Wish I was there to massage your legs... :-)
2012-06-03 13:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just wanted to login & send you hugs. Goodnight sweet one. Sleep well. Soft ka kisses on your forehead. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-06-03 13:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I just reached. The trip was ok. Mostly in the cab. Nephew had a fun time with their dog. I think I'll crash now as I have work
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2012-06-03 12:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad your tea was good. Found some signal here & sending you this dm. Hope it gets sent. Soft kisses to keep you happy darling... :-)
2012-06-03 05:47:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will certainly let you know. You'll probably be the first to know!! :-) I agree with you on the empty shell parade. Sad...
2012-06-02 23:09:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have left my kisses to simmer in your teapot!! Do enjoy your Sunday breakfast... :-) We are off in a bit... Take care darling. Do smile!
2012-06-02 20:56:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gathering your kisses into my little velvet box, to release once in a while & recreate Spring... :-)
2012-06-02 20:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm happy you had absorbing conversations that made you forget time! Honest. :-)
2012-06-02 20:54:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetie pie! Sleeping sweetly? A soft kiss on your calf & a gentle tchoin tchoin tchoin... ;-)
2012-06-02 20:53:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Absolutely! The food, shopping & the museums are the biggest draw. I agree; the mad rush is tiring. I can't have any of it too... :-)
2012-06-02 20:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your chin. Do come & join me soon, sweet one... :-)
2012-06-02 12:49:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, seems like you will take some more time.. :-( Whispering softly into the wind that plays through your hair...
2012-06-02 12:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you kisses with the breeze, some at your doorstep... :-)
2012-06-02 12:12:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Where are you dear? Having a good time? I need to leave early to my granny's place tomorrow so we might all retire soon.
2012-06-02 12:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, sweet one. Please go on & hope you have fun with your friends... :-) I leave for the temple shortly... Was playing ball with the boy!
2012-06-02 09:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even a live-in relationship without a child is unacceptable out here...

2012-06-02 07:13:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be a shade better as there would have been a conforming to social norms of marrying & separating but no point getting into details
2012-06-02 07:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly they do break up. Uncommon & against tradition but yes, it happens.
2012-06-02 07:08:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant better than... Headache is a shade better still staying at home while the 3 of them head out. Will go to the temple though..
2012-06-02 06:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that I bared my heart without a thought is indeed my folly. I should have waited till I knew more... Divorce is not beret than what?
2012-06-02 06:33:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. Please do not misunderstand me as pointing fingers at you... My day is ok. Rushing to do some chores. Brb
2012-06-02 04:00:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..made cannot be undone & hence, some courses of the future are unavailable. Simple. I also made a choice to be traditional, didn't I?
2012-06-02 03:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one. I am not & have never said that you are base or anything like that. Please realise that. All I am saying that the choices we
2012-06-02 03:59:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hold you gently dear one. It is not merely a matter of difficulty
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but also certain things of our past that we cannot change... :-|
2012-06-02 00:56:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goods morning darling. Slept well? I kinda did though my head still hurts. A soft kiss on your nose, sweetie...:-)
2012-06-02 00:53:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oooh! Someone's words are sizzling today! ;-p

2012-06-01 23:10:13 (EDT)

Darkntwistd And the poor lovely girl used to love to dance, no? Please do pass on my wishes to her. Hope she gets well soon. Such a darling she is...
2012-06-01 22:48:37 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Oh my god! I recall you telling me that her knees used to hurt & you would advise some home remedies. Has it gotten so serious? :-(
2012-06-01 22:47:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is why I loved NYC. I nearly hugged every lamppost & signboard out there... :-D
2012-06-01 22:42:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My initial few weeks in the US were slightly depressing. One could go miles before meeting a neighbour!! :-o
2012-06-01 22:41:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It was terrifying for me initially before I calmed down. The grey skies (I didn't know I needed the sun so much till then) & lack of folks..
2012-06-01 22:40:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There is not 20 sec that go by without meeting or hearing someone here in India. In Portsmouth, NH I could walk 20 min without another soul!
2012-06-01 22:39:32 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I see you are enjoying the words on my timeline... :-)

2012-06-01 22:38:47 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Wow! Our DMs crossed paths somewhere over Belgium! :-D
2012-06-01 22:36:43 (EDT)

Darkntwistd How is my darling Annie? How is your health? How are V & B? I miss them as much as I miss you... Sending you hugs, sweet one. :-)
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2012-06-01 22:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't be sad lets hug & kiss into the night. Sleep well. Goodnight. A soft kiss for your ankles... Do join me soon
2012-06-01 12:12:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Lets go to bed. How was your day, sweetie?
2012-06-01 12:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I don't send dm to the tl; I send tweets as dm!!

2012-06-01 12:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stare long ~ At the mosaic of my words ~ I might emerge

2012-06-01 12:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you will get annoyed & roll your eyes, but this week was not one bit relaxing... :-(
2012-06-01 11:57:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, guests could be nice. Kissing you back, darling. I'll probably sleep early tonight...
2012-06-01 11:41:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think we are expecting some guests tomorrow. Not sure. Just applied some balm on my head... Even my eyes hurt now. :-(
2012-06-01 11:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going to have dinner. Brb...

2012-06-01 11:10:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would love to, darling... But.. Let it be. We went for shopping today as we might not be able to go tomorrow & the day after we visit granny
2012-06-01 11:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a slight headache now... I too wish I could be there with you!!
2012-06-01 10:42:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had woken up at 3:00 in the morning & was in a zombie state till 6:00. And then the shopping & aftermath of yesterday's fast...
2012-06-01 10:33:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I just got all your DMs together! I was wondering where you were! Why bite my poor nose!? ;-p My day was ok. Yours? I am superexhausted!!
2012-06-01 10:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back!! My phone battery died down so had put it on charge! How are you? Found the book? Hugging you joyously... :-)
2012-06-01 09:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come back soon darling. We are out shopping... Sending you soft kisses...
2012-06-01 05:08:39 (EDT)

BeingInJoy How are you, dear friend? And Avery? Hope life's treating both of you well! So you aren't D? J? As in Jennifer? :-)
2012-06-01 02:22:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where in NY do you stay, if I may ask?

2012-06-01 02:11:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've never been when it is crowded or maybe I don't know what crowded means, coming from India!! ;-)
2012-06-01 02:10:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So sweet! Do congratulate her on my behalf. Big girl!! :-)

2012-06-01 02:09:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I had taken the week off to spend time with my nephew so it wasn't hectic... :-) Otherwise life serves predictable fare...
2012-06-01 02:08:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Life to the fullest! Splendid! Tell me how! :-) I miss NYC. Terribly... How are the girls?
2012-05-31 22:16:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am mostly good. You sound so keen on sending my sis away!! :-D She leaves next Friday. :-) How have you been? :-)
2012-05-31 22:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you enjoyed the walk, darling. I would have loved to be with you on it. Your Hungarian weather does tug at my mind. :-)
2012-05-31 21:44:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ She is one of the really serious & hard-working team members I have here. At times too righteous but mostly fine & a delight to work with...
2012-05-31 21:07:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that girl also cares like I do. Our concerns are similar. She is a kid because she is just out of college (12 yrs younger to me). :-)
2012-05-31 21:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too, darling. I did sneak in to see your DMs yesterday. :-D You are sweet...
2012-05-31 21:05:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Lots of introspection. Nothing else. Today I will break my fast in a bit. I am mostly fine. Throat's a bit dry but fine...
2012-05-31 21:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Sleeping sweetly. I hold you gently & kiss your shoulders as you sleep. Thanks a tonne for the DMshower! :-)
2012-05-31 21:03:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was away from my computer the whole of yesterday & hence, couldn't respond earlier. Please don't mind...
2012-05-31 21:02:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet Jen. How are you? That DM simply lit my face up like the lights on Golden Gate Bridge! :-) How was your week so far?
2012-05-31 21:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you sweetie pie. Goodnight, sweet dreams. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your tummy. Do come & join me, darling... :-)
2012-05-30 14:02:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I ate dinner. Will drink water before I sleep. I'll be fine. Please know that I miss you throughout my silence... :-)
2012-05-30 13:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. A kid from my team called to discuss her concerns about team practices. Didn't want to shoot down her enthusiasm! 1.5 hrs call!!
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2012-05-30 13:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Certainly dear... :-) Hugging & kissing you now... :-)
2012-05-30 11:50:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, no everything... I'll miss you too...

2012-05-30 11:04:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Different as in.. I don't know. Just if things had turned out differently between us without all these complications...
2012-05-30 11:03:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you darling? Gone out somewhere? Busy with work? Banking issues!? ;-)
2012-05-30 10:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow is one of my annual fasts. I won't be eating or drinking anything as well as not talking/communicating... Mostly meditating... :-)
2012-05-30 10:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to the zoo after that. He enjoyed himself again but all the walking left both of us tired...
2012-05-30 10:03:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The planetarium here was below average!! :-( Poorly maintained with an inconsiderate crowd using their cellphones etc. :-(
2012-05-30 10:02:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have if I had the mobile with me. :-) Does it mean you didn't miss me when you fall asleep? :-D All missing needn't be via dm! ;-)
2012-05-30 08:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too. Really did... How goes your day?
2012-05-30 07:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could have sent you a message but I didn't carry my mobile...
2012-05-30 06:51:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to a couple of temples & was aimlessly walking around, spent some time in a meditation hall, roamed a little more before heading
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2012-05-30 05:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..out before the boy woke up so rushed out. Need some time by myself... We are heading out to the planetarium in a bit. The heat is a killer
2012-05-30 05:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Spent my 1st half away from home. Got back just now & had lunch. A soft kiss on your neck. Sorry I left without telling but I wanted to step
2012-05-30 05:03:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning! :-) I slept ok. Woke up & felt like going to a temple so left really early & then to a meditation hall...
2012-05-30 05:01:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I like your typos!! Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your fumbling finger tips... Do join me soon... :-)
2012-05-29 12:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with cleaning. Yes, sweet darling, let's crash. How are you?
2012-05-29 12:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sis & nephew helped a bit. They had gone out so they helped by buying groceries. I did the stuff at home... :-)
2012-05-29 12:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My mom sprained her back & was at her aid today. Had to cook the meals & clean & massage her back.. She's in a bad shape...
2012-05-29 11:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..even to the most meticulous & careful person called Andrea. :)
2012-05-29 11:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here darling. Of course I missed you. A lot... I'm so sorry about the confusion around the card pin. But such things happen...
2012-05-29 11:13:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lampshade idea seems to have changed to an idea of modern art... Will surely send you pix! :-)
2012-05-29 07:00:29 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ So far, no power cut. Was doing the craft work with my nephew. Now we build the fighter plane.. Kissing you whenever he is not looking! ;-)
2012-05-29 05:35:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you let me hold your hand & sit by you? :-|
2012-05-29 03:51:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll stop saying these to you, darling. I know you know what is best for you. I only wish we could do something different together... :-(
2012-05-29 03:51:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand what you say... All I am saying is engagement & distraction awards some reprieve. :-(
2012-05-29 03:49:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We didn't lose power, watched Tangled, played for a while, had my bath & just getting ready for lunch. :-) How goes your day?
2012-05-29 03:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am... :-)

2012-05-29 03:47:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..remain. But keeping oneself busy & away from the computer can help alleviate such blueness...
2012-05-29 00:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is true of nearly everyone. Travel, sing, dance, trek... so many things that can be done to dilute the blue. Missing each other would
2012-05-29 00:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do not suspect your state of mind or sanity. All I say is if you kept yourself active & involved with friends & groups you'd be less blue
2012-05-29 00:32:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It might go anytime or never (till the evening slot). I thought I'll write to you before it does. Soft kisses on your shoulder, dear one :-)
2012-05-29 00:30:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Sleeping happily? I kinda did & rushed to do stuff before power fails (usu. @ 9:00). Surprisingly, it hasn't yet
2012-05-29 00:29:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Perhaps if you stepped out, your mood would be better? No? Staying too long indoors also affects the mind...
2012-05-28 13:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) For now let's go to sleep, darling. Hmmm?

2012-05-28 13:26:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still blue? :-( Maybe you should have gone to some congregation to celebrate! Workm yesm but surely a couple of hours...
2012-05-28 13:23:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now finally, I feel the mountains are where I belong... :-)
2012-05-28 13:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That too as well as considering the restaurant business, teaching, studying, etc.
2012-05-28 13:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've been seeking ways out since perhaps 2005 or so... :-)
2012-05-28 13:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was my darling's day? Did you celebrate Pentecost? Do anything special?
2012-05-28 12:54:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...power cuts! Yes, they are beginning to get annoying, not to mention exhausting! :-(
2012-05-28 12:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok. My nephew & I spent some nice time together but most other times he was watching TV, etc. It was a peaceful day minus the
2012-05-28 12:49:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fret over anything that I feel responsible towards. A car, a child, a project... My eagerness to get it right makes me stressed... :-o
2012-05-28 12:48:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually no. Had I loved my job, I wouldn't be seeking ways to get out of it all! I like my job but the real reason I fret over it is that
2012-05-28 12:47:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Absolutely. No doubt about that. I never rated office work above the many things I create... :-)
2012-05-28 12:41:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? All's well?

2012-05-28 12:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, I didn't bother about what happens at office today... :-)
2012-05-28 12:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Mine was mostly with my nephew. Managed to do some reading... But that's it
2012-05-28 12:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Another power cut! :-(

2012-05-28 12:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too sweet one. I really do... :-)

2012-05-28 11:10:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A little better now. Still coughing... We were making a lampshade out of ice-cream sticks before he got bored & decided to watch movies!!!
2012-05-28 10:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We were rushing in the morning trying to get ready & have lunch etc. then my mom gave up. Then this boy started coughing, so we all have up.
2012-05-28 09:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you more soft kisses & bear hugs... Yeah yeah yeah... :(
2012-05-28 08:41:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is it still raining out there? Still feeling blue? A soft kiss on my darling's nose.. :-)
2012-05-28 08:12:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Busy with work, darling? Here we lost power... Tomorrow will be a whole day power cut... :-(
2012-05-28 07:06:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Planetarium & zoo got canceled. Boy is a little unwell. Sostaying at home. Doing some craft work...
2012-05-28 06:25:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is late... You must be off to bed? :-) Tucking you into bed, dear Jen. Goodnight. Wishing you lovely dreams of your choice. :-)
2012-05-27 23:50:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, words are splendidly precise & equally malleable in the hands of one who cares. Much like sunshine... :-)
2012-05-27 23:42:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Phew! Thank god you're still here. You know, I love being corrected, because I care more about correctness than being caught a fool.
2012-05-27 23:41:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your busy day lined up? We might go to the planetarium & to a zoo. Not sure... :-)
2012-05-27 23:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am amazed at how people simply decide to not work. One of the people ill feels genuine but... Anyway, why should I care? I don't.. honest!
2012-05-27 23:37:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 3 people at work have called in sick!! :-D One person is working from home. That leaves us with 2 developers & 2 QA in the office!! :-D
2012-05-27 23:36:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & woke up at leisure. A soft kiss on your cheeks as you sleep with a smile... :-)
2012-05-27 23:35:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Knowledge & simple sweetness... While a knowledge aficionado myself, I have come to realise that ingenuousness is far underrated :-)
2012-05-27 23:30:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was just kicking myself saying "Anand! Must you do that? When will you learn! No one likes being corrected! There goes a friend!"
2012-05-27 23:29:21 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire And of course, for the reason that I find you dear :-)
2012-05-27 23:21:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dear Jennifer... I'd just hug you now for no reason other than the fact that we are staring into this digital pipeline at either end :-)
2012-05-27 23:21:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I gathered you meant "with conviction" & one would wish that the lexicon anticipated that need & defined convicted as that, but... :-)
2012-05-27 23:19:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, unpretentious & un-eager to please... Such men do delight

2012-05-27 23:17:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh ok! Frequented the one near Amsterdam avenue. I'd melt before the ice-cream did! ;-)
2012-05-27 23:16:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Convicted, senora!? You like bad boys in orange behind bars? Oooh! Niiiice!
2012-05-27 23:14:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You like Ben & Jerry's?

2012-05-27 23:11:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So you prefer your men strong & decisive, eh!? Fit it into Twitter-dom? As in, men-writers who would be firm in their words to you/anyone?
2012-05-27 23:08:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank heavens! I was wondering that that would be a really low back spaghetti-strap top to have strings *there*!! :-D
2012-05-27 23:06:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I usually enjoy my time with kids... :-) They help me be myself. It's either with them or them triple-scoop ice-creams... ;-p
2012-05-27 23:02:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The stuff you were writing in Italian?

2012-05-27 23:01:45 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire And you must know, they'll let you lead them... ;-)
2012-05-27 22:59:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sit down, dear J. Just... breathe... breathe... breathe... :-)

2012-05-27 22:58:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..just let you be. I have been fine. The movie was fun. Enjoyed myself as did the boy. Sending you sailboats of sunshine to your shores! :-)
2012-05-27 22:56:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Take a break. Surely things can fall into place. I wish I could whisk you away to an unknown place (with a Starbucks, if you insist) &...
2012-05-27 22:54:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You really are busy! :-o

2012-05-27 22:47:24 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Are you still cross with my blubbering comment about your erstwhile AVI?
2012-05-27 13:08:47 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Good evening, dear F. Your words grow lovelier by the day. Pain-laden too, nevertheless, beautiful. Been a while so I stopped to say hi.
2012-05-27 12:44:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That we must sleep...

2012-05-27 12:42:41 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh! I already received that in the opportunity to chat with you... :-)
2012-05-27 12:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling... Come...

2012-05-27 12:41:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Glad it did... :-) May your boat always sail happily on pleasant seas... Have a lovely day. :-)
2012-05-27 12:39:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Glad you enjoy the words herein, dear D. To be a conduit has been a warming experience, indeed. :-)
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2012-05-27 12:37:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Hmmm. I shan't dwell on this topic longer lest it brings you to suffer what I can't repair with physical presence. Glad she takes it well.
2012-05-27 12:36:33 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am mostly well, & other times I feel like fish & chips... :-)
2012-05-27 12:35:20 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Wow! Divorcing for 6 years must have been quite a strain. Nearly as old as Avery. :-| Hope she doesn't suffer much from this...
2012-05-27 12:33:20 (EDT)

BeingInJoy hahaha Yes, geo-spatial locality is prescribed for love done in bits & bytes. I am glad you are much better now. :-)
2012-05-27 12:31:50 (EDT)

BeingInJoy hahaha She wants to be a government? That is so cute... :-)

2012-05-27 12:27:06 (EDT)

BeingInJoy You too seem so available to love, hence, hurting... My nephew is 6.5 & an angel in every way. :-)
2012-05-27 12:26:02 (EDT)

BeingInJoy She is your blood, dear D. Surely she has distilled the best of you coupled with her childlike loveliness... :-)
2012-05-27 12:25:07 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am surprised you shared her name. Americans are often suspicious of sharing their ward's name with unknown souls. It is safe with me. :-)
2012-05-27 12:24:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Avery... lovely name. To Aver is to declare, to state without doubt. Seems she is heading that way.. I wish she retains her child heart :-)
2012-05-27 12:23:31 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh! I must stop hanging out with Haedes lest every mention of the underworld rush me to morbid connotations! :-o
2012-05-27 12:22:09 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am sorry to hear about the divorce. Wishing you peace & clarity. Oh! I wish I was there to help you pack & hunt places. I am good at
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2012-05-27 12:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Cheater!! :-(((

2012-05-27 12:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight... :-)

2012-05-27 12:13:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then all is forgiven! ;-p

2012-05-27 12:13:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy ..knowledge. :-) A loving hug to her & one more to you... :-)
2012-05-27 12:12:38 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Overwhelmed in your mundane life, how? Underworld souls? Wow! You believe in the dead & afterlife? Such a delight when a child thrill in
2012-05-27 12:12:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sniff... then you agree I am not a bear? Maybe a soft-toy-bear but not a bear bear? :-|
2012-05-27 12:10:50 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Missed you! :-) Good morning, dear D. Slept well? Hope you are feeling much better with each passing day... I am glad you changed your AVI
2012-05-27 12:03:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :-(

2012-05-27 12:03:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, let's sleep now. Goodnight, darling. Soft kisses on your knees. Sleep well. Hugging you softly while I yawn like a bear... :-D
2012-05-27 11:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we could read some poems till we fall asleep... :-)
2012-05-27 11:43:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner was ok. Nothing lovely. Had bought something from outside. Yes, no staying up late tonight. Come darling. Let's snuggle up together..
2012-05-27 11:43:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Stars nestled in my arms? I don't have such big arms!! ;-p
2012-05-27 11:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, holding you gently. Tonight, unlike yesterday will be an early sleeping day. How was your day, darling?
2012-05-27 11:03:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You are getting more & more poetic, my dear. :-) Just had dinner... :-)
2012-05-27 11:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you dear & kissing you softly... :-)

2012-05-27 10:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I tried dozing off, phone call woke me up. Then my mom. Then some other noise... :-( Yes, let's sit outside for a while... :-)
2012-05-27 10:02:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing wrong. Just tiring & pointless... I've no clue what to do with my life... And then this heat...
2012-05-27 08:19:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. I just want to dissolve into a mist...

2012-05-27 08:03:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Boy can't have ice-cream as he has a slight cold

2012-05-27 07:33:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm ok. Not most bubbly but ok. How was your day?
2012-05-27 07:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Movie over. It was fun. I enjoyed it. Nephew loved it too. Then we picked some cotton clothes as I had some coupons... Heading home
2012-05-27 07:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I must agree. We were good together. Getting ready to go... Catch you soon... :-)
2012-05-27 03:07:34 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) Would love to know your plans. Might be in the Delhi region mid-Aug or maybe earlier too...
2012-05-27 02:58:09 (EDT)
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ZinniaTung Splendid! For how long?

2012-05-27 02:53:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember how good you were with them & the capsicum... You really were good! :-) I miss you too, darling. I really do. :-)
2012-05-27 02:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shortly, yes. I still have to have my bath & lunch... :-(
2012-05-27 02:02:31 (EDT)

ZinniaTung BTW, what's on 30th June?

2012-05-27 01:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finished a bunch of chores too. sliced a pile of sweet potatoes so that mom can make chips of them! :-)
2012-05-27 01:54:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You have been busy busy busy! How are you, dear Jen? Missed you. All else is fine here. Taking my nephew to Lorax - 3D shortly. :-)
2012-05-27 01:50:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I kiss you gently on your lips... :-) I might not be able to sleep in the afternoon as we have the movie. Lorax - 3D @ 13:45 hrs
2012-05-27 01:49:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) Or meteorological... :-D

2012-05-27 00:49:59 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Is it? The sunrise too?

2012-05-27 00:40:18 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Life will be fine, dear Z. :-) You just need to agree on the definition of "fine"
2012-05-27 00:30:35 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Do you wish to do your Masters because there is something left to learn or because a Bachelor's is insufficient for the final goal?
2012-05-27 00:30:12 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Splendid! Congrats. Results out? What next?

2012-05-27 00:27:20 (EDT)
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ZinniaTung :-) The eyes, I thought, were always clean... How is your course work coming along?
2012-05-27 00:25:42 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Kind, perhaps, but clearly not assuring enough. :-) It would bring me joy if I could help wipe the window for you to see... :-)
2012-05-27 00:20:05 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Accepted, we don't know each other, but could I be of any use other than buying you tickets to here?
2012-05-27 00:04:46 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) How are you, dear Z? You do sound like you're fighting something. Missing home?
2012-05-27 00:01:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Sleeping sweetly? I fell asleep on my laptop & woke up in between to push it away & continued sleeping on the floor!!!
2012-05-26 22:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-05-26 15:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Coming darling... :-)

2012-05-26 15:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You must sleep dear. Go on... Goodnight... :-)

2012-05-26 15:34:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! That was more beautiful than all I wrote... :-)
2012-05-26 15:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... they are just words that earn your appreciation & attention.
2012-05-26 15:15:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Coming soon, sweet one... Glad you liked the words here tonight... :-)
2012-05-26 15:10:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ok... Then you are at your own risk!! :-D

2012-05-26 14:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie... :-) Let us say goodnight now. I will probably write for a bit & then go to bed... I suppose you are done with your day too...
2012-05-26 13:56:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... :-( Come dear. Let's hug & not speak...
2012-05-26 13:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand the pain of being burnt. I have not been burnt...
2012-05-26 13:17:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I completely understand, hence, I don't create a ruckus about it... :-)
2012-05-26 12:48:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't one bit miserable or anything as negative as that... You are a darling with occasional departures into the,well, spoilt brat mode
2012-05-26 12:39:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I prefer not to skip my temple trip. Somehow, I feel better when I don't miss the temple...
2012-05-26 12:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want to... How was your day, sweetie? Ate well?
2012-05-26 12:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My childhood. He is seeing it for the first time. So no issues... :-)

2012-05-26 11:52:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, when returning from shopping I got off at the temple as today's Saturday. I can text while he watches. Seen this movie many times since
2012-05-26 11:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, just got back home from the temple & had a bowl of yoghurt. Yes it is late & my nephew wishes to watch Sound of Music
2012-05-26 11:33:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She's quite a pretty & fashionable lady. In most ways we are opposites...
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2012-05-26 10:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sis has something our the other to keep her busy. She sleeps till very late & then goes about her day casually so.
2012-05-26 10:23:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly, my darling. What shall I get you? Satin kisses? Or scented hugs? Mother-of-pearl sighs?
2012-05-26 10:13:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We lost power when I was just about to sleep. Slept in a pool of sweat. :-( My sleep today seems jinxed...
2012-05-26 09:25:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up a little while ago darling. Outside with mom & sis & boy for some shopping.. Needed to pick something for a friend too...
2012-05-26 09:24:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, will you join me now for an afternoon siesta? My eyes are growing heavy & the oil bath is making me drowsy... :-)
2012-05-26 05:38:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think you are bad or anything like that ... :-)
2012-05-26 05:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too...

2012-05-26 05:22:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, the reason I don't say or do anything is because I know that the road it would pave leads it's nowhere. I feel fueling it is unfair
2012-05-26 05:22:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exhibition over, back, lunch just over... Heavy but delicious... :-)
2012-05-26 05:20:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He had joined an art-craft class which ends today & they are showcasing the works of all the kids... Then lunch. :-)
2012-05-26 01:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tablet (Nook). Damn neat. Try it out if you like it. Now I am going to have an oil bath & then head out to an exhibition of my nephew's work
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2012-05-26 01:45:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sis tried to squeeze in her shopping & I shot it down. I would also be doing my reading & relaxing... :-) I found Google Currents for my
2012-05-26 01:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly darling. Yes, the week is predominantly centered around him. His games, movies, shows, homework, play etc.
2012-05-26 01:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was playing golfy-hockey with my nephew& then catching up on some reading. I have to plan my next week... :-)
2012-05-26 00:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I didn't thanks to my mother making way too much nose in the morning... But I can sleep later in the day
2012-05-25 23:56:17 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Mostly good & at other times I have been lemonade...

2012-05-25 22:15:52 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Good evening, D. Don't mean to bother you but was going through my pix from NYC, and couldn't help miss you... Hope all's well with you. :-)
2012-05-25 22:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hokay! I'll come... ;-p

2012-05-25 12:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your throat. Do come and join me later... if you are in the mood to do so. :-)
2012-05-25 12:30:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the curse of the timezone...

2012-05-25 12:27:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, ... now you do! :-) I am off to bed now, darling. Hope you eat a proper dinner & sleep well.
2012-05-25 12:27:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I did tell you I was going to get myself a head cooling massage?
2012-05-25 12:17:43 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Hmmm. But that is only because I have an off. Else... Anyway, you sound bored. Is the jeep still parked in your garage?
2012-05-25 12:13:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... I was just looking up Harper's and it seemed interesting. Point is there is so much to read out there & so little time... :-(
2012-05-25 12:08:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you have any favourite magazines that you read?

2012-05-25 12:04:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you up to?

2012-05-25 11:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nowhere sweetie pie. Just relaxing in the coolness & then doing some chores. I was also booking movie tickets to a 3D animation movie on Sun
2012-05-25 11:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! I would love that kiss... :-)

2012-05-25 10:14:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Home darling... :-) Now going to massage some cooling oil into my hair! It makes the head feel like a block of ice!! :-D
2012-05-25 10:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the pillow is intact... :-)

2012-05-25 09:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We might stay day or two. Not sure yet...

2012-05-25 09:51:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel one bit fresh. But the fact that some major problems were solved makes me feel a little better...
2012-05-25 09:18:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My other granny lives 4 hrs away...

2012-05-25 09:16:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure if I have lost weight. I had lost weight while I had exercised, but not anymore. I think I'm back to where I was.
2012-05-25 09:12:10 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My lunch is still fruits with a veggie dish later in the afternoon. I think I've been with this schedule for over a month now... :-)
2012-05-25 08:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I'm off the whole of next week. Wanted to spend some time with my nephew & take a break too. Will be visiting my other granny too...
2012-05-25 08:18:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all I'm focusing on it's my work & my bp... My day was fairly good. Solved some significant problems & got some good work done... :-)
2012-05-25 08:16:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If in a car we'd be stuck in traffic or be honked at!! Miss you sweetie pie... Please don't be sad..
2012-05-25 08:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses for my sweet lady when she returns... :-)
2012-05-25 06:29:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish you could pick me up from work. It would be fun to go on a drive... Wait! I'm in India!!! Forget about the drive!
2012-05-25 06:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does work a bit. At least my bp is normal. How's your day?

2012-05-25 05:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, my day is ok. Nothing unusual. Mostly work & pairing & couple of meetings... It will end soon :-)
2012-05-25 05:31:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I vaguely recall having written to you telling you "see! I didn't forget" but that is missing :-(
2012-05-25 05:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep well. Woke up a couple of times. Finally woke up feeling like a pressure cooker!! Too much heat inside me. Need an oil bath!!
2012-05-24 22:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I assure you that I will not neglect you without dm. I just need to introduce breaks in my day..
2012-05-24 22:39:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Sleeping well? A soft kiss on my lady's chin. You seemed to have been in a very poetic mood last night. :-)
2012-05-24 22:38:19 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Very generous words you spilt out there, dear Z. It does gladden the heart. How have you been? Hope all's well at your end... :-)
2012-05-24 21:27:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hola! How is the lovely lady? Busy busy busy? Hope the weekend rushes quickly to you & stays... :-)
2012-05-24 21:13:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is night here & my eyes are watering with the heat. So will the lady join me in bed tonight?
2012-05-24 12:13:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come come come... Let's go to bed together. Please? Pretty please?
2012-05-24 12:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww!! My sweet lady simply wants another hug & kiss!! Here they come... Ta da... :-)
2012-05-24 12:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm terribly sleepy dear. Shall we call it a night?

2012-05-24 12:04:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't fret, sweet one. That I miss you is known. Come let me hug you & kiss you deep...
2012-05-24 12:04:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just find you cute... :-)

2012-05-24 12:02:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahaha :-D You don't believe me, do you!

2012-05-24 11:48:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you too darling! Don't bite your lip. Let me do that... ;-p
2012-05-24 11:34:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing substantially productive but nothing

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miserable either...
2012-05-24 11:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I hope to do exactly that... :-) How was your day, darling? Eating well?
2012-05-24 11:18:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. He is a fun boy. He makes me want to re-visit my childhood... :-) and stay there...
2012-05-24 11:08:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He enjoys his time wherever he goes. Such is his age & disposition...
2012-05-24 10:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Telling me about his day & the friends he made. Hugging you while telling you how my evening was... :-) And kissing you too .. ;-)
2012-05-24 10:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Reached a while ago. Cab was a little late. Got home & my sis needed a massage, so was giving her one... Then my nephew was
2012-05-24 10:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft sweet quick kiss for milady... How is your day? Mine is... Packed!
2012-05-24 06:51:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I don't use or say the word "love"is coz I don't feel it. I've told you this before too. I feel love only for the gods & divinity
2012-05-23 20:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today should be a normally busy day. Nothing special. How's your day lined up?
2012-05-23 20:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Slept well? I kinda did. Got a little late yesterday & the heat too... Bending down to kiss your cheeks... :-)
2012-05-23 20:51:06 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Lovely AVI, dear H. :-)

2012-05-23 20:35:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I have an idea... ;-p

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2012-05-23 13:11:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lets jump into bed my dear. Goodnight, sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your pouting lips. Lets cuddle up & sleep away.... :-)
2012-05-23 12:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached!
2012-05-23 12:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was exhausting. Dinner was ok. Yes, rushing over asap. Since fuel prices are going up tomorrow we are waiting to tank up... :-(
2012-05-23 12:25:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In our way back home, darling. Quite tired. How was your day?
2012-05-23 12:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not just work!? You mean picking up the Ukranian also tires you!? ;-)
2012-05-23 11:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor poor lady. How come wilted? You work too much, sweet one... ;-p
2012-05-23 10:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We are having dinner out tonight. You paint a lovely picture, darling. Yes, it would be beautiful... :-)
2012-05-23 10:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would be lovely to do that. Done with the temple. Now maybe dinner out... A soft kiss on my lady's shoulder
2012-05-23 10:01:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. We are entering the temple right now...
2012-05-23 09:32:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Come come come... Let me kiss my sweet lady & twirl her around... :-)
2012-05-23 08:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, pairing has been replaced with performance work which means no other app open. I just decided to check on my mobile now... :-)
2012-05-23 07:35:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Peter is Hungarian. Yes, he started, ran & sold IWIW. He works with us now. Iced towels sounds like a good idea.
2012-05-23 05:11:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did, sweetie pie... Yes, the heat's too much. Soaked my head in cooling oil & will go & bathe shortly...
2012-05-23 02:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slipping softly under the covers to hug my sweet sweet lady... And then kiss her back while she smiles in her sleep... :-)
2012-05-23 01:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping well? I kinda did. Not too good, but it is ok. Hope your headache's gone. I think I need a haircut...
2012-05-23 01:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok sweetie... Goodnight. Just a surge of writing... :-)

2012-05-22 13:25:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hah!! And you chide me... ;-p Goodnight, sweet one...
2012-05-22 12:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling... Goodnight, sweetie pie.... A kiss on your nose... Do come join me... :-)
2012-05-22 12:48:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm growing old... Anyway, I must go to bed now, darling. Will you smile just a little bit & hug me before I crash? Please...
2012-05-22 12:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go, darling but first will you smile for me?
2012-05-22 12:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't mean just today either... And it's not like I work that much. Just old, I suppose...
2012-05-22 12:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was genuinely so exhausted & disinclined to converse...

2012-05-22 12:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is important, darling. I don't mean to or try to ignore you. Had you seen me today you'd know. My mom asked whether I work in the
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2012-05-22 12:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you ate well today? A soft kiss on my lady's nose...
2012-05-22 12:21:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Is the jeep in your custody?

2012-05-22 12:16:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you...

2012-05-22 11:07:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Tiring. Bought some stuff for mom. It's her b'day tomorrow... Horrible traffic... :-(
2012-05-22 11:06:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I do think of you when I wear those clothes... :-)

2012-05-22 10:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one... Reached! :-) Busy day? Has your headache gone?
2012-05-22 10:33:13 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen. I'm glad you find your progress satisfying. Wishing you the best... :-)
2012-05-22 08:05:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might be late in getting back online... I'm off all meetings today... :-) Tomorrow I work from home.
2012-05-22 08:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Enjoy your time with your "guy" ;-) I'm off to pick up my sis & nephew to do some shopping...
2012-05-22 08:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here it comes... A soft kiss for milady...

2012-05-22 07:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Minute stolen for my darling.... :-)

2012-05-22 06:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today's bound to be the usual. Lots of pairing etc. will try to steal a few min for my sweet lady...
2012-05-21 22:28:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I think I need to get back to my workouts. But this heat!!! God! Still, the body suffers without exercise...
2012-05-21 22:27:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I hope your sleep was uninterrupted. I slept ok. Soft kisses for my lady's elbows. Holding you gently...
2012-05-21 22:26:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Darling it is late. Shall we head to bed?

2012-05-21 12:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree... Perhaps this is the only way to handle the situation...
2012-05-21 12:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh god! Forgot about the prez. Do remind me when I am in the office tomorrow...
2012-05-21 12:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the simplest way to handle these people, unfortunately, is the way I don't enjoy - not caring & just doing my work.
2012-05-21 12:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner before the call. What about you? Ate well through the day?
2012-05-21 11:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not about working less but working as a team. Clearly that is not happening hence things come on my head...
2012-05-21 11:47:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is hotter than usual. The whole thing is so exhausting. I hate sitting in the ac.
2012-05-21 11:43:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen. How are you? How is Abdul? Hope all's well at work & home...
2012-05-21 11:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, rushing into your arms. Yes, tired...

2012-05-21 11:33:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet one. I'm done with my meeting. :-)

2012-05-21 11:21:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And how is the lovely lady today morning? I see some sensuous words in your streams. A fine day for a dip... ;-p
2012-05-21 11:06:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Glad it did... :-)

2012-05-21 10:51:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you... In a meeting now. :-)

2012-05-21 10:51:09 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And the sun shines to the melody of days forgotten... :-)
2012-05-21 10:27:35 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear D. Glad your struggles are over. Happier still to be part of your life in the tiniest way possible.. Hope your day's fine
2012-05-21 10:27:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I did. Was it just a periodic check by your owner?

2012-05-21 10:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! I'm home! A tight hug & kiss on your cheeks... Glad your headache is fine. Please eat properly every day. And sleep properly
2012-05-21 09:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These 2 are notorious for not participating in the team stuff. They're breaking their head over it...
2012-05-21 07:57:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie... How's the headache? Packed day. Prez is kinda ready. I decided that I won't bother my head & let two of the team take over
2012-05-21 07:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is bound to be a busy day. Morning will be prez work & then normal work. A gentle hug for the lovely lady... :-)
2012-05-20 22:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. Soft kisses on the lovely lady's forehead. :-) Rushing to work now...
2012-05-20 22:14:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please eat a proper dinner tonight...

2012-05-20 12:13:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I shall now head to bed. Need to leave early as the team is meeting up to work on the prez.
2012-05-20 12:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ After 3 hours is good... Think about it :-)

2012-05-20 12:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your stomach shrinks according to the diet you feed it. Slowly feed it more & it gets roomier. Oatmeal with dry fruits, followed by toasts
2012-05-20 12:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch should be a good pasta or pulao or healthy pizza with a lot of veggie toppings...
2012-05-20 12:05:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a toast with butter & marmalade is good too. Two slices at least. Aim for three... At 10:30 in the morning...
2012-05-20 12:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trust me, follow the diet I gave you. Initially it elk feel like too much but you'll settle in fine within a week...
2012-05-20 12:02:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today, I understand, but what stops you from eating healthy every other day? Had you done that, today wouldn't have happened, right? :-(
2012-05-20 11:41:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A salad again around 15:30-16:00 & then a couple of fruits for dinner. Of course, loads of water/herbal tea/juices throughout the day too
2012-05-20 11:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should have oatmeal with dates/raisins/walnuts/almonds/honey for breakfast, a sandwich around 10, a healthy lunch with enough veggies
2012-05-20 11:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is exactly the problem. You need to eat a good balanced diet.
2012-05-20 11:34:56 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I would've loved to be there, darling. Miss you

2012-05-20 11:33:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You needed the rest, darling. Your body simply put its foot down on this. If only I could watch over your diet & rest... :-)
2012-05-20 11:28:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm glad you are feeling better but a doc might be able to help with advice as to what will prevent things from recurring...
2012-05-20 11:19:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. The movie was ok too but my nephew loved it. Just had dinner...
2012-05-20 11:17:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, you must rest. Please go to a doc

2012-05-20 09:18:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my darling!? Headache gone? Soft kisses along your temples to make you feel better...
2012-05-20 06:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweetie pie? Headache's a little better? Now I get dressed to leave for the movie... The nap was good! :-)
2012-05-20 06:29:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll hug you now & sleep with you a bit, darling. Let me massage your head gently. Poor darling
2012-05-20 05:26:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling... Was having lunch & then doing some work. I decided against sleeping as I must crash early tonight. Tomorrow's a weekstarter!
2012-05-20 04:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will surely sleep a little in a bit. My eyes feel heavy. My sis & nephew were seeing my pictures from the US. :-)
2012-05-20 03:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He sold his business profitably before moving to London (I think). I will send you the prez from the office tomorrow. Do remind me...
2012-05-20 03:19:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Missing you too, dear one. :-) The power's back...
2012-05-20 03:18:24 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Wishing you a lovely night's sleep with dreams of your choice... :-)
2012-05-20 03:15:28 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Saddens me then, a bit. You are a lovely person, D. Hope your challenges & delights meld into one stream of sheer joy... :-)
2012-05-20 03:15:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am glad Twitter is a beautiful place to you. It is to me too but I see so many people either addicted to it or coming to be someone else..
2012-05-20 03:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We will also go to watch a movie later in the afternoon. A kid's movie... I also need to work on the presentation that got postponed...
2012-05-20 00:00:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today's the new moon day. So will get down to the rituals shortly. Hoping the power will return soon. How's your day lined up?
2012-05-19 23:59:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I slept poorly with the power cut! Morning started out fine but another power cut kicked in!
2012-05-19 23:57:50 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I'm good, Annie. How are you? What are you up to these days? Enjoying your new phone? How are B & V? Hugs to you... :-)
2012-05-19 23:35:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. You may...

2012-05-19 13:59:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-05-19 13:41:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, if the power doesn't return it will be too sticky to hug!! :-(
2012-05-19 13:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your chocolaty lips...

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2012-05-19 13:30:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All of the above!! ;-p We lost power. Need to shut down now. Let me wish you a good night's sleep darling. Come join me soon :-)
2012-05-19 13:29:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because you wanted me to go read up about water supply networks so that you could go sneak away & munch on chocolates!!? ;-p
2012-05-19 13:05:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps Physics is also different in the West!!! :-)

2012-05-19 12:18:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear D. I simply love the ample cheer & bonding you bring. Was just reading your TL... :-)
2012-05-19 12:17:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the water coming out. And it'd be a severely inefficient use of power. By storing in overhead tanks water reaches every tap automatically
2012-05-19 12:07:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes but water can't rise on its own. There would need to be motors. Every time I open a tap if a motor pushed water, there would be a delay
2012-05-19 12:06:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if the water was underground, it would be hot here as the ground would also be heated!!
2012-05-19 11:58:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Underground water!? How does it rise to the second floor tap?
2012-05-19 11:57:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cold, not child

2012-05-19 11:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How will water be child if everything outside is heated? The water tanks are heated in the sun too!! Even the sea water is hot!!
2012-05-19 11:48:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lukewarm!? :-o The water in the taps are hot!!! Nothing is lukewarm here...
2012-05-19 11:41:36 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Returned home just now... Really tired! The heat really exhausts... :-(
2012-05-19 11:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I got it but where did you go to & returned so soon!?
2012-05-19 11:11:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Smiling... Welcome back, darling. Where had you gone?
2012-05-19 10:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel stupid to have done that...

2012-05-19 09:53:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Damn! :-(

2012-05-19 09:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These guys are from outside India & one guy owned & ran a major business there...
2012-05-19 09:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I had time they had none & when they had time, I had none. So I couldn't contribute to the Hungary prez. :-(
2012-05-19 09:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry you aren't in your best mood. The guys at work put together a bundle of info on Hungary. Very interesting stuff
2012-05-19 09:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 23.5 hugs & 56.52 kisses for my lady... ;-)

2012-05-19 08:37:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the rest was sweet but lost power so had to wake up prematurely & get ready to head out... :-(
2012-05-19 08:09:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kids out here too can be fussy. We are on our way to do the shopping. Had some nice ice-cream... How's your day!?
2012-05-19 08:06:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep, sweet one. He likes nearly all veggies. Not fussy. How goes your day!?
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2012-05-19 07:24:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Made a spinach paneer dish with breads & fried baby potatoes in a cream onion bath...
2012-05-19 05:13:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling, I was preparing lunch & now having it... The freshly showered lady is so tempting... :-)
2012-05-19 04:15:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is a little bit of cooking & then some shopping. I think my mom & sis have somewhere out to go...
2012-05-19 00:28:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & woke up around 6:30. Was reading the newspaper (waste of time) & surfing aimlessly...
2012-05-19 00:27:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Jen. :-)

2012-05-18 23:37:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing dear...

2012-05-18 13:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Let's go to bed now, darling. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose. Do come & join me darling... :-)
2012-05-18 13:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here sweet one...

2012-05-18 13:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing is perfect indeed but a critical argument should be well founded & intelligent. After a point he merely rants about the system...
2012-05-18 13:08:06 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And I'm so glad to know you too. :-)

2012-05-18 13:06:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy That would be perfect. All it takes is to listen to the body. It is more connected to Nature than is the mind... :-)
2012-05-18 13:05:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I cared less today at work...

2012-05-18 13:02:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope just finished the movie & heading to bed

2012-05-18 13:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. All fun...

2012-05-18 12:51:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie pie... :-)

2012-05-18 11:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't bother looking for the book. I'll look it up & send you a soft copy. Secondly, not all his points are solid...
2012-05-18 11:25:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm reading the book I mentioned...

2012-05-18 10:32:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I always imagine you going out to shop! ;-) I'm ok. Tired. Drive back was exhausting. Too much traffic.
2012-05-18 10:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day!? Bought all the stuff you needed to?
2012-05-18 10:18:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I an hugging & kissing milady!! How are you!?

2012-05-18 10:17:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No plans beyond some quiet time & also some time with my nephew... :-)
2012-05-18 08:45:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear D. :-) Slept well? Thank heavens it wasn't anything we feared! Please do manage your lifestyle to ensure the body heals!
2012-05-18 08:41:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, miss our chats... I shall be available your saturday morning for a volley of dms. What say!? :-)
2012-05-18 08:31:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet lady!! :-)

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I've been good, dear Jen. How are you? The week was hectic but the weekend's here.. What's lined up for you?
2012-05-18 08:29:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's milady!? Plenty of lavender scented kisses for her waist... :-)
2012-05-18 08:28:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today was clearly better. Got loads of work done. My weekend is mostly free for the family activities & some reading & the like...
2012-05-18 08:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok, darling. Heading back home. I was rated the best dressed male on my team... You can now imagine how badly the others dress!!
2012-05-18 08:26:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up & cooke Thai curry for the family lunch & came to the office...
2012-05-17 23:39:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not "write up" but "woke up"

2012-05-17 23:38:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree with you. I write up thinking that I should slowly not care. Perhaps that will keep my bp low. Then I see your dm... :-)
2012-05-17 23:20:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did though woke up several times. Soft kisses for milady's neck while I blow softly down ...
2012-05-17 23:19:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Soft kisses on your wrists. Sleep well. Yes, hug me..hold me... :-)
2012-05-17 12:06:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I feel like I should sleep early. Really tired & not in my best mood...
2012-05-17 11:55:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm certain too!! ;-p

2012-05-17 11:53:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Perhaps. Maybe lovely lady back home was motivation to cutmy work hours to the necessary!!! ;-p
2012-05-17 11:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I should stop worrying about team goodness etc. & just go do my job & return home. I wish I could. Somehow I am unable to do that...
2012-05-17 10:24:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was not refreshing in that I had to face the unprofessionalism of some of the team members. :-(
2012-05-17 10:23:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a meeting in 16 min... :-(

2012-05-17 10:14:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I need to simply cut out the 8 hrs for work & the rest for myself... Just managing that sometimes gets overwhelming... :-|
2012-05-17 10:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I try to restrict it to 8 hrs but then something else excites me & then I pull on something else & voila! I am under a pile of work. :-o
2012-05-17 10:12:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I enjoy the hugs & kisses, darling. Hugging & kissing you back. Yes, I suppose I do work a lot more than Europeans. It is common here
2012-05-17 10:11:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Mine was ok. Not refreshing...
2012-05-17 09:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope...reached home. Eating a snack... :-)

2012-05-17 09:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Latter...
2012-05-17 04:13:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day is likely to be quite busy today too. Have a lunch meeting again. Will steal precious shining minutes for you... ;-)
2012-05-17 00:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sleeping sweetly!? Soft butterfly kisses for my lady's ankles... And then I join
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you in our morning hug.. :-)

2012-05-16 22:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww!! That would be lovely... :-) Come darling. Let's sleep. Soft kisses on your nose. Come join me & let me wrap my arms around you :-)
2012-05-16 11:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... Yes, I'd so love to be cuddled by you & put to sleep... :-) Thank you for smiling! Soft kisses along your lips...
2012-05-16 11:40:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know darling. Sorry... I fell asleep holding on to the phone

2012-05-16 11:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe I am. Poor darling was waiting for me to return to help him find it. :-) Even if I gave you a soft kiss on your nose??
2012-05-16 11:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... I hunted down his cap & have out to him. He was happier than ever!! I'm sorry... Please don't be too angry. All my kisses are yours
2012-05-16 11:12:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do smile now.... Please?

2012-05-16 11:10:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry to have worried you. Won't repeat this again...
2012-05-16 11:09:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too sweet darling. I really do... Soft kisses on your eyes...
2012-05-16 11:09:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day!? Hope you ate well! How is nina mama & the cats?
2012-05-16 11:08:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The new cab service is better. At least I'm not left stranded. :-)
2012-05-16 11:06:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Soft kisses & hugs & twirls!!! I'm really sorry for the delay. Why would I not want to talk to you!? Such a silly thought...
2012-05-16 11:05:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had lunch in a meeting today!!! But not irritating though a busy day...
2012-05-16 11:04:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since morning it was packed I thought I could dm you in the office but was caught up in pairing, continuous work & meetings...
2012-05-16 11:02:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ His swimming cap & was crying. Hunted that for him & am sending you this dm...
2012-05-16 11:01:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My apologies for not writing earlier. Today was simply too packed. Had meetings till really late. Got back home. My nephew lost his cap
2012-05-16 11:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling!!! I'm here...

2012-05-16 10:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your sturdy arms!! ;-p Do join me once you get back... :-)
2012-05-15 13:00:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too sweet one. Hope you reach home well. I have a joyous hug under the doormat for you & ten more in other places ;-)
2012-05-15 12:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Convinced you!? Neat!! :-)

2012-05-15 12:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But why leave at the fag end!? Yes, he seems to be intelligent, arguing for a world & chosen life of conscious need-based activities...
2012-05-15 12:11:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course it would be lovely to have you here. Why would you leave so late!?
2012-05-15 12:00:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ He raises some interesting points like ones I used to raise in fervid hope of identifying the illness we all refuse to acknowledge...
2012-05-15 11:59:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is 21:20 my time!! I'm reading Ivan Illich's book, The Right To Useful Unemployment
2012-05-15 11:50:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All went well in the school?

2012-05-15 11:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was spending some time with my nephew & mom & now reading a book before I go to sleep in a short while. Are you back from school?
2012-05-15 11:31:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie. I do miss returning to the hotel to you. Reached home... :-)
2012-05-15 10:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The presentation got pushed out to next week

2012-05-15 08:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd enjoy your kisses darling & your smile... Miss you too dear one....
2012-05-15 08:40:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day hadn't been tiring but happy it is over...

2012-05-15 08:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses along your sleeve... & along your neck line.... And a tight hug...
2012-05-15 08:38:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tonight is going to be late due to the meeting...

2012-05-15 08:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, been in work & meetings. In one right now but do not have to present so sending you this dm
2012-05-15 08:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses & sweet whispers in milady's hair. Sleep with a smile, dear one. Today will be long & busy...
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2012-05-14 23:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping well? I kinda did though woke up several times in the morning before getting out of bed. So a little groggy
2012-05-14 23:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Will wait... ;-p

2012-05-14 13:10:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Maybe I'm ever-complaining... Now let's go to bed darling. Goodnight, sweet dreams. Let me kiss your hair as you sleep in my arms.. :-)
2012-05-14 12:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The dinner was an outing & hence welcome. The food per se was average...
2012-05-14 12:30:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home & hugging you & twirling you & ticking you all over. Yes, I feel tired too. Should go to bed in a min or two... :-) maybe more!!
2012-05-14 12:28:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you up to!? How was your day!? Ate properly?
2012-05-14 12:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was in a meeting till I left the office, hence couldn't send you a dm. There was another one too but I skipped it...
2012-05-14 11:59:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you darling. A tight hug & a dozen kisses for milady...
2012-05-14 11:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner was ok. Still settling the bill... I'll kiss your throat while you yawn... :-)
2012-05-14 11:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The people are fine in the office. As long as nothing is expected of them, over & above their normal work...
2012-05-14 09:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why don't you feel like working today? I was a little lazy too but still managed to get some work done...
2012-05-14 09:46:39 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Have a meeting in some time. Also going out for dinner with family. Will take the call over the phone...
2012-05-14 09:42:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Day was packed, as expected. Got home to see no veggies so went out to get them...
2012-05-14 09:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly hugging you while you sleep... Sshhh...

2012-05-13 22:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today's going to be a little packed. We have 2 presentations tomorrow & some work to complete...
2012-05-13 22:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept fine though feel like I could use some more!!
2012-05-13 22:34:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? Sitting by your side, softly kissing you on your shoulder. I hope your dreams are sweet... :-)
2012-05-13 22:33:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm here... Barely... Yes, lets cuddle & rock each other to sleep... :-)
2012-05-13 12:47:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling. Missed you... Do come & join me soon.... :-)
2012-05-13 12:23:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go & sleep now. Tired & need to wake up early tomorrow. Sending you soft kisses for your hips... :-)
2012-05-13 12:21:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What you did sounds like a wonderful lazy Sunday... :-)
2012-05-13 12:19:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, my nephew knows how to swim. He enjoys it... :-)

2012-05-13 12:17:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home, showered & getting ready for bed. Pointless day.. Very disappointing... The beach was a little fun
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2012-05-13 12:17:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since lunch was too little, I ate something from the street & then my granny too insisted on fading me. I was suddenly over-stuffed... :-o
2012-05-13 12:16:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On my way back. My tummy hurts a bit. How was your day!? Is Renata leaving shortly?
2012-05-13 11:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What "no? Oh no?"

2012-05-13 07:48:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On my way to the beach & my uncle's place...

2012-05-13 07:32:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right here, was cleaning the kitchen... Thanks for the kisses. Many more to you.
2012-05-13 06:38:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I'll come...

2012-05-13 05:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come on! How can anyone like badly prepared food!? :-(
2012-05-13 05:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This was one of the worst lunches I've ever cooked. Very little quantity & badly prepared!! :-(
2012-05-13 05:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tried to make lunch but it got delayed. People are angry. I hope at least the taste is good enough...
2012-05-13 04:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Everything alright? Renata & you having fun?

2012-05-13 04:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie...

2012-05-13 00:40:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ space in both fridges!! So I slept too few hours. The boy has some plans for today which includes lunch. We might go to the beach :-)
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2012-05-13 00:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & woke up early to go to the veg market with my nephew but my mom suddenly realised we have
2012-05-13 00:35:03 (EDT)

dgdreamin I've been good. Yes, Peru has been denied to me! ;-p I wish you have a splendid time. Hope you could've stopped enroute here in India. :-)
2012-05-12 22:24:21 (EDT)

dgdreamin You are off to China!? :-o Wow! You don't cease to amaze me... BTW, good evening! :-)
2012-05-12 22:18:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, goodnight. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do come & join me. Yes, I would like it...
2012-05-12 13:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you, but the want to do or share with you seems pointless & indulgent... :-(
2012-05-12 12:37:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ More as a possibility. Like sunset - not a matter of who is viewing it... :-(
2012-05-12 12:30:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss them all too... But... It feels like it is all over. :-(
2012-05-12 12:25:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Simple.
2012-05-12 11:59:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I don't ignore your DMs just that some of them make me feel sad because I have nothing to offer & do not wish to indulge in mirages.. :-|
2012-05-12 11:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not that I don't want to rush, just that continued talking about it is like building castles in the air... :-|
2012-05-12 11:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to give your feet a nice massage while the bath warms with scented oils. Hope you get rest. Ice-cream in any quantity is
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2012-05-12 11:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My time with my nephew was fine. Went to the temple, had pizzas with him & then read about 10 articles! So happy! Long pending... :-)
2012-05-12 11:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too...

2012-05-12 09:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember it all, dear. Sigh! Yes, power cuts, lunch, naps & time with my nephew... :-)
2012-05-12 09:15:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Portsmouth is a tiger! Hope you're having fun. I'm sure Renata would get the guys around both of you!! :-D
2012-05-12 09:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ of Madagascar. Your breakfast sounds like a dream! Lucky Renata!! Miss you.
2012-05-12 02:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Yes, I slept fairly well. My neck feels a little caught but otherwise fine. Was helping mom with lunch & watched the
2012-05-12 02:37:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm off to bed now. Goodnight, sweetie. My hello to R. Have fun. Sleep well. A kiss on your shoulder. Do come & join me tonight... :-)
2012-05-11 12:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would be spending most of my time with my nephew. Some fun time together, reading, writing, etc.
2012-05-11 12:52:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! :-) How are you? Enjoying the break or super-busy? I'm mostly fine. Exhausted... Why did you pick Claire for your handles!?
2012-05-11 12:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing... What plans for the weekend?

2012-05-11 12:47:54 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Nothing like that. Just that... Never mind... When is Renata reaching?
2012-05-11 12:32:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) A tight hug, twirl & kiss, my darling...

2012-05-11 12:05:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fine. I'm cold. Glad Renata is coming. At least your weekend should new fun
2012-05-11 10:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lunch was fruits. I'm back to my diets.

2012-05-11 10:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got back home. Slightly tiring day. But my back feels better...
2012-05-11 10:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not cold, darling. To me all trips are alike. I enjoy my business trips as much as my ceremony trips... Anyway...
2012-05-11 10:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day's pleasant too. I will go have lunch now & catch up with you in a short while...
2012-05-11 03:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't imagine that telling you about my trip would be insensitive. I told you about my Delhi trip too a few days ago.
2012-05-11 03:53:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back & shoulders are better though not in shape... Hopefully will get better. Today might be slightly busy as I am catching up on stuff
2012-05-11 03:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you, darling...

2012-05-10 12:27:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened?

2012-05-10 12:17:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your forehead. Do join me soon, darling... :-)
2012-05-10 12:16:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now, I should be heading to bed. Need to rest the shoulders & sleep & then head to work tomorrow...
2012-05-10 12:11:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll take the kiss darling, whenever you wish to give it to me. :-)
2012-05-10 12:10:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing... :-) Just felt like calling out to you... :-)
2012-05-10 11:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie... :-)

2012-05-10 11:36:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My nephew is watching Smurfs as I am reading some stuff online... :-)

2012-05-10 11:34:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many things...

2012-05-10 11:26:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet darling... I wish it could be.

2012-05-10 11:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, what are you doing? I was booking some tickets for a trip in June. A friend's wife's 7th month of pregnancy ceremony! :-)
2012-05-10 10:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He is indeed a good boy. Intelligent, humourous, conscious, respectful... A delight to be with. :-)
2012-05-10 10:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my nephew walked all over my back. Feels a shade better...
2012-05-10 09:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, with the new connection I lose all internet connection when the power fails. So couldn't get online for 2 hrs...
2012-05-10 08:29:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..a massage. I feel so so tired & dead.

2012-05-10 05:43:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back still hurts!! I'll do some exercises today...

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2012-05-09 23:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping well? I kinda did but woke up at 5 ish!! Without an alarm. Feeling sleepy & my muscles hurt! Took an off...
2012-05-09 23:18:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear Jen. :-) I've been good. Returned last night from an official trip. Exhausted! So taking the day off today! How're you?
2012-05-09 23:16:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I cherish this day & how we came together in sweet ways today. Sending you a hug & a thousand kisses... :-)
2012-05-09 15:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm planning on taking tomorrow off. Don't know. Or at least work from home...
2012-05-09 14:40:48 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank god there's no surgery. I hope the cyst can be dissolved with medicines... Do take care & rest well... :-)
2012-05-09 14:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Flight got delayed in taking off. Then 2.5 hrs. Finally in the cab to my home...
2012-05-09 14:35:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are someone whom I am close to. Yes, it is true that we don't have a future together, but you are still my dear Andrea.
2012-05-09 09:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..significantly reduced. I think I'm just keeping myself busy with things that I need our can sustain... Dunno...
2012-05-08 22:04:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why am I different from what I was last year? If you notice the tweets too, you'll notice they are reduced in general. My time online has
2012-05-08 22:03:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I hope you are sleeping well. A soft kiss on your forehead, dear one. I slept late & ok.
2012-05-08 21:56:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet one. Yes, I come & join you. Soft kisses on your palms. Hope you are sleeping with a smile.... :-)
2012-05-08 14:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back, sweet one. My bil & I had a lot of things to discuss & out was also our time without my sis around...
2012-05-08 14:30:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh ok. Sorry, my mistake. I mixed up the schedules in my head. Then I pray the results conclude that you don't need surgery... :-)
2012-05-08 14:28:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the hotel, waiting for my bil. Should be here any min...
2012-05-08 11:02:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He sure returned after a lot of fights with some cats & dogs...
2012-05-08 10:55:41 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Good morning, dear friend. I wish you all good fortune for the surgery. Sorry, wasn't on twitter earlier so couldn't send this sooner.. :-)
2012-05-08 10:54:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think he misses them though it must also feel like a break to have one's own time...
2012-05-08 10:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? How does Fighter sound as a name for our Portsmouth!?
2012-05-08 10:34:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stealing a min for my sweet lady while I wait for my bil... Sending her soft kisses for her shoulder & to cool her day... :-)
2012-05-08 10:32:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tonight I'll meet with my brother in law. I'm in Delhi...

2012-05-08 07:50:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lets hug & cuddle & kiss.... :-)

2012-05-07 13:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Wishing you sweet dreams. A kiss on your nose. Do join me, sweet one... :-)
2012-05-07 13:43:45 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I shall now go to bed, darling. We start early tomorrow morning. Will be a long day...
2012-05-07 13:42:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Work days typically are thus, darling...

2012-05-07 13:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your dm aren't unwanted sweetie. Please! How was your day?
2012-05-07 13:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, reached. Had dinner & then a meeting with the rest of the folks about tomorrow's plans...
2012-05-07 13:38:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, this is their annual trip to here. They live in India, in Delhi. Wishing you a lovely day, sweet Jennifer...
2012-05-07 08:31:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today I'm well shaven!!! :-)

2012-05-07 08:21:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too.

2012-05-07 08:20:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the airport, darling. A slightly busy day. Since I had to leave early I had to focus on the hours I put in. :-)
2012-05-07 08:19:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Glad you liked it. Well, my sis & nephew are here, so the next 4 weeks will be spent thus. Maybe in June or Aug. No summer break
2012-05-07 01:33:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My travel is in the evening. I fly. So it is a 2.5 hrs flight. I reach there by bedtime...
2012-05-07 01:30:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on my sweet lady's cheek. No, I didn't find you complaining. Honest. :-)
2012-05-07 01:29:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & woke up earlier than required. All set & ready to leave. :-)
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2012-05-07 01:28:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Other things. Packing done. I leave tomorrow evening so you won't be sleeping. Goodnight...
2012-05-06 13:13:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I saw your goodnight & thought you were off to bed early... Yes, dear, we'll cuddle... None of yours was ignored today. Just absorbed in
2012-05-06 13:12:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hence, I'll go & pack & ready other things... :-)
2012-05-06 12:05:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your nape. I will join you in a bit. I travel tomorrow to conduct some interviews. Will be out
2012-05-06 12:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was putting the boy to sleep. We were creating coloured fractal designs on his mom's tablet. He loves art. :-)
2012-05-06 12:01:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! I do remember. :-) And now... I still miss you :-)
2012-05-06 10:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. What did you do today!?

2012-05-06 09:47:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was really not together. Sis fed boy, then sis ate then mom & I ate.
2012-05-06 08:01:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I took my nephew for a haircut & am now doing his math homework with him teaching him stuff... :-)
2012-05-06 02:39:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Slept well? I kinda did, since I am on a new bed which is slightly lumpy I slept ok.. Kiss for your wrists... :-)
2012-05-06 02:19:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling I'm here. Had top set up the beds for all. Yes, come come come... :-)
2012-05-05 13:19:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Let us go yup bed more darling. Goodnight. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your forehead... :-) do join me soon... Miss you...
2012-05-05 12:31:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day darling? Thanks for the kisses. Sending you many more on the back of doves :-)
2012-05-05 12:30:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom & I went to check with some upholstery guy & then I went to the temple. Was then preparing some stuff for singer & now, all set to sleep
2012-05-05 12:29:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one. Today's temple day. The heat is nearly at its peak here... Murderous! :-(
2012-05-05 10:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I have now switched network service provider. The previous one was getting problematic...
2012-05-05 09:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your lips darling. Yes, I sneaked out of the room & away from the network guys to send you a kiss... :-) and a hug...
2012-05-05 08:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just landed & got them into the cab. Yes, he's a darling. Heading home...
2012-05-05 04:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly! :-) How is your niece for whom you had taken a message from me? What is she doing?
2012-05-05 04:13:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I usually anticipate you rising around 13:00 my time. Some amount of cleaning done. Once I reach home the network guys should be there
2012-05-05 04:06:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They should land any min I think. How is your day?
2012-05-05 04:04:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, was tweeting between chores. Thought I'll write to you later but then got caught up in stuff... Sorry!
2012-05-05 04:02:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. We are just heading out to pick them up. Sending you soft kisses for your shoulders... :-)
2012-05-05 03:44:05 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Wow! Your generosity overwhelms... :-)

2012-05-05 01:01:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be lovely indeed. We have offices in Europe, btw. London & Germany
2012-05-04 12:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! Yes... yes... yess!! A soft kiss on the lovely lady's nose & lips! :-)
2012-05-04 11:31:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'm more relieved to have a weekend. A chance to rest my bones...
2012-05-04 11:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, milady is very very good... :-)

2012-05-04 10:51:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My work is not necessarily interesting. Often it is rigmarole though sometimes it is a challenge to solve some of the problems...
2012-05-04 10:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear one. Tomorrow my sis & nephew arrive... For a month. :-)
2012-05-04 07:56:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a meeting today so will be leaving a little late. How is your day? Mine is the usual with some interesting work...
2012-05-04 07:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, here I am! Sorry, I was on performance tasks today so couldn't open anything else.. Soft kisses for my sweet one... :-)
2012-05-04 07:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today should be a normal day. There will be some pairing &
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little more & then.... WEEKEND!!! I ended up sending this dm to the timeline!!!
2012-05-03 20:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How is the lovely lively lady sleeping? With a smile & a sigh? Kissing you around the corners of your lips... :-)
2012-05-03 20:34:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are the girls!? Is it summer break for them!? Any vacation plans?
2012-05-03 20:33:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not one bit. You are fine & sweet... :-) Exhausted...that's all
2012-05-03 13:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's go to bed now, dear darling. My eyes are crumbling like old bread... Goodnight, sweetie. A kiss on your lips. Do join me... :-)
2012-05-03 13:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really. Just tired, I suppose...

2012-05-03 12:49:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one... :-)

2012-05-03 12:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-05-03 12:38:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D The day you where a Donald Duck suit...
2012-05-03 12:32:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't look very good in a bikini... ;-p

2012-05-03 12:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just realised I had typed in a dm & not sent it!!

2012-05-03 12:28:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Moved it out of there to the hall.

2012-05-03 12:26:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The computer is in the main hall

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2012-05-03 11:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, no. only my shorts see my underwear...

2012-05-03 11:30:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I live with my mom!! :-o

2012-05-03 11:14:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, crazy hot.... :-o

2012-05-03 10:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sure, something lovely can be planned...

2012-05-03 10:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you & twirling you around. My sweet sweet lady... Yes, slightly tired due to the heat... :-(
2012-05-03 10:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just came down to withdraw money from the ATM. So decided to write to my sweet lady...
2012-05-03 03:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes the morning was a little packed. Had some chores to do before rushing to work... Yes, and then pairing... :-)
2012-05-03 03:47:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't me miss me... :-) Goodnight!

2012-05-02 12:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling, it's late & my eyes are closing. Let me wish my sweet lady a good night's sleep. Soft kisses on your ears. Do join me, sweetie
2012-05-02 12:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, his words are worth reading over & over again. Yes it would be lovely to read with you...
2012-05-02 12:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm reading Nabokov! The admiralty spire... He is indeed the best writer of the English word... :-)
2012-05-02 10:58:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Just had some mangoes...

2012-05-02 10:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't get along well with my uncle in the US... But he's ok.
2012-05-02 09:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back & twirling my sweet lady... :-)

2012-05-02 09:50:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember telling you my granny was here to stay. She's been here for the past 15 days. They just left...
2012-05-02 09:49:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Granny leaves today so seeing her off. Uncle's here too...
2012-05-02 09:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It isn't really busy but since we pair I can't do things on my machine or on my mobile as that would be a case of one person distracted...
2012-05-02 06:16:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your neck, darling. How does your day look? Just had my fruits...
2012-05-02 05:21:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was caught up in some emails with client & then work as usual... Did you sleep well?
2012-05-02 05:13:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So sweet... Thank you :-) Have a lovely night's rest, dear J, with dreams of your choice...
2012-05-01 20:55:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But would love to read your words. I enjoyed writing what I did over the weekend... :-)
2012-05-01 20:48:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I get ready to go to work. The only juices flowing for me will be the engine oil in the car! :-D
2012-05-01 20:47:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-)
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Good evening, dear J. How was your day? Lots of work & some play? Glad night's taking over day! :-)
2012-05-01 20:35:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your nose. Do join me soon...
2012-05-01 13:26:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't...
2012-05-01 13:13:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I can't tell any heart other than mine what is right or wrong...
2012-05-01 13:06:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I wish your heart or mind can help you see the pointlessness of it all... :-(
2012-05-01 12:48:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry to leave you helpless. Booking a ticket would be futile & I'm glad you didn't...
2012-05-01 12:40:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we'll cuddle :-)

2012-05-01 12:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I seem to have a vague memory of that... Why do you ask? :)
2012-05-01 11:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep... in the cab. Normally, I ask them to turn off the radio but not that day!
2012-05-01 10:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I heard this on a trip from the office back home... :-) Never heard it before that... :-) I liked the woman's voice
2012-05-01 10:46:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Miss you too, sweetie. Would you like to listen to a rustic Tamil song which is from a movie set in the 1960s?
2012-05-01 10:15:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sometimes these people get me irritated with their "we'll work it out" attitude! Not everything can happen on the fly
2012-05-01 09:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...ahead with tomorrow's plan in Bangalore without a single topic in hand!! :-O I just generated 20 topics and sent them out as an email
2012-05-01 09:06:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hello, dear. I was putting together some ideas for the GD & interviews for the education program. As expected these guys were planning to go
2012-05-01 09:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not yet. Will look it up asap...

2012-05-01 06:49:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I will be doing my research as well, but if you can get me any such info, it would be great. :-)
2012-05-01 06:25:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How keen are women to join the tech industry? How much of social work is done in Hungary? Open source movement in Hungary?
2012-05-01 06:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...govt. of new companies, how technologically active is Hungary (are there lot of conferences, forums, communities there).
2012-05-01 06:24:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. The office in Europe is still on. Most people seem to be caught up in their project work. We had 2 meetings & all is quiet now... :-(
2012-05-01 06:22:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Congratulations to him. Hope they like each other... :-)

2012-05-01 05:04:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly, milady!! Done with shower & having lunch... :-)
2012-05-01 04:41:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you sleep well. My day's mostly a lazy day. Organising my data & backing things up. I might read a bit today :)
2012-05-01 01:27:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ;-(
2012-04-30 12:10:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not just that? What else?

2012-04-30 11:11:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your other DM after the "What a mess" got swallowed up. Jesus! Twitter is stealing our cupcakes! :-D
2012-04-30 10:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hold you close, dear one. The point of writing is to be honest. I see no other intent in it...
2012-04-30 10:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then you wonder what is the point of doing that if we can't meet & live that in real life...
2012-04-30 09:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What more can I do when you say such things? :-)
2012-04-30 09:13:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-04-30 08:59:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The lady will be charming forever. You simply can't be any less charming, sweetie :-)
2012-04-30 08:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For a change the pointless meetings felt welcome... :-)

2012-04-30 08:13:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is next to zero professionalism out here in India... With such a population, you'll always find customers, hence, complacency... :-(
2012-04-30 08:12:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should have a proper lunch. You need a proper meal with some rice our breads, etc. Please do eat properly...
2012-04-30 08:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day got better towards the end with some proper work coming in...
2012-04-30 08:09:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Shorts & top sounds lovely & sunny... :-)

2012-04-30 08:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch? I had my fruits. Will have my veggies soon... :-)
2012-04-30 05:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet lady's day?

2012-04-30 05:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day is as lazy as expected. Seems like we are on a vacation of sorts. Kinda needed..
2012-04-30 05:37:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, because there wasn't much work today was pulled into pointless meetings!! :-(
2012-04-30 05:36:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day seems like it's going to be lazy. 4 people are out (leave/sick). And there are just a few of us who remain. :-o Tomorrow's a holiday
2012-04-29 23:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure... :-)

2012-04-29 11:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My left eye hurts a bit. I am going to put some drops in it & rest them. I will be logging out now, dear one.
2012-04-29 11:30:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-04-29 11:29:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will surely let you know if I can...

2012-04-29 11:15:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could... :-(

2012-04-29 11:03:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sigh... :-)

2012-04-29 09:53:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would love some. I still remember the grapes you picked from
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the grocery store... :-)

2012-04-29 09:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you should simply rest with a gentle massage to your temples...
2012-04-29 09:12:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fine, then some balm might help. Or just closing your eyes for a bit...
2012-04-29 09:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! You meant like that! Don't speak like that. :-( You'll be fine. Just a little heat. A cold towel would help. Do buy some cucumbers...
2012-04-29 08:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No cucumbers? Tough to buy some? Maybe you should keep some handy. Maybe cotton swabs dipped in cold water?
2012-04-29 08:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww! Poor you. I wish I was there to massage your head. Please place slices of cucumber on your eyes & rest for a while.
2012-04-29 08:23:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft soft soft kisses for my sweet lady. And then some more because they were caught in the customs office enroute Turkey! ;-p
2012-04-29 08:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you rub oil all over yourself, rub hard, let it stand for a while & then wash it off under a shower. A tub can be inconvenient...
2012-04-29 07:55:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Once a week oil baths at most. Can't imagine an oil bath everyday!!! :-o
2012-04-29 07:06:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I said bath, I meant shower... :-)

2012-04-29 07:05:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here... Was waiting for the power to return. :-)

2012-04-29 07:05:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweeter sweet Andrea...

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2012-04-29 05:09:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how to swim. But I can certainly wade in the waters... :-)
2012-04-29 05:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think it is a matter of time. Earlier it was simply sweet now more laced with pain. Perhaps it is as you say due to future boding...
2012-04-29 03:46:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You are up earlier than expected. I was busy doing chores before the power cut for the day. Your day sounds lovely... I'd love to sit
2012-04-29 03:44:50 (EDT)

dgdreamin I hope he is recovering well & that you breathing evenly. Been a while since I was active on Twitter. Work's been keeping me super-busy!
2012-04-28 23:09:32 (EDT)

dgdreamin Dear Deb, how are you? Been a while. Wanted to check on you & ask about how your uncle was doing. Has the move to specialty care happened?
2012-04-28 23:08:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it was busier than needed to be. A lot of goof-ups & then the usual running around to fix things! :-o You seem to be really neckdeep
2012-04-28 23:07:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In a hot air balloon. Lovely. I'm so happy you had that dream... :-)
2012-04-28 22:58:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. I hope you're sleeping well. Your dream sounds lovely & reminds me if the Hungarian movie I saw where there's a scene
2012-04-28 22:57:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I thought you had lost interest in twitter & was keeping away... :-) Really, missed you... :-)
2012-04-28 15:00:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss bracelet for your wrists... Do join me darling...

2012-04-28 14:59:08 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My mind & heart work very differently... Anyway, it is getting late. Yes, let's go sleep now. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well; sweet dreams.
2012-04-28 14:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is clearly more intense than what it was back then...

2012-04-28 14:46:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have been mostly good. Been caught up in our software release so been really really packed...
2012-04-28 14:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That it can't get worse...

2012-04-28 14:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is what you would've said before we met in Aug... :-|
2012-04-28 14:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would all be very lovely, but it's not a sightseeing tour or a mere meeting of friends. With each meeting is a growing want for more
2012-04-28 14:25:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, being together will not help in any way... It shouldn't become like getting a shot...
2012-04-28 13:55:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... nothing...

2012-04-28 13:37:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss us together too... A lot ...

2012-04-28 13:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling, though I do not feel miserable. I would so love to have you here listening to these melodies... :-)
2012-04-28 13:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened, darling? Come... let me hold you close to me while I listen to these lovely old Hindi songs... :-)
2012-04-28 12:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I asked about the hummus because I felt like feeding you some... :-)
2012-04-28 12:41:57 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Got it! :-D Though not the original words... The one about irises... White pepper... Do you like hummus?
2012-04-28 12:18:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I miss you, dear. I just show it differently & was also out to the temple etc... :-)
2012-04-28 12:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In composing the DM to you, I lost a tweet I had written!! :-D God knows what I wanted to write!
2012-04-28 12:12:19 (EDT)

2012-04-28 12:09:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Truth is, a lot of them are from last year!! ;-p
2012-04-28 11:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep? How is the tummy tum tum?

2012-04-28 11:59:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh!? Didn't miss you? Of course, I did. :-) What did you buy as groceries? A soft kiss on your cheek, dear one... :-)
2012-04-28 11:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... where are you? You have been gone for long now! I went to the temple, wrote a bit and wondering where you are...
2012-04-28 11:50:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Care to join me? ;-)

2012-04-28 06:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My skin feels so nice now! Lunch was a little heavy but it's alright... Power has been out for a while now.... Well take a quick nap! :-)
2012-04-28 06:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I did & went about my chores & an extensive oil bath. Lunch done too.. :-)
2012-04-28 05:18:52 (EDT)

ZinniaTung The one in off-white, with specs, in bed (I presume)... :-)

2012-04-27 12:34:19 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And why do you think I am out to hurt you? No. I don't wish to but doing your heart's wish is not the only other way...
2012-04-27 12:27:06 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Glad to note that the words here are to your taste... :-) Why did you do away with your "good-morning-avi"? :-)
2012-04-27 12:25:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I said it did you wouldn't believe me... :-(

2012-04-27 12:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( sigh... Do you really wish to end the evening so abruptly?
2012-04-27 12:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I truly understand how you feel...

2012-04-27 11:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know it isn't but you still repeat it knowing well that it might not happen... :-(
2012-04-27 11:09:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, what's lined up for the weekend!?

2012-04-27 10:32:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just want to keep away from starchy carb-filled food items. I find that the amount I eat is sufficient. Everything else, is an excess :-)
2012-04-27 10:16:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok. Nothing remarkable. Mostly work & then some study. How is your day?
2012-04-27 09:19:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. The cab ditched me today as well. I'm changing the cab company from Monday. Let's see if that helps... :-(
2012-04-27 09:16:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, here I am. How are you? Glad to see your tummy feeling better! See! My kiss helped. ;-p
2012-04-27 04:56:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe a good oil bath tomorrow would take the heat out of me... :-) How is your tummy? Please be careful with dairy products...
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2012-04-26 23:28:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry I couldn't stay up longer. Don't know why but I fell asleep with lights on & all. So tired. I still feel like I could sleep...
2012-04-26 23:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Soft kisses around your belly button. Sleep well dear one. Sweet dreams. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-04-26 11:41:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't like to do just do my job & stop. I enjoy being completely involved. Well, out clearly isn't welcome... :-(
2012-04-26 11:19:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Banana should do good. No meeting today. Client is out. Was talking to my granny. One more day tomorrow, then a weekend! :-)
2012-04-26 11:17:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think it is a matter of my style. Perhaps I'm too stern or something. But the pizza incident had nothing to do with my style!!
2012-04-26 11:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Did my job & little more & let things be in the office. Somehow, there is no sadness or regret
2012-04-26 10:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back home. The cab canceled today too!! Gets really tiring arguing with rickshaw drivers. Then the drive is killing... :-(
2012-04-26 10:16:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In a meeting. Missing you. Just wanted to sneak in a kiss... :-)

2012-04-26 03:12:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the dew laced kisses, darling. Scented my morning well... :-) Sending you sandal-scented kisses to wear under your top.. :-)
2012-04-25 23:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you're right. No point arguing with these people. I have up on Tues itself.
2012-04-25 22:34:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How are you? Slept well? I kinda did
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with funny dreams. Now I watch you sleep & kiss your finger tips softly...
2012-04-25 22:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie. I can feel your hold. Sturdy arms!!! ;-p
2012-04-25 13:15:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me dear one...

2012-04-25 12:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late now, darling. Let us go to bed. Yes, I hold you tightly very tightly. A soft kiss on your shoulder as I hold you from behind.
2012-04-25 12:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just before the day, her father killed her mother. Her poem sounds like her mom used to hurt this child. :-( Sick world we live in... :-(
2012-04-25 12:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, This guy orangeuapoet was supposed to judge some poetry competition for school children, I suppose. One of the winners was this girl
2012-04-25 12:37:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear one. I think I will write for a while now... :-)
2012-04-25 11:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ High level meetings often tend to be that. Since the people involved are managers they talk future vision & some grand plans...
2012-04-25 10:36:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was ok. Grand talk! I didn't speak a word. Tomorrow I have to go to the office! :-(
2012-04-25 10:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love that too, sweet darling... :-)

2012-04-25 09:49:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No not daily phone call. This was some high level meeting to discuss future plans...
2012-04-25 09:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waiting for you to return. I have an evening meeting which I need to attend
2012-04-25 08:04:37 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! Woke up just now. I feel I could laze around a bit more.
2012-04-25 08:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Power was just restored. Let's nap for 45 min. I feel drowsy & also tired from the heat... :-|
2012-04-25 06:57:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, work has taken up a lot of my time. The day simply whizzes by without knowing it's gone!! I really feel like things are just... :-(
2012-04-25 05:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you had a good bath. She seems to be a sweet lady. Hope she lets you do this often... :-)
2012-04-25 05:36:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one. Lunch was heavy feeling drowsy! But can't sleep as I have office tomorrow... :-(
2012-04-25 05:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, I had to go out run errands, then a meeting call (not related to my project but still official), then lunch & now here... :-)
2012-04-25 05:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hopefully today I can do some reading & some re-visiting of how I want my days to be.. I haven't written in a long time too!
2012-04-25 00:07:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are right. I'm not too excited about this office as I was in Bangalore or in the US. Here the people & politics are a clear problem...
2012-04-25 00:05:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! How are you, darling? Slept well? I did but woke up early!! No I'm not going to the office today! All day here to kiss you!!
2012-04-25 00:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Let's go & sleep now darling. Super-exhausted... A soft kiss on your lips. Come & join me sweetie... :-) Goodnight
2012-04-24 12:43:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes would love to be in your arms... :-)

2012-04-24 12:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a sex thingy!!? Nice! I wish I was in Hungary... ;-p

2012-04-24 12:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a hug would be delicious... :-) So would ak kiss

2012-04-24 12:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is about not caring for your own team members...

2012-04-24 11:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Professionally lazy people if were at least good human beings would be some solace! I'm so frustrated!! It is not about pizzas
2012-04-24 11:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was in (on thurs). These guys were so self-centred & greedy that they refused to wait 2 days!!! I felt disgusted to be part of such a team!
2012-04-24 11:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today 3 out of 10 people weren't in. We were having a celebration planned & were going to order pizzas. I suggested we do it when everyone
2012-04-24 11:41:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is Renata!? How are things with her bf? Is she visiting anytime soon?
2012-04-24 11:39:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally got home. The cab canceled at the least min & I had to get a rickshaw after waiting on the road for half an hour!! Dead tired.
2012-04-24 11:37:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now in office, in the meeting...

2012-04-24 09:48:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not about work but some basic traits...

2012-04-24 09:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was an unpleasant exchange before lunch. This team doesn't care about anyone. Very self-centred people...
2012-04-24 08:43:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The week would be relaxing in not having critical deadlines. There would still be work& meeting
2012-04-24 08:00:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved the picnic lunch. Had a bad mood during lunch. I would've loved the picnic...
2012-04-24 07:59:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too darling. Nesting & work kept me away from logging in... How are you darling? Saad that the tea didn't help. I was hoping it'd
2012-04-24 07:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is perhaps the biggest problem. A lot of people on the team expect things to be taken car of without moving a finger... :-(
2012-04-23 21:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today's a long day with a meeting. The next release's work starts today. Should be milder but as long as ownership is skewed it'll be a pain
2012-04-23 21:15:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is the point of me in it if you will take me out of it!!?

2012-04-23 12:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not busy really. Had to declare financial records for this financial year. Was doing that. Have a meeting in 20 min
2012-04-23 10:10:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok. Slightly tiring. Release is not yet officially done...
2012-04-23 09:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Yes, would have loved that to meet you outside the office & go home together... :-)
2012-04-23 08:59:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is filled with meetings... How is yours, sweetie?

2012-04-23 03:55:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My head is fine now. I completed the report in the cab. No more working like this!! :-|
2012-04-23 03:55:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ This week is a lot more relaxed than last week. Official release hasn't happened yet... :-(
2012-04-23 03:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you did mention the ticklish ness of your feet & I trust you can kick like a mule... So I shall come wearing a helmet & armour!! ;-p
2012-04-23 03:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did... Off to work now. Sweet kisses to tickle your feet... :-)
2012-04-22 22:38:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your shoulder. Do come & join me, dear darling...
2012-04-22 12:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sigh...
2012-04-22 12:22:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then maybe this steeled heart & stubborn mind has no solution to offer too... :-(
2012-04-22 12:19:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-04-22 12:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To make one thing the cause of all failure is unwise...

2012-04-22 11:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be missing in action! Sunday internet problems? My computer needed a few reboots... :-)
2012-04-22 10:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now my comp refuses to connect to the wifi!! :-( Where are you darling?
2012-04-22 09:31:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working on the report I was supposed to do 2 weeks ago... :-|

2012-04-22 09:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would make me really happy too... :-)

2012-04-22 06:31:58 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Here comes one... & another & a million more... Kisses. Not a bit of sun, but the whole sun's in the neighbourhood...
2012-04-22 06:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My undershirt stays!!! :-o

2012-04-22 05:48:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, heard about the thermal lake. No wonder the lady its so pretty!!! ;-)
2012-04-22 05:46:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm delicate as a wish! Not made for walks in a desert!! :-D
2012-04-22 05:46:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A walk in this heat!!!? You must be a camel!! ;-p

2012-04-22 05:06:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't really know. Some facial & spa treatment ideas/recipes from Hungary perhaps. Saw it in the papers as I glanced through them...
2012-04-22 05:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch? There is a spa opened here which has some links with Hungary... :-)
2012-04-22 04:54:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Had a good lunch now. Lost power... :-(

2012-04-22 04:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Head still hurts. Can't sleep anymore. Have a few things to complete for work too. Would so love to cuddle up with you now... :-)
2012-04-22 03:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I didn't know how to describe him. Friend is a catch-all phrase... :-)
2012-04-22 03:14:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He had seen the presentation & wanted to meet up & discuss some ideas.. Not really a friend...
2012-04-22 02:57:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. The temple visit was beautiful. Had a slight
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headache. So took a nap...

2012-04-22 02:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom & I are off to a temple now. Well hopefully be back before you are up... :-)
2012-04-21 21:57:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Looks like you have fallen asleep... Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. A soft kiss on your belly. Today, I join you, cuddling...
2012-04-21 13:25:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you off to bed already!? Sorry, got a little late...
2012-04-21 13:19:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home... The dinner was fun. He had seen my presentation on the chef thingy! He wanted to try out some business ideas with me... :-)
2012-04-21 13:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not that I find you unpleasant in this mood. I just feel helpless...
2012-04-21 10:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Are you done with your chores? Is cat boy back to his usual self? :-)
2012-04-21 09:16:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A friend has invited me for dinner tonight. Well be going there later. What are you doing?
2012-04-21 08:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand, dear one. I do. :-(

2012-04-21 08:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Unprofessional in attitude & not skills...

2012-04-21 06:36:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll cuddle with you & kiss you & tickle you & tchoin tchoin you & hold you tight to me... Now? Yes? No?
2012-04-21 06:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lazy lazy lazy.. that's what they are. And unprofessional! :-(
2012-04-21 06:32:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And the test team are doing their job without structure. Which means a defect found is just a stroke of luck!
2012-04-21 06:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The puzzle is forgotten as people have found a hack which hasn't yet caused a problem. Test is what reveals the flaws in the system...
2012-04-21 06:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not half done but not completely done. Yes, there are some issues with the testing of it. Stuff that should've been done a while ago.. :-(
2012-04-21 05:54:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ done but not really. :-o

2012-04-21 05:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hopefully things will clear next week. We have given them a version of the software, but it is not the final. So technically, the release
2012-04-21 05:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The release is done on paper. This happened on Thursday. But that is not the real release! :-( As in, there is some confusion.
2012-04-21 05:43:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry about the delay in responding. I kept wanting to dm you but kept getting lost in work...
2012-04-21 05:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your day lined up, darling? Mine is mostly lazy. Will go to the temple shortly& then some more work... :-)
2012-04-21 05:09:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today I woke up & was analysing some data around last week's debacle around the release. Then was helping my mom with chores so was offline
2012-04-21 05:08:06 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I thought you might like this:

2012-04-20 23:15:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams, dear one. Sleep well...

2012-04-20 12:38:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's go to bed, darling. It is late & I am feeling drowsy. Do

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come & join me, sweetie. A soft kiss on your shoulder.

2012-04-20 12:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It saddens me too, dear one, but there is nothing one can do... :-(
2012-04-20 12:31:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't dear one. No clue at all... :-|

2012-04-20 12:20:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When? I don't know...

2012-04-20 12:06:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss them too, dear lady. I will cook you dinner & serve you with my hands, then give you a nice cuddly massage & then sing for you! :D
2012-04-20 11:48:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( 2 spoons full?

2012-04-20 11:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Amarena cherry amarena cherry for me... Please. You get... a spoonfull from my cup! ;-p
2012-04-20 10:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I want them all & some ice cream too ;-)
2012-04-20 10:32:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ People prefer sugar-coating things & avoiding stating the truth. I think I am simply tired. How are you? How was your day? Miss you too! :-)
2012-04-20 09:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaked in a kiss just now!! Sweetie, how is the dentist!? ;-) Soft kisses for your chin... That's a long appt.
2012-04-20 06:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is full of meetings too. Will sneak in a kiss & hug & cuddle for my dear lady... :-)
2012-04-19 23:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Slept well? I kinda did. A kiss for your
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nose, sweetie :-)

2012-04-19 23:22:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Andrea...
2012-04-19 12:25:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie...

2012-04-19 12:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just for the joy of having my ears nibbled away... ;-)
2012-04-19 12:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you'll kiss my earlobes I'll continue with the meeting forever!!! ;-)
2012-04-19 11:31:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I do! :-) Meeting over. I don't want to go to work tomorrow!! I want to run away...
2012-04-19 11:30:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly!! In the meeting... :-(

2012-04-19 10:40:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. I feel energetic today. Day at office went as per plan. Worked like clockwork!! Got a lot of work done... :-)
2012-04-19 09:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was working even in the cab!! Hectic packed day... Since 11 in meetings! God this is fun but not sustainable! :-o
2012-04-19 05:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now let me hug you & kiss you as I wish you goodnight. Sweet dreams dear one. Sleep well... Do come & join me... :-)
2012-04-18 13:05:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will read your link tomorrow. I'll also update you with more details tomorrow. Miss you sweetie... :-)
2012-04-18 13:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am part of the research team to find out more about Hungary. Will need your help :-)
2012-04-18 03:43:41 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It got pushed out..

2012-04-18 03:40:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Life will rarely be easier!! :-D

2012-04-18 03:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The release will happen today. Some new critical defects were found. Have to fix them asap
2012-04-18 03:20:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one! :-) Slept well? I felt I could use some more.
2012-04-18 03:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling really sleepy darling... Shall we go to bed? Cuddling & teasing & laughing?
2012-04-17 12:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done as in, deal! :-)

2012-04-17 12:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope, from my previous org. Fine, I'll start but you'll have to finish with hugs & kisses... Done?
2012-04-17 12:01:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll take 20 hugs,50 kisses & a long lazy scratch of my back & tummy!! ;-p
2012-04-17 11:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet one, the meeting is over, had dinner& was advising an old colleague of mine... :-)
2012-04-17 11:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just tired, so your hug & kiss is sweetly welcome! :-)
2012-04-17 10:22:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha :-D What do you have against white wedge flip flops!? :-D Slept well, dear J?
2012-04-17 10:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would live to hug & twirl you darling! :-) How was your day? Is your headache gone? What was for lunch?
2012-04-17 08:00:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling! I'll be heading home now. Miss you. One helluva tiring day! Glad it is nearly over... One more meeting & done.
2012-04-17 07:57:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too sweet one. Hope your day is lovely. A soft kiss for your hips!
2012-04-17 02:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling you super tight!!!! :-D

2012-04-16 13:24:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me darling... :-)

2012-04-16 13:17:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a walk tomorrow might be ideal!! Goodnight sweetie! Sweet dreams. Sleep well after eating well. A kiss in the small of your back... :-)
2012-04-16 13:17:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have come up with an alternate design which will avoid this problem. Point is, out is not the best way to do it... But no choice...
2012-04-16 11:53:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, lets go for a walk! Just done with the meeting. Clients were fine with the delay. Just wrote them a long email explaining the
2012-04-16 11:51:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you darling! How's your day been? Hope it wasn't too hectic...
2012-04-16 10:13:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The entire team was at it without any progress, really. Tiring! :-|
2012-04-16 10:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today will be one crazy day. Let's see how it goes. Will keep you posted.... :-)
2012-04-15 23:18:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did & woke up on time. Got ready & headed to work. Soft kiss on your knees... :-)
2012-04-15 23:17:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Hope you ate well. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your finger-tips... Do join me soon... :-)
2012-04-15 13:58:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why was your day not good?

2012-04-15 13:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, sweet darling? How is cat boy? Nina mama? :-)
2012-04-15 13:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finished the workout, had a bath, had a cup of herbal tea & in bed dm ing you!!
2012-04-15 13:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, we'll have to try something & get the release out or provide some work-around... Going to be a tricky & maybe long day!! :-(
2012-04-15 13:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eat them all? Don't I get even one? :-(

2012-04-15 12:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I suggest green apples & green chilli? I think I said green apples for their tartness... Not sweetness :-)
2012-04-15 12:59:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Felt so good, though I couldn't keep the puzzle out of my head!!
2012-04-15 12:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. Was working out. Enough of puzzle, my body said!! ;-)
2012-04-15 12:54:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I'd make some lovely finger food out of them...
2012-04-15 10:23:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The puzzle is deeper than that... :-( Red apple with red chilli is monochrome. So no... Wow! Love the cheese you brought along
2012-04-15 10:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Green apples with red chilli.. hmmm... hmmm... might work. Give it a shot! :-)
2012-04-15 08:20:26 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am working on the puzzle but it might just be a limitation of the software itself. Do buy some good cheese too! :-D
2012-04-15 08:20:03 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :-) Was pinging you on GTalk...

2012-04-15 08:02:40 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oye! Who is @_erotememe_ ? :-D

2012-04-15 06:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What the lady did with the marriage reflects her principles, not mine. :-) Anyway, I am not sure there is anything new I can say about this
2012-04-15 06:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ cannot & should not have let the heart rule. My mistake. I should have kept you - as I do others - at a distance. Lesson learnt
2012-04-15 00:07:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the forest & basket were beautiful but I learnt my lesson in letting my heart rule. With principles & traditions like the ones I hold
2012-04-15 00:06:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But that was merely because you insisted that we should meet atleast once. Now that that is done, I do not wish to repeat that.
2012-04-15 00:06:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..stick to our principles & values & hence, had no issues meeting up with you. And I even did ensure that we observed those boundaries...
2012-04-15 00:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Relationships in your world & mine are of different styles. Even our previous meeting would be scandalous to many here, but I knew I would
2012-04-15 00:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ buddies or going to get married. Simple. When I realised that we couldn't simply be buddies & that we wouldn't get married, the whole thing
2012-04-15 00:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That said, I will also not deny wanting to call it all off when I
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realised how close you & D were or when I realised this is impractical...
2012-04-15 00:00:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ you. So the eagerness, the want is there. I never denied it nor am I denying it.
2012-04-14 23:58:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ None of that has changed & I hope & wish that you do not repeatedly doubt that. Even recently, as I had told you, I was eager to travel to
2012-04-14 23:57:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...anything of what I said to you. As much as I discouraged you from coming, I also wanted to meet you. Even today, I would love to meet you
2012-04-14 23:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me try one more time to explain my stance. I hope I am better at this, this time.
2012-04-14 23:54:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. Hope you finally managed to fall asleep. I hope you sleep well. A soft kiss on your forehead...
2012-04-14 23:52:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..never have met.

2012-04-14 14:00:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am aware that you are hurting, but it doesn't help if you are going to fashion yourself a victim & make it look like I led you against
2012-04-14 13:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All I am saying is that please do not hope for that & lose your health over it. Simple. Nothing else.
2012-04-14 13:49:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight. Sleep well. Sweet dreams...

2012-04-14 12:56:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry if you feel I betrayed your trust. I don't see how, but if you feel that way, I can't question it.
2012-04-14 12:56:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ..about coming to India, I provided you with data while still telling you how impractical it would be.
2012-04-14 12:55:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had called off the meeting & relented only when you insisted. There was no further yo-yoing. I did not make any plans of meeting again
2012-04-14 12:53:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I said about you not wanting to leave was before the reality-check. Thereafter the forest felt impractical. I realised nothing would
2012-04-14 12:52:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Enjoying each other's company etc. happens effortlessly between friends, not when one person holds hopes of something more & deeper.
2012-04-14 12:48:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hence, the minute I had the opportunity to take stock of it all, I declared that continuing with this was impractical & pointless.
2012-04-14 12:47:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ said you'll make it easier for me by revealing these aspects of your life. Your not being Indian is not so much a problem.
2012-04-14 12:46:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Will cook lunch tomorrow. Hopefully will catch up on organising some recipes. In short, I am completely free! ;-p
2012-04-14 12:44:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing much at all. Had some work lined up so was completing that. Enjoyed a good round of tweeting today! :-)
2012-04-14 12:42:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jennifer. :-) How are you? What's lined up for the weekend?
2012-04-14 11:08:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ less arduous to navigate.

2012-04-14 11:04:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can't meet as there is no point in fostering this. One meeting has already taken it this far. If you had only listened, the forest
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2012-04-14 11:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I am willing to work with you in working out ways for you to emerge from the forest, but you do not wish that.
2012-04-14 11:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did grow close to you, but when I did realise that it was not to be, I did let you know, which was perhaps in a month's time or so...
2012-04-14 11:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I also told you that we shouldn't meet in the first place. You said we should at least meet once. So yes, once.
2012-04-14 11:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I also wish that you not hope on meeting or anything similar. Do I get that too? Since I am the one leading & wishing, I should get it
2012-04-14 10:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I shall continue praying for you to emerge from the forest, fresh & full of life...
2012-04-14 10:44:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sigh... I hold you close to me, dear. I wish your pain goes away... :-(
2012-04-14 10:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I don't wish to see you thus wilted but I know not how to make you smile now. :-(
2012-04-14 10:15:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They have become sweet memories, dear one. :-)

2012-04-14 10:08:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. As long as you are getting the right amount of nutrition & taking care of your health. I still doubt this is sufficient, though.
2012-04-14 09:53:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does that suffice? How's your mom? My regards to her... :-)
2012-04-14 09:42:06 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I love the way you say "alright, I am done with telling you
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about myself. Let's stop." :-D

2012-04-14 09:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where did you go?

2012-04-14 09:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me bring out my camera! Cheese!! Smile! ;-p I miss you too, darling. Had lunch? What did you?
2012-04-14 09:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Scrabble? ;-p

2012-04-14 09:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And awake, sweet one... What are you doing? I feel fresh & active! :-)
2012-04-14 08:54:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One soft one coming up on your nose!!! :-)

2012-04-14 04:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? You didn't get it from him? Bad! Will you accept a right hug & soft kiss from me instead!? ;-p
2012-04-14 04:39:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then will sleep for some time to catch up on what I missed last night! :-)
2012-04-14 04:16:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ leaves, tomato raita and a little more! :-) How goes your day? Will spend some time on the puzzle now...
2012-04-14 04:15:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could teach language! I don't know how to. I just picked up Urdu listening to songs so... Carrot pulao, potatoes with fenugreek
2012-04-14 04:14:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That was urdu.. :-) Yes, everyone wants a girl for me. And I seek the mountains! :-) Heading for lunch now, sweetie...
2012-04-14 03:38:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ there. The view of Gods was a blessing & beautiful.

2012-04-14 03:20:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, mom had her usual questions regarding my marriage. I had nothing to ask... :-) We were given an appt. which was cancelled after we got
2012-04-14 03:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We couldn't meet him!

2012-04-14 03:00:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up at 4:15, got ready for the temple visit & my mom wanted to meet an astrologer. The Gods were more gracious than the man!
2012-04-14 03:00:02 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Out of place? As in forgot the way back home? Or ousted? I remain loyally clueless as I was in the crib... :-)
2012-04-14 02:13:01 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I see you're back to your "why-doesn't-anyone-notice-the-cutson-my-feet" pic! :-) How is the pretty princess?
2012-04-14 01:57:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They might... ;-)

2012-04-13 13:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll continue with my work tomorrow... :-)

2012-04-13 12:38:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can treat me as a panda fur blanket!!! :-D

2012-04-13 12:37:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D I need to sleep now, darling. Need to go to the temple early morning. Goodnight! Sleep well. A soft kiss on your wrists. Do join me
2012-04-13 12:36:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D You only liked sexy men? God! Why would you ever pick me!? :-p
2012-04-13 12:14:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean fat men!?

2012-04-13 11:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, a pai of girls were working on it too, but no solution yet. Tricky one. I want to solve it asap. Miss you sweetie... :-)
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2012-04-13 11:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The number problem is fixed but a major defect exists which can prevent the release from happening!!
2012-04-13 10:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a walk with you might make me forget about it!! ;-p
2012-04-13 10:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I've Sat & Sun but... Living with an unsolved puzzle feels nagging..
2012-04-13 10:24:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went to a temple nearby. Since we would be going to temple tomorrow, dropped the plan for today! How is my sweet darling!?
2012-04-13 10:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so want to solve this problem!!

2012-04-13 09:06:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh!! That was...errr...refreshing!! ;-p Still in the middle of stuff, darling & mom wants me to go with her to a temple too!! :-(
2012-04-13 09:05:28 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I'm fine, dear D. :-) Surely you know I think of you several times the number of dms I send you telling you so... ;-)
2012-04-13 07:20:56 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme How are you, dear sylph!? Just wanted to let you know that thoughts of you crossed my mind... :-)
2012-04-13 05:24:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going to have lunch.... Brb. Miss you, darling...

2012-04-13 04:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Serer is the software badly spelling sweet... :-(

2012-04-13 04:09:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for the wishes, dear one. :-)

2012-04-13 03:32:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think it was a dream that dazed me, but that shouldn't
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discourage you from trying to get into my dreams... ;-p

2012-04-13 03:32:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rituals took a little longer than usual. How is my serer lady? :-)
2012-04-13 03:24:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In a walnut!? Surely, en can find more spacious haunts... ;-)

2012-04-13 03:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your cheeks as you sleep... :-)

2012-04-13 00:42:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be getting down to the rituals shortly. They should be done soon, & then work work work... But it is Friday! :-D
2012-04-13 00:41:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I slept fairly well though I think I woke up in a daze not knowing where I was or something like that...
2012-04-13 00:38:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your forehead, dear one. Sleep well. Sweet dreams... Do come & join me soon. :-)
2012-04-12 12:36:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be working from home tomorrow, so no traveling & no tiredness due to that. But other than that, there will be loads of work. :-)
2012-04-12 12:30:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly. Let us sleep now, dear one. It is late & I barely got enough sleep last night. Tomorrow is our new year - yes, rituals! :-)
2012-04-12 12:29:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I give up! :-D Maybe I have no clue & no understanding. Let the mystery be yours! ;-p
2012-04-12 12:28:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet sweet lady... Perhaps I have sufficient clue. :-)
2012-04-12 12:21:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand, dear. :-) I really do...

2012-04-12 12:13:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, even if you didn't, I still miss you. :-)

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2012-04-12 12:07:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I would enjoy a nice walk with you. In the evening breeze, arm in arm, laughing at silly things... :-)
2012-04-12 12:04:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did sweetie. I did. But when I tell you I do you say you don't believe me!
2012-04-12 12:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would love to, sweet one. :-)

2012-04-12 11:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why lost & all that?

2012-04-12 11:43:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was good in that we got matters under control.
2012-04-12 11:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got off the meeting. Yes, days are crazy with nearly nothing done as per what I'd love to. But then I don't know what I'd love to :-(
2012-04-12 11:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! I'm back home. How was your day? Mine was mostly tiring+ bike ride... Sleepy! How are you feeling now?
2012-04-12 10:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And analysis! Tiring but I see they have responded (while I was sleeping) favourably & the matter has been addressed now! :-)
2012-04-11 20:51:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One girl & I were coordinating over the phone to get the numbers together & then I had to collate them & put together the email with details
2012-04-11 20:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yesterday was chaotic because everyone had gone home but the numbers had to be sent out! Most people on the team don't care! :-(
2012-04-11 20:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet darling!! Slept well? :-) I seem to have slept after you & woken up before you! :-D
2012-04-11 20:47:16 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sweet dreams. All's well here. Don't worry. No clue what's happening elsewhere. A soft kiss on your nose. Come join me
2012-04-11 13:59:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ From home. Was working in that & sent it out when the connection was up. God I'm so tired. Will go late to work tomorrow! :-(
2012-04-11 13:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm still up! Had to fix those performance numbers & send out the results to the clients. Since everyone went home, had to do it
2012-04-11 13:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I could die in a plane crash on the way to Hungary! :-) Nothing to worry. All's well. I have a little office work to complete. Brb
2012-04-11 09:20:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling. I've reached home now. We had to evacuate as there was a second tremor. Network was jammed so couldn't dm. All's well... :-)
2012-04-11 09:09:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Earthquake in Indonesia sends tremors to India. Our building was busy shaking. I thought it was something I ate!!
2012-04-11 05:41:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think the performance nos. were gathered incorrectly. Anyway, will look into it tomorrow. :-)
2012-04-10 12:28:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your health now? Have you started meds for your low BP?
2012-04-10 12:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll watch the movie anyway. I don't mind documentaries. Recently watched one about Israel. :-)
2012-04-10 12:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could run across grass like we nearly did! :-) Fruits were sufficient. I don't feel stuffed or famished.
2012-04-10 12:00:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Reached home. The clients loved the demo & hatred the performance numbers. More work tomorrow. So tired. No workout today! :-(
2012-04-10 11:57:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A friend friend... I have been consistent in disallowing anything else. In your case I let me my heart rule... Sigh..
2012-04-10 08:13:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will respond to your other DMs later... :-) Sending you a soft kiss for you to wear as anklets as you run across the grass... :-)
2012-04-10 07:35:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Lili. Could have been a good friend, but wasn't. Sad. But Twitter seems to be filled strange people. :-O
2012-04-10 07:35:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear Jennifer! :-) There do seem to be a lot of Jennifers on Twitter. :-) Hope you slept well. My day's been mostly fine
2012-04-10 07:33:36 (EDT)

quiverymoments Dear Nofar, Sorry you couldn't DM. Twitter disallows DMing those who don't follow! :-( My email ID is if you wish
2012-04-09 23:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is lined up for your day, sweet darling? Mine is expected to go as usual...
2012-04-09 22:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling I'd love to have you by my side. A soft kiss on your wrists.
2012-04-09 13:00:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not saying anything about what you shared with D. That is between the two of you. All I'm reminding you of is the chronology. :-(
2012-04-09 12:58:32 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Why do people just freeze!? I wasn't asking anyone to help. Just what they thought of the idea & I got responses like "I don't have time"
2012-04-09 10:50:40 (EDT)

Darkntwistd But seeing so many people doubt it makes me wonder! :-o

2012-04-09 10:49:29 (EDT)
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Darkntwistd You are a sweetheart!! :-) I just saw your reply saying you love purplepoetry!! Adorable Annie!! :-D It is a good idea, no doubts
2012-04-09 10:49:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..strengthen it any further.

2012-04-09 10:38:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that now there is no future to this, it is erroneous to want to foster it. I cannot feel any lesser for you, but will not foster or
2012-04-09 10:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should have seen it. I didn't. When I realised how close you had been with D, I tried to withdraw & since then I have trying the same...
2012-04-09 10:37:28 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Doesn't seem like it interests people enough to want to pursue... :-|
2012-04-09 10:36:29 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Just a thought I had thrown out in the open to see what people think of. Creating a mag which would collect the best tweets,pix & essays...
2012-04-09 10:36:04 (EDT)

quiverymoments Thank you for the heart, dear Nofar. :-) Sending you heartfelt wishes too... :-) Hope you are doing fine & well settled after your trip back
2012-04-09 10:21:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what is more wrong - realising something & making amends or realising something & still continuing with erroneous ways... :-(
2012-04-09 09:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps, I should've not let the closeness happen had I seen it coming. But honestly I found myself suddenly in the forest too.
2012-04-09 09:31:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And that happens to be my name whether I am comfortable or not ;-)

2012-04-09 09:27:16 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I'm a computer scientist & software engineer. I design & write software. My name is Anand. :-)
2012-04-09 09:26:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just that continuing of exhibiting sweetness can be misleading & wrong in giving you hopes where there are none... :-(
2012-04-09 05:40:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how else to explain it to you. I am not sure you understand but I can only hope that you do. But that doesn't mean I don't miss
2012-04-09 05:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..that when one realises the bleakness of the future one feels less inclined to encourage a sweetness. Feels wrong to do so...
2012-04-09 05:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Busyness in the office is there. We have a release on 16th so it will be packed for a bit. I miss you too, darling. Honest. I just realise..
2012-04-09 05:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had only fruits. I'm ok. Office is ok. Your day sounds lazily lovely! :-)
2012-04-09 05:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Her skin on his belly!!!? :-o

2012-04-09 04:33:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Enjoy your day off. Many kisses on your shoulders!! :-)
2012-04-09 04:32:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Soft kisses for your tummy. Glad you slept longer & better... Busy day, dear one. Will write more shortly... :-)
2012-04-09 02:53:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... fine. :-|

2012-04-08 12:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..planning every single thing.

2012-04-08 12:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know which one I missed. I just went over all the DMs since morning. The only thing I seem to have missed was your comment on
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2012-04-08 12:47:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which one?

2012-04-08 12:42:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which one did I seem to have ignored?

2012-04-08 12:41:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which ones didn't I get?

2012-04-08 12:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. I do. Now let me wish you goodnight. Sweet dreams, sweetie pie. Sleep well. Do eat well. A soft kiss on your ears. Do join me
2012-04-08 12:33:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could surely have salads. I still have to use the dressing bottles I bought from Portsmouth!
2012-04-08 12:17:57 (EDT)

orangeuapoet Dear Orange, You might not be able to DM me (a twitter constraint) but can surely email me @ :-) Wishing you well..
2012-04-08 12:06:31 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You there?

2012-04-08 12:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I will be retiring to bed early today. Just thought I'd let you know. So you are taking no meds & no treatment for these headaches?
2012-04-08 12:01:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will have veggies too but non-fried & no tubers. Today we had some fried lentil balls for dinner. Tasty stuff! :-)
2012-04-08 12:00:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D What's my reason to be uncomfy!? Ask & you shall receive... :-)
2012-04-08 11:48:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going to have a little dinner now... :-) Care to join me!?
2012-04-08 11:13:08 (EDT)
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Darkntwistd Yes, Annie. How are things with you? How are your parents?
2012-04-08 11:12:31 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Yes! Why? :-)

2012-04-08 11:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I want it! Tastier than the fruits! :-) Lots of fruits should fill my stomach well. I will have some slices of bread too... :-)
2012-04-08 11:08:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I did. Planning to go on a predominantly fruit diet. So had to go get those... :-D
2012-04-08 11:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom sent me out on an errand to buy some fruits & other groceries... Just got back! :-)
2012-04-08 10:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D Indeed... And I do see your days are productive watching a cat walk around!!
2012-04-08 09:05:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, dear. You really do make me feel proud of myself!! :o
2012-04-08 08:46:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a cat walk! Nice!! ;-p

2012-04-08 08:40:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is cat boy? Totally back to normal?

2012-04-08 08:30:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. I really do. Had lunch?
2012-04-08 08:30:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, Easter does make lots of sense to kids! :-D What about me would you like to know!? :-)
2012-04-08 08:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Peace when dependent on another is rarely ever peace. It might at best be the soothing of the senses...
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2012-04-08 07:29:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet Claire, good morning. :-) I've just been lost in work. I also thought I was perhaps troubling you with too many DMs.. :-) How are you?
2012-04-08 07:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, that would be lovely, darling. Your health is not fine if your BP is not under control & headaches continue. Food & rest are vital!
2012-04-08 07:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should probably sleep in the afternoon...

2012-04-08 06:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All we need to focus on is your health. So sweet! You still have those street names! We had a lovely time, yes! :-)
2012-04-08 06:06:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. How do you feel? Please do eat something or the other occasionally. You need some salty stuff too...
2012-04-08 06:05:42 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Couldn't help the few tweets inspired by this exchange... :-)
2012-04-08 01:53:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Kissing you softly on your hair as you sleep. I wish you had slept uninterrupted... But I'm glad you are sleeping :-)
2012-04-07 23:35:59 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Wow! I'd hold that sheet of paper dearly. :-) And your fingers too... ;-)
2012-04-07 22:52:54 (EDT)

ZinniaTung That's your handwriting?

2012-04-07 14:07:29 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh sexy looking guy, are you in India?

2012-04-07 13:37:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon darling...

2012-04-07 13:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you, sweetie. I really do. Yes, we should rest now. Have
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you eaten well? Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your neck!
2012-04-07 13:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand how you feel & what you say is your need, but I wish there was a way to take care of that... :-(
2012-04-07 12:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner was poha. Flattened rice preparation with onion & potatoes...
2012-04-07 12:25:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to be sorry about. I wish I could have been with you in your hour of need. But am glad you are fine... :-)
2012-04-07 12:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm fine except for the shock & worry of you...
2012-04-07 11:57:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No arguments at all. Just something to keep in mind to avoid such mishaps. Was having dinner
2012-04-07 11:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not your wealth either!!! :-D I was merely stating the 3 things that should not be affected no matter what happens in the external world :-)
2012-04-07 10:50:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "And this all"? What do you mean? Please do not let anything or anyone distract you from you health, sanity &/or wealth...
2012-04-07 10:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care of your health. Treat your low blood pressure & then your TIAs. Nothing can justify your not taking care of yourself...
2012-04-07 10:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling. A right hug & a million kisses. So happy to see you back home...
2012-04-07 10:15:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling... I miss you. Hope you return fine & healthy.
2012-04-07 00:34:04 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet Annie, yes we are friends, like always. :-) I am fine.
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Busy with work, mostly. How are you? Miss you too... How is V & B? xoxo :-)
2012-04-05 23:11:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will be getting ready for work soon, darling. Hope to catch up with you soon... :-)
2012-04-05 21:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping peacefully. Soft kiss on your eyes... :-) I wish I could hug you while you sleep, sweetie.. :-)
2012-04-05 21:12:37 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good evening, dear Jen. Absolutely ok. Honest. Just work & workouts... How have you been?
2012-04-05 20:28:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Surely, darling. A kiss on your lips & waiting for yours... Goodnight sweetie
2012-04-05 12:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, do rest well & eat properly. Goodnight, darling. I will be sleeping in few min. Will join you shortly. A kiss on your nose..
2012-04-05 12:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... :-( I miss the forest too,& swing & grass &.... you! Sigh
2012-04-05 12:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please take care of yourself. You cannot afford to suffer & torture your body thus... :-(
2012-04-05 11:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear baklava. How are you today? Still wilted? Not eating properly? :-(
2012-04-05 10:58:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pulled up my undershirt for a tummy rub... ;-p No thanks but I can do without today's adventure esp. in this heat!! :-o
2012-04-05 10:55:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 My weekdays are usually thus. All's well. How are you? How's the liver? Hope you are managing your calls in way that keeps you happy! :-)
2012-04-05 10:48:39 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen. I've just been busy with work & been working out at night to ensure my back gets the necessary exercise. :-)
2012-04-05 10:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..then another rickshaw! Now finally home. Since the team wanted a team-lunch I had to east my packed lunch now for dinner. Stuffed!! :-o
2012-04-05 10:35:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home. Today was chaotic!!! My cab didn't arrive, got pulled into a meeting, had to take a rickshaw half way, then walk,...
2012-04-05 10:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yesterday, my alarm wouldn't shut so I turned it off & forgot ti turn it on lest night. So I kept lying in bed till late. Got late.. :-(
2012-04-05 02:39:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet darling. Soft kisses on the back of your neck & shoulders... :-)
2012-04-05 02:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts me too, sweetie. Yes, it is late. Lets go to sleep together. A soft kiss on your ear. Goodnight, sweet one
2012-04-04 13:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now lets go to bed, curling into each other & sleep...
2012-04-04 12:51:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it hurts me so much to hear your loving invites & reluctantly shake my head... :-(
2012-04-04 12:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done & ready for bed... It feels lovely to tire the body before sleep. Makes sleep inevitable... :-)
2012-04-04 12:50:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a subway sandwich about 2-3 hrs ago... :-)

2012-04-04 12:28:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes back. Going into the shower! Yes, it would've been lovely to
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walk with you... :-)

2012-04-04 12:28:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do realise what you feel but meeting now will only give birth to more wants to meet again & it is never ending as there is no other way!
2012-04-04 10:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do care about you. I do wish you well but not in the exact ways that you consider necessary...
2012-04-04 10:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I wish I could help you get out of this unpleasant state of being & see you in your cheerful state again... :-(
2012-04-04 09:09:49 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen! How are you? Slept well? How's the body? Hope your day's lovely... :-)
2012-04-04 08:41:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back's better. I stretched a bit at work too. Feeling fine but still need to keep the workouts going lest it becomes stiff again
2012-04-04 08:39:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one! :-) How's cat boy now? Back to normal?
2012-04-04 08:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Done with my day. Very very busy but quite productive! Heading back home now... How are you? How is your day?
2012-04-04 08:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? I hope you slept well. Kissing you softly on your cheeks as you sleep...
2012-04-03 23:29:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back & bathed... Sigh! Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do join me soon, sweet one...
2012-04-03 12:38:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie. I just have to take care of the body now. Yes, if we were together all these gaps wouldn't seem so stark, but...
2012-04-03 11:04:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My body feels wooden... I'm going to work it out. Need to wring it into shape...
2012-04-03 09:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, darling. Tiring day. Feel so beaten up...

2012-04-03 09:29:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home...

2012-04-03 08:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure who is selfish. I don't even know if it is a matter of selfishness. I think it is a matter of preferences & finding middle ground.
2012-04-03 07:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please help me understand what you mean when you say "understand our care our I felt". About what?
2012-04-02 21:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today will be another day of usual pairing & meetings. Since the client is on a vacation we don't have evening meetings till thurs.
2012-04-02 21:08:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I kinda did but I suppose the workout tired me so much that I feel drowsy.. :-)
2012-04-02 21:06:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I shall kiss my darling a sweet goodnight. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead. Do come & join me, sweet one... :-)
2012-04-02 13:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do smile. I tend to get absorbed in things like these... But I do come back to you!! :-)
2012-04-02 13:01:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'm going to stick to the evening walk routine! :-) I'll certainly spend time with you. Was just getting a feel of things today.
2012-04-02 13:00:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, do understand. It's not like I don't miss you or something but just like to pack my min in different ways. Today was a trial
2012-04-02 12:59:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went out for a power walk, came home, had a bath, relaxed a
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bit, had a cup of curd & am ready to sleep... :-)

2012-04-02 12:56:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait for what? Why would you wait when I tell you that I am going to be doing something? :-o
2012-04-02 11:29:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was working with the plan & reading chinese poetry... I did tell you! :-)
2012-04-02 10:52:47 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Ok.
2012-04-02 09:39:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Squeeze you? :-o Sure. Mobile?

2012-04-02 09:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home! Kissing you all over!! Hope to do some reading now & maybe some planning...
2012-04-02 09:19:44 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! Slept well? Hope your liver is fine. Day off, eh!? Enjoy! Hope you get to complete a lot of what you wish to... :-)
2012-04-02 09:18:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling! I'm done for the day. In the cab back home. Hope your day goes well. Sending you soft kisses for your nose, sweetie.
2012-04-02 08:00:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is why I requested a break from my pair to send you these dms. Miss you so so much darling... :-)
2012-04-02 05:04:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...but that dm is not there!! Was busy in the morning with the rituals & then rushed to work & got immersed in work. I worked out a bit...
2012-04-02 04:56:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I remember typing out my morning dm to you telling you that today is the closing day of yesterday's festival...
2012-04-02 04:54:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Missing you too darling..

2012-04-02 04:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will share with you whatever I come up with... :-)

2012-04-01 12:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss rubbing our noses together, too. :-) Good night, lovely. :-) And yes, you make sense. Will adopt that style of planning. :-)
2012-04-01 12:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So that I won't get any calls. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Hugging you tightly to me. A soft kiss on your nose. Do join me
2012-04-01 12:35:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tai Chi classes, most other things were just a bucket of activity in a sense. :-) Anyway, time for me to sleep. Switched off my mobile!
2012-04-01 12:34:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want to time my weekends. I don't even time my weekdays. Maybe you are referring to my XLS document. But even in that other than the
2012-04-01 12:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something like: Finish this book, arrange bookshelf & do some exercise. Maybe cook something new
2012-04-01 12:33:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not an exact plan at all. Not exact timings. Just a rough plan
2012-04-01 12:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D That is a different problem altogether!

2012-04-01 12:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then it would be so .. haphazard, no? It is not just work that needs structure, right?
2012-04-01 12:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But even that reading, doing light stuff needs to be with a clear plan & intent, right?
2012-04-01 12:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure I would not feel like I am wasting when with you! :-)
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Still, I have to consider what I must do practically to rectify things.. :-(

2012-04-01 11:55:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really feel like I wasted a weekend, but then I always feel that way. Not sure what to do? :-(
2012-04-01 11:35:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... Was helping mom with some rearranging of cupboard. Nothing to be sorry about. I just wish you had a lovely time & visit them often
2012-04-01 11:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were still at the doorstep watching Portsmouth & me... Come in! A long hug & kiss on your sweet lips! :-)
2012-04-01 11:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phil text on our ancient scriptures...

2012-04-01 11:04:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But what?

2012-04-01 10:44:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't work on the report. Didn't feel like it. I just read a bit, did something else, napped & am reading a philosophical text... :-)
2012-04-01 10:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I miss you too, darling.

2012-04-01 10:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ to wait downstairs! :-D

2012-04-01 09:54:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hers was an arranged marriage too. Not sure about the love element. Yes, I was afraid we'd end up doing something like that & hence, I asked
2012-04-01 09:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..having loads of fun & singing & dancing! :-D

2012-04-01 09:22:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D Good morning, sweet Claire. Slept well? What's lined up today?
2012-04-01 09:17:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Where's my sweet darling? Seems to be having loads of fun. I will sit with Portsmouth & wait for you... I took a quick nap too!
2012-04-01 07:55:28 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie I'm sure many many people love your words. Please don't even consider stopping writing. Oh gosh! I'm just so happy... :-)
2012-04-01 05:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My friend is ok. She's going through a divorce (or at least trying to tackle it) so... Messy. Nothing I could do beyond listen & clarify :-|
2012-04-01 05:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mornings I have to say my prayers in my towel & had to perform other things as well (changing into clothes) hence, requested you to go down.
2012-04-01 05:25:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you have a lovely time with them darling. :-)
2012-04-01 05:24:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was having lunch, darling. Done now. Power is off yes. Timings shifted to 14:00-16:00 hrs. Was helping mom arrange stuff too...
2012-04-01 05:24:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are meeting up with friends! I'm do happy. Been a while since Renata visited right?
2012-04-01 03:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could observe these rituals. It is the new moon one's that are very private...
2012-04-01 03:44:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been good & busy. So you finally found the tweet that was for you... :-)
2012-04-01 03:38:29 (EDT)

melancholundone Not about what your words will reveal etc. but about your well being... :-( Take care
2012-04-01 01:35:37 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Oh! I am so happy I could hug you and dance around a

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chair... holding your hands & just bounce-dancing... :-D God bless your soul. :-)
2012-04-01 01:25:12 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie You, milady, are lovely with your words. Allow me to kiss the finger tips of your mind in pure admiration & joy... You are gifted. :-)
2012-04-01 01:24:13 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Good morning, lovely one. I simply A.D.O.R.E. your words. I was so delighted reading them. I would build them a house & cook them a meal...
2012-04-01 01:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going for an oil bath now. Will be done with that & then the rituals before the power goes off... Soft kisses for your tummy darling. :-)
2012-04-01 01:11:15 (EDT)

melancholundone I care. But if you assure me there's nothing to worry, I shall hide it. :-(
2012-04-01 01:09:56 (EDT)

JennWhetton ..request you to share any other means of reaching her. I assure you that it will not be misused. Just to know she's fine. :-|
2012-04-01 00:05:39 (EDT)

JennWhetton ..vanished. I just wish to know if she is fine. Please let me know if you have that information. If I am not asking for too much, may I
2012-04-01 00:05:02 (EDT)

JennWhetton ..beautiful. :-) I am worried about Diane (@dianewitch). Do you know if she is alright? We used to email each other but she's completely
2012-04-01 00:04:16 (EDT)

JennWhetton ... could simply tweet this "Pirouette ~ Of unbecomings ~ Life's painting ~ In swirls" & I will understand. :-) That way, your TL stays
2012-04-01 00:03:23 (EDT)

JennWhetton It would avoid the need for you to taint your timeline with a conversation. :-) In case you don't wish to email & reply on the TL, then you
2012-04-01 00:01:34 (EDT)

JennWhetton ..are comfortable sending me an email. I just thought I

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should quickly give you a mode of responding in case you choose to do so.
2012-04-01 00:00:42 (EDT)

JennWhetton ..before replying to any of these. Yes, I am aware you can't DM me. My email ID is No, I do not assume that you
2012-04-01 00:00:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will soon be starting with the festival activities. I will try to DM as often as possible. What's lined up for your day?
2012-03-31 23:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? Is your tummy fine? I hope cat boy didn't disturb you. Soft kisses on the base of your neck
2012-03-31 23:50:35 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hope the dinner & movie go well. Hope you are having a lovely time. Miss you. Hugs to you & my favourite Aingeal. :-) Did your sis enjoy?
2012-03-31 23:40:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire hahahaha :-D I so often wanted to say the same thing. How could you not edit the commode out of the pic!!? :-D How are you dear Claire? :-)
2012-03-31 23:39:22 (EDT)

melancholundone Well, if you're certain something's wrong would it help meeting your doc or if we chatted over gtalk or skype? Please, Courtney, I'm worried
2012-03-31 22:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hote you are sleeping sweetly darling & cat boy doesn't disturb you... Sweet dreams. I come & join you now!
2012-03-31 16:45:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, goodnight. I softly kiss your forehead as you sleep.
2012-03-31 16:29:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My back hurts a bit now. Need to exercise a bit from tomorrow.. :-(
2012-03-31 12:03:12 (EDT)

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melancholundone Good morning, dear Courtney. Is everything alright? Are you fine? Just a little worried over your tweets... :-|
2012-03-31 11:33:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It wasn't planned at all! I just dozed off. Still I will come & kiss you &... Tchoin tchoin tchoin... :-)
2012-03-31 11:08:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a good late evening nap. Woke up & temple visit... How is my sweet darling? Done with all chores & work?
2012-03-31 10:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can so imagine his happiness to be back with you! He must love sleeping on your lap! ;-p Sweet darling, here is a meowing kiss for you!
2012-03-31 06:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You meant what I had cooked? :-(

2012-03-31 06:21:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to give you one bite of me! ;-p

2012-03-31 06:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He doesn't like fish!? Then he is definitely like me!! ;-p

2012-03-31 05:29:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The meal turned out to be splendid!! Quite stunning in taste, texture & aroma... :-) I am a happy man! :-D
2012-03-31 05:29:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They have already sent out schedules for the 4 hrs cut. :-( I would love to take a break & just rest there with you. :-)
2012-03-31 05:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think the govt. plans to increase the power cut hours from present 2 to 4 hours!!! :-o
2012-03-31 04:20:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With the power gone the last person you'll touch is sweaty me!! :-(
2012-03-31 04:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Yes, maybe he are too much. Poor little tummy.
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Fish might help him ease a bit...

2012-03-31 04:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done cooking. Waiting for mom to make the breads so we can have lunch. Made shahi paneer! :-)
2012-03-31 04:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you some buttered spicy kisses for your back & shoulders. :-) What is lined up for the day? How is cat boy!? I am so happy he's back
2012-03-31 01:24:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Slept well? :-) I slept well & long. Feels good. Been working on some plans & reading & now cooking since morning :-)
2012-03-31 01:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want you to cry or suffer. I never will want that for you. But... :-(
2012-03-30 13:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet sweet darling... Shall I go to bed now?

2012-03-30 13:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With pleasure... And I will trumpet on it till the cats & Nina mama get scared & run away! ;-p
2012-03-30 12:59:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could kiss your belly!! :-D

2012-03-30 12:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Hence, I didn't offer you any of the pizza... ;-p
2012-03-30 12:52:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This was the Veg. Extravaganza pizza from Dominos! Hope you had something good to eat, darling.
2012-03-30 12:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do the Germans talk about my pizza!!? ;-p

2012-03-30 12:29:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Laugh away... He finally arrived... ;-p

2012-03-30 11:55:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Well, it wasn't the pizza guy! :-( Some other chap...
2012-03-30 11:51:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, they just called... they might not be able to come over. :-|
2012-03-30 11:40:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nowhere to go. Rituals at home & some special food etc. :-)
2012-03-30 11:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As of now it sounds like only lunch... No plans as of now, but you never know. :-) I have a report to complete too. And Sunday's a festival!
2012-03-30 11:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be a lovely way to start a weekend. I am having friends over tomorrow for lunch. After a very very long time! :-)
2012-03-30 11:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was my sweet one's day? I am all yours now. Except for dinner, no interruptions till I sleep :-)
2012-03-30 10:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not busy, dear. Just talking to mom, ordering pizza for the night & was talking to an old friend who had called... :-)
2012-03-30 10:59:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too sweet one!! Don't be worried dear. I'm fine! :-)
2012-03-30 10:36:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise you were darling. Truly sorry, I simply couldn't get out of any of those meetings or pairing sessions... :-(
2012-03-30 09:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to hold you, darling... :-)

2012-03-30 09:20:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Will do. Good morning, dear Claire! Slept well? Hope your day goes through smoothly & heralds a lovely weekend! Xoxo :-)
2012-03-30 08:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm so happy cat boy is back!! As if to bring your heart a much needed smile :-)
2012-03-30 08:39:30 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! I'm here. Excessively busy day. Reached home & am finally dm ing you!!
2012-03-30 08:38:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have you been to Italy? I love the thought of visiting that country some day. I love all things Italian!!! Sigh...
2012-03-29 22:50:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, the lady in the video was petite, well sculpted (ahem!), laughed a lot (for the brief period she was there), titian blonde... :-)
2012-03-29 21:34:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..dream (though of course a fleshing of your AVI) & in the video were dissimilar. So the mind surprises me... :-)
2012-03-29 21:33:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh no no! I am sorry. I didn't mean to probe in an circuitous way. I was just sharing things as they come. For instance, the lady in the..
2012-03-29 21:32:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was watching something online & a lady appeared in the video & for some reason my mind shot a question: Perhaps DC would look like this?
2012-03-29 21:23:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Like how you were sitting writing cards although your tweets spelled that you might be agitated. A clean sense of separation...
2012-03-29 21:22:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been mostly fine, dear DC. How come crazy? Hope it ends soon. But you impress me on one matter...
2012-03-29 20:55:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead... Do eat something & sleep early. Join me soon darling.
2012-03-29 12:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-03-29 11:40:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Just got over... Long long meeting... I am more dead than alive! :-(
2012-03-29 11:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Trying to keep myself awake till the meeting ... :-|
2012-03-29 09:23:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home! :-)

2012-03-29 08:45:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your honeyed kisses have left my lips as a target for all the flies!! ;-p
2012-03-29 05:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Congratulations to Lea!! And her parents. Pairing has taken a break... :-)
2012-03-29 03:16:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in the office today & pairing will start in a minute. Will try to steal a min whenever I can...
2012-03-29 01:00:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you sweet delicate kisses to keep by your pillow till when you wake up... :-)
2012-03-29 01:00:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! :-)

2012-03-28 13:11:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please. You have nothing to apologise for... Your heart's smile is my responsibility too...
2012-03-28 12:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, dear one. Honestly! Please do eat something at least in small quantities & sleep early...
2012-03-28 12:20:53 (EDT)

dgdreamin Good morning! :-) How are you? How is your uncle? Has he been shifted to the new care-centre? Are you still there?
2012-03-28 12:08:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's planned for the lazy day? :-)

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2012-03-28 11:58:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! Slept well? My day's been fine. Reading some stuff & tweeting... :-)
2012-03-28 11:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please drink some juices & have some yoghurt...

2012-03-28 11:57:03 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I'll take one... :-) How's your back? Funny, I sprained mine too over the weekend. Got to take two days off work... :-)
2012-03-28 11:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I don't expect anything save the kindness of time to heal you & bring someone beautiful to you with whom you can realise all joy...
2012-03-28 11:00:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( It saddens me that you suffer thus... I... :-(

2012-03-28 10:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, don't cry. Please... :-(

2012-03-28 10:20:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Please don't skip your meals...

2012-03-28 09:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? What did you do? What did you eat for lunch? What are you wearing?
2012-03-28 08:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my steel heart can sense that you miss me. :-( I miss you too. Honestly...
2012-03-28 08:59:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I simply could not get on to the net to send you a DM. Then a meeting & now done for the day! :-) How are you sweetie?
2012-03-28 08:58:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! I am fine. Reached home. Yes, went to the office. Suddenly there was a lot of catching up & major discussions! :-o
2012-03-28 08:57:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Twitter doesn't discourage one from venting & sometimes

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one regrets the public rant. Was just watching your back (figuratively)... :-)
2012-03-27 22:48:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing to thank me for, milady. It was instinctive.. Cards? For what occasion, if I may ask?
2012-03-27 22:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I felt immensely comfortable with you too. No doubts about that. I don't put up pretenses. It is not about comfort or the lack of it...
2012-03-27 22:39:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. Slept well? I hope you did. Soft kisses on your eyes... :-)
2012-03-27 22:37:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, you weren't insufferable. I was just worried... I'm fine :-)
2012-03-27 22:34:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-03-27 12:42:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I understand your annoyance. I just don't know how to help. Goodnight dear. A soft kiss on your fingers... Sleep sweetly.
2012-03-27 12:10:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does.. :-(

2012-03-27 12:02:39 (EDT)

melancholundone I am fine if it was meant for your timeline. Just didn't want you not knowing. :-)
2012-03-27 11:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise that that would be lovely, dear Andrea. But... :-(
2012-03-27 11:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) (((hug)))

2012-03-27 10:16:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank god! You are safe! I wish I could help in ways better to make you smile & not feel so hurt... :-(
2012-03-27 09:58:14 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC. Slept well? I don't mean to probe, but is everything alright? :-|
2012-03-27 08:54:04 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen! :-) Mine was mostly resting. On a call now. Slept well? How's the liver? Do take care & hope your day's great! :-)
2012-03-27 08:48:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is happening? Why haven't you written at all? Have you decided not to? :-(
2012-03-27 08:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Is everything alright? Internet problems? Outside somewhere? Dental appointment? :-o
2012-03-27 06:18:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is everything alright? You usually are up by this hour... :-|

2012-03-27 04:46:24 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-)
2012-03-27 01:48:50 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hope you are feeling better. What did the doc say? Hope you'll sleep early today too. Drinking enough water?
2012-03-26 23:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm taking today off as well. Just want to rest my back & generally take some time off...
2012-03-26 23:20:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll cook some lunch today (mom will do most of it) & just read & rest...
2012-03-26 23:20:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Hope you wake up with a smile else I'll have to kiss one into you!! ;-p
2012-03-26 23:18:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes sweetie... come. :-)

2012-03-26 12:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to steel my heart because that is how I am. It can only
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melt for the Divine. :-( Or someone who is Divinely sent...

2012-03-26 11:58:27 (EDT)

melancholundone Yes, your words still inspire me... :-)

2012-03-26 11:41:19 (EDT)

melancholundone Glad you find them so. I seem to be using your phrases more often nowadays: "As if..." "How..." "Where..." :-)
2012-03-26 11:40:49 (EDT)

melancholundone Please please do tire yourself out around 20:00 hrs everyday so that you can sleep by 22:00 hrs. Please get off all electronics around then!
2012-03-26 11:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True... We wouldn't be meeting just as friends do, dear Andrea. I have steeled my heart. You haven't. Hence, the reservations.
2012-03-26 11:39:07 (EDT)

melancholundone You seem to be sleeping less... Is everything alright?

2012-03-26 11:30:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was referring to my DMs. Growing close to you had no intention. If I had to have fun I would've when you were there. I didn't.
2012-03-26 11:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry if I have hurt you. That was never the intention. Please do understand. :-(
2012-03-26 10:59:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is irresponsible to do so. And I do not wish to indulge in something which clearly has no future in sight. :-(
2012-03-26 10:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I completely understand, darling. I do. I would love to see you too. Honest. But it is to no end & I cannot indulge in such excursions.
2012-03-26 10:58:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I thought you'd find it so. Since you don't I shall stick to reminding you of the futility of such conversation, then. :-|
2012-03-26 10:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I do not wish to hurt you in moments of cheer while at

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the same time not misleading you with false promises.

2012-03-26 10:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry if I've made you feel that way. Your worth or your dearness hasn't reduced, but I cannot act on that.
2012-03-26 10:33:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do know that I live a lot by my mind. You mean to me what you meant to me always. Nevertheless, I don't make decisions based on that :-|
2012-03-26 10:22:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you would remember all that I discouraged you & all that I warned you about before your trip... :-|
2012-03-26 10:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is no point getting into what I exactly told you because you keep forgetting it! All I can hope for is that you find strength for this
2012-03-26 10:10:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you will because it is wisest to accept the way of life than to debate with it & find greater pain. :-|
2012-03-26 09:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your coming will not make anything better. It would be unwise & rather forced a meeting... Please accept things, dear Andrea.
2012-03-26 09:03:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, not in India! The site kept throwing errors, so had to try via different browsers but all threw some other error! :-o
2012-03-26 08:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...expression of it since I realised that it would be misleading & irresponsible to do so... :-( Anyway, will doze a bit now.
2012-03-26 07:14:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was so busy trying to pay the electricity bills that I forgot to sleep! :-( I do miss you dear. Just that I started containing the...
2012-03-26 07:13:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Email!? I didn't send you an email! I don't even know where to send one! :-o I did write a few tweets on fabrics though... :-)
2012-03-26 07:10:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I do miss you... :-)

2012-03-26 06:02:30 (EDT)

LoveMusicDreams You might not be able to DM me, but my email ID is in case you wish to say something. Not that you must! :-)
2012-03-26 05:55:49 (EDT)

LoveMusicDreams Dear Ms. Kassapi, I thought you'd like to know that an earlier tweet (24th Mar) was inspired by your AVI. It has the word "table" in it
2012-03-26 05:55:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed now... Come come come... :-D

2012-03-26 05:50:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't ignore your missing me. I just feel that you will feel that I am responding out of formality if I said that I miss you too... :-)
2012-03-26 05:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I may go to sleep for a bit. I am happy I took a day off. Needed this rest
2012-03-26 05:31:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Medicinal food to heal the tummy as the backache could be a gastric problem. Nothing exciting! :-)
2012-03-26 05:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was having lunch. How goes your day?

2012-03-26 05:21:06 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Wow! You're up pretty late... :-)

2012-03-26 05:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I think my back is going to have a tough time not wanting to turn around & pull you close to me! :-D
2012-03-26 04:29:23 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Dear Danielle, I can't help but confess to feeling immensely tender when I come to your twitter page. Your visage, your images... sigh! :-)
2012-03-26 03:24:54 (EDT)
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ZinniaTung Ok... :-)

2012-03-26 03:02:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :-) Thank you. Of course you didn't do it on my request, but still, thank you. :-) BTW, isn't it way too late to be up?
2012-03-26 03:00:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Seems to be back to normal now... :-)

2012-03-26 02:54:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back's already feeling a little better but I am sure you can continue kissing it. ;-p
2012-03-26 02:51:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daahling! It would be lovely if you were here. I don't know why but am unable to load twitter on Chrome. :-( Anyway, thanks for the kisses.
2012-03-26 02:51:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your nose, daaling! Just a little office work & I'm done...
2012-03-26 01:29:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, daaling! ;-) Slept well? I did & woke up just a while ago. I'm not going to office today. Have a sprain in my back. Resting..
2012-03-26 01:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Andrea, please please... never beg. You don't need to. Sleep well darling. Goodnight. Do come & join me now... :-)
2012-03-25 14:00:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I am still up. Movie just got over. :-) I shall rest now. My sweet darling, I hold you gently, close to me & kiss your forehead
2012-03-25 13:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling please! :-( You don't ever have to beg. Please. The reason I don't come is known to you & has nothing to do with how you ask. :-(
2012-03-25 12:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was moved & touched the way you took care of me throughout that phase... Thank you once again. For the sweet potatoes too!
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2012-03-25 11:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Ok... I watched it while you toiled & laboured in my room. Happy!?
2012-03-25 10:48:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lovely watching a movie like that. We nearly did that watching the transformers! :-D
2012-03-25 10:44:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll watch a movie now! What say? :-)

2012-03-25 10:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Ate a chocolate pastry!

2012-03-25 10:34:01 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Sure! Will send you more good! In the meantime, good morning! :-) My day's been fine. Nothing great, but fine. :-) Thinking of me? Naughty!
2012-03-25 10:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can buy tickets darling. I'm not hesitating because of tickets... :-)
2012-03-25 10:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This place is outright dirty & my & crowded!! Surely Hungary is not crowded!?
2012-03-25 09:37:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your world clearly sounds more beautiful than mine... :-)
2012-03-25 08:51:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now mom & I are on our way to a shopping mart...

2012-03-25 08:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About 4 hrs. Then bathing, lunch & random stuff...

2012-03-25 08:47:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your headache gone? Your clocks turn just today? In the US they turned over a week ago... Any news about the cat boy?
2012-03-25 07:58:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ..played a spoiltsport. I wish I was there to play with you, sweet one! :-)
2012-03-25 07:57:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? What are you doing? How is your day? What are you wearing!? :-) I am glad to see you in a playful mood! Sorry the power ...
2012-03-25 07:56:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had to restart it as my DM was stuck on the composition window! Then decided to send it from the browser...
2012-03-25 07:54:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did. Woke up twice but not exhausted. Soft kisses for milady... :-)
2012-03-25 02:12:20 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Congratulations! Which 4?

2012-03-24 23:23:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But only the textures/patterns of the cloths come to my mind...

2012-03-24 23:11:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire textures & colours. I recall nothing else. It was a small room & a corridor which was more lit than the orange muted glow of this room
2012-03-24 23:10:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire that hour. My dreams are usually disconnected from my "real" life so it did make me wonder & what I remember are the fabrics in there..
2012-03-24 23:09:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing to flatter you at all, dear DC. Your AVI is by far one of my choicest ones. I was surprised that someone shaped like that came to me
2012-03-24 23:08:22 (EDT)

ZinniaTung As in, I would see your AVI & feel delighted that a girl is smiling somewhere! Now I feel like clutching my attache to my breast! :-o
2012-03-24 23:04:08 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung Yeah, a man's face behind it ... :-o Black & grey & eyes! :-o
2012-03-24 23:01:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha :-D Surely you don't want to see my face then! I believe I was positively... shall I say, gulping!? ;-p
2012-03-24 22:44:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been good, dear DC. And you? All errands done? Any chance for a relaxing break? :-)
2012-03-24 22:14:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I now realise I was focusing on the slightly fluttering curtains behind. A shade of orange they were! How strange! Yep, just woke up!
2012-03-24 22:12:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Trust me, I'm not making this up for some wild need/reason. And your avi was wearing a white lycra brassiere with black dots! :-o
2012-03-24 22:11:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I had woken up slightly to the chimes of my wall-clock. More asleep than awake I think I saw your avi in flesh!!! As in, not a silhouette!
2012-03-24 22:09:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, sweet lady. Didn't know about vss. Thanks. I had a strange dream-vision early morning in the middle of my sleep...
2012-03-24 22:07:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course that tweet was for you... :-)

2012-03-24 14:25:36 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh! And this AVI is so unlike the others. Kinda scary... Miss "your" AVIs... :-)
2012-03-24 14:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling... :-)

2012-03-24 14:14:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Done! Let's go to bed. :-) Warm kisses on your cheeks,
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sweet one. Sleep well. Come come come... :-)

2012-03-24 14:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trust me about what? :-) I'm not promising anyone anything. All I am saying is I'm not interested. You trust me to remain disinterested? :-D
2012-03-24 13:54:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Their searching for a girl doesn't make me marry a girl. I am not interested. Nor have I met someone who transforms my life, so don't worry
2012-03-24 13:41:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am holding you darling, but help me understand, why are you crying?
2012-03-24 13:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. A lot. What is "but" about mango pickle?
2012-03-24 12:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, pickle recipe. Mangoes & chilli...

2012-03-24 12:49:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This wasn't the most architecturally beautiful temple. A small one & rather crowded...
2012-03-24 12:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are busy trying to find me a girl & were chatting up about it... :-|
2012-03-24 12:20:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. Back & then helped mom with a pickle recipe & then was on the phone with an uncle...
2012-03-24 12:19:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading to the temple & some grocery shopping. Be back soon!
2012-03-24 10:22:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hours... I have tweets scheduled. Just so that I don't write too many in to short a span. :-)
2012-03-24 10:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is it not possible to fence the cats in & ensure that they can't go too far away... No?
2012-03-24 09:47:33 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ So this is another cat that ran away!? What did you do to him? Do you imagine them to be like me & then when they are sleeping... !!! :-o
2012-03-24 09:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh!? What yes no? Mom found it in the stuff that was marked to be thrown away! :-o
2012-03-24 09:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally! Found the old hot water bag...

2012-03-24 09:13:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you up to? Are you referring to the same cat boy or another cat boy? Do cats usually do this vanishing bit?
2012-03-24 09:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here! :-) I was just away from the computer, reading recipes & talking to friends...
2012-03-24 09:09:12 (EDT)

dgdreamin That, my dear, was for you... :-)

2012-03-24 07:21:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have left! Wow! There you go again. Assuming I don't wish to talk... :-|
2012-03-24 07:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm? Have you already left? :-o

2012-03-24 06:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's not true. I was just tweeting. Hoping to compensate for the days of silence... What's for lunch?
2012-03-24 06:51:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then where are you walking to?

2012-03-24 06:47:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you off to?

2012-03-24 06:45:21 (EDT)

dgdreamin :-) Wishing you a wonderful drive. Do stretch in between... :-) Wishing your uncle a speedy recovery.
2012-03-24 06:44:39 (EDT)
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dgdreamin Good morning dear Deb. Reached safely?

2012-03-24 06:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It came out with a rather professional touch. And not once did I taste it, still - perfect salt, spice, perfect texture... Oooh! Happiest!
2012-03-24 05:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Sounds like a plan! ;-p The lunch I prepared was so so delicious today! The 1st time I am making this dish & I am the happiest man today
2012-03-24 05:54:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ After the movie & the article & in general while reading about Hungary... I find it beautiful. :-) And the women surely seem delicious! ;-p
2012-03-24 05:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is the same time slot usually. 2 hrs is sweaty & tiresome! :-( But will surely go for a walk or nap with you! :-)
2012-03-24 05:24:26 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Hope you are well & taking good care of yourself... :-)
2012-03-24 04:21:17 (EDT)

ZinniaTung BTW, I made sarson da saag today for lunch & for some reason was thinking about you since. I didn't want to tell you lest you misunderstand
2012-03-24 04:20:53 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aren't you supposed to be sleeping!? :-)

2012-03-24 04:19:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet sweet... Kissing you just below your knee...
2012-03-24 03:40:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's vss?

2012-03-24 03:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I asked you how your dentist appt went apart from the power cut...
2012-03-24 03:07:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also told you that I was cooking & had to rush before we lose
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power for 2 hrs

2012-03-24 03:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Damn! I had sent a few :-(

2012-03-24 03:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean apart from the power cut...

2012-03-24 02:06:17 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 good night sweet lady! :-)

2012-03-24 00:59:30 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :-)
2012-03-24 00:59:22 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hope you are exhausted enough to sleep well! ;-p

2012-03-24 00:54:49 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :-D
2012-03-24 00:54:36 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I am sure we both would love that... :-)

2012-03-24 00:39:36 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 hahahaha :-D

2012-03-24 00:31:23 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Lady, you really need to sleep

2012-03-24 00:28:42 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Was pinging you on GTalk

2012-03-24 00:28:34 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You are supposed to be sleeping!

2012-03-24 00:26:39 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Thank heavens! It would be tragic for a lovely lady to travel beautiful Roma by herself... :-)
2012-03-23 12:44:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I am growing to love your country! Is it very hot in the Summers?
2012-03-23 12:34:55 (EDT)

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feltsensejunkie Had a good time? Did you do something special? :-)

2012-03-23 12:33:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How's your day coming along!? I always imagine you standing like your AVI when you DM me!! :-D Must be inconvenient, right!? ;p
2012-03-23 12:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet one, sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your tummy! :-) Do come & join me soon...
2012-03-23 12:30:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I must go to sleep now! Very very sleepy... 8-|

2012-03-23 12:29:21 (EDT)

2012-03-23 12:25:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? So far yet so similar our days... ;-)

2012-03-23 11:48:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your other avatar had ceased to follow me!? ;-)

2012-03-23 11:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Got it all & enjoying myself in their embrace... :-)
2012-03-23 11:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm backing up my data & cataloguing my stash of ebooks :-)

2012-03-23 11:22:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps the surprise was too much!? ;-p

2012-03-23 10:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All's well, darling. I realised that you were caught off-guard when I called but I thought you'd manage to sound a little happier! :-D
2012-03-23 10:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the drive home was fine. The cab was a rattler, so not most comfy. Reached home & was doing some chores for mom. All set for the hug!!
2012-03-23 10:38:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, dear Jen! Slept well?

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2012-03-23 09:03:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the week! Heading home now...

2012-03-23 07:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling! Glad you liked the surprise. Yes, you did sound like you were busy or not wanting to talk which is why I asked.
2012-03-23 07:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you?

2012-03-23 02:27:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sad? My darling is sad? No.... :-(

2012-03-23 01:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should give up your habit of sleeping in places other than the bed. Perhaps your bed should be your place from 19:00 hrs!! :-D
2012-03-23 01:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I slept fine. Woke up a little dozy but not tired. I woke up early but was doing some chores. My day goes ok... :-)
2012-03-23 01:54:14 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Dear lovely Felt, I've always noted them & enjoyed them. :-) How are you? Still in Roma? Do travel to India someday. Would love to play host
2012-03-22 20:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am yawning too... Let's go to sleep darling. Hugging each other & kissing your back! Sweet dreams, sleep sweetly, darling. :-)
2012-03-22 11:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... :-) My day was ok. Usual work. Nothing interesting. Dosa for dinner... :-) Feeling really tired. Just got off a meeting!
2012-03-22 11:25:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do & I completely understand your offer. Thank you. I was nearly tempted last week to book a flight & come there... sigh. :-|
2012-03-22 10:54:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling! Surely I know how to book tickets! Do you believe I don't know how to book tickets!? :-)
2012-03-22 10:49:14 (EDT)
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dgdreamin I wish him speedy recovery. Do drive carefully. Carry enough fruits. I hope you shoot enough pix & this time share them too! Yes, Peru.. ;-)
2012-03-22 08:31:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm doing fine. Are you travelling on your "break"? Rambling, perhaps, but heartfelt... :-)
2012-03-22 08:29:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there with you to enjoy Spring & you together! Double delight... :-)
2012-03-22 08:19:42 (EDT)

dgdreamin Good morning, dear Deb. How are you? How's your uncle? Hope he's recovering well...
2012-03-22 08:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Haha :-D Neither of them do!!

2012-03-22 05:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. Just has lunch. Back to pairing! Soft kisses on your shoulder...
2012-03-22 05:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes pairing on. Clients are fine now.

2012-03-22 02:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I recall your mentioning it last time too & acknowledged it last time. Just that I didn't expect you to remember it right in the morning :-)
2012-03-22 02:49:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well, darling? Feeling relaxed? I am wearing a camel coloured linen half-sleeve shirt with light blue jeans :-)
2012-03-22 01:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the office & really busy in the midst of all this work. I rush eagerly to the window to receive your butterflies... :-)
2012-03-22 01:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I am so so impressed that you remembered the new moon! Kiss you all over you, darling. Yes, morning was
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2012-03-22 01:41:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Raw, sensuous words... Delectable! :-)

2012-03-21 23:08:45 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hope you've turned off all gadgets... :-)

2012-03-21 23:05:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nice to know that! :-) So this is your break, eh!? ;-p
2012-03-21 23:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. I really don't know how it got archived...

2012-03-21 11:16:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I have been working with my inbox in a sleepy drowsy state not even knowing what I was doing! :-o
2012-03-21 11:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No wait! I got it! Not sure how it got archived! I just searched for your email & found it. She is so so lovely! Just like you! :-)
2012-03-21 11:15:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! I didn't get any email! :-o

2012-03-21 11:13:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet sweet Andrea. I wish we could just sit under a wide branched tree & talk & talk & then sigh & doze a bit...
2012-03-21 11:12:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope you have a lovely day... :-)

2012-03-21 11:01:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC. How are you? Been a while so thought I'd write in & send you a warm hug. How are your studies coming along? And work?
2012-03-21 11:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come on! None of them are good... :-( What are you doing, sweetie? What are you wearing today? How is Nina mama? :-) Do hug her from me..
2012-03-21 11:00:26 (EDT)

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Darkntwistd I miss them too, sweet annie. I miss how you'd start "hihoney" on our calls. :-) How are you keeping nowadays?
2012-03-21 10:58:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so like that too. Bluish? As in?

2012-03-21 09:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, sweetie... I wish I could hold you now & just sleep... :-)
2012-03-21 09:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your headache gone!? I'll give you a massage first & then you can give me one! :-) Fair?
2012-03-21 09:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I skipped the movie as I was too exhausted. I was on bike today. So rushed home. Sending you soft kisses for your forehead... :-)
2012-03-21 09:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I'm home. Today was a little packed but fine. Today's grandpa's death anniv. so there were some rituals & I visited granny
2012-03-21 09:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't feel like going to work but I have to... :-(
2012-03-20 22:32:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Woke up feeling tired with a stiff back. Power was restored sometime in the middle of the night...
2012-03-20 22:32:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Sweet soft kisses along your back, dear baklava :-)
2012-03-20 22:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night darling. Sleep well sweetie. A soft kiss on your shoulders. Tonight you might be happiest not joining me
2012-03-20 11:53:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is so uncomfortable!!
2012-03-20 11:49:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And summer had barely begun!

2012-03-20 11:47:45 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, my phone's at 17%. I will go to bed now! Horrible end to the day
2012-03-20 11:47:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One uniform heat! :-(

2012-03-20 11:46:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be lovely with you, not by myself or with mom!! And surely not in this heat!!! :-(
2012-03-20 11:26:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost power again

2012-03-20 11:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I enjoyed being unproductive & lethargic

2012-03-20 11:17:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've just been lying in the dark doing nothing

2012-03-20 11:16:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally!! God! :-(

2012-03-20 11:16:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was not too tiring. Got some work done. Ride up & down was ok. No comp no network. My mobile network is slow!! :-(
2012-03-20 09:04:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! I miss you too. At home without power supply! :-(
2012-03-20 09:02:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up, darling? Are you still feeling the early tiredness etc.?
2012-03-20 00:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to also collect the movie club membership card so I need to go anyway. I was hoping they'd have the card ready yesterday but no.. :-(
2012-03-20 00:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today might be a little hectic, darling. I will be leaving on time today & no movies. I might go & watch one more movie tomorrow & that's it
2012-03-20 00:03:45 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I still remember how I would come into the room & quietly sit watching you sleep peacefully. :-)
2012-03-20 00:02:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go to bed darling... :-| So sleepy...

2012-03-19 12:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I really do... I think I should skip over this movie evenings during weekdays! :-o
2012-03-19 12:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight dear Andrea. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your shoulder as I wrap you in my arms... :-)
2012-03-19 12:09:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling. I think I wil lgo to bed now. Really, really sleepy. Will you join me darling? :-)
2012-03-19 12:09:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Am home. In your arms. :-) The traffic wasn't bad but I feel so so tired! :-o I could use an elephant to walk on my back!
2012-03-19 12:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I took the bike to the office today. It was a little tiring but... Sigh! I wish I could simply retire!! :-)
2012-03-19 09:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved your butterflies, darling. Did you find my kisses on your window sill? Did your cat lady steal them? :-)
2012-03-19 08:59:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, sweetie? What did you do? A soft sweet kiss on your lips darling
2012-03-19 08:55:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes, continuous pairing kept me away from dm-ing you. I'm now at the Israeli film festival! :-)
2012-03-19 08:53:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indian women are far from slim!! :-o I'll take all the kisses you have, Ms. Nagy! :-D Goodnight!
2012-03-18 13:18:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft long kiss on your cheeks. :-) Do come & join me soon...
2012-03-18 12:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed darling, was helping mom clear up the veggies. I think I should sleep now so that I can get back up tomorrow morning! :-)
2012-03-18 12:58:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Chiffon works fine with slim women. Indian woman are often more pudgy &/or voluptuous. Sarees make them look sexy because of that body type
2012-03-18 12:57:43 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi Annie! Perhaps you meant that as a DM! :-) How are you? How is your health? How is everyone at home, esp. Versace!? Bri? :-)
2012-03-18 11:43:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The traditional materials like cotton or silk need wide hips &...errr ... rear!!
2012-03-18 11:21:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know what... I think you'd look stunning in one! But only if it is chiffon our crepe...
2012-03-18 11:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It might... Point is you need an indian woman's body to be best in it.
2012-03-18 11:19:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some very hot & sexy women at the fair!! Low back blouses, low hip sarees.. Hmmm nice!! ;-p
2012-03-18 10:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling.. Getting off now.

2012-03-18 09:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom enjoys chatting with me when she has nothing to watch on tv!! :-D
2012-03-18 08:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We lose power everyday for 2 hrs... :-(

2012-03-18 08:49:22 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Does the hotel give discounts for Indians!? ;-)

2012-03-18 08:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I ended up sleeping 2 hrs! Damn! You're right! I might end up staying up tonight! :-(
2012-03-18 08:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up 30 min ago & heading to a fair with mom... This fair is a late celebration of the festival of colours... :-)
2012-03-18 08:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll hold you... :-)

2012-03-18 05:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What walk was this? The one with the dogs? I think I'll sleep a bit now... Will you join me? :-)
2012-03-18 04:53:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God!! I just saw your email with pix!! Haven't checked my email in over 24 hrs!! :-o
2012-03-18 04:24:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got home, no power! Chatted with mom a bit & had lunch just now... How was your day, sweetie!? Soft kisses on your palm...
2012-03-18 04:08:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! I'm back home... :-) The movie was lovely & packed. Enjoyed watching a movie after so long!
2012-03-18 04:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I'm seated in a theatre for an indian movie

2012-03-18 00:02:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Slept well? I didn't as I had to wake up early but I got some pix & lots of veggies... :-)
2012-03-18 00:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling...

2012-03-17 13:00:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..of Hungary mixed into my day. It really made me miss you a lot. :-) Every scene I kept wondering whether we'd see that place together...
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2012-03-17 12:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me wish you goodnight, sweet one. Sweet dreams. Do let me kiss you on your nose... :-) Come join me soon, darling. I liked having a bit
2012-03-17 12:59:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I hope it does go well. Your butterflies mingling with mine!? :D I am glad you enjoy the words... :-) I think I am fading fast now...
2012-03-17 12:57:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nice! I love ebony & mahogany for their grains & solidness! What kind of furniture if I may ask?
2012-03-17 12:54:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too darling. :-)

2012-03-17 12:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know whether I will be shy again. I hope to be clear in my taking pictures! I hope the setting is fine for the pictures too :-|
2012-03-17 12:44:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Furniture shopping sounds like fun! Solid wood or IKEA kinds?
2012-03-17 12:23:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just got back from a Hungarian film festival. Tomorrow I go photo shouting in a farmers market, watch another movie & head to a fair... :-)
2012-03-17 12:22:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Movie was light & fun. I am back home now. Need to plan for tomorrow morning's photo shoot!! :-)
2012-03-17 11:57:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Saw her real name! Cute as a button... But not as cute as sweet sweet Andrea Pizza! :-)
2012-03-17 10:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Veronika is cute!

2012-03-17 10:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who? Tomi?

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2012-03-17 10:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hungary is beautiful

2012-03-17 09:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One of the ladies in the movie loves India!! What's with Hungarians & India!!!
2012-03-17 09:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Made it just on time but need to fill a form! :-( Will miss the first few min
2012-03-17 08:50:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will DM you from there if possible... Pray that I reach there on time! :-o
2012-03-17 07:59:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! I fell asleep! I have just 45 min. to be there!! :-o I am running out now. Wanted to send you this DM to let you know that i Miss you!
2012-03-17 07:58:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why am I laconic? I don't know. Just don't have the energy, I suppose... That is also why I'm hardly writing on twitter...
2012-03-17 05:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In about an hour or so... What are you doing!? Just had a heavy lunch... Will either read or do some work... Don't feel like writing...
2012-03-17 05:29:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Having lunch now.

2012-03-17 05:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, would live to watch it with you. I'm not going to the movie because it's good but because it is Hungarian :-)
2012-03-17 05:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, the movie I would be watching is S.O.S. szerelem!

2012-03-17 02:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are still sleeping!? Wow! :-o

2012-03-17 02:17:07 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire This week has been crazily hectic for me. Way too much work & client meetings! I'd so love a soothing elaborate bath & massage! :-)
2012-03-16 23:07:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ..the party pix our anything about you beyond your studies, work & throat? :-) Just asking...
2012-03-16 23:05:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How's your throat now? I hope you are a lot better now. Weekend's back! What plans? Should I assume that I am not allowed to ask to see..
2012-03-16 23:04:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear DC. How are you? I see that more sun has gotten you more energised! :-) How's your studies coming along? And work?
2012-03-16 23:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ while I am composing mine. The old twitter page would list the entire conversation! The new one needs to be refreshed! :-(
2012-03-16 22:55:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I figured out the possible reason for my missing out answering stuff in your dm. Since, I use the phone more often, I can't see your
2012-03-16 22:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's a Hungarian film festival happening here! I might go to watch... :-)
2012-03-16 22:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still feel tired though, dunno why! So do you enjoy the time with your sis? Why hurt? I love Nagy pizza! ;-)
2012-03-16 22:52:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet sweet darling! Slept well? I slept well & long hrs! :-) Softly kissing your shoulders...
2012-03-16 22:50:40 (EDT)

dgdreamin I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties your uncle has faced.
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I hope he gets better. I will pray for him. And I wish you strength.. :-|
2012-03-16 12:41:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling... Hope you have a lovely time with your sis. Any major plans? I miss you too, sweetie. Lots. :-)
2012-03-16 12:39:40 (EDT)

2012-03-16 09:55:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He does does... More & more... :-D

2012-03-16 09:16:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah right!!! :-o

2012-03-16 09:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok, but my body hurts. Back esp. Old age!!
2012-03-16 08:43:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! I will either sleep early or watch a movie tonight & sleep in late tomorrow. Which means the market photography will be on Sunday...
2012-03-16 08:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aren't you glad I didn't gift it to you!! ;-) Reached home darling..
2012-03-16 08:35:44 (EDT)

dgdreamin What keeps you busy, if I may ask you? :-) Hope your weekend's lovely too... xoxo
2012-03-16 08:34:56 (EDT)

dgdreamin As in, tweets per se could be a hit-n-miss with you, right?

2012-03-16 08:33:37 (EDT)

dgdreamin I think I got the hit-n-miss phrase but wasn't sure whether you meant it because of your busy-ness or lack of writing that hold you...
2012-03-16 08:32:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't imagine you liking it, but it has some interesting points. I usually don't read self help kinda books, but this book had good review
2012-03-16 07:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could be with you too, darling. :-) I will be leaving for home in a bit... :-)
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2012-03-16 07:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. Yes, pairing, meetings & discussions fill my day...
2012-03-16 05:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did sleep around 22:30-23:00 and decided to wake up at 6:00 but woke up feeling fine at 5:30. Then I went about my day feeling fresh...
2012-03-16 00:05:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! How are you? Slept well!? :-) I did! I did! I did! Kissing you up your shoulder & neck... Oh! Wake up! :-)
2012-03-15 23:50:45 (EDT)

thismomentonly Your kind attention to the words here, touch me. Glad you found some to your taste... Hope all is well with you. :-)
2012-03-15 21:11:25 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hi Deb! How are you? Long time! I wonder what you meant by hit-n-miss. How's life been treating you? Am still waiting for your Peru pix! :-)
2012-03-15 21:10:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your hips pulling you closer. Good night sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams...
2012-03-15 12:30:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A book called 18 minutes. :-) I think I will go to bed now, darling. Feeling really really sleepy! Do come & (yawn) join me, darling. :-)
2012-03-15 12:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry, I'll put a leash on these mad days...

2012-03-15 11:48:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'm just reading a book. Need time away from things electronic... :-)
2012-03-15 11:48:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Will probably read a book now... Hugging you & softly kissing the base of your neck... :-)
2012-03-15 09:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too darling. :-)

2012-03-15 08:16:08 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I would so love to come with you on a picnic, lying down on the grass & chatting about random things. Yes the cats can play around us... :-)
2012-03-15 08:14:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I couldn't reply earlier. Was barely there at my browser. Very productive day, though, but just exhausted. Completely!
2012-03-15 08:12:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My eyes hurt

2012-03-15 08:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today might be less hectic compared to yesterday, but still packed! How is your day lined up!? Happy revolution day!! :-)
2012-03-14 23:18:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Slept well? I kinda did... Woke up late & heading to office pretty late too. Soft kisses on your ears, sweetie :-)
2012-03-14 23:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... that report was long over. Sorry, missed replying to that. This is another report required for some other clients! :-o
2012-03-14 12:57:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I am completing a report before I go to bed... :-)

2012-03-14 12:50:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I enjoyed your DMs darling... Honest. :-)

2012-03-14 12:47:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, dear. :-)

2012-03-14 12:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That would be the perfect way to end this day. Come sweetie. Let me kiss your forehead & go to sleep together.. Goodnight! :-)
2012-03-14 12:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep was having dinner. Done now. Will probably crash in a bit...
2012-03-14 12:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie! Day was ok. Fairly productive. I like your black tee... :-)
2012-03-14 11:22:30 (EDT)

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purplepoetry77 Ready for a quick call.... :-)

2012-03-14 09:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's the occasion tomorrow?

2012-03-14 09:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear dear darling! Exhausting day! On my way back! In the cab. Will you kiss me? Please... Would love it!
2012-03-14 09:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ New hobby!? Don't you wish you had more teeth or grew new problematic ones!? ;-p
2012-03-14 03:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are your teeth fine after all the interaction with your flattering dentist!! ;-p
2012-03-14 02:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, wish I could kiss you softly on your neck & wrists... :-) How is your day lined up? Mine is the usual super-busy!
2012-03-14 02:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda slept well. How is your tiredness? Are you still feeling unwell at the end of the day?
2012-03-14 02:53:47 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Roma!? You lucky, you!! I so wish I could be anywhere in Italy!

2012-03-13 13:00:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, those are for you... :-)

2012-03-13 12:50:25 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Your words are lovely today (too). How are you, dear Felt!? Have you forgiven me for the recent faux pas? :-|
2012-03-13 12:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling... Loads!

2012-03-13 12:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love a cold bath tub... Why wrong text, dear? Wasted time or can be used later?
2012-03-13 12:20:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? I feel so exhausted...

2012-03-13 12:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached & had dinner...

2012-03-13 12:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the cab, on my way home...

2012-03-13 10:25:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is one of those standard alternate tuesday calls I used to take from home...
2012-03-13 10:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still in the office, darling. Meeting with clients going on. Will be a long day... :-|
2012-03-13 09:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So you now have a dentist fan!? Nice! Hope he doesn't ask you out while drilling your teeth. You better say yes then!!! ;-p
2012-03-13 08:20:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did all go well with the dentist? Should I kiss the numb lips or wait a little longer? ;-)
2012-03-13 06:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Way too many meetings! Been in & out of discussions... :-(
2012-03-13 06:19:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That "o" was missing in the good morning! :-) In a long winded meeting...
2012-03-13 02:18:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept fairly well. I take sleeping soundly, literally!! ;-)

2012-03-12 22:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That misbehaving "o" decided to come in a different dm!!

2012-03-12 22:27:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ O
2012-03-12 22:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God morning, darling. Slept well? Tiredness gone? Soft mint1421 / 4823

flavoured kisses for the sweet lady... :-)

2012-03-12 22:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. Sleep well!!

2012-03-12 12:40:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will now go top bed. Tiring day. May I kiss your lips!? I just want to hold you & sleep... Come darling. Goodnight...
2012-03-12 12:40:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've loved the back-rub

2012-03-12 12:14:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you sweetie! How was your day?

2012-03-12 12:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting got over & I had soup for dinner. Just done. It went well. One critical issue that had come over the weekend was kinda sorted out!!
2012-03-12 11:58:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, DC. Slept well? :-) Yes, was aware of the DST as my clients are in Chicago... Hope the weekend was refreshing
2012-03-12 09:57:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ride back was tiring. I'll take the cab tomorrow... Yes, all ready for you to jump! ;-)
2012-03-12 09:55:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She sometimes has a fantastic way with words... Ms. Dresher... Reached home
2012-03-12 09:34:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off homeward now. Catch up with you later, darling. A soft kiss on your lips... See you in a bit... :-)
2012-03-12 07:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, she has replied to others too... Back in Nov. :-) Well... :-)
2012-03-12 07:47:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As far as I checked... I am the only one she has replied to. Not RT-ed but replied to... :-)
2012-03-12 07:41:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh! She had responded earlier too... I'm probably the only person she has responded to on her timeline... ;-)
2012-03-12 07:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Take care. I miss you too, darling. Take care & drive carefully... :-) Soft kisses for you to wear as a bow... ;-p
2012-03-12 06:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, her timeline is pure words. I don't like her recent response to me, though. Very plain. :-|
2012-03-12 05:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We learn it too but not so much about the culture. No, I am not doing the happy dance! :-) She is a fine writer & not chatty, which is good
2012-03-12 05:58:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We aren't taught anything beyond your involvement in the wars & communism! :-( I feel so ashamed...
2012-03-12 04:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, she eventually followed me today!! :-D Like the win of this year! :-D Kidding. Seriously, you are taught all this in school!? Wow!
2012-03-12 04:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bindi!? You know what it is!? :-o

2012-03-12 03:33:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am on the bike today to work. Felt like going for a ride. The traffic wasn't bothersome today. :-) A sweet kiss for your forehead, darling
2012-03-12 02:25:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why aren't you well? This sudden tiredness... why? What happened? Maybe your iron content in the blood is low? Please get a fullbody check
2012-03-12 01:55:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I am in the office. Got all your kisses & played with them for a while... :-)
2012-03-12 01:47:16 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Saw that... thanks a tonne but it was ok. Seemed like a one-off... :-)
2012-03-11 21:30:13 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 Your follower @ swingerjade seems to enjoy copying-andpasting lines, I presume! ;-)
2012-03-11 21:02:38 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good evening, dear Jen. Hope your day was lovely. I am rushing to get ready as I need to be on the bike today. :-)
2012-03-11 21:01:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet one. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your neck's scoop... :-)
2012-03-11 12:28:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... :-) It is late now, darling. Must go to bed. Will you join me soon? I have this really delicious kiss I have kept for you! ;-p
2012-03-11 12:27:52 (EDT)

CoyoteSings Glad you stopped by, sir. Been a long time. Hope you are well & smiling... :-)
2012-03-11 12:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooooh! You just got voted the best girl for the lunch you had!! ;-p
2012-03-11 12:09:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad we agree! :-) What did you have for lunch?
2012-03-11 11:54:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! :-) Slept well? Hope all your pain is gone & the sun is out to hold your face gently in his palms... :-)
2012-03-11 10:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ While holding hands & having fun is beautiful, smooching & fondling in public is perhaps not. A quick peck or kiss can be lovely too... :-)
2012-03-11 10:52:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I like people when they recognise what belongs within closed doors & what is lovely like a Spring blossom & hence, for public...
2012-03-11 10:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Etiquette would mean a modicum of decency in a public place. When I was in NYC, I saw men & women do nearly everything in public. :-(
2012-03-11 10:50:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Awww! Wish it would get better at least for a late evening stroll. Would love to join you on that one. :-)
2012-03-11 10:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, sweetie. How was your day? What did you do?
2012-03-11 10:39:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :-D
2012-03-11 10:01:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ not know when & how to draw a line. They think they can do anything because they are adults... Hence, the need for morals & etiquette!
2012-03-11 08:54:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I absolutely & completely agree with you. Nothing 1/2 as beautiful as that. I think even kids holding hands is lovely. Unfortunately, adults
2012-03-11 08:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that is how India is! :-( She doesn't really. She does know that I know you, but like anyone else on twitter...
2012-03-11 08:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And she was decent enough to never ask who you were. I of course told her that you were an old friend. :-)
2012-03-11 08:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, at the end, it wasn't just Courtney. It was of course, people on twitter because only they know you. But not just Courtney.
2012-03-11 08:31:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hahahahaha :-D Well, I am Indian! What do you expect? Of course I will shy from any public display of affection! ;-)
2012-03-11 08:31:12 (EDT)

2012-03-11 08:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no! I meant in India, if a woman kisses a man in public, everyone will stop to watch. Honest! Hence, I meant they will bring out their
2012-03-11 08:06:26 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ..on 1 chat & I simply heard her perspective on it. She was very objective & felt clueless. So I wanted to check with you in general...
2012-03-11 08:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't recall asking that! About someone specifically from twitter. Just anyone. Point was that Courtney brought up the topic of you & D
2012-03-11 08:04:12 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 wrote a tweet inspired by our massage talks!! :-D

2012-03-11 07:28:45 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Woke up, had a bath & then lunch (around 15:45 hrs)
2012-03-11 07:28:30 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Slept for about 2 hrs or so

2012-03-11 07:28:08 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Drowsy!
2012-03-11 07:27:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning!! Slept well?

2012-03-11 07:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But your dream is indeed very interesting!! :-D

2012-03-11 07:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think that kind of encouragement would have gotten my camera out. It would have brought out all the cameras in the market!! :-D
2012-03-11 07:15:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was mostly gone! :-D But I feel well rested. Mom refused to serve me food if I didn't bathe so I had to! ;-)
2012-03-11 07:10:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had most of the calls come from family & other friends too. If you noted (which you might have) I spoke in my language with them! :-)
2012-03-11 07:04:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Evening's sometimes she would call. She knew my friend was staying with me so we agreed she wouldn't call randomly... :-)
2012-03-11 07:03:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No, your intuition's gone wrong. It wasn't her in the morning & night. Morning not possible because she was 3 hrs behind my time! :-D
2012-03-11 07:02:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Courtney & I went to Arizona & spent that long weekend together. How did you chance upon that information? :-)
2012-03-11 07:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ woke up a while ago, bathed (hadn't bathed) had lunch (15:30 hrs) and now logged in to find your stream of DMs
2012-03-11 07:00:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just got knocked out totally & slept straight hours!
2012-03-11 06:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! That was one helluva day!

2012-03-11 06:59:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I realise you might not be able to appreciate it completely due to barriers of language but I hope it stirs something in your lovely soul...
2012-03-11 01:31:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I share their brilliance on my blog. The latest post (which is itself pretty old) is about one such song. Link is up on my profile...
2012-03-11 01:30:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire These songs, unlike the songs today, are full of soulful music, brilliant poetry & rendered by an amazing slew of singers!
2012-03-11 01:29:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Music is extremely ingrained in the fabric of Indian thought & creativity. So a movie without songs & dance is considered boring here! :-D
2012-03-11 01:24:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Indian cinema, btw, is always a musical. There are 20+ languages & movies made each year in all of them & all are musicals! :-D
2012-03-11 01:01:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How did the party go? These old songs are basically Indian music. From back in the 60s. Till about the end of 90s poetry was vital in music
2012-03-11 01:00:56 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ market but then didn't take out the camera. Felt shy/conscious/afraid to do so... I returned home without a picture but feeling happy! :-)
2012-03-10 23:47:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I went to the farmers market here to shoot the activities there. I reached there before the sun was up & battled through the crowd into the
2012-03-10 23:46:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Had sweet dreams? You left the door slightly ajar so I came in & kissed your dreams... :-)
2012-03-10 23:45:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See!? I stuck to my resolve of not tweeting sensual stuff. There's beauty everywhere... :-)
2012-03-10 13:04:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon... I mean now! ;-p

2012-03-10 12:41:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes it is... Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams of dew kissed flowers. A soft kiss on your chin. Hope your teeth are fine. :-)
2012-03-10 12:41:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not one bit! I would thoroughly love it & may fall asleep with my head resting on yours... :-)
2012-03-10 12:28:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope the serial...

2012-03-10 11:29:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had dinner while watching the firm...

2012-03-10 11:17:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes it was a sweet movie. Nothing meaningful or anything but a sweet end. :-) I usually don't watch rom-coms but it was fine... :-)
2012-03-10 10:17:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked it. Could hardly read as my mom wanted me to take a look at the inverter setup at home (the electrical stuff) & then a call!
2012-03-10 10:02:53 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Most certainly... Happily! :-)

2012-03-10 08:20:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Surely a kiss will automatically land all over you! :-) I would love to meet them. :-) I think I will read something for a change...
2012-03-10 07:58:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And why are you DM-ing me & not chatting with me?
2012-03-10 07:55:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I enjoyed it. Nearly cried at the end when she come to the terrace to see the garden... sniff! Oh hell!!!
2012-03-10 07:49:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ & so much like you! :-)

2012-03-10 07:03:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for blowing away! It did keep me alive! Now come sit with me in the A/C. I miss you too. I love your cats. They feel like your ..
2012-03-10 07:03:21 (EST)

HalfMoonPilgrim Been a long time, friend. How have you been? Are the winds that wash over your heart soothing? :-)
2012-03-10 06:54:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I watched Just Like Heaven... :-)

2012-03-10 06:08:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I really do. Your boy cat picked some strange numbers! I am sure I would love Spring there, with you... :-)
2012-03-10 06:06:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Power's back! I was watching Just like Heaven on the battery power of my laptop! I nearly cried at the end! :-D
2012-03-10 06:05:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I am filling it with reading & curating my collection of old songs. :-) And you? Wishing your daughter a happy birthday, once again! :-)
2012-03-10 04:21:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should clearly be in any place other than here! :-|

2012-03-10 04:20:40 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ That is what I said: no power! :-(

2012-03-10 04:12:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feels hotter without electricity... :-(

2012-03-10 04:07:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tried scrubbing too! We don't have power here. Hot & sweltering... :-(
2012-03-10 03:24:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gave her all the cut veggies & trying to get my hands clean. All the sap coats my fingers & soap doesn't seem to wash it off. Be back soon
2012-03-10 02:19:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ These are dishes that mom knows by heart & just cooks anyway. :-)
2012-03-10 02:18:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( I thought you would've tried making it by now. Yes, I enjoyed cooking with you. Normal food is one without recipes & fuss... :-)
2012-03-10 02:18:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am merely helping...

2012-03-10 01:23:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Normal food that my mom's cooking

2012-03-10 01:23:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sounds lovely! Cutting veggies!!

2012-03-10 00:59:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dew kissed or me-kissed flower? ;-p

2012-03-10 00:23:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Done with some chores & the temple visit. Decided to not put it off to the evening! :-)
2012-03-10 00:23:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I think I will go to sleep now. Good night. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose... :-) Do join me soon... :-)
2012-03-09 11:51:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I know, darling. I miss you too... Do you know that?
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2012-03-09 11:20:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes the world is a lovely place to explore...

2012-03-09 11:03:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you like them. :-) They are old pix from a trip to the mountains. Yes, up North! ;-p
2012-03-09 10:48:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The washing machine outlet had popped out of the grill & water was there all over the floor. Didn't see it... :-(
2012-03-09 10:30:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Neither of us got hurt, thank god. My arms & elbows were hurt when I slipped & fell in the house in the morning, before leaving... :-(
2012-03-09 10:04:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You don't have to agree with me. Just meditate & see if it is true & address it if necessary... :-)
2012-03-09 10:04:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ will feel empty & desolate & gloomy. Not worth it. No one or nothing is worth it. Please do meditate on this, recognise it & address it.
2012-03-09 08:18:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No I am not angry. I am genuinely concerned about you & me. It is vital that you keep yourself cheerful & occupied else each passing min.
2012-03-09 08:17:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Else you might be distraught over every single thing that happens (or doesn't) out here. Not good for your sanity. And not good for me too
2012-03-09 08:15:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would really appreciate it if you weren't so grave about things & lightened up a bit. Which is why I say that you need a circle out there
2012-03-09 08:14:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..had fun. If I felt possessive I would have simply asked & not made statements like "Was that DM even meant for me" etc.
2012-03-09 08:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wordplay with someone & you immediately gloomily assume

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that something is going on! Had I seen you do the same, I would've teased you &
2012-03-09 08:13:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I thought like you, I could have concluded similarly after not getting a proper response. But i didn't. I'd rather ask & find out...
2012-03-09 08:12:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You on the other hand, decide that my lack of response (which you still haven't told me what) as being equivalent to talking to a wall!
2012-03-09 08:11:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ the worst at the outset. Let's take yesterday as an example. You didn't respond to my DMs properly & I ask whether you are busy.
2012-03-09 08:11:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ to ensure that I don't repeat them. But I think your perspective & approach on a lot of things is heavily grey & gloomy. You seem to assume
2012-03-09 08:10:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..improvement. Undoubtedly there are things I might not be doing in the best way possible. So I pick them from in between your sulks & try
2012-03-09 08:09:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So I have certain things to share with you which you might not find pleasant but they must be done. I am fine & receptive to points of ...
2012-03-09 08:08:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...anything but yes, got a lot of loose ends tied up. In that sense it was a decent albeit hectic day.
2012-03-09 08:08:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Also had an accident in the cab to the office today. Was happy to make it alive to work. And back home! Day didn't feel like I produced...
2012-03-09 08:07:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I actually slipped & fell in the morning with bruises to my arms & elbows. I think that that still hurts me... :-(
2012-03-09 08:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The client's response is awaited. They should have woken up

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just around now. I reached home a minute ago. My body hurts a bit
2012-03-09 08:06:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back! My day was ok. Way too packed because of some deliveries to be made to client. Had to shuttle between a lead of tasks.. :-)
2012-03-09 07:53:50 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Am I allowed to ask to see the b'day pix or is that offlimits? :-)
2012-03-09 06:47:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad you liked the pic. I've been good. Hectic week comes to an end. I have to fill my weekend now...
2012-03-09 06:45:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire T/Fr = Thur/Fri? Wishing her a lovely birthday! Hope her year is filled with enough reason to be innocent & joyous... :-)
2012-03-09 06:44:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, if it is nothing important then why did that have to spoil your mood?
2012-03-09 01:51:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But you still haven't told to what was I unresponsive...

2012-03-09 01:16:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not required if you don't feel it...

2012-03-09 01:15:35 (EST)

melancholundone Glad you feel the "say way". Hope you also feel the "same way" ;-p
2012-03-09 00:56:48 (EST)

melancholundone I miss them too. Esp. your "Hello" & "Anand Anand Anand" :-D I only hold fond memories of you, Courtney. :-) Thanks for the wordplay...
2012-03-09 00:51:48 (EST)

melancholundone I am glad everyone loves the pic. I love your words too. I rush to 1st see what you've written before reading others... :-)
2012-03-08 22:49:00 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 God! You seriously are "alive" today/tonight... :-D

2012-03-08 21:58:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..when you'd want a kiss. But you merely responded with a take care. I thought you were busy, but my reached home too was received coldly...
2012-03-08 21:40:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You feel you are talking to a wall? Why? Was there something you asked & I didn't respond to? I thought all was pleasant & I even asked you
2012-03-08 21:39:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well. Hope you wake up to a warm sunny morning. :-)
2012-03-08 21:37:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How was your day!?

2012-03-08 21:35:57 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh! All pix up there are mine unless with a credit! :-)
2012-03-08 21:15:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What's a personal pic? It is a bridge! What could be personal about it!! :-D
2012-03-08 20:32:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Part of the love I hold for NYC... :-)

2012-03-08 20:03:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good evening! :-) Glad you have backup. Can't imagine children (esp. girls) not having an adult around them. Did you see the pic I put up?
2012-03-08 20:03:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Do sleep well...

2012-03-08 11:44:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why do youkeep falling into these bouts of ... God knows what!? All seemed fine till I left the office. What happened after that!? :-o
2012-03-08 11:26:08 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Perhaps if you would clearly state your problem, one could help!?
2012-03-08 11:24:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ About what?

2012-03-08 11:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Biting your lip for what? Just had dinner... Tasty stuff my mom made.... :-)
2012-03-08 10:50:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was fine thank you. And yours?

2012-03-08 10:15:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just ... ?

2012-03-08 10:06:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You sound a little busy/preoccupied...

2012-03-08 09:37:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Everything alright!?

2012-03-08 09:36:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What are you doing?

2012-03-08 09:19:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And reached... :-)

2012-03-08 07:44:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm sure you are doing what is best conceivable. Do you have backup? To take care of the girls in your absence
2012-03-08 07:43:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for home.. Do you want a kiss now or later!? ;-p
2012-03-08 06:50:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, sweet DC. Slept well? Some fresh coffee or tea? :-)
2012-03-08 06:25:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Naaah! North is where my heart is! Beautiful mountains & valleys... ;-p Of course, I am referring to natural landscapes!!
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2012-03-08 05:13:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The girls are prettier up North! ;-p

2012-03-08 05:07:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ South of india is religious & conservative. North is more colourful & fun-loving...
2012-03-08 04:30:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes the colours of India are unmatched, as are our festivals...
2012-03-08 04:30:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pairing continues today, darling. Will ping you some other time... Hope your day is lovely & full of cheer & warmth. :-)
2012-03-08 01:56:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still remember the fresh smell of you in the mornings. My nose still tingles with the memory of your wet fragrance... :-)
2012-03-08 01:56:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There are 3 girls & 2 guys other than me in this team. Hence, 3 out of 5 days I will be pairing with girls!! ;-p
2012-03-08 01:55:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I simply love this festival with its gaiety & celebration. But South Indians are stuck up snobbish people who don't know how to celebrate
2012-03-08 01:54:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well though still woke up tired. Cab to office was ok. Today's the festival of colors in India though not celebrated down south! :-(
2012-03-08 01:53:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, good morning! Slept well? Did you get my naughty kisses that sneaked under your sheets!? ;-p I couldn't hold them back.. I tried!
2012-03-08 01:52:34 (EST)

Darkntwistd Good evening, dear Annie. How are you? How was your day? Sending you a tight hug... :-) xoxo
2012-03-07 21:55:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Do you have whatsapp!?

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2012-03-07 21:51:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 On my way to the office...

2012-03-07 21:51:19 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme But not half as sweet as thou art! And not a millionth as lovely... :-) Hope your day was beautiful..
2012-03-07 21:24:07 (EST)

Se7ensLove Sending you loads of love too, dear Love. :-) Hope your day's been good & full of cheer... :-)
2012-03-07 19:38:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Good evening...

2012-03-07 19:36:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon... :-)

2012-03-07 11:58:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lets go to bed. Really tired. Eyes burning. Goodnight sweetie. Scented dreams for a peaceful sleep. A kiss on your ears... :-)
2012-03-07 11:57:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You get a kiss & a twirl & a hug & a kiss & a squeeze &... ;-p
2012-03-07 11:56:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tiring day! The travel after picking up my mom was bad... I don't fit in well in an auto! :-(
2012-03-07 11:35:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I want my hug!! :-D

2012-03-07 11:32:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had dinner, darling.

2012-03-07 11:31:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with haircut!? How was your day!? The meeting was fun & very productive...
2012-03-07 11:09:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Merci! Glad to hear you feel much better. High time! So back to being super-mom!? :-)
2012-03-07 11:01:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) I am done with my meeting. At least got the clients to see things clearly! God! I love the fact that there finally is some clarity! :-)
2012-03-07 10:24:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nothing to worry at all. Just a normal busy day at work... :)

2012-03-07 10:23:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I have been fine, sweet Jen. Just super busy with loads of work. I just got off a conference call... :-(
2012-03-07 10:22:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In an autorickshaw heading home. Sweet kisses to you. Btw, my pair is often a girl... ;-)
2012-03-07 08:37:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will ping you when I get home & if possible before the meeting, else after the meeting!!
2012-03-07 07:32:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling, was in a meeting. Long drawn ones! I am leaving now, with a friend. Need to go pickup my mom & then reach home. Dunno when! :-o
2012-03-07 07:32:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What wakes you up at this unearthly hour?

2012-03-07 04:22:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-o
2012-03-07 04:22:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Getting into a meeting now. Will be back soon...

2012-03-07 04:05:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I thought of you. While cooking & eating. :-) Miss you darling... A lot. Honest.
2012-03-07 04:03:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, missing you too. Pairing continues. Made pasta with a creamy sauce, olives, yellow bell-peppers, cauliflower etc. :-)
2012-03-07 04:02:20 (EST)

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syahidahz How are you? How goes your day? Course is done? Now what?
2012-03-06 22:46:22 (EST)

syahidahz ..those words are not mine. Not even related to me. I am but the bamboo pipe through which fresh water streams flow... :-)
2012-03-06 22:45:55 (EST)

syahidahz And while these two sides were quarreling I wrote the "birdsong" tweet & then a rapid sequence of the rest!! :-D See? This is why I say that
2012-03-06 22:45:17 (EST)

syahidahz write. Then I thought I must write something. Then I thought why bother. Then I thought, why not. Then I thought "It is not compulsory"
2012-03-06 22:44:37 (EST)

syahidahz Hi sis-S, glad you enjoyed them. It was such a funny sequence of events that led up to them! :-D I was feeling so exhausted & disinclined
2012-03-06 22:43:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is fresh & warm with lots of cheer... :-)
2012-03-06 22:42:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So morning was a rush to finish cooking & get out of the door! :) But I liked it. At least it got me excited a bit. Now in office, working!
2012-03-06 22:42:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I woke up feeling exhausted again. Don't know whether it is old age or the heat or a combination of both. :-o I cooked my lunch today.. :-)
2012-03-06 22:40:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Sleeping sweetly & with a smile. Let me kiss the corners of your mouth to make them grow! :-)
2012-03-06 22:37:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire That if was an of, misbehaving...

2012-03-06 21:28:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You thought if me & vanished! :-o

2012-03-06 21:23:36 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Btw, is it on 29th Feb or 1st Mar? I would have so loved to cook you a birthday lunch.. Or at least send you a nice gift...
2012-03-06 21:23:05 (EST)
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ocarinaofrhyme You didn't say anything about the flowers! Humour me! :-)
2012-03-06 21:20:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Dear DC, how are you? How's the throat & ear? So sweet of you to think of me in the midst of all... Sending you a hug & a kiss :-)
2012-03-06 19:39:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) This one has a soft belly too... ;-p Goodnight sweetie. Logging off now...
2012-03-06 12:13:06 (EST)

feltsensejunkie That there is, dear Felt & none can deny that. May it sparkle forever. :-)
2012-03-06 12:08:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling A. Do come & join me soon... :-)

2012-03-06 12:02:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okkeeee. Ummmma Ummmma Mwaaaaaaah! More & more coming your way. Now off I rush to bed to sleep & hold pillow-Andrea to me! :-D
2012-03-06 12:01:16 (EST)

feltsensejunkie better ways. But I am acting presumptuous here... It is your pic dear Felt, so not liking it is rather distant a possibility ;-p
2012-03-06 12:00:19 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I just felt there could be so lovely a shot of you because I have a couple of pix which assure me that the life in your eyes can be captured
2012-03-06 11:59:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure? You'll take them all? Honest?

2012-03-06 11:57:35 (EST)

feltsensejunkie "Your honesty is refreshing" is that the new way of saying: Gosh! Have some sense & chew your own opinion! ;-p
2012-03-06 11:56:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I want to send you loads of hugs & kisses... but I don't know how to. I am standing in a corner twirling my toes in the sand... :-|
2012-03-06 11:51:57 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ not just a goodnight...

2012-03-06 11:51:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight... :-|

2012-03-06 11:48:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your annoyance is understood. I too feel annoyed. I wished to come home & read & DM. But none of that happened! :-(
2012-03-06 11:43:35 (EST)

feltsensejunkie And because of the angle & perspective of the shot, your body looks tiny in comparison to your face. Not fair to the pretty Felt. :-|
2012-03-06 11:42:26 (EST)

feltsensejunkie ..with the sun through your hair. Or a simpler one with your hair in top-knot or pony-tail. Just for the sake of twitter...
2012-03-06 11:41:05 (EST)

feltsensejunkie ..reveals you well but you look tired. Why? Is this an early morning pic? I so wish I could get a nice pic of you sitting on a window sill
2012-03-06 11:40:19 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I know you didn't ask me for my opinion, but I so loved the earlier AVIs. This one, as a small thumbnail is not clear & when enlarged...
2012-03-06 11:39:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall then wish you goodnight. Sweet dreams for a sweet restful sleep. A soft kiss for your chin, dear sweetie pie.
2012-03-06 11:37:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? :-(

2012-03-06 11:36:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..aren't in your best spirits. Will you let me kiss you?
2012-03-06 11:33:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( I am sorry... I would love it if you would hold me (it is hot & sweaty here but can turn the A/C on) but can't ask that of you when you
2012-03-06 11:32:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What are you wearing darling?

2012-03-06 11:26:14 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I will go soon. Want to chat with you for a while...

2012-03-06 11:26:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing seems to make feel me better....

2012-03-06 11:18:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry couldn't msg earlier. It kept going on & on... Now I'm back to being exhausted! What do I do!? :-(
2012-03-06 11:17:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you sweetie!? How was your day!? How's your jaw? Soft sweet kisses on your chin. :-)
2012-03-06 11:09:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Everything is alright, not to worry. Came home to some chores & then got drawn into the meeting... :-(
2012-03-06 11:07:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'm just done with dinner after a looooong meeting ! :-(
2012-03-06 11:06:12 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh! Belated wishes for a lovely lovely birthday. May all your wishes come true. Loved the pic with the keys in it.. Apologies for missing it
2012-03-06 08:18:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses for your numb lips... You wouldn't even know if I bit them ;-p
2012-03-06 07:19:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with my day at the office. On my way home. Pairing really prevents me from doing anything personal with my comp... :-(
2012-03-06 07:18:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes I'm pairing... That is our normal state of work..

2012-03-06 02:54:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So I took the cab, read a bit & feel so relaxed...

2012-03-06 02:53:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Which I don't want to right now. Your day sounds lovely darling. Wish I was there... Sending you sparkling kisses... :-)
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2012-03-06 02:52:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Glad you slept well. I do not have tai chi as the course has ended for me. I've to join their advanced course
2012-03-06 02:51:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Bow a little more!!? Isn't that taking the man-in-therelationship thing too far!! ;-p
2012-03-05 22:16:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) An honour & a privilege I shan't misuse... :-) * bows *

2012-03-05 22:04:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ...a lot more than you offered but I suppose I'm in a greedy mood! ;-)
2012-03-05 21:24:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Marriage isn't practical nor does it make sense to me, hence never been considered. Would you let me be your trusted friend!? I know it's..
2012-03-05 21:22:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What is a sugar daddy!?

2012-03-05 21:19:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Was getting ready for work & now in the cab. :-)
2012-03-05 21:18:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good evening! Your day seems to get lovelier! Fantastic. Have you listed items for sale? Have you checked around for transport or cheap car?
2012-03-05 20:15:11 (EST)

melancholundone And sending you a bucket full of tickling giggles & bellylaughs!
2012-03-05 20:04:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I must go to bed. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Do think of me... And join me soon wearing my kiss-stockings... ;-p
2012-03-05 11:25:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss it all too, sweetie. Sigh

2012-03-05 11:24:13 (EST)
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ocarinaofrhyme Lovely pic. Make my night by saying that you brought in the flowers to bring me a smile!! ;-)
2012-03-05 11:17:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll go to bed early tonight, sweetie. Need the rest... Wish you were here to cuddle up to... :-)
2012-03-05 10:57:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you darling. I don't feel like writing today... :-(
2012-03-05 10:56:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 7 C? Wow! Don't recall facing that temperature!

2012-03-05 10:55:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm booking a cab for tomorrow. These bike rides are tiring! And I lose the time to read! :-o
2012-03-05 10:55:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm so proud of my sweet one! I made some corn bell-peppers gouda cauliflower salad in ginger sesame soy dressing!!! :-)
2012-03-05 10:53:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes, I am home & in a meeting... :-) How is my sweet one? Warm days? The ride home was ok. Nothing too bad...
2012-03-05 09:54:47 (EST)

dgdreamin :-) Did you check? Forgot, I suppose... :-)

2012-03-05 03:54:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just sneaked in a few minutes to send you a few kisses to wear as earrings... :-) I miss you darling.
2012-03-05 03:54:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the report. I was very tired last night so got some of the structure in place & few sections complete, but some more work remains. :-)
2012-03-05 03:53:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet Andrea, I am pairing again today. Lunch was ok. How goes your day? Tomorrow is the appt. with the dentist, right? I couldn't finish...
2012-03-05 03:52:48 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 Good evening! How was the day? How did the recipe turn out!? I'm rushing to work now. Take care & have a lovely night's sleep... :-)
2012-03-04 21:16:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I really do. Sigh... :-|

2012-03-04 21:13:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It will only get worse hereon. By May it will be a killer heat. I dread the coming months... :-(
2012-03-04 21:11:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well but didn't feel like opening my eyes. The heat is rising here. By your std. it is blazing hot here! Hence, my eyes tire out :-(
2012-03-04 21:09:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Sleeping peacefully? :-) A soft kiss on your temples... I'm off to work now.
2012-03-04 21:08:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't wish to tweet any more sensual stuff. I find it boring now. :-( Anyway, do come & join me soon...
2012-03-04 11:24:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now, darling Andrea. Want to sleep normal time. Wishing you goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. A kiss for your neck... :-)
2012-03-04 11:22:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am off to bed in a bit. Getting into the groove for the next week... :-) Have a lovely day, dear Jen.
2012-03-04 11:20:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Seems like your day has swallowed you whole. Wishing you a lovely Sunday. Hope you do get to list out the items for sale. Please do so. :-|
2012-03-04 11:20:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you did mention reading it but not that you enjoyed the language in there & the stories. Isn't he superb?
2012-03-04 11:19:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, do you read the book? Do you like it? Is it to your taste!?
2012-03-04 11:07:07 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My kisses would also have been there were it not for the Hungarian sign boards!!
2012-03-04 11:06:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the midst of the report. Missing you & thinking of you. Darling, did those kisses reach you in time?
2012-03-04 10:10:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire sigh! All the best with your studies. Do take care & I hope you recover rapidly... Happy Sunday! :-)
2012-03-04 10:10:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh absolutely! Days would cease their sashay devoid of such moistness... :-)
2012-03-04 10:05:27 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Hesitate!? It would be an honour... :-)

2012-03-04 10:04:49 (EST)

feltsensejunkie ..when the thought occurred in my head. Here is Felt, a lovely lady I shan't ever meet, but the mind serenades mirages effortlessly...
2012-03-04 09:54:08 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Your response was most tolerant. I thank you for that. I am glad it made you smile... That was the singular intent, because it made me smile
2012-03-04 09:53:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Aren't they always the tease-watch-smile-proceed creatures of this world?
2012-03-04 09:52:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yep, the air from below must be the right pressure as to hold the volume of water there while still washing the throat! Of course, you know
2012-03-04 09:51:47 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Thank you. * bows *

2012-03-04 09:50:47 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I shan't broach that topic ever again, so I pray that there
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isn't a lingering discomfort. My apologies in case that was the case...

2012-03-04 09:48:59 (EST)

feltsensejunkie And do rest assured that that confession was not testing waters or being suggestive. It was merely something I felt you should know.
2012-03-04 09:48:06 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Well, everything about that pic is orange. I thought you had added a filter. I recall an earlier AVI. Much clearer. Alabaster complexion..
2012-03-04 09:47:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You'd need to tilt your head & gargle at the base of your throat. Not like mouthwash... Gosh! Quite a few people with a bad throat.
2012-03-04 09:44:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Misbehaved words! Do pardon them with a slight stern pat! :-D I am fine. Please do gargle warm brine. It usually works... Or warm tea water
2012-03-04 09:43:31 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Your orange AVI... :-D Not just your chin & eyes, but yes, they do command their place...
2012-03-04 09:42:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC. Slept well? Such a delight to roll words down your shoulder to a tingle... How do you feel today?
2012-03-04 09:38:53 (EST)

feltsensejunkie There've been some days, when all I've wanted was to hold you close & lift your chin up to peer into your eyes. Oh! You were still in orange
2012-03-04 09:33:25 (EST)

feltsensejunkie If you assure me that you wouldn't misunderstand me, I have a confession to make...
2012-03-04 09:30:34 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Yes, little beasts that inhabit dreams, echos & voices from ruined walls...
2012-03-04 09:28:04 (EST)

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feltsensejunkie It would be tragic to say that a Picasso didn't taste well. But a word like prestidigitation or menage a trois is so delicious on the tongue
2012-03-04 09:27:08 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Precisely. Uniquely gifted are they in their ability to do so. Music, dance, theatre, painting & nearly all other forms are well-directed.
2012-03-04 09:25:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My lovely darling, breadcrumbs to what end? I miss you too dear Andrea. A lot & you know that. :-| Yes, we couldn't have kept the distance..
2012-03-04 09:18:09 (EST)

feltsensejunkie So that tweet, & others, could stir as the mind, heart, soul & imagination deem fit. Lovely aren't they? These little beasts we call words!
2012-03-04 09:16:49 (EST)

feltsensejunkie But food too doesn't work with the imagination. It is a chorus of smell, taste, sight & texture, but words provide none such whilst all. :-)
2012-03-04 09:15:37 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Words do have the privilege of addressing the imagination directly unlike most other media which converse with a single sense. Food isn't so
2012-03-04 09:14:36 (EST)

feltsensejunkie ..must tilt your head back as if washing the base of your throat. Gargle noisily till you are breathless & then spit it out. Repeat... :-)
2012-03-04 09:13:02 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Glad you enjoyed the words. :-) So dissolve some salt in fairly hot water. Take a mouthful & gargle at the back of your throat. So yes, you
2012-03-04 09:11:29 (EST)

feltsensejunkie You find them so? Maybe the extra dose of tabasco I had for lunch!! ;-) Oh! I so wish your cold vanishes soon. Have you gargled warm brine?
2012-03-04 09:06:09 (EST)
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feltsensejunkie I am keeping well, thank you. And you? You always always bring a smile to me, dear Felt. Delicious incidents, your stopping by... :-)
2012-03-04 08:54:20 (EST)

dgdreamin Oh! Yes. Good morning. ;-)

2012-03-04 06:24:47 (EST)

dgdreamin Did you see Beez's twitter page? Our AVIs are next to each other. I was so happy like a kid sitting next to his pal in school! :-D
2012-03-04 06:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hadn't imagined this would have happened, hence, I let myself be lost in the ways of the heart. :-|
2012-03-04 06:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry that I couldn't keep things at a distance from the time we began interacting. Had I, perhaps this state of affairs wouldn't be.
2012-03-04 06:22:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie, sent you an email with the pix of today's lunch. :-)
2012-03-04 06:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep. Feel so relaxed. Cooking lunch now...

2012-03-04 04:32:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry about that. I genuinely felt everything, but lacked the foresight given my peculiar constraints. Hence,now I cut all at the outset
2012-03-04 04:30:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly back into sleep... Rest a little longer, sweetie pie. You need it.
2012-03-04 01:04:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel rested, but the minute consciousness re-enters my head when I wake up, there is a slight headache. Off to bathe now... Catch you soon
2012-03-04 01:04:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You need to go sleep!! :-o I really thought she was referring to something else. Little did I know she was praising me! :-D
2012-03-04 00:36:41 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Seems like I missed you... :-( Good night sweet DC. Hope you feel well... Sweet dreams of your choice.
2012-03-04 00:04:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The magic of combining avi & sensual words is remarkable...

2012-03-03 23:37:31 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Somehow, I just received all your other dm!! Are you asleep?
2012-03-03 23:32:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am up & pinging you over chat...

2012-03-03 22:26:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oooh! Your tweets are of the kinds that refuse to distract the mind. Can't believe that you are unwell! Someone's been ..ahem.. active! ;-p
2012-03-03 22:18:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..responding. Glad that wasn't the case. Super happy you found the desk. If you don't mind, do send me a pic
2012-03-03 21:53:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I missed you last night. I thought you were just angry with me & perhaps at home reading my dm but not
2012-03-03 21:52:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ouch! Should you get a 2nd opinion on this? I really wish you get better soon. Have a heart! You're unwell, hence, your brain too needs rest
2012-03-03 21:43:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss for you to wear as a brooch... :-)
2012-03-03 13:10:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aren't you back yet. :-( I am off to bed darling. Was hoping you'd return. Found the desk? Hope you return home safe...
2012-03-03 13:09:21 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire How are you, dear DC? Well rested? Studies on track? Hope the infection has vanished & you are back to being fit as a fiddle... :-)
2012-03-03 12:44:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, on my way home. Sorry we couldn't dm early. Wasn't getting a proper signal there today... Kissing you softly on your nose...
2012-03-03 10:49:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You up!? Isn't it too early!? :-o

2012-03-03 04:24:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No I didn't leave. Was having an oil bath & then lunch. Will be leaving in few minutes now... :-) Miss you too, sweetie :-)
2012-03-03 04:24:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall now rush to go about my morning chores, delayed. :-) Sending you sweet soft kisses to clothe you fresh
2012-03-03 01:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not till I saw it in @neernool 's tweet. :-)

2012-03-03 01:19:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful... :-)

2012-03-03 01:00:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just might go to meet my granny. Turns out my mom plans on spending 6 hrs there. :-o I am not interested but I should meet her... :-|
2012-03-03 00:23:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Turns out he is not the issue. The American population is significantly sickening & they find a voice in him. So yes, curiosity... :-)
2012-03-03 00:21:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The reason why I researched that guy whom that lady spoke about on twitter was because I wanted to know whether he was genuinely bad!
2012-03-03 00:20:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've to go meet my granny post-lunch. So not sure whether I'd be online after that...
2012-03-02 22:47:21 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sleep was fragmented hence don't feel well rested. Will stay away from the comp today... Lets see...
2012-03-02 22:46:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Sleeping sweetly? A hundred soft kisses around your waist. :-)
2012-03-02 22:44:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Off to bed now. Honest. :-) Goodnight!

2012-03-02 13:55:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not scheduled dear. Some tweeter asked me to tweet something. I had to research & decided against tweeting what she wanted... :-(
2012-03-02 13:54:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you back! :-) Thanks darling. I think I will say goodnight now. Sweet dreams. Sleep well... Kissing your wrists, softly
2012-03-02 12:57:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dead tired. Talking to mom... :-)

2012-03-02 12:54:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope... Just reached home!

2012-03-02 12:50:12 (EST)

the_radish :-) I appreciate your concern. I don't deal in such indulgences. Rest assured.
2012-03-02 09:58:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But this weekend I am simply going to sleep & rest & do minimal stuff. I so wish I could kiss you now for having shared that moment with me
2012-03-02 09:58:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..get back home on my bike! I feel like just sleeping here in the office! So exhausted. I have a report to prepare over the weekend too :-|
2012-03-02 09:57:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..laughs but in general I think I wasn't how I would've liked to be. Anyway, it is over. I am tired. Really really exhausted. Now I need to
2012-03-02 09:56:30 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet sweet darling. I don't think I was good. I rushed towards the end. Should have spread the portions properly. I did get some
2012-03-02 09:55:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so happy you could see me. I was praying you got to see it!! Thank god! :-) See? Even I try a bit to make you smile. Just in diff. ways
2012-03-02 09:55:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just came rushing to see if you had seen me... Glad you liked it!
2012-03-02 09:16:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-03-02 09:16:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Actually will be on in about 25 minutes or so. Will be away from the comp. from now on...
2012-03-02 08:19:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can you see what's happening?

2012-03-02 08:07:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ thanks, darling!

2012-03-02 08:07:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am scheduled sometime towards the end... :-|

2012-03-02 07:44:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You can watch me live here:

2012-03-02 07:26:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have the points written down. Hope I stick to them! :-D I am damn damn nervous! :-o
2012-03-02 06:33:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ as promised! :-D

2012-03-02 05:59:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was fine. Brought it from home. :-) Yes, a vacation would be lovely. sigh. How goes your day? I feel so sleepy!! I keep yawning! :-o
2012-03-02 04:49:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. A lot. Honest. Just that work
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2012-03-02 00:59:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..rested. Anyway, today is the D day. Am giving final touches to my prez. Will send it out. Also working on the script of the 5 minute talk
2012-03-02 00:46:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) You seem to be waking up early these days. :-) Slept well? I kinda did, dreamed of a burning city but don't feel
2012-03-02 00:46:00 (EST)

Darkntwistd Wishing you a lovely night's sleep... Xoxo

2012-03-01 22:59:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes off to bed now. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your neck. Do come in my dreams.. :-)
2012-03-01 11:52:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will surely send it to you before presenting it to anyone else... :)

2012-03-01 11:31:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The prez is fine. Just putting the sequence together. Should be done before bed time... What are you doing?
2012-03-01 11:11:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ the meeting... :-( I thought I'd exempt myself but they need me on the call it seems! :-(
2012-03-01 09:24:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back darling! :-D Bad bad traffic! I'd spank it for you! ;-p I feel wilted too, but need to get the lines ready for tomorrow & then
2012-03-01 09:24:04 (EST)

BurgerrB Thank you for letting me know... I have explained the same to her. :-) Wishing you a lovely day.
2012-03-01 08:12:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I found a less bumpy route home today so feel less painful. And tonight, I hope I sleep at 22:00 hrs! :-)
2012-03-01 08:10:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I had your fingers in my hand so that I could kiss their
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tips... :-)
2012-03-01 08:09:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am home now. My day was ok. I was pairing with an annoying guy! So that irritated but otherwise it was fine. And yours? :-)
2012-03-01 08:09:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, sweet Jen. Was waiting for you over chat... :-)
2012-03-01 08:08:31 (EST)

Jaelvarma FF is follow forward. It is also other things... :-) Like FridayFollow etc.
2012-03-01 03:22:03 (EST)

Jaelvarma to read so many people in one lifetime. If I do follow you, I must read you & currently I struggle hard to read most of the folks I FF
2012-03-01 03:21:38 (EST)

Jaelvarma The reason is because I don't follow you. Hence, I shared my email ID. The reason I don't follow anyone new is because I honestly don't know
2012-03-01 03:20:58 (EST)

Jaelvarma Wishing you a joyous day...

2012-03-01 00:18:50 (EST)

Jaelvarma If you ever feel like reaching out, feel free to write me on
2012-03-01 00:18:37 (EST)

Jaelvarma Your current one, the sideways kohl-rimmed glance, in your haulter with hair set free over a sighing shoulder... is simply lovely! :-)
2012-03-01 00:17:55 (EST)

Jaelvarma Dear JV, I am sorry if you have felt uncomfortable to ask me. Your friend B mentioned it. AVI is Avatar Image or the profile pic you have!
2012-03-01 00:16:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm driving for the next 2 weeks!! It's exhausting!! Came home last night at 22:30 hrs... :-o. Will come online when I reach the office :)
2012-02-29 20:24:18 (EST)
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the_radish ..fine. Resilience is often a good trait. :-) Lead Jen on? As in? To what? Not sure I understand...
2012-02-29 20:20:27 (EST)

the_radish Would love to see a video of their dance. Miss them! You did sound like you were severely anguished the last time you dm-ed. Glad if you're
2012-02-29 20:18:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-)
2012-02-29 20:11:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good evening, dear Jen. How are you? Had a great day? How was potluck? Everyone loved it? Am getting ready to go to work. Stopped to say hi!
2012-02-29 20:11:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had timed those tweets. :-) I feel dead tired. :-( My body simply aches...
2012-02-29 19:50:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping sweetly? A soft kiss on your hips. :-)
2012-02-29 19:49:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Does out cause too much discomfort? :-( I've been mostly fine, thank you. I hope the girls help while you recuperate... :-)
2012-02-29 13:07:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! How are you? Has the infection reduced? At ease? Are you on meds? Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care. :-) xoxo
2012-02-29 12:36:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 5 min of talking. I will not auto-time it. I can easily fill in the time. Do you like the format?
2012-02-29 12:13:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad your appt.went well. I decided to keep my pix on there to avoid copyrights issues...
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2012-02-29 12:12:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join the super tired me soon, sweetie...

2012-02-29 11:57:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home, darling. Dead tired. Will have something & head to bed. Goodnight, darling.sleep well. Soft kisses on your lips... :-)
2012-02-29 11:57:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the office. Here is what I have. Still lots of work to be done. Click on "More -> Autoplay" on the screen:
2012-02-29 11:07:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care darling. Hope your teeth are all fine & the doc gives you a clean chit! Will leave shortly (meeting about to end)
2012-02-29 09:58:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Prez is not coming up great...

2012-02-29 09:33:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you sweetie! Do you still like those kisses that sneak up your leg? ;-p
2012-02-29 09:19:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a kiss darling. Actually, I've a meeting now. Perhaps, I'll attend it and then leave... :-(
2012-02-29 09:18:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still in the office. Had wanted to work on the prez. Have some structure to it. Tomorrow will be the day! I'm off to my home now..
2012-02-29 09:17:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..I should be able to DM more then! :-D

2012-02-29 03:25:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd need to get back to pairing in a bit, sweetie. Please do excuse my absence for another couple of hours. No wait! There's a meeting, so..
2012-02-29 03:25:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too darling, a lot. Wish I could kiss you right now. On your lips & throat & palms... & wrists. And then run away holding hands :-)
2012-02-29 03:24:26 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ We are behind schedule but not for reasons of laziness as much as for reasons of changing requirement etc. So... Anyway, tough days
2012-02-29 03:23:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So suddenly all things are a little critical out here at work. Will be a little tense for another month until we make up...
2012-02-29 03:23:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. I tried many times to come & send you a DM, but some critical stuff came up. To top it all the clients are unhappy :-(
2012-02-29 03:22:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! Sorry, was pairing today! You sure got up early! Is it the same guy from Ukraine?
2012-02-29 03:21:26 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme My pleasure, as is evident, dear D. Hope your days go smoothly. Glad to see you approve of the words that sprung to the picture's beckon :-)
2012-02-28 20:34:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Off I go... :-)

2012-02-28 12:14:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss multiplying on your back... :-) Do join me soon...
2012-02-28 12:04:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Was on another call. I think I should switch off my mobile!!! Anyway, let me wish you properly... :-)
2012-02-28 12:02:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dressed her in hue of blush? Where did that come from?
2012-02-28 11:07:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened?

2012-02-28 10:59:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure... A little to the right! ;-p

2012-02-28 09:52:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Home & in a meeting...

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2012-02-28 09:44:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your curves are lovely too!! :-) Done with my class. Heading back home for a meeting...
2012-02-28 08:16:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweetie. Yes, I loved that pic. And her hair is lovelier... Sigh! :-)
2012-02-28 06:55:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll now be leaving for tai chi classes, darling. Sending you a soft kiss for your ears.. :-)
2012-02-28 06:54:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was ok. Meeting was ok. How's your day?
2012-02-28 05:33:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I'm happy that I discovered it but biking in this traffic is a pain!!
2012-02-28 05:31:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Something that comes out of my ears onto my lips!? :-o Ewwww! Can you rather make it come out of my eyes, maybe? ;-p
2012-02-28 03:27:42 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Lovely lovely picture... I just wanted to hold her with my cheek to her spine! You have a lovely imagination, dear D. :-)
2012-02-28 03:26:53 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme The back is to the..

2012-02-28 02:42:21 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I meant the pic where the lady's back it's to the camera with a violin's marks...
2012-02-28 02:41:21 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Is this you?

2012-02-28 02:08:49 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh why did you change your AVI, dear Danielle!? I loved it so much. It reminded me forests where I was a vine... sigh! How are you?
2012-02-28 02:01:04 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 Stay away from twitter & all things electronics. breathe slowly, deeply & you'll sleep soon... Go on!
2012-02-28 01:50:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 OMG, please sleep. Your day will be tough if you don't. Please please please... :-(
2012-02-28 01:44:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooooh! I so love the cool soft kiss of your shoulders when you came freshly wrapped in a towel! :-p
2012-02-28 01:27:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I read her words & want to remain silent & try to write more beautifully at the same time!
2012-02-28 01:26:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you able to eat normally?

2012-02-28 01:25:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But has the swelling reduced?

2012-02-28 01:25:38 (EST)

the_radish How are things with you? I am fine. Work & other things occupy my day. Growing older, btw. :-) Hope your mental agonies are reduced...
2012-02-28 01:13:16 (EST)

the_radish Hola C, :-) How are you? Long time indeed. Glad to hear the kids are good. I wish I could just squeeze the giggles out of them! :-D
2012-02-28 01:11:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Trip to the office was great as I discovered a new route which has fewer traffic lights, so I was overjoyed. Still it feels tiring... :-(
2012-02-28 01:08:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Right now in a 1.5 hr meeting. :-o

2012-02-28 01:05:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in love with @ghostmemoirs words... Lovely. And she doesn't chat with anyone or RT etc. Wow!
2012-02-28 00:58:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So woke up late & rushed to work. Sigh! I was by your side kissing your shadow, darling. Slept well? How is your jaw & teeth?
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2012-02-28 00:34:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. My day's been fairly packed. Last night I slept late. Got a call from a friend in trouble & was up till late! :-(
2012-02-28 00:33:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Glad it made you laugh... Nice way to go to sleep...

2012-02-27 22:10:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Of course, I deleted it!!! :-) It would be humanely impossible to hug everyone out there like that!!
2012-02-27 20:39:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Just kidding... You go to bed dear DC. Wish I could tuck you in to dreamland... :-)
2012-02-27 20:38:27 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Damn that dm went to the timeline!!! :-o

2012-02-27 20:34:51 (EST)

Darkntwistd And I hope your waking day is equally so. Sending you (((huuuuugs)))
2012-02-27 20:34:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sending you (((huuuuugs)))

2012-02-27 20:33:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I get the hint about griping! :-( Take care sleep well... May you wake up feeling better... :-)
2012-02-27 20:30:58 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Warm fluids & the shunya mudra (google for it, please), might help. Warm brine gargling is another remedy.
2012-02-27 20:21:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh ho! :-( How come all of a sudden? Not been keeping yourself warm? Please take care, dear DC. Wish I could be of more use than mere wishes
2012-02-27 20:16:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh good! You are here... Now I can go sleep. Goodnight!

2012-02-27 11:21:09 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Are you away? :-(

2012-02-27 11:09:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams of your choice. A soft kiss on your knees. :-) Do come & join me soon....
2012-02-27 10:58:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps days were meant to be like this... I will now go to bed my dear. I think I will read a book into bed. :-)
2012-02-27 10:57:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Same. Seems like I could skip a day in my life & not even miss it... :-|
2012-02-27 10:45:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner... How was your day?

2012-02-27 10:36:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They were there too?

2012-02-27 09:46:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Who said there wasn't a lovely lady behind me on the bike?
2012-02-27 09:36:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would've to complete the prez. but didn't... And I kiss you back... That was a quick trip...
2012-02-27 09:12:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sure! But one who is also bad following his own excellent plan!!! ;-)
2012-02-27 08:29:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello! I just reached home! Since I'm on the bike left on time!! :) When will you be back?
2012-02-27 07:55:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! Slept well? Don't bother being impressed! I'm great at making plans, not following them!! ;-)
2012-02-27 07:30:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have never wondered about that - the lack of something new. :-)
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2012-02-27 06:29:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Multicoloured!? Nice! You never mentioned this one! Preparation for Spring!? :-)
2012-02-27 06:00:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Office is ok. Work load is significant. How's your day? Sending you a soft kiss for your nose. Yes, a vacation would be lovely! :-)
2012-02-27 05:02:32 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sent you an email... :-)

2012-02-27 03:57:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I slept well too & could use more. :-) In the office now... Missing you darling & sending you kisses for your nose...
2012-02-27 00:43:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good night, sweet DC. Wish I could sing you a lullaby. Sweet dreams to you, of your choice... :-)
2012-02-26 23:51:00 (EST)

DangerslyClaire For it might seem irresponsible to let the heart flow but remain incapable of breathing underwater. Practicalities, milady, demand censure!
2012-02-26 23:46:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Invigorating they definitely are, undoubtedly. Whispers of the heart are known to be that! :-) But the tale of life isn't chaptered sighs!
2012-02-26 23:45:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Perhaps, but the winds that swirl from such a flight are often unsettling, don't you think? :-) How different things would be... :-)
2012-02-26 23:26:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The mind cares about oneself, the other & whatever exists between the two. The heart is a selfish throb
2012-02-26 23:12:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire For the mind worries about presentation. The heart worries about content. The mind cares. The heart cares not! :-)
2012-02-26 23:11:43 (EST)

DangerslyClaire It does lend a hint of moist play to say yet not say what
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the heart feels but the mind mummifies... :-)

2012-02-26 22:58:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'll probably share a schedule I had put together but only managed to follow for a few days. Perhaps I will re-start it. :-)
2012-02-26 22:45:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I slept well, thank you. Might have enjoyed a slightly longer one... :-) My mornings are going to be hectic since I am on my bike now.. :-|
2012-02-26 22:45:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Absolutely! Productive days are the best! :-)

2012-02-26 22:41:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good evening, dear Jen. :-) How was the exciting day? I am in the office now...
2012-02-26 22:38:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-D That was as subtle as I could be... ;-)

2012-02-26 22:37:31 (EST)

perlygates The least I can do is pray for you & I will... :-| Wishing you a good night's sleep, dear Leslie. :-)
2012-02-26 20:26:12 (EST)

perlygates ..picking only the vital concerns back into your life? Perhaps the sheer numerosity of concerns itself is a looming concern?
2012-02-26 20:25:26 (EST)

perlygates Hi L, I am fine. How are you? How is Leah? I genuinely wish things would get better for you. Would it be too much to undo all & start...
2012-02-26 20:24:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I have never painted with oils! :-o Done acrylics couple of times. I see you are tweeting sensuously again! Phew! :-)
2012-02-26 20:16:26 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweetie! How are you? I was asleep when you DM-ed. I am mostly fine. Are you still on meds? Any end of that in sight? How are V & B?
2012-02-26 20:12:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They are up on my blog under the label Epicurean delights. The
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labels are along the right side if the page. Scroll down a bit... Goodnight
2012-02-26 11:50:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Send you some of my what? Sure, join me right away... :-)
2012-02-26 11:33:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..came up. Good morning! How goes the weekend? :-)
2012-02-26 11:30:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well out isn't watercolour on palm leaf. Watercolours on paper. The palm leaf thingy was with special ink. Anyway, didn't go as something..
2012-02-26 11:29:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your tummy... Do join me soon sweet one. :-)
2012-02-26 11:24:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I shall head to bed. I'm on my bike from tomorrow. So need to leave early. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams... :-)
2012-02-26 11:23:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They aren't. I have some of my own too. Will put them together tomorrow. Missing you too, sweetie. I am certain you'd be mighty help.. :-)
2012-02-26 11:20:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This is supposed to be a 5 min power-presentation. So need to pack maximum punch. Let's see. Perhaps something will strike me tomorrow! :-)
2012-02-26 10:40:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will stay late in the office tomorrow to finish it. I have some pictures ready & some are mine. Need to construct a flow for the prez.
2012-02-26 10:39:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dinner's skipped. Will drink some soya milk, perhaps. Presentation is not working. Prezi doesn't load on my network :-(
2012-02-26 10:38:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And don't ask me if that DM was for you or someone else as I would simply ignore such silly questions! :-|
2012-02-26 08:45:55 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ The rainbow climb tweet was in response to your DM... :-)
2012-02-26 08:44:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, bad news has become uninteresting to me... :-(

2012-02-26 07:59:32 (EST)

ZinniaTung Thank you. Last night's conversation was lovely :-)

2012-02-26 07:57:30 (EST)

dgdreamin Perhaps! How strange it would be to plan the next lifetime! Where do you wish to be born?
2012-02-26 07:55:17 (EST)

dgdreamin hahahahah! Narcissist! Would you have liked if it were not for you!? :-p
2012-02-26 07:49:10 (EST)

melancholundone Not as much as you do... :-)

2012-02-26 07:43:58 (EST)

dgdreamin The cloud tweet is for you. Don't ask me why but suddenly you felt like a childhood friend.... :-)
2012-02-26 07:37:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. Was reading the papers to see if there was anything interesting... Apparently the world is as uninteresting as ever!
2012-02-26 07:22:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Who me? :-o What did I do? Good morning, dear Jen. Slept well? Has all your pain vanished? Why did I think it was Monday for you!?
2012-02-26 07:18:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here comes one... and another... and another ... and another! :-)
2012-02-26 06:45:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank heavens! :-)

2012-02-26 06:39:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I shouldn't? But I thought teasing you was the preface to kissing you... No? Ok. Then I shall send this kiss away... ;-p
2012-02-26 05:34:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aah me! :-D

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2012-02-26 05:28:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) That would be nice but not when I am in the loo! ;-p
2012-02-26 05:23:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure sure.. just an idea. I would have to sequence them to ensure that the colours blend well...
2012-02-26 05:04:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Like a tomato -> zoom in (as if entering a tomato) -> and arrive at a nice pasta -> and zoom in -> and out into a nice cheesecake! :-D
2012-02-26 04:50:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What do you think? I am toying with the idea of zooming in & out of vegetables & foods into another vegetable or dish! :-D
2012-02-26 04:49:39 (EST)


2012-02-26 04:49:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really?! This is news! Since when? :-o

2012-02-26 04:36:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you like them. ;-) Check this out:
2012-02-26 04:19:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will probably work on it now...

2012-02-26 03:57:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This presentation is about food etc. So I need a lively colourful presentation...
2012-02-26 03:57:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. These teeth can be such a pain... :-( Done with lunch.
2012-02-26 03:56:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you need to go to the doc again?

2012-02-26 03:16:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good to hear that! I am still trying to figure out the layout for the presentation. Done with bath & shave. Waiting for lunch to be served!
2012-02-26 03:16:31 (EST)

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ZinniaTung It is late out there. I shan't keep you up if my DMs are the sole reason. Wishing you a good night's sleep with dreams of your choice.. :-)
2012-02-26 01:48:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung The words you choose from all over, your sheer mirth ... are a poetry of a different meter. No, I am not flattering you or making amends!
2012-02-26 01:47:50 (EST)

ZinniaTung The shadow of randomness is truth. :-) So said the mountain monk. I think I enjoy your heart which flutters in beauteous winds :-)
2012-02-26 01:46:50 (EST)

ZinniaTung Where did that come from? :-| Where is the need for you to have to be good with words? Sorry, didn't get that...
2012-02-26 01:39:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to do some chores, bathe & get the material ready for the presentation... Will return online sometime later. How's your day? :-)
2012-02-26 01:37:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung True. Provides for the pure connection of souls as well as the effortless feigning of personas...
2012-02-26 01:36:43 (EST)

ZinniaTung Honestly, there is nothing to thank me for... This is not of my conjuring. :-)
2012-02-26 01:33:56 (EST)

ZinniaTung I hesitated earlier for I didn't want anything misconstrued, but I now trust you to be mature & wise & it would be unfair not to share.. :-)
2012-02-26 01:31:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Errr.... I am done. Thank you. :-)

2012-02-26 01:29:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung Smiles & nodding heads are welcome... :-)

2012-02-26 01:28:01 (EST)

ZinniaTung And in all that strangeness & your curt "good morning, I'll take of myself" ;-p is this lingering sense of a relationship sans label.. :-)
2012-02-26 01:27:48 (EST)

ZinniaTung Oh! Your occasional rants & opinion on the affairs of the world!
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:-) I nearly imagine you arms akimbo at your window shouting it out!! :-)
2012-02-26 01:26:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung ...might award only to one's child or spouse or sibling (if she were pleasant) or lover, but still feeling like none of that. Makes sense?
2012-02-26 01:25:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung ..and still there is a warm, half-closed eyes sense of connection which cannot be named as there really isn't a name to it. A caring one ...
2012-02-26 01:24:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung And here still is this person I don't expect to meet, albeit sex determined, who is not creating poetry as most of my other followees do...
2012-02-26 01:23:11 (EST)

ZinniaTung So we converse, and amidst the brash declarations (on your TL) & pouts & Rumi-esque quotes & general lamentation .... is Spring. :-)
2012-02-26 01:22:02 (EST)

ZinniaTung With me so far?

2012-02-26 01:20:41 (EST)

ZinniaTung And I haven't interacted with "it" for nearly a year. All of a sudden there is a bridge, unignored & the stroll that feels apposite... :-)
2012-02-26 01:20:35 (EST)

ZinniaTung So here is this voice, largely asexual (because I thought you were Mongolian & had no clue of extracting sex from a Mongoloid name)...
2012-02-26 01:19:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Else we wouldn't be DM-ing or going through the ghost-in-myback-now-in-my-toes phase! :-D
2012-02-26 01:17:55 (EST)

ZinniaTung Good for me.

2012-02-26 01:16:58 (EST)

ZinniaTung Still the interaction began & for one I might never meet there was a genuine softness & caring that surfaced. Suffer me while I explain...
2012-02-26 01:16:44 (EST)

ZinniaTung Fortunately, you had followed me during the phase when I was following back. :-) And I think you had an AVI which didn't reveal you...
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2012-02-26 01:15:26 (EST)

ZinniaTung A case in point is my realising that you had followed me a long time ago, but I didn't notice you till recently when we began interacting...
2012-02-26 01:14:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I take your point. Perhaps I need to be more mindful of the words I write to you ensuring that it conveys what I think it does. :-)
2012-02-26 01:13:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I kinda did & woke up later than usual. Is your swelling & ache gone? Kiss your lips softly... :-)
2012-02-26 01:12:32 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-) Sometimes I wonder why & how people connect. Do you?
2012-02-26 01:10:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Sleep or report?

2012-02-26 01:08:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung And all's made well over time... Isn't it late for you there? Or is the report demanding your sleep?
2012-02-26 01:05:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And that dream-tweet was for you... :-)

2012-02-26 01:00:39 (EST)

ZinniaTung Nothing to thank me for... Surely, you know it is not possible to un-care... :-)
2012-02-26 00:57:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Perhaps... But we shall bring that point to the committee some other day. Now you must sleep. Please...
2012-02-26 00:38:09 (EST)

ZinniaTung Then, perhaps, I am just slow ... Glad it is all over. Wishing you well. :-)
2012-02-26 00:37:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Count sheep? You must sleep, dear Jen. The body can't suffer the mind's travails...
2012-02-26 00:35:48 (EST)

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ZinniaTung Perhaps, I just imagined it... Last Sundays of February are not to be hallucinatory... My apologies. :-)
2012-02-26 00:31:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Don't know exactly why, but I thought there was a strain of loneliness/missing family & consequent irritation in your words.
2012-02-26 00:30:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Please go sleep... :-)

2012-02-26 00:19:20 (EST)

ZinniaTung Don't mean to pry or bother, but is everything ok? Not sure if it is welcome or politically correct, but would hug you if it helped! :-)
2012-02-26 00:12:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Goodnight...
2012-02-25 23:50:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hearts aren't to be taken advantage of, dear Jen. They are meant to be hoisted on a starless night... :-)
2012-02-25 23:50:43 (EST)

crosescribe That's a lovely AVI you have there. Couldn't help but notice & confess... :-)
2012-02-25 22:05:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dream to you too... :-)

2012-02-25 12:31:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..things to later? :-| Hope you don't find yourself feeling silly again. Goodnight. Hope your swelling has reduced. Do take care.
2012-02-25 12:30:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What piece didn't I tell you? :-| Hope you get your groceries. I am sure you can access DMs on your mobile, right? Why do you then put off..
2012-02-25 12:28:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I dm you when I got back from the temple & before leaving for dinner...
2012-02-25 10:11:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope it is good. Rushing out now. Will catch up with you later. I
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would love to take you to a temple... :-)

2012-02-25 08:05:41 (EST)

melancholundone Glad you liked it. I thought it was the kind that could perfume any air to a Courtney! :-)
2012-02-25 08:05:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Your postman glows? ;-)

2012-02-25 07:33:12 (EST)

melancholundone And you bring delight to me in every way. I thought the dawn-dusk tweet would've caught your eye.. ;-)
2012-02-25 07:32:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Should be possible I'd think..

2012-02-25 07:18:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am off to the temple now. Will be back soon, but will then need to leave for dinner (meeting friends). Will ping you shortly... :-)
2012-02-25 06:59:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Day's been ok. Nothing remarkable. I cancelled going to the painting workshop as I had some work to do. Tried to sleep, but mobile rang! :-(
2012-02-25 06:59:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Phone calls woke me up! Barely slept for 20 min or so. Planning a dinner with my friend & his wife. Will head to the temple now... :-(
2012-02-25 06:49:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Good morning, dear Jen. Slept well? Colourful dreams!? :-)
2012-02-25 06:45:11 (EST)

Jaelvarma It was a tweet from yesterday, frankly, inspired by your AVI... :-) Never mind if you missed it!
2012-02-25 06:03:41 (EST)

Jaelvarma Her kohl swirls ~ Outlining my unspoken

2012-02-25 05:54:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course, that tweet was for you... :-)

2012-02-25 04:34:46 (EST)
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syahidahz And have I told you that I hate you!? :-D

2012-02-25 04:20:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, sweetie? Busy with something? I was considering a quick nap... What say? Interested? :-)
2012-02-25 04:10:10 (EST)

syahidahz hahahaha :-D I knew that didn't work with Asians! So... ?
2012-02-25 04:07:26 (EST)

syahidahz Or better still: How many Springs have you witnessed?

2012-02-25 03:59:29 (EST)

syahidahz My day's been finely pointless! But I have been enjoying it nevertheless... How old are you, if I may ask?
2012-02-25 03:59:11 (EST)

syahidahz And how is my kid sis today!? Do you have an off from studies today?
2012-02-25 03:42:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Missing you too, darling. Sun rays in your hair sounds lovelier than sunrays on a lake! :-) Kiss your hair, softly, darling... :-)
2012-02-25 03:41:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Seems like you are asleep... Wishing you lovely jasmine scented dreams, dear DC. :-)
2012-02-25 02:42:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I paint anything I can learn. I prefer watercolors. Today was on a painting style with dried palm leaves. When dried they're as hard as wood
2012-02-25 02:25:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire A prez for a conference of sorts! :-) I suppose the painting workshop would've been great but with all this, I might've enjoyed it less :-|
2012-02-25 02:23:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ready for the coming Friday! Decided to stay in & rest my eyes & body. Some mild reading, writing & prez. work :-)
2012-02-25 01:40:19 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Last night some urgent work kept me up. I was planningto go to a painting workshop today but had to drop the idea as I have a presentation
2012-02-25 01:39:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Cuban food!? Nice. Where is this in NYC? Somehow I feel the warm feeling of hugging your kids. :-) My weekend started a little undesirably!
2012-02-25 01:38:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear DC. How was your week? Eagerly awaiting the weekend? Not going out on a Friday night? :-)
2012-02-25 01:20:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ little!! :-( Anyway, I think my body could use the rest too. Will also stay away from the computer as much as possible!
2012-02-25 00:09:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..prepare for a presentation due on Friday! So I decided to drop the workshop, rest, read & prepare for the prez. :-( So much for sleeping
2012-02-25 00:08:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..workshop. But then I saw that there were more problems with the office stuff so was resolving them. Then I remembered that I have to
2012-02-25 00:08:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept poorly. Was up till late as there was some office work that had to be completed. Woke up early & wanted to leave for the painting
2012-02-25 00:07:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Hope you slept well & the pain & swelling has reduced. Kissing you softly on your jaw...
2012-02-24 23:58:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Awww! So tired? Good night, sweet Jen. May your dreams soothe your eyes & soul from within... :-)
2012-02-24 23:45:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And I pinged you for just that reason... :-)

2012-02-24 23:32:47 (EST)

syahidahz Well, then, the market where you sell your lies surely has never
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seen the likes of me! Why do I hold you thus, dear S? Shall we ignore that?
2012-02-24 12:49:37 (EST)

syahidahz Oh! So now you'll claim staying up to remind me of that!! :-D I am fine, dear S. Glad to hear you are well, but still such a poor liar. :-)
2012-02-24 12:45:36 (EST)

syahidahz Someone needs to be reminded that it is really late! :-) How are you, dear one?
2012-02-24 12:42:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have some clove oil to reduce the pain if any... :-|
2012-02-24 12:31:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well. Sweet dreams of your choice. Kissing you along your jaw, darling. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-02-24 12:30:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I shall go to bed now, darling. It is late & I plan on going to a painting workshop tomorrow. Something that might enliven my spirits!
2012-02-24 12:28:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Taste!? :-o

2012-02-24 11:40:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you liked it...

2012-02-24 11:31:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Which one, darling?

2012-02-24 11:25:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling, stay as long as you wish... :-) I really wish you hadn't had the toothache... :-(
2012-02-24 10:11:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then had dinner & then got a call from friends who are in Goa, enjoying dinner at a restaurant I had recommended! :-)
2012-02-24 10:10:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! I had gone to pick up my motorbike from the service centre. I wish I was there to tend to you & let you rest through this pain... :-(
2012-02-24 10:09:22 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My day was not worth remembering. It passed like so many other days do. Work & the usual...
2012-02-24 07:59:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Hugging you tightly & whispering softly to your teeth to behave...
2012-02-24 07:58:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does it hurt? Is your jaw swollen? Does that mean I get more of you to kiss!? :-)
2012-02-24 07:58:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-D Aye aye ma'am!

2012-02-24 07:32:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I thought you liked it bad! No? ;-)

2012-02-24 07:29:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 hahahahaha :-D I simply had to tease you there. :-)

2012-02-24 07:20:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ok ok ok... I am fully warmed... I mean warned! ;-p

2012-02-24 07:16:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am ... ok, won't answer that!

2012-02-24 07:13:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, deep large circular movements spiraling into smaller ones till my fingers trip over each other! :-)
2012-02-24 07:09:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I thought if I gave you a nice massage you'd continue to stay in bed. Alrighty! Here goes... A deep circular movement on your back... :-)
2012-02-24 07:05:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 A virtual rub would help Rogers declare a holiday? :-o

2012-02-24 07:02:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Awww!! Wish I could make Rogers declare a holiday for you!!
2012-02-24 06:55:11 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 Ok. Mostly spent in work & sundry... All set to win more Roger points? Looks like you can take over the company soon... ;-)
2012-02-24 06:45:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hola! Good morning! Slept well? :-)

2012-02-24 06:38:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? How? What did you eat like that? Do take care, sweetie... Waiting for you to let me know that all is well...
2012-02-24 04:28:43 (EST)

Jaelvarma And that, dear JV, was for you... :-)

2012-02-24 03:42:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. :-) How is your day spread out?
2012-02-24 01:25:57 (EST)

Darkntwistd Trust me, nothing is gone wrong. Distance, schedules & sundry put a strain on it. Had I been there in the US, we'd be talking every night!
2012-02-24 00:24:22 (EST)

Darkntwistd I might be wrong, but I felt your "I love your poetry..." sounded like another attempt to make up between us. :-)
2012-02-24 00:23:48 (EST)

Darkntwistd Have a lovely night's sleep, dear Annie. My day is bound to be super-hectic, but I'll smile & think of you... :-)
2012-02-24 00:23:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I am at home today. Working from home. So no travel. :-) So pull me to you as much as you want... :-D
2012-02-24 00:22:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You must go and sleep... :-)

2012-02-23 23:42:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams, darling. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2012-02-23 11:37:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling. Yes, I think I will go to sleep now. :-) Softly kissing you around your hip. Didn't you want a belt for your b'day!?
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2012-02-23 11:33:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire More pix, dear friend! :-) Hope your day goes well.
2012-02-23 10:40:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Found an auto. Heading home now. Tiring day... :-(

2012-02-23 10:37:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cabs & autorickshaws in this city are a pain. They quote crazy prices & refuse to move. :-( So I was stuck without transport. :-(
2012-02-23 09:39:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, the guy with whom I now come to the office, left early & then when I went down there was no cab willing to take me home! :-(
2012-02-23 09:38:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for not coming online earlier. Couldn't get a min to login. Sorry, darling. Now the meeting is on. Will leave in about 60 min :-(
2012-02-23 09:07:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling. I am still in the office! :-( Major confusion today. Stuck here in a meeting. I so feel like running away... :-(
2012-02-23 09:04:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And if I kissed you on your sleeping hips, would you punish me!? ;-p
2012-02-22 20:29:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sleeping sweetly? I slept well, woke up early but feeling fresh. Now to rush & get ready for work... :-)
2012-02-22 20:28:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your palms & between your fingers... :-) Do join me soon...
2012-02-22 11:20:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Miss you too. My sweetie pie... I think I shall go to bed now. Feeling really sleepy & tired.
2012-02-22 11:17:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mostly fun places... :-) I had put up a picture from the trip on twitter. :-)
2012-02-22 11:09:48 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Enjoyed the trip. Was a much needed break though very hectic... :-)
2012-02-22 10:54:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Small unknown places around where I live. A friend of mine dragged me along everywhere where his family & he went! :-D
2012-02-22 10:52:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Okee. Will try my best not to... ;-)

2012-02-22 10:45:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Aww! So sorry to hear that. Hope it doesn't cause too much loss. Traveling for pleasure.. :-)
2012-02-22 10:44:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) More than interesting, but that is as much as I can say while on an official call!! ;-p
2012-02-22 10:01:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I want another vacation! :-(

2012-02-22 09:46:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I am doing well, dear DC. How are you? How did your tests go? Wishing you the best. I was traveling & hence, the delay in responding.. :-)
2012-02-22 09:44:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That could be interesting too! ;-)

2012-02-22 09:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Only cradle?

2012-02-22 07:45:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way home. Miss you sweetie. Tiring day...

2012-02-22 07:21:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..welcome. I do feel super exhausted, though.

2012-02-22 04:17:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sleep was ok. I have been yawning since I got into the office! :-o But otherwise the trip was fine & bonding with friend & his family was
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2012-02-22 04:15:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, darling. Yes, there is a lot of work in the office. Pairing too & hence away from the computer... :-( Miss you too darling... :-)
2012-02-22 04:14:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I have reached my hometown. On the way home from the station... Sleeping well, sweetie? A kiss on your shoulder :-)
2012-02-21 20:19:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got into the train. Pretty hectic day, darling. Mostly without signal. How was yours? Mine was a mix of fun & boring stuff...
2012-02-21 08:03:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sleep was quite interrupted due to the child crying, but it's ok. :-)
2012-02-21 02:23:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is fine. Just that I can't eat out, hence, living off fruits. How goes your day? Sending you soft kisses.. Yes I remember your bikini
2012-02-21 02:22:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you smiled... :-)

2012-02-20 21:30:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'll say a prayer for you. Do you take Indian prayers!?
2012-02-20 20:53:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Because your heart too needs someone to protect it. I am sorry you are hurting. :-( Wish there was something I could do...
2012-02-20 20:46:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Your heart is the substance of light, dear Jen. Please don't let mundane events convince you otherwise...
2012-02-20 20:38:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The dms are quick because I need to dm you before I lose connection. Simple! :-)
2012-02-20 20:35:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear baklava! Sleeping well? I kinda slept well, did the new moon rituals and heading to the beach... :-)
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2012-02-20 20:33:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good evening! Sorry, my connectivity has been acting up. How was your day? All set to rock the world tomorrow? :-)
2012-02-20 20:31:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your lips. Do join me soon, sweet one... :-)
2012-02-20 09:56:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Confuse you how? Anyway, I just managed to get a little bit of signal. Lemme wish you goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams...
2012-02-20 09:56:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Forget? How?

2012-02-20 06:50:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What you wished for..

2012-02-20 04:59:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be fun. :-)

2012-02-20 04:51:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And you needn't convince me about your tongue.. ;-)
2012-02-20 03:14:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hate indians!! They are so noisy even in a temple! Chattering away...
2012-02-20 03:14:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I missed your voice too. Sleep, dear Jen. We'll talk when you're up...
2012-02-20 00:47:32 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You're still up? Wanna talk?

2012-02-20 00:39:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Temples? They have an entrance and an exit... ;-)

2012-02-20 00:21:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nice. At another temple now... :-)

2012-02-19 23:56:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 A mix of entertaining events & chores..

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2012-02-19 22:48:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Trip's been a mix, but I had a lovely time at the temple early morning today...
2012-02-19 22:32:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Since I was there really early, there wasn't a crowd at the temple. So just me, god & the priest. :-)
2012-02-19 22:21:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then I went to the temple (today's a special day for Lord Shiva). Had a delightful time there. Went alone as the others were still sleeping
2012-02-19 22:20:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There was some drilling work going on in the hotel where we were staying. So sleep was a little disturbed but felt alright in the morning...
2012-02-19 22:18:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Given that I woke up few times, I think you should go easy on the kisses!! ;-p
2012-02-19 22:16:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How was your day, dear Jen? Hope the Sunday was delightful... :-)
2012-02-19 22:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes yes...come quickly and join me!!! :-D

2012-02-19 11:16:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ While I still have a signal, let me wish you a goodnight & sweet dreams. Sleep well. A kiss on your nose... :-)
2012-02-19 10:58:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Sending you kisses wrapped in the country breeze... :-)
2012-02-19 07:25:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't crop or reduce the size. I'm having an ok time. Nothing too bad or great...
2012-02-19 07:22:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tried sending a pix but the size is huge and the connection slow.. :-( Will try again later.
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2012-02-19 01:43:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet kisses for you, darling. I am in a village. Will send you pictures if possible... :-)
2012-02-19 00:31:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The signal's weak. Hope this gets through. Goodnight sweet one. Please do sleep peacefully. Holding you close...
2012-02-18 19:40:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've no issues with meeting. It is only with the psychological luggage & consequences... And the sheer logistics...
2012-02-18 09:26:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Search for "the story of stuff". That (video) might be a decent topic for your son...
2012-02-18 09:18:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yep! Reachable by voice on my mobile... :-)

2012-02-18 09:16:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) As available as the network lets me be...

2012-02-18 08:28:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm on my way to the railway station. Will mostly be available over dm...
2012-02-18 08:18:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm sorry that there is do much pain. Would never have let this happen had I had the foresight... :-(
2012-02-18 08:15:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm sure you too know that I'll be thinking of you.. :-)
2012-02-18 08:14:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Heading to the railway station now. Was busy packing and finishing some last minute office work...
2012-02-18 08:13:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then I hold you close... :-|

2012-02-18 05:50:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( I am sorry to have been part of this situation in which you
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find yourself. At least on my part I should have been more careful... Sorry!
2012-02-18 05:30:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..anything that has no future.

2012-02-18 05:18:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I agree! Lack of a future needn't mean we can't meet, but we can meet only as friends. Are you willing to do that? Because I won't nurture
2012-02-18 05:18:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..mean that I can't stand you or some such feeling. I adore Harvard University but I know I have no future there... Simple.
2012-02-18 05:11:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because I do miss you & the wonderful days we had together. I don't see how that is related to a lack of a future. Lack of a future doesn't
2012-02-18 05:10:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you are fine with meeting as friends do, then you are more than welcome. But such is not how your heart is, hence I can't ask that of you
2012-02-18 04:57:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then it would become a case of "you should've told me that nothing will happen before I left on the journey"...
2012-02-18 04:57:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..not something I would advise.

2012-02-18 04:56:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We could surely meet if you lived here & we caught up for tea or coffee. Surely no problems. But to travel miles & stay alone in a hotel...
2012-02-18 04:55:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not deciding for you. I am, for my sake. If we were together & I wished to kiss you & you didn't it doesn't mean you decide for me...
2012-02-18 04:55:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..of a life together. Hence, this is how things are.

2012-02-18 04:39:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..that this is a futureless association. We are such that we cannot undo our pasts & come together. I am such that I cannot assure
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2012-02-18 04:38:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..wouldn't hear anything of it. So I relented because I thought it would at least be a fairness done unto you. But for a long time I've held
2012-02-18 04:37:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No it wasn't a fleeting fancy. It was a rush without thought & when I did think it through & wanted to disallow our previous meeting you
2012-02-18 04:36:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..less complicated or vague & more like a common good guy. Simple.
2012-02-18 04:29:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I were your best friend & you were in love with a guy like me, I'd advise you to let it flow with the river & find yourself someone who's
2012-02-18 04:29:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My want to travel might makes me re-consider, but that passes. My want to study further makes me re-think but then I ask "To what end?" :-|
2012-02-18 04:28:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the divine. I do not feel an urge for anything else. Yes, a goodlooking/smart girl might make me want to re-consider but it is ephemeral.
2012-02-18 04:27:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then there are a million things. Andrea, please listen to me. I cannot allow anyone into my life unless they are what take me closer to
2012-02-18 04:25:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Every single day, I feel more & more certain that I wish to be alone in the mountains. I do not feel in me the want for anything else.. :-(
2012-02-18 04:24:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Better a heart suffered than a life led without clarity...

2012-02-18 04:23:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love that too, but ... I am sorry. It makes no sense to repeat that. :-|
2012-02-18 04:14:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, lunch just got over. Asked mom to try a new recipe which
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didn't come out too well. But it is still a good recipe. :-)
2012-02-18 04:11:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could offer you all that you wish, dear Andrea. But you know I can't. Hence, I wonder whether you are only punishing yourself.. :-(
2012-02-18 04:11:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes?! :-D I miss you too, dear Andrea...

2012-02-18 01:53:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Then I am glad you tell yourself that...

2012-02-18 01:43:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Saying to yourself "Don't worry!" :-)

2012-02-18 01:31:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am not worried one bit unless you were saying that to yourself... :-) I miss you too. Sending out the pix of last evening to my friend
2012-02-18 01:21:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly! All the space you need... :-)

2012-02-18 00:25:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why did you wake up so early? You should rest a little more. I am certainly going to sleep post-lunch. I'll carry a book & the nook with me
2012-02-18 00:18:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll miss you too. I feel rather chirpy today! The engagement didn't help. Perhaps the promise of a journey... :-)
2012-02-18 00:09:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course I take my mobile with me so I am sure I can DM you often, but we are heading near waterfalls etc. so not sure of the signal there
2012-02-17 23:31:36 (EST)

feltsensejunkie And also for your kindness in accepting to dance... Lovely. May your weekend be filled with smiles... :-)
2012-02-17 23:30:32 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I hope you are fast asleep. I wished to thank you dearly for the lovely dance. Rare is it that something so beautiful remains so... :-)
2012-02-17 23:29:45 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ So Karthik & a load of his relatives planned a trip & I was invited & I accepted. Needed a break. So am taking Mon & Tues off... :-)
2012-02-17 22:09:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ His younger brother got engaged yesterday. I have known them for well over 20 years now! :-)
2012-02-17 22:08:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today I leave with my friends on a trip. Will be back Wed. morning. This friend's name is Karthik. He is my childhood buddy & brother... :-)
2012-02-17 22:08:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did though woke up around 5:45! Feel fresh though. I will sleep again after noon... :-D
2012-02-17 22:07:23 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Goodnight, dear Felt. Wishing you lovely dreams of your choice...
2012-02-17 21:31:34 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I shall tuck you into bed & read you a tale of how an autumn-faced beauty danced with a bag of spices... :-)
2012-02-17 21:31:15 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I suppose it is late & I wouldn't want you to feel pressed to keep your lovely eyes open. Feel free to yawn & stretch & nod into sleep...
2012-02-17 21:30:04 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Sashay blurs into the blue! Throbbing hearts below need a sign... Oh! I shall most happily assist, dear Felt. Just to hold you in your mirth
2012-02-17 21:23:56 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Now you have me imagining how it would INDEED be to dance with you, dear Felt. :-) And to watch that chin in proximity! :-D
2012-02-17 21:15:13 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Twirl & step into the clouds; there are some moves that need the wind in your hair & a trust in your heart that I shant let you fall... :)
2012-02-17 21:11:31 (EST)

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feltsensejunkie Flick your toes in the those scented waters of our dance... coral roses you'll blossom wherever those drops land. I love songs that end not!
2012-02-17 21:01:13 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Yes, on a moonlit stage. I'd build a glass top to a lake as a stage for this dance, melting wherever you wished to dip your feet in water...
2012-02-17 20:47:58 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I did. Didn't help much though over time the pain's come down. Do I need to believe in antibiotics before taking them?
2012-02-17 20:44:35 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I must confess you had me smiling like a little boy there! Mellow it shall be though I pray it remains not a haze, such rare moments... :-)
2012-02-17 20:36:52 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Good evening, Ms. Felt. May I have the pleasure of this dance to the tune of stars sighing? :-)
2012-02-17 20:28:40 (EST)

feltsensejunkie haha :-D A diplomatic way of saying that you aren't sleep patterns haven't changed!? I'd ask you for a dance were you not so busy tweeting
2012-02-17 20:23:35 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Why would a lovely lady ever dance alone!? :-) How are you, dear Felt? Have you been sleeping well, lately?
2012-02-17 20:17:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am up earlier irrespective of the day of the week! :-D Thoughts about a variety of things & then typical guy-thoughts... :-)
2012-02-17 20:14:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes. Is that early?

2012-02-17 20:12:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am fine! :-) Actually I am up late. It is 6:40 here. I was up around 5:45 but just lazed in bed, thinking thoughts... :-)
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2012-02-17 20:10:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good evening! How was your day? Week? Sparkling? I presume your Monday's off? :-)
2012-02-17 20:04:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear DC? What plans for the lovely lady's Friday night? How was the test? When does this course end? Teeth still hurt a bit...
2012-02-17 20:03:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I shall now go to bed. It is late & I need the rest. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your forehead... :-)
2012-02-17 12:30:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, back home. Tiring day... :-|

2012-02-17 12:24:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Perhaps because you keep asking me that! :-D
2012-02-17 12:21:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tell you what?

2012-02-17 12:16:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes...
2012-02-17 12:14:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Arm around waist...

2012-02-17 10:01:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure :-)

2012-02-17 09:55:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kinda... As much as I like people, I seem to prefer watching them from a distance... Dunno. Just blabbering..
2012-02-17 09:48:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Got a minute's breather. How are you? Will pass on your wishes to the betrothed...
2012-02-17 09:29:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am heading out to a friend's engagement. Will come online sometime later... Sending you a soft kiss for your shoulder... :-)
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2012-02-17 06:34:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not being formal or anything! :-o Wonder why you think so...
2012-02-17 05:58:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because I wanted you to have that book! :-( The one with the lovely butterfly on it. I was so keen on you having that ... :-(
2012-02-17 03:31:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Good morning, again. Glad you slept a bit more. I will send you the table of contents, please check & let me know if it is the same!
2012-02-17 03:19:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I am off getting ready for work. Will catch up with you later... Have a sweet sleep again... :-)
2012-02-16 20:35:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you need to physically tire yourself to get that sleep. I have also sent you an email. Do respond when you are fully awake... :-)
2012-02-16 20:34:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me kiss those eyes back to closure... Sleep sweet lady. You need it... :-)
2012-02-16 20:27:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Wish you'd slept uninterrupted. I hope it doesn't cause you a headache. I slept ok. Somehow feel I could use more... :-|
2012-02-16 20:26:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I'm not...:-)

2012-02-16 11:53:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC.:-) How smiles your day? Sending you hugs, dear one. How were your quizzes? Aced them, as usual? :-)
2012-02-16 11:17:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I'm fine. A distant grand-aunt... Just the formalities... And my eyes hurt so don't want to sit in front of the comp.
2012-02-16 10:46:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I might go off to bed after all that. In case I don't come back online, here's wishing you goodnight & sending you kisses... :-)
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2012-02-16 10:13:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just done with the meeting. I will probably get off the computer. There's been a death in the extended family so have some work to do...
2012-02-16 10:12:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just wrote them asking them to send you the correct book as advertised on their site. Let's see how they respond... :-(
2012-02-16 10:11:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ DAMN!!! I WANTED THEM TO DELIVER EXACTLY THAT BOOK!! :-( I am bloody angry now!
2012-02-16 09:44:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Didn't you receive this book: ?

2012-02-16 09:39:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Been a very exhausting week. We are supposed to release something for the client today. Been working nearly every single minute... :-|
2012-02-16 09:19:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On the cover... No?

2012-02-16 09:18:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Way too busy! Heading home. Glad you like your gift. It has a butterfly too... :-)
2012-02-16 07:48:31 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Tooth still hurts. Just when I thought it was going, I feel it coming back. :-( How do you fare? I see you're back to work... :-)
2012-02-15 21:11:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! Hope you sleep well. I kinda did. Getting ready for work now. :-) Sending you kisses for where the towel doesn't cover
2012-02-15 21:09:29 (EST)

syahidahz Wow! Someone's in a good chirpy mood tonight... :-)

2012-02-15 12:06:30 (EST)

syahidahz So you are convinced that I'm not fibbing!? ;-)

2012-02-15 11:51:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now, Andrea. Please sleep peacefully. Do join me

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if youfeel like it...

2012-02-15 11:25:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So just let it be...

2012-02-15 11:19:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Honestly, I don't think that you think that you have been stupid. It is too ingrained in you to arrive at that realisation... :-|
2012-02-15 11:18:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please what? Not sure I get it...

2012-02-15 11:09:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Okee. Then let's just wait till when you have the space & comfortable stride to write. :-) Didn't mean to pressurise you. :-)
2012-02-15 11:08:20 (EST)

syahidahz Well, I still recall that pic of you with a kid (niece/nephew). I think you were in your PJs or track pants... No?
2012-02-15 11:05:06 (EST)

syahidahz hahaha :-D I don't plaster burqa-clad women! What do you make of me!? ;-p She really had a striking similarity... At least of what I recall
2012-02-15 10:44:09 (EST)

syahidahz I never assumed you did. :-) But she seemed to have your face. Just that... :-)
2012-02-15 10:36:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We've had this discussion & argument way too often to worry about making up. Never mind... I just wish you'd waste lesser time on this. :-|
2012-02-15 10:29:47 (EST)

syahidahz Oh! I saw a girl, in a burqa, her face caught in the headlights & for some reason she reminded me of you. :-) I nearly called out syadida!
2012-02-15 10:20:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm
2012-02-15 10:14:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The dimensions of taste and time.

2012-02-15 09:13:46 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Just reached home. I don't understand why you let your mind wander unnecessarily... :-|
2012-02-15 09:03:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the time to respond to each DM or similar stuff. If you were here, you'd notice the difference. But never mind. I have repeated this often
2012-02-15 06:57:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't see what your "efforts to be sweet" are & what about you I am ignoring. In the midst of my work & other commitments I might not have
2012-02-15 06:56:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel any indifference. If I do feel something negative it is the annoyance towards these regular statements of yours! :-(
2012-02-15 06:55:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you'd not keep pondering over these things over & over! :-|
2012-02-15 03:35:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Drive to the office was ok as I was with a different bunch of people but traffic was heavy. Kissing your hands, softly... :-)
2012-02-15 00:23:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ After reaching the office, I got into a meeting (still in it). You seem to have woken up really early! You usually come online later! :-)
2012-02-15 00:23:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? I did & woke up to cook for lunch (Thai curry & rice) then had to go to a colleague's place & came to
2012-02-15 00:22:34 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What if my masks betrayed me to help you see me better? What if that betrayal brought you closer to me? etc... makes sense?
2012-02-14 19:54:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sweet: Betrayal would be sweet if I got free from something Spicy: If he betrayed me for my lover (if I were bi)
2012-02-14 19:53:14 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire So would you be able to run a word through possible tastes & figure out when it would apply?
2012-02-14 19:51:50 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Why is that the only taste that comes to most people's mind? For a masochist it might be sweet... :-)
2012-02-14 19:51:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Betrayal
2012-02-14 19:09:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! Hope your day goes well! Nice office you have gifting you chocolates!! :-D Hope you smile through your day... :-)
2012-02-14 11:23:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Jaw hurts... Will go to bed shortly. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your throat... :-)
2012-02-14 11:06:24 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Oh ho! Flu? :-|

2012-02-14 11:03:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner just now. Baguette, gouda cheese slices, soup...
2012-02-14 11:02:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could too... But never mind. I might end up missing the joy of rubbing my jaw!
2012-02-14 10:17:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It fakes recovery before the pain sets in by end of day... :-(
2012-02-14 10:13:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Toothache & meetings inspire me!! :-D

2012-02-14 10:08:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-02-14 09:44:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, home & in the call! :-(

2012-02-14 09:35:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Busier than usual. But I missed you. Why you? Didn't get the
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question. more later...

2012-02-14 07:29:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling I'm in the class right now. Not yet started so decided to send you a dm. Today was jam-packed at work. No time to breathe! :-o
2012-02-14 07:28:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So let's start: Recall things not as colours & textures but as tastes. So I'll say something & you should imagine it as a taste. Game? :-)
2012-02-14 06:13:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh! The tweets I'd send you might belong to others. Anything I find is rich enough to inspire... :-)
2012-02-14 06:12:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your headache? Gone? What's lined up for today? Any news about the gift?
2012-02-14 02:24:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hey sweetie, I am pairing so not accessing DMs. Yes, that would be lovely. I really could use a break from all this mad rush!! :-(
2012-02-14 02:23:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I could send you a bundle of tweets/thought starters. And you can simply collect them or bounce them off your mind...
2012-02-14 01:14:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Would you give me a chance to inspire you in different ways? :-)
2012-02-13 22:43:43 (EST)

syahidahz :-o God save you!!! :-D When does your course end? And what next?
2012-02-13 20:50:14 (EST)

syahidahz But shouldn't you have had your breakfast by now!? It must be about 9:30 there, right?
2012-02-13 20:27:19 (EST)

syahidahz Nothing much. Just getting ready for work & wondering whether I should brush my teeth today... :-)
2012-02-13 20:22:25 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. Hope you are sleeping joyously. A soft kiss on your tummy tum tum... :-)
2012-02-13 20:21:41 (EST)

syahidahz A reason to feel the unreasonable? :-) What is my li'l one doing on the global V-day?
2012-02-13 20:12:36 (EST)

syahidahz Well, my reliance on people has been far less to attribute the uniqueness of things to them. :-)
2012-02-13 12:29:48 (EST)

syahidahz Else love & most things would feel commonplace...

2012-02-13 12:19:17 (EST)

syahidahz Yes, and in that difference lies originality... Not sure we have felt that has been or that there is to...
2012-02-13 12:19:03 (EST)

syahidahz :-o Can't believe you actually said that!! Yes, Tai Chi... Why?
2012-02-13 12:12:50 (EST)

syahidahz Copy cat! Is there any originality left in this world!? :-D I had a couple of classes of Tai Chi, cooked, read & wrote... Slept, ate, slept
2012-02-13 12:04:29 (EST)

syahidahz Mine was nice in that it went unnoticed... :-)

2012-02-13 12:00:48 (EST)

syahidahz How is the li'l one? How was the weekend? What did you do, if I may ask? :-)
2012-02-13 11:48:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now, dear. Goodnight. Sleep well, darling. Soft kisses on your shoulders. Do join me soon ... :-)
2012-02-13 11:21:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) No. I don't feel that way for anyone... You are still my dear Andrea. :-)
2012-02-13 11:13:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You might as well ask...

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2012-02-13 10:43:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No... I don't :-)

2012-02-13 10:40:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You ask, I answer... :-)

2012-02-13 10:37:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Going to have dinner now... Glad you ate well. :-)
2012-02-13 10:32:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, dear. :-) How was your day today? Ate well?
2012-02-13 10:25:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There goes my undershirt!! :-D

2012-02-13 10:10:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And how do I speak properly without forgetting what I was saying!? :-D
2012-02-13 09:45:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mostly fine. Day felt tiring. Of course, darling... With pleasure... :-) I have a meeting shortly though...
2012-02-13 09:21:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am at home. :-) Teeth hurting so just resting a bit... :-|

2012-02-13 09:07:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, dear lady! Hope your headache has reduced significantly... The only name you can write like that would LULULULLLLUUUIIIII
2012-02-13 08:50:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :-) Slept well? All set for an exciting day?
2012-02-13 07:56:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure. Truth is truth. It neither hurts nor reassures...

2012-02-13 06:33:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ in an illusion by believing whatever you want to. Not worth it, right? So ask exactly what is in your heart
2012-02-13 06:28:26 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, it doesn't make sense. If there is a question in your heart, ask you must. The answer is never in your control. Or you can..
2012-02-13 06:28:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Then why don't you simply ask? Why don't you ask if I hold similar feelings for any other woman on Twtr? Surely things can be simple...
2012-02-13 06:24:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do have a few friends on Twitter. People I feel close to. So I have called them & they call me their friend.
2012-02-13 06:16:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ that you are well. Take care... Kissing you softly on your temples & eyes... :-)
2012-02-13 04:32:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad the mudra helped. Flush your body with lots of fluids to release toxins. I have to rush now, darling. Sorry. Just wanted to make sure
2012-02-13 04:32:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would feel like your head is resting on 10 finger tips. Gently apply pressure& feel your head pulse. Release & re-apply pressure
2012-02-13 04:31:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Place middle finger on your forehead bone, index on temple vein & thumb under the ear lobe-jaw. Do the same with other hand on other side
2012-02-13 04:31:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Another thing is sit on the ground, rest your elbows on your thighs place little finger below nostril, ring F - where eyemeets nose ...
2012-02-13 04:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Rub your palms vigorously & press the palm to your eyes. Not too hard, not too soft. Do this few of times sitting on the ground facing east
2012-02-13 04:22:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please try out the mudra I sent you (the YouTube link). Please get a nice head massage. Another thing you can do, is palming
2012-02-13 04:16:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just managed to send you that DM & then was sucked into
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work & pairing. How is your headache now?

2012-02-13 04:15:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling!Sorry for the late wishes... Morning has been horribly hectic! I had an interview to conduct & yes, pairing. :-(
2012-02-13 04:14:36 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Clove oil, done. Xray done. 2nd opinion pending. Suddenly I envy the toothless old man!
2012-02-12 22:21:21 (EST)

purplepoetry77 All's fair in chores and on a sunday! :-) I wasted my night! Slept through out all... :-(
2012-02-12 22:07:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sleeping peacefully? Soft kisses on your shoulder...
2012-02-12 21:55:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Good evening! Am on my way to the office.. How was your day?
2012-02-12 21:54:22 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good evening, dear DC. Glad to hear your weekend was good! Mine was fine. Nothing noteworthy! Miss you on twitter... :-)
2012-02-12 21:51:51 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Yep that was too much info.. :-)

2012-02-12 21:48:33 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Teeth are still a problem. No clue what makes them hurt. Dentist also has no clue! I resisted antibiotics but surrendered to them. No use...
2012-02-12 21:48:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, if I have appeared quite enough for others to notice too, it is not JUST with you, right? I don't feel I was quite or sad, so not sure
2012-02-12 11:50:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sounded sad? Really? Hmmm. I really had no reason to be sad... Wonder what made me sound sad! Hmmm. Okee... Goodnight!
2012-02-12 11:41:30 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Do join me soon. I hope your headache passes...

2012-02-12 11:29:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What is silly about it? What is there to blush about? :-| Well, good night, darling. Sweet dreams to you too. Soft kisses on your nose.
2012-02-12 11:29:24 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile You feeling better?

2012-02-12 11:21:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ as to why he wrote me those words & how lovely they were. I was nearly going to ask him before I clicked on it to see that I had tweeted it!
2012-02-12 11:12:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I rarely remember what I have written. Be it on my blog or here. Recently someone RT-ed a tweet from a while ago & I was wondering for long
2012-02-12 11:11:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Nope. That was for a friend who thought I was writing sad tweets because something was bothering me in my life. :-)
2012-02-12 11:10:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why complicate something! You know I don't recall what I write... I will be honest. Rest assured.
2012-02-12 11:04:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Which one?

2012-02-12 11:00:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then you must try the link I sent you. Suddenly as in, why today? Didn't sleep well? Didn't eat well?
2012-02-12 10:42:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Use your nail & scrape a little skin off a lemon & smell it. Helps the nausea go away. Headache might need a massage. Why suddenly?
2012-02-12 10:35:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your headache now? A little better? Try this:
2012-02-12 10:23:55 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ It was a slightly packed day with the Tai Chi & kitchen ware hunting & lunch preparation & so on... But otherwise ok. :-)
2012-02-12 10:20:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nope. Not yet. Why? It is just 19:50 hrs! :-)

2012-02-12 09:22:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! :-( Sorry to hear your head hurts. I wish I was there to gently massage it & hum a song to you... :-( Take care.
2012-02-12 08:37:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling... :-)

2012-02-12 07:17:43 (EST)

1DaMuse My truest apologies. I didn't wish to embarrass you or such. If you think I should be made aware of something: :-(
2012-02-12 07:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I so love teasing you! My sweet baklava with a dozen ants in her pants! :-D
2012-02-12 06:55:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah right! Greedy greedy! It was a huge box! :-D

2012-02-12 06:54:47 (EST)

perlygates Do know this always, dear L, I hold you close to my heart. Don't ask me why but I wish I could hug you now. Really... tightly... No crying!
2012-02-12 06:37:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you find it so. Candy on an empty stomach might not be the best but all's fair on a Sunday morn! ;-p
2012-02-12 06:33:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-D I had to in case people wonder what it is. Incomprehension should deny one the joy of metaphors... :-)
2012-02-12 06:33:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The box of kisses I left under your pillow yesterday... :-D
2012-02-12 06:10:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Liar! Weren't you eating out of the box since yesterday?
2012-02-12 06:05:02 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Eat from the box I sent you!

2012-02-12 06:02:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much. Just that & something else quotidian.. :-) Did you eat all from the box?
2012-02-12 05:57:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-02-12 05:53:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Late lunch. Was preparing it too hence, was away! What are you up to?
2012-02-12 05:34:23 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Yes mommy!! Well, if we keep saying this over & over Twitter might think we are getting kinky or something. :-o Do take care! Goodnight!
2012-02-12 04:00:27 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile :-) Now go to bed! ;-)

2012-02-12 03:56:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's weird. It is not on my DM list. Not in my stream! Where did it go? I had written that TC class was fine & that... Never mind! :-(
2012-02-12 03:56:04 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Drink a lot of fluids. If you stay alone then cover yourself with a damp cloth & let the heat be absorbed. Might help. :-) Glad you liked it
2012-02-12 03:51:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, we did check out one place. Need to do some more research. All's well. I was back home long ago. I had sent you a DM earlier...
2012-02-12 03:49:34 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile :-) And hope you are keeping well too? What's with the sudden fever?
2012-02-12 03:43:23 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile ((hugs)) Honest! I am not pretending to be brave or anything. Nothing other than a toothache bothers me... :-)
2012-02-12 03:35:48 (EST)

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QueenOf_DeNile Awww! So sweet! I always want a hug! ;-p No, I am fine, other than the toothache! Very very kind of you to ask... :-)
2012-02-12 03:06:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I hit it against a table corner. What's lined up for today, darling? I so wish to just hug you & go to sleep... :-)
2012-02-12 00:39:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on those searching fingertips... How are you? Still smiling? I feel a little tired, but mostly fine... I think I hurt my elbow!
2012-02-12 00:38:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Didn't expect you up so early! Yes, back from TC. Need to go out now to buy something for the kitchen... Slept well?
2012-02-12 00:37:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Kisses around your navel...

2012-02-11 11:36:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come and join me soon, sweetie pie! :-) I wish your days ahead stay as beautiful as today...
2012-02-11 11:18:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling! I will be going to class again tomorrow morning! But for now I shall go to bed. Soft kisses on your tummy. :-)
2012-02-11 11:17:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Just teasing... My sweet darling, I must sleep now. Very tired. Let me wish you once more darling, happy birthday! :-)
2012-02-11 11:14:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You forgot! :-(

2012-02-11 11:06:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Lunch sounds colourful!

2012-02-11 11:02:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yeah, and I don't feel like having anything. What was for lunch? What did you get as gifts?
2012-02-11 10:56:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Skipping dinner as lunch was really late. Have a couple of biscuits & that is it... :-) Kissing you behind your knee... :-)
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2012-02-11 10:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't help be sad. I thought they would've delivered today. :-( Anyway, I suppose you get one more day to smile away... :-)
2012-02-11 10:42:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did the gift arrive? :-|

2012-02-11 10:10:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My teeth don't hurt due to heat our cold. Just physical pain which is now significantly reduced :-)
2012-02-11 10:10:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Class was fun. Enjoyed a lot. Finished one level... :-)
2012-02-11 09:52:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home! How was your day so far darling? Happy birthday to you! :-)
2012-02-11 09:39:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Class done. On my easy back. Sending you kisses & hugs... :-)
2012-02-11 08:58:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy birthday darling! Reached the class. Missing you... :-)
2012-02-11 07:40:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall leave now, sweet darling. Need to be at the class in a short while. Then I am back in your arms. Ok? Kiss you softly on your hips...
2012-02-11 06:46:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So love holding you, darling. Just to sway with you... & then stand behind you holding you while watching the breeze in a nearby field. :-)
2012-02-11 06:44:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course he meant Albert Einstein! I was kidding! :-D No no, I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to smile. Honest. :-)
2012-02-11 06:43:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today's your b'day so lets just enjoy today. Ok? I will have to leave in about 15 min. Till then let me sing you a song... :-)
2012-02-11 06:34:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today's your b'day so you can't be blamed or anything like that!
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:-) Olive & white sounds good. :-) We'll postpone plans till another day!
2012-02-11 06:33:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, very late lunch. Because I woke up late & had a late breakfast & so on... My sweet sweet darling. What are you wearing?
2012-02-11 06:20:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes connection problem is spoiling the day. Having lunch just now. Here comes the kiss... :-)
2012-02-11 05:53:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! My connection is acting up! :-( Sending you a nice hug when I can... :-) May I kiss you on your lips?
2012-02-11 05:15:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ choin choin pillow? ;-p

2012-02-11 03:19:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Being your trampoline? :-o

2012-02-11 03:09:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling! I am so so happy that it warmed your heart. I wish I could do more to make you smile & jump (not on me) & dance all day! :-)
2012-02-11 02:56:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to do all of that with you, darling. :-) Just my li'l li'l ways of making your day a little better than what it already is! :-)
2012-02-11 02:47:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okeee. Called you. No response! :-( Is everything alright?

2012-02-11 02:32:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just wish I could hold you know & twirl you in my arms! Oh! Let me call you... Forgot about that in the happiness of my connection!!
2012-02-11 02:23:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But where is my sweet darling drop of honey? :-(

2012-02-11 02:20:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finally got the internet connection working. It is such a relief!! :D

2012-02-11 02:19:53 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Happy birthday dear sweet darling. Since your mobile no. is also in my email account I couldn't call you. Do send it to me...
2012-02-11 02:00:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Other than tai chi I've kept my day for you...
2012-02-11 01:56:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling! Nothing like that. My internet connection is down & wasn't able to connect over the mobile. Finally managed the latter :-)
2012-02-11 01:55:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Seems like you are awake? Yes? Happy birthday, darling! :-)
2012-02-11 00:02:49 (EST)

syahidahz :-) And so are you...

2012-02-10 23:14:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How was your day? What's lined up for the weekend? Happy things?
2012-02-10 23:12:27 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Awww! I wish your day just gets better! My teeth seemed getting better & then Friday night got them uneasy again... :-( Never mind!
2012-02-10 23:02:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! Hope you sleep sweetly. Kissing your tummy as you sleep with sweet smiles... My lovely lively baklava, Andrea... :-)
2012-02-10 18:19:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please please be awake. I planned to wish you at midnight your time... But it makes no sense if you are sleeping!!!
2012-02-10 18:02:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Covering my sweet darling in a million happy birthday kisses... :-)

2012-02-10 18:00:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy b' day to you Happy b' day to you Happy birthday dear Andrea Happy b' day to you
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:-) I so wish you are still awake, darling !

2012-02-10 17:59:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on your temples... Do join me soon... :-)

2012-02-10 12:46:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to spend the weekend with you, too... Now my eyes are nearly closed. I am off to bed darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. :-)
2012-02-10 12:45:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) What is lined up for the weekend, sweet one? Something different? Something special? Something unique? :-)
2012-02-10 12:30:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Noting what dear? ;-p

2012-02-10 12:04:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had a banana so didn't skip it entirely... :-)

2012-02-10 12:01:38 (EST)

syahidahz :-( I wish that you find it again, hidden amongst the shadows of neglected corners of your home...
2012-02-10 12:01:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm ok. At home. Skipping dinner. Missing you... :-)

2012-02-10 11:54:56 (EST)

syahidahz I'd happily give you my voice, girl, if it would get you your heart's desire (yes, the two-legged one)... :-)
2012-02-10 11:53:33 (EST)

syahidahz Perhaps I wanted to write what I felt your heart was wanting to say.
2012-02-10 11:46:28 (EST)

syahidahz I'm fine, thank you. Alien to love yet result melting with burning hearts... Your heart's poetic. How will you escape it? :-)
2012-02-10 11:45:22 (EST)

syahidahz Surely you know I wrote those tweets for your heart's voice... How are you, dear S?
2012-02-10 11:38:35 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Pilgrimage of kisses!

2012-02-10 11:28:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aah! Much better! ;-) Where would my darling like kisses today?
2012-02-10 11:23:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Jumping on me? Surely I don't resemble a trampoline!!!

2012-02-10 11:12:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( don't say that. I hope it arrives by tomorrow... I miss you too, darling... Reached home...
2012-02-10 10:56:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why is my sweetie not in a cheerful mood? Btw, did the gift arrive?
2012-02-10 10:45:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling? I send you dm from my cab & you aren't around!!!
2012-02-10 10:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes I'm on my way home. Was on a call with clients so couldn't dm earlier. How is my baklava? :-)
2012-02-10 10:24:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, today I had to work a little more so I am still in the office. :-) My sweet darling's birthday tomorrow!! :-D
2012-02-10 08:15:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Or rather, good morning!

2012-02-10 05:01:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Goodnight, dear Jen... :-)

2012-02-10 05:01:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, and it takes longer to refresh. A small glowing blue is genuinely insufficient!! :-o
2012-02-10 05:00:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... Rushing back to work before the pair arrives! :-o
2012-02-10 04:58:06 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ooops. I meant My delight... ;-p

2012-02-10 04:41:51 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 My pleasure... :-)

2012-02-10 04:41:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 This is how my usual weekdays are... :-) Sleep tight, dear Jen. It is very very very late... :-o
2012-02-10 04:38:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Rest assured I will. :-) Since I am in the office & am pairing on my machine, nothing personal is left open. I have to sneak in minutes! :D
2012-02-10 04:37:54 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Yeah, the new DM monitor is not very useful on the Twitter page... You need to join in on some of our meetings. You'll get your lullaby!
2012-02-10 04:22:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Shouldn't you be asleep? :-o Or are you also doing the scheduling trick? ;-)
2012-02-10 03:18:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will have to return to pairing now, sweetie pie. Hope your day goes lovely. :-)
2012-02-10 03:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... had lunch. Teeth don't hurt much. How is your day so far? Sending you warm kisses to wear as stockings... :-)
2012-02-10 03:15:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today again is some pairing work so ... will send you kisses &hugs
2012-02-10 01:07:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hi darling! I am feeling much better since I am taking the antibiotics & painkiller. I feel sad that I have to, but no use fighting this!
2012-02-10 01:06:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I cover you in kisses to keep you warm through your sleep. Pull them close to your chin & smile...
2012-02-09 20:17:08 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I slept in fits I think & then I just slept slept slept. Woke up to no pain (the antibiotics & painkiller helped). Crazy teeth! :-o
2012-02-09 20:16:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie. Such a lovely surprise! :-) But please go & sleep now. Kissing you softly on your tummy & tucking you in bed! :-)
2012-02-09 20:15:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thanks darling... And one for you too

2012-02-09 11:55:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall finally go to bed now... Goodnight, sweetie pie! :-)

2012-02-09 11:43:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not one bit darling! Don't you dare consider loosening your grip! ;-p
2012-02-09 11:42:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You can't take competition from a mobile? :-o

2012-02-09 11:27:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lady and phone calls won't let me sleep!!! :-D

2012-02-09 11:21:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sleep is gone... :-(

2012-02-09 11:06:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... Being in the best of spirits today... Goodnight, darling. Soft kisses on your nose, sweetie.
2012-02-09 10:52:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I nearly fell asleep with the hot water bag on my cheek. Woken up by a phone call... :-( I think I will go to bed early... Sorry for not
2012-02-09 10:51:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really like turning into a bag of hay. Feeling low & disinterested with everything... :-(
2012-02-09 09:44:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not one bit. Was just reading tweets...

2012-02-09 09:42:55 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 voice = boys No clue how boys got typed out as voice :-o
2012-02-09 09:34:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! Hope your day started lovely & the voice saw their mother in a new avatar! :-)
2012-02-09 09:31:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry dear. The pain will go away... How is your day?
2012-02-09 09:30:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Any more wisdom and I'd sell my teeth! :-o

2012-02-09 08:37:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not one bit! Teeth still hurt. I think I am growing a new tooth on my upper jaw! I don't know. It just hurts... :-(
2012-02-09 08:29:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Just read about your day being perfect! :-) What made it so? Results out? :-)
2012-02-09 08:21:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home... :-) Slightly tired but should be fine once you hug me ;-)
2012-02-09 08:20:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I hope to get better soon. I think it is some other tooth that has caused the pain. :-(
2012-02-09 04:23:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day, sweetie? All things well settled? My lunch was fine. My teeth hurt more than yesterday :-(
2012-02-09 04:22:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, yes, been packed & caught up in a lot of things. And the pairing was on my machine so all personal browsers were shut. :-(
2012-02-09 04:21:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..on your birthday. I wish to be with you in some form or the other... :-)
2012-02-08 19:53:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My toothache's still there but reduced. I am so happy that you felt full of light & smiles yesterday. :-) Please do light an incense stick
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2012-02-08 19:52:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. A wet kiss on your ankles to help you float around when you wake up... :-)
2012-02-08 19:51:33 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme A certain warmth, sweetness, tenderness... :-)

2012-02-08 19:50:58 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme ..we've known each other since the days you ran to the swings & I helped push you higher & higher. :-)
2012-02-08 19:50:09 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I know this might come across as gushing or some such embarrassing behaviour but truth be told, I feel a strange bonding with you as if
2012-02-08 19:49:27 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Yes, I understand the need to just get away from it all... Hope it rejuvenated you. I have mostly been well. :-)
2012-02-08 19:48:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie pie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Kissing you softly on your knees. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2012-02-08 10:59:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I will now go and given my jaw a hot fomentation & then sleep. Hope the rest of your evening is lovely & filled with kissflakes!
2012-02-08 10:55:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That would be lovely. I am sure whether the pain goes or not, I will continue cuddling you, darling... :-)
2012-02-08 10:53:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Teeth still hurt a bit... :-)

2012-02-08 10:49:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fine. Had something for dinner which required too much chewing so my jaw hurts... :-(
2012-02-08 10:42:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You know what! I'd love to eat a sandwich with you under a tree...
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2012-02-08 10:36:22 (EST)

the_radish :-D God save you!

2012-02-08 10:35:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked them darling... :-) Was the address changed without hassle?
2012-02-08 10:31:50 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Break from the world? Am I allowed to ask why? Wish you could've taken that break by traveling over here. Might have enjoyed it... :-)
2012-02-08 09:18:31 (EST)

dgdreamin Just a day ago I was thinking, "Wish Deborah was here so that I could hug her". No reason... just. :-) Good morning!
2012-02-08 08:31:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Take a large pot, add some jaggery & brown sugar, heat gemtly and stir SLOWLY ... That is thing # 1 which should be done slow!! ;-p
2012-02-08 08:21:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Somethings are meant to be quick & some, slow... ;-p

2012-02-08 08:14:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too. Done with the meeting... :-)

2012-02-08 08:12:57 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Good morning, dear Danielle. Such a pleasure seeing you by my window... Missed you. :-)
2012-02-08 08:05:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How was Sunday? Had fun? Busy day? Do you work as well or just a student? My day was busy & packed but good-busy! :-)
2012-02-08 08:03:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Morning, dear DC. The teeth still hurt a bit. I am going to push it for another day at most & then surrender to the antibiotics :-o
2012-02-08 08:02:46 (EST)

Darkntwistd Dear Annie. I hope you are hale & hearty. How are things at your end? How is Versace & Brianna?
2012-02-08 07:56:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Phone
2012-02-08 07:29:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep. We have an evening meeting today but taking it from home...
2012-02-08 07:05:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You were warm inside because I kept blowing sweet kisses under your skin...
2012-02-08 07:04:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Am on my way home. Missing you a lot... May I kiss your finger tips? And then your throat? And then... ;-p
2012-02-08 06:57:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hi Sweetie, took a break to send you a dozen buttefly winged kisses!! :-) Missing you. Will head back to pairing now, darling. :-)
2012-02-08 03:44:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in office, yes. Busy day. Lot of work lined up. Need to complete them all. And yes, another day of pairing! :-(
2012-02-07 23:45:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...softly on your hips as you sleep... :-)

2012-02-07 23:44:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I kinda did.Teeth still hurt but a little better. Hope your dreams are sweet as I kiss you
2012-02-07 23:44:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! Hope your day was lovely! :-) I slept fairly well...
2012-02-07 20:10:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I do see the curtains flying... ;-)

2012-02-07 11:31:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wait for you eagerly... :-)

2012-02-07 11:26:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your lips... Do join me soon.. :-)
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2012-02-07 11:20:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall now head to bed. Feeling really sleepy...

2012-02-07 11:19:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) sweetie pie...

2012-02-07 11:18:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Sorry to hear that darling. Wonder why people need to be so bitter! Sigh... Please let me kiss my darling baklava so she will smile :-)
2012-02-07 11:05:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Sorry to hear the call didn't go great... :-| It would be lovely if you were here... :-)
2012-02-07 10:56:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Day was better than yesterday but still feels odd... :-(
2012-02-07 10:33:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sent you the DM as soon as the meeting ended (around 45 min ago). I thought you had stepped out... Dentist fixed nothing... :-(
2012-02-07 10:32:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tooth hurts still. Skipping dinner... How has your day been?
2012-02-07 10:23:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, reached home & done with a call. :-) Yes, the ride is pending. Hmmm. Let's see when we can fulfill that. :-)
2012-02-07 10:19:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the class right now. Missing you.. :-)

2012-02-07 07:28:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww... Here is a kiss to motivate my sweet darling... :-)

2012-02-07 07:27:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC. How was the land of dreams? :-)
2012-02-07 07:26:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is merely a matter of time, I am sure! :-)

2012-02-07 06:04:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But how can something in the world of the lovely Andrea ever
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be non-beautiful! :-) I am sure you'll spice it up well & give it your touch
2012-02-07 06:04:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was fun. Excellent Med. food. Been working most of the time. Not much grumpiness in office today, still, people are people... :-|
2012-02-07 06:03:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finished having lunch & now in office. How was your day? All well settled in the new house?
2012-02-07 04:50:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you sweetie. Outside for a team lunch. :-)

2012-02-07 04:22:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day starts out warm & cheerful. :-)
2012-02-07 00:06:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Since I am pairing on my machine today I cannot open anything personal. So I will be away from Twitter & mail for most of the day... :-(
2012-02-07 00:06:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. A soft kiss on your shoulders while you sleep. I am in the office & the busy day's begun!
2012-02-07 00:05:39 (EST)

the_radish Pessoa?
2012-02-06 23:13:52 (EST)

the_radish ..why you need one.

2012-02-06 23:11:14 (EST)

the_radish I cannot be used unless I allow it, dear C. So don't worry. It is not about balancing relationships as much as it is about understanding
2012-02-06 23:11:05 (EST)

the_radish ..or even mis-representing them. Not fair on your part. People often need love so it takes them time to get out of that to face truth..
2012-02-06 23:10:25 (EST)

the_radish It doesn't matter if you leave twitter or not as long as you are going to remain thus, using people, not letting them know, misleading them
2012-02-06 23:08:10 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire It always is a delight when one does well in academics/profession. And coupled with the beauty of the mind... Lovely combination, dear DC!
2012-02-06 22:53:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I did use clove oil but the relief was beyond reach. Actually it seemed to worsen the pain! :-o Congrats on doing well in your tests! :-)
2012-02-06 22:52:13 (EST)

the_radish What happened? Men want women. Simple. As much as women want men. If the wo/man promises things the man/woman will build hopes. Simple!
2012-02-06 22:43:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Holding you I snore and sleep...

2012-02-06 11:33:31 (EST)

syahidahz :-( You ok,girl? Worried about you. Perhaps you need more faith in time. Like how it healed your inconsolable heart when you tore your dress
2012-02-06 11:30:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't cry darling. Toothache will go away. Don't worry! ;-) Kissing you softly on your lips... :-)
2012-02-06 11:25:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My little sweetie pie... May I go to bed now?

2012-02-06 11:21:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If my darling wishes a sweet hug then it is my wish too! :-) Sending you a deep hug and kiss... Tiny bit happier?
2012-02-06 11:12:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care, darling. Do come and join me soon, sweetie... :-)
2012-02-06 10:53:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not busy dear. Finished a meeting & had dinner... Feeling tired due to the pain & general ill-ease...
2012-02-06 10:51:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I shall head to bed now. Good night sweetie pie. Sweet
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dreams. Sleep well, darling.

2012-02-06 10:51:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! I was wondering what you were saying... :-)

2012-02-06 10:45:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What is beautiful? What is elusive?

2012-02-06 10:39:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? My undershirt?

2012-02-06 09:45:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope the grumpiness stops with Mondays! :-( I am a will-o'-the wisp!? Wow! Never been called that before! :-)
2012-02-06 09:23:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, office environment gets a little annoying at times... :-(

2012-02-06 09:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thought you enjoyed the challenge! ;-p

2012-02-06 09:09:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tooth is ok (still hurting) & day was boring/irritating

2012-02-06 08:52:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Forget that certain man, dear. Focus on me... ;-p

2012-02-06 08:52:21 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Slept well? All set to rock the world (of wireless subscribers)? :-)
2012-02-06 08:29:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So will just resort to hot water bags & balms, perhaps... :-) Hope your week starts out well with smiling sunshine... :-)
2012-02-06 08:27:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..anything. She's given me antibiotics which I won't be taking (I hate meds). Pains still there though the sharp shootings ones seem gone!
2012-02-06 08:27:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, dear DC. :-) Hope your Sunday was good & you slept well too. :-) I went to the dentist. No use. She wasn't able to figure
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2012-02-06 08:26:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling! Do take care while driving. I agree with you - Men!! How could they be like this?
2012-02-06 08:25:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..won't be consuming. The pain's still there but less pronounced. No shooting pain since last night. But pain is constantly there... :-)
2012-02-06 08:24:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, Jen. :-) The dentist had nothing to offer. Xrays were taken but showed nothing. She's given me some anti-biotics which I
2012-02-06 08:23:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling! :-) I found some too but they made registration and/or delivery next to impossible. Some were mere webpages!
2012-02-06 06:11:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept fairly well though last night the pain was too much! I slept with my cheek on a hot water bag. Woke up with no pain but still wary..
2012-02-06 04:04:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know it is very cold. One of the hungarian sites refused to transport flowers because of the temperature! :-) I hope it gets warmer!
2012-02-06 04:02:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Morning, darling. Sorry. I went to the dentist & then got into office into continuous meetings, lunch & the like! :-(
2012-02-06 04:02:02 (EST)

the_radish My pleasure... :-)

2012-02-05 21:25:36 (EST)

the_radish Perfect. :-) All's well now... :-)

2012-02-05 21:23:44 (EST)

the_radish I think that's the only way to resolve this. Don't defend yourself & ensure that you don't repeat it with anyone else. Not a wise move. :-|
2012-02-05 21:21:38 (EST)

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the_radish Well, I am only allowed 140 characters! I think you need to apologise to them & reveal this exact side of you to them...
2012-02-05 21:17:49 (EST)

the_radish :-| Hmmm. So it is perhaps less about they being harassing & more about you having kindled something which isn't going off when you wish it!
2012-02-05 21:16:19 (EST)

the_radish And why did you make those decisions? Did you lead them to believe that you would love them back? Is the Pakistani one of them?
2012-02-05 21:11:33 (EST)

the_radish And when you tell them that, exactly that, what happens?
2012-02-05 21:08:58 (EST)

the_radish If you feel it would help to share, you know all you need to do is reach out... :-)
2012-02-05 21:03:37 (EST)

the_radish Woah! What's with the formality!? :-o Cynthia, you knew always that if I sensed an urgency I would be available... No? :-|
2012-02-05 20:59:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie. Sleeping sweetly? Hope you wake to a lovely sun's warmth... :-)
2012-02-05 20:58:23 (EST)

the_radish Obsessive yes. Possessive only if s/he disallows you from being anyone's friend. Abusive if s/he hurts you for not responding in like...
2012-02-05 20:56:17 (EST)

ZinniaTung Lovely thick hair. Hope you nourish it well. :-) Nazar na lagein.. It is vital to be picky; more so to know how much. Sending you smiles :-)
2012-02-05 20:00:32 (EST)

the_radish Sure. Shoot! :-)

2012-02-05 19:57:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight,sweet one. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your nose... Come join me soon, sweetie.. :-)
2012-02-05 11:27:41 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) One look with one eye!? Then you would be squinting!! ;-p Anyway, I have to go to bed now. It is late here...
2012-02-05 11:26:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please! You called. That was beautiful... :-)

2012-02-05 11:18:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Embarrassed? Why?

2012-02-05 11:06:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..keep you posted. How are the girls? Interested in the game or have their own plans?
2012-02-05 11:02:31 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well it started after I visited them to re-cement a bridge that was a little loose! So not ongoing though clearly onset! :-( Will surely
2012-02-05 11:02:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you... :-) I hope you like what I have chosen for you. I hope it arrives on time. :-|
2012-02-05 10:56:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ please check your mail & reply asap

2012-02-05 10:46:18 (EST)

ZinniaTung ...decent sardars there, no?

2012-02-05 10:22:57 (EST)

ZinniaTung If I am allowed to smile at: "That sad moment when you want to just cuddle and go to bed. But. U is all alone." :-) Sure there are tonnes of
2012-02-05 10:22:47 (EST)

ZinniaTung Good morning, Ms. T. Is that your hair in a braid?

2012-02-05 10:12:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Now, please help me find a site in Hungary that will work! :-D
2012-02-05 10:09:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I would love to have given you that & more too... :-)
2012-02-05 09:54:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And then from there to work... I'd be lying through my teeth (!!) if I said I was fine but I've seen worse days... :-)
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2012-02-05 09:38:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire My toothache hasn't left my side. Thanks for asking, dear. :-) I hope it will subside soon. Will be heading to the dentist again tomorrow!
2012-02-05 09:37:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Good morning dear DC. Hope the Sunday morning sun's warm kiss keeps you glowing throughout the day... All set for the game? :-)
2012-02-05 09:25:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, that would be true for India too, but then the shipping is often as much as the item itself!
2012-02-05 09:04:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Amazon Germany delivers to Hungary?

2012-02-05 08:55:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( So you too don't shop online in Hungary? Hungarian sites (except one grocery store) are really sad. :-(
2012-02-05 08:47:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..are mere fronts to their brick & mortar store. :-( Sorry, I ruined your surprise... :-(
2012-02-05 08:35:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Could you send me the link to any one site where I can buy books or some such items? I have tried since yesterday and most sites
2012-02-05 08:34:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does anyone buy anything online in Hungary?

2012-02-05 08:30:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ +36-70-647-48-42
2012-02-05 08:05:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's your phone number?

2012-02-05 08:01:30 (EST)

syahidahz *bows down*... And you, in what Twitter offered to me. :-)
2012-02-05 07:26:46 (EST)

syahidahz And frankly, even a thank you wouldn't make sense because I
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only responded to your play of words... So, thank you! :-)

2012-02-05 07:24:30 (EST)

syahidahz hahahahaha :-D That's fine. A "thank you" would suffice!! ;-p
2012-02-05 07:24:01 (EST)

syahidahz Bridges of silence ~ Pull shores together ~ What's left ~ To cross? [hat tip to @syahidahz]
2012-02-05 07:22:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems to help then...

2012-02-05 07:20:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I have figured out the trick. When the shooting pain starts, if I either bite my teeth harder or create a vacuum suction force...
2012-02-05 07:20:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was making masala papad ( for myself (terribly hungry) & then tackling a bout of pain again (before I ate).
2012-02-05 07:19:56 (EST)

syahidahz Hey S, did you find the tweet I left you?

2012-02-05 07:14:36 (EST)

syahidahz Quite an insightful observation... Hmmm. Perhaps they do reveal something about us. You are wise, dear S. :-)
2012-02-05 07:12:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please! Nothing to be sorry about. Books are meant to be read... :-)
2012-02-05 07:11:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) What else did you peek into, huh?

2012-02-05 06:09:22 (EST)

syahidahz Then writing is simply the ability to occupy a myriad bodies & psyches at once...
2012-02-05 06:08:53 (EST)

syahidahz ..writing. Surely, I might not want to feel any particular way. Perhaps I merely get into the shoes of a milkmaid & think like her... No?
2012-02-05 06:08:32 (EST)

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syahidahz Absolutely! None of what I write is from experience. Well, very little. Surely not the sensual stuff! *blush* What you say is one facet of
2012-02-05 06:07:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Have you read Pessoa?

2012-02-05 06:04:25 (EST)

syahidahz Esp. given that one can choose any avatar to represent themselves...
2012-02-05 05:55:02 (EST)

syahidahz ...his/her words? Isn't it the virtual world's way of replacing a beautiful face & attractive body with sensual/deep/profound words?
2012-02-05 05:54:40 (EST)

syahidahz I am fine, thank you. Do you think people read words & imagine the writer to be this or that thereby building images of him/her to be like
2012-02-05 05:53:50 (EST)

syahidahz How are you, dear S? :-)

2012-02-05 05:43:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Felt clean. :-) Yes, pouting snowflakes can be funny! :-D
2012-02-05 05:41:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, darling! :-) Watching & naming snowflakes with you... :-) Just had my bath. Didn't feel like doing a thing! :-(
2012-02-05 04:59:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Aww! Really? I am touched. Hope the words give you fodder for dreams suave in their whisper... :-) Goodnight, sweet one. :-)
2012-02-05 04:03:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Aren't you up too late!? :-o

2012-02-05 03:59:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up? You have woken up earlier than usual today. Any special occasion?
2012-02-05 02:16:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Vodka will never enter this house!! :-D I am feeling a little better darling. Lazy day as I am just lying in bed! :-( Will do some reading..
2012-02-05 02:16:31 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Glad I could be that. :-) Now I won't keep you up late at night. Wishing you lovely dreams & a sweet sleep. Goodnight, dear DC :-)
2012-02-05 00:21:44 (EST)

DangerslyClaire For some reason, knowing about your exam schedule, your girls,the tragedy in the recent past, etc. gave a semblance of long held familiarity
2012-02-05 00:19:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Come on! You need to give yourself a break from studying too. :-) Hope you have loads of fun tomorrow. If I may say, I missed you... :-)
2012-02-05 00:15:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Aww! Stomach bug is bad. I am suffering from a tooth ache. Otherwise, fine. :-) What's lined up for the weekend?
2012-02-05 00:03:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, that you worry so much about me itself brings me relief. I am just going to take the day slowly as it comes... :-(
2012-02-04 23:33:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The pain really brings out the tears as a natural body response. I don't feel like crying but the body pushes out tears. Like cutting onions
2012-02-04 23:30:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tried a cold pack & the pain increased. So boiled water, filled my hot water bag & placed it on my cheek. I was in tears... :-(
2012-02-04 23:30:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did fall asleep but woke up around 2:30 for no reason. Pain was significantly less. Then suddenly the pain hit unbearably!!! :-o
2012-02-04 23:29:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet sweet darling. I so so wish you were here. Just to hold you through the night would've rid me of all pain! :-|
2012-02-04 23:28:00 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Welcome back! Such a delight to see you here... :-) Hope all's well with you, Claire! xoxo (BTW, that is your name, right?)
2012-02-04 23:27:17 (EST)

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Darkntwistd Awww! Both of us (words & I) were here, dear Annie. Hope all's well at your end. Love to Versace & hugs to Bri
2012-02-04 23:25:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Forget it! It hurts too much... goodnight!

2012-02-04 11:50:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Would writing cure my toothache?

2012-02-04 11:41:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet one. Have a lovely evening. Sweet dreams. Do join me soon
2012-02-04 11:30:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am logging off now... Damn! :-(

2012-02-04 11:29:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I had a bridge which had come off so got it re-cemented. Was fine till I was just about to reach home. Felt like an anchor dropped on them!
2012-02-04 11:27:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..happens tomorrow. I might just have to get into a meditative trance tomorrow if this continues! :-(
2012-02-04 11:23:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I went to the drugstore, bought some clove oil & a pain killer. Hope that will take care of the teeth for the night. Let's see what ..
2012-02-04 11:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope, just cloves! :-((

2012-02-04 10:58:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 My teeth are hurting miserably all of a sudden!! :-(

2012-02-04 10:57:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The pain is still there & killing me. The dentist's place is shut. Tomorrow they are closed! Really painful :'-(
2012-02-04 10:46:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! I got back from the Tai Chi class but on my way I was overpowered by this horrible ache in my tooth which the fixed!!
2012-02-04 10:44:54 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 I'll wait for 5 min. before getting on to my motorbike... If I don't take your call then we can chat once I get home... Which will be 50 min
2012-02-04 09:00:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :-) Done with my class. Good time to call on my mobile... :-)
2012-02-04 08:57:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm silly as ever. No one fears legal action because everyone knows that nothing happens here in india
2012-02-04 07:03:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ At the dentist. Missing my sweet one... Biting my teeth now. The sofa guy still didn't do the job. I just threatened with legal action! :-D
2012-02-04 07:02:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 But I am heading out to the tailors (with whom I was quarreling earlier), dentist & then Tai Chi... :-)
2012-02-04 05:29:03 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I hope you slept peacefully with a smile... :-) Oh Jen! You are so so ... purple! :-) I hope to be by your side when you wake up...
2012-02-04 05:28:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Now off to check on the sofa-cover guy & then to the dentist & then to Tai Chi. Will get back online asap... A kiss for my li'l darling!
2012-02-04 05:26:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Naah! No more complaints, darling. I am tired... So back to smiling & getting ready to leave... :-)
2012-02-04 04:53:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, same as with the carpenter! Same as with nearly everyone! :-( sorry... :-)
2012-02-04 04:29:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-02-04 04:28:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ grand plan! I suppose I just let the flow thing go on for too
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long!! :-(
2012-02-04 04:07:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to go to the dentist's place in an hour's time & then Tai Chi. I think my life is becoming indisciplined again & I should return to
2012-02-04 04:07:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Jen, aren't you getting into a love addiction trap again? Fair enough, you are now intelligently reasoning it out, but is this good for you?
2012-02-04 04:05:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 If I were your best friend who had your best interest in mind, and got to know about this perspective you had about eroteme, I'd ask you:
2012-02-04 04:05:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So was at his shop waiting for him to show up & then had a major argument with him & his tailors & got back home, had a bath & lunch... :-|
2012-02-04 04:03:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. Was away doing chores etc.. The guy who was supposed to stitch a cover for the futon mattress had messed things up :-o
2012-02-04 04:03:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sorry. Didn't get that point about pleasure and online...
2012-02-04 00:44:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Well you got two instead of one... ;-) Not one bit of a torture, unless that is how you spell pleasure...
2012-02-04 00:39:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Fine. Will write you one...

2012-02-04 00:23:45 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Good night, sweet Jen. You need to sleep... :-)
2012-02-04 00:17:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course I remember the feel of your skin esp. your tummy! :-) A kiss for your tummy... :-)
2012-02-03 23:33:04 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping well? I slept fairly well though woke up really early! :-)
2012-02-03 23:30:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-)
2012-02-03 19:46:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight sweet one... :-)

2012-02-03 11:07:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a soft butterfly-winged kiss for your neck... :-)
2012-02-03 10:57:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling. I wish you were here too! :-) I shall get off the mobile connection now. Sweet dreams, sweet one! Do join me soon.
2012-02-03 10:56:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'm still using the mobile! Connection is still down. Nook battery is dead so charging it! So in short... :-(
2012-02-03 10:28:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because the laptop needs a broadband connection too!!!

2012-02-03 10:09:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My internet is down. :-( Cannot use the mobile too much...
2012-02-03 09:41:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Such a delight chatting with you, Jen. Loved the tinkle in your voice... :-)
2012-02-03 09:02:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee. Darling. I am just stretching & warming up my muscles... But that doesn't mean I can't send you a kiss... :-)
2012-02-03 09:00:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She is married. :-) I could so use the hug & kiss now... I just want to dismantle my back & be backless for a while... :-|
2012-02-03 08:26:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 A magic carpet would be lovely! I presume I could use it to cross timezone too, right? :-)
2012-02-03 08:23:03 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 I do have a landline. I would offer you yogurt for sure, if I could. Had a good breakfast? :-)
2012-02-03 08:22:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I have an android phone. Reached home... Yoghurt?

2012-02-03 08:17:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been fine. Decent work. New person joined the team. So some work with her as well. Decent day. No complaints! :-)
2012-02-03 08:13:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Still on my way home... :-)

2012-02-03 07:59:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I miss you too sweetie pie. How has your day been?
2012-02-03 06:13:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 hahahaha :-D Nice one!

2012-02-03 05:46:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Greyhounds don't run on water... So, it might require a combination of many many modes of transport. :-D
2012-02-03 05:46:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hello, my name is Anand. I am in & hail from India. And you would be? ;-p
2012-02-03 05:44:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Today is your lucky day! Been giving massages since I was a teenager, so... I enjoy putting people to sleep with a massage! :-)
2012-02-03 05:40:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahahhaa :-D Poor Nina mama! Well, she simply has to get used to sharing a lion's share of my kisses with you... ;-p
2012-02-03 05:36:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Pretty please! How else would your colleagues get their daily dose of music? Come on! Be a good guy & rush over ;-p
2012-02-03 05:31:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nina mama told me in private... So I needn't cross validate her word. I trust her. Our relationship goes way way back... ;-p
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2012-02-03 05:29:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Exactly! I was surprised! Yes, it is still Friday evening out here. And yes dear, you have to go to work. :-)
2012-02-03 05:29:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, still at work. Will be here for another hour or so. Then an hour's drive home. 5:15, yes, isn't it too early or is this your normal?
2012-02-03 05:18:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yipee!! Good morning, dear Jen! Slept well? Feeling well rested?
2012-02-03 05:12:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are just jealous of the primal bond Nina mama & I share. ;-p
2012-02-03 04:31:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am sure your kisses help me in many more ways than just reducing my back ache! :-D
2012-02-03 03:37:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure Nina mama was jumping & laughing after that... My sweet sweet darling... I miss you. I wish you were here. Just had lunch. :-)
2012-02-03 03:29:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today I am by myself & got some good work!

2012-02-03 01:26:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... sending you a soft kiss for your shoulder. And one for nina mama too, for keeping you company at night. :-)
2012-02-03 01:16:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Predictable man! Speak of what you can get me & you vanish! Hurmph!
2012-02-02 23:57:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What a man does to every woman!! Buy me a Jimmy Choo!! :-D
2012-02-02 23:46:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 There goes that goofy... :-)

2012-02-02 23:42:10 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 Where does it go in the middle of the night!? ;-p

2012-02-02 23:39:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Sweet sweet heart... full of love & tenderness. How I would love to cradle it... :-)
2012-02-02 23:36:45 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Don't let my DMs, emails keep you up. Sleep supersedes all in importance. Except tiramisu... but we'll get to that later! ;-p
2012-02-02 23:15:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh! Yes, it is late for you. Goodnight, sweet Jen. A warm kiss on your forehead while you curl into your bed... :-) Do sleep well
2012-02-02 23:14:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-D Getting into a round of meetings & work... so will ping you whenever I get a break.
2012-02-02 23:11:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh! Then I now have to pout & claim a headache!! :-D
2012-02-02 22:47:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You can't blame me for everything!!! :-)

2012-02-02 22:36:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wow!
2012-02-02 22:29:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wow! A new wordplay! And this one will speak of the soul of love where the earlier one shone the light of sensual passion.. :-)
2012-02-02 22:23:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And I shall joyously hum tunes of warmth... Oy! Aren't you the man-in-the-relationship? You hum & pamper me!! ;-)
2012-02-02 22:18:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Thank you, sweet one. Wish I could hug you right now. Sometimes touch reassures the heart of the intangibles more than anything else can :-)
2012-02-02 22:11:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I have always felt love and generosity without reservation, only to hurt someone our be disillusioned... :-( If only...
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2012-02-02 22:09:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 There you go! You are a psychic too, knowing the ways of my heart so well. :-)
2012-02-02 22:07:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Your heart is such, lovely Jen. :-) Smiles & warmth don't come to all. Needs a heart shaped chalice for that... Honest.
2012-02-02 21:55:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yep, I just saw that! I wish it was. :-) Then we could continue chatting, sitting on the floor. You could sing too... :-)
2012-02-02 21:51:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've tried hard, but love of the transformative kinds seems to be restricted for the gods... Never felt it & doubt I ever will... :-|
2012-02-02 21:48:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't consider any of your words trite. Rest assured. It is just that I seem to be designed to feel such love only for the Divine.. :-)
2012-02-02 21:46:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping well? I slept well. Pain has reduced a bit. But that doesn't mean you reduce your kisses, ok... ;-)
2012-02-02 21:42:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And here is sending you a smile.. :-) Still on my way to the workplace...
2012-02-02 21:34:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aww! So sweet. I slept fairly well. I did wake up to 1st check if there were any DMs/emails... But found a response instead! Yipee! :-)
2012-02-02 19:45:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yeeehaaa! I am! Thank heavens! ;-p How was your day, dear Jen? Hope the call volume was low...
2012-02-02 19:34:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So sweet... I wish many smiles around you light your every step today.
2012-02-02 11:52:11 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Then I shall wait for the day when you find time to to unleash those words... Wishing you all the best for your other tests. :-)
2012-02-02 11:42:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your forehead & ears... Come join me soon & wrap into me... :-)
2012-02-02 11:00:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Now I am off to bed. I wish to read a bit before sleeping off... Hope the rest of your day is lovely, darling. :-)
2012-02-02 10:59:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wow! Wouldn't it be easier for you to Skype? Or GTalk? No?

2012-02-02 10:51:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sure sure... Was on another window. :-)

2012-02-02 10:48:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will keep the battery, darling. Rest assured. Some cells have a life of their own...
2012-02-02 10:17:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think our exchange set the wires on fire at the Twitter office!! Oh! Wireless? Pity the air-conditioning there!! ;-p
2012-02-02 10:15:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Twitter got jealous! :-D

2012-02-02 10:14:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See!? What collection of words could ever compare to what you did to my watch!!? :-) Yes, it is fine & hums your name... :-)
2012-02-02 09:59:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Words are not the only things that move my heart, darling. Socks hugging each other in inseparable tango also do... :-)
2012-02-02 09:34:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..delights me & brings a smile to my day... :-)

2012-02-02 09:32:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I have been mostly fine. And you? The girls? I see you lesser on Twt. but I see it is for good ends. :-) And you do know that a DM
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from you
2012-02-02 09:31:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire WOW!! You are a lovely combination of beauty & brains... I wish you'd also get enough rest & rejuvenation in the midst of this hectic run...
2012-02-02 09:31:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So what did you do throughout the day? How is Nina mama!? She must be quite a powerful being to pull you to her so quickly!! :-)
2012-02-02 09:08:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nook would make it more explicit. Yes, an interesting exchange I must say. I admire how she loves her lover... Near worship.
2012-02-02 08:58:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pretending is easy if I had a room to myself. Since we work in the open like kids in kindergarten it is tough as anyone can see your screen
2012-02-02 08:47:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh! Sent you an email... :-)

2012-02-02 08:45:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Urdu is a sensual amalgam of Arabic, Hindi, Persian & Farsi. Not my native tongue but I learnt as much as I could because of its beauty! :-)
2012-02-02 08:45:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Urdu. The language of love & passion... Trust me, I doubt any language can ever soothe a lover's nerves as well as Urdu can with its words..
2012-02-02 08:44:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh! Do listen to it whenever you have time. Glad you liked the translation which pales vigorously in comparison to the original beauty...
2012-02-02 08:40:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Do let me know if I am holding you up or anything like that. I am unaware of your schedule & I am back home so... :-)
2012-02-02 08:28:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) Phew! As soon as I sent it out I thought you might get
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offended! Thank heavens... Yep, IBM has its cool side too!
2012-02-02 08:28:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 If you click on the Play button in the yellow post-it like thing on this link: ... :-)
2012-02-02 08:19:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I was in Canada in 2008. Short stay. Mostly in Ottawa. Was then with IBM Labs. :-)
2012-02-02 08:17:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Am I what? I recall reading something which sounded like you were in the US. Half egyptian? Does that explain the eyebrows on the kids!? :-)
2012-02-02 08:17:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I have no work to do, it is better because I can fill it with writing & reading. But being in office, I would need to do something... :-(
2012-02-02 08:13:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I leave that job to spallows! ;-) Kiss my darling back... softly, sweetly...
2012-02-02 08:12:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aah! Toronto! Had a good time when I visited it last. Why did I think you were American!? Glad you are Canadian. :-)
2012-02-02 08:03:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..slept, woke up did some more work, left from the office & now at home letting you know how my day went! :-D
2012-02-02 07:59:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not laconic or anything. I got into office & after regular meetings had to conduct an interview, then lunch, another meeting, some work...
2012-02-02 07:59:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sorry, was driving back home so couldn't DM earlier...

2012-02-02 07:42:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Why do I have a feeling that I had already told you my name... No? My apologies. BTW, where do you live?
2012-02-02 07:42:16 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 Good morning! :-) Yes, I did read mentions of receiving calls, etc. :-) Oh yes! I've a name. I am told it is necessary to have one! Anand
2012-02-02 07:41:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. I actually slept a bit in the office. Had to rest my shoulders. Largely a useless day... :-( Heading for home soon...
2012-02-02 06:24:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My back still hurts a bit... :-(

2012-02-02 03:50:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But heat & smell of foods is not good for books... Good morning, sweetie. Yes, I can feel those semi-digested butterflies... ;-p
2012-02-02 03:07:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And you, dear Jen? :-)

2012-02-02 01:28:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am a computer scientist. I develop software... :-)

2012-02-02 01:28:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wishing you a good night's sleep... :-) Dreams of your choice, dear Jen. :-)
2012-02-02 00:42:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nope right here... But now in a meeting.

2012-02-02 00:41:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And you've vanished again? :-(

2012-02-01 23:46:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung Aah ok! A tweet... :-) Perhaps my subconscious remembers! :-) Hope all's well with you. Glad you liked it. It was for/in response to yours..
2012-02-01 23:45:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung Glad you liked it, but my apologies - what history with a sock do we share? I even ran through your DMs but couldn't find any mention.. :-|
2012-02-01 23:36:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you enjoy it. :-) Sorry, was in a meeting. I thoroughly enjoy your words too. Of course, you knew that! ;-) The response is on its
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2012-02-01 23:31:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Okeee.. Be my guest! And master... ;-p

2012-02-01 23:09:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Lingering rise!!? Aren't you taking the man-in-therelationship thing too literally ;-)
2012-02-01 22:57:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Most certainly, but I am at work now. So...

2012-02-01 22:56:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 That said, I was once an astrologer who stopped when introduced to the vulgarity of humans. Perhaps, I intuit well at times. Why?
2012-02-01 22:41:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nope. Unless being a listener and someone interested in the other soul is being one... :-)
2012-02-01 22:38:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sure. Does it come with tickles & pouts? ;-)

2012-02-01 22:20:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We could make ourselves a home there. I would so love it. A kitchen in a huge library... :-) Kissing my darling on her tummy...
2012-02-01 19:28:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! I'm so glad that you liked the pictures. Yes, it would be loveliest to walk through them with you. :-)
2012-02-01 19:24:58 (EST)

syahidahz Ok... I bless you too! Gosh! You are greedy! ;-p
2012-02-01 11:49:11 (EST)

syahidahz You are sweet & wise, dear S. God bless... :-)
2012-02-01 11:43:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your nose, nape, navel, naughty lips, naughty knees, naughty shoulders! :-D All N-parts!! ;-)
2012-02-01 11:26:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, that would be lovely. I think I will go crash now...
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Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams. I will go now treat my back... :-|

2012-02-01 11:25:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back... Had dinner. And getting all set for retiring for the day... :-)
2012-02-01 10:55:14 (EST)

dgdreamin Yes, it is! A common sight here but am sure it would look lovely on you too... :-)
2012-02-01 09:57:03 (EST)

dgdreamin Are they your hands? Jangling bracelets... :-)

2012-02-01 09:34:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too darling large pizza...

2012-02-01 08:53:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. Hope your day is joyous & without any toothache. I hope the questions I asked weren't too personal...
2012-02-01 08:40:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure sure... No problem. Take your time. My day was ok. My back still hurts a bit... But mostly all else is well... :-)
2012-02-01 08:40:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And home... :-)

2012-02-01 08:33:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way home...

2012-02-01 07:11:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too darling. They were just bruises from tripping and falling all over... ;-)
2012-02-01 07:11:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would help manage the number of kisses going out!! ;p
2012-02-01 05:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just! It has to be some day. So an N-Day. :-D Alrighty! Nose first. Navel next. Nape after that... ;-)
2012-02-01 03:46:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, food from home. I slept well with the hot water bag (bought a new one) & just felt like sleeping longer & longer... :-)
2012-02-01 03:36:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is the N day. So kisses only on N-places ;-)

2012-02-01 02:46:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. Meetings from morning. Having lunch now... Would you like a kiss on your noise or navel? ;)
2012-02-01 02:45:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And... you seem to have vanished. Hope you sleep a good night's sleep with dreams of your choice
2012-02-01 01:10:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 hahahaha :-D I don't know about that. But I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with you. Where do you live? And your angels are boys? :-)
2012-02-01 00:14:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And to make the woman picture your head more domicile, I cook, decorate & do many many girly things. :-D
2012-02-01 00:04:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sure, we could talk, but I am at the office now. So shall we setup a time over this weekend? Skype?
2012-02-01 00:03:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sure. I would be most delighted if you'd be the man. I am not a very easy woman. Be forewarned... ;-p
2012-02-01 00:03:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You did!? Wow! Speak of coincidences... BTW, I find your voice dulcet. :-)
2012-02-01 00:01:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Unnecessary space crept in - inconsequential.

2012-02-01 00:00:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am comfortable being a woman. Surprisingly, many folks on Twitter think I am a woman. Point is, the sex of words is in consequential! :-)
2012-01-31 23:59:40 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 ..enough to hear their true song.

2012-01-31 23:58:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..your soul. Had you not done that, I couldn't have heard anything. While you did speak from your soul, it was a joy holding your words long
2012-01-31 23:58:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am from & currently live in India. :-) How did I get all that from your words? Simple. By listening & being grateful that you spoke from
2012-01-31 23:57:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ...silencing truth that words can reveal. Do you understand? Like my ego wanting to be that smart guy who could glean all. Glad it didn't
2012-01-31 23:56:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am not!? Wow! Glad I didn't let my mind overwhelm the truth of your words. Sometimes, it does get tempting to want to conclude & hence,
2012-01-31 23:55:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 When I read, I read. Perhaps that is why I suffer from following too many people. I am simply unable to invest that much in all of them. :-(
2012-01-31 23:54:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am not sure whether you are that readable. You must know that I don't know you or have not actively read you before you were in love...
2012-01-31 23:53:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Err... I am done. ;-)

2012-01-31 23:51:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How did I gather these things (which could very well all be wrong)? From your lovely words, dear Jen. :-)
2012-01-31 23:51:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..connection with love as it was always supposed to be experienced - as an individual soul. That is transformation enough for a
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human soul!
2012-01-31 23:50:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ...considered sissy had someone suggested this to you earlier to this experience. In summary, I think he has grown in you a simple & clear
2012-01-31 23:49:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..sown in you is the clarity that love is not a mutual entity. A sense of absoluteness in your love for him. Something which you might have
2012-01-31 23:46:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 If I may say, without hurting your pride, he has instilled in you a slight subservience & moistness of the soul. Another thing I feel he has
2012-01-31 23:46:06 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think in love he has softened you. While you still hold the ferocity of your being, it is in love. More as an offering to him.
2012-01-31 23:44:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..that you will stand tall & sought out by your lover. Perhaps a tinge of pride & confidence in all that you have grown yourself to be.
2012-01-31 23:43:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think you were a strong-willed, head-strong woman with her preferences clear & stated strongly. Perhaps you even held in your mind a view
2012-01-31 23:42:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 So please bear with me & humour me as I present them to you. If I am mistaken I am more than keen to learn how & where... :-)
2012-01-31 23:39:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sorry, was in transit. How do I see you as transformed & specifically, by him? My evidence will be subjective & sighs read between the lines
2012-01-31 23:37:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am as male as male can be. :-) Yes, I see how he has
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transformed you. He does hold my awe for that. He is a lucky man as you, a woman. :-)
2012-01-31 21:43:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-D Rest assured I've no reason to not divulge, but that question clearly reveals the words (tweets) are asexual. Yes? Does it matter then?
2012-01-31 21:08:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 My name is Anand & I am sure you will never refer to as that on the stream. :-) I prefer E, E? or Eroteme.
2012-01-31 21:00:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 My prayers are with you that he returns to you like water rushing into a void. How could one not wish to be with someone like you!? :)
2012-01-31 20:59:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I can see him so clearly in your words. Must be a rare being to earn your love in full measure. But I sense he is not by your side now...
2012-01-31 20:58:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ..from someone who in the present day is a Muslim is rare & fills me with the joy of being assailed by a million stimuli at once. A treat!
2012-01-31 20:50:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you feel much better. Your words are stunning, dear Jen. Such a lovely amalgam. The raw sensuality, bordering on the erotic, coming
2012-01-31 20:49:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. 5 months. :-) I think I'll go to bed now. Sweet dreams darling. Goodnight. Kisses for your elbows... Come join me soon... :-)
2012-01-31 12:09:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will listen to it when I get to my computer tomorrow... Thanks for sharing. Kissing your ears. :-)
2012-01-31 11:55:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes very late. I shall go to bed shortly. Dinner will be some fruits and a cup of tazo tea... :-)
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2012-01-31 11:29:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home... :-)

2012-01-31 11:18:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And that tweet without the "up" was for you... :-)
2012-01-31 10:40:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A little tired. Back muscle hurting. How was your day? I wish I could vanish in your backyard with everyone forgetting that Anand existed!
2012-01-31 09:44:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the office. This will go on for another 45 min or so... :-|
2012-01-31 09:13:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come come... kidnap me now! :-D

2012-01-31 09:02:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back darling! :-) My meeting starts right now... Will be on & off...
2012-01-31 09:02:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missed you. Miss you. Ms. You. :-) Sweetie pie. Take care... Getting into the meeting shortly
2012-01-31 07:37:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hope you feel better... :-)

2012-01-31 04:18:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will write back to you shortly... :-)

2012-01-31 04:18:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet darling. Glad you liked it... :-) Really busy because there is a meeting tonight for which data needs to be prepared. :-|
2012-01-31 04:18:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And my DM to you inspired that tweet! :-) My soft sweet baklava... :-)
2012-01-30 22:56:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sit by your side, whispering words to make your dream change course & rush to me... :-)
2012-01-30 22:53:45 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? Slept well? I slept well with the hot pack on my shoulder. Feeling a shade better than yesterday... :)
2012-01-30 22:51:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just heated the hot-cold pack for my shoulder. Off to sleep...
2012-01-30 11:38:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes slightly slow, buy not all that bad. Kissing you once again, good night. :-)
2012-01-30 11:37:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your wrists, sweetie pie... :-)

2012-01-30 11:05:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I think I will go and sleep now. Feeling really tired & need to rest. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams.
2012-01-30 11:04:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that is exactly how it is... :-) Yes, hand in hand then hand over hips... :-)
2012-01-30 10:49:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure we can... Yes it is from my friend with whom I stayed.

2012-01-30 10:23:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And done. I might need to go meet my friend's uncle to hand over a package to him. Should be back in a bit.
2012-01-30 09:56:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Things were mostly fine. Just been caught up in some office work... And your day? Errands done?
2012-01-30 09:27:28 (EST)

dianewitch If you feel inclined, please let me know & I shall make express amends...
2012-01-30 09:25:13 (EST)

dianewitch ...since monokrow. I am simply unable to do justice to the sheer volume of lovely words. Didn't mean to offend you. Wonder what I did.. :-|
2012-01-30 09:24:33 (EST)

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dianewitch I am sorry. I just your replies & feel that I have hurt you unknowingly. My email ID is eroteme.thinks@ I haven't followed anyone
2012-01-30 09:23:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling... Was on my way back. Will be getting into a meeting in 10 min... :-)
2012-01-30 09:21:01 (EST)

dianewitch And what about those who wrote inspired by your AVI? :-)
2012-01-30 08:42:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Awww! Hope the pain goes away... :-( Sending you vibes to your jaw...
2012-01-30 08:15:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home a while ago. Hope your day's been fine... :-) Miss you too, sweetie...
2012-01-30 08:11:44 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Thanks for sharing Rokia Traore's piece. Never heard one before. Lilting... :-)
2012-01-30 07:56:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So what is your new address?

2012-01-30 03:14:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Got to get back to work now. WIll ping you later... :-)
2012-01-30 03:11:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ are with them? I am sure they are. Just a little while longer & I am sure you will settle in fine & enjoy yourself in the new place
2012-01-30 03:11:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, just had lunch. :-) Oh! I would so love to just be holding you & helping you feed the boys & girls. Aren't you happy that
2012-01-30 03:10:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ More later, sweetie pie. A little busy day

2012-01-30 00:14:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I am at the office now. Sending you a soft kiss for your thighs! :-D MY back is better though not perfect...
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2012-01-30 00:13:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home darling. I hope you are sleeping sweetly. :-)
2012-01-29 19:18:29 (EST)

perlygates I'm on am overnight bus. Will try to catch some sleep... Xoxo :-)
2012-01-29 16:09:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A little better. Bus started again. Well try to doze... Kisses for you, sweetie... :-)
2012-01-29 16:06:02 (EST)

perlygates Wow! Your life's been packed! Glad to hear about your walking, photography & publishing. May things get better for you and you smile more...
2012-01-29 16:04:33 (EST)

perlygates How are you, L? I hope you feel it when I say I miss you. Hope the girls are fine...
2012-01-29 15:31:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ An intermediate stop. Missing you. Lots of cows here!!! :-)

2012-01-29 15:17:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have enabled internet access on my phone. Works whenever it does... I'd DMed you when I was on the bus to bangalore too...
2012-01-29 12:04:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll probably sleep on a bit. Sweet dreams, darling. Sleep well. Kisses on your tummy... :-) Join me soon...
2012-01-29 11:51:47 (EST)

syahidahz And you need the extra space for... ?? Pizza? ;-)
2012-01-29 11:48:59 (EST)

syahidahz Yes dear S. How are you? Still hurting? I wish I was there to at least hug you, though I am sure it might not be allowed... :-) Yes, night..
2012-01-29 11:43:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep did that. :-) Missing you. In the bus now. I hope I can sleep well... Soft kisses for you darling... :-)
2012-01-29 11:28:36 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Don't know why I didn't. Perhaps I wanted to stay longer...

2012-01-29 10:35:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I've mostly been good, thank you. Yes missed our chats... :-) Glad to hear the results were good. All the best for tomorrow..
2012-01-29 10:28:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way to the bus station. Yes, another overnight journey.. :(

2012-01-29 10:25:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back on your soft lips, sweetie...

2012-01-29 09:52:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner & packing my luggage for the return journey... Will get back to you shortly...
2012-01-29 09:52:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wishing you the best through your journey. How were the results of your exams? Hope all went well... :-)
2012-01-29 09:21:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Glad nothing has irked you (yet)... :-) Yes, constraints of character length can be an issue. Helps to put all thoughts down, then carve
2012-01-29 08:55:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Missed you. I thought, for some reason, you were annoyed or disinterested in some way beyond my reasoning... x o or do you prefer o x ? :-)
2012-01-29 08:46:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you sweet one... :-)

2012-01-29 07:51:17 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Glad it helps... :-)

2012-01-29 07:50:32 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I used heat. Point is, I'm traveling tonight & all set for it worsening on the ride. :-( hahaha :-D That routine was not for being organised
2012-01-29 07:31:31 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ And that was for you... ;-) Had to use His instead of Her... But you understand. :-) Kissing you softly, daaahling
2012-01-29 07:30:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I enjoy it enough...

2012-01-29 07:29:13 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Oh! Does it help or too early to say (which can also be a response if you wish to be polite & not confess to wanting to kick me! ;-)?
2012-01-29 07:25:32 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Welcome to the club. I got a muscle pulled on my back (trapezius muscles) at 3:00 hrs. Still nursing it... :-(
2012-01-29 07:24:50 (EST)

feltsensejunkie My pleasure, dear Felt. :-) Hope all's well with you...
2012-01-29 07:12:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the concert evening. Yes, because you aren't here with me saying, "I know daaahling" ;-p
2012-01-29 07:11:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been uneventful too. Most of my trip has largely been so. Just yesterday the evening before that was better
2012-01-29 06:39:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cheating strawberry!! Rested well. Back still hurts... How's your day?
2012-01-29 05:42:53 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Your assurance of fairness is superior to what I had requested! Thanks. Yes, I am a guy.
2012-01-29 05:40:53 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Alas! My misfortune follows me everywhere! :-( Seems like my words somehow makes you feel we are arguing. We aren't, dear M.
2012-01-29 05:39:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I shall head to bed... Take care darling. Will be back in an hour's time. Kissing you once again on your nose... :-)
2012-01-29 03:53:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile I have no reluctance in revealing my sex. All I would've

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liked was an assurance from you that you will treat the words as if asexual... :-)
2012-01-29 03:52:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... :-) Kiss you where the strawberry & cream meet... ;-p
2012-01-29 03:49:18 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile I shall remember that interesting point. But given that Twtr. is used as a mating dance, wouldn't I be more eager to reveal if I were a guy?
2012-01-29 03:44:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lovely! Your dress sounds so lovely. :-) Yes, I think I will rest now for maybe an hour... :-)
2012-01-29 03:38:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My friend's father arrived so was speaking to him... I think I should rest a bit. Andrea... Andrea... Andrea... :-)
2012-01-29 03:27:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how is your day today? What're you wearing? I just want to hug you & sleep a bit... :-|
2012-01-29 03:22:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile It is indeed strange how some of your DMs arrived late. Glad you figured out I was a guy. Would've been glad if you figured I was a girl...
2012-01-29 03:15:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do give me a massage. I so need it now. I so wish you were here darling... :-)
2012-01-29 03:11:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, tweeting is often an uncontrollable urge... :-) It is a shade better. Still hurts when I roll my head. No one offered to massage!
2012-01-29 02:24:47 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Apologies... Wishing you a fine night & dreams of your choice! :-)
2012-01-29 02:18:51 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Have been nursing it since morning! :-(

2012-01-29 01:52:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for not DM-ing earlier. I slept very poorly. I woke up around 3 with a catch in my back (shoulder blades) & couldn't sleep at all. :(
2012-01-29 01:52:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Sweet dreams? Warm Sunday morning? Shall we have toast with butter-marmalade? ;-p
2012-01-29 01:49:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Sure... A lovely day to you too... :-)

2012-01-29 01:17:02 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Ayn Rand, e.g., held a view of being taken by her man with force as if he owned her. A preference, an opinion too. Feminine? Not really...
2012-01-29 01:03:15 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Opinions are individual, right? I could have an opinion of women which might be so unlike a woman's opinion. Or even a man's...
2012-01-29 01:02:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile ..thoughts/ideas/etc. could be asexual. And we are at that point discussing whether thoughts can be asexual. No?
2012-01-29 00:59:23 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile It started with the concept of rt. lft. brain & my thought that there was just one being. Then you wished to know my sex & I opined that...
2012-01-29 00:58:46 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Yes, the same thought from a guy - would it hold less value to you because you are a woman?
2012-01-29 00:54:34 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile That ideas are asexual?

2012-01-29 00:51:03 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Which of the many "that"s?

2012-01-29 00:47:19 (EST)

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QueenOf_DeNile But the same thought coming from a guy sounds more gross than when it comes from a woman or vice versa...
2012-01-29 00:44:42 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile And, that would deny me the right to be male or female as I choose to be. :-) Thoughts/views/ideas would essentially be asexual, right?
2012-01-29 00:44:07 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile See!? There you go. I am sure that certain things are specific to a gender but nothing that one can't imagine or empathise with?
2012-01-29 00:40:58 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile ..prematurely "Of course, she is a girl. She'd say that" or "So typically male".
2012-01-29 00:40:04 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Or, agile, as you may call it! :-) If I told you I was a girl or a guy, chances are that future conversations might tempt you to conclude
2012-01-29 00:39:33 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile The words are asexual. :-) I am irrelevant... :-) Don't you think so?
2012-01-29 00:35:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad to see you back. Hope it was cheerful reason that kept you away... :-)
2012-01-29 00:23:35 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile So I am not sure whether it can all be located in the brain. Like someone preferring sweetmeats to spicy food: what say of their aesthetics?
2012-01-29 00:18:31 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile From personal experience too, I have seen that there are different blends of inclinations which vary with age & hormonal changes too...
2012-01-29 00:17:24 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile hahaha :-) I wasn't trying to convert you! I was just offering my perspective. I tend to think of the individual as a whole...
2012-01-29 00:16:00 (EST)

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QueenOf_DeNile Yep! But I am not comfortable with the split of brain or the notion that it is all in the brain... :-) Scientific convenience, yes, but...
2012-01-29 00:03:29 (EST)

ZinniaTung Not just Persian, but Persian of 800 years ago... :-)
2012-01-28 23:48:30 (EST)

ZinniaTung True, and interpreting what has already been, to varying extents, distorted is, however aesthetic, cementing the departure from the real...
2012-01-28 23:47:57 (EST)

ZinniaTung The ideal is an aesthetically vibrant translators but if pigs could fly... :-)
2012-01-28 23:38:35 (EST)

ZinniaTung Because an interpreter might lose nuances unlike a translator. Surely, the aesthetics might vary but translation owes more to the original..
2012-01-28 23:38:01 (EST)

ZinniaTung Not sure. I haven't contrasted him with others & I don't know Persian (I'd prefer comparing him to my translation, if I could). Just FYI...
2012-01-28 23:36:34 (EST)

ZinniaTung Perhaps you already know that Coleman Barks doesn't know Persian & that his works on Rumi are essentially interpretations/impressions...
2012-01-28 22:27:43 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Why does it surprise you that there are techies on twitter tweeting non-techie stuff? :-)
2012-01-28 10:59:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me kiss you goodnight & hug you tightly to me & sleep off... Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams.. :-)
2012-01-28 10:57:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ These things are best as weekend getaways... :-) I think I will retire early tonight. Feeling really sleepy.
2012-01-28 10:56:19 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Concert was nice yesterday. Meetup with friends was nice. General chattering & laughing & eating... :-)
2012-01-28 10:44:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! :-D I am back home now, darling... How was your day so far? Some rest? Some cheer? Perhaps you should dispose more & retain the minimum
2012-01-28 09:50:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No sighs?
2012-01-28 09:39:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh :-)

2012-01-28 09:11:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mouth and crumbs? ;-p

2012-01-28 09:06:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you didn't clean the crumbs from the corner of your mouth... ;-p
2012-01-28 08:49:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you sweetie pie... :-)

2012-01-28 08:08:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course I thought of you... Meeting with last set of friends got canceled. Heading back home...
2012-01-28 08:02:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Done with two sets of friends. Last one left for the day! Missing you, sweetie. Sending you a kiss for your shoulders... :-)
2012-01-28 05:09:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh! Yes. Best medicine is fasting... Warm your palms & rub the tummy clockwise in slightly large circles (without bumping around). Reverse..
2012-01-27 23:42:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Another (highly improbable) option is to keep a bottle of castor oil handy. Apply generously in your navel & massage it (finger in) a bit
2012-01-27 23:31:45 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 How's the tummy? If you can get your hand on carrom seeds, keep them handy. Carrom seeds+li'l rock salt is good for tummy upset... :-)
2012-01-27 23:30:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the evening. I might spend some time at a bookstore because I need to smell the old books.. :-) Softly kissing your spine... :-)
2012-01-27 21:27:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ all by yourself makes me go :-(. Today is a packed day. I will be leaving soon to meet a friend, then 2 more for lunch, then 3 more for
2012-01-27 21:25:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope most of the unpacking is done & you feel less sore. I so wish I was there to help you, my darling. Somehow the thought of you doing..
2012-01-27 21:24:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I kinda did though my right eye hurts. Must be too much time in front of the comp.
2012-01-27 21:23:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me a soon as possible... Waiting for you with sleepy eyes...
2012-01-27 12:45:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way back. I'll probably crash as soon as I get home. Let me say goodnight now. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Kissing your nose :-)
2012-01-27 12:44:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then we'd be better off in our hotel room singing to each other! :-)
2012-01-27 09:51:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care darling. Missing you... Wish you were here while I explain the lines to you...
2012-01-27 09:18:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops! Now everyone is looking...

2012-01-27 07:32:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I checked. No one noticed... :-)

2012-01-27 07:12:51 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ In the car...

2012-01-27 07:06:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing lost. :-) Sending you soft kiss...

2012-01-27 06:58:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie. Leaving now. Will catch up with you whenever I can... :-) Sending you a soft kiss & another...
2012-01-27 05:50:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah right!

2012-01-27 05:42:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ BTW, shouldn't I be the one calling your arms lovely!? :-o
2012-01-27 05:35:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok! I am running for a long jump to Hungary! :-D

2012-01-27 05:33:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Do take care...

2012-01-27 05:25:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... Take care. Drive carefully... :-)

2012-01-27 04:26:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will think of you, my sweet sweet darling... And how we walked through the park near the pier. :-)
2012-01-27 04:11:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes... I hold you close, darling. Just had a long lunch. We will soon be leaving for a concert. Few hours... Old songs...
2012-01-27 03:16:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly behind your knee & holding you to my warm self... I kept myself warm! :-)
2012-01-27 00:41:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) How're you? Sleeping happily? I hope you rest well & feel super-fresh in the morning. A hot shower would be ideal
2012-01-27 00:40:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Merci! Very kind of you... :-)

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2012-01-26 22:49:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :-) They don't!? ;-p

2012-01-26 22:42:32 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Err! Was that meant to be a DM? Just checking... In case your UI misled you. :-)
2012-01-26 22:40:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think my religion is the religion of a full belly, smiles, brilliant mind & effortless love for the Divine.
2012-01-26 22:39:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nope! I am born a Hindu but fashion myself a Taoist. I love Urdu, hence, am familiar with ways Islamic. I love za'atar, hence, ways Jewish
2012-01-26 22:37:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ameen! :-)

2012-01-26 22:31:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You are indeed as beautiful as your words, dear Jennifer. A delight to have interacted with you today... :-)
2012-01-26 22:26:44 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Absolutely! Living itself is a religion so lovely in its entirety. But the soul still needs to keep seeking & resting in calm...
2012-01-26 22:26:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh yes! Living is essentially figuring things out so nothing to feel apologetic about. Gathering flavours of winds & scents of smiles... :-)
2012-01-26 22:15:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad there are the likes of you still around. The extremes of fanaticism and debunking are so jarring to my senses & calm... :-)
2012-01-26 22:11:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Interesting. :-) Yes, Islam is beautiful & so unlike what it has been made out to be today.. Yes, self-awareness is such a rewarding journey
2012-01-26 22:05:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You are? Wow! I presume you converted for Jennifer

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doesn't sound Islamic. Did you pick Islam because of Sufism? You amaze me, lady... :-)
2012-01-26 21:50:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I find it intriguing that you quote so many Eastern gurus/thinkers. Have you associated with them or often read their words?
2012-01-26 21:31:04 (EST)

the_radish You take care too. 3.5 yr olds are the best to be around. Wonderful as boys or girls. :-) Have a lovely evening... :-)
2012-01-26 20:51:48 (EST)

the_radish Not just a fav but an RT too! :-) It was lovely. Absolutely smooth & delightful to read. :-) Glad your day was good. What're you teaching?
2012-01-26 20:45:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon... :-)

2012-01-26 13:05:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall now retire to bed. It is late & all others have gone to sleep. Kissing you softly up your spine to your ears. :-) Goodnight, darling
2012-01-26 13:04:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I wish so too... I hope you feel happier in this house. :-)
2012-01-26 13:01:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh I wish I was there to massage your back & shoulders... Kissing them between pauses... pausing often... ;-p
2012-01-26 12:53:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly as you open cartons... ;-)

2012-01-26 12:45:03 (EST)

syahidahz Glad you liked it! :-) I wish I could ship one to you! But I am sure you own a frisbee! ;-p
2012-01-26 12:44:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! :-) Are you still unpacking? What about the ISP? How is Nina mama? Super-happy? :-)
2012-01-26 12:40:00 (EST)

the_radish All the best for today dear C. May you enjoy the day! :-)
2012-01-26 12:36:11 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Glad you like them. :-)

2012-01-26 12:27:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! I am done! I wanted to complete 7000 before 11. :-)

2012-01-26 12:27:42 (EST)

melancholundone I am sure you realised that that tweet you RT-ed was written in your style... Narcissist!! :-D
2012-01-26 11:36:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... Tomorrow, hopefully, I will step out more & meet other friends et al... :-)
2012-01-26 11:13:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps... Dunno. How was your day?

2012-01-26 10:59:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fair enough! But whatever the reason, without a clear understanding of what causes it will only leave me silent...
2012-01-26 10:14:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then I think you certainly should. At least I needn't scratch my head wondering why you repeatedly have these different "feelings" :-D
2012-01-26 10:04:45 (EST)

syahidahz That's criminal! Never give up on a dream for food... :-o

2012-01-26 10:03:18 (EST)

syahidahz All my search for deep dish pizzas in Singapore turned blank. Sorry, couldn't help...
2012-01-26 09:56:11 (EST)

syahidahz Thank god for small mercy. Please do sleep early today! :-)
2012-01-26 09:55:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, maybe you should! ;-p

2012-01-26 09:54:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think they are happy to see me. Esp. the wife as she has so much to complain about my friend & I am the only one who takes her side! :-)
2012-01-26 09:06:50 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Nope not aloof at all. Just went out now to buy some groceries... :-)
2012-01-26 09:06:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was fine. Woke up & was chatting with my friend's family. Not aloof at all. Just engaged in things. It would be rude to DM too often..
2012-01-26 08:13:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch. Will probably nap for a bit now. Didn't sleep well on the bus...
2012-01-26 03:44:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I was there to help you unpack & setup your place... :-)
2012-01-26 02:41:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for you today, sweetie?

2012-01-26 01:53:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My bus journey was about 7-8 hrs. I am at my friend's place. Will be staying here while shuttling around... :-)
2012-01-26 01:53:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I thought that you had indeed gone off to bed. Never mind. I like kissing the air around while you sleep :-)
2012-01-26 01:49:35 (EST)

OliviaDresher Si, senora!

2012-01-26 00:37:34 (EST)

OliviaDresher All the time? Would they still be called coincidences? How are you? How's the cut finger? Forehead?
2012-01-25 19:35:55 (EST)

syahidahz Girl! It's late!!! Go sleep... Please...

2012-01-25 17:03:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello sweetie pie! The bus halted for a break. Sending you a quick kiss. :-) No need to be sorry. I realise you were preoccupied. All's well
2012-01-25 16:50:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Looks like you are busy. Goodnight, darling. Soft kisses for your
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palms. :-)
2012-01-25 12:42:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ About to get into the bus... Sending you soft kisses :-)
2012-01-25 11:43:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off now, darling. Need to travel to the bus station & then from there on... Hugging & kissing you as I leave. Take care. :-)
2012-01-25 10:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sending you a twirling kiss... ;-p

2012-01-25 10:22:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How I miss seeing a sock's head in the arms of the other... :-)
2012-01-25 10:12:13 (EST)

OliviaDresher Wow! I was pleasantly shocked seeing your tweet after the one I wrote about trees waiting. Oh! Ms. D, such lovely coincidence! :-)
2012-01-25 09:41:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done! How was my sweet one's day? I am now packing for the journey... Kissing you while folding my clothes... :-)
2012-01-25 09:39:34 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Good morning! Actually, you could pick any from the lot that went out today... :-)
2012-01-25 09:27:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, in the phone meeting..

2012-01-25 08:40:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Very very very very busy. Continuous meetings & then travel back & in another meeting... :-)
2012-01-25 08:34:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... I am still at home. I will leave in a couple of hours. :-)

2012-01-25 08:19:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Heading into another meeting...

2012-01-25 02:22:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry sweetie. There is no way I am going to stay away from DM-ing you. Hence, I am carrying my laptop along too. Backup plan! ;-)
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2012-01-25 01:36:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just meeting up with old friends & the like. Thurs. is off here & I took Fri off too. So a long weekend... :-) I am taking my laptop so..
2012-01-25 01:09:23 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Will do. But I suppose it will be getting late for you so we can start tomorrow morning when you are fresh! :-) Ok?
2012-01-25 01:08:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too darling. My day will be a little packed. I am leaving for Bangalore (where I was earlier) tonight & will be there for 4 days
2012-01-25 01:07:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..InVinceWil & that went through & then I tried again but no use. :-( How are you? Yes, sweetie, I slept very well & woke up with a smile
2012-01-25 01:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Yes, it started a little busy. Somehow the DM I sent you from my mobile was not getting sent. I tried replying to
2012-01-25 01:06:23 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Lets play with some words dipped in subtlety...

2012-01-24 22:05:26 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Sometimes delicate beauty suffers in the hands of wit...

2012-01-24 22:03:12 (EST)

KrisLindbeck The beauty of your verse is lost in the plainness of mine. :-(
2012-01-24 21:41:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, while I walk to the bed. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your chin...
2012-01-24 11:54:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So sweet... Thank you. Yes, I should be crashing now. Don't feel like writing but think I should but nothing coming my way...
2012-01-24 11:41:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Someone seems to have found a li'l tweet for her... ;-)
2012-01-24 11:15:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Office politics & unprofessionalism... Inevitable as long as there

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are human beings!

2012-01-24 11:06:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was having my bowl of soup while in another call with the manager. Some trouble in the office. Poor lady is also trapped in it!!
2012-01-24 11:01:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Long meeting, yes! Tiring, slightly. Last day in the airplane house... :-D
2012-01-24 10:02:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. :-) How was your day? My meeting's still on...
2012-01-24 09:56:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My knee's fine. Still need to take care of it.

2012-01-24 09:48:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My super-sweet darling. I am home. Telephone meeting. Kissing you all over & doing a small jig! :-D
2012-01-24 09:32:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could twirl you before I leave for the day... :-) Darling Andrea... :-)
2012-01-24 06:40:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll be off soon for the Tai Chi class & then a meeting. God! Today feels really packed. Nothing great coming out of it all but ok. :-)
2012-01-24 06:40:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Is your ISP thing done? Your dream sounds lovely! :-) Wish it was less a dream & more reality. :-)
2012-01-24 06:38:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I opened the windows to the onrush of butterflies! :-D Thank you so much. Thank you... It was lovely. :-) Sending you kisses for your wrists
2012-01-24 06:37:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling. Sorry! Was pairing on another machine throughout the day & even the lunch was basically an extended meeting. So sorry
2012-01-24 06:36:15 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ What's lined up for today? Here it's meetings, work & then Tai Chi & then a meeting. The usual... :-) A kiss on my darling's hip... :-)
2012-01-23 22:27:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping happily? I slept well & long. Feels good. I decided to go to the Tai Chi class. I have my knee strapped, so
2012-01-23 22:25:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will log off now darling. I cuddle & play with your fingers in my dream. Sending you soft kiss for your lips. Goodnight darling.
2012-01-23 10:49:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling you darling. :-) Yes, I am feeling tired. Eyes hurting. I think I will skip Tai Chi tomorrow. Not sure
2012-01-23 10:47:37 (EST)

syahidahz This will only motivate you even more... :-D
2012-01-23 10:42:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with the meeting. Will probably sleep in early tonight. How does one pamper a pouting lady? ;-p
2012-01-23 10:35:04 (EST)

syahidahz Whoever you trust with your dinner is bound to be able to follow this:, :-D
2012-01-23 10:34:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's ok. Not a major problem :-)

2012-01-23 10:27:16 (EST)

syahidahz Wow! I just hunted online. It does seem there is no deep dish in Singapore. :-o Wow! Perhaps you should make some for yourself...
2012-01-23 10:24:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I ended up sending the in your mirror DM to the stream!! :-o

2012-01-23 10:22:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In your mirror...

2012-01-23 10:07:58 (EST)

syahidahz It can be nice but often it is just a lot of bread & fills the tummy quickly...
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2012-01-23 10:06:54 (EST)

syahidahz Its ok even if you want it daily. :-D You are so cute! Isn't there anyone who prepares deep dish pizzas?
2012-01-23 10:06:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Cheater Cheater!

2012-01-23 10:02:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Then give it back to me now with interest... :-D

2012-01-23 09:54:51 (EST)

syahidahz Oh! That's sad. That they don't have it there. Not the living with family part. Here we have about 3-4 crusts...
2012-01-23 09:47:58 (EST)

syahidahz Dominos has deep dish, right? Don't you live with family?
2012-01-23 09:42:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sneaking out a kiss while in the meeting... :-D

2012-01-23 09:35:33 (EST)

syahidahz Pizza!? :-o Who is the best pizza shop in Singapore?

2012-01-23 09:35:12 (EST)

syahidahz How does it help if you have hot wings or not!? Is this the time to discuss all that you'd like to grow? ;-)
2012-01-23 09:34:24 (EST)

syahidahz Mostly good at least around the fringes! :-D What would you eat right now if you could have anything?
2012-01-23 09:26:48 (EST)

syahidahz How is the sweet sweet S? :-)

2012-01-23 09:18:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will be getting into the meeting shortly...

2012-01-23 09:16:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me check with my auditors. Till then keep mum about the extra one! Ok?
2012-01-23 09:04:06 (EST)

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beezpoetry Allow me to confess that I find your new AVI delightful. It is so you - lively, joyous, sparkling... So Beez. :-) Hope all's well with you
2012-01-23 09:00:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but you still need to pay entertainment tax on them :-D
2012-01-23 08:56:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The economy's not been good lady!

2012-01-23 08:54:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( But... but... sigh! Ok, you may have it! ;-p
2012-01-23 08:41:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I have only one shoulder-kiss with me... :-o

2012-01-23 08:34:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does my sweetie pie want a kiss on her left shoulder or right? ;p
2012-01-23 08:32:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am home at a normal hour. This would be the usual hour if I weren't going for Tai Chi or caught up in meetings
2012-01-23 08:27:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Everyone's down with a cold or something like that. Changing weather, I suppose...
2012-01-23 08:25:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling. How are you!? How was your day? Is the sun out there? :-)
2012-01-23 08:20:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will be leaving in a couple of minutes...

2012-01-23 06:24:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The day's going fine & pointless. Most people are off sick today. Just a handful of us... :-)
2012-01-23 06:24:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie... :-) Sending you a rainbow tongued kiss :-D
2012-01-23 06:12:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes.. I recall that. I was referring to when I hugged you... :-)
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2012-01-23 03:57:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss massaging your back. :-) I miss the softness of the fabric against your skin, daaling! ;-p
2012-01-23 02:54:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your busy day. It is my busy day too! Now heading for lunch.
2012-01-23 02:27:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not good for your back & body. Now you are young so it might seem alright. But please do be careful...
2012-01-23 02:26:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On the couch!? I really think you should avoid being in chairs 7 couches about 2 hrs. before sleeping time!! :-o
2012-01-23 02:25:58 (EST)

ZinniaTung Yes, perhaps not thinking about it till you get to a doc might indeed be the best recourse... :-)
2012-01-22 23:37:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Slept well? I did though woke up feeling that I could've slept more. In the office right now. How will your day be?
2012-01-22 23:36:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-)
2012-01-22 20:28:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you like it. I shall wish you good night now, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Kisses on your knees. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-22 12:07:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Never mind. It is all nearly done. :-)

2012-01-22 11:55:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't have time till tues. It has to be done tomorrow. The video and meeting are Wed. Not the report. :-|
2012-01-22 11:43:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be great, but I need to complete this. I think I will go to bed in a few minutes anyway... :-)
2012-01-22 11:32:45 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Still in progress... :-|

2012-01-22 10:53:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) No problemo! I am done with the recipes. Phew! That was tough
2012-01-22 10:42:24 (EST)

ZinniaTung Good morning! :-) Slept well? Feeling better? What will you have for breakfast!? Work day? :-)
2012-01-22 10:39:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That was beautiful, no? It was lovely with your head on my shoulder & me brushing my cheek against your hair... :-) Kissing you softly!
2012-01-22 10:28:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done. I am going to stop tweeting, writing poems, doing the report & simply hug you for the next 2 min! Softly kissing your ears... :-)
2012-01-22 10:23:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure it is. It is after all so close to my heart. :-)

2012-01-22 10:13:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, you'd know more about Europe than I ever would...
2012-01-22 09:53:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dinner time...

2012-01-22 09:23:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would think so, but perhaps folks in the US or Europe don't find them that easily!
2012-01-22 09:17:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you like them... :-)

2012-01-22 09:04:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a challenge to myself... To cook with the most basic.

2012-01-22 08:53:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am stepping out for a bit. Need to go buy something. brb in a short while...
2012-01-22 08:35:16 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I always feel that way about you, darling. Honest. :-)
2012-01-22 08:25:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling. I wonder what I did differently yesterday. Other than write recipes. Kissing you softly on your belly & tickling you
2012-01-22 07:59:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, I wouldn't want you adding a meal to the raisins!! ;-p
2012-01-22 07:45:49 (EST)

2012-01-22 07:39:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, in the US, chili is something entirely different!

2012-01-22 07:35:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...& then take pictures of each! :-D

2012-01-22 07:22:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I thought just in case there is something else that goes by that name... :-) Yes, it would've been lovely to cook them all together
2012-01-22 07:21:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sample pic of green chilli:

2012-01-22 07:03:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then bake the wedges in the oven till soft & golden. :-) When it cools, sprinkle just a little (very very little) rock salt on the wedges!
2012-01-22 07:02:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..brush apple wedges with this syrup. It is ok if the chilli rings stick to the apple. Raisins should not come on to the apples.
2012-01-22 07:01:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Heat & stir this till the water thickens into a syrupy consistency. Lower from the flame & add a pinch of cinnamon. When it cools a bit
2012-01-22 07:00:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lightly beat each raisin such that its skin breaks. Add to a saucepan with just enough water to cover the raisins. Chop a green chilli fine
2012-01-22 06:59:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I could help you with more details on the recipe. You'll need about 20-30 raisins for 1 green apple. Cut the apple into wedges. Remove seeds
2012-01-22 06:58:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Would you like to try my latest tweet recipe? I have a feeling you will like it. You will need raisins & green chillis though...
2012-01-22 06:35:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I am always dissatisfied with myself! :-D Else, why will I learn!? ;-p But this is a healthy dissatisfaction so no worries... :-)
2012-01-22 06:34:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This is a case of not having done the best possible. Since I'm learning, I will be lenient on myself for a while. Perhaps for 2 more reports
2012-01-22 06:25:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not worried at all! :-) I was merely telling you that I think they probably didn't find it to their need. I would worry if I did wrong!
2012-01-22 06:24:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..not an issue at all! :-)

2012-01-22 06:00:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the team here didn't get enough details. I was merely executing but I could've asked. Didn't strike me. All of us are learning here so...
2012-01-22 05:59:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It was my 2nd report. But it isn't really an issue I need to be ashamed of. The guys asking for the report were unclear, the guy heading
2012-01-22 05:59:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) And I think the previous report didn't satisfy their needs. Clearly it's a case of not gathering sufficient requirements before starting
2012-01-22 05:29:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope not for Wed. meeting. This is another office-wide activity that I started out for alternate Wed. The report is for another team! :-)
2012-01-22 05:15:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they are short. Stuff I need to relay on Wed. Had to reboot
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my machine. How is your mom? Hope everyone's well.. :-)

2012-01-22 04:58:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with the videos. Now for the report. Where are you? Busy?
2012-01-22 04:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it should've been done earlier but the maid came in late & then I was working away at the computer before being reminded! :-)
2012-01-22 04:07:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ particular sector. I will be doing that now. :-)

2012-01-22 03:18:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This is not the monthly report itself. It is actually a request for extension of the previous report I sent them. They want me to focus on
2012-01-22 03:18:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Glad to see you rested well too. My knee's a lot better but I am resting it today too. Just got done with the rituals & lunch
2012-01-22 03:17:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung Sorry for the abrupt up-and-away. Today happens to be the new moon so had some work to do. Fortunately, you were off to bed around then too.
2012-01-22 02:31:04 (EST)

ZinniaTung I am sure it takes a lot more than nerves & B-12 to bring a princess down! :-D
2012-01-22 01:23:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung Okee. I have to go now or mom will kill me. Please do take care. Will check on you in the morning. Drink loads of water. You'll be fine
2012-01-22 01:22:45 (EST)

ZinniaTung Your family doc is there or in India? Perhaps you should go stay with relatives/friends. Maybe that too adds to the frustration?
2012-01-22 01:21:47 (EST)

ZinniaTung It often helps as the body is wonderful at curing itself. I simply get down to basic needs & watch how my body reacts. Slowly recovering...
2012-01-22 01:20:57 (EST)

ZinniaTung I understand. I wish I could be of better use, but this is perhaps

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best of what I can offer. When physical ailments assail me, I switch off
2012-01-22 01:19:55 (EST)

ZinniaTung Not sure that is wise given that you are genuinely worried about it. Go tomorrow in case someone is available (univ. doc?). Settle it asap
2012-01-22 01:18:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung A doc will do what is necessary to figure it out. I would merely control my eating habits (flatulence or not) & observe. But you need a doc
2012-01-22 01:16:52 (EST)

ZinniaTung No, I am not bothered by your worries. I am just worried that it might plague you more than is due. Not worth it. You will be fine. Honest.
2012-01-22 01:15:19 (EST)

ZinniaTung ..a non-veggie worrying about B-12 is a little misplaced. And you only need it in small doses which I am sure you get.
2012-01-22 01:14:38 (EST)

ZinniaTung Please, Zinnia, watch a movie or read an engaging book & go to sleep. Highly unlikely that YOU could suffer from B-12 def. I might worry but
2012-01-22 01:13:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-o I am aware that you have no reason to listen to me, but selfdiagnosis when you are anxious is a sure recipe for further anxiety...
2012-01-22 01:11:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung If it persists, do visit a doc & put this to rest. Wishing you a good night's sleep...
2012-01-22 01:07:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung That's fine. I doubt it is a nerve pressed because it won't move then. Secondly, a nerve pressed is a lot more complicated than numbness!
2012-01-22 01:05:41 (EST)

ZinniaTung Either you're jumping rope or vanished. Take care. Hope your annoyance goes away. Will go about my day now... :-)
2012-01-22 00:42:30 (EST)

ZinniaTung are exhausted. 3 days in a row? Only at night or during

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the day too? Nothing related to your monthly cycles? Sure you ate nothing odd?
2012-01-22 00:24:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Girl, relax. I am sure it is something mild which will vanish shortly. In all likelihood, it is the cold. Try jumping rope in the room till
2012-01-22 00:22:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Not AT your pain but more like to ease your pain. :-) I really think you should keep yourself warm & sleep it off.
2012-01-22 00:20:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Maybe some Canadian is super-obsessed with you & trying out voodoo stuff? No? Is it moving fast or slow?
2012-01-22 00:18:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung hahaha :-D Sorry, can't help laughing! Alright. One more try. Keep a block of cheese near your heel. If the pain goes there, it's a mouse
2012-01-22 00:16:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung Then you clearly are missing the wedding!! :-D Maybe that is it. Parts of you run off to India & then they go numb (from the travel?).
2012-01-22 00:14:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung Also in your right arm or now in your right arm? It seems to prefer your right side of the body! Hmm. We have a clue. Some rightwinger!
2012-01-22 00:12:49 (EST)

ZinniaTung Its ok, girl. Things happen to one's body! Gosh! You must be so pampered to be fretting like this ;-p Chin up. Sleep it off.
2012-01-22 00:11:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung hahaha :-D Perhaps. In which case you need to figure out the nativity of the djinn & negotiate. Timings & locations...
2012-01-22 00:10:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Maybe you are possessed! Someone cast a spell on your back, shoulder & knee... poor aim, I agree, but still.
2012-01-22 00:08:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung Of course, gently! Don't pull the cap off!! If it eases the
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sensation, great. Else, go meet a doc before you call an undertaker! :-D
2012-01-22 00:06:59 (EST)

ZinniaTung But it is moving, you say. That's usually a characteristic of flatulence. Perhaps it is not. With your finger tips, roll your right knee...
2012-01-22 00:05:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung Depends on the oil used, else it might add to the flatulence!
2012-01-22 00:02:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung For the headache: For the flatulence:

2012-01-22 00:01:41 (EST)

ZinniaTung You aren't dying, girl! Not without me finishing all the recipes you goaded me to write! :-D
2012-01-21 23:59:46 (EST)

ZinniaTung Perhaps it is gas. If it is, I'd recommend a hot shower. In the bath place your finger where you think it is & move it down to the tailbone
2012-01-21 23:58:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung Aah! Yes, you mentioned the nerve on your back. Can you put your finger on it? Are you worrying about it so much to get a headache?
2012-01-21 23:56:49 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-) You surely aren't dying yet (your name's really far off on the roster). Ate something inappropriate? Sleeping properly? Drinking water?
2012-01-21 23:51:32 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ouch! Headache? What happened? Do retire early for the day...
2012-01-21 22:55:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I also have a report to complete & a video to watch (work related). So the day is indeed packed. What's lined up for your day?
2012-01-21 22:53:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you slept well. I did & yes, slept late. But it's ok. Today is the new moon so the rituals will be done. :-)
2012-01-21 22:47:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On moving corners of your mouth... Yes! Come join me soon, darling. :-)
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2012-01-21 13:32:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is time to sleep... My eyes grow heavy. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Where shall I kiss you today? Hmmm
2012-01-21 13:31:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! The one you fav-ed?

2012-01-21 13:24:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What is so lovely?

2012-01-21 13:23:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ People are different & so are tastes...

2012-01-21 13:18:28 (EST)

alotus_poetry My pleasure & honor... :-)

2012-01-21 13:18:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because it is unclear to me why something is popular. I can see why the Pieta is beautiful. No confusion. But many other things... :-|
2012-01-21 13:04:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, and as always, am confused!

2012-01-21 13:02:23 (EST)

alotus_poetry My pleasure, but I wonder what I did to receive your gratitude! :-)
2012-01-21 12:55:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But in summary, it feels like a song I will easily forget... :-|
2012-01-21 12:54:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes... :-) Was listening to Etta James' At Last. Wonder why people consider it such a great song. The lyrics are trivial, the voice is good
2012-01-21 12:53:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That had the record button turned off, hence, no memories... ;-)
2012-01-21 12:11:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) That one's dedicated to you. It is a fairly old recipe, but still. Yes, I remember. Remember it all... :-)
2012-01-21 11:51:00 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Well, you only made one thing!! ;-p

2012-01-21 11:43:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, cooking together was fun. I esp. loved the sweet potatoes you made. Delicious. :-)
2012-01-21 11:37:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah! That can sometimes be poor motivation...

2012-01-21 11:28:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why no lunch?

2012-01-21 11:12:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you, darling. Have you had enough to eat today?
2012-01-21 10:56:47 (EST)

ZinniaTung Aah!
2012-01-21 10:56:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung I thought you were studying. Well, then I hope you have a fine day... :-)
2012-01-21 10:53:39 (EST)

syahidahz Most happily... :-)

2012-01-21 10:52:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dinner time! Had pani puris :-) How goes your day!? Oh! I would love to come over & cook for you...
2012-01-21 10:49:20 (EST)

syahidahz So you needn't feel obliged or whatsoever. This is purely something I feel. As if you are my kid sister... :-)
2012-01-21 09:59:06 (EST)

syahidahz Irregardless would be a double negative! :-) Why I feel so is unknown to me. I have this trait of connecting for no reason at all... Strange
2012-01-21 09:57:54 (EST)

syahidahz Granted we have never met & might not ever, but there is unknown a feeling of wanting to ensure your safety & smile... :-)
2012-01-21 09:54:49 (EST)

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syahidahz Well put. Glad you have gleaned well... Don't mind my DMs or enquiry into your well being. Somehow I feel protective of you...
2012-01-21 09:53:56 (EST)

syahidahz Then I wonder what made that piece stick in my head. Wiped out. A writer, eh!? Nice. :-) Seems like love taught you more than a course! :-)
2012-01-21 09:46:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) So all set to move out of this house? Nina mama is happy with an "I told you so" look? ;-p
2012-01-21 09:45:09 (EST)

syahidahz Yes, I am told so. I've been planning & cancelling for a while now. :-( Will surely drop by. Were you anytime associated with nursing!?
2012-01-21 09:44:26 (EST)

syahidahz Hey! You're in Singapore! I was just planning (and dropped) to visit Singapore for the shopping festival in June-July! Nice. Maybe next year
2012-01-21 09:40:42 (EST)

syahidahz :-) It is my pleasure to remember! Nursing, was it? Glad you'll be done soon. Do you move cities then or stay where you are?
2012-01-21 09:39:57 (EST)

syahidahz :-) Indeed... Hope you are doing well, dear S. I recall you preparing for an exam a long while ago. All done?
2012-01-21 09:35:25 (EST)

syahidahz :-D Fine... So I get to keep the "how you knew" part a secret too! Thank heavens! ;-)
2012-01-21 09:30:53 (EST)

syahidahz Just because?

2012-01-21 09:26:46 (EST)

syahidahz Is it just my imagination or do you yearn to put your most passionate thoughts in words but are refraining to do so, perhaps,out of decorum?
2012-01-21 09:16:26 (EST)

ZinniaTung Good morning! :-) Hope you slept well & wake up to a lazy
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Saturday morning sun... :-)

2012-01-21 09:13:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. I really do. I really really wish you were here & my Saturday was spent in idle sweetness... :-)
2012-01-21 09:11:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What goes to my undershirt!? I have just written to the UN. They are working on listing my undershirt as an endangered specie! :-D
2012-01-21 09:11:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..knee & fell asleep. Woke up about now... How is my darling? Doing what?
2012-01-21 08:42:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Dozed off long enough to miss everything! :-D I think I'll skip the temple visit too today. I wrapped the ice-pack around my..
2012-01-21 08:42:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Jumping into bed right now. I think the oil bath's making me a li'l drowsy!
2012-01-21 05:56:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Damn! That's exactly what I want today. :-D I think I am cancelling both Tai Chi & dentist. I don't like dentists! :-)
2012-01-21 05:43:22 (EST)

agatekartik WP page opens, he dance page doesn't.

2012-01-21 05:25:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I am also done with my lunch! :-D Where is my sweet butterfly!?
2012-01-21 04:36:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do pass on my hi to Renata too.

2012-01-21 04:07:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But then for all you know, the minute I hear oil sizzling I might rush to the stoves! :-D How is my sweetie pie!? What's lined up today?
2012-01-21 04:06:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cooking would definitely be fun but I am kinda in a lazy mood today. Wanting to have food ready than preparing it! :-)
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2012-01-21 04:06:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I agree that skipping Tai Chi might be the best thing but I still have to go to the dentist. Given an option, I'd skip that! :-(
2012-01-21 04:05:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well darling. I was away doing some chores & then a long oil bath! Feels so refreshing! :-D
2012-01-21 04:05:00 (EST)

agatekartik Thanks dude. Her webpage doesn't come up though. BTW, any specific reason you shared her info with me? Sorry, missed replying earlier... :-)
2012-01-21 00:13:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd rather spend today kissing & cuddling with you in bed & watch a nice movie with pizzas on the side. Sigh! I miss those days... :-(
2012-01-20 23:57:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have my teeth to take care of today & Tai Chi. I wonder whether I should skip it today given my knee still feel a little weak... :-(
2012-01-20 23:56:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hence, I've never used the word muse :-)

2012-01-20 23:55:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ To me a muse is more powerful than an inspiration. A muse is nearly Divine something supernatural, pulling me making me create helplessly...
2012-01-20 23:55:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! How are you? Slept well? I kinda did & am now in the mood for food! :-D
2012-01-20 23:53:44 (EST)

syahidahz Most certainly... Goodnight, dear S. Do sleep well & soon... :-)
2012-01-20 14:10:05 (EST)

syahidahz Oh yes! :-)

2012-01-20 13:53:24 (EST)

syahidahz A little past 00:00hrs

2012-01-20 13:47:26 (EST)
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syahidahz Nope. I usually sleep off by 22:00 hrs & am up by 5:00 hrs! :-) Tonight is a little later than usual... :-)
2012-01-20 13:44:26 (EST)

syahidahz Hmm. I gather you are comfortable with that... :-| I hope it doesn't ruin your health, girl! :-(
2012-01-20 13:38:57 (EST)

syahidahz Seems like half the world on Twitter are insomniacs. Are you a confirmed one or just occasionally so?
2012-01-20 13:34:27 (EST)

syahidahz Go sleep, girl! I always imagined you were human! ;-p

2012-01-20 13:29:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, of course, those tweets were written for you. I just had a different idea of muse in my head! :-) Yes, goodnight!
2012-01-20 13:26:33 (EST)

syahidahz Surely it is late there... :-o

2012-01-20 13:25:55 (EST)

the_radish Aye aye! ma'am! :-)

2012-01-20 13:21:19 (EST)

the_radish Yes, those free-on-Verizon chats were lovely! :-D Things are fine here. Mostly work & then the rest is spent in cluelessness! :-)
2012-01-20 13:18:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is late. Let's go to bed right now! :-D Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Take care of your hands. A kiss on your kiss...
2012-01-20 13:13:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the reason or fountain of the words, etc. Yes, of course, I have written joyous tweets to you. Felt so happy doing that... :-)
2012-01-20 13:12:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You mean muse as inspiration? Dedication? That I have had plenty. Someone's tweet would inspire me too. I thought you meant muse as in
2012-01-20 13:11:53 (EST)

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the_radish Lovely AVI, C. xo . How are you? And the angels? Hope all is well with your studies too... Sending you the best!
2012-01-20 13:10:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I don't know what my muse is when I write. I think other than the Gods/Goddesses occasionally being my muse, I've never had any... :-o
2012-01-20 12:54:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah! Stupidest of them all!

2012-01-20 12:53:47 (EST)

ZinniaTung Now that you mention it, I did see! :-)

2012-01-20 12:42:11 (EST)

ZinniaTung Saggizz == Sagittarius? Has anyone told you that you look vastly different in your 3 recent pix: Kudi, svelte & this?
2012-01-20 12:39:30 (EST)

ZinniaTung Why would one ever redeem themselves completely? Why then would you continue words with a knave? ;-p
2012-01-20 12:37:58 (EST)

ZinniaTung BTW, nice necklace... I like the design. Bold against muted spaghetti straps. Leaves one wondering. :-)
2012-01-20 12:34:56 (EST)

ZinniaTung Aww! Princess Tung is sad! Off with the goon's head! :-D I was just kidding. Who would have ever guessed the transition of AVIs...
2012-01-20 12:33:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung From stoned-monk to flying-kiss-saleswoman! How predictable! ;-p

2012-01-20 12:29:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you like them. So many days I come to the keyboard feeling I have nothing more to write...
2012-01-20 12:27:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D It was nice to be a child, I am sure. And it is nice to have children around as they help me revisit what I once believed in... :-)
2012-01-20 12:15:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Other than that... the day was pretty much the same as any
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2012-01-20 12:08:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...who are new to the industry & wanted to understand somethings...
2012-01-20 12:03:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My undershirt is going to get a restraining order against you!! :D My day was ok. It was nice when I got to interact with some kids
2012-01-20 12:03:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am certain that you an my knee conspire... :-D How was your day, darling? Hugging you tight & kissing your eyes...
2012-01-20 11:54:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, better than nothing. Thanks for the kiss! My knee does feel better now! ;-p
2012-01-20 11:46:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am using the hot-cold pack I had bought in the US. Very mild relief. :-(
2012-01-20 11:34:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Alright! No bag! :-( I will just have to massage it... Damn!
2012-01-20 11:06:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We are hunting all over the house :-(

2012-01-20 10:44:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( My hot water bag is missing! My knee is really hurting bad... :-(
2012-01-20 10:34:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, finally! My god! What a traffic! My knee hurts actually! I was on the bike today. Missing you... :-)
2012-01-20 09:30:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you were a child, I'd understand it. But we are grown ups hopefully capable of handling disappointments.... No?
2012-01-20 05:20:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..point of taking it out on me!? Esp. when all I did was vanish for 7 min!?
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2012-01-20 05:19:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling, I said I understand how you feel but not why that feeling must lead to sulking! I understand it pains you but what is the
2012-01-20 05:18:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do understand how you feel, but I don't understand why you'd need to lose your mood in the process. Anyway, nothing much for me to say...
2012-01-19 22:32:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping sweetly & wake up to a fresh sunny morning. Are there birds where you are? :-)
2012-01-19 22:30:51 (EST)

KrisLindbeck An honour... Merci! :-)

2012-01-19 22:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was doing other things, Andrea. And there was a gap of 7 minutes before you decided to call it a night for me!
2012-01-19 11:27:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Ok. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well, dear one. A soft kiss on your chin. And a hug & a twirl... :-) Do join me soon...
2012-01-19 11:21:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Then why the rush into saying goodnight?

2012-01-19 11:11:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened? You busy?

2012-01-19 11:09:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Darling, I am glad you got back home asap...

2012-01-19 11:09:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day?

2012-01-19 10:56:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much. Was basically deleting & re-creating twitter lists... And then a phone call...
2012-01-19 10:52:28 (EST)

syahidahz My pleasure! :-)

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2012-01-19 10:44:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But you are allowed to throw buckets of water at him...

2012-01-19 10:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should throw a few flowers at him!! :-D

2012-01-19 10:32:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire My pleasure... :-) Hope the day's all set to warm you...
2012-01-19 10:31:59 (EST)

dgdreamin I should be sending you a pic of the bookshelf shortly...

2012-01-19 10:29:31 (EST)

dgdreamin My day's been mostly fine. As long as there's a bit of sun, I am sure indecisiveness should be ok, right? :-)
2012-01-19 10:29:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... Nice guy?

2012-01-19 10:10:07 (EST)

dgdreamin I would so love to send you a pic of my bookshelf... :-)

2012-01-19 10:06:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Guy from Ukraine? What is this office? I thought you did translation work from home & I thought the office was your ex's translation office
2012-01-19 10:00:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending my sweet darling a soft kiss for the curve of her elbow... :-)
2012-01-19 09:25:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? I hope you are driving slowly & carefully...
2012-01-19 09:25:34 (EST)

KrisLindbeck I was just reorganising my set of lists today & re-included you... :-)
2012-01-19 09:08:53 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Dear Ms. L. You were always in my lists. :-)

2012-01-19 09:07:09 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ How are your hands?

2012-01-19 05:02:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do drive carefully! :-) Was in a discussion... Day's going fine. Just a little headache... :-|
2012-01-19 05:02:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should practicing darling! Handstands are vital to getting kisses on your hips! ;-p
2012-01-19 03:33:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No! You were lying down & I kissed your hip. Actually, you were doing a handstand & I kiss your hips!!! ;-p
2012-01-19 03:25:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No pizza today! Home-made food. Bend down? Who are you imagining? No has ever bent down on me! ;-p
2012-01-19 03:06:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My stomach ache's gone. :-) My fingers are not beautiful. They are ok. :-) Kissing you on your hips...
2012-01-19 01:49:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! Would so love to play with your fingers & then go to sleep, fingers locked... :-)
2012-01-19 00:37:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-D I shall bear that in mind

2012-01-18 23:29:56 (EST)

ZinniaTung Naah! That would kill all global creativity. Let people reflect on it. Surely you like receiving DMs? ;-)
2012-01-18 23:03:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung Oh! How profound! ;-p I thought it was more like "If you wish to turn someone to a potato, shave your head & raise your arms" Silly me! ;-)
2012-01-18 22:59:34 (EST)

ZinniaTung What's with the armpit-showing to the vertical amoeba!?

2012-01-18 22:55:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear baklava! Sleeping well? I hope you wake up fresh & all set for a warm day! Soft kisses behind your ears... :-)
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2012-01-18 20:21:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-| Goodnight...

2012-01-18 11:21:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened? You say you are not ok & then say nothing... Anything I can help with?
2012-01-18 11:13:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened dear?

2012-01-18 11:10:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me soon... :-)

2012-01-18 11:02:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall go to bed now darling. It is getting late now. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Goodnight. A soft kiss on your nose, sweetie...
2012-01-18 11:01:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. I am so proud of you! You are the superefficient!
2012-01-18 10:58:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) How was your day, darling? How is the packing coming along?
2012-01-18 10:38:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh it does! You should try it someday! ;-)

2012-01-18 10:28:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So I had carrom seeds wrapped in a betel leaf with a little salt. Good for the tummy. And then I'll starve for the night. Should help... :-)
2012-01-18 10:20:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So generous! ;-p

2012-01-18 10:16:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you go! Attacking my undershirt again! :-o

2012-01-18 10:10:55 (EST)

syahidahz :-) I am fine, thank you. Write away, dear one. The dark alleys of pain are made bearable only by such gems... :-)
2012-01-18 09:51:58 (EST)

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syahidahz Aah! Ok. :-) How are you today?

2012-01-18 09:48:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok! I have spread myself wide on the bed. Rub away... :-D
2012-01-18 09:46:21 (EST)

syahidahz Is that a pic you took? A pic of you? Or just a stock pic from the internet? It is a lovely pic & hence I kept staring at it... :-)
2012-01-18 09:45:48 (EST)

syahidahz Your profile pic, dear S. :-)

2012-01-18 09:42:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Only me. :-(

2012-01-18 09:41:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fairly fine. I used a bus to get home. It was ok but my stomach hurts. The team had ordered pizzas for lunch & it disagreed with me.
2012-01-18 09:26:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home! :-)

2012-01-18 08:46:30 (EST)

syahidahz What is this AVI pic that you have, if I may ask? Not able to make out any details...
2012-01-18 08:16:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-01-18 06:33:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for home, darling. :-0

2012-01-18 06:32:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, yesterday meeting is something that happens every alternate week (on Tues). I used to attend it from home or take it from the office!
2012-01-18 05:23:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No evening meeting, so will go home early. :-)

2012-01-18 05:16:11 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, been in a huge sequence of meetings... Boring day. Now have to wrap a few things up before I leave for the day.
2012-01-18 05:15:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for you? Hope your day is pleasant & sunny... :-) Sending you a kiss for your wrists. :-)
2012-01-18 00:56:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. How are you? Sleeping with a smile? I slept well & am in the office now. Lots of work :-o Will catch up with you soon
2012-01-18 00:56:20 (EST)

syahidahz True! May you be guided to that light and then may tears become alien to you...
2012-01-17 23:54:44 (EST)

syahidahz :-) Beautifully put. Then why wonder about the worth of the words & whether the praise is undue!? :-)
2012-01-17 23:33:08 (EST)

syahidahz In love you become a conduit of Allah's voice. That which is so beautiful passes through you in pain & in love. How could one not praise it?
2012-01-17 23:15:26 (EST)

syahidahz But it is your heart I praise, dear S. Your heart, unfortunately, is not yours... :-) When your heart throbs, the world listens... :-)
2012-01-17 23:07:58 (EST)

syahidahz Come on! You don't need my words. Your fount is so well embedded in your heart which feels so tenderly! :-)
2012-01-17 22:48:13 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you, dear S, for writing so beautifully. The more I read your words, the more I feel protective of you... :-)
2012-01-17 20:13:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the warmth!! :-) Surprise!!

2012-01-17 11:36:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a rainbow kiss... goes with whatever you are wearing. :-)
2012-01-17 10:18:53 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Goodnight... :-)

2012-01-17 10:08:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I need to leave now, darling. Else, it will get too cold... Take care sweetie. Do sleep well with sweet dreams. Kisses on your collar...
2012-01-17 10:08:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You love my undershirt elsewhere but not on me! :-D
2012-01-17 10:05:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leave my undershirt alone! :-D

2012-01-17 09:47:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Naah! None notice for I hold a poker face ;-p

2012-01-17 09:42:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie! Online again! Meeting going on. But, that's ok. Yes, I will be very late in reaching home. Not sure whether I will get online.. :-)
2012-01-17 09:20:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with my class. On my way back to the office. Sending you a soft kiss for the back of your neck... :-)
2012-01-17 08:14:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, sweet one. Just finished lunch & a couple of games of tabletennis! :-)
2012-01-17 04:07:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sneaking in a kiss from under the table for your tummy! ;-p
2012-01-17 02:42:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We too have to stop at the lights. Today morning, all my lights were green!! :-D
2012-01-17 02:11:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the release seems to be on track. Nothing much to worry about there. A few things resolved so a lot smoother. :-)
2012-01-17 02:10:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In the office now! Had a lovely drive to the office. I had to stop at only one signal light! Was very cool & the Sun was out... Lovely! :-)
2012-01-16 21:58:57 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Hope you are sleeping peacefully & with a smile. I slept fairly well. Getting ready for the super-busy day! :-|
2012-01-16 19:35:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I so wish you were here that I could hug you & rub our noses together... Goodnight :-)
2012-01-16 11:47:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am liking it & it helps me relax a bit, so...

2012-01-16 11:42:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So I will go to bed now, softly kiss you on your forehead & waiting for you to join me soon. Goodnight, darling. Sweet dreams... :-)
2012-01-16 11:40:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, back to working tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hectic. Not only do I need to work, but go to Tai Chi class & back to the office for a conf.
2012-01-16 11:37:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, still feeling like a half stuffed turkey. ;-) I will be going to bed in a bit, darling. Need to wake up really early tomorrow!
2012-01-16 11:28:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Back. Yes, a late dinner. Will surely think of you when I eat them. Sending you a chocolate laced kiss to keep you smiling :-)
2012-01-16 11:17:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've bought you almond & fruit & nut chocolates! :-D
2012-01-16 09:35:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you done with the store purchases?

2012-01-16 09:34:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was back a while ago. Discussing something with mom...

2012-01-16 09:34:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back...

2012-01-16 09:34:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should be back soon, darling... Hope your day's going fine... :-)
2012-01-16 07:32:05 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Aah there you are! I thought you had vanished somewhere. Iam just off to the store nearby & thought I should check once more for you! :-)
2012-01-16 07:31:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Actually the puzzle was already solved. It just needed to be written in code which needed someone familiar with it to work on it...
2012-01-16 06:46:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back! Slept for about 40 min but ended up reviewing the code for a bit longer. Someone in the team solved the puzzle so we are set...
2012-01-16 06:45:37 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Cheers! Have a lovely day... :-)

2012-01-16 04:21:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah yeah yeah. So convenient. :-D I think I will doze for a bit. :)
2012-01-16 04:14:21 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Merci. Mail sent... :-) Hope it helps.

2012-01-16 04:14:00 (EST)

feltsensejunkie You have no reason to, but if you trust me with an email ID, I'd send you a note which has helped others in similar state of sleeplessness..
2012-01-16 04:02:19 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Hmmm. Lack of sleep due to inability or lack of time?

2012-01-16 03:58:38 (EST)

feltsensejunkie But what, if I may ask, brought out the gelatinous side of you today? What makes you clumsier than other days? Just curious... :-)
2012-01-16 03:48:27 (EST)

feltsensejunkie But any trouble is fine! Today you get to unleash all trouble & get away with it as an errant flying super-tomato with hiccups does! ;-)
2012-01-16 03:45:42 (EST)

feltsensejunkie ...reading Shel Silverstein's poems to your friends over the phone & then picking your sexiest clothes to wear when you step out! :-)
2012-01-16 03:42:32 (EST)

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feltsensejunkie Here's what I recommend - A cold shower, walk around the house naming everything after friends, singing a song loudly while skipping a rope
2012-01-16 03:40:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so glad you slept late & feel super-fresh. Good girl! Never mind that I had to prepare breakfast & do all the chores..never mind! ;-p
2012-01-16 03:30:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pampering would be nice. I will simply stretch myself out while you scratch my chin & back & tummy! :-D
2012-01-16 03:29:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just finished a heavy heavy lunch. Festivals are usually heavy eating. I feel like a stuffed turkey!
2012-01-16 03:27:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I truly wanted to stay away. I had decided on reading some nice book. But then, the keyboard gripped my hands and... poor me! ;-p
2012-01-16 03:24:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know! :-( I am sure you must be feeling how ridiculous I am, saying one thing & doing the opposite, the very next min! :-(
2012-01-16 03:24:15 (EST)

OliviaDresher :-) Snow as proof of god. Beautiful...

2012-01-16 00:38:33 (EST)

OliviaDresher I have never seen snow fall. I have been to places where snow still lingered on, but falling snow - no. Snow no, snow no, snow no... :-)
2012-01-16 00:21:43 (EST)

OliviaDresher Ouch! Maybe you need those mountaineering gear with spikes & all. Please be careful. Do you enjoy the winter there? Do snowflakes sigh?
2012-01-16 00:09:25 (EST)

OliviaDresher ready to travel. :-) I feel bad I missed visiting Seattle. I really wanted to... :-(
2012-01-15 23:45:52 (EST)

OliviaDresher Accidents? God! And a scar! How? In your car? Please do be

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careful. My stay in the US was fine. I seem to have lost sense of home so yes,
2012-01-15 23:45:10 (EST)

OliviaDresher I can nearly smell the tips of your fingers & the song from where you cut yourself. Ms. D, thank you. With all my heart, thank you. :-)
2012-01-15 23:26:40 (EST)

OliviaDresher Yes, they glow today. Before I go to the mirror, I imagine them of a different hue. If I like what I imagine, I don't go to the mirror! :-)
2012-01-15 23:26:00 (EST)

OliviaDresher Yes, we should. All things I know or think about us has now been officially dropped. I am now that cat. :-) Hello... :-)
2012-01-15 23:18:15 (EST)

OliviaDresher Around this time, last year, we started knowing each other & again, we do the same... :-)
2012-01-15 23:15:18 (EST)

OliviaDresher What would it be like to meet all over again? Gently exploring mutual love being an accident/miracle... Or perhaps differently? I wish...
2012-01-15 23:14:10 (EST)

OliviaDresher Really!? Wow! This is indeed a happy new year for me... :-) How are you, Ms. D? How are your books? And kitchen?
2012-01-15 23:12:57 (EST)

OliviaDresher Good evening! Glad to note that you still read the words here. For some reason I thought you didn't want anything to do with me... :-|
2012-01-15 22:45:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course, the whole jewellery set awaits you, sweet one. :-) I hope you wake up feeling well rested. Do not strain yourself today. Please.
2012-01-15 21:52:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..comp. today. Oh! today's a holiday here. So no office. :-) That 1 nagging puzzle is still there so not sure whether I will stay away! :-(
2012-01-15 21:51:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet sweet darling. Hope you are sleeping
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well. I did & am feeling well-rested. I am nearly tempted to stay away from ..
2012-01-15 21:50:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. Good night. :-) Do come & join me soon, sweetie...
2012-01-15 11:27:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are still eating. I will retire for the day, darling. Quite tired. Sending you a dozen kisses as anklets! Sleep well.
2012-01-15 11:27:24 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Kinda missed you for a while... :-)

2012-01-15 11:15:48 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme How are you? Your AVI & some of your pix simply brighten my day. I also noticed that you wrote some lovely words recently... :-)
2012-01-15 11:15:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww! I wish I was there too, feeding you warm soup from a bowl while you lean back & rest. :-) And cook some nice lunch for you!
2012-01-15 10:34:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The software application we need to release next week! :-o This one is not easy! :-(
2012-01-15 10:26:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ While you busily clean, I'll keep tossing petaled kisses at you... And then look away whistling at the cobwebs! ;-p
2012-01-15 10:08:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Someone seems busy... :-)

2012-01-15 10:07:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... :-) Still cleaning, darling?

2012-01-15 09:56:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Going to have dinner now. Will be back soon... Sending you a soft belt of kisses ... ;-p
2012-01-15 09:26:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too darling. :-) Am stuck in a really puzzling issue with the application. This issue is holding up the release as of now! :-(
2012-01-15 09:26:09 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ :-) Did you measure whether the room fits all your furniture? What about colours? Gas/electric stove? Fridge space?
2012-01-15 08:28:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most important thing? Cat-boy? ;-p

2012-01-15 08:22:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you enjoy your time with nina mama & babies. The new house is smaller than this one? You seem to be heading to smaller houses! :D
2012-01-15 06:59:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling! I was mostly offline. We had guests then lunch & then some chores. Really wish I could've come online before you left.
2012-01-15 06:59:04 (EST)

neernool Flumes don't flow. They are the containers of what flows...
2012-01-14 23:31:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For me it is mostly reading & writing & some office work. I hope to stay at home so that should give me enough rest. :-)
2012-01-14 23:09:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nevertheless, there are rituals to be performed which I will. Softly kissing your tummy. What's lined up for today, darling?
2012-01-14 23:08:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Sleeping sweetly, dear one? Today is a festival here but since we had a death in the family, no festivals for a year
2012-01-14 23:07:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would love that. Miss your soft tummy... :-)
2012-01-14 11:57:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awwwright! Time for bed. Goodnight darling. Kissing you softly on your palms! Do come and join me soon, darling... :-)
2012-01-14 11:49:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It has less to do with the worlds we come from & more to do with worlds you have experienced... :-)
2012-01-14 11:36:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I trust you do... :-)

2012-01-14 11:32:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, enough for today on this subject. How was your day? How are your hands?
2012-01-14 11:24:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am happy with the Gods, dear Andrea. And that very happiness makes me wonder what I am doing away from it all! :-|
2012-01-14 11:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They are all offered to the God!

2012-01-14 11:22:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did! But I would never ask a weather-vane to be my compass! ;-p
2012-01-14 10:54:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You ask that of someone who doesn't know what would become of him!
2012-01-14 10:50:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just feel more & more everyday to leave the world as I presently live & retire to the mountains near the river & simply smile & live.. :-)
2012-01-14 10:44:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel so so blessed today. My resolve to leave all of this & become a hermit grew manifold! :-)
2012-01-14 10:40:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! How did the exam go? What's lined up for the long weekend? Sending you warm wishes & breeze in the curtains... :-)
2012-01-14 10:19:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This world is nothing compared to the beauty in the temple today! :-)
2012-01-14 10:11:46 (EST)

melancholundone 8 weeks!? Wow! Hope you have lots of fun.

2012-01-14 09:49:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was so beautiful there with many surprises & soul-touching

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sights. I am just smiling & floating in a different cloud... :-)

2012-01-14 09:47:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tried sending you a DM before entering the TaiChi class but it didn't get sent! :-( I have gotten back home. I was happiest at the temple!
2012-01-14 09:44:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D I will be leaving in a few minutes. Got some chores to do too on my way to the class.. Will get back online later. You take care darling
2012-01-14 04:58:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wonder why some lesbian twitter handle is following me! As in, I am technically a lesbian but still... :-D
2012-01-14 04:39:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Honestly, I wouldn't know given that I always seem to have myself around me! :-D Just kidding! I miss you too, darling. I really do... :-)
2012-01-14 04:36:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, was having lunch. Nope, it is not a temple I know or have seen. But I am sure I will recognise it if I ever see it in real life. :-)
2012-01-14 04:23:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I paired with nearly all of them so... :-) He is one of the guys I liked. :-)
2012-01-14 02:28:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As in, I worked with him but he didn't come to the US while I was there. :-)
2012-01-14 02:19:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Old project. We gather feedback from people we have worked with so that we can improve. I am providing feedback to a guy in Brazil...
2012-01-14 02:09:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! Delicious! What are you going to wear today? I am giving feedback to a colleague in Brazil (on the US project). So wrapped in it...
2012-01-14 01:53:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have tai chi classes today so the evening will be packed. :-)
2012-01-14 00:38:21 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ So I have been smiling since the morn! Hope my darling is sleeping sweetly. Soft kisses up your arm. :-) Today is mostly studying etc.
2012-01-14 00:38:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. I did sleep well & had to force myself to sleep a little longer! I woke up to a beautiful dream involving a temple!
2012-01-14 00:37:19 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme kinda shots as there is greater randomness of hair in water and lo behold! :-)
2012-01-13 22:55:43 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme The pic of the lady in the bathtub is gorgeous! You seem to prefer lady-on-the-floor-hair-spread-out-shots. I woke up wanting to suggest the
2012-01-13 22:54:41 (EST)

monetblanc Good morning, dear Renee. Hope all is well at your end. Since I'm following your other account, I am unfollowing you on this. :-)
2012-01-13 22:30:38 (EST)

melancholundone Hello. Been a while since I saw your words on the stream. Hope all is well. Sending you a ray of sunshine from here (we have many ;-)
2012-01-13 13:15:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awwwright! Done for the day & week! Off to bed now, darling. Come come come... Quickly! Kiss your shoulders... goodnight :-)
2012-01-13 12:39:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would like to hold you too... :-)

2012-01-13 12:33:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire All the best! :-)

2012-01-13 12:30:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in bed... just tweeting! ;-p

2012-01-13 12:26:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Me too... I shall go to bed shortly. Want to write a few more tweets. Let's see... :-)
2012-01-13 12:12:03 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I didn't think you were joking. Now to go to bed... :-)

2012-01-13 11:57:47 (EST)

heartlessndark :-) Miss you too. How are you & V & B? Hope your health is fine & you find more time for yourself...
2012-01-13 11:55:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee! :-D

2012-01-13 11:54:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee... waiting...

2012-01-13 11:28:59 (EST)

dgdreamin All's well with a hug & kiss, so nothing to worry. :-) Wishing you a lovely day...
2012-01-13 11:28:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be lovely... :-) But isn't the day keeping you busy? Would I have to wait till you get to bed? :-o
2012-01-13 11:21:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, it was... Beautiful beautiful...

2012-01-13 11:06:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a lot seemed beautiful out there... :-)

2012-01-13 10:56:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had my pizza... :-) Was fairly delicious. Quite unlike the stuff in the US. More bread :-| But really really cheaper!
2012-01-13 10:49:52 (EST)

dgdreamin I thought you were offended my an earlier DM of mine describing the picture I had of you in my head...
2012-01-13 09:59:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly! :-)

2012-01-13 09:59:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was largely busy & good. Lots of work done. Now I just want to have my pizza & sleep off. :-)
2012-01-13 09:54:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? How is your hand?

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2012-01-13 09:47:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really? I did feel something tickle me all the way back home! :-)
2012-01-13 09:47:14 (EST)

dgdreamin I've been mostly good or so I'd like to believe. :-) Yes, 2 weeks into the year & it already feels like the ones we bade farewell to! :-)
2012-01-13 08:21:20 (EST)

dgdreamin Yes, I noticed that your words have reduced in number though not in their smoothness! Hope you are keeping yourself warm... :-)
2012-01-13 08:20:42 (EST)

dgdreamin How are you, Deborah? :-)

2012-01-13 07:55:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But they are on their way there... ;-p

2012-01-13 07:51:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Delightful! No wonder I couldn't spot the door to get into the cab ;-)
2012-01-13 07:03:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling. Finished a truckload of work. Heading home now... Sending you kisses in parachutes! :-)
2012-01-13 06:48:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not a new project but the same one with more new features & enhancements etc. This product keeps growing... :-)
2012-01-13 04:33:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Very sweet of him! Months of hard work end & then start again next week. Never ending! :-) Happy but not as much as receiving 1000 kisses!
2012-01-13 03:36:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is the last day of our software release & we have targets to meet. So will be immersed in that.
2012-01-12 22:18:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You didn't disturb my sleep one bit, dear. It was wonderful holding you through the night... :-) Today is bound to be hectic.
2012-01-12 22:16:16 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Hope you slept well. I did & woke up before the alarm..a little too early! So did feel a little groggy! :-D
2012-01-12 22:15:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wonderful! Nothing like loving what you do. Hope you rest well & are at your best for tomorrow's exams. :-) xo
2012-01-12 20:10:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sweet dreams. Oh! I would love that kiss on my eyes... :-) A kiss on your forehead. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-12 10:44:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dunno. Manage juggling a few things often. I think I will go to bed now. Feeling tired & eyes hurting.
2012-01-12 10:38:45 (EST)

syahidahz How rude! I say "Ignore my eyes" & you say "I will"!! ;-p
2012-01-12 10:14:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True... Meeting got over. Will be back online in a while... :-)
2012-01-12 10:13:48 (EST)

syahidahz Oh! And I hope you don't feel conscious with your words. Keep writing. Ignore my eyes... :-)
2012-01-12 10:10:40 (EST)

syahidahz I really wish you peace & smiles. I don't want to bring out your scars so we'll leave this at this... May Allah place his hand on your head
2012-01-12 10:08:54 (EST)

syahidahz :-( I realise we aren't close buddies or such, but if you feel the need to share or explore getting out of the pain, feel free to ping
2012-01-12 10:05:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good good. Good moods are always welcome. I miss you too, darling. :-)
2012-01-12 09:59:11 (EST)

syahidahz Free from what, girl? If I come across as probing do let me know... Somehow it pains me to read your words. Dunno... Maybe I should shut up?
2012-01-12 09:53:40 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ :-) Seems like you are in a chirpy mood...

2012-01-12 09:52:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-o Cool indeed! You like tugging at tumours or rather be an abettor of such excursions?
2012-01-12 09:49:48 (EST)

syahidahz I hope all is well with you, dear friend. Your words are lovely even in their sadness... I hope whatever ails your heart, vanishes soon. :-)
2012-01-12 09:46:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You are so modest! How could he ever have run away from so modest a person! ;-p
2012-01-12 09:35:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Does that mean you get to be the specialist who'd operate/calibrate the equipment in hospitals? You'd get to probe into the heart? :-)
2012-01-12 09:24:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good good! You do sound like you are all set. So what are you preparing to be?
2012-01-12 09:19:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And if he ran away, he is going to be spending 8 lives missing the one with you...
2012-01-12 09:17:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure he is fine. They have 9 lives anyway... :-)

2012-01-12 09:17:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Golden?
2012-01-12 09:15:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) But fireflies would bring you closer to the hour of your exam. Maybe you need the extra hours ;-p
2012-01-12 09:10:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I pray that wherever he is, he is happy with a belly full of mice... :-)
2012-01-12 09:01:02 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Day's is still turning off the lights around me. A couple of more hours, then pitch black. Then just the light of my thoughts. :-) Fireflies
2012-01-12 08:56:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sounds good. Perhaps moving to the new place would be good. Maybe cat boy will return. Perhaps he has gone to meet his lion cousins! :-D
2012-01-12 08:55:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wow! You do sound scholarly! Perhaps you should read aloud, record & play it softly while you sleep. Works at the subconscious level! :-)
2012-01-12 08:45:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? How are your hands? Any decision on the house movement? Any news of cat boy?
2012-01-12 08:44:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly better but there is this feeling/hope that I would've had made it home earlier... Anyway, home, so feeling ok..
2012-01-12 08:28:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What paper is this, if I may ask?

2012-01-12 08:16:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I haven't seen it either. I'm at home now. Traffic was bad. Really bad. It can be so exhausting simply to sit in the car through the traffic
2012-01-12 08:16:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a kiss on a paper aeroplane... ;-p

2012-01-12 05:58:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. Maybe the Winter's kind on you & would rather give you an early Spring than make you suffer. :-)
2012-01-12 05:35:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sad to hear your sleep was also not the best. Maybe that is why they invented weekends! :-) A trail of kisses up...err.. down your knee! ;-p
2012-01-12 05:10:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonder why & how this happened. I really wish you get down to treating it properly.. Please don't neglect it. :-|
2012-01-12 01:19:54 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Wishing you the best for your exams. I hope the wishes haven't arrived too late. Then they are for the results of the exams... ;-)
2012-01-12 01:18:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..that help cure/heal arthritis esp. in the hands & knees. Sweet sweet darling. Kiss your finger tips...
2012-01-12 01:17:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ least tonight. I need a solid 8 hrs of unbroken sleep, I think. Anyway, lets see. I am really worried about your hand. There are oils
2012-01-12 01:16:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Slept well? I kinda did though ended up waking too early & thereafter, multiple times. :-( I hope to sleep well
2012-01-12 01:16:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh I am sorry for suggesting the wrong treatment. Didn't know... :-(
2012-01-11 11:31:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok, please do the tests. A happy welcome back hug and twirl. Do freshen up & join me soon. Goodnight, darling...
2012-01-11 11:29:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Alright darling. I am off to bed. Sending you soft kisses to keep by the bed side. Sleep well dear. Sweet dreams. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-11 11:24:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A dozen tiny nibbling kisses for your back... :-)

2012-01-11 09:41:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Day was ok. Lots of work. And that was pretty much it... Now in the meeting.
2012-01-11 08:04:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But we aren't in the neighbouthood... so... I don't know what else to say! :-|
2012-01-11 07:55:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you lived in the neighbourhood, of course, we'd meet & enjoy time together while being aware of things & constraints...
2012-01-11 07:54:34 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I would still like to do all those things too. Why'd you think otherwise? But they don't come without associated complications & logistics
2012-01-11 07:43:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is sad that you feel the sweetness nearly all gone. Yes, I have consciously stopped certain things given that they are inappropriate now
2012-01-11 04:14:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day will be the usual. Work, meetings & then a late evening meeting.
2012-01-10 22:56:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are fine & sweet & cheerful... :-) Relax...
2012-01-10 22:56:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ While I found it cute that you stayed up, I think it was bad to do so. Please don't repeat it. Why are you worried about making me smile?
2012-01-10 22:55:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Sleeping well? I slept fairly well. Less tired though would love to sleep some more. Don't ever ruin your sleep..
2012-01-10 22:43:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall go to sleep now, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nose. Do come & join me soon, darling... :-)
2012-01-10 11:28:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And it doesn't help? :-( I wish there was a way to relieve your pain. Tiger balm?
2012-01-10 11:27:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would still recommend dipping your fingers in hot brine... It would help
2012-01-10 11:22:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was wondering about it! Why would the modest lady call herself a sow! ;-p
2012-01-10 11:13:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What did you do throughout the day?

2012-01-10 11:08:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was having dinner. Yes, it is late. I should be going to bed

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shortly. I might write for 10 min & then retire...

2012-01-10 11:04:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe... don't know. Few weeks later, I'll be older by few weeks...
2012-01-10 10:24:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes freshly bathed but feeling sore! Tai chi seems so effortless but can really make muscles sore! Or maybe i am just too old! :-D
2012-01-10 10:20:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are visiting the doc. Meeting just got over. Will go have a bath & join you soon over DMs. :-)
2012-01-10 09:49:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Catch you later... And one more kiss for your ankles...
2012-01-10 06:43:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you one for you to keep warm through the evening. I will be on my way to the Tai Chi class... :-)
2012-01-10 06:42:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just returned from lunch! I do miss you and the poor li'l lovely lady next to me... ;-p
2012-01-10 03:55:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my god! That is it. That is the real reason. Maybe I should sleep till milady wakes up & gets into a towel! Around my lunch time.. ;-p
2012-01-10 02:41:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is typically work & a couple of tech meetings... Nothing new! :-) Sending you a butterfly winged kiss for you to tattoo on yourself!
2012-01-09 23:45:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. Slept well? I did though again I feel it was insufficient. Don't know why. What's lined up for today?
2012-01-09 23:10:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep well. Let me kiss you on your fingertips. :-) Sweet dreams. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2012-01-09 10:47:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Mostly work. Well, I have to sleep, right? And it
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is late... So...
2012-01-09 10:39:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done! :-) Lots of discussion. How was your day? Mine is nearly done. I will probably retire to bed soon & read a book into bed... :-)
2012-01-09 10:29:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you like them... :-) Am getting into my meeting now... :-)
2012-01-09 09:28:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How modest! Calling yourself lovely! :-D

2012-01-09 08:59:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now... :-)

2012-01-09 06:25:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A little over a month for someone's b'day... ;-)

2012-01-09 06:25:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hope your study day went through fine & the meditation helped... :-) Wishing you a warm day ahead...
2012-01-09 06:07:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I would love to be eaten up like that! :-D A little over a month left for... ;-)
2012-01-09 06:06:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, sweetie. I'm in dark blue jeans & a white hooded jacket! ;-p I look like a rapper since I'm also wearing the hood to cover my head
2012-01-09 03:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got back from lunch. :-) Nice dress. A soft kiss on your upper arm. Hope your day goes well. Mine is fine. :-)
2012-01-09 03:42:57 (EST)

CarolineSkanne You're kind. I find your words delightful too & I say it not as reciprocation but in genuine appreciation. :-) Glad you enjoy the words here
2012-01-09 01:58:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is going to be another busy day at work. Will keep pinging you once in a while. Kisses on your knees... :-)
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2012-01-09 00:07:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie. Driving all around would surely have been tiring. I didn't feel like waking up today morning but had to get to work!
2012-01-09 00:06:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do visit one soon. How are the fingers? I am really feeling drowsy...
2012-01-08 11:30:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I am off to bed. Sleep well dear. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your chin. Do drive carefully & join me soon. What did the doc say?
2012-01-08 11:24:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I got some of the DMs. Oh! Yes it is your choice eventually. I got your sis DM too. Seems like I had missed it on the small screen...
2012-01-08 11:23:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..missed on my phone. Let me check on the computer...

2012-01-08 10:51:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Its not about whether it matters to her or not. Can't she discuss & figure out objectively which is a better choice? I got some. Maybe
2012-01-08 10:51:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope no news about the journey to your sis' place. Hope you enjoyed it. Have you had a chance to discuss the move with her?
2012-01-08 10:29:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you like them. Sister's place? When did you go there? Flight was ok. Was reading a book on my Nook. That's it. Nothing noteworthy
2012-01-08 10:23:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Once done, get down to studying. :-)

2012-01-08 10:19:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Not of this DM, or your neighbour, or your girls, pet, professor... anyone/~thing. Just your breath filling your entire self. Only 8 min.
2012-01-08 10:18:57 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire ..your breath, breathe with your belly as if a rope was tied to the belly-button & pulling it outward, do not let any image enter your head
2012-01-08 10:17:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad you found it so. I would suggest taking 8 min off before you start to clear your mind. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, watch ..
2012-01-08 10:16:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Nervous about? Exams?

2012-01-08 09:55:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Trip was fine. Just reached. Decided to check my dmitri before getting off the cab
2012-01-08 09:53:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Landed safe. On my way home... How was your day?

2012-01-08 09:49:00 (EST)

paintswithwords Then I hope she feels honoured being associated with poetry! :-)
2012-01-08 09:47:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ At the airport. Will be boarding shortly... I don't mind flying...

2012-01-08 06:02:33 (EST)

syahidahz It is so beautiful reading your words. Earlier I only recall you chatting with friends & writing less of poetry. Thank you for sharing these
2012-01-08 06:02:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't book the hotel. The office did. Since I was staying last night too in the city, I had to make my arrangements. Which I did. :-)
2012-01-08 04:56:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. I am now on my final leg to the airport. I will try to connect from there too but not sure. Glad you slept well! :-)
2012-01-08 04:55:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Apologies for the late reply. Since I'm travelling I connect only occasionally over the phone. How's Saturday night treating you? :-)
2012-01-07 23:38:27 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Hola! I'm doing good. And you? Hope the weekend's going as per plan. Hope the girls let you study a bit. :-)
2012-01-07 23:36:35 (EST)

paintswithwords Good evening. Your words & images delight but one that catches my eye frequently is your avi. Is it another stock pic or is it you?
2012-01-07 21:43:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ must ensure it doesn't go to the last three... :-)

2012-01-07 21:23:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some then move on to boredom, irritation and indifference... Though one might try to rekindle initial excitement (difficult across miles)
2012-01-07 21:22:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you saying we have nothing sweet left between us? All relationships go through a phase of excitement and then simple sweetness.
2012-01-07 21:21:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..own arrangements. Friend was kind so am staying with him for one night. A soft kiss on your shoulders... :-)
2012-01-07 21:19:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Hope you're sleeping well. I slept well. The hotel was booked only for one night. I am staying longer hence needed to make my
2012-01-07 21:17:41 (EST)

EdBremson Hello Sir, I am not sure what those awards are for and am currently travelling, so connectivity is ltd. Will get back home and check on it..
2012-01-07 21:15:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of am off to bed now. Sweet dreams and a soft kiss on your forehead. Sleep well and join me soon... :-)
2012-01-07 13:13:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Relax! You know what I meant. There was something like word play we had which was sweet... Now we have something sweeter... :-)
2012-01-07 13:11:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no... Some confusion around transport. Am at my friends

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2012-01-07 13:07:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I had hot herbal tea. Throat feels better. Yes, we did share some words and now we share something else.. :-)
2012-01-07 09:59:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It really is bad. You wouldn't be able to breathe & then it grates on your throat. :-(
2012-01-07 09:26:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..its food. :-) But all the traffic pollution is making my throat a little sore. :-(
2012-01-07 09:25:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Word-play is not the only way for someone to connect to me. :-) BTW, I just got back after loads of cookie shopping! I loved this city for
2012-01-07 09:25:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why sorry? We exchange what we best can. Word-play is not everything. Honestly not. I am not trying to console you or anything. I mean it!
2012-01-07 09:21:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you are pretty good with words too. I have read them before. Perhaps your being caught up in so many things hasn't given you time...
2012-01-07 06:01:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is a conference with many parallel tracks...

2012-01-07 04:20:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sauteed bell peppers, capers, garlic & olive oil on warm farmer's bread. This would be a nice healthy meal. You should prepare it. :-)
2012-01-07 03:45:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was decent. Glad you liked the tweet. :-) The conference is going on fine. Shuttling between sessions. You should make a light salad
2012-01-07 03:45:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And that tweet, my darling, was for you... ;-)

2012-01-07 02:25:33 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Sending you a hug before you retire for the day... Smile away! :-)
2012-01-06 23:11:34 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sorry to hear that. I can only imagine, having a fair idea of how close a daughter usually is to her father. No matter how old they grow...
2012-01-06 23:10:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie! Hope you are sleeping well. I slept late but well. Now I am in the conference. I will keep DM-ing you whenever I can
2012-01-06 23:06:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) Quite packed. All the best for the exam. I am sorry to hear about your father. Hope it was a peaceful departure.
2012-01-06 13:50:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweetie. Sleep well. Soft kisses on your nose & a warm hug. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-06 13:48:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I am feeling sleepy. I should go doze. It is very late... :-o

2012-01-06 13:41:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..& your sis. Sorry... I meant Renka.

2012-01-06 13:41:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please put down the pros & cons of each house on a sheet of paper & that will help you clarify. You can then probably discuss with me, Ranka
2012-01-06 13:40:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Relax! Maybe it is nothing like that. It might just be a normal inflammation. Let the doc decide. Ok? What are you confused about?
2012-01-06 13:39:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you must go to the doctor right away! Maybe it is something more than either of imagine it to be...
2012-01-06 13:31:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What!? Stay? But I thought you had decided to move! Wasn't it saving you a load of money & also giving you a peaceful night's sleep?
2012-01-06 13:30:54 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ When are you shifting to the new house?

2012-01-06 13:27:59 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What's lined up for the weekend? Do you work or study? Don't mean to probe - just asking... :-)
2012-01-06 13:27:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) How is your hand?

2012-01-06 13:27:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it does... :-)

2012-01-06 13:23:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire hahahaha :-D Point noted. Yes, there are ways to tackle heat (esp. near the sea) but cold... well, it can be painful.
2012-01-06 13:20:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Man is a strange thing ~ Wanting it hot when it's cold ~ And cold when hot ~ Always wanting what is not ;-p
2012-01-06 13:17:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here too. We'd surely go on a walk & show you the city & tell you all its beautiful tales. :-) Yes, holding hands... :-)
2012-01-06 13:12:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-D Oh! This is the best time of the year to be in India. I wouldn't mind a day of snowfall here. But just that much & off it should go! ;-)
2012-01-06 13:07:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, sweetie?

2012-01-06 13:03:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was. We talked about so many different things. & had a pleasant time. 6 of us. Very warm & friendly conversations... :-)
2012-01-06 13:03:44 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) But still not cold. Hardly anyone around with a sweater/cardigan.
2012-01-06 12:57:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire It is not as cold as it would be there. Perhaps as warm as

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late Spring in NYC. I am actually traveling for a conference so in another cooler

2012-01-06 12:57:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie. Am back. Had a way too heavy Italian dinner :-)
2012-01-06 12:56:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, you don't seem to be around... I'll have dinner & return to check on you. Take care, darling...
2012-01-06 09:45:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We should be heading out for dinner shortly. I thought I'd stuff my bags here & send you a quick DM. And a few kisses for your knees... ;-p
2012-01-06 09:39:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is a nice city. Quite lively. Yes, I have reached and am in the hotel room now. I enjoy coming here. I did my masters here. Love it here!
2012-01-06 09:38:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ To a city called Pune. I'll be back Sunday evening...

2012-01-06 04:18:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Am in the cab to the airport. Missing you and sending you a kiss for your tummy... :-)
2012-01-06 03:19:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Intoxicating!? That's warming to hear... :-) Hope your day was good! :-)
2012-01-06 01:46:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well, clearly you have earned it with your selection of words & your own poetic output... :-) That & your AVI! :-D
2012-01-06 01:21:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..across Europe!? :-D That must be one mighty broom you have! Hope you are sleeping fine & undisturbed. A soft kiss on your nose. :-)
2012-01-05 21:57:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hot salt water? You could also wrap a towel soaked in boiling water around it to suppress & heal the swelling. How did it feel to sweep
2012-01-05 21:56:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It does get a little tiring & my mouth does dry up, but it is ok. I
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seem to manage it fine (so far). How is your hand? Are you dipping it
2012-01-05 21:55:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yesterday was fine. I did meditate & pray & read some religious texts but I also spent time reviewing the book. I think I was mostly fine!
2012-01-05 21:54:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie! :-) I leave only at 13:30 hrs today. So I might be around when you wake up. Do wake up soon! ;-)
2012-01-05 21:53:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire My pleasure! There are some tweets I write & then wonder if they would catch your attention. As if you are the priestess of sensuality! :-)
2012-01-05 21:19:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your fingers. Please take care & apply some balm on them. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-04 12:50:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will silently keep them with me while I pray & meditate tomorrow... :-) Will miss you too darling. Now I go to sleep
2012-01-04 12:49:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And tomorrow I will be off DMs... :-(

2012-01-04 12:41:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Day was ok. Tai chi was fine. Tired a bit... Will sleep shortly. Didn't want to doze off without DMing you. :-)
2012-01-04 12:41:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep! I remember you getting caught for speeding. BTW, why don't you dip it in hot water with some rock salt in it. It will help...
2012-01-04 12:20:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why does your hand hurt? I thought you hurt your hip (hope it is fine).. He wasn't too strict though I had to pay a nominal fine.
2012-01-04 12:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not too fast. Just took a non-free left turn since I was following the vehicles ahead of me. :-( Anyway! How come fever? Are you taking meds
2012-01-04 11:59:12 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, it got very late. Traffic+getting caught by the police+reaching home+bathing+dinner = Very late! :-( How are you?
2012-01-04 11:53:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Heading out now... Kisses for your hips! ;-)

2012-01-04 07:24:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Normally, I wouldn't be Tai-chi-ing on Wed. but since I am not here on Saturday, I decided to do it today to ensure twice/week. :-)
2012-01-04 07:23:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I break my fast on Friday morning & then travel to another city for a conference. I should be online & connected though...
2012-01-04 07:00:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No water, no food, no talking to anyone, no email, no chat... Remember I had such a day last year too? This is the 2nd fast of the year! :)
2012-01-04 07:00:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be off to the next session of Tai Chi soon! Today was a busy day too. BTW, tomorrow I am off the internet. Tomorrow is a day I fast
2012-01-04 06:59:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you long & soft on your lips... :-)

2012-01-04 04:24:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In summary, sad. :-(

2012-01-04 04:23:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, he should have figured things out & discussed things with his manager/owner/friends/customers (did they like what he made?)
2012-01-04 04:23:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... That is indeed a tough situation to be in. Yes, it is tough to be creative & also work under someone... :-|
2012-01-04 04:22:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I thought D was doing well & doing his job well. So why should the owner care about other things? Not sure.. Yes, sad. :-(
2012-01-04 03:47:51 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Missing you too. In a meeting now, so can afford to DM! ;-) My day's been ok. Nothing noteworthy! I find the office politics tiring... :-|
2012-01-04 03:46:40 (EST)

ZinniaTung Exactly! Sardars are the nemesis of the chicken specie! Like the Bengalis of all things fishy! ;-p Significantly influential friends... Nice
2012-01-03 20:54:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How would a bakery's criticism ever match yours? I thought yours were personal & about incompatibility in a future together... No?
2012-01-03 20:34:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung But seriously, how come? There isn't a single sardarni I have met who is a vegetarian! Oh! I have known & met many... :-)
2012-01-03 20:32:20 (EST)

ZinniaTung Well, doing illegal things didn't kill a man! So your being alive, though many are grateful for that, doesn't make it legal! ;-p
2012-01-03 20:31:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is terribly unfortunate to hear about D. Did you know the bakery boss enough to influence his decisions? Why then did D ask you that? :-|
2012-01-03 20:30:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you sleep peacefully & with a smile. I probably became that pillow you hug. :-)
2012-01-03 20:29:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had a bowl of soup. Not really a minor issue. office politics... :-/ Logging off now, darling... :-)
2012-01-03 11:16:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, dear one. A soft kiss on your shoulders. And a tight hug around your waist from behind. Do join me soon... :-)
2012-01-03 10:55:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling. Call just got over & then another issue with the team! I have to review the book, dear one. I shall say goodnight now...
2012-01-03 10:54:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ headache's gone. Eye ache isn't there. tending to my throat

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2012-01-03 09:50:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes the tai-chi was indeed helpful. Damaged knee hurts but feel great... In a conference call now. miss you sweetie
2012-01-03 09:47:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope the Tai Chi class goes off well too. Not sure. Not feeling in the best of my health today. Eyes hurting & so is my head. Mildly.. :-(
2012-01-03 06:54:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet one. Of course, I miss you. Else would I keep running back to the DM window? :-D I will be off soon. Slight headache... :-(
2012-01-03 06:53:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry. I will always have time for you. Perhaps not to the extent you appreciate, but still as much as I can squeeze out of the day!
2012-01-03 05:25:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I want to push myself for at least 3 weeks before relaxing on the schedule. :-) How is your day darling? I will be off again. Busy day! :-)
2012-01-03 04:20:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung Is that even legal!? ;-)

2012-01-03 04:17:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We had team lunch so had a lot to finish before we rushed out & am back... :-) Yes, I still have those notes. Ride was fine. Day's fine...
2012-01-03 04:17:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung A veg sardarni? :-o

2012-01-03 02:53:20 (EST)

ZinniaTung Surely you aren't veg are you?

2012-01-03 02:22:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kiss you softly on your shoulders while holding you close... :-) Good morning darling. :-)
2012-01-02 20:43:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is my Tai Chi day, so I am on the bike. Will head to the place straight from the office. Hope it turns out to be fun! :-)
2012-01-02 20:42:44 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Well, the 10 tweets aren't really tweets! Some are replies doesn't count. It was my mistake anyway. Shouldn't have spent 1+ hr with mgr.
2012-01-02 20:41:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady! Hope you are sleeping well. I slept well though would have liked an extra half hour! :-)
2012-01-02 20:40:27 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Off to bed now. Wishing you a lovely day with your personal sun rays around every corner you turn... :-)
2012-01-02 11:39:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank heavens! Else we'd need to check the "Best Before:" stamp! ;-p
2012-01-02 11:38:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Did the love come canned too!? ;-p

2012-01-02 11:33:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams darling. Sleep well. Do come and join me soon... :-)
2012-01-02 11:32:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no. Its fine. :-) My sweet darling. It is past 10 now. I shall retire for the day today. Sweet soft kisses on your thighs! :-)
2012-01-02 11:31:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why uncomfy?

2012-01-02 11:28:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tell me what I can do? I would love to DM as much as possible but you saw my schedule, right? Where do I fit it in? :-|
2012-01-02 11:27:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Greedy as ever! :-D Someone was offering to give up DMs for my reading! Now what? huh? ;-p
2012-01-02 11:22:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fine. One night won't make me Socrates!

2012-01-02 11:19:20 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good! When do you intend shifting?

2012-01-02 11:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What have you decided on the shifting to the new house?
2012-01-02 11:14:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Naah I can do without an app... ;-p

2012-01-02 11:11:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will reduce my read-in-bed time a little bit & hug my li'l darling a little longer :-)
2012-01-02 11:09:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I must head to bed now, darling. Sleep well. I send you a golden kiss on butterfly wings for your tummy. I didn't write 10 tweets today! :-(
2012-01-02 11:05:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish I could squeeze out a few more minutes... :-) Sandwiches were yum indeed. :-) I think I will share the plan with my mgr too!!
2012-01-02 11:03:45 (EST)

perlygates Dear L, thank you for the card. It as lovely as you are. Hope all is well with you & at home. My wishes to all at home... :-)
2012-01-02 10:42:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..track time so I can figure out how much I adhere to the plan! :) Having sandwiches for dinner today! :-)
2012-01-02 10:25:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the schedule is energising me & also taxing me. Let me go with it at least for 3 weeks before revisiting it. I have the Android app to
2012-01-02 10:25:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha! :-D I see you are very modest! ;-p How did you make the best pasta sauce? Would you share the recipe!? :-)
2012-01-02 10:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So my reading time has gone. I have the book to review. But that doesn't mean I will not DM you! :-D How is my sweet one? How was your day?
2012-01-02 10:23:52 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Darling! The schedule went a little tipsy. I did workout & bathe & was about to read when the manager called & we had 1 hr discussion! :-o
2012-01-02 10:23:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling! Too many meetings. Always away from my computer. Heading home now. Will ping you from home... Kisses on your belly!
2012-01-02 06:28:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And reached office... :-)

2012-01-01 22:46:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes it would be. There is nothing half as satisfying as cooking a well-crafted meal... :-)
2012-01-01 22:27:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You must! :-) Oh! How I wish I could you whip a meal up for you! With all the authentic spices... :-)
2012-01-01 20:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope my lovely lively lady is sleeping peacefully & with a smile...
2012-01-01 20:35:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would never replace those morning trysts with anything least of all reading & meditating. I am merely filling my time. :-)
2012-01-01 20:34:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear sweetie pie! Yes, I slept well though not immediately as I was under pressure to sleep! :-D But all's well...
2012-01-01 20:34:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Happy new year to you too! :-) xoxoxo Hope the gathering with friends was good & joyous! Did you finally order Indian food in? :-)
2012-01-01 20:33:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear darling. I go to read in bed now & sleep. Sleep well, darling. Soft kisses on your nose & eyes... Come join me soon, sweetie
2012-01-01 10:58:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can still manage it, I am sure! Anyway, I shall now retire for the day. I hope to begin tomorrow with the schedule I have in place.
2012-01-01 10:53:50 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Lots to review & way too much to point out as improvements! Boy! This is proving to be more than I can handle! :-o
2012-01-01 10:45:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am basically gathering errors, suggestions & content structuring feedback for them! :-) Let's see. Need to complete it asap...
2012-01-01 09:53:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) That I would certainly enjoy... The book is on a technical subject so nothing to like in there. It is not written in the best manner...
2012-01-01 09:53:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Am in the midst of reviewing the book... Will ping you shortly...
2012-01-01 09:04:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to hear that your cat boy isn't back. Have you put up those fliers everywhere asking for someone to return him for a reward?
2012-01-01 07:15:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! So the one your ex is offering you has no thin walls? Perfect! You always manage to get yourself six-pack guys periodically! ;-p
2012-01-01 07:15:17 (EST)

feltsensejunkie A pleasure to see you at the blog. :-) Kind of you to leave a comment. Wishing you a lovely new year & to your faithful companion, too! :-)
2012-01-01 07:13:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, and if they quarrel or shout at Kelvin you might feel like intervening... It can be annoying in that sense... But look at the +ve side
2012-01-01 07:12:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What is the best is that you get to be with your babies again! Nothing like that. That alone is worth losing all that money! :-)
2012-01-01 07:02:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So your worst case expense might be losing 2 months' security deposit & the moving-n-packing costs, right? But you will reclaim that soon!
2012-01-01 07:01:27 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Then they didn't offer & now when they need you to save their $200 they call you over! Maybe I am being hasty but it felt like that... :-|
2012-01-01 06:58:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I called them calculative because this hunting they could've done with you & gotten this good a deal saving you a headache!
2012-01-01 06:58:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you have it all worked out. Fantastic! :-) I would also agree having someone known nearby. Thin walls can be intrusive... anyway!
2012-01-01 06:57:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Weigh all the pros & cons before talking to your present owners. And give them reasons of health & sleep (flights overhead) & your pets...
2012-01-01 06:27:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Would having them so close to you bother you? As in, would it end up becoming a case of you just doing stuff for them because you are close?
2012-01-01 06:27:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you won't be asked to vacate when they decide to change their mind. You can't keep doing this over & over again...
2012-01-01 06:26:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ rent? Is this place quieter? Closer to markets? Of course, the best part is that you can keep all your babies with you! :-)
2012-01-01 06:24:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If the penalty is significant then you should bargain for a deduction in the deposit for the new place. How much is the difference
2012-01-01 06:24:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am surprised too. After all the hunting you were going through! Very calculative of them. Anyway, what would be the cost of vacating this
2012-01-01 06:22:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..bring them up only when something different is available. If all things remain the same, talking about it is going vex *both* of us
2012-01-01 04:08:05 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Who am I to tell you what you can or can't feel. Undoubtedly, given that these conversations over time have led nowhere, it might be wise to
2012-01-01 04:07:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When I suggested avoiding this line of conversation, I didn't mean denying your feelings but getting into the accusatory tone... :-|
2012-01-01 04:06:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't expect to hit 100% of the schedule. I will be happy if I can consistently get 70% or more. That is practical. The sheet is the ideal
2012-01-01 04:05:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch. Well, I woke up with the list of things to do & that usually gets me energised + it is a new year! :-)
2012-01-01 04:04:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The best thing would be to not repeat the same lines of conversation. But all that was last year! :-) Let's smile & enjoy this one! :-D
2011-12-31 22:57:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You weren't being stupid. You had things in your heart & mind which you poured out. I provided clarifications wherever necessary! :-)
2011-12-31 22:56:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Hope you are sleeping peacefully! I woke up earlier than expected & did some good office work! So smiling! :-)
2011-12-31 22:55:45 (EST)

ZinniaTung Why!? Princesses can be nice too. :-) Do let me know if you ever come down to India & I'll let you know if I ever stop by Canada! :-)
2011-12-31 21:40:37 (EST)

melancholundone Hope all's well with you, your mom, the deer & the fish! :-)
2011-12-31 21:39:25 (EST)

melancholundone Happy New Year to you too! Most places in India celebrate new year at different times in the year, but 1st of Jan is rather universal! :-)
2011-12-31 21:39:04 (EST)

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ZinniaTung Wishing you a happy new year... :-) Oh! Princess of a village! ;-)
2011-12-31 13:52:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me soon... :-) Another soft kiss on your back... :)
2011-12-31 13:52:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you smile through it & into the new year... :-)
2011-12-31 13:52:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So feeling very very tired. A sweet kiss on your lips..and one more. Good night, sweetie. Wishing you a happy new year in advance! :-)
2011-12-31 13:51:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will now go to bed, dear darling. I haven't napped today so feeling tired. Went to the temple, then signed up for Tai Chi & then dinner!!
2011-12-31 13:50:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would so love that hug and squeeze now. The last few days was a massive churning out of 50+ tweets per day
2011-12-31 13:49:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And you should now know what I meant by tweeting square and fair! :-D
2011-12-31 13:45:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Phew! I am so exhausted! I will let the twitter stream stay like that for a while... :-D
2011-12-31 13:44:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I couldn't control the number of lists that included me but that just fell into place! :-)
2011-12-31 13:39:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you the same & more! Hope you have more reasons to smile. May the house prove auspicious & a new rewarding job come your way! :-)
2011-12-31 13:38:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D Dunno about being the best, but that was one mad rush to get those numbers! :-D
2011-12-31 13:36:28 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Now you know! :-) If you read my latest tweet you'll understand why... :-)
2011-12-31 13:36:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mom kinda liked it. Sorry, I have to complete 37 more tweets in one hour! So will be back shortly...
2011-12-31 12:37:22 (EST)

DangerslyClaire They still ARE spoken! And each state has its own cuisine. Their own traditional attire! Hahaha! You should order in some Indian food! :-D
2011-12-31 12:29:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And all different with their own scripts. So you couldn't move from NY to MA without struggling to ask for potatoes at the local market! :-o
2011-12-31 12:25:34 (EST)

DangerslyClaire India, unlike most countries, is myriad cultures & traditions packed into one geography. Did you know that here they speak 20+ tongues?
2011-12-31 12:23:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Not a convenient place to live in though a few months here & you'll appreciate NYC tenfold! :-D Oh! I love NYC but India helps love NYC more
2011-12-31 12:19:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire India is fine if you are innately tuned to looking below all the grime & corruption at the nuggets of gold of culture, tradition & people
2011-12-31 12:18:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Nope! I am in India though I was on NY-time a while ago. Was in Portsmouth, NH. :-)
2011-12-31 12:13:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire sharing that piece of info. Don't mean to sound like I am probing... :-)
2011-12-31 11:42:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Apart from tweeting to a mathematical square, nothing... :-) What are you & your friends going to do? Where do you live, btw? If you
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2011-12-31 11:41:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too so that we needn't have such harsh & painful conversations. Dinner was fine. Back in the house.
2011-12-31 11:08:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I was actually DM-ing you from my mobile. Driving back from a dinner & ... bumpy roads is all I have to say! :-)
2011-12-31 11:08:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No clue how the word junk crept in :-(

2011-12-31 10:56:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha :-) So you got all drunk last night? Yes, drunk drivers can be crazy. Glad you junk have friends over... Have a swell time!!! :-)
2011-12-31 10:54:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't judge you for what happened between you & D. I am heading for dinner now...
2011-12-31 08:57:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So please do not be hasty in calling names. I have a memory that can be summoned to quieten any voice that tries to falsely accuse me!
2011-12-31 05:55:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ D. It was only after that that you told me about having a child out of wedlock. You had sufficient opportunity to withdraw then.
2011-12-31 05:53:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do not use words & frowns without weighing their import. I have raised the red flag at the earliest moment possible when I read your tweets
2011-12-31 05:52:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..women does. I didn't. I kept reminding you of the lack of a future together & hence, acted responsibly when you were in the US.
2011-12-31 05:50:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This has nothing to do with either of us playing with the other. If I had to play with you, I'd have treated you as a man who plays with ...
2011-12-31 05:49:49 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ We came together unplanned, grew closer but when we came upon the moment to analyse a future together, practicalities made it unlikely.
2011-12-31 05:49:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is nothing wrong in feeling what you do, but to turn it around into your being a victim & others being the oppressors unacceptable!
2011-12-31 05:46:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem very comfortable accusing others...

2011-12-31 05:04:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So who was playing with whose heart?

2011-12-31 04:52:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was responding to your feeling crushed... :-(

2011-12-31 04:33:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ With mom. Just had lunch. Can't nap today as I have to write tweets, review a tech book (colleagues in the US writing it) & work on the plan
2011-12-31 03:38:58 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What's lined up for NY-eve? I am sure the triple-Claire would have at lest triple fun! :-)
2011-12-31 03:00:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire hahaha :-) Your words too... Twitter is such an endless toyshop for word/phrase lovers... :-)
2011-12-31 02:59:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I don't know what to say... :-|

2011-12-31 02:58:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for the day!? Nothing much on my end. Might go out for dinner. I want to put together my daily schedule & some tweets... :-)
2011-12-31 02:58:01 (EST)

Sahrazad528 Dear Cherie, I hope all is well with you. It has been way too long since you were on your stream. Wishing you a Happy New Year... :-)
2011-12-30 22:48:04 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Let me hold you close & rock you while pressing my lips to your hair... :-|
2011-12-30 22:26:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My throat's a shade better, yes. I can hear my voice as can others! :-D I am sorry it hurts so much. I feel the pain too. :-(
2011-12-30 22:25:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. :-) Sleeping well? How is my li'l darling? I am glad you ate something (though they all sound like a snack) :-)
2011-12-30 22:23:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire *..some of the words..*

2011-12-30 22:19:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad to see you enjoyed some of your words... It's a pleasure to have tongued your mind... ;-)
2011-12-30 22:18:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok... Goodnight... :-|

2011-12-30 13:00:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Eating proper meals at the proper hour is not important?

2011-12-30 12:52:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It takes not more than 20 min to eat something... Please don't skip meals.
2011-12-30 12:48:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why didn't you eat anything? :-|

2011-12-30 12:43:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep well tonight. Did you eat properly through the day?
2011-12-30 12:38:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad to hear all went well. :-) A soft kiss on your shoulders before I wish you goodnight. Sleep well, dear darling. Come & join me soon...
2011-12-30 12:38:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am not asleep though I will be getting offline soon. Just
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wanted to see if you'd get back home safely before that. :-)
2011-12-30 12:36:10 (EST)

ZinniaTung I so enjoyed my time there. Befriended a couple of bakers & potters. Also some cab drivers. :-) Lovely country though cold...
2011-12-30 11:29:43 (EST)

ZinniaTung Oh ok! Got it now... :-) Wonder how most Punjabis pick Canada... So do you study in Canada?
2011-12-30 11:28:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung One sec! You just said you got married lived a rural life & then to Canada! I was in Canada for a brief period. Ottawa. 2008... :-)
2011-12-30 11:25:13 (EST)

ZinniaTung Do you miss India? You lived a rural life after marriage & moved to Canada? How does one do that?
2011-12-30 11:22:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung :-) Isn't Canada the suburb of Punjab!? ;-p

2011-12-30 11:21:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung ..this comes across as probing which isn't the remotest intent.
2011-12-30 11:16:04 (EST)

ZinniaTung Wow! Splendid. So you are like the chieftain's daughter? Treated royally in your village? So do you live near there or elsewhere? Sorry, if
2011-12-30 11:15:47 (EST)

ZinniaTung Really? Tung? I haven't heard that surname except amongst the Mongolians. :-) Which part of N.India?
2011-12-30 11:12:48 (EST)

ZinniaTung As long as the story is pleasant... :-) Lovely name. Quite a ring to it... :-)
2011-12-30 11:10:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Aah! The delight of quickening a fine lady's pulse... And all one would wish is to slow down such moments! How paradoxical! ;-p
2011-12-30 10:54:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Been a while since you were gone. Hope everything went well
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with the previous owner. :-)

2011-12-30 10:43:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hello there! I thought you'd like the one about the skirt... ;-)
2011-12-30 10:33:29 (EST)

ZinniaTung way to be worshipped... :-| Wishing you the best. BTW, how did you get a name like Zinnia Tung? Sounds so Mongolian. :-D
2011-12-30 10:30:15 (EST)

ZinniaTung Yes, but does it really surprise you? This country has forgotten how to worship the woman. And women here too think that there is only..
2011-12-30 10:29:10 (EST)

dgdreamin :-) Glad you liked it. How are you? I don't know why but I always imagine you as a Jane Krakowski look-alike in my head.
2011-12-30 09:49:44 (EST)

ZinniaTung That's a pretty AVI you have there... :-) And yes, it is shameful that India is so unsafe for women. :-(
2011-12-30 08:37:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Frankly, had my ex-wife believed in marriage we would not even be having this conversation. So no point hoping about the past...
2011-12-30 08:03:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't understand why you are approaching everything with a "If only..." about your past. What has happened has happened.
2011-12-30 07:59:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I believe you. Honest. I am not saying that you subscribe to these but the difference in values is what I was referring to... & the past
2011-12-30 04:40:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In India, even a divorcee is looked at as a stained person. Trust me. Things aren't simple for me here. More so for a divorced woman.. :-|
2011-12-30 03:49:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..viewed differently than here in the East. These are not things to be learnt or unlearnt. They are either there or not...
2011-12-30 03:48:22 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ When I say lifestyles, I don't mean habits. I mean values. In the West casual sex, multiple partners, relationship with elders etc. are
2011-12-30 03:47:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Who am I to judge you? I am not saying it is your fault or anything. Perhaps I was at fault in the breaking of my marriage. Does it matter?
2011-12-30 03:46:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not calling your past horrible or you a base woman or anything. All I am saying is that your past choices make a future together tough!
2011-12-30 03:45:25 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Wow! So cute. Did they like them? It was a weekend so I was at home doing what a guy typically does over weekends... reading books! ;-p
2011-12-30 02:01:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It only doesn't give me the capacity to believe. :-|

2011-12-30 00:38:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..with time & age. So many people believe all the sweet things when they are in love. Anyway, that doesn't give me the right to doubt.
2011-12-30 00:38:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I have always said, I do not understand or believe in love as is commonly seen in this world. I have seen enough to realise how it varies
2011-12-30 00:37:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not asking you to smile it all away. I am just asking you to work towards coming to terms with it so that you can be peaceful.
2011-12-30 00:35:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..moot. Your lifestyles are vastly different from ours. We met because you insisted on at least meeting once. I thought it was fair.
2011-12-30 00:33:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..I realised that it would be too much & that is when I took a reality check only to realise that my considering nearly any foreigner is
2011-12-30 00:32:04 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Were you just a foreigner, unmarried etc. I might still have been able to pull it off. When you told me details, well into our interactions
2011-12-30 00:31:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should note that I didn't change my mind after we met but realised the impracticality of this when you revealed details of your past!
2011-12-30 00:29:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Woke up with a slight headache (heaviness?) but it's gone now. Can't do museums, etc. because it is pouring outside! :-(
2011-12-30 00:28:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Hope you are sleeping well. I slept very late last night. Maybe the nap didn't make me feel sleepy.
2011-12-30 00:27:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wish you a good night's sleep. Kiss your finger tips & hoping that you'll join me & sleep well... :-|
2011-12-29 12:39:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. Perhaps we should have been wiser with greater foresight, but honestly, I never imagined this. :-( Yes, it is late here...
2011-12-29 12:38:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to be sorry about. Nothing can be done beyond growing your circle of friends & forming a family for yourself. I miss you too...
2011-12-29 12:00:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This whole thing of meeting up & coming to India...

2011-12-29 11:47:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. :-( If we keep revisiting that line of conversation, it is only going to be annoying...
2011-12-29 11:40:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, if it didn't matter what you thought, I wouldn't discuss things with you. Not sure where that remark came from...
2011-12-29 11:33:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I have no plans whatsoever! I just hope I don't wake up on Monday regretting having wasted away the long weekend. :-(
2011-12-29 11:24:48 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yep! Is it a long weekend there? What plans for the weekend? Is Renata coming down? With your sister? Aren't there any other friends there?
2011-12-29 11:12:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, I like the music & dance of this one in addition to the usual flash-mob thing...
2011-12-29 10:50:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Have you seen the beirut duty free airport flash-mob? :-) :-)
2011-12-29 10:17:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had dozed off for 2 hours. Welcome back! :-) Repeated meeting reinforces hope & I wouldn't want that as it only creates more pain.. :-(
2011-12-29 08:44:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was rice & veggies. Andrea, given that I strongly urge you not to come here I don't think I'll help you find a hotel or anything else.
2011-12-29 08:25:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I had a nice hot bath, lunch & my throat feels better. No pain but also no voice! :-( How goes your day?
2011-12-29 04:48:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetness... Missing you. Feel like hugging you & kissing your forehead for being silly! Would I ever leave without telling you? :-)
2011-12-29 00:38:48 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Do you shoot pictures as part of you profession?

2011-12-28 22:36:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cute YT video. :-) But what are you doing listening to such teenage-girl songs? :-D
2011-12-28 22:36:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling I am going nowhere. Why? 1. My throat. 2. There is a cyclone expected here so it might be all raining & windy. So I am at home.. :-)
2011-12-28 22:32:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet sweet darling. I was so happy &

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touched to see you up so early & frowning too. Why spoil your sleep!? :-|
2011-12-28 22:30:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..nose. Do come & join me soon... :-)

2011-12-28 12:15:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will go & sleep now else I will crash on my computer... Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Kissing you softly on your..
2011-12-28 12:15:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My voice is nearly gone. Mostly air in my speech! :-D

2011-12-28 12:08:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home & had a light dinner. How is milady? How was the day? :-) I am feeling drowsy due to the cough syrup... :-|
2011-12-28 12:07:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, a twirl & a dip & a kiss... I am off for home now. Seeya in a while... :-)
2011-12-28 09:54:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for the video, sweetie. Very cute. :-) I so wish we could dance to it together. I know you don't dance, but I am sure we can together
2011-12-28 09:29:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling, yes I am still in the office & in the meeting right now. :-) Missed you. Tried to steal min often but couldn't :-(
2011-12-28 09:26:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ you leave. Please drive carefully. No speeding please... :-|
2011-12-28 03:43:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Since I will be off tomorrow & the day after, I will have some work to wrap up. Will keep pinging you in between... :-) A kiss on your back
2011-12-28 03:43:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch & came to my computer. My throat is ok. Not the best, but getting there. I slept fairly well & woke up before the alarm. :-)
2011-12-28 03:42:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, good morning. Since I had to leave early I didn't login at home. And ever since I got here I have been in meetings. :-(
2011-12-28 03:42:01 (EST)
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ocarinaofrhyme That's a good reason to be called a sweetdear! :-) Belated wishes for a merry X-mas. How was it? How did you spend it? What'd Santa get you?
2011-12-28 01:05:43 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme hahahaha :-D Then what were you thanking me for? I meant the Halloween pic of yours that you had shot in your room... :-)
2011-12-27 22:57:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, you didn't miss me. I had just gone to the restroom. :-) Hugging you & kissing you back... Goodnight!
2011-12-27 12:04:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweetie. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A flying kiss for your chin. :-) Do come & join me soon...
2011-12-27 11:50:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I will head to bed now. I am generally feeling very low in health. And just tired for no reason. Maybe my body wishes to slow down!
2011-12-27 11:48:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please reduce your trips to the absolute necessary. Even if you are careful, others might not be. :-|
2011-12-27 11:42:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I could bake in it but I am not sure. :-) You must avoid driving in this weather. Stock your kitchen & fridge with items for a long time!
2011-12-27 11:40:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love to cook! Too cook? Not sure! ;-p But for baking I'd need a proper oven which I don't have. I have a microwave-convection oven... :-)
2011-12-27 11:39:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, welcome back! I am here, avoiding speech & simply reading the books that came in today. Throat's just a shade better... :-(
2011-12-27 11:38:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please cover yourself properly as you head out. I so so miss warm bread! India has sad breads! :-( I miss you too. India doesn't have you!
2011-12-27 07:31:34 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ is too extravagant a meeting. Like flying down to London to have breakfast with a childhood friend. We aren't tycoons or Paris Hiltons
2011-12-27 06:55:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ what end would we meet? Not as mere friends. Not as lovers since we aren't getting married... so as what? Why? Here is where I think
2011-12-27 06:54:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am aware that you do not agree with them. Yes, we have maintained propriety in the past & should be able to do so in future too, but...
2011-12-27 06:52:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, sorry was away. I received some books in the mail today (stuff I had ordered) & was busy with them before dozing off! :-)
2011-12-27 06:51:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..are in earlier DMs. I am sorry. Please do not pin your hopes on our meeting :-(
2011-12-27 00:22:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you & you know that. But the practicalities of things makes me decide against it. I have already mentioned what they
2011-12-27 00:22:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am home, sick. :-( I decided to stay away from the exhaust fumes & take care of myself. Hope you are sleeping peacefully :-)
2011-12-27 00:21:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. A flying kiss to you which lands flat on your belly. :-) Yes, I slept ok. Woke up with a bad throat ache...
2011-12-27 00:19:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am going to gargle and go off to bed now. Throat really hurting... :-(
2011-12-26 12:20:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you get Tazo out there? Or are there better brands? :-)
2011-12-26 12:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now, darling. Good night. Sweet dreams. Sleep
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well. A kiss on either cheek. Yes, I do have the teas once in a while...
2011-12-26 12:19:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will get offline for a bit. Will be back shortly, darling. Kissing your lips softly before rushing to my notebooks... :-)
2011-12-26 10:36:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kinda a surprise visit. She was in the city for some work & stopped by...
2011-12-26 10:35:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..with her. I thought I'll login & send you a DM... :-)
2011-12-26 10:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..passing by and all roads were blocked! :-o It really killed me. Return was relatively ok. My sister's friend was here so evening spent
2011-12-26 10:16:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The ride home was ok. Stressful, but ok. Today in the morning I was on the road for 2.5 hrs & standing for an hour! Prime Minister was..
2011-12-26 10:15:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be busy. I am off for home now... Catch you later... :-) Sending you a flitting kiss :-)
2011-12-26 07:06:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..wearing today? You didn't tell me what you got yourself for Xmas. Didn't you get any gifts? :-)
2011-12-26 05:50:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wed. will be back in the cab & then Thurs & Fri I am off. So will cancel it. Simple. :-) How is my sweet one? How is your day? What're you
2011-12-26 05:50:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Since I was taking today & tomorrow off, I had cancelled the cab service. Didn't want to renew it. So I will be on the bike today & tomorrow
2011-12-26 05:49:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..have been lax on that front. I need to keep my professional skills sharp. I think I will put together a schedule & share it with you too
2011-12-26 05:48:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This will reduce my time in front of the comp. as well as ensure
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that I do some reading & professional development (work study). I feel I

2011-12-26 05:48:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..when on any fast moving vehicle. Anyway, I am just taking precautions! :-) I hope to go back home & read a bit & only log on around 20:30
2011-12-26 05:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..not hot here nor cold (European standards) but cool enough to induce a chest congestion or a sore throat. People here cover their ears
2011-12-26 05:45:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..weight of things to carry back! :-D My throat is ok. Been drinking ginger tea through the day. Jacket to protect me from the wind. It is
2011-12-26 05:44:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my day has been slightly busy. Nothing much. I plan to leave my laptop behind in the office & connect via my desktop. Reduces the
2011-12-26 05:43:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you wake up to a pleasant & happy day. Smile my sweet one. :-)
2011-12-25 20:46:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have a nice fleece-woolen jacket which I will wear on the bike to protect me! Yes, & zip on the bike too! ;-p
2011-12-25 20:45:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the office now. Yes, slept well. Didn't feel like waking up though. Anyway, getting ready so will be off shortly.
2011-12-25 20:44:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping well, sweetie. Don't worry. I am taking Thursday & Fri off. Happy? A sweet kiss & a long twirl for milady! :-)
2011-12-25 20:44:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) You know, the way you pronounced "darling" I found it so amusing! You stressed on the "a" & I'd always smile! :)
2011-12-25 20:43:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your knees. Take care &
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sleep well... :-)

2011-12-25 11:43:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me wish you a good night's sleep, darling. I will crash soon & get going tomorrow morning. Hope your day's been good. :-)
2011-12-25 11:43:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..tomorrow. Did Kelvin like his gift? What did you get yourself? Did you get some gifts? Fight with mom was nothing serious really.
2011-12-25 11:42:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, all arranging & setting up done. Had a bowl of noodles for dinner. Tried watching Marmaduke. :-) But I need to sleep to get ready for
2011-12-25 11:41:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember the butterfly. I miss you too, Andrea. Very much. A sweet kiss on your lips... :-)
2011-12-25 07:21:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then sealed the computer & will soon move it near where the internet connection point is. Then a li'l more cleaning... :-)
2011-12-25 07:20:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one! :-) I woke up a while ago & was doing some cleaning. The zipper on one of my jackets is gone. Hunted for another to use on my
2011-12-25 07:16:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But for now, I will nap...

2011-12-25 05:44:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Picnic would be lovely! :-) I so wish we could picnic like that outing to the farmer's market. I was just going through all those pix. :-)
2011-12-25 05:43:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll take a nap...

2011-12-25 05:43:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Problem with the throat seems to be due to the season & my tonsured head & riding in the night air without sufficient protection... :-)
2011-12-25 05:43:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not my not feeling well but a fight with my mom. And a general
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feeling of wanting to be left alone doing something simple & .. forget it!
2011-12-25 05:42:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why didn't you sleep properly? Maybe you should catch a nap after noon...
2011-12-25 03:43:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But the cold is still there & my throat is not in its best shape. I am generally irritable today for reasons unknown... :-(
2011-12-25 03:43:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is unavailable now but might be available over the next weekend. Don't know. My day's ok. I definitetly felt fresh in the morning
2011-12-25 03:40:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss holding you too, darling. It was a lovely time we had together... :-)
2011-12-25 00:32:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I am going to drop my plan of taking Mon-Tues off. I thought I'd rather go to the office & take Thurs-Fri off! What say?
2011-12-25 00:31:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a very very happy Christmas! :-) Good morning, sweetie. I slept in late. Did you sleep well? Kissing your tummy while you :-)
2011-12-25 00:30:49 (EST)

the_radish I did nothing on my b'day besides the usual. :-) You have a nice day too! Soft kisses on each of the kid's forehead. Merry X-mas once again!
2011-12-25 00:14:32 (EST)

the_radish I am glad you found someone you like in him. Yep. 33. Like butterfly wings folded up... :-D
2011-12-25 00:01:58 (EST)

the_radish ..must be very tangible & "real" which was something you wanted...
2011-12-24 23:58:27 (EST)

the_radish Oh! August 24. Mine's on 9th of Oct. ... every year! ;-) Of you can trust me with anything! :-D Oh! He is co-located? Nice. I am sure that..
2011-12-24 23:58:01 (EST)

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the_radish BTW, when's your b'day? I recall it being some time in March...
2011-12-24 23:54:44 (EST)

the_radish Nice! You somehow manage to find friends in Asia! :-D

2011-12-24 23:54:02 (EST)

the_radish :-D Well, I do write out in the public, don't I? And somehow, an anonymous life feels so ... sacred. Not sure. Maybe it is sour grapes! ;-p
2011-12-24 23:51:37 (EST)

the_radish Well, I don't know. It would be heady & nice if all went well, but at the end of the day, it doesn't do me anything. Hence... :-)
2011-12-24 23:50:37 (EST)

the_radish Hahaha! I don't think I am ever going to publish. What does that bring me anyway!? :-)
2011-12-24 23:49:18 (EST)

dgdreamin Wishing you a lovely & merry Christmas! :-) xoxo (hope the mistletoe's around ;-)
2011-12-24 23:46:05 (EST)

the_radish I was hoping to have a quiet day & do something meaningful. Not sure what that is. Any ideas? No shopping etc.
2011-12-24 23:45:07 (EST)

heartlessndark Wishing you, Versace & Brianna a merry christmas... :-) Hope you have fun & smile through it all...
2011-12-24 23:44:12 (EST)

_lalicat Wishing you & S a merry Christmas. What is Santa getting either of you?
2011-12-24 23:36:57 (EST)

the_radish Sure, I will put together a list for her. It will make me most happy to do so! :-) Ruth does seem like the sunshine in the woods! Always fun
2011-12-24 23:31:09 (EST)

the_radish You should try Ukrainian folk tales & Russian folk tales on her... I read them when I was 7-ish. Now I wonder how I managed to do that! :-o
2011-12-24 23:23:51 (EST)

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the_radish No, absolutely, many years for a man, but the bonding with a girl needs a rock solid foundation which I am glad these 2 share well... :-)
2011-12-24 23:23:00 (EST)

the_radish But you could surely get her tomes, like Lord of the Rings or some such? Or is she too young for them? :-)
2011-12-24 23:18:46 (EST)

the_radish Touchwood! Hope they remain thus. No matter what man each of them find, I suppose a girl needs another girl in friendship! :-)
2011-12-24 23:18:17 (EST)

the_radish Barbie dolls!? Isn't Julia a little too old for that? :-)
2011-12-24 23:15:32 (EST)

the_radish :-) So cute! If only girls could remain of that age & sweetness... :-)
2011-12-24 23:14:45 (EST)

the_radish Do you have a recording of her singing? What did the kids get as gifts?
2011-12-24 23:12:30 (EST)

the_radish Good! As long as you are enjoying it. It wouldn't be worth it if you were getting hurt & feeling lonelier in the process! Ruth sang? Wow!
2011-12-24 23:11:10 (EST)

the_radish Oh yes! Indeed! How are you spending Christmas? Isn't it time for mass? Apart from the challenge being a challenge, do you enjoy it?
2011-12-24 23:03:57 (EST)

the_radish Good challenge? For what?

2011-12-24 23:01:12 (EST)

the_radish BTW, pretty AVI. :-)

2011-12-24 22:54:12 (EST)

the_radish No frowns at all. :-) I am glad you got yourself something you like & also made arrangements for the finance. Good cheer is always welcome
2011-12-24 22:53:34 (EST)

melancholundone Wishing you a merry Christmas... :-)

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2011-12-24 22:52:23 (EST)

perlygates Wishing you a merry Christmas (or do you celebrate Chanukah?) & a joyous, peaceful year ahead... :-)
2011-12-24 22:39:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ People take turns & we have lots of people! :-D Goodnight, sweets. A kiss on your cheeks. Sweet dreams. Sleep well. Join me soon...
2011-12-24 12:37:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just didn't feel like rushing to the comp. the 1st thing I got back home. Exhausting. Well, not the same person causes traffic all 20 hrs
2011-12-24 12:37:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why do I do what to you? :-o

2011-12-24 12:24:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Movie was pathetic! Pointless shooting & killing! Regret having watched it. Traffic is horrible here nearly 20 hrs of the day!
2011-12-24 12:24:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is late, dear. I shall go to bed now. I wanted to sleep earlier but.. The traffic was a killer today. Maybe I shouldn't travel out at all
2011-12-24 12:06:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, all is well. The bus got very very late & then I came home & had dinner while watching a movie (Machete) & got lost in it! :-D
2011-12-24 12:02:29 (EST)

feltsensejunkie But the pleasure is all mine :-) But don't you notice it yourself? Surely I didn't imagine it... ;-)
2011-12-24 10:34:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok I am switching off my data connection...

2011-12-24 09:31:29 (EST)

the_radish Wishing you and the lovelies the same. What is santa bringing you? :-)
2011-12-24 09:20:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way back. Testing my mobile data connection... :-)

2011-12-24 09:14:26 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am off to a temple a dozen km away. Will be back asap... Missing you, darling. A soft kiss near the keyhole as you return home... ;-p
2011-12-24 06:11:03 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Oh! The chin dips & tapers so elegantly (in the pic). Sad no one noticed! :-)
2011-12-24 06:09:58 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Your new AVI is lovely. I love the shades of honey in it & your chin (not to mention those eyes). Wishing you a merry Christmas... :-)
2011-12-24 04:50:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..unavailable now... :-(

2011-12-24 04:40:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is isolated & calm. Beautiful greenery & a lovely library. Rooms & food are simple but sufficient. In short, nearly ideal. But they are
2011-12-24 04:39:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..have planned this better. There is a beautiful retreat near my home (the headquarters of the Jiddu Krishnamurti centres) which is gorgeous
2011-12-24 04:39:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hermitages & retreats are either grand commercial establishments or bare arrangements in a forest or on top of mountains. Secondly, I should
2011-12-24 04:38:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let's see. India, unlike Europe, has very few (if any) cabins & retreats. There are jungles & mountains where you could be by yourself...
2011-12-24 04:37:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...are also tourist spots & hence, booked for this weekend. There is a meditation hall nearby which I could occupy throughout the day...
2011-12-24 04:36:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Nice. What have you ordered for him? I hope he likes it. How do you celebrate Xmas? There are no cabins to rent. Most places nearby
2011-12-24 04:35:34 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am off on Monday & Tues. Haven't decided what to do yet but I wanted to spend some quite time away from human beings. Let's see...
2011-12-23 22:52:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is the new moon so there will be the usual rituals at home. I also woke up with a severe sore throat (biking in the night air?).. :-(
2011-12-23 22:51:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I stayed up to ensure that you were back & fine. You aren't the only one who can come up with surprises!! ;-p
2011-12-23 22:51:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope my sweet baklava is sleeping well & with a smile. May all your tiredness go away & you wake up with a smile! :-)
2011-12-23 22:50:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I missed you too, darling. :-) Goodnight...

2011-12-23 13:46:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I will happily go to bed. :-)

2011-12-23 13:44:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ People will be people & traffic will be traffic. You, my dear, should be the sweet sweet Andrea... :-)
2011-12-23 13:44:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was fine. My Nook & Desktop are both fixed! :-D My eyes hurt though. I will go to sleep now darling. Don't be angry.. :-)
2011-12-23 13:43:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fine. Don't worry about me. I felt too exhausted & thought I'd sleep off but then couldn't do so without ensuring you were fine too!
2011-12-23 13:42:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I am worried... Are you back? Are you alright? I thought groceries shopping was going to be quick.. :-|
2011-12-23 13:23:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care... :-)

2011-12-23 10:19:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case I don't, sweetie, here's wishing you goodnight & sweet
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dreams. Please let me kiss you on you lips & then wait for you to join me!
2011-12-23 10:19:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I leave for home now. I had some work to finish so stayed on in the office. I might log on when I reach home or...
2011-12-23 10:18:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is busy with the report & other work... Do go and get the groceries lest you regret it over the long weekend... :-)
2011-12-23 06:08:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) The US is not the best place to go to nowadays. With the economy being the way it is. But yes, it does feel like a lucrative option! :-)
2011-12-23 06:08:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think those days were beautiful. So much joy & fun & activity. :-) My sweet sweet darling. A kiss on your tattoo! :-)
2011-12-23 01:22:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I used to have marmalade too but without butter. Then after you reminded me of the combo I adopted it! :-) Missing you, sweetie
2011-12-23 01:21:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetie pie. Sleeping happily? I woke up very very tired. Don't know why. I slept an hour longer but still woke up tired.. :-(
2011-12-23 01:20:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too... :-)

2011-12-22 11:46:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep well. A dozen butterfly kiss on your ears. Goodnight, sweetie pie. Sleep well. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2011-12-22 11:36:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Amazon doesn't really deliver to India. Some local bookstores. Maybe you are right. I will wait. :-) Now I shall go to bed, darling. :-)
2011-12-22 11:36:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Butter & orange marmalade! ;-) & apple juice. Damn! I miss Portsmouth. I miss my mornings with you! :-)
2011-12-22 11:32:17 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ There were a few books I had to buy & had reserved them. All their prices have suddenly gone up! :-(
2011-12-22 11:28:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It does feel like it was long long ago... :-) I also enjoyed breakfasts with you in the hotel... :-D
2011-12-22 11:23:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day darling? Other than the shopping... Yes, I wish I was there too. I would've really enjoyed it all with you. Yes, 4 months..
2011-12-22 11:23:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I will do that. :-) Still, it feels tiring. Anyway, I can't do anything so might as well not react to it & go anxious!
2011-12-22 11:22:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am simply tired. I wish just something would work effortlessly & in the "normal way"! I seem to be doing thrice as much for everything!
2011-12-22 10:59:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope darling, not asleep yet. I will go to bed shortly though. Was working on the report & my desktop! :-( Neither working out well!
2011-12-22 10:58:42 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Hello G, Chanced upon your Halloween pic. Was quite amused by it & the sheer array of things in the background! :-) Hope all's well with you
2011-12-22 10:57:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your shopping trip is fun & you get what you want... :-)
2011-12-22 07:23:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps, write one section per 3-5 days... Or some such chunk. Anyway, I am going back to the report, sweetie. Waiting for you to return.
2011-12-22 07:23:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I already put together the points for the report. So what you suggest was done but still the real writing remains. I should probably do more
2011-12-22 07:22:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course the mornings & cooking for you were joyous & the
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shopping trips, but the general aimless walking was fun... :-)
2011-12-22 07:21:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, Yes, I miss everything about your stay. The walks felt extra special. Though they were few they felt more personal... :-)
2011-12-22 07:20:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dropped the dentist plan as the computer guys & electrician arrived & occupied all my time! :-| Maybe on Saturday!
2011-12-22 04:14:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a fairly long report! This is this month's due. I want to deliver 1 report per month. I need to be a little more disciplined on that!
2011-12-22 04:13:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would love to sit with you thus... And also to go to markets. Somehow walking with you was more pleasurable than anything else.. :-)
2011-12-22 04:12:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The guys came to fix my desktop & the Windows installation CD is not working. They have taken the entire machine with them! :-(
2011-12-22 04:11:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really think me & electronics are running a jinxed phase!! After I fixed the phone, my Nook's wifi is not working. It is a known bug!
2011-12-22 04:10:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling! :-) I wasn't trying to force a pardon by being cute or anything. I genuinely meant it. :-) Yes, you understood all rightly
2011-12-22 04:10:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ At all other times, milady can sit on my lap & we can occupy ourselves kissing each other! :-D
2011-12-21 22:11:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off today & will break my fast shortly. I should be available online often. I have a report to write & a dentist appt. That's it! :-)
2011-12-21 22:11:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..foolishly locked on the bus to the temple! :-( Had that not happened I could've kept DM-ing you. Sorry once again.. :-( Please... :-(
2011-12-21 22:10:26 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I assure you that I will not let this happen. As in, I had all my GPRS activated so that I could DM you while on the trip but then I got it
2011-12-21 22:09:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..belief that some temples can be visited only if that God wills it. So people usually do not announce it & go there hoping for the best.
2011-12-21 22:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..a trip to this temple (& a couple of others) is not announced as one isn't sure if it will be realised at all or not. As in, there is a
2011-12-21 22:08:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am truly sorry for not letting you know about the temple trip. Usually a trip to this temple is not announced as it was sudden and
2011-12-21 22:07:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I kiss my sweet one's teary eyes & angry pouting lips softly while she sleeps. And her nibbleable ears too ;-p
2011-12-21 22:06:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee... I am crashing. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Kissing your wrists & hoping you'll join me soon. ta ta... :-)
2011-12-21 14:56:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Errr... you there?

2011-12-21 14:31:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the day but I ended up locking my phone by mistake rendering it dead! :-( Just got back, called customer care & unlocked it!
2011-12-21 14:14:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I took an off today & tomorrow. Just wanted to observe a fast (only fruits & water) & visit the temple today. I wanted to DM with you thru
2011-12-21 14:13:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So here is what happened. Mom & I went to a temple outside city limits. Unfortunately there was a super-long queue & we got back home now!
2011-12-21 14:12:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling! I am back... :-)

2011-12-21 14:11:16 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I might be a little caught up in things today. Will ping you sometime during the day. Wishing you a wonderful day full of smiles... :-)
2011-12-20 17:39:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you sleep well & feel well rested. Kissing your wrists while you sleep. :-)
2011-12-20 17:38:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweetie pie... Off to bed now... :-)
2011-12-20 11:56:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your headache goes away. Is milady a li'l happy at least? :-)
2011-12-20 11:54:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D My endangered buttons!! I must go to bed now, darling. Wishing you a good night's sleep. Kisses on your collar bone & hugs. Do join me!
2011-12-20 11:49:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because... well, because... you know... because buttons look pretty in their hole! :-)
2011-12-20 11:43:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, I think you need some time to breathe... Don't worry, I won't unbutton your top button ... or any other! :-D
2011-12-20 11:39:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's happening on the job hunt front? Car & bank? What is my li'l darling wearing today? :-)
2011-12-20 11:28:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think Chrome crashed & pulled everyone along...

2011-12-20 11:21:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not really. I just had 5 apps loaded earlier. Chrome, TweetDeck, Firefox, Opera & Windows Explorer... Not a load at all.
2011-12-20 11:20:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I overload it with too many applications running. Actually, I don't know... :-|
2011-12-20 11:14:55 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Sorry, was having my dinner & then my system crashed. :-|
2011-12-20 11:04:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You should tweet too. Haven't seen much of it recently... :-)
2011-12-20 11:03:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd love to hold you too. I'd love to be born in Hungary or Germany as your neighbour... :-)
2011-12-20 10:09:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why headache? What happened?

2011-12-20 10:09:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D yeah yeah yeah... How was your day, dear?
2011-12-20 09:48:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Like make me blush!? :-o

2011-12-20 09:18:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You don't blush as much in person ;-p

2011-12-20 09:12:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ "I would love you to tweet sitting next to me... so you wouldn't even need to DM... ;-)" ... would be nice!
2011-12-20 09:08:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you found it. So depending on the color of the table, you can pick a contrasting shade. Like cream under ebony/mahogany etc.
2011-12-20 08:58:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What about the curtains?

2011-12-20 08:47:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be nice too. Lookup a turkish towel on google. Hard to describe over DMs. It might work out nice...
2011-12-20 08:46:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I reached home too. Decided to tweet a bit & also make up for missing DMs ;-)
2011-12-20 08:39:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to kiss you too. And hug you. And hold you. And play
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with your fingers. And... choin choin! :-D

2011-12-20 08:27:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, sweetie pie. Yes, so many things swallowing up my day! :-o You should get one of those turkish towel-like small carpets!
2011-12-20 08:25:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry that I DM less. If you noticed, I don't even tweet. Somehow I seem to have lesser time for.. god knows what I do. My day vanishes
2011-12-20 05:51:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How hard could you have bumped it!? Were you running around the house?
2011-12-20 05:50:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is mostly fine. Couple of meetings & some work. How goes your day? Yes, none of my plans seem to work though I am good at planning!
2011-12-20 05:49:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let's see how disciplined I can get myself to be... How is your day? How is your hip? Please do treat it well. How did this happen?
2011-12-19 22:59:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I intend restricting my hours in front of the laptop. Nook will primarily be for travel. Mobile will be for... well, talking! :-D
2011-12-19 22:58:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I was wondering "When did I become a gadget freak!?" :-o But all is well. I have decided to stay off the computer in the mornings!
2011-12-19 22:57:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I could very well have spread this activity over a few days but simply couldn't stop. At one point, I had my laptop, mobile & Nook in front!
2011-12-19 22:57:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is my darling? Sleeping sweetly? A soft kiss on her lips... ;p I was overexcited because I was continuously loading my card with books!
2011-12-19 22:56:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I slept kinda well though late. All my
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resolve to sleep early melted in front of my functioning Nook! :-D

2011-12-19 22:55:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling. A soft kiss on your thighs. Sorry, couldn't DM more often... Please bear with your over-excited sir. :-|
2011-12-19 11:57:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I should be going to bed. I need to catch up on some sleep. Will wish you a good night, darling
2011-12-19 11:56:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I am running some bad times!! Was copying some books to my external card & my system crashed! :-( I think I should stay safe!
2011-12-19 11:54:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..produce an interesting effect. Rather than a proper curtain, improvise with strips of cloth of a slightly rough texture... Think about it!
2011-12-19 10:24:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd rather do that than burn something up... :-D You should try a variety of chiffon scarves (or thin strips) & create a melange! It might
2011-12-19 10:23:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, I am home. I was working on upgrading my system (actually doing the connections etc.). Didn't work. Decided to call someone!
2011-12-19 10:22:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have the Nook charged completely. Let's see how long it lasts... :-) Miss you sweetie... :-)
2011-12-19 06:22:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am happy too. Work has kept me busy dear. How is your day? Slept well? Your hip bruise sounds serious. Please use a hot water bag.
2011-12-19 06:20:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss my sweet soft darling on her hips while she sleeps with a smile... :-) I read your emails. Will reply later. Back to work now... :-)
2011-12-19 01:33:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..worked fine on Saturday & Sunday! Anyway, I am letting it charge more to see if there is some other issue. Feeling a li'l better! :-)
2011-12-19 01:32:31 (EST)

1654 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) My Nook seems to be back alive. I think there is some problem with the hacking I did on Friday night. Well, it
2011-12-19 01:30:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to bed now. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your cheeks... :-( Goodnight
2011-12-18 14:10:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I reached home safely. But I have some very bad news. My Nook is dead. It refuses to start up. It simply refuses to work. :-( I am damn sad
2011-12-18 14:10:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't expect you to be up so was busy packing & doing some cleaning up... I missed you, it seems. My sweet sweet darling! :-)
2011-12-16 20:38:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahahaha:-D Good morning, darling. How come so early? My sweet sweet baklava! A big hug & kiss to the lady in the towel... :-D
2011-12-16 20:25:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee. Will go and sleep now. Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams. A soft trumpeting kiss on your belly... :-D Do join me soon... :-)
2011-12-16 13:31:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day darling? I miss you, Andrea. You & your shrugging shoulders as you'd giggle & laugh. And cooking with you... :-)
2011-12-16 12:45:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not very early but fairly early... :-( I so wish I could simply sleep & sleep & sleep... :-(
2011-12-16 12:43:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am awake, sweetie. I am formatting some disks & doing some data backup/imaging... I should be sleeping as I need to rush tomorrow morn!
2011-12-16 12:34:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, I wish to meet his family. I still feel so strange going there without him. He was so full of life, so vital to my happiness there
2011-12-16 10:46:37 (EST)

melancholundone Hello. Hope you are well too. :-)

2011-12-16 10:44:51 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I am traveling tomorrow, so off the internet for 2 days... :-( Will miss you but I might sneak on to the internet somehow... :-D
2011-12-16 10:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) There you go! Happy as ever to be in your arms. "Lost too"? Oh! Like cat boy? No news? Glad Renka is coming tomorrow. Shopping done?
2011-12-16 10:13:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Since one of the guys is leaving (told you earlier) there is some confusion & unnecessary negative vibes. Pointless issues... :-(
2011-12-16 10:05:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I am back... Sorry. Was away from my system throughout the day & then there was an internal meeting today which I just got off of... :-(
2011-12-16 10:01:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is bound to be normally busy today. How is your day lined up? I so wish to hold you close to me & rock you gently... :-)
2011-12-15 20:17:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..was too much to resist. I should be back to normal today or so. :-D I slept late & thought I had set an alarm. Woke up late. No rushing!
2011-12-15 20:15:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. A soft kiss on your upper arm & side of your neck as you sleep with a smile... I miss you too, darling, but the toy..
2011-12-15 20:14:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight!! :-)

2011-12-15 12:39:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...that I might still be playing with the phone! :-D

2011-12-15 12:39:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I will go to bed, darling. Sweet dreams. May you sleep with a smile & a kiss on your shoulders. :-) Come join me soon but you must know
2011-12-15 12:38:52 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ So was basically lost in it. Yes, I could get online but this app has a barcode scanner. At a bookstore, it is the best tool in hand!
2011-12-15 12:38:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no... I am awake!! I was busy transferring data on my old phone to the new one & then setup the old one (which is still good) for mom!
2011-12-15 12:37:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep! An Amazon app (Twitter shortened the link!). I can find out all books reviews etc.!! :-D I am so excited... I am DM-ing you on my PC
2011-12-15 11:05:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, am very happy with the phone... :-) Just got off a meeting. I just installed an app. Helps me get ratings!! :-)
2011-12-15 10:40:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I got a new android phone. :-) tweeting and dm-ing from it. Samsung ace... :-) brb...
2011-12-15 09:14:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, darling. Mornings are quite not the same since then. What's lined up for you today, sweet one? My day's the usual...
2011-12-14 23:07:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Hope you are sleeping well. Kissing you gently on your calves & pulling you into me so you sleep a bit more
2011-12-14 23:06:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Hope all is well with her. Now I shall retire for the day...
2011-12-14 12:07:48 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Hope you have a lovely time & a splendid New Year. :-)
2011-12-14 12:06:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And kiss you on your temples. Goodnight sweet one. Sweet dreams... :-)
2011-12-14 11:46:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..that's it. I must go to bed now, darling. Not in a mood to write. How was your day? Any news about cat boy? I cradle you softly in my arms
2011-12-14 11:46:03 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Not fruits tonight but rice cakes crumbled & sauteed with onion & chillies. :-) DNA? From no one really. Dad enjoyed poetry a bit, but ...
2011-12-14 11:34:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Back home, dear. Once you buy the new stove, you will be sufficiently warm! ;-p I will now get to writing & dinner...
2011-12-14 10:21:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D I am leaving for home now, darling... Do take care. A kiss on your lips & a nose rub to keep you warm till I get back. :-)
2011-12-14 08:22:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I know darling! I was teasing you for promising me European markets there... Yes, I remember the bookstore... :-)
2011-12-14 08:20:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really!? You have European markets there!!? :-)

2011-12-14 08:18:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the meeting right now but still DM-ing my li'l darling. I might reach home late & might login late too...
2011-12-14 08:10:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Indian weddings aren't very costly, really! About $10,000 for a decent one. The really grand one can go to $100,000
2011-12-14 08:10:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, you should have one such plate & I'll have the other.. :-) I'd so love to walk with you on a sunny morn through some European markets
2011-12-14 08:07:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I want to buy a plate with a blue bunny now! I am going to hunt for one! :-) We have a video call now with clients!
2011-12-14 07:34:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, in India weddings must be conducted at the auspicious hour & date. Hence, some people stick to even the minute.
2011-12-14 07:32:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the general packing, unpacking, arranging etc. Why new

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stove? BTW, your dream sounds so cute. Feel like kissing & twirling you! :-D
2011-12-14 07:31:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, Just got a minute to DM you. Yes, busy day. Yes, I remember you don't have the keys. Hence, I put shifting in quotes! I meant
2011-12-14 07:30:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you wake up smiling & find your cat boy today. Hope most of your "shifting" work is done & you are settled in. What about gas & fridge?
2011-12-13 23:42:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, weddings in India (depending on where you are) happen at odd hours. Some even happen at 3:43 a.m.!! :-D But they are colourful!
2011-12-13 23:41:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) Hope you are sleeping well. I slept rather well & my eyes feel a li'l better. I didn't go for the wedding :-)
2011-12-13 23:41:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly on your knees & wait for you to slide under the sheets... Good night :-)
2011-12-13 11:30:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..tomorrow early morning before I head to the office. So I will say goodnight now. Take care. Sleep well, sweets. Lively dreams to you...
2011-12-13 11:28:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..up notices everywhere? Or hunt for him? Something? I wish he returns to you soon. I really feel tired. I also need to go to a wedding
2011-12-13 11:27:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I could wear glasses. I think eye drops help. I shall go to bed now darling. Is there more you can do than wait for cat boy? Like put
2011-12-13 11:26:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had a load of fruits for dinner. The CPU is the right one. Will be back online shortly. Eyes hurting... :-|
2011-12-13 10:49:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would think so too, but... Anyway, I needn't be on all calls but need to be on the initial few weeks as the transition is still on...
2011-12-13 10:27:45 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Well, meetings happen everyday. Sometimes it is video (Wednesday). But yes, the clients want a status every day! :-|
2011-12-13 10:05:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am good, dear. Was reading up about rooting a nook colour! I will be on a meeting call for a while & then get back online...
2011-12-13 09:02:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Any news about your cat boy? How does it feel now in the house with proper broadband & wifi? I am really proud of you for setting it up! :-)
2011-12-13 08:18:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Busy more than hectic. Reached home. Missing my sweet dear lady! Sending her a kiss on the swiftest wings... :-)
2011-12-13 08:16:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where does your cat boy usually go? Any way of tracking him? I hope you find him soon. Kissing you on your shoulders as you wait... :-)
2011-12-13 04:57:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Thank you for the butterfly storm. So enjoyed it while laughing & giggling as they assailed me with your kisses... :)
2011-12-13 04:56:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Woke up with blood on my palms (must have killed a mosquito) & then got about the day's usual. Slightly hectic day...
2011-12-13 04:55:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello sweetie! Sorry, was working on another machine & managed my pair to go for a smoke so that I could write to you!! :-D
2011-12-13 04:54:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams my nibble of baklava... ;-p

2011-12-12 12:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will catch up with you tomorrow. A soft deep kiss on your lips as I slide under the covers waiting for you to join me soon. Sleep well.
2011-12-12 12:22:55 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Somehow? As in? Gosh! One guy ended up believing all that I wrote! I feel bad now. :-( Anyway, I am off to sleep now, sweetie...
2011-12-12 12:22:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do feel a little tired, but can go on forever... :-)

2011-12-12 11:53:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oye! What's feminine about me!? Its late but I want to write... :(
2011-12-12 11:43:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You think so? I should polish this a bit though. Being the other woman is not that easy... ;-p
2011-12-12 11:31:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be lovely to be there with you & celebrate all of this & being with you. Today I am going to write like a woman on an affair!
2011-12-12 11:00:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, mostly happy & all abuzz! :-) Now I think I will write a bit... :-)
2011-12-12 10:49:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad to hear that Nina mama & the kittens are fine. That just adds to my joy. :-) Sending you a dozen kisses for your belly!
2011-12-12 10:20:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was so much fun listening to them gush. BTW, the CPU has been delivered. Thank god! So the evening has been delightful indeed!! :-D
2011-12-12 10:18:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. Meeting over. Clients absolutely loved the stuff we had put together. I enjoyed it most because the design was mine!
2011-12-12 10:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you slowly coming to terms with your new arrangement & your living with just a couple from your earlier happy zoo? :-|
2011-12-12 08:56:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling! :-) How are you? Hectic day & then now a web-conference! Should be done in 45 min or so. How was your day?
2011-12-12 08:53:15 (EST)

1661 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Take care li'l one. I will now head for lunch. Will be back shortly. That tweet of last night was for you, in case you didn't notice. :-)
2011-12-12 02:35:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think you should do all late night activities on the bed so that you can sleep off there! :-) My sweet darling, I kiss & bite your thumbs!
2011-12-12 02:35:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear sweetie. Sorry, I was caught up in a lot of things. I had to catch up with the entire team & pull up statuses etc.
2011-12-12 02:33:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams to you & sweet kisses around your neck. Do come to bed glowing in the warmth of that... :-)
2011-12-11 11:35:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, waiting is possible. It is simply annoying, though. I miss you too, darling. Anyway, I will retire for the day. Goodnight darling...
2011-12-11 11:32:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Jumping around is so much fun when I am just about to fall asleep! ;-p
2011-12-11 11:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well ok, I won't hate them. I am going to see if they can deliver it tomorrow. I hope they do. Else, I will have to collect it... :-|
2011-12-11 11:24:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, welcome back. :-)

2011-12-11 11:16:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ can never be isolated or alone!! :-D You are in the same country & just an hour away from your previous place. Can't be that bad, no?
2011-12-11 08:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I live 20 min from the airport too. i.e. if roads were like in the US. I can complain about Portsmouth because I come from India & here
2011-12-11 08:17:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..bad. Even at night? But you said 20 min drive from the airport, right? That is not as bad as having it in the backyard... :-)
2011-12-11 08:16:37 (EST)
1662 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I feel sad that you miss your old house so much. But look at the amount you had to pay for that. Still feel bad? Woah! Flights overhead is
2011-12-11 08:16:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..but they immediately let me go. Routine check. I had all the documents with me so no issues. Damn! I hate the CPU guys... :-(
2011-12-11 08:15:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My clothes (given for a dry-wash) weren't ready either! :-( Everything went wrong. Only thing right is that I was pulled over by the cops
2011-12-11 08:14:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... Nope my day went worse than expected! Went there, they didn't have the right CPU so said that they will deliver tomorrow! :-(
2011-12-11 08:13:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ today. Then I need to go to the hospital.Tiring day! How is your lined up? My sweet sweet Andrea.. Kissing your wrists & :-)
2011-12-11 01:29:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They all look alike and differ only by 1 no. My friend got the right one! :-( So I will have to go & pick the replacement. I hope they are
2011-12-11 01:28:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept fairly well though woken up by phone calls. Added to my travelling woes is another thing. I ended up buying the wrong CPU yesterday
2011-12-11 01:27:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Hope you slept well with sweet dreams. Kiss you on your forehead & then watching you sleep with a smile... :-)
2011-12-11 01:26:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Let's not talk about it. :-( Now come to bed darling. Let's sleep while a gently kiss your tears away... Good night sweetie pie. :-)
2011-12-10 12:38:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Who has the keys? Where are the cats? Are there any pet shops or kennels where they accept such cats/dog? You might need to do some research
1663 / 4823

2011-12-10 12:32:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be lovely, to curl into each other. I think you shouldn't leave it to your ex. You owe it to them to ensure they are safe!
2011-12-10 12:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tonight, I will be with you, darling. I can't leave you alone like this. Sleep well, darling. Sleep early, if you can...
2011-12-10 12:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..could vanish & never be found except by dandelion wisps... :-)
2011-12-10 12:14:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all ritual & dinner over. Feeling dead tired. :-| I think I will go to sleep now. Need to go to the hospital tomorrow. :-| I wish I ..
2011-12-10 12:14:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. Of course you don't feel that way. Neither do I. I thought I'd cheer you up. Perhaps a good night's sleep would help you.
2011-12-10 12:13:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok...Now it all makes sense. Nina is the cat lady... Oh! :-( You should hunt a home for them. Perhaps put an advt. in the papers!
2011-12-10 12:12:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish I was there to go on a long walk with you & then sit with you in the tall grasses by the lake & hold you to me... :-)
2011-12-10 10:49:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now smile a little & dance a little... all will seem better... :-)
2011-12-10 10:48:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't cry sweet one, all will be well. I am sure your babies understand you well enough. They will all be fine. And so should you... :-)
2011-12-10 10:48:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..& thirsty! :-(

2011-12-10 10:44:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just have a few min. break before I return to the rituals & then dinner. Due to the eclipse, we do not eat & drink till it is over. Hungry
2011-12-10 10:44:47 (EST)

1664 / 4823

_stoicOne_ You didn't spoil my mood one bit. If your dog lady (nina) is old then you should keep her & the cat boy & find homes for others, right?
2011-12-10 10:44:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now. Will catch up with you later... Please... please... don't cry darling. All the babies know & will remember your love
2011-12-10 10:03:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So keep cat boy & nine mama. No? Please don't cry darling. Holding you tight to me so that I can take all your tears away. :-(
2011-12-10 10:02:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ house. Please have faith. If the house gets to know that you feel this way, it will feel sad/angry & things will only get worse... :-|
2011-12-10 09:59:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..& a cat? I am sorry to hear your ex was so rude. I ... don't know. I really wish all works out well. Don't worry, all will be well in that
2011-12-10 09:58:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I wish I was there to hold you, hug you, kiss you on your temples & tell you not to cry. My sweet sweet darling. Then why not Nina mama
2011-12-10 09:58:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hand over which house? Couldn't take Nina mama with you where? To the new house? Why? I thought you said they had a dog themselves! :-(
2011-12-10 09:54:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is a lunar eclipse & hence, we have some rituals around it... Will be mostly offline from 20:30 my time for an hour or so...
2011-12-10 09:45:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But at the end of the day, all's well. Are you done with your unpacking & settling down? Have the cats found good homes too? A kiss for you!
2011-12-10 09:22:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..with you though you would have hated going to that market. Very very congested & extremely dirty. Lots of bargaining & haggling! :-)
2011-12-10 09:21:20 (EST)

1665 / 4823

_stoicOne_ ..too bought the same stuff. Very very happy! :-) How are you darling? How goes your day? Missed you dear. Yep, it would've been fun to shop
2011-12-10 09:20:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back darling. :-) Yes, did manage to purchase the stuff I wanted at very cheap prices. My office colleague also came with me & he...
2011-12-10 09:18:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, dear. I was a little busy in the morning. Woke up a little late & then was researching motherboards & CPUs & got drawn into that...
2011-12-10 01:44:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...till in the evening. Should be back then. You take care, darling & close your eyes to feel my kiss on your lips. :-) Have fun...
2011-12-10 01:09:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sleep was fine. How was yours? Hope you get enough rest this weekend. I am heading out to hunt for PC upgrade parts. Will be offline
2011-12-10 01:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Good morning. I miss my breakfasts with you. They were so delightful & personal. :-) Yes, thought of you... :-)
2011-12-10 01:08:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall head to bed now. Good night, sweet Andrea. Sleep well with sweet dreams of your choice. A kiss on your thighs... :-) Do join me!
2011-12-09 11:56:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no... sorry, I was speaking to the neighbour regarding upgrading my PC. Got into a longer conversation. Sorry. Yes, it is late...
2011-12-09 11:56:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss while you think what should come after the "and"... ;p
2011-12-09 10:54:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why dear? Because of all the shifting around? Are you done? Just minor arrangements or a lot of stuff?
2011-12-09 10:49:06 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am good, sweet one. And you? I feel a little light... :-)
2011-12-09 10:41:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie, it is not that I don't like holding your hands. Just not in public! :-) I am here. Was watching Men In Black II... :-D
2011-12-09 10:30:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope all your broadband stuff completes soon. My granny is good. I am fine. How are you? Hope your day's been fine, darling... :-)
2011-12-09 08:49:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good evening, darling. Sorry, the day was very very hectic. I had a few things to complete & I was nearly always away from the computer...
2011-12-09 08:39:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will let my kisses walk up your arm before waking you up, sweetie pie. I hope you feel well rested. Do you still need the old house?
2011-12-08 20:30:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad the week ends today. Been a slightly tiring & heavy week for me. Granny's surgery, uncle's death & general work... :-|
2011-12-08 20:30:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Hope you are sleeping sweetly in your PJs! I find you so cute in your PJs, scampering around! :-D
2011-12-08 20:27:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I miss you... the rest of you that come with the kisses! :-)
2011-12-08 11:36:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I kiss you back... :-)

2011-12-08 11:31:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...your eyelids. Come soon, darling & we shall hug into sleep. Ok? :-)
2011-12-08 11:18:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall wish you a good night, now. I hope to write a bit though I doubt I will be able to. Sweet dreams, darling. Sleep well. A kiss on
2011-12-08 11:18:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No reason. I just think of random things... :-)

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2011-12-08 11:17:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just... no specific reason. Just remembered it so asked... What are you wearing, dear?
2011-12-08 11:11:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't find it funny. Just smiled. Yes, but then I wasn't sure if it was an iPhone-like some-other phone. :-)
2011-12-08 11:02:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... :-) Do you have an iPhone?

2011-12-08 10:51:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why sad?

2011-12-08 10:48:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, yes, I am home & just got off a meeting call. I might skip the bathing as I don't feel up to it! :-| How are you? All settled
2011-12-08 10:28:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the work did distract me. I am traveling to meet the family. Next weekend. I really miss him. I should've called him last Sunday.. :-|
2011-12-08 07:44:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad the broadband work is done. Even here the wireless is the individual's responsibility. It should be easy to set one up... :-)
2011-12-08 07:43:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I had to leave abruptly last night. Was feeling very very awkward & empty... :-| How is your day? Hope the broadband work is done..
2011-12-08 03:21:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Sorry for not writing in. I was a little caught up in stuff & some work. I am fine. Not entirely cheerful, but ok. :-|
2011-12-08 03:16:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, but I don't feel very enthusiastic to remain online. I shall log off now. Will catch up with you tomorrow. Good night. :-|
2011-12-07 11:23:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad I managed to meet him recently. I respected him so much, he was nearly like a father to me. :-(
2011-12-07 11:22:18 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I am ok. I just got to know that the elderly gentleman I met when I was in Hyderabad, died yesterday. He was someone who was close to me!
2011-12-07 11:21:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wednesday meetings are video calls & are best done from the office... :-| Do drive safely. A li'l butterfly will stay guard on your car! :-)
2011-12-07 10:03:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Nope. No more meetings. Wednesday's my meetings are in the office. Hence, it gets very long a day... :-(
2011-12-07 09:46:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too darling. Thousand and two kisses for you! ;-p Now, I'll get back to the meeting. :-)
2011-12-07 08:12:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..touches or hugs or kisses. E.g. I don't remember the feel of my nephew. Somehow, I think it is good because everytime feels fresh! :-D
2011-12-07 08:12:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet kiss for you too. Somehow, I don't remember any kiss or touch. I have noticed that is a peculiarity with me. With no one do I recall
2011-12-07 08:11:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..for my sweet lady! :-) I am so glad you slept like a stone (or a log). I slept well too & woke up earlier than the alarm which is good!
2011-12-07 08:10:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, sorry for the delay in responding! I was caught in work & on another person's machine. I am still in the office but stole some time
2011-12-07 08:09:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..then at home. Took a meeting call then dinner, walk, sleep. I told you all this. :-)
2011-12-06 19:46:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Hope you are sleeping well & feel well rested. My day yesterday was normal. Spent a lot of time at the hospital
2011-12-06 19:46:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, curled up under the sheets... I kiss your shoulders softly & wrap you in my arms. Holding you warmly to me... :-)
2011-12-06 19:45:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I should go & sleep now. Really drowsy. Maybe you should sleep early too. Goodnight sweet one. A kiss on your chin. :-) come soon...
2011-12-06 11:14:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't miss it!! :-| I'd rather not have that kind of illness... Though my tummy is unstable I am not affected by it beyond that.
2011-12-06 11:07:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I wish I could massage your shoulders & soothe your tired body. It can be so frustrating to do the back-n-forth. :-(
2011-12-06 11:00:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would've so loved to go on a walk with you... :-) I have been sleepy since the morning. Nearly slept in the hospital! :-(
2011-12-06 10:56:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My tummy would enjoy the rub-a-dub-dub & then I'd rush to the loo! :-( I should sleep early today as I feel exhausted since morning! :-(
2011-12-06 10:49:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..of the keys? I am so sorry to hear about the back-n-forth. No, my darling's not silly. Just...well, forgetful! :-)
2011-12-06 10:46:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too! :-) Was in a meeting then a light dinner then went for a walk & now here... My poor poor darling! Didn't the owner have a copy
2011-12-06 10:45:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You there? Damn! Seems like I missed you. My uncle got a little late to come to the hospital so I stayed on a little longer... :-)
2011-12-06 06:26:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My cold kinda vanished in the morning & came back after I left the hospital. My tummy is not well. :-( Granny is fine...
2011-12-06 06:26:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hola! Just got back... :-)

2011-12-06 06:25:52 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I am off to the hospital now. Not sure when I will be back. Till then a tight hug & a kiss on your cheeks... :-) Hope your morn is fresh!
2011-12-05 20:52:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) The dream sounds like a lively one. Hope you enjoyed it. :-) Hope I behaved myself in the dream! ;-p My sweet sweet lady... :-)
2011-12-05 20:51:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I slept ok. Kinda got a cold of sorts. I kiss your knees as you sleep, dear Andrea... :-)
2011-12-05 20:50:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2011-12-05 12:01:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ok ta ta...
2011-12-05 12:01:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I overloaded it with too many things... God knows why! :|
2011-12-05 11:58:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I logged in to just let you know that. I shall head off to bed now. Goodnight sweetie. Sleep well. A kiss on your wrists, darling. :-)
2011-12-05 11:58:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No! My system hung & refused to budge! I had to hard reboot it! :-(
2011-12-05 11:55:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but... she can have it till I buy myself a nice comfy chair to work in! :-D Will send you the room pic soon...
2011-12-05 11:21:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... close by. My dinner was fruits. :-)

2011-12-05 11:15:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ with the bookshelf in it. That is pretty much all of my room. But honestly, hardly my room any more! Mom's taken over it as the restroom is
2011-12-05 11:15:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Which room? I thought I did...

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2011-12-05 11:14:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will get off the computer for a while. My eyes hurt.. :-)
2011-12-05 10:28:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( I really wish you ate something regularly. At least buy & eat granola bars.. And buy some soy milk cartons... Please!
2011-12-05 10:27:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, dear Andrea. :-) I hope you are having your meals properly!
2011-12-05 10:15:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am ok. How are you? Tired?

2011-12-05 10:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done. It was ok. Yes, we lose focus & I start discussing work with you & end up kissing my client!!!
2011-12-05 10:04:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It shouldn't take long but usual.. A kiss for you too!
2011-12-05 09:43:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Giving you a quick kiss behind your ears. Reached home. I am getting into a phone meeting in a few minutes. Where are you working from?
2011-12-05 09:24:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was kinda a wasted day with me doing pointless book-keeping work... :-(
2011-12-05 07:28:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hi sweetie pie. Sorry, was on another guy's laptop working with him. Hence, away from this machine. How are you? How is the unpacking?
2011-12-05 06:57:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing my sweet lady all around her hips & then biting the sides! ;-p I hope you are sleeping well. Please rest well... :-)
2011-12-05 00:38:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is a little hectic with a lot of work. Mom's headed to the hospital. I have an off tomorrow & will take over hospital duty! :-)
2011-12-05 00:37:38 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, change the curtains to make them bring in as much light as possible. My sweet darling, I will hide behind them & jump on you! :-D
2011-12-05 00:35:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure the white fridge & stove can also be altered accordingly with colourful stick-on stuff. But I am sure you'd figure it out. :-)
2011-12-05 00:35:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was going to recommend mats/carpet/vinyl flooring as a possible solution to the colour clash. It should be cheaper & easier to get!
2011-12-05 00:34:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Why did you rush!? Please don't do that. Drive carefully. I am glad you like the new house more.. :-) I told you! ;-)
2011-12-05 00:33:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight. Do come & join me soon... :-)

2011-12-04 11:39:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care, darling. I kiss your tired hands & hold my face in them as I kiss your lips & ease you into relaxation. Sleep well, dear. :-)
2011-12-04 11:38:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ your previous one. You are excellent at making things proper & beautiful. I just wish I was there helping you! :-)
2011-12-04 11:38:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall be off now to sleep, dear one. I hope the day is not too tiring for you. I am sure you will make the new house as crisp & beautiful
2011-12-04 11:37:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It seems my lady is in the new house. I watched a movie (How to train your dragon, animation) & enjoyed it. I want my own dragon! :-D
2011-12-04 11:12:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dozed off! Didn't do any reading! :-( I am so undisciplined! :'-(

2011-12-04 07:34:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now for some reading. Where are you? How far has the unpacking proceeded? Please drive around carefully...
2011-12-04 04:33:50 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ thai (yellow) curry with rice. Mushrooms+red/yellow bell peppers+cauliflower+babycorn+cottage cheese cubes(sauteed). :-) I miss feeding you!
2011-12-04 04:33:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..abandoned & not even left in an old-age home. Sad state of affairs. But human beings will be human beings. :-|
2011-12-04 03:15:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...alone. It is uncommon in India for the elderly to be left alone. At least in normal decent families. There are some where the elderly are
2011-12-04 03:14:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Granny is not alone. My uncle, my mom's cousins, an aunt & her son (my cousin) will be visiting & spending time with her. So she'll never be
2011-12-04 03:13:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..the day off as yesterday was tiring for her too. :-) I think I am going to go one step forward & skip all office work & only read! :-)
2011-12-04 03:12:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling, I slept fairly well. Hope you did too. Yes, was looking for a white towel clad lovely lady! :-) Was preparing lunch. Gave mom
2011-12-04 03:12:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be doing some office work today & then loads of reading/writing. I miss just not doing anything but reading... :-(
2011-12-04 00:55:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so miss holding you like that, close to me. :-) A kiss on your tattoo... ;-p Today seems to be no hospital duty. Not sure about it yet.
2011-12-04 00:54:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. :-) You seem to have been on a high writing sweet poetic tweets last night! :-) A kiss on your fingertips for that!
2011-12-04 00:53:43 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad you had something to pique your interest over a weekend. Won't take more of your Saturday night. Enjoy... :-) Sending you hugs too!
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2011-12-03 23:58:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mail sent! :-)

2011-12-03 23:00:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ..of their present self (which indeed is a blend of all of them) :-)
2011-12-03 22:58:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Makes sense, if you feel they can be clearly bucketed into these 3 categories. Often people mingle one with the other creating the voice...
2011-12-03 22:58:19 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Not sure I get it, but why would you have 3 accounts? Just curious... :-) I could try the D C for you on your AVI but where do I send it?
2011-12-03 22:33:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire might've been possible to outline a lower case "h" there & a "C" elsewhere. Or if the silhouette of the legs & hips showed through..
2011-12-03 22:32:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You could, by editing the image. It would lend a devilish touch to them too, if done right! :-) I couldn't spot an "H" If a heel was shown..
2011-12-03 22:31:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh! The other Claire is you? I had a doubt but then Claire is not an uncommon name. :-) You should consider highlighting the letters in red
2011-12-03 22:18:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire :-) I thought you'd smack your forehead thinking "Of all the things to notice in such a sensual image - a "D" & a "C".." :-D
2011-12-03 13:27:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe a bit of hospital duty... Not sure. Wish I could help you with unpacking. :-) Goodnight, dear...
2011-12-03 13:25:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I think I shall go to bed now. Kissing you softly on
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your chin. Goodnight, dear. What's lined up for tomorrow?

2011-12-03 13:18:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Not sure if you chose it so, but your AVI has a "D" between your forearm & spine & an obvious "C" -- DangerouslyClaire :-)
2011-12-03 13:07:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's beautiful... :-) A sweet kiss on your nose dear one! :-)
2011-12-03 12:45:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would've surely cheered me up. :-) Still writing/creating has a quality that stems from within & hence... :-)
2011-12-03 12:24:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All's well, dear! :-) Just that I don't feel rejuvenated with the day's affairs. So turning to writing... :-)
2011-12-03 12:11:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sound? Where?

2011-12-03 12:07:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet one. I will go shortly to bed. Wish to tweet a bit... :-) Writing invigorates me & I feel I need it! :-)
2011-12-03 12:04:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Give it a chance darling. I am sure the house will try its best to be loveable! :-) Yes, I missed you & rushed to DM you. Yes, a li'l sleepy
2011-12-03 11:55:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please drive slowly esp. if it has snowed. I am sorry about how you feel the house. It might grow to accommodate your wishes... :-)
2011-12-03 11:49:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even on her hands. I did hold her hands though... :-) Re: your house, yes, it could be worse. I am sure it will grow on you... :-)
2011-12-03 11:31:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Granny's fine. The surgery should be in a couple of days once her BP comes down. I don't kiss my granny. In India kissing is too intimate!
2011-12-03 11:30:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ .. milk, leafy veggies, etc.) & the other has not commonly used stuff (e.g. chocolates, sauces, etc.). Works fine... :-)
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2011-12-03 05:48:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We have two fridges, one in the kitchen & one where my bookshelf is. The one in the kitchen has regular stuff which are commonly used (e.g.
2011-12-03 05:47:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Frankly, now that you have moved in you have little choice but to compromise with the arrangements in the house... :-(
2011-12-03 05:46:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope, I went alone to get the teeth cleaned & finish the bank job. :-) My day's nearly spent in chores. Morning was cutting veggies & then..
2011-12-03 05:44:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We might be staying in my uncle's place for a couple of days as it is closer to the hospital & we can assist the family. Nothing decided yet
2011-12-03 05:43:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling lady, I'd so love to hold you & pet you like that! My grandma (yes, same one) is in the hospital now. We'll be leaving soon.
2011-12-03 05:42:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling! Since colour matching matters to you, I think you should've taken colour samples along the 1st time you went there... :-|
2011-12-03 05:40:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the dentist & bank. Will be back soon. My granny is unwell so I am not sure when I will be back online.
2011-12-03 00:42:41 (EST)

perlygates Hope you recover completely soon. Adventures are in hibernation now. Just work, occasional writing & chores... :-) Sending you a hug! :-)
2011-12-02 23:34:51 (EST)

darkntwistd Glad I was of help, Annie. :-) My writing's ok. Work takes up most of my time but it is getting smoother nowadays. How are things for you?
2011-12-02 23:33:53 (EST)

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xieyipainter I am so sorry to hear that. I hope all's well now. Do rest enough & do conscious deep breathing. Might help. Do get well soon... :-)
2011-12-02 23:32:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I woke up in the middle of the night & recall seeing your name on the screen but then I only had energy enough to move things aside & sleep!
2011-12-02 23:31:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Last night, I slept off on the laptop, hands on the keyboard. My mom found me like that & tried to move the laptop & decided against it!
2011-12-02 23:30:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I wish I was there to soothe you & kiss you all over while you relax from this entire move. And hug you tight.... :-)
2011-12-02 23:29:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..placed in the office room. If you can rig up an electric connection in the kitchen it might be cheaper than getting a gas stove.
2011-12-02 22:13:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When I move, I have a list of items that cannot be replaced & ensure the new place's measurements accommodate those. Can't the fridge be..
2011-12-02 22:12:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ho! Seems like a lot of measurement had to be done. I am sorry to hear about the fridge,stove,bed & internet conx. :-(
2011-12-02 22:11:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling Andrea, good morning. I hope you managed to sleep well & relax those poor tired muscles! A kiss on your arms & shoulders... :-)
2011-12-02 22:09:29 (EST)

perlygates How are you dear L? Been such a long time. Hope all is well...
2011-12-02 11:45:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish all is well with you. You've rarely been away for so long... :-| My sweet sweet Andrea, missing you. :-)
2011-12-02 11:33:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I hope you have gotten everything sorted out & setup in thenew house. Sending you a few hundred kisses... :-)
2011-12-02 10:51:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sending you kisses to tickle you on the way to the new house... :-)
2011-12-02 09:12:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care sweet one have fun & don't feel too bad about leaving this place. A kiss on your soft lips... :-)
2011-12-02 06:31:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice weather out there. I would like it till 10-15 deg C but any lower & it feels painful! :-)
2011-12-02 04:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet li'l darling. Yes, no meetings. Just pure work. Such a relief! :-D I'd be surprised if you were jealous of her. She is pure brain!
2011-12-02 03:48:45 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme They have different tours. I had been on one before heading to San Marzano for a pizza lunch!! :-D
2011-12-02 03:11:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She seems to be someone who has a load of time on hand! :-D But clearly erudite & interested in Twitter as a source of art.
2011-12-02 03:10:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She seems to be an ideal follower not just for me but as a follower in general. Patiently commenting/RT-ing/fav-ing on everyone's tweets
2011-12-02 03:09:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! :-( Sorry they are late but you get more time with the house. :-) My day is normal. Working on & on... :-)
2011-12-02 03:09:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, hope things are smooth today & the six-packed guys come & make you giggle!
2011-12-02 01:42:48 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Glad you liked it. You might enjoy going to that Museum. It
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is near Chinatown. :-)

2011-12-02 01:05:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to walk with you throughout the house before you actually leave it. Don't frown or cry. All's well, darling... :-)
2011-12-01 20:46:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Wishing you a peaceful & calming day. I know it is going to be tough today, but I am sure you'll be strong :-)
2011-12-01 20:46:11 (EST)

inVinceWil Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. May it be your creative best... :-)
2011-12-01 12:19:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And maybe it is. Just returned to my laptop to send you another specially wrapped kiss! :-) Good night
2011-12-01 12:17:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, dear darling. Sleep well & smile for this house has been good to you. A soft kiss on your elbow's crook... :-)
2011-12-01 11:57:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I don't wish to leave you now, but I must go & sleep. It is getting late & I am getting sleepier. May I go to bed?
2011-12-01 11:48:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I understand. :-( Neither am I.. Will miss the lawns where I first saw your arms (sturdy ones ;-)
2011-12-01 11:44:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No problem, dear. Phone calls do arrive. :-) I do know & you should know too that I would enjoy being there with you... :-)
2011-12-01 11:32:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That needn't be the case. You will have Nina mama & friends visiting you. Yes, no constant chatter & cheer...
2011-12-01 11:13:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's fine. It will be just a matter of time when it fits you like a roomy glove... :-)
2011-12-01 11:10:32 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I just wish the new house is so auspicious that this house remains a happy memory... :-)
2011-12-01 11:06:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I happily jump in! SPLASH!! :-D Oh I'll miss your bathtub & bathroom... :-|
2011-12-01 10:40:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling. I really really wish I was there too. Somehow I feel that I don't want to leave you alone while you vacate that house :-(
2011-12-01 09:21:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Need to do some research, will be back...

2011-12-01 09:15:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D How helpful! And you dressed her in tie & coat all this while!!
2011-12-01 09:08:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Damn sad! That is so bad. :-( I loved all your boys & girls. I wish you can visit them often...
2011-12-01 08:34:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh god! You aren't taking them? I thought they were coming with you!? :-( Now I am terribly sad. Why!? I so wish I was there to talk to them
2011-12-01 08:22:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, safe & sound. :-) Tomorrow is the d-day! All set? I am excited about the new house. Although I love the present one, still...
2011-12-01 08:10:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would've loved actually running around with you. We did run through some grass near the farmer's market, so... :-)
2011-12-01 05:43:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lady.... :-) Enjoying your long slow kiss... I think I will ride the bike once in a while... :-) Your dream sounds lovely!
2011-12-01 05:42:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today the cab didn't arrive so came to the office on my bike. Not tiring at all. I got to the office really fast! It felt good... :-)
2011-11-30 22:57:05 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Let me kiss you on all your tired muscles & massage them for you... :-)
2011-11-30 22:54:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! How is my sweet sweet lady? Hope she is sleeping well & smiling through her dreams. :-)
2011-11-30 22:51:26 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Something for you: Reminded me of the Tenement Museum. Been there? :-)
2011-11-30 20:14:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come & join me soon, dear... :-) Holding you in my dreams...
2011-11-30 11:46:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahahahaha :-D Yes, it is time to sleep now. I think I'll head to my bed. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss for your ears
2011-11-30 11:41:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice guys, eh!? ;-p

2011-11-30 11:32:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank god! Do you have vans/trucks to transport things?

2011-11-30 11:23:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some days you miss me in parts!? :-o

2011-11-30 11:07:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. It must be difficult managing them & the shifting... A soft kiss on the tired darling's nose... :-)
2011-11-30 10:56:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just had dinner... I do feel sleepy... Grocery shopping done? Mom's fine. :-) Why are you shopping when you are vacating in 2 days?
2011-11-30 10:47:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home... Will chat a bit with mom and get back online... :-)
2011-11-30 09:44:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did you collect the keys today?

2011-11-30 07:56:40 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Getting into a video call with the clients in a bit & then will leave for home. Will be a little late getting home sweet one. How goes yours
2011-11-30 07:56:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Yes, was in meetings continuously. Not bad today. Good amount of work completed too. Missed you too, darling! :-)
2011-11-30 07:55:12 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh yes! Your picture is so sylvan in its tune... :-)

2011-11-30 01:01:12 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme My trip through NYC was purely from an art & culinary PoV. As much as I could cover. If I may ask, where in NY do you live?
2011-11-29 23:13:42 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Yes, India can have some beautiful aspects to it if one can blur one's sight to the dirtiness & pettiness that stems from the poverty! :-|
2011-11-29 23:12:03 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Not often enough. I love NYC. I was there (near Boston) for about 5 months recently. It rained in my city for a while too but not soothing..
2011-11-29 23:08:30 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Your versatility & talents are indeed heartwarming too... :)

2011-11-29 23:07:37 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I think it is vital to shuttle between different styles to keep one agile. I consciously practice that in my writing: twitter-style vs essay
2011-11-29 23:06:06 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Merci! :-) Always a delight to start a day with such kind words, dear Danielle. I have a whole cartload of pictures from NYC too. :-)
2011-11-29 23:04:38 (EST)

darkntwistd Yep, slept well. How was your day? Been doing nothing other than work & some reading/writing... :-)
2011-11-29 20:18:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am glad your packing is nearly all done. I hope your
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move into the new house is all fresh & prosperous & you also find a new job!
2011-11-29 20:06:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have a fair idea of how hard it was for you to hold yourself back in the US. :-) Sorry that I imposed all those restrictions on you but...
2011-11-29 20:05:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ "I think I wasn't mindful enough" regarding what? Not sure I understand. Thanks for the wishes. Today too will be meetings & the like...
2011-11-29 19:55:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling lady. Hope you slept well with smiles & sighs. :-) A soft kiss on your wrists. My sweet sweet Andrea... :-)
2011-11-29 19:54:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams to you & sweet smiles... :-) Hope you rest well.
2011-11-29 11:35:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I kiss milady softly on her finger tips & smear herbbutter on her lips for later when she joins me... :-) Goodnight, dear :-)
2011-11-29 11:34:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will surely come the minute it is possible & things are clear in my head... :-)
2011-11-29 11:33:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I have some tweets lined up for after i sleep so don't think me awake... :-)
2011-11-29 11:33:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, dear darling. It would be so much fun & smiles... :-)
2011-11-29 11:28:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps! Butterflies, I say! ;-p

2011-11-29 11:28:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She got caught up with the customs officers... ;-p

2011-11-29 11:24:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet darling :-) But you shouldn't be so forgetful... ;-p
2011-11-29 11:19:59 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ What to do!? Such is life! :-( Now I will take a break from the computer & be back shortly... :-)
2011-11-29 10:34:59 (EST)

darkntwistd Hello Annie! Hope you have a good day too... :-)
2011-11-29 10:30:41 (EST)

dgdreamin Congratulations to your grandmom! Wishing her many more happy returns of that day. :-) Hope TG was good, turkey & all... :-)
2011-11-29 10:30:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done! Good meeting. A lot of things got clarified... :-)

2011-11-29 10:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On the call... Stuffed mushrooms are delicious... ;-)

2011-11-29 09:34:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you understood what I meant. Glad your packing is nearly done. I wish I was there to have helped you...
2011-11-29 09:16:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Packing on? Are the boys & girls excited? :-) Has your present owner settled all dues? Please keep a checklist...
2011-11-29 08:25:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, phone meeting. Day was clearly boring! :-(

2011-11-29 08:23:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope, just reached home. There was supposed to be a call, but it got pushed a bit... :-|
2011-11-29 08:12:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I basically need to get home! :-D Anyway, if I put a post-it on the chocolate, they will stick it on the door & eat the chocolate! :-D
2011-11-29 07:48:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I could take chocolate to office but it would melt. If I kept it in the office fridge, it will be stolen! :-o Hence, safest at home... :-)
2011-11-29 06:07:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Another round of meetings... Tiring. I am feeling a little bored

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today. I think we are doing too much of talk & less work. :-(
2011-11-29 06:05:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Of course, their wine, meat also come in great variety & cuts but that doesn't attract me. :-D
2011-11-28 22:25:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your dinner sounds lovely. I adore Europe just for this. Splendid cuisine & variety esp. in their breads, cheese, vinegars & oils :-)
2011-11-28 19:42:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still enjoy going to the office & work is mentally challenging but I think the weather + discussions/travel/etc. physically exhaust me
2011-11-28 19:42:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I come home & have 2 pieces of chocolate (nearly every day) & it does get me fresh. I think the office is physically exhausting me :-|
2011-11-28 19:40:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I watch you while you sleep & kiss your shoulder... softly. I continue to watch you... :-)
2011-11-28 19:40:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..recover completely. Come join me soon... :-)

2011-11-28 10:47:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me kiss you on the chin as I slip under the covers with my book. Sleep well, dear. Sweet dreams. Do eat something to help your body
2011-11-28 10:47:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I think I will retire for the night, dear one. Will read a bit (offline) and then doze off...
2011-11-28 10:46:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't need energy for the night, hence, prefer to keep dinners light.
2011-11-28 10:33:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dinner's fruits. Glad you liked that tweet. :-)

2011-11-28 10:27:24 (EST)

dgdreamin Congrats on 27000! Quite a milestone! And you seem to be traveling. Hope all's the best with you! :-)
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2011-11-28 10:22:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, and a ticket too! :-D

2011-11-28 10:20:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I would love to... And you know that.

2011-11-28 10:03:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, in shorts & undershirt... ;-p

2011-11-28 09:56:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And what is my li' darling wearing? :-) What would I not give for Winters in India... :-(
2011-11-28 09:47:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. At least things are taken care of & you can sort things out. Have you applied for the new broadband conx? Might as well...
2011-11-28 09:38:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Cool weather? What are you doing about the car!? Packing done?
2011-11-28 08:58:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My mom laughed at me for yawning as she opened the door! Don't know why so tired! Old age I think! :-)
2011-11-28 08:57:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home sweetie pie! Horrible traffic! I am really really exhausted after conducting all those sessions! Been yawning since the evening
2011-11-28 08:51:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 2 min. & decided to send you these DMs. The team lapped up my solution. I simply love it to be able to solve a technical problem. :-)
2011-11-28 06:21:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. Lots of meetings & continuously presenting from my laptop & hence, couldn't shift to the DM window. Meeting still on. Sneaked
2011-11-28 06:19:16 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Wishing you a lovely night's sleep, with dreams of your choice. :-) BTW, I noticed you mention Nabokov. Impeccable taste! :-)
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2011-11-27 22:40:28 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Lovely:,,,,,

2011-11-27 22:38:10 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh! I forgot I have my photographs up online: & (are some from the pile)
2011-11-27 22:28:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That tweet is an old one! :-) My hellos to your ladies. Glad you will be nearer to your sis. To Renata? What's on the news? :-)
2011-11-27 22:17:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I loved the simplicity of that combo. We don't get it here in India. Mozzarella, for a country teaming with buffaloes, is absent! :-(
2011-11-27 22:16:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, lively lady. Kissing your lips with pizza crumbs still on them! :-D I miss the spinach-broccoli-mozzarella pizzas. None here!
2011-11-27 22:16:07 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme ..loveliest in it all, is the coming together of all this in your pretty pic of a woman-who-is-also-a-girl. Straight out of a fairytale :-)
2011-11-27 22:14:30 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme But honestly, hasn't anyone told you about this? The dreamlike gaze, cute as a button wreath, your lovely paintings, "Danielle" & what is
2011-11-27 22:12:48 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Here is one link: This is a particular style of painting. I don't have others online. Will look through your bio pages
2011-11-27 22:11:32 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme ...noticed the loveliness of it, but the paintings too & then the juxtaposition of the name "Danielle" with this AVI. So out of a fairytale!
2011-11-27 19:32:49 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Do you have a link where I could see more of your paintings? Somehow I never noticed your AVI all these months but yesterday
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I not only
2011-11-27 19:31:47 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Your paintings are very beautiful. I do dabble with watercolours & rarely with acrylics. The wreath looks lovely as do you. Very angelic :-)
2011-11-27 19:30:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon.... BTW, I solved the office problem I was working on! :-)
2011-11-27 11:43:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should go to bed now. It is late. Wishing you a good night's sleep, darling. Sleep well after the meal. A kiss on your hips! :-D
2011-11-27 11:43:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They don't make it in my size any more! :-D

2011-11-27 11:38:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Walking will get you more drenched then a downpour! :-D
2011-11-27 11:35:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful or not, you can't drive here without screaming or being screamed at... :-o
2011-11-27 11:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We had loads of fun. Somehow, driving in this god-forsaken country is unthinkable. The US was beautiful... :-)
2011-11-27 11:22:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahahahaha :-D That was genuinely a funny day!

2011-11-27 11:15:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ordered?
2011-11-27 11:15:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sounds pretty exotic! Rosehip sounds so feminine. As if a flower was in the dressing room & caught mid-breath... :-)
2011-11-27 10:57:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ With a recovering tummy you shouldn't skipped lunch, darling. I think you should quickly call for a pizza. Please do so. & some fruit juice
2011-11-27 10:50:47 (EST)
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ocarinaofrhyme Please don't mind my asking but did you paint the works on the wall behind you (AVI)? And any spl. reason for the crown of flowers? :)
2011-11-27 10:47:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's up with your dinner? How is your tummy?

2011-11-27 10:40:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, dinner. We tried to make today! Didn't come out so well-shaped but was tasty... :-)
2011-11-27 10:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... brb...

2011-11-27 09:34:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True! Time is an issue. Perhaps you should have started the hunt from June or so... Would that have made sense?
2011-11-27 09:29:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ off in Slovenia? I vaguely recall you mentioning something like that, right?
2011-11-27 09:16:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember you had the other car but I thought its registration etc. had to be handled. Is that job done? Or were you planning to sell
2011-11-27 09:15:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are fine with the trade-offs. But I am sure you will have more reason to get out of the house & travel to the more scenic side! :-)
2011-11-27 09:12:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Seems like you are trading one set of benefits (low cost, markets, etc.) for another (peaceful, beautiful house, etc.)
2011-11-27 09:11:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! So is the Pest side the more commercial & more markety side?
2011-11-27 09:01:57 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Of course I know what HUF is! Remember Nagy pizza 3000HUF? ;-p
2011-11-27 08:47:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No this is a different problem that I am working on. That one was completed. This one is new & I want to do it before I reach office! :-)
2011-11-27 08:46:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! That's a lot of savings. And you are closer to the market & city. Damn neat. How are you feeling? All uneasiness gone?
2011-11-27 08:45:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still in the midst of it. Good, glad to hear they are good people. Are you saving a lot of money by taking up this house? I hope so...
2011-11-27 08:20:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All's well as long as you have understood what I was trying to say, dear one. My day was ok. Was doing some office work which I wanted to
2011-11-27 08:20:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your meeting with the owner is done & went well. Are you back home? Shopping?
2011-11-27 08:10:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..I am going to focus on tweeting for a bit, by saying "But you are doing that all the time, no? Anyway... I won't bother you, then."
2011-11-27 04:27:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You tell me that you would like to know if I am going to do something else & I start doing that but you still complain when I tell you that
2011-11-27 04:25:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ which I can also participate in. If you don't have any solutions, please stop complaining because that is no solution.
2011-11-27 04:24:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you feel hurt that you don't get as many DMs as earlier or the tone has changed in ways unacceptable to you, let me know if you have any
2011-11-27 04:23:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All of these & not just one of them have slightly affected the
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tone in which we interact. But you wish to imagine that it is only me...
2011-11-27 04:22:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..present yourself (no video chat, no pix, etc.). So I automatically stopped asking & that applies to other endearments too.
2011-11-27 04:21:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ (2) I am hearing too many complaints & that leaves me uncomfy (3) I have many things that I like to do (4) you always picked how you will
2011-11-27 04:19:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So if you want to know why there might be a change in my voice, the reasons are simple 1) I don't wish to keep any hope of "us" ignited
2011-11-27 04:19:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even if you were my wife, I would be doing a hundred things & tweeting & writing & researching etc. all of which would exclude you! :-|
2011-11-27 04:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I have ever led you to believe that I have nothing else to do except DM then I am sorry. That was never the intent.
2011-11-27 04:17:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In the US had I had a good city or friend circle, I would have also done umpteen things. I didn't & hence, was always in the room.
2011-11-27 04:16:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..neglecting you. I really wish you realise this & not complain about things that cannot be fixed. We aren't going to be co-located.
2011-11-27 04:15:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..there too. I like to keep myself busy or doing something or the other. Since I can't include you in any of them, doesn't mean I am
2011-11-27 04:14:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ do. Now I am in India with many things that I want to do. Perhaps if I was in the US for a few years, I might have built my routine
2011-11-27 04:13:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am leaving you behind while I go to do other things. I don't know how that can be helped. Earlier I was in the US with very little
2011-11-27 04:13:05 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ As I said earlier, had we been in the same city we could do many things together & have fun. We aren't in the same city hence, it will feel
2011-11-27 04:12:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I was able to DM often earlier it was perhaps a phase when I had more time on hand & less domestic responsibilities. Now it isn't so...
2011-11-27 04:10:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..understand but you don't. The minute I go to do something else, you sulk & complain. I am sorry, but I cannot be always on DMs.
2011-11-27 04:09:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You want this & you want that & all those things are up on your list. I need some space for me to do the things on my plate. You say you
2011-11-27 04:09:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This is exactly how you were in Portsmouth insisting that I drop you in Boston although I was ill because "you will not go on your own"!!
2011-11-27 04:05:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..whether I am ill or exhausted or what happened or "It is so late. What will you do about dinner?" but the lady wants her kisses & hugs
2011-11-27 04:05:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..that you will voice? Why, take last evening. I woke up after a 7 hr day-sleep, something I've never done unless ill, & not 1 ques. about
2011-11-27 04:04:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..a pattern which you complain about. Why didn't you congratulate me for calling you "baklava" or other endearments? Is it only complaints
2011-11-27 04:03:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..I have been calling you "dear Andrea" lately. This is exactly the issue which leaves me uncomfy. You take one or two incidents & make it
2011-11-27 04:03:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ .. does have me frowning. E.g. the way you have picked on "dear Andrea". Just yesterday I addressed you as "darling" but according to you...
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2011-11-27 04:02:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps it is not necessary to respond but I feel that some things should be clarified. Personally, the way you complain about things
2011-11-27 04:01:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I think my body needed all that rest. I wonder why you didn't sleep well. Perhaps you should return and take a nap before other things.
2011-11-27 04:00:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you need to return the Audi? What will you do for transport, then? I will miss it too. I hope all goes well with the owner... :-)
2011-11-27 03:48:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..some cleaning chores to complete. Do take care & hope all goes well. Kissing you softly as you leave for the meeting... :-)
2011-11-26 22:03:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will respond to your DMs once you return from meeting the owner. Wishing you the best for that. I will be away from the computer as I have
2011-11-26 22:02:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear Andrea. I slept again & not too well. I kinda didn't sink into proper sleep. But I feel fresh. Hope you are sleeping well
2011-11-26 22:01:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't understand but if this is how it is then this is how it is... Goodnight. Sweet dreams.
2011-11-26 15:05:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome. Why so formal?

2011-11-26 15:00:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, will do. If all goes well, how much time do you need to move in to the new place? I recall you saying next weekend, but still...
2011-11-26 14:28:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Damn! I had promised to call a friend... :-o Too late.

2011-11-26 14:11:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True.
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2011-11-26 14:04:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it isn't & tomorrow's Sunday, so I might be up a bit. I think I was really exhausted. 7 straight hrs!! :-o
2011-11-26 13:54:29 (EST)

inVinceWil Point noted about curating. Still... Maybe it's all in my head. And I didn't know till today that I was 2 of your lists. Honoured. :-)
2011-11-26 13:47:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D What else? I feel odd being up at this hour. Should sleep in a bit else I will be living US timings! :-D
2011-11-26 13:46:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Racist!

2011-11-26 13:35:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perfect. Wishing you the best. Hope all settles well. :-) How are the boys & girls?
2011-11-26 13:31:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry about that. Packing done? All set for tomorrow?
2011-11-26 13:26:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? :-)

2011-11-26 13:16:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am sorry. I thought I did mention the dentist appt. Lunch came along. And it was pouring cats & dogs in the city. Totally flooded! :-|
2011-11-26 13:16:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..asleep hoping to wake up in an hour or so. I slept for over 7 hrs!! :-O I just woke up to find the world around me asleep. :-D
2011-11-26 12:51:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling! I am here & alive. Something silly happened. Mom & I went to the dentist & then for lunch. We returned around 3-ish & I fell
2011-11-26 12:51:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..what is happening in each other's life: events, incidents, plans for the day etc. Perhaps this is why you don't find my DM/mails exciting
2011-11-25 21:03:16 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I don't know what to say. I still think it is a mix of (lack of) time, timezone differences & the lack of "lively" DMs. Nowadays, we share..
2011-11-25 21:02:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I did & woke up later than usual. A soft kiss on your shoulder as you sleep... :-)
2011-11-25 21:00:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D Goodnight! Sweet dreams, dear. A kiss on your pouting lips. ;-p And a tight hug. Do join me soon...
2011-11-25 12:47:23 (EST)

Sahrazad528 Hello. Hope all's well with you. Been a while, hence... :-)
2011-11-25 12:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will go and sleep now, dear lady. Please don't overwork yourself. Do give yourself sufficient rest.
2011-11-25 12:42:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, dear Andrea. :-)

2011-11-25 12:22:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you didn't pack if I was there... :-)

2011-11-25 12:12:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahaha :-D I doubt you'd ever shift out at that rate...
2011-11-25 12:09:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you certain there is none who can help you?
2011-11-25 12:03:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Seems like a lot of packing & cleaning. Damn! I wish I was there to help while you got some rest. Poor you. :-(
2011-11-25 11:59:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What's planned for dinner? What's lined up for the weekend?
2011-11-25 11:53:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner?

2011-11-25 11:50:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel anything wrong. :-|

2011-11-25 11:21:09 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, but if I got too engrossed, I wouldn't want you feeling that I am ignoring you or the like...
2011-11-25 11:10:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall tweet for a bit now... :-)

2011-11-25 11:03:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure. Take your time. I am not planning to go anywhere... :-)

2011-11-25 10:55:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I misunderstood, then. So it is nearly a settled deal? Good. Do send me pictures whenever you feel the house is pretty... :-)
2011-11-25 10:50:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But you said if it is still available. Is there a concept of a token advance with which you can block the house for yourself?
2011-11-25 10:43:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The day was ok. Nothing unusual. Any news about the house?
2011-11-25 10:35:39 (EST)

roheenmalu Thank you. You are very kind... :-)

2011-11-25 10:32:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And done! Soba noodles with Szechuan sauce, peas, cottage cheese & capsicum. :-) Came out pretty well. How has your day been? Feeling better
2011-11-25 10:06:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. I am preparing dinner today so will be away from the computer for a bit. A soft kiss on your palms, dear Andrea. :-)
2011-11-25 08:41:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for home now. Catch you later... :-)

2011-11-25 06:25:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thought I would let you know that I miss you and you'd say "I know, darling" ;-p
2011-11-25 06:24:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I understand. I have been moving around since I was a kid so now it is nearly second nature! :-) I wish you were here too :-)
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2011-11-25 06:24:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Messy house? Yours? Must be one sheet of paper in the wrong place!! :-D Your house can never be messy!
2011-11-25 05:16:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have had so many discussions today, my head hurts! But they were all good discussions! So mostly happy! :-)
2011-11-25 05:16:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes I miss you dear. Day's a little relaxing with just a lot of discussions. I thought I had sent this earlier only to see I hadn't... :-o
2011-11-25 05:15:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today is bound to be a little packed. I slept well & woke up 10 secs before the alarm went off. So feel good though a shade drowsy too! :-)
2011-11-24 19:46:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one. Hope you sleep well & with a smile. :-) How do you feel now? Better? Still weak? How is your day lined up?
2011-11-24 19:41:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a good night's sleep sweet Andrea. Sweet dreams. Soft kisses around your ankles. Do come and join me soon... :-)
2011-11-24 11:05:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling. I so wish you were here too... :-) I think I will head to bed now after spending a little more time with the problem
2011-11-24 11:04:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ hahahahaha :-D She seems so happy that I join her in jumping on the bed till it breaks! :-D
2011-11-24 10:54:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so certain of that! :-D

2011-11-24 10:46:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not sure I can do it before bedtime, but you never know... Slightly complicated. :-)
2011-11-24 10:28:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not really... This work is something I should be completing by tomorrow. Or at least I would like to... :-)
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2011-11-24 10:20:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Office work, sweet one. Welcome back. A soft kiss & a rapid twirl. How was your day? Feeling better? :-)
2011-11-24 10:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that basket is lovely as it once was :-) My sweet lady. Hope your weakness goes away. Have some dates to eat. They bring energy.. :-)
2011-11-24 08:44:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Not so tired though my day started tired. I have some work to complete, so I am going to take care of that.
2011-11-24 08:43:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes dear, been a little too busy today. There were loads of discussions & then meetings. Glad you feel better. :-) Yes, our basket! :-)
2011-11-24 06:15:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..toll. Anyway, felt good last night. Some of the tweets were from back in Feb. Most of them were fresh ones... :-)
2011-11-23 20:01:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ "Don't force yourself. If nothing comes, it is ok!" :-D I just felt that it was too long since I had written on Twitter. The client visit's
2011-11-23 19:58:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be getting down to the rituals in a bit. Yes, I wrote more than I imagined I could! :-D I actually started writing thinking to myself
2011-11-23 19:57:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one. Hope you rest well & are feeling better. I slept ok. Woke up earlier than required so feeling a little drowsy...
2011-11-23 19:57:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) A kiss on your knee. Now I definitely must leave... bye... :-)
2011-11-23 11:53:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please please, do take care. Maybe some cat/dog hair was ingested? I think I am imagining things, but please be careful... :-)
2011-11-23 11:41:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear darling. Hope you rest well & recover well. Please do eat mild foods. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your belly! ;-p Do join
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2011-11-23 11:39:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D My sweet sweet darling.... Now I shall go to bed. Tomorrow is the new moon so need to wake up early & perform the rituals before rushing
2011-11-23 11:37:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Which tweet?

2011-11-23 11:30:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... Well, you need to pick from one of the lesser evils! :-) How do you feel, lively lady?
2011-11-23 11:23:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! :-) You should consider a new connection if it is simpler. What about USB drive based connections?
2011-11-23 11:06:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A welcome back kiss & twirl for milady! :-) I wrote & wrote... :-) What would it cost to get a new connection?
2011-11-23 10:56:06 (EST)

syahidahz :-)
2011-11-23 09:01:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses flitting back to you... :-)

2011-11-23 08:13:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care. I will also take a break from the computer... :-)
2011-11-23 07:56:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just got back home. Was caught up in work & other discussions so couldn't DM you earlier. How are things? How do you feel?
2011-11-23 07:47:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you back but why am I sweet!? Yes, rest & eat well... Miss you too sweet one. My day is fine. Shaved & in white cotton shirt. :-)
2011-11-23 03:19:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Rest well enough & eat proper foods according to your body's state and weather. A soft kiss on your shoulders, dear lady. :-)
2011-11-22 23:11:24 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. No need to apologise. You were unwell & clearly tired. So all's fine. How're you feeling now? Slept well? Will go to dr?
2011-11-22 23:10:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like milady is busy... I hope you return before I go to bed (in a few minutes). :-|
2011-11-22 11:10:39 (EST)

rgogos I am good! :-) Glad to hear the pressure ends this year end... How have you been otherwise?
2011-11-22 10:32:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss holding you too, darling... :-)

2011-11-22 10:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thought you might like this:

2011-11-22 10:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly holding milady nuzzling her hair & kissing her ears... :-)
2011-11-22 09:25:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should probably stay off the computer for a while & then maybe login in a bit... 8-|
2011-11-22 09:18:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fine. The day was ok. The client leaves early tomorrow morning. So all's well. Work will start from tomorrow. My eyes hurt though...
2011-11-22 09:17:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why so unwell? Please go to the doctor. Or watch this:

2011-11-22 09:01:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home. It is no longer the 30 min drive as it was in the US. :-) Here it would easily take an hour and a half sometimes! :-(
2011-11-22 08:56:20 (EST)

melancholundone Wishing you well, Courtney. Hope things are good & going smooth at your end. Sending you smiles too... :-)
2011-11-22 06:47:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..Stuff you own & wish to carry around... :-) Sweet kisses & best
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wishes to my darling to get the house. May it bring you good fortune! :-)
2011-11-22 06:47:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, he did clear it up. I wish I was there to help you pack & then to setup your new house. You should really use this as a time to trim...
2011-11-22 06:45:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You wouldn't be for long in the bath anyway, so its size shouldn't be too much of a concern, no?
2011-11-22 05:31:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should finalise on it. If it is close to markets & important amenities, it would be great...
2011-11-22 05:17:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello darling! Hope you are feeling all fine now. A compact house is a good thing. Lesser places to clean! ;-) And it has a bathtub!
2011-11-22 05:16:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one is still sleeping!? :-o

2011-11-22 00:28:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you liked one of the houses. Do give me details.

2011-11-21 20:01:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A few hundred kisses along the belt of your pj... My sweet one. I get ready for work now. Will catch up with you often & through the day :-)
2011-11-21 20:01:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..endlessly working but even 10 min with someone petty makes me shriveled & old. Anyway, today is a new day so all :-)s
2011-11-21 20:00:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept off while formatting my disk. I was way too exhausted yesterday. I think more than work, people tire me. I suppose I can go on
2011-11-21 19:59:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Oh my sweet one has been over-worked yesterday. I wish I was there to give you a nice massage & kisses... :-)
2011-11-21 19:59:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( A soft kiss for you. Black PJs would be great... :-)
2011-11-21 10:37:09 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I kiss you too darling... I will be around till you leave. Will rest my eyes later! :-)
2011-11-21 10:29:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ computer for a bit. Eyes hurting. Be back soon

2011-11-21 10:10:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but the very fact that I have to deal with this made it ugly... I could well do without it. Anyway... I think I will step away from the
2011-11-21 10:10:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Join the club! Sometimes I make myself sad! :-( BTW, I raised the issue with that guy & he promised to send out a clarification email... :-|
2011-11-21 10:05:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ;-)
2011-11-21 10:03:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See!? Now you better understand me...

2011-11-21 10:03:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is not about wishing (or not) your company. It is about what my state of mind will be when I decide to escape it all... :-|
2011-11-21 09:53:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Whether it would be fair to drag you along or whether that is how I imagined things for several years. I always imagined it by myself... :-)
2011-11-21 09:45:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I would love to but at the moment I don't know...

2011-11-21 09:38:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that will indeed be my final move out of common civilisation... :-(
2011-11-21 09:27:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I only grow more and more sick of human beings...

2011-11-21 09:19:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ & told him that "Anand helped a lot in preparing this report". I didn't help! I WROTE IT ALL WITHOUT HELP!! Frustrating!
2011-11-21 09:19:30 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Well, the report I wrote all by myself was found very good but then the guy here who manages this stuff passed it on to the head of ...
2011-11-21 09:18:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could lie down forever... :-|

2011-11-21 09:17:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home! Tiring day! I feel more exhausted than ever. And things in the office didn't go well too which just adds to it all
2011-11-21 09:14:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like your day is very hectic & packed. DO find time to eat well & drink water/juice. Take care. I miss hugging you too... :-)
2011-11-21 06:51:17 (EST)

darkntwistd Sweet dreams to you too. Hope you get to rest well nowadays. :-)
2011-11-21 03:04:50 (EST)

darkntwistd Hi Annie. How are you? Sorry, didn't login yesterday as I was caught up in some work. Hope all's well with you. Yep, I miss our phone chats
2011-11-21 03:04:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A loud trumpeting kiss on your belly... hope all turns out well. :-)
2011-11-21 03:03:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would like to eventually move there because I am comfortable with handling business & technology simultaneously. Let's see... :-)
2011-11-21 03:03:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..small assignments on the side thereby gaining experience & building relationships which will let me move to that team later if required..
2011-11-21 01:54:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That team (only one guy) is into market intelligence an area where I have no qualifications but lots of interest. So I thought I could do..
2011-11-21 01:52:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ often, right? Wishing you the best for the house hunt. The client leave Tues. night. The report was for another team in my office.
2011-11-21 01:52:02 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh! 2 houses today! Neat! What is this packing you do so frequently? I remember you mentioning old clothes & the like but that wouldn't be..
2011-11-21 01:51:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We have 2 more days of client interaction & then we get down to work & other business. Should be a lot more peaceful in a couple of days!
2011-11-20 20:26:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I missed you too, sweet one. I wish we were co-located so that we could enjoy time together. But.. never mind! What's lined up today!?
2011-11-20 20:25:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope youre sleeping well. I woke up as per plan & did a few things the morning. :-) I wish I could kiss you now
2011-11-20 20:25:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do join me soon, darling... I hope all your fever & uneasiness is gone!
2011-11-20 11:09:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked them... :-) Now I shall go to bed. I plan on waking up early tomorrow. Goodnight sweet one. Sleep well. A kiss on your nose..
2011-11-20 11:08:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Compressed them. I love the one in blue (with the 3 ladies) and the one in red (with a guy drumming in it). The mail should reach you soon!
2011-11-20 10:38:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me get the pictures ready for you... :-)

2011-11-20 10:25:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And done! Phew! 22 pages of analysis, data, graphs etc.! I am retiring from all work & heading to the mountains! :-)
2011-11-20 10:25:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I like the way the report is coming out. Very nicely. Will get back to it now. Hope your day sails smoothly... :-)
2011-11-20 07:27:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will surely send you the pictures asap. They need to be
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reduced in size so that I can easily upload them. Some are stunning! :-)
2011-11-20 07:26:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nope, yesterday was chores, tweeting & blogpost. :-) Today is oil-bath & report
2011-11-20 05:33:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I shall now sit down to work on the report. I need to complete it by tomorrow morning. I will be around but on another screen... :-)
2011-11-20 05:09:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was for you, why? I said I had had lunch too after the long oil bath...
2011-11-20 05:05:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch too! Prepared a new specialty dish to go with breads. It came out very well. Of course, mom did most of it & I was master chef ;-)
2011-11-20 04:30:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That needn't mean that I have lost interest in you or don't care about you. I wish you would realise that & not revisit it everyday... :-|
2011-11-20 00:36:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...responsible for + travel & general timezone difference (making me sleep earlier). In short, there is lesser time than earlier.
2011-11-20 00:34:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Out there, I had largely free weekends with no household responsibilities. Here is different. Added to that is the new roles that I am
2011-11-20 00:33:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When we got to meet I was off a project & simply gearing to get on another project. While in the US, the only thing I had was work...
2011-11-20 00:32:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..DMs but it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. I try to steal few minutes regularly to send you DMs but still you feel different.
2011-11-20 00:31:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your lips. I wish I could make you feel differently but I don't know what to do. Clearly you want me to spend more time over
2011-11-20 00:29:50 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning! Yes, I slept long, woke up late, read the newspaper, settled some bills & am getting ready for an oil bath! :-D
2011-11-20 00:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do come and join me soon... :-)

2011-11-19 15:02:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are away... It is 01:30 hrs here. Hence, I shall go to sleep. Goodnight, sweet one. A kiss on your hips as I sway into sleep
2011-11-19 15:01:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... Yes, it is late, but I simply couldn't help but complete that post. :-) How do I make you feel lately?
2011-11-19 14:44:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not sure. I am in the middle of writing my blog post. Is it ok if I get back to DM-ing after a while?
2011-11-19 12:56:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened?

2011-11-19 12:52:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I will bear that in mind & let you know the minute I am about to get engaged in something else... My apologies.
2011-11-19 12:19:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd understand that if we were chatting & you were awaiting a reply. When you pinged "goodnight" I did respond telling you what I was doing!
2011-11-19 12:18:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee. Will do.

2011-11-19 12:13:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I might be up a bit, tweeting, so I'll wish you goodnight in a bit... :-)
2011-11-19 11:39:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps! Certainly the cooking that followed would have been a lot more fun! :-)
2011-11-19 10:25:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But it still feels like a delightful one... :-)

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2011-11-19 10:18:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ WOW!! You make me want to rush right now to Hungary, in my undershirt! :-D That must have been an amazing shopping excursion! :-)
2011-11-19 09:40:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the temple now. Will be back soon... :-) I need some fresh broccoli & bell peppers! :-( I miss the US markets...
2011-11-19 08:48:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) What happened to your plan of visiting Renata?

2011-11-19 07:14:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet one. I miss you too. You did ask me to write next week... ;-)
2011-11-19 07:09:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So what I don't enjoy I have to do & what I enjoy I don't feel like giving up. Hence, the dilemma. I plan to work on a plan now! Will share!
2011-11-19 05:27:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will take all your points into consideration. Point is, writing freshens me as does work. Chores don't make a difference but are pending!
2011-11-19 05:27:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..nearest one had a power outage. But all's well. Both fixed & working fine now! :-) How is my darling spending her day? :-)
2011-11-19 05:26:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..fixed. My mom's mobile phone had some problem on the PCB. So took it to the service centre to fix it. Had to go to another one as the ..
2011-11-19 05:25:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear Darling! I am back & had (a late) lunch. The phone was the one I bought from the US. It doesn't show the caller ID in India. So got it
2011-11-19 05:25:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could pounce on you & rub my nose into your tummy! :D
2011-11-18 22:33:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I also need to finalise the report & maybe write a blog-post along with several tweets & read & study. Weekends feel busier than
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2011-11-18 22:33:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well & long. I feel fresh but have loads of things to do. I need to service my phone & mom's mobile & several other chores... :-|
2011-11-18 22:32:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I suppose the lovely lady is curled up in bed sleeping sweetly. A kiss on your temples while you sleep... :-)
2011-11-18 22:31:13 (EST)

the_radish Hope your weekend's great & eventful... :-)

2011-11-18 22:30:26 (EST)

the_radish I am glad you now smile from within. It is indeed lovely when that can be. I like your current AVI. Paper on Hughes? Why?
2011-11-18 22:30:04 (EST)

the_radish Which tweets, C? I wish I was there to create a celebration for them. Julia of such a lovely age & Josiah of such an impressionable one
2011-11-18 22:28:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have some chores & the report...

2011-11-18 11:39:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I must sleep now. Way too exhausted. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Kisses on your forehead. Waiting for you in bed...
2011-11-18 11:39:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Let it be. What plans for the weekend?

2011-11-18 11:34:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! That's strong for someone who ditched a guy! Esp. in a culture where it is so common to revisit one's choices...
2011-11-18 11:25:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nowhere. Sent you a DM... I am still setting up my system. Got flash installed for all the browsers now...
2011-11-18 11:13:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, indeed! Glad you find it funny! Something to entertain you. How are the kittens? I hope the contact from D & Family has stopped...
2011-11-18 11:11:21 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Of all the things for you to miss... :-D

2011-11-18 10:42:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you are feeling better. :-) I would so love to hug you & fall asleep right away... :-)
2011-11-18 10:31:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am happy being old not tired... :-(

2011-11-18 10:11:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The German guy is the big boss so he had to rush back. What should you say for my getting old? Anything... Doesn't make me younger! :-(
2011-11-18 09:45:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am clearly growing older by the minute! :-o

2011-11-18 09:33:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, all is well... :-) German left on Wednesday. American still here. Meetings today were fine. Day in general was ok but tiring... :-|
2011-11-18 09:32:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This team is different from my "official" team. :-)

2011-11-18 09:21:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..without a computer. Anyway, it is back & hopefully without problems... :-) How have you been darling? The team liked my 1st draft of the
2011-11-18 09:21:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it took them a whole day because they had some printer config work in their queue which was higher priority. So sat through meetings..
2011-11-18 09:20:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In short, I have been without a computer since the morning. No checking emails (official/personal) or anything else :-(
2011-11-18 08:55:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..all software & am finally up & online. I still have a lot more to install, but am slowly bringing my system back to normalcy. :-(
2011-11-18 08:53:46 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ So I had to return the machine which had to be formatted & returned to me. It took them the whole day to get it done. After that I installed
2011-11-18 08:53:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling! I am truly sorry. I ran into a big problem today. The new machine didn't support the software tools I use to build my software
2011-11-18 08:52:32 (EST)

the_radish you might have noticed from my nearly neglected timeline. Hope to get back to it at least by next week. Till then, take care & smile!
2011-11-17 20:08:32 (EST)

the_radish I am good, Cynthia. How are you? Belated wishes to both the darlings! When is Ruth's b'day? And yours? Yes, I am very busy with clients...
2011-11-17 20:08:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..that didn't happen. Nevertheless, I feel mostly fine & should get better over the day. I miss you too, sweet Andrea. I really do... :-)
2011-11-17 19:36:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. I slept well but still woke up a shade tired. I like to wake up before the alarm but
2011-11-17 19:35:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do come and join me soon, darling.

2011-11-17 12:00:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Then do try some studio apartments if found attractive enough. Now I shall kiss you on your knees & leave ample space in my bed.. ;-)
2011-11-17 12:00:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will go to bed now. Report still incomplete. Will work on it tomorrow. Goodnight darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams... :-)
2011-11-17 11:58:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I too wish you find a nice big house but if you desperately wish to vacate this place, perhaps you'd have more choices if you relaxed a bit
2011-11-17 11:56:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As in, check with all studio apartments whether they are strict
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about pets or not. Maybe you might get lucky... :-)

2011-11-17 11:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really? I thought pets were ok there. Like in Breakfast in Tiffany's! ;-) Hope you haven't ruled them out entirely. Do check...
2011-11-17 11:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you should compromise on the bathtub need? Are you only looking at separate houses or even studio apartments & the like?
2011-11-17 11:37:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So are you looking in the same city as you are in or in other cities as well? I wonder why it is so tough to find a house... :-(
2011-11-17 11:29:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I won't be sleeping for another 10 min or so... so... will wish you then! So was it just packing & cleaning today? Any more houses?
2011-11-17 11:15:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you aren't being a nuisance or anything. Just in the middle of the report with loads of data so sifting through it all...
2011-11-17 11:14:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no... more meetings in the office till the 22nd. The client is here till then... :-(
2011-11-17 09:33:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ More meetings till 22nd... :-|

2011-11-17 09:22:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am mostly good. Realised that I still have to complete that report I picked up to work on! :-(
2011-11-17 09:22:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fair enough. Stay in the bathroom if required. But it will atleast flush your system of toxins & other things.
2011-11-17 09:22:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe drinking lots of water or lemonade might help flush the heat from the body. Do take care. Maybe it is merely the changing weather!
2011-11-17 09:07:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, just reached here. We had one long meeting &
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then rushed through traffic to get home. Glad it is not an infection.

2011-11-17 09:06:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Do you want to check with the doc? Perhaps it is a urinary infection? My mom just had one recently & the symptoms seem similar... :-)
2011-11-17 05:13:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Is your being unwell temporary & passing or is there a bodily ailment? What happened?
2011-11-17 04:11:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been mostly good. Hope the cleaning & packing don't tire you. Wish I was there to help you with the same... Yes, will send you pix!
2011-11-17 03:16:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think the rains have stopped but it still is messy on the roads with flooded roads & overflowing drains! :-(
2011-11-17 03:15:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I got your kisses & hugs too! :-) Yes, no late evenings in the office too! Lots of meetings though! -8 C!? Wow! Maybe my fridge is thus
2011-11-17 03:03:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..than I thought it would be. :-( But no concert & no dinners so I have the evening for my sweet lady! :-)
2011-11-17 01:24:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..a meeting since then. Yes, darling. I got all your DMs. How is your day lined up? My sweet sweet Andrea. The day seems to be more hectic..
2011-11-17 01:24:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! I was just about to send it to you! The rains were unbearable in the morning & had to rush to work. Got here & into..
2011-11-17 01:17:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Okee I will go to sleep now. Take care, sleep well. Kissing your tummy & then hugging you... Goodnight!
2011-11-16 12:19:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like the lady is elsewhere... :-(

2011-11-16 12:06:43 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ DM my sweet lady! :-)

2011-11-16 11:58:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is late indeed & I should get to bed because I have to get up early, but I think tomorrow should be less hectic & I will have more time..
2011-11-16 11:56:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad that the clients were extremely happy with our presentation. They actually called this inception the best they had attended! :-)
2011-11-16 11:52:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I took about 160 pictures (though it was forbidden). I pretended to be part of the press! :-D Some of the pictures are amazing... :-)
2011-11-16 11:51:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..been very exhausting but the concert was a rare one so didn't want to miss it. Glad I went. Where had you gone? How was your day?
2011-11-16 11:49:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hello sweetie pie. I am back. The concert was splendid! Yes, I nearly gave up on the idea of going but decided to go anyway! The day has...
2011-11-16 11:48:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the clients are quite happy. Busy day! I also need to rush to a concert after all this. A korean percussions concert! :-) Tired!
2011-11-16 05:14:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A deep kiss on your throat holding your hips close & moving my hands up your back... Hope you have a good day! :-)
2011-11-15 22:16:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. Hope you slept well today & feel fresh. I slept immediately last night night & slept well though still feel tired.
2011-11-15 22:15:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on the back of your neck, holding you tight to me & my palms on your tummy.. Sleep well with sweet dreams. :-)
2011-11-15 11:37:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, I must go to bed now. I am feeling way too tired & need to rise early tomorrow morning again to rush to work. Goodnight, dear.
2011-11-15 11:36:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...the interaction with the clients have been good & received well by them. :-) Yes, I had to be prepared enough for that! ;-p
2011-11-15 11:35:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. We left for dinner straight from the office. Heavy heavy dinner! :-o Really tired. Yes, as you predicted ...
2011-11-15 11:35:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It will definitely be better than in the US because a majority of us are vegetarian! :-) Take care.
2011-11-15 07:12:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The day is good. Clients are happy (so far). All's well but still missing you...
2011-11-15 05:54:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one... :-)

2011-11-15 04:01:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dear lady, I will certainly pause at the door, before I leave, unbutton my shirt & close my eyes imagining the room in the US & your hug!
2011-11-14 19:59:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one! Good morning. Hope you are sleeping peacefully. Yes, I slept well & feel fresh. A soft kiss on your cheeks as you sleep... :-)
2011-11-14 19:58:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you sweet one. A kiss on your chin & a tight hug before I crash for the day... :-)
2011-11-14 11:15:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feeling really tired. Tomorrow will be significantly packed for the 1st half & not so much during the 2nd half & then again in the eve. :-|
2011-11-14 11:08:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I feel sleepy too. Found some eyedrops which helped last night. Will use them again today. I think I will say goodnight for now...
2011-11-14 11:07:14 (EST)
1715 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Dinner meeting is tomorrow. Tomorrow is bound to be superpacked! :-o How was your day?
2011-11-14 10:10:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. The day went well. :-) But exhausted... How is my sweet lady. Sorry about the house, yesterday. I wish it was better.. :-(
2011-11-14 10:00:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, we haven't gotten into the meat of the discussions & hence, it is going ok. There's still a lot more. BTW, one the guys is German! :-)
2011-11-14 03:28:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I found a minute! The towel beckons strongly! ;-p The day's going through fine. But will continue to be busy for most of my time.. :-)
2011-11-14 02:14:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Twirling you around before I leave for work... :-)
2011-11-13 19:24:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today will be genuinely packed. Not sure when I will have time to DM. Please don't mistake me. Hope you are sleeping well & have a beautiful
2011-11-13 19:24:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! I am thoroughly encouraged by your hug. A deep kiss on your lips, sweet Andrea. :-) Now I will rush to the office...
2011-11-13 19:23:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight...
2011-11-13 11:58:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I will wrap up for the day & go to bed. A kiss on your finger tips. Come soon & hug me dear while I snore... ;-p
2011-11-13 11:58:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I got back. The concert was not how I hoped it would be. Quite amateurish & nothing noteworthy in the songs chosen. I left.
2011-11-13 11:57:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Off for the concert now... :-) Catch you in some time... A kiss
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on your nose, dear one. :-)

2011-11-13 07:31:01 (EST)

_lalicat :-) Starving the many of your company!? How is S? How is the restaurant business coming along?
2011-11-13 07:22:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Naah! How can one ever be prepared enough!? What if... God! No!
2011-11-13 07:08:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Nope! I am never sufficiently prepared till the event is over! :-D
2011-11-13 07:03:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fairly prepared but always wishing I was more prepared... :-)
2011-11-13 06:44:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( That is my perennial problem...

2011-11-13 06:38:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Client related work... All official work. :-|

2011-11-13 06:27:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, fresh, mostly. Still so much to do. Not sure whether I should go for the concert or not. I could complete a lot of work if I didn't!
2011-11-13 06:23:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could come along too. It is a retro concert with the old songs of Bollywood being played. :-)
2011-11-13 05:47:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How goes your day? I slept fairly well though late. Tonight I must sleep early as the next 3 days start very early with clients
2011-11-13 05:14:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back! :-) Damn this heat! But anyday better than the rains! :-) All's well at my friend's place. I have another 2 hrs & then a concert!
2011-11-13 05:13:34 (EST)

_lalicat Very chic picture! :-) Perfectly taut & curved... Nice! Should I presume it was before a date!? ;-)
2011-11-13 04:35:37 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ...soft wet kisses under the pillow, towel, teacup & some of your clothes... ;-p
2011-11-12 22:34:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I need to go visit a friend. His granny recently expired. Need to meet his family. Should be back in the afternoon... Till then look for
2011-11-12 22:34:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Those mornings were so so beautiful... :-) The scent of you was the loveliest thing to wake up to. My sweet sweet Andrea... :-)
2011-11-12 22:33:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Yes, I miss those mornings. A lot. When I returned, I'd still keep looking for the white towel in my room, but...
2011-11-12 22:32:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, today... :-D

2011-11-12 14:36:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight dear. Do come and join me soon... :-)

2011-11-12 14:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will now go to bed. Not feeling that tired but I think I should lest tomorrow becomes difficult to manage. :-)
2011-11-12 14:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful! I loved the mirror cube though I wonder how stable would it be... I surely can't jump rope within that place! :-D
2011-11-12 14:27:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok, then I mixed things up. I miss being with you too but as you know my mind is a strict discipliner & thus the heart stays calm... :-|
2011-11-12 14:10:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could allay your worries but I don't think I will ever be able to... :-( Sleep well darling. I hold you close to me... :-)
2011-11-12 13:42:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will be up for another hour & then to bed... :-) So if you are retiring now, goodnight, sweet dreams. A kiss on either shoulder!
2011-11-12 13:41:39 (EST)

1718 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I tend to keep myself packed with things including personal interactions. Unfortunately, you aren't here else we'd be interacting in real
2011-11-12 13:40:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing is missing, darling, but it seems to me that you would like to spend a lion's share of time interacting. I might be wrong.
2011-11-12 13:39:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...doesn't imply continuous togetherness.

2011-11-12 12:46:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes I do, sweet one. But it seems our sense of missing differs widely. I am still in the midst of preparing the report. My sense of missing
2011-11-12 12:42:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I understand but... sigh! :-( Ok, I am getting down to preparing some report that I owned to do. Will get back online asap...
2011-11-12 11:04:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... I wish I could be of more use to you in your life... :-(
2011-11-12 10:52:51 (EST)

darkntwistd You too will always be my sweet friend, Annie. :-)

2011-11-12 10:52:14 (EST)

darkntwistd I am fine & not upset with you. Why should I be? :-)
2011-11-12 10:51:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because it is risky, costly, pointless & full of endless roads... And the one question remains: To what end?
2011-11-12 10:40:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I don't know what to say. I would discourage you from such adventure but I suppose you will rather follow your heart/mind... :-|
2011-11-12 10:35:14 (EST)

darkntwistd Hello Annie, how are you? Hope you are doing well. How is your health now? And Versace? Brianna? Do take care... xoxo :-)
2011-11-12 10:25:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I know why but I also know that it is not wise. You need to get yourself a stable job in Hungary & find a good house for yourself there :-|
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2011-11-12 10:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you serious? Why would you want to travel all that distance to be a babysitter? :-o Andrea, please don't do anything in a haste...
2011-11-12 10:17:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Weird. So tell me more... What else did you do today, sweet one? Holding you from behind & kissing you shoulder as you tell me... :-)
2011-11-12 10:00:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Just now all your DMs got delivered after the one about the supermarket... :-o
2011-11-12 09:45:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Supermarket? I thought you said you had gone there...

2011-11-12 09:44:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling! Woke up. Wow! I really slept a lot. Which means I'll be up really late tonight! :-o I miss you too, sweet one. Come back soon
2011-11-12 09:21:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet slow kiss on your lips... Freshly bathed hug received & a bear hug returned... :-) I might doze for a while since my eyes hurt (sun)
2011-11-12 04:42:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling. My mom & I left for a temple early in the morning so I couldn't tell you. Had lunch out & just got back. Slept well? :-)
2011-11-12 04:41:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Good night! :-)

2011-11-11 13:07:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care, darling. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. A kiss on each thigh (no, not one inch higher! ;-) Come soon & join me in my arms... :-)
2011-11-11 12:53:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Okee. Now I shall go to bed. It is way too late. Didn't want to sleep without chatting with you a bit as I couldn't do so during the day!
2011-11-11 12:52:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She could bring her son too, yes? No? Yes, it would be tough if she came always, but at least she gets a place to sleep. You don't! :-(
2011-11-11 12:47:24 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ :-( That's too much wastage of time. You should invite her over...
2011-11-11 12:39:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That would be good. I am sure she would love to meet you again & you also get to meet one of your girls she took with her... :-)
2011-11-11 12:29:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses for my sweet one. When is Renata coming to visit you, next?
2011-11-11 12:21:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What did you do today?

2011-11-11 12:08:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ a concert today (checkout November Fest 2011). Rushed there, enjoyed it & just got back home. Lovely concert! :-) How was your day?
2011-11-11 11:50:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling, things went ok at work. Actually there were long meetings, then I left for home, came home & realised I had to go to
2011-11-11 11:49:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft hug & a cartload of kisses for my little darling in her towel & wet hair! ;-p
2011-11-11 02:17:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one! Hope you slept well. I slept well though not entirely freshened up. At work preparing for the clients next week!
2011-11-11 02:17:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I head to bed now & await your joining me there... :-)
2011-11-10 11:35:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear one, just reached home & logged in to say goodnight. Sweet dreams & a kiss on either eyelid & one on the centre of your back... :)
2011-11-10 11:34:56 (EST)

1721 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Work is going fine but now I am feeling the exhaustion. :-( Actually, everyone in the team is feeling it as the min. passes... :-|
2011-11-10 08:34:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling. I am still in the office. Will be here for another 2.5 hrs. :-| I really feel exhausted. I think this weekend will be resting!
2011-11-10 08:08:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could be in your arms right now. How goes my sweet lady's day? Is the sun mild out there? :-)
2011-11-10 05:49:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am in the office now. A few things lined up & have to be completed before a meeting & then more meetings... :-)
2011-11-09 23:53:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Yes, I miss the soft texture of your hands & shoulders. Just to hug & hold you... sigh! A kiss on your neck... :-)
2011-11-09 23:52:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Absolutely! Now, my darling, I must go to bed & rest. Good night. Sweet dreams. Sleep well, carrying my kisses on your palms. Come soon :-)
2011-11-09 11:51:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-D I am sure you do! Brat!

2011-11-09 11:45:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure sure... anything to make your day... :-)

2011-11-09 11:42:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me offer you a kiss to make it slightly eventful... ;-p

2011-11-09 11:33:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. We did have some good discussions & design effort. I am mostly happy with today's work... ;-) And your day?
2011-11-09 11:20:24 (EST)

dgdreamin Hello Deb, how are you? Twitter scared me by showing the "Follow" icon! I thought it had made me unfollow you! :-o But all's well. :-)
2011-11-09 11:05:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And reached home... Meetings can be tiring, I say! :-|

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2011-11-09 11:00:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why just ok, dear?

2011-11-09 05:33:26 (EST)

_lalicat I am good. Neck deep in work. How goes the hoteling business plan? :-)
2011-11-09 04:59:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Day & work's fine. Busy, yes. Yes, had lunch. And you? What are you wearing? :-)
2011-11-09 04:58:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling. Sending a butterfly flavoured kiss for an inch above your knee... ;-p I miss the fresh lovely lady in her towel! :-)
2011-11-09 03:46:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. Yes, a long day today. Rushed about since morning. My li'l darling - a kiss on your knee.
2011-11-09 01:28:28 (EST)

_lalicat How is S? Hope all's well with you... :-)

2011-11-08 20:18:18 (EST)

_lalicat Pretty profile pic. BTW, congrats on another Venezuelan winning the beauty pageant!! ;-p Lovely ladies should be everywhere... sigh! :-D
2011-11-08 20:17:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Sleep ewll. I fell asleep on the keyboard! :-o Kissing your chin. Join me soon, sweetie pie! :-)
2011-11-08 11:42:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes...
2011-11-08 11:21:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, tonight it will be sharp 22:00 hrs. Somehow my days seem to vanish & I am not sure I am happy with that... :-|
2011-11-08 11:18:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was decent though tired at the end of the day. Next 3 days will be worse. Next week will be too hectic! :-( But it will all end soon!
2011-11-08 11:08:44 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Let's hope you find your house amongst them. Yes, bathtubs are a luxury nowadays. People like to get their bath done with asap.. :-)
2011-11-08 11:02:51 (EST)

the_radish Congrats on meeting more men. I am sorry that your marriage is heading where it is. I hope all works out well. Waving a "hi" across oceans..
2011-11-08 11:02:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! No bathtub is a problem indeed! Yes I just reached home a few min ago. How many more houses on the list? What about a new job?
2011-11-08 10:41:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips back... Do take care. All the best! :-)
2011-11-08 06:53:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling! You really are sweet... :-)

2011-11-08 06:16:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All the best. Hope you like the house. I miss you too, darling... :)
2011-11-08 04:58:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Day is going fine. Lots of business discussions & design meetings, but all very interesting. :-) How is your day? A soft kiss for your nose!
2011-11-08 03:57:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..of work.

2011-11-08 01:29:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well & wake up with a smile. My day's started. Backed up data from my old comp. & in the heat..
2011-11-08 00:49:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. Sleep well & join me soon...

2011-11-07 12:26:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to take you along too... Now I take you with me to bed where I shall sleep! :-) Good night sweet one. A kiss on each cheek. :-)
2011-11-07 12:26:03 (EST)
1724 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I suspected that. You should probably create a new account if you feel like tweeting. Why let someone deprive you of that...
2011-11-07 12:12:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Remember, my previous one crashed & I had to get a new one last week?
2011-11-07 12:10:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I will tweet a couple & then go to bed. Missed doing that. Just now setup TweetDeck on my new computer! All from scratch!
2011-11-07 12:05:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have time & it is filled with many things & people. Not sure what is confusing about that! Yes, it is getting late here. I shall go to bed
2011-11-07 12:05:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ better to handle things around me & ensure you don't feel neglected. :-(
2011-11-07 11:49:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure we can discuss other things, but we don't. Perhaps we should. I am sorry you feel neglected but so many things on my plate, not sure...
2011-11-07 11:48:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps... everything has phases... :-)

2011-11-07 11:32:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_, right? So...?

2011-11-07 11:31:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I am, only in person. Anyway, there is nothing that we are seriously discussing right now for me to be talkative. Just general chit2011-11-07 11:31:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then, never mind... ;-p

2011-11-07 11:25:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know it, darling...

2011-11-07 11:24:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
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2011-11-07 11:19:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But?
2011-11-07 11:17:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, dear. :-)

2011-11-07 10:54:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Doing nothing much other than helping my office guys with some technology trivia/quiz questions for some campus recruitment! :-)
2011-11-07 10:35:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope they remain unsure for the rest of your life! :-D The wind & the butterflies shall deliver them for now ;-p
2011-11-07 10:02:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happily sending you a dozen more kisses. What happened to the bank matter?
2011-11-07 09:37:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am mostly good. I think tonight's sleep should help me. How are you? How are things there? :-) Sending you a soft kiss for your ear.. :-)
2011-11-07 08:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reached home..

2011-11-07 08:26:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ These trains have sleeper berths, so I do get to lie down though not most comfortably. Indian trains are notorious rattlers! :-o
2011-11-07 04:36:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is better to take an overnight train than a day train because it is a waste of a whole day. My train left Hyd at 17:30. Approx. 13 hrs.
2011-11-07 04:35:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, more hectic than it already is. Wed-Fri I will be in office till 21:00 hrs! Next week gets worse. :-( But that is typical 3-5 weeks/yr
2011-11-07 03:18:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, reached in the morning around 6:00ish. Reached home around 6:50 & was on my way out by 7:50ish... Yes, managed to sleep a bit! :-|
2011-11-07 03:17:15 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I think this week & the next are bound to be extremely packed & busy with several late nights... How is your day lined up!?
2011-11-07 01:23:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many kisses for you, darling. I am in office & in the thick of work. Lots of things coming up given that the clients are visiting next week!
2011-11-07 01:23:07 (EST)

the_radish Oh! yes! All is well. I was traveling & hence away from the Internet... :-) Cooking's on hold! Hope all's well with you & the kids too.
2011-11-07 01:22:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..station. Do take care & know that my kisses & hugs float outside your windows. All it takes is to open & breathe in... :-)
2011-11-04 05:43:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. I'd prefer at least being good friends with that person, but then I am perhaps the minority. Anyway, I am off to the train..
2011-11-04 05:43:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I can only feel happy for you that you weren't born in traditional India...
2011-11-04 05:28:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..decide on out here. So I don't know what else to say.

2011-11-04 04:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree with all that you say. There are times when I let my heart guide too. But ... This is not something that the heart is allowed to ..
2011-11-04 04:59:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...any purpose & hence, I won't be able to explain the attempt. Anyway, I think we are only going to disagree on this point forever... :-(
2011-11-04 03:38:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry to bring you so much angst. Yes I use my head because the heart is an unreliable guide... A meeting would be fabulous but without
2011-11-04 03:37:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hence, I feel that our meeting is unlikely & is best not imagined.
2011-11-03 21:48:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hence, I hold myself back. It is exactly the same logic as to why I held myself back while in the US because it would be irresponsible...
2011-11-03 21:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... there is no point to that. I miss you too but on the practical side this is not something that will progress to any other level
2011-11-03 21:46:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise it is not about reviving but continuous contact (esp. the real kinds) will only keep reinforcing things. As discussed several ...
2011-11-03 21:45:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will most likely be offline for most of my stay in Hyderabad. I will still DM you whenever I can get access. A soft kiss on your forehead!
2011-11-03 21:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one. Hope you are sleeping well & in peace. I slept fairly well & am getting ready for work. In the eve I head to Hyder.
2011-11-03 21:43:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then the only purpose of not meeting is to not revive this feeling in you... :-| I must go to bed now. Goodnight, dear.
2011-11-03 13:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You never know...

2011-11-03 12:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing wrong, just that it makes staying apart difficult...

2011-11-03 12:33:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..more complicated or difficult to undo. :-(

2011-11-03 12:27:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to say this, but I doubt we will meet again... You know as much as I do there is no point in it & it is not worth making things..
2011-11-03 12:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft nibbling kiss on your thighs... ;-p Do join me soon...

2011-11-03 12:19:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, choin-choining away! I think I will go to bed now. Feeling tired. Wishing you a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams...
1728 / 4823

2011-11-03 12:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened! sweet one!

2011-11-03 12:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those too... ;-p

2011-11-03 12:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Belly too, shoulder too, hands too, lips too... ;-p
2011-11-03 12:04:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done! Pear sounds delicious! I miss you too, darling. Many things about you... Esp. your clothes & pjs ;-p
2011-11-03 11:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Pretty. Such sweet simple colours & fabric. Will have my bowl of veggies now & get back soon...
2011-11-03 11:30:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) How was your day? What are you wearing?
2011-11-03 11:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure? How often do you check? ;-p

2011-11-03 10:54:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh you mean the call from their side? Kinda... :-) Today is my nephew's b'day! :-)
2011-11-03 10:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What worked today!?

2011-11-03 10:40:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Boy! This was a long meeting! Anyway, it is over. I think there is a lot of thought one needs to put into organising a day...
2011-11-03 10:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A meeting just got over.

2011-11-03 10:18:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am leaving for home now. I hope your day is fine & sunny. It has been grey & raining here
2011-11-03 07:38:35 (EDT)

1729 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you are expecting me to find you boring! Don't know... Soon, perhaps, I will find this repeated pondering, boring! :-|
2011-11-03 07:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...breaks. You keep saying this & I keep refuting it so I am not sure what I am supposed to say. I have told you I don't find you boring.
2011-11-03 07:24:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lady! Yes, another busy day though rewarding. Fixed a very tricky issue for the client. I feel less tired today as I took...
2011-11-03 07:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..a lot with my work, travel & meetings taking up a lot of time. I wish I could solve that somehow. Not sure how... Do you have any ideas?
2011-11-02 21:07:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..silly of you! :-) I would love to hold you too, but we are in a situation where that is merely a dream. Sigh! I realise you end up waiting
2011-11-02 21:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The tenderness you seek can only be realised in person. Any amount of writing will only make the need for it increase. I don't think it is
2011-11-02 21:05:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. I kiss your cheeks while you sleep. Yes, I slept well with an eye solution to wash my eyes before I slept
2011-11-02 21:05:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Nothing needed at all. I see you. :-) All you need to do is smile... Now off I go to bed.. goodnight!
2011-11-02 12:48:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were sad because I was teasing you... What happened? Is it something else?
2011-11-02 12:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am off for sure... :-)

2011-11-02 12:37:35 (EDT)

2011-11-02 12:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did see the hands waving, but from here I thought it was some
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rally in Hungary against the EU or something like that... ;-p

2011-11-02 12:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too darling lady... A lot... :-)

2011-11-02 12:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. Do join me soon, darling. I am going to work out a plan in my head to reduce my eyestrain... Don't you worry! :-)
2011-11-02 12:18:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...wrists. :-) Sleep well dear.

2011-11-02 12:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Maybe you have point which I could mull over. Anyway, I think I will go to bed now. Sending you a pair of blue-green kisses for your
2011-11-02 12:12:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? There is no way of getting offline & doing something else. I could listen to music but I'll feel like I am wasting time... :-(
2011-11-02 12:01:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is impossible to stay offline. I could write on paper & scan them. But that doesn't solve anything... Really tired. :-(
2011-11-02 11:50:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do have some books in real but a lot is online. And my interest in new articles giving perspective & insight? Satisfied online... :-o
2011-11-02 11:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let us assume that I only do work online & nothing else. Then I shut down my computer. Where do I write/compose? Where do I read good books?
2011-11-02 11:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, easier said than done! :-) My work is online, my interests are online, my curiosity is satiated online... what do I do? :-o
2011-11-02 11:48:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not at all dear. DMing you doesn't strain my eyes at all. It is the other things. I would like to tweet more but that too would be online!
2011-11-02 11:42:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner just now. Even if I stayed offline, I might end up
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reading which is still an eyestrain!

2011-11-02 11:27:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how does this mean you are bothering me?
2011-11-02 11:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Outside of work I surf, I tweet, I DM, I read articles, I read PDF docs, email... Nearly, everything is on the computer! :-(
2011-11-02 11:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I keep wanting to rest my eyes but it seems highly unlikely... :-( Nearly all my time is spent in front of the computer! :-(
2011-11-02 10:41:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gimme a few minutes, please. Will be back soon

2011-11-02 09:42:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ New US clients... :-)

2011-11-02 09:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...thanks to technological issues, it had to be cut short. The guys in US couldn't get on to the video call... :-)
2011-11-02 09:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back! I am home too. Exhausted. Eyes hurting but still watching my DM window! :-) Meeting just got over. It would've been long but
2011-11-02 09:26:16 (EDT)

syahidahz Glad you feel that way! :-) Re: to your latest tweet... :-)
2011-11-02 08:49:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Major confusion today! :-( Machine down, a friend's grandmother expired, long meetings today & general confusion... :-( How is your day!?
2011-11-02 06:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a few thousand kisses to compensate & a few more to delight you, darling
2011-11-02 06:33:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, a major problem came upon me! My system crashed & I had to get a new machine to continue work. This + meetings kept me away! :-(
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2011-11-02 06:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just glared at the fridge, but I had to get up for that & walk ALL the way to the kitchen... ;-p Alrighty... goodnight!
2011-11-01 12:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some problem with the fridge, went to check it out. It is working fine. I am way too exhausted now! :-)
2011-11-01 12:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly yes! :-) My sweet sweet Andrea. If you were here you'd know & not have doubts... :-)
2011-11-01 12:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...studying today! And my network speed is pathetically slow! Feels like I am on a dialup! :-(
2011-11-01 11:56:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not you, dear. Bothering about things I don't know how to fix! :-) I enjoy DMing you. Yes, early because I feel tired. I don't feel like...
2011-11-01 11:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel extremely sleepy. I think I will retire early tonight. Sleep well sweet lady! Good night. Sweet scented dreams. A kiss on either ear
2011-11-01 11:45:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I should stop bothering about things & go to sleep ;-p
2011-11-01 11:43:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Perhaps! :-)

2011-11-01 11:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never!! :-D I am worst by myself! I will never accomplish anything. I prefer someone intelligent to lead while I simply deliver... :-)
2011-11-01 11:27:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps, but I don't want to lead. I don't wish to deal with human beings. I'd prefer to simply deliver & demonstrate expertise.
2011-11-01 11:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ & my career. Not in order to grow & become something but simply to be an expert in whatever I do. God knows where that will take me!
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2011-11-01 10:41:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only time I "waste" time is in traveling to/fro the workplace. Other than that, I think it is fine. I just feel that I should focus on
2011-11-01 10:41:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still have a lot of time. I have simply chosen to fill it with learning & work. :-) I could well choose to fill it with reading/writing..
2011-11-01 10:39:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ hours. How was your day? How was the Sun out there? :)
2011-11-01 10:15:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...but of late, that has reduced significantly. I seem busier because there is a load of new things I am learning, else it would be only...
2011-11-01 10:14:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear one, meeting over. Yes, I think my days are getting busier. There was a time when I wanted to check emails occasionally at work
2011-11-01 10:04:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Getting into a meeting. Will DM once over... Miss you sweet one. :-)
2011-11-01 08:55:50 (EDT)

the_radish Wokay! You have a good night's sleep... :-)

2011-10-31 23:36:32 (EDT)

the_radish Eggplant, yes. Personally, a scented bath can do wonders I am sure... ;-p
2011-10-31 20:48:44 (EDT)

the_radish Why is Josiah falling behind? Is he aware of it? Is it an issue with coping or disinterest or unable to see the relevance of it all?
2011-10-31 20:47:59 (EDT)

the_radish Soaking eggplant is supposed to remove any bitterness, I think. It is perhaps old-wives' tale but likely to work... :-) Old wives are good!
2011-10-31 20:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. No wonder I felt all excited in the middle of my sleep!! My lively lady's exploring hand & lips!! ;-p
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2011-10-31 20:46:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think my studies will not reduce for quite some time to come...
2011-10-31 12:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on the centre of your spine while my hands hold your belly firmly... :-) There you are, milady! Yes, lot lot lot... :-)
2011-10-31 12:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I'll now go to bed. Feeling very sleepy. I wish you'd see my DMs before my eyes shut tight. Goodnight! Sleep well. Sweet dreams..
2011-10-31 12:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Had some reading to complete for tomorrow.What are you wearing, dear?
2011-10-31 12:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet Andrea. :-) And I will cup the flame as you light it... :-) Now for some reading...
2011-10-31 11:10:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you say that? What didn't others understand about you? Will you be lighting a candle for him tomorrow? I think you should :-)
2011-10-31 10:28:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Were you close to him? How old were you when he died?
2011-10-31 10:22:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mom's dad?

2011-10-31 10:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure it is... Do you miss anyone dead?

2011-10-31 10:10:50 (EDT)

the_radish Tamarind water brings a tang to any dish. Achieved by dissolving a little tamarind paste/flesh in water.. BTW, why Josiah's acads suffering?
2011-10-31 10:07:38 (EDT)

the_radish Cut into thin wedges & shallow fry over sputtering mustard/cumin seeds. Salt, masala, chilli powder to taste... Sprinkle tamarind water
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2011-10-31 10:06:25 (EDT)

the_radish Eggplant can e cooked in myriad ways. Slice it thin (into discs), saute on garlic butter with a little salt & sprinkle it over pasta (white)
2011-10-31 10:01:09 (EDT)

the_radish And why would you want the lyrics of such a pitiable song!? :-D In India, even a restaurant is referred to as a hotel...
2011-10-31 10:00:02 (EDT)

the_radish Lets go to some discotheque, Let's eat at a restaurant, Hope no one spots us (together), let's go roam somewhere... :-D
2011-10-31 09:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps they should have paid their electricity bills. That way they nedn't live off candlelight... ;-p
2011-10-31 09:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All saints get only one day!?

2011-10-31 09:46:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why tomorrow a holiday there? Some states in India have a holiday too... :-)
2011-10-31 09:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Jitterbug perfume? What's that? How was your day so far? Any progress on the house/job?
2011-10-31 09:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..for pairing. So that disallowed me the privacy necessary to check your DMs. :-) Right! Annika is your ex's daughter. I keep thinking sis!
2011-10-31 09:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, I have reached home & getting into a meeting... Day was packed & didn't get any time to get on DM 'coz my machine was used
2011-10-31 09:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I get ready for the office. Will try to get back online asap... :-) One more kiss on my lovely lady's knee...
2011-10-30 20:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The paintings & sculptures are well imagined. Thanks for
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sharing them. I liked the windmill one & the jumper off the blade of grass...:)
2011-10-30 20:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What did you read? Lea's grandma is called Lia? So six-packabs-man has been active the past few months, eh!? ;-p
2011-10-30 20:47:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You sound so active after I went to bed! :-) Good morning, darling. I kiss the back of your head while you sleep & hold you tight to me
2011-10-30 20:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come join me soon, darling :-)

2011-10-30 12:53:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...shoulders & holding you close to me

2011-10-30 12:53:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will check them out tomorrow morning 1st thing. I am off to sleep now. :-) Good night, dear lady. Sleep well. Sweet dreams. Kissing your
2011-10-30 12:51:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a good sumptuous dinner. How was your day? Still snail paced?
2011-10-30 12:38:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I wish I could keep it away from the window too, but space is a premium. Anyway, I like the dual-tone too :2011-10-30 12:38:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, everyone seems to like it. Not sure why. I never designed it with the intent of pleasing anyone but myself... :-)
2011-10-30 11:16:06 (EDT)

SenryuCapulet ...own reason. I don't wish to preach or act like I can solve anything but was merely thinking aloud... Sorry if I transgressed my limits...
2011-10-30 11:14:53 (EDT)

SenryuCapulet As in, perhaps you want this one thing or person to whom you'll dedicate all this rightness & relish that creation. Perhaps rightness is its
2011-10-30 11:14:03 (EDT)

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SenryuCapulet Baldness is inevitable. Loneliness & the rest are choices. I know nothing about you but somehow I feel you have it in you to right it all...
2011-10-30 11:13:04 (EDT)

the_radish Tonnes & tonnes of veggies. Yam (the real one), beans of all kinds, brinjal, cauliflowers, fenugreek leaves, pumpkin, etc. :-) Happy!
2011-10-30 11:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. My aunt & uncle arrived suddenly & was caught up with them. Talking & showing them the new bookshelf... :-)
2011-10-30 11:05:47 (EDT)

SenryuCapulet With a female alter ego for poetry!? :-) Splendid indeed. Why would you consider yourself a failure? By what pre-decided measure?
2011-10-30 11:05:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes my sweet one, it would be lovely. Very very joyous & pleasing... :-) My dear dear Andrea...
2011-10-30 09:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! Loads of it & then we could eat while walking along the bank of the Danube! :-D
2011-10-30 09:45:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be lovely. I wish I could somehow rush there right now & sweep you into my arms before heading to all these beautiful places! :-)
2011-10-30 09:25:41 (EDT)

syahidahz I used to read your name in my head as "Sya-di-da" like "la-dida" :-D
2011-10-30 08:45:15 (EDT)

syahidahz Surely I can trust (say) you but be untrustworthy myself, no? Isn't that the basis for all deception? What you quote is everyone's hope! :-)
2011-10-30 08:35:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, a software developer. I am on my way to pick you up. Please be ready in another 2 hrs or so. Where would you like to go? ;-)
2011-10-30 08:08:33 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Makes sense? How goes your day? :-)

2011-10-30 07:28:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..the other there is a need to be more generic & useful to many different people rather than this one person.
2011-10-30 07:28:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But essentially, the skills, day to day work, responsibilities, challenges are similar. In one there is more interaction with clients & in..
2011-10-30 07:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is like Nike manufacturing shoes for anyone for whom the shoe fits & who has money vs a cobbler making shoes specifically for a person!
2011-10-30 07:26:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...for their specific needs. So unlike a product (e.g. MS Office, Mac OS, etc.) this is a s/w specifically for a client & belongs to them
2011-10-30 07:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Earlier I was creating products which were sold by the sales team. With this company I work directly with a single customer & create s/w
2011-10-30 07:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like manage accounts, manage their content, power entire web servers, etc. Whatever their needs we create software to meet them
2011-10-30 07:24:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, was waiting. Why? How else would I know you got my msg.? :-) I create software. Simple. Clients want software to do something in their
2011-10-30 07:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ possible. Yes, lovely song. I could send it to you. The movie is Ashoka. Now I shall go to study. Was waiting for you to respond! :-)
2011-10-30 06:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! I thought it was the internet conx but wasn't sure. Yes, tech study. Clients are visiting shortly & I want to prepare myself as much
2011-10-30 06:06:30 (EDT)

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syahidahz Help me, please. How good does one need to be in order to be trusting? :-) It is less of what you consider & more of how you are... ;-)
2011-10-30 05:56:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You vanished?

2011-10-30 05:48:17 (EDT)

syahidahz That's kind of you to pardon all so sweetly. :-) You have a very trusting face. Perhaps it is the eyes. Am I mistaken?
2011-10-30 05:43:27 (EDT)

syahidahz hahaha :-D. Yes, very few people are deeply interested in things. Sad as it comes... You should probably quiz everyone who follows you! ;-)
2011-10-30 05:35:19 (EDT)

syahidahz Oh ok! Interesting. Well immersed in the Islamic context. Thank you for sharing the meaning. Hope I didn't demand too much of your time! :)
2011-10-30 05:31:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember how you took care of the room & me while you were there. Absolutely delightful & grateful... It was magical! :-)
2011-10-30 05:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should study for a while. I will be back often to write/read what you have written. I doubt you would've enjoyed the market. :-)
2011-10-30 05:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All's well when things are understood! :-) BTW, am listening to this: Just had lunch
2011-10-30 05:23:14 (EDT)

syahidahz Wow! So there are normal witnesses & a "witness to Islamic meaning"? This is beautiful! All captured in one word. English lacks this! :-)
2011-10-30 05:18:26 (EDT)

syahidahz Witness in muslim meaning? Did you mean it means Witness in one of the Arabic languages or Witness to Islamic meaning?
2011-10-30 04:33:39 (EDT)

syahidahz Correction: But *what does...

2011-10-30 04:32:21 (EDT)

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syahidahz Oh ok! But but does your name mean? I presume it has a meaning... :-)
2011-10-30 04:22:56 (EDT)

syahidahz :-) What does Syahidahz mean?

2011-10-30 04:15:51 (EDT)

syahidahz Are those your hands holding the camera in the background image of your page? :-)
2011-10-30 03:54:17 (EDT)

the_radish I did know that about the radish but why do you refer to yourself as that? That you are white & not so pleasant when bitten!? :-o
2011-10-30 03:49:32 (EDT)

the_radish Hola! I was out in the farmers market nearly knee deep in slush & refuse (it has rained here heavily over the past few days). Just got back!
2011-10-30 03:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, no, if you said "Could you be more mindful" I would either say Yes or No & we can have discussions around each response. Simple! :-)
2011-10-30 03:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_, finding ways to change behaviour/expectations/perspectives & moving on with actual living...
2011-10-30 03:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ rather than label & accuse. Labeling to me is lazy. It doesn't solve any problem. What counts is identifying the issue, discussing
2011-10-30 03:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..latter case, complaining might be right too as it is clearly visible. When matters are issues of perception then it is best to explore or
2011-10-30 03:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ is often preferred to "You always keep shouting loudly" or "You are always so messy leaving the books everywhere". Frankly, in the..
2011-10-30 03:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I asked you to speak softer or put the books back in the shelves etc. it is mere request for action. Yes, there is a thin line there but
2011-10-30 03:44:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up? I hope you are awake by now. To answer your question, asking someone to do something is not complaining (IMO)...
2011-10-30 03:43:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, am happy! :-) Of course, I have lost several hours in the shopping & then the arranging at home but I will try to make up now..
2011-10-30 03:42:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only the local veggies are available here. I cannot find broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers etc. easily out here. I really need to hunt them!
2011-10-30 03:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..bell peppers of the US. I miss them. Sorely! :-( I miss the colours. Of course, here it is colourful & tasty but variety is missing!
2011-10-30 03:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I carted home loads of veggies & am happier than I can ever be! I am always happy around veggies though I miss the red/yellow/orange
2011-10-30 03:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..was worth the nauseous surroundings. It is unavoidable with the rains. Fortunately (& thanks to you) no rains in the morning. Mild sun!
2011-10-30 03:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..thrown up & fainted right there (but then you would've had to fall in the slush itself!! :-D But then the veggies were so fresh I felt it
2011-10-30 03:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I immediately got ready & rushed to the farmer's market. It was filthier & slushier than you can ever imagine! I think you would have simply
2011-10-30 03:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear one! I kiss you softly to the morning breeze. Hope you slept well. I kinda did & woke up later than usu. as I slept late
2011-10-30 03:36:47 (EDT)

SenryuCapulet Really? So we are conversing in the post-over-world? :-) If I may ask, how old are you?
2011-10-29 23:41:11 (EDT)

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SenryuCapulet Hello Hana, I see your favourites list has grown! :-) Hope all is well with you...
2011-10-29 23:09:52 (EDT)

Sahrazad528 Hello Cherie, Been a while since I saw you online. Hope all is well. Wishing you the best... :-)
2011-10-29 23:05:11 (EDT)

xieyipainter Hope all is well. Haven't seen you around in a long time now... :-)
2011-10-29 22:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I will head to bed now. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your forehead. Do sleep well & join me soon... :-)
2011-10-29 14:05:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ .. not fair.

2011-10-29 14:04:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..are getting missed then you have every right to raise a concern. If it is a bit of sweetness you wish then to say that I am ignoring is ..
2011-10-29 14:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or most simply if you wish to know something, you ask again if it was missed the 1st time. That is what all of us do. If a significant no.
2011-10-29 14:03:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or : Anand, I would like responses to all that I ask/discuss. Could you be more mindful of that? Or should I keep track of all missed ones?
2011-10-29 14:02:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is often possible by carefully wording a question: Anand, I tend to re-ask questions again. Any reason they were missed in the 1st place?
2011-10-29 13:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...better to ask & find out (if I missed them or ignored them) vs assuming one or the other...
2011-10-29 13:44:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ let me know & I will provide the response. :-) It is a
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complaint if you think I "ignore" them & not "miss" them. As I have said, it is
2011-10-29 13:43:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I have an apartment there (hence, tenants). I think I respond to whatever catches my eye. If something needs response & hasn't got it..
2011-10-29 13:42:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What haven't I replied to today?

2011-10-29 13:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You off to bed!? I am not sleeping till I finish the pages. Not sure I understand your last DM. Please explain. Get no reaction to what?
2011-10-29 13:19:10 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Of course, when I say Autumnal, I refer to the earthy hues of the AVI... :-)
2011-10-29 12:50:13 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie You do know what a wimple is, right? I simply couldn't help notice the Autumnal face & the eyes! :-) Hope the words didn't bring discomfort.
2011-10-29 12:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My little darling, nothing is invisible. But there are chores & things to do. Hence, I need to keep away frequently. :-)
2011-10-29 12:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, will need to work that out.. :-( Let's see. Anyway, I will go back to my book for a while now. Catch you in a bit... :-)
2011-10-29 11:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure but without veggies at home, what will we do?

2011-10-29 11:22:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My pleasure... :-) I could go next weekend but I am traveling to Hyderabad to check on my tenants there. So ... No.
2011-10-29 10:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Could not send the separate link (as it was not loading on my network) so sent you the email itself... :-) Very very cute...
2011-10-29 10:33:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ What are you wearing today? I wanted to send you a pic of adorable kittens. Wait,let me find it for you...
2011-10-29 10:27:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It has been raining here since the morning, so outside the day has been bad. I couldn't go to the market today as it would be slushy :-(
2011-10-29 10:27:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't bothering me the least. Not at all. I went to the temple (Saturday) & just returned. Hardly an evening left for me... :-)
2011-10-29 10:26:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Be back in a bit...

2011-10-29 09:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope. Didn't sleep. Read a bit & took a break from reading... by reading more. :-) Need to finish 200 pages before I sleep! :-)
2011-10-29 09:57:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I was reading my software text in the hope that I don't sleep! Come back soon darling... :-)
2011-10-29 09:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will do. I wish there was a way where you could throw a rope & pull India closer to Hungary! So so lazy... I think I will sleep! :-)
2011-10-29 07:26:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lazily. I feel sleepy after the oil bath! :-)

2011-10-29 06:56:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right, & that is what I need to check. Even the copper wiring inside could cause a problem... How goes your day?
2011-10-29 06:48:31 (EDT)

the_radish Wanted to ask you several times but missed - What's with you & radishes? :-)
2011-10-29 06:33:30 (EDT)

the_radish I am sure just completing this course would be a huge relief. But that will make you employable & hence immersed in work shortly after that!
2011-10-29 06:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..and then get them to format the disk & check the cooling
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system for this. If all that doesn't work - new system! :-)
2011-10-29 06:29:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I need to replace this system anyway. It does seem to be slower than usual & gets heated up too fast... I need to backup my data
2011-10-29 06:29:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just finished bathing & lunch & talking to some relatives! :-) Oil baths take an hour or so. I also had to shave off the beard. So... :-)
2011-10-29 06:28:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My laptop started smelling like it was burning & hence I shutdown earlier after my tweets.
2011-10-29 02:59:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I think it is mostly chores & studies today for me. What's up for you? My sweet sweet Andrea... :-)
2011-10-29 02:58:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We aren't going out to visit the family friend as planned. I will do my studies after having an oil bath. Arranged a lot of books today
2011-10-29 02:57:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet kiss on my lovely lady's lips. Hope you slept well, sweet one. I'd so love to have those mornings again. They were indeed joyous!
2011-10-29 02:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Indiana Jones!? hahaha :-D Hope you enjoyed it. What do the boys & girls do when you watch a movie? :-)
2011-10-29 02:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, really...

2011-10-28 13:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. A kiss on each shoulder... Do rush through your movie and come join me soon... :-)
2011-10-28 13:14:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is no question in there that I haven't answered... ;-p I shall go to bed now. Need to rest. Goodnight, darling. Sleep tight.
2011-10-28 13:12:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Answer to what?

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2011-10-28 13:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You have plans for tomorrow?

2011-10-28 13:00:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I will surely come online to say hi & kiss you often... :-) Of course, I miss you. A lot. :-) I really do...
2011-10-28 12:48:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee... :-) What movie do you plan on watching?

2011-10-28 12:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think tomorrow I will spend mostly in reading real books & keeping away from the computer. My eyes should thank me then... ;-p
2011-10-28 12:31:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back... Was reading a bit.. What are you up to?

2011-10-28 12:28:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am going to read a bit & then get back online... :-) Sending you a soft kiss for your lips... :-)
2011-10-28 10:34:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be so lovely! And to pull you close to me often & blame it on the traffic... ;-p
2011-10-28 09:48:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear one, yes, I am at home. Did my workout & rested a it before logging on. How was your day darling? Oh yes! To go out on a walk with you!
2011-10-28 09:48:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pretty packed day. I will now head home in a bit. Have loads of work to do & loads more of reading & writing... :-) Life is way too busy!
2011-10-28 07:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... All the best. You sound lively today, dear one. What's up!? ;-p
2011-10-28 05:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...out shortly. Sending a dozen soft kisses for milady's tummy & back (distribute appropriately ;-)
2011-10-27 20:57:28 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear lady. How are you today? Slept well? I did. I am all pepped up for a new day. :-) I will be getting ready & will head ...
2011-10-27 20:56:34 (EDT)

melancholundone Hello... I am. And you? :-)

2011-10-27 12:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to sleep now darling.. one more kiss on that naughty nose! :-)
2011-10-27 12:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come and join me soon darling... Wish to hold you close to me as I snore and sleep!! ;-p
2011-10-27 11:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I shall now go to bed, read a bit & sleep... Wishing you a wonderful night's sleep. Sweet dreams darling. A kiss on each eye... :-)
2011-10-27 11:59:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too. I would plan the entire trip and the 100 houses to see & you could help me execute that plan! :-)
2011-10-27 11:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to have worried you. Didn't mean to. How was your day? Sad that you didn't like the house? More on the list to go see? Please do
2011-10-27 11:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I did cook for 3! :-D I will try to not do this again. Point is we are connected via technology & that is what failed today! :-(
2011-10-27 11:10:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Quite a tiring day with lots of work & lots of activity! But energising in the content of the work. Pasta was tasty though too much... :-)
2011-10-27 10:56:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ so was working on my pair's machine. Managed to get it working at home, but was in a meeting till now. Came home & worked out a bit..
2011-10-27 10:54:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My lovely darling! Welcome home. A twirl, a 100 kisses & a tight hug. I am sorry I couldn't DM you earlier. My machine went down while at..
2011-10-27 10:53:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is likely to be a bit busy. But an occasionaly kiss will certainly swiftly fly your way. :-) I miss you dear. How is your day to be?
2011-10-27 00:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. Hope you slept well. I did, cooked pasta & reached the office. :-) It rains here a bit today but all's well.
2011-10-27 00:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you came here, sleep is a far quest... :-) Good night dear. Sweet dreams. Sleep well with a kiss as a pendant on my breath's chain... :-)
2011-10-26 12:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... I stay away from TV at least an hour before I sleep. The eyes need rest (coming from someone who lives in front of the laptop!!)
2011-10-26 12:07:28 (EDT)

dgdreamin "Live our beliefs out loud" ... nicely put! :-)
2011-10-26 12:06:47 (EDT)

dgdreamin ..Indian wouldn't surprise me as much as, say, a Sri Lankan to a German. Like an American settling in India... Why would s/he do it?
2011-10-26 12:06:25 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hence, it always surprised me to find inter-complexion couples. With races, it would be a similar consideration. A chinese wedded to an ...
2011-10-26 12:03:48 (EDT)

dgdreamin It was lovely & memorable... :-) Beauty in diversity is pleasant indeed but I always thought that the fairer ones shunned the darker ones
2011-10-26 12:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will read something more & then sleep. I will have to force myself as I don't feel sleepy at all. But I have to wake up early so... :-)
2011-10-26 12:01:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I didn't know you at the beginning & I am sure it was kind & cordial before becoming sweet & tender.. :-) I should be going to bed soon
2011-10-26 12:01:08 (EDT)

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the_radish witness it in India. Lots of noise but lots of good stuff too... :)
2011-10-26 11:59:55 (EDT)

the_radish And refresh yourself how? Thanks for your wishes... Wishing you a happy year ahead to. Happy Diwali to all of you. I am sure you'd love ..
2011-10-26 11:59:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could meet my friends over weekends but not many are here so it is mostly phone calls/emails. don't know... tires me. :-|
2011-10-26 11:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, I don't know you completely. I don't know anyone completely other than myself. But I know enough to care about you... :-)
2011-10-26 11:15:19 (EDT)

dgdreamin Whenever I hear someone speak of an interracial romance I think of you & a tweet you once wrote about a past relationship. :-)
2011-10-26 11:14:21 (EDT)

dgdreamin Sorry, was away from my computer. How are you? Been a long while... :-)
2011-10-26 11:13:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Twitter friends are lesser concern as I barely know them & frankly, I care more about their words than anything else... :-)
2011-10-26 09:47:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean real friends & you. I wish to bond & chat & connect with people whom I care about... :-)
2011-10-26 09:47:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Point is, I am excellent at creating plans & coming up with strategies but poor at actually implementing them! :-(
2011-10-26 09:43:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I mean is, rather than doing what is urgent every time something comes up, I would like to plan & work long term with a strategy.. :-)
2011-10-26 09:42:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you get a twirl-kiss & ... choin choin choin! :-D I keep
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thinking that a plan would help keep things from getting reactive.
2011-10-26 09:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ where they can all hold hands & cry together. Perhaps it helps them... God knows!
2011-10-26 09:40:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And to seek the advise of Ms. Dresher who herself is depressed is insensitive at best & stupid at worst. But people suffering like such...
2011-10-26 09:40:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He seems to have unfollowed me a couple of weeks ago.I did the same. He needs help to get over this. He clearly seems to have invested a lot
2011-10-26 09:39:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..out on relationships & drop them when found uncomfortable. Why his previous relationships too have gone down that road. So why overreact?
2011-10-26 09:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is obvious that they feel angry towards you, but I am surprised they speak like that. Because their's is a country where people do try..
2011-10-26 09:35:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my god! :-( Sorry to hear that. She means that you need therapy? For what? What about her son? Before he commits suicide...
2011-10-26 09:34:18 (EDT)

the_radish Hello Cynthia, How are you? Hope all is well with you. How are the kids? More papers due? When does it all end? :-) Thought of you so...
2011-10-26 08:12:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I seem to be able to do only 1-2 at most. And I spend more time planning... pointlessly... :-(
2011-10-26 08:05:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My biggest challenge is finding time to read/write (non-tech) & grow in my tech. career while keeping in touch with friends et al. :-|
2011-10-26 08:05:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ..the festival. Then I fell asleep! :-( I will now work out some more of my tech details, arrange a few more books & continue like this.
2011-10-26 08:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Have segregated some parts of my work. I also chatted with a friend from Delhi paintball. She has gone to her hometown for
2011-10-26 08:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D I wasn't planning to get on twitter today, but then did & kept writing. See the pic of the swans in my tweet. Lovely.
2011-10-26 08:02:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But they would've known your age on your resume. Why did they call you if you are too young!? Welcome back, darling... :-) I slept an hour!
2011-10-26 08:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best! Do very well. I hope you get it. What kind of job is this? I also hope you find a nice house. :-)
2011-10-26 05:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best for your interview. Do very very well. Yes, we have a maid who does the floor and vessels. Yep. No celebrations till next Aug.
2011-10-26 04:04:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for today? I will continue to work on the tech plan & maybe do some significant reading/writing today. Lots pending. :-(
2011-10-26 02:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet one? Slept well? A downpour of kisses on my darling's shoulders & tummy & thighs & knees... :-)
2011-10-26 02:49:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This year we do not celebrate Diwali as there have been 2 deaths (1 last night) in our remote extended family. Still, thanks for the wishes
2011-10-26 02:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I was cleaning up my room (still the loft doors have sawdust on them) & then I was working on the tech plan... :-)
2011-10-26 02:48:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I woke up a little late. Had to sweep & mop the house as the maid's taken the day off. Then had to perform rituals
2011-10-26 02:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet one. Sleep well & dream sweet. A kiss on your forehead... Come join me soon, darling.
2011-10-25 12:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should go to bed now. I fell asleep after my earlier set of DMs to you.. :-o Pretty tired. Miss your little PJs. ;-p
2011-10-25 12:24:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Diwali can be noisy with all the firecrackers! In the evening the smog sets in... :-(
2011-10-25 12:22:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, in Varanasi/Benaras the river is made filthy. But in all the length before she reaches there, the Ganges is gorgeous! :-)
2011-10-25 12:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A tender kiss on my darlings finger tips. Holding you close to me while I whisper in your hair... :-)
2011-10-25 11:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..the mountains from where it originates, it is crystal clear & gorgeous. I simply love the Himalayas. :-)
2011-10-25 11:13:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Black because it is dark... :-) The Ganges is India's holiest river. In the city through which it flows, it is dirtied. But if you go into
2011-10-25 11:13:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...out there. So I had traveled to witness it. Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Under a huge full moon, lamps floating on a black river!
2011-10-25 11:12:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Diwali usually coincides with with new moon. 15 days after that is the full moon & people float lamps along the river. It is celebrated only
2011-10-25 11:11:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home & had dinner. The woman hand pic was taken on
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a festival that happens 15 days after diwali along the banks of the Ganges!
2011-10-25 11:10:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any luck on the house/job? What happened to the doll house? No pets allowed?
2011-10-25 07:46:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have a meeting in a few minutes. It should go on for about an hour. How goes your day? Missing you... :-) A sweet kiss for you! :-)
2011-10-25 07:46:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, lots of work today. A bit tiring but interesting. Planning is going on fine. Not too great. Tomorrow is off for us. Diwali!!
2011-10-25 07:45:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting ready for the office. So sending you a kiss & another... :-) Catch you soon sweet one. May you wake up with a smile. :-)
2011-10-24 21:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Need to do a lot more planning around the new team structure & product technical architecture. So will be absorbed in that
2011-10-24 21:26:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Oooh! Just to have you snuggle up next to me! Sends me on excited heights! :-D
2011-10-24 21:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...chin! :-)

2011-10-24 12:44:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, time for me to sleep... sleeeeeeep! Good night darling. Beard will be there till Saturday, I think. :-D Sweet dreams & a kiss on your..
2011-10-24 12:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That might be nice! :-D Sweet kisses on my lovely lady's eyes... How was your day sweet one? All the boys & girls vaccinated & happy?
2011-10-24 12:12:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...better at this product & technology & take on leadership roles... Not sure where I will go from there... :-D
2011-10-24 11:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes we'll get new people but they would not know much as they
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would be new & hence, of not too much help... But its ok. Will help me get...
2011-10-24 11:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, done for the day. Tired, yes. Lots of work today. Couple of people moving out of the team so more load on my head... :-|
2011-10-24 11:33:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ mind! :-)

2011-10-24 11:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have to talk that much. Meeting ended but there were some notes to make. So did just that. & then wrote up something that came to...
2011-10-24 11:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes telephonic meeting. Going on...

2011-10-24 09:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There might still be nose hair!! Yes, reached home. Getting into a meeting in 10 min.
2011-10-24 08:52:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your country is interesting: :-)

2011-10-24 07:00:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..side dishes to go along with it. Otherwise, eating idlis by themselves can be an ordeal!! :-D
2011-10-24 06:55:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any illness which requires one to eat non-spicy non-oily food etc. Idli is purely steamed & hence, safe. Hardly tasty. Hence, requires many
2011-10-24 06:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Idli is the healthiest & given when people fall ill as it is safe to digest...
2011-10-24 05:51:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes well. I left those words (idli, dosa, paratha) for you to lookup! ;-) They are some Indian dishes
2011-10-24 05:45:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling, I saw it as my machine was shutting down last night. :-) Been caught in work today. I sport an Afghan beard! ;-p
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2011-10-24 05:44:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your shoulders, hips & thighs as you sleep on your side... :-)
2011-10-23 21:10:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now my breakfasts are back to a bowl of oats+milk+walnuts+dates+honey. :-) Some days I carry lunch to work. My sweetie pie. Miss you.. :-)
2011-10-23 21:10:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...dosa & potato paratha. Fruit juices were always there. BTW, the Germans I met were in the Goa airport not Delhi. :-)
2011-10-23 21:07:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..of a suspense. :-) Now I will go and get ready for work. While I was in Delhi my breakfast varied. I'd have a bowl of cornflakes, idli,
2011-10-23 21:06:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will send you pix once I am satisfied with the last bit of organising & stocking. Since you have already seen the shelves, it is not much
2011-10-23 21:06:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! :-) Hope you are sleeping happily & feeling my breath on your skin. I did manage to see your DMs before I shutdown.
2011-10-23 21:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight... sweet dreams. Sleep well & early. I miss your tummy. :-D Come soon & join me in bed, darling.
2011-10-23 12:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, sweet one, I shall retire to bed. I must get up early & get to office early. Will DM you through the day. Soft kisses on your palms!
2011-10-23 12:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will send you pix! :-) My sweet lady, you needn't be my shelf to receive hugs & kisses! :-) You got them even without being hard wood! ;-p
2011-10-23 12:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All that remains after that, is setting up my desktop & getting a
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proper computer chair. With all of that done, my room will be very livable
2011-10-23 12:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still some more to go. I should be able to add them over the next few days. With that, I suppose the shelf will be packed & my room... mine!
2011-10-23 12:29:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! I had to clear a level of the cupboard so that some of the cartons' contents could move there. Most of the books are now in the shelf!
2011-10-23 12:29:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am in love with my bookshelf. I often kiss it. :-) Sometimes I even try to hug it. It is beautiful. I managed to clean up a lot.. :-)
2011-10-23 12:20:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realise, darling. I so wish I could solve that. :-| Now I shall go arrange some books & be back in a bit...
2011-10-23 09:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) A soft kiss on your lips while my hands slide down your thighs and ... choin choin choin!! :-D
2011-10-23 09:29:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling lady. Is it not possible for you to go with these people (your sis, friends) & not do the bits you don't like?
2011-10-23 09:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Do you feel oddly lonely in that house with only cats for company?
2011-10-23 09:02:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My grandmother just left...

2011-10-23 08:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! What are you up to? How goes your day?
2011-10-23 08:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Dozed away for a bit... :-) Sorry! Nice little tweet you have there. Sending you a dear kiss for your chweet nose! :-)
2011-10-23 08:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to be there irrespective of weather. I have seen

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different weathers with you ;-p

2011-10-23 06:40:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like a museum group or a botanical group or a cat lover group... :-)
2011-10-23 06:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Perhaps you should try. I am certain that most book lovers are shy... You can always form interesting groups within them...
2011-10-23 06:10:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie pie... :-) You don't need a group to go to book reading clubs. Surely you will find new friends there with similar tastes..
2011-10-23 05:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one, I so wish I was there too... :-) We could do so much together & then party too! :-D
2011-10-23 05:26:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...are rare & don't happen. If it was allowed, I am sure people would go headlong into it too!! :-D
2011-10-23 04:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In India, in big cities, it is similar with the single & super-rich. They only want to party & drink. Men/women hunting & one-night stands
2011-10-23 04:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! That's sad. Surely there must be book reading & similar groups? Don't they meet over weekends & the like?
2011-10-23 04:57:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... :-) How goes your day? What's lined up?
2011-10-23 04:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Technical planning for work. She kinda did enjoy her stay, I think. :-) Many shy kisses for your tummy as I head to have lunch... :-)
2011-10-23 03:48:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My uncle/aunt might come in the evening to take my grandma back home. So that is pretty much what is lined up for my day! :-)
2011-10-23 00:53:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today I will add more books to my shelf & clean up some space
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in the cupboards. Other than that, I have some technical planning to do

2011-10-23 00:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to watch that movie with you too. I have heard it is fun. Just last night someone in office wrote about a book called the same
2011-10-23 00:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps then you will feel absorbed enough to not feel neglected (which you aren't). But then you say it won't help... I don't know.
2011-10-23 00:51:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can only request you not to treat them as neglecting you. Perhaps you too should find something to energise & absorb you for spans of time
2011-10-23 00:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand what you say, but I hope you also realise that I will be caught in the train of several things: work, travel, writing, reading
2011-10-23 00:50:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear lady. Hope you are sleeping well. I slept ok but my eyes still hurt. So I might stay away from the computer today...
2011-10-23 00:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sad? Why sad?

2011-10-22 13:11:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think I will go to bed now. Sleep well, darling. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your elbows & fingertips. Come hug me soon... :-)
2011-10-22 13:10:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you sound bored with your day? Don't you have friends around the city where you live?
2011-10-22 13:05:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Will go to bed shortly. Tell me more. What did you do throughout the day? What are you wearing now?
2011-10-22 12:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Don't know. Maybe you are right. Anyway, that is over! :-) A soft kiss for my lively lady. :-) And thank you for reading it all...
2011-10-22 12:01:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You read it!!? :-o I thought no one would bother reading it.. Honest. I thought it was too long for anyone's taste. Hence, the quick summary
2011-10-22 11:38:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy. It felt nice completing it... :-) Just had dinner. How has your day been?
2011-10-22 11:10:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Article is now up on the blog!! :-D Phew!

2011-10-22 10:27:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It will be mostly a long essay... :-)

2011-10-22 10:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will be back shortly. Sending you soft honey-laced kisses to stick to the back of your neck & slip into your pockets... :-)
2011-10-22 08:36:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet lady. I was lost in the article which has grown to a size I didn't imagine. Then pruned it a bit. Mostly done. Need to step out
2011-10-22 08:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one! Just woke up. I think I slept well but could still use some more rest etc. :-) Today will be mild & finishing that article... :-)
2011-10-21 23:59:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling :-)

2011-10-21 14:18:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I nearly dozed off on the flight. A damn noisy kid kept me awake. Anyway... I will shut my laptop now. Bye...
2011-10-21 14:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About to reach home, so I will wish you a good night's sleep. Sleep well darling. A kiss on your eyes. Do join me soon... :-)
2011-10-21 14:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you got your laptop & liking it. Not sure why you need 4 GB but if you can upgrade, why not!
2011-10-21 14:08:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, I have reached. I am still in the car to my home. I

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am certain I will crash when I reach home hence, logging in from here...
2011-10-21 14:08:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just reached the airport to find that you aren't around... :-( No issues. Hope you got yourself the laptop you were looking for.
2011-10-21 09:53:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My pleasure... I am now heading to the airport. Will try to be online then. :-)
2011-10-21 07:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did. And a kiss too. He has soft cheeks. Biteable... :-D
2011-10-21 04:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, it is sweet of her. We also get to meet up once before I depart and we might not meet each other for a few months. And my nephew too
2011-10-21 04:19:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No Sun! That's sad. :-( I hope the sun comes out to warm my sweet lady... :-) Back is much better. I massaged it a bit & the rest helped!
2011-10-21 04:11:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached office & going through stuff here...

2011-10-20 23:24:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft sweet kiss on your hip, my sweet lady. :-) What's lined up for your day? Hope it is pleasant & cheerful.
2011-10-20 21:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've been sad thinking about the stolen money. Nothing else. I am glad I went there. Made some new friends & had a good amount of fun.
2011-10-20 21:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My flight's in the evening. I have a whole day's workshop, then my sis comes to pick me & then off we go to the airport. :-)
2011-10-20 21:13:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet darling lady. Hope you sleep well. I kinda did though slept late. I hope your day is lovely. :-)
2011-10-20 20:58:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Now I am going to sleep. Good night, sweet one! Sweet dreams & a sweet deep kiss on your neck. Hugs await you when you join me...goodnight!
2011-10-20 14:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will hit the sack right away. I need to get up & pack tomorrow morning as I need to checkout. I missed you. You would have enjoyed it too!
2011-10-20 14:07:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. Really tired. Won the paintball tournament! Had a decent dinner & finally reached home. My back is killing me! :-(
2011-10-20 14:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..regarding the money stolen & other things. Secondly, the office guys here seem like a fun lot. I could use some cheer! :-D
2011-10-20 07:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one, seems like you are still out. I think I will go for the office gathering. Staying by myself in the room will only make me sad
2011-10-20 07:23:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okeee.... all windows opened! :-D

2011-10-20 04:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ makes sense...

2011-10-20 04:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That laptop should suffice for simple browsing, document editing, etc. You'd need an i5/i7 if you are going to run heavy apps!
2011-10-20 03:08:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one! Yes, a large pizza!! ;-) I miss you too sweet one... :-)
2011-10-20 03:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I lost a pizza

2011-10-20 02:56:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A million kisses on your scars & scratch, and a lick & blowing cool air... :-)
2011-10-20 02:56:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Damn neat! That is a good find! Good! I lose money, you save
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money!! :-D
2011-10-20 02:54:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up? How are the boys & girls? Keeping you smiling? :-)
2011-10-19 23:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the evening so I will be off at 17:00 hrs without net access till about 22:00ish maybe. Not sure. I might not even go for it.
2011-10-19 23:20:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well & with a smile. I am in the office now. Long day ahead. There is some office gathering in
2011-10-19 23:19:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ goodnight...
2011-10-19 13:28:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too. I have my doubts though. :-( I think I will go to bed now. A kiss on your cheeks & a soft hug, darling. Do join me soon. :-)
2011-10-19 13:28:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..out for dinner. :-( I have reported the issue to the hotel but I doubt they'll do anything about it beyond the customary "investigation".
2011-10-19 13:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ as I took out my wallet to buy a gift for my sister's inlaws. :-( It must have happened on one of the evenings when I had stepped
2011-10-19 13:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got back to the hotel. Actually I realised today that someone in the hotel has stolen about 3000 rupees from my wallet. I noticed it only...
2011-10-19 13:20:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..the session & my laptop had gone to sleep. Once it ended I only had time to rush out & then reached here... How was your day?
2011-10-19 11:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling. I still would. I am not sure I have a pic of him. I will look up one & send it to you. I couldn't DM you earlier as I was in
2011-10-19 11:20:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I am at my sister's place. Not sure how long I can be online, but logged on to say hi & send you a darling kiss on wings! :-)
2011-10-19 09:35:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They aren't good looking or something like the Vaio but they last long & are robust... Even Dell machines can be good though heavy.
2011-10-19 03:20:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you missed the news a few years ago... ;-p
2011-10-19 03:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lenovo is no longer IBM... :-)

2011-10-19 02:47:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss holding you, in every fashion... :-)

2011-10-19 02:31:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet lovely dress... You always manage to dress so tastefully. You should consider Lenovo. I am told that they are very stable...
2011-10-19 02:31:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wear dark blue denim & red linen half sleeve shirt. Formal shoes. :-)
2011-10-19 00:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...darling wearing now? Sweet sweet darling... :-)

2011-10-19 00:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will be able to complete this article only over this weekend or at best by Friday. How is your day lined up? What is my sweet
2011-10-19 00:03:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am now in office. I think I can only work on the article late tonight but I might go to meet my sis which means my evening is gone! :-(
2011-10-19 00:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Not only is milady's heart soft, so is her tummy! ;-p I so miss holding you close to me... :-) My sweet spallow!
2011-10-19 00:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I will head to bed now (& I thought I'd sleep early!!!). Goodnight. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your soft lips & a soft hug... :-)
2011-10-18 12:52:22 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet one, I am sorry. Was absorbed in it. It will probably take me another evening or two to finish it (all the research). :-)
2011-10-18 12:51:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on the pulse of the population & got very very very lucky... Simple. :-)
2011-10-18 10:35:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No real reason beyond the urge to clarify.. :-) He is not a genius nor a technologist. He is a super shrewd businessman who had his finger
2011-10-18 10:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am putting together an article against the hype around Steve Jobs, so I may be on & off...
2011-10-18 09:31:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, darling. A kiss & a hug & a twirl...

2011-10-18 09:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling. Catch you in a while. I will be leaving for the hotel too in a bit. A few hundred soft trembling kisses on your nape.. ;-p
2011-10-18 07:38:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Keep looking & in the meantime, find a smaller, cheaper house to move into... I miss you too, darling.
2011-10-18 06:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Unfortunate that such men exist! And also that women are available to take up these jobs. I am glad you rejected it. :-)
2011-10-18 06:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why are you looking for PA roles? Why not look for a translator/librarian/teacher/etc. role?
2011-10-18 06:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do they mean by open to everything? No seriously, I would like to know. Is it sex? Is that really what PAs are expected?
2011-10-18 06:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is happening on the house & job front? Are you going to make some decisions by end of this month? I think you should.
2011-10-18 01:23:54 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your cheeks while you sleep. Your dinner sounds simple & tasty. I didn't say you were old just that I was! :-)
2011-10-18 01:02:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Slept well? I did but woke up still feeling tired! :-( But all's well. Am at the office now & in the sessions... :-)
2011-10-18 01:01:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams & a kiss on your bellybutton! :-) Goodnight, darling...
2011-10-17 12:15:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, wilted. Old beyond old! :-) My sweet darling, I will go sleep now. Hope you have a wonderful dinner & sleep sweetly with a :-)
2011-10-17 12:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or maybe just old age! ;-p Not sure. But feeling really tired. The sessions were ok today. Nothing unusually great. Miss you...
2011-10-17 11:08:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..time with them, had dinner & got back to the room to DM you. :-) My day was ok but somehow I feel tired. I feel jetlagged! :-D
2011-10-17 11:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Nice dress combo. I was in black soft trousers & purple formal shirt. :-) My sweet darling. My sis & nephew had come over so spent...
2011-10-17 11:07:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...morning is fine (cold & sunshine). We had a cab to the office. How goes your day? What are your wearing today!?
2011-10-17 06:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes dear. A little tight. Working with the client engineers & my computer switched off so didn't see any of the DMs. Nice to hear your ...
2011-10-17 06:55:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached the client location. Workshop about to start. Will keep DM-ing in between. Miss you... :-)
2011-10-16 23:23:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ..get going. I will DM you more once I reach there. Till then asoft kiss on each shoulder (maybe a little below... ;-)
2011-10-16 21:58:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Hope the sun shines shyly for you today & you smile a lot. I am ready to rush to office. Will have breakfast &
2011-10-16 21:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do join me as soon as possible... :-) goodnight, darling. I saw your cake email. It looked lovely! :-) Glad Renata liked it. :-)
2011-10-16 13:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one. Sweetest scented dreams to you. :-) Sleep well & with a smile... :-) Soft kisses on your wrists & a softer hug.
2011-10-16 13:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ excuse me for one more night. I have to leave early to the client location tomorrow & wish to get some good sleep. So I will retire now
2011-10-16 13:00:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the airport & I could hear them speak German. :-) Milady, I feel really tired now. Though I miss you & wish I could DM longer, please
2011-10-16 12:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We had dinner outside & came back to the hotel. I am really really exhausted. Whenever I hear Deutsch I think of you! There were few Germans
2011-10-16 12:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one! :-) Just got back to the room. My sis & brother-ilaw did come to the airport. We came to the hotel, checked in & left.
2011-10-16 12:58:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lively lady, Andrea! :-)

2011-10-16 05:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss placing my hand on your soft smooth tummy. Just holding you to me was such a delight, darling. And how I had to hold back... :-o
2011-10-15 22:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It helped. Last night my eyes were burning & feet killing. I went to bed & then realised I hadn't DM-ed you. Got up & sent those 2 DMs :-)
2011-10-15 22:46:41 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ you are special. :-) My sweet sweet darling. Kisses all over you & a necklace of kisses for you! :-) Thank you for hugging & holding me
2011-10-15 22:45:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..want to celebrate it with you. So you needn't keep doubting whether you are wanted/loved by anyone. There might be only a handful but to
2011-10-15 22:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for you? What happened to the cake? Did Renka enjoy her b'day celebration with you? You must be special to her for her to..
2011-10-15 22:43:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If they don't come up, I'll head to the hotel & checkin. Have dinner & sleep early as I have to get to the client location early tomorrow.
2011-10-15 22:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then off we go to the airport. Flight at 15:50. I reach Delhi at 18:20. If my sis & family come to the airport, then I will be out for a bit
2011-10-15 22:33:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So the evening was fun. Wish you were here. Today's programme is as follows. We check out shortly. There are some sessions. Then lunch.
2011-10-15 22:32:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Suddenly I saw my watch & it was 22:30!! I ran out to have dinner & then met these politically inclined fellows! That went on till 00:00!
2011-10-15 22:26:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it was good fun & very educational. Prior to that were a lot of dance programmes & lots of cultural stuff. It was fun watching them all
2011-10-15 22:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ were discussing how we could bring in activism in India & how to bring in change. Went on for a bit. I left in between!! :-)
2011-10-15 22:24:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He was here (he is American). Another very popular journalist & a bunch of activists from Australia were here too. They & some from our...
2011-10-15 22:24:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady. :-) Yes, I was exhausted beyond description. Our founder is very socialist in outlook. Very very political guy
2011-10-15 22:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ goodnight. kisses and hugs... :-)

2011-10-15 14:39:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got into a major discussion with some political people (guests & colleagues). Just got back. Eyes hurting. Will sleep. More tomorrow.
2011-10-15 14:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...were here. It would be lovely & joyous! :-) So much to do & enjoy together... Glad she liked the earrings. :-) Now off I go... whoosh!
2011-10-15 09:41:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Sorry to hear the strawberries were a disaster. Surely once you get fresh fruits you should be fine. I really wish you ...
2011-10-15 09:40:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...a volleyball match (which we won 3 games clearly!). I just had a bath & need to rush back for some cultural events. Will be back asap!
2011-10-15 09:39:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling... I was caught up in stuff & there was an outing organised ad hoc so couldn't come to the room to inform you. Then we had...
2011-10-15 09:39:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you a soft kiss & gentle hug. Heading out for breakfast & a couple of sessions. Should be back shortly... :-)
2011-10-15 00:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Now I wasn't up at all. I had scheduled those tweets. :-) Hope you had fun with Renka & slept well. :-)
2011-10-15 00:04:27 (EDT)

the_radish Nope. They are just scheduled tweets delivered while I was fast asleep... :-)
2011-10-14 23:22:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope dinner with Renka was good. Have fun. Goodnight sweet1769 / 4823

skinned lady. A kiss on your belly & a tight hug. Sweet dreams... :-)
2011-10-14 13:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I must sleep. I think the getting wet, sea-breeze, A/C in the room etc. is going to give me a cold. :-( I hope not...
2011-10-14 13:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..postman or some such person delivering someone's words. Honest. Which is why I don't usually thank people for RT-ing & the like...
2011-10-14 13:42:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you like the writings on twitter & the blog. I can never call them mine as I do not know where they come from... It feels like I am a..
2011-10-14 13:41:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the house very well. :-) I really admire you for that. And you don't do it as a chore. You pretty much do it as a normal breath... :-)
2011-10-14 13:40:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you gladly stayed up late but I felt bad depriving you of necessary sleep. I am fantastic in planning things but you take care of ...
2011-10-14 13:39:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure if you soak those strawberries in warm water for a bit they will be fine. No? Still send me your pix of the cake. :-)
2011-10-14 13:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Chennai does feel like my room but that US room was so different & so personal. And then you came there too... :-)
2011-10-14 13:37:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss my US room too. It was nearly home. Perhaps more than most other places I call home. Of course, now with the bookshelf my room..
2011-10-14 13:37:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The room is ok. I was going to have it all to myself when a boy just arrived. sigh... never mind! :-(
2011-10-14 13:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Just got back from dinner & a rain dance! Got thoroughly wet but enjoyed dancing! My knee is fine though I should rest it!
2011-10-14 13:35:54 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I have to leave now as there are some more sessions/events planned. I need to be there... Will catch you before I go to bed. :-)
2011-10-14 09:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ More butterfly sand swept sea salted kisses for you, darling. I really wish you were here. I would have so loved walking the surf with you
2011-10-14 09:59:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it was Johnny Cash! :-) I don't een remember which movie it was for! Which one was it? Inglorious Basterds? Dunno... :-)
2011-10-14 09:57:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Travel was mostly smooth. Is your fridge stocked well? Happy with the shopping & cleaning!? I admire your sense of organising & cleaning...
2011-10-14 09:54:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you are back to sleeping decent hours. I felt guilty seeing you up so late... :-( But now I am happy! :-)
2011-10-14 09:53:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..for you! ;-) Do pass on my wishes to Renata as well. Hope the cake comes out lovely. Do send me a picture of it at various stages! :-)
2011-10-14 09:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Went walking on the beach along the water edge. It was nice. Btw, your tweet-DM was beautiful. :-) Eyes on my lips one... :-) A salty kiss..
2011-10-14 09:52:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There were sessions so didn't checkin to the room. Now did. Fun is barely there. Mostly just meeting up with old colleagues & the like...
2011-10-14 09:51:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling. I finally checked into my room & am writing to you! :-) We reached Goa around 14:30 & the resort around 16:30...
2011-10-14 09:50:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, lets forget it & return to our swings & lakeside walks. :) I will complete the last minute packing now & come back to DM-ing you.
2011-10-13 20:29:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am not against heaviness. I like to admit them only whenreally necessary. I felt that that was becoming the daily theme. :-(
2011-10-13 20:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too miss the simple lines we shared. All these recent complaints made me feel graver than what I like to have in a relationship.
2011-10-13 20:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear Andrea. Hope you are sleeping well. Seems like you have been up late last night. I slept well though woke up early. :-)
2011-10-13 20:26:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care. Sweet dreams & a good rest to you.

2011-10-13 12:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will probably read/write for another 10 min & then sleep. Need to get ready early to rush to the airport. Wish you a good night's sleep
2011-10-13 12:37:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonder what stops you from doing those things then rather than worrying about unnecessary things. Anyway, I will wrap my day now...
2011-10-13 12:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry but maybe I do not know how to behave around you... I'd like to just have fun & smile & laugh & tease & sigh & relax...
2011-10-13 12:20:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought we were having a cheerful conversation & I was playing around & there you go with the "you have changed..." line.
2011-10-13 12:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is getting quite annoying if everyday you are to find something new to complain about! :-(
2011-10-13 12:18:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am done. I wonder why you have taken to suspecting & complaining about so many things nowadays! Why think that I don't like hugging you!?
2011-10-13 12:17:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Men? How many people did you write the same thing to!?
2011-10-13 10:41:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) That would be fun! I need to go pack now. Will be back shortly... :-)
2011-10-13 10:37:51 (EDT)

the_radish No hassles at all! Please! I do not expect you to respond with N units of time! :-) I am happy that you do... :-) More papers to submit?
2011-10-13 10:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's more like it... ;-p

2011-10-13 10:24:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you going to deny me the right to whine!? :-(

2011-10-13 10:17:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good! So your weekend is also filled with snooker & hunting men! ;-p The hassles is packing all of that & ... just a hassle! :-)
2011-10-13 10:09:04 (EDT)

the_radish What's July REI model?

2011-10-13 09:49:05 (EDT)

the_radish Congrats for getting on the dean's list! :-)

2011-10-13 09:48:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd prefer to carry lighter luggage, but... :-( Anyway, how has your day been? Sending you soft sparkling kisses on a winged dewdrop.. :-)
2011-10-13 09:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dunno why. All flights by an airline got cancelled. The only hassle is carrying all my luggage for 8 straight days! :-(
2011-10-13 09:29:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And pairing too... Unlike while I am in workshops! :-)

2011-10-13 06:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. Very very busy day.:-) Interesting busy. I might be flying out of Goa straight to Delhi as my Delhi (Monday) flight got cancelled
2011-10-13 06:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you slept well. I will leave early today (because I head to my regular office). Hope your day is lovely & cheerful.
2011-10-12 21:06:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet lady, good morning. A sweet soft kiss on your forehead as you sleep. My mom said I didn't snore last night! :-D
2011-10-12 21:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet Andrea. Wishing you lovely & lively dreams. A kiss on each eyebrow. Come soon & hug me into sleep... :-)
2011-10-12 12:05:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will let you know as they arise... :-) Now I will head to bed... Feeling a bit sleepy but might read for 20 min before crashing... :-)
2011-10-12 12:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Will be more mindful of it... :-) Some issues are often not best for discussion... :-)
2011-10-12 11:53:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like which ones?

2011-10-12 11:45:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Ok...

2011-10-12 11:36:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still do... Don't I?

2011-10-12 11:29:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stolen kisses? As in?

2011-10-12 11:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I am sorry you feel that way. I really don't know why you feel that way or what I can do to make you feel differently...
2011-10-12 10:57:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So finally you know how it felt? ;-p

2011-10-12 10:35:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still miss you, sweet one. I really do. And I do return to my DM screen wondering where you are & I tell myself "Must be busy!"
2011-10-12 10:23:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet one, I have reached home. An unnecessarily long conversation took place towards the end of the day but all ended well... :-)
2011-10-12 10:03:15 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ok sweetie. Will catch you later... :-) His gifts were already sent to him via my sis...
2011-10-12 06:04:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will be in Delhi from 17th-21st. I will have network access though, so shouldn't be a problem... :-)
2011-10-12 05:41:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am wearing dark navy blue silken trousers & nearly-black silk shirt... Formal black shoes! :-)
2011-10-12 05:40:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goa should be fun. Delhi might be boring though I will get to meet my nephew! Other than that nothing new. Yes, I wish you were here...
2011-10-12 05:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ People from all the offices come together & we have fun games, sessions, dancing, & general activities...
2011-10-12 04:41:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Next week I am in Delhi with another location of the same client. This weekend I am in Goa. Fri-Sun is our corporate get-together! :-)
2011-10-12 04:40:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept well & woke up with a :-) but the traffic was a killer today! :-(Today is my last day here but I go for something similar next week
2011-10-12 04:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally, got a break. How is your day, sweetie? What are you wearing? My day here is ok with me doing whatever I can...
2011-10-12 04:37:54 (EDT)

URM1 Been traveling a tonne for the past several months, hence, off twitter... :-) How've you been? And J?
2011-10-12 02:32:40 (EDT)

OliviaDresher Good evening Ms. Dresher. How are you? Been a long long while but throughout I wished you well & hoped that all is fine with you.
2011-10-11 22:31:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your cheeks as you sleep & slipping my arms around your tummy... :-) dear Andrea... Miss you.
2011-10-11 22:03:44 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear Andrea. I am glad you lit the incense & sipped tea. I am sure it will make any evening better... :-)
2011-10-11 21:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight dear Andrea. Hope you sleep well. Sweet dreams. May you sleep with a smile & lovely lively dreams...
2011-10-11 12:42:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I must go sleep now. Fan? Who fan?

2011-10-11 12:39:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I think the ones today I enjoyed writing... :-)

2011-10-11 12:32:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You like them? :-) Glad you do...

2011-10-11 12:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's for dinner? I wish your job/house hunt gets resolved asap so that you can move out of here smoothly...
2011-10-11 12:23:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Any updates on job/house?

2011-10-11 12:06:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doing some technical reading. I will do some tweet reading & writing too... :-)
2011-10-11 11:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Miss those...

2011-10-11 10:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached... :-)

2011-10-11 10:05:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading home now...

2011-10-11 09:01:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly in worrying about my thighs & simultaneously wanting more Hungarians.
2011-10-11 08:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I have become silly in Hungarian company!! ;-p

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2011-10-11 08:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The Hungarian girls I saw are so slim that more than one feels necessary... ;-p
2011-10-11 08:07:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Reading articles etc. And DM-ing pretty Hungarian girls ;-p
2011-10-11 08:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, its not like I am doing nothing. I am getting my thigh powdered! ;-p
2011-10-11 07:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am cheerful too. That's my ok! ;-p I have no clue why I am here. It is quite useless for me.
2011-10-11 07:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am ok. Mostly letting this other guy talk because he wants to. He wants to do things his way & I am not bothering him... :-)
2011-10-11 07:38:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaargh! You are out to kill my poor tender thighs!

2011-10-11 07:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-o 1000 times & what uncomfy-ness are we talking about? No lap. No feelings!! :-D
2011-10-11 06:36:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps the lady forgets that a hundred time jump is a LOT LOT MORE than mere sitting!! :-D
2011-10-11 06:06:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank god! My laps just heaved a sigh of relief... ;-p

2011-10-11 05:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My mom's not small at all. :-D Sweetie pie, thousand times jumping on me will give me a powdered lap!! :-o
2011-10-11 05:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. Esp. your running & jumping on to my lap! :-D
2011-10-11 02:54:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ So sweet! Your picture of my mom in your dream is quite accurate! ;-p & yes, I would've hugged you & kissed you once you came running to me
2011-10-11 02:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. A kiss on your hips as you sleep. Hope you are sleeping well. :-) I miss wrapping you... :-)
2011-10-10 21:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ good night, sweet lady :-) Lovely lively dreams to you to hug you through the night. Come join me soon, sweet Andrea
2011-10-10 13:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry. Lost connection so could only send that DM now & then this. Didn't want to sleep without saying goodnight
2011-10-10 13:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel ok. Nothing special. :-) I will go to bed in a bit... :-)
2011-10-10 13:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...for 2 hrs! :-) How was your day? What did you do? Is your headache gone?
2011-10-10 12:11:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This place is fairly close to my place & sessions start aroun 9:30 ish whereas the cab comes at 7:30. No point sitting in a client office...
2011-10-10 12:10:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my grandma reached safely & is watching her soap operas. Hugging you back.... :-) What have you decided on the house?
2011-10-10 11:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was on my bike today. Sorry the electrician was here & hence, off power for a while. We had to re-wire some portions of the inverter...
2011-10-10 11:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I keep waving to the people on the street I will crash into a vehicle in front of me & then be waving to a cop! :-D
2011-10-10 08:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened to the wings I gifted you? ;-p

2011-10-10 06:31:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I hug you dearly to me, tightly wrapping my arms around you...
2011-10-10 05:52:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sigh, whatever you feel is best to handle this situation is acceptable to me. :-|
2011-10-10 05:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I can't & in a way I am happy I met you & got to know you so closely. I don't regret it one bit, sweet Andrea. But I think you do so ...
2011-10-10 05:10:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...then I will comply. I will not like to, but the need of the hour is not my likes. I am sorry. I wish I could turn back hours too, but...
2011-10-10 05:09:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea. The sessions are ok. Hardly fun. I miss you too. Do you genuinely feel that staying away would help the situation? If you do...
2011-10-10 05:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For the next 3 days I am at a client location conducting workshops & training for them. I will have ltd access till the evening.
2011-10-09 22:14:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you gently on your ears while you sleep softly and sweetly... :-)
2011-10-09 22:14:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet one. I completely understand the storm within. I have been through it too. I am sorry, dear. Wish I was of better use :-(
2011-10-09 22:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You may always join me. I thought you didn't like that anymore so I didn't want to irritate you with that. Room cleaned. :-) Goodnight!
2011-10-09 13:23:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My grandma is 80+ and will be with us for about 10 days... :-) Yes, that room is pretty messy. Catch you later... Good night. :-)
2011-10-09 12:50:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely night's sleep with sweet dreams & lots of
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rest. How's your headache?

2011-10-09 12:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep... Glad to be back. Now I have to clean up a room as my grandmother will come tomorrow. Then I will go to bed. Ok?
2011-10-09 12:39:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, just got back home. It was quite a traffic back home! :-( How are you? How was your day? Smiling? :-)
2011-10-09 12:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day & evening have been ok. Nothing great. Off to the temple. Will be back soon... A soft feathery kiss on your lips. :-) I miss you too.
2011-10-09 09:23:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet lady! Somehow, I wasn't happy after cooking or eating the food. Don't know why. Maybe the bad tofu ruined my mood. :-|
2011-10-09 07:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Your pasta sounds delicious! :-)

2011-10-09 06:45:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Massaman curry, fragrant rice & Tom Yum soup. :-) I was undecided between pasta & curry & then decided on curry as the tofu was getting old.
2011-10-09 06:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I would have loved that & licking the batter off your fingers! :-D My day's been ok. Nothing noteworthy. Just finished cooking lunch.
2011-10-09 06:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, mentally I am way too young but my body feels old. My mind is all ages... :-)
2011-10-09 03:08:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I feel really old then! :-o

2011-10-09 02:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You are way too young. Honestly, I see you & other girls around & some guys too & the way they sit or fold their legs under them....
2011-10-09 02:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have always felt old. Maybe since I was 19 or so... :-)
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2011-10-09 02:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I am 33. Same pinch! ;-p

2011-10-09 02:48:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You must sleep a bit now, dear. You must be feeling a little tired... :-)
2011-10-09 01:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you don't but it was fun imagining you half in bed & half out of bed with a bottle in your hand & giggling!! :-D
2011-10-09 01:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did sound so sleepy & with the giggles ... I thought you were drunk. ;-p
2011-10-09 01:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling it was lovely hearing your voice too & then your giggles!! :-D
2011-10-09 01:28:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know :-(. I really need to slow down, but then I may fall asleep... ;-p
2011-10-09 01:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I said "Have a baklava on me. My treat!" :-D

2011-10-09 01:07:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was simple enough to simply follow our feelings... :-( I shall now go and sleep. Sweet dreams to you, dear. Sleep well...
2011-10-08 12:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...simply disown me if I chose to marry you (after having understood you well & clear that I want to marry you).
2011-10-08 12:49:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not if they refuse to accept me in society or I have to pay fines far more than what I have... As I mentioned earlier, my family would
2011-10-08 12:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't mean my past or my choices or horrible. It just means that I can't enter Hungary. It is a cultural clash & not anything else...
2011-10-08 12:35:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ is normal in my country & then I enter Hungary where it's a major problem to have a tattoo or piercing, then there is nothing I can do
2011-10-08 12:33:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But they cannot be included & mixed into a life in India in an orthodox setting. If I tattooed myself since birth & pierced myself because
2011-10-08 12:32:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You must realise that I do not judge you. I have told you this earlier. These are perhaps normal things in the West. So it doesn't matter...
2011-10-08 12:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My birthdays are non-events. I will continue arranging my shelves & iron clothes...
2011-10-08 12:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What has my birthday got to do with anything? It happens whether anything else happens or not...
2011-10-08 12:19:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And your staying on with him or indulging in something that would lead to a child was also not your choice?
2011-10-08 12:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not asking you to deny anything or stop feeling anything. But I don't think I am making sense to you... :-(
2011-10-08 12:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...and then blame me for doing something you wouldn't let me. If you think this was a fling for me, there is no way I can make sense to you
2011-10-08 12:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whether I am stubborn or not is inconsequential. If I am stubborn I wouldn't say "you should have done ...". Point is you make choices
2011-10-08 12:09:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your past is your choice. Whatever you chose you live with it. With the choices you made, marriage with an orthodox Indian is impractical.
2011-10-08 12:07:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I didn't say your past was horrible. All I said was that your past added to the impracticality. I come from a traditional background.
2011-10-08 12:06:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you trying to stay away from any form of contact with me? :-|
2011-10-08 11:39:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Now I am a little worried. Is everything alright? Are you just busy? No internet connection? Angry? Sad? Away from home? What!? :-o
2011-10-08 10:56:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope everything is fine with you. Where are you? What keeps you away from DM-ing?
2011-10-08 10:23:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ for you to help you ease the pain. I hold you dear to me, Andrea & your smile is important to me. So please understand that.
2011-10-07 23:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on with the practicalities of life. To me a marriage or living together is not vital hence, this doesn't pain me. It hurts you so I am ..
2011-10-07 22:57:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ leave. I am working with you to not let this become a sad sorrowful thing but something that always brings a smile to you as you go...
2011-10-07 22:56:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...much from the time you shared your past with me. Because your past multiplied the impracticalities. So, realise that I am not asking you
2011-10-07 22:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...yielded. But a future together is impractical & way too complicated for me to find the clarity in it. This I have let you know pretty...
2011-10-07 22:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can only present my views, give due respect to your views & then take a stance. Your points made sense about traveling to the US, so I...
2011-10-07 22:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...make things more difficult. So, there is no point in hoping that I should have stopped things. I am not the one entirely in control here.
2011-10-07 22:52:18 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ...the entire thing seemed impractical. By then, we were both drawn quite close. I even discouraged the trip because I felt it would only...
2011-10-07 22:51:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the initial foundation, as you & I know, was natural & effortless. It is only when the practicality of things were considered that ...
2011-10-07 22:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that, there is very little I can do beyond present you with a steady unshaking wall in the hope that you will realise things over time
2011-10-07 22:49:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So if you jog back in history you would see that I have told you many things but you have been stubborn enough to refute many of them
2011-10-07 22:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could have done a lot of things if you were a completely compliant obedient person. But you clearly aren't. You have a mind of your own.
2011-10-07 22:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear lady. I hope you are sleeping well & your headache's gone... :-)
2011-10-07 22:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, your heart too will be soothed over time. :-|
2011-10-07 12:20:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft wet kiss on your forehead. May your headache vanish. Sleep well with a smile, Andrea. Do come & join me soon... :-)
2011-10-07 12:12:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really aren't annoying me though I worry about you. Sigh. :( I shall now go to bed, darling. I am feeling hot & sleepy. Sweet dreams...
2011-10-07 12:11:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't annoying me, though I'd think it wise that you slowly soothe your mind to reconcile to Fate... I'll let you do it at your pace
2011-10-07 12:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I'd really be worried about entering such a pink home! :-D
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But yes, would love to be there. Please don't be sorry. :-)

2011-10-07 11:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Go for it! :-) Wishing you loads of happiness & good luck in this new house! :-)
2011-10-07 11:38:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a pretty doll-like house! :-) The sleeping area does seem a little cramped but the living room, kitchen & dining rooms are good!
2011-10-07 11:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My computer is acting up so nothing is really working. Shutting down one window at a time to make it behave properly... :-(
2011-10-07 11:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 75% of 25 randomly picked jobs in your line of work. Would love to see the house. :-) Is it significantly cheaper?
2011-10-07 11:16:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I watch lively videos... Done with the articles.

2011-10-07 11:02:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..job listings for about 25 jobs that suit you. See where they are located. If at least 75% are around that house, take that house asap! :-)
2011-10-07 11:02:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you should move there as soon as possible. If the chances of jobs are high around that house. Here is what you should do... Check
2011-10-07 11:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Software articles... You thought what?

2011-10-07 10:55:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Watching some lively videos...

2011-10-07 10:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much. Just reading some articles... What are you doing?
2011-10-07 10:47:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You should find a large medical store where this should be available. Maybe the smaller stores don't have it...
2011-10-07 10:38:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I didn't go shopping in 1980. They didn't trust money in the hands of a 2 yr old. ;-p
2011-10-07 10:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you go out & buy yourself some Tiger balm?
2011-10-07 09:39:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. In a telephonic meeting with the client explaining the fix to them... :-) So your headache's gone?
2011-10-07 09:08:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I think it is fixed now... :-) My sweet lively lady... Blue & white sounds so Mediterranean ... :-)
2011-10-07 05:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day's mostly fine & busy. A critical issue came up from the client side & am fixing it. Should be done in a bit. :-) What're you wearing?
2011-10-07 05:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached & engrossed in work, sweet one. Hope your day goes along well... :-)
2011-10-07 03:25:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to cook you a nice colourful tasty lunch & hug you while you are still in your towel! :-)
2011-10-06 20:43:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet Andrea, a kiss on your belly. I hope your day is bright & cheerful as a sunflower. I hope your boys & girls make you :-) & laugh
2011-10-06 20:43:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All you need to do is put down your options & plan on paper & stick to it. I am sure things will fall into place. Don't worry. Please :-)
2011-10-06 20:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I hope you are sleeping sweetly with all your worries burning away into oblivion. I honestly feel none are worth it
2011-10-06 20:39:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes it is, I shall go to bed. A kiss on your tired eyes. Pray for your headache to vanish. Sweet dreams darling... Come to bed soon. :-)
2011-10-06 12:29:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You aren't being anything other than a person going through a phase with a few things to tackle... :-)
2011-10-06 12:14:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are forgiven, but what exactly are you sorry about?
2011-10-06 12:09:22 (EDT)

darkntwistd Well, I have no other option. Nor do I have Versace with me!! ;-p
2011-10-06 12:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to hug you deeply now. My li'l sweet lady sounds tired & anxious. A kiss on her temples... All will be well, darling.
2011-10-06 12:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Find motivation in creating a more vibrant joyous life for yourself... A new bookshelf, or a nice place for you to curl into & smile... :-)
2011-10-06 11:56:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The best reason to do something is for your self... :-)

2011-10-06 11:48:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you don't find a dream job you will atleast have an interim solution. Use that as a stepping stone. :-) Yes, all this for yourself.
2011-10-06 11:48:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ seriously hunting for a house in about 10 days from now. Simultaneously if you get calls for jobs, take them & hope for the best.
2011-10-06 11:47:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I thought end of Dec. since you said rent goes up from Jan. Anyway, then you need to move the dates by a month. Which means you start
2011-10-06 11:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Simple. Ta-da!

2011-10-06 11:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...very far away, I am sure you can manage to work out the costs as part of the job offer & ensure minimal loss if required to move... :-)
2011-10-06 11:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Move by end of Dec. to new house. If you have a job, great,
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else, look for jobs within decent distance. If you find a dream job which is
2011-10-06 11:40:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I think the simplest thing for you to do is this: Till mid-Nov: Job hunt After mid-Nov: house hunt in decently located place
2011-10-06 11:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... makes sense, though I wonder why you stayed in it through 2011!!?
2011-10-06 11:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure why you are suddenly anti-this-house! If you get a splendid job right next door, will you still quit?
2011-10-06 11:18:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Work out a few quadrants in your map. Find out what is the minimal salary you need to stay here, to move to a decently-located place, etc.
2011-10-06 11:17:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If your new job is near the current house then maybe it is good enough to make the 70% a mere 25%. Else keep looking...
2011-10-06 11:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So set yourself deadlines. Till mid-Nov put your head down & only hunt for a job. If you get one or not, thereafter hunt for a house.
2011-10-06 11:16:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it is near that new house, perfect! We can all party!! :-)
2011-10-06 11:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you get a job that is excellent but is far from that new house, you just need to commute or bear a temporary loss of breaking tenancy
2011-10-06 11:13:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..)then you can get yourself a decently well-located house in your budget before Dec ends & move in there.
2011-10-06 11:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can be quite simple. Finding a house is more in your control. Give yourself time till mid-Nov for finding a job. If you don't (god forbid
2011-10-06 11:12:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ What do you have to lose?

2011-10-06 11:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't matter when & where you find it.

2011-10-06 11:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't bothering me at all... :-)

2011-10-06 11:08:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That way you can live with it for a year at most & move later if required depending on your job...
2011-10-06 11:08:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Then is there a place which kinda near where most of your jobs are likely to be and is cheap?
2011-10-06 11:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...& commute. If you get a fantastic job & shortly find a beautiful house, you can work out whether the loss can be offset in a few months..
2011-10-06 10:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Leave the bank on the back-burner. Focus on getting a better job. If you can't then the worst case you can continue to live here
2011-10-06 10:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, what happened with your bank?

2011-10-06 10:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A contract is renewed for how long? What is the penalty of breaking a contract? Can you renew for a shorter period?
2011-10-06 10:22:28 (EDT)

darkntwistd But then, its ok. I'll go wherever Fate takes me... :-)
2011-10-06 10:21:38 (EDT)

darkntwistd Otherwise, I never liked India's mentality towards professionalism & work or the general corruption here. So I miss many things about the US
2011-10-06 10:21:20 (EDT)

darkntwistd Glad to hear that. I am fine. Work's the usual. Not sure
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whether I am happy back here. I feel the same. Glad I get good food,though! :-D
2011-10-06 10:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll miss your bathtub... :-(

2011-10-06 10:19:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... As long as you are clear... :-)

2011-10-06 10:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That way your head will ache less & it will be a lot simpler to get a house once you have a job & have worked out all considerations...
2011-10-06 09:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you probably know this, but I'd recommend that you hunt for a job 1st & then a house. Easy on logistics & practical too...
2011-10-06 09:50:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should keep a Tiger balm handy. It helps & is not like popping a pill... A nap would help too. Wish I was there to massage your temples
2011-10-06 09:39:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Are you applying any balm or doing something for it?
2011-10-06 09:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your head on twitter too. Maybe then I could ask it...
2011-10-06 09:29:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why does your head ache? I am sure you will find a job soon. Have you contacted some job consultants?
2011-10-06 09:25:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So how was your day?

2011-10-06 09:18:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ oh ok... I recall you krishna temple friend... :-)

2011-10-06 08:48:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it can be very tasty. :-) Where did you get to eat it?
2011-10-06 08:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, they are. Most of them tend to be ritualistic but all of them
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have a great share of good food!! :-D

2011-10-06 08:27:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The next big festival is on the 26th. The biggest & most popular festival. :-) India is a land of festivals... :-)
2011-10-06 08:09:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yesterday was dedicated to the Goddess of learning & wisdom so I observed it anyway (without festivities). :-)
2011-10-06 08:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, today is a major festival esp. in the North & East of India. Since there was a death in the extended family, no festivals for a year!
2011-10-06 08:05:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today India is off! :-) Yesterday was an optional off which I availed. So off for 2 days. 1 more day for the weekend! ;-p
2011-10-06 07:59:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So in summary, I am a very very tired man though still smiling... :-)
2011-10-06 06:34:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had done some wrong design in measuring the height of the books but have compensated with some lateral thinking! The arrangement is fine!
2011-10-06 06:34:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, they are gone & I do not have the inclination to think about them. My shelf is a vibrant place now. I love it. I really do... :-)
2011-10-06 06:29:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sawing, but sanding (machine based sandpapering of the plywood). Sawing would be less damaging. Idiots indeed! I just wanted them out!
2011-10-06 06:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet one. I arranged a good number of books into the shelves. Looks nice. Feels nice. :-) I am quite happy. A lot more to do...
2011-10-06 06:27:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might also go out to meet my relatives in the evening...

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2011-10-06 01:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I spent a good portion of the eve just dusting & cleaning things. No ironing. :-( Today I will arrange the books in the shelves... :-)
2011-10-06 01:08:58 (EDT)

radishspeak And back... Wow! You are one supersharp woman! A kiss on Josiah's forehead for growing well... :-) How are miladies?
2011-10-06 01:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is as per my design but the finish is poor & I am very disappointed with their work. It still looks nice, but not how it should be.. :-(
2011-10-06 01:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They completed the shelf not to my satisfaction. They rushed through the end & I didn't want to see their face so I didn't complain. :-(
2011-10-06 01:03:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..with sawdust. Everything covered in it!! Before I could do anything, they had covered a significant portion already so I let them be.. :-(
2011-10-06 01:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the carpenters came yesterday. Idiots! They used a sander without a screen or covering the items in the room. The whole room was filled
2011-10-06 01:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet Andrea! Good morning! Hope you are sleeping well & smiling. Butterfly kisses on your palms... I miss hugging you! :-)
2011-10-06 00:50:42 (EDT)

darkntwistd Hey Annie! How are you? Yes, a long time. How are things at your end? I was off the comp yesterday. Things are fine here... :-) xoxo
2011-10-06 00:49:31 (EDT)

radishspeak All's well. How are you? And the kids? Hope your papers are coming along well. I am getting into a festival ritual so will be off till tom..
2011-10-04 23:51:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ imagine a day without activity, even something like reading! :-) My tchoin tchoin lady.. A kiss on your nose as you read this... :-)
2011-10-04 21:10:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Of course, I will meditate & be quiet too, but as activities to occupy me, I have these things lined up. I feel relieved. It is tough to ...
2011-10-04 21:08:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I did find something to occupy me through the day ironing my clothes!! :-D That & cleaning up the room where the carpenters worked.
2011-10-04 21:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..rules to be followed & you might find them irrational & refuse to do them. But anyway, these are colourful days in India. :-)
2011-10-04 21:05:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear Andrea, I miss you. I wish you were here participating in these festivals though I am not sure you'd like to as there are a tonne of
2011-10-04 21:04:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I did read all of this today, a day before you expected me to. :-) In another 2 hrs or so, I will be completely off the comp.
2011-10-04 21:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...get along well though I am not sure of our sings!! ;-p The puja (prayers/rituals) are yet to begin so I thought I'd send you a hug :-)
2011-10-04 21:02:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling lady... good morning! I hope you are sleeping with a smile as I kiss the corners of your mouth. Yes,our signs do...
2011-10-04 21:01:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will. Chennai is not a great city to go walking. The heat & humidity is too much. But I will do something, I am sure... :-)
2011-10-04 12:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go to sleep now, sweet one. A kiss on the back of your neck... Goodnight. Sleep sweetly with happy dreams & a :-) Join me soon...
2011-10-04 12:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And without my computer... My sweet one, please know that I will be thinking about you... ok?
2011-10-04 12:15:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ We ask them to bless them & then start using them onThursday. It is going to be painful without reading or writing for a whole day!! :-(
2011-10-04 12:15:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one, this is a festival where all the books, instruments & equipment we use on a day-to-day basis is placed before the gods...
2011-10-04 12:14:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) No issues. Tomorrow is a festival of sorts. I will be away from my computer till Thursday morning. Will miss you... :-|
2011-10-04 12:02:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pisces as Sunsign is different from Pisces as Moonsign...

2011-10-04 11:52:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because what you entered is not stored in the link...

2011-10-04 11:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That link doesn't work for me. I think your birthstar is Revati (in Pisces)...
2011-10-04 11:45:05 (EDT)

melancholundone I am glad too. :-) Tishhhhh... tishhhhh... :-D

2011-10-04 11:31:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ignore that for now... It is a complicated thingy... :-)

2011-10-04 11:30:47 (EDT)

melancholundone Of course, I miss you too... :-)

2011-10-04 11:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ try this...

2011-10-04 11:18:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why don't you? :-)

2011-10-04 11:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2011-10-04 11:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In Sagittarius there are 3 constellations. I was born under Purvashada. The Western name for is Delta Sagittari I think
2011-10-04 10:51:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Birth star is the constellation under which one is born. So when I was born in 1978, the Moon was in Sagittarius when I was born
2011-10-04 10:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, according to my birthstar, today is my birthday... :-)

2011-10-04 10:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But still they hadn't even sent it for re-soling for 10 days. It has been lying in their store all this time! :-o
2011-10-04 10:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am surrounded by inefficient people & it kills me! :-( What more am I to expect? That a shoe store gets a pair re-soled. Not complicated?
2011-10-04 10:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had given an older pair of sheepskin brown leather shoes for re-soling & those idiots hadn't done anything with it for over 10 days!! :-o
2011-10-04 10:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home a while ago, went to fetch my shoes & then a meeting (telephonic). I thought it was cheerful coz you sounded so... :-) No?
2011-10-04 10:18:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The car has A/C so it tends to be comfy... :-)

2011-10-04 07:30:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was pairing & completely trapped away from my machine, darling. Glad you had a cheerful morning. I am heading home now...
2011-10-04 07:29:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft sweet kiss fluttering towards you to land on your thighs... :-)
2011-10-04 01:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I woke up, got ready, reached office & am deep in work.. :-) Miss you sweetie pie. Slept well? Feeling fresh? :-)
2011-10-04 01:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will now go to bed. Need to rise early. Good night darling. Come soon to bed. I kiss you on your nose... :-) Sweet dreams.
2011-10-03 12:14:26 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-D I would love that...

2011-10-03 12:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The carpenters didn't come today! :-( Irritating annoying people... This is a sample of life here... :-(
2011-10-03 12:01:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...less tired. But the heat does sap one's energy a bit... :-(
2011-10-03 12:00:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indeed. It is so comfy & frees up my attention for things I like to do. Granted that it is only about 40 min of a journey, still I feel...
2011-10-03 10:50:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one. Yes, I reached home, comfortably. Day's work was fine. Nice combination of clothes on you! :-) Kissing you back... :-)
2011-10-03 09:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I am pairing with someone on my machine. Hence, no DMs. A kiss for you, sweet lady... :-)
2011-10-03 06:20:24 (EDT)

_lalicat Neat... Hope you enjoy doing that... :-)

2011-10-03 02:34:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached office & engrossed in work... Miss you. A sweet kiss for your lips... :-)
2011-10-03 02:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kiss my sweet one's belly as she sleeps soundly & smiling... You look lovely when you sleep, do you know that.
2011-10-02 21:08:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...advantage is that it frees me up to do some reading. I hope it works out fine & stays for the long term. It would be very convenient. :-)
2011-10-02 21:08:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the office and back. It will be here shortly. It works out costlier than a bike but cheaper than driving my own car, but the main...
2011-10-02 21:07:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love the feel of your skin... soft... like the surface of a lake. :-)
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My darling Andrea. From today, we have hired a cab to drive 3 of us

2011-10-02 21:06:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet sweet darling. I slept well & woke up fresh. Did a little stretches & am now getting ready for the office. :-)
2011-10-02 21:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Join me soon darling, when you are done with your day... :-)
2011-10-02 11:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a sweet night's sleep with smiles & lively dreams. I will be holding you in them. A kiss on the curve of each elbow. :-)
2011-10-02 11:32:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will log off in a few minutes... Wish to go to bed early. Wil l probably read into my sleep... So let's say goodnight!
2011-10-02 11:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which Indian companies? :-) My sweet butterfly...

2011-10-02 11:21:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I realise you do. I would love to. I don't think it would be possible in the near future...
2011-10-02 11:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( and I skipped bathing so many years for that... :-(
2011-10-02 10:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or go for a bath!! :-D

2011-10-02 10:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) It would be, my darling. Gellert Hill... I like the name... :-)
2011-10-02 10:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope it will be worth it all at the end... The bookshelf. :-)
2011-10-02 10:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I'd so love to be with you. Sunset & then the stars. So lovely with you nestled in my arms.. :-)
2011-10-02 10:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D hahaha... You have to say that, right? What are you wearing, sweets?
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2011-10-02 09:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a home for books; a world for me... :-)

2011-10-02 09:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was just a bookshelf. It feels like I am building a small house!!
2011-10-02 09:28:22 (EDT)

_lalicat Nice.. Food business as in hotelier or like a nutritionist?

2011-10-02 09:20:15 (EDT)

_lalicat If I may ask, what line of work are you in?

2011-10-02 09:00:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. So all by yourself? They won't be done today. They will be in tomorrow to hopefully complete the last bits... :-(
2011-10-02 08:59:24 (EDT)

_lalicat Researching pleasure? ;-p

2011-10-02 08:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. They better... :-) Did you meet up with your sis?
2011-10-02 08:40:32 (EDT)

_lalicat What bring you to the US, if I may ask?

2011-10-02 08:40:11 (EDT)

_lalicat So where are you, girl? The US? I thought you were in V... No?
2011-10-02 08:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They will do the full job, no doubt. Else they don't get the remaining money. I am fine. How are you? How was your day so far?
2011-10-02 08:29:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think they will have another 5 hrs of work. And they had promised delivery on Tuesday!! :-o
2011-10-02 07:09:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... Wonder how that would be possible without a job... Hmm. Shuttling between carpenters & computer...
2011-10-02 06:11:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh ok... I was wondering what else could you possibly mean... :)
2011-10-02 05:15:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? What did you mean? :-o

2011-10-02 05:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to visit you but right now the finances aren't sufficient for such a luxury. Some day, perhaps... :-)
2011-10-02 04:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning kiss for the sleepy lady! Hopefully that will make her lively! ;-p I exercise my knee everyday but not the rest of me... :-(
2011-10-02 04:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ do & then hearing "I know" or "I do" :-)
2011-10-02 02:58:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you slept well & with a smile. I don't tease you much because you don't like it. So I have reduced it. Like telling you what
2011-10-02 02:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..I feel so tired? Most of my days are spent solving & explaining trivial stuff & doing a chunk of other people's work!! :-(
2011-10-02 02:56:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, for their mistake they'd rather alter existing furniture!! :-o Idiots! Anyway, solved the problem without wastage! Now you know why..
2011-10-02 02:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...assembled yesterday would disallow the computer table from sitting under the bookshelf! They actually suggested cutting down the table!
2011-10-02 02:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, it annoys me when people in the line of business have to be told basic things (like measure twice cut once!). What they had hurriedly
2011-10-02 02:54:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Broadband seems to be better now. :-) The carpenters had messed up things yesterday (when I had gone out) so they are re-working things now
2011-10-02 02:53:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My broadband is acting up. The previous DM took 25 min to get delivered! :-o Damn! I hate this place...
2011-10-01 23:01:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I slept fairly well but woke up stiff. Need to exercise a bit today & everyday... :-(
2011-10-01 22:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...had dinner.

2011-10-01 12:33:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I shall now go to bed. It is late & I am exhausted. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well. A kiss on each ankle. :-) Do join me soon. Hope you've..
2011-10-01 12:33:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly, but when you do it I don't begin to wonder as to whether you find me boring. Cheer? You find the cheer lacking? Not sure why...
2011-10-01 12:27:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please repeat for it hasn't sunk in...

2011-10-01 12:06:31 (EDT)

dgdreamin It is also the land of endless connotations!! :-D

2011-10-01 12:05:02 (EDT)

dgdreamin Technically, always. Nowadays a girl here or there does wear it as a fashion accessory but rare... :-) India is the land of jewellery!
2011-10-01 12:04:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I didn't. So tell me exactly what you see as different. If it is a personal feeling then I cannot see it or feel it, right?
2011-10-01 12:03:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? You don't think this is a good way to relate?

2011-10-01 12:02:30 (EDT)

melancholundone Knee is ok. Still recovering. It doesn't feel anything to be back here. I didn't know you also went by the name America! ;-p
2011-10-01 12:02:15 (EDT)

melancholundone Hello sweet angel-lady. I am mostly good. And you?

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How is your mom's cold? And your tooth? Job hunt?

2011-10-01 11:58:00 (EDT)

dgdreamin BTW, toe-rings in India would mean you are a married woman! :-D
2011-10-01 11:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...characteristics. Not all change needs to be alarming... :-)

2011-10-01 11:41:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I don't see it then I will let you know that it is merely seasonal & nothing to worry about. People are not constant in their ways or ...
2011-10-01 11:40:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you still feel that it is very different from what you always saw then we discuss. If I too realise it, we explore & try to understand y
2011-10-01 11:40:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. If you feel something different in my behaviour you ask yourself whether this is indeed something worrisome or just normal waves...
2011-10-01 11:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And maybe asks the other "Hey! I feel different. Is it really different or normal changes in patter like the weather? Is all well?"
2011-10-01 11:22:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then one enquires into the different. Why is it different? Is it different because I wanted something else? 'Coz the normal is different
2011-10-01 11:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, different. I ate apple yesterday & oranges today. So... different. Not good not bad not a sign of poverty or old age. Just different!
2011-10-01 11:21:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. But why must you suspect something negative? Why not something else? I don't know... I am tired... :-|
2011-10-01 11:13:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ an image of me that they create for themselves. :-(

2011-10-01 10:55:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just tired of having to fight perceptions over & over again. Its as if people don't want a relationship with me but would rather relate
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2011-10-01 10:54:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
2011-10-01 10:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you are so sure that it doesn't matter to me & that I find you boring & that I have cut off everything then why do you still write to me?
2011-10-01 10:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See, you did it again. Assuming that it doesn't matter to me whether you are here or not. Wonder how you would like someone doing it to you!
2011-10-01 10:29:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. I left to a book exhibition which I read about in the papers. Got stuck in traffic & reached a few min back. Lunch was just ok?
2011-10-01 10:28:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops! You don't have it at home? Then tell me what you have...
2011-10-01 06:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Green would be better as sweet potatoes are already reddish... :-)
2011-10-01 05:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Herb butter sauteed sweet potatoes with bell peppers, sprinkled with roasted white sesame seeds & warm bread... :-)
2011-10-01 05:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nowhere in particular. I was just reading some articles. Varied topics. :-) Miss you too, sweet one. What are you upto?
2011-10-01 05:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I meant my undershirt...

2011-10-01 02:58:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D That part is hidden so hopefully the initial impression is not ruined... :-)
2011-10-01 02:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No I haven't... :-)

2011-10-01 02:49:01 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ None of your clothes are "just".. They are always classy &/or sexy... :-)
2011-10-01 02:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...problems are very common in India. Hoe goes your day? What are you wearing?
2011-10-01 02:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All's well. Tests done. Reports will come in soon. As much as I dislike dr. I give myself a once a year checkup. Diabetes & cholesterol...
2011-10-01 02:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to get some medical checkups done. Should be back in a couple of hours. Usual annual checkups.
2011-09-30 21:19:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope you are sleeping well. A kiss on your temples while you sleep. I slept well.
2011-09-30 21:19:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do come join me soon... :-)

2011-09-30 12:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now I will head to the bed. Feeling sleepy. Wishing you a goodnight! Sleep well, darling with sweet dreams. A kiss on both shoulders :-)
2011-09-30 12:20:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Given that neither of us can be where the other person is, it is best to ask than to assume! :-) Helps keep negative energies down...
2011-09-30 12:19:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, either. Personally, I don't think there is any distance I am bringing in. If you were here, you'd know. :-)
2011-09-30 12:12:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how the tone is different from other DMs. We are discussing a serious topic so I wonder how the tone should be!
2011-09-30 12:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel I am distant. Since you perceive it to be so, you

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should tell me why you feel so...

2011-09-30 11:47:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then find something meaningful to make it less dull. Such adventures will not make anything better but only leave you frustrated...
2011-09-30 11:33:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bookshelf should be in tomorrow. I'd advise you against uprooting yourself from your present life... Not worth it.
2011-09-30 11:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd not recommend you taking up Indian dance if you aren't inclined towards dance. It is quite involved...
2011-09-30 11:01:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! yes. I remember. I don't really have much plans for the weekend. Reading & writing perhaps...
2011-09-30 11:00:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dance student? What for?

2011-09-30 10:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fair enough. :-) What's lined up for the weekend?

2011-09-30 10:27:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I thought you might find the drag & slowness annoying... if it doesn't then you could take it as it happens! :-)
2011-09-30 09:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't you have job search portals or consultants in Hungary? Can't you sign up with one of them & hasten your job search process?
2011-09-30 09:39:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, reached home. Had a few chores to finish as well. Wrapped up most of them ... :-)
2011-09-30 09:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry they don't allow pets. Maybe you should've shown them pix of the boys & girls :-)
2011-09-30 09:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think I am cutting anything away? My day has been normal. Nothing new. And yours? Why a different house? Kissing you back...
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2011-09-30 07:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do what anyway?

2011-09-30 05:07:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached... All while you were still sleeping... :-)
2011-09-29 23:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the office in a bit... :-)

2011-09-29 21:53:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps it would've made sense to not enter on knowing that there is no future with me... :-| I am sorry to disappoint you, Andrea. I wish..
2011-09-29 20:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling Andrea. Good morning. Hope you are sleeping well with a smile. A kiss on your ankle... :-)
2011-09-29 20:41:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet darling. A kiss on your eyes before I slip into bed. Come join me soon... :-)
2011-09-29 13:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, seems like long ago. Yes, I miss those 10 days, too. And now I miss your boys & girls... :-D
2011-09-29 11:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I remember the flatbread as well as the pizza in the room. :-) Made delicious by your company... :-)
2011-09-29 11:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pizza was ok. Nothing like what I ate in the US. :-(
2011-09-29 11:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What will take a bit longer?

2011-09-29 11:02:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Indeed!! One super duper pizza 3000 on its way!! ;-)
2011-09-29 10:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached... :-) Ordering pizzas... :-)

2011-09-29 10:11:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Leaving for home

2011-09-29 08:48:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most likely going with my colleague. The rains did stop. My day was fine. Nothing remarkable. :-) I am fine, darling. And you?
2011-09-29 08:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Tamil... :-) As the link says! ;-p Very sweet, no? I love this song. Yes, still in office. Should leave shortly... :-)
2011-09-29 08:23:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you have time, do download this song & listen to it. It is a fusion piece: In my mother tongue! :-)
2011-09-29 08:02:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am hungry as I haven't had breakfast yet... :-(

2011-09-29 01:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am in a workshop so might not be that available. Hope you slept well & feel fresh. My sweet darling, a good morning kiss for you.. :)
2011-09-29 01:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling! I got up a little late & then it poured heavily so went over to a colleague's place & drove with him.
2011-09-29 01:14:53 (EDT)

melancholundone I wish I could make them as lovely as yours. :-) How are you? Sending you a big hug & smile... :-)
2011-09-28 21:21:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night dear one. Sleep well & with a smile. A kiss on the corners of your mouth. Do come and join me soon so I can hug you... :-)
2011-09-28 12:36:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do. I so enjoyed it!! :-D For my b'day? Honestly, nothing. Call me & speak to me & I'll be happy! :-) Save up your money! :-|
2011-09-28 12:22:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too. My back hurts a bit so I might rest in a short while. It is anyway near bedtime... :-)
2011-09-28 12:14:57 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sweet Andrea, a kiss on your chin... :-)

2011-09-28 12:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Brings out the colours of their eyes! ;-p

2011-09-28 11:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am partial towards the girls... ;-)

2011-09-28 11:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silent kiss is enough to disturb me!! :-) Welcome back home hug & twirl for you. Of course they are beautiful. They are your cat ladies ;-p
2011-09-28 11:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we can cook together & you can cut mountains of onions!! :-D My sweet darling. I completely enjoyed cooking for you. Do you know that?
2011-09-28 09:30:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home & the broadband is working fine! :-D Do let me know when you return & what the doc said.
2011-09-28 09:30:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright... leaving for home. Hope the broadband is in place... :-o
2011-09-28 07:46:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope to leave shortly. Yes, the day was productive & fun.
2011-09-28 07:42:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you know that I missed you all the while I was away from the comp
2011-09-28 07:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I was caugh up in work & pairing with someone else & hence, couldn't even look at my computer! :-(
2011-09-28 07:13:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. I rested well. Hope you slept well. A sweet kiss on your shoulders as you sleep... :-)
2011-09-28 00:30:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached office! The broadband didn't work in the morning too. So I didn't logon & came here. Drive was fun. From today I can eat anything
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2011-09-27 23:57:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly. Leaving for home now. Catch you in a bit... :-)
2011-09-27 09:39:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but a difference of several degrees!! ;-p

2011-09-27 09:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I thought we were discussing what makes me happier & not what will make me crazily excited!! ;-p
2011-09-27 09:12:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree. Which is why I said, I am not sure what is the best or what would make me happier than now!
2011-09-27 09:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Honestly, Fate works very differently from all calculation. So, honestly, I don't know. Most importantly, I've never met one!
2011-09-27 08:14:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know whether I would be happier or not. I think the ideal woman would probably be a female-me. Have I met her? No. Will I be happy?
2011-09-27 08:13:31 (EDT)

rgogos Hello Roberta! How are you? Been quite a while. Hope your work pressure has reduced significantly. Wishing you the best... :-)
2011-09-27 08:11:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not much traffic, though stopped by the cops once due my bike registration plate!
2011-09-27 02:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I am in the office now. All went well. Getting ready for a sequence of meetings... :-) How are you? Freshly bathed & smiling? :-)
2011-09-27 02:32:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am rushing to prepare for the ritual. Will be offline for a bit & then back... My sweet sweet darling Andrea! :-) 3000 ;-p
2011-09-26 23:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept pretty well. Glad you liked some of the tweets. I always think of you while wearing the top button of my shirt or that watch! :-)
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2011-09-26 23:44:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. Hope you are sleeping well with sweet scented dreams. I blow soft wet air through your hair... :-)
2011-09-26 23:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ goodnight
2011-09-26 13:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wrote a tweet for you ;-p

2011-09-26 13:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet darling. I miss your soft body against mine...
2011-09-26 12:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is late. I will go to sleep. Wishing you sweet dreams, darling. A kiss on each elbow! :-) Come join me quickly...
2011-09-26 12:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling Andrea I miss you too... a lot.

2011-09-26 12:38:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tired, yes. Day was mostly ok. Just too many meetings. But not a hassle... And yours?
2011-09-26 12:33:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So what are you wearing?

2011-09-26 12:25:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that is all I said. "Me time". :-)

2011-09-26 12:19:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened with the bank?

2011-09-26 12:06:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I am with the best of company! :-)

2011-09-26 12:00:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, reached home, had a very light dinner & was reading for a bit... :-) Orphanage? How come? Yes, I need some time for myself, even if...
2011-09-26 12:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Will ping you once I reach home. Might leave in a bit!
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2011-09-26 08:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Back-to-back without a break. I enjoy company but if I have free time I find something or the other to fill it. Or simply do nothing...
2011-09-26 08:53:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be a lot simpler & fun if we were in the same place doing many of the mundane things together... :-)
2011-09-26 08:20:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tai-Chi might even help my knee. Just got out of the last meeting of the day. Phew! We had 2 meetings back-to-back. :-o
2011-09-26 08:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) No problemo. Maybe I just am more comfy with people not being around, because I tend to somehow fill my time with something or the other
2011-09-26 08:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not about doing a lot of things but doing thing that make me feel creative... :-)
2011-09-26 04:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..writing or reading. I want to read, write, meditate more & maybe learn a musical instrument etc. I might join a Tai-Chi class.
2011-09-26 04:46:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And frankly, any time I find free I want to spend it on writing & reading since my US time was largely non-creative. :-( I was cooking but..
2011-09-26 04:45:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...bored with you or anything like that. I would not conclude that the perceived dip in DMs implies loss of interest. Just busy-ness! :-)
2011-09-26 04:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I personally do not see anything degraded in our communication. But perhaps you notice something I don't. All I can say is that I am not ...
2011-09-26 04:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Since we met, I have been packing to leave, traveled, started settling down here, got my broadband, got on a new project, etc. Lots of
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2011-09-26 04:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our time difference wasn't a problem because you slept really late. I sleep off by 22:00 which gives us fewer overlap hours.
2011-09-26 04:28:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow is common for all. Today is for our family. These 15 days are (in a sense) dedicated to our deceased ancestors.
2011-09-26 04:26:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. I am in the office. Heat was a bit but since I was moving it wasn't bad. But am in & now in a meeting. All the best for the bank
2011-09-26 04:24:16 (EDT)

HalfMoonPilgrim Very pretty AVI pic. :-)

2011-09-25 22:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..will be caught up in the rituals, have lunch (early) & rush to office in the heat! :-(
2011-09-25 20:49:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is a puja (or ritual) & tomorrow too. So I will be going to office a little late on both days. My team is aware of this. Shortly, I ..
2011-09-25 20:48:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling Andrea. Your smile matters to me, so please do not think that you are being neglected or ignored.
2011-09-25 20:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let us pick one topic for each week - something random, nostalgic, sweet - & discuss it & its occurrence in our respective lives... Ok? :-)
2011-09-25 20:47:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I losing interest in you or our conversations. Having explained that, I still think we can find ways to keep both of us smiling... :-)
2011-09-25 20:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Added to that is my work which typically will keep me packed from 8:00-17:00 hrs & our time difference. So please understand that in no
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2011-09-25 20:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..things happening through the day (which I tell you) & any unusual incident (like my dreams or mobile connection pains, new Audi, etc.)
2011-09-25 20:41:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We aren't from the same profession, nor are we with a shared past to talk about common friends, events, etc. So it typically boils down to..
2011-09-25 20:40:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand that it'd be lovely if we DM-ed more often but think about it. We really do not have too much to share or discuss. It is tough.
2011-09-25 20:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like the calzone was indeed tasty. I have 2 more days & then I can eat anything I want. These 15 days of no onion/garlic will end! :-)
2011-09-25 20:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling Andrea. Good morning. My dreams were less adventurous. Hope yours are spicy & fun. :-)
2011-09-25 20:33:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on both your palms. Come soon & bring some calzone to the bed too!! :-D
2011-09-25 12:14:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one. I will now go to bed. Will read into my sleep. Hope the rest of your evening is good. Good night, sweet one! Sweet dreams. :-)
2011-09-25 12:13:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would care but after discussing it with you, I won't continue to wonder about it... :-) Veggie calzone sounds lovely. :-)
2011-09-25 11:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope. I wouldn't wonder. :-) Relax, that day won't come. How was your day so far? What are you eating for dinner?
2011-09-25 11:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No I am not bored of you! I told you that earlier too! When I will,
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I will let you know. Happy? :-)

2011-09-25 11:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had a good teacher, perhaps! ;-p

2011-09-25 10:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. :-)

2011-09-25 10:12:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Not all. Some of them are soft ballads which just make you sigh... :-)
2011-09-25 09:50:33 (EDT)

melancholundone Twitter is acting stupid! No clue why I wasn't following you & as soon as I clicked "Send follow request" it said "Following"!! :-o
2011-09-25 09:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked the song. It happens to be the latest craze here in India. Pretty funky song making me want to dance! :-D
2011-09-25 09:36:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, was cleaning my wardrobe & then had some sudden guests whom I was entertaining. Just ironed a few pieces of clothing... :-)
2011-09-25 09:29:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For your entertainment:

2011-09-25 06:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ left it! :-) I just undid them so that I could arrange them properly! My sweet sweet darling! :-)
2011-09-25 06:27:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, they were a bit like I-Jones. Yep! I remember how you took such wonderful care of my clothes. I still have a sock-within-a-sock as...
2011-09-25 06:26:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's lined up for your day? A kiss on your cheek as you sleep... :-)
2011-09-24 23:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I slept well. :-) Today is a huge round of arranging my clothes & wardrobe. Other than that, some general chores. Hope you slept well.
2011-09-24 23:42:31 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-) Good morning darling! I had a wide variety of dreams though most were not pleasant (nothing harmful, just full of snakes etc.). Still...
2011-09-24 23:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Absolutely return there in a few years... :-)

2011-09-24 13:29:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I will be off to bed. Sleep well darling. Sweet dreams. A hundred kisses on your lower lip! :-) Come join me in a while, sweet one! :-)
2011-09-24 13:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Absolutely... :-)

2011-09-24 13:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I remember... My sweet one! That room invariably brings memories of you & vice versa.. :-)
2011-09-24 12:47:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Neither are you losing me nor are you boring. Had dinner. You? I will try to get a pictures of them. Hop on! Let's go for a ride!! :-D
2011-09-24 12:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..please know that I always rush to the comp. the min I get a free moment. :-) My darling lady. How was your day? What are yu doing now?
2011-09-24 11:44:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one, I am back. Bike serviced, temple visited & new pair of shoes purchased. :-) I am sorry we find lesser time to chat, but...
2011-09-24 11:43:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one... I woke up. The bike will be ready in another 11.5 hrs. Will also go to the temple then. I used to go to temples every Sat.
2011-09-24 07:39:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can manage manual shift. Yes, we could go to the Greek town. :-) My sweet sweet darling... I will take a nap now while my data gets copied
2011-09-24 04:55:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Currently I am organising & backing up my data. Docs, PDFs, books, etc.
2011-09-24 04:06:55 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Wow! A drive in the Audi sounds fun! I wish I was there, darling. I think the shoes were damaged in transport from Bangalore! :-(
2011-09-24 04:06:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined out? Bathed & fresh? What are you wearing, darling? My shoe's sole came off yesterday. I need to buy new shoes! :-(
2011-09-24 03:21:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for not DM-ing earlier. Had lunch too. Today is a special day of sorts so had to rush to have lunch. Hence, mostly stayed offline. :-)
2011-09-24 03:19:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling. Good morning! Slept well? I did & was caught up in a million activities. I gave the bike for servicing & did many other things
2011-09-24 03:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too Andrea! :-) Goodnight

2011-09-23 13:00:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well dear with lovely dreams & smiles. A kiss on each shoulder & a tender hug! :-) Goodnight sweet lady... :-)
2011-09-23 12:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never mind. I am sure you have a load of chores of your own! :) I am off to bed now, darling. Wishing you a good night & sweet dreams :-)
2011-09-23 12:41:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hardly! :-o Chores are killing me. But they should be done this weekend... My sweet one, what are your plans?
2011-09-23 12:17:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not disappeared. Talking to the HR of my office who want me tomorrow for some recruitment activity. I gave them some reason & avoided it.
2011-09-23 12:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ho! :-( I am really really sorry that you are having to face this ordeal... :-( I wish I knew you then so that I could have reminded you!
2011-09-23 11:28:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am sorry dear. I wish you had at least sent the papers to your ex while you were in Germany so that your fines would be reduced. :-(
2011-09-23 11:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So if you have nothing on the account, then what is there to maintain it? Can't you tackle this differently? Isn't there a legal recourse?
2011-09-23 10:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ small?

2011-09-23 10:49:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh God! :-( This is not one bit pleasant. I am so sorry. How much money do you have in that account? Can't you just forget about it if it...
2011-09-23 10:49:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not so nice post? Like what?

2011-09-23 10:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why stressful, dear?

2011-09-23 10:19:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet lady. I have reached home & rather peacefully. How has your day been so far? How is the job hunt coming along?
2011-09-23 09:46:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you wearing? I don't like GnR or heavy metal itself... Why did you suddenly think of it? :-)
2011-09-23 06:50:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one! My day has been good. Busy & good. I like it when it is busy & good. Makes me forget hours & feel productive. :-)
2011-09-23 06:49:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even the Dr. recommended a hot pack but my knee prefers a cold one. It actually helps. I'll stick to it as I trust my body more! :-)
2011-09-23 03:20:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! I am glad you overslept. I am always happy when your body rests enough. :-) Yes, it would be fun but I wear a helmet!!! :-D
2011-09-23 03:14:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...more regular though I wonder how I will juggle so many

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things. Let's see... :-) A kiss on your sleepy eyes... :-)

2011-09-22 20:44:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you enjoyed reading the tales & posts on the blog. It has been a very long time since I wrote on that blog! I hope to make it ...
2011-09-22 20:43:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be taking the bike again. Hopefully tomorrow, I will give my bike for servicing. My sweet darling! It would be fun taking you on it!
2011-09-22 20:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. My knee is fine. I had a cold pack placed on it yesterday & it seems to help better than a hot pack.
2011-09-22 20:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet one. Hope you are sleeping well. I sit by your bed watching you sleep & kiss your dreams. :-)
2011-09-22 20:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night...

2011-09-22 13:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on your neck while you swallow in excitement... :-) Come soon & hug me while we smile in our sleep... :-)
2011-09-22 12:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...& :-) Yes, it feels good to create. Now I shall go to bed, darling. Wishing you a good night & sweet dreams... :-)
2011-09-22 12:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About the conflict between God & Devil. I write such tales often on my blog. :-) e.g. & ...
2011-09-22 12:32:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for having kept you waiting. A sweet soft kiss on your lips & an eager hug hoping you'd smile... :-)
2011-09-22 12:20:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear sweet lady, I missed you too. I was caught up in writing a story. I seemed to have the time & energy today so decided to... :-)
2011-09-22 12:20:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Run where!? I reached in about 40 min & then relaxed a bit. Do
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let me know when you return... :-) Missing you! :-)

2011-09-22 09:56:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I'd love it too. Leaving for home...

2011-09-22 07:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the day is pretty much lined up with meetings. Just got out of one... :-)
2011-09-22 06:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your choin choin was way better than mine!! :-D I am in jeans & rust colour shirt. Day's busy with sessions & work but pleasant! :-)
2011-09-22 06:03:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to hold you that close... :-) Playing with your calf muscles choin choin choin... :-D
2011-09-22 04:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Just had lunch. It was decent. How goes your day? What are you up to? What are you wearing? Are things normal between you & Kelvin?
2011-09-22 04:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. Was in a meeting & will be getting into another one soon. Just wanted to send you a sweet lively kiss & hug... ;-p
2011-09-22 02:22:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached office. My journey was 30 min. Since the weather was fine, no issues at all. Riding on my motorbike is the best option! :-)
2011-09-21 23:55:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I will go get ready for the office. Catch you in a while... I miss you darling. :-)
2011-09-21 20:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you'd hold me & just absorb me inside you. I still remember the smell of you & miss it. And the cold of your hair in the mornings...
2011-09-21 20:52:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's see. I wish you are sleeping peacefully & happily with a smile. I wish things you ponder over didn't make you forget to smile...
2011-09-21 20:52:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I could do the bus on normal days & then the bike on days of meetings but the distance is still a killer. I am still working out options...
2011-09-21 20:50:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... good morning! :-) My sleep felt insufficient so still feel tired! :-( I will be taking the bike today. You are right...
2011-09-21 20:49:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling. Goodnight! :-)

2011-09-21 11:53:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...darling. A lovely kiss on each temple of yours. :-) I hug you & then the thought of you till you come & join me... Andrea, Andrea. :-)
2011-09-21 11:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will log off now, darling. Knee hurts & so do my eyes. Do let me say goodnight now & freshen myself for bed... Sweet dreams,
2011-09-21 11:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...were here. :-) I might retire earlier than usual. How was your day? Stil smiling? :-)
2011-09-21 11:40:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...plying at that hour!!! :-( I think this bus thing will not work for me. Back to my bike tomorrow. Legs & arms are so tired now. Wish you
2011-09-21 11:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Paid the carpenter an advance amount to get started on the work. Tiring day. Took a cab back home as no buses were...
2011-09-21 11:37:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is my lady upto? Meeting in progress... :-) Missing you...

2011-09-21 09:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice clothes. I have a late evening meeting. So will be in the office till 19:30ish & then home. :-(
2011-09-21 08:33:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? What are you up to? What are you wearing? :-) A kiss on your tummy! :-)
2011-09-21 05:01:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I took the bus. The time was not so off yesterday's time. Primarily it was the different route that helped. Missing you... :-)
2011-09-21 04:59:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, slept well. Journey to the office was fine. Not one drop of sweat! :-) So I think I should basically stick to this route... & time! ;-)
2011-09-21 02:05:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached office, darling!

2011-09-20 23:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, in summary, you aren't annoying me. Just that I have nothing new to say or offer...
2011-09-20 20:44:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ confusing more than anything else & that hurts most! I'd so love to spend hours with you every day but... how? why? ... :-(
2011-09-20 20:43:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ across continents makes it impractical. Having no future, makes it frivolous too, IMO. But the conflict between mind & heart makes
2011-09-20 20:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...thousands of dollars just to meet feels extravagant. I don't do such things hence my concern. I miss you too & would love to meet but...
2011-09-20 20:40:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...think it makes sense to do that. As I told you earlier, if you lived in a nearby town I'd rush over often enough. But to cough up nearly
2011-09-20 20:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I call it extravagant is that the cost involved in meeting without a purpose or a future is very high (flight+hotel) & I am don't
2011-09-20 20:30:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand every word of what you say. I enjoyed every minute of your visit too. It made me extremely happy. Honest...
2011-09-20 20:29:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning darling. I kiss you on your shoulders as you

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sleep. :-) You do look very pretty while you sleep...

2011-09-20 20:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am saying, I don't know & cannot plan anything now.

2011-09-20 11:19:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...& with a smile. A kiss on your hips & a warm hug. Sweet dreams, darling... :-)
2011-09-20 11:18:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go to bed now, dear sweet one. I will study a bit & sleep with my book. Maybe my Nook. :-) Take care & sleep well. Do join me fresh
2011-09-20 11:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know sweet one. I would love to too. But it feels extravagant without a purpose.... :-|
2011-09-20 11:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure when we will meet. As I said meeting again makes sense only if there is a purpose to it. Glad your day got better. I had tea
2011-09-20 10:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The carpenter finally got his mind around the design & gave me an estimate. I will compare it with other carpenters & finalise soon.
2011-09-20 10:57:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My throat's alright but will have chamomile tea to make my darling smile. I so want hug you now... :-)
2011-09-20 10:19:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I had chosen the wrong buses in the morning. Anyway, I am fine. Glad your day got better. Office was good today. Decent day. :-)
2011-09-20 10:19:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Got back home to discuss costs with the carpenter. My return journey was fine & less stressful. Actually not at all! :-)
2011-09-20 10:18:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too sweetie. I really do. Work's going on fine. Hope your day has gotten better. A deep kiss to light your inside with blue skies
2011-09-20 07:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you darling? What's lined up for today? What are you
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2011-09-20 02:32:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ a car! :-(

2011-09-20 02:32:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was mostly dry but sweated it out so hardly dry! :-( Yes, am trying to work out a car-pooling arrangement. In the worst case, I will...
2011-09-20 02:32:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Office & colleagues are fine. It is getting to office which is a headache! Today the bus journey was quite a pain & sweaty & cramped! :-(
2011-09-20 02:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I would so love to watch you sleeping now... :) BTW, I will be leaving in about an hour from now, so more later... :-)
2011-09-19 20:44:44 (EDT)

melancholundone Well, seems like I am still following you! See! That is loyalty! ;-p
2011-09-19 20:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is still pouring here. Hence, I will not take my bike. I might take a local bus which is not necessarily a comfortable thing! :-(
2011-09-19 20:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..throat. Otherwise fine. I miss you, sweet lady. I would so love to have you here wrapped around me! :-) A soft kiss on your forehead...
2011-09-19 20:31:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. I was reading in bed so I fell asleep in some time. Slept well & woke up with the alarm. Slight soreness in my..
2011-09-19 20:30:53 (EDT)

melancholundone Huh!? How come? You don't like me anymore since I have come back to India? ;-p How are you? All well?
2011-09-19 20:28:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. I know... :-| I understand your sigh. My sweet one, kisses on your finger tips... good night...
2011-09-19 12:33:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you a lot too. I really do... :-)

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2011-09-19 12:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I am definitely off. I wish I could kiss you on your upper arms... :-) Good night sweet one... :-)
2011-09-19 12:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, just about to sleep so suddenly felt inspired to tweet... Sweetie pie, as I said, weekdays are going to be tough. I wish you were here!
2011-09-19 12:29:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night darling. Sleep well. May many smiles & cheer fill your sleep. A soft kiss on each wrist, my sweet one... :-)
2011-09-19 11:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, darling. I was studying so was away from the computer. Let me wish you goodnight now as I will have my fruits & go to sleep! :-)
2011-09-19 11:56:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too. I dried myself & jumped into warm clothes. Should be fine, else you will know. A kiss on your sweet nose, darling! :-)
2011-09-19 09:42:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Traffic wasn't half as bad in the morning but the rains came down crashing & I was drenched to the bone! :-(
2011-09-19 09:23:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading for home now... Catch you in a bit.

2011-09-19 07:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't cook. Mom does. After 10 days I would eat at the office itself.
2011-09-19 05:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunch was fine. I had packed some from home. Yes, I plan to leave earlier every day & return early as well. Will reduce my frustration! :-)
2011-09-19 04:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to have lunch now. Will come back in a bit... :-) Sending you sweet kisses for your cheeks... :-)
2011-09-19 03:35:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. I miss you a lot. Yes, you were on the flight around this time & I was wondering where to pick you up!? :-)
2011-09-19 03:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting things done from the list of things to do but couldn't give the motorbike for service as I was already delayed too much!
2011-09-19 03:34:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on the way to the office, there was a horrible traffic jam & I was stuck in the Indian heat for 1.5 hrs on the road!! Really horrible!
2011-09-19 03:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... I am in the office. Morning started out very well with me doing my workout & sticking to my schedule. But...
2011-09-19 03:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was lying in bed waiting for sleep. I was thus for over 1.5 hrs. I think I eventually slept around 00:45. So I the sleep wasn't enough...
2011-09-18 20:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady! Hope you slept well. I did & woke up before the alarm went off. Nevertheless, I slept late. Don't know why! :-(
2011-09-18 20:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you sweet dreams of your choice & lots of smiles in your sleep. A soft kiss on your knees & a tender hug. Do join me soon... :-)
2011-09-18 12:45:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. ;-p I miss you a lot. A lot lot lot... :-) Kisses all over you. I am off to bed now. Goodnight sweet butterfly lady! :-)
2011-09-18 12:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, no watching movies tonight or any weeknight. I think my weekdays will be quite packed with professional studies & office work... :-|
2011-09-18 12:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, my mom said my snoring has reduced significantly. I feel it too. Sorry for sharing the noisiest nights with you! :-D
2011-09-18 12:28:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I will have to go sleep soon so that I can wake up early & get going... :-) My sweet one in a white tee. Kiss on your tummy! :-)
2011-09-18 11:24:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ was also warm & cheerful. So in toto, a decent day. :-)
2011-09-18 11:24:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was fine. Quite happy because I set up my computer table nicely. Packaged some books in protective covers too. Trip to my uncle's...
2011-09-18 11:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am going to work tomorrow. Yes, bike servicing, some form submissions, & carpenter work. Shouldn't be too hectic but anyway has to be done
2011-09-18 11:22:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they did like the gifts. My uncle loved the shirt as he hasn't one in this colour. My grandma loved her gifts & so did my aunt. Thanks!
2011-09-18 11:21:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you darling. I saw a video where the woman looked just like you. Her hair was similar to yours. I was so reminded of you... :-)
2011-09-18 10:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And with them, I think I should be mostly done with the urgent tasks. Thereafter there will be the continuous chores of everyday living! :-)
2011-09-18 10:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All is well. Nothing to worry. Tomorrow will indeed be slightly hectic, I anticipate. Let's see. Tomorrow I have a few more chores to finish
2011-09-18 10:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A million kisses raining down on you to make up for being away. How are you? We got back just now. What did you do? What are you wearing?
2011-09-18 10:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling! Do forgive me. I was caught up in some cleaning work in the morning & then rushed off to my uncle's place. :-|
2011-09-18 10:20:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling! Sleep well with a smile! :-)

2011-09-17 13:48:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Broadband returned! Movie over! Off to bed, waiting for you to fill the arch of my body... & my hands on your stomach pulling you to me! :-)
2011-09-17 13:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost broadband conx. On dial-up. Will say goodnight now! Sweet dreams darling. A kiss on your sweet lips! :-)
2011-09-17 11:32:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too!! :-) I will soon sit down to watch the Twilight movie (Eclipse)... :-D
2011-09-17 11:30:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would love such a weather & the lovely skin over which the breeze runs... :-)
2011-09-17 10:22:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I picked the number! :-) I like it too. A sweet kiss as I sway you in my arms... :-) How was your day so far!?
2011-09-17 09:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Mobile thingy done. My new number is +919381189899. Tired & sweaty! Chennai is a very humid city... :-(
2011-09-17 09:02:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off I go... whoosh!

2011-09-17 05:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have known her since she was a kid. Finish the mobile work... I would like to meet her but am unsure about meeting the rest of the family!
2011-09-17 05:27:16 (EDT)

agatekartik I am without a mobile as of now. Will let you know once I get my connections reactivated or a new number! :-|
2011-09-17 05:04:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I have to meet her. Been a long while. Maybe I will go & finish the rest of the stuff too... :-)
2011-09-17 05:03:10 (EDT)

darkntwistd So what's new? How is Versace? And Brianna? Are your meds helping you? I hope you are eating & sleeping well... xoxo :-)
2011-09-17 04:55:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ...stay in touch. So I keep wondering why am I going to meet them? Of course one of the girls is very sweet & loving so she earned it! :-)
2011-09-17 04:52:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The reason I am not sure whether I want to go is the distance & then the heat outside & then the fact that some of them never bothered to...
2011-09-17 04:52:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on your thighs! :-) My sweet sweet darling lady... I wish I could hug you tight! :-)
2011-09-17 02:20:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day lined up? How are you feeling? Hope all the hurt of the past few days is gone. Hope you feel fresh & light. :-) A kiss ...
2011-09-17 02:19:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...leaving the city tonight. Not sure yet. Depends on how inclined I feel to do it. Other than that, organising the room continues! :-)
2011-09-17 02:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on Monday. Meeting uncle/aunt tomorrow. So today I will have an oil bath, wrap up the mobile thing & (maybe) meet some friends who are ..
2011-09-17 02:18:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...have moved them around tomorrow & the day after. Carpenter came to see design etc. Will provide an estimate on Monday. Bike servicing...
2011-09-17 02:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning sweet darling. Slept well? I did but woke up earlier than my body wanted to. I thought I had some chores to complete but...
2011-09-17 02:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight! :-)

2011-09-16 14:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I shall go and sleep... Take care darling. Sleep well. A hot cup of herbal tea before bed will give you a sure shot undisturbed sleep!
2011-09-16 14:16:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, that is a problem. I don't think that way. I just feel like I should take care of the world while people enjoy & relax. Will take care!
2011-09-16 14:14:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need to understand where that comes from within me & let it die on its own... But yes, I am aware of that. Rest assured. :-)
2011-09-16 14:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually, one of the clients in US gave me that feedback (anonymous): "At times he talks to people like they don't know anything" :-D :-(
2011-09-16 14:12:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I have that problem of believing I can solve it all & take care of everyone, wanting to always guide them & supervise over them... :-|
2011-09-16 14:10:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't bad. Not one bit. Honest. I am not trying to be nice to you. So trust me. You are fine. :-) Lovely, lively lady... ;-p
2011-09-16 14:06:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a particular Indian! ;-p

2011-09-16 14:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But other than that & your stubborn anger you are perfectly fine. Trust me! :-) As a wise woman said, nobody's perfect! Except for an Indian
2011-09-16 14:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do sound rough at times, esp. when you snap back with a "I know" or "I do" but then I realise that is simply your way of talking... :-)
2011-09-16 14:01:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Movie's over. Little baby boy will go and sleep now... :-) How was your day darling? Why do you keep suspecting that you bore me!? You don't
2011-09-16 14:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One kiss coming your way.... and another one to balance the wings of the butterfly! :-)
2011-09-16 13:59:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am not asleep yet. Watching the Twilight saga (New Moon). Miss you darling! Will kiss you beneath each ear... soon! Wait till then! ;-p
2011-09-16 13:52:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, & this is worse. Are chores are separate but equally vital for each of us!! :-D So our chores are doubled but coupleness reduced! :-)
2011-09-16 11:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...holding hands & talking sweet things!! The practicalities of life creep in.. :-D
2011-09-16 11:09:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, chores often tend to take up time. Often this is a big surprise for many newly wed couples, wondering how so less time is spent...
2011-09-16 11:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened sweetie? Want to Skype?

2011-09-15 13:11:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going on... Still in progress! :-(

2011-09-15 10:28:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... Will do

2011-09-15 10:22:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks! :-) Yes, more than one day a week & more than once a day... :-)
2011-09-15 10:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it is fine, give it a kiss from my side... ;-p

2011-09-15 09:53:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think it will get better soon. It already feels better. Knee is fine. Going to exercise it regularly... :-) How's your shoulder?
2011-09-15 09:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Everyone's not me to land up at an airport with no details whatsoever but still be on time! ;-p
2011-09-15 09:51:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ho! Unfortunate timing issues can get people angry though they should realise that you didn't have the details... :-(
2011-09-15 09:50:42 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing fantastic. Horrible broadband speed... :(

2011-09-15 09:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not the best?

2011-09-15 09:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, sweet one!? :-)

2011-09-15 09:16:56 (EDT)

melancholundone Yep. Mostly well. Got the broadband thingy done today. decided to tweet a bit before crashing for the night! :-) Sending you a big hug & :-)
2011-09-14 12:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back on DMs... Seems like you are busy. Will say good night. Hugging you & kissing you deeply. Sweet dreams. Goodnight! :-)
2011-09-14 12:39:41 (EDT)

darkntwistd Wishing you the best... :-)

2011-09-14 12:39:08 (EDT)

darkntwistd Hi Anne. How are you? Since I was on a dial-up connection I didn't access DMs (as it is very slow). I reached safe & am relaxing nowadays!
2011-09-14 12:38:58 (EDT)

darkntwistd Hello, Anne. I did make it safe & sound. Now simply getting out of the jetlag! :-) Hope all is well with you... :-)
2011-09-11 07:00:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you back. Bye now. I'll miss you... :-)
2011-09-08 21:39:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ More later, sweet one. Don't know when we'll "chat" again... Take care. Sweet hugs & kisses... :-)
2011-09-08 21:36:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No dear one. I was saving the battery on my laptop... There seem to be no charging station nearby. I will be boarding in a few min.
2011-09-08 21:35:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Some of the women are quite sexy out here. One was wearing a purple gown. Very very sexy! ;-p No, I am not swooning!! ;-p
2011-09-08 20:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope I don't snore on the flight... Well, I will let the air hostess know that she can rub me up if I snore. ;-p
2011-09-08 20:43:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight darling. Miss you.

2011-09-08 20:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Security checkin complete... All's well. Bought a hot sandwich & had it too...
2011-09-08 20:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know you can't do that once at the airport. Had I known this I would have bought the stuff online. Anyway, it is done now. :-|
2011-09-08 20:36:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I heard it was delayed but here the boards say 22:00. Let's see. Yes, if I snore, everyone can open the flight windows & let some noise in!
2011-09-08 20:35:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet li'l lady has fallen asleep. So I will head for security checkin now... :-)
2011-09-08 19:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet one, I miss you. A soft kiss on your forehead. I will now head for security checkin. Ok?
2011-09-08 19:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I can't get online, you can track the flight status too...
2011-09-08 19:45:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed, darling. It is late & you must sleep. I will try to keep you updated about my journey. My flight is BA-214 & BA-35.
2011-09-08 19:45:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it is ok. I still got everything within the specified corporate limit. But I was quite annoyed. Anyway... All's well. :-)
2011-09-08 19:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached the airport!! Checked in. The extra baggage rate is
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higher when done at the airport & they wouldn't let me get online to buy it! :-(
2011-09-08 19:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading out now... :-) Catch you soon when I get online in the Boston airport. :-)
2011-09-08 17:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, don't do that. Sleep well & proper.

2011-09-08 17:21:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ London doesn't have free wifi & my cards don't work there last time I tried. Anyway, will try. :-)
2011-09-08 17:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got it, dear!

2011-09-08 17:12:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, no need to do anything. All things worked out upfront!! :-D I hope me & all my luggage reaches safely & promptly!
2011-09-08 17:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My seat is already booked to provide for legroom etc. On both flights. So all I need to do is checkin & I am done. :-)
2011-09-08 17:03:26 (EDT)

dgdreamin ...reaching India

2011-09-08 17:02:39 (EDT)

dgdreamin The weather back home is rainy but getting cooler too. But our cool is what your summers are like! :-D Wishing you well. Will ping you on...
2011-09-08 16:58:46 (EDT)

dgdreamin I wish so too. I wrote you a DM a while ago wondering whether you were ok through the hurricane. Not really homesick. I miss this place now.
2011-09-08 16:57:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you sweet one. 25 hrs from now & I should be in India... :)
2011-09-08 16:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one. Nearly everything is done. I just need to head

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out now... in about 40 minutes! :-)

2011-09-08 16:51:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our main office! ;-p

2011-09-08 15:45:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, still in the office. Shipping the phone these guys gave me to use in the US. Shipping it to your main office in Chicago.
2011-09-08 15:41:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Finishing off last minute stuff like shipping the phone etc.
2011-09-08 15:38:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here. Was away at lunch. Now getting into a meeting. Catch you in a while...
2011-09-08 13:38:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly!! :-D

2011-09-08 11:34:39 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hi Deborah. How are you? Today I leave for India. I wanted to say bye to you. Will stay in touch over DMs for sure. Take care :-)
2011-09-08 11:32:28 (EDT)

darkntwistd I wish you the best & hope you have a great time. We will stay in touch over emails/DM. Do take care of yourself... :-)
2011-09-08 11:31:33 (EDT)

darkntwistd Good morning, Anne. How are you? Hope all is well. I leave today for India. I enjoyed my trip. My phone numbers are no longer active.
2011-09-08 11:30:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nervouse, yes. Excited, not really. Worried, yes. Worried that I might have forgotten something that I should have completed! :-D
2011-09-08 11:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I mean Friday night, Saturday early morning 00:00 hrs. I love your confidence! Yes, it will connect! :-)
2011-09-08 11:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you are up, please do call me. :-) Not sure if the call will connect. It may. It should. Give it a try. :-) 00:00 hrs Saturday
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2011-09-08 11:00:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do remember the street names all the way to the Farmer's Market. :-) BTW, it will be 00:00 hrs in your place when I reach India :-)
2011-09-08 11:00:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If my sister has reactivated my connection, my India number is +91-9382188480. I

2011-09-08 09:55:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...home when I get back. Will go out to access the internet. Not sure.
2011-09-08 09:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for the number, darling. I can't place international calls from my mobile/landline in India. I doubt whether I'll have broadband at
2011-09-08 09:20:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..bye to everyone. To Bob (breakfast) & all the housekeeping people. I'll miss them all. I'll miss things I never noticed long enough... :-(
2011-09-08 09:19:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Reached the office. 5 bags fit in the trunk well. 1 in the back seat & one on my lap. All's well. It was sad leaving the place saying...
2011-09-08 09:17:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wished the room goodbye from your side too... Will catch up soon.
2011-09-08 08:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear sweet one, I am leaving the room. One final good bye to the office. I wish you were here, removing my top shirt button! :-) Miss you.
2011-09-08 08:09:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one... I will try to go for the walk but then you aren't here with me. Walks won't be fun! :-) I am getting ready for the day. :-)
2011-09-08 06:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will, sweet darling... :-) I will hug & kiss it... :-)
2011-09-08 06:10:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I thought if I load the luggage now in the car, I can do my final rounds of checking. 4 pieces of main luggage loaded! :-)
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2011-09-08 06:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting some luggage out of the room & into the car so I might be busy for the next hour or so. Will ping you again. Good morning! :-)
2011-09-08 05:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I slept not too well. I couldn't sleep initially & then woke up once in a while. Maybe just nervousness. :-)
2011-09-08 05:15:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will go to sleep now as I have to wake up early. You take care. I miss you too. A lot... :-)
2011-09-07 22:25:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet one, the dinner was fine. I am nearly done packing. Only toothbrush, shaving cream etc. left to pack in the morning! :-)
2011-09-07 22:25:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright. I leave now. You take care & sleep sweetly. Goodnight, darling. May your dreams too be sweet & lovely... :-)
2011-09-07 18:54:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And upon returning, I will certainly hug you... :-)

2011-09-07 18:54:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes sweetie. Last night here. I feel sad. Somehow this became home for me & there grew an attachment... :-| Anyway, I will enjoy the night!
2011-09-07 18:53:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I will wish you a good night's sleep & kiss you softly on your nose & hug you till you start snoring!! :-D
2011-09-07 18:38:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I am in the room & will leave shortly for the farewell dinner that my team has organised. Will leave in about 15 minutes. :-)
2011-09-07 18:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I dropped the Lindt choc plan. I have loads of chocolates now & some premium brands too. Somehow this trip doesn't feel chocolatey! :-)
2011-09-07 18:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached...

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2011-09-07 18:36:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Heading to the hotel...

2011-09-07 18:00:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree it would've been beautiful. It always makes me smile just imagining the possibility. :-) And did I tell you, I love your skin?
2011-09-07 17:46:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes we were, but "sharing" often has a deeper connotation. Like "sharing a bed" which could very well mean something simple or complicated!
2011-09-07 17:40:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Technically we didn't share those covers! But I get what you are saying, so yes, same covers! :-)
2011-09-07 17:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Nice! Yes, those covers haven't been changed at all, I think! :-D
2011-09-07 16:15:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah yeah yeah... convenient! :-) So how has your day been? My Nook is pretty much love at 1st sight. I have sent you a pic of it! :-D
2011-09-07 15:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And anyway, you find me too talkative, so I am sure you would be happy with a less talkative me!! ;-)
2011-09-07 13:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really!? Maybe the work, packing, shopping & not to mention the mother-of-all-distractions Nook are to blame if at all... :-)
2011-09-07 13:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Relax! I have always thanked you when you kiss. Why are you suddenly suspecting everything? Huh? :-)
2011-09-07 13:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hungry as hell so will go and have my lunch. Thanks for the kiss. Sent you one on the same butterfly wings... :-)
2011-09-07 13:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear sweet one! I went & returned the car. On the way I
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stopped at a Walmart & bought a load of chocolates!! :-D Only Lindtremains! :-)
2011-09-07 13:13:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be glad if you get an opportunity to do that! :-D

2011-09-07 10:32:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It has indeed reduced significantly... Lets see how the evening fares... :-)
2011-09-07 10:16:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow will be very very very difficult. Let's see...

2011-09-07 10:06:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...chocolate plan altogether! :-(

2011-09-07 09:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, I reached the office. Didn't stop at Walmart because it is pouring cats & dogs here. So if the evening isn't better, I drop the
2011-09-07 09:10:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too sweetie. I am off to have breakfast, store & then the office... Catch you later. Take care! :-) A hug & a kiss & whooosh! :-D
2011-09-07 07:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But after hours sounds like a good idea too. Maybe I will do that. I might finish Walmart now & do Lindt in the evening. Makes sense?
2011-09-07 07:32:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ After work is a possibility but I would need to borrow a car then as I am surrendering the car today in the morning! :-)
2011-09-07 07:16:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok, will do.

2011-09-07 07:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They open at 9:00 in the morning so I would need to go there & then to the office which will get me slightly late!
2011-09-07 07:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...from Walmart. Options will be more in Lindt outlet & maybe cheaper as it is an outlet with discounts. Disadv. is the distance & timing
2011-09-07 07:06:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am just debating whether to go to the Lindt choc. outlet in the outlet mall we went to (where we shopped clothes, etc.) or just pick some
2011-09-07 07:05:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the office. :-)

2011-09-07 07:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling. How is your day? What are you wearing? I will rush get ready, have breakfast & go buy chocolates before heading to
2011-09-07 07:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I will have to spread things out & pack well. Yes, I have tried my best to keep thinks padded & wrapped where required. :-)
2011-09-07 06:45:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady. I slept fairly well. I think my 6 bags has grown to 7. Else I was packing everything too tightly & was problematic
2011-09-07 06:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night sweet one. Close your eyes & breathe evenly... :-)
2011-09-06 20:38:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love it when you do that. Makes me feel very close to you... :-)
2011-09-06 20:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ very sure

2011-09-06 20:09:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing like that. Of course I love to hug you. :-) I hug you tightly & kiss you on the back of your neck. In a short while, I'll join you!
2011-09-06 20:06:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet scented dreams & lovely whispers to you tonight. Sleep well, dear one. I hope you sleep undisturbed & wake up with a smile :-)
2011-09-06 20:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...go to India & sleep off before the sweet lady. That way, you simply have to go to bed early!! :-D Come on, go to sleep now... goodnight!
2011-09-06 20:01:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright... time to go to sleep. Very very late & the lady has not
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stuck to her word of sleeping early! :-o The only solution is that I ...
2011-09-06 20:01:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It actually turned out to be!! I was more keen on using up stuff I had and voila! yummy food!! :-D
2011-09-06 19:54:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ beans with yogurt and salsa and sliced almonds

2011-09-06 19:51:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweetie pie... :-) Dishwasher is running. Hopefully this will be the last time before I leave. I am having one of the frozen veg.
2011-09-06 19:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Compared to Hershey's, Lindt is higher end! :-D

2011-09-06 19:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With that I'll be done! :-D

2011-09-06 19:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet spallow! :-) Yes, bought 12 miniature cans of curry. I want to buy the Lindt chocolate & some normal ones too... :-)
2011-09-06 19:13:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah right! And you barely talk! :-D Anyway, she doesn't want the coffee. This specific curry paste is not available in India. So bought it
2011-09-06 19:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel like buying chocolates, honestly! But I think I should as everyone back home expects some... Let's see... :-)
2011-09-06 18:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't drive. Was in the car with the other guys. I think the last round of shopping I need to do is for chocolates & peri-peri sauce! :-)
2011-09-06 18:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I talk too much!? What to do! That is only way when I am in a car with a laconic spallow!!
2011-09-06 18:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I returned the coffee I bought for my mom & decided to buy these curry pastes as these are not available in India... :-)
2011-09-06 18:54:42 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And reached... :-) My sweet sweet one, I bought a bundle of Thai curry pastes! :-)
2011-09-06 18:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the hotel in 5 minutes... :-)

2011-09-06 18:07:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You also cleaned it up which is sweet! :-) Day's fine. Just an unnecessary discussion about some development practices, but its ok. :-)
2011-09-06 17:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry! Was away at another machine. Thank you & one for you too. I miss you.I am looking at my watch now... :-) How are you, sweet one?
2011-09-06 16:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rice with Thai Green curry...

2011-09-06 14:15:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Was caught up in meetings. Having lunch now... :-) How's your day?
2011-09-06 14:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one! I hope they stick to what is required & do the necessary.
2011-09-06 12:28:23 (EDT)

darkntwistd Good morning. How are you? Weekend was ok. Mostly chores... How was yours?
2011-09-06 11:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would too, but this would be a violation of business contract with the clients.
2011-09-06 11:05:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I am done with this project. I completely disconnect from this project after Thursday. :-)
2011-09-06 10:59:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doesn't work that way. If they need my help & I spend even an hour, my company will bill them & that gets complicated. So, when I leave...
2011-09-06 10:57:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Not really nothing. Just that it was difficult keeping things going but once I go it will be difficult to ensure that things are balanced!
2011-09-06 10:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...done their way. Don't know. Too much politics here... :-)
2011-09-06 10:34:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Not sure what they'll do when I am gone. I think this project will degrade because the client devs are trying to get things
2011-09-06 10:32:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! :-) My sweet sweet lady! Now to jump into a lot of work... :-|
2011-09-06 09:11:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the office... Bye. Catch you in a bit...

2011-09-06 08:07:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alrighty! I am off to have my bath & get ready for the office... :-)
2011-09-06 07:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why surprised? You think I am incapable of being organised & planned?
2011-09-06 07:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could feature in the Mastercard advt.!! :-D Bathroom, wardrobe, shelves cleaned up. Now just last minute clothes & kitchen stuff.
2011-09-06 07:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Quite a costly dinner & lunch for you!! :-D

2011-09-06 06:55:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do... ;-p

2011-09-06 06:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Trying not to forget, but how much can one man eat!!? :-(
2011-09-06 06:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rice over. Coconut milk over. Veggies nearly over. :-)
2011-09-06 06:42:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come on! That is not a problem! Just 2 days. And we will have hrs of overlap before you leave. Remember, I shift to India! :-D
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2011-09-06 06:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! 12 straight hrs!? That's crazy! Can't they split it over 3-4 days?
2011-09-06 05:59:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...for less. Working to your full capacity will keep you happy & well financed. I am happy that so many options are coming up! :-)
2011-09-06 05:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perfect! I really think you should strike the iron while it is hot & get yourself the best job possible. Please do not hesitate & settle...
2011-09-06 05:53:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I like you like that! :-) So how did the interview go? Cracked it!? They love you? :-) My sweet sweet darling... I slept well & you?
2011-09-06 05:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will do. Why get up early?

2011-09-05 19:46:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then I wish you a good night. Sleep well & long. May pleasant sweet dreams be yours. Kiss you on your shoulders. Goodnight! :-)
2011-09-05 19:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Isn't it time for you to sleep? :-)

2011-09-05 19:28:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. But expect me to comment back... :-D

2011-09-05 19:24:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is that swooning!? If someone is sexy they are. If someone is boring they are. If someone is funny they are... simple. :-)
2011-09-05 19:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't swoon over them. I simply find them really sexy... :-)
2011-09-05 19:15:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So the only difference is in my sharing what I saw with you? :-o
2011-09-05 19:11:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But come on... Wouldn't you also notice if a guy was well dressed or had an excellent body?
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2011-09-05 19:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why should I stop looking at them!? Don't they want to be looked at?
2011-09-05 18:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, some women were absolutely sexy in the beach. Some of them look very very hot in their bikinis! :-o
2011-09-05 18:54:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope all goes well now for you & Hungary. Whatever I read about Hung. I liked. :-) Would love to visit... :-)
2011-09-05 18:39:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...history too, but there is hardly a country without a dark past... :-) I thought it was some random country, but it isn't & I bow down :-)
2011-09-05 18:30:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really! I did. I was curious. I was surprised to read about the oldest university with a rank system & many more. Amazing place. Some bad..
2011-09-05 18:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was reading about Hungary a few days ago. Some very impressive stuff which made me go :-o Wow! You come from an honourable country, milady
2011-09-05 18:21:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I read that it was a Hungarian invention. So you people do have brains! ;-p
2011-09-05 18:16:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look who's talking!! :-D I liked the rubik's cube too. Kept removing the sticky squares and pasted them all on one side to match colors! :-D
2011-09-05 18:13:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ones that come in the newspapers were usually too easy. I'd finish them in 3 min flat. This one was pretty tough or I am growing old!
2011-09-05 18:08:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I just finished playing a game of Sudoku on my Nook!! The

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easy level was quite hard!

2011-09-05 18:05:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And modest too? Hmmm? ;-p

2011-09-05 18:04:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are adorable! :-)

2011-09-05 18:01:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! But everything lying everywhere. Packaging, cartons, labels... name it! :-( The floor is just littered! Andrea! :-)
2011-09-05 17:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sweet baklava goes to sleep!! :-) How are you? What did you do?My room is a horrible mess right now! :-( Wish you were here! ;-p
2011-09-05 17:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... :-) Just getting there was an adventure!! :-o It is not too far but even with the GPS I kept getting lost! But am back before...
2011-09-05 17:28:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't. Sweet one. :-) I am off to meet the relatives now. Catch you later... :-)
2011-09-05 14:43:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, wardrobe is clean except for the 3 shirts for 3 days. I am also packing in stuff from the kitchen cupboards, so should be good soon!!
2011-09-05 14:30:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was also a packet of mozzarella which had gotten over. I thought it hadn't. Lunch, milady, was delicious!! Utter sin! :-)
2011-09-05 14:02:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting down for lunch. Will eat that & then leave in a bit...
2011-09-05 13:44:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Cheddar cheese is over. Slowly, will finish the remaining too... :-D
2011-09-05 13:44:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did hand over a few things to them yesterday. Nothing more to hand over... :-)
2011-09-05 13:34:27 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ A lot of the fridge is now empty... So not a worry. Some things will simply be discarded for lack of a better option. :-(
2011-09-05 13:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why must I not stay long!?

2011-09-05 13:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Nice colour combination. I am basically trying to exhaust all that is there in the fridge. :-)
2011-09-05 13:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...nearby so they want me to come over. I might go there for at most an hour. I don't want to be there long. I feel better my myself :-(
2011-09-05 12:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. I am making pasta with mushrooms, red bell peppers, olives & jalapenos. :-) Red sauce. My relatives are coming to a beach...
2011-09-05 12:56:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... Then I am going to try reading a book now... ;-p

2011-09-05 11:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe... maybe not! :-)

2011-09-05 11:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reading a book while being "serviced"!!! Nice nice nice! :-D
2011-09-05 11:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D But the Nook contains several books for me. How can any liveliness beat that!! ;-p
2011-09-05 10:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will transform into an iPad? :-D

2011-09-05 10:52:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, I suppose you would... ;-p

2011-09-05 10:46:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, packing & playing with my Nook! :-D

2011-09-05 10:42:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ok. I wonder the same. I have had this combination before, just forgot to try it! :-) How goes your day?
2011-09-05 10:35:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweetie. I am now stuck to butter & orange marmalade! :-) I love it on my toast. I miss you too, darling. :-)
2011-09-05 10:11:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am rushing to have breakfast now. Will catch up with you in a bit...
2011-09-05 08:08:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember how you would simply tell me that my choice of jeans was bad! :-o So yes, shopping was fun! ;-p
2011-09-05 08:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well, yes. And you? Knee better. Back slightly stiff. I wish you were here too. Shopping was indeed fun! :-)
2011-09-05 08:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok... :-)

2011-09-04 20:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Sherlock Holmes was one of my favourite... :-)

2011-09-04 20:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Want to skype?

2011-09-04 20:06:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which book, darling?

2011-09-04 20:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you reading? :-)

2011-09-04 19:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_'l girls or li'l girls wanting to hold the hands of li'l boys... That is sweet too for it is instinctive & not based on hormonal urges!
2011-09-04 19:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we have spoken about that topic earlier too. I find little kids being affectionate to each other also very sweet. Li'l boys kissing..
2011-09-04 19:54:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodnight, sweet one. I hold you close to me, tightly. :-) My sweet sweet baklava! Sleep well & long. Tomorrow is a holiday here... :-)
2011-09-04 19:29:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here with me. My day was normal & uneventful. I went there, had lunch, went to a place where kids play games & returned. :-)
2011-09-04 19:24:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps more so than young lovers. I find the badge of time to hold a lustre deeper & more warming than the heat of passion or youth.
2011-09-04 19:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if you must sleep, please do not stay awake upon seeing this DM. I missed you too. I find old couples very very enchanting & romantic
2011-09-04 19:22:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I just got back home.

2011-09-04 19:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you sweetie... :-)

2011-09-04 08:11:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That DM was in continuation to the one before it. Yes, traffic can play spoilt sport... Anyway, heading down now. Catch up in a few hours!
2011-09-04 08:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It takes about 1 hrs 20 min to reach my uncle's place, so yes, roughly 3 hrs back & forth.
2011-09-04 07:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...before I return. What's lined up for your day?

2011-09-04 07:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should be getting ready in some time, have breakfast & rush to my uncle's place. I don't intend staying long there but it will be evening
2011-09-04 07:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one! Yes, I slept well & long & woke up with a smile... :-) Yes, I shared my bed with the Nook. I had to. :-D
2011-09-04 07:10:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I saw your DMs on my Nook. Typing is tough so I came back to the laptop to send you this... :-) Goodnight
2011-09-03 22:07:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one, you have no clue how happy I am... :-) It feels like I have found a lot of joy!
2011-09-03 21:15:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might be distracted for a while, but you know why... :-)
2011-09-03 20:07:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It seems to be pretty decent! :-) Now to test some PDF files on it! :-)
2011-09-03 20:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My Nook Color arrived!!! :-D It was downstairs & the front desk people didn't even know that it was there!! :-( But I am happy!! :-)
2011-09-03 19:59:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do have an idea & am sure you have an idea too from my side! But what can I do beyond smile? :-|
2011-09-03 19:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2011-09-03 19:15:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, the "neighbours" were indeed doing it!! :-| They were fairly loud... And... you know...
2011-09-03 18:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Restless with what silly feeling, I wonder...

2011-09-03 16:35:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sigh... forget it! I was teasing you... Something seems to be bothering you. Do you want to Skype?
2011-09-03 16:30:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So would I... but I am not silly! ;-p

2011-09-03 16:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, silly! ;-p

2011-09-03 16:17:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Errr... coming to think of it... YES!! :-D

2011-09-03 16:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know that is why I am asking you.

2011-09-03 15:48:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...bothering you?

2011-09-03 15:42:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you found the place. :-) A feeling of restlessness? Is there something you think I should be feeling odd about but am not & that is...
2011-09-03 15:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No sweetie... nothing like that. Why do you feel that way?
2011-09-03 15:36:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today because I can't guarantee this about every day in the future! :-)
2011-09-03 15:31:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then let me assure you that today, that feeling is misplaced. :-) Happy?
2011-09-03 15:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh!? Not sure what you mean... All's well. Why do you feel something is not proper?
2011-09-03 15:21:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy endings make me realise how uneventful my life is! Anyway, that is how it is. You left your grapes behind... :-)
2011-09-03 15:05:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know! :-D

2011-09-03 15:03:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had pizza while watching a rom-com kinda movie. It would be nice to have a happy ending to life too... :-)
2011-09-03 14:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... Done for the day?

2011-09-03 14:54:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did nothing wrong... :-) Now I will have my lunch & then will
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get back to you... Ok?

2011-09-03 13:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you ask? Why shouldn't everything be alright?

2011-09-03 13:28:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, the gifts I bought for my uncle are for the one in India not in Boston. And not sure when I will give the things for my nephew to him.
2011-09-03 13:27:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I bought the nuts, spices, scrubber, soaps, etc. What remains is the peri peri sauce & some chocolates. I also want to buy some curry paste
2011-09-03 13:26:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have to but they are bulky. So will convert them & leave this country. Brb...
2011-09-03 13:24:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Organising & packing stuff, so have been away from the computer. How was fishing? Had fun? Is Kelvin staying with you tonight?
2011-09-03 13:23:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back sweet one. Everything is fine. I was busy since morning with chores. Just got back & counted out the coins I have to convert.
2011-09-03 13:19:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have fun! :-)

2011-09-03 05:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Someone you don't know...

2011-09-02 19:28:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you don't want to, we needn't. I can attend to the my lady friend!
2011-09-02 19:26:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Relax! God! Anyway, want to skype?

2011-09-02 19:22:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you are so worried about YOUR couch, I can ask her to come join me here... ;-p
2011-09-02 19:20:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Some pretty lady...

2011-09-02 19:20:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ;-p
2011-09-02 19:19:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, there is a lady sleeping on the couch, but that's a different story!
2011-09-02 19:16:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! :-) My sweet sweet darling... The room feels empty without you! :-(
2011-09-02 19:11:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, I am way too good!! ;-p Anyway, heading for the hotel now. Catch you in a while...
2011-09-02 18:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D But someone who just sits back & does nothing, will bore me in no time...
2011-09-02 18:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I like planning a hundred things but you joined in on things & did things on your own too. Good enough. Of course, you'd need to contribute!
2011-09-02 18:04:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if you put your heart to things, I am certain you blossom well!
2011-09-02 17:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry what your ex said. I think you are fine... :-)
2011-09-02 17:40:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I would get bored of having to plan every single thing on my own! :-(
2011-09-02 17:36:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, if my partner didn't make plans on her own, or get excited to do things or make suggestions or manage fun times on her own too, then
2011-09-02 17:36:41 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No, it doesn't make you boring. It makes you someone who demands a suitable companion! If my partner just sat back, I'd run away!! :D
2011-09-02 17:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I am still smiling due to your notes... :-)

2011-09-02 17:03:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..a fine companion & collaborator. :-)

2011-09-02 16:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please! You are not even remotely boring. I enjoy your attention to detail & if your partner has the creativity & energy to enjoy, you are..
2011-09-02 16:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are not one bit of a bore & I doubt one can be bored of you. :-)
2011-09-02 13:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ta-da!! :-D

2011-09-02 12:39:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Terribly bored. I feel like watching paint dry for some entertainment... ;-p
2011-09-02 12:35:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D And that happens so many times I wonder whether they are even related to the same body or not!! :-D
2011-09-02 12:19:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. What are you wearing? Do you realise, the tone of our conversations has changed since we met. Softer, dearer, ... :-)
2011-09-02 11:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I trust you. :-) Yes, 3000 seems like a beautiful number... ;-p
2011-09-02 10:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No sweet silly lady! I was teasing you that in putting in that note, you took off $3000!! ;-p
2011-09-02 09:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Just found them both. See? Now you should be convinced that I am not spending & buying anything new!! ;-p But I am missing
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$3000!! ;-)
2011-09-02 09:28:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope the housekeeping people did not clear it off... Oh! BTW, I have reached. :-)
2011-09-02 09:11:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What note sweet one? I didn't find any!!

2011-09-02 09:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No problem sweet one. :-) I heading for the office now. Catch you later... :-)
2011-09-02 08:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did my sweet one enjoy the skype chat? It is better than a phone call, no? :-) And you get to see me too. I wish you'd let me see you!! :-(
2011-09-02 07:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not offline. I am in invisible mode. :-) You login

2011-09-02 07:30:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I always put my phone on vibration when in office & silent when I go to sleep! :-)
2011-09-02 07:21:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can chat on skype is what I meant... :-)

2011-09-02 07:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! My phone's on silent! Sorry! I don't seem to have changed it since I got back from work... :-( I am there on skype, if you like.
2011-09-02 07:04:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! How are you? Slept well? I kinda did. My throat is much better. Yes, missing milady. Kissing you back. :-)
2011-09-02 06:47:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet one! :-)

2011-09-01 21:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, go on, darling. Sleep well tonight. Sleep long. Sweet scented dreams to you. And a kiss on either ear. I join you in a bit... :-)
2011-09-01 20:51:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You took advantage of my sleep!! :-o

2011-09-01 20:51:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you miss more the chance to make fun of it :-(
2011-09-01 20:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too, but for now you must go sleep. It is too late... :-)
2011-09-01 20:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet one...

2011-09-01 20:09:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that is entirely yours... :-)

2011-09-01 20:07:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! But you can have them too, right?

2011-09-01 19:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why poor you? Glad he liked them... :-)

2011-09-01 19:51:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, just a room but such a beautiful world... :-)

2011-09-01 19:44:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No mistake at all... :-) I felt you were so much part of the house, the room. my life... :-) You were wonderful in nearly every way! ;-)
2011-09-01 19:29:49 (EDT)

darkntwistd Yep! :-)

2011-09-01 19:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So sweet! I loved how you took care of my things. It felt very warming. Thanks. Yes, a lovely sweet 3000 ;-p
2011-09-01 19:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Brat!

2011-09-01 19:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will keep my socks clean too. Rest assured. :-)
2011-09-01 19:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Everything is, dear lady, but I still wish you were here. The room
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is clean, exactly how you left it... :-(

2011-09-01 18:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am fine. Throat hurts less. Will still have one more glass of chamomile tea & salt water gargling before bed. I wish you were here! :-(
2011-09-01 18:54:38 (EDT)

darkntwistd Good afternoon, Annie. Sure would be great to talk but I'd let you decide when the right time is & call me. :-)
2011-09-01 18:47:40 (EDT)

monetblanc Damn strong & sensuous! I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing... :-) x x x
2011-09-01 18:46:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should sleep early tonight, darling. BTW, I reached the hotel. :-)
2011-09-01 18:46:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, sweet one. Been a slightly busy day... Had dinner? All settled in for sleep?
2011-09-01 17:35:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't wear it for you? Hmmm. Why do I feel I did? Maybe not... Anyway, you can do the job of imagining!! ;-p
2011-09-01 14:25:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you saw me in pink! Remember the pink shirt which you thought was funny!?
2011-09-01 14:13:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks you sweets. And so does purple & pink & green ... ;-p
2011-09-01 13:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sun's smiling still. Yes, a little busy day. How's your day going? What are you wearing?
2011-09-01 12:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can't find your place? What do you mean? Throat is better but still hurts mildly. A string of meetings now, so will catch up later... :-)
2011-09-01 09:59:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Left for office & reached too. Couldn't ping you before because
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my manager wanted a ride with me so had to rush. How is my sweet one?

2011-09-01 09:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright, now I will get ready for work... Will ping you before I leave for the office. I miss you...
2011-09-01 07:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What!? Really!? I thought Paris was a good airport. I will also remember not to fly through that place. They won't miss me! :-)
2011-09-01 07:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Calls via Skype are (maybe) cheaper than via your mobile service provider's network. Couple of cents per minute... :-)
2011-09-01 07:11:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad to hear about your luggage. At least you can watch me over the video. :-) You can call me too whenever you want. :-)
2011-09-01 07:10:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just worried about you spending too much. We can always setup times to meet on Skype. Another good thing is there is video too!! :-)
2011-09-01 06:45:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing, just brushing my teeth, restroom, usual...

2011-09-01 06:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course it made me smile. I think it made my whole day smile. The Sun outside is smiling... :-)
2011-09-01 06:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can install Skype on your laptop & mobile. Skype-to-Skype calls are free & even if you wished to call international, cost is cheaper
2011-09-01 06:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... how I missed it. Anyway, I am happy I spoke to you. :-) My sweet sweet Andrea :-)
2011-09-01 06:30:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hope your day has been fine so far. Somehow, I did not hear your earlier call. I was up & doing things. Not sure ...
2011-09-01 06:29:50 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ That was the sweetest surprise ever! I never thought it was you. I thought it was the car rental company or someone else. Thank you! :-)
2011-09-01 06:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To you too. Sweet dreams & kiss on each shoulder. Yes I hold you close... goodnight! :-)
2011-08-31 21:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling should sleep now...

2011-08-31 21:13:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No... 1 day is usually enough but jetlag usually surfaces on the 2nd day. Anyway, I should be fine! :-)
2011-08-31 21:08:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Better than no day!! :-)

2011-08-31 21:03:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't leave the airport. I will get back in time & get one day's rest to recover from jetlag so that I can sit through the ceremonies...
2011-08-31 20:55:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And other than the visa is my need to be back home in India to perform the rituals for my father...
2011-08-31 20:49:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I can't stay there as I would need to apply for a visa etc. Which I can only apply from back in India. :-(
2011-08-31 20:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sure how long. Yes, 2 hours... :-) But don't spend so much for just a couple of hours visit, Andrea. Not wise...
2011-08-31 20:35:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet one... I miss everything about you!

2011-08-31 20:26:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too!!
2011-08-31 20:19:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweetie pie!

2011-08-31 20:17:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet one, it is very late. You must go to bed. I think you didn't have any jetlag because you nearly lived according to this timezone!!
2011-08-31 20:04:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! Makes a lot of sense to avoid the stress. Unless if you were being paid an amount that was 3-4 times...
2011-08-31 19:49:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, the pros & cons of the offer & not taking it...
2011-08-31 19:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok.. as long as you have worked things out. All set to sleep?
2011-08-31 19:37:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! So you are sticking to your translation work? Or hunting for more?
2011-08-31 19:33:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So? You are not joining this place? :-o

2011-08-31 19:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was fine. I am mostly fine. Throat is improving (thanks also to the chamomile teas). And you? Joining tomorrow? All set?
2011-08-31 19:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was blushing because that is what you do!! ;-p Kissing you back...
2011-08-31 18:42:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, to the hotel! :-( Blush! ;-p Reached...

2011-08-31 18:33:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, very busy. Heading to the office. Catch you soon... :-)
2011-08-31 17:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pizza Andrea! ;-p

2011-08-31 14:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you a lot sweet one... :-|

2011-08-31 14:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear dear Andrea... Noj-e :-)

2011-08-31 14:09:03 (EDT)

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darkntwistd Good morning. Nothing is ruined, Annie. Smile & enjoy your day. :-)
2011-08-31 09:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realised that I wrote the previous DM but forgot to send it to you & got caught up in the meeting! :-( Sorry, darling.
2011-08-31 09:54:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached, my darling. I am carrying some chamomile tea bags. Will have it occasionally.
2011-08-31 09:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am off to the office now, darling. A tight hug & kiss & whoooooosh! :-)
2011-08-31 08:12:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling knows my day pretty well now! :-) Did you sleep well? Has your tiredness gone away? Are you tracking your luggage?
2011-08-31 08:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most people (esp. women) I know love to laze around & even after waking up they would sit around & bathe later. You were delightful. :-)
2011-08-31 06:47:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will always smile & remember those mornings, dear one. That was another thing that impressed me. That you woke up early & bathed
2011-08-31 06:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I slept well but my throat still hurts. The swelling has reduced & so has the pain but it is still there. It's ok.
2011-08-31 06:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight! :-)

2011-08-30 20:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go and sleep... Enough of chatting. Go! Go!

2011-08-30 20:04:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right... which is odd & different. BTW, I watched Transformers 3 on the bus back! :-) So, we watched 5-6 movies together!!
2011-08-30 20:04:36 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ They start feeling sleepy according to their timezone, headache & in bad cases, nausea etc. The body doesn't adjust & sleeps at wrong hours
2011-08-30 20:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dream sweet dreams, darling & wishing you a good, noiseless sleep. :-)
2011-08-30 19:56:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Go to sleep, my sweet one. I hold you dearly to my chest which you now know so well & hum a soft lullaby. Kisses on your eyes... :-)
2011-08-30 19:55:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I noticed. Most people suffer from it. Amazing because you naturally or habitually manage yourself very well... :-)
2011-08-30 19:54:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ have any jetlag. You are quite amazing. :-)
2011-08-30 19:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is complicated, so let's discuss after you have rested enough. For now, go to bed as it is very very late. BTW, you never seemed...
2011-08-30 19:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was simply wrapping them around my waist & seeing how much fatter I can get for more & more waves!! ;-p
2011-08-30 19:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...foreigners happens when the families don't have very strong cultural/traditional roots or the families disown the guy/girl. :-|
2011-08-30 19:46:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So there are many things. The problem with me, is my family background. We are an orthodox family. Most families where people marry...
2011-08-30 19:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just gargled warm salt water to help my throat. Feels a little better. Will do it one more time before I go to bed & then in the morning
2011-08-30 19:44:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I just folded my clothes & started the dishwasher! :-)Sweet one, there are so many air-packets that came with the package. What do I
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2011-08-30 19:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting on your couch as I type these DMs... Andrea... :-) I do miss you.
2011-08-30 19:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ & I wouldn't mind that if I knew you well enough. I don't. And even that cannot be handled without you suffering. So, yes, very impractical
2011-08-30 19:10:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... people. It is about 2 families & their beliefs & cultures & traditions. As I said, if I went ahead with it, my family will disown me.
2011-08-30 19:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...or even Indian. The other issues are about the choices you have made, which too cannot be altered. Marriages in India are not about 2
2011-08-30 19:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, it is impractical 'coz what is unacceptable about your world is something you cannot change. That you aren't Hindu, or unmarried
2011-08-30 19:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! :-) The last set of things to arrive from have arrived. With that, I am done for this trip! :-)
2011-08-30 19:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, what can be done? Our worlds, our past are so different & impractical to mix. :-( Anyway, leaving for the hotel, now...
2011-08-30 18:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, sweet one. I really don't know. I suppose the next meeting will be only if we both agree there is a purpose & point to it...
2011-08-30 18:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Different from the trips I had & meeting other people/friends. Also different from all you said it would be - laconic, shy, etc.!! :-D
2011-08-30 17:55:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lady. Yes, those 10 days were very very different & beautiful. Thank you for making it so lovely... :-)
2011-08-30 17:46:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ We did the hand-in-hand walk even at the farmer's market lake, remember?
2011-08-30 17:39:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Running on fresh grass, sunset, walk in the rain!, walk by a lake, supermarket alleys, cooking together... :-)
2011-08-30 17:35:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I tried my best to take care of all that we dreamed together. I just couldn't find a swing. The only one was a tire!! :-o
2011-08-30 17:34:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We did! Remember once I held you from behind & pointed out to the sunset on the far right? Just that the view from the window was ok..
2011-08-30 17:32:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I reached the office! :-( I forgot I have to start informing you about these things now... :-(
2011-08-30 17:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, your DMs are showing up on my webpage now... :-)

2011-08-30 17:17:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you in the alleys of the supermarkets... :-(

2011-08-30 17:17:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am done with ordering, darling! No more buying except for soap bars & mixed nuts boxes. Small gifts... :-)
2011-08-30 17:16:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...cancelled it. Finally I ordered from Barnes & Noble itself paying $10 more. But at least it should be delivered before I leave! :-o
2011-08-30 17:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, the Nook Color I ordered was rejected & my manager (who ordered it for me) didn't even tell me!! :-( I called today to find out & ...
2011-08-30 17:10:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really are adorable... :-)

2011-08-30 17:04:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) sweet one! It probably might not be as good as the egg1862 / 4823

2011-08-30 16:53:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet one. And for good reasons. Being picky is not bad as long as the other person can learn & grow. At least I believe that... :-)
2011-08-30 16:00:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I am picky, as you are about the cleanliness of the house & not leaving the shopping cart in the wrong place! :-)
2011-08-30 15:55:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know one person who has always cooked rice correctly as per the requirement of the dish. So, I am thankful for the dinner you cooked
2011-08-30 15:31:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cooking rice, my dear, is supposedly simple. Getting it perfect is next to impossible. :-) So never underestimate the effort in cooking! :-)
2011-08-30 15:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I trust you. You cooked two meals for me. Though one was just toasting the garlic bread etc. But even that was done wonderfully! :-)
2011-08-30 15:25:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss cooking for you. I really do. I am fine. My day is ok. Fever is nearly gone. Throat hurts still bad. I miss you... :-(
2011-08-30 15:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, you didn't... My sweet sweet darling lady. :-)
2011-08-30 15:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... Just liked watching you. You were so sweet, kicking your blanket and blinking your eyes often... :-)
2011-08-30 15:02:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I look at my watch & imagine you sleeping while I enter the room & simply sit on the bed watching you sleep on the couch! :-) My sweet angel
2011-08-30 14:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Refresh doesn't help. Shouldn't you sleep for a while? :-) Did Kelvin like his gifts? Hope you didn't get stressed out in Paris and... ;-)
2011-08-30 12:29:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I send DMs from the webpage. Prevents mistakes like sending the DMs to my stream. For tweeting/RT-ing I use TweetDeck.
2011-08-30 12:02:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet Andrea. Somehow, your DMs are not coming up on my Twitter Messages window. I get them as an email but not on the webpage.
2011-08-30 11:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh god! I hope nothing very valuable is stuck in there. How is your cat lady? :-) Happy to see you? :-)
2011-08-30 11:44:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it felt right & so easy. Even without anything sexual, we were wonderful together. I agree with you. I wish you were here... :-(
2011-08-30 11:21:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. A hundred things that we shared over the past 10 days. I fold and keep things as my way of connecting to you... :-( Andrea!
2011-08-30 11:20:44 (EDT)

darkntwistd I wasn't well yesterday so was offline mostly. Wishing you a good day... :-)
2011-08-30 10:06:23 (EDT)

darkntwistd Good morning. Forgive you for what? Please. No hard feelings between us. I thought you needed the space & time. :-) No issues at all...
2011-08-30 10:05:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I saw how you had arranged everything & it nearly made me cry. I kept imagining you sitting on the couch... Andrea, I miss you darling. :-(
2011-08-30 09:26:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling!! I am so happy to hear that you have reached safely. Yes, it was sad this morning. I kept looking around for you!
2011-08-30 09:25:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the 1st part of your journey back was good & convenient.
2011-08-30 06:32:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady. I suppose you are in Paris now. I
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slept well but the left side of my throat hurts still. Will do something... :-)
2011-08-30 06:32:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought we wouldn't be talking at all & it would end up being very boring for you. We did talk a lot (relatively). That is what I meant.
2011-08-30 06:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I will miss being woken up by you. I will miss a million things about you. Thank you for making these days so special. :-)
2011-08-29 21:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you have a safe journey & only smile when you think of these days together. It was unlike what I had imagined & very beautiful... :-)
2011-08-29 21:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) It isn't that you aren't good enough for me. It is just that there are way too many differences. Never mind. I will hold these days dear
2011-08-29 21:47:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I reached. It wasn't too difficult & I am glad my body started recovering quickly. My sweet lady... I wish I could hold you now.
2011-08-29 21:46:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear dear Andrea. Yes, it was lovely. Very very lovely. I enjoyed our time together. It was beautiful in many ways. Thank you. :-)
2011-08-29 21:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come back to the room, sweet one. How long do you wish to be away? :-)
2011-08-29 11:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Where are you? Still hunting stuff for Renata? I am disturbed too, but don't have a solution... :-(
2011-08-29 11:03:41 (EDT)

monetblanc Sure... :-)

2011-08-29 10:54:45 (EDT)

monetblanc My pleasure... :-) x x x

2011-08-29 10:51:03 (EDT)

monetblanc Oh! Sure... :-)

2011-08-29 10:49:23 (EDT)
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monetblanc I am fine. My last 10 days here. Which poem, dear one? xx

2011-08-29 10:39:16 (EDT)

darkntwistd Hola! How are you? :-) How is your health? How is Versace? Brianna? Hope all is well with you & your world... :-)
2011-08-29 10:38:31 (EDT)

monetblanc *download...
2011-08-29 10:35:24 (EDT)

monetblanc Thank you... :-) Will down it shortly.

2011-08-29 10:35:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad it was beautiful. I found it so too & will miss you a lot! :-) You are such a wonderful person to be with... :-)
2011-08-29 10:08:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't be sad, dear one. Something simply are beautiful but not meant to be. :-( We can't change those things... :-(
2011-08-29 10:07:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, it is ok. :-) I understand what is in your mind & heart. My hands are tied, though. I am glad you found your trip pleasant. :-)
2011-08-29 08:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am sitting down to start my prayers. Should be done in about 25 min or so... Please stay indoors... :-)
2011-08-28 07:59:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you showed me the note I first got angry because I don't like pranks on a person's character! But then I realised it was a prank...
2011-08-28 07:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet one. If I wouldn't do anything with you, do you think I would have even touched another woman to give her hope!? :-)
2011-08-28 07:58:14 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hope you are well and mostly unaffected by the hurricane...
2011-08-27 18:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached. :-)

2011-08-26 18:58:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Decide!! Is it small or big? When I say something you say it is smaller, then bigger, then so small... :-D
2011-08-26 15:59:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Could be my nephew's bag!! :-)

2011-08-26 15:56:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetie. Relax. I just said it as an aside. I don't think you are like that one bit. :-) Small? Hmmm. Might be the replacement!! :-)
2011-08-26 15:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Let it be. Is it big? From where? Amazon

2011-08-26 15:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, I could DM you to let you know when I am leaving & then you could come down 15 min after that DM & we could go out... What say?
2011-08-26 14:14:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. These guys ordered pizzas & I had a few slices. I should be able to leave a little early. Maybe we could meet downstairs & go out
2011-08-26 14:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the sun does make a huge difference... :-)

2011-08-26 14:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Someone's in a very playful mood today... :-) I miss you sweetie...
2011-08-26 13:57:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Very generous... :-D

2011-08-26 13:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are good, milady. Very good. :-)

2011-08-26 13:44:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that sounds like a much better plan...

2011-08-26 13:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You could build them a nice big house or just smile... ;-)
2011-08-26 13:37:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ They felt neglected...

2011-08-26 13:31:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You'd notice the butterflies I send to you at the window... Like the one that reached Hungary! ;-p
2011-08-26 13:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel it too, sweet one, and I am glad you understand why we can't. Yes, it is difficult & torturous but what can we do? :-(
2011-08-26 12:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no no... You got me wrong! I was talking about you sleeping & not even knowing that I had entered! Gosh! I didn't mean anything else! :o
2011-08-26 12:45:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, if you didn't sleep, you might notice... ;-p

2011-08-26 12:28:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... miss you?

2011-08-26 11:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually I didn't know, but seeing all the butterflies outside my window, I had a slight suspicion! And do you have an idea as to how much I
2011-08-26 11:54:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Of course...

2011-08-26 10:39:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah yeah yeah... :-)

2011-08-26 10:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow!! Beautiful animals... :-)

2011-08-26 10:22:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know la la la la la... :-D
2011-08-26 09:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Know what? What should I know? ;-)

2011-08-26 09:21:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet sweet one... You can still slip it into my pocket once
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I reach... :-)
2011-08-26 09:15:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you fixed it. You are pretty good. :-) Reached the office... Miss you, sweet one. :-)
2011-08-26 09:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, do you plan coming upstairs!? I am hungry & getting late...
2011-08-26 08:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand sweet one... :-|

2011-08-26 08:10:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my sweet lady. And I am leaving to meet a very pretty sexy lady now, so catch up with you later. :-)
2011-08-25 17:35:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, on a "large" pizza!! :-D

2011-08-25 16:58:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still, I am not 3000 ;-p

2011-08-25 16:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Pouting Andrea 3000!!! :-D

2011-08-25 16:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ;-p My sweet sweet baklava... ;-)

2011-08-25 15:55:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I have reconsideration rights

2011-08-25 15:48:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.... let me think about it! ;-p

2011-08-25 15:39:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You aren't a trouble, dear. Not at all. :-)

2011-08-25 15:35:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can't be sorry because you are bored and say "Just..." Need to have a reason!
2011-08-25 15:30:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Honest? You liked it? I am glad if you did. I had Thai again, but this was nice! :-) Why sorry?
2011-08-25 15:21:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We need to check if the situation will get worse just this weekend or over the whole next week. But we can find all of that in the evening
2011-08-25 15:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Cool. As long as we are aware of all constraints, we are good. Why do you keep suspecting me of wanting to chase you away!? :-o
2011-08-25 14:59:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet one, you will be informed but you need to make plans too. I would also need to make plans accordingly. So we must check...
2011-08-25 14:56:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would I? How late can you get back to Hungary? It is not early because the hurricane seems like a surety. :-o
2011-08-25 14:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you want to consider leaving earlier than this weekend to make it before school re-opening & your new job joining date?
2011-08-25 14:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you contact Air France to find out if your flight is on & whether you can alter the time? Do you want to do it when I am back?
2011-08-25 14:12:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear darling, I had my lunch. Did you? Yes, the weather is bad here & work is keeping me busy. Please stay indoors as it is safest.
2011-08-25 14:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I know. It is tough. Never mind... How is your day? What are you doing? Is your watch working fine? Computer? My day's pretty hectic!
2011-08-25 10:56:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will smile for a million things now. So many things that will remind me of you... :-) And I am inspired to keep my room clean always!
2011-08-25 09:42:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) You're fine. We're both human so I think silliness is ok as long as we both are aware of what we can & can't do. We are doing fine! :-)
2011-08-25 09:41:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are a wonderful woman, Andrea. You really are... :-) Thank you for coming. :-) It has been lovely so far.
2011-08-25 09:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you terribly esp. when I see my watch every time... I was & am touched. :-)
2011-08-25 09:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also love waving out to you from the car. Feels so ... dear & sweet. :-)
2011-08-25 09:24:02 (EDT)

melancholundone Work's fine! :-) Hope you are having fun...

2011-08-25 09:12:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached, sweet lady. I enjoy being with you too. So much that I feel you have always been with me in that room. :-) My sweet baklava! :-)
2011-08-25 09:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! All's well... :-)

2011-08-24 17:16:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know esp. when you nearly broke my nose yesterday in all your joy and bratty-ness!! :-D
2011-08-24 17:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are such a brat!

2011-08-24 16:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you!

2011-08-24 16:18:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Remind me again... how is recording my snoring being nice to me? ;-p
2011-08-24 15:19:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I tell you how much I hate you!!? :-D

2011-08-24 14:30:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't know! Depends on where you run away to after I fall asleep!! ;-p
2011-08-24 14:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You basically are growing lazy... :-D

2011-08-24 14:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He likes the weather of your shirt!!? :-D Anyway, eat lunch, go for a walk & sleep well. Please... I have an idea why you are sleepy!
2011-08-24 14:00:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mostly non-veg but we can find some veggie stuff... :-)
2011-08-24 12:55:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Check this place out. If you want, we can go there tonight:
2011-08-24 12:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why this sudden question? Like you? Nope. You are the 3rd person I have met from twitter & one was 50+ & the other 40+
2011-08-24 12:53:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... Cool... :-)

2011-08-24 12:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yipee!
2011-08-24 12:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, on Sunday! :-|

2011-08-24 12:41:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ News doesn't sound good, darling. :-o

2011-08-24 12:38:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never mind, leave it. Did you read the reports? There might be a storm/hurricane around Boston over this weekend! :-o
2011-08-24 12:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day's going fine. Busy but mostly fine. How are you? I hope you get to fix the computer soon else it will be a pain. Miss you... :-)
2011-08-24 12:17:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Time is right, sweet one. Just wanted to tell you that I keep
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smiling when I see it... And also wanted to use it & tell you the time! :-)
2011-08-24 09:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! That made me feel so special!! :-(

2011-08-24 09:17:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is your computer working? BTW, the time is 9:12 on the watch you fixed! :-) I keep looking at it & smiling... :-)
2011-08-24 09:11:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That I am so inconvenient to be in the same room... :-(

2011-08-24 09:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I talk!? What do I say? :-o God! This is so embarrassing.

2011-08-24 09:02:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah right! Focused on driving!! I kept looking up so many times & then finally when I was driving out, I saw you at the window!! :-)
2011-08-24 08:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really!? Wow! I didn't even realise that you were doing that!! Thank you & once again sorry that my snoring keeps you awake! :-(
2011-08-24 08:56:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached the office!! My sweet lady, I miss you too. Very much. I nearly had an accident saying bye to you!! :-D
2011-08-24 08:49:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did he?

2011-08-23 18:16:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right! Did he tell you that the weather is wonderful outside?
2011-08-23 18:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shortish guy, slightly balding, maybe afro-american?

2011-08-23 17:34:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will have enough fans wherever you go! :-D Some guy in the hotel or outside the hotel?
2011-08-23 16:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Draw the curtains & the room will be sufficiently dark. Set the temperature & sleep for an hour or so... :-) I miss you. A lot... :-)
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2011-08-23 14:39:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The package must be from Some stuff I ordered. Will check it when I get there... :-) I hope you get to rest a bit for a while...
2011-08-23 14:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you liked the lunch! I million kisses on your palms for being so wonderful & helping me with cleaning the room & fixing the watch!
2011-08-23 14:38:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. You got the watch fixed? Thank you so much! You shouldn't have. I would've done it sometime soon. Thank you... :)
2011-08-23 14:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please be safe & have fun. :-) Was a little busy so couldn't respond... Might be that way for a few hours...
2011-08-23 11:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No!
2011-08-23 10:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Naughty lady! Anyway, what trouble with the internet? Is your iPhone working?
2011-08-23 09:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached, my sweet lady! I miss you too. I told them you are my friend who is visiting. :-)
2011-08-23 09:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the hotel... oops, leaving to meet you! ;-p
2011-08-22 18:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. I think you spoilt me over the weekend with so much fun & sweetness... :-) Will come back online soon... :-)
2011-08-22 16:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for remembering the "dirty hands" thing. You should draw the curtains & try to sleep. Please do...
2011-08-22 16:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet baklava darling! I was in a string of meetings & still am juggling some work. Glad the lunch was good. You are sweet :-)
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2011-08-22 16:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Quick check before I rush into another meeting: Had lunch? Was it ok?
2011-08-22 13:46:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...that might be beautiful but we just have to live with what is propriety. :-) You are wonderful, dear Andrea! :-)
2011-08-22 12:13:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you participate in nearly everything I do, so it feels like so much fun. Honestly, I am enjoying your stay. Yes, we can't do everything
2011-08-22 12:12:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No dear, you are just being sweet & fun. I don't find anything about you annoying. And you have respected my request so I am grateful! :)
2011-08-22 12:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you silly? What are you sorry about? You didn't do anything wrong...
2011-08-22 12:03:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is allowed, sweet lady. Just that ... I don't know. I usually feel uncomfy in public. Even if you were my wife! :-D I know. I am silly!
2011-08-22 11:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why we can't hold hands in public?

2011-08-22 11:40:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I showed you that park when we were going to the grocery store. Maybe I spoke too fast & you missed it when I pointed it to you. :-)
2011-08-22 11:39:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That park we will go to soon, where we can run on the grass!! :) We should do that one early morning when the dew is still there... :-)
2011-08-22 11:36:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad that it is working fine. Now you can do everything on it & not feel bored... :-) I was really worried about you feeling bored!
2011-08-22 10:52:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Come on! You are my guest & you are my sweet lively lady too. You are quite a magician with your computer. :-)
2011-08-22 10:51:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, anyone who comes & visits me just for a short duration is my guest & it is an honour & pleasure to be your host. :-)
2011-08-22 10:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really are splendid!! How did you fix the internet problem? Was it some configuration in your system!?
2011-08-22 10:23:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but still... I wouldn't want you to be doing this. You are my guest! :-)
2011-08-22 10:09:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ewww! Sorry... That you had to do it. You could have told me. I would have done it!! Sorry! :-(
2011-08-22 10:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You really are wonderful with the room. I must say I am very very impressed! :-) Oh! I wish I could have stayed in the room! :-D
2011-08-22 10:00:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This problem started only over the past few days, so it never struck me to do it...
2011-08-22 09:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! What was the problem!? I tried but didn't want to do something to the sink that might ruin hotel property! You sure are brave! ;-)
2011-08-22 09:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did!?

2011-08-22 09:53:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are doing fine. Did the maintenance guy come? Do let me know in case you need anything... Miss you, sweet one! :-)
2011-08-22 09:49:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached safely & pulled into meetings immediately...

2011-08-22 09:40:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet one. It is just that we need to observe &
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respect self-imposed boundaries. :-| Sweet dreams...

2011-08-20 21:11:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you check your DMs, I will be waiting for you outside Terminal E baggage claim. I will be in a silver Chevy Impala. :-)
2011-08-19 19:36:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you get to see this at least in France! My phone number here is 312-560-2484. In case you need it.
2011-08-19 09:15:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have you reached the airport? I thought you had already left & I got to cooking lunch. I hope you reach safely. A kiss to you too... :-)
2011-08-19 08:10:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are all set & on your way to the airport. Have a splendid trip dear. Hope it is comfortable. What would you like to have to eat?
2011-08-19 06:41:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please be prepared to meet a really unruly-haired man! ;-p

2011-08-18 22:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Don't you worry. Nothing is wrong & it is nothing to do with you.
2011-08-18 20:41:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today was really a busy day. There were some major issues that had to be sorted out & I was shuttling between all those things. All is well
2011-08-18 20:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I join you in bed sweet one. I wish you wake up happy & get all your things in line & go about the travel very smoothly. :-)
2011-08-18 20:39:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...some substitute actress took the role but she read off the script so it felt very artificial. Anyway, so I returned home. :-(
2011-08-18 20:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. The play was a fiasco. The main lead actress fell down (I think) & was ill, so they couldn't perform the play for a while & then
2011-08-18 20:35:58 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams. A kiss on your lips. Goodnight!

2011-08-18 18:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling. Hope you have your checklist complete. Relax, carry a book & travel safe. Have a ticket & passport copy in each bag.
2011-08-18 18:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was good. I am now heading out for the play. Should be back in an hour or so. In case you wish to sleep, which you should, goodnight!
2011-08-18 18:48:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2011-08-18 18:17:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wondering & surprised as to why would you think I don't like you when we have interacted so long...
2011-08-18 18:02:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached... :-)

2011-08-18 18:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not annoyed one bit! Just wondering & surprised! :-) I am leaving for the hotel now as there is a play I might go to... :-)
2011-08-18 17:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But get real... Why wouldn't I like you!? If I didn't, I wouldn't even invite you here. Relax!
2011-08-18 16:41:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come on, dear one. Nothing like that at all... Relax. This is just a vacation. Why would you be tense about a vacation!? :-)
2011-08-18 15:10:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you serious!? Why would I not want to talk to you!!?
2011-08-18 14:17:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do some calm breathing exercises & I think all should be well. Think of the fun times we are going to have here & all will be well! :-)
2011-08-18 13:59:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've loved to travel to Hungary! I really would've. Anyway, you should relax & enjoy the trip. I miss you too. A li'l busy day! :-)
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2011-08-18 13:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't worry! You'll be fine. We'll have fun. All will be well. :-)
2011-08-18 10:27:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Why ill? :-(

2011-08-18 10:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't even bother to prepare lunch for myself. How goes your day, sweet one. 1 more day!! :-D This is getting exciting!
2011-08-18 09:05:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. I am already in the office. Woke up a little late. God knows why, I felt very sleepy! Anyway, got ready & reached!
2011-08-18 09:04:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nope! No one asked. :-) I join you now, darling... Softly... silently... tenderly... :-)
2011-08-17 22:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet one. I tuck you in bed & kiss your nose. Sweet dreams
2011-08-17 19:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We are meeting downstairs as a team. I should probably say good night now as it might be an hour or so before I return
2011-08-17 19:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyone...
2011-08-17 19:42:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...a common set of words if someone we mutually know asks us separately.
2011-08-17 19:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, I think something is being misunderstood. When I say "same story" I don't mean "lie" or "falsehood". I mean that we should have
2011-08-17 19:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ to be. :-)

2011-08-17 19:24:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Just asking to make sure so that we give the same story. I like being consistent! :-) It is not a secret but I need to know how you want...
2011-08-17 19:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just checking. If someone from Twitter asks should I tell or just avoid it by saying "A friend" etc.?
2011-08-17 19:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached & fine! :-) BTW, do other people on Twitter know you are coming to the USA?
2011-08-17 19:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought kisses on your belly would be best! :-D BTW, leaving for the hotel... :-)
2011-08-17 18:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not on your belly!? ;-p

2011-08-17 17:12:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to light them with you, darling. I really would. Just need to be careful not to burn any hotel property! :-D
2011-08-17 16:07:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... waste of money as they are pointlessly expensive there! :-)
2011-08-17 16:01:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are going to burn them while you are here!? We could very well buy them here too. I don't mind buying them but in India it'd be a ...
2011-08-17 16:00:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet li'l piece of baklava... :-)

2011-08-17 15:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to hug you too & hold you while we watch the traffic outside my room... :-)
2011-08-17 15:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why but I feel you are going to go back to Hungary feeling "Why did I even bother to come all the way to the US for him!?"
2011-08-17 15:11:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have already ordered for a cage! Double strength with insurance! :-D
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2011-08-17 15:07:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D God save me! I am buying myself a cage!! :-D

2011-08-17 14:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So which flight are you coming on!? ;-p

2011-08-17 14:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D It is... don't worry! My extremely lively lady! :-)

2011-08-17 14:00:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At all!!? Oooh! I wonder whether mine is strong enough to hold back "things"!! :-D
2011-08-17 13:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! Lady! I am still in the office! :-D

2011-08-17 13:39:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how will she go about that?

2011-08-17 13:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I can so surely trust you to do that! ;-p My delicious li'l butterfly lady!
2011-08-17 12:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who will distract my mind? ;-p

2011-08-17 12:51:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is mostly fine. A major challenge to get fixed & when that's done we should be good. Just breaking my head over it! :-)
2011-08-17 12:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet lady. How goes your day? Did you find what you were looking for? Work getting wrapped up? List getting checked off? :-)
2011-08-17 12:34:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure! I have placed orders for them... :-D

2011-08-17 12:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, darling! A kiss lower down your spine & a hug! :)
2011-08-17 11:36:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Reached! Oh! I so love those butterfly wings! Waiting for you to give me the real kiss & wing-wrap! :-)
2011-08-17 09:06:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am off to the office in a bit... Take care sweet one. Kissing your forehead before I leave.. whoooooosh
2011-08-17 08:08:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like choking me & strangling me & snuffing me out with a pillow!?
2011-08-17 07:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, my sweet darling, you should know that you won't be doing much of sleeping. Just sitting in your bed wanting to kill me! :-D
2011-08-17 06:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One thing I should remind you is to carry or collect on the flight, ear plugs so that you can use them while you try to sleep! :-(
2011-08-17 05:54:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sweet lady, I smile & rapidly pull you to me & kiss you (after brushing my teeth in my dreams!) How goes your day? What're you wearing?
2011-08-17 05:53:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Not sure whether my nose is good. I think I will steam & gargle tonight. Slept mostly well. How about you? :-)
2011-08-17 05:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was mostly good. Tired, but good. It is late dear lady. Please sleep. I join you in a bit...
2011-08-16 20:06:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will darling.. but you sleep first. I will have something to eat now. Good night, darling. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your mid-spine! :-)
2011-08-16 20:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet baklava! I reached my room! How are you? In bed? Sleeping? Smelling sweet? Ready to be kissed? :-)
2011-08-16 19:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the hotel. I might be stopping at a store to pick up

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stuff. Not sure whether you want to stay up... :-)

2011-08-16 17:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have it with me here. I have loads in India...

2011-08-16 17:30:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, the 3 of them are different but they are all exotic & culinary snobs! :-D
2011-08-16 17:06:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Zaatar is one of those exotic herb mixes that only people who love & enjoy food know about. It is like truffle oil or harissa! :-)
2011-08-16 17:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because not many people know zaatar! And I would have bowed down to you had you known... :-)
2011-08-16 16:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Else I would have been shocked....

2011-08-16 16:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know what zaatar is? Or did you look it up!? :-o
2011-08-16 16:52:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! I would love to be there dipping the bread in extra virgin olive oil & zaatar! :-)
2011-08-16 16:12:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2011-08-16 15:47:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right! What a splendid idea! They call those kind of shorts tents!
2011-08-16 15:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Both of us can't fit in my shorts so holding you in there would be tough!! ;-p
2011-08-16 15:12:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lively darling. I am sure we can warm any part of the day... ;p
2011-08-16 15:08:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yeah right!

2011-08-16 14:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Someone is being secretive! I hope you find it...

2011-08-16 14:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft, deep welcome-back-kiss! :-) What were you looking for? My sweet stuffy nose is sweeter & less stuffier! :-D
2011-08-16 14:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Go on, dear. Take care... :-)

2011-08-16 12:02:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D That you will find out when you get here... ;-p
2011-08-16 11:34:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most certainly... :-)

2011-08-16 11:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we can do a lot of things, like shopping! ;-p

2011-08-16 11:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D BTW, would you like to go shopping on Sunday!? 21st Aug.
2011-08-16 11:03:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only shorts!? :-o

2011-08-16 10:59:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If that is what we are going to be doing most of the time, then... yes! ;-p
2011-08-16 10:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! :-) I would love to feel you thus. I think I will wear a pair of shorts for that... But just to hold you & hug you tenderly! Lovely!
2011-08-16 10:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! But how would I feel your want? You get that aroused & wet? Or just the heat? :-)
2011-08-16 10:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, I would think so too, but you immediately start concluding that I won't like it! :-D
2011-08-16 10:26:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Just to feel you, without your underwear, pressed against my thigh... Andrea! :-)
2011-08-16 10:20:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish we could cuddle up right now under a tree while the skies go cloudy... :-)
2011-08-16 10:15:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you want to know now, you can send me a pic. If you wish to wait we can find out when you are here... :-)
2011-08-16 10:14:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! Sexy sexy delicious lady... ;-p

2011-08-16 09:56:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just imagining you without anything underneath gives me sweet shivers...
2011-08-16 09:55:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would inhale something like that. Glad you find the dress comfy & like it. Maybe your ex is not used to seeing you in such clothes.
2011-08-16 09:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...mean both?

2011-08-16 09:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you like the dress? My nose is better. I will drink some hot fluids today so it should get better. When you say no underwear, do you...
2011-08-16 09:29:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your list is getting progressively ticked off... :-)

2011-08-16 08:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes it isn't clever. Reached. How is my sweet darling today? What's lined up? What are you wearing? What aren't you!? ;-p
2011-08-16 08:50:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be off to the office in a bit... Catch you soon! :-)
2011-08-16 07:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not a cold, really. Just a stuffed nose. It had rained heavily here yesterday & I got a little wet & maybe the A/C too... :-)
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2011-08-16 07:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning lovely lady. I kiss the edge of your towel & stretch myself! Yes, I slept ok though I have a stuffed nose. Preparing lunch now!
2011-08-16 06:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wrapping you with my arms & breathing into your hair... :-)
2011-08-15 19:28:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep well, darling. Rest enough & smile through lively sweet dreams. A kiss on either palm. My day was mostly good! :-)
2011-08-15 19:28:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! I am going to cook dinner now. I think we should wish each other goodnight as it is very late for you!
2011-08-15 19:22:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the hotel... :-)

2011-08-15 18:28:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hug women from Hungary in my spare time! ;-p

2011-08-15 18:21:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "Laptop computers, also known as notebooks, are portable computers that you can take with you on the go."
2011-08-15 18:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D You think that is my job description!? Break LCD screens!? :D
2011-08-15 18:16:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's the difference between a notebook & a laptop!? netbook & laptop I know...
2011-08-15 18:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And don't forget to bring your laptop... You can't just buy one here! :-)
2011-08-15 18:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here dear & lets have a memorable time. Let's not worry about what is included & excluded in the package. Please... please... :-)
2011-08-15 18:00:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ok
2011-08-15 17:57:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Technically, I agree with you. Fully clothed responsible adults in the same bed is fine to me too. But maybe it is best that we don't... :-)
2011-08-15 17:49:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can hold hands or hug or sit together on a chair & watch the sunset etc. because that is normal & casual... :-)
2011-08-15 17:46:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling... I told you that we will not be intimate like a couple which includes sleeping,bathing,changing clothes etc. together
2011-08-15 17:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will hold you till you are awake! After that you don't even know if I am holding you or not in your sleep, so what difference!?
2011-08-15 17:33:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling! We aren't married to be sleeping in the same bed! :-) I could hold you till you sleep & then I have to sleep on mine!
2011-08-15 17:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good! I was least bit worried about that! Well, I will hold you but we will have to sleep in separate beds when we are about to sleep!
2011-08-15 17:25:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You'll do nothing in your sleep. Don't worry... :-) It will be tough for you to walk from your bed to mine so you will be woken up! :-D
2011-08-15 17:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! I am also counting on your help during the stay... :-)
2011-08-15 17:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to, but I think I will control myself...

2011-08-15 16:59:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too! :-) Sweet sweet darling dressed in sexy black... ;-p
2011-08-15 16:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll need ropes anyway to ensure that only my eyes peek... ;-p
2011-08-15 16:43:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh for that! :-D Maybe I will be the guy whom you don't care whether I look or not!! Maybe you'll just be counting your days to return! :-)
2011-08-15 16:31:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look away!? Why!?

2011-08-15 16:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just hope that your dress doesn't make something else peek in excitement!! :-D
2011-08-15 16:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You worry too much darling. I'll peek. Happy!? :-)
2011-08-15 16:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! Maybe... maybe not! :-) Depends on whether I peek or not! ;-p
2011-08-15 16:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is just nightwear then... :-) Not shorts, not underwear. Nevertheless, very sexy! ;-p
2011-08-15 16:03:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..them in front of others. Or lacy sheer clothes too...

2011-08-15 16:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then maybe they are shorts indeed, just personal wear. As in, some nightclothes could be so thin (though long) that people might not wear...
2011-08-15 16:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then maybe they are still shorts...

2011-08-15 15:58:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some people have really tiny shorts that they wear even in public. Feels like nightdress shorts, but hey! This is how things are! :-)
2011-08-15 15:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Depends, if you would wear them like hot shorts in front of family & friends, then they are shorts. Else, underwear! :-)
2011-08-15 15:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How has your day been? What are you wearing now?
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2011-08-15 15:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet sweet lady! How I wish I could hug you right now! And kiss you too! And... sigh! :-)
2011-08-15 15:36:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... that is my job before the sleeptime! :-)

2011-08-15 15:23:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I have the option of turning into a leech or a cockroach to reduce the effect on you! :-D
2011-08-15 15:20:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Cockroaches?

2011-08-15 15:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet? You've tasted them?

2011-08-15 15:06:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting better at this! :-D Leeches! What about snails? Octopus?
2011-08-15 14:44:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Snakes? Leeches?

2011-08-15 14:27:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright! I think no organism is spared! I give up! :-)

2011-08-15 14:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dreams with eyes closed or open!? ;-p

2011-08-15 14:12:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if I change into a lizard? Spider? Anything!? ;-p

2011-08-15 14:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You dream of me!? :-o

2011-08-15 14:10:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright! I am going to change myself into a little Poodle so that I have lesser effect on you! :-D
2011-08-15 13:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God save me! :-D

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2011-08-15 13:29:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what made you think that one "servicing" would suffice!! ;p
2011-08-15 13:05:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I will be "able" to get up! ;-p

2011-08-15 13:05:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! I need to get up some time & with you under there, no way will I ever get up! :-D
2011-08-15 12:59:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Darling, I am in the office. I will have to keep sitting till it is normal to stand up! :-D "I forget something" not "anything" :-)
2011-08-15 12:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that is my biggest fear! ;-p

2011-08-15 12:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Work with the list & hope you don't forget anything! :-) Hope you get to wrap all your work before you leave!
2011-08-15 12:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good! I worry about the games you are bringing!! ;-p
2011-08-15 12:43:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ticking off a checklist is good too! I thought if you wanted to collaborate then Google Docs was an option... :-)
2011-08-15 12:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have cards! I don't have any games with me. I didn't come equipped to have company! :-D
2011-08-15 12:30:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling is fine too, but how long can one do that? Whole evenings!!? :-o
2011-08-15 12:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think we will be mostly watching movies & going for walks & reading books... God knows! Bring a pack of cards if you wish! :-D
2011-08-15 12:17:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Welcome back hug & kiss. Put together a list on Google docs & maybe I can remind you of things you are forgetting. Sounds ok?
2011-08-15 12:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What will we do throughout the evenings!? You say you don't talk? So what do we do!? Play cards? ;-p
2011-08-15 11:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can help you with the list if you want. Another thing that is important is medicines (if any) for you might not get them here.
2011-08-15 10:40:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ticket copies, passport & passport photocopies should be good enough. Nearly everything else could be bought here if required! :-)
2011-08-15 10:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...& get a list together. Tooth brush, paste, soap, body lotions, clothes, etc. Should be fine. Rest you can buy here in case you forget!
2011-08-15 10:07:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Reached office. Should be a busy day... Let's see! :-) Hope you get your list of things together. Start from the morning...
2011-08-15 10:06:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the office now... :-)

2011-08-15 08:27:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Then you could always let him know in case you forgot to switch off some lights etc. :-) But please jot down things you need to carry!
2011-08-15 07:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please make a list of all things you need to complete & all things you need to check about the house before you leave...
2011-08-15 07:06:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes sweet one, I did wake up with a smile & imagined you holding me! My sweet darling, good morning! :-) Slept well? Yes, 4 days! Excited?
2011-08-15 06:17:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice to know you found some decent sized shorts. It shouldn't be a problem anyway. :-) But glad that you got them! :-)
2011-08-14 21:26:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My week's also bound to be busy... But I should have time to DM. And you leave in about 5 days from now! :-)
2011-08-14 21:17:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, dear one! Sleep well. Sweetest dreams to you with cheerful laughter. I will join you soon! A kiss on both your shoulders! :-)
2011-08-14 20:04:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late dear. I think you should go to bed & sleep. I'll probably watch a movie & sleep off too! :-)
2011-08-14 19:48:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! That would have been best. And I would have pointed all the sexy women around! ;-p
2011-08-14 19:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet one! I missed you too. I just hoped that you were in the US where I could have called you to tell you that it didn't rain! :-)
2011-08-14 19:23:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no! Not just because I am tired but just... :-)

2011-08-14 19:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am glad that you sang the no rain song! :-) I think I will cuddle with you. I am tired so I dropped the idea. :-)
2011-08-14 18:47:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How has milady been? Had a good day? In bed? What are you wearing? I might go out for a play in the park! Don't know yet... :-)
2011-08-14 17:56:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just got back!! The airshow was good. No rain but no sunshine too. But I was so so happy! Dead tired though. Had lunch & got back.
2011-08-14 17:55:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your collar bone & one more below your navel... :-)
2011-08-14 06:25:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too. BTW, do you like to watch whales? I am off now. Should be back in a few hours or so... Take care till then. A kiss below ...
2011-08-14 06:25:24 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ But I hope it stays as lovely as the weather around your house! You know that if you kiss me like that I will pull you to me & not let yougo
2011-08-14 06:10:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet lady. Yes I slept well & am nearly ready for my trip out. It is too early to say anything of the weather outside! :-)
2011-08-14 06:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your soft lips... goodnight! :-)

2011-08-13 21:00:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D Now go and sleep, darling! :-)

2011-08-13 20:57:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaargh!! I am giving ammunition to you!!! God save me!

2011-08-13 20:55:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! But if you suddenly toss the cover aside!? Then what happens to poor me? ;-p
2011-08-13 20:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Alright, help me walk up to your bed as my eyes are shut now! ;-p
2011-08-13 20:44:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you should sleep now, darling! :-) I have to get up really early tomorrow for the airshow (hope it doesn't rain)
2011-08-13 20:40:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So much fun! :-)

2011-08-13 20:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Ever wollying spallow!

2011-08-13 20:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do I know? Even you seem to know... :-)

2011-08-13 20:34:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why nervous? No exams for you to take.. .:-)

2011-08-13 20:32:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No news. Just general talk after a long time... :-)

2011-08-13 20:26:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, just a few more days! :-) And now it is late & you must go to bed & sleep... Good night, darling! Sweet smiling dreams to you...
2011-08-13 20:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet lady! Sorry, I was on a call. Yes, just to hold you in my arms & draw you to me... sigh!
2011-08-13 19:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish so too... :-) I really do!

2011-08-13 19:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lively sweet lady... Yes, I am all alone... How you fret over me having company! Esp. from a lady! ;-p
2011-08-13 18:49:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Do you realise I am all alone in the room! And this is not good for me!? ;-p
2011-08-13 18:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do I then get to run my finger tips over the cover?

2011-08-13 18:18:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Ok! That sounds like a lot of fun!

2011-08-13 18:15:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! I'll peek a bit... ;-p

2011-08-13 18:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! I thought you wanted me to close my eyes just before sleep no matter what! :-)
2011-08-13 18:06:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Alright! Time to close my eyes!? ;-p

2011-08-13 17:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling... What are you wearing? :-)

2011-08-13 17:55:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-o You sure are a tough woman to satisfy!! :-D And lively too... ;-p
2011-08-13 17:49:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oooh! I am completely done now! :-D

2011-08-13 17:43:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Barely breathing... ;-p

2011-08-13 17:26:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Delightful, my darling! :-)

2011-08-13 17:23:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they would be so turned off that they'd return to their kid gloves & shudder to leave again!! :-D
2011-08-13 17:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is silly about what is true!? Your fingers will have a load of speed-breakers!! :-D
2011-08-13 17:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stumbling over the lumps of fat... :-D

2011-08-13 17:08:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How much I wish I was there with you playing with your hair & running my finger tips down your neck... :-) Andrea!
2011-08-13 16:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! That is so much better! Increases the scope of enjoying the world a bit more! :-)
2011-08-13 16:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But all the time is before sleeping!! :-)

2011-08-13 16:39:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it was your wish, right? :-)

2011-08-13 16:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can!? Wow! The world looks so much lovelier! :-)

2011-08-13 16:34:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, if the list is long then there is only so much I can do in one lifetime!! :-D Walking with eyes shut takes half a lifetime!! ;-p
2011-08-13 15:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! Please send me the complete list & we shall prioritise them for this life or the next! :-D
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2011-08-13 15:32:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Hmmm. Navigating around the room will be a tad bit uncomfortable, I presume, but I'll manage. Any other wants? ;-p
2011-08-13 15:20:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I sleep, I usually do that!

2011-08-13 15:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So you are going to wear a dress to bed? Nice! :-)

2011-08-13 15:00:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Someone's doing a lot of shopping!! Sensitive & sensible, I hope! ;-p
2011-08-13 14:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okeee! I will leave now too! :-)

2011-08-13 11:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought controlling the laughter would make you moan! Well, then you have nothing to hold back... :-D
2011-08-13 11:22:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Then I will run a feather on your sole & tickle you! :-D
2011-08-13 11:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you won't even moan or sigh!? ;-p

2011-08-13 11:05:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And will the pretense continue no matter what I do? ;-p
2011-08-13 11:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow!!! Can I come back from the office many times!!? ;-p
2011-08-13 10:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! So when I get back from the office I will find you... :-o
2011-08-13 10:51:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See!? Since you won't walk around naked, my expectation are already met! :-)
2011-08-13 10:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you are too worried for no reason! :-D I don't mind
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anything as long as you are clothed!! :-D

2011-08-13 10:39:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't expect anything. Honest. I like you as you are... :-)
2011-08-13 10:34:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Weather in the flight should be fine!! :-) When you reach here it should mostly be sunny. You can always travel in jeans & then change.. :-)
2011-08-13 10:27:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Skirts would be preferred & I won't whistle. Happy? If my jaw drops, then I CAN'T whistle! :-D
2011-08-13 10:18:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! So no bravery required... Just walk along in your skirts & sing a song... :-)
2011-08-13 10:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it is summer break for them too.

2011-08-13 10:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For what? We aren't going dragon hunting!

2011-08-13 09:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! We can! :-) In a car? Fingers playing with each other? :-)
2011-08-13 09:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, putting together a list of things I want & then I head out to shop! :-)
2011-08-13 09:50:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow!! He is definitely very very good! Have you watched him do these stunts? Yes, there was sufficient left at the table... :-)
2011-08-13 09:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet sweet lady... I need to rush & go have breakfast before they close it down! Will be back in a while... :-)
2011-08-13 07:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I can convince you not to go out... ;-p

2011-08-13 07:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Such a pleasant summery weekend dress... :-) I wish I was
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2011-08-13 07:16:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you wearing? :-)

2011-08-13 07:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's an airshow here. Will go for that. Other than that, just chores & cleaning up the house, and some shopping etc.
2011-08-13 07:06:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like we DM-ed at the same time! :-) I slept fine. Glad to have you sitting by my side... :-)
2011-08-13 06:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. I hope you slept well last night. What's lined up for the weekend? :-)
2011-08-13 06:47:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you think cancelling the flight would make your storms go away? Would your storms subside if you didn't talk to me?
2011-08-12 21:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Quite a strong reaction...

2011-08-12 21:10:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. :-) Please sleep well...

2011-08-12 21:06:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.... :-|

2011-08-12 21:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will... :-)

2011-08-12 20:57:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You'll have my arms when you get here. For now, you get to sleep! :-)
2011-08-12 20:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I think you should sleep now, sweet lady... Your body needs it...
2011-08-12 20:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too & I wish there was some way to ease the storm &
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make it die down. Sweet one, I would so love to hold you now... :-)
2011-08-12 20:32:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. :-) Apology accepted. So tell me... what is this storm inside you?
2011-08-12 20:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a good night's sleep, dear lady. Hope you sleep with soft dreams & pleasant butterflies soothing your mind. :-)
2011-08-12 20:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is already late for you & you haven't slept properly. I think you should go & sleep. Wake up when your body tells you to.
2011-08-12 20:14:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree. If we both were together, face to face, things would be a lot better. But we aren't & not everything can be postponed till then...
2011-08-12 20:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even now, I am not being hard on you. Just telling you that the things you are associating with me have no basis.
2011-08-12 20:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have spent way too long & way too much effort in my life debating & defending myself. Hence, I am not happiest when I have to to do that!
2011-08-12 20:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, I don't wish to be hard on you. I never want to be. But I have a reaction when people make statements without thought or basis!
2011-08-12 20:12:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...smiling & feeling happy. Making the best of what we have is definitely better than sulking over what one wants & doesn't have..
2011-08-12 19:57:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do not like anyone being sad. But I don't recommend people just cover it up. I prefer talking it out & coming to terms with things & then
2011-08-12 19:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A significant difference between the two...

2011-08-12 19:52:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And no, I don't say don't be sad for certain things. I simply say "prepare yourself & try not to be sad for them as they are inevitable"
2011-08-12 19:52:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And that disturbs me because making accusations is easy. Having a sound basis for them is tough.
2011-08-12 19:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I don't think it is about arguing because you make statements which make me wonder what are the foundations for those statements!
2011-08-12 19:50:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And when did I ask you to smile irrespective of what went on in your mind?
2011-08-12 19:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you like me being sad?

2011-08-12 19:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Excuse me! When did I complain? If you feel offended & sad then you are offended & sad. When did I complain?
2011-08-12 19:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You misunderstand me. I do not like leaving you in a sad mood. I wish to get you out of it. Not cover it up in silence! :-)
2011-08-12 19:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whatever was troubling you...

2011-08-12 19:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. I am sorry you couldn't sleep. And you felt that talking it out would only worsen it?
2011-08-12 19:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened?

2011-08-12 19:03:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached. I wonder why you chose to be quiet.

2011-08-12 18:40:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you are trying to deny it. I missed you to. I should be
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heading out to the hotel shortly.

2011-08-12 17:26:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day's been mostly fine with some work & some meetings. Normal usual day.
2011-08-12 17:11:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for sharing the link. It is beautiful. Hope all is well at your end.
2011-08-12 17:08:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And still no response. If you don't feel like talking at least let me know you are fine... :-|
2011-08-12 13:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And reached! And still the lady appears busy & lost in things. Hmmm. I hope all is well. Sending you butterfly kisses... :-)
2011-08-12 09:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear lady! Seems like you are really busy. I will be on my way to the office soon. Hope you slept well. :-)
2011-08-12 07:41:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, dear one. I am off to bed now... :-)

2011-08-11 23:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here to resolve all these things rather than do it in writing which feels so heartless... :-(
2011-08-11 22:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...about anything. Your life is normal for everyone other than an Asian (perhaps). It is your bad luck you picked an Indian! :-)
2011-08-11 22:59:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Andrea, I was being honest too, telling you how I feel & also sharing with you the impracticality of it all! You needn't be sorry ...
2011-08-11 22:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a good night's sleep with sweet scented dreams & many many reasons to smile through your sleep. Take care.
2011-08-11 20:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be leaving in a bit. There is some team gathering with

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some old colleagues who were on this project. It might be late before Ireturn
2011-08-11 20:01:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ feels WITH what one knows!

2011-08-11 19:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...up. You are mixing up what one feels without what one knows. That is what I meant.
2011-08-11 19:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't ask you when you told me anyway. So, when you told me, the points came up & hence, these things were valid whenever they came..
2011-08-11 19:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ might as well accept & come to terms with the futility of all of this than feel sad every time you face it. That is all...
2011-08-11 19:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...should realise that. So I'd request you not to go down that lane. So I don't think anything new is coming up. All I am saying is that...
2011-08-11 19:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you are mixing things up & getting back to pointing fingers here. We could do that & it would get us nowhere. You probably should...
2011-08-11 19:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you missed the flight I would feel sad that we couldn't meet. But of course. But does that mean I think this meeting has a point? No!
2011-08-11 19:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...said ok! What I was & am is known to you & I haven't been sending you double signals about the future or the futility of all of this.
2011-08-11 19:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...all these points even before you booked your flight ticket but you only felt offended & thought what was the harm in meeting up. And I ..
2011-08-11 19:23:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lot of things could have been done earlier. Like letting me know all the details of what was happening in your life too! And I raised ...
2011-08-11 19:22:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ...too difficult & pointless beyond a point. Anyway, let it be. I am off to the hotel.
2011-08-11 18:24:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There isn't a way, Andrea. There really is no way with the 4 points I put on the table a while ago. The way I think has some hope is way...
2011-08-11 18:24:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't deny that. But I also explained the other concerns in past DMs. So we can just live with this realisation & not fret over facing it
2011-08-11 18:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, we have the choice of repeatedly hearing it or feeling, experiencing & realising it in reality. You can pick. Yes, I wanted to meet!
2011-08-11 18:15:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, I can let it be. It is convenient to let it be. I just thought it might help to discuss things out. So, I will let it be. :-)
2011-08-11 18:03:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...this entire trip is futile for most of it. No intimacy, no clear yes, no future. Only some fun & smiling moments for a trip from Hungary!
2011-08-11 18:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Well, what can be done about it! Nothing! It will only get more painful in reality. Which is why I go back to my original point that..
2011-08-11 18:02:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? Our earlier conversation spoilt your mood or something else out there?
2011-08-11 17:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then? Just not in a mood to DM?

2011-08-11 17:17:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady is busy?

2011-08-11 17:11:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! :-)

2011-08-11 14:48:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if I did, I wish you didn't become sad. There is so much to
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smile about! BTW, I found a nice grass patch where we can run! :-)
2011-08-11 14:06:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww! Please don't go :-(

2011-08-11 14:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! Forgotten! :-) So how goes the day?

2011-08-11 13:59:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is never too late to do what is supposed to be done. Fortunately, no real damage is done. It isn't simple, but it must be done. :-)
2011-08-11 13:17:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...back to sleep! :-)

2011-08-11 13:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we shouldn't have ever awakened those butterflies esp. in the futility of this all, but they were & now we need to slowly guide them...
2011-08-11 13:09:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel sad that your butterflies must fly only withing a glass cage! :-( Anyway, I hope you find enough reason to smile over this trip! :-)
2011-08-11 12:27:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry... :-|

2011-08-11 12:17:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know dear one. I realise it. And I also realise that we need to keep it in its place while maintaining decorum! :-)
2011-08-11 12:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ elevator! :-)

2011-08-11 11:56:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient pass to get us through to living it. Anyway, we can always smile at each other when we enter...
2011-08-11 11:56:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just feel sad that we talk so much about these things but won't be doing any of these! :-|
2011-08-11 11:44:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ See? There you go! Now you have found yourself something to occupy your time in the elevator! :-D
2011-08-11 11:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you are doing something... holding my legs & hopefully enjoying it... ;-p
2011-08-11 11:39:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why won't it work? You can hold on to my legs & lean back, rest your head on the wood panelling & you know... ;-p
2011-08-11 11:31:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it would be so delicious to have you kneel & lean your head against the elevator walls while I move inside your mouth, darling! God! :-)
2011-08-11 11:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why is it an either or? Can't we start with one & get to the other? ;-p
2011-08-11 11:19:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Take care. BTW, you never know... some women might just stop the elevator! My sweet darling. Yes, let's get into an elevator & ...;p
2011-08-11 10:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe not! She might get excited, stop the elevator & then... you know... God! I am an endangered specie!! ;-p
2011-08-11 10:22:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or she might think it is for her & help me calm down? No? ;-p
2011-08-11 10:15:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But what if a woman in the elevator thinks I am excited about her & ... you know! ;-p
2011-08-11 10:08:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be odd! And I would have to bend a bit so that others don't mistake me for being attracted to them so strongly!!! ;-p
2011-08-11 09:51:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would love to feel your hands on my hips! Better still would be your legs wrapped around them! :-D
2011-08-11 09:21:14 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And reached! Oh! If you keep doing that every day before I leave I am not going to leave! :-D
2011-08-11 08:54:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the office now. A deep kiss & a sigh... whoosh!
2011-08-11 07:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but that licking still cannot be washed in the kitchen sink!! ;-p
2011-08-11 07:19:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Washing veggies & fruits is ok because the "dirt" is natural & that is allowed. Lick & eating is not considered "natural"! :-D
2011-08-11 07:12:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hence, nothing dirty is cleaned in the kitchen. Not even the hands...
2011-08-11 07:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Very convenient! Licked/eaten-in dishes are considered "dirty". The kitchen is considered sacred where food for the gods are prepared
2011-08-11 07:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...will be provided in person! :-)

2011-08-11 06:36:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No tasting food from the cooking vessels & putting the spoon back in or washing it in the kitchen sink. These are the broad lines. Details..
2011-08-11 06:36:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ the kitchen sink but in the other sink here in the room. The kitchen sink is only for un-licked items. No eating out of the vessels!
2011-08-11 06:35:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The plate on which you eat cannot be placed anywhere. Wherever placed, that spot needs to be wiped later. And these items aren't washed...
2011-08-11 06:34:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Basically something you have eaten/licked cannot be eaten by

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me. And those hands cannot touch anything else till washed.
2011-08-11 06:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is my sweet darling wearing? Still lively!? ;-p

2011-08-11 06:22:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Yes, slept well. And you? I had washed my eye with another solution & that irritated my eye a bit, but now it is ok. :-)
2011-08-11 06:22:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! BTW, there are loads of rules around eating & washing the stuff that you eat. Will explain when you get here! :-)
2011-08-10 22:14:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Go on! Sleep! :-D

2011-08-10 21:00:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ goodnight... I will. :-)

2011-08-10 20:42:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet lady... I wish I could hold you now & just look into your eyes... :-)
2011-08-10 20:26:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wonder if you will stay up so late out here too as I am usually out by 22:00 hrs. Poor you might feel so bored out here! :-|
2011-08-10 20:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late, & I think you should go to sleep now. Good night, sweet one. Wishing you lovely dreams & smile throughout your sleep! :-)
2011-08-10 20:20:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) If you feel you should then you should. I just wonder what will you do throughout the day!? Sitting in the hotel...
2011-08-10 20:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I have seen them...:-) Bring the long ones along too. :-) My sweet lady! :-)
2011-08-10 20:15:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or even leggings or track pants... no?

2011-08-10 20:09:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am sure you have shorts other than your PJs too...
2011-08-10 20:09:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You of course know that you cannot take them off when you are in bed out here. So decent sized shorts for bedtime are good enough. :-)
2011-08-10 20:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You needn't buy anything as long as you wear them. It shouldn't matter. If it is too bothersome, we can shop here... :-)
2011-08-10 20:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok! I will close my eyes! :-)

2011-08-10 20:07:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) And I shall... Oh! I shall! :-)

2011-08-10 19:57:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Your kisses are eagerly awaited... :-)

2011-08-10 19:48:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wonder why you wear so much! ;-p Yes, all my damaged parts are fine... :-)
2011-08-10 19:40:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! My day was good. My eye is much much better, thank you! :-) So I assume you aren't wearing anything... ;-p
2011-08-10 19:35:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet one! Did you eat anything? Did you enjoy your day!? :-) In bed?
2011-08-10 19:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! My sweet darling is asleep? :-)

2011-08-10 19:20:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So sweet! :-) I will leave now for the hotel. I might have to stop at places on the way so I may be late. If you wish, you can sleep! :-)
2011-08-10 17:53:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sparrow ball... :-) Someone is lively tonight! What are you wearing!?
2011-08-10 17:42:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ So you want me to warm you up? ;-p

2011-08-10 17:30:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is what I will aim for! ;-p

2011-08-10 17:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) It would have been wonderful indeed. My sweet sweet lady! I so wish I could hold you right now, kissing your shoulders & neck... :-)
2011-08-10 17:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Busy? Freshening up?

2011-08-10 16:59:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you loads, sweet one. I really did. :-) I kept imagining splashing water on your bare shoulder & then kissing the drops! ;-p
2011-08-10 16:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I missed you & of course, I knew he was hoping it would be romantic, a re-kindling of something that existed. :-)
2011-08-10 16:35:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling. Welcome back! I hold you tenderly soaking in the air of the Danube from your hair & eyes! :-)
2011-08-10 16:34:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best! Hope you have loads of fun! See? I knew my kiss would do it!! :-D
2011-08-10 12:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling! Sorry, I was caught up in a meeting so... A sweet kiss flies behind you & reaches you before you reach your destination! :-)
2011-08-10 12:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! You must be looking very very pretty!! And sweet scented too?
2011-08-10 11:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I didn't change my mind so you get one only in the evening! ;-p What are you wearing for the meeting?
2011-08-10 11:04:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! ok! I thought you might want one now, but we can schedule it accordingly! ;-p All set for your meeting?
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2011-08-10 10:54:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet pouting lady! I will bite those lips till you forget why you were pouting! ;-p
2011-08-10 10:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah! Why don't you have wings!? ;-p

2011-08-10 10:37:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, dear. Beautiful indeed! :-)

2011-08-10 10:29:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to feel you pressed against me. Squeezing your hips & ... Andrea! You are so delicious! :-)
2011-08-10 09:49:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! :-) My sweet sweet one. I would love to hold you in my arms & run my fingers through your hair, whispering softly... :-)
2011-08-10 09:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the office... Will catch you in a while! :-)

2011-08-10 08:27:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...friend. :-) When is the meeting?

2011-08-10 07:07:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well? How goes your day? What are you wearing? :-) Did you get to buy all the supplies for Kelvin? Today you'll meet your...
2011-08-10 07:07:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Yes, I would love to feel those fingers travel all over me! :-) I slept fairly well. My eye is better, thank you!
2011-08-10 07:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you soon... :-)

2011-08-09 20:20:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The dress HAD a single strap! It WAS MORE THAN a single strap! Silly me!
2011-08-09 20:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling. Wishing you sweet scented dreams & many smiles... :-)
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2011-08-09 20:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will stay away from the computer for the rest of today. Feeling very tired. So I shall tuck you in bed & wish you good night! :-)
2011-08-09 20:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I found it very stylish... :-)

2011-08-09 20:07:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I like knots. There was once this lady at the airport whose dress was basically a single strap made of knots, like a Greek dress! :-)
2011-08-09 20:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. I have always be anti-jealousy & never made sense of it. I am most uncomfy around jealousy, but that's me... :-)
2011-08-09 19:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Unfortunately! So to me love is always a useless thing. It makes no sense to me & I feel no rightness in it. Thus I live! :-)
2011-08-09 19:50:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Precisely! That is my point. It is not the bond or the relationship that matters but the sex of the person with whom I have it! :-|
2011-08-09 19:43:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So this centering around sex & understanding love/relationships from that lens doesn't make sense to me. 99% of the people do that but still
2011-08-09 19:35:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So this is where there is greater confusion! If the person I am close to is a guy, then it seems ok. Why? It is still a bond. :-o
2011-08-09 19:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why people are caught up in calling it cheating. To me life is all about respecting each other & just being happy. :-)
2011-08-09 19:34:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..someone else? Someone who understood my line of work & could support me & help me & join me in effort?
2011-08-09 19:23:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! :-) But is it ok to be emotionally, psychologically, aesthetically closer to another? Would it be ok if I shared my ambition with
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2011-08-09 19:23:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I agree. If I love someone, I couldn't have sex with another. But things are complex. Anyway, leaving for the hotel now. Catch you soon! :-)
2011-08-09 18:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would that mean there is no love? I am not sure... I ama little confused about this... :-)
2011-08-09 17:49:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kinda agree. I could love someone even if I didn't have sex with them. And someone I loved might want to not want to have any sex with me
2011-08-09 17:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I would let her be. If we love each other we would spend a lot of time together, but not every single minute!!
2011-08-09 17:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think love is not something one excludes on. I think even if I was in love, if my lady wishes to be with someone else for an hour or so...
2011-08-09 17:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Safe from feeling hurt & mistaking that I am incapable of love because I don't feel knots! Hmmm because I had nothing to say! :-)
2011-08-09 16:53:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which question?

2011-08-09 16:45:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
2011-08-09 16:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Then I am safe! :-) Hurt is inevitable, darling. We will always be hurt. No escaping that.
2011-08-09 16:21:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would you have a knot!? Because you can't imagine me with another woman? Is that the sign of love? Because I've never felt it! :-(
2011-08-09 16:00:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not yet... But I was getting an idea! ;-p You'd have a knot in your stomach if you went on a date? Why? It's not an exam!
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2011-08-09 15:50:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And meet someone after 8 yrs...

2011-08-09 15:33:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That you will walk along the Danube... :-)

2011-08-09 15:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not forgot. Just got mixed up in my excitement! :-)

2011-08-09 15:29:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Tomorrow! I thought today! :-)

2011-08-09 15:16:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When are you leaving? Isn't it time?

2011-08-09 14:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we will have lots of that... big back, you see! ;-p
2011-08-09 14:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet lady. I so wish I could tenderly hold you... :-)
2011-08-09 14:03:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I have to explain to answer my own questions!! :-p

2011-08-09 14:03:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dates => romance/potential romance! :-D

2011-08-09 13:46:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually, you are right. You need to differentiate between the 2. Dates => romance. Meeting => just meeting.
2011-08-09 13:46:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can't dates be simple meeting up with people? Do they have to be sexual/love-oriented?
2011-08-09 13:43:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is a date! Esp. when meeting after 8 years! :-)

2011-08-09 13:29:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then what do you do for dinner? You will eat before you go? What do you plan to wear?
2011-08-09 13:22:54 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Beautiful. I presume he isn't married yet, right? I really wish you guys have a lovely time together... :-)
2011-08-09 12:49:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh nice! Along a lake or river? :-)

2011-08-09 12:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Phew! I was confused. Fine. Friend. :-) So you guys meeting for dinner?
2011-08-09 12:27:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh!? I thought you were meeting this guy who was your firstlove. Plans changed?
2011-08-09 12:18:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Ok. Then ex-boyfriend... Happy?

2011-08-09 11:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you call one who is in love with you & also has sex with you?
2011-08-09 11:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Ok. All set for the meeting? Picked a nice place?
2011-08-09 11:24:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Err... What is the difference?

2011-08-09 11:14:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, isn't he?

2011-08-09 11:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will, sweet one. So when are you meeting your ex-lover?
2011-08-09 11:06:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I found it. :-) My eye is a shade better. Washed it with some medicated eyewash solution but need to do it often... :-|
2011-08-09 10:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee. I am in office now. White top on linen trousers sounds beautiful. Very pastel-summery. Beautiful. :-) Glad your day is good. :-)
2011-08-09 09:21:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Preparing lunch... :-) What are you wearing?

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2011-08-09 07:17:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet one. Slept fairly well. Woke up with one eye red. I hope it is not conjunctivitis. :-( How's your day?
2011-08-09 07:16:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in bed & hold you close to me & blow soft air into your hair... A kiss behind your ears! :-)
2011-08-08 20:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. We can worry about things when we need to. Till then, smile, relax, sigh & slip into a sweet sleep with sweet dreams!
2011-08-08 20:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't be afraid darling. I won't frighten you. I assure you. But for now you must go to bed as it is late... :-)
2011-08-08 20:11:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, there is going to be a lot of sighing I am sure :-)

2011-08-08 19:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww! I rush into your arms, sweet one! :-) And I continue the morning nibble! :-)
2011-08-08 19:24:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Please? Pretty please?

2011-08-08 19:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So do I get a hug & kiss? :-)

2011-08-08 18:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... ;-p Reached home & still standing over the threshold waiting for you to hug & kiss me! :-)
2011-08-08 18:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I can peacefully leave for the hotel... ;-p

2011-08-08 18:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So much better now... :-) Thank you! ;-p

2011-08-08 18:08:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I at least whistled! :-(

2011-08-08 18:04:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-( Please don't leave me with my uncut hair... :-(

2011-08-08 17:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I knew that would make you happy. Maybe I will whistle & look away & put my hands in the pocket & walk away... ;-p
2011-08-08 16:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Poor you. Its ok. Come on over. I won't say a thing. Happy? :-)
2011-08-08 16:17:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stay? In the US? :-o

2011-08-08 16:15:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Always, dear. :-) My sweet sweet darling who will be stunning! ;p
2011-08-08 16:09:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I will just talking in strange languages & excuse myself... ;p
2011-08-08 16:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your fingers might just get lost in there. But I will look stupid & you won't want me to be the guy who picks you up at the airport! :-(
2011-08-08 15:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Will do. Just lie down & relax. :-) BTW, my hair is growing unruly & I probably won't be presentable when you get here! Please manage!
2011-08-08 15:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just feel like hugging you tight & nibbling you all over.. :-)
2011-08-08 14:29:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet sweet lady. I just want to cuddle up with you now... :-)
2011-08-08 14:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And THAT disappointed you? ;-p

2011-08-08 14:11:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Even there women preferred you!? :-o Hmmm.

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2011-08-08 14:06:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My pleasure, lovely one. Yes, I had to pick a street that would make you smile! :-)
2011-08-08 13:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sent you an email with the address details. :-)

2011-08-08 13:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am good & heading out for lunch...

2011-08-08 12:32:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) That I am... How goes the day for you, darling?
2011-08-08 12:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course... Then I will send you the pic out of sympathy! ;-)
2011-08-08 12:20:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Then you can see the snake pic when you are here!! ;-p
2011-08-08 11:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought the due exchange is a pic for a pic... So, you can send me a pic of you in a flowery summer dress for the snake! ;-p
2011-08-08 11:43:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I did! :-)

2011-08-08 11:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Medium size one... crossed our path as we went to shoot some pix. We just let it pass... :-)
2011-08-08 11:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He got pretty friendly with me by the time I left. I love animals. I also met a black snake, btw!! :-)
2011-08-08 11:21:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He loves to be scratched as you might have noticed in the pix! :-)
2011-08-08 11:11:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think he cares about cat-ladies. :-D He IS quite a monk!

2011-08-08 10:58:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ He is a nice big fat cat... Quite a zen monk. He hardly moves for anything & is not bothered about any activity. A little scared though. :-)
2011-08-08 10:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just sent you an email with loads of pix of Baxter! :-)
2011-08-08 10:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A big welcome-back hug & a I-missed-those-lips kiss... :-) Would you like to see my NC friend's cat pix?
2011-08-08 10:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached the office & one meeting over. I hope the school supplies shopping is fun for you! :-) I love stationery shopping! :-)
2011-08-08 09:54:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it wasn't as mild as you imagine it. It was some spyadventure kind of dream. But I forget the details. Never mind. I am off to work
2011-08-08 08:00:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something to do with Italians, you & the design of something & ice creams, I think. There was a terrace or two too. Vague... :-)
2011-08-08 07:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And all over you too. I so want to hold you from behind & kiss your shoulders often. I think I dreamt of you & that you spoke English well
2011-08-08 07:23:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, fine lady! :-) I slept fairly well though woke up early & put myself back to sleep!:-) Oh! I'd love to kiss your lips, darling
2011-08-08 07:22:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And once I reach the room, I will join you in bed. Ok? Smile now & sleep...
2011-08-07 21:16:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep sweet one. It is very very late out there (as you know! ;-) Good night. Sweet dreams. A kiss on your belly! :-)
2011-08-07 21:16:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I presume I did... My sweet sweet lady... How have you been, dear one? :-)
2011-08-07 21:10:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Thank you! :-) Oh! And I think I guessed what you are wearing ;)
2011-08-07 21:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What if you miss your flight? :-( I would be sad...

2011-08-07 21:04:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Less than 2 weeks now... Excited? :-)

2011-08-07 20:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hardly ever! :-) What is my darling wearing?

2011-08-07 20:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is nice to have someone around & yes, you wrote more than me, but I kissed the air towards Hungary more than you did! :-)
2011-08-07 20:45:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad she did & that she brought smiles & cheer to your weekend. Well, you didn't write much either but I could sense it! :-)
2011-08-07 20:40:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did Renata behave the way you prefer? :-)

2011-08-07 20:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did. It was splendid. I have never laughed so much over any of my weekends here. It was beautiful. I felt like I was with family! :-)
2011-08-07 20:34:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the bus now. I presume you are asleep. My poor poor lady.. Hope your weekend was fun & cheer. You did sound like you had a good time! :-)
2011-08-07 20:23:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...bus to my hotel. If there is connectivity, I will ping you again. In case you are tired, please sleep & we can chat tomorrow morning. :-)
2011-08-07 19:51:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dear Darling! I am in the Boston airport. The flight was delayed by over 1.5 hrs due to weather. All's well now. I should be soon on the
2011-08-07 19:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ More later. I miss you to sweet one. :-)

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2011-08-07 12:31:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All's fine. We went early morning for a shoot & now I am making lunch, so a little busy. My flight's at 15:30 & should leave in about 1 hr
2011-08-07 12:30:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to sleep now. More tomorrow morning.

2011-08-06 22:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... I join you in bed & in dreams running with you across meadows... And yes, hugging you deeply! :-)
2011-08-06 22:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...approach you? Why headache darling? Do take care. Dinner was simple but clearly everyone liked it. Navigated the broom? Like how? ;-p
2011-08-06 22:24:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...perfect. I kiss your lovely lips back! :-) You play pool? Wow! Glad you had fun. You don't drink alcoholic drinks at all? Didn't any guy
2011-08-06 22:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...a strong Southern American accent that I found sweet. She was lovely. The day was beautiful. The sun did come out & it made the day ...
2011-08-06 22:19:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling. Glad to hear you had a good time. Granny loved the gift. She was so adorable. She hugged me & kissed me & has such...
2011-08-06 22:18:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be off to granny's house in a while & hand her gift over to her. Hopefully she will like it. Let's see. Will let you know. :-)
2011-08-06 17:00:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too darling. Out hunting men!? You sound like a pair of witches on brooms chasing men! :-D Hope you are having fun. :-)
2011-08-06 16:59:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was decent, so I think they should have loved it, but they aren't large quantity eaters so it is difficult to tell. I hope they did. :-)
2011-08-06 16:59:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My darling! A warm squeezing hug for you! We were out shopping & then got back home. I cooked Thai which they said they like. Not sure.
2011-08-06 16:58:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So the weather here is not perfect but good enough to be indoors! I kinda like staying indoors with these people... :-)
2011-08-06 10:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Milady in a flowery dress sounds so beautiful! I wish I was there to run my hands up & down her thigh, squeezing occasionally. It rains here
2011-08-06 10:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have fun with Renata. I will write whenever I can! :-) Missing you, darling. Wish you were here too... :-)
2011-08-06 10:32:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They loved the wind chimes I had got them. I hope granny loves the gift I got her. We should be going there post-lunch. :-)
2011-08-06 10:32:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..breakfast with the family. It was fun. The camera I wanted I had it delivered to Jon's place, so I collected it from him. :-)
2011-08-06 10:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest one, good morning. :-) I slept well though wok up around 8:00 because I slept around 01:00 hrs. :-) Showered got ready & had ...
2011-08-06 10:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached safe. Had a wonderful time with Jon's family. Joking & laughing till my cheeks hurt. Now off to bed. Good morning, darling! :-)
2011-08-05 23:59:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweetest! Sleep well. Kisses on your soft thighs... :-)
2011-08-05 18:59:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The internet connection on the bus died off. I am at the airport past checkin etc. Managed to find a free wifi connection! :-)
2011-08-05 18:59:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now? Just now? After all this time, just now? :-o
2011-08-05 17:26:50 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No I won't
2011-08-05 17:19:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Won't tease you.

2011-08-05 17:17:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, it wouldn't help? Hmmm... Maybe we should try it anyway! ;-p
2011-08-05 17:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love teasing my li'l sweet lady's pouting lips! :-D

2011-08-05 17:03:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting good at it, right?

2011-08-05 16:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And since when did getting too hot bother you!? ;-p If it does, you can slip into your bikini & I'd just like that even more! :-D
2011-08-05 16:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The A/C is on... BTW, there are some hot girls on the bus! ;-p
2011-08-05 16:56:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, if you were sitting next to me, I'd be constantly kissing you on your ear! :-) & the back of your ear... :-)
2011-08-05 16:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you wearing today? I want to bite you... :-)
2011-08-05 16:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww! My sweet sweet darling girl! I so wish you were here. I wouldn't be on th computer then! :-D
2011-08-05 16:49:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like madam is busy with her friend! :-)

2011-08-05 16:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..when I reach, but you will be asleep then. :-)

2011-08-05 16:37:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, it will be very late when I reach NC & my friend's home. It will be nearly early morning for you. I'll send a note..
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2011-08-05 16:36:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I managed to get online on the bus! I think I should be able to get online in NC as well!! :-D
2011-08-05 16:31:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bye... :-)

2011-08-05 16:06:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you... take care, darling! :-)

2011-08-05 16:05:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. All set for the trip. I have informed my friend in NC. I am leaving now. I hope to have wifi on the bus to Boston. Else, take care.
2011-08-05 16:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ share it with him or anyone here. :-) How was your day? Are you guys going out tonight?
2011-08-05 15:57:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did DM you! Go check! And after I came to office too. Anyway, I wouldn't be embarrassed as it is personal stuff. Just that I don't wish...
2011-08-05 15:56:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't bite you, so why nervous!? I am excited. I think it will be a good time here. :-)
2011-08-05 15:49:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..want him to see notes about your butterflies!! :-) My hello to Renata. I will be leaving in about 15 min. Yes, 2 weeks. Nervous? Why? :-)
2011-08-05 15:48:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wasn't laconic at all! You were the the one who wasn't busy & still didn't DM! :-) Anyway, my pair was working on my machine so I didn't..
2011-08-05 15:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I miss you too! My flight is delayed by an hour!! :-D

2011-08-05 15:14:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you sound so laconic today? All's well? :-/

2011-08-05 13:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. Was in a meeting & then went out for
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lunch... Back now

2011-08-05 13:10:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you like to tell me?

2011-08-05 10:56:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bother me!? Since when did this become a concern!? :-| Is everything really alright? Something seems to be bothering you...
2011-08-05 10:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! Oh! Not busy & still no DMs? Everything alright?
2011-08-05 09:14:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One warm hug & two hot kisses please.. ;-p
2011-08-05 07:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Seems like the lady is busy. Slept well? I did. Packing nearly done. Will get ready for work now... :-)
2011-08-05 07:30:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And why aren't you asleep!? :-|

2011-08-04 21:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't you think this is beautiful:

2011-08-04 20:49:15 (EDT)

unthreads All's well, Joe. How are you? :-)

2011-08-04 20:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok, darling. Will do... :-)

2011-08-04 20:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you! :-)

2011-08-04 20:15:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on each cheek...

2011-08-04 20:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think it is now very late out there. My sweet lady should go & sleep now. I wish you a good night's rest & sweet warm dreams with birds!
2011-08-04 20:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. We had a 3 hr workshop which had a game in it

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& our team won! :-D So other than that, nothing else... :-)
2011-08-04 19:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am carrying my laptop with me, so I should be able to DM you frequently if there is a connection around! :-)
2011-08-04 19:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I will leave from office tomorrow. Around 15:00 hrs my time. Well after Renata arrives! :-)
2011-08-04 19:54:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like milady's fallen asleep! :-)

2011-08-04 19:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why delicious, darling? I am done, btw. Packing for tomorrow's trip. How was your day?
2011-08-04 19:38:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am going to go shower & shave now... Ok?

2011-08-04 19:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached, darling... :-)

2011-08-04 19:16:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the hotel, darling. Will catch you in a bit... :-)
2011-08-04 18:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Brat!
2011-08-04 18:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! So nice of you to get us arguing & enjoying it all! :-)
2011-08-04 18:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is she arriving tomorrow?

2011-08-04 18:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Nice friend indeed who doesn't give up on her friends! :-)
2011-08-04 18:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And usually it discourages people from trying to convince you that you are indeed wrong. They simply give up! :-D
2011-08-04 17:56:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh! Then perhaps you should try explaining & then agree with her that something is indeed wrong with you. It is easier to agree! :-D
2011-08-04 17:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..a Shrek or Tom & Jerry or some silly rom-coms. Why do I sense that you are disapproving of her want?
2011-08-04 17:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fair enough, but why does that feel so bitter to you? If she has such a want, she has it. Not everyone wants a serious movie. Some want...
2011-08-04 17:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...deep connections which are not individual ego or need based. That requires something entirely different & it is not common. :-)
2011-08-04 17:30:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is certainly not a relationship. It is like shopping for grocery: either this store or that. Relationships are conscious intelligent &...
2011-08-04 17:30:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So it is convenient for all... There are need based relationships & want based ones & then the fuzzy ones! :-D
2011-08-04 17:07:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, because that is precisely what they wanted! :-)

2011-08-04 17:05:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds simple. A man for sex. Men too would like a woman who wants to keep it clean & leave after they are done! :-)
2011-08-04 16:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...down to something more meaningful etc. It is a matter of where each person is in their life. :-)
2011-08-04 16:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ..had a family & kids & don't need that any more. So pure sex. Some wo/men might have had a lot of sex & flings & feel the need to settle...
2011-08-04 16:53:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... different folks. :-) A lot depends on the things at stake for the
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individual... :-) Some wo/men might only want sex 'coz they have had..
2011-08-04 16:53:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She needs a man as much as most women need a man. Some think they only need a man for sex. Some want a partner. Different strokes for ...
2011-08-04 16:52:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You needn't participate if you are uncomfy. Like me going out with the team for drinks. They drink & I drink water/soda. Simple :-)
2011-08-04 16:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only reason why anyone is physically attracted towards anyone is physical attractiveness (my 5 yr old nephew knows that!! ;-p )
2011-08-04 16:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ BTW, I am surely a lesbian!! :-D

2011-08-04 16:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure she is a sensible woman who will keep to her limits with you & with others. You simply would need to specify yours. :-)
2011-08-04 16:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If she wants to go hunt men, why do you feel uncomfy? As in, I thought it was cool enough for single women to hunt men. No?
2011-08-04 16:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ WOW!! And someone wonders whether she is attractive enough! ;-p Now you are also attracting women!! Nice job! ;-p
2011-08-04 16:07:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I was a woman we wouldn't be hugging & kissing 1st thing in the morning, noon & night!! Well, not if we were straight. ;-p
2011-08-04 15:04:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got a meeting now. Missing you, darling! :-)

2011-08-04 12:43:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, so the heat period, I think, is purely biochemical & not fertility indicators (for reproduction)
2011-08-04 12:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry! I didn't mean to sadden you. I just wanted to ask &
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know... :-)
2011-08-04 12:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...some hormonal reaction. Doesn't make sense for reproduction as that is not the fertile period so, maybe purely biochemical! :-)
2011-08-04 12:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Ok ok ok! Just asking! I think it is messy & dirty too, but I thought maybe you had some fantasy of some kinds! :-) Yes, maybe it is...
2011-08-04 12:06:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand! So have you had sex/made love when you are on your period? I am told women are typically "lively" in that phase... :-)
2011-08-04 11:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! :-) My sweet sweet lady is lively because she is on her periods? :-)
2011-08-04 11:44:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! Then the last two times you had in the middle of the month too? Ok... Don't you want to check with a doc? Or you think this is fine?
2011-08-04 11:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And you might have it when you are here too? Well, if it is regular, why do you ask me to look at the calendar!!!? :-D
2011-08-04 11:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I looked at the calendar. And? Aren't you supposed to have your periods around 12th-14th?
2011-08-04 11:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thought you might want to know... ;-)

2011-08-04 10:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw, I am not wearing jeans today... ;-p

2011-08-04 10:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really!? How lively are you today, darling? ;-p

2011-08-04 10:53:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought the weather would have been seduced by you yesterday to remain forever sunny... ;-p
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2011-08-04 10:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ho! So sad, I wish it stayed sunny for my darling letting her wear beautiful clothes & feeling unimaginably lively!! ;-p
2011-08-04 10:48:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling. What are you wearing today?

2011-08-04 10:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? ;-p

2011-08-04 10:27:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't do anything (even speak) till I brush my teeth in the morning. I just feel dirty till I do that, so kissing or anything is unlikely!
2011-08-04 10:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed my lady a lot .. a lot!! :-) 2 cms is a LOT of hair, dear. What will you do now!? It must feel like a great misfortune, right!? ;-p
2011-08-04 10:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached! God! Someone's getting a lot of parlour work done today!! My my my! ;-p
2011-08-04 09:26:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am preparing food & will be off in a bit... Take care!

2011-08-04 07:24:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...blowing, biting, nibbling... :-) Hope the haircut turns out to your taste.
2011-08-04 07:24:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to have you next to me at any level of freshness! :-) I's hug you & kiss you & nuzzle into every fold of your skin, licking...
2011-08-04 07:23:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! I slept well. Hope you did too? Getting a haircut before next week's meeting? ;-p
2011-08-04 07:22:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have fun!

2011-08-04 06:43:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to just watch you sleeping, smiling in your sleep
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& kiss the corners of your mouth... :-)

2011-08-03 22:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with (the heavy) dinner. I hug & hold you tenderly, feeling your curves meld into mine... Goodnight darling! :-)
2011-08-03 22:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... I join you in bed & rest my head on your breast. :-) I will have dinner in a bit & join you again for the night! :-)
2011-08-03 21:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you when I return! :-)

2011-08-03 19:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, don't stay up for me. Take care. :-)
2011-08-03 19:04:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So here's wishing my sweet darling a goodnight & lovely, lively dreams! to keep her company through the night. A kiss on your eyes, sweet.
2011-08-03 19:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached darling. But there is a meeting downstairs which might be on for a while. Need to rush to there.
2011-08-03 19:03:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heading for the hotel... :-) Catch you in a while... :-)
2011-08-03 18:06:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That... Well, if my fingers did reach there, they would only when everything was sorted out & all impracticalities vanished. So... :-)
2011-08-03 18:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What!?
2011-08-03 17:59:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What?
2011-08-03 17:57:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I don't know.

2011-08-03 17:56:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lively sexy lady! :-) Those fingers are ever ready to take you over the cliff! :-)
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2011-08-03 17:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) And I would leave them on your day & night... Well, I can't control the fingers though... ;-p
2011-08-03 17:42:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love your snoopy PJs!! :-D I wish they were made of my hands though... ;-p
2011-08-03 17:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! My lively lovely darling... Showered? What are you wearing now?
2011-08-03 17:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here now so that I may kiss you hard & make you forget your worries!! :-)
2011-08-03 17:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you have no reason to worry, but you do. I have reason to worry & I don't!!! :-D
2011-08-03 17:06:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or ... something bad!

2011-08-03 16:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or too fat...

2011-08-03 16:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might be too hairy for your taste! ;-p

2011-08-03 16:58:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh! I trust you... ;-p

2011-08-03 16:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe... ;-p

2011-08-03 16:46:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We will end up going out for a walk... :-)

2011-08-03 16:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you just might get to know, then! ;-p

2011-08-03 16:37:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It is sweet to plan something over 8 months & finally get to it... :-)
2011-08-03 16:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet nibbleable darling! You know I can't keep my hands off you, right? ;-p
2011-08-03 16:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. For 8 months!? :-) So sweet...

2011-08-03 16:10:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "Wow" because if I was meeting someone after 8 years I would have planned it 8 months ago!! :-D
2011-08-03 15:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok! That's sweet. :-) My li'l sweet darling... :-) Not too far away, then. So you guys might have tonnes of choices. Nice. :-)
2011-08-03 15:53:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in? Not sure I get that.. "butterflies flutter for you". Wow! Don't even know where? Hmmm. Where does he live?
2011-08-03 15:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Any major plans?

2011-08-03 15:39:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! This must be quite a moment, meeting after so many years! Do each of you still have a crush on the other? ;-p
2011-08-03 15:33:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The one whose mother forbid the two of you from getting together?
2011-08-03 15:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Is this the one from the Krishna temple?

2011-08-03 15:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is my sweet one doing right now?

2011-08-03 15:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, sweet one! :-)

2011-08-03 15:20:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Esp. when it is so tempting & you are so desirable... Nevertheless, we need to observe what we need to... :-)
2011-08-03 15:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It will be very very hard, darling & I am also counting on you to help me... us... through it! :-)
2011-08-03 15:12:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, nothing... except me & your cooperation to maintain things as we agreed... :-)
2011-08-03 15:06:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And why would I choose work over being serviced by you!? ;-p
2011-08-03 14:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have my complete permission to proceed as your butterflies wish you to! :-D
2011-08-03 14:46:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will probably eat it tonight. :-) I don't like keeping food for the next day! Will probably have a slightly early dinner... :-)
2011-08-03 14:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it is funny that you mention it... I am wearing jeans today! :-)
2011-08-03 14:38:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ WOW!! Someone is really lively today! God! Andrea! What happened? :-D
2011-08-03 14:33:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is not the only thing you did in the morning, darling!! I didn't forget! ;-p I usu. have a very light dinner if at all. So ... :-)
2011-08-03 14:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We went to a Thai place to pickup... I had cooked lunch though & I think I will keep it for dinner! :-)
2011-08-03 14:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Office, my dear, office... but sigh! I wouldn't care about the office too if your hands were moving as they are... ;-) Lunch was fine.
2011-08-03 14:12:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Someone's in a fun mood today! :-)

2011-08-03 13:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are such a brat!!! :-D

2011-08-03 13:06:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hand under my shirt!? Oooh! Office, my dear, office! ;-p

2011-08-03 13:00:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! How did the day go!? We stepped out for lunch & back now... Will eat it now. :-)
2011-08-03 12:59:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A big welcome back kiss & hug ... Missed you too! :-)
2011-08-03 12:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can I be happy if my li'l lady love is sad!? ;-p

2011-08-03 10:43:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well.. YOUR kisses, had MY name on them! :-D

2011-08-03 10:32:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling! No, you don't know. She was actually missing my kisses. A fine lady never reveals the real reasons! ;-p
2011-08-03 10:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling lady, was in a meeting. Day's a little packed but not too much. I miss you too sweet one :-) Of course, my li'l lady was sad! ;-(
2011-08-03 10:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good to hear they reached safe. Where do they live? Busy day ahead?
2011-08-03 09:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached. No problem abt the phone. You don't have to send me pic or do anything you aren't comfy doing. :-)
2011-08-03 09:13:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okee. I am off packing & leaving for work. You have a splendid day, darling! :-) Will let you know once I reach! :-) A soft kiss on your ear
2011-08-03 07:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I have to cook & calm myself... But you won't send me a
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pic! :-(
2011-08-03 07:40:16 (EDT)

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Received Direct Messages

_stoicOne_ Smile, maybe you should've had 2 cream-buns... ;-) I so wish I was there to gently massage your head, darling...
2013-06-03 12:11:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my poor darling! You shouldn't go on parties when you have a cold! So, it's a little bit your fault, too.
2013-06-03 12:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the kisses & then you'll have to give me all when we meet. ;p
2013-06-03 12:09:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) No no, that's not the same! Well, I'd love to get your kiss in real, too but... anyway just keep kissing your lady, she will count...
2013-06-03 12:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, dearest? How was your day? Mine was quite hectic, but ok.
2013-06-03 11:53:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, hugging you close, kissing your pouting lips... :-) If you were here, you wouldn't need silly pictures. ;-)
2013-06-03 11:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One last kiss on your oh so desirable lips, a tight hug and whoosh... Will try to get home earlier. :-)
2013-06-03 01:12:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, thank you. No time, darling. I am sorry. Rushing now... Wish you were here. Wish I could stay at home with you. Sigh. Missing you
2013-06-03 01:11:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I get ready now. Dark blue jeans & white half sleeve shirt today. I hold you close & kiss you deeply, darling. Hope you have a good day...
2013-06-03 00:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good enough is fine. Maybe you should go to bed earlier, darling. No, not really... my hair is still wet, sitting here in underwear ;-)
2013-06-03 00:27:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. :-) Freshly showered hug & a long tender kiss for you... Slept sweetly? I did, like a stone... :-)
2013-06-03 00:22:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ kisses assail you the sec. you open your eyes... ;-) Wishing you a pleasant drive to the office & a day as bright & lovely as a daisy :-)
2013-06-02 16:15:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your dreams are sweet & tender, my darling... :-) May you wake up to a lovely morning, feeling fresh & giggling as my soft winged
2013-06-02 16:14:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I kiss your upper arm & snuggle closer to you, smiling & wishing you'd snore a little softer in my ear... ;-p
2013-06-02 16:14:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... or even knowing your name. ;-) I think tonight, I will daydream myself into sleep... and keep dreaming of you in my sleep. :-)
2013-06-02 15:53:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I couldn't wait to wake up in the morning & check if you had dm-ed me. Blush :-) It was love at first sight, without seeing you...
2013-06-02 15:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I felt drawn to you & was happy with you from the day I sent you my first mistaken DM. And just one day later,
2013-06-02 15:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The tiny innocent child-like interactions, the excitement & joy while our forest was growing wider around the basket you've woven for me :-)
2013-06-02 14:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you asked God recently to save you from me! How disappointing! :-D I miss those happy, playful, sweet times, darling. :-)
2013-06-02 14:27:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am all smiles, look what I found! "Your kindness moves me, dear lovely lady. I wish the gods don't repeal this blessing of mine. :-| "
2013-06-02 14:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ when I stumble upon something that fills my heart with softness
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or sends tingles through me. I just smile then & sigh & want to rush to you!
2013-06-02 14:27:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I just went over your old dms. I love to do that from time to time, picking different days... :-) It feels nice darling esp.
2013-06-02 14:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, how your lady wants to be there now! Good night, my darling dear. Sleep soundly with smiles & sweet sighs... :-)
2013-06-02 13:14:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) with your hand on my belly, pulling me as close to you as possible & your leg wrapped around mine? ;-)
2013-06-02 13:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I love when you kiss my palms. And fingers & wrists and...Sigh! Yep! Sneaking under the covers & lifting it up for you to join me... ;-)
2013-06-02 13:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But as I see, they started to trickle... :-) Lovely! Never force writing, darling.
2013-06-02 12:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... take a deep breath & smile. Better? :-) It's ok, darling. Words don't always flow like a river... :-)
2013-06-02 12:49:41 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 That would've been fantabulous!!!

2013-06-02 12:49:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :)
2013-06-02 12:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, pretty late, darling. I sit facing you, holding your face in my hands, kissing your forehead, hugging you tight... Close your eyes and
2013-06-02 12:49:03 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Aww are you disappointed?

2013-06-02 12:45:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Thank you, Anand! 18 feels faaabulous! ;) Oooh, travelling! Where?

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2013-06-02 12:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ August is fine. September makes no sense if we want to meet in November, too.
2013-06-02 11:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't say July is bad. Middle, end of July might be rainy but now it should be sunny & hot & it is not! So, one never knows...
2013-06-02 11:06:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. Then, just work while I sit behind you, kissing your neck & my hands under your undershirt caressing your back... ;-)
2013-06-02 10:57:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you have time. Oh darling, it would be so wonderful if you could rush over... or I to you. Sigh.
2013-06-02 10:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could come here. Apply for a simple tourist visa. Or if it is too much of a hassle for you, then Turkey or elsewhere. When?
2013-06-02 10:56:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been ages since we met, too... Sigh. Your lady slowly gives up hope... Well, do what you have to do... I'll be around :-)
2013-06-02 10:19:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. May I sit behind you & gently massage your shoulders & kiss your back while you work... or write?
2013-06-02 10:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I so miss our sweet cuddles...

2013-06-02 10:10:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nuzzling your neck, softly biting your earlobes... :-)

2013-06-02 09:58:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I bury my face into your chest & just keep hugging you...
2013-06-02 09:49:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my sweet soft noisy cuddle-bear darling! Sniff.

2013-06-02 07:22:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Btw, I use latex gloves when I am cleaning. So, can I join you darling? And cuddle & hug & cover you in sweet soft small kisses... :-)
2013-06-02 06:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Yes, bathroom. Why errr? Now my shower cabin, bathroom sink & all is nice & clean. Of course I washed my hands! They are always clean!
2013-06-02 06:37:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or is it too late? Sigh. Miss you, darling. I want to have you here with me...
2013-06-02 06:28:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if she was only doing her job. ;-p Darling, just done with cleaning my bathroom. May I cuddle up to you & nap with you a little?
2013-06-02 06:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but most of them are pretty. And man air hostesses, too! ;) God, then be happy that an air hostess was showering attention...
2013-06-02 06:21:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, blush... because I was not ready for the hug. I get what you say but don't really understand why you were careful, but well...
2013-06-02 06:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, air hostesses are mostly pretty & kind & they showering attention when I fly, too. ;-p Ooops, your teasing didn't work. ;-p
2013-06-02 04:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hugged you on the hotel hallway. And no one was around! Glad your flight was smooth. What did you read?
2013-06-02 04:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A happy tight squeeze & a long deep sweet welcome home kiss for my darling! :-) Anywhere... how come? You didn't even like when I
2013-06-02 04:17:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh really? Anywhere? Are you sure? I will remind you of that when we meet... ;-)
2013-06-02 03:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...impatiently waiting for your plane to land :-) Sigh, those
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delightful breakfasts with you. I would've loved to join you most happily! :-)
2013-06-02 03:38:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am sorry I missed you... But hope you slept well & your travel home is smooth & pleasant. Your lady will be here...
2013-06-02 03:38:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet Anand immensely. Want to see you. Be with you.
2013-06-01 15:41:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to hug & kiss in public, I'd jump in your arms & welcome you back with a long sweet trembling kiss! ;-)
2013-06-01 15:40:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd wake up very early, impatiently waiting for your return... :-) I'd go to the airport to pick you up & even if you don't like...
2013-06-01 15:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I might be asleep when you leave but I'll be here when you reach home! Sigh, I wish I could be in Chennai instead...
2013-06-01 15:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you wake up feeling all fresh & smiling... Do take care. Take my sweet kiss laced :-) with you on your journey...
2013-06-01 15:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I join my peacefully snoring darling, kiss him on his shoulder-blade & hug him to me, holding him close all night... :-)
2013-06-01 15:37:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't be with you like that. So, this :-) is for you, darling... You'll see it only in the morning, but still...
2013-06-01 14:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... if you say so... Thank you. Good night.

2013-06-01 13:37:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. And it gets spoilt? Strange.

2013-06-01 13:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you.

2013-06-01 13:34:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep soundly, darling. Hugging you tight & softly kissing your lips... I will join you in a short while...
2013-06-01 13:33:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ UHT milk is fresh milk which sterilized with high temperature & so it won't get sour & lasts long.
2013-06-01 13:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fresh raw milk goes sour in a day, here too. But only in summer (hot temp). So, in winter fresh milk, in summer UHT milk.
2013-06-01 13:27:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, fresh milk is best bought daily but UHT milk is long lasting... and in summer it's better than fresh milk.
2013-06-01 13:24:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Why?

2013-06-01 13:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I am mostly right... even if you think I am not, I am! What's wrong with buying milk for a week? Btw, I buy it when I run out of it.
2013-06-01 13:15:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for letting me know. In case I won't be up tomorrow, wishing you a safe, pleasant trip. Wish I could be there to welcome you home...
2013-06-01 13:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Things I run out of... And fresh veggies, fruits, milk, something to drink, etc.
2013-06-01 13:04:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was about chores, food shopping, some office work... The usual weekends stuff.
2013-06-01 12:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi, darling. I am glad you had a nice time with your brother in law & had some fun & hopefully you enjoyed your day even if it was packed.
2013-06-01 12:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet butterfly kiss fluttering towards my darling to softly

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land on the back of his neck, & letting him know his lady misses him...
2013-06-01 09:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... never mind.

2013-06-01 04:06:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe neglecting me was not the best expression... Maybe it's just that you get immersed in things & you forget about your lady... Or so.
2013-06-01 04:05:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, sadly I come home late. But sometimes when I come home you are out somewhere or doing something else, then you rush to bed.
2013-06-01 04:04:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I mostly rush off in the mornings, but at least I come (even if for a few min.) to kiss my sweet sir good morning.
2013-06-01 04:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...of things to discuss. :-) Enjoy your lunch. I also hope you enjoy your day, the office party & have loads of fun & you are all smiles.
2013-06-01 03:28:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Glad you slept well. My hello to your brother in law in case you are still with him. I am sure you & he have a lot
2013-06-01 03:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you can feel in your sleep my soft tender hold...
2013-05-31 17:39:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, terribly darling but... Sigh. Anyway, I go to bed now, sleep and dream of you...
2013-05-31 17:36:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least I feel this way... So, in the future, I will try to not feel bad about your absence... and just be glad when you are here.
2013-05-31 17:29:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't get me wrong, I don't complain about you having fun & getting engaged in things, activities, etc. But sometimes you do neglect me.
2013-05-31 17:26:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly. Wishing you a lovely tomorrow
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with many smiles & cheer & lots of fun.

2013-05-31 17:14:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So please when you plan to stay away for a longer time & you know I am here, do let me know. I too, have other things to do than to sit here
2013-05-31 17:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you say good night and leave...

2013-05-31 17:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... & I just wait...Then you come back after hours, telling me where have you been, what were you doing...while I was here, waiting for you.
2013-05-31 17:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I think I won't sit here & wait for you for a long while... for nothing... Even on weekends, you write something then you leave...
2013-05-31 17:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, write me when you miss me or have some free minutes or have no other things to do. I will check my dms every now & then.
2013-05-31 17:09:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Go to bed, it's really late there. Hope you had lots of fun & will have even more tomorrow... I won't be here, waiting for you.
2013-05-31 14:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were just trying to kiss me... so!

2013-05-31 14:14:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No chance, you can't bribe me...

2013-05-31 14:10:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because now you can't melt me with your smile...

2013-05-31 14:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't smile like that. Or smile, I'll simply ignore it... Go to sleep, it's late.
2013-05-31 13:56:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams, darling. Soft kisses from your head to toe... Good night.
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2013-05-31 13:37:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, it will come: "I go to bed now. Good night, darling." So, before this happens, I wish you good night now. Sleep well.
2013-05-31 13:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you think I'll say now... awww, my poor darling's feet hurt... or something like this, then you are wrong! ;-p
2013-05-31 13:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Your lady rushed home & thought she was late again... but no! You were out having fun & then shopping for the party, too!
2013-05-31 13:31:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll join you in a short while & wrap into you... :-) Yes, as you like it, my darling... all lovely smelling, soft and warm... ;-)
2013-05-31 13:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you on your forehead lovingly & hugging you tenderly as you (hopefully) sleep sweetly with smiles...
2013-05-31 13:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet darling has fallen asleep... Sniff. Missing you so much!
2013-05-31 13:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ alone, waiting for you. Nice, nice. ;-p They seem to like you. :-) I think it was a good choice to stay, hope you'll enjoy your tomorrow :-)
2013-05-31 12:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, how was your day, darling? Ha! You went to Delhi to get the vaccine & end up partying around, letting your lady home...
2013-05-31 12:23:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am home! :-) Standing on tiptoe with my arms wrapped around your neck & kissing you on your lips... :-)
2013-05-31 12:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you can write me even when I am away... I just can't dm when at work, we have wifi issues ... :-(
2013-05-31 00:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... safe & sound. Holding you close darling, softly kissing your
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lips & the tip of your cute nose... :-) and whoosh... Missing you!
2013-05-31 00:50:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you doing the whole day? Darling, I really have to rush now. Please take care of you. Hope you fly back today & reach home...
2013-05-31 00:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't travel there without getting your vaccination. And even now, not a great idea with a cold...
2013-05-31 00:50:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... like that, I wouldn't want to leave... Sigh! What? One more day? Makes no sense, just wasted time...
2013-05-31 00:49:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet dahhling. :-) Your lady woke up very late, she has to rush... :-| But if you were here, holding and kissing me
2013-05-31 00:49:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::big smile:: So good talking to you! Goodnight, A...have an enjoyable, smooth day. (((Hug)))
2013-05-30 23:00:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, keep me posted on your conferences! If if doesn't impact the kids' and my work schedules, that sounds like a wonderful idea! :-)
2013-05-30 22:52:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, has it been a nice visit with them? I know how much you enjoyed your nephew's presence last year.
2013-05-30 22:51:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you! Yes, I will send some pictures over to you tomorrow. Glad to hear the family is doing well!
2013-05-30 22:50:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How's mom? Grandmother? What trips are you going on?
2013-05-30 22:42:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So needless to say, I'm going straight to bed!

2013-05-30 22:42:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The kids are good...playing 3 different sports, plus lily

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does dance. I'm just getting in the door now (it's 10:41pm) from 5:30 this morn!
2013-05-30 22:41:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am done with most school tests, graduated last week, have to finish a summer clinical that I'm presently doing, then boards/registry exams
2013-05-30 22:41:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha, I've written on @honestlyclaire and @ eternallyclaire too...but sometimes...I just can't keep this dangerous one quiet!!!! Lol!!!
2013-05-30 22:39:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Anand!!!! How are you doing???? Fill me in, what's been going on over your way? Any more exciting travels??? How have you been??? xoxo
2013-05-30 22:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then freshen up & cuddle with you in bed & hug & kiss & fall asleep holding each other... Sigh! Miss you terribly, darling.
2013-05-30 14:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ to your hug & kiss & have dinner together & then just lie down with my head on your lap & talk about our day while you play with my hair :)
2013-05-30 14:34:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I find it very sweet that you wait up for me. :-) It feels nice, darling. I often imagine how beautiful it would be to really come to you...
2013-05-30 14:33:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's right, I come home very late. Your life is busy and now, mine too... :-( I miss those times when we had more time for each other.
2013-05-30 14:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... leave her all alone again. Sniff. It isn't gentlemanly to treat your lady like that. I haven't complained in a while, so... ;-p
2013-05-30 14:31:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But his cute sir always finds a better entertainment...And when he's finally here, his lady's beaming with happiness but then you quickly...
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2013-05-30 14:31:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your poor lil' lady... She can't wait to get home & chat with you a little & she so looks forward to weekends, for the same reason...
2013-05-30 14:30:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sleep well with lovely dreams. Soft kisses on your fleshy parts... I join you in a bit, if you'd like me to...
2013-05-30 13:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you just came and already leaving... :-( Miss you, darling.
2013-05-30 13:43:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But maybe I will forget to remind you... who knows when will we meet... How was your day? How is your back?
2013-05-30 13:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, your elbow? Knee? Ears? ;-p I'll surely remind you, darling! And I'd love you to show me all the fleshy parts, too. ;-)
2013-05-30 13:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ohh, you are up! :-) Hugging you tight (careful of your back, though...) & sweetly kiss your lips. :-)
2013-05-30 13:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lovely hug & a kiss on your eyelids while you sleep. Good night, darling. I join you soon & hold you tenderly to me... :-)
2013-05-30 12:57:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I suppose my darling dear is curled up in bed & snoring sweetly... I am sorry I missed you & was not here to hug you to sleep. :-(
2013-05-30 12:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I meant 2 wasted days... or so. How was your day, what did you do? Mine was very busy but ok. Feeling tired, missing you.
2013-05-30 12:41:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you said you are relieved that you don't need to travel. Then be glad no vaccine was available. Hm? 2 days wasted...
2013-05-30 12:39:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, how happened? Fortunately you are everywhere fleshly... ;1948 / 4823

p Miss you, darling!

2013-05-30 12:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, take off that silly undershirt & let me see your back & then softly kiss it where that stupid can fell on... :-)
2013-05-30 12:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached, darling! God, I would've loved to stay & spend the day indoors with you kissing & cuddling & playing & enjoying each other!
2013-05-30 12:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you travel back today, wishing you a nice smooth trip... :-) I'll be thinking of you, darling. A kiss on your lips & a sweet hug...
2013-05-30 00:46:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now, I woke up late... Are you still looking for the vaccine? Does that one place have it? Please do let me know...
2013-05-30 00:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My gentle darling, good morning. :-) I draw you to me & kiss you lovingly... Did you sleep well? Feeling well rested & all happy?
2013-05-30 00:37:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I imagine to fall asleep & wake up in your arms every single night...Hope your sleep is sweet & peaceful my darling & you wake up with a :-)
2013-05-29 16:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...softly kiss it & place it on my chest above my breasts, wrapping my fingers around your hand, holding it tight all night. Darling...Sigh!
2013-05-29 16:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So very tired, darling and miss you so very much! I join you now & curl into you with my back against your chest, take your hand,
2013-05-29 16:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you!

2013-05-29 13:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet soft darling. :-) Kissing you softly, all over & hug you close to me... Sleep sweetly, darling. I'll join you asap!
2013-05-29 13:40:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I'd love it very very much! But you'd have to wash my back... ;) Sigh, I wish I could curl up with you & cuddle each other to sleep.
2013-05-29 13:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. That's the sweetest compliment ever... ;-p

2013-05-29 13:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got home, had to rush to finish my drink, got a quick twirl & a quick kiss & then the downpour... Sigh. Poor me!
2013-05-29 13:29:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not someone! If you had taken a breath, I wouldn't have overheard that sentence. ;-p
2013-05-29 13:27:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were trying to explain me why you want to travel, no matter what. You were just pouring words without taking a breath ;-p
2013-05-29 13:18:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait, you didn't say that you don't go! So, there was some misunderstandings. So, it is your fault, darling. I did get what you said.
2013-05-29 13:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It makes no sense to me to take that risk... If you get the vaccination before your travel, all is fine, otherwise I wouldn't go...
2013-05-29 12:59:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... want to take the risk... Sometimes we have to do stuff we don't really enjoy...
2013-05-29 12:56:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ surely another library work, work you find interesting, stuff you want to do... You will miss just one. But you know if you want to...
2013-05-29 12:55:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do get it. But a not so exciting project is better than to contract any disease...Yes, you will miss the library work, but there will...
2013-05-29 12:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Better an option that it isn't that interesting than to take the risk of contracting that disease.
2013-05-29 12:46:55 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Exactly. So, for the last time... skip the trip.
2013-05-29 12:44:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss your lips & when you try to talk, I kiss you again & again... ;-p Don't go to Uganda. Simple.
2013-05-29 12:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ohhh, I didn't expect you to be up... I take your drink (sounds heavenly delicious, thank you!) then hold you tight while you twirl me...
2013-05-29 12:42:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What if you say you'll skip the June travel & go there another time? Well, I didn't know that you don't visit your sister. Sorry.
2013-05-29 12:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you went there for nothing... Greatly organized... Hm. That would make no sense if you get it when you are in Uganda.
2013-05-29 12:29:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Busy, tiring day. How was yours? I am sorry no vaccination was available. They should checked it before your travel to Delhi.
2013-05-29 12:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when you get your vaccination. :-p I'll hold your hands & give you a tight hug & a long soft kiss that makes you forget pain...
2013-05-29 00:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving for the office. Take care, darling & in case you fly back today, wishing you a safe, pleasant trip back home. Be a good boy & behave
2013-05-29 00:50:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And we can split your expenses, too. Anyway... it doesn't matter now. November is so far away! Sigh.
2013-05-29 00:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I live in Budapest. That's the only thing that makes it simpler... Your sis lives in Delhi, you do visit her now & then. No?
2013-05-29 00:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Did you get enough rest, darling? You got up
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early...My arms around your waist draw you to me, softly kiss you on your lips...
2013-05-29 00:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you were right... Maybe it's right that some things simply are beautiful but not meant to be...
2013-05-28 16:04:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not necessary... Good night. I will join you in a few minutes...
2013-05-28 14:59:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's already tomorrow there. Hope you get to sleep soon... Good night. Sleep well. Sweet dreams, darling. A sweet kiss on your soft lips...
2013-05-28 14:40:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the hassles for the Indian trip will be entirely my headache... Yes, I see the difference.
2013-05-28 13:48:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok, I understand.

2013-05-28 13:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you reached safe & sound. How was the travel? Kissing you back, holding you tight... Well, when we meet... Sigh.
2013-05-28 13:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, hope your day was a good one darling & your journey to Delhi is as pleasant as can be. Hope you let me know once you arrive...
2013-05-28 12:43:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, anything is possible, just... not in our case. :-(

2013-05-28 12:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it's dropped now. Just as our last year meeting too, and Turkey & all... Sigh. It's ok. I am not complaining just... kinda sad.
2013-05-28 12:41:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... & get the vaccination & find a flight for a reasonable price & all but I'd at least try it because I really miss you & want to see you.
2013-05-28 12:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ there to apply for visa. Never mind. I also said yes to Uganda & that I'll try to get a week off. It wouldn't be easy to take off from work
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2013-05-28 12:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. Your lady is a bit sad now- you rush immediately to Delhi to get your vaccination, but it's a hassle for you to go
2013-05-28 12:39:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be thinking of you, darling... :-)

2013-05-28 00:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting ready to leave for work. Hope your day goes nice in your old office & you are all smiles. Sweet butterfly kisses all over you... :-)
2013-05-28 00:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's for sure now that you have to go to Uganda? Why you? Sigh. :-( Missing you terribly, too! And a lot more!
2013-05-28 00:46:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso! Well, Germans do work hard & expect much from people. They generally assume all Eastern work is dull & dreary. :-|
2013-05-28 00:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do look cute when you sleep! Actually, I like noisy, hairy bears with soft tummy-pillow. ;-)
2013-05-28 00:44:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and hug your waist tightly & sleep some more. :-) Wow, you agree!? Darling, are you alright? ;-p That was sweet, thank you. :-)
2013-05-28 00:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should be more careful with the A/C! I slept well, though still feel sleepy. I wish you were here, dear. I'd bury my head in your lap...
2013-05-28 00:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, hugging my sweet sir & letting him rest in my arms, kissing his softly behind his ear. :-) How are you feeling? Hope it isn't a cold.
2013-05-28 00:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...even when your eyes open in the morning... :-) Darling, do you still feel that child-like glee, feel a tingle when you think of me? I do!
2013-05-27 15:22:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly my darling with dreams that bring you smiles & soft sighs & leave you with a lovely feeling that
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2013-05-27 15:22:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... close to me. Sigh. This will be my dream tonight... You. Us. Butterflies. And straw hats & swings & sunshine & our lovely basket. :-)
2013-05-27 15:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I can be. :-) I snuggle up behind you, softly kiss the back of your neck, wrap my arm around you, put my leg between yours, holding you
2013-05-27 15:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day, darling. Feeling so tired! Had dinner, freshened up & now, rushing to bed to you, in tiny PJ's & smelling as delicious as
2013-05-27 15:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 6 long months till I can hold you again... And in 3 months it will be 2 years since I last held you... Sigh. Miss you!
2013-05-27 13:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What if you don't like me when we meet again? What if things won't be as sweet as you keep them in your memories?
2013-05-27 13:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And this silly lovely lady's lil' butterfly heart wants only you, no one else... :-)
2013-05-27 13:32:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the most patient lady ever. :-) And lovely too. And sweet. And kind. And I could go on! And of course, most modest, too. ;-p
2013-05-27 13:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe your lady is silly sometimes & she troubles you & you can complain about her as much as you want but you should admit that she is...
2013-05-27 13:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still sitting by your side, holding your hand in mine... I just can't leave you. :-) You look so cute when you sleep. Sigh.
2013-05-27 13:17:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while you move closer to me in your sleep by instinct... :-)
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How I miss you, darling! Sigh. How very much! Will join you in a bit...
2013-05-27 12:54:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I come now to sit by your side, darling. Softly kissing you on your eyelids & cute nose & the corners of your smile & caress you...
2013-05-27 12:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, happy? No more troublesome Germans... ;-) My day was tiring too. Not stressful, but very very very busy. Head's alright. :-)
2013-05-27 12:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... can't meet before November... Your lady's kinda sad. :-( What about Turkey? Hm?
2013-05-27 12:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home, darling. I am so sorry I couldn't get home earlier. :-( Miss you, too! Very very much! Sniff. And then reading that we
2013-05-27 12:52:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...writing to you. Hope your day is bright & cheerful & light as a daisy... :-) Sweet soft kisses on your collarbone, darling...
2013-05-27 00:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Couldn't decide the alarm is real or just dreaming... :-) So I am in a rush now. But missing you , darling & didn't want to leave without...
2013-05-27 00:47:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, good morning! Slept soundly? Feeling all fresh? Had a pleasant drive to the office? :-) I overslept a little. Blush.
2013-05-27 00:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you're sleeping beautifully, my lovely darling as I slip softly into bed, kiss your snoring lips, smile at you & fold myself into you..
2013-05-26 16:07:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ None of them matters, darling. Nothing matters if it's about to be with you... Sigh. Miss you so!
2013-05-26 14:18:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'd need a yellow fever vaccination & medicine to prevent malaria. See? I told you it's a dangerous place! ;-p
2013-05-26 14:05:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Btw, I was checking flights to Uganda (Entebbe, right?) God, couldn't your company find a closer place? :-|
2013-05-26 14:02:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just came to kiss your forehead & sit by your side for a bit, watching you sleep & smile... :-)
2013-05-26 13:56:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Scheduled tweets or you decided to write before sleeping? :-) Lovely, all of them.
2013-05-26 13:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon... :-) Keep the bed cuddly for your lady... ;-)
2013-05-26 12:42:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night, my sweetness. Kissing you back, softly slowly... rocking you gently in my arms to a peaceful sweet sleep. :-)
2013-05-26 12:40:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I told you that June is very bad... :-( Anyway, I will still try to get a week off.
2013-05-26 12:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love it very much... And I don't worry about my safety. I feel safe with you. :-)
2013-05-26 12:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ June! Oh darling, I am afraid June won't work. That's the first month I'll be working by myself. Well, now too... the girl's gone last week
2013-05-26 12:33:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Once I know, I will try to get some days off...

2013-05-26 12:28:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I'd go everywhere with you. Being with you is always alright... ;-) I just need to know the dates.
2013-05-26 12:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did read about Uganda. Some say it's dangerous, and some say it's beautiful & adventurous. :-)
2013-05-26 12:27:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You wanted to visit Turkey, so why Uganda now? It has to do with your company?
2013-05-26 11:55:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Uganda is a dangerous place, no?

2013-05-26 11:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It will be fine, darling. :-) I couldn't find tiger balm... But I have band-aid! And I do need it! :-)
2013-05-26 11:50:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still don't have any balm. I don't know why. I think it's the weather. It's unusually cold here, then hot then cold again.
2013-05-26 11:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, that would be wonderful! And my back too. Please. :-) It's been a while darling...
2013-05-26 11:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Except that I miss you. A lot, darling. Really, a lot!

2013-05-26 11:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it still tastes good, anyway. :-) Have a slight headache & feeling somewhat sleepy. Other than that, things are ok.
2013-05-26 11:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And was making that apple thing with vanilla sauce again. It didn't turn out so well this time. The apples were too long in the oven :-(
2013-05-26 11:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not lazy at all. Loads of chores to do, some office work & was cooking too- zucchini, tomato, basil & mozzarella in a red tomato sauce
2013-05-26 11:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, sounds very delicious! Don't you want to come here & be my cook? Sigh. ;-) Lucky boy... Miss your cooking.
2013-05-26 11:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here so we didn't need to dm... Sigh.

2013-05-26 10:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my darling dear?

2013-05-26 10:11:52 (EDT)
1957 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. I knew I can count on you! Sniff. This isn't true, I don't need patient explaining.
2013-05-26 08:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but the German level is different from India... And they know that, so no reason to be impatient.
2013-05-26 08:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Germans arrive always on time or even a little earlier, Hungarians are mostly late... :-)
2013-05-26 07:45:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are not. But they can be quite annoying, too. While Germans love to be accurate, Hungarians take things easy which is not always good.
2013-05-26 07:44:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, Germans are like that...

2013-05-26 07:30:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish that too. It would be lovely to cuddle with you, then nap in each other's arms... Sigh. Missing you a lot, darling.
2013-05-26 07:29:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just finished some office work, too. Was your work at Siemens successful? How were the German guys?
2013-05-26 06:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's for oneself to decide what's worth the waste of time & what not. :-) Bad luck! Same here. :-| Maybe we are too kind or I don't know.
2013-05-26 06:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not even free food could convince you!? ;-p Well, sure it would have been waste of time. Some things are like that, darling.
2013-05-26 06:57:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh & tomorrow & after tomorrow? ;-) Rubbing my nose against your slightly stubbled chin, hold your face in my hands & kiss you sweetly :-)
2013-05-26 06:57:27 (EDT)

1958 / 4823

_stoicOne_ But still... :-) Well, I was asleep when you were up, so it's not that I was lazy... :-)
2013-05-26 06:54:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...laundry to do & here now... :-) Ahh, the thought of freshly bathed you... Swoon! Shaved, too? ;-) A soft deep kiss on your throat, dear.
2013-05-26 04:15:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, I feel almost ashamed because you did so much... & your lady had just her bath, cleaned up the kitchen, dm-ed you, then had some...
2013-05-26 04:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I would've loved to help you rearrange your books, then entertaining lil' boy, letting you do your stuff... Miss you, darling!
2013-05-26 04:13:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's angel boy's holiday, let him sleep & do what he wishes to do... Why dropped the meet-up?
2013-05-26 04:13:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, slept kinda well. Yes, as you like it, darling... your lady is all fresh & flowery... ;-) Does your sis feel some better?
2013-05-26 04:12:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sir. You seem busy today...Hope you slept well & having a sweet Sunday... :-) Missing you, darling! Kisses for you...
2013-05-26 03:40:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is fading away...wish you could feel somehow her hold, her soft curves against you in your sleep...
2013-05-25 17:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No chance. This is the only thing that I don't remember. No wonder I forgot it... I was too excited & floating in heaven... :-)
2013-05-25 16:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just lying in bed, hugging this pillow that should be you! & thinking of you... still trying to remember our first kiss... :-)
2013-05-25 16:31:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Whenever you talk about places or about things
1959 / 4823

you are doing, I sigh & wish to be there with be a part of it all...
2013-05-25 16:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweet gentle sir, I hope you are sleeping peacefully with a smile as I kiss you behind your ear & hug you close to me... :-)
2013-05-25 16:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you once I am done for the day... :-) One more kiss on your forehead & a long lovely embrace... Sleep my darling, shhh... sleep :-)
2013-05-25 13:31:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh :-( Then, good night, my sweet darling sir. Sleep soundly, may you float in beautiful dreams... :-) Softly kissing your lips.
2013-05-25 13:25:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, doing some office work... while you have dinner & get ready for bed & put lil' boy to sleep... or so :-)
2013-05-25 12:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? ;-) Right now, writing to you. ;-p Other than that, not much. Been cleaning & shopping & doing some chores...
2013-05-25 11:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling! Hugging you & kissing you happily. :-) Then forget everything else & think of your temple visit... Lovely day! ;-)
2013-05-25 11:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you still away? Sigh... Miss you. But glad you had such a lovely day...
2013-05-25 11:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing special, darling. Just food & some basic necessities. :-) Some fruits, too. And zucchini, tomato, mozzarella with basil... :-)
2013-05-25 09:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Old, dirty, narrow roads have their charm... ;-) I'd be happiest if you'd show me that part... And many other things, places too... Someday
2013-05-25 09:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you telling me tales of those times, showing me around, see those temples... :-) Sigh. I'd so love it...
2013-05-25 08:46:14 (EDT)

1960 / 4823

_stoicOne_ ... with your mom or even just by yourself. :-) Your lady smiles as she reads your words... imagining walking with you, listening to...
2013-05-25 08:45:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, if you so love that part of Chennai, you should visit it more often. It's also a lovely opportunity for a one day excursion...
2013-05-25 08:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... just to make a special offering there? Wow, long way! Any special reason for the special offering?
2013-05-25 08:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For some reason, I knew that you are at a temple & not at home. :-) Nice! How far is that temple from home? Your friend came from B.
2013-05-25 08:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home. Where are you? Out with angel boy or indoors spending time with him, or napping or... Wait, isn't it your Temple-visit time?
2013-05-25 08:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off for my Sat. shopping. Miss you, darling. Wish you could come with me! A tender kiss for your lips... Hope you are having a happy day.
2013-05-25 06:35:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any plans for the weekend with angel boy? Wish I was there, darling, help you do all the things you have to do, then go out... Miss you!
2013-05-25 03:48:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...longer? Wow, you've been doing so much while I slept... and slept... :-) Woke up late with a slight headache.
2013-05-25 03:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling! Freshly showered, in a towel... standing on tiptoe, kissing the tip of your nose. :-) Why didn't you sleep a little
2013-05-25 03:47:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss his nape while he smiles in his sleep, knowing his lady finally arrived... :-) Hope your sleep is deep & sweet, my darling.
2013-05-24 15:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lovely silly lady is very exhausted. Joining you in bed,
1961 / 4823

slipping quietly behind my sweet darling to hug him tenderly to me...

2013-05-24 15:51:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, at the end, I think we want the same... you'd love me to trust you blindly & I'd be happiest if I could trust you like that.
2013-05-24 15:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I tend to forget that you are different & I have no reason to not trust you. Sigh. I have to work on this... Blush.
2013-05-24 15:45:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't doubt you & have a lot of faith in you, darling. I have never doubted your honesty & know that you don't lie to me.
2013-05-24 15:45:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... people are honest & innocent, in my world, one should be careful who to trust. :-( Maybe I am just scared or I don't know.
2013-05-24 15:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was thinking about what you said. I am not a jealous type, darling. Honest. I just have a hard time trusting people. Maybe in your world
2013-05-24 15:44:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon... :-) Till then, sleep soundly with sweet dreams and smiles... My lovely darling Anand... Sigh. Miss you!!!
2013-05-24 13:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, good night my sweet darling. Softly kissing your temples, brushing your cheeks lightly with my fingertips, watching you... :-)
2013-05-24 13:05:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my dearest. Dinner, nice shower & rush to bed to you! :-) Hope the night is some cooler there...
2013-05-24 12:58:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you... & you had to go to sleep without my soft goodnight hug & kiss :-( Got a call, then had to write an email. Always work.. :-(
2013-05-24 12:57:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. That was the little devil in me. But please, don't take these things seriously. I will stop it. Ok?
2013-05-24 12:56:33 (EDT)
1962 / 4823

_stoicOne_ First, I was simply asking you. Really, I was just curious how... But came no answer. Then came Uganda & asked you that silliness.
2013-05-24 12:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I have to admit it's hard for me to trust someone blindly. I know that you don't lie to me. I know I should trust you blindly.
2013-05-24 12:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Now I understand... :-) I do trust you & many of my seemingly jealous reactions are not serious.
2013-05-24 12:55:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was away from my laptop... Sweet A.! Oh, how I love you calling me like this! :-p A cool bath & a massage would be wonderful!
2013-05-24 12:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too. So so much! I so wish you were here, darling! Sigh. God's ears are fine, he just gives you what you deserve. ;-p
2013-05-24 12:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you don't know what will be the next project & when will it start? Then what will you do till then? Come here & stay for a while :-)
2013-05-24 12:09:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Mine was exhausting. Lots of work to do on the weekend, too. :-| So, the Siemens project is over...
2013-05-24 12:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...your lady friends. So, it was just an answer to that ;-p And I did ask you how come that the stay'll be taken care of. You didn't answer.
2013-05-24 12:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't say women in twitter but people in the internet. ;-) I assumed nothing, darling. You said you enjoy taking me in the houses of...
2013-05-24 12:07:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She isn't jealous! And you wouldn't think she is, if you'd stop teasing her & giving reasons to be jealous. So!
2013-05-24 12:07:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am home! :-) Hugging you from behind, softly bite
1963 / 4823

your left earlobe & kiss your neck. :-) God, what a day! No it wasn't light.
2013-05-24 12:06:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to run now, I am late! Hope you have a sweet easy Friday, darling. :-) Miss you. A deep long kiss on your lips & whoosh...
2013-05-24 00:52:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hey, that's great! So, does it mean all went fine? And what's your new job? Or when is a new project starting?
2013-05-24 00:52:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, too. Terribly! God had served me to you on a silver plate, so... why would he/she save you from me? ;-p
2013-05-24 00:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... how come Uganda & how come that our stay will be taken care of, wether in U. or Turkey. That's all. :-)
2013-05-24 00:51:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how much I am smiling now! You tease me with other women, darling, so... ;-p I was just simply asking you...
2013-05-24 00:51:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know - I slept. ;-) Didn't feel like waking up. And you? Had sweet dreams, darling? Woke up all fresh & smiling?
2013-05-24 00:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling sir! :-) Pulling you into a tight sweet embrace, kissing your neck, jaw, chin & then your soft lips :-)
2013-05-24 00:50:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, done for the day! Finally... I can't tell you how exhausted I am. And how I wish to sleep snuggled up to you. Sigh.
2013-05-23 15:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the thought of kissing you after you kissed them...Ugh! :-| No thanks. I love to share, but not my sweet darling, esp. not this way! ;-p
2013-05-23 13:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you in bed. In this case, I think I will skip my joining you. ;-p
2013-05-23 13:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, hope I'll find you alone in your bed! Just because as you
1964 / 4823

want to take me to your lady friends, you could as well invite them to join...
2013-05-23 13:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. :-) Sleep & dream happily. Kissing you back, softly, slowly... caressing you to sleep. I'll join you very soon...
2013-05-23 13:01:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because you ignore me & don't answer to my questions & you tease me the way you know your lady doesn't like! That's why.
2013-05-23 12:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But that's right, you enjoy ignoring her & tease her & then you wonder why she is pouting!
2013-05-23 12:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No way! That will never happen. That's for sure!

2013-05-23 12:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait! I withdraw the kiss! God, how could you...!? :-| No, no. You just try to take her to the houses of your other lady friends!
2013-05-23 12:51:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back. Your mom's arm looks a bit too thin... not like her son. ;-p
2013-05-23 12:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. I so don't like that I have no time to write to you some more (btw, you don't do it either)... & that I get home so late
2013-05-23 12:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got it! Oh yes, they really are beautiful! I like it very much! Smile, what did you say your mom, why do you want to take a pic of her hand?
2013-05-23 12:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! You are not only ignoring your lady & neglecting her, but you are forgetful too. ;-p
2013-05-23 12:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is angel boy? Had a nice day, too? And you?
2013-05-23 12:35:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, sounds beautiful! And I am sure it looks beautiful. Did

1965 / 4823

your mom smile when she saw it? :-)

2013-05-23 12:34:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I asked you yesterday & you said you'll send me a pic of it. See? You simply ignore your lady! Sniff.
2013-05-23 12:31:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, that's the new trouser & shirt that I bought, thinking of you...wondering if you'll like it. Glad you do. :-)
2013-05-23 12:31:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, that feels good... your kiss... Sigh! God, what I would give to be in your arms right now! And just... resting there for a while.
2013-05-23 12:30:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, she got bangles from you? Just because you still haven't told me what you bought for her! It's nice, I am glad she liked her day & all.
2013-05-23 12:25:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Birthday dinner? Was it good? Was your mom happy, did she enjoy her day? :-)
2013-05-23 12:20:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And all day & now, too. A lot! Smile, glad you liked the daisy dress. I kiss your lips & squeeze you gently...How I wish you were here now!
2013-05-23 12:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home, darling. Very exhausted. And still have some work to finish. Sigh. How was your day? Missed you in the morning...
2013-05-23 12:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will get ready for work, now. A deep kiss on your lips & whoosh... Hope your day goes fine, my darling.
2013-05-23 00:42:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing your mom a wonderful day & hope she will be pampered by you & your sister & angel boy. :-)
2013-05-23 00:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy birthday to your mom! :-) Did she like her gift? Please don't forget to send me a pic of it.
2013-05-23 00:41:25 (EDT)

1966 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I so miss to rub my cheeks or nose against your unshaven cheeks! :-) And kiss freshly shaved you, run my fingers over your soft skin. Sigh
2013-05-23 00:41:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling sir. :-) Hugging you softly to me, kissing your jaw...Slept sweetly? I slept like a stone. Shaved or unshaven? :-)
2013-05-23 00:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... & hips & bent knees, my hand on your thigh pulling you closer...God, how I miss you now! Hope your sleep is sweet & restful, darling :-)
2013-05-22 15:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join my sweet, snoring darling now. Smile at him, kiss his cute nose & curl into him, melt into his body to meet the curve of his chest...
2013-05-22 15:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The Indian guy who enjoys rejecting the invoice thingy, sits in the Chennai office of Flextronics. Go & pass on my best wishes to him :-D
2013-05-22 13:26:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please, do tell me tomorrow how come Uganda & Turkey and all...
2013-05-22 13:19:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am I so boring that you doze off...? :-| Good night, darling. Kissing you softly, rocking you gently in my arms... :-) Will join you asap!
2013-05-22 13:18:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you soon, curl into you... :-)

2013-05-22 13:10:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, you've gone... Sigh. Miss you. Good night, darling. Sleep soundly. A long, soft butterfly kiss wherever you desire it most...
2013-05-22 13:06:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really, if you want to meet them, then do it. But without me.
2013-05-22 12:41:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! You are so... so... unbelievably... grrrr! :-| Why me? They invited you, no? Then go alone.
2013-05-22 12:38:38 (EDT)
1967 / 4823

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you! Excited. :-) Oh I would have so loved to shop with you...
2013-05-22 12:35:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mine too. Very tiring. It was cool here today. You would have loved the fresh wind... ;-) Oooh! What did you buy for her?
2013-05-22 12:32:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, careful darling... hugging you close with my arms & legs wrapped around you. :-)
2013-05-22 12:30:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a good day, darling. Mine was extremely busy, your lady is so tired! Missing you. And I see, it's bedtime for you...
2013-05-22 12:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do people you got know via internet, invite you to visit them or what?
2013-05-22 11:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... stay will be taken care of. Now Uganda, also saying the stay will be taken care of. Confused. How come?
2013-05-22 11:59:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling! I hug you tight & kiss you sweetly & then look at you wondering... Uganda!? Gosh, first Turkey & you say our...
2013-05-22 11:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to run now, darling. A soft deep kiss on your lips, holding you close... Hope you have a pleasant day. Will miss you & think of you :-)
2013-05-22 00:44:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that Indian guy doesn't trouble me. Slowly but surely I am getting used to deal with stubborn Indians... ;-p
2013-05-22 00:44:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ End of July? Darling, a new project? How is it? Do you like it? :-) Work, always work... & more work. Sigh.
2013-05-22 00:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, really? Well, I just think it would be easier as a simple

1968 / 4823

tourist... For me? Why that?

2013-05-22 00:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest! :-) Hugging you, nuzzling your neck & kissing your ears. Sweet sweet Anand, I miss you too. A lot lot lot!
2013-05-22 00:43:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if only... My darling, my dear sir... if only... :-) Deep dreamy sigh.
2013-05-21 15:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...whispering good morning, my dahhling. ;-) You'll be my dream tonight, we'll walk across meadows, make love in a field under the stars...
2013-05-21 15:24:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you're sleeping in lovely dreams, darling & wake up feeling beautifully rested, smiling at the thought of white towel & me, kissing you
2013-05-21 15:23:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... her lady in his sleep as she snuggles up to him & wraps him in her arms, holding him close... :-)
2013-05-21 15:23:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner- my lunch that I didn't eat because had no time. Blush. And freshened up for my sweet sir, hoping he'll smell the lovely scent of
2013-05-21 15:22:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... :-)

2013-05-21 13:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The girl in the office was angry...she got a diff. form to fill out that the Indian guy rejected. I was just smiling & thought of you... :-)
2013-05-21 13:10:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, that Indian guy whom I was making that invoice thingy is quite tiring. He rejected it for the 4th time! :-| Indians... ;-p
2013-05-21 13:06:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your smile, your disheveled hair in the mornings. The feel of you. The feel of being with you. I miss a thousand little things about you!
2013-05-21 13:02:19 (EDT)
1969 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I miss to scratch your back. To cuddle up to you in the mornings. Miss our breakfasts & those mom. when it was hard to hold back, too... ;-)
2013-05-21 13:00:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss watching movies with you! Miss your cooking. Miss being massaged by you. And held & kissed & cuddled. Sigh. And walk with you.
2013-05-21 12:59:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But so you wouldn't need an invitation letter & it would be easier to get visa, as a tourist. Maybe it's a silly idea, but still... :-|
2013-05-21 12:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was just thinking... what if we book a cheap hotel for you & we cancel it when you are here? I'll pay it & it should be just a minimal loss
2013-05-21 12:49:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And dream of mountains & swings & the cool kiss of your lady's shoulders in the mornings... Sigh. Kissing you along your back. Good night.
2013-05-21 12:45:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for waiting up for me. It feels nice. :-) Good night, my sweet cuddle-bear-darling. :-) Sleep soundly, snore softly... ;-)
2013-05-21 12:41:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, it's late there. I hug & kiss & cradle you to sleep, darling. :) Then have dinner & a quick shower & will join you for the night. Ok?
2013-05-21 12:40:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Giggling & holding you close, while trying to kiss you... ;-) Is it? I wanted to watch it too, but wasn't sure...
2013-05-21 12:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Happy, beaming, squeezing you gently. Awww, you waited up for me!? :-) Beaming even more. :-) How's that movie?
2013-05-21 12:36:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my darling? How was your day? Mine was very very busy, but then... I thought of you & went through my work piece by piece :-)
2013-05-21 12:22:14 (EDT)

1970 / 4823

_stoicOne_ And I did daydream of you & me in the mountains...yes, laughing, reading, going on long walks, enjoying each other, the surroundings...Sigh!
2013-05-21 12:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a lovely daydream, darling! :-) I too, often imagine my time with you, daydream of it. It's always lovely with you... :-)
2013-05-21 12:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A different number? Strange. I don't have another number. Glad you ate well, a little too much 'cause you ate my portion, too. ;-)
2013-05-21 12:16:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pulling you to me & kissing your cute nose & chin & then your lips... softly, slowly... Sigh! :-) Missing you so so much!
2013-05-21 12:16:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, reached! :-) Gosh, I was racing across the city to reach home before your bedtime! Smile, I want those sweet mornings again!
2013-05-21 12:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will get ready now. Thousand soft wet cool kisses for under your undershirt to keep you fresh through the day... :-) Miss you, darling!
2013-05-21 00:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, don't feel like going to the office... :-| Hope your day goes fine, filled with sunny smiles & work you enjoy to do...
2013-05-21 00:38:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember the smell of your lady & the cold of her hair in the mornings? :-) Those beautiful sweet mornings... Sigh! I miss them!
2013-05-21 00:36:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling sir! :-) Did you sleep well? Fresh & flowery, wrapped in a towel... hugging you & kissing you softly...
2013-05-21 00:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet Anand. I thought I'll get used to missing you... or just that it will get some better, but no, not one bit better...
2013-05-20 15:34:44 (EDT)

1971 / 4823

_stoicOne_ My darling, hope you are sleeping smiling as I join you & hug you to me, feeling the soft coolness of my skin wrap around you...
2013-05-20 15:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I rushed home, hoping we could chat a little...Anyway, hope you sleep with sweet smiles & the heat doesn't disturb your sleep.
2013-05-20 12:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what do you mean that the stay is taken care of?
2013-05-20 12:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you still want to meet in Turkey, let me know when & where & for how long...
2013-05-20 12:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night darling. Kissing you softly, blowing cool air all over you...Sleep soundly with tender dreams. I'll join you soon & hug you to me
2013-05-20 12:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it's too much a hassle for you... Sigh.

2013-05-20 12:34:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, if you were here, it would be hot... ;-p

2013-05-20 12:34:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here, it's nice sunny here, not too hot... ;-)
2013-05-20 12:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! And sigh, you just came... and already leaving... Lucky boy... Miss your cooking.
2013-05-20 12:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet sir? His lovely lady wants to cuddle him but he is nowhere to find...
2013-05-20 11:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, reached! :-) The trip was much smoother with your kiss... ;-)
2013-05-20 09:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving in a few minutes. Wish you were driving with me...or waiting for me at home. My sweet darling... Sigh!
1972 / 4823

2013-05-20 06:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile no. Text msg, darling. The last one yest. Maybe you didn't get it... :-|
2013-05-20 06:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you know what happened? The last text msg I sent you yest. evening, I sent to my ex! It was so embarrassing :-D
2013-05-20 05:05:10 (EDT)

URM1 All is well in my part of the world. Also, thank you. :) How have you been?
2013-05-20 03:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off for now. Will write you when I leave. Kissing you deeply, hugging you tight...
2013-05-20 03:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I miss you darling! Immensely! You should be here... We should be together...
2013-05-20 03:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, I'd love that very much! And stop somewhere nice & kiss & cuddle & laugh & have your hand on my thigh while I drive
2013-05-20 03:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh really? I didn't know this! See? Hungarians are smart ;-) You are sweet, darling, so sweet! Look, I'll dm you when I'm home
2013-05-20 03:20:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will drive back home after lunch. How I wish you were there, waiting for me to I waited for you in the US. Sigh
2013-05-20 03:15:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...lying next to me :-) Well, it's quite boring here, mostly just lazing around :-| Missing you a lot lot lot!
2013-05-20 03:12:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many soft fluttering kisses for under your undershirt ;-) That pic is beautiful, would love to read like that, having you
2013-05-20 03:11:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh so many kisses from my darling sir! :-) No wonder I woke
1973 / 4823

up smiling... ;-) Good morning darling! Slept well, dreamt sweetly?

2013-05-20 03:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Will join you in a bit. Please hold me close...with your hand on my belly... Sigh. Miss being held by you like that!
2013-05-19 13:09:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We are back. Just right before the storm rolled in. Kiss you on your chin & hug you tightly to me. Good night. Sweet dreams dear
2013-05-19 13:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off with my sis. Just walking around or so. Want to join us? :-) I'd love it very much. Sigh! Miss you.
2013-05-19 11:11:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you make me blush, darling. You are sweet :-) A kiss on your cute nose... :-)
2013-05-19 11:05:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, no. Not a dress, trouser & a top. It looks nice, btw ;-)
2013-05-19 10:53:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you did mention the show but didn't tell me when... :-) I am glad he liked it, even if it was noisy :-)
2013-05-19 10:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling please come & let's disappear together! Please! Sigh. Miss you really much. White skinny trouser & white-blue top :-)
2013-05-19 10:49:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, nothing much here. :-| Wish you were here, darling... :-(
2013-05-19 09:18:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope it was interesting & enjoyable. :-) Missing you! I am trying to convince my sis to go on a walk or something. She's lazy
2013-05-19 09:17:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't get that msg. Smile, darling, your lady's butterflies keep her informed ;-p No, seriously, you mentioned the magic show
2013-05-19 09:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft playful kisses from your head to toe, darling. And hugs that smell like your lady in the morning... ;-)
1974 / 4823

2013-05-19 07:17:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, got no msg, darling. Wish I could come with you...Have a sweet time & hope angel boy enjoys the show! :-) Miss you terribly
2013-05-19 07:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are having a lovely day with angel boy. I so wish you were here! I miss my sweet sir a lot!
2013-05-19 04:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling dear, good morning! Slept soundly? I did tough still feel sleepy. Soft kisses around your navel, my dear :-)
2013-05-19 04:02:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, hope you are sleeping happily as I softly slip under the covers & hug you close, very close to me... :-)
2013-05-18 16:06:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the doorstep, looking back at you... sighing & smiling, blowing you a fluttering butterfly kiss...
2013-05-18 04:15:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... occasionally. A tight don't-want-to-leave hug & a deep soft kiss for your lips. :-) Wishing you & angel boy a splendid weekend. :-)
2013-05-18 04:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am leaving now. :-( Please know that your lovely lady misses you terribly. I'll be thinking of you & try to get online
2013-05-18 04:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? Poor lil' boy... Hope all is fine, now. Please do tell him that a lovely faraway lady's sending him a :-) & a big hug. :-)
2013-05-18 03:04:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with you, holding hands, and running over grass & cuddle up under a tree laughing, exhausted... Oh darling, why aren't you here!? :-(
2013-05-18 03:03:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, rushing into your arms, hugging you tight, kissing you all over... :-) I wish you were here, too... going on a long sweet walk
2013-05-18 03:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a beautiful, joyous weekend with lots of smiles &
1975 / 4823

fun. Enjoy your time with angel boy. Give him a hug on my behalf... :-)
2013-05-18 02:06:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting ready to leave. I so don't feel like leaving! I'd rather spend the weekend with you, but... Sigh.
2013-05-18 02:05:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you slept well, darling. I did tough could've slept more :-) You seem to be busy this morning... Out with angel boy & your sister?
2013-05-18 02:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! :-) Freshly showered, in a towel... holding my sweet sir to me, rub my nose against his & sweetly kiss his desirable lips :-)
2013-05-18 02:04:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet adorable darling... :-) Sigh. Eyelids are very heavy... hugging my pillow, wishing it was you...sweetly sleeping in my arms
2013-05-17 16:41:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my soft Anand-tummy-pillow! I so loved to rest my head on it, or play with it, watching those lovely tidal waves... :-D
2013-05-17 16:32:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you'd like to know: yes, I still dream of you often... :-) & still get lively butterflies in my tummy when I think of you... :-)
2013-05-17 16:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now, my darling sir. Softly kiss the back of your neck & wrap happily snoring you in my arms. :-) Hope your dreams are sweet...
2013-05-17 15:45:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then, why me? Well, you said because you are not interested... and still...why me? You know no love, so that's not the reason. Then why?
2013-05-17 15:26:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you, smiling & shaking my head... I just still don't understand... if you, as you said could find yourself a wonderful woman...
2013-05-17 15:25:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. :-)

2013-05-17 14:10:57 (EDT)

1976 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Or I take the sweet guy from the office with me! Maybe your belly dancer finds him sweet, too & dumps you! ;-p
2013-05-17 13:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, back to the trip... When & how many days? But if you are so eager to meet your belly dancer, I'd suggest that you go alone... ;-p
2013-05-17 13:39:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... hope you are sleeping sweetly, keeping some space next to you for me... :-) Kissing you on your eyes. I will come soon... :-)
2013-05-17 13:29:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And didn't even get to hug & kiss you good night! :-(
2013-05-17 13:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now got all your dms. :-( And I missed you... :-(
2013-05-17 13:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't smile like that! And no, don't even try to hug or kiss me... I might bite your lips... and keep nibble on them... gently. Sigh. :-|
2013-05-17 12:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am an ok driver, can't maneuver the car that well. Blush :-) But I still would love to have you with me. It'd be fun esp the stop ;-)
2013-05-17 12:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, please please take me with you, too! I'd so love to be there! I'd so love to come with you & angel boy!
2013-05-17 12:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You too, only need an invitation if you stay with me, in my home. Otherwise you can just be a tourist, too.
2013-05-17 12:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Did I tell you how much I hate you!? ;-p Simple: you go alone. Sniff. Poor lil' me... Poor poor lil' me! :-(
2013-05-17 12:19:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy! :-) Kissing the crumbs off your lips... ;-p I said I'll come home earlier. Well, just try... :-) But glad you ate something. :-)
2013-05-17 12:19:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I rushed home and my sweet darling isn't around... Sniff.

1977 / 4823

2013-05-17 11:53:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, wish you could come with me tomorrow... Missing you loads, darling.
2013-05-17 11:35:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Mine was tiring & took lots of work home... :-| How's angel boy? Any plans with him for the weekend?
2013-05-17 11:35:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe the rejections are lower, but only because they are glad to get foreigners spend their money there. Simple. :-)
2013-05-17 11:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. True, Indian visa has an online process. But the no. of forms are not less. And I'd need an invitation letter, too.
2013-05-17 11:33:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would only disturb you... or should I take your hand while you are wooing her? ;-p God!
2013-05-17 11:33:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, she is kind, indeed. :-| Now I know why you are so eager to travel to Turkey! But then, why do you want me to come with you?
2013-05-17 11:33:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweeping you into my arms (you said I have sturdy arms, so... ;-p) and kissing you as I fly in... Reached home, darling! :-)
2013-05-17 11:32:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to really run now! Miss you. Will be thinking of you :-) Pull you to me & kiss your soft lips...Hope you have a joyous day, darling :-)
2013-05-17 00:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stay is taken care of? How come? Where? Ohhh, your beautiful belly dancer! Well, if you so want to visit her... ;-p
2013-05-17 00:36:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will try to get some days off end of June. Want to meet you too! But July would be better... and it's bad for you. Hmmm.
2013-05-17 00:36:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I never doubt about that. It's the same difficult for me to get
1978 / 4823

Visa to India. :-| Darling, I need to leave in a few min.

2013-05-17 00:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling you, kissing you along your jaw... :-) I miss you, too. Everything about you, us. Ahhh, our sweet mornings... Sigh!
2013-05-17 00:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling. You dm-ed me around 5. I woke up at 5:20. Keep in mind: 3 & a half hrs difference... ;-)
2013-05-17 00:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetness, good morning! I woke up smiling & immediately thought of you... :-) Oh I could've slept some more too!
2013-05-17 00:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You silly lovely lady is fading fast... one... last... kiss... curling my fingers around yours... imaging you, holding me close...
2013-05-16 16:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know it's silly & you can laugh away but I like to believe it has to do with you... us.
2013-05-16 16:13:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... put the battery back and... Darling, my watch works! :-) You returned to your lady & my watch started to tick...
2013-05-16 16:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ago again. I don't know why. Was thinking about you, about our time together... :-) Took out the battery, blew air into the watch...
2013-05-16 16:11:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I almost forgot! A funny thing happened. My watch stopped when I left the US. No one could fix it. I put it away but took it out a few days
2013-05-16 16:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My belly misses your hands, darling! Hope your sleep is peaceful filled with sweet smiles & the heat doesn't disturb your sleep.
2013-05-16 15:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I kiss your soft lips, smile at you & snuggle deep into the arch of your body, take your hand & place it on my belly... :-)
2013-05-16 15:39:19 (EDT)

1979 / 4823

_stoicOne_ And take you with me everywhere I go. So much to do together, so many smiles, sweet sighs, joy to share. I so miss being with you!
2013-05-16 15:29:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I just keep missing you... :-( So very much! I'd so love to spend my evenings, my weekends, every free min. with you!
2013-05-16 15:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I drive to my mom with my sister on Sat. morning and will drive back on Monday noon. Your lady's life got really busy, darling. :-(
2013-05-16 15:28:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh & I forgot to tell you that I'll be off for the weekend. Monday is a holiday (Pentecost, no I don't celebrate it) so no office.
2013-05-16 15:28:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ready to join you, darling. :-) Have to leave really early tomorrow. Meeting at 8! :-| with the German guy who arrived in the afternoon.
2013-05-16 15:26:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the letter via UPS Express, you'll get it in 2-4 days. Is there really no other way? :-(
2013-05-16 13:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to go to the office, apply, the processing of it takes about 15 days, hoping they don't reject it. And then, if I send...
2013-05-16 13:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, look, that is the invitation letter app. form :-| I wish it wasn't such a hassle to get visa. :-(
2013-05-16 13:00:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will join you very soon... :-)

2013-05-16 12:54:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you've gone... Anyway, hope you sleep soundly with lovely dreams... without undershirt. ;-) Wish to feel your skin on mine...
2013-05-16 12:53:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Kissing you softly on your temples & snuggle into you... It's hot there, so I hope you wear no undershirt! ;-p
2013-05-16 12:48:48 (EDT)
1980 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Is it so hot there? Had a tiring day, too? My sweet darling, if I was there I'd blow soft air all over you to cool you... :-)
2013-05-16 12:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you remember that! :-) July is nice, but end of July is rainy. :-)
2013-05-16 12:46:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really hate the distance between us, darling. And that it is so difficult to be together. :-(
2013-05-16 12:43:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you are awake! :-) Thank you, darling. I wish that too. Just to be with you, darling... A kiss on your chin.
2013-05-16 12:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how I wish I was there now, to curl up with you & cuddle & sleep... Sigh. Missing you.
2013-05-16 12:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just reached home. Very very tiring day... I hold you tight & kiss you softly... :-) How was your day? How's angel boy?
2013-05-16 12:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. A soft kiss on your lips, a nose rub, a tight hug & a sighing :-) & whoosh...Will miss you! Hope your day goes fine, darling...
2013-05-16 00:45:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just think sometimes that you'd be better off without me. The distance between us, darling. To manage to be with each other is difficult.
2013-05-16 00:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was so extremely tired! Hope you slept well, too & woke up fresh & rested. :-) I don't wish to bid you farewell.
2013-05-16 00:43:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, good morning! :-) Kissing you back, softly sweetly & hold you close, with my head resting on your chest... I slept like a stone.
2013-05-16 00:43:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am too shy to tell you... so, letting my butterflies whisper into
1981 / 4823

your ears my heart's word...

2013-05-15 15:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling sir... :-) Sigh. On my way to join you in your dreams... and laugh & run & swing & play & catch butterflies with you... :-)
2013-05-15 15:45:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss the tip of your nose & hug you closer as you :-) in your sleep & your hand slides along my side...Hope you are sleeping happily :-)
2013-05-15 15:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you as you slowly fall asleep... Sleep now, just sleep... dream happily in your lady's arms. :-) God! How I miss you!!!!
2013-05-15 13:10:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I did, I can only hope that you feel my lovely hold, your lady's soft warm body tenderly pressed against yours, her scent enveloping...
2013-05-15 13:10:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to a sweet restful sleep. Good night, my dear cute darling. :-) Lovely dreams. Hope I didn't miss you...
2013-05-15 13:03:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dropping everything & jumping into bed, landing next to you. :-) Kissing you happily on your eyes & then lips, holding you, hugging you...
2013-05-15 13:02:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are awake! Oh darling, you waited up for me? So so very sweet of you! Your lady is beaming :-) Just a second, darling!
2013-05-15 13:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very very much. Sniff. Wanted to DM you from the office, but my phone couldn't connect to the network.
2013-05-15 12:50:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it's so late there! So, I suppose you are sleeping now & didn't even get to kiss you good night. :-(
2013-05-15 12:47:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, just got home. Stuck in traffic. Traffic was horrible today. :-( And I left a bit earlier just to reach home before your bedtime.
2013-05-15 12:46:47 (EDT)

1982 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. A lot lot lot! Will be thinking of you! Now, Ipull you to me & kiss your lips, sweetly, softly... Have a beautiful day!
2013-05-15 00:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I've sent you the same link! I think I'll have to send you an invitation letter or so. I am sorry, have to leave now. I am late...
2013-05-15 00:43:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just still can't believe... :-) I've seen the email. Darling, do you really think I am so silly? Thanks! Sniff.
2013-05-15 00:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still feel sleepy :-| but it's ok. How's my sweet sir? Did he sleep sweetly? Feeling all fresh? :-) How's your eyes?
2013-05-15 00:43:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've nuzzled my head into your lap & slip my hands under your undershirt, hugging you, resting there for a while... :-)
2013-05-15 00:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear cute darling! Woke up to your kiss! Exactly when you dm-ed me. No wonder I woke up beaming like a sunflower... :-)
2013-05-15 00:42:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...kisses & your lovely lady scented-hugs that I sprinkled all over your room while you slept... Wish you a happy tomorrow, my darling. :-)
2013-05-14 16:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping peacefully with sweet, fluttering dreams & your eyes feel better in the morning & you :-) seeing all the butterfly...
2013-05-14 16:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now, my darling. Softly kiss you on your eyelids, snuggle into your chest & hold you tight... :-)
2013-05-14 16:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How come? I still can't believe! :-) You got me beaming like the full moon. :-)
2013-05-14 14:52:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... gets ready for bed :-) Will you really try to come? No joke?
1983 / 4823

Please do let me know if you need any help in getting visa or anything. Ok?
2013-05-14 14:52:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, your lady feels like a school girl, singing & beaming & doing the happy dance through the house as she wraps up for the day and...
2013-05-14 14:51:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really hope that sleep will help... Sigh, please go to a doctor, it's not ok that your eyes hurt so often... Please.
2013-05-14 12:37:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night for now. Sleep sweetly with smiles, knowing that your lady will join you soon & hold you tenderly to her soft curves... :-)
2013-05-14 12:31:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should sleep now & rest your lovely eyes. I am by your side, rocking you gently, kissing your eyes darling... :-)
2013-05-14 12:30:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, really? Really really? You try to come? God, that would be wonderful! So happy! :-) And I wanted to try to get a week free in July. :-)
2013-05-14 12:28:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's about 1-2 hrs drive. Depends on the traffic. But it's ok.
2013-05-14 12:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady smiles, hugging you tight & kissing you back... all over... after you finished... ;-)
2013-05-14 12:27:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, alraedy? But well... I came late. Sniff. Missing you very much.
2013-05-14 12:26:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as softly as... a bear! ;-p No, seriously, I like the 2nd option more: me in your arms & you wait for me to fall asleep. :-)
2013-05-14 12:25:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day was great, darling. Well, I heard that such an op. is quite painful. I don't want you to do that just because you snore...
2013-05-14 12:25:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reached home. I know, very late...I am sorry. But you
1984 / 4823

know... the work & the long drive home... Sigh. A kiss on your nose & a tired :-)
2013-05-14 12:24:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I miss you! A daisy chain of butterfly kisses for you, my darling :-)
2013-05-14 03:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes I enjoyed every min. of being with you, too. That room felt like our little home...a beautiful world created by you & me
2013-05-14 03:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't be silly, it doesn't disturb me :-) God, what I'd give to hear you snore...sleeping next to me! :-)
2013-05-14 03:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And just watched you & smiled... You were so sweet, you look so sweet my darling when you sleep. :-)
2013-05-14 02:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached. I sat by your side because you snored so loud that I couldn't sleep. Put my hand on your chest & whispered softly shhh
2013-05-14 02:14:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I sat by your side... :-) Have to run now. Soft kisses along your neck, holding your hips close...Missing you. I'll be thinking of you
2013-05-14 01:04:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling sir. :-) Glad you slept well & hope your have a pleasant day with lots of sunshine, warm cheer & gentle thoughts...
2013-05-14 01:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you knew how many times I was sitting by your side while you slept & snored like a bear! :-) Miss you! Hope your sleep & dreams are sweet
2013-05-13 15:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tired, so extremely tired! I tenderly kiss my dear soft sweetly sleeping, cutely snoring darling's chin & fold myself into him tightly...
2013-05-13 15:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still say that I am laconic? You, yes... but not me. ;-p
2013-05-13 13:25:17 (EDT)
1985 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Well, I let you sleep now & keep daydreaming while cooking cauliflower soup then dinner, quick shower, tiny PJ's & come to bed to you ;)
2013-05-13 13:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Quite unusual for me, but in this case, it felt all so natural & right I felt such an immense closeness to you from the very beginning. Sigh
2013-05-13 13:21:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember how beautifully, effortlessly we grew closer and closer to each other? And it didn't take much time... :-)
2013-05-13 13:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you loads. Even if things are difficult, I am unable to kiss you farewell...
2013-05-13 13:16:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daydreaming of our time together, recalling every minute of it, darling. Even if it was just a room, but such a beautiful world... Sigh.
2013-05-13 13:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you asap... :-)

2013-05-13 12:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cuddling you all over, darling & kissing your lips a sweet soft slow good night kiss. :-) Sleep well, my dear. Dream sweetly.
2013-05-13 12:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Still thinking about how to meet... Sigh.

2013-05-13 12:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! :-( Will you let me cuddle you & kiss you to sleep?
2013-05-13 12:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso. Do you like it? I don't know... I like silver more :-)
2013-05-13 12:32:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I don't really like shopping, but it was fun with you. And so nice... :-) So many things I miss doing with you...!
2013-05-13 12:31:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For your sister or for someone else as a gift? And what?
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2013-05-13 12:28:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They seem to have enjoyed their day. Nice. What did they buy? And when will we go shopping? ;-) I miss shopping with you, dear.
2013-05-13 12:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! :-) Hugging you tight, squeezing you a little :-) kissing you back. :-) Shopping! Always this shopping thing!
2013-05-13 12:03:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rushed home to find my sweet sir awake, but he isn't around... Sigh. Hope angel boy's fine. Please do give him a goodnight hug on my behalf.
2013-05-13 11:47:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home, darling! God, what I would give to have you here right now! Sigh. How are you? How was your day? Mine was ok...
2013-05-13 11:36:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and of course: Bon appetit! :-)

2013-05-13 04:23:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back to work now. Hope your day is a good one, darling. Btw, how would you like your dessert to be served? ;-)
2013-05-13 04:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if it's about words, only words nothing else, it's ok... You know what I mean, yes? And teasing is teasing, not sulking. :-)
2013-05-13 04:19:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaked in to tickle your nose & kiss it, too :-) I was in a rush in the morning. I meant you could've eaten it all...
2013-05-13 04:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, so much to do together... Sigh! Miss you! Hugging you tight, kissing you softly, deeply on your lips... and whoosh! Have a sweet day!
2013-05-13 00:51:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to run now! I am late! Smile, you could have all my apple crumble, darling. I would have just giggled & feel immensely happy. :-)
2013-05-13 00:51:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... or so to be shared with anyone. Oh, I'd love to play withyou... ;-p Sigh, I can't do that, darling, not in a poetic way.
2013-05-13 00:50:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd never share such words with any man other than you or write such stuff to anyone. Even if it's poetic, it's too intimate...
2013-05-13 00:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is just that it feels as if you were making love to her in front of me. Feels not nice. Just because she likes it that way...
2013-05-13 00:50:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand that it feels like suspicion to you. It is not. I am not suspicious. And it's not about jealousy.
2013-05-13 00:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. The night was short, couldn't fall asleep... Tired. I hope you slept well & woke up rested to a lovely morning :-)
2013-05-13 00:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do come & wrap your lady in your arms before you leave for work. I wish to feel you in my sleep, darling...
2013-05-12 15:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... filled with sweet sunshine, many reasons to smile & if a light tingle washes over your body, know it's your lady, thinking of you. :-)
2013-05-12 15:46:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly & your dreams are sweet, my darling. :-) And for when you wake up, wishing you a beautiful morning & day
2013-05-12 15:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join my sweet sir in bed. Kissing him on his nape, holding him close to my soft curves, gently caressing his chest as I sink into sleep...
2013-05-12 15:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I simply miss you. Everything about you. Every little thing that we could do together, share with each other. Miss you, Anand.
2013-05-12 14:49:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here when I feel happy or a little low, when your
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lady's playful or just wants to rest in your arms. And vice versa.
2013-05-12 14:48:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think of you a lot, darling. And wish to have you with me when I do something, go somewhere, see something nice...
2013-05-12 14:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... spoon of it disappears in your mouth :-D & keep watching you & biting my lips, hoping you'd like it. Sigh! Darling, I miss you so!!!!
2013-05-12 14:30:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and watch you with big puppy eyes, biting my lips & blushing like a ripe tomato as you look doubtfully at my creation & a little...
2013-05-12 14:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I made my very first apple crumble with vanilla sauce. :-) Quite delicious. I so wish you were here! I'd ask you to taste it...
2013-05-12 14:29:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your wordplay with purplepoetry is not. It's too sensual to my taste. Like making love openly... Well, it's only my opinion.
2013-05-12 12:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, I have no problem when you wordplay with someone. A wordplay can be sweet & lovely.
2013-05-12 12:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, don't take my teasing you seriously. Sometimes, I just can't hold back... Esp. when I know it will make you sigh & roll your eyes.
2013-05-12 12:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, -s
2013-05-12 12:20:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, how comes that you dm-ed me? Your lady nearly fell asleep sitting here...
2013-05-12 12:19:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tweet lovey tweets, sleep happily with smiles & sweet dreams. Soft, slow kisses along your spine, darling... I will join you soon...
2013-05-12 12:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, but I have other things to do too, than to sit
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here and wait around... So, I think I shall wish you a good night now.
2013-05-12 12:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About that what made you sigh like that.

2013-05-12 11:33:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I knew you will be happy! ;-p

2013-05-12 11:25:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you wonder why your lady rolls her eyes! ;-p Fine, then I leave you alone, so you can exchange more sizzling words with her. Happy?
2013-05-12 10:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh now I know! It was purplepoetry whom I thought you got close to. And I see, you are back to word-sizzle with her.
2013-05-12 10:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, then try to figure out what you want... Often, I too don't know what I want...
2013-05-12 10:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, you are very entertaining today. :-|

2013-05-12 10:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what did you mean by me being single-minded? How was your day, darling? How was lunch? Missing you...
2013-05-12 10:26:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who? You? Oh yes! Always thinking that I am suspicious when I am just teasing you. ;-p
2013-05-12 10:22:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but in this case it isn't that convincing. Sounds like: I wouldn't mind being with you... ;-p
2013-05-12 09:30:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely. Just... lovely? I would be very happy but if you find it lovely... then lovely. Hm. Yep, not the original strap but it's fine too.
2013-05-12 09:03:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back, my dear! I would have loved to take you with me. :-) It is my constant wish to have you with me... Sigh.
2013-05-12 08:28:48 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, I am off for a short while. Looking for a new band for one of my watches. A sweet baklava-laced kiss for your lips... :-)
2013-05-12 06:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just to be your dessert and get nibbled all over by you... ;-) Missing you, too.
2013-05-12 05:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? :-) Oh take me with you too! Please. Sigh. Have a sweet time, darling. Hope you all enjoy your meal. Have a dessert on my behalf ;-)
2013-05-12 05:19:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. So so much! Rubbing my nose against yours & softly kissing your lips while my hands move up your back...
2013-05-12 04:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Any plans with angel boy? I so wish I could come over! Do you think angel boy would like me?
2013-05-12 04:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. I'll do that. :-) But as you know, I often think of you in the office, leaving people wondering why I am so happy... :-)
2013-05-12 04:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, 5-6 months & she had one year to learn everything. It's her 2nd year there. Anyway, she said she thought I will learn faster. Hmm.
2013-05-12 04:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I did, woke up between 9 & 9:30... feeling you watching me... ;-) And you? Slept sweetly? Hope I didn't disturb your sleep... :-)
2013-05-12 04:20:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my lovely lovely darling! :-) I'd reach for you & pull you to me, wrap you in my arms smiling & sighing... :-)
2013-05-12 04:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close to me, darling. Very close & tight. Hope you are sleeping happily with sweet smiles, knowing you are in your lady's arms..
2013-05-11 16:53:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, I don't think you have the slightest clue (even if you think you have) how much I am missing you. Need to find a way to see you...
2013-05-11 14:21:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, darling! :-) Kissing you softly on your lips, rocking you gently in my arms... Good night. Sleep sweetly, dream beautifully...
2013-05-11 14:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll improve over time... Just that your lady thinks sometimes she is too silly or so... :-) I find SAP a cute thing, I like it. :-)
2013-05-11 14:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I simply need to work faster in SAP. You know what it is, yes? And need to get to know all our cust. & suppl. & products better.
2013-05-11 14:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... not that terribly complicated. I need to be faster & don't panic when I get loads of work. That's all. :-)
2013-05-11 13:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it's sweet of you & it warms my lil' butterfly heart that you want to help me. I decided nothing & yes it's complicated but...
2013-05-11 13:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Why the hmmm? Hm?

2013-05-11 13:53:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or sleep in your arms. That's a beautiful thing, darling. Like holding hands & stealing kisses... :-)
2013-05-11 13:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss our sweet cuddles! And I didn't get the chance to cuddle with you without your horrible undershirt! Sniff.
2013-05-11 13:35:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late there. I would so love to be there now, curl up with you in your purple bed & cuddle you all over! Missing you.
2013-05-11 13:30:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am realistic, darling. And slow. ;-) Well, sure I try to sort them by importance & urgency, I just get overwhelmed sometimes.
2013-05-11 13:27:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No? Anyway... I don't think it will help. At least not to lighten my work. But thank you. :-)
2013-05-11 13:27:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's our online shop: And that's our partner company:
2013-05-11 13:08:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not to mention all the material numbers & names that I create. :-) It's quite complicated, darling. :-)
2013-05-11 13:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yes, I have a list of mat. name & number... over hundreds... beside our official catalog. :-D
2013-05-11 13:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what if I get 10 mails and all need to be done SOS? :-) People are impatient, darling & they want to get their stuff asap. :-)
2013-05-11 12:57:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, the prices of our suppliers/vendors are in SAP. So, it's my job to check them & change them.
2013-05-11 12:56:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not about managing my tasks, darling. Btw, I can install nothing on my comp., because our server doesn't allow it.
2013-05-11 12:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't keep a ready XLS of all the prices. I need to ask our suppliers from time to time if their prices are the same or changed.
2013-05-11 12:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Their contact info I have all together, so that's not a prob. When I get an email, I do put them in the right folder & print out the orders.
2013-05-11 12:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling dear, there are so many notices & papers & post-its on my table! It is not less overwhelming. :-)
2013-05-11 12:48:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also need to keep track of all the prices, they often change.
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So, I do my job good, just... slow. :-|

2013-05-11 12:21:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't keep in mind all the material numbers & customers & suppliers. And who buys what, etc.
2013-05-11 12:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I learnt all about SAP in 2 months & now I know how it works, but still...
2013-05-11 12:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only the girl can do this job who leaves in 3 weeks! I do like this job but it's completely new to me. I've never worked in SAP.
2013-05-11 12:15:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I feel a bit overwhelmed when I get 10 mails at once & all needs to be done asap. Orders & offers & can't decide which to make it first.
2013-05-11 12:15:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel much better, thank you, darling. :-) The problem is that I check everything twice to be sure I am not making a mistake.
2013-05-11 12:14:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet tight welcome home hug, darling! :-) So sweet of you to say (& think) that, but I am slow. Not as good as you think...
2013-05-11 12:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, check your top button... it got unbuttoned while I kissed you & had my hands everywhere... ;-p
2013-05-11 11:59:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Home or still at your grandmother's place?

2013-05-11 11:58:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I not only think that, but I know... I still work slow, darling.
2013-05-11 11:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think it's the work... I need a little break... and you! Sigh. I would so love to see you, darling. Before Nov. But I don't know how :-(
2013-05-11 11:31:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. That girl does irritate me. But so does everything. I am also disappointed in myself 'cause I am much slower than I want to be
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2013-05-11 11:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, no. I can't focus & have to re-read the page again. :-( I love to read & used to read in bed every night, before sleeping.
2013-05-11 11:27:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet potatoes, with my hands. ;-) Yes, we were a good team, darling. I miss our time together very much.
2013-05-11 11:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I was so afraid it will turn out bad & I was so happy that you liked it! :-) I just did what you said... so, you cooked the...
2013-05-11 11:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Why? I too, miss those breakfasts with you! Smile and I loved seeing you walk up to me... Come here, I have orange marmalade for you ;-)
2013-05-11 11:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could've come with you to the mall... How's your grandmother? Is she happy to see angel boy? And he? Does he like her? :-)
2013-05-11 11:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... earlobes for leaving me alone the whole day! Missing you, too. My cute sir is too busy with having fun & has no time for his lady! ;-p
2013-05-11 11:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally! I was peeking in quite often, but you were not around... Hugging my cute sir back, kissing him on his neck & gently bite his...
2013-05-11 11:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to take a shower, darling. I so wish you were here...

2013-05-11 05:13:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no breakfast yet... I miss you, too. Terribly! How goes your day, darling? Had lunch? Any plans for the weekend with your boy?
2013-05-11 04:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Two toasts with butter and orange marmalade... cornflakes with chocolate milk, apple juice! Sigh, how could I ever forget! :-)
2013-05-11 04:49:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, lady? She is more a hippo than a lady. :-| I think yes, she
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irritated me. Everything irritated me.

2013-05-11 04:48:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... till 10. Not busy just... lazy. Blush. Or just tired. Or something like that. Hey, it's weekend, I can do that! :-)
2013-05-11 04:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep sweetly, dear? I fell asleep fast, hugging my pillow... and didn't feel like waking up in the morning, so I stayed in bed...
2013-05-11 04:47:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. Oooh, just to wake up like that! Sigh. Kissing your cute nose, holding you tight to me...
2013-05-11 04:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady wasn't in her best mood today & was a little sad too, but it will pass... Now, I hug you, listen to you & :-) as I sink into sleep
2013-05-10 15:32:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very very much. I wish Night Fury was real, so you could pick me up & fly off together... Sigh.
2013-05-10 15:27:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and go on rides on Night Fury with you... in dreams... Good night. Just curled up in bed too, imagining having you next to me...
2013-05-10 15:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am there... hugging you close, listening to you, smiling & kissing you occasionally & letting your voice cradle me to sleep...
2013-05-10 15:05:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, wishing you a good night's sleep, darling. May you ride through beautiful, magical places on the back of your own Night Fury...
2013-05-10 14:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. Was just waiting for you...

2013-05-10 14:53:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet. :-)

2013-05-10 14:53:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Angel boy was very excited, yes? I am glad you enjoyed your evening & had fun with your sister & angel boy... 3rd place is great! Well
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2013-05-10 14:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The fourth isn't as easy as it sounds. You should have taken some pictures...
2013-05-10 14:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The second round sounds wonderful. The third ok... you like Italian food, so I think you were very good at that.
2013-05-10 14:41:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, and there was someone who ate the pizza quicker than you? Really? ;-p
2013-05-10 14:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That movie is sweet. Smile, you still dream about having your own dragon? Too cute! Yes, it would've been nice to watch it together...
2013-05-10 14:23:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your day, esp. evening sounds very lovely. Congratulations to all 3 of you! It must have been a lot of fun!
2013-05-10 14:22:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you weren't asleep! Was waiting for you for a while... Then I thought you fell asleep...
2013-05-10 14:22:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you soon, darling... Feeling tired & a bit low. Miss you terribly!
2013-05-10 12:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping happily after a good, pleasant day. I sit down beside you, watch you sleep & kiss your temples softly...
2013-05-10 12:51:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my darling sir has fallen asleep... he is not around to greet her lovely lady. Sigh. :-( It's ok. I know where to find you.
2013-05-10 12:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi darling, I am home. Wrap my arms around your neck & kiss you softly... How are you, how was your day?
2013-05-10 12:03:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Have a pleasant day, my darling. Full of butterfly kisses I'll keep sending you, sunflower smiles & sweet cheer. Miss you! A lot!
2013-05-10 00:48:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to leave now. A sweet slow kiss on your lips, my hands on your hips holding you close... :-) Oh, I so don't want to leave!
2013-05-10 00:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish that, too! The wait will kill me, darling... If only you didn't need visa to come here... Sigh! :-(
2013-05-10 00:48:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you sweet tender company. :-) I don't feel like going to the office, but... it's Friday! I'll leave for home as soon as possible.
2013-05-10 00:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and smelling like Spring breeze. ;-) Good morning, my darling dear! I think I did & hope you slept well too & hope my soft hold gave...
2013-05-10 00:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. I am there... waiting for you to cuddle you to sleep. :-) Good night. Sleep soundly, happily. Soft kisses all over you, dear.
2013-05-09 12:52:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really, really would love to have you here now! Need the sweet feel of you, to see your smile, hear your soft voice... Sigh. :-(
2013-05-09 12:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rushing into your arms, darling! Sigh, that would be so beautiful!
2013-05-09 12:33:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... friends & God knows with whom & she is loud & that disturbs me. :-| Smile, same here... work & more work. But glad your day was ok.
2013-05-09 12:30:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. The girl I work with knows that she leaves soon & gives me all the work & she talks the whole day with his sweetie & dad &
2013-05-09 12:30:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here now. I'd so love to lie down with my
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head on your lap & have you play with my hair, caress lil' tired me. Missyou!
2013-05-09 12:16:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you, darling & kissing you on your chin & lips & nose & lips again... :-) How was your day? How's your head & eyes?
2013-05-09 12:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I hope you liked your dessert... ;-) Just got home, darling. The day was stressful & tiring & your lady irritable & overwhelmed.
2013-05-09 12:15:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling! Sneaking in to pull you to me & give you a deep sweet delicate kiss... Bon appetit! :-) Miss you!
2013-05-09 04:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now! One more kiss on your lips, a soft sweet deep one... and whoosh! Do check your top button... ;-) Be well, smile through the day
2013-05-09 00:45:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a nice day filled with sunflower smiles... Btw, hope you know (sure you do!) those curious moments are because of you... ;-)
2013-05-09 00:43:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I am late & in a rush but I had to come to see if you are fine & to hug you tight & kiss you softly on your forehead & eyelids...
2013-05-09 00:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet, dear, gentle sir. :-) So glad the pain's gone! Did you sleep well? I hope yes...I fell asleep late & overslept! :-|
2013-05-09 00:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! If only... Darling, I miss you so!!!! I so hope that you are sleeping well & wake up feeling fresh & rested & with no pain.
2013-05-08 15:57:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...pressing all of my body against yours gently...Not to disturb your sleep but to fill it with tenderness, soft warmth & sweet dreams :-)
2013-05-08 15:57:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am joining you now, my darling :-) Snuggle up behind you,

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leaving soft butterfly kisses on your neck & shoulders & holding you close to me
2013-05-08 15:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...livingroom, got closer to it & got scared 'cause I thought it was a real dead turtle. It was a toy! Today morning I found one more! :-D
2013-05-08 13:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't tell you! Our cat boy is stealing toy turtles from the neighbour's kids! :-D Yesterday morning I saw a strange thing in the...
2013-05-08 13:54:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now I go and do what needs to be done, want to join you asap! :-)
2013-05-08 12:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, you neglect me! All the time. Poor lovely me. Sniff.
2013-05-08 12:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think he wants to get me hooked, he is just... sweet to me. And no, I don't enjoy his attention, I am friendly to him. :-)
2013-05-08 12:54:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, he always makes me coffee. Grin, he said a cup of coffee awaits me tomorrow morning when I come. God! I feel so pampered! :-D
2013-05-08 12:54:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now reading your DMs. :-) How your lady smiles! And how she is missing you now! Sigh.
2013-05-08 12:54:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what!? I troubled you in your sleep? Oooh I am sorry, I thought I was just dreaming... ;-p Thank you for not throwing me out of bed ;-)
2013-05-08 12:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I will wrap up for the day and join you in bed... :-)
2013-05-08 12:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly tonight, my darling with soft dreams. I am there with you, cradling you in my arms till you fall asleep...
2013-05-08 12:49:35 (EDT)

2000 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I meant that I really missed you... Was hoping that you are still here, but... Just a few minutes too late. :-(
2013-05-08 12:46:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, seems like I missed you... :-( I so wish I was there to cradle you gently, caress you to a sweet deep restful sleep! Sigh.
2013-05-08 12:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, seriously. Maybe you just strained your eyes... do take care, darling. Wear glasses.
2013-05-08 12:42:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your headache? Yes, maybe it's because of the lack of sleep or weather is changing's the sign of missing your lady ;-p
2013-05-08 12:41:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ tenderly in my arms, kissing you on your forehead, eyes, gently massaging your temples... :-)
2013-05-08 12:38:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I missed you! :-( Following your kisses, collecting them... then I sit down on your bedside, taking you in my arms, holding you...
2013-05-08 12:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, finally home. Phew, it's been a long busy day & I took a little work home, too... :-| Really, just a few min. work :-)
2013-05-08 12:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand lil' sweet fluttering kisses for you to color your day & keep you fresh & smiling... Missing you, will be thinking of you...
2013-05-08 00:46:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slept well, darling? I think I did, like a stone! :-) Getting ready for work, I was very late yesterday. Hope your day goes fine... :-)
2013-05-08 00:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling! :-) Fresh & flowery, in a towel... pulling you to me & kissing you softly, nibbling at your lower lip... :-)
2013-05-08 00:45:45 (EDT)

perlygates Tell me how you are! ox

2013-05-07 16:19:46 (EDT)

2001 / 4823

perlygates I would like to press the 'fast forward' button but I can't seem to find it.
2013-05-07 16:19:35 (EDT)

perlygates husband is still out of work and I just have to move out of the house, so looking for a place to live. This has been very distressing .
2013-05-07 16:19:07 (EDT)

perlygates hello friend, sending a warm hug back. The good news is the girls are doing much better. That is a big relief. The bad news is that my
2013-05-07 16:18:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope you are snoring happily as I join you in bed & fold myself into you... melding my curves into yours...
2013-05-07 15:52:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But still... he is my sweet cute darling dear & wouldn't replace him for nothing! :-) Sigh! Miss you so!
2013-05-07 13:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hmmm... not interested. :-) I have my darling sir! Well, he is not that gracious with his lil' daisy-lady & tends to neglect her... ;-p
2013-05-07 13:36:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, there's a sweet guy in the office who seems to like me a lot. ;-p He always makes me coffee & offers me some of his meal, but...
2013-05-07 13:32:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only my sweet darling doesn't really want to talk to me... Sniff.
2013-05-07 13:21:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are cute... they can talk to me whenever they want to. :-)
2013-05-07 13:17:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh darling! So dreamy... and daisy-like. ;-)

2013-05-07 13:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, people in the office asked many times today if everything's alright with me. Your lady was just... daydreaming of you...
2013-05-07 12:57:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin & lips. :-)
2002 / 4823

Sleep sweetly, my darling. Yes, I will come soon & curl into you... :-)
2013-05-07 12:47:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, that's too cute! Did he like it? :-) Well, if your boy enjoys his stay, then all is fine.
2013-05-07 12:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, so... just a usual working day, yes? Well, it's good, too. No?
2013-05-07 12:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it's late there. Oh so happy! :-) Kissing you back darling, giggling, dizzy from the twirl... :2013-05-07 12:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I softly kiss my sweet sleeping darling on his eyelids... :-) Shhh, sleep on...dream sweetly. I will join you soon & hold you to me...
2013-05-07 12:36:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just hope that you had a good, smooth day with many smiles... Btw, how's angel boy? And your sister? Do they enjoy their stay?
2013-05-07 12:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No sweet sir around to welcome home his lovely tired lady with a happy twirl... He seems to have fallen asleep. Sigh. Miss you, darling. :-(
2013-05-07 12:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Home darling! Come come, let me hug you tight & give you a sweet kiss! ;-) Phew, what a day! Glad it's over. How are you, how was your day?
2013-05-07 12:11:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't leave without kissing my sweet darling once more...softly, on his lips to make him smile & float through the day like a daisy :-)
2013-05-07 01:20:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I will get ready for work... Your lady will be thinking of you & trying to get home earlier. Hope your day's lovely... :-) Miss you!
2013-05-07 00:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! :-) Thank you, darling... let's see... my day has
2003 / 4823

just started... :-)

2013-05-07 00:42:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...this & that. You've become pretty laconic, my darling. I know, your days are busy & now your sis & nephew are there too. Sigh.
2013-05-07 00:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while you try to tell me how you slept, how your day goes... :) Please do tell me more about your day, or just...write about...
2013-05-07 00:41:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear darling sir! I stand on tiptoe, my arms around your waist, kissing you softly on your lips... again & again...
2013-05-07 00:41:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... mercy on her, seeing poor lil' her- half asleep, holding your hands & will then pull her to you... ;-p
2013-05-06 13:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm hmmm, no response... Sigh, now your lil' lady has to sit by your side all night, hoping that you wake up for a second & will have...
2013-05-06 13:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May I join you in a bit? If yes... will you hold me close to you...with your hand on my belly... Sigh. Please.
2013-05-06 12:54:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you go? Sniff. Then... good night, my sweetness. Sleep soundly, dream happy dreams... Soft little kisses down your back, dear :-)
2013-05-06 12:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds wonderful! Yes, I am, darling.

2013-05-06 12:24:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I told you that I will do... :-) Yes, sigh! Very beautiful!
2013-05-06 12:22:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And Kumaon too. These two places are perfect for you, I am just not sure it is something for me... I can't teach, darling.
2013-05-06 12:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, one of them is shut. Sorry it was my mistake, forgot to remove it from my list & replace it with Dharamshala. It's a beautiful place.
2004 / 4823

2013-05-06 12:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... spend that little time till your bedtime cuddling... :-) Miss you! My day was tiring, too. Glad to be home, sad that you are not here.
2013-05-06 12:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where there? I am here! Just reached home, wishing you were here to hug you close to me, kiss you sweetly and...
2013-05-06 12:20:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) So so nice :-) I leave for work now. A quick hot kiss on your lips, hugging you close to me...Hope you have a good day, my darling. :-)
2013-05-06 01:10:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm why? Because I am not sure you would like that to happen...
2013-05-06 01:09:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How about you? Slept fine? Is my sweet sir all fresh & cheerful? :-)
2013-05-06 01:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetness. Holding your face in my hands, kissing you back... softly, slowly... :-) Yes, I did though I could've slept more
2013-05-06 01:08:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... imagine became reality... Sigh! Missing you so! I should sleep now. Hope your dreams are sweet, my darling...
2013-05-05 16:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or to walk the streets that you walk, see, do, touch, feel all that you talk about... Like our time together... when things I could only...
2013-05-05 16:08:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish to get to know your bed... just like your (that became our!) bed in the US. But I suppose this will never happen...
2013-05-05 15:50:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Joining you, my darling. Kissing you sweetly on your chest, lay my head on it & hug you close, listening to your heartbeats...
2013-05-05 15:48:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you meant it seriously, these sound lovely: Manav

2005 / 4823

Sadhna, Wwoof India, Sojahur , Children Walking Tall, Ladli...

2013-05-05 15:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... good night. Sweet dreams. Miss your hands on my belly, darling...
2013-05-05 12:56:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit... in your purple bed... :-) Please hold your lady close once she joins you...
2013-05-05 12:45:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, good night my sweet darling. Sleep smiling with tender dreams. Cuddling you all over, covering you in sweet small good night kisses. :-)
2013-05-05 12:44:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, already? Sniff. But... well, you had your angel boy to spend the day with & now, it's late there & you need to sleep.
2013-05-05 12:44:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, just lying back & doing nothing but enjoying your kisses... Darling! Sigh. Missing you. Fell asleep with my laptop beside me...
2013-05-05 12:12:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad she is behaving alright... hopefully not only for today. ;-)
2013-05-05 12:11:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Now I understand! I thought angel boy was shouting... and was wondering why... :-) Teach your sister how to speak softly...
2013-05-05 12:11:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on your cute nose, darling & then a sweet nose-rub... :-)
2013-05-05 08:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... than if you shout too or speak loud. :-)

2013-05-05 08:18:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well done, darling. A soft firm voice is calming & I believe kids do stop & listen & take what you have to say more seriously...
2013-05-05 08:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? He is shouting while having his meal? Well, kids tend to
2006 / 4823

find eating boring...

2013-05-05 08:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, she is pouting now, yes? I find it too funny. :-) I am glad your day's ok. Mine is ok too- nothing noteworthy, trying to rest & not work
2013-05-05 08:16:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Very very much! I so wish I was there & do something together with you & your nephew...
2013-05-05 04:44:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day, darling? Did your sister calm down? ;-) How's angel boy? Any plans with him for today?
2013-05-05 04:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how much I am smiling now! You are sweet, darling. :-) If everything you arrange looks like your bed, yes: Andrea would like it ;-)
2013-05-05 04:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... purple bed. :-) Hope you slept well, too... having your lady snuggled up close to you.
2013-05-05 04:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. :-) A deep kiss on your throat, holding your hips close... Yes, I did, imagining sleeping with you in your...
2013-05-05 04:41:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I find it so sweet that you've sent me a pic of your bed. Now I know where we sleep... together... in dreams...
2013-05-04 13:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... I hold you close & softly kiss your chin... Wishing you a sweet night's sleep, darling. I join you soon & curl into you... :-)
2013-05-04 13:22:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you have gone... And I didn't get to wish you good night. :-(
2013-05-04 13:18:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. Hope you are still here & didn't go to sleep. :-(
2013-05-04 13:14:48 (EDT)

2007 / 4823

_stoicOne_ just a sec, am on the phone.

2013-05-04 13:03:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, most definitely! :-) I so wish I could really sleep there with you, wrapped around each other... Sigh.
2013-05-04 12:52:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope they like your bed & will bring them sweet dreams... :-)
2013-05-04 12:51:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! I knew! Anyway... now I know what awaits me when I join you... ;-) It looks a little small, but it's ok...will snuggle close to you ;-p
2013-05-04 12:41:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love that all is purple... :-) But... are you saying that it's not your bed? Cheater!
2013-05-04 12:38:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooooh! A picture of your bed! What have I done to deserve such an honour? ;-) Oh wow, not even one little wrinkle! I am proud of you! ;-p
2013-05-04 12:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I am checking out the site you sent me...

2013-05-04 12:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush, should I take it as a compliment? ;-p Check your mail, darling...
2013-05-04 12:24:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was the one you said looks like a child's drawing! :-D I'll send you a pic, but it's just a simple cake... :-)
2013-05-04 12:09:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to have you with me... :-) Hiding in alleys to steal a kiss... or two... buying stuff together... :-) Sigh!
2013-05-04 12:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! From the second I woke up... till now... That's some time... ;-)
2013-05-04 12:08:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And spent some time thinking of you... :-) Miss you loads,
2008 / 4823

2013-05-04 11:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was pretty ok. Woke up late, did some cleaning, my Saturday shopping, rearranged things, baked a lemon cake, spoke with mom...
2013-05-04 11:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... honest. ;-)

2013-05-04 11:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, that's all??? And I don't scream, I am not loud & not bossy! Sweet & lovely & kind & compliant and... I could go on! Modest too ;p
2013-05-04 11:31:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to spend that little time to the airport with you. I was so sad to leave you... :-( So, that's not the same.
2013-05-04 11:30:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, that's something different. I was in a strange, foreign place. Oh & I was your guest! ;-) And to be honest, I wanted...
2013-05-04 11:29:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, she really behaves like a lil' spoilt girl. Then... she could leave her boy there & go home. :-|
2013-05-04 11:28:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ewww! Screaming? She isn't a little girl... :-| Poor darling! Yep, you should really do that.
2013-05-04 11:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it's Saturday... :-)

2013-05-04 11:10:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or come here with your boy :-) Sigh, I'd be so happy! A tight hug & a soft kiss for my darling, to replace his frown with a smile... :-)
2013-05-04 10:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take your angel boy with you in your room & hang a "please do not disturb" sign on the door. :-D
2013-05-04 10:46:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the "boss" in your home. I know she's your sister & your
2009 / 4823

mom's daughter, but this case, she's a guest & should behave that way
2013-05-04 10:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ugh, that's bad. :-| Smile, she seems to be the opposite of your lovely lady. Ear-plugs, darling! ;-) Try to make her clear that you are...
2013-05-04 10:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, I would rescue you... ;-) Sigh, if only the distance between us could disappear... or just shorten...
2013-05-04 08:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In between! I wasn't too wrong... I thought 8 or 9. :-) Annoying you with what? Smile & it's just the first day... wait! The first hrs ;-p
2013-05-04 08:57:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, and how I wish I could hold you close now, kiss you deeply and... let you go to enjoy time with your sweet boy. :-)
2013-05-04 08:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, too. It'd be nice to meet your nephew... How old is he? I am sorry darling, but yes, it happened: I forgot his age! :-|
2013-05-04 08:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... Why? Maybe because I wasn't sure you'd like me to do that...
2013-05-04 08:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, so sweet! :-) My hello to your sister & please do give your nephew a big hug on my behalf, too. :-) Was their travel pleasant?
2013-05-04 08:34:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to help you cleaning & arranging... :-)
2013-05-04 08:33:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing a sweet smile on your lips... Your lady misses you a lot, darling. Have a beautiful day :-)
2013-05-04 04:29:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing them a lovely stay... Hope they'll enjoy their time there & you can spend some happy time with your nephew. :-)
2013-05-04 04:27:39 (EDT)

2010 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling! Did you sleep well? Have your sister & nephew arrived? Does your mom feel better & happy about their visit? :-)
2013-05-04 04:27:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...cozy blanket :-) I hope you don't mind & you smile in your sleep, snuggling closer into my embrace... God, how I miss you!
2013-05-03 16:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, ready to join you darling & though you didn't tell me if it's ok or not, I kiss you sweetly & wrap myself around you like a soft...
2013-05-03 15:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh, much better! I was so hungry, I couldn't think clearly. :-) Had dinner, took a quick shower, slipped into my Snoopy PJ's... :-)
2013-05-03 15:58:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much... My sweet cute darling... Sigh

2013-05-03 14:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your temples... Good night, darling. Sleep sweetly. I join you soon & wrap myself around you... Is it ok? :-)
2013-05-03 14:48:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I will eat everything I find in the kitchen. :-D

2013-05-03 14:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is starving and it's your fault! ;-p Sigh, that would be wonderful! I miss your cooking, darling. :-)
2013-05-03 14:45:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! Because I was waiting for you for hours, then chatted with you. ;-p And I am sooo hungry. Sniff.
2013-05-03 14:43:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, please go sleep. It's already tomorrow there.

2013-05-03 14:41:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with 16. He loves Germany. Hmmm, he is drifting away from me more & more. It makes me sad, but don't know what to do.
2013-05-03 14:40:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, normally yes. And I hope yes! He said he wants to learn in Germany & that he can do when he finished this school, also...
2011 / 4823

2013-05-03 14:39:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What a question! :-) Rushing to bed, darling! And...there now, waiting for my sweet sir to wrap him in my arms & cuddle him all over ;-)
2013-05-03 14:34:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... he wants to go back to Germany. Hmmm.

2013-05-03 14:31:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He's living with his dad, but we live in one house... that has 2 separated apartments. Look, he's now 14 & said as soon as possible...
2013-05-03 14:31:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... I don't know what to say because I've never tried to live like that. Maybe I'd miss some things, maybe not... :-)
2013-05-03 14:30:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't mind leaving all behind, darling. My only concern is my son...
2013-05-03 14:25:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lovely honest people, clean streams, swings... butterflies! And you! Sigh! :-)
2013-05-03 14:23:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am clear about it. I said I can imagine that... but I don't know how will it work in the reality.
2013-05-03 14:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait wait... so, not a trip? I thought you were asking me to join you on a trip... Yes, I think I can imagine that. :-)
2013-05-03 14:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, people don't walk into the office. They call or send an email... Darling, not any problem, we are a packaging company... :-)
2013-05-03 14:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... be happy about what they get & what they have to pay... which of course should be good for us, too. :-) So, enough of work now!
2013-05-03 14:02:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mostly work with numbers... creating customer & vendor & material numbers, then calculating prices... & do my best for our clients to
2012 / 4823

2013-05-03 14:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or trying to find the right packaging material for their stuff, etc... So, my work is not as creative as yours, but I like it. :-)
2013-05-03 13:56:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And confirming purchase orders, creating new material numbers, trying to find the best solution if one of our clients has any prob....
2013-05-03 13:55:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh! But you can visit them, too. No? Please... let him decide... ;-)
2013-05-03 13:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, work is good but I find meetings boring... I rushed home, too... to you. :-)
2013-05-03 13:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't do trans. any more. Indoor sales, keeping in touch with our clients, making offers, etc..
2013-05-03 13:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, so, this is their yearly visit... for a month. Last year was around the same time... Nice! :-)
2013-05-03 13:47:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, forgot to type day. Well, somehow, typos are inevitable. Blush :-) Darling, my day was quite ok. Less busy & I'd say pleasant. Yours?
2013-05-03 13:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I already told you - my was quite ok. Yes, Fridays are shorter. Anyway, not always.
2013-05-03 13:43:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know, was just teasing you... So, ready for the twirl! :-)
2013-05-03 13:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... because you didn't dm me darling & didn't know why... I was sitting here, waiting patiently... :-)
2013-05-03 13:41:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's nice! :-) How long will they stay? My hello to your sister & nephew! :-)
2013 / 4823

2013-05-03 13:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A twirl in the box... do I need to unpack it first? ;-p

2013-05-03 13:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So... I think I shall wish you good night. Sleep sweetly, my darling. Have thousands of playful daisies drift through your dreams... :-)
2013-05-03 13:35:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, but I can't sit here all evening... Missing you very much & I can only hope that all is well with you... :-|
2013-05-03 13:22:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where re you?

2013-05-03 13:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you? Is everything alright?

2013-05-03 12:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds not that good... Hope she feels better soon.
2013-05-03 12:36:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just one question... as a simple trip or as a volunteer travel?

2013-05-03 11:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How is your mom?

2013-05-03 11:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's Friday! :-) Hugging you back, darling... & kissing you softly. Do I get a twirl, too? ;-)
2013-05-03 11:32:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your mom? What happened? Does she feel better? I hope yes. Do take care of her...
2013-05-03 11:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, most happily darling! :-) I will check it out & let you know. Ok?
2013-05-03 11:27:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet sir? Is everything alright? How was your day? Mine was quite ok & less busy...
2013-05-03 11:27:25 (EDT)

2014 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Sneaking up quietly behind you, hugging you tight, kissing your earlobe... :-) I am home, darling! :-)
2013-05-03 11:26:23 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweetone. Sleep well and have a great weekend. Luv u. Xoxo
2013-05-03 11:00:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sunflower smiles... Getting ready now to leave for work. I'll be thinking of you...
2013-05-03 00:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't fall asleep & then slept light. Anyway... today is Friday! :-) Hope my sweet darling's day is lovely, filled with winged...
2013-05-03 00:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A tight freshly-out-from-the-shower-hug :-) and a deep kiss for my darling sir... :-) Good morning! Did you sleep well? Feeling fine?
2013-05-03 00:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am joining you, my sweet cute sir. :-) Wrapping my arms around you, put one leg between yours... holding your body to mine... Sigh!
2013-05-02 15:28:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... in some sense or other... :-) There are so many little things that remind me of you, darling! And making me unable to forget you...
2013-05-02 15:27:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was filling it out very slowly, secretly hoping you'd stand by my side when I look up... :-) See? I meet "you" nearly every day...
2013-05-02 15:26:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Guess where their seat is! Yes, in India. Sigh. I thought of you & smiled... and missed you so much!
2013-05-02 15:26:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today, I was filling out a form (bank account changing form or so) for one of our client's finance team.
2013-05-02 15:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and of course, I meant I need no one else as in, no other

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man & also not interested in any other man.

2013-05-02 15:24:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops, forgot to type "you". :-)

2013-05-02 13:59:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... and what if a sweet lady stumbles upon you & says she loves & wants to be with you? Would you then hold her hands? Hm?
2013-05-02 13:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon... yes, fresh like a daisy in tiny PJ's... ;-)
2013-05-02 13:01:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rushing to you to hold you tight & cover you in sweet good night kisses! :-) Missing you very much. Good night, darling. Sleep now :-)
2013-05-02 13:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly on your forehead & brush your cheeks with the back of my fingers... Shhh sleep, my dear... I'll join you soon...
2013-05-02 12:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just hope you had a good, smooth day my darling & snoring peacefully with smiles, keeping enough space next to you for me... :-)
2013-05-02 12:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I so wish you were awake, but it's late there & can't expect you to be awake... :-)
2013-05-02 12:54:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ that man. Perhaps the problem is in me :-| but I can't be with someone I don't love & when I love someone, I need no one else.
2013-05-02 12:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, yes...there's some truth in it, darling. Anyway, I don't know what it feels like holding the hands of one who loves me but I don't...
2013-05-02 12:52:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Single-minded, as in? Not sure I understand what you mean.

2013-05-02 12:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, I can find such a man too but I am not interested either. :-) Even if I was interested, I couldn't do that & you know why :-)
2013-05-02 12:52:05 (EDT)
2016 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Smile darling no, not squirming in my chair. Honest. Just rolling my eyes :-D Yes, just got home. Late again. Sigh.
2013-05-02 12:51:29 (EDT)

dgdreamin but they dress up differently. :)) Have a good evening!

2013-05-02 07:05:57 (EDT)

dgdreamin asking and making sure. I understand the two accounts are somewhat different, though a sunrise and sunset, same sun, same sky
2013-05-02 07:04:50 (EDT)

dgdreamin No, you didn't. :) I enjoy and respect you enough to ask for clarification if I don't understand something you said. You're sweet for
2013-05-02 07:02:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Have to run now, I am late! A tight hug, a soft deep kiss on your lips & whoosh! Hope your day's fresh, full of butterflies & cheer ;-)
2013-05-02 00:57:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! See? See!? I am not like that! :-| If you say date, of course I ask... But I am not squirming in my chair!
2013-05-02 00:56:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was happy with you, too. And I do think our differences can flow together like water... :-)
2013-05-02 00:56:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... you could find a beautiful smart Indian lady who lives near you, with whom you can enjoy time & feel happy with... No?
2013-05-02 00:55:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did & hope you slept well, too. :-) Oh, I eat well! Honest. Breakfast, lunch, dinner & little snacks in between. :-)
2013-05-02 00:55:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. :-) Your silly lady smiles, softly kisses the curve of your elbow... and wraps her leg around yours... :-)
2013-05-02 00:54:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very much.

2013-05-01 15:12:09 (EDT)
2017 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Hope my sweet darling's sleeping peacefully & he smiles as I join him quietly, kissing his chin softly... wrapping myself in his arms...
2013-05-01 15:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you told me why but still... And just as you asked me why you, now I ask you the same. Why me?
2013-05-01 13:45:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And to be honest, I still don't really know what to think about your return... You left me alone & then came back. Why?
2013-05-01 13:45:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not that I don't trust you, just... there were some things that confused me & made me distrustful... I am sorry. :-(
2013-05-01 13:38:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I mean taking work home as in, doing that little extra...
2013-05-01 13:23:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with daisy scented dreams... I will join you soon... :-)
2013-05-01 13:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. I hold you close & brush my lips across your forehead, down over your nose, cheeks & across your lips...Sigh
2013-05-01 13:20:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will try to do my best. Ok? :-) And will try to trust you... that I really have to practice. :-|
2013-05-01 13:19:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, our dm's crossed... Well, you re right. Now I know it is important... For that, I take work home. And to learn, too.
2013-05-01 13:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So... will you come to bed now or do you want to sleep on the floor? Look at the time, dear...
2013-05-01 13:15:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a little fresh salad. Smile, most people don't even want to do what they have to & you do extra work... That's my sweet sir! :-)
2013-05-01 13:11:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sounds very lovely & yummy too... yep, just looked raita up... :) I don't know, maybe just a slice of bread with walnut Brie cheese &
2013-05-01 13:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! It's ok... in the meantime, I occupied your bed. ;-p Office work! Well, I too, took some work home... :-) What did you have for dinner?
2013-05-01 12:59:46 (EDT)

dgdreamin Some ppl are just too much. *giggles*

2013-05-01 12:46:25 (EDT)

dgdreamin my personal life. She seems to think I'm tweeting & wordplaying with someone she has sights on. Silly. He's just a married friend of mine.
2013-05-01 12:45:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, well...because it is already bedtime for you, I'll now stretch out on your bed, waiting for you... You have to come sooner or later ;-p
2013-05-01 12:44:57 (EDT)

dgdreamin I don't need links to porn or them naked. :( And, I have another issue right now. A woman is DM'ing some of my Twtr friends asking about
2013-05-01 12:44:06 (EDT)

dgdreamin Plus i recently blocked two ppl on my TMO acct. sometimes writing sensual poetry makes some men thing they can be vulgar and aggressive.
2013-05-01 12:43:17 (EDT)

dgdreamin pure drama, and often ugliness. I try to ignore it, but sometimes I can't.
2013-05-01 12:40:11 (EDT)

dgdreamin Well, regarding that. I need to do some Twitter housecleaning and unfollow some people. While I like 80% of what some people write 20% is
2013-05-01 12:39:24 (EDT)

dgdreamin Just more layers of the same mind to unwrap! :)

2019 / 4823

2013-05-01 12:38:01 (EDT)

dgdreamin Truly laughing now. Sorry you know? Was the illusion spoiled?
2013-05-01 12:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling.

2013-05-01 12:13:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to have snapped at you in the past & making you think such negative things of me...Blush. I think, I see things more clearly now
2013-05-01 12:12:37 (EDT)

dgdreamin How's your day? I'm doing a mix of chores today in preparation for driving to Florida for my Mom's birthday and Mothers Day. Leaving Friday.
2013-05-01 12:03:34 (EDT)

dgdreamin Not sure what you mean... ??

2013-05-01 12:03:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am! Where is my sweet darling sir?

2013-05-01 11:49:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, will be away from my laptop for about 20 min. Nothing special, just laundry waits to be ironed, folded & put away :-)
2013-05-01 11:15:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's true... it depends not only on you/your action but on the other person too. Gosh, what happened in the Siemens office!?
2013-05-01 11:12:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. I don't look at flirting like that. As you said, there are degrees of flirting. If it's just a light remark & laugh, all's fine :-)
2013-05-01 11:11:54 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 LOL!!!
2013-05-01 11:06:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I get it now & yes, I could bear that kind of you... though it wouldn't always be easy...
2013-05-01 10:54:02 (EDT)

2020 / 4823

_stoicOne_ It is not their own doing. They get hurt because your actions mislead them.
2013-05-01 10:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? If you would be a little more careful (which you don't want to be), you could avoid hurting people. No darling, I don't agree with you.
2013-05-01 10:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was just thinking...I respond in kind, too. But I don't flirt because someone flirts! You may retain the glass wall... which they don't see
2013-05-01 10:52:12 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Yeah yeah! You just don't like to share your exciting stories with me! I know there's something juicy over there! :P
2013-05-01 10:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, then be aware that some people will misunderstand you, your intent... And don't blame them if they do. :-)
2013-05-01 10:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...then there's no problem. If you flirt with someone you don't know or you know she is sensible, maybe you should hold back... :-)
2013-05-01 10:32:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. But maybe you should be more careful... If you know the person & you know that she/he doesn't mistake your jokes, flirting, etc...
2013-05-01 10:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not easy darling...The world of a child & an adult is not the same. You can do many things as a child that you can't do as an adult :-|
2013-05-01 10:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...say & do what you do. And people (mostly ladies) may also mistake kindness, care, attention, playful flirting for love or something else.
2013-05-01 10:20:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand, but... there are situations when it can really lead to misunderstandings. People may not understand your intent, why you...
2013-05-01 10:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Just the bikini... If you want to get both, come here. ;-p
2013-05-01 10:01:32 (EDT)
2021 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Well, then... you shouldn't joke heavily or do things that I (or any other people) might misunderstand.
2013-05-01 10:00:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I am not possessive darling! Slightly jealous yes. Blush. I said slightly! Hmmm, maybe because you are not with me...
2013-05-01 10:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops, here is the missing "to".

2013-05-01 09:45:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw! Darling? If you so miss my bikini, I can send it you... ;p
2013-05-01 09:45:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it doesn't matter. :-) I don't flirt with men like that & don't exchange hot sensual stuff with them. It's not my style.
2013-05-01 09:44:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really. I don't know, forgot her name. You were passionately word-playing with her... & at the same time you tried to keep me away from you
2013-05-01 09:43:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ladies, that your word-plays, flirting, chatting got too intimate & quite hot. Oh, nearly always... ! Only nearly! Pfff
2013-05-01 09:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Otherwise it can lead to misunderstandings... You know what I mean? And I do think & felt that you got... hmm... too close to some
2013-05-01 09:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, flirting is only ok if the other person is clear about too that is is just a playful jesting & don't take it seriously.
2013-05-01 09:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, sunbathed! Yes, orange bikini... ;-)

2013-05-01 09:18:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many times your chatting with people (ladies) feels more like flirting... or more... And of course, men don't want to flirt with you! ;-p
2013-05-01 09:16:52 (EDT)
2022 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Ugh, Scorpion King... But well... :-) Oh, an oil bath! Just to feel your soft skin... Sigh! And you didn't invite me to nap with you!
2013-05-01 09:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Mine feels like weekend, but it is not! Tomorrow is office... Sigh. Missing you. Wish you were here...
2013-05-01 07:48:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, led, not lead...

2013-05-01 07:47:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that some of your actions lead me to think mistakenly. ;-p
2013-05-01 07:38:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just back from a short sunbathing... No no! It is not true! I wished to think nothing. Ha! To prove what? If anything, then we've proven...
2013-05-01 07:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am! Your lady smells like sunshine on dewy flowers. :-) Wrapping my arms around you, kissing you softly, sweetly...
2013-05-01 06:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going to take a shower now. I know pretty late but...Btw, what was for lunch? And what are you doing? A kiss on your cute nose. Be back soon
2013-05-01 05:57:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, even though I should be skeptical & careful, I am just happy that you are back.
2013-05-01 05:51:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sent it via DM. Or when I knew you are around but didn't talk to me. What else to assume than you not wanting to talk to me? Hm?
2013-05-01 05:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And even your hot word-plays with ladies confused me. Or seeing a public reply from a lady thanking you for your sweet compliment that...
2013-05-01 05:50:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really. Like many times. ;-p

2013-05-01 05:21:07 (EDT)
2023 / 4823

_stoicOne_ And you know, in the past... sometimes you didn't make it easy for me to assume the most innocent... :-)
2013-05-01 05:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do ask. And assumed nothing, just said that you were laconic... ;-)
2013-05-01 04:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you, my dear must learn that your lady doesn't suspect the worst... She just doesn't know what to think sometimes.
2013-05-01 04:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I just noticed that you were laconic... That's all. Yes yes, now blame me for reaching home late! ;-p
2013-05-01 04:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But what?

2013-05-01 04:46:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... I could smuggle you in parts... ;-p No, seriously, still looking for a simpler way to get visa, but...
2013-05-01 04:16:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I have seen your words flooding the timeline with beauty & winged sighs & smiles... :-)
2013-05-01 04:16:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am sorry... it was around midnight there when I arrived. I didn't even expect you to be awake.
2013-05-01 04:15:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well & long? Feeling fresh now? Any plans for the day? No office today! :-) I so wish you could come over!
2013-05-01 04:15:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. :-) Such a lovely way to wake up... I could spend the day like that. :-) Kissing you along your arms...
2013-05-01 04:14:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Boys are great! Abdu won 3rd place in the science fair today. Rogers is the same. Love life is a mess. How have you been?
2013-04-30 23:52:58 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 And the humble one too! Haha!! I miss you!!!

2013-04-30 23:47:22 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You've always been the wise one!

2013-04-30 23:23:31 (EDT)

thismomentonly Oh no, absolutely not. xo

2013-04-30 22:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... regretting having come back or so, do let me know. I'll go to sleep now, thinking of you... and then wake up dreaming of you...
2013-04-30 16:42:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, tonight... did you mean smuggle or was it just a mistyped snuggle? :-) And please, if you feel like it was a mistake and you are...
2013-04-30 16:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly my darling dear & your lady's soft warm embrace scenting your dreams sweet...
2013-04-30 16:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaked out of bed & left my snoring darling alone for a lil' while...But I come back to bed now, snuggle up behind you, hugging you to me.
2013-04-30 16:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady was so happy to find you awake! And you were quite laconic tonight... Never mind. Just sleep...while I hold you in my arms...
2013-04-30 15:12:01 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 might do with the money, I would try to get it for her.
2013-04-30 15:06:43 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I swear I'm not judging. God knows I've had my fair share of breakage and trials. I'll try. And honestly, if I wasn't afraid of what she
2013-04-30 15:05:47 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 The story was sooo convoluted. Car breakdowns, family breakdowns, someone needing a marrow transplant...
2013-04-30 15:04:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to sleep with you with our arms around each other, one leg
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between yours, the other leg around you, forehead to forehead... Sigh!
2013-04-30 14:58:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well... Good night, my sweet sir. Kissing you softly on your lips, holding you gently... Sleep soundly. Dream happily. I join you in a bit.
2013-04-30 14:56:48 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 How would you approach something like this?

2013-04-30 14:56:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I wish I still had her number. Honestly Anand, I'm not sure I can do this. I live in a very sheltered world. An excuse, perhaps.
2013-04-30 14:55:53 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Sigh... :)
2013-04-30 14:55:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's this hmm. Hm?

2013-04-30 14:52:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I knew how, I would...

2013-04-30 14:47:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Please. Can't wait till November...

2013-04-30 14:43:44 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 She's been asking for weeks - different stories...not sure what to do.
2013-04-30 14:43:35 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm so not equipped to deal with it.

2013-04-30 14:43:08 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 She's in the US.

2013-04-30 14:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmm... your kiss feels and tastes so sweet... makes me want to get some more... ;-p Kissing you back, darling, softly slowly... :-)
2013-04-30 14:36:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, most happily darling! :-) Pulling you to me, looking up at you, waiting for you to kiss me...
2013-04-30 14:32:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Not everyone gets the finest of fine... ;-p

2013-04-30 14:31:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Vibrant is nice! ;-)

2013-04-30 14:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ got my mail. I was not sure you'll get it... Yep, my desk is quite lovely. The whole office is small but pleasant. How's yours? :-)
2013-04-30 14:21:28 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 We're worried she's started using drugs again. :(

2013-04-30 14:21:11 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Someone here has been asking quite a few of us for money. We're worried. It's someone we all know and love. The stories are many...
2013-04-30 14:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I see. They are lovely, beautiful as always.

2013-04-30 14:19:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And would be even more happy if you were here! It's been a long time, darling... Your lady really, really misses you!
2013-04-30 14:18:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are awake! Darling, it's very late there... why aren't you sleeping!? But I am happy you are awake! :-)
2013-04-30 14:17:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hamburg! That's a a very interesting, multicultural city. Nice.

2013-04-30 14:16:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. Just to hold you, just to rest in your arms... Missing you so much! Sniff.
2013-04-30 14:13:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my sweet darling? How was your day? Mine was busy, tiring but ok. Feeling so tired! Was thinking about you a lot...
2013-04-30 14:11:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bought enough bread, some fresh veggies, cat food, etc. on my way home. Traffic was horrible. But... no office tomorrow! :-)
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2013-04-30 14:11:02 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 lol :)
2013-04-30 14:10:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rushing to you to hug you tight & kiss you deeply... Hi darling! Got home about 30 min. ago. Yes, here too, that's why I came home so late.
2013-04-30 14:10:44 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hey you. Did someone here approach you for money.
2013-04-30 13:57:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And in case you forget... my butterflies will remind you... ;-) Missing you! One last sweet kiss & whoosh... Enjoy your day, darling.
2013-04-30 00:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? The Germans are still there? Have to leave now, but know that your silly daisy-lady will be thinking of you.
2013-04-30 00:46:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you from behind, softly kissing you on the back of your neck as you work... Good morning, my sunshine! :-) Slept happily?
2013-04-30 00:45:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just feel like hugging you, kissing you, cuddling you all over, sharing this daisy-feeling with you, not letting you sleep! Deep sigh!
2013-04-29 13:39:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh of course... I will be by your side till you fall asleep. Only then leaving you for a short time...And then, rushing back to you!
2013-04-29 13:30:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night, my dear. I hope you do sleep sweetly and dream beautifully. I will visit you in your dreams... wait for me... :-)
2013-04-29 13:26:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet lovely darling! Sigh! I really really really miss you so!!! I will now wrap up for the day & join you in bed, holding you close...
2013-04-29 13:23:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... whispering sweet words to flow around you like a shooting Spring breeze, cradling you to a sweet, deep sleep... :-)
2013-04-29 13:22:03 (EDT)
2028 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Yes, you should go. Sigh. It's very late there. I come with you darling & sit by your side for a while, caressing you gently, tenderly...
2013-04-29 13:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming! :-) Hugging you tightly to me, kissing you on your eyes and cute nose and cheeks and chin... sigh! Everywhere!
2013-04-29 13:20:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, too... fell asleep thinking of you. Sigh. Missing you so! Hmm, your day was ok, as in 1) good 2) it passed uneventful...
2013-04-29 12:36:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ People in the office were wondering why I am beaming... it was your kiss, that girly color of blush... ;-) Thank you, darling. :-)
2013-04-29 12:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am home! Sadly, too late... Sniff. It's been a hot, long, busy day. So very tired! Smile, yes... like a wilted daisy ;-p
2013-04-29 12:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... filled with good work, lots of smiles. Miss you, darling!
2013-04-29 00:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting ready now... I'll wear white & yellow today. Hope the drive to the office was pleasant & you are having a sweet day...
2013-04-29 00:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet scented, fresh kisses along my darling's jaw, holding him close... Good morning! :-) Slept well? Does my sir feels like a daisy? ;-)
2013-04-29 00:37:28 (EDT)

atonedfor I hope you have sweet dreams, I imagine it's just about the end of your day :) much love x
2013-04-28 17:54:08 (EDT)

atonedfor In more modern music. Oh and no, generally I'm alone, but have been 'spotted' a couple of times. Usually very awkward. But it's ok :)
2013-04-28 17:53:27 (EDT)

atonedfor To it. It was also in a monastery, so the acoustics was beautiful. It makes me really cross when i realise what it's been substituted for
2013-04-28 17:50:40 (EDT)
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atonedfor Instruments and these people have the purest voices. I'll be getting a cd from a friend who is part of the choir and can't wait to re-listen
2013-04-28 17:49:30 (EDT)

atonedfor Which I was pleased about.. I'm one of those that would die for their art type :). The perfomance was incredible. It was all without
2013-04-28 17:48:30 (EDT)

atonedfor Ah, you're very kind to worry :). I almost thought at one stage I was going to faint because of the smoke in my face, but got out in time..
2013-04-28 17:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Choosing you is something I will never regret. And leaving you is something I will never be able to do.
2013-04-28 16:35:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are so many things waiting to be discovered... I wish to discover them with you, and then re-discover... again & again.
2013-04-28 16:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Those days with you were so sweet, so beautiful & still... there are so many little things we could share & do together.
2013-04-28 16:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to sleep in your arms, darling! But you are right... I doubt I'd be able to fall asleep... & you would shoo me away... :-)
2013-04-28 15:42:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Joining my sweet, sleeping darling now. I softly kiss his temples, curl my back into his chest, take his hand & place it on my belly...
2013-04-28 15:42:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I still get the tingly butterflies at the thought of you... And those sweet mornings... & that one afternoon... Darling! Sigh.
2013-04-28 13:39:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your belly, darling. Good night. Sleep soundly with dreams that make you smile in your sleep... I join you shortly...
2013-04-28 13:06:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It's ok. :-) Just... it would've been beautiful to hold you... :-)Well, you were strong... your lady went almost crazy... Sigh! ;-)
2013-04-28 13:00:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll never forget how much I wanted to sleep with you in my arms (just this nothing else) & how you shooed me out of bed! Was not nice!
2013-04-28 12:54:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Look at the time... You should sleep. I wish I was there to hold you, cradle you softly to a sweet sleep... Sigh!
2013-04-28 12:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? I meant was pretending to pout... Btw, it is raining hard here. My head was right!
2013-04-28 12:36:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This, I don't understand. What do you mean by safe?

2013-04-28 12:33:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, but I made my choice... Was it really necessary to leave me alone, hurt me like that? :-|
2013-04-28 12:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And walking and cuddling and even when I was pouting... I smiled inside but was pretending pouting... ;-p
2013-04-28 12:33:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't know what to say. It is most unlikely that I would change my mind, but...
2013-04-28 12:29:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh, am so happy to find you awake! :-) Sure darling, it is my biggest concern...
2013-04-28 12:24:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... each other to sleep. Sigh.

2013-04-28 12:22:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I didn't see it's so late there! Time for bed for my sweet cute darling sir... How I wish I could cuddle up with you, hugging...
2013-04-28 12:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but maybe you... Hmmm. Why do I need money & a job
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there? To support myself, darling. I can't expect you to support me!

2013-04-28 11:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I could come back but I'd need to find a new place to live, new job, etc. But why coming back? I'd surely not want to leave you...
2013-04-28 11:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Africa, Asia... Gosh, that's a bad news. :-( Btw, I really thought it'd be easier to find a job here than in India.
2013-04-28 11:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss those days. I miss you, darling! Yes, I do think we could be happy together. :-)
2013-04-28 11:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think often of our days together. It still amazes me how right it felt, how wonderful we were together... Sigh.
2013-04-28 11:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really went over my mails, pics? Your lady's blushing like a tomato! Smiling too..'cause she's doing the same thing every now & then ;-)
2013-04-28 11:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you went away. You left me alone in our forest... :-( At least, you said so.
2013-04-28 11:34:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were mean, darling. You did & tried everything just to keep me away from you, to make me walk away.
2013-04-28 11:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not like going to another shop just because what you want to buy is cheaper there. I don't know how else to explain.
2013-04-28 11:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't work like that! Maybe you don't understand because as you said, you don't know love. I wish you would know...
2013-04-28 11:31:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was & am aware of how slim the chances are, how difficult things are. But it doesn't mean I walk away & look for a more convenient option!
2013-04-28 11:31:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh I was overjoyed to see you! :-) But it made me miss you even more, you know? Sniff. It's strange to see you & not be able to touch you...
2013-04-28 11:30:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, here I am! :-) Got home some time ago, swept & mopped the house, had to iron some clothes, did this & that & here now.
2013-04-28 11:29:56 (EDT)

atonedfor Also I didn't have shoes on, or anything for that matter and had to run through rubble and glass and such. But it was worth it :)
2013-04-28 04:09:47 (EDT)

atonedfor We were out at a Scandinavian choir performance, so I'm sorry I'm only responding now. Yes, it was very difficult. The smoke was the worst.
2013-04-28 04:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should sleep. But how??? With this Spring and butterflies and thoughts of you swirling inside me, in the air, all around... Sigh!
2013-04-27 17:16:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your forgetful lady... I loved your tweet! Thank you, darling. :-) And in return, a soft kiss on each of your fingertips...
2013-04-27 17:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling Anand... :-) I feel Spring. In my entire body. See butterflies. Everywhere. And you, your smile when I close my eyes
2013-04-27 16:59:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, I slide my hand under your undershirt, hug you closer to me & join you in your sleep...Hope you are sleeping beautifully with a :-)
2013-04-27 16:39:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I had enough money to live there without a job for several months, I wouldn't care. But I don't have it.
2013-04-27 16:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For the same salary you get now. I mean no paying hotel for you & no extra costs, etc... I just don't know how could I find a job there...
2013-04-27 16:37:50 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Btw, yes I do think it's easier to find a job here. Of course, best would be if you could work in any European office of your company...
2013-04-27 16:37:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how much your lil' lady suffered! Anyway, you are back & that's what matters. :-) I just would love to know why...
2013-04-27 16:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am still wondering... you were mean to me just because you thought I'd give up & that was best for me??? Darling, how could you!? :-|
2013-04-27 16:36:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I miss you more than ever! I wish you could feel my arms around you, my breath on your skin as you sink into sleep...
2013-04-27 15:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I suppose you logged out... Just wanted to say that I got tearyeyed & my heart skipped a beat when I saw you... Thank you, darling. :-)
2013-04-27 15:21:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your companion would compensate all the not so pleasant things. :-) Going now to look for those tweets. ;-)
2013-04-27 11:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... any other country. Corruption is everywhere, darling. Craziness too. I don't mind about dirty. Well, too hot can be unpleasant but...
2013-04-27 11:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd be more than happy to be with you. No matter where, just to be with you. And I think it's more difficult to move to India than to...
2013-04-27 11:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here! :-) Woke up from a nap about 30 min. ago. Blush. It's weekend, so... it's allowed to take naps. ;-) And I really needed it.
2013-04-27 11:36:54 (EDT)

atonedfor I did :) do you like it? how are you?

2013-04-27 11:30:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know & I understand. But thinking of you is allowed, yes? ;-) And whenever you said you are not eating onion & garlic, I did the same...
2013-04-27 06:13:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Smile, come here & you can see me in those dresses. ;-) And thank you, darling. It was sweet of you & am happy you like my taste...
2013-04-27 06:04:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A tweet for me? :-) Which one? You know, just because every time I think it's for me, it is for someone else... or for no one.
2013-04-27 06:03:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to see you, darling! I wish I had a way of taking you here... or myself there & then staying there... Sigh.
2013-04-27 06:03:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your yesterday? How goes your today? Did you sleep sweetly? I miss you, too. More than you think I do. Sniff.
2013-04-27 06:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I dozed off, woke up in the night, had a midnight dinner, took a shower & went to bed. I so needed the sleep!
2013-04-27 06:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I slept like a stone. Woke up late, around 9! :-| Yesterday was ok, got home in time, but seen no message from you...
2013-04-27 06:01:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My cute, lovely darling dear! I am here. Was enjoying and playing with your kiss... that butterflied not only on my shoulder... ;-p
2013-04-27 06:00:53 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Punjab for now

2013-04-26 23:46:38 (EDT)

ZinniaTung That's more like it. I believe in education not schooling.

2013-04-26 23:44:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Sometimes. But I want to educate people on social issues by starting my own NGo one day. Lets see how far I get :)
2013-04-26 23:42:25 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Pretty much That's one thing that will never leave me.
2013-04-26 23:30:57 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung On track
2013-04-26 23:24:40 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Hahaha. Aww!! Yes of course I do remember... :) Oh just busy studying been pulling all nighters for past few days .. So this weekend bk
2013-04-26 23:24:37 (EDT)

ZinniaTung How are things w you?

2013-04-26 23:15:51 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Bas gettibg my sleeping schedule in order

2013-04-26 23:15:39 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I won't :)
2013-04-26 23:15:19 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aww
2013-04-26 23:15:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in a rush, just thought I'd stop by for a sec., pull you to me & kiss you softly, sweetly. Missing you so! Hope your Friday's lovely...
2013-04-26 00:47:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear sweet sir. Hugging you close so you can feel the cold of my hair... :-) Slept sweetly? Woke up fresh? Ritual went well?
2013-04-26 00:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your lips. Again & again till you stop to snore ;-) I join you soon, wrap you in my arms & gently pull you into me...
2013-04-25 15:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To grow old with you would be the most beautiful thing... Sigh.
2013-04-25 15:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a very nice day, darling & sleeping sweetly now & your dreams take you to a field of butterflies where your lady waits for you.
2013-04-25 15:10:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd still love to observe a ritual, but I remember you saying that the new moon rituals are very private, so...I'll just think of you... :-)
2013-04-25 15:10:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Gosh! Right now, I see the moon! I have never seen a moon as bright as this, before. Very beautiful. And you are not here :-(
2013-04-25 15:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. The eclipse will be clearly visible in Hungary. I am sitting outside, hoping to see the eclipse. Wish you were here with me! Sniff.
2013-04-25 15:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love your hugs & your kisses, each one is special & they feel new every time & so sweet and... Sigh! Darling, I miss you!!!!! :-(
2013-04-25 15:01:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry that I got home so late again :-( but... I couldn't help it, I needed some new clothes & they looked so sweet & fresh. :-)
2013-04-25 15:00:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just got home. I bought a white & a whitelight blue dress. And a yellow trouser, a white sleeveless shirt & bracelets :-)
2013-04-25 15:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to run now, am late! A tight hug, a soft deep kiss & whoosh.. :-) Have a sweet day, darling. My butterflies are on their way to you ;-)
2013-04-25 00:54:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it would be beautiful to grow old with you. :-) Seriously.
2013-04-25 00:53:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too, feel affection for good people, men & women. Sexual attraction can be only towards the one I love. That's the difference between us.
2013-04-25 00:52:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't understand people who fall in, fall out of love, change partners like changing clothes... :-|
2013-04-25 00:52:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And they are together because they love each other. The love changes over time, but it is still love. Sadly, it can vanish too.
2013-04-25 00:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't completely agree with you. I live in a place where

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arranged marriage is unknown. Most people do marry out of love.

2013-04-25 00:50:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't mean I don't think of you or don't miss you. Just that I can't write to you. I will try... Well, the pay is somewhat better.
2013-04-25 00:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I do work a lot. And don't forget about the drive... It's about a hour drive, if I am stuck in traffic, it can be nearly 2 hours.
2013-04-25 00:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my cuteness! :-) Your freshly showered lady is pulling you to her, giving you a sweet, slow soft kiss... :-)
2013-04-25 00:49:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from what you think, but it is Love too. It is rare, but it does exist amongst human beings.
2013-04-24 14:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... spark in their eyes, after 50 years of being together. Or more. That's Love, darling. Perhaps this kind of Love is different...
2013-04-24 14:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just look at a very old couple, walking or sitting on a bench holding hands, still looking at each other with love, with that lovely little
2013-04-24 14:15:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the curve of your lady's back to give shape to your chest... Now, a last sweet lil' kiss on your cute nose. I'll come back soon... :-)
2013-04-24 13:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... I'll have dinner now, freshen up & join you in bed. :-) Hope you are sleeping deeply with smiles, waiting for...
2013-04-24 13:37:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't imagine hugging or kissing anyone else other than you. Or even think about it!
2013-04-24 13:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, it doesn't work, darling. Maybe nothing works & nothing happens, but my feelings for you didn't change.
2013-04-24 13:36:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... someone for sex every now & then, etc. I don't go on dates, because I can't do that. When someone asks me, I think of you and...
2013-04-24 13:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do have my own rules, that many people don't understand e.g. no alcohol, eating no meat, having no man in my life, or at least...
2013-04-24 13:33:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but it doesn't mean that I have to do what other Westerner people do. Right? In many ways, I am not like a normal Western woman.
2013-04-24 13:32:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 1) I am a normal woman, too... who finds you very special, unique. 2) I might live in a place where it is easy to go on dates,
2013-04-24 13:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, darling! You are disappointing! :-| Then open your eyes... or simply use your fantasy! ;-p They did talk to you, welcoming you back!
2013-04-24 13:31:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was tiring & long. But nice too with many short breaks. :-) How was yours? Do you like your new project?
2013-04-24 13:30:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... watching you, smiling at you... Sigh! I miss you, darling. Miss you immensely!
2013-04-24 13:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, finally home... I tiptoe to your bed, softly kiss your eyelids, take your hand in mine & sit by your side for a while...
2013-04-24 13:29:31 (EDT)

dgdreamin Yes, my feet. *giggles*

2013-04-24 00:09:12 (EDT)

dgdreamin People use my name openly. It's not a secret. I'm sorry if you didn't know. You do now. :)
2013-04-24 00:01:28 (EDT)

dgdreamin gardening and birding friends were offended by my more sensual poetry & images.
2013-04-24 00:00:31 (EDT)

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dgdreamin Truly? You just realized the connection? I speak openly about the two accounts. I thought you understood. I opened TMO because some of my
2013-04-24 00:00:28 (EDT)

atonedfor Aah, thank you for my hug :) just whenever you have time - I hope you are well too and I'm sending a big hug back. Much love x
2013-04-23 13:56:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do wrap your arms around me, hold me close... Darling! Just to be held by you... Sigh.
2013-04-23 12:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dear darling sir. Dream sweetly. Sleep deeply. I join you in bed in a bit, kiss you on your chest & lay my head on it...
2013-04-23 12:53:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Seems like I was late - again, & missed you on your way to bed. Sniff.
2013-04-23 12:53:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much. I wish you were here now...
2013-04-23 12:29:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That's a bad news! :-( I was so hoping that... Sigh. :-( Are you sure they dropped the idea? Please do ask them...
2013-04-23 12:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's sad that you don't believe in love. Love is Spring... Anyway, I am glad that you haven't met anyone yet... Smile. Blush.
2013-04-23 12:27:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand. But I still don't understand why you were wondering about me not going on a date. You know how I feel for you...
2013-04-23 12:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They did! I know they did! They were so excited to see you again... and happy, too. Maybe you should've removed the ear-plugs! ;-p
2013-04-23 12:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sneaking up behind you, hugging you tightly & kissing you deeply on your neck. Darling, I am home! :-) How was your day, darling?
2013-04-23 12:26:24 (EDT)

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ruptureschism Exactly Anand Anand Anand :)

2013-04-23 12:03:33 (EDT)

ruptureschism Just wanted to make sure. :)

2013-04-23 12:00:14 (EDT)

ruptureschism Taking care... that is what I meant to write. :)

2013-04-23 11:54:25 (EDT)

ruptureschism Well the fish are very big and the deer are still beyond the beyond. And I have much to learn but I am learning; thus, i am well. :)
2013-04-23 11:47:53 (EDT)

ruptureschism I do not like to pester you but I do worry about you and your nephew and yes your knee. And I always hope you are taking are.
2013-04-23 11:47:03 (EDT)

ruptureschism I hope your aunt and uncle in Boston are ok. And of course, i hope you are doing well too.
2013-04-23 00:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A fresh, morning dew-flavored kiss for my darling's lips... Hope your day's smooth... :-) Leaving now. Missing you.
2013-04-23 00:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I come now, cuddle up to the curve of your back, kiss your neck behind your ear & hug you to me... :-) Sleep, darling, sleep... :-)
2013-04-22 16:21:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just keep thinking... The best would be if you could work here (or at least near me) for a while. Still no news about an office here?
2013-04-22 16:21:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If yes, why? And why are you still single, then?
2013-04-22 16:20:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you were wondering that I haven't gone on a date. Why? And what about you? Hm? Have you gone on a date? Or dates! :-|
2013-04-22 16:20:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...for a while... to wrap up for the day & join you again for the night, hugging & holding you close to me... Sigh. How I miss you!
2013-04-22 13:14:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, hope you are sleeping sweetly, cozily...curled up in the basket :-) I softly step into it, kiss your forehead & step out..
2013-04-22 13:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am saying if I could I would move there & stay there. But I could only do that if I had enough money till I find a job there.
2013-04-22 13:12:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did they tell you how much they missed you? And how your lady was taking care of the basket, keeping it warm, homely, waiting for you...
2013-04-22 13:12:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just ok? Happened nothing interesting? I am happy that you visited our lovely basket. :-) Did you see the butterflies, the lil' birds too?
2013-04-22 13:11:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you'd kiss me like that, I'd stop working & ask you to keep kissing my knuckles... and fingers and palms and wrist and... Sigh. ;-)
2013-04-22 13:11:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And sad too, because whenever I get home, I find you asleep... :-( Yes, now every day is like a Monday... It's very tiring, darling.
2013-04-22 13:10:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi, my cuteness. :-) Yes, just got home... Sigh. Tired, but smiling. It's nice to come home to your message, you know?
2013-04-22 13:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All for you to start the day/week in a lovely way... :-) Darling, I do miss you so!
2013-04-21 14:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you wake up, please do look into the basket...I filled it with butterfly kisses, sunflower smiles, petaled hugs, sweet scented tunes...
2013-04-21 14:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my darling, just sleep on... It's just your lady, snuggling up behind you to hold you... :-)
2013-04-21 14:49:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ If I could afford it, I would leave everything behind, rent an apartment there and... well... look what lies ahead... But I can't.
2013-04-21 14:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know, my answer to how to solve the distance between us was insufficient, but... Sigh. If you have any idea, please do let me know.
2013-04-21 14:21:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to make myself "free" for you, but seems like something kept you busy all day... :-( I miss you, darling.
2013-04-21 14:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought & was hoping we could chat a little more today... I was rushing to clean the house, do laundry & the like...
2013-04-21 14:20:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, again... Good night my darling sir. Wish I could kiss you to sleep... Missing you. Sleep soundly, peacefully.
2013-04-21 12:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there you are! Where have you been? I was waiting for you...
2013-04-21 12:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly, darling. May your dreams be tender & sweet as the Spring breeze... I'll join you soon & cuddle up to you...
2013-04-21 12:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I suppose you have fallen asleep... or maybe just don't want to talk to me. Sigh. Anyway, I hug you to me & kissing you a sweet good night.
2013-04-21 12:35:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, where are you? It's nearly bedtime for you...
2013-04-21 12:12:08 (EDT)

atonedfor Dear Anand, I sent you mail :) I just wanted to let you know. I hope you have been keeping well. Much love x
2013-04-21 11:34:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I know it is not easy, but... there must be a solution that is good for both of us.
2013-04-21 09:44:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A short term solution would be if you could come to any European office for a while.
2013-04-21 09:39:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... As I told you, I am willing to move there, but I'd need a job & a place to live. That would be difficult.
2013-04-21 09:38:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One of us have to move closer to the other... I, alone, can't solve this problem, darling.
2013-04-21 09:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not fair that we live so far away from each other, that we can't meet whenever we want to see the other. Sniff.
2013-04-21 08:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or doing anything... together. Just a sec., I'll put something on & rush over... ;-) I wish I could!
2013-04-21 08:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses along your back, darling. I wish we could spend the day lazing around in bed together. Cooking too & watch Sherlock Holmes! ;-)
2013-04-21 03:56:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dahhling. :-) Oh, I slept like a stone. And you? Slept sweetly? Is my sweet sir all fresh & smiling?
2013-04-21 03:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course it is fair. For you, not against you. ;-) But now you understand why. Yes?
2013-04-21 03:55:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your sleep is sweet my dear & filled with happily fluttering butterflies... I'll be there soon, too... wait for me at the swing... ;-)
2013-04-20 16:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lovely smelling lady in her tiny PJ's joins her sweet, snoring sir in bed, kisses his nape & wraps him in her warm soft embrace... :-)
2013-04-20 16:22:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your tweet made it easier for me to explain, why you... It is simple: I have found Spring in you.
2013-04-20 16:21:47 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ See? That's why I still "like" you. You & no other man... Good night, my dearest. One last sweet kiss on your lips...I'll come asap... :-)
2013-04-20 15:05:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly! :-) Me too. And I miss our time together. I miss being with you. It felt like I have known you for so long...
2013-04-20 15:00:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember your hotel room before my visit... and the time when I was there? Your socks? I still :-) every time I put my socks together
2013-04-20 14:57:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... if you would like this or that. :-) Darling, I wouldn't disapprove nor would I say anything negative. I'd simply fix it... :-)
2013-04-20 14:53:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How sweet! Sigh. Almost the same here... many times I see something beautiful I think of you & wish I could share it with you...or wonder...
2013-04-20 14:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, I will join you in a bit and wrap you in my arms... :-) I miss you, darling.
2013-04-20 14:45:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Close your eyes, imagine me kissing you softly, hugging you to sleep... Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly, dream sweetly.
2013-04-20 14:43:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not really all set... but you should go to sleep now. I will join you in a bit if you would like me to... in my Snoopy PJ's? ;-)
2013-04-20 14:39:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not necessary, darling. I won't change my mind... I am not you! ;-p Gosh, just now see the time there!
2013-04-20 14:39:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's true. But you are none of them. I mean not boring, stupid, etc... Those sad combinations are missing in you. :-)
2013-04-20 14:31:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Phew! ;-) I find you sweet, interesting, smart, unique, you are a wonderful person to be with & I could go on! :-)
2013-04-20 14:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, being handsome & rich is not the most important thing.
2013-04-20 14:12:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... this I don't know. You should ask them, if you want to know.
2013-04-20 13:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In my case, I want you, feel drawn to you because of who you are, what you are... inside & outside... Why would any other women want you,
2013-04-20 13:56:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Handsome rich men with six-pack can be uninteresting, boring, stupid, ignorant with a terrible character, too.
2013-04-20 13:55:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but you were in the office. It's another thing that you did nothing... Sherlock Holmes! Do you remember? We should watch it together.
2013-04-20 13:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, why these questions? Why do you wonder that I still feel the same for you? Why do you wonder about me not going on dates?
2013-04-20 13:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you say that I work too hard! :-| You can go tomorrow... I will come with you. ;-)
2013-04-20 13:38:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have so loved to have you with me, but... Sigh. How was yours? Do you still go to the temple on Saturdays?
2013-04-20 13:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was decent. The exhibition was ok. I went for a short walk before driving home. It was nice, lots of happy people, sunshine, colors...
2013-04-20 13:34:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Much better! Happy :-)

2013-04-20 13:24:31 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Not really :-|

2013-04-20 13:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stop wondering. You aren't an average guy... at least not for me. And I feel drawn to you, can't help it.
2013-04-20 13:10:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "Dear A"... Lovely, very lovely! :-| No, not on a single date...Why does it amaze you? Close your mouth, otherwise a fly might swoop in ;-p
2013-04-20 13:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As I told you, I could've gone on dates, but the problem was that they were not you! No one is like you. That's why...
2013-04-20 12:56:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no problem with traditions. Well, it has its good side & hmm, not that good side.
2013-04-20 12:56:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have lovely eyes, cute nose & a sweet smile. Hands I'll never forget. And a soft belly-pillow! ;-) If you snore, then you snore. :-)
2013-04-20 12:55:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...when you are near me. Sigh. I feel wonderful with you. Don't be silly. You are not fat. I am avg. looking too & aging & I could go on...
2013-04-20 12:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? Because of who you are. Because my heart gets a warm feeling, with butterflies whenever I think of you, hear from you, not to mention
2013-04-20 12:54:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I hold you close, rub my nose against yours, kissing you... Sigh. Getting ready to go. Be with me. Please.
2013-04-20 06:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's beautiful, sunny summery here today. And your lovely lady is missing you very much! :-(
2013-04-20 06:50:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I'll be leaving shortly. Going to a photography exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts. I wish you could come with me!
2013-04-20 06:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do travel a lot... sadly your trips are mostly work-related. I really wish work would take you near me, for a longer time... Sigh.
2013-04-20 06:50:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand. Work... :-( Anyway, please do let me know if you know more about your work schedule. Why 12 days?
2013-04-20 06:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The thing is that I am still learning, I still don't know everything & I do my job good, but somewhat slow. Blush.
2013-04-20 06:49:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still feel bad about yesterday. :-( I am so sorry! Yes, work that I had to finish held me up at work.
2013-04-20 06:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you should've curled up in the basket...for me, to find you there, sweetly sleeping...That would've been the sweetest decoration! :)
2013-04-20 06:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I close my eyes, I see you... feel you, as if you were next to me... But when I open my eyes... Please come & hold me when you wake up.
2013-04-19 17:18:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In half asleep, hugging my pillow tightly to me, thinking of how beautiful it would be if it was you who I am hugging... Long, dreamy sigh!
2013-04-19 17:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today was our 2 years anniversary (in some or other way) and I was not here! And you were waiting for me! It makes me :'-(
2013-04-19 14:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Is there really no way to see you before November?
2013-04-19 14:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... softly on his forehead. Sleep my darling, sleep... I am by your

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side now... I wish you'd feel it (me, holding you) in your sleep...
2013-04-19 14:31:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was hoping you'd peek in before falling asleep, but...Sad sigh! Hugging my sweet lil' sleeping sir tenderly lovingly to me, kissing him...
2013-04-19 14:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wish I could rush to you & cuddle you all over till you smile & forgive me for being late. Sigh! My darling Anand, I want you to be with me.
2013-04-19 13:51:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel entirely sad right now. You waited up... just for me, and I was too late. I am so sorry! Yes, I work too hard but...what else to do?
2013-04-19 13:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you terribly. I not only want to chat with you, but to have you here with me! :-(
2013-04-19 13:41:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, how sweet... and how sad that I missed you... Sniff. Happy anniversary, my darling sir.
2013-04-19 13:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I am home! I am sorry I couldn't come home earlier. :-(
2013-04-19 13:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd rather spend the day with you... :-( Have a sweet sunny day, darling! I'll be thinking of you. A soft deep kiss on your lips & whoosh...
2013-04-19 00:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what about the day before yesterday? Hm? ;-p I have to run now, darling. What kind of festival, btw?
2013-04-19 00:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean my Snoopy PJ's? Of course I have them! ;-) Oh, I understand hectic... Sigh. But glad your yesterday was at least productive.
2013-04-19 00:54:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetness. It was lovely to have you by my side :-) I laid my head on your lap & wrapped my arms around you in my sleep...
2013-04-19 00:54:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am by your side, darling. Watching over you while sleep, hugging you softly, kissing your dreams...
2013-04-18 14:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, what happened? Why don't you talk to me? Is everything alright? Missing you...
2013-04-18 14:27:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed now, thinking about you... I really, really miss you a lot. :-(
2013-04-17 15:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your chin. Hope you are already floating in beautiful dreams... Shhh, sleep on my darling, I'll join you soon.
2013-04-17 13:53:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do know! Just got home. Oh, you call me "A"! Sigh. My day was super-busy. So tired! How was yours? How are you, darling? Missing you :-(
2013-04-17 13:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know what I mean. Yes? Well, leaving now, I am late! Thousand soft butterfly kisses all over you... Have a lovely day, my dear.
2013-04-17 00:50:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to run now, darling. More later... Btw, what about July or Aug.? And what happened? Seems like my sweet sir is back... :-)
2013-04-17 00:50:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ask them if they know Knppel... ;-) That's our company.
2013-04-17 00:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Although I slept like a stone, I still feel so sleepy! :-| How are you, darling? Slept sweetly? :-) My hello to the Germans from Hungary!
2013-04-17 00:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dahhling! :-) I smiled, with eyes closed, reached out my arms to pull you close to me... not letting you go... ;-)
2013-04-17 00:49:26 (EDT)

soHbet_ i am so keeping you. good-morning!

2013-04-17 00:16:07 (EDT)
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soHbet_ you are sooooooo yummy, i might just bite. jokes apart, you are very very sweet , thank you. you know, i am a sucker for compliments.
2013-04-16 16:39:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just read your post on your blog... I think now I understand a little better your perspective on the mind-heart relationship... or so...
2013-04-16 14:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... cuddle up to you fresh & flowery... in a towel, waking you with a lil' good morning kiss, seeing you smile... Sigh.
2013-04-16 13:50:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, darling, I really miss watching you sleep...or listening to your snoring ;-p And I miss sneaking out of bed in the morning and
2013-04-16 13:49:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I run my fingers lightly through your hair & sweetly kiss your soft, warm lips... Shh, sleep on darling, I'll join you soon... :-)
2013-04-16 13:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, my darling... I will finish the work, have dinner, freshen up & come to bed to you. :-) Wait for me... in your sleep...
2013-04-16 13:44:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mine was very busy & your lil' lady is very tired but she still has some work to do. Yes, I took work home... I had to. :-|
2013-04-16 13:43:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's very late there, so I suppose my sweet darling is already asleep...I missed you again :-( Hope your day was pleasant with no hectic.
2013-04-16 13:42:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 10 days in 7 months... Yes, I'd be happy if we had more time together. As I said, you could come here in summer. Please?
2013-04-16 13:42:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just afraid that you'll change your mind again. It wasn't the first time...
2013-04-16 13:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. Immensely. You are sweet, darling & I look
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forward to our time together, too. :-)

2013-04-16 13:40:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... me, kissed me like that!? ;-) Sigh! I would've called the office & take the day off & focus only on you... & on those soft kisses... ;-p
2013-04-16 13:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I didn't see your DMs, darling... sent you those DMs & I left. :-( Do you really think I would've been able to leave if you hugged...
2013-04-16 13:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now... A soft, deep kiss on your throat. And a tight hug too. Missing you... I'll be thinking of you...
2013-04-16 00:44:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet sir. Slept sweetly, woke up fresh? How was the drive to the office? How goes your day?
2013-04-16 00:44:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are sweet. :-) Or just forgetful... ;-p I wish I was 25... Sigh.
2013-04-15 02:28:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes it feels like I am too old to learn so much new things, works ;-) Hugging you tight, kissing your cute nose & whoosh :-)
2013-04-15 02:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you soft kisses on playful butterfly wings to keep you fresh & smiling through the day...Miss you, darling. Hope your day goes fine.
2013-04-15 02:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Getting ready to leave for a session of environmental product tax. I need to learn it for my job. So, no office today.
2013-04-15 02:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. Good morning! :-) Yes, I'd say yes & hope you slept well too & woke up feeling fresh to a lovely morning.
2013-04-15 02:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I come back to bed to my darling. I hope you are sleeping sweetly, dreaming happily as I softly kiss your nape & hold you to me...
2013-04-14 15:27:04 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Just the thought of you, cuddled up to me... Sigh! I sneaked out of bed to eat something little, freshen up & change into my tiny PJ's :-)
2013-04-14 15:26:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I will take pictures of my plants. Nothing interesting, greenstuff, but I love to have plants around me. :-)
2013-04-14 15:26:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that would be one reason... Now you know it. And no, not because of the money lost, but because I'd be deeply disappointed.
2013-04-14 15:25:47 (EDT)

dgdreamin new week. May yours be filled with unexpected delights! Hugs! And a :)
2013-04-14 13:21:45 (EDT)

dgdreamin I just saw this, sorry. Some of my notifications don't seem to be coming through. Hope you had a good weekend, and are ready to start the
2013-04-14 13:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll now take a short nap. Feeling sleepy. Wish you were here...Soft kisses down your spine, darling. Please do come & cuddle up to me...
2013-04-14 11:23:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly. So, if you don't want me to talk to you anymore, then all you have to do is to withdraw the trip after I booked the tickets.
2013-04-14 11:23:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very very much. I wish it was June instead... Smile, you could come here in summer. No, seriously!
2013-04-14 11:22:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know in Nov., I said I wish it was already Oct., because the wait wouldn't be so long, then. :-)
2013-04-14 11:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, my weekend was ok. Nothing special, just the usual stuff. Oh! And I transplanted my plants into bigger pots. They are happy now :-)
2013-04-14 11:21:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... from behind, your chin resting on my shoulder and... sigh. Then, end the day with a long, sweet cuddle :-) My sweet darling, if only...!
2013-04-14 11:20:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... stomach :-) What about an evening walk, hand in hand, talking about the sky & clouds, then watching the sunset with you holding me...
2013-04-14 11:20:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, Happy New Year to you, too. :-) Wish we could've celebrated it together... Sigh. I don't think we could run with a full...
2013-04-14 11:19:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so that I can join you asap, snuggle up behind you and hold you close to me... :-) Oh darling, how I wish I could really do that!
2013-04-12 13:56:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I softly kiss you on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips & leave you alone for a short time to get ready for bed,
2013-04-12 13:56:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly, dreaming about running over grass with your silly lady, hand in hand, surrounded by butterflies... :-)
2013-04-12 13:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I get 23 days off, but I can't stay away for 23 days. 10 days is perfect. :-) I wish it was already October... 7 long months... Sigh!
2013-04-12 13:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I will book the tickets & I wouldn't be happy when you change your mind. That wouldn't be nice.
2013-04-12 13:54:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, sure you want to go with me on that trip & not with your dinner-date-partner? Hm? Just 'cause when I know the dates,...
2013-04-12 13:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, really? Are you sure? Whatever I please? Good. Then... Just remember your words, darling... ;-p
2013-04-12 13:53:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish that too. You here or I there, just... to be together. And
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spend a less productive, but sweet weekend together. ;-) Miss you so much!
2013-04-12 13:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the weekend should be just... relaxing. Anyway, I will have a lot of cleaning & laundry & such things to do...
2013-04-12 13:52:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am home! Finally! It seems we both had a busy, hectic week... :-) But it was productive... well, for me/us in the office, so...
2013-04-12 13:51:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just one more thing: what about the trip in November? I know, it's a long time (way too long!) till Nov., but still...
2013-04-11 14:14:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on the corners of your mouth... In case I fall asleep sitting by your side, please wrap me in your arms... Good night.
2013-04-11 14:12:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... holding your hands gently, watching you sleep with a smile. Sigh. Hope you are sleeping peacefully with tender, lovely dreams. :-)
2013-04-11 14:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I will have dinner now, freshen up & join you. But I still don't have your permission! Then, I will just sit by your side...
2013-04-11 14:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember now! Your father's annual ceremony isn't on the same day, either. But around the same time, no?
2013-04-11 14:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, then... come here darling and take your mom with you. ;-) But I am not sure she would like it here...
2013-04-11 14:11:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, you aren't that talkative about the dinner-date. :-| Was it a real date with a lovely lady or just... a friendly dinner something?
2013-04-11 14:10:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I'd so love to have you here with me, to cuddle you, hold you, kiss you. Sweetly, tenderly. Sigh! Missing you terribly!
2013-04-11 14:10:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ work. ;-) My day was very busy & glad it is over.
2013-04-11 14:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. Extremely exhausted. It would've been so wonderful to be held by you & being sweetly distracted by you...ahhm...while I tried
2013-04-11 14:09:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly with smiles as I softly kiss the centre of your chest... :-) I'll join you in a bit, if you allow me to...
2013-04-10 14:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day was long. So exhausted! I really wish I could snuggle up to you & sleep... Missing you. A lot. Really, a lot!
2013-04-10 14:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh. Ohhh! I got home to see no message from my darling dear! Sniff. Hope you are fine & had a pleasant day, darling. :-)
2013-04-10 14:11:37 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I am still a work in progress but am doing ok. Wish we could talk. I miss u very much.. hugs n kissses
2013-04-10 13:01:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding you close, kissing you softly along your jaw... and whoosh... :-)
2013-04-10 00:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you still didn't tell me about the dinner-date... Take care, darling. Hope your day goes fine... Look for my butterflies... ;-)
2013-04-10 00:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I have to run now. Leaving for the office. Oh, btw, always darling, always... your silly lady is always sweet... ;-p
2013-04-10 00:51:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know it & will keep it in mind. A lovely hello to your mom. I hope she enjoyed her trip! Seems like your family likes to travel... :-)
2013-04-10 00:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? What was good & what not that pleasant? I don't remember you telling me about your grandfather's annual ceremony...
2013-04-10 00:51:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear! Hope you know that the second I feel you next to me, your kiss, I'll pull you to me and not let you go... ;-)
2013-04-10 00:50:49 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. I dont do twitter any more. I miss you so much..
2013-04-09 16:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your temples & a tight warm hug too. I will come to sit by your side, soon... I really miss you...
2013-04-09 13:18:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So I suppose you are already in bed. Or maybe I am wrong & you are still away...Anyway, good night darling. Sleep sweetly with lovely dreams
2013-04-09 13:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's late there & you have to get up early because tomorrow is new moon (hope this time I am right)...
2013-04-09 13:15:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I not only meant text messages, but DMs too. Missing you, darling...
2013-04-09 12:47:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you back home? How was the dinner-date? Wait! You mean a date date, as in a real date with a lady? Yes? No? Sigh. :-|
2013-04-09 12:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. My day was quite tiring too. But it was ok, did some good work. :-) Wow, a dinner date with your ex-client? How come?
2013-04-09 12:46:37 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one.. im doing ok. I miss you. Hope you are well. Hugs
2013-04-08 22:44:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you a lot. My sweet I wish this pillow I am cuddling with was you! Sigh. Hope you are sleeping in soft, smiling dreams...
2013-04-08 17:21:54 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You aren't that generous with messages. ;-p Hope all is well, darling. I go back to sleep now, thinking of you...
2013-04-08 17:21:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your reply to my message today was sweet. Thank you for making me smile. :-) And then, I just waited... and the smile faded... a bit...
2013-04-08 17:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Barely awake, just up for the bathroom & felt I had to write you for a second... :-)
2013-04-08 17:20:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet-scented dreams... :-) I will join you very soon & curl into you, but only if you allow me to...
2013-04-08 12:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a good day. Mine was tiring, but ok. Good night for now... Sleep soundly. May pink winged butterflies bring you...
2013-04-08 12:28:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I am home! I rush to you on your way to bed, hugging you tight from behind & kissing your nape... :-) Missing you.
2013-04-08 12:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your dreams are sweet & you wake up fresh to a beautiful morning. :-) Flowery hugs & sweet lil' kisses for my darling sir...
2013-04-07 16:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting by your side, watching you sleep peacefully... Afraid to come closer & cuddle up to you because I didn't get your permission...
2013-04-07 16:41:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. :-) About your lady being so silly... Good night. And if you would like me to, I will join you shortly...
2013-04-07 12:25:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you really do, thank you... :-) Good night, darling. Sleep soundly. Dream sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your eyelids...
2013-04-07 12:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you angry now? I am sorry, will let you know when my skype is working. Ok?
2013-04-07 12:21:27 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. You know that?

2013-04-07 12:08:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, really? I thought you were running through the city. ;-p I wish I was there to put you to bed and cradle you to sleep...
2013-04-07 12:08:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you?

2013-04-07 11:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I will install skype, but not now. I forgot the password, too. Maybe I should give you when I have it back. ;-)
2013-04-07 11:40:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, sure sure... it was hiding in the long list of ladies... All alone, abandoned. Sniff. :-p
2013-04-07 11:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have no skype on my laptop. :-( And I also need my ID. You can see it, right? Can you please tell me?
2013-04-07 11:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those pictures... :-) And I miss your pictures in the office or freshly showered & pics of your dinner, too :-) But what I miss most is You!
2013-04-07 11:27:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I returned to Hungary? It was so sweet to see you... and also a so sad 'cause you were thousands of miles away...
2013-04-07 11:26:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. That's true. And I am sorry for being so silly, but... this haven't changed. Do you remember chatting on skype after...
2013-04-07 11:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from a short nap. Well, an hour ago. Blush. Well, because I don't work from home & when I get home, you usually are in bed... Sigh.
2013-04-07 11:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that I am glad to have a day or two when I can relax and do nothing special. Like today. It was a lazy day & just got up...
2013-04-07 11:24:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Why? Because are you bored then or just it feels like you waste time if you do nothing? My days are so busy during the week,
2013-04-07 11:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah please... have mercy on me! It was maybe badly expressed & then you confused me so that I didn't know anymore what I meant. :-p
2013-04-07 11:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant always with another lady, as in, with a different lady each time. Well, with different ladies...But I am sure you knew what I meant!
2013-04-07 10:41:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Re-read my DM, darling. Always a different woman. God! You can't behave yourself even in my dreams! ;-p
2013-04-07 10:28:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Soft butterfly kisses on your palms, around your wrists, spiraling their way slowly up your arms...
2013-04-07 04:01:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I sat with your sister & nephew & they tried to convince me to talk to you 'cause I was angry & didn't want to talk to you :-D
2013-04-07 04:00:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw! I dreamt of you. But it wasn't a pleasant dream. I saw short videos of your trips... and you were always with another lady!
2013-04-07 04:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or you, me. To the beach maybe? Or somewhere nice & lovely? Or maybe stay indoors, cooking, playing, spending a sweet Sunday together...Sigh
2013-04-07 04:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Hope you are resting a little & doing some light stuff... I wish I could come over & take you somewhere...
2013-04-07 03:57:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's cold here, grey & rainy. I miss the Spring. The smell & feel of it. And the Sun! Oh, of course - my dear darling sir too! :-)
2013-04-07 03:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My yesterday was ok. Woke up late, did my Sat. food shopping,
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cleaning, laundry & the like. Went to bed early.

2013-04-07 03:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor butterflies... Poor me. I try to be sweet to you & make you smile with a sigh but you... You are so... hmm... meanie! Sniff.
2013-04-07 03:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I was hoping to have you around on the weekend, but you are always busy with something. If not a trip, then work...
2013-04-07 03:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here... Sigh. Soft kisses down your back, darling. If you ask me nicely, I might even give you a long, lazy scratch... ;-)
2013-04-06 09:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your response to my DM downpour was... hmmm... how to say... quite poor! ;-p But it was sweet & am happy you DM-ed me at all :-)
2013-04-06 09:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How's your weekend? Where have you been yesterday? Hmm... are you on a trip again?
2013-04-06 09:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you to stay alive... to keep flapping their wings. And some of them you will always have around you... ;-)
2013-04-06 09:32:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hey, that's not funny. I meant it seriously. My butterflies are irreplaceable! But... they only exist because of you. So, they need...
2013-04-06 09:30:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I love the thought of waking up to your kiss, to the feel of you... wrapped around me. Sigh! Miss you, darling.
2013-04-06 09:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... darling & your day was a pleasant one. And I hope you are sleeping soundly with the sweetest dreams. I'll join you in a bit... :-)
2013-04-05 13:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late there, so I suppose you've gone to bed. I am sorry I missed you...again. :-( But as I see, you weren't around... I hope all's well
2013-04-05 13:41:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My darling sir, I hug you to me & sweetly rub my nose against yours... :-) Yes, I am home. Missing you...
2013-04-05 13:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for the DM downpour... I wish each letter could turn into soft kisses & hugs and cover you from head to toe... ;-) Miss you!!!
2013-04-04 15:29:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your sleep is sweet, darling. And that you wake up fresh & with a smile, thinking of the white towel... and our morning cuddles... ;-)
2013-04-04 15:24:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to hear your snoring again... No, honestly. I do miss it. Just as I miss everything about you. And snoring means you are there...
2013-04-04 15:24:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as your flowery lady cuddles up to you, kisses your chin & wraps you in her sweet, warm embrace... :-) God! If only...
2013-04-04 15:21:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think I will brush my teeth now & join you... quietly, softly so that I don't disturb your sleep, but hopefully you will feel...
2013-04-04 15:21:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I already gave you my new number. Anyway... you have it now.
2013-04-04 15:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You got my message but I was just staring at my phone, I even took it with me to the restroom :-D but got no message from you! :-(
2013-04-04 15:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was already November. 7 months... Sigh.

2013-04-04 15:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please. The dates & if you can, all the costs too - travel to R., hotel, etc.
2013-04-04 15:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds beautiful! You have no clue how happy I am now! Your silly lady is beaming. :-) I love fairs but I think I'd skip the camel ride :-D
2013-04-04 15:17:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you, too. More than anything else. So, a flight to Delhi & then a trip together to Rajasthan?
2013-04-04 15:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, and what about last year around late summer & autumn? Hm? You did leave me behind... You know what I mean... :-(
2013-04-04 15:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wasn't sad, 'cause as I told you, I knew you'll return... home to me. :-) Even if it was just a hotel room, but still...
2013-04-04 15:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That was so sweet, darling. It felt so dear to see you drive off, standing at the window & wave to you & see you waving back.
2013-04-04 15:14:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... into your thoughts, made you write those tweets. Yes, yes. It happened exactly like this. ;-p
2013-04-04 15:11:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But hope you know, those tweets were written with the influence of MY butterflies! They whispered into your ears, sneaked...
2013-04-04 15:11:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And maybe you don't get chatty but sure you are DM-ing with some people. Anyway, be happy your steamy series got such attention.
2013-04-04 15:09:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, everyone reads your tweets, darling. Believe me. At least everyone who follows you. No matter what you write, it's always beautiful!
2013-04-04 15:08:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I decided to clean up a little, have dinner, freshen up & get ready for bed and now, I am here, writing to you before joining you... :-)
2013-04-04 15:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were already in bed when I got home. It was about 23 hrs, your time. I am so sorry! I miss you so much & I miss our chats. Sniff.
2013-04-04 15:06:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I tried to rush home before your bedtime so that we can chat a little & give you a sweet good night kiss, but...
2013-04-04 15:06:18 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I come now, darling. Kissing your shoulder as I snuggle up behind you, hugging sweetly sleeping you to me... :-) See you in dreams...
2013-04-03 16:07:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I softly kiss the corners of your smile... Sleep, my dear. Sweetly, softly with tender dreams. I will come asap!
2013-04-03 14:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...flowery smell of your silly lady (which I hope you still remember), who is hugging you close to her... :-)
2013-04-03 14:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have dinner now, freshen up a little & join you. So, if a sweet scent envelopes you in your sleep, know that it's the fresh...
2013-04-03 14:23:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I wish the same every night... & secretly hope when I wake up, you will be in my arms instead of the pillow... Sigh.
2013-04-03 14:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you sure you want me to come? Then, just tell me when & where & I'll be there. A trip with you... Sounds wonderful! :-)
2013-04-03 14:22:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...waiting for you to return! But the wait was sweet, 'cause I knew you'll return. I miss you, darling. Can't help it. I miss you immensely.
2013-04-03 14:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still remember everything... Sigh. Do you also remember waving to you from the window? You have no idea how much I was...
2013-04-03 14:20:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too, darling. Felt so dear watching the sunset in your arms... The sun went down on the right side, coloring the sky pink & orange :-)
2013-04-03 14:19:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so, sure all the ladies who read them got dreamy... ;-) Don't tell me you unexpected such attention. You did! ;-p
2013-04-03 14:12:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, did I tell you that you are adorable? No? Gosh, how could
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I forget to tell you! Well, darling, your tweets were quite sensual...
2013-04-03 14:10:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. I am sooo tired! But did a lot of good work today. :-) How are you, darling? How was your day? Is everything alright?
2013-04-03 14:09:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just stopped by to :-) at you & blow you a kiss as I rush to get ready for bed. Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling. I'll come soon...
2013-04-02 14:10:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you soon. Till then, a soft kiss on your temples, a gentle touch of my fingers along your shoulders, arms... and a lovely :-)
2013-04-02 13:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I was there now! All I want now is to curl into you, listen to your deep breaths (well, light snoring :-p) & sleep. Oh dear...!
2013-04-02 13:58:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what about November? And why November? Darling, please do tell me.
2013-04-02 13:58:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still didn't tell me why did you ask if I read your tweets. Those tweets... They were beautiful, softly sizzling... Sigh.
2013-04-02 13:58:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... had no time, or didn't feel like writing to me. Never mind. I hope you had a pleasant day with some good work & discussions or so :-)
2013-04-02 13:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I just got home. Today was long & very busy. Missing you. I was hoping to get home to your DM, but seems like the sweet sir
2013-04-02 13:57:28 (EDT)

atonedfor Oh of course, i couldn't resist ;). I'm well thank you. I hope you're having a lovely day so far ?
2013-04-02 04:45:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...hold you to me...Hope your sleep is sweet my darling & that you wake up fresh & smiling, knowing you were held by me through the
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2013-04-01 15:47:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I kiss you softly on your neck & whisper sweet words in your ear to make you :-) in your sleep as I wrap you in my arms & hold...
2013-04-01 15:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... who asked me on a date, but... The problem is that they were not You. Sigh.
2013-04-01 14:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I am not only not interested in any man in Hungary, but not interested in any man at all - except you. Yes, there were some...
2013-04-01 14:32:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One more kiss & a lovely cuddle... Sleep now, darling. Good night.
2013-04-01 12:35:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oooh, most happily, darling. Soon, very soon... fresh & flowery in my tiny PJ's (just because I don't have any other ;-p )
2013-04-01 12:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, only if you want me to join you... A soft kiss on your eyes, darling. I really do miss you so...
2013-04-01 12:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe... crazy too. :-) Good night, darling. Sleep soundly with happy dreams. And please, leave enough space next to you...
2013-04-01 12:27:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And that I miss my dear darling sir. A lot! Sigh.

2013-04-01 12:18:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And that I am the sweetest, loveliest, most patient, most forgiving shy clumsy silly lady ever... Oh and the most modest too! :-p
2013-04-01 12:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? Well, for example... ;-)

2013-04-01 12:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! Nothing, darling, nothing. You already know what you should, so... ;-)
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2013-04-01 11:55:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you! Hmm, this & that. :-p You know many things about me, darling & you know how I am... :-)
2013-04-01 11:35:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home? I think yes, so... a tight welcome home hug & a happy kiss for you, darling. And a nose rub too :-)
2013-04-01 10:49:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's true, but still... You should know me by now... ;-)
2013-04-01 10:46:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still would love to. :-) How could you even think that I don't want to anymore? God, how!?
2013-04-01 09:26:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... lovely for a short walk and watch the sunset with you... :-)
2013-04-01 09:03:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care, darling. Hope you have a pleasant trip home. Smile, I wish I could drive you home in my shiny car. And stop somewhere...
2013-04-01 09:03:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why the hmmm? Hm? Why in Nov.? Darling, you know well how much I wanted to come, but you didn't want me to... Sniff.
2013-04-01 09:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Still at the client's location? Shiny yes, but sadly it didn't turn into a nice car. :-) Yes, I'd love to & hope to get there someday.
2013-04-01 08:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. My car is clean & nice now. Where are you? Done with work for the day? Miss you, darling. I miss you, Anand. A lot.
2013-04-01 08:36:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...wherever you desire them. ;-) Btw, why did you ask if I read them? Somehow, I wish I didn't...Oh, those butterflies! They feel Spring ;-)
2013-04-01 06:58:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out for a bit. Will be back soon. It is sunny today, so I decided to take my car to the car wash. Till then, soft playful kisses...
2013-04-01 06:57:50 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Mmmh, as if you were writing about my dreams, daydreams... As if you were there, watching my dream... Reading my mind's, heart's wish...Sigh
2013-04-01 06:42:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, first I've read bedroom inst. of boredom. :-) Well darling, I plan nothing but if I was there, I assure you, you wouldn't be bored ;-p
2013-04-01 06:42:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. I got to read them. (I still read you, btw. Every day) And was wondering who inspired those tweets... Sigh.
2013-04-01 06:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hectic isn't that nice, but I am glad all is fine. And you are always busy, so... ;-)
2013-04-01 06:02:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Funny, but as my mom is getting older, she is getting cooler. :-) Siemens, right? Gosh, they should send you to Germany!
2013-04-01 06:02:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but not on 27th & on 28th just a smile... :-( I didn't see your DM on Friday. I went to the office, then home, then I left again.
2013-04-01 06:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you so much! :-( Soft, slow kisses along your jaw, down your neck...
2013-04-01 05:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my sweetest? How is your day? Today is a holiday here, so no work, no office. I wish you were here.
2013-04-01 05:12:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then your kiss, the feel of your lips on my belly button... Oh, I would melt like butter & wouldn't want to get out of bed... ;-)
2013-04-01 05:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my health is back to normal. Your lady's fresh & lovelyflowery as ever ;-) Darling...just the thought of waking up in your arms...Sigh
2013-04-01 05:11:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I thought you didn't want to talk to me :-( so...I didn't DM you. I drove to my mom on Friday eve & got back home yest. late in the evening.
2013-04-01 05:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... No fever, no forgetting about my sweet darling. How could I??? You just didn't write me, then I got a :-) & then nothing...
2013-04-01 05:10:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, how lovely that you looked at my pics...that made me smile! :-) I don't remember the view from above one...
2013-03-31 18:42:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lost in work and travel, eh? Well, the traveling sounds fun, at least. The kids are plugging along; lily just got over being sick.
2013-03-31 18:41:02 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Thank You. Likewise. Haha. Noo. He is a big boy. He gets to buy his lunches now.
2013-03-31 10:29:23 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Perfect thank you.

2013-03-31 09:39:01 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aah! No wonder.

2013-03-31 09:37:59 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aw! That's real nice of you. Life is good. Busy with studies. How have you been?
2013-03-31 09:37:48 (EDT)

soHbet_ you are such a catch to my lassoing fire of an ego. thank you for averting my midlife crisis. i'll wait for the nazm
2013-03-30 15:51:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I love the matte gold! I wonder if I could braid like that.....
2013-03-30 13:53:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire out the link right now!

2013-03-30 13:18:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::smile:: How have you been, A? Fill me in on what you've been doing. Hope you are well, and mom and gram, too! Missed you too. I
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will check
2013-03-30 13:18:23 (EDT)

soHbet_ your turn to pick (as long as you pick the one i like ;)
2013-03-29 13:46:35 (EDT)

soHbet_ you think so? thank you, you made my day. i thought, i look wrinkled and haggard and plump. allzwell. how about you? we need new ghalib
2013-03-29 13:46:07 (EDT)

ruptureschism I posted pictures a day or two ago. He is sweet but a real handful... still a puppy. He teaches me much.
2013-03-28 23:14:27 (EDT)

ruptureschism I thought i did. I really am good. I am taking care of a dog for the next two weeks. He is a black lab mix with boxer i think.
2013-03-28 23:13:19 (EDT)

ruptureschism I just hope you are ok.

2013-03-28 23:09:42 (EDT)

ruptureschism How is your knee? Did you ever get that ring off your finger. I always worry that you might get an infection in that finger.
2013-03-28 23:09:38 (EDT)

ruptureschism no. I am in Texas. I was just thinking of my time there. No worries. Sending you a smile. I hope you are taking care of yourself.
2013-03-28 23:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sit by your side, holding your hand gently... watching over you as you sleep. I... just would love to be by your side, darling...
2013-03-28 14:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your eyes, darling. If you would like me to, I will join you shortly & snuggle up to you... or if you prefer, I could...
2013-03-28 13:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A smile, just a smile... Sigh. Missing you, sweet darling. I miss you. :-( Hope you had a good day & you are in bed now, sleeping sweetly...
2013-03-28 13:59:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling! Hope you are sleeping soundly with sweet
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smiles & butterfly sighs. Yes, I join you now. Kiss your nape & hold you to me..
2013-03-27 16:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep beautifully. And hold me close. Please. In your dreams... I wish to feel your skin on mine... your warmth... You.
2013-03-26 16:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I don't mind... in the worst case I'll fall asleep on your chest. ;-) Darling! If only... Sigh!
2013-03-26 16:36:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... don't disturb your sleep. Wait! No blanket in bed? Smile, will take a while to kiss you where the blanket doesn't cover... :-p
2013-03-26 16:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I think I join you now (if you'd like me to...) But you are asleep, so...I'll simply do it. Quietly, softly, carefully so that I...
2013-03-26 16:34:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Very much. My life is quite busy now, but still... it doesn't make me think of you or miss you or wish you were here any less!
2013-03-26 16:33:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why there and not in Germany? Why!? :-( No chance to come here? Oh, and what about a new office in Europe? No news? Nothing?
2013-03-26 16:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is it interesting? God! And you didn't tell me that you tried to come to Europe! So, are you now in Chennai? Yes? Awww, that's not fair!
2013-03-26 16:31:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad that everything is fine with you... around you & that you are finally out of the project! Great! Tell me, do you like the new one?
2013-03-26 16:30:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... up a little and to get ready to join you, to cuddle up to my sweet, sleeping, snoring darling sir. :-)
2013-03-26 16:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you were asleep when I got home. Kissed you softly & left you alone...but only for a short while, to have dinner, freshen up...
2013-03-26 16:29:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I think of you a lot, darling...

2013-03-25 16:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... where the blanket doesn't cover & wrap you in my arms, softly, tenderly... :-) Just to hold you... & to be held by you... Sigh!
2013-03-25 16:50:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, hope you are sleeping soundly as I come to join you (of course, only if you allow me...) and leave lil' sweet kisses everywhere,
2013-03-25 16:49:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you? Is everything alright? How is work, darling? I miss sharing our days like we did... I miss you, darling. A lot :-(
2013-03-25 16:49:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I'd pretend to still be sick... very very sick, so you'd be around me all the time. ;-)
2013-03-25 16:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it doesn't mean that I don't wish to have you here with me! I do. More than anything else... And you know that.
2013-03-25 16:47:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...long hours at work mean. Sigh. As you see, I am back to work, so...I feel a lot better, just still coughing & it's getting better too :-)
2013-03-25 16:47:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I got home very late. It's snowing here, the drive home was horrible & long. And the day busy & long. Now I know what does...
2013-03-25 16:47:08 (EDT)

atonedfor I've missed you, I hope you are well? We've just started holidays, so things are a little quieter. I'll send mail tomorrow :) Much love x
2013-03-24 15:23:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you wake up & read this, please do come & cuddle your silly lady awake before you leave for work... Wishing you a happy, sunny Monday!
2013-03-24 14:55:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ When I come & kiss you softly on your forehead, snuggle up behind you, holding you tenderly to me... My darling, I miss you. So, so much!
2013-03-24 14:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Sure!? If yes, most happily! :-) Very soon. Hope you are sleeping sweetly, dreaming beautifully & you will feel when I join you...
2013-03-24 14:49:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've loved to hold you & cradle sweet tired you to sleep while humming a soft lullaby, watching you as you sink into sleep with a :-)
2013-03-24 14:48:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Darling, please...weekends are for resting, relaxing, getting ready for the next week. You should slow down a little. Every now & then
2013-03-24 14:47:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is my new number: +3630 723 0050 The other one exists too, but I don't use it. Or just rarely.
2013-03-24 14:45:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! I totally forgot to tell you that I got a new number. Anyway... you are sweet, darling & thank you. Will check my text msg. :-)
2013-03-24 14:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... it got worse. Still coughing, but all is fine now. :-) No, no! Do you think I would simply leave without letting you know? No way!
2013-03-24 14:44:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. It was very bad. I never thought the flu can be this bad. And I was silly. I went back to work when I felt a lil' bit better & then
2013-03-24 14:43:38 (EDT)

ruptureschism Oh Michelle Williams. I really think she is a brilliant actress... very very talented.
2013-03-24 12:41:53 (EDT)

ruptureschism I do not even know who is playing her. I will google. yes still in the deer house. Have you been able to see your nephew recently?
2013-03-24 12:29:34 (EDT)

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ruptureschism I always hope you and your mom and nephew are doing well.
2013-03-24 10:34:05 (EDT)

ruptureschism Which Oz movie? The new one or old? I have not seen the new one yet. Is it already in India? I missed you too.
2013-03-24 10:33:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a sweet, relaxing Sunday afternoon. Open your window, so my butterflies can fly into your room & cover you in sweet lil' kisses... ;-)
2013-03-24 07:05:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really do miss you so! It's been too long... way too long, darling... And no, the memories do not fade...
2013-03-24 07:04:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do tell me about your trip & show me some pictures. Of course, if you feel like to...
2013-03-24 07:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A late but lovely smiling welcome back home hug for you, my dear. And a long look into your eyes & a soft kiss, too.
2013-03-24 07:03:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, sweetest? How was your trip? Oh, I would've so loved to come with you! Your next trip should be to Europe! ;-) Seriously!
2013-03-24 07:03:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I miss you, too. More than you think I do. Had a very bad flu that put me in bed & just wouldn't go away. It's a lot better now.
2013-03-24 07:03:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Hello Happiness! we might make time soon to chat...we're missing you as well!
2013-03-17 12:58:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please know that I'll be thinking of you. I wish you could feel it when I think of you...Sigh. A downpour of sweet kisses & soft hugs...
2013-03-10 04:26:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hope you enjoy your time, the surroundings and everything. :-) Please do write me whenever you can.
2013-03-10 04:25:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you so much, darling! Not only reading your words but you- in person, from head to toe! Your smile, your snoring, your... socks! :-)
2013-03-10 04:25:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you like it there? Did my butterflies find you? I so wish I could be there with you & spend a beautiful, joyous time together. Sigh.
2013-03-10 04:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! You are alive! ;-) But can you tell me where you are? How was your trip? What does remote location exactly mean? Is it nice there?
2013-03-10 04:23:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... kisses on your eyelids & forehead and... just watch you... :-) Sweet dreams, my darling dear. And know that I think of you constantly.
2013-03-07 13:53:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... put your head on my lap in your sleep & :-) knowing it's me next to you... I'll then wrap my arms around you & leave butterfly...
2013-03-07 13:53:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hope you are sleeping soundly, snoring softly... :-) I will come to sit by your side soon. It would be so sweet if you'd...
2013-03-07 13:52:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I miss you. Sniff! I hope you are fine & you enjoy your trip. Sigh, I would so love to be there with you!
2013-03-07 13:52:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still no message from you... Sweet darling, where are you? How are you? Is everything alright? Have you reached? Please do let me know...
2013-03-07 13:51:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I remember and miss everything about you. Every little thing. Sigh. So very much! Again- take good care of yourself! And think of me...
2013-03-06 14:05:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I still remember the feel of your arms around me, your soft warm lips, the smoothness of your skin, the smell of you...
2013-03-06 14:04:45 (EST)

2075 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I hug you close to me & kiss you softly... Will hold you through the night darling. Well... if you allow me to...
2013-03-06 14:04:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And with this, I wish you good night. It's very late there, so, I hope wherever you are, you are sleeping well now with the sweetest dreams.
2013-03-06 14:03:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your journey is/was smooth & pleasant. Take care, my dearest. I will be thinking of you & you butterflies are with you... :-)
2013-03-06 14:03:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you loads, darling. Sniff. Where are you now? Where are you traveling to? Please do let me know when you reach your destination.
2013-03-06 14:02:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, have you already left??? Not tomorrow? Silly me! Oh darling, I am so sorry! :-( God, how I wish I could have come with you!
2013-03-06 14:02:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You might not even notice that I am by your side... but I will be there... :-)
2013-03-05 11:38:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly, darling & that I didn't disturb your sleep. And hope you left me some space next to you... I'll come soon...
2013-03-05 11:38:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just got home. Dropping everything & rushing to cuddle you, softly kissing you a sweet good night. I miss you, too. So so so very much!
2013-03-05 11:37:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aww, gosh! I was so hoping it'd be comfy enough to get some sleep. Anyway... I am glad you are back. Welcome home, darling! :-)
2013-03-05 11:37:20 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I'm back Please come back to chat

2013-03-05 09:53:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ And when you wake up, smile & know that I fell asleep thinking of you, hugging my Anand-pillow... Please come & hug me awake in the morning.
2013-03-04 14:38:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope the train is comfortable enough, darling & you are sleeping soundly & you :-) as I hug you gently to me & softly kiss your eyes...
2013-03-04 14:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am so tired, can't get my thoughts together. Will have dinner now, freshen up a little and join you in your sleep...
2013-03-04 14:24:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your mom? Your cute nephew, your grandmother? Hope everyone is healthy, happy and fine.
2013-03-04 14:23:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, yes, this was her first visit. It was short & ok & am glad she's gone. She speaks & asks too much! :-) Kelvin is fine, thank you.
2013-03-04 14:22:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just the thought of it... Now imagine a string of long deep sighs... :-) I miss our time together. Everything about it!
2013-03-04 14:21:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish that too. I would so love to come with you! Or yes, on any other one... Anywhere. :-) Darling, that would be wonderful!
2013-03-04 14:19:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Another trip to the mountains? I thought once a year... Well, it's a new year, but the year has just started...
2013-03-04 14:17:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I couldn't do this! To travel this much! I hope your today was better & have a pleasant trip & you reach home safely!
2013-03-04 14:17:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it would be so lovely to wake up to you playing with my hair. I'd pretend to still be asleep, trying to hide my smile... ;-)
2013-03-04 14:16:05 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Then had a really busy day & just got home. So tired! I so wish you were here to cuddle up to... Sigh! Miss you!
2013-03-04 14:13:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I couldn't DM you earlier 'cause I was too slow getting ready in the morning & then had to rush to work.
2013-03-04 14:13:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will come to sit by your side soon... caressing you, whispering soft words to your dreams to be sweet. Darling... Sigh. I am with you.
2013-03-03 12:07:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mine was tiring & not really done for the day yet. Hmm, well, then... Holding you tight & kissing you a tender restful good night. :-)
2013-03-03 12:05:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Was hoping you'd be around & we'd get to chat a little, but... Missing you. Hope you had a pleasant day, darling.
2013-03-03 12:03:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling sir... :-) Hugging you back & softly kissing your ears, swaying slowly together... Sigh. I so miss the feel of you!
2013-03-03 06:26:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think of you a lot. Still falling asleep hugging my pillow, wishing it was you... Nothing has changed, just that I am much busier now...
2013-03-03 06:25:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... afternoon, evening together. Or I there, to go for a sweet slow walk when the sessions are over for the day. Darling! Sigh.
2013-03-03 06:24:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My mom is here, she came yesterday morning & will take her to the train station soon. I wish you were here to spend a lovely...
2013-03-03 06:24:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet sir? How goes the conference? Yes, I am free, but no time to rest. Weekends are so short & there's so much to do!
2013-03-03 06:24:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, darling. A lot lot lot! Seems like you spend more time away than at home... I wish work would take you to Europe, too!
2013-03-03 06:23:31 (EST)
2078 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Darling, please come when you wake up & make yourself comfy on my bed. Don't worry, there's a lot of space next to me, just.. be by my side.
2013-03-01 15:15:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly with the sweetest dreams & wake up to a beautiful, sunshine-scented morning.
2013-03-01 15:14:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, sweet darling. :-( Got home very late. I am really, really exhausted. All I wish now is to cuddle up to you and sleep. Sigh.
2013-03-01 15:14:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Getting ready for work now. Hope your day is cheerful & not too tiring. Miss you, darling. I hug you close, kiss your cute nose & whoosh :-)
2013-03-01 00:33:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The first day of Spring... it's still chilly in the morning but more & more lil' birds greet the day with their sweet songs. Nice.
2013-03-01 00:32:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A fresh flowery good morning cuddle for you, darling. Did you sleep well? Hope you did & woke up with a :-) & had a smooth drive to work.
2013-03-01 00:32:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you left me enough space to come & sit by your side... or cheating a little & snuggle up behind you & hug you gently...
2013-02-28 11:53:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on your eyes for sweet dreams. Hope you are sleeping soundly & wake up to a fresh, happy Friday! :-) morning.
2013-02-28 11:52:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like I missed you & you are already in bed/asleep. Then... good night, my dear darling sir. A soft butterfly kiss...
2013-02-28 11:52:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Very very much.

2013-02-28 11:22:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The hotel room...You. Us. Sigh! I was so silly! I didn't take pics of
2079 / 4823

our room, of you...sleeping. Or in the morning with disheveled hair!

2013-02-28 11:21:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And 1-1 & a half hrs to the office & back. The silly lovely is a hard working business woman now. Sounds strange... and it is strange. Hm.
2013-02-28 11:20:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you? All is well? Been thinking of you, sweet darling... No crazy hours. Normal hours, from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon.
2013-02-28 11:20:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good & tiring sounds ok, after all, you weren't on holiday. ;-) I am ok, tired but smiling... now, after reading your DMs. :-)
2013-02-28 11:19:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling! :-) A tight, long welcome back home hug & a soft kiss too! Being woken up by you is the loveliest thing in a long time. Thank you!
2013-02-28 11:19:21 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala A beautiful timeline you painted Anand... Well worth the wait.
2013-02-28 10:23:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling dear. And a great, fresh, cheerful tomorrow. My butterflies are still there... with you, just look around... ;-)
2013-02-26 13:48:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, a soft kiss on your eyes. I will come to sit by your side soon, curl my fingers around yours & watch you sleep...
2013-02-26 13:48:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think of you a lot, darling... Mornings, evenings & in between. Hope you are sleeping soundly now, floating in beautiful dreams... :-)
2013-02-26 13:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When will you be back home? How are you, how do the interviews go? How's your hotel room? Sigh, do you remember...?
2013-02-26 13:44:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I didn't know that you are away. You travel a lot... when will work take you near me? Hm? Missing you, darling.
2013-02-26 13:43:57 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I love you.....

2080 / 4823

2013-02-25 12:07:41 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala just how much.....

2013-02-25 12:07:30 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I am sure I have....

2013-02-25 12:07:04 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Have I told you today....

2013-02-25 12:06:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A lot! Please do come & hug sleeping me to you before you leave for work...
2013-02-25 11:54:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep with soft smiles, darling & know that I sit by your side with my head resting on your shoulder, holding your hand... Good night.
2013-02-25 11:53:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a good day & a good start into the week & are already curled up under the covers for a lovely, restful night's sleep. :-)
2013-02-25 11:52:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, where are you? I just got home, feeling very tired. Now, a nice bubble bath, light dinner and You... and I'd be in heaven!
2013-02-25 11:51:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling. May you wake up feeling fresh as daisies... :-) I miss you. Please be by my side...
2013-02-24 16:59:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I softly kiss your forehead & hug you to me, whispering sweet words in your ear to make you smile in your sleep...
2013-02-24 16:59:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, darling. But there must be a way & we could try to find that way...together. It may be not that easy, but it can be realistic.
2013-02-24 16:58:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ About the calendar... I don't know how could this happen! Somehow, I forgot to change it to 2013. Silly me was blushing like a tomato :-)
2013-02-24 16:58:33 (EST)
2081 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Btw, I don't mind mosquitoes. For some reason, they don't like me, my blood. So, you would've got my mosquitoes, too. :-p
2013-02-24 16:50:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How can you say that!? I'd never regret to be with you. No matter when, where, what and how!
2013-02-24 16:49:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would've so loved to go on a walk with you! It would've been very lovely & we would've had some fun together & sweet silly smiles...
2013-02-24 16:49:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, I see. Not the whole wedding, just the reception thing. But at least, Nabokov kept you company, so... ;-)
2013-02-24 16:48:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry I couldn't write earlier. My little sister came with her boyfriend this morning & they left pretty late.
2013-02-24 16:47:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... thank you for coming this morning. I smiled with my eyes still closed, reached for your fingers & kissed your palm...
2013-02-24 16:46:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I go to bed now. Hope you are sleeping like a stone with happy dreams, darling ;-) I'll expect you by my side when I wake up. Please do come
2013-02-23 15:45:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! How I miss you!

2013-02-23 12:21:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, what if I simply come & wrap you in my arms? May I? Just please don't scream! Good night, my sweet darling sir. Beautiful dreams.
2013-02-23 12:18:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should've checked my DMs a bit earlier... now it's very late there & I think you are already in bed or asleep.
2013-02-23 12:17:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. A lot, lot, lot! You are so great at fixing issues, would
2082 / 4823

you please try to fix our issues too? Together with me? Sigh.
2013-02-23 12:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Today was about cleaning, shopping, laundry & the like. Yep, seriously. 2012 calendar! Go & check it... new moon is on the 21th! :-)
2013-02-23 12:16:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My Friday was very busy & the drive home horrible. It was snowing hard & got stuck in the traffic. Wish I could work from home...
2013-02-23 12:15:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I was not there & it's over now, so... At least now you know that weddings can be boring too!
2013-02-23 12:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You mean the wedding was boring? That's not nice. Hm, if I had been there with you, I would've entertained you... ;-)
2013-02-23 12:13:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am sorry, I didn't expect any DM from you, so I didn't check it. I thought you fell silent again... Welcome back home, darling!
2013-02-23 12:12:50 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala #
2013-02-22 08:04:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand....
2013-02-22 08:03:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you?

2013-02-22 07:03:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I so wish I could be there to cuddle you awake... fresh & flowery, in a white towel... for a sweet happy smiling morning. Sigh!
2013-02-21 16:04:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When you read this, it will be morning for you, so... Good morning, darling! :-) Hope you had a restful sleep with lovely dreams.
2013-02-21 16:03:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... If a soft, gentle warmth envelopes you in your sleep, it's probably my arms, holding you... shyly, tenderly...
2013-02-21 16:02:37 (EST)
2083 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Please do leave enough space for me to come & sit beside you... or if you allow it, to wrap you in my arms. Softly, tenderly...
2013-02-21 11:30:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, it's already bedtime for you. So, wishing you a sweet night's sleep with lovely-scented dreams. Good night, sweet darling.
2013-02-21 11:29:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really hope that all is well... I rushed home hoping you are here & awake...
2013-02-21 11:29:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I left earlier & just reached home to find that you are not around. You even left my sweet cuddle untouched... Hope all's well... Miss you.
2013-02-21 11:19:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss our cuddles, too. You have no clue how very much! I miss being in your arms. The feel of you. YOU. Sigh. How was your day?
2013-02-21 09:20:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I missed to say good morning but... here's a sweet long welcome home cuddle for you, darling. At least, I hope you are home now.
2013-02-21 09:19:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Silly me! I was looking the 2012 calendar, not the 2013. But I do keep track of it, anyway... just no one told me it's 2013! :-)
2013-02-21 09:19:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow is new moon... Yes, I still keep track of it, can't help it... :-)
2013-02-20 13:45:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll come to sit by your side soon. Or...if you really want to hold me, I...I might curl into you...just for a bit... Sigh! It'd be so nice!
2013-02-20 13:43:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Hope you are sleeping soundly by now with tender dreams & you :-) in your sleep as I softly kiss your forehead...
2013-02-20 13:42:45 (EST)

2084 / 4823

_stoicOne_ First your hm then your nothing...Sure there's something. I am sorry, just got home. Was waiting a bit for your respond then left for home.
2013-02-20 13:42:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm?
2013-02-20 10:40:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did, darling, I did...

2013-02-20 09:56:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. You did what you wanted... It was not good for me. Still isn't...
2013-02-20 09:44:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, no. That's not true... not that you aren't silly- you are! But I didn't leave you behind... it was you, who left his lady behind.
2013-02-20 09:30:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly! From 8:00 in the morning to 17:00 in the afternoon.

2013-02-20 09:27:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Stressful. I don't know... I don't like to sit in the office from 8-17 hrs. Then the drive to the office & back home...
2013-02-20 09:25:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did you tell them that you are not ok with skipping you? If not, you should. Well, leading role is never as interesting as the "real" work.
2013-02-20 09:23:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Then what? I miss everything, darling. About you, us, those sweet happy times, the butterflies and all...
2013-02-20 09:19:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, yes, if others roll off, it would be fair for you to roll off, too. I don't understand why you can't... A decent project isn't bad.
2013-02-20 09:18:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Achso, then, it is just the project you don't like... But what about your "new" role. Well, not really new but still... your leading role.
2013-02-20 09:18:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You only miss this? To hear about my days? Ouch. You know, I really thought that you were different...
2085 / 4823

2013-02-20 09:03:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And they should look for someone else to work on this project? And btw, what about that new office in Europe?
2013-02-20 09:02:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know this. But where to go then? Another office or another country? And if you tell them that you are not interested either?
2013-02-20 09:02:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, people in the office aren't any better? Why a replacement? Do you want to leave? Why? And then do what?
2013-02-20 08:49:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... why you changed 360 degrees, how could you do this... And yes it hurts immensely 'cause I still feel the same & will always...
2013-02-20 08:49:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss sharing my days with you like we did... I miss you, darling. Very very much. I miss the "old" Anand, yes. And I'll never understand
2013-02-20 08:48:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lead to what?

2013-02-20 08:41:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? You could tell me how you are, about work, your days, everything... just as you did till you turned your back on me.
2013-02-20 08:35:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because you decided our ways not to meet again...

2013-02-20 08:33:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I am just a Westerner who made some mistakes in her life, but I mean what I say & do and my heart & mind aren't ever changing.
2013-02-20 07:57:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And when I feel I have enough, tip my hat & walk away whistling with some memories, smiles, sweet moments in my pockets...
2013-02-20 07:56:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, I don't let people/men into my life, close to my heart & share things with them that we shared just to collect sweet memories...
2086 / 4823

2013-02-20 07:56:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why would it be fair to be angry? So... you have nothing to say to me anymore...
2013-02-20 07:32:38 (EST)

atonedfor when infact they're not. (I'm sorry for that). Good luck with all the work. Until later :)
2013-02-19 19:49:03 (EST)

atonedfor I'm just glad you're ok - just whenever you have time :). Please don't feel bad, I have a nasty habit of assuming another is upset with me
2013-02-19 19:44:21 (EST)

atonedfor I hope I haven't upset you in any way? I hope everything is well with you too. x
2013-02-19 14:40:13 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **Kiss**
2013-02-19 11:22:00 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I know you have fun.... #

2013-02-19 11:21:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala LOL
2013-02-19 11:21:39 (EST)

2013-02-19 11:21:32 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala BRONTIDES!!!!!!
2013-02-19 11:21:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Still blushing from "unbuttoning my composure". You certainly do have a way with words, Mr! *grin*
2013-02-19 10:06:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. No, I was not angry. Never. Not for a sec. Just... kind of sad. Hope your sleep is sweet & your dreams are tender, my dear...
2013-02-18 16:13:29 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala wow
2013-02-18 11:28:34 (EST)

2087 / 4823

_stoicOne_ You apologized & fell silent again... Why are you ding this? Sigh. Anyway, I hope you had a good day. And for now, good night, sweet dreams.
2013-02-18 11:03:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am by your side now fresh & flowery, humming a sweet lullaby... :-) Hope you can hear it in your sleep & it sweetens your dreams. Darling!
2013-02-17 15:41:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I really hope that you are sleeping sweetly, soundly & my sitting by your side with your hand in mine doesn't disturb your sleep.
2013-02-17 12:10:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss everything about you, about us, about all that we shared... & this will never change, darling.
2013-02-17 12:05:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so smiled when I saw 4 (wow!) DMs in a row & a phone call which I missed- then, silence again. Sigh. If I could, I'd kick your sweet butt!
2013-02-17 11:58:53 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I'm back....

2013-02-17 11:28:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a sweet night's sleep with lovely butterflies flying through your dreams. And know, I'll come to sit by your always...
2013-02-17 11:21:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, my phone was in the bedroom, that's why it kept ringing. I am sorry. I see, it's bedtime for you, so... Good night, darling.
2013-02-17 11:20:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's good. In case you like & enjoy the work. What about the environment in the office? Is it friendlier now?
2013-02-17 11:19:48 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I will be on chat in about 10 minutes...hopinvg you will be tooo..just finishing my walk
2013-02-17 11:16:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like work still keeps you very busy but I hope you have
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some free time for yourself, too. When are you coming to visit me? Hm?
2013-02-17 10:35:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I didn't remind you of mine to make you feel bad about forgetting it. So, relax. All's fine. Except that I miss you terribly.
2013-02-17 10:29:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you missed your friends' birthday, but this is your thing, not mine... Sorry, I know it sounds rude, but...
2013-02-17 10:28:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. I am not angry & there's nothing to forgive. It was on Monday, not today, so...And it really is unimportant, just...Again, it's ok.
2013-02-17 10:27:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A bunch of butterflies should reach there soon, each one with a lil' kiss wrapped in my soft hug... Do let them in... Please.
2013-02-17 09:47:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you had a sweet Sunday and are ready for the new week. Btw, what about that new office in Europe? Look outside your window...
2013-02-17 09:46:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just remember how sweet you were last year & how I smiled waking up to your message... hearing your voice, knowing that I have you. Sigh!
2013-02-17 09:45:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You even forgot the lovely lady's birthday. Well, you don't think of her as your lady anymore and so it's not important anymore...
2013-02-17 09:44:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes I picked it because the butterflies, too... Sigh. I miss you, Anand. I still miss you the same. Nothing has changed... but you...
2013-02-17 09:44:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thought it was something unique when I stumbled upon the title & read that it contains unpublished stories, writings, his drawings, etc.
2013-02-17 09:43:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back home, darling. How was the business trip? Seems like that book was a bad choice. I am very sorry.
2013-02-17 09:43:30 (EST)
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Heidi_Ayala I would love it if you could come to chat.... the house is quiet...
2013-02-16 07:11:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am re-reading yours again... I love it & taking good care of it. It's a gift from you... a piece of my sweet sir... who's gone.. Sigh.
2013-02-15 16:23:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely weekend with sunflower smiles & sweet rest... Btw, did you finish the book? If yes, I hope you liked it.
2013-02-15 16:15:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you darling. A lot. :-( Hope you are sleeping sweetly & in your dreams, you know that I am there... sitting by your side...
2013-02-15 16:03:53 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Come back to chat

2013-02-13 08:47:01 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala ANAND
2013-02-13 08:46:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodnight, darling. Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. A lil' kiss on your forehead, a soft touch of the hand...I'll be by your side...
2013-02-12 11:27:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I've lit your last incense yesterday. I would have loved to have you here with me...
2013-02-12 11:00:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a lot of work & am in the office from 8-17 hrs. Well, I think that's normal... but new for me. Missing you very much, darling...
2013-02-12 10:37:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If not this, then what? Not really know, I am now a German speaking administrator or something like this.
2013-02-12 10:37:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are fine, darling & all is well... And I hope you are sleeping sweetly now in beautiful dreams. I am by your side... as always...
2013-02-11 12:08:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cats are fine. I am ok, just... you know, missing you a lot. Got a
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new role at work, no more working from home.

2013-02-11 12:08:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because you don't want the lovely silly lady as your lady anymore... and she still thinks of you as her sweet darling sir... Sad sigh.
2013-02-11 12:07:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Miss you #

2013-02-11 06:56:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Hope your Monday was a successful one.

2013-02-11 06:56:15 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala But I am going to say hello here.....

2013-02-11 06:55:58 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I don't know if you have DM's come to your phone in text...
2013-02-11 06:55:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am well. I was missing you, I poked and you appeared! How cool is that? ;) Anything new and exciting on your end?
2013-02-11 05:17:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 *pokes him playfully*

2013-02-10 22:27:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, she is sitting by your side every night, looking over your sleeping form... Good night, dear. Sweet dreams.
2013-02-10 11:29:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Also know that she's sending sweet silent wishes on butterfly wings to you every day - I hope you notice them when they reach you...
2013-02-10 11:27:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just please know & keep in mind that this silly lady's thinking of you, missing you constantly & she's hoping you're well & things are fine.
2013-02-10 11:25:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your silence saddens my lil' heart. But as you wish, dear darling sir - you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to.
2013-02-10 11:24:07 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala #
2091 / 4823

2013-02-09 09:47:56 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I understand that....

2013-02-09 09:47:42 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala If you need space and quiet....

2013-02-09 09:47:33 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand... I am here, but need to go soon. I would love to see you before you go...
2013-02-09 09:47:18 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Oh... by the way. I liked both versions of the poem. #

2013-02-07 10:18:11 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Take care...

2013-02-07 08:51:20 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Did the vultures come out? Were you able to see them drifting?
2013-02-07 08:46:59 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Have a wonderful night, do something to feed your soul.... go somewhere, catch the sunset.. write, paint, draw.. something..
2013-02-07 08:46:25 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand... I loved the tweet. #

2013-02-07 08:45:03 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I did sleep well... Got up early and got to take in a lovely sunrise, even though I couldn't see it come up due to the clouds...
2013-02-07 08:44:48 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Cuddling up to you... Holding you, holding me....

2013-02-06 23:28:19 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It is so exquisitely beautiful...

2013-02-06 23:27:26 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Oh Anand.....
2013-02-06 23:26:51 (EST)

beezknez and I feel like I am reborn or something lol :) truly .. Hope the rest
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of the week goes easy beezie for you much love B x :*)
2013-02-06 09:15:12 (EST)

beezknez & it is nice enough only water just well I feel so much alive lol when i visit the seaside just releases me somehow
2013-02-06 09:14:34 (EST)

beezknez Hi ;)) thankQ so rmuch you know I just Love love love the sea I so do .. I am living in the wrong place i feel well I live near the hills
2013-02-06 09:13:50 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala (((HUgs)))*
2013-02-03 11:24:39 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala The minute you said "My sweet darling Heidi"

2013-02-03 11:24:11 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Goodnight my dearest Anand...**Kiss**

2013-02-03 11:23:11 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Maybe you will dream of me...

2013-02-03 11:22:37 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I love you....

2013-02-03 11:22:25 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Sleep well...

2013-02-03 11:22:15 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I wish it were me....

2013-02-03 11:21:21 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand....
2013-02-03 11:17:56 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala ok..
2013-02-03 11:14:36 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Oh no trepidation...
2013-02-03 11:14:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Trepidation....
2013-02-03 11:14:08 (EST)

2093 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala and while you search for ways to show me who you are so I wont love you as hard...
2013-02-03 11:13:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You....
2013-02-03 11:11:11 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Not what you want to hear...

2013-02-03 11:10:07 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala When you show me your flaws... I love you all the more...
2013-02-03 11:09:44 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Please...
2013-02-03 11:09:18 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Don't be frightened Anand....

2013-02-03 11:09:12 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You want me to absolve you from my love?

2013-02-03 11:08:56 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala The overall feeling of the dream was one of joy and happiness
2013-02-03 11:07:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I love and accept who you have shown yourself to be to me....
2013-02-03 11:07:03 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Inside me...

2013-02-03 11:06:33 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You are right beside me....

2013-02-03 11:06:23 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You are not on a pedestal above me

2013-02-03 11:06:09 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I do hold you in high esteem....

2013-02-03 11:05:41 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You have shown me that you are human...

2013-02-03 11:04:57 (EST)

2094 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala Anand....
2013-02-03 11:04:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You and I ..... still

2013-02-03 11:01:12 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala and in the midst of the activity....

2013-02-03 11:01:04 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala People moved about us in a blur

2013-02-03 11:00:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I couldn't see it...

2013-02-03 11:00:23 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It was like the sun... light

2013-02-03 11:00:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Your face...

2013-02-03 11:00:02 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You are tall, and when I went to look at you...

2013-02-03 10:59:55 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Your hand in my hair.. my head against your chest

2013-02-03 10:59:33 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala and you pulled me closer and held my head next to you
2013-02-03 10:57:47 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I pulled slightly away to see your face, to look into your beautiful eyes
2013-02-03 10:57:26 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala and I laid my face against you. and held you to me and wept in the beauty of finally being in your arms
2013-02-03 10:56:57 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I couldnt see your face, you were so tall... but it was you
2013-02-03 10:56:22 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala That is it... we found each other in a crowd.. You grabbed me and held me to you
2095 / 4823

2013-02-03 10:55:59 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **Holding you close**

2013-02-03 10:55:27 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand...
2013-02-03 10:55:16 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It was a beautiful dream, and when you do go online in the morning, you will see it
2013-02-03 10:52:25 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala To know that you smiled wide....

2013-02-03 10:51:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Its just sometimes I need you to not divert this fire into the river....
2013-02-03 10:48:30 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I could never hate you....

2013-02-03 10:47:46 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand....
2013-02-03 10:47:27 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala or read them through trembles...

2013-02-03 10:46:57 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I trembled to read them ...

2013-02-03 10:46:42 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I hold them so close to me ..

2013-02-03 10:46:16 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I love them so much Anand....

2013-02-03 10:45:59 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You are not a jerk...

2013-02-03 10:43:56 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala when I wanted you to see it...

2013-02-03 10:41:38 (EST)

2096 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala or just ignored what I thought was so beautiful ...

2013-02-03 10:41:21 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala entirely...
2013-02-03 10:40:50 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You missed the point...

2013-02-03 10:40:42 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Not angry...

2013-02-03 10:40:07 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala #
2013-02-03 10:36:35 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Have a lovely night Anand....

2013-02-03 10:36:13 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala :(
2013-02-03 10:32:17 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala How are your eyes tonight?

2013-02-03 10:30:55 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You will see it all when you get back online...
2013-02-03 10:30:44 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It was beautiful and in my dream, just being held by you... I wept
2013-02-03 10:29:22 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala We held each other...

2013-02-03 10:28:53 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I love them....

2013-02-03 10:28:35 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I don't like your words Anand....

2013-02-03 10:28:25 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You....
2013-02-03 10:27:30 (EST)

2097 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala I left you a long chat message about a dream I had about us...
2013-02-03 10:27:13 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Beautiful poetry this morning... absolutely gorgeous!

2013-02-03 10:24:21 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good evening Anand....

2013-02-03 10:23:56 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Awwww.... enjoy the time you are there

2013-01-31 20:41:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala What a joyous occasion... # I can't wait to hear all about it..
2013-01-31 19:16:08 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand... Have a beautiful time at the wedding...

2013-01-31 19:15:38 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala me
2013-01-31 19:10:54 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala love......
2013-01-31 19:10:43 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I miss you Anand... Holding you close to me ... please feel it
2013-01-31 19:09:17 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I may be able to...

2013-01-31 19:08:38 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I don't know if I can make it that late. It will be close to midnight...
2013-01-31 19:08:10 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala and you responded with a DM

2013-01-31 19:07:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Its so funny you come to me now, I was just saying good morning to you in my head....
2013-01-31 19:07:15 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good morning Anand....

2013-01-31 19:06:48 (EST)

2098 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala I'm sorry... where are my manners?

2013-01-31 19:06:36 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Oh no...
2013-01-31 19:05:40 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Missing you...

2013-01-31 12:27:41 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala But wanted to just touch....

2013-01-31 12:27:18 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala or if your tweets are timed...

2013-01-31 12:26:57 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I don't know if you are up, can see this....

2013-01-31 12:26:46 (EST)

atonedfor you would feel more comfortable with. Oh, and i'm Keran :)
2013-01-29 13:05:10 (EST)

atonedfor updated in over 6 months, but there are a couple of images up it's alternatively I could e-mail you some? which ever
2013-01-29 13:03:44 (EST)

atonedfor would be rather dull if we were all angels :) I would love to share my work (thank you for asking) I have a word press page which I haven't
2013-01-29 13:02:10 (EST)

atonedfor words lure me far more powerfully than people's avi's. At least I will look at things a little more critically and yes, i think the world
2013-01-29 13:00:47 (EST)

atonedfor Haha :D I enjoyed the typo's and don't think you drunk, it's an unavoidable hazard.. Yes, I agree completely although admittedly beautiful
2013-01-29 12:56:28 (EST)

atonedfor think about in terms of representation.. thank you again x

2013-01-29 10:49:17 (EST)

atonedfor the visual, but being blind lends us perhaps to other constructs? I'm a photography student (at present) so you have given me a lot to
2013-01-29 10:46:16 (EST)

2099 / 4823

atonedfor Actually, another question. (If you don't mind). If one was blind, would we still relate to the other in images, I know we are distracted by
2013-01-29 10:42:38 (EST)

atonedfor Many things to ponder on :), and more than anything, learn from. Thank you again though, I really appreciate you x
2013-01-29 10:39:43 (EST)

atonedfor here that I don't get in real life. I think it is also that instant feedback, perhaps an affirmation, and I crave it very unhealthily.
2013-01-29 10:35:48 (EST)

atonedfor and it will make me more conscious of the potential dangers of this place. I am rather a loner (although I do have friends) I find something
2013-01-29 10:30:45 (EST)

atonedfor culture, says much about what goes on inside of me, or defines whatever I feel this me really is. I thought a lot about what you said though
2013-01-29 10:28:50 (EST)

atonedfor that way. Sometimes I feel as if my being in reality is more of the deception, because I don't know that I am only that which my gender, age
2013-01-29 10:27:13 (EST)

atonedfor through all the fabric and social awkwardness of the games we end up playing in reality. However, I do see the terrible danger in thinking
2013-01-29 10:25:30 (EST)

atonedfor space, is far more intense, and also very naively, I assumed that this was more of a direct channel to a person, instead of having to cut
2013-01-29 10:24:08 (EST)

atonedfor the key is in knowing oneself, although it seems (I) always stumble over the same old things. That hope that we project into this virtual
2013-01-29 10:21:05 (EST)

atonedfor which they could never give expression to in the real world, so in all cases I felt there would be some form of honesty. I agree though
2013-01-29 10:17:08 (EST)

atonedfor because for whatever reason they couldn't live out these fantasies in the real world or alternatively have an incredibly rich
2100 / 4823

2013-01-29 10:15:18 (EST)

atonedfor (To the point where it doesn't resemble one's life at all.) I assume rather naively that in a virtual space people tend to be more honest
2013-01-29 10:14:33 (EST)

atonedfor Although I don't deny that I do choose to have a certain presence in this space, I never imagined that it could be so entirely fabricated.
2013-01-29 10:12:36 (EST)

atonedfor Hi :) Thank you for your reply, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I had in all honesty never seen that aspect of this virtual reality.
2013-01-29 10:08:44 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, going to have to check this out later on!

2013-01-28 15:42:51 (EST)

perlygates hi dear. well here is the first shot of my online store....I will be adding stuff soon.have a look & enjoy xo
2013-01-28 14:51:19 (EST)

atonedfor I was just curious to know what you thought. :)

2013-01-28 13:51:11 (EST)

atonedfor Perhaps without our bodies we inhabit more spaces (no less real) than we had ever dreamed. Has being here changed the way you see others?
2013-01-28 13:50:15 (EST)

atonedfor in the dark, as if one reality, deceives the other? People feel so different here, perhaps it is simply I that alters, not the other.
2013-01-28 13:44:37 (EST)

atonedfor Thank you :) I am curious, the distinction you draw between real & unreal, why does what we see in the light alter so much of what we find
2013-01-28 13:37:53 (EST)

soHbet_ i will, thank you. you have a great big heart, but you know that. *hugs*
2013-01-28 11:45:42 (EST)

2101 / 4823

soHbet_ i don't trade grief, just happiness. just one of those phases, it always gets better. *hugs* thank you for your kindness.
2013-01-28 11:37:55 (EST)

soHbet_ no you are very sweet to me. i am afraid today is a day to be sad for me.
2013-01-28 11:33:54 (EST)

soHbet_ :(
2013-01-28 11:30:33 (EST)

soHbet_ *she tears up* thank you.

2013-01-28 11:25:22 (EST)

soHbet_ thanks. need one today.

2013-01-28 11:23:25 (EST)

atonedfor entirely.Yes, I hope so too it will be a wonderful day, when words do blossom :) Thank you for extending so much warmth and kindness :) x
2013-01-28 01:55:02 (EST)

atonedfor I understand that, I think it a marvelous talent. You had read that book too, (written on the body) It shaped the way I saw those two roles
2013-01-28 01:52:14 (EST)

atonedfor what people say. I guess, I struggle to separate realities and it becomes quite difficult to negotiate my relationship with this space.
2013-01-28 01:50:08 (EST)

atonedfor were male. Unless I entirely misread. So to clarify, are you male? There were many reasons for leaving, I think I tend to read too much into
2013-01-28 01:44:50 (EST)

atonedfor with such skill, that I can't tell the difference. I made a very quick visit to your blog last night and saw on your profile page that you
2013-01-28 01:38:51 (EST)

atonedfor Gosh, no, it's not intended to be offensive at all. I find it quite remarkable actually how some writers manage to oscillate between genders
2013-01-28 01:36:04 (EST)

atonedfor it is such an encouragement to be praised by someone who's words I admire so much. Much love x
2102 / 4823

2013-01-28 01:29:28 (EST)

atonedfor I hope you don't take offence, I had always assumed you were a woman too, although did at times waver in that thought. Again, thank you
2013-01-28 01:26:40 (EST)

atonedfor wonderful compliment though. I was on twitter once before, so I have followed you for a while now and have always been a great fan.
2013-01-28 01:17:30 (EST)

atonedfor Oh, if only I was :) Finding the right words feels something more like wrestling, it can be a very tormenting process. Thank you for the
2013-01-28 01:12:53 (EST)

ruptureschism Thank you. I think about you and our trip much. I learned a lot from you.
2013-01-27 23:25:30 (EST)

atonedfor It means the world to me. Much love x

2013-01-27 15:34:01 (EST)

atonedfor your words are surreal to me, there are many I remember, that felt like a quality of light I had never seen before. Thank you again,
2013-01-27 15:33:17 (EST)

atonedfor Light along the way. I remember primxvita &am sad to know she has left, I too loved reading her writing (although I only recently found her)
2013-01-27 15:27:34 (EST)

atonedfor I am immensely honoured, thank you for your words of praise. Your thoughts and words have always been a great inspiration to me and
2013-01-27 15:16:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Who me? *bats eyelashes*

2013-01-27 07:54:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am way too naughty to get messages like that! :P

2013-01-26 21:58:26 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala if you can't... just let me know..

2013-01-26 11:34:10 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala To just breathe with you... hold you.

2103 / 4823

2013-01-26 11:33:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand.. can you come to chat for a little bit.....

2013-01-26 11:32:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Awww, good morning Anand. A warm hug is exactly what I needed. I am doing very well. Just keeping busy with work and the kids. How are you?
2013-01-26 07:54:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I wish you a beautiful morning when you wake up. Smile, my dear & please take those sunlight kissed butterfly hugs I left you...
2013-01-25 17:17:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much. I hope you are sleeping sweetly with smiles, dear darling sir. I am by your side, holding your hand gently...
2013-01-25 16:46:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Thinking of you... Sleep soundly with sweet scented lovely dreams & know that this silly lady will be by your side... Good night.
2013-01-24 11:46:46 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **Soft kiss**

2013-01-24 11:03:16 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala #
2013-01-24 10:09:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala just love...

2013-01-24 09:56:48 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala or hatred
2013-01-24 09:56:32 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala My American heart is not filled with patriotism....

2013-01-24 09:56:22 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Not long....

2013-01-24 08:49:19 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand... Do you have just a few minutes to chat?

2013-01-24 08:49:02 (EST)

2104 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala I miss you... so happy to share another sunrise with you...

2013-01-24 08:33:58 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **Holding you close**

2013-01-24 08:33:32 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Hi there!
2013-01-24 08:33:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wrapping myself in your arms, snuggling closer to you as I close my eyes to join you in your sleep... Sweet darling... Sigh!
2013-01-23 15:08:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my dear sir. I miss you.

2013-01-23 11:20:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling. Wishing you a sweet night's sleep filled with smiles. I'll sit by your side... with your open palm within mine...
2013-01-23 11:19:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I dreamt of you, darling... Hope your day was a good one & you are on your way home. I miss you! Remember the butterflies...
2013-01-23 08:05:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What a happy morning that would be! I'd just look into your eyes for a long time till our eyes smile too, then softly kiss your hands...
2013-01-23 08:04:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire and they seem more excited than I was. I had a relaxing day, it was good. How're you doing?
2013-01-22 22:42:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes...time, to me, is the greatest show of affection. I've had a good children got me the cutest things I would like (a journal),
2013-01-22 22:41:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Now, I must tell you, as far as gifts, Ive never been a fan of "things" as much as experiences, but that scarf is perfect, really! Lolol!
2013-01-22 20:59:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet sir. Sleep soundly with tender, lovely dreams. I'll come to sit by your side... quietly, secretly, when you are
2105 / 4823

2013-01-22 11:15:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how my heart was pounding when I saw your message on my phone. Have a nice drive home... Look for tiny butterflies...
2013-01-22 08:36:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How I miss(ed) this! Your hold... I'd just squeeze you and bury my face in your chest and keep squeezing you...
2013-01-22 08:29:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, A...missing you as well. {{{{hug hug hug}}}}

2013-01-22 01:53:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Fantastic. All fantastic. Going to go to bed dreaming of that!

2013-01-22 01:48:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Creamish beige is my favorite color to wear, especially if the material is gauzy and flowing...
2013-01-22 01:35:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Not at all! In fact, I've been sitting here the whole while, contemplating my response, smiling, and biting my lip! It's just all so perfect
2013-01-22 01:33:58 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, Anand!!!! {{{warm hugs}}}

2013-01-22 00:54:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This is absolutely perfect! Perfect! What would the clothes be like, I wonder? And language would you read the poetry in? :::huge grin::
2013-01-22 00:54:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, my sweet friend. :-) You are so thoughtful! If I were there, how would we celebrate?
2013-01-21 23:43:55 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It doesn't surprise me that you find that quote beautiful... It is you from an author you admire... #
2013-01-21 10:41:06 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **kiss**
2013-01-21 09:52:45 (EST)
2106 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala Ok...Enjoy. #
2013-01-21 09:52:29 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You having a good day?

2013-01-21 09:36:47 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I did....
2013-01-21 09:36:35 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala **Smiling at you**

2013-01-21 09:23:58 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Anand....
2013-01-21 09:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling...this silly lady misses you. Soft kisses on sweet scented butterfly wings rushing to you, to reach you before you open your eyes...
2013-01-20 16:05:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I also hope you have a fresh start to the new week with sunshine, smooth drive to the office, work you enjoy to do & lots of smiles.
2013-01-20 16:04:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... as I sit down on your bedside. I will be quiet and don't worry, I won't touch you, just... watching you...
2013-01-20 16:03:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sir with the cute smile (which I so love), I hope you are sleeping soundly with lovely dreams & that I don't disturb your sleep...
2013-01-20 16:03:30 (EST)

soHbet_ oh you have no idea, how good i am with pillow fights. wear your fencing gear, i hear downy can cause serious injuries
2013-01-16 23:35:52 (EST)

soHbet_ so i treat it touchy feely way. would that be a problem?

2013-01-16 23:23:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ::smile:: god, I like you. Lolol, fantastic!

2013-01-16 23:23:20 (EST)

soHbet_ rumipatrucci@gmail (don't ask) sounds like a plan. you pick the
2107 / 4823

first gazal. btw, i understand very little Urdu

2013-01-16 23:22:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Friends, Sunday with yet another group. We have many birthdays between us, which is why so many groups. I am grinning that you remembered.
2013-01-16 22:43:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Was supposed to go out tonight, but it snowed here, so we rescheduled. Brunch on Sunday with friends, tues with family, Friday with more
2013-01-16 22:41:48 (EST)

soHbet_ every beginning and end of semester.

2013-01-16 10:43:02 (EST)

soHbet_ Oh, the problem is simple. they want someone else to do their crap. oh, yes. this will pass, it always does. it's standard practice,
2013-01-16 10:42:22 (EST)

soHbet_ and thank you for looking in on me.

2013-01-16 10:27:21 (EST)

soHbet_ professors. i could however use someone who cooks. i have tasted some of the verses you cook, sinfully delicious. ;)
2013-01-16 10:26:52 (EST)

soHbet_ you think so? then, i am good at pretending. :) I work for an university, semester starts Tuesday, the week is hell with all procrastinating
2013-01-16 10:24:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ^^^pure poetic response-tweet worthy!^^^ I am still thinking about what a strange, wonderful coincidence our dreams were....
2013-01-15 18:25:28 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good evening Anand...

2013-01-15 06:59:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still think of you every day & sit by your side every night.
2108 / 4823

Missing you, darling. I still miss you the same. I'll never recover from you.
2013-01-15 03:35:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. I wish you the same. Sorry for the late response, I was away from home - was in Germany.
2013-01-15 03:33:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mmmmm...I am smiling so wide. :-) god ugh

2013-01-14 23:21:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Some days, I miss you very much, Anand, and I hold myself back from saying so.
2013-01-14 23:12:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How odd, food stores in both the dreams! I am going to think about your dream as I drift off to sleep tonight--it sounds fantastic.
2013-01-14 23:11:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire were completely in sync, comfortable, if you will. But MY WORD, do I ever like your dream!!! That sounds just...perfect. I've missed you.
2013-01-14 22:15:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire convenience store, sort of in a rustic place, and we were driving somewhere, and getting snacks for the car ride. We didn't speak, but
2013-01-14 22:14:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This is so odd. I had to sit with this a minute, as I dreamt of you late last week. Different circumstances. In mine, we were in an old
2013-01-14 22:13:27 (EST)

ruptureschism I am not sure if I have the ability to be happy&complete... and because of that I know the way I love is very wonky
2013-01-14 00:33:21 (EST)

ruptureschism I thought you wanted/needed your distance from me. I am not sure what you want from me.
2013-01-14 00:09:24 (EST)

ruptureschism I know you could never think of hurting yourself nor would I wish that on you.
2013-01-13 23:53:07 (EST)
2109 / 4823

ruptureschism You always could make me laugh and I had a dream that you found a woman to marry who shared your same faith... your nephew was the "priest"
2013-01-13 23:37:56 (EST)

ruptureschism Though I think of you, your mom and your nephew often... And I always hope you are doing well.
2013-01-13 23:20:25 (EST)

ruptureschism This is why I keep my distance from you. I do have a kidlight but I also am tormented by a darkness.
2013-01-13 23:15:46 (EST)

ruptureschism I have a self destructive nature and i am seeking help but I feel you have a beauty/innocence... that I truly would never want to harm
2013-01-13 23:07:56 (EST)

ruptureschism When I was with you I only saw a gentleness which I truly admire about you.
2013-01-13 23:03:24 (EST)

ruptureschism The truth is I know you have much to teach me by you being you. Do you ever think of hurting yourself?
2013-01-13 23:01:55 (EST)

ruptureschism You do not need to promise me that. You taught me so much by you just being you and I am very grateful for that.
2013-01-13 19:51:57 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This group of tweets, I meant. I'm working with new writing prompts, working towards a novel. Hard time getting started and staying on track
2013-01-13 14:29:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So I'm on the proper writing track. New year, new goals and directions with my writing. What are you doing today? I miss our chats.
2013-01-13 14:23:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh, I'm sorry they worried you! But I AM happy they withdrew that emotion, because with this group, that's what I wanted to evoke.
2110 / 4823

2013-01-13 14:22:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire yes, it's great. how about you? I'm reading Written on the Body presently--WOW! you were right- it's a fantastic read! How have you been?
2013-01-13 14:03:55 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I'm so glad...

2013-01-13 13:56:26 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I am so sorry if I offended you by the honesty thing earlier.... I didnt mean to imply you would lie....
2013-01-13 13:51:52 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala i was going to have it as a wordplay...but I get shy

2013-01-13 11:59:55 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You stared the tweet your words inspired

2013-01-13 11:56:41 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You.....
2013-01-13 11:55:59 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Take a look at what accounts faved my tweet "His touch gave birth ...." I am cracking up
2013-01-13 11:27:16 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala #
2013-01-13 01:01:17 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Going to bed now....

2013-01-13 01:01:02 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You....
2013-01-13 01:00:47 (EST)

_lalicat ha. Ill add you, thank you :) happy saturday

2013-01-12 10:39:15 (EST)

perlygates I will send u address when I'm stocked up. xox. so nice to hear from you!
2013-01-11 00:47:31 (EST)

2111 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala Actually, the one I had in mind was a combo of the midnight one and moonless one...
2013-01-10 11:37:41 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Goodnight.... *Kissing you to sleep*

2013-01-10 11:16:49 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala the beauty of ink that is silver...

2013-01-10 11:15:43 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala I smiled so wide to see them on my phone ...

2013-01-10 11:15:06 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Of course in my own words, that never came out right...

2013-01-10 11:14:16 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Your midnight poem has been rattling around in my head since last night....
2013-01-10 11:13:22 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You...
2013-01-10 11:12:15 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Good morning...

2013-01-07 19:08:30 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala You....
2013-01-07 19:08:18 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Your presumptions are correct! :) My cat is doing so much better too. How have you been?
2013-01-07 12:03:37 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala It is sure to be. Thank you for filling my daytime sky with your stars. Have a wonderful night. **Soft nuzzle**
2013-01-07 10:29:15 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Smiling W I D E to see your words... with mine. # Beautiful Anand...

2013-01-07 09:28:51 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I miss you too my friend! I'm doing really well and I'm in a really good place in my life right now. Sending you love and well wishes!
2112 / 4823

2013-01-07 02:37:34 (EST)

perlygates you and your mother are. oxo

2013-01-04 14:06:08 (EST)

perlygates greeting card business online, and then open a jewelry store online. Its scary & I don't know if it will work, but am trying. Tell me how
2013-01-04 14:05:55 (EST)

perlygates My youngest still has many health issues but we continue to test. I have rented a studio to work and am trying hard to start a
2013-01-04 14:05:08 (EST)

perlygates so glad to hear from you my friend. I'm ok but the challenge of divorce, money looming. The good news is that my eldest is doing much better
2013-01-04 14:04:14 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Ummm that DM was for the curves/knots tweet..

2013-01-04 12:08:03 (EST)

Heidi_Ayala Who me? *sly grin* ;o)

2013-01-04 12:06:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Happy new year, my sweet friend.

2013-01-01 12:03:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I only have my phone. Left my laptop at my Dad's over the holidays.
2012-12-31 23:07:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yeah. Can we voice over Skype?

2012-12-31 23:07:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Too busy poking fun out there! :P

2012-12-31 22:57:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 When I asked: Do you at least get the day off?

2012-12-31 22:53:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 That was me asking cuz I wanted to call and say hello. But you dashed off to the TL!!!
2012-12-31 22:51:28 (EST)

2113 / 4823

BeingInJoy The thing about twitter longtimers ~ they tend to be fine just carrying on with whomever is around at the time
2012-12-31 22:50:42 (EST)

BeingInJoy I've never taken one from someone I cared about before.
2012-12-31 22:46:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Do you at least get the day off?

2012-12-31 22:27:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Great, now I'm getting all teary! And it's not even that time of month. :)
2012-12-31 22:26:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 do they now? ;)

2012-12-31 22:25:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Happy New Year, Anand! How is it on the other side?

2012-12-31 22:25:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you remembered #pauses :)

2012-12-31 22:24:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You will always and forever have a special place in my heart, sir.
2012-12-31 22:24:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, that was for you. :)

2012-12-31 22:24:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Is it already 2013 there?

2012-12-31 22:18:30 (EST)

BeingInJoy *head in hands* I'm sorry. I'm confused. And when I'm confused, I draw within. It hurts to block you from my life.
2012-12-31 22:08:51 (EST)

BeingInJoy {You surely know I miss you already : ( }

2012-12-31 22:02:09 (EST)

BeingInJoy This is where we became friends in 2012...I wish you all you desire in 2013. A says, "Happy N Y! I love you! Can't wait to hug u Tall Man!"
2114 / 4823

2012-12-31 19:20:45 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How are things with you? Anything new and exciting?
2012-12-30 10:57:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Things aren't quite settled yet. I'm still working on quite a few logistics but there's been a steady improvement. I am grateful.
2012-12-30 10:57:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I often have this fabulous daydream of running off to India to come visit you! It's, by far, my favourite daydream! The boys are well.
2012-12-30 10:56:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 well. Sending you a big (((hug))). :)

2012-12-30 07:05:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, Dear Anand. Just a quick note to say hello and let you know I think of you often. I hope the remainder of 2012 has treated you
2012-12-30 07:04:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire can't even wrap my head around the logic!

2012-12-27 22:44:40 (EST)

DangerslyClaire antipsychotics, bad economy, people on the brink, is NEVER the answer. It is such a myopic thought process that would agree to more guns, i
2012-12-27 22:44:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And reading your stream, you are completely 210% right...the proliferation of guns into a culture that is pumped with antidepressants,
2012-12-27 22:43:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Probably not having the semester hanging over my head any longer. It's a very...freeing feeling, i'd say.
2012-12-27 22:42:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Heehee, feels good, for sure.

2012-12-27 13:01:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Haha, yes, you can say I've been feeling....spirited! *wink*
2012-12-27 11:39:47 (EST)
2115 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Everyone is good here. Looking forward to the time off to get things in order...I find that slips when I'm in school.
2012-12-27 11:39:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And how is your mother? And granny?

2012-12-26 15:14:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How is my Anand? What have you been up to, both in general, and for recreation and leisure?
2012-12-26 15:13:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire My heart breaks when I think of the parents without their babies on Christmas. So it made me feel the moment a little more deeply.
2012-12-26 15:13:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it was wonderful seeing the children so innocent, it's striking to see. Especially in the wake of that horrific shooting.
2012-12-26 15:12:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire fellow man. It speaks volumes about what good character you have. :-))) Can i ask the content of your letter(s), in general!
2012-12-19 18:06:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I also don't follow sensationalist wrote to the teachers??? You are such a love!!! I love the empathy you have for your
2012-12-19 18:05:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Shown on the news, my stomach is in knots, sicker with every detail that is being revealed. How is work going? Tell me what is new for you!
2012-12-17 11:41:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Looked at timelines, albeit fleetingly, so I can't wait to look at your tweets. I have been sad about it as well. As the pictures keep being
2012-12-17 11:39:50 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You are so's true that I'm inundated with studies until the 20th...but I miss our connection terribly. I haven't even
2012-12-17 11:39:03 (EST)

2116 / 4823

DangerslyClaire the age of most of the victims. Horrible and senseless, I was crying all many innocent, young, children. Families shattered. So sad
2012-12-16 09:23:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Tell me, how are things? What have you been up to over there? Yes, the shooting tragedy hit very close to home, especially because Lily is
2012-12-16 09:21:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I am so glad you did. I've been missing you too, but I didn't want to keep pestering you...I know you've been pretty busy. (((((Hugs)))))
2012-12-16 09:20:25 (EST)

Darkntwistd I am doing ok. Bs knee is getting better and V is wonderful. Hugs n kisses.
2012-12-11 14:36:38 (EST)

Darkntwistd Good morning sweet one. Have a great day.

2012-12-10 23:47:38 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you? I hope you are doing well and life is treating you good. I miss you lots, we need to keep in touch better.
2012-12-09 18:27:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just... sigh. Good night. And know that I am still there, by your bedside... every night.
2012-12-05 10:19:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your sorry doesn't make it any better. This silly lady still loves you, she still dreams of holding you, running over grass with you... Sigh
2012-12-05 10:17:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I do; because of you, because of all that you said... Never mind.
2012-12-05 10:06:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sad, darling, sad. Low.

2012-12-05 09:34:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. :-(

2012-12-05 09:26:00 (EST)
2117 / 4823

DangerslyClaire *I* miss YOU!

2012-12-04 13:49:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I will...going to really center and focus.

2012-12-04 13:49:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I know, I wish you were here, too. I'd think I'd find that extremely peaceful...dec 20th,I'm done for a month,so I'm looking forward to that
2012-12-04 09:09:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hard week, I soooo needed that. You always know the right thing to say. :-). I'm so thankful for that. Thankful for YOU. {{{hug hug hug}}}
2012-12-03 15:03:50 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Missing YOU!!! Missing the peace you always being me, upon our chats. How're you doing, sweet one?
2012-12-02 09:36:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Omg, how cool is that???? Gonna try to look for it over the weekend! So what new thing are you playing around with, over there? <3
2012-11-29 23:40:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You're sure everything is fine? I'm concerned about you. ((((Hugs)))) So, what do you have planned for this weekend?
2012-11-29 22:49:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You seem so busy lately. I hope you're not working yourself too hard. Your head and eyes last weekend make me think this as well. :-(
2012-11-29 22:48:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I haven't heard from you in everything ok? ::concern::

2012-11-28 21:54:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire how was your day/weekend???

2012-11-25 16:06:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire a lot of the things having an adult relationship with a

2118 / 4823

parent is like. Well, you know. It hurts me to see pain that I can't assuage.Anyway,
2012-11-25 16:05:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Brunch was nice. I feel bad for them, I am the only connection to my father tht they have, and they seem so sad without him. They will miss
2012-11-25 16:04:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I must wear them if I'm reading, studying, doing a lot of computer time, etc...
2012-11-25 16:03:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'm glad you're ok now, but I still hate the idea of you being in that much pain from work. :-( I don't like it at all. Do you wear glasses?
2012-11-25 16:02:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Nieces, but it seems she has pink eye, so she's not going ANYWHERE.
2012-11-25 09:03:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I made the most of it, though! :-) today, meeting my younger brother and sister for brunch. Was supposed to go to a play with lily and my
2012-11-25 09:02:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Party for a friends 40th...although I love dressing up, I hate being around pretentious people. I feel like a square peg that doesn't fit.
2012-11-25 09:01:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire It was michaels bday this time....Sammy is in march. So now Mikey is 9, Sammy 7, Lily Grace 5. This weekend I had an insufferable dinner
2012-11-25 09:00:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What happened??? ::concern:: you know I tend to fret a bit...are you ok?????
2012-11-25 08:59:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2119 / 4823

2012-11-25 08:56:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How beautiful it would be to hold hands & run over grass again & then lying down, laughing & resting in each other's arms and... and... :'-(
2012-11-25 08:28:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...lady, his sweetie pie, his lisping spallow, his baklava; who hugged me & twirled me around, who was so sweet & playful & kind & caring...
2012-11-25 08:27:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reading your old DMs & thinking, reminiscing about those sweet times... and and... Sigh. As if it was someone else who called me his sweet
2012-11-25 08:26:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How are you keeping yourself busy?

2012-11-23 23:05:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So how will you spend your weekend, wonderful one???? I miss you terribly!!!!
2012-11-23 23:05:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But still... I remember the sweet, soft, gentle you who made me beaming, smiling, happy... I miss that You. I believe that's the real you.
2012-11-23 17:06:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you only think of yourself, darling. Your wants, your needs, time for your stuff, your decisions, your this, your that...
2012-11-23 17:04:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Instead of getting angry because I am not happy with your offer of being just your dear friend. How could I? :-(
2012-11-23 16:59:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just miss you. And the sweetness we shared. Very very much. I wish you'd understand how I feel, see this whole thing the way I do...
2012-11-23 16:56:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So yes, in a sense, you walked away with memories in your pockets, leaving me behind wondering, confused...
2012-11-23 16:33:24 (EST)

2120 / 4823

_stoicOne_ ... be with you, to have sweet moments together, to smile & laugh with you... Not just soft memories of you, of us, of all of it. :-(
2012-11-23 16:23:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... of you make me miss you terribly. You want to just collect some memories... I ache to see you, to feel your arms around me again, to
2012-11-23 16:23:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I cherish those days too & this one & a half year. I smile too, sometimes with tears in my eyes 'cause some memories, moments that remind me
2012-11-23 16:23:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But you want me to... :-( I am confused, hurt, torn and you just don't understand... To me, it wasn't just a fleeting fancy, darling.
2012-11-23 16:06:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ words, but still. Friends are not like how we were with each other. I can't be any different with you than I was...since the first DM.
2012-11-23 16:05:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mere friends, dear friends don't do & share such things we did when we were together. And even before our meeting... those things only
2012-11-23 16:05:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and play as we did, but instead of just enjoying soft memories, we could make more sweet memories... but you... You... Sigh :-(
2012-11-23 16:04:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, I am not everyone around you... I was once your sweet silly lady :-( And we could still enjoy each other's company, laugh & smile
2012-11-23 16:04:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You asked me I mean love in the casual Western or in the serious Indian sense. Now you know. Silly me. Teach me how to unlove...Please :'-(
2012-11-23 12:41:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Good night. A gentle hug for you and a soft goodnight kiss for your forehead. Take them or ignore them...
2012-11-23 12:30:37 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ You speak with your mind, I with my heart... You are collecting soft memories, but what about the other person? Hm?
2012-11-23 12:26:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, true you didn't walk away but want/ expect me to be with you as a mere friend. I can't do this. You are more than a mere friend :-(
2012-11-23 12:20:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure I understand what you mean.

2012-11-23 12:16:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, to me it is like walking away...

2012-11-23 12:12:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. You should've warned me. You wanted me to let you close to my heart, so I did. I fell in love with you... and you knew it. :-(
2012-11-23 12:06:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, you only want some fun, some kisses & cuddles, some smiles & cheer, making sweet memories and then walking away after a while...
2012-11-23 12:06:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( When I was with you, our time together felt more than simple friendship. You didn't treat me as a mere friend...
2012-11-23 12:06:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling.

2012-11-23 11:54:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you still look for the white towel in the mornings? Do you think of me when you unbutton your top button? When you... when... Sad sigh.
2012-11-23 11:45:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you think of me when you look at your watch? When you cook? When you eat pizza? When you cut onions? When you see a butterfly?
2012-11-23 11:44:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss everything about you. Everything from that first mistaken DM till last month... I miss us.
2012-11-23 11:41:59 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ How could I not want to be held by you, cuddled by you the way you did? The heart doesn't know such words as impractical, pointless, etc...
2012-11-23 11:40:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You don't understand... How could I not want to hug you, hold you, kiss you, play with you if you were standing in front of me? How?
2012-11-23 11:39:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How could I see/treat you as a mere friend after all that we shared, what happened between us, the way we were with each other. How??? :-(
2012-11-23 11:15:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How can you want me to be ok with being just a dear friend? You know exactly how I felt (still feel) for you. You knew it all the time.
2012-11-23 11:15:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could wrap you in my arms now... not speaking, just... holding you for a long long while... Darling... Sigh.
2012-11-23 04:04:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Is there anything that is not pointless or impractical to your brilliant mind that doesn't see anything outside its little box? :-(
2012-11-23 03:07:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A simple conversation like how goes your day, how is the weather, etc... Oh dear! Yes, it is cold and bleak. :-(
2012-11-23 03:03:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am just confused, hurt and miss you terribly. I miss how we used to share our days. I miss the sweetness. I miss it all.
2012-11-23 02:57:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You wonder why I don't believe you? Really? Try to put yourself in my place, darling. Then, you'd know... Maybe. :-(
2012-11-23 02:49:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not in a specific way, just in a way you treated me till last month... In a way we were with each other from the beginning...
2012-11-23 02:49:15 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, please... hold me. Close, very close. Please, please... This silly lady misses you. So, so very much! Sigh :-(
2012-11-22 18:18:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, sleep darling, sleep...while I sit by your side & hold your hand, letting my sigh caress your ear in a soft whispering kiss...Oh dear!
2012-11-22 17:47:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why do you treat me like this? :-( It is like a bad dream hoping to wake up from every morning & find you by my side smiling but... :-(
2012-11-22 12:30:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you immensely.

2012-11-22 11:51:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then... good night, darling. May your sleep be sweet & your dreams tender... & know that I'll be sitting by your side...quietly... Sad sigh
2012-11-22 11:51:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please don't be cold like that. Please, darling...

2012-11-22 08:46:23 (EST)

ruptureschism I am doing much better. I spoke to sweet Olivia last night. I thank you both for your kindnesses.
2012-11-22 07:51:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a hmmm? :-( Cats are fine.

2012-11-22 07:48:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A lot. :-(

2012-11-22 03:07:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How is my Anand? I miss you. Have you been busy the past couple of days? I did well on my test, btw, so thanks for the good energy. :-)
2012-11-21 18:21:10 (EST)

ruptureschism Hello. I was sick but I am ok now. Sending you some smiles.
2012-11-21 16:45:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, sweet sir. Missing you. Soft butterfly kisses for you... and the gentle, warm feel of a long sigh on the back of your neck...
2012-11-21 03:18:13 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ That Anand had a heart & allowed it to dance with my butterflies. My darling, my sweet sweet gentle darling...Your silly lady misses you :-(
2012-11-20 13:11:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, the Anand who ran with me over grass holding hands, didn't play. That Anand was more real & honest than this new one.
2012-11-20 13:10:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was just sitting with eyes closed for a while... reminiscing about you, our time... about all the little things, darling.
2012-11-20 13:09:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And no, I didn't sleep well last night... nor the night before... and before that... and I doubt I will tonight...Miss you, your warm hold.
2012-11-20 12:16:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft little kiss on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & sweet warm lips... Hope you are sleeping sweetly... I am by your side. Sigh
2012-11-20 12:09:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am confused. All I know that I miss you terribly & wish I could see you, hold you... :-(
2012-11-20 12:07:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That simple sweetness, the smiles, hugs & kisses & cuddles, the cheer and all... If you just played, you are an excellent actor.
2012-11-20 12:05:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You made me happy & I felt even more happy when I made you smile. I miss how we used to share our days... even if (sadly) mostly in words.
2012-11-20 12:04:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't change this. As I said feelings aren't lamps that you can switch off from one sec. to the other. I don't know how to unlove you.
2012-11-20 12:03:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what to think anymore. Why? Because my feelings for you are real, darling and all that we shared...
2012-11-20 12:02:43 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Perhaps or is it true? I don't think you were just playing... at least my silly heart wants to believe that. But then again... Sigh.
2012-11-20 12:02:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you say that Anand -my sweet darling sir- is this... No, no way. It cannot be... What have you done to him? :'-(
2012-11-19 12:13:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for responding to my good night wishes... at least to them... but no, you don't, not even to them. Feels wonderful. Never mind...
2012-11-19 12:01:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Work doesn't help, darling. No matter what I do, my thoughts turn to you. And I miss you. The sweetness of you. All. Terribly. :-(
2012-11-19 11:50:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I just wish you were here now...

2012-11-19 11:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was real to me. All of it. Feelings are not like lamps that you can switch on & off whenever you want it. It doesn't work like that.
2012-11-19 11:40:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, well... maybe it was just a little game to you that meant nothing... and you simply left when you got bored of it.
2012-11-19 11:39:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, what we realized together was sweet and beautiful, so lovely filled with smiles and sunshine and no it was no fairytale...
2012-11-19 11:04:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling. Sleep soundly. A soft kiss on your palms... please do curl your fingers around it & hold it tight...
2012-11-19 10:58:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe this all is easy for you, after all it was you who walked away not even looking back, but it's very hard for me, my heart suffers.
2012-11-19 10:57:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Nothing helps...

2012-11-19 10:43:50 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ It does not help.

2012-11-19 10:42:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, lovie! I take it tomorrow. :-) Miss you very much. Sometimes I imagine us relaxing at night, talking in a dimly lit room, hushed.
2012-11-19 09:52:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't think you do but... Dear Andrea... Just dear Andrea. Sigh. Day is busy, doing a lot of work, trying not to think of you, but...
2012-11-19 09:45:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, my sweet sir. Hope your day goes fine & it's pleasant-busy. Missing you...
2012-11-19 03:13:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your temples... Can you feel it in your dreams? And smile in your sleep, knowing it is me...? Darling, my darling...
2012-11-18 16:41:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you still like your new role at work... Oh darling, if you knew... Sigh.
2012-11-18 13:53:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it was as easy for you to walk away whistling as walking into my life & this all was just a passing fancy to you, but to me... :-(
2012-11-18 13:45:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Days are colorless and gloomy without you... without the sweetness that we shared.
2012-11-18 13:36:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, hope you are sleeping in lovely dreams...I am by your side, running my hand over the air above you, in a gentle, faraway caress...
2012-11-18 13:27:57 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I know our conversations are more sporadic now. :-( This semester is really wrapping my up, my dear. Let's converse about something!
2012-11-18 09:39:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I guess people see it through my friends that are on

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google plus? That's the only thing I could imagine.

2012-11-18 09:38:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, holding me close... I wish I could see your sweet smile in the morning, your eyes still closed... Sigh.
2012-11-17 19:13:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can't sleep. Thinking of you, of all that we shared... every single day for over one and a half year... Missing you...
2012-11-17 19:08:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft tender kiss on your eyes, darling. Good night. I wish you were here... I wish to get back those sweet times with you...
2012-11-17 12:33:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you doing this with all your heart too? Keeping yourself away from me... cutting off everything. Do you? Darling... :-(
2012-11-17 10:01:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes of course, sure you do...

2012-11-17 09:53:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wednesday cook all day for thanksgiving, which is the next day, and celebrate Mikey's bday. Then thanksgiving on Thursday.
2012-11-17 09:40:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Today, I'm going to see a play in NYC with my girlfriends, tomorrow I have a baby shower to attend, Monday 2 doc appts, tues study & test...
2012-11-17 09:23:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire A baby on my hip, though! I'm just not interested in all the things that go with that, anymore, lolol!What do you have planned this weekend?
2012-11-17 09:22:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Such angels lately, I'm really enjoying them, I have to tell you! Maybe as they get a bit older, it's easier to talk and relate. I *do* miss
2012-11-17 09:21:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Happened. Every day, I have some event scheduled. I will be happy to hide out in my house the day after thanksgiving. The kids are
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2012-11-17 09:20:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire my finger on. I feel like there's ulterior motives. One exam Tuesday, I think. Very busy these next couple if weeks, I don't know how that
2012-11-17 09:19:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well, to be honest...I just don't like any attention about my appearance from has a shallowness to me that I can't quite put
2012-11-17 09:18:17 (EST)

OliviaDresher She used to call me all the time (except when traveling). I left a message on her phone the other morning, but she hasn't called back.
2012-11-16 19:46:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I miss you. Miss it all so, so much :-(
2012-11-16 18:05:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope you are sleeping soundly & long... I sit by your side; dreaming of being in your arms...Sigh. Soft kiss on your forehead
2012-11-16 18:01:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure you do... :-( Because I couldn't sleep. Because sleep doesn't come easily lately. Because I missed you terribly. Because of you...
2012-11-16 06:15:08 (EST)

OliviaDresher Jeff Prouty is wondering if he should send an email to Courtney's mother, asking about Courtney. He wrote to her before, 2 years ago.
2012-11-15 23:53:47 (EST)

OliviaDresher She was unclear with me on the phone about the miscommunication with you, and I knew then she was going off the deep end a bit...
2012-11-15 23:50:42 (EST)

OliviaDresher I'm fearing that something similar has happened to her that happened a few years ago, when she rode her bike 60 miles & hurt herself...
2012-11-15 23:06:32 (EST)

OliviaDresher I sent her a birthday present (an old poetry chapbook of mine), but I had an intuitive feeling of something being "off" about her
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2012-11-15 23:04:20 (EST)

OliviaDresher She was afraid of physically hurting herself or someone else, and she was also worried about some sort of miscommunication with you...
2012-11-15 23:03:19 (EST)

OliviaDresher She calls me every day (except when she's traveling), but not for a week now. I left a message on her phone yesterday, but no response.
2012-11-15 23:01:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I could cuddle up to you now & rest a little with you in my arms before waking you up in a sweet lovely way... Sad sad sigh
2012-11-15 18:45:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you terribly. Darling, my darling... :-(

2012-11-15 16:51:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Enjoy your day at work, my sweet. Let it be smooth and seamless.
2012-11-14 23:33:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Awe, yeah...sometimes I don't like the attention my pics occasionally get, y'know? Trying to keep it sedate for awhile. :-)
2012-11-14 23:33:12 (EST)

OliviaDresher Actually, I'm worried about Courtney. She has sort of disappeared, and her birthday was yesterday. I wonder if you've heard from her.
2012-11-14 16:48:00 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I feel terrible!!! And another festival!! I'm living in the wrong country!
2012-11-14 09:31:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I have your bday in twice!!! Lol! So now you finally get a glimpse of just how bad my memory can be!
2012-11-14 09:27:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Completely discombobulated still. Please forgive me!! I can see where my response was positively puzzling. Now, upon looking at
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my calendar,
2012-11-14 09:26:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh, my sweet, you are 110% right! I TOLD you I have the worst short term memory possible!! Things have been so amplified over here, and I'm
2012-11-14 09:21:56 (EST)

beezknez dozy !. lol I did that on twitter one day was up all night long fell off my chair hee hee that woke me up quick enough ! .. ')
2012-11-14 08:54:03 (EST)

beezknez :^) blowing you a wee beez kiss x with a huG :))
2012-11-14 08:52:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire *Are
2012-11-14 08:44:01 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Email to confirm, if indeed I'd been hacked. Anyway, how was your day? Ate you done with work?
2012-11-14 08:38:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How did they sound odd? I think they read exactly the same way i structure my words all the time. :-( In that case, you might have sent an
2012-11-14 08:38:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Where did you disappear to? :-( I'm off to bed, but i wanted to say goodnight,and tell you I was thinking about you, and how much I miss you
2012-11-14 01:00:33 (EST)

OliviaDresher Hellohello. I ran across a vegan Indian cookbook the other day that I almost bought, and thought of you. I think past-present can be poetic.
2012-11-13 19:24:47 (EST)

beezknez a beez hug of friendship & love happiness crunching and sweet like honeycomb for you bx :)
2012-11-13 11:21:24 (EST)

beezknez nothing had happen .. the weather surely is changing in dramatic

2131 / 4823

ways i sense and see. well i just thought i would tell u about that lol
2012-11-13 11:20:40 (EST)

beezknez next day woke up and all is fair ;) sunshine calm birds song spring back lounging in the skies sipping on a cocktail of sunshine like
2012-11-13 11:19:57 (EST)

beezknez let go.. the lightning was out of this world. and you know what after that happen all day and night You would have thought you were dreaming
2012-11-13 11:19:03 (EST)

beezknez from those speakers in the sky as they played ten pin bowling My poor dog was so frightened I had to carry him around all day he wouldn't
2012-11-13 11:17:07 (EST)

beezknez big as the sky No bigger and the Gods must be crazy and gone got themselves a theatre surround sound if you had heard the noise coming
2012-11-13 11:16:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I look up into your eyes then bury my face in your chest, hugging you tightly to me...
2012-11-13 11:15:46 (EST)

beezknez that i didn't have before :) You know its Spring here In Australia and its having a fit at the moment only a few days ago it was storms as
2012-11-13 11:15:08 (EST)

beezknez Hello E oh I missed you but have your words here to see greet me Oh your so very very kindly to me thankQ your message has given me a smile
2012-11-13 11:13:45 (EST)

dgdreamin delivery, etc. closely working with developers...the catch savvy interface between the two sides of the house Ops & IT. So not boring 2 me;)
2012-11-13 09:49:48 (EST)

dgdreamin Actually, initially I was on the ops side of the house, but later R&D /technical service development. Like online banking/service
2012-11-13 09:49:20 (EST)

dgdreamin Sadly true, human nature. :))

2012-11-13 09:06:48 (EST)
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dgdreamin life fully and joyfully. Thx for asking. Your genuine concern and caring is always so sweet d thoughtful, and very appreciated.
2012-11-13 08:49:47 (EST)

dgdreamin don't either. Expect it's his way of dealing with it. He will always need to be in health care facility now. All these reminders to live
2012-11-13 08:49:43 (EST)

dgdreamin feeding tube. But he is alert and talking and laughing. And some memory issues. He never asks or talks about his condition, so with him we
2012-11-13 08:49:24 (EST)

dgdreamin He is stable. But will never fully recover. Permanent paralysis, including the part of the brain that says swallow; so he must use a
2012-11-13 08:48:33 (EST)

dgdreamin My career was financial services, executive management. Taking a purposeful break; contract work only right now. You?
2012-11-13 08:37:46 (EST)

dgdreamin two months shy of 99yo. It's been a gorgeous autumn here, full of inspiration.
2012-11-13 08:36:06 (EST)

dgdreamin No fun traveling. Just back & froth to my family in Florida. My Grandmother's health declined and then she died. A good long life though,
2012-11-13 08:35:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you... and will always...

2012-11-11 12:39:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep my dear, I am by your side... quietly, invisibly but maybe -I hope- you can feel it in your sleep... my presence, my tender kiss...
2012-11-11 12:38:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Wish you were here... or I there... or we somewhere else, just... together.
2012-11-11 12:34:41 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ That Anand is warm & smiling & cheerful & remembers me of Spring & home... This Anand is cold & pale like winter... Sad sigh.
2012-11-10 16:40:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That Anand was sweet & playful & caring & he loved to tease his silly lady, to kiss & hold & cuddle her.
2012-11-10 16:32:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In bed... hugging my pillow, thinking of you... I still remember the feel of you... God, how I miss it, how very much!
2012-11-10 16:21:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweet sweet darling... I hope you are sleeping soundly, dreaming of butterflies & swings & freshly dewed grass... Sigh.
2012-11-10 13:55:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so, so much! :-( How I wish I was there now, cuddled up to you, holding you... listening to your snoring as you sleep...
2012-11-10 13:27:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But... but... That Anand, my sweet sir is not this Anand. That Anand made me happy, this Anand hurts me, makes me sad, confused.
2012-11-10 13:26:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire This is so bizarre. I just got a strong feeling to ask you about it today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY,my sweet one!!!!! What are you doing to celebrate?
2012-11-10 12:17:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No. No way. Are you kidding?????

2012-11-10 12:05:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I need to write it down, because my memory is horrible.

2012-11-10 11:40:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Where you live, presently? I'm so interested in what your day is like, and what you wake up to. When is your birthday?
2012-11-10 11:40:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Things are good for us personally, slowly getting rebuilt around the community in general. I'm helping any way i can. How is the
2134 / 4823

2012-11-10 11:39:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I meant twirled not turned but it doesn't matter... Nothing... No more... Not to you...
2012-11-09 17:49:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This silly lady loves & misses you completely. I can't believe this you is the you with whom I ran over grass, who happily turned me around.
2012-11-09 16:35:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How could you do this? To cut off everything? Darling, how? And then wanting me to be ok with it. Darling, please... :-(
2012-11-09 16:28:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sit by your side darling. Not touching you just...watching you sleep & my tears flow as I try to hold back the urge to wrap you in my arms
2012-11-09 16:16:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to have the Anand I know, my sweet sir back. What happened to him? I miss him loads.
2012-11-09 10:49:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You see it wrong. I am not uncomfortable with it but this all... it pains me horribly... I miss it all so, so much.
2012-11-09 10:46:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

2012-11-09 10:40:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come to me. Please. Or let's run away somewhere or I don't know. Miss you...
2012-11-09 06:35:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Matrimonial website... I just stared at the screen and... How could you? How? Oh boy! :'-(
2012-11-09 06:30:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was looking for your photo album- your pictures. But instead I stumbled upon a picture of you... I opened the site. I wish I didn't.
2012-11-09 06:30:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, then forget the butterflies. Hope you like the stories, too
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not just the feel and weight of the book.

2012-11-09 06:13:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you haven't read the book yet... I too hope that he will amaze you. And the butterflies...
2012-11-09 04:23:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... we can only be friends. It doesn't work like that. How can you expect me to be comfortable with that? What happened to my Anand? :-(
2012-11-09 04:23:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't stop this feeling, can't unlove you, cannot not want to hold you, to share those things we did just because you said, from today on
2012-11-09 04:23:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't understand how could you do this... From one day to the other. You know how I feel for you. I can't change this. I am sorry.
2012-11-09 04:22:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am. Baffled & confused. I suffer, darling. It cannot end like this. I really miss you & those sweet times. The butterflies. You. Us.
2012-11-09 04:22:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A lil' kiss on butterfly wings fluttering towards you to let you know that I think of you... Miss you. A lot. Bon appetit, my darling.
2012-11-09 03:11:59 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Missing you too. I want to catch you on here and talk for hours! What are you doing this weekend?
2012-11-08 23:41:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here. I wish I could hold you and wish to be held by you. I wish I could forget you but I can't. Darling, I can't. I can't.
2012-11-08 16:54:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you like the book. I simply had to get it for you...
2012-11-08 14:11:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even if you won't talk to me, please know that I am sitting by your bedside, watching over you as you sleep... Miss you terribly :-(
2012-11-08 13:58:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

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2012-11-08 13:39:51 (EST)

marrowtide No,you do not have to tell me everything.i hope you will be able to read with him. Or maybe he will read to you.As you know kids do surprise
2012-11-07 22:12:42 (EST)

marrowtide I am also sorry in my letter that I asked you something you did not want to answer.
2012-11-07 18:16:36 (EST)

marrowtide I also want to tell you. I thank you so much for your time with me in Arizona.
2012-11-07 18:16:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss how we used to hug & kiss each other goodnight. I miss your asking me to join you. I miss waking up to your kiss & smile.
2012-11-07 16:02:37 (EST)

marrowtide Thank you for asking. I am sorry I forgot to tell you that.
2012-11-07 13:58:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss how we used to share our days. I miss the sweetness of you filling me with smiles. I miss those days. I miss you. I miss us... :-(
2012-11-07 13:53:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. I will come to sit by your side, if you still would like me to... Missing you.
2012-11-07 11:54:34 (EST)

marrowtide though I am beyond grateful for the little things.

2012-11-07 11:52:58 (EST)

marrowtide I will always want to learn and be of more use... I just find that does not always come easy to me.
2012-11-07 11:51:21 (EST)

marrowtide I really do want to know how you are. And how is your nephew? I always imagine the two of you sharing great stories together.
2012-11-07 11:44:34 (EST)

marrowtide or hurt anybody else.

2012-11-07 11:40:22 (EST)
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marrowtide It is not so much that I won't be well... I just never want to physically hurt myself again.
2012-11-07 11:39:41 (EST)

marrowtide What I mean by blessed is that I am very thankful for all your kindnesses.
2012-11-07 11:08:11 (EST)

marrowtide I never am quite good with that. How are you? And how is your nephew?
2012-11-07 10:27:11 (EST)

marrowtide Well.. I probably will never be well but I am very blessed. Happy birthday to you late...
2012-11-07 10:26:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My lil' heart suffers, darling. Very very much.

2012-11-06 14:07:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... This silly lady misses you and the sweetness we shared terribly. :-( I hope you are sleeping soundly...
2012-11-06 13:28:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Baklava... Deep sigh. Thank you for the hug...

2012-11-06 10:20:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to give it to you in person & in a velvet box but...sigh. Hope you enjoy the book. Here's also a tight hug & a lil' kiss for you...
2012-11-06 09:36:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad it finally arrived and you like it. Happy (late) Birthday, darling. Phew, seems like it was worth the hassle.
2012-11-06 09:36:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... Sigh. I don't know what to say. I just want to hold you close and not let you go.
2012-11-06 05:23:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lying in bed sleepless, thinking of you, missing you...

2012-11-05 16:38:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just to snuggle up to you and have you holding me close as

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you sleep... Darling... :'-(

2012-11-04 13:00:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes :-( Me. Utterly :-(

2012-11-04 12:10:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Power!!! I have power!!!! ::happy dance::Sammy seems better, too! Now on to putting my life back together!It looks like a bomb shelter here!
2012-11-04 10:01:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you very much.

2012-11-04 09:01:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know how I feel for you. How could I not want to jump in your arms or hold you close or do and share all the things we did?
2012-11-04 09:00:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You called me your sweet lady, the next day just as a mere friend & expected me to be ok with it. How could I? How?
2012-11-04 09:00:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the next day you simply disallowed all... Now tell me, how could I not be confused and hurt?
2012-11-04 08:59:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your apology doesn't make things any better. It was nice and sweet till your mind took over... We smiled and played and hugged and cuddled.
2012-11-04 08:59:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-11-03 17:43:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I take your hand in mine and kiss your dreams as you sleep...
2012-11-03 17:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you doing this? You've hurt me more than enough, don't you think? Sad sigh.
2012-11-03 17:07:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You write nothing for a while, then I see a dm from you saying that you miss me then you fall silent again... It is not ok.
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2012-11-03 17:04:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your support IS help, believe me. Nice to know that people care. {{{hugs}}} headed to bed, love. I'm shot. I'll catch you tomorrow, ok?
2012-11-02 23:39:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hmmm, I sent a message before, didn't seem to go through. Figures. I was saying that I worry, bc Sammy already had a cough last week. Ugh!
2012-11-02 23:37:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire and most importantly, the blower/fan on a woodburning stove, which is heating my house.
2012-11-02 21:20:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I could use a hug! We have a generator that, when we can keep it going, is powering the fridge,and a power strip enough for a lamp, charger,
2012-11-02 21:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, it is not necessary to let me know when your little something arrives. I just hope you'll like it & you don't have it.
2012-11-02 19:19:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I simply miss you. Everything about you. This new Anand I don't know... I wish, so wish to get the "old" you back, but... :-(
2012-11-02 19:09:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the Anand who took my hand & ran over grass with me, who twirled me around when he came home, who filled my lil' heart with smiles.
2012-11-02 19:06:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss the Anand who dropped into my life suddenly & grew close to... so beautifully, so effortlessly...
2012-11-02 19:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I still wake up with the thought of how beautiful it'd be to have you next to me, to wake you with a lil' kiss & see you smile... :-(
2012-11-02 18:33:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I still wish you silently good night around your bedtime. I still come to sit by your side secretly, holding your hand... Every night. :-(
2012-11-02 18:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I haven't changed much... I still feel the same... I still miss you & all... It's me who got hurt not you, so you can easily smile...
2012-11-02 13:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in? I am glad you find it amusing and got something to smile about. At least you...
2012-11-02 13:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... you should be happy, you finally got rid of me. Well done, you can be proud of yourself.
2012-11-02 12:31:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wrote to you. Your reply was a hmmm. A few days later you wrote you are missing me, I replied I miss you too... Then, you wrote nothing.
2012-11-02 12:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. No, I am not really fine... and I doubt it matters to you anyway.
2012-11-02 12:12:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thanks, baby. I know you're right, but I'm just bummed. Still no power, btw...5 or 6 days now, I'm losing count. How are you doing?
2012-11-02 10:27:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The whole lower part if my state, beaches i love, are underwater, boardwalk, rides, Ferris wheels have fallen into the ocean. Devastating.
2012-11-01 15:03:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I checked my dms every day but there was no dm from you... I miss you & all immensely but seems like you are pretty fine without me, so...
2012-11-01 13:46:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I finally found one, there was some prob. with the shipping. I hope it really is in a flawless, new condition & hope you'll like it.
2012-11-01 13:43:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Your little gift will arrive in a few days. I am sorry it took this long. It was hard to get it new & in a flawless condition.
2012-11-01 13:42:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Guess how... I think of you too and miss you, darling. I miss you terribly.
2012-11-01 13:32:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Omg! I'm so glad you're ok! The climate change is notable...quite surreal. I'll keep you posted...missing you, sweet one. {{{hugs}}}
2012-11-01 08:57:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nightmare here. People being evacuated from homes due to down wires and flooding. No power, no heat...I'll keep you posted when I can. :-(
2012-10-31 14:12:28 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :) Thank you!! Your words are always a delight to read. Raw and fresh.
2012-10-29 16:47:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Be, BE, not 'he'! Lol! What are you studying for, lovie??? I miss you, too!
2012-10-29 16:14:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd like to strip it back to basics. Would he a breath of fresh air! How is my lovie on the other side of the globe faring today??? xoxo
2012-10-29 15:32:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm stocked and prepped, and the power just started to flicker. I actually hope it goes out. tired of all these electronics all the time.
2012-10-29 15:31:21 (EDT)

Darkntwistd 9 of recovery. ugh. V is wonderful as always. how are you my sweet one? i hope that you are terrific and all is good for you. hugs
2012-10-29 15:04:39 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Yea! I miss you so much. Would love for you to hold me and say nothing...would love a hug. B had surgery on her knee and we are in week
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2012-10-29 15:03:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy a flower shop and I became a mother, lol

2012-10-29 13:56:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you for rekindling my passion for writing letters. Today is my friend's birthday, and we used to write amazing letters b4 she bought
2012-10-29 13:56:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I did. Well, still am. Prepping for this storm, so much of the southern part of the state is already underwater, and it hasn't even hit yet.
2012-10-29 12:39:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy In Madison, and I think I can visit it on Wednesday. Lovely papers

2012-10-29 12:35:46 (EDT)

BeingInJoy can u resend me the link to your photography you sent earlier...I have so many DMs, it is hidden from me ; ( PS...*~I found a lovely store*~
2012-10-29 12:33:26 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh you are a friend ~ couldn't consider you prying! yes PO box... *so excited!*
2012-10-28 14:37:44 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I live in a small town in the US. Hiding from the world would be unlikely w/ modern technology, lol.
2012-10-28 14:21:46 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My address at home is 205 1/2 Adams Street, Portage, WI {Safer mng ~ my mailbox is not locked ~ lots of bored kids walk by, etc.}
2012-10-28 14:17:25 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Okay : ) i live Downtown and so I use a PO Box for most mail. it seems "safer". Deirdre Boyd Foster, PO Box 3, Portage, WI 53901, USA
2012-10-28 13:59:19 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Deirdre of the Sorrows ~ a beloved Irish/Scottish legend ~ a tragic but beautiful story ~ I'll send you a link to it l8r
2012-10-28 13:09:22 (EDT)

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BeingInJoy Oh! How wonderful! i'm honored & let's keep a dying art alive!~ would you like to exchange here or in email?
2012-10-28 13:06:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I have very little that speaks of the Me I am discovering. purging off what doesn't. I love letters & postcards ~ few write anymore
2012-10-28 12:35:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Please clarify ~ were you in the States b4 & are 10 or 11 hours ahead of me now? you said 12:00 ~ I assumed so
2012-10-28 12:31:41 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I adore your name : ) I may have mentioned that Deirdre means Sorrowful One. I was given the name Joy, here, and both fit.
2012-10-28 12:25:05 (EDT)

BeingInJoy When I am out later I will happily check out your link! when we moved in July, I didn't renew dish or internet svc ~ tkng a break
2012-10-28 10:28:54 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (Smiling) I love the way you write...Anand ~ lovely ~ what does your name mean? especially, *to you* ?
2012-10-28 10:26:23 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Your collections ~ *swoon* I adore those treasures as well bt do not have any. I'm UN-collecting years of meaningless clutter!
2012-10-28 10:24:39 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (Smiling) I love the way you write...Anand ~ lovely ~ what does your name mean? especially, *to you* ?
2012-10-28 10:21:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (sleepy smile) 2 yrs living here in Jan. I call it:Land Of 10,000 Greens~ LONG winters : ) I wish u Beauty, & I Thank You XOXO
2012-10-28 03:16:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy 3hrs N of Chicago in middle Wisconsin : ) ~ Yes...sleep, lol. I loved your sharing. maybe you'll surprise me w/more to wake to? if u wish
2012-10-28 02:58:52 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I'm very moved by the generous way you think of me ~ I feel honored to share that memory with you now ; ){My phone is not working
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2012-10-28 02:53:27 (EDT)

BeingInJoy My heart raced as I read your memory ~ As if I ran with you ~ And was relieved you were safe xo
2012-10-28 02:35:26 (EDT)

BeingInJoy It was lovely ~ my TL has a few details. may i ask how many hours difference we have? it's after 1 a.m. here
2012-10-28 02:15:46 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I would treasure anything you may share with me ~ any inspirations? If not, you could describe a day of joy for you ~
2012-10-28 02:01:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And thank you. :-)

2012-10-27 14:24:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire YOU'RE a delight!!! Ok, hit me up when you wake, my sweet. Kissing you to sleep, tucking you in, then laying close. Sweet dreams. <3
2012-10-27 14:24:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll rotate that one back in. I switch them around, mix them up. ;-) Ok, then, I'm going to study-will you be retiring for the evening soon?
2012-10-27 14:16:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just because you asked, doesn't indicate your feeling about it, does it? ::smiles:: Ah, yes, I know the one you're speaking of- I'm sure
2012-10-27 14:14:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am studying now, but just about to get into it seriously. Would it be ok if we chatted later on? Would you mind? Love talking to you. :-)
2012-10-27 14:11:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Which one was that?

2012-10-27 14:10:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's a know I'm very

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transparent.Deliberately.Yes,in modeling for my friend,I have some provocative shots like this-older pics
2012-10-27 13:56:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would be too shy (and cautious) to put any shot up that I have of myself that are on that order.
2012-10-27 13:49:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, yes, that was around sleepy time last, not me, lol...
2012-10-27 13:40:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Exactly! Cooking is an act of intimacy, if done right. What didn't i tell you, love?
2012-10-27 13:37:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I chose an electric here, as I like the way the oven works better,and how the stovetop is seamless with the counter,giving it a sleeker look
2012-10-27 12:23:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is one of my favorite things, to cook together, enjoying and creating something for your love to enjoy. I always picture us doing that.
2012-10-27 12:23:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You will get to relax and enjoy your weekend. What is the weather like in your part of the world right now?
2012-10-27 11:21:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's the winds that re supposed to be a big issue. And that means power outages. Going to cook before that happens...then studying. In glad
2012-10-27 11:21:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think supposed to get here by tomorrow and really hit home Monday or Tuesday. It's been rainy and gloomy for days, though. Overcast now.
2012-10-27 11:20:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How about you?

2012-10-27 09:49:28 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Well, today i will carve pumpkins with the kids.Everyone is bracing for a big storm headed our way,so I'm making sure supplies are in place.
2012-10-27 09:49:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sorry, my sweet. I fell asleep a bit. *yawn, stretch*

2012-10-27 09:43:22 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Falling asleep with a smile ; ) {just planning on festival and more donating/re-arranging, etc }
2012-10-27 01:45:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, what an answer! I'm rewriting that back to you in tweet.
2012-10-27 01:39:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, feels good to stay up, it's natural for me.
2012-10-27 01:39:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm tongue tied! I'm so mad at you for making me tongue tied right now!!! ::huge grin, laugh::
2012-10-27 01:33:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ha! Don't tempt me. Because I would accept the challenge. And it would be the easiest thing I have ever done.
2012-10-27 01:20:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww, my sweet man. I'm sure you've had a challenging, busy week as well. But I'd sure love a nice, good, hard, long hug. Deal?
2012-10-27 00:26:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But it's over now. :-) Dwelling doesn't change the outcome of things. Silly to hold onto it.
2012-10-27 00:13:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So she's making my life difficult. I had 2 exams this week. Plus a zillion projects the teachers assigned the children. Rough week.
2012-10-27 00:12:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ...she has me in her sights, for whatever reason. She seems to be threatened because the rest of the bunch sort of embraced me
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right away.
2012-10-27 00:11:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, such a long story. There is an older woman at my site, who is just a smug and unhappy woman. Whole department hates her. Anyway...
2012-10-27 00:10:50 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *shine* you made my whole week-end! xo

2012-10-27 00:08:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My day went well. I had kind of a rough week, so I'm thankful that it's over.
2012-10-26 23:58:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire We do, ever since this semester started for me in September! I hate it! So what are you doing this weekend?
2012-10-26 18:01:13 (EDT)

BeingInJoy that sounds truly wonderful in every way!

2012-10-26 13:45:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *swooning* (grin)

2012-10-26 13:30:18 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you ~ she's my heart running around, I'm taking good care...and I am going to be swimming your TL to see what you conjure up! : )
2012-10-26 12:20:04 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (smiling) have me all aglow in this cold damp Autumn forest ; )
2012-10-26 11:53:35 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you for your gentle kindness ~ my connection with you has always been very sweet to me...whatever it is ~ lovely. You are magical.
2012-10-26 11:22:57 (EDT)

BeingInJoy well, he's very dear to me and I let him think he's king, lol. We're all spread over the US, but close...our children are precious to us.
2012-10-26 11:15:23 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I do believe in astrology ~ we're the three fire signs. I feel like
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I've had my sister, the Sag, under my arm, and my brother the Leo...
2012-10-26 11:14:20 (EDT)

BeingInJoy twisty-cone of the two! At her funeral, age 12, I sat silently between my crying brother & sister ~ holding their hands. They were 23 & 26.
2012-10-26 11:12:48 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I think in some way her leaving saved my older sister ~ who is so very much like her. My brother is so like our father, and I am a
2012-10-26 11:11:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *blush* oh you are the one to admire ~ your writing is so inspiring to so many! You really reach deeply!
2012-10-26 11:09:56 (EDT)

BeingInJoy has. She is determined to grow up to be a peacemaker in the world...and an example of love in her daily life. She is a storm herself, lol.
2012-10-26 11:05:03 (EDT)

BeingInJoy of them. So yes, I am careful with my own divorce, careful to teach Avery about love and life and feeling all the spectrum of feelings she
2012-10-26 11:03:51 (EDT)

BeingInJoy the woman who became my step-mothers. She took muscle relaxers, doubtfully meaning to die, but for much of my life I felt abandoned by both
2012-10-26 11:03:00 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I found my mother dead. She had been drinking heavily at a party and had been depressed after my father had been caught having an affair w/
2012-10-26 11:02:05 (EDT)

BeingInJoy seasons...and use the rich mythology and stories of the world to illustrate the ever opening and deepening spirals we travel upon ; )
2012-10-26 11:01:27 (EDT)

BeingInJoy love it. But I am a very fiery and passionate my writing is often a storm, lol. People eventually see that I journey with the ..
2012-10-26 11:00:39 (EDT)

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BeingInJoy Fasting during ancient sacred days ~ just seems natural to me ; ) Opens the heart, the mind, clears a way for the soul. I meditate easily &
2012-10-26 10:53:16 (EDT)

BeingInJoy So this just one little page of her-story. Feel free to share about yourself, or not. I don't share to receive, but welcome of course!!
2012-10-26 10:52:01 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I left on my 18th birthday, leaving behind my inheritance/a cushy life of means. My dad ~ ugh. I've forgiven him and her. No contact.
2012-10-26 10:51:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Lol ~ not boring I hope ; ) ~ As I may have shared, my mother passed when I was 12 and I lived with a hateful stepmother for 6 years until
2012-10-26 10:49:36 (EDT)

BeingInJoy a sketch of me. I've studied SO MANY religions and spiritual paths...I love it ~ it is my delight to experience Creation from many angles!
2012-10-26 10:48:44 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I haven't quite finished, but I majored in science and English literature in college (I'll finish in English w/sci minor, lol). So there is
2012-10-26 10:47:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I majored in science and English literature in college but still haven't finished (yikes, I know).
2012-10-26 10:45:12 (EDT)

BeingInJoy exposed to/spent much time in Celtic/Wiccan circles, but have never been one much for labels. I love metaphor & myth so much ; ) Stories...
2012-10-26 10:44:29 (EDT)

BeingInJoy my father spent tours in Korea, Turkey, and many other I grew up with a world-view. I'm grateful for that. As an adult, I was
2012-10-26 10:43:29 (EDT)

BeingInJoy we toured Europe as much as we could while there. I never felt "home" like I did with the stories and tales and music of our heritage. But
2012-10-26 10:41:53 (EDT)

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BeingInJoy history there. (as all stories do have...) I grew up in Hawaii, and then here & there in the US and then grade-school in Heidelberg, Germany
2012-10-26 10:40:41 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Southwest (southern Oklahoma, Taos, New Mexico, and Eastern Texas. Homesteading and etc. So there is some interesting and also difficult ..
2012-10-26 10:39:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Irish, with some English & Welsh tossed in, lol. Interestingly, my parent's families both were frontier families that settled in the ...
2012-10-26 10:38:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Oh I'm well...truly xo Well, I am fully American, but I am a Scottish Boyd by descent, and the rest of my mother & father's heritage is ...
2012-10-26 10:37:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I can choose to be free in *any* circumstances. I have understanding. it's a choice for me. But neither of us wants him to be *victim*
2012-10-26 08:42:04 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Rob has found the door. I am patiently waiting for him to open it *with* me and say farewell ~ together.
2012-10-26 08:38:43 (EDT)

BeingInJoy this time I am fasting the 31st/1st w/water...but 8 prior days are thhe juice/soup days : ) 10 days of water too much rt now.
2012-10-26 08:36:08 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I fast for spiritual reasons over solstices, equinoxes, & some other sacred days (to me), like Samhain.
2012-10-26 08:30:41 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Stress ~ the divorce that is a yoyo ~ still not done. leaving no stone unturned to be sure it is the way.
2012-10-26 08:22:47 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And Cleo's mummy on other...but she's hedging in favor of vanity ~ which I suppose *can* be scary? lol
2012-10-26 08:16:59 (EDT)

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BeingInJoy Ha! well ~ perhaps that would also be an accurate avi for me??? lol...Let's see...she was supposed to be Cleo one one side...
2012-10-26 08:15:02 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I open my heart to you ~ pouring you a cup of love! xo

2012-10-26 05:21:04 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Just finding balance between roots and wings. Taking A to see a jazz performer Nov 3rd ~ how have *you* been?
2012-10-26 05:18:47 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I am sort of fasting. stressed, so it is safer if I have juice & broths/soup and teas, etc. not a true fast, but I'll be done Nov 2 : j
2012-10-26 05:16:44 (EDT)

BeingInJoy What an embrace you are ; ) ~ Thank you ~ we are fine ~ she is going as Cleopatra for Halloween. Fall Festival is Saturday
2012-10-26 05:11:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll gladly take that hug, and give you a squeeze back. ::grin:: I miss you a lot, especially right now.
2012-10-25 21:31:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That was so wonderful to walk out to! I miss you, too, Anand. I feel like we keep missing each other, and it's making me sad.
2012-10-25 21:31:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you beyond words...

2012-10-25 16:12:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I highly value your literary opinion.

2012-10-25 06:28:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, this is even more interesting now.

2012-10-25 06:27:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Heehee, I'm so grumpy right now...hate waking up before my body is ready!
2012-10-25 06:27:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, that sounds very interesting!!!!! Is it well written? So there are physical writings all over this persons body? Born that way?
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2012-10-25 06:25:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Giving you a soft kiss in your slumber.

2012-10-24 16:49:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you, sweet one?

2012-10-24 16:49:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been trying to read it since the a quick reader, so this is sort if sticking in my craw a bit.
2012-10-24 16:49:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Can't push through it. It is very stream if consciousness, and with my distractibility as of late, I just can't give it the focus it needs.
2012-10-24 16:48:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What was written on the body about? I have been trying to get through a book by my friends uncle, called niagara digressions, and I just
2012-10-24 16:47:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would make me doubly happy!

2012-10-24 03:05:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And at the beach, my favorite!

2012-10-24 03:05:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes! Have to talk about a book we're reading/have read if something on that order. Oh, please come kidnap me- I'd love some time with you!!!
2012-10-24 03:04:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Always do the most interesting things.I miss you,and the deepness in our talks...we need a good topic to sink our teeth into soon.Miss that.
2012-10-24 02:38:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, so I see. {grin} How are you doing, love? Going on any interesting trips or seminars you sometimes participate in, anytime soon? You
2012-10-24 02:37:30 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I am , :) just doing my masters for a year here,,

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2012-10-23 13:58:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, boy...define "interesting"!

2012-10-22 07:58:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where are you??? Lol! How is recruiting going, my sweet?

2012-10-20 22:58:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The sweetness and all that we shared that you now disallow... It was your decision, yours alone, so... be happy with it.
2012-10-20 03:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss it all, darling. Inc. the hugs, kisses, sweet cuddles... all of it, all.
2012-10-20 02:36:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tightly to me...

2012-10-20 02:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The signal might be poor, but my butterflies will find you... I hope all goes well and you enjoy the weekend. Do take care.
2012-10-20 02:33:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you... Missing you. I miss how we used to share our days... Miss you, darling. I miss you. I miss it all... :-(
2012-10-19 15:28:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am smiling so big right now! I'd love that! Get over here already, will you??? *wink*
2012-10-18 22:46:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would want nothing more than to be in your arms. Nothing.

2012-10-18 22:23:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awwww, a uni! So different going back as an adult, with clearer eyes.
2012-10-18 22:22:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Every Thursday is this length for me.

2012-10-18 22:22:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm smiling right now just thinking of you. :-) I hope you
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have non stressful travel days. Holding you, softly kissing your cheeks. xoxo
2012-10-18 21:39:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just got done with my 16 hour day...I must eat something, I'm starving...I am missing you, and the peace i always feel when we talk.
2012-10-18 21:37:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Recruitment???Oh my word, what do they have you doing NOW? Lol! Your job certainly keeps you busy,but I am glad when I see that you enjoy it
2012-10-18 21:34:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire xoxoxo
2012-10-17 23:18:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just wrapping up from a busy day, and my thoughts turned to you, is your day shaping up so far? I know it's early there still...
2012-10-17 23:18:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't annoy you. And don't worry I won't come to sit by your side... or do anything that is against your upbringing or your mind's want.
2012-10-17 14:48:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to have thought that you... I... Sigh. Never mind. Your missing me will fade away quickly... Take care.
2012-10-17 14:45:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Instead... just holding me close... But forget. :-(

2012-10-17 14:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's it... your but! Even though it is not your intent, you are hurting me & you know this.
2012-10-17 14:18:12 (EDT)

dgdreamin TY dear heart; your generous comments are very appreciated. I have lots of faults, but I try to always be kind & treat others w/ respect. xo
2012-10-16 22:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up for no reason...before going back to sleep, I kiss your nape & hug you closer...hoping you can feel my lovely your dreams
2012-10-16 18:33:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Do you remember how you asked me to tell you my heart's word? Do you? It still hums that word... and your name... :-(
2012-10-16 15:10:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly as I am, I slip behind you quietly & hug you tightly to me, whispering softly in your ear to sweeten your dreams... My darling... :-(
2012-10-16 14:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling and hold me close... or go away and leave me alone.
2012-10-16 13:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. But don't come... only to thrust your spear into my lil' heart. Again and again...
2012-10-16 13:11:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is the easiest way... to simply vanish away... You said you don't want to lie to me... why do you lie to yourself, then?
2012-10-16 13:08:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Vanish... to me...

2012-10-16 13:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you prefer to stay behind the curtains... Good night. Be well.
2012-10-16 12:46:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for responding to my clumsy attempt at being lovely last night... Sorry to have come to sit by you and hold your hand...
2012-10-16 12:44:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't watch me... from a safe distance. Come closer... or walk away, without looking back...
2012-10-16 12:30:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Acting like I don't know you are there... hoping you'd come out and wrap your arms around me...
2012-10-16 12:20:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I want to discuss further how your mother is, family in general, what you have planned for leisure time, if you've read anything
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good, etc..
2012-10-15 22:56:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mmmm, drifting off soon...I'd love to think of you doing that. That is exactly what I'm going to picture. I am smiling just thinking on it.
2012-10-15 22:55:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Me thoughts of tranquility.

2012-10-15 21:59:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, that sounds like heaven right now....when I think about decompressing from my day, I always think of relaxing with you- you always bring
2012-10-15 21:59:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My arms, just fold you to me in peace.

2012-10-15 20:46:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, sweetness! I miss you so much, miss chatting, seeing your handsome face...I must send you something soon. I want to wrap you in
2012-10-15 20:46:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is my sweetest friend?

2012-10-15 20:27:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My dear, sweet, Anand! ::heart smiles:: yes, I was a good sort of busy today, very happy. I got 2 A's on last weeks tests. Feeling good.
2012-10-15 20:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting by your side, gently holding your hand as you sleep...
2012-10-15 15:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too. Immensely. :-(

2012-10-15 15:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had a hard long weekend, I don't need this. Do all the stuff you want to... My wants? No dear, was mostly about your wants...
2012-10-14 14:11:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... simply leave me alone & be happy with your individual
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decisions and yourself.

2012-10-14 14:06:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can have plenty of individual decisions, but some decisions need to be made by two... Hope you can get to realize that someday.
2012-10-14 14:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let this dear Andrea thingy be... Good night. Sleep well yourself... at least you can...
2012-10-14 13:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We were together in this and not you alone... Don't you see the difference?
2012-10-14 13:49:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Didn't get me agitated. Do whatever you want. If I am not in a mood for something, going for a walk or do this or that is not the same.
2012-10-14 13:47:38 (EDT)

agatekartik Wow.First I've heard of this! Bhutans pogroms "@ atlasdanced: ...-> #bhutan"
2012-10-14 12:28:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you had a conversation with yourself and made decisions without asking me. Nice, indeed.
2012-10-14 12:03:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the same time, you reduced the sweetness and all to zero & said it is nice or not, this is how it is.
2012-10-14 12:02:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... how to conduct ourselves. You simply said how you will... and how you want me to conduct myself.
2012-10-14 12:02:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you refused to meet & after months of begging you, you said yes to a meeting & then this... It wasn't really a conversation about
2012-10-14 12:01:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Forget. Keep dancing with your purple princess, instead. Bye.
2012-10-14 11:37:24 (EDT)

ZinniaTung heyoo! naa not back in canada.. in london england doing my

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masters.. x
2012-10-14 10:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, let it be. Your lovely silly lady is utterly sad. Hold me close or leave me alone. You've hurt me way too much.
2012-10-14 05:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And again... If you knew this, why did not you steel yourself back then, why just now? No, I don't understand this.
2012-10-14 05:30:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your treating me how you do now is something that happened over the past week.
2012-10-14 05:27:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, tomorrow is new moon... I should stop keep a track of it... And you... simply forget me and all that we had...
2012-10-14 04:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does matter if you want it or not. Why now? Why!? And yes, good morning.
2012-10-14 04:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lie to me as in? All that we shared...You really don't want them anymore? Is all faded away? You feel nothing? Darling, nothing?
2012-10-14 03:27:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire <3 (((((((hugggggg))))))))

2012-10-13 11:51:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. :-(

2012-10-13 09:24:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then don't do this, don't be like this... be like how you were... Please.
2012-10-13 09:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you don't want it anymore... :-(

2012-10-12 16:22:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you a lot my darling :-( And I'd love to join you & hug you close to me & wake you with a lil' smiling kiss in the morning but...
2012-10-12 16:15:30 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Because you know it very well that you hurt me. You know it... I am done. And don't worry I won't repeat anything...
2012-10-12 14:45:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've hurt me way too much. You can save your sorry... I don't need it. Saying "I am sorry" doesn't make it any better. Not in this case.
2012-10-12 14:35:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, maybe there are misunderstandings from my side but in the end, the result is the same...
2012-10-12 14:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And have a nice weekend. Now you have plenty of time to do whatever you want to... I will be off.
2012-10-12 13:35:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and even after that... For long, long months. Makes no sense. Good night. Hope you sleep well- at least one of us...
2012-10-12 13:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why, why to share joy & sweetness... just to know how it is & then deny it to us? And this for months before our meeting, then when we met
2012-10-12 13:34:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And newly, all of a sudden, none of them. Nothing.

2012-10-12 11:22:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, now we know... It was nice, sweet, beautiful. And then you've put yourself on a leash, telling me this we can't never have again.
2012-10-12 11:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And just remember the time before our meeting... We shared such things, even if only in words that I would normally never do.
2012-10-12 11:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wanted to meet you & I think you wanted the same. I didn't ask you to share those things... I didn't know they will happen at all.
2012-10-12 11:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you clarified that you don't blame me after making me feel
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like it was my fault that I came to the US at all.

2012-10-12 11:19:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Had you been on a leash then, I would have thought you didn't like me "that way" & would have kept distance...
2012-10-12 11:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, now you can do all the stuff you want to, without being annoyed by me.
2012-10-12 06:02:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But seems like you don't understand... And before you say you know it's not nice but this is how it is, I think I go back to my shell...
2012-10-12 06:02:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you can't do that, no problem- I will simply not react..." Whatever. It doesn't work like that!
2012-10-12 06:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and btw, I also decided to disallow us from all those things we were doing, sharing till today, so you better keep distance.
2012-10-12 06:00:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could've said this too- "Hey darling, from today on, you have to put your heart on a leash. It doesn't matter you want it or not.
2012-10-12 06:00:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't treat you any differently. I won't lie & force my heart to do the opposite of what it feels... Even if you want me to do that.
2012-10-12 05:59:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's you who is compelling me to do that, to keep myself away from you...
2012-10-12 05:59:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All of a sudden you disallow yourself from those certain things... Does it restrict my behavior? Not really.
2012-10-12 05:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You even talked like it was my fault, that I am to blame for what happened between us in the US. Just because I dared to come...
2012-10-12 05:58:24 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... down that we built to each other. That's what you wanted? Are you doing this with all your heart, too?
2012-10-12 05:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We don't share sweet things that made us smile & feel good. You are alienating yourself/us from me/each other... and burning the bridge
2012-10-12 05:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We barely talked to each other, barely said something, we shared nearly nothing lately. The simple sweetness & playfulness all gone.
2012-10-12 05:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. Terribly.

2012-10-12 05:56:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know, I'm sorry. Driving now (at a light). Miss you! Xoxoxo
2012-10-11 07:14:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire (((Hug back))) ok, love...must run...uugghhhh! Enjoy your evening, I'll talk to you soon. xo
2012-10-11 06:18:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I'd gladly take the hug. *wink*

2012-10-11 06:11:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am so crabby right now, lol! Hate waking up before my body is ready!
2012-10-11 06:10:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 'Other' issues? Everything ok?

2012-10-11 06:05:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::blush::
2012-10-11 06:04:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! *yawn* Yes, I got A's on both, so I'm happy about that. :-) How was your day, lovie?
2012-10-11 06:01:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, sweet one. :-) How have you been? I had 2 weighty tests the past couple of days, and they're over, luckily. What've you been up to?
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2012-10-10 18:31:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope, really hope that your day was a lovely one...even if it was busy & despite my annoying you...I would've so loved to be with you!
2012-10-09 14:51:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. And all that we shared... Sigh. It was so lovely hearing your voice... I closed my eyes, imagining you standing next to me...
2012-10-09 14:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your silly lady's sitting by your side, softly kissing you on your forehead & eyes, her palm on your chest... watching over you as you sleep
2012-10-09 14:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 'Cause I miss you. Because I miss us-together. 'Cause you brought distance in. 'Cause I miss us being as close to each other as we once were
2012-10-09 11:56:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it was your decision, not ours... Because what it once was so nice, so lovely, you turned into something bitter & not nice at all.
2012-10-09 11:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because you said no to those sweet kisses and lovely cuddles and playful teasing that made us smile & sigh...
2012-10-09 11:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No... because you are not here to hold me... Because you don't want to... Because what felt once so right & sweet it feels wrong to you now.
2012-10-09 11:43:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling. I'll lie down for a bit, didn't get much sleep...Oh did I tell you? Happy Birthday! A lil' goodnight kiss for you
2012-10-09 11:34:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did it with all your heart and yet... now you say it's wrong & you disallow all of it. The heart knows it better...
2012-10-09 11:28:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too... :-(

2012-10-09 11:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I thought you did those things (oh those lovely
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mornings!) 'cause you wanted to, felt like doing them & made your heart smile.
2012-10-09 10:52:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all the cuddles & sweet lively moments we shared, just because I came to the US.
2012-10-09 10:48:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I didn't tell you or ask you to kiss me. Now it feels like you are blaming me & it's my fault that you kissed me & all that we did
2012-10-09 10:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a lovely evening, darling. I won't annoy you... It's your birthday... I am sorry. And didn't bake a cake for you... I planned it...
2012-10-09 10:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't defend myself, darling. I am very bad at it. But some action of yours, what you say & do... or don't, do hurt me a lot.
2012-10-09 10:19:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could see yourself with my eyes and I, myself with yours... Then, we both would know better... & understand how the other feels.
2012-10-09 10:02:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not quite true, darling. I don't think only of myself or my wants. I didn't ask much... And I am not making such decisions by myself...
2012-10-09 09:48:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. What scene? I didn't tell you to be like how you were with me in the US. I didn't ask you to do all those things.
2012-10-09 09:47:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SWEET!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo Hope you have/had a great, enjoyable day!!!! ((((Hugs))))
2012-10-09 09:38:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said it right- Your decision, yours alone. Not ours. Seems like you forgot that we are/were together in this... not you, alone.
2012-10-09 09:34:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You always do what you want to... at that moment. And then
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you change your mind... Happy birthday, darling. Enjoy you... and then yourself.
2012-10-09 09:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel so incredibly silly! And how happily I woke up to write to you and then call you...But even that you simply ignored. Silly silly me.
2012-10-09 09:15:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But seems like it is all unimportant to you, nothing matters to you... except yourself. What have become of us??? Thanks to you... -(
2012-10-09 09:12:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There were boundaries, yes... but there was no distance, darling. :-(
2012-10-09 09:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, it is not restricting my behavior. What you do is simply ignoring certain things & pushing me away coldly.
2012-10-09 09:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could've steeled yourself even then, no? And even after our meeting... you were not this cold... :-(
2012-10-09 09:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But why? Tell me why? Why now? I still don't understand why did you allow us to be that close to each other in the US.
2012-10-09 09:07:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops, I meant on my belly... And you- us...wrapped around each other. My sweet darling, please don't be like this. You are like a stranger...
2012-10-09 06:33:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I think or say or wish... It seems to only matter what you want, how you want it & it must be the way you want it... :-(
2012-10-09 06:29:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've made your decision... whether I agree with it or not. Without asking me. It seems that it doesn't matter to you what...
2012-10-09 06:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss how we were... how you treated me. I miss it all so, so much darling.
2012-10-09 06:27:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss your kisses, your cuddling lil' me, your hand from my belly, your asking me to join you when you go to sleep.
2012-10-09 06:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will gently caress you, cradle you in my arms... play with your hair, kiss you softly... Sigh. Miss you, darling. Happy birthday!
2012-10-09 06:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know... I am glad you found my call sweet... You mean you'll sleep in the office? Yes? I feel tired, too. Shall I join you, darling?
2012-10-09 06:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I am so sorry about your little birthday gift... that you didn't get...
2012-10-09 05:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Very very much. A sweet soft long slow birthday kiss for your lips darling & a tight loving hug, too.
2012-10-09 05:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And my phone call felt kinda unwelcome... Blush. But if it delighted you & brought a smile to you, I am happy.
2012-10-09 05:18:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really mean that? I was about to apologize for bothering you... because got no response to my DMs & no message at all.
2012-10-09 05:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi darling. Oooh, I am so sorry...I so wished & hoped for an easy day at work for you... But I hope your day is fine, despite the busy-ness.
2012-10-09 05:17:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May your day be sweet, filled with smiles and butterflies. I miss you... Happy Birthday, my darling. :-)
2012-10-08 18:13:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And just now, after sending you these DMs, I realized that you might not want any of them... But I hope, so so hope that you do... Sigh.
2012-10-08 18:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to be with you today, I'd so love to make your day
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beautiful & special & sweet... Ooh, how I'd love to pamper you all day!
2012-10-08 18:09:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I would bring you birthday breakfast in bed, singing the birthday song & blushing as you laugh at my singing 'cause I can't sing. :-)
2012-10-08 18:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I was there to cover you in a few thousand sweet soft happy birthday kisses in the morning before you even open your eyes...
2012-10-08 18:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you :-) in your sleep as I hug you close to me, kiss your earlobe & whispering (a late, sniff) "happy birthday my sweet dahhling"
2012-10-08 18:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly & have plenty of rainbowcolored, smiling butterflies fluttering through your dreams...
2012-10-08 18:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I ruined it 'cause it is my midnight not yours. I was so tired & before I fell asleep I set the alarm at midnight- but my time... :-(
2012-10-08 18:06:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling- Happy Birthday! :-) I know you are sleeping but I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy midnight
2012-10-08 18:00:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why you lost me. I try to put the phone down an get away from it...too tempting!
2012-10-08 15:15:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire the thought of you and I in the same space, even the same time zone, makes me smile. :-) Sorry, love, 2 HUGE tests I'm studying for, that's
2012-10-08 15:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you very much. And yes, I would love to give that little something to you in person, but... I can't steel myself darling. I can't.
2012-10-08 12:42:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I am sorry... I hesitated too long... and now you will not get
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your gift in time... My mistake.

2012-10-08 12:17:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thanks. Don't have sweet dreams nowadays but thanks. Good night.
2012-10-08 12:10:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why :-( ? You should be happy with your decision...

2012-10-08 12:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Good night.

2012-10-08 11:40:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And why? Because of you... Because you decided to be like this... from one day to the other.
2012-10-08 11:30:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not nice, darling. It is not the same...

2012-10-08 11:23:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My arms are wrapped your neck, giggling...rubbing my nose against yours... & then the kiss, the kiss is missing... & you turn your head away
2012-10-08 11:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Normally, I'd now jump in your arms, squeeze you gently & give you a sweet welcome home kiss, but...
2012-10-08 11:09:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you too...not enough leisure time on the day to enjoy you the way I'd like.
2012-10-08 10:44:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day is ok. Just... working. How was yours? Are you at home?
2012-10-08 10:43:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww, that's sweet...even sweeter, because I feel the same. :-) Always love hearing from you. How was your day? New position going well?
2012-10-08 10:38:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, I was unsure if it was going to be 34 or 35....I prefer you however you come, dear. You're wonderful.
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2012-10-08 10:31:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awwwww! How old will my sweet be?

2012-10-08 10:04:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, how funny, those came in at the same time.

2012-10-08 09:22:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So what are you doing for your birthday tomorrow?

2012-10-08 09:22:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, you were caught in a little wordplay, but had not returned my last message, so I figured I'd let you be until you were ready. :-)
2012-10-08 07:58:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you...

2012-10-08 07:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, darling. Here's a sweet baklava-flavored kiss for you... for after lunch...
2012-10-08 04:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your address looks complicated. What is G-8 and Phase 2? Which is the street? Jains Aashiana 13 or Vembuliamman Koil... :-|
2012-10-08 03:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you think the bitterness/sadness will settle & it will get any better or easier over time & my feelings will change, then you are wrong.
2012-10-08 03:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But they shouldn't be closed in your velvet box... They should cover you in their sweetness from your head to toe...
2012-10-08 03:16:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you left them hovering around... till they popped like soap bubbles... Good. I understand. :-(
2012-10-08 03:12:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A thousand sweet soft little kisses all over you, darling... You take them or leave them... :-(
2012-10-08 02:55:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the way you want us to be. I miss you. Miss everything. Miss
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your kiss, your cuddling me. The sweet playfulness. You. All.
2012-10-08 02:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know what we can do... To be like how we always have been... The bitterness won't settle, darling. I can't be with you...
2012-10-08 02:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not really- didn't sleep much. I'm not in a good shape but it's not important & I hope you slept well... & having a good day at work.
2012-10-08 02:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Spring cleaning & shopping sounds fun... I would've so loved to be around too...
2012-10-08 02:53:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, thinking about you too...saw you posting yesterday, didn't want to bother you while you were doing your thing. How's everything going?
2012-10-07 22:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Missed you very very much this week...It was not nice, darling. Not at all. Not one bit. I don't want us to be like that. Sad sigh
2012-10-07 15:10:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you are sleeping sweetly, wake up feeling fresh & have a great start into the new week.
2012-10-07 15:09:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just took a long, hot shower. Wearing my tiny sleepy-clothes and would so love to join you under the warm covers & curl into you, but...Sigh
2012-10-07 15:08:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is raining very very hard here. And you are not here to cuddle up to... Sigh.
2012-10-07 13:11:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am extremely tired today- sleep deprived. Was just driving around for a while, checked on Sandy & came home.
2012-10-07 13:10:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sure you are doing it right. Lil' tiny smile. I would've really
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loved to be there, I am sure cleaning with you would've been fun.

2012-10-07 13:08:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a lovely day, darling & you were smiling while cleaning the house... imagining me standing near you, observing you to make
2012-10-07 13:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tight and kissing you softly... if you will allow me... It would be so nice... to rock each other to sleep...
2012-10-07 12:46:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please stay... hold me close through the night... Please. Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly. Have lovely dreams.
2012-10-07 12:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late there, darling. Don't you wish to go to sleep?

2012-10-07 12:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... You know... I mean... Sigh. You know what I mean.
2012-10-07 12:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... but... Sigh. Are you sure?

2012-10-07 12:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not?

2012-10-07 09:30:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we were together now. I wish we could hold each other... I wish... Sigh. I wish...
2012-10-07 09:30:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. I miss you... :-(

2012-10-07 09:11:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, it looks like I do need your address...

2012-10-07 06:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the exhaust pipe. Then visiting Sandy on my way home. I miss her. And I miss you- my sweet darling sir. Soft butterfly kisses for you...
2012-10-07 06:51:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now. Will drive around pointlessly... My car is too
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slow, it needs a little speed. It's good for the car & also cleaning
2012-10-07 06:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember your room? And how your room looked when you were alone there and when I was there...?
2012-10-07 06:02:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I find it sweet that you think and wonder about such things... I would like it, yes.
2012-10-07 05:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... no socks on the floor, please... I would really love to be there but this will never happen...
2012-10-07 05:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-10-07 05:11:55 (EDT)

gennepher Ah..N for new meesage+M for message.I needed that tip reminder.Just put it on a post-it note before,but they have a habit of floating away..
2012-10-07 03:46:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing your kisses, our cuddles and all...

2012-10-07 03:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept ok... I slept very little. Spring cleaning sounds fun, I wish I was there to help you...
2012-10-07 03:40:09 (EDT)

gennepher Thanks have a good day/good night's sleep....

2012-10-07 00:24:05 (EDT)

gennepher getting back to me, you are an angel...and thanks for the N and M tip....Thank you again x
2012-10-06 23:54:19 (EDT)

gennepher searching for ages for the DM facility cos it wasnt on, it doesnt appear until you reduce the page back to 100% which is stupid. Thanks for
2012-10-06 23:53:05 (EDT)

gennepher top bar that starts with Home on the laft does not scroll when the page is enlarge and it stopped at the search box, which is why i was
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2012-10-06 23:51:36 (EDT)

gennepher My eyes are not so good so I have page enlarged to 150%, and although u can scroll page from left to right to see whole twitter page, that
2012-10-06 23:50:35 (EDT)

gennepher Wow that is fantastic...I didn't know that about N and M keys...I have just realised this morning why I could not find the DM's yesterday
2012-10-06 23:49:36 (EDT)

gennepher Testing the M key for DM's ...trying it out...

2012-10-06 23:48:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, let it be. Don't worry, I won't annoy you... Enjoy your Sunday. Read, write, wordplay... whatever makes you happy.
2012-10-06 20:12:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know I am repeating myself, but I just don't understand... Your reasoning about your mind & leashes & all... makes no sense to me.
2012-10-06 20:06:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It felt right then and now, it doesn't... And this just mere friends thingy... Why now, from today to tomorrow?
2012-10-06 20:04:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you kept telling me the lack of the future, but still... Why didn't you hold back when we were in the US?
2012-10-06 20:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you knew there's no future together, that you don't want this, then... Why? Why this all? Why any of it?
2012-10-06 20:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trying to find ways to understand you, but I can't. You did many things that are not valid as per your upbringing, yet you did them...
2012-10-06 20:01:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have told you everything... have nothing more to say.

2012-10-06 14:32:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd better say nothing just to ensure not repeating things... and because being with you as a friend doesn't work.
2012-10-06 14:31:58 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good night. Wishing you a good night's sleep. A soft kiss on your palms...
2012-10-06 14:24:29 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 with me. It is doing wonders for my worn out body. Pretty please. :)
2012-10-06 09:36:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 night. Lovely image, I know. :) I haven't been this sick in a long time. Twitter is keeping me company. I'm restless... Keep word playing
2012-10-06 09:35:54 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning Anand. A teeny bit. It's been a rough morning. I think I just needed to clear out all the phlegm that was accumulating over
2012-10-06 09:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Sad sigh.

2012-10-06 09:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-10-06 08:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I ran back just to take your face in my hands and give you a deep quick kiss... Sorry, I couldn't help it... And whoosh...
2012-10-06 06:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off for now. Need to do my Sat. shopping. Have no food at home. Wish you could come with me... A tight gentle hug & a sweet kiss for you...
2012-10-06 06:36:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. A lot. And I would love more than anything else to be held by you... and more...
2012-10-06 06:35:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, good morning my darling... Well, afternoon. No, I didn't sleep that well but I hope you did...
2012-10-06 06:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and respected that, keeping distance too. But it happened
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exactly the opposite... And it was beautiful, easy, effortless & felt right.
2012-10-06 06:34:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I came to you with the thought that you will not like me. You would've just had to keep distance... I would've known then...
2012-10-06 06:33:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ to be that close to each other? It could've been a friendly meeting. It was our first meeting, darling. The first & most important one
2012-10-06 06:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can you know that there is no future for us? We did not even try... And if it is against your upbringing, then why did you allow...
2012-10-06 06:32:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't do that. I couldn't do that, even if you asked me a thousand times... It doesn't work like that.
2012-10-06 06:31:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You already steeled yourself & put your heart on a leash, without asking me. You simply did it...
2012-10-06 06:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just correcting... Missing us- together...

2012-10-05 15:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... My sweet sweet darling... Your silly lovely lady is missing you... :-(
2012-10-05 15:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because this way feels honest. Even if your mind says it is wrong... it is not. Ask your heart...
2012-10-05 15:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? Because it makes us happy, because I can't imagine any other way with you... Because we were like that from the very beginning.
2012-10-05 15:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if there's no future for us, at least our time together should be as beautiful & joyous as it was & enjoy every second of it.
2012-10-05 15:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you withdrew again, discouraging our meeting... and all2175 / 4823

us. You wanted to meet... then not, then yes, then again not & so on... :-(
2012-10-05 15:43:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shortly before we met, you said if we decide to take this further then perhaps we won't hold back 'coz we'd know clearly...
2012-10-05 15:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, you did change your mind about this all... many times, after your first withdrawing.
2012-10-05 15:33:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, those boundaries were ok, there were tough moments, yes... but it was ok. And now... :-(
2012-10-05 15:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Putting distance between us doesn't feel honest. I can't treat you as a mere friend & it is painful that you now treat me that way.
2012-10-05 15:31:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This what we have now doesn't feel right at all. It is not nice, darling. You miss me. I miss you.
2012-10-05 15:29:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you... Missing you terribly. We... we should be with each other the way we were... That way felt right. So nice. So sweet.
2012-10-05 15:23:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

2012-10-05 15:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I wish you were here instead... cuddling each other to sleep... :-( Good night. May I... join you?
2012-10-05 15:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, why are you still up? It is very, very late there...
2012-10-05 14:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, it is so beautiful... so, so beautiful... Sigh. I snuggle closer to you and hug your arm to me...
2012-10-05 14:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you still up? Sleep. Please. And please, just... hold me... close, so close...
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2012-10-05 14:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... :-(

2012-10-05 14:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-10-05 14:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. A sweet soft gentle kiss for your lips... if you allow it... Sleep now. Hold me, just... hold me, do not loosen your hold...
2012-10-05 14:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You awake? This late? Why?

2012-10-05 14:29:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trying to hold back the urge to curl into you and wrap in your arms... because... because... :-(
2012-10-05 14:18:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... I sit by your side, my darling. Quietly, silently... Watching over you as you sleep, holding your hand...
2012-10-05 14:14:12 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 My body has shut down :(

2012-10-05 10:52:00 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Bronchial asthmatic infection - really hoping it doesn't turn to pneumonia. Yes, on meds.
2012-10-05 10:51:44 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Stayed in bed till this morning. Went to work. They sent me straight home.
2012-10-05 10:48:47 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Spent Tuesday morning in the hospital with a mask on couldn't breathe
2012-10-05 10:48:23 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Haven't been this sick in a long time.

2012-10-05 10:47:25 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Horrible infection

2012-10-05 10:46:42 (EDT)

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purplepoetry77 Yes. Feel yucky.

2012-10-05 10:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss it all so, so much... :-(

2012-10-05 06:26:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... it could be... what we can't have... And yes, it could be something very beautiful...
2012-10-05 06:23:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We should've held back then... We could have done that, it was our first meeting. Now, it feels like you were just showing me how beautiful
2012-10-05 06:23:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now you say we can't be like that because it is not right. It was right, all of it... Or it was all wrong, yet we did it... and felt right.
2012-10-05 06:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to be close to each other when we met? Why did you treat me that way? Why? It was all so beautiful.
2012-10-05 06:16:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... further. Then again, you said this all is pointless. If you knew it won't work & you don't want this, then why did you allow us...
2012-10-05 06:16:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, first you said let's try it, then you said it won't work. After that, we were talking about again what if we decide to take this
2012-10-05 06:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you miss me? Why at all? The last few weeks weren't even that entertaining... So, what is there to miss?
2012-10-05 05:18:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as a mere friend and you were planning it, just waiting for the day to tell me this...
2012-10-05 05:17:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am not well. If you didn't play then why did you do this to me? All the while you were looking at me, thinking of me...
2012-10-05 05:16:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you a lot, too.

2012-10-05 05:16:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...wings someday? They did. Thanks to you, they did. They are sitting in the corner, their wings are too heavy to fly & they don't smile :-(
2012-10-04 18:58:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, forget. It doesn't matter anymore. You asked me last summer what I think, will my butterflies stop flapping their smiling
2012-10-04 18:56:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know why I kept away from men nearly a decade... Till you crossed my path... And silly as I am, I've let you close to my lil' heart.
2012-10-04 18:40:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh this let's be friends but you still care deeply about me thingy... Oh boy! I should have known... You are like any other man... :-(
2012-10-04 18:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you sleep deeply, happily... while your lady's sleepless, not knowing should she hate you or rush to you & hug you close to her :-(
2012-10-04 18:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And well, you threw away nothing because seems like this thing between us meant nothing to you. Nothing at all.
2012-10-04 18:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you do this to me? You could've picked another silly lady to play with for a while, why me??? :-(
2012-10-04 18:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All is gone... You threw it all away, shut the door on me... From one day to other... Well, now I know, you were planning it. :-(
2012-10-04 18:04:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The missing "J". Just...

2012-10-04 18:01:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can't sleep. Why can we not be the way we were...? Why building a bridge to each other first... ust for you to burn it down?
2012-10-04 18:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You missed me today... but when I came, all you did is just hurt
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me even more instead of... sigh, just forget. Forget all.

2012-10-04 15:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Be well, darling. Take care of you.

2012-10-04 15:13:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even if mostly in words, but we were here... every day. Every single day. Except your days of fasting...
2012-10-04 15:08:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a friend... I am just a friend to you... Then, you can easily wave goodbye to your friend... to this one & a half year we shared.
2012-10-04 15:05:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you rushed to me to hug me & twirl me around happily... When you've stolen precious seconds just to kiss me & blow me a smile...
2012-10-04 15:02:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking back... Do you remember those sweet joyous times? Do you!? When all was beautiful, as easy sweet & natural as the Spring breeze :-(
2012-10-04 14:59:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the reality may seem difficult but it doesn't mean impossible. Dreams can come true, yes. One should just work on it...
2012-10-04 14:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. More than words can say. But I don't miss you as a friend... I miss you as my sweet darling sir. :-(
2012-10-04 14:48:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... head in the sand.

2012-10-04 14:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you might be smarter than me but there are things you will never know... as long as your heart is on a leash & your mind sticks its
2012-10-04 14:43:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What have you done to me!? You said you don't want to play mind games with me... But you did play with my lil' fragile heart.
2012-10-04 14:41:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant first.

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2012-10-04 14:39:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was that easy... simply forget you, erase you, all the sweetness we shared from my life. Or turn back the time & undo that fist DM
2012-10-04 14:37:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you made your decision... I was so silly to think it could be something beautiful... that you felt the same for me. I am lost. Broken.
2012-10-04 14:33:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If your mind was open & your heart free of the leash, I would ask you to let's this thing try... It is not as impossible as you think.
2012-10-04 14:29:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And all this while you were thinking of me as a mere friend... just waiting for the day to tell me... God!
2012-10-04 14:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To take your hand and run over grass with you, giggling, chasing happily fluttering butterflies... Darling... :'-(
2012-10-04 14:26:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And all I can think of is You... of how beautiful it would be to be in your arms, to feel you close, to feel your kiss, You! :-(
2012-10-04 14:25:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you will not do that. You don't want to do such things anymore... You don't want your sweet lady... So, leave me alone.
2012-10-04 14:22:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks. I will surely not have a pleasant rest. If you wish to hold me, then... join me and hold me close through the night...
2012-10-04 14:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why happy? Because you finally got rid of me.

2012-10-04 14:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :'-( I hope you are happy now.

2012-10-04 11:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have enough dear friends. One less doesn't matter...
2012-10-04 11:02:21 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Thank you for muddling up my life. Thank you for letting me make a fool of myself.
2012-10-04 11:00:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was all so beautiful, so easy, so happy... all that we shared... all that we could've shared...
2012-10-04 11:00:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... there is nothing & you want me only as a friend. So many months... over one and a half year... :-(
2012-10-04 10:59:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have been warming me up to this... but you said you still feel those things for me... You should have said after our meeting that
2012-10-04 10:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thank you. Let it be. Leave me alone. Your missing me will vanish too so...Be happy with your mind, enjoy its whims, constraints & all
2012-10-04 10:43:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thank you. How can you hug me and kiss me and call me your sweet lady and the other day... nothing... Nothing at all... Just a friend
2012-10-04 10:39:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... keep away from each other. It isn't the most beautiful feeling.
2012-10-04 10:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sigh. A sad one. I don't think you realize how it feels to hear- so, my sweet lady tomorrow on, you are my dear friend & we have to
2012-10-04 10:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't know. You said many things & simply revoke all that was once so nice... and you knew they will hurt me...
2012-10-04 10:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. But... You hurt me. With some words you say and words you don't... With your suddenly treating me as a mere friend...
2012-10-04 10:11:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or something like this. But this will not happen... And I don't
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wish to read words that hurt me more... So, I might not even log in... :-(
2012-10-03 15:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And silly as I am, secretly hoping & wishing to wake up to reading "yes sweetie pie, I reached for your hand & pulled you to me..."
2012-10-03 15:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting by your bedside, not touching you... just watching you sleep... Secretly wishing you'd reach for my hand... But... Just forget.
2012-10-03 15:01:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Miss hugging you, holding you, kissing you, being close to you but you don't want that... just a dear friend, so...Good night.
2012-10-03 14:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want us to be like that. It doesn't feel nice. Not that easy & joyous as it once was. I wish us to be the way we were...
2012-10-03 14:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could keep trying to hug you & being sweet and all... you would just keep ignoring it. Makes no sense. And it is painful.
2012-10-03 14:54:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it means I have to accept it & treat you the same way you do... But I can't. I am sorry.
2012-10-03 14:54:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... each other, but you did decide to treat me as a mere friend... I like it or not.
2012-10-03 14:53:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whether it can take our being with each other as mere friends... So no, you didn't tell me how I have to treat you or how we should treat...
2012-10-03 14:53:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You called me as your dear friend & eliminated all those things... Even our meeting would depend on my state of mind.
2012-10-03 14:52:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Earlier, you simply came & hugged me, cuddled me... It was nice & joyous. And from one day to the other, you stopped doing that.
2012-10-03 14:52:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You'll keep ignoring & not responding to what I say & pushing me away when I want to hug you, kiss you. What do you think how will it feel?
2012-10-03 14:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... treat me as a mere friend. If we both keep looking at each other our own way, then would happen what I have written...
2012-10-03 14:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how else to explain. You say you are not asking me to change my way of looking at you, etc. But you (want to) look at me and
2012-10-03 14:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too...

2012-10-03 11:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This new something feels not nice or easy anymore & I don't wish to discuss about such things. I'll lie down a bit now. Good night.
2012-10-03 11:17:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We were smiling & playing around enjoying the Spring breeze or just sitting by each other, holding hands in silence & now...
2012-10-03 11:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You simply came, hugged me, kissed me & twirled me around without telling you or asking you to do so.
2012-10-03 11:16:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to terms with being with each other as mere friends. We discuss & debate about something that was once so natural...
2012-10-03 11:15:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said you didn't decide how to treat each other & didn't ask me to change but if I want to meet you, my mind should better come
2012-10-03 11:15:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I keep wanting to hug you, hold you & you keep pushing me away. Sounds wonderful, indeed.
2012-10-03 11:14:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If we both look at things our way, it would be like this: I keep saying things & you keep ignoring them, not responding to them.
2012-10-03 11:14:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Me too --> :-(

2012-10-03 11:14:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you think you are different and better form any other man/people...? Sure. Ok, I am done...
2012-10-02 16:32:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You with your constraints & leash & strict mind with its whims & all... but you'd leave regardless if you stumbled upon that "one". Wow!
2012-10-02 16:28:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I meant that you decided we can treat each other only as mere friends. Anyway, it doesn't matter...It only matters what you want, yes?
2012-10-02 16:19:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wished to share a lot with you, too... I did. I truly, honestly did...
2012-10-02 16:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have nothing more to say. I've learnt my lesson- don't trust any man, no matter what nationality they are or belief they have. Thank you.
2012-10-02 15:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do comply too & also compromise but this is not about a clean house or where to go out for dinner. :-(
2012-10-02 15:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from one day to the other. We were happily running over grass & then you have put yourself on a leash.
2012-10-02 15:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You addressed me "my sweet lady" and the next day just as a dear friend. You decided to nearly entirely eliminate all...
2012-10-02 15:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was nothing to discuss about. You just told me the stance you have taken. You decided that we can only be friends.
2012-10-02 15:41:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anyway I am really off for now... And thanks for sharing the stance YOU have taken.
2012-10-02 09:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is always about you, about what you want or don't, about what your mind says today but changes tomorrow and so on...
2012-10-02 09:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now. At least you can do all the stuff you want to... Bye.
2012-10-02 09:30:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I will ever be able to. So, have a lovely evening. You don't need to kiss me or hold me anymore. Happy now?
2012-10-02 09:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know how I feel for you and can't change this. I am sorry. I can't think of you as a mere friend from today to tomorrow. And I doubt
2012-10-02 09:20:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you that way. I wish us to be the way we were... That was beautiful. This new something is not nice & is painful.
2012-10-02 09:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have enough dear friends. I can't handle your new stance or whatever. I don't want to be treated as a dear friend & also can't treat
2012-10-02 09:17:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leave it be.

2012-10-02 09:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... my being sweet to you etc... Nothing.

2012-10-02 08:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, the sweetness has nothing to do with the amount of dms. But your tone has changed & as I said you don't react to my words,
2012-10-02 08:51:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you don't see this. I am not assuming negative but it doesn't feel nice. You do this, you do that, you need & want this & that...
2012-10-02 08:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you did- or not even that, just wishing me good night and go
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to sleep. Sure I feel a bit disappointed then.

2012-10-02 08:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I realized that I was stupid when you were in Goa & also told you so. Hm, well... often you come back after long hours, telling me what...
2012-10-02 08:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... busy with something & I wait for you for long hours & say nothing... just waiting patiently.
2012-10-02 08:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I never told you to drop or not do what you wanted to & be with me instead. Never. Ever. You are always doing something, always...
2012-10-02 08:45:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I have some work to do.

2012-10-02 07:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... don't react to my attention, my ways of displaying my affection, the tenderness, the playful sweetness and all...
2012-10-02 07:45:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it feels bad that you reduced the sweetness next to zero, don't come to hold me, cuddle me for a sec. in between 'cause you miss me etc.
2012-10-02 07:45:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But sure I would not have said that you barely have time for me. I feel bad only when you say nothing just simply vanish...
2012-10-02 07:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... told me that you have some chores to do. I would have kissed you & told you to come back soon.
2012-10-02 07:43:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not uncommon or unacceptable. I was just sitting here for a while, not knowing where have you vanished... You could have
2012-10-02 07:43:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Normal.
2012-10-02 07:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm
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2012-10-02 07:19:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad that you smile.

2012-10-02 07:18:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You just simply vanished... not even responding to my last dm. Never mind.
2012-10-02 07:17:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Ok. You could have told me so... was waiting for you...
2012-10-02 07:16:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You simply vanished on your poor lady... Hmmm.

2012-10-02 07:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aahhh, much better! Hmmm... and my lips? They feel neglected, too.
2012-10-02 03:08:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I eat well, sometimes I can't eat anything... Mmm, it's so nice to be in your arms... Where is my kiss? Hm?
2012-10-02 03:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slowly, inch by inch... till your body smiles. I miss you! A lot. Would you please hold your lady close & kiss her deeply? Sigh.
2012-10-02 02:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love that massage. But I would love even more to be there to massage every part of your body, to softly kiss the pain away...
2012-10-02 02:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... allowed, so... :-) Or I can munch on fresh, warm garlic bread & tease you telling you how delicious it was... ;-p
2012-10-02 02:54:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, your no onion/garlic rule makes sense only for you, but still... I can't eat them knowing that you would like to but it's not...
2012-10-02 02:53:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know it's his birthday, I looked it up. I just wasn't sure just a day off or rituals, too.
2012-10-02 02:52:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Finally...Good morning! Oh, you stayed up last night??? You and your pictures! Sigh. Did you take lots of pictures? Would love to see some.
2012-10-02 02:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rain? Waterfall! I will have now breakfast (yes, 2 toasts... sigh) and then work. Sweet soft kisses all over you, darling...
2012-10-02 02:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Hope your day is lovely & relaxing... I slept well though woke up to heavy rain around 4. Have a slight headache.
2012-10-02 02:23:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How did you sleep? Got enough rest? Where are you? Power cut? Sleeping? Out somewhere? Helping your mom? My lovely hello to her...
2012-10-02 02:22:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Freshly showered, in a towel... hugging my sweet darling & kissing him softly... Good morning my cuteness! :-) How are you feeling?
2012-10-02 02:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I hug you closer, kiss your shoulder, press my cheek against your back and will doze off... I am tired. The day was busy & long.
2012-10-01 16:04:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... not to eat onion & garlic until you can eat them again. I know it's silly but... :-) Just let me know when it's over. Ok?
2012-10-01 16:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I had lunch yesterday with lots of garlic- it was mmm, yummy but after having it, I thought of you & felt so bad, so I decided...
2012-10-01 16:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely tomorrow, darling. Any special rituals or some other way to celebrate this holiday?
2012-10-01 16:02:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and rested. Oh, how I wish I could be there when you wake up & spend some time in bed, cuddling sweetly! Darling... Sigh!
2012-10-01 16:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope my holding you brings you sweet dreams my darling & a sound, peaceful, long sleep... so that when you wake up you :-) feeling
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2012-10-01 16:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh. I cuddle up behind you now, quietly carefully... wrap you in my arms, kiss your nape & hold you tenderly, dearly, closely to me :-)
2012-10-01 16:00:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily :-) Sleep my dear... I will come soon and wrap you in my arms... Miss you. Good night.
2012-10-01 13:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you asap. You hold me or do you wish me to wrap around you like a warm soft blanket...? Hm?
2012-10-01 13:37:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. I hold you close to me & kiss you sweetly, softly on your lips & cheeks... Sleep soundly & long with tender dreams.
2012-10-01 13:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's great! Then you can sleep long. :-) Please do it.
2012-10-01 13:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, why are you still up? Please go to bed and let me rock you gently to sleep... Please.
2012-10-01 13:27:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our US time was very sweet. Natural, easy, light. Why to be on a leash now & cloud that little time that we can spend with each other?
2012-10-01 13:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it should be there... with any other woman, but not with me. It is there for me too, but not with you...
2012-10-01 13:20:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But please, go to sleep now. It's very late there. You have to work tomorrow...
2012-10-01 13:18:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't say to play... I don't want that. I just meant that when we are together, we should be together without a leash...
2012-10-01 13:18:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ What way doesn't work?

2012-10-01 13:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... will not touch you. But do not keep away from me because you are on a leash.
2012-10-01 13:13:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you will not like me this time... I mean when we meet. Please, remove the leash. If you don't like me then, I will know and...
2012-10-01 13:12:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... trip. And then doze off... Sigh. Your silly lovely lady is missing you, darling. Please go to sleep.
2012-10-01 12:49:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I wish I was there right now to cuddle you & kiss you all over & massage your feet while listening to you telling me about your...
2012-10-01 12:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you look at me & think of me as a mere friend & don't want the sweetness we shared, so... :-(
2012-10-01 12:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But we could spend more time together & get to know each other better & find out if there is something for us or not...
2012-10-01 12:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, you should go to bed soon... It's late there. Will you go to the office or work from home?
2012-10-01 12:39:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And even if there's nothing for us... at least, our time together should be beautiful... As it was, last year. It felt right & so dear.
2012-10-01 12:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ First of all, we should live closer... for a while. I don't know how, but sure there's a way just hard to find it alone.
2012-10-01 12:37:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We could find out if there is something in store for us or not. It could be... if only your mind wasn't so closed...
2012-10-01 12:34:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I would suffer if you would keep pushing me away & treat me "coldly"... I can't force myself to hold back from you.
2012-10-01 12:29:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish our time to be as sweet & light & close as our time in the US. Because this is the way we were... & how it feels honest...
2012-10-01 12:25:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, it is easy for you... But not for me because I still feel the same & can't look at you as a mere friend. Esp. not when we're together
2012-10-01 12:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, why to keep away from each other? Why? So, now you just look at me as mere friend... Yes? Well, in this case, I understand :-(
2012-10-01 12:23:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I could look for something else, but I need your address...
2012-10-01 12:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. And it would be a torture to keep away from you... I can't do that. You know how I feel for you...
2012-10-01 12:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Honestly, can you treat me as a mere friend? Our time together was so nice, so sweet... and it should be like that when we are together.
2012-10-01 12:13:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! A happy welcome home hug for my darling & a sweet long soft kiss too. How was the trip? How are you? It's so nice to have you back!
2012-10-01 12:12:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just correcting the last dm- if we will meet at all. Blush.
2012-10-01 06:58:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, well... when we meet at all...

2012-10-01 06:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I don't even know your address... What should I do? Would you give me your address... or you prefer to get your gift when we meet?
2012-10-01 06:53:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... shipping takes 2-4 weeks. I would love to give you something, darling. :-( But now, I have no clue what. Sniff.
2012-10-01 06:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sad. I picked something for your birthday but it is out of stock everywhere. I found only one site where it is available but the
2012-10-01 06:51:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to give you a nice, long, gentle massage... Missing you...
2012-10-01 06:37:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've heard of that book but didn't read it. You take care, too. Some more kisses for you, wherever you desire them...
2012-10-01 06:35:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the missing "from". Well then... hope you have a nice flight, darling. Read, but don't strain your eyes...
2012-10-01 06:16:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you like your seat? Which book are you reading? Did you get all my kisses... or escaped them?
2012-10-01 06:14:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but I didn't know you can stay there & eat after checking out... Thank you, darling. I would've loved to be there, too...Very much so.
2012-10-01 06:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume you are at the airport. Hope you have a nice flight. Come home safe & sound. A thousand sweet kisses for you my darling. Take care
2012-10-01 05:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you found a decent place where you get onion & garlic free meal. Kissing your lips a soft, delicious bon appetit...
2012-10-01 03:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-10-01 02:28:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, we could go somewhere nice after checking out... and have lunch together, then go to the airport...
2012-10-01 02:27:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ 16:00 is afternoon, not evening. I hope you can rest on the plane... you didn't get much sleep/rest over the weekend.
2012-10-01 02:27:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your feet? I would've loved to give you a nice foot massage last night... or come here & you'll get it now.
2012-10-01 02:26:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging sweet yawning you, kissing you along your jaw... Good morning, my daahling. :-) No, not really... but I am glad you slept well.
2012-10-01 02:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the "old" Anand, my sweet dear sir who made his lady smile & her butterflies flutter. Not this new friendly, distant Anand. :-(
2012-09-30 18:07:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from me would hurt me very much. But I suffer now too, because I miss you immensely and can't be with you. :'-(
2012-09-30 18:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with you, kiss you... like on those lovely happy mornings. I would suffer, darling. Very much. Your pushing me away, keeping you away
2012-09-30 18:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you, I wish nothing more than that but I could not hold back from you... from wanting to hug you, hold you, cuddle
2012-09-30 18:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd better keep my mouth shut, wrap into you and try to sleep... I really so hope that you sleep deeply through the night... Darling...Sigh
2012-09-30 17:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... only to send me dms. You saw those girls and thought of me... I should've hugged you tightly instead of being so stupid.
2012-09-30 17:26:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was stupid. You are on a trip... You sent me a pic of you... You returned to your room after midnight & logged in before going to bed
2012-09-30 17:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please, don't roll your eyes... Try to put yourself in my
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shoes... I wish you really could, then you'd know...

2012-09-30 16:39:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know where to find me when you miss me... us... the sweetness and smiles we shared. Take care, sweet darling.
2012-09-30 16:01:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, just forget... Be happy, be well, dance to your mind's whims & good luck in finding that mirage you are seeking... or whatever.
2012-09-30 16:00:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We haven't been with each other like that. I don't know how to be with you like that. I doubt I'll ever be able to... Doesn't feel nice.
2012-09-30 15:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is how you want us to be? Distant, measured, deliberated? Instead of running over grass holding hands, laughing easily & simply?
2012-09-30 15:48:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I might over-react sometimes but it's better than no reaction at all... from your side. :-(
2012-09-30 15:44:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you are on a trip & I should be happy that you dm me at all & I am, just... I cannot not notice that your tone has changed. Feels bad.
2012-09-30 15:28:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And of course, your mind...

2012-09-30 15:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am wide awake now. Looks like another sleepless night. But you...hope you sleep happily & have a nice tomorrow. You...You...always you...
2012-09-30 15:18:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not sulking. But I do ask myself why I was writing to you yesterday & today... or at all... And why I kept waiting for your messages...
2012-09-30 15:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... just a yes... Yes to what? Thank you. And for this I waited up for you... At least you had fun. Nice for you.
2012-09-30 14:56:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A soft slow kiss on your lips if you will allow me...
2012-09-30 14:49:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in bed... so, do come darling. Imagine me, with tiny sleepy clothes, curled next to you... Sigh. Good night. Sleep sweetly.
2012-09-30 14:48:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's already tomorrow there... you should sleep. But please, hold me close & kiss me sweetly... But I feel you don't want to do that...
2012-09-30 14:46:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sweet of you to have thought of me... I miss those times so badly :-(
2012-09-30 14:45:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't matter. You didn't sleep properly, too...

2012-09-30 14:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you missed me... Sigh. Welcome back. I am glad you had lot of fun & enjoyed your day.
2012-09-30 14:40:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes? :-(

2012-09-30 14:39:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Barely awake but keep looking at the dm window... till I fade away... :-(
2012-09-30 14:35:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to your chest... with your hand on my belly... Sigh. How I miss to be held by you like that! Good night, my sweet darling.
2012-09-30 13:09:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a good night's sleep with the sweetest dreams. Soft kisses for your chin & lips... Please do join me & hold me close...
2012-09-30 13:09:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, was waiting for you & so hoped you'd come but... Your lady needs to close her eyes for a bit. Very tired.
2012-09-30 13:08:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and draw soft circles on your chest while listening to you telling me about your day. Sigh. I miss you, darling.
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2012-09-30 12:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really, really really wish I could be there once you are back in your room. I'd love to lie down with my head on your soft tummy-pillow
2012-09-30 12:34:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep, darling. Went for a walk. Yes, by myself. Just got back. Missing you... Wish we could spend the evening together...
2012-09-30 10:32:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... were like those people you were talking with. Anyway, againI am glad you enjoyed the day.
2012-09-30 10:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean your "old" team. I don't know whether you still work with them but sure work would have been more enjoyable if they...
2012-09-30 10:30:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your meal sounds lovely, too. Simple but sufficient. Hmmm, wish the people in your team were as passionate as those people there.
2012-09-30 10:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice to hear that you are having a great day with some interesting discussions & some fun, too. Sounds like a perfect Sunday...
2012-09-30 10:29:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, I didn't mean my liking your picture... But thank you for the hug & kiss. Hugging you back & kissing your lips sweetly...
2012-09-30 10:29:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-09-30 07:07:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... in front of you, looking at you, waiting for you to hug me... or anything.
2012-09-30 04:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you have any idea how it feels...? Once you ran up to me, hugged me & twirled around with me happily and now... I am standing
2012-09-30 04:42:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit my sweet darling sir. Hope you find something tasty without onion and garlic...
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2012-09-30 03:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And not only you didn't take them but also ignored the sweetness I kept pouring... I miss you.
2012-09-30 03:17:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, seems like you didn't take my kisses & hugs... Anyway, here's one sweet soft kiss for you with a tight long hug...
2012-09-30 02:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... amazingly sweet of you to send me that picture. It was a beautiful surprise & you really look so good... Sigh. Swoon. Lil' smile.
2012-09-30 02:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it looked ordinary... yet so sweet! Don't forget, I haven't seen you in over a year & it was so nice to see you and it was...
2012-09-30 02:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, it definitely brought a smile to me & at the same time, it made me miss you immensely. Sigh.
2012-09-30 02:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's planned for today? Hope your day is easy & lovely & you enjoy the activities & tiredness stays away...
2012-09-30 02:57:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and woke up 2-3 times & up at 8:15. Anyway, I can take a nap when I feel I need it but what about you? Can you?
2012-09-30 02:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. What happened? Why couldn't you sleep? I didn't sleep well... Fell asleep around 3:00 but I slept light...
2012-09-30 02:56:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't sleep. Just looking at your picture... wishing you were here. Wishing I could hold you, watch you sleep...
2012-09-29 17:28:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. I am hopelessly, helplessly in love with you. But this, you already know, right? Sigh.
2012-09-29 17:24:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My sweet man!

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2012-09-29 15:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume my sweet darling is already asleep. Hope your sleep is deep & restful. Kissing your eyes sweet dreams, whispering goodnight... :)
2012-09-29 13:58:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you close... on tiptoe, so you don't have to bend down & your lady can kiss your lips, your nose, your cheeks... I miss you!
2012-09-29 10:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you like your hotel room. Don't you feel like something is missing from the room? Sigh. I so wish I was there...
2012-09-29 10:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been waiting for you... But now I need to lie down a bit. I am sorry. I hope you reached safely my darling & the flight was nice.
2012-09-29 10:01:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It looks a bit messy here. And need to cook, too. I haven't had warm food in 3 days... Blush.
2012-09-29 05:04:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will spend the weekend at home. The weather is not so nice & don't feel like meeting or talking to anyone. I also need to do some cleaning
2012-09-29 05:03:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... I don't want us to be any different from what we were... It would feel dishonest, all measured & deliberate... :-(
2012-09-29 04:56:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can you feel it, darling? You haven't kissed your lady... Sigh. Take care. Do let me know when you land... Please.
2012-09-29 04:50:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In my mind I am with you. Can you feel it? My head against your shoulder, my breath on your neck, my long soft fingers between yours...
2012-09-29 04:49:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there you are! Hugging you back, darling. Kissing you, too. Hope you have a pleasant flight. Do rest, please.
2012-09-29 04:48:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I will be thinking of you, too... and... missing you. Sigh.

2012-09-29 03:12:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your weekend is beautiful & fun & you enjoy your time there. Be careful what you are eating. Ok? Do come online whenever you can...
2012-09-29 03:09:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. And please do let me know when you reach... Ok? I don't even know how long the travel is...
2012-09-29 03:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your freshly shaved (swoon!) face in my hands and kissing you softly deeply, wishing you a safe & pleasant journey. Sniff.
2012-09-29 03:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said you'll leave in the afternoon. Please don't say that I missed you! You can't leave without me hugging you tight, holding...
2012-09-29 03:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nook packed, too? Socks? And your velvet box? I refilled it in the night... just for you. Hope you like what you find there... Sigh.
2012-09-29 03:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. You went to bed very very late but glad you slept well & I hope you can rest on your journey...
2012-09-29 03:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I have to try to sleep now. Say nothing. Please. It's better...
2012-09-28 18:25:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was all so sweet & effortless...until you brought in distance. Keeping away from each other is painful. Takes a lot of effort. Not honest
2012-09-28 18:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes you really should hear yourself...The more you talk, the more you hurt me. The sweetness is reducing, your reservations increasing
2012-09-28 17:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep, darling. Sleep. Hold me close as you sleep. Very close.
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Don't loosen your hold. Please.

2012-09-28 15:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am too soft. I can't help snuggle into your chest, darling... :-( How? It is way too beautiful to be in your arms, to feel you... sad sigh
2012-09-28 15:53:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. I hope you are sleeping well... Be careful with holding me close... It might make you feel inappropriate :-(
2012-09-28 14:02:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... said since you said you grew close to me... And listen to it now. You'd get dizzy just from listening to it... :-(
2012-09-28 14:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I say the same. Always. Didn't change my mind & feelings. Not one time. But you... you should have recorded all that you have
2012-09-28 14:00:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish that too... :-( But it would only make me want to kiss you... softly. :-(
2012-09-28 09:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Leave me alone now, please.

2012-09-28 09:37:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, let it be. My head aches badly... Have a lovely evening.
2012-09-28 09:35:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what relationship? Hm? Our relationship has become a one-sided thing... :-(
2012-09-28 09:34:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I am over-reacting. Reservation, rules, whims... whatever. There's always a new something. You say today red, tomorrow white.
2012-09-28 09:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired of your rules and whims and all. I am not a toy to use as your entertainment... :-(
2012-09-28 09:13:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This is how you view me... just as a friend? Nothing's remained
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of the sweetness we once shared? You don't wish to hold me anymore? No?
2012-09-28 09:12:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, not today? I am sorry, my mistake. Then... welcome home, darling. I have a lovely hug & kiss for you... in case you want them.
2012-09-28 08:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... I just wish to run over grass with you, holding hands... To play & smile & feel happy again... I miss you, those times... :'-(
2012-09-28 08:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please know, that I am thinking of you, darling... Sigh. And keep sending you sweet kisses on soft butterfly wings... Sniff.
2012-09-28 08:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are already on your way to Goa. I don't even know when will you arrive... but please, do let me know...
2012-09-28 08:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you darling & don't want to discuss about such things... I just wish to be in your arms, to be held by you... :-(
2012-09-28 08:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Already left...? Hope you have a pleasant trip. Do take care. Soft butterfly kisses for you... sigh.
2012-09-28 08:15:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as a mere friend. I can't. No matter what. I can't do that. :-(
2012-09-28 08:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was always you who made the rules... and I had to accept it. And bear with the whims of your mind. But I can't think of you & treat you
2012-09-28 08:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's getting late there... When will you leave?
2012-09-28 07:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What sense does it make to be on a leash & forcing to keep away from something that feels easy and so sweet?
2012-09-28 07:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't believe in nothing anymore. I only know that I miss you & can't treat you as a mere friend because it doesn't feel honest. :-(
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2012-09-28 07:45:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not something. And I didn't ask you to subscribe...Just to allow us to be the way it feels nice, natural inst. of striving to hold back
2012-09-28 07:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Say that you do not miss it all... Sad sigh.

2012-09-28 07:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just say that you don't want such mornings & mean it. Not your mind... YOU.
2012-09-28 06:46:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I dream of those mornings... of you... of the feel of you, of being in your arms... :-(
2012-09-28 06:35:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you say you feel nothing for me & you don't want to hold me & kiss me & cuddle with me because it doesn't feel nice I wouldn't insist...
2012-09-28 06:19:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It saddens me that you think letting your mind rule & disallow your heart to sing makes you different from other men. It's good for nothing.
2012-09-28 06:08:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I miss everything about you... us... our time together. From your snoring to our cuddling, everything.
2012-09-28 06:05:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then why to want to hold back? Why? Holding back from each other doesn't feel natural, it takes effort & it's not nice, nor honest.
2012-09-28 06:03:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those mornings were beautiful as so many other things... It felt right & natural, it made us happy. You said you wish to have them again
2012-09-28 06:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, do you remember those lovely mornings...? I miss them, darling. I miss it all.
2012-09-28 05:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lil' smile... that's sweet of you. Your watch... at least one thing that will remind you of me...
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2012-09-28 05:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pushing me away is pushing me away... even if you do it friendly. As I said, I will feel sad, not offended. Sad.
2012-09-28 05:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again- our time together was so nice, so easy, so effortless, natural... Holding back from each other would be the other way around... :-(
2012-09-28 05:27:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you will not like be other men. It's wrong to think that it is not right when you do something that makes your heart smile...
2012-09-28 05:26:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my sweet darling sir a lot...

2012-09-28 04:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips bon appetit... :-) Hope your lunch is lovely & you enjoy it...
2012-09-28 04:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you! Will you like that? Will it make you happy to do so?
2012-09-28 03:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wouldn't feel offended but very sad. I can't force myself to keep away from you... :-(
2012-09-28 03:22:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Remove the leash & your heart will tell you what is right... It's not about that I'll like it or not. I don't know how to handle that... :-(
2012-09-28 03:21:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh you wear the watch... :-) I so wanted to surprise you & was smiling as I cleaned it up, sitting on the carpet... :-)
2012-09-28 03:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, does your watch still work? Do you still wear it and look at it every now & then? Sigh.
2012-09-28 02:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you close now, rub my nose against yours and kiss you softly, slowly... Sigh. I miss you. So, so much!
2012-09-28 02:53:10 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Will you be happy to keep away from me? Our time together in the US felt right darling, oh so right! I can't think of you in a different way
2012-09-28 02:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We didn't meet as mere friends & maybe you can numb your body & put your poor heart on a leash now but does it feel nice? Right? Honest!?
2012-09-28 02:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When we are together, nothing feels inappropriate. There are some boundaries that we need to observe, yes. Sadly...
2012-09-28 02:51:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Removing the leash isn't unwise. Your heart has the right to dance & sing & smile & feel happy... as it once did, together with mine.
2012-09-28 02:50:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could come with you... Sigh. How is your day? Do you still like your role? How is the work? Interesting, not too tiring?
2012-09-28 02:50:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you slept well & hopefully you got enough rest, too. Today is the Goa trip, right? When? After work?
2012-09-28 02:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling! Your lady's stretching & yawning, pressing herself as close to you as she can... Oh such a beautiful way to wake up
2012-09-28 02:49:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love to sit on the couch, laying on your chest...just serene and peaceful.
2012-09-27 22:07:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, that sounds lovely! I really wish I was with you right now, winding down for the day, relaxing in soft light, in a shared space...
2012-09-27 21:30:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where are you traveling??? I am settling down, enjoying a glass of wine(although I really don't drink), winding down for the night.
2012-09-27 21:17:26 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire What's on your agenda for today?

2012-09-27 20:54:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Beautiful wordplay....just beautiful.

2012-09-27 20:54:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Missing you very, very much.

2012-09-27 20:35:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, my love, I woke up this morning ok, thankfully. This seems to happen when I get a bit run down. :-( How did you sleep? Missing you. xox
2012-09-27 20:35:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please, when you wake up, come and hold me... hold me close to your chest for a while. I wish to feel you... in my dreams... Please.
2012-09-27 15:51:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the covers, curl into you & wrap myself in your arms...Sigh. Hope you sleep sweetly & wake up rested. Yest. was a very long day for you.
2012-09-27 15:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, you know well that I always wish to join you... Sigh. And so I do now. I softly kiss you on your forehead & sneak under...
2012-09-27 15:48:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This silly lady loves you, Anand. Truly, honestly, from the depth of her heart. This will never change. Never. Ever.
2012-09-27 14:28:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't put your heart on a leash. Please. Allow it to run with mine, in a field of butterflies... Silent your mind, it's not always right
2012-09-27 14:15:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am unable to treat you as a friend. I can't do that. How? When all I wish & dream about is to be in your arms, to hold you, kiss you :-(
2012-09-27 12:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like I missed you... :-( And oops, I meant I will join you if you want me to... But you've gone & can't tell me now... :-(
2012-09-27 12:24:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly with tender dreams. A soft, slow kiss on your lips... I'll join you if me want me to.
2012-09-27 12:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I am here. I can't treat you as a mere friend. Can you? Honestly. Can you!?
2012-09-27 12:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Someone is ringing at the door... be back soon... Kisses for you, darling. Many many many...
2012-09-27 11:40:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still haven't told me, are you at home?

2012-09-27 11:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you stick to 19th - 28th? Good. Then those dates.
2012-09-27 11:32:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, 19th-28th is 4 days in Istanbul and 4 days elsewhere. No?

2012-09-27 11:23:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, where are you? Reached home, I hope...

2012-09-27 11:11:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it sounds like a plan. Hmmm, 19th- 29th? Lil' tiny smile.
2012-09-27 11:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ December and January are the worst months ever... and February too.
2012-09-27 10:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did check it out, too. About 8-15 C Not warm. But not as cold as here, that's right. It's our end of Oct. temp. End of Nov. is cold.
2012-09-27 10:48:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and how do you know this?

2012-09-27 10:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I wish you were here darling. No discussions, nothing just... Sigh. End of November looks cold...
2012-09-27 10:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... :-(

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2012-09-27 08:42:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me, do you hold your dear friends close & kiss them, too as you kiss me? Do you cuddle up with them & ask them to join you...? Do you?
2012-09-27 08:41:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Later? I feel like this later will become never...

2012-09-27 08:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how. I really don't know. But I wish we would try it... somehow. Sigh.
2012-09-27 08:39:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't need anyone making my mind & heart think in a particular way. Even if mind is confused sometimes, my head may doubt, my heart not.
2012-09-27 08:39:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet gentle kiss for your lips... Bon appetit, my dear sir.
2012-09-27 03:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We planned a trip... I have already reserved some days off of work... was just waiting for you to tell me the dates... :-(
2012-09-27 03:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know how I feel for you. How could I think of you as a friend? Tell me, how?
2012-09-27 03:01:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not to try to rid you of the confusion... together?

2012-09-27 02:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going away & cutting off contact wouldn't make it any better, it wouldn't bring me ease. And I don't think it will be easy or honest :-(
2012-09-27 02:55:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept well & hope your day goes fine. Can you think of me only as a dear friend? Really?
2012-09-27 02:55:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just had some tomato soup...just seems I caught a chill I can't get out...feel a bit better, but very tired. Oh, to be in your arms!
2012-09-26 22:36:46 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Awww, I love that answer! ::blush:: I guess I DO carry you around in my day...I have a fever, in bed now. :-( feel ok, though. Sleep well?
2012-09-26 21:25:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where has my Anand gone???

2012-09-26 17:54:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've burnt your fingers... What should I say? I've put my hands in your fire, both hands are ablaze now & the flames are coming up my arms
2012-09-26 16:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your ever changing mind has hurt me very much. Over & over...Most people would've walked away, not looking back...but am still by your side.
2012-09-26 15:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if you want to get rid of me, say it so. I don't wish to be just one of your dear friends. I can't treat you as a mere friend. I'm sorry
2012-09-26 15:54:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could take your confusion away... or at least I wish you would let me walk with you, hand in hand and not pushing me away :-(
2012-09-26 15:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. I can't help it... I can't forget you. I can't... :'-( I want to see you. To look into your eyes and hold you close...
2012-09-26 14:51:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will leave before you wake up... and you'd think it was just a dream... but I will be there... I will... every night... always. :-(
2012-09-26 14:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping now, in lovely dreams... I softly kiss your eyes & snuggle up behind you quietly, secretly...wrapping you in my arms
2012-09-26 13:59:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-09-26 13:16:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And your mind is ever changing... I trust the heart, at least the heart is true...
2012-09-26 13:14:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do hurt me. That's the truth that your mind made up... :-(
2012-09-26 13:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't hurt me, no more. Please.

2012-09-26 12:48:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tightly, tenderly... cradling each other in our arms...

2012-09-26 12:47:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-( Let's not speak, just... holding each other...
2012-09-26 11:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to admit, I was secretly hoping you'd come & hold me close, but... :-(
2012-09-26 11:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Discomfort? You trampled all over my lil' delicate heart regardless... Discomfort? Oh boy!
2012-09-26 11:01:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I... I just tried so hard to stay away... Just to avoid getting hurt more...
2012-09-26 11:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What have you done to me!? You have no clue... :-( Be well. Take care.
2012-09-25 16:22:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And was also watching old pics... Look at this See the couch? And your hand I'd so love to hold...
2012-09-25 16:20:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed & can't sleep. Was listening to your recording... over & over again. 10 times? 15? I don't know...
2012-09-25 16:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night.

2012-09-25 12:19:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am off for a walk. Yes, alone. Bye

2012-09-25 11:14:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't tell my heart to unlove you just because of your confusion... I am sorry. Why don't you simply say that you want to get rid of me?
2012-09-25 11:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should withdraw just because of the confusion in your head? We could also try to clear the skies, but... Forget.
2012-09-25 10:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I am back to work...

2012-09-25 10:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or walk on a parallel path & keep blowing butterfly kisses to you & lovely wing-wraps to entertain you & sweeten your path?
2012-09-25 10:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't want me to walk with you. Should I then hold your hand & sit with you waiting till that one comes along or what?
2012-09-25 10:05:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You say you feel those things for me, at the same time you say you might stumble upon that "one" & then you will leave...
2012-09-25 10:05:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... upon that "one". Good luck.

2012-09-25 04:09:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, sure you have somewhere to go. Back to the path that leads you to the labyrinth of seeking the Divine... You might even stumble
2012-09-25 04:09:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leave it be... Thanks for bumping into me while you swerved from the path... And now, excuse me but I have some work to do.
2012-09-25 02:57:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry that you have burnt your fingers. Me too. But it doesn't mean it will happen again...
2012-09-25 02:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso, you meant it will be more difficult for me... It's already
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too late, it can't get more difficult. But thanks. :-(

2012-09-25 02:53:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I do understand.

2012-09-25 02:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, if you so want to withdraw, then do it. Go.

2012-09-25 01:48:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to withdraw from & you don't want to like me... I don't understand. If you don't feel that way for me, there's nothing to fear, no?
2012-09-25 01:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't feel that way for me & want to withdraw but you don't want to meet 'cause it might make things dearer & more difficult...
2012-09-25 01:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh boy! :-( Then go now and forget me. Simple.

2012-09-25 01:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the connection the way you imagine it to be. But if someone crosses your path & you might feel it you will go regardless of everything...
2012-09-25 01:26:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you said it is pointless & doesn't feel right & that you put your heart on a leash& such nonsense and now you say you don't even feel
2012-09-25 01:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You felt close to me. You've woven a basket for me & grew a forest & bared our hearts & all & even after that, we felt close to each other.
2012-09-25 01:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... even now, no? That's all? Just the concern for me? You said we were wonderful together, it was sweet & easy & felt right...
2012-09-25 01:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you already dragged me into this, don't you think? :-( If you think you will leave & nothing can stop you, then you can do it...
2012-09-25 01:22:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? Soft, slow kisses between your chin and lower lip... ;-) Please don't stay late in the office...
2012-09-25 01:22:14 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Cat lady is fine, thank you. The new nail is growing but it looks really ugly. Sigh. And need to be careful.
2012-09-25 01:21:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Glad you slept well. I slept well, too though woke up to heavy rain & wind... Chilly morning.
2012-09-25 01:21:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, my dear. :-) Wishing you an easy and quick day at work. Will go to bed thinking of cooking and laughing with you. :-)
2012-09-24 22:18:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I DO send you dm's often! Lol! We talk all the time. :-) Which is just how I like it.
2012-09-24 22:12:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire we'll see what we can do.... ;-) What do you have in store for your day ahead, sweet one?
2012-09-24 22:08:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, when I get the chance tonight or tomorrow, I will compile them to send over! Hooray! Missing you...hope you have a nice, easy day ahead.
2012-09-24 22:04:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yours shaping up?

2012-09-24 21:58:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have to figure it out- do you have a suggestion of service that does this easily? My day was wonderful, connected with nature! How is
2012-09-24 21:58:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I want to compile them and give you a link to an album, rather than email you many individual photos...I must show you the gardens and hike.
2012-09-24 21:41:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, I have pictures, although none as romantic as that image with the full skirt!
2012-09-24 21:40:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I rush to sleep now, so I can spend more time dreaming ofyou... and be with you in dreams. Smile.
2012-09-24 16:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, when the decision was made, you said we probably want to plan the trip if I am interested... I didn't ask you. Yes and I still am...
2012-09-24 16:05:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My man... Sigh. My lil' heart skipped a beat when I read "your man misses you too" That was the sweetest thing you've ever said...
2012-09-24 15:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply, peacefully... feeling your lady's soft body against yours in your sleep, bringing you sweet dreams... :-)
2012-09-24 15:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I slip under the covers & snuggle my back into your chest which I know so well & so so miss; kiss your hand & put it on my belly...
2012-09-24 15:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you want to withdraw from something that makes your heart smile, that is sweet & effortless & beautiful & could be even more so?
2012-09-24 14:05:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I missed you before we met... I ached for your touch, your kiss, your physical presence. This did not change...
2012-09-24 13:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only difference is (at least from my side) that we shared a few things in real life, too... not only in words. And it was beautiful!
2012-09-24 13:36:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your silly lady loves you... Things can't get dearer... I told you this before we met... They didn't get more nor any less dearer...
2012-09-24 13:31:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... alone for a short while. I will come back soon & slip under the covers to snuggle into you... Sigh. My darling... :-) Sleep.
2012-09-24 13:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, maybe they were scheduled tweets... Anyway, I kiss your cute nose & gently run my fingers through your hair, then I leave you...
2012-09-24 13:25:19 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It's very late there & you should really sleep... on the other hand, I could read you all night... Sigh. :-)
2012-09-24 13:12:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be in a very poetic mood tonight...Lovely. I love them. Very nice, dear. Wish I could cuddle up to you while you are writing...
2012-09-24 13:07:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you doing, sweet one?

2012-09-24 13:05:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was waiting for you to get back, as I didn't want to interrupt your train of flow while you were there- best to focus on things like that.
2012-09-24 13:05:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, love! I had a great, full picking, wonderful hikes, botanical gardens...I feel refreshed! How was your conference?
2012-09-24 13:04:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweet sweet darling... I miss you. I don't want you to not like me.
2012-09-24 13:01:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, should I be unlovely to you? Then, you might not like me...
2012-09-24 12:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Certain in what?

2012-09-24 12:49:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I was afraid that you won't like me... ;-)
2012-09-24 12:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's very late there. Good night my sweet darling. Sleep soundly. May my butterflies color your dreams.. Kisses on your soft tummy :)
2012-09-24 12:46:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Sigh. Let's meet... and then we will see... Who knows?
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Maybe you will not like me this time.

2012-09-24 12:44:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in?
2012-09-24 12:35:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you still want to meet?

2012-09-24 12:04:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Just today... Please. Mmmm, squeezing you gently darling, not wanting to let you go... and keep kissing your soft warm lips.
2012-09-24 12:04:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't stay in the office till 8... Please.

2012-09-24 11:45:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, come darling let me hug you a sweet welcome home & kiss you too... softly, slowly... Sigh. Miss you!!!!!
2012-09-24 11:45:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You thank me for what? Where are you? It's so so late there...
2012-09-24 11:43:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a smooth drive home... Your lady is eagerly waiting for you... :-)
2012-09-24 10:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-09-24 10:46:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I wish I was there, sitting on your desk... kissing you neck, gently bite your earlobes... ;-) Sigh!
2012-09-24 10:13:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. That would be nice... I do need it sometimes...

2012-09-24 10:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You meant yourself? I mean, you meant that you miss me... or?
2012-09-24 09:47:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? My man?

2012-09-24 09:43:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Your lady misses you...

2012-09-24 09:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will reach home by bedtime... I don't know... Then, why don't you move into the office? :-|
2012-09-24 09:23:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But why in the office? Well, you can read in the cab too, no? and the traffic is not every day that bad...
2012-09-24 09:16:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What stuff? Work or other stuff? Oh darling, don't you even plan to sleep there? :-|
2012-09-24 09:01:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet nibbling kisses for under your undershirt... to keep you alert and smiling... :-)
2012-09-24 08:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What!? God, great Monday... Hopefully you don't have to stay so late in the office for the rest of the week... :-|
2012-09-24 08:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in the office? Darling... come and give me those kisses. Sigh. Missing you, too.
2012-09-24 07:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! Without the "up with" ;-) How I wish you could really catch me soon... Sniff.
2012-09-24 05:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day goes ok. Busy with some office work. I'd rather spend the day with you... hugging and kissing & enjoying each other... Sigh. Miss you!
2012-09-24 05:03:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure it was nice... but only because of my kiss... ;-p Well darling, what did you expect? 2 projects mean more work...but hope you enjoy it.
2012-09-24 05:02:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, hugging you close & kissing your lips a deep delicious bon appetit... :-)
2012-09-24 04:12:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I won't marry a man & you know why... Soft butterfly kisses behind your ears, darling... whispering that your lady is missing you... Sigh.
2012-09-24 01:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you see me as a dear friend... Hmm, just one of your dear friends... Do you offer them your bed too & give them kisses? :-|
2012-09-24 01:17:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She's also his secretary, so... Hope you have a good, pleasantbusy day, darling. Do you like your role? :-)
2012-09-24 01:17:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No bad Monday morning traffic, I hope. :-) The week will be busy for me. My ex is in Germany & his girlfriend is in Denmark.
2012-09-24 01:16:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. I am glad you slept well. I think I did too... Busy morning at home or in the office? How was the drive?
2012-09-24 01:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly & you :-) in your sleep as I join you in bed, softly kiss the back of your neck & hug you tenderly to me...
2012-09-23 15:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, tomorrow (well, for you today) is Monday, please darling, let's start the week with a smile... in your lady's lovely-scented arms...
2012-09-23 15:46:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet darling Anand. I miss hugging you, kissing you. I miss the feel of you. I miss us- together. I miss it all.
2012-09-23 14:53:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And while I am typing these dms I only dream of you & me holding hands, running over grass... Sad sigh.
2012-09-23 14:53:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, what keeps you from walking away from all of it & forget me? You could do that easily, no?
2012-09-23 14:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... beauty & butterflies & lovely basket & swing & all. It is
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obvious that it has become a one-sided relationship.

2012-09-23 14:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You also don't wish to cherish some things because they would keep growing bonds, etc. And to you, the forest is fading with all its...
2012-09-23 14:46:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said you'd like to smile & enjoy with me in everything. But you don't do it. It feels wrong to you to nurture this whole thing...
2012-09-23 14:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ be together. You say there's no future for us, so...why do you waste your time on me? Isn't it pointless to you as so many things are?
2012-09-23 13:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you keep writing to me? You know how I feel for you & that I will never be able to see you as a mere friend & will always want us
2012-09-23 13:58:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep soundly. Have sweet dreams. Soft kisses along your jaw... I'll join you soon... and I know why...
2012-09-23 12:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And see? Why to join you? You said if I ask this, you have no answer... But you say it anyway.
2012-09-23 12:34:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? I imagine what? I don't imagine things you did not say.
2012-09-23 12:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late there. You should sleep...

2012-09-23 12:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You confuse me. I don't know what to think anymore... Really. You don't want me but you are also not happy when I stop write to you...
2012-09-23 12:26:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I closed the car window on that nail... well finger. In July. :-|
2012-09-23 12:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, and I didn't tell you- my nail has finally fallen off. Today afternoon. It looks so very ugly!
2012-09-23 12:20:01 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Btw, you said you have no answer. You should know why do you want me to join you... Or you just say it 'cause you got used to...?
2012-09-23 12:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... despite the distance, but now... You only join me & smile when I do things that don't involve you.
2012-09-23 12:16:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I am cheerful, I'd like to share it with you, to take your hand & smile together... we could do this, we have done this
2012-09-23 12:16:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not saying it is not possible. But you can spoil my mood, darling.
2012-09-23 12:12:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you will like it... One day of no complaining, no sulking... no silliness, no me around...
2012-09-23 12:05:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you not happy to have had a day away from my annoying you? Hmm... I am ok, darling.
2012-09-23 11:54:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good, no?

2012-09-23 11:51:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, well... At least I didn't annoy you today & your words didn't hurt me...
2012-09-23 11:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why :-( ? And helped being left alone in what?

2012-09-23 11:38:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it was good to talk to no one... in some way...

2012-09-23 11:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No.
2012-09-23 11:32:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in?
2012-09-23 11:30:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ At home. Wished to be left alone... Missed you, too...

2012-09-23 11:20:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling. I hope you had a lovely day... I am ok. Sorry. Turned on my laptop just now...
2012-09-23 11:15:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did not say "yes sweetie pie, I would love you to join me..." You didn't say it... Nothing. Darling :-(
2012-09-22 12:48:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off now. Good night, my sweet darling sir. Good night.
2012-09-22 12:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still miss it all...You! Very very much but seems like you got bored of it. One and a half year... I am sorry to have wasted your time :-(
2012-09-22 12:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The sweetness, the smiles, the cheer & joy, the sighs we shared, running over grass hand in hand, the butterflies...
2012-09-22 12:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was right... you do not want it... me, your silly lovely lady... :'-(
2012-09-22 12:25:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why to join you, why to do anything at all? You do not want it anymore...
2012-09-22 12:19:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :'-(
2012-09-22 12:19:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, good night darling. Soft kisses all over you... slowly, inch by inch... Sleep soundly with smiles & tender dreams.
2012-09-22 12:14:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You got out of the forest but didn't walk away... instead we started the lively dms... & you came back to the forest every now & then.
2012-09-22 12:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh yes... it would be beautiful to cuddle with you. A long sweet cuddle with many little kisses before sleeping... Sigh! I so miss that!
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2012-09-22 12:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Was cleaning & resting & did my quick Saturday shopping too. Head still aches, not feeling that well.
2012-09-22 12:02:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How? You've grown the forest with no way out... You didn't wish me to ever leave it, so... :-( You could've walked away, forgetting all...
2012-09-22 12:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't drink tea? Why? How was your day? Did you enjoy it? Say a lovely hello to that old wise lady...
2012-09-22 12:00:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back in your room. A tight hug and a soft sweet kiss for my darling...
2012-09-22 12:00:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... Sigh.

2012-09-22 09:22:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Personal problems,or societal problems? Slept WONDERFULLY! Hopefully more of the same tonight. Cupping your chin, gently kissing your cheek.
2012-09-22 08:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are the sessions? Do you enjoy them?

2012-09-22 08:14:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want to discuss or anything... Just to hold you close and rest in your arms for a while... :-|
2012-09-22 08:10:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My head aches badly. I wish I was there, having a nice cup of tea, walking among the trees & plants with you...quietly, feeling at peace...
2012-09-22 08:05:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if there was an issue, a reason I'd tell you and ask you & discuss it & try to find a solution together & not simply step back...
2012-09-22 07:56:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could've done that & forget me and all. No? It's been one & a half year now... Why did you waste your precious time on me?
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2012-09-22 07:55:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, why did you keep writing? Why didn't you simply walk away as smooth & easy as you walked into my life? Hm?
2012-09-22 07:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back home. Darling, yes true- it was just about 2 months but you too, said that it would be painful to cut away...
2012-09-22 07:55:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not at home. Shopping. Lost conn. Have a lovely tea-time. Do drink one for me... Please.
2012-09-22 07:18:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but we already bared our hearts... It was not a long time but still... I felt closer to you than I could've ever imagined
2012-09-22 07:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If there is any reason for me to pull back, it is unknown to me. Well, there is one...if you would do that, I'd bid you farewell
2012-09-22 07:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still didn't answer, are you there with a woman? Is it true what you said?
2012-09-22 06:52:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you do not answer...

2012-09-22 05:45:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You tell me such things and then you wonder why I am jealous!? :-(
2012-09-22 05:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or even feel physically close to another man... I couldn't...

2012-09-22 05:11:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... mind or drop you because I met someone else. And sure I would have nothing physical with another man.
2012-09-22 04:49:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, when I feel close to someone, I want no one else. We grew close to each other & I still feel the same & wouldn't change my
2012-09-22 04:49:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And you didn't answer my question... are you there with a woman?
2012-09-22 04:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you mean by being physically close?

2012-09-22 04:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you really with a woman whom you are physically close to? I mean... you said there is no woman in your life...
2012-09-22 04:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exchanging thoughts, views, etc.? I just hope you enjoy your time... Soft kisses along your collarbone, holding you close... Missing you.
2012-09-22 03:28:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad it feels nice to be there. :-) So, you know that place? When were you there? And tell me, what are you doing all day?
2012-09-22 03:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, sounds so beautiful! Yes, I am sure I'd love it there! Except the insects. ;-) Just to walk with you among the trees & plants... Sigh!
2012-09-22 03:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...because you changed your mind. Or you buy it but don't like it because the color is not as nice as on the picture, etc. & returning it.
2012-09-22 03:26:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't work like that, darling. :-( It's not like an item that you see & want to have it & a few days later you decide not to buy it
2012-09-22 03:25:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ First you let us grow close to each other, then you bring a distance in. First you tell me to come, then you say I shouldn't.
2012-09-22 03:25:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you discouraged me from coming to the US. But it was already too late... First you let your heart stray, then you put it on a leash.
2012-09-22 03:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to play with you, to hug you and you... you just smile & stand there with arms crossed or look away & walk away... :-(
2012-09-22 03:24:10 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It's because of your response... or no response at all. When your lady is cheerful & jumping around you in her happiness, wanting...
2012-09-22 03:23:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't think you understand, then you would know why the gloom sets in randomly... It's because of you, darling.
2012-09-22 03:23:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept light, darling. Feel wilted. Just to feel you, your kiss...I would've snuggled up to you, hugged your arm to me & not let you go :-)
2012-09-22 03:22:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet darling. :-) I fell asleep with the thought "hopefully you don't oversleep & feel fresh, well-rested in the morning"
2012-09-22 03:22:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My sweet, sweet heart. I miss you so! Enjoy your workshop, keep me abreast of your enlightenments...use it to grow in thought. :-)
2012-09-21 23:43:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like when you call me, as well. :-) <3

2012-09-21 23:14:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I was there,too. I'd love to be doing things like that with you. What's the general theme, if you'd care to share? When do you leave?
2012-09-21 23:14:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Truthfully, I would just love to wrap myself up in your sweet embrace right now. Missing you so. :-(
2012-09-21 19:24:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A really great event I would definitely participate in. Are there scheduled topics to be discussed?
2012-09-21 19:23:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh my goodness, you didn't tell me you had this booked! How wonderfully fun and hopefully enlightening! Wish I was there, that sounds like
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2012-09-21 19:22:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I liked that term of endearment very much! Yes, wed, thurs, fri are exhausting for me. I miss you in my days...
2012-09-21 19:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, I so wish you'd become the pillow that I am hugging tightly... and would wake up with you in my arms... Sigh. Sleep my darling, sleep.
2012-09-21 16:13:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, & sometimes I don't write to you even if I want to 'cause I am waiting for you to miss me ;-p But it happens lesser nowadays...sniff.
2012-09-21 16:05:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, sometimes I just think aloud... not wanting to raise an issue or so. Your lady is pretty confused, darling. Lost. Missing you. Sigh.
2012-09-21 15:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a very very nice, enriching time, darling. :-) Take care. And yes, I hope you'll have a good signal there...
2012-09-21 15:25:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you wake up with a :-) all fresh & happy about the weekend. Your lady will miss you a lot & will think of you...
2012-09-21 15:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with my leg around yours, arm around you, my palm on your chest... :-) My darling, I hope you are sleeping in beautiful dreams.
2012-09-21 15:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I join you under the covers, snuggle up behind you, kissing your nape, your shoulders, your back & hug you as close to me as I can
2012-09-21 15:18:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe just as a visitor, a distant friend or whatever... sharing just as much as your mind allows...
2012-09-21 13:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That was. Have nothing more to say. The fact is, you've become too much a part of my life, but you don't want to be part of it...
2012-09-21 13:49:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And you wonder why I am gloomy sometimes? Oh darling... just keep wondering... maybe one day you will know why...
2012-09-21 13:45:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... shared was not right? That you reduced the sweetness & all 'cause it's not right? It was right, felt right, sweet & beautiful & simple.
2012-09-21 13:36:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that we were building to each other, creating a distance... And now, your insensible mind wants to convince my heart that all that we
2012-09-21 13:35:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and sing and chase butterflies and then... you called yours back & put it on a leash & tore down the bridge bit by bit...
2012-09-21 13:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have been wiser and more careful and wouldn't have let you close... But we have let our hearts stray & run together & play & dance
2012-09-21 13:34:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had you told me it was just a whim or just wanted someone to sweeten your stay in the US, I wouldn't have walked into your forest.
2012-09-21 13:08:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you know exactly how I feel for you... Once my lil' heart loves, it loves. It doesn't know how to unlove.
2012-09-21 13:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how to deal with this distance you brought in & maybe I don't even want to... I still feel the same for you, darling.
2012-09-21 13:04:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The walk was lovely, yes. But it would have been a perfect late summer evening walk with you... I couldn't not think of you & miss you.
2012-09-21 12:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want you to be part of my cheer, to be in it and enjoy it together. I don't want you to be just a spectator, a bystander.
2012-09-21 12:53:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ But you don't join me when I am really cheerful & want to share it with you, when I want you to be part of it. Makes no sense to me.
2012-09-21 12:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You join me in full measure when I do things that don't involve you but you think they make me cheerful.
2012-09-21 12:51:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... very joyous. Just meet up, chat a little, have some fun & that's all. We have a good, decent time.
2012-09-21 12:51:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I do things alone or am with friends, you seem to be overjoyed & I don't really know why. We/ I mostly do nothing special, nothing
2012-09-21 12:50:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... take the distance away you brought in... Pretty please.
2012-09-21 12:17:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with rainbow-colored dreams. Close your lovely eyes now... your lady is cradling you, softly, gently... :-) I will join you soon...
2012-09-21 12:15:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, most happily! Was just waiting for your permission... And for a little sweetness... Sigh. Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly...
2012-09-21 12:13:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am holding you, cradling you in my arms... Kissing you softly on your lips, wishing you good night. In case you'd like me to...
2012-09-21 12:09:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Ok. Shall I come and cradle you to sleep? :-)
2012-09-21 12:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... You said nothing, so I thought you did not like the idea...
2012-09-21 12:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for saying that I would have loved to have you walk with me...
2012-09-21 11:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not now. A few months ago...

2012-09-21 11:54:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I would've loved to have you with me. Just walking... hand in hand, sitting on the grass with you sitting behind me, holding me close...
2012-09-21 11:51:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really, really do?

2012-09-21 11:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've sent you a picture of it... It is only nice in summer when all is green. I hope you will have a good signal there...
2012-09-21 11:43:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I try to do things to distract myself, but... it doesn't really work. I am not gloomy, just... missing you. A lot.
2012-09-21 11:39:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wished I had you with me... Sigh. So, does it mean no dms the whole weekend? I will miss you very much but I hope you'll have a good time.
2012-09-21 11:35:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was just walking here in a nearby field... Then sat down on the grass & watched the sky, the people & sail planes, etc.
2012-09-21 11:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. It was good but didn't make me lose track of time, just... Didn't want to look at it. Smile, no I don't live by the river.
2012-09-21 11:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for coming back this late. I didn't look at the time... Your hug & kiss are happily received... Sigh.
2012-09-21 11:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you be off the whole weekend? Is this retreat in a nearby place?
2012-09-21 11:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, darling. Kissing you sweetly, hugging you close to me... Yes, a long walk. Alone. No shopping.
2012-09-21 11:13:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A gentle, tight hug & a soft kiss waiting for my sweet sir at the
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threshold... He will get more when his lady is back.

2012-09-21 08:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off for a walk, darling. It's nice, sunny outside... I so wish you were here, walking by my side... Sigh.
2012-09-21 08:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant it's been a busy day for you... Are you happy that the week is over? And you will be away on the weekend...
2012-09-21 08:26:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, it's been a busy busy day... but so glad it's over now. How was your day, darling? Please take care. Be home soon... :-)
2012-09-21 08:15:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft butterfly kisses fluttering towards you to land on your shoulders & slow-walk all over you... ;-) Darling... Sigh!
2012-09-21 06:28:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you...

2012-09-21 06:12:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A long, delicate kiss for your lips as an appetizer & a sweet slow one for after your lunch... :-) Enjoy your meal, darling.
2012-09-21 04:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are having a very good day, darling. It's Friday! A soft deep kiss on your throat, above the top button... :-) Missing you. A lot.
2012-09-21 03:00:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure it makes me gloomy when I just try and try and all I get is just a smile... or not even that. Anyway, let it be.
2012-09-21 03:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all of a sudden, you vanished, finding myself alone in our forest and all. You've brought the closeness in & now, the distance...
2012-09-21 02:55:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... make it any better. You took my hand & we ran happily together & we smiled as the forest was growing wider & it felt right and then,
2012-09-21 02:54:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... and saddens me. I am not pretentious. Yes, you explained why you don't talk like you used to & why you don't rejoice but it doesn't
2012-09-21 02:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how to separate the two... you are part of my days, my cheer, my world. The distance you've brought in, confuses me...
2012-09-21 02:53:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Thank you for coming to hug me... :-) I didn't sleep well last night. But I hope you did & feel well-rested.
2012-09-21 02:53:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your cheeks. I will sit as quietly as possible... I just... wish to hold your hand & watch you sleep.
2012-09-20 15:58:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope you are sleeping sweetly and I don't disturb your sleep as I come to sit by your side & take your hand in mine... Sigh.
2012-09-20 15:54:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't mean to complain & cloud the skies. I will be more careful. Say nothing just please, don't be cross with me. Please.
2012-09-20 15:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for being the way I am. I am sorry for being terrible at expressing myself. I am sorry, darling. :-(
2012-09-20 14:15:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... is my trying to let you know how I feel. I am terrible at it, darling. I am sorry. I never want to argue with you. Really not.
2012-09-20 14:13:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't wish to share, don't wish to run over grass with me... It is then like a cold shower... What you see as sulking and complaining...
2012-09-20 14:12:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it is very embarrassing when I try to be sweet or playful or whatever and I feel you don't wish to be part of it.
2012-09-20 14:11:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not perfect, darling & you believe it or not, I am very shy. Often, I don't know how to behave, what to do or say.
2012-09-20 14:11:07 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... distance watching me while I make a fool of myself. Then, I stop jumping around & sit down. Simple.
2012-09-20 14:10:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and smiling and then... Nothing. No reaction. It's as if I was jumping around cheerfully & then... I'd see you standing at a safe...
2012-09-20 14:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I also don't wish to cloud the skies. I love it when it is sunny & bright. But you know how often I was being cheerful and playful...
2012-09-20 14:09:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And sometimes I just sit here, feeling silly about repeatedly asking you... I don't want to complain, darling. Really not.
2012-09-20 14:08:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now I know, some can also get lost :-| But see? It can easily cause misunderstandings, some confusion... :-(
2012-09-20 14:08:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't want to know every little detail & it can happen that you overlook some of my dms/questions/ et cetera...
2012-09-20 14:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know you will start right after the decision. I really didn't know. And I thought you will work on brand new projects.
2012-09-20 14:07:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... went well" dm. I might be silly but not stupid. I asked you 'cause I wanted to know. They are not there! :-( The 3rd was today morning.
2012-09-20 14:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't find them! One was on Tuesday when you told me you got the role. The second was yesterday morning after my "hope the rituals...
2012-09-20 14:05:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have gone... :'-( Good night, darling. Sleep soundly. Dream sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead... hoping you won't push me away
2012-09-20 12:44:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You know what I meant... :-( Please, will you let me give you a sweet good night kiss & a gentle hug? Please...
2012-09-20 12:39:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... don't leave like that... :-(

2012-09-20 12:30:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I will try to find those dms...

2012-09-20 12:29:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't be cross with me. What should I do? When I am cheerful & bubbly & sweet... I feel silly 'cause I get no reaction from you...
2012-09-20 12:29:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't complain. :-( I genuinely wanted to know... That's all. And no, I don't wish to cloud the skies. Not at all. :-(
2012-09-20 12:21:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did ask you when will the projects start... Yes, you told me that the decision was made but I didn't know when will it start.
2012-09-20 12:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you always think that I am sulking or complaining and want to argue with you? Hm? I do not want to...
2012-09-20 12:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and work, etc. on the day your role started. Just as a sweet gesture... That's all. But seems like I missed it.
2012-09-20 12:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today you said the projects were already on. See? It is not important, just... I wanted to wish you all the best & all with your new role...
2012-09-20 12:01:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ E.g. your role and the projects... I've asked you yesterday & before yesterday when do they start...
2012-09-20 12:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I do have to ask you several times... and there are misunderstandings because you do not answer.
2012-09-20 12:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. I am not sulking and not complaining. Not at all. I also
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don't want to argue with you, I just... Sigh.

2012-09-20 12:00:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. It must have been a long email... No certain question... There were many little ones... But it's unimportant now.
2012-09-20 11:43:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not now, darling. Now, I asked nothing. Done with the email?
2012-09-20 11:29:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... not getting an answer. You are also secretive at times. Sigh.
2012-09-20 10:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sometimes it's really not easy with you. You tell me just bits & pieces... And no it's not nice to ask something several times and
2012-09-20 10:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Missed you so much!

2012-09-20 10:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. I will wait for you... :-)

2012-09-20 10:22:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I was about to walk away... was standing there for a while, with open arms... Hugging you tight, kissing your neck softly. Thank you.
2012-09-20 10:20:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to thank...

2012-09-20 10:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I didn't know this. Then... hope you like & enjoy your role. All the best, darling.
2012-09-20 10:09:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, have... not has...

2012-09-20 09:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, our dms crossed... Hmmm, does it mean those project has started?
2012-09-20 09:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A little bit of this, a little bit of that... Sounds great! Goa... Sigh.
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I wish I could come with you...

2012-09-20 09:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling! Will your lady let you hug you & kiss you sweetly? I am glad the traffic was good... How was your day?
2012-09-20 09:28:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care... Crossing my fingers the traffic to be easy...

2012-09-20 08:30:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perfect! Hope the drive home will be as smooth as in the morning. Darling... your silly lady misses you... :-(
2012-09-20 07:10:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok, now I know... With conferences & all or just meeting up for a fun weekend?
2012-09-20 07:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in the middle of my day, darling. It is ok... working. It's cold & rainy outside, summer is over... Sigh. How is yours?
2012-09-20 07:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I came to check my dms often, but when I saw nothing, I thought that you were busy working...
2012-09-20 07:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is a good one and lunch is/was lovely... A sweet, chocolaty kiss for your lips...
2012-09-20 04:44:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on the back of my sweet sir's neck... if you feel a gentle breeze, know- it was my kiss...
2012-09-20 02:51:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? When will the projects start? This Goa trip... is it new or did you know about it?
2012-09-20 02:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was no issue yesterday. Just played the Anand role. You don't have to tell me the story...
2012-09-20 02:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear sir. I am glad you slept well & didn't stay
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up so late... I hope the drive to the office was smooth.

2012-09-20 02:50:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire seems it will be. I'll be thinking of you, in my dreams. :-) That always sends me off to bed with a smile of contentment. xo
2012-09-19 22:37:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am. :-) just settled everything, in bed, and going try to catch up on sleep I've been missing. Enjoy your day, my love, as busy as it
2012-09-19 22:36:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire slumber? Hopefully good as usual. Busy day ahead?

2012-09-19 19:56:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm so glad, I always worry about that! Yes, I always shower before bed, I like getting into my sheets clean. :-) and relaxed! How was your
2012-09-19 19:55:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire For it, however. I hope these messages do not wake you! I always worry about that! Sweet dreams. xoxo
2012-09-19 15:43:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, love! Sigh...wish I could report that I slept well, but alas...another night of discontented sleep. :-( good, quick day today made up
2012-09-19 15:42:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not joining you tonight... your dear friend can take this role... But I hope you are sleeping well. Take good care tomorrow...
2012-09-19 15:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of it & sent it to me. It made my lil' heart smile gently.
2012-09-19 15:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, it was not only the picture that I liked... I loved the flower, the thought that you offered it on my behalf & that you took a picture
2012-09-19 15:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your lady is still a bit busy but hey... you can ask your dear friend to hum you to sleep. Good night. Sleep well.
2012-09-19 12:07:15 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It was normal. Nothing noteworthy.

2012-09-19 11:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm.
2012-09-19 11:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But see? You don't seem to like it... If I was like today for a week or two, you too would sulk & complain... or whatever.
2012-09-19 11:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, all's ok. Just practicing the Anand-style. You ask, I don't answer. And ignore some of what you say, etc... ;-p
2012-09-19 11:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you found something for you...

2012-09-19 11:07:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home. I wish that too... Perhaps you would have enjoyed the shopping a bit more...
2012-09-19 11:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I am at home. Take care. Hope you enjoy the shopping...
2012-09-19 08:34:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are welcome...

2012-09-19 07:10:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm.
2012-09-19 06:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I would have reminded you to take your laptop with you if you told me so...
2012-09-19 06:35:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, sounds not that good. Be careful when you are outside tomorrow...
2012-09-19 05:54:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What plan? Your role? Hmm, you might as well ask your dear friend... perhaps your friend's touches can hum you to a short nap...
2012-09-19 05:54:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for letting me know.

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2012-09-19 05:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked your lunch. You go shopping just because a few coupons will expire? Hmm. You will be off next weekend, too? Ooohhh
2012-09-19 04:57:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, maybe you have told that today's off to your dear friend who hums for you... ;-p It's about lunchtime there, so... enjoy your meal.
2012-09-19 04:32:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with thinkers & philosophers? I will miss you a lot but I think it will be good for you... exchanging thoughts, views...
2012-09-19 04:23:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you didn't tell me. Not even then, when I asked you... Never mind. You mean you will travel somewhere to spend the weekend...
2012-09-19 04:23:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's beautiful! I thank you so so much! Your lady is beaming. :-) Wish I could hug you tight right now... Sigh.
2012-09-19 04:23:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope the rituals went well. Kissing you along your back while you are busy planning your role... Missing you.
2012-09-19 02:41:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I asked whether you stay at home today, but you didn't answer... And it was too late, btw.
2012-09-19 02:41:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. Yes, maybe you should go to bed around 21:45 & do nothing, except cuddling your lady... ;-)
2012-09-19 02:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sir. I was awake when you kissed my shoulders... just pretended to sleep, enjoying your kisses... ;-)
2012-09-19 02:37:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just readying for tomorrow,now bed. :-) goodnight, my sweet! I'm positive I'll wake just as I will fall into slumber- with wanting you near.
2012-09-18 23:42:54 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire It's a metaphor, silly! ;-) gorgeous wordplay! Gorgeous.

2012-09-18 22:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Grapes... For my sweet darling... Each grape nicely washed, in a bowl... ready to eat... Sigh. How I miss you!
2012-09-18 15:26:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best for the rituals. Please, don't forget about the flower... It would make me very happy, even if you think it's silly. :-)
2012-09-18 15:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You went to bed late, again. :-( But I hope you are sleeping sweetly & wake up smiling to a beautiful, bright morning.
2012-09-18 15:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lovely smelling, minimally clothed ;-p lady snuggles up behind you now & hugging you tenderly to her. Kissing your ear, darling
2012-09-18 15:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your cute nose, your chin & your lips get a sweet soft kiss too. :-) I will join you in a bit, feeling tired...
2012-09-18 13:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, come! Right into my arms...but don't jump on me, please. ;-) Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep deeply with happy dreams.
2012-09-18 13:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Grapes! Do you remember...? I miss you! Our time together... Sigh.
2012-09-18 13:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, please come to bed darling. Look at the time :-| Your bed is nicely made, your lady's sitting in the middle of it, in tiny shorts ;-p
2012-09-18 12:51:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, true. I'll learn what's allowed & what not. Bit by bit...Well a pizza is made for share it with your lady...not with Gods. ;-)
2012-09-18 12:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad she did... But tell me you were nibbling on fruits for over a half hour? Wow! Not bad!
2012-09-18 12:48:34 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I don't want to bother you... I will just silently sit here and wait for you to come to bed... Ok?
2012-09-18 12:13:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, thank you for offering a flower on my behalf... it's sweet of you. :-) So, you need to wake up early, yes?
2012-09-18 12:10:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I am silly. I should've known... Blush. You know, there are things that we see a lovely gesture but there, they aren't... :-)
2012-09-18 12:08:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, thank you. It would be very lovely. Just don't forget to take a picture... ;-p When is the ritual? In the morning?
2012-09-18 12:02:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pick one of the flowers you bought, kiss it :-) or touch your forehead with it before you place it at the feet... It'll be then from me.
2012-09-18 12:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. You really do? Awww :-) I know, well... I though so. That's why I asked you to place just one tiny single flower on my behalf, too.
2012-09-18 11:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, missing you...

2012-09-18 11:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do place a flower at the foot of the Ganesha idol tomorrow on my behalf... Just one tiny lovely scented flower. Will you do that?
2012-09-18 11:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant plucked, not picked.

2012-09-18 11:24:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ganesha... Nice! I would've picked lovely wildflowers instead of buying some. And did you buy the grass too? ;-p
2012-09-18 11:21:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A happy welcome home hug and soft long kiss for my darling. God, it took forever to buy them! ;-p
2012-09-18 11:20:50 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet sir got lost & doesn't find the way home... Shall I come & find you? ;-p
2012-09-18 10:17:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... walk home together, maybe sit down on a bench and watch the sunset, too. :-) Darling... your lady misses you!!!!!
2012-09-18 08:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is tomorrow a festival? Then, will you stay at home? Sigh... I wish I could come along with you, shop all the things you need then...
2012-09-18 08:47:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I am running to catch you, hug you & kiss you sweetly... Now, you can leave... :-) Wow, you are home early! :-)
2012-09-18 08:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Still in the office or on your way home?
2012-09-18 08:39:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, let me think... am I interested? Hmm... let me think some more ;-p God! What a silly question! Of course I am interested! :-)
2012-09-18 05:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 3.) I don't know what books you like to read and I am also afraid to pick one, 'cause maybe you have it already. :-|
2012-09-18 05:50:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought of a book too, because it's always a lovely thing to give but... 1.) I don't know your address 2.) you have so many books!
2012-09-18 05:50:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet, deep, honeyed slow kiss. Don't lick it off... let my kiss melt all over your lips... ;-)
2012-09-18 05:48:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I was too late but... you get now your dessert, anyway! I whoosh to you, pull you into a tight embrace and give you a
2012-09-18 05:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it is so, then... I am very happy for you, darling. :-) I hope you will enjoy the work and your new role.
2012-09-18 05:47:58 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ What was for lunch? Don't you want to get my sweet dessertkiss topped with a soft, warm hug? No?
2012-09-18 05:06:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am older than you... :-) And sometimes feel like those redwood trees! ;-p
2012-09-18 05:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, congratulations! :-) Are you happy with the decision? I was almost sure you will get this role. But... isn't it too much for you?
2012-09-18 05:00:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, now that you say... your birthday will be in 3 weeks! Darling, what would you like to have for your birthday? Hm?
2012-09-18 04:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are sweet. I wish I was 18... Sigh! I am older than you! :-|
2012-09-18 04:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Had lunch, darling? Was it good? I have a deliciously sweet kiss for you as a dessert... and a tight, gentle hug too. Want to have them?
2012-09-18 04:53:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies should reach you in a sec., to cover you in soft sweet smiling kisses to keep you fresh & alert through the day :-) Miss you!
2012-09-18 03:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how are you? Not too tired? How goes your day? Your yesterday was very long, hopefully your today is some better & shorter!
2012-09-18 03:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let's not argue any further... Please. Yes, maybe you are right and I am overly touchy nowadays. Old age, you know?
2012-09-18 03:16:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not collecting your faults, darling. Why would I? I am not flawless, either. I do collect sweet moments... diligently as a bee... :-)
2012-09-18 03:16:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are several questions that remain unanswered. It doesn't

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really hurt, many of them are unimportant, but still- it's annoying.
2012-09-18 03:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... it didn't hurt me at all. And it didn't start with that. And it's not about only one question.
2012-09-18 03:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. :-) I suspected that... Sigh. But glad you slept well, anyway. My sleep wasn't restful, woke up many times.
2012-09-18 03:13:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can only hope that you get enough sleep. You should have been sleeping when you dm-ed me. Darling... sigh! Sleep :-)
2012-09-17 16:10:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, maybe today was not my best day... I hope you are sleeping deeply, peacefully & you wake up with a big smiling yawn, feeling rested...
2012-09-17 15:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to put it around me... Sigh. It feels so beautiful to be in your arms... I miss you darling, your soft warm body against mine...
2012-09-17 15:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss my sweet darling on his cheeks & join him under the covers... softly, quietly; gently pressing my back to his chest, taking his arm
2012-09-17 15:41:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... many minor issues... and then it takes just one more... Don't tell me to lighten up. Don't need to...
2012-09-17 13:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, I am not overly touchy... at least not without a reason. There's just a limit that one shouldn't step over... Simple.
2012-09-17 13:32:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a little elephant in a porcelain shop. ;-) But I am still the same- the lady who loves to run over grass & play with butterflies.
2012-09-17 13:26:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are times when you hurt me very much. I think
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sometimes you don't even realize that you do, that's why I said you arelike...
2012-09-17 13:26:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am a human being with a heart that is not on a leash... I have feelings, emotions. I ponder, reflect & think & fall silent sometimes...
2012-09-17 13:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I cry when I feel like crying or can't hold back. I feel very sad at times. And smile much more than you might think I do.
2012-09-17 13:09:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that don't make happy and can't be light about them. Maybe you can smile no matter what... I can't and also don't wish to...
2012-09-17 13:05:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you know, I am not a grey, grave, reclusive person. It is not necessary to tell me to lighten up. As I said, there are things/events
2012-09-17 13:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Good night, my sweet darling. I'll be by your side till you fall asleep... Cradling you in my arms, kissing you on your eyes... :-)
2012-09-17 12:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do not frown, darling. But I would still love to be held by you... :-) Just to curl up in your arms... Sigh.
2012-09-17 12:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-09-17 12:34:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Really. Nothing. Mmm, happily rushing into your arms, darling... Now, all is fine. :-)
2012-09-17 12:32:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I did! Right now, at beauty salon getting hair done, then we'll see.
2012-09-17 12:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I think those dms got lost or so...

2012-09-17 12:25:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was tiring, yes? Poor darling... Will you let me hug you gently & kiss you a soft, lovely welcome home? Yes, you should go to bed soon...
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2012-09-17 12:24:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are things/events/people that/who hurt me or make me sad and sorry but I just can't shrug & smile then... So, why :-| ?
2012-09-17 12:24:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What hmmm :-| ? Have you reached or not?

2012-09-17 12:18:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have you reached home? It's nearly bedtime for you... It's been a long day, indeed... but I hope a good one.
2012-09-17 12:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. I am ok. Why? I just don't like this be-happy-smile-nomatter-what thingy. That's all.
2012-09-17 12:09:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, sweets. :-) how are you doing this evening? How was your day?
2012-09-17 11:35:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And there are also some situations when one doesn't feel like smiling. Or should I have smiled while I was watching Sandy fading away...
2012-09-17 11:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do smile even if there's little reason to. But I don't smile if my feelings being trampled over...
2012-09-17 11:20:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am light like a leaf in the wind... don't need to lighten. I do smile a lot but sometimes there's nothing to smile about...
2012-09-17 11:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know that. So... are you saying you are like air that flows wherever it wants to... Fine.
2012-09-17 10:45:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Are you still in the office!? You must be very tired... Have a good ride & be home soon... No, not yet... but nearly done.
2012-09-17 10:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Overhearing your "awww" and act like I didn't notice your " ;-) " So!
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2012-09-17 09:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad it amused you...

2012-09-17 08:44:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not funny... it was not nice. Well, I am glad you lost interest in doing that.
2012-09-17 08:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Just had my lunch... now, back to work. A deep kiss on your lips... one that leaves you weak in the knees... ;-)
2012-09-17 06:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you were wondering why your lady was reacting the way she did sometimes... Sigh.
2012-09-17 06:47:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They were way too sensual & I know well what words to you, so... Besides that, you were also complimenting nice ladies, etc.
2012-09-17 06:46:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... just thinking back... You might roll your eyes but... your word-playing with some ladies did hurt me.
2012-09-17 06:46:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you!

2012-09-17 05:12:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your soft tummy-pillow... :-) I wish I could hold you close... with out shirts pulled up so our navels can kiss each other ;-p
2012-09-17 05:12:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What was for lunch? Day is busy, have lots of work to do, other than that- nothing special. How is yours? How are you, darling?
2012-09-17 05:11:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet meanie sir... ;-p

2012-09-17 05:11:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes fine, darling & it's pleasant-busy. Soft kisses on the back of your neck... & then letting them walk down your spine...
2012-09-17 02:38:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Don't you know that your lady is being overly touchy sometimes? And you... like a little elephant in a porcelain shop.
2012-09-17 02:37:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rhetoric? Smile, no... but I was frowning. So, every time you take a nap, you can't sleep... Good. Now I know.
2012-09-17 02:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling dear. Glad you slept well. I hope you feel fresh enough for the day... I fell asleep while reading. Slept ok.
2012-09-17 02:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, then I don't ask... Maybe I'd better ask nothing in the future. Happy now? And also say nothing just replying to your dms.
2012-09-16 13:55:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night for the 3rd time... Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. Soft kisses along your jaw... I will join you soon... Hold me, please
2012-09-16 13:53:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, tomorrow is Monday... you will feel tired, but well... it's your thing...
2012-09-16 13:50:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, really... why did you stay up so late?

2012-09-16 13:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's why you are still awake?

2012-09-16 13:48:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm :-|

2012-09-16 13:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am not there, so I do wonder why are you still awake... it is very very late there, darling.
2012-09-16 13:35:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't get that dm. Yes, it would be beautiful to be in your arms... Just hugging each other & kissing & I wouldn't ask you why...
2012-09-16 13:34:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, your bed must be super nice now!

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2012-09-16 13:34:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I see you are not that talkative so... I wish you good night, anyway. Please go to bed... Kisses on your temples... Sleep sweetly.
2012-09-16 13:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did not write, so... I thought you have fallen asleep...
2012-09-16 13:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh... you are still up? This late? Why?

2012-09-16 13:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have fallen asleep... Sigh. I am sitting by your side, holding your hand and just... watching you. Sleep my darling.
2012-09-16 13:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly...

2012-09-16 12:47:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, please go to sleep. It's late there. Kissing you softly on your lips, hugging you gently...Sleep soundly with happy dreams. Good night
2012-09-16 12:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I could have hundred friends & spend time with them every day & go out & all but it is not the same... My missing you is there, all the time
2012-09-16 12:43:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My cat lady is fine, thank you.

2012-09-16 12:39:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy! Hmm, it takes more than that to be a fantastic time... And no matter what I do, I can't help wishing you were here too... Sorry.
2012-09-16 12:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's bedtime for my sweet darling... I hope I didn't get back too late, so I can hug you good night & kiss you sweet dreams...
2012-09-16 12:27:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Thank you, I had a good time. Not splendid or fantastic... a decent time. Missed you... all the time.
2012-09-16 12:21:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What are you doing presently? I plan on looking at the

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pics today, so I'm looking forward to that

2012-09-16 12:04:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Maybe bc I don't really remember dreams, my sleep is usually just deep.
2012-09-16 11:35:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire They weren't necessarily disconcerting, although the one that woke me was creepy, but they were weird in a way I can't describe.
2012-09-16 11:35:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, thank you, love. :-)

2012-09-16 11:01:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Would say. I woke up around 3-4am after an odd dream that is escaping me. Then weird dreams after.
2012-09-16 11:00:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The belly chain can be a very sexy piece, I wish I had both the youth -and the belly- to appreciate it! I had a weird sleep- disturbed, I
2012-09-16 10:58:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, my heart! I always wear rings, a bracelet, and compliment, you're right. Nothing ever too obnoxious. I actually
2012-09-16 10:54:13 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :) I think my eyes closed right after I asked if I should call. lol I worked yesterday and was pooped! :)
2012-09-16 08:58:41 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I fell asleep.... Sigh...

2012-09-16 07:46:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you can't read in your sleep. :-| I wish I was there to sweetly kiss you awake on time & cuddle you till you feel wide awake... ;-)
2012-09-16 07:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't sleep too long... then, you can't sleep in the night & will feel tired tomorrow. I know, it's silly to write this because...
2012-09-16 07:34:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am leaving now. Even though I won't spend my afternoon

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alone, I miss you horribly. Nothing & nobody can fill your absence... :-(
2012-09-16 07:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am slipping out of bed, carefully, quietly... trying not to wake my sleeping darling. Kissing you softly on your forehead... shhh, sleep.
2012-09-16 07:33:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, if only... Sniff. Hugging you close to me, kissing you back softly... rocking you gently as you fade away... :-)
2012-09-16 05:45:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Heavy? I think it was an easy lunch... Yep! Already in bed, waiting for you to come & cuddle me... Have a sweet nap.
2012-09-16 05:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... help me to find a way how can we be near each other... Sigh.
2012-09-16 05:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, I'd rather meet up with you & spend the day together, but... Hmm. Thanks for the nose-kiss.
2012-09-16 05:18:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Me too.

2012-09-16 05:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... mother who just had surgery & she also doesn't have the money to come. I offered her to pay her the fuel but... hmm.
2012-09-16 05:12:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... his ex-girlfriend, too. We will cook something, chat a little & the like. Renata is busy, she works a lot, takes care of her son and
2012-09-16 05:11:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, yes, I will go over to Maria shortly. An old friend of her will be there too & my friend who takes care of Sandy and maybe his
2012-09-16 05:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is pretty uneventful. Missing you. Wishing you were here, darling.
2012-09-16 05:10:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't really compare, I know which products are good or
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I like & which not... even if some products might be cheaper.

2012-09-16 05:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think so. There were many variations of the same product with different prices. He just picked any.
2012-09-16 05:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, then... I can now continue kissing other parts of you... to make them happy too. ;-)
2012-09-16 05:08:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds lovely. I would have loved to help you prepare your lunch... Sigh.
2012-09-16 05:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Spaghetti with what? I am glad the pain is gone. Then... just a few more kisses to delight your calf... ;-)
2012-09-16 04:25:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just thinking... that Indian man was putting stuff into the shopping cart without looking at the prices. It means he is new here or he...
2012-09-16 03:51:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your calf now? Kissing you softly on your calves. And on your knees, thighs... ;-) I wish I was there, I'd so love to cook with you!
2012-09-16 03:18:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you did let your heart stray far... It ran over grass together with mine... then you called it back to put it on a leash. It's not ok.
2012-09-16 03:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True- in this case, it makes no sense for you to do this kinds thingy. For the first time, I agree with you on the pointlessness of it! ;-p
2012-09-16 03:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... have some time for yourself, etc. Please don't do too much today, replenish your energy for the next week.
2012-09-16 03:16:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and didn't feel like getting out of bed. Smile yes... you partly listened to me. I meant to stay at home to rest, relax...
2012-09-16 03:15:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling dear. I am glad you slept well & liked my holding you... I slept well too, though woke up with headache
2012-09-16 03:15:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My angel. ::grinning:: <3

2012-09-15 23:53:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, my love. I might stay up and write a bit, sometimes it helps to clear my head for sleep.
2012-09-15 23:45:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That'd be so lovely...I'd adore you watching over me, I'd feel so safe and warm.
2012-09-15 23:43:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am in bed, this is true. But I've missed you so much these past couple of days, I just don't want to let you go!
2012-09-15 23:40:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 How about I just call?

2012-09-15 23:27:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Are just STUNNING.

2012-09-15 23:27:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lovely! And no, I didn't, so it is high on my priority list for tomorrow!!! I was really bummed about that- the pics I've seen so far
2012-09-15 23:27:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Big virtual hug right now.

2012-09-15 23:17:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish you were here, or I was there. Siiiiiggghhhhh.

2012-09-15 23:17:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire An ache that sets a smile, yes. :-) But it makes me miss you that much more. I want to lace my fingers through yours.
2012-09-15 23:11:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, showered and sweet smelling. :-) I like smelling pretty, honestly. Scents calm me, maybe that's part of it.
2012-09-15 23:11:01 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I'm so glad you're taking a day to decompress, and ready yourself for the upcoming week. I don't like to hear you the least bit stressed.
2012-09-15 23:09:53 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Are you up? Just saw this.

2012-09-15 23:03:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Full day, but pleasant. Just home and showered, and going to turn in soon. What are you doing today, my sweet man? I miss you very much.
2012-09-15 22:56:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes!'s quite an ache, the want of you. To be wrapped in your arms...feeling your nose in my hair. I've had an unexpectedly
2012-09-15 22:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you once more, hug you closer... my palm on your bare chest ;-) and sleep...
2012-09-15 16:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, if I was there, I would surely not let you go. We could have a sweet, lovely, lazy day together... But I am not there. Sad sigh.
2012-09-15 16:30:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping sweetly & long my dear :-) Please go only if you are well-rested & really really want to spend time with the kids. Ok?
2012-09-15 16:07:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile. I am sleepy. I meant "and" instead of "as". But you got used to my typos, right? ;-)
2012-09-15 16:06:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... softly kissing you on your neck & wrapping you in her arms. Whispering sweet words in your ear to fill your dreams with smiles...
2012-09-15 16:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I changed my mind... tonight, I would love to hold you. :-) As so your lady does... She snuggles up behind you,
2012-09-15 16:03:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And our days together... Sigh. Felt like I have known you for so long... It felt warm & like home with you... I miss you!!!
2012-09-15 13:51:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, why? If it feels beautiful, as easy and natural as the wind, it is right. And it was right... it felt right, from the first DM...
2012-09-15 13:42:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And put your heart on a leash & numb your body & try to hold back things 'cause they would keep growing bonds... :'-(
2012-09-15 13:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't see you as a mere friend. Well, or a special friend whom I hold dearly... I love you & want you as a woman loves and wants a man.
2012-09-15 13:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still remember how my body was throbbing & shaking with want for you... How could I ever forget? How could I not think of you as a man?
2012-09-15 13:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I cannot not think of you as a man. You know exactly how I feel for you... I can't numb my body even if I wanted to.
2012-09-15 12:57:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you soon and curl into you...

2012-09-15 12:44:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet desirable (*swoon*) darling. Sleep soundly & long with lovely-lively dreams. Soft nibbling kisses all over you :-)
2012-09-15 12:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were here, I would be all over you darling... Blush. Can't help it. Sigh.
2012-09-15 12:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I want to have you here now! :-|

2012-09-15 12:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then across your chest, down your tummy, navel, along your shorts line (or whatever you wear)... and then... you have to sleep. ;-p
2012-09-15 12:34:43 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now, please lie down & let your lady kiss you to sleep... :-) I will kiss you deeply again, then kiss you down your neck...slowly, gently...
2012-09-15 12:34:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you just smile... :-(

2012-09-15 12:30:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know my dear, just the thought of feeling your body close to mine, your skin... your kisses & all... still sends tingles through me...
2012-09-15 12:19:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I am happy, beaming, overjoyed! Darling! :-) Kissing you back, sweetly, deeply and hugging you tight! It feels so so nice! :-)
2012-09-15 12:19:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, let's see...

2012-09-15 12:17:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, only if you don't have to wake up early.

2012-09-15 12:12:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you... I think you should stay at home. But if you feel well-rested in the morning & feel like spending time with the kids, then go.
2012-09-15 12:11:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Go to sleep, you really need the rest. Please stay at home tomorrow.
2012-09-15 12:06:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want to feel your skin, darling. I want to trace every inch of your skin with my lips and fingers... Sigh. But you... :-(
2012-09-15 12:05:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! But I want exactly that undershirt that you are wearing now! ;-p
2012-09-15 12:04:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waahhaaaa :-( No, not happy.

2012-09-15 11:54:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You care about your silly undershirt's feelings, but what about your lil' lovely lady? Hm? :-(
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2012-09-15 11:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! :-| Then I will give it a scratch... and after that, you take it off. Sounds good?
2012-09-15 11:46:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If only I could be there now... I would cuddle you, darling with or without your annoying undershirt. Sniff. Missing you.
2012-09-15 11:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? If it is sensitive, sure it doesn't want to be scratched! Your back loves it but it might hurt your undershirt, so... take it off!
2012-09-15 11:42:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know! My top will keep your undershirt company... ;-p

2012-09-15 11:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to feel and kiss and caress your skin... not your undershirt... ;-) and I doubt your undershirt wants to be scratched ;-p
2012-09-15 11:38:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... no sense... you could as well take it off. :-) It would be simpler , don't you think?
2012-09-15 11:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I could pull up your undershirt & move in small sweet kisses up your body, you navel, chest, up your neck but... it makes
2012-09-15 11:36:46 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 No worries. Yes, tomorrow is good. :)

2012-09-15 11:33:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! Then... no kisses, no caresses, no cuddles, no scratching your back... I don't want to kiss your undershirt. :-|
2012-09-15 11:27:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ouch... I didn't say to jump on me! ;-p All set? Really? What about your undershirt? Take it off, just so I can kiss & nibble you all over..
2012-09-15 11:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! My darling... :-) Those long phone calls! :-| Please come now, let your lady hold you, cradle you, pamper you with kisses...
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2012-09-15 11:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet darling sir has dozed off... Awww :-) wish I was there to cuddle you, hold you...
2012-09-15 10:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I miss you so, so so so so so soooo terribly much! :( You should be with me... we should be together.
2012-09-15 09:56:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not only with the baguette, but the butter and cheese, too. :-) I think he was around 10 yrs or so. Yes, maybe I should've asked...
2012-09-15 09:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, no. Please stay at home tomorrow. Rest, relax and... cuddle with your lady. ;-) Seriously, I do think you should stay...
2012-09-15 09:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd say poor cab driver... surely he would rather be home too, instead of driving around... :-)
2012-09-15 09:52:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just finished in the kitchen... :-) Hugging and softly kissing my super-sweet, tired darling... Welcome home!
2012-09-15 09:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, your lady is in the kitchen... Please come & hug her tight once you reach home... :-) I hope you are home soon, it's late...
2012-09-15 08:50:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I helped the boy to pick the freshest baguettes. They were warm & he was happy. They were sweet. Darling I missed you so much then! :-(
2012-09-15 07:59:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you were with me and then... I saw an Indian man with his son! :-) I helped them to buy salted butter & cheese.
2012-09-15 07:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to have you with me! You won't believe darling! I was thinking of you & smiling at the thought of our shopping together and wished
2012-09-15 07:59:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And back! :-) Ohh, no worries darling, I am avoiding such aisles... unless you are in one of them. ;-p Sigh, I would have really loved
2012-09-15 07:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady misses you very very much! She so wishes you were here! Sniff. Thousand sweet little butterfly kisses for my darling & whoosh
2012-09-15 06:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am off for my Saturday shopping. Will be back soon. I wish you could come with me... instead of working. It would be more fun.
2012-09-15 06:49:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! That's not good. Hugging my poor poor darling and kissing him on his nose. :-) Shall I come and kidnap you? ;-)
2012-09-15 06:34:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did read your dm. Yes, Tuesday... but they finally decided on deciding on your role. So, it means they already know what you don't... ;-p
2012-09-15 04:50:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! No no my dear, it's you who doesn't read and/or ignore my dms! And I truly wonder sometimes why I write. Sniff.
2012-09-15 04:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ohh, now I know why you didn't look forward to the weekend. Poor you. I thought it was just a 2-3 hours activity... :-|
2012-09-15 04:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you now? Done with the recruitment task? How was it? Wow, I can't believe that they finally decided on your role! Are you excited?
2012-09-15 03:54:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while my hands roam down his back, along his sides, his hips... holding him close to me... Sigh. Missing you. Very much.
2012-09-15 03:53:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... in bed a little longer. Then I had a hot, nice shower, then breakfast and here now, fresh & flowery, kissing my darling sir deeply
2012-09-15 03:53:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, you seem to have indeed slept like a... stone, darling, a stone. ;-) I slept well enough, woke up around 7 but decided to stay...
2012-09-15 03:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet cuddle-bear darling! Please... no need to be sorry, I am so glad you finally got the rest you so needed!
2012-09-15 03:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, nothing is more beautiful than to wake up to your sweet delicate kisses... I'd just purr & stretch & feel in heaven! Sigh :-)
2012-09-15 03:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I go back to sleep now. And hug you tight in my dream... And will wake up dreaming of you... of those mornings together that I so, so miss!
2012-09-14 18:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I wonder if you got all my dms I sent you today... well, yesterday... it's already yesterday's tomorrow.
2012-09-14 18:18:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up & reached for you to cuddle up to you... then I sat up & it took a while till I realized you are not here... :-(
2012-09-14 18:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest... I miss you! You, our days together... I miss it all.
2012-09-14 15:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you wake up, please smile and think of those lovely mornings together. The cuddles & kisses, the scent of your lady & all...
2012-09-14 15:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to sleep in each other's arms! Sigh. Hope your sleep is restful, my dear & your dreams are beautiful. :-)
2012-09-14 15:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and wrap my leg around yours. Caressing your chest as I sink into sleep & smiling, as you put your hand on my hip, pulling me closer...
2012-09-14 15:29:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Joining my sweetly sleeping, softly snoring darling now. :-) I kiss your cheek, rest my head in the crook between your shoulder & arm
2012-09-14 15:28:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon, darling.

2012-09-14 11:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... forehead, eyes, cheeks, cute nose, chin. And on your sweet soft lips... every time you try to kiss me around my lips. ;-p
2012-09-14 11:31:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Close your lovely eyes & feel my arms around you, the gentle caress of my hands, my kisses on your
2012-09-14 11:31:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would have been nice if you stayed a little longer... missed you today very much, but the day/week was long & exhausting for you, so...
2012-09-14 11:26:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes, most happily... :-) You need the rest. God, what I would give to be able to be there now, kissing you, cuddling you to sleep! Sigh
2012-09-14 11:23:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaahh you! :-| What keeps getting better?

2012-09-14 11:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again... just good? Nothing else, just... good? :-(

2012-09-14 11:10:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I wish we could see each other & be together whenever we wish to...And I wish I was there now, cuddling sweet lovely you... :-)
2012-09-14 11:10:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And not only weekends... I would love to fall asleep to your snoring & wake you up with sweet little kisses in the mornings...
2012-09-14 11:06:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... good? Awww, just good?

2012-09-14 11:05:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) softly nibbling at your lower lip while my hands slip under your undershirt... ;-p
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2012-09-14 11:04:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to be near you. I would love to spend time with you, to do things together... I feel sad on weekends, darling.
2012-09-14 10:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Weekends are like any other days... I'd be happy if I could spend them with you, you know? Sad sigh.
2012-09-14 10:52:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Early in the morning? :-| I am ok, darling. Day was ok, too. Missing you. No, not really happy to have a weekend.
2012-09-14 10:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not that you need to be reminded, but still... :-) And today, you were faster. Sniff. Darling, you have to go to the office tomorrow, too?
2012-09-14 10:51:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I know. I don't know if you noticed, but your lady keeps reminding you of the new moon before you go to bed.
2012-09-14 10:51:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so glad the ride home was peaceful... Smile, maybe my butterflies cleared the roads that's why the traffic was ok... Who knows? ;-)
2012-09-14 10:50:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here! :-) Welcome home! Come darling, come... let me hug sweet tired you tight & give you a sweet soft slow kiss! :-)
2012-09-14 10:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, this late again? But it's Friday...! :-) All went well? Hope the traffic isn't bad & you will be home soon... :-) Take care.
2012-09-14 09:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing darling, nothing... Yes, I am back. :-)

2012-09-14 08:03:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? It is way too simple. Not crisp at all, but it's ok... :-) Sigh. I miss you, darling. :-(
2012-09-14 07:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in light-mid blue jeans & a black top that I wore when I returned to Hungary... White belt. Black sneakers. White blazer-like jacket.
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2012-09-14 07:20:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be leaving now to check out the new pet shop nearby that opened yesterday. Smile.
2012-09-14 07:20:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was lunch? How is my sweet darling's day? Mine is ok so far. Work, some chores and I too, had just lunch...
2012-09-14 06:28:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, what a question! Wonderful! :-) And will we cuddle up under a tree, too? ;-)
2012-09-14 06:25:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, then no eating together. Sniff. Hope you enjoy your lunch. :-) Missing you, too.
2012-09-14 05:00:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lunchtime! :-) Bon appetit, darling. Wish we could eat together and then cuddle up under a tree for a few min... resting, kissing... :-)
2012-09-14 04:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I miss you! How I wish we could spend the weekend together! Cooking & watching movies, cuddling, playing, going for sweet walks... Sigh!
2012-09-14 03:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, how goes your day? It's Friday! :-) I know, you don't look forward to the weekend, but it's the last day in the office... :-)
2012-09-14 03:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I hold my sweet darling sir close to me and kiss him deeply while unbuttoning his top button... ;-)
2012-09-14 03:33:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure you'll do your job fine am just afraid it will be overwhelming for you. I know, it isn't the same work multiplied by two, still...
2012-09-14 03:32:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now you'll have to supervise 2 projects. Even if you get to decide what your role does, it's still a lot of work & means more
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2012-09-14 03:29:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said you were doing most of that earlier too & it was overwhelming. Sure, now you will do more of the guidance, etc. but still...
2012-09-14 03:26:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I nearly felt the excitement in your voice as I read your DMs. This all sounds splendid! And yes, a great opportunity to learn & grow...
2012-09-14 03:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... what would I do without power in the morning. :-)

2012-09-14 03:25:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waking up to no power is not nice, I hope you got ready on time... I need power for warm water & drying my hair, so I don't know
2012-09-14 03:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...still be asleep, for your exploring fingers to draw more circles... ;-p I would be in heaven! Sigh. I slept well & glad you did, too. :-)
2012-09-14 03:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. :-) Oh, just to wake up to your kisses, feeling sweet soft you wrapped around me... and then pretend to...
2012-09-14 03:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And for when you wake up, sunlight kissed hugs & dew-laced butterfly kisses await you... to start the morning fresh & smiling. :-)
2012-09-13 15:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I softly kiss your forehead as I sneak under the covers & snuggle into your arms... :-) Hope your sleep's sweet & restful.
2012-09-13 15:41:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, well... maybe you could handle some personal issues a bit better, but that's all.
2012-09-13 13:28:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... look up to you, darling. You handle things so well and are wonderful at so many things. Let me admire you, please.
2012-09-13 13:20:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do accept that you are unmatched, unrivaled,

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incomparable, irreplaceable to me. And unimaginably the best & gifted, on& on...
2012-09-13 13:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and demonstrate expertise. And now... :-) Your lady is so incredibly proud of you!
2012-09-13 13:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now realized... you will get a leading role! Do you remember, once you said you don't want to lead, you prefer to deliver...
2012-09-13 13:01:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep now. I will join you very soon... under the covers, kept warm by you... :-)
2012-09-13 12:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, sounds better, but still... it does mean more work... well, meetings, long hours, etc.
2012-09-13 12:38:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night my dear darling. Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. Soft kisses on your chest... and one on your navel. :-)
2012-09-13 12:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, hope it comes back soon... But yes, it's bedtime for my sweet darling. I am done for the day, so... am all ready to cuddle up with you.
2012-09-13 12:34:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you?

2012-09-13 12:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How will you then manage to supervise 2 projects simultaneously? :-| Well, I am sure you will be able to do so but... that's crazy.
2012-09-13 12:18:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling... Sure it will be interesting & all but... you were super-busy even when you worked on one project.
2012-09-13 12:17:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you should tell them to talk to the client... :-| You mean
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it will be something new to you, too?

2012-09-13 12:03:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you told me that the Delhi trip seems slimmer... God, they are way too slow... :-(
2012-09-13 11:57:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, still no news about those new projects?

2012-09-13 11:47:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean that you just think you are not hard on yourself...
2012-09-13 11:43:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no, not one bit soft. You might just think that you are not... but I do think you are.
2012-09-13 11:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, maybe you are just too hard on yourself.

2012-09-13 11:36:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-)

2012-09-13 11:21:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh please, I am not saying this to make you smile or so, I do mean it! Honest. But I hope you do :-) & like the idea of being my Achilles.
2012-09-13 11:20:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, well... true.

2012-09-13 11:19:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly but oh so sweet... ;-p You are all of that and more. See? That's the difference my darling. He might not have lived... you do! :-)
2012-09-13 11:09:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, to me you are unmatched, unrivaled, incomparable, unimaginably the best! And you are gifted by the Gods, as well. :-)
2012-09-13 10:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a sweet :-) ! I can't help kiss your lips & hug you tight... You are! At least, to me. Period.
2012-09-13 10:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh to me, you are darling. Yes, yes you are... My Achilles...
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swoon! Now, I would love to see a :-)

2012-09-13 10:30:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I should re-watch that movie, too. On the weekend, while you will be away...
2012-09-13 10:11:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, to me, you are all that and more, so... you are my Achilles. ;-)
2012-09-13 10:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I though you will never say that... It just feels good to hear & of course to know, too. :-)
2012-09-13 10:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Exactly. That is nice, really.

2012-09-13 10:03:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling.

2012-09-13 09:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working, darling. But I'd rather be with you now! Sniff.
2012-09-13 09:41:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your snack stained lips... ;-) It's a good movie. May I join you? I won't distract you... at least I will try not to... ;-p
2012-09-13 09:41:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, the thought of spending the weekend in idle sweetness with my cute adorable lil' daaahling indoors sounds wonderful! I'd so love it!
2012-09-13 09:16:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, you do get out of the house but I meant more than just to drive to office & back. :-) But I understand that you want to stay home...
2012-09-13 09:16:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad the meetings were ok. And happy you didn't have to stay late in the office. :-) How are you, darling? Was the day not that tiring?
2012-09-13 09:15:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and hugging you close. Smile, twirl me till we get dizzy & fall on the bed... & keep hugging & kissing & cuddling each other... ;-)
2012-09-13 09:15:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ What? You reached home? Oooh, your lady is happy, beaming, overjoyed! Kissing you a deep, sweet sweet welcome home while giggling
2012-09-13 09:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I wish that too... For now, imagine your lady on tiptoe... holding you tight to her, rubbing her nose against yours, kissing you...
2012-09-13 05:50:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, things as they are now, meeting up requires planning & also quite costly. I'd love to live closer to you. I just don't know how... :-(
2012-09-13 05:49:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you told me it wouldn't be an issue if we lived closer, but you also said even then, a meeting would make no sense without a purpose...
2012-09-13 05:48:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... doing it alone... :-) Sunday with the kids sounds lovely, darling. And you also get out of the house... :-)
2012-09-13 05:47:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how I would look forward to the weekends! Sigh. And I would happily do that recruitment with you, it would be more fun than...
2012-09-13 05:47:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is like any other day, darling. And weekends are not any better, so... It would be different if we could spend them together...
2012-09-13 05:46:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Late lunch... hope you liked it. :-) No, no headache. I had it yesterday. It's very unfriendly outside & keeps raining...
2012-09-13 05:46:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A deep sweet kiss for my darling's lips...just as a delicious reminder to have lunch... :-) Hope your day's fine. Mine is ok, work is easy.
2012-09-13 04:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... enjoyable & meetings aren't boring. Tomorrow is Friday! :-) Soft butterfly kisses on the back of your neck, darling... Miss you...
2012-09-13 02:41:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? This week seems to be very busy for you with long hours in the office but I hope the work is...
2012-09-13 02:40:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could have told me those questions just to find the answers together...
2012-09-13 02:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I, too have questions in my head... Hmm, just a sweet... and what you didn't write but thought- pointless meeting, right? Sigh.
2012-09-13 02:33:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear gentle sir. I am glad you slept well. I did too, I think. Woke up to a little cold, rainy morning...
2012-09-13 02:33:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope you are sleeping with sweet smiles as I softly kiss you nape & wrap my arm around you... holding you gently to me...
2012-09-12 15:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from you over & over... I was even begging you for months just to meet... You are right, darling. I am indeed silly. :-(
2012-09-12 13:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, if you really wanted to be with me, you wouldn't use words like pointless, impractical, impossible, etc. But I get to hear them
2012-09-12 13:19:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's my problem, not yours. You just be happy & smile...& know that this silly lady loves you, misses you, dreams of being with you.
2012-09-12 12:56:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, you seem to have gone...leaving me all alone with this miserable feeling... Hm, maybe this all is easy for you but it's very hard for me
2012-09-12 12:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is. Sadly it is... I wish it wasn't a daydream... I wish we were together now... :-( I miss you, Anand. And I hate the distance...
2012-09-12 12:37:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you shortly... Please do hold me... Feeling tired. And sad, too...
2012-09-12 12:35:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why :-( ?

2012-09-12 12:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dear sweet darling. Sleep soundly. Kissing you softly along your chest, hugging you deeply for sweet, lovely dreams...
2012-09-12 12:31:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, let's cuddle up darling. Sigh, if only we could really do so... :-(
2012-09-12 12:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. He shouldn't have the same rights... and no, he doesn't accept equal responsibility. Then he says he's a kid... :-|
2012-09-12 12:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think he doesn't really know how to be a child. He spent more time together with adults than with kids. I don't know. Let it be... :-|
2012-09-12 12:21:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, the problem is that Kelvin thinks he has the same rights as an adult. He treats kids & adults equally.
2012-09-12 12:19:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kelvin, not Kevin. :-) No, it doesn't work. No chance in reasoning with either of them. :-| And his girlfriend says nothing.
2012-09-12 12:18:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you said that you miss me? Thank you...
2012-09-12 12:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you...

2012-09-12 12:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for the :-) Cute.

2012-09-12 12:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In thinking, temperament, etc.

2012-09-12 12:04:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ha! Why :-| ? You have to know everything, too so... ;-p
2012-09-12 12:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, no. I said they are alike, not that he is rude in words.
2012-09-12 11:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still checking out that something?

2012-09-12 11:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the missing "are"...

2012-09-12 11:48:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, she did. No, not really. Anyway, Kelvin and his father a lot alike in many ways... :-|
2012-09-12 11:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, things are ok so far... She tried... but she is clueless too.
2012-09-12 11:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. How is your mom?

2012-09-12 11:42:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... you seem to be busy with something... or just away... I will quietly sit here, won't bother you.
2012-09-12 11:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it was tiring in a good way, then it's good... Mine was ok, too. Not really tiring, kinda uneventful...
2012-09-12 11:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but you don't stay this late in the office every day, no?
2012-09-12 11:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good, then... I can continue squeezing you... ;-)

2012-09-12 11:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry the traffic was bad... Which timings? Rescheduling it to a later time?
2012-09-12 11:02:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner already? Ooops, then maybe I shouldn't squeeze you that much... ;-) How was your day, darling?
2012-09-12 11:02:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ There you are! Your lady is whooshing into your arms, squeezing you happily, kissing you a sweet soft welcome home. :-) Missed you!
2012-09-12 11:01:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling? Stuck in traffic? I miss him so, so much...
2012-09-12 10:27:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But still later than usual... Hugging you back, wishing you a smooth drive home. :-) Take care darling. Be home soon... Please. :-)
2012-09-12 09:11:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling... Will you stay late in the office today, too?
2012-09-12 07:29:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ logged off without giving your lady a quick squeezing hug...Kelvin's a complex person, darling. Totally diff. from all other kids
2012-09-12 05:12:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you are right. But I have tried to talk with him so many times & he did & said so many bad things that I can't keep a normal tone...
2012-09-12 05:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lunch sounds lovely. :-) Thank you for coming to dm me. :-) Take care, darling. Sweet kisses for you... and a tight hug too.
2012-09-12 04:58:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He loves to talk to grandma Lia, but he only chats with her about general stuff.
2012-09-12 04:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What did you have for lunch? Did you think of me... while eating? Working or meetings?
2012-09-12 04:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling... :-)

2012-09-12 04:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? I so missed you yesterday! Sniff. Enjoy your lunch, darling. Kissing your lips bon appetit... :-)
2012-09-12 04:15:13 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I tried everything... normal tone, friendly tone, strict, patient, disappointed, worried... sigh. I just really am clueless... :-|
2012-09-12 04:14:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet lively kisses from your head to toe in case you still feel drowsy... ;-) I hope you are having a good-busy day... :-)
2012-09-12 02:57:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so, so much! :-(

2012-09-12 02:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He still can be very lovely & sweet & calm & all but on the other hand...Sigh. He's verbally rude & hurts people around him & he knows this.
2012-09-12 02:55:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I offered him to spend more time together or go out together or just do something together but he doesn't want it.
2012-09-12 02:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what is there to explore... He says nothing or when he says something I just get sad or upset. :-| I don't frown anyway.
2012-09-12 02:54:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I asked him many times & tried to talk with him but at the end, I do think I sounded like I am blaming him & am disappointed.
2012-09-12 02:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep that well, but it's ok. I don't know what happened to Kelvin. His thinking, the way he views the world are nonsense. :-|
2012-09-12 02:53:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you slept well. You went to bed on time... even a bit earlier... I was a little sad but you needed the rest.
2012-09-12 02:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmhhh, your yawning lady is stretching & snuggling closer to you, enjoying your drowsy kisses... :-) Good morning my sweet darling.
2012-09-12 02:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... in your arms, but you are not here. But it was so nice to come home to your kisses & words... Thank you, darling. Thank you. Sigh.
2012-09-11 13:22:27 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am so sorry for getting back so late... :-( I would have so loved to chat with you a little. I would have loved even more to curl up
2012-09-11 13:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kelvin's behavior is unacceptable. He's disrespectful, he offends his teachers openly, etc. I feel so ashamed, darling. :-(
2012-09-11 12:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your cheeks with her fingers, whispering good night... Sleep sweetly, my darling. Your lady is with you now... Sleep. And smile.
2012-09-11 12:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could rush there right now & cuddle up to you & kiss you & hug you and... sigh! I missed you so much!
2012-09-11 12:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't go. I am sorry darling, had to go to the school, just got back.
2012-09-11 12:09:39 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm excited!!! :)

2012-09-11 11:38:20 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm flexible on Saturday morning so whatever works for you. I have to be at work by 1, but any time before that is great! :)
2012-09-11 11:05:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I have the day off today if you're up for a chat. :)

2012-09-11 08:53:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Today. Can't wait to see!

2012-09-11 08:27:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was your day?? Easy, I hope. I didn't get to see the pix yet, as I need flash to view them, and didn't have that on mobile...I will look
2012-09-11 08:27:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Heehee, you're going to make me blush! To be truthful, I kind of feel that, though...I feel a little mischievous and playful, so I guess it
2012-09-11 08:26:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It's about lunchtime there! :-) A soft delicate kiss on your lipsas an appetizer & a sweet baklava-laced one for after your lunch... ;-)
2012-09-11 04:40:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... even if you try to deny it or ignore it. And to be honest, in this 1 & a half year, you've become too much a part of my life...
2012-09-11 03:25:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, there is already a bond between us, it was there from the very beginning. You felt it, I felt it. And it will be there...
2012-09-11 03:24:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, it's nearly 1 and a half year since you got my first mistaken DM. And we have met. And we keep writing to each other. Every day.
2012-09-11 03:23:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, this makes no sense to me. You do cherish them, even if you don't tell me. No? And if you don't wish the bonds keep growing...
2012-09-11 03:21:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing to thank. I didn't mean the words to be sweet, it's the truth- you have a poet's pen and eye & yes a poet's soul in most things.
2012-09-11 03:21:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved them all. Yes darling, I know. :-) Sadly, I was not there to help you... or just to sit by your side or anything...
2012-09-11 03:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still think you should wear glasses... or at least use eye drops in the morning & evening. I slept well, I think. Woke up with headache.
2012-09-11 03:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, but again... you didn't sleep on time! Soft kisses on your eyes, darling. Yes please, be careful.
2012-09-11 03:18:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Feeling your kiss on my hair & neck would be a lovely way to wake up to... Sigh! :-)
2012-09-11 03:17:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when you smile or sigh but you say nothing, leaving me all
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confused & blushing & wishing I didn't tell you those things.
2012-09-10 15:34:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... heart but you said nothing. My telling you what I am wearing... & sure there are some more things, little silly events...
2012-09-10 15:34:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand & your treating me like I and/or what I do don't matter to you does hurt. E.g. my lighting an incense... it warmed your
2012-09-10 15:33:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to you... Oh how I miss you now! Sniff. I hope your sleep is sweet & you wake up well-rested... :-)
2012-09-10 15:22:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your eyes once more for capturing such beauty. Not really surprised... you have a poet's sense of beauty... in every way. :-)
2012-09-10 13:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, they are all so beautiful! I planned to tell you which ones I like the most, but... I am unable to do so. :-|
2012-09-10 13:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will check them out in a bit. I will surely love them. :-) You shared them with everyone! Didn't you know that your lady's selfish? ;-p
2012-09-10 12:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... yes, sigh... A deep longing sigh.

2012-09-10 12:53:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, love... I wish you a peaceful sleep. xoxo

2012-09-10 12:49:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all over, rocking you gently in her arms till you snore away with a smile. Please... it's late there.
2012-09-10 12:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, please... put your phone aside, close your lovely eyes & imagine your lady holding you, caressing you, kissing you softly
2012-09-10 12:40:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, I would like to have one. Please. :-)

2012-09-10 12:39:31 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ But it's not the same :-)

2012-09-10 12:37:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, just wow... Darling, why didn't you take one key with you... for your lady?
2012-09-10 12:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, to log out and sleep. If I was there, you could kiss me till you fall asleep...
2012-09-10 12:29:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have 5 minutes... :-)

2012-09-10 12:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmhhmm, just to be in each other's arms now... letting our hands trace along each other's sides, stomach, hips... Sigh. Missing you.
2012-09-10 12:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then... I am glad that you are glad that I like your words. ;-p
2012-09-10 12:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could be together now, so we didn't have to dm... Sigh.

2012-09-10 12:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well and what if I told you I didn't like them? Darling please... stop saying that. I am not someone random...
2012-09-10 12:14:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, do you like my putting-you-to-sleep plan? ;-)

2012-09-10 12:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you feel like tweeting, then do... and not because you should. :-) What you wrote today is very lovely. I love them.
2012-09-10 12:08:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Why not? Sniff. I would so lovingly kiss you all over... ;-p Darling, what should I tell you? Hm?
2012-09-10 12:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell you what?

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2012-09-10 12:00:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you should sleep on time. I keep telling you this, too. :-| If I was there, I'd tuck you in bed on time. And cuddle you to sleep :-)
2012-09-10 12:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you let me sit on your lap? And play with your hair while listening to your chat with your mom?
2012-09-10 11:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because I want you to not neglect me, not any other man. :-(
2012-09-10 11:47:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I wanted to remind you but then I didn't. I wanted to see if you will really do it... And you did! Wow, congrats darling! ;-p
2012-09-10 11:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, no laptop doesn't mean that you have to neglect your lady...
2012-09-10 11:36:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Slept wonderfully! Are you ready to retire for the evening?
2012-09-10 11:23:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. You told me that you will leave your laptop there.
2012-09-10 11:21:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! I am light like a feather. I am sure there are enough men out there who would be happy to hug & kiss your lady... ;-p
2012-09-10 11:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Very generous... Sigh. But thank you, anyway...

2012-09-10 11:11:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow... :-(

2012-09-10 11:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Poetry? Whose poetry? Yours? Yes, they are nice, indeed. ;-) Sigh. But now, could you please simply hug me & kiss me? :-|
2012-09-10 10:51:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you, too. Holding you close, sighing against your lips, making your body hum with delight, waiting for your kiss... ;-)
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2012-09-10 10:43:57 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :) I could SOOO use a trip to India right about now!

2012-09-10 10:40:29 (EDT)

dgdreamin lol... Thx. Needed something to show how big that was!!! First I used a leaf, but that was kinda subjective since leafs vary so...
2012-09-10 10:36:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right in your arms, darling... her hands on your hips pulling you to her as she kisses you a deep sweet welcome home. :-)
2012-09-10 10:32:02 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Busy weekend. Would really love a raincheck. :)

2012-09-10 10:06:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, daaahling. I miss being with you.

2012-09-10 09:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, not so pleasant. I am sorry, darling. I wish I was there to keep you company... You would love being stuck in traffic. ;-)
2012-09-10 09:24:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, are you on your way home? I so wish you would come home... to me. Sigh. Missing you. Take care. Hope the traffic is not bad.
2012-09-10 09:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok, this makes sense. I nearly forgot that your days in the office are packed. My mistake. Anyway, as I said it is being sent now, so... :-)
2012-09-10 09:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, to know more, as in? I have to admit, I wanted to send you pics a few times but then... Hmm. It felt silly, somehow.
2012-09-10 09:06:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you! But you see nothing when the lights are switched off! :-| So, you don't like my tiny shorts... Sniff.
2012-09-10 09:05:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds like you had a good day. Nice! :-) Mine is ok, darling. Some work, some this & that. Nothing special.
2012-09-10 09:05:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Are you in a meeting or working? How are you, feeling? Not too tired?
2012-09-10 06:59:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I wish I could hold you close now & let you nibble at my lower lip! Mmmm, I so loved that!
2012-09-10 06:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about my tiny sleepy shorts? ;-p Sigh!

2012-09-10 06:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really think so? If you like it, I am happy. :-)
2012-09-10 06:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But but... your lady wears simple clothes, sometimes even boring... Nothing special or exciting... :-)
2012-09-10 06:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really do? Awww, you are so sweet! Your lady is blushing & beaming at the same time. :-) And I like yours...except your undershirts ;-p
2012-09-10 06:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I am wearing, but you say nothing. I feel so silly then for telling you... :-(
2012-09-10 06:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back! The trouser is off, the top stays. It's pretty warm here. ;-) Thank you, darling. Well, I still tell you every now & then what...
2012-09-10 06:49:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... print on the front & on the back... :-) Yes, I am about to leave, but will be back very soon.
2012-09-10 05:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just in case my sweet sir wants to know, his lady is wearing white skinny trousers & a white top with green, yellow, decent black...
2012-09-10 05:12:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, leaving your laptop in the office is a great idea! So you can't twiddle on it... you can play with your lady instead. ;-p
2012-09-10 04:45:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Why only tonight? You could have sent it out in between during the day, no? Anyway, it is being sent now, so... :-)
2012-09-10 04:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips, just to taste what you had for lunch... ;-) Missing you, too. A lot! My day is ok, too. Working quietly...
2012-09-10 04:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, fluttering kisses for my darling sir, to wear under his undershirt & keep him fresh & smiling through the day... :-) Missing you!
2012-09-10 02:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was that email so urgent? Couldn't wait till today? I just hope you are not too tired & work is pleasant.
2012-09-10 02:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a darker shade... or a lighter & just the tips of the thumbs, not the half of them. But as you said, it's not the final version, so :-)
2012-09-10 02:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, we snuggled up together under the covers & I hugged you to sleep... :-) Then was reading a bit & dozed off. I was so tired yesterday!
2012-09-10 02:49:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, surprise for me??? Yippie!!!

2012-09-09 23:32:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm always off on Monday, and tues I usually go in at 5, but I have bs k to school night for the kiddies, so can't go. I like you smiling!:)
2012-09-09 23:32:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, still up...I'm off tomorrow and the next day (for this week) phone went dead, so had to charge it. How are you, dear?
2012-09-09 23:19:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, good one!! Yes, Indian works for me across the board, apparently! ;-P
2012-09-09 23:16:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Meaning you slept late, or went to sleep later than normal? I'm studying the intricacies of echocardiography.Dinner
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was...Indian! Of course!
2012-09-09 22:04:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am...I feel like I got a lot done. :-) How did you sleep, sweet one?
2012-09-09 21:19:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, my sweet!

2012-09-09 21:08:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Love seeing you online!

2012-09-09 21:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady loves you, Anand. She loves you...

2012-09-09 13:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I put my laptop aside and cuddle you, kiss you, hug you till you snore away... :-)
2012-09-09 13:55:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I checked it out. It is beautiful! I think you misunderstood me. The tips darling, the tips! That you completely colored in ugly rusty ;-p
2012-09-09 13:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I kiss your lips every time you try to kiss me around my nose ;-p Sleep sweetly with lovely dreams. Good night, my sweet cute darling
2012-09-09 13:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooop, I meant or... not of.

2012-09-09 13:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, please... come to bed. Your lady is waiting for you under the covers... all is nice and snugly here... ;-)
2012-09-09 13:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean I don't like it that much that you colored the tips... I mean you can, but look at the nearly colored the half of them.
2012-09-09 13:26:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, the hands are fine, just not the tips... Yes, a more Indian font would be better... and more legible, too. :-)
2012-09-09 13:22:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling please, go to bed. It is very late there & tomorrow is Monday... You will need the rest.
2012-09-09 13:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you! Not that bad... Hmm, anyway I don't really like the tip of the fingers. And I'd use different font style...
2012-09-09 13:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the logo? Care to share? ;-) I would like to see it... just to ensure it looks nice. ;-p
2012-09-09 12:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? You are mean to your lovely lady!

2012-09-09 12:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that would be heavenly! I would have so loved to fall asleep in other's arms in the US too, but you threw me out of your bed! :-(
2012-09-09 12:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling. Because you said nothing... No no, but you can bring me some when we meet. I'd love it very much. :-)
2012-09-09 12:53:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, does it take long? Can't wait till tomorrow morning?
2012-09-09 12:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so so wish we could cuddle up now & kiss each other to sleep. Sigh. You should sleep, darling. It's late there.
2012-09-09 12:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I couldn't think of a more sacred thing to offer... My darling, you are the sweetest. :-) You just made me very happy, you know that?
2012-09-09 12:39:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But your typos are funny, too. ;-p

2012-09-09 12:38:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you say that? You were not stupid at all. I did lit the incense. And was silently watching it... Exactly at 19:00 your time.
2012-09-09 12:26:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how your lady is blushing now! And smiling
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shyly. :-) Now, this feels so good, warms my lil' heart. Thank you, darling.
2012-09-09 12:25:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I? Yep, I know something... But what? :-)

2012-09-09 12:25:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the sweet sir simply vanished on his lovely lady... Sigh. Getting ready for bed?
2012-09-09 12:14:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... it's unimportant. :-) You didn't say it was sweet of me to lit an incense yesterday. Sniff. Blush.
2012-09-09 11:58:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was funny. He said he's a veg. but ate eggs- a lot. Almost every day. Didn't eat fruits. Drank only soy milk. But ate cheese. Huh?
2012-09-09 11:53:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This, I know. :-)

2012-09-09 11:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Waahaaaa, you call me a liar!? And a log!!?? :-( I was just too lazy to open my eyes... ;-p
2012-09-09 11:43:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. I am really glad she is good. :-) Really? I didn't know this. Why not? Mushroom is not really a vegetable, but veg. can eat them, no?
2012-09-09 11:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I tried, darling. I can't really sleep in the day. And you were not here to cradle me to a nap. ;-p Had my eyes closed & listened to the TV.
2012-09-09 11:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yours was delicious, mine was lovely. Why doesn't she eat mushrooms? Nice to hear your day was enjoyable. How's your grandma?
2012-09-09 11:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, spaghetti with sauteed mushrooms, parsley & parmesan. White cream sauce. :-) How was your evening? Did you enjoy it?
2012-09-09 10:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will take a nap now... Wish you were here, wrapped around me... :-)
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2012-09-09 08:24:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I also asked what did you cook but you didn't tell me! No, really... sometimes I wonder why to write to you anything at all... :-|
2012-09-09 07:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am the sweetest, loveliest, cutest, most innocent human being on earth with a big, warm gentle heart. And modest too! ;-)
2012-09-09 07:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you are mean. Sniff. Yes, maybe you learn quickly... but from whom did you learn this? Surely not from me!
2012-09-09 07:07:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I know your time... but 16:20 isn't evening. 18:00 is early evening... or late afternoon.
2012-09-09 07:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A tight hug & a deep soft kiss on your lips... Please take care. Have a nice time... And know that your lady misses you...
2012-09-09 06:36:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you so mean to me, oh tell me why! ;-p Lil' poor lovely me...
2012-09-09 06:35:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I would love & enjoy every second of it... Btw, thank you for reading my dms so attentively... :-(
2012-09-09 06:29:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that deal. And you laugh... it is not funny. :-( Oh yes... a long, lovely journey.
2012-09-09 06:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Be back asap. Ironing...

2012-09-09 06:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Re-read my DM, darling. Yes or no?

2012-09-09 05:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm and what about the deal? You said nothing... Sniff.
2012-09-09 05:45:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ What did you cook? I didn't have it yet, it's too early. Work... how I knew! :-| You mean before we leave for a walk? You & me...
2012-09-09 05:43:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come. Now. Cleaning up & all else can wait... ;-p Sigh! Oh darling, if only... I miss you!!!!!!
2012-09-09 05:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What will you take? My kisses? Smile, of course you will get it all... hmm, only if you will trace your unshaven chin all over me. Deal? ;-)
2012-09-09 05:24:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... shoulders, nibbling your earlobes... ;-) We could do both, walk & watch a movie. :-) Oh darling, your lady would be so, so happy!
2012-09-09 05:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Think of me while cooking. Please. Imagine your lady standing behind you, on tiptoe, her hands under your undershirt, kissing your
2012-09-09 05:23:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to hold you close to me now, covering your smooth skin in sweet soft nibbling kisses... Sigh! Is my sweet sir all well shaved too? :-)
2012-09-09 02:57:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and cuddle some more & maybe nap for an hour & be together till you have to leave... Sigh. I miss you. I miss our days together!
2012-09-09 02:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some cleaning, laundry, hmm... that's all. Shall I come over to help you prepare lunch? ;-) Then we could step out a bit, come back
2012-09-09 02:56:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can do the video lessons in between, no? May I ask what do you want to learn? Hmm, I don't know what to do today. Nothing.
2012-09-09 02:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept well too, though woke up a few times. Your day sounds quite lovely darling. No work? Wow! Well, we will see... ;-p
2012-09-09 02:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetness. :-) Oooh, just to laze around in bed with you now, cuddling & kissing & teasing... It would be heavenly!
2012-09-09 02:54:22 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire That would be so comforting. I'd feel so safe. :: sleepy grin:: ok, ok, me too as far as chatting, so I'll put the phone down! xoxoxo
2012-09-09 00:17:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Enjoy your day...cannot wait to talk to you later. :-)

2012-09-09 00:11:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will fall asleep to the image of you kissing my shoulders...which is quite a sensitive area for me, I might add! Goodnight, darling!
2012-09-09 00:10:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet Anand...I will go To sleep now, as you suggested. Enjoy your day, love. xoxoxo
2012-09-09 00:03:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kiss you on those amazing lips, softly, tenderly.

2012-09-09 00:02:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, my love. Lying in bed. No makeup asides from lip balm that I always put on before bed. Just me. God, I have the overwhelming desire to
2012-09-09 00:01:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you terribly!!!!!!!!! I do do love when we're online simultaneously!

2012-09-08 23:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is snuggling up behind you now, kissing your nape & wrapping you in her arms. Hope your dreams are sweet. Sleep long my dear :-)
2012-09-08 15:38:43 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'd love that! What time works beat for you?
2012-09-08 15:23:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the walk was very lovely. It was sunny & pleasant-warm. Loved the breeze. Was thinking of you...
2012-09-08 13:14:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting by your side, caressing you back to sleep... :-) Sleep
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now my dear, sleep. :-) Dream with me...

2012-09-08 13:12:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am really so sorry... I was on my way home then met Miki & I went with him to walk some more. Nice to hear that all went well :-)
2012-09-08 13:07:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for leaving me space in your bed... next to you... Sigh! I will join you shortly & wrap you in my arms... :-)
2012-09-08 13:05:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... holding your hand, gently caressing you & ensuring you are sleeping sweetly with smiles & lovely dreams. :-) Good night my dearest.
2012-09-08 13:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I come now & kiss you softly on your forehead & eyes & nose & cheeks & lips & chin & will sit by your side for a while...
2012-09-08 13:02:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I am so sorry for getting back this late. Please do forgive me. I didn't even get to wish you good night. :-(
2012-09-08 13:02:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, is it ok if I go for a walk? It's a beautiful afternoon here... warm & sunny with a light wind... Wish you could come with me.
2012-09-08 10:58:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so sweet... :-) A gentle hug & soft kiss for my darling. How is it going?
2012-09-08 10:54:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, forgot to type "up". I mean rise up... A soft kiss on your temples, darling.
2012-09-08 09:28:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will light your incense stick & watch the smoke rise in little curls & dance away... Shy smile. That's all I can do.
2012-09-08 09:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Kitchen is clean, too. :-) Mmmhhh, wish I was there to help you wash your back... ;-p All the best for the rituals, darling.
2012-09-08 09:19:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good. I will do that. :-) And now, I hug you tight & kiss you sweetly...Take care, darling. I'll clean up the kitchen while you are away...
2012-09-08 08:42:58 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :) I think of you often. Life has been super busy here as well! Would love to catch up over tea some time! My time on Tw has been limited.
2012-09-08 08:39:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you do that? Really, really? Sniff. And what do I have to do? Just... wait patiently? :-|
2012-09-08 08:37:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, darling! This missing you is killing me. :-( I want to have you with me, no matter where, just be together. Please... Sigh. Please.
2012-09-08 08:32:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes, exactly that way... just swaying together, you kissing my neck, mixing & kneading, our fingers between each others... :-)
2012-09-08 08:31:57 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hi :)
2012-09-08 08:31:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you holding me in the kitchen now... and just swaying and swaying... and swaying...Sigh. I miss you so!!! Waaaah :-(
2012-09-08 08:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were talking about your job in the office... God, you always confuse your lady. :-|
2012-09-08 08:14:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. So, the problem was not the volume... I thought it was... Blush. Then, forget what I said. :-)
2012-09-08 08:09:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... Sigh. Please come and be with me... Sniff.

2012-09-08 08:08:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's just not ok that you work & they get money for it. Well, but that lady works in Bangalore, no?
2012-09-08 08:02:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Exactly, work has to be done. But you are not the only one who works there, right? It's not your job to do all the work.
2012-09-08 08:01:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... from the left to the right & right to the left... Sigh. I miss you so much, darling. :-( I so so wish you were here!
2012-09-08 08:01:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your lady would stop what she was doing, close her eyes & just sway with you... your hands on my belly, our hips slowly moving
2012-09-08 08:00:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If they don't do their job, you shouldn't either. You make it too easy for them, darling.
2012-09-08 07:02:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I find it not ok that you do their work. Perhaps the problem is that they know if they do nothing, Anand will do it.
2012-09-08 07:01:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am going to bake something today, too. Need to buy the ingredients... A tight hug & a kiss on your lips... a smile & sigh & whoosh...
2012-09-08 06:04:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am off for a bit. In case you'd like to know, I am wearing a sky-blue trouser & the light orange top with the butterfly on it. :-)
2012-09-08 05:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do let me know when the rituals start, I will light your incense stick, then... smile.
2012-09-08 05:31:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you would treat some personal things the same way you treat work, tricky issues, etc... :-(
2012-09-08 05:29:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, that pattern stuff sounds interesting but you have so much work to do & now this... Sigh. Even more work...
2012-09-08 05:27:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I knew! I knew! Ahhh you! :-| You had other options! You had the whole weekend to edit the pictures, but no, you couldn't wait.
2012-09-08 05:26:43 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yep, headache's gone but I would still love the massage... Hmmm, my back could use a massage, too. ;-)
2012-09-08 05:26:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your tummy, darling. What was for lunch? Silly power cut... Missed you. Sniff. Yes, I hope too that the power stays.
2012-09-08 05:25:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss, I miss, I miss my sweet darling! What are you doing? Napping? Performing rituals? Having lunch?
2012-09-08 04:31:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your lady's freshly showered & lovely smelling, in a towel... Holding you close to me, kissing you along your throat... :-) Miss you.
2012-09-08 03:11:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Woke up with headache & stuffy nose. I would've so loved to have you here, cuddling in bed for a while. Sigh.
2012-09-08 03:09:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but I think I was pouting, so I said nothing. ;-p

2012-09-08 03:08:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all I can do is to say congrats! Wow, you finished it all? You are good, very good! :-) I am glad that batch editing finally worked.
2012-09-08 03:07:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were up till the power cut, editing your pictures!? :-| If it is so, I do frown & after frowning & scolding you- sweetly of course ;-)
2012-09-08 03:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, but sure not enough... Why were you awake around 1:30? You should have been asleep, darling.
2012-09-08 03:06:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my daahling. :-) I would so love those kisses now! And you, cuddling me... Oh, those happy mornings... I so miss them!
2012-09-08 03:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I rush back to sleep... to be with you... Sleep my dear, sleep.
2012-09-07 18:55:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You snore! :-) Or I was just dreaming... but woke up to it. Just a dream... you are not here, still... I can feel you, your hold...
2012-09-07 18:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not predawn. My mistake. But is in the middle of the night. I hope, so hope you are sleeping now! I sleep now too & dream of you
2012-09-07 16:09:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now, darling. Softly kiss your forehead & snuggle as close to you as I can... See? I don't take up much space... Lil' smile.
2012-09-07 15:55:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't go for a walk. Was sitting outside with a cup of tea, our boy on my lap & thoughts of you...watching the sky, the moon the stars...
2012-09-07 15:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, why aren't you sleeping? It's nearly predawn there... :-( I believe you. Honest. Your lady's just confused...
2012-09-07 15:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could disappear from your life. As easily & effortlessly as you appeared in mine... But I can't cut away from you & forget you :-(
2012-09-07 14:39:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... things are impossible & pointless, etc. But I still miss you the same. I still feel the same for you. I still think of you the same way.
2012-09-07 14:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't see/think of me as a woman, don't imagine and/or wish doing things together as you did earlier just because you decided
2012-09-07 14:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I kissed you & asked you if you liked it, would you analyze & estimate the kiss? Is there anything you don't ponder over...? :-(
2012-09-07 14:09:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I wish you didn't think that much. Or at least not with your mind... if it makes any sense. Don't know how else to say... :-|
2012-09-07 14:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes, I am very much interested... but I only need a little
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space so I can snuggle into you... I will join you in a bit...

2012-09-07 13:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly, darling. Have sweet dreams. A gentle hug & sweet kiss for your eyes & lips. Good night.
2012-09-07 13:44:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ "I do miss you a lot" or something like this would have been enough...
2012-09-07 13:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. I think there's some misunderstanding. I didn't ask you to measure against me, nor for exact percentages.
2012-09-07 13:43:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, excuse me, I am off for a walk. Good night.
2012-09-07 13:31:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else to expect... you have better things to do than to spend time missing me...Not to mention you don't even think of me as a woman...
2012-09-07 13:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you just think you do... :-( Earlier, you didn't miss a chance to say that you miss me & now, you just think you do? :-(
2012-09-07 13:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the answer... :-(

2012-09-07 13:25:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me, do you miss me at least half as much as I do? Sigh. You could soothe my heart if you were here, but you are not...
2012-09-07 13:21:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just forget... go to bed, it's late there.

2012-09-07 13:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you do? But I doubt you know how this feels... :-(
2012-09-07 13:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And hugging and kissing my cats is not the same. They are not you. It doesn't make my missing you any better... :-(
2012-09-07 13:11:28 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It's easy to say to not be :-( I am sad and you are not here to cheer me up. And God knows when I will see you again.
2012-09-07 13:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

2012-09-07 13:03:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would love it very much... I would curl up in your arms like a lil' girl & hug you tight, not wanting to let you go...
2012-09-07 13:01:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your lil' lady is kinda :-( I wish you were here now. Hm.
2012-09-07 12:56:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Really. I am just sad, you know? It's such a day... And why? Because you are not with me... The wait, the missing you & all...
2012-09-07 12:53:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just not in my most cheerful mood and I... I... Sigh. I don't know. Miss you :-(
2012-09-07 12:50:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Why?

2012-09-07 12:47:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Sigh...

2012-09-07 12:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you...

2012-09-07 12:29:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmhhmm, it's nice... been waiting for this all day... Hugging and kissing you back, darling. Sigh. Wish we could really do this...
2012-09-07 12:28:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Visit was short & good. No, he doesn't like birthdays. At least not his own... Day was ok.
2012-09-07 12:27:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. Thank you for explaining. Sounds interesting...

2012-09-07 12:10:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am back. Sorry the traffic was bad... What is this software thingy? What do you have to do or try out?
2012-09-07 12:05:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to step out for a bit. I was hoping you'd come before I leave, but... :-( I walk over to Miki & Maria to wish him happy b-day.
2012-09-07 10:59:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Is the traffic so bad? I hope all is well...
2012-09-07 10:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, yes it would be very lovely & yes it's difficult but next to impossible? Sigh, we could figure out a way...
2012-09-07 09:33:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Krishna's birthday... Nice. :-) I still have 3-4 of the incense sticks you gave me. Will light one tomorrow...
2012-09-07 09:32:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a pleasant drive home, darling. About 200 pictures in 2 days? Hmm, please don't pack your weekend full...
2012-09-07 09:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now? Oh my...this late? But yes, now you can sit back, take a deep breath & smile... This long busy week is over now. :-)
2012-09-07 09:31:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what did you mean by not saying anything more than that? More than what?
2012-09-07 05:47:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See the butterflies gathering outside the window? Waiting for you to open it so they can deliver my sweetest kisses and hugs...
2012-09-07 05:46:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too, darling. A lot lot lot. Just a few couple of hours & the last busy day of the week ends for you... :-)
2012-09-07 05:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a kiss on your lips as a sweet reminder to have lunch... Smile. Miss you.
2012-09-07 04:18:21 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be so lovely... But what do you mean by not saying anything more than that? Hm?
2012-09-07 02:38:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling now? Is your tiredness gone? Yes darling, it's Friday, so please smile as you go through your day... :-)
2012-09-07 02:37:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the sunshine this morning & the slightly cool, fresh air. I wish you were here...
2012-09-07 02:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling sir. I slept like a stone though I too, could've slept more... :-) Your lady is fresh & flowery, she loves
2012-09-07 02:36:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, all's's just me, slipping softly behind you to wrap you in my arms. Sleep my darling, sleep... :-) I'm holding you close...
2012-09-06 15:37:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my dear, dear Anand... let's be together... We could make life feel like a perennial Spring. Every single day...
2012-09-06 13:05:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly. Snore softly... ;-p I will join you very very soon and hug you to me...
2012-09-06 12:30:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. I am holding you, rocking you gently to sleep... Kissing your lips back... for sweet, lovely-lively dreams ;-)
2012-09-06 12:30:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... nothing to thank. You know... Sigh. Yes you know...
2012-09-06 12:28:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I was there now to cuddle you, cradle you in my arms till you fall asleep... I am sure, you would have the sweetest dreams :-)
2012-09-06 12:19:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily! :-) Come, snuggle into my arms darling. I caress you, kiss you on your lips, nose, chin, shoulders, chest... all over you.
2012-09-06 12:17:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Really? Hm, then not... But are you ok with 2 projects? Isn't it too much for you?
2012-09-06 12:14:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, too. So, so so much! Holding you close darling, looking at you... kiss me. Please.
2012-09-06 12:13:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, just thinking... if you have to go to Delhi, maybe we could meet there... but then, you will have to work... Hmmm.
2012-09-06 12:10:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daaahling... Sniff. Come please & hold me tight...

2012-09-06 12:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I knew! Poor lil' lovely me... :-( YOU, pizza & movie...
2012-09-06 11:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you smile now?

2012-09-06 11:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I knew a way, I would move there without hesitation... Just... to be near you, darling.
2012-09-06 11:51:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I so wish I could squeeze you now! :-) And I so wish we could share a pizza again while watching a nice movie...
2012-09-06 11:49:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A 3000 one? ;-p Sigh... did you think of me?

2012-09-06 11:44:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for saying that... :-) How was dinner?
2012-09-06 11:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling...

2012-09-06 11:30:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was just teasing you, darling. :-) So tell me, shall I come...? And bon appetit, wish we were having dinner together...
2012-09-06 11:04:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmmm... and btw, you have 45 min. break & don't even
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come to give your lady a quick kiss? Nice, nice. Thank you. Sniff.
2012-09-06 10:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! What??? Just now realized... Wait wait, for another partner? You don't have any... ;-p
2012-09-06 10:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you don't have to ask me twice! Most happily darling! Please do wait for me... I will book tickets and rush to you, ok? ;-) Sigh.
2012-09-06 10:45:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, if you stay in the office till 18:15 it means you reach there about 9-9:30? I would really look for another one...
2012-09-06 10:44:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 8:30? Wow, that's not early. Here, most people start at 8:00 or 7:30. And 45 min. lunch-break? Another wow!
2012-09-06 10:43:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you will stay longer in the office just because of your new cab partner? That's silly. Look for another cab partner... :-|
2012-09-06 10:35:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why that? Do you have so much work to do?

2012-09-06 10:26:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Volleyball... :-) I find it good. People in the office should do this 2-3 times in a month. Good for the body... :-)
2012-09-06 10:26:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I was about to ask the same... My day is normal, kinda uneventful. Feeling sleepy... :-) How was yours? How are you?
2012-09-06 10:12:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming! I run up to you & jump in your arms, hugging you, kissing you... :-) Welcome home my darling.
2012-09-06 10:09:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a good drive home, darling. :-) Take care. I will wait for you...
2012-09-06 08:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in the office?

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2012-09-06 08:46:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady smiles, rubs her tiny nose against yours & kisses your lips, slowly softly... Your lips... sigh... I so wish to feel them now!
2012-09-06 07:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you lost, but I am sure it was still fun... Many many kisses flitting back to you, darling. Missing you... sniff. A lot.
2012-09-06 06:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ohh, you played volleyball while your lady thought you were sitting in long meetings and/or working? Ha! Nice, nice. Sounds fun, btw.
2012-09-06 06:14:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Close your eyes darling, just for a second... to feel my soft, sweet, tender kiss on your lips... Sigh.
2012-09-06 04:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have another busy, busy day but I hope it is a good one and you can eat your lunch in peace...
2012-09-06 04:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A downpour of sweet, soft, lovely-lively kisses for you to keep you fresh & smiling through the day... :-) I miss you, darling.
2012-09-06 02:31:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling sir? How is his day? Was the drive to the office pleasant? No bad traffic? Do the meetings continue?
2012-09-06 02:31:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ These don't bother me, but it means the wait will get longer... my missing you, being apart from you is almost unbearable... :-(
2012-09-06 02:30:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Another project? I thought you were just kidding... :-| I so hope that you don't have to go to Delhi! Can't you choose which project you do?
2012-09-06 02:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I slept well too, though not enough... Your lady is slightly wilted. Please go to sleep on time tonight.
2012-09-06 02:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmm, stretching, yawning, wrapping my arms around you as

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you kiss my hips- good morning, my darling. Such a lovely way to wake up... :-)
2012-09-06 02:27:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You might miss me- I believe you that you do, but I... my lil' butterfly heart simply aches for you, for your presence... :-(
2012-09-05 16:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I am afraid these new projects mean that we will not meet this year... I was so happy and now... :-( I am utterly sad, darling.
2012-09-05 16:17:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you loads & your neglecting me feels not nice. I know, you said it would be different if I was there, but sadly, I am not there...
2012-09-05 16:16:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling. :-) And I hope you get enough rest... You went to bed way too late. Again... Sigh.
2012-09-05 16:15:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so, so wish I could wrap myself around you & fall asleep listening to your deep, peaceful breaths! Well, to your loud snoring... ;-p
2012-09-05 16:14:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I can't help coming to sit by your side, kiss your eyes and cute nose and watch you sleep till my eyelids grow heavy, too. :-)
2012-09-05 16:13:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it was barely 5 pics that you edited but you also barely talked to me, so... :-(
2012-09-05 13:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well you are good but it's impossible to edit 200 pictures. ;-p But it was the reason for your staying up not lil' poor me.
2012-09-05 13:23:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. You get no kiss tonight. If you want to sleep with your lady in your arms, you will have to sneak under my covers...
2012-09-05 13:18:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You just stayed up to edit your pictures or whatever... and now that you finished, you go. :-( I knew!
2012-09-05 13:16:37 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ See? You were not up to be with me...

2012-09-05 13:14:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think I leave you alone now. You can go to bed or edit your pictures... but sleeping would be a better choice. Think of tomorrow...
2012-09-05 13:10:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm yes, I see...

2012-09-05 13:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok.
2012-09-05 13:08:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, why do I have the feeling that you don't stay up to be with me but to edit your pictures? :-|
2012-09-05 12:58:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you wish so too?

2012-09-05 12:56:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What?
2012-09-05 12:53:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, hope they will work out the plans asap...
2012-09-05 12:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? See!??? The wait is killing me too! :-(

2012-09-05 12:49:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? Because if you want to cuddle up with me, you will have to carry me to bed...
2012-09-05 12:48:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So tell me, how long would you have to stay in Delhi? And those 2 projects, when will they start & end?
2012-09-05 12:46:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. You can edit them picture by picture... a few pic every day...
2012-09-05 12:45:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be lovely to cuddle up with you... but she wouldn't

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make that easy for you & you would have to carry your pouting lady tobed...
2012-09-05 12:44:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you will see...

2012-09-05 12:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't tell me to chill... Well, congrats. And it is late, look at the time...
2012-09-05 12:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway it's late, so good night.

2012-09-05 12:23:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was away for about 30 min... not for 2 hours. Never mind. Hope your mom liked the pictures & dinner was good.
2012-09-05 12:22:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Well then...wishing you a sweet restful night's sleep & tender dreams. A kiss on your lips which you might not even notice...Good night
2012-09-05 12:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were away the whole day and you will have to go to bed soon... Sniff.
2012-09-05 11:44:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Your lady misses you...

2012-09-05 11:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 2 projects simultaneously... isn't it a bit too much? And how long would you have to stay in Delhi?
2012-09-05 11:01:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was on the phone...God! You shot over 3000 pictures? Shall I come over and help you? Oh please please... I would so so so love it!
2012-09-05 11:01:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to be there, going through all your pictures... Anyway, I think I'd love it all & wouldn't know which ones to pick. :-)
2012-09-05 10:10:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean working on 2 projects at the same time? Or going to Delhi & work on a project with the people there for a while?
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2012-09-05 10:09:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok, like any other day... nothing noteworthy. How are you, darling? Tired? But I am glad the meetings were not pointless.
2012-09-05 10:09:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your lady is jumping in your arms & hugging you, kissing you, squeezing you... Sigh! Welcome home, darling! :-)
2012-09-05 10:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any news about the new project?

2012-09-05 08:21:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a busy day! Not even time to eat your lunch in peace. Poor poor sweet you! I hope those meetings weren't pointless...
2012-09-05 08:20:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... together, with a nice dinner, some cuddling with many kisses, some sweet teasing & playing, some this and some that... :-) Sigh!
2012-09-05 08:20:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I hope you get home very soon. I so wish I was there to welcome you home and have a lovely, lovely evening...
2012-09-05 08:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... ! I was wondering where you were & nearly thought something bad happened in the morning on the way to the office... :-|
2012-09-05 08:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... I was hoping you'd steal a minute & sneak in while I was away, but... Sniff. I hope all is well, darling. Missing you...
2012-09-05 07:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that your lady is thinking of you, missing you... :-) I have to run some errands, darling. Be back asap.
2012-09-05 05:40:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are having a busy, busy day... Some more kisses for you on playful butterfly wings to make you smile and letting you know
2012-09-05 05:40:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, a baklava-laced kiss for your lips... :-) Had
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lunch? What did you have? Just to cook & eat together again... Sigh!
2012-09-05 04:47:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's fresh & flowery, in a towel... wishing you were here... Sigh. A soft deep kiss on your throat, above the top button... ;-)
2012-09-05 02:43:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling's day? Hope it is pleasant-busy with some good work... :-) How was the drive to the office?
2012-09-05 02:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I noticed that, just didn't know it was Ravi Shankar. I love the picture very much. Simply perfect.
2012-09-05 02:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, you could have done both- watch me & then hug me... :-) close, very close... It would've been so lovely to wake up in your arms. Sigh.
2012-09-05 02:41:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my kind, cute sir. :-) I slept well too, but the night was short... Couldn't fall asleep. Ate a yoghurt at midnight. :-)
2012-09-05 02:40:39 (EDT)

marrowtide I have and it works. I just am not that disciplined

2012-09-05 00:07:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... that's all I know...

2012-09-04 16:52:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About us in the past & about us in the now... And I can't help but to hug my pillow closer with a deep, sad sigh & a bittersweet tiny smile
2012-09-04 16:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we have grown close to each other. About freshly dewed grass, about the joy & cheer & smiles & sighs we shared.
2012-09-04 16:46:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just lying in bed, thinking about you... About our forest, the basket you've woven for me. About the butterflies & how beautifully
2012-09-04 16:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest- I miss you terribly. There must be a way to be near each other... We could find that way together, but you... Sad sigh.
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2012-09-04 16:33:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping in honey-sweet dreams and you wake up with a :-), feeling well-rested... Soft butterfly kisses for your morning, dear.
2012-09-04 16:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, your lady joins you now; she kisses your temples & wraps herself in your arms... If only darling, if only... Sigh!
2012-09-04 16:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you shall... Please. ;-)

2012-09-04 13:08:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My very favorite picture is the one of the man... I love every little detail of it. Poetry for the eyes.... Sigh, pure beauty.
2012-09-04 13:05:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you asap and snuggle as close to you as I can... :-) Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams.
2012-09-04 12:50:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I got kisses too! Happy, happy happy! :-) Kisses on your tummy darling, around your navel... ;-) Rush to sleep now. Please.
2012-09-04 12:49:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! :-) Your lady is beaming! Thank you so much for staying up... and for the picture. It is gorgeous.
2012-09-04 12:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Yes, I thought you will go to bed, that's why I wished you good night. Kitty is fine, her leg is healing beautifully.
2012-09-04 12:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your ears. I will hurry back :-) I'll join you asap... hope you will feel it, smell it in your sleep... me, my curves against yours...
2012-09-04 11:59:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep & dream sweetly, darling. I hug you from behind as you sit there, staring at your screen & kiss you softly on your neck behind...
2012-09-04 11:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, I have to leave. :-) Taking kitty to the vet. In case I don't get back in time, let me wish you good night now...
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2012-09-04 11:57:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't smile, take me there... No really, please darling, let's not wait long long months... your lady would love to see you, so so much :-(
2012-09-04 11:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I was not there with you! Not even now... :-( You have to take your lady there... someday. You have to!
2012-09-04 11:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D brave brave chipmunk. And you... ran away not even looking back, yes? ;-p
2012-09-04 11:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now you call me silly... God, what have I done to deserve this? Waaaaah :-( There! Now you have a crying lady... ;-p
2012-09-04 11:21:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! You are saying this because I was pouting... No, it is not good enough. Look there... and there... and here too. So! ;-p
2012-09-04 11:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You recall it... but no wishing your lady was there now, too? Then not. Ahh you!
2012-09-04 10:30:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then please, try to urge the people in the office to work out that plan asap... Sniff.
2012-09-04 10:25:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. And all the things we could do together...
2012-09-04 10:11:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember sitting on the bed and watching your pictures together? Sigh, it would be so nice to do the same now...
2012-09-04 10:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Same here. Day is normal... Hm, I hope they won't reflect on it for weeks... just as they did with opening a new office. :-| They are slow.
2012-09-04 09:38:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush, maybe I am... but sweet too. ;-p Please keep hugging me for a while... Sigh, how I wish to be there now! Missing you so... Sniff.
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2012-09-04 09:38:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Good girl. ;-p A happy welcome home hug and a sweet kiss for my darling... :-) How are you? How was your day?
2012-09-04 09:23:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you on your way home? Hope the traffic is not too bad... Just keep reading or staring out of the window... ;-p
2012-09-04 08:55:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with disheveled hair, unbuttoned shirt, gasping for air. ;-p Oh how I miss you now!!!
2012-09-04 07:26:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There, you got your whooshing kisses... but don't blame me if people in the office think you are crazy, just standing there...
2012-09-04 07:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shh, don't scream... it's just me, grabbing you & pulling you hard against me, kissing you deeply... again & again & then I whoosh away.
2012-09-04 07:25:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just tease me, one day, you will get it all back! So tell me, still no news about the plans they have for you? Please do ask them...
2012-09-04 07:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure, sure. As if you were sooo against a she cab partner. I am sure you didn't hesitate the slightest... :-|
2012-09-04 07:24:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Found your bucket & poured your kisses all over me. Wow, that was refreshing... & made my insides flutter ;-) Thank you, darling.
2012-09-04 07:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out now. Will be back very soon. A bunch of tiny butterflies are on their way to you to cover you in sweet soft kisses...
2012-09-04 06:23:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Lots of work to do? Mine is busy, just busy. I feel wilted though headache's gone.
2012-09-04 06:15:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, your cab partner is a she. I knew it! Maybe she is just shy...
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But you, just do your reading, darling so she'll remain quiet. ;-p
2012-09-04 06:06:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My cuddle-bear! :-) Wish I could rush there now just to squeeze you & kiss you deeply then whoosh away... :-) Miss you!
2012-09-04 06:06:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on my darling sir's neck while my hands trace along his sides... Missing you so, so much!
2012-09-04 03:09:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish we were near each other, too. There must be a way... Sigh.
2012-09-04 03:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's as if I was standing in front of you with open arms, wanting to hug you but you'd simply look away and walk away. :-(
2012-09-04 03:07:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now... :-( You have my attention, darling. But what to think if you ignore and/or don't react to my trying to be sweet to you?
2012-09-04 03:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not just that those things get missed in the flow... the sweetness was there, no matter how busy you were, it was there.
2012-09-04 03:05:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the drive with the new cab partner? How is your day, darling? Any news about the plans they have for you?
2012-09-04 03:04:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will also have to pick Kelvin up from school (it started yesterday) and take kitty back to the vet around 18:00 (21:30 your time).
2012-09-04 03:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and woke up with headache. So sleepy! My day will be some office work, some daily chores and the like.
2012-09-04 03:03:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. I would've loved to cuddle up to you & stay in bed with you just a bit longer... Sigh! I fell asleep on the couch
2012-09-04 03:03:25 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Or elsewhere, just... to be in your presence. My sweet sweet darling... :-(

2012-09-03 14:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was silly. No amount of dm can ever be compared to a smile of you or a hug a kiss...not even to the feeling of being in a room with you...
2012-09-03 14:14:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I miss you!

2012-09-03 13:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes just a glance, just a little smile, a fleeting touch, a quick hug or kiss would make me more happy than 10 dms. Sigh.
2012-09-03 13:42:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really, really hate the distance between us. :-( I hate that I can't see you, to be near you, around you, with you...
2012-09-03 13:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... there to see what you are doing or when you feel like hugging me in between the many things you do. So, how am I to know then?
2012-09-03 13:33:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You do seem distant & kinda disinterested. I am not saying you are... just that you seem like that. I can't read your thoughts, nor am I
2012-09-03 13:32:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that you do think of me & also making me feel missed but you don't really do this nowadays. Quite the other way around. :-(
2012-09-03 13:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hear when you say you miss me and wish to hold me (in case you do...), etc. Or I don't know... any other way to let me know
2012-09-03 13:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you are right & if I was there, it would be like in Portsmouth, but I am not there. So yes, it feels nice & sure makes me happy to...
2012-09-03 13:25:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, why are you still online?

2012-09-03 13:01:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A little bit better...

2012-09-03 13:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... ok?

2012-09-03 12:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep soundly with sweet smiles. I will join you asap and snuggle into you. Please hold me... in your dream...
2012-09-03 12:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I happily take your kiss. :-) I hug you close darling & kiss your lips back. A soft, slow long kiss... Mmm, I would so love it!
2012-09-03 12:38:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Those lips are not pouting, I just really am confused and don't know what to think anymore... Sigh.
2012-09-03 12:38:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dropping everything and rushing to bed... It would be so lovely, to cuddle with you now.
2012-09-03 12:26:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm?
2012-09-03 12:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, but... I am just confused and missing you and hate this physical distance. :-(
2012-09-03 12:03:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't say this just to make me feel better? :-(
2012-09-03 11:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you think so... And you are an egoist. And as stubborn as a mule. So!
2012-09-03 11:51:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? You don't understand... :-( And don't even say, "come sweetie pie, let me hug you tight..." :-(
2012-09-03 11:48:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... wrap me in your arms. :-(

2012-09-03 11:43:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And as I said earlier, even my welcome home hugs are ignored nowadays... Me, my looking at you with innocent eyes, waiting for you to
2012-09-03 11:42:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then to wait for you to wake up just to hear you'll do some more things... Then finally you come to wish me good night. :-(
2012-09-03 11:41:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... & that, than to wait long hours just for you to come to say you are done & will take a nap now (on weekends)
2012-09-03 11:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't expect you to drop things & run to me. But it's also not nice when you write to me in the morning telling me you'll do this
2012-09-03 11:40:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it's not just that... it's the way you are to me, darling.
2012-09-03 11:10:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... always find other things to do... And I don't ignore when you say something. At least I hope I don't.
2012-09-03 11:04:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I, too have things occupying my time. I, too have things to do other than waiting for you... But I always find time for you just as you
2012-09-03 11:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I decided not to dm you. Perhaps to show you how it feels for me to just wait & wait & sometimes not even getting an answer...
2012-09-03 10:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would just repeat myself... I tried so many times, but... You just saw that I complain or pout, etc. even if I didn't.
2012-09-03 10:47:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think you realize how you make me feel sometimes. :-(
2012-09-03 10:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did, darling. You did. Earlier... But you have changed and this is what I notice, not your not saying "I miss you"...
2012-09-03 09:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does count. And that you worried, too...

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2012-09-03 09:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe, just maybe now you know how it feels... And all it would have taken is to just say "miss you". You didn't...
2012-09-03 08:49:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I was surprised that you dm-ed me at all, btw. Yes, wow.
2012-09-02 13:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thank you.

2012-09-02 13:03:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am not busy. 105 is a lot of pictures... Nice for you. Good night. Sleep well.
2012-09-02 12:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the nightstand yesterday & also told you so. It looks normal... simple, nothing special. Not tired, don't really need the rest.
2012-09-02 10:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the answer. Sounds lovely...

2012-09-02 10:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Yes, you indeed changed how you express yourself to me. Nearly completely. If there's anything to express at all...
2012-09-02 10:00:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still haven't told me how old the kids are and how was your time with them. Hope you had a lovely nap...
2012-09-02 10:00:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Well, thank you. Have fun organizing your pictures. I think I will lie down now... I didn't do so.
2012-09-02 09:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. I wish I was there, going through the pictures together... Hope you will send me some, too.
2012-09-02 09:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No.
2012-09-02 09:31:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could be there now. I miss you, Anand. :-( Maybe I will
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lie down for a bit too, dreaming of you... of us...

2012-09-02 06:58:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, thank you, darling. Your lady is beaming & cuddles & kisses you all over... Just the thought of so beautiful.
2012-09-02 06:57:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I was too late... :-( But I can't sit here all day, waiting for your dms. Anyway, hope you have a sweet nap. Yes, I am there...
2012-09-02 06:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will we cuddle, too? And then doze off with you hugging me from behind, your hand on my belly? It would be beautiful...Missing you, darling.
2012-09-02 06:34:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No need to say thanks, just... hug me back. Glad your lunch was delicious. Rushing to my sweet darling, kissing him all over...
2012-09-02 06:33:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait wait! Just for second... I hug you tight & kiss you a sweet happy welcome home. Now, you can sit down... Bon appetit, darling.
2012-09-02 05:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You kissed me on my lips? Wow, I am speechless ;-p Kissing you back, rubbing your hungry tummy. Please do have lunch once you reach home.
2012-09-02 05:04:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi to your friend who kept you away from leaving a little note for your lovely lady. Sniff.
2012-09-02 05:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a pleasant travel home, darling. How was your time with the kids? How old are they? Glad you slept well & long...
2012-09-02 05:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you are having a sweet, happy day. :-) Kissing you softly along your throat... Missing you. Why didn't you leave a note...?
2012-09-02 03:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume you have left to spend time with the kids... I don't
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even know when will you be back... :-|

2012-09-02 03:05:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep sweetly & long? When I slept, I slept well I think. I wasn't sure, did I dm you last night or just was dreaming...? Huh :-)
2012-09-02 03:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, to wake up to an empty bed, no kiss-note under the pillow... Sigh. Good morning, my darling dear. How are you, where are you?
2012-09-02 03:04:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are so many men out there, but... none of them is like you. Sigh.
2012-09-01 18:55:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. As if I have always loved you... long before I even knew you existed...
2012-09-01 18:53:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In our forest where it is always Spring...Your lovely basket, the swing. Tiny birds and butterflies. Sweet-scented flowers. And you. You...
2012-09-01 18:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how old are the kids? Can't keep my eyes open... your lady is fading fast... Missing you immensely. See you in my dreams, darling...
2012-09-01 18:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I find it great that you'll do some work with those kids... Is it a whole day activity or just a few couple of hours? Why only for 3 Sun.?
2012-09-01 18:29:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...kissing it & hugging it tightly to me as I fade back into sleep... Hope your dreams are sweet, darling & you smile in your sleep...
2012-09-01 18:24:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I fell asleep while reading... Woke up 'cause it was too cold. I snuggle into you... as close as I can, put your arm around me and
2012-09-01 18:24:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is so hard sometimes, so very hard... :'-(

2012-09-01 15:39:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. My dear, dear sweet Anand...Sometimes I

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don't quite know what to say. I just want to be near you, around you, with you...
2012-09-01 15:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not speaking, just hugging and caressing each other... sweetly, tenderly, letting our hands softly speak to each others body...
2012-09-01 15:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel terrible, darling. I think I ran out of words or I don't know. I wanted to be with you, too. In your arms, darling. In your arms...
2012-09-01 15:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You stayed up to be with me and I... I didn't know what to say & was even too slow with wishing you good night. :-(
2012-09-01 15:27:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sit outside as I type this, wishing you were here... wishing you could see this absolutely amazing, beautiful, huge orange moon...
2012-09-01 15:26:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly me. I think I was too late... I was sitting here & didn't know what to write... :-| I miss you, darling.
2012-09-01 13:50:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep sweetly with tender dreams. Kisses on your tummy... my soft pillow :-) I join you in a bit & curl into you...
2012-09-01 13:47:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! My chin, my cheeks... whatever, but my poor lips wish to be kissed too... :-( Anyway, I happy with every kiss you give. :-)
2012-09-01 13:46:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. You are sweet. :-) I just really wish I was there... Sigh. Sometimes words are not enough, you know?
2012-09-01 13:45:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kiss me on my lips, darling. And hold me close... Please.

2012-09-01 13:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I told you to go to sleep, but you didn't want to...
2012-09-01 13:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! We have to catch up on cuddling, darling... ;-p God, it's

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been over a year now... Sigh.

2012-09-01 13:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) yes, they do, but it takes a while. We could cuddle till they burn away and then sleep...
2012-09-01 13:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I really wish we were together now... instead of writing... Missing you.
2012-09-01 13:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. Then yes, a side-table. :-) No no, you cuddle with me and we watch the candles... or they watching us while we cuddle... or so ;-)
2012-09-01 13:17:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know! Bedside table!

2012-09-01 13:10:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love this. Imagine... on a chilly evening... you and me, cuddled up... and those candles... :-)
2012-09-01 13:07:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You watch stuff like this? God! :-) Beautiful eyes... I can't do that. I tried. Your lady is too clumsy... :-(
2012-09-01 13:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Oooh, blush. :-) I find candles lovely, can't help it... Well, I do need a night-lamp, too. :-) Hmmm, not really a side-table.
2012-09-01 13:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it is not a lamp. A nightstand... night table.

2012-09-01 12:59:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, darling.

2012-09-01 12:56:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your forehead, eyes, cute nose, cheeks, chin and on your lips... :-) I will join you shortly if you allow me...
2012-09-01 12:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will wish you good night now. :-| I wish I was there to cuddle with you, hugging you to sleep... Mhhmm. Sleep sweetly, darling.
2012-09-01 12:54:31 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Don't feel like saying anything right now. I am sorry. I talked way too much the last few days... and waited & talked... Sigh.
2012-09-01 12:48:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. It's late there and my mood got spoiled, too... So, it is not necessary...
2012-09-01 12:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds wonderful. Wish I was there, too. I love to work with children.
2012-09-01 12:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I knew! :-| Then, I should better wish you good night... :-(
2012-09-01 12:35:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And soon, you are off to bed, yes?

2012-09-01 12:26:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. If you had to... then you had... Yes, done with it.
2012-09-01 12:21:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I give up. Sitting on your bed... quietly, saying and doing nothing. :-|
2012-09-01 12:06:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly. :-) You know what I meant... I would love to have you here with me...
2012-09-01 11:51:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your nape, darling... and nibbling your earlobes... Smile.
2012-09-01 11:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much, darling. Bought a nightstand some days ago, was putting it together. It is not nice without you... sigh.
2012-09-01 11:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I was about to ask you where you are... Leaving lil' me all alone... Sniff. More conference? Again?
2012-09-01 11:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anything. Darling, anything. Just... say something. I am the

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laconic spallow, not you. ;-p Ok, then, let's see what they say...
2012-09-01 10:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here... Tell me, when can I see you, hold you, cuddle up to you? Darling, when?
2012-09-01 10:42:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you talk too much, don't you think? :-| My sweet darling, how was your day?
2012-09-01 10:37:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) A happy welcome back squeeze & a deep kiss for my darling. :-) Missed you too... How was the temple visit?
2012-09-01 10:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whenever you decide to build the house, do let me know...

2012-09-01 09:46:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes please... I do want something from outside... You, with the sweetest kisses for your lady. ;-) Will wait for you to come back... :-)
2012-09-01 09:45:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how am I to know that you miss(ed) me if you don't say it? Hm? Ladies do love to hear it... ;-)
2012-09-01 09:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Your welcome home comes a bit late, don't you think? But I happily take those kisses... Squeezing you sweetly, darling.
2012-09-01 09:44:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. No welcome home, no missing lil' lovely me... Nothing? Sigh. :-(
2012-09-01 09:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall I help you to build it?

2012-09-01 09:22:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso... will maybe check it out, too.

2012-09-01 09:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I am talented in many things... ;-p You want to build a house? Where? When?
2012-09-01 09:01:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ There are some other sites too, to back up tweets & all. Glad you like the one you found.
2012-09-01 09:00:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our cooking, eating together, our walks, our sweet morning cuddles... I miss it all, darling. :-( I feel so sad right now.
2012-09-01 09:00:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Okra! I liked it. It was tasty. :-) Darling, I would have loved to have lunch with you... maybe you would've eaten more in my company... :-)
2012-09-01 08:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, too. Sneaking up behind you & hugging you close... Yes, she is resting well. I do miss her... And I miss you. Very very much :-(
2012-09-01 08:58:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Your lady misses you :-( I am off now to see Sandy. Hope you are having a lovely day. Kisses all over you.
2012-09-01 05:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss your cooking. You, everything about you- us, together... Oh darling! My sweet sweet Anand...
2012-09-01 04:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's around lunchtime there... :-) What's for lunch? Sigh, it would be so lovely to prepare, cook & have lunch together. I so miss that!
2012-09-01 04:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you close now, look into your eyes & kiss you softly, ever so sweetly... getting lost in that kiss... I miss you. A lot!
2012-09-01 02:36:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ a perennial autumn, but in our forest, there was Spring... We could do that, to make life feel like Spring. Again and again.
2012-09-01 02:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, are you saying I am just one of your visitors... in your life? Awww :-( Darling, do you remember? Now you say life feels...
2012-09-01 02:35:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know exactly how I feel for you. I can't treat you/be with
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you as a mere friend. I can't put my heart on a leash nor can I numb my body.
2012-09-01 02:35:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Without boundaries that need to be observed, etc. But things are different in India, we can't be like that without marriage, right? Sigh.
2012-09-01 02:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I don't need marriage, I just would love to be with you and do many things together, yes- enjoy life with you.
2012-09-01 02:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I felt at ease with you, too. Our time together was beautiful in many ways. I felt happy with you, Anand.
2012-09-01 02:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept light & woke up often. Will probably take a short nap in the afternoon. Blush, yes... your lady got a tiny bit dreamy last night.
2012-09-01 02:32:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet, dear darling. Freshly showered, in a towel... now, you can kiss my shoulders... ;-) Glad you slept well & long.
2012-09-01 02:31:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss miss you. Had lunch with my friend today, she's visiting from California; she moved there last year. How are you doing, my sweet man?
2012-08-31 21:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh Anand, what I would give to be able to sit by you now and watch you sleep! Sniff. Kissing your dreams darling... :-) Please sleep long...
2012-08-31 16:58:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner, freshened up & now, I slip under the covers & snuggle into my sweet darling...kissing his palm :-) Hope your sleep is sweet...
2012-08-31 16:40:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And had an affair with his secretary. So, even though it was wrong, but now I am happy that I didn't marry him. Marriage is a sacred thing.
2012-08-31 14:38:24 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... beginning. He didn't want to marry me, he said later... And later, I didn't want to marry him. He had sex with my own sister, darling.
2012-08-31 14:36:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I have a child out of wedlock and lived together with a man for 7 years without marriage. Blush. I wanted him to marry me at the
2012-08-31 14:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just don't & can't understand how could you live with someone you barely knew, not to mention making love to a nearly stranger girl :-|
2012-08-31 14:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I have to admit that it was not the only issue that your marriage was arranged. The girl decided to call it off, so...
2012-08-31 14:23:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, would... not will... Oh darling, there are so many things we could share, so so so many... If only... One deep, dreamy sigh.
2012-08-31 14:08:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How beautiful life would be, every single day... Sigh! I doubt we will get bored... Yes, you'd have as much space for yourself as you need.
2012-08-31 14:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, we could sleep in each other's arms & wake up next to each other. Oh! And we could make love... sweet, painfully beautiful love! Sigh.
2012-08-31 13:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would be the sweetest, loveliest, most caring wife one could ask for... :-) I do think we would be wonderful together.
2012-08-31 13:53:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seriously. I would happily be your wife. Imagine darling... no more missing each other, no boundaries we need to observe, nothing.
2012-08-31 13:52:33 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie All is well, yes... My restless self expression may at times be melancholic in tone but it is cathartic nonetheless. Glad you are well, E.
2012-08-31 13:29:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And btw, you said you will log out... but you didn't! Cheater!
2012-08-31 12:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. You have no clue how very much...
2012-08-31 12:53:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you! Why are you doing this to me? Why!? :-| Smile, your lady is under the covers... pulling up your undershirt... ;-p
2012-08-31 12:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. :-) Soft, slow kisses all over your back... Sleep soundly with tender dreams. I will join you asap...
2012-08-31 12:49:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, you can read but we can still snuggle up, no? Or you don't want the kisses & scratch and... me!
2012-08-31 12:48:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late there, darling. Shall we snuggle up now?

2012-08-31 12:44:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would it be difficult? Well... thinking of your bookshelf... I think I know why... :-)
2012-08-31 12:43:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You are unbelievable! Sniff. :-( No scratching your back...
2012-08-31 12:40:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just now saw the 3rd picture... See the place where the pillows are? A perfect place to read... :-)
2012-08-31 12:39:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love the floor on the second picture.

2012-08-31 12:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Your lady is all dreamy now... :-) But now tell me, lil' lovely me wanting to shower you with sweetness and you say sounds good?
2012-08-31 12:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, there I would love to be right now. With you...

2012-08-31 12:33:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds good... that's all? :-(

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2012-08-31 12:28:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, I love it!

2012-08-31 12:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will get a nice scratch of your back, too. Hm? ;-)
2012-08-31 12:26:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, done with the day. May I cuddle up to you while you are reading? Kissing your back and just holding you? Please... :-)
2012-08-31 12:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I do believe that too, was an issue. I couldn't live together with someone I don't love or have no feelings for... No way.
2012-08-31 12:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you know how I think about arranged marriages... :-|
2012-08-31 12:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. :-( Well, it existed. Sadly it was a bad experience...

2012-08-31 12:17:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't smile... marry me.

2012-08-31 12:08:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. It would be beautiful to be like that...

2012-08-31 12:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And everything stays the same, as in?

2012-08-31 11:53:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is just one problem... I too, need a visa & what to say? That I want to get it and then vanish into the mountains? :-|
2012-08-31 11:53:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you? Do you have it? Yes, I could come back and continue my life...
2012-08-31 11:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, that's true, I don't have an idea of it. But... this life I have now is also not that splendid, so... :-)
2012-08-31 11:45:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Mmm, it would be lovely. I'd snuggle close to you... watching our fingers play with each other... :-) Missing you, darling.
2012-08-31 11:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what will you do, then? You do need money for living... Or really, retire to the mountains and taking me with you. Sigh.
2012-08-31 11:39:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I so wish you were here... Just... to sit together, leaning my head against your shoulder, holding hands... mmm.
2012-08-31 11:34:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you have already decided against us, for you it does look bleak... then what false promise?
2012-08-31 11:29:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Do look for a place in any other office... just for a while. US, UK, Germany... I don't know.
2012-08-31 11:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because you want it to look bleak... :-( Well, you were not closer to me when you were in the US... but maybe your work was lesser...
2012-08-31 11:23:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... or cuddle with you or anything. And you talk less and less to me... Well, what should I think, then? Hm?
2012-08-31 11:13:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you also ignore my ways of trying to let you know that I do miss that lovely closeness, even in a form of simply being held by you...
2012-08-31 11:12:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you haven't called me like that in a long time. But it's not just that... You nearly completely changed how you express yourself... :-(
2012-08-31 11:12:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-08-31 11:01:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss your twirl-kiss when you come home... Often, you even ignore mine... I simply miss the way you were...
2012-08-31 10:33:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss the smiles & sighs we shared. To run over grass, holding hands. You, to call me sweetie pie... Those little silly things...
2012-08-31 10:29:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, darling. It's just the way you are to me... I've already told you, you were more attentive, sweeter and all.
2012-08-31 10:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it feels that way. Well, maybe you don't notice it but I do...
2012-08-31 10:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here. Had a sweet nap? In me, darling. In everything about me... Very nice, thanks for explaining & for the picture...
2012-08-31 09:54:05 (EDT)

dgdreamin and Mumbai, with a short excursion on the Kerala Canal. Just enough time & places to see some highlights and whet your appetite for more.
2012-08-31 07:37:15 (EDT)

dgdreamin The company I went to both Peru & China with has a two-week tour of India; it includes time in Delhi, Agra, Ranthambore NP, Jaipur, Cochin,
2012-08-31 07:36:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling... it's you who seems to have lost interest... :-( Anyway, hope you have a sweet nap.
2012-08-31 07:33:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, blush. And here is the missing "r".

2012-08-31 07:32:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, hee comes the "W". I meant what fire?

2012-08-31 07:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For my nose? Kiss my lips, darling. Please. I wish I was there to cuddle up with you... Sigh. hat fire?
2012-08-31 07:26:16 (EDT)

dgdreamin so much history and a deep much to see, and do, and experience.
2012-08-31 07:26:07 (EDT)

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dgdreamin All of it! I'll probably do it on a guided tour the first time. I expect like China, once will not be enough... such a large country, with
2012-08-31 07:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I already told you- day is ok. Doing some office work. Besides that... thinking of you, missing you...
2012-08-31 07:13:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I kiss you deeply and move in small kisses down your neck, chest, tummy... and keep kissing you till you are wide awake... ;-p
2012-08-31 07:11:06 (EDT)

dgdreamin It's a reminder to live each day, each moment, fully.

2012-08-31 07:11:03 (EDT)

dgdreamin never asks where he is. Not sure if it's confusion, or if he simply doesn't want to acknowledge it all. Thx for asking about him.
2012-08-31 07:10:59 (EDT)

dgdreamin The strokes paralyzed his left side, and affected his ability for his brain to know it needs to swallow. Sigh. A lot of disconnects. He
2012-08-31 07:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? You took the day off? And I thought you were busy working in the office. :-| Heavy lunch is not good for your six-packs ;-p
2012-08-31 07:10:40 (EDT)

dgdreamin My Uncle is holding his own, able to have conversations, etc. has to always be in a health care facility now. Has a stomach feeding tube.
2012-08-31 07:10:20 (EDT)

dgdreamin What are the best months to travel to India?

2012-08-31 07:05:14 (EDT)

dgdreamin The pics are incredibly lovely! Nudges my wanderlust, nudges rather hard, forcefully ;)) India is definitely on my travel bucket list!
2012-08-31 07:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Had lunch? Solved that issue? My day is ok, work is easy. A lazy, sleepy kiss on your lips... :-) Missing you.
2012-08-31 06:41:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we could find a way. But... Sigh. No, you have to say nothing,
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it will just hurt... :-|

2012-08-31 06:41:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still don't agree with your decision about the lack of future. Even if it is difficult & complicated, if you really wanted to,
2012-08-31 06:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, our meeting is for joy. Not really for entertainment or for mere fun... It is to spend time together & feel happy to be together.
2012-08-31 06:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 15 years...I've never asked about your father, because...I don't know. Well, he deserves a more elaborate ritual... Glad you've done it fine
2012-08-31 06:39:55 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie I'm well thank you, E. I trust you are too.

2012-08-31 05:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the hug... I wish I could receive it in person. Sigh. Hope your day goes fine, darling. Soft kisses from your head to toe...
2012-08-31 02:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Last year it was in September... All went well?

2012-08-31 02:47:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember you saying this- no festivals for a year if there's a death in the family. Was your father's ritual today?
2012-08-31 02:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, yes I was asking about a trip to any place. Just... to be with you.
2012-08-31 02:46:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... not for pure entertainment. :-( My patience didn't run out nor did I lose interest. I just... I... Sigh. Never mind.
2012-08-31 02:45:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to Disneyland? :-| So, it is for you pure entertainment? I would love to meet you because I miss you & would love to be with you,
2012-08-31 02:45:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... never seeing you again, your responds, rejection were heartbreaking. And no, our meeting is not an emergency but to compare...
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2012-08-31 02:44:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you wonder why the pain and tears and all? I didn't cry non-stop, every day. I was missing you, Anand and the thought of...
2012-08-31 02:44:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, there was a long period of indecision... I was begging you for months darling & your repeated rejection did hurt.
2012-08-31 02:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Glad you slept well, I didn't sleep that well. How are you feeling? Did you go to the office?
2012-08-31 02:43:01 (EDT)

marrowtide I go to upstate New York this Saturday near the thousand islands... i go with my mom to see my grandma. Will be there for a week.
2012-08-30 23:20:07 (EDT)

marrowtide ok I just worry about you being in pain... Other than just being alive. sending you many smiles
2012-08-30 23:06:54 (EDT)

marrowtide How are you and your nephew? Has your knee healed yet?
2012-08-30 22:27:03 (EDT)

marrowtide My mom and I are doing well. And the deer... I worry about them but I think they are doing ok
2012-08-30 22:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired of human beings... of their wants and needs and selfishness and I could go on and on... Sigh. I am simply tired of everything.
2012-08-30 15:14:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am going to curl up and sleep... I wish I could just sleep all day tomorrow... or at least stay in bed & talk to no one...
2012-08-30 15:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it does hurt and I am tired of being put aside and being left till last... Anyway, with your words- nothing will change...
2012-08-30 15:00:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love to give & be there for others but sometimes I do ask myself "what about me". But... I just cry a little, sigh & try not to think...
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2012-08-30 15:00:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... were disappointed or even upset with me. When I needed and/or asked for something, mostly no one was there for me.
2012-08-30 14:59:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... friends, family, etc., if they needed help or anything else, I never said no. Well, there were times I couldn't help but then, they
2012-08-30 14:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am the most understanding, generous & patient person... Yes, modest too. Bittersweet smile. I have always been there for others...
2012-08-30 14:58:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I have the past few months. I am tired. Hurt. And missing you. Immensely. :-(
2012-08-30 13:39:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just tired, darling. I didn't know loving you will hurt so much... I don't think I have ever cried so much in my entire life than
2012-08-30 13:38:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was like a cold shower... again. I don't think you have a clue how you make me feel sometimes... :-( Please sleep now.
2012-08-30 13:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you said they will end on the 24th... or around that time. Else, why to plan a trip on the 25th? You did and now...
2012-08-30 13:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so many times, over me. :-( Never mind.

2012-08-30 13:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Not the winter. That you put me at the end of your to-do list. That you prefer the festivals which you had & will probably have
2012-08-30 13:01:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's just not fair... not at all :'-(

2012-08-30 12:53:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep soundly. Have sweet dreams. Kissing your lips back, hugging you tightly and :'-( ... Yes, I will join you... I will...
2012-08-30 12:52:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You said festivals end around the 24th... There are so many festivals & you can have so many more but well, they are more important... :-(
2012-08-30 12:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sad, darling. Very sad. Nothing will be well...Yes, first you, then work, then come many other things & at the very end there's me :-(
2012-08-30 12:45:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel very sad right now. I miss you so much and been waiting for so long...and will probably be waiting for another long months... :-(
2012-08-30 12:41:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what long trip? You would be 6-7 days away from work... Well, you had your vacation... And I... Sigh.
2012-08-30 12:32:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does it mean it won't happen in the near future? No? :-(
2012-08-30 12:28:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and generous! Ha! :-| Yep, I remember that... I did look up idli some time ago. Oh dear & I was so happy to see you... :-(
2012-08-30 12:27:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't annoy you, but please, if you feel like going on a trip with your lady, do let her know... Whenever it might be...
2012-08-30 12:22:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling.

2012-08-30 12:18:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 8!? And only one for me? Wow, you are not selfish at all. ;-p
2012-08-30 12:17:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just looked it up... sounds and looks delicious. Yum! Ate one for me, too?
2012-08-30 12:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

2012-08-30 12:11:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Long dinner...

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2012-08-30 11:54:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit. Do think of me... :-)

2012-08-30 11:17:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still working on that issue or having dinner?

2012-08-30 11:13:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you, darling.

2012-08-30 11:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I so wish you were here right now! I feel like hugging and cuddling you and kissing you all over... Sigh. Missing you so!
2012-08-30 11:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean kisses and hugs. The sweetest ones... :-) Well, some come to you if you ask them, but I prefer do this not at home.
2012-08-30 11:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Sure... Those poor guys have nothing to do with my kisses that YOU should give me! ;-p Many many more flitting back to you, darling :)
2012-08-30 11:03:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And where is my hug & kiss? Hm? Waaah... sniff. ;-p To do what home?
2012-08-30 10:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, check your mail...

2012-08-30 10:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Yep, it does. :-|

2012-08-30 10:30:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetness, I am taking Kelvin for a haircut. I will be back shortly. I miss playing with your hair...even if you didn't like it as much.
2012-08-30 09:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. It was not nice. I am sorry, darling.

2012-08-30 09:04:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, your lady misses you. So, so much! Are you really no cross with me?
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2012-08-30 08:55:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. :-| Anyway, never mind... if it doesn't disturb you... I continue kissing your back, hiding behind you so they can't see me ;-p
2012-08-30 08:53:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss your back? I will be silent, I promise... :-)
2012-08-30 08:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best for solving it, daring. If anyone, you can do that. :-) Oh those phone meetings! Does it disturb you when I gently massage
2012-08-30 08:39:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... they don't like the food they have now. Tricky one? I mean that one issue.
2012-08-30 07:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, thank you darling. Sweet lovely you... :-) Just bought some food & milk & nectarine & apricot & food for the cats because
2012-08-30 07:46:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were cross with me and and... :-( Sigh. How is it going with those issues?
2012-08-30 07:24:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. I sit down on your lap, wrap my arms around you & kiss you softly... You really gave them happily? Really really? :)
2012-08-30 07:24:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now. Will be back soon. In case it matters to you... :-( I miss you.
2012-08-30 05:52:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( you don't seem to give me those kisses happily... nor missing lil' silly me. Please darling, don't be cross with me... :-(
2012-08-30 05:29:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But at least no fever. A few days and the cold will fade away, too...
2012-08-30 05:29:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the kiss. It was lovely. Do my lips get one, too?
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And my nose, shoulders, neck? Smile. They didn't get any yesterday... sniff.
2012-08-30 05:10:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! I thought fever came back... Well, maybe you just didn't feel like going to the office. :-)
2012-08-30 05:10:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... beautiful having you sit next to me, your arm wrapped around my shoulder... Sigh. Does your lady get a lil' kiss? Please...
2012-08-30 04:55:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you'd like to know, I was sitting on the steps in my black & white dress, barefeet... :-) It would have been more
2012-08-30 04:54:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is not so happy, missing you... How are you, darling? Why did you stay at home? Hm?
2012-08-30 04:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet sir! Kisses on your tummy, darling. Day is ok, working... but about to step out for a bit.
2012-08-30 04:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling... :-( Enjoy your lunch. My lovely hello to your mom...
2012-08-30 04:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, fed not feed... How are you, darling? Engrossed in work? If I was there, I'd sneak up behind you, hug you & kiss your ears...
2012-08-30 03:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on the small of your back, darling. Missing you... A lot. Sniff.
2012-08-30 02:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will probably do some office work & in between some daily chores. That's all. And maybe stepping out to buy stuff I ran out of...Not sure.
2012-08-30 02:10:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, woke up, took a shower, feed my cats, had breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, now sitting outside, writing to you... :-)
2012-08-30 02:10:19 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Why do you work from home? Fever is back? I thought your cold got better... :-( My poor lovely darling... wish I was there with you!
2012-08-30 02:09:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling. Same here. When I finally fell asleep, I think I slept well... It would've been lovely to hug each other to sleep.
2012-08-30 02:08:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. It is so hard at times...Sigh. I am sorry for being stupid. Wish I could really hug you now... wish we could be together
2012-08-29 16:06:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... feeling your lady breathing on your nape, hugging you tightly in her sleep... It's a new day, so please do :-) my dear.
2012-08-29 15:59:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I join my sweet darling, snuggle up behind him & hug him close to me. :-) Hope your sleep is sweet & you smile when you wake up,
2012-08-29 15:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... ask me, talk to me. No blaming the other, no pointing fingers, no assuming, no fighting... Nothing. Will we do that? Please.
2012-08-29 15:57:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, we should discuss things together, don't you think? To avoid misunderstandings, and find a solution/resolve issues together.
2012-08-29 15:56:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I went for a long walk, thinking about things & you... It would have been beautiful to have you walk with me... Sigh.
2012-08-29 15:51:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What wonderful pictures on your TL! Just stunning! You are a talented man, indeed!
2012-08-29 15:02:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I slept ok...I do best on about 5 hours, then rejuvenate once or twice a week by sleeping in. I'm so glad you feel a bit better!!!
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2012-08-29 15:01:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with sweet, tender dreams. Good night. I join you in a bit and hug you close to me... Please sleep now :-)
2012-08-29 13:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am there with you...cradle you in my arms, softly kissing your forehead & eyes, humming a sweet lullaby for my lovely, lovely darling.
2012-08-29 13:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... I was so so stupid! :'-( And I miss you, so so so much! So very much. :-(
2012-08-29 13:24:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

2012-08-29 13:15:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( does it mean you don't want to meet me?

2012-08-29 13:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you have fallen asleep...

2012-08-29 13:10:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't you wish to go to bed? I will be with you till you fall asleep, then go for a short walk & join you... if you would like me to...
2012-08-29 12:50:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, please tell me, shall we go ahead with our little trip? Yes? No?
2012-08-29 12:47:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) They are beautiful. Smile, I think I would have been sighing all day... :-)
2012-08-29 12:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, sigh. Look at those colors... the beauty... I wish I could have been with you on your Jaipur-Udaipur trip...
2012-08-29 12:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, would you still like to spend some lovely days with your silly lady?
2012-08-29 12:29:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! But before, I pull you to a tight embrace & squeeze you a little... :-) Come darling, now, let's go.
2012-08-29 12:20:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you like to come with me for a walk? Please... Watching the sunset, holding hands... Pretty please? It's a beautiful evening here...
2012-08-29 12:15:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't mean to blame you. :-( There was some misunderstandings. We could have talked it out... Don't you think?
2012-08-29 12:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you didn't talk to me... 2 dms, that's all I got. If you are in a bad mood because of me, I am sorry. I don't know what else to say.
2012-08-29 12:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, darling. May your dreams be filled with the sweetness of butterflies... Soft kisses on your nose, lips, chin... Good night.
2012-08-29 11:54:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will wish you a good night now & go for a walk. Seems like you don't want to have me around you now... :-(
2012-08-29 11:54:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... could we start again? Please, my darling.

2012-08-29 11:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. I feel ashamed of it... I might have sounded reluctant, but I was not. Really not.
2012-08-29 11:13:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you...

2012-08-29 11:00:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, your writing... left me in awe, breathless, speechless, wordless... Wow. Please don't say "I am glad you liked it"...
2012-08-29 10:35:01 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala That is quite a collection of thought you are painting the TL with Anand! So beautifully heartfelt #
2012-08-29 10:09:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I could've asked you if it is ok for you to stay a day or two
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longer. I didn't. I am sorry. But simply dropping it was also not so nice.
2012-08-29 09:21:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Second- I do have the guts... I don't deny anything, dear. I could've shared with you my poorly done research & all. I didn't. Blush.
2012-08-29 09:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ First of all- please, will you let me squeeze you gently & kiss you a sweet welcome home? Pretty please...
2012-08-29 09:20:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And good evening, sweetness. :-)

2012-08-29 08:41:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you feeling???

2012-08-29 08:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I miss you! I hope you had a good day & you are on your way home... Soft kisses on your lips, from one corner to the other... :-)
2012-08-29 08:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take it as a compliment, darling... :-)

2012-08-29 04:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The thing is that no one can top you in planning things... My researches, list seemed poor compared to yours, so... I said nothing. :-(
2012-08-29 04:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, it is not fine...

2012-08-29 04:18:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have done that while I was away from home and also better than I... :-( I have come home to your email, so...
2012-08-29 04:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did some researches too (found all the places you did, except Cappadocia & Pamukkale) & was about to write a list but you were faster :-(
2012-08-29 04:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't contact the tour companies because I didn't know the exact dates. Now I know, I was silly, they didn't need exact dates. Blush.
2012-08-29 04:15:15 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I didn't say let's book tickets, because 25th-1st was not ok for me & I told you so but you didn't say ok, let's stay 1-2 days longer.
2012-08-29 04:14:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I blame you because you said nothing. :-( How to pick dates to book tickets if I don't know which dates are good for you?
2012-08-29 04:14:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I was not disinterested. I am sorry I seemed like that, but I wasn't. You know how much I would love to see you...
2012-08-29 03:59:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 25th to 3rd Nov. was fine, but then you sent me your plan with flight back on the 1st... Please darling, blaming each other solves nothing.
2012-08-29 03:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But how am I to know things if you say nothing? I wasn't reluctant, I was just not happy with 6 days...
2012-08-29 03:57:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not going ahead alone, nor dropping it without letting me know. Sigh. Blaming you is not my favorite way of resolving issues.
2012-08-29 03:56:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Clever? Why is it being clever? You make decisions without asking me. What should you do? Simple. Talk to me.
2012-08-29 03:55:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire and how your day is going. I miss you at the strangest times. (((hug)))going back to bed, dear...catch you soon! xoxo
2012-08-29 03:39:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why did I just read this message??? I'm sorry, my love!!! Truly! I woke up from sleep and thoughts drifted to you, and how you're feeling,
2012-08-29 03:38:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes fine, darling. Soft, tiny butterfly kisses to slip under your undershirt... to make you smile & delight you...
2012-08-29 02:59:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't tell me that you decided to drop it. You didn't even
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ask me... You simply did it & if I hadn't asked, I'd still not know... :-(
2012-08-29 02:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? That's exactly what I mean... Yes, I agreed that more days means more expense but there was not a word about dropping it.
2012-08-29 02:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yours, sweetened my dreams... Lil' :-) How are you feeling? Back to work? You sound better this morning, but please do take care...
2012-08-29 02:58:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. I am so glad you could sleep and well, too. Even in my sleep, I kept hugging and kissing you...
2012-08-29 02:57:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, when did I say to drop the Turkey trip? All I was trying to ask for is just 1-2 days more...I'd love to see you, to be with you. Please
2012-08-28 15:45:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of clothes you will wear tomorrow, even in your trousers pockets... :-) My darling, your lady misses you very very much. She loves you.
2012-08-28 15:43:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you find my lovely-scented, fresh morning kisses I left for you under your pillow, wrapped in your towel, on each piece
2012-08-28 15:43:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing else, just sleeping... It's as lovely & sweet as holding hands. Sigh. I hope the fever stays away & you wake up feeling fine.
2012-08-28 15:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as I hold you gently to the curve of my body, kissing your nape... I'd really really love to sleep with you, holding each other...
2012-08-28 15:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just me, sneaking under the covers to join you, darling. :-) I hope you are sleeping sweetly & you smile in your sleep
2012-08-28 15:41:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you once more... slowly, sweetly... if you let me do so... Good night, darling.
2012-08-28 13:31:22 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, I thought I was late... as nearly always. Glad you waited a few minutes. :-) Then, I will hold you. Oh, how happily I will do that! :-)
2012-08-28 13:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will join you shortly... You hold me or shall I snuggle up behind you and hold you to me?
2012-08-28 13:25:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Do sleep sweetly. Dream sweet dreams. A soft, slow kiss on your lips & a tight hug... .
2012-08-28 13:24:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am glad you slept and it helped. I just hope you can sleep in the night, you know?
2012-08-28 13:23:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to cuddle with you for long (in case you'd like to...) and then gently rock you to sleep...
2012-08-28 13:18:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was thinking about the same... You should have slept earlier or not so long... :-| But yes, you should try to sleep anyway.
2012-08-28 13:15:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's late there, you should sleep, darling...

2012-08-28 13:06:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok, I think. Had not much work to do...
2012-08-28 13:05:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... just a little something or a glass of milk. I too, hope that you feel good enough to go to work...
2012-08-28 13:04:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Back to work, tomorrow?

2012-08-28 12:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what are you doing? Just... you seem to be busy... Did you have lunch & dinner, too? How are you feeling now?
2012-08-28 12:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I haven't seen in you in a year... And God knows when I'll
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see you again, so... it would be nice to be with you a bit more than 6 days.
2012-08-28 12:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is no evening flight back to Hungary on the 1st. Only in the morning or early in the afternoon. So, that day doesn't count...
2012-08-28 12:32:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. Just... first you said we could spend 10 days there & ended up 7 nights & 6 days...
2012-08-28 12:28:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about our meeting? Or have you changed your mind? :-(
2012-08-28 12:10:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again and again...

2012-08-28 12:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to have those days again... Missing you.

2012-08-28 11:36:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... Sigh. Last year around the same time (US time) you were in the office and your lady, waiting for you...
2012-08-28 11:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But also not as a woman... :-( Hugging you, holding you too... Sniff. I wish you were here.
2012-08-28 10:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Close, very close... and not like a "thing"? :'-( Miss you, darling. I miss you so... :-(
2012-08-28 10:49:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I understand completely; dreams are like that for me as well. Sidebar- Remind me I must send you some pictures of the beach!
2012-08-28 10:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the truth is that I miss you very much and would love more than anything else to hug you close right now, to be held by you... :-(
2012-08-28 10:38:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And blonde! Lol! Isn't it funny how even when the person we see in our dreams doesn't match the reality, we know it's supposed to be them?
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2012-08-28 10:33:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha! Too funny! I am sorry you had this dream, though...what feeling did it leave you with upon waking?
2012-08-28 10:26:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire sounds like vagina/womb imagery

2012-08-28 10:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but there are things that need to be discussed and asking the other, too... No? But you, you decide things without asking me.
2012-08-28 10:14:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you feeling today? I'm concerned...

2012-08-28 10:13:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That you remember the detail of the profile pic!

2012-08-28 10:13:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The google rooms are so odd; do you know that freud's theory was that rooms/houses were representative of the female as well?
2012-08-28 10:11:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Body's natural defense mechanism to *raise* core body temperature. Just some advice from your medical professional.
2012-08-28 10:10:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Careful, by the way, with cold water and alcohol- it actually does the opposite of what you think. It can cause shivering, which is the
2012-08-28 10:09:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry, my love...this seems very disconcerting! Seems like a very understandable dream, however. The mother/lover conflict is palpable.
2012-08-28 10:08:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Things that hurt me. Things that made me sad. Things that your mind decided on its own... Such things.
2012-08-28 10:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The jar was symbolic...

2012-08-28 09:58:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Many little things were dropping into a jar, slowly, drop by drop. This was one drop too much. The jar is full...
2012-08-28 09:42:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've won. There's no future, you don't have to hold me or kiss me and you can cuddle up with your pillow... That's what you wanted, no?
2012-08-28 09:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I do miss you. Your touch, your kiss, the feel of you...
2012-08-28 09:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't hold you as a neutral something.

2012-08-28 09:13:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... it does not need to be fostered or revived or anything. At least not from my side.
2012-08-28 09:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even then, we shouldn't have been like that (your mind decided against us), but we were... What is there to foster? The feeling is there
2012-08-28 09:11:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because YOUR mind decided there's no future. You say now that we shouldn't be like that, but what about our US time?
2012-08-28 09:11:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it isn't the nicest feeling to know that you don't see me as a woman... I could as well be a man or anything... :-(
2012-08-28 08:53:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you think so... It makes no sense to tell you anything or to discuss with you.
2012-08-28 08:52:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and not just as... anyone or anything.

2012-08-28 08:45:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. It's not about sexual liveliness. It's about that you don't see me as a woman. And yes, I'd love to be held by you as a woman
2012-08-28 08:45:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well and feel better. See? It's because I was by your side...
2012-08-28 08:44:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss being with you. I miss hugging you, kissing you, holding you... the way a woman kisses and holds a man... :-(
2012-08-28 04:50:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You hurt me very much at times but... Sigh. I'll sit by your side as you sleep, keep changing the towel on your forehead, holding your hand.
2012-08-28 04:28:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Sleep well.

2012-08-28 04:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... :-|

2012-08-28 04:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kitty is ok. I can't keep her away from running and jumping around... Not good for her leg, but what can I do?
2012-08-28 04:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those lovely days... You... Sigh. I too, was thinking about you and missing you... Would have loved to be there with you...
2012-08-28 04:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ignore it & say nothing. So, I don't say it. And since your mind can do almost everything, maybe it can ease the fever, too.
2012-08-28 03:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, normally I'd say now I wish I was there to take care of you, to kiss the fever away, to make you feel better, but you would just
2012-08-28 03:32:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry.
2012-08-28 02:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like yesterday... Fever and cold better?

2012-08-28 02:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did they? Hmm

2012-08-28 02:30:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning. I am sorry you didn't sleep well.

2012-08-28 02:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you slept well and feel much better now.
2012-08-28 02:19:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You, you, you... Mostly, it's only about you and your mind and what it decides on its own. Then, enjoy yourself and your mind's company.
2012-08-27 14:38:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume you are sleeping... So, good night. Hope you are sleeping well.
2012-08-27 13:18:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your health, I'm worried. Hopefully, you didn't have to work today??
2012-08-27 10:15:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I slept not so well at first, then I settled and got to bed fine. I need to use this week to regulate myself. Please keep me posted about
2012-08-27 10:15:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That fever. Go crash, please! Do you think you have something viral or bacterial? When did this start?
2012-08-27 10:14:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, my love!!!! ::concern:: You need an entire face worth of kisses to feel better from that! But seriously, you need rest, and to sweat out
2012-08-27 10:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. You made me feel sad, so...

2012-08-27 10:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can hold a pillow as well... a pillow or me or something else... it's the same.
2012-08-27 10:04:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you feel sad? It's not me who doesn't see you as a man...
2012-08-27 10:04:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am not cross, just very sad. Have nothing more to say.
2012-08-27 08:49:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I don't wish to talk to you right now. You can discuss things with yourself, you seem to be very good at it. Take care...
2012-08-27 07:41:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-08-27 07:40:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feels wonderful to know that the man I love doesn't even think of me as a woman... and letting his mind decide things without asking me.
2012-08-27 07:24:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thanks.

2012-08-27 07:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not completely, but... you do not see/think of me as a woman, well or your body can't treat me as a woman... It does hurt.
2012-08-27 07:15:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... decided on its own about lack of future... Sorry. I don't need your sorry, but you... The Anand I knew...
2012-08-27 06:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought your feelings haven't changed either... at least you told me so, but... it wasn't true. And I find it sad that your mind
2012-08-27 06:51:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know why you are like that... Why you are not as sweet and attentive... Why you don't say you miss holding me, etc...
2012-08-27 06:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... feel proud of being a woman and now... you don't even think of me as a woman. :-( Yes, I am sad. It hurts.
2012-08-27 06:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel very sad right now. I... Sigh. My feelings for you haven't changed. Nothing has changed. But you... once you wanted to make me
2012-08-27 06:33:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your mind... Always your mind... Sad sigh. You can't treat me like a woman... :-( Those lively feelings are beautiful, not irresponsible.
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2012-08-27 06:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. No, I didn't say it. Glad it feels ok to be back...

2012-08-27 06:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And what did you mean by not knowing what to say or do? Hm?
2012-08-27 06:16:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you. Sniff.

2012-08-27 06:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rain? What rain? It didn't rain here. :-) How is the environment in the office? Are they glad that you are back? Was the work tiring?
2012-08-27 06:14:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should have stayed home & work from there. My poor poor sweet darling... Soft cool kisses on your forehead to chase the fever away...
2012-08-27 06:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. Just to hold you close, sway with you while watching the wind play with the leaves...I miss being held by you
2012-08-27 05:40:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok. Not as busy as my Mondays usually are. It's very nice outside. Maybe a bit too windy, but sunny and pleasant-warm.
2012-08-27 05:39:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be engrossed in work... Sigh. I really hope that you feel better. Did the people in the office miss you?
2012-08-27 05:39:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A deep soft kiss on your lips as a sweet reminder to have lunch... :-) Thinking about you, darling. Missing you...
2012-08-27 03:53:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet butterfly kisses on your shoulders, darling. And on your neck, behind your ears. On each fingertips... :-) Missing you. Sniff.
2012-08-27 02:20:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I hug you back and bury my face in your chest... You don't know what to say or do, as in?
2012-08-27 02:20:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ How was the drive to the office? Tell me, how does it feel to be back? Got loads of work? What will you try today? Not sure I understood...
2012-08-27 02:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ know I love nearly everything you write & these tweets... Sigh :-) The painting is very nice. Gentle & warm. I love the colors.
2012-08-27 02:18:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am not staying cloistered at home. And even though not a lot but I do have real friends too. I don't need many friends around me.
2012-08-27 02:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was your blanket, wrapped around you... Sigh. Yes, it would've been lovely to cuddle up with you. I slept ok, woke up just 2 times.
2012-08-27 02:17:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear, sweet sir. I am glad you slept well. How are you feeling? How's your cute nose? Throat ok? Headache's gone?
2012-08-27 02:16:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why I am telling you this... Blush. Just... hmmm. Maybe just wanted you to know that I still think of you that kind of way...
2012-08-26 15:15:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She still aches for your touch and kiss and all, anyway, she stopped doing "that" after meeting with you. It didn't feel right anymore...
2012-08-26 15:14:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still feel the same for you. And even if we don't talk about it anymore, your lady is still as lively as she was & still dreams of you...
2012-08-26 15:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly cold... I really wish I could be there to take care of you... sweetly, lovingly...
2012-08-26 15:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you, ache for you. More & more every day. :-( Hope your dreams are sweet & you wake up feeling some better.
2012-08-26 15:12:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... place it on my belly... Sigh, it would be so so beautiful... your

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body close to mine, your hand on my belly, my fingers between yours...

2012-08-26 15:12:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my darling, it's just your lovely lady in her tiny PJ's, slipping under the covers to wrap into you... Kissing your palm and
2012-08-26 15:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you, too. A lot lot lot and more. Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling. I will join you soon & snuggle into you...
2012-08-26 13:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I come to sit by your side for a while... softly kissing your eyes, temples... watching you smile in your sleep, caressing you...
2012-08-26 13:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A joy to watch/read your thoughts/words as they flow... Sigh. Yeah, that's my sweet darling sir...
2012-08-26 13:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The painting is very lovely. Thank you for sending it... I like it. Just as I love your tweets. Your writing is quite beautiful.
2012-08-26 13:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and ask them if you can work from home. 2 weeks away from work is a long time, but... it's not your fault that you don't feel well.
2012-08-26 13:10:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am really sorry I didn't get back in time to wish you good night. Please, if you don't feel better in the morning, call to the office
2012-08-26 13:09:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know that movie, will look it up. It would've been lovely to watch it together, lying next to you, a bowl of popcorn between us...
2012-08-26 13:09:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was an ok afternoon with lots of talking and yes, everyone liked my not so good looking cake.
2012-08-26 13:08:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. I am sorry for being away for so long... But I think I needed that... to stay away from home & from staring at the screen...
2012-08-26 13:07:21 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, I am off for now. Will be back in some time... Hope your day is lovely and you feel better.
2012-08-26 06:14:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure... :-|

2012-08-26 04:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I do miss you...

2012-08-26 04:14:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you weren't that talkative so... doesn't make any difference. I will be leaving in about 2 and a half hours. Enjoy your day.
2012-08-26 04:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Not so nice.

2012-08-26 04:05:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Indian woman's body. I find them beautiful. Well, then absorbed in other things... it's the same. And no missing poor lil' me... Sniff
2012-08-26 03:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. The curd setter put & lamp you bought in the village? Glad she liked them. Hm, I'd still love to wear a saree... even if I don't have
2012-08-26 03:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least no rain... It's hot here too, and windy.

2012-08-26 03:29:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Very very much. I wish I was there to take care of you, pamper you, like I did in the US... Just... to be with you...
2012-08-26 02:44:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My friend who gave Sandy a place to rest will be there too, so they will get of my cake, too. Smile, no my cats don't get any.
2012-08-26 02:44:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... felt like baking one. Kelvin, Frank (my ex) & his girlfriend will get a few slices of it. I will walk over to Maria around noon.
2012-08-26 02:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I admit, my cakes are not masterpieces but they are tasty :-) I don't know how it came out, it's in the fridge. I didn't make it for myself.
2012-08-26 02:43:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ See? You forgot... :-( You tend to forget about your lady and/or letting her things know. Sigh. Sure it's not a nice feeling...
2012-08-26 02:42:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's nice. Where was your mom? And for how long? What did you get for her? And which house did she like?
2012-08-26 02:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blame your phone, darling... No, bumping into things & sweating is not pleasant. Was it so hot there? Awww, my poor sweet sir.
2012-08-26 02:41:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was hoping your cold would get better... I am sorry your night was bad like that. I think you meant you need to find your bed in the dark.
2012-08-26 02:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling. I hug you gently to me and softly kiss you on your throat, chin, lips, nose, forehead... I slept a bit better.
2012-08-26 02:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I miss you, darling.

2012-08-25 15:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I do not swoon over him or so. Well, I know you wouldn't mind but... you wouldn't even mind if someone proposed to me. :-(
2012-08-25 15:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I do appreciate the beauty of a woman & when I see a well-built, attractive man, I too, think to myself "mmm, not bad" but
2012-08-25 15:12:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly & don't plan to wake up early. I join you in a bit & hold you close to my not so smooth & firm curves. Sniff
2012-08-25 14:40:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow will all look brighter & happier ;-) I tiptoe to your bed & bend down to kiss your forehead, gently caressing your arm, chest...
2012-08-25 14:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was your sleeping time, darling. So, I don't find it so bad that you had to lie in the dark...I just wish I could've cuddled up to you...
2012-08-25 14:37:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am sorry your homecoming wasn't so joyous. Glad your mom arrived, too. Did she enjoy her trip?
2012-08-25 14:37:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... & also ignored my welcome home hug, etc. Maybe it's silly, but... your lady was so happy & then...the uninterested you spoiled her mood.
2012-08-25 14:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the truth to be told, I was a bit upset with you. No, I wasn't pouting, just... hmm. Yes, because you didn't tell me that you reached...
2012-08-25 14:36:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was away from my laptop. I felt like baking a cake. So, I did... without eggs. It looks ok so far... and smells so good! :-)
2012-08-25 14:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep well and long. Have sweet dreams. Hope you feel better tomorrow...
2012-08-25 12:26:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you seem to be getting ready for bed or unpacking or busy with something else... Hope your mom reaches safely.
2012-08-25 12:26:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kitty is not so good but very annoying at times. Poor you. Have a slight headache, too.
2012-08-25 12:08:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just in time... I was about to leave my laptop & wish you good night. Pizza sounds yummy. Day was hot. Other than that, nothing special.
2012-08-25 12:07:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's strange, indeed. Again- which pizza do you have? Well, then... bon appetit.
2012-08-25 10:40:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I meant hard or soft cover. Hmmm, your lady was waiting for you with her arms open but you... Never mind. You missed the hug & kiss...
2012-08-25 10:38:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, she went on a trip, too? Nice. Then, you can exchange your experiences with her once she is home.
2012-08-25 10:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did. Thank you. That's gorgeous. So beautiful! Just imagine... how many hours and work was put into it...
2012-08-25 10:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why hunting for the keys? Is your mom not at home? Which pizza did you order? One of those 3000 ones?
2012-08-25 10:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Thanks for letting me know that you reached... and receiving my welcome home hug & kiss... :-|
2012-08-25 10:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you got your books and are happy now. Hard or soft, just... real book. And yes, I won't admire... so, let it be.
2012-08-25 10:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, does it mean you reached home? Will you let me hug you tight & kiss you a sweet happy welcome home?
2012-08-25 10:12:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I surely won't admire the curves of a woman you are swooning over. :-| Period. You seem to love it when I pout.
2012-08-25 09:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, I do prefer real books... How was the Lighthousekeeping? And yes, true... anyone or anything beautiful can be admired.
2012-08-25 09:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the "to". Just a little traffic and soon you will be home... :-) You go nowhere without your beloved Nook, right? Smile.
2012-08-25 09:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh so happy! Wish I was there to welcome you home with a gentle squeeze & the sweetest kiss... Where does your nose run? ;-p
2012-08-25 09:10:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My darling, it's around 18:00 ... Have you landed? Had a good flight? Your lady can't wait to wrap you in her arms... :-)
2012-08-25 08:46:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... Sigh. :-)

2012-08-25 05:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) mmm, hope you know if you keep kissing my fingers, I will pull you to me and kiss you deeply, passionately sweetly... ;-)
2012-08-25 05:14:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You take care too. I was wrong... you are not sweet at all. :-( Poor lil' me... Sniff. Hiding my fingers with... hmmm... whatever. :-D
2012-08-25 05:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awwww :-( Envied yes but not admired. :-( Hiding my nose with my hand so you can't kiss it!
2012-08-25 05:05:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet, very sweet... Sniff. Will head out in a bit... and hopefully I get to see some handsome six-packed guys. ;-p Have a pleasant flight.
2012-08-25 04:58:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... instead of drawing your lady to you and kissing her. Tzzz. :-|
2012-08-25 04:52:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! I withdraw the cuddle and all... Your poor lil' lovely lady is missing you terribly & you... swoon over the curves of that blonde girl
2012-08-25 04:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I had a cool shower, it kept me cool for 5 min. :-|
2012-08-25 04:51:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, how I wish I was there when you come home! I would cuddle you and kiss you all over, on and on, for hours on end... ;-)
2012-08-25 04:51:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet stuffy-nosed darling! :-) Wow, 4 hours? Glad you got an earlier one, so you will be home sooner. :-)
2012-08-25 04:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here is the missing "s". Sigh. I think I need to clean my keyboard again. :-) Today will be as hot as yesterday, btw.
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2012-08-25 02:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One more trip and you are home... :-) I wish you were coming home to me... igh. Missing you, darling.
2012-08-25 02:24:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kitty kept me from sleeping, she was crying, wanted to go outside. Tummy is better, headache is still there.
2012-08-25 02:23:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If yes, please do apply a drop of it under your nose. Seems like we both didn't sleep well last night.
2012-08-25 02:23:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on the tip of your poor cute nose, lightly massaging your temples... :-) Does your sister have Tiger balm?
2012-08-25 02:22:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. :-) I am so glad you reached there safely. My hello to your sister & nephew.
2012-08-25 02:22:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know....something. Anything natural.

2012-08-25 00:51:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My kids come before my breath, Nevermind food and sleep!

2012-08-24 23:55:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I can ease into an even breath, but am alert and clear instead of calm.
2012-08-24 23:53:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Buried in My hair. Just being. Just happy.

2012-08-24 23:52:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish you were here as well. I just want to hold you, I have this image of standing up, holding you, my head on your chest, your nose in
2012-08-24 23:51:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's making me quite irritable and inefficient in my tasks.

2012-08-24 22:52:27 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Sigh, yes...I still have not been sleeping well at all.
2012-08-24 22:52:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I see you pop up in my inbox. Every time.

2012-08-24 22:51:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Anand, I love getting closer to you, it's a delight...and it scares the living hell out of me! You're...wonderful. :-) I smile every time
2012-08-24 22:51:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Rides, etc...sort of a carnival like atmosphere.

2012-08-24 21:20:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I feel badly not having taken more pictures now! A boardwalk is literally a wide walkway made off the sand, to walk and eat and play games,
2012-08-24 21:20:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I HAVE heard of this temple, yes...and I am trying to recall just where/who mentioned it....
2012-08-24 21:19:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Contemplating trying them. I'm dead set against it.

2012-08-24 21:18:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So much as it's the hours I need to regulate. I have tried everything I know, including what you sent me. I have been staring at the bottle
2012-08-24 21:18:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Don't remember my dreams...neither were good. I finally broke down and talked to the doctor about a sleeping pill. It's not my lack of sleep
2012-08-24 21:17:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, no!!!! I never want to worry you!! I'm sorry. :-( I have actually not been sleeping well...I had two dreams this week, and I normally
2012-08-24 21:16:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you wake up feeling much better & you reach safe & sound. Anand... my sweet sweet Anand. Whispering your name into the
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2012-08-24 16:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I miss you! How I wish you were really in my arms... Sigh. Hope you are sleeping peacefully my sweet, gentle darling. :-)
2012-08-24 16:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I fell asleep, woke up, had a yoghurt & now I kiss your cheek, wrap you in my arms & hold you close as I fade back into sleep...
2012-08-24 16:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep now, darling. Your lady is holding you...

2012-08-24 12:27:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, maybe it's the heat & no proper sleeping. I slept 3-4 hours in the last 3 days and very light.
2012-08-24 12:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so sweet! :-) My tummy would be happy, not to mention your lady... ;-) Wish we were together now, taking care of each other.
2012-08-24 12:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now? Wow, slow dms... I don't know darling, but I think I will feed my cats & lie down again. Feeling really, really unwell. :-|
2012-08-24 12:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep undisturbed. :-) Good night. Yes, I will join you very very soon and hug you tenderly to me...
2012-08-24 12:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, silly silly me, I came too late... :-( I am so sorry. Sigh. A sweet slow kiss on your lips, darling. Sleep soundly in beautiful dreams.
2012-08-24 11:59:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What did you read? Reading is always good, I just thought your eyes were hurting, too. Kissing my sweet darling... Missing you.
2012-08-24 11:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was so hoping it isn't a cold... Then, no socks in an AC-ed compartment isn't that good. Wish I was there to take care of you. :-)
2012-08-24 11:50:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep. Took a shower & was just lying on the
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couch...Darling, I am not feeling well at all. Head & tummy is bad, feeling nauseated.
2012-08-24 11:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Sorry for being away for so long. Thank you for fanning me & for your kisses. Sigh. Sweet, sweet lovely you... mmm :-)
2012-08-24 11:48:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire chat! When do you leave for home?

2012-08-24 09:23:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire to see this temple; this is not the first I've heard of it! Must be exquisite!!! How are you? I miss you so much, can't wait until we can
2012-08-24 09:22:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Home until after midnight last night!! The days get longer as they get older, I guess. They can tolerate the later hours now. I cannot WAIT
2012-08-24 09:21:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, my heart! I have been a busy busy bee the past couple of days! Brought kids to the beach boardwalk (lots of pictures), didn't get
2012-08-24 09:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will look for you in a bit. Ok? Please you too... rest a little. Please.
2012-08-24 09:00:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, is it ok if I leave you alone for now? The insufficient sleep & this heat exhaust me. I need some rest, can't help it.
2012-08-24 08:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your temples, darling. Just... sit back and rest. :-) No reading or so... don't strain your lovely eyes. :-)
2012-08-24 08:45:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't think you have a cold. Anyway... you easily get a cold. No socks was a good idea, you don't need them in the train. :-)
2012-08-24 08:43:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, it rained very much there... hopefully not but maybe you got a cold or so.
2012-08-24 08:28:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my poor sweet darling... do you have any cold drink with you? You should drink much & please try to rest. Ok?
2012-08-24 08:21:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant how are you feeling now? And the "still hot" was a question, the eroteme :-) is missing. Smile. And blushing too.
2012-08-24 08:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please know, that I will be thinking of you... :-) Hugging you tight & softly kissing your lips... How are feeling now? Still hot
2012-08-24 08:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thak you for the clear answer. No misunderstandings this time. :-) Please take care darling & hope you have a decent, safe journey.
2012-08-24 08:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... such a long journey! Wish I could be with you, darling. It would be more fun & not boring at all... :-)
2012-08-24 08:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And where will you stay/sleep. Oh! And did I tell you, I miss you? :-) I do, daring. So, so so very much. :-)
2012-08-24 06:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, does it mean I shall kiss you & hug you now & wish you a pleasant journey? Take care darling. You didn't tell me how long is the trip...
2012-08-24 06:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can join me if you would like to. I would love it a lot. ;-) Sigh! Please. Oh please, do join me! Please please please :-)
2012-08-24 06:52:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Sometimes your lady has some good ideas too... ;-) I am glad the cold water helped. Yes, wash again... & I will take a cold shower...
2012-08-24 06:51:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Are you sure I didn't tell you? Well, now you know... But I am still very sure I did.
2012-08-24 06:50:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Btw, I told you that my ex is German, no? I am pretty sure I did.
2012-08-24 06:35:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! It's really really hot here. Your lady is all sweaty, feeling bleh. :-|
2012-08-24 06:34:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, no. Everything that needs to be translated. And if there's nothing, then I do some other paper work.
2012-08-24 06:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Packaging logistics! Or something like this.

2012-08-24 06:20:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, the stickers need to be made, first. I will get them next week.
2012-08-24 06:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here's the link... It's all about packaging/wrapping etc. & also developing them...
2012-08-24 06:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? ;-) Glad it felt good. Bathing in cold water would be too much... but maybe you could wash your feet, too :-)
2012-08-24 06:08:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, he is German. I don't know how to say in English. There's a website but only in Germ. or in Hung.
2012-08-24 06:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! I wish I was there, sitting with you in the lounge... Missing you.
2012-08-24 05:57:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hopefully it's not a fever. Maybe you are just tired, no? Come, let me check it darling... and then hug you & kiss your eyes & forehead...
2012-08-24 05:57:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, was the restaurant & food so bad? My poor darling... :-) Please wash your face with cold water & drink something cold & refreshing.
2012-08-24 05:56:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And yes, stickers... magnetic ones. I don't need them, but my ex & 2 managers for their cars.
2012-08-24 05:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ex's Hungarian is terrible & can't translate the emails, contracts, texts, etc. from Germ. to Hung. and vice versa. Simple.
2012-08-24 05:55:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. They say today will be the hottest day of this year. :-| It isn't a translation company. I just do this because my
2012-08-24 05:55:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A million soft little butterfly kisses for my darling sir, to keep him sweet company... :-) Maybe you don't really do, but I miss you. A lot
2012-08-24 04:13:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case I don't get back in time- wishing you a safe trip with no annoying co-passengers. Please take care & let me know when you reach.
2012-08-24 04:13:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, have to step out for a bit. No, no shopping, ordering magnetic company signs for the cars.
2012-08-24 04:12:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso! I did not know... When? And how long is the trip to Delhi? Will you stay at your sister's or your friend's place?
2012-08-24 03:42:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... poor camel. Sniff :-) Anyway, I am sure it looks beautiful & feels lovely to hold... Today!? You said you travel back on the 25th!
2012-08-24 03:08:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds wonderful! It was interesting, yes? Pinkish hue like your lady's cheeks when she is blushing? Smile.
2012-08-24 03:07:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Freshly showered, in a towel...hugging you close to me, kissing you deeply... letting my hands go on their journey under your undershirt ;-)
2012-08-24 02:38:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And didn't miss me at all... How are you? Where are you? How is the weather? What's planned for the day? Missing you, darling...
2012-08-24 02:37:44 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ 2 recipes, good meal, good chat with the chef, a beautiful day spent in Ranakpur...I just thought you forgot about me in your happiness :-(
2012-08-24 02:36:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such confusions come from you. Sometimes you just tell a part of what you mean... and sadly, I can't read your mind, darling.
2012-08-24 02:35:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, I thought you had a little something for dinner and that you could've finished in 30 min. :-)
2012-08-24 02:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I would have so loved to have you by my side like that! Sigh. And painting pictures on my palm which I can see in my dreams...
2012-08-24 02:34:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you slept well, I was awake around the time when you dm-ed me... and around midnight & at 4:30 too... thank kitty. :-|
2012-08-24 02:33:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. Mmmm, if I was there, we could have cuddled early in the morning... I so miss that! Those joyous mornings...
2012-08-24 02:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or to be here for you when things aren't that fine... But maybe you don't see this. Sigh. Hope you are sleeping happily...
2012-08-23 14:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You finally had a beautiful day & enjoyed it. That matters. It's about you- your smile & all. Always. I know you write to me when you can...
2012-08-23 14:43:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if I didn't do so, I would have missed you... And was waiting for you all day & was so happy when you returned... Anyway, never mind.
2012-08-23 14:42:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... other things to do than to sit here & wait for you or to run here every few minutes to check her dms, et cetera... you know?
2012-08-23 14:42:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Then the waiting... Please do not misunderstand me, I amhappy when you are having a good time and all, but your lady too, has...
2012-08-23 14:41:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course not. One should do nothing while eating. You wrote that you are feeling full, so I thought you were done with dinner.
2012-08-23 14:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was waiting & waiting... then you come, told me you had a good meal & time, then went to bed. Wow, really?
2012-08-23 12:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's nice that you are happy. I am glad for you, truly but you tend to get lost in your happiness & forget about... hmm, sigh. :-(
2012-08-23 12:49:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes... I just didn't know it took over 1 & a half hrs... Anyway, never mind. And yes, I did & do miss you... But... just forget. Good night
2012-08-23 12:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, for the last time- good night. Sleep well.
2012-08-23 12:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, it's late there that's the 2nd reason I wished you good night. It was expected when you come, you say you go to bed...
2012-08-23 12:44:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, because I was waiting for you but didn't want to wait any longer, so... wished you good night. Simple. Glad your mom & all is well.
2012-08-23 12:42:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice for you. No, I am not off to sleep.

2012-08-23 12:34:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, tiny kisses along your lips... I did miss you, very much. Good night.
2012-08-23 11:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think I shall leave you alone in your happiness and wish you good night. Sleep happily with sweet smiles.
2012-08-23 11:43:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish so too... And a slow walk back for a lovely way to
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end the day... I am glad your day was a good, nice one. Finally...
2012-08-23 11:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you smile... so, all is fine.

2012-08-23 10:56:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not bad. Feeling honored and delighted now?

2012-08-23 10:51:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry they didn't have it... Did you get the recipe?
2012-08-23 10:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... well, thank you... That soup sounds nice & light... They will have it. Take care.
2012-08-23 10:00:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No buttermilk shake? Wow! May I come with you? Missed you...
2012-08-23 09:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, no headache. Kitty is hanging in there...

2012-08-23 09:40:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, in this case yes... :-)

2012-08-23 09:17:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you sound like a lil' boy on Christmas eve... ;-p Your lady smiles with you.
2012-08-23 09:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could rush there somehow. Now! And watch all the pictures together... But I can't. Sad sigh.
2012-08-23 09:04:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Imagine if it was popular... :-| Maybe it would not be as beautiful as it is now... Missed you, darling.
2012-08-23 09:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you share some pics with me... Hmm, I think it's good that it is ignored by India & people are unaware of it.
2012-08-23 09:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Visiting that place was your best idea in these 2 weeks. :-) I googled for it, read a bit about it & saw pics... Yes, absolutely gorgeous.
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2012-08-23 08:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... those songs & hoping for sunshine... :-) As I told you- your lady knows something. ;-p Unfortunately we have now bad weather :-D
2012-08-23 08:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, my darling! I am so happy for you that you finally had a real beautiful day! :-) Your lady was thinking of you, singing...
2012-08-23 08:58:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! :-) Hugging you back, with my arms & legs wrapped around you, trying to kiss you as you twirl me...
2012-08-23 08:58:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know, I said it way too much but still... I wish I was there... you and me- together... :-(
2012-08-23 07:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... Sigh. I hope all is well with you. Been reading about Ranakpur & the temple & all... Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.
2012-08-23 07:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also hope you had a nice lunch... :-) Yes, your lovely-bratty lady is thinking of you, missing you... Soft kisses for you- all over you.
2012-08-23 05:24:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are having a beautiful day, my darling & that this time, there's nothing that can spoil the day... :-)
2012-08-23 05:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I so wish I could be there with you... Missing my sweet sir! Sniff. Soft, nibbling kisses along your jaw & on your earlobes... :-)
2012-08-23 02:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...enjoying the surroundings and all... :-) Please if you have time, do go to the Sun temple too. How's the food there? Be careful...ok? :-)
2012-08-23 02:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will check out that place... I hope the weather stays fine and besides taking pics, you also take the time to walk around a bit,
2012-08-23 02:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My morning was a bit packed, I didn't do the daily chores

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yesterday & the kitchen was quite messy, so had to clean up first...
2012-08-23 02:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So happy the weather is fine! I did sing the songs, so... ;-) The funny thing is that now, it's cloudy here... Feels good, the air is fresh.
2012-08-23 02:48:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you so much, darling- I felt your kisses and how you pulled up my sleepy-top... just to see my tiny belly button. ;-p
2012-08-23 02:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I simply crashed...sorry I couldn't manage to dm you...but was hugging you all night :-) I slept lightly, don't really feel well rested.
2012-08-23 02:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. :-) Glad you slept well though I do think you should sleep a bit more... Oh I was so extremely tired yest.!
2012-08-23 02:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will surely join you asap... I just wish I could really do that... Missing you. Please sleep now.
2012-08-22 13:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how early was it today? Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly with butterflies-colored happy dreams :-) Kissing you softly on your eyes
2012-08-22 13:13:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) They seem to do this often nowadays... they like to hug each other halfway... ;-)
2012-08-22 13:11:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too. Will sing the no-rain & the sun-come-out song before sleeping. Ok? :-) How early?
2012-08-22 13:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I thought you fell asleep... Yes please, it's late there...
2012-08-22 13:09:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Don't you wish to sleep? It's late there...
2012-08-22 12:58:14 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I understood... :-)

2012-08-22 12:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well yes, rest falls into place... My body could use more exercise- it's aging :-( & I do try to keep my mind active... :-)
2012-08-22 12:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hygiene is very important to me, darling. I try to eat healthy & properly but sometimes it doesn't work- upset stomach, stress, etc...
2012-08-22 12:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And will have dinner, too. Shortly. Seems like you really want me to have sturdy arms. ;-p
2012-08-22 12:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be so nice... I'd be so happy... Sigh. Kitty is not so well but hanging in there. Poor thing. Yep, didn't skip a meal. :-)
2012-08-22 12:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wish I could sleep in your lovely arms... :-(

2012-08-22 12:15:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, my sweetness, will do it.

2012-08-22 12:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It came from nowhere and vanished into the mist... :-) I laid down for a bit & closed my eyes. Didn't really help...
2012-08-22 12:02:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So... you don't miss me, so I walk away now... slowly, my head down, sniffling... Your poor lil' lady. Nice tweets. Very lovely. :-)
2012-08-22 11:19:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww you... :-(

2012-08-22 11:05:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, your kiss makes me want to get more... Smile. Sigh. Why are you not here? :-(
2012-08-22 10:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. My sweet darling Anand, I miss you! Sniff. Your lady's like a lil' girl when she's overtired. Kisses on your eyes & fingertips :-)
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2012-08-22 10:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... reading/writing... :-) Will you do that for me. Please... :-)
2012-08-22 10:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I will try this nap thingy again... curled up next to you. You can occasionally kiss your lady's cheek or caress her hair while
2012-08-22 10:38:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, maybe so but as long as I can take a shower, all is fine. Hugging you back darling and kissing you too. :-)
2012-08-22 10:38:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... lady loves markets and she also wanted to go on a walk with you and you said nothing! But I'd love to have the hug... ;-p
2012-08-22 10:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't nap. :-( But I took a shower... What!??? And you didn't take your lady with you!? Waaahhhh :-( But but... you know that your
2012-08-22 10:14:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. :-( I miss my sweet cuddle-bear, his soft tummy-pillow, his gentle hands, fingers, lips... all! :-(
2012-08-22 09:44:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's no time for nap but I can't help it... I need to lie down, just for 30 min. or so. And you are not here to cuddle up to... waahhh
2012-08-22 09:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you!

2012-08-22 09:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then the shake and a little something, please. :-)
2012-08-22 09:36:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And dinner together, too. No buttermilk shake. :-)

2012-08-22 09:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, after the cuddle and the massage and of course covering my back in your kisses, maybe an evening walk...? :-)
2012-08-22 09:04:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Growing list, as in? Wow, staring at the ceiling is quite exciting.
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;-p And? Do you have no all things?

2012-08-22 09:01:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daahling... I would really love to have you here with me now! Hmmm, a massage would be lovely too... and those kisses & hugs :-)
2012-08-22 08:22:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No time to nap, darling. I slept 3-4 hours last night. Not that much.
2012-08-22 08:20:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just about an hour? What else did you do? Reading? Pondering? :-) Smile, actually I am in a bikini... just for you... to kiss my back ;-p
2012-08-22 08:19:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is hot and sunny here. Your lady is not overdressed- bratty smile, still... I am melting! And yawning. Really sleepy...
2012-08-22 07:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you were napping, no? I would love to cuddle up with you like that. God, I wouldn't want to get out of bed. Smile.
2012-08-22 07:44:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whooshing to you on tiptoe, grab you & give you a deep long kiss. So! There you have it! ;-p I am kinda tired, darling. Wilted.
2012-08-22 07:44:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, too... :-) A lot lot lot.

2012-08-22 07:34:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling...
2012-08-22 07:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet soft slow kiss on your lips... mmm... :-)

2012-08-22 04:23:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Very much. I'd really love to nap with you now... with you, holding me from behind, your hand on my belly... Sigh.
2012-08-22 04:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Headache is better, thanks. Actually, I don't have them often nowadays. Kitty is sleeping or crying or just lying around. Poor thing. :-(
2012-08-22 04:21:50 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... the shopping cart in the wrong place! :-D Maybe you can go for a short walk or visit a nice place near you after napping. What say?
2012-08-22 04:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Spitting out of the window and throwing things around is a no way! Even if uncivilized, but this... :-| Your lady doesn't even leave
2012-08-22 04:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A poorly maintained temple is ok, but it's sad that it was messy & dirty. Temples shouldn't be like that.
2012-08-22 04:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you had a nice lunch & that you didn't eat that oily stuff. So, the trip was quite disappointing, yes?
2012-08-22 04:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you! Now you show your dark side! God! ;-p No pillory, no pills or leash, nothing like that. Unbelievable! :-D
2012-08-22 04:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... nuzzle your chest & doze off... Would you please play with my hair? I'd love it a lot...
2012-08-22 04:18:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you should place a chair near the door or something else. Welcome back, my darling. I wish I was there to cuddle up you and
2012-08-22 04:18:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft kisses all over my darling. Your lady would have really loved to be with you on your trips...
2012-08-22 02:48:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my loveliness? Why didn't you have breakfast? Hm? Did you eat something now? If not, please do so asap... but not too much.
2012-08-22 02:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stupid rain! Be glad you are not in Jaipur now. But hopefully the rain will stop so you can enjoy your little trip. How is the temple?
2012-08-22 02:46:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ 80 km is about a hour trip, well... not in a rickety bus. Hope it doesn't fell apart on the way back... :-) Do take care.
2012-08-22 02:46:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lazy? Me??? When? I wasn't lazy yesterday. Busy, yes. I am taking care, don't you worry... :-) Anyway, I miss you & wish you were here!
2012-08-22 02:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleeping pills and leash!? Oh darling... :-) She is in pain & can barely walk, so it is not that hard to keep her away from running around.
2012-08-22 02:44:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep on the couch & woke up several times. My head aches. Yes, true... accidents happen. :-(
2012-08-22 02:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my lovely, lovely darling. Thank you so much for holding me... :-) Glad you slept well, your lady didn't...
2012-08-22 02:43:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That in and of itself would be so comforting and peaceful.

2012-08-21 23:29:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is your trip going??? Relaxing? I miss you very much...I wish we could be getting into bed for the night together, feeling you near me.
2012-08-21 23:29:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Me too! Lulls me right to sleep!

2012-08-21 23:14:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am not a dancer in the rain, but I love hearing it beat on the roof, love the sound of thunder...find it so comforting
2012-08-21 22:44:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ? What did it say???

2012-08-21 22:25:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired & hungry, too. But I come to sit by your side for a while...watching you sleep sweetly, holding your hand. Kissing your forehead
2012-08-21 13:54:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The rule there is simple yet contains the most important thing. I like it. It's a good one. :-)
2012-08-21 13:53:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And she didn't get painkiller, just to feel the pain, otherwise she wouldn't be careful of her leg. Oh and she is crying... :-(
2012-08-21 13:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, much rest and no walking around or jumping on things for a week. God, it will be hard to keep her away from walking, etc.
2012-08-21 13:52:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... bone back together & he said it costs too much & it is not really worth it. It will heal within a month but she will be limping. :-(
2012-08-21 13:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back and sad. The vet said it cannot be fixed because 1. back leg and 2. it broke at the joint. :-( It requires surgery to put the
2012-08-21 13:51:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, love...sweet dreams! :-)

2012-08-21 12:54:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. One last quick hug and a sweet kiss on my darling's lips and whoosh...
2012-08-21 11:47:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a few hours... Please do leave enough space next to you for your lady. :-)
2012-08-21 11:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, let me wish you good night... Sleep soundly. Dream happily. Soft kisses on your chest & around your navel. :-)
2012-08-21 11:43:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. I agree with you. But no rules at all is also not that good... Getting ready, darling.
2012-08-21 11:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I need you all the time, darling. :-) So, it's ok...
2012-08-21 11:25:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are comfortable in that mess because they got used to it.
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Smile, I would love to sit there watching them...Sure I wouldn't get bored.
2012-08-21 11:22:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) You are sweet, do you know that? Please if you wish to sleep then do it. You need not stay awake.
2012-08-21 11:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you? What is my sweet sir doing?

2012-08-21 11:12:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, smiling at the pic that you sent me... Funny. And chaotic. I am quite amazed at how people can drive in such a mess... Huh? :)
2012-08-21 11:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I will leave in about 40 min.

2012-08-21 11:09:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, that's not enough at all! And be careful, too much thick buttermilk shake is not good for your delicate tummy. ;-)
2012-08-21 11:09:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, had dinner? No? Please do eat something.

2012-08-21 11:05:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be really nice to have you here with me now... My sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-08-21 11:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for understanding... I am not strong in such situations. I think it pains me more than it pains them...
2012-08-21 10:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She is awake now & it's so heartbreaking to hear her cry like that. Yes, perhaps I worry too much... I am sorry darling.
2012-08-21 10:51:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have to go look; it twitter before the emails. :-) I wish I was with you too--anywhere, really! I think we'd have a fantastic time. <3
2012-08-21 10:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, she will be fine... just like Sandy, yes? :-( Thank you for hugging me, I so needed that... I so wish you were here now.
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2012-08-21 10:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And missing you.

2012-08-21 10:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sad, darling.

2012-08-21 10:20:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Warm blanket or any warm is not good for such injury... Warm only makes it worse. Oh darling, I so hope the vet can fix her poor leg :-(
2012-08-21 10:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The last thing she wanted to do is to eat. She got to drink lactose free milk (she loves it) & your lady soothed her. She's now sleeping.
2012-08-21 10:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes daring, he does that. Always. For some reason, my cats love his car. He did all that & even opened the hood & checked the engine...
2012-08-21 10:16:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, true... poor boy... but still a boy. :-) A cool shower would be nice, anyway, no time...
2012-08-21 10:00:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... till I got her back. I think her left back leg is broken. :'-( I need to take her to the vet, but he is away now & comes back in 2 hrs.
2012-08-21 09:53:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just saw as she ran out from under the car & out to the street & into a neighbour's yard. She was so scared & cried & it took a while...
2012-08-21 09:52:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Laila, the black cat lady was under my ex's car or was hiding somewhere else... on the top of the wheel or so and he didn't see it.
2012-08-21 09:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, he is a boy! Pie is a girl name. Darling, it is very hot here and quite a hectic afternoon... :-(
2012-08-21 09:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, here in Hungary and also in Germany and I think in Europe it is pronounced pee. :-D
2012-08-21 09:07:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Smile, I would say that too. ;-p Pi, as in the Pi 3.14? Hmmm... the problem is, it is pronounced like pee... :-|
2012-08-21 07:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Now I know... you just wanted to shoo me away so you can rest! Awww... sniff. ;-p
2012-08-21 07:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It should be short and contain the letter "i".

2012-08-21 07:39:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Please do think about a new name for our poor Portsmouth. He's now one year old... still without a proper name. :-(
2012-08-21 07:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I did. I loved it. Can't wait to see more... :-)
2012-08-21 07:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I love when you distract me. ;-p I'd rather be there, cuddle and rest with you... curled into each other. Sniff. Miss you, darling.
2012-08-21 07:34:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What!? You didn't even start with the lampshade? Cheater! :-|
2012-08-21 07:27:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I checked my mail... Wow, gorgeous! And this made by simple folks... Very beautiful. Thank you for sending that pic to me. :-)
2012-08-21 07:25:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, but besides the dms, I have some work to do... so, shuttling between dms and work.
2012-08-21 07:24:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only... yes, that would be so so lovely! I mean to enjoy the evening together and all... Oh how I miss you now! Sniff.
2012-08-21 07:23:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, not yet... but will do it now. :-)

2012-08-21 07:16:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Thank you. And you didn't tell me the lampshade is unfinished. And I was just waiting and waiting... & thought you forgot about
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2012-08-21 07:15:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... they walked too fast. As in, they demanded an exorbitant pace. :-D I am so sorry... Well, I would have paid their rates...
2012-08-21 07:15:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. God, how much I am blushing now! I misunderstood something. I thought you were walking around with them in the village and
2012-08-21 07:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. So, so, so much! Much more than you think I do... :-)
2012-08-21 07:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, all I wish is to sit with you in the lounge, stretched out, your arm around my shoulder, sipping fresh cold mango juice... or something
2012-08-21 07:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, my poor darling, wish I could massage your feet while you are telling me all the tales of the day. Is it hot there? Really? Here too.
2012-08-21 07:02:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take pics of the painting & lamps...I'd love to see them. Btw I still wait for the pic of the lampshade you made with your nephew.
2012-08-21 07:01:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why didn't you tell the guys to slow down? Gosh! That's crazy! No bus from the village to the city... or anything? Nothing?
2012-08-21 07:00:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is hugging you back & kissing you softly...then she's rubbing her nose against yours & kissing you again... & again & again... :-)
2012-08-21 07:00:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No cake but our boy (still needs a proper name!) got a toy & yummy chew sticks... and yes, wished them happy b-day on your behalf, too. :-)
2012-08-21 06:59:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hi darling. Just got back, too. :-) I wasn't shopping but yes, stopped by the sore on my way home to get milk, fresh bread & cat food.
2012-08-21 06:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One more kiss on your lips... a :-) and a sigh and whoosh... :-)
2012-08-21 04:48:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops, well in case you are wearing a shirt...if not, then... imagine that you are wearing one... & my fingers, unbuttoning those buttons ;-)
2012-08-21 04:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had lunch? Was it good? Not too heavy or too much? Please be careful... :-) Hope you are having a very lovely day there... Missing you.
2012-08-21 04:35:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I need to step out for a bit. Will be back asap... Till then, soft kisses on your throat, above the top button... :-)
2012-08-21 04:35:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, do you remember... your poor nose... I would so love to have those days again... And you, in my arms.
2012-08-21 02:56:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope it isn't raining & you enjoy your day. A soft deep kiss on your lips, darling. And a nose-rub & a gentle squeezing hug too :-)
2012-08-21 02:49:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I checked out that place. Darling, it's pretty charming... I so wish I could spend the day there with you. Sigh! Miss you too. So so much!
2012-08-21 02:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But please, do listen when I say I feel there's something not quite right... without getting angry or upset. Ok?
2012-08-21 02:48:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No need to be sorry. All is fine now. :-) If I had known what I know now, I would not have been that pushy & annoying. Blush.
2012-08-21 02:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you get my DMs... How is my dear sir today? Some happier & smiling? I think I slept well too, though woke up with headache.
2012-08-21 02:46:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, good morning. :-) I got both, the email & your DMs. I think it's not a twitter problem but the network there...
2012-08-21 02:46:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I softly kiss you behind your ear & curl into you... If only... Sigh! Hope your sleep is sweet, my darling. See you in dreams...
2012-08-20 16:07:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do think that you have all the puzzle pieces, you just have to put them together somehow. From my puzzle, there's a piece is missing...
2012-08-20 16:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You... you at least know why you are confused. Many times I just feel restless, irritable, frustrated... & don't even know why.
2012-08-20 15:45:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how your lady was jumping around trying to have your attention... how she was hoping you'd grab her & hold her close... Sniff.
2012-08-20 13:02:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really thought you got bored of me or so... and that I am a bother to you. Not a nice feeling, darling.
2012-08-20 12:55:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you say nothing, how am I to know...? I just felt there's something not quite ok & told you so but then... you were upset with me :-(
2012-08-20 12:52:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is sad. But at least now she knows why you are distant and kinda aloof...
2012-08-20 12:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips back... softly, slowly... hugging my sweet sir to me. Sigh. I will join you in a bit, feeling tired too.
2012-08-20 12:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to cuddle with you... I so miss that! :-( Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly. Have the sweetest dreams...
2012-08-20 12:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, no idea... you got a bad room.

2012-08-20 12:25:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmm, for the same reason you didn't go for a walk... :-(
2012-08-20 12:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were here, I would take you to watch the fireworks over the Danube. It is beautiful. :-)
2012-08-20 12:18:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Sure? You really, really do? Or just saying so...
2012-08-20 12:16:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, buildings with walls made of concrete can weaken the signal, too.
2012-08-20 12:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you!!!! Darling, I do miss you so... :-(

2012-08-20 12:09:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, strange. I was guessing there is a problem with the conn. itself, but...
2012-08-20 12:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. That's not much... I mean the shake. So, you have the likes/dislikes... then continue it with other things, darling.
2012-08-20 12:05:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you still haven't told me where you are... And yes, your lady is still missing you and wishing to be with you...
2012-08-20 11:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Make a list of all the things you like & dislike, things that you are very good at & also enjoy doing, and so on...
2012-08-20 11:51:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then maybe think about it... I am sure you too have dislikes/likes and passions & yep, some inabilities too. :-)
2012-08-20 11:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where? Still in your room? Hmm, maybe the connection is too slow...
2012-08-20 11:42:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could be of more use to you in finding some clarity but... I am afraid I am just as clueless as you are. I am sorry. :-(
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2012-08-20 11:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you seem to have left... without your lovely lady. Sniff. Hope dinner is something light... and not too much.
2012-08-20 11:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I also wish I was there to grab your hand and take you for a walk... Lil' smile. Not speaking, just walking... holding hands...
2012-08-20 11:01:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very much. I wish I could help somehow, but I can't.
2012-08-20 10:57:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is also no use to ponder to no end...

2012-08-20 10:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with a more fresh mind.

2012-08-20 10:50:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no I didn't say to look away. Just a tiny bit rest... like closing your eyes & taking a deep breath & then back to pondering...
2012-08-20 10:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you should give some rest to your mind, darling... before you get even more confused... Just for a tiny while.
2012-08-20 10:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, perhaps yes.

2012-08-20 10:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sadly I am not around. I would love to go for a walk with you. And then have dinner together & walk back...
2012-08-20 10:25:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Thank you. Your lady is hugging and kissing you back... You are not that responsive & seem to be distant recently... Not only today.
2012-08-20 10:24:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the beginning. Mostly, I go nowhere. Sometimes I go for a walk...

2012-08-20 09:59:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am often confused about such things... Actually, I just silently ponder and at the end, nothing changes... I am just as confused as at
2012-08-20 09:58:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm catching up on sleep now!...I should be getting up, but I'm exhausted! Yes, I'm back home...where are you?
2012-08-20 09:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Life's a complex, up and down, topsy-turvy crazy mess... I wish it was like a Rubik's cube... it's tricky, but solvable.
2012-08-20 09:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, maybe... Darling, what's wrong? You don't hug or kiss your lady, nothing... and you seem to ignore her completely. :-(
2012-08-20 09:29:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Checked my inbox again... your DM was faster...

2012-08-20 09:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, wish I was there with you in your dark room... in tiny shorts & a top, rubbing your back while you ponder... But... just forget :-(
2012-08-20 09:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't get any email.

2012-08-20 09:09:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Day is uneventful.

2012-08-20 08:08:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back...

2012-08-20 07:35:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for her sir to hug her or anything... I wish you would be more mindful but... Never mind.
2012-08-20 06:59:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean maybe it is best when I only reply to your dms... Then, I would not feel like you ignore some of mine... And your lady wouldn't wait
2012-08-20 06:57:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think it is best when I stop writing and asking (not that I asked anything today, but still...) and just answering to your DMs...
2012-08-20 06:42:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Hope lunch was nice. Well, a diary-like something... sounds interesting anyway. Hope the rain has stopped.
2012-08-20 06:12:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So you got them... Good. Sad sigh...

2012-08-20 06:11:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... I just wonder if you got all my DMs...

2012-08-20 05:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you keeping a diary? Nice. And enjoy your lunch...
2012-08-20 05:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the other hand... you didn't ask me to do so, so... I'd better leave you alone. Hope the rain stays away...
2012-08-20 04:13:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May I join you or do you prefer to sit on the bench by yourself? You dm-ed me just to let me know it is raining & stopped... Hmm.
2012-08-20 03:55:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad it stopped. Well then... continue enjoying your day...

2012-08-20 03:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? It's raining? I am sorry...

2012-08-20 03:35:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love it too... Sigh. Soft butterfly winged kisses all over you. When you see one, think of me... Enjoy your day. Take care.
2012-08-20 02:05:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Spending the day in a garden sounds wonderful. Sweet slow walks in the garden, resting on benches and yes please, a boat ride too...
2012-08-20 02:04:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the nose-kisses darling. I wish you would hold me close & kiss your lady on her lips, too...
2012-08-20 02:04:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... big firework in the evening. Oh and today is our boy's (Portsmouth who still needs a name!) first birthday. :-)
2012-08-20 02:03:35 (EDT)
2381 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Woke up feeling like I forgot something. I forgot it was Sandy's birthday yesterday :-( And today is a holiday here with a long
2012-08-20 02:03:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling. I am so happy the tummy ache is gone & that you slept well. :-) I was quite worried last night...
2012-08-20 02:02:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you, by the way.

2012-08-20 00:27:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish we were together in a room, writing, laughing...being. That would be so beautiful and lovely!
2012-08-20 00:27:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire In my favorite happiness is palpable. :-)

2012-08-20 00:26:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I took a few pictures...;-) I'll send them along...just getting in and getting settled. Are you done with the first leg of your vacation?
2012-08-20 00:25:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ make the discomfort go away so that you wake up feeling good & with a smiling tummy. :-) Please be careful what & how much you eat...
2012-08-19 16:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...well & your dreams are lovely. I'll rub your poor tummy... lightly, ever so gently till I fall asleep, whispering sweet words to it
2012-08-19 16:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, your lady is slipping quietly under the covers, kissing your shoulder and hugging you tenderly to her... I hope you do sleep
2012-08-19 16:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Testing twitter, as in? Where are you? In your room?

2012-08-19 13:07:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Didn't get it yet...

2012-08-19 13:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in?
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2012-08-19 13:05:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm?
2012-08-19 13:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Darling, what happened? Was the food bad or just too much? A little lovely kiss on your poor tummy.
2012-08-19 13:03:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Enjoy your dinner, darling. :-) I would love the walk... very much.
2012-08-19 11:47:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? After Your dinner? After our dinner... No, you are not selfish at all. :-| Hope it is yummy and not too heavy...
2012-08-19 11:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or perhaps a lovely night walk with your lady... our arms around each other's waist... It would be beautiful. Darling... Sigh!
2012-08-19 11:31:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've so loved to see it, too but... I hope you will share some pictures with your lady. And now? Dinner & back to the room?
2012-08-19 11:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't forget about it... Hmm, lovely. Well darling, you have enough time to do the palace. I believe the dance was quite fascinating.
2012-08-19 11:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really wish we could have spent this day together... Soft butterfly kisses for you... Hope your day is beautiful.
2012-08-19 09:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One year. It's been one long year since you hugged me... My sweet sweet darling, I miss our time together, I miss being with you.
2012-08-19 09:39:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Last year at the same time I was sitting in the plane. I was so extremely nervous & excited & happy so so happy! I still remember everything
2012-08-19 09:38:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The sweetest kiss for my darling's lips... after lunch of course. ;2383 / 4823

) Missing you. Hope you enjoy your day... without fussy parents... ;-)
2012-08-19 06:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the temple? Shall I join you on your journey to the palace and after that to see the dance? Hm? ;-) I wish I could... deep sigh.
2012-08-19 06:35:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you are done with lunch... or are in the middle of it... :-) Hope it is light & delicious. Do rest your poor feet... :-)
2012-08-19 06:34:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, honest. You just said you are going with your friend, his wife, kid & 2 sisters in law. I didn't know only for half the trip...
2012-08-19 06:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that you are doing now by yourself. Missing you. Sweet little kisses along your collarbone, my hands on your hips holding you close...
2012-08-19 03:29:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. Take many many pictures. And think of your lady... of how much she would enjoy doing all those things with you...
2012-08-19 03:29:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please don't cook up stories, they do no good to my delicate tummy. What's better? Your temporary acc. or the new one?
2012-08-19 03:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...why I asked. Why do you think I only focus on that aspect? But how am I to know anything if you only tell me little parts...? Or nothing.
2012-08-19 03:27:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No Anand, you didn't tell me that. You barely told me anything about your trip. I just noticed that you used "I" & not "we" that's
2012-08-19 03:27:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... enjoying the sights, each other's company, the dance, have a nice lunch & dinner together... Sigh. Yes, I miss you too. A lot.
2012-08-19 03:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. I woke up around 6 but stayed in bed till 8. It's going to be a lazy Sunday. I'd rather spend today with you...
2012-08-19 03:26:33 (EDT)

2384 / 4823

Heidi_Ayala Good morning! It's amazing how quickly it all goes. I hope you are taking tons of pictures! I am well. ((Hugs))
2012-08-18 22:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. And miss you. So so very much! Have a lovely day tomorrow...
2012-08-18 16:16:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you know your lady. She does not fret, she just... worries too much. Blush. And you don't make it that easy for her...
2012-08-18 16:14:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I tell you, you look adorable when you sleep? I could watch you sleep forever... Sigh. Now, I snuggle into you & hug your arm to me...
2012-08-18 16:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I softly kiss your forehead & brush my fingers along your cheeks as you sleep deeply, snore contentedly... Smile.
2012-08-18 16:11:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire to be lulled into a nap by the sound of the crashing waves...miss you! xo
2012-08-18 14:15:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nice tweets, by the have a lovely way of writing that I so enjoy!
2012-08-18 14:14:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hear about how your trip is going, and see the pictures! I have not taken one picture yet, isn't that awful???
2012-08-18 14:13:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is fantastic, I'm near the ocean I so love, and enjoying the seasonal delicacy here, the Maryland blue crab. My favorite! I can't wait to
2012-08-18 14:12:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dreaming and imagining feelings. Kids not back in school until after labor day here, which falls in the beginning of sept. The weekend away
2012-08-18 14:11:32 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Not more than 3 minutes ago in a chat, I used the words
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stumbling upon poetry... and look what you wrote! *Smiling*

2012-08-18 14:10:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I haven't really written too much, my sweet Anand...a few this week, a bunch posted last week, I think?? I write mostly remembering,
2012-08-18 14:10:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was nice to see you tweeting, btw. Missed your lovely words/writing... :-)
2012-08-18 14:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... I am not convinced at all, but... Sigh. Good night. If you still want me to, I will join you very soon...
2012-08-18 14:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course I would like to know why... And maybe that's why I act strange sometimes... or fret or complain, whatever...
2012-08-18 14:03:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. I just feel like there's something not quite ok as I said, you were more attentive & sweeter and all... Darling, its true.
2012-08-18 14:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Does your sigh mean yes? Yes? No? Sigh...
2012-08-18 13:56:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling. Maybe you are getting bored of me... :-(

2012-08-18 13:51:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were earlier sweeter to your lady and more attentive and... Sigh. Missing you. Good night.
2012-08-18 13:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, what a surprise! No, honest. Then... I might join you...
2012-08-18 13:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When I join you, will you hold me...?

2012-08-18 13:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late... Good night. Sleep & dream sweetly. A soft kiss on your lips... in case you want to have it there...
2012-08-18 13:37:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It's the heat you know...

2012-08-18 13:33:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice for you. Well, then... enjoy your time. I won't bother you.
2012-08-18 13:30:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait, your lady friend came from the US to spend the week there...?
2012-08-18 13:24:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True.
2012-08-18 13:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm.
2012-08-18 13:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a new friend... a lady friend. Alright. Glad your friends reached too... hope they enjoyed their time.
2012-08-18 13:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff, and seems like my sweet sir doesn't wish to have his lovely lady with him... Well, then not. It's late, you should sleep soon...
2012-08-18 13:06:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, what about your friends? Darling, are you alone?
2012-08-18 13:02:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ugh, not a pleasant trip... but you reached safe & sound. :-) You and your Nook... ;-p Hugging you back darling, kissing you on your lips...
2012-08-18 13:01:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, she was quite annoying at times but yes, she kept me happy. Imagine... over 11 years... Sigh.
2012-08-18 13:00:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Nice. How is your room? My day was kinda uneventful, too. Sleepy. Have a slight headache. Missing you. Had dinner?
2012-08-18 13:00:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are about to reach, so... welcome to Udaipur, darling. :-) May your time there be sweet & beautiful & happy & also relaxing.
2012-08-18 12:01:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Kisses on your cute nose, darling. And on your cheeks, lips,chin, neck too. Wish I was sitting next to you, playing with your fingers...
2012-08-18 10:20:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your let's see means never, right? Sniff. Miss you so... but you don't even say you wish I was there... and miss your holding me, too. :-(
2012-08-18 10:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't know Sandy, then how can you miss her? But you are sweet... :-) And what do you mean by let's see if we can ever do that trip?
2012-08-18 10:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why is it boring? Talk with your friends. Read something. Sleep. Daydream... ;-)
2012-08-18 10:18:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you were peeking in & I wasn't here! :-( Your lady dozed off... Achso! You mean the Jaipur leg was tiring & enjoyable! Blush.
2012-08-18 10:17:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet deep kiss on your lips... & many more flitting to you on soft butterfly wings to cover you in their sweetness... Darling...Miss you!
2012-08-18 08:02:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, do take me to the mountains... and to some temples too. Someday... I'd love it very much.
2012-08-18 08:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I could be there! Visiting many of those places, walking with you, hand in hand... enjoying the surroundings & sights. Sad sigh.
2012-08-18 08:00:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, perhaps? It's up to you. Make it relaxing... Ok? Venice of the East... sigh, sounds wonderfully beautiful.
2012-08-18 07:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course, I hope you reach safely... You didn't tell me how long is the trip!
2012-08-18 07:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice that the trip is enjoyable, though I do hope it isn't that
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tiring. Try to doze a little in the train, darling. :-)

2012-08-18 07:58:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I miss you, too. Terribly. Why didn't you tell me in the morning that you will leave today? Hm? Or when or anything...
2012-08-18 07:58:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I didn't expect any DM... so, I left to do my Saturday food shopping & stopped by my friend to say hello to Sandy. Sniff. I miss her.
2012-08-18 07:57:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just so wish I could be there too... Sad sigh. How is your mom? All is well at home? I miss my darling a lot! But it's your vacation...
2012-08-18 02:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I sing that song even in my sleep. :-| But you said it helped, so I'll keep singing it... I do want you to have a nice time, you know?
2012-08-18 02:46:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... thighs... sigh. Soft kisses around my sweet sir's navel... :-) I hope your day is beautiful & the rain stays away.
2012-08-18 02:45:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. Glad you slept well, I did too... I would still love to massage your feet for you... and then your legs...
2012-08-18 02:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reached home. Getting ready for bed now. At least you were honest- didn't write that you missed me... I hope you are sleeping well...
2012-08-17 16:59:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And before you think I am sulking, no I don't. Just a bit sad and perhaps disappointed too, but this, you don't have to understand.
2012-08-17 15:33:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No proper signal the whole day... not for a minute... Sure. Anyway, seems like you finally enjoyed your day. Nice for you.
2012-08-17 15:00:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just glad you are alright. And glad for you that you got some lovely pics & done some nice shopping. Yes, my sis is fine. Good night.
2012-08-17 14:34:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Btw, you have a phone... you could send me a text message, too. Anytime. Just to let your lady know that all is well with you, you know?
2012-08-17 13:16:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... Wishing you a good night's sleep & sweet dreams. A lovely little kiss on your eyes... Sleep soundly. Good night. Sad sigh.
2012-08-17 13:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before I leave, but...You aren't around & I am late. Never mind. I just really hope all is well with you... Yes, your lady is worried...
2012-08-17 13:13:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, I am sorry but I can't wait longer... My lil' sister called yesterday asking me to meet today. I was hoping you'd be around...
2012-08-17 13:12:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you don't over-pamper your lady... quite the contrary. Sigh. I just hope you are fine & the day was fine, too.
2012-08-17 12:29:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really, really, really miss you! :-( Day is ok, there's nothing new... kinda smileless without you...
2012-08-17 11:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing my sweet sir! Hope you do enjoy the day & lunch was delicious & light. Sweet, fluttering kisses along your spine, darling...
2012-08-17 07:22:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, would you please hold me close & kiss my lips? And just...hugging each other for a while? You haven't done this in a long while...
2012-08-17 03:49:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. It would be so nice to be there... Sniff. Many many sweet butterfly kisses on your neck, shoulders, arms... everywhere.
2012-08-17 03:49:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's your last day in Jaipur, right? What's planned for the day? How's the weather? I keep singing the song. Honest :-)
2012-08-17 03:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I felt more secure having you with me. And btw, it is ungentlemanly to leave a lady on her own in a strange place.
2012-08-17 03:48:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, if I didn't feel that well, I'd still take you to the airport. I am really sorry that you had to come with me, but...
2012-08-17 03:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it started to drizzle when we were outside. Why to run, it was just a little rain... ;-)
2012-08-17 03:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the plans, make some changes or even coming up with some new ideas, etc... After all, you & your friends are taking a vacation together.
2012-08-17 03:45:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are right, if they were so lazy, they shouldn't complain. But maybe you all could've sat together on the first day, going through...
2012-08-17 03:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and woke up with headache. I would so love that nose-kiss... and your arms, wrapped around me tightly...
2012-08-17 03:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my cute adorable daahling. :-) I am glad you slept well & could do the rituals... I slept well too, though I totally overslept
2012-08-17 03:44:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hope your day has went well, and hope you are having a great time! Miss you!
2012-08-16 18:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so love my sweet, cute sir! Sigh. You have no clue...

2012-08-16 16:18:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think there was a lot of reason to complain but you did not...Smile. I should sleep. I kiss your palm & put your hand back on my belly :-)
2012-08-16 16:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I wonder... You complain so much & seems it's not that easy to please you but you didn't complain when we were together. Why?
2012-08-16 16:13:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You could also ask your friends what they would like to do... It isn't a must to stick to your plans & please do bear with the lil' girl ;-)
2012-08-16 16:02:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please, don't eat too much at a time. Or no heavy meals. Not that you end up getting a bad tummy, you know? :-)
2012-08-16 16:00:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be falling asleep thinking of you & humming the no-rain song. :-) Wishing you a very nice, smile & beauty filled tomorrow.
2012-08-16 16:00:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss being held by you. I miss feeling you close to me... Sad longing sigh. Hope you are sleeping well in wonderful dreams. :-)
2012-08-16 15:59:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Joining you now, darling. I kiss your hand & place it on my belly... smiling contentedly as you pull me into you, breathing into my hair...
2012-08-16 15:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. So, so much! Do you know that? Deep sigh. How I wish I could hold you close now & kiss your sweet soft lips...
2012-08-16 12:54:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly, dream about sleeping with your lady in your arms... Sigh. Kissing your lips, darling. I will join you very very soon.
2012-08-16 12:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww. Sniff. But it's late there & you need to wake up early performing the ritual... so, good night my sweet darling. :-)
2012-08-16 12:49:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I would really love to be there... I'd over pamper you too, every evening. ;-)
2012-08-16 12:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you in your room now? And then...? What? Wow, you said that I am right? You!? Wow ;-p But glad you'll relax next week. :-)
2012-08-16 12:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand that you want to do & see as much as possible but... :-)
2012-08-16 12:27:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Instead of leaving early in the morning & returning late in the evening exhausted...
2012-08-16 12:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, btw it is a vacation...You should take time to relax, too. An easy day with some walking around leisurely somewhere nice is lovely too.
2012-08-16 12:25:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... is not good. Oooh, will you come back? Please...
2012-08-16 12:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. How old is the lil' girl? Well darling, lil' kids need their sleep & eating time should be around the same time too but over pampering
2012-08-16 12:02:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? See? You should have taken your sweet lovely lady with you! ;-p Well darling, it isn't that easy with kids. Be more patient. :-)
2012-08-16 11:58:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you overstuffed? It's late there, so no dinner for today. Smile, it would be lovely to cuddle up with you darling but... 10 years?
2012-08-16 11:55:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you won't lose signal. Please please... How are you, my sweetest? Had dinner?
2012-08-16 11:46:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you! I am sure you were a good boy... :-) Well, I hope so. No, you were good. :-) Or? Just tease me dear... :-)
2012-08-16 11:44:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) But you might have forgotten, so I thought I'd remind you... :-) Miss you too. A lot lot lot! Sniff. Really, a lot.
2012-08-16 11:42:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling! Before I forget... Please don't forget that tomorrow is new moon. :-)
2012-08-16 09:31:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... I spent more time with them than her own cousin. Diana is a sweetheart, it was nice & fun to have her around.
2012-08-16 09:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I forgot to tell you that Diana & Justin left yesterday morning. I will miss them, esp. D. Smile, although they weren't my guests,
2012-08-16 09:29:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still haven't told me- are the ladies lovely? Tell me, is my sweet sir a good boy? ;-)
2012-08-16 08:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hate it that we are apart... I hate it that we can't meet whenever we want to see the other. It is not nice...
2012-08-16 08:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ your room. I'd also give you a foot massage, then watch all the pics together & cuddle & hug & kiss & sleep, curled into each other.
2012-08-16 08:12:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft kisses from your head to toe, darling. I wish I could give you them in person... in the evening, when you returned...
2012-08-16 08:11:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We have a similar museum too, it's called The house of terror & no pics allowed... Oh darling, the days go so slow... without you. :-(
2012-08-16 08:11:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am sure it is still beautiful there. Hope you are taking lots of pictures. Weapon museum sounds good.
2012-08-16 08:10:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Crazy traffic there? I imagined simple people mostly on the way by foot & a nice, friendly, relaxing surroundings, etc.
2012-08-16 08:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will keep singing the no-rain song. :-) I am ok, darling just... missing you terribly. Sniff. I would so love to be there, too. :-(
2012-08-16 08:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, didn't they ask whom you are busy writing? I am so so happy it doesn't rain all day! See? Your lady knows something... ;-p
2012-08-16 08:08:25 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, you have a great talent to write to me when I am not around. I was waiting for a while then stepped out...
2012-08-16 08:08:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, that was all...? Well, I shouldn't complain... Thank you for letting me know that you slept well. Hope the day is lovely...
2012-08-16 06:28:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! It's noon here but well... good morning. Glad you slept well. How are you? How is your day?
2012-08-16 05:54:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would've loved to get a little message before you left your room, but...
2012-08-16 02:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your ear... and along your jaw to your other ear. :) Have a beautiful day. I miss my sweet sir, so so much!
2012-08-16 02:28:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just checked the weather forecast... :-| I really really hope that the rain doesn't ruin your vacation, darling.
2012-08-16 02:27:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Did you sleep well? How are you feeling? Back, knee, muscles are fine? :-) Missed your morning smile & kiss...
2012-08-16 02:26:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sending you thoughts in your slumber...can't wait to hear how your day went! And...I certainly smiled when I get dm's from you. Always. :-)
2012-08-15 16:54:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I know it isn't a big help, but I will sing the no-rain-song. :-) Btw, are the ladies lovely? Hope they don't want to marry my sir. ;-)
2012-08-15 16:11:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I must admit that I'd so so love to be there too... Sigh. I can't wait to have you back & see all the pictures & hear all tales :-)
2012-08-15 16:09:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It's your vacation & whenever you send me a message, I am happy. :-)
2012-08-15 16:08:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are right, darling. We can't always let each other know that we think of & miss the other... yet, we do. I do. Now I know you do it too.
2012-08-15 16:07:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you still would like your silly lady to join you, then...she does so now. Sniff. She snuggles up behind you, hugging you close to her...
2012-08-15 16:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just miss you very very much... :-( And don't write to you even if I want to because... because... Your lady is silly. :-(
2012-08-15 14:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep soundly. Wishing you sweet dreams & a lovely tomorrow. A tight hug & a sweet small kiss on your lips...
2012-08-15 14:29:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, but I am rarely away the whole day... or try to message you whenever I can. Anyway, just forget.
2012-08-15 14:28:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, now you know it was not the best idea... But I hope you still enjoy your vacation.
2012-08-15 14:28:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it is still Independence day in India whether you celebrate it or not. Simple.
2012-08-15 14:27:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, my mistake. You celebrate it or not... doesn't really matter. Nice. Hope you did take a lot of pictures.
2012-08-15 14:15:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rainy season... what did you expect? Anyway, I am sorry it spoiled the day. Wishing for some nicer days...
2012-08-15 14:12:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well... thank you for saying that.

2012-08-15 14:10:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ok. Thank you. So, now that I know you are fine, I can wish you good night. Sure you are very tired... So, sleep well. Sweet dreams to you.
2012-08-15 14:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you are fine... and kinda relieved too. Hope your day was nice. Yes, I see how much you missed me...
2012-08-15 14:07:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is so late there... I hope all is well with you...

2012-08-15 13:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you had a beautiful, joyous day & got to eat some good food, too. I wish you a lovely night's sleep & sweet dreams. Good night.
2012-08-15 12:15:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... there are enough people around you & got a lot of things to do & see, I don't think you miss my company...
2012-08-15 05:20:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A little late but... Happy Independence day... I hope lunch was delicious and not too heavy... I wish I was there too. Miss you :-(
2012-08-15 05:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you don't tell much about how is it there, but well... at least you stop by to wish me good morning & good night. Lovely tweets, btw.
2012-08-15 02:35:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your ears, and butterfly whispers to let you know that your lady misses you. Yes, she does. A lot. Sniff.
2012-08-15 02:17:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take pictures. Many many pictures. For now, hope you have a beautiful day- despite the rain.
2012-08-15 02:16:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rainy season... Anyway, I really hope the rain doesn't ruin your day/vacation. I checked out all the places on your plan. They are gorgeous.
2012-08-15 02:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear sir. I am sorry your sleep was interrupted but hope you got enough rest & you are all fresh & feeling wonderful.
2012-08-15 02:15:09 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Thank you, sweet. :-) Enjoy your day! ::hug hug hug::
2012-08-14 22:52:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good, I'm glad, that comforts me. :-) Did you eat breakfast yet?
2012-08-14 22:33:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sometimes sleep and travel are enemies.

2012-08-14 22:24:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, very funny, mister! You know exactly what I meant, lol! I take it that you're sleeping well, then...that's good. :-)
2012-08-14 22:24:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, good! How have you been sleeping, I was thinking about that...?
2012-08-14 22:09:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No! I want to stay with you as long as possible! But if you have to get on with your day, I understand, my sweet.
2012-08-14 21:57:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am...getting some details squared away for tomorrow, hope to read a bit before bed. I *do* miss you,and I want you to have a fabulous time
2012-08-14 21:40:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope you have an easy day avoiding the crowds...are there usually celebrations?
2012-08-14 21:16:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Very lovely to take in.

2012-08-14 21:15:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Beautiful!!!! That is one thing I envy about the rest of the world...the architecture, cultural identity, is richer and older than here...
2012-08-14 21:15:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I was there, too! I've been missing you considerably the past couple of days. So what is on the agenda for today, love? ::hug hug::
2012-08-14 21:11:42 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I slept like a rock! How's the first part of the trip treating you so far? Clearing up details before the school year starts=tedious day :-)
2012-08-14 13:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then again... good night. Sleep well. Have pleasant dreams.
2012-08-14 13:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was the usual... nothing noteworthy. Well, thanks for taking a minute to stop by... I am sure the day was quite packed- you planned it.
2012-08-14 13:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. Glad you ate well. And sorry it was raining...
2012-08-14 12:58:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... wishing you a good night's sleep & pleasant dreams. Sad sigh. Hope your day was gorgeous. A kiss on your temples. Good night.
2012-08-14 12:16:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have you arrived at your destination???

2012-08-14 11:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope lunch was yummy and your tummy is happier now. Have a beautiful day. And thank you for DM-ing me.
2012-08-14 04:47:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Hope the travel was fun... Eat well.

2012-08-14 03:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. I hope you slept well & hope you enjoy the travel with your friends. A sweet kiss for your lips. Take care.
2012-08-14 02:45:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thinking about you. :-)

2012-08-13 21:05:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a few hours. And nowadays... I am waiting long hours for getting a message from you or a hug or anything. Sigh. Please do take care.
2012-08-13 16:39:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am going to really miss you. :-( Hmm, I remember you saying something like this when you went to Chicago & said you will be off for...
2012-08-13 16:39:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to let you know that your lovely lady is thinking of you, missing you... and to make your insides flutter. Lil' smile.
2012-08-13 16:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a safe, fun, enjoyable journey to your first destination with your friend & co... I'll keep sending you sweet butterfly kisses
2012-08-13 16:37:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply & you smile in your sleep feeling my lil' kiss on your nape & my hand on your chest holding you close to me..
2012-08-13 16:36:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm so happy all's going well so far!!! I've been waiting to hear. :-) Missing you, but happy you're on your way to Some relaxation!::hugs::
2012-08-13 12:47:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, good night. Sleep well. Have sweet dreams. A gentle kiss on your forehead. I will join you shortly...
2012-08-13 12:41:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for letting me know. How was the flight? My hello to your friend... Please do take care. Soft kisses for you, too.
2012-08-13 10:26:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady feels like you are getting more and more distant... Anyway, I hope you will have a beautiful time.
2012-08-13 07:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know, you might be quite excited about this journey & your days were long & busy with work & all the planning, etc. but still...
2012-08-13 07:03:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you lost connection... :-( Never mind... at least I know that you reached the airport & are on your way to Delhi.
2012-08-13 06:34:50 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your lips, hugging you tight... Do take care.
2012-08-13 06:24:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a nice, safe flight. Do let me know when you land... I will miss you, Anand. Very very much.
2012-08-13 06:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. It is pretty fine, not illegible at all. A kiss on your fingers... :-) Will look up those places...
2012-08-13 05:23:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, really? Oh yes please, it would be sweet! :-) Hope the traffic is not too bad. Take care, darling. Wish I could hug you tight...
2012-08-13 05:11:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a few minutes till leaving the office... Smile. Sigh.
2012-08-13 04:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, do you remember sharing with me your Arizona trip plan? That was sweet. I miss those times...
2012-08-13 04:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, Monday is your lady's busiest day... but the day is ok. A sweet lil' kiss for my darling... How's the meeting?
2012-08-13 04:22:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perfect! Yes, I am sure you are well prepared... :-) Do you have the velvet box with you, too? Hmm... fun. Just... fun? Sniff.
2012-08-13 04:22:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so sweet... :-) What was for lunch? Yes darling, I see your time... Sniff. I couldn't focus on work. I'd be too excited.
2012-08-13 04:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do have lunch, darling. :-)

2012-08-13 03:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, do you still think of me & miss me when work keeps you away...? Do you still :-) when you see my dm in the morning?
2012-08-13 03:54:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet, soft, slow kisses along your lips... :-) I miss you. How is it in the office? Can you focus on work? :-)
2401 / 4823

2012-08-13 02:18:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do worry. I really hope that you can come online. 12 days...Sniff! Oh darling I so wish I could come with you! Would you like it? Yes? No?
2012-08-13 02:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept well too. It was pretty cold last night. I have a stuffy nose & am sneezing a lot. Do you have your printouts now?
2012-08-13 02:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear dear sweet darling, good morning. :-) Glad you slept well. How are you feeling? Is my darling all fresh & smiling? Excited? Sigh!
2012-08-13 02:14:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Miss you too! Turning in now, my heart. Long day tomorrow. I am giving you a huge squeeze hug to start you on your journey! :-) <3
2012-08-13 00:58:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So I guess I like to be cautious, bc I know how these things can go, lololol!
2012-08-13 00:52:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, slightly. Well, not phobia, no...I work near sick people all the time...but children...ugh, vile dirty things! Lol!
2012-08-13 00:52:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Crowds and many children. Breeding grounds for pink eye and sickness. Impossible lines.
2012-08-13 00:43:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Water park tomorrow...I hate it there, H.A.T.E., but they've been so patient with all my studying, I let them choose...they chose that. Ugh.
2012-08-13 00:20:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I had a birthday party to go to for one of the kid's friends, then a wake for a cousin who died this week. Going to bring the kids to the
2012-08-13 00:19:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have you gotten sleep? I don't know why I'm fretting a
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bit, I'm sorry!!! I want you to have easy travels, and a wonderful, relaxing time.:-)
2012-08-12 23:34:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Only a few pages, busy busy all About you? How much longer until your departure? All packed?
2012-08-12 23:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... I was thinking but normally I have never been jealous. I don't know why I act now like I am... :-|
2012-08-12 16:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please know, my pouting is as serious as your teasing. :-) I know you are different from the western men but are just a man ;p
2012-08-12 16:00:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please double check that you've packed everything you need. Don't forget your velvet box... ;-) I will miss you immensely, Anand. Sigh.
2012-08-12 15:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, hope you are sleeping peacefully with the loveliest dreams & you wake up with a bright :-) feeling all fresh & happy.
2012-08-12 15:48:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's me...sneaking under the covers to cuddle up to you & wrap myself in your arms softly, quietly... Kissing the corners of your :-)
2012-08-12 15:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. No, honest. I missed your lovely hold... You also reduced your kisses... well, my kisses. ;-p
2012-08-12 13:01:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Your lady is beaming! And also frowning... you should be sleeping. Thank you, darling. I so missed being held by you! Good night :)
2012-08-12 12:58:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I think I was too late... as always. :-(

2012-08-12 12:53:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon... But tell me, will you hold your lady
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close to your chest? Please... You will feel it when I join you...
2012-08-12 12:44:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... cuddle my sweet sir. :-) Good night. Sleep soundly. Dream beautifully. A long, slow, soft kiss on your warm sweet lips. Sigh.
2012-08-12 12:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, just smiling & shaking my head... :-) Yes darling, it's late there & you will need the rest. I drop everything & rush to bed to
2012-08-12 12:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you! See? You enjoy teasing me like this & then you roll your lovely eyes when I pout! Not fair, darling.
2012-08-12 12:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fly to Delhi or...? You have never been away for that long... Sniff. It does feel strange.
2012-08-12 12:27:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And if it doesn't work, then my butterflies will remind you to behave. :-) Will miss you very much, darling.
2012-08-12 12:26:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope it will be same beautiful there... Oh darling, tell your mind to put your heart on a leash... Simple. ;-p
2012-08-12 12:26:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I checked out those places (Jaipur & Udaipur). They are far far away from your planned destination...
2012-08-12 12:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and be a good boy darling... you know, my butterflies will tell me everything... ;-p God! How I wish to squeeze you now!
2012-08-12 12:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Plane or train? Sniff, I wish you would whoosh to me... But I hope you enjoy your time there & will think of your lil' lady now & then too.
2012-08-12 12:02:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did. Honest. Didn't skip a meal this week! :-) Missing you, darling. And will miss you terribly... :-(
2012-08-12 11:56:33 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Wonderful! Just don't forget those pieces... :-) Wow, you go to the office for a few hours? And also taking all your luggage with you?
2012-08-12 11:56:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When will you leave? Sigh. I wish I was there to help you pack... but I am afraid I would just distract you. ;-)
2012-08-12 10:30:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... not really blossoming. I think it will be nice next year. :-) Visit was ok, saw some horses too.
2012-08-12 10:29:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) A lil' kiss on your nose. I am ok, yes just... missing you. Very very much! Enjoy your dinner, darling. Yes, they are in place but
2012-08-12 10:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am back. Where are you? How are you? Packing done?
2012-08-12 09:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I leave now to see Sandy. Will be back very soon. :-) Till then, soft butterfly kisses behind your ears... Missing you.
2012-08-12 07:22:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could take me with you, darling.

2012-08-12 06:24:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but I could have taken care of a part of your tickets... in case you'd accepted it...
2012-08-12 06:19:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, you can continue your packing. :-) Check it twice darling, not that you forget something. :-)
2012-08-12 06:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are adorable. I pull you to me & give you a deep long sweet kiss... and another & another... then a tiny one on your nose
2012-08-12 06:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I think it would make more sense to fly back to India/Hungary on the 2nd Nov.
2012-08-12 05:44:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Sigh. Had lunch? Will you let your lady kiss you sweetly? On tiptoe, her arms wrapped around you...? Hm?
2012-08-12 05:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are right, darling. It would cost you around the same but surely not more. But you could've stayed longer. Maybe... :-)
2012-08-12 05:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it would be beautiful... and if it's only 7 days (well, almost) then it is 7 days. Just to be together...
2012-08-12 04:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The other thing is that I really feel bad that this trip would cost you more than for me you know? Blush.
2012-08-12 04:40:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, darling. I truly don't know. You mean almost 7 days... ;-p And it's not just about money but about the time spent together...
2012-08-12 04:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, really? The DM was too slow... he is already on his way back to Sweden. :-)
2012-08-12 04:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you, be with you & explore Turkey together- well a lil' part of it. I truly do.
2012-08-12 04:03:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I don't even know when your flight arrives & leaves...
2012-08-12 04:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Esp. if I really have to fly back in the morning or in the afternoon. Then we have the 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & about 12 hrs of the 25th.
2012-08-12 04:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even this makes me feel kinda bad darling. Please don't misunderstand me, I just think it's not good value for money for so little time.
2012-08-12 04:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, it arrives at 13:45 but the flight back is at 8:50 or 4:15 in
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the morning. And yes, your flight prices are more expensive.
2012-08-12 04:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For me, Thurs-Thurs is one week. Period. ;-p Yep, I know. I didn't say all flights, but many of them. I did check out Turkish Airlines.
2012-08-12 04:00:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, it is silly to fly back in the afternoon. It means we can spend even lesser time together. :-(
2012-08-12 03:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One day is 24 hours, right? We won't be together 24 hours on the 25th & 1st. Those days don't count as a whole day, so it is not 8!
2012-08-12 03:23:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do not need a course in Math.

2012-08-12 03:11:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is one more problem. The latest flight back to Hung. on the 1st. is at 17:25. And 90% of the flights arrives to Ist. the next day. :-|
2012-08-12 02:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day will be about some cleaning. Nothing else. Fresh & flowery, in a towel... kissing my sir softly along his collarbone... :-) Miss you!
2012-08-12 02:48:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Busy packing for the trip? Even if you had to change your plans but I am so happy that all turned out well...
2012-08-12 02:47:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That package thing was just an idea, I thought it would cost nearly the same but simpler than planning our own trips. Now we know it is not.
2012-08-12 02:46:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but it also will never increase to 8! ;-p I don't think getting the visa is a gamble, but true, it would be a hassle for you right now.
2012-08-12 02:45:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear stubborn sir... Trying so hard to prove it is 8! ThursThurs is 1 week. One week is 7 days. Period. Maybe it won't shrink into 6...
2012-08-12 02:45:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A sweet long morning cuddle with you would be so nice now! I so miss that!
2012-08-12 02:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. I did too though I could've slept more... and as I see, you woke up early, too.
2012-08-12 02:44:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Oh how I wish you were really here now, kissing my back! I'd stretch & purr like a kitty... ;-)
2012-08-12 02:42:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are a dear! I had such a good time chatting with you tonight. :-) Really made me smile. Goodnight, dear Anand...enjoy your day. ((hug))
2012-08-12 00:39:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would try not to, yes.

2012-08-12 00:28:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Do you mind if I turn in?

2012-08-12 00:22:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Alas, dear Anand, I must try to get some sleep tonight. :-(
2012-08-12 00:22:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are so amazing to even be interested...I quite like how you take things in.
2012-08-12 00:22:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I bought a winter white sheath dress, I meant, lol

2012-08-12 00:18:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, I don't like that. Too showey in reality.

2012-08-12 00:18:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Unfortunately, with my profession now.. Scrubs to work! No more business attire for me.
2012-08-12 00:17:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dresses like these, and for everyday, I'd have to look. A more casual dress.
2012-08-12 00:17:12 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Bought something similar in color, and textured the whole way, but it was tighter, a sheath dress.
2012-08-12 00:16:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Skirts too, but not as much. In the workplace, a pencil skirt. Sometimes, with any other cut, they look too...girlish.
2012-08-12 00:15:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mostly dresses. I have pants, jeans, I will wear, but almost dresses exclusively, weather permitting.
2012-08-12 00:14:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I might collect dresses as well, actually.

2012-08-12 00:07:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I actually don't wear pants very often...dresses, dresses! Love dresses!
2012-08-12 00:06:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha, yes yes. *kiss* you are a sweetheart!

2012-08-12 00:01:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, something like that. In a natural fiber, though. I hate that polyester garbage.
2012-08-12 00:00:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wide cuff on the bottom, like mock menswear with a woman's cut.
2012-08-11 23:58:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You got it

2012-08-11 23:57:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, very elegant. With an chic belt, thin, perhaps with a pop of color, like tangerine,with a camel colored,high waisted pant. Plain blouse
2012-08-11 23:57:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I cannot read the small print of the numbers without my glasses, lol.
2012-08-11 23:55:29 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Western clothing?

2012-08-11 23:50:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love explaining details to you, I feel you really take them in.
2012-08-11 23:46:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm wondering.

2012-08-11 23:45:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What colors would you chose for me?

2012-08-11 23:45:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are adorable right now.

2012-08-11 23:44:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Pretty well, anyway.

2012-08-11 23:44:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was just saying, if I didn't know about something, I'd want advice...but if it was a style I was familiar with...I know what works for me.
2012-08-11 23:43:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, I know that you're familiar with it all!

2012-08-11 23:42:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, I guess it depends, as, if we're talking say, traditional Indian garb, I'd welcome the suggestions. So it's case by case.
2012-08-11 23:39:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think you'd still enjoy it.

2012-08-11 23:38:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire With their choices/decisions. Veeeeery fine line, there.

2012-08-11 23:37:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think that's quite nice, unless it was so much that it would result in giving the other party a complex, thinking you were never satisfied
2012-08-11 23:37:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, to pick my clothes now? That is tender, but to

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appreciate what I may put together is more flattering, I think.

2012-08-11 23:32:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't like my collarbone obscured.

2012-08-11 23:30:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I do have a long neck, that's why I do a big earring, it shows me off better.
2012-08-11 23:30:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mmmm, it's so pleasing to dress for a man that appreciates detail. Very sensual.
2012-08-11 23:26:34 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I'm okay darlin my kitty seems in good spirits but she still has a kidney stone. I hope you're well and happy!
2012-08-11 23:17:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, lol! I have many, many shoes.

2012-08-11 23:05:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, textures are visually, and thus mentally, interesting. You imagine how it feels.
2012-08-11 23:05:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Shoes/bags to coordinate accordingly. I always try to have one thing that doesn't match, on purpose.
2012-08-11 23:04:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And bold bracelet. Rarely a necklace, don't like those either, mostly. Unless they're very long.
2012-08-11 23:03:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes...definitely I feel solids, a subtle plaid I'll do on slacks, or pinstripe...but near my face/dcollet ...solids! An ornate earring.
2012-08-11 23:02:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sigh, I just love shoes...hundreds of pairs of shoes. I keep them all in their boxes, categorized by season, then style.
2012-08-11 22:59:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Love a pattern, like a tweed...I like textures. I work the shit out of textures! I bought a dress today that applies.
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2012-08-11 22:57:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Think of the right word there to describe...

2012-08-11 22:56:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, it's never a challenge, but I find that the clothes, being close to your skin and face, take away from my...presence. Hmmm, can't quite
2012-08-11 22:56:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I dress smartly, but never with prints and things, so that I could boldly accessorize it. Looks chic to me. ::shrug::
2012-08-11 22:27:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I'm a big accessorizer!

2012-08-11 22:26:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Column. ;-)

2012-08-11 22:24:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, I could never choose! I love the shoe for the shoe, designer/brand is completely arbitrary to me. I am putting that hug in the debts
2012-08-11 22:24:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire an outfit. Shoes are my weakness...they are all just so beautiful.

2012-08-11 22:13:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, thanks baby! I have to say, sometimes I love a shoe so much, I'll build an outfit around it, as opposed to getting a shoe to go with
2012-08-11 22:12:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good, make sure to check in; I will do the same. :-) I'm sure you don't want pictures of my shoes! Boring for you, no??
2012-08-11 21:54:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tomorrow I have 2 birthday parties for the kids' friends, besides that, I'm going to catch up on reading. :-) and talking to you!
2012-08-11 21:44:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, lol, 3 pairs, and 2 dresses. ;-)

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2012-08-11 21:43:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ha! Too funny! I was shopping with my gf, then we did lunch, then home to clean, now finally winding down? How long until you leave?
2012-08-11 21:37:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-) ((((hugs))))

2012-08-11 21:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, it is 6 days plus a few couple of hours. I am lying in bed and can't sleep... was pondering... Missing you.
2012-08-11 16:15:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, 25th - 1st is Thursday to Thursday. It's one week. One week is 7 days... Also 7 days minus the travel time to & from Istanbul.
2012-08-11 16:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you sleep for a while before snuggling into you... :-) Oh how I miss you! Hope your dreams are sweet my darling & you sleep well & long.
2012-08-11 15:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, your lovely smelling lady joins you under the covers, kisses your forehead, brushes your cheeks with the tips of her fingers & watching
2012-08-11 15:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, the visa will always be a hassle whenever you come here. But yes, October is maybe not the nicest month to visit...
2012-08-11 15:32:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lil' lady is really proud of you. I hope you know that. :-)
2012-08-11 14:16:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and excellent job on the plan. :-) I forgot to tell you that I read the article about the whirling dervishes. It sounds beautiful!!!
2012-08-11 14:12:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...Basalika & Yerebatan Cistern, several historical areas to walk, the Tophane-i Amire Culture & Arts Center...But you my dear, have done...
2012-08-11 14:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, btw I too started to make a list of what is worth to see in
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Istanbul. I had the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace,

2012-08-11 14:12:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired. Will have a little dinner, a shower & then I join you... very very soon. :-)
2012-08-11 14:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, you need to sleep now :-) Good night. Sleep soundly. Kissing you softly on your nose & on your lips for sweet pleasant dreams.
2012-08-11 13:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... anything else. :-) Yes darling, we had a good time. Talked a lot about this & that. But I missed you...
2012-08-11 13:59:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, now, I can do nothing but agree with you. You are right. Not to mention that we will be together. This my dear is worth more than
2012-08-11 13:58:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. End of October is not really warm here. Did you check the weather in Turkey in October? Maybe we should...
2012-08-11 13:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ much money for so little time... as if I was buying an ice-cream for $100 :-) On the other hand, in this case it is worth it :-)
2012-08-11 13:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are right, the more days the more expense... I was just hoping to spend a little more time with you.
2012-08-11 13:40:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know.

2012-08-11 13:35:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops, I meant days not day. Blushing like a tomato... Fine. More than 6 but less then 8. Deal? :-)
2012-08-11 13:35:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, forgot to type "day".

2012-08-11 13:33:33 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ For a 7... well for an 8 (just to make you happy) trip I do think it is expensive.
2012-08-11 13:32:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really 8 days. Some hours of the 25th and the 1st is nearly one day in case we leave in the evening. ;-p
2012-08-11 13:31:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really. We will arrive on the 25th & leave on the 1st. Well, then 7 nights...
2012-08-11 13:28:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but still... 6 days... it will fly by too quickly. :-(
2012-08-11 13:23:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And 6 days is very little time...

2012-08-11 13:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, all together, it will be over $1000, no?

2012-08-11 13:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! I am so so so so happy that you are awake! :-) A tight squeezing hug & a deep long kiss for you, darling. :-)
2012-08-11 13:17:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... 6 days? Only 6 days? I am just not sure... over $1000 for 6 days does not sound that splendid...
2012-08-11 13:12:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your plan sounds great... and also packed, not one min. is wasted... :-) And all the researches you've done! One more wow! :-)
2012-08-11 13:06:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But seems like you have fallen asleep... :-( I am so sorry for staying away for so long. And I didn't even get to kiss you good night :-(
2012-08-11 12:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, I see my sweet darling was busy planning while I was away... Wow, just wow! You are simply the best!
2012-08-11 12:57:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just got home. I know it's very late there but please please be awake... :-|
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2012-08-11 12:44:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am really off...

2012-08-11 06:42:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your current trip is simple for you... But you had to change your plans and I didn't know if it worked or not. Glad it did.
2012-08-11 06:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said 25th to about 3rd Nov. Not really exact dates, but well... you are right, I could've picked any day to fill out the form.
2012-08-11 06:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I could've done that too if I knew the exact dates! But I still don't know. Nor did you share with me details of your current trip :-(
2012-08-11 06:26:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, feels so good... so soft, so lovely...Thank you. I kiss you back, slowly deeply... then squeeze you, rub my nose against yours & whoosh
2012-08-11 06:21:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do I get a hug & a tiny kiss before I whoosh away? Please...
2012-08-11 06:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I couldn't fill out because I don't know the exact dates... Thank you. Miss you, too. Yep, still home but will leave in a few min.
2012-08-11 06:12:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you have a sweet, relaxing afternoon. And please do feel cuddled & sweetly kissed by your lil' lady...
2012-08-11 06:01:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. I'll be back in 2-3 hrs or so. I see, you don't really feel like talking to me. Or you just have some other things to do...
2012-08-11 06:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you now & kiss & nuzzle & hug you, too? Please please please... :-) I miss you. A lot! Thank you, will surely have some laugh with them.
2012-08-11 05:40:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! :-) Your lil' lady was waiting for you... How is my
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cute darling? Had a sweet nap? How was lunch? Will you let me cuddle
2012-08-11 05:39:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Hope you had a lovely lunch & you are resting now...A deep kiss on your lips, my hands on your hips holding you close.
2012-08-11 04:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then we will walk over to Maria & talk about old times, etc. He was our best friend for long long years.
2012-08-11 04:29:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, an old friend of Maria & mine who left to work & live in Sweden is here now. He's coming to me around 12:00 (15:30 your time)
2012-08-11 04:29:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or this

2012-08-11 03:19:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look, here is one

2012-08-11 03:14:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. Missing you. Soft, sweetly teasing kisses around your navel... and an inch below... ;-)
2012-08-11 02:59:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? I've sent you one but there was no price, first you have to fill out a form thingy & they send you an email or so. Will look for it.
2012-08-11 02:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still haven't told me how much did you have to alter your plans...
2012-08-11 02:58:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any plans for today? Will you pack for your trip? Please do make a list of all things you need/want to take with you... :-)
2012-08-11 02:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He went crazy, darling. He was racing through and across the house, over me, my bed too & I couldn't sleep.
2012-08-11 02:57:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One time (around 3) because of pain in my belly. It's better now
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but a slight discomfort is still there. And then, our boy! God!
2012-08-11 02:57:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, do take a lovely nap after lunch... holding your lady's soft belly. :-) I didn't sleep well. Woke up many times.
2012-08-11 02:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Weird dreams? Awww, do you remember them? Perhaps the week was too packed, too hectic or too this & that & your mind couldn't rest...
2012-08-11 02:55:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...threw my blanket off letting them assail me & then played with them for a while. Ah, pure heaven darling. I was all covered in them.. ;-)
2012-08-11 02:55:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear, dear cute sweet darling. :-) Mmm, such a beautiful way to wake up... I breathed all in, the scent of your kisses
2012-08-11 02:54:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gosh, I miss you so much right now. Intensely. If I was there...I'd not want to go to sleep, either. ((hug)) Goodnight, my sweet man. xo
2012-08-10 22:36:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Next to me.

2012-08-10 22:25:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ;-) I just smiled again, bc you're so accurate with that description! Lol! I will be thinking of you as I drift off. Thinking of your breath
2012-08-10 22:25:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I'm getting ready to *try* to sleep. ;-)

2012-08-10 21:59:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-)
2012-08-10 21:59:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am smiling right now, thinking of your lovely face.

2012-08-10 21:59:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That's wonderful! You r been working so hard, you need it! I miss you tonight. ::hug hug::
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2012-08-10 21:40:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How much longer do you have off after that?

2012-08-10 21:22:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So how many of you on this trip, love?

2012-08-10 21:18:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, she does, now does she? And what is the lovely lady doing?
2012-08-10 21:12:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You must take many pictures for me, please!

2012-08-10 21:11:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Aww, nice that you get to see your sister and the little one as well. Will mom stay there, or home?
2012-08-10 21:09:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wish I was going with you.

2012-08-10 21:08:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hours from you- in the direction you're going, or no?

2012-08-10 21:05:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire We're you disappointed upon finding out? How did you know where you'd want to go as an alternative? Now, you said your sister is about 5
2012-08-10 21:05:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire All of this about the change of venue for your mini retreat!
2012-08-10 20:52:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know, taking a trip to India would be lovely. You here is equally as lovely.
2012-08-10 20:51:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Pictures will be fantastic.

2012-08-10 20:50:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Anand, why didn't you tell me all this?! Where are you going now? I'm sorry about the mountains, I know you look forward to that
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each year.
2012-08-10 20:50:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, no! I didn't realize it was so soon! Are you packed?? When is your flight? You must be so happy to be getting a break. :-)
2012-08-10 20:44:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gosh, I'd love to join, that peacefulness would be just PERFECT right now.
2012-08-10 20:43:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That's not for another week! You have me until then! And you're going soon too, right???
2012-08-10 20:42:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *hugs* you inspire me, and many, but you are a treasured friend as well xx
2012-08-10 20:42:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Day was good...made a *little* headway in houseworknever went shopping :-( But going to try and make up for that tomorrow.How're you doing?
2012-08-10 20:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It wouldn't matter then, you know? Or I don't know how to explain it. Anyway, I try to sleep now... and dream of you...
2012-08-10 15:21:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course I react strange sometimes... You know exactly how I feel for you. I wouldn't react like that if I didn't love you.
2012-08-10 15:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I miss you! God! How much I need you here with me now! Anand... my darling... :-(
2012-08-10 15:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and hear your heartbeats as I sink into sleep. It would be so lovely... Dreamy sigh. I hope your dreams are sweet & you will sleep long.
2012-08-10 15:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am slipping softly under the covers now, kiss your cheeks, wrap my arm around you & lay my head on your chest so I can feel
2012-08-10 15:08:05 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Oh, my! Just got in? Sweet dreams, dear one. ::hug::
2012-08-10 13:54:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, are you so sleepy? You wrote twice that you missed me... ;-) But yes, good night. Will join you very very soon...
2012-08-10 13:50:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Do I get a hug too... and a teeny-weeny little kiss? Please. Darling... Sniff. Wish you were here...
2012-08-10 13:48:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, I know, I know. I've been distracted! I will get on it, I promise. :-) how was your day, sweet?
2012-08-10 13:45:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly... Ok? :-)

2012-08-10 13:45:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep beautifully & long. Soft kisses on your eyes & a sweet slow one on your lips for honey-sweet dreams. Miss you!
2012-08-10 13:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... arranged marriage. :-) Yes darling. Let's sleep. Will we cuddle a little? Please... I so wish I was there to put you to a sweet sleep...
2012-08-10 13:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day wasn't that good. Still feel a bit irritable. Don't know why. I think I will retire early today... That's sweet. Hope it isn't an
2012-08-10 13:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you today so, so much!

2012-08-10 13:38:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, then please come to bed darling and let your lady gently rock you to sleep... Hm? :-)
2012-08-10 13:38:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire He's a Shepard/chow mix...I must show you a picture!

2012-08-10 13:33:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That was supposed to be shoe! Shoe shopping!

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2012-08-10 13:32:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But when I have no obligation, ever since I could remember...up all night, sleep till 10-11 feels natural for me.
2012-08-10 13:32:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know...I know that's not how the world works...but it's honestly my natural rhythm. I can adjust, obviously, like I must starting sept.
2012-08-10 13:31:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, that's nice! All the best to them & a long happy life together. Really nice. :-)
2012-08-10 13:29:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally! Welcome home, darling! :-) I want to just hug you & kiss you & squeeze and not let you go... Sigh. How are you? Exhausted?
2012-08-10 13:29:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nothing lined up, raining pretty heavily here....must pick dog up from groomers, and I want to do a little show shopping...;-) my favorite!
2012-08-10 13:27:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Now that the test is behind me.

2012-08-10 13:26:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Fell asleep around 5 in the morning. :-( I was pretty keyed up from the day, though...I'm going to try to get myself on a better schedule
2012-08-10 13:26:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire <3 Thinking about you. :-)

2012-08-10 12:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was sitting here, starring at the screen, at my phone, chewing my nails. Stupid battery! :-(
2012-08-10 12:22:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you terribly. Sniff. But I hope you had a lovely evening with the clients & dinner was delicious...
2012-08-10 12:22:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... are you still out? Darling, I thought something bad happened... I am just so, so so incredibly relieved to know you are alright!
2012-08-10 12:20:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-( Now I am really worried...

2012-08-10 11:33:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's so late there and still no message... Yes darling, I am worried.
2012-08-10 10:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, is everything alright? Reached home safe & sound?

2012-08-10 10:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling? I miss him so... :-(

2012-08-10 09:58:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you on your way home? How was your day? How are you, my sweetest? Missing you. A lot. Do you know that? Sniff.
2012-08-10 08:58:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling. Why irritable? I don't know. Just. Had to step out to buy cat food & at home I saw that I bought food for Sandy too :-(
2012-08-10 08:56:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out for a bit, darling. Feeling slightly irritable for reasons unknown... Hm. Hope your day was fine... A lil' kiss for your lips.
2012-08-10 07:40:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tickets will be about $330 for both of us & need to check the hotel prices. Not sure which is better- package or no package.
2012-08-10 07:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've sent you a link, but there is no price...

2012-08-10 07:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't you think it's cheaper to book a Cappadocia - Pamukkale package than to book tickets to C. & then P., not to mention the hotel? Hm?
2012-08-10 06:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but then, we will need a bus to Denizli and another bus to P. So, it isn't really cheaper, or?
2012-08-10 06:27:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, flight for one day is usually more expensive... And which many many more options do you mean? The ticket might be cheaper
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2012-08-10 06:27:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Will do it, darling.

2012-08-10 06:19:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, then... we need tickets to C. & a hotel or something, too. And will we fly back from C. to Istanbul or first to P. and then back to I.?
2012-08-10 06:19:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet, busy darling... I miss you. How is your day?

2012-08-10 06:04:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you want to stay in C. & P. overnight? Or just a one day trip? We could as well fly to C. stay there, then fly to P. & back to I. Or?
2012-08-10 05:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know what you meant. I love your typos... they make me :-) But why Izmir? There is an airport in Denizli, no?
2012-08-10 05:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To C. yes, but not to P. Well, there's a shuttle bus between the airport & P.
2012-08-10 05:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Had lunch? How goes your day? Mine is ok, doing some work. I will stay home today.
2012-08-10 04:27:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's a Cappadocia - Pamukkale tour package, but no price.

2012-08-10 04:09:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... most of our time traveling. Hmm.

2012-08-10 03:28:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And 664 km to Pamukkale & it's more difficult to get there. Beautiful places, but we only have 8 days... I am afraid that we will spend...
2012-08-10 03:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's 730 km from Istanbul to Cappadocia. There's a night bus but it'll be a long ride, 10-12 hrs. There are daily flights, too but no train.
2012-08-10 03:27:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The first link doesn't work. Couldn't open it. Cappadocia & Pamukkale are beautiful! But how to get there?
2012-08-10 03:26:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will check the links out in a bit, darling. Ok? Miss you... I really do.
2012-08-10 02:54:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, sweet little kisses around my darling's wrists... & letting them walk up your arms to rest on your shoulders & nuzzle your neck... :-)
2012-08-10 02:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, hope you are having a real good day. It's Friday...! :-) What about your trip? How much did you have to change your plans?
2012-08-10 02:51:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't forget, I live in a world where men can't say no to an attractive woman... I know it's a poor excuse, but...
2012-08-10 02:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, I don't feel shocked, darling. And am not really jealous. I don't know why I react like that, it's just...Point is, I'd feel uncomfy.
2012-08-10 02:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ filled only with men. True, you might have lady friends who might be interested in you and/or hold such feelings for you as I hold for you.
2012-08-10 02:48:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept like a stone though woke up with a slight headache. Oh, I don't imagine that you don't have lady friends or you live in a world
2012-08-10 02:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. You sound fresh this morning & your kisses feel fresh, too. Nice. :-) I am glad you slept well like that.
2012-08-10 02:47:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes...taking the kids away next weekend, so might be a little light then, and I'm sure here and there, but other than that- all yours!
2012-08-09 23:14:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Done until September!

2012-08-09 22:50:18 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire It is Friday there, for you?

2012-08-09 21:36:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, portobello mushroom and spinach panini, and I have a pistachio cupcake I'm saving. ;-)
2012-08-09 21:36:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is your day shaping up??

2012-08-09 21:12:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have no idea how it was weighted, bc a couple of the sections i did poorly in, but who cares??? Overall, PASS. That's all that matters :-)
2012-08-09 21:12:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I passed!!!!
2012-08-09 21:11:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know my dear, you never miss a chance to tease me like that. And then you roll your eyes when I pout... Sniff. Not fair.
2012-08-09 14:05:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you simply went off... Good. :-(

2012-08-09 12:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do say something... Darling, please.

2012-08-09 12:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! What!??? Are you serious? Really? A beautiful lady who wanted to stay with you? Daring, no really... are you serious? :-|
2012-08-09 12:35:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, of course I will bring some paprika when I come. :-)
2012-08-09 12:33:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... softly on your forehead, eyes, adorable nose, cheeks, chin & lips. Sleep soundly with sweet dreams. Good night.
2012-08-09 12:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok, will check it out. :-) And yes darling, you should sleep now. I will join you asap & hold you close to me. Ok? But for now, I kiss you
2012-08-09 12:33:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling, but how? Do you know someone there or...? Well darling, we will be together, so sure we need to do something together. ;-p
2012-08-09 12:27:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good. Which hotel? Or shall we look together for one?
2012-08-09 12:21:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ;-)
2012-08-09 12:16:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 8 days...well, 2 days more than you planned for Hungary... And where to book the tickets? I mean which airport/city? And where will we stay?
2012-08-09 12:15:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I knew what you meant, lolol! I want to give you a big hug right now!
2012-08-09 12:10:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I so wish I could be there to hold you, to cuddle, to kiss you to sleep... sweetly, lovingly, tenderly... Sigh.
2012-08-09 12:08:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I didn't sleep again last night, not one wink...I'm hoping I know enough to get by. Thank you for the well wishes, you are so sweet. :-)
2012-08-09 11:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The same. Visa on arrival at the airport. It costs about $20.
2012-08-09 11:52:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A week? Just a week? As in 7 days? And where? I think it's a lovely idea... something new for both of us. Yep, will check it all...
2012-08-09 11:49:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shopping was tiring but it was funny with Diana. :-) Yep, a nice colorful summery dress & a sky-blue skinny jeans.
2012-08-09 11:49:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I am really sorry I got home so late. But I am here now, still hugging you... And will cuddle up with you when you go to bed. Ok? :-)
2012-08-09 11:48:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No no. You can't do that when I kiss your eyes... ;-) Missed you, darling.
2012-08-09 11:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) There is my sweet sir! Hugging you tight & kissing your eyes, so you cant roll them. ;-p No really, all is fine.
2012-08-09 11:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Is my sweet sir angry with me? :-( Or fallen asleep?
2012-08-09 11:30:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I cannot wait.

2012-08-09 11:29:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you very much. Sniff.

2012-08-09 11:13:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my darling? I am so glad to read that your day was productive & not that tiring. Nice! My day was not productive but tiring.
2012-08-09 11:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling please...I was just teasing you. Sometimes I go with guys too, sometimes with girls, sometimes with families. It's pretty fine. :-)
2012-08-09 11:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... away for so long? Hm? :-( Please? I would love it.
2012-08-09 11:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just got home. I am super-tired & my feet hurt but it was good to step out... Will you let me hug you after I've stayed...
2012-08-09 11:11:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I can't wait to get back to more consistent chatting with you...I miss you.
2012-08-09 10:34:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm getting ready to take my test, I'm so nervous!

2012-08-09 10:30:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello my sweet! How are you doing, how was the day?
2012-08-09 10:30:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please take care. :-) Thousand sweet lovely-lively kisses for your nape, shoulders, back, chest, chin, lips... everywhere.
2012-08-09 06:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. A lot lot lot! Hope you are having a good, decent day. I will be back in a few hours. Sniff.
2012-08-09 06:12:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And they seem to enjoy your lady's company... Well, Justin always loved me, as a lil' boy, too. :-)
2012-08-09 06:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, I don't feel like going anywhere but... they are guests & someone has to spend time with them. :-|
2012-08-09 06:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am driving D & J & K to a nearby outlet mall. They want to shop some clothes. Wish you could come with us. Sigh.
2012-08-09 06:10:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's about lunchtime! Did my butterflies reach you in time to wish you bon appetit & kiss you sweetly on my behalf? Yes? No? :-)
2012-08-09 04:31:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my dear darling's day? Mine is slightly busy. Noting exciting. Missing you.
2012-08-09 02:49:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, a sweet long kiss for your lips, darling. And another... and another... and keep kissing your lips till you gasp for air. ;-)
2012-08-09 02:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, right- it is a new place for both of us & exotic too. Sounds not that bad. :-) But how can you arrange for free stay, then? Where?
2012-08-09 02:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile. Turkey? Where our DMs occasionally meet & hug each other? You mean you get a visa on the airport or so? Wow, that sounds pretty cool.
2012-08-09 02:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And as long as those unmarried women do not touch you or you
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them in a way we did, there is no reason for me to be upset. Simple. :-)

2012-08-09 02:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else did you keep secret? :-| Darling, I was a bit upset because you didn't tell me that you don't go on this trip alone. That's all.
2012-08-09 02:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Does it mean nearly every activity of yours involve unmarried women!?? So, when you say you meet a friend, is it a lady?
2012-08-09 02:44:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I slept well too. Your lady's fresh & flowery, feels like hugging you & teasing you sweetly while kissing you all over :-) Miss you!
2012-08-09 02:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seriously, I am so happy that you slept well! How are you feeling now? Is my dear sir all fresh & does he :-) more...?
2012-08-09 02:43:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet darling. :-) Of course your sleep was lovely; in my dream, I held you close to me... ;-p
2012-08-09 02:43:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I'm all in ~ Life has provided...back on Internet and beyond delighted to have a steady diet of *you* daily! xoxo
2012-08-09 00:11:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I was hugging you instead of this silly pillow! How my body aches to be close to yours- as close as bodies can be... Darling... :-(
2012-08-08 15:46:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, my dear Anand. I love you. Hope you are sleeping deeply & your dreams are lovely & you wake up feeling all fresh, well-rested.
2012-08-08 14:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'll hope that you wake up for a sec & :-) at me & wrap your arms around me & fall back to sleep, holding each other... Sigh. If only...
2012-08-08 14:42:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, but how I miss you! Sniff. I'll have dinner then freshen up & cuddle up to you; nuzzling your chest & whispering-darling, I am here :-)
2012-08-08 14:41:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't deserve those tiny kisses I was waiting for all day? God! How could you!? You are far from being innocent. You lil' devil, you! ;-p
2012-08-08 14:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You plan a trip with 2 women (your friend, wife & kid don't count in this case) & you kept it secret! And then you are pouting & saying that
2012-08-08 14:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have really loved to be here with you but I couldn't say no... And I suggested that you sleep 'cause I was a bit upset with you. ;-p
2012-08-08 14:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our stepping out wasn't planned. She asked, I said yes, she changed into other clothes and... Sigh. I am sorry for leaving you alone. :-(
2012-08-08 14:37:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am back. I would have loved to spend the evening with you. You are a perfect option. Always. :-) And you know that.
2012-08-08 14:37:11 (EDT)

ZinniaTung One of those days, when negativity stalks you and then shit happens in fam jam.
2012-08-08 13:12:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sounds good to me. :-) this way I could feel your breath on my neck, and feel comfort.
2012-08-08 12:04:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, lolol! No, I'll be around...time to bounce between the claires, see that's going on, etc....
2012-08-08 12:02:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss YOU.

2012-08-08 11:47:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You going to bed???

2012-08-08 11:47:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Minute is always a mistake, with driving.

2012-08-08 11:33:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Studies, going to take a dry run to this testing place to make sure I got it down-I'm directionally impaired. Leaving me to the last
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2012-08-08 11:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One more kiss... a sad look, a sigh and whoosh... Don't vanish darling... Please. :-) Try to sleep. Ok? Will be by your side soon...
2012-08-08 11:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you will be asleep when I return. I will join you asap my darling, hug you tenderly to me & kiss your dreams to make them sweet. :-)
2012-08-08 11:26:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are waiting for me... Wishing you a good night now. Sleep sweetly, darling. Soft, lively kisses wherever you desire them...
2012-08-08 11:26:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am about to step out with D & J. So, I am afraid we can't DM till you fall asleep... I am sorry. :-( But I miss you so!
2012-08-08 11:26:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come, let me cuddle you, caress you and kiss your eyes... :-) Even though you don't deserve it. ;-p
2012-08-08 11:25:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I read that through last night, forgot to mention it; I'm sorry.
2012-08-08 11:21:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire About the yoga/relaxation routine?

2012-08-08 11:21:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then go to bed, read a lovely book and sleep.

2012-08-08 11:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your teasing me...

2012-08-08 11:12:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I did. Slept like a rock, it was beautiful! I feel refreshed. How are you, love?
2012-08-08 11:09:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Now,I'm not the type of person that will even take a Tylenol. I don't like putting that stuff in my body. BUT, considering the circumstances
2012-08-08 11:08:56 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I have to admit, I took these over the counter pills called, "simply sleep"...they have the same active ingredient as Benadryl, basically.
2012-08-08 11:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww :-(

2012-08-08 11:01:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean your friend's sisters in law? God! 2 women for you... Now I know why you didn't tell me... Ha! Give me back my hug & kiss! ;-p
2012-08-08 10:54:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you, darling. Kissing you & hugging you back. But but... if you canceled then where do you go now? No, not happy. Pouting. ;-p
2012-08-08 10:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume you are home, so... may your lady jump in your arms & kiss you and squeeze you and tease you & cuddle you? ;-)
2012-08-08 09:43:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too, darling. A lot. Really, a lot! I would so love to be with you... So so much! Sniff.
2012-08-08 09:42:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Which resort did you cancel? The one on the Gharwal side? I am so sorry you had to do that. -( But I so hope all turns out good...
2012-08-08 09:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Why your friend? So, are you going to the mountains with your friend? And you didn't tell me... Hmm.
2012-08-08 09:39:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, or not but the time flies by more quickly when working... My day is quite uneventful, darling. Nothing special.
2012-08-08 09:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. The haircut is ok. Yes, I believe that meetings & discussions are more tiring. Real work is at least interesting.
2012-08-08 09:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to get my hair cut. It's too long, nearly reaches the middle of my back. Be back soon...Till then, a gentle squeeze & a sweet kiss
2012-08-08 07:45:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Hope things are alright there...My day is ok, nothing new, nothing exciting about it :-) Wishing we were together...
2012-08-08 06:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A long, honeyed kiss for your lips... :-) Had lunch? How is your day, my dearest?
2012-08-08 04:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, nuzzling kisses from your head to toe, darling. Slowly... inch by inch. :-)
2012-08-08 03:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My spoken English is horrible & written English could be better, too...I do struggle sometimes. But I also struggle with my own language :-|
2012-08-08 03:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I totally overslept! Blush. I saw no sun, so I thought it was too early to wake up. It was just cloudy... still no sun. :-|
2012-08-08 03:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, hopefully all goes well in the office & the clients are pleased, etc. Try to avoid pointless discussions...Not good for your BP :-)
2012-08-08 03:20:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so hope you don't lose much money & in the end, you can enjoy a beautiful time in the mountains. You really need that. Time for yourself.
2012-08-08 03:19:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... any natural disaster is unpredictable. :-( What are the options? The Kumaon side seems to be ok, will you stay there?
2012-08-08 03:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you were not very clever. Why, tell me why did you plan to go to the mountains in the monsoon season? Hm? On the other hand,
2012-08-08 03:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... :-( I kept checking the news but read nothing joyously, so I said nothing. I am sorry to say this, but this time
2012-08-08 03:18:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish I was there too. I would love to help you through this jinxed period, I would so so love just... to be there with you now!
2012-08-08 03:16:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. :-) It was lovely... to sleep in your arms... and wake up to your kisses. :-) I miss you too darling. A lot!
2012-08-08 03:16:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, I hope the day goes smoothly for you, my sweet!
2012-08-07 23:32:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you too! How's your day lining up?

2012-08-07 23:24:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm trying to decompress. Going to try to turn in, in a few. How are you doing? (((hugs)))
2012-08-07 23:13:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Now, you KNOW I'm done eating- you're being silly! ;-)
2012-08-07 23:12:55 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala (( Hugs ))
2012-08-07 21:51:55 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Hey you!!!!

2012-08-07 21:51:45 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Me too Anand... Me too #

2012-08-07 21:50:27 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Of course I want to have a certain amt of attractiveness, but I am not one for designer this or that or jewelery.
2012-08-07 21:50:07 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Yes, this baring of bra straps and skin tight tanks are way overboard. I am not into clothes, and these superficial things...
2012-08-07 21:49:25 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Dylans old girlfriend, and she respects her, and Kiana is curvy and beautiful also
2012-08-07 21:44:33 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Dylan does tell her, but they kid around too much... not a bad
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thing, but no serious discussions that I can see. She does that with Kiana
2012-08-07 21:44:08 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala time.... Thank God. She doesnt strut around like many of her friends do and children much younger...
2012-08-07 21:43:11 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Maybe its the hormones in the food? Girls develop around 11, but I think many are sexualized too young. Kaitlyn held off on that for a long
2012-08-07 21:42:26 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Its hard to tell her anything, I do, but she has a peer group that tells her otherwise...
2012-08-07 21:41:02 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala It does, but it is very coarse.. like steel wool. My hair was like that during puberty and i outgrew it, he never did.
2012-08-07 21:37:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, ok, I'm going. ::hug:: peaceful morning to you, Anand. :-)
2012-08-07 21:25:32 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Dylan too, he hates it though, so he shaves it off

2012-08-07 21:22:22 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala All the girls here are rail thin,no curves, she isnt that and holds herself to that standard. Yes, she has quite the head of hair!
2012-08-07 21:22:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You're right, the stubble/lips made me smile. 2 smiles today; both due to you.
2012-08-07 21:20:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, I'm glad I know when you get up! Same on the weekends, or no?
2012-08-07 21:19:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm going to get something be honest, I've been running around so much, and been so anxious, food never crossed my mind.
2012-08-07 21:19:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Today was awful, honestly. Awful. Haven't even eaten

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breakfast yet, it's 9:13PM

2012-08-07 21:13:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire First smile I've had today!

2012-08-07 21:12:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That was fantastic!!!

2012-08-07 21:12:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Omgggg! I was just typing a message to you, and realized how early it was by you, and decided to send it later---then this comes in!
2012-08-07 21:12:25 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She still struggles with it, low self esteeem has little to do with there being validity in their insecurities, but I see improvement
2012-08-07 20:57:58 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala She is often mistaken for his GF and even his old GF's sister which makes them both laugh. That is her signature pose... :o)
2012-08-07 20:53:54 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Thank you Anand! Yes, you know how teens are, they are changing by the minute, she was really shy in that video...
2012-08-07 20:49:39 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala Good morning to you my friend! Yes, Dylan and Kaitlyn from the trip!
2012-08-07 20:37:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. This Love is different from what you feel for the Gods & Divinity. I wish you could feel what I feel, then you'd know :-)
2012-08-07 15:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling Anand. You have no clue how much! Even if you think you know... :-) No matter where, but can't wait to see you again.
2012-08-07 15:38:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...on my belly, pulling me closer to you. I'd so love it, dear! So much! Hope you are sleeping sweetly & you wake up to a lovely morning :-)
2012-08-07 15:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady comes to bed now, darling. :-) I softly kiss your forehead & curl my back into your chest... and I :-) as you put your hand
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2012-08-07 15:32:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, in case we decide to plan my coming there I need to know when, where and all the things I would need, etc...
2012-08-07 12:16:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit. Please do keep enough space next to you for your lady in her Snoopy PJ's... ;-) Miss you, darling. Good night.
2012-08-07 12:06:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. Sleep soundly with happy dreams. Soft kisses on your chest. And tummy. And arms. And nose & lips & ears ;-)
2012-08-07 12:04:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today it wasn't too hot here. Maybe because it was windy... Poor darling.
2012-08-07 12:01:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, good idea. We can continue it tomorrow. :-) For now... come, let's snuggle up under the covers & cuddle a little before sleeping. :-)
2012-08-07 12:01:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I am sorry, darling, I didn't know... :-(

2012-08-07 11:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But there is an address too. Maybe you can drive by to see if it is exist or not. :-|
2012-08-07 11:37:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! I am so sorry. And I was so happy that I found this... Not fair. :-(
2012-08-07 11:35:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling. :-) But yes, that online application thing is new.
2012-08-07 11:29:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thanks, sweet one. I will read it through in it's entirety in a few...getting ready to run out the door. :-( How are you???
2012-08-07 11:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is a Hungary consulate in Chennai!

2012-08-07 11:19:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Look, I'd need to fill out an online visaapp. That's new!
2012-08-07 11:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Why do they want to have all these things? They make it really difficult... :-|
2012-08-07 11:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, you really should call there & ask what's the guarantee that you get a visa when you book the tickets. March is cold & wet btw :-)
2012-08-07 10:53:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes darling, it does sound good. But where to meet? I mean so that we can be together? And how much will it cost, etc.?
2012-08-07 10:51:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a second, darling. Just now got your DMs... :-|
2012-08-07 10:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... holding you close and kiss you sweetly. And again and again... and smiling and kiss you again... ;-)
2012-08-07 10:47:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, let me think...shall I give you... or not? Hm. Hmmm. Of course you get your hug! :-) I pull you to me, my hands on your hips holding...
2012-08-07 10:47:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gone to bed between 3-4:30 in the morning. How are you, how was the day?
2012-08-07 10:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh, first sturdy arms and now you are saying I am too heavy? God! Smile ;-p It's ok, darling. I was just wondering where you are. :-)
2012-08-07 10:46:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I should have been up...but I've been having terrible insomnia, and sleeping late. I need a healthier schedule! The past four nights, I've
2012-08-07 10:46:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, if it is just this, then... I am ok with not being sweet. ;-p
2012-08-07 10:40:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that's true, it is always a risk... You are sweet, you know that? So, so sweet! :-) But... what if I don't let you go? Hm? ;-p
2012-08-07 10:24:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Crunches are like sit-ups? Yes? Do the weights thing with me... or 54kg is too heavy for you? ;-)
2012-08-07 10:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, why didn't you tell me that you are home? And then left again? :-( No wanting your lady's sweet kiss & squeezing welcome home hug? No?
2012-08-07 10:23:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's true but still... What if you don't like it here at all and turns out it wasn't worth the hassle? Sniff. Are you home now?
2012-08-07 09:39:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, really... if it is too much of a hassle for you, then... I don't know. I can come too. Hm? Where are you? On your way home?
2012-08-07 09:13:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's so wonderful to hear! I am glad you could avoid those discussions. Well done! :-) Mine goes quietly, I am all alone here...working.
2012-08-07 09:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, my sweetest? All fine with the clients? No pointless discussions today? Missing you...
2012-08-07 08:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Otherwise why buying the tickets? That's so silly! It makes no sense to me but sadly, true- you can apply for visa when the trip is booked.
2012-08-07 08:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel so bad about this, darling... What did they say? They should tell you whether you get the visa once you have the tickets or not.
2012-08-07 08:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A friend... Hmm, they don't seem to be that curious.

2012-08-07 07:21:52 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, a smiling kiss on the tip of your cute nose & a hug too... :-) Missing you. Hope things are better today...
2012-08-07 06:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, did you have lunch? Btw, did your mom & sister ask you why you want to go to Hungary? What did you tell them?
2012-08-07 05:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. So, so much! I am sorry that this visa thing is so complicated. :-(
2012-08-07 03:56:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can apply for visa after you have the tickets. But you said your sister can't do it for you, they want to see you... No?
2012-08-07 03:55:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, you have clients there & your vacation is nearing too, you should focus on them instead... Hm?
2012-08-07 03:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did other things in the morning earlier too. It is ok. Your lady can wait... Sniff.
2012-08-07 03:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Strikes? Why that? Glad you reached the office safe... You know the roads better than the cab driver? Not bad. Smile.
2012-08-07 03:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Earlier, you always DM-ed me from home... Sniff. Never mind. How are you, darling? How goes your day? Kissing you back...
2012-08-07 03:14:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, lively butterfly kisses along your neck darling... and some more on places that make you sigh with a :-) I miss you...
2012-08-07 02:35:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful sunny, windy morning here. My day will be the usual, work, daily chores & perhaps will spend some time with D & J. Not sure
2012-08-07 02:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know... you thought you'd DM me from the cab... or so, sigh.
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It's ok. I just hope your today is better & not so tiring, my darling. :-)
2012-08-07 02:34:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my lovely darling. How are you today? Did you sleep well? I think I did... Missed your morning kiss & cute :-) ...
2012-08-07 02:33:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm up!!! Goodnight, my sweet Anand. I will be thinking about you doing just that as I drift off. :-) ::hug hug::
2012-08-06 23:49:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where would those 3 "here's" be?

2012-08-06 22:48:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I really miss you right now. Good, don't. I like you here. :: smiles::
2012-08-06 22:38:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why the power loss? Not bad weather, is it?

2012-08-06 22:27:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Don't you dare ever leave me!

2012-08-06 22:26:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You've left me... :-(

2012-08-06 22:05:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))
2012-08-06 21:57:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm literally aching to be near you right now. Feel the pattern of your breath, as we hold each other, peacefully.
2012-08-06 21:56:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have the overwhelming urge to be near you right now.

2012-08-06 21:50:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You ALWAYS do, and I'm not even exaggerating!

2012-08-06 21:49:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You just make me feel so peaceful and serene.

2012-08-06 21:45:16 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I don't know how to feel about our distance. I hate it, overall, but I'm also thankful you're not close to me. I like you more than I should
2012-08-06 21:44:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, out on the deck or something.

2012-08-06 21:42:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love chatting with you.

2012-08-06 21:40:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wonderful!
2012-08-06 21:40:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hate leaving you!

2012-08-06 21:35:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm alright for say, 10 more minutes?

2012-08-06 21:35:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire With the kids, I have to be decent at any time, just in case. Wasn't always that way. ;-)
2012-08-06 21:33:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have no idea why I just told you all that.

2012-08-06 21:32:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To bed...I'll start off with this; probably stay in it. if I'm really hot, I lose the pants/boxers, then it's underwear and a tank.
2012-08-06 21:32:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I walk, the top of my hipbone. Bare feet. Hair in a bun at the nape of my neck, then I let it out,wild and wavy- I do this all day w my hair
2012-08-06 21:30:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Right now I have on baggy lounge pajama pants, charcoal/black, a black racerback tight tank top, so that my belly can sort of be seen when
2012-08-06 21:29:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Love the color pigments in the sky, how it can embody
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any color like that...

2012-08-06 21:25:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes! Those are perfect!!!!

2012-08-06 21:24:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have more wood to chop, but I must take a break to forage for something light.
2012-08-06 21:24:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haven't eaten dinner; was looking for something, sorry I took so long to respond! They all ate, but I was in study mode.
2012-08-06 21:23:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But we chose to be without electronics, or the outside interference. I like that.
2012-08-06 21:08:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Places we could unplug. We could get lost in a city just as easily, where there's so many people, you're just another name, another face.
2012-08-06 21:08:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I figured a cave in there, honestly! Like in Cast Away, with Tom Hanks, if you've seen that. We both chose deserted places, funny.
2012-08-06 21:07:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha, me and the beach! Integral to my mental health and clarity. ;-) how about you, where would you want to get lost?
2012-08-06 20:52:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Except for something that plays music.

2012-08-06 20:25:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hmmm...that's a great question. Great. A deserted island.... A little bit of beach. A little bit of beautiful lush forest. No electronics,
2012-08-06 20:25:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good! Lots of errands, studied, now taking a break. How are you doing? I have to say, I love getting messages from you- makes me smile!
2012-08-06 20:10:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ In half asleep, thinking of you... Oh how I miss you now! Sigh. Tell me, do you still hear my butterflies... whispering my heart's word...?
2012-08-06 16:23:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I often dream of you, Anand. I know it because there are broken pictures in my mind when I wake up... the dream itself fades away very fast.
2012-08-06 15:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dream last night... You were just standing there in a dark blue undershirt & smiled at me. I was sitting on the couch, looked at you...
2012-08-06 15:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fresh, dawn-scented butterfly kisses for your morning, my darling. Hope your day will be better than your yesterday- in every way. :-)
2012-08-06 15:53:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just me, slipping softly, quietly behind you to hold you close to me... :-) Hope your sleep is restful & your dreams are sweet.
2012-08-06 15:52:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your tweets are so, so beautiful! I love them all, every single word...
2012-08-06 13:37:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, to hold you in slumber! Sleep peacefully, sweet one. :::hug hug hug:::
2012-08-06 12:39:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm glad you enjoyed. :-)

2012-08-06 12:39:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've been writing longer things again, and using twitter sort of like my cocktail napkin, so to speak...posting fragments of larger pieces.
2012-08-06 12:39:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry for the delay! I was cleaning up the kitchen!
2012-08-06 12:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) hug your pillow and dream with your lady, darling... Good night.
2012-08-06 12:31:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Achso! Smile. If only... Deep sigh. One more kiss on your lips... please sleep now. I join you in a bit & hold your body close to mine...
2012-08-06 12:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly with tender dreams. Soft kisses down your spine... around your waist & up to your navel ;-)
2012-08-06 12:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What yes? :-)

2012-08-06 12:26:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Can't remember. I just know that you were in my dream... I remember your smile & a dark blue undershirt... ;-p No, honest.
2012-08-06 12:26:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What?
2012-08-06 12:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, I just wish we were together, cuddled up in each other's arms...
2012-08-06 12:18:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet, long talks with you. It is an important thing... Sniff. I should learn...
2012-08-06 12:18:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... belly & I would play with your hair while you talk... ;-) Sigh. I wish you could speak German or I better English. I'd love to have...
2012-08-06 12:16:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. :-) Hm, the day was normal. Nothing great but also nothing bad. I wish I was there too. You could lie down with your head on my
2012-08-06 12:16:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The most.

2012-08-06 12:08:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is horrific!!! Omg, Anand, I'm so sorry! Now *i* wish I was holding you! See, it's always those things that blindside you that hurt
2012-08-06 12:08:35 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

2012-08-06 12:06:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My father will always be an empty ache. How about you,you told me your mother lives with you, never mentioned a father. Am I allowed to ask?
2012-08-06 12:06:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Childhood was not the worst, comparatively. Funny,I'm smiling. It doesn't hurt me to talk about me childhood. I synthesized it. It's freeing
2012-08-06 12:05:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, no. I wouldn't wish it. But the perspective of what truly horrible atrocities go on as far as children makes me realize that my
2012-08-06 12:04:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hate talking about this stuff, bc I don't want to bring you down. I'm sorry!
2012-08-06 12:00:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it's been a rough few months. :-(

2012-08-06 11:58:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, I loved him very much...we were tight. I lost him suddenly right before this past Christmas...I still cry.
2012-08-06 11:47:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. A lot lot lot! had dinner?

2012-08-06 11:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( a thin undershirt is an undershirt, too. I would love to feel your skin, darling.
2012-08-06 11:37:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There are people who have had it much much worse. It made me strong. Independent. Quick. Adaptable. So I must credit it, in a weird way.
2012-08-06 11:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I wish to feel your skin on mine when I hug you... :-)
2012-08-06 11:22:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please, please, please. Daahling, please! :-)

2012-08-06 11:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. How to kiss & nibble you, then? Do take that bothering thing off. Please. I will scratch your back too... just take it off. Pleeaase
2012-08-06 11:19:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So that's it, in a nutshell. There's a lot more nuance, but it's too much to remember. It just sort of sticks with me.
2012-08-06 11:17:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But I did it. Given the choice of sink or swim, I'll always swim. And despise those who would give up.
2012-08-06 11:16:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, my darling! I hug you to me & kiss you deeply. :-) Please do take off your undershirt so I can nibble you all over... ;-)
2012-08-06 11:16:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sleep for 4 hours, and do it all over again the next day. Finally, I sent him to live with my aunt & got my own place. Difficult to maintain
2012-08-06 11:15:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So I'd get up at 6, situate him, go to school, get out, drive home, check on him again, go to work, get out at 11pm, drive home, do homework
2012-08-06 11:14:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Her packing and leaving to live with what would become her husband, leaving me with the abusive grandfather, who was blind and diabetic.
2012-08-06 11:13:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Rougher city as well; never learned how to ride a bike, bc there would be no where I could go; too dangerous. When I was 16, I came home to
2012-08-06 11:12:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Draining my bank accounts, etc. Very selfish person. I always took care of her, when it should have been the other way around. Lived in a
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2012-08-06 11:11:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Separated, and we lived with my maternal grandfather who was mentally and emotionally abusive and warped. My mother was a perpetual screw up
2012-08-06 11:10:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's such a long story! I'm trying to think of how I could condense mother wasn't really motherly, and my patents were
2012-08-06 11:08:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I would so love to be with you now, darling. Just to make these silly days a bit sweeter for you... Miss you.
2012-08-06 11:07:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Damn! Then, you should do it on a Monday. Go there on Friday evening, spend the weekend with your sister & fly back on Monday. What say?
2012-08-06 11:05:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't think I was ever really "young". My life didn't allow for it. Yes, I love how you explain the process, and the experience!
2012-08-06 10:58:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I really love the story that accompanies this painting, it's lovely. :-)
2012-08-06 10:46:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I did that painting when I was 17...after 19, I never really picked up a brush..charcoals stopped at about 20; art morphed into other things
2012-08-06 10:46:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The technique here is so interesting!!!!! Oooh, Anand, I love it!!!

2012-08-06 10:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, see? You could have done that while you were in Delhi... but it's too late now.
2012-08-06 10:42:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Can't wait to see your painting!

2012-08-06 10:40:31 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Never interested me.

2012-08-06 10:39:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My hands. I have a painting hung indefinitely at a children's museum in the slovak republic, did I ever tell you that? Graphic design awards
2012-08-06 10:39:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I used to draw/paint...but never really enjoyed that...i have talent with it, I suppose, but I prefer sculpting, manipulating materials with
2012-08-06 10:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just meant that I would understand if you said it is not worth the hassle, you know? I'd be sad, but...
2012-08-06 10:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! I am so happy that I don't tire you. Thank you, darling. :) Because it is too much of a hassle for you. I do feel bad about it :-(
2012-08-06 10:37:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Link isn't working. :-( This is an interesting side to you; you're very multifaceted.
2012-08-06 10:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, will you let me hug you tight & give you a sweet, tender kiss? Please... Welcome home, my dear. :-) Do I tire you too?
2012-08-06 10:28:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I thought you had never problem with your tenant and now this...! You seem to be really jinxed these days. :-|
2012-08-06 10:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, that's bad. Why can't they do it if you only buy the tickets? Darling, if you don't want to come, I understand. :-(
2012-08-06 10:28:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I asked about the drawing, bc I was interested on whether or not you have artistic talent like that...drawing/painting for leisure, or no?
2012-08-06 10:25:54 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I'm a night owl- up until 3 am last night! My natural rhythms are to stay up late, sleep late.
2012-08-06 10:23:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To wake up, with the light peeking through the windows...not too much chatter- I'm the WORST morning person; I grumble for the first hour!
2012-08-06 10:20:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Drawing? I'm sorry your day was difficult and tedious,my sweet. I hope the night is relaxing, at least. (((hugs)))
2012-08-06 10:19:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Reached home?

2012-08-06 10:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... and what now? To fly to Delhi only to get a visa is crazy. You mean a package, as in flight, hotel & all?
2012-08-06 09:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All will be fine soon. I know. :-) You have to go to Delhi? God! There is no other way? Why is it this complicated? And what now? :-(
2012-08-06 09:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is the drive home pleasant? At least this... ? My poor darling, nothing seems to work at the moment, but it's just a silly phase.
2012-08-06 09:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling?

2012-08-06 09:00:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Then why didn't you tell them it makes no sense to repeat the same stuff over and over? Or... let them talk & don't listen... :-)
2012-08-06 08:59:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and sweetest kiss! Sigh. I so wish to be there to make you feel better, to cheer you up & sweeten your evening... I so, so wish darling!
2012-08-06 08:46:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you know, be happy the day is over & that you will be home soon. :-) I so wish I was there to welcome you home with the gentlest hug...
2012-08-06 08:46:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Awww, I am so sorry, darling. I was so hoping you will have a good day... Stupid Monday! And why did those pointless discussions continue?
2012-08-06 08:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope your day is enjoyable so far & you got some good work done... :-)
2012-08-06 07:07:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. Rushed home to find that you are not around. Your day seems to be very packed not just a little... Sniff. Miss you!
2012-08-06 07:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out for a bit with Justin to buy some stuff he needs. Ok? Will be back shortly. Till then, many many & more sweet kisses for you :-)
2012-08-06 05:26:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to the mountains in the monsoon season. Hmm. Hope your day goes fine, my darling. It's too hot here, not nice at all.
2012-08-06 04:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just checked the news but read nothing new. It will be rainy with some thunderstorms in Almora. I don't understand why you chose to go
2012-08-06 04:58:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daahling! Just a deep kiss on your navel as a sweet reminder to have lunch. ;-) Missing you!
2012-08-06 04:18:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on your neck behind your ear, while tracing my fingers along your thighs... Sigh. I dreamt of you last night.
2012-08-06 02:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day will be about some office work & will also spend some time with D. & J. Today is going to be very hot, over 40C :-|
2012-08-06 02:52:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yes, I miss Sandy immensely. And you, too. How goes your day, darling? No pointless meetings? Did you call the travel agency?
2012-08-06 02:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why I felt not well. My BP was very low, head and
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stomach was bad. I think the sun was too hot. Sunbathing was a bad idea.
2012-08-06 02:50:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... have done those stretches together. ;-) Sturdy!? Ha! My arms are as delicate as lotus stalks. ;-p
2012-08-06 02:50:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear cute darling. :-) Yes, I slept well & feel better. How is my cute sir? Did you sleep well, too? Smile, wish we could
2012-08-06 02:49:55 (EDT)

URM1 Whoa! Now, that's a lot of catching up to do. :)

2012-08-06 01:06:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do the same thing...::smile::

2012-08-06 00:56:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Banal. But I missed you in it, honestly.

2012-08-05 23:24:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hello, Anand! How was your sleep?

2012-08-05 23:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a great start into the new week, my dear. And a pleasant, safe drive to the office. Please do take care... :-)
2012-08-05 15:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping peacefully & wake up feeling fresh & you :-) as the sun kisses your toes & my butterflies tickle your nose. ;-)
2012-08-05 15:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, your lady doesn't feel well, she joins you now in bed, kisses your forehead, snuggles into you & puts your hand on her belly...
2012-08-05 15:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lovely lady butterflies you very much, do you know that? My sweet sweet darling... :-) Have the sweetest dreams tonight.
2012-08-05 12:56:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh at home? That's good. :-) Good night, my sweet darling. Soft kisses on your chest & soft tummy-pillow. ;-) I will join you asap.
2012-08-05 12:51:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Now, come let's snuggle up under the covers & let your lady rock you to sleep. :-) Sleep sweetly my darling. Have lovely dreams.
2012-08-05 12:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, it's late there, you should sleep. Workout? So, you still go to the gym? To the same one?
2012-08-05 12:49:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only there was a way to be closer to you... Sniff. Yes darling, don't spend a penny on anything & be very careful. Please. :-)
2012-08-05 12:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so hate the distance between us! It's not nice, darling. I would really, really love to be with you...
2012-08-05 12:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, please try to hold back and order nothing for a few days. Ok? Smile, be careful darling... Watch out for wet floors. ;-p
2012-08-05 12:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe not the way it should be but I am sure it is still good. At least, your lady would like it.
2012-08-05 12:29:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! No! It looks funny. :-) Awww, so cute... thank you for the smile, darling. Sweet, just sweet! ;-)
2012-08-05 12:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you close & nuzzle & tickle you all over with my nose... Darling, book? What book? And the guacamole is yummy! Period.
2012-08-05 12:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, come on darling... You will see, all will be fine. I would love to see a :-) just a tiny one. Please?
2012-08-05 12:18:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh God! You have no clue how much I am smiling! God! :-D What's that?
2012-08-05 12:17:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could be there with you... to cheer you up and kiss a :-) on your lips. And I'd love to have some of your guacamole... :-)
2012-08-05 11:55:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... last year, too. And in the end, all turned out well. So, just wait up, darling. Do nothing. And I bet the guacamole is still very good.
2012-08-05 11:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I don't know, just... Sigh. I hope you do. Yes, I thought the same. My poor darling, do you remember, you had such a phase
2012-08-05 11:43:56 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh no worries at all, nothing of that sorts.. I just won't be able to come to delhi.. As far as I can think of now.. Rest will keep u posted
2012-08-05 11:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Honest?
2012-08-05 10:57:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Diana was outside too, we chatted a bit, but... I don't know, I am not in my best form today, not in a chatty mood... Missing you.
2012-08-05 10:55:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much. I was outside sunbathing but the heat wasn't good at all. I went inside & laid down for a bit. Still not feeling that good.
2012-08-05 10:51:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you so urgently need it, buy simple dumbbells. If you want to have the kit, wait. Simple.
2012-08-05 10:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I rub my nose against my darling's cute nose & softly kiss his lips... Sigh, you can buy simple dumbbells or you can wait...
2012-08-05 10:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, please don't complicate it like that. :-| Or maybe wait till you come back from the mountains. Maybe they'll have it in stock then.
2012-08-05 10:40:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wishing you a restful and peaceful sleep. :-) ::hug hug hug::
2012-08-05 10:31:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, ok...I have to be honest, I'm pouting about this a bit. But I know that ultimately, you're right. Enjoy your evening, sweet
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2012-08-05 10:31:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I am here. Welcome back. Did it work, in the end? I am really sorry... look for another kit, hope you find one that you like.
2012-08-05 10:26:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, I won't keep you, then...go enjoy your book and relaxation before a peaceful sleep. :-)
2012-08-05 10:22:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just fruit??? Do you always eat that lightly for dinner?? I know you eat light, but my instinct is to feed feed feed, lololol!
2012-08-05 10:22:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good. Going to do some laundry, then study. I'm eating a bagel now, then off to do my studying. Have you eaten dinner?
2012-08-05 10:15:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So not too late, good. :-)

2012-08-05 10:10:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I quite enjoy our chats! Love waking up to your messages!
2012-08-05 10:06:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What time is it there, anyhow? An I keeping you up??

2012-08-05 10:05:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tones are a matter of taste; I like that.

2012-08-05 09:59:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As they come, and I don't let feelings steer the ship. I think that's the tail wagging the dog; can't be objective that way.
2012-08-05 09:58:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yessssss, that never solves the problem at hand, does it? I find I'm a much happier person bc I don't bottle up feelings, I deal with them
2012-08-05 09:57:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, ayn rand! She's such a bombastic sociopath!

2012-08-05 09:56:52 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire People are uncomfortable with this direct style. ::shrug:: what can I do? Lol!
2012-08-05 09:56:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Being listened to, I confront it straightaway. I don't believe confrontation is negative; again, it's the way a person presents. But most
2012-08-05 09:55:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, I'm direct, and usually kind, in my phrasing; but I hate repeating myself, no matter what the venue, so when I find that I'm not
2012-08-05 09:55:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is a fantastic idiom! I've never heard that!

2012-08-05 09:54:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hot temper. ;-)

2012-08-05 09:52:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, perhaps a different fabric....although I react pretty much the same, I think. I don't really have patience for all the tomfoolery.
2012-08-05 09:52:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have changed nothing about my personality, my 30s seem to suit these traits better.
2012-08-05 09:51:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm direct and candid; when I was younger, it came off as somewhat abrasive and off putting until you came to know me, I think. Although,
2012-08-05 09:50:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It is a disservice to the child to coddle him/her...I'm not raising babies; I'm raising men, maybe a mother.
2012-08-05 09:49:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And it's funny,I'm harder with the children than I am in general...certain patience with the nature of children, yes, but in general, I feel
2012-08-05 09:48:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think you're fantastic. :-)

2012-08-05 09:44:09 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Bullshit, and not listen to other points of view. Certainlyno fault of yours!
2012-08-05 09:43:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I can see that. You seem like you'd be involved in the conversation at hand. Unfortunately, most people want to only espouse their own
2012-08-05 09:42:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire While you talk. Animated.

2012-08-05 09:42:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Of course your eyes were lovely...they're soft, yet they have a playfulness in them,'d be lovely to see them in action,
2012-08-05 09:41:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will send you some beach shots, don't have much...
2012-08-05 09:40:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think you're endlessly charming, as well. :-D

2012-08-05 09:39:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Overpowering?? They don't understand you, I'm betting. :-) You seem lovely, and passionate about life.
2012-08-05 09:39:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wait, the eyes perhaps weren't what? I'm missing your meaning, here.
2012-08-05 09:36:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Must go back and look!

2012-08-05 09:35:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love when you tell me the details on things!! I *did* notice the color variation, but I assumed it was the light playing on the wood- I
2012-08-05 09:35:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then, I will be away from my laptop, too. Miss you, darling. Very much. Soft kisses along your back...
2012-08-05 07:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
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2012-08-05 07:20:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, no kiss for your lil' lady? No? Sniff.

2012-08-05 07:12:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, most certainly that's it! ;-) If I was with you, we would have bought both- veggies and stationery. :-)
2012-08-05 07:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A happy welcome home hug for my sweet darling & a sweet deep kiss, too. Smile, see? It happened because your lady was not with you. ;-)
2012-08-05 06:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am very slow today... you already left. Sniff. Hope you are taking care, darling. A sweet kiss flitting to catch you...
2012-08-05 05:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But as I said, hopefully it gets better. If not, hopefully at least one side stays dry.
2012-08-05 05:41:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but if the weather stays like that on the Gharwal side but there is no rains on the Kumaon side, you can stay there, no?
2012-08-05 05:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I am sure, I can help you in concentrating on some body parts, too... ;-p Sigh, I am being silly... Blush. Just miss you so! :-(
2012-08-05 05:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, we had such a thing, as well. Smile, please please let me be your fitness equipment! I can be used for various purposes too.
2012-08-05 05:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reading through the article. Pretty interesting. I so wish I could come with you!
2012-08-05 05:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But if it doesn't get better, you can stay on the Kumaon side, no? Or will you lose money, too if you do so?
2012-08-05 05:27:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Of course, Himalaya! Now, I really feel silly for forgetting
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about it... I really hope the weather won't spoil your plans/vacation.
2012-08-05 05:26:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Wishing you some lovely downtime soon! Health ~ doing everything to support it ; ) Expecting the stress bombs to cease! lol
2012-08-05 05:12:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something like this & a step thing too. I'd happily be your fitness equipment. It'd be enjoyable for both of us... ;-p
2012-08-05 05:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. Going to check them out now. I so so so hope the rain calms down in a few days! I so hope all will be well!
2012-08-05 05:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Happy! And glad the power is back. Silly me, now I see your comment. I am sorry, my mistake.
2012-08-05 05:02:13 (EDT)

BeingInJoy And you? XXO

2012-08-05 05:01:24 (EDT)

BeingInJoy It will all be settled and final by mid-December. some ugliness...but now lots of patience. my car will 'die' soon...stressful.
2012-08-05 05:00:25 (EDT)

BeingInJoy thank you for asking! apologies ~ I'm not here much at all. love the new place ~ Avery is up & down w/divorce
2012-08-05 04:57:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? What are you doing? Had lunch? Your lady is missing you...
2012-08-05 04:36:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A good read is never too long. :-) Anyway, your comment still does not show up... Perhaps it got really lost?
2012-08-05 04:35:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now reading your comment. Blush. I am sure she will be pleased with it. Very well done, darling. And no, it wasn't long...
2012-08-05 04:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling? Helping your mom to prepare lunch? I

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wish you could come over & do something lovely together today... Sigh.
2012-08-05 03:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, can I be your fitness equipment? ;-) Seriously, we had such a thing for years, no one used it.
2012-08-05 03:00:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so I can keep an eye on the forecast, too? Let's hope for the best. Ok? A week is a long time... :-)
2012-08-05 02:59:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, that is a bad news, indeed. I so hope the weather will improve in time. Please darling, would you tell me which mountains,
2012-08-05 02:59:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I am sure they will go out and that we will have a bbq while they are here. I don't know what my ex planned for the week.
2012-08-05 02:58:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went to bed after sending you the DMs. Had a short, good chat with Diana yesterday evening. They are still sleeping, btw.
2012-08-05 02:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... wishing her sweet sir was here, so she could cuddle him & cover him in lovely, lively kisses. :-) Miss you. Anand, I miss you. A lot!
2012-08-05 02:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear, dear darling. Glad you slept well, I did too- slept like a stone, woke up late. Your lady is all fresh & flowery
2012-08-05 02:56:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was too late... :-( but know that your lady will fade away thinking of you, imagining the blanket wrapped around her is you... I love you.
2012-08-04 15:30:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for the delay, just got ready for bed... Please darling, would you hold me close to you, with your hand on my belly?
2012-08-04 15:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am all set to go to bed, so... I slip under the covers now, kiss you sweetly on your nose & lips and curl into you for you to hold me...
2012-08-04 15:19:39 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My nail is about to fall off. It looks kinda ugly :-| Good night, my dear. Sleep well & long with dreams that bring sweet smiles to you...
2012-08-04 15:18:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, you must sleep. If I was there, I'd put you to sleep, but I am not there... Sniff. Read something light.. :-)
2012-08-04 15:17:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got it. Thank you. :-) Will read it in a bit. I tried that... there's just one comment from you... Hopefully really just awaiting a mod.
2012-08-04 15:16:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is already tomorrow there... Aren't you tired, dear?

2012-08-04 14:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Great! :-) Does your comment show up on that site? Smile, for some reason this is nothing new to me... ;-p
2012-08-04 14:56:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops, forgot to type "time" I mean "first time". Blush. Softly kissing your nape, darling. Seems like it's going to be a long comment... :-)
2012-08-04 14:48:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with reading. Well, I am not an expert in this field but I think, for a first write it is well done... Are you still up?
2012-08-04 14:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it's nothing new to you, but to me, it is quite interesting so far...
2012-08-04 14:01:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope she will like your comment... No darling, I don't have to leave. I was too curious, so reading the article now.
2012-08-04 13:59:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it is very late there, darling. Don't you wish to curl up with your lady and sleep?
2012-08-04 13:54:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Just... :-)

2012-08-04 13:53:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, does the sweet sir want to shoo his lovely lady away? Hm? Sniff.
2012-08-04 13:47:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Well, Diana was here while you were reading & Justin is with Kelvin, so...
2012-08-04 13:43:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know that you are up... So, it was her first article? Congrats! Oh, thank you for sending me the link. Will read it a bit later. Ok?
2012-08-04 13:38:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you dozed off... Wow, that's pretty cool. And? Did you like her article?
2012-08-04 13:27:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Oh tell me where? Sniff. I miss you!!!
2012-08-04 13:03:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, so do so, my sweet Anand! You have me smiling from ear to ear right now! :-)
2012-08-04 12:46:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Your privacy like that.

2012-08-04 12:41:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ive always felt it would be obnoxious or superficial of me to ask that. If you want me to know, you show me. I wouldn't ever be intrusive to
2012-08-04 12:41:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile. Giggle. Smile. Come closer dear... ;-) I pull you close to me & kiss you back... :-) Yep, true. Not worth to fret... :-)
2012-08-04 12:41:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just reading your exchanges with nslater... I completely agree with my sweet sir, nslater's pondering is a bit confusing. Huh?
2012-08-04 12:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tada! Here I am, freshly showered, lovely smelling, wrapped in a towel... Now, I am all yours, darling. ;-)
2012-08-04 12:36:12 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire It would be nice to see who I'm talking to, but that's all it would be. Satisfying to put a face to a name, an idea.
2012-08-04 12:33:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Anything? No. Enhance anything? No.

2012-08-04 12:32:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have to be honest, sometimes I think about it, but then I think deeper, and realize how utterly superficial that is. Would that change
2012-08-04 12:32:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Trivial thing, when I think about you, and how wonderful you are, overall.
2012-08-04 12:30:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I guess i don't really think about how the parts play together. Don't take that the wrong way, I mean it as a compliment. It's the most
2012-08-04 12:29:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need a quick a shower darling, I feel really bleh. Please please wait for me. Please. I wish to hug you & cuddle with you before you sleep
2012-08-04 12:17:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am so sorry. Just got back home & they arrived too. It's so hot here, your lady is all sweaty. Bleh :-|
2012-08-04 12:15:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tall, dark hair, can't place your eyes...but mostly...I don't really picture how you'd look,as much as I imagine your presence; quiet,strong
2012-08-04 12:13:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love to cook *with* you.

2012-08-04 11:51:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Through the windows in slats of light, mesmerizing.

2012-08-04 11:47:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, idk, something about a table like that seems right. Sipping cranberry juice out of a mason jar. The light falling through the trees,
2012-08-04 11:47:16 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Lolololol
2012-08-04 11:46:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The hunchback wouldn't bother me, but that open mouth chewing!!!! Now *there* we'd have a problem!!!!
2012-08-04 11:45:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What DO you look like, anyway? Besides being 6'4"?

2012-08-04 11:37:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wooden. That whitewashed, grey look of driftwood. Natural and beautiful.
2012-08-04 11:37:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know. That's why it would be so lovely.

2012-08-04 11:28:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just picture us in this great little cozy place, with natural light, eating and talking about this...oh, to look in your eyes!
2012-08-04 11:23:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire This would be a fantastic breakfast discussion!!!!!!

2012-08-04 11:22:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Was published, but not on this point he's driving.

2012-08-04 11:21:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Exactly! I see the point he's attempting to make, but he goes about it in a weak way. Granted, we've learned a great amount since the book
2012-08-04 11:21:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think it is one of the weaker points of his argument, personally. HUGE hole there that has been exploited in debates time and again.
2012-08-04 11:14:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, I'm saying something slightly different. I'm saying A is highly improbable, but B is improbable.
2012-08-04 11:14:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire This isn't a group effort study, I'm afraid.

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2012-08-04 11:13:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's likely.

2012-08-04 11:12:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Example: I can't say for sure that there is x species of sea creature on the ocean floor, haven't seen it, but based on abc that we know,
2012-08-04 11:12:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Some things are more likely than others, based on hypothesis, existing knowledge, and extrapolation.
2012-08-04 11:11:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, I don't know about that.

2012-08-04 11:10:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire After the big bang. Anything else is all conjecture.

2012-08-04 11:10:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But, the fact remains...there's no proof of that, either. Just hypothesis. We only know what happened for sure starting in the few seconds
2012-08-04 11:09:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The universe was created just for us is possibly the most arrogant thought ever. Completely egocentric.
2012-08-04 11:09:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I *do* personally think, based on what we've found on other planets that we know of, there is most likely life. I also believe that to think
2012-08-04 11:08:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire People will make the jump to supernaturalism just as readily.

2012-08-04 11:06:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I agree on that point as well. I think he mostly defends that by rationalizing it through extrapolation, but he doesn't quite see that
2012-08-04 11:06:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How do you like the book so far?

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2012-08-04 10:50:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was in upon this message...had a long day of studies, losing my energy and patience for it, really. But I must persevere.
2012-08-04 10:49:42 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aw, thank you! :)

2012-08-04 09:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! In case I forgot to tell you- I miss you. ;-)

2012-08-04 09:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you go to the temple while I am away? Please do... :-) Well, a quick kiss on your lips with a squeeze, a sweet nose-rub and whoosh...
2012-08-04 09:44:37 (EDT)

ZinniaTung How are you doing??

2012-08-04 09:42:47 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I did! Na, am still a vegetarian.. I can cook non-veg tho, :) uhm he knows how to boil water which is helpful for my black tea.. Am good!
2012-08-04 09:42:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I'll leave again for a short while. I drive to my friend to visit Sandy. Sniff. Should be back soon...Wish you could come with me.
2012-08-04 09:41:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You have no clue how much I want to have you here with me now! I miss you. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. A lot lot lot! So! :-)
2012-08-04 09:35:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, isn't sure? Your lady is not beaming so brightly now... But she smiles, wraps her arms around your neck & kisses you back :)
2012-08-04 09:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will have internet connection??? Darling, really really? Your lady is beaming! See? --> :-) 2 weeks without you would be horrible.
2012-08-04 09:22:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... because it's too hot & they get bad quickly even in the fridge. :-| Home? Who? Ahhh, no they will arrive in about 2 hours or so.
2012-08-04 09:21:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Awww, will you let me snuggle up to you & cuddle you all over? Please... :-) Yep, shopping done. Not a good time to buy fruits & veggies
2012-08-04 09:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back home... Looks like no one was waiting for the sweet lady to return home... Sniff. Missing you, dear. Hope your day is lovely.
2012-08-04 08:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am leaving now... Will be back shortly. I don't like to shop alone. Till then, sweet lively kisses all over your tummy... :-)
2012-08-04 07:34:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, really, imagine... 12 days! It will be the first time that you will be away from your lil' lady for so long. :-(
2012-08-04 07:01:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are not my visitors & they will spend most of their time with my ex, but still... I do like them & sure I'll get to chat with them too.
2012-08-04 06:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you find another gym, but it is only worth it if the gym is really near you. Otherwise it's not worth it, even if it's cheaper...
2012-08-04 06:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you woke up later than usual. Your body needed the rest... And glad your headache's gone.
2012-08-04 06:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your mom? What was for lunch? Darling,12 days is 2 weeks minus 2 days. No contact for so long? No? Nothing? I'll miss you terribly :-(
2012-08-04 06:20:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... run the tip of my nose along your jaw & kiss your lips, deeply, slowly... Sigh. God, how much I want to have you here with me now!
2012-08-04 06:20:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my darling! All bathed and freshly shaved, too. Swoon! :-) I hug you tight to my minimally dressed self, rub my cheek against yours
2012-08-04 06:19:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I should do some shopping too, but not sure... I wish you were here, darling. I so so wish!
2012-08-04 03:57:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a lot of cleaning to do. And would like to drive to my friend too in the afternoon, just to check on Sandy... Sniff.
2012-08-04 03:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They will stay for a week or so. Diana, my ex's cousin is a sweetheart & Justin, Kelvin's cousin is a cute boy... well, he's now 16 yrs.
2012-08-04 03:51:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So again... what is my sweet sir doing? How goes your day? The cousin of my ex comes to us tonight, together with Kelvin's cousin.
2012-08-04 03:49:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, ignore the last DM. There was a fly on the keyboard...
2012-08-04 03:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep late last night, woke up early but stayed in bed till 8. Somehow, I didn't feel like getting out of bed. Missing you, darling.
2012-08-04 02:58:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to the mountains this month. When? I wish you could take me with you! 2 weeks without you... God! :-(
2012-08-04 02:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I presume my soft pillow is still intact... ;-) I thought the gym was near you, no? Oh, I almost forgot that you will be heading...
2012-08-04 02:57:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why bad dreams, darling? I would've loved to be by your side, cradle you back to sleep & ensure your sleep is peaceful, dreams are sweet.
2012-08-04 02:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you are kissing your lil' lady. :-) Then she looks at you & runs her fingers through your hair, asking how's your head...
2012-08-04 02:56:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your nose. Your cheeks. Lips. Forehead. Chin. Ears. Neck. Lips. Temples... kissing you everywhere where her lips can reach while
2012-08-04 02:55:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, good morning. :-) Your lady smiles & sighs softly, wraps her arms around you then kisses your lips back. Then
2012-08-04 02:55:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you. What are you up to, today?

2012-08-03 22:41:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, always do when I have the beach breezes during the day. Always. ::smiles:: Taking a break from the intense studying. How are you??
2012-08-03 16:50:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can't sleep. It's a beautiful night outside with the crickets, gentle breeze & the big bright moon. Missing my dear, kind sir... :-(
2012-08-03 16:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady feels slightly blue... Hope your sleep is sweet and restful, my darling. Soft kisses on your eyes. Love you.
2012-08-03 14:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll take you for a walk in our forest, surrounded by butterflies and swing on the swing, & cuddle in the lovely basket... Sigh. If only...
2012-08-03 14:34:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll have dinner shortly & a quick shower, then I join you in bed, hug you to me & slip into your dreams... See you soon darling...
2012-08-03 14:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sit outside, watching the sunset paint the sky in beautiful hues of colors... Wishing you were here, wishing I had you closer to me...
2012-08-03 14:25:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you immensely. :-(

2012-08-03 14:05:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling...I often wonder if you can feel it when I think of you...when I touch you with the fingers of my mind-can you feel it?
2012-08-03 14:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am by your side, my dear... You know, even though I am far away but I so wish you could feel me somehow...
2012-08-03 13:18:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh. Oh no! Shall I rush there and massage your head, your temples? If only I could... if only... Please try to sleep, darling.
2012-08-03 12:53:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you, again... Good night, my dear. Sleep soundly. Sigh, how I wish I could be there, wrapped around you... Will join you soon...
2012-08-03 12:49:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes? Yes! You are the sweetest! I wish I could kiss your fingertips...and cuddle you, too. Thank you, darling. They are lovely, so sweet :-)
2012-08-03 12:40:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, mean, not means... See? Your lady was so blushing that she mistyped... ;-p
2012-08-03 12:38:53 (EDT)

URM1 We are good. How are you? You're missed.

2012-08-03 12:37:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does your cute :-) means yes or no. Yes? No?
2012-08-03 12:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And? Was it the right one? Looking at you with innocent eyes... blushing, too.
2012-08-03 12:34:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, one... and the other? Please...

2012-08-03 12:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. One is definitely for me... Shy smile. Thank you, darling. Sweet, so sweet... :-)
2012-08-03 12:30:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh please... what if I am wrong and what I think it's meant for me is not...? Blush.
2012-08-03 12:28:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't imagine you not being able to write... Just reading your tweets, they are lovely as ever. For me? Which ones?
2012-08-03 12:25:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you feel like writing, then write.

2471 / 4823

2012-08-03 12:05:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you are still here...

2012-08-03 11:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, the reasons people give to prove that there is no God are mostly based on science...
2012-08-03 11:47:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) awww, how sweet... nuzzling you and hugging you, watching you as you snore away with a smile. Miss you, Anand. Please sleep sweetly.
2012-08-03 11:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly & long my darling with smiles & happy dreams. Good night. :-) I will join you shortly & snuggle up to your chest...
2012-08-03 11:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish we could really cuddle. I so miss that, darling! Sigh. Rubbing my nose against yours & softly kiss your lips...
2012-08-03 11:38:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it's pretty much ok, darling. You look at things differently... Yes, most happily! Cheek to cheek, cuddled up in each other's arms :-)
2012-08-03 11:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Really? Can I then snuggle up to you & rub your back while you read? I'll be silent, I promise. Hm? Ordered that book, too...
2012-08-03 11:14:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Do I bother you? You seem to be busy with something...

2012-08-03 11:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just one client? Sorry, my mistake. But I am glad he was pleased & all went well. Some pointless discussions are inevitable.
2012-08-03 11:04:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Was the week all together a good one? Are the clients happy with the work and all?
2012-08-03 10:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? I don't know. Maybe the heat... But it is not that bad.
2012-08-03 10:56:49 (EDT)
2472 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I miss you more. I would so love to spend the weekend with you, but... Deep sigh. I keep hugging you & nibbling your earlobes... ;-)
2012-08-03 10:55:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep! The rain was short but sweet. Refreshing. I love quick summer downpours. It's warm with huge drops. :-)
2012-08-03 10:49:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, I hug you close & kiss you a sweet slow welcome home... Day was ok. Nothing special. Have a slight headache.
2012-08-03 10:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I wish you were really here, darling... near, as near me as you can be... right in my arms. Smile. Sniff. Miss you!
2012-08-03 10:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am standing here, looking all around but I can't see you. :-(
2012-08-03 10:40:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww :-) But where is here?

2012-08-03 10:28:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I am back home. Where are you?

2012-08-03 10:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will be back very soon. Ok? In case you are leaving for home, hope you have a pleasant, safe drive home.
2012-08-03 08:50:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ People would think you are crazy, but... :-) I step out now for a bit. Our van gets new stickers & will drive by to see if all goes well.
2012-08-03 08:49:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) take off your clothes & run outside...imagine the rain to be my lips, slowly moving all over you, leaving a trail of sweet wet kisses...
2012-08-03 08:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if I imagined the rain to be your fingers, I would stand in the rain the whole day. Miss you, your touch, your kiss... so much! Sniff.
2012-08-03 08:47:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, well at least you got to eat something... So, the day
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wasn't that good? I am sorry... Sniff. Anyway, it's Friday, so... do :-)
2012-08-03 08:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is still good & nothing will spoil it... Soft kisses along your neck, darling. Missing you... :-)
2012-08-03 07:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to get a lovely summer shower, yep darling in bikini. It feels beautiful. Honest. I wish you could be here now...
2012-08-03 07:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch... Big, warm drops of rain and sunshine. :-) I rushed outside to look for rainbow but there's none. Anyway, I go out again
2012-08-03 07:07:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Why didn't you choose a place where the food is good? Hmm. No, but I will be sad and wouldn't kiss you anymore...
2012-08-03 04:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please know that no matter what, you can always come back in my arms. Unless you really kiss someone else... ;-p
2012-08-03 04:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure, not half as much as I do. ;-) Good busy sounds great, a perfect way to end the week... :-) Is the lunch yummy? And all lovely?
2012-08-03 04:35:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, rush to your lady so she can pull you into a tight embrace & kiss you deeply, softly... :-) Miss you, do you know that?
2012-08-03 04:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Out for lunch with the team or in the office cafeteria, again? God! What a question! Most happily! A kiss from you is never late... ;-)
2012-08-03 04:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet sir! :-) It's ok, I thought you were busy, so all is fine. But tell me, how are you? How goes your day? Is it good-busy?
2012-08-03 04:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day will be the usual, darling. Anyway, not as busy as yesterday. I think I will take short breaks & go out sunbathing...
2012-08-03 02:47:42 (EDT)

2474 / 4823

_stoicOne_ It's going to be hot here & from today on, the temperatures will rise... August is the hottest month here. :-|
2012-08-03 02:44:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Very much. A million sweet soft nibbling kisses all over you, to keep you fresh & alert through the day. And smiling too. :-)
2012-08-03 02:31:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so hope that you are having a real good, pleasant-busy, enjoyable day at work! Do the meetings continue? How about the clients?
2012-08-03 02:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep sweetly & well? I think I did, woke up just one time...How was the drive to the office? Darling? It's Friday, the last day :-)
2012-08-03 02:29:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. I see, you had to rush to work... Missed your morning smile & kiss. Sniff. How are you feeling?
2012-08-03 02:28:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love the tweet!

2012-08-02 23:19:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Only a couple of pics today...I had 100s of pages of physics notes spread out before me for most of the day! How're you doing??? Miss you.
2012-08-02 23:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? There are some sweet hugs & butterfly kisses under your covers for you, to start the day fresh & smiling. It's Friday! :-)
2012-08-02 15:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes my sweetness, had dinner & freshened up, too. How I wish I could really sleep in your arms... Will dream of it, of you...Sigh. Miss you.
2012-08-02 15:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope you are sleeping deeply with sweet smiles, feeling your lady's kiss on your cheeks, her soft body curled into yours...
2012-08-02 15:41:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Magic to iron it lyrical and pretty that response was! I love it!
2012-08-02 12:38:46 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire How did your day wind up going?? I know it was supposed to be a long one. I'm at the beach, missing you.
2012-08-02 12:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady loves you, Anand. Please sleep now. I am holding you...
2012-08-02 12:18:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I wish I could paint/draw pictures of your writings... Imagine... that would be really cool. :-)
2012-08-02 12:18:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow is Friday, the last day... You can write on the weekend. Missing your lovely, beautiful tweets/ lil' poems. Honest.
2012-08-02 12:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. I will join you asap & snuggle into my darling. :-) Yes, true but the week was long & busy for you, so... it's ok. :-)
2012-08-02 12:09:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, sigh. Yes, let's cuddle up. I hug you close darling & softly kiss you on your eyes, cute nose, lips... Sleep soundly, dream happily.
2012-08-02 12:08:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the "I". Blush. Smile.

2012-08-02 11:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! How much miss you!

2012-08-02 11:52:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you! :-) Hmmm... not sure but I think it was me... for I was kissed by someone who looked like you, smelled like you, felt like you...
2012-08-02 11:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could hold you now, gently caressing you, letting you sleep away in my arms... My sweet sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-08-02 11:41:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Poor sweet tired darling... I am done for the day, so I am all yours to cuddle up to... :-) Soft kisses on your eyes my dear.
2012-08-02 11:36:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ God! No! Darling, you see whom you are kissing, no? Sniff. No? Pouting. No!?
2012-08-02 11:35:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't say bad but I thought they were boring or so, otherwise why sleeping off... But well, people are strange there, so...
2012-08-02 11:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I ate well. Honest. Why tiring? because it was busy. Simple. While telling you all this, your lady's still hugging you & kissing you :-)
2012-08-02 11:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, it's pretty late there... just glad you are home safe & sound. Had a lovely dinner? How are you, darling. Very very very tired?
2012-08-02 11:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I run up to you, jump in your arms & squeeze you, kiss you everywhere. :-) Welcome home, darling. Been waiting for you...
2012-08-02 11:32:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, please be home soon. Your lady is missing you so... My day wasn't that awesome but it was an ok, slightly tiring busy one.
2012-08-02 10:45:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is it the last meeting for today? It's getting late there... Shhh, soft kisses sneaking up your legs from under the table... ;-) Miss you!
2012-08-02 08:45:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so proud of you that you didn't sleep off! :-) If most folks nearly did, it means the meetings were long & not really interesting. Or?
2012-08-02 08:44:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... was waiting at the wrong door. God! Hope you didn't kiss someone else... ;-p I am so glad your day was good like that.
2012-08-02 08:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh your lady thought the same & was waiting behind the door to grab you & pull you to her the moment you come out... Smile, seems like I
2012-08-02 08:43:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are good... ;-) come come, let me give you a quick
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lovely squeeze & a deep kiss before you go back... :-)

2012-08-02 07:28:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is very very busy today but she keeps stopping by to check her DMs... I miss you, darling. I really, really do.
2012-08-02 07:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A downpour of sweet, tender kisses for my darling. I hope you are having a very good day at work. Mine is ok, missing you...
2012-08-02 05:50:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... freshly showered, lovely smelling me... just to prevent the towel from falling. ;-) Missing you loads, darling. Sigh.
2012-08-02 03:17:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up a little late today, went about my morning chores & now, kissing my sweet darling back on his lips and pulling him close to...
2012-08-02 03:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've been neglecting things and now, I am behind on them, that's all. And just now feel how much this stress and all exhausted me.
2012-08-02 03:16:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's not much to tell, really. First you (this for months), then Sandy... it was emotionally very draining, hard for me, darling.
2012-08-02 03:14:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? I so hope it is less exhausting... Are the clients happy with the work and all?
2012-08-02 03:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I believe it also requires good focus & concentration... But why 1008? I would have loved to count them for you. Smile.
2012-08-02 03:12:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, poor darling... How are you feeling now? Did you get enough sleep? Wow, chanting a mantra 1008 times takes a long time.
2012-08-02 03:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear, dear darling. :-) Glad you slept well, I did too- slept through the night for the first time in a long time.
2012-08-02 03:12:03 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Studying now, took a little break...what a drag. I'm doing well with it, though. What is on your agenda today?
2012-08-01 21:27:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you! A lot. *pout* Closer would be nice, yes.

2012-08-01 21:27:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Omg! I'm so glad I didn't wake you! I always try to remain cognizant of when you're sleeping.
2012-08-01 21:26:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A drag, bc I've missed chatting! How are you, sweet A? I hope I'm not waking you! Always a worry of mine...xo
2012-08-01 17:51:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you! I have been studying, organizing, and clearing my chores so that I can dedicate the next week solely to working on this. Bit of
2012-08-01 17:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ be sweet :-) Hope your sleep is restful, my darling. And for when you wake up, sweet lovely fresh morning kisses await you...Miss you!
2012-08-01 15:15:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I had a decent dinner, took a quick shower & now, coming to bed to hug you gently to me and whisper softly to your dreams...
2012-08-01 15:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. A lot lot lot. Your lady is a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but she loves you, misses you & thinks of you all the time.
2012-08-01 12:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I was too late... didn't get to wish you good night. I am sad. But in my mind, I am holding you, cradling you... hope you can feel it.
2012-08-01 12:02:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you sweetly on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips. I'll have dinner & a shower & will join you & curl into you darling...
2012-08-01 11:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I think I was too late. :-( Anyway, good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly with dreams that make you smile in your sleep. :-)
2012-08-01 11:56:48 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, I was on the phone. Yes please, go to bed darling, you need the sleep. I come now too, so we can cuddle & hug & kiss & sleep.
2012-08-01 11:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would say you are right... Hmm. He gets more and more distant...
2012-08-01 11:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing can be done, darling. And time knows nothing. Time can't bring her back to me & it's silly that it will be better over time...
2012-08-01 11:18:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is. He said he likes big dogs. :-| Anyway, he is a teenager, right now, there is not much that he likes...
2012-08-01 11:10:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! A massage would be wonderful! On the weekend, not now... your days are long & busy, so... Wish I was there to pamper you :-)
2012-08-01 10:28:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, Kelvin likes his new haircut. No, he didn't cry. He didn't like Sandy that much. :-( I miss her, darling. Everything reminds me of her.
2012-08-01 10:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, Friday would be good for lunch out... or maybe a dinner with all the office people & the clients. You will see...
2012-08-01 10:20:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your day sounds tiring, indeed but in a good way... And after a good working day, rest is sweet. :-)
2012-08-01 10:19:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! I jump in your arms & squeezing you while kissing you... ;-) Welcome home, my sweet lil' darling.
2012-08-01 10:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am still not in my best spirits, but... Sigh. I miss you. So, so much! A deep, long, slow kiss on your lips, darling... :-)
2012-08-01 08:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you are still in the office... hope those discussions won't
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take too long... My back is ok, though I would really love a massage.
2012-08-01 08:25:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your sweetie just got home... again. :-) How are you, darling? Was the day not too tiring? How were the meetings? All went fine?
2012-08-01 08:25:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for a bit, need to get new contact lens solution. Sweet kisses & hugs on softly whispering butterfly wings for you, my dear...
2012-08-01 07:14:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I hope you do enjoy your day. Mine is oknothing special. Just got home & had lunch, too... I might step out again
2012-08-01 07:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a long, gentle butterfly kiss for you, my dear... wherever you desire it. :-) How's your day? Out for lunch with the clients?
2012-08-01 04:37:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Hope it is pleasant-busy with work & the clients & all. Missing you. Soft slow kisses along your new sacred thread... :-)
2012-08-01 02:51:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and I have to take Kelvin for a haircut at 12:00 (15:30 your time). Today is going to be hot & sunny. Not even a slight breeze... :-|
2012-08-01 02:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back still hurts. I could really use a massage, it's been nearly a year now... My day will be the usual. Work, some chores & the like...
2012-08-01 02:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Did you slept sweetly? I slept like a stone... All went well this morning? Reached the office in time?
2012-08-01 02:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your kisses didn't trouble me... they made me want to stay in bed a bit longer; I cuddled & played with them for a while. :-)
2012-08-01 02:49:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet cute darling. :-) Those naughty kisses... I told them to behave but seems like they can't when they are near you ;-)
2012-08-01 02:48:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Your lady is fading fast... hugging her pillow, thinking about you... smiling... see you soon darling, in dreams... Sigh. I miss you.
2012-07-31 16:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a beautiful, sunny morning darling & a very good, decent-busy, interesting day at work. Look for my kisses under your pillow..
2012-07-31 15:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course, fresh & well-rested, too. I'd like to have your sacred thread but not sure it is allowed...& it's quite silly too. Blush :-)
2012-07-31 15:52:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my darling... it's just me, slipping under the covers & hugging you to me... Hope your dreams are sweet & you wake up with a :)
2012-07-31 15:49:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :::hug hug:::

2012-07-31 12:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I would love it even more to fall asleep together, hugging each other... It would be beautiful, but sadly, it is not allowed. Sniff.
2012-07-31 12:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? When you are here, will you let me sit by your side till you fall asleep? I would love it so, so much!
2012-07-31 12:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you very soon & wrap myself around you...holding you snugly all night. :-) Sleep well. All the best for tomorrow, darling.
2012-07-31 12:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too. ;-) You, in my arms... Sigh. Good night, my dearest. I hug you close to me & softly kiss you on your eyes... and nose & lips :-)
2012-07-31 12:08:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and enjoying my cradling you, cuddling you to sleep. :-) Please go to sleep, darling.
2012-07-31 11:52:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please darling... I would love the massage very much, but you are tired & you should do nothing except closing your tired eyes...
2012-07-31 11:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A plumber this late? Hmm. Glad you had dinner, darling & spent some with your mom, too. My back is slightly better but still hurts.
2012-07-31 11:51:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that I guessed, dear. I mean that a ritual needs to be performed. What kind of festival is tomorrow?
2012-07-31 11:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nearly done for the day. I am yawning, darling. I think all the stress is just now hitting me... or I don't know.
2012-07-31 11:26:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... needs to be a special occasion or so. I learnt something new... :-) I love your scared thread. I miss carefully straighten it...
2012-07-31 11:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you do, of course... Pouting. Just a little. :-) Well, it makes sense. I didn't know you can change it any day. I thought there
2012-07-31 11:12:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you busy with something? Reading? Having dinner? Sigh...
2012-07-31 11:02:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh. But why do you get a new one?

2012-07-31 10:56:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't miss your lil' lady? Not one bit? Sniff. I am ok, I think. Keeping myself busy... All prepared for the clients?
2012-07-31 10:32:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you will get a new sacred thread? Why? And what happens to the one that you wear now?
2012-07-31 10:20:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Squeezing you back & covering my sweet darling in small sweet nibbling kisses... :-) Please go to bed earlier. You will need the rest...
2012-07-31 10:19:58 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling.

2012-07-31 10:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet tired you. :-) Hectic is not good but tell me, all went well? Please do relax darling, it's ok if you skip the gym...
2012-07-31 09:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I hug you tight & give a soft long kiss on your lips. Welcome home, my darling! Please, stay in my arms for a while... let me caress
2012-07-31 09:34:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your kisses just reached me, slowly spreading all over me... Thank you. Many many sweet winged kisses flitting back to you :-)
2012-07-31 07:52:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just hope the preparations & meetings & all are going well & the day isn't too tiring, my darling.
2012-07-31 07:50:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, it's ok... just missing you. :-) Oh, the clients are coming? That's why no phone meetings...?
2012-07-31 07:50:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home... And my sweet sir didn't stop by to kiss his lady. Sniff. Miss you. Hope all is fine there, darling.
2012-07-31 06:51:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be very busy. Sigh. Heading out to run some errands... Till then, flowery hugs & butterfly kisses for you :-)
2012-07-31 05:09:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you had lunch, my darling and hope your day goes fine... It's a beautiful sunny day here, maybe a touch too warm but still nice.
2012-07-31 04:35:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A bunch of butterflies flutter towards you to cover you in thousand sweet little kisses while whispering 'your lady is missing you'...
2012-07-31 04:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. How goes your day? A soft, deep kiss on my sweet sir's throat, my hands on his hips holding him close... very close.
2012-07-31 03:03:33 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now, that you don't have the evening phone meetings, you have more time... I'd shift the workouts to the evenings...
2012-07-31 03:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is less busy, have not much work to do. I will do some cleaning in between & step out to run some errands. That's all so far.
2012-07-31 03:02:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep watching my Monday series. I slept ok though woke up 2-3 times... How is my sweet darling? All fresh, well-rested & smiling?
2012-07-31 03:01:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling dear, good morning. Smile, if you were really kissing my hips, I wouldn't have let you go, so... ;-) Did you sleep well?
2012-07-31 03:01:34 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme thank you so much darlin

2012-07-31 01:30:14 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme She is still very sick but I've been giving her medicine and I'm hoping for the best. Thank you for your well wishes. <3
2012-07-31 01:19:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, sleep not seep. Well...seep into sleep ;-p Blush. Some more kisses for your cute nose, chin, cheeks, arms, palms...Please sleep now.
2012-07-30 12:35:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. You will get my bed, darling. And your lady will cuddle up to you in the mornings, freshly showered, in a towel...if you want me to.
2012-07-30 12:31:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you still here? Hm? You should seep, dear. That would be fantastic if we could do that! Wow, imagine... :-)
2012-07-30 12:30:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I have only one bed. It is smaller than your bed in the US. I hope it will be comfy enough for you... :-|
2012-07-30 12:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, sometimes I wish we could record all our dreams and
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watch them together...

2012-07-30 12:22:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, just the thought of your kiss & have your body close to mine gives me sweet shivers...Smile. I'll join you asap, my dear. Good night.
2012-07-30 12:21:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night my sweet darling. Sleep soundly. A soft slow kiss on your lips for sweet dreams. :-) I join you in a bit... Please sleep now.
2012-07-30 12:14:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...hold you close to her & gently rock you to sleep... :-) I wish I could really do that...Right now, it's nice here, sunny but not too hot.
2012-07-30 12:13:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you say so too, then sure I will. So, will order it too. :-) Darling, a cuddle & smile & kiss would be wonderful! And your lady would
2012-07-30 12:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. If I was there, I'd snuggle up to you, kiss your neck & nibble your ears. Smile. I am tired, darling.
2012-07-30 12:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reading on the bed, back to back... or having your feet on my lap, absentmindedly running my fingers over your legs... Sigh. Miss you! :-)
2012-07-30 11:20:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I looked up that book yesterday. Sounds like I'd enjoy reading it too... I wish I was there now, darling. Or you here. We- together.
2012-07-30 11:19:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good question. I'd come & take you with me...My neighbour is indeed a very sexy lady. About 65 yrs old. But as you wish, come & meet her ;-p
2012-07-30 11:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you are right darling, but still... I feel I should be there & do this thing together instead of sitting here. Sigh.
2012-07-30 10:50:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No phone meetings? That's very cool! It means some more time for you to do this & that. :-)
2012-07-30 10:50:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And you did not share it with your lady! No wonder my soft pillow-tummy is intact. ;-p Which pizza did you have?
2012-07-30 10:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Your lady is missing you...

2012-07-30 10:30:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How was your day? On a phone meeting?
2012-07-30 09:44:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you think agents can do that for you? I hope yes... Sigh. I wish I could be more of a help. I feel so useless, darling.
2012-07-30 09:41:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, then... come darling, come, rush into my arms so I can hug you tight & kiss you a sweet welcome home! :-) Missing you, too. A lot!
2012-07-30 09:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Reached home?

2012-07-30 09:26:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kisses for you too, darling. Many many soft little ones from your head to toe. :-) Wish this Visa thing was simpler...
2012-07-30 09:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does sound like a hassle... and quite complicated, too. I would so love to help somehow, but don't know how. :-(
2012-07-30 09:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry, darling. If it is too much of a hassle for you, then... then... I don't know. :-(
2012-07-30 08:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, how silly is that! I don't get it why... Hungary is a small, negligible country. Yes, I checked out too, there is one only in Delhi.
2012-07-30 08:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, I am not much better... but busy enough to not think too much... :-| Missing you.
2012-07-30 08:16:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just had to fill out an online application, paid the fee & got my
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Visa. To travel to Delhi just to get a Visa is crazy. :-(

2012-07-30 08:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. I don't understand, why is it more complicated to get a Visa to Hungary than to the US?
2012-07-30 08:10:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we planted the flowers. No roses. I didn't get white & I don't like red roses. Not for that... not for my little sweet white lady.
2012-07-30 08:10:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... can understand you more clearly. And now? Are you clear in your mind? Sure?
2012-07-30 08:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You were pondering & I was begging... and you said nothing! How could you!? Please darling, do think aloud, so your lady...
2012-07-30 08:07:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in, no pointless discussions, etc.? Missing you, dear. My day is a little packed but it's ok, at least I have something to occupy myself.
2012-07-30 08:06:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, just got home. Glad you didn't forget to have lunch. Yes, had breakfast. How are you? Any good came out of the session?
2012-07-30 08:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I take now the flowers I bought for Sandy to my friend. Not sure we will plant them now or wait a few days... Miss you. Sweet kisses for you
2012-07-30 05:11:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to have a very busy Monday but his lady hopes it is good-busy with no pointless meetings... :-) Had lunch, darling?
2012-07-30 04:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. But now, it feels sweet & your lady smiles... A trail of soft butterfly kisses all over under your undershirt, darling. ;-)
2012-07-30 02:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, you will need Visa. Please, if you need any help, let me know. Ok?
2012-07-30 02:49:45 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I just still don't really understand this sudden decision. I was begging you for months & was about to give up hope... and then... :-)
2012-07-30 02:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we'll be together shortly. Your lady's so looking forward to it! I can't describe how it will feel for me to see you, hold you again...
2012-07-30 02:48:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, have to work & have to try to catch up on all the things I neglected last week. My home is kinda messy, too. Blush.
2012-07-30 02:47:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not really better, darling. Did not sleep well. No, not because of the thunder... And my back still hurts.
2012-07-30 02:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Slept sweetly? Feeling all fresh? Hope you had a good start into the week & it will be better than last week
2012-07-30 02:46:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love that. Would love more to be wrapped in your arms, while we slept entwined, in perfect cadence, peace, and comfort.
2012-07-30 00:46:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have a good day, my sweet. Talk to you tomorrow. :-)

2012-07-30 00:43:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Made mind too...I'm wearing a big grin right now.

2012-07-30 00:43:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The sleep will be sweet...I'll be thinking about YOU, how could it be anything but??
2012-07-30 00:42:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am turning into bed soon, so I will say goodnight now. (((hug hug))) look forward to talking about this tomorrow. Will you be around?
2012-07-30 00:28:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Tell me about the astrology and casting charts, bc this

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interests me as well.
2012-07-30 00:28:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No worries, my love. I want you to focus on rejuvenating your spirits during your special time.On the beach, I try to let nothing disturb me
2012-07-30 00:25:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am trying to prepare myself for missing you. :-(

2012-07-30 00:21:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would love it as well, but I meant on your electronic devices, lol! Are you completely unplugging?
2012-07-30 00:15:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire There's nothing more I'd like right now than to go on a ride with you....
2012-07-30 00:07:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When do you leave for that, my sweet? Are you in need of disconnecting for a bit, or taking me with you?
2012-07-30 00:06:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I say that bc you know exactly who you are. You think about things deeply, and I respect that at my core. You're kind and wonderful.
2012-07-30 00:02:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Appropriate phrasing? ;-)

2012-07-30 00:01:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I want to give you the biggest hug right now, breathe you into me! You're fantastic. And why do I feel that you rarely lack the
2012-07-30 00:01:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, carefully assembled I would agree with. It's recklessness that I don't.
2012-07-29 23:59:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ha! I knew I adored you for some reason! (((hugs)))

2012-07-29 23:50:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A militant atheist is no better than a proselytizing

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Christian. If they arrive at atheism through angst and anger, it could be a detriment.
2012-07-29 23:50:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Same with atheism.

2012-07-29 23:49:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hmmm, perhaps, dear friend. But I am a believer in, "Show your work.". How they arrive at their conclusion is important to me.
2012-07-29 23:49:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A lot of those beliefs. Be a good human. Leave a legacy of caring, love, and honesty.
2012-07-29 23:40:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's the worshipping of deities and the supernaturalism that I'd like to leave out of it. Have you looked up secular humanism? I follow
2012-07-29 23:39:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Take more learning to answer that for sure. But that certainly doesn't negate the whole thing for me.
2012-07-29 23:38:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Many ways at arriving at its conclusion...but I am still enthralled by this...I think some schools have lost their way, possibly- it will
2012-07-29 23:38:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire See, once there are so many schools, they start to lose me....if there were absolute answers to any of these assertions,there wouldn't be so
2012-07-29 23:37:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So tell me the tenets of basic hindu belief.... ::cold shower for me::
2012-07-29 23:28:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That would be fantastic. I could almost taste it.

2012-07-29 23:24:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I now can't think straight. I'm trying to overcome it.

2012-07-29 23:23:16 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire The thought of that is beyond erotic and sexy to me.

2012-07-29 23:16:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm not sure I'd be able to control myself if I only had a towel separating myself from you.
2012-07-29 23:10:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've debated catholics, various sects of Christians and Muslims, I'd love to discuss it at more length!
2012-07-29 23:09:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like tsu's translation the best. :-) you took the time to do it yourself? You have impressed me, my dear friend. You continually delight!
2012-07-29 23:06:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I love a steam bath/sauna/vapor room! What made you think about me there, of all places?
2012-07-29 22:59:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Calling almost immediately. Which I haven't even begun to mention yet. Very Christ like.
2012-07-29 22:58:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But it is very difficult to find someone with hindi background to debate. Look at the Christian I'm debating now in my TL. He starts name
2012-07-29 22:58:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, Taoism is also fantastic; have you read the Tao te Ching? I think you'd love it; it's very enlightening. Yes,Hinduism also interests me
2012-07-29 22:57:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Organized religion preys on people's fear and uses that to intimidate them into hateful thoughts and biases that they feel justified for.
2012-07-29 22:51:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Religion always clouds the thinking mind, I believe. Personal spirituality is good, Buddhist beliefs, morals, ethics, are good; yet it seems
2012-07-29 22:50:56 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Has a christen gotten an image from mohammed? A Muslim a visit from Jesus? No. And there's a reason that never happens.
2012-07-29 22:43:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Religion is almost ALWAYS used to discriminate. People need to be more circumspect when their god hates all the same people they do.
2012-07-29 22:43:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When did you lose your father? I'm sorry, by the way.
2012-07-29 22:42:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I was aware of that, and i think it's sweet. We disregard our elders here, as opposed to revere them.
2012-07-29 22:42:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What's done in his name. Patently absurd. We don't believe in Santa, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, etc. Why does this fallacy persist?
2012-07-29 19:41:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't so much have a problem with the idea of god (although there's not enough objective proof for me to believe in it), as I do with
2012-07-29 19:40:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've read the book, and have more for you, if youre interested.
2012-07-29 19:39:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Themselves as humble. No bigger divide and deprecation from humanity than to think you're above it, and everyone else is going to hell.
2012-07-29 19:39:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do not go to church, I think there's no bigger waste of time in the world. There's nothing worse than judgmental bigots parading
2012-07-29 19:38:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is so cute! Are they still alive? If so, are you close with them? I like the thought of little Anand on a tricycle...
2012-07-29 19:37:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I still remember how it felt to be held by you... how beautifully the curves of your body wrapped around mine... Miss you!
2012-07-29 13:29:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sudden thunder & pouring rain. :-| Had a glass of milk & a slice of bread with honey. But now, I really come & curl into you.
2012-07-29 13:21:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep sweetly. A soft kiss on your cute nose & another on your lips... Mmm, snuggling closer to you...
2012-07-29 13:15:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. A lot lot lot. I'm very tired, may I cuddle up with you now? Maybe I'll wake up in the night & eat something but not now.
2012-07-29 13:08:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love that very much. You, here with me... But yes, it's very late & you should sleep. Tomorrow is Monday...
2012-07-29 13:06:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my lady, Anand. My little home is so empty without her. I keep looking next to me if she is lying there, but... :-(
2012-07-29 13:06:24 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hugs for you and have a great day!

2012-07-29 13:01:28 (EDT)

Darkntwistd put some weight on me so Im not laying out. Im on a massive diet and working out a lot. I miss you sweet one. I will try to stay in touch.
2012-07-29 13:01:13 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi my sweet luv. It is so good to hear from you. I am doing ok. My meds are doing good for me. How are you? Days are warm, but meds
2012-07-29 13:00:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso! I got it. Sorry, your lady is a bit absent-minded.

2012-07-29 12:57:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, please don't ever stop teasing me so I'll have a reason to pout... ;-p I hug you & kiss you back & giggle a little as you twirl me...
2012-07-29 12:57:38 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I don't worry about my nail. I just told you that I will lose it. I wish you were right & all will truly be well... Sigh.
2012-07-29 12:50:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I was just pouting in the hope I'd get a kiss. ;-) Ok. I see. But still... are you happy with the presentations? Are they good?
2012-07-29 12:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I will lose my nail. It looks kinda ugly and yes, still black. :|
2012-07-29 12:18:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the house? That was not nice of you. :-( And? Are the presentations ok or need some fixing/changing/etc.?
2012-07-29 12:17:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be preoccupied today... Hope your day was nice and peaceful, darling.
2012-07-29 12:05:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About 12 weeks and I can see you, hug you, walk with you, kiss you, cuddle with you, cook with you... Be with you. Like a dream...
2012-07-29 11:55:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, but you are uncomfy doing that in public... What now? We will walk where there is no one around. Good?
2012-07-29 11:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am not ashamed, darling. Yes yes, our hands on each other's hips... that would be even more lovely than holding hands.
2012-07-29 11:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was hungry, so... Sigh. I wish we could go for a sweet, slow walk now... holding hands. I love your hands, do you know that?
2012-07-29 11:32:42 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hi!!! Yes, it's Ramadan so we eat at 3:30 am. I am well. How are you???
2012-07-29 11:28:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. I ate, cried a little & fell asleep. I am sorry. I will have
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to pay the bills next week. Just noted down... Miss you, too. A lot.
2012-07-29 10:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. I already looked up that one. Hmm, maybe I should buy some new books, too.
2012-07-29 08:11:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ugh, thanks for reminding me... Have to pay some bills too. I forgot to look that book up, will do it. Esp. if you enjoy it... must be good.
2012-07-29 08:03:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, it feels so beautiful... Thank you, my dear. I kiss you back & hug you close to me... How is your day? What are you doing?
2012-07-29 07:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soon darling, soon... But before... would you hug me & kiss me? Please. Would love it... Sigh.
2012-07-29 07:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's right. And broccoli and red and green and yellow bell pepper, too. No, not yet but I will eat something in a bit.
2012-07-29 07:31:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That will be lovely. We don't have as much stuff as I saw in the US...
2012-07-29 07:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... :-(

2012-07-29 07:26:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Didn't buy much. Somehow, nothing seemed delicious or so... Sigh. You can still see Hungary in its best weather. Sometime...
2012-07-29 07:01:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am stepping out for a bit. Need to buy some food, fruits etc... A gentle squeeze, sweet slow kiss on your lips and whoosh...
2012-07-29 05:16:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... if you are really uncomfortable with bad weather, then... then... I don't know. Sigh. Missing you, darling.
2012-07-29 05:02:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ September is nice too but you can't come then. No no, no way darling, no pushing the trip to March. Please. On the other hand...
2012-07-29 05:02:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, bathed. Your lady is wilted, entirely sad. Quiet. Didn't eat yet... Rain & thunder stopped, now it's hot & sunny here.
2012-07-29 05:01:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to have you with me... Have no hot water bag. Nabokov is always good, Neruda too, Thinking fast & slow sounds interesting.
2012-07-29 05:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My back hurts from digging. Each muscle. Wish you were here to give me a nice massage... Many many sweet kisses on your soft tummy, darling.
2012-07-29 02:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be wonderful if you could stay longer. I would be very happy, darling. I miss you. So, so much!
2012-07-29 02:45:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you are ok with bad weather, mostly grey days, rain & low temperatures then it is ok with me. No matter when, just please come. Sigh.
2012-07-29 02:44:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the gym? Is your knee alright? Which books have you ordered? My books are still in boxes... except very few.
2012-07-29 02:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your morning sounds lovely. I am glad he stopped by. I find it nice that he still stops by... It means he felt good there & liked his job...
2012-07-29 02:43:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, heavy rain with enormous thunder-claps. As if the sky was mourning too... But she was so afraid of thunder & I am not there with her...
2012-07-29 02:43:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you stay up so late last night? Darling, to be honest I didn't get much sleep. I could hear Sandy's feet clomping along the floor.
2012-07-29 02:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my lovely darling. Mmm, just to wake up in your

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arms... I wouldn't want to get out of bed... How are you? Slept sweetly?
2012-07-29 02:42:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I, myself, am an atheist.

2012-07-28 17:41:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 3. after much research, I've concluded that atheism, agnosticism, or deism are the only logical positions to hold on the subject of religion
2012-07-28 17:41:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My childhood, if you could call it that.

2012-07-28 17:41:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire 1. I cannot watch people chew food with their mouths open. 2. Reading and my imagination/immersion in the written word allowed me to survive
2012-07-28 17:39:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My turn??? Oh, now I have to think about those 3; I didn't expect that turn! Heehee!
2012-07-28 17:37:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yourself unwritten songs? Seems like you were a very insightful child, that's lovely. Empathetic, almost.
2012-07-28 17:36:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, funny about the teeth brushing!!! You studied astrology, eh? That interests me, what you took from it, I mean. Why did you sing
2012-07-28 17:35:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. Good night.

2012-07-28 14:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My cats are very quiet. They know it too. Maybe it's not so kind of me but I don't wish to have them around me now.
2012-07-28 14:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... :-( Please sleep now, please. And dream with me. I will do the same. And hug my pillow close as if it was you...
2012-07-28 14:46:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ She was my sweet friend and companion for long years. It feels strange to not have her around... Your being here with me would help a lot.
2012-07-28 14:39:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... else to have you here with me now. Sandy's gone... nothing can bring her back to me. I miss her. Will never forget her.
2012-07-28 14:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You need the sleep, too. Why are you still awake? Hm? No, you are not Sandy. You are my sweet darling & I'd love more than anything
2012-07-28 14:26:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, please sleep. I'll try to sleep, too. I kiss your hand & hold it close to my lil' sad heart... I love your humming... so lovely...
2012-07-28 14:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are very sweet, you know that? Sigh. I wish that too. I would so love to be held by you, darling. It would bring great comfort to me...
2012-07-28 14:13:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why, darling why are you still up? Please sleep. Please. I am sorry darling for ruining your day. I didn't mean to... :-(
2012-07-28 14:12:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and holding your hand. Oh darling, if only you could be here... Please sleep soundly. It is very late there... Good night.
2012-07-28 13:08:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, up. Extremely tired but can't sleep. I miss my lady, Anand. So much! :-( I kiss your lips & snuggle closer to you, hugging your arm...
2012-07-28 13:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A faint tiny grateful smile... Thank you, darling. Please come & hold me close to you. Please. Sleep soundly with lovely dreams. Good night.
2012-07-28 12:45:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day was peaceful & as lovely as could be... I would have loved to go with you to the temple...
2012-07-28 11:26:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will lie down now & try to sleep. Wish you were here to hold me, speaking softly to me, just... to be with me. Missing you.
2012-07-28 11:26:16 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... with me in some way, close to me... My darling, the worst part was to come home. I hoped she'd come to greet me but... :-(
2012-07-28 11:25:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was so hard to hold back the tears but your lady did not cry there. I would have so loved to have you with me but I know you were...
2012-07-28 11:25:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. Sandy is resting under the shade of a tree. Will buy white roses tomorrow and plant them in a few days or so.
2012-07-28 11:25:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My friend is here. Leaving now. :-( Miss you. Love you. Wish you were here. Anand... :'-(
2012-07-28 06:10:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have never imagined it will be this hard & heartbreaking. Never had to face death like this before. I still can't believe... Not my lady!
2012-07-28 05:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for holding me. Thank you for being there... I just wish you could physically be here with me, too. Miss you! Need your hug.
2012-07-28 05:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... she'll be in good company there. I know it's silly, but... :-(
2012-07-28 05:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, here is space too but I am not planning to live here forever. My friend will live there & it's comforting to know that...
2012-07-28 05:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am grateful to her, too. She gave me so much just by being who she was, with a love that was unconditional. I so wanted you to meet her!
2012-07-28 05:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He lives on a little farm about 10 min. from me, he said we can lay her to rest in his backyard & he'll plant a rose bush over her.
2012-07-28 05:10:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I've put her into a wooden box with her blanket & chicken that
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she so loved. An old friend of mine will come in a hour and help me.
2012-07-28 05:09:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you... I am sorry, darling. I didn't want to make you cry, I... I... :-( Please just hold me, cradle me in your arms. Be with me.
2012-07-28 05:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved her, love her with all my heart. She was the sweetest, loveliest, friendliest little lady ever. I don't know how to find strength...
2012-07-28 05:00:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll miss her company & everything about her terribly. I start to cry over & over. Can't help it. She was my best friend 11 yrs & 8 months..
2012-07-28 05:00:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just knowing that you are out there helps, darling. No, it's me who couldn't have asked for a better friend than Sandy. I miss her :'-(
2012-07-28 04:59:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wanted to let you know that Sandy fell into an eternal sleep at 9:00 :'-( She is now at peace.
2012-07-28 03:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I go back to her. I am sorry. Hope you enjoy your bath. Please do have a lovely day darling. Soft kisses for you.
2012-07-28 02:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When she does that again, I will call the vet... I am at the end with my strength. :'-( I miss you & would love to have you here with me.
2012-07-28 02:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She made all bloody-dirty, I cleaned her & her bed but she did it again. Your lady is exhausted, wilted, immensely sad.
2012-07-28 02:33:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep on the floor on a thick sun-lounger cushion next to my lady. She is doing very bad, darling. Her liver is bleeding :-(
2012-07-28 02:32:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you it'll take a while & my soft pillow-tummy won't give in so easily... ;-p But glad the workout makes you feel good. That matters.
2012-07-28 02:31:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet cuddle-bear darling :-) I am so glad that you finally got a long, good & hopefully uninterrupted, sleep.
2012-07-28 02:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling really, really tired. I do wish I was like the deepest point in the ocean but I am not :-(
2012-07-27 13:57:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Having dinner now. You know my dear, your lady didn't get much sleep this week. Slept very light & woke up many times to look for Sandy.
2012-07-27 13:48:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like I was too slow... :-( I am sorry, darling. This uncertainty wears me down. I miss you. Sniff. I so wish you were here :-(
2012-07-27 13:02:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will sneak out of the bed when you are sleeping, have dinner & a shower & will join you again... Good? Missing you, darling.
2012-07-27 12:39:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Kissing you on your lips, cuddling you to sleep... Sleep soundly with happy dreams.
2012-07-27 12:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if I get the hug & kiss then... hmmm... and a sweet cuddle too, then I come now to bed with you & stay there till you fall asleep :-)
2012-07-27 12:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I know what you mean. I really do. But I don't have such inner peace & I doubt I will ever have, you know?
2012-07-27 12:33:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am a living being with feelings and emotions, etc. and there are things/happenings that I can't simply ignore. They hurt. A lot.
2012-07-27 12:28:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am not a monk.

2012-07-27 12:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... things are not ok at all? How could my soul be calm? How? And no, there are things that I don't/can't accept as they are.
2012-07-27 12:21:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now, I understand better what you mean. When I am at peace, I sleep & eat like a baby too. But how could I be at peace when
2012-07-27 12:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He can tell me more after the result. If the result is a bit better, Sandy has a chance, if it's not better at all, then she has no chance.
2012-07-27 12:21:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Do I get a hug & kiss too? Please... You mean a long bath? Lil' smile. Nothing. He said Sandy is in the same state.
2012-07-27 12:20:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Will get the blood test result tomorrow evening. Till then... waiting. A thunderstorm is rolling in... Wish you were here.
2012-07-27 11:45:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it's not about wise or unwise... Do you think I choose to suffer... just to suffer even more? Sure not. Off I go. Be back soon...
2012-07-27 10:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am getting ready to leave for the vet.

2012-07-27 10:33:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the thought of never seeing you again did the same... Just a nice meal and all is well. Of course, darling of course... Sigh.
2012-07-27 10:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or do you think if I'd eat something really delicious then I will be in a better mood & smile while my dog is dying? :-(
2012-07-27 10:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Food is not everything. A nice meal doesn't make the heartache go away or make my mood or anything any better.
2012-07-27 10:27:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could I happily eat or think of food at all when nothing is alright? No, I don't really agree with you, darling. Sorry.
2012-07-27 10:26:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not that I don't want to eat & sleep, I just simply can't... When my soul & heart suffers, my body doesn't feel well either.
2012-07-27 10:26:28 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It can cause loss of appetite or eating disorders, insomnia, head and stomach ache, fatigue, and so on.
2012-07-27 10:25:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand what you mean. But what if one is not able to eat & sleep well? As I told you, emotions do affect physical health.
2012-07-27 10:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you were quick darling. Please, let me hug you & kiss you a sweet welcome home. Your knee gets a kiss too. :-)
2012-07-27 10:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, where are you? Went to the gym? In case yes, hope you have a good workout & you are taking care of your knee & back :-)
2012-07-27 09:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that it doesn't take any food in? Hm? But I eat. I really do. And I know you mean it good.
2012-07-27 09:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, you think food/eating well is the solution for everything? What if one doesn't have appetite or the stomach is so stressed too
2012-07-27 09:06:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, I'll lie down now for a little before driving to the vet. Your lady's so tired. Have a nice drive home. Please take care...
2012-07-27 08:39:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eating well doesn't make me strong. Nor does it help... Other than that, I am not in a mood to stuff myself... :-(
2012-07-27 08:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with one teaspoon of food in every hour, but... :-( I take her to the vet in 3 hours. I so wish you could come with me.
2012-07-27 08:12:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sandy is not one bit better. She is very weak. I am tired, darling & in despair. I am with her, give her water, speak to her and feed her
2012-07-27 08:11:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ But but... you said no meetings today. Or discussions about this week's meetings? :-| God! Poor you.
2012-07-27 08:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I gently squeeze you & kiss you softly... :-) I would so love your hug & kisses, dear! You, here with me. Sigh. Miss you!
2012-07-27 08:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home, darling. Your lady would so love to curl up in your arms & rest there for a little while... Sigh. Kisses for you, my sweetest.
2012-07-27 06:25:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now. Need to buy horsetail tea, potatoes & baby food for Sandy. Will hurry back.
2012-07-27 05:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? Better than the last few days? I miss you, Anand. Very much. A soft kiss for your lips...
2012-07-27 04:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, I am glad you didn't go in the morning. Anyway, I hope you didn't wake up too early. :-) Had lunch, darling?
2012-07-27 04:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No meetings? That's great! I just don't understand for what reason was this pointless meeting-marathon good...
2012-07-27 04:51:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... She seemed to be a bit better last night but now... she doesn't move & doesn't even open her lovely eyes :-(
2012-07-27 04:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. But are not less important to me, you know? I wish you were here, too. I would love your hold & be with you.
2012-07-27 04:50:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for not writing more but please know that your lady's thinking of you & missing you & keeps blowing butterfly kisses towards you.
2012-07-27 03:23:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here with me! So, so much! A tight hug, a lil' grateful smile & a soft kiss for you my dear. Miss you.
2012-07-27 02:29:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It's not that I don't want to talk to you, darling. Blush. :-( Yesterday, I wasn't at home when you called & didn't take my phone with me.
2012-07-27 02:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... has clear moments. I hope she is strong enough and my being with her helps her... :-(
2012-07-27 02:28:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a poisonous plant. No darling, dogs have no sense of what is poisonous. Cats have. Sandy is not better but at least she...
2012-07-27 02:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, dogs eat grass & the vet said maybe there was a tiny mushroom in between... or any other poisonous plant, or the seed of
2012-07-27 02:27:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was so exhausted, I fell asleep. Couldn't help it. Though I woke up several times to look for Sandy. But I slept.
2012-07-27 02:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling? Did you sleep sweetly? Went to the gym? How is your day? Do those meetings continue?
2012-07-27 02:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Just to feel sweet-you next to me... Sigh. Such a lovely way to wake up to... Thank you, dear :-)
2012-07-27 02:26:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. Please do take care darling. Miss you.

2012-07-26 10:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, in 15 min. or so. Wish you could come with me. I wish you were here to hold my hand... I wish, so wish that... :-( Missing you.
2012-07-26 10:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still in a meeting? I so hoped that you get home earlier today...Poor darling :-( Your lady's not well, she's exhausted. Feeling sad & empty
2012-07-26 10:16:50 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung Delhi
2012-07-26 07:14:05 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :) I have been here & there. But I have this travel bug in me. & I get so bored sitting at home.
2012-07-26 07:10:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for holding me... I bury my head in your chest and hugging you tightly... If only...
2012-07-26 06:29:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only love and prayers could help her... but they don't. Love only hurts & prayers... All useless stuff...
2012-07-26 06:22:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, your well-being matters too, darling. Sandy is not better, not one bit. I had breakfast... Missing you.
2012-07-26 06:20:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just hope that you are well, darling and your day is better than yesterday... Missing you very much. I so need you here with me...
2012-07-26 03:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I carried her outside to let her pee... I am with her, I sit by her, darling. No, not now. I drive her at 17:00 (20:30 your time).
2012-07-26 03:38:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Deep sad sigh... I couldn't sleep, darling. She was breathing heavily & also needed to give her water & at 3:30 she tried to get up
2012-07-26 03:37:48 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Uhm, where to,, mamoziis is scared I might be kidnapped

2012-07-26 03:26:32 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Ohh! Hope the visit was good!! A lil too far to enjoy the courtship period. Momsy is ohkay , I am just lonely right now, nothing to do.
2012-07-26 03:22:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes fine & meetings are less boring. A soft kiss on your lips, hugging you close...
2012-07-26 03:00:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Yes, just to have you here with me...Would make it a
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little easier. Thank you for being so sweet. Don't know what else to say...
2012-07-26 02:59:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but that's all. I am useless today, darling. Exhausted. Sad. Not strong at all. Sandy doesn't feel better. I don't want to lose her! :-(
2012-07-26 02:59:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Did you sleep well & enough? I couldn't sleep. Stayed up with Sandy all night, maybe dozed off for a bit
2012-07-26 02:58:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now & wrap myself in your arms. How I wish you were here, holding me tight.. :-( Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling. Miss you
2012-07-25 15:40:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it didn't help at all, then... :-( 12 years... Words fail me darling. I feel extremely, immensely sad. I love her, darling. I love her.
2012-07-25 14:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got home. Sandy got antibiotics & infusion to cleanse her kidneys & the poison from her body. I have to take her back tomorrow afternoon.
2012-07-25 14:14:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I take her now to the vet, he wants to see her to decide whether is it worth to try one thing or put her to a long peaceful sleep. God! :'-(
2012-07-25 12:45:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The vet said Sandy has no chance. Her kidneys stopped to work. And seems like she has leukemia too.
2012-07-25 12:45:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for leaving you alone and all, but... Sigh. I am sorry.
2012-07-25 12:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case I don't get back before you go to bed- good night, my darling. Sleep & dream sweetly. I will join you in a while...
2012-07-25 12:00:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Running back to you, giving you a squeeze & a quick soft kiss too and whoosh...
2012-07-25 12:00:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, must leave now. I am so sorry darling. And thank you. Please do cross your fingers... Please. Miss you too, immensely. :-(
2012-07-25 11:55:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sandy is in a horrible shape. She tries it but she can't stand up. It breaks my heart :'-( Just about to drive to the vet. He wasn't at home
2012-07-25 11:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry the meetings were like that. What activities? You mean new projects, etc.? Why does it seem bleak?
2012-07-25 11:51:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling. It's so late there... so glad you are finally home. I hug you & kiss you back & just keep hugging you...
2012-07-25 11:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, your lady is missing you. Hope you reach home soon, it's very late there. You must be very tired, dear...
2012-07-25 11:16:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you darling? How's your day? Did you have lunch? Are the meetings not too annoying/tiring? Sigh. Now, I really miss you
2012-07-25 08:16:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am extremely sad, Anand. I just really hope my vet has time... It would help a lot, he's cheaper & wouldn't have to drive the long dist.
2012-07-25 08:13:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He knows Sandy well & hes an excellent doc. She will def. need the daily infusion but he can do that too. Would it help? I don't know.
2012-07-25 08:08:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I called my ex to drive by the hospital & take the results with him. I drive to my vet late afternoon to ask his opinion.
2012-07-25 08:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I wish you were here too, darling. So, so much! :-( It is impossible to leave her there for 1-2 weeks. And it would cost way too much.
2012-07-25 08:07:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... but it must be done asap. God, darling... :'-(

2012-07-25 06:03:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... infusion therapy. Every day for about 1-2 weeks. :-( It costs lots of time, the hospital is about 1- 1.5 hours from me & lots of money
2012-07-25 06:03:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally, I got the results. The doc said Sandy is very sick. Her kidneys & liver do not work properly. :'-( She needs an antibiotic
2012-07-25 06:03:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some sweet, honeyed dripping kisses for my darling... as a little reminder that it's about lunchtime... :-) How goes your day? I miss you!
2012-07-25 04:38:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day's less hectic & less pointless with the meetings & all. A soft kiss on your lips darling...on tiptoe, holding you close... :-)
2012-07-25 02:53:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love your hug & kisses... You, here with me. Sniff. Missing you, darling. A lot. Do you know that?
2012-07-25 02:53:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am angry, sad & clueless. I just want my lady back to normal but I don't know what to do or how to help... It pains me to see her in pain.
2012-07-25 02:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we thought the same, that's why they made ultrasound & x-ray but the doc said he saw nothing strange in there.
2012-07-25 02:51:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... back later because the docs are busy :-( I am getting angry. My poor Sandy suffers & I also paid over $200 for the tests & all...
2012-07-25 02:50:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep well, just dozed off for short periods. Sandy was breathing heavily. I called again but the woman said I should call...
2012-07-25 02:49:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear lovely sir, good morning. How could you sleep well if you woke up several times? Sigh. Are you fresh enough for another long day?
2012-07-25 02:49:08 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You know it's not just that I miss You, it's more that I miss usbeing together. Sigh. I wish you a nice productive hectic-free day darling.
2012-07-24 15:36:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a small dinner, dear. Now, I curl into your chest & place your hand on my belly... Sniff. Miss you! Hope your sleep is sweet & restful.
2012-07-24 15:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I called the hospital but the girl there said no doc is available, they are busy & I should call back tomorrow morning. Damn! Idiots :-(
2012-07-24 15:28:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like I was late... Your lil' lady is sad now. But I hope you feel my lovely hold, my soft body against yours in your sleep...
2012-07-24 12:51:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night my darling. Sleep soundly with tender dreams. Kissing your lips as you fade into sleep with a smile... I join you asap.
2012-07-24 12:40:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily! Dropping everything & rushing under the covers. I gently bite your nose & hug you close :-) Hope I am not too late. Sniff.
2012-07-24 12:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Poor you. Hope they won't be as pointless as today's meetings. :-| Yes, I will keep you informed. Thank you, dear...
2012-07-24 12:40:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so miss hugging you! And cuddle with you. And kiss you. And... just to be with you.
2012-07-24 12:17:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! You fixed it? Your lady is sighing proudly and thinks to herself... yes, that's my sir! :-) Do the pointless meetings cont. tomorrow?
2012-07-24 12:16:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my sweet exhausted darling... Let's have dinner together instead & curl up in bed & cuddle & kiss & hug each other for a while...
2012-07-24 12:16:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Missed you today very much, darling.

2012-07-24 12:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my sweetest? Was the day very exhausting? Sandy is sleeping... No news. :-(
2012-07-24 12:02:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back softly, deeply & hugging you a happy welcome home. Thank God you didn't have to drive home with a rickshaw ;-)
2012-07-24 12:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is so very late there, I hope you are on your way home, my dear & that you got a cab... I miss you a lot.
2012-07-24 11:47:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. So so so much! Sniff. Glad you didn't forget to have lunch. Me? Hmm, let me think... I had lunch, too. ;-)
2012-07-24 10:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, the doc has no clue. Still waiting for the results. I do worry, darling. Very much so. :-(
2012-07-24 10:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She doesn't move, doesn't eat...Nothing :-( I carried her to the grass in the hope she'll walk a bit or do something but she just laid down.
2012-07-24 10:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, at least you do something meaningful. Great! Hope you can fix that bug. Sandy is not well at all, darling. She's in a terrible shape.
2012-07-24 10:17:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in a meeting? God! I am sorry it is pointless, maybe you should tell them to stop repeating the same stuff. Makes no sense :-|
2012-07-24 10:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet darling! Your lady is beaming, hugging you tight, rubbing her nose against yours & kissing you on your sweet lips. :-)
2012-07-24 10:16:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is not so nice. Working (well, can't really focus on work) and keeping an eye on my dog lady. She is just lying there... :-(
2012-07-24 08:14:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My super-busy darling, I miss you so! Sniff. I so hope the meetings/discussions and all about the release going well...
2012-07-24 08:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a little kiss for your lips & a sunflower :-) on whispering butterfly wings to let you know that your lady's thinking of you...
2012-07-24 05:52:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your tummy... just to remind you to have lunch. :-) Missing you, darling. Hope the day isn't too hectic...
2012-07-24 04:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. Tests are done, have to call there in the evening for the results. My poor lady doesn't look good at all :-(
2012-07-24 04:09:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft kisses for you my dear to keep you fresh through the day & a few more to delight you... :-) Missing you. A lot.
2012-07-24 00:53:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How is your day? When is the release? I hope all goes fine & the day is good-busy, not hectic.
2012-07-24 00:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what happened to my lady. I don't think it is just age- she was quite active till yesterday & now, she looks very sick :-(
2012-07-24 00:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My missing you, the pain & all really got me down. Emotions/emotional stress do affect physical health, darling. I did suffer. All of me.
2012-07-24 00:51:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sent you the DMs & went to bed. I slept like a stone. Had 3 toasts for breakfast & a yoghurt. Well, and before I simply couldn't eat.
2012-07-24 00:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not about unhappy incident darling. I really had no time to eat last night. When I got home, I was so very tired...
2012-07-24 00:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, darling. I frown though 'cause you should've
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slept a bit more...Think on the long busy'll need the sleep.
2012-07-24 00:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. Your lady is freshly showered, in a towel, lovely as a spring flower :-) I would so love your kisses now!
2012-07-24 00:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's a sunny kiss under your pillow, for you to start the day with a :-) Hope you have a real good day tomorrow, even if super-busy.
2012-07-23 17:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I snuggle up behind you, kiss your nape & hug you lovingly to me...sigh. I hope you are sleeping soundly with happy dreams my darling.
2012-07-23 17:15:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do forgive me for skipping dinner. I really am terribly sad. She was 3 months old when I bought her & now, she is nearly 12 yrs old.
2012-07-23 17:15:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...her like that. She can't walk & when she tries she looks as if she was drunk :'-( I promised you to have dinner but skipped it. So sorry
2012-07-23 17:13:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... have to take her back tomorrow morning for blood & some other tests. I am super-sad darling. I love her so much & it pains me to see
2012-07-23 17:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... didn't eat, showed no reaction, was quite apathetic, etc. The doc in the hospital made an ultrasound & x-ray of her sweet belly but
2012-07-23 17:11:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, just got home. I took my dog lady to the vet then to the hospital. She behaved strange the whole day, she didn't move at all
2012-07-23 17:11:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire wonderful daydream. :-)

2012-07-23 16:45:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I miss you! Fill me in on your days. I just made a really smooth homemade guacamole and pictured us cooking in the kitchen; it
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was a
2012-07-23 16:45:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Landed?! You had to fly out for this one??? How have you been? It's been overcast here everytime we try to do something, odd humidity, too.
2012-07-23 16:44:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could go with you to the mountains, darling...

2012-07-23 13:05:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is as clueless as you are... :-| There is a pull that I can't describe/explain and a direction I can't identify... Hmm.
2012-07-23 13:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You made me ponder, darling. You know, I think some have such clarity 'cause they all want the same... A good job, nice home, family etc.
2012-07-23 12:35:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I cuddle you back & softly kiss your lips...and nose & chin & cheeks and... sigh. I will join you very soon, darling. Have sweet dreams
2012-07-23 12:06:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, sir. I promise I will eat something before joining you. Happy? :-) For now, good night my sweet darling. Sleep soundly, dream sweetly.
2012-07-23 12:03:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Insincere about what? I told you... trying to eat well. Then please, go to bed darling. And please do skip your morning gym for these 3 days
2012-07-23 12:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lovely kiss on your tummy :-) I am trying to eat more... :-| Your sweetie is a bit wilted & so sleepy! Missing you...
2012-07-23 11:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was about to ask you what you feel where should you be or where want you to be but I see, the cluelessness is about not knowing this...
2012-07-23 11:55:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Done for the day. I so wish I could make you feel better, dear. I would so love to be there with you now. Sniff.
2012-07-23 11:43:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't like to see you so low... Please go to bed early, read a nice book & try to sleep.
2012-07-23 11:31:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I wish I was there to cheer you up a little... or just hold you, caress you & let you rest in my arms for a while...
2012-07-23 11:27:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To me, you seem to be unsatisfied, not clueless... I am not happy with my life, either, but... Hmm.
2012-07-23 11:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I don't know, darling. Some do have such clarity, some only seem to have...And most of them just live their lives as it is...
2012-07-23 11:01:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, don't we all wonder about that... from time to time? I have no more clue than you...
2012-07-23 10:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling.

2012-07-23 10:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, I still can't believe that you will come... Smile, you will get a long lazy scratch of your back. And hugs & nose-rubs & all...
2012-07-23 10:09:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... link when you have time. Have you seen it? Sunny days in early Oct. called Indian summer... well or old lady's summer. :-)
2012-07-23 09:49:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, kissing you back darling & gently rubbing your back while you read... then, I would love the cuddle ;-) You can browse through the
2012-07-23 09:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... please come, let me hug you & kiss a smile on your lips... Please. :-)
2012-07-23 09:23:42 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now, if you would like to, we can cuddle and take a short nap or just resting in each others arms. What say?
2012-07-23 09:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you don't feel like going to the gym, you can do some exercises at home too... after resting. :-)
2012-07-23 09:12:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care of your knee & back. My day is quite busy too, working too slow which is your fault- thoughts of you distract me. Sigh.
2012-07-23 08:58:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you are good darling, but this is nothing new... :-) Was good to work from home? No stress, no hectic & all?
2012-07-23 08:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phone meeting? Then... pssst, I don't say a word, but you still get the kisses...
2012-07-23 08:47:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Do you have so much work to do? A downpour of soft gentle kisses on your chest & arms & back &...everywhere
2012-07-23 08:42:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-)

2012-07-23 07:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just your lady, sneaking up behind you, hugging you & kissing your neck behind your ear... :-) Yep, I am back. How's your day?
2012-07-23 07:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... :-)

2012-07-23 06:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to step out for a bit. Hope your day's fine & you are all fresh & smiling... A quick hug & a sweet deep kiss on your lips & whoosh...
2012-07-23 06:08:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just afraid it will be uncomfy for you. And yes, we have time to plan... :-)
2012-07-23 06:04:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I can take those days free, darling. Please... anytime you come is good for me. If it rains, then it rains. It's not uncomfy for me,
2012-07-23 06:03:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean the Gellrt hill & the bath in there? Ahh you! God! Blush. A walk by the Danube will be nicer & lovelier with you... :-)
2012-07-23 06:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are sweet darling :-) But really, is there anything you'd like to see/go/do...? Hmm, I don't really have favorite places. We will see...
2012-07-23 05:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, how can you know? Maybe my clean is clean for me but not for you. Picnic in the rain is perhaps not so ideal... :-)
2012-07-23 05:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what would you like to do/see when you are here?
2012-07-23 05:03:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's clean. Please be prepared- I will be a terribly shy & clumsy host, darling. Blush. Hey! You will meet our cat boy! :-)
2012-07-23 04:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course I am here... and I am not planning to run away. ;-p But... my home is small & not really nice & I still need some furniture, etc.
2012-07-23 04:57:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... what if you don't like it here at all? :-(

2012-07-23 04:27:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have umbrellas... somewhere :-) so, all you need is some warm clothes. I don't know darling. I hope it won't rain that bad. :-|
2012-07-23 04:26:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling please, you here is always convenient :-) I just worry about you...I mean you finally come & am afraid the rain will ruin your stay.
2012-07-23 04:26:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just really hope it won't rain all the time. And of course... you still have to cook ;-p
2012-07-23 03:53:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I understand. Yes darling, anytime is good. You are always welcome here, anytime. Just take some warm clothes with you. :-)
2012-07-23 03:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No onion/garlic is manageable and eating out is not a must, right? Anyway, you cook ;-p and I will help you.
2012-07-23 03:06:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, the rituals too, but was not sure about the not eating out... You can do the rituals here too, have no carpet, btw. :-)
2012-07-23 03:06:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Silly me, the sun & moon...your calendar is different. I should've known. Well, last year it ended on the 28th Sept.
2012-07-23 03:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses down your spine, darling. Hope you are having a nice day with some pleasant work.
2012-07-23 02:47:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The 2nd half Oct. is mostly grey, rainy with low temperatures 10-15C. Anyway, the climate changes, last year was not so rainy but not sure.
2012-07-23 02:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, except the new moon rituals... I am so sorry, darling. It would have been lovely to spend your birthday together...
2012-07-23 02:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember those 15 days... No onion, no garlic, right? I thought rituals, annual austerities/fasts/etc. were on a fixed date.
2012-07-23 02:45:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? I woke up several times, so your lady is a bit wilted but feels much better than the last couple of weeks.
2012-07-23 02:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daahling? Hope you know... staying home & kissing my ears means that I would've pulled you to me for a sweet morning cuddle... ;-)
2012-07-23 02:44:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet rested darling. Finally! Felt good to

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sleep a bit longer? :-) And your lady is very glad that you really stayedhome.
2012-07-23 02:44:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am propped up on one elbow, caressing you, watching you sleep...I hope your dreams are sweet & you wake up fresh & with a :-)
2012-07-22 16:04:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, this time it's you who shall come & join me... ;-) Good night, my darling. Sleep & dream beautifully. Please do hold me...
2012-07-22 15:01:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Glad you will stay home. Darling, I will wait for you in bed with the gentlest hug & a sweet happy welcome home kiss...
2012-07-22 15:00:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's very late. Actually, it's already tomorrow there... Will you go to the office, darling? Or maybe working from home?
2012-07-22 14:47:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Just now? But I am so glad that you landed safe, so glad that you are back! :-) Hope you reach home in no time, darling.
2012-07-22 14:43:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, it's nearly midnight there... I hope you landed safely & you are on your way home. Wish I was there to greet you...
2012-07-22 14:15:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blowing butterfly kisses to the sky... If you looked out the window, you would see their happy glow... :-)
2012-07-22 12:01:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, do tell me darling what do you mean by not meeting as lovers & what false hopes...?
2012-07-22 11:08:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Going well! Making eggs now, just a light snack before going swimming today. The boys are fishing, so it's a girls day. :-) how about you?
2012-07-22 10:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling. Thank You. Your lady is still in a daze... She can't
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believe that she will hold her sweet darling sir again.
2012-07-22 10:49:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) enjoy the flight, darling. And yes please, do DM me... A quick tight hug, a soft kiss and a nose-rub too. :-) Miss you.
2012-07-22 10:43:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I almost forgot! Look into your velvet box darling. I re-filled it last night while you were sleeping ;-) A kiss on your lips- do take care
2012-07-22 10:39:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You miss the mountains, right? You told me that you go to the mountains once in a year but last year you were in the US...
2012-07-22 10:37:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you don't get more holidays, then not. Are you at the airport now? Yes? Again, have a pleasant, safe journey home, darling. :-)
2012-07-22 10:35:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In Portsmouth, I was more alone than with you. Two weeks in the mountains? Wow, but you need some "me time" so it's ok.
2012-07-22 10:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Now that you say... :-) But wait, your b-day is on the 9th! And yes, you are right, we will be together the whole 7 days.
2012-07-22 10:34:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Explicit as in? Yes there is no harm in smiling together, being together...We were wonderful together even without anything really sexual...
2012-07-22 10:34:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire We are getting closer to your long now?

2012-07-22 10:11:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I think about how deeply that lovely forehead kiss would make me sleep, perfectly contented. I'm going to picture that before bed tonight.
2012-07-22 10:10:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops, here comes the "t" I meant stay. I still can't believe... I... I wish I could hug you tight right now & kiss you too & just squeeze you
2012-07-22 10:06:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ We can figure out together what the future has in That's 6 days & a few hours... Sure you don't want to say a bit longer?
2012-07-22 09:27:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We didn't meet as lovers last year either. Did we? So, are you going to say I will never see you again after this? Hm?
2012-07-22 09:26:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am a bit confused. Why this sudden decision? And what do you mean by not meeting as lovers or anything like this?
2012-07-22 09:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do take care darling. Wishing you a pleasant trip back home. Please do let me know when you land in Chennai. Ok? Kisses for you, plenty...
2012-07-22 09:25:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some tender kisses for my sweet darling. Please do hug your nephew on my behalf. Hope your afternoon is lovely... :-) When are you leaving?
2012-07-22 07:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, really... do you mean it seriously? I mean... I just re-read your DM... again and again but... God! I can't believe! No kidding?
2012-07-22 06:06:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back softly, sweetly... :-) Darling? Do I read it right?? How come? Are you serious? God, of course it's ok with me!
2012-07-22 05:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Metro! I didn't know there are metros in India. God, how I dislike them! Hope the travel isn't/wasn't too long.
2012-07-22 05:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh pretty late, darling. My mistake- you wrote post-lunch & I understood before lunch. Ooops :-| How is your day so far?
2012-07-22 05:51:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, my sweetest? Are you at your sister's place? Having lunch together? Some naughty kisses behind your ear- yes, thinking of you
2012-07-22 04:55:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ A soft, deep kiss on your throat above the top button... Miss you, darling.
2012-07-22 02:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a bit cool but still nice, esp. with all the colorful leaves, fresh slightly crisp air & sunshine :-) Mid. of Oct. is rainy, not nice.
2012-07-22 02:53:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that I skipped yesterday. Nothing else. Hm, is there someone who wants to visit Hungary? Well, early October should be good.
2012-07-22 02:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When are you leaving? Does you sis & b-i-l take you to the airport? Nothing is lined up for me, darling. Maybe will do the shopping
2012-07-22 02:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... everyone, so yes, it's expected... :-) How goes your day, darling? Are you in a session right now? Is it good?
2012-07-22 02:51:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...a long, restful uninterrupted sleep soon. I watched TV till late night & slept like a stone. Well, Sunday is a lazy day for almost...
2012-07-22 02:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. If I was there & you kissed me, you would've been late too. ;-) Glad you slept well though I hope you get
2012-07-22 02:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Am not in my best mood. I would love more than anything to cuddle up with you, dear...But you don't allow it to happen :-( Good night
2012-07-21 13:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, 2 hours, not 2.5 ... You could have checked it out, no? Anyway, it doesn't matter any more.
2012-07-21 12:58:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, about 2.5 hours, not 1.5. And yes, sometimes nearly 3.
2012-07-21 12:55:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I told you it will get very late, but... Never mind. In the end, all went well...
2012-07-21 12:49:58 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My day was hmm... uneventful. Cleaning done, didn't go shopping.

2012-07-21 12:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. Please do come...

2012-07-21 12:45:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft, slow long kiss on your lips & a tight hug... I will join in a bit (if you want me to) and curl into you for you to hold me...
2012-07-21 12:41:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I shall wish you good night. You must be very tired... So, wishing you a deep, lovely sleep & sweet dreams.
2012-07-21 12:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. I wish I was in your room too... :-( Sorry the dinner was not for your taste but glad you had a nice evening with those folks.
2012-07-21 12:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then it's the same as here... Enjoy your dinner, darling. I miss you more... :-(
2012-07-21 11:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too. Sigh. A lot. Sniff.

2012-07-21 10:57:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I understand. Here, we don't have such rooms...well, very few offices do have one. Sounds lovely, did you enjoy your time?
2012-07-21 10:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a lovely time with them... and a nice chatting with the lady. How old is she? Maybe she can tell you stories of the old times. Nice!
2012-07-21 08:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much. I was dusting & sweeping & mopping... Your lady's getting more & more quiet... Wish we were together, dear. Sad sigh.
2012-07-21 08:09:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only one bed? Now, I am confused... you were not in your hotel room? A cuddle with you would have been lovely...
2012-07-21 08:09:13 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You seem to have fallen asleep. I would've loved to cuddle up with you but you didn't ask me to join... Hope you feel better after the nap.
2012-07-21 06:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Achso... Ok. Then, have a sweet nap.

2012-07-21 05:32:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think you meant taking a nap after sending me the DM. Hmm. Sleep sweetly, darling. A soft kiss on your forehead. Wish I could hold you...
2012-07-21 05:00:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was lunch yummy? Glad the conference is fine. Oh, no? Where would you be then? Sigh. I would so love to take a nap with you!
2012-07-21 04:37:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come and get them, dear. I have myriad of kisses & hugs for you... How is the conference? If I was there, you wouldn't need cold fluids ;-p
2012-07-21 03:20:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many soft sweet kisses all over you to keep you fresh through the day...
2012-07-21 02:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, no headache. It's raining here. I'll probably clean my homeit looks a bit messy & maybe go for a quick shopping- fridge is empty.
2012-07-21 02:08:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope your day goes fine. How is the conference? Interesting enough to keep you awake?
2012-07-21 02:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet sir. I am sorry you are sleepy but...You could've slept at your sister's place or skipped the movie & watch it today.
2012-07-21 02:07:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire much as I can. That's not really living, doesn't make me happy. I prefer a relaxed atmosphere. :-) How about you, sweet? xo
2012-07-21 00:04:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It as light as possible. I feel, in this world, there are so many things we must do, this hamster wheel of life. I like to stay off that as
2012-07-21 00:02:48 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Going to visit family friends tomorrow around noon. I have to start studying and get some paperwork done Sunday. Like always, I try to keep
2012-07-21 00:01:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know you are in conferences and such...but I wanted to tell you that I miss you! XOXO
2012-07-20 22:53:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I try to sleep now. I really hope that you will have a fun, interesting, excellent day tomorrow. Love you. Take care, darling.
2012-07-20 16:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly. Want to meet you, see you, be with you! But you refuse it. DMs are getting less & less too. Should I silently vanish?
2012-07-20 16:14:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...hours nowadays & I can't sit here all the time waiting for your DM. Yes darling, I do feel neglected even if you don't like to hear this.
2012-07-20 16:06:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Seems like I was too slow... Was waiting for you & kept checking my DMs but I saw it too late. Never mind, you leave me alone for long
2012-07-20 16:05:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, my sweet Anand. I miss you... :-( Hug your pillow tight and feel me... my soft tummy under your hand... Sigh.
2012-07-20 15:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dearest. A soft long kiss on your lips. Sleep soundly, dream with me... All the best for tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the day.
2012-07-20 15:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is waiting for you under the covers. Please come & hold me close to you... Well, in case you would like to...
2012-07-20 15:53:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( God! This late? I thought you have fallen asleep watching the movie. But glad you liked it. Hope you get to bed asap, darling.
2012-07-20 15:53:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Gosh, it is already tomorrow there! Darling please... you need some good sleep. :-(
2012-07-20 14:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just me... kissing your nape when they are not looking... and roaming my hand on your back, under your undershirt... ;-)
2012-07-20 13:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You miss me & believe you do. I really do, but...
2012-07-20 12:41:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, why? And you will get back then around midnight! And tomorrow is the conference... You need the rest, darling.
2012-07-20 12:40:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you :-(

2012-07-20 12:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That movie is not that bad. Sigh, how I wish I was there too, watching the movie all together & have your arm around my shoulder... Sniff.
2012-07-20 12:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, are you at your sister's place? No hotel? Then, no going out for dinner... Still, I hope dinner is lovely. Is your nephew awake? Happy?
2012-07-20 12:08:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and don't forget to pass on my lovely hello to them...

2012-07-20 11:43:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. A lot!!! I guess you are going to have dinner with your sister & b-i-l. Enjoy your meal darling. Do think of me...
2012-07-20 11:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... what keeps you from doing so? Hm? Darling... Sigh. Hugging you tightly.
2012-07-20 10:49:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, carousel, not carousal. Sigh. I wish you were DM-ing me the same but from our airport... Sniff.
2012-07-20 10:38:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, I remember how shocked I was when I waited & waitedat the baggage carousal... for nothing.
2012-07-20 10:36:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was decent, too. Sorry darling, was a bit engrossed in work; other than that, nothing noteworthy. Missing you.
2012-07-20 10:32:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the flight? How are you? Tired? Smiling? Or both? My lovely hello to your sister & b-i-l.
2012-07-20 10:32:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So happy! Welcome in Delhi! I am not there, but my butterflies are there to give you a sweet wing-wrap & a kiss... or two or three & more.
2012-07-20 10:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Very very very much. Please know that your lil' lady will be thinking of you... Please feel hugged & kissed by me...
2012-07-20 07:42:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it's ok. It can get quite hectic sometimes. So, I do understand. :-) I just hope day & work was fine.
2012-07-20 07:41:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a nice trip & you reach there safely. Please do let me know when you reach...
2012-07-20 07:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Are you already sitting on the plane? Gosh, hope you get my kisses & hugs before you fly off... Sniff. Please do take care, darling.
2012-07-20 07:41:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you, darling... can you feel it? My arms around your waist, holding you close to me? Sigh. Hope your day is fine.
2012-07-20 07:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, lovely-lively kisses flitting to you to remind you to have lunch... & butterfly whispers to let you know that your lady's missing you.
2012-07-20 04:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft, sweet long kiss on your lips my dear. On tiptoe, my arms wrapped around you, holding you close... Sigh.
2012-07-20 03:01:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ For now, I hope you are having a good, pleasant-packed day. When are you leaving? Did you take the velvet box with you? :-)
2012-07-20 03:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I so miss how we used to play with each other, running over grass...I miss how we used to bring cheer & joy & smiles to each other.. :-(
2012-07-20 03:01:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hate to make a fool of myself & beg like that but... I really do miss you so! My feelings haven't changed, darling.
2012-07-20 02:59:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You said you feel we are more legitimate & deserved than D & me and that our relationship has more rights over time. And now? :-(
2012-07-20 02:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember what you said when I told you about D & that it feels wrong what we are doing, what we feel for each other?
2012-07-20 02:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. And I don't understand you. I don't understand why you don't allow us to be together, to meet. I'll never understand.
2012-07-20 02:58:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does it hurt you see me suffer or it's because you too, miss me & want to see me as much as I want to see you/be with you? Hm?
2012-07-20 02:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling why worry? Even if we don't talk at all, the missing & wanting to meet/be together is still there. It'll be there no matter what.
2012-07-20 02:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. How are you feeling? Slept sweetly & enough? My night wasn't that good... Thank you for coming to kiss me.
2012-07-20 02:56:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire really hope you take the time to relax and take it all in!! XOXO
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2012-07-19 22:45:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When are you leaving? I'm glad your day was ok; hope your travel is comfortable and smooth. Gone the whole weekend, eh? You work so hard, I
2012-07-19 22:44:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You, A? Good day/evening?

2012-07-19 18:09:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My lovely friend! Yes, I've had a very full day today, from early on. Just settling in soon, have a couple more errands to run. :-) How are
2012-07-19 18:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, btw you seem to be absent nowadays... or absorbed in things or I don't know but you talk very little to me...
2012-07-19 12:29:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon. Feeling super sleepy. And you my dear... do come to me. Please.
2012-07-19 12:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night sweet darling. Wishing you a good night's sleep & honey-sweet dreams. Kissing you softly on your eyes, hugging you gently to me..
2012-07-19 12:24:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear, don't you see that your lady is not well at all? Do you think food & juices will make it any better? :-(
2012-07-19 12:24:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where have you gone?

2012-07-19 12:14:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can only hope that you do... Sniff. Had no appetite darling & stomach is still not that good but I ate a little.
2012-07-19 12:00:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-07-19 11:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, let's just cuddle & hug & kiss & caress... I would so love it,
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dear. So so much!
2012-07-19 11:33:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Worried about you. I thought something happened on your way back home... Good. And I don't think I'd be able to give you a massage.
2012-07-19 11:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to cuddle up with you and sleep hugging each other. Just this. Sigh. Darling, all set for the trip tomorrow?
2012-07-19 11:29:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there now... or you here. I would so love to massage the pain away & then cradle you to sleep... Sigh. Miss you.
2012-07-19 11:23:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my poor sweet darling come, let me give you a gentle massage & sweet little kisses all over your tired body... I was worried...
2012-07-19 11:21:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Miss you... :-(

2012-07-19 11:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, sniff wait! Let me pull you to me & kiss you back deeply... Sniff. Please take care. Have a good workout, darling.
2012-07-19 09:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I hope you don't mind if I keep nibble & kiss & sweetly tease you during the meeting...
2012-07-19 08:57:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, I sneak up behind you, hug you close & kissing you along your ear & neck... Welcome home, my sweet darling!
2012-07-19 08:54:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This, I know darling. :-|

2012-07-19 08:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day goes uneventful. Working quietly...Sounds like your day wasn't boring & you also solved some issues again. Great! You are good, darling
2012-07-19 07:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like your day today is much busier... Your lady is missing
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2012-07-19 06:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. A lot lot lot? Thank you, dear. And in return, soft kisses on your tummy around your navel...
2012-07-19 05:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you...Hoping you are having a good day, darling & had lunch on time. Missing you. Close your eyes & feel my kiss on your lips
2012-07-19 04:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I miss you! Very very much. Sniff.

2012-07-19 02:46:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet little kisses all over you, darling. And soft touches of fingertips across your skin. Do you remember the feel of me? Sigh.
2012-07-19 02:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do ask the office people what about the new office... Seems like they forgot about it.
2012-07-19 02:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Delhi is good, hope you can meet your sister & your nephew & spend some time with them.
2012-07-19 02:39:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day will be the usual- some daily chores, work & the like. Hmm. Another conference? Wish you could take me with you... :-(
2012-07-19 02:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the drive? Still no cab partner? How is your day? Hope it is less boring today but not too packed.
2012-07-19 02:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... because you got to sleep a little more. Have no appetite, darling & my stomach is not good, then how to eat properly?
2012-07-19 02:37:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. How are you? Did you sleep soundly? Smile, sorry you set the alarm wrong but at the same time, I am
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2012-07-19 02:37:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And please, I wish you a good, productive, peaceful, smooth day. :-))))
2012-07-19 01:55:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So funny, I was readying a cool rag for my head, and turning in! Good night, my dear to you when I awake. :-) ((hugs))
2012-07-19 01:54:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire On and off, mostly sticking to eternallyclaire, bc it's sort of life reflecting stuff, tied into childhood. I keep all that there.
2012-07-19 01:11:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, sweet. You are a wonder. Are you at work yet?
2012-07-19 01:05:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Happy when I do. I feel exhausted, and it feels so good.

2012-07-19 00:52:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, love...just got another writing burst! Forgive me! I go through periods, as you know, that I can't find the right words. So I get
2012-07-19 00:52:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kids in bed. :-) best time of day ;-)

2012-07-18 23:47:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dying is a part of life.

2012-07-18 23:44:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Patients comfort. They feel scared to die, or guilt for leaving loved ones. Which is so silly, yet understandable on the surface.
2012-07-18 23:43:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I agree completely. Working in the medical field, I feel too much artificial interference delays the inevitable, usually at the cost of the
2012-07-18 23:43:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I agree, I think the same way. I would have not been able, however, to capture it as effortlessly as you did. Sigh. Breathtaking,
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2012-07-18 23:08:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have to read them over and over. Just beautiful.

2012-07-18 23:07:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm mesmerized by your answers. They're so fluid, so beautifully worded. The cadence, stunning.
2012-07-18 23:07:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love the name Claire...Chloe as well.

2012-07-18 22:05:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Samuel is his name.

2012-07-18 22:04:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Has been shared, so I feel some measure of responsibility.

2012-07-18 22:03:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is a great point, objectively. I might bring that up. The difficult thing is, I'm really the only person with which this information
2012-07-18 22:02:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, I live hearing your inspiration behind things. Death always makes one confront their own mortality. I don't know what advice to give.
2012-07-18 21:33:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Michael is on the mend, I feel great, and I have Sammy and Lily Grace as well. 8, 7, and 5 years old.
2012-07-18 21:32:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How tall are you, by the way?

2012-07-18 21:31:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Gym in the evening tonight, eh? Easy day at work, hopefully?
2012-07-18 20:57:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love a good hug!

2012-07-18 20:56:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My friend going through this dark time of contemplating

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suicide had gotten me to thinking and thinking.

2012-07-18 20:56:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awww, thank you! I actually feel a lot better now, purging it all on eternallyclaire :-)
2012-07-18 20:55:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Desperately need, has become an unwelcome challenge. Weird day, today. How are you doing? what's on the agenda?
2012-07-18 15:50:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I can certainly do that! I think the time in bed, thinking about things.has made me a little melancholy. Even the rain, which I love, and we
2012-07-18 15:49:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, Anand. Immensely. You know how I feel for you. My feelings haven't changed...
2012-07-18 15:43:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I kiss your nape as I snuggle up behind you & hug you softly to me... Hope you are sleeping sweetly darling & wake up with a fresh :-)
2012-07-18 15:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had two slices of fresh bread with butter & honey & a big glass of milk. Not much but at least it stayed inside... :-|
2012-07-18 15:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My stomach is still bad. But I will try to eat something.

2012-07-18 12:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I join you very soon. And you, please... do come. You can. It's up to you & only you, so... you can.
2012-07-18 12:17:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly with happy dreams. I hold you close & softly kiss your lips, your chin...cradle you gently to sleep.
2012-07-18 12:16:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And... 1000000! God, now, your lady is speechless & breathless and... just floating in heaven. You wish you could? Then do it. You can!
2012-07-18 12:15:41 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Ok. But you have to continue it tomorrow... Yes, I will join you. And what about you? Hm? Will you come to me?
2012-07-18 11:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really do? Then allow us to meet. You can take a break at 800000. Now! God, all dizzy from your kisses- heaven, pure heaven!
2012-07-18 11:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Would love to have you with me, darling.
2012-07-18 11:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. How is your grandma? My kind hello to her... for the next time. 326004... some sweet kisses for you darling, to keep you motivated ;-p
2012-07-18 11:32:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the sweet sir vanished on his lovely lady... Hmm.
2012-07-18 11:15:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Your hugs, your kisses, the feel of you. You, your physical presence...
2012-07-18 10:55:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I would so love to be there now, to hug & kiss & cuddle with you, on & on, for hours on end...
2012-07-18 10:53:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! Come, I am just lying back & enjoying receiving your kisses... and will count them, each little kiss...
2012-07-18 10:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will count the kisses, darling & once you are done you will get it all back... ;-)
2012-07-18 10:34:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... just... to wash your back. Will wait for you stretched out on your bed, a bit wilted but lovely & flowery as ever.
2012-07-18 10:33:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good that you went now but you could have told me so... Never mind. Enjoy the shower, darling. Wish my hands crossed oceans...
2012-07-18 10:32:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Wow, and I was wondering... Well then, another welcome home kiss & hug for you. Glad it feels good but still... do take care.
2012-07-18 10:12:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Long phone meeting... Some little kisses on your nape & a nice shoulder-massage, too. Hope it doesn't disturb you, dear...
2012-07-18 10:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No medical mystery. A gentle welcome home squeeze & a soft kiss on your lips, darling...
2012-07-18 09:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am ok. Don't need to check with a doctor. Done for the day? Are you on your way home?
2012-07-18 08:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case it's still boring... You can play with my butterfly winged kisses that will reach you... hmmm... just a second... exactly now!
2012-07-18 06:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too. How you ignore some of my DMs... Well, then...try to enjoy this less packed day instead of complaining.
2012-07-18 05:40:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See?
2012-07-18 05:28:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here darling. It's dry here. Lovely sunshine, pleasantwarm temp. & wind. I'd still love to have a picnic with you...Very much so.
2012-07-18 04:56:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. You know, an easy, not so packed, not really interesting day can be lovely too. Not boring... relaxing.
2012-07-18 04:55:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least it is not so interesting that you forget to have lunch... Wish we were together, eating in the shade of a tree...Sigh.
2012-07-18 04:17:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, work is not always exciting, routine stuff must be done, too. Miss you too. A lot.
2012-07-18 03:51:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And some playful lively kisses for my sweet sir to make his day a bit more interesting... Why is it boring? Mine is quiet, nothing special.
2012-07-18 03:36:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies are on their way to you, to cover you in sweet small kisses & keep my sweet darling fresh & smiling through the day...
2012-07-18 02:18:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? How is your day? Hope it is less packed & you enjoy the work. Please don't forget to have lunch...
2012-07-18 02:18:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand & would love to see you. That's all. Your reasoning is that makes no sense; your viewing nearly everything as pointless...
2012-07-18 02:17:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling dear. Glad you slept well & long. No gym this morning? Yes, head is better, your kisses helped... Thank you.
2012-07-18 02:17:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just up for a drink & felt I had to write you for a sec. Hope your sleep's sweet & restful & you feel as I kiss you & cuddle up to you dear
2012-07-17 16:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This heartache, missing you & the thought of you never wanting to see me again do destroy me... from the inside out. Slowly, bit by bit.
2012-07-17 13:46:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good, sweet dreams to you, dear Anand! I can't wait to chat with you when you get up. :-) I've missed you. Taking the kids to the lake today
2012-07-17 13:14:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like the idea of you in more traditional garb. Something fitting in it.
2012-07-17 13:13:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My BP is very low, head is bad, stomach very bad. Will go to doc tomorrow. I go back to bed now. Will dream of you holding me... Miss you.
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2012-07-17 13:01:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me. Please. And hold your wilted lady tight, make her lil' heart smile. Anand, please... Sigh. Pretty please.
2012-07-17 12:50:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will skip dinner. But I will join you very soon. Will you please hold me close...? Miss you :-( Good night. Kissing your sweet lips back.
2012-07-17 12:41:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, a massage would be nice. You... here... But...

2012-07-17 12:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep soundly with lovely dreams. Kissing you softly on your forehead... Will join you shortly & curl into your chest.
2012-07-17 12:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did hear it. Phone went off when I wanted to pick it up. Need to recharge it. You never disturb me.
2012-07-17 12:20:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You DID??? How did *that* happen??? What item of clothing?
2012-07-17 11:48:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How has your day been so far? Fill me in in what I've missed!
2012-07-17 11:15:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My pleasure to help you relieve that ache. xo

2012-07-17 11:14:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love to give you a nice therapeutic massage...I'm actually pretty good, as I know the way the muscles run under the skin. It would be
2012-07-17 11:14:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Michael is on the mend as well.

2012-07-17 11:13:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ahhhhhh! My sweet sweet Anand! I feel wonderful today! Slept most of the day away yesterday, woke up this AM feeling fantastic. Seems
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2012-07-17 11:13:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. Hope you have a pleasant drive home. And I am glad you stay home tonight... Miss you :-(
2012-07-17 10:03:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... I told you, whooshing is for your delicate lady, not for you... ;-p I hug you close & kiss your nose. Do I see a :-) now?
2012-07-17 10:03:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am sorry I need to lie down a bit. Not feeling well & my head aches badly too. I wish you were here with me but... sigh.
2012-07-17 10:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too. Sniff. A lot! Thank you, my dear. Sweet honeyed kisses flitting back to you on the same butterfly wings...
2012-07-17 09:28:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... rest is sweet. :-) Most important is that you did have your meals, darling. I'd love to remind you every day, but don't know how...
2012-07-17 09:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in the office? Sigh, such a short night & then a long day... But I am glad it was good packed. After a good working day...
2012-07-17 09:27:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of your lips. Dreamy sigh. Miss you. Sniff. Hope your pair is pleasant to pair with...My day is ok, slightly busy with some office work.
2012-07-17 05:55:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sniff. Your hug feels so good. Smile. Hugging you back tightly, darling. And kiss you too, softly slowly, savoring the sweetness
2012-07-17 05:54:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please please come, sneak in... just for a quick deep kiss & a tight squeeze. Sigh. Miss you. Hope the day & work goes fine, darling.
2012-07-17 05:22:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. You have no clue how very much... Sad sigh.
2012-07-17 03:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Pairing? Lots of work to do? Sweet soft nibbling kisses on your knee, darling & then letting them walk up your
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2012-07-17 03:15:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and here now, fresh & all flowery in a towel with wet hair, wishing you were here so I could hug you close to me... Sigh.
2012-07-17 03:13:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I decided to stay. :-) Woke up a bit late, fed my sweeties, had breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, did some chores, showered...
2012-07-17 03:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Fell asleep on the couch, woke up in the night but our boy was sleeping between my legs with his head on my thigh, so
2012-07-17 03:12:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, but tell me- did you get enough sleep? How was the gym? And and... my soft pillow... please have mercy on it. Sniff.
2012-07-17 03:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, it would be such a lovely way to wake up... Good morning, my dear darling. Thank you for the kisses... for... You. :-)
2012-07-17 03:12:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, nice caveat about both staying in bed! I like the way your brain works!
2012-07-16 21:34:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was the gym, sweet?

2012-07-16 21:34:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Then I realized I'd probably get you so sick, and came back to bed!!!
2012-07-16 20:06:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wished you were on the swing with me before, just holding me, not saying a word...
2012-07-16 20:06:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As I was typing, in popped this message from you! I love when we think of each other at the same time!
2012-07-16 20:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let us meet. Please. Be with me, darling. Please.

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2012-07-16 14:04:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Are you going to bed???

2012-07-16 13:51:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm resting....even though there are 1000s of things to do, which makes me anxious. I'm sitting outside, on a swing, and reading a book :-)
2012-07-16 13:50:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Your lady joins you, no matter what... And you... I beg you every day but you refuse to meet your lil' lovely lady... :-(
2012-07-16 13:19:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ones in write so wonderfully. Create a great tone without being explicit. Quite a gift.
2012-07-16 13:15:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you asap & wrap myself around you...
2012-07-16 13:15:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Quite right yet. Still very tired. How are you??? How was your day? I was just reading through your timeline...some beautifully sensual
2012-07-16 13:14:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Caught strep from Michael, and it can manifest this way. I was in bed by 5:30...woke up this morning, ate a bit, but don't feel like I'm
2012-07-16 13:13:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, kissing you softly on your eyes, rocking you gently in my arms... Smile. Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep & dream beautifully.
2012-07-16 13:13:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, sweet Anand! How are you? I'm recovering strength from yesterday...I has immense fatigue and upper gi pain- the doc said I could have
2012-07-16 13:12:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If tomorrow is going to be long & very busy, please do sleep a bit longer instead... Please.
2012-07-16 13:12:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I tried to eat but my stomach doesn't feel good... :-| Yes, it's very late there, sure you want to go to the gym early?
2012-07-16 13:12:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We would stick together ;-p You are right, it isn't so nice but...I wouldn't care... just to hug you... sigh.
2012-07-16 13:11:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. I am so sleepy! Will retire early. My stomach feels sick. Missing you.
2012-07-16 13:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss hugging you, darling. And kissing you and cuddle with you and... all. Sigh.
2012-07-16 12:58:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, freshly showered... *swoon* But you know, I'd happily hug you unbathed & all sweaty, too. :-) Still pouting but can't help the :-)
2012-07-16 12:57:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, you got some sweet hugs & kisses but your lady did not get any... Sniff. Nice, very nice. Pouting.
2012-07-16 12:34:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phew! Do take care of it anyway... And your lady continues kissing your knee... Happy? :-)
2012-07-16 12:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hug & kiss you a gentle welcome back. Felt good, the workout? Gosh, your knee... I frown & give your knee a soft kiss. Does it hurt?
2012-07-16 12:26:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, please let us meet. Something that felt so beautiful cannot be wrong...
2012-07-16 11:18:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. A quick sweet kiss on your lips... and a noserub too :-)
2012-07-16 11:07:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perfect! You know how much I would love you to take me for a
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ride, so... :-) If only... Sigh! I would so love it!

2012-07-16 11:05:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Is everything alright? You are not so talkative...

2012-07-16 11:03:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, 3-9 min. isn't that long... Oh darling, this late? Why did you wait so long? May I come with you? And then a slow walk back home?
2012-07-16 11:02:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-16 10:58:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, strange. Sometimes yours come a few min. later too but not 30 min...?
2012-07-16 10:47:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, are you busy with something?

2012-07-16 10:35:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, not sure what kind of ritual it was. Something with a sacred cloth...
2012-07-16 10:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you really really, truly do then let us meet, darling. Your sister did the right thing... and happy now. Sigh.
2012-07-16 10:16:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, it was a different ritual.

2012-07-16 10:03:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I know it isn't really different but... I miss you, darling. So, so much! I would love to meet you.
2012-07-16 09:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Just there was a ritual last year where you should have not touched anything but you said it was tough with the carpet...
2012-07-16 09:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember? You extended me a warm invitation to visit India & show me around... Let's do it, dear.
2012-07-16 09:41:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, nice! But it's been a while... right? I too, would love to travel with you... Sigh.
2012-07-16 09:31:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your hands, darling. Well, some things are easy to follow, some, not so... e.g. the carpet in your hotel room...I do remember... :)
2012-07-16 09:31:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds good. How are you feeling? Too tired for gym or will you give it a try...
2012-07-16 09:31:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, painfully. Sigh.

2012-07-16 09:22:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, sounds quite hectic darling. Did you get to wash your hands & legs now? I remember you doing that every time you got back from work :-)
2012-07-16 09:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep and what a lovely plan! You have all the time darling wile your lady is squeezing you & teasing you sweetly with lil' kisses & bites ;-)
2012-07-16 09:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was your day?

2012-07-16 09:03:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss you a deep long sweet welcome first... While hugging you, you can decide whether you feel like going to the gym or not. Hm?
2012-07-16 09:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, you are home & done with the meeting too... and I was waiting for you all the while. Sniff. Come now, please let me hug you
2012-07-16 09:02:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sweet darling, where are you? Is everything alright?

2012-07-16 08:52:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your tummy, all around your navel... Seems like you are having a very busy day, but hope it is a good one & you enjoy the work.
2012-07-16 06:35:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes darling, I still often dream about you and me- making slow beautiful love, about all our bodies shared... Blush. And a :-)
2012-07-16 06:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is dreamy today... Do you remember how we had to hold back? God, the thought of those hot sweet moments still gives me shivers...
2012-07-16 06:11:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, where have you traveled with your friend whom you had dinner in B.? Is that old friend an old colleague of yours?
2012-07-16 04:36:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, my sweet sir. Please do think of me when you eat... and all the meals we had together... Sigh. Miss your cooking.
2012-07-16 04:31:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft butterfly kisses on your neck behind your ear, darling... Missing you.
2012-07-16 03:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? How goes the bugs fixing? My morning was a bit busy with chores & now, working. It's cold & rainy here today.
2012-07-16 03:10:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... if you don't tell me? Hm? God! I wish, I so wish to hug you close now & kiss your lips, softly sweetly... again and again... Sigh!
2012-07-16 03:08:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This, my dear makes my chest burst not only with pride but with joy, too! :-) But tell me, how am I to know which ones are meant for me
2012-07-16 03:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you'd think I starred it because I thought it was meant for me. And now you say some of your tweets are for me?
2012-07-16 03:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? How your lady is blushing now! And sometimes, I blush when I star your tweet or don't even star it because I think that
2012-07-16 03:07:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Happy winter solstice, darling! Feels a bit strange, it's middle of summer here... :-) And it's just two days till new moon...
2012-07-16 03:07:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd wake up but pretend to sleep though not for long & I'd pull you on top of me & hold you close with my arms & legs wrapped around you ;-)
2012-07-16 03:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my lovely darling. Slept sweetly? Are you all fresh & smiling? God, do you think I can sleep when you do that?
2012-07-16 03:03:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fading fast... thinking about you... missing you, wishing you were here, hugging me close to you... sad sad sigh. My darling...
2012-07-15 16:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Do you remember how cheerful, playful, lively, happy & smiling your lady once was? Because of you, I felt sunny insideevery day
2012-07-15 16:15:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... yeah, that's my darling, my sweet poet; a creator, weaver of beauty with words & phrases... Sigh! Please don't ever stop writing.
2012-07-15 16:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...that every time I see/read what you've written, my chest burst with pride & I smile & sigh softly & think to myself2012-07-15 15:59:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Congratulations on your 10.000th tweet! I am so proud of you! Even though I don't shower you with compliments, please know
2012-07-15 15:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your kiss-brooch helped. Thank you :-) Now, I hope you are sleeping sweetly & smile as I softly kiss your forehead & snuggle into you...
2012-07-15 15:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I reached home a little while ago. The drive was exhausting. It rained so hard I could barely see anything. Very tired.
2012-07-15 15:57:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I will join you once I am home and curl into you, softly, quietly... In case you would like me to... Leaving now. Please do sleep soon...
2012-07-15 13:12:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with dreams that make you smile in your sleep. A soft sweet kiss on your lips & a gentle hug, too.
2012-07-15 13:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You will be (hopefully) asleep when I reach home... So, I wish you good night, darling. Please go to bed soon, it's late there...
2012-07-15 13:12:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no assumptions. It's just how you make me feel sometimes... :-( And thank you for the hug & kiss...
2012-07-15 12:59:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? I mean... honest? I thought it didn't matter to you whether I like the words or not. I love them & they are perfect as they are...
2012-07-15 12:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm and you also don't seem to miss my company or wanting to have my hug, so... will leave in a few minutes.
2012-07-15 12:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are. Even if you don't think so... But it doesn't matter what I say, so...
2012-07-15 12:37:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad that the words finally arrived... beautiful as ever.

2012-07-15 12:32:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. It is raining really hard.

2012-07-15 12:23:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I wish I could hug you now darling and... just lie down with my head on your lap, my arms around your waist. :-(
2012-07-15 12:21:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. If I was there, I would kiss a few words into you... you just would have to put them together...
2012-07-15 12:19:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It is raining heavily here. I will leave in 30 min or so.

2012-07-15 12:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you busy with something?

2012-07-15 12:11:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it was almost unbearable, but I knew that we will meet, so... it made it all easier.
2012-07-15 12:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe not, but the longing would have become unbearable...
2012-07-15 12:09:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only difference is that back then I was missing, longing for something I haven't experienced & now I miss & long for what I had...
2012-07-15 12:01:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Awareness about my body, I notice these things. Seems you do as well. just beautiful.
2012-07-15 11:33:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, you know, you're right...people miss or take for granted these little happenings that are quite lovely. I have good proprioception and
2012-07-15 11:33:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can't get worse. I would feel now the same pain if we had not met...
2012-07-15 11:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Why are you holding on to the "at least one meeting"? Are you clear about all the things you have said? :-(
2012-07-15 11:17:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can't get worse...

2012-07-15 11:09:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It won't go away. You could make it go away but instead you bring more pain... I wish to see you. I really do... :-(
2012-07-15 11:05:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( miss you. Darling, I miss you and it pains me more every day :-(
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2012-07-15 10:47:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss being with you. I miss holding you and being held by you. I... Sigh. :'-(
2012-07-15 10:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I miss you, darling. Very very much :-(

2012-07-15 10:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. It was beautiful. The pizza itself wasn't very good but made delicious by your company... I miss those days, Anand.
2012-07-15 10:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was lovely, just... Nothing like the flatbread we shared... Sigh.
2012-07-15 10:05:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Broccoli, mozzarella, tomato, garlic and ricotta.

2012-07-15 10:03:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Glad it makes you smile.

2012-07-15 09:58:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wood fired pizza sounds yummy. Pizza 3000... Sigh.

2012-07-15 09:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Well yes, nice chatting with you... that was ironic... We went to a nearby a pizzeria, ate just a little.
2012-07-15 09:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, thanks for the nice chat... We are stepping out for late lunch. Should be back shortly. Hope your evening is lovely...
2012-07-15 08:59:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will drive in the evening, not at night. Are you happy now?
2012-07-15 08:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not really important when... But thanks for the advice.
2012-07-15 08:13:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whatever you want to... But seems like you have nothing to say, so...
2012-07-15 08:06:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No drunk morons on the roads. If I am less alert then I am less alert.
2012-07-15 07:22:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not.

2012-07-15 06:58:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good. Headache is not so nice. Have a headache, too. I don't know. Maybe tonight.
2012-07-15 06:46:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I am still here. Feeling all fresh & well rested now? I am glad you slept long hours...
2012-07-15 05:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so miss being held by you... :-(

2012-07-15 02:10:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft slow, small kisses along your back, darling. Mmm, I so wish to hug you, cuddle you & kiss you all over... Sigh.
2012-07-15 02:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No matter what I do darling or where I go, I can't run away from the pain/heartache, from missing you, you know?
2012-07-15 02:08:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, it was stormy here last night. I'd say yes, I had a good time, but still...I thought of you & missed you all the while.
2012-07-15 02:08:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning & welcome home my dear, sweet darling. How are you? How was the journey? Did you get some sleep? Happy to be back home?
2012-07-15 02:07:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you, sweet A?

2012-07-14 17:10:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, I love you. I fell in love with you. I can't change that. Please come home safe and sound.
2012-07-14 16:29:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you do sleep well & the night is smooth...Please know
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that your lady will fall asleep thinking of you & will hold you in her dreams.
2012-07-14 16:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We stayed inside. Heavy rain here. Dinner was good. Very sleepy. I come now darling, softly kiss your temples & wrap you in my arms...
2012-07-14 16:28:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you.

2012-07-14 15:07:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I join you very soon and will hug and hold you close to me...
2012-07-14 15:06:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Wishing you a lovely night's sleep. I hope you do get some good sleep... A soft long kiss on your lips.
2012-07-14 15:05:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, I miss you, I miss you!!! A lot. Terribly. Immensely. Sniff. I want to see you. And be held by you. God! Hear my butterflies :-(
2012-07-14 14:44:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We wanted to go out for dinner but it is very stormy here. So, not sure.
2012-07-14 14:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fine! God, how I wish I was there!!! I want to cuddle with you and hug and kiss and... God, sigh! No darling, just about to have dinner.
2012-07-14 14:37:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you in the train now? Settled comfortably in your seat? All ready for a sweet lovely cuddle with your lady before sleeping?
2012-07-14 14:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you more... Again, wishing you a pleasant trip, my dear.
2012-07-14 13:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so, so much! I miss being held by you, darling. The feel of you :-(
2012-07-14 13:12:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there with you, snuggled up close to you... :-(
2012-07-14 13:08:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please... I happily gave them, darling. And I would be happiest if I could give them in person... Sigh. If only...
2012-07-14 13:05:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Let me think... you said you will be back home Sunday morning. You won :-| True, all you have to do is to sit back & try to enjoy the trip.
2012-07-14 13:04:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A gentle downpour of soft butterfly kisses all over you... May they keep you sweet company on your journey, my darling.
2012-07-14 12:41:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your journey back home is safe & as pleasant as can be. And hope you get some sleep. I'll be thinking of you, darling...
2012-07-14 12:40:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling Anand, I miss you too. Very very much & you know that. Sniff. Please take good care of yourself.
2012-07-14 12:39:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the swim was fun but also a bit dangerous. It was very windy...Smile, come & you can see me swimming... Sure I look pretty funny... :-|
2012-07-14 12:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you could meet a friend before leaving... Where have you traveled with your friend?
2012-07-14 12:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? I thought you'll leave tomorrow early in the morning. God, you & your trips... & you say I shouldn't drive long distances & at night.
2012-07-14 12:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. It started to rain on my way back... It was heavenly! Where are you, my sweetest? Hope having a lovely dinner with the guys...
2012-07-14 12:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? It's getting late there... I am off to swim now. Alone. Soft kisses on your throat, above the top button... :-)
2012-07-14 11:14:50 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I wish I could see you now... Wish I could look into your eyes and hug you close to me. Sad sigh.
2012-07-14 10:39:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember? These are your words... You found a way out (how ironic!), your lady not.
2012-07-14 10:35:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can you find a way out of something that moves with you in each breath of yours, in every step, in every want to find a way out.
2012-07-14 10:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This late?

2012-07-14 10:17:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The clouds are rolling in & it's getting windy... & we walked in sunshine! Crazy weather. Anyway, I might go to swim in a bit...
2012-07-14 10:13:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I drive tomorrow morning. And you? Are you in your room? You seem to be preoccupied...
2012-07-14 10:12:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It does matter what you say. Yes they say it's not worth it, you are not worth this pain but they also know what it feels like to be in love
2012-07-14 10:11:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then what? It does feel like that's it... And what practical advices?
2012-07-14 10:03:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean... I mean nothing to you? That's why you don't want to meet? :-(
2012-07-14 09:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh.
2012-07-14 09:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. I really do...

2012-07-14 09:28:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They also say that I am a very silly naive one. I know they are
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right, but... You... I... Sigh. :-(

2012-07-14 09:20:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, yes. Lance & Pat, my friends from FL said the same too, months ago... And everyone I asked would say the same thing.
2012-07-14 09:19:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We just got back. It was lovely, just... I missed you... walk by my side. Conference over? Glad you slept a bit. Any plan for the evening?
2012-07-14 09:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft lively kisses from your head to toe, darling. If only... God, if only... and whoosh!
2012-07-14 08:04:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, perhaps Maria is right. If I meant anything at all to you, you would want to see me & do so, not just say so... Sad sigh.
2012-07-14 08:03:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...think of you-every step of the walk. How goes your day? Hope it's still fun & you enjoy the day. Any plans for the evening with the guys?
2012-07-14 08:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, we go out for a walk now. Wish you could come along with us. I miss you. I really, really do. Sniff. Please know that I will...
2012-07-14 08:02:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The day is peaceful. Lovely sunshine & breeze. Will go for a walk a bit later. I wish you were here, darling. Miss you :-(
2012-07-14 05:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. A big deep kiss on your tummy, darling. How was lunch? Some boring stuff is inevitable but glad you find it fun.
2012-07-14 05:17:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I guess you are out for lunch with the office folks, yes? Hope lunch is to your liking, darling & have a fun time with them...
2012-07-14 04:49:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wish your eyes were on me instead... and hands too... You, here with me. Sigh. Miss you!
2012-07-14 03:29:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The sun is out! The air smells lovely, the breeze feelsbeautiful... I wish you were here, walking along the lake with me, holding hands...
2012-07-14 03:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Very interesting conference, I see... ;-p

2012-07-14 03:12:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, the sweet softness of your lips... your kiss... Sigh! Thank you, darling. I eat a little 'cause I don't want to be impolite.
2012-07-14 03:09:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Do I get a kiss on my lips, too? Sigh! How I wish I could hold you close now & kiss your lips... softly, deeply. Mmmm
2012-07-14 02:50:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. A lot! Many many sweet soft playful kisses to slip under your undershirt & keep you fresh & smiling through the day...
2012-07-14 02:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I do eat a little bit more than at home... So glad you enjoy the conference, hope it stays interesting till the end.
2012-07-14 02:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We will have breakfast shortly then... don't know. It's cloudy & cool here. But I like it, it's refreshing. Yes, staying here today.
2012-07-14 02:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, Miki was snoring. Anyway, not as loud as you... well, he was in another room but still... ;-p
2012-07-14 02:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. How are you feeling? Did you sleep sweetly? And got enough sleep, too? I would've so loved to be with you!
2012-07-14 02:47:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will send a better picture tomorrow; promise.Right now, I'll say a proper goodnight,and keep my hopes that your conference(s) go smoothly.
2012-07-14 02:06:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would not get bored! In fact, I fell asleep, and just woke
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up to check and see if you wrote. :-) first thing on my mind.

2012-07-14 02:05:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I've never heard of the turmeric cure, I will do that tomorrow, as I have if here! Thank you!
2012-07-14 02:05:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How far are you from home?

2012-07-13 22:11:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I did not photograph a good picture today for you, although I tried...going to do it tomorrow with a better camera. :-)
2012-07-13 22:11:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope your conference is interesting and not mind numbing and excruciatingly painful!!!
2012-07-13 22:10:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire He has a fever still, and pink eye. My day has been full, but lacking you, and that is always a crime, of sorts.I like my day with you in it
2012-07-13 22:09:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've missed you today---are you still at your conferences??? How are they going???
2012-07-13 19:37:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How did I miss these?! No, we didn't get to see it yet; my oldest has been sick for a couple of days now. :-(
2012-07-13 19:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I have a reason to feel low... It's you, the reason is you my darling...
2012-07-13 16:07:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely tomorrow, my darling. Hope all goes well... Please know that I'll be thinking of you in my sleep- dream of you...
2012-07-13 16:02:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep deeply & with a :-) as I slip under the covers & wrap myself in your arms. I kiss your palm & place it on my belly...
2012-07-13 16:01:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You seem to have logged off after sending me the DM. You were quick... Never mind. Just wanted to tell you that I love you...
2012-07-13 15:18:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand?
2012-07-13 15:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft deep kiss on your lips for sweet dreams. Good night. I join you shortly & snuggle up close to you. Please do hold me...
2012-07-13 15:02:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Hope it was yummy. I so, so, so wish to hold you close to me & rock you gently. Sad sigh. Sleep soundly darling.
2012-07-13 15:02:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling come, rush to bed... your lady is waiting for you under the covers...
2012-07-13 14:44:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, just to be in your room now... and have you holding me from behind, your hand on my belly... God! How I miss you!
2012-07-13 14:28:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. A lot! How's your room? Don't you wish I was there with you now? Sigh... I feel sad darling.
2012-07-13 14:16:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's raining here too. Pretty cold evening. Please do eat, then freshen up & go to sleep. Ok? The day was long & sure very exhausting, too.
2012-07-13 14:16:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally reached! Thank God! How was the trip? I wish I could give you a long gentle massage, sigh. After having dinner together of course.
2012-07-13 14:15:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, hope the trip was fine & you reach the hotel soon so you can get into bed asap. Btw, did you have lunch? Dinner? Anything?
2012-07-13 13:48:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the train is slowing down... it gets slower and slower... I
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can almost hear that squeaking and creaking sound of the train. Tiny smile.
2012-07-13 12:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought if I spent time with people I really love & away from home, too it would be a little bit better, but... No. It isn't. Not one bit.
2012-07-13 12:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here, darling. Hold me. And kiss a smile into my lil' heart. Please...
2012-07-13 12:20:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, now I wish even more I could rush there somehow! Sniff.
2012-07-13 12:17:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I could be there... It would be so nice to travel with you... The bus trip to the airport wasn't so nice, you were grumpy :-|
2012-07-13 11:16:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, beautiful... I snuggle closer to you & softly kiss your earlobe. Yeah, your Nook... Shall I leave you alone with it?
2012-07-13 11:14:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day's peaceful & Maria tries so hard to distract me & make me feel better but... all I can think of is you, darling. Wish you were with me.
2012-07-13 10:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... colleagues? Did you get some rest? Sigh... would you please wrap your arm around me & hold me close to you? Please.
2012-07-13 10:42:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a long trip with the train... Your lady doesn't feel any better, darling. But you, tell me how are you? Is the trip pleasant with your
2012-07-13 10:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you... softly kissing your neck behind your ear.
2012-07-13 09:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly. I wish I was there, sitting next to you with my head resting on your shoulder, our fingers playing with each other...
2012-07-13 07:54:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, this time it was me who mistyped...

2012-07-13 07:50:56 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Gosh! I meant rich. Blushing like a tomato...

2012-07-13 07:36:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A reach life, indeed.

2012-07-13 07:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am an aging woman, darling. I work, eat, sleep. Sometimes meet up with friends. In love with someone who doesn't even want to see me.
2012-07-13 07:33:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do feel low. Missing you. A reach life? Ha! Oh dear, what a life is this... being apart from the one who has my heart...
2012-07-13 07:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you have already left? Please do take care. Hope you have a pleasant trip with no loud, annoying co-passengers.
2012-07-13 07:30:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When are you leaving, darling? Will you leave straight from the office?
2012-07-13 07:03:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired, Anand. And this heartache... You... Sigh. I would happily leave this life, wave goodbye to it with a smile...
2012-07-13 06:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No need to be concerned about my health. My health is ok, my heart & soul not really.
2012-07-13 06:49:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Does it matter? Would it matter...? There was only a few cars btw, so...
2012-07-13 06:10:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not?

2012-07-13 05:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... And I can't run away from it...

2012-07-13 05:45:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do cry though. Just needed to go away...

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2012-07-13 05:42:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? How are you? How was the gym this morning?
2012-07-13 05:29:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ By the way, what if I did not reach safe and sound? Nothing. Would not make any difference.
2012-07-13 05:28:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because everything is better than to sit home and just cry and feel awful...
2012-07-13 05:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here. Reached safe. How are you? I hope you slept well & having a good day. Had lunch? Soft kisses along your lips my dear & a hug too.
2012-07-13 04:30:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are the only one I know to ask me the details behind things. You are quite a rare find, my friend. I'm lucky to have found you.
2012-07-13 00:19:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will send you one each morning and explain the thinking/inspiration? Would that be good?
2012-07-13 00:17:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are so supportive, thank you. :-) I have to say, in all my day, I skyways look forward to our talks, because they always make me smile.
2012-07-13 00:17:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ;-)
2012-07-12 23:52:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So I'd....another abject failure by autocorrect

2012-07-12 23:52:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Attitude in due time, sinus better get on it better. How about you, dear? Do you have a full day ahead of you?
2012-07-12 23:01:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kids are in bed, and I studied a bit as well. I'm not
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nervous about it yet, although I probably should be. I'll regret this liaise faire
2012-07-12 23:00:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Which I think would suit you nicely.

2012-07-12 22:59:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's true about tailors, although I find they are usually a necessity for a suit. I pictured you wearing more traditional garb, however.
2012-07-12 22:58:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is such a loaded statement, as there are certain ways in which I'd love to wake you up.
2012-07-12 22:57:40 (EDT)

Darkntwistd But I want to be in love. Or at least have close friends again. I feel like I have lost all my friends.,,,
2012-07-12 22:00:58 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you? I am ok but wish we could talk. You are so wise and taught me many things.. i'm trying to be strong.
2012-07-12 22:00:47 (EDT)

Darkntwistd But I want to be in love. Or at least have close friends again. I feel like I have lost all my friends.,,,
2012-07-12 21:48:00 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you? I am ok but wish we could talk. You are so wise and taught me many things.. i'm trying to be strong.
2012-07-12 21:47:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I didn't wake you did I??? I'd never forgive myself!!!! ::panic::
2012-07-12 21:25:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is fascinating about you and the tailor! So how about now, as a man?
2012-07-12 21:25:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, love! And yes, I wore it with the olive green sundress.
2012-07-12 21:24:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, sweet A, have a good workout; I'll be here when you
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get back. :-)

2012-07-12 20:06:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you for the compliments on the bracelet...I really feel personal connections to the stuff I make.
2012-07-12 20:06:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why did you barely sleep??? ::concern::

2012-07-12 20:05:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am thinking of you fondly, hoping you're still slumbering peacefully...can't wait to chat later. :-))))
2012-07-12 18:52:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't sleep. I packed a few things and will drive now down to Maria & Miki to Balaton. The highway should be empty now...
2012-07-12 17:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed now. Yes, early...Hope you are sleeping sweetly, darling & wake up to a lovely morning. Please come & hold me to you before you leave
2012-07-12 14:11:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You allowed me to fall in love with you. Then please, teach me how to unlove you...How to live with the thought of never seeing you again!?
2012-07-12 12:48:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you are right... you are not worth my tears, not even one single teardrop. But I do cry & my lil' heart keeps aching for you. :-(
2012-07-12 12:42:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No sheets!!!! I could never do it! Lol

2012-07-12 12:39:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, my dear Anand. :-) I wish you a peaceful, rested sleep, and sweet dreams. ::hugs::
2012-07-12 12:39:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want your sorry, Anand. I know you didn't mean to hurt but you did... you do & you know it very well that you do.
2012-07-12 12:31:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You don't even want to meet me 'cause it's pointless. Then this all... isn't it pointless to you? I could as well silently disappear...
2012-07-12 12:28:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you... But tell me, why to join you if you don't want me to do so in real?
2012-07-12 12:25:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Are you going to bed soon???

2012-07-12 12:24:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am going to study in the sunshine, I think. Get something productive done.
2012-07-12 12:24:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Scheduling tweets? I need to catch up on everyone's timeline, especially yours. :-) life has kept me busy and away from twitter and writing.
2012-07-12 12:24:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... Good night, my darling. Sleep deeply with tender dreams. A soft kiss on your lips & the tip of your cute nose.
2012-07-12 12:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts that you just watch me suffer and beg you in tears... I... I just would love to see you, to be with you :-(
2012-07-12 12:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Missing you hurts a lot. It hurts that I can't see you, be with you. It hurts terribly that you don't want to see me...You hurt me dear
2012-07-12 12:18:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, Anand :-( Your lady is quite a wreck...

2012-07-12 12:10:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So I can send them??? What are you doing, presently?

2012-07-12 12:10:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I almost forgot... there is an office, too. Hm, well who knows? Your private trips are quite crazy sometimes...
2012-07-12 12:09:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mind this morning, because I took a couple pictures of a

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bracelet I made, and I wanted to email them to you? Please give me your email again
2012-07-12 12:09:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You can DM or email me anytime! I've missed you, more than I probably should. ;-) But the fact is, I have. You were the first thought on my
2012-07-12 12:08:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Thank you. Oh, again? May I ask why? I mean visiting someone or just so...?
2012-07-12 12:06:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Say nothing, just do exactly that... hug me close. Please.

2012-07-12 11:59:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because... I don't know. Perhaps because you did not hug me back... Kisses for your knee, too. Do take care of it.
2012-07-12 11:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not your way... Anyway, glad you are back home. Hm, seems like you don't want the squeeze & kisses... Then not.
2012-07-12 11:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I thought you got lost on your way home... How is your back? Knee better now?
2012-07-12 11:18:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. A long gentle squeeze & sweet deep kisses for your lips... How I wish I could hug freshly showered you to me! *swoon*
2012-07-12 11:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I wish I was there to go for a sweet evening walk with you after the gym... Sigh.
2012-07-12 08:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care of your back. Do light stuff. Ok? I already told you... day's quiet, uneventful. How was yours?
2012-07-12 08:34:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging & kissing you back sweetly, softly deeply... Welcome home, my darling. And kiss you once more before you leave...
2012-07-12 08:34:25 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And back...

2012-07-12 08:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need to step out for a bit. Be back soon. Hope you have a pleasant drive home. Please do take care...
2012-07-12 07:34:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh please, no need to apologize. Day is quiet and uneventful with some work...
2012-07-12 06:54:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, I catch your upper lip between two kisses & nibble on it softly then kiss you deeply... Sigh. I miss you :-(
2012-07-12 06:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, perhaps it's easier to see what needs to be fixed once it is complete... No, didn't have lunch yet.
2012-07-12 06:34:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I saw you tweeting, I thought you didn't want to talk to me... Hmm, but how to complete things if there are bugs?
2012-07-12 06:34:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be very very busy today too... But I hope you enjoy the work & day is a good productive one. Some more kisses flutter to you...
2012-07-12 05:41:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's maddening that I can't see you, feel you, touch you...
2012-07-12 03:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of my thoughts. Can you feel it somehow? Sigh. I so wish you were here...
2012-07-12 03:02:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand soft slow kisses all over your back, darling... Right now, I reach out & massage, gently rub your back with the fingers...
2012-07-12 03:01:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day, darling? Busy as ever? The new project... will you work on it with your team or with another team?
2012-07-12 03:00:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am sorry your back still hurts. Maybe you need a professional massage or ask the gym people, maybe they know some exercises for your back.
2012-07-12 03:00:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. Aww, you slept like a stone... tiny :-) Feeling more fresh & well-rested now? It rained here too. Still raining
2012-07-12 02:59:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just had a few slices of seared ahi tuna for at 10:30 this time! Worst eating habits, I have!
2012-07-11 22:45:26 (EDT)

coeuraloha hee hee hee

2012-07-11 22:43:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::biting lip::

2012-07-11 22:41:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am in my sheets now! They are a rich chocolate brown, very soft.
2012-07-11 21:48:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Calories at night. Not too late, though!

2012-07-11 21:47:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That makes a lot of sense!!!! Another way of looking at it is that you've ran around all day, so must intake the proper nutrients and
2012-07-11 21:47:36 (EDT)

coeuraloha Thank you. Thank you Thank you

2012-07-11 21:13:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What details? I'm confused...

2012-07-11 20:22:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I like the way you eat. I would have never guessed lunches would be big; I usually skip those!
2012-07-11 20:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. The bridge was not built from one side to nowhere... We were in this together and now... I still stand there, lost.
2012-07-11 15:56:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You never listen to me, to what I say... :-( But I am glad you dropped the gym today evening. And hope the massage helped, too.
2012-07-11 15:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, it's so lovely in your arms darling. So soft, warm, so peaceful... Sigh. Hope your dreams are sweet & you wake up with a :-) & no pain.
2012-07-11 15:48:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my dear... it's just me, softly kissing a :-) on your lips as I slip under the covers & wrap myself into you...
2012-07-11 15:47:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I have a long neck, so hair up shows my shoulders and collarbone, which I quite like.
2012-07-11 13:54:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'll make the bun sleeker.

2012-07-11 13:54:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will get frizzy hair if it's very humid, and then I just toss it up in this sloppy bun thing, which seems to work for me. If, I'm dressing
2012-07-11 13:53:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A bowl of nuts!!! How is this dinner???

2012-07-11 13:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you more every day. Anand, my sweet sweet darling... Sigh. Your lady is falling apart... quietly, slowly, bit by bit.
2012-07-11 12:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could get all your hugs & kisses & all in person. I so wish I could really join you, to be by your side while you sleep...
2012-07-11 12:18:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you. I miss you. I miss being held by you from behind... I so miss your hand on my belly! Please hold me like that tonight.
2012-07-11 12:08:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. So, I will join you very soon... Please darling, sleep on your side so I can curl my back to your chest... Good night.
2012-07-11 12:05:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am there darling, under your covers. Please come now... I wish to hug you & hold you & give you a sweet slow good night kiss on your lips
2012-07-11 11:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you need to sleep. Come, let me hold you, rock you gently to sleep... My sweet sweet darling, sigh! Sleep soundly, dream sweetly.
2012-07-11 11:55:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Here, too. It poured last night here, yet still humid. Did you eat dinner?
2012-07-11 11:38:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Laying the days fly by.

2012-07-11 11:14:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm going to have a lazy day at home with the kids, I think! Start studying for my registry exam next month as well. I've been remiss in
2012-07-11 11:14:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm glad you felt that productivity, but happy you are hopefully getting down time now to rest! What is the weather like there??
2012-07-11 11:13:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I miss it all so much, darling. I miss you, I miss being with you so so much. :-(
2012-07-11 11:03:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lovely hello to your mom. Even if I know that you won't tell her... :-)
2012-07-11 10:55:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know it very well from what...

2012-07-11 10:52:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My nerves are quite frayed, darling. Missing you...

2012-07-11 10:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Your lady is quite useless... And words are, too. Wordkisses & word-hugs & word-cuddles... words, just words... :-(
2012-07-11 10:45:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Wow, it is sweet of her... I wish I could give you that massage... Sniff.
2012-07-11 10:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yes, I am getting more and more white hair... :-|
2012-07-11 10:37:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And after the massage, just... cuddle with you & let you rest on my lap or belly... and caress you hmmm... it would be nice.
2012-07-11 10:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you, squeezing you gently & kissing your lips, nose, cheeks, chin sweetly... Sigh! I'd love to give you a lovely massage too.
2012-07-11 10:33:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's been a long long very busy day for you... All set? Really? Just a I am ready too for you to rush into my arms :-)
2012-07-11 10:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you whooshed away before I could hug & kiss you a sweet gentle welcome home. Sigh. Please take care. Don't strain your knee too much.
2012-07-11 10:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Please stop doing that...I was really worried. And I wonder why my hair grows white :-| Just happy that you are fine & enjoyed your day
2012-07-11 10:25:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are wonderful; you could never be considered a chore on a list, trust me! How are you doing? How has the day treated you?
2012-07-11 10:14:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am really worried... Where are you? Is everything alright? Are you ok?
2012-07-11 10:11:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should be home by now & still no message... :-( Hope all is well with you, darling. Miss you so... :-(
2012-07-11 09:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is fine, darling. Mine goes quietly, work is easy...
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Thinking about you, missing you. Very much.

2012-07-11 05:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, darling. My butterflies hover over you, dropping honeyed kisses for you. Do stick out your tongue to catch them... Lil' smile.
2012-07-11 04:34:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss us- together. Sweet butterfly kisses along your collarbone, darling. Do unbutton your top button... & smile...
2012-07-11 03:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our time together felt right & easy & we were wonderful together... even though we didn't meet as mere friends. You know why. Sigh.
2012-07-11 03:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... other people/friends but it was beautiful & lovely & after I left your room felt empty without me & you did miss me...
2012-07-11 03:13:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Identical perspectives, as in? So, your meeting with me wasn't smooth? You said it was different from your meetings with
2012-07-11 03:12:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the drive to the office? How goes your day? Pairing, meetings & the like? Mine will be the usual- work, chores, this & that...
2012-07-11 03:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is my dear sir all fresh & well-rested today? Did you sleep sweetly? I, not... Sleepless night. No thunderstorms though.
2012-07-11 03:11:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear. Thank you for coming...I felt it in my sleep- you, your kisses. Didn't you see me :-) & my fingers reach for yours?
2012-07-11 03:11:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hoping yours is as well, bc I missed talking with you. I truly enjoy our great talks, and getting to know you.
2012-07-10 22:21:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will say goodnight now, then, dear Anand....I quite missed you in my day, and I'm thankful my schedule is much clearer tomorrow, and I'm
2012-07-10 22:20:52 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I hope you have an easy, effortless day today! ::hugs::

2012-07-10 20:57:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What is the subject of the conference, may I ask?

2012-07-10 20:21:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What could be better than that???? Sign me up!

2012-07-10 20:18:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are sweet, but I am beyond help! Lol! A lot of this is due to my own procrastination, I cannot tell a lie. ;-) Although a hand massage2012-07-10 20:18:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No! Certainly not *every* day!

2012-07-10 20:16:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope you had a restful, peaceful sleep, A. I Haven't sat down yet, around 8 pm here! Just one of those days, love. Are you working today?
2012-07-10 20:04:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So sorry. I...I...Sigh. Hope you are sleeping deeply dear with lovely dreams. I sit by your side, watching you, kissing your hands softly...
2012-07-10 17:40:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Had so many errands today, don't think we'll make the would be a big rush, instead of enjoyable. How are you doing?
2012-07-10 12:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why can't we meet? Just because you can't/don't want to marry me? God, I just really don't understand it. We miss each other... :-(
2012-07-10 11:53:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for the lame excuses... It wasn't nice. But you don't even want to try... :-( Darling, how can you miss me & not wanting to see me?
2012-07-10 11:49:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon and wrap myself around you, hugging you holding you close to me... Sniff.
2012-07-10 11:47:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anyway, good night. Please sleep well. Dream sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your eyes. And a sweet slow one on your lips...
2012-07-10 11:46:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why don't you say so? Why these lame excuses & reasoning? :-(
2012-07-10 11:45:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You miss me but it is crystal clear like a chandelier that you don't want to have me in your life & don't want to see me again :'-(
2012-07-10 11:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to snuggle up in your arms and... just be there for a while. Anand, my sweet sweet darling... God! Sniff. Sigh.
2012-07-10 11:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. I feel restless & everything irritates me. And I miss you! I miss you so so much, darling. I so wish you were here :'-(
2012-07-10 11:25:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. You need the sleep. Last night was very short for you... Wish I could cuddle up with you... Miss you! Today is a bad day :-(
2012-07-10 10:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, then go with what you have. Maybe it will get interesting... Then... simply come here. Come to me, darling.
2012-07-10 10:54:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, just come. Please. Or try to get a place in Germany or in the UK or I don't know... Just... be closer to me :-(
2012-07-10 10:45:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the other projects? Are they more interesting/exciting? God, why are they so slow? Do they want to open a new office at all?
2012-07-10 10:44:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, darling... Come here! Pretty pretty pretty please!

2012-07-10 10:38:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, any news about the new office?

2012-07-10 10:34:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope the project is to your taste, darling. But as I see, you are
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not really enthusiastic about it... Hmmm.

2012-07-10 10:33:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Now, I do envy them... I would love to come, too! Sniff. Doesn't need the German guy a smart, disciplined Indian in Germany? No? Sigh!
2012-07-10 10:32:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean the clients' trip? And where? Thank God you will not be on all 2-3. It'd be too much... Can you choose which project you do?
2012-07-10 10:22:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This stupid behavior... that's not me. Missing you does this to me. I... I want to have you here with me! :-( Long meeting...
2012-07-10 10:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I really do miss you so... :'-(

2012-07-10 10:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I really really wish you were here now. I would so love to feel your arms around me now... I so miss your hugs. You. :-(
2012-07-10 09:00:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Then...come, rush into my arms darling. Squeezing you gently & giving you sweet lil' kisses on your nose, cheeks, lips...everywhere
2012-07-10 08:59:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Thank you. And welcome home, darling. May I...hug you tightly and...just squeeze you gently for a while? And give you a lil' kiss too?
2012-07-10 08:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I would so love to have you here now... :-(

2012-07-10 07:25:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. I am sorry. Hm, nothing happened. I don't know why I feel like that. Yep, all settled well.
2012-07-10 07:18:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I am kinda grumpy & irritated today. Don't know why. I didn't mean to take it out on you...
2012-07-10 07:13:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, oooh! But wait... you think about her whenever you write...
2574 / 4823

Ouch. Thanks.
2012-07-10 07:06:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... am not comparing myself to others. Actually I just wanted to tease you... It was silly of me.
2012-07-10 07:03:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off now to the post office to pay the fine. Miss you, darling. A lot. Sigh. Blowing a butterfly kiss on your lips and... whoosh.
2012-07-10 05:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it was my first time & not really my fault, so... I am just relieved. The car had a full casco insurance, so I came out of it clean.
2012-07-10 05:43:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I got the letter from the police. Have to pay $370 penalty. Phew! I was afraid that I'll lose my driver's license for up to a year.
2012-07-10 05:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am glad you did so... It was beautiful & you did neglect your blog.
2012-07-10 05:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes it is. I see. A very very dear soul...A friend of you... just like me? Hmm. Not really, I doubt you'd write anything if I asked you...
2012-07-10 05:23:59 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I'll let you know, it should work out.. But I don't want to promise anything as of now..
2012-07-10 04:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The rain has stopped & sun came out...Missing you, darling. Hope your day goes fine & you had lunch. Soft refreshing kisses for your nape...
2012-07-10 04:36:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, may I ask for whom you wrote the sonnet? Your lady's curious as ever, can't help it. Blush. And you are secretive, so...
2012-07-10 02:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses all over your back, darling. Please don't go to the gym today evening. Give your body a little rest. Please.
2012-07-10 02:24:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Right now, the pain grows & deepens a little more every day. I miss you & will just miss you more...
2012-07-10 02:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, not meeting will not make anything easier nor will it ease the pain over time. There's no band-aid so there's nothing to stick back
2012-07-10 02:23:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Hopefully not too busy or tiring. Today is grey and rainy here. Finally, the air feels fresh & smells beautiful.
2012-07-10 02:22:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your knee? I would've loved to be there to take care of you as I did in the US & make you feel better & make sure you get enough sleep..
2012-07-10 02:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. So, you didn't get enough sleep... Sigh. Why hot water bag? For your back? Did it help? How's your back now?
2012-07-10 02:21:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Please have a good day...send me those good dreams again, will you??? ::hug hug hug::
2012-07-09 23:53:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was getting ready for bed, I'm sorry love. I cannot wait to answer all your emails first thing tomorrow!!
2012-07-09 23:53:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope you have a wonderful, full, positive day, Anand! xoxo
2012-07-09 23:40:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I like that I'm certain I trust you enough to share these things with you,as you did when your sister visited...I like knowing about you
2012-07-09 23:39:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Older. Will be 40 in December. He moved to LA....

2012-07-09 23:39:02 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire How has your day been??? I've missed chatting with you.
2012-07-09 23:02:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Settling in quite nicely.

2012-07-09 23:01:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I've missed you too! Had a nice, long conversation with my brother...I told you he moved to California last week, right? He arrived and is
2012-07-09 23:01:33 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Exactly that! :) how are you?

2012-07-09 22:55:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you my dear. How I wish I could hug you again... Sad, very very sad sigh. I will dream of you...
2012-07-09 15:42:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a pleasant-busy, good day at work & hope you enjoy the drive... :-) Please know that I miss you-yes even in sleep, darling. Sniff
2012-07-09 15:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's been a while dear but see how beautifully I've taken care of it? The butterflies keep hover over it too, just...feels empty without you
2012-07-09 15:37:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please come & do look into the basket & collect all the sweet kisses & flowery hugs & sunny smiles & butterfly whispers I left for you...
2012-07-09 15:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly, my darling & you wake up fresh & with a :-) imagining me holding you, breathing softly on your shoulder...
2012-07-09 15:34:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a small dinner, freshened up & now, I join you in bed, kiss your cheek & wrap you in my arms, holding you gently to my soft body, dear..
2012-07-09 15:34:08 (EDT)

ZinniaTung My timeline just lights up when you come online, :)

2012-07-09 14:11:15 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I will check out the link in a bit... Is this one of yours, or no???
2012-07-09 13:29:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm glad your day went well. :-) you deserve good days.
2012-07-09 13:29:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, lolol, I was not pulling your leg. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean, you'll come to find! ;-)
2012-07-09 13:28:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please come to me. Darling, please. This missing you, being apart from you is killing me... :-(
2012-07-09 12:39:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady is smiling with teary eyes... thinking of you, of how beautiful it was to be in your arms... to feel your body close to mine.
2012-07-09 12:38:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you asap & snuggle into your chest... Sigh.
2012-07-09 12:36:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! I am under the covers... come & find me. ;-) Good night, sweet darling. Sleep & dream happily. I kiss you back softly, sweetly..
2012-07-09 12:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wish we could really cuddle up... I miss you, Ananad I miss you :-(
2012-07-09 12:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will we cuddle & hug & kiss before sleeping? And will you hold me close to you? Then... yes.
2012-07-09 12:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then how to scratch your back, hm? No, the undershirt can't stay. Period.
2012-07-09 12:26:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A long lazy scratch... with some soft small kisses & giggles. Mmm... but you take off your undershirt. ;-)
2012-07-09 12:23:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to scratch your back. Come and get it, dear. No,
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seriously. Sigh. Please. Do you remember...? How I smiled!

2012-07-09 12:21:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush... :-|

2012-07-09 12:14:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would really love to hold you now... and cuddle with you and rub & scratch & kiss your back all over. Sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-07-09 12:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, then it is from the gym... Please be careful of your knee, darling.
2012-07-09 12:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Same here. Nothing noteworthy. Yep, typical tiring Monday...

2012-07-09 11:57:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling?

2012-07-09 11:54:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. And a deep long sigh... Gosh, your knee, too? From the gym? How's your back? Hmm, how I wish I could hold freshly showered you to me
2012-07-09 11:54:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you :-(

2012-07-09 11:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, need some help to wash your back? I would happily do it for you, darling...
2012-07-09 10:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you & blowing cool air on your neck... and kissing your lips, too. Glad you are back home. How are you feeling?
2012-07-09 10:40:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, this time, you were wrong, my dear. Honest. I just wanted to know if you still feel the same... Are you back home?
2012-07-09 10:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good, but still... be careful. Ok? Hmmm, I don't know... actually no I didn't mean that but now that you say... is there any other lady...?
2012-07-09 09:31:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Darling? Am I... still your lady?

2012-07-09 09:23:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wrap my arms around your neck & softly kiss you back... Thank you. Please take care of your back.
2012-07-09 09:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you reached home & done with the meeting too? Hmm... Well, then...will you let me give you a tight hug & a lil' kiss before you leave?
2012-07-09 09:17:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too...

2012-07-09 08:10:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. Hope you enjoy the drive home & the traffic isn't too bad. Yes, still hot. Head's ok. How's your back? How was your day?
2012-07-09 08:10:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I wish I could receive your kisses in person... My skin misses your lips, darling.
2012-07-09 06:16:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think your pair is back now, so shhh... try not to giggle as my kisses slide under your undershirt & nibble you all over... Sigh.
2012-07-09 06:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too. Standing in a bikini with my arms outstretched, enjoying your soft kiss-shower... Thank you, darling. Felt heavenly.
2012-07-09 06:09:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet soft slow kiss on your lips darling, letting my hands move down your back... Don't forget to have lunch.
2012-07-09 04:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your day? Please don't go to the gym, you might hurt your back more. Your back needs a massage. I'd love to give you a massage...Sigh.
2012-07-09 04:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...and here now, working. Yes, they got home last night. The
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bruise has vanished. No, I still wait for an official letter from the police...
2012-07-09 04:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, kind sir. Glad you slept well. I peeked in but no DM was waiting for me so... I went about my morning chores, showered...
2012-07-09 04:04:44 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme energetic so I'm hopeful that she's getting better. Life is very lovely otherwise.
2012-07-09 01:46:15 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme me feeling down but I took her to the vet and she's on medication now do I'm hoping that will get her healthy again, she seems more
2012-07-09 01:45:38 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme You are too kind to me, always. I adore you so! You're a dear friend. I hope you're doing well. My kitty has been sick for awhile and it has
2012-07-09 01:45:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You're a treasure, Anand. Such a wonderful person. I'm thankful for twitter, as it has allowed me to meet a great man like you!
2012-07-09 01:21:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yeah, I seem to have planted just the seed of doubt he needed to pull back and really think about it objectively. I'm good at growing roots.
2012-07-09 00:36:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ha, they drive me crazy! every day I feel like I live in an asylum rather than a house! Lol!
2012-07-09 00:35:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am so glad for that! Knowing I've made you smile is quite pleasing to me.
2012-07-09 00:32:19 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Love you!!! :)

2012-07-09 00:03:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet sentiment about the children, thank you. :-)

2012-07-08 23:40:35 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire A little further from the ledge, to be honest.

2012-07-08 23:40:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Day by day, I think, for him. He's still at a very fragile point; it's only going to take one thing for him to snap, so I'd like to see him
2012-07-08 23:40:01 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire He was, and for this, I am grateful.

2012-07-08 23:39:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My friend who is Ill I think is coming out of what was a very dark phase. I think he's not leaning towards suicidal thoughts as strongly as
2012-07-08 23:38:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are a true talent, and I mean that.

2012-07-08 23:37:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I hope I *did* bring you an all say smile...then at least I know I'm doing something right! oh,and Shakespeare should be honored, trust me!!
2012-07-08 23:37:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Quite right, kids won't notice any story if there is enough action, animation, and cgi to cover it.
2012-07-08 23:36:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, settled, finally.

2012-07-08 23:35:31 (EDT)

coeuraloha Again, i thank you.

2012-07-08 22:53:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I have a lot to fill you in on...just seeing the kids to bed, was entertaining neighbors and their kids; I'll write you in a few! ;-*
2012-07-08 21:35:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Of how to use these literary techniques together to create stunning, timeless pieces. You have this gift.
2012-07-08 14:00:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Breathtaking! Just breathtaking! You have such a way with

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words, and language, imagery and tone. Quite like Shakespeare; he had a command
2012-07-08 13:59:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ddnt get to read it like I wanted; threw myself into housework...going to read it NOW!
2012-07-08 13:41:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I hate when you feel like you've been confined by 140 characters!
2012-07-08 13:33:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was going to take the kids to see it Tuesday, glad you're giving it a good recommendation!
2012-07-08 13:33:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to be held by you again... To feel you, see you. Darling... Let's meet. Sigh.
2012-07-08 13:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night for now. I will join you in a bit, fresh & flowery in my tiny PJ's... :-) Please hold me...
2012-07-08 13:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with lovely dreams. A million sweet hugs & cuddles & kisses for you alone, my darling. Please come and get them :-)
2012-07-08 13:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you miss it all too, darling then... Please come to me, darling. Sigh.
2012-07-08 13:09:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant for bed, not to... :-)

2012-07-08 12:50:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please get ready to bed, darling. It's very late and you have to wake up early...
2012-07-08 12:49:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to be there, darling. I miss watching movies with you. And walk with you & have breakfast & listen to your snoring...sigh
2012-07-08 12:45:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Glad you liked the movie. I shall watch it too... sometime. Yes, beautiful poem, I am glad you took the time to write it...
2012-07-08 12:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww! Are you ready...? I run up to you & jump in your arms & kiss you a deep sweet welcome home! Missed you too, darling. Very much.
2012-07-08 12:43:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Hope the movie & the evening was fine & that you reach home soon...
2012-07-08 12:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now reading your poem...It is very beautiful & profound, darling. I love it, the way you worded the lines & the imagery you conjured...
2012-07-08 11:55:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Enjoying the day. :-)))

2012-07-08 11:32:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I will go check out the blog---I clearly need to read that, and your timeline, more often! Let me know how the movie is...glad you're
2012-07-08 11:32:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet small lovely kiss floating in to land on your shoulder, nuzzle your neck & watch the movie with you :-) Thinking of you, darling...
2012-07-08 11:22:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. A lot! And please don't stop saying that, not if you really mean it. It is not that I don't believe you, it is just...Sigh.
2012-07-08 09:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hug you tight & kiss you deeply... Please take care, darling. Have a good time, enjoy the movie and... do think of me.
2012-07-08 09:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What next? I don't know. But we can find out what next... together. Please...
2012-07-08 09:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It should be, darling. Please. The other way around should not be... Please darling, allow yourself to be with me.
2012-07-08 08:41:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It really is torturing, darling... I wish we were together, here or there or elsewhere. I... sigh.
2012-07-08 07:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you think... ? :-(

2012-07-08 07:15:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice.
2012-07-08 06:50:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lovely hello to your mom... Hope she is fine.

2012-07-08 06:43:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... just sitting behind you, rubbing your back, kissing your nape while you read stuff...
2012-07-08 06:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you now? Outside? If yes, please do go for a walk... and feel my hair against your arm as I walk by your side... Sigh.
2012-07-08 06:04:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought all Indians are like you, but no... it's just you, darling. As if you were punishing yourself or I don't know.
2012-07-08 05:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just miss you, Anand & would love to see you... You'd like it too, then why do you disallow it? Does it make you happy to miss me?
2012-07-08 05:48:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, there are constraints too but it doesn't mean not to smile at all, refusing all that is sweet & feels natural...
2012-07-08 05:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it's wrong, darling. Why regret something that made you smile and feel happy? Hm? You have the right to smile & feel wonderful inside.
2012-07-08 05:13:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, life slips away like hourglass sand... I don't ask you to do things you may regret, but things that make your heart smile.
2012-07-08 05:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very very much. And all the little things we
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could share, all that we could do together... :-(

2012-07-08 04:15:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, dear happy when we get to chat for a bit! Hugs and kisses to you.
2012-07-08 04:11:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are too sweet, thank you! I cannot wait to delve further; I'm quite stunned here by the beauty of that piece. Exquisite!
2012-07-08 04:10:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you know that I booked my tickets exactly one year ago on the same day? Your lady is feeling blue today...
2012-07-08 04:08:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm starting to fall asleep fast, probably because it's 4 am; even a bit late for me! Would you mind?
2012-07-08 04:07:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would like your permission to wait until tomorrow to read it, when I can give it the attention it deserves. Would that be alright?
2012-07-08 04:06:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be nice and sweet and beautiful darling... and it would feel right just as it did in Portsmouth.
2012-07-08 04:05:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No headache. Didn't sleep that well...

2012-07-08 04:03:40 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The first one on the page, P.S. I Love You; mind blowing. I'm serious, my mind is quite taken aback by it.
2012-07-08 04:03:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I meant don't... instead of didn't.

2012-07-08 04:02:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I meant don't... instead of didn't.

2012-07-08 04:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only... See? We could do all these things and many more if only you would allow it... Sad sigh. And we didn't have to miss each other.
2012-07-08 04:01:47 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I haven't seen that movie, but I would like to... I love animated movies. 3D is good, anyway I don't really care. Will you take me with you?
2012-07-08 04:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, darling. I would love it very much. And softly touch over the back of your hand & steal little kisses when one is looking...
2012-07-08 04:00:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I keep hugging you and nuzzle your neck while you kiss my arms... Missing you.
2012-07-08 03:52:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... just walk around aimlessly for a while? It would be lovely, darling. Sigh.
2012-07-08 03:51:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...that stabiliser unit to you, after all, it was their fault, not yours. May I come with you? And maybe after we got that piece...
2012-07-08 03:51:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Stunning. Simply stunning poem.

2012-07-08 03:50:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you slept very very late... Aren't you tired? How is your body? Did the steam bath feel good? Silly fridge people, they should bring
2012-07-08 03:50:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, me either! I respect that answer!

2012-07-08 03:48:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, very nice. Do you have an all time favorite poem of yours that you've written?
2012-07-08 03:44:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire What do you have planned for this lovely day?

2012-07-08 03:36:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, no most likely not.

2012-07-08 03:36:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I figured, but it was funny, bc for a beat, I didn't know quite how to answer! The answer was yes to both!
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2012-07-08 03:15:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. I hug you close & kiss your nose... How are you feeling? I hope you did sleep well...
2012-07-08 03:15:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A real life person, although they have a twitter, lol

2012-07-08 03:09:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sorry, I'm sure you expected something lighter than that.
2012-07-08 02:51:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Of mine who's very sick, and who I suspect might want to end it all, and I'm wrestling with this.
2012-07-08 02:51:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, they're in bed, and I was thinking of heading there as well, shortly. Right now I'm finishing up having a think session about a friend
2012-07-08 02:50:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You have the most beautiful way with language, and very unassuming in your explanations of things; it's quite lovely. I envy it, almost.
2012-07-08 02:34:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sylph...what a beautiful, unusual, vividly descriptive word!

2012-07-08 02:18:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know exactly who I am. :-)

2012-07-08 02:17:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am humble. But not modest. Modesty is for people who are not confident about their strengths.
2012-07-08 02:17:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It had a sort of an 'olive grove in the golden Tuscan sun' feeling, I enjoyed it. It pleases me that you are thinking about it.
2012-07-08 02:16:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Towards me in this way.

2012-07-08 02:12:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, I'm not modest, but I don't let hubris blind me, either. I just happen to know that's one of my strengths; people have always gravitated
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2012-07-08 02:12:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The position of being the cynosure comes naturally to me, is what I meant. ;-) I will take that hug and savor it, believe me.
2012-07-08 02:06:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, I always take that position, but usually in a positive, enigmatic way. This was more...fatiguing. Convo's I shouldn't have to have.
2012-07-08 01:26:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm glad you feel that way, I feel the same.
2012-07-08 01:08:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Then I really can't wait for you to get there; food for the soul, metaphorically speaking.
2012-07-08 01:08:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire All booked, so lovely!!! You must be looking forward to the change of scenery!
2012-07-08 01:03:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is such a sweet thing to say. :-) I missed talking to you as well. I like our conversations!
2012-07-08 01:02:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire When do you leave for your trip, or is it not booked yet?
2012-07-08 00:35:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Herself ;-)

2012-07-08 00:34:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nah, not stressing about it that much. What I did was way more imperative and cathartic, so I'm sure she'll understand when she gets over
2012-07-08 00:34:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire She's not answering, and I know she keeps her phone glued to her...sigh...we will see tomorrow, I guess.
2012-07-08 00:20:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And now she's mad at me. Sigh. Trying to presently work that out.
2012-07-08 00:13:42 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I'll be up for awhile, on and off twitter...a consequence of these family talks is that I had plans with my girlfriend that I lost sight of,
2012-07-08 00:12:45 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm still alive. Some days are easier than others. Overall, things are fine. Slowly moving in the right direction.
2012-07-07 23:22:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Turned writers into cash cows with schedules to write subpar work. As long as it sells, they don't care!
2012-07-07 22:29:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Food, YES!!!! Assembly line food, terrible. Writing as well, and unfortunately, that what these scummy big publishing companies have done;
2012-07-07 22:29:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yet exhausting.

2012-07-07 22:28:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I JUST got home, can you imagine?? Had these weird heart to hearts with my mother in law and sister in law that were ultimately cathartic,
2012-07-07 22:27:18 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Yes. :) How are you?

2012-07-07 19:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hate it that I can't be there. I hate the distance between us! I love you, no matter how much you hurt me. Want to be there for you... :-(
2012-07-07 15:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I could be there now... I'd stay up all night & watch over you, soothe your sleep, making sure you sleep soundly... :-(
2012-07-07 15:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now in bed & hug you close to me; caressing you, humming soft comforting tunes for you... Sleep my darling, please. I am with you
2012-07-07 15:20:00 (EDT)

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soHbet_ to digress from our topic, all our virtual accounts will forever live, without anyone having access.
2012-07-07 15:02:33 (EDT)

soHbet_ our life becomes one massive collage of complaints and dissatisfaction. when all we need to be happy is in the now.
2012-07-07 14:58:39 (EDT)

soHbet_ to carry on. that's exactly it we obsess about inconsequential things & forget living.
2012-07-07 14:57:15 (EDT)

soHbet_ yes, i think about that often. it's no different from life in general, people forget soon. perhaps it's best or it would be difficult to
2012-07-07 14:56:03 (EDT)

soHbet_ oh, well... in that case i understand. carry on. sorry about the writer. just wanted to make sure you were okay.
2012-07-07 14:53:42 (EDT)

soHbet_ friend, is life being hard on you today? or are you perhaps in a contemplative mood or mode today?
2012-07-07 14:50:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. It's midnight there, you should sleep... Good night, darling. Close your eyes & try to sleep. I hold you tenderly to me...
2012-07-07 14:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I shouldn't... but you know that I will join you because... because... You know why. Sad sigh.
2012-07-07 14:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are awake? Bad news? Do you wish to tell me?
2012-07-07 14:24:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly, dreaming about running over grass surrounded by butterflies...I'll stay by your side through the night...Sigh
2012-07-07 14:21:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have fallen asleep. I softly kiss your temples &...just sit by your bedside holding your hand, watching you sleep. Can't
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help it
2012-07-07 14:20:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Own hands, and I like to support things like that. Every piece is unique, can't be reproduced. I like the idea of that.
2012-07-07 14:02:21 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I also shop at a darling site, I think it's called giving tree gallery or something, and they sell such beautiful things made by artists'
2012-07-07 14:01:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Maybe I'll email you pictures of pieces, explain the meaning behind them.
2012-07-07 14:00:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To be the wind is right! quite nicely said!

2012-07-07 14:00:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Exactly! Frontlines of a woman's mystique.

2012-07-07 13:32:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Jewelry to me can be fun, but when it's a special piece, it should be intensely personal.
2012-07-07 13:26:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I design most everything I buy, whether from a jeweler, or make it myself. I am a big fan of jewelry made by artists, not mass produced.
2012-07-07 13:26:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire SeaShell discs dangling, clustered, along the hoop in a perpendicular fashion.
2012-07-07 13:21:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A flattering way. Cream and chocolate color wrap bracelets with these matte gold discs on them. Earrings that I made; gold hoops with little
2012-07-07 13:20:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire An olive green sundress, seemingly effortless, but has a wonderful kimono cut which makes it interesting, and exposes the collarbone in such
2012-07-07 13:18:43 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Not yet; readying.

2012-07-07 13:04:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And thank you. Very sweet. :-)

2012-07-07 12:54:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mmm, I like the sound of you sleeping in and lazing...sounds divine.
2012-07-07 12:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Keep your sorry for yourself. I don't need it. I need your arms around me... :-(
2012-07-07 12:35:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! No? I am surprised.

2012-07-07 12:23:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Hope you are proud of yourself.

2012-07-07 12:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to understand/accept/agree with everything you say. You make decisions on your own regardless of everything.
2012-07-07 12:19:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You, you and you... Sometimes I think you are so full of yourself that there's no place for anything/anyone else...
2012-07-07 12:15:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I... What about me? While you learnt your lesson & walked away whistling, I am still in your forest, with the same feelings for you...
2012-07-07 12:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Then, I was a lesson for you... this doesn't make it any better. :-(
2012-07-07 11:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I don't understand why all the lively exchanges till our meeting even after you knew you don't want to have me in your life... Silly me!
2012-07-07 11:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, see? You were not cautious enough... In the end, it's the
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same... I was a mistake.

2012-07-07 11:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And why? Because you are... just a man... :-(

2012-07-07 11:41:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I was a mistake, yes?

2012-07-07 11:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't do this.

2012-07-07 11:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You just be happy & smile & joke around & make compliments to nice ladies or flirt with them or grow new forests or whatever pleases you...
2012-07-07 11:37:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know exactly how I feel for you & I am sorry that knowing I will never see you again doesn't make me want to jump around in happiness.
2012-07-07 11:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, looking at a picture of you & I am wondering if I kiss the screen will I be able to feel your lips... taste your kiss? Sigh :-(
2012-07-07 11:25:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can I not be sad? It isn't as easy for me as it is for you...I miss you & would love to see you but you refuse it. So, no there's no way
2012-07-07 11:24:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Have any plans for today?

2012-07-07 11:22:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It was! Off to get ready for a BBQ in grandmas birthday honor today. I will be popping on twitter on and off if ideas spark my mind. Do you
2012-07-07 11:22:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you for sending smiles, my sleep was peaceful.

2012-07-07 11:13:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Really??? Power deficit? I've never heard of this!

2012-07-07 11:12:33 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Created on their own, enhancing the flow and message of the piece. I am torn, bc I like the style I'm using now, but I thrive on structure;)
2012-07-07 11:11:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Even poets who are very popular, who deviate from the norms of structure (ee Cummings, Langston hughes) have some form they seem to have
2012-07-07 11:10:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Why did you lose power? Brown out, or storm? Or something different?
2012-07-07 11:08:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I wonder what you wrote that got lost in the ether... :-)
2012-07-07 11:08:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So you were the whisper, eh?

2012-07-07 11:07:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I fell asleep!!!!

2012-07-07 11:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-07 11:03:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really do miss you a lot, you know? Oh dear, how I wish you were here...
2012-07-07 10:39:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No.
2012-07-07 10:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. I am just not in a funny mood...

2012-07-07 10:36:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Really. It isn't something to joke about...

2012-07-07 10:33:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, too... Sigh. And you know that... :-(
2012-07-07 10:26:09 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, here comes the missing "a". To me, it is quite lovely. Better than my day. Well, then... a simple, good day. Better?
2012-07-07 10:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-07-07 10:22:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you went to the gym, bought a fridge, went to the temple, took a nap... Sounds like lovely day...
2012-07-07 10:22:32 (EDT)

coeuraloha yes. I forgot about that. so so funny.

2012-07-07 10:20:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kinda uneventful. Yours?

2012-07-07 10:19:03 (EDT)

coeuraloha you know... for your retweets, favorites, comments... and just for being you... I am so grateful we took that trip together. :)
2012-07-07 10:12:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not bad. Hmm, right now... nothing.

2012-07-07 10:10:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. Sometimes the repair cost more than a new product. Hope the new fridge will live long. It's ok, it isn't too warm inside...
2012-07-07 10:08:34 (EDT)

coeuraloha hello. And thank you

2012-07-07 10:08:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I have an old one in the living room but didn't use it yet.
2012-07-07 08:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet welcome home kiss & a nose-rub... Reached home a while ago, too. Why a new fridge?
2012-07-07 08:43:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off now too. The heat isn't better, btw. Please take care. Missing you...
2012-07-07 06:41:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did smile, but you are not here... so you didn't see it. Cat-C...
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Catsy See? I do :-) Good. You buy the fridge, I the food... :-)
2012-07-07 06:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I need to go shopping now. My fridge is empty. Have a lovely afternoon...

2012-07-07 06:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, honestly... what should I be amused about? I too wish I had my smile back, but... sigh. I had breakfast...
2012-07-07 06:18:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm...
2012-07-07 06:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not bad, but it's a dog name...

2012-07-07 05:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our boy still needs a new name, btw.

2012-07-07 05:48:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My fingers finding the line of your spine as you stretch, pulling you to me and kissing you back... Good morning. And enjoy your lunch.
2012-07-07 05:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on each aching muscle...I wish I could massage them for you & then snuggle up with you for a sweet nap. But... sigh. Sleep well.
2012-07-07 03:14:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nina mama is a cat, she doesn't need a haircut. Sandy, my old dog lady needed one.
2012-07-07 03:14:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... some more, it needs a few days to get used to the workout. No headache today. Going about the chores slowly, I have all the time...
2012-07-07 03:13:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear sir. I am sorry you didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well, either. Just keep going to the gym, your body will hurt
2012-07-07 03:13:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm still re reading this, I hope you don't mind.

2012-07-07 01:04:02 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire I might have to reframe my outlook, based on this explanation you gave me, here.
2012-07-07 01:02:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Everything you're saying makes logical, objective sense.

2012-07-07 01:02:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I have read this a few times now. Turning it over in my head.
2012-07-07 01:01:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-))))
2012-07-07 00:18:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ok, you have a deal. If we ate ever in the same place in the same time with an ocean, you are all mine. For the beach, I mean. ;-)
2012-07-07 00:03:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, I'll be here. Feeling quite awake.

2012-07-06 23:34:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, goody....think on it!

2012-07-06 23:19:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I go through this, you helped me before. ;-) I'm insufferable with my writing!
2012-07-06 23:19:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Bunch of words together and call it poetry. Prose, maybe. ;-) I'm mad because I want my words back, but idk how I want to stack them.
2012-07-06 23:18:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ahhhh, I must respectfully disagree. Poetry is form. Ability to write rhythmically is what makes it wonderful, but you can't just throw a
2012-07-06 23:17:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, now, what a good boy you are! I *love* apples, especially a nice granny smith. How can I EVER repay you? Lol! ::I'm too silly tonight::
2012-07-06 23:10:06 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Then stripped down. Raw. But not in a minimalist fashion.

2012-07-06 23:08:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Prose at best, but mostly very short stories. I'm so angry about it sometimes. But I've been fatigued with the prettiness of words. I want
2012-07-06 23:08:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Stream of consciousness thing that feels right, presently. But I'm mad about it. The point if poetry is form. There's no form here. It's all
2012-07-06 23:07:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh! Dammit,you've hit my weak spot, of late...I wrote so much, so much I can't post.Too personal yet. And I find myself in this James Joyce
2012-07-06 23:06:49 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And if you ever want me to play teacher, just say the word. I'll pretend to teach and you can pretend to learn. ;-)
2012-07-06 22:43:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Lioness, I like that. ;-) kind of sums it up, honestly.

2012-07-06 22:42:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, you sure got me there! ;-) the loudness would probably be more likely, so speechlessness is the rarity. And sometimes a good one.
2012-07-06 22:42:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You'll find I exhibit many male traits, like objectivity over sentimentality and things on that order.
2012-07-06 22:04:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, my! ::speechless:: another delicious on top of the other, rolling like waves. Enticing.
2012-07-06 22:03:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you...89, I think.

2012-07-06 22:02:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Teach you a thing. ;-)

2012-07-06 21:52:57 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire Hahaha, I'm good at compartmentalizing, that's all ;-) Nothing to teach! You seem to have a wonderful handle on life, you don't need me to
2012-07-06 21:52:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Going to a BBQ for grandmas bday tomorrow...that's about it. My day was good, and you were woven into my thoughts throughout, admittedly.
2012-07-06 21:51:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Are you awake, I wonder??

2012-07-06 21:03:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire As far as finding warm words...I think I'll just catch up on your timeline. That should do it. Night, sweet friend. xoxo
2012-07-06 13:02:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, dear Anand. October 9th, now I will always remember, have no doubt. Lovely time of year here as well.
2012-07-06 13:01:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The homophone tweet! well, I guess that one depends on if you caught the homophone, and my intention with it! ;-)
2012-07-06 13:00:32 (EDT)

JennWhetton It's absolute beautiful and perfect~thank you E

2012-07-06 12:27:32 (EDT)

JennWhetton I'm honored E~truly and kind maybe yes ~ but just being honest I adore your poetry
2012-07-06 12:14:25 (EDT)

JennWhetton My eyes are better~much~thank you ~and you Lovely one need no help in the way of writing
2012-07-06 12:09:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, your baklava is not fine... :-( Please sleep well. Good night.
2012-07-06 11:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you would really rush to hold me... I would love to have
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your arms around me, dear. To feel them, You... sigh.

2012-07-06 11:33:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude...It's just...You care about my health from afar...But not about how I feel, how this all makes me feel
2012-07-06 11:30:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you care... That's all? Sigh. Your baklava is missing you, darling...
2012-07-06 11:25:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your lips as I snuggle up under the covers... Please hold me close, darling. Please... Good night.
2012-07-06 11:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I will lie down again. My head is pounding. Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly. Dream sweet dreams.
2012-07-06 11:21:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't want to see me again, you don't want to have the real me in your life, then why do you still write to me? :-(
2012-07-06 11:18:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be beautiful, darling. I would love it very much. Would you play with my hair, too? Sigh.
2012-07-06 11:16:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here with me. I just feel like hugging you and sleep off in your arms...
2012-07-06 11:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had breakfast and something for lunch. I wish I could sleep normal hours, dear but... I don't feel well both- physically & emotionally.
2012-07-06 11:11:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I *did* laze, then cleaned the car out, laundry, maybe finally breakfast??? My birthday is 1/22 :-) yours?
2012-07-06 11:10:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not feeling well, darling but I am ok. I just simply dozed off.
2012-07-06 11:07:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, I dozed off... Blush. Will you let me cuddle you &
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give you a late but ever so sweet welcome home kiss?

2012-07-06 11:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep, was just resting my eyes, dear. Can we turn back the time... or tell the cab driver to bring you to me? Please...
2012-07-06 07:52:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish you were coming home to me... How I wish I could greet you with sweet hugs & smiling kisses. My sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-07-06 07:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a pleasant trip home. And hope you had a real good day.
2012-07-06 07:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh...
2012-07-06 07:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Missing you very much, darling. I really wish you were here to hug me tight & kiss a smile into me...
2012-07-06 07:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That too.

2012-07-06 07:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not sturdy but strong yet oh so gentle arms... And yes, I don't really know how but I would sweep you into my arms.
2012-07-06 07:16:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... I wish I could rush there right now, sweep you into my arms and steal a sweet deep kiss... I miss you, Anand.
2012-07-06 03:50:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I didn't sleep well. Head is better.

2012-07-06 03:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, and it is definitely more relaxing. And who knows? Maybe you will find a cab partner too...
2012-07-06 03:48:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... at 5? Then, your lady would have to wake up at 4:45 or so... just to be up before you. :-| But glad you enjoy your new mornings.
2012-07-06 03:48:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I woke up early, darling. Thank you for stealing a minute...

2012-07-06 03:30:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft butterfly kisses for under your undershirt to keep you smiling through the day... Missing you, darling...A lot. Really, a lot!
2012-07-06 02:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you take the cab or are you on your bike? It's Friday! I hope your day goes smoothly for you & it is as pleasant as can be...
2012-07-06 02:41:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. Glad you slept well & that it feels good to exercise, to move your body... You go to the gym before work?
2012-07-06 02:40:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight, sweet A! xo

2012-07-06 01:51:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mmmm, I'm sure they'll be...vivid!

2012-07-06 01:51:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I *am* getting sleepy...

2012-07-06 01:37:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No one ever says they find me "adorable"! Lol!

2012-07-06 01:37:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire <blush blush blush>

2012-07-06 01:28:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That's the comfort in it, to me.

2012-07-06 01:24:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire YES!!!! I love the weight of blankets! You've pinned it!Most people say the warmth,and I think their missing it; the WEIGHT is where it's at
2012-07-06 01:24:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire In bed, snuggled up in a ball with 1000 blankets on me! Cold room!
2012-07-06 01:15:20 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I truly enjoy our talks, always. You seem so full of positivity and life.
2012-07-06 00:36:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire *You're* such a delight!

2012-07-06 00:35:27 (EDT)

beezknez smiling here and arms reaching out .. Hugs b :))

2012-07-06 00:32:45 (EDT)

beezknez :) I am very much shy to what you have said and think it is really one of the loveliest things said to me, thank You for saying this I am
2012-07-06 00:32:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Maybe that's what I see in the kids. They have such a love for it.
2012-07-06 00:06:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, it *is* a connection I have with the beach, quite right. I literally feel at home there, although it's my missing component.
2012-07-06 00:05:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire We've been talking for awhile! I can't believe I just missed you!!!
2012-07-06 00:05:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How long were you in the US for, dear Anand?

2012-07-05 23:56:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, the 5 of us went down today. The kids love the beach and ocean like I do, so it was quite lovely to see them with that unbridled energy
2012-07-05 23:56:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm STILL not home, stayed for fireworks on the beach, it was lovely! Almost home now, kids are all sleeping.
2012-07-05 23:30:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire An absolute love. So much so, that if I didn't have access to it during the summer months, I would wither completely.
2012-07-05 23:28:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly with sweet dreams, darling. I
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kiss you softly, snuggle up to you & wrap myself in your arms... Sigh. Love you
2012-07-05 15:53:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, all I want is to sleep & dream of being in your arms...Hm I doubt I can. The thunder is so if the sky was breaking apart :-|
2012-07-05 15:53:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This all is so confusing, darling :-( And in all this confusion the only thing I know is that keeping us away from each other feels wrong.
2012-07-05 15:52:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But we both know that we can't meet as mere friends because we feel drawn to each other. Well, I love you but it's my problem. Sad sigh.
2012-07-05 15:51:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't want to meet because you can't or don't want to marry me. On the other hand, you miss me & would love to see me too.
2012-07-05 15:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and I can't do this alone. But even if a way was found, you would turn your back on me & walk away 'cause you can't marry me. :-(
2012-07-05 15:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are ways, there must be ways to see each other more often or be near each other but you will not help me to find that way...
2012-07-05 15:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least for a while. Confused. Lost. Shattered. Can't think straight anymore or focus on anything. This missing you kills me from inside...
2012-07-05 15:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now read your DM. I thought you were asleep. I don't know darling. It will not solve anything but it would ease the pain on some level.
2012-07-05 15:48:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Beach real estate! It's just me and my favorite kind of nature.
2012-07-05 14:30:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The smell in the air, the sound of the waves crashing the
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shore. When I'm there, I don't notice anyone...unless they're invading my imagined
2012-07-05 14:29:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire My favorite place...I feel totally electric here.

2012-07-05 13:02:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my darling... please let's meet. I beg you. Allow yourself to be with me. Pretty please.
2012-07-05 12:45:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Please, hold your lady close... Please. She so needs your arms around her... :-(
2012-07-05 12:33:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, actually, old books smell beautiful.

2012-07-05 12:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dear complicated darling. Sigh. I will join you very soon... and curl into you, for you to hold me...
2012-07-05 12:29:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yes, it's time for bed for you. Sleep & dream sweetly, darling. I hug you to me & kiss you softly on your forehead, eyes, nose, lips...
2012-07-05 12:27:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... do you remember what you once said? It was after the storm... You said if there's a way, let's find it together...
2012-07-05 12:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling, wouldn't it be lovely if you could really hold me? If you didn't have to miss me? Sigh. Do let's meet, my sweetness.
2012-07-05 12:21:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and your buts... Sigh. Darling, please. Do allow yourself to do it...
2012-07-05 12:14:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You say a meeting doesn't feel right, and I say being away from each other doesn't feel right. Our time together felt right, every second.
2012-07-05 12:09:45 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, I know. But I would love to see you, darling. I so miss being with you. :-( And it hurts so much, so so much.
2012-07-05 12:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling. Sigh...

2012-07-05 12:04:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Then come. Come to your silly lovely lil' lady.
2012-07-05 12:00:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Missing you. Come darling, cook for me. Please.
2012-07-05 11:57:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Dinner is always something light & little, btw.

2012-07-05 11:56:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am glad that I can eat at all...

2012-07-05 11:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was decent & hot. Hm, tired? Not sure. Wilted & a bit sleepy. I'll probably have a baguette with cucumber, cherry tomatoes, cheese or so
2012-07-05 11:53:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't plan to go anywhere. Yep, it is. Maybe I should do some workout too, after doing it I feel very hungry.
2012-07-05 11:53:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, strange. You should feel more hungry...

2012-07-05 11:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I knew, I knew! I felt it! That's why my head was so throbbing. A big summer storm is coming with thunder & huge warm raindrops.
2012-07-05 11:37:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and dinner! Don't forget to have dinner.

2012-07-05 11:14:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Felt good? No aching muscles? Smile, if you need two gentle hands to wash your back, just let me know... ;-)
2012-07-05 11:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I would be happiest, darling. But hope you know I meant
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with me as in, here... with me. Sigh. Glad you are happy with your workout.
2012-07-05 11:12:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with work. Could you please come & spend the rest of the day with me? Sigh. If only...
2012-07-05 10:58:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I do too...they're doing fireworks tonight too, so that should be enjoyable!

2012-07-05 10:29:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I would like to go to a beach called seven presidents, bc the sand is powdery and beautiful. Not a trillion miles walk out to shore, either.
2012-07-05 10:26:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The flow, I can put music on if need be, and read while they play a bit off in the distance. It's lovely. :-)
2012-07-05 10:25:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Child 1 is back asking for something or other. Then the cycle starts again! Lol! But honestly, I prepare enough where they usually go with
2012-07-05 10:25:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I try to laze and read, but they'll never let me! By the time I go through the cycle of children 1, 2, and 3 asking me say, for a snack,
2012-07-05 10:23:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Adventurous spirit and all that! ;-)

2012-07-05 10:20:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd love breakfast! And I always like to try new things, if it's something I've never had before, that's the option I'm likely to go with!
2012-07-05 10:19:52 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Family! The kids have been so eager!

2012-07-05 10:19:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My head still aches, it's very muggy today. Feeling wilted, darling.
2012-07-05 10:15:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No. I eat the ice cream and watch you do the workout. What is the next routine? Please be merciful to my lovely pillow...
2012-07-05 10:12:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Going to the beach today, my favorite place. :-) perfect day for it.
2012-07-05 10:10:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Something I've never had! Always! Breakfast in bed, eh? Get on over here already!
2012-07-05 10:09:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Deep sigh. It isn't a nice feeling. Is it?

2012-07-05 10:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there... I'd watch you do your workout & ensure that you do it well... while sitting in a comfy chair, eating ice cream ;-p
2012-07-05 10:04:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::yawn, stretch:: I slept late! Felt so indulgent!

2012-07-05 09:58:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant heavenly. I miss you, darling. A lot lot lot. Sniff.
2012-07-05 09:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Well, not the pollution but that you stay home. Shall I come over? You can do the tchoin tchoin, it's good for your arms... ;-p
2012-07-05 09:49:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... too fast, kisses you back again & laughs while falling on the bed, hugging each other. Smile. Ahhh, it would be heavely sweet!
2012-07-05 09:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you sweetness... :-) Your lady giggles, kisses you back, takes a bite of the muffins, squeezing you, dropped the toast- you twirled her
2012-07-05 09:47:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, missing you... Does your lady get a hug & a little kiss, too?
2012-07-05 09:19:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You mean going to the gym right now? Darling, if you feel like going, then go, but... my soft pillow! God! How dare you!? :-(
2012-07-05 09:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just ok? Or good-busy with some good work? Yep, I know... you told me that you took the cab. It's a bit tiring on the bike, yes?
2012-07-05 09:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A gentle, squeezing welcome home hug and sweet long kiss on your lips, darling. How was your day? Had a pleasant drive home?
2012-07-05 09:01:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Do you have any idea how much I wish you were here? Come darling. Come come come!
2012-07-05 07:01:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love when you do that. :-) Your lady was busy working, didn't notice you were here... secretly watching me. ;-p
2012-07-05 06:51:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit my darling sir. Sweet, buttery-nutty-honeyed baklava kisses for your lips... :-)
2012-07-05 04:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft nibbling kisses on your tummy, darling. My soft pillow... Sniff. Missing you. A lot.
2012-07-05 03:30:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come and cook for me... and I will eat as much as you want me to. Sigh. I miss your cooking. I miss eating with you.
2012-07-05 03:00:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, the cucumber doesn't make the heat go away, dear. I can only eat when I am hungry or feel like eating...
2012-07-05 02:55:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do drink more than I usually do. And bought cucumber too...
2012-07-05 02:45:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! No no no! You can't do that! Well, fine... no waves for your lady, then no tchoin-tchoin for you... ;-p
2012-07-05 02:43:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ How is your day? Busy pairing? Mine will be the usual- work, some daily chores & daydreams of you in between... Sigh.
2012-07-05 02:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. Have no appetite, darling. Other than that, it is still very hot here...
2012-07-05 02:41:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You took the cab? How come? Hmm, what about this: one week bike, one week cab. Just an idea...
2012-07-05 02:40:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before you get rid of my soft pillow. ;-) Please come to me before it happens, your lady wishes to wave goodbye to your belly. Smile.
2012-07-05 02:40:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, no! Not my soft pillow! And no more belly-waves? That's not fair. Sniff. The good thing is that I am sure it will take long months...
2012-07-05 02:39:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is my sweet sir all fresh & smiling now? So happy that you got the rest you needed. I woke up with headache but slept like a stone :-)
2012-07-05 02:39:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd bury my face in your lap & wrap my arms around you & not let you go. Sigh. Good morning, my sweet lovely darling. :-)
2012-07-05 02:38:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmm, having freshly showered you by my side, feeling your lips trace my spine is a wonderful way to wake up... God! I'd be in heaven.
2012-07-05 02:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the Anand who smiled in the morning with his eyes closed & wrapped me in his arms as I cuddled up to him to kiss him good morning...
2012-07-04 16:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have a little dinner now, a nice shower and will join you... Feeling very very tired.
2012-07-04 13:40:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I admit, it would hurt badly but... I don't know. Knowing that
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you miss me but not wanting to see me again doesn't feel any better. :-(
2012-07-04 13:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't forget you. I can't cut away from you. Sweet darling, just tell me that you don't miss me & I fell below your threshold or anything
2012-07-04 13:32:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ who kissed the first butterfly into my tummy, with whom I ran over grass in our ever-spring forest, who made my lil' heart immensely happy.
2012-07-04 13:24:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I miss the Anand who crossed my path, with whom I was building bridges to each other, who wove a lovely homely basket for me...
2012-07-04 13:23:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, I kiss your cheeks, take your hand in mine &... just watching you sleep with a cute smile... Let us meet, sweet Anand. Please.
2012-07-04 12:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh you were here! Hope you are sleeping now, dreaming of sweet things. Butterflies. And flowers. And smiling sun. And your lovely lady. Sigh
2012-07-04 12:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you. No matter what your mind says it feels right to do so. Missing you so much!
2012-07-04 12:03:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daydreaming of being there now, curled into you... your hand on my belly, holding lil' me close to your chest... Anand, my darling... :-(
2012-07-04 11:59:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Please, don't say that... not to me. :-| I loved it. Close your lovely eyes darling & feel my lisping kisses whispering good night.
2012-07-04 11:50:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, it is very sweet. I like it very much. Thank you. :-)
2012-07-04 11:47:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do visit our forest in your dream. We will go on a sweet walk & swing on the swing... Sigh.
2012-07-04 11:43:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am by your side darling, softly kissing you on your lips, hugging you, cuddling you... Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. Good night.
2012-07-04 11:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The bruise is vanishing... but it doesn't mean you reduce your kisses. ;-) As you wish my dear... dropping everything & rushing to bed.
2012-07-04 11:41:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed now. Sigh. I wish I was there to kiss you, to hug you, to cuddle you to sleep... :-(
2012-07-04 11:36:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so sweet. Thank you for staying up for me. Perhaps the weather, darling. I feel exhausted too.
2012-07-04 11:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you, darling. Missing you. But if you feel like going to bed, then go.
2012-07-04 11:31:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no shopping. Went to the bank & then to my old working place- a small advertising agency to order some stickers for the company's vans.
2012-07-04 11:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That you are confused in your mind, is nothing new to me... Let me know if you are not confused...
2012-07-04 11:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just once a year? I thought you were really together with her. Hm. Long distance sweet longing... Sigh. Now, I know too, how it feels.
2012-07-04 11:15:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now? Doesn't your mom love her grandchild?

2012-07-04 11:15:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... my child happy & to know that they are having a nice life spent in love. Nothing is more beautiful to a parent than this.
2012-07-04 11:13:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I know people think differently in India, but still... to me, that's silly. I would be happy if my child got married to someone who makes...
2012-07-04 11:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is sad that you don't feel connected to anyone/anything. It is sad that you give up on things so easily.
2012-07-04 11:12:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You & your Divine...I still think you are missing many things in your focusing on the Divine. Things that you could have & make you happy.
2012-07-04 11:12:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, and your team still feels that things are ok as they are, right? Not sure if it is worth it to try to discuss with them...
2012-07-04 11:10:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. Perhaps you looked so hungry that your mom had to insist... My day was kinda busy too. And hot. The day is exhausting.
2012-07-04 11:10:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was waiting for you but have to step out now. Will hurry back. Hope you reach home fine & find my kisses I left for you under the doormat.
2012-07-04 09:19:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the ride home is lovely... Please take care, darling.
2012-07-04 07:59:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I would give to have you here with me now! My sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-07-04 06:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside in the shade, letting the lovely breeze dance along my skin; thinking about you... wishing the breeze was your breath...
2012-07-04 06:36:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I miss you. A lot.

2012-07-04 05:13:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day goes smoothly, my darling. Please don't forget to have lunch...
2012-07-04 03:45:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft lovely kisses on your palms... curl your fingers around
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them, raise them to your lips & breathe them in... Sigh.
2012-07-04 03:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You already found a way out of this... You walked away, leaving me alone in the forest we once created together... :-(
2012-07-04 03:18:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am deeply hurt, darling. This all... is emotionally very exhausting. You want me to forget you? I can't, darling. I can't forget you.
2012-07-04 03:16:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, there are times when the heart & mind disagree. Your mind is stronger, sure the heart goes quiet- no chance to argue with your mind.
2012-07-04 03:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you had a girlfriend? You didn't tell me... See? You know more about me than I know about you.
2012-07-04 03:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes you act like there is only you & you have to take care of everything... You don't have to do it all by yourself.
2012-07-04 03:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the girl could've waited for you... You could've had both, keeping your GF & taking care of your family.
2012-07-04 03:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok to alter plans but you completely changed them. You could have done your PhD some time later, no?
2012-07-04 03:13:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ wanting to solve them, to find a solution. But if the problem is work related, then my darling you sit over it till you solve it. Strange.
2012-07-04 03:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ difficult and complicated in some ways & simply say they are impractical, pointless, et cetera & drop them, not even trying to find a way
2012-07-04 03:11:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, but there are simply too many things that are impractical & pointless to your mind. As if you were avoiding things that are
2012-07-04 03:11:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I woke up feeling tired, too. Anyway, I don't understand why do you wake up feeling tired, you do sleep well- your lady, not.
2012-07-04 03:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet complicated darling. I felt your kiss & heard your humming in my dream. Thank you for coming...
2012-07-04 03:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps I should give up. I am tired...

2012-07-03 12:46:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your mind sees only itself and nothing in between and around or whatever... I wish it would open its eye...
2012-07-03 12:39:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! If only you could hear yourself...

2012-07-03 12:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you really this cold and emotionless? Like a stone... I believe if you could, you would replace your heart with a second mind... :-(
2012-07-03 12:25:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh boy... :-(

2012-07-03 12:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where?
2012-07-03 12:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel tired too, so I will join you in a bit and hug you tenderly to me...holding you snugly against my body...
2012-07-03 12:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. May your sleep be restful with the sweetest of dreams. Rubbing my nose against yours while kissing your lips..
2012-07-03 12:07:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come, darling & we will do all that you wish to... Pretty please. Your lady is slowly but surely wilting away... :-(
2012-07-03 12:03:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were here, would you come on a walk with me? Then have a picnic-dinner & watch the sunset, with you sitting behind me, holding
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2012-07-03 11:58:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, come... your lady is waiting for you.

2012-07-03 11:53:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still wish you were here...

2012-07-03 11:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were eating while they were enthusiastically presenting their plans? Hope you didn't munch too loud. So, it was a puzzling day...
2012-07-03 11:39:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here with me, darling...

2012-07-03 11:08:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Believe me, not half as much as I do... Sniff. Boring & long meeting... My day was busy with work but other than that... pretty quiet.
2012-07-03 11:05:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-07-03 09:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Hugging you back & kissing you on your lips... I wish you could feel my hands massaging your shoulders, the back of your neck...
2012-07-03 09:55:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a busy day? But hope it was a good, productive one... How are you feeling?
2012-07-03 09:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... you are not so talkative today... And now I complain- no hug, no giving me those kisses, just sending them?
2012-07-03 09:23:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your shoulders and trace little kisses along your neck while you are in a meeting? Sigh.
2012-07-03 09:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Please, come darling let me give you a gently squeezing hug & a sweet deep welcome home kiss... and tell me, may I massage...
2012-07-03 09:19:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My dog lady is pretty & your lady is back in time to welcoming her cute sir home...
2012-07-03 09:10:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off again... going to pick up my dog lady. Will be back in a few minutes...
2012-07-03 08:55:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. Sigh, imagine me sitting behind you, my arms wrapped around you... Soft butterfly-winged kisses flitting back to you...
2012-07-03 08:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back again. Still missing you... and still wishing you were here. :-(
2012-07-03 07:57:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I take my dog lady to get a haircut. Will be back very soon. Missing you... Please take care on your way home.
2012-07-03 07:24:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm actually, you could avoid that... Do try it, darling. Please. Do it for your heart. It has the right to sing & the right to its freedom.
2012-07-03 07:22:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Perhaps it's your heart that should put your mind on a leash...
2012-07-03 06:50:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, those naughty kisses... hope they don't behave darling. Just to dress you in a million sweet little kisses... Sigh!
2012-07-03 06:46:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I would still love to know what you wish you could avoid doing...
2012-07-03 05:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand... sweet darling. I really wish you were here now, holding lil' wilted me close. I... Sigh.
2012-07-03 05:57:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Thanks for your kisses, they felt so good... And you? Did you get all my kisses?
2012-07-03 05:54:02 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Off to run some errands. Be back soon. In case you'd like to know, I wear my black & white dress... Sigh. I so wish to be held by you now...
2012-07-03 04:45:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Blush. I meant my butterflies... Your lady is kinda unfocused today. Or whatever. Hm.
2012-07-03 04:37:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Had lunch? Rush to the window, dear... they said they just reached there with a dozen tiny playful kisses for you...
2012-07-03 04:30:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Doesn't sound that good.

2012-07-03 04:16:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-07-03 04:05:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you...

2012-07-03 04:00:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How? I don't know. Peaceful. Also kinda lonely...Wishing you were here... Sweet, soft, slow butterfly kisses from your head to toe, darling.
2012-07-03 01:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride? Still no one is interested in sharing a cab with you? How is your day? I eat when I am hungry...
2012-07-03 01:54:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, complicated darling. Glad you slept well, I did too though fell asleep late & woke up feeling tired.
2012-07-03 01:54:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good, I'm glad for that. Opportunistic is not the position I want to project. But as far as open...well then, yes, I'm very attracted to you
2012-07-03 01:41:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I feel I was too forward, I'm sorry.

2012-07-03 01:26:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ?
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2012-07-03 01:17:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well...::gulp:: Then I'd say I have a much better preference, as I'd prefer to be enrobed in you. Just you.
2012-07-03 01:14:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know how I *want* to instinctively answer that, but it'd be very forward.
2012-07-03 01:01:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That's a loaded question....very loaded.

2012-07-03 01:01:29 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Velvet, I tell you!

2012-07-03 00:35:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire <bluuuuuush>
2012-07-03 00:15:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well...that was blush inducing! Very sexy indeed, Mr. A... VERY ....
2012-07-02 22:29:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sorry, had to do some chores before I ducked in the shower...let me go look at this tweet you now have me curious about. ;-)
2012-07-02 22:03:59 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know, that's terrible of me!

2012-07-02 21:24:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I'm blushing again! Because yes, i totally entertained how personally amusing it would be to send him away, shaking his head in awe! ;-}
2012-07-02 21:24:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Pictures from your trips? Tales? Writing as well, eh? I need to catch up on reading you tonight....your words are like the softest velvet.
2012-07-02 21:23:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are going to give me a big head, with all your lovely compliments! ::thank you so much::
2012-07-02 21:22:04 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Oh...honestly? Immersed. <blush>

2012-07-02 21:20:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How have you been, fill me in on you!

2012-07-02 21:20:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am glad to bring you a smile- that makes ME smile in turn. :-D
2012-07-02 21:20:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire until september! The joy!

2012-07-02 21:19:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I aced my clinical. Giving myself this week to relax, then hitting the books to take the first part of my registry exam on 8/9. Then free
2012-07-02 21:19:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ::thinking of you::

2012-07-02 20:40:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh & I also never imagined someone could bring me so much joy. I felt happy with you from the very beginning...I need to try to sleep now.
2012-07-02 15:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling tired. Skipped dinner, but showered... I join you now & snuggle into you. God, if only...! Hope your sleep is sweet, my darling.
2012-07-02 14:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the other you once said "I kiss the hand of that moment when our paths crossed..." Sigh, hard to believe these words are yours
2012-07-02 14:21:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... till you came along. One part of me wishes you didn't cross my path, darling... the other part... Sigh. :-(
2012-07-02 14:13:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I never imagined someone could cause me so much pain. I've always tried to avoid letting people close to my heart. It worked fine...
2012-07-02 14:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could really cuddle, Anand. I miss our cuddling, our
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hugging, those lovely kisses... You, darling you. :-(

2012-07-02 13:00:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your lips, hugging you tightly to me... I will wait till you sleep, have a little dinner & a shower & join you again.
2012-07-02 12:58:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yes, it's very late... you should sleep. I am there darling, yes let's cuddle & hug & kiss... Good night, sweet darling. Sleep sweetly.
2012-07-02 12:57:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no. Please. I would love to know, darling. Please.

2012-07-02 12:51:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do tell me.

2012-07-02 12:46:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Doing what?

2012-07-02 12:29:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do not put your heart on a leash. Please do allow it to sing... as you once did. Please.
2012-07-02 12:23:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so badly, darling. It's been almost a year now... :-(
2012-07-02 12:13:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling... :-(

2012-07-02 12:10:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, meet me... I am just a few months older than you. Sigh. No, seriously... :-(
2012-07-02 12:07:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? I do think meeting & chatting over a cup of tea or anything can be lovely...
2012-07-02 12:06:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And when will you come to see your lady? Hm? Darling...
2012-07-02 11:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, today you did... Hey! He is from Hyderabad! Maybe you can meet him next time you are there... Why not?
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2012-07-02 11:57:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to me, his compliments feel always deeply sincere. He is a good man.
2012-07-02 11:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In the end, you will grow to love the ride on your bike... ;-) You still owe me a ride, btw. Yes, but it's not the first time...
2012-07-02 11:34:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! This late? I thought you dozed off... Anyway, welcome back, darling.
2012-07-02 11:28:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sir has vanished... His lady is sad. Sniff.

2012-07-02 11:21:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you darling? Phone meeting? Sigh. I wish I could be there... I'd tease you sweetly, making you stutter... ;-p
2012-07-02 10:45:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, yes I was considering to stop writing to you & cut off contact but... I can't do that darling. It won't make anything easier.
2012-07-02 10:31:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? Good-busy or tiring busy? Are you still on your bike?
2012-07-02 10:11:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... "glad you like the words here" or something like this. :-| I love your words and you know that, so...
2012-07-02 10:03:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I have seen it. Very kind, indeed. Does it feel good? :-) I am not complimenting your words 'cause then you say...
2012-07-02 10:03:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How much your lady is smiling now! You in a toga... in a few sizes smaller one. ;-p
2012-07-02 10:03:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, thinking... when I was in Greece, it was about 44C there but more pleasant than our 40C here.
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2012-07-02 09:43:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very much.

2012-07-02 09:39:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just checked it... Yes, it is. You are right.

2012-07-02 09:35:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! 46!? I think I would melt away like an ice cream :-D
2012-07-02 09:35:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, how hot? Right now, it's about 40C here. Even the wind is hot. Not really nice.
2012-07-02 09:32:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? I do think she is pretty... Hmm, perhaps if her nose was smaller... Well, if you say most aren't pretty... you know it better, so :-)
2012-07-02 09:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... me in a bikini. What say? With lots of bubbles of course. :-) Sigh, it would be fun...
2012-07-02 09:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. I do! Hmmm, anyway the bathtub is too big, it is made for two... Honest. Come & see ;-) We could bathe together, you in bathing shorts
2012-07-02 09:30:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why wishing? You already have sturdy arms... ;-p Glad you are fine. I am ok, I think. Very hot day. Missing you...
2012-07-02 09:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Whooshing into your arms darling, squeezing you with my lovely arms... & pretend to pout so you will give me some of those soft kisses ;-)
2012-07-02 09:06:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Are you ready... for my jumping in your arms? Hugging you tight, darling & kissing you the sweetest welcome home. How are you?
2012-07-02 08:57:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you darling, wishing you were here with me now... Sigh. Please do take care on your way home.
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2012-07-02 08:09:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a tiny :-) and a refreshing, fruity ice cream-flavored kiss for my sweet darling. Hope you had lunch & the day goes fine... Miss you.
2012-07-02 05:06:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on your throat, above the top button of your shirt. Hope you do wear something unbuttonable... ;-p
2012-07-02 02:44:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, the week will be easy with not much work to do. I so wish you were here, darling... I so, so wish! Missing you. A lot.
2012-07-02 02:43:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be alone the whole week. My ex & his GF left for a business trip to Netherlands. They took Kelvin with them.
2012-07-02 02:43:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up a little late, around 6:30- the motivation is missing, you know? No sweet sir to wake up before him & kissing him good morning...
2012-07-02 02:42:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Freshly showered, in a towel... Oh darling, I would so love your soft kisses now. I so miss the softness of your lips on my skin. Sigh!
2012-07-02 02:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No need to apologize, I was just teasing you. Anyway, that lady looks really pretty... I still find Indian women are beautiful.
2012-07-02 02:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is my sweet cute sir all fresh & feeling energetic? How goes your day? How was the ride? Still no cab-partner?
2012-07-02 02:40:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it's because this sudden heat, it was 38C in the shade yesterday & as I see- well, feel- today will be very hot too.
2012-07-02 02:39:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my cute darling. Glad you think you slept well, I think I did too... though woke up with a bad headache.
2012-07-02 02:39:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anand, please...let's be together. Please. Sigh, just to be inyour arms...I will dream of it tonight... of you, holding me tight. Miss you
2012-07-01 15:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your dreams are sweet my dear & you smile in your sleep as I snuggle up behind you, softly kiss your nape & hug you close to me...
2012-07-01 15:00:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are still here... chatting with nice ladies instead of sleeping? Ha! I withdraw that last kiss...
2012-07-01 13:03:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll try...Had only some fruits yesterday & today. Blush. One last kiss on your sweet soft lips... Please sleep now & hold me in your dream.
2012-07-01 12:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A deep dreamy sigh...

2012-07-01 12:44:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wish I could really kiss you good night... and hug you too, rock you gently in my arms till you fall asleep. Sigh.
2012-07-01 12:42:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet complicated darling. Have simple, sweet fluttering dreams. ;-p Soft kisses on your forehead & a tiny one on your lips...
2012-07-01 12:41:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will most happily join you darling... Very soon, ok? I am tired, didn't sleep well last night...
2012-07-01 12:41:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady loves it complicated. :-)

2012-07-01 12:37:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, an old tweet... I love this one very much.

2012-07-01 12:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually, you are the one who is more complicated & ever complaining... I am simple, easy-to-use. Lil' smile.
2012-07-01 12:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes. I felt very happy with you, do you know that?
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2012-07-01 12:16:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be so lovely... I might give a quick kiss on your lips too & after a sigh, rub my nose against yours while still squeezing you.
2012-07-01 11:55:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you do hurt me, darling. Very much. Different worlds can work together well, it can be something beautiful in many ways...You know that.
2012-07-01 11:55:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I could hug you now... and kiss the tip of your cute nose, smile at you & hug you closer... Sigh.
2012-07-01 11:45:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe you... :-) I just wish you didn't hurt me like this...
2012-07-01 11:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-07-01 11:26:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember me waking you up... and our morning cuddles? Those lovely mornings, darling... I miss them a lot, you know that?
2012-07-01 11:22:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know you can... but would it feel honest? Would it make you happy?
2012-07-01 11:21:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, before and after our meeting we couldn't be like that... Not physically, not in person but in words...
2012-07-01 11:20:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't see you/treat you as a mere friend, darling. I can't. Can you? Well, maybe you can... because of the mind you have... :-(
2012-07-01 10:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, that's how we were in Portsmouth too... and even before our meeting & after that too, well not physically but...
2012-07-01 10:50:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... would love to see you, to be with you, to be in your arms... :-( I wish there was a way to live closer to one another. Sure there is...
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2012-07-01 10:37:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you push me away if I tried to kiss you? Sad sigh. I don't know Anand... right now, all I know is that I miss you immensely and
2012-07-01 10:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could I? Missing you so... :-(

2012-07-01 10:02:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wouldn't be able to hold back from you... from hugging you, snuggling up to you... sigh, kissing you...
2012-07-01 10:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your cold strict mind... Sadly I know...

2012-07-01 10:00:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you? What does your heart say? Would you be able to meet as mere friends? You know my heart's answer...
2012-07-01 09:53:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... let it come true...

2012-07-01 09:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking about you, too... Wishing I could be in your arms. Just... holding each other for a while. :-(
2012-07-01 08:53:01 (EDT)

_lalicat We are good, thanks :) I hope you are too! Haven't seen the pic but I will ;) last nite's was amazing <3
2012-07-01 07:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The bruise is nice yellow-purple. No bodyache.

2012-07-01 07:11:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too.

2012-07-01 06:53:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Just chase the Divine (with a steeled heart? hm), strive for it... Hope you will find it amongst the many pointless things...
2012-07-01 06:51:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe yes... one less pointless thing in your life...
2012-07-01 06:32:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hm. I wish I could do that but I can't. Would it make any difference if I didn't write at all? Not really.
2012-07-01 06:31:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ because you feel like doing them without hectic or pressure or so.
2012-07-01 06:30:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you shouldn't think of all the things you want to do as need-to-dos or chores but as things you would like to do and do them...
2012-07-01 06:30:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up very early & went for a walk to watch the sunrise. Got home, laid down for a bit, then took a long bubble bath & did some chores.
2012-07-01 06:29:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no internet problems. Glad you slept well. I still think you should go to an eye doc.
2012-07-01 06:29:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fell asleep on the couch... My darling Anand, I don't need your sorrys, I need your arms around me, hugging me tightly. You... with me.
2012-06-30 16:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do visit our forest in your dream. I will wait for you at the swing... Come & push me high darling, till my toes touch the clouds...
2012-06-30 13:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will freshen up & join you very soon darling. And you know I will... Sigh.
2012-06-30 13:51:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep beautifully in colorful dreams... Kissing you softly on your forehead, wrapping you tenderly in my arms...
2012-06-30 13:49:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok, it's late there... Sigh, darling you know how to make your silly lovely lady smile again... It's up to you, darling. And only you.
2012-06-30 13:46:52 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I'm good. Went to the beach yesterday, and will go out on the boat today. I thrive in the sunshine. How are YOU doing?
2012-06-30 13:12:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What have you done to your lady? Oh darling...

2012-06-30 12:29:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the immense joy & cheer we once shared. The happily fluttering butterflies, those colorful days & nights... Sigh.
2012-06-30 12:28:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, I beg you. I wouldn't do this if you didn't miss me and didn't want to see me, but you said you do... So, I beg you... :-(
2012-06-30 12:17:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure there is. And you know that. All it takes is to allow us to meet... Please.
2012-06-30 12:12:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you, Anand? We seem to both have been busy, busy, but I think about you, in the spaces in between.
2012-06-30 12:05:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really don't know what to do. You have no clue how much your lady suffers, how very much she would love to see you, to hug you...
2012-06-30 11:57:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... :-(

2012-06-30 11:54:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ugh. I don't like such movies.

2012-06-30 11:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Your lady is wilted, smileless, she is... sigh, she so wishes to have you here...
2012-06-30 11:52:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We don't. And even if they are ripe, they taste like grass...
2012-06-30 11:47:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, they taste like the ones we have here. They are raw too.
2012-06-30 11:45:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Mmm, mangoes... I love mangoes, sadly they don't taste that good here.
2012-06-30 11:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were quick... Welcome back. Beautiful sunshine here and not one tiny cloud in the sky...
2012-06-30 10:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No doctor. I am ok. Well, my body is ok... The bruise is turning into yellow. It's hot here too, I stayed inside.
2012-06-30 10:03:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you, Anand. More than anything else. But you... Your lady is inconsolable. :-(
2012-06-30 10:02:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we did some things while I was there, but... there's so much more we could do & share that we didn't do in those 10 days... :-(
2012-06-30 10:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why do you think I can't adapt my ways? I can adapt & grow & learn new ways. I would happily do that, Anand.
2012-06-30 10:01:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how can you tell it would be hell for me? Maybe it would be not easy but... I would be happier than I am now- I could see you...
2012-06-30 10:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, if they are only interested in local movies... Hm, makes no sense. Strange folks.
2012-06-30 10:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, true, no one likes to stay at work longer than it is necessary. But what about just one day in a month? On a Friday.
2012-06-30 10:00:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I see. So, just colleagues, not people from your team... Hiring students sounds fun, even though I'd be too shy to do that.
2012-06-30 09:59:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A happy welcome home hug & the sweetest kiss for my darling... Your silly lady missed you a lot. Sniff. How was the movie?
2012-06-30 09:59:27 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you. Why don't you write? :-( Hope all is well with you.
2012-06-30 09:24:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some tiny butterflies flutter to you darling, to land on your shoulder & deliver my sweet feathery kisses...
2012-06-30 07:40:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, slow kisses down your back, darling. Missing you. Hope you enjoy the movie.
2012-06-30 05:47:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And we could... if you allowed it, but you don't.

2012-06-30 05:28:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...sweet picnics, watch the sunset/sunrise, holding hands... sigh. The list is too long, there's so many things I'd love to do with you :-(
2012-06-30 05:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd happily watch movies with you, go to the farmer's market, bookstores, shopping with you, go for walks, cook with you, go on sweet
2012-06-30 05:26:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling... I really miss you & would love to see you, to be with you... even if you can't marry me. Just to be near you...
2012-06-30 04:52:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's a German kindergarten & school in Chennai. I did write to them. Sadly, I could only go there as a student, on my own cost.
2012-06-30 04:50:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I had enough money... I'd move there & buy a house near you & we could spend as much time together as we like. :-(
2012-06-30 04:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, Anand. Very much. And all the things we could do together... :-(
2012-06-30 04:44:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have friends, either. Well, very few but they are out of touch too and/or don't have much time. I lived too long in Germany...
2012-06-30 04:44:11 (EDT)
2632 / 4823

_stoicOne_ ... or is it just to have company to watch movies? Did you ask them what they think about to screen movies in the office? I think it's fun.
2012-06-30 04:43:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, what else to do in the office other than work...? But on Saturday? Hm, does it mean you get along better now with your colleagues
2012-06-30 04:43:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My body is somewhat better. It's going to be hot today... No plans for the day. Sigh. I wish you were here... :-(
2012-06-30 03:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At the office? Ahh you...! You spend time with your colleagues ouside of work? That's something new... How come?
2012-06-30 03:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Glad you slept well though waking up in sweat is not so pleasant... Anyway, hope you got enough rest & your back feels better.
2012-06-30 03:54:36 (EDT)

ZinniaTung My days are just here and there, shopping.. Going out with cousins.. Reading.. :) how about you? What u upto these days?
2012-06-29 13:29:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and no lady to fill the space... Good night.

2012-06-29 13:27:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... space next to you. I might come and join you...
2012-06-29 13:19:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Wishing you a long, restful sleep & sweet dreams. Soft, tender kisses on your back. If you feel so, you can leave enough...
2012-06-29 13:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it is that simple. I missed you, wished to see you, so... I came to you...
2012-06-29 13:14:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Who said with no care? True, we aren't children, you are a man & I, a woman... and we miss & would like to see each other.
2012-06-29 13:10:45 (EDT)
2633 / 4823

_stoicOne_ If you miss me, come. Please.

2012-06-29 12:57:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Keeping us away from each other is not the right thing to do, either... It's like forbidding the sun to shine... :-(
2012-06-29 12:31:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you wish me well... But just watching the wings of those once so happily fluttering butterflies wilting away... :-(
2012-06-29 12:28:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your tweets are lovely. Somehow, I can't imagine you not being able to write...
2012-06-29 12:28:24 (EDT)

coeuraloha Thank you. Thank you.

2012-06-29 12:11:25 (EDT)

coeuraloha I know that was a while back... I am just trying to catch up

2012-06-29 12:10:44 (EDT)

coeuraloha I hope you had a magically time with your nephew

2012-06-29 12:09:51 (EDT)

coeuraloha Yes I am back from guatemala. I am good but still a bit belly sick.My mom is good.
2012-06-29 12:09:45 (EDT)

coeuraloha I so thank you. i think of you and our adventures together a lot. I could not write the way I do if I never met you.
2012-06-29 12:03:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you feel like writing, try it... if not, do not force it.
2012-06-29 11:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...not really matter to you whether I am alive or dead or anything. The only difference would be that I wouldn't write to you anymore... :-(
2012-06-29 11:53:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here's the missing "know". Your lady might be silly but oh so lovely... Darling, you don't want to see me again, so it should
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2012-06-29 11:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-29 11:43:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-06-29 11:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, I still would like to what would have happened if I drove my car instead of the Audi... No more annoying Andrea... Hm.
2012-06-29 11:38:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not more than you, dear.

2012-06-29 11:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, bought. I do drive carefully... And it's you who slips on wet floors, so...
2012-06-29 11:32:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back...

2012-06-29 11:00:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stepping out to buy cat food, milk, some fruits, milk, yoghurt etc... Will be back very soon. Yes, I drive... at least I will try :-|
2012-06-29 10:27:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is then the right thing to do? Hm? Keep missing each other & wishing to see each other? Is it the right to do? Not really, dear.
2012-06-29 10:25:24 (EDT)

dgdreamin to try and track verse... used to use it all the time, but got out of the habit. Trying to be better about using it.
2012-06-29 10:21:26 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hi how are you? I've been absent from Twtr for a while, Hope all's well in your corner of the world. It's just a hashtag a friend and I use
2012-06-29 10:21:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I realize that you realize that, but... seems like it's just me who wishes to see the other :-( Missing you, Anand. Very very much.
2012-06-29 10:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no please nothing warm... something cooling instead. And

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your healing kisses... :-)

2012-06-29 10:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would really love to have you with me, you know that? More than anything else... Sigh.
2012-06-29 10:15:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My body hurts, darling. I think a massage would make it worse...

2012-06-29 10:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No! I would love to give you a massage! :-) And you can soothe me, caress me, kiss my belly... What say? :-)
2012-06-29 10:14:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Parks are supposed to be nice... Sad. You should come here, darling... Seriously.
2012-06-29 10:04:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...or somewhere nice & go for a sweet walk, too. Hand in hand, enjoying the evening sun, the gentle breeze, each other...I miss you darling.
2012-06-29 09:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your drive back home sounds lovely, indeed. I would have so loved to be there with you! Perhaps we could have stopped at a park,
2012-06-29 09:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before you whooshing over it & slipping. :-| How is your back? Any better?
2012-06-29 09:30:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, me too. I mean I walk barefoot at home too... and minimally dressed. ;-p Please be careful darling, do look at the floor...
2012-06-29 09:30:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you enjoyed the work, darling. Sounds like a perfect way to end the week... My day was busy too, anyway not really productive.
2012-06-29 09:29:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that you don't touch a horoscope. I believe you were/or still are quite talented... and very good at it. :-)
2012-06-29 09:29:18 (EDT)

2636 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Well, you did want to know his age but yes, maybe it was a casual question. Oh ok, I understand. Anyway, I find it a bit sad...
2012-06-29 09:28:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, my sweet darling! Sigh. You really did? Tell me, did you feel the softness of my body? The sweetness of my kiss? My scent...?
2012-06-29 09:28:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Finally... ! Hugging you too, my arms around your neck, legs around your waist, giggling as you twirl me, happily kissing you...
2012-06-29 09:27:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Why don't you write, darling? Is everything fine?
2012-06-29 08:28:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. :-( Please take care on your way home.
2012-06-29 07:28:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... told me why you wanted to know how old is D. And btw, you were wrong about his hair... he has no hair. :-)
2012-06-29 05:32:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I hope you had lunch. Darling? You said you were an astrologer... then, can you tell me something about me? And you still haven't
2012-06-29 05:32:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you read this, please close your eyes for a moment & feel my lips touch yours in a soft caress; kissing you... Oh darling...
2012-06-29 05:20:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Your lovely silly lady misses you. So, so much! Sniff.
2012-06-29 03:27:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses all over your back...and a deep slow one on your lips, on tiptoe, arms wrapped around your neck...
2012-06-29 03:26:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is kinda muggy, partly cloudy & really warm. I am trying
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to catch up on work...My chest & body still hurt but it's not as bad as yest.
2012-06-29 03:25:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just wish we could spend the weekend together. I would love to take care of you & cook for you & pamper you and... Sigh.
2012-06-29 03:22:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Pairing? Good-busy? Oh, it's Friday! The last day... You can rest soon & take care of your back & no riding bikes! :-)
2012-06-29 03:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you took the cab. What do you think, can you ride your bike? Well, you must...right? My poor darling, please please be careful :-(
2012-06-29 03:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and cover it in soft slow little kisses, to make it feel better. I really wish I could... Anand... Sigh!
2012-06-29 03:20:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that says "be careful, the floor is wet" :-) How is your back now? A little better? I wish I could massage your back for you...
2012-06-29 03:20:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It wasn't the first time... Where did you slip? At home again? If yes, maybe your mom should leave a sign when the floor is wet...
2012-06-29 03:19:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet lil' darling. Yes thank you, I slept somewhat better though woke up 1-2 times. I hope you got enough rest, darling.
2012-06-29 03:19:32 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Am fine either way.. ya that'll be nice! :)

2012-06-29 00:33:20 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aww! Haha,, thank you!!! nana no kaneda.. He resides here, :) so I'll be moving here,, :) that's why a very long haul..
2012-06-29 00:29:13 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :) not right now, next year!! but yes.. You is right!
2012-06-28 23:49:54 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung Thank you! I have been ok types. How have you been?? Am here for long haul. Let's see :)
2012-06-28 14:29:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you. To touch you, smell you, taste you... Feel you. To listen to your heartbeats, your peaceful breaths while you sleep
2012-06-28 13:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here, darling. Please. Or let us meet somewhere else... Just, be with me. Anand, please. Deep sigh.
2012-06-28 13:28:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If only... If only we didn't need any incantations...

2012-06-28 13:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear, if only I knew ways to be beside you, right under your covers in a blink of an eye! Anand... my darling. Miss you!
2012-06-28 13:02:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with sweet tender dreams. Good night my sweet darling. I join you in a bit & hug you tenderly, lovingly to me...
2012-06-28 13:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, rush to bed it's very late & it's been a long day for you. Thank you darling...Your lady's kissing you softly along your back...
2012-06-28 12:59:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! What? You slipped on the floor? God darling, please please be careful... :-| Happy that you are finally home.
2012-06-28 12:59:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes. It was very sweet. :-) Let's go back to Portsmouth... Sigh.
2012-06-28 12:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our walk in the park...Sigh. It was beautiful. Yellow flowers, happy kids, sunshine, that gorgeous bridge, seagulls and...You. I felt happy.
2012-06-28 12:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile and do you remember when I startled you out of your sleep by tickling your nose... 'cause you were snoring so loud? Poor darling :-)
2012-06-28 12:34:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My body still aches. I wish you were here... :-( The bruise isn't better. Yes, applied some balm on it. I ate as much as I could... Honest.
2012-06-28 12:20:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I was just resting my eyes, darling... ;-) I miss those days. I miss the sweetness & cheer we shared. I miss You... with me.
2012-06-28 12:19:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... Madagascar 3? I thought you did... or was 1 & 2? It is so very late... Please do take care on your way home.
2012-06-28 12:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, a whole 50 min??? That's a lot! I am sorry the traffic (nearly) ruined it all, but glad you still enjoyed it. So, you haven't seen
2012-06-28 12:18:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you went with them, hope you have a fun time :-) I'll be waiting for you to come home, maybe napping on the couch. Sigh, remember?
2012-06-28 09:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can you please come and give me those hugs and kisses in person? Please...
2012-06-28 08:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And a dozen tiny sweet butterfly kisses for my darling & lovely wing-wraps... :-) Miss you! My dear Anand, I miss you so...
2012-06-28 08:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ha! I find it cute. Are you going, too? You have seen it, no? With your nephew... You take care, too. Please.
2012-06-28 08:51:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady feels like a wilted flower, darling. She could really use some of your deliciously refreshing kisses. Sigh. Missing you. A lot.
2012-06-28 08:30:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my soft gentle sir! Where are you? Still in the office? A busy productive day sounds very good. Anyway, hope it wasn't too tiring.
2012-06-28 08:30:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please my darling, take good care of yourself on your way home. I wish I could be there, sitting behind you, hugging you...
2012-06-28 07:52:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you... and me, at the farmer's market lake... That little butterfly, the feel of grass beneath my bare feet... I miss it all.
2012-06-28 07:50:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Pairing? Meetings? Or both? Your lady's working, she just can't sit around & do nothing.
2012-06-28 06:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses along your neck while my hands roam down your back... to your hips & pull you against me... Sigh. Please do have lunch.
2012-06-28 04:16:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it could've ended up worse...I wanted to drive an hour ago or so, but then, I just sat in the car...Maybe you are right, I should wait.
2012-06-28 04:16:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You, here with me. Sigh. Miss you! How's your day, darling? Hope the day is interesting enough & keeps you pleasant-busy...
2012-06-28 04:15:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could receive your soft kisses in person. I could really use them... & your arms around me, the sweet caresses of your fingertips.
2012-06-28 04:14:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The bruise is darkening plum-purple. My entire body aches. So, you would have to kiss me all over... and your lady would forget all pain ;-)
2012-06-28 04:13:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my lovely darling. Did you sleep sweetly, feeling all fresh? The night wasn't that restful, woke up several times.
2012-06-28 04:11:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Wow! That's wonderful!!!! You must have some amazing pictures!
2012-06-28 00:29:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now & snuggle into you...Can you feel it? My soft lovely-scented body against yours? Sigh. Hope are sleeping sweetly my
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2012-06-27 15:01:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lil' smile, be proud of your lady, darling. She had two baguettes with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil & olives. And some apricots.
2012-06-27 15:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for not receiving your calls. I would've truly loved to hear your voice. I just didn't want you to hear me cry... Silly, I know.
2012-06-27 14:35:33 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Smooch!
2012-06-27 13:56:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That tweet... so sweet. :-) I so miss being held by you like that... your hand on belly, feeling our curves meld into each other...
2012-06-27 13:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now or a few days later... Sweet darling, does it make any difference? Not really... Sad sigh.
2012-06-27 13:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is just a bruise... and slight headache & some pain in my neck.
2012-06-27 13:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw see? You do avoid to answer... :-(

2012-06-27 13:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just the thought of your hand on my belly, holding me tenderly to the curve of your body... Would you please hold me like that?
2012-06-27 13:24:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love those kisses... Sigh. My sweet darling... Miss you!
2012-06-27 13:22:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Sleep & dream sweetly. Kissing you softly on your lips... I will try to eat something... and join you in a bit.
2012-06-27 13:20:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is very late there... Please go to sleep, darling. I will come to bed with you...
2012-06-27 12:59:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ That you don't say no just because you don't want to hurt me more... At least, not now. Oh dear...
2012-06-27 12:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I knew... :-(

2012-06-27 12:31:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And when this thing is back to normal? What then? Hm? Nothing... Right?
2012-06-27 12:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... Yes, there's time & place for everything but you are just avoiding to answer... Right? :-(
2012-06-27 11:47:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. They are too slow.

2012-06-27 11:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what about the new office? Is it still undecided where and when opening it?
2012-06-27 11:38:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah you... You don't say no because you don't wish to hurt me right now. Right? :-(
2012-06-27 11:34:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God. Somehow, I am glad you are not driving...

2012-06-27 11:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish to see you.

2012-06-27 11:28:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't tell me that you had a near-accident in Arizona! God! Why didn't you tell me?
2012-06-27 11:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. It is not that. It is the thought of dying without seeing you again... :-( How to live happy darling or enjoy life? I did...but now...
2012-06-27 11:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will try...

2012-06-27 11:16:48 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Now, more than ever.

2012-06-27 11:16:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... I can't stop thinking of yesterday... Why am I still alive? And in that chaos, it was your name that I was repeating...
2012-06-27 11:08:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had a banana and yoghurt. And a glass of milk.

2012-06-27 10:55:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Right now, you can't be with me but you can, you could... I would love it so much, that's my wish, my only wish but you... :-(
2012-06-27 10:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are not with me... You are not here to hold me and kiss the bruise above my breast and... just be with me... :-(
2012-06-27 10:13:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was a doc yesterday. He said all is ok but in case I feel dizzy, should go to the hospital. I am ok. How could I eat? :-|
2012-06-27 10:10:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I was a millionaire... It would be nice.

2012-06-27 09:58:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't worry about the money.

2012-06-27 09:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Just to be in your arms... Darling :-(

2012-06-27 09:48:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really. Wish you were here, darling... And no, thank God no. It wasn't really my fault but I will have to pay. How much? I don't know.
2012-06-27 09:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lovely welcome home hug & kiss for you. Glad you reached home safe & sound & before the rain... My phone was on silent. I don't know...
2012-06-27 09:10:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry... :-( Please darling please, take good care on your way home.
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2012-06-27 08:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. I forgot to type "goes". I am sorry. Just a little confused I think...
2012-06-27 06:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, please focus on your work. And know that this silly lady is thinking of you & missing you & hoping your day smoothly for you.
2012-06-27 06:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, wrapping lil' me in your arms, holding me close... This would help more than anything else. You. But... :-(
2012-06-27 06:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I didn't hear your call. My phone's on silent. I think I would burst out in tears the sec. I hear your voice, unable to speak...
2012-06-27 06:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wrecked an Audi A6. It's a heavy, massive car. If I drove my car, I doubt I would be writing to you now. So no, not really alright...
2012-06-27 06:06:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here's a video from the rehearsal... Nzz rm means look at me.
2012-06-27 04:49:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... think of sharing your lunch with me, sitting on a bench... Sigh. A soft tender kiss on your lips, darling.
2012-06-27 04:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you slept well, darling & your day goes fine. It's about lunchtime... so please, don't skip it. Eat slow and smile and...
2012-06-27 04:07:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Was just lying in bed, and then the thought of never seeing you again... :-( Please don't worry, my body is ok, not hurting.
2012-06-27 04:06:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Just responded to your email. I am sorry I didn't write earlier. I didn't feel like doing anything.
2012-06-27 04:06:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. My heart loves you... It doesn't know how to unlove.
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Time heals nothing, darling. Nor does it make anything easier or better.
2012-06-26 12:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with pleasant dreams, darling. I will join you when I return & wrap myself around you like a soft silk sheet...
2012-06-26 12:33:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please close your eyes & imagine your lady hugging you, cradling you in her (not) sturdy arms, kissing you to sleep...
2012-06-26 12:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. Good night, my sweet darling. Soft kisses on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & sweet soft warm lips... Sigh.
2012-06-26 12:32:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be leaving shortly to pick up the Germ. guy & take him to the airport. How I wish I could be with you instead...putting you to sleep.
2012-06-26 12:04:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, it is the sweet little things I so miss about you and me...
2012-06-26 12:01:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling. My sweet sweet Anand, I so wish to hold you... Hmmm, it would be lovely, just hugging each other, swaying together...
2012-06-26 11:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course you miss me, of course you do...

2012-06-26 11:40:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, my heart will not get better...

2012-06-26 11:39:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Very much. That's all.

2012-06-26 11:36:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You care about my health... and at the same time, you let my heart suffer... Sigh.
2012-06-26 11:35:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It isn't my mind, darling. It is my lil' heart & soul... They aren't healthy darling and so my body doesn't feel well either, you know?
2012-06-26 11:30:50 (EDT)
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DangerslyClaire WOW!! That sounds like an amazing trip!! What made you decide to visit there?
2012-06-26 11:11:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I really wish I was there now... Having dinner together, then giving you the massage, cuddling & kissing & sleeping...
2012-06-26 11:11:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't. My stomach won't take it in...

2012-06-26 11:07:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So slow here today....I'm trying to study for my board cert. exams coming up, but I'm just itching to break out if here- beautiful day! You?
2012-06-26 11:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. I just have no appetite, dear... :-|

2012-06-26 11:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes. But tell me, who if not me? Hm? My forgetful darling...? ;-p
2012-06-26 11:02:22 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Freer than....?

2012-06-26 10:59:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too darling. My sturdy arms would be jumping around in happiness to give you a nice massage... ;-)
2012-06-26 10:57:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire :-)
2012-06-26 10:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) See? Your lady thinks of (nearly) everything... Glad it made you smile. I had breakfast &... just mixed salad with feta. Blush.
2012-06-26 10:56:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then please do ask that one guy...

2012-06-26 10:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, now I wish even more that I was under the table... God! Just the thought of all the sweet naughty things we could've done... ;-p
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2012-06-26 10:55:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I see, riding your bike is just a temporary solution... I was really thinking about other options, but... No idea, darling. Sorry.
2012-06-26 10:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And keep kissing you while gently massaging your shoulders. Sigh. How was your day, darling? Very very tiring?
2012-06-26 10:54:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so glad that you are home! Come please, let me wrap you in my arms & kiss your sweet lips a lovely welcome home...
2012-06-26 10:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Till when? Darling, the thought of you riding home late in the evening doesn't make me happy... Please do take care.
2012-06-26 08:10:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am happy that you had lunch. But you just now read my DMs, so... it would've been too late for reminding you to have lunch, no?
2012-06-26 08:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok, the sun is back, sitting outside on the terrace, working... Missing you darling, do you know that? A lot. :-(
2012-06-26 08:09:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... up your legs, kissing, softly nibbling your tights... Hope the room is A/C-ed... ;-p
2012-06-26 08:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope they are interesting enough to keep you awake. In case they are not... imagine your lady under your desk, trailing her fingers...
2012-06-26 08:08:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, thank you for sneaking in darling. How are you feeling? You didn't get much sleep & now having such a hectic day & meetings!
2012-06-26 08:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my sweet sir. Sniff. Hope your day goes fine. Mine is normal, just work, nothing else. Some more kisses for you dear, sweet soft ones
2012-06-26 06:35:30 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire As far as Flow, There's no sense fighting the wins out every time. :-P
2012-06-26 06:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you don't forget to have lunch, darling. And you frown when I skip meals...
2012-06-26 04:06:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... or in your direction? And maybe you sould ask not who's interested in sharing a cab but who can take you with them. No other idea.
2012-06-26 04:04:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I was thinking about other options, but there's just the cab, your bike or the bus. :-| Does anyone from the office live near you
2012-06-26 04:04:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A lot.

2012-06-26 03:30:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft lively kisses to slip under your undershirt, walk down your chest, along your trouser line & up your back, to keep you awake darling...
2012-06-26 03:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to drive a Germ. colleague to the airport in the evening. With an Audi A6! And I can keep the car for a few weeks. Nice.
2012-06-26 03:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride to the office? No bad traffic? How is your day? I woke up a bit late, then rushed about my morning chores. Now, working.
2012-06-26 03:28:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You would've been late to work, dear... ;-)

2012-06-26 03:27:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, just to wake up to you kissing my hips... Sigh. I would've pulled you to me & ask you to kiss me all over...
2012-06-26 03:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Why did you sleep late? How's your jaw & your pulled muscle? I didn't sleep that well, sleepy too.
2012-06-26 03:26:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I particularly like what you do with's like

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cream, blending words so smooth and have a real knack for it.
2012-06-25 23:47:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And I'm kind of conflicted about that. Form is, after all, what makes words into poetry. So here I sit, unsure of anything.
2012-06-25 23:46:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm less into poetry, more into prose....saying something that causes people to squirm, in whatever way that is. I'm unconcerned about form.
2012-06-25 23:45:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry, but that's such a lovely compliment; I don't want it to have to come at the expense of you being uncomfortable, however!
2012-06-25 23:44:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet sunrise-scented butterfly kisses for your morning, my darling. Hope you are sleeping sweetly & wake up feeling fresh with no pain...
2012-06-25 16:52:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I miss you.

2012-06-25 16:45:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed now, will slip into your dream soon to take you for a walk... in our forest, holding hands, watching the butterflies dance...
2012-06-25 16:44:59 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme That's very sweet of you to say, you're so kind to me

2012-06-25 16:37:18 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I'm doing very well, I just got back home from The Florida Keys, doing a bit of work here at home and then I'm off to Chicago soon enough
2012-06-25 16:37:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, yes! I haven't posted in awhile, and I have so much old stuff in journals I decided to clean up and post. I do that a lot! ;-)
2012-06-25 15:44:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my darling please. Pretty pretty please... let's really

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hold each other, feel each other... Please.

2012-06-25 14:03:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I put one leg between yours & hug you closer... kissing your chest...
2012-06-25 13:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit my darling, lie down with my head on your chest & hug you gently to me... Sigh. Dream with me tonight...
2012-06-25 13:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely night's sleep with rainbow-colored happy dreams. Hugging you tight & softly kissing your lips good night...
2012-06-25 13:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you do, if you truly do, then let's meet. Please, my sweetest. Please.
2012-06-25 13:52:03 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme Thank you darling! I love my sisters! Yours so sweet! I hope you're well xx
2012-06-25 13:40:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Been traveling; had to clear up some family business outside of Capri, flying back later. :-)
2012-06-25 13:39:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss our joyous time together. I miss being with you. More than words can say.
2012-06-25 13:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand.

2012-06-25 13:33:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Say that you allow us to be together... Or just come & hold me tight. :-(
2012-06-25 13:33:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss that a lot. And our mornings together. To wake up before you & snuggle up to you, freshly showered in a towel...
2012-06-25 13:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to sit by you again & watch you sleep sweetly
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with a cute lil' smile & hold your hand... Sigh.

2012-06-25 13:28:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, pretty please... Do it.

2012-06-25 13:24:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes :-(

2012-06-25 13:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Glad you had something. It's not nice to sleep with an empty stomach. And yes, I hope so...
2012-06-25 13:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me.

2012-06-25 13:17:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling?
2012-06-25 13:09:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope it gets better overnight. Sigh. Do apply that anti-pain spray in the morning, too.
2012-06-25 13:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no problem, yep, I can pounce on you without trees too. :-) Seriously. I'd love to be there to massage the pain away... :-(
2012-06-25 13:08:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, darling. God! What did you do? Forgot to have lunch & skipped dinner? Please do have a little something before going to bed!
2012-06-25 13:07:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to meet you, Anand. I would love to be with you.
2012-06-25 12:27:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops, I mean "me". I doubt that you miss yourself... Blush.
2012-06-25 12:10:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I don't know what to think or believe... Sometimes I do believe you miss you, sometimes I think I am plain stupid...
2012-06-25 12:09:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... pull you to me & kiss you deeply. So, be careful... ;-p God, if
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2012-06-25 12:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you wouldn't be able to even babble. ;-p This late? I thought you were already out... Waiting behind a tree to pounce on you...
2012-06-25 12:06:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Wishing I could somehow rush there right now. Just to be with you, darling... Sigh.
2012-06-25 11:17:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss your kisses, darling. The gentle touch of your fingertips. Your soft body against mine... You. All of you. :-(
2012-06-25 10:57:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, if I was there now, I'd nibble your earlobe, your neck & run my hands under your undershirt...teasing you while you do the phone meeting
2012-06-25 10:53:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what about a new office in Europe? Did they decide when and where to open it?
2012-06-25 10:22:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You exercise & I watch you. Then I get the massage & you the cuddle. ;-p How I wish we could really do those things... Darling... Sigh!
2012-06-25 10:20:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, last week? Hm, then... I don't know. What about asking again? Smile, I'd happily drive you to & from work. What say? Shall I come?
2012-06-25 10:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If only...It would be so nice, darling. I miss you so, so much. And really, I would like to believe you do it too & part of me does...
2012-06-25 10:11:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean your daily evening phone meeting? Shall we do the exercise together? And then a lovely massage? And finish the day with cuddling?
2012-06-25 10:11:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean your daily evening phone meeting? Shall we do the
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exercise together? And then a lovely massage? And finish the day with cuddling?
2012-06-25 10:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride? I am sorry no one has responded, but you just sent out the email today. Wait a few days, maybe someone will respond.
2012-06-25 10:10:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, Monday is your lady's busiest day so... lots of work to do. Other than that, day's normal- uneventful.
2012-06-25 10:09:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...welcome home & give your jaw some lil' kisses too, to make it feel better. Hope your mom will be home soon, too.
2012-06-25 10:09:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been waiting for you... How are you? All those meetings... was your day very tiring? Come now, please let me hug you & kiss you a sweet
2012-06-25 10:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Where are you? Is everything alright?

2012-06-25 09:50:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady just got back... to find that you aren't around. Sigh. Hope all is fine with you. It's raining hard here, missing you...
2012-06-25 08:32:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_, hugging you...Please do let it come true. Pretty please! I step out for a bit. Will be back very soon. Kissing your lips & whoosh...
2012-06-25 07:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... Hope your day was pleasant-busy & productive... Please take care on your way home. Sigh, a ride with you... sitting behind
2012-06-25 07:45:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to you to sprinkle you with little soft, dewed kisses to keep you fresh & smiling, darling. Sigh. I miss you so... :-(
2012-06-25 03:04:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you will find a new cab partner. How are you? Ears, jaw, wrist better? How's your day? Busy as ever? My butterflies are on their way
2012-06-25 03:03:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... in a car. Just please, take good care, ok? Do drive carefully, darling. Why did your cab partner drop out? Ask around in the office.
2012-06-25 03:02:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, the bike! You still owe me a ride...A ride on the bike is nice if it's not raining or not too hot. And you can move faster on it than...
2012-06-25 03:01:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to have those mornings again. Darling... :-( I woke up a bit late too, had breakfast, showered- your lady's fresh & flowery now.
2012-06-25 03:01:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. You overslept? You!? Oooh, I would've loved to hug you, cuddle you awake. Do you remember...?
2012-06-25 03:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly as I softly kiss your eyes & wrap myself in your arms... Will dream of you, holding me... Sad sigh. Miss you!
2012-06-24 15:09:38 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Enjoying the sunshine today! I love it! How're you doing?
2012-06-24 15:02:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... The feel of you... everything about you. Most of all, I miss us... together. Darling... please :-(
2012-06-24 13:06:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and stealing toys? You would never do that, so... And I would be happiest if you would do the tchoin tchoin in my sleep.
2012-06-24 13:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you! :-( No.

2012-06-24 13:01:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If at least I could hate you... or knew how to unlove you or forget you or anything... But I can't. I can't darling. None of them :-(
2012-06-24 13:00:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then please... jump over your own shadow and come... Allow us to rest in each other's arms. :-( Please sleep now, I am by your side...
2012-06-24 12:54:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to your chest which I so miss too... Darling, please... :-(
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2012-06-24 12:40:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep well. A soft slow kiss on your lips... which I miss so much. Sniff. Just to feel your arms around me holding you close
2012-06-24 12:40:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to join you & you know that. I miss you, Anand. I would love to curl into you & sleep & sleep & sleep... :-(
2012-06-24 12:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be very nice. Perhaps I would be able to eat something. To be held by you, feed by you... Sigh. If only... :-(
2012-06-24 12:27:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why?
2012-06-24 12:23:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could be in your arms, Anand... It would help...

2012-06-24 12:21:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is ok, though... Unimportant.

2012-06-24 12:19:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have it at home & don't feel ok enough to drive...

2012-06-24 12:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't. I tried. But my stomach didn't want to take in any food.
2012-06-24 12:15:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, couldn't eat. Head is not so good.

2012-06-24 12:13:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... :-(

2012-06-24 10:18:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing.
2012-06-24 10:02:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :'-(
2012-06-24 06:01:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-24 05:22:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ To clarify and find reasons why I am not allowed to see you again?
2012-06-24 05:20:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't want to argue with you. I am not good at arguing or defending myself. I miss you. Immensely. That's all.
2012-06-24 05:10:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I might be holding on to slim issues... just as you are holing on to my "at least once...".
2012-06-24 05:08:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you too, clearly said some things, darling. Even after you realized/decided for yourself that this was unfeasible...
2012-06-24 05:08:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Perhaps I would've decided not to meet at all... Oh darling, I didn't mean at least once, as in never meet again. :-(
2012-06-24 04:58:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not missing the point. I just can't put it in words all that I want to say. Confused. Lost. Missing you. Can't think straight.
2012-06-24 04:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I didn't. And there's no personal reason... If there would be any, I would find a way, darling... & not simply say there's no way.
2012-06-24 04:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see your "if" but still... to marry whom?

2012-06-24 04:32:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't say you don't want to see me again, this you forgot to tell me. And then, you decided on your own...
2012-06-24 04:31:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we both ached for the other, et cetera. But it was not a word about that it will be a meeting before deciding anything.
2012-06-24 04:30:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not a victim, and yes you shared your realization... as I said, a little too late. And yes, I insisted to meet because we both wanted it
2012-06-24 04:30:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ To marry whom? And my son was inconsolable, as in?

2012-06-24 04:15:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And even then, you kept writing, dreaming, smiling with sigh... So, let it be.
2012-06-24 04:11:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a lovely day. You seem to have enjoy it. Nice for you.
2012-06-24 03:12:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then after our meeting you decided there's no way. You did this alone, without asking me. You are right, I was the silly one...
2012-06-24 03:11:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...writing all the lively stuff & all till our meeting? Knowing that you were just dreaming & knowing what they meant to your lady. Why?
2012-06-24 03:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The realization was just for you. First you said let's find a way together... It was after D & my son. And tell me, why did you keep...
2012-06-24 03:10:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... bared our hearts. You were only dreaming while your lady grew to love you, she had real feelings for you, trusted you... How silly!
2012-06-24 03:09:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I also told you about my son. You said it's a problem but it's manageable. You informed me a little late, darling. We've already...
2012-06-24 03:09:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you about D & me. From the very beginning. We weren't that intimate. It was something I got into it & couldn't find a way out...
2012-06-24 03:09:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved you unruly-haired... But would love to see you after a haircut & run my fingers through your hair...
2012-06-24 03:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Glad you slept well, though you went to bed really late & seem to have woken up early... Please do take an afternoon nap.
2012-06-24 03:08:15 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You simply ran away...

2012-06-23 18:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Very nice, indeed. :-( Good night.

2012-06-23 17:07:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as you said, a storm... and you left me alone in our forest, instead of staying with me through the storm, hand in hand... :-(
2012-06-23 17:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we came to the forest together... and it grew so beautifully, naturally, effortlessly & then... it came some confusions, difficulties
2012-06-23 17:05:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you are still awake...

2012-06-23 16:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The heart is not a toy to play with... You knew that I've fallen in love with you. I can't change this. You too, bared your heart...
2012-06-23 16:54:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's nearly predawn there, please go to sleep. I will come too... Hold me, darling. Close, very close. Please...
2012-06-23 16:45:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True, but still... You knew exactly what you were doing & now... :-( It cannot be withdrawn... The damage is done. Your lady loves you.
2012-06-23 16:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why, tell me why did you cross my path? Why did you grow a forest? Why built bridges to each other? God why did I let you close to my heart?
2012-06-23 16:32:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel truly ashamed for begging like this, but... :-(
2012-06-23 16:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling, please... let's meet, let's be together, let's hold each other... Please. I beg you. Please.
2012-06-23 16:23:24 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, ooops... you are supposed to be asleep, as well. Yes, I know, but still... Sigh. I miss you, darling. Immensely. Please... :-(
2012-06-23 16:20:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even though sure that tweet was not meant to me, I would darling. I would...
2012-06-23 16:03:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would...

2012-06-23 15:57:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Darling, come. The love I feel for you, this ache to be with you will never dissolve...
2012-06-23 15:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging myself... trying to imagine it's your arms that wrapped around me, holding me... while my tears are slowly flowing... I miss you :-(
2012-06-23 15:47:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only... Darling, if only... Just to really be held by you... :-(

2012-06-23 15:32:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly & long with butterfly-colored dreams. Softly kissing your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips... Hold me close. Please.
2012-06-23 15:21:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could curl up into a happy ball & gently rock each other to sleep... Sad sigh. Good night, my sweet darling.
2012-06-23 15:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. It's already tomorrow there...I'll freshen up & join you darling. Btw, why do you want me to join you if you don't want to see me? :(
2012-06-23 15:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, darling. Please... :-(

2012-06-23 14:58:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish it was last year around the same time... Then, we would meet again... I could see you, hug you, kiss you, feel you... again...
2012-06-23 14:55:21 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, I would understand if you told me that you don't miss me & don't want to see me... but you do, darling.
2012-06-23 14:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You would like to meet too, then do it. Come. Please. Let's be together...
2012-06-23 14:50:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please... :-(

2012-06-23 14:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daahling! God, please come. Please please please...

2012-06-23 14:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, type... what else? Hmmm, and between pauses, you can let them wander on your lady's skin... ;-)
2012-06-23 14:41:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Please. My sweet darling... be with me.

2012-06-23 14:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How? With your fingers, darling. ;-p

2012-06-23 14:29:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling. Pretty please. Just come... before it's too late... Don't steel your heart, listen to it... Please, please.
2012-06-23 14:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while you type all these beautiful tweets. Sigh. I miss you. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you! :-(
2012-06-23 14:18:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there now darling... gently running my fingers up and down your back, your shoulders, arms... kissing you behind your ears
2012-06-23 14:18:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Am I so predictable? Damn! :-|

2012-06-23 14:14:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, they are beautiful, gorgeous... Just... sigh! Well, maybe you should stop thinking too much... ;-p
2012-06-23 14:13:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Wow, your writing tonight is astonishing, darling. Truly.

2012-06-23 14:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... would you let me just... sit by you, trace the lines of your palm and quietly love you? Sigh. I miss you so, so much :-(
2012-06-23 13:44:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here is the missing "heart".

2012-06-23 13:37:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why, tell me why did you allow your melt? Hm? Just to muddle up my life? It is right to be with each other, it felt right...
2012-06-23 13:35:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, that something needn't be reinforced. It is there, still there... It won't get worse than it already is. And it won't dissolve...
2012-06-23 13:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your last tweet left me breathless, speechless, wordless... Sigh. So very beautiful, so bittersweetly beautiful...
2012-06-23 13:31:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Come to your lady and wrap her in your arms darling... Please. Please, please, pretty please. Daahling, please!
2012-06-23 13:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why not do something sweet, something that makes no sense to the (your) mind, yet it delights your heart? Hm?
2012-06-23 13:19:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We don't get younger, darling... life's slipping away, slowly but surely... We work, sleep, eat, sometimes go out etc. but that's all.
2012-06-23 13:18:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Come come... Please. Come.

2012-06-23 13:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... Our time together felt so right...It was so nice, lovely, so natural... There's nothing irresponsible about being with each other.
2012-06-23 12:54:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you. We miss each other, darling... at least you say you do... Then why this torture? Hm?
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2012-06-23 12:48:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is that easy, darling and no it isn't irresponsible...

2012-06-23 12:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come.
2012-06-23 12:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-06-23 12:40:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... :-(

2012-06-23 12:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand... My darling...

2012-06-23 11:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again- if I booked you a flight, would you accept it?

2012-06-23 11:02:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Sniff. So please... come. Come to me, darling. Hmm, then maybe you should just read... and write a little in between...
2012-06-23 11:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, come. Please.

2012-06-23 10:29:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, and tell me, how to do all those things... without you? Sniff.
2012-06-23 10:26:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How to scratch your back & kiss your lovely belly and caress your soft skin? Hm? So no, no undershirt please.
2012-06-23 10:24:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you are right... an undershirt cannot be silly, but... bothering!
2012-06-23 10:21:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me.

2012-06-23 10:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, come darling, take off your silly undershirt & let me
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cuddle you, kiss you, nibble you all over... Sigh. Darling... I miss you!
2012-06-23 10:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmmm, if you were here, I would first cuddle you all over darling... Smile, a late evening walk is nice too, no?
2012-06-23 10:10:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... kitchen cleaned, floor mopped, laundry done and now... I so wish you were here, darling. Would so love to go for a lovely walk...
2012-06-23 10:01:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? You are back? You were quick, darling. I still couldn't find tiger balm... My day was uneventful. Bathroom scrubbed, kitchen...
2012-06-23 10:01:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now? To the temple? And then a walk with your lady? Please...
2012-06-23 09:39:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Very much.

2012-06-23 09:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Wonderful! And I have to be careful what I am saying... now you can hear it... :-|
2012-06-23 09:37:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... was a good idea. A sweet kiss on your cute nose darling, gently squeezing your hand... Do let me know what the doc said.
2012-06-23 09:17:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. I would have loved to nap with you, curled into each other... Hm, maybe your wrist hurts from typing too much. Wrapping them
2012-06-23 09:17:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! Aaah, just to hug my sweet stretching and yawning darling to me...! Sigh. How are you? Had a sweet nap?
2012-06-23 08:46:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a very nice summery day here, btw. Hot but it wouldn't be too hot for you. :-) There are so many things we could do together...
2012-06-23 06:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I booked you a flight, would you accept it? Darling, your reasoning makes no sense... maybe to you, only to you.
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2012-06-23 06:02:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet sir has dozed off...Aww, I snuggle up behind you & hug you tenderly to me & kiss the back of your neck, your shoulder...
2012-06-23 05:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got it! Ear-nose-throat doc, right? Does your jaw near your ear still hurt? Spending nearly the whole day in an A/C-ed room isn't good...
2012-06-23 05:48:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You would get your back rubbed & scratched all over, as well. ;-) Sigh. We should be together. You should come...
2012-06-23 05:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your stuffed tummy... I wish I was there to cuddle with you, cover you in a million sweet small kisses... & nap together.
2012-06-23 05:38:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is an ENT doc? Yes, Saturday, your temple day... Darling, there is a tomorrow too, you needn't do everything today.
2012-06-23 05:37:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so much to do. Wow, documenting your mom's repices sounds wonderful! You should put them all together & try to get them published.
2012-06-23 05:37:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept late because I couldn't fall asleep. Simple. Head & finger are ok. Your lady is not quite ok. I did some chores but still...
2012-06-23 05:36:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the lady likes the books you bought for her & your mom too. It was sweet of you. Darling, an inverter is better than nothing.
2012-06-23 05:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you went on your bike! God! I would've so enjoyed it! Boththe ride & esp. the bookstore with you. Sigh.
2012-06-23 05:35:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, of course you do... :-| A sweet long welcome back kiss on your lips, darling. A bookstore is even better than a supermarket.
2012-06-23 05:35:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you! :-(

2012-06-23 03:53:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...showered, in a towel, with wet hair & fragrant hug you close & kiss your lips, your throat, unbuttoning your top button...Sigh.
2012-06-23 03:52:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I imagine you whooshing & can't help :-) Come back soon darling & whoosh into my arms... I will wait for you to return, freshly...
2012-06-23 03:51:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I would've so loved to shop with you! Darling, do you remember...? It was so delightful! I miss you in the alleys of the supermarkets :-(
2012-06-23 03:51:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My home is kinda messy, darling. Blush. Somehow, I don't have the energy or no motivation or I don't know.
2012-06-23 03:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the power cuts continue... You need an electric generator for home use. Smile, you can come over and help me with my chores.
2012-06-23 03:49:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet sir. Glad you slept well & hopefully long... I slept very late (it was around 2:00) & woke up later than usual.
2012-06-23 03:49:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Good night. I wish I could really be held by you, darling. Words have no arms... I miss you, I miss the feel of you :-(
2012-06-22 13:14:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes, I will join you very soon... and curl into you. Will you hold me close? Please...
2012-06-22 13:11:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I wish I could help you see why it would be right... It felt right to be with you. Every second... :-(
2012-06-22 13:06:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You wish you could what?

2012-06-22 13:02:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep well. I gently hold your face in my hands, look into your eyes & kiss your forehead... Sigh. Have sweet dreams.
2012-06-22 12:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It just makes no sense to say anything... You see nearly everything that's nice & sweet as pointless.
2012-06-22 12:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, you let me suffer like this... Your lovely, lively lady turned into a crying, begging wreck... Sigh. Hope you are happy.
2012-06-22 12:13:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You knew all the time that we are not getting married, and still... Then why, darling? Why?
2012-06-22 12:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can still have a beautiful time together & feel happy & share as much as we can...
2012-06-22 11:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even though you don't mean to, but you do hurt me. We miss each other darling & we know what's allowed & what not.
2012-06-22 11:57:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You hurt me. You hurt me very much, darling. Very much. Why do you do this to me?
2012-06-22 11:10:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know it's annoying but I don't know what to do. I would love to see you. I miss you horribly, darling.
2012-06-22 11:06:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, don't be like that. Please, pretty please do allow us to meet, to be together. I beg you. Please. Darling... :-(
2012-06-22 11:05:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You come here or I come there. I can't just sit here any longer and do nothing...
2012-06-22 09:53:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Then... :-(

2012-06-22 09:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. It's maddening...

2012-06-22 09:49:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I'd love to hold your hand & run together, spreading our arms out as if we had wings... barefoot, feeling the grass under our toes...
2012-06-22 09:48:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here. I would love to go on a walk with you. It's a nice, sunny, slightly windy day here. Perfect weather for a walk...
2012-06-22 09:36:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I jump in your arms & squeeze you & kiss you a deep long welcome home! Normal drive sounds pretty fine...
2012-06-22 09:31:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly. :-| Oooh, I forgot to tell you- it's summer so, I sleep in nothing. ;-p But for you, I will wear my tiny PJ's.
2012-06-22 09:31:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... everywhere. The girl keeps falling & her skirt keeps flying up. That's it. I don't know why it makes me feel so bad & why I cry. :-|
2012-06-22 08:37:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, the dream is this- a lil' girl (I'd say it's me) in pleated skirt is falling into the nothing...Really, there's nothing just blackness
2012-06-22 08:36:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the drive home is pleasant & the traffic isn't bad. Wish I was sitting next to you... playing with your fingers...
2012-06-22 08:32:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your lips & hugging you close, very close to me, pressing my cheek against your chest... Grateful for you kiss, darling.
2012-06-22 08:31:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It isn't really bad but I do wake up crying... If only it was that easy...I can't really sleep darling. Not with a troubled heart, you know?
2012-06-22 08:30:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I didn't rest... was working. Why a bad dream? Good
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question... because it was not a nice dream. I have a recurring dream.

2012-06-22 08:29:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Your lady missed you a lot. Sniff. How was your day? Other than busy... How are you? And you say I am forgetful... ;-p
2012-06-22 08:29:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be very very busy, darling but hope your day goes fine...You guessed right- missing you. Butterfly kisses from your head to toe.
2012-06-22 06:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, sweet darling. Incredibly much. Sniff. Soft little kisses down your spine, darling...
2012-06-22 03:03:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why are you looking forward so eagerly to the weekend? Decided to go on the trip? How I wish you were coming to me! Sigh.
2012-06-22 03:02:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? Eyes, jaw, wrist are better? I feel wilted, so sleepy... don't feel like doing anything today.
2012-06-22 03:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my poor sweet darling had to take the rickshaw. Is it really that uncomfy to travel on a rickshaw? I find it fun. It looks fun.
2012-06-22 03:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a huge thunderstorm again. I thought the sky was falling...It was incredible! Yes, Maria is the musician's wife. I love them very much.
2012-06-22 03:00:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, but why did you wake up that early? I didn't sleep well. First, I woke up from a bad dream, then around 3
2012-06-22 02:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet sir. I was awake when you came to hug me but pretended to still be asleep...It was lovely to feel you nuzzle, darling
2012-06-22 02:59:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... miss... YOU! God, so much. So very much! I hate it that I can't see you, be with you. I hate it that you keep us apart... Not fair :-(
2012-06-21 17:03:10 (EDT)
2669 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Just woke up from a bad dream... I wish you were here darling, peacefully sleeping next to me, your arms wrapped around me... :'-(
2012-06-21 16:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And for the millionth time... I miss you! A lot. I would love to see you. Anand, please... :-( A quick hug & a quick kiss and... whoosh...
2012-06-21 10:38:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll join you asap & kiss you awake just for a sec. I wish to see your sleepy :-) & you to put your hand on my belly, pulling me into you...
2012-06-21 10:35:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case I don't get back in time, good night my cute soft lovely sir. I wish you a good night's sleep with baklava-scented lively dreams ;-)
2012-06-21 10:34:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. Hope you get home as fast as possible... And of course, safe. Sweet soft kisses where it hurts to make it feel better...
2012-06-21 10:33:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I drive now Maria to the train station. She is going to the Balaton for the weekend.
2012-06-21 10:33:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you :-(

2012-06-21 10:21:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... a little bit better. What about kissing my (now pouting) lips? ;-p It's getting late there, hope you get a cab darling...
2012-06-21 10:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And as I see, you ignore your lady too... who is looking at you, waiting...
2012-06-21 09:53:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Great people. :-| But yes, just ignore darling... think of your BP. :-)
2012-06-21 09:52:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you were not alone... Then, it was like a lunch-meeting, no?
2012-06-21 09:32:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yum! :-) But darling... just sending a kiss... no hugging lil' me to you, kissing my lips? Deep sigh. Wow, still in the office?
2012-06-21 09:32:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You needn't be careful, darling... Just hug me. Please. And kiss me too. You didn't kiss your lady today... Sniff. Where are you?
2012-06-21 09:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And in case you would like to know, your lady is too, in a bikini right now. Are you brave enough to hug me tight & kiss me? ;-)
2012-06-21 06:53:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you definitely look sweeter. :-) Haha, you can have the one in a black bathing suit at the left side. ;-p
2012-06-21 06:53:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my sweet darling is pouting. Yes! Yes! Remember? I told you... you will get it all back. ;-p Btw, you are hairier than that guy :-D
2012-06-21 06:52:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care of your wrist, darling. Some more kisses on your wrist & jaw... believe me, if I kissed them, the pain would go away ;-)
2012-06-21 06:51:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, check out the vid. I sent you (with sound). Forward to 4:37. I didn't know you visited our lake... ;-p
2012-06-21 05:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-06-21 05:29:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, baklava! :-) Your sweet lil' piece of baklava just got tearyeyed... My darling, I wish I could kiss you for choosing baklava. Sigh.
2012-06-21 05:28:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D

2012-06-21 04:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your jaw, wrist & eyes? Better? Come, let me hug you & wish you bon appetit... Enjoy your lunch. Do I get a little kiss, darling?
2012-06-21 03:39:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, nice. Please do have a dessert too & think of me while
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eating... I arrange my breakfast like that almost every day. I miss you so :-(
2012-06-21 03:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I put cornflakes & chocolate milk on the table & apple juice too... for you. I know it's silly but... Sniff. I wish you were here :-(
2012-06-21 02:32:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, outside while listening to the birds... Two toasts with butter & orange marmalade. And a glass of milk. I can't eat more but...
2012-06-21 02:32:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you feel better, darling. If not, I will keep kissing you till you do... How goes your day? Very packed? I just had breakfast.
2012-06-21 02:31:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and softly kissing you along your jaw, behind your ears, on your eyes, cute nose, sweet lovely lips... :-)
2012-06-21 02:30:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, trailing sweet soft kisses around your wrist, up you arm to your shoulder, neck...then hugging you to me...
2012-06-21 02:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just fun? To me, our time together was beautiful. I felt very happy, darling. I miss you. Immensely. Just to be held by you again... :-(
2012-06-21 02:27:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am pretty sure I will die before you, darling. Just promise me you will come & find me... I will wait for you, no matter how many lives...
2012-06-21 02:26:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are days when I feel like I am 80 or more. I am tired, darling. In every way. A new life sounds wonderful... Sigh.
2012-06-21 02:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. No, please don't say that. You are not a damaged piece :-( Then, what should I say? Hm?
2012-06-21 02:25:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Been awhile... Hope you're ok.

2012-06-20 19:09:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every moment spent with you was the most beautiful thing in
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my life... And I mean it. I go back to sleep now... holding you close...
2012-06-20 16:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. I miss you. I felt very happy with you. Please knowmeeting you, being with you was the most wonderful thing that happened to me
2012-06-20 16:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, had a light dinner & freshened up too. I hope you are sleeping peacefully with a :-) & sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your nape, darling.
2012-06-20 15:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my dear... it's just me, slipping softly under the covers to hug you gently, lovingly to me... Sigh, how could I not? :-)
2012-06-20 15:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired, darling. Exhausted. Confused. Wilted. Lost. Broken. You got me on my knees...
2012-06-20 11:27:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel the urge more & more to book a flight & come there... This pull in me is like a moth to a flame. And you say you live in conflict :-(
2012-06-20 11:16:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what to do. All I know is that I miss you, I miss being with you but you... :-(
2012-06-20 10:54:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, my sweet Anand... if only... I so miss being held by you. :-(
2012-06-20 10:40:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep deeply, peacefully. I will join you very soon & hug softly snoring you to me...
2012-06-20 10:35:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are off to bed? This early? Sigh, then...Good night my sweet darling. Soft kisses on your tummy. May you have the sweetest of dreams
2012-06-20 10:34:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Almost done with work. I wish you were here... I miss you, darling.
2012-06-20 10:30:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... why? Many things your mind decides as pointless are not...
2012-06-20 10:16:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But even if you could, you don't do it because of the practicalities. Because you see many things as pointless.
2012-06-20 10:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What else do you wish to do? Hm? Yes, there are rules & traditions but there's still a lot of things that you could do...
2012-06-20 10:00:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, the mountains... I wish I could vanish into the mountains with you, I have nothing darling, nothing that bounds me here...
2012-06-20 10:00:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, darling. I pull you into a tight embrace & softly kiss your lips... then again & again... :-)
2012-06-20 10:00:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh at home! Then... may I give you a lovely welcome home hug & kiss your sweet lips ever so softly? You live in conflict, as in?
2012-06-20 09:16:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? On your way home or reached already?

2012-06-20 08:58:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's so funny? Oh darling... but to me, it seems it did...

2012-06-20 08:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. A lot. Do you know that?

2012-06-20 08:48:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and dance and... Sigh. Please my darling... you were not like that. It is as if your mind completely took over your heart.
2012-06-20 08:48:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with doing things that are seemingly meaningless to yousweet, lovely things that make your heart smile & make you want to sing
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2012-06-20 08:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the other hand... you really are too strict with yourself. You can focus on things that enrich your life & still spend some time...
2012-06-20 08:47:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You just came home from a trip, so I understand that you prefer to stay home, rest & relax.
2012-06-20 08:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... in which ways to define? Hm? The day was packed & you say you did some work? You must have done lots of work :-)
2012-06-20 08:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant dead... Blush.

2012-06-20 08:17:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, headache or no headache, eating & sleeping properly or not... death or alive... does it matter a thing? Sigh.
2012-06-20 08:14:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My finger doesn't hurt, but it's still swollen & nail is black. Thank God the nights are pleasant warm... right now, it's hot.
2012-06-20 08:13:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad your nose is fine. I would so so so love to kiss it softly & rub my nose against your cute sweet nose. How I miss that! And your smile.
2012-06-20 08:12:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear ever busy darling... I miss you a lot. Sniff. How are you? How was your day... other than packed?
2012-06-20 08:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it was before noon so yes... morning. Wow, 80! A beautiful age though I doubt I will live that long.
2012-06-20 08:11:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. So very much! Sweet feathery kisses around your neck, to wear as a necklace.
2012-06-20 05:02:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is quite busy too. It's beautiful summery outside... I'd still rather spend the day with you at the water... Deep sigh.
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2012-06-20 05:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Morning? This late? Well, then... good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept well. How is your nose? Still stuffed?
2012-06-20 05:01:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I snuggle closer to you, hugging your arm that's wrapped around me... Hope your (well deserved) sleep is sweet & restful, my darling.
2012-06-19 16:24:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is there anything in this world that's not pointless to you? Ach you! :-( Go and sleep happily.
2012-06-19 12:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Crying like a lil' girl. All I wish is you to take me in your arms, hugging me tight, whispering shhh sweetie pie... God!
2012-06-19 12:50:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What have you done to the smiling, cheerful, playful lady? Why? Oh darling...You don't understand 'cause you don't know what Love feels like
2012-06-19 12:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Every other pain but this heartache... God! Why did you cross my path?
2012-06-19 12:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those nights when I desperately hugging my pillow wishing it was you, crying myself to sleep... Missing you.
2012-06-19 12:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only you could feel how I feel... then you would know. I don't spoil my health, but... but... you just have no clue darling. :'-(
2012-06-19 12:16:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, you don't understand.

2012-06-19 12:12:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly, dream beautifully. Kissing you back, softly slowly... & curl into you. Please hold me close...
2012-06-19 12:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I beg you. Please... :-( my heart suffers, darling & so does all of me. But as I see, you don't understand it...
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2012-06-19 12:06:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could really cuddle up, darling. I would love to feel you, the softness of your lips, your kiss... You. I am a wreck, darling :-(
2012-06-19 12:00:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know it very well...

2012-06-19 11:58:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only... I miss you. :-( I wish I could be in your arms right now. Your lady is not in a good shape, darling...
2012-06-19 11:54:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired too. Come darling, let's go back to bed, cuddle and kiss each other to sleep. What say?
2012-06-19 11:53:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and hugging & kissing & caressing while you tell me about your trip & all the things that happened & doze off with you, smiling... Sigh.
2012-06-19 11:48:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you have fallen asleep, darling. Awww, how sweet! How I wish I could've been there, lying in each other's arms, cuddling,
2012-06-19 11:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why I keep begging you... I just end up in tears, feeling awful.
2012-06-19 11:07:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your heart smile & sing even if it is pointless to your mind. Some things are pointless darling, but oh so sweet, so beautiful!
2012-06-19 11:06:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and your buts... :-( We miss each other & would be happy to see one another (at least, me) then do it. Do something that makes
2012-06-19 11:06:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no clue how much your lovely lady suffers. No clue, darling.
2012-06-19 09:02:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest. Please :'-(

2012-06-19 08:57:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Then come. Please. Or let's meet somewhere else. Just be with me. Please. Pretty please. :-(
2012-06-19 08:21:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. But I know... it's my problem. Hm.

2012-06-19 08:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, our lake doesn't stink. At the north side it is dirty at the south side it is nicer... Come and I will take you there. Sigh.
2012-06-19 08:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds really nice. Happy for you. Truly. Saying this with a bit sad sigh. Hope you do enjoy this pure pleasure trip this weekend.
2012-06-19 08:04:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's nice.

2012-06-19 08:00:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... at each other, playing, laughing, kissing, teasing... Sigh. Pure heaven. I miss you. I really do. A lot.
2012-06-19 06:10:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... lake, not a sea & it is dirtier than the sea & not so beautiful, but still... I would love to be there with you now, splashing water...
2012-06-19 06:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How is your day? Mine is hot. Melting away... even in a bikini. I wish we were together... well, we only have a
2012-06-19 06:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope it was still lovely & you had a good time with your friends. Honest.
2012-06-19 05:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I didn't mean all of your trips were pointless... and sure not this one. :-) I am sorry the rain ruined your stay.
2012-06-19 05:57:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope it is not too busy in the office...It's a hot sunny day here (36C) Don't feel like working. I'd rather spend today near the water...
2012-06-19 03:52:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anyway, it would be the most beautiful pointless thing, darling.

2012-06-19 03:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be just another pointless thing amongst the many other things you see as pointless. Sigh.
2012-06-19 03:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... saying it was pointless or not so pleasant or anything like that. Then why, for God's sake, why not to meet?
2012-06-19 03:41:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just don't understand... Sometimes you do & plan things that make really no sense. You go on trips & do things that end up with you
2012-06-19 03:40:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant "enough"... Blush.

2012-06-19 02:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling no, you didn't tweet at 3:50... It was the time when I saw your tweets, that's all. :-)
2012-06-19 02:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but you didn't get enought sleep/rest. That's crazy, your lady's frowning.
2012-06-19 02:48:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I didn't forget about the new moon... ;-) And you go to work... Sigh. Even though you say you feel fine- and I am happy you do,
2012-06-19 02:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with a lovely arm-wrap & a sweet soft long kiss. You have no clue how much this silly lady misses you! Sniff.
2012-06-19 02:47:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? You reached? Oh so happy! Welcome back home, my sweet darling! And I, my dear would have so loved to greet you, to welcome you
2012-06-19 02:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A million sweet, soft, butterfly kisses from your head to toe. I wish I could be there to welcome you home lovingly, pamper you all day...
2012-06-19 02:09:13 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I hope you got some good sleep and you reach soon, safe & sound. Please do stay home today.
2012-06-19 02:08:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet darling. Where are you now? I presume you are still on your homeward way... How are you feeling?
2012-06-19 02:07:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you, darling. I would love to be with you. I would love be held by you...Your lady needs your arms around her.
2012-06-18 18:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now tweeted! And telling me that you go back to sleep. Cheater! They are beautiful as ever. :-) My sweet cute poet... Sigh!
2012-06-18 18:22:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I almost forgot! It is new moon & you are on the bus... What now? Must the rituals be done early or can you do it when you reach home?
2012-06-18 18:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, my darling. I wish I could come to the bus station & greet you with the tightest hug & sweetest kiss ever. Oh! If only...
2012-06-18 18:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I brush my lips across your forehead down over your nose to your soft lips, kiss you gently & snuggle up to you, trying to sleep too.
2012-06-18 18:14:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...holding hands. I miss you, Anand. It pains me immensely that you deny to meet. Even my butterflies' wings flapping slower & slower... :-(
2012-06-18 18:13:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll try to sleep some more. Hope you are sleeping sweetly darling, dreaming about running across meadows with your lady...
2012-06-18 18:12:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, tease me all you want. I love it when you tease me. Esp. when you kiss me & nibble at my lower lip 'cause you think I am pouting ;-p
2012-06-18 18:12:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Excuse me! Who complains? Me? When did you hear me
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complaining? Hm? It is you who complains... I believe you do that even in your sleep ;-p
2012-06-18 18:11:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You will reach that late? Oh my... No no, please don't go to work. No way! How is the drive, darling? Is it comfy enough for you?
2012-06-18 18:11:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hopes that you are awake. But no, it would be selfish of me, it's predawn there & you need some rest.
2012-06-18 18:10:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't want to fall asleep, but... Anyway, I am here now darling. A part of me hopes that you are sleeping, another part secretly...
2012-06-18 18:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God I woke up... I was in a daze, but you should've seen how your lady's eyes sparkled when she saw your DMs. Shy :-)
2012-06-18 18:09:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! My sweet darling came to write to his lady & she dozed offwatching TV. Shame on me. Sniff. I didn't expect any DMs from you tonight...
2012-06-18 18:08:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd run up to you & jump in your arms & squeeze you & cover you in a million sweet small kisses & not let you go. Sniff. I miss you :-(
2012-06-18 12:44:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, if only... If only you would return home to me, darling! I would be so excited that I wouldn't be able to sleep...
2012-06-18 12:43:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dear. I join you asap (will go to bed early) & wrap you in my arms :-) Please know that I'll fall asleep thinking of you...
2012-06-18 12:23:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I missed you :-( I am so sorry. I just hope that you sleep soundly darling with the sweetest dreams & nothing will bother your sleep
2012-06-18 12:20:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Your lady is always lovely to you, no matter what. Sigh. For now, hugging you & kissing you back... softly, sweetly; caressing you...
2012-06-18 12:17:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... anything else to be there right now, pampering sweet exhausted you, putting you to sleep & doze off too, holding you...
2012-06-18 12:17:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God the bus is moving... towards home, with you on it. :) Yes darling, please try to sleep. And yes, I would love more than
2012-06-18 12:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lay your head on my shoulder and relax, dear. God! How I wish I could physically be there in person :-( Hope the bus is on the roads already
2012-06-18 11:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All will be fine, darling. I am with you... In my mind, I am holding you right now, gently caressing your hair. Can you feel it? Sigh.
2012-06-18 11:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, breath deeply, my darling. You are in the bus now. Look out of the window, my butterflies should've reached too. Just in time... :-)
2012-06-18 11:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me. Most of your trips or your days off seem to be jinxed... Come darling & let's have a beautiful time together. Sigh. Please.
2012-06-18 10:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Very much. I wish I could be with you...
2012-06-18 09:58:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be thinking of you & keep sending you little butterflies to watch over you, to keep you sweet company on this long journey.
2012-06-18 09:56:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take care darling. Hope your journey is safe & as pleasant as can be, despite all the mess... Rest, relax, try to sleep my dear.
2012-06-18 09:56:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, do try to keep me updated. And no worries, I understand. Ok? :-) See? I even smiled for you... just for you.
2012-06-18 09:55:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... next to you gently massaging your temples, kissing your forehead, eyes, nose... All will be fine, darling.
2012-06-18 09:55:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Once you are on the bus, (hopefully) the mess will end. Please sit back, close your eyes & take a deep breath imagining me sitting ...
2012-06-18 09:54:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most important is that you get home. Please if you can manage it somehow, stay home tomorrow, you can work from home as well.
2012-06-18 09:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I am glad you managed to arrange a seat on a bus. Sure traveling on a rattling train is more comfy, but...
2012-06-18 09:53:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh! Stupid rain! I crossed my fingers & so hoped that it won't rain. My poor darling, if I could, I'd drive you home but I can't :-(
2012-06-18 09:52:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working. This heat is not so nice. Checking my DMs every few min., waiting for your words & kisses like a lil' girl on Christmas eve...
2012-06-18 08:29:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When will you leave? Hope it is not raining...

2012-06-18 06:08:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweep me into your arms & kiss me deeply. I would so love that! Just to hold you close now, to feel your skin on mine... Sigh!
2012-06-18 06:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back...The sun burns. No breeze. Pretty hot day today. Smile, just changed into my orange bikini. Come come, rush to me darling...
2012-06-18 06:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to run some errands, darling. Will be back soon...

2012-06-18 04:09:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really do miss you so! Us... together. :-( The happily fluttering butterflies, the smiles and sighs, the sweetness of it all..
2012-06-18 04:09:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, orange marmalade! Anand, my darling... Sigh! I wish you were here, giving me those tickling kisses, then doing the tchoin-tchoin...
2012-06-18 04:08:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't think it will help, but am busy singing the no rain song...repeating again & again. Honest. And of course, crossing my fingers, too.
2012-06-18 04:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes please do take care of yourself, you seem to have catch a cold easily... Soft kisses on your cute nose, darling.
2012-06-18 04:07:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, my head is better, finger doesn't hurt, so... all is fine... except your lady herself... and her lil' heart. Miss you!
2012-06-18 04:06:43 (EDT)

BeingInJoy BIG DAY tomorrow ~ Avery's fun classes/sports begin

2012-06-18 03:51:28 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *hugs!* it is middle of the night, yes ; ) I often tweet at 2 or 3 am...but I have awakened 3 times tonight already! lol
2012-06-18 03:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Sniff. A lot. Hope you have a lovely day despite the rain... My day will be the usual, work & daily chores...
2012-06-18 01:47:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and the smell of blooming flowers... How I wish you were here, having breakfast together outside on the terrace. Sigh!
2012-06-18 01:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, though really late & woke up with headache. It's a lovely morning here...clear blue skies, sun, sun & more sun with birdsong...
2012-06-18 01:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's my sweet sir today? Slept soundly? I hope you did not catch a cold yesterday... Please be careful, darling.
2012-06-18 01:45:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet, small, sunshine-scented good morning kisses on every inch of my dear darling's body... Smile. Good morning!
2012-06-18 01:44:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thinking of you today, hope you are well...:-)

2012-06-17 18:22:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ...ease your snoring, watching you sleep...Those nights, my darling... and beautiful, happy mornings...Those days. Sad sigh. I miss you :'-(
2012-06-17 13:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside, thinking of you, of us...together. Those nights when I was sitting by you, gently rubbing your back or chest, trying to
2012-06-17 13:42:45 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Haha! Oh so true, that's another way of looking at it, :D

2012-06-17 13:22:10 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :)
2012-06-17 13:17:51 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Thank youz! I know.. Now I miss her, it's just she gets on my nerves real quick...
2012-06-17 13:17:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ rocking you gently till you fall asleep with a cute smile...Sigh. Missing you very much! Hope your sleep is sweet & dreams are tender.
2012-06-17 13:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... good night my sweet darling. I slip under the covers to cuddle you & kiss you, making you forget about this not so pleasant day...
2012-06-17 13:08:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I am so sorry your Sunday was bad like that. See? If you had been here... Sigh. My finger is still bad but doesn't hurt.
2012-06-17 13:08:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. I am sorry, seems like I just missed you. Yes, I fell asleep on the couch... Your lady's not in her best shape...
2012-06-17 13:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please know, that this silly lady loves you, Anand. With all her heart.
2012-06-17 08:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft kisses all over you, darling. I wish I could really give them... I miss you, I know I know I tell it too often... Blush.
2012-06-17 08:01:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ what is planned for the evening, but hope the rain willstop & not ruin the evening. Don't you wish I was there, too? Not really, yes?
2012-06-17 08:01:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I will lie down for a bit. This sudden heat is horrible. But before, I will sing the no rain song. :-) You still haven't told
2012-06-17 08:00:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you, Anand. What's pointless to you, I see it as something beautiful... sweet, tender, cheerful. Happy.
2012-06-17 07:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I would love to lie on the grass with you like I mentioned... on a warm, starry summer evening.
2012-06-17 07:05:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh smile, I see... after I looked it up, I knew it was referring to two pairs of palms...
2012-06-17 07:00:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you delete that tweet? :-(

2012-06-17 06:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The last one? It is beautiful... and yes, I had to look quadriptych up... Thank you, darling. And in return, you get the sweetest kiss...
2012-06-17 06:48:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you... :-(

2012-06-17 06:25:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, do you remember...? Shall I sing the no-rain-song? Sigh. I would so love to cuddle with you now...
2012-06-17 06:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh. I am sorry, darling. What's planned for the evening? It's a beautiful sunny day here... I told you- you should be here...
2012-06-17 06:04:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the sky sprinkled with stars... Sigh. And kiss you too, softly, tenderly... Missing you. Come darling, come to your lovely lady.
2012-06-17 06:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is beautiful... I would love you to join me, darling. Very
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much. Just lying there, quiet... your open palm within mine, watching
2012-06-17 05:59:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi darling. Wow, tomorrow evening? Did you take Tuesday off... or at least working from home? How are you, sweetest? How's your head?
2012-06-17 05:58:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kissing and watching movies or do something else. It would be beautiful, don't you think? My sweet soft darling... Deep sigh.
2012-06-17 03:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here with me. We could drive somewhere nice or stay home & laze around... cuddling & playing & teasing...
2012-06-17 03:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's going to be hot today. Nothing's lined up. It's Sunday... I will probably do some chores and then... hmmm, no idea.
2012-06-17 03:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to go to a temple with you someday. Where are you, darling? At your friend's place? When will you leave?
2012-06-17 03:28:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with my palms up, imagining you are lying next to me. Sigh. Missing you. More & more.
2012-06-17 03:27:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. I slept ok, I think. I did go for a walk last night. Laid down on the grass, closed my eyes & spread my arms...
2012-06-17 03:27:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...nibbling at your lower lip while you let your hands wander where the towel doesn't cover... ;-)
2012-06-17 03:26:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Just got out of the shower... fresh & flowery, in a small towel... hugging you back, kissing you sweetly,
2012-06-17 03:26:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When will you be traveling back, btw? Smile, I wish my butterflies could pick you up & fly you to me... My darling, my sweet
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2012-06-16 14:52:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When you wake up, smile... and wrap your lovely, sleeping lady in your arms. Please. Oh those joyous mornings! Sigh.
2012-06-16 14:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... whenever your snoring wakes me up & hug you closer. Sleep my dear, sleep. Dream sweet dreams.
2012-06-16 14:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even though you will read this in the morning, please know that I am holding you... softly, tenderly... kissing you behind your ear
2012-06-16 14:41:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But tiring in a good way, no? At least I hope so. Ok. I am waiting for you... with sweet kisses & lovely hugs.
2012-06-16 14:02:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Instead I wait for your return so we can cuddle & kiss each other to a sweet sleep, in case you would like to... I hope you do.
2012-06-16 13:58:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am at home, didn't go... somehow, it feels lonely without you, you know? Seeing people hand in hand makes me miss you even more...
2012-06-16 13:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you had a real good day. And please... don't send me kisses, but hug me tight & kiss me sweetly. Please.
2012-06-16 13:56:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I thought you were sleeping. How was your day, darling? First the 3 course meal, now dinner outside... I almost envy you, dear.
2012-06-16 13:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll go for an evening walk. It would be so beautiful if you could come with me...But you don't want to anymore, not even holding me
2012-06-16 13:37:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... on your forehead, nose, sweet lovely lips & snuggle up behind you, holding you close to me...
2012-06-16 12:54:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes. Seems like you have fallen asleep... I hope you are sleeping soundly in beautiful dreams, my darling. I kiss you softly...
2012-06-16 12:54:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was looking everywhere but couldn't find any... Sniff. No kisses for your lovely lady? And I think I missed you... it's very late there.
2012-06-16 12:44:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I, my sweet darling, wish you were here with me. Would love to cuddle with you & then sleep...curled into each other.
2012-06-16 12:35:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sure it was all very delicious. I wish I could have been there too... Sigh. My day was ok. Missed you. A lot lot lot. :-(
2012-06-16 12:35:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back home, darling. Although I did almost nothing today, I am exhausted, too. A 3 course meal? Your lady is proud of you!
2012-06-16 12:34:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand? Your silly lady loves you, do you know that? She misses you, aches for you...
2012-06-16 07:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I go over to Maria. Will be back in 2-3 hours. Please take care & if you see a butterfly, know it's one of mine...
2012-06-16 07:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall we go to a lovely walk after the temple visit? Hand in hand, in a nice park... I miss our walks, darling.
2012-06-16 07:25:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure you will? But but... Sigh. Just hug me close darling & kiss me... then again and again... & some love-bites too, please.
2012-06-16 07:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did some cleaning, now I just sit outside... in a bikini, reading, doing nothing. Would you please hug your lady and kiss her? Yes? No?
2012-06-16 06:54:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful sunny day, darling but... I am sorry, but I do wish I could spend it with you. I miss you so, so much! :-(
2012-06-16 06:54:22 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ There is my sweet darling! So happy to hear from you! How are you, sweetest? How is your day? Mine is hmmm not the nicest one.
2012-06-16 06:54:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A million sweet playful cool kisses flitting to you my wrap around you, cover you, sneak under your undershirt, making you giggle.
2012-06-16 05:38:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, it's in the middle of the afternoon there & still no message... I hope all's well. Your lovely lady misses you so!
2012-06-16 05:38:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would also love to hold him firmly to me & kiss him softly, deeply & rub my nose against his... I miss you, Anand. I miss you :-(
2012-06-16 03:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... summery-sweet. Just a light breeze & lots of sunshine. I miss my sweet sir, I would so love to share today's beauty with him. Sad sigh.
2012-06-16 03:01:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell back to sleep around predawn, woke up at 7:30. It's a beautiful morning/day here...the air is filled with birdsong and it smells...
2012-06-16 03:01:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet gentle darling. Slept sweetly? Are you all fresh & smiling? How is your day? You didn't come to hold me... sniff.
2012-06-16 03:00:25 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Yes! it is just right! xoxo

2012-06-16 02:08:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a lovely tomorrow, my kind sir. Please do hold me to you when you wake up... I wish to feel you...
2012-06-15 15:46:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly with smiles, knowing it's your lady by your side... & hope you wake up feeling fresh with no headache.
2012-06-15 15:45:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I come to sit by your side my darling & I kiss you softly on
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your temples, caressing your arms, chest... whispering sweet words to you.
2012-06-15 15:45:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should be here, darling... You will love the weather... and perhaps your lady's company too. It would be sweet & oh so happy. Sigh.
2012-06-15 15:44:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Meeting up with friends sounds nice. And am glad all's well with the house, tenants & all. Smile, see? I told you it'll be rainy & very warm
2012-06-15 15:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... TV & read till my eyes get heavy. Sigh. I missed you a lot, darling. Really, a lot! :-(
2012-06-15 15:43:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am so sorry... was waiting for you then fell asleep. No idea how to sleep now in the night, I will probably be watching
2012-06-15 15:42:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... butterflies deliver all my sweet, fluttering kisses? I wish we were together now, walking somewhere nice, holding hands...
2012-06-15 08:03:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Almost done with work. Thinking of you, missing you... hoping you are having a lovely time, darling. Tell me, did my tiny rainbow-colored
2012-06-15 08:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you, I miss you and... I miss you! I was listening to your recording & went through your pictures...
2012-06-15 03:27:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My finger is still bad though a tiny bit better. Day is kinda quiet, working. Other than that, it's a nice sunny day. Wishing you were here.
2012-06-15 03:22:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? You still haven't told me why you had to travel to Hyderabad. All is fine with the house?
2012-06-15 03:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...laugh & then kiss your lips, slowly softly... in case you would let me to... So happy that you could sleep & reached safe & sound.
2012-06-15 03:20:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, if I could I would twirl you around but I can't, so... just squeezing you & kissing you all over your face, making you
2012-06-15 03:19:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please know that your lady is thinking of you & missing you... Many many sweet, fresh butterfly kisses for my darling's back...
2012-06-15 01:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the travel? How are you feeling, darling? Come over later in the afternoon, I give you a nice massage. ;-) What say?
2012-06-15 01:53:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Where are you? It is nearly noon there... I hope you reached safe & got some rest on the rattling train.
2012-06-15 01:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much, you know that?

2012-06-14 16:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care my darling & let me know when you reach. I checked the weather... it might rain there but will be very warm.
2012-06-14 16:26:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really so hope that you can get some sleep, darling & it is comfy enough for you... I would really love to be on the train with you...
2012-06-14 16:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am happy that you asked me to join you, so... I sigh & try to smile as I hug you closer to me & kiss your snoring lips.
2012-06-14 16:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady isn't gone & she is yours & yours alone & the doors are wide open... even if you don't want her.
2012-06-14 16:25:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to choke back tears & I wonder what I am doing here, if you see me as a mere friend... or married and gone... Sad sigh.
2012-06-14 16:13:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now my darling, wrapping you in my arms, kissing you softly on your eyes. Watching you... your words swirl in my head, trying
2012-06-14 16:12:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I know, I know... your strict mind, but... :-( Oh dear, what have you done to your cheerful, lively lady?
2012-06-14 11:08:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. More than words can say. We feel close, feel drawn to each other... then why to fight against it? My darling, why?
2012-06-14 11:05:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not wrong or irresponsible to meet. We know what's allowed & what not. And still... we could have a beautiful time together.
2012-06-14 10:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do listen to your heart. Our situation isn't simple, but...why deny & disallow something that is (was) sweet, so beautiful, so happy?
2012-06-14 10:54:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, please don't close the doors on us...

2012-06-14 10:36:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will hold you all night my dear, ensuring that you sleep sweetly, peacefully with smiles... Good night.
2012-06-14 10:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so I can wrap you in my arms. I am by your side darling, right now... holding you, caressing you, humming a soft lullaby...
2012-06-14 10:24:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love rattling train... it's comforting. Good night, my sweet darling. A soft kiss on your sweet lips... come, lay your head on my chest
2012-06-14 10:23:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And hope your trip is as pleasant as can be... And most of all, I hope you can rest & get some sleep, darling.
2012-06-14 10:17:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and you didn't tell me... I so wish I was there darling, to keep you company on your long journey... Hope you will reach safe & sound.
2012-06-14 10:17:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you...

2012-06-14 09:42:15 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ You know, it would be really nice to just sit by you... your open palm within mine... Sigh. But I'd want to kiss you, softly ever so gently
2012-06-14 09:40:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you now? On your way already? Are you traveling by train or bus?
2012-06-14 09:34:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling.

2012-06-14 09:34:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This time, I am asking you... would you let me sit by you, lean my head against your shoulder & hold your hand? Not speaking...
2012-06-14 09:16:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling?
2012-06-14 08:48:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know what you mean, darling. Our current situation isn't like that... it's just in your mind so...
2012-06-14 08:48:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Everything with you felt natural, beautiful, sweet... right.

2012-06-14 04:24:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I should be blushing, I have never ever written such stuff to anyone, but I am not... 'cause with you, even that felt right.
2012-06-14 04:21:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet intimate things, even after you knew about the details... & you knew you will leave me. Then why?
2012-06-14 04:20:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about all the lively DMs? Hm? That my dear, was irresponsible in some ways... You kept writing, we kept sharing & dreaming about...
2012-06-14 04:20:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you see all that we shared as flirting? Oh darling... You knew about all the not so nice details and still... Sigh.
2012-06-14 03:59:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I did, I had & have no secrets, darling. I am not a bad
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woman. I do nothing what a normal western woman does. You know what I mean, yes?
2012-06-14 03:57:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, but I am not married. You knew me, you knew that I have a child. I could have lied to you or at least not tell you a few things...
2012-06-14 03:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Social norms? As in?

2012-06-14 03:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am here and not married.

2012-06-14 03:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here now, right in front of me... would you take me in your arms & kiss me back?
2012-06-14 02:40:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet soft slow kiss on your lips, hand on your hips, holding you close...Yes, freshly bathed, lovely smelling- in a towel...
2012-06-14 02:39:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't you want to run over grass with your lady, holding hands, laughing & twirl around with her happily, kiss her sweetly? :-(
2012-06-14 02:38:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I still feel the same. And you... just about a month ago, you said you haven't changed what you felt for me... And now?
2012-06-14 02:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? I hope today is not so busy... All set for the travel? Bus or train? I wish I could come with you, it would be nice...
2012-06-14 02:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep well & didn't feel like getting out of bed. My finger is still bad but doesn't hurt that much.
2012-06-14 02:36:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Glad you slept well, it'll be a long day for you... I would've loved to give you a nice all-over massage, darling.
2012-06-14 02:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still dream of you... I still imagine doing things together & I so
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miss being with you :-( God! What I'd give to be able to be with you!
2012-06-13 16:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you sleep with sweet smiles as I kiss you softly on your nape and wrap you in my arms... Anand, I miss you.
2012-06-13 16:36:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I love the favorite place in the world, I find unbelievable clarity and peace listening to the waves crash the shore.
2012-06-13 15:58:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you still haven't answered the question... do you view me as a mere friend? Do you?
2012-06-13 12:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes, I will join you very soon & snuggle up to you... Will you hold me darling? Close to your chest...? Sigh.
2012-06-13 12:50:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly, dream sweet dreams. Kissing you softly on your lips, caressing you till you fall asleep...
2012-06-13 12:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh God! You and your trips... Sigh. Darling? No cuddling?

2012-06-13 12:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My note... I can't remember what I wrote... sure something lovely-silly. Blush.
2012-06-13 12:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All set for tomorrow? Shall we go to bed & cuddle & hug & kiss... if you would like to...
2012-06-13 12:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, it means you will reach there late in the night, right? Will you stay there till Sunday?
2012-06-13 12:33:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was so sweet, so dear... Everything was so beautiful with you. Let's meet. Pretty please. Take me in your arms, hold me... Please.
2012-06-13 12:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, please... don't be like that. :-( Do you remember

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us... waving to each other... you from the car, me out of your room's window?
2012-06-13 12:32:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me, don't you miss hugging your lady? Don't you miss all the sweetness we shared? I do, my darling.
2012-06-13 11:59:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I still feel the same. I can't change that... Nothing has ever felt more right than being with you. And I miss you. Very very much
2012-06-13 11:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, why is it irresponsible? Why deny something that is sweet and beautiful?
2012-06-13 11:54:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't forget my silly note... Will you leave early or after work? And you? Do you view me as a mere friend?
2012-06-13 11:53:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :'-(
2012-06-13 11:27:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Are well ~ I must take a lovely swim in your TL today...XXO

2012-06-13 10:31:29 (EDT)

BeingInJoy This means read-alouds, board games and Ponyo, the movie, lol. she is playing chef w/green Slime just now. Love you! Hope you
2012-06-13 10:30:11 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Swooney Hello! (both of us smiling...) today features pillow hill~ Avery has a spring cold and a touch of summer heat overload ...
2012-06-13 10:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could hold you close now and... just look into your eyes... Would you kiss me or push me away? Sigh.
2012-06-13 10:11:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling. Those days were beautiful, we felt happy... It is not irresponsible to do something that fills your heart with Spring. Please. :-(
2012-06-13 10:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To spend time with someone whom you feel beautiful is never pointless, darling. I miss you & would love to see you. That's all I know.
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2012-06-13 09:47:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... your words hurt. You really don't want to be with me? Don't you miss me? Our time together & all?
2012-06-13 09:47:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, got lost in work... Reached home? How are you? How was your day? How was the drive?
2012-06-13 09:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Today is a beautiful sunny day. The air smells & feels fresh. You would love it here now...
2012-06-13 06:27:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Well, the doc said it looks very bad & will heal slowly (few weeks) but there's nothing to do other than to be careful.
2012-06-13 06:21:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the doc. I don't think he can do anything but you are right...
2012-06-13 05:22:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some more soft little kisses for my sweet darling to keep him smiling... Hope your day goes smoothly & not too tiring even when so packed...
2012-06-13 05:22:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wouldn't you be happy to see me again? To be with me? To not only write but do all those things together? I don't understand you...
2012-06-13 03:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can't get more confused, darling. Why is it better just to write but not seeing each other? It is not. It just adds to the pain...
2012-06-13 02:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, not meeting doesn't make anything easier. It makes it harder... all this missing each other and from my side, the pain, heartache.
2012-06-13 02:55:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember... that one day when your lady was sweetly teasing you? You were lying in bed in your shorts...
2012-06-13 02:39:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please do put it in your wallet when you leave tomorrow... For now, soft butterfly kisses all over you...
2012-06-13 02:35:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? Still doing the work for 3? I didn't sleep well. Smile, do you still have my silly note?
2012-06-13 02:35:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, didn't go to the doc yesterday. It was too late. Perhaps today, but it is a tiny bit better, so not sure...
2012-06-13 02:34:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you kiss my shoulders? How I miss it! How I miss our morning cuddles! How I miss you! Anand, darling... Please. Sigh.
2012-06-13 02:34:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Freshly showered, in a towel... Hugging you close & kissing you deeply... Good morning, my sweet darling. Did I tell you, I love when
2012-06-13 02:33:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How I wish I had wings so I could fly to you, slip under the covers & hug you to me...softly, tenderly...sweetening your sleep. Oh Anand :-(
2012-06-12 17:12:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you...I hope you are sleeping sweetly, dreaming about freshly dewed grass, swings & butterflies & sunflower smiles, you & I hand in hand
2012-06-12 17:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, your lady's desperately hugging her pillow, wishing it was you... and crying. I feel tired, so tired but can't sleep, darling.
2012-06-12 17:07:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...butterflies to watch over you, to drop sweet tiny kisses on you, to let you know somehow that your lady misses you in her silence.
2012-06-12 17:07:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. I am sorry. I was thinking of you ever min., hoping that you have a good day & all's fine & kept sending lil' silent
2012-06-12 17:06:56 (EDT)

2699 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I am sorry I didn't write to you. It is just... Sigh. But I missedyou all the while... so much, darling! So, so much!
2012-06-12 12:40:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was a tiny bit better but then that stupid door... Maybe you are right & I should go to a doc tomorrow.
2012-06-12 12:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My finger is in a very bad shape. I shut the house door on it. No joke. Good night, darling. Please hold me close... I really do need it...
2012-06-12 12:29:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. On the bedside, still looking at you with innocent eyes... I missed you.
2012-06-12 12:26:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I take a deep breath & look at you with innocent eyes... May I come to sit by your side... and hold your hand gently while you sleep?
2012-06-12 12:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day was fine. Good night, sweet darling. May you have the sweetest of dreams.
2012-06-12 12:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here... I just couldn't let you go to sleep without wishing you a lovely night's sleep... and to hug you to me & kiss you softly...Sigh
2012-06-12 12:04:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Is that so? Well, what does your mind come up with, out of curiosity?
2012-06-12 11:04:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, I *am* kind of coasting. It feels good. :-)

2012-06-11 23:07:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Productive. ;-) I've been lazing around a bit. Gotta step up my game! How about you? What's been going on for you over your way?
2012-06-11 17:46:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, I hope you had a nice visit! I wasn't hoping to get rid of her/them, honestly! I've been busy with life, but happy; although not too
2012-06-11 17:44:41 (EDT)
2700 / 4823

Darkntwistd I haveng figured out how to read your emals or dms on my stupid phone. Ill have to use the computer when it is available. Hugs
2012-06-11 14:36:00 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hey sweet one. You Rd up late

2012-06-11 14:20:30 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hey sweet one. You Rd up late

2012-06-11 14:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I would love to join you. I would love to hold you. I would love to do so many things with you, but you... :-(
2012-06-11 12:48:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My finger will be heart, not. And you just keep saying, eat well, sleep well...God! How? Can you imagine how I am feeling? I doubt
2012-06-11 12:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, why do you care at all? Sleep now. Good night.
2012-06-11 12:39:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or you shouldn't have bared your heart... I was silly, so silly for letting you close to my lil' fragile heart. Good night.
2012-06-11 12:36:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, my sweet darling you should've told me that you don't want to see me again before our meeting.
2012-06-11 12:32:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You forgot to tell me at the airport that I will never see you again...
2012-06-11 12:17:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why would a meeting add to the confusion? No darling, things cannot get more confused...
2012-06-11 12:16:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now? Is it better? Just words... and the missing each other? We could share much more...
2012-06-11 12:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure it will ease the pain... I would be very happy to see you,
2701 / 4823

2012-06-11 12:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come.

2012-06-11 12:02:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Your lady needs you here with her...
2012-06-11 11:53:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I would love you to kiss my poor finger. So yes... come. Sniff. No, no doc. It will be fine...
2012-06-11 11:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The car window is fine. My finger is very bad.

2012-06-11 11:36:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or that...
2012-06-11 11:21:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Who is reading whose mind?

2012-06-11 11:18:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, our DMs crossed...

2012-06-11 11:15:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still in a meeting?

2012-06-11 11:14:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady keeps kissing you... and unbuttoning your shirt... slowly, button by button... trailing soft lil' kisses down your chest...
2012-06-11 10:41:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, what's important is that you reached fine. Hugging you too & kissing your neck while you just talk & talk & talk...
2012-06-11 10:38:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, if only I could snuggle up with you...

2012-06-11 09:46:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How was my sweet darling's day. Busy I know, but... good? How was the drive home?
2012-06-11 09:45:53 (EDT)

2702 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling. Couldn't really rest but it's ok. Reached home? If yes come, let me cuddle you & kiss you & hug you a tight welcome home.
2012-06-11 09:45:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I will lie down for a bit... Please do take care on your way home... to me... Do you remember...? Sigh. It was beautiful.
2012-06-11 07:26:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I would love to see you...

2012-06-11 05:49:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If only...

2012-06-11 05:24:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wrap my arms around your waist & pull you to me...running the tip of my tongue along your lips & kiss you softly, slowly...
2012-06-11 05:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. But it's not fair that you do those 3 people's work alone... Smile, you are sweet, you know that?
2012-06-11 05:23:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) exactly. And it really is bothering. The thunder was not that bad... I couldn't sleep because of the pain. Sniff.
2012-06-11 05:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Do you have time... for a gentle squeeze & a sweet quick kiss? Just a few sec. & you can rush back to work, smiling... I miss you.
2012-06-11 04:48:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, I hear my own heartbeat and that bothers me even more. :-| I will be fine...
2012-06-11 04:39:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... own work? You mean on leave as in, on holiday? I don't like ear plugs darling. I can't use them.
2012-06-11 04:38:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! My poor darling... doing the work for 3 people... well, for 4? God! Don't you get help from the others? Or are they busy with their
2012-06-11 04:38:28 (EDT)

2703 / 4823

_stoicOne_ My morning DMs. But you said our DMs crossed paths... so I think you read them already.
2012-06-11 03:35:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why so busy? Normal work or working on a new something? And pleasant busy or tiring...?
2012-06-11 03:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, Lebanon? Not Turkey? Yes I am up... was up almost all night. Read my DMs... But glad you slept well, darling.
2012-06-11 03:02:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet feathery kiss on my darling's lips. I miss you. Your lady needs you here with her. Sad sigh.
2012-06-11 02:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? You said it will be packed... does your team work on something new? I just hope your day is pleasant & not too tiring.
2012-06-11 02:51:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... now, I think I go back to bed & try to get a little sleep. Or will take a short afternoon nap.
2012-06-11 02:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even the painkiller did not really help. My finger looks really bad & still hurts terribly. I will work today as much as I can, but...
2012-06-11 02:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and woke up to thunder around midnight & couldn't fall back to sleep. My finger hurt too much.
2012-06-11 02:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you today? Did you sleep well? Is my sweet soft sir all fresh & feeling good? I am useless today. I fell asleep on the couch...
2012-06-11 02:49:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, don't turn around darling... it's just me, trailing sweet little good morning kisses down your back... Good morning, my sweetest. :-)
2012-06-11 02:48:43 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Good morning sweet one. Have a nice day.

2012-06-10 23:51:17 (EDT)

2704 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Darling? Did I tell you, you are a wonderful person to be with? And that I love your nose, eyes & lips & ears & hands & tummy and... You.
2012-06-10 12:44:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... slowly, softly. Good night, my darling. I join you soon and wrap myself into you... for you to hold me... Sigh.
2012-06-10 12:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, let's go to bed darling & cuddle a little. Ok? Sleep soundly with honey-sweet dreams. I pull you to me & kiss your lips,
2012-06-10 12:32:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't tell me now. Tell me tomorrow. You need to sleep now.
2012-06-10 12:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What's got to crash?

2012-06-10 12:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lil' butterfly heart suffers, darling. Very much. Sad sigh.
2012-06-10 12:23:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. Please. Please allow us to be together. Pretty please. :-(

2012-06-10 12:21:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh! Busy Monday? Working on something new? Good. Thanks for letting me know. There you have a house, right?
2012-06-10 12:21:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( My sweet darling, please...

2012-06-10 12:16:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. But still... you do not want to see your lady, to hold her, to share beautiful moments with her... instead you let her heart suffer.
2012-06-10 12:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Sweet, very sweet... See? I told you that you will laugh. But I was brave, didn't scream or cry or anything. Be proud of your lady ;-p
2012-06-10 12:07:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I would still love to cuddle with you! And to see you, to be with you, to kiss you... And I still miss you. A lot. Sniff.
2012-06-10 12:05:34 (EDT)

2705 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Please, do tell me...

2012-06-10 12:02:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me? Why?

2012-06-10 12:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you just smile...

2012-06-10 11:56:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, I just wish you were with me... I miss cuddling with you. I miss so many things, darling.
2012-06-10 11:26:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure! We would have gone somewhere else, so I wouldn't have parked under a tree and... Sigh. ;-p
2012-06-10 11:24:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure I stopped... then pressed it again... but instead of down, up again. :-|
2012-06-10 11:20:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, window. I parked under a tree & tried to keep the leaves outside... It does rise slowly but not that slowly. :-| God! I am blushing.
2012-06-10 11:12:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How to protect it? I wish you were here... no no, no kissing my finger but wrapping your lady in your arms. Miss you.
2012-06-10 11:03:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no it wasn't the door... it was the window. :-| Not anything ... but my nail. Oh darling, how could I be so silly?
2012-06-10 11:02:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll lose my nail. :-| It's the middle finger on my right hand. See? You should be with your lady... to take care of her. Sniff.
2012-06-10 10:30:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do take care of it & try the cold water again & again but it still hurts like hell. And please, don't worry darling. It's too late, btw.
2012-06-10 10:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't laugh? Awww, thank you darling. Your clumsy lady... Blush. I tried ice water but it hurts even more. And applied a cooling balm.
2706 / 4823

2012-06-10 10:18:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor finger is swollen & it is all purple under my nail. It hurts like hell. But please... just laugh away. Blush.
2012-06-10 10:08:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Please don't laugh... at least try not to. Imagine what happened! I closed the car window on my finger. Don't ask me how... :-|
2012-06-10 10:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We could be together again & do things that make us smile & sigh & happy. You know that, darling. It's up to you & only you. But you... :-(
2012-06-10 09:57:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I felt very happy with you. Even that little incident on the last day was sweet. It was funny... we are both stubborn. :-)
2012-06-10 09:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me too, darling, me too. Sometimes I just sit outside with eyes closed & play our days together over & over in my head... :-(
2012-06-10 09:55:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The perfect weather to go for a walk... you & me, hand in hand... If only... Missing you. Oh yes, thousand little sweet things... Sigh.
2012-06-10 09:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with work? My day is hmmm... you know, like any other day. It's a bit windy outside & cloudy but pleasant warm.
2012-06-10 09:54:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for you for a while then stepped out to get some stuff to refill my fridge. How was your day, my darling? How are you feeling?
2012-06-10 09:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here is your lady... not as fresh as in the morning, but still lovely & flowery... do I get my delicate kisses now? Sorry, I was waiting
2012-06-10 09:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are so many things we could do together, darling. Just come. Please come. Kisses on your tummy, darling. Sweet soft little ones...
2012-06-10 04:31:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... nice, or do a quick shopping & cook together, then we could
2707 / 4823

cuddle & kiss & play & tease & nap and... sigh!
2012-06-10 04:31:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. A lot lot lot. :-( My day will be some cleaning that I didn't do yesterday. If you were here, we could go somewhere...
2012-06-10 04:30:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I stayed in bed till 8:00, had breakfast & now...freshly out of the a towel, smelling like a flower. For my sweet darling. Sigh!
2012-06-10 04:29:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... shuddered & shook. I would've really loved to have you here with me. You would've loved it!
2012-06-10 04:29:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Funny... you woke up at 3:00 & I fell back to sleep around 3:00... It was an amazing thunderstorm. With every boom the house
2012-06-10 04:28:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. How are you feeling? Could you sleep some more? Did you go to the temple? How is your day?
2012-06-10 04:28:38 (EDT)

Darkntwistd You give me too much credit my dear. But thank you...I'm so glad we are friends.
2012-06-09 21:44:05 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I give. I don't mean to. I just don't feel like I have much to give. Maybe I will soon.
2012-06-09 21:38:09 (EDT)

Darkntwistd This is true but you do much more for me than I do for you sweet one. You are a source of positive energy for me. I think I take more than
2012-06-09 21:37:30 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I wish you could too...I don't know how to thank you for all the support that you gave me.
2012-06-09 21:11:23 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I have a garden. I have tomatoes and squash and beans. The tomatoes are doing great. I think it helps me to relax to work in it.
2012-06-09 21:05:46 (EDT)
2708 / 4823

Darkntwistd I am taking very few medications, only 3 so that is a good sign and then B1 and D3 vitamins. They are supposed to help with many things.,
2012-06-09 21:00:43 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I think I am doing better. I spend more time doing my hair and make up and trying to look good, but I still have days where I just sleep.
2012-06-09 20:58:50 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I love having her home again. Her puppy is fun. just about a year old and very playful.
2012-06-09 20:57:44 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Bri's knee is not good. She is waiting to have surgery again. We are doing physical therapy 2x a week in the mean time. But she is lovely
2012-06-09 20:57:00 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I hope you are doing well and that you are happy.
2012-06-09 20:55:33 (EDT)

Darkntwistd It's just that you have such an old soul and are so wise. You make me think positive even when the situation is not what I want.
2012-06-09 20:55:15 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I think that I am addicted to you...when we were talking everyday I felt so much better about myself and life, and without you not so much
2012-06-09 20:54:18 (EDT)

Darkntwistd YAY! You don't know how very much I have missed chatting with you. I have Bri and her dog and my dog and the boys tonight.
2012-06-09 20:51:49 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Are you on for a while sweet one?

2012-06-09 20:47:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss your arm & curl into you like a lil' girl. If only... :'-( I miss your arms around me, the soft warm feel of you... You.
2012-06-09 18:53:41 (EDT)

2709 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Teary-eyed... missing you. I would so love to be held by you now... Come. Pretty please. Allow us to be with each other. Please...
2012-06-09 18:49:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I snuggle up closer to you & hug your arm that's holding me... Please stay in bed with me till morning. Please. The storm is scary.
2012-06-09 18:48:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ straight but can't help :-) Tom & Jerry! Your dream about your parents is so lovely... and sad too... Sigh. But I still love it.
2012-06-09 18:48:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I told you... your body, too, needed the rest. But you never listen to your lady. Sniff. I type these DMs in a daze and can't think...
2012-06-09 18:47:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you very much but am glad that you slept... and slept... and slept... like a sweet cute little boy. :-)
2012-06-09 18:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe your mom didn't want to wake you up. Ask her in the morning & do tell me what she said. Ok?
2012-06-09 18:46:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and the loudest thunder I've ever heard. A bit scary, I wish you were with me... I really, really wish.
2012-06-09 18:46:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I fell asleep on the couch with my laptop next to me... The thunder woke me up. Big storm here right now with lightning
2012-06-09 18:46:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply with the sweetest dreams. I love you, darling. With all my heart. And miss you, so so so very much. Sniff.
2012-06-09 15:09:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...and wrap myself around you- holding you close to me, hoping that you feel the soft curves of my body against yours in your sleep... Sigh.
2012-06-09 15:06:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's past midnight there, so I presume (& hopefully) you are sleeping, my darling. I softly kiss your lips, slip under the covers...
2012-06-09 15:05:31 (EDT)
2710 / 4823

_stoicOne_ It is not nice without you, darling. I miss sharing the days with you like we did... I miss those cheerful, happy times so much. :-(
2012-06-09 15:05:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should already be asleep, it is very late there... What happened, dear? Are you ok? Your lady misses you... :-(
2012-06-09 13:24:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Is everything alright with you?
2012-06-09 12:36:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Hope your day was lovely with some sweet rest & temple visit nice...
2012-06-09 11:18:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. My lil' butterfly heart suffers, darling. I will try to sleep now, too... & dream of you & me, running over grass, laughing...
2012-06-09 07:21:25 (EDT)

dgdreamin :)) lemonade?? As in making a lil sweet out of sour/lemons?? You are so gifted with words decorating thoughts!! xo
2012-06-09 07:13:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am there... kiss me please, deeply on my lips and put your hand on my belly and hold me close... If only...My darling... sad sigh.
2012-06-09 07:13:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you think you don't need a doc., then not. But please take good care of your eyes. Have a sweet rest, darling. Soft kisses on your lips.
2012-06-09 06:58:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and then sleep, wrapped into you... Sigh. Come darling, come to your lady... bring her cheerfulness back to her. Please.
2012-06-09 06:57:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't neglect my body. I wish I could give you a nice massage... and then cuddle with each other, kiss & caress & tease & smile & laugh...
2012-06-09 06:56:59 (EDT)

2711 / 4823

dgdreamin to see it barely scratched the surface of China. I would love to go visit again and see more :)) How have you been?
2012-06-09 06:39:58 (EDT)

dgdreamin Yes, still adjusting to the 12 hour time change. I had an incredible time. Stayed on the o, and even with everything I managed
2012-06-09 06:39:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to an eye doctor, darling. Kissing you softly on your eyes... nose, sweet lips, neck, throat... holding you close...
2012-06-09 03:49:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... me from behind. Sigh. It would be beautiful. And you will get your cheerful lady back...
2012-06-09 03:47:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we could do something lovely together. And we could go to watch a movie in the evening, or watch one at home with you holding...
2012-06-09 03:46:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful sunny day with gentle breeze & pleasant temperatures. You could take a nice shower to cool the system, then...
2012-06-09 03:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't deny my body the rest. It's not about that... I miss you, darling. So, so much! I wish you were here with me.
2012-06-09 03:46:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You too, need the rest. Office work? Hm, please don't work too much... My day will be some cleaning & chores- as usual.
2012-06-09 03:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so sweet. Sigh! I am sorry I didn't come to kiss you good night. But glad you slept longer & plan to rest today.
2012-06-09 03:44:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. You waited up for me? Really? Awww, I wish I could squeeze you now & kiss you softly & long for being...
2012-06-09 03:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sleeping you till my eyes get heavy & then curl into you, wrapping myself in your arms... Hope you are sleeping beautifully, my dear.
2012-06-08 18:49:18 (EDT)
2712 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I doubt that I can sleep, but I come now to sit by your side...I hold your hand & kiss you softly on your forehead & will watch sweetly...
2012-06-08 18:48:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling Anand. I missed you immensely. I wish you could have been with me... I needed you so much darling, but... :-(
2012-06-08 18:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... thinking about things. I didn't feel like doing anything, either. Not even talk.
2012-06-08 18:47:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of bed to feed the cats & eat something little, then I went for a walk & just sat on the grass watching the stars for a while...
2012-06-08 18:47:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I fell asleep & woke up around 20:00 feeling in a daze, not knowing where I was... I stayed in bed a little then got out
2012-06-08 18:46:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I'll lie down now, read a little & maybe nap with our boy. I miss you very much. A sweet, slow kiss on your lips, hugging you...
2012-06-08 09:44:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could, darling... You just don't want to...

2012-06-08 07:59:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As in? Don't you miss your lady's cheerfulness, her playfulness, natural lightness... smiles? And happily fluttering butterflies? I do.
2012-06-08 07:55:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... watching the clouds, listening to the birds... I miss you.
2012-06-08 07:11:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, darling. As I said, your lady is wilting away... I would so love to have you here, lying in your arms on the grass,
2012-06-08 07:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing your sister & nephew a pleasant trip. Hope they will reach home safe & sound and hope they enjoyed their stay.
2012-06-08 05:58:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No, I am not away, just... Silent. Doing my work quietly, slowly... won't do that much today.
2012-06-08 05:57:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ his hmm... "things" vanish. He slept snuggled up to me through the night.
2012-06-08 05:56:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And glad your eyes are better & that you decided to work from home. Our boy is still weak & drowsy... or just wondering where did...
2012-06-08 05:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I whisper a faint "good morning" and look up out of the basket for you to kiss my lips... I am glad that you slept well & feel well-rested.
2012-06-08 05:55:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Going swimmingly...smallest child's preschool graduation tomorrow, I'm so happy to see her so excited. :-)
2012-06-07 23:12:43 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you? I am doing ok. Nothing special going on. Miss talking to you daily. Have a nice day. Hugs
2012-06-07 20:39:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I think you have fallen asleep already. I didn't expect seeing you here after saying good night... Cheater! Sniff.
2012-06-07 14:06:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, come... let me hold you and cradle you to sleep. Please. It's very late...
2012-06-07 13:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are still awake!?

2012-06-07 13:48:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. I pulled up my top... for you to put your hand on my belly...
2012-06-07 13:04:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But why, tell me why do you torture me like that? Come back to our forest. Please. Take my hand & let the stars guide us through its beauty.
2012-06-07 12:59:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Soft tender kisses all over you... Yes my sweetest, I will join you asap & wrap you in my arms.
2012-06-07 12:53:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, my arms- this would help :-( Good night. May your sleep be sweet & restful with dreams that make you :-) in your sleep
2012-06-07 12:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do think of me as you sink into sleep... imagining me lying next to you, my arms around you, holding you...
2012-06-07 12:42:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And that a nicely made bed awaits you to fall into... and sleep away. :-) I just wish, so wish I could be there & cradle you in my arms...
2012-06-07 12:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh! I am sorry darling. You always get noisy copassengers. :-| And now the uncomfy rickshaw... But I hope you reach home soon.
2012-06-07 12:39:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your eyes my sweet darling. I hope you can rest a little...
2012-06-07 12:13:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is wilting away, darling...

2012-06-07 11:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But, but... Sad sigh. Come. Be with me. Please.

2012-06-07 10:47:31 (EDT)

soHbet_ thank you thank you thank you, coming from you!
2012-06-07 10:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Very very much. I wish I could hold your face in my hands, look into your eyes & kiss you sweetly, ever so softly...
2012-06-07 10:14:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I gently squeeze your thigh, whispering- please, my neck too... Lil' smile.
2012-06-07 10:04:56 (EDT)

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Heidi_Ayala He and K did actually get to spend some time together. # How is everything on your end? Are your sister and nephew still visiting?
2012-06-07 10:00:23 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala of summer classes and is looking forward to another before moving into a new place with some friends. His trip home was a good one and
2012-06-07 09:59:35 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala To spending time with friends. She has shown interest in volunteering in a hospital which I think she would love. D finished one set
2012-06-07 09:58:54 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala I think that will give better support when running. K and D are doing well. Today is the last day of school for K and she is looking forward
2012-06-07 09:57:54 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala I did sleep well, thank you. My heel today is a bit better, I am going to buy some new running shoes today.
2012-06-07 09:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? Do you sit comfortably? Darling? Would you please wrap your arm around my shoulder & pull me closer? I miss you...
2012-06-07 09:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But still... sorry for thinking you loved it there... and that B. holds such bad memories for you...
2012-06-07 09:46:07 (EDT)

Heidi_Ayala "She spoke ~ To the rhythm ~ Of unfurling buds" I love this a million and one different ways!
2012-06-07 09:39:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ??? What are you talking about? You mean the unpleasant memories...?
2012-06-07 09:36:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just me... Yes, back a while ago... was just quietly sitting next to you...
2012-06-07 09:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be back in a bit. Ok? Our boy needs some love... Poor
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thing, he is still groggy & not really in his happiest mood.

2012-06-07 07:59:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. How I wish I was sitting next to you... holding your hand, looking out the window while you kiss my shoulder...neck... I miss you so!
2012-06-07 07:47:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But still... is cooler than Chennai. We have almost the same temperatures here...
2012-06-07 07:44:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady misses you very much. Please take care...
2012-06-07 07:28:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a pleasant trip back home.Try to rest, darling. Kissing you softly on your temples, leaning my head against your shoulder...
2012-06-07 07:28:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and you spent there a nice time. My mistake. Can you forgive your lady?
2012-06-07 07:28:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I understand. I didn't know Chennai is your home town & all... Bad memories? I am sorry, darling. I thought you liked B.
2012-06-07 07:27:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Are you on your way back already? But well, it's late there & you'll have to work tomorrow. You and your crazy trips!
2012-06-07 07:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... is more pleasant there than in Chennai. Sad that you had to move... I think of B. as our city... Silly I know, but... :-)
2012-06-07 06:16:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. Btw, I checked the weather in Bangalore. We have the same weather here. :-) Seems like even the weather/temp.
2012-06-07 06:16:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to run some errands. Be back asap. I miss you loads, my sweet darling. I wish I could kiss your nose. And lips & ears and... Sigh.
2012-06-07 04:59:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you move to Chennai after returning from the US? For
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now, do enjoy your time with them. Sad that you can't stay there till Sunday.
2012-06-07 03:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't know. Deep sad sigh. Well, you lived in Bangalore. I remember, it all has started there. I hold that city close to my heart...
2012-06-07 03:31:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And even if I ruined my health...or died tomorrow, it shouldn't matter to you. Why would it...?
2012-06-07 03:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't ruin my health. I have no appetite & can't really sleep... how could I when my heart & soul suffers? But this, you don't understand.
2012-06-07 03:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Yes, I will do, darling. He is kind of groggy but all is fine. Well, rituals & the like sounds very nice, too.
2012-06-07 03:07:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to the vet to pick up our boy. A trail of soft, slow butterfly kisses along your spine... Do release the box when no one is looking...
2012-06-07 02:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds like it's going to be a wonderful day with lots of fun & cheer & smiles & many happy people. Enjoy your day, my dear.
2012-06-07 02:13:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't sleep that well lately, but it's unimportant. Wow, I wish I was there too. Can I come, darling? I wish I could...sigh.
2012-06-07 02:12:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet darling. I am glad you slept well, though surely not enough... But I hope my sweet sir is all fresh & smiling.
2012-06-07 02:12:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling...Why? It pains my lil' gentle heart beyond words. Please allow us to be with each other. Please allow your heart to sing with mine.
2012-06-06 16:46:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady is hugging her pillow... Crying. We miss each other & I know, I feel that you too, would be happy to hold me again.
2012-06-06 16:42:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I filled it with my sweetest kisses, sunflower smiles & caressesof butterfly wings. :-) I miss you. I love you. Hopelessly, helplessly.
2012-06-06 16:35:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a beautiful, smile filled, cheerful day. Oh! I hope you didn't forget to take your velvet box with you... Look into it, darling.
2012-06-06 16:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so hope that you are sleeping soundly & wake up feeling all fresh & well-rested. Wishing you and the people who will be there...
2012-06-06 16:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... sleep (& stop snoring for a moment ;-p), knowing it's me next to you, holding you... Sigh. If only... Please, let it come true.
2012-06-06 16:33:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I skipped dinner. Couldn't eat. Now, I slip under the covers, wrap my arms around you & kiss you behind your ear as you smile in your...
2012-06-06 16:32:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Our poor boy was so scared, I nearly cried... :-| He will sleep there tonight, the doc said it's better for him.
2012-06-06 14:51:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off now too... taking our boy to the vet. Poor thing. I wish you were here...
2012-06-06 14:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and wrap you in her arms. Now, I hug you to me & kiss you softly on your lips for sweet, lovely-lively dreams. Good night, my darling.
2012-06-06 14:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice! So happy that you finally reached! Yes please, sleep now... sweetly & soundly, knowing that your lady will join you soon
2012-06-06 14:04:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-06-06 13:42:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you reached, my sweetest & the travel was as pleasant as possible & have some fun & nice conv. with your friends before sleeping.
2012-06-06 13:39:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Still on the train or reached already? It's getting late there... And how are you feeling? Tired?
2012-06-06 12:50:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You shouldn't but would you... or could you say that? And honestly mean it? You really don't want to see your lady again?
2012-06-06 12:46:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, have you reached?

2012-06-06 11:39:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you say that to me what I wrote... while I hug you & look into your eyes? Sigh.
2012-06-06 11:38:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss it all, so so so very much. You my dear, you... :-(

2012-06-06 10:21:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet, gentle kiss on your lips, darling. Yes, I still remember the softness of your lips...the smell of you, the feel of you...
2012-06-06 10:19:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Can't tell you how very much. You do it too. Then, why this torture? Hm? You did listen to your heart and now...
2012-06-06 09:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... you did nothing at your grandma's place? Was it nice there? Wow, you travel again just for one day?
2012-06-06 09:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...meant nothing to you. Would you say it? Darling... my sweetest... :-( Please. Pretty please. Your lady doesn't understand you.
2012-06-06 09:16:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your eyes and then you to say that you don't want to be with me, don't feel happy with me, feel nothing at all for me and this all
2012-06-06 09:15:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? Anand, why? If you want it too, then why? The only thing that's pointless is your reasoning... I wish I could hug you now & look into
2012-06-06 09:15:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't want to see your lovely lady again, to be with her, to
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hold her... do you? And you say you miss me... :-(
2012-06-06 08:56:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still haven't told me more about your Sunday & there was some other questions... not important, but still...
2012-06-06 08:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the trip is today. How long will you stay there? Hope you enjoy your time & my best wishes to your friends.
2012-06-06 08:55:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, it just felt bad... and was disappointed because I thought... Well, you know what. Anyway, you could have told me that
2012-06-06 08:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back to work now. Again- please take care, darling. I'll be thinking of you... A million soft playful kisses for you to keep you company...
2012-06-06 07:53:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some of my questions remain unanswered and my DMs ignored... You do neglect your lady.
2012-06-06 07:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It feels really great that you tell me almost nothing lately... And I also don't know why I keep asking you...
2012-06-06 07:40:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for letting me know... :-( Anyway, wishing you a nice travel & hope you get pleasant co-passengers. Take care.
2012-06-06 07:21:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Come & give me those hugs & kisses... Please? Oh! Train station??? Where do you go? Or just picking up someone?
2012-06-06 07:09:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful sunshine outside. I wish you were sitting by my side, holding my hand, kissing my head that rests on your shoulder... Miss you.
2012-06-06 06:52:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love your tender hug, but... would you please pull me hard against you & kiss me deeply, passionately sweetly? God! How I miss you!
2012-06-06 04:11:25 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ There are so many things we could do together... sweet, lovely things that fill our insides with Spring... Sigh.
2012-06-06 04:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How is your day? Mine is like any other day... I would really, really love to have you here, darling.
2012-06-06 04:10:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I did enjoy it. And thanks. It was the rehearsal for the real concert on Friday. He was extremely nervous but sang beautifully.
2012-06-06 04:09:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when you go to sleep. I am sorry they ruined your sleep. I slept fine though I could've slept more. Tired.
2012-06-06 04:09:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hi my darling. What? At 2:30??? Are they crazy? Why did they call in the middle of the night? You should put your phone on silent
2012-06-06 04:08:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes smoothly, my darling. Missing you. A lot. Sweet slow butterfly kisses on your tummy & an inch below your navel...
2012-06-06 02:19:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... my lovely-scented toweled self, whispering good morning... Sigh! I see, you were rushing to the office & caught up in work.
2012-06-06 02:19:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Slept peacefully? Woke up all fresh? Oh, just to wake you up with a sweet kiss, hold you close to
2012-06-06 02:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh you say your heart can only melt for the Divine... It did melt for me, too. And now? :-( I sleep now. Sleep is good. Like a refuge...
2012-06-05 18:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you! Be happy & :-)...while your lady's heart cries. Just don't forget to take time to smell the roses in your striving for the Divine.
2012-06-05 18:03:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. I fell in love with you. I can't change that. I can't withdraw my love. Why me? Why did you cross my path? Why... oh
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2012-06-05 17:58:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so sweet & not so kind darling... who once created a beautiful forest for his lovely lady & now, leaving her alone... Sad sigh.
2012-06-05 17:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, your super-tired lady joins you under the covers, kisses you softly & snuggles into you... Hope you are sleeping sweetly, my not...
2012-06-05 17:53:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...and adore on the stage & hear him sing. Smile, Maria- his wife (my friend) broke out in tears. After 18 years, on the stage again...
2012-06-05 17:52:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Simply awesome, amazing, wonderful. There are no words to describe how amazing it was to see the man I admire, respect...
2012-06-05 17:52:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. Yes, I went to the rehearsal. Although I don't like rock, it was... fantastic! An unforgettable experience for sure.
2012-06-05 17:51:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look at me! Look at my butterflies! What was once in full bloom is now withering away... And you just watch it & do nothing...
2012-06-05 12:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't like rock music... and am not in my best mood. But yes, good night.
2012-06-05 12:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly with happy dreams. Soft kisses on your eyes... & a deep, slow one on your lips. I will join you...
2012-06-05 11:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't need your sorry. I need you, holding me :-( I think I'd better leave you alone tonight. Maybe I go to the rehearsal, not sure...
2012-06-05 11:56:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired, darling. Tired of missing you. Tired of begging you. Tired of loving you... Oh how sweet it was! Every single day and now...
2012-06-05 11:51:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Instead, I walk alone in our forest, swing on the swing watching the birds watching me... and soon, I will curl up in your basket & sleep.
2012-06-05 11:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. I wish you were here now... kissing some smiles into me...
2012-06-05 11:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What hmm?

2012-06-05 11:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good. The A/C dries the eyes... Sigh. If only I could really kiss your eyes while you sleep...
2012-06-05 11:28:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah darling, for my good or not... doesn't really matter. :-(

2012-06-05 11:23:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, in that case yes- no A/C tonight. Glad your eyes are ok... better. Cooling liquid... and don't forget your lady's healing kisses...
2012-06-05 11:22:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because it was tiring. Didn't get much sleep & had lots of work to do. Anyway, I am tired of everything. It's always the same...
2012-06-05 11:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, we ate together! I just had a yoghurt & a banana. Why don't you want to use the A/C? And how is your eyes? Better?
2012-06-05 11:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But but... if you missed me, you would rush to me & sweep me into your arms... Sniff. Long meeting. Glad it's over.
2012-06-05 11:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. And those happy days with you...

2012-06-05 10:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was your day? Mine is tiring. Feeling old & wilted... I wish we could vanish together for a while... Sigh.
2012-06-05 10:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) and I run my hands under your undershirt and kiss and
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nibble your earlobes while you ask those questions... ;-)

2012-06-05 10:08:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. And the evening meetings continue... I hug you to me & kiss you a sweet welcome home and... keep hugging you while you talk...
2012-06-05 09:57:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you didn't know...

2012-06-05 09:11:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok, I see. Thank you... many many little gentle kisses flitting back to you... Where are you? On your way home? Or reached already?
2012-06-05 09:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off for a short while. Have a safe, pleasant drive home. Do take care, darling. Sweet fluttering kisses for you...
2012-06-05 07:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't run away from me, daring. Please don't leave me alone in our forest...
2012-06-05 07:40:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't confuse me, darling. It's because you tell me and talk to me less & less and/or don't answer my questions.
2012-06-05 07:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope your day is fine & you can leave for home soon. Do your eyes still hurt? Hm, I thought he was in India...
2012-06-05 07:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Always this never ending busyness... no matter whether in the office or at home... You even forgot to kiss your lady. Sniff.
2012-06-05 07:08:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sweet to sayid probably be the first to know! Good evening to you, Anand. :-)
2012-06-05 06:57:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am working. I'd rather be sleeping... It's windy & rainy outside. But not cold. Missing you. :-(
2012-06-05 06:00:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet sir is too busy today. No rushing to your
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lady in your lunch break to pull her to you & kiss her deeply... Sigh.
2012-06-05 05:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would kiss you every time you guessed right which fruit it was. It would be fun. :-) I miss you, darling.
2012-06-05 04:36:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, my sweet darling. I would still love to feed you with sliced fruits sitting on the grass or a bench...
2012-06-05 04:36:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do sneak in whenever you can... Your lady misses you. So, so much.
2012-06-05 02:38:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, thousand sweet kisses on lively butterfly wings all over you darling... to make your day more eventful.
2012-06-05 02:37:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mine is the usual, too. Today evening is the open rehearsal, but not sure I go. How goes your day, my dear? Easy like yesterday?
2012-06-05 02:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pairing... Sigh! My hello to that Hungarian guy. Doesn't he plan to come in summer? If yes, ask him to take you with him. Please. :-)
2012-06-05 02:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too, have a slight headache... I wish I could go back to bed & sleep. Please do go to an eye doctor.
2012-06-05 02:34:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but my soft kisses that I kept giving you through the night. No, honest. ;-) I woke up several times, darling.
2012-06-05 02:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Glad you slept well & that your eyes feel better. But hope you know it wasn't the cooling liquid alone...
2012-06-05 02:33:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That's sweet to say. :-) I'm holding you to that, y'know! ;-)
2012-06-05 00:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now, darling...quietly, softly. Kissing your arm as you
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sigh contentedly in your sleep, pulling me closer...Sleep my dear, sleep.

2012-06-04 15:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady keeps begging you...

2012-06-04 13:18:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss all that we shared. Our time together. Sleeping with you in the basket, walking in the forest...Everything.
2012-06-04 13:17:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Those days when it was sunny within, no matter what. When I fell asleep smiling & woke up smiling, knowing you do the same...
2012-06-04 13:17:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is getting wilted more & more... Oh how I miss those days when even missing you felt sweet!
2012-06-04 13:16:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am holding you darling close, very close to me... lovingly, tenderly...'s not the same. I would love to really feel you. :'-(
2012-06-04 12:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell me, when will you hold me again? When will my skin feel your soft lips, the touch of your fingertips...? I miss you. :-(
2012-06-04 12:34:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tender kisses on your eyes, darling. I will join you asap. Ok? But for now... I am under the covers with you, holding you...
2012-06-04 12:31:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I see. Sorry. Anyway yes, let's snuggle up darling... I will cuddle & rock you to a sweet sleep. Good night. Sleep soundly.
2012-06-04 12:31:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May you sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. I kiss you softly on your lips, holding you close... Good night.
2012-06-04 12:16:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I see you don't really want to talk... or cuddle or come to your lady or whatever. :-( So, wishing you a lovely night's sleep.
2012-06-04 12:11:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A laconic lady who is not as stupid as some might think... You
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are sweet.
2012-06-04 12:10:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I just watch the news & keep my ears open...
2012-06-04 11:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, sudden downpour with thunder! Come darling, come come... smell the rain & feel the thunder with me! If only you were here now...Sigh.
2012-06-04 11:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For that he doesn't want the Euros & some rules/changes would also lead to an economic catastrophe. Some like him, some hate him.
2012-06-04 11:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure Victor's methods are questionable & some of them unacceptable but he is just trying to avoid a total collapse...
2012-06-04 11:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Just read it. Well, it's more difficult than that. Hungary is poor & not that strong. And the fin. crisis hit Hungary really hard.
2012-06-04 11:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks. Will read that article a bit later.

2012-06-04 11:10:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can, darling. You could fly to me. You just don't want to... see & hold your lady again. :-( It does hurt very much.
2012-06-04 11:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's it! Be happy to have them at all. Otherwise you would have to take your bike or the bus.
2012-06-04 11:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am... for you to hug & kiss. Well, puzzles are a good challenge, that's true. But an easy day now & then isn't that bad, right?
2012-06-04 11:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No hugging back your lovely lady? Then not. Back to work now. Will look for you in a bit. My hello to your nephew.
2012-06-04 09:43:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my dear Anand. So incredibly much!

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2012-06-04 09:20:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, why that? I thought this new cab company is good... No? Smile, then fly to me. Or anything, just... Sigh.
2012-06-04 09:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, at least no problems in the office or tricky puzzles...

2012-06-04 09:17:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Hugging you tight & kissing you sweetly. Welcome home, my sweetest.
2012-06-04 09:14:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Waiting my sweet darling to come home & greet him with a lovely arm-wrap & happy kisses. I am yawning too, btw.
2012-06-04 08:44:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care darling. Have a pleasant drive home. God! How I wish... Sniff. I miss you.
2012-06-04 08:03:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, poor guy but it must be done. On Wednesday at 20:30 -my time. Now, I will be away from my laptop for a short while.
2012-06-04 08:03:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, it's beautiful here. Tell the cab driver to change direction & drive to Budapest. Sigh. If only...
2012-06-04 08:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just ok? Or a good working day? And don't worry, I almost never catch a cold. Maybe in winter time for a few days, that's all.
2012-06-04 08:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet sir! :-) You have glasses? Please do wear it. Not all day, but when you work on the comp. It might help... well, or not.
2012-06-04 08:02:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. He wasn't there but at least I have his number now. Missing you, darling. Hope you are fine & day is fine, too.
2012-06-04 06:14:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... top button. :-) I am off to the vet. I lost his phone number. Our boy needs to be neutered asap. Poor thing.
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2012-06-04 05:05:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady keeps missing you... A soft butterfly kiss on your throat darling. Wish my fingers crossed oceans... to unbutton your...
2012-06-04 05:04:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you need glasses, darling. At least while you are working on the computer. I miss you too. A lot lot lot. Really, a lot. Sniff.
2012-06-04 02:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hold you close & kiss you softly on your eyes. Feels a little better? No? I kiss you again and again... and again... :-)
2012-06-04 02:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope your day is pleasant & everything goes as it should... Please do tell me more about your yesterday.
2012-06-04 02:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How does it feel to be back to work? Lots of work to do, right? And the pairing continues... Sigh.
2012-06-04 02:40:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now, the sun shines brightly, the wind blows softly... perfect day to spend it outside. I really wish you were here now!
2012-06-04 02:39:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, too. Woke up with a light headache. The weather is crazy. Rain & low temperatures, then sun & hot- for you, just warm :-)
2012-06-04 02:39:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet cuddle bear. ;-) Oooh, just to wake up to the sound of your voice...and then the feel of you...I'd love it very much.
2012-06-04 02:38:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I come now darling & wrap your sweetly sleeping, peacefully snoring self in my arms... :-) Hope your sleep is deep & restful my dear.
2012-06-03 16:15:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. I wish I didn't... but I do. You have no clue how very much... Sigh. Sleep my dear and dream of me holding you...
2012-06-03 13:36:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) No. I thank you. One more kiss on your lips for sweet lively
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dreams... Good night, my darling.

2012-06-03 13:23:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh. Oooh! Forgot to type "day" as in, my day... I am getting senile... forget whole words, not just letters. Blush. :-D
2012-06-03 13:19:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with beautiful dreams. I will join you asap and wrap myself around you... :-)
2012-06-03 13:17:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep now. It's very late & you will need the rest...Kissing you softly on your eyes, holding you in my arms... Good night, darling.
2012-06-03 13:15:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I really wish we were together now... I would so love to hold you & cradle you to sleep. My sweet darling... Your lady is sad.
2012-06-03 13:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It also looks lovely... No, it is not like that top. Come & I will show you... ;-)
2012-06-03 13:12:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Instead, come my sweetest, let's snuggle up & tell me all the tales of your travel while I hold you gently & kiss you & caress you. :-)
2012-06-03 13:11:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, please... you had a long day & you must be tired, so even though it is very tempting, but no massaging my legs. Tomorrow. Ok? :)
2012-06-03 13:10:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad to hear lil' man enjoyed his time, but what about you? My was ok, nothing special. Missed you, darling. So much! :-(
2012-06-03 13:10:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! A lovely squeezing welcome home hug darling & a sweet deep long kiss... So happy to have you back... safe & sound :-)
2012-06-03 13:10:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet gentle darling? Sniff. It's very late there...Is
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everything alright? Are you off tomorrow too? Please rush home... to me.
2012-06-03 12:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady misses you loads! A million sweet soft butterflywinged kisses for my sweet darling, wishing they could carry you to me...
2012-06-03 10:24:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Still at your grandma's place or on the way back home? I really hope your day was beautiful filled with fun & smiles
2012-06-03 10:23:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...with a big butterfly on it. :-) I saw it & thought of you & had to buy it. Sigh. I am sure you would like it.
2012-06-03 10:21:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. God! My feet hurt. I bought some food, fruits, mineral water etc... and I also bought a white skinny trouser & a nice top
2012-06-03 10:20:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out now for some shopping, darling. Wish you could come with me... I miss you. A lot. Sniff. So, not really happy...
2012-06-03 06:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? Do you enjoy your time there? Is your grandma happy?
2012-06-03 06:07:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It did! Thank you darling, your lady is beaming. :-) Sweet lively kisses flitting back to you to keep you smiling... :-)
2012-06-03 06:06:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... of butterfly wings envelope you in the most beautiful Spring. Sigh. Missing you, darling. Very very much. Enjoy your day & take care.
2012-06-03 03:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is lovely & joyous, my darling. Open your box, close your eyes & let my soft kisses and sweet scented breeze...
2012-06-03 03:32:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can feel them running through my veins now, making my blood bubbling like champagne... :-)
2012-06-03 03:31:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweetest, it was the most delicious tea I've ever tasted. Iwas sipping it slowly, savoring the sweet of your kisses in every drop...
2012-06-03 03:31:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He invited me to an open rehearsal on Tuesday evening. He's busy working on a reunion concert with his old band (East). Not sure I go.
2012-06-03 03:30:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, maybe I wanted to forget time. I felt terrible yest., needed to step out & distract my mind... even if for a short while :-|
2012-06-03 03:29:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, I think. Woke up late, around 8. It's Sunday, have nothing to do except some cleaning that I didn't do yesterday.
2012-06-03 03:28:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how much I am blushing now! You did the tchoin tchoin while I slept? But but... Ahh, you know what? If it makes you happy just do it ;-)
2012-06-03 03:28:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And tell me, did you sleep sweetly feeling your lady's lovely arms around you in your sleep? Sigh.
2012-06-03 03:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Where are you now? Reached your grandma's place? How are you feeling? How was the travel?
2012-06-03 03:27:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You plan on visiting it again on the future. :-)

2012-06-02 22:09:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I just hate people who walk around like shells, see a lot of that there. But it IS a magnificent city! You must let me know if
2012-06-02 22:09:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Now, I LOVE going into the city for food or a show, but always mostly food brings me there! :-) love to experience different places/foods.
2012-06-02 19:45:06 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Completely self absorbed people. I see that, then I know

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the glamour has worn off for me.

2012-06-02 19:44:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I see people running around, like hamsters on a wheel, trying to afford the big city, vapid, caring only about climbing the corporate ladder
2012-06-02 19:43:32 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't like it too spread out,but NYC can wear on me. I love the anonymity of the eclectic crowds,but then I start to see it with diff eyes
2012-06-02 19:42:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Immensely. :-( Your lady was very sad today, she would've loved to have you with her... I sleep now. And dream of you.
2012-06-02 16:09:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Put them in your pockets, darling. And whenever you feel you could use one, then... just take one... they are all yours & yours alone :-)
2012-06-02 16:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, don't forget to collect my sunlight-scented sweet good morning kisses & gentle hugs that I left for you...
2012-06-02 16:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be asleep when you wake up & leave, so... wishing you a beautiful, happy day darling & a safe, pleasant trip. Please do take care.
2012-06-02 16:06:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope your dreams are sweet & you :-) in your sleep knowing the soft warmth you feel is your lady, holding you dearly...
2012-06-02 16:05:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have dinner now, freshen up and join you under the covers. Till then... sleep sweetly with smiles, darling.
2012-06-02 13:23:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ fingers & kiss you softly on your forehead. I love to watch you sleep, do you know that? You look so sweet, so peaceful. Sigh.
2012-06-02 13:23:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... back to hug you tight & kiss you a sweet good night. :-( Now,I tiptoe to your bed, sit down, brush your cheeks with the back of...
2012-06-02 13:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. I am so sorry, darling. We were chatting about this & that and I didn't look at the time. I am really sorry I didn't get
2012-06-02 13:21:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd rather be there & go for a lovely walk with you after the temple... Sigh. A sweet kiss on your lips, darling. Enjoy your temple visit.
2012-06-02 09:19:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I walk over to my old friends now, she called in the morning asking me to come over. Will be back soon. Ok?
2012-06-02 09:19:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to unlove you just because you have done something in the past. Anyway, it doesn't matter what I say... so, I keep my mouth shut. :-(
2012-06-02 09:18:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I changed my mind, I don't love you anymore because you are divorced... But it doesn't work like this. I can't tell my heart...
2012-06-02 09:18:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling. A lot lot lot. You told me that you were married after we bared our hearts... Then, I could have said too...
2012-06-02 09:18:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I don't want to discuss... Sigh. I would so love to have you here right now... to be held by you... I love it. I miss it.
2012-06-02 07:30:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw, to me a divorce is worse than a live-in relationship. But it is just me...
2012-06-02 07:19:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He didn't want to marry me... Well, at the beginning he said he will but then... Hm. Should I have forced him to marry me?
2012-06-02 07:18:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, today is your temple day...I am glad that you stayed home. Rest, relax, enjoy the empty house...Some more kisses on your temples,
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2012-06-02 07:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, to have a child out of wedlock is a bad thing, but if I had been married, I would be divorced now... Would it be better? Not one bit.
2012-06-02 07:02:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Till you knew more... as in? What more? I just meant that even in India, people break marriages. Whether they are traditional or not.
2012-06-02 07:02:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your headache? A little better? It's grey & unfriendly outside, doing chores & some cleaning...
2012-06-02 04:24:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some courses? Ha! You don't even want to see me again. Then what are you talking about?
2012-06-02 04:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Traditional...then again, why have you bared your heart? Why did you let all this happen? God! And btw, being divorced is not one bit better
2012-06-02 04:23:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling.

2012-06-02 03:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is lovely and again... please do rest as much as you can. What about the guests, btw? Did they come?
2012-06-02 02:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You make me feel like I am a bad, depraved person. I am not. Anyway, I am not going to defend myself. For what? For not being Indian? Silly.
2012-06-02 02:30:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't have plenty of men in my life, no affairs, no sex adventures, no drugs, no alcohol, no doing anything bad or illicit, etc...
2012-06-02 02:29:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have a son out of wedlock. You said it's a problem, but manageable. And that thing with D... still feel awful about it.
2012-06-02 02:28:19 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your temples & forehead, darling while gently massaging your head. I wish I could really do it... Please do rest today.
2012-06-02 02:27:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Glad you slept well & hopefully long... I didn't sleep that well, but it was beautiful to wake up in your arms.
2012-06-02 02:27:24 (EDT)

Darkntwistd room at the hospital to open up. I am spending most of my time taking care of her. I love your are so talented. Hugs, A
2012-06-01 22:41:12 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Versace is good. Brianna is getting ready for another knee surgery. They are going to do it in the next week or two..waiting for a free
2012-06-01 22:39:52 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Annie
2012-06-01 22:36:33 (EDT)

Darkntwistd up dm and text messages. I miss you so much. You gave of yourself and I used you to help me to feel better. I hope you are well. Hugs,
2012-06-01 22:36:28 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you? I am doing ok. I got a new droid phone and am having a hard time figuring out how to use it and keep messing
2012-06-01 22:35:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha, yes, India has a large population, very true! I never have to actually stay over, I live not too far away. :-)
2012-06-01 20:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I watched Avatar on TV. A very nice movie, with or without 3D. I hope you are sleeping deeply, my dear. Sigh yes, holding you close to me...
2012-06-01 16:57:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Maybe this is exactly what you want...So please, just push me away. Throw it all away...all that's beautiful just 'cause it's difficult.
2012-06-01 14:30:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. With all my heart. And you know that. But I am getting tired...
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2012-06-01 13:54:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, because you don't suffer like I do... Why have you bared your heart at all? Why did you let it melt? Just to have something to steel?
2012-06-01 13:46:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I really don't understand you. You would like it too, then why... :-( Why all this torture? Anand why?
2012-06-01 13:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could use a break. And I mean away from everything... not only from work. Or let's meet somewhere else, just... Sigh.
2012-06-01 12:35:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling. Please. Allow us to be with each other & spend a beautiful time together. Pretty please.
2012-06-01 12:30:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft gentle kisses on your forehead, temples, eyes... and a sweet slow one on your lips. I will join you very soon...
2012-06-01 12:20:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sad, Anand. My lil' heart aches... I would love to really hug & kiss you, you know? Good night. Sleep sweetly. Dream sweet dreams.
2012-06-01 12:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts terribly that I can't see you, to be with you... And it hurts even more that I know we could... but you don't allow it...
2012-06-01 12:11:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was beautiful, btw. :-) I already told was ok with lots of work. Your lady is sad, darling.
2012-06-01 12:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, darling. Not at all. But I am frowning... :-) Please do try to relax tomorrow. And tweets as DM is better than DM to the timeline ;-)
2012-06-01 12:07:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ooops, here's the missing "i" Blush :-)

2012-06-01 11:50:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Thank you, darling. Your kiss was sweet... Yes please, let's go to bed soon... and hug & cuddle and... sgh
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2012-06-01 11:48:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah! Having guests is nice. My poor sweet darling, kisses on your eyes, too. I really wish I could massage your head... :-(
2012-06-01 11:37:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Enjoy your dinner. Oh ok, I see... but why not, btw? Planned something else for tomorrow?
2012-06-01 11:17:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, no but. You can. You could. It's up to you. Sad sigh. I miss you. Darling, please... I would so love to see you. So, so much :-(
2012-06-01 11:16:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me, darling. Please.

2012-06-01 11:03:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, soft kisses on your temples. I wish I could massage your head... Sigh. It would be beautiful to have you here with me.
2012-06-01 10:59:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, hopefully you will get back to normal tomorrow... after a good night's sleep. My day was ok, too. Had lots of work to do.
2012-06-01 10:58:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear, I am sorry you couldn't sleep & all... If you felt tired, then why did you go shopping? Why not tomorrow?
2012-06-01 10:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Really? Well, then we both were wondering...Why? Because...because then you'd pull me to you & give me a love-bite which I so love ;-p
2012-06-01 10:57:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the sweet sir has vanished on his lovely lady... Hmmm.
2012-06-01 10:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A bit tired. Or just sleepy. I wish you were here... Sigh. How are you, darling? How was your day?
2012-06-01 09:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happily jumping in your arms & gently bite your nose ;-p Welcome back, my darling. Yep, found the book. Your lady is yawning...
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2012-06-01 09:11:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Still shopping? Please rush home to your lady... she misses you very very much.
2012-06-01 07:59:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course... loads of kisses, sweet lively ones for my darling too. :-)
2012-06-01 06:11:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest, I am back. And you are gone... Sniff. Do think of me while shopping... & how your lady would enjoy to be there too. :-)
2012-06-01 06:07:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, the sun peeking out... :-) A quick deep kiss, a gentle squeeze... a smile and sigh and... whoosh :-)
2012-06-01 04:58:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am off to the bookstore. Kelvin needs a book for school (required reading or so). Hope your day's lovely :-) Missing you
2012-06-01 04:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet soft long kiss on your lips, darling. I wish you were here! I'd so love to hug & kiss & cuddle with you...on & on, for hours on end.
2012-06-01 03:00:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Any plans for the day? Mine is quite busy, lots of work to do. How is your mom & your nephew? Feeling better?
2012-06-01 02:58:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have really loved to have you here with me. Sniff. Hungarian weather is crazy. Yesterday was sunny & today I woke up to rain :-|
2012-06-01 02:58:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really came to read my DMs? Cheater! ;-p But I find it very sweet... :-) Yes, the walk was lovely but... Sigh.
2012-06-01 02:57:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and eager to learn and succeed. Good to know you have at least one person in your team who cares too.
2012-06-01 02:57:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh I see. Smile, you too, are quite righteous at times. It ismostly a delight to work with young people. They are energetic...
2012-06-01 02:56:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you are fine. I've been thinking about you all the time... Missed you so, so much!
2012-06-01 02:56:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for holding me, it sweetened my sleep... and my morning & day. :-) Darling, was it very hot yesterday?
2012-06-01 02:55:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, good morning! So happy to have you back! :-) How is your throat now? Did you sleep sweetly? Feeling fresh & rested?
2012-06-01 02:54:46 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Things are moving along swimmingly. How about've only said that you're life treating you well, or has it been crazy?
2012-05-31 23:25:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Kids are good, youngest is "graduating" Pre-school next week, she's thrilled to be going to "big kids" school come sept.
2012-05-31 23:22:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire But not the hustle! It's fun sometimes, though...and the food!!! Sigh! How I love food.
2012-05-31 23:21:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Last time I was in the city was around Christmas time...HORRID time to go, so crowded with miserable people, lol! I miss the conveniences,
2012-05-31 23:20:51 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm not keen on it! Lololol! I've been ok, working, living life to its know, the usual! ;-) I'm glad that you've been good!
2012-05-31 22:11:47 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I don't mind at all! Sister leaving soon, no? How are you? I'm do glad to have brought a smile to your face.
2012-05-31 22:07:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ In bed now, thinking of you... and me... us together, and all the things we could do...Dreamy sigh. My sweet Anand. Missing you. Loving you.
2012-05-31 15:42:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you're sleeping happily with smiles as I snuggle up behind you, kiss your shoulder & hug you to me...Good night :-)
2012-05-31 15:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a downpour of DMs will await you in the morning. I tried to hold back... Honest. :-) Now dinner, shower & sleep...with you in my arms
2012-05-31 14:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. It was lovely, really but... sad sigh. I missed you walking by my side. And my hand missed yours to hold.
2012-05-31 14:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hug you gently & kiss you softly on your eyes, whispering good night. I will join you when I return... :-)
2012-05-31 12:36:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go for a walk now. It's too beautiful to just sit here...I wish you could come with me. You & me, holding hands... I miss you, Anand.
2012-05-31 12:35:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... darling's bedtime. :-) Hope you had a lovely day & enjoyed the silence... and yourself... and my butterflies and all :-)
2012-05-31 12:33:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day, my sweetest. It is a very beautiful late afternoon here, still sunny with pleasant 26C. And there, it's my sweet...
2012-05-31 12:33:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day's normal, darling. Nothing noteworthy. Really. Just work & ... you. Nearly done with work... your lady was pretty good today. ;-)
2012-05-31 10:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here again :-) In my mind, holding you right now...quietly, lovingly, lips brushing along your jaw line. God! How I miss you!
2012-05-31 10:06:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anyway... I kiss you softly on your forehead now & whoosh... :-) I miss you.
2012-05-31 07:16:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, seems like that girl cares too... or are her concerns different from yours? And why did you say "kid"? Is she so young?
2012-05-31 07:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope your day is fine & you get some sweet rest between thoughts & mediation, etc. I need to get back to work in a few minutes...
2012-05-31 07:15:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and run their hands over the air above you in a gentle, faraway caress... :-) I hope it's not too hot in your room, darling.
2012-05-31 07:12:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking a break, sitting outside in pink-black checked shorts & white top... enjoying the sun, the wind; letting my thoughts fly to you...
2012-05-31 07:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...meditation. And I hope you can feel in your silence that I am thinking of you. Missing you very much. This silly lady loves you, Anand.
2012-05-31 03:53:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sending you sunflower smiles, soft little touches, wispy kisses & scented sighs on gentle butterfly wings :-) I hope they don't disturb your
2012-05-31 03:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, busy catching up on stuff... It's sunny outside with some clouds & slight wind. Refreshing. You'd like it here right now, darling. Sigh
2012-05-31 03:51:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... drinking tea together. Iced hibiscus tea with lemon. Smile. We had no power this morning. They are doing some maintenance work or so.
2012-05-31 03:50:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my lovely darling. :-) I hope you slept sweetly & long. I vaguely remember waking up from a dream where we were
2012-05-31 03:49:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thinking of you.

2012-05-31 01:02:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... that I will join you soon and wrap you in my arms... :-) My darling, may your dreams take you to smiling lands...
2012-05-30 14:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I was too slow. I am so sorry! :-( But I hope you got my good night kiss anyway... & you smiled as you faded into sleep, knowing
2012-05-30 14:51:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Are you here or did I miss you... again?

2012-05-30 14:20:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep & dream sweetly. Soft kiss on your eyes, nose, lips... I join you in a bit & hug you tenderly to me...
2012-05-30 14:11:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling! Have a sweet, peaceful, relaxing tomorrow... my spirit will be with you ... :-) Hope you will feel it somehow...
2012-05-30 14:09:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will keep sending you sweet silent butterfly kisses...if it is allowed. If not... just butterflies, to look over you. Silently, lovingly.
2012-05-30 13:56:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do drink enough... That's sweet of you. Thank you. And you, please know that I will be thinking of you & missing you, too. Very much.
2012-05-30 13:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I understand. :-(

2012-05-30 13:47:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I miss you. A lot. You stayed away for so long today... & then tomorrow... Your lady is :-(
2012-05-30 13:25:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? You should already be in bed...
2012-05-30 13:20:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I hope you have eaten and drunk well... A whole day without water in that heat... Please be careful, dear & keep your room cool...
2012-05-30 13:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... :-(

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2012-05-30 12:52:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is my sweet sir doing? What keeps him away from his lovely lady? Hm?
2012-05-30 12:12:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) awww, squeezing you gently, kissing you... then rub my nose against yours & kiss you again... :-) Anand, my sweetest... Deep sigh.
2012-05-30 11:55:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I miss a thousand things about you, my dear.

2012-05-30 11:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, will you let me cuddle you & kiss you now? I so miss hugging you...
2012-05-30 11:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be thinking of you every second & my butterflies will be with you... Don't worry, they won't bother you just... looking over you. :-)
2012-05-30 11:18:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... together. It's up to you darling & you know that. But you... Sigh.
2012-05-30 11:17:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know my dear, I don't say there are no complications & difficulties, but... we could find a way... And we could also spend time...
2012-05-30 11:16:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still haven't answered my question. Doing something different together... as in?
2012-05-30 10:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my darling? Had a pleasant day? Tired & sweaty? :-) Come, let me cuddle you & kiss you sweetly, softly...
2012-05-30 10:55:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oooh! Does it mean no food, no water, no talking to anyone, no kissing your sweet lady...nothing just silence. Sigh. I will miss you :-(
2012-05-30 10:49:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I am sorry the planetarium was disappointing. But glad he enjoyed the zoo. Anyway, all the walking in that heat...
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2012-05-30 10:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am! Guess what! We lost power. :-| But could've taken your mobile with you. ;-p Of course I miss you when I fall asleep :-)
2012-05-30 10:48:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The planetarium is so beautiful... I so wish I was sitting next to you, holding your hand... Hmm. Hope your nephew loves it.
2012-05-30 08:03:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day goes quietly, darling. Working. Nothing special. A soft kiss on the tip of your cute nose, darling. And a lovely hug & a :-)
2012-05-30 07:55:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you had missed me, then you would have... sigh, never mind. On the other hand, you left to spend some time by yourself so, all is fine.
2012-05-30 07:55:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. Honest. You needed some "me time". I just missed you...
2012-05-30 07:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... some time by yourself. Sorry the heat is still that bad. Anyway, hope you have fun & enjoy the planetarium.
2012-05-30 05:58:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I understand. I really do. But still, you could've sent me a quick message... How are you feeling? I believe it felt very good to spend
2012-05-30 05:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I miss you! :-( Where are you my sweetest? Lost power? Are you busy with chores? I hope all is well...
2012-05-30 04:32:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, missing you. So so much! My day will be the usual... Sweet, scented butterfly kisses from your head to toe, my dear...
2012-05-30 02:16:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your mom? How goes your day? Just had breakfast on the terrace, it's a very nice sunny morning here with a gentle breeze.
2012-05-30 02:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep sweetly? Woke up with a :-) feeling fresh? I slept
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ok, fell asleep on the couch watching TV... Blush. I am getting old...
2012-05-30 02:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet sir. I see, you had a busy morning... woke up to no one beside me. Sniff. How are you, my darling?
2012-05-30 02:13:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, what I would give to be able to sit by your side, hold your hand & watch you sleep... You have no idea, darling... Sigh!
2012-05-29 13:04:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep deeply. :-) A soft kiss on your lips for sweet tender dreams. Yes, I join you shortly...
2012-05-29 12:54:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You have no idea how much I am blushing now! But glad you like them... something to smile about... ;-)
2012-05-29 12:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ooops, I meant "this". I think I have to clean my keyboard. Blush.

2012-05-29 12:42:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You cleaned his late? :-| I don't know... wilted. And you, my darling are tired... so please, come now, let me hold you, rock you to sleep.
2012-05-29 12:40:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) my sweet sweet super duper tired darling... your lady sits on the bed, waiting for you...
2012-05-29 12:30:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ (oops, "and" ) ... and blow cool air all over you... :-) Come here, darling... Here it is pleasant-warm. Sigh.
2012-05-29 12:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still so hot? Sigh. Please go to bed soon... I will take a break & be with you till you fall asleep. Will rock you gently an caress you...
2012-05-29 12:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That was lovely of them. :-) And the thought of you cooking & cleaning & taking care of your mom makes me smile. Yeah, family... :-)
2012-05-29 12:15:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And btw, you still haven't told me what you meant by doing something different together...
2012-05-29 11:38:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh. I am sorry to hear about your mom... it can be quite painful. Did your sister help you with all the chores?
2012-05-29 11:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How could I be so silly? Such things shouldn't happen... not to me. You are to blame, darling. My head is so full of thoughts of you... ;-p
2012-05-29 11:35:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did? Really really? Awww so sweet... :-) I wish I could wrap my arms around you now & just squeeze you for a while... Smile. Sigh.
2012-05-29 11:34:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Don't you miss your lovely, silly lady? Shy smile...
2012-05-29 11:03:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And how is my sweet darling? Did you enjoy your day? I miss you. A lot. Sniff. I would've loved to be there today...
2012-05-29 10:14:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile and what a wonderful, creative idea it was with the lampshade! What next? ;-) How's your nephew, btw? Feeling better?
2012-05-29 10:13:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally home. Yes, have my milk & baguette etc. too. Phew! What a chaotic afternoon! :-|
2012-05-29 10:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I raced to the bank & the kind lady allowed me to try the code once more and... tada! It worked... and also changed my code. :-)
2012-05-29 10:12:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was so embarrassing. Blush. Never happened this before. :-( Then I raced home to look for the number but couldn't find it.
2012-05-29 10:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, your lady is so silly! I had no money with, so I wanted to pay with my card but...I forgot my pin code! And my card got
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2012-05-29 10:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we were together, Anand. How beautiful our days together would be... every single minute. My darling... Sigh. I miss you.
2012-05-29 06:53:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Till then... sweet small kisses on the back of your neck, arm, nose, cheek, chin... wherever my lips can reach you... ;-)
2012-05-29 06:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to get milk, fresh baguette & some other stuff I ran out of... Sunday & yesterday was everything closed.
2012-05-29 06:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Very very much. It was lovely to just sit with you... It would be lovely...
2012-05-29 05:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your earlobe whenever he is not looking... ;-) But tell me, what do you mean by doing something different together? Hm?
2012-05-29 05:46:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I so wish I was there right now, helping to build that plane. It would be fun. Kissing you back & I'd also gently bite...
2012-05-29 05:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, still no power cut? Oh darling, please do take a picture of the lampshade & the plane, I would love to see it.
2012-05-29 05:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No power cut? Hey, that's pretty cool! How was lunch? I've seen Tangled, not the best movie... I am busy with work, dear.
2012-05-29 04:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something different, as in? There are so many things we could do together... so many things we could share... Sad sigh.
2012-05-29 04:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what is best for me. Nothing can really distract me... from you. Missing you is all I know, darling. :-(
2012-05-29 04:29:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes darling :-) Come, sit down beside me please. I take your hand & lean my head against your shoulder... Let's just sit for a while.
2012-05-29 04:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with you, to share them with you. I miss you. I miss being with you, Anand.
2012-05-29 02:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No matter what I do or where I go, alone or with friends... I think of you & wish you were here too, wish I could do all those things...
2012-05-29 02:34:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kept myself busy yesterday & stayed away from my laptop. Yes true, there are many things darling, but... it's not the same.
2012-05-29 02:34:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...bare shoulders. Thank you. I love when you do that. Sigh. I wish I could hug you now, hold you close to my toweled body & kiss you deeply
2012-05-29 02:33:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is the power off...or already back? I just got out of the shower, I know, quite late you got to kiss your lady's lovely smelling...
2012-05-29 02:32:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept well. Are you all fresh & smiling today? I slept ok, woke up 2-3 times.
2012-05-29 02:32:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I slip under the covers & hug my sweetly sleeping, softly snoring darling to me...
2012-05-28 15:05:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You miss me but you don't want to see me. You said you were happy with me, but you don't want to be with me. It makes no sense at all.
2012-05-28 14:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We discussed this often enough & no you don't have to tell me again. I am not stupid. I just disagree with you, with your reasoning.
2012-05-28 14:25:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But they were real feelings, Anand. Not just mere words, you
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know? This lady truly loves you & suffers a lot. Anyway...really, just forget.
2012-05-28 14:18:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pointless... All that we realized together, all that we shared in this one year (even if mostly through DMs)... Pointless to you.
2012-05-28 14:13:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should stop begging you & making a fool of myself. You obviously don't want to see me again, but... my stupid heart...
2012-05-28 13:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's nothing wrong with my mind or sanity. I miss you, Anand. Immensely. My lil' heart suffers. That's all.
2012-05-28 13:38:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Yes, I will join you soon and hug you gently to me... Sigh. If only...
2012-05-28 13:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh... I step out enough. I don't spend all my time indoors. You are the reason why I feel blue... and you know that. But... forget.
2012-05-28 13:31:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. A soft kiss on your eyes... Sleep well & long with sweet dreams.
2012-05-28 13:28:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, go to sleep.

2012-05-28 13:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Congregation? No, no. I am not in a chirpy mood, Anand. I... I just wish you were here to cuddle up to... Sigh.
2012-05-28 13:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ooops, of all this...

2012-05-28 13:23:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take me with you. Honest. I am tired of this all...

2012-05-28 13:22:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, restaurant business? That's a tough one with lots of hard work... But delightful too. Teaching sounds excellent, studying too...
2012-05-28 13:22:04 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And no, I didn't celebrate Pentecost. I was working. Then was doing some chores, some reading... Yes, still feeling blue...
2012-05-28 13:16:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? As in... you mean retire to the mountains?

2012-05-28 13:16:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your day still sounds lovely to me... Those power cuts would annoy me too. Poor you...
2012-05-28 13:10:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know you were seeking ways out... I understand your eagerness to do things right, and there's nothing wrong with that.
2012-05-28 13:07:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you had a lovely, relaxing day... well, except those power cuts. Sometimes you do seem to love your job more than anything else.
2012-05-28 12:45:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really not? That's good. See? Making lampshades with your nephew is lovelier than thinking about what happens in the office...
2012-05-28 12:40:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh :'-(

2012-05-28 12:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-05-28 11:11:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. As much as I try to deny it, but... I miss you. Very very much.
2012-05-28 10:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lampshade of ice-cream sticks? Cute! Very creative & sure looks nice. Poor boy... & exactly then when you have the week off...
2012-05-28 10:09:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am really sorry. Does he feel better now?

2012-05-28 09:50:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Plenty of sweet naughty kisses for your tummy... or does my

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cuddle-bear prefer his tummy & back to be rubbed & scratched all over? ;-p
2012-05-28 09:29:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, the sky cleared up & the sun came out a while ago. It's beautiful outside... Thank you for the kisses & hugs.
2012-05-28 09:28:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? A whole day without power? Are you serious? No, are they serious? They can't do this. And in that heat...
2012-05-28 09:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not really busy. I did check my DMs several times, then...stopped to check... Poor boy, I hope he feels better soon. Craft work, as in?
2012-05-28 09:27:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I work. Will do some chores too and... hmm, don't know. Resting, I think. Feeling blue... It's raining outside. Missing you...
2012-05-28 04:54:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Looks like you decided to go... Planetarium is beautiful. Hope you are enjoying your day & having lots of fun with your nephew.
2012-05-28 04:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft nibbling kisses along your neck while my hands roam down your back... Missing you, darling.
2012-05-28 02:22:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Planetarium and zoo sounds fantastic! Do go. In case your nephew would like to... I wish I could come too... Sigh. Take me with you. Please.
2012-05-28 02:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is a holiday here. Nothing's lined up yet. Maybe I will still work... not sure. Don't know what else to do...
2012-05-28 02:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you felt exhausted. Ok, you worked from home then... he/she not. Anyway, it's not your problem, my darling.
2012-05-28 02:21:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... home a little to help them. ;-p Well, perhaps that one person
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isn't ill, but... you too, stayed home a few times because...
2012-05-28 02:20:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you do! I imagine you chewing your nails, telling yourself to control the urge to run to the office or at least work from...
2012-05-28 02:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, not bad! And Anand is not there to look over their shoulders... Anyway, you have the week off, so yes, why should you care?
2012-05-28 02:19:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear darling, good morning. So happy that you finally slept well. I slept not so good... but it was sweet to wake up to your kiss...
2012-05-28 02:18:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Dreams. That would be good enough. Goodnight, dear A. Enjoy your day. :-)
2012-05-27 23:56:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Agreed on all points, entirely. :-) Yes, sweet Anand...bed it is! How funny that you called that! I wish to have a night where I remember my
2012-05-27 23:55:37 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ingenuousness *is* underrated by many, that's for sure. Shame, that is.
2012-05-27 23:41:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Words are precise. A lot can be conveyed simply, if the words are weighty enough, y'know?
2012-05-27 23:40:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Outweighs any personal feeling I might have about it. ;-) You wouldn't be doing me any favors letting me use words incorrectly! I like how
2012-05-27 23:39:07 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Although no one really likes being corrected, you'd be no real friend if you let me walk around, speaking like a moron! So my logic far
2012-05-27 23:37:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire And yes, if people could just drop the bull---we'd ALL be
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better off! Better living through knowledge.

2012-05-27 23:28:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Caught that.

2012-05-27 23:27:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'd hug you as well. More than likely because you were 100% corrected in that I didn't used the word "convicted" properly. I like that you
2012-05-27 23:27:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Men,'s just pleasing to me when people know who they are. Are comfortable with themselves.
2012-05-27 23:23:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No! Hahaha! Nice play on that word, though. Very nice.
2012-05-27 23:15:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Admittedly, I havent bought it in awhile.

2012-05-27 23:14:36 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Themselves. Shows who they are, upfront, to all people. That, to me, is strength. And yes- Ben & Jerry's has some great flavors, although
2012-05-27 23:14:17 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Hmm, interesting question. I like strong in the sense that I respect a person who is convicted and unwavering. Doesn't misrepresent
2012-05-27 23:13:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ;-) very clever, you are!

2012-05-27 23:06:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Strong, not string. Lolol

2012-05-27 23:05:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, ice cream is delightful! Might take the kids to get some tomorrow.
2012-05-27 23:04:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm trying to fit that thought into Twitter-ese. ;-)

2012-05-27 23:04:04 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Back. But the good ones know there has to be string pressure there. Something to push back against.
2012-05-27 23:03:31 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, I literally JUST wrote something 10 minutes ago about dancing. How some men will lay their hand on your shoulder, or the small of your
2012-05-27 23:02:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Just reading your sailboats of sunshine made me smile, so thank you; I'm very grateful for that, I needed it.
2012-05-27 23:02:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I am glad that you're enjoying your sister/nephews visit, that is lovely.
2012-05-27 23:01:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I was just writing something about leading while dancing, how funny you mentioned that!
2012-05-27 23:00:13 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I wish you could whisk me away as well, somewhere where cell phones, work, meetings, are not even acknowledged!
2012-05-27 22:59:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You are just lovely! Your words dance off a page, I have to say.
2012-05-27 22:58:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Been really rainy here as well, and I think I'm eager for that summer sunshine to dance over me!!! How are you doing? Fill me in!
2012-05-27 22:53:30 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How was the lorax? Yes, dear A, I've been very busy...not too happy about it, either. I feel a bit burned out, to tell you the truth. It's
2012-05-27 22:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Instead, I join you now darling & snuggle up to your chest... Hope you are sleeping soundly & long & nothing disturbs your sleep. :-)
2012-05-27 15:37:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's about a man & a lady who feel drawn to each other, who felt
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happy together, who... Sigh, just forget. It doesn't matter what I say...
2012-05-27 15:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, I feel ashamed for begging you like this, but...Sigh. It's not about me & my want anymore. It's about us...
2012-05-27 15:10:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, life's not all about work & doing things that others want & expect of you... Of course you feel everything's pointless...
2012-05-27 14:28:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Allow yourself to do something that might not make any sense to you, but... something that's beautiful & makes you feel happy.
2012-05-27 14:21:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why Anand, why? I don't understand you. I can't. And I don't agree with you. Don't keep us away from each other. Please.
2012-05-27 14:19:06 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie No, I wasn't cross in the first place. I merely wished to clarify my independence and reasoning over such things. I'm not cross, E.
2012-05-27 13:20:49 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Good evening, E. Knowing pain makes the incidentals in life that much sweeter to me. Hope you are well. Thank you.
2012-05-27 13:01:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even the picture itself is a living poetry...Beautiful, my dear. Hope you are sleeping now & fell asleep feeling my curves meld into yours..
2012-05-27 12:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... I thought... just for a moment, that you... Sniff.

2012-05-27 12:44:25 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (honored, E ; ) OXX

2012-05-27 12:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What yes?

2012-05-27 12:41:59 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you ~~ and I wish for you a delightful surprise to give you a giant, mega-watt smile ; )
2012-05-27 12:41:07 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sleep my dear, sleep... and dream with me tonight...

2012-05-27 12:40:35 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *so loving you are* Thank you for this filled my sails! X
2012-05-27 12:37:43 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Your writing is a true true wonder...a treasure...I love your mind and heart ~~
2012-05-27 12:36:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy No, she is well...she is only sad when he is working too much and can't spend time w/her. He's working on that.
2012-05-27 12:35:46 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Well, 2, the need is 6 yrs old but he needed an island to cling to and I felt I had to stay
2012-05-27 12:34:53 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thanks! Are you well?

2012-05-27 12:34:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy finally made peace and we are dear friends now. I'm so glad. Now I've made room for love to blossom that is on my continent, LOL
2012-05-27 12:29:40 (EDT)

BeingInJoy (sweet angels ; ) I used to hurt quite easily, but now I feel, without the personal injury. I had a twitter crush that hurt for 7 months &
2012-05-27 12:28:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy In the modern world, hiding is a challenge, and I don't live in fear. But I don't want to be irresponsible either.
2012-05-27 12:27:17 (EDT)

BeingInJoy ooops, I wrote that before I saw yours, lol. She's much cooler ; ) xo but she is very loving, that is for sure!
2012-05-27 12:26:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy She wants to be "government, but about peace, like Martin L King, Jr." She's 6 and a perfect storm of wisdom and gorgeousness, lol
2012-05-27 12:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seriously. Come. Or let's meet somewhere else. Please. Anand,

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2012-05-27 12:24:10 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I wish so as well! The divorce has been brewing 6 years, and is 2 years late (massive stress/my health suffered). But we've found truth ; )
2012-05-27 12:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me? No, no way! I didn't say you are a bear just that you snore like one. ;-p And I miss it. I really do. :-) Will you smile now? Please.
2012-05-27 12:21:55 (EDT)

BeingInJoy so balanced in yin and yang but feels so deeply, knows so so available to love and hurting xo
2012-05-27 12:17:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... you do snore like a bear. ;-p Good night, my darling. :-) Please hold me close.
2012-05-27 12:17:23 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Avery is amazing. She steals my breath sometimes the way she is my oracle, the way she retains information, the way she is a woman-soul
2012-05-27 12:16:49 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Divorcing (friends) moving in July to a new place (not found yet) // Underworld souls, I meant friends that are in shadow times ; ) But yes
2012-05-27 12:15:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my dear Anand. Very very much. Let's meet. Please.
2012-05-27 12:14:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, you are not a bear bear. You are my sweet soft lovely cuddle-bear. :-)
2012-05-27 12:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are sweet darling. Awww, so so sweet! I am still smiling... A sweet, long kiss on your pouting lips... :-) Better?
2012-05-27 12:09:29 (EDT)

BeingInJoy them. When I am "in my loch" I feel honesty is the best way to be be accessible. Love you! xoxo
2012-05-27 12:09:27 (EDT)

BeingInJoy I would like to always be a candle to people! Sometimes,

2759 / 4823

relating to the underworld souls from some cave or from my shadows *is* a candle to
2012-05-27 12:08:30 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *melt* Thank you E ... I have been trying not to get overwhelmed in my mundane much and my daughter is a sponge for knowledge lol.
2012-05-27 12:06:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D and now, you even cry like a bear! God, my poor ears! ;-p
2012-05-27 12:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well my darling, you even snore like a bear... ;-p

2012-05-27 12:02:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night, my dearest. Sleep soundly dream sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your arm as I snuggle closer to you...
2012-05-27 12:01:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss me deeply, then we can read... and kiss and hug some more. ;-)
2012-05-27 11:48:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Something from outside sounds pretty good. :-) Just a second... and... tada! I am under the covers in my tiny shorts ;-) hug me dear
2012-05-27 11:48:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Silly. ;-p Not the stars, your lady...

2012-05-27 11:43:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or whatever my sweet sir desires... :-)

2012-05-27 11:33:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) your lady is ready to snuggle up under the covers with you. We can cuddle or I can read you a bedtime story or sing you a lullaby...
2012-05-27 11:32:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, my darling. No staying up till predawn & sleeping on the floor. ;-p
2012-05-27 11:14:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is just... not nice without you, you know? Sniff. Just to watch the stars nestled in your arms... Sigh!
2760 / 4823

2012-05-27 11:14:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blushing smile... No no, it was just... it was for you. :-) Had a lovely dinner? I already told you, darling. Day was pretty uneventful.
2012-05-27 11:13:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me... / we will collect stars / with our eyes / on nights / when the sky / becomes a garden :-)
2012-05-27 10:21:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love that very very much... I wish we were together now. No matter where, just... together.
2012-05-27 10:14:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is nice outside, isn't it? The stars, the moon, the gentle breeze... Come, sit behind me & hold me dear. :-)
2012-05-27 10:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh! There's always something that doesn't let my sweet sir rest... Sigh. Hugging you & kissing you back... softly, sweetly... :-)
2012-05-27 10:11:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Dozed off? Reading? Spending time with your nephew?
2012-05-27 09:40:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know my dear, doing things that make you happy is not pointless...
2012-05-27 09:27:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or come, let's sit outside and watch the sunset... Aaah, if only...
2012-05-27 09:15:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, will you let me hold you now? Please. And kiss a sweet lil' smile on your lips?
2012-05-27 09:13:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or come here. Just for a break. Please.

2012-05-27 08:36:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mine is not better. Not one bit. Try something new. Go back to the US for a while or somewhere else.
2012-05-27 08:34:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ The heat can be exhausting. Iced towels, darling... and try to rest. I can't tell you what to do with your life.
2012-05-27 08:34:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, wish I could kiss you right now. On your lips & forehead & nose & palms... And then take your hand & run away with you. Sigh.
2012-05-27 08:34:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, darling... what's wrong? Hm? Come, let me hug you dear & rest in my arms for a while.
2012-05-27 08:09:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-05-27 07:42:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Same here, darling. Day is pretty uneventful as usual... Poor boy, but having a cold in that heat?
2012-05-27 07:41:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What cotton clothes? And how are you, darling? Tired?
2012-05-27 07:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Take care, darling. Have an ice-cream on the way home. Glad you enjoyed the movie. Is lil' man happy now?
2012-05-27 07:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Sitting outside, wishing you were here too. :-( We are grilling, waiting for my veggies & potatoes...
2012-05-27 07:04:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love to go to a movie theatre with you. It would be delightful, darling. You & me in the darkness...holding hands, stealing lil' kisses.
2012-05-27 05:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet kiss sneaking up your arm darling, to nuzzle your neck... :-) Hope you both enjoy the movie. 3D is a good thing, makes it more fun.
2012-05-27 04:52:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... by each other. Anand... the heart knows... even if your mind strives to deny it. Despite all the difficulties... The heart knows. Sigh.
2012-05-27 04:33:11 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Just thinking... we felt drawn to each other from the very beginning & grew close very quickly. As if we were just waiting to be found...
2012-05-27 04:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooh, btw... good? Just good? More than good, darling... Maybe I am not divinely sent, but what we realized together was heavenly...
2012-05-27 03:21:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Sad sigh. Come darling, let me kiss you sweetly & hug you before you leave... :-) Enjoy the movie & please take care. :-)
2012-05-27 03:10:05 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Sure thing, will definitely plan something.

2012-05-27 03:00:18 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Haven't decided that yet, a month? Let's see

2012-05-27 02:54:25 (EDT)

ZinniaTung India, me is coming

2012-05-27 02:47:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a little more time with you... and I would understand you without words. And work together like clockwork... :-)
2012-05-27 02:26:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's one of the reasons I miss you so much, you know? Because we really were wonderful together. Sniff.
2012-05-27 02:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, thank you darling. But... I just did what you told me... See? We are a good team. ;-)
2012-05-27 02:10:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then go now, darling. :-) I wish I could wash your back for you... and arms, legs too. ;-)
2012-05-27 02:10:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet potatoes! Do you remember...? Sniff, your lady misses you, Anand. Very much.
2012-05-27 02:03:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be very active, my darling... Aren't you tired?

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Maybe you sould sleep more often on the floor. ;-p

2012-05-27 02:02:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about sleeping a bit when you are back? I haven't seen that movie, but the trailer...Lil' man will enjoy it. You too. :-)
2012-05-27 02:02:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I kiss you back, softly, slowly... letting our lips play... God! If only... What? Then, you will have to leave soon. Awww :-|
2012-05-27 02:01:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, hold me close dear as I softly kiss your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, along your neck & then your sweet lips. :-)
2012-05-27 01:44:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all over you, then let you rest & sleep while I do some chores...Sigh. I miss you, Anand. A lot lot lot.
2012-05-27 01:42:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here! You could take a refreshing shower, then I'd give you a nice massage, finishing with sweet little kisses...
2012-05-27 01:41:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do sleep after lunch or whenever you can. Oh! And you have to go to watch a movie today. When? And what?
2012-05-27 01:40:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? How is your back? My poor lovely darling, how much I am smiling... and shaking my head, too. :-)
2012-05-27 01:39:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. No no no! You are unbelievable! I told you come to bed to me... but you preferred to sleep on the floor! :-|
2012-05-27 01:39:33 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire is going well. xoxoxo

2012-05-27 01:05:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire your timeline was one of my first priorities! Can't wait to read through the resT. :-) How are you, my friend? Hope the visit and all else
2012-05-27 01:04:52 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire Ah, there you are! Lovely words you've spun the past couple of days- I'm just winding down a very busy week around here, and catching up on
2012-05-27 01:03:51 (EDT)

ZinniaTung hmph.... Have to think of something witty about it ..

2012-05-27 00:44:12 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Both actually, true true.. Everything is subjective tho, isn't it..
2012-05-27 00:38:28 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Thank you! Masters hopefully, let's see.. What'sife has in store for me.. There is def going to be some curve ball.. It can't be too easy
2012-05-27 00:29:04 (EDT)

ZinniaTung My course is done, :) finished my undergrad,

2012-05-27 00:26:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Aww, I think I gotta clear my eyes, window is clean..

2012-05-27 00:23:08 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Haha, :) I'll be fine in a bit I guess... You are way too kind,
2012-05-27 00:06:58 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Yaa, I am actually.. A little bit

2012-05-27 00:01:51 (EDT)

ZinniaTung We all do feel like that, everyso often I believe..

2012-05-26 23:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can barely type... I can feel how I slip into sleep... Anand, please come. Please. Pretty pretty please. You & me... Sigh.
2012-05-26 16:53:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come here. Please. Pretty please.

2012-05-26 15:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy. :-) Giving you a deep, sweet, slow kiss... one that makes you want to get more... Sigh. Please hold me close to your chest...
2012-05-26 15:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't keep my eyes open... Please come, hurry darling... I'd love to kiss you before falling asleep. And feel you...
2765 / 4823

2012-05-26 15:52:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. Do you know that? Can you feel it...? Sigh.
2012-05-26 15:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw, it isn't true. Yours are... yours are... just... sigh. See? They left me speechless. ;-) No darling, I wait for you...
2012-05-26 15:37:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. Smile. I think I am just too tired. But thank you. Blushing some more... :-)
2012-05-26 15:34:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You, my dear you ... :-) You!~ are the poem/ that slowly writes itself all over me/ across every trembling inch/ of my body
2012-05-26 15:29:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Without you, they were just words... You put the words together and turn them into something beautiful...
2012-05-26 15:24:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, don't say that... not to me. :-| You know that I love your words & not just tonight. I told you about an hour ago... right?
2012-05-26 15:13:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had dinner & freshened up...I feel very sleepy. I go to bed now darling & wait for you under the covers. Please do come soon & hold me...
2012-05-26 15:09:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love, simply love your tonight's tweets... You are brilliant, my dear. Honest.
2012-05-26 15:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there's no risk my dear. I told you... I don't mind. :-) So... can I now sleep on your chest?
2012-05-26 14:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no darling, I don't mind if you are sweaty... :-)

2012-05-26 14:19:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a sweet one on your lips. Yes, I join you very soon... Can I sleep on your chest tonight with your arms around me? Please.
2012-05-26 14:17:40 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Do not force it... It comes or it doesn't... :-) Good night, my sweetest. Sleep & dream beautifully. A soft kiss behind your ear and
2012-05-26 14:17:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are the poet & your lady's your silent reader, your admirer, the lover of your words...Sigh. I could read them forever
2012-05-26 14:07:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's nearly midnight there, darling. But if you feel like writing, then do...
2012-05-26 14:05:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, done for the day. So, if you wish, I can gently rub & kiss your back while you write... then go to bed & cuddle each other to sleep.
2012-05-26 14:01:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just now got your DM... Yes, I hug you dear. Just... hugging each other, swaying softly... not speaking.
2012-05-26 13:38:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am glad that I could sweeten your days in the US in some ways... It was beautiful. I felt happy with you.
2012-05-26 13:35:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss the Anand who made her lady smile and sigh and feel like a schoolgirl.
2012-05-26 13:34:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember times when you were wondering if it is right to think so often of me, or await my DMs... And now... Oh dear.
2012-05-26 13:32:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you please hold me? Close, very close... Would you like to do it? To hold your lil' lady and just...look into each other's eyes? Sigh
2012-05-26 13:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? :-(

2012-05-26 13:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, you don't feel the same, then... how could you
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2012-05-26 12:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, there are days when I miss you terribly & all I want is just to be held by you... And it does make me sad & feel terrible.
2012-05-26 12:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are sweet darling, but yes yes I am miserable... Now, imagine me looking at you with innocent eyes... I am sorry, darling.
2012-05-26 12:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I just didn't know that you are back from shopping...
2012-05-26 12:34:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know.

2012-05-26 12:24:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was uneventful with lots of missing you. :-( I had no appetite but ate enough...
2012-05-26 12:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really really? Even if I am miserable to be around? I don't even want to be around me. Oh darling! I so wish you were here... Sniff.
2012-05-26 12:18:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you must not write if you don't want to...
2012-05-26 12:01:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know Saturday is temple day but I thought you skipped it. I do remember that movie now. I am sure he will love it.
2012-05-26 12:00:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I miss you. I really do. But I see, it's just me... :-(
2012-05-26 11:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... seen it, but can't say for sure. Well then... have a lovely movie evening. Hope he enjoys the movie...
2012-05-26 11:44:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Temple? I thought you were shopping... It means you have no time for your lady. Sad sigh. The sound of music... Hmmm, I think I've...
2012-05-26 11:43:41 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Wow, it's already this late there? Rush darling rush... your lady misses you. Sigh.
2012-05-26 11:23:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd love to see her, but... I am too shy to ask you for a picture. And you wouldn't send me one, so... It is ok. :-)
2012-05-26 10:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did imagine her as a fine, pretty lady and that you two are fairly opposite... Honest.
2012-05-26 10:37:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Ha! Then, she is not like your lady who was eager to wake up early & bathe before you... :-)
2012-05-26 10:36:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) A little bit of each and I am happy. ;-)

2012-05-26 10:18:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, does your sister enjoy her time, too? What is she doing all day? And... how does she look? You know your lady... she's a curious one.
2012-05-26 10:02:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, please pick something little for your lady too. Just a piece of chocolate or so. I still have your marzipan hearts... ;-)
2012-05-26 09:40:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Gosh, I am so sorry... A sweet soft kiss for my poor darling & a hug too. Maybe you need a fan that works with battery.
2012-05-26 09:39:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't mean the sensual part... I miss the joy & cheer & smiles & butterflies & all. I miss those times. I miss... You.
2012-05-26 09:21:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You've become such a huge part of my life, darling. And I miss sharing my days with you like we did when you were in the US.
2012-05-26 09:21:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand my dear, it is lonely without you...

2012-05-26 08:21:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, you should really wake up, otherwise you can't sleep tonight.
2012-05-26 08:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, wake up wake up! Your lady wants to play & continue the cuddle... ;-)
2012-05-26 08:11:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I missed you... Sniff. But I join you in bed now & kiss you awake for a short cuddle... Oh yes, believe me, you'd wake up... ;-p
2012-05-26 05:50:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and cover each other in sweet little kisses & then sleep away with your hand on my belly, holding me close... Will we do it?
2012-05-26 05:47:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What a question! Most happily, darling! Dropping everything & rushing to bed to you! I would love to cuddle with you and hug...
2012-05-26 05:46:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and you know that. I wish I could hold you now and just... look into your eyes & whisper your name...Sigh. Anand, please...
2012-05-26 05:45:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We were building bridges to each other & growing forest & now you say the road leads to nowhere... It could lead to somewhere beautiful...
2012-05-26 05:45:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, dear. How was the exhibition? Glad lunch was delicious. And glad you eat "normal" food on weekends...not just fruits.
2012-05-26 05:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you back? Had lunch? How was the exhibition? Miss you...
2012-05-26 04:56:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have Google Currents now, too. Yep, neat, indeed. Thanks. I also checked out Harper's...
2012-05-26 03:14:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't want it... don't wish to see me again or be with me or whatever. Maybe I should give up...
2012-05-26 02:51:55 (EDT)
2770 / 4823

_stoicOne_ You don't say "I wish you were here, darling" anymore. Or something like this. I'd love to be with you, to do lovely things together but...
2012-05-26 02:49:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not that bad, darling. And I don't want you to spend all your free time with me, it's just... I miss you. Very much.
2012-05-26 02:41:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, if I was there, I'd go shopping with your sister... & do all your chores etc. for you, so you can enjoy your time with your nephew.
2012-05-26 02:39:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, his love for art... and everything... he is so like you! I'd love to see his work. If you are there, can you take some pictures?
2012-05-26 02:12:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to finish your bath & take me in your arms & kiss me along the edge of the towel. If you still would like to... Shy lil' smile.
2012-05-26 02:12:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Will look it up & try it out. I just got out of the shower... your lady is fresh & lovely smelling, in a towel...Waiting for you
2012-05-26 02:12:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And do ask your nephew what he would like to do. :-) I miss you, darling. Will you let me... hug you tight & kiss you softly? Please...
2012-05-26 01:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, planning your week together. Just to ensure you don't pack the days too full. ;-p
2012-05-26 01:36:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, sounds fun. How is your nephew? Please, do give him a hug... I am sorry for yesterday. Blush. Your lady is just... just... Sigh.
2012-05-26 01:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. I didn't sleep well eithercouldn't fall asleep... But yes, we can take a nap later. Would you...? With me?
2012-05-26 01:35:51 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung I have been alright. How have you been?

2012-05-25 17:19:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I join you now & curl into you... Oh darling, how could I not? Hope you sleep deeply & long & my body gives yours sweet soft company...
2012-05-25 15:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired, Anand. No, not physically. Missing you so much. Sad sigh. I would so love just... to be held by you. But you... :'-(
2012-05-25 13:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. Your silly silly lady... she should stop making a fool of herself... Right now, I wish I could simply disappear... :-(
2012-05-25 13:39:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would've been nice if you told me- come darling, let's cuddle up together... I would've happily done so, but... :-(
2012-05-25 13:07:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you don't get a good night kiss tonight. But it doesn't seem to matter, so... Sleep soundly & long. Good night.
2012-05-25 12:44:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, honest. You make me feel really terrible, sometimes.

2012-05-25 12:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will wait for you... ;-p

2012-05-25 12:39:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you wish to hold me, you will have to sneak under my covers when I am asleep... If not, then not.
2012-05-25 12:34:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That is so sweet of you... letting me wait and then come back just to say good night. Feels very good. Really. :-(
2012-05-25 12:31:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Well... thank you. Good night.

2012-05-25 12:28:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, it's already bedtime for you... :-( Never mind.
2012-05-25 12:26:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, but I didn't know it takes this long...

2012-05-25 12:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not bored. Just... you didn't let me know that you will stay away... and I was here... Never mind. You can still read on the weekends.
2012-05-25 12:16:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you can read more on the weekend and next week.
2012-05-25 12:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No.
2012-05-25 12:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing.
2012-05-25 11:59:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice.
2012-05-25 11:49:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Well then...Wishing you a good night. May you sleep soundly & long with the sweetest dreams. Kissing you softly on your forehead...
2012-05-25 11:48:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where have you gone, sweet darling? Was my kiss so bad? :-(
2012-05-25 11:00:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as she kisses you... sweetly, deeply, slowly... Sigh. I wish I could kiss you now... Miss you. Your soft lips... your kiss. You.
2012-05-25 10:19:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) My pleasure. Literally. ;-p Your lady is on tiptoe, one hand on the small of your back, the other holds the back of your head...
2012-05-25 10:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before you turn your lovely head into a block of ice. ;-p Of course, in case you want the kiss...
2012-05-25 10:12:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh! And you didn't tell me that you reached! Anyway... come darling, let me squeeze you & give you a sweet deep welcome home kiss
2012-05-25 10:11:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet soft pillow! Happy! :-) But tell me, are you stillin the cab or reached home?
2012-05-25 09:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I'd say two days. Think of the travel... ;-)
2012-05-25 09:59:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, no? You did sound a bit more fresh... well, then just feeling a little better. Nice, too. :-)
2012-05-25 09:22:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 4 hours is much... will you stay there for one-two days?
2012-05-25 09:21:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so I still have my soft belly-pillow... ;-) A kiss on your tummy, darling.
2012-05-25 09:21:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, I too, would so love to spend some time with you, but... Sniff. So yes, I am sad, darling. Very much so.
2012-05-25 08:37:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually, nearly 2 months now, darling. Wow! Not that bad. ;-) Have you lost some weight, too?
2012-05-25 08:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! You do deserve a break & I believe lil' man will be happy too to spend some time with you :-) Where does your other granny live?
2012-05-25 08:28:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds like you indeed had a good day. And you sound more fresh than usual. Happy for you. :-)
2012-05-25 08:27:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not here, darling. ;-) Well, there... we can take your bike... or whatever. :-) I miss you more, my dear. I do feel sad.
2012-05-25 08:26:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet Anand. Sniff. Yes, your lady is sad...
2012-05-25 07:13:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or, come to me & we'll go on a drive...You & me in a car, fingers

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playing with each other... or just rest your hand on my thigh. Sigh!
2012-05-25 07:12:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd still love to pick you up. We could drive to the beach & play in the water :-) Yes, you said the sea water is hot too, but still... :-)
2012-05-25 07:11:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It will get better with the time, darling. For now, focus on work... and on your BP. ;-)
2012-05-25 07:11:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am! Enjoying your soft kisses that assailed me at the door... ;-) My day is ok, darling. Quiet. Don't have much work to do...
2012-05-25 07:11:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I step out for a bit. Ok? I will hurry back. Till then... sweet lively kisses wherever my darling desires them... ;-)
2012-05-25 05:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile and yes... just a few hours and you are free. God! How I wish I could pick you up after work & take you with me! Miss you so!
2012-05-25 05:45:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad your day's ok. But these pairings... sigh. Tell me, does this care-less-and-just-do-the-job thing works?
2012-05-25 05:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, it is missing, so no, I don't see... what you didn't forget. ;-p Btw, what was it?
2012-05-25 05:44:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet desirable darling, how are you? How is your day? How is work? What did you have for lunch? My day goes quietly, working...
2012-05-25 05:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a kiss, on your lips... to let you know that I miss you. And after a sigh kissing you once more... to make You sigh with a :-) ...
2012-05-25 05:09:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A gentle downpour of soft fresh kisses for all over my darling... :-) Yes, you guessed right, your lady's freshly bathed, in a towel... ;-)
2012-05-25 02:05:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It's a nice morning here. About 20C with blue skies, sunshine & wind. The air smells sweet. Today's color is... hmmm... cotton candy... ;-)
2012-05-25 02:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me in a poetic mood? Smile, why that? And what do you mean by not neglecting me without DM?
2012-05-25 02:04:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You need something that cools your body... Please, do try those iced towels. I really wish you were here... away from the heat. Sniff.
2012-05-25 02:03:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, I think. Woke up with a :-) still feeling your kiss... Oh darling! Don't you miss the fresh smell of your lady in the mornings?
2012-05-25 02:03:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. Awww, my poor darling! This stupid heat! How are you feeling now? Do you think an oil bath will help?
2012-05-25 02:02:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and walking up to you. Slowly, white silk. Sigh. Dreams of you sweetening my sleep, darling. You, my dear... You.
2012-05-24 16:27:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In half asleep... smiling. Imagining you sitting on the swing in our forest, surrounded by butterflies. Watching me entering the dream...
2012-05-24 16:26:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ you wrap your arm around my waist in your sleep, pulling me closer... :-) My sweet darling, I hope your sleep is sweet & restful.
2012-05-24 15:46:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now my darling, softly kiss your eyes & snuggle into the curve of your body ( ;-) that special space) & sighing contentedly...
2012-05-24 15:45:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, on the other hand... she knows that you don't love herat least, not in the same way... So, she understands it somehow...
2012-05-24 13:37:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, just be a bit more mindful... and don't neglect your lady like that. You know how much she loves you & misses you... Sniff.
2012-05-24 13:30:38 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, the problem is that you know I will take you back in my arms, no matter what (well or almost...). That's really not fair.
2012-05-24 12:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why darling, tell me why am I unable to be angry with you? Sometimes you really deserve it... But, I just can't be angry... :-|
2012-05-24 12:40:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you, my dear! Tell me, when will you come? When will you take your lady in your arms, making her happy?
2012-05-24 12:27:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please hold me... put your hand on my belly & pull me into you... want to feel your body pressed against mine. Sigh.
2012-05-24 12:22:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, a special space, indeed... ;-p Good night, dear. A soft, deep, long kiss on your lips. Sleep soundly with lovely dreams.
2012-05-24 12:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I give up... You know how to melt my lil' butterfly heart. :-| I am there, darling. Come, let me hug you & cuddle you sweetly :-)
2012-05-24 12:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually, it is night there. If you call it a night or not...Ha! That's not fair! Those eyes... and smile... and your hugs & kisses... Sigh
2012-05-24 12:11:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, it is not known. Not to me. Sniff. You leave your poor lady all alone the whole day & then... Aaah, really, just forget.
2012-05-24 12:07:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-| I don't find you cute. Actually, right now, I find you... just... just... grrrr But please, just laugh away & make fun of lil' me.
2012-05-24 12:05:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, just forget.

2012-05-24 11:55:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe you, it is just... you don't really make me feel like you are missing me, you know?
2012-05-24 11:54:52 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You find it funny? Me... not so much.

2012-05-24 11:54:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Been waiting for you. Missed you a lot... Anyway, it's ok. I have learnt how to bite my lip & wait...
2012-05-24 11:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was ok. Missed you... How was yours?

2012-05-24 11:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That would be a great thing... For now, you can be a child again... doing boyish stuff with your nephew...
2012-05-24 11:14:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, - the "such".

2012-05-24 10:50:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sit still with a cup of tea & listening... Looks like your nephew enjoys his time there. Nice.
2012-05-24 10:36:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God you are home & fine. And I was worried, waiting for you... Sweet lil' boy. My hello to him.
2012-05-24 10:33:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I am worried... Why do you always do this to me? You know, this is not good for my health... :-( Just a short message, a few seconds...
2012-05-24 10:31:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, my dear? Oh, tell me where? Sniff. It's getting late there... Besides that, your lady misses you very very much.
2012-05-24 09:56:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Rushed back just to find that my sweet sir isn't around... :-( A quick look at the time... Hope you are on your way home... :-)
2012-05-24 08:44:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have now lunch & do some things away from my laptop. Be back soon... Take care darling & have a nice traffic-free drive home. :-)
2012-05-24 07:37:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Darling? Do you still smile when you see my DM? Or when you think of me? If you do it at all... Sigh. Your lady does... :-)
2012-05-24 07:31:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope it is as pleasant as possible... even when packed. Mine is ok. Just work & the usual stuff... Nothing interesting.
2012-05-24 07:02:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aah, it felt beautiful...Thank you, darling. :-) And here's a sweet gentle kiss for my sweet sir... Sniff yes, I see that your day's packed.
2012-05-24 07:02:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady keeps checking her DMs but... Sniff. Come darling, sneak out for a squeeze & a quick kiss... Please.
2012-05-24 05:49:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft strawberry-flavored kiss on your lips, darling... for after lunch. :-) In the midst of work... missing you loads.
2012-05-24 04:29:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't love me, just...take my hand & run with me. Over grass, chasing butterflies... then lying down, laughing & panting... Happy. Oh dear!
2012-05-24 03:11:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is the usual. Work, chores & the like... Missing you, darling. Soft butterfly kisses along my sweet sir's collarbone...
2012-05-24 02:11:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you told me that. Then... whatever you felt for me. Not sure, but the love for the Gods & Divinity is a different kind of Love...
2012-05-24 02:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? Pairing? Sigh. But hope work is pleasant & not too tiring. One more day... :-)
2012-05-24 02:09:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for the kiss. :-) I slept like a stone, but... if you kissed me, even in sleep, I would've pulled you to me & not let you go...
2012-05-24 02:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. Was the heat so bad in the night, too? Sigh. Poor lil' you. I hope you got enough rest...
2012-05-24 02:08:14 (EDT)
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Heidi_Ayala Thank you! Got tired of looking at my face, and loved this one... for now.
2012-05-23 20:36:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I kiss my sweet darling's chin as he sleeps soundly & smiling...Yes, I am under the covers with you... your body wrapped around mine...
2012-05-23 15:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you don't say/use the word "love" you still feel the same? Tell me...would my kiss & touch still send tingles through you?
2012-05-23 13:52:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and your ideas! I have some, too... ;-p Please, give me one last kiss... a deep, long one and sleep. :-)
2012-05-23 13:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember...? No darling, not in the casual western sense... But it doesn't matter any more... Sigh.
2012-05-23 13:11:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. Do you know that? Very much.

2012-05-23 13:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If only... Sleep sweetly my darling. Dream the sweetest dreams. :-) Your lady joins you asap & curls into you... Good night.
2012-05-23 13:03:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd really love to feel you without that bothering thing. ;-p I kiss you back softly, slowly...running the tip of my tongue along your lips.
2012-05-23 13:02:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Welcome home, my sweet sir. Already in bed, was waiting for you... come, take off your undershirt & yes, let's cuddle & kiss & hug...
2012-05-23 12:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wait for you stretched out on your bed...I await you without your undershirt, darling. ;-p Wish to feel your skin on mine as we cuddle...
2012-05-23 12:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. At home or in the office... it doesn't seem to make any

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difference. Please, do try to work less. Please. To tank up what?

2012-05-23 12:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Day was tiring. How was yours? And how was dinner? Come come, rush home darling... right into my arms. :-)
2012-05-23 12:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh darling... Sigh. :-(

2012-05-23 12:01:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you know... it isn't just the work, my sweetest.

2012-05-23 11:01:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. After all, it's your mom's day... :-) I wish it wasn't just a picture, darling. I wish we could really do it... I'd be so so happy.
2012-05-23 11:01:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daydreaming... of you hugging me from behind, your chin resting on my shoulder, watching the stars... Anand, come. Please.
2012-05-23 10:39:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Almost done with work. I am tired, darling. Wilted. I wish you were here. Sigh. On your way home or dinner out? Hope the latter... :-)
2012-05-23 10:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That was quick. A sweet kiss on my darling's lips... for kissing my shoulder. :-) Yes, it would be so lovely. You & me, holding hands...
2012-05-23 10:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to go for a walk with you after the temple visit... Would you come with me? A sweet slow walk hand in hand...
2012-05-23 09:51:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then why do you always leave me all alone for so long? :-( Oooh, a temple visit with your mom, sis & lil' man? See? You didn't tell me.
2012-05-23 09:46:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I miss you. So, so much!

2012-05-23 09:11:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still sniffling, but... smiling too, hugging you & kissing you back deep... & bite your lip because you nearly dropped me. ;-p
2012-05-23 09:10:50 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Awww, sniff. There's always something that keeps you away from me. Your poor lady... :-(
2012-05-23 07:41:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At home & no pairing today but sweet sir doesn't seem to have less work. No time to stop by & cuddle your lady... Sniff.
2012-05-23 07:29:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... an ice cube across the back of your neck, down your spine...kissing the cool drops off your skin... :-) Missing you.
2012-05-23 06:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ice water like I did last summer, sigh... then gently wrap around your wrists & ankles. Smile, and I'd also love to glide...
2012-05-23 06:18:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, it is a good idea. Your lady does have some good ideas too. ;-p I wish I was there to soak some thin towels in...
2012-05-23 06:18:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! And you kept secret that there's a Hungarian guy working there! Yes, pouting. Btw, it wasn't him who started iwiw.
2012-05-23 06:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here too. Sorry, the week seems to be a bit busier than usual. Oh, why not? Then... dinner, maybe? How is your day? Lots of work to do?
2012-05-23 06:17:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Where are you? Power cut? Out for lunch with family?
2012-05-23 04:26:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, Pter Petrovics is a Hungarian name. Does this guy work there??? Been reading about iwiw & all. Interesting stuff.
2012-05-23 04:22:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just thinking... even the shower is not refreshing... you just have hot water. :-| Poor darling. Please, iced towel... it helps. Honest.
2012-05-23 02:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) morning cuddle in the towel... Sigh. I am sorry the heat is so
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bad. Wrap iced towel around your wrists & ankles. It feels good.
2012-05-23 02:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... nibbling your earlobes... No no, you just work... if you can, while my hands & lips play with you. ;-p Oh darling, I miss you so!
2012-05-23 02:40:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I sneak up behind you as you work, slip my hands under your undershirt & caressing your chest while softly kissing your neck...
2012-05-23 02:39:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved your unruly hair, darling. Esp. in the mornings... :-) It's your mom's B-day, do take her out for a surprise lunch. :-)
2012-05-23 02:38:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To hug & kiss & nibble all over your freshly showered, lovely smelling lady in her towel... ;-) Aaah, just the thought of it... Sigh!
2012-05-23 02:38:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are sweet, darling but... I was under the shower when you came to hug me. I am sorry. Hope you waited for me in bed.
2012-05-23 02:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. Awww, why not too good? Was it too hot? How is my dear sir today? Feels good to be home, work from home? :-)
2012-05-23 02:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just lying in bed and crying my silent tears... wishing you were really here to hug you & hold you. Sigh. I miss you.
2012-05-22 15:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep my dear, deeply, softly... feel & smile in your sleep as I join you in bed & hug you to me, whispering sweet words to your dreams...
2012-05-22 15:15:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please.
2012-05-22 13:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come.
2012-05-22 13:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand?
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2012-05-22 13:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful words as always... But it doesn't mean that I don't frown. I do. It's very late... Come now, let me hold you... Good night.
2012-05-22 13:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. Please close your eyes now... I hold you close to me & rock you gently... :-)
2012-05-22 13:03:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Me? For being tired? No, it isn't true. But it's true that I feel neglected. :-(
2012-05-22 13:03:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am older than you... :-| Yes yes, I am hugging you, holding you close darling. See? This lovely gentle one is for you :-)
2012-05-22 12:49:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Deep sigh. A tiny :-) just for you... Now please, come. Let me kiss your tired eyes and soothe your tired body to sleep... Please.
2012-05-22 12:46:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't mean just today, as in? No, you are not old. You just need a break...
2012-05-22 12:43:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed. You need the rest. I wish I was there to hold you, to gently rock my poor exhausted darling to sleep...
2012-05-22 12:40:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't mean just today, you know? Sigh, so no... not important. And yes, I told you that you work too much.
2012-05-22 12:36:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not angry, just... she feels neglected. Anyway, not important. It's late. You should sleep soon...
2012-05-22 12:26:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think yes. Thanks for the kiss...

2012-05-22 12:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is. The day was busy.

2012-05-22 12:18:17 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Ops, I meant has, not have...

2012-05-22 12:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... good night. Wishing you a good night's sleep & sweet dreams. Hope your mom have a beautiful day tomorrow.
2012-05-22 11:51:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's why you stay home! Oh, Happy Birthday & my best wishes to your mom in advance. Sorry the traffic was so bad.
2012-05-22 11:11:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe you, but you don't really make me feel like you do... Never mind.
2012-05-22 11:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Looks like you didn't/ don't miss your lady. It's ok. My hello to your nephew. Enjoy your evening.
2012-05-22 11:04:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How was your day? What did you buy? Sigh... it was so much fun to shop with you... buying clothes for you.
2012-05-22 10:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I rush to you & jump in your arms, squeezing you, kissing you a sweet long welcome home! Yes, busy day. Headache is back but not that bad.
2012-05-22 10:43:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-05-22 09:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you think of me when you wear the clothes we bought together? I don't know why but I feel very sad right now, wish you were here...
2012-05-22 09:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You stay home tomorrow? How much I am smiling now! It means no pairing! I know, I know, you'll still have lots of work, but... :-)
2012-05-22 09:29:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Very very much. I will be here, waiting for
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your return... No meetings today? That's great. Happy for you.

2012-05-22 09:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I am here. He came, I made him a coffee & called a taxi & he's gone now. That was quick. And btw, he is not my guy!
2012-05-22 09:27:30 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 He's moving out in a few days! A life life awaits me. I'm nervous but excited too!
2012-05-22 08:19:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be away from my laptop for a short while. Will have lunch, clean up the kitchen, preparing for the guy's arrival, etc...
2012-05-22 07:33:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft kiss received and a deep long kiss returned... ;-)
2012-05-22 07:05:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, seems like it got lost... Missing you.

2012-05-22 06:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming! :-) But wait... where is my kiss?

2012-05-22 06:32:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But there's no spare parking space at the office, so the Jeep will stay here for a while. Yes, he will come in darling.
2012-05-22 03:22:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They have a Jeep there that they don't need anymore. Germany doesn't want to have it, so he will bring it to here.
2012-05-22 03:22:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is quite busy, darling. Working & have to do some cleaning, too. The colleague from Ukraine is coming in the afternoon.
2012-05-22 03:21:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sit still my darling. Sweet soft kisses sneaking in from under your table to walk up your thighs & wrap around your waist... ;-)
2012-05-22 02:40:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Busy as ever... But I hope your day is fine & work is pleasant. Smile, I love those stolen minutes. They delight my lil' heart.
2012-05-22 02:39:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, heat is exhausting. Perhaps do your workouts on days when it is not too hot. Or do just a little but several times a day, if you can.
2012-05-22 02:39:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was lovely to sleep nestled in your arms. Thank you. It made me want to stay in bed a bit longer... Then had to rush to get ready... :-|
2012-05-22 02:38:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was very stormy. Now, heavy rain & wind. I wish you could smell the rain with me. It smells beautiful, darling.
2012-05-22 02:37:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. How are you? Got enough rest? I fell asleep early watching TV & woke up in the middle of the night.
2012-05-22 02:36:47 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 changes and taking steps forward. I am so happy with how things are unfolding.
2012-05-21 13:24:56 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hello, Dear Anand. I am wonderful. Thank you for your last message. I woke me from a dangerous sleep. I have been making some excellent
2012-05-21 13:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I knew ways to be beside you in a heartbeat... If only you would come... If only I could see you, hold you again... If only... :-(
2012-05-21 12:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you asap and hold you gently to the soft curves of my body... Sigh. If only... Good night.
2012-05-21 12:33:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night my darling. Wishing you a lovely night's sleep & the sweetest dreams. I kiss you back on your lips, softly, sweetly...
2012-05-21 12:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes most happily darling! I will kiss you & rock you to sleep if you'd like me to...
2012-05-21 12:27:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
2012-05-21 12:27:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I can't tell you how very much.
2012-05-21 12:16:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes. Sadly yes. And please... don't do their job. What you have done today was very good...
2012-05-21 12:10:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do try to get a place in London or elsewhere & work there for a while... I think it would be good for you, too.
2012-05-21 12:07:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ oops, I meant this :-(

2012-05-21 12:06:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just write and write... and then wait and wait... So, I can't remind you if you don't get to read my DMs. -(
2012-05-21 12:05:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, how to remind you when you are not around? I didn't forget about it.
2012-05-21 12:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what to say, darling. I believe it isn't nice & you don't enjoy to work like that, but...
2012-05-21 12:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, can you please send me that presentation?

2012-05-21 11:59:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, come. Please. You do deserve a break... away from everything.
2012-05-21 11:56:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. I had breakfast & lunch & ate a pear around 15:00.
2012-05-21 11:53:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. I see. I am sorry your team doesn't work as a team... I did notice that you are the one who does the most work... Not ok.
2012-05-21 11:51:17 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ God! And how hot will it be then in summer? Poor darling. Me too. I get dry eyes from it.
2012-05-21 11:47:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner? Darling, please... try to work just a little bit less...
2012-05-21 11:42:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oooh! That's the place I would love to have you right now... in my arms... holding sweet tired you...
2012-05-21 11:41:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... she does feel neglected. More and more...

2012-05-21 11:28:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you now come and take me in your arms... Even though your lady totally understands how hectic & busy life can be sometimes...
2012-05-21 11:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful. How are you? Tired? Had a good day?

2012-05-21 11:22:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Long hours at work and then phone meetings at home... Not nice. Really not.
2012-05-21 11:14:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Little kisses down your neck darling... hope the meeting is over soon...
2012-05-21 10:58:13 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *shine!* Have a gorgeous week E!!! xoxoxo

2012-05-21 10:55:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And thank you. :-)

2012-05-21 10:52:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, better. ;-p

2012-05-21 10:52:39 (EDT)

BeingInJoy so I am off to a lovely start...your note put the shine on the sun ; ) xo
2012-05-21 10:29:21 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *Beautiful!* It was 86 degrees F this weekend here (unusually

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hot) and now it is cold, lol...It is sunny and I'm writing a blog poem today
2012-05-21 10:28:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You did what? Yep, nothing special.

2012-05-21 10:24:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did my dear sir miss his lovely lady? No? Not one bit? Awww...
2012-05-21 10:06:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How was your day? How's lil man? My lovely hello to him...
2012-05-21 10:04:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am here, too. The owner's gone. I hug you back & kiss you softly, deeply... Welcome home, my darling! Do I get a kiss on my lips, too? ;-)
2012-05-21 10:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Be back soon, darling. The owner is coming in a few min. Just to see if everything alright...
2012-05-21 09:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You. With me. Us. Together.

2012-05-21 08:31:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to greet you again with a lovely arm-wrap & a happy kiss... I so miss those joyous afternoons... & evenings & mornings :-)
2012-05-21 08:27:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really do wait for your return, darling. Every single day. As if you were returning home to me, but then... Sniff.
2012-05-21 08:25:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you on your way home? If yes (& hopefully you are...) hope you have a pleasant drive home, darling. :-)
2012-05-21 08:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling! :-) Head's better. Honest. Smile, well done. Now, they must do something whether they want it or not. Perfect ;-)
2012-05-21 08:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had my lunch, darling. The day's going quietly, work is decent. Thinking of you... If only you were closer to me... Anand... :-( Miss you!
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2012-05-21 07:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So much missing you and waiting for you is not good for my health, dear. ;-)
2012-05-21 06:28:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... my lil' lady butterfly still flutters all around you & keeps dropping kisses on you... Sigh. Hope your day goes fine, my dear.
2012-05-21 06:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stepping out for a bit. Be back very soon. A gentle breeze of butterfly wings as she kisses your ear, whispering your lady misses you...
2012-05-21 05:00:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I still get sweet shivers of the thought of you... kissing my fingers, palms, wrists... Oh darling, I miss you so!
2012-05-21 02:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I won't work too much today & will take short rests here & there... Sweet tender kisses on each fingertips, darling.
2012-05-21 02:25:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is it going with the pres.? You mean normal work as in, pairing? Busy as ever. No. Busy more & more... Awww. Sniff.
2012-05-21 02:13:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... is still there. Thank you for coming to hug & kiss your lady... delighted my morning, dear. :-)
2012-05-21 02:12:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. So glad that you slept well. Is my sweet darling sir all fresh & cheery today? :-) I woke up a few times, a slight headache
2012-05-21 02:11:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me. I wish to see you, to look into your eyes, to feel you... not only in dream. Sigh. Anand, I miss you.
2012-05-20 15:29:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ One last kiss, a gentle smile... and thoughts of you as I fade into sleep... See you soon darling, in dreams. Dreams... sweet dreams...
2012-05-20 15:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do come & hug me to you before you leave for the
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office. I wish to feel you next to me...

2012-05-20 15:11:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft butterfly kisses & lovely wishes for your morning and for a nice start, darling. All the best with the presentation.
2012-05-20 15:11:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your sleep is sweet & tender & you wake up fresh with a smile, feeling ready for the week ahead.
2012-05-20 15:08:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner, freshened up & joining you now in bed, darling. I kiss you softly behind your ear & wrap you in my arms, holding you close...
2012-05-20 15:07:50 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Your energy is exquisite ~~ and I thank you once again for your presence in my life~~ a very dear treasure xoxo
2012-05-20 13:50:54 (EDT)

BeingInJoy embrace life in many manifestations, without clinging and needing ; ) I have had my battles within, here, certainly.Long over, thankfully; )
2012-05-20 13:50:13 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you for your beautiful notes...I received them at a beautiful moment...and I feel your heart's concern for some on twitter...we must
2012-05-20 13:49:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good. Yes, I will... I promise & join you asap. But now, your lady is hugging & cuddling & kissing you sweetly to sleep...Good night.
2012-05-20 12:31:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly with smiles & happy dreams. Kissing you softly on your nose and lovely lips...
2012-05-20 12:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Shall we cuddle a little? Please. I will stay with you in bed till you fall asleep... Then I will have dinner & join you again...
2012-05-20 12:20:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. You mean you need to be in the office early or meeting
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up somewhere else? I will eat properly. I promise.

2012-05-20 12:16:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! And then I would end up really having sturdy arms. :-| Btw, I was a bad eater as a child, too. If I eat too much, my stomach hurts.
2012-05-20 12:16:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, come and cook for your lady. I would eat more, then.
2012-05-20 12:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, pasta or rice with veggies. Sometimes just veggies. Or have pizza or something else.
2012-05-20 12:07:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have my breakfast between 7:30 - 8:00. Two toasts & a big glass of milk. So, I can't eat around 10.
2012-05-20 12:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I trust you, I really do. :-) But trust me, it's too much for my stomach.
2012-05-20 12:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should drink more. I don't drink enough, I know. Darling, I do eat as much as I need & as healthy as I can.
2012-05-20 11:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I just have salad because I am not hungry. I usually eat a fruit or yoghurt around 15 & have a baguette or toast or sandwich for dinner.
2012-05-20 11:46:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! That's way too much. A breakfast yes, but sandwich around 10? I do try to have lunch with enough veggies, but sometimes...
2012-05-20 11:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't have the energy to prepare food or so. Could barely eat, darling.
2012-05-20 11:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... everything would be so much nicer if you were here. I miss you, too. A lot.
2012-05-20 11:35:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps you are right. I still feel sleepy... Smile, that would be
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nice, darling. I didn't eat much today, just some fruits... Blush.
2012-05-20 11:32:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to have you here with me today... I miss you, Anand.
2012-05-20 11:27:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Maybe so... it just comes & goes, darling. But I will look for another doc, the ones in that hospital weren't that good. Happy now?
2012-05-20 11:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, the movie was for him, so... :-) Glad he loved it. Your day was surely way better than mine, dear. I did nothing. Rested a lot.
2012-05-20 11:26:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Reached home? How was the movie? And your day? I... I miss you terribly. Just... hold me. Please.
2012-05-20 10:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did darling, I did. I dozed off... Feel somewhat better now. Darling, I had CT, MRI, EEG... they said there's nothing wrong.
2012-05-20 10:37:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will now lie down, but will take my laptop with me. My sweetest kisses & gentlest hugs for you, darling. Missing you...
2012-05-20 09:04:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was the movie? Did lil' man enjoy it? I would've so loved to come too. Sigh. Hope you had a nice, lovely day.
2012-05-20 09:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I took a very strong painkiller then slept a bit, woke up, ate something little & laid down again. I will rest today & do nothing.
2012-05-20 09:03:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My head's slightly better at the moment. I don't feel well. My ex wanted to take me to the hospital, but again? No no, no way. For what?
2012-05-20 09:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So sorry darling. Thank you for hugging & holding me, for your soft kisses & the massage. They helped. Yes, the nap was lovely...with you.
2012-05-20 09:02:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling... Sniff. Be back soon... Till then, a sweet gentle kiss on your lips...
2012-05-20 05:16:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, I need to lie down a little. My head is about to explode & everything is blurry. Can't even read what I am typing. :-|
2012-05-20 05:14:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, then... we can still go to bed... and cuddle for a while. ;-) Had a nice lunch? Working on the pres.?
2012-05-20 05:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I presume my sweet darling had his lunch & about to rest...or asleep already. :-) Yes, I am by your side, kissing you softly on your eyes...
2012-05-20 04:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Smile, you should rather rush eagerly to me... to dive in and bathe in my love, darling. ;-p
2012-05-20 04:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the seagulls, the bridge, the kids playing wind instruments & all... My sweet darling, I miss it all so much!
2012-05-20 03:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, did they like the pictures? I would love to see some pictures from our walk in the park. Remember the yellow flowers, the water...
2012-05-20 03:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. That's good. I thought his business went bust... Thank you, dear. I will remind you. :-)
2012-05-20 03:38:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I will play with your hair, caress you, hold you while you sleep. Sounds good? Shy smile.
2012-05-20 03:37:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God. It really is very hot there... Darling, will you take me to bed with you? You can rest with your head on my belly and
2012-05-20 03:37:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, missing you... Very very very much. Thousand and one
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sweet soft cool butterfly kisses from your head to toe darling.
2012-05-20 02:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just curious. What happened to that guy's business here? Much work left to do on the presentation? Just...don't work too much today. Please.
2012-05-20 02:51:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Going to watch a kid's movie sounds wonderful, I wish I could come along too... Sigh. Darling, can you send me the Hung. pres.?
2012-05-20 02:50:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the power is back, darling. It's a beautiful sunny Sunday morning, right now it's 20C & will be about 27 in the afternoon.
2012-05-20 02:50:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... went back to bed. It's Sunday. Have not much to do. Just a few chores and... hm, well, that's all. Wishing you were here... Sniff.
2012-05-20 02:49:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...after the rituals? Smile, no no I didn't forget about the new moon. My sleep was a bit restless, woke up early, fed the cast and
2012-05-20 02:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. These power cuts... I am sorry it spoiled your sleep. How are you, dear? Did you get some more rest
2012-05-20 02:48:07 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. How are you

2012-05-19 21:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am fading fast, dear... hugging you, holding you softly, tenderly... Sleep my dear, long and sweet...
2012-05-19 15:58:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Please. I hold your fridge magnet in my hand as I type this. Take time to smell the roses. It's not pointless to do so... It is not.
2012-05-19 15:22:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, Anand, Anand! God! What have you done to this silly lady? You showed me how love is supposed to feel like... and then... Oh dear.
2012-05-19 15:04:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sadly that part of me has no body...and you can't see it
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nor feel its hugs & kisses & lovely touches...Perhaps you can, in your dream.
2012-05-19 14:42:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your last tweet is very beautiful, darling. Sigh. So beautiful...But please sleep now. I am there with you...a part of me is always with you
2012-05-19 14:28:30 (EDT)

BeingInJoy to burst into the world. Twitter is really a healthy place for me ; ) XO Thank you for your lovely message!!
2012-05-19 14:18:28 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Life is offering me a beautiful dose of yin and yang and all I am attempting is to accept, and love...and thus there is room for some joy
2012-05-19 14:17:46 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Honored that you were inspired to spend time! I hope you are having a lovely weekend so far! I am one with many challenges and many delights
2012-05-19 14:17:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you immensely, Anand.

2012-05-19 14:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Honest? I would have so loved to do so in the US, but... you didn't allow it. Thank you, darling. :-)
2012-05-19 14:03:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love it very much, darling. Then... I'd just sit on the bedside, hold your hand & watch you sleep sweetly for a while... :-)
2012-05-19 13:56:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, would you let me stay by your side... let me hold you, caress you, give you sweet lil' kisses till you fall asleep?
2012-05-19 13:54:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, my darling. Sniff. Very very much. Oh, I don't mind if it is sticky... :-) I would still love to hug & kiss & cuddle you...
2012-05-19 13:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back on your lips, slowly, softly... hugging you tightly to me.Sleep soundly. I join you shortly and wrap myself around you...
2012-05-19 13:39:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Aaah :-| least you got to taste the chocolate on my lips ;-p Good night my sweet darling. Wishing you sweet chocolaty dreams :)
2012-05-19 13:36:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops. How did you know? Was it a smudge of chocolate still on my lips? God! On my teeth? :-| Or... did my kiss taste of chocolate? ;-)
2012-05-19 13:17:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-| Oh no! Why, tell me why did I tell you to take a lukewarm shower! ;-p
2012-05-19 13:04:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, dear? Fell asleep? :-(

2012-05-19 12:56:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Scroll down to "piping water underground". I know how it works but can't explain least not in English. Blush
2012-05-19 12:23:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't have cold water at all? Wow. Really?

2012-05-19 12:04:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How did it rise to your hotel room in the US? The same way, dear. I meant it comes through underground pipes, not underground water.
2012-05-19 12:02:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Without a heater, we would only have cold water.

2012-05-19 11:53:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh! Ok, I see... Well, we don't have water tanks, it comes from under the ground... we need to heat the water. :-)
2012-05-19 11:52:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? Only hot water? No cold?

2012-05-19 11:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe take a lukewarm shower, dear. It's refreshing.

2012-05-19 11:23:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could just hold you and let you rest in my arms... softly caressing you, blowing cool air on your skin. Sigh.
2012-05-19 11:23:21 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ God! What? Just now? Wow. Long shopping... A tight welcome home hug for my darling & a sweet kiss... Still so hot there?
2012-05-19 11:19:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you that it won't take long.

2012-05-19 11:13:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah! Our DMs crossed... To a nearby store.

2012-05-19 11:13:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where have you gone now?

2012-05-19 11:11:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Better. A soft kiss on your lips for smiling... and a hug, and a nose-rub. :-) I wrote you, I raced to the store. Didn't you get my DM?
2012-05-19 10:34:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... Come on darling, it is not that bad. It can happen. Please do smile now.
2012-05-19 10:23:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am leaving now. Be back soon. A deep kiss on your throat, dear.
2012-05-19 09:47:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you miss me, if you truly do & still feel the same then...I don't understand you. Makes no sense to me to keep us away from each other...
2012-05-19 09:46:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And maybe you understand, but... :-(

2012-05-19 09:33:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, oooh... you tweeted that in your timeline! :-D

2012-05-19 09:30:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, was just getting ready... Will race to the store in a few min. It won't take long, I don't need much...
2012-05-19 09:28:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When was the presentation? And was it good? Oooh! So, that one guy knows a little more about H. then. What happened to his business?
2012-05-19 09:28:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, really? I'd love to read what they have put together. Just... curious. And they have done all the work without you! Awww :-(
2012-05-19 09:27:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. I just miss you & wish you were with me, you know? Sniff.
2012-05-19 09:27:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not in my best mood, darling. I am sorry. I just wish you were here... giving me all those kisses & hugs. And play & laugh and... Sigh!
2012-05-19 08:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? Thank you dear! I esp. love your half-hug & kiss ;-p But wait! There is 19.98 left for...hmmm whatever you wish to do/give your lady.
2012-05-19 08:52:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. :-( Your lady could use a hug and a kiss or two...
2012-05-19 08:20:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is quiet. Laundry, some cleaning, some other chores... Wish you could pick me up on your way...
2012-05-19 08:19:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleeping too long in the afternoon isn't that good, so... Glad you didn't sleep longer.
2012-05-19 08:10:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have fun, dear. And do think of me while shopping...

2012-05-19 08:08:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had a sweet rest? Good boy. Here, boys tend to dislike spinach, broccoli & such veggies.
2012-05-19 07:42:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a beautiful day with lil' man. Sure I miss you, but... Never mind. A soft kiss on your lips, my hands on your hips...
2012-05-19 06:02:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you left me all alone again... Sniff. But well, you surely have better things to do... So, I won't bother you, darling.
2012-05-19 06:01:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I don't know what to cook. Perhaps nothing.

2012-05-19 05:22:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant does he like spinach? Blush.

2012-05-19 05:18:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, this sounds delicious. Can you send me a little bit of it? Sigh. Did lil' man like spinach?
2012-05-19 05:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But for now, bon appetit. What did you cook? Sigh, I would have so loved to help you...Miss you. And your cooking. A lot.
2012-05-19 04:20:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there is my sweet sir! Smile, come... you can have your freshly showered lady after lunch as a dessert... ;-)
2012-05-19 04:19:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to hug hold his lady close & kiss the drops off her skin... Sigh. I miss you. I really wish you were here now.
2012-05-19 03:41:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, freshly showered, in a towel, smelling like a flower garden after a Spring rain. :-) And my sweet darling is not around...
2012-05-19 03:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Getting into the shower now... care to join me? ;-) I would wash your back for you, darling. And your arms & legs... ;-)
2012-05-19 02:55:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses on the small of your back, darling... and along your trouser line. Sigh. My hello to your nephew.
2012-05-19 01:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Even shopping with you was such a delight...Now, I just rush through the supermarket...Remember the shopping cart? :-)
2012-05-19 01:19:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you will be alone with lil' man? Nice. I need to shop today, too. Shall we go together & then cook? It would be wonderful...
2012-05-19 01:13:47 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, surf to my bed darling & cuddle your lady, but... maybe you'll keep your distance 'cause I am unbathed... sniff (teeth are brushed)
2012-05-19 01:12:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was so tired, fell asleep on the couch but managed to drag myself to bed. I stopped reading newspaper long ago.
2012-05-19 01:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. That's funny, I too, woke up around 6:30. :-) Glad you slept well & a bit longer... Is my darling all fresh today?
2012-05-19 01:12:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep on the couch... Hope your dreams are lovely my dear & you smile in your sleep as I slip under the covers and hug you to me...
2012-05-18 16:39:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. :-(

2012-05-18 13:33:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel wilted today. I think I will skip dinner. I will just freshen up and join you in bed...holding you very close and sleep.
2012-05-18 13:30:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come. Really. Please.

2012-05-18 13:27:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure... so, why hmmm?

2012-05-18 13:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late... Good night. A sweet slow kiss on your lips, darling. Sleep & dream sweetly. I join you in a bit & hold you to me.
2012-05-18 13:25:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What hmmm. Hm?

2012-05-18 13:23:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, please come here... You know why...

2012-05-18 13:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where? Where? Right in my arms? ;-) Sigh, if only...

2012-05-18 13:12:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, in this case... yes, I agree with you. So, the book started well and then... Hmmm.
2012-05-18 13:11:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And? How did it feel? And did they notice it?
2012-05-18 13:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But but... I thought it was over, you wrote that you were watching it... Don't confuse your lady. :-(
2012-05-18 13:03:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. And you are back... always when I wish you good night. Are you busy?
2012-05-18 12:54:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you vanished again... :-( Then, again- good night, darling. Sleep sweetly with beautiful dreams. Some more kisses on your tummy...
2012-05-18 12:47:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should watch with him WALLE, A bugs life, Ratatouille, Monsters Inc... oh & I could go on and on... They are great & fun.
2012-05-18 12:35:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly & long my dear. Soft kisses on your palms... I join you shortly & hold you tenderly to me.
2012-05-18 12:24:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, my dear sweet sir seems to have fallen asleep reading... Then, good night darling. Wishing you beautiful, rosehip-scented dreams.
2012-05-18 12:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, honest... do you really miss me? A lot lot lot? Or just... Done for the day, btw.
2012-05-18 11:43:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww... how I love it when you say that! You haven't called me like that in a long time. Thank you, daahling! ;-p
2012-05-18 11:34:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, thank you. Well, nothing is perfect, right? ;-)

2012-05-18 11:34:35 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank you for your love and kindness ~ you are a treasure ~
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I'm so glad to know you ; )

2012-05-18 11:26:14 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Hello, Wonderful! Agreed ~~ I am Miss Wholistic once more, believe me, lol. I never want to feel like that again! XOXO
2012-05-18 11:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. So very much...

2012-05-18 10:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Almost every day? God, sure not. Smile, I find it funny when you say the drive was exhausting... You just sit there, don't have to drive ;-p
2012-05-18 10:39:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you.

2012-05-18 10:30:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Normal. Still working but almost done. I went to the post office darling & on my way home got fresh bread. I wasn't shopping.
2012-05-18 10:29:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Beaming! :-) I pull you to me and kiss you back darling, softly & long... Welcome home. :-) I am ok I think. How is my sweet darling?
2012-05-18 10:28:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady is patiently waiting... But... just take your time, say hi to lil' man, etc.
2012-05-18 10:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for your kisses darling... I'll be waiting for your return behind a tree with hugs & kisses, find me... smell your way to me. ;-)
2012-05-18 09:07:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... Deep sigh. I so wish I could be there too... or you here, or we elsewhere... just... together.
2012-05-18 09:06:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only thing I didn't like was your undershirt ;-p Family activities, as in? Beach again or just staying home & spend time with lil' man?
2012-05-18 09:06:06 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I especially loved you in red (which I didn't get to see in real, sniff) & in black... and white and... in everything. :-)
2012-05-18 09:05:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are being modest now... You have a great taste in clothes & you know that. I loved how you dressed.
2012-05-18 09:04:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back home. So glad to hear your day was better. Actually, your day sounds very good, darling. Nice. Happy for you. :-)
2012-05-18 09:04:19 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How about you, what plans do you have, if any? Sister still visiting?
2012-05-18 08:34:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I start my next hospital rotation Monday, so I'll be on twitter intermittently. Nice to get away, maybe I'll get to read for leisure!
2012-05-18 08:34:25 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That sounds like a wonderful idea that I'm going to have to wait until another time for...going away this weekend for a mini get away before
2012-05-18 08:33:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How have you been? Miss our talks. :-) Enjoy your weekend, A; hope it's filled with all good things.
2012-05-18 08:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Many many soft, trembling kisses for you, my darling... wherever you desire them... Smile.
2012-05-18 06:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to have just another very very busy day. Sniff. Missing you. And hoping today is better than your yesterday...
2012-05-18 06:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's quietly doing her work & while she does so, she dreams of you...and her holding hands, running over grass, laughing...Sigh!
2012-05-18 05:10:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is a bit busier than expected, but it's ok. The sun shines,
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sky cleared up, birds happily sing along...the only thing missing is you.
2012-05-18 04:42:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I do, I really do. A lot :-) How I wish I could hold you close now & kiss you along your lower lip then upper lip & then...sigh!
2012-05-18 02:45:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... it's Friday, the last day. :-) Thousand sweet lively kisses all over you, my darling with soft caresses of butterfly wings...
2012-05-18 02:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, how was the drive? How is your day? Is it less busy? Again... why these long meetings? Any special occasion?
2012-05-18 02:36:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you cooked! How I missed you cooking before leaving for the office! :-) God! And how I miss your cooking, to cook with you... Sniff.
2012-05-18 02:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? See? Your lady knew... ;-) I smiled too when I read your DM. I know it's not the best thing to do, but still... the best for you.
2012-05-18 02:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept like a stone. Yes, I felt your kisses & soft cool blow and woke up imagining that you are by my side... Sigh.
2012-05-18 02:34:42 (EDT)

BeingInJoy *best hug!*

2012-05-18 00:05:03 (EDT)

BeingInJoy A lymph gland was the scare...but with the right self-care...I'll be well! So glad all that is resolved for the most part...back to poetry!
2012-05-18 00:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And please, I know it's not easy, but try to ignore their behavior... You know what I mean, yes? You just feel bad then & it's not worth it.
2012-05-17 17:40:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... daisy kisses beside you on your pillow. :-) My sweet darling, wishing you a real good day & cheer... It's Friday! ;-)
2012-05-17 17:30:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping well & your dreams are sweet like honey & when you wake up, you :-), seeing my butterfly shaped, rainbow-petaled...
2012-05-17 17:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it's very late & I am very tired, so I come now, snuggle up behind you, softly kiss your shoulder & wrap you in my arms darling. :-)
2012-05-17 17:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I started to watch Sleepy Hollow- blush, I simply love the Tim Burton-Johnny Depp movies, can't help it.
2012-05-17 17:27:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was watching Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland on TV. I must say it isn't his best movie & nothing like the original one, but still...
2012-05-17 17:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To meet again, to be together it's not like getting a shot, it's doing what feels right to the heart, darling.
2012-05-17 13:14:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... together felt so right, darling. It was beautiful and so easy, we were really great together. Sigh. I miss you with me.
2012-05-17 12:54:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We should be together. I know, I know...your mind & all :-( just felt so right to be with each other, everything about our time
2012-05-17 12:53:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only you could feel it somehow... me, my soft body against yours, my arm around you... My sweet darling, holding you close, very close...
2012-05-17 12:23:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly with lovely dreams my dear. Soft kisses around your navel. :-) Yes, I hug you, hold you close to me... Good night.
2012-05-17 12:11:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, go to bed darling. I will be holding you, cuddling you till you fall asleep... and join you later again for the night. Ok?
2012-05-17 12:03:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, how I wish I was there to cheer you up a little, kiss a
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sweet smile on your lips, to hold you, cradle your tired body to sleep.
2012-05-17 12:00:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't seem to have time because you always do something. Your days are too packed, darling.
2012-05-17 12:00:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my darling... come. Please.

2012-05-17 11:38:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Almost done with work. Miss our evenings...

2012-05-17 11:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just maybe? I am pretty sure about it, darling. She was the sweetest, loveliest motivation... ;-)
2012-05-17 11:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I don't know... maybe you work this much just to fill your time...
2012-05-17 11:11:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and of course... no work on weekends, but doing sweet lovely things together... Sigh. If only...
2012-05-17 11:09:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, do you remember how you rushed back to the hotel to me? Maybe you just need me... you'd easily manage the 8 hours... ;-)
2012-05-17 11:05:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you terribly. I would really love to have you closer, dear... :-(
2012-05-17 10:53:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I see, you are in a meeting! Sigh. Sorry, I am still working... But taking a break just to kiss your neck & nibble your earlobe... ;-p
2012-05-17 10:52:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... because they have to... And that's a big difference, darling. Maybe that's why they don't wish to be completely involved.
2012-05-17 10:49:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. But what to do? Hm? You can't change them. You seem to love your job & enjoy what you do & they seem to do their job
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2012-05-17 10:48:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We usually work 8 hours. Sometimes a bit longer if it is necessary, but you my dear... :-| Please do try to work normal hours.
2012-05-17 10:47:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And your lady enjoys yours... God! How I wish we were really hugging & kissing! Your lady on tiptoe, hands under your undershirt... Sigh!
2012-05-17 10:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here now, or I there... massaging your shoulders, kissing the top of your head while you tell me about your day. :-)
2012-05-17 09:50:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... you really work too much. Why these long meetings? Discussing new plans or so? My day is ok, too. Nothing special, darling.
2012-05-17 09:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you, darling. A lot. Really, a lot. What did you eat? How are you feeling? Not refreshing... does it mean you had a tiring day?
2012-05-17 09:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Done with your snack? Yes, no? You know what...yes or no, I sweep you into my arms & kiss your lips a sweet long happy welcome home :-)
2012-05-17 09:48:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, are you still in a meeting? Your lady is working... and thinking of you with a smile and sigh...
2012-05-17 08:40:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, it's not only the hugs & kisses & cuddles I miss... there's a lot more, darling. I miss doing all the things we did together...
2012-05-17 06:40:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Very very much.

2012-05-17 06:01:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses fluttering to you darling, to land on your shoulders & slowly slide down your back, giving you sweet shivers...
2012-05-17 06:01:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... tell him to avoid cats? Are they different there? Btw, what is
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lil' man doing while you are at work? Isn't he bored?

2012-05-17 05:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah, ha! Just now reading your respond to the mail I sent you last week... I seem to have missed it yesterday. Why does your sister
2012-05-17 05:14:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Gosh! Then, I did understand it right. And no, it isn't that nice... Darling, why these long meeting this week?
2012-05-17 04:36:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, come and see... the sun is peeking out! :-) I would so love to have you here with me, dear...
2012-05-17 03:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What now? Lunch meeting... as in, going out for lunch with them or sitting in an office room & eating while in a meeting? :-)
2012-05-17 03:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, slow, cool kisses for the back of your neck, darling. Your lady misses you. You should really take a break & come... Sigh.
2012-05-17 02:48:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... if you can steal sweet minutes. :-) My morning is a little busy too, but the afternoon should be less packed.
2012-05-17 02:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I so wished for you a less busy day & then... I just hope the day goes smoothly for you and it is pleasant and enjoyable...
2012-05-17 02:43:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's still very windy here with grey skies. Not nice. Silly me. You meant lunch meeting. That's good. I thought lunch in a meeting. Blush.
2012-05-17 02:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. How I miss our morning cuddles! How are you, darling? Slept sweetly? Got enough rest? I slept fine, woke up with slight headache.
2012-05-17 02:42:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your arms around my waist, holding lil' me close to you. Oh darling, I'd just hug you, nuzzle into you & not let you go.
2012-05-17 02:41:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. Ahh, just to wake up to your tickling can let your hands walk up my legs before wrapping
2012-05-17 02:41:06 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one, how are you? Its getting hot and i want to start my tan. I cant believe how ,much i miss talking with you, i got a new
2012-05-17 01:14:20 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one, how are you? Its getting hot and i want to start my tan. I cant believe how ,much i miss talking with you, i got a new
2012-05-17 01:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed, fading fast. I miss you, my dear darling. I miss you. I wish you were here, holding me...Sniff. I will dream of, together.
2012-05-16 15:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For when you wake up: sunlight kissed hugs & dewdropsflavored kisses await you darling with lovely good-morning whispers. And a :-)
2012-05-16 15:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hopefully your tomorrow is less busy, so that you can eat your lunch in peace.
2012-05-16 15:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now darling & wrap myself in your arms. Hope your sleep is sweet & restful, dreaming of swings & flowers, butterflies & smiles...
2012-05-16 15:20:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... at me trying to look angry. :-) Sigh, and I would've ended up running up to you, hugging you close & kissing you deeply.
2012-05-16 15:19:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were so sweet today... How could I be angry at you? Hm? I was just really worried...that's all. God! Such a long busy day! Poor darling.
2012-05-16 15:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so, so much. So very much. Nearly 9 months now... Anand, my darling... God! Please, oh please... Deep sad sigh.
2012-05-16 12:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, just to be held by you like that again. To feel your chest
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against my back, your breath on my neck, hand on my belly. Just this...

2012-05-16 12:24:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. My good night wish was hmmm... not really correct, but I am sure you know what I meant. :-)
2012-05-16 12:10:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And seriously... please come. You can...

2012-05-16 12:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. And I miss your hand on my belly... Good night, my darling.
2012-05-16 12:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that bring you smiles in your sleep :-) I am there darling, put your hand on my belly & hold me close. Sleep now.
2012-05-16 11:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you need the rest so... Good night, my sweetest. Kissing you softly on your tired eyes & sweet nose too. Sleep soundly with dreams...
2012-05-16 11:55:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, so lovely... Please come to me, darling. Sigh.

2012-05-16 11:54:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. The truth is that I was smiling the second I saw your DM. ;-) Thank you, darling & in return, a soft slow kiss on your lips.
2012-05-16 11:45:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, gently rocking you in my arms to sleep, caressing your hair and maybe... just maybe humming a soft lullaby... :-)
2012-05-16 11:45:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor sweet darling, you must be exhausted. You had a really long, very very very busy day... See? I can't be angry with you :-) Sigh.
2012-05-16 11:38:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you... come darling, let me hold you close & rock you gently & give you sweet little kisses... :-)
2012-05-16 11:36:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's not that I am angry, just... it's not a nice feeling, you know?
2012-05-16 11:27:00 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ The cap is back, he is happy... all is fine. Hmmm... I cover my nose with my hand and pouting...
2012-05-16 11:24:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not too angry, just... Hmm. So, the cap is back. Is it his favorite one? Then yes, I believe he was very happy. And now, you are his hero...
2012-05-16 11:14:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, but... can't smile now. Maybe later... or tomorrow.

2012-05-16 11:11:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad the new cab service is better. Hope it will stay so. Nina mama and the cats are fine, thanks.
2012-05-16 11:09:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Poor boy. Do go with him & buy him a new one. It's ok. I understand. But still...I am a bit angry...but entirely relieved at the same time.
2012-05-16 11:07:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! You are alive & fine. Been checking my DMs every few minutes. I was worried something happened to you & missed you terribly :-(
2012-05-16 11:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-05-16 10:38:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What to do? If I send you a text message, you don't reply... Should I call you? Or what? :-| I just hope that all is well with you, dear.
2012-05-16 09:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 20 hours... you have never done this before. :-( Yes, worried.
2012-05-16 09:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And still nothing. Where are you, darling? If you don't feel like talking to me it's ok, but please at least let me know that you are fine.
2012-05-16 08:16:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it's been 18 hours since your last DM. No fun anymore. :-( Are you ok? Is everything alright with you? Besides that- yes miss you.
2012-05-16 06:59:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I do miss you so...

2012-05-16 05:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's past lunchtime there & still no message... :-( Meetings? Pairing? Anyway, I hope you feel good darling & the day goes fine...
2012-05-16 04:53:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A lot. Sweet soft butterfly kisses on your chin, darling... to drip down your throat and into your undershirt... :-)
2012-05-16 02:56:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Is this new cab company better? How goes your day? Is everything alright in the office? My day will be the usual. Work, chores... and you.
2012-05-16 02:55:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I went about my morning chores and here now... was hoping you'd have DM-ed me... Never mind. How was the drive to the office?
2012-05-16 02:54:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. How are you? Did you sleep well? I see, you are having a busy day...woke up to no sweet sir beside me. Sniff
2012-05-16 02:54:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. How my body aches to be close to yours, darling- as close as bodies can be... You will be my dream tonight... I sleep now. Good night.
2012-05-15 15:31:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... belly, pulling me closer... Good night, my dearest. Hope your dreams are beautiful & you wake up with a :-), fresh & well-rested.
2012-05-15 15:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I join you now darling, fresh & fragrant in my tiny PJ's, softly kiss your chin & curl into you. Smiling as you slip your arm around my...
2012-05-15 15:28:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have dinner now, then freshen up a bit & join you for the night. Ok? :-)
2012-05-15 13:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But wait, you said sturdy arms? Aaah! Then, my sweet darling,
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those arms won't hug you now... ;-p

2012-05-15 13:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I find myself standing at your bedside. ;-) I join you in bed, kiss you softly on your eyes & rest my head on your chest for a while...
2012-05-15 13:46:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And one more... and another... and another... :-) Just following your hugs & picking them up one by one, smiling as...
2012-05-15 13:45:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back to my darling :-) Yes, all went well. Sniff, it took a bit longer than I thought. Smile, I found your hug & held it tight to me...
2012-05-15 13:45:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A :-) a last quick kiss and whoosh... ;-) Oh and in case I didn't tell you- I miss you. A lot. :-) Good night, my sweetest.
2012-05-15 12:16:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly, darling. Yes, I will join you when I return. Softly, quietly... hugging you tenderly to me. :-)
2012-05-15 12:15:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. Are you happy? :-| Come darling, let me hug you & kiss your soft, oh so kissable lips good night & sweet dreams.
2012-05-15 12:14:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you. :-) how was your weekend?

2012-05-15 12:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I leave 5 min. earlier. I need 10 min. drive, so... not at the fag end. Ok. You convinced me. I will definitely look for the book.
2012-05-15 12:13:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really really? Sigh, I would love it very much... I'd be quiet darling, sweetly caress & rub & kiss your back, letting you read...
2012-05-15 12:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Well, this sounds interesting. Maybe I will look for that book.
2012-05-15 12:08:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to have some time for yourself, so...

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2012-05-15 11:56:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So... do you want to have me next to you, sweetly rubbing your back or not? I can leave you alone if you wish... Sure you are glad...
2012-05-15 11:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ 37 minutes, not 25 ;-p

2012-05-15 11:54:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I know your time. :-) Ugh... I don't think I would enjoy that book.
2012-05-15 11:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, no. I wrote you that I have to be there at 18:30- 22:00 your time. :-| So, I will leave around 18:15- 21:45 your time.
2012-05-15 11:34:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. What are you reading? Can I snuggle up next to you while you read...rubbing & kissing your back? Just for a short while?
2012-05-15 11:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Having dinner? Chatting with your mom or sis or lil' man... or with all? :-) How's your nephew, btw?
2012-05-15 11:26:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh, those beautiful days... I miss everything about them... about you.
2012-05-15 11:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Jumping in your arms, hugging you & kissing you the sweetest welcome home! :-) How are you darling? You must be tired...
2012-05-15 10:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... leaving for the hotel, knowing I will be there, waiting for you? I do. I miss them a lot.
2012-05-15 09:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There's not much to tell about my day. It is decent. Nothing noteworthy. Darling? Don't you miss those afternoons when you were...
2012-05-15 09:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could be there when you come home. I would pamper you in the sweetest ways till bedtime... ;-)
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2012-05-15 09:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The presentations are delayed? Why that? Sure not tiring? If you say so... I am happy, but still... it's been a long long day for you.
2012-05-15 09:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Are you still in the office? When is the meeting over? Smile, I don't know why but I love when you DM me when you are in a meeting.
2012-05-15 09:03:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh so happy! Missed you, darling. So, so much! Thank you for your kisses & hug... Yes, I'd enjoy them too. Actually, I'd be in heaven. :-)
2012-05-15 09:03:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It won't take long, just returning the registration forms for the next school year, but still... it's your bedtime. :-(
2012-05-15 08:23:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah, I forgot to tell you that I have to go to Kelvin's school this evening. I have to be there at 18:30 - 22:00 your time.
2012-05-15 08:22:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... Errands done, back to work. But before... many many little wet refreshing kisses to cool your skin, darling. I miss you. Sniff.
2012-05-15 08:04:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off to run some errands... be back soon. Wearing dark blue jeans with a beige half sleeve shirt... Hope the day isn't too tiring, my dear.
2012-05-15 06:47:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok- nothing special. Just work... and daydreams of you. Sigh. I wish you were here.
2012-05-15 04:53:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just this :-) & a kiss for my darling's neck behind his let him know that his lady's missing him. :-) Hope everything's going fine!
2012-05-15 04:51:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Trying to focus on work, but... your absence darling is more present than my own presence... in you -in thoughts of you- so absent... Sigh!
2012-05-15 04:08:10 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh how I wish I could really do it... How I miss you! My sweet wonderful Anand, I don't want much, really not, just... You. With me.
2012-05-15 02:03:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, please close your eyes for a sec., unbutton your top button & imagine, feel me kissing you on your lips, softly, slowly, deeply...
2012-05-15 02:00:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... downpours of soft, fresh, lively kisses on your shoulders, nape, back, around your waist, on your thighs... everywhere. :-)
2012-05-15 02:00:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best with the presentations. I hope all goes well, darling & you have a great day. I will be thinking of you & keep sending you...
2012-05-15 01:59:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept very light. I think I will be yawning all day today, too. Oh darling, longer & busier than yesterday? Sniff. I will miss you so!
2012-05-15 01:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, you woke up too early? Why? Maybe your mind was already at work... :-) How do you feel now? Better?
2012-05-15 01:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and stayed in bed a little longer because I didn't want the dream to end. You... by my side. Sigh.
2012-05-15 01:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. I was awake when you kissed me, whispering sweet words to me... but it made me think I am still dreaming...
2012-05-15 01:56:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! I would so love to have you here darling. I would stay up all night, sit by your side holding your hand & watch you sleep...
2012-05-14 13:23:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? My sweetest, dearest, loveliest Anand... Hope you know that your lady tends to be silly & naughty when she is over-sleepy. ;-p
2012-05-14 13:20:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh and yes... you can put your hand under my sleepy-top... would love to feel your warm hand on my belly... ;-)
2012-05-14 13:17:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cheater! You are still here! Why are you still awake? Hm? But happy... :-) Please, sleep now. But before, let me kiss you on your lips...
2012-05-14 13:15:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I would so love to sleep like that. There are so many things I would love to do with you... Sigh. Please, come. My lovely darling...
2012-05-14 13:05:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, especially on days like this... when I am really sleepy and barely able to think. Anyway, I kiss you once again & nuzzle into you...
2012-05-14 13:03:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you know... your lady is a bit slow... well, too slow. Please do wait a little after sending me your good night DM. Blush.
2012-05-14 12:56:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... palm on your chest & one leg between yours... :-) Sleep deeply, my darling with smiles & sweet dreams. Good night.
2012-05-14 12:49:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes you are... ;-p And yes, let's go to bed. I softly kiss your neck as I curl up next to your side, with my head on your shoulder,
2012-05-14 12:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... as you try to tickle me. Welcome back, my sweetest. :-) Ahhh, my ever complaining darling... So, the evening & dinner was good. ;-p
2012-05-14 12:37:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh so happy! My arms around your neck, legs around your waist...hugging you tightly as you twirl me, biting your earlobe & laughing...
2012-05-14 12:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's raining. I feel really sleepy... My darling, I so wish you were here right now. Just to hug you & nuzzle into your shoulder...
2012-05-14 12:11:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. First the work...I do understand it, but still... Missed you. Done for the day, darling. Day was ok. Tired. Yes, I ate properly.
2012-05-14 12:02:58 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. Please rush back to me, so I can wrap you in my arms & cover you in more than a dozen sweet slow kisses...
2012-05-14 12:00:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I yawn, the yawn would turn into a long sigh... ;-) I miss you, too. Missed you terribly today. Sniff.
2012-05-14 11:59:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Was it... just ok? Did they enjoy the dinnerevening? And lil' man? My hello to him. Smile, if you kiss my throat while...
2012-05-14 11:58:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... hope you have a lovely dinner together... & you think of your lady... Yes, I'll be here & will take you in my arms when you return.
2012-05-14 10:30:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you seem to have already left... or got the call... :-(
2012-05-14 10:25:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you. So, so much!

2012-05-14 09:56:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, I don't know. I am not lazy darling, just... very very sleepy. Yawning all day. I think it's the weather.
2012-05-14 09:56:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean phone meeting & will take the call over your mobile? Smile, then...expect nothing of them. Just... let them do their normal work...
2012-05-14 09:56:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, you will leave your lady all alone again... Sigh. Anyway, I wish you a nice dinner with your family with yummy food & some fun.
2012-05-14 09:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... veggies? How are you, darling? How was your day? All is ready for tomorrow's presentations?
2012-05-14 09:54:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging you tight & kissing you a sweet soft welcome home. Oh darling, why didn't you let me know that you left for home... & then to
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2012-05-14 09:54:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, you should be home by now, darling. Where are you? Is everything ok with you? Deep sigh.
2012-05-14 09:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was deep in work & just looked at the time... My sweet darling, are you still in the office?? All is well? Miss you...
2012-05-14 08:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... I so don't feel like working today, but I have to. Missing you. A lot. Sniff.
2012-05-14 06:03:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stepping out for a bit, darling. It's cold here. Rainy, windy day. I hope work goes fine for you...A soft nibbling kiss on your earlobes :-)
2012-05-14 05:12:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant in the new office... whenever they open it... if they do it at all. Or so. Blush. :-) Just to have you closer to me...Sigh!
2012-05-14 04:12:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet, rosehip-scented, butterfly winged kisses from head to toe darling, to keep you fresh through the day. :-) I miss you.
2012-05-14 02:42:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is going to be like any other Monday... lots of work to do. Then some daily chores in between and... hmm, I think that's all.
2012-05-14 02:38:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your day sounds quite busy darling- as always.This 2 presentations... is it a team work? As in, you don't have to do it all alone?
2012-05-14 02:38:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... still in a towel, wishing you were here to hold you close & kiss you deep and long, feeling your warm hands on my bare back... Sigh!
2012-05-14 02:37:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't you see your lady smile... as she reached for your fingers & snuggled closer to you by instinct? Good morning, my sweet darling. :-)
2012-05-14 02:34:57 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ When you wake up my dear, smile & know that the soft warmth you felt in your sleep was me, holding you... Yes, I come to you every night...
2012-05-13 16:00:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have never felt as wonderful with anyone like I did with you. Honest. It was like... homecoming.
2012-05-13 13:31:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the way you touched me, kissed me, held me. Sigh.
2012-05-13 13:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This silly lady misses you a lot, you know that? :-) Memories of you dancing in my head- your walk, your voice, your smile, your skin...
2012-05-13 13:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I surely missed you, but... I am there, snuggled up next to you, darling.
2012-05-13 12:58:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I miss your snoring. Honest. When I was back home, the first few days I couldn't sleep. I miss so many things about you...
2012-05-13 12:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would kiss you, caress you to sleep darling and hold you all night... softly, lovingly... Sigh. Sleep sweetly, dream of me holding you...
2012-05-13 12:39:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was too slow... :-( I would've so loved to cuddle with you before sleep... I wish I could magically appear by your side right now...
2012-05-13 12:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... I kiss you softly on your lips & tummy, darling. Sleep soundly with sweet dreams. Good night. I join you very soon, darling...
2012-05-13 12:28:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you, too. A lot lot lot. And more. Oooh, I think you are already gone... Sniff.
2012-05-13 12:27:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait. Please. Dropping everything & rushing to you! Shall we... cuddle a little? Then I can rub your poor tummy till you fall sleep...
2012-05-13 12:25:46 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oooh, wait wait, darling. Please.

2012-05-13 12:23:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good. I love to swim too. Then maybe... he could show you how it goes. Smile. I'd say yes... it was an ok lazy day with Renata.
2012-05-13 12:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, your poor tummy. I felt stuffed yesterday too. Ate too much ice-cream. A lovely welcome home hug & a sweet kiss for my darling.
2012-05-13 12:22:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We didn't do much. My head still hurts & we both felt sleepy. We just talked, watched TV, shared a pizza... That's all.
2012-05-13 11:16:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you eat something wrong? Was it nice at the beach? Renata is already on her way home. The day was peaceful. Lazy.
2012-05-13 11:15:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care darling. I will kiss your tummy & gently rub it once you are back home... Ok? Lil' smile. Yes I know, but still... Sigh.
2012-05-13 11:15:13 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I want to say hi!!!!

2012-05-13 10:34:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies should reach you any moment darling, with my sweetest kisses, whispering softly that your lady's thinking of you, missing you
2012-05-13 10:26:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing, dear nothing, just... Sigh! I'd love to have my sweet sir back who called me sweetie pie, held me & twirled around with me happily.
2012-05-13 09:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Are you at the beach already? Did you pick up your uncle? Deep sigh...I so wish I was there too. Hope you all have fun, darling.
2012-05-13 08:53:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now for a short while. Forgot to buy cat food. Will rush back, ok? I miss you, darling. Just... think of your lady and :-)...
2012-05-13 07:32:19 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest...

2012-05-13 07:07:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-05-13 07:02:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Oh, no?

2012-05-13 06:51:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back :-) Did you clean up alone? But darling... I gave them most happily. Just... hold me & kiss me back, dear & your lady's happy.
2012-05-13 06:42:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet sir?

2012-05-13 06:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Very very much. You know that?

2012-05-13 05:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Squeezing you darling, kissing you sweetly... then looking at you & kissing you again... and again... till you smile happily...
2012-05-13 05:49:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So yes, I would love and cherish your best and your worst meal as well. See? Simple. ;-)
2012-05-13 05:39:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come into my arms and let me squeeze you gently & kiss a smile on your lips... Please. What say? Will you now come?
2012-05-13 05:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Easily. :-) Darling, please... don't be so hard on yourself. You can't always cook the best meal.
2012-05-13 05:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will love even your worst lunch, darling. :-)

2012-05-13 05:12:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, please don't be sad. Even if badly prepared & not your best lunch, but I am sure it still tasted very good.
2012-05-13 05:07:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... got a little delayed? No, that cannot be. :-) And darling, if you make the lunch, it will surely taste delicious. Miss your cooking.
2012-05-13 04:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Will you now please let me hug you & kiss you softly on your lips? Darling... hold me close. Why angry? Just because the lunch...
2012-05-13 04:46:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... so love to teach him how to swim. I wish I could... It would be so wonderful, so much fun... Please do think of your lady...
2012-05-13 04:46:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and you go to the beach? Oh darling, how I wish I could come along too! Can your nephew swim? In case not, I would...
2012-05-13 04:45:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... fresh & flowery. Yes alright, darling. Just... you know... missing you. Cute boy. What did he plan?
2012-05-13 04:44:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't write earlier because my internet was down. So, we had breakfast, showered, cleaned up the kitchen & here now...
2012-05-13 04:44:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... next weekend & so you could sleep some more. Nice, too, no? I woke up late, with headache. We have bad, rainy weather today.
2012-05-13 04:44:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Of course you slept well, I was holding you... Awww, I am sorry darling, but you can go to the market...
2012-05-13 04:43:49 (EDT)

dgdreamin ;)) and I am getting really excited!! Still owe you some Peru pics. Almost a year now. I'm a terrible procrastinator sometimes. How are you?
2012-05-12 22:22:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Loving you. I can't change this... I can't change what I feel for you.
2012-05-12 18:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I softly kiss your shoulder and hug you closer to me, hoping
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that you can feel it somehow... in you sleep... I am with you, dearest...
2012-05-12 18:11:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The sunset... There are still a few sunsets waiting to be watched together, darling. We could... and you know that. Sigh. You know.
2012-05-12 18:09:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's stormy outside, woke up to the wind... Wish you were here to cuddle up to. This one year... It is not over. It is not.
2012-05-12 18:05:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweet lovely Anand... There's so much to share...none of them is pointless. Sleep my dear sleep... I am holding you...
2012-05-12 15:16:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... I will come soon & hug sweetly sleeping you to me... Please, do visit our forest in your dream, I will be there...
2012-05-12 13:37:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... cheeks, lips and chin... Good night. I will join you in a bit & wrap you in my arms... in case you would like me to... Sad sigh.
2012-05-12 13:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late, darling. You should sleep... Wishing you a lovely night's sleep with honey-sweet dreams. Kisses on your forehead, eyes, nose,
2012-05-12 13:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes I know, your mind... :-( But you do have a heart too. You say the heart's an unreliable guide, but the mind is not always right either.
2012-05-12 13:00:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To do things, to share what you can and be with the person who makes you feel happy (and vice versa) is not pointless. It never is...
2012-05-12 12:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please... It is not pointless. We were wonderful together, we felt happy... It was all so beautiful, simple & effortless.
2012-05-12 12:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, don't you miss me anymore? Don't you want to run with me, hand in hand, to cook, to laugh, to do many many things together?
2012-05-12 12:34:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ From your side?

2012-05-12 12:28:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss the sweetness & cheer. I miss running over grass, holding hands. The swing, our walks, the kisses & hugs & all we
2012-05-12 12:24:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are a lot of things that make me sad, esp. because we could do them together. It's up to you. But you... :-(
2012-05-12 12:14:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We were building a bridge, darling. Together. And not from one side to nowhere... nor was it a castle in the air.
2012-05-12 12:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, would you do that for me? I would love it very much... Sigh. Well, yes it is good in any quantity but... not for my stomach, dear.
2012-05-12 12:13:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds wonderful. I am happy that you had such a nice time.
2012-05-12 11:57:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please tell me, what happened? No, seriously. You seem to ignore my DMs, don't really talk to me & don't take me in your arms...
2012-05-12 11:35:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you, Anand. A lot. See? No matter alone or with someone else, no matter what I do... I miss you. Now, I sit here & wait for you...
2012-05-12 11:22:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you still haven't told me why you don't want to hug & kiss me anymore. :-( Will you at least let me kiss you softly & hug you tight?
2012-05-12 11:08:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember it all, too. And I miss it all, so so very much! I miss us, together... Sigh.
2012-05-12 11:05:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, a nice shower and you...That's all I need right now.
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Sigh. I would so love to be in your arms, to cuddle with you, rest a little...
2012-05-12 11:04:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Tired. It wasn't so much fun. Too warm. Feet hurt. And I shouldn't have eaten ice cream. At least not that much. :-|
2012-05-12 11:04:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know when I will be back. But know that I am thinking of you...with a sigh & bittersweet :-) Hope your day's lovely. Kisses for you.
2012-05-12 06:22:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember? How our bellies touched... with our tees pulled up... My sweet Anand, and our walk in the park near the pier... Sigh!
2012-05-12 05:45:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet fluttering butterfly kisses all over my darling's soft skin... God, how I ache to feel your skin under my fingers! You darling, you!
2012-05-12 05:11:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...up the tree, wow he is good! :-) But...I miss you. I am very happy to have Renata here with me, but... It's not the same, darling. Sniff.
2012-05-12 04:30:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Power cut? Having lunch? We sit outside & talk about this & that & watch the cats play- our boy just climbed...
2012-05-12 04:30:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, please tell me... why don't you want to hug & kiss your lady? Hm?
2012-05-12 03:07:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Madagascar is fun. Did you watch 1, 2 or 3? What is for lunch? Was lil' man helping, too? Miss you too, darling. But you know that, right?
2012-05-12 03:06:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, darling. Gosh, now your neck too? Come, let me kiss your neck & gently massage it for you... :-)
2012-05-12 03:06:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Jut finished with breakfast...Would've so loved to have you here! Renata says hello right now & that you should come & don't be such a dolt.
2012-05-12 03:05:49 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Hope you have a lovely day with your nephew full of smiles and fun and some rest. Please do give him a hug...
2012-05-12 01:54:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Toast, fresh baguette, butter, Gouda, Camembert, marmalade, Nutella, cornflakes, strawberry, honeydew melon, etc...Beautiful sunny morning.
2012-05-12 01:53:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slept well & long? I slept light, was awake very early but stayed in bed. Renata is still sleeping, am preparing breakfast on the terrace.
2012-05-12 01:52:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft, fresh sweet-scented morning kisses along my dear sweet sir's back & shoulders... Good morning, darling. :-) How are you feeling?
2012-05-12 01:52:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you... I miss waking up to see you first thing in the morning. I miss our sweet, happy morning cuddles. I miss you. Oh darling...
2012-05-11 17:34:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you asap, snuggle up behind you and hold you tenderly to me... My sweet darling, good night.
2012-05-11 13:00:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you & will tell her... :-) I kiss you softly on your lips & hug you close... Sleep beautifully with sweet dreams, my darling.
2012-05-11 12:59:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. Wait a moment. I would love to know why...

2012-05-11 12:56:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, for some reason, I thought you will spend the weekend like that... Lil' smile. Nice. Sounds lovely.
2012-05-11 12:54:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no plans for the weekend. We will see...

2012-05-11 12:49:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just what?

2012-05-11 12:49:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ No. Please do tell me.

2012-05-11 12:49:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. Please. Do tell me. Please. Hmm, she should be here in about 30 min.
2012-05-11 12:36:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought you don't want to hug & kiss your lady anymore... Thank you. Hugging you & kissing you back, feeling happy as you twirl me...
2012-05-11 12:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Why darling, why didn't you do this before? Yesterday and before yesterday and today... and... You know how I missed this?
2012-05-11 12:12:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling... would you please now look at your waiting lady, walk to her and hug her tightly and kiss her softly?
2012-05-11 11:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again, my hello to your nephew...

2012-05-11 11:43:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
2012-05-11 11:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you get angry when I say a thing... Sad sigh.
2012-05-11 11:37:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just miss you.

2012-05-11 11:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... take your lady in your arms anymore... because, because... you don't do it darling. Sorry for saying that you are cold, but... Sigh.
2012-05-11 11:27:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You talk less & less to me. Feels like that you ignore my words, hugs & kisses, me... my being sweet to you. Feels like you don't want to...
2012-05-11 11:26:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, come on... I am sorry but you do make me feel like that... And btw, I still stand there with open arms, waiting for you to
2012-05-11 11:00:00 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My day is a bit busy too & Renata is coming this evening. Oh, back to fruits! Did you read my fruit-DM last week? That would be fun & nice.
2012-05-11 10:26:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad your back feels better. I really wish I could give you a nice massage, but... My hello to your nephew. Tiring, but was it a good one?
2012-05-11 10:25:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no no. I didn't mean that... You are cold in general. Anyway... a tight welcome home hug for my darling & a sweet slow soft kiss...
2012-05-11 10:24:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling... Why are you so cold...? :'-(

2012-05-11 05:20:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very very much. But I feel like I am annoying you... and you don't want to have me around anymore...
2012-05-11 04:59:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a moment that you... maybe... Sniff. How could I be such a fool?
2012-05-11 04:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling please... don't stop telling me about your trips. It is just... when I read you booked tickets for a trip in June... I thought for
2012-05-11 04:43:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What was for lunch? Still some fruits? matter what, it would have been nice to eat together...
2012-05-11 04:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is normal. Some work, then some cleaning... Missing you, darling. :-| Would you please take your lady in your arms & kiss her softly?
2012-05-11 04:11:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, your Delhi trip was a business trip... You never understand my lil' heart... Sigh.
2012-05-11 04:10:54 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. And I too hope that your shoulders & back will get better soon. Maybe your nephew can walk all over it today too...
2012-05-11 04:10:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some more kisses & sunflower smiles for a good, pleasant day, darling... & to keep you fresh & smiling during the meetings/through the day.
2012-05-11 02:26:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? How is your back & shoulders? How is your day? I see, busy as ever... Sigh. But it's Friday! The last day...
2012-05-11 02:23:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Fresh-out-of-the-shower kisses for my sweet darling, holding him close in my flowery arms... Good morning, darling. Did you sleep sweetly?
2012-05-11 02:23:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweet Anand... You have no clue, darling. No clue... Sigh.
2012-05-10 14:35:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling...Not only take my kiss, but kiss me back. Not only kiss me back but...just do it. Don't let your lady wait for your arms & lips.
2012-05-10 14:30:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, just forget.

2012-05-10 12:35:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, telling me that you booked tickets for a trip was a bit insensitive of you... Esp. knowing how much I'd love you to come.
2012-05-10 12:35:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With your hand on my belly... How I miss that! How very much...
2012-05-10 12:31:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh.
2012-05-10 12:29:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know it well... Good night. Yes, I join you and curl into you... Just... hold me. Please.
2012-05-10 12:22:05 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-05-10 12:15:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just...
2012-05-10 12:14:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I already told you good night... Kisses for your shoulders & back. Sleep soundly.
2012-05-10 12:13:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'd better go back in my shell & wish you a good night now. May your sleep & dreams be filled with the sweetness of butterflies...
2012-05-10 12:08:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes?
2012-05-10 11:37:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I don't like Smurfs that much, but well... it's funny for kids. What are you reading?
2012-05-10 11:36:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm.
2012-05-10 11:27:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What?
2012-05-10 11:22:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, congrats & my best wishes to them in advance. Hope the birth goes smoothly & they'll love & enjoy every minute of being parents.
2012-05-10 11:01:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Right now? Typing a DM for you... when I read you booked tickets, my heart was pounding, but then I read the rest and... Hmm. Sigh.
2012-05-10 11:00:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds like he is a kind of boy that every mom dreams of having... Glad he is there with you. Honest.
2012-05-10 11:00:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad your back feels better. Your nephew is a good boy...I had spaghetti with tomato, basil, olives & mozzarella. Thanks for the nose-kiss.
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2012-05-10 10:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... never mind. Most important is that you get the rest you need. A kiss on every inch of your tired body, dear...
2012-05-10 07:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that I miss you too, sweetie pie or yes, it would be lovely to rest in your arms... or something like this would've made me happy.
2012-05-10 07:41:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know you are tired & hopefully you are resting, darling & you feel better soon, but still... Just one hug, one little kiss or saying...
2012-05-10 07:40:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I'd better leave you alone & keep silent... Sniff. Hope the rest of your day's lovely with lots of rest & some fun with your nephew.
2012-05-10 05:59:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to kiss your back & massage it for you, then hug you & snuggle up with you to rest your tired body...
2012-05-10 05:58:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's very sweet of your nephew! My hello to him & a lovely smile. How's he doing? I would so love to that too... Sigh.
2012-05-10 05:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there is my sweet darling! Missed you. My poor darling, please just rest as much as you can. Your body seems to need it.
2012-05-10 05:57:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't want to say this, but... my sweet darling, I do miss you so, so much! :-( I would so love to take a nap with you, wrapped in you...
2012-05-10 05:18:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a kiss on your nose & a lil' :-) ... to let you know that your lady's thinking of you. Hope you are resting my darling...
2012-05-10 04:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And an ever so soft, long, extra kiss on your lips... as my hands roam down your back. :-) If you'd like to have it...
2012-05-10 02:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Renata is coming tomorrow. Sweet-scented, slow tender kisses

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on your shoulders & all over your back, darling. Hope it feels better soon.
2012-05-10 02:32:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The sun is back, what a crazy weather! My morning was quite busy darling, just now showered. Will do some cleaning today,
2012-05-10 02:31:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, you can tell your nephew to walk on your back. :-) And do some exercises together.
2012-05-10 02:30:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling & it's not a nice feeling being apart from you... Please do come to your lady. My darling... Sad sigh.
2012-05-10 02:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet poor darling, I wish I could somehow rush there right now & give you a nice massage. I really, really, really wish. Sigh!
2012-05-10 02:28:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, what a traffic... one comes, the other goes... How is your sister? And cute lil' man? Isn't he bored?
2012-05-10 02:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Oh my... so early? These two days were too much for your body, I guess. Glad you took the day off.
2012-05-10 02:28:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good for you. Glad you're taking the day off to recharge! :-) I'm well, catching up on life, now that school is over for a week or so.
2012-05-09 23:28:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. With all my heart.

2012-05-09 15:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I missed you... :-( But typing this from bed. I am with you, darling... we will sleep and dream together... Soon...
2012-05-09 15:36:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly and long with happy dreams. Soft kisses on your back & shoulders & on your eyes.
2012-05-09 15:25:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today was a special day... I would have so loved to have you
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here with me, darling... Sigh.

2012-05-09 15:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Honest? A lil' shy smile...

2012-05-09 14:48:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you, Anand. Very very much.

2012-05-09 14:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the 2.5 hrs I knew but didn't know about the delay... Anyway, I am really happy that you are back & safe. :-) Have a nice drive home.
2012-05-09 14:38:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, if you can, take tomorrow off... You didn't get much sleep last night & now again... you will get to bed after midnight.
2012-05-09 14:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh of course, you'd have to tell me about your trip & all... :-) I missed you terribly. So happy that you are back- happy to have you back.
2012-05-09 14:08:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I really really wish I was hug you, to kiss you, to drive you home, squeezing your hand all the way home.
2012-05-09 14:02:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! This late??? I thought you were at home already! How are you, my darling? How was the flight? Why this late?
2012-05-09 13:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, the bed is made & ready for you, your lady sits on the edge of it, waiting for you with hugs & kisses...Be home soon, dear
2012-05-09 13:32:27 (EDT)

BeingInJoy just waiting to hear from Dr. today about next step. ; )
2012-05-09 13:23:54 (EDT)

BeingInJoy system. "Super Node" that was thought a cyst is down to the size of golf ball, but dozens of lymph nodes are over-sized/immunity down.
2012-05-09 13:23:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should land soon, right? Oh darling, how I wish I was at the
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airport! Smile, I'd just squeeze you & jump around in your arms... :-)
2012-05-09 12:27:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ my heart's word that you so wanted to hear. I meant it, Anand. I still do.
2012-05-09 10:19:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you know what day is today, btw? Today marks the day when we bared our hearts to one another. When my butterflies told...
2012-05-09 10:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I just missed you... :-( but I will be here when you reach home... take you in my arms & kiss you the sweetest welcome back home.
2012-05-09 09:57:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, oh! Hope everything went as planned in these two days... Please take care, darling. Hope you have a safe & pleasant trip home.
2012-05-09 09:55:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we realized together is beautiful. To be with someone whom you feel happy is not pointless. Not one bit. It's nice & lovely &... sigh!
2012-05-09 09:54:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... at least, we could spend time together, be together... And why? Because we feel the same, Anand. Because what we shared, what...
2012-05-09 09:53:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Still in the office? On the way to the airport... or already there? Is everything alright with you? Sigh... :-(
2012-05-09 08:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What I am to you? Maybe you just don't want to waste your time on me...After all, you don't even want to see me & disallow us to be together
2012-05-09 05:09:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft kisses for you, darling. On your nose, lips, chin, neck, each fingertips...everywhere. Hope you enjoy your day & all's going fine
2012-05-09 03:36:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, I just write & ask & write some more & wait for you & miss you but...Sigh. All for nothing, doesn't same to matter to you anymore.
2012-05-09 03:35:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... I stopped to write to you. :-( I write or not... doesn't seem to matter. Never mind...
2012-05-08 15:02:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no darling... your lady did doze off but didn't sleep with a smile... You notice nothing? Really? Maybe you wouldn't even notice if...
2012-05-08 15:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Have sweet dreams. A kiss on your forehead... Please hold your lady... who so missed you & kept the bed cozy for you...
2012-05-08 14:42:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. Yes, I believe you had a lot to talk about... esp. without your sister around. Was surely good for both of you...
2012-05-08 14:39:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tired. I may fall asleep darling. In case I do, wishing you a sweet night's sleep with smiling dreams. Please come soon & hold me close...
2012-05-08 13:37:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hotel room! How I wish it was your US room & I was about coming to see you...I miss you, my darling Anand. I miss you. Would love to see you
2012-05-08 13:16:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you will come, say a quick good night 'cause it's very late... And your lady will kiss you a sweet good night with a :-) but sad eyes...
2012-05-08 13:12:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Reading & keeping the bed cozy for you... while you are (hopefully) having fun & a good talk with your b-i-l...
2012-05-08 12:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you know, I would really love to get to know your family... Esp. your grandma & your cute nephew, your sis. & the rest too...
2012-05-08 11:19:38 (EDT)

BeingInJoy Thank u so much~today isn't surgery day ~just final CT scan n tests n we schedule surg...
2012-05-08 11:16:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Where are you now?

2012-05-08 11:00:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's true... poor thing, I will never forget the night when he returned... Now, he is mostly inside.
2012-05-08 10:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, that's right... everyone needs some "me-time". 1-2 weeks is ok, but a month... Anyway, hope he enjoys his time.
2012-05-08 10:51:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did a lot of work today. It was pretty quiet with lots of missing you. Sigh. Spoke to no one... just did my work...
2012-05-08 10:50:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for your delicious kisses. And in return, my sweetest softest kisses along my darling's make him :-) & feel all tingly.
2012-05-08 10:49:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a nice evening with your brother-in-law... and some good food too. Missing you, darling...
2012-05-08 10:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In Delhi! Then, I guessed right, but I wasn't sure... My hello to your brother-in-law. Doesn't he miss your sister & his cute boy?
2012-05-08 08:03:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how much your lady smiles! Thank you, darling. It was sweet of you... Hope the candidate looked away when my butterfly kissed you... ;-)
2012-05-08 08:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hoping that my sweet sir feels fantastic & he has a good-busy, productive, fun day... Dinner-meeting this evening, too?
2012-05-08 07:34:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my darling. So much! Immersed in work just to keep myself away from DM-ing you, but... my thoughts turn to you... again & again.
2012-05-08 07:33:22 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... hope things are going fine, darling & you do enjoy the day. In which city are you, btw?
2012-05-08 04:04:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No headache. The sun shines & the air smells beautiful. Wish you were here... I presumed that your day will be packed, but...
2012-05-08 04:03:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thanks for the hug... All went well?

2012-05-08 03:39:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even though you are busy, please know that I am thinking of you... with a sigh & smile... & will keep sending you sweet little lively...
2012-05-08 02:45:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...went to take a shower? :-) How's your day? I so hope that all goes fine & you have an excellent, interesting day there & people are nice.
2012-05-08 02:44:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear sir. How are you? Slept well? Did you find my morning kisses between your clothes that you laid out before you...
2012-05-08 02:43:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Most happily, dearest... just hugging & kissing till we fall asleep, in each other's arms...with a smile... I would so love it! Good night.
2012-05-07 13:57:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and hugging you good night. I join you very soon and wrap myself in your arms... feeling tired.
2012-05-07 13:47:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Well, then... Good night, darling. All the best for tomorrow. Sleep soundly with lovely dreams. Kissing you softly on your lips...
2012-05-07 13:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the flight? And dinner and all? Please... can I hug you tightly & give you a soft kiss?
2012-05-07 13:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! Thank you for letting me know, darling... But tell me, why are you doing this to me? :-| Anyway, am so happy you are fine & safe.
2012-05-07 13:40:13 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Now I am worried... Are you ok? Is everything alright? Have you reached? Please do let me know, darling... Please. :-|
2012-05-07 13:32:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should've reached by now, darling Anand. I hope all is well... & that you had a pleasant travel & are in the hotel (or wherever) now...
2012-05-07 12:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you are already in the air :-( Hope the flight is nice, darling & you'll reach safe & sound. Thinking of you...
2012-05-07 09:57:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You talk less and less to me, darling... And yes, it does feel like my DMs and all are unwanted. Me...
2012-05-07 09:41:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Security checkin? Already departed? :-(
2012-05-07 09:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I would so love to hold your smooth cheeks in my hands & kiss you sweetly. Shaved... *swoon* Miss you.
2012-05-07 08:56:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When does your plane leave? And where do you fly? Oh darling, I so wish you were flying to me! Please... Sniff. Come.
2012-05-07 08:54:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. Ohh, at the airport already? Slightly busy? To me, you seemed very very busy. But I understand, first the work...
2012-05-07 08:53:56 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire So how far apart are you, distance wise? Thank you, Anand...2 more tests and I could breathe easy for a bit.
2012-05-07 08:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I was waiting for you but need to step out now for a bit. Will hurry back... Many many kisses for you...
2012-05-07 07:57:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working, but coming to check my DMs often... Sigh. Are you
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having a busy day? Pairing? All's fine? Miss you, darling.

2012-05-07 06:28:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest... the slight breeze on your neck is my butterfly... kissing you softly... Sigh! Hope your day goes fine.
2012-05-07 05:21:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's raining. I wish you could smell the rain and watch it fall with me. Missing you...
2012-05-07 03:03:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, daydreaming of you... I so miss to rub my cheek & nose against your cheeks... soft & shaved, as well as scratchy & unshaven.
2012-05-07 02:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I wish I could hug you & kiss you now! Your lady's freshly bathed, soft & flowery... :-) Sweet kisses on your lips & ears, darling.
2012-05-07 02:17:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Really not? Thank you, darling. I just missed you a lot & felt ignored... And thank you for your kisses, they were lovely. :-)
2012-05-07 02:17:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How's your day? Hope all is pleasant & friendly there at the moment. So, you plan to leave straight from the office?
2012-05-07 02:16:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh you fly! That's good. No long hours in a rattling train :-) Darling, fly to will take a bit more than 2,5 hrs, but...Please. :-)
2012-05-07 02:16:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's the weather I think. It looks & feels like rain & the temperature sunk about 10 degrees.
2012-05-07 02:14:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. My sweet darling sounds fresh & active this morning. :-) Glad you slept well, I did too though woke up with headache.
2012-05-07 02:14:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please forgive your lady for being like that. I didn't mean to complain or being pushy or so... I just... Sigh, you know... Blush. :-)
2012-05-06 13:34:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And thank you, I could really use the cuddle... then, I slip under the covers & snuggle up to you... Good night, darling. It's late.
2012-05-06 13:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, not in the morning? Great! But traveling in the night... again? You & your night travels... Hmm, not really that good.
2012-05-06 13:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I just wished good night to your nephew. And yes, I know... you had better things to do than writing to me & all, but still... Blush.
2012-05-06 13:24:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I...I just really missed you today. And felt like my DMs, hugs & kisses & all were unnoticed... :-( Anyway, I hope you sleep sweetly.
2012-05-06 13:00:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am not going to bed... it's way too early here, but I will join you in a bit... Will you please hold me to your chest? Please..
2012-05-06 12:21:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Kissing you softly on your lips & nose. Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams.
2012-05-06 12:21:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you will be away? I will miss you, darling. Well, I do now too, but still... Sad sigh. I will be sleeping when you leave, so...
2012-05-06 12:20:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's very nice. And to love art at his age... that's remarkable. :-) Hope he sleeps beautifully.
2012-05-06 12:19:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good night and sweet dreams to your cute nephew.
2012-05-06 11:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, please... will you let your lady kiss you softly and hold you close? I would so love it... you, in my arms... would be heavenly.
2012-05-06 10:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now... your lady does miss too much. But I am happy that you still do... No, honest. I do love to hear it...
2012-05-06 10:41:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't know darling... Today was not nice. I would've so loved to be there, too... watching movies together, with your nephew between us...
2012-05-06 09:58:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really do? Not much, darling. Cleaned the windows, watched TV, read some... & checked my DMs to see if you DM-ed me. That's all.
2012-05-06 09:54:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. On the other hand, your lady is a little sad... She misses you. I miss you. A soft kiss on your lips, darling.
2012-05-06 09:17:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile & I am sure that he adores you. And yes darling, I am really happy that he is there and you can spend time with him.
2012-05-06 08:55:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, that one is very funny. I love animation movies. He is a cute boy, & sure you missed him- you haven't seen him in a long while.
2012-05-06 08:37:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be very happy to have him there, yes? Nice. I am happy for you. Really. Tough I miss you a lot, darling :-( What did you watch?
2012-05-06 08:14:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you remember? Anand... I do miss you so, so so much!

2012-05-06 07:32:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Watching Inglourious Basterds on TV. Not because I so like this movie (pretty bad one) but because we watched it together... lying in bed.
2012-05-06 07:31:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope lunch was nice together & you have a sweet, fun day with your nephew. Your lady... Sigh. Kisses for you, dear. Sweet soft little ones.
2012-05-06 05:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops and I meant anytime... not everytime. Blush. Missing you, darling Anand. Very much.
2012-05-06 04:07:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ He is very cute. :-) Just like his uncle... ;-)

2012-05-06 04:03:43 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. Everytime darling. But... poor lil' boy all alone? No, but you can take him with you... ;-)
2012-05-06 03:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sounds lovely. Relaxing. :-) Today is quiet here too, but... Sigh, you know... not really lovely... Missing you. Would love to be with you.
2012-05-06 03:25:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, although I was not that good in math & physics, I was the sec. best student in my class. And excellent, the very best in chemistry.
2012-05-06 03:06:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is going to be hmmm... Nothing to do, darling. I so wish you were here... or I there, taking lil' boy somewhere...
2012-05-06 02:54:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A lot. Sweet little kisses around your waist, darling. Any plans for today?
2012-05-06 02:46:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, cute! Please, do send me a picture of him... Blush, I am not really good in math. Does he like it doing it with you?
2012-05-06 02:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your lady is fresh & flowery, in a towel... for you to kiss & nibble where the towel doesn't cover her. ;-)
2012-05-06 02:39:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were here, you could have my bed. It's not that big than your bed in the US, but comfy. :-) How are you, my sweetest?
2012-05-06 02:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... those mornings again. They were so nice, so lovely, so happy... Sigh. Why new bed? Lumpy is not really comfy. :-)
2012-05-06 02:38:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. I slept fairly ok, woke up with my hair all messy... thought of you & smiled. I would so love to have...
2012-05-06 02:37:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Both July and August together. :-) How about you,dear friend? Any plans? Your tweet was fantastically passionate and lovely,btw.
2845 / 4823

Enjoyed it.
2012-05-05 23:55:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Sun warming my skin, the light breeze. The kids love it as well. They're in school until June 19th, I'm in until the 28th, so we'll have
2012-05-05 23:54:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No vacation plans, many day trips to the beach, though. It's truly my favorite place. Love the sound of the waves crashing the shore, the
2012-05-05 23:52:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and your lady too, to bed with you. :-) Miss you, darling. Terribly. I miss our cuddles, I miss being held by you... Sigh.
2012-05-05 13:38:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, please sleep. Yes yes I am there, under the covers, cuddling you, kissing you to sleep...Good night my darling. Good night for all.
2012-05-05 13:29:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh. Dinner! I was wondering... Funny phone. ;-p So happy that you didn't go to sleep without your lady... :-)
2012-05-05 13:28:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was too slow...I didn't even get to wish my sweet sir good night :-( But I hope you sleep with a :-) knowing I'll come & hold you soon...
2012-05-05 12:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling wait, wait! Rushing to you, taking you in my arms, hugging you & kissing your eyes, nose & lips sweet happy dreams. :-)
2012-05-05 12:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was always, a little bluish without you. Thank you for your kisses, darling. They just arrived & are delightful.. :-)
2012-05-05 12:38:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you back? It's getting late... Did you go alone or with your sister & lil' boy?
2012-05-05 12:05:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should be here... with me. Please come to your sweet,
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lovely lady. Please. Sniff. It's very nice here right now.
2012-05-05 10:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it's Saturday... my sweet darling's temple day. :-) What? Still hot? I mean isn't it a bit better in the evening? Aww, poor darling.
2012-05-05 10:34:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I miss you so very much! I so wish we were together... There's so much to do, so much to enjoy together. You know? Sigh.
2012-05-05 09:47:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't worry just feels awkward that as a Hungarian, I am not much help for you. :-| There's a lot of stuff, but... Blush.
2012-05-05 09:45:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, ok. I see. I hope this new one works properly. Are they done? Or still there? How is lil' boy? Did he like my hug & cheek-kiss?
2012-05-05 09:43:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So happy to come home to your kiss! Come come, let me quickly pull you to me & kiss you back, softly, deeply... :-) Sigh. If only...
2012-05-05 09:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) here I am, with fresh fruits & veggies & chocolate for you & lil' boy... too bad I can't give them to you. Sniff.
2012-05-05 09:42:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off for a short while- Sat. shopping. Wish you could come with me... with lil' boy, of course. A sweet kiss on my darling's lips & whoosh.
2012-05-05 08:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling? Can you sneak out of the room... just for a quick sweet, smiling kiss & a hug? Of course, only if you would like to... :-)
2012-05-05 06:57:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! I would so love to just sit on the floor... watching you play & have fun with him, laughing... :-) I miss you, darling. A lot!
2012-05-05 06:47:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I so wish I was there too... But hope you are careful about what video games you play with him... or he with you. :-)
2012-05-05 06:47:20 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes, but it's a new place/house, no? Smile, right... Anand uncle... but uncle Anand sounds better, even if it's grammatically wrong. ;-p
2012-05-05 06:46:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do they like the place? Is the lil' boy happily racing across the rooms? :-) And your mom... she must be very happy now.
2012-05-05 06:07:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Uncle Anand... :-) I miss you.

2012-05-05 06:05:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousands of students come here from all over the world to study, esp. medicine. I think we have more foreign companies here than Hung. :-)
2012-05-05 04:53:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, the only thing I know that Hungary is popular for international enterprises, business & our education is world-famous.
2012-05-05 04:53:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Hope they had a pleasant trip... and now a happy drive home. :-) Darling, please do send me a pic of him.
2012-05-05 04:41:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean I have been reading a lot about Hungary the last few days but... I don't know where to look or what you exactly want to know.
2012-05-05 04:27:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My niece is doing great. She is a little rebel. :-) And she has a boyfriend! Darling, I would love to help, but don't really know how.
2012-05-05 04:26:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I believe you'll have lots of fun with your nephew! It won't be boring, that's for sure! Nothing like have a lil' child around... :-)
2012-05-05 04:25:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope all is neat & ready for their stay... :-) Darling, are you sure there's a network problem & not a problem with those sites?
2012-05-05 04:24:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, did they land? Happy? Excited? :-) I wish I was there too...
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I would so love to see your nephew... & curious about your sis.
2012-05-05 04:23:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok... just missed you. Pouting. No no, I wake up around 69:30 your time. On weekends a little later...
2012-05-05 04:23:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care. And don't forget to hug & kiss the lil' boy... & do pass on my kind hello to your sis. too. A sweet kiss on your lips.
2012-05-05 03:46:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I see you were here... And I thought your morning was so busy that you couldn't stop by... Sigh. Never mind...
2012-05-05 03:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is beautiful with many smiles, fun & cheer. Sweet fluttering kisses down your spine, my darling. Missing you...
2012-05-05 03:00:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... showered & here now, fresh & lovely & sweet scented, in a towel, but still no sir around to hug & kiss... :-(
2012-05-05 02:59:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept kinda well though woke up to no sweet sir beside me. Sniff. So, I went about some morning chores, had breakfast...
2012-05-05 02:58:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Slept well? Is my sweet darling all fresh & cheerful? All is ready for your sister & nephew? When will they arrive?
2012-05-05 02:58:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Ignore*
2012-05-05 01:01:57 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Every word is just too beautiful to ignorea.

2012-05-05 01:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ With a smile, in your arms...Sigh. Hope you sleep sweetly my darling & wake up to a beautiful morning filled with butterfly smiles & kisses.
2012-05-04 17:32:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I fell asleep but woke up... typing this in half asleep. I kiss
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your arm & snuggle closer to you before I fade away...

2012-05-04 17:31:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love your hands & fingers. Your arms. Your nose. Your lips. Your eyes. Your cheeks & ears. Your chin. Your neck. Your tummy & back. Sigh.
2012-05-04 17:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daydreaming...My darling, just being in your arms, feeling your body close to mine was such a delight... I miss it so much, the feel of you.
2012-05-04 14:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. Please hold me close to your chest... very close. Dream with me tonight.
2012-05-04 14:13:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming :-) Sleep & dream beautifully, my darling. I cover you in soft kisses to keep you snugly through the night... :-)
2012-05-04 14:12:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling sleepy. And it's very late there... I wait for you in bed, ok? Please come soon darling & let's cuddle each other to sleep...
2012-05-04 13:51:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) and it's pretty fine... You know that I miss you and I know that you do, too... so :-)
2012-05-04 13:46:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure? Or just you think that you do... :-) My sweetest...
2012-05-04 13:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) awww, that is very sweet of you. You think of everything... even the AC filter. Excited? Happy? One months... it wouldn't be boring :-)
2012-05-04 13:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm.
2012-05-04 13:13:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But it didn't happen yet... :-( You should make some research or hunt for a client & try to convince them that they need a dev. from India.
2012-05-04 12:36:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Imagine me looking at you...with a shy smile, fluttering

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eyelashes, slightly red cheeks, barefoot, in your shirt... How can you say no?
2012-05-04 12:31:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Really? God, darling...please, please then come. Please, pretty please. You did work in the US for a while, why not in the UK or Germ.
2012-05-04 12:11:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish they would open a new office in Europe. Asap. No matter where, just here somewhere. And wish you would come too, to work...
2012-05-04 12:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I miss hugging you. I miss kissing you. So, so much!
2012-05-04 11:58:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. And do let me know if he liked it... ;-)

2012-05-04 11:56:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, just to feel your soft lips on mine... Pure heaven. More darling, more... your lady is greedy. ;-p
2012-05-04 11:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. And please, a kiss on his cheeks too... if it is allowed. But I think yes... he is a child. :-)
2012-05-04 11:27:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that's right darling. Weekends are for rest & relax but still... it would be beautiful to spend it with you...
2012-05-04 11:27:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Weekend! Happy? :-) Me, not so much... I really really wish you were here. It would be so nice & lovely & so happy... Sigh!
2012-05-04 11:16:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... still on them... ;-p Some trouble with the internet or just gen. check? Well, but more interesting than mine, esp. when...
2012-05-04 11:01:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, and I was waiting for you... Never mind. Will you now let me hug you & kiss you the sweetest welcome home... with pizza crumbs...
2012-05-04 11:00:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am waiting for your coming home... with sunny smiles and
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flowery hugs and lively kisses... Ahh! If only...

2012-05-04 10:26:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And tell me, when will this lovely lady see her sweet sir? When, darling when will we laugh together with the butterflies?
2012-05-04 09:36:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For a month? That's a lot of time! Are you happy to see them? I hope they enjoy their stay... My sweet hello to them.
2012-05-04 09:25:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, sounds like you had a pretty good day which is very nice. I wish I could say that my work was interesting too. Smile.
2012-05-04 09:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, where you now? Still in the office? My day is ok, nothing noteworthy, dearest. Nearly done with work. Wow! Your lady is good ;-)
2012-05-04 09:23:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am sorry too...was busy working. Thank you for your kisses darling, the desert wouldn't feel like Spring without them. There would...
2012-05-04 09:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I truly hope that your day is fine, darling... and my butterflies keep you smiling, fresh and sweet...
2012-05-04 06:37:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Here I am! I rushed back just to find that my sweet darling is not around... nor had he left a sneaking-in kiss for his lady... Sniff.
2012-05-04 06:20:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to run some errands, darling. Be back soon... I miss you, Anand. I miss you!
2012-05-04 05:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a bowl of fresh, sliced fruits... and with smiles and delicate kisses that make you tingle all over... ;-)
2012-05-04 04:08:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I seem to have missed your lunch time yesterday & you my DM, but... Shall we do it today? I am waiting for you outside with...
2012-05-04 04:07:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you. Very much. Sweet soft playful kisses on your tummy, darling... while my hands slide down your thighs, squeezing them gently. ;-)
2012-05-04 03:02:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sad sigh, one more weekend... without you. I would so love to have you here. There are so many delightful things we could do together...
2012-05-04 02:59:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Pairing! How I dislike those pairings! But I hope work is pleasant today & your day is fine...
2012-05-04 02:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, be happy you sent that DM to your timeline & not your good morning DM. ;-p How is your day, sweetest?
2012-05-04 02:57:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it's Friday! My day is going to be easy, darling. As I see, have not much work to do today.
2012-05-04 02:56:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Slept sweetly? You sound fresh & cheerful this morning... Your lady too, is fresh & delicious as ever. :-)
2012-05-04 02:55:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How is my dear friend?

2012-05-03 18:04:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could feel my arms around you in your sleep, holding you... tenderly, lovingly... My dear, dear sweet Anand... I love you so...
2012-05-03 13:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But yes, it's very late & you should sleep. I hug you tightly to me, kiss you back slowly, sweetly... then kiss your poor eyes, too.
2012-05-03 13:14:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Is everything alright? Did I say something wrong? Am I annoying or so? Just... Blush.
2012-05-03 13:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you still didn't tell me why are you so laconic tonight...
2012-05-03 12:45:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Sniff.

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2012-05-03 12:45:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nothing, just... wanted to say that I miss you. A lot.

2012-05-03 12:39:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But darling, please tell me... what are you doing? You seem to be still busy...
2012-05-03 12:36:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would do it... just to see you in a bikini. ;-p

2012-05-03 12:35:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand? My darling?

2012-05-03 12:31:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, who knows... I would love to see you in a bikini... God! That would be fun! ;-p
2012-05-03 12:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. But why? What are you doing? You are not so talkative today... Sniff.
2012-05-03 12:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Your lady is missing you.

2012-05-03 11:52:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... btw... you had your computer in your room, no? Under the bookshelf.
2012-05-03 11:41:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your forgetful lady... Long meeting. Kissing you softly on the back of your neck & blowing cool air on it... :-)
2012-05-03 11:16:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, is my sweet sir busy with something?

2012-05-03 11:01:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would really love to have you here now, darling. Almost done with work... we could do something lovely in the evening. :-)
2012-05-03 10:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, it's warm too but not that hot. I checked the weather there... God! Such temperatures... :-|
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2012-05-03 10:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you, darling. Very much.

2012-05-03 10:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling sir? Tired? Want to rest on my lap for a while? :-) Hmm, a simple ok sounds good enough. My day is ok, too.
2012-05-03 10:02:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Boo! Here I am... happily jumping in your arms, squeezing you & kissing your lips a sweet long welcome home. ;-)
2012-05-03 10:02:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... thinking of you & how lovely it would be to have you sit next to me, your arm around my waist, hand on my thigh... Sigh.
2012-05-03 07:31:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. So, so much!

2012-05-03 04:51:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... bowl of cut fruits, you with eyes closed, me feeding you... & you'd have to guess which fruits it was... Sigh, it would be fun, darling.
2012-05-03 04:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did my sweet lovely darling have his fruits? Yes? No? Smile, I wish we were together now, sitting on the grass on a blanket with a nice...
2012-05-03 04:50:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, and I thought you woke up late... These pairings... My hello to your pair who keeps you away from me. ;-p
2012-05-03 04:11:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... deeply, passionately sweetly before you go back to the office. But I think I was too late... Never mind, the kiss is yours. ;-)
2012-05-03 04:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... deeply, passionately sweetly before you go back to the office. But I think I was too late... Never mind, the kiss is yours. ;-)
2012-05-03 04:09:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you just made your sweet lady beaming. :-) I wish I could magically appear beside you now... just to pull you to me & kiss you...
2012-05-03 04:09:26 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My butterflies are on their way to you, to cover you in sweet soft little kisses from your head to toe, darling... Missing you. A lot.
2012-05-03 02:43:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Mine is going to be like any other day... work, chores... and you.
2012-05-03 02:42:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. How are you? All's fresh & smiling? Slept well with lovely dreams? I slept a bit better...
2012-05-03 02:41:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My dear darling sir seems to have woken up late & rushed to the office, caught in work and now... he's busy working/ pairing. Sigh.
2012-05-03 02:40:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Do you know how much this lady loves you, how much she misses you, how much her heart aches for you, how much she longs to see you? Sigh.
2012-05-02 13:20:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling Anand... I'll go to bed early tonight just to spend more time with you... in dreams... we are real & together...
2012-05-02 13:09:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh so happy! But now, sleep my dear and smile as you sink into sleep... imagining me holding you, caressing your hair... Good night.
2012-05-02 12:47:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I missed you. Sniff. :-(

2012-05-02 12:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I meant "to" instead of "into". Blush. Because I really freshened up & then I saw your good night DM & was rushing... But it seems like...
2012-05-02 12:37:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... holding you, cradling you in my arms into a tender sleep. Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep beautifully with smiles & happy dreams.
2012-05-02 12:29:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... bath of your kisses, darling. But now, yes it's late. Let's go to bed darling. Kissing you softly on your eyes, nose, lips, chin,...
2012-05-02 12:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, done. And freshened up, too... ready for a sweet beforesleep cuddle with you. Smile, I would jump into & swim in the...
2012-05-02 12:28:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your sweet lady is sad. She would so love to have you here wrapped around her...
2012-05-02 12:10:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you today so much and was so happy and then... Sigh. And now, it's nearly bedtime for you. Silly phone call!
2012-05-02 12:01:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day, darling. I wish I was there, lying in bed, facing each other, reading together, your toes playing with mine...
2012-05-02 11:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I shall re-read the book. Sometimes, I love to just hold it in my hands... with eyes closed... It smells of your incense, btw. :-)
2012-05-02 11:36:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, darling. Was on the phone... Oooh, his letter to Katya, yes? Sigh. That one is beautiful. And sad. Yes, his writings are delightful.
2012-05-02 11:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lot lot lot? Sigh. Yum, lovely fruit. I like it.
2012-05-02 10:43:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I miss, so miss my sweet darling...

2012-05-02 10:27:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Why not? Well, as I said, I don't know your uncles, so...
2012-05-02 10:10:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No darling, you didn't tell me. Honest. Or I didn't get that DM. Hope she enjoyed her time... and hope she is doing pretty fine.
2012-05-02 10:09:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your uncle... Hope he is fine. I don't know your uncles but
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somehow, I like the one who lives in the US more. Blush.

2012-05-02 09:27:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet long welcome home kiss for my darling, on tiptoe, arms around your neck... How is your grandma? I didn't know she was there...
2012-05-02 09:26:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home. This heat is not nice at all. Waiting for you to come home too and wrap you in my arms...
2012-05-02 08:52:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss, I miss, I miss... you... Very much.

2012-05-02 07:28:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stepping out for a bit... in case I don't get back before you leave... wishing you a pleasant trip home- into my arms...Take care, darling.
2012-05-02 07:27:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you are back to pairing? You can tell your pair to take a break... go to get something to drink or go for a smoke or anything...
2012-05-02 06:21:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to take part in the field of tech. & science. How keen women are to join tech. industry, this I don't know.
2012-05-02 06:16:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A deep slow kiss on your lips darling... the sweet taste of fruits still on them... holding you close... Sigh.
2012-05-02 05:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I wish you were here, kissing my neck, my bare shoulders while I work. Well, in that case just trying to work...
2012-05-02 05:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That means not normal at all... way too busy, smile. But I hope your day goes fine & work is pleasant.
2012-05-02 05:37:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, I think I dreamt of you, but can't remember... My day is busy. Strange. Yesterday felt like Sunday, today like Monday...
2012-05-02 05:36:23 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Sweet soft kisses on your chin, throat, below your collar bone... as my fingertips lightly run along your arms...
2012-05-02 02:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sir seems to be very busy - sigh- but I hope his day is lovely with some good work & the environment is more friendly now...
2012-05-02 02:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. How are you feeling? Had a nice, restful sleep? I slept ok... How was the drive? How is your day?
2012-05-02 02:49:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Fantastic rhyme, love! Yes, I'm playing now, actually. Some pressure is off, for tonight at least, and I'm toying with the idea of writing2012-05-01 20:43:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just one more kiss on the curve of your elbow as I sink into sleep... feeling your breath on my nape, your chest against my back...
2012-05-01 16:47:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you, darling. With your hand on my belly? Sigh! How I loved that!
2012-05-01 13:38:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am already there, darling... please hold me...

2012-05-01 13:28:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you can't tell... then teach me how to unlove...

2012-05-01 13:09:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tell a heart in love that it is pointless wanting to see, to be with its beloved... :-(
2012-05-01 13:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now... let's cuddle darling. Your tweet... you indeed stole a heart, my lil' butterfly heart...
2012-05-01 12:48:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is heart wrenching, darling. I miss them too... every little thing, but most of all, I miss YOU... every second. I can't help it. :-(
2012-05-01 12:15:10 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... my teeth and come with you... In case you would like to cuddle with me before sleeping.
2012-05-01 12:14:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! My sweet darling looks pretty... and fresh and so cuddleable & kissable. Wait for me, please. I will freshen up a bit too & brush...
2012-05-01 12:14:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling Anand...

2012-05-01 11:47:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss your kisses, darling.

2012-05-01 11:26:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A vague memory... Sigh. I don't know... was just thinking about you- us. And how lovely it would be to cuddle up with you now...
2012-05-01 11:25:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Silly but... do you remember me straightening the cord (sacred thread?) carefully, lovingly... that you wear across your chest?
2012-05-01 11:08:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why that? I always drive with radio on...

2012-05-01 10:53:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean you heard this song in the cab? Cool. Yes, she has a very soft, warm voice.
2012-05-01 10:49:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I truly loved it. And even though your lady's not really in a cheerful state, I couldn't help :-) ... but it also made me miss you more...
2012-05-01 10:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... smiling as you sing along too, kissing each other occasionally here & there while our fingers play, dance...
2012-05-01 10:40:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. So very lovely... :-) I would so love to have you here, lazing around in bed, listening to such songs together...
2012-05-01 10:40:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A deep, very deep dreamy sigh. And yes, I would love to listen
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to it...
2012-05-01 10:28:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, those kisses... If you were here right now, how I would pull you to me... what I would do... Sigh! I really do miss you so...
2012-05-01 09:54:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, what? Uneventful. Bluish. My tummy is still not really well. I am in my white not too-long long tee & white small cotton shorts...
2012-05-01 09:53:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. A lot.

2012-05-01 09:27:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Would you now please take a short break, sweep me into your arms & kiss me sweetly?
2012-05-01 09:27:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, really... what would they do without you?

2012-05-01 09:23:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh wow, are you serious? They wanted to start it with nothing in their hands? So did their job for them. Sigh.
2012-05-01 09:19:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw... where are you, darling?

2012-05-01 08:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Any specific forums, communities, etc.? Why women? This I don't know, but there are more men than women working in tech industries.
2012-05-01 08:39:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. The Hung. gov. is fairly supportive of new companies. Open source mov. yes & is substantial. Technologically quite active, too.
2012-05-01 08:39:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and you can find a list of all universities, etc. in Hungary on wikipedia. Here Not much tech. ones.
2012-05-01 07:13:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. Not that. I sent you a link about 2 weeks ago...
2012-05-01 07:08:01 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ There is not much to read, but still... don't forget, page 7-8 (Budapest).
2012-05-01 06:52:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look, it might be helpful too...

2012-05-01 06:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... usable info. Btw, did you read the article I sent you?
2012-05-01 06:40:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... remind them nicely & tell them to come back to this topic... Oh. Oooh! Of course I will give a try & hope I can get you some...
2012-05-01 06:40:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's great! Well darling, the last few weeks were pretty chaotic in the office, so... In case they forgot about it, maybe you should...
2012-05-01 06:39:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, what about a new office in Europe? Was it just a fleeting idea or they still want to open one...?
2012-05-01 06:18:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I was about to ask why to discuss this today & not tomorrow in the office but now I see why...Sounds interesting, hope it works out well.
2012-05-01 06:16:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, sweet darling? Missing you...

2012-05-01 06:01:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling...

2012-05-01 05:27:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too.

2012-05-01 05:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, did I tell you that D spotted a new girl? She is from twitter too... they've met in person on the weekend. Patty's told me last night.
2012-05-01 04:58:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slowly, sweetly... biting me gently? Remember the taste of my skin? Wow, the thought of holding freshly bathed you... *swoon* Bon appetit!
2012-05-01 04:50:34 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Your freshly showered, flowery lady is waiting for you... still in a towel, with wet hair...
2012-05-01 03:56:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, and of course, I will rub you dry too... kissing your back...
2012-05-01 02:02:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Actually it's a wonderful idea... In the bathroom, waiting for you...
2012-05-01 01:59:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to read... Here too, a normal day. Wait wait! I am unshowered too... shall we go & shower together? I will wash your back... What say?
2012-05-01 01:49:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You too? Black lemon tea with honey. My day is going to be lazy too. Nothing to do... except some chores. Well, now you have all the time...
2012-05-01 01:47:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Turkey... again? But yes, they seem to have met halfway... and while they hugged each other, I went to make tea...
2012-05-01 01:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is lovely, darling filled with little things that make you smile... Thousand & one sweet gentle kisses for you...
2012-05-01 01:26:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. How did you sleep? Feeling fresh & well-rested? Any rituals you had/have to perform today? Any special food?
2012-05-01 01:25:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can you hear in your dream... the butterflies, whispering my heart's word... the same word that you once so wanted to hear...
2012-04-30 16:19:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my darling... Sigh.

2012-04-30 14:31:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping now darling & you smile in your sleep, reaching for my hand by instinct as I come to sit by your side...
2012-04-30 14:18:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Your heart knows... I know it does. But your mind denies your heart... it doesn't allow your heart to speak its own mind. Whatever.
2012-04-30 11:54:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have become too much a part of my life, Anand. This one year was filled with you, with us... every day. Every single day...
2012-04-30 10:14:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You say the point is to be honest? Then... your wanting to see me, to hug me, to kiss me, to be with me is honest too... Then, why!?
2012-04-30 10:10:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It wouldn't make any difference if I died tomorrow... You don't want to see me again...
2012-04-30 10:07:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you waste your time on me?

2012-04-30 10:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You miss me. You would like to be with me too, no? You do... All that we shared... even if mostly just words... still, so beautiful. :'-(
2012-04-30 10:04:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling...

2012-04-30 09:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... please... hold me, just hold me for a while, close very close...
2012-04-30 09:55:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... :-( I know nothing anymore. We could meet & do that in real life too... you'd like that too... but refuse to do so :-(
2012-04-30 09:43:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mmm... let me think... maybe pulling me into your arms, smiling and kissing me deeply, my pouting lips...
2012-04-30 09:20:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you just smile... Hmm.

2012-04-30 09:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? :-(

2012-04-30 09:00:55 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Why do you say that? You see I can... the kind sir doesn't touch or kiss his lady... So, she is not charming. Sniff.
2012-04-30 08:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, professionalism is a rare thing here too. :-) The only difference is that our country is not overpopulated...
2012-04-30 08:36:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, it is warm & sunny, so... but what about holding me? Doesn't sound lovely too? Seems like your sweet lady's lost her charm. Sniff.
2012-04-30 08:35:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad that your day got better & you liked those pointless meetings. Happy for you. Honest. I had a sandwich too... better?
2012-04-30 08:35:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I am home, so... wearing brown cotton shorts & a white top. Nothing else... ;-) How I wish you were holding me close, kissing me...Sigh
2012-04-30 06:33:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you, darling. My day is normal, a bit busier than yours. Sun, sun & more sun... And your sweet lady misses you a lot. So, so much!
2012-04-30 06:23:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I had mixed salad with feta & yoghurt-dill dressing. Not really lunch, but... I'll have some fruits too. Melon, nice cold water melon. :-)
2012-04-30 06:22:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope so too. To drop a passenger is a no go here. Well, they are happy if they get any at all. :-)
2012-04-30 06:22:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here... we would be doing sweet cheerful things & laugh through the day instead of those pointless meetings. Sigh!
2012-04-30 06:21:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Poor sweet you. An easy day sounds great darling but pointless meetings... You could have as well stayed at home, no?
2012-04-30 06:21:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My day is normal. Just work... & sunshine in the cloudless sky... & thoughts of you... Sigh. Missing you. A sweet slow kiss on your lips...
2012-04-30 05:08:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe there's not much work to do today, but my sweet darling sir seems to have occupied himself... :-) Hope your day is fine, darling.
2012-04-30 05:00:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May 1st is a holiday here too. What shall we do? Hmmm... You come or I come over to you. Sigh. If only... Sweet darling, I miss you a lot.
2012-04-30 02:47:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What now? Are they sick or are leaving? 4 people is a lot. Doesn't your team need a lovely Hungarian lady? I assure you, she's not lazy. ;-)
2012-04-30 02:46:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you change the cab company? Wow, a lazy day in the office? Now, this is something new... Hope it is not boring there...
2012-04-30 02:45:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for yours... they delighted my morning, nuzzled into every fold of my skin, made my butterflies dance... ;-)
2012-04-30 02:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So happy that you found my kisses... hope you took them with you, darling... & are still as fresh as I left them for you. :-)
2012-04-30 02:41:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. How are you? How is your eye? A soft, tender kiss on it... just in case... ;-) Slept sweetly?
2012-04-30 02:41:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss snuggle up to you in the morning and wake you with a soft little kiss, whispering good morning, darling... Sigh.
2012-04-29 18:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will be still sleeping when you wake up, but hope you find my soft fresh petaled kisses sprinkled all over your bed... for you to start...
2012-04-29 18:11:28 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... and come back under the covers, hugging you tenderly tome, kissing your nape... :-) I hope you sweet beautifully, my darling.
2012-04-29 18:10:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops. I fell asleep. I will freshen up a bit, feed the cats & dog lady (poor things didn't get dinner) will eat too a little something...
2012-04-29 18:10:28 (EDT)

dgdreamin more aware of things. Hopeful. It's a pretty day here. The weather's still uncertain whether 2 be cool or warm. Squeeze in some fun w/ work!
2012-04-29 16:51:58 (EDT)

dgdreamin & errands. A nice treat ;)) Thx for asking about my Uncle. He was moved. There has been some small successes in hid breathing, etc. Much
2012-04-29 16:50:57 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hey you! My Twitter has been limited lately too, after first thing in the morning. Busy. I just took a short nap, after a morning of chores
2012-04-29 16:50:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy :-) Then... I am there, holding sweet lovely you to me, kissing you softly... close your beautiful eyes, rest my dear... sleep...
2012-04-29 11:42:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, please let me kiss your eyes & hold you in my arms... Sleep soundly my darling with lovely dreams... Good night.
2012-04-29 11:38:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... till you fall asleep? After that, I might leave you for a short while but I will join sweetly sleeping you again... What say? :-)
2012-04-29 11:37:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just smile... I am serious. Oooh! You are leaving me? And your poor eye... Darling? Can I come & cuddle up with you now? And stay with you
2012-04-29 11:36:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just thinking... actually, I do believe that you were born for me... Just ask any astrologer... ;-)
2012-04-29 11:28:05 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I don't ask you to run away with me and marry me... Hmm, it would be nice anyway... :-)
2012-04-29 11:20:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I know your answers like this... You know you can, you just don't want to... :-(
2012-04-29 11:18:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can darling, you can... :-)

2012-04-29 11:04:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I do... just for a quick moment but it was nice. :-) Smile yes and the man was smiling too. You were so sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-04-29 10:54:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ugh, I knew it! It seemed like you were cut short. I noticed today twitter unfollowed a bunch of people as well. What a mess.
2012-04-29 10:52:28 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It ends in "neck-deep".

2012-04-29 10:38:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And you... barefoot... in white shirt & beige trouser in the middle of the shop... That was delightful! :-) I felt very happy with you.
2012-04-29 10:19:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's morning kisses... our long, sweet cuddling in bed... God! I still get butterflies at the thought of it... I miss you, Anand.
2012-04-29 10:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Two toast with butter... and orange marmalade, cornflakes with chocolate milk, apple juice... Sigh.
2012-04-29 09:51:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Then I'll wash some more... They taste wonderful. Fresh & sweet... like your lady. ;-p Oh yes, I remember too & eating them together...
2012-04-29 09:47:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Eating grapes right now... Want some too, darling? Nicely washed and ready to eat... :-)
2012-04-29 09:36:14 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ It doesn't work. My eyes refuse to stay closed. :-) I'll be fine, it's not that bad, darling. Btw, my remedy is thousands of miles away :-)
2012-04-29 09:31:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest... :-) I am wide awake, cant lie down & close my eyes... But it would be nice a gentle temple massage... given by you.
2012-04-29 09:18:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no balm. :-) Cold towel is pretty fine.

2012-04-29 09:05:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... like I did... ;-) Btw, my father died due to heart attack at the age of 52... My grandfather was about 62.
2012-04-29 08:47:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a little headache. I will surely not go & buy cucumbers now. You can come over & bring some... or put the towel on my forehead...
2012-04-29 08:46:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I meant like that. Why not? It doesn't matter darling...Maybe that would be the best...Sigh. Yes, I will be fine for now, it's just...
2012-04-29 08:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wanted to buy, but they didn't look nice. I have small towel & cold water... Oooh, remember...? :-) But I'd prefer your hands & kisses.
2012-04-29 08:36:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Maybe I will end up like my grandfather... Someday. At least, you will get rid of me. :-|
2012-04-29 08:28:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have no cucumber darling. And tried to rest while you were away, but... Hmm.
2012-04-29 08:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, I'd love that very much... I mean, you here...massaging my head & resting with no cucumber on my eyes, but with you holding me :)
2012-04-29 08:25:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My head aches. Maybe from this sudden summer-like weather. The day is not so nice... Wish you were here.
2012-04-29 08:16:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! It's easy to blame others. ;-p But seriously... I'd really love to kiss you now... & get kissed all over by you. Even my skin misses you
2012-04-29 08:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, I got it! I thought bath water with some bath oil... :-) Or a bathtub filled with oil... God no! :-D
2012-04-29 07:58:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw... do I get my kiss now? Darling, I so miss them... your kisses, your sweet soft lips...
2012-04-29 07:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. See? There are so many things we didn't do together darling... and we should... Sniff. I don't get it... oil bath under running water?
2012-04-29 07:48:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God no! Who said oil bath every day? But an oil bath without bathtub... How?
2012-04-29 07:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, a shower with you would be nice, too... ;-p Why didn't we shower together in the US? No, not naked... in bathing suit. ;-)
2012-04-29 07:17:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-04-29 06:30:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My super sweet, lovely lovely Anand... Sigh.

2012-04-29 05:22:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for two persons. I don't like it because I get lost in it but it is perfect for you. ;-) It would be lovely, yes.
2012-04-29 05:21:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Would you come for a night swim with me? And then lie down on the grass looking up at the stars, listening to crickets...?
2012-04-29 04:40:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then, wrapping a towel around you & rubbing you dry...
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with eyes closed, of course... Honest. ;-) A long deep kiss on your lips...
2012-04-29 04:10:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! That's great! Enjoy your bath, darling. Smile... imagine me sitting on the edge of the bathtub, splashing water on you...
2012-04-29 04:09:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...not knowing when or if I will ever see you again... :-( I miss you so! We should be together. I feel it in every beat of my lil' heart...
2012-04-29 04:02:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you are right. Yes, it was sweet & now it is painful. But also it is a matter of time... it's been way too long... and then...
2012-04-29 03:59:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, we could eat ice cream or drink icy lemonade or so. :-) I would also love to play with the kids & watch you playing with them.
2012-04-29 03:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with your chores? Is the power off? Yes, it would be very sweet darling, but please no hot chocolate, it's too warm.
2012-04-29 03:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you know... usually, your lady loves to wake up before you... ;-) My day would be lovelier if you were here, darling...
2012-04-29 03:58:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside, eating fresh cold sweet water melon... waiting for you. Where are you, sweetest?
2012-04-29 03:31:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oops, I meant "things". My sweet darling... Sigh! Just to touch you, to feel you, to kiss you, to look into your eyes, to see your smile...
2012-04-29 03:09:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, there are so many little thing I would love to do with you... And the thought of never doing them hurts the most...
2012-04-29 02:50:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh btw! Did I tell you that I miss you? I do my darling. A lot. I would so love to spend this beautiful day with you...
2012-04-29 02:32:40 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, lovely. I would love to do that with you. A hot air balloon ride... you and me... Sigh. It would be delightful, darling.
2012-04-29 02:07:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Slept well & long? I hope yes, you went to bed way too late... I woke up several times, have a slight headache.
2012-04-29 02:05:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Freshly showered, in a towel... wishing you were here, holding me close... kissing my neck, playing
2012-04-29 02:04:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I kiss your nose & smile at you gently, wrap myself back in your arms, holding your hand as I sink back into sleep...
2012-04-28 18:23:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just woke up from a strange but lovely dream... We flew in a hot air balloon darling. I was scared to look down & around, and you laughed...
2012-04-28 18:18:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... don't want to get and give them in real? Darling, why? We both want the same... our hearts...
2012-04-28 15:18:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Software release, eh? Sounds like a very busy time for you over there, seems like a big project.
2012-04-28 15:10:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dearest. Sleep soundly. A soft, slow kiss on your lips for sweet smiling dreams... I join you in a bit. Please hold me...
2012-04-28 15:05:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, do listen to your heart. Please. I don't say to let it rule, but...always doing what your mind says is not the right thing either...
2012-04-28 15:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I don't understand... I simply cannot understand if you really miss me, if you really want to have me with you, then why... why not? :-(
2012-04-28 14:56:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to sleep. It is already tomorrow there...

2012-04-28 14:50:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No, darling. It is not. Not really. Just... the thought of never seeing you again hurts horribly. It kills me, darling.
2012-04-28 14:50:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. That was silly. No. My missing you is not different... It was different when I knew we will meet. It was sweet, then.
2012-04-28 14:46:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ True. It is the same want, the same missing, the same everything... It didn't get worse. Just the missing you... it's different now.
2012-04-28 14:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What?
2012-04-28 14:40:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How? How can you bear this? How can you miss me... and then saying you don't want to meet... to see me again... How? Why?
2012-04-28 14:40:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It's been a bit crazy around here, honestly. Looks to be that way for the next week or so, due to finals. Studying now, and saw you in my
2012-04-28 14:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can't get worse...

2012-04-28 14:28:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, not like getting a shot... You miss us together too, it would be simply beautiful to be together again.
2012-04-28 14:11:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Other than that... why not take a break & come? You said my country is lovely, so... why not? We could have a sweet time...
2012-04-28 14:03:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would ease the pain, this unbearable missing you... God! I would give years of my life just to see you again, to be held by you...
2012-04-28 13:59:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why, Anand. Why? My darling... Anand, please. Please... allow us to be together & feel beautiful. Please.
2012-04-28 13:45:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Then... :-(

2012-04-28 13:19:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss everything about you. I miss... us, together.
2012-04-28 13:08:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss listening to Indian songs with you... I loved them. I loved to hear you sing along... Oh, how I smiled... Sigh.
2012-04-28 13:06:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know why I feel miserable... I would love to be there, darling. I would love to be with you, no matter where.
2012-04-28 13:03:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh... then come and do it. I wouldn't say no...

2012-04-28 12:44:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... that's it, you don't really show me that you do, but... never mind. Yes, the nap, temple, writing, etc... and now, sleep soon...
2012-04-28 12:25:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. I am sorry. But you got it, so... Well, I don't know the original words, but that tweet is still nice. Yes, I like hummus. Why?
2012-04-28 12:25:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They are very nice. Thanks for sharing that link..
2012-04-28 12:24:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It doesn't matter. They are not less beautiful...

2012-04-28 12:07:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And thanks for the kiss, it was lovely. I... I just wish I could snuggle up with you... be in your arms... be silent.
2012-04-28 12:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see how you missed me... :-( Just some basic food, salt & white pepper & fruits. No, I didn't sleep... Tummy is ok, thanks.
2012-04-28 12:06:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the DM, curled up & tried to sleep... Glad you had such a lovely nap, darling. Nice for you. Honest. And beautiful tweets- as always.
2012-04-28 11:57:34 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am here. Went to a quick grocery shopping, came home & was about to cuddle you, but then... you didn't seem to miss me, so I deleted...
2012-04-28 11:57:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, waiting for you...

2012-04-28 08:58:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is lonely without you. But I hope your day is lovely, my dear... and your evening too...
2012-04-28 08:27:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still by your side... I think it's time to kiss you awake... sweetly, tenderly...
2012-04-28 08:18:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh darling, yes... I am there... nuzzling your chest, caressing, kissing your soft skin as you sleep... I miss you.
2012-04-28 06:44:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will have to go buy some food too, but don't feel like shopping... Yes, it's beautiful here, but... Hmm.
2012-04-28 06:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. You seem to have taking a nap... Then... hope you sleep sweetly...
2012-04-28 06:23:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am sitting outside... It's a beautiful, sunny, warm day (25C) with clear blue skies & gentle breeze. Wish you were here... Sigh.
2012-04-28 05:42:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... some chores, too. Then showered, and decided to bathe my dog lady, then scrubbed my bathroom & I had to shower again. :-|
2012-04-28 05:42:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Missed you, darling... Slept long? Feeling renewed after the oil bath? Had a light lunch? While you were away, I did...
2012-04-28 05:41:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... Sigh. I am sneaking under the covers quietly, softly...
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snuggling up next to you tenderly...

2012-04-27 15:18:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to... And you know that very well. Sigh. I would love it even more if I could really do it... to hug you, to feel you... :-(
2012-04-27 12:54:04 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :) that, just changed it, no reason.

2012-04-27 12:42:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is late. Wishing you a good night's sleep with tender dreams.
2012-04-27 12:41:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... mind's order (or whatever) is not the only other way...
2012-04-27 12:40:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is not about doing my heart's wish. We miss each other & we both would be happy to see each other... I could say too, doing your...
2012-04-27 12:40:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does it matter what I wish...? Sigh.

2012-04-27 12:10:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I wish I could hate you. Perhaps it would be easier... But I can't hate you. I just miss you. So incredibly much! :-(
2012-04-27 11:18:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You have no idea how I feel. But... just smile & be happy while I cry, ache for you over here. You are right, it's my heartache, not yours.
2012-04-27 11:17:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Because of your stubbornness... You could come. Darling, why not to have a lovely together? Why? Why do you let me suffer like this?
2012-04-27 11:16:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Believe me, it is not my favorite topic. Do you think it makes me so happy... to miss you, to beg you to come, to allow us to meet? :-(
2012-04-27 11:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw... then, why don't you visit me... You could visit me as well- it would be good for you too, but you don't want to. God!
2012-04-27 10:53:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... would love to see you & be with you... not with someoneelse. I am happy that Renata comes, but it's not the same!
2012-04-27 10:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you think? The usual nothing... Sigh. Weekends have become my worst days... I wish you were here, Anand...
2012-04-27 10:39:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you know best what is good for your body/ tummy, so...
2012-04-27 10:21:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Thanks, my tummy is better though still not that good. It's ok. Head and stomach are my weak points...
2012-04-27 09:51:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some technical study? Nice. Same here, darling. Just work & the like... Nothing noteworthy. Weekend is here... Missing you. Unhappy.
2012-04-27 09:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Cooked veggies are good. And healthy, too. But why no rice? Mmm, the beautiful smell of jasmine rice... You did eat a lot of rice in the US.
2012-04-27 09:32:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again!? Unbelievable! Yes, do look for a more serious cab company. I think it does helps. No, I know... ;-)
2012-04-27 09:31:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Happily jumping in your arms, giggling as you twirl me around & kissing your lips a deep sweet welcome home! :-)
2012-04-27 09:31:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back home! But seems like my sweet darling is still busy working...not here to kiss & twirl his lady. Sniff. I just hope the day's fine.
2012-04-27 08:01:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off for a short while, darling. Some errands need to be done. Will be back soon... till then, a nibbling kiss on your earlobes...
2012-04-27 06:51:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet, kind sir? How is your day? Very busy? Lots of work to do? Mine is quiet, easy Friday... Miss you immensely...
2012-04-27 05:12:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am here too... let's kiss & play & make each other blush. ;-pOf course your kiss helped, it always does darling...
2012-04-27 05:11:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Working. Missing you. Thoughts of you distract me... Wanting to see you, to feel you. Hope your day is fine, darling & lunch is yummy...
2012-04-27 04:04:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you a lot. Anand, my dearest I miss you! My sweet, soft, fresh kisses on smiling butterfly wings are on their way to you...
2012-04-27 02:16:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... light, sweet stuff that delights my sweet sir... It would be beautiful & would also make you (and me too) feel beautiful. Sigh!
2012-04-27 02:16:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, a lovely oil bath, nice massage by your lady, long cuddle with me, a short afternoon nap together, doing all the...
2012-04-27 02:15:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling now? Still tired? How is your day? Just this day... :-) I fell asleep very late. My tummy is better, me- not really.
2012-04-27 02:14:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were clearly exhausted & needed the sleep. All is fine. Well, they say the body needs 8 hours sleep, so...
2012-04-27 02:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Oh, I wish I could've been there to turn off the lights... and all. Lil' smile. Please, nothing to apologize...
2012-04-27 02:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you wake up fresh with a big :-) It's Friday, the last day...Sweet sunshine flavored kisses for a real good, cheerful day for you :-)
2012-04-26 17:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you to me... my head on your shoulder, your arm around my waist... Sigh. If only...My sweet Anand, if only... I miss you. Even in sleep.
2012-04-26 17:09:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still awake, watching you sleep peacefully with sweet smiles... But my eyes grow heavy dear, so I kiss you softly on your cheeks and hug...
2012-04-26 17:07:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ It hurts, Anand. Beyond words.

2012-04-26 12:20:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hugging my pillow, cradling it as if it was you... God! I wish I was holding you instead this stupid pillow! Weeping...again. Can't help it
2012-04-26 12:12:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sad. Very sad. Been waiting for you all day & now... I miss you, Anand. More & more every day. Please come to me. Please. Anand... :'-(
2012-04-26 11:51:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I think I just missed you... I am sorry.

2012-04-26 11:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the covers, cuddling & kissing you, putting you to a sweet sleep... Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly with beautiful dreams.
2012-04-26 11:45:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was on the phone. Oooh, you want to leave me? :-( But I understand... God wait! Please. I am rushing to you, slipping under...
2012-04-26 11:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know what you mean, but what to do? Just be nice & friendly... at least, you.
2012-04-26 11:43:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, no meeting? That's great! Yes, banana calms the stomach. How is your granny? Hope she is fine. And yes, one more day... :-)
2012-04-26 11:43:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! No! No fruits. Fruits make it worse. Perhaps banana... but no other fruit. I miss you even more... Sniff. So, so much!
2012-04-26 11:14:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Well, you might seem stern to people who don't know you. But you are right, that incident had nothing to do with your style.
2012-04-26 11:11:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, and now in a meeting, right? Sigh.

2012-04-26 11:06:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much, darling. I wish I could hold you now...
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and rub my nose against yours, giggling...

2012-04-26 10:44:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well done. To regret what? Doing your job & letting things be? But what else to do? You see, they are not interested in what you think...
2012-04-26 10:37:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am so happy that you are finally home! Can I now hug you tightly & kiss you a sweet soft long welcome home? :-) How are you?
2012-04-26 10:36:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! And there was no other cab, darling? Well, a rickshaw is fun (to me) but I believe it's pretty uncomfy. Poor you.
2012-04-26 10:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You should be home by now... Is everything alright with you?

2012-04-26 10:09:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... light-heartedly by your colleagues in the US... by your new ones, not so much.
2012-04-26 05:47:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... arguing with them. But please, don't let them spoil your mood. Do your job & try to work with them in a peaceful way.
2012-04-26 04:27:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How is your day? I believe it doesn't make you happy to be around those people & yes, absolutely no point...
2012-04-26 04:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, too. A lot. A lot lot lot. A soft playful kiss flitting to you to land on your throat, just above the top button... ;-)
2012-04-26 04:26:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, your sandal-scented kisses feel like silk, molding to every inch of my skin, hugging my curves beautifully. Thank you :-)
2012-04-26 04:24:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... morning :-| But we were there on time & back home now... So glad that you slept well! What did you dream, darling? Tell me, tell me! :-)
2012-04-26 04:24:26 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Sorry, I couldn't write earlier... I forgot that I had to drive a Germ. colleague to the airport this...
2012-04-26 04:23:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling, please... don't discuss or argue with those people any more. You see, it brings nothing but anger... Not worth it.
2012-04-25 17:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a safe, pleasant drive to the office my darling & I hope, so hope that you'll have a good, decent-busy peaceful day at work...
2012-04-25 17:45:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly & you wake up fresh & you :-) when you find my dew-laced morning kiss next to you on your pillow... :-)
2012-04-25 17:44:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, typing this from bed, half asleep, wishing my blanket was you wrapped around me tightly, holding me snugly...
2012-04-25 17:44:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you, Anand. I am hopelessly, helplessly in love with you... Do you know that? Sigh. And oh how I miss you! How very much!
2012-04-25 13:22:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, let me give you one more kiss... a soft, slow, long kiss on your lips... Good night, my darling. Sleep soundly... but snore softly ;-p
2012-04-25 13:19:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are still here! Frowning... but glad too. :-) Now, rush rush... close your beautiful eyes & sleep. Sturdy? Lovely, delicate arms. ;-)
2012-04-25 13:18:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I was too late...Lost connection, darling. :-( But I am there... hope you can feel it somehow. Me... my soft body against yours.
2012-04-25 13:14:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my dear, sleep soundly. I am hugging your arm that is wrapped around me... holding your hand to my chest... Good night.
2012-04-25 13:08:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I join you- now. I kiss you softly on your eyes & snuggle up to you... as close as I can. Keeping one another warm & lovely...
2012-04-25 13:04:13 (EDT)
2881 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I really don't know what to say. This is too sad... I would love to be with you now, yes it would be very nice to be held by you...
2012-04-25 13:03:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, yes. Her poem does sound like that... For that, I was confused. Words fail me. This is... sick, very sick. You are right. :-(
2012-04-25 12:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. If you feel like writing, then write... I will quietly sit rubbing your back, kissing your shoulders, neck...
2012-04-25 11:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Anand, please come. You would feel good here...& return smiling, refreshed. You could use a break... & I could use some "you". Please.
2012-04-25 11:13:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady misses you very very much. She would so love to have you sit next to her right now... sipping tea, enjoying the late sun...
2012-04-25 11:08:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. But what about all the other people? What if they have something to say, too? Or if they don't agree... etc.?
2012-04-25 10:40:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? You didn't speak? Wow, a grand talk, indeed. :-| My poor sweet darling, you know... just do your job... :-)
2012-04-25 10:32:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Then... let's do it, darling. God! Come. It really is maddening.
2012-04-25 10:06:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, high level meeting! This sounds so... hmm, hmmm... don't know. :-) But sounds good. Is it over? Was it interesting?
2012-04-25 10:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We miss one another. And you would like to see me too. Then why don't you allow it to happen? Why? Why this torture, pain, heartache?
2012-04-25 07:45:16 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ We have now been writing to each other for over a year,darling. Why? Why did you waste your precious time on me?
2012-04-25 07:44:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... enjoy sweet moments, to feel happy & wonderful... just as we did... Then, isn't it pointless to write to each other?
2012-04-25 07:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Daydreaming of napping with you... of you, holding me from behind like you did when we (well, you) watched Transformers... Sigh!
2012-04-25 07:13:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well my darling, I don't feel any differently about my days... Please come. Please. And let's enjoy some sweet, colorful days together.
2012-04-25 06:28:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I'd gently rub your poor tummy in soft little circles around your navel, kissing it softly... If only...I'd so love, with me...
2012-04-25 06:28:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we can cuddle & kiss & play & tease but no napping. Ok? And if you want, I can scratch you all over too. No massage, just light stuff...
2012-04-25 06:27:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, believe me, if I was there, you wouldn't feel drowsy... And you are right, a nap isn't a good idea today, so...
2012-04-25 06:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, give me those kisses... I still smell lovely & my skin is softer than ever. Oh yes, in case you are the towel, wrapped around me ;-)
2012-04-25 06:26:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, she is ok. I can have a bath whenever I want... But to be honest, I don't feel that comfy about it & I don't like the bathtub.
2012-04-25 06:25:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I'd love to see you. To be with you. To hug & kiss you. To watch the sunset nestled in your arms... To :-) & feel happy.
2012-04-25 05:12:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to wrap you in my lovely arms, kiss you deeply and let you nuzzle my neck... Sniff. Where are you? Having lunch? Without me!?
2012-04-25 04:10:30 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Eszter (my ex's gf) is home & she said I can use their bathroom. I didn't say no. Missing you, darling. Soft kisses from your head to toe...
2012-04-25 02:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have lots of work to do, the morning started a bit hectic. Still unbathed. I will now go and take a hot bubble bath. Yep, a bath.
2012-04-25 02:45:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too hope that you have time for other things too- reading, writing, etc. besides the work...I wish I was there, enjoying the day together.
2012-04-25 02:45:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You and your plans! Sigh. When will you make plans on coming to me? Hm? Oh please... How is your day, darling? Good to be home?
2012-04-25 02:43:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I feel it. You were also more cheerful in Bang. & in the US. And here, you work way too much, darling. It doesn't make me that happy.
2012-04-25 02:42:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. So, you did stay home... Fine! How are you, darling? Feeling some better? Oh yes, I would love that a lot.
2012-04-25 02:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should sleep now. Yes, hugging you... I miss you immensely. My sweet darling Anand... you should be here with your lovely lady...
2012-04-24 17:06:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You don't seem to feel comfy or happy there. Maybe the first 12 months... because it was new, but then... Hmm.
2012-04-24 17:01:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what else to say. I wouldn't go happily to office, either. A pleasant environment at the workplace is important.
2012-04-24 16:57:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am really sorry that people in the office are like that. Maybe you should try to ignore their behavior & simply do your job.
2012-04-24 16:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly & wake up with a gentle smile to a
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bright lovely morning, feeling a lot better...

2012-04-24 16:55:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I join you in a few min., softly, quietly... kissing your shoulder as I snuggle up behind you & hug you tenderly to me... :-)
2012-04-24 16:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May you have the sweetest dreams. Good night for now.
2012-04-24 12:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You could sleep on my chest, arm around you... No, your head is not too heavy... :-)
2012-04-24 12:40:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would be happiest having sweet tired you in my arms...cradling you, caressing you... Sigh! I miss you.
2012-04-24 12:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, it isn't really nice, but well... It's her life. Ha! No way! You think I would allow you to do such a thing? Forget!
2012-04-24 12:34:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Done for the day. So, I am all yours, darling. Hugging you, kissing you till you fall asleep...
2012-04-24 12:33:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, please come. Seriously. You could use a break... far away from all...
2012-04-24 12:26:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, how I wish you were in my arms now... making you forget about all the unpleasant things that happened today...
2012-04-24 12:15:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Renata is fine. She is coming in two weeks. Ha! She doesn't have him any more. She said it was just a sex thingy... :-|
2012-04-24 12:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please darling, take a deep breath... I believe it's frustrating but what can you do? Sadly, not much.
2012-04-24 12:00:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when everyone is present. And yes, it's not about the pizzas
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but about the principle... They really are selfish & don't seem to care.
2012-04-24 12:00:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't know what to say. You were right darling, I would have suggested the same. If a team, then a team... and celebrate it...
2012-04-24 11:59:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! First that unpleasant conv. & now this... But you are home & that matters...Please, come in my arms darling, let me hug you and...
2012-04-24 11:58:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's getting very late there... I hope you are on your way home, darling. I so wish I was there to greet you with the gentlest hug & kiss...
2012-04-24 11:18:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh, silly forgetful me! How is it going? And how are you, darling? Tired? Shall I come & pick you up? :-)
2012-04-24 09:52:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, are you home?

2012-04-24 09:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, I was on the phone with Renata. Well, work, too. How to do a good job/team work if they only care about themselves...?
2012-04-24 09:30:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Rain is coming, btw. Very windy outside.

2012-04-24 08:47:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. I am truly sorry to hear this. It is very sad. But... it's a team, no? It means to work together as a team...
2012-04-24 08:47:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you meant that way... So, no stress & hectic but not less busy than it was... Sigh. I just hope work is more pleasant now...
2012-04-24 08:26:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Feeling blue & restless... wanting to have you here with me. Well, my lil' heart needs you, your lovely embrace, not a tea...
2012-04-24 08:26:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, why did you have a bad mood during
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lunch? God, I wish I could have been there to eat together, to cheer...
2012-04-24 08:25:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sit outside, blowing kisses in the wind, hoping they will reach you... Missing you, darling.
2012-04-24 07:45:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweet Anand... How I wish we were together now. Sigh!
2012-04-24 06:06:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet, tender kiss behind your ear darling... whispering I miss you... Hope the meetings are going well & people are pleasant...
2012-04-24 05:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Picnic-lunch outside with me? Please... it would be lovely. Sigh, you should be here, darling.
2012-04-24 04:04:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is going to be like any other day. Nothing special. Just some chores & work. And lots of missing you... esp. in the evenings.
2012-04-24 02:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you mean an evening meeting? My sweet darling, and you said this week will be more relaxing... Sigh. Not really. :-|
2012-04-24 02:45:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, perhaps they know... if they don't, then Anand will take care of things. Are they really that lazy? Talk with them.
2012-04-24 02:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... things seem to be pretty unorganized. What do you mean by "ownership is skewed"? Does the company has two or more owners?
2012-04-24 02:44:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a bit chilly outside, but the sun shines. I love to wake up to sunshine & birds singing. May sound silly, but I think I need that.
2012-04-24 02:43:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. Maybe you should sleep in light cotton shorts with no undershirt & a light blanket... or just a sheet.
2012-04-24 02:42:32 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Anand... My lovely, lovely Anand, please...

2012-04-23 14:34:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a good night's sleep & the loveliest dreams, my darling. I join you in a bit & wrap myself around you like a soft cozy blanket..
2012-04-23 13:05:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sad sigh. Me too. Missing it all, so so much! But yes, it's late. Kissing you back, softly sweetly and hugging you close to me...
2012-04-23 13:05:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I would have loved to iron them for you. Remember...? Sigh.
2012-04-23 12:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, what should I do with just an undershirt? Exactly that's the point... taking you out of it. ;-)
2012-04-23 12:55:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, let's go to bed & cuddle till we fall asleep... It's very late there.
2012-04-23 12:47:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my dear, pretty please... do come. Do allow us to spend a lovely time together. It would be sweet & so, so beautiful...
2012-04-23 12:46:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, with you in it...

2012-04-23 12:34:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or... come to me. Oh please! Pretty pretty please! The nights are still chilly... and you can keep your beloved undershirt on ;-p
2012-04-23 12:25:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, long meeting! Well, you can take off your undershirt... ;-)
2012-04-23 12:21:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What happened? Where are you, darling?

2012-04-23 12:13:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to go shopping with you. I miss that a lot. It was so much fun with you and now... alone... Sigh. Not nice.
2012-04-23 11:01:08 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Just now reading your reply... Blush. Thank you, darling. Glad you like my top. :-)
2012-04-23 10:56:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you enjoy doing it. ;-p

2012-04-23 10:51:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I was self employed, I would have to do it by myself, but I am not.

2012-04-23 10:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw! I miss you very very much, do you know that? Of course you do... Sigh.
2012-04-23 10:30:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No? Sniff. Then not. I have still some work to finish, so... You can come and cuddle me -if you want to- when the meeting is over...
2012-04-23 10:28:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you that kiss & hug?

2012-04-23 10:17:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank goodness I don't have to do that... And yes, I know... at 8, every day. Lil' smile. Hmm, will you now please come & let me give...
2012-04-23 10:17:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh. Oh! You seem to be busy with something... Are you? Well, hopefully it will be done this week... But was it more relaxing than last week?
2012-04-23 09:48:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... would be lovely with you. How are you? How was your day? Any news on the release?
2012-04-23 09:31:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A late but oh so sweet welcome home kiss for you darling with a tight squeezing hug. It would have been lovely... just as everything...
2012-04-23 09:30:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... home together, stop at a park or somewhere nice near your home for a lovely walk... My sweet darling... deep sigh.
2012-04-23 08:12:35 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am back & my sweet darling seems to be still in a meeting... I wish I could be there, waiting for you outside the office, going...
2012-04-23 08:11:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking a break, going through your pictures... If only I could hold your face in my hands & kiss you ever so gently on your lips... Oh dear!
2012-04-23 05:42:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... "torture" you... in the sweetest, most delightful way! I miss you, darling Anand. Very very much. :-(
2012-04-23 04:37:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? I told you... but the sweet sir never listens to his lady. Sigh. But glad you managed to complete the report.
2012-04-23 04:34:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So glad your head is fine & that the day is more relaxed... hopefully it stays this way the whole week.
2012-04-23 04:34:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yesterday I was a camel & now a mule... Wow, you know how to make your lady's heart flutter! Sweet, very sweet. :-|
2012-04-23 04:33:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, Anand. A lot. Sweet little kisses for the back of your neck, darling... fresh & gentle as the morning breeze...
2012-04-23 02:48:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you know that I am ticklish on my feet, so be careful... I might hurt you (by accident) when you wake me up like that.
2012-04-23 02:41:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Hope it is more pleasant than last week... And what about the software? Is it ready to the final release?
2012-04-23 02:40:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... bread, had breakfast & here now... working... and writing to you. How are you today? How's your head? How was the drive to the office?
2012-04-23 02:39:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Glad you slept well. I slept ok...
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Woke up early, did my morning chores, walked to the bakery to get fresh...
2012-04-23 02:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Soft kisses on your temples. But if you want to have me next to you, you will have to sneak under my cover...when I sleep...
2012-04-22 12:45:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have nothing more to say. Good night, darling. Sleep soundly. Dream lovely dreams.
2012-04-22 12:27:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You want to throw away something that was maybe not Divine, but heavenly sweet and simple...
2012-04-22 12:26:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But how could you understand? With a steeled heart & strict, stubborn mind it is not possible. You want me to unlove you? God! How?
2012-04-22 12:11:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. This stupid heart loves you & I can't change this. I ache for you, for your company. Every second. But you... Sigh!
2012-04-22 12:07:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am broken inside. My lil' heart is shattered. I often wake up in the night crying...Do you think I do this 'cause I so enjoy it?
2012-04-22 11:43:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This was quite a silly question, btw. And you know that. I am not fine. Not at all. But who cares? Sigh.
2012-04-22 11:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am. My nights are pretty restless, darling. And no. Nothing is fine. Why? You know why... at least you should... :-(
2012-04-22 11:18:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I miss something? :-| I wrote you that I dozed off, darling. I am sorry. Fine. Maybe because of the power cut... or so.
2012-04-22 10:47:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Power is back, my darling is back, your lil' lady is back too... Fine! And I hope your wifi is back, too.
2012-04-22 10:35:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ha! See? See? I knew! I told you that you should work on the report & not leave it to the last minute. Yes I know, the puzzle...but still...
2012-04-22 10:35:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ops. I think I dozed off while waiting for you. Kind of groggy now. Wish you were here to snuggle up to... Sniff.
2012-04-22 10:34:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while watching a movie and then sleep. My sweet darling, it would make me so happy... Sad sigh. Missing you so!
2012-04-22 06:25:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... cuddle with each other after coming home pleasant-tired, then prepare & have dinner together, kiss & cuddle some more...
2012-04-22 06:25:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here now. Sigh. It's a lovely, sunny, nice-warm day here... we could spend the afternoon outside...
2012-04-22 06:25:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, but you would not go for a walk in your undershirt, right? So, two shirts...
2012-04-22 06:20:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) oh, just to bathe in your kisses, darling... I was just teasing you. I know it's really hot there...
2012-04-22 06:19:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! My soft, sweet, delicate darling is terrified of a bit of sun... God! ;-p Well, sure it's too hot wearing two t-shirts. :-|
2012-04-22 05:59:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not a camel darling, but also not as namby-pamby as you...or maybe you shouldn't wear your undershirt. ;-p We could rest in the shade...
2012-04-22 05:23:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, our spa culture was even popular during the Roman times. And btw, we have the largest natural thermal lake... Come & we'll go there.
2012-04-22 05:22:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, darling. Just had breakfast about 2 hours ago. Really? A spa
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with Hungarian links? As in?

2012-04-22 05:01:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh oooh! Let me see your tummy & kiss it softly... No power? Come, let's go for a walk & rest in the shade of a huge tree. What say?
2012-04-22 05:01:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, not half as much as I do. Otherwise you would rush to me and pick me up & twirl me around, hugging me as tight as you can... Sniff.
2012-04-22 03:40:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. So terribly much!

2012-04-22 03:27:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. Just an acquaintance. Not really a friend but not a stranger.
2012-04-22 03:26:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I too, would so love to visit a temple with you, but... you don't want it. Sniff.
2012-04-22 03:04:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then watched TV & fell asleep really late. Thank you for holding, cuddling me last night...
2012-04-22 02:42:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope the evening goes lovely & dinner is/was delicious. Please darling, do join me when you return & wrap lil' me in your arms...
2012-04-21 12:43:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll lie down & try to sleep a little. Didn't get much sleep the last few weeks... I am glad that you don't see me now. :-|
2012-04-21 12:43:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There was time when even missing you was sweet 'cause I knew we'll be together but now... it just hurts horribly. Torturous.
2012-04-21 11:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe this all... is easy for you darling- and you are fine with not seeing each other again, but so hard for me... it breaks me, my heart.
2012-04-21 11:41:27 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please do take care, my darling and enjoy your evening. A lovely, gentle kiss on your soft lips, on tiptoe, arms around your neck...
2012-04-21 10:49:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. :-( I know, I am not all that pleasant to be around right now. And I don't want to spoil your mood, so...
2012-04-21 09:41:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we would be having dinner instead, but... Sigh. Happy for you. Really. Had a sweet nap? Are you all fresh & smiling? At least you...
2012-04-21 09:28:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, done. And yes, I told you that he is doing great.
2012-04-21 09:20:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's nice. Hope you have a lovely time with your friend & enjoy the dinner... I do envy your friend.
2012-04-21 09:11:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you do... but then, I wish you would not only understand... :-(
2012-04-21 09:08:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss the feel of you. I miss your kisses. The feel of your lips and hands on my skin. The joy & smiles & sighs. Everything.
2012-04-21 07:25:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your arm around me, your hand on my belly, your breath on my skin as we fall asleep... with a smile, feeling content & happy.
2012-04-21 07:21:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I... I just can't pretend to be cheerful when I am not. I would so love to really kiss you, to cuddle with you, to blush & laugh
2012-04-21 07:20:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. So, they are lazy.

2012-04-21 06:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... into each other. If only... My sweet darling, your lady could really use all of this... Sigh. Miss you terribly. Sleep sweetly, dear.
2012-04-21 06:45:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Yes! Just changed into tiny shorts... and... there I am, right
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beside you. Ready for the kiss & cuddle & laugh & a sweet nap curled...
2012-04-21 06:44:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. Unprofessional is not a problem. They can learn...

2012-04-21 06:35:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know the answer... But only if you cuddle with me first and then hold me close to you...
2012-04-21 06:34:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and thanks for the kiss... it was lovely. And in return, you get a soft deep kiss on your throat, holding you firmly to me...
2012-04-21 05:32:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or I there, going to the temple together. I would love it very much. I ask you for the fourth time- did the release finally happen?
2012-04-21 05:31:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. No plans for today. I will probably do what I always do... some cleaning, maybe doing my Sat. shopping. Not sure.
2012-04-21 05:30:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, new moon was yesterday? I wasn't sure. Then...sorry, my mistake. Your lady's night was kind of restless. Feeling wilted, missing you.
2012-04-21 05:29:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, there you are! I missed you, darling... and was waiting for you. Sigh, never mind... I am getting used to it. At least I should.
2012-04-21 05:29:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But my sweet darling is not around... Missing you. Very much.
2012-04-21 03:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I took a long, hot shower & here now... still wilted but lovely, in my towel with flowery hugs & sweet kisses for you...
2012-04-21 02:58:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? You seem to be away... I got out of bed at 8, opened my tweetdeck just to find no DM from you... Sniff.
2012-04-21 02:57:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Did you sleep well? Oh, today is
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new moon, yes? So, no sleeping long... but I hope you feel fresh.
2012-04-21 02:57:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lying in bed sleepless, hugging my pillow, listening to the rain... As if the sky too is so helpless that all it can do is to cry... Sigh.
2012-04-20 17:28:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The thought of never seeing you, never holding you again rips my heart out, darling. And I can do nothing... just curl up, pray & cry...
2012-04-20 13:14:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, let's go to bed. I so wish I could curl into you & sleep... and sleep... and sleep. Sigh. Missing you beyond words, Anand.
2012-04-20 12:39:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? You need not be born in Hungary.

2012-04-20 12:38:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure there is... and you know that. But you don't want to do... instead you let us/or maybe just me suffer. :'-(
2012-04-20 12:37:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Sad sad sigh. It makes me utterly sad, darling.

2012-04-20 12:27:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sure you know. You said you don't wish to meet again... :'-(
2012-04-20 12:23:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-(
2012-04-20 12:08:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Now, this sounds heavenly delightful! I want to get it all... and don't forget about the kisses, too. ;-p So, when?
2012-04-20 11:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and now you want my ice cream too. But... what about lil' me? I too, would love to be cuddled. Sniff.
2012-04-20 11:44:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. I asked you what will I get... I am giving you hugs & kisses & lovely massages & pampering you all the time...
2012-04-20 11:43:57 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ That's all you would give me? :-(

2012-04-20 11:30:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, and this to say took it so long? Pouting. No. Why would I want 2 spoons full if I can have it all? Just 2 spoons full...
2012-04-20 11:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! If you are so generous then... nothing for you, just the sight of me eating all the cherry ice. ;-p
2012-04-20 10:46:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you want them? And what will I get? Hm? Btw, I have darkchocolate, pistachio, walnut & amarena cherry ice cream.
2012-04-20 10:42:17 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hello darling. Yup. Thank you. xoxo

2012-04-20 10:31:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! No? You don't want my soft kiss & welcome-home squeeze? Sniff. What happened, btw? There was no one who agreed with you? Just one?
2012-04-20 10:28:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ a soft, deep welcome home :-) I am ok. Sleepy. And sad. Miss you. Day was a bit chaotic. But the sun shines & almost done with work.
2012-04-20 09:41:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...the sand just to avoid hearing the truth. But I don't hate you, so... come darling, let me wrap sweet tired you in my arms and kiss...
2012-04-20 09:40:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh. Oooh. I am sorry to hear this. Well, you know, the truth isn't always nice. So, sadly yes, people do prefer to stick their heads in...
2012-04-20 09:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is your day? And what about the release? Did it happen? And btw, miss you, darling. A lot.
2012-04-20 06:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The dentist is fine. No more appt. for a while now. I hope he won't miss me too much. ;-p But tell me, how are you, darling?
2012-04-20 06:57:38 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oooh, there they come... my long-awaited kisses! Hmmm, just for my chin? After all this waiting? ;-p But I love them darling. Beaming :-)
2012-04-20 06:57:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I also hope that you feel good & your day is going fine, the meetings and all... :-) My day is a little chaotic, it all took so long...
2012-04-20 06:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... couldn't sneak in. Sniff. Never mind... My kisses & butterflies are with you... I just hope they give you good, sweet company.
2012-04-20 06:15:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. I had to wait there over an hour & stopped by the grocery on my way home. Missing you. As I see, my sweet darling...
2012-04-20 06:15:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could magically appear beside you darling. Invisible. God, that would be fun! Oh, you wouldn't be able to focus on the meeting! ;p
2012-04-20 02:27:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But be careful... those kisses will sneak under your clothes & walk wherever they want to ;-p I miss you, darling.
2012-04-20 02:20:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will keep sending you sweet little playful kisses to delight you & keep you company during the meetings...
2012-04-20 02:19:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, another day of meetings? Hope they are not boring or tiring, darling &... it's Friday! I love when you sneak in for a quick kisscuddle.
2012-04-20 02:18:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I totally forgot that I have a dentist appt. at 9. So, my morning is a tiny bit hectic & need to get ready after these DMs.
2012-04-20 02:17:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well. Is my sweet sir all fresh & as energetic as yesterday? I slept very light, so not really fresh but lovely as ever. :-)
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2012-04-20 02:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. I kiss you back hmmm... on your lips & gently rub the tip of my nose against yours. :-)
2012-04-20 02:16:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In bed, fading fast... You my dear... you! And thoughts of being next to you. Anand, my sweet Anand... You. Just you. Only you...
2012-04-19 15:31:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss you on your forehead, wrap myself in your arms & sleep. Hope you sleep deeply my darling & wake up to a lovely morning.
2012-04-19 15:03:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A bit later than I thought, but finally done for the day. So tired! Had a light dinner, showered, and now I am coming to join you in bed...
2012-04-19 15:03:00 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm so sorry!!!!!!!! My apologies, I feel awful! :-( I'll delete the post.
2012-04-19 12:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweetest. Yes, most happily. Please do wait for me. I will join you in a bit. Fresh & lovely smelling in my tiny PJs...
2012-04-19 12:44:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that make you smile in your sleep. Good night, my sweet, lovely darling. Hold me tonight. Please.
2012-04-19 12:38:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hug you to me & kiss you softly on your lips... I will rush back to you, darling. I promise. Please sleep sweetly with dreams...
2012-04-19 12:37:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shall we go to bed darling? I will freshen up & join you under the covers in a bit. Please do leave enough space next to you for me...
2012-04-19 12:34:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... your hand on my belly, one leg between mine... falling asleep together. My sweet darling Anand... Deep sigh.
2012-04-19 12:29:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe you do, but still... :-( And yes, I would love that too.
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Just to curl into you so you can hold lil' me close to your chest...
2012-04-19 12:29:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you needn't be in a meeting for that.

2012-04-19 12:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you do... but I miss you more than you think I do. Glad the meeting is over. Then do it, run away... to me. Oh, I'd be so happy!
2012-04-19 11:48:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, do you have a slight idea how much this silly lady misses you? Sigh.
2012-04-19 11:07:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Till then, kissing your earlobes, darling while my hands caressing your chest & sweet tummy...
2012-04-19 10:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Yes, the meeting... After that, ok? But hope you know that you have to take off your undershirt...
2012-04-19 10:50:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... Still want the massage?

2012-04-19 10:24:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now again. Just for a short time, to buy cat food. I thought there was enough... Hmm. Be back soon. Ok?
2012-04-19 09:33:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ were its sun, shining down on all, everywhere. But now... Sad sigh. I miss it all! My day was tiring. Lots of driving & lots of work.
2012-04-19 09:33:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, that's beautiful to hear! And what about the release? Jumping in your arms & kissing you back a sweet long welcome home...
2012-04-19 09:31:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... starting with soft little kisses, then massaging the back of your neck, arms, shoulders, slowly working my way down & up & all...
2012-04-19 09:19:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I missed one DM, it didn't show up in tweetdeck but got it in my inbox... Darling? I would love to give you a nice massage...
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2012-04-19 09:19:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you! My sweet darling, just to hold you right now would be such a delight...
2012-04-19 08:24:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Now, I would so love to get your soft kiss & then pull you to me, hold you tight & kiss you back softly, sweetly... Aaah! Please...Sigh
2012-04-19 07:47:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And everyone is happy now. Tell me, how are you? How was your day? What about the release? Did it happen? Oooh, I hope it did!
2012-04-19 07:46:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I came back just in time... the meeting should be over by now... or in a few minutes. I hope all went well, darling.
2012-04-19 07:45:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But as I see, your day isn't a bit better... busy as ever, sigh. How can you say that? So much work isn't fun any more, nor sustainable.
2012-04-19 07:45:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got back home. God, what a tiring day! And what a horrible traffic everywhere! Glad to be home. Missed you, darling. A lot lot lot.
2012-04-19 07:45:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... morning kiss for your lovely, sleeping lady. Lil' smile. How is my dear darling today? Did you sleep well? Woke up feeling fresh?
2012-04-19 01:43:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Thank you for holding me & snoring in my ear last night... And then sneaking out of bed with no...
2012-04-19 01:43:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet lovely Anand. I can only hope that you feel my soft body against yours in your your dream... I am there...
2012-04-18 13:31:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Imagine, one year... We were writing to each other every single day, we shared smiles, sweetness, lively sighs, kisses & more & now... Sigh!
2012-04-18 13:25:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... yes hugging & holding each other till you fall asleep. Sigh. I
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would so love it! Please sleep & dream sweetly my darling. Good night.
2012-04-18 13:15:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my God, tiring day? Crazy long day & you must be extremely tired. My sweet sweet poor darling. :-( Done? Really? No more puzzle?
2012-04-18 13:14:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with work for the day, I so wish I was there... to give you a soft, silent kiss behind your ear darling... Sigh. Are you still working?
2012-04-18 12:38:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet exhausted darling, please let me hug you gently to me & kiss you sweetly & then let you rest in my arms for a lil' while. Sigh.
2012-04-18 10:33:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, no! I am so sorry, darling. I wish I could help somehow... What about the client's experts? Can't they help?
2012-04-18 10:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling? Oh tell me where! Sniff. Hope all is fine, darling... and you are on your way home...
2012-04-18 09:35:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just had lunch, darling. Potato gratin with broccoli, tomato, olives & cheese. Did I tell you that I miss you? Sigh, I do. A lot.
2012-04-18 07:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, sweet darling Anand. I truly hope that all is going well so that the release can happen today.
2012-04-18 06:17:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Read page 7 & 8. The rest is interesting too, so if you have time, you can read all...
2012-04-18 05:02:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... organized country. Anyway, it would be really nice. In my street? Ha! I don't think so... but you can walk with me in my street... :-p
2012-04-18 04:41:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Today it's one year since I sent you my first mistaken DM...
2012-04-18 04:05:10 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Just tell me what you need & I will try to help. Wow, it would be nice... But then, you will have to come here & go for a walk with me...
2012-04-18 03:50:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... ones and you can really fix them today.
2012-04-18 03:40:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I thought it was yesterday & was so happy when I read the puzzle is finally solved... Sigh. You said nothing! Hope they aren't tricky...
2012-04-18 03:40:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you loads. Sweet tiny tender butterfly-winged kisses around your neck, darling... to wear it as a tie.
2012-04-18 02:43:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How's your day, darling? I thought it would be an easy day for you, now that the release is done but you seem to be very busy...
2012-04-18 02:42:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. How is my sweet darling today? Slept sweetly? Woke up fresh with a smile? I slept well though the night was short...
2012-04-18 02:42:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire One of my biggest summer pet peeves, lol! How are you doing, Anand? I hope this week is less busy for you than the last one was.
2012-04-17 20:04:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ sit beside you all night, so I quietly slip under the covers & wrap myself in your arms. Yes had dinner, maybe too much-my tummy hurts
2012-04-17 16:50:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you sleep sweetly my darling & you wake up fresh & with a smile. I softly kiss you on your forehead & sorry but I feel too tired...
2012-04-17 16:50:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... about the love this lil' heart holds for you, about the ache, pain & the longing & all, but if anything, than I love you even more...
2012-04-17 13:05:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I was too slow... Then, I will spend this night too, sitting by your bedside, holding your hand, rubbing your back when you snore...
2012-04-17 12:40:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I wish I could cuddle & kiss you to sleep... Sigh. I will join you in a bit darling. Please... will you hold me close to you?
2012-04-17 12:32:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, what a question darling! Most happily! Just changed into tiny shorts, so you can play tchoin-tchoin ;-)
2012-04-17 12:23:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, yes. And your lady is ready... so ready... I wish you were here now, darling.
2012-04-17 12:18:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... it together? Sigh. It would be so beautiful, darling. Done with what?
2012-04-17 12:09:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, ok. Advising... so, he asked for your help? Nice. Deal! Hmmm... what if we simply kiss & hug & cuddle each other, start & finish...
2012-04-17 12:09:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your sweet one is pouting 'cause you took so long, so... it's you who have to give me all those hugs & kisses & after that..
2012-04-17 11:53:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, sweet darling. Hope the meeting won't take that long...
2012-04-17 10:59:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no? Sigh. Hmmm... then maybe... hmmm, would you like it more if I scratched your back all over? Your tummy too?
2012-04-17 10:39:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, then... please stay here in my arms for a while. I will cradle you & keep giving you sweet small kisses...
2012-04-17 10:24:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... Come darling, let me hug you a tight welcome home & kiss your lips deep & sweetly before the meeting... How are you dearest?
2012-04-17 10:19:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... and jump in your arms & give you the deepest sweetest kiss with the gentlest hug. Miss you my sweet darling. I miss you so, so so much!
2012-04-17 08:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, I have to leave to run some errands. So, I will be not here to greet you when you reach home, but... I will hurry back...
2012-04-17 08:36:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I worked a lot today, tried to think of nothing... Blush, just salad darling but I will eat a little more for dinner. Ok?
2012-04-17 08:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No matter what. Nothing can keep me from hugging you. Lil' smile. A slight headache is still there. Morning wasn't that chaotic.
2012-04-17 08:35:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't have water storage tanks. Thank you for saying that... You know, your lady would hug you too, sweaty, unbathed, dirty too...
2012-04-17 08:35:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...I can while laughing & screaming with joy. Sigh. It would be so wonderful. And then fall on the bed together, still laughing, hugging...
2012-04-17 08:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I would so love to be hugged & twirled by you, dear. I would wrap my arms & legs around you tight, trying to kiss you wherever...
2012-04-17 08:34:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, tell me, how does it feel? How do you feel? Yes, it's been a long exhausting day/weeks for you but it's over now...Congrats!
2012-04-17 08:33:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you too. Terribly much. My sweet darling, so the release is done? Really? After all the hard work & long hours & days of puzzling...!
2012-04-17 08:33:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Many many tiny butterflies flitting to you to pour sweet-scented petaled kisses down on you, wrap you in their sweetness...
2012-04-17 06:32:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...all I could do is to squeeze you & kiss you all over. I miss you darling. A lot. My day will be about some office work, that's all.
2012-04-17 03:27:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Great job, darling! Does it feel good? God! How I wish I was there... I would even twirl you if you were a tiny bit lighter... But so,
2012-04-17 03:26:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Yes! Congrats darling! Phew, it was a tricky one... but I am so happy that all went well in the end & the release can take place.
2012-04-17 03:26:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... wishing to have you here, holding the back of your head as you kiss my hips, running my fingers through your hair... Sigh!
2012-04-17 03:25:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... two hours. So, I did my morning chores, had breakfast & finally here now, freshly showered, lovely smelling...
2012-04-17 03:25:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my dear sweet darling. Glad you slept well, I slept decent I think... We had no power, no water this morning for over...
2012-04-17 03:24:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. My darling Anand I miss you terribly. And this stupid heart keeps loving you... It doesn't know how not to...
2012-04-16 13:49:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please do snuggle up behind me & hug lil' me to you, hold me for a short while when you wake up. I will feel it in my sleep...
2012-04-16 13:47:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then... I will just sit beside you darling, watching you sleep sweetly, kissing your temples, cheeks occasionally... to sweeten your dreams.
2012-04-16 13:46:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... but... will you hold me dear when I join you?
2012-04-16 13:30:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you... that feels good... with some nibbling kisses? Oh please... I so love them!
2012-04-16 13:27:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... least hold me when I join you? Looking at you with innocent
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eyes, waiting for your respond...

2012-04-16 13:21:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Then... Good night. Sleep soundly darling with sweet dreams. Soft kisses on your sweet tummy. Wait, if no cuddle... will you at...
2012-04-16 13:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then a walk tomorrow. But... what about cuddling with me? No? :-(
2012-04-16 13:18:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost connection? Doing your workout? Bathing? No sweet all over cuddle before sleeping? Nothing? Sigh. :-(
2012-04-16 13:06:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my lovely darling?

2012-04-16 12:45:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh but it's late for a walk... so, let's do it tomorrow & cuddle some instead... What say?
2012-04-16 12:23:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... some usable idea too so you can save the original design. Why is the alternate design not really ok?
2012-04-16 12:08:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, very long meeting... But so glad the clients are ok with the delay. Yep, that was a good idea. Maybe they would come up with...
2012-04-16 12:08:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ you like your lady to be, but I can't. Now, I hope the meeting goes well. I wish we could go for a nice walk after that, hand in hand.
2012-04-16 10:54:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... turning to you, darling. I worked & cried, then cried & worked. I wish I could say that I am fine & smiling, fresh & flowery...
2012-04-16 10:54:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just my morning was hectic. My day was normal, nothing interesting though I couldn't focus on work, my thoughts kept...
2012-04-16 10:53:46 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... little kisses & gently massage your shoulders during the meeting. I miss you really much. :-(
2012-04-16 10:53:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Words can't say how very much... Sigh. And you are in the meeting now... I so wish I was there to give you sweet...
2012-04-16 10:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the clients aren't angry or anything. I am really sorry, I really crossed everything I had to cross.
2012-04-16 10:52:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... team couldn't solve the puzzle. But what now? Yeah, the release is postponed, but the puzzle is unsolved, so how...?
2012-04-16 10:51:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, first of all... a tight lovely welcome home hug & a deep long sweet kiss for you, darling. Gosh, I am so sorry to hear that you, your...
2012-04-16 10:51:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Sad sigh. I hope all is going well & the puzzle slowly but surely gets solved... Thousand soft fluttering kisses for you.
2012-04-16 06:48:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and refresh you with the gentle breeze of their wings so you can focus better on work... Sigh.
2012-04-16 03:20:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and everything else that can be crossed. And my butterflies are on their way to you too, to kiss the sweat off your skin...
2012-04-16 03:19:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do the clients say? I know it is no help at all but still... know that your lady is thinking of you, crossing her fingers & toes...
2012-04-16 03:18:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, your lady is excited- maybe more than some other people in your team. Honest. I so hope that all will be well at the end!
2012-04-16 03:18:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My night was restless & woke up way too late with headache and it's Monday... my busy day, so here it is kind of hectic now.
2012-04-16 03:17:45 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning my dearest. How are you? You slept very late but glad you slept well & I hope you are not yawning too much...
2012-04-16 03:17:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet, soft, wonderful you with a chained heart... If only... if only I could pour myself into you and live there forever... :-(
2012-04-15 14:37:35 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Write a bit?

2012-04-15 14:33:48 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, sounds lovely! I let myself be quite lazy today and enjoy the weather, and I'm loving it! So what did you cook for lunch? Did you get to
2012-04-15 14:33:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your are gone... Then, good night -for the fourth time or so- my darling. Yes, I ate well. And in bed now, too. I will dream of you...
2012-04-15 14:07:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am already by your side... sitting shyly, looking at you, waiting for your permission to slip under the covers...
2012-04-15 14:00:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet dreams, dear. One more kiss on your sweet nose. Btw, I am freshly showered too, wearing that red sleepy-top with black tiny shorts...
2012-04-15 13:57:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, why are you still awake? Guess why, darling... I think you know pretty well why. Please do sleep now.
2012-04-15 13:49:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to have fallen asleep already... I quietly sit by your side, take your hand, kiss it softly & place it on my thigh...
2012-04-15 13:37:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly with a smile knowing that I will sit by your side, your hand in mine... I do hope you will have lovely puzzle-free dreams...
2012-04-15 13:24:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please sleep. You will need it tomorrow. Kissing you lovingly on your eyes, brushing my fingers along your cheek, whispering good night...
2012-04-15 13:23:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All the best for tomorrow. I really hope you, your team can find a solution... I think so too, it might be a long long day. Poor you.
2012-04-15 13:11:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was not that good. Cat boy & Nina mama are fine. Oooh, the thought of freshly bathed you in bed... Deep dreamy sigh.
2012-04-15 13:09:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And no, not even one... Hmmm, or...? It depends on how you treat me... Be super-sweet to me & you might get one... or two or three...
2012-04-15 13:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you said green apples & green chilli. Yep, red apples might be too sweet.
2012-04-15 13:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, at least your body feels good now... Maybe you will even dream with the puzzle...
2012-04-15 13:08:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, so much! Sad sad sigh. I thought you were sleeping... It's very late there. Still unsolved? And what happens now?
2012-04-15 12:58:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. :-|

2012-04-15 11:31:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful idea! I'd love to let you play and turn them into some lovely finger food... and then eat them all by myself...
2012-04-15 10:51:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... chilli isn't monochrome. Glad you love them... and sure you'd enjoy eating them. They are fresh & yummy.
2012-04-15 10:50:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, then no release tomorrow? What about the clients? Well, green apples with green chilli is almost the same... green apples with red...
2012-04-15 10:49:56 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, I can't find green chilli. What about red apple with red chilli? But red apples are softer & sweeter...
2012-04-15 09:33:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... part what causes the failure/doesn't work properly? Or alter it... or anything.
2012-04-15 09:33:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, but the demo was fine, no? I mean it worked fine except the speed, no? If it's a limitation, can't you remove that...
2012-04-15 09:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... I bought Gouda, Mozzarella in slices & Camembert with chili. And I got marzipan heart too...
2012-04-15 09:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still haven't told me... can I make those apples with red chilli, too? A soft, shy tiny kiss on your palms...
2012-04-15 08:13:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :) will go brush my teeth and come to gmail. Wait for me.
2012-04-15 08:07:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to get some food, my fridge is empty. Please do go through the puzzle again...maybe it's something so little that you overlooked...
2012-04-15 08:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is wrong to let only the heart rule... as well as it is wrong to let only the mind rule. It is wrong to disallow the heart to sing...
2012-04-15 07:39:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe those were her principles but see? Even in a world of strict tradition, rules can things go wrong, fail...
2012-04-15 07:18:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... that feels, desires, grieves, etc. How gloomy the world would be if the sun refused to shine... Sigh.
2012-04-15 07:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. It isn't stupidity. Tradition, principles and the heart can work
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wonderfully together. The heart is a part of you too...

2012-04-15 07:18:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and what now? The release is tomorrow... I was so sure that you will solve it. Well, not your business, but still...
2012-04-15 07:17:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a lovely day & could solve the puzzle... I fell asleep around the time you DM-ed me.
2012-04-15 05:09:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There are some things you don't know, darling. Anyway, what I did is inexcusable, I know.
2012-04-15 05:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just like me. D still writes about her. Pat & Lance, my friends whom I visited in Florida warned me to meet him. I still don't know why.
2012-04-15 05:08:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I found out that she was in a relationship with someone else & moved to another city with him. So, she was his imaginary fiance.
2012-04-15 05:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But then... He said I keep him alive. I felt responsible... He said his ex was his fiance & he even gave her a ring. But some time later...
2012-04-15 05:07:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I'll never do again. I am not even sure that he loved me. I think he loved & still loves his ex & I was just a surrogate or so.
2012-04-15 05:05:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...with a heart that's filled with you, loves you, aches for you? How? That thing with D... I did learn my lesson too. And such a mistake...
2012-04-15 05:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't cut away from you. You say I should look for someone else, but tell me how? How could I ever hold or kiss someone else...
2012-04-15 05:04:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just can't & don't understand. My heart loves, Anand. I can't change this. I can't get out of the forest. I don't know how to unlove you.
2012-04-15 05:04:04 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... but I do have my own principles & that's very different from the normal western style or from what you think is normal in my world.
2012-04-15 05:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yeah, those principles & traditions... and yet, the lady broke the marriage. I would never break a marriage. Maybe I am not Indian...
2012-04-15 05:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To listen to the heart is not a mistake. What lesson did you learn? Did I hurt you, did I do anything wrong or bad to you?
2012-04-15 05:02:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly, darling. I sit by your side, silently watching you, holding your hand...
2012-04-14 18:46:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is so very hard :-( You say it's pointless...I say your reasoning makes no sense. Letting two heart sing & dance together is beautiful.
2012-04-14 18:30:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I felt it. I felt your missing me. My heart can still feel yours... missing me. Then, why? Darling tell me why? :-(
2012-04-14 18:23:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This I know. I cried when you wrote that the room feels empty without me. I was tempted to take the next flight and go back to you!
2012-04-14 18:22:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for both of us. It felt all so right & effortless. I don't know whether you felt sad too when we parted, but you missed me.
2012-04-14 18:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't sleep. I... I just don't understand. We both enjoyed our time together. It was lovely, very lovely. It was beautiful in many ways...
2012-04-14 18:21:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please go to sleep now. It's almost tomorrow there... Please. I will come & sit by your side while you sleep... Can't help it...
2012-04-14 14:20:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am alone there, no? You did find a way out... Why not? In the US or in India... I would've traveled to India too. Or you to me...
2012-04-14 14:17:55 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, I meant want to see you... But what I would like to or what I wish... seems to be unimportant.
2012-04-14 14:17:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and then you left me alone because as you said you realized it was a fairytale. Please go to sleep. :-(
2012-04-14 13:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how. I don't know how to fall out of love. When my heart loves, it loves...I was a fool for letting it love, letting you close.
2012-04-14 13:49:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it hurts me beyond words. It's devastating. You knew that my heart fell in love with you. Now you want me to unlove you?
2012-04-14 13:47:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... we enjoyed our little world even after you said it's impractical. And then, you left me all alone in our forest that you grew for us.
2012-04-14 13:46:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not good in debating & defending myself. Yes, I feel that way darling. You led me into something beautiful & I followed you blindly...
2012-04-14 13:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you called off the meeting, but a few days before that you still wanted to meet. Before I insisted. Then you suddenly called off...
2012-04-14 13:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You decided things on your own, without asking me... While you felt the forest has become impractical, you forgot that I was there...
2012-04-14 13:42:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you forgot that there was a heart... already in love. Why baring your heart first & then saying it's pointless & impractical?
2012-04-14 13:42:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We did enjoy each other's company... effortlessly. Everything happened effortlessly. Beautifully. Naturally. God, your reality-check!
2012-04-14 13:40:36 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And that it feels like our relationship has more rights over time.I believed this. You. Silly silly me.
2012-04-14 13:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I told you about D. I told you that our closeness doesn't feel right. You said you feel that we are more legitimate & deserved than D & me.
2012-04-14 13:39:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Sleep well. And know that this silly lady will sit by your side, running her hand over the air above you in a soft caress...
2012-04-14 12:30:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I trusted you. And let you close to my stupid heart. You gave me such joy I never knew existed and now... It's crushing, darling.
2012-04-14 12:23:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you say you'd never ask for cutting off... and leave the basket with cobwebs... Ahhh you!
2012-04-14 11:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... about what if we decide to take this further. Then again... you wanted to withdraw all. Then we met & spent a beautiful time together.
2012-04-14 11:46:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You wanted to meet... then you said we shouldn't. Then a month later you said again that you want to meet. You even mentioned & we talked...
2012-04-14 11:46:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Finding myself too successful! Haha! How about you, A? Anything good planned?
2012-04-14 11:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I did listen, darling. You said that you hope I'd never want to leave... or wishing for a way out...
2012-04-14 11:24:57 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire You were just on my mind. I'm taking it easy...have nothing planned, trying to motivate myself to get some necessary housework done, but not
2012-04-14 11:24:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ And you mean this far... as in? God, it was too late long before we met. From the moment I walked in your forest.
2012-04-14 11:21:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It needn't be fostered. Just sharing what we can & spend time together when we can. That's all. To enjoy each other's company as we did...
2012-04-14 11:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then, you wanted to withdraw all... You knew I am not an Indian woman, you knew I have a son- you knew it all and still... :-(
2012-04-14 11:20:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was too late, Anand. You already had my heart, we already bared our hearts to each other. We already wanted to meet...
2012-04-14 11:20:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why did you do this me, Anand? Why? Hm? Why to ask for my heart and then throwing it away?
2012-04-14 10:57:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ When we parted, you didn't tell me there will be no "again"... You knew we will never meet, yet even after out meeting you said we will...
2012-04-14 10:54:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't need your praying for me... I need you, holding me. There is no way out, darling. You wished this... Now, you have it...
2012-04-14 10:47:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only you can make it go away & you know that. Just as you made it glow with joy... You led me to a place where now I am stuck, trapped...
2012-04-14 10:25:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hold me. Please.

2012-04-14 10:16:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What have you done to me? To my lil' butterfly heart? What? Why? Why do leave me alone in our forest?
2012-04-14 10:15:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Look at your lady... you once made her so happy, she was
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beaming, smiling, fresh & flowery and now... she's wilted with no smile...
2012-04-14 10:11:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No.
2012-04-14 10:09:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling... Sigh! Were are those colorful days filled with sunshine, happy smiles, playful teasing, delightful kisses?
2012-04-14 10:04:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. I eat when I am hungry & as much as my stomach can handle. Simple. Come cook for me ;-) I enjoyed my meals with you... Missing it.
2012-04-14 10:01:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, yes. I don't need much, darling. I am glad I could eat at all. Thanks, will pass it on to her next time... She is fine.
2012-04-14 09:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just soup. Italian minestrone soup with lots of veggies. And later a banana. I am here now, was speaking with mom.
2012-04-14 09:36:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you terribly.

2012-04-14 09:17:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can play that too. Or cards... or whatever you wish to play. Just come... make your lady smile, darling.
2012-04-14 09:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come over and let's play, darling... :-)

2012-04-14 09:03:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please come, sit with me, wrap your lil' shivering lady in your arms. Please don't leave me here alone, don't run away from me...
2012-04-14 05:57:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting by the basket... it's gloomy & cold here in our forest without you. The forest, our little world where once was always Spring...
2012-04-14 05:57:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand.

2012-04-14 04:55:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No, darling I didn't... Yes, it is bad. Sniff. If you really feel like hugging me, then yes... most happily, darling. My nose smiles...
2012-04-14 04:46:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the lovely lady didn't even get a hug or a kiss from her sweet sir today...
2012-04-14 04:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... something else while you work on the puzzle & try to find a solution & then take a sweet nap together... I feel sad, darling.
2012-04-14 04:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day goes quietly. It's unfriendly outside. I miss you, darling! I so wish you were here now. Or I there, reading or doing...
2012-04-14 04:34:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, your lunch sounds heavenly delicious! How to teach? I don't know darling, but I would really love to...
2012-04-14 04:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really do miss you so... My sweet darling, I would do anything... just to hold you again, to feel you... Sigh.
2012-04-14 04:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is for lunch, btw? Done with your fruit diet? :-)
2012-04-14 03:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Teach me your language, darling. And take me with you to the mountains. Please. Your lady misses you... so, so much! Bon appetit. :-)
2012-04-14 03:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So many beautiful tweets... Oh and did you write in Urdu or Tamil or...? Sniff, even twitter people want you to have a girl? Oooh :-(
2012-04-14 03:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... on your chest & feel sweet lovely you holding me close. Sigh. I'd really love to visit an Indian temple. I think I'd be in awe...
2012-04-14 03:35:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! Say that you already have a girl... who you can't marry. My sweet darling... :-( Wish I could snuggle into your arms, rest my head...
2012-04-14 03:35:26 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Wow, so early? And why to meet an astrologer? Smile, maybe yes the Gods were more gracious... or the man isn't an early riser...
2012-04-14 03:07:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I would... if you were here, darling. Sigh. Missing you. In a towel, fresh & flowery, cuddling & kissing my sweet darling all over...
2012-04-14 02:40:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok. Woke up at 5 then decided to stay in bed... It's grey outside, windy & rainy, don't feel like doing a thing.
2012-04-14 02:39:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to have woken up really really early. His lady was sleeping when he left... and still sleeping when he returned...
2012-04-14 02:39:15 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Oh just, a little irritated.. Am ok now. :)

2012-04-14 02:21:29 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :aw, am okaay.. Just a little out of place right now.. How have you been?
2012-04-14 02:06:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! You are still awake? Sleep my dear sleep...your lady's there, rubbing your back... :-) Well, they might... or not. So, I choose you ;-)
2012-04-13 13:23:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. My sweet darling, did you know that there are nights when your lil' lady falls asleep listening to your voice (your recording)?
2012-04-13 13:09:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... but do they snore too? ;-p

2012-04-13 12:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, pandas are very sweet and cuddly. ;-)

2012-04-13 12:43:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit... Please, do wrap me in your arms & hold me close to your chest which I so love... :-)
2012-04-13 12:41:35 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, our DMs crossed... And no darling, it is not funny. Sniff. I really love you just as you are... Yes, pouting. ;-p
2012-04-13 12:38:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to leave the work for tomorrow and cuddle up with your sweet lady... I so wish we could really do that. So, so much!
2012-04-13 12:37:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you still working? Oh dear... it's very late there. Gently massaging your shoulders, kissing your temples... trying to convince you...
2012-04-13 12:37:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... just as you are. There's nothing that I don't love about you. Honest. And btw, my heart picked you. Or you picked me... Or whatever. :-)
2012-04-13 12:26:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God no, not sexy men with six-packs darling. I didn't really like hmmm... I know! Sturdy men. ;-) But you my dear... you are perfect...
2012-04-13 12:26:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean men with no six-packs. :-)

2012-04-13 11:52:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. God, no. Just a little more... :-)

2012-04-13 11:51:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just thinking... did you know that I've never felt attracted to men who have hmmm, a little more meat on their bones? Blush.
2012-04-13 11:49:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about the guys? I so wish I could help you somehow, but I can't. Not in this case. But... it seemed to be ok, no? Miss you, too. A lot.
2012-04-13 11:05:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What about the people in your team? Do they help you? Gosh, maybe you should meet them tomorrow & work on it together. :-|
2012-04-13 10:48:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh. Oh! No! I didn't know this. I thought all is fine now... What happened? Do you have to solve it all alone?
2012-04-13 10:47:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a bit chilly here & almost done with work... I am ok, I think.
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Just... you know, missing you darling & wishing you were here. Sniff.
2012-04-13 10:47:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are back! Come darling, let me squeeze you & give you a deep delicious welcome back kiss. :-) You went to the temple, so what plan?
2012-04-13 10:46:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... or with me for a sweet walk. If only... Sigh. Your lovely head needs a break too. And there is Sat. and Sun. to work on it, so...
2012-04-13 09:13:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what problem? I thought you fixed that issue with the numbers. No? Take a break. Do go with your mom to the temple...
2012-04-13 09:13:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, refreshing... as in, you mean those lovely chills...? ;-p Sigh, how I miss you! How I would love to be there to distract you...!
2012-04-13 09:12:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet, slow, silent kiss on my darling's nape... hoping it doesn't disturb you... :-)
2012-04-13 08:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to get fresh bread, milk- & chocolate milk for you ;-), mineral water & some other stuff. Be back soon.
2012-04-13 06:04:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking a lovely after-lunch nap? Power outage? Missing my sweet sir. Daydreaming of holding him, kissing him, biting his lips gently...
2012-04-13 05:56:19 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme how sweet of you to think of me!

2012-04-13 05:43:17 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme I'm well darlin! how are you?

2012-04-13 05:43:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...McDonald's, btw) is an Indian fast food mini-restaurant too, with real Indians. :-) My sweet darling, it would be so sweet... Sigh.
2012-04-13 04:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They still play some movies in English, so you would

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understand... :-) And in that building (WestEnd city center, next to that beautiful...
2012-04-13 04:47:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here. We could go to watch a movie, today or tomorrow evening. I haven't been to a movie theatre in ages!
2012-04-13 04:47:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Me too. A lot. And a whole lot more than a lot. Bon appetit, darling. Think of me...eating together. Sigh. Would be so nice...
2012-04-13 04:14:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-D I just looked it up, serer is a West African language. Wow, have never been called like that. ;-p
2012-04-13 04:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, don't worry, it doesn't discourage me... I visit you every night in your dreams, you just don't know... God, if you knew... ;-p
2012-04-13 03:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And sadly sighing too... missing you, wanting to have you with me. But tell me, how is my sweet darling sir?
2012-04-13 03:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just finished with the rituals? I would've really loved to be there...What does serer mean? Anyway, your lady is fresh & lovely as ever. :-)
2012-04-13 03:55:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I would so love to lay with you like this...
2012-04-13 03:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... all over you(r undershirt ;-p) while you work... or just try to work. ;-) Sigh. I miss you, darling. A lot lot lot.
2012-04-13 02:08:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the rituals? All went well? Smile, if I was there, I'd stand behind you, nibbling your ears, neck, letting my fingers wander...
2012-04-13 02:08:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again- Happy New Year, my sweet darling! I sure wish I was
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there... Sigh. Yes, it's Friday... a new year there & also the 13th! Spooky. :-)
2012-04-13 02:07:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... like a morning dewed spring flower, just for you... to wrap you in her arms, hold you passionately close & kiss you sweetly... :-)
2012-04-13 02:07:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I was awake when you DM-ed me... did my morning routine & now your lady is here, lovely smelling in her towel...
2012-04-13 02:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slipped into your dreams & kidnapped you. ;-) How are you feeling now? Is my sweet sir all fresh & smiling?
2012-04-13 02:06:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was too slow... you didn't get my sweet good night kiss & I don't know what to do... curl into you or just sit by your side... Sniff.
2012-04-12 12:48:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go for a short walk, have dinner, take a shower & join you in my tiny PJ's... but only if you will hold me- your hand on my belly ;-)
2012-04-12 12:41:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even though the work will not be less, I am glad you will stay home. And now, let me kiss you a sweet soft good night. Sleep & dream sweetly
2012-04-12 12:38:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... Happy New Year in advance! :-) God, I would so love to be there too & do the rituals with you! Honest. I would love it.
2012-04-12 12:38:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... Happy New Year in advance! :-) God, I would so love to be there too & do the rituals with you! Honest. I would love it.
2012-04-12 12:38:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Been waiting for that, for your hug-kiss for two days. Yes, let's go bed darling. You must be very very tired.
2012-04-12 12:37:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling dear, maybe you just think that you have...
2012-04-12 12:24:55 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Sigh. You have no clue darling... even if you say you understand.
2012-04-12 12:17:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know that I believe you, just... I said that I don't because I was a bit angry...
2012-04-12 12:10:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, exactly that way...It would be beautiful. With a quick sweet kiss or two too, when no one is around... But come closer, it's chilly ;-)
2012-04-12 12:09:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I believe you. :-)

2012-04-12 12:05:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Didn't you miss me... not one bit?

2012-04-12 11:54:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could come with me for a walk. Hip to hip, arm in arm... The air smells beautiful. Missing you so much...
2012-04-12 11:45:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Guess why. Sigh.

2012-04-12 11:44:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's indeed good. Really.

2012-04-12 11:39:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know what... me. Sigh.

2012-04-12 11:38:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I remember you saying that you don't want me to ever associate sadness with our relationship and now... :-( Good night my sweet darling.
2012-04-12 11:31:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll go for a walk shortly. Wishing you a lovely night's sleep & sweet dreams. Yes, I'll be by your side, your open palm within mine...Sniff
2012-04-12 11:30:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The release is in few days, so I believe these are very busy days, but still... I miss you, darling. I miss you madly! :-(
2012-04-12 11:30:27 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I thank you for that one DM. At least I know that you are fine. It should be enough, I should be happy- and not complain...
2012-04-12 11:29:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lost. Withered. Wanting to rush to you. Confused. Missing you. Sad. Wilted. Lost...
2012-04-12 10:20:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a tight welcome home hug & a sweet long kiss for you, darling! I still smile at the thought of you on a bike....
2012-04-12 10:19:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And the sweet lady keeps missing you... You have become too much a part of my life, darling. I miss sharing my days with you like we did...
2012-04-12 08:06:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really hope your day goes fine, darling. I miss you. I don't know what else to say, I miss you terribly. :-(
2012-04-12 07:26:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just a lil' smile & a sweet kiss to let you know that I am thinking about you... & missing you loads... Hope your day is lovely, darling.
2012-04-12 04:56:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lil' lady misses you darling very much, you know that? Sad sigh. Sweet soft kisses on playful butterfly wings flitting to you...
2012-04-12 02:15:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the issue with the software speed is fixed, so... it should all go well & smoothly now. You are good, darling. Very good.
2012-04-12 02:14:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What would they do without you? They would lose clients... Anyway, I am glad the clients are happy now, the release is nearing...
2012-04-12 02:13:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Got enough sleep? All back to normal in the office? It's sad that they don't care, after all it's their job too, not only yours.
2012-04-12 02:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. No no, you were sleeping (and
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snoring) soundly when I wrapped my arms around you... :-) How are you feeling?
2012-04-12 02:12:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you sleep sweetly & long enough with lovely dreams, my darling. I miss you. I missed you today very much :-( Soft kisses on your chest.
2012-04-11 15:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now that I know all's well with you, I can go to sleep with a lighter heart... Yes, will join you in a few min. & hold you softly to me.
2012-04-11 15:30:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...per. numbers the whole evening, till late in the night? Ahh, you... But I am glad you could fix it. Really. Just... never mind. Sigh.
2012-04-11 15:29:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am happy that I checked my DMs again. Happy, relieved & a now yes, bit angry too. God, that's crazy! You were working on fixing the...
2012-04-11 15:29:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and my phone, but... nothing. Then I forced myself to stay away from my laptop, but I couldn't stand it any longer.
2012-04-11 15:28:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodness, please never never never do this again. Slowly but surely I'll have more white hair than brown. :-( I kept checking my DMs,
2012-04-11 15:28:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May your sleep be sound & deep filled with the sweetness of butterflies... I'll be by your side, holding sweet lovely you to me...
2012-04-11 12:06:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet tender kisses on your forehead, eyes, cheeks, cute nose, chin & your warm soft lips that I so loved to kiss... and so miss to kiss...
2012-04-11 12:05:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I really miss you horribly darling...

2012-04-11 11:42:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I want you to be safe. Yes, I do worry darling. How could I not? Just the thought of you being there right now is maddening. :-(
2012-04-11 07:48:08 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Reading the news, my God, tsunami warning... like the one in 2004??? My darling, please pretty please come. Take your mom & come. Please :-(
2012-04-11 07:47:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In my arms, far away, safe from the earthquake. My sweet sweet darling... :-(
2012-04-11 06:44:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff, no it isn't something to joke about. Btw, I am home. Errands are done. Missing you. All I want is to have you here with me, darling!
2012-04-11 06:43:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, maybe it was really some explosive fruits... that made not only your tummy, but even the earth tremble. ;-)
2012-04-11 06:42:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Darling, are you ok? Is everything alright? No damage or serious injuries? God, please be safe my darling. Please take good care. :-|
2012-04-11 06:42:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...but my heart was never unclear with you. Not for a second. I hope you know this. I'll leave to run some errands, hope your day goes fine.
2012-04-11 04:16:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sunshine, cool breeze, puffy white clouds and... thoughts of you... I miss you, Anand. I am not perfect & made some inexcusable mistakes
2012-04-11 04:15:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you so so so much. Thousand sweet soft sighing kisses from your head to toe... and all the way back. :-)
2012-04-11 02:08:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...routine, no rushing or anything. Now, I wish you were here darling, having breakfast together. I'd so love it. Sigh. It's a sunny morning
2012-04-11 02:07:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can only hope that you feel me holding you... somehow... I love you, Anand. You have my heart & will always have it...till it's last beat.
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2012-04-10 13:11:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I will join you shortly and hold you tenderly to me... Sigh. If only... Missing you darling. Very very much. See you in dreams...
2012-04-10 12:46:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My DM didn't want to go through... and now I didn't get to wish you good night. :-(
2012-04-10 12:41:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah, I understand. Well, if it is slow, than it is a problem darling.

2012-04-10 12:24:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. I really, really really do. A lot. I wish I could hold you gently in my arms, caress & kiss you to sleep.
2012-04-10 12:22:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so so wish that too. Please, let's do it darling. Let's run across grass, hand in hand, chasing smiling butterflies :-) Please.
2012-04-10 12:18:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My health is ok, BP is normal. No, no med. darling. Blush. But I feel well. Honest. I am ok. And I eat properly, too.
2012-04-10 12:17:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then watch it. It really is a very beautiful, lovely, touching documentary. If only human beings were like that... Sigh.
2012-04-10 12:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I tried to eat only fruits for two days... lil' me was so hungry, smile that's why I doubted they are enough for not so lil' you.
2012-04-10 12:16:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that's right, it isn't a trophy but still... it feels good, you know? My sweet lovely darling... Wait, you said you just like me? Sigh.
2012-04-10 12:16:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's been a long long day for you darling, a lovely all-over cuddle is what would be sweet now, not a workout. ;-)
2012-04-10 12:14:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, so happy that you are finally home! Come, let me wrap you in my arms & kiss you a sweet long welcome home. :-)
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2012-04-10 12:13:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet, lovely darling, where are you? It's getting very late there... Please be home soon, fine & safe. Missing you very much.
2012-04-10 11:46:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, seems to have been a popular name back in the day. :-) glad your day is going to start mine now! Talk soon xo
2012-04-10 09:13:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aww, my chest burst with pride while my heart smiles... Why lil' silly me? My sweet sweet darling... Wish I could hold you now. Sigh.
2012-04-10 08:34:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you darling. I wish we were running across grass, hand in hand, play with the wind, sing with the birds far, far away...just you & me
2012-04-10 08:01:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You mean just a friend friend or...? Blush, it's been a while, I am just curious. Yep. But there are some lovely people, too :-)
2012-04-10 08:00:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) I am working, darling. So, why envy? God, such a long, packed day with nothing but fruits in your poor tummy? Oh dear, not good :|
2012-04-10 07:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling sir seems to be very busy but I so hope that he's fine & all's going well... Many little soft fluttering kisses for you :-)
2012-04-10 06:57:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You were never a stranger to me. It was sweet & lovely from the very beginning. As you said, it felt as if a long lost friend has returned..
2012-04-10 06:56:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And at the same time, how I was waiting for your DMs & how my heart smiled & jumped with joy when I saw your DM! (& felt bad about D)
2012-04-10 06:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when I read your tweets to her & hers to you. I wasn't sure it was just playing with words or there was more between the two of you.
2012-04-10 06:55:24 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... you were often word-playing with a girl named Lili (@ avioletfire or so). God, I remember how sad I felt- and I didn't even know why :-)
2012-04-10 06:55:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Taking a break, sitting outside with a cup of tea, thinking back... Smile, do you remember? Just around the time we started DM-ing
2012-04-10 06:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling come, follow my the bench where I am waiting for you with a bowl of nice fresh fruit salad & sweet kisses ;-)
2012-04-10 04:38:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss my sweet dear darling horribly.

2012-04-10 02:48:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I wish you were here so I could hug you to me, run my fingers through your hair & hold the back of your head as I kiss you deeply...
2012-04-10 02:47:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I don't think you would like that movie. It's a documentary... about penguins. :-)
2012-04-10 02:46:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, your lady will be a little busy too, today. Just work darling & some daily chores... so, back to normal, no lazing around.
2012-04-10 02:45:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep sweetly? I slept fine though woke up several times. Yes, I had a little dinner, darling. And just had my late breakfast... :-)
2012-04-10 02:44:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I'd wrap my arms around you as you kiss me & hold you close... eyes still closed. :-) Good morning, my darling dear. How do you feel?
2012-04-10 02:44:18 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Changes...I still want to get the other Claire worked out, so that I could use them. How are you this morning?
2012-04-10 00:32:26 (EDT)

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coyotedolphin Hank Wesselman has made a public apology. Thx 4 UR support. It worked. No further action is necessary as we move into the forgiveness stage+
2012-04-09 19:44:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... knowing that I am by your side, your hand in mine, watching you lovingly & kissing your dreams... Sleep my dear, sleep...
2012-04-09 13:44:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Does your back/your body feel better? It's very late there & hopefully you are already sleeping, but I hope you :-) in your sleep
2012-04-09 13:40:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ While you did your workout, I watched March of the Penguins. Call me silly, but it's the most touching movie I've ever seen.
2012-04-09 13:40:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... tried to find a way out... So no, not because of you, darling. The reason was not you.
2012-04-09 13:39:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Chronology? As in? Maybe you crossed my path at the wrong time. :-( I was silent with him when we started to DM to each other,
2012-04-09 13:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Can I sit by your side... and hold your hand gently while you sleep? Please.
2012-04-09 12:25:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a good night's sleep darling with dreams that make you smile in your sleep... Soft kisses on your eyelids darling. Good night.
2012-04-09 12:24:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... therapist-patient relationship that got deeper from his side & couldn't get out of it without hurting him, so I let it flow... :-(
2012-04-09 11:56:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, when you tried to withdraw it was already too late... This thing with D... I still don't know what it was. It was more of a
2012-04-09 11:55:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I didn't hug you & kiss you a sweet welcome home...I am
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sorry. Hope your day's been a good one, darling & now having your fruitdinner.
2012-04-09 11:33:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... to share what we can. And there's a lot to share, darling. Even without marriage.
2012-04-09 11:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... even if we can't marry, why darling why don't you allow us to meet & feel happy together like we did...? Not to foster it, but...
2012-04-09 11:22:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am lost, Anand. Desperately lost. My lil' heart aches beyond what any words can describe. It's unbearable :-( Even if there is no future..
2012-04-09 11:22:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it need not be strengthened or fostered. I can't speak for you, but as I said, it can't get worse than it is now.
2012-04-09 11:21:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wasn't that close with D. I am still ashamed of what I did. It was wrong & there's no excuse I know. :-( Btw, he tried to get his ex back
2012-04-09 11:21:15 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I think its a great idea.

2012-04-09 10:45:29 (EDT)

Darkntwistd What is all the talk about a magazine? would it be online like a blog?
2012-04-09 10:34:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Erroneous ways...So, are you saying it was all just a mistake? All that we shared was wrong? Nothing has ever felt so right than that... :-(
2012-04-09 10:34:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's too late to make amends... from my side. I was lost from the moment I walked into the forest. And I remember how I hesitated!
2012-04-09 10:33:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You knew it, darling. You should have seen it... otherwise, you wouldn't have grown a forest & woven a basket...
2012-04-09 10:33:25 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... that was created by one butterfly at a time... Alone, without my sweet sir who actually grew this forest... around his lovely basket.
2012-04-09 10:32:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we were there together, enjoyed its sweetness, simplicity... it grew wider & more beautiful, and now... I am trapped in our forest...
2012-04-09 10:32:24 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. i am ok. how are you? hugs

2012-04-09 10:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And you've even thanked me for letting you so close to my heart... God, how could I be so silly? How could I be such a fool? How? :-(
2012-04-09 07:17:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope all is going well, darling and the clients don't make it difficult for you, for your team.
2012-04-09 06:47:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but try to explain this to a heart that loves and suffers so much. You have no clue darling... I wish you had a heart that can feel...
2012-04-09 06:45:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just because we can't marry? That's so silly and makes no sense at all. Yes, maybe my mind understands (not agrees) what you say,
2012-04-09 06:44:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... things we realized together, the smiles & cheer & joy we shared? It feels wrong to cut off. It feels wrong not seeing each other again.
2012-04-09 06:43:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And doesn't it feel wrong to first grow close to someone & feel wonderful together & then cut it all off... all the sweetness & beautiful
2012-04-09 06:43:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss those colorful days & nights with you, filled with sunflower smiles, playful teasing, delightful kisses, butterfly sighs... Miss You
2012-04-09 05:26:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-04-09 05:23:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! The fruit diet! See? Your forgetful lady... Not too busy in the
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office? Well, not really lazy & not really lovely but well... :-)
2012-04-09 05:22:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And here comes the missing "it". Blush. I am unfocused today. No wonder... Sigh. What was for lunch? Did you like it?
2012-04-09 04:59:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant her... just a typo, dear. But feeling your sweet lady's skin on your belly is lovely too, no? ;-) How is in the office, dear?
2012-04-09 04:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, just to have you hugging me from behind (will you do that, please) kissing my shoulders... Sigh! I'd be in heaven.
2012-04-09 04:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Even the sun doesn't smile & butterflies don't flutter & lil' birds don't sing that happily... Come. Please.
2012-04-09 04:52:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But so... I will probably do some cleaning, laundry, reading, etc. That's all. I miss you, it's lonely without you, darling.
2012-04-09 04:51:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, but... you know... I wish you were here darling. It would be lovely, I would surely enjoy my day off... with you. Sniff.
2012-04-09 04:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Some more sweet soft kisses for my darling's neck while gentle butterfly wings unbuttoning your top shirt button... I miss you, darling.
2012-04-09 03:23:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel almost guilty doing nothing, knowing that you are having a busy Monday there... But I hope it's pleasant-busy with no hectic...
2012-04-09 03:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you really kissed my belly, you wouldn't want to go back to work. ;-) Oh, I didn't sleep longer, just stayed in bed. Today is holiday.
2012-04-09 03:09:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) and the lovely lady in her towel was wondering where is her sweet sir...she smells lovelier & her skin on his belly is softer than ever
2012-04-09 03:08:53 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Had a pleasant trip to the office? How goes your day? Missing you. Sweet kisses for your nape darling wrapped in gentle morning breeze...
2012-04-09 02:32:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. How do you feel? All's fresh & cheerful? Did you sleep sweetly? I slept better & stayed in bed late...
2012-04-09 02:31:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Well, let's see...where to start, where to start..? What do you do for work that keeps you so busy? What is your name, if you're comfortable
2012-04-08 16:45:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes, of course... please look under your pillow darling, you will find there my sweet soft fluttering morning kisses...
2012-04-08 15:25:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you wake up fresh & ready for a new week... Wishing you a beautiful hectic-free day with many smiles & lots of good work darling.
2012-04-08 15:19:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly darling & you :-) as I kiss you softly on your shoulder, snuggle up behind you & hug you tenderly to me...
2012-04-08 15:19:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And so she'll walk in the forest, swing on the swing & sleep in the basket-dreaming of you, missing you, aching for you till her last breath
2012-04-08 14:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's completely your beautiful forest. You wished this, you grew the forest with no way out...she knew it but she walked in
2012-04-08 13:34:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Being on my knees and begging you in tears just to see you again is not fine. And then hearing your heartless reasoning...No, it isn't fine.
2012-04-08 13:00:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No not fine at all.

2012-04-08 12:52:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then you didn't miss them, just usual. ;-p It's late,
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you should sleep. I miss you, Anand. Very much. But you hurt me a lot.
2012-04-08 12:51:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... I don't want to send you all the DMs I sent you today... I don't know. Maybe the ones you don't want to hear about...
2012-04-08 12:44:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know but seems like many... Never mind.

2012-04-08 12:41:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... Well, then good night again.

2012-04-08 12:34:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still have them? Oh!

2012-04-08 12:18:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night. Hope you sleep soundly with lovely dreams. I would so love to cuddle with you before sleeping, kiss you & hug you... sigh.
2012-04-08 12:13:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never mind. Sniff. Your lady misses you, darling. A lot. No, no meds or anything.
2012-04-08 12:08:03 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I have to go make pancakes. I'll be back in a bit.

2012-04-08 12:08:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... or so, not fried veggies. Thanks for letting me know. I hoped to spend a little more time with you today, but... you were not around.
2012-04-08 12:07:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh there you are! Wow, a little dinner... that took an hour. Will look it up, but if you say it's tasty, sure it is. Well, I meant salad
2012-04-08 12:07:32 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 yes
2012-04-08 12:05:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, most happily darling. With you, always. What is for dinner? :-)
2012-04-08 11:17:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then come & get it ;-p Sigh. But first ignoring my lips that
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wanted to kiss you, yes? Pouting. That's good. You could eat veggies too, no?
2012-04-08 11:16:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you don't want my welcome home kiss? Sniff. Fruit diet is good. For how long? But... sure fruits are enough for your tummy?
2012-04-08 11:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah... a sweet deep welcome home kiss, my hands firmly on your hips... Did you get everything you wanted?
2012-04-08 10:38:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Or wait for you unnecessarily. :-( Hmmm, maybe my sweet sir has fallen asleep?
2012-04-08 10:19:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, really. Are you busy with something or away? Or just don't wish to talk? Please just let me know and I won't bother you...
2012-04-08 10:18:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you doing, darling? You seem to be busy...

2012-04-08 09:49:49 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Did you seriously sign your email to me with ?E ?

2012-04-08 09:44:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To allow your heart to sing with mine, to dance with butterflies, to smile and feel happy, to enjoy each other's company...
2012-04-08 09:42:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. I wish you would listen to your heart... to do something that's ruled by your heart & not by your head.
2012-04-08 09:41:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw, life's not all about working & perfectly planning every minute... just to get even more done or whatever. It is nice to...
2012-04-08 09:28:09 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. hope all is well with you. hugs

2012-04-08 09:16:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I am glad you agree with me. Well, it's Sunday & holiday, btw. Nothing to do except some cleaning. And I like to watch him walk around.
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2012-04-08 09:10:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My pleasure, darling. I knew you would love it. I am simply too generous with compliments. Can't help it. ;-p
2012-04-08 08:51:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, or he has the Anand-walk. You should see him... looks funny ;-p
2012-04-08 08:43:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... basil in tomato sauce and parmesan. Yes, he is totally back to normal. I was watching him today... darling, he even walks like you.
2012-04-08 08:39:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, somehow it's not easy to believe that you do... You did, that's true. I felt it. Yes, I had lunch. Spaghetti with eggplant, mushrooms
2012-04-08 08:38:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you every second of every minute of every hour. And it hurts. Beyond all measure. That's all.
2012-04-08 08:07:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Concerned, but the kids enjoy the egg hunts and things,so I participate for their sake. Family getting together later on. Tell me about you.
2012-04-08 08:07:04 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, you are never a trouble! Work has been busy for you??? I'm ok, celebrating Easter today, which is a silly holiday, as far as I'm
2012-04-08 08:05:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not depended on another, but also cannot be at peace with this ache that throbs in me... inside my lil' battered heart.
2012-04-08 07:37:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ To be at peace is vital too darling. But how could I be at peace...with this feeling, this ache of missing you rushing all through my veins?
2012-04-08 07:21:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My BP has always been a little low. Headaches are inevitable. I could use some more sleep yes, but I eat as much as my body needs...
2012-04-08 07:16:16 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ You... your presence, to have you by my side is vital too. My health is ok. Really.
2012-04-08 07:13:34 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Where *have* you been, dear friend? Hope all is well, been missing you.
2012-04-08 06:55:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ An afternoon nap would be lovely... with you wrapped around me, kissing my shoulders... Sigh.
2012-04-08 06:42:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we could time travel & repeat it whenever we feel like it. How are you darling? How is your day?
2012-04-08 06:42:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Lazy day. Missing you. I wish you were here... or I there & do something lovely together during the power outage...
2012-04-08 04:50:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember? Daniel, Church, State, Pleasant, Junkins... Still in my phone... I miss you sweet dear darling Anand.
2012-04-08 03:36:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of our morning cuddles, our walks, breakfast together, our farmer's market visit, the grass, the butterfly... All so delightful...
2012-04-08 03:28:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh how I wish I could cuddle with you now, darling! Sweet tender kisses for your back, arms, chest, along your collarbone... Miss you so!
2012-04-08 02:36:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stretching, yawning... fingers searching for my sweet sir... I slept almost nothing darling. How are you? Slept well? How was your morning?
2012-04-08 02:35:58 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Beautiful, :)
2012-04-08 02:00:11 (EDT)

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ZinniaTung Aww! :)
2012-04-07 22:59:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss you a sweet fresh good morning. I hope you slept sweetly my darling. Please hold me now, rock me gently back to sleep... sigh
2012-04-07 21:58:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just woke up from a restless sleep looked at the time & couldn't help but think of you & want to snuggle up to you and
2012-04-07 21:57:08 (EDT)

coyotedolphin Dear Friend, would you please check out my Urgent Message
2012-04-07 19:42:21 (EDT)

ZinniaTung This one's not mine, but I do write like that..

2012-04-07 18:16:43 (EDT)

ZinniaTung :), noo am not

2012-04-07 13:51:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please hold me darling, close very close... Please. Sleep sweetly with tender dreams. Good night darling. I love when you kiss my neck...
2012-04-07 13:23:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, if you don't mind, I join you now in my tiny PJ's, kiss you softly on your earlobes & curl into you like a lil' girl.
2012-04-07 13:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I had something, not much but... my tummy is not empty. :) Feeling tired darling, I couldn't sleep last night.
2012-04-07 13:21:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you do, then... why? Darling why? It was so wonderful with you, so lovely together, so very beautiful. My sweet darling... Oh please!
2012-04-07 13:21:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Shall we go to bed?

2012-04-07 13:01:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like the sweet sir doesn't miss his lovely lady anymore... The cheer & smiles & sweetness & all... I miss it all. You my dear, YOU.
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2012-04-07 12:56:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Don't torture me like that darling. Please.

2012-04-07 12:53:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh there is a way to take care of that...Come darling. Please. Let's see each other. Be with me, soothe this heart even if for a short while
2012-04-07 12:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you, Anand. And I really, really would love to see you, to be held by you. I need that. My lil' heart needs
2012-04-07 12:37:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I still need you here with me... And missing you, a lot. :-( Your dinner sounds lovely.
2012-04-07 12:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here now... So, so much. To hug you, to kiss you, to be cradled in your arms darling... I so need that now.
2012-04-07 12:11:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And thank you for being there for me. I thank you, darling.
2012-04-07 12:06:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry to have worried you. Blush. What was for dinner?
2012-04-07 11:59:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you. Missing you so so so much... :-( I am so sorry darling, I will take better care of my health.
2012-04-07 11:55:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, where are you?

2012-04-07 11:46:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please tell me, how are you darling? Had a lovely day?
2012-04-07 11:20:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe so. Please... I don't wish to argue with you now or so. Please.
2012-04-07 11:06:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am just glad to be home. I'll eat properly, darling. And take care of myself. But...I still miss you a lot & still want to be held by you.
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2012-04-07 10:58:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know what you meant, darling. But if the heart and soul aren't ok, the health and body aren't ok either...
2012-04-07 10:56:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know what I mean, darling. :-( Oh, there's nothing wrong with my sanity. My health is ok too, just... my heart & soul are not ok...
2012-04-07 10:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am taking care of myself. I really do. Just... you & this all... it was too much for me, darling. Sigh.
2012-04-07 10:23:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am glad to be home, too. Thank you for the hug & all your kisses. :-) I'd so love to really get them, darling. To be in your lovely arms.
2012-04-07 10:22:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please tell me, how are you my darling? How was your day? I am sorry for being away for so long... I should've stayed home on Friday.
2012-04-07 10:00:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, there can be nothing done. I wasn't in a good shapeoverwhelmed both, mentally & physically &... hmm it happened.
2012-04-07 10:00:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It can be prevented by medication but the problem is that my blood pressure is too low & can't take those med. The tests were ok, btw.
2012-04-07 09:59:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, these TIA's... they aren't really serious & don't damage the brain, but... I had it too often & it can lead to a final real stroke.
2012-04-07 09:59:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel some better, just... missing you, darling. Very much. I wish you were here darling. I wish to see you, so so much. :-(
2012-04-07 09:58:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I got home a while ago. My ex's girlfriend made a hot bubble bath for me. I bathed & slept a bit.
2012-04-07 09:58:21 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Good morning sweet one. Have a great day! hugs..annie

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2012-04-06 23:13:39 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one...hope you have a wonderful evening and beautiful dreams..Hugs, Annie
2012-04-06 09:35:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now, darling. My head aches terribly, feeling dizzy. I will drive very carefully... Hope you day is nice, my dear. Lunch too :-)
2012-04-06 04:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. Blowing butterfly kisses in the wind, hoping they will reach you in a bit & delight you with their sweetness... :-)
2012-04-06 03:57:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Slowly but surely getting ready for my dentist appt. Wearing black shirt (not a tee) with dark blue skinny jeans & white belt. Head is bad.
2012-04-06 03:37:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... along your trouser line... teasing you. ;-) Sigh! I miss you darling. I can't tell you very much. Sniff. I have headache. Not good.
2012-04-06 02:29:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... wishing you were here so I could pull you to me & kiss you deeply, slip my hands under your undershirt, letting my fingers trace softly
2012-04-06 02:29:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Had breakfast (just one toast with butter & pineapple marmalade & a yoghurt), cleaned up the kitchen, showered (late)... in a white towel...
2012-04-06 02:28:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Soft slow kisses on every inch of your back, darling. Hope your day is nice & more peaceful with no hectic & such... Yes, I miss you. A lot.
2012-04-06 00:34:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It rained all night, still raining but it isn't cold. Well, not for me... for you, maybe yes. The air smells & feels lovely :-)
2012-04-06 00:34:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. :-) Slept well? Is my dear darling all fresh & smiling? How is your back? I slept some better, I think.
2012-04-06 00:32:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ah, just to wake up in your arms, feeling sweet soft you wrapped around me... I think I wouldn't want to get out of bed, darling. :-)
2012-04-06 00:32:09 (EDT)

Darkntwistd My niece is coming with a friend in the morning. two 5 yr olds should keep me busy.
2012-04-05 23:29:08 (EDT)

Darkntwistd I think about you all the time...i am trying to use your techniques to sleep and to relax.
2012-04-05 23:22:38 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. how are you? are we still friends..i miss you.
2012-04-05 23:08:53 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 improvement already. I haven't seen my March metric set but I'm hoping the few days went well enough to bump me up to the next bonus level
2012-04-05 20:32:03 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'm working so I'll at least be getting time and a half. I'm really pleased with some of the changes I've made at work. I can see a HUGE
2012-04-05 20:31:34 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I've been very well. Got off early today and went to get a mani - pedi. Purple nails, of course. Tomorrow's Good Friday (a stat holiday) but
2012-04-05 20:30:50 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hmmm. You sure everything's okay? Cuz your weekdays haven't been "thus" since we met. I'm allowed to miss you, right? :P
2012-04-05 13:13:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please dream with me tonight...

2012-04-05 13:09:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I loved the way you kissed me with your soft lips. The touch of your fingertips. The feel of your body close to mine. God, how I miss them!
2012-04-05 13:05:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) ooh, your lips, your kiss... you, my darling, you... Sigh!
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Kissing you back, slowly, savoring each sec... Good night, my dearest.
2012-04-05 13:03:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And then allow me to kiss you back... long & sweet, hugging you close to me? Sigh. I miss you, Anand so, so much! Good night, darling.
2012-04-05 12:47:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... with your soulless mind and steeled heart... :-( It could be so beautiful, simple and sweet... just like it was... :-(
2012-04-05 12:14:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Our baby boy just curled up on my lap. I kissed him on his head and told him it's from you... Hope you don't mind...
2012-04-05 11:58:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why, darling why? All the joy & cheer & smiles & playfulness & sweetness we shared... I miss it all so much. I miss you so much.
2012-04-05 11:50:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your forest that you grew for me with swings & birds, our beautiful basket with feather pillows, those happily fluttering butterflies...
2012-04-05 11:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't torture my body. You torture my lil' heart... Sigh. Even my butterflies are too tired to flap their wings... so feels my body too.
2012-04-05 11:25:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, still wilted. I have lost weight. Blush. Your baklava needs your honeyed kiss to feel lovely and sweet again... :-(
2012-04-05 11:05:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, a whole undershirt-free tummy, just for me... God! Feels like heaven. ;-p Kisses around your navel darling before the tummy-rub :-)
2012-04-05 11:05:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you. Missing you.

2012-04-05 10:52:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you can go for a slow walk, darling. I would love it. Or just to be there & kiss & rub & caress your tummy till it feels better.
2012-04-05 10:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, come my sweet stuffed turkey, let me kiss you a sweet
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soft welcome home & hug you gently, carefully, no squeezing today :-|
2012-04-05 10:52:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... your day sounds indeed chaotic, but... interesting, too. Adventurous. I like it. Different from your every day...
2012-04-05 10:51:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest normally you should be home by now... Is everything alright? Are you ok?
2012-04-05 09:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where is my darling? :-( I hope your day was very good & as productive as yesterday and you are on your way home... Miss you. Do take care.
2012-04-05 08:29:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a sunny, warm, beautiful day with clear blue sky & blooming trees... I wish you were here, darling. Just to hug you & kiss you... Oh!
2012-04-05 06:52:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, hope you enjoy your lunch. I so wish we were together, eating on a nice wooden bench... I miss you. Can't help it. :-(
2012-04-05 04:43:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is still not really ok... She feels and looks wilted. She misses you. A lot.
2012-04-05 03:22:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And glad that you feel better. Well, you sit in front of the computer for hours, so you don't get enough exercise,but the body...
2012-04-05 03:16:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if only... even my skin misses your kisses, the feel of your soft warm lips... Sigh! Ooops. You overslept? I hope people in the office
2012-04-05 03:15:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. You seem to have rushed to work... leaving no note with a kiss on my pillow... How are you feeling? Slept well?
2012-04-05 02:10:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I love you. This silly lady loves you with all her heart, mind and soul.
2012-04-04 13:30:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in bed now, too. Hugging my pillow, wishing it was you... wishing you could feel it somehow... me, my body close to yours...
2012-04-04 13:22:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We couldn't sleep together in the night, but we could take naps in each other's arms. Please, end this torture darling. Please.
2012-04-04 13:17:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If it hurts you, then come. Please. Allow us to meet, to go for a real walk, to feel each other... to get a real hug & a real kiss. Please.
2012-04-04 13:15:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly with dreams that make you smile gently in your sleep... Good night, my sweet darling.
2012-04-04 13:09:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's very late & you should sleep. I hug you tight & softly kiss your lips then curl into you...please hold me close to your chest, darling
2012-04-04 13:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts me that I can't sit by your side, holding your hands while you sleep and that I can't wake you smiling, with a sweet lil' kiss...
2012-04-04 13:02:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts me to see these words...but not being able to really curl into each other, not feeling you...your arms, the gentle warmth of you...
2012-04-04 13:00:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It hurts me beyond words that you reject it over and over again... That you don't want to see me, don't allow us to feel sweet together :-(
2012-04-04 12:59:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, it is. Maybe I should go for a walk before sleep, too. I did it in Germany. Every evening.
2012-04-04 12:59:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, please please come. Not now. In the summer when
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there's too hot & here's everything beautiful. Please my dearest.

2012-04-04 12:43:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I remember my subway sandwich in the US... Sigh. I really miss you, darling & would love nothing more than to be with you...
2012-04-04 12:36:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you back from the walk? Was it nice? Just to have walked with you, counting the stars... Oh dear! Bathed? Had dinner?
2012-04-04 12:03:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel utterly tired, darling. Please, take my hand & let's run over grass & laugh & chase butterflies & hug & kiss & feel beautiful...Sniff
2012-04-04 10:59:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You realize... but you do not feel... That's the difference. :-( Why is it so bad to meet and feel happy & all sweet just as we did...?
2012-04-04 10:54:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You would end up in tears and run away screaming... right into my arms. But your steeled heart cannot understand this...
2012-04-04 10:35:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What is there to consider? You have absolutely no clue, darling... I wish you could feel just for a moment what I feel. Oh how I wish!
2012-04-04 10:34:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... held by you, to stop this pain even if for a short while. The thought of never seeing you, never being held by you again kills me.
2012-04-04 10:34:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. You have no clue how it feels... to miss you, to ache for you day & night, begging you just to see you, to be
2012-04-04 10:33:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-04-04 09:12:39 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hello. I'm well. Got 7 hours sleep last night ~ feel fabulous. I know we talked yesterday but I woke missing you today. Must be the weather!
2012-04-04 09:12:37 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ If you missed me just half as much as I do, if you cared just a little, you would come and hold me close, soothe my aching heart. :-(
2012-04-04 09:11:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ and don't have to see me like this. I couldn't look at you... :-( I miss you. Anand, I miss you so! Hope the drive home is pleasant.
2012-04-04 08:55:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not well, darling. I am in a very bad shape. Normally I would never never never say this, but right now, I am glad you are not...
2012-04-04 08:54:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Baby boy is back to normal, he is happy & feels wonderful. My day is ok, just the usual stuff... Very beautiful outside.
2012-04-04 08:54:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you had a real good day at work... if only it wasn't that busy... But well, you are done & a productive day feels always nice.
2012-04-04 08:53:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how very nice to hear from you darling! Sniff. So glad your back is better, yes stick to the workouts for some more days.
2012-04-04 08:53:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still no message from you... I hope you are alright, my darling. Missing you very much.
2012-04-04 07:59:56 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 opening my eyes ~ searching for you #sixwords

2012-04-04 07:30:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you :-(

2012-04-04 04:06:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. My lil' heart suffers. My arms ache to hold you, every fiber of my being screams for you. Oh Anand... :-(
2012-04-04 02:23:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with no bad traffic & your day goes fine for you. I didn't sleep well, darling & your lady's not well at all & you know why...
2012-04-04 02:22:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. How are you feeling? How is
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your back? Did you sleep well? Hope the drive was pleasant...
2012-04-04 02:22:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you were beside me while I sleep, I'd reach for your hand, kiss it and hold it tight & snuggle up to you and not let you go... Sigh.
2012-04-04 02:21:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my darling I need you. I need you to hold me. Can your steeled heart hear mine crying, feel its tears pouring down upon yours? :-(
2012-04-03 16:59:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep well. At least you... Good night.

2012-04-03 12:47:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to join you. Really. And I would love to get your forehead kiss. And your arms around me. You my dear you... :-(
2012-04-03 12:42:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only... God above in heaven, if only... :-( I would stay up all night, watching you sleeping sweetly, holding your hand... :-(
2012-04-03 12:06:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'd better wish you a good night now. Hope you sleep sweetly darling with beautiful dreams & wake up feeling better.
2012-04-03 12:04:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This gets me really down. Both, physically & mentally. I am wilted & tired, crying myself to sleep, wake up to tears. I... Sigh :-(
2012-04-03 11:59:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish that too. I so so wish, darling. But not power walk... a slow sweet walk. And then a massage...
2012-04-03 11:55:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, darling... Pretty please. You have no idea how this all makes my lil' heart suffer. Please. Please come & let's be together... :-(
2012-04-03 11:53:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Take care of your knee when you do the power walk. Ok? A bath sounds wonderful... Wish I could give you a lovely massage after bathing...
2012-04-03 11:19:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry. I think your sweetie pie turned into a lemon pie... I just
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miss you terribly and would so love to have you with me. So so much.
2012-04-03 11:15:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we would... But we will not even cook together again, right? Not even one more hug or kiss... Nothing? :'-(
2012-04-03 11:12:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( I understand. I really do. Please do take care...

2012-04-03 11:06:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so much, darling. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I so wish you were with me now... Sniff.
2012-04-03 10:12:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My poor sweet darling, if only I could magically appear beside you, sweep you into my arms and take you with me... Sigh.
2012-04-03 09:39:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Will you let me hug you tight & kiss you a sweet welcome home? How are you, darling? How was your day?
2012-04-03 08:57:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And why to care about someone who you will never see again... :-(
2012-04-03 07:44:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope you have a pleasant drive home. :-) Well, maybe selfishness was not the best expression... Preferences as in?
2012-04-03 07:41:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... it doesn't mean that I don't miss you. I do. A lot. Hope you get all my sweet kisses that I keep blowing you... all over you :-)
2012-04-03 07:12:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sir seems to have a very busy day and these pairings... Sniff. But I understand, you are in the office & have to work.
2012-04-03 07:08:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. It's so beautiful outside, it really makes me wish you were here & spend the day somewhere nice together... Sigh.
2012-04-03 07:07:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's around lunchtime there... So, hope you enjoy your
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lunch, darling.
2012-04-03 04:44:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet soft kisses on butterfly wings for you, darling. Each one wrapped in my lovely-scented embrace...
2012-04-03 02:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Very much. That's all. Our online time together has reduced & no matter how I beg, you don't want to see me again :-( Silly me.
2012-04-03 02:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure who of us is selfish. You, 'cause you seem to only care about yourself or me 'cause I wish to spend time with you.
2012-04-03 02:38:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you were doing this & that, etc. I am happy for you when you go somewhere & do something that cheers you up ad makes you smile, but...
2012-04-03 02:37:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And it is not the first time you do this. You leave me all alone without any word & then come back smiling & telling me...
2012-04-03 02:36:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...but then, you went for a walk & left me here waiting. Yes you came back...just to say that you were outside & are ready to sleep now. :-(
2012-04-03 02:36:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... a little, to spend a little time with you, so yes, I was waiting for you. Yes, you told me that you want to read & work on a plan,
2012-04-03 02:35:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Why? Because then, how am I to know that you are back/around? I would have loved to have you here yesterday, to talk...
2012-04-03 02:35:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ About waiting for you. Even though I know that you are away, I come to check my DMs often to see if there's a DM from you.
2012-04-03 02:34:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. Glad you slept well & hope your drowsiness gone... and your body feels good now. I slept late but well.
2012-04-03 02:34:10 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 Hi!!!!!!
2012-04-02 21:40:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I understand your "feel of things" today. I always do. But tell me, do you understand or realize or care at all about how I felt..?
2012-04-02 13:31:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, please... I don't feel like smiling. It wasn't nice... This time really not. Please sleep well.
2012-04-02 13:02:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It feels really bad. I am sad. But glad you enjoyed your evening. Now, good night. Sleep well.
2012-04-02 13:02:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You told me that you wish to read. It's ok. I waited... But then you went out for a walk & forgot to tell me... and I was waiting...
2012-04-02 13:01:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice for you. Honest. Good night.

2012-04-02 12:57:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And now, it's already bedtime for you... Your lady is sad. Wishing you a good night's sleep with sweet lovely dreams.
2012-04-02 12:15:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... never mind. Just... missing you.

2012-04-02 11:33:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ For what? For you. I didn't mean sitting here & staring at the screen... but for my share of you. You never understand my lil' heart. :-(
2012-04-02 11:32:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside, watching the sky, the flitting birds... silently waiting for my share... of you. :-|
2012-04-02 11:24:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And my sweet sir has vanished... again. Having dinner? Anyway, it is ungentlemanly to let a lady (oh and what a lovely one) wait like that.
2012-04-02 11:23:07 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Oh the plan! Great! So tell me, when are you coming? ;-) No no,I am not kidding... Sigh.
2012-04-02 10:59:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes you did, but still...I had to wait. Always this waiting! You like Chinese poetry? Some are beautiful... don't ask me which ones :-|
2012-04-02 10:58:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now I know why I have so many white hair. :-|

2012-04-02 10:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I was so happy when I read my sweet sir is back home but... he's gone and left his lovely lady waiting here... again.
2012-04-02 10:25:06 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 issues this morning. Just dropped off youngest. Will drop off other two and call. Won't be checking back here first.
2012-04-02 10:06:49 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Can I call in about 30 min ish?

2012-04-02 09:34:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was your day? I would so love to cuddle with you, to rub & kiss & scratch & massage your back before reading...
2012-04-02 09:33:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ohh some planning... Tell me, when will you do some planning to come? Hm? Sigh. I miss you, my sweetest. Terribly. I really do.
2012-04-02 09:25:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I jump in your arms, wrap my arms around your neck, legs around your waist...twirl me darling while I kiss you the sweetest welcome home :-)
2012-04-02 09:25:26 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 if you can squeeze me in. :) How was your day?

2012-04-02 09:23:41 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hello! I had a wonderful sleep. Nice and early too. I have big goals for today. Heading out now. Would love to hear your voice for a few min
2012-04-02 09:23:16 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ My day is ok. Lots of work to do. But it's not easy to focus dear... Your lady's dreamy. Kisses on your throat, above the top button... ;-)
2012-04-02 08:14:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Finally... :-) How was your day, darling? Tiring? I so wish you were coming home... right into my lovely arms. Oh, those happy days! Sigh.
2012-04-02 08:13:40 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :) Hope your day went smoothly.

2012-04-02 07:51:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...moment I saw them! Oh how you still make me feel like a school girl :-) How I wish I could grab you, pull you to me & kiss you now. Sigh!
2012-04-02 06:10:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I should work, you know Monday is your lady's busiest day, but... thoughts of you distract me, darling. Your DMs... how my eyes sparkled the
2012-04-02 06:09:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A trail of soft sweet kisses for my darling's back... :-) Come darling, let me heal your lovely back... ;-)
2012-04-02 05:15:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, I really wish I could give you a nice massage. I would so love to... Sniff. Please do some exercise regularly. It might help.
2012-04-02 05:11:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I thought you woke up late & rushed to work & then work kept you very very busy... Well, almost right. :-)
2012-04-02 05:10:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww... a lil' :-) and a deep sigh. Been waiting for you, darling... How are you? How goes your day? Oh, I didn't get that DM.
2012-04-02 04:57:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of my sweet sir. Missing him. Hoping he is fine & smiling & having a pleasant day... Kisses for you, darling and bon appetit. :-)
2012-04-02 04:34:12 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ How was the drive? Did you take the cab or your bike? Howgoes your day? Oh it's Monday! Hopefully it's not too hectic there. :-)
2012-04-02 02:05:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... flavored good morning kisses beside you on the pillow? :-) I slept well, woke up a little late, fed the cats, had breakfast...
2012-04-02 02:02:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. One more kiss... and a sweet nose-rub and... close your eyes and sleep. :-)
2012-04-01 12:51:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh wow! It's something new to me that I am making sense... to you. ;-p I am flattered. :-) Ok, I look forward to it. :-)
2012-04-01 12:49:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It was so sweet. :-) I miss you, darling. A lot. And it hurts. A lot. Please come & hold me. I so need that... Sniff. Pretty please.
2012-04-01 12:49:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly my darling with lovely dreams. Yes, I will join you in a short while and curl into you, so you can snore into my ear... ;-p
2012-04-01 12:42:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So, good night my sweet darling. Hugging you back & kissing you softly on your lips, rubbing my nose against yours... :-) How I miss that!
2012-04-01 12:42:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... plans. You know what I mean? Smile and yes... I did think of your XLS document... Smile. But yes, now you should sleep.
2012-04-01 12:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ That's good. Except the "finish this book". Because then, it feels like you must finish that book. Make rough plans but not I-must-do-it
2012-04-01 12:41:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? That's it. You can't plan a nap from 14:00-15:00 What if you don't feel like napping or something else comes up...
2012-04-01 12:28:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not haphazard. You can plan to do some chores, some cleaning, reading, this & that but not making an exact plan with exact
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2012-04-01 12:26:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not everything must be planned, darling. Look... how many times you planned to take a nap... & you didn't. If not planned, you dozed off...
2012-04-01 12:23:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You work a lot. More than a lot. So, it is ok and you have the right to do nothing, to read, relax, rest, et cetera...
2012-04-01 12:06:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Other than that... weekends are for resting, darling. And for things/chores you can't do during the week.
2012-04-01 12:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, please... do come, darling. Please. It would be so lovely & it would make me so happy. So so happy. Please. I miss you so...
2012-04-01 12:05:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... saddened me to see them like that. :-| I will visit them as often as I can.
2012-04-01 11:43:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, rearranging cupboards is my job... I love it. And am very good at it. ;-) Well, it was lovely but they aren't doing that great & it
2012-04-01 11:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the missing "you".

2012-04-01 11:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I was watching... but not for 2 hours. :-|

2012-04-01 11:21:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. If you say so... and it is not so urgent... :-) Sounds interesting. Wish I was there, reading together...
2012-04-01 11:07:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... you know well what. Sad sigh.

2012-04-01 10:50:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, yes yes and then postpone it to the last moment & the working on it till late in the night... Sigh. :-| Phil. text about what?
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2012-04-01 10:50:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But... :-(

2012-04-01 10:43:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you. I miss you no matter what I do, darling. Nothing can distract your lil' lady... She misses you & aches to be with you...
2012-04-01 10:32:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Arranged marriage...You know what I think about it :-| Oh, why that? It would have been beautiful, darling. Just hugging...nothing else
2012-04-01 09:56:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry your friend is going through this. Especially if she still loves him... Thinking of my own heart and... words fail me. :-(
2012-04-01 09:36:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you in a towel. ;-) Oh and not to mention to hug you to me... Imagine, holding each other wearing nothing but a towel... Pure heaven!
2012-04-01 09:36:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? Still working on the report? What was for lunch? Oh ok. I see. Anyway... I would have loved to see
2012-04-01 09:35:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hold you close and kiss you long and sweet. You have no clue how much I truly miss you! My sweet sweet darling... God!
2012-04-01 09:34:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was lovely with them. No singing & dancing just a lot to talk about...But now, all I want is to wrap my arms around you...
2012-04-01 09:33:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to come home to this... Sigh. My lil' heart would burst with joy... and love. I missed you darling, very very much.
2012-04-01 09:31:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Awww, your lady is leaning against the door frame & watching you with a :-) as you talk to our purring baby boy on your lap...
2012-04-01 09:30:54 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, I guess I did, more through your confirmation than my deduction skills, truthfully... ;-)
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2012-04-01 09:13:02 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie I will never stop writing. Thank you.... : )

2012-04-01 06:07:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am leaving now. Be back soon. Ok? Till then... you can collect the sunflower smiles & my butterfly kisses that fly all around you...
2012-04-01 05:13:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be away... or power is off. :-( Hope lunch was delicious. I would so love to be with you now... to hug & kiss you, too. :-(
2012-04-01 05:12:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hehe and this one too. You can skip it to 1:40... Oh my... look at his hair :-D
2012-04-01 04:25:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Look, I found this one with my friend singing... Goodness, he was very very young :-)
2012-04-01 04:23:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How about your friend? Is he/she ok? I... just miss you. My lil' heart is sad, darling.
2012-04-01 04:13:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This friend is a singer, well a vocalist or so. I like him a lot. His wife too. Oh, she will be so happy...I've known them for 17 years now.
2012-04-01 04:12:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... centre... Why? What is for lunch? And yes, it's been a while... She is busy with her new love. Smile.
2012-04-01 04:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, are you done? Why are the new moon rituals private & other ones not? But but... when I was there, I had to go down to the breakfast...
2012-04-01 04:12:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. A lot. My sweet darling, I miss you beyond words . Sniff. Hope you have a lovely day & all goes fine with the rituals.
2012-04-01 02:37:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, a gentle downpour of sweet soft butterfly-winged kisses

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for your shoulders, back, upper arms, chest to wear as an undershirt ;-)
2012-04-01 02:31:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when I was driving home. He was so very happy to see me and told me to come over. They live on the next street to me.
2012-04-01 02:31:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will walk over to an old friend shortly, talk a little & walk home. That's all. I didn't tell you- I saw him at the bus stop yesterday...
2012-04-01 02:30:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I would also love to hug & hold my freshly bathed darling to my toweled sweet-scented body & kiss him softly and long. Sigh.
2012-04-01 02:30:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This festival...the birthday of Lord Rama, yes? I would love to be there & at least watch you doing the rituals, but it's not allowed... Hm.
2012-04-01 02:28:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. It's ok. I understand. It was important & slowly but surely I am getting used to waiting... How is your friend now?
2012-04-01 02:28:12 (EDT)

melancholundone my well being has always been shacky I do not care about that anymore... if i cannot have fun with a man I atleast will have some with words
2012-04-01 01:50:45 (EDT)

melancholundone I am not afraid anymore of what my words might reveal... I just want to write and explore.
2012-04-01 01:15:50 (EDT)

melancholundone I just have past ghosts to deal with... and I am afraid no one can really help me. I so love you and that talk we had outside the church...
2012-04-01 01:13:58 (EDT)

melancholundone Please do not worry

2012-04-01 01:08:03 (EDT)


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So I am a bit crazy with my words? who cares? sometimes a woman needs to express. I feel better than I have in years.
2012-04-01 01:07:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hi darling. Thank you for your message. It made my day! We had a great time. My sister's husband is driving me home now. I miss you too.
2012-04-01 00:13:10 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Good...been studying all day, took a break, now back at it, although I can't keep focus much longer! How about you?
2012-04-01 00:07:42 (EDT)

melancholundone somethings wrong... i will be ok.

2012-03-31 18:37:22 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. hope you are having wonderful dreams.

2012-03-31 17:03:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm. :-( Well, then... I wish you a good night now. May your sleep be sound & restful filled with sweet, tender dreams.
2012-03-31 12:41:28 (EDT)

melancholundone No I am not fine. i have never been fine. this world is just a big mess and i am tired
2012-03-31 12:19:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yep, that's a good idea. It might help... Or visit a massage centre... Please.
2012-03-31 12:09:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And leaving your poor lil' lady all alone again... :-(
2012-03-31 12:03:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Yes yes, it's always the same. Sigh. Ha! No tchoin tchoin darling, but I would love to get those kisses... ;-p
2012-03-31 11:28:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, darling, btw. :-) How was your temple visit? Come, kiss your lady awake, she can't stop yawning. Smile.
2012-03-31 10:58:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, done with the chores. Missed you. And I still do... Sleepy. And you are to blame. ;-p You didn't tell me to come & nap with you.
2012-03-31 10:58:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I wish I was there to sweeten these hours of no power... It wouldn't be boring with me... ;-)
2012-03-31 09:24:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? He came back to me, darling. And you... :-( Oh he so loves to sleep on my lap, belly, chest, wherever...No wonder, he's like you... ;-p
2012-03-31 07:44:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a whole you to nibble on... I would surely be in heaven. ;) God darling, I can't tell you how much I miss you now. Sniff.
2012-03-31 07:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... then down your back, around your waist, drop a kiss into your navel, then up your chest, neck & finally kiss your lips deep & long ;-)
2012-03-31 07:42:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I don't eat meat, but I'd love to nibble you all over... in soft little bites & kisses, from your hip along your side, shoulder
2012-03-31 07:42:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back. Just some food- milk, butter, veggies, some fruits, etc. And yes, I meant what you cooked. Sounds heavenly & miss your cooking :-)
2012-03-31 07:41:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. My sweet sweet darling, I miss you immensely. A soft kiss, a lil' :-) and... whoosh...
2012-03-31 06:21:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Off to the store, darling. Be back soon. Till then... fresh, sweet scented butterfly kisses to cool your skin & make you all tingly... ;-)
2012-03-31 06:17:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, he doesn't. I told you that he is like you. :-) And oh how happy he is to be back to me! He doesn't leave my side... :-)
2012-03-31 05:56:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am happy that you are so happy but tell me, do you enjoy torturing poor lil' me like this? God! Just one bite & sure I'd be in heaven!
2012-03-31 05:56:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, 4 hours is way too long. Sorry, but they are crazy. Nothing to do against it? :-| If you would love to, then... do it. Please. Come.
2012-03-31 05:55:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come to me. Please. For you, to take a break from everything... for me, to spend a lovely time together, to feel my heart smile...
2012-03-31 05:24:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What!? 4 hours without power? In such heat? That's horrible. I hope they won't do that. :-|
2012-03-31 04:49:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, he doesn't like fish. Funny cat. He loves yoghurt & cheese & one time he ate apple too. :-)
2012-03-31 04:48:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just looked it up. Sounds & looks delicious. If only... sigh. And fresh breads too? Oh! Yum! Enjoy your lunch with your mom, think of me :-(
2012-03-31 04:48:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will probably do some cleaning, laundry, Sat. shopping & have to cook something too. That's all. Miss you. :-( Wish you were here...
2012-03-31 02:29:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you cooking? What plans? For the weekend or office/work-related plans? Hmm, nothing interesting for today, darling.
2012-03-31 02:29:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... run my fingers in slow little circles up and down your chest, belly while kissing the nape of your neck, nibbling your ears... Aaah!
2012-03-31 02:28:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, just to be there & cook with you... I'd so love it! And then hug you from behind, slip my hands under your undershirt and
2012-03-31 02:28:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps he's eaten too much yesterday & too excited to be home. If it doesn't get better, I will take him to the vet.
2012-03-31 02:28:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Baby boy woke me up around 3:00. He has diarrhea & vomited, too. Had to clean the floor & cat littler 4 times. :-|
2012-03-31 02:27:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So glad that you slept well & long. I love when my sweet darling is all fresh & smiling. :-) I didn't sleep very well.
2012-03-31 02:27:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, come... rush to me, give me those spicy kisses, let them sizzle on my freshly showered skin... Sigh. Good morning, my darling.
2012-03-31 02:26:38 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Mine wasn't that bad tho, hope you are feeloing better already! :)
2012-03-31 01:28:10 (EDT)

ZinniaTung How are you feeling now?

2012-03-31 01:25:22 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Thank you for asking, it's much better, :)

2012-03-31 01:24:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, that's it. That "but"... Good night, darling.

2012-03-30 13:26:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. I hug you to me & kiss you deep & long... just for sweet dreams, you know? ;-) Sleep soundly, darling.
2012-03-30 13:21:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's very late there, so yes... you should go to bed and sleep.
2012-03-30 13:15:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is too much for my little heart to bear, darling. Way too much.
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This missing you... this all... it pains me beyond all measure.

2012-03-30 13:14:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No. You shall come to me, hold me and kiss me...
2012-03-30 13:13:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please come. My darling, please.

2012-03-30 13:03:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! Please please... your lady is very ticklish... especially on her belly. :-|
2012-03-30 13:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish we were together now. I so wish... I miss you terribly.

2012-03-30 12:59:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My belly is pouting too... you would have to kiss it till we go to sleep... ;-)
2012-03-30 12:58:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! No my dear, the real reason is that you wanted to have it all for yourself! ;-p
2012-03-30 12:55:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't laugh, darling. Actually I was hugging poor hungry you & telling you don't worry it will arrive soon ;-)
2012-03-30 11:57:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What pizza will we have, btw? Haven't had pizza in a long time. :-) It makes me miss you... Silly, I know...
2012-03-30 11:55:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hm maybe so... I am sorry, darling. Oh gosh... and now this! No lunch with friends, and have to wait for your pizza. Wait! For our pizza ;-)
2012-03-30 11:54:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! What did they say? Why not?

2012-03-30 11:45:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's lovely too. :-) So, we stay inside, cook & eat some yummy special food, I go for a walk while you do the rituals then we play ;-)
2012-03-30 11:27:49 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, you will see, darling. :-) Another report? Awww, a long one? Oh! What kind of festival? Will you go there? And take me with you? ;-)
2012-03-30 11:24:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) oh yes, and to end this not really nice week... Wow, sounds great! Only for lunch or do you plan to go somewhere with them after lunch?
2012-03-30 11:19:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All went well, darling and no, no power failure this time. :-) Oooh so, you are all mine... God, how I wish to be there now!
2012-03-30 11:12:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, he got your hug. :-) Next dentist appt. is on next Friday. Smile, the doc. just can't get enough of me. ;-p
2012-03-30 11:11:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Tired. Didn't get much sleep, but it doesn't matter. My baby is back! I still can't believe it. :-) He's now sleeping on my lap.
2012-03-30 11:10:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to still be busy, darling. How are you feeling? Eyes, back ok? How was your day? Well, besides super-busy... :-|
2012-03-30 10:48:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I would so love to be with you now... So, so much. Well, now that I know you are fine I am not worried. :-)
2012-03-30 10:39:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... where you are, how you are, etc. Especially after that accident. :-|
2012-03-30 09:51:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. I understand. But still... I hate such days. Not because you don't write me, but because it really is a bad feeling not knowing...
2012-03-30 09:51:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... while you tell me about your day. Sigh! If only... I worried about you, you know that?
2012-03-30 09:37:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love that more than anything else. My sweet darling, please... Sigh.
2012-03-30 09:26:12 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ No, I didn't eat much. Blush. Your lady's still not well... Baby boy (yes your Portsmouth) is sleeping soundly with a happy belly. :-)
2012-03-30 09:00:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish, I really wish you were here now. My sweet sweet lovely darling, I missed you, I miss you. A lot. Terribly much. :-(
2012-03-30 08:59:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, now... please let me hug you & squeeze you & kiss you all over & just keep hugging you & not let you go. Never. Ever.
2012-03-30 08:59:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? Such a silly silly busy day... Sniff. But I hope it was a good one darling, no problem in the office, et cetera...
2012-03-30 08:58:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh God! Thank God you are ok & home, safe & sound. You have no clue how relieved I am right now! God, why are you always doing this to me?
2012-03-30 08:58:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. A little later than I thought, but... still no message from my sweet darling. Where are you? Is everything alright? :-(
2012-03-30 06:57:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Oh, yes! Let me know if you ever make a trip, I'll suggest places for you. :-) have a wonderful day/night, love. xoxo
2012-03-30 06:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You! The only thing that's missing is you. I so wish you were here, darling. I'd be the happiest person on earth. Sniff. Missing you a lot.
2012-03-30 02:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... on my chest. God, I feel so tired but so happy to have him back. And I have a dentist appt. at 14:30 (your time).
2012-03-30 02:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I went back to bed, he came too & snuggled & nuzzled & cuddled & cried then purred for a long long time then finally fell asleep...
2012-03-30 02:33:30 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... and oh so hungry. He just cried & snuggled up to me, then I gave him some food, smile he was crying even while eating. Poor thing.
2012-03-30 02:33:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I turned the light on to see what happened & there he was... my poor baby, total dirty & wounded :'-( on his nose & one leg...
2012-03-30 02:32:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I woke up to loud crying then hissing & growling around 1:15 (it was Nina mama, she's still hissing at baby boy) & more crying.
2012-03-30 02:31:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't sleep much, feeling very tired, head aches... But happy! Imagine, my baby boy is back! :-)
2012-03-30 02:31:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, woke up to no sweet sir beside me... Sigh. Good morning, my darling. How are you feeling? Did you sleep well? Feeling better?
2012-03-30 02:30:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire About it! Haha! And no need for apologies...I knew you were sharing!
2012-03-29 22:06:45 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Unfortunately, not fresh off the coast! My family has been here for about 1.5 generations,which I guess really isn't long, now that I think
2012-03-29 22:05:26 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ah, so what does Claire look like, is the question on the table, eh? I'm Italian, brown hair, brown eyes, very animated, always laughing.
2012-03-29 21:30:55 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I live my life, then filter the stuff in between. I'm good at compartmentalizing, I suppose.
2012-03-29 21:29:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you for the compliment...yes, I don't want anything running my life, especially an online world where people wear proverbial masks.
2012-03-29 21:28:03 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire I've done that with you more than once, as far as the compose window! I'm collectively apologizing for all the times it has happened! Lol!
2012-03-29 21:26:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire ????
2012-03-29 20:59:08 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Crazy couple of days around here...I'll be thankful when tomorrow is over! How have you been, dear ET?
2012-03-29 20:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly & you wake up feeling much better. Have a beautiful, sunflower-smile filled tomorrow my sweet darling. :)
2012-03-29 14:59:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then freshen up & rush back to you in bed to hug & hold you tenderly to my warm, soft, lovely scented body... :-)
2012-03-29 14:58:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Leaving my sweet, sleeping darling alone for a little bit- to eat something (probably just one toast with cheese, stomach is still not good)
2012-03-29 14:56:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you. Anand, I love you. And I hate that I can't be with you now. :-( To hold you, cradle you, put you to a sweet restful sleep...
2012-03-29 12:29:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, but I am already there, darling. Holding you... Can you feel it? My soft kisses, pleasantly cold hand on your forehead... Sigh.
2012-03-29 12:24:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I was crying for a long time. I look wilted, my pillow is drenched... Still in a meeting? Can I snuggle up to you & hug you tight?
2012-03-29 10:59:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh god! Tears flow like a waterfall... :'-( Please come and hold me. Please. I so need your arms, so so much. Crying just crying
2012-03-29 10:15:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Ok. Now you have definitely got me crying. Bittersweet tears. God, how I wish to hold you now & just cry and smile and... Miss you so!
2012-03-29 10:05:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile. And a sweet deep kiss... for making me blush and smile... ;-) Thank you. But you my dear, your words... they really are beautiful.
2012-03-29 09:51:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, I'd keep you awake, dear :-) Or you could rest in my arms or... does my sweet sir wants his back to be scratched all over?
2012-03-29 09:33:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lot. Terribly. Esp. your hands. And nose. And lips. And... every little part of you. Sigh.
2012-03-29 09:32:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you to me & kiss your soft lips & then just swaying together, holding each other close... Sigh. That would be lovely.
2012-03-29 09:00:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Same here. Just the usual stuff... nothing exciting. It is windy outside & a bit chilly but sunny. Oh darling, I so wish I could hug...
2012-03-29 09:00:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, come come... let me wrap my arms around you, hug you to me & kiss you a sweet welcome home. :-) How are you? How was your day?
2012-03-29 08:47:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You got it? Really? Wow, it worked! :-) Have a pleasant trip home... right into my arms... Smile. Please take care, darling.
2012-03-29 08:04:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I have sent you a text message from the car... but it seems you didn't get it. Sniff.
2012-03-29 06:50:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Butterflies, to kiss the sweet from your honeyed lips... Now, your lips are bathed in my kisses. ;-)
2012-03-29 06:48:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still like it? ;-) Do I get a hug now? And a kiss too? Guess why
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those honeyed kisses... ;-p Flies? No flies, darling.

2012-03-29 06:48:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Happy to come home to your DMs. :-) I am glad you like it. I make a slow-turn on my toes, then a clumsy curtsey...
2012-03-29 06:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Very very much. I am in black jeans today & maroon (or so)-rust-beige-black flowery half-sleeve blouse.
2012-03-29 04:43:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's around lunchtime there, right? So, bon appetit my lovely sir. I am by your side, waiting for you to share just one bite... ;-)
2012-03-29 04:31:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, seems like I missed you. But hope you got my kiss anyway... a sweet soft nibbling one behind your ear... ;-)
2012-03-29 03:38:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, will pass it on to them :-) Miss you, dear. How's your day? Will you let me give you a quick kiss before going back to pairing?
2012-03-29 03:24:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got an email. Lea, your lady love got a baby girl sister! 3 weeks earlier than the due date but she is healthy & fine. :-)
2012-03-29 01:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and make you feel all tingly... ;-) I miss you. Please do try to steal minutes... those stolen minutes are the sweetest... ;-)
2012-03-29 01:49:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies are on their way to you darling with my sweetest, softest kisses & lovely scented wing wraps to keep you smiling...
2012-03-29 01:48:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, pairing... Hope your pair is someone nice to pair with & you have a pleasant day with some good work, no hectic or so.
2012-03-29 01:47:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the bedroom to pick up your oh so delicate kisses, hug them to me & let them kiss the wetness from my skin. :-) Thank you.
2012-03-29 01:46:38 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Glad you slept well & feel fine. Islept ok & feel a tiny bit better... Freshly showered, in a towel- running to
2012-03-29 01:46:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Beaming. :-) I thank you, darling. I turn around to kiss your lips... then snuggle into your chest... Please sleep now. Hold me...
2012-03-28 13:15:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I mean my heart does need you... The cheer, the smiles, the sweetness, all the little things we shared...
2012-03-28 13:05:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are still here... I do apologize, darling. And no, my lil' heart's smile is not your responsibility. But it can't smile without you.
2012-03-28 12:58:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I was too slow... as always. :-(

2012-03-28 12:52:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. I am sorry for being like that just... I miss you, darling, you know? A lot. Good night :-)
2012-03-28 12:45:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you sweetly & curl into you now. Will you hold me close to your chest... Please. I would so love it. Sigh. Good night, my darling.
2012-03-28 12:44:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, remember? I miss your choin-choin... and your lovely bellywaves. There you are! Here is a lil' :-) for you...
2012-03-28 12:16:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here. Just to curl up in your arms... to feel at peace... and sleep with a smile...
2012-03-28 12:09:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, no. No juice. Perhaps I will try a yoghurt... Sigh.

2012-03-28 12:00:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I ate a banana. My stomach isn't happy. :-|

2012-03-28 11:54:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Things can't get worse than they already are. A meeting would actually make it... just a little better...
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2012-03-28 11:53:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ All I wish is to see you. My only wish... But you reject me. Cold and steel-hearted.
2012-03-28 11:35:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodness, you think this heart can ever stop loving you? My sweet darling, time heals nothing.
2012-03-28 11:04:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Never seeing you again... Never to be held by you again... God, why? What did you expect? That I smile?
2012-03-28 10:41:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, you were away for two days... but I hope it was a good, pleasant-busy, productive day. How is your back?
2012-03-28 09:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a tight welcome home hug and a sweet soft kiss... in case you'd like to have them... I am just glad you are fine & home and all...
2012-03-28 09:28:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, I hope all is well with you...

2012-03-28 08:55:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be in the office... Hope your day goes fine. Thinking of you... My butterflies gather outside the window, waiting to be let in..
2012-03-28 06:38:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On tiptoe, holding you close, kissing you softly on your cute nose, then your lips... I miss you. Anand, I miss you so much...
2012-03-28 01:24:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. How are you feeling? How is your back? Did you sleep well? I hope yes. I didn't... In the office or at home?
2012-03-28 01:23:15 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Personal fashion. I love kitchsy cards And unique, beautiful stationary. One of my favorite indulgences.
2012-03-27 22:58:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire For no reason....I try so send something handwritten in the mail once every coupla months or so out to everyone to touch base in a
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2012-03-27 22:57:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ha, figuratively. What a downer ;-) anyway, I tease and thus digress- no regrets of any rant; one thing got me thinking about another. Cards
2012-03-27 22:56:24 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Cognizant of it, I must've been insufferable! How are you?

2012-03-27 22:15:09 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Mood I was in! And then...good riddance to that mood! Don't know what had me so absolutely sour in the first place, but glad to have become
2012-03-27 22:14:43 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To manifest itself in some darker wasn't until you and a few others brought it to my attention that I realized what a terrible
2012-03-27 22:13:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As if that first mistaken DM was fate's doing... and was playing a game, an unfair one... Sigh.
2012-03-27 14:55:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It felt so good. Warmed my heart. It felt like we were in that room forever... together...
2012-03-27 13:36:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Normally, I do not touch someone's personal stuff but... I did it automatically & when I realized what I was doing, I just smiled.
2012-03-27 13:35:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I felt at home with you. From our very first conversation... And then in the US... Imagine, I ironed your clothes & put your socks together.
2012-03-27 13:34:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You want to help? As in? I do not need help. You know exactly what my heart's desire is... I was on my knees, begging you. Oh God... :-(
2012-03-27 12:32:20 (EDT)

melancholundone I will never forget the strange courtyard or the church

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or your kindness.
2012-03-27 12:09:53 (EDT)

melancholundone I do love you and your words... you really have been a good friend to me. I thank you.
2012-03-27 12:06:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. That was rude of me. I hope you sleep sweetly in tender dreams. Good night, my dear sweet sir. Kiss on your temples...
2012-03-27 12:02:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I forced myself to stay away from the laptop & from writing you, but...I can't do that. I am sorry. I can't cut away from you. I can't.
2012-03-27 09:56:33 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Yup, slept well. Not long, but well. One of these days I'm going to force myself to get more sleep. I'm feeling better today.
2012-03-27 08:51:07 (EDT)

QueenOf_DeNile Making you forget your name... hypnotizing you :p

2012-03-26 23:57:02 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Got an appointment to do a tissue scan. Family doc didn't say much. Drank lots of water. Feeling better off and on. I totally forgot about
2012-03-26 23:25:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I love you.

2012-03-26 12:54:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lil' butterfly heart snuggles up to yours, wraps its fragile soft wings around yours and plants a warm tender kiss on it...
2012-03-26 12:54:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Curling up in your arms like a lil' girl and... just crying and hugging you and wishing I could really feel your arms. Oh, God...
2012-03-26 12:33:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Would you please hold me close and let me sleep in your arms...? My sweet, dear, lovely darling. Sigh. :'-(
2012-03-26 12:11:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Only you can soothe my lil' heart. You and only you... your
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sweet embrace, the feel of your arms around me. :-(

2012-03-26 12:02:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for not being Divinely sent... :-( But... everything felt so beautiful, so nice, so natural, so happy...
2012-03-26 11:59:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am tired, darling & not feeling well. I shall wish you good night now. Hope you sleep well in lovely dreams...A soft kiss on your forehead
2012-03-26 11:55:35 (EDT)

melancholundone you have always been so so kind to me. I appreciate that.

2012-03-26 11:52:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Like a world without hearts. Without love, feelings, emotions. Please, do allow your heart to sing and smile together with mine. Please.
2012-03-26 11:49:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't. I will never be able to... What a sad life it would be if I always listened to my mind...
2012-03-26 11:49:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I doubt that we could meet just as friends. And still... we wouldn't be doing more than it is allowed. How could you steel your heart?
2012-03-26 11:48:55 (EDT)

melancholundone your words have been so so beautiful

2012-03-26 11:39:50 (EDT)

melancholundone I've been having very strange poetry-dream lessons which just make me want to write... but i am really too tired...
2012-03-26 11:38:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and so fast that when I noticed it, it was too late. :-(
2012-03-26 11:31:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's true. You were a gentleman. And yes there was never an intent, yet... we grew so naturally, so happily, so beautifully...
2012-03-26 11:30:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My lil' heart is in thousand little pieces. What was the intention, then? What? Just to have fun for a while?
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2012-03-26 11:07:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I just miss you. I don't think you have any idea how very much. I wish to see you, Anand... Please. I beg you. That's all.
2012-03-26 10:52:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh thank you. That's all? Wow. Exceptionally generous of you. :-(
2012-03-26 10:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And btw, even when I reminded you of the pending ride... you said let's see when we can fulfill that... Why? Why did you say that?
2012-03-26 10:33:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh right now, you make me feel like I mean nothing to you. Yes, you live by your mind & forget that there are hearts too...
2012-03-26 10:29:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, do I mean so little to you? Wow. Do you miss me so much that you will never see me again?
2012-03-26 10:19:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do remember, but after all... we did talk about meeting again too. And you never mentioned it was just only this time...
2012-03-26 10:18:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, I am not as forgetful as you think.

2012-03-26 10:13:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You didn't tell me I was allowed to see you, to hold you only once... You forgot to tell me this. We did plan to meet again... and now...
2012-03-26 10:02:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Not debating. I don't have the energy to do anything at all. I am on my knees with the little pieces of my lil' broken heart all around...
2012-03-26 09:56:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am at the supermarket right now, found free wifi... Be back soon. Teary-eyed, struggling with holding back my tears :-(
2012-03-26 09:16:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How can you expect me accepting never seeing or hugging you again? How could I do this? How can you expect me to do this? How?
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2012-03-26 09:12:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What to do? Should I come, then? I don't even know where exactly you are but... am sure I will find you anyway. My sweet darling... :-(
2012-03-26 07:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I just really don't know what to do. I miss you, Anand. I ache for you. For your presence. For your embrace. It's maddening.
2012-03-26 07:38:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hold you tenderly to me & kiss you behind your ears... Rest sweetly my darling. :-)
2012-03-26 07:26:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and can let me know that you do so. It's another thing that you don't want to come or meet... :-( Yes, still on my knees... :-(
2012-03-26 07:25:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh, paying bills takes jus a few minutes. What was wrong? Darling, why misleading? If you miss me, then you miss me...
2012-03-26 07:24:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No, a twitter email, a DM, is what i meant! Sorry. Yes, I'm reading through now, quite delicious. ;-)
2012-03-26 07:22:12 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I got an email saying you wrote, but I'm getting nothing on here! Oh, damn you, Twitter!!!!!
2012-03-26 07:01:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Just to have you rest with your head on my chest, my arms around you, skin touching skin... I so miss the feel of you, darling.
2012-03-26 06:38:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for a short while- for an hour or so. I loved how you made me feel missed & your sweet ways to make my lil' heart melt... :-)
2012-03-26 06:27:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, actually sometimes I miss your missing me. I remember how the sweet sir was missing his lady when she was away or did not DM
2012-03-26 06:26:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you. I love to hear & know it, you know? Feels nice. I
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miss you, too. A lot lot lot & a whole lot more. :-)
2012-03-26 06:05:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just one second darling...and...tada! Your lady is by your side, come let me wrap you in my lovely arms & kiss you sweetly on your nose :-)
2012-03-26 06:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Shall I hold you gently darling and caress you while you rest? :-) And yes I do miss you... even if you ignore my missing you :-(
2012-03-26 05:41:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, you think so? Hmmm, not sure. Sometimes your overcarefulness makes me smile... No no, I find it good. :-)
2012-03-26 05:41:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What was for lunch? Day is a little busy, working... How's yours? It's so lovely outside... wish you were here, darling. I miss you so...
2012-03-26 05:29:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-03-26 05:15:26 (EDT)

ocarinaofrhyme You are very sweet! I adore you so!

2012-03-26 04:55:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh please... I'd so love you to pull me close & give me a deep long kiss... I will continue to pamper & kiss your back. I promise :-)
2012-03-26 04:43:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you liked it. We too have some good ideas... ;-) Well, twitter's acting up like that every now & then... nothing new. :-)
2012-03-26 04:42:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... back, making your insides tingle with delight then up your spine while my fingers keep caressing you... Sigh. Would be lovely.
2012-03-26 03:33:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! Most happily, darling. :-) My lips move in small soft kisses down your back, letting them linger on the small of your...
2012-03-26 03:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad it is back to normal, maybe there was some issue with the connection... slowed down or so?
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2012-03-26 03:33:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) yes yes, just make fun of your lisping spallow lady. I love when you tease me... then I pout & you have to kiss me ;-p
2012-03-26 03:32:38 (EDT)

ZinniaTung I had a good night sleep yest, so am wide awake

2012-03-26 03:01:44 (EDT)

ZinniaTung U r welcome! :) yes kind off

2012-03-26 03:01:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I am not there. Sad sigh. Maybe you should go to a massage centre...
2012-03-26 02:39:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to massage your back, rub it, kiss it all over, caress it... I'd try everything to make it feel some better. :-)
2012-03-26 02:39:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and some sweet gentle kisses for your back. :-) Smile, remember? Your poor nose... I miss you so much, darling. So, so much.
2012-03-26 02:38:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, why that!? What did you do? I slept well, I think. Showered, got ready & walked to the bakery & am back now with fresh bread...
2012-03-26 02:38:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no... wait... it sounds like this: daahling. ;-) I have trouble with r's. They just refuse to roll nicely. Blush. :-)
2012-03-26 02:37:44 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Fabrics are so beautifully indulgent...tell me about them.

2012-03-26 01:04:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, a bunch of butterflies flitting to you to cover you in sweet small kisses & make you :-) & sprinkle sunny smiles in your day :-)
2012-03-26 00:13:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet lovely darling. How are you feeling? You must be a lil' tired... sigh. How was the drive? How goes your day?
2012-03-26 00:11:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ And now, come rush to bed & let me hug you & nuzzle you before getting out of bed. Yawn- still dark outside, don't feel like getting up :)
2012-03-26 00:10:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I hope you liked the movie & you slept soundly in sweet dreams with your quietly sleeping lady in your arms...
2012-03-26 00:10:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I thought you fell asleep darling & didn't check my DM... God, you went to sleep really really late. This, my dear makes me frown :-)
2012-03-26 00:09:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have fallen asleep already. Just to watch you sleep would be so sweet! I kiss your shoulder & hug you closer. Sleep sweetly :-)
2012-03-25 13:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And hope you :-) in your sleep... knowing that gentle breeze you feel on your nape is your lady's breath... Sigh. Dream of me tonight.
2012-03-25 12:59:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... warm curves of her body, kissing your lips sweet good night. Sleep well my darling with beautiful dreams.
2012-03-25 12:56:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's late there & you should sleep. Sigh yes... your lil' lady is there, wrapping you in her arms, holding you close to the soft...
2012-03-25 12:55:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. My dear, sweet, lovely Anand, I miss you. Every sec., day & night. And it grows stronger, pains me more & I can do nothing...
2012-03-25 12:32:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But I do beg you, darling. I don't know what else to do. :-( I don't agree with your reasoning. It is not fair to our hearts...
2012-03-25 12:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh Anand, I miss you so much! Please come. Please. :-) There goes my pride... I am on my knees, begging! Oh boy, what have you done to me?
2012-03-25 11:29:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ ... some better. :-) And I am glad you liked the potatoes. ;-) Sorry, it's Sunday. My internet likes to play peek-a-boo on Sundays :-|
2012-03-25 11:26:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh come on... Please, no need to thank me. I happily did it & you know that. I am just happy that I was there & could make you feel...
2012-03-25 11:25:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? See? ;-p God darling... kissing your pouting lips :-) You have no clue how happy I felt taking care of you :-) It was so so sweet...
2012-03-25 11:02:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ha! YOU watched the Transformers. I was making the sweet potatoes & busy icing & changing the towel on your forehead ;-p
2012-03-25 10:47:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Hmmm trying to figure out what you said sure to? A seductive spring fling?? :P
2012-03-25 10:43:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, it would be nice to watch a sweet movie with you holding me from behind, hand all over my belly... Sigh. But I am not there.
2012-03-25 10:42:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, darling. I wish I was there, I would hug you & kiss your lips with chocolate still on them. ;-) What did you buy?
2012-03-25 10:42:34 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You need not worry. I have policy in place: Anand 1.17 no hands between the navel and the knees
2012-03-25 10:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. Sigh.

2012-03-25 10:03:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You really should come. Please. As I said, you will even get the tickets from me, just please... come.
2012-03-25 09:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Maybe it's dirty, but I still find it beautiful. No, darling. Hungary is not crowded.
2012-03-25 09:41:51 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I mean it seriously. June is the most beautiful month. Warm but not too hot, fresh flowers, grass & trees dressed in bright green...
2012-03-25 09:00:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow. 4 hours is pretty long. Shaved too? Oooh, and leaving lil' me alone again... :-( Hope you enjoy your shopping tour with your mom.
2012-03-25 08:52:21 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good more, Anand. Hope your day has been kind to you. I woke with a big smile, thinking of you. ((( hug )))
2012-03-25 08:50:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here... So beautiful outside, bright sun, clear blue sky & slightly cool breeze... The only thing that's missing is you...
2012-03-25 08:32:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, headache's gone & yes, European summer time begins later. Sadly no news about my baby boy. I just don't understand...
2012-03-25 08:29:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, longer than usual but... no power for about 6 hours!? God. After all, seems like you had a lovely, peaceful day. Nice.
2012-03-25 08:28:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I was waiting for you with smiles & sweet kisses & hugs... Yes, I felt real good this morning & so wished to have you here...
2012-03-25 08:28:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant "to" instead of "for".

2012-03-25 06:46:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. :-(

2012-03-25 06:44:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be lost in things... & doesn't see his lady standing outside his window, blowing kisses for him... Sigh.
2012-03-25 06:44:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I want to be with you. I want to play & :-) with you through the day. Instead I sit here. Alone. With all these feelings inside.
2012-03-25 04:55:31 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ But oh... all my cheerful butterflies, the sunshine, this gorgeous day... all for nothing 'cause I can't share it with you.
2012-03-25 04:49:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to play with you, tease you, smile with you, to kiss you all over, to let my hands re-discover every inch of your body... Sigh.
2012-03-25 03:28:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's in a playful mood & so wishes you were here... Sigh. I miss you, my darling. Very very much. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you!
2012-03-25 03:26:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, my sweet darling was quite active this morning. Your room looks so neat & tidy now... ;-)
2012-03-25 03:25:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Woke up real late, but I think I needed that. I felt & looked very wilted. Oh! Summer time has begun. Clocks are turned forward an hour. :-)
2012-03-25 03:24:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well & don't feel tired. My sleep wasn't the best. Woke up at 5 with headache, fed the cats & went back to bed.
2012-03-25 03:24:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, freshly showered in a towel, just lying back and receiving your soft delightful kisses... Good morning, my sweet darling. :-)
2012-03-25 03:24:09 (EDT)

ZinniaTung They were my school tweets, the ones I hastaged w #uwo

2012-03-24 23:23:46 (EDT)

ZinniaTung He is one of my fav rap artists.

2012-03-24 23:16:41 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Hahah
2012-03-24 23:16:11 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Hahaha
2012-03-24 23:05:55 (EDT)

ZinniaTung Ah that, ya..

2012-03-24 23:03:05 (EDT)

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DangerslyClaire A nice break, for rest for the weary, but got a lot accomplished, so I feel good, productive. Glad to hear you've been well. xoxo
2012-03-24 22:24:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Nice to truly see your face, confronted with that scenario. I'll be picturing that as I lay down for bed later, for sure....
2012-03-24 22:21:53 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm truly flattered that you would think of me at such a wonderful, luscious time. It's positively lovely! Thank you so much. It would be
2012-03-24 22:19:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, how I love orange! Can be warm, or quite vibrant. Sometimes muted. And how I think polka dots are playful and classic! I have to say,
2012-03-24 22:16:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Vss stands for very short stories!

2012-03-24 21:43:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Haha, yes, the avi...bent on her knees with her hand behind her head- deliberately erotic image. ;-) how have you been, dear ET?
2012-03-24 21:43:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... that's beautiful. Thank you so much... In tears again... I just can't help it...
2012-03-24 14:38:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. Hope you feel me holding you...
2012-03-24 14:22:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am there, snuggled up to you, arms wrapped around you, feeling grateful for your kisses & kissing your lips ever so softly... Sigh.
2012-03-24 14:17:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's very late there. Please let's go to bed, hug and kiss and cuddle each other to a sweet sleep... I would so love that. my arms
2012-03-24 14:10:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Please... I don't find it amusing. Still in tears, don't know whatto think anymore... But then yes, to remain disinterested...
2012-03-24 14:04:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling...not sure whether to worry or not. It just felt like a cold shower...But I do trust you. And I'd still love to be in your arms..
2012-03-24 13:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mango is sweet...

2012-03-24 13:04:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please... please come & hold me close & wipe these stupid tears away. I so need your arms around me. So, so much, darling. So very much.
2012-03-24 13:03:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Mango pickle? But but... sounds interesting.

2012-03-24 12:52:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ooops, terribly. See? Even my fingers can't type straight...

2012-03-24 12:41:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( god, I wish I could take your hand and run away with you. My sweet sweet lovely darling... :-( I miss you, so so teeribly.
2012-03-24 12:40:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A small one can be nice too. Well, crowded is not so pleasant...
2012-03-24 12:24:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, what!??? God, no! Please. No. :-(

2012-03-24 12:23:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A sweet welcome home kiss & a gentle hug for my sweet sir. I thought you got lost on your way home... Pickle recipe?
2012-03-24 12:23:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Such a beautiful sunshine outside... It really makes me want to have you here... Oh and how I wish to hold you... Sniff. Feeling low.
2012-03-24 10:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, can I come with you? Please... Please take care. Miss you, Anand. A lot.
2012-03-24 10:24:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Well, then hours... I didn't know it.

2012-03-24 10:16:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, he is the only boy here... I so hope he comes back. :-( You wrote it an hour ago. And I've seen it 30 mins after you have tweeted it.
2012-03-24 10:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, not possible. I don't know why he didn't come back.
2012-03-24 10:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah you! It wasn't a good joke. :-| Yes, another cat. The baby boy that you found adorable & suggested naming him Portsmouth.
2012-03-24 10:03:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, nothing. Was just reading your tweet... Smile, you should take better care of your stuff. Glad you have it back, btw.
2012-03-24 10:03:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh and what if it is neither "no" nor "yes" but a "maybe"? ;-p
2012-03-24 09:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow! Where did you find it?

2012-03-24 09:30:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ At least they should... But it's the second day & he is so young and he never went far and was always around. Sniff.
2012-03-24 09:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am referring to my baby boy who is so like you... sigh. Not my lost cat boy. Well, cats do vanish for a bit but they come back.
2012-03-24 09:28:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside, daydreaming about how beautiful it would be to have you here... Seriously. Nothing much. Lazy day. Missing you.
2012-03-24 09:27:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. Any new recipes? Any good news from your friends?
2012-03-24 09:27:01 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Come back to gmail pls

2012-03-24 09:18:23 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ That's all. No assuming or anything, darling. I had baked potato with veggies, sour cream & salad.
2012-03-24 08:07:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...just waiting...? If you told me that you wish to focus on writing for a while, I wouldn't have waited & felt like you don't wish to talk.
2012-03-24 08:07:08 (EDT)

dgdreamin :)) gorgeous visual! TY

2012-03-24 07:25:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just away from the laptop. That's all. I just feel like you don't wish to talk... and it's ok. So... enjoy your time, dear.
2012-03-24 06:49:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nowhere.
2012-03-24 06:47:09 (EDT)

dgdreamin Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia and into NJ. Immure a city driver;)) Have a wonderful day!
2012-03-24 06:43:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. Then... I walk away for a lil' while. Hope you have a lovely time. Beautiful tweets as ever...
2012-03-24 06:43:33 (EDT)

dgdreamin Hi! You are sweet for asking. Just left 40 minutes ago. Someone else has first drive, I'm playing? I'll do the next part through
2012-03-24 06:43:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You are a very good cook, darling. I wish I could have tasted it too... & share your happiness... Smile. I so miss your cooking.
2012-03-24 06:06:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ;-) See? What I would do for you... ;-p Just please... come. Wow, I am happy for you. Honest. And proud of you, too. :-)
2012-03-24 06:06:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, I am sure you will get to see some delicious women & I won't say a word 'cause I'd be busy watching six-packed men ;-p
2012-03-24 05:53:19 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am glad you think so & that you find my country beautiful. You are naughty as ever! Sigh. But if it is your wish... God! :-|
2012-03-24 05:52:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... but surely not tiresome. ;-) Going for a walk would be very nice... and rest in the shade of a huge tree in each other's arms. Ahhh :-)
2012-03-24 05:52:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there you are! Was wondering where have you vanished... I wish I was there, darling. That would be a lovely 2 hours, maybe sweaty...
2012-03-24 05:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, how come that you are growing to love my country? Not everything is as beautiful as it seems, but... you really should come, darling.
2012-03-24 04:18:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yep, all went well. No numb lips this time. :-) Next appt. is on Friday.
2012-03-24 03:46:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, you lose power every day at the same time? Anyway... 2 hours is perfect to go for a walk or cuddle & nap ;-)
2012-03-24 03:45:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! What did you cook? I would really love to cook with you again. There are so many little things that I miss about our time together...
2012-03-24 03:41:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and your hands & lips will get so much more of your lady's skin 'cause I chose a smaller towel today. ;-p
2012-03-24 03:40:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't get them. Honest. Just showered darling (yes, very late), so... all fresh & flowery & lovely smelling for your hugs and kisses...
2012-03-24 03:40:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Huh? I just got this one DM "I mean apart from the power cut" Smile. In case there was one before this, I didn't get that...
2012-03-24 02:14:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am about to have breakfast, yes on the patio... come, join me darling I have orange marmalade for you & we can watch the sunrise... ;-)
2012-03-24 01:43:06 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Baby boy didn't come back. I miss him. :-( And I miss you. A lot. How goes your day, darling? What are you doing?
2012-03-24 01:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... it didn't go through. I gave up after trying 5-6 times. But I was there, holding you...
2012-03-24 01:41:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet, kind sir today? Slept well & long? I tried to DM you last night letting you know that I am joining you, but...
2012-03-24 01:40:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Stretching, yawning, softly kissing the small of your back, hands on your belly under your undershirt... My sweet darling, good morning :-)
2012-03-24 01:40:26 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 vitamins.
2012-03-24 01:18:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Believe it or not I fell asleep!! But I got cramps in both legs! :( Forced myself downstairs for a glass of milk and 2 dates. Can't find any
2012-03-24 01:18:14 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Goodnight, handsome. Thank you making my dreams so sweet...

2012-03-24 00:52:59 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 You are getting very sleepy... Oh wait that supposed to be me. 1/2. Awake deductions are not my forte! :P
2012-03-24 00:52:20 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Feather boa, hot oils, a swing, and some memory dust. Even in my moments of sheer exhaustion my naughty is still running wild! Sheedh!
2012-03-24 00:45:22 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 reluctantly closing eyes.

2012-03-24 00:37:48 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I'll be like a kid in a candy store !

2012-03-24 00:34:47 (EDT)
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purplepoetry77 One day I want you to just give in to me!!! Just for one day! :)
2012-03-24 00:33:10 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Or not :P
2012-03-24 00:32:22 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I know... Nothing a lullaby couldn't fix... ;)

2012-03-24 00:30:12 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 *kiss* Goodnight sweet Prince

2012-03-24 00:28:36 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 *bats eyelashes and trembles lip in an attempt to look innocent*

2012-03-24 00:28:06 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Sort of...

2012-03-24 00:27:17 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I am
2012-03-24 00:27:06 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Oh I don't know about that, I went with others and sort of did my own thing too. I do enjoy a wander : )
2012-03-23 12:46:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, but wait! Mai is very nice, about 25C. June is pleasant, around 25-30C, July is rainy and August is really hot.
2012-03-23 12:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really? Wow. How comes? Yep, around 35-40C.

2012-03-23 12:37:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly, my darling. May rainbow colored butterflies sweeten your dreams... I join you soon & curl around you like a cozy blanket...
2012-03-23 12:35:30 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Just a trip to see the sights - the forum, the coliseum, the Trevi fountain. I also drank some lovely Italian wine : )
2012-03-23 12:35:01 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Good night, my dear. Soft kisses on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips... my arms holding you tenderly, rocking you to sleep...
2012-03-23 12:34:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I know where it is. At the Western railway station. :-)
2012-03-23 12:29:16 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I know, right?! Certainly not deliberate on my part; twitter must fix this horrible glitch!
2012-03-23 12:20:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lot lot lot. And it does make me sad, darling. There are times when I am remarkably sad.
2012-03-23 12:01:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-03-23 11:53:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well darling... work, eat, sleep, some reading, some this & that. See? If we were together, it would be more lovely, more colorful... ;-)
2012-03-23 11:52:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe to drive & see that hotel...? :-) But you are not here so... my weekend will probably be like yours.
2012-03-23 11:47:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ They say it is going to be a beautiful sunny weekend... I would love to spend it with you & go to nice places...
2012-03-23 11:42:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh how I wish I could enjoy you in my embrace... ;-p Sigh. No, seriously. I really wish you were with me now.
2012-03-23 11:34:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, now this sounds like it will take a while... smile. Miss you, darling. Did you get my welcome home hug & kiss?
2012-03-23 11:26:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And yes, the surprise was too much... it left me speechless. ;-)
2012-03-23 10:54:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blushing like a tomato... I am so sorry, darling. I was very very

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happy. Honest. But a bit sad too, you know?

2012-03-23 10:53:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done with the chores? Was your mom happy with you helping her? How are you, my sweetest? How was your day?
2012-03-23 10:52:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ So happy! :-) On tiptoe, kissing you softly & long, hugging you close to me. Welcome home my darling. Poor you, uncomfy but home safe... :-)
2012-03-23 10:52:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Your lady is waiting for you to hug & kiss you welcome home. I hope all is well...
2012-03-23 10:30:11 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 As well as well can be. I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping and eating lately. Don't know why. Thinkin I might be manic. :(
2012-03-23 10:09:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ feels good, no? :-) Have a nice drive home. Bike or cab? Perhaps a walk with me? Sigh. If only... Please do take care...
2012-03-23 07:48:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I loved it, it was immensely beautiful to hear you... I was just... as I said, pretty surprised & yes about to leave. I am so sorry.
2012-03-23 07:47:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have a very busy Friday... But I hope it has been a good, productive week & it ends with you feeling great about it all... :-)
2012-03-23 07:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could just hold you and let my arms tell you all I can't say... I miss you so so so terribly much! God... sigh.
2012-03-23 05:28:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I can't thank you enough for that. I so loved to hear your voice. It's always so beautiful... and so very hard at the same time. Sniff.
2012-03-23 05:26:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your call... My sweet darling, I am clumsy with words but hope you know that you have made your lil' lady beaming.
2012-03-23 05:25:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. It was funny. The doc was busy drilling my tooth and the power went off. Just for 5 minutes or so, but the poor...
2012-03-23 05:24:12 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Hello E. Alas no longer in Rome though pleased also to be home : ) I am well thank you. Hope you are too. Would love to see india one day.
2012-03-23 04:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I'll be a little late, but I don't care. I wish I could take you in my arms & squeeze you, kiss you all over. I miss you. Wish you were here
2012-03-23 03:53:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In my car now, have to leave, but... just sitting there & smiling with teary eyes...Sigh. I thank you darling. You've made my lil' heart :-)
2012-03-23 03:51:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, I was writing you a DM on my way outside- yes, on my phone- when it rang. Nearly dropped it. Smile. God, what a sweet sweet surprise!
2012-03-23 03:50:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... I don't like my bedroom. It feels strange to sleep there alone and makes me miss you more. It may sound silly, but... Hmmm.
2012-03-23 03:07:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just... ok? Aren't Fridays some better, more pleasant, less busy than other days? Well darling, I don't know why but...
2012-03-23 03:06:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, my sweet darling was very active this morning. I thought you woke up late... as usual. ;-p So glad you don't feel tired! Honest.
2012-03-23 03:05:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes. I am sad. Very sad. Because of you and now... Sniff. I just don't understand... perhaps I should love no living being at all. :-(
2012-03-23 03:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, I took a shower then rushed to get ready & then walked up & down the street but... no baby boy.
2012-03-23 03:04:44 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I really hope your day goes lovely & you are all smiles. A trail of sweet feather-light kisses up your thighs, my darling. Miss you.
2012-03-23 01:17:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Today is my dentist appt. at 13:30 - your time. Other than that, some work, some daily chores... hmm, that's all so far.
2012-03-23 01:16:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Baby boy didn't come home. The door was open all night, but... :-( I am very sad, darling. Very very sad.
2012-03-23 01:15:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep around 20:00 on the couch & woke up around midnight. Went to bed & read some 'cause I couldn't fall back to sleep.
2012-03-23 01:14:56 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Thank you for noticing my words enough to favourite, E. : )

2012-03-22 14:39:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire No traveling, except for 1,769,473 errands I have to complete! Lol!

2012-03-22 14:39:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet, lovely, dear darling... please, please... pretty pretty please... allow our arms to hold each other & hearts to smile together...
2012-03-22 12:38:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I run my hand over the air above you in a gentle caress and kiss your dreams... Hope you feel it. Hope you feel me...
2012-03-22 12:30:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ On the couch now, hugging my pillow... daydreaming of you. I miss you. Every bit of you. Everything about you. More than words can say.
2012-03-22 12:29:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, and will kiss you when your snoring wakes me up... Please, do snore, darling. ;-)
2012-03-22 11:52:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet lovely darling. Please sleep sweetly with
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tender dreams... :-) Yes yes, I will be in your arms all night...
2012-03-22 11:48:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, if you don't mind I'd love to sleep tonight on your chest. Hugging each other, caressing & kissing your chest... :-) I miss your chest
2012-03-22 11:48:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's yawning, not tired, but sleepy. I would so love to cuddle with you now... or watch any movie & fall asleep in each other's arms.
2012-03-22 11:32:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yum! Just looked it up, sounds & looks yummy. :-) Same here, my darling. Nothing special. Hmm. Wow, it was kinda long phone meeting...
2012-03-22 11:32:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, come into my arms & tell me about your day... Lil' smile. How are you, darling? Had a good day? What is for dinner?
2012-03-22 11:17:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We can, my sweetest. We shouldn't... be apart. :-( Being apart from you just... does not feel right.
2012-03-22 11:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, then... let me do it, darling. Smile, you have no clue how often I was just a click away from booking a flight there...
2012-03-22 10:58:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah you... :-| You know what I mean.

2012-03-22 10:51:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... if I booked tickets for you... would you accept it? Would you come? Sigh. Looking at you with the most innocent eyes...
2012-03-22 10:16:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly. I would so love to have you here with me, darling. My day is ok, not much to do, car is clean- but only outside, blush.
2012-03-22 10:04:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my dearest? How was your day? Yes, I wish that too. More than anything else. Double delight for you, heaven on earth for me ;-)
2012-03-22 09:52:56 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ But wait! You should be home by now, so... I grab your hips & pull you to me & kiss you a long deep welcome home. :-)
2012-03-22 09:52:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, she is lively as ever & oh how she enjoys to be naughty! Sigh. She just tries to be a good girl, you know? I kiss you back on your lips.
2012-03-22 09:52:04 (EDT)

dgdreamin It's a 7 1/2 hour drive. How are you doing? Spring is in full bloom here, providing lots of inspiration for photos and poetry! xo
2012-03-22 08:25:19 (EDT)

dgdreamin Taking each day, one at a time. He has a long road ahead of him. Going to drive back to New Jersey and see him again this weekend.
2012-03-22 08:23:58 (EDT)

dgdreamin expertise in weaning ppl off ventilators. This must occur b4 he can have then necessary surgery to mitigate the chances of another stroke.
2012-03-22 08:22:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How are you this fine day?

2012-03-22 08:22:42 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, thank you. You flatter me. They had no form, a rambling prose at best....I'm feeling my style change, can't yet place it.
2012-03-22 08:22:32 (EDT)

dgdreamin You are kind to ask. TY . Right now he is holding his own. We have transferred him to a different hospital, that has a special unit with
2012-03-22 08:21:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ P.S.: ... and a long slow one an inch below... ;-p and whoosh... while you still stand there, with weak knees... ;-p I butterfly you a lot.
2012-03-22 07:58:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Hope you have a pleasant trip home. Please do take care, darling. A soft fluttering kiss on your bellybutton... ;-)
2012-03-22 07:51:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I will be away from my laptop for an hour or so. Cleaning my car... it looks horrible.
2012-03-22 07:50:53 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... to be around you. God, I would enjoy every second darling. And those who can do it, do not enjoy it...? Not fair at all. Sniff.
2012-03-22 05:52:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... they just don't know what good is... ;-) That's not fair. I would be the happiest lady on earth if I could be with you...
2012-03-22 05:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I envy your pair... & your mom too. They can enjoy your company. No, I can't imagine not doing so. You are a wonderful person to be with...
2012-03-22 05:17:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As much as I do? My sweet sweet darling... Sigh. And sniff. How was lunch? Kisses up your arms to send shivers down your spine ;-)
2012-03-22 05:13:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, nothing is more beautiful than Spring. I wish I could share this with you. Wish you could smell & feel Spring with me...
2012-03-22 03:56:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you did? I am flattered. Blushing now & smiling shyly. :-) I remembered it last night & frowned when I saw you went to bed that late.
2012-03-22 03:54:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad the clients are fine. Hope it stays that way. Sorry for the late reply, it's a little busy here this morning.
2012-03-22 03:54:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, let the window open... for it was just the beginning. More & more butterflies will come to cover you in soft tiny sighing kisses ;-)
2012-03-22 02:32:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sleep was a bit restless, darling. Still missing you... a lot. Every second. Pairing? How goes the work? Are the clients happy?
2012-03-22 02:32:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We would look lovely together today :-) Anyway, hair still wet... I wish I could hug you & kiss you & tease you with the cold of my hair...
2012-03-22 02:31:11 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Mmm, my sweet darling sir looks lovely, today. ;-) I am in light blue jeans & white soft cotton blouse with beige embroidery at the front.
2012-03-22 02:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet sir today? And... what are you wearing? :-) I hope you feel rested & you are having a real good, pleasant-busy day.
2012-03-22 01:05:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, no sweet sir by my side this morning... New moon ritual, then rushed to work? :-) Good morning, my darling. Did you sleep well?
2012-03-22 01:03:34 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Nope. Was hoping you'd pop into gmail for a moonlit dance. :P
2012-03-21 23:07:11 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Im ok. how are you sweet one? are you happy? is work ok? i will try to email you soon. xo
2012-03-21 22:53:11 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire I'm rolling, alright! Haha

2012-03-21 22:07:15 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 :(
2012-03-21 21:32:02 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Putting kids to bed. Will come find u in a tiny bit. Hope you can stay on for a tiny bit. Missing you much! He's better. Went to school.
2012-03-21 21:28:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet, dear, lovely, kind sir- I butterfly you. Do you remember? Lil' :-) I'll sleep tonight in the basket, a bit dusty but still lovely.
2012-03-21 14:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep deeply with the sweetest dreams. It's very early here but I feel like just curling up with my Anand-pillow & sleeping...
2012-03-21 14:04:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before snuggling up behind you & hugging you gently to her. My sweet sweet wonderful darling... Oh, God!
2012-03-21 14:03:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just your lady... softly kissing your temples, brushing
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her fingers along your cheek, watching sweet snoring you for a long time
2012-03-21 14:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. And yes, of course I will join you, softly, quietly and wrap you in my arms...
2012-03-21 11:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep sweetly, my dearest. May happy smiles & playful butterflies fill your sleep. A soft kiss on your lips & oh so cute nose.
2012-03-21 11:51:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. Really sorry. Imagine, 7 long months... It is very very hard for my lil' butterfly heart, you know? Missing you.
2012-03-21 11:50:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I think I'll go outside & read. Yes, your book. Call me silly, but I don't want to finish it... So, just one story at a time.
2012-03-21 11:50:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Words... just words... and the memory of the feel of your arms... and those lovely soft lips... Please come. :-(
2012-03-21 11:32:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am not in my most cheerful mood. I am sorry. I just miss you terribly right now... and need your arms around me, but... :-(
2012-03-21 11:27:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ She is the sweetest & bravest of all the cats. :-) It's ok. No need to apologize. You found it, so...
2012-03-21 11:18:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, did you get my email with a picture of baby girl? I sent it to you on Monday...
2012-03-21 11:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am in midnight blue skinny jeans & my white off-shoulder blouse.

2012-03-21 11:10:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here with me now. :-( Nina mama is doing great, thanks and... done- she got your hug. She liked it. Really.
2012-03-21 11:09:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ They are very good. I like them a lot. Am not saying this because you wrote them. Honest. Just done with work, and now... hmm...
2012-03-21 11:09:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But you do it anyway... Lovely tweets.

2012-03-21 10:57:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would be so beautiful... Hmm, I don't know. I feel a bit sad today. And you know why.
2012-03-21 09:56:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now... all I want is to be in your arms, to feel your body close to mine and doze for a bit. My sweet darling... deep dreamy sigh.
2012-03-21 09:42:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, headache's gone but I could still use a massage... esp. if it is from you- pure heaven. ;-) So yes, yes! What a wonderful deal! :-)
2012-03-21 09:41:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride? Still using the "new" route that you found? My day goes quietly, not much to do. I feel a little bluish.
2012-03-21 09:40:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! I was a bit worried... Come darling, please let me wrap you in my arms & kiss you a sweet soft welcome home... :-)
2012-03-21 09:39:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you & yes missing you... I hope your day's been fine & in case you go to watch the movie, hope you like the movie. Take care.
2012-03-21 08:20:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seven months ago, around the same time (US time) I was about to kiss you a sweet good morning... Sigh. I miss it all so much, my dear.
2012-03-21 05:48:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss my sweet darling sir. :-( Hope your day goes nicely and you enjoy your lunch... Sunflower smiles & flowery hugs with tiny kisses...
2012-03-21 04:38:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand sweet playful kisses all over you, across every inch of
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your body... :-) I wish we could spend the day together inst. of working...
2012-03-21 01:46:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See that rainbow colored fluttering cloud? Yes yes, those are my butterflies being sent to you, to pick you up & carry you to me... :-)
2012-03-21 01:44:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to give you a nice massage & kiss the soreness away, but... :-( I slept well, woke up with a slight headache.
2012-03-21 01:42:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Glad the power is back, hopefully it stays... Oh darling, why? Couldn't you sleep? You need a massage, my dear.
2012-03-21 01:42:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Aaah, just to wake up to your kisses... to feel your soft lips on my skin. God, I would be in heaven!
2012-03-21 01:41:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ P.S.: Did I tell you that you look adorably cute when you sleep? :-) I miss sitting by your side, watching you sleep, holding your hand...
2012-03-20 16:21:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ In case you take a cab, I hope the driver drives carefully :-) & the trip is pleasant. Have a real good smile filled day, my darling.
2012-03-20 16:16:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You still want to go to see the movie? If yes, do you take your bike? In case yes, please drive carefully & please take care. :-)
2012-03-20 16:15:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep is sweet & restful and when you wake up, you stretch & yawn & :-) & think "what a beautiful morning..." :-)
2012-03-20 16:15:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Holding it gently... yes just your hand and watching sweet sleeping you till my eyelids get heavy & can't keep them open any longer. :-)
2012-03-20 16:14:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But now, I join you my sweet darling. Lying on my side, facing you... kiss you softly on your forehead & take your hand in mine...
2012-03-20 16:13:42 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am so sorry your day ended like that. I would've really loved to be with you. You & me in candlelight... mmm :-) It would have been lovely
2012-03-20 16:13:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Day was ok, slightly tiring but nothing noteworthy. Yes, had dinner too. Not much, but still... :-) Feeling so so sleepy.
2012-03-20 16:12:26 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. how are you? im ok. i miss our conversations so much... you were so good to me. xoxo
2012-03-20 15:48:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...side, darling. Blowing cool air all over you, gently caressing you till you fall asleep :-) Hope you sleep peacefully with lovely dreams.
2012-03-20 11:56:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I do believe it's uncomfy... Sigh. But now, good night my sweet darling. Soft small kisses on your chest. :-) No no! I am by your...
2012-03-20 11:56:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, typo... I meant "it".

2012-03-20 11:49:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then, you should come to me... it's very nice sunny here with soft breeze & 15-20C :-) You would love ot.
2012-03-20 11:49:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... slow dance too, in the moonlight. Sigh. I just wish I was with you now... to kiss a smile on your soft lips.
2012-03-20 11:46:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, if only I could be there now... It would be fun, my sweetest. :-) We could play & cuddle & have dinner outside & maybe...
2012-03-20 11:46:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes of course... you and me, together. :-) Well about the heat... I think inside is warmer than outside, no?
2012-03-20 11:28:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, no! :-( Darling? A dinner by candlelight? ;-) Just kidding... sigh. Anyway, it would be lovely. :-)
2012-03-20 11:23:08 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Goodness, yes finally... :-) Well, what else to do in a dark room/home? But lethargic...? :-| I would have so loved to be there with you...
2012-03-20 11:21:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still no power? Oh! It's late evening there now! God, there's no daylight coming through the windows! Oh sweet darling... :-|
2012-03-20 11:05:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just happy you reached safe, you know? I like it better when you are on your bike. I am sorry darling. Hope the power comes back soon :-)
2012-03-20 09:18:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Your day sounds decent. Nice. :-) Mine is ok, too. Nothing special. Some work, some chores... Nice, sunny day here, but... without you :-(
2012-03-20 09:17:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for a while. :-) God, you have no idea how much I miss you, how much I would love to hold you now. Sniff.
2012-03-20 09:16:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! Welcome home, darling. Come, let me hug you tight & kiss you sweetly & make you forget about that silly power
2012-03-20 09:16:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... for a moment, picked up the kiss & fluttered away towards you, with my sweet kiss for you. :-) Darling, I miss you so!
2012-03-20 07:30:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back. The sun shines, the birds sing & a yellow butterfly just fluttered happily along... I smiled & blew a kiss... She stopped...
2012-03-20 07:30:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I need to step out for a bit. Be back very soon. Missing you very much. I truly hope you are having a good day. Kiss you softly
2012-03-20 05:51:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just now see... it's about lunchtime there, so... bon appetit, my darling. :-) Hope your day goes fine and it isn't too tiring...
2012-03-20 04:26:29 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Just a little kiss on your neck, above the top button of your shirt... to make you :-) & let you know that I am thinking of you...
2012-03-20 04:22:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Walk to the window please, open it, spread your arms & enjoy my sweet gentle butterfly-winged kiss-shower... :-)
2012-03-20 01:47:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You can collect the movie club card on other days too, no? I mean you can call there & tell them to keep it till Friday or so. No?
2012-03-20 01:46:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope the drive was pleasant, darling. Yes, I believe it is more comfortable, but still... that accident with the cab... :-|
2012-03-20 01:45:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, some office work, some daily chores. That's all. The usual stuff. Wait wait... very busy or hectic? It's not the same. :-)
2012-03-20 01:44:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... hoping that you would sit there, watching me, smiling... I miss you, Anand. Terribly. :-( I wish I could just run away with you...
2012-03-20 01:44:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... slightly, elbows on your knees, hands folded... You my dear, you. Sigh. There are mornings when I hesitate to open my eyes, secretly...
2012-03-20 01:43:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I still say that I was just resting my eyes ;-) I can't tell you how happy I felt seeing you sit on the bed, legs spread..
2012-03-20 01:42:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I don't know, I felt very tired yesterday, went to bed early, but that's all. The day was very busy, maybe that's why...
2012-03-20 01:42:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I slept well too. I am happy that you feel less tired. Smile. Funny. You feel tired in the morning, your lady late afternoon.
2012-03-20 01:41:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I so wish that too. I'd curl my fingers around your hand &
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snuggle as close to you as I can... Good morning my sweet darling. :-)

2012-03-20 01:41:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, yes. On Friday & on the weekend is ok, but in the week...? Not so great idea, darling. And thank you for saying that you miss me. :-)
2012-03-19 12:16:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please go now... hold me close & sleep. :-)

2012-03-19 12:15:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... upper arm as I snuggle up to you. :-) Please, hold me to your chest darling. Sleep sweetly with tender dreams.
2012-03-19 12:14:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-( Oooh. But it's late & you feel tired, so... Good night my sweet darling. Yes yes, I am in your arms darling. Soft sweet kisses on your
2012-03-19 12:13:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I miss you really a lot.

2012-03-19 12:09:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... up & cuddle one another to sleep. Sigh. Smile, an elephant might be too heavy, darling. What about a lovely lady with small hips? ;-)
2012-03-19 12:09:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, how nice. I cradle you & kissing you softly on your cute nose & lips & chin... everywhere :-) I feel tired too, wish we could curl...
2012-03-19 12:08:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Are you home? How was the movie? How was your day? I wish I could just hold you and rest in each other's arms. Sigh. Miss you.
2012-03-19 11:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. So sorry. :-( Got a call on my way home & had to pick up Kelvin & the traffic was bad. How are you, darling?
2012-03-19 11:54:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Off for now, my sweetest. Will be back soon. Hope you enjoy the movie and please do take care... :-)
2012-03-19 09:35:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I wish you were coming home to me, darling... Just the thought of you... in my arms... Sigh. I miss you a lot, you know that?
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2012-03-19 09:27:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, bad traffic? Hope it gets better on your way home. You still owe me a ride- just as a little reminder. ;-p
2012-03-19 09:24:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes yes! I found them, all of them. :-) Thank you, darling. I placed them on my palm, letting them walk wherever they want... :-)
2012-03-19 09:24:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, some more lovely lady-butterflies are on their way to you darling with honeyed kisses & flowery hugs.
2012-03-19 09:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is quite packed, darling. Lots of work to do. And I will leave in about 15 min. Need to buy cat food & some groceries.
2012-03-19 09:21:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! First Hungarian, now Israeli film festival? What next? ;-) And you didn't ask me to come with you. Pouting, yes. ;-p No, honest.
2012-03-19 09:21:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweetest! :-) I stand on tiptoe, kiss you back on your lips & hug you to me. :-) How was your day? Pleasant- busy or tiring?
2012-03-19 09:20:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest, I really hope all is well with you. Sigh. Please do take care on your way home. Thinking of you... :-)
2012-03-19 08:07:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My butterfly should be there in a few seconds to plant small soft smiling kisses on the back of your neck. :-) Miss you, darling.
2012-03-19 06:17:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I see that my sweet darling is having a very busy day. Sigh. Hope all is going fine. Shhh, don't look around, just tilt your head down a bit
2012-03-19 06:16:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, your forgetful lady... forgot to wish you bon appetit. Hope lunch was yummy, darling. My sweetest kiss for you as a delicate dessert ;-)
2012-03-19 04:47:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet darling sir? Slept well? Hope the drive to the
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office was pleasant & the day goes fine for you. Yes, I miss you. A lot.
2012-03-19 03:22:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and squeeze you & twirl you around (maybe if I was sturdy, I could do that ;-p) and kiss you till you gasp for breath. :-)
2012-03-19 03:21:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, your lady woke up very late. Yes I overslept. :-| But I am all fresh & lovely & feel like sweeping you into my arms...
2012-03-19 03:20:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... walk all over the city till I find you and wrap you in my arms and not let you go. I know it's silly, but... God! :-(
2012-03-18 14:13:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I missed your logging off... :-( Hope you sleep sweetly, my darling & wake up well-rested. Your lady is holding you...
2012-03-18 13:44:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please, pretty please... sleep now. I wish I was there to caress you to sleep... to cradle you in my arms. Sigh.
2012-03-18 13:35:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... give you the longest, slowest, sweetest softest kiss... :-) Good night, my darling. I miss you. So, so much! Sigh.
2012-03-18 13:24:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, swooning over how hot & sexy the women were and you want MY kisses? ;-p But you know what? Come, let me hold you close and...
2012-03-18 13:24:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, you are still here! Beautiful words, as always... but please sleep now. No? Not slim? Really? Ok. Now I know. :-)
2012-03-18 13:23:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Of course, only if you want to have it... :-) Sleep deeply with the sweetest dreams. I will join you in a bit & wrap you in my arms...
2012-03-18 13:05:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I thought Indian women were slim... Ah ok, you are a good boy. :-) Hope you & your mom enjoyed the fair...
2012-03-18 13:04:41 (EDT)

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Darkntwistd I am ok. i love having Bri back in town. Versace is spoiled. how are you?
2012-03-18 12:26:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, I would really love to wear one... just for you. :-) Chiffon is good. It is soft and floaty... ;-)
2012-03-18 11:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wide hips and what else? What? Oh tell me what! Why rear? So, you think I'd look lovely in one? That's sweet of you... :-)
2012-03-18 11:29:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have the body of an Indian woman. You know my body, darling... Well, my hips aren't so small but also not really wide.
2012-03-18 11:29:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to wear a saree. I find it beautiful, elegant & sensuous. :-) What do you think? Would it suit me? Shy smile.
2012-03-18 11:13:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... get hurt from staring at the women, no my darling, I won't take you in my arms & kiss your eyes. Surely not. ;-p
2012-03-18 11:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh I knew! Oh how I knew! God, you are unbelievable! Be careful not that you stumble and fall... ;-p Oh and in case your eyes dry out and
2012-03-18 11:00:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really really? Hmmm. Deep sigh. Please take care and have a lovely time... Please, pick a little something from the fair... Smile.
2012-03-18 09:08:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, we lose power often too, mostly on weekends but every day...? :-| Ha! Like my mom. Every time I call her, she's watching something.
2012-03-18 08:58:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sadly no, no discounts but a room in the hunter's lodge is nice too and it is somewhat cheaper. ;-)
2012-03-18 08:58:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could come along too... A fair is fun & delightful. A small
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celebration? Sounds wonderful. Hope you enjoy it & your mom too.
2012-03-18 08:57:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are awake. Good morning. Feeling fresh? Well, maybe spending time outside makes you sleepy again, so...
2012-03-18 08:57:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could kiss & cuddle you awake darling. Please wake up...otherwise you'll stay up late 'cause you can't sleep & feel tired tomorrow.
2012-03-18 07:54:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, your snoring... ;-) I take your hand & kiss it softly then place it back on my belly, snuggling closer to you... :-)
2012-03-18 07:09:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I found that castle from the Hung. movie. It is the Hertelendy Castle & a hotel now. :-) Very expensive, 1 night for 2 pers. costs $450 :-|
2012-03-18 05:22:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) with your hand on my belly? God! I so love to be held by you like that. And so miss it... In your arms now, back against your chest...
2012-03-18 05:08:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I would so love to cuddle with you, darling. A little kiss on your nose. Please sleep sweetly. :-)
2012-03-18 05:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You hold me from behind or shall I snuggle up behind you & rub & kiss your back? Or lay my head on your chest & wrap my arm around you? ;-)
2012-03-18 04:59:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling. I wrote you that I am off for a walk to the sailplane airport... Sigh. Yes, most happily darling. :-)
2012-03-18 04:59:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it's ok. It was nothing important... just wanted to share my walk with you... :-)
2012-03-18 04:42:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it's ok. It was nothing important... just wanted to share my
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walk with you... :-)

2012-03-18 04:42:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was lunch? Darling, it's still morning here. I just had a late breakfast on the patio. Very beautiful sunny Sunday. Wish you were here.
2012-03-18 04:40:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, no power? Again? Hope it isn't too hot there... How's your mom? Does she enjoy chatting with you? Smile, sweet.
2012-03-18 04:39:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I tell you that I love when you kiss my palms? :-) Glad you enjoyed the movie. Yes, Indian movies are very lovely, colorful & packed.
2012-03-18 04:39:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! And awake, too. Please darling, will you let me kiss you sweetly on your lips and hug you tight for a long time?
2012-03-18 04:39:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missing my sweet lovely darling. I hope he is home, sleeping sweetly with a smile...
2012-03-18 03:50:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft slow kiss on your lips, one hand holding the back of your head, the other moving down your back... Oh dear! Just to feel you...
2012-03-18 02:13:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What are you watching? I like Indian movies. :-) Hope you feel happy & are all smile this morning. Anand, my sweetest, I miss you terribly.
2012-03-18 02:07:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you didn't get enough sleep, please take a nap after lunch. I slept well, the sun is out, birds are awake- beautiful morning here
2012-03-18 02:07:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so proud of my sweet brave darling. Would love to see some of the pics & ooh, the colorful smell of the veggies you bought... sigh!
2012-03-18 02:06:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the theatre so we could go home together while I listen to the tale of your market visit. Maybe stop at a park or so, too. :-)
2012-03-18 02:05:59 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) Good morning, my sweet darling. Still in the theatre? Please please be there! God! How I wish I was there! Waiting for you outside...
2012-03-18 02:05:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I hope you return home happy & beaming with lots of beautiful pictures. Please be brave and take out your camera. :-) I am with you...
2012-03-17 15:17:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your sleep is sweet & restful, my darling & you wake up with a gentle :-) feeling fresh. Wishing you a sunshine & smile filled Sunday.
2012-03-17 15:16:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I feel very tired. I join you now in my tiny shorts, softly kiss your temples & wrap myself in your arms & place your hand on my belly.. :-)
2012-03-17 15:16:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My home is small & I still need a few furniture, smile & curtains too & I don't have a bathtub, but I am sure, our time together...
2012-03-17 15:14:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... the movie was filmed. It would be so very wonderful. The first scene is easy... they were driving along the Danube. :-)
2012-03-17 15:13:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Watched the movie to the end. It was quite ok. :-) Please come, darling. I will do a research & take you to some of the places where...
2012-03-17 15:13:20 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire A console table/media table for underneath a new tv...I want it to go with the tables I already have in that room, so I'm hoping to luck out
2012-03-17 15:01:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know... it was kinda strange feeling (in a good way) knowing that you are watching a Hungarian movie... Made me :-) & yes, miss you.
2012-03-17 13:08:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If you don't mind, I will curl up in your arms now. We could cuddle some & then sleep. :-) Feeling a bit tired...
2012-03-17 13:06:48 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Well, darling, it's up to you... I would love to see those places together with you. Very much.
2012-03-17 13:05:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my darling. Kissing you sweetly on your forehead, holding you close... Sleep happily with lovely dreams.
2012-03-17 13:01:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, they will dance together darling. :-) No worries, it will go fine. :-) I love them and you know that very well. Right?
2012-03-17 12:59:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Did I tell you that I love your words? I love what you write, very much.
2012-03-17 12:53:23 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, see any good films? Sounds like a fun, full weekend, good for you! Wood, stained a deep chestnut or brown-black...a sleek look.
2012-03-17 12:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, don't worry, everything will be fine, darling. And you know, I will be with you... my butterflies too. :-)
2012-03-17 12:47:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. More and more...

2012-03-17 12:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and think of me. I will be there, gently squeezing your hand, smiling & telling you that there's nothing to be shy about. :-)
2012-03-17 12:08:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... market visit. The most important of all- you have to take out your camera. ;-p If you feel shy, close your eyes for a moment...
2012-03-17 12:07:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Glad you found it fun. The beginning was a bit boring. And happy that you are home. Come, let's stretch out on the bed & plan your...
2012-03-17 12:07:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Are you back home, too? How was the movie? I will watch the rest of it a bit later...
2012-03-17 11:56:47 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Aww, you are the sweetest, you know that? :-) I love when you make me blush. ;-) Wish I could kiss you now. Right now. This moment.
2012-03-17 11:56:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And back... It was a short walk, but lovely. And amazing 21C ! You would have loved it... Sigh.
2012-03-17 11:56:03 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire To be so on top of these things. Sigh. What does your weekend consist of?
2012-03-17 11:23:39 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire The pictures...this is one area where I'm afraid I'm very lazy...I still have to print out pictures from march of last year, onward! I used
2012-03-17 11:23:05 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It. No plans this weekend, albeit for a little furniture shopping, and possibly setting up a new tv. Haha, I'll let you know when I download
2012-03-17 11:22:14 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Yes, sun and warmth are great combinations for me! Lightens my entire mood. Spring break this week from classes, and I am thankful- I needed
2012-03-17 11:21:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have to go now... I am sorry. Please my darling, do join us when the movie is over... :-) Soft sweet kisses for you
2012-03-17 10:27:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, exactly. I don't like him at all. Yep, her real name is Ullmann Mnika.
2012-03-17 10:27:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will continue to watch the movie when I am back. I am so sorry. But I am with you...right by your side. Please take care on your way home.
2012-03-17 10:24:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish you could come with us, darling. Sniff. You would like it there. There's not much to see, but still... it's a lovely place to walk...
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2012-03-17 10:22:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The ugliest dog I have ever seen. And he makes noises like a pig. :-| Very annoying & ugly creature. Poor thing. I feel sorry for him. :-)
2012-03-17 10:22:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling. I am off for a walk to the sailplane airport near my home with my dog lady & the girlfriend of my ex. She has a dog too.
2012-03-17 10:22:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... that man is a disaster. No no, Hungarian men are not like that. Well, some of them yes... :-|
2012-03-17 10:13:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, it has some beautiful places...

2012-03-17 09:28:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I told you earlier that the relationship between India & Hungary is pretty good.
2012-03-17 09:17:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, we just can't help it, darling... Seriously, lots of Hungarians find India very beautiful & interesting. I don't know why.
2012-03-17 09:14:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Again, hope the movie is not all that bad... it's a rom-com. :-) Please, lay your hand on your thigh so I can curl my fingers around it ;-)
2012-03-17 09:01:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... before the movie starts. :-) I wish I was there with you. I so so wish... It would be fun & oh so lovely... :-)
2012-03-17 08:56:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes! I knew you will make it on time! :-) Ohh, it's ok darling if you miss the first few minutes. Perhaps there will be some commercials
2012-03-17 08:56:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The 45 min. is over... Chewing my nails, hoping you've reached there... See? It's all because I was not there, darling. No, honest.
2012-03-17 08:48:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... reach there, you will reach there... Smile. Don't worry darling,
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with those butterfly wings... you'll reach there on time. :-)

2012-03-17 08:23:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) aww, goodness... & I thought you had already left. I miss you too. A lot. :-) Praying & repeating over & over again that you will...
2012-03-17 08:22:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...if you don't feel like talking or anything. But also know that she's thinking of you, missing you & her arms are always open for you...
2012-03-17 07:37:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. I meant movie. These sticky keys... ;-) My sweet darling, please know that your lady does understand your silence & it's ok...
2012-03-17 07:36:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, in my mind, I will be sitting by your side, holding your hand... head on your shoulder... Sigh.
2012-03-17 06:55:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's about your leaving time, so... A gentle slow kiss on your silent lips. :-) Please do take care & hope the move isn't all that bad. :-)
2012-03-17 06:51:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with you, trees and birds all around and... just swinging together, in comfortable silence... Sigh. That would be lovely now...
2012-03-17 05:56:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I do miss you a lot. There are days when I too, don't want to talk at all. When all I want is to sit on a porch swing...
2012-03-17 05:56:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, soft kisses on your tummy, darling. :-) Hmm... your days have been extremely busy, so yes, I understand.
2012-03-17 05:55:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. I'll then dress in something lovely & pick you up. Ok? ;-) I am outside, dear. Playing with the cats. God, they follow me everywhere.
2012-03-17 05:55:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And of course... bon appetit, my darling. What's for lunch?

2012-03-17 05:17:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Awww, now, that's very sweet of you... :-) I so wish I could
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come with you. Sniff. When are you leaving?

2012-03-17 05:16:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We would hold hands and giggle and maybe steal one or two little quick kiss too... ;-) I miss you. God, how I miss you!
2012-03-17 03:01:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, how I wish we could watch it together...even if it may not be the best movie, but it's exciting-a Hung. movie in India :-)
2012-03-17 02:59:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my god! I watched a scene on YouTube. Just a few sec. but that was hilarious! :-D
2012-03-17 02:50:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good. I looked it up... People say it's a bad movie. We are not so good in movie making, darling. Old movies were great but the new ones...
2012-03-17 02:37:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and ask & write and... Sigh. Never mind. Kisses for you darling, sweet slow ones from head to toe... :-)
2012-03-17 02:33:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... when you want it & yet, you will never run out of me... ;-p Hmm, I see. You know, it does feel odd when I write & write...
2012-03-17 02:33:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Szerelem means Love, btw ;-)

2012-03-17 02:30:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, a Hungarian film festival? Really? When? Hope it will be fun. Wish I could come with you... Smile, I don't know that movie.
2012-03-17 02:29:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's nice to meet my sister & chat with her every now & then. But I'd like to do something else, not always shopping, you know?
2012-03-17 02:29:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept like a stone, darling. Woke up at 6:45. Freshly showered, in a towel- your lady's fresh like early morning breeze. ;-)
2012-03-17 02:28:34 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ I am glad you slept well & long. But it's strange that you still feel tired. Maybe 'cause of the heat? Not enough fresh air...?
2012-03-17 02:28:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling dear. :-) I stretch & smile & turn on my back... do I get some of those heavenly kisses on my belly too? ;)
2012-03-17 02:27:41 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire How have you been? I miss seeing your messages in my inbox. ;-)
2012-03-16 20:09:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep is sweet & you feel my arms around you & you wake up happy and with a :-) to a beautiful morning. Loving you...
2012-03-16 16:56:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you. I miss you. Loads. My sweet darling, every fiber of my being wants to be with you...Tell me, why are you so laconic recently?
2012-03-16 16:53:45 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will freshen up now my sweet darling, then slip under the covers, softly kiss your cheek, snuggle up to you & hold you close to me. :-)
2012-03-16 16:49:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And as always, she wanted to shop. :-| I bought a pair of shoes, too. And still no plate with a blue bunny. Sniff. Why can I not find one?
2012-03-16 16:48:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. Tired. Feet hurt. No, nothing major, we met in the city, chatted about this & that, had a pizza - yep 3000 ;-)
2012-03-16 16:48:19 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Thank you :)

2012-03-16 09:59:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. You have no clue how very much... :-( I would love to be held by you, to feel your lips against mine... Sigh.
2012-03-16 09:45:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Have a lovely, peaceful evening, my dearest. I will be thinking of you... & keep sending you my softest kisses & gentlest hugs. :-)
2012-03-16 09:45:03 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... with happy colorful dreams. Yes, I will join you when I return, snuggle up behind you & hug you gently to the soft curves of my body :-)
2012-03-16 09:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to meet my sister, darling. In case I don't get back before you go to sleep, wishing you a sweet night's sleep...
2012-03-16 09:44:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh really? Then... I pull you to me, hands under your undershirt, firmly around your waist & kiss you deeply sweetly & long...
2012-03-16 09:26:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... my sweet darling seems to be busy with something... So that he didn't even want my welcome home hug & kiss. ;-p
2012-03-16 09:15:32 (EDT)

dgdreamin another. Very sad. He was a very active man. Reminds me to live each moment to it's fullest!
2012-03-16 09:08:41 (EDT)

dgdreamin three weeks ago today. Very serious. Needs surgery, but they cannot do it until they stabilize him. He has had one complication after
2012-03-16 09:08:09 (EDT)

dgdreamin Still writing a lot, just not finding much Twitter time. Busy with usual stuff, plus a couple online classes. And, my Uncle had a stroke
2012-03-16 09:07:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You know, just in case... ;-)

2012-03-16 08:53:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ok sounds pretty fine... Was it less hectic? My day goes quietly, nothing noteworthy... Smile, would love to go with you to the market.
2012-03-16 08:52:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Old age? Ha! ;-p I wish I was there to give you a lovely massage, then kiss you all over, then watch a movie with you. Then sleep. :)
2012-03-16 08:52:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Darling, reached home?

2012-03-16 08:32:59 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Well, the reviews at Amazon were all very high ratings, but still... You are right, not a book for me.
2012-03-16 08:07:04 (EDT)

dgdreamin my time on Twitter has been sporadic, sometimes I have time and sometimes I don't lately. :(( Life's been far too busy. Hope you have a
2012-03-16 07:48:44 (EDT)

dgdreamin wonderful weekend. Hugs!

2012-03-16 07:48:43 (EDT)

dgdreamin Ooops sorry, a "new to you" saying we use here in the states. Hit & Miss would mean sometimes you hit the mark, sometimes you don't. I meant
2012-03-16 07:46:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh and that book sounds interesting. Anyway, not sure I would enjoy reading it. :-)
2012-03-16 07:13:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, of course I meant darling. And btw, it would be half as much fun without my typos... ;-)
2012-03-16 07:12:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to see you. To hold you. To kiss you. To walk with you. To watch the sunset nestled in your arms... And so, so much more...
2012-03-16 07:09:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It would make me so happy... Sigh. I really do miss you so... Please take care daring. Hope your day was a good one & trip home is nice...
2012-03-16 07:08:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I sit outside, enjoying the sun, the fresh breeze, pure blue sky...I feel Spring. I really wish I could spend this beautiful day with you...
2012-03-16 05:33:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. :-) A bit of this, a bit of that... Sounds good. Is it less tiring today?
2012-03-16 05:33:20 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Hope you enjoy your lunch. Missing you...

2012-03-16 04:36:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A trail of sweet butterfly kisses down your back, around your waist, up your chest, throat, chin to your soft kissable lips... :-)
2012-03-16 02:11:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful, a bit chilly but sunny morning here. Today is off too, btw. I miss you, darling. So so so much. I so wish you were here...
2012-03-16 02:09:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? Pairing? Meetings? No problem with the clients? Hope today is less hectic for you, darling. And... it's Friday! :-)
2012-03-16 02:09:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and flowery & lovely smelling, wrapped in a towel, wishing you were here to grab your hips, pull you to me & kiss you deeply. Sigh!
2012-03-16 02:08:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I slept well, too. Woke up at 5:25 but decided to sleep some more. So, I woke up at 6:10 and... tada! Here I am all fresh...
2012-03-16 02:08:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I woke up around 1:00 (bathroom visit) thought of you & kissed you... that's why you woke up feeling fine. ;-)
2012-03-16 02:07:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am so happy that you slept well & feel all fresh & you seem to be in a cheerful mood, as well. :-) But you slept late, darling...
2012-03-16 02:06:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, such a wonderful way to wake up... :-) I'd pretend to still be asleep... but I can't help the :-) & sighs...Good morning, my darling.
2012-03-16 02:06:35 (EDT)

syahidahz Yeah it was..haha thanks E!=)

2012-03-15 12:40:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly, my darling and please... do come and find me in your dreams... ;-)
2012-03-15 12:36:46 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Then I offer you my chest to lie on & arms to curl up in, wrap
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them around you & kiss you once more on your lips...for sweet smiling dreams.
2012-03-15 12:35:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Kissing the top of your head, giggling as you kiss my hips, pulling you even closer ;-)
2012-03-15 12:34:31 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you very very much, but I understand... and am happy that you spent the evening in reading. Will look up that book. :-)
2012-03-15 12:34:13 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What do you read, btw? And really... I would so love hold you. Nothing else. All you would feel is my warm soft silent presence...
2012-03-15 11:58:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but still... you know me, it does make me frown...Gently, of course :-) Smile, I am not electronic, so... let me hug you while you read
2012-03-15 11:51:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you... I so wish I could hold you, pamper you in the sweetest, loveliest, tenderest way... Sigh.
2012-03-15 11:39:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I put the book aside, run my fingers through your hair & softly kiss you behind your ear...Missing you darling. I wish we were together now.
2012-03-15 10:52:48 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Come, sit next to me on the swing darling, or lie down on my lap... But please bring the book I got from you, so we can read together :-)
2012-03-15 09:49:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed :-) I hug you back, kiss you softly on your lips, rub my nose against yours as I say welcome home my sweet darling
2012-03-15 09:49:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sitting on the porch swing, waiting for you... :-)

2012-03-15 09:24:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, seriously. You do need a break. I mean a real break, away from all the hectic & work... If I could, I'd come & take you somewhere...
2012-03-15 08:40:32 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... and play with your hair, laughing as the cats try to catch little flying beings... Aah, if only... I wish you were coming home to me...
2012-03-15 08:38:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a picnic with you would be delightful, you could lie down with your head on my belly, your lady would caress you...
2012-03-15 08:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I do worry about you... :-| Hope the drive home is pleasant & you will be home soon so I can hug you to me & kiss your tired eyes.
2012-03-15 08:37:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... a deep relieved sigh! Just happy that all is well with you. So happy! A productive day is a nice thing darling but still...
2012-03-15 08:37:19 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Now, I do worry darling... Is everything alright?

2012-03-15 07:28:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet Anand. Immensely.

2012-03-15 06:18:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be very very busy... But I hope his day is fine & he smiles as my soft kisses float in & wrap around your neck...
2012-03-15 06:17:35 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to sit with you on a blanket on the grass, with a basket of yummy food... wildflowers & butterflies all around... Sigh.
2012-03-15 04:11:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It looks like it will be a sunny day. I wish you were here, Anand. I miss you. Sweet soft fluttering kisses on every inch of you...
2012-03-15 01:36:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ The only difference is that the stores are closed. :-) Hmm, good question. It's still early in the morning & made no plans for today.
2012-03-15 01:33:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Packed is not bad, as long as it is pleasant-busy & you enjoy what you do... Oh and thank you, darling. It's just a day like any other.
2012-03-15 01:33:02 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, compared to yesterday? And to the day before & to Monday and and and... ;-p I really hope your day is less hectic & more pleasant.
2012-03-15 01:32:36 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But glad you slept well. I did too & feel fresh. Hope it wasn't a problem that you arrived late to the office. Did you complete the report?
2012-03-15 01:32:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And I was not there to wake you up in time. See? Sigh. I miss waking you up. I miss our mornings together. Very much.
2012-03-15 01:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A lovely kiss on the back of your neck, darling. My chin on your shoulder, peeking at your report... :-) It's getting very late...
2012-03-14 13:18:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. Do you have to complete it for tomorrow? Smile, you missed replying to that 2-3 times... Then I didn't ask again... Never mind. :-)
2012-03-14 13:01:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Blush. I am glad you did. But you were pretty laconic... Well, you had one busy exhausting day... :-) Tell me, why are you still awake?
2012-03-14 12:49:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sorry for my chattering away today... for my DM downpour. I just... ahh, you know how much I miss you. :-)
2012-03-14 12:46:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. :-) I kiss you once more on your warm soft lips, caressing you... please sleep now.
2012-03-14 12:43:00 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, your lovely lady misses you terribly. And she worries that you may end up overworking yourself...
2012-03-14 12:19:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And hope you sleep sweetly with beautiful happy dreams. :-) Good night my darling Anand. I will hold you all night...
2012-03-14 12:18:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... wrap my arm around you, one leg between yours & caress
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you till you fall asleep. :-) Hope you feel it, my dearest...
2012-03-14 12:17:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Under the covers with you, darling. Kissing you softly on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and lips, lay my head on your chest
2012-03-14 12:17:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Perfect. Darling, may I hold you and cuddle you to sleep? Please...
2012-03-14 12:05:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I really, really, really miss you. Where are you, my sweet adorable darling? Having dinner?
2012-03-14 11:44:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just changed into something more comfortable... for an evening cuddle with you :-) Black soft cotton pants & white top... no underwear ;-p
2012-03-14 11:40:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Tiring but productive. Nice. Still want that kiss. ;-) Darling, a shirt... you know, with buttons, not a tee... ;-)
2012-03-14 11:25:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, how was your day? Yes, tiring, but... was it a good one? No trouble in the office? How was the drive?
2012-03-14 10:47:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It's a revolution day. If you want to, you can read some about it here...
2012-03-14 10:46:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I was there to soothe you, to hold you, to cuddle sweet tired you... Sigh. I miss you so, so incredibly much!
2012-03-14 10:45:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and keep hugging you, caressing your back, kissing your cheeks... :-) Yep, even if you are in a phone meeting. ;-)
2012-03-14 10:45:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling, do take care. Hope you know that your lady's thinking of you, missing you... A cartload of sweet kisses just for you :-)
2012-03-14 08:07:33 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... and fresh bread or anything & cat food too. I will race through the supermarket, then drive to get my hair cut & hurry back to you. :-)
2012-03-14 08:06:42 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! I have to run, darling. I totally forgot that tomorrow is national holiday here & all the stores will be closed! Need some food...
2012-03-14 08:06:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. Blush. Here comes the missing "l"...Hope your day goes fine, my darling. I would so love to have you here now... Just one kiss...Sigh
2012-03-14 07:04:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... tucked in & of course, your soft belt... ;-) Oh! And did I tell you that I miss you? God! I do. A lo lot lot & a whole lot more. Sigh.
2012-03-14 06:33:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, I miss you, I miss you...In case you'd like to know, I wear mid-blue jeans with a nice simple black shirt (v-neck, tiny buttons)
2012-03-14 06:33:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very very much.

2012-03-14 04:52:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Bon appetit, my sweet darling. :-) A few butterflies flitting to you to wrap you in their soft smiling wings & kiss the sweet from your lips
2012-03-14 04:52:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, he is not my type & even if he was the most attractive man, I wouldn't care... You are the one, the only one my lil' heart longs for...
2012-03-14 04:05:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, want to see him? The pic of him is not the best, he looks a tiny bit better in real, hair is better & has nice blue eyes.
2012-03-14 03:56:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there's more than enough problematic ones, that's why I said my new hobby. ;-)
2012-03-14 03:41:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You wouldn't even notice... ;-) Yes my sweetest, teeth are fine. Will go back to him next Friday. That's my new hobby. ;-p
2012-03-14 03:26:34 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ ... on your throat and then nibble ever so gently on your earlobes while my fingers unbuttoning your top button.
2012-03-14 03:25:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... get more & more busy. :-( I really wish work would take you back to the US for a while... or Germany or UK or somewhere near me. Sigh.
2012-03-14 03:24:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day is going to be a lil' busy & will go to get a haircut at 19:00 your time. :-) Hmmm, since you are back to India, your days...
2012-03-14 03:24:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...and shower, breakfast, etc. I feel fresh & flowery (as you like it, smile) but yes, still feeling unwell & drowsy around late afternoon.
2012-03-14 03:23:50 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire It was...the weather is getting warmer, it's daylight for longer...this is where I thrive!!! How are you doing?
2012-03-13 21:33:08 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie It is quite inspiring : ) I adore Italy.

2012-03-13 13:02:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you mean that tweet? Awww, thank you darling, so so much! How very sweet! Your lady is beaming :-)
2012-03-13 12:57:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... caressing you to sleep. Do you feel it? Sigh. Good night, darling. See you soon... in dreams...
2012-03-13 12:56:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... with honey-sweet dreams. I am by your side, kissing butterfly kisses all over you, gently rubbing your back...
2012-03-13 12:55:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, may I get some more of those kisses? They taste like heaven. ;-) Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep deeply. May your sleep be filled
2012-03-13 12:55:39 (EDT)

feltsensejunkie Haha Honesty with no harmful intent is not to be forgiven

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anyway. ; ) Thank you. I am happy to be in Rome! I trust you are well? : )

2012-03-13 12:53:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please come to bed now. It's been a long day for you...
2012-03-13 12:36:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Really really? Sniff. I wish to hold you, Anand... my sweetest... sigh.
2012-03-13 12:35:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here... I so miss you today.

2012-03-13 12:26:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't have cold bathtub but cold hands... is it ok, too? Lil' smile. Why? 'cause I was careless... Wasted time.
2012-03-13 12:24:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. I translated a wrong text. All the work for nothing... :-| Please come, let me hold you darling, cradle & caress you gently..
2012-03-13 12:17:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Missed you today very much. How are you, darling? What was for dinner?
2012-03-13 12:14:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I hug you to me & kiss you once more welcome home... :-)
2012-03-13 12:13:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you are home now, having lunch & getting ready for bed... And hope you got my sweet welcome home kiss & hug...
2012-03-13 12:11:09 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok, I see. So, all is fine, yes? :-) Hope the drive home is safe & pleasant... I'll be waiting for you at the threshold... :-)
2012-03-13 10:37:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ What? Still there? Oh God! Poor darling... :-| Why this long meeting & this late? Some problem with the clients?
2012-03-13 09:56:03 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Still in the office? And how are you? Feeling tired? I miss you a lot, you know that? Sigh.
2012-03-13 08:25:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, no no... he is just... friendly. :-) Now tell me, how to say anything while drilling my teeth? I can't even nod. ;-)
2012-03-13 08:24:15 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ...pressed me against the wall & we were kissing passionately & then you kissed me all over where the towel didn't cover me... Oh, God! Sigh
2012-03-13 06:56:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Seriously. I miss holding you. I miss kissing you. I miss feeling your body against mine. I remember that morning when you
2012-03-13 06:56:01 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no! I want you to kiss me now. But I will close my eyes, so I may feel nothing... & ask you to kiss me again... and again... ;-)
2012-03-13 06:39:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all went well. :-) Ahh! Silly! Of course, he didn't say that looking at my teeth. He always says something lovely when I am there ;-p
2012-03-13 06:38:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, your day sounds pretty tiring. Wish I could be there when you return home, to cuddle you & let you rest on my lap...
2012-03-13 06:38:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Btw, the dentist said I look much younger than my age... Smile. He is fine. Next dentist appt. is on Friday, next week.
2012-03-13 06:18:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and rubbing my nose against yours. Smile yes, you can bite & nibble... but be gentle. :-) Missing you a lot. Hope all's well darling...
2012-03-13 06:11:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Back from the dentist, with a numb upper lip & nose. :-) I wish you were here now, we would end up laughing at my trying to kiss you...
2012-03-13 06:11:26 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the dentist. No, no pain or anything, but there's

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some teeth that need to be fixed. Be back soon. Thinking of you...

2012-03-13 04:13:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss behind your ears, darling. Missing you...

2012-03-13 03:11:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I see now... I didn't notice. Blush. All is well? As in, hopefully the meeting isn't boring & there are no issues or so.
2012-03-13 03:10:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was the trip to the office? How goes your day? I just showered. Wish you were here. Miss you. A lot.
2012-03-13 01:30:47 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I like your misbehaving "O". It looks so pretty. :-) Honest. But tell me, what did you want to write?
2012-03-13 01:30:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ You snore at maximum volume, torturing my poor ears. ;-p I slept well, too. Your lady's lovely & fresh & lively as you like it, darling.
2012-03-13 01:29:41 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. :-) Glad you slept well. Are you all smiles & feel fresh, too? Ooh yes, you indeed do!
2012-03-13 01:29:02 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Just to wake up to your delicate kisses...Aaah! Gentle, spring flower scented hugs with soft dewy kisses from head to toe for my sweet sir.
2012-03-13 01:28:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ May you wake up with a :-) to a fresh lovely scented morning, my darling. Wishing you a great, wonderful day. Please take good care...
2012-03-12 16:31:25 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and snoring contentedly. :-) I will close my eyes now & take you for a dream-walk. You & me... in a field of butterflies...
2012-03-12 16:30:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Still in your arms, woke up for a second just to kiss your arm & snuggle up closer to you & to ensure that you are sleeping soundly...
2012-03-12 16:28:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... please, put your hand on my belly, one leg between mine...
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hold me close & let's sleep. :-) Good night, darling. Please sleep now...
2012-03-12 12:52:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep happily with sweet dreams. I am in your arms, my back against your chest...
2012-03-12 12:51:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late... And yes please, I would love it very much. But... may I kiss your lips back, too? Sweet & long, letting our lips play...?
2012-03-12 12:50:55 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... lie down darling, I will rub your back for a while and scratch it all over too... ;-)
2012-03-12 12:19:32 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it's always so nice to hear... Sigh. My day was normal. Kind of busy. And I am yawning! Why do I feel tired? Its just 17:18
2012-03-12 12:18:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Nice. You are good. Soup sounds lovely.

2012-03-12 12:03:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I... I just do miss you so... You have no clue how much. Sigh. Hope you are done with the meeting and all went well...
2012-03-12 11:56:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Phone meeting? Is it ok if I sit behind you and rub and scratch your back? Smile.
2012-03-12 10:39:08 (EDT)

Darkntwistd Hi. how are you? how is work? hope all is woonderful. hugs
2012-03-12 10:36:51 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, then again... I jump, wrap my arms & legs around you, kissing you deeply... Welcome home, darling. ;-)
2012-03-12 10:06:22 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, bad traffic? I am sorry, darling & sure it's more comfortable to sit in a cab, but... Please tell the driver to drive very carefully :-)
2012-03-12 10:06:05 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss you a sweet happy welcome home. :-) How was the ride home? How was your day, darling?
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2012-03-12 09:43:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss you a sweet happy welcome home. :-) How was the ride home? How was your day, darling?
2012-03-12 09:42:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, she has... :-) Darling? Are you ready... for my jumping in your arms? Wrapping my arms around your neck, legs around your waist...
2012-03-12 09:42:24 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God, and those mornings... When I dream of you (yes, I do it often) and wake up and look around and see you nowhere... Sigh.
2012-03-12 08:29:38 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning :)

2012-03-12 08:25:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... you've experienced the heart of." She is so right about this.
2012-03-12 08:17:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ As Ms. Dresher once wrote- "it's much simpler to long for something you've never experienced than to miss something...
2012-03-12 08:16:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really wish you could take me for a ride... to a nice, quiet place where we can walk hand in hand... & stop for little smiling kisses ahh
2012-03-12 07:58:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Please take good care, darling. :-)

2012-03-12 07:51:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? See? ;-p I wish you could really catch me... and take me for a ride. Oh please... Sigh. Kissing your lips back, softly, slowly...
2012-03-12 07:51:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No, my dear. I am sorry. Anyway, right... she hasn't replied to anyone in a long time... God! Are you happy now? :-|
2012-03-12 07:44:57 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I know. :-) But no my dear, you are wrong... Remember? I read all her tweets... you are not the only one.
2012-03-12 07:39:51 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ God! My sweet ever complaining darling, be happy she responded you at all. ;-)
2012-03-12 07:08:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly. I want to hold you & kiss you & walk with you & play & tease & watch you sleep and... Sigh, the list is too long.
2012-03-12 07:07:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. :-) With apples, bananas, strawberries, some tangerines and... with the most delicious kiss you have ever tasted ;-)
2012-03-12 07:07:16 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I am off to get some fruit. Be back very soon. And glad her following you brought you a smile. Honest. :-) I miss you, Anand. A lot.
2012-03-12 05:57:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Germany is focusing on its own history, etc., same with US... Here, we learn a bit about all of the countries, their histories & cultures.
2012-03-12 05:21:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, seriously. Aww, please, no need to feel ashamed. :-) Do you think it is any different with other countries?
2012-03-12 05:20:54 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh wow! Are you doing the happy dance, too? ;-p Congrats, darling. You always get what you want. Not fair. Sniff. Pouting.
2012-03-12 05:20:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ And God, how I miss you! Sigh. Hope you enjoy your lunch... :-)
2012-03-12 04:45:44 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wow, ghostmemoirs did respond to your tweets... See? You are irresistible, my darling. ;-)
2012-03-12 04:37:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it is even taught in school here. Religion, cultural history of diff. civilizations, etc... Just the basic, but still... :-)
2012-03-12 04:34:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Smile, yes I do. Why so surprised?

2012-03-12 03:35:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I will wait a little, darling. Eat more fruit and perhaps get some
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extra vitamins, too. Missing you. Very very much. You know that? :-)
2012-03-12 03:04:37 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I don't know why these sudden tiredness. My blood pressure is very low too but with high pulse rate. Maybe Spring tiredness? Hmm.
2012-03-12 03:04:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Please pick me up on your way home & let's ride somewhere lovely before returning home. Oh, please, please. :-)
2012-03-12 03:02:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I trust you more than any cab driver... And if the traffic is pleasant too, it does feel good, no? ;-)
2012-03-12 03:02:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... kisses- sweet, soft, tickling ones to keep you cheerful through the day. :-) After the cab accident... I am glad you chose the bike.
2012-03-12 03:01:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you for your kiss, I wear it as a bindi, smile. Oh, I am so happy you got all of mine, sending you a few hundred more...
2012-03-12 03:01:28 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day goes fine, darling & it is pleasant-busy full of smiles & good work. Thousand kisses on soft butterfly wings, all for you :-)
2012-03-12 01:22:33 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could pull you to me now & hug you close, feel your lips kissing the cool sweetness from my skin... Sigh. Missing you so much.
2012-03-12 01:20:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... and went back to bed. I feel better now. Yes, freshly showered, lovely smelling, wrapped in a white towel... :-)
2012-03-12 01:18:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I didn't feel well yesterday. Fell asleep after my last DM, woke up around 23:00, feed my cats, had a big glass of milk
2012-03-12 01:18:11 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ How was the trip to the office? Took a cab or are you on your bike? God, hopefully you reached safe & sound!
2012-03-12 01:17:39 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. :-) How are you? Slept well? Had lovely dreams? Did you feel the soft warmth of me, my hand on your chest...?
2012-03-12 01:17:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 nah ~ I've have people c&p my entire TL. lol if they get away with it once, it becomes a not-so-nice habit. better to nip it in the bud.
2012-03-11 21:32:52 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 btw, i called swinger lady on the C&P. She fixed it.
2012-03-11 21:29:35 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Was so hoping you'd be cabbing it today so we could talk on your way to work. :)
2012-03-11 21:12:20 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 just pinged you.... I haven't even heard of that follower.

2012-03-11 21:09:27 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Ahead an hour. Taking a bit of a study break now, but must get back to it while I have the soon, dear ET. xo
2012-03-11 14:43:58 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire Regardless of the language, so I'm quite looking forward to it. I slept like a rock....daylight savings time here, so pushed the clocks
2012-03-11 14:43:02 (EDT)

DangerslyClaire That is just lovely! I can't wait to look at your blog as well, very interesting. :-) I find music has a way of translating its emotion
2012-03-11 14:42:07 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ This sudden tiredness... I felt the same yesterday around the same time. I feel dizzy & can't think straight. I think I will sleep now too.
2012-03-11 12:49:27 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I really am in bed, darling. I think I dozed off for a bit. So sorry... I missed you. :-( But my arms are around you, holding you close...
2012-03-11 12:45:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep sweetly with cheerful dreams. Kissing you softly on your lips, savoring the sweetness of them...
2012-03-11 12:44:18 (EDT)

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_stoicOne_ :-) oooh, I dropped everything, changed into my tiny PJs and... tada! Here I am, right under the covers, waiting for that kiss... ;-)
2012-03-11 12:43:44 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Done! Well, done the first part. Back in a room, number crunching now.
2012-03-11 12:35:08 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I would love to hold you, Anand. I miss it so, so much.

2012-03-11 12:21:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, thank you... Hand kisses and curtseys for my sweet sir. ;-p I am a good girl and you know that. Actually, way too good ;-p
2012-03-11 12:16:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ See? Your lady is a good girl. ;-) Zucchini-tomato gratin with mozzarella and rice.
2012-03-11 12:02:30 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, all the other things should be done within closed doors. They should be shared between two people, not with a crowd in the background..
2012-03-11 11:23:06 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... secretly touching the other like we did in the supermarket are very lovely & sweet. God! How I miss that. :-)
2012-03-11 11:22:18 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I see what you mean & yes, I absolutely agree with you. Holding hands & quick kisses here & there or playful pecks or ...
2012-03-11 11:21:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Looking up at the sky... I don't think so. I wish I was there darling & go together on a lovely starlit walk... :-) I really really wish...
2012-03-11 11:20:59 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... outside all the time and now it's raining. Did some cleaning, read a little & laid down for a nap, but couldn't sleep.
2012-03-11 10:48:38 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ If only I could hold you now... Deep sigh. My day was quite uneventful. Planned to go for a long walk, but it was gloomy & windy...
2012-03-11 10:48:22 (EDT)
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_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. A lot. You have no clue how much I would love to have you here now... Sigh.
2012-03-11 10:26:31 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 I saw the massage tweet! :)

2012-03-11 09:35:58 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Wait wait! Just now realized... My sweet darling, how many lady friends do you have... like me? Oh God... ;-p
2012-03-11 09:34:53 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! Kids holding hands is so adorable! :-) I am not sure I understand what you mean. What etiquette? Holding hands is holding hands.
2012-03-11 09:01:04 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, and yet... she chatted with you about D & me. Hmm. Anyway, it's ok.
2012-03-11 09:00:40 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ It is a bit sad. Holding hands is one of the sweetest things. Esp. seeing an old couple doing so. :-)
2012-03-11 08:52:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ah ok. I thought it was just Courtney. Does she know at all that we know each other? An old friend...Huh? So, you kiss your old friends? ;-p
2012-03-11 08:46:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but why? It is nice and sweet. Well, maybe not kissing and deep hugging, but... holding hands is sweet & lovely.
2012-03-11 08:45:56 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... you are not even comfortable with holding hands in public, so... :-)
2012-03-11 08:30:17 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, really? Hmmm, in this case... I would have pulled you to me and kiss you & kept kissing you till their batteries run out... ;-)
2012-03-11 08:27:20 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Goodness, she chatted with you about D & me? Blush. I believe
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she felt clueless... God, very embarrassing. :-(

2012-03-11 08:25:43 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ No no, that's right. You didn't mean someone specifically, just anyone. But in the end this anyone was Courtney... :-)
2012-03-11 08:25:14 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Ha! You & your naughty thoughts! No my darling, not that kind of encouragement. I am shy too, you know? ;-p
2012-03-11 08:04:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I noted that you spoke in your language, too. I so loved it! I could listen to it for hours. Honest :-) Please, teach me your language.
2012-03-11 08:03:50 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... asks who is there with you. So, this someone was Courtney & you told her I was... hmm... just a friend. Good. :-|
2012-03-11 08:02:23 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ But somehow, I felt it all the time, just wasn't sure... :-) Ahh and that's why you asked what should you say if someone from twitter...
2012-03-11 08:01:52 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Well, my intuition is not always all that good, but still... It was Courtney! I knew! How? I don't know darling, maybe because of my dream.
2012-03-11 08:01:12 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ We would play and tease and hug and kiss and maybe go out for a walk too, chasing butterflies & smell flowers, smile.
2012-03-11 08:00:34 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Clean, fresh and rested, full of smiles... and with a happy tummy. Oh darling, how I wish I was there now!
2012-03-11 08:00:03 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I missed you a lot but I am so happy that you finally got the rest you/your body needed. Smile, I like your mom. I would've done the same.
2012-03-11 07:59:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ God! There you are! :-) I thought you had stepped out and forgot to come home. ;-p But no, you were busy sleeping. Which is nice :-)
2012-03-11 07:59:16 (EDT)

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purplepoetry77 Yes :) How was your day?

2012-03-11 07:23:09 (EDT)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :)

2012-03-11 07:18:21 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are fine, my darling and your day is lovely & cheerful with smiles... I do miss you a lot. Sigh.
2012-03-11 06:39:10 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Thousand soft fluttering kisses on each part of you & sweetscented breath whispers to let you know that your lady's thinking of you...
2012-03-11 06:38:39 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it's Sunday! Did you have your oil bath? :-) Just to hold you gently and smell your skin... My sweet sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-03-11 04:39:49 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Wish you were here... Hope you are having a very lovely, relaxing Sunday.
2012-03-11 03:55:29 (EDT)

_stoicOne_ ... on your forehead, rubbing my nose against yours and hugging sweet shy adorable you to me. :-)
2012-03-11 01:10:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would have encouraged you to take out your camera. :-) My sweet sweet darling... smiling & sighing, kissing you softly...
2012-03-11 01:09:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You could have shot so beautiful photos, with all the people & rising sun & all the colors... Sigh. I wish I was there with you.
2012-03-11 01:09:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and returned feeling happy. Did you buy something? But tell me, why did you feel shy? You & shy... Somehow, it's hard to believe it. :-)
2012-03-11 01:08:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your little trip to the farmers market at dawn sounds wonderful. You haven't done this in a long time. I am so happy you went there...
2012-03-11 01:08:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And your daily morning & evening calls... :-) My instinct says
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yes. Why didn't you tell me? Ahh you... :-)

2012-03-11 01:07:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and that you should have called her an hour ago. Darling, Courtney is your friend whom you met in Arizona, right?
2012-03-11 01:06:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then she kept looking at the time, seemed kinda nervous. I asked her what happened & she said she's waiting for your call...
2012-03-11 01:06:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ She & I were in a hotel room, lying on the bed, giggling, lazing around, listening to her talking about you, praising you. Smile.
2012-03-11 01:05:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep very early, I felt really really tired. Strange, but I dreamt of Courtney (melancholundone) and you.
2012-03-11 01:05:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... me the tale of your morning. :-) As I see, you didn't get much sleep, darling. But I hope your sleep was sweet & dreamt with lil' me?
2012-03-11 01:04:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. :-) Thank you for coming in... Now come, sit down please & cradle me in your arms for a while, telling...
2012-03-11 01:04:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, I turn my head to kiss you good night on your lovely lips... Please, sleep now. And dream with me tonight...
2012-03-10 13:12:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you did, darling. I really love these more. And yes, there's beauty everywhere... :-)
2012-03-10 13:09:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ These tweets are more beautiful & profound than your sensual ones. I love these more. Just saying... :-)
2012-03-10 13:01:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. Sleep sweetly. Take my hand & run with me through a field of those dew kissed flowers... in dreams :-)
2012-03-10 12:50:17 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Soft nibbling kisses on your neck & earlobes, darling. Now please, wrap me in your arms, hold me close & let's sleep. :-)
2012-03-10 12:49:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, teeth are fine & hope your bruises are fine, too. :-) Darling, I am already there, right under the covers in my cute tiny PJs ;-)
2012-03-10 12:49:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, shall we snuggle up under the covers, cuddle a little and sleep? It's very late there... :-)
2012-03-10 12:34:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) ... and your hand on my belly, holding lil' me to your chest. It would be beyond beautiful. :-)
2012-03-10 12:31:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you don't mind if I crawl beside you & hug you to me... I will be quiet, I promise. :-) I might even fall asleep...
2012-03-10 11:46:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-03-10 11:32:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach, you mean The Firm... as in, the movie? :-)
2012-03-10 11:22:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Watching what?

2012-03-10 11:18:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Having dinner? Reading? Fell asleep? :-) Miss you. Hope your bruises are better & beginning to heal...
2012-03-10 10:56:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to go for a walk with you, holding hands... then curl up with you and sleep.
2012-03-10 10:38:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The party and studying over here, for the most part. Old songs, eh? Tell me about this collection.
2012-03-10 10:36:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still feel so sleepy... :-| I don't know why, didn't do much today.
2012-03-10 10:35:54 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oooh, remember that one very boring movie we watched? :-)
2012-03-10 10:26:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not a fan of rom-coms either, but this one sounds sweet. It's lovely to watch such light & sweet stuff once in a while.
2012-03-10 10:25:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, that movie sounds sweet. I will watch it tonight or tomorrow. I wish I could watch it with you... Hmm. Sigh.
2012-03-10 10:16:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am sorry, dear. Silly phone calls. Always if you want to read or sleep... Had problem with the electricity again? Hopefully not...
2012-03-10 10:11:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. It was lovely. :-) Smiling gently & kissing you sweetly on your lips.
2012-03-10 09:35:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... caressing my hair and belly absentmindedly. Please... would you do that for me while reading? :-)
2012-03-10 08:06:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. I feel very very sleepy, darling. I think I will lie down for an hour. I wish you were here, lying next to me, reading...
2012-03-10 08:06:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I am snuggling up closer to you & nuzzling your neck...enjoying your kisses. :-) Then... come. Please.
2012-03-10 08:05:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ate you in chat? Lemme go check :)

2012-03-10 08:02:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you are funny darling. No, it isn't possible. Anyway, one of my cousins got a bean stuck in her nostril as a lil' girl :-D
2012-03-10 07:58:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I don't know how many times I've seen that movie. It's one of my favorites. Glad you liked it! :)
2012-03-10 07:53:38 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 And... What'd dya think?

2012-03-10 07:40:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should meet them, don't you think? Sigh. They are sweet & fun but also quite annoying at times. So yes... like me ;-p
2012-03-10 07:14:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... head against your shoulder... Aaaah. Maybe a little kiss too? ;-) I am glad you love my cats, darling.
2012-03-10 07:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) still dizzy from blowing... but I did it happily. :-) And now, it feels beautiful to simply sit with you... your arms around me, my...
2012-03-10 07:13:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you know, no matter where or what season or weather... with you, every second would feel like spring, darling.
2012-03-10 06:40:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes. Spring together here... or mountain air there with you... Both would be very wonderful. I do miss you so... can't help it.
2012-03-10 06:19:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to check it out. Smile, yes and then clicked on the send button before I could delete it. Bad boy :-)
2012-03-10 06:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy! Now you can turn the A/C on & I don't have to blow air on you... it's tiring & dizzying ;-p Haven't seen that movie, will have...
2012-03-10 06:17:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or hold you tenderly & blow cool air over your skin and let you doze off in my arms... Sigh. I miss you.
2012-03-10 05:40:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please... come on... I wish I could be there now. I would tickle you and tease you till I see a smile...
2012-03-10 05:21:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, seriously. Please come. You would love the spring here...
2012-03-10 04:41:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oops, it was the baby boy cat. He jumped on the keyboard... :-|
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2012-03-10 04:40:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, my sweet poor darling... my butterflies are on their way to you to stir the air around you in flutters 47
2012-03-10 04:39:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It really feels like you should be here...

2012-03-10 04:16:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh... hope it comes back soon, darling.

2012-03-10 04:15:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? No electricity? But... but... is the power off?

2012-03-10 04:09:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The heat there reminded me of this poem...

2012-03-10 03:49:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... it's still morning so, it will get a bit warmer. You should be here, darling...
2012-03-10 03:38:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just checked it... yep, it's very hot there. :-| Here is around 10C , mild air with beautiful sunshine & don't forget...
2012-03-10 03:37:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, if I was there, I'd kiss your fingers till all the colors are off... and in the pauses blowing cool air all over you... ;-)
2012-03-10 03:37:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your colorful fingertips, dear. ;-) Could you scrub it off?
2012-03-10 02:43:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, moms & grandmothers are just like that. They cook anyway... I think they could cook the most delicious meal even in half-sleep.
2012-03-10 02:43:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. Is it ok if I make it with red chilli? Me too, darling. A lot. Amongst all the other things... I miss it all so much...
2012-03-10 02:43:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I still haven't made the chilli-raisin-apple. Blush. Silly as it

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is, I couldn't find green chilli. I am pretty sure I've seen it.
2012-03-10 01:41:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was beautiful with you and I miss it really very much.
2012-03-10 01:33:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, normal food... is there such a thing as abnormal food? Smile. I've never cooked together with my mom... or anyone else.
2012-03-10 01:33:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. It would feel lovely... and not a flower, but my skin... ;-) Oh please please, let me cut the veggies! What are we cooking today, btw?
2012-03-10 01:04:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... chores here too, while your lady is rolling in bed. ;-p Hmmm, let me think... dewed by your kisses. ;-)
2012-03-10 00:37:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I find it good that you went to the temple in the morning. A nice way to start the day... Smile, you can come and continue doing some
2012-03-10 00:37:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. A lot lot lot. Sweet soft butterfly kisses for your bruises & a long slow one for your lips, hands on your hips... :-)
2012-03-10 00:14:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What plans for the weekend, darling? What about your report? I have no plans yet... Come over & let's do something dear & lovely ;-)
2012-03-10 00:13:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blush yes...I fell asleep on the couch, watching "The green mile" on TV. Sleep was short, but your lady's fresh like a dew-kissed flower :-)
2012-03-10 00:13:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my lovely darling. Slept sweetly? How are you feeling? Hope your bruises are better & you got enough rest.
2012-03-10 00:12:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Stretching, yawning... wish you were here to snuggle up to, wrap my sleepy arms & legs around you & sleep some more :-)
2012-03-10 00:12:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you! And how are you filling your weekend? Just off
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work, now off to cook for tomorrow! Xo

2012-03-09 16:08:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will never forget the first night... I was half-asleep when you started to snore. I sat up straight in bed & almost screamed, darling. :-D
2012-03-09 12:10:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So yes, I will join you in a bit and curl into you like a lil' girl, smile. Please, do hold me close... and snore into my ear ;-p
2012-03-09 12:05:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your bruises very very softly, gently to make them feel better & heal faster... :-) I will retire early tonight- feeling so tired.
2012-03-09 12:00:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late there... So, good night, my sweetest. Sleep deeply with dreams that make you smile in your sleep... :-)
2012-03-09 12:00:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Now I know.

2012-03-09 11:22:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. And I would miss you even if I was surrounded by lots of friends, you know?
2012-03-09 11:13:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes. :-) Please... take me up North to the mountains... Smile, I think I would just lose myself in the beauty of it all...
2012-03-09 11:07:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They are very beautiful. And together with your words... :-) I do envy you, you know that? ;-) I'd love to take a trip there too. Sigh.
2012-03-09 10:58:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, just now see... so very beautiful- both, the pictures and your words...
2012-03-09 10:46:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, my...! Thank God you didn't hit your head. And thank God no one else slipped on it...
2012-03-09 10:37:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and elbows, very very carefully and tenderly? Looking at you
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shyly... Sigh. Was the floor slippery?

2012-03-09 10:25:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know. Just wanted to know if they are any better or still hurt that much. Please... will you let me see & kiss your arms...
2012-03-09 10:24:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, thank God. Was it the driver's fault? Please, do use your bike... or walk. Or I don't know. :-|
2012-03-09 10:23:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, my behavior was not always what it should have been... I am entirely sorry for that. I agree with you because you are right. Simple.
2012-03-09 10:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please tell me, what happened? Did you or the driver get hurt in the accident? You feel alright? Sure? How about your arms & elbows?
2012-03-09 10:01:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry. I did learn my lesson. Honest. You'll get the cheerful lady back... Thank you, again.
2012-03-09 09:30:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know that, darling. You know me... at least a little. I feel truly ashamed now. I think missing you got the worst of me.
2012-03-09 09:29:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do occupy myself & don't feel desolate. God, how could this happen? I mean... that's not me... I am not like that.
2012-03-09 09:28:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not perfect & sure I have done & said things I am not proud of but am most certainly not a grey, gloomy person.
2012-03-09 09:28:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for making me see what I didn't see... You should have done this earlier. Sigh.
2012-03-09 09:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... read your DMs, read & re-read them & needed a bit time 'cause yes, it was shocking... God! Was I that bad? :-(
2012-03-09 09:26:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am sorry for everything. I don't know what else to say. And sorry for the late response, but I was on the phone, then...
2012-03-09 09:26:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, isn't the client in India? God! You had an accident!? And hurt yourself by slipping & falling? And you just now tell me? Oh dear... :-|
2012-03-09 09:26:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Was the client happy? Where are you now? Still in the office or on your way home?
2012-03-09 08:04:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! :-) Even though packed, but your day sounds interesting... Something different... not just sitting in front of the comp. :-)
2012-03-09 08:03:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Beautiful pic! T/Fr are hectic, to say the least...child #2's birthday party tomorrow as well. All a good chaos though. How about you?
2012-03-09 06:28:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home now. Missing you... :-| Hoping you are well and your day's been fine...
2012-03-09 06:27:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to the bank & then to run some errands... Will be back soon. Thinking of you...
2012-03-09 04:44:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Sigh. Hope your lunch is delicious & making your tummy happy...
2012-03-09 03:19:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't chatter away... then I wouldn't feel like you are unresponsive, so it won't spoil my mood.
2012-03-09 02:23:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, nothing important. Really. It is never something important, just... some random stuff, darling. Blush.
2012-03-09 01:47:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I don't feel what?

2012-03-09 01:17:28 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling. Standing in front of you, looking up into your eyes... May I kiss you gently on your lovely lips & hold you to me?
2012-03-09 01:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the sun rises slowly, but birds are plenty, singing their lovely songs. I wish you were here. I so wish...
2012-03-09 01:15:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? How are you feeling? What about the report? Did you work on it at all? Smile, mornings are still very cold here.
2012-03-09 01:15:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... coldly. I will give you the warmest, tightest hug & cover you in the sweetest softest kisses when you come home... Ok? :-)
2012-03-09 01:14:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then you wrote that you are leaving for home. Maybe it's me who doesn't get all your DMs. Never mind. I am sorry I welcomed you home...
2012-03-09 01:13:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. I do feel sometimes like I am talking to a wall. Not only yesterday. All was pleasant, then... you tweeted & I waited...
2012-03-09 01:13:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. My sleep was a bit restless but I hope you slept soundly & feel well-rested & you are all smiles...
2012-03-09 01:12:49 (EST)

melancholundone Yes I feel the same way. Sending you a big hug.
2012-03-09 00:59:24 (EST)

melancholundone I feel the say way. I just want you to know I wish you and your family so much happiness. :)
2012-03-09 00:54:47 (EST)

melancholundone Thanks for the poetry exchange. Much fun. :)

2012-03-08 23:24:54 (EST)

melancholundone :) I miss our talks. I want you to know I am so glad I met you. I think of Arizona with fond memories.
2012-03-08 22:56:15 (EST)

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melancholundone hello you. I so have been enjoying your words. Just want to let you know people love your tree hugging picture of me. I so thank you.
2012-03-08 22:42:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Alive?
2012-03-08 22:00:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I mean, did you take this picture yourself, or come across it generally?
2012-03-08 20:42:19 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Just saw it! Is that a personal pic or no?

2012-03-08 20:21:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This all... it really does hurt so much. My sweet Anand... My sweet sweet darling. My silly heart loves you. I can't change that.
2012-03-08 13:07:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, yes...I just miss being there for them myself...I think it effects me more than them! Lol! They might not even know I'm gone. ;-)
2012-03-08 12:54:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( I sit on the floor next to your bed... doing nothing, just... watching you sleep. Kissing your dreams...
2012-03-08 12:00:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, nothing happened just that I keep writing & asking and...I am not even sure you get all my DMs. Or that if I annoy or bother you.
2012-03-08 11:54:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, then... no? :-(

2012-03-08 11:45:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May I kiss you softly on your forehead and hug you to me? And sit by your side, too? For a while...? Please.
2012-03-08 11:43:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry... I think I should wish you good night now. It's late there. Wishing you a restful sleep & tender dreams.
2012-03-08 11:43:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And sometimes I just simply miss you... too much and... Sigh. It
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feels terrible, darling.

2012-03-08 11:37:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could tell you... but every time I try, I fail and you end up telling that I am complaining and/or sulking... even if I am not.
2012-03-08 11:29:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know, darling. I am sorry. :-(

2012-03-08 11:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ About nothing. I just feel sometimes that I could as well talk to a wall or air or anything...
2012-03-08 11:21:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Biting my lip for... Sigh. For nothing. I miss you darling. I didn't want to say it & didn't want to talk to you, but... :-(
2012-03-08 11:07:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Biting my lip and no, I am not going to say that I miss you... :-|
2012-03-08 10:41:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-| hmmm

2012-03-08 10:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing noteworthy.

2012-03-08 10:24:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't want to bore/annoy you with my babbling and questions, etc. That's all. Anyway, I hope your day was fine...
2012-03-08 10:12:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. No, I am not. Just... hmm.

2012-03-08 09:42:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finishing up some office work...

2012-03-08 09:23:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home.

2012-03-08 07:49:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do take care.

2012-03-08 06:50:51 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Ha, I've been avoiding that as much as possible...;-) Truthfully, between classes, work, and meetings, I feel a little remiss in my duties.
2012-03-08 06:20:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I would love to lie down on a cliffside with you, watching the stars above a mountain valley... My sweet darling...
2012-03-08 05:55:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would still love to blow soap bubbles off a mountainside with you...
2012-03-08 05:49:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I am not you, darling... my thoughts are pure and innocent. ;-p Let's meet there, walk through valleys and mountains...
2012-03-08 05:24:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then... South is a perfect place for you. ;-p

2012-03-08 05:10:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is. Rainbow land... Sigh and smile. Oh ok, I see. Would you prefer to live in North India? Or you feel good there...?
2012-03-08 05:02:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, I see it's lunchtime for my sweet darling. So... bon appetit. :-) Hope your day goes smoothly for you & lunch is fine. Miss you.
2012-03-08 03:28:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My morning was a bit hectic, darling. It is gloomy outside with no ray of sunshine and cold too. I long for your warm sweet embrace...
2012-03-08 03:28:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And a temple too. Sigh. It is sad that it is not celebrated in South India. Just to take your hand & rush out to the streets... Aaah!
2012-03-08 03:27:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I find Indian festivals, celebrations are breathtakingly beautiful. Colorful, vibrant, joyful, I would so love to see one... in person.
2012-03-08 03:27:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies are all around darling, so... be a good boy and behave. ;-p Festival of colors sounds delightful.
2012-03-08 03:26:25 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ 3 girls and 3 guys- with you, of course... now, this is pretty cool. But why oh tell me why... not 6 guys and no girl at all. God!
2012-03-08 03:26:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your eyes, your hands, your lips, your smile...I so miss everything about you. I so wish to be with you, to hold you, to kiss you...again...
2012-03-08 03:25:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... mine close to yours. And my morning kisses too. Sigh. I remember everything. The feel of you, the smell of you... Sigh.
2012-03-08 03:24:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... try to hold them back. :-) Hmm, I am pretty sure you wake up tired because your body misses the sweet soft freshness of...
2012-03-08 03:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, now I know why I woke with lively thoughts and tingle in my body... ;-p I love those naughty kisses, please don't ever...
2012-03-08 03:22:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pairing? Why, oh why a girl! Sigh. ;-) Sunflower smiles & soft dewy kisses along your collarbone... I miss you. So, so much.
2012-03-08 00:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's all fresh & lovely, in a towel- wish I could hold you now :-) How was the drive to the office? How goes my sweet darling's day?
2012-03-08 00:28:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well? Feel fresh & rested? I so hope you do... I went to bed early, read a little- yes, your book & slept.
2012-03-08 00:27:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, don't turn around, it's just me- in the form of a lady butterfly, kissing the back of your neck... :-) Good morning, my darling.
2012-03-08 00:27:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hi Hun Just pinged you back.

2012-03-07 20:42:51 (EST)

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ocarinaofrhyme it's the first! haha you're the best! I would have loved that
2012-03-07 20:42:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet Anand. Immensely. Please, let those arms hold your lil' lady... Please my dear. Please.
2012-03-07 12:17:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I loved to stand on tiptoe & kiss you. I loved to wrap my arms around you & hold you. I loved to feel the weight of your head on my belly...
2012-03-07 12:10:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly on your tired eyes. Sleep soundly my darling with honey-sweet dreams. Good night. See you in dreams...
2012-03-07 12:03:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. I feel tired, too so I will join you in a bit & curl into your warm soft body. Sigh. How I miss that!
2012-03-07 12:03:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Happy, beaming, overjoyed! I squeeze you & hug you & kiss you back & then... falling on the bed together with our limbs entangled ;-)
2012-03-07 12:02:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Just making sure... :)

2012-03-07 12:00:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But... do I get a kiss, then? One that makes me want to get more...? ;-) Please. Miss you. Shall we go to bed & hold each other...?
2012-03-07 11:42:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You had dinner this late? Smile, but those autorickshaws look so fun...Come now darling, I will wrap you in my arms & squeeze you gently :-)
2012-03-07 11:39:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kisses around your navel & a tiny inch below... :-) I join you shortly & curl into you. Sigh, I so miss your body against mine...
2012-03-07 11:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Sniff. Sad. Anyway, it's late, so... wishing you good night now. Sleep soundly, darling with the sweetest dreams. Soft butterfly...
2012-03-07 11:28:41 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Hmmm, you seem to be busy... Your lady is sitting on your bed, waiting for you to give you that pending hug... Sigh.
2012-03-07 11:22:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So glad it was finally a good meeting... So, are the clients happy now? A nice way to end the day. :-)
2012-03-07 11:16:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Done. She is clean & nice. :-) I wrote you, darling. Day was quite ok. Almost done with work for the day...
2012-03-07 11:15:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I wish I was there to curl up with you & cuddle a little. Or go outside & watch the stars, with you hugging me from behind...
2012-03-07 10:51:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day, darling? How are you feeling? Mine was quite ok. Some work, nothing special. And my dog lady looks pretty now.
2012-03-07 10:48:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, please let me hug you & kiss you deeply... of course, after your dinner. :-)
2012-03-07 10:38:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. Just in time, smile. So proud of you! Hope work with them will get smoother from now on. :-)
2012-03-07 10:38:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Reciprocated! ;-)

2012-03-07 10:30:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ah, there go those misbehaving words again! I feel better, still a bit congested, but fit as a fiddle overall. hug and kiss received, and
2012-03-07 10:30:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and on my way home will pick up my dog lady. Missing you, darling. I will be back asap. Ok? And hug you tightly to me.
2012-03-07 09:12:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving again. Just realized I have no money to pay my dog's haircut, so have to go to the ATM, then a quick stop at the grocery store...
2012-03-07 09:12:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ What? Not a guy? Why not? :-| Are you trying to make me jealous? God! Why a girl? ;-p Many many lil' sweet kisses for you, too :-)
2012-03-07 08:46:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... :-) Oh darling, an autorickshaw is a pretty cool thing. Please, take me with you... please please awww :-)
2012-03-07 08:45:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off now too for a lil' bit. Taking my dog lady to get her hair cut. :-)
2012-03-07 08:19:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Till then... a soft kiss on your adorable nose and a sweet hug.
2012-03-07 07:40:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with your friend. But don't forget to pick up your mom. ;-) Ok, thanks for letting me know... I will be waiting for you darling. :-)
2012-03-07 07:40:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, it was a long meeting, indeed. My hello to your friend, darling. :-) Please do take care & hope you enjoy the travel, chatting...
2012-03-07 07:39:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you on your way home or still in the office... and in a meeting?
2012-03-07 07:29:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet darling sir? Please, if you see him, tell him that his lovely lady misses him... :-)
2012-03-07 07:28:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and continue its travel around your waist, up your chest, down your back... You know, just to make the meeting more interesting. ;-p
2012-03-07 04:49:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day, darling? Got a nice guy to pair with? :-) Oooh, a sweet soft kiss sneaking up your leg to slip under your undershirt...
2012-03-07 04:49:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. And I miss you more & more... It is exhausting, darling and heart-wrenching.
2012-03-07 04:48:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ To be honest, I don't cook that much any more. I don't know why. Maybe because it reminds me of you & I get sad...
2012-03-07 04:48:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, your lunch sounds delicious. Mellow & bright like a summer day. :-) Smile, so... now you cook & eat for two? ;-)
2012-03-07 04:48:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I fell asleep at 8 last night

2012-03-07 04:26:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning :)

2012-03-07 04:21:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what did you cook? Please, do eat slow... one bite for you, one for me... Smile. Thinking of you... wishing to kiss you...
2012-03-07 03:22:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You wished to read, chat, DM... whatever. All I wished was to get one DM letting me know that you reached home.
2012-03-07 02:21:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I hope you know that I was upset yesterday because I was worried. I thought something bad happened... but no, you were home.
2012-03-07 02:20:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you so very much.

2012-03-07 00:51:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Although it's very cold, birds are very lively this morning...I wish you could hear them, wish you were here to watch the sunrise with me...
2012-03-07 00:49:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and you smile, feeling the gentle breeze of butterfly wings as they flutter around you & dropping wet cool kisses all over you...
2012-03-07 00:34:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope the trip to the office was pleasant. Took the cab? How is your day? I hope you feel more fresh now, the work isn't tiring...
2012-03-07 00:34:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did you think of it while cooking? And smiled? I miss you. I miss watching you cook and the smell that filled the room... ahh!
3057 / 4823

2012-03-07 00:33:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you cooked! Darling, do you remember...? Your US room... Sigh. Your DMs, then me... with you there. Those lovely times... :-)
2012-03-07 00:33:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... lady was not there to wake you with her fresh lovely scented hug & kiss. ;-) My sleep doesn't feel restful either, btw. Hmm.
2012-03-07 00:32:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling. Perhaps you need to sleep longer... Or perhaps it is both- old age ;-p & the heat. Or perhaps it is because your...
2012-03-07 00:32:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Stretching, smiling- eyes still closed, fingers finding the line of your spine, pulling you to me... good morning, my darling dear. :-)
2012-03-07 00:31:50 (EST)

syahidahz course is done so just catching up on life while looking through schools for further studies.=)
2012-03-06 23:11:56 (EST)

syahidahz the day is good too co it looks like it's gonna rain and rain is always welcomed for a lazy afternoon haha..
2012-03-06 23:11:50 (EST)

syahidahz Anyway, "yours" or not, I thoroughly enjoyed last night's series.=) I'm doing great..
2012-03-06 23:11:40 (EST)

syahidahz Haha your sequence of thoughts are similar to mine. I could simply be sipping coffee or tea and then a rush of words will just flow through.
2012-03-06 23:11:04 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme thank you so very much my darling <3

2012-03-06 20:30:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thinking of you :-)

2012-03-06 15:29:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I see... I will never be held by you again...

2012-03-06 12:26:05 (EST)
3058 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Oh, just missed you... didn't expect more DM. Your pillow may be soft, but my belly is lovelier to hold... No? Sniff.
2012-03-06 12:23:38 (EST)

syahidahz Lovely words you're sharing tonight.=)

2012-03-06 12:21:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, pillow-Andrea doesn't have soft belly to hold, so... and my pillow-Anand doesn't snore :-(
2012-03-06 12:10:46 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Of course : ) I do hope so too

2012-03-06 12:09:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, really... Good night, darling. Sleep deeply with lovely dreams. Did you forget? I am holding you already, cradling you in my arms.
2012-03-06 12:09:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oooh, just giggling & enjoying your hug-kiss storm. Wow, what a treat! ;-) I would love you to give them in person, too. Please.
2012-03-06 12:06:01 (EST)

feltsensejunkie There is life in my eyes, regardless of the lens that captures it, beyond the veil and mist of distance I may hold today in sight... ; )
2012-03-06 12:04:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. All of them. Honest. And will give you even more...
2012-03-06 11:58:59 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I wouldn't dream of saying that to you, no ; ) I truly value honesty and your sharing of such actually made me smile haha
2012-03-06 11:58:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really miss you, sweet Anand. I really would love to see you, to hug you, to kiss you, to walk with you, just... to be with you.
2012-03-06 11:57:36 (EST)

feltsensejunkie as opposed to night time which the previous one was. I'm sorry it's not to your liking. I enjoy the fact it is a little disproportionate ; )
2012-03-06 11:57:18 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Awww... How can you be so sweet? How could I ever be upset with you? Tell me, how? Sigh. Please, give me those hugs & kisses...
2012-03-06 11:56:05 (EST)

feltsensejunkie It wasn't a morning shot no, but it is a true reflection of my colouring. I only faded the image, not the colour, and it was in daylight
2012-03-06 11:55:18 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Ah, dear E. Your honesty is refreshing. I wanted a less clear picture for a variety of reasons. It is temporary...
2012-03-06 11:54:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just... goodnight? Then... good night.

2012-03-06 11:50:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. I wish I could really hold you. And kiss you too. Good night for now. May you have the sweetest dreams...
2012-03-06 11:48:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. Close your eyes darling & let me cradle you in my arms till you fall asleep... Kissing you softly on your sweet nose. Please sleep
2012-03-06 11:46:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I am a bit upset, but... Sigh. I can't help it dear... come into my arms darling, so I can hug you close & kiss you sweetly. Sigh.
2012-03-06 11:40:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a second, will change then into my tiny shorts... wearing jeans & grey shirt with white checks & ruffle at the front, right now.
2012-03-06 11:39:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And it's late there & the day's been long for you... You should go to bed. If you wish, I will cradle you to sleep...
2012-03-06 11:31:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not in a chatty mood. Sorry. Was waiting & missing you & waiting & missing you & waiting some more & then worried... A lot.
2012-03-06 11:30:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. Never mind. Please go to bed and sleep... You need the rest.
2012-03-06 11:20:24 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Jaw is fine. Day is ok with lots of missing you... Hope your day's been fine... And I think I shall wish you good night now. Sleep well.
2012-03-06 11:17:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did worry. I don't know how should I feel... I think I am just relieved and glad you are home safe and sound.
2012-03-06 11:09:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you ok? Is everything alright?

2012-03-06 10:40:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tried so hard to control the urge to write to you, but now I am really worried. It's very late there and still no message from you...
2012-03-06 10:39:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips back, slowly, softly. I can feel my lips now, but you can still bite them. ;-)
2012-03-06 07:28:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sit back & enjoy the drive... You should shoo your pair away for few minutes... smile.
2012-03-06 07:27:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home from the dentist... and my sweet darling is not around to kiss my numb lips, smile. And sigh. Missing you.
2012-03-06 06:44:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Off to the dentist. Be back soon, darling. Till then, look for my sweet soft kisses under the keyboard, desk, chair & in your pockets...
2012-03-06 04:43:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sunflower smiles and playful teasing kisses for you, darling. Enjoy your lunch. Hope it's enough there for two... ;-)
2012-03-06 03:31:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish you were, sitting behind me, your arms around me, chin on my shoulder... Oh, if only... Please come and hold me. Please.
2012-03-06 03:30:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, it really is a beautiful day here, but... you know, with you, it would be lovelier & happier and... sigh. Missing you so very much :-(
2012-03-06 03:29:28 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... before joining another course. Now you have a little more time for other things. Nice. Glad you feel relaxed & enjoyed the drive.
2012-03-06 03:28:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! I didn't know pairing is your normal state of work... and I didn't know the course has ended. Yes, I would wait too,
2012-03-06 03:28:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My morning is chilly, filled with lovely birds song & sunshine. Sitting outside, sipping tea... I so wish you were here...
2012-03-06 02:33:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I do miss you so... I hope all is well in the office & the day goes smoothly for you...
2012-03-06 02:32:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I missed your morning kiss & sweet smile. A gentle downpour of butterfly kisses on your shoulders, back, chest, arms... :-)
2012-03-06 00:09:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I know, you said you'll book a cab, but... today is your Tai Chai day, so... How goes your day, darling? Pairing again? Sigh.
2012-03-06 00:09:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept soundly? I did, you know... like a stone. Are you all fresh & cheerful today? How was the trip to the office?
2012-03-06 00:08:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 no, silly! not bow! MISUSE! Sorry, that was me getting REALLY naughty. *whispers "no S&M with this man Jennifer" *runs and hides*
2012-03-05 22:22:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 could you please? just a tiny bit? LOL

2012-03-05 22:12:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-03-05 21:34:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 don't shut up with you... but it's true. I'm pretty isolated. I trust you more than you know and am forever grateful for you being you.
2012-03-05 21:33:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 wicket sense of humor. I don't open up like this to most

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people. I know it may be very hard to believe that given that on a most days I
2012-03-05 21:33:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 have yet to meet, but I do love your soul. I love how my soul shines and radiates beautifully in your presence. I love your kindness and
2012-03-05 21:32:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And on a more serious note, you should know that you are one of my bestest friends on this earth. Yes, that may sound absurd, given that we
2012-03-05 21:32:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ok, I guess, I'll stop here before this gets any worse. :)
2012-03-05 21:28:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 much more if that damn zipper wasn't always stuck!

2012-03-05 21:28:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, you can be distant and avoid my come-ons. I won't stop. It's just way too much fun. I enjoy our playful banter. I would enjoy it SO
2012-03-05 21:27:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Reality is, doesn't matter what you say OR do. You're not going to be able to make me stop falling in love with you.
2012-03-05 21:27:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 the day. I smiled that a mad woman while reading through some of them. WHY have you stopped giving me virtual back rubs. Now I'm pissed! :P
2012-03-05 21:26:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I downloaded this new tweeting app for my phone and there was our DMs going back to forever. You were a LOT less reserved with me back in
2012-03-05 21:26:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm in such a naughty mood. I must not answer that before I get myself in trouble.
2012-03-05 21:25:50 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 I was joking, darling. :) Mind you, I wouldn't mind falling asleep in your arms - but that's another Dm. ;) Trusted friend, eh? Hmmm....
2012-03-05 21:25:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 probably best we not go there. wouldn't want the cab driver wondering why you're blushing! :P
2012-03-05 21:21:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 ooooh cab!!! How exciting for you!!! You seriously don't know what a sugar daddy is? *giggling*
2012-03-05 21:21:29 (EST)

melancholundone hee hee hee. ;)

2012-03-05 20:35:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 guess that's a no, eh?

2012-03-05 20:33:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How 'bout if you just be my sugar daddy? :P

2012-03-05 20:17:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Or adopt me?

2012-03-05 20:17:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-03-05 20:17:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Will you marry me?

2012-03-05 20:16:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you in them- at the beginning, at the end... and in between. Sigh & a smile. And you know that, my sweet darling. You do.
2012-03-05 14:20:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, think of you, daydream of you constantly. I fall asleep thinking of you, wake with thoughts of you, my dreams have...
2012-03-05 14:19:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and hug you gently to me. :-) My darling, I hope you are sleeping sweetly, deeply... feeling my breath on your nape...
2012-03-05 14:19:08 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I will now freshen up, slip into your soft silky kiss-stockings (as I said, will wear nothing else), snuggle up behind you, kiss your ear...
2012-03-05 14:16:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. I really feel tired. My dinner was very simplebaked Camembert with garlic-herb baguette. And strawberry yogurt.
2012-03-05 14:15:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, please sleep my dear. It's late... Kissing you softly on your forehead, cute nose, cheeks, chin & lips... Good night.
2012-03-05 11:35:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I will join you very soon & wrap myself around you like a cozy blanket... wearing nothing but your kisses... ;-p
2012-03-05 11:34:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do think of you, every second... even in sleep- dreaming with you. Good night my sweet darling. Sleep & dream sweetly.
2012-03-05 11:34:32 (EST)

melancholundone Sending you a smile. ;)

2012-03-05 11:32:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Every little thing. So, so so very much... Sigh.

2012-03-05 11:25:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss the feel of your hand on my belly, holding lil' me close to your chest...
2012-03-05 11:11:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really would love to be with you now. I'd love to simply lay alongside your body, shoulder, hip, hands touching... lips kissing... Sigh.
2012-03-05 11:04:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Terribly much. It's ok if you don't feel like writing... Come and let's cuddle under the sheets... ;-)
2012-03-05 11:04:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, it is more comfortable to sit in a cab & read... even if it is slower... :-) Smile, if the sun shines, the 7C feels not so cold...
2012-03-05 11:03:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) eyelids fluttering, smiling shyly... Thank you. :-) Oh my...
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your dinner sounds fantastic, just a tiny bite... please, oh please :-)
2012-03-05 11:02:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seriously. I don't know why but I feel very tired. My eyelids grow heavy with each blink. And yes, missing you. Your warm lovely arms...
2012-03-05 10:37:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Having dinner? Hope you do... See? Your lady is a good girl, she doesn't skip dinners any more. :-)
2012-03-05 10:34:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... talking to the guys on the other end of the phone. Sigh. Smile, no... right now it's 7C here. And sunny. :-)
2012-03-05 10:12:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you don't use the cab any more? Your sweet one feels wilted, wishing to curl up in her sweet sir's lap & listen to him...
2012-03-05 10:11:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so happy that you are home & all's well, why didn't you let me know...? Sniff. How was your day? Yes yes, nothing too bad, but still...
2012-03-05 10:11:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! I was chewing my nails, darling... Rushing to you & hugging you tightly, kissing you a sweet late welcome home.
2012-03-05 10:10:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, you should be home by now... Hope all is well with you.
2012-03-05 09:28:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... how sweet it was to miss you while you were in the office, knowing you'd return home to me.
2012-03-05 07:30:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, dear. Thinking of you, of our time together & how I rushed to the window to wave you bye & blow you a kiss...
2012-03-05 07:28:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. The dentist appt. is tomorrow at 16:00 your time. :-) A deep slow kiss on the base of your neck, darling.
2012-03-05 05:24:23 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Is it your monthly report or one for the other team? Do you have enough time to finish it?
2012-03-05 05:22:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You just brought a gentle :-) to my lil' heart. And those earrings of your kisses... I never want to take them off... ;-)
2012-03-05 05:22:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I knew it! :-) Hope the guy is pleasant to pair with... and your day isn't tiring. Thank you for sneaking in, darling.
2012-03-05 05:21:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I miss you too. A lot. And a whole lot more. Busy working darling, other than that... nothing new or noteworthy. Hmm.
2012-03-05 05:21:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweet sweet Anand... Under the shade of a tree I'd love to be now, with you sitting beside me, eating together... Bon appetit :-)
2012-03-05 03:19:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feather-light, wet kisses floating towards you on fresh morning breeze to sneak under your clothes & cool your skin... :-)
2012-03-05 00:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about the report? Did you finish it last night? How goes your day? I miss you so much & if you really do too, then... please... Sigh.
2012-03-05 00:23:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or come to me. Please. Or let's go somewhere else... Sigh. How was the trip to the office? Still happy with the route you discovered?
2012-03-05 00:22:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Around late July, August can be hot, over 40C. Please drink a lot of water & use eye drops. Wear linen or any other soft fabric...
2012-03-05 00:21:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your eyes, darling. I went to check the weather... Wow, 33C today & 35 on Wed. We have such temperatures in summer...
2012-03-05 00:20:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Glad that you slept well & hope you feel well-rested, too. I fell asleep very early but woke up several times...
2012-03-05 00:20:38 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 Hello handsome! My day was super busy. The recipe turned out great. Hope you slept well. :)
2012-03-04 21:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's so very hard for me, my dear. It hurts so much... :'-( Just... to have your arms around me, nothing else.
2012-03-04 12:53:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I will really lie down. Your lady feels exhausted... in every way. I wish you were here, wrapped around me... holding me...
2012-03-04 12:34:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love Revenge, Spring in Fialta and I could go on... His stories are brilliant, darling. This book is a true treasure. I love it.
2012-03-04 12:07:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. Honest. I do enjoy the book. My faves are till now- A matter of chance, Wingstroke, La Veneziana; Cloud, castle, lake...
2012-03-04 12:05:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...and curl into you. Please, do put your hand on my belly & hold me... Sleep sweetly, darling. Dream lovely dreams.
2012-03-04 11:37:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, darling. I feel very tired, so if you don't mind I slip under the covers with you now, kissing your lips sweet & slow...
2012-03-04 11:37:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. It's late & you do need the rest. Oooh, come & let those lips & fingers show me instead of tweeting about such stuff ;-p
2012-03-04 11:36:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I do enjoy it a lot. Some of the stories are esp. beautiful. Details of a sunset... Yes, he is superb, no doubt.
2012-03-04 11:36:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 It's the first time I'm trying this recipe. Hope it runs out. Sweet dreams. xoxo
2012-03-04 11:32:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hello darling. :) Swallowed me whole? I tried to reach you

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through chat earlier. I just finished some cleaning and made a taco salad.
2012-03-04 11:32:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes I read the book & told you a few times already...Sometimes I even sleep with it. Blush. I love it very much. Can't thank you enough...
2012-03-04 11:18:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wait wait... I see something. They finally arrived. Dusty and puffing and panting and tumbling, but... as sweet as you sent them.
2012-03-04 11:16:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies should be there in a few minutes to cover you in soft honeyed kisses.
2012-03-04 10:56:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, they seem to have got lost somewhere along the way or are just too slow. But you... look out of your window.
2012-03-04 10:55:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are all I can think of. My darling... Missing you terribly. Yes, the report... I didn't forget about it. Hope it goes well...
2012-03-04 10:55:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, thank you...enjoy your evening :-) ((hugs))

2012-03-04 10:13:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Speaking of days, I have to start sashaying into mine, textbook in time. Talk later, dear ET. xo
2012-03-04 10:08:25 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Smiles... *curtseys* : )

2012-03-04 10:06:01 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Smile I most certainly did...Please do not hesitate to dance with me again too : )
2012-03-04 09:57:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire They certainly are! Glad we have them adding to our days, gently directing the winds...
2012-03-04 09:54:14 (EST)

feltsensejunkie E, there is no discomfort. Please do not think that. I hope my response did not cause you any discomfort either. It made me smile : )
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2012-03-04 09:52:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Misbehaved words = :-}

2012-03-04 09:51:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, that is a trick I use as well, the're right in that you sort of have to control it by getting it lower in your throat.
2012-03-04 09:50:32 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Of course E, why would I think otherwise of you? Thank you : )

2012-03-04 09:48:51 (EST)

feltsensejunkie It is rather orange yes...I think it was the light in my room, definite orange glow. Yes, alabaster is more my natural tone.
2012-03-04 09:48:25 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Well thank you E : ) My skin is much paler in reality. I think that was a camera fluke... ; )
2012-03-04 09:45:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The tingle might have went further than my shoulder. ;-P I feel alright, slightly better, possibly...hope to stay on that course. You???
2012-03-04 09:41:45 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Why should I misunderstand you? : ) It is quite wonderful that you find my chin and eyes word worthy. What do you mean in orange please?
2012-03-04 09:41:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mmmm, your wordplay is always so *sensual*....makes me tingle! Very sexy. You hit all the right notes...
2012-03-04 09:37:00 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I will listen with my eyes open and always endeavour understanding : )
2012-03-04 09:32:40 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Oh I agree. A word though can evoke taste, roll on the tongue, slip effortlessly, bring flavour, seasoning...Of course E, what is it?
2012-03-04 09:32:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-(
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2012-03-04 09:26:45 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Little beasts with big voices depending on the penman yes :)
2012-03-04 09:25:18 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Metaphors and layers of a well thought verse are nonpareil to me : )

2012-03-04 09:24:49 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Indeed for me words can grace each sense individually or all at once in a wonderful mess of drenched thought and colours, textures etc
2012-03-04 09:20:06 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Yes. The last one particularly sublime... I have tried many things but not that. Perhaps I should. : )
2012-03-04 09:08:59 (EST)

feltsensejunkie May I also say your tweets are even more wonderful than usual today. A pleasure to peruse : ))
2012-03-04 08:59:36 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I'm so happy to bring you a smile, as you do to me : ) I'm well thank you despite a stubborn cold for which antibiotics were a last resort.
2012-03-04 08:58:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady silently walks away, leaving breadcrumbs... and butterfly kisses for you to find her... if you want...
2012-03-04 07:40:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. A lot. I don't want much, just... to be held by you, to rest in your arms...
2012-03-04 07:40:26 (EST)

dgdreamin That made me smile!! You're simply too sweet. I'll have to check it out on my laptop later! Hope your weekend has been lovely!
2012-03-04 07:20:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... beginning. And those days together... Darling, nothing has ever felt more right. I felt at home with you.
2012-03-04 06:51:04 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ You think we could have been able to keep things at a distance? Not sure, darling. It felt... all so natural & beautiful from the very...
2012-03-04 06:50:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, yum! Wish I was there, cooking together... What are you cooking?
2012-03-04 04:53:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry about what? And cut what at the outset? And I was wondering where you have been... Glad you slept, darling. You needed it...
2012-03-04 04:53:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Even though you didn't use words to lure, but... your lady walked into your forest & now, she is trapped in it. With an aching heart.
2012-03-04 01:32:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... splashing water on you. Sigh. I would love to wash your back, darling. Please, enjoy your bath... *swoon*
2012-03-04 01:15:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling. Gently massaging your temples, kissing your forehead... :-) Oooh, just to sit on the edge of the bathtub...
2012-03-04 01:14:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no, I can't sleep... the sun is out. Maybe I will take an afternoon nap... or lie down with you when you take one. :-)
2012-03-04 01:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. I really wish you were here... Your lil' lady longs to be held by you. Sigh. Kisses on your earlobes & around your neck
2012-03-04 01:04:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The desk is very simple, some would even say it's ugly, but... there was something about it that captured me. I am happy I found it.
2012-03-04 01:03:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. I will. But I have to put it together first. It's an IKEA desk, Lego for adults. ;-) Please don't expect something beautiful.
2012-03-04 01:02:52 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Slept well & long? Feeling rested? How could I ever be angry with you, darling? Sigh. You know I can't...
2012-03-04 01:02:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I missed you the whole day. So, so very much! Sniff. Tell me, how was your time with your grandma? Stayed there for dinner?
2012-03-04 01:01:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear darling. I was so exhausted, slept like a stone. Still sleepy, I wish you were here to kiss me awake... :-)
2012-03-04 01:01:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LOL I enjoyed watching that unravel. You're hilarious. I'm not tired at all. Come rescue me before I get myself into trouble! ;)
2012-03-04 00:39:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yeah yeah... I enjoyed watching that unravel. You're hilarious. I'm not tired at all. Come rescue me before I get myself into trouble! ;)
2012-03-04 00:39:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Look at you getting all tongue-tied on twitter! Bahahaha! You crack me up! :P
2012-03-04 00:35:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Great Timing, as I enjoy our chats :-)

2012-03-03 21:51:59 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Figure this out at some point this are you, dear friend? I figured I'd post a few, as I'm taking a study break, glad for your
2012-03-03 21:50:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The antibiotic he prescribed doesn't always work on's hit or miss, but I prefer it due to the lack of side I must
2012-03-03 21:49:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you. I can't help it, dear. And I miss you. Immensely. In bed now, with your book & thoughts of you... wanting to hold you, feel you.
2012-03-03 16:55:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May you wake up with a smile, my darling... finding my soft

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good morning kiss in your palm that I placed in it while you slept... :-)
2012-03-03 16:28:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will now freshen up darling, slip under the covers & wrap myself around you, holding you tightly to me...
2012-03-03 16:27:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you feel in your sleep as I kiss you softly on your forehead, whispering a loving "good night" over your sweet, cute sleeping form. :-)
2012-03-03 16:25:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missed you today so terribly much :-( And I didn't get to wish you good night...Sigh. But now, I tiptoe to your bed, lean over you & hope...
2012-03-03 16:25:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry I didn't return sooner. And I so hope you had a lovely day & the trip to and from your grandma was pleasant...
2012-03-03 16:24:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet Anand, just got home. Feel very very tired & my feet hurt terribly but I found a desk. I saw it & fell in love with it instantly.
2012-03-03 16:23:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Still sick, unfortunately. Antibiotics aren't knocking this out... Studying is weird, it's as though I can't retain anymore. How are you???
2012-03-03 15:06:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... stop by some stores & hope to find a desk for my laptop. I wish you could come with me... Please do take care on your way home.
2012-03-03 09:54:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I need to go out for a little while. Missing you madly, need to distract my mind. Sigh. I will just drive around a little...
2012-03-03 09:53:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I cleaned my home from top to bottom, scrubbed & dusted & swept & mopped, but... Sigh.
2012-03-03 09:53:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. My dear Anand, I do miss you so... :-( I hope your grandma is happy & you do enjoy your time there.
2012-03-03 09:43:41 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 good morning. I went to sleep really early last night but the wind woke me. I'd fallen back asleep soon after. How are you?
2012-03-03 07:04:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful, sunny day here darling. The bluest sky, a multitude of birds- and your lovely lady, aching for you...
2012-03-03 06:18:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. I'll keep blowing butterfly kisses towards you :-) Have a lovely time. Sigh. Wish you were here with me instead..
2012-03-03 04:42:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I missed you! I thought you had left... :-( Freshly shaved too? Oh how I wish I could hold you now, breathe in your scent, kiss you..
2012-03-03 04:41:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have already left... :-( I miss you, Anand. So, so much. Hope you have a lovely time with your grandma & mom.
2012-03-03 04:20:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am... Where are you, darling?

2012-03-03 03:17:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off to clean the bathroom. Be back very soon...

2012-03-03 02:24:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gypsy eyes - ~ Never resting on ~ Any part of me // eyes touch you - and keep traveling - in soft caresses - over each section of your body
2012-03-03 02:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Remember how your lady rearranged stuff in the kitchen cupboards while you were lying in bed? I miss our days together. I miss you.
2012-03-03 01:54:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... as an undershirt... ;-) I miss you, darling. Very very much.
2012-03-03 01:29:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft nibbling kisses down your chest to your navel in little butterfly circles, around your waist & up your back to wear...
2012-03-03 01:29:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) was quite surprised when I saw it... Wow, she knows it.
2012-03-03 01:28:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, did you know that Zsolnay is a famous Hungarian porcelain manufacturer?
2012-03-03 01:16:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked it. And you tweeted it! Wow. :-) I have stumbled upon it a few months ago...
2012-03-03 01:05:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your tweets remind me of this...

2012-03-03 00:47:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, god! 6 hours? Darling, that's a long time. :-| You can nap there, too if you feel tired, no? Or leave earlier? But then your mom... :-|
2012-03-03 00:30:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please... no need to apologize. I knew you were curious, so... :-) Well, now I am curious too. What did that guy do?
2012-03-03 00:30:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and nap & go for a sweet evening walk, watching the sunset holding hands... Sigh. Just to be with you...
2012-03-03 00:21:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I understand. But I will miss you, a lot. Sad sigh. My sweet darling, I so wish we were together...We could rest and play and cuddle...
2012-03-03 00:20:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about the report? Will you work on it today or tomorrow? Oooh, you want to stay away from the comp. the whole day?
2012-03-03 00:19:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, your lady could use some more rest, too. Oh, nice. :-) How is your grandma? All is well with her? My loveliest warmest hello to her.
2012-03-03 00:19:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... was insufficient. You were so tired... Sigh. Maybe too tired to sleep. I slept ok, fell asleep early.
2012-03-03 00:19:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear gentle sir. I felt those kisses in my

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dream, their softness tickled me awake... :-) I am sorry darling that your sleep
2012-03-03 00:18:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, as I see, she is asking several people to do the same... Hmm. Your lady is fading fast... see you soon in dreams...
2012-03-02 14:25:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, or just curiosity didn't let you sleep? Anyway, I hope you are sleeping now. I join you now dear & hug you to me...
2012-03-02 14:18:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... Yes, I do frown... Dead tired but stayed up just because a tweeter asked you to tweet something? :-|
2012-03-02 14:07:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you still awake? Or these are scheduled tweets? Sigh. Hopefully the latter and you are sleeping, darling. You need the sleep...
2012-03-02 13:49:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I softly kiss your forehead and wrap you in my arms, darling. Holding you all night...
2012-03-02 13:04:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, seriously. 3 hours... I thought you reached home & fell asleep. Please sleep deeply & long my darling with the sweetest dreams.
2012-03-02 13:03:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure you are... God! Sigh. Waving hello to your mom... hiding behind your back ;-)
2012-03-02 12:56:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What??? Goodness, darling, where have you been? All is well? My sweetest... that's crazy. Please, let me hug you, long & sweet.
2012-03-02 12:53:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... slipping my arm around you, holding you softly to me. My dear Anand... Miss you. Hope you sleep sweetly & long with pleasant dreams :-)
2012-03-02 12:07:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet super-exhausted darling has fallen

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asleep. So sweet :-) Kissing you gently on your temples as you sleep...
2012-03-02 12:06:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And sighing sadly too, because I miss you so...

2012-03-02 11:30:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady's done with work for the day, ready to snuggle under the covers with you... Still smiling, seeing you was the highlight of my day.
2012-03-02 11:29:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you reached? Let me kiss you welcome home... :-) Please, do have a quick dinner...
2012-03-02 11:02:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, did I tell you that you look great in grey & white? God, darling I felt like jumping into the screen right into your arms... *swoon*
2012-03-02 10:25:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! A report? A long one? For Monday? I really hope you will rest... I know you... at the end, you will do this & that but not rest... :-|
2012-03-02 10:15:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...because you were very good. :-) And then just cuddle you, cover you in soft kisses, soothe your tired body... Sigh. Missing you so...
2012-03-02 10:12:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even more so to be there... to welcome you home with a gentle squeezing hug & a sweet long slow kiss & tell you how silly you are...
2012-03-02 10:10:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, please rush home... carefully, of course ;-) Please do take care. Try to stay awake... :-| Oh darling, I wish, so wish that too!
2012-03-02 10:10:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no. I do think you were great. Honest. And not because of the laughs... You didn't rush, darling. :-)
2012-03-02 10:09:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am happy, too. :-) My sweet darling, you think I don't notice your ways... to make me smile? I do. Every time. :-)
2012-03-02 10:09:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You made me happy, you know that? I thank you, darling. And
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yes, it was also heart wrenching to see you... God! How I miss you!
2012-03-02 09:23:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A fluttering :-) & a wavy sigh...Yes, yes I did...though a bit blurry through my tears, smile. You were great! I loved it. Congrats darling
2012-03-02 09:21:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Damn, my tears are blurring my vision... Smiling & weeping. Weeping & smiling... To see you, your smile & hear your voice was so beautiful.
2012-03-02 09:12:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! There you are! You are fantastic, darling. They love you/your presentation! See? I told you! :-) I am so proud of you! So so proud.
2012-03-02 09:07:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will be crossing my fingers & toes for you, my darling. :-) You will do it great, I know. Just... breathe deeply... :-)
2012-03-02 08:25:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The quality is not the best, tell me, what are you wearing? I won't go away from the laptop, not for a sec.
2012-03-02 08:25:20 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi. hope you are having a nice evening. xoxo hugs
2012-03-02 08:24:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with teary eyes and god, how my lil' hear is racing... My sweet sweet darling, wishing you all the best. :-)
2012-03-02 08:14:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It works! God! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you so so so so much! How wonderful is that! Yes, I can see it. Your lady smiles...
2012-03-02 08:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you feel my warm gentle fingers curled around your hand, squeezing encouragingly...? You will do it fine, my darling. :-)
2012-03-02 08:00:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...that link! :-) Please darling, don't be nervous. I am with you, by your side... close your eyes for a moment & breathe deeply.
2012-03-02 07:59:37 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Wait wait... just a second. Do I understood it right, can I watch you there...? Oooh! Goodness, running to check...
2012-03-02 07:59:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I am off for a bit. In case you leave before I get back, please do take care. A soft kiss on your yawning kissable lips... :-)
2012-03-02 06:22:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your 5 mins talk? Done with it, too?

2012-03-02 06:17:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I like it! And after re-watching it... I like it even more. Smile. Very well done, darling. Surely not a boring pres. :-) What about...
2012-03-02 06:16:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I wish I could grab on to you mid-yawn & hold you close and kiss you behind your ear as you yawn into my shoulder... :-)
2012-03-02 05:23:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pretty please, let's do it. Sigh. My day is an easy one, going quietly. The sun shines, the wind blows and I miss... I miss you so... :-)
2012-03-02 05:22:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! Just a tiny bite of it... Sigh. My darling, not just any vacation... but one together. It would be the most beautiful thing ever...
2012-03-02 05:22:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A delicate slow kiss for your lips as an appetizer before your lunch...Smile. Hope your lunch is delicious. My sweet lovely darling...Sigh
2012-03-02 03:36:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I said, please let's go on a vacation together. Pretty please. I could come to India... & meet somewhere. Sigh. Just you & me...
2012-03-02 02:11:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I said, please let's go on a vacation together. Pretty please. I could come to India... & meet somewhere. Sigh. Just you & me...
2012-03-02 02:10:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I understand, darling. I really do. But still... I miss you. More & more. And at t the same time worried that you overwork yourself...
2012-03-02 02:09:34 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh! Excited! :-) No, honest. Hope they will love your presentation...combined with your talk...It will be an interesting 5 min, for sure :-)
2012-03-02 02:08:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad that you slept well, but dear, your dream... ugh, not a pleasant one. Yes, I feel kinda wilted too... Could sleep & sleep...
2012-03-02 02:07:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... lady in her towel so wishes to have you here, kissing the tiny drops from her shoulders... I loved our mornings together. I miss them.
2012-03-02 02:07:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I wake up as usual, but sometimes I DM you before doing my morning routine. Simple. :-) And now, your freshly showered
2012-03-02 02:06:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well, though woke up several times... Missing you, darling. A lot. Really, a lot. :-( Sweet soft kisses down your spine, darling :-)
2012-03-02 00:11:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the trip to the office? Happy with the new route? How goes your day? Pairing again? If yes, hopefully not with the annoying guy :-)
2012-03-02 00:11:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, good morning. Those ever searching fingers didn't find yours... Sigh. Did you sleep well? Feeling rested?
2012-03-02 00:10:19 (EST)

Darkntwistd Have a happy day sweet one.

2012-03-01 22:35:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please... hold me in your dreams. Close, very close... Sigh. I will join you soon, curl into your body & slip into your dreams... :-)
2012-03-01 12:00:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. Sleep deeply, dream beautifully. I hug you gently to me and kiss you softly on your forehead & eyelids...
2012-03-01 11:59:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh! I am flattered and honoured greatly. :-) But please... do

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look at the time. ;-)

2012-03-01 11:36:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! :-) Would love to see it once you finished... Doing some office work, darling.
2012-03-01 11:16:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I really really do. Sniff. I just hope all is going well with the pres. so you can go to bed on time...
2012-03-01 11:05:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Just logged in here, between calls. Even though you already made my day, your good morning message here warmed my heart. *smiling*
2012-03-01 10:12:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is it going, darling? Sigh. Wish I was there to help you & then hold sweet wilted you in my lovely wilted arms... :-)
2012-03-01 09:48:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...light traffic in India. ;-) Gosh, yes your meeting... I almost forgot about that. Poor darling. And you need to finish your presentation.
2012-03-01 09:47:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. :-) I hug you tightly & kiss you softly on your lips. Good to be home... :-) Smile I think our worst traffic is not as bad as
2012-03-01 09:47:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about the presentation? Today is the last day, right? And yes, I hope you go to bed on time tonight & sleep properly. :-)
2012-03-01 09:20:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... I nuzzle your chest. Would you please caress my hair, too? :-) I miss you darling. Terribly. What I need now is just to feel you...
2012-03-01 09:19:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? Feeling tired? Your lady still feels a bit wilted... Sigh. It would be so lovely to have you kiss my fingertips while...
2012-03-01 09:19:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you discovered another route? You are good, darling. Very good. :-) But why you are not using the cab any more?
2012-03-01 09:18:54 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just got home. Horrible traffic. I was in the office...Glad your day was fine & sorry the guy wasn't pleasant to pair with
2012-03-01 09:18:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :)

2012-03-01 06:48:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off for a bit, darling but please know that your lady is thinking of you... every second, in the most tender of ways...
2012-03-01 04:21:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I hope the day is going smoothy for you... A feathery trail of butterfly kisses around your neck, darling...
2012-03-01 04:03:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could hold you in my arms, cradle you, caress you sweetly, soothe your aching tired body. Oh dear... Sigh.
2012-03-01 00:13:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Scheduled tweets? Aah you! It is always so confusing... :-) Please do take care, darling. Don't strain yourself too much today. Please.
2012-03-01 00:11:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and sink back into sleep. :-) Good morning, my sweet tired darling. Sigh. I slept well enough, woke up too early. Feeling a bit wilted.
2012-03-01 00:11:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, just to wake up to your hip-kiss... :-) I'd gently pull your head onto my belly, kiss the top of your head, wrap my arms around you
2012-03-01 00:10:56 (EST)

Darkntwistd Have a nice day sweet one. {big hug}

2012-02-29 23:09:47 (EST)

the_radish lead her on as to you loving her and only her . she loves you so much . I just hope you didn't do that...
2012-02-29 22:56:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Been studying all day, but wanted to check in before was your day/night? Still busy busy busy?
2012-02-29 22:03:51 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 Yay! I miss you.

2012-02-29 20:28:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 for a few minutes. Are you driving to work today? Asking, cuz if you're not, I'll call for a tiny bit. If not, no worries. :)
2012-02-29 20:13:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Work was fabulous! The potluck was a great success. More exciting news today. See if you can pop on for a bit when you get to work to chat
2012-02-29 20:13:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hey stranger! :)

2012-02-29 20:12:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodness, you are still awake? Please my dearest, sleep. Pretty please. Your lady is with you, close your eyes & feel me...
2012-02-29 13:16:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire For your well wishes, dear friend. How have you been? xoxo
2012-02-29 13:05:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, taking antibiotic...slightly better, hopefully the symptoms are starting to ease a bit...still feeling it, but on the mend. Thank you
2012-02-29 13:05:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, please sleep now. Yes, holding you, cradling you... humming softly a sweet lullaby... :-)
2012-02-29 12:36:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach so... Ok, now the 5 min. sounds easier... :-) Yep, I like it a lot. Very pretty. Fresh. Not boring.
2012-02-29 12:16:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Me too. To keep your pictures where? Darling, it will be only for that presentation, no? So, why worry...?
2012-02-29 12:14:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and lips & cradle him in my arms till he falls asleep. :-) Sleep soundly my darling with lovely dreams. Good night.
2012-02-29 12:05:53 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I will be there, right under your covers, waiting for my super tired darling to kiss him softly on his eyelids, nose, cheeks, chin...
2012-02-29 12:04:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Please, let me take you in my arms, gently lovingly & kiss you welcome home. You are crazy, did I tell you? ;-p This late...!
2012-02-29 12:04:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...better have a large table" I would put a pic of a large table covered with plates of delicious looking food. Smile.
2012-02-29 11:56:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... pics, but missing the pic of the garlic (I so love that pic) & a few others too. And after the text "the family that dines together...
2012-02-29 11:55:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pretty good so far :-) But if it is going to be a 5 min pres., yes, there's lots of work to be done, darling...I recognized a few of your...
2012-02-29 11:54:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Will check it out in a few minutes. But seriously... where are you? Are you ok? My sweet darling, hope you do take care. Sniff.
2012-02-29 11:25:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? Did you leave for the office??? God, this late? Darling why? You should be in bed now... :-| Hope all is well darling. Sigh.
2012-02-29 11:23:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Got a root filling first, need to go back on Tues. No, no pain or swelling or anything. :-)
2012-02-29 11:23:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to run now, darling. Sorry. Be back soon. Please do take care. A quick deep kiss on your lips, one that makes you sigh & whoosh...
2012-02-29 09:47:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? Why not? Oh oooh... If only I could be there... :-(

2012-02-29 09:37:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you leave for home. It's dark outside. :-) I am leaving in a bit too. You know, back to the dentist...
2012-02-29 09:33:02 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Sending you some of those kisses & let them walk up your soft tummy, chest... Aaah, if only. Please darling, do take care when...
2012-02-29 09:32:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What a question! I adore those kisses! And do you still like those lil' kisses that crawl under your undershirt? ;-)
2012-02-29 09:31:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still wish we would work on it together. I miss you too. A lot lot lot & a whole lot more. :-)
2012-02-29 09:30:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... still in the office??? Yep, it's your meeting time... Gosh. Can't you skip it? :-| How is it going with the presentation?
2012-02-29 09:30:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are taking care, darling. Can't wait to jump into your arms and hug you welcome home. :-) Aaah, if only...
2012-02-29 08:01:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the same guy and no, he doesn't smell any better. :-D I guess you are on your way home, right?
2012-02-29 08:00:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you very much, Anand. I miss the happiness I felt with you. Our walks. Our cuddles. Sharing meals. To watch you sleep. Everything.
2012-02-29 07:59:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hugging & rolling & laughing & kissing each other all over :-) And the just lying there, watching the sky...Just you & me & the clouds. Sigh
2012-02-29 07:58:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My poor sweet darling, yes I wish we could run away holding hands, too. And just run & run till we gasp for air & then lie down on grass.
2012-02-29 07:57:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And sorry to hear that the clients are unhappy. But they change the requirements, no? So, they should be more patient.
2012-02-29 07:56:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... find your DMs... Made me so happy, dear. Really, so happy. :-)
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I am sorry there's so much trouble in the office right now.

2012-02-29 07:55:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I just got home. I am so sorry. I tried to DM you, but it didn't go through. :-( It was so lovely to come home to...
2012-02-29 07:55:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I have to leave. Hope all's well & lunch is lovely. Missing you so... :-( A gentle downpour of my softest kisses all over you.
2012-02-29 03:03:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... at the front. Smile, my hair is still wet. I would so love to hug you now, letting my hair tease you... and smile and kiss you sweetly.
2012-02-29 02:13:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope all is well with you, darling. I am getting ready... wearing mid-blue jeans & white soft cotton blouse with beige embroidery...
2012-02-29 02:11:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be very very very busy today. But hope he knows that his lady misses him very very very much. Sigh.
2012-02-29 02:10:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On my way home I could pick you up too... :-) Oh darling, I wish I could. I miss you. A deep soft kiss on your navel... & an inch below :-)
2012-02-29 00:04:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then drive to the office, stay there for a while, then drive the guy to the hotel, then back home, then to the dentist & back home again.
2012-02-29 00:03:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well enough but still feel sleepy. Today's going to be busy. I have to drive to the airport to pick up the guy from Ukraine.
2012-02-29 00:02:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? Got enough rest? Are you on your bike today, too? How goes your day? Did you find my sweet post-it kiss on your screen?
2012-02-29 00:02:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Stretching, yawning... wishing you were here to hug you & nuzzle your chest... :-) Good morning, my dear sweet darling. Did you sleep
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2012-02-29 00:01:41 (EST)

Darkntwistd Have a beautiful day sweet one. hugs

2012-02-28 22:23:32 (EST)

purplepoetry77 When I saw the "& all things electronic" I had a good laugh. Don't ask... :P
2012-02-28 22:06:06 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I just saw this again on my laptop. I read it for the first time while half asleep on my phone last night.
2012-02-28 22:05:47 (EST)

the_radish Have a wonderful day and take care...don't work too hard. Chat with ya next time I have a few.
2012-02-28 21:47:54 (EST)

the_radish I spoke with Jen a little...she loves you so much didn't lead her on, did you? I hope not and that things are settle between u2
2012-02-28 21:47:27 (EST)

the_radish And age is just a number...getting older is hard but I know that you must have goals...I will be starting my MA soon...plan 2 gain PhD by 50
2012-02-28 21:46:36 (EST)

the_radish I have been leaving super early in the morning to spend some down time at a cafe before work - that is nice but expensive.
2012-02-28 21:45:04 (EST)

the_radish I love how you put "mental anguish"...was it? I am a woman and will always be a woman. I don't have much time to think.
2012-02-28 21:44:30 (EST)

the_radish I am well...just balancing work, school, property management, my mother has alzheimers and my dad is having a pace maker put in next week
2012-02-28 21:43:20 (EST)

the_radish Julia is my graceful dancer.

2012-02-28 21:42:15 (EST)

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the_radish This is an awesome part of their curriculum. Each class finds a song and designs the dance along with the choreography. Tis very cool
2012-02-28 21:42:04 (EST)

the_radish Yes, hello :) The kids just finished their annual school dance was fun to watch Josiah and Ruth dance together.
2012-02-28 21:41:26 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Awe thank you so much sweet dear! :) you are so lovely
2012-02-28 13:18:08 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweeet one. i meant to get on earlier so we could chat but had some things i had to do first. sleep well. big hug!
2012-02-28 12:39:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I didn't expect another DM... I can only hope that you feel the warmth of my body wrapped around you as you sink into sleep...
2012-02-28 12:29:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will snuggle up behind you shortly and hold you close to me...
2012-02-28 12:08:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a call this late? Hope all is well... Sweet dreams to you, too. Sleep sweetly, darling. One more kiss on your lips... Good night.
2012-02-28 12:07:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is late, so again... Good night. Kisses on your eyelids, as soft as flower petals... Sleep sweetly, dearest. I'll be by your side...
2012-02-28 11:46:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, missing you. Very much. My darling, I just wish to be held by you, just this, but...seems like your arms don't want to hold me anymore
2012-02-28 11:42:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If colored purple and painted sanguine... just thought why not a dress of hues of blush, too? Deep sigh.
2012-02-28 11:26:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blush. From my silly mind...

2012-02-28 11:11:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing, darling. Nothing.

2012-02-28 11:03:49 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I think maybe I should silently walk away... Good night, sweet darling. Sleep well. Dream sweet dreams. I will hold you as you sleep...
2012-02-28 10:52:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... dressed her in hues of blush... And you say you want to write more beautifully? Your words take one's breath away... Sigh.
2012-02-28 10:41:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss holding you, darling.

2012-02-28 10:10:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wait wait... soon... inch by inch darling, my hands move slowly along your shoulders...
2012-02-28 10:00:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May I softly massage your shoulders and place butterfly kisses on your back while you do the phone meeting thing?
2012-02-28 09:52:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then... no jumping in your arms, but a deep kiss on your neck & a lovely arm-wrap. Welcome home my darling. :-)
2012-02-28 09:52:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh... and how those curves crave your gentle touch, your lips... God!
2012-02-28 08:40:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aaah, your lady is immensely flattered :-) Hope you are taking care darling & the traffic is kind to you :-) A tight hug & kiss await you...
2012-02-28 08:26:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, come & try to take a pic of me like that... my curves aren't as delicate but the color of my hair is the same. Sigh.
2012-02-28 07:09:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care. Hope you enjoy your Tai Chi. A sweet fluttering kiss for your soft sighing lips... ;-p
2012-02-28 07:02:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-02-28 06:53:42 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ The Violin of Ingres. Gorgeous photo.

2012-02-28 06:20:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Huh, quick and brief... Glad they were ok. My day is ok too, doing some office work. Just... you know, missing you. A lot.
2012-02-28 05:44:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. Well, it is more comfortable to travel in a cab than driving by yourself... Anyway, a bike is better than a car in traffic...
2012-02-28 05:43:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the meeting? Had lunch? Missing you and wishing you were here... I would so love to hold you, dear. Sigh. The day goes quietly...
2012-02-28 04:01:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw... great that you discovered a new route. But you didn't sound overjoyed. Do you prefer the long drive in the cab? Hm?
2012-02-28 03:56:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! How your lady smiles... and pouts... and smiles and pouts some more. ;-p You know what I meant, dear.
2012-02-28 03:32:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, honest. I wish I could cover you in poetry till my words drip from your earlobes, soak your lips, roll off your body... Sigh.
2012-02-28 03:15:22 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Oh haha no I painted the f holes on a friend's back and photographed it

2012-02-28 02:56:07 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Yeah they're both me lol

2012-02-28 02:18:55 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Haha I'm sorry I just thought I'd switch it up a bit!

2012-02-28 02:18:36 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme When I clicked that it just linked back to tweets of mine

2012-02-28 02:18:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, and I so love to feel the soft heat of your lips sizzling on my moist skin... Smile. I miss you, darling.
2012-02-28 02:07:40 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I wish, I so wish I could write too, but I can't. I am sorry for not being a poet & not being able to tell you all my lil' heart wants to...
2012-02-28 02:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, just read all her tweets. Darling, you write very beautifully. Don't forget...women write from the heart, so their words are softer..
2012-02-28 02:06:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ok :)
2012-02-28 01:52:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I know... :(
2012-02-28 01:45:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 OMG I can't sleep!!! It's almost 2 am! :(

2012-02-28 01:42:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, no swelling and need to be careful but can eat normally.
2012-02-28 01:27:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just came out of the shower, so... some kisses for you darling wrapped in my scent, to keep you sweet company during the long meeting :-)
2012-02-28 01:26:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I went to check it out... she is new darling, maybe she is just a bit shy. Smile. Beautiful words, indeed.
2012-02-28 01:25:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, that silky breeze I felt against my skin was you, your wispy kisses? Awww :-) Tooth is fine & jaw didn't hurt, so it is fine too.
2012-02-28 01:24:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, after you went to bed? That late??? Hope all is well with your friend... :-| How are you feeling? Got enough sleep? Sigh.
2012-02-28 01:24:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? How was the trip to the office? Soft sweet kisses fluttering towards you to land below your collarbone...
2012-02-28 00:29:18 (EST)

3092 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Slept well? Feeling fresh? I slept ok, woke up, turned around to hug you but... Sigh. Miss you.
2012-02-28 00:28:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hahaha, that made me laugh! Thanks for that. :-)

2012-02-27 20:40:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You already have

2012-02-27 20:39:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well then, I must go look at the timeline, lololol...unless you deleted it.
2012-02-27 20:37:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I will take those hugs, wrap them around me for warmth. They surely bring me a smile. :-)
2012-02-27 20:37:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Gripe to me about anything, at anytime. Being friends, I think it's good to share the totality of our days, which encompass both good & bad.
2012-02-27 20:36:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hint?! Wait...what??? You make it as though you griped about something???? I would not take that as a negative, dear ET, no worries. You can
2012-02-27 20:35:44 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Promise. Thank you for the tips, much appreciated, love. (((hugs)))
2012-02-27 20:26:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Your wishes are enough, trust me. They warm me. :-) time to rest, sorry so brief, but my head feels like 1000 pounds...I will write later, i
2012-02-27 20:25:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I will look that up, for sure. I knew I was getting worse instead of better, so it wasn't so sudden as much as I'm not the type to gripe ;-)
2012-02-27 20:24:31 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire A sinus infection, and a double ear infection, so I'm worse than I thought..taking time to study and relax today. How are you?
2012-02-27 15:32:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Had to stay home from classes today to go to the doctorI'd been feeling under the weather all week...turns out I have a throat infection,
2012-02-27 15:31:45 (EST)

Darkntwistd I know you're sleeping but i hope your dreams are beautifful
2012-02-27 13:17:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling Anand. Very much. You know that? Sigh. Good night, sweetest. Kissing your lips sweet dreams...
2012-02-27 11:25:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You were waiting for me? :-) I wish I was there, reading together in bed, kissing occasionally, our hands resting on each other's thighs...
2012-02-27 11:24:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my dearest. Sleep peacefully with cheerful dreams. I will join you asap, hug you & hold you tenderly to me... :-)
2012-02-27 11:14:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, was on the phone :-| Darling, I don't think days were meant to be like this. Now, I take your hands in mine & gently kiss your palms.
2012-02-27 11:13:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Same here, darling. Every day is exactly the same... Hmmm. Please let's take a break together... Just you & me...Sigh. Would be wonderful.
2012-02-27 10:49:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So happy that you didn't skip dinner. :-) My day was ok- busy with work. Nothing noteworthy. Hm. How was yours?
2012-02-27 10:43:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Busy?

2012-02-27 10:19:41 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, they are always near you... watching over you, dropping little kisses down on you... :-)
2012-02-27 09:53:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies... ;-)

2012-02-27 09:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, a sweet long kiss... :-) Why didn't you complete it? Did you work on it at all? Yup, it is faster with the bike than with a car...
2012-02-27 09:19:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? How is my sweet sir? Did you enjoy the ride... with no lovely lady sitting behind you, sniff. ;-)
2012-02-27 09:11:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sneak up behind you, hug you & kiss your nape... here I am darling. :-) So, you didn't stay late in the office? Nice!
2012-02-27 09:11:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I checked your schedule before pinging you, btw, and then felt quite silly. :)
2012-02-27 08:34:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 shhhh! Would you stop with the outing yourself. I'm still digesting the flaws you confessed about on the weekend. :P
2012-02-27 08:33:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Shhh. Let me you believe your my secret little miracle! ;)

2012-02-27 08:13:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I have to leave now. In case I don't get back before you leave... Please take care. And don't race ;-) Kissing you softly...
2012-02-27 07:49:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, we would make the most lively colorful presentation :-) It would be delightful.
2012-02-27 07:49:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, how is it going with the presentation? God, I so wish I was there... sitting next to you- knee to knee...
2012-02-27 07:48:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 a slot in ur schedule, meaning something else suffers, no?

3095 / 4823

I must say, I am totally impressed though! Very organized!

2012-02-27 07:01:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning! :) I can't believe how tightly your schedule is packed. I kinda feel bad cuz we've chatted for hours, at times, and that's not
2012-02-27 07:00:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not to mention your kisses and hugs and touches... that felt fresh and new every time... Btw, did I tell you that I miss you? Sigh.
2012-02-27 06:41:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Me neither. Smile, even my missing you is new every day...
2012-02-27 06:38:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Black & beige & purple & blue & orange light transparent chiffon blouse. See? There's always something new... ;-)
2012-02-27 06:16:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And in case my sweet sir would like to know, his lovely lady is in a multicolored cut out shoulder blouse & black jeans. :-)
2012-02-27 05:53:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft nibbling kiss on your lips while my nose plays with yours... :-) Please, let's go somewhere together.
2012-02-27 05:50:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Nice. Oh these busy Mondays... Lots of work to do, darling. But tell me focus on work? Thoughts of you distract my mind...
2012-02-27 05:48:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day, darling? All's well in the office? A sweet deep kiss on the base of your throat, fingers playing with your buttons... ;-)
2012-02-27 02:00:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride? Do you smile & feel my arms around you when you are on your bike? Sigh.
2012-02-27 01:59:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too, my sweet darling. A lot. Hmm, we should really go on a vacation together & take sweet naps, curled into each other :-)
2012-02-27 01:58:48 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. Yes, freshly showered, with wet hair, wrapped in a towel... :-) I decided to do my morning routine before showering.
2012-02-27 01:58:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your poor nose. Remember? Your clumsy lady nearly broke your cute nose. :-) I miss rubbing our noses together & then kiss it... :-)
2012-02-27 00:14:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well though I could've slept more. Hope your day's fine, darling. Kissing you softly on your chin, rubbing my nose against yours :-)
2012-02-27 00:10:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I fell asleep reading your blog. Just wanted to see the pics but... :-) Delightful, indeed, both- pics & posts/recipes.
2012-02-27 00:10:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Did you sleep well? Had lovely dreams? Feeling fresh & ready for a new week? How was the drive to the office?
2012-02-27 00:09:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Undoubtedly true, my dear friend...undoubtedly true! I am turning in to bed, off to dream happy dreams...goodnight, sweet ET :-)
2012-02-26 23:47:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Unsettling they very well could be; I can't deny that.... Although I'd prefer to think of then as invigorating! idealistic of me, I know :)
2012-02-26 23:35:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mmm, perhaps. Perhaps the mind should sometimes let the heart fly, unchained.
2012-02-26 23:20:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Why does the mind mummify it, I wonder?

2012-02-26 23:10:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Mmmm, I enjoy how you deal in subtleties... It highlights your point. ;-)
3097 / 4823

2012-02-26 22:54:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh cool! What kind of schedule? And why does your bike make things hectic?
2012-02-26 22:47:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How are you? Did you sleep well?

2012-02-26 22:42:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Glad you wrote! I missed your early morning hello. Hope you had a restful night and that Monday fills you with peace and contentment. xo
2012-02-26 22:41:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hello darling, Anand. Today was great. Got lots and lots done. Even got to bake for the kidlets. I love productive days!
2012-02-26 22:40:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ;-) I like that "phew!" I like it a lot.

2012-02-26 21:08:06 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi! v and b are fine. yes still on 3 meds..trying hard to get my life to where i want it to be.
2012-02-26 20:25:56 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. hope you are having a nice evening. hugs annie
2012-02-26 13:41:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Studying. How about you?

2012-02-26 13:00:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I was trying to figure how that would work; when I painted more, I preferred oils, personally. I'm good today, trying to get a jump on some
2012-02-26 13:00:03 (EST)

perlygates hi are you? Much is the same here, taking one day at a time... be well. xo
2012-02-26 12:47:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. Thank you. :-) Btw, you still here? Huh? Please sleep now. Holding me close... I kiss you once more... Good night, darling.
3098 / 4823

2012-02-26 11:53:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems I was too slow... Sniff. Meet you in dreams, darling... I will be waiting for you in the forest, singing on the swing... :-)
2012-02-26 11:48:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! How I miss that... Just to be in your arms again... Deep dreamy sigh. Good night, sweetest. Sleep peacefully.
2012-02-26 11:39:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pictures of your own. Happy! Thank you, darling. Then... I am there, right under the covers, curled into you... :-)
2012-02-26 11:37:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet one on your lips. Wait wait... may I join you now? Right now? And wrap yourself around my lil' tired body? Please?
2012-02-26 11:28:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ From tomorrow? You mean you won't use the cab? Sleep well, sweet darling. Have the sweetest dreams. A soft kiss on your nose & a slow
2012-02-26 11:27:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I ask nicely, could you please send me some of yours? :-) Mighty help? Oh no darling, just some lovely help... if any at all. :-)
2012-02-26 11:25:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feeling tired. Woke up way too early. May I join you when you go to bed? Just to have you wrapped around me... God! Heaven on earth.
2012-02-26 11:21:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-02-26 11:16:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. No, I see they aren't yours. :-)

2012-02-26 11:06:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 5 min is pretty long... Be careful it is not boring. I wish I could help you. I would really enjoy it. The pics you sent me are yours?
2012-02-26 11:01:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does it load on the office network? Or will you use another prog.? I will try out Prezi (maybe it works for me), looks really cool.
2012-02-26 11:00:25 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh dear, please don't skip dinner. Soya milk is fine & any fruit or something little too... please. Ouch. I am sorry it doesn't work for you
2012-02-26 11:00:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Likewise, :)
2012-02-26 10:45:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had dinner, darling? How about the presentation? Wish I could see it...
2012-02-26 10:22:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think you're amazing! xo

2012-02-26 10:19:15 (EST)

dgdreamin Hmmm.. Such an intriguing question? Even more puzzling, into whom or what :)) requires some thought...
2012-02-26 10:00:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... like little round rainbow-colored kites and... just smiling together with you...
2012-02-26 09:55:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I would love to blow soap bubbles off a mountain side with you & watch the wind blow them away down into the valley...
2012-02-26 09:53:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, I lost internet connection. :-|

2012-02-26 09:40:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! It's beautiful. I thank you, sweet darling. My butterflies smile & my lil' heart flutters... :-) Blush, no I won't ask it again.
2012-02-26 09:37:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pluck me when my feet touch the sky... we shall fly through the sunshine... Smile. The swing, the basket, the butterflies... Sigh.
2012-02-26 08:20:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True. There is too much of them...

2012-02-26 08:02:34 (EST)

dgdreamin Of course, silly! I like them all. xo

2012-02-26 07:50:19 (EST)
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dgdreamin Thank you, it is lovely.... as is all your writing. Who knows, perhaps we were childhood friends in a previous lifetime, or one to come ;))
2012-02-26 07:49:29 (EST)

melancholundone You so make me laugh. Your words are pure joy.

2012-02-26 07:43:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you :-) I stopped to read the papers a while ago. I watch the daily news & read online... Uninteresting is better than bad news...
2012-02-26 07:30:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Lovely. Good morning Prince Charming. How was your Sunday?
2012-02-26 07:16:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Really, really, really a lot. :-)

2012-02-26 07:13:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh. Oh! All for me? Hold me close dear, my knees go weak... :-)
2012-02-26 06:54:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I find it vulgar and shallow... So, where is my kiss? Lips are still pouting...
2012-02-26 06:42:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you will never hear me using any profane words...
2012-02-26 06:27:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't you dare to send my kiss away! I thought you knew that your lady likes to be teased... just to pout and get a kiss or two. ;-p
2012-02-26 05:42:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Making fun of the poor lovely lady who misses you so... Sweet, very sweet.
2012-02-26 05:32:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... :-|

2012-02-26 05:24:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God, if only I knew ways to be beside you in a heartbeat! My darling... Sigh.
3101 / 4823

2012-02-26 05:22:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) and what a great idea... No, honest. Yep, and after that you can re-arrange and alter the sequence...
2012-02-26 05:16:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... instead of a cheesecake.

2012-02-26 05:02:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The pictures are brilliant. A treat to the eye. Hmm, trying to visualize it... I like the idea, but perhaps something else after the pasta
2012-02-26 05:02:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh come on... you know that I do. And you know how much I do... Since the day of my mistaken DM. Smile.
2012-02-26 04:46:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I miss you. A lot. But you know that... don't you?
2012-02-26 04:33:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pretty cool. Makes me wish I was really there, sitting beside you and work on the pres. with you... It would be fun.
2012-02-26 04:29:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, going to check it out now.

2012-02-26 04:22:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh you... :-) I love your words. Your writings, poems are very beautiful, darling. I could read them forever, without getting bored...
2012-02-26 04:22:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just reading your tweets. How beautiful they are... Before you say "glad you liked them" I loved them, as always. Esp. your "touch" ones.
2012-02-26 04:12:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, would you show me the presentation once you finished...? Or even unfinished... I really would love to see it.
2012-02-26 04:09:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Sounds fabulous, darling. I really wish I was there, I am sure we would create a bright colorful lively presentation :-)
2012-02-26 04:08:43 (EST)

3102 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Yep. Thank God there are dentists... :-) What was for lunch? Does your tummy feel happy?
2012-02-26 04:08:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... as I would eat... Smile. Missing your cooking. Yes, I told you that I need to go back on Wednesday.
2012-02-26 03:40:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... or so & I would help you to pick one... or figure it out together. What is for lunch? Put a little more on your plate, just as much...
2012-02-26 03:39:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, freshly shaved too? Wish I could rub my cheek against yours... *swoon* Hmm, if I was there, you could show me some examples...
2012-02-26 03:39:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yes, pain and swelling is gone. How about your tooth?
2012-02-26 01:53:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is yours? How is it going with the presentation? Oh, just to be bubbles in your bath... or the water surrounding you. Enjoy it, dear.
2012-02-26 01:51:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips back ever so gently... My morning is peaceful, had a long hot shower, breakfast on the patio, that's all...
2012-02-26 01:51:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. That would be nice. Unfortunately I can't read your thoughts, your know? Nor I can see you...
2012-02-26 01:50:30 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) , night
2012-02-26 01:49:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear darling. I am glad that you slept well & long. Your body needed that... I slept well too & woke up very early.
2012-02-26 01:49:35 (EST)

ZinniaTung I meant, w poetry.. That was just a random fact

2012-02-26 01:44:41 (EST)

ZinniaTung I am not good w words as you are, but I try

2012-02-26 01:38:17 (EST)
3103 / 4823

ZinniaTung Yes and yes!

2012-02-26 01:37:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Strange strange world this is. Baffles me almost every time!
2012-02-26 01:35:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) definitely
2012-02-26 01:32:26 (EST)

ZinniaTung That was beautiful. Thank you for those words. There is this strangeness in the online word, which is diff to explain. U are close yet far.
2012-02-26 01:31:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung :)
2012-02-26 01:28:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung So am just going to smile and nod my head

2012-02-26 01:27:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung You have soo much, I don't even know how to reply. :)
2012-02-26 01:26:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahaha!
2012-02-26 01:26:26 (EST)

ZinniaTung :)
2012-02-26 01:26:05 (EST)

ZinniaTung I think I know wat you mean

2012-02-26 01:25:52 (EST)

ZinniaTung Brash declarations? Wat was that

2012-02-26 01:22:57 (EST)

ZinniaTung Yup yup, :)

2012-02-26 01:22:35 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahaha
2012-02-26 01:18:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung Am all ears

2012-02-26 01:17:48 (EST)

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ZinniaTung My pic as *
2012-02-26 01:17:07 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ya, didn't have my avi then

2012-02-26 01:17:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Haha, so that was a good thing for me or you? You being in the following bk phase.
2012-02-26 01:16:33 (EST)

ZinniaTung All the time

2012-02-26 01:11:01 (EST)

ZinniaTung Report
2012-02-26 01:08:29 (EST)

ZinniaTung I have given up on it, will do it tomm

2012-02-26 01:05:55 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) never possible but definitely over looked

2012-02-26 01:03:08 (EST)

ZinniaTung Oh no, its ok. Thank u for asking. :)

2012-02-26 00:45:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 we have a committee now? lol I shall try. I too ache, you know...
2012-02-26 00:40:03 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Perhaps if you hadn't dodged my kiss earlier I'd be fast asleep, sipping sweet dreams! :P
2012-02-26 00:37:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Now, it's all ok.. :)

2012-02-26 00:33:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 was reading a book for a bit. Now just staring at the ceiling. Periodically looking at twitter for company. :|
2012-02-26 00:33:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) , I was lonely couple of days ago.. But now am over it. Now
2012-02-26 00:33:19 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 can't ...

2012-02-26 00:32:09 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) am fine! Thank you for asking. Why, did you think otherwise?
2012-02-26 00:25:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think I do rather well at behaving most of the time. Goodnight sweet Anand. Pauses.... (and a snuck in kiss)
2012-02-25 23:47:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 App died again. Thank you for not taking advantage of my heart. That may sound silly but I mean it. It's difficult not to just gush.
2012-02-25 23:46:56 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. hope you have a great day. i am going to bed now. annie
2012-02-25 22:47:10 (EST)

crosescribe Very kind to say, thank you <3

2012-02-25 22:06:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly on your forehead & take your hand in mine... Yes, I sit by your side if you don't mind. Hope you sleep sweetly, dear.
2012-02-25 15:10:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, never mind. I am as patient as a mountain. I just miss you terribly sometimes... I hope dinner was great & you enjoyed the evening.
2012-02-25 15:07:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The funny thing is that no matter how long I wait, you write me exactly then when I am away from my laptop.
2012-02-25 15:06:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... thinking to myself that you are busy or away, but then I see you tweeting... So, how not to feel silly? :-|
2012-02-25 15:04:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then some time later I get a DM telling me that you were doing this and that. And sometimes you say nothing. I just wait & wait...
2012-02-25 15:03:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes you say or ask something & when I write you back, I
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get no reply. And then I wait & wait... like today after your nap DM...
2012-02-25 15:01:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, you didn't tell me that you are back from the temple & leaving for dinner. That part... I never know you are around or not.
2012-02-25 15:01:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home now. Yes, got my groceries. No, I can't access DMs on my phone unless I find a free wifi connection.
2012-02-25 15:00:54 (EST)

melancholundone hee hee hee.

2012-02-25 12:35:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Free?
2012-02-25 12:02:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope the evening was lovely. I wish you a restful night's sleep with the sweetest dreams. Good night.
2012-02-25 11:50:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I planned to go in the afternoon, but... yep, you guessed it, I was waiting for you & then waiting some more. Silly me.
2012-02-25 11:49:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, have to leave for a bit before the shops close... Need some groceries. Maybe I shouldn't have waited this long...
2012-02-25 11:49:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, minus the "to". Blush. Btw, the DM was meant for me that says that a tweet was for me? Not sure...
2012-02-25 10:21:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes you tell me just pieces... and don't answer to my question(s). It is confusing at times...
2012-02-25 10:18:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope dinner is going fine.

2012-02-25 10:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really? When? You mean when you said you are rushing out...? I didn't know you were back & were about to leave for dinner...
2012-02-25 10:15:35 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Silly me... was waiting for your return from the temple, but seeing how late it is, I guess you are with your friend now...
2012-02-25 10:03:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Watercolors, for sure. How to ensure the leaves don't get brittle and crack? So you're in charge of a conference, is this right?
2012-02-25 09:44:39 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I was already in dreamland; it was a wonderful, sound sleep. The dried palm leaves sound like an interesting medium combined with
2012-02-25 09:43:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 So how's that for a profession of my adoration, on a beautiful Saturday morning?

2012-02-25 09:00:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 When that tiny light shines, my body swells with delight. I don't really DM (or Gchat for that matter) with anyone else do I know it's you!
2012-02-25 08:59:32 (EST)

purplepoetry77 enjoy sharing with you - both my life and yours - I love hearing about ur day and adventures (yes going to the market is an adventure to me)
2012-02-25 08:57:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 When I first read your 'postman glows' question, I was like - what the heck is he asking? lol Then I got it. You must know how very much I
2012-02-25 08:56:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I fell back asleep. I needed it badly. Those horrible headaches I get have been back this week. It's been really intense this morning.
2012-02-25 08:54:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw yes, trust your lady, it will be good... And I really would love you to take me to a temple... But... Hmmm.
2012-02-25 08:20:25 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Just now leaving? Hmm... Do take care.

2012-02-25 08:10:43 (EST)

melancholundone lovely lovely. :)

2012-02-25 07:37:06 (EST)

melancholundone You so make me smile. :)

2012-02-25 07:27:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ps I'm going to the dentist. Hoping to be back home by noonish. Do let me know if you might be free to talk for a bit then.
2012-02-25 07:05:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ok dokie. Have a blessed evening. Will be thinking of you and smiling, as always. :)
2012-02-25 07:03:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... sounds great. See? Another reason to :-) It will be lovely, I know. :-) Ohh, please take me with you to the temple. I'd so love it...
2012-02-25 06:59:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, dear. I hug you gently, stand up on tiptoe & kiss a smile on your lips. Please, do :-) Dinner with your friend & his wife...
2012-02-25 06:59:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning, darling Anand. I slept like a baby. :) beautiful dreams! :) how was your day? Anything new and exciting?
2012-02-25 06:55:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-25 06:40:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Never mind... Sigh. Holding you...

2012-02-25 05:11:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, where are you? Your lady is in bed, waiting for her sweet sir to cuddle him all over...
2012-02-25 04:47:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The last one, right? Thank you, darling. I love it & I :-) Kisses for your fingertips... :-) The hold of your arms is what I miss the most..
2012-02-25 04:46:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Which one?

2012-02-25 04:35:37 (EST)

syahidahz Hehe=)
2012-02-25 04:24:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, just to feel your hand on my belly, holding me close to the curve of your body... Sigh. I miss being held like that a lot.
2012-02-25 04:21:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come darling, let's curl up in each others arms & cuddle & kiss & hug one another to a sweet smiling nap...with your hand on my belly... :-)
2012-02-25 04:17:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Not busy, just... I was away from my laptop. What a question! Of course I am interested. :-)
2012-02-25 04:17:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You do? I do. A lot. Sitting by a lake with you, watching the sun rays & breeze dance on the lake's surface sounds even more lovelier... ;-)
2012-02-25 04:16:52 (EST)

syahidahz So...I'll fill the blank in for you some other time.=)
2012-02-25 04:12:55 (EST)

syahidahz Hah..I live in a 1 season country. But I've witnessed enough seasons on the side. :p
2012-02-25 04:01:08 (EST)

syahidahz School's it's been a few lovely days of just basking in thoughts and relaxing. How's your day?=)
2012-02-25 03:55:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sitting outside, thinking of you... Come dear and catch the sun's rays in my hair... Smile. Missing you. Kisses on your soft tummy...
2012-02-25 03:05:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So that I could drift off to thinking about those images.

2012-02-25 01:52:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Prez. Work? A painting workshop sounds like it could have been a blast! Hope you get to go to another soon...tell me about what you paint,
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2012-02-25 01:51:12 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No going out for me this weekend, anyway. Going to finish some long overdue chores, and study a bit. What are you doing with your weekend?
2012-02-25 01:36:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The week was good, ended off with a nice Friday lunch with a friend at a great Cuban restaurant, then ordering pizza tonight with the kids.
2012-02-25 01:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you immensely. Esp. on weekends... My lil' restless heart, my entire being aches to be with you, to feel you, to hold you... Sigh.
2012-02-25 01:15:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in my arms, go for a lovely afternoon walk after that, cuddle you some more and... ah, the list is too long! :-)
2012-02-25 01:14:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, I'd cook for you while you work, then give you a gentle massage or just rub & scratch your back, then let you nap...
2012-02-25 01:13:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, your little vacation wasn't really restful & then the mad rush in the office... Please rest as much as you can, darling.
2012-02-25 01:13:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, work, work and more work... Sigh. Did you resolve those problems? How is it going with the presentation?
2012-02-25 01:12:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you dropped the painting workshop? I would've so loved to see what you have painted... What about Tai Chi?
2012-02-25 01:11:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry you slept poorly. I slept pretty ok, though woke up 2 times... The pain's reduced, but the swelling is still there.
2012-02-25 01:11:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I wrap my arms around you, pull you to me & kissing you back on your neck behind your ear... Good morning my sweet gentle darling.
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2012-02-25 01:10:36 (EST)

the_radish I hope you are having a lovely weekend dear A. The kids are doing great and wonderful! I hope all is well with you. Take care. C
2012-02-24 23:55:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good night sweet Anand. xo

2012-02-24 23:41:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Updated my twitter app on my phone and it's gone all wonky
2012-02-24 23:37:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Test
2012-02-24 23:37:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aww. I was too tired to open email

2012-02-24 23:36:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Seconds away from falling asleep and wanted to say goodnight.
2012-02-24 23:36:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Thinking of you...

2012-02-24 23:30:27 (EST)

syahidahz I think you float my truth boat too well. That can impose a problem if not done tastefully like you always do. Haha
2012-02-24 12:51:15 (EST)

syahidahz Why am I a poor liar? I'm pretty good at it in my opinion. :p

2012-02-24 12:46:58 (EST)

syahidahz Haha same goes to you! I've been well. How are you, E?
2012-02-24 12:44:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you don't mind, I slip under the covers with you darling & curl into you. your hand on my belly & hold me to your chest...
2012-02-24 12:37:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I have no clove oil but I got med... :-| Kissing you softly on your sweet lips... Good night darling. Sleep & dream sweetly.
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2012-02-24 12:36:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I thought you fell asleep... Hmm. That sounds wonderful, I am pretty sure you will enjoy & love it. May I come with you? Sigh.
2012-02-24 12:36:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yup. Your lips, your kisses, your skin... :-)

2012-02-24 11:41:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very much. Smile, you know that you feel and taste exactly just how I imagined...? Soft & sweet & tender... :-)
2012-02-24 11:36:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You know that I love your words...

2012-02-24 11:33:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This one: "He defied all solstice ~ And brought Spring to me ~ With an Autumnal touch" Amongst the many beautiful ones... :-)
2012-02-24 11:30:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That tweet was beautiful. I could read your words forever... You are my favorite poet/writer/ whatever... Smile. Honest.
2012-02-24 10:58:52 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. hope your day was good and you rest well tonight.
2012-02-24 10:46:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If only you were here now to soothe me with you... Sigh. My sweet darling, if only...
2012-02-24 10:43:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I got your toothache... It will be fine soon. :-) Hmm, let me think... I'd love to stay in your arms for hours & hours... & hours.
2012-02-24 10:42:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Why that? All is fine with your bike? Dinner... yum! I am so hungry but afraid to eat... :-| The same restaurant you were at too? Cool.
2012-02-24 10:42:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, just looked in the mirror... oh you would smile when you were here! :-) Where are you, darling? Preparing dinner?
2012-02-24 08:54:24 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Just to lie down with my head on your lap... Sigh. My sweet darling, I so need you here with me now...
2012-02-24 08:46:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Same here. Just work & the usual stuff... But today was more peaceful than in the office, no? :-)
2012-02-24 08:22:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your soft whispers, your kisses, the feel of you... Can I stay there for a while? Sigh. I so wish you were here, darling.
2012-02-24 08:22:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 come to gmail?

2012-02-24 08:22:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it does. A lot. No no, not my jaw, but my cheek. I look like a hamster. Sniff. :-) Oh darling, it's so lovely to rest in your arms...
2012-02-24 08:21:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wise choice! ;)

2012-02-24 08:03:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, all I need is you... your arms wrapped around me tightly. Sigh. I miss you. How are you darling, how was your day?
2012-02-24 07:57:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to go back on next Wed. He said he can build up that tooth. And there's some other teeth that needs to be treated...
2012-02-24 07:56:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...broke off too. I should've gone earlier to the dentist. Blush. He took out the nerve & cleaned the root canal or so & got a temp. filling
2012-02-24 07:56:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. First I got lost then I had to wait about 45 mins. It was a bad tooth, the filling fell out on Sunday & now a huge piece
2012-02-24 07:55:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Behave before I openly start seducing you!

2012-02-24 07:31:21 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You're bad! :)

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2012-02-24 07:27:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Your treading on thin ice Mr. One more step and you'll be beyond warmed. ;)
2012-02-24 07:19:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Don't say I didn't warn you! :-*

2012-02-24 07:15:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wise chose. Otherwise I'm tearing out that platonic clause and you'll have to deal with a wild woman on the loose! ;)
2012-02-24 07:15:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Never mind. Don't answer that! :)

2012-02-24 07:12:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 don't mind my moans. I have a hard time stifling them. god what I wouldn't give for a real massage! are you really good?
2012-02-24 07:11:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 No logic allow here! :P Now where were we? Ah, yes... Circular movement....
2012-02-24 07:07:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Any excuse to feel your hands... Shhh!

2012-02-24 07:03:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 No, but it would make me at least consider getting out of bed.
2012-02-24 07:03:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How 'bout you entice me with a virtual back rub?

2012-02-24 07:00:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Don't you have a magic wand somewhere in there? Perhaps filed between the wit and charm? ;)
2012-02-24 06:59:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm so sleepy. Wish I didn't have to get up.

2012-02-24 06:54:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 haha! Yeah, no corporate take overs by this simple woman. :)

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2012-02-24 06:48:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 But did you smile from your heart today? That's what matters. :)
2012-02-24 06:48:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. I slept beautifully. How was your day?2012-02-24 06:44:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-24 06:34:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest, I am off to the dentist. A piece of my tooth broke off... I miss you. Think of me while cooking/having lunch & :-)
2012-02-24 03:42:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, I wish work would take you back to the US for a while again... or UK or Germany... Sigh. Or somewhere else where we can be together...
2012-02-24 02:49:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be deep in work... but I hope it feels good to be home, away from hectic & all... Kisses for the back of your neck
2012-02-24 02:46:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and some daily chores. That's all so far. I wish you were here, darling...
2012-02-24 01:34:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not half as much a I do... :-) Sigh. Just took a shower (all's fresh & lovely as you like it, smile) & had breakfast. Have some work to do
2012-02-24 01:34:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How beginnings never end ~ And endings never end too. // It always begins and never ends... Smile. I miss you.
2012-02-24 01:17:56 (EST)

Darkntwistd When time allows you. hope things get less hectic for you soon. annie
2012-02-24 00:45:55 (EST)

Darkntwistd To repair the damage i did by letting our friendship slip to olivion. i will dm or email you and you can respond
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2012-02-24 00:43:38 (EST)

Darkntwistd Sweet one..You're poems are beautiful to me but i could have been trying
2012-02-24 00:39:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No travel, no meetings, no pairing, no hectic... :-) Oh, if I was there, I'd be all over you dear... flutter around you like a butterfly :-)
2012-02-24 00:35:49 (EST)

Darkntwistd Going to bed now. hope your day is beautiful. annie

2012-02-24 00:11:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, yawning & stretching, not fully awake yet... but my hands reach for you to pull you to me & hold you close...
2012-02-23 23:55:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet darling. Slept soundly? Feeling fresh? How was the drive to the office and... is it more peaceful there today?
2012-02-23 23:54:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Lovely pictures! Ty for sharing. :-)

2012-02-23 19:27:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep is deep & your dreams as sweet as honey :-) Please close your eyes when you read this & feel my soft warm morning kiss...
2012-02-23 14:14:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't think straight darling. Words & letters get mixed up in my head. My head hurts badly... more and more, feeling dizzy... Sniff.
2012-02-23 14:10:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, it's so early but I snuggle up behind you now, kiss your nape & try to sleep... with you in my arms, together in dreams...
2012-02-23 14:08:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll sleep tonight in your belt-hugging the curve of my hip like it was always meant to be there :-) & dream of a silky dress of your kisses
2012-02-23 12:17:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well my sweet darling. Have sweet dreams. Kissing good night down your spine... :-) I will join you in a bit & wrap you in my arms...
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2012-02-23 11:41:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you back softly & hug you welcome home :-) Oh, your forgetful lady... & wanted be dressed too, in your kisses from head to toe ;-)
2012-02-23 11:38:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'll go look... And thank you, hope yours is delightful as well
2012-02-23 11:02:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And please, go to bed as soon as possible...

2012-02-23 10:48:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank God! It's so very late there... My sweetest, hope you will be home soon, so I can gently take you in my arms. Sigh. If only...
2012-02-23 10:41:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You posted one more pic? Darling, the temple is breathtaking. Gorgeous. I'd so love to visit it... someday... with you. Sigh.
2012-02-23 10:04:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that peacock... the whole picture, the colors... so gracefully beautiful. And the little girl is amazing. Very lovely. Brave.
2012-02-23 10:03:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... :-| Unbelievable! Can't you call a cab service? Even if it is somewhat expensive, it's just for one time. My poor darling :-(
2012-02-23 09:42:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, and your lady feels like rushing to you and taking you away... Sigh. Hope the meeting goes well :-|
2012-02-23 09:38:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh gosh! You still there? Please darling, no need to apologize. I am so sorry there's a confusion. It does sound kinda serious...
2012-02-23 09:37:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... waiting for my sweet sir to take him in my arms...
2012-02-23 08:03:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am stepping out for a bit... Hope you have a fine drive home, smile. Please take care. A kiss on your earlobes... :-)
2012-02-23 06:15:34 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ The lovely lady so misses her sweet sir... Even the birds sound like they are singing Anand, oh sweet sweet Anand... over & over. Ahh smile
2012-02-23 05:29:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a sweet nibbling kiss on your neck, darling. How goes your day? It's a cool sunny morning here, I wish you were here... Miss you.
2012-02-23 01:34:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... would wonder why you gasp for air and why your hands tremble... your body still throbbing from my punishment ;-p
2012-02-23 01:33:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... I'd pull you to me then roll over you and... you will be late for work my dear that's for sure & people in the office...
2012-02-23 01:33:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept like a stone. Your lady's fresh & flowery as ever. :-) Oooh, if you keep kissing my hips when you hear my soft lively sighs & moans
2012-02-23 01:32:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet cute darling. So happy that you slept well & feel fresh and... you seem to be in a playful cheery mood today :-)
2012-02-23 01:32:02 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Are you back home?

2012-02-22 21:20:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God, what I would give just to hold you again... to feel you, to smell you, to taste your lips... My sweet sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-02-22 14:53:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in my arms & hold you close... in my dreams... Sigh. Hope you sleep sweetly darling & wake up fresh & rested with a smile. :-)
2012-02-22 14:45:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I join you darling in white tiny shorts & red sleepy top- yes yes, exactly that one :-) kiss you softly on your eyes, wrap you...
2012-02-22 14:44:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. My dinner was fresh baguette with green Gouda slices (yes, it really is green- it's with pesto) & simple tomato salad.
2012-02-22 14:43:36 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Mmm, you know my darling, I so loved it when you kissed my palms... fingers & wrists. More than on any other places... It was pure heaven.
2012-02-22 11:33:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night for now. I will join you very soon and hold you to me... taking you for a dream-walk with me. Smile.
2012-02-22 11:24:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly my darling , dream happy dreams. Soft kisses on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips...
2012-02-22 11:23:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I wish I was there to tuck you in bed, kiss you sweetly, read you a bedtime story & gently rock you till you fall asleep...
2012-02-22 11:20:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, I must go look!

2012-02-22 11:12:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'm so glad! Things like that can be a lot of fun; decompression is a needed treat sometimes. Did you go to some interesting places?
2012-02-22 11:03:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. I miss to kiss you. To hold you. I miss the feel of your skin under my fingers. Your smile. Your scent. You.
2012-02-22 10:51:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! The call is over, I guess... It's pretty late there. Had dinner? Please say yes, so I can continue nibbling you... ;-)
2012-02-22 10:50:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, now I am truly happy for you! Where did your travels take you?
2012-02-22 10:46:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, say nothing... just lean back dear and try not to stutter... ;-p
2012-02-22 10:15:33 (EST)

3120 / 4823

DangerslyClaire Traveling for business or for pleasure?

2012-02-22 10:13:51 (EST)

DangerslyClaire So mad at myself, don't know how this could have happened.
2012-02-22 10:12:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire The tests...ah. The tests. Studied hard. Knew the information. Must have been distracted on one, bc I missed the last 2 pages. Entirely.
2012-02-22 10:12:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pouting... my cuddling you is just... interesting? Daring, let's take a vacation together. It would be wonderful & sweet.
2012-02-22 09:50:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Interesting? Huh?

2012-02-22 09:45:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling... lap and arms are ready for you to snuggle in... you can do the phone meeting in my arms too :-)
2012-02-22 09:34:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Have to leave again (quick grocery shop) darling but I'll be back very soon & sweep you into my arms...Till then, a sweet kiss on your nose.
2012-02-22 08:38:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And cover you in soft kisses and caress you and hug you and play with your fingers & hair while you lie on my lap :-)
2012-02-22 07:49:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Please take care darling. I really wish I was there to take you in my arms once you are home & cradle sweet tired you...
2012-02-22 07:28:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And of course, I know that you know that I meant yawns... ;-) Blush. Are you still in the office? The sun shines & I miss you so...
2012-02-22 07:12:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Yes! He is still there. He's been taking care of my dog lady since she was a baby girl. He was quite surprised. Smile.
2012-02-22 07:12:08 (EST)

3121 / 4823

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I am off for now. Going to check if our vet is still around... I hope yes. He was fantastic & very lovely. Be back soon...
2012-02-22 05:20:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there tonight... to let you rest on my lap, kiss you & hug you & play with your hair while you tell me tales of your trip. Sigh
2012-02-22 04:56:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ These night travels... just shaking my head & frowning with a :-) Softly kissing your lips between two yaws. I miss you more. :-)
2012-02-22 04:55:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you got some sleep & the trip was fine. And yes, its nice to get together with "old" friends once in a while.
2012-02-22 04:55:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, it's ok darling. :-) And the pairing continues... Sigh. Anyway, I do hope your pair is nice to work with & the work is interesting...
2012-02-22 04:55:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet gentle darling seems to be very busy... Well, 2 days away from work... Sigh. But I hope all's fine. And yes... bon appetit :-)
2012-02-22 03:38:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, stayed up late... wanted to make sure that you were home, safe & fine, but I fell asleep... I missed you. Missing you. A lot.
2012-02-22 00:13:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the travel? Did you get some sleep? How are you feeling? How goes your day? Hope the day isn't too tiring...
2012-02-22 00:13:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ First of all, let me squeeze you & kiss you sweetly... It's so nice that you are back! :-) Welcome home & good morning my gentle darling.
2012-02-22 00:12:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dear dear sweet Anand... Sigh. Your lady misses you.
2012-02-21 16:29:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just hope wherever you are, you are safe & sleeping now... and in sleep, you feel me holding you, softly kissing your forehead...
2012-02-21 16:27:40 (EST)

3122 / 4823

_stoicOne_ My dearest, I will now curl up in bed with your book & laptop next to me, leaving the DM window open... just in case, you know? :-)
2012-02-21 16:26:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire How are you, my friend?

2012-02-21 15:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your incense, a cup of lemon tea with honey, starlit sky &...sweet thoughts of you... Can you feel my hand gently holding yours? Sigh.
2012-02-21 14:10:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case you are still on the train, I hope your co-passengers aren't noisy & you can get some rest :-) Missing you. A soft kiss on your chin
2012-02-21 13:28:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, it's midnight there & you are still not at home? God, did you travel to the other end of India? Smile.
2012-02-21 13:27:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Thinking of you. Standing outside, looking up at the sky and blowing you kisses on the cool evening breeze...
2012-02-21 12:22:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day goes quietly with lots of work... & lots of missing you. I so wish I could be there, waiting for you with the sweetest kiss & hug...
2012-02-21 09:32:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, hectic in your break from the hectic? Oh dear... Let's take a break together, there will be no hectic or boring stuff...Sigh & lil :-)
2012-02-21 09:32:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. Went to the post office & car wash...Hope your journey back home is safe & as pleasant as can be & you are taking care :-)
2012-02-21 09:31:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh just got home. Went to the post office & car wash...Hope your journey back home is safe & as pleasant as can be & you are taking care :-)
2012-02-21 09:30:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you more than ever. Sniff. Hope all is well & lovely
3123 / 4823

2012-02-21 07:33:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a lovely day here, the spring birds are back, filling the air with their songs... I need you Anand. Right now, in my arms...
2012-02-21 04:49:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A deep slow kiss on your lips, on tiptoe, arms around your waist... I miss you, darling. Very much. Thinking of you a lot...
2012-02-21 02:45:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok so far, just finished a late breakfast. I will clean up the kitchen & then do some office work.
2012-02-21 02:43:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would be so much fun... Sigh. Only fruits? Any special occasion? Gosh, first drilling work & then crying child. Poor you :-)
2012-02-21 02:43:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The bikini you didn't get to see in real... Happy that your day is fine. Is it nice there? Are you all smiles? I really wish I was there.
2012-02-21 02:42:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you feel wonderful & your day is filled with smiles. A trail of sweet small kisses up & down your back...
2012-02-21 00:16:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember? I took my bikini with me but we didn't go to a beach. One more thing that's pending... besides the ride on your bike...
2012-02-21 00:15:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... of the water, barefoot, holding hands, giggling... My sweet darling, I miss you so, so much! So very much. Sad sigh.
2012-02-21 00:13:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a beach! You have no clue how much I want to be there with you now, playing in the water & sand, walking along the edge...
2012-02-21 00:12:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep very early, then woke up about midnight, read a little (yes, your book) & slept some more.
2012-02-21 00:11:43 (EST)

3124 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. See? I didn't forget about thenew moon... Smile. Glad you slept well & hopefully undisturbed.
2012-02-21 00:11:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I was thinking that as I typed it, how good you are at that :)
2012-02-20 21:44:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Of course I do! :P

2012-02-20 21:12:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'll be fine... Thanks though...

2012-02-20 20:49:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I am such a simple soul Anand. If you only knew how very little it takes to make me smile and keep me happy....
2012-02-20 20:42:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 People keep finding me to tell me how much I help them. Why, for the love of God, can I not help myself???
2012-02-20 20:42:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Thank you. Wish I wasn't so weepy tonight. I let my guard down and got hurt. No expectations! That was my rule, and I broke it. :(
2012-02-20 20:41:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly with happy dreams. I kiss you back softly & hug you tightly to me... I will join you shortly & wrap myself in your arms...
2012-02-20 10:29:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home... How? Your quick DMs & their tone are something new to me. Anyway, good night darling. Hope you enjoyed the day.
2012-02-20 10:29:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your quick DMs do confuse me :-( I'll be off for a short while, got some errands to do. Hope your day is beautiful... A kiss on your nose.
2012-02-20 07:38:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, it's not the same either way... Without you it's like a colorless fall, with you it is spring... again and again.
2012-02-20 07:06:28 (EST)

3125 / 4823

_stoicOne_ You walked away to smell the flowers and forgot to come back to the lady... Oh dear, just... missing you.
2012-02-20 06:59:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You walked away to smell the flowers and forgot to come back to the lady... Oh dear, just... missing you.
2012-02-20 06:59:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you forget the lady... Sigh. Jumping around and waving her hands waiting for you to catch a glimpse of her...
2012-02-20 06:31:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh.
2012-02-20 05:52:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Let me love you, the way I do, without expectations...

2012-02-20 05:08:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, pulling you to me and kissing you is fun?

2012-02-20 05:03:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, what?

2012-02-20 04:52:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could pull you to me right now and kiss you long and slow... Sigh. It is just not the same without you...
2012-02-20 04:01:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Oh, how my tongue would love to write its silent words on your skin... Smile. I miss you.
2012-02-20 03:59:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! You are quite noisy sometimes, too. Chattering away even in sleep... ;-p
2012-02-20 03:58:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, thinking of you, missing you... and hoping you are having a lovely day. Mine is ok so far, working...
2012-02-20 03:03:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my tongue is well designed doesn't go numb but it doesn't speak much ;-) Yes, there's beauty in silence, in stillness, in quiet
2012-02-20 03:01:33 (EST)
3126 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. A lot lot lot. Sunflower smiles & playful butterfly kisses for you, for your day.
2012-02-20 01:21:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... before you do? Except me, of course. ;-) The night of the worship of Lord Shiva, right? And tomorrow is new moon... :-)
2012-02-20 01:20:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, I think. All's fresh & flowery. :-) Your morning sounds delightful, indeed. Smile, is there a person who wakes up...
2012-02-20 01:19:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seriously, drilling work at night? Uhhh :-| I am sorry that your sleep was disturbed like that, but glad you got some good sleep.
2012-02-20 01:18:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweetest. Wait wait... don't blame me dear, this is the thanks for me kissing & putting you back to sleep? Sigh! ;-)
2012-02-20 01:18:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Would've loved to but am literally almost asleep. Dunno why my phone is still in my hand. I miss your voice....
2012-02-20 00:43:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Funny guy! :P

2012-02-20 00:34:53 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Neat. So curious what it's like.

2012-02-19 23:59:06 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Ahh. Variety is good. I did quite a few chores today, too.
2012-02-19 22:49:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 A mix? Of pleasure and difficulty? I'm glad to hear you had a lovely time at the temple. :)
2012-02-19 22:40:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 My Sunday was lovely, sweet Anand. How is your trip so far?
2012-02-19 22:26:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a very nice joyous day. Please do enjoy your time,
3127 / 4823

darling... & think of me if you see something beautiful :-) Kisses for you...
2012-02-19 15:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you sleep sweetly my darling & you :-) when you wake up, knowing it was the soft kisses of my fingertips that caressed you awake...
2012-02-19 15:36:50 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. how are you? i m ok but miss you so sorry for disappearing. annie
2012-02-19 15:36:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was reading, sitting beside you & now, I lay my head on your chest and close my eyes... letting your heart beats hum me to sleep...
2012-02-19 15:36:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dropping everything and rushing to jump in bed... open your arms & hug me close, dear... ;-)
2012-02-19 11:21:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Softly kissing your lips & eyes, cradling you in my arms... If you would like me to, I will join you, darling... Yes, I miss you a lot.
2012-02-19 11:05:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh. Been waiting for you... Sigh. Hope you feel fine... Good night, sweet darling. Sleep soundly. May your dreams be sweet & lovely.
2012-02-19 11:04:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would be so beautiful to sit by the waterfall, with your arms around me, my head against your chest, watching the sunset color the sky...
2012-02-19 08:19:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm... sweet soft kisses flitting back to you, wrapped in my gentle embrace... :-)
2012-02-19 07:55:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why that? Now, this really makes me wish I was there... Village, waterfalls (you said it so), nature &... You. God, I would so love it!
2012-02-19 07:53:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Never mind, you can send me some pics once you are home. Ok? :-) Missing you too. A lot. Darling, just an ok time?
2012-02-19 07:53:38 (EST)

3128 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Just a little kiss on your cute nose, arms holding you close... Thinking of you, darling and hoping your day is delightful...
2012-02-19 05:44:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember the Greek village? It is still waiting to be discovered by you & me... besides many other things... ;-)
2012-02-19 03:10:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, don't be :-( dear. :-) Maybe 'cause of the weak signal.. or try to cut down the size of the picture... :-) Missing you.
2012-02-19 01:56:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... some pictures. :-) But tell me, how are you, darling? Sigh, I really wish I was there too... A sweet deep kiss on your lips...
2012-02-19 00:56:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) loving your kisses- they just floated in & curled around my neck... Oh village sounds lovely & yes please, I would be happy to see...
2012-02-19 00:56:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and to let you know that I am thinking of you and missing you. Please take care & enjoy your time. Have fun & smile a lot.
2012-02-19 00:22:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a wonderful time together. :-) I will keep sending you little playful butterflies to kiss you for me sweetly, softly...
2012-02-19 00:20:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish the signal wasn't weak, but I hope you can still get online now & then. And most of all, I hope you all have...
2012-02-19 00:20:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok, darling. I snuggled closer to you & put your hand on my belly... I love to be held by you. It feels so beautiful.
2012-02-19 00:19:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was the trip? Where are you now & is it beautiful there? Did you sleep well? All's well?
2012-02-19 00:19:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it did... My sweet darling, good morning. It's so so wonderful to hear from you... It means you've reached & are alive. Lil' smile.
2012-02-19 00:18:36 (EST)
3129 / 4823

purplepoetry77 Thinking of you as I drift into slumber. Good night sweet Anand. xo
2012-02-18 22:28:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you.

2012-02-18 18:51:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly on your forehead and sit down beside you... May your day be beautiful, filled with smiles, lovely fun & sunshine.
2012-02-18 13:45:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home to no message waiting for me. Oooh. Sweet darling Anand, I hope you reached safely & you are sleeping sweetly now.
2012-02-18 13:44:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will join you & sit by your side... if you still would like me to... Sighing shyly. A lil' gentle kiss on your nose.
2012-02-18 10:19:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case I don't get back before you go to sleep... I wish you a sweet night's sleep & tender, soft dreams on butterfly wings.
2012-02-18 10:18:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I am off for now. Meeting with my sis. I hope you reach safe & sound & the place is beautiful. My hello to your friend.
2012-02-18 10:17:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Psychological luggage and consequences, as in? Well, the logistics... I can manage it somehow.
2012-02-18 09:39:03 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh, cool!. Will check out the video. Lemme know when a good time to call is. I'm free whenever. :)
2012-02-18 09:32:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Are you reachable via voice between now and when you get to your destination?
2012-02-18 09:12:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How long is the train ride. :)

2012-02-18 09:05:39 (EST)

3130 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Please let us meet, let me rest in your arms, let us run over grass, watch the sunrise and sunset with your hand in mine... Pretty please...
2012-02-18 08:54:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Again... have a beautiful time. And if you see a butterfly, know it's one of mine, to make you :-) Sweet soft kisses for you.
2012-02-18 08:36:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, just remember the day when we bared our hearts... Sigh. How could I be such a fool? And now... :-(
2012-02-18 08:34:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, no... I don't know darling. But now I do... I will be missing you very much. I really wish I could come with you...
2012-02-18 08:33:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I thought you were already on your way... Have a safe, pleasant journey, darling. Please do take care.
2012-02-18 08:33:17 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How available? :p

2012-02-18 08:20:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-18 08:20:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care, darling. Wishing you a beautiful, happy time with your friend. And know that your lady will be thinking of you...
2012-02-18 06:44:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I never felt pain like this before. It's too much for my lil' heart... Anand, my dear sweet Anand, my entire being aches to be with you.
2012-02-18 06:39:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How could I hold back from you... from hugging and kissing you? When all I want is to have you, to feel you in my arms... :-(
2012-02-18 06:34:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just to feel your arms around me... My sweet sweet darling... :'(
2012-02-18 05:52:48 (EST)

3131 / 4823

_stoicOne_ Don't say sorry, just... hold me close. Please. I so need that.
2012-02-18 05:34:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel very tired, darling. This continuous missing you and aching for you gets me on my knees...
2012-02-18 05:28:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I want to hold you darling, I want to be held by you. I miss that so so much :-( I don't know, know nothing just that I want to see you :'-(
2012-02-18 05:26:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The lack of a future doesn't mean that we can't meet and feel happy and spend wonderful days together...
2012-02-18 05:16:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And why did you say on my birthday that we will postpone plans till another day? I miss those wonderful days too. Very very much.
2012-02-18 05:16:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I traveled to the US too... and happened nothing wrong, right? Then why would I say that now? Yes, we cuddled & kissed & it felt beautiful.
2012-02-18 05:00:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you say you still miss me and think of me... and still want to hold me? Oh dear... Why you say that? :-(
2012-02-18 05:00:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a pleasant journey and a happy time with your friends. Take care.
2012-02-18 04:50:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You make decisions without asking me and then you want me to accept and go along for whatever you decide. Not fair.
2012-02-18 04:49:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I see nothing wrong in meeting and spending time together. With or without a future... Just to enjoy each other's company...
2012-02-18 04:49:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A fairness done... God! :-( But you forgot to tell me that I will never see you again. Things can be worked out, there's always a way...
2012-02-18 04:48:51 (EST)

3132 / 4823

_stoicOne_ You didn't tell me we will never meet again. It isn't fair, darling. You invited me into your life, remember? Was it just a fleeting fancy?
2012-02-18 04:35:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I remember someone saying that his heart would suffer if he always allowed his head to rule...
2012-02-18 04:20:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please. I miss you terribly. You say you miss me too... We were wonderful together, had a very lovely, cheerful time... Please let us meet.
2012-02-18 04:19:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it's always nice and fun to try out something new. It will turn out better next time... :-)
2012-02-18 04:18:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish to see you, darling. That's all.

2012-02-18 04:12:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope lunch was lovely & you are resting/napping now. Wish I was there to kiss your forehead and... just watch you sleep...
2012-02-18 04:06:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. And sometimes I feel like maybe I shouldn't bother you any longer... :-(
2012-02-18 03:39:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love you to hold my hand & show me, teach me things... To learn and grow together, to blend & create something beautiful...
2012-02-18 03:35:35 (EST)

feltsensejunkie You are most welcome E; thank you too. I hope your weekend is kind... : )
2012-02-18 02:49:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I miss your kisses. The feel of your lips, your hands, your fingertips. Oh, how my body aches to be close to yours...
2012-02-18 02:42:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to do so many little things with you... My sweet sweet darling. Sigh.
2012-02-18 02:22:31 (EST)

3133 / 4823

_stoicOne_ To walk with you, cook & play & cuddle, to smile & giggle, to discover things together, wake you with sweet kisses & nap in your arms...
2012-02-18 02:21:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Rarely but it happens... ;-) I miss our time together. I miss everything about you. I'd love to hold you darling, to be with you...
2012-02-18 02:00:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Just daydreaming... I miss holding you, darling.

2012-02-18 01:52:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... :-) Your lady can be really silly sometimes... Blush.
2012-02-18 01:47:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, yes of course... I did worry, darling. And you know that.
2012-02-18 01:34:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Saying what to myself? Oh! I would love to see the pictures too... But with you, like we used to go through pics when I was there... :-)
2012-02-18 01:29:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-02-18 01:17:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. How I wish I was there, curled into your chest, your hand on my belly, one leg between mine, your warm breath on my bare shoulder...
2012-02-18 01:17:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, don't worry darling, all is fine... :-)

2012-02-18 01:06:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and vice versa. Hard to believe it's just poetry... mere wordplay. Well, I am not a poet, I see/feel words differently than a poet does.
2012-02-18 00:47:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here's the missing "I". You know, I just have mixed feelings when I see how beautifully, perfectly your words curl around hers...
2012-02-18 00:47:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I don't need much space... just lie on your side so can curl into you... Sigh. That would be nice...
2012-02-18 00:28:02 (EST)
3134 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I don't know why I woke up so early. I will take an afternoon nap. Ok? Smile, is there enough space for your freshly showered lady too?
2012-02-18 00:24:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I see that you feel chirpy... And no, I don't say a word. I am sure it feels very nice to trip away from all the hustle and hectic.
2012-02-18 00:24:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you a lot. Please take care and enjoy your time. For now, a soft kiss on your lips, arms around our neck...
2012-02-18 00:05:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could come with you... Waterfalls are beautiful. Well, maybe the signal isn't that good there.
2012-02-18 00:05:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Over 20 years friendship is a wonderful thing. I am happy you accepted the invitation. You indeed need a break. It's been a crazy week...
2012-02-18 00:04:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Glad you slept well. Smile, funny... I woke up at 5:35. Feeling kind of groggy, not fully awake...
2012-02-18 00:03:38 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Perfect... : ) Goodnight to you.

2012-02-17 21:32:22 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I think sleep is calling me yes...thank you for the dance : )

2012-02-17 21:30:42 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Petals framed like hearts to bleed their fragrant smiles content. Thank you E; you are a wonderful band stand companion : )
2012-02-17 21:29:59 (EST)

feltsensejunkie My chin! Indeed : ) If chins could smile, mine just did! :D

2012-02-17 21:19:08 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Pirouette I shall into a star lit hold, and try I do, not to fall into the ripples that sing on zephyr blue. I trust you will assist : )
2012-02-17 21:18:15 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Linger does the song that danced with smiles and merry,
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fresh as daisies, memories pour like milk unspoilt. Me too : )

2012-02-17 21:09:43 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Rose petaled dips my toes refreshed, still warm in their song of a soft breezy night, colouring pearls and emerald clarity...
2012-02-17 20:56:07 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Dancing on a moonlit stage? Flecks of memory hold such in never ending iris pools of hazy evening waltz's... : )
2012-02-17 20:42:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh no! Did you take the antibiotic? The test today went well, studying for another big one Monday, then 2 more Tuesday. What are your plans?
2012-02-17 20:38:09 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Why of course Mr. E. May our toes sing with the mellow tune of a porcelain queen and her stage; a mellow haze of splendour : )
2012-02-17 20:31:57 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I am no good at diplomatic :D I am generally sleeping better, just not tonight. Oh please do - let's find an band stand by the sea : )
2012-02-17 20:26:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 If you feel like chatting for a bit, I'm in Gmail. *giggling* about the 'typical guy thoughts'
2012-02-17 20:22:17 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Except tonight I am awake. But I don't mind. How are you?
2012-02-17 20:20:24 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Hello E! Ah I like dancing alone. But not to say I wouldn't dance with company too. I am well thank you. Sleeping better mostly : )
2012-02-17 20:19:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Isn't it 6:40 am?

2012-02-17 20:11:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hey Hun! My day and week were fabulous! You're up super early? Yup, I have Monday off. How are you. :*
2012-02-17 20:08:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sitting on the edge of the bed, fingers shyly play with your
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cover and... waiting... It's cold, darling... ;-)

2012-02-17 12:44:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you should sleep. Kissing your sleepy eyes good night. Sleep well darling with sweet dreams. May I join you & wrap myself around you?
2012-02-17 12:33:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. I don't... I just keep telling you that I miss you... And keep hugging you, but... Sigh. Tiring day & tiring week... Glad you are home.
2012-02-17 12:26:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And in case you are home (hopefully you are)... the gentlest welcome home hug for you, darling...
2012-02-17 12:22:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That you do miss me, that you wish to hold me...
2012-02-17 12:20:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Honest? Then... why don't you tell me so?

2012-02-17 12:16:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand? Do you still miss me? You still think of me? Still want to hold lil' me in your arms?
2012-02-17 10:43:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) hip to hip... our steps in sync...

2012-02-17 10:14:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hand in hand... or arm around the waist?

2012-02-17 09:56:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, come on... :-) Sometimes it's nice to just sit & watch the people... Shall we go for a short walk, dear? Please...
2012-02-17 09:52:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You will really do? Thank you. Feeling wilted, dear. Working and... still missing you. How are you? Is it lovely there and all happy?
2012-02-17 09:36:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much.

2012-02-17 08:17:19 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ And squeeze your hand while trying to control the urge to give you a quick fluttering kiss. Ahhh... :-)
2012-02-17 08:09:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, even though I don't know your friend, I feel happy for him/her/them. I wish I was there... just to see their smiling eyes...
2012-02-17 08:08:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How very nice! My best wishes to them. :-) Please do take care, darling. Thank you so... feels so good... & a sweet kiss for your soft lips.
2012-02-17 06:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because... because of the day before yesterday... Sigh. Because you don't hug me anymore. Because... because I am so so silly :-(
2012-02-17 06:43:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, please tell me, why are you so formal? And at the same time doing all you can just to get the book with the butterfly... Hm?
2012-02-17 03:39:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, darling... you are indescribably sweet, you know that? Please, do smile...just a teeny-weeny lil' :-) It's still the sweetest gift :-)
2012-02-17 03:36:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good afternoon and bon appetit, dear. Smile. Ok, I will do. But tell me, why? I mean why the hassle? Hm?
2012-02-17 03:25:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I couldn't fall back to sleep but stayed in bed till 7, just resting... Then shower, breakfast- smile yes, 2 toasts and work.
2012-02-17 02:54:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just checked... the ISBN number is the same, just the cover is different. I miss you. A lot. Sigh.
2012-02-17 02:38:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just this :-) & a little kiss... Sweet darling, how are you? How goes your day? I see, today is very busy too but hope all's going well...
2012-02-17 02:37:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I do tire myself physically. Ok, will do... Please take care, darling. Have a real good, not too busy day. :-) Kisses for you...
2012-02-16 20:38:42 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you, my sweet darling. The only thing I need is your arms around me...
2012-02-16 20:34:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just can't sleep, darling. I don't know why. It's ok. Smile, come, let's curl into each other & sleep some more... I'd love that so much.
2012-02-16 20:32:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ have a pleasant drive to the office and a lovely, decentbusy day. Please take care.
2012-02-16 20:26:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ sleep. :-) My sweet darling, I hope you slept soundly & feel fresh. Your silly sleepy lady misses you and she hopes...
2012-02-16 20:25:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just woke up, looked at the time & thought I'd send you a sleepy :-) a sweet kiss & a hug & say good morning before you leave & I fall back
2012-02-16 20:25:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And my tears fall quietly...hugging my pillow, wishing it was you, wishing I could sleep with you in my arms, dream together...Miss you :'(
2012-02-16 13:12:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have finally fallen asleep. Hope you can feel my arms around you, my breath against the back of your neck as I hold you...
2012-02-16 12:32:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's confusing... you say you are not cross with me, but you don't talk to me... :-( And you are still awake. Huh? You should sleep, dear.
2012-02-16 12:07:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? But... Darling, really not?

2012-02-16 11:58:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sad sigh. I brush your cheeks with the back of my fingers, whispering good night... I am sorry. So sorry...
2012-02-16 11:47:27 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire As well, need to develop the fragments, but it was nice to use the right side of my brain for a bit. ;-) How's the tooth?
2012-02-16 11:31:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I aced two, a B on the other, which isn't the worst thing in the world. Studying today for another test tomorrow. Wrote a little last night
2012-02-16 11:30:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you... still cross with me?

2012-02-16 10:57:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A grand-aunt is a grand-aunt, distant or not... :-) Glad you are fine. Soft kisses on your eyes, darling... Yes, do give your eyes a rest.
2012-02-16 10:54:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here comes the missing "do". I meant you didn't have to do that... My sweet sweet darling, what I would give to be there now. Sigh.
2012-02-16 10:28:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kisses on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and lips. And yes, I will be hugging you & holding you all night...
2012-02-16 10:23:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you very much, but there are things more important than that... Wishing you a good night's sleep & the sweetest dreams.
2012-02-16 10:22:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? I am entirely sorry to hear that. :-( You ok? Please go and do what you have to... and please do go to bed early tonight.
2012-02-16 10:22:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! You are unbelievable! You didn't have to that, dear. I am happy with this book too.
2012-02-16 10:21:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I wish you were in my arms... you wouldn't feel angry then... :-)
2012-02-16 10:10:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, please, pretty please don't be angry. The inside is the same. :-) I love the book with or without butterfly. It made me happy.
2012-02-16 09:50:45 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Huh. No. Now I understand... :-) Wow, it looks really beautiful.
2012-02-16 09:43:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All went well? Was the client satisfied? Just one more day & you can rest and relax... Hope you really do...
2012-02-16 09:32:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... you were working really hard and I... I am so sorry darling, how could I be such an idiot? :-(
2012-02-16 09:30:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the sweetest, loveliest welcome home hug for you, my dear. Please, stay in my arms for a while, rest your head on mine...
2012-02-16 09:30:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, silly me... There's a little pic of him holding a box of butterflies. :-) How could I not see it... Blush.
2012-02-16 09:30:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I miss you terribly. Hope you are home now & have time to breathe before the phone meeting...
2012-02-16 09:12:47 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning, my dear friend. How are you today? (((hug)))
2012-02-16 08:52:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You must be feeling very tired, darling. Seems like your days get more & more packed. I'd so love to take you somewhere nice for a while...
2012-02-16 08:35:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't thank you enough... Knowing it is from you makes it even more special to me. Smile, a butterfly? Where?
2012-02-16 08:13:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I love it, I really do. I was cradling it in my hands for long minutes then held it to my chest... It's a beautiful book.
2012-02-16 08:13:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope the drive home is pleasant & you will be home soon, so I
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can hug you and just... keep hugging you. My sweet sweet darling... :-)
2012-02-16 08:12:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! A deep long relieved sigh... It's just so wonderful to know that you are well. I was worried, Anand. But didn't know what to do...
2012-02-16 08:12:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Dear sweet Anand, I hope all is well with you... I haven't heard from you since you left for work... Yes, I am kind of worried. :-(
2012-02-16 06:47:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would tell you all I can't say, through my eyes my arms my hands, my lips and fingertips... Sigh. My sweet darling... You are wonderful.
2012-02-16 06:29:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet wonderful darling, I wish, I so wish I could hold you close to me right now & let my heart speak to you...
2012-02-16 06:26:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much! I don't know what else to say, words fail me & am just beaming along... :-)
2012-02-16 06:26:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Yes, yes it's finally arrived! :-) Tell me, how did you know? I just finished Nabokov's Pnin a few days ago. :-) Honest.
2012-02-16 06:25:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss your lips, with the taste of your lunch still on them... before you return to work. I miss you Anand. So, so much...
2012-02-16 04:16:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you, darling... hoping your day goes smoothly for you. Wishing I was there to hold you, to rub my nose against yours and
2012-02-16 04:16:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Close your eyes for a sec. to feel my sweet soft nibbling kisses on your neck & my fingers... playing with your shirt's buttons. :-)
2012-02-16 00:39:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was the drive to the office? How's your day? Hope it is lovely & less busy today.
2012-02-16 00:39:07 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... for your kisses. Smile, I hope your kisses don't mind if I change the towel to a smaller one. ;-)
2012-02-16 00:38:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweetest, good morning. So glad you slept well. My night was a bit restless... Just got out of the shower, all fresh & lovely
2012-02-16 00:37:58 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile No fun... it was hard to catch up... but all in all good. Ty for asking
2012-02-15 21:26:16 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile That is too bad. I hope you find resolution soon. I am better today, breathing problem but no fever... but getting back after a day off is
2012-02-15 21:24:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your hand, kissing your dreams to make you smile in your sleep and... just watching you till I fall asleep too...with your hand in mine.
2012-02-15 14:51:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my dear sweet Anand... A regretful sigh. I hope you sleep sweetly & hope you don't mind me sitting by your side, gently holding...
2012-02-15 14:49:31 (EST)

syahidahz Hmm..lets I convinced? Hahaha :p

2012-02-15 11:52:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am aware that I was stupid. I really am... Sigh. I promise that it won't happen again. I really, honestly, truly mean it.
2012-02-15 11:48:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May I... hug you tenderly... and sit on the bed, holding your hand? *looking at you shyly*
2012-02-15 11:37:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, dear. Sleep soundly with lovely dreams. I would happily join you... if you still want me to... :-|
2012-02-15 11:27:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ouch. That hurts. I am sorry to have given you that

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impression... :-( I was being stupid.

2012-02-15 11:25:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What I'm trying to say is thank you, my friend....I'm going to sit with this today, maybe I'll unlock something. How's the tooth, btw?
2012-02-15 11:16:43 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No, no pressure, it was a good idea, you never know, it could have struck the right cord, opened up that feeling I'm looking to articulate:)
2012-02-15 11:15:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do forgive me for being so stupid. :-(

2012-02-15 11:15:48 (EST)

syahidahz Woah..that's an old pic. Well it was my niece and I was just in casual clothes.=)
2012-02-15 11:12:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire A particular feeling I want to capture when I next write...I'm haven't quite put my finger on it, but one I do, I know it'll open some gates
2012-02-15 11:04:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Anything. Usually I turn things over in my head, let them marinate into words. Havent had the brainspace. Plus, there's something looming,
2012-02-15 11:03:26 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I think the block is coming in that I have so much on my plate right now, that I don't have the proper time to center myself and reflect on
2012-02-15 11:02:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please? I promise.

2012-02-15 10:56:36 (EST)

syahidahz I believe I've removed all traces of face to my name quite a while ago. I'll find it amazing if someone can recall them. Haha!
2012-02-15 10:49:23 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you for plastering me on the image of a lady in burqa.=)

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You're picturing me too kindly.

2012-02-15 10:40:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are right. It won't happen again.

2012-02-15 10:32:14 (EST)

syahidahz're so adorable, but I don't wear a burqa..

2012-02-15 10:31:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know what to say or how to make it up to you. I wish you were here. I am sorry.
2012-02-15 10:25:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blushing sigh :-(

2012-02-15 10:16:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome home, dear. I don't let it wander, it just wanders... without my permission, causing nothing but unnecessary stress. :-(
2012-02-15 09:25:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your silly lady... Sigh. I hope your day's been fine and you are on your way home now...
2012-02-15 08:32:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hundreds of DMs and be super-sweet all the time. I would notice the difference, as in?
2012-02-15 07:27:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... purplepoetry doesn't make it any easier. Yes. Blush. I understand busy-ness, I really do. I don't expect you to send me...
2012-02-15 07:27:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I didn't mean to annoy you but I just can't help feeling like there's something not quite fine. And yes, your dance with...
2012-02-15 07:26:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just cannot not notice how all my efforts to be sweet to you end up going unnoticed... I miss how you used to miss me, to make me smile.
2012-02-15 05:21:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you are having a nice, pleasant-busy day & your teeth/jaw don't hurt...
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2012-02-15 03:58:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel your indifference towards me growing... I can't help it, dear. You don't make it easy for me...
2012-02-15 03:53:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't ponder, darling. I just simply miss you.

2012-02-15 03:36:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss your missing me. I miss your wanting to hold me... I miss you, darling.
2012-02-15 03:34:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss how we used to play with each other, making one another smile with a sigh, holding hands, running over grass...
2012-02-15 03:33:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I watch the snow fall softly and I wonder... Do you miss me? Do you still feel the same?
2012-02-15 02:46:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I pull you to me & kiss you deeply... Yes, freshly showered & lovely smelling, wrapped in a towel... I miss holding you like that.
2012-02-15 00:58:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How comes? Didn't you drive with your colleagues? Maybe you should leave a little earlier or later to avoid the morning traffic. :-)
2012-02-15 00:56:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No pairing today? Smile, I love meetings more... we can secretly kiss under the desk so that no one notices. ;-)
2012-02-15 00:56:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...or doing anything else. Oooh, yum! Did you think of me & smiled while cooking? Sigh. How I miss the beautiful smell...
2012-02-15 00:55:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good morning. Glad you slept well. I did too. Fell asleep early. No no, didn't wake up earlier, just DM-ed you before showering...
2012-02-15 00:55:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss on her cheek? I miss you. Hope your day is less busy,
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2012-02-15 00:20:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the drive to the office? How goes your day? What kept you away from holding your lady's hands and breathing a good morning...
2012-02-15 00:18:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And those fingertips keep searching... Good morning, my dearest. Hope you slept well & woke up with a smile & no pain...
2012-02-15 00:17:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire But I can certainly run the gamut through different scenarios.
2012-02-14 20:01:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I see what you're getting at, I can do that....I was giving the first thought that came to mind. Betrayal has a negative connotation,
2012-02-14 20:00:45 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Bitter
2012-02-14 19:49:30 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Let's try it out! I have some time later, I think I might sit down to write, which would be nice.
2012-02-14 15:49:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Awesome day! Lots of love and plenty of smiles. Hope you're night is filled with sweet sweet dreams. (((hugs)))
2012-02-14 15:16:35 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile how's Mr. Achy tooth ?

2012-02-14 13:02:59 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile its fine! i got a day off out of this.. why would i complain? I am loving this... only missing pilates.. but i will do it on my own.
2012-02-14 13:02:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your incense & sweet thoughts of you... of your smile, your hug, the sight of you walking to the breakfast table...I miss you, Anand. A lot.
2012-02-14 11:38:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you still didn't tell me... why me? Why still me?
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2012-02-14 11:11:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly. Dream sweet dreams. I will join you shortly and cover you with my warmth... Good night.
2012-02-14 11:08:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Some more soft kisses on your jaw... and a deep slow one on your lips. :-) I miss you, darling.
2012-02-14 11:08:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sounds very nice. I love Gouda. How's your tooth?
2012-02-14 11:03:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's been an exhausting day for you, I shall wish you good night now... Kissing you softly on your temples dear, holding you...
2012-02-14 11:01:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Very much. I would really really love to be there with you now... Hmmm.
2012-02-14 10:44:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Having dinner? Freshening up for bed?

2012-02-14 10:43:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, true... when there's that little fire in the woman's eye... the man should know then... and only then... Smile.
2012-02-14 10:36:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh you... :-) Kisses on your jaw, dear. Smile, I miss rubbing my cheek and nose against your unshaven cheeks...
2012-02-14 10:23:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Strange. Why in the evening? Mornings too? My sweet darling, wish I could make the pain go away...
2012-02-14 10:16:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! So, then can I walk away...? Sniff. ;-p Does your tooth still hurt? God, darling not one bit better?
2012-02-14 10:11:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So much beauty in your tweets tonight... Sigh.

2012-02-14 10:07:25 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ awww, such a cute smile ;-) Hugging you tight, kissing your neck & continue massaging your shoulders...
2012-02-14 09:47:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oops, I meant in inst. of on. :-) Oooh, it makes me :-( to see you :-( Would you :-) if I gently massaged your shoulders? Please... :-)
2012-02-14 09:41:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I see, you are home, so... may I take you in my arms & kiss you welcome home? :-) How are you, dear? How was the class? On phone meeting?
2012-02-14 09:34:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there darling... I would so love to sweeten the rest of your day... Sigh. Please do take care on your way home.
2012-02-14 08:04:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I was just surprised that there's no any other woman... and that you said I am still your dear Andrea. Blush & a shy smile.
2012-02-14 08:03:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? Very exhausted? Hope Tai Chi helps to calm & relax you... I missed you too. A lot.
2012-02-14 08:02:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! I was chewing on my nails, darling. So happy that all's well with you. :-) And I am sorry it was so incredibly busy at work.
2012-02-14 08:01:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still no sweet sir in sight... I hope all is well darling... I'll be away for a lil' while. Please do take care. A soft kiss on your lips.
2012-02-14 06:56:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire We could try that, seems quite nice; and for the record, I'm very honored that you'd offer to inspire me. Your words are always stunning. xo
2012-02-14 05:53:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and walk along the water's edge, barefoot, hand in hand and watch the sunset and play and giggle and... just feel happy :-)
2012-02-14 05:51:17 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss you, I miss you and... I miss you. Sigh. I wish you would take me on your bike after your Tai Chi & ride to the beach...
2012-02-14 05:50:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really miss your cooking. I miss the beautiful smell & colorful taste... ahhh. Sigh.
2012-02-14 03:29:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's about lunchtime there, so... bon appetit, my dear. Please do smile & think of me... one bite for you, one for me ;-)
2012-02-14 03:26:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, your lady's still beaming, her butterflies are in full bloom :) I... I just can't believe... Darling, why me?
2012-02-14 03:10:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Hope it is more pleasant than yesterday... A nice bouquet of butterfly kisses for you :-) Missing you.
2012-02-14 02:45:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No news about it. Maybe tomorrow... :-) Headache's gone. Nothing much lined up. Trying to catch up on work I missed yesterday.
2012-02-14 02:44:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how I knew! And how I hate these pairing days. :-) It would be very lovely... Come, let's do it darling, just you & me... Sigh.
2012-02-14 02:43:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. A lot. I wish we were together now, on the way to a nice place on your bike... & with a huge picnic basket :-)
2012-02-14 02:20:32 (EST)

syahidahz Opps..I meant nothing solid..haha

2012-02-14 00:58:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire What did you have in mind?

2012-02-14 00:49:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How did you sleep? I slept well, I think. :-) How are you? Is your toothache gone... or at least, better? How goes your day?
2012-02-13 23:52:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Stretching & yawning, wrapping my arms around you & kiss the
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top of your head as you kiss my belly- my sweet darling, good morning. :-)
2012-02-13 23:51:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I hope to post some things soon, but nothing is quite hitting the mark...usually, I get a bit of inspiration, but I don't think I'm looking.
2012-02-13 21:05:08 (EST)

syahidahz Got a couple of papers to sit for by next week and I'm good. Got bothing solid planned yet..
2012-02-13 21:02:08 (EST)

syahidahz Nah..breakfast depends on what time I get up. Yesterday, breakfast was at 4pm. Hehe.
2012-02-13 20:30:47 (EST)

syahidahz Morning currently torn between going back to bed or having breakfast. Talk about choices.
2012-02-13 20:25:45 (EST)

syahidahz Nothing much..just going through some ideas for a short story and watching some shows. Yourself? =)
2012-02-13 20:21:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies will be fluttering & circling round you, occasionally pouring sweet soft kisses down on you. Smile.
2012-02-13 15:24:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a wonderful day with warm sunny smiles, lots of good work & no hectic in the office. Happy Valentin's Day, my darling. :-)
2012-02-13 15:22:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, I am clumsy with words & some other ways too, but I love you, Anand. Beyond description, beyond all measure. And I miss you so...
2012-02-13 15:20:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All you need to do is to roll in bed to stick on you & cover every inch of your body. :-)
2012-02-13 15:19:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And hope you smile when you wake up & see all the little
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heart-shaped kisses & rosehip-scented hugs spread all over your bed... :-)
2012-02-13 15:18:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you really sleep sweetly with the loveliest dreams...& you feel the warm softness of your lady's body in your sleep
2012-02-13 15:18:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...across your cheek, kiss your lips sweetly & lie down with my head between your shoulder & neck, wrap my arm around you & doze off :-)
2012-02-13 15:16:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with my palm resting on your chest & smile as you start to snore. Then stop reading & watch you some more, run my fingers lightly...
2012-02-13 15:14:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... under the covers which you kept nicely warm, kiss you gently on your forehead, watch you sleep sweetly; then read a little-sitting up...
2012-02-13 15:12:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Had dinner, took a shower, dressed in my cutest PJ's. I will do now the head-on-10-fingertips thing, then snuggle up...
2012-02-13 15:11:36 (EST)

syahidahz I guess I just relate alot of things to chemistry. I won't feel anything unless you give me a reason to...or a good box of chocolates. :p
2012-02-13 12:56:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel like a school girl, singing & smiling, my feet barely touch the floor as I dance across the room :-) God! How I wish you were here...
2012-02-13 12:24:31 (EST)

syahidahz But people..people hold memories of love that can be all the difference.
2012-02-13 12:23:40 (EST)

syahidahz Love in many faces is still that strong feeling that we hold in a place called a heart.
2012-02-13 12:23:33 (EST)

syahidahz This is just me talking but I feel that love is's the people that make us feel that love that is uncommon to us.
2012-02-13 12:23:21 (EST)
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syahidahz Nothing about Tai Chi..I just find it cool.

2012-02-13 12:14:27 (EST)

syahidahz Why not? I think it's true though. Everything we feel and express has been felt and expressed before..just differently.
2012-02-13 12:14:22 (EST)

syahidahz Haha sorry dear but there is no originality left in the world. Everything's been done and said before. And woah Tai Chi..sounds interesting.
2012-02-13 12:08:02 (EST)

syahidahz What did you do? If I may ask...

2012-02-13 12:01:17 (EST)

syahidahz The weekend went alright..just had some time off to spend with the family. How was yours?=)
2012-02-13 11:56:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I will join you asap and wrap you into me... :-)
2012-02-13 11:26:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you ever so gently and cradle you in my arms till you fall asleep... Good night, my sweetest. Sleep & dream beautifully. :-)
2012-02-13 11:25:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am blushing and smiling and... and just wish I could hug you and keep hugging you and not let you go. Sniff.
2012-02-13 11:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... about me and have nothing much to offer... My sweet sweet darling, you have no idea how happy you've just made me!
2012-02-13 11:23:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Darling, honest? I... I just can't believe. But... but I can be such a pain sometimes and... and there's really nothing special...
2012-02-13 11:23:06 (EST)

perlygates sigh. that would be good timing for me my friend, that hug. ox
2012-02-13 11:20:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh... your lady is chewing on her nails, heart still racing and
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wishes she could simply vanish... Blush.

2012-02-13 11:05:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, taking a deep breath, heart's racing...My sweet darling, do you have similar feelings for any other woman, feel drawn to someone else?
2012-02-13 10:54:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, true... but it feels embarrassing somehow :-|

2012-02-13 10:47:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You do. And you know that you do... Please?
2012-02-13 10:41:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, please... you know the question.

2012-02-13 10:39:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Do I get an answer to the question I was afraid to ask?

2012-02-13 10:36:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes!!! And I am happy you don't skip dinner. :-) I wish I was there now, eating together... :-)
2012-02-13 10:33:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You? Hope you didn't skip dinner...

2012-02-13 10:30:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) and a sigh. Done with the meeting? My day was easy, didn't do much work. I had rice with veggies, careful with eating...
2012-02-13 10:27:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, dear.

2012-02-13 10:21:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yup, up your back... ;-p

2012-02-13 10:12:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, see? You can speak, so... I kiss your nape as my hands continue caressing you... under your undershirt ;-p
2012-02-13 10:09:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you can improvise... ;-) Or should I stop rubbing-caressing your back?
2012-02-13 09:55:05 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Gently, up & down your back, palms rubbing, fingers caressing you... You can still do the phone meeting... :-)
2012-02-13 09:39:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope tomorrow will be less hectic for you... But glad you are fine. Oh, happy! And I do it with pleasure... and with my palms ;-)
2012-02-13 09:38:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Other than the toothache... how are you? How was your day? May I... sit beside you and... just gently rub your back?
2012-02-13 09:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... a late welcome home hug & a little kiss? :-) Gosh, again? My poor darling, please do go back to the dentist. Please.
2012-02-13 09:10:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Where are you darling? Home too? Yes thank you, it is much better. Smile, no no...your name & readable too :-) come and I will show you
2012-02-13 08:55:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home now, darling. Waiting for you, sitting on the swing hanging from the tree, writing your name in the sand with my toes... Smile.
2012-02-13 08:27:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yup! :)
2012-02-13 07:57:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Morning *kiss*

2012-02-13 07:06:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know now my heart's question... Anyway, I have to run, darling. Again, please take care. I miss you...
2012-02-13 06:38:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Truth is not always nice and it can be hurtful, darling. As you said... truth is truth...
2012-02-13 06:37:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, true, the answer is not in my control... but the answer might hurt...
2012-02-13 06:32:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because... because... I don't know. It feels silly to ask... and

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somehow, afraid of the answer...

2012-02-13 06:26:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That is very nice but no, I meant... the way we felt close to each other... You know what I mean, dear.
2012-02-13 06:22:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care on your way home. Sweet butterfly kisses from your head to toe...
2012-02-13 06:10:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And calling her/them your friend just as you called me your friend... Just curious. Nothing else.
2012-02-13 06:08:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly question, but I was wondering about this a few times... have you said things/written stuff to others like we once used to...?
2012-02-13 06:07:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the mudra. Thank you. :-) I will now step out for a bit, need fresh veggies & fruits & mineral water. Will be back asap.
2012-02-13 06:06:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I just did the head-on-10 fingertips thing. It felt very good & will do in the future too. More relaxing & helps more than...
2012-02-13 06:06:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ops, your neck...some of the keys are sticky, I should clean out the keyboard. Missing you very much. I just hope your day isn't too tiring.
2012-02-13 04:44:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are indeed very sweet, you know that? I hug you tenderly to me & nuzzle you neck... Thank you darling. Please you take care too.
2012-02-13 04:37:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Sweet of you. I will try out all that you have advised... :-) I promise.
2012-02-13 04:33:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was soothing. Thank you. My head is way better now. Darling, I have no one to give me a massage. I so wish you were here...
2012-02-13 04:29:52 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Gosh. Another week of pairing? :-( But well... nothing can be done, such is work. Yes, I did the mudra last night and this morning too.
2012-02-13 04:28:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So happy to "see" you! I am sorry your week's started busy like that. But hope the interview went well & work is interesting-busy.
2012-02-13 04:28:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a little kiss on your cute nose & a :-) to let you know that I am thinking of you... and yes, missing you. What was for lunch? :-)
2012-02-13 03:35:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does the pairing continue? I think I won't strain myself too much today. A sweet kiss on your chin. Miss you.
2012-02-13 02:25:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... go back to bed & sleep some more. How is my dear darling? Slept well? All's fresh & cheerful? How goes your day?
2012-02-13 02:25:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear Anand. I am sorry, I didn't write earlier. I fell asleep early, woke up early with a terrible headache & decided to...
2012-02-13 02:24:43 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile And I am sure he is envying you:) feel better!

2012-02-12 22:33:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Did you try nani ma's home remedy? Clove oil and stuff? Did the dentist Xray? You may wish to get second opinion?
2012-02-12 22:16:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-12 22:11:52 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yeah, still didn't get around to that. In all fairness though, I did get a TON done today! How was your night?
2012-02-12 21:59:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 painting. I'm excited! It's so cozy and artsy in there now. The kids and I went for dinner at my dad's. I'm tired but was supposed to bake..
2012-02-12 21:59:31 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 a major overhaul. My room is fabulous! I made a corner for my keyboard and guitar, put some photos up above it, brought in a table for my
2012-02-12 21:58:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hello darling. My day was busy. i did a ton of cleaning. I rearranged all the furniture in the bedrooms, cleaned all the closets and did
2012-02-12 21:58:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 xo
2012-02-12 21:09:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hello, my friend. Weekend was thoroughly enjoyable, now time to study for a quiz tomorrow. What did you wind up doing?
2012-02-12 19:49:18 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Ah yes siry! Thank you for asking. how is your tooth holding up?
2012-02-12 12:35:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You have made me very happy yesterday. You know how to make your lady beaming... & you also know how to wilt my lil' heart's wings. Sigh.
2012-02-12 12:07:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I am glad you weren't sad or anything. Anyway it's very late & you should sleep, darling.
2012-02-12 11:53:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's right. I am sorry. I am not complaining, just missed you... a lot. And I really thought something is not quite ok...
2012-02-12 11:52:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a bit yes. And you were quiet... That's why I asked, if all is well. Hmm, and I am not sure why you have been quiet with me... :-(
2012-02-12 11:47:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you once more on your neck & hug you to me... Sleep sweetly, darling. Good night for now.
2012-02-12 11:40:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... at least not to me. Thank you. I hope so too. Will try the link
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now & then freshen up & join you in bed & snuggle up to you... Ok? :-)
2012-02-12 11:40:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly & blushing because I thought it was for me. Btw, you did sound a bit saddish today...And also felt like you don't want to talk as much
2012-02-12 11:39:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I'd better go now... Sleep sweetly, darling. Dream lovely dreams. A soft kiss on your lips & nose. Good night.
2012-02-12 11:24:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. Silly silly me. How your lady's blushing now... God. It's a bit strange that you don't remember, but well, you write quite a lot.
2012-02-12 11:22:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ "The kind heart asked ~ If I was well. ~ They tell me ~ It is Spring somewhere [yes, this is for you]" This one. Blush.
2012-02-12 11:09:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You don't recall what you write? Really not? That's something new to me.
2012-02-12 11:08:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If it was for me then you know which one... if not, then just forget. Blush. Silly me.
2012-02-12 11:03:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, may I ask... the tweet from hours ago... was it for me? Yep, blushing like a tomato...
2012-02-12 10:59:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I will. I promise. Thank you for sending me the link. I don't know why. Maybe the weather... and insufficient sleep?
2012-02-12 10:46:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Have no lemon at home. And my sweet sir isn't here to massage my poor head. Not suddenly, it just got worse over the day.
2012-02-12 10:39:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, not better. I feel really sick with headache and nausea :-| Thank you. Will try it...
2012-02-12 10:28:16 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Ah, there you are! Well, your morning wasn't a lazy one, that's right... Anyway, you still seem to be busy... Hmm :-)
2012-02-12 10:25:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Well. If not then not. It is ok. Anyway, I hope you had a nice Sunday.
2012-02-12 10:18:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you darling? How was your day? You seemed to be busy today...
2012-02-12 10:02:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be so beautiful. I would love you to soothe and hum me to sleep... I really wish you were here, darling. :-(
2012-02-12 09:45:54 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Are you already in bed?

2012-02-12 09:15:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just to be held by you... to feel your arms holding me tight to you, your hand on my belly... Oooh. Hope your day's been lovely, my darling.
2012-02-12 08:36:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I feel very tired & my head aches...I think I will lie down for an hour... I would so love to have you here now... Sad sigh.
2012-02-12 08:35:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still recall the beautiful moments between us, all the things we have done together & daydream of all the little things we could... Sigh.
2012-02-12 07:44:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Those lovely days... Sigh.

2012-02-12 07:21:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... ants in his pants. ;-p My darling, I miss you. I really really do. Terribly.
2012-02-12 07:05:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... together and climb on you and nibble you all over till you gasp for air... & you will be the one who will have...
2012-02-12 07:05:06 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I love when you tease me. I can't help it... :-) If I was there now,I would chase you across the room, giggling & then falling on the bed
2012-02-12 07:04:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Me greedy? No way... I just can't get enough of your kisses. No, the box was definitely too small... ;-)
2012-02-12 07:03:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You almost gave me a fit. And I felt so very silly. God! Please don't do that again. My sweet sweet darling... how your lady smiles!
2012-02-12 06:55:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! You meant that box! Right now, I let the last kiss slowly melt on my tongue, savoring every taste of it... It was a tiny box ;-p
2012-02-12 06:53:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh, and good morning! :)

2012-02-12 06:33:01 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I just devoured your time line. Your mind is like candy!!
2012-02-12 06:32:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You didn't just include a definition in your poem? lol oh how I adore you!!!
2012-02-12 06:32:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You call lil' me a liar? Ouch. Sigh. I am sorry darling, but I really don't know what you are talking about. Honest. Which box? Confused :-(
2012-02-12 06:08:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Huh? You have sent me nothing...

2012-02-12 06:04:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh smile ok. So, no hidden honey flavored kisses & sweet scented flowers... Sigh ;-p Eat what? Not sure I quite understand... Blush.
2012-02-12 06:01:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, tell me, what did you write in the DM which I didn't get? Yep, curious...
2012-02-12 05:56:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) gently back...

2012-02-12 05:55:03 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Just in that one moment in time... it was all there...

2012-02-12 05:43:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! :-) A late lunch... again. No, not frowning. :-) Doing some cleaning... Hmm. Uneventful day... Wish you were here...
2012-02-12 05:37:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Dozed off? Having late lunch? A bath? Or maybe you prefer to be left alone? Sigh. I miss you.
2012-02-12 05:19:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ha! Don't stare and drop your jaw, I might bite your lower lip ;-p
2012-02-12 04:10:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad the class was fine, a nice way to start the day. :-) And that...? What did you write? Hm?
2012-02-12 04:05:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I went to check my inbox... no, it isn't there. Seems like it got lost in the ether... Oh please, would you :-) if I hugged you sweetly?
2012-02-12 04:05:16 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile ;) night or day ( for some reason my intuition puts u in Japan, but I imagine much ) ta ta
2012-02-12 04:02:50 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Hehee.. I really should. It's really late... u be good now, don't go breaking anything while I sleep.
2012-02-12 03:59:16 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Yes mommy!! Seriously though thank you for caring. I jest... I will follow ur instructions :)
2012-02-12 03:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, so it was not really successful... But I hope you find what you need/want. :-) You sure, you've sent it to me? I didn't get that DM :-)
2012-02-12 03:53:07 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile And thank you for that dedication, you made me smile. :)
2012-02-12 03:49:38 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Did you get what you needed for the kitchen? How are you, darling? All is well?
2012-02-12 03:47:28 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile most everyone at work is sick, I catch things quickly. But its regular old flu, not a big deal. Thank you for reading my crap & asking. :)
2012-02-12 03:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you don't know where to go, just... follow the faint whisper of the butterfly's sigh... My sweet darling seems to be home. Nice. :-)
2012-02-12 03:47:17 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile that I am glad to hear :) be well and take care of yourself.

2012-02-12 03:40:30 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile PS: if you need a punching bag, happy to be one. :)

2012-02-12 03:14:44 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile will change. Infact that's the only thing guaranteed sometimes. Hope it gets warmer in there for you. :)
2012-02-12 03:14:01 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile in that case you get a tight hug. I know it's more than toothache but I won't press. Whatever is bothering you, as you know so well ...
2012-02-12 03:12:59 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile hey are you okay? It appears as if you are in great deal of pain. Did you need a friend? Or perhaps a hug?
2012-02-12 03:03:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your Tai Chi? No plans for today. Lazy Sunday...Oh, I wish that too. It would be wonderful to curl into each other & just sleep :-)
2012-02-12 01:10:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft kisses on your elbow up to your shoulder... :-) Just took a shower, waiting for your return fresh & lovely smelling...
2012-02-12 01:08:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your soft warm lips. :-) Oh! You too? Right or left elbow? I hit my left knee against the table last night. Really hard.
2012-02-12 01:08:18 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ It isn't that early, dear :-) Yes I slept well but I feel a little tired too. Smiling & letting those fingertips trace gentle paths over
2012-02-12 01:07:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. Slept well? Feeling fresh & happy? Are you back from Tai Chi? Hope your morning was lovely... :-)
2012-02-12 00:35:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, my fingers were searching for yours, eyes still closed... found nothing but an empty space in the bed beside me...
2012-02-12 00:35:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will probably still be asleep when you leave... do hurry back and tickle your lady awake. ;-) Missing you. A lot. You know that? Sigh.
2012-02-11 15:53:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... wherever you desire to feel my kiss. Smile. Wishing you a beautiful day my sweet darling & a great, fun time at the class. :-)
2012-02-11 15:52:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly, my darling & when you wake up please reach under your pillow, take out my soft deep kiss & place it...
2012-02-11 15:51:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... into sleep with a smile, joining you in your dreams. :-)
2012-02-11 15:50:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to your deep, peaceful breaths till my eyelids get heavy & my head falls softly on your chest, hugging you, sinking...
2012-02-11 15:49:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, it's just me, brushing your cheek with the back of my fingers, softly kissing your temples and... just watching you sleep, listening
2012-02-11 15:49:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, they tickle... but feel so good. :-) Thank you, darling. I kiss your earlobe & bite it gently... ;-) Please sleep now.
2012-02-11 11:38:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your clumsy lady... My day was beautiful because of you. My sweet darling, you are the sun in my sky. And you know that.
2012-02-11 11:30:48 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good night. I will join you in a bit & hold you close to me... Tai Chi tomorrow too? Nice. :-) Thank you again, I wish the same for you...
2012-02-11 11:23:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... each other into sleep. :-) I would so love it. Sigh. Please sleep sweetly darling with lovely dreams. Kisses on your palms, my dear.
2012-02-11 11:21:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) God, how I wish I could hug you now! I thank you so... :-) Wait a sec.! Please. Slow dance with me... into bed & let's cuddle & kiss...
2012-02-11 11:20:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, darling. I didn't. How could I ever forget? This day, your sweetness... :-)
2012-02-11 11:12:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it tasted colorful, too. :-) Oh wait. I did get something... the sweetest surprise & lots of sunny smiles from my darling dear :-)
2012-02-11 11:05:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not even your sweet baklava? Sniff. ;-p Lunch was pasta with mushrooms, zucchini, yellow bell pepper, tomato & olives. I got nothing, dear.
2012-02-11 11:01:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Ok, I won't frown. Biscuits are fine. Yum. I just thought you were having dinner... :-) A kiss on your neck behind your ears...
2012-02-11 10:48:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, our DMs crossed... Please, don't be sad my dear. I guess it will arrive on Tues. or Wed. :-) And I'll most certainly smile... :-)
2012-02-11 10:47:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come into my arms, darling. Please. Once you finished your dinner... :-)
2012-02-11 10:42:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling, it didn't. But please, don't be sad. Please. :-) You've already made me so happy... I will let you know when it arrives.
2012-02-11 10:19:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Perfect! Then... ice cream? Or honey drops from my belly?
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;-) I am really happy that the pain's reduced.

2012-02-11 10:18:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I almost forgot, your teeth... then, just a lick... from your lady's lips? ;-) God! I just really wish you were here... or I there? :-)
2012-02-11 09:57:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hey! Congrats! That's pretty cool! :-) Some ice cream to celebrate...? ;-)
2012-02-11 09:55:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been peaceful darling, home alone... and sweet with you, your kisses, your voice, your hugs, your smiles. :-)
2012-02-11 09:52:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you, sweet sweet you... Thank you! Happy, beaming :-) hugging you tight & kissing you welcome home. :-) How was the class?
2012-02-11 09:51:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Let's go home together, stop at a park or somewhere nice & slow dance in the moonlight... :-) Kisses & hugs for my sweet darling, too.
2012-02-11 09:07:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Very much. Smile, imagine me, sitting in the corner, watching you, blowing you smiling kisses... ;-)
2012-02-11 07:55:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww how sweet... :-) Your voice is still in my ears, I will never forget how you sang happy birthday to me. Ever. :-)
2012-02-11 07:52:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes, exactly that way... your hands on my belly, your cheek against my neck, a field of flowers & butterflies... ahhh :-)
2012-02-11 07:23:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I so love being held by you. Sigh. Yes, just to sway with you... and then look up into your eyes & kiss you ever so gently...
2012-02-11 07:19:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant darling. Silly keys! Blush. So sorry I missed you, I was on the phone with Renata. Long call... :-| Her hello to you. :-)
2012-02-11 07:18:47 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. A soft slow long kiss on your lips... Please hurry back into my arms.
2012-02-11 06:50:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I knew you were kidding. ;-p And yes, it was a sweet surprise daring. My entire being smiled. Honest. :-)
2012-02-11 06:50:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in your arms, your hands on my hips...softly swaying, humming with you... :-) Ahhh, pure heaven, darling.
2012-02-11 06:41:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's very generous... ;-p I didn't tell you that you have to wake up... :-) But I must admit, you've made me very happy, darling. :-)
2012-02-11 06:40:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I think he meant A Einstein as in, it was a quote by Albert Einstein ;-)
2012-02-11 06:33:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I meant it. Seriously. Please, let's meet. Anytime, anywhere. Please?
2012-02-11 06:31:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in my olive linen trouser and a white top... barefoot :-) No undershirt ;-p
2012-02-11 06:30:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. Ok. And you woke up late because you got up at dawn just to wish me happy b-day. So, I am the one to blame. ;-)
2012-02-11 06:30:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling. I kiss you back, slowly and gently, on tiptoe, with my arms wrapped around your neck... :-)
2012-02-11 06:03:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, late lunch. Bon appetit, darling. :-) Yep, your conn. problem saddens me too, but... I do hope your day is lovely & you are all smiles.
2012-02-11 06:01:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I miss you deeply. I wish I was there now, in your
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arms... Please, Anand pretty please, allow us to meet.

2012-02-11 05:31:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Silly silly connection. And I was sitting here, waiting for you... :-( Yes please, a kiss would be wonderful now.
2012-02-11 05:18:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where has my sweet darling vanished to? :-(

2012-02-11 05:02:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lovely waves pillow. ;-p I would so love to just lie down with my head on your stomach, your fingers playing with my hair... Sigh.
2012-02-11 03:28:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, but my soft pillow... ;-)

2012-02-11 03:10:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... make me even happier. And you know what it is... Right? ;-)
2012-02-11 03:07:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) oh, it did. Embraced it gently & kissed a sunny smile on it. You've already made me happy, darling. There's just one thing that could
2012-02-11 03:06:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... happened to me in a long long time. You've made my lil' butterfly heart smile. My sweet sweet darling... :-) Missing you terribly.
2012-02-11 02:55:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, wish I could've reached through the phone & kiss you deeply. Sigh. Thank you again. It was the best & sweetest thing that's
2012-02-11 02:54:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm & go out for lunch... or no! I'd love to cook with you & then eat together, then go for a walk & shopping & get home & just cuddling...
2012-02-11 02:45:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... surprise ever. Sniff. And some more blushes... :-) I so wish you were here. So so wish... I'd so love to hug you tight right now.
2012-02-11 02:42:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blush. Smile. I thank you so much for calling me. It was so beautiful to hear your voice. God! You have no clue... It was the sweetest
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2012-02-11 02:41:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are incredibly very sweet, you know that? I thank you so much, so so much. :-) Ooops, did you call me???
2012-02-11 02:34:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry your internet was down but so happy it is back now. :-) What? Just Tai Chi? God, darling! Your lady is indeed beaming. See? :-)
2012-02-11 02:33:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling. I am sorry, just took a long hot shower... fresh & lovely smelling, wrapped in a towel, ready for your twirl... ;-)
2012-02-11 02:33:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I know I know, it's your busy some chores-dentistTai Chi-temple day, but still...I miss you. Anand, my dearest... sigh. A lot.
2012-02-11 01:49:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be away... Hmm, maybe preparing lunch? I hug you from behind & kiss your nape... :-) I'd so love to cook with you
2012-02-11 01:43:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A trail of sweet small soft playful kisses for you, along your neck, down your collar bone & chest to your navel... & an inch below ;-)
2012-02-11 00:34:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish you were here... That's my one & only wish- you, to be with you, to hold you... Sigh. Hope your day is sunny & lovely my darling.
2012-02-11 00:33:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not fully awake yet, feeling a bit groggy. Old age... ;-) I hope you got enough sleep, darling & you are all smiles & feeling fresh.
2012-02-11 00:32:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I wish I could hug you now for being so wonderfully sweet & kiss you & squeeze you and... sigh.
2012-02-11 00:31:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... asleep, so there was no reason to stay up that late. But you! You woke up so early, just to wish me a happy b-day? Oh darling... :-)
2012-02-11 00:30:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am sorry for ruining your plan, but your ever so lively lady is aging... she needs her beauty sleep, you know? ;-) and you were...
2012-02-11 00:30:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, nothing like waking up to my sweet darling's kissshower... I thank you, darling. So so much! You've definitely got me beaming :-)
2012-02-11 00:29:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hello honey dumpling... how was your night?

2012-02-10 19:03:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slide under the covers & curl into the arch of your chest... :-) & a sigh. Sweet sunny smiling kisses for your morning, darling.
2012-02-10 16:44:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I hope your dreams are sweet & lovely & you smile in your sleep, feeling my soft kiss on your forehead & the warmth of my body..
2012-02-10 16:41:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Wait, where did I say my day was perfect? Lol! I need to go back and savor that, bc today has been nothing but hectic. How's the toothache?
2012-02-10 15:02:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. Just... hm hmm. And a sigh. You just never know when your lady's lil' heart needs to be hugged...
2012-02-10 12:53:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with happy dreams. Kissing your tired eyes good night. I will join you asap and hug you close to me...
2012-02-10 12:48:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I miss the feel of you. Your breath on my skin, the soft feel of your lips and fingers. Your hand on my belly. Your smile. You.
2012-02-10 12:46:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ To be honest, I feel kind of low... wilted and old. Lonely without you.
2012-02-10 12:42:55 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Nothing, darling. Absolutely nothing. Nothing different or unique. I wish you were here... I'd so love to spend tomorrow with you. Sad sigh
2012-02-10 12:37:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Just sitting back, watching you dance beautifully with purplepoetry...
2012-02-10 12:11:27 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you lovely. You're always so nice.=)

2012-02-10 12:06:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Seems like the letter h has fallen asleep... I meant nothing. Blushing smile.
2012-02-10 12:06:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. A banana is better than noting. :-)

2012-02-10 12:03:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. So so very much. Really really much.

2012-02-10 11:57:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's been a long day for you, good to be home, right? :-) Please don't skip dinner. Even if it just one fruit or lil' something.
2012-02-10 11:57:10 (EST)

syahidahz In a slip, the wind carried away that passion.

2012-02-10 11:55:30 (EST)

syahidahz It went away, like a summer breeze and the winter cold. Though those will return, I doubt my muse ever will.
2012-02-10 11:55:25 (EST)

syahidahz You're lovely for that, really. Sometimes when I can't find the words, your words become my voice.=)
2012-02-10 11:49:12 (EST)

syahidahz Really? Aww thank you E. I'm good today, just feeling a little less poetic. You?
2012-02-10 11:41:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Having trouble with my internet connection. :-| Tell me, how are you? How was your day? Had dinner?
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2012-02-10 11:41:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) let them wander on my skin, marking a map to find a hidden treasure... ;-p
2012-02-10 11:40:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Phew! :-) Hmmm, let me think... from head to toe and then all the way back. ;-)
2012-02-10 11:24:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But... if you don't like lil' me hugging you then not.
2012-02-10 11:20:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know what I meant... Jumping in your arms... Better?

2012-02-10 11:18:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish we were together... I would just hug you and squeeze you and not let you go. Sigh.
2012-02-10 11:07:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, your lady is jumping on you, wraps her arms & legs around you & kisses you deeply. Welcome home, darling :-)
2012-02-10 11:06:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please...don't be :-( Let's see. Ok? It doesn't matter when, really. Please know, you are amazingly sweet for thinking of me at all. :-)
2012-02-10 11:05:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because she misses her sweet sir very much and she wishes they were together now... No, not yet. It arrives when it arrives. :-)
2012-02-10 10:49:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well darling, I was waiting for you long enough... then I had to take care of some things.
2012-02-10 10:39:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tired? Sleepy? Happy? :-) Rush into my arms dear, they can't wait to hold you...Your baklava is missing you, not in a cheerful mood.
2012-02-10 10:35:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! There you are! Just now driving home? This late? Oh dear... Hope you will be home soon, it's really very late. How are you darling?
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2012-02-10 10:35:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... my sweet darling seems to have fluttered home... not on wheels, but on smiling butterfly wings... ;-) Miss you.
2012-02-10 10:04:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. And you will not be here with me... Sigh.
2012-02-10 08:26:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. And you will not be here with me... Sigh.
2012-02-10 08:26:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, still there? And I was running through the city just to reach your home before you do & greet you with a deep kiss & tight hug... ;p
2012-02-10 08:23:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's around your leaving time...hope the drive home is as pleasant as can be... I so wish you were coming home to me... Take care, darling.
2012-02-10 06:56:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how sweet... :-) A quick arm-wrap & a kiss to curl around your wrist...
2012-02-10 05:09:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I didn't even get the small glowing blue... and yes, I'm going.... :)
2012-02-10 05:02:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I will curl up with the thought of your pleasure - errr delight... and sleep tight in the embrace of your warmth. Goodnight sweet Anand. xo
2012-02-10 05:00:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 See, I never got notification of these DMs till I checked my email just now. Why is this site so poorly designed? sigh...
2012-02-10 04:59:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You'll just have to make it up to me somehow. :P

2012-02-10 04:40:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 And how come you won't word play with me anymore!!!!
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2012-02-10 04:30:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 The whole new Twitter kinda sucks. I was wondering what took you so long! I'm going to try to get a few hours of sleep before work. :)
2012-02-10 04:29:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could replace your undershirt with my sweet soft sighing kisses. Smile.
2012-02-10 04:08:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I miss you. So so much! Hope your day goes smoothly for you & you are all smiles.
2012-02-10 04:07:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad your teeth behave... :-) Had a nice lunch? My day is kind of busy, trying to focus on work. But I just can't get you out of my mind :-(
2012-02-10 04:06:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh I missed you :-( Thank you darling. Your kisses hug my legs beautifully, send tingles of delight through me, making my butterflies sigh..
2012-02-10 04:05:54 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I fell asleep at 9 and woke at 1. I should try to sleep again. Guess I couldn't get a lullaby ?
2012-02-10 03:43:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I saw the little light and was hoping it was you!!!
2012-02-10 03:20:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, on the park-bench, in the grass, hanging from the trees, blanketing the ground beneath your feet... all for you... Sigh.
2012-02-10 02:36:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will too send you kisses & hugs. Please open the window so they can fly in & wrap around you, all over you...Hope you do enjoy the work :-)
2012-02-10 01:32:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! Again? Sniff. I will miss you a lot...& will collect your kisses & hugs & put them on a string and wear them around my neck :-)
2012-02-10 01:30:18 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) I am really happy you feel better. Well, sometimes you just cannot avoid taking med. Hope the antibiotics will really help.
2012-02-10 01:29:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you darling? Feeling a bit happier today? :-) How's your day? Sweet fluttering butterfly kisses from your head to toe...
2012-02-10 01:03:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling. I fell back to sleep quickly & smiled under the cover of your kisses, its warmth and softness embraced my entire being...
2012-02-10 00:51:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you liked my lil' surprise. :-) God, how I miss waking you up & our morning hugs & kisses & cuddles...Miss you. I really really do.
2012-02-10 00:50:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a good night's sleep & woke up to no pain. Hope the pain stays away... Yes, crazy teeth. My poor dear darling. Sigh.
2012-02-10 00:50:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Good morning, my dearest. Hope you know, you just slept slept slept 'cause I was hugging you... ;-) Seriously, I am happy you got...
2012-02-10 00:49:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...good morning :-) My sweetest, I hope you slept very well & you feel fresh & you do :-)... I miss you, sweet Anand. Have a beautiful day.
2012-02-09 19:16:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am half asleep- a bit more than a half, smile but... I saw the time & I just couldn't help kiss you a sweet happy smiling...
2012-02-09 19:15:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ "good morning my sweet darling" before you open your eyes... and your lady fades back to sleep. :-)
2012-02-09 19:14:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...and gentle caresses of my fingers. Slowly, kiss by kiss, inch by inch... and hug you tight to me & softly whisper...
2012-02-09 19:13:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am now, right under your covers, cuddling and kissing
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you awake, waking each part of you with my lips...

2012-02-09 19:12:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just a lil' morning surprise... :-) I fell asleep early, woke up for no reason, looked at the time and...
2012-02-09 19:11:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) ahhh, thank you darling. Just the feel of your soft lips... Sigh. Please, do go and sleep.
2012-02-09 12:01:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wait! Just one last sweet slow kiss on your lips... you know, to sweeten your dreams. :-) I hold you till you fall asleep...
2012-02-09 11:51:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Phew! My arm firmly around your waist, wrap my leg around yours so I can pull you closer to me... ;-) Sleep sweetly darling.
2012-02-09 11:48:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And seems like my holding you bothers you too... Shall I leave you alone? Hm?
2012-02-09 11:40:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, sure I can. But you said it won't let you sleep...
2012-02-09 11:30:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lady? You mean me? Turn off your phone, darling.
2012-02-09 11:24:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, silly phone call... Read a book darling, it may make you sleepy... and your lady is still there, holding you...
2012-02-09 11:10:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish my arms crossed distances and wrapped around you tenderly, lovingly... rocking you, cradling you sweetly to sleep. sniff.
2012-02-09 11:05:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May your sleep be deep & peaceful & your dreams sweet like honey. Kissing you you softly on your forehead, holding you...Good night.
2012-02-09 11:00:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, please, no need to be sorry. :-) Come, close your eyes and let me hold you & cradle you into sleep... :-)
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2012-02-09 10:59:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please... just a teeny-weeny little :-) ...and I will continue rubbing & scratching & kissing your back after dinner. Hope you don't skip it
2012-02-09 10:16:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, I am sure I could make you smile... & your disinterest would vanish too. My sweet sweet darling...kissing a :-) on your lips
2012-02-09 09:53:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Turn on your stomach daring and let me scratch you all over... :-)
2012-02-09 09:49:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Turn on your stomach daring and let me scratch you all over... :-)
2012-02-09 09:49:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-02-09 09:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I mean said... Blush. Never mind.

2012-02-09 09:42:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Quietly. Almost done with work. Missing you. How was yours? Pleasant busy or tiring busy? :-)
2012-02-09 09:36:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are. I thought I did or say something wrong or just... annoyed you... Yep, I hope it does. But I would still love to be there...
2012-02-09 09:36:29 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. I G-messaged you a bit this am. :) What do you mean by "the voice saw their mother in a new avatar!"
2012-02-09 09:33:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I miss you. And it pains me that you are not feeling well. I just wish I was there...
2012-02-09 09:06:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) awww, please... But seriously, do something darling. It is no

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fun any more.

2012-02-09 08:39:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps your wisdom tooth? It is painful. Hmmm. Not sure.

2012-02-09 08:36:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I keep holding you in my arms... Sigh. Darling, please go to the dentist. It would be kind of weird if a new tooth was growing... :-|
2012-02-09 08:34:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hug you tightly to me & kiss you sweetly & long... :-) Welcome home my sweet darling. Feeling a tiny bit better? ;-)
2012-02-09 08:26:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be away from my laptop for a lil' while. Doing some chores... Please take care, my sweetest. My tender kisses & hugs await you... :-)
2012-02-09 06:32:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The truth is that I can't seem to keep my thoughts away from you... Missing you, darling.
2012-02-09 06:22:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day goes quietly, submerged into the sea of work just to distract my thoughts from you... Smile. Things settled, as in?
2012-02-09 05:01:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, do go back to the dentist and ask him to check your teeth again... Please.
2012-02-09 05:01:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet poor darling, I so wish I could hug you now, kiss you & hold you & smother you with my loving sweetness till all the pain goes away
2012-02-09 05:00:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Another day of pairing? The whole week? Sigh. But I do hope the work is interesting & keeps you busy in a good, pleasant way :-)
2012-02-09 04:59:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if only you could've seen that little spark in my eyes the second I saw your DMs... Sigh & a :-) Missed you very much, darling.
2012-02-09 04:59:24 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Some sweet strawberry dipped in chocolate flavoured kissesfor my sweet darling's lips... as a dessert after your lunch. :-) Miss you.
2012-02-09 03:39:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be very very busy. But hope he knows that his lovely smelling lady in blue jeans & soft beige shirt misses him :-)
2012-02-09 02:18:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You know....that sounds really nice. I imagine I'd have a truly enjoyable, delightful time.
2012-02-09 01:55:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish to be with you in the other inst. of some form. I miss you darling. Immensely. I would love to see you, to feel you... Deep sigh.
2012-02-09 00:22:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, darling my lil' heart was full of smiles- because of you. It's you, always you... Yes, I will most definitely light an incense.
2012-02-09 00:22:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and chin and nose and neck and nibble your ear... Sigh. :-) Hope your day is going fine & the sky inside you is sunny. :-)
2012-02-09 00:21:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I am so happy that your toothache has reduced. Let me hold you close darling and kiss your cheek ever so gently, then your lips...
2012-02-09 00:20:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, your kiss would make me want to stay in bed & get some more of your delicate kisses- I would be floating around in heaven... ;-)
2012-02-09 00:20:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet gentle darling. :-) Yes, I did and hope you slept well too & woke up fresh with a smiling yawn... :-)
2012-02-09 00:20:02 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hi sweet one. Both Versace and Bri are doing well. how are you?
2012-02-08 22:52:13 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Have you been well?

2012-02-08 16:42:06 (EST)
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ocarinaofrhyme Oh I wish. It's just nice to get away sometimes, you know?
2012-02-08 16:41:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope my sweet darling's day will be pleasant-busy, bright and cheerful & hope the toothache reduces to the minimum. :-)
2012-02-08 16:26:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you would wake up with the thought of me, hugging & kissing you a sweet scented happy good morning...
2012-02-08 16:25:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I hope you feel & :-) in your sleep as I join you, kiss your chin & nuzzle into your chest, wrapping lil' me in your arms.
2012-02-08 16:24:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Your lady is still beaming. Although we didn't write much & I missed you loads, but my lil' butterfly heart truly felt kissed today...
2012-02-08 16:24:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your incense & a cup of tea... God. I feel... I feel so full of love for you right now- in the gentlest, purest, most innocent way...
2012-02-08 11:32:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I just can't stop smiling. You kissed a fresh smile on my lil' heart today & made my butterflies soar...
2012-02-08 11:19:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit and curl into your arms... :-) And thank you darling for sweetening my evening with those lovely kissflakes.
2012-02-08 11:03:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night my sweet darling. Hugging you gently & kissing you sweetly on your eyelids. May your dreams make you :-) in your sleep.
2012-02-08 11:02:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I assure you, it would go away :-) Ok, take care of your jaw. In the meantime, I wait for you in bed... & then cuddle each other into sleep
2012-02-08 10:58:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some more kisses to ease the pain? ;-) Sigh. I miss you, darling. Very very much. I just feel like hugging you & cuddling you all over...
2012-02-08 10:51:42 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Ouch. Poor you. Soft kisses along your jaw line :-) I am glad you didn't skip dinner. How is your tooth?
2012-02-08 10:48:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, sweetest?

2012-02-08 10:37:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They are gorgeous. :-) Yep, all went well & easy. :-) Now, all I want is to take my sweet darling in my arms & kiss him deeply... :-)
2012-02-08 10:36:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, simply wow. Your art of massage tweets took my breath away... and oh how my hands/palms/fingers ache to love your body like that. Sigh
2012-02-08 10:25:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. :-) How is my sweet darling, how was his day?
2012-02-08 10:15:16 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Your words were lovely to read today, an inspiration as always. x

2012-02-08 09:06:03 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Awe, I missed you too dear! I hope you're well. :) I needed a break from the world for a bit
2012-02-08 09:05:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh god! You are unbelievable! Sniff, sweet, very sweet... And now, your smiling & pouting lady is whooshing away. A kiss for your nose :-)
2012-02-08 08:43:15 (EST)

dgdreamin Thx for making me smile! Much needed today. Hugs back :))
2012-02-08 08:33:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True. :-) Right now, I would love you to show me the slow ones... :-p Sigh. Your silly silly lady. :-)
2012-02-08 08:19:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? You are home and meeting is over? Wow, you are a quick one. :-)
2012-02-08 08:14:14 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I have to leave in 20 min. Going to the regional office to change my address. Hope it won't take long... :-|
2012-02-08 08:11:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning! How goes the toothache? I hope you're getting better. Busy busy day ahead over this way; you?
2012-02-08 07:58:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I so so so wish I was there... Smile, and the guys on the other side of the phone would wonder why do you stutter. ;-p
2012-02-08 07:49:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Perfect. May I then tease you sweetly, kiss your neck deeply as my fingertips wander all over you in slow small butterfly circles...?
2012-02-08 07:41:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, phone or video meeting? Anyway, I am glad you can do it from home.
2012-02-08 07:09:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I knew the reason was you... your kisses... :-) I thank you darling. You made me feel wonderful. :-)
2012-02-08 07:08:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... love secretly, on a hidden spot that nobody else can see. ;-p Miss you too darling, so so much... Please take care on your way home. :-)
2012-02-08 07:05:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) No meeting? Wonderful! Oh yes, please. I would love it more than anything else! And then... and then your favorite spot that you...
2012-02-08 07:05:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And in case the day kept you so busy that you forgot... I miss you. I do. A lot. :-)
2012-02-08 06:33:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, in case you ran out of my kisses, sending you some more... sweet, playful ones :-) Do you have an evening meeting today?
2012-02-08 06:29:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mine is pretty ok. A bit busier than yesterday. And yes, your
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lady is all fresh & lovely, she feels sunny inside... :-)
2012-02-08 04:18:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, wait... isn't it lunchtime? Thousand feather-light smiling kisses flitting back to you... Smile. Hope your day is fine, my darling.
2012-02-08 04:15:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) how your lady smiles! I bathe and float in your kisses, wish they could pick me up and take me to you... :-) Missing you loads.
2012-02-08 03:59:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a nice sunny day here... Missing you.

2012-02-08 02:56:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sending you a little kiss to slip under the collar of your shirt, walk slowly down your chest to your navel & nuzzle into it... :-)
2012-02-08 02:49:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling... I will keep sending you butterfly kisses, sunflower smiles & gentle breeze hugs... :-)
2012-02-08 00:37:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I hope you feel fresh & smiling & it is friendly in the office. And hope your day is pleasant-busy, work is better than meetings, no?
2012-02-08 00:35:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...where the pain is. :-) How was the drive? No bad traffic? God, no! Not a pairing day again. Another day of missing you... Sniff.
2012-02-08 00:34:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still don't understand, what did the dentist say? Poor sweet you, I hug you to me & kiss soft small kisses on your cheek where...
2012-02-08 00:33:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would quietly wrap my arms around you & pull you to me... Sigh! Glad you slept well, darling. I did too, though I think I got a cold.
2012-02-08 00:33:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Such a lovely way to wake up... :-) Just to feel your soft kiss would make think I am still dreaming. :-)
2012-02-08 00:32:48 (EST)

Darkntwistd Hope you are waking up to peace n happiness sweet one.

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2012-02-07 20:17:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Hey you! *smile* Glad you slept well. I had an awesome day!
2012-02-07 20:14:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope my dear darling is sleeping sweetly & wakes up fresh & cheery. :-) My sweetest kisses & loveliest wishes for a real good day... :-)
2012-02-07 15:07:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You look very sweet when you sleep. So peaceful... so lovely. Smiling sigh. Kiss you softly behind your ear & hug you closer to me... :-)
2012-02-07 15:07:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) aww, seems like my gentle sir has fallen asleep a while ago :) Yes, holding you tenderly to me, my hand on the soft skin of your belly
2012-02-07 12:25:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile. While you are watching the curtains, I softly slip under the covers... ;-)
2012-02-07 11:36:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and the butterflies dance with the petals and sing she loves you, yes she does... ;-)
2012-02-07 11:31:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) almost there... can you smell my scent in the air as I am whooshing around the room... ? ;-)
2012-02-07 11:29:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for a good night's sleep and sweet dreams. :-) Sleep sweetly my dearest. Dream beautifully. Good night.
2012-02-07 11:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) my sweet lil' darling... Wait for me in bed, please. I will be there in a few min. and wrap myself around you, kissing you all over...
2012-02-07 11:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really miss you. I wish I could take your hand and vanish together for a while...
2012-02-07 11:17:35 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Mmm. I am smiling darling, with the taste of your kiss still onmy lips before I kiss you back, sweetly, slowly... ;-)
2012-02-07 11:11:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is fine. Honest. :-) My mom is just like that... And yes, it would be lovely to be there, wrapped together in a sweet embrace... :-)
2012-02-07 11:10:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. She is never calling me, only when she wants something... She was quite mad at me & said she's done with me. Hmm.
2012-02-07 10:57:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was my mom on the phone. She didn't call me because she wanted to know how I am doing, but to scold me for not calling her. :-|
2012-02-07 10:52:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Wish I was there to hold you and make you feel better... And yes, to have a light dinner together. :-)
2012-02-07 10:50:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. I am sorry the environment is so unpleasant in the office. Hope it gets better soon. Till then... try to ignore it :-)
2012-02-07 10:46:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What??? He fixed nothing? Why not? And what now? My poor sweet sweet darling, but... but... something must be done with your tooth.
2012-02-07 10:46:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, here I am. Got a call. Smile. Huh? I got your DM after I sent you the welcome-home-DM. Strange.
2012-02-07 10:46:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ just a sec.

2012-02-07 10:34:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been quiet. Nothing noteworthy- as usual. How was yours? Better than yesterday, I hope. :-)
2012-02-07 10:31:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No! Please don't skip dinner. :-| Still hurting? Why that? I thought the dentist fixed it. My poor darling.
2012-02-07 10:31:30 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ :-) calling & tweeting while your lady was waiting... ;-p It depends on you, darling and you know that. All it takes is just two words...
2012-02-07 10:31:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, as I see, you reached home... A sweet welcome home hug for my dear. How are you? How was your Tai Chi? Back, tooth are fine? Had dinner?
2012-02-07 10:16:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When will you take your lady for a ride? It is long overdue, darling. ;-)
2012-02-07 09:16:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a cute :-) & a kiss... I wish I was sitting behind you on your bike, hugging you tight, teasing you about your driving & giggling ;-p
2012-02-07 09:14:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant tastes... See? Just the thought of your kiss makes your lady unable to think straight... ;-)
2012-02-07 07:48:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And hope you enjoy your Tai Chi. :-) Missing you, too. So so incredibly very much! Please do take care on your way home.
2012-02-07 07:40:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How I knew! You whooshed away... leaving poor lil' me waiting & wondering. Sigh! Hope the drive was fun, darling.
2012-02-07 07:39:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, mmm... your kiss taste promising... Can I get some more? Your lady is very very unmotivated. ;-p
2012-02-07 07:39:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Good morning (well, here, anyway) my friend!

2012-02-07 07:22:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps it is more the lack of motivation... I just don't really care. :-|
2012-02-07 06:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, awww, you are so very sweet to say that. Things around me can be non-beautiful... :-) No darling, not merely a matter of time.
2012-02-07 06:17:23 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Sounds wonderful. :-) Wow and no meetings? Darling, yes, people are people but be happy the environment was at least somewhat better... ;-)
2012-02-07 06:17:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for the living room & still puzzling about where to put a desk. Hmm. Not so important... no one is here to see my messy home.
2012-02-07 05:03:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, not really. Bedroom isn't really nice... but I have a bed to sleep in, so... :-) I still need a new stove & some furniture...
2012-02-07 05:02:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) welcome back, darling. Hope lunch was fine. My day goes quietly, doing some office work. How's yours? No grumpiness in the office? :)
2012-02-07 05:01:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just now having lunch? Bon appetit to all of you. :-) I miss you terribly...
2012-02-07 04:37:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Sending you a sweet lady butterfly to kiss & lick the flavour of your lunch off your lips... & then tell me how it tasted... :-)
2012-02-07 03:57:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I wish I was there to take your lunch & run away with it... ;-p Don't worry, you will find me on a bench under a tree... :-)
2012-02-07 03:01:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... while your pair is focusing on the screen... ;-) Missing you, darling.
2012-02-07 01:46:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, it's just your freshly showered lady in her towel, kissing your nape, fingers fumbling with the top button of your shirt...
2012-02-07 01:46:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh nothing like waking up to your smile & soft kiss...Your lady is beaming :-) I wish I could hug & kiss you now-after brushing my teeth ;-)
2012-02-07 00:18:14 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ How I dislike these pairing days! :-) I will miss you, darling. Sniff. But hope your day is better than yesterday & it is pleasant-busy.
2012-02-07 00:17:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did you sleep well? Is your toothache gone? I do hope it has... How about the mood in the office?
2012-02-07 00:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sweet Anand. A lovely kiss, a hug & a sleepy :-) right from my bed. :-) How is my sweet darling? A lil' happier today?
2012-02-07 00:16:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Was your day?

2012-02-06 20:52:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Chew on a clove or soak gauze in clove oil- it's a natural relief for tooth pain. My week started off great, did well on both my tests. How
2012-02-06 20:52:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh, but now I'm concerned you might have an infection that needs antibiotics! I understand though, as I don't even take a Tylenol. You can
2012-02-06 20:50:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And of course, I hope the guys in the office slept off their grumpiness. :-) If not, don't argue with them, just... do your thing...
2012-02-06 16:22:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you are sleeping peacefully & you wake with no pain to a lovely, sunny, cheerful day. :-)
2012-02-06 16:21:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, I kiss you softly on your eyelids, hug you close to me and join you in your dream... Smile, I bring butterflies for your flowers.
2012-02-06 16:20:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... tonight and making you smile instead of whining.

2012-02-06 16:20:21 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I admit, I do cry my silent tears darling, more often than I ever have. Feeling very tired at times. I should've cradled you in my arms...
2012-02-06 16:19:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your whiny lady too. It's just that missing you hit me pretty hard today. I tried to keep it to myself, but I couldn't hold it back.
2012-02-06 16:18:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please forgive me, darling. I was being selfish. You didn't feel well & your day wasn't the best one... & then you had to deal with...
2012-02-06 16:18:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, thank you for holding me... your snoring is like the sweetest lullaby, so I might doze off too... Tiny smile. Sleep now.
2012-02-06 11:35:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please my darling, don't torture me like that. Please, please pretty please, do allow us to meet.
2012-02-06 11:34:04 (EST)

syahidahz Don't worry, E. I'm fine. Thank you for your kind concern! =)
2012-02-06 11:31:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, you have no clue darling... I don't want to cry but can't help it. If only it was just a toothache... :-( God! Just hold me, dear.
2012-02-06 11:30:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can I curl up in your arms? Please?

2012-02-06 11:24:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Crying like a lil' girl, silly silly stupid heart of mine. You should go & get some sleep.
2012-02-06 11:23:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady feels very sad. I am sorry. I miss you too much.
2012-02-06 11:19:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh wow, still here? Thank you for the hug & kiss... been waiting for them all day. Thank you. They feel wonderful.
2012-02-06 11:18:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and... her eyes / shed a salty tear / pearly clear... :'-(
2012-02-06 11:03:27 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Anyway, I really hope you fall asleep very quickly and wake up feeling much better...
2012-02-06 10:59:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I am sorry, I just really miss you today... Very much, darling. I would've so loved to get just a lil' hug... :-(
2012-02-06 10:57:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Sigh. I understand. Then... good night. I kiss your forehead & hug you into sleep... Hope you sleep well with sweet dreams.
2012-02-06 10:54:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be busy, darling...

2012-02-06 10:49:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry. Didn't want to confuse you.

2012-02-06 10:47:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I call things that are beautiful but elusive, hard to grasp/catch & get a hold of etc. will-o'-the-wisp. That's why I called you like that..
2012-02-06 10:43:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just would love to be held by you darling, to rest in your arms... Sigh. Feeling tired. Missing you.
2012-02-06 10:38:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's beautiful & takes one's breath away, but elusive, trying my best to grasp it but it just eludes me... leaving me lost and wondering...
2012-02-06 10:37:32 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile To me and it speaks volumes about you. Me, I come in all moods :) sometimes bitter flavor. And thank you, too kind of you :)
2012-02-06 10:16:19 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Oh have been very kind to me.. And you actually have 1st hand experience as to how mean I can get. Despite that, you have been good
2012-02-06 10:15:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That too. ;-p But I meant calling you will-o'-the-wisp...

2012-02-06 09:49:09 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I hope so too. Oh, come on... please smile for me. Just a teenyweeny lil' :-) Please? Oh, isn't it beautiful? And it fits you perfectly ;-)
2012-02-06 09:44:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Not nice. A bad start into the week... but hope it gets better. Mondays are tend to be a little grumpy. :-)
2012-02-06 09:17:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do enjoy it, darling but sometimes you are like a will-o'-thewisp... Sniff. Your lady gets tired at times...
2012-02-06 09:16:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Still hurting? I am so sorry darling. But hope it's a decent pain... And why was your day irritating? Trouble in the office?
2012-02-06 09:09:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, the certain man's fired. :-) I do I do, with all my might, but you don't make it easy for your lady, dear...
2012-02-06 09:08:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Actually, I was hinting at a certain man... ;-p How are you darling? How is your tooth? How was your day? :-)
2012-02-06 08:48:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Home now, darling. Streets were ok. Come, let me hug you & kiss your cute nose. :-) Oh, I am so happy you agree with me!
2012-02-06 08:48:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be off for a bit, driving to the bank to change my account settings. It's snowing... Try to be back asap. Love you.
2012-02-06 07:18:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...melt their hearts & plant butterflies in their bellies & then... Sigh. Hope you are taking care, darling. A sweet kiss awaits you... :-)
2012-02-06 07:14:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet darling left for home... Hmm. Men! They shower their ladies with attention first, can't get their hands off them...
2012-02-06 07:13:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning Sunshine. How'd it go at the dentist?

2012-02-06 07:09:13 (EST)

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_stoicOne_,,,,, & a few more... :-)
2012-02-06 06:38:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Sniff. A lot lot lot? Smile. Hmm, the sites I found are ok, anyway registration is needed.
2012-02-06 06:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. My day is less busy than usual, other than that... nothing special. A soft nibbling kiss on your ears...
2012-02-06 05:07:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I found a few online bookstores in Hungary but nothing like the site I've sent you. And... you can use it for yourself too. :-)
2012-02-06 04:44:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, really? See? We care about even flowers... ;-) The winter was very mild till now, I hope this cold wave will pass soon. :-|
2012-02-06 04:43:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I would've so loved to be there, holding you close to me, your cheek on my soft warm palm inst. of the water bag...
2012-02-06 04:43:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was just not sure you are still there or in the office, busy with work & meetings, etc. :-) How is it now? No pain at all, I hope.
2012-02-06 04:42:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Your lady is all smiles. Please, it's ok. I am just glad all's well with you & you went to the dentist to fix your poor tooth
2012-02-06 04:42:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing my sweet sir. :-(

2012-02-06 03:44:15 (EST)

ZinniaTung *smiles back*

2012-02-06 03:01:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is going smoothly for you... Oh! And see those playful butterflies...? ;-) How is your tooth? Did you go to the dentist?
2012-02-06 01:04:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... brightest sunshine. :-) I miss you, darling. I miss you so so
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much. So very much. Sigh.

2012-02-06 01:02:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's still a lil' dark here & bloody cold -19C. Just to be held by you, just to feel your warmth would warm me more than the...
2012-02-06 01:01:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your name over and over again like a mantra... as if it could transform the pillow into you. Sigh. I wish you were here now...
2012-02-06 01:01:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Slept soundly? Feel fresh & well-rested? Yes, I slept well & woke up hugging my pillow, silently whispering...
2012-02-06 01:00:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet darling. A smiling kiss & lovely scented hug from your freshly showered lady. :-) Yes, still in a towel... ;-)
2012-02-06 00:59:45 (EST)

heartlessndark Hope your day is full of smiles.....and you will be my sweet one again.
2012-02-05 23:18:21 (EST)

the_radish Yes, for you! lolol All will be well soon. Thank you for your ear and advisement. So much appreciated.
2012-02-05 21:24:59 (EST)

the_radish Oh, don't worry about me defending myself. I am willing to take all and any blame. And I won't repeat it with anyone else.
2012-02-05 21:23:07 (EST)

the_radish Oh man, this is going to be a trip. :-O

2012-02-05 21:21:17 (EST)

the_radish lol . Thank you dear. I will suck it up and let them know. Yikes...
2012-02-05 21:19:03 (EST)

the_radish Spot on. Exactly dear. Wow. That puts it very succinct and precise.
2012-02-05 21:16:57 (EST)

the_radish Anand, here I show you the worst of Cynthia - fickle, needy, selfish woman who wants love when she needs it but doesn't return the
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2012-02-05 21:15:36 (EST)

the_radish Wajid is such a lovely man who doesn't harass in essence but I can't return his love is a fickle love.
2012-02-05 21:14:37 (EST)

the_radish I made those decisions because I am a needy woman. And I want love but now I know, I don't understand how to love...
2012-02-05 21:13:40 (EST)

the_radish Yes, I led them to believe that I loved them back. And yes, Wajid the Pakistani is one of them, Ram the other.
2012-02-05 21:12:50 (EST)

the_radish's just too much for me to handle.

2012-02-05 21:10:45 (EST)

the_radish They call, text and cajole me into being their friend again. Lately, I haven't wanted to be rude but now with work, school and my kids...
2012-02-05 21:10:31 (EST)

the_radish I have made some extremely poor decisions this past year. I hate myself for that.
2012-02-05 21:09:08 (EST)

the_radish And they are the obsessive, possessive, harassing type of men...I don't want them in my life nor near my kids.
2012-02-05 21:08:35 (EST)

the_radish I have two men deeply in love with me and I just don't feel that I can handle love on top of everything else. I just want to be free.
2012-02-05 21:07:53 (EST)

the_radish Thank you :) I appreciate your willingness to listen. Same goes here as well. :)
2012-02-05 21:06:22 (EST)

the_radish Sorry to be so just hurting so much lately but will be fine. No worries :)
2012-02-05 21:00:47 (EST)
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the_radish Thank you for taking the time out of your busy morning to respond. I appreciate it and agree. Have a lovely Monday.
2012-02-05 20:58:32 (EST)

the_radish Someone who calls, texts and badgers you into being their friend, would you call that possessive, obsessive and outright abuse?
2012-02-05 20:54:45 (EST)

the_radish Thank you :)

2012-02-05 20:54:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep's peaceful & you wake up with a :-) & no pain in sight. Sunlight kissed hugs for a lovely morning/day for my sweet darling
2012-02-05 17:25:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, sleep my dear, it's just me hugging you tenderly to me, whispering kisses into your ear to enter your dreams & sweeten them...
2012-02-05 17:22:10 (EST)

ZinniaTung yes that is.... really picky me is.... uc

2012-02-05 15:28:10 (EST)

the_radish Hello dear, may I ask your opinion on something?

2012-02-05 12:36:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. God! How I miss you! And how I wish I was your blanket wrapped around you...
2012-02-05 11:41:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May you have the sweetest dreams ever. :-) I will join you soon & wrap you in my arms... Good night, my sweet darling.
2012-02-05 11:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How to squint with one eye? Ahh you...! :-) Yes, it is. Sweet soft kiss on your cheeks & an extra one on your lips. Sleep well, my darling.
2012-02-05 11:35:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know my dear, all I wish is just one hug, one little kiss & a sweet smile, just one minute in your arms, just one look into your eyes...
2012-02-05 11:24:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach... sigh. It's not the same. Smile, and I was not even fully
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awake. :-)
2012-02-05 11:20:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because... because I had nothing for you. You were back to India & I was sure you wouldn't give me your address if I had asked you... Blush
2012-02-05 11:17:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are amazingly sweet, you know that? Sniff. Sigh. And a blushing smile.
2012-02-05 11:06:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. I thank you. I have to admit I feel embarrassed... but happy too. Blush. I already love it. How could I not love- it is from you... :-)
2012-02-05 11:05:27 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Poor thing! *back* to the dentist, huh? Ongoing problem, eh? Please try to manage the pain and soldier through till tomorrow. Keep me posted
2012-02-05 11:00:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The answer is yes. :-)

2012-02-05 10:51:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What about this? Not in Hungary but the shipping is free... to India too! :-)
2012-02-05 10:26:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, come darling and hug me while I am looking for a site... ;-)
2012-02-05 10:20:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) awww, sweet. My heart melts like butter... :-) And more hugs too? Pure heaven! Please darling, then... do it. I mean really really.
2012-02-05 10:05:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... what my lil' heart desires... a hug from you, a gentle sweet tight long hug. Sigh. Just this...
2012-02-05 09:42:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! I just got it! Your silly silly lady... blush. My sweet darling, how I wish I could hug you tight now... :-) And that's exactly...
2012-02-05 09:41:35 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Is your toothache? I'm concerned...

2012-02-05 09:31:21 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I have some cooking and plating to do later before a few guests get here, but basically ready. It's 9:30am here, guests come around 4. How
2012-02-05 09:31:11 (EST)

DangerslyClaire And so they did! Good morning!

2012-02-05 09:23:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. Well, the shipping is sometimes a bit expensive, that's right. To be honest, not sure which is cheaper... Germ., US or UK :-|
2012-02-05 09:08:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. Amazon UK & US too.

2012-02-05 08:57:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh came on darling, don't be all :-( I do shop online in Hungary, but not on Hung. sites. I am sure there are some, but... hm hmmm.
2012-02-05 08:53:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... any. I still use the German sites & Amazon... both, US & German. But if you wish, I could look for some.
2012-02-05 08:42:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, what surprise? And why :-( ? Please do :-) You mean Hungarian sites? I am very sorry darling, but I don't know...
2012-02-05 08:42:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, of course. :-)

2012-02-05 08:32:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exactly. :-)

2012-02-05 08:06:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did give you my number. Right now, I have no other number... I mean no home number, just mobile.
2012-02-05 08:03:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it is your body- well, your tooth :-) and you know best
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what helps you, so... I'd better keep my mouth shut. :-)
2012-02-05 07:58:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, just thinking... the vacuum thing makes sense 'cause it clogs the tooth from the air, but biting your teeth... not sure about this...
2012-02-05 07:56:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or at least it won't increase all over again that much. Sigh. Glad you figured out a way that seems to help. You are very good :-)
2012-02-05 07:42:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for sharing :-) it looks light & very delicious... :-) Poor lil' darling, but happy you could eat... And hope the pain stays away.
2012-02-05 07:42:18 (EST)

syahidahz Hahaha but it was still a lovely wordplay. You're a true gem in my TL.=)
2012-02-05 07:25:34 (EST)

syahidahz You're such a wonderful writer, E!

2012-02-05 07:23:10 (EST)

syahidahz Aww..yeah I saw it.=)

2012-02-05 07:22:54 (EST)

syahidahz Which tweet are you referring to, E?

2012-02-05 07:20:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Phew! I almost felt guilty... ;-p My sweet darling, where have you been? And most of all... how are you?
2012-02-05 07:15:53 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. How's the tooth?

2012-02-05 06:25:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, if you knew...! ;-p No, seriously, the book was lying on the cupboard, so... I am sorry, darling.
2012-02-05 06:23:48 (EST)

syahidahz but they teach me more about feeling myself.

2012-02-05 06:13:21 (EST)

syahidahz loving their loved ones and it all adds to more of my writings.
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Sometimes it feels like I'm writing based on someone else' feelings

2012-02-05 06:13:15 (EST)

syahidahz Yes! Sometimes I see flashes of strangers and imagine myself in their shoes living their lives, believing the things they do,
2012-02-05 06:13:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. I just peeked into your book when I was there & read it while you were away... That's all. I did like it anyway.
2012-02-05 06:08:26 (EST)

syahidahz An avatar is merely a physical beauty that may or may not be the icing of the writers stories.
2012-02-05 06:07:04 (EST)

syahidahz But instead out of a desire to feel that way or be more connected with themselves through words.
2012-02-05 06:06:58 (EST)

syahidahz Yes, very much so. I think there is something to be said about all the things written.Because maybe some aren't written out of experience
2012-02-05 06:05:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Clean always feels good. Smile, yes... floating in front of your eyes and then whoosh... Oh darling, I really really wish you were here
2012-02-05 05:57:05 (EST)

syahidahz I'm good, E. How are you?=)

2012-02-05 05:52:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... if we give them silly names. ;-) Miss you.

2012-02-05 05:18:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a bath! Nice. Felt good? :-) Yes, it would be beautiful... with you hugging me from behind, watching the flakes drift away pouting...
2012-02-05 05:18:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Very very much. I wish we were together now... Just to hold you in my arms & kiss you sweetly, slowly... Sigh.
2012-02-05 04:51:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful day here. The sun shines & tender tiny snowflakes floating in the air... they look like slivers of diamond, smile.
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2012-02-05 04:51:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Much, just going to sleep actually...wanted you to be my last read of the evening. ;-} night, love. Mwuah xo
2012-02-05 04:01:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh I'd so love to laze around with you, reading together in bed, pampering you, cuddling you all over, napping in each other's arms... Sigh.
2012-02-05 02:41:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing much, darling. Laundry, some cleaning... that's all. Sundays are just like that... lazy. Uneventful. Hmm.
2012-02-05 02:41:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a bit later, but DM-ed you before taking a shower or doing anything else. And yes, the special occasion was you... :-)
2012-02-05 02:40:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I know. I don't have it either... or any alc. drink at all. :-) So so happy to hear you feel better! Darling, actually I woke up...
2012-02-05 02:40:24 (EST)

heartlessndark I am taking it day by day. have you been ok? hugs

2012-02-05 01:02:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...absorbs into your skin & it may bring relief. I just really don't know what to do, I wish I could be there & hold you, lovingly tenderly.
2012-02-05 01:00:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Try hot camomile tea bag pressed to the tooth or an ice cube, you can also rub tiger balm on your cheek, the heat from the balm...
2012-02-05 00:57:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here, some people gargle with vodka or soak a cotton swab & rub it around the tooth to reduce the pain- it makes the tooth numb.
2012-02-05 00:57:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, toothache is one of the worst pain ever. My sweet sweet darling, soft kisses on your cheek where the pain is.
2012-02-05 00:56:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, pain brings out tears, no need to apologize. I know you just explained it, but still... :-) How is it now? Is it bearable?
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2012-02-05 00:55:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too, my darling. I really really wish. I would've stayed up all night, held you tenderly & ensure your sleep is peaceful.
2012-02-05 00:55:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, good morning. Of course I worry about you, dear. You are very important to me & it feels really bad that I can do nothing...
2012-02-05 00:54:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Goodnight to you as well...I'm hoping you feel some relief from your toothache; please let me know how that resolves itself...xoxo
2012-02-05 00:23:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, you are a special friend I've found on here, I'd agree with that assessment, for sure.
2012-02-05 00:20:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I've missed you as well, bring a smile to my face.

2012-02-05 00:16:15 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Some people over, should be fun. Studying besides. You can see how well im accomplishing that, by playing around on twitter ;-)
2012-02-05 00:13:19 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh no! Toothaches are terrible! Just terrible! I hope you're not in too much pain. Poor thing! Superbowl tomorrow, my team is in it, having
2012-02-05 00:12:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you, thank you! :-) yes, doing well after having a stomach bug for 24 hours. Good to be back! How are you, my friend?
2012-02-04 23:39:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really really hope that you can sleep tonight & you wake up with no toothache. I need to sleep now- visiting you in my dreams, my dear...
2012-02-04 17:02:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, if only I could leave my body & fly to you to watch over you & be by your side... Sigh.
2012-02-04 17:01:13 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ... sleep & breathe unevenly, I kiss you on your temples, speak to you softly & caressing you back to a peaceful sleep. :-)
2012-02-04 17:00:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I sit by your side through the night with one hand holding yours, the other resting on your chest & when you frown in your...
2012-02-04 17:00:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and I cannot be there for you... with you. It feels bad, darling. Very bad. I so hope you can fall asleep somehow... :-|
2012-02-04 11:57:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-( Damn! If I was there I would take you & drive till I find a dentist or anything... it's soul destroying knowing you are in pain...
2012-02-04 11:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, good question. It can only be answered by yourself, darling. It may distract you from the pain for a while. Reading too.
2012-02-04 11:45:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh no. :( that sounds painful. Let me kiss your cheek and sing you a sweet song. perhaps you will sleep and wake without the ache. xoxo
2012-02-04 11:41:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night. A kiss on your eyes for a peaceful sleep & sweet dreams. I will join you asap...
2012-02-04 11:34:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... If only I could help somehow... :-( My sweetest, please do try to sleep. I am holding you, gently rocking you... Sniff.
2012-02-04 11:33:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, that sounds better. I doubt that clove oil alone could help... :-| Yes, I hope so, for you darling. I really hope you can sleep tonight.
2012-02-04 11:29:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aww, I'm sorry. (((hug))) what did you have done?
2012-02-04 11:24:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Nothing else? My sweet sweet darling, then ask your
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neighbors or I don't know but you must do something. :-(

2012-02-04 11:02:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is no emergency dentist service? Please do check it out, it would be a torture to wait till Monday. My poor sweet darling... :-(
2012-02-04 10:57:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, my sweetest the gentlest welcome home hug for you. But oh oh, gosh! And what now? Do you have any med.?
2012-02-04 10:56:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, where is my sweet darling? I miss him so so much! Hope Tai Chi was fine & your back feels better. Did you go to the temple, too?
2012-02-04 10:11:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sitting now with a nice cup of tea, peeking & reading here & there (blush). Loved your tweets about the monk's breaths.
2012-02-04 10:06:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did my Sat. shopping, darling. Snow, snow everywhere. I was driving very carefully yet I was sliding & slipping & plodding along :-)
2012-02-04 10:06:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 But what i think I'm trying to say is that I am fully aware of our limitations. I guess I just want to know why you chose to be intimate
2012-02-04 08:17:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 with me. No, I am not trying to complicate things or place demands. Nor am I placing expectations on us, especially given the conversation
2012-02-04 08:17:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I need you to know that I have not been intimate with anyone, like that, in a very long time. I guess the only concern I might be having is
2012-02-04 08:09:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I do care about you and feel a strong connection to you on many levels.
2012-02-04 08:08:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Truth is, I have no label for what I feel about you, nor do I
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feel the need to have one. I know it's only been a few days since we met but
2012-02-04 08:07:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Have the things I've shared with you alarmed you? Do you feel overwhelmed? The last thing I would ever want is to place a burden on you.
2012-02-04 08:06:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning :)

2012-02-04 07:56:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've sent you a smile... ;-)

2012-02-04 07:45:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, did I tell you that it is really really cold here and it's snowing? Wish you were here... :-)
2012-02-04 07:36:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ One never knows... So no, you are not silly... It was worth a try. ;-)
2012-02-04 07:19:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ He should be happy to get a job at all. Smile, same here. Most people would just laugh you out, but sometimes it does work.
2012-02-04 07:19:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And she misses her sweet sir. A lot. :-) Softly kissing your palms while you bite your teeth... All is well? :-) What? It's unbelievable!
2012-02-04 07:18:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Poor sofa-cover guy ;-p Can I come with you & hold your hand at the dentist & watch you doing Tai Chi? ;-) A sweet slow kiss for you, too.
2012-02-04 05:30:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh, I love when you complain... ;-p But yes, I love even more when you smile. And I would still love to hold you... :-)
2012-02-04 04:56:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, darling. Wish I was there to cheer you up and of course, to hold you to me while you pour out all your complaints... ;-)
2012-02-04 04:52:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ops, not "than" but "as". Well, it is as it is. Not only there,
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darling. I think nearly everywhere. Keep kissing you till your lips :-)
2012-02-04 04:39:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, what a cute smile. ;-) Thank you, darling. :-)
2012-02-04 04:29:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... then you were in B. last weekend, so please don't be too strict... A sweet kiss on your :-( lips. :-)
2012-02-04 04:26:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... cover without messing it up. Yep, you skipped the dentist & Tai Chi... and your temple visit too because you didn't feel well,
2012-02-04 04:26:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet darling! :-) Gosh, almost the same than with the carpenter. I am sorry, darling. I hope they will re-stitch you a nice...
2012-02-04 04:25:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... napping & then exploring the world outside and... there are so many little things I would love to do with you. Sigh. A deep sad one.
2012-02-04 03:52:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope lunch was delicious. :-) How I wish I was there, cooking & playing & laughing & teasing & feeding each other & cuddling and...
2012-02-04 03:52:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... through my body, curving around my heart... Smile. My dear dear sweet Anand... I miss you.
2012-02-04 03:34:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Listening to your voice right now. Yes, I still do it once in a while. It captivates me over & over again... like a chant, running...
2012-02-04 03:34:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, just a little kiss & a lovely scented towel-hug for you... :-) Thinking of you, missing you, wishing you were here..
2012-02-04 02:55:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your back? How was your morning? Any plans for today? Will you go to Tai Chi? I have no plans for today yet, shall I come over? ;-)
2012-02-04 01:02:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you darling, sweet little kisses on your chest while my
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fingers play and tiptoe up & down your chest. :-) Missing you.
2012-02-04 01:01:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really remember? Happy, beaming. :-) And my tummy remembers the feel of your kiss & touch & miss them so much! :-)
2012-02-04 01:00:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Two early birds... oh and we didn't go for a morning walk- hand in hand, over morning dewed grass... Let's do it someday, dear.
2012-02-04 00:59:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet gentle sir. So glad you slept well, I did too. Woke up at 5 but stayed in bed a bit longer, resting, dreaming... :-)
2012-02-04 00:59:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 and i would highly recommend against mentioning the word "pleasure" if you not staying here online with me.
2012-02-04 00:42:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 where????
2012-02-04 00:42:09 (EST)

purplepoetry77 *folds her arms in protest*

2012-02-04 00:26:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You make it sound like i'm torturing you! :P humph. :(

2012-02-04 00:26:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 write one to me. i miss your words. i promise i'll sleep after that :)
2012-02-04 00:18:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Not until I finish writing about our love affair in the mountains. :)
2012-02-04 00:18:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-03 20:48:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...breath as deeply as you can, just one breath. What you feel inside, is me hugging you gently. :-) May your day be sweet & sunny. :-)
2012-02-03 15:21:42 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep is sweet & peaceful. I know you don't remember the feel of me, but please close your eyes for a second, darling...
2012-02-03 15:21:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... before I wrap myself into you, so you can slip your arm around my belly... :-) My darling Anand, I miss you.
2012-02-03 15:20:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly on your forehead & run my hand over the air above you in a gentle caress... watching you sleep for a while...
2012-02-03 15:19:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Yes, had a light dinner, darling. :-) Took a quick shower, dressed in my tiniest PJ's ;-) ...ready to join you in bed now.
2012-02-03 15:19:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sleep sweetly, my dearest. Kissing you once more on your nose and eyes... Is it comfy enough in my arms? ;-) Good night.
2012-02-03 11:08:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you under the covers very soon. :-) Sleep & dream sweetly my darling. I kiss your shoulders & hold you tenderly to me. Good night.
2012-02-03 11:05:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are leaving sweet lovely me all alone? But yes, it's bedtime for my sweet darling... Please keep the bed warm for I will join...
2012-02-03 11:04:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, Anand, Anand... my sweet darling, you have no clue how I wish to be there now and kiss a smile on your pouting lips... :-)
2012-02-03 10:36:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good good, I understood it daring, you don't need to be loud. ;) Silly connection, please tell it to behave. Not dead, dear just empty :-)
2012-02-03 10:33:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Oh no... your broadband conn. seems to be in a playful mood. :-(
2012-02-03 10:28:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I hope it works fine now and doesn't play peek-a-boo... :-|
2012-02-03 10:18:11 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, that's true but you wrote you cannot use your mobiletoo much... Never mind. :-) It seems to work now...
2012-02-03 10:15:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops. Still down? Why? Why now? Sniff. You do have a laptop, no? Then why to use your mobile?
2012-02-03 10:06:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, darling. Stretch into my arms so I can hug you tight, and rub your back with my warm soft palms. ;-) And of course a kiss too :-)
2012-02-03 10:05:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I need to step out for a bit. I will be back very soon. Please, take a hot bath darling. Please. Soft kisses on every inch of your back...
2012-02-03 08:49:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and a real gentle massage to make your back feel better and your insides smile...
2012-02-03 08:41:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But she can still be lovely, no? I meant lovely in a lovely way. ;-) Oh darling, I wish I was there to give you a real hug & real kisses...
2012-02-03 08:40:21 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Do you have a land line?

2012-02-03 08:20:23 (EST)

2012-02-03 08:20:16 (EST)

Are you offering me yoghurt?

_stoicOne_ So glad to hear, dear. Your day sounds very good to me. :-) Oh, a new she? Is she lovely? :-) But now, let me kiss & hug you welcome home...
2012-02-03 08:20:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'd send you my magic carpet so you could get there sooner. ;)
2012-02-03 08:10:26 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What kind of phone do you use?

2012-02-03 08:02:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I just got to work. :)

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2012-02-03 08:02:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I guess you are on your way home, my darling. Hope the traffic isn't bad & my kisses reach you the moment you get out of the car... :-)
2012-02-03 07:20:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yours? Did you enjoy your day & being by yourself? How are you feeling today?
2012-02-03 06:20:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, sweetie pie... :-) My morning was very busy, got some work that needed to be done asap. Other than that... nothing noteworthy. :-)
2012-02-03 06:20:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling Anand. I so wish to hold you close to me and gently kiss the sweet from your soft lips...
2012-02-03 06:10:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Poor Nina??? Poor me. She occupies my lap as if she owned it & she purrs not for me but to give her your kisses...? Sniff.
2012-02-03 05:54:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I would be ravenous for touch! *slips back under the sheets*
2012-02-03 05:45:48 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Who are you and where did you come from? Now my body will ache for your hands. How far is India again? I may have to catch the next bus. ;)
2012-02-03 05:43:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :) sigh... I was ready for the weekend. I could really use a massage. Don't suppose you have strong, skilled hands huh?
2012-02-03 05:38:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach you...! She is softly purring on my lap right now with a forgive me look in her eyes... Oh! Oooh no, you might be right. :-|
2012-02-03 05:35:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 *folds her arms and pouts*

2012-02-03 05:31:03 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Silly me! For some reason I thought it was Saturday here...
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I just realized I have work today. Lol

2012-02-03 05:26:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What day of the week is it? Is it still Friday there? Yes, it's pretty early, even for me, especially for a Saturday.
2012-02-03 05:23:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning darling. :) You make me smile. Yes, I slept well. I think I smiled all night :) Are you still at work? It's 5:15am here.
2012-02-03 05:16:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-03 05:10:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Come darling and let Nina mama decide herself... ;-)
2012-02-03 04:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly. I really, really do. How was lunch? My sweet darling, my lips would so love to discover those many ways... ;-)
2012-02-03 04:09:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, she looked at me & yawned contentedly. ;-) I so wish I was there too... I would just hug you to me & rest my head on your chest. Sigh
2012-02-03 04:09:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A trail of sweet soft kisses along your shoulders and down your back, darling... to reduce the pain even further... :-)
2012-02-03 03:11:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But it doesn't mean I didn't miss you. I missed you. I miss you. A lot. I kissed Nina mama on her head & told her it was from you :-)
2012-02-03 03:11:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are by yourself? That's great! And no meetings? :-) Sounds wonderful! I am sorry I couldn't write earlier, my morning is very packed.
2012-02-03 03:09:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... that Love kind of love together in a sweet, effortless, caring, honest way... Smile. And sigh. If only...
2012-02-03 03:07:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to show you darling... if only we could be

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together & spend time together... maybe I could help you to feel, to realize...
2012-02-03 03:07:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and I am glad you slept well too. :-) My sweet darling, why would I ever want to reduce my kisses? Oh, tell me why! Smile.
2012-02-03 03:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. I dreamt of boiling cinnamonscented water on a wood stove, curled up together... So yes, I slept well
2012-02-03 03:06:42 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Silly! :P You are adorable! What am I gonna do with you?

2012-02-02 23:43:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Where does what go?

2012-02-02 23:41:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 such words make me tremble ~ the thought of my heart resting peacefully in the warmth of your embrace. there goes that goofy smile again :)
2012-02-02 23:39:07 (EST)

purplepoetry77 It's not your DMs our emails. It's my heart. :)

2012-02-02 23:30:53 (EST)

purplepoetry77 you may need to use a little more force than a ping. i think i may be falling asleep very soon. if we don't speak, goodnight from my end. xo
2012-02-02 23:12:47 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LOL!!! Here's where I silence that cheeky mouth of yours with a kiss!
2012-02-02 22:48:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 No? But I'm the man. That's what we do! :P

2012-02-02 22:37:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I told you you have the magic touch. :)

2012-02-02 22:31:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 passion and peace, when one, are spun of the finest gold thread~weaving the tapestries of souls into delicate wholes~where feasts are spread
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2012-02-02 22:27:20 (EST)

purplepoetry77 my heart knows truths kinds and wise men would sacrifice their wealth and wisdom for...
2012-02-02 22:25:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes darling, come let me woo you~undo you beneath the pale of moonlight~whisper sweet nothings into your lips~till you surrender~your heart~
2012-02-02 22:22:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 i know this all too well. i will close myself and fold myself into the splendor of your warm soul~comforted, calm, caught in waves of want
2012-02-02 22:14:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 #
2012-02-02 22:08:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 my heart knows your heart is one of those and hence it finds rest in you
2012-02-02 21:57:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 my heart thrives in the company of other hearts that love without reservation, craving the illumination of kindness and compassion
2012-02-02 21:57:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 you have a magic touch ~ my heart smiles in your presence :)

2012-02-02 21:52:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 i chatted you 2 minutes after you left to ask if the workday was done yet. I feel 12. lol
2012-02-02 21:36:04 (EST)

purplepoetry77 looking forward to your return. Very much so, in fact. I love wordplays with you. So yes, this me me saying, "thank you".... xoxo
2012-02-02 19:57:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'll tell you a secret. You have touched my soul. I don't usually find myself preoccupied with people during my workday but found myself
2012-02-02 19:56:32 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 I had an awesome day. Did you sleep well? I missed you.
2012-02-02 19:41:00 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yay!!! You're awake!!! *she does the happy dance*

2012-02-02 19:31:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet little butterfly kisses for your morning, darling... and for your shoulders & back... & chest & belly & all over... :-)
2012-02-02 16:37:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady misses the feel of her sweet sir. She misses being held by him with his hands on her soft belly... Sigh. Yes. In dreams...
2012-02-02 16:32:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you are sleeping sweetly in beautiful dreams & wake up with a :-) to a happy, sunny day.
2012-02-02 16:31:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... mama on my lap :-), freshen up for bed and slide back under the covers, kiss you softly on your chin & curl into your chest... :-)
2012-02-02 16:30:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I held you till you fell asleep, then quietly slipped out of bed to wrap up for the day, have dinner, watch the evening news- yes, with Nina
2012-02-02 16:30:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I know, it may sound trite... but that's the way I feel.
2012-02-02 12:23:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know my darling, now your lady knows what love should feel like... & it makes me doubt that I have ever been in love before...
2012-02-02 12:21:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am still by your side... holding you in my arms, lovingly, tenderly... watching you with smiling eyes, kissing your temples...
2012-02-02 12:13:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sharp and clean. I also like the idea of bringing a smile to your face...that in and of itself has made my day :-)
2012-02-02 11:41:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Have had much less time to write...still keeping my

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thoughts in my journals though. Just haven't had a chance to carve the words, make them
2012-02-02 11:41:07 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Funny you mention that, as I finally got a wonderful nights sleep last night, and feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Yes, as far as twitter, I
2012-02-02 11:40:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon and wrap myself into you... :-) And thank you for your lovely wish.
2012-02-02 11:12:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then gently rub your back till you fall asleep? :-) Sleep soundly with the sweetest dreams. Good night, darling.
2012-02-02 11:11:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I drop everything & rush to you darling, hugging you tenderly to me as I kiss you sweetly... :-) Can I stay by your side while you read?
2012-02-02 11:10:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Email me your number

2012-02-02 10:50:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LOL :) :) I sent you a few chats. I'm going to run to the little girl's room. If you're around and wanna talk for a few min, lemme know xo
2012-02-02 10:44:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I just miss you... My sweet darling, so so much!

2012-02-02 10:26:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you can also bring your watch to me and I will help to breathe new life into it... ;-)
2012-02-02 10:25:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, true... You are sweet. I thank you.

2012-02-02 10:24:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile. Blush. It makes me so happy, darling. I will feel sad when the battery needs to be replaced again...
2012-02-02 10:16:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 So bizarre! Twitter said I wasn't following you.

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2012-02-02 10:07:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? How about your watch? Does it still work? :-)
2012-02-02 09:58:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe so, but still... My lil' heart has so much to tell but words are stuck inside... Smile, your socks... My sweet darling... Sigh :-)
2012-02-02 09:54:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Test taken, a grade of 100 received. Off to study for 4 more, all before Tuesday. How have you been, my friend?
2012-02-02 09:25:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ..seamstress to pick up Kelvin's jeans. That's all so far. Nina mama is very happy. Smile, it wasn't her, but I am glad she's with me again.
2012-02-02 09:23:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was caught up in some work. Done with it. Not much, darling. Some office work, daily chores, went to the post and to the...
2012-02-02 09:23:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sometimes I wish you could hear all of my thoughts & see into my lil' heart, then you would know... all that I can't tell... Sigh.
2012-02-02 09:22:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't offer you poetry, nor words that make your heart want to burst & leap in joy or in excitement.
2012-02-02 09:22:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, yes, it was a silly idea. :-| I do envy her somewhat because she can put her feelings/love in words/beautiful poetry.
2012-02-02 09:22:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, huh... sizzling hot tweets between you and purplepoetry...
2012-02-02 08:57:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ouch. Yes, in this case it is tough. What about reading & writing on your Nook? Secretly, so that no one can see it... Smile, silly idea.
2012-02-02 08:51:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What language is it in?

2012-02-02 08:41:28 (EST)

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purplepoetry77 if you do, mine is

2012-02-02 08:35:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, but you have work to do in the office, no? If there's nothing to do, can't you read & write but pretend to be doing something?
2012-02-02 08:32:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, dear. I knew I can count on you ;-p You know if you kiss me like that I'll wrap you in my arms & pull you as close as possible...
2012-02-02 08:31:56 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Do you have gmail?

2012-02-02 08:31:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nope, I get to work an hour early every day so I can read, write, eat my yogurt, meditate, and play. I like to start my day off light.
2012-02-02 08:31:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 my eyes out.

2012-02-02 08:30:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 to tell a man he has a beautiful voice? :P The translation you wrote is stunning. I'm a really suck so I'll tell you right now that I bawled
2012-02-02 08:30:31 (EST)

purplepoetry77 speakers on this pc leave plenty to be desired. I couldn't get it to play on my iphone. sigh... you have a beautiful voice though. is it ok
2012-02-02 08:29:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Gosh, no! I'm not easily offended. You're gonna have to try harder, me thinks. :) I could barely hear your rendition. I'm at work and the
2012-02-02 08:29:14 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LMAO! You're HILARIOUS!!! I'm seriously laughing out loud. Yeah, Egytpian do tend to sport quite the unibrows. ;) Oooh, IBM. That's cool!
2012-02-02 08:22:40 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Are you? Why's that? :) I'm 1/2 Egyptian. My Dad's from Cairo. I lived there for a few years and absolutely LOVE it. When were you in Canada
2012-02-02 08:15:46 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My dearest, your day doesn't sound useless to me. Mine is useless compared to yours. :-) Not much work to do...
2012-02-02 08:11:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, first of all- kissing you deeply & hugging you welcome home. :-) Phew! I am so relieved you are not laconic or anything. ;-)
2012-02-02 08:11:27 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Never a need to apologize. I think you may have mentioned your name. I can be slow at times. I live in Toronto Canada.
2012-02-02 08:00:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. Do you have a name? :)

2012-02-02 07:12:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I also teach Sign Language. I've been blessed with many amazing jobs in the past. My last one was working with special needs kids.
2012-02-02 07:11:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Right now I'm working for a wireless company taking inbound calls in the retention department. I took this job bc it's close to home.
2012-02-02 07:10:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, is there anything else other than the useless day & your back pain? You sound so laconic today and hmm... All's well?
2012-02-02 06:58:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please my dear, do take a hot bath- best would be with eucalyptus oil- when you are home. It may help a little.
2012-02-02 06:49:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. I will be waiting for you at the threshold with a happy :-) a kiss & a gentle squeeze...
2012-02-02 06:34:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why useless? Well, if you had time to sleep... :-| Btw, my day isn't any better. Hmm.
2012-02-02 06:33:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not half as much as I do, darling... Sigh. Smile, you slept? And I thought you were extremely busy... Soft kisses on your shoulders, dear.
2012-02-02 06:32:58 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I miss you immensely. I miss everything we have done together and all the things we could do together...
2012-02-02 04:45:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aww, my sweet darling, I really wish I was there to massage & kiss the soreness away...
2012-02-02 04:13:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Hi, darling. Oh no! They are alive & lively as ever, making my insides flutter... :-) Well, then we'd have to separate the kitchen...
2012-02-02 03:37:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your back, darling? I kiss you softly along your shoulder and then down your back, slowly, inch by inch... Missing you. A lot.
2012-02-02 02:23:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...smell of the books... Ahh, delightful! If only... Smile, could you feel the fluttering butterflies in my belly, drunk from your kiss? ;-)
2012-02-02 02:22:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, yes that would be absolutely wonderful. I would love it very much, darling. The smell of your cooking mixed with the...
2012-02-02 02:22:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Slept sweetly? Woke up happy? How goes your day? Yes, I slept well, your lady's all fresh & lovely... :-)
2012-02-02 02:22:10 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What do you do?

2012-02-02 00:44:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I need to sleep in a few...

2012-02-02 00:35:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm back. Thought you were gone.

2012-02-02 00:35:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Oh, na nothing about that in direct message.. I just tweeted abt it.. No worries if u don't remember..but I did like it, :)
2012-02-01 23:37:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 wordplay with people but I actually find myself impatiently

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waiting for your responses. *hint hint*

2012-02-01 23:11:12 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oooh, I kinda like that! It has a nice ring to it.... you should know, that I do love your words. I don't usually have the patience to
2012-02-01 23:10:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LOL - you remembered! Shh... let me play, will ya!? :P

2012-02-01 22:59:13 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Would you let me hear your voice?

2012-02-01 22:41:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Did any of what i wrote make any sense? lol

2012-02-01 22:28:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I think you are a woman. Which, by the way is kinda cool. Cuz I fell in love with you as a woman - well, your soul that is. And that's great
2012-02-01 22:23:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Oh yeah, and what I was going to tell you is that I totally forgot you were a man again! LOL God, I'm slow!! Every time I see your avi, I
2012-02-01 22:23:24 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aww, who told you about my tickles and pouts? ;) Alright, Mr., fess up right now! Are you some sort of psychic? Be honest now.
2012-02-01 22:22:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wanna know something REALLY funny?

2012-02-01 22:04:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly my darling & wake up with a sweet :-) eyes still closed, feeling the warmth of my cheek against your back...
2012-02-01 16:44:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, your lovely smelling lady in her tiny PJ's snuggles up behind you, kisses your shoulder & holding you close to her soft body...
2012-02-01 16:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day's been quiet, darling. Nothing interesting. Some work,

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some daily chores & some cuddling & playing with the kittens. :-)
2012-02-01 16:43:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...& read books & kiss each other on the cheek, lips & chin when no one's looking & grab each other's hands &...God! I miss you so much! :-(
2012-02-01 16:42:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...the aisles of 1000's of books together & steal lil' giggling kisses & when our feet hurt, sit down- back to back or shoulder to shoulder
2012-02-01 16:41:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I'd so love to spend a day with you in a bookstore like one of these! It would be beautiful to walk & browse through...
2012-02-01 16:40:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with the French one and... ahh, they are all so beautiful & unique in their own way. :-) Anyway, some are too modern for my taste.
2012-02-01 16:39:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gorgeous bookstores. I esp. like the one in Holland, the Livraria Lello in Portugal, the one in Argentina is breathtaking, fell in love...
2012-02-01 16:38:36 (EST)

syahidahz Hehe! Well you can never get too much blessings right? :p
2012-02-01 12:00:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are still there... then you got my good night kisses, dear. :-) I kiss you once more as I wrap you in my arms...
2012-02-01 11:56:27 (EST)

syahidahz You too, E=)

2012-02-01 11:47:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly my darling with tender dreams. I will join you shorty and wrap myself around you, keeping you snugly all night. Good night.
2012-02-01 11:38:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... around in joy. :-) I kiss you back on all those parts & letting my lips linger a bit longer on your naughty lips...
2012-02-01 11:37:43 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yes, it would... Sigh. My poor darling, my massage offer is still on... :-) Aww, you are the sweetest cheater ever! ;-p Your lady's jumping
2012-02-01 11:37:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to hold you, to let my fingertips tell you a sweet bedtime story, to kiss you & rock you gently to sleep...
2012-02-01 11:17:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) There you are! Even if only for a few minutes... :-) A kiss on your navel, dear. I am sitting on the bed, waiting for you...
2012-02-01 10:58:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. :-) Yeah, a very large pizza... all for you & you alone ;-)
2012-02-01 10:25:56 (EST)

dgdreamin No :)) but isn&#39;t it beautiful photo? And hands & bracelets?
2012-02-01 09:55:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Oh, did I mention that I miss you? Hmmm, in case I didn't tell you... I miss you. Aww, silly me. But I do miss you. :-)
2012-02-01 08:52:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blowing a kiss to you... and whoosh... Don't blame me if my kiss changes its direction & lands on your lips... ;-)
2012-02-01 08:51:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I really wish I was there to give you a nice massage... But happy to hear that all is well. :-) I will be back asap...
2012-02-01 08:45:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest, I'll be off to the grocery in a bit & I promised Kevi to go with him to the seamstress- he bought a pair of jeans & it's too long.
2012-02-01 08:38:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet happy kiss & a big tight welcome home hug for my sweet darling. :-) How are you? How was your day?
2012-02-01 08:36:39 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Good morning. I fell asleep. Today's my first day back at work after have been off with the tooth problem. Hope you had a great day. :)
2012-02-01 08:27:37 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. :-) Kissing you softly on your nose...
2012-02-01 07:26:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) No no, it was your lips that tripped and slipped all over my neck, leaving delicate kiss marks here & there... ;-)
2012-02-01 07:25:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I miss everything about you. More and more.
2012-02-01 05:48:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember your love-bites? And you said to the people in the hotel I was just a friend... :-) Oh, how I loved to be kissed on my neck!
2012-02-01 05:44:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach you! How I knew! :-| But... yes, the kisses are restricted to a small area, but it doesn't affect the number of kisses... ;-)
2012-02-01 05:28:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy! And rubbing our noses together, too ;-) Why N? There's not many body parts that start with the letter N...A deep kiss on your neck...
2012-02-01 04:10:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take care of your new water bag ;-) Oh, I wish my hand was the water bag, tenderly resting on your back/shoulder...bringing you sweet dreams
2012-02-01 04:08:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, dear. Terribly. Glad you slept well & it seems it is not just me who feels like sleeping & sleeping... :-)
2012-02-01 04:07:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yum! I miss the smell of your cooking... Smile, whenever I make jasmine rice, I can't help but :-) & sigh & think of you & your US room...
2012-02-01 04:06:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... then on my navel... while I kiss you softly on your nape ;-) Bon appetit, sweet darling. Lunch from home?
2012-02-01 02:54:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Slept like a stone. Meetings! These never ending meetings... :-) N day? Huh, why that? Let me think... on both. :-) First on my nose...
2012-02-01 02:54:17 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh! I spoke with my lil' sister yesterday. She said mom visited her last week & stayed there for a week. No one called me... Hmm.
2012-02-01 02:32:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry for not talking much. Smile, your laconic spallow... Sigh. No really, I feel silent somehow... Wish you were here.
2012-02-01 02:21:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't ask about yesterday's meeting... All went well? How goes your day, darling? A kiss on your sweet nose & lil' sunny :-)
2012-02-01 01:57:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Slept well? Does your back feel better? I fell asleep while reading & woke up with my head hurting really bad.
2012-02-01 01:57:11 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, weekend works for me.

2012-02-01 00:08:05 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You rock!

2012-02-01 00:07:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :)
2012-02-01 00:02:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Now I wanna call you!

2012-02-01 00:01:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :P
2012-02-01 00:01:21 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Can I be the man in this relationship?

2012-02-01 00:00:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Agreed. You made a great woman! ;)

2012-02-01 00:00:23 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You honor me. Thank you for that.

2012-01-31 23:59:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I called someone in India today. First time. It was soooo

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2012-01-31 23:58:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 What's even funnier is that that connection remains as such even after you told me you are a man. Bizarre!
2012-01-31 23:58:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Yes, I totally understand. :) you're pretty cool. Funny, I always thought you were a woman so my heart connected with you in that way.
2012-01-31 23:57:37 (EST)

purplepoetry77 good point. Still, how on earth you managed to get all of that is beyond me
2012-01-31 23:54:55 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Where do you live?

2012-01-31 23:53:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 No, you are not wrong. :)

2012-01-31 23:53:22 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Am I that readable?

2012-01-31 23:52:28 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Holy! How on earth did you do that?

2012-01-31 23:52:19 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Um, wow! All that from sighs between the lines? :) I'm amazed!
2012-01-31 23:50:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 How do you see he has transformed me?

2012-01-31 21:55:36 (EST)

purplepoetry77 He has been a gift and a blessing and my heart has built for him a beautiful home to abide therein for all of eternity. I miss him very much
2012-01-31 21:12:43 (EST)

purplepoetry77 with and if it is not God's will for it to be so, I am content. I am whole. I wish him nothing but peace and joy and contentment.
2012-01-31 21:12:00 (EST)
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purplepoetry77 I have never loved like this before and I can honestly say I don't think I ever will or want to. He is the man I wanted to spend my life
2012-01-31 21:11:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 You ask if he is with me. In my heart he is still with me. He will always be with me. I can say that with a surety I have never known before
2012-01-31 21:10:57 (EST)

purplepoetry77 No, it doesn't matter one bit. I was just curious. Feel free not to say. I think you're an amazing human being regardless of your gender. :)
2012-01-31 21:10:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Are you male or female?

2012-01-31 21:04:30 (EST)

purplepoetry77 By the way, what is your name?

2012-01-31 20:54:58 (EST)

purplepoetry77 reminding me of him, of how he encouraged me to be all of me. Thank you for always sharing your feedback with me. It helps me grow. xo
2012-01-31 20:54:51 (EST)

purplepoetry77 for my intricate weave of willful wild and spiritual aspiration, is the man I love with all my heart. Your words bring tears to my eyes,
2012-01-31 20:54:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aw, thank you so much. It is a secret I live with but fills me with such joy. The only other person who has shared with me an appreciation
2012-01-31 20:53:38 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Just saw this. Thank you, Hun. That's very sweet of you. I'm feeling much better today. I had a permanent filling put in the infected tooth.
2012-01-31 13:22:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly & hug you close to me, slip inside your
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dreams and take you somewhere nice...

2012-01-31 12:18:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 5 long months... I miss you. :-( Good night my sweet darling. Sleep sweetly with happy dreams. Kissing you softly on your forehead... :-)
2012-01-31 12:16:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. Hope you like it... if not, then not :-) My ears! Oh! Oooh :-) I kiss you back on your neck...Darling? It's been exactly 5 months now...
2012-01-31 12:01:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It is a very popular song in Germany. I find it lovely...

2012-01-31 11:39:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, Tazo tea... sigh. :-) Smile, you have fruits, I will have veggies. ;-)
2012-01-31 11:33:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A happy smiling welcome home kiss & a tight arm-wrap :-) How about dinner? It is pretty late...
2012-01-31 11:22:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, how you set my heart alight, floating above me like a small sun...Smile. Beautiful! I love it. Thank you so much :-)
2012-01-31 10:46:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blushing smile, here is the missing "up".

2012-01-31 10:11:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Beautiful. I wish I could curl inside your poems...

2012-01-31 10:07:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or ask someone to give you a massage? Sniff, how I wish I was there... My day's been very busy & tiring. ISP thing is finally done.
2012-01-31 09:58:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come, darling & I will bury you in my arms... backyard is too cold. ;-) Aww, still hurting? What about taking a long, hot bath?
2012-01-31 09:58:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! That's crazy. Seems like I really have to kidnap you & take you with me... :-) Why this late? Hmm. How are you, dear? Tired?
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2012-01-31 09:16:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now? This late? Huh... but where are you? In the office or at home?
2012-01-31 09:10:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) ahh, how nice to be back to you... do I get a twirl-kiss too? ;) Prepare for my dropping on your lap, I will be there in a flash ;-)
2012-01-31 09:10:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, darling? Still in the meeting? How are you feeling? Oooh, I would so love to kidnap you from wherever you are... :-)
2012-01-31 09:01:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile. I miss you too. So so so much! My dear dear sweet sir, if only there was a way to magically appear beside you... Sigh.
2012-01-31 08:58:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling, sweet & lovely as ever :-) If you feel a light tingle, it's my soft kisses that slide & curl & wrap around you... ;-)
2012-01-31 08:57:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I ran back from the door just to kiss you once more... deeply, passionately, pulling you to me... And whoosh...
2012-01-31 04:43:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...butterflies still sigh with delight at the thought of you... :-) Anand, my dearest... I miss you very much. A soft kiss for your nape :-)
2012-01-31 04:36:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I have to leave now. Very very busy day for me too, but hope you know that your lil' lady is still happy with you & her lively..
2012-01-31 04:35:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I fell in love with it ;-) A late evening meeting in the office? I hope all's going well & it is a pleasant-busy kind of work for you...
2012-01-31 04:34:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I found that tweet! My sweet sweet wonderful darling, how you make me smile... :-) I wish I could hold you now & not let you go...
2012-01-31 02:57:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... soft whisper & followed it till I found you... making me not
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wanting to wake up from the dream but to stay there with you...
2012-01-31 02:56:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... I replaced the hot pack with my hand & tender kisses. :-) Yes my dearest, I slept well & woke up very early but then I heard your...
2012-01-31 02:56:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet gentle darling, good morning. :-) I am so glad you slept well & your back feels better. But hope you know that while you slept...
2012-01-31 02:55:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you feel fresh & well-rested, my darling. I miss waking you up. I miss seeing your morning smile, your eyes still closed...
2012-01-30 17:01:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, it's time for me to slip under the covers & hug my sweet darling to me... my palm on your chest, cheek against your back...Oh, sigh
2012-01-30 17:00:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Got a bit lost in reading through the site you posted on Sunday. Delightful, indeed. Will continue it tomorrow...
2012-01-30 17:00:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply, my dear & feeling my caressing hands on your back, my soft kiss on your cheeks...
2012-01-30 12:34:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and I don't see your message. Smile, and there are times when I stare at the screen just waiting & waiting... :-)
2012-01-30 12:33:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Very slow and it is bad. But sometimes I just miss your DM(s)... like now, 'cause I am away from my laptop or have to do something else...
2012-01-30 12:32:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was too slow... as always. :-( Yes, it feels bad, darling. I am so sorry...
2012-01-30 11:20:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I really wish I was there now, putting you to sleep & then just sit by your side... watching you sink into sleep with a :-)
2012-01-30 11:16:04 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ... on your forehead, eyes & lips, wrapping you in my arms & put you to a sweet sleep. :-) Good night, my darling. Sleep & dream lovely.
2012-01-30 11:09:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful, so beautiful... :-) That is exactly how I love it... :-) Done for the day. Rushing to you to tuck you in bed, kissing you softly
2012-01-30 11:09:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. :-) Ahso! Now I get it... the uncle of your friend from B. :-)
2012-01-30 10:37:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hand in hand? And then just watching the stars with you holding me from behind, your chin on my shoulder? Ahh, if only...
2012-01-30 10:35:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Please, can we go for a short walk after meeting your friend's uncle? Is the package from Bangalore?
2012-01-30 10:12:58 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile YW. I like lilting rhythms.

2012-01-30 09:43:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's good. Sounds good. :-) Same here, darling. Some office work still needs to be done... but yes, errands done.
2012-01-30 09:33:45 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Thanks, Hun. I left it for too long. I couldn't afford to get a crown put on. I've had 2 root canals on this tooth. sigh...
2012-01-30 09:27:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In 4 minutes... :-) How are you? How was the trip? And your day? And all... :-)
2012-01-30 09:26:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home now, too. How are you, dear? How was your day? So, you were on your way home when I DM-ed you? :-) My day is ok- much to do.
2012-01-30 09:16:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... tingles down your back. ;-) Hope your day was a good one & you will be home soon... Please take care. Anand, my sweetest... I miss you.
2012-01-30 07:00:11 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am off for now to run some errands. Will be back asap. Till then, sweet small kisses around your neck that send...
2012-01-30 06:59:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My new address is 1028 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 10/a.

2012-01-30 03:52:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... smiling and happy with butterflies in my belly. Sniff. I miss you.
2012-01-30 03:52:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even when you were in the office... your presence was felt in every corner...I miss this feeling a lot. I miss waiting for your return...
2012-01-30 03:51:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Righ now, I am quite unsure... I wish you were here. Your US room felt more like home than anywhere else.
2012-01-30 03:51:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... allowed & what not. Anyway, they are very happy to have the lovely lady back. :-) I hope you are right, darling.
2012-01-30 03:50:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on your tummy :-) Yes, I would love that too... sigh, just to be held by you... Well, I am happy, but they must re-learn what's...
2012-01-30 03:50:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so glad that your back is better... Soft, feather-light kisses down your back, darling & caresses of my fingertips...
2012-01-30 02:19:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Honest. Just as I don't use the kitchen sink for dirty dishes. It feels bittersweet, darling. :-) I miss you. A lot lot lot.
2012-01-30 02:19:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep around midnight & woke up at 6:30. Feed the girls & boy, took a shower, had breakfast- yes, toast with butter & marmalade :-)
2012-01-30 02:18:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling, darling? Did you get some more rest? Gosh! A busy day...but hopefully it is a good one & you are not too tired. Sigh.
2012-01-30 02:16:41 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ... sweep you into my arms & hug you & cover you with kisses & twirl you around (actually, this wouldn't work, but still... ;-p)
2012-01-30 02:16:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Welcome home, my sweet gentle darling Anand! And good morning. And glad you reached the office. God! If I was there, I would now...
2012-01-30 02:15:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If only my thought-hugs & kisses could give body to the air so you could really feel them... feel me... Sigh. Please come home safe & sound.
2012-01-29 16:57:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case I do, my warmest hugs & softest butterfly kisses will await my darling dear at the bus station to greet him in the sweetest way :-)
2012-01-29 16:56:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hesitating... should I go to bed or stay up till you reach home? Hmmm, I take my laptop to bed, but I might fall asleep... Very sleepy.
2012-01-29 16:55:48 (EST)

perlygates great to hear from you!! xo

2012-01-29 16:17:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. How's your back? Snuggle up to me, darling and let me kiss you to sleep... :-) Please do close your lovely eyes & try to sleep.
2012-01-29 16:14:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling? Could you rest a little? And hopefully you can rest soon a bit more... :-| Wish I could watch the cows with you :-)
2012-01-29 15:47:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, I think I dozed off for a bit... yes, with my laptop next to me & thoughts of holding you. I miss you too, my sweet darling.
2012-01-29 15:46:18 (EST)

perlygates published next month which is nice . also have decided to submit writing to some online publications. so that's my story. how r u? xoxo.
2012-01-29 15:39:25 (EST)

perlygates that has been a real life saver for me as I truly love doing it. still
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writing but not as much but will be included in a poetry book to br

2012-01-29 15:37:52 (EST)

perlygates still living here but trying to make the best of it. finally walking albeit slowly. have used this rest time to concentrate on photography
2012-01-29 15:36:39 (EST)

perlygates it turns out younger daughter has it too but has not gotten as sick but she too wil be starting on treatment. husband still no work so I'm
2012-01-29 15:35:15 (EST)

perlygates she has had it long term and has other health issues. but at least now we know what is going on and are starting on a long road of help. as
2012-01-29 15:33:55 (EST)

perlygates I think of you too my friend. Leah has a new diagnosis ( disease carried by tick of a deer or a mosquito) this is a hard one to treat since
2012-01-29 15:32:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) That's great! Yes, you have DM-ed me but... I wasn't sure. You did it when the bus halted for a break.
2012-01-29 12:09:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't expect any DM...I didn't know you can get online on the bus. Happy :-) & worried at the same time- as always when you are traveling
2012-01-29 11:59:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... watching over you as you sleep & kiss you often just to make sure your sleep is sweet. Hope you can sleep well, my darling.
2012-01-29 11:55:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thank you for doing it. :-) Missing you too. You have no idea how much... Yes, I really hope so too. In my mind, I am there with you...
2012-01-29 11:54:24 (EST)

syahidahz Yes..and some other comfort food :p

2012-01-29 11:52:54 (EST)

syahidahz I'm doing good..locking the pain in poetry seems to free some space in my heart. =)
2012-01-29 11:46:47 (EST)

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syahidahz Thank you for the favs, E! Have a great night's night where you are right? No?
2012-01-29 11:40:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, blow a kiss into the sky and wave farewell (for now) to Bangalore for me...
2012-01-29 10:57:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That makes sense darling, but... I just think of tomorrow & how you might feel, you know?
2012-01-29 10:38:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the night like a soft warm blanket. :-)

2012-01-29 10:33:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just hope your trip is pleasant & safe & that you can get some rest...Thousands of kisses for you to keep you cozy through...
2012-01-29 10:32:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, why didn't you take an earlier bus? Ah you... :-( Please take good care of yourself. I will be thinking of you...
2012-01-29 10:29:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, I would love to really get that kiss... and help you pack between the pauses of kissing each other back ;-p
2012-01-29 10:21:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and then rushing to the office in the morning & working long hours without getting sufficient rest? Oh darling... :-|
2012-01-29 10:15:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your last dinner with your friend & his family... for now. :-) Hope it was lovely. Oh, you will be traveling all night... again...
2012-01-29 10:15:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Exams came out fine, thankfully. Rigorous program, I have another one tomorrow already. How have you been? I've missed our chats!
2012-01-29 09:49:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be busy, dear. So... just this :-) as my faraway sighs tenderly kiss the softness of your lips...
2012-01-29 09:35:57 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Every word has to be pregnant with gravity, and I'm just not finding will come to me eventually, this is a normal cycle for me. ;-)
2012-01-29 09:03:05 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Transfer bits and pieces over. Oh, typo above: substitute "I start" where it says "instead"
2012-01-29 08:51:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Hinders my writing, in that instant to think in 140 characters, instead of the whole piece. Usually I write first in my journals, then
2012-01-29 08:50:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I like x's and o's any way they come... ;-) no, no, not annoyed or disinterested, just lulls in being creative. Sometimes I find twitter
2012-01-29 08:49:06 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Write for a bit. I'm definitely less creative when I'm busy and happy, haha. How are you, my friend? I hope all is well....xoxo
2012-01-29 08:44:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, my friend....busy with the new semester, the kids, etc...I've not written anything in a week or so, and I'm hoping today to sit down &
2012-01-29 08:43:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. I thank you, sweet daaahling ;-)

2012-01-29 07:54:09 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Oh no :( What I mean is it helped me focus on a sleep routine which is helpful in itself. I am easily distracted : )
2012-01-29 07:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And again- thank you. So sweet of you! :-) Yes, I understand. A soft lisped kiss on your lips for that tweet. :-)
2012-01-29 07:33:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. I take it as a compliment ;-p

2012-01-29 07:33:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh! Blush. I wouldn't say that too often... but you would
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have to bear with my lisped daaahling ;-)

2012-01-29 07:27:58 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Oh no! Are you using ice or heat? Sympathies. No no it has been most helpful! Certainly in terms of cleaning up my night time routine : )
2012-01-29 07:27:22 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Hello, E : ) I'm okay thank you aside from a bad back. Have been trying out your sleep advice though, thank you. Hope you are well.
2012-01-29 07:19:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You mean the concert evening? Yep, it was very nice... ;-)
2012-01-29 06:48:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, just because I am not with you... We could have so much fun together, darling & making each trip a special one. ;-)
2012-01-29 06:47:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, my day is uneventful. I would love to be with you, darling.

2012-01-29 06:19:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back, darling. Glad you got a little rest. :-) Sigh, I really wish I could give you a massage... No no, playful strawberry ;-)
2012-01-29 06:12:24 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Our point of contention is. I have nothin to defend, and I assure you I am completely fin with whatever your opinion Is :)
2012-01-29 04:24:27 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Into revealing your gender. I have moved passed the point where I thought I needed to know. I don't anymore. :) besides, I don't know what
2012-01-29 04:23:26 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile but I can assure you this, that I am generally fair. I judge as little as possible. But please, by no means don't let me pressure you
2012-01-29 04:21:49 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Pearls are pearls, but no two are the same. I can't assure
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you what my reaction may be to something that has not occurred.

2012-01-29 04:19:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... softly on your shoulder blades & wrap you in my arms. My sweet darling, I so miss you, I so miss holding you...
2012-01-29 03:58:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) ooops, the strawberry slipped up a bit... received your kiss below my navel. Ahh ;-p Hope you can sleep, darling. Kissing you...
2012-01-29 03:58:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Strawberry & cream... just for you ;-) Yes please do that. Rest sweetly, my darling. Wish my arms could cross lands to hold you...
2012-01-29 03:45:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... tenderly to me & let you doze off in my arms... :-) Missing you, my darling Anand. Incredibly much. Please rest now- I am holding you...
2012-01-29 03:36:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Take off your undershirt & lie down so I can massage your back & kiss you softly down your spine before hugging you...
2012-01-29 03:35:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there too. I wish that more than anything else and you know that. :-( No no, wait a bit darling.
2012-01-29 03:34:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, just took a late shower... I am here for you now, fresh & lovely smelling, wearing white soft cotton pants & red top... :-)
2012-01-29 03:34:25 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile a girl, would not be reluctant to reveal, especially to another girl. So there, gender plays a role there too.
2012-01-29 03:32:59 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile DM is working strangely tonight. I was saying, no need to apologize and wish you the same :) oh & I figured out, you are a Guy. I
2012-01-29 02:52:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and makes you forget the pain while writing... Well, don't roll your head, or do it very slowly. Shall I come & give you a nice massage?
2012-01-29 02:30:57 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yep, nursing & tweeting...tweet-nursing ;-p Seriously, is there no one who could give you a massage? How is it now? A tiny bit better? Sigh.
2012-01-29 02:21:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My poor darling, I am so sorry you had such a bad night. If I had been there, I would've massaged your back to ease the pain...
2012-01-29 02:20:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I slept well. Oh, it would be fantastic! Mild orange marmalade? :-) But it's a very cold morning, so you have to warm me up, first ;-)
2012-01-29 02:20:23 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile night. it's night here :)

2012-01-29 02:05:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, I woke up to no smiling morning kiss... Good morning, my dear sir. I hope you slept very well & feel wonderful. :-)
2012-01-29 01:37:31 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile agree. I am sorry I have to get something done. Perhaps we can chat another time. Please enjoy your day / night . Bye
2012-01-29 01:04:33 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Ideas are, opinions are not. We were discussing opinions. I thought.
2012-01-29 01:01:37 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile No. Honestly, I have lost track of our discussion.

2012-01-29 00:57:47 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile But the same thought coming from a guy.... <----- that one!
2012-01-29 00:52:34 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile Last DM
2012-01-29 00:48:48 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile To that I disagree.

2012-01-29 00:45:19 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile I don't have the context, I can not concur inteligently.

2012-01-29 00:44:00 (EST)
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QueenOf_DeNile that's possible. And?

2012-01-29 00:41:42 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile oh and gender matters when it comes to experiences.

2012-01-29 00:38:57 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile over it ;)
2012-01-29 00:37:51 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile perhaps so, but it gives me an understanding of where you are coming from. i understand if you do not wish to tell me. i won't loose sleep
2012-01-29 00:37:43 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile i intentionally stay limber, mostly open to changing my opinion.

2012-01-29 00:36:55 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile nothing really. but it gives me a framework. i am sure you have your opinion about that too. :) oh and i have no fear of conversion.
2012-01-29 00:35:48 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile pardon me, i have not figured out yet whether you are a girl or a boy. What does this have to do with anything we are discussing?
2012-01-29 00:34:06 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile besides scientific, i speak from personal experiences too. But i realize, that you have your own & i am perfectly at peace with that :)
2012-01-29 00:09:51 (EST)

ZinniaTung Soo english it is then.. :(

2012-01-28 23:50:02 (EST)

ZinniaTung True true

2012-01-28 23:49:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ah, I know,, wish I knew persian. Coz english doesnot convey the exact meaning.. Distorts it
2012-01-28 23:43:05 (EST)

ZinniaTung Well he is better than other persian to english poets, ya?

2012-01-28 23:06:16 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Soft sunlight kissed hugs for your morning, sweet darling. Hope you wake up with a :-) & feel fresh for the long trip. When are you leaving?
2012-01-28 17:25:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...snuggle up behind you & wrap you gently in my arms... :-) I loved to sit by your side & watch you sleep, you know that? Sigh.
2012-01-28 17:24:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I fell asleep while watching a movie... Hope you are sleeping deeply, my darling & you feel in your sleep as I kiss your cheek...
2012-01-28 17:23:30 (EST)

QueenOf_DeNile left brain & right brain skills, not so frequently known to have the right balance. does that make sense?
2012-01-28 12:04:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I :-) I try to smile as much as possible. I really do. But my lil' heart is sad. This constant ache & my missing you eats away at me inside.
2012-01-28 11:47:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I will check out what's coming on TV... Sigh, how I miss you! How I miss watching a movie with you, curled up in your arms... :-(
2012-01-28 11:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I softly kiss your forehead, hugging you back... holding you in my arms till you fall asleep... Sleep & dream sweetly, darling. Good night.
2012-01-28 11:04:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, well... yes, every now and then. :-) Feeling kind of sleepy too. Keep the bed warm, I will follow you very soon, darling. ;-)
2012-01-28 11:04:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sounds very nice. Don't you feel like staying there a bit longer? :-) I would have so loved to be at the concert, too...
2012-01-28 10:52:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about you? How was your day? Had fun with your friends? Oh, they must have been so happy to see you! And how was the concert?
2012-01-28 10:10:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and I have no help, you know? And to be honest, sometimes I
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deliberately keep myself busy... :-|

2012-01-28 10:10:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you always put a bright yellow reach-for-the-sun sunflower smile in my lil' heart. :-) Darling, things need to be done...
2012-01-28 10:09:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day started a bit hectic but it slowed down... No, no rest yet. And there's not much to be cheerful about... But you, my darling...
2012-01-28 10:09:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just in time... I was about to lick the honey from my lips ;-p A sweet slow welcome home kiss, my darling. :-)
2012-01-28 10:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, sure sighs... long, deep, trembling sighs... I meant no, not oooh but sigh... :-)
2012-01-28 09:44:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, sigh... :-)

2012-01-28 09:19:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Crumbs on the corner of my mouth... and the taste of honey on my lips. :-)
2012-01-28 09:08:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, no... I kept them for you... ;-p

2012-01-28 08:57:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, btw... your sweetie pie had baklava today ;-) Oh, how I wish you were coming home to me & nibble super-sweet me all over... :-)
2012-01-28 08:24:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. I miss you too. More than words can say.
2012-01-28 08:10:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet. Thank you, darling. Oh, why that? I am sorry, darling. Anyway, I hope your day was beautiful... :-) Please do take care.
2012-01-28 08:07:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in the bookstore? Shy smile. I would really love to have you here now... Sigh. Soft butterfly kisses below your collar bone... :-)
2012-01-28 07:54:13 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ How is your day going? Have fun with your friends? Is my sweet darling happy & all smiles? Did you think of your lil' lady for a second...
2012-01-28 07:53:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back home. Ahh, it feels good to sit down... Yes, all went well. Missing you too, darling. Very very much. I wish you were here...
2012-01-28 07:52:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving a bit earlier. I truly hope that you are having a very sweet beautiful day. A downpour of my sweetest kisses & gentlest hugs for you
2012-01-28 02:51:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll be leaving in 2 hrs. Need to clean up the previous house & give the keys back, etc. I hold you firmly to me & kiss you deeply... :-)
2012-01-28 01:50:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...of the books and... hiding behind bookshelves to steal a kiss or two. ;-) Missing you, darling. So terribly much. :-(
2012-01-28 01:49:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, an old bookstore! You make me wish I could come with you, walk through the bookstore together, inhaling deeply the scent...
2012-01-28 01:49:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Meeting 6 of your friends in one day. My lovely hello to them. Hope your day is beautiful in every way & you are all smiles.
2012-01-28 01:48:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here too. I really really wish. Sigh. But why :-(? It is not the only thing I have to do alone...It feels sad sometimes :-|
2012-01-28 01:48:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... some boxes around. And I still feel sore. God! What I would give for a massage! Of course, given by you, my darling.
2012-01-28 01:46:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ front of the computer. ;-p Hmm, the necessary things are unpacked but as I said, this place is smaller, so there's still...
2012-01-28 01:45:57 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ...and I hope your eye feels better. Do you have eye drops? Yeah yeah, it would be rude to DM often & then... spending too much time...
2012-01-28 01:45:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ First of all: a very gentle soft kiss on your right eye... then one more on the left. ;-) Good morning, my dearest. Glad you slept well...
2012-01-28 01:45:18 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wow! Thank you. Great suggestions. I didn't eat today so eventually having nothing in me did the trick :)
2012-01-27 23:37:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you. From head to toe, inside out, outside down, frontwards & backwards... Sigh. I am so helplessly in love...
2012-01-27 13:45:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, good night my sweet darling dear. Sleep sweetly & long with dreams that make you :-) in your sleep. I am holding you tenderly to me...
2012-01-27 13:16:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... just in time, kiss you softly on your sleepy eyes, take you in my arms & rock you gently to sleep... :-)
2012-01-27 13:02:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, rush to bed my sweet darling. I am going to freshen up now, so I will be ready to get under the covers with you...
2012-01-27 13:02:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet darling! :-) Wow, it's nearly midnight there! Hope you all had a fantastic time & the concert was great... :-)
2012-01-27 13:02:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile yes... to the tune of our heart beats while our fingers slow-dancing along each other's skin... :-)
2012-01-27 10:20:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your waist & lean my head against your shoulder as I let the music & your soft explaining voice flow through me... If only...
2012-01-27 09:45:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am home, darling. Just a bit busy :-) Missing you too. A lot. Yes,
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I wish I was there too... I so so wish. Sigh. I'd put my arm around...
2012-01-27 09:44:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just stopped by to hug you quickly to me & rub my nose against yours... :-) Hope you enjoy your time...
2012-01-27 09:01:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hold it in its sweet embrace and kiss it softly as they blend, meld into each other... My sweet sweet darling... Sigh. Miss you so!
2012-01-27 07:43:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My lil' butterfly heart feels restless, it feels as if it wants to escape from my chest & fly to you, wrap its tiny wings around your heart
2012-01-27 07:42:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Will be away from my laptop for a little while. Need to take care of some things. I'd so love to be there instead...Have fun, darling. :-)
2012-01-27 07:41:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But they are smiling & looked quickly away, so... ;-p
2012-01-27 07:38:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fine. Then... I slide closer to you and kiss you once more... ;-)
2012-01-27 07:21:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can I sit on your lap? ;-)

2012-01-27 07:08:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy :-) Where are you, darling? A quick sweet kiss on your neck behind your ear... hope no one noticed... ;-)
2012-01-27 07:02:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet soft fluttering kisses for you... I will keep an eye on my DM window... :-) And... I just missed you, as always. Sigh.
2012-01-27 05:58:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Please take care, darling. Have sweet fun. Hope there will be many great songs... :-) Sniff, I really wish I was there, too...
2012-01-27 05:58:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? ;-) I miss you, darling. Immensely.

2012-01-27 05:46:02 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yipee! My arms are wide open, ready for you to rush into them... ;-) Oh, I know you find my arms lovely, so... ;-p
2012-01-27 05:40:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, all I want is you... right here, in my lovely arms...
2012-01-27 05:30:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will...
2012-01-27 05:28:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... for a short while. I needed new contact lenses, there was something wrong with the other ones...
2012-01-27 05:24:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now, darling. Wishing you a sweet time & hope you do enjoy the concert. :-) Sweet soft playful kisses all over you...
2012-01-27 04:25:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you so so so much. I would love to see you again... to hold you, just... to be in your presence.
2012-01-27 04:21:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The yellow flowers, the bench, the bridge, seagulls, the lil' kids playing on wind instruments... And you! All so beautiful!
2012-01-27 04:19:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you, darling. In my mind, I'll be there with you with one arm wrapped around your waist... Smile, yes. That was beautiful.
2012-01-27 04:18:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so wish I could come with you... That's not fair. Sniff. Do think of me when you hear a special-lovely song. ;-)
2012-01-27 03:30:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It feels so nice to be in your arms... If only... Sigh. Long lunches are lovely, esp. with friends :-) Oh, oooh! A concert!
2012-01-27 03:30:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... self against your warm body... :-) Missing you, darling. So so much! Hope your day is beautiful & you enjoy your stay.
2012-01-27 02:18:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...behind them, so please hold me close, very close... Sigh! How
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I would love to kiss you deeply & long, pressing my towel covered...
2012-01-27 02:17:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is freshly showered & smelling as delicious as summer rain... ;-) Ooh, I get weak in the knees as you kiss the soft skin...
2012-01-27 02:17:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling dear. Yes, I slept like a stone :-) & woke up a bit late. How is my sweet sir? Slept well? All's fresh & happy?
2012-01-27 02:17:15 (EST)

purplepoetry77 LOL I'm sure they do but thought I'd do a plug for good measure. ;)
2012-01-26 22:45:35 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Nah, thought the Twitterverse should know how awesome you are too! ;)
2012-01-26 22:41:06 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Wow! That's cool! I grew up in a Jewish community and my best friend is Christian so I've always been really fascinated by different faiths.
2012-01-26 22:38:59 (EST)

purplepoetry77 :) Are you Muslim too?

2012-01-26 22:31:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 with an abundance of peace, contentment, and the kind of love and light that elevates us to the highest levels of compassion and kindness.
2012-01-26 22:29:33 (EST)

purplepoetry77 The pleasure has been all mine. Thank you for your sweet words. I feel very blessed to have crossed paths with you. May we both be showered
2012-01-26 22:28:50 (EST)

purplepoetry77 absolutely! and learning that the music changes without notice and that we dance differently with every soul we're blessed to meet :)
2012-01-26 22:16:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 love everyone I meet unconditionally. It's been the most

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exhilarating, reward journey; one I couldn't be more grateful for. :)

2012-01-26 22:13:16 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Aww, thank you. To be honest, I'm still figuring it all out one breath at a time. I'm discovering how to love myself and in turn how to
2012-01-26 22:12:46 (EST)

purplepoetry77 All faiths in their pure forms r beautiful. It's people and their bizarre interpretations that mess things us. I like to keep it real simple
2012-01-26 22:10:34 (EST)

purplepoetry77 Sufism &mainstream Islam. I love my faith. I love all faiths. I've been doing a lot of self exploration and am loving this journey of growth
2012-01-26 21:53:25 (EST)

purplepoetry77 on a Sufi path but as I've grown older and (I like to think) a little wiser, I've steered back towards a more comfortable balance between
2012-01-26 21:52:41 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I get asked that a lot. Nope, I was born Muslim. My mom's a convert and named me after Queen Guinevere, King Arthur's wife. lol I used to be
2012-01-26 21:52:08 (EST)

purplepoetry77 that should have read: follow *a lot of the Sufi tradition
2012-01-26 21:43:49 (EST)

purplepoetry77 I'm just really into mindfulness and meditation. I'm actually Muslim and follow allow of the Sufi tradition but love the words of the gurus.
2012-01-26 21:43:28 (EST)

the_radish Take care dear. Nice chatting with you :)

2012-01-26 20:49:28 (EST)

the_radish and we must always start at the bottom to get to the top, yes?
2012-01-26 20:49:09 (EST)

the_radish So yes, I get to play lots! :-O It's a lot of fun and even though very low pay, it is a beginning :)
2012-01-26 20:48:48 (EST)

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the_radish It's not exactly what but whoooo . 3-5 year olds, dear. And yes, I saw that RT tooz! Very nice. Thank you! # blush
2012-01-26 20:48:10 (EST)

the_radish Thank you and I did! And thank you for the favorite dear...that means so much coming from you. God bless you with a wonderful day too!
2012-01-26 20:39:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks chin and lips a sweet soft good night. Yes, I'll join you in a bit & hold you close to me...
2012-01-26 13:08:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's very late there. Good night, sweet darling. Sleep sweetly with happy dreams. Oooh, I would so love to be kissed like that! Sigh!
2012-01-26 13:07:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can you please grow wings & fly to me? Pretty please. Sigh. Hmm, it's sweet of you but... I am not sure... it is small...
2012-01-26 13:05:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, a massage! It would be heavenly, darling. Esp. the kisses between the pauses. ;-) I really wish you were here now...
2012-01-26 12:59:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ISP is tomorrow. Thank you for the kiss, it felt as soft as spring breeze...I wrap my arms around your neck & kiss you back slow & sweet.
2012-01-26 12:52:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My pleasure... No darling, done for the day. Feeling tired & my back aches, muscles too. Yes she's very happy :-)
2012-01-26 12:50:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Congrats on your 7000th tweet/poem/insight. :-) Yes, I love them & you know that... :-)
2012-01-26 12:31:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Such beautiful tweets...

2012-01-26 12:09:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I think I shall say good night now... Wishing you sweet dreams & a beautiful night's sleep. A soft kiss on your eyes...
2012-01-26 12:07:18 (EST)
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melancholundone hee hee hee

2012-01-26 12:05:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really do? Really really? Even if I am such a screw-up at times? Blush. Yep, that sounds wonderful. Today was more for resting... :-)
2012-01-26 11:20:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, missing you...

2012-01-26 11:05:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, perhaps... Sigh. My day's been busy, lots of unpacking & cleaning & the place still look pretty chaotic.
2012-01-26 11:04:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... or no words... in case one doesn't feel like saying anything.
2012-01-26 10:34:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know what I mean? Sometimes a gentle hug or a lil' smile or a blink of the eye says more than words...
2012-01-26 10:29:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Perhaps there is no real reason, dear. Perhaps I will not have these feelings at all if we were together, if I could see you...
2012-01-26 10:29:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I think she would understand why... :-) It is not because I want to annoy you, darling or am bored or I am in a complaining mood :-)
2012-01-26 10:08:56 (EST)

syahidahz half given up..if I ever travel to a country with deep dish pizza, I'll for sure make a run for it=)
2012-01-26 10:07:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not kidding, darling... Sigh.

2012-01-26 10:02:13 (EST)

syahidahz doesn't really matter. I've half given up the
2012-01-26 09:57:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, now this sounds like as if you were the best girlfriend of your friend's wife. Maybe I should complain to her about you ;-p
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2012-01-26 09:31:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I don't know them but I am certain that they are happy. You are a wonderful person to be with... and to be around. :-)
2012-01-26 09:30:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I loved to shop with you. Remember the shopping cart? ;-)
2012-01-26 09:29:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If not aloof then... something else. I can't tell you what, but the feeling is there. And no, I didn't mean today... :-)
2012-01-26 09:29:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back. Oh, how nice... are they happy to see you? :-) Yes darling, that would indeed be rude... I meant aloof in general...
2012-01-26 08:30:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have to leave now, but will be back very soon. Hope your rest was sweet & you feel fresh & have a lovely evening with your friend :-)
2012-01-26 06:36:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just... a gentle :-) and a tender kiss on your forehead as you sleep... You seem a bit aloof, darling... Why?
2012-01-26 05:32:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope it was to your taste. :-) Rest sweetly, my darling. I sit beside you, holding your hands... Missing you very much.
2012-01-26 03:55:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be very nice, yes. :-) Anyway, right now, I would love more than anything to be there with you... then the unpacking ;-)
2012-01-26 02:46:14 (EST)

syahidahz lol just saw your message. was already asleep by then
2012-01-26 02:22:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you? What's your plan for today? Oh darling, I really wish I was there... I so so wish.
2012-01-26 02:13:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will continue unpacking and the like... How I hate this. But it must be done. This place is smaller, so it's not easy...
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2012-01-26 02:12:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. My hello to your friend. :-) Darling, did you get some rest? Does it feel nice to be there again? Bangalore... A sigh & a :-)
2012-01-26 02:12:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...came from that I felt in my sleep. Thank you, darling :-) 7-8 hrs? So long? I didn't ask you for details... Your forgetful lady... Blush.
2012-01-26 02:11:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I felt really exhausted. Still kind of sleepy & my muscles still ache...Smile, now I know where the gentle, sweet scented breeze...
2012-01-26 02:11:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, daring? How was the travel? Where are you now? A sweet slow kiss for your lips... I miss you.
2012-01-26 01:35:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. And again... I missed your DM. I went to bed after my last one for you. Sniff. Oh, you were still on the bus?
2012-01-26 01:35:16 (EST)

OliviaDresher Well, maybe coincidences don't happen all the time, but a lot. They make me wonder a lot, too.
2012-01-26 00:34:34 (EST)

OliviaDresher I love coincidences. They happen all the time to me.

2012-01-25 18:22:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... will keep sending you kisses and hugs upon the soft wings of smiling butterflies. Oh Anand... my sweet sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-01-25 16:43:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you a sweet day filled with sunshine & fun & smiles & lovely moments... :-) And know that your lady will be thinking of you and...
2012-01-25 16:42:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I join you now darling, kiss your temples & curl into you... I hope you are sleeping sweetly & wake up feeling wonderful. :-)
2012-01-25 16:42:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. I feel incredibly exhausted & every muscle aches. I wish you were here... :-(
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2012-01-25 16:41:55 (EST)

KrisLindbeck I had an appointment this morning, and am now off to office hours . . . I'll try to take a moment afternoon or eve & try for inspiration :-)
2012-01-25 13:14:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is daydreaming... The city where the basket was woven, the forest grown, where you breathed new life into my butterflies...
2012-01-25 13:10:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Bangalore...
2012-01-25 12:58:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling Anand. Missed you all day. So so much. I just really hope your travel was a pleasant one & you went to sleep with a :-)
2012-01-25 12:56:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am really sorry, but it's been an extremely busy, hectic, exhausting day for me. I am so sorry I couldn't be with you during the travel...
2012-01-25 12:52:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I was too slow... Sleep well with sweet dreams. Good night my lovely darling. I hug you close to me & kiss you softly on your eyes...
2012-01-25 12:49:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was busy unpacking darling & missed your DM. I am so sorry... :-( Where are you now? Reached smoothly and safely?
2012-01-25 12:45:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you, my darling Anand. Very very much. I really wish I could come with you... It would be beautiful... you & me in Bangalore :-)
2012-01-25 10:30:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, oooh. :-( Please take care darling. Hope your journey will be safe & pleasant. Hugging & kissing you back long & deep... Sniff.
2012-01-25 10:29:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a sock within a sock... And I didn't understand why you smiled... :-)
2012-01-25 10:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. :-) My day is very stressful, darling. I pull you to me & kiss
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you back... Oh, how I miss ironing & folding your clothes... Sigh.
2012-01-25 09:53:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then... I silently sneak up behind you, wrap my arms around you and kiss the back of your neck... ;-) Missing you, dear.
2012-01-25 08:45:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ One super-busy day... and then 4 days away from meetings and all... :-) You mean phone meeting? And right now?
2012-01-25 08:39:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now realized... you didn't DM me while I was away... Huh? Was my sweet darling so busy?
2012-01-25 08:33:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... because I saw no message from you. :-) How are you, darling? How was your day? Why do you leave so late?
2012-01-25 08:25:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Oh so happy! :-) I wish I could hug you tight right now... well, and kiss you too. :-) I thought you already left...
2012-01-25 08:25:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's late there and maybe you are already on your way to Bangalore... Sniff. I just hope your day was fine & you feel happy. :-)
2012-01-25 08:14:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am at the new place now. I am sorry I couldn't get online earlier. I miss you so much. So so much. So very much. :(
2012-01-25 08:14:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yes... my butterflies are on their way to you... with a wide variety of kisses and hugs for you. :-) Miss you, dear. A lot.
2012-01-25 03:29:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The guys are here now... no, they don't have six-pack ;-) I will be off for now, but will try to get online asap. Please take care, darling.
2012-01-25 03:20:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, my sweet soft kiss changes direction, peeking into rooms to find my darling & land on his soft lips. :-)
2012-01-25 02:46:34 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Hmm, it feels like I was there too... and you are coming home to me. My sweet darling, even my butterflies flutter in sweet joy :-)
2012-01-25 02:06:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You will really do that? Aww, you are so very sweet... :-) DM-ing me from Bangalore...silly, but it makes me very happy. So excited... :-)
2012-01-25 02:02:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You should enjoy your stay & am sure you have more on your plate than DM-ing me, so... :-) I so wish I could come with so wish...
2012-01-25 01:34:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But hope not too far away from your lady... ;-) I will miss you terribly. I know I know, you take your laptop with you, but still...
2012-01-25 01:34:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am happy for you. Honest. It is nice to see old friends & 4 days away from work & everything... sounds wonderful to me. :-)
2012-01-25 01:34:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember... all had started in Bangalore. Ahh, those sweet times... :-) Can we meet there, too & walk along somewhere nice? Sigh.
2012-01-25 01:33:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sweet. And seems like your phone doesn't like me. ;-) Glad you slept well, darling. Your lady did too & woke up with thoughts of you...
2012-01-25 01:33:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, missing you...

2012-01-25 00:54:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you deeply, softly on your lips as my hands on your hips holding you close to me... :-) Today will be very busy for me.
2012-01-25 00:53:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my dearest? Did you sleep well? Reached the office smoothly? All is well in the office?
2012-01-25 00:53:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dearest, good morning. :-) As I see, someone is having a

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busy busy day... Woke up to no one sitting by my side, holding my hand... sniff
2012-01-25 00:53:03 (EST)

KrisLindbeck You're on -- reply to me, or call me ("@") tell me if you want a reply to one of yours. :-)
2012-01-25 00:05:27 (EST)

KrisLindbeck That's not how I see it! And I love your wit -- I'd never have thought of that ornithologist.
2012-01-24 21:43:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping very sweetly, my darling. :-) I join you now, wrap my arm around your waist & hold you close to me... so close...
2012-01-24 15:41:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you. The love I feel glows for you like a million floating lamps on the Ganges... And I don't know what to do with this love for you.
2012-01-24 12:55:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly with sweet tender dreams. I'll go to bed early tonight, so I can hold you longer... :-)
2012-01-24 12:00:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) waiting for you under the covers ;-) I kiss you softly on your lips & hug you gently to me, cuddling you to sleep...Good night, darling.
2012-01-24 11:58:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lovely... perhaps they are not sleeping, just slow-walking your way... ;-)
2012-01-24 11:52:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) For you, whatever your heart desires, my dear. :-) Perhaps the words are already sleeping... so, let them rest, my dear.
2012-01-24 11:44:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Look! While you were away, I made the bed nicely... ready for you to slip in & get a beautiful night's sleep. :-) Yes, I am there too... ;-)
2012-01-24 11:35:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. My entire being aches to be with you. It is maddening. The worst torture ever...
2012-01-24 11:25:20 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Thank you, my darling. You made my lil' heart smile.

2012-01-24 11:21:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, was it for me??? Honest? I couldn't help but :-) when I saw it... & sigh, imaging myself slowly undoing your button... ;-) Miss it.
2012-01-24 11:21:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sad but true. How I dislike this!

2012-01-24 11:08:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh, no rest even while having dinner. And this late! :-| Hope all is well now... Poor lady? Who? Trapped in what?
2012-01-24 11:05:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I suppose my darling dear is having dinner... Yum, I wish I was there... :-)
2012-01-24 10:25:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Nice that it was just slightly tiring. Yep, no more plane flying over my head with no sweet sir on it. Hmm. Mmm. :-)
2012-01-24 10:11:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I could kiss your knee till it smiles with delight ;-) Very busy, darling. It's my last day here... And yours? Tiring? Long meeting...
2012-01-24 10:01:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soft, warm kisses on your knee... Glad it is fine, but yes, please do take good care of it... :-)
2012-01-24 09:53:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How is your knee? How was your Tai Chi? Phone meeting... yep :-)
2012-01-24 09:48:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and kiss you & squeeze you and... ahh :-) Welcome home, my dearest. Your kisses feel sooo good, can't get enough of them. ;-)
2012-01-24 09:46:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beaming :-) but oh! I missed your jig. Can you do it again? Please. ;-p But first let me take you in my arms & just kiss you & hug you...
2012-01-24 09:46:07 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My darling Anand, you come to me or I come to you. Thechoice is yours.

2012-01-24 07:47:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I will be here, waiting for your return... with my gentlest hug & softest kiss. :-)
2012-01-24 07:30:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I am not sure I understood... You mean a phone meeting or a meeting with someone somewhere after your Tai Chi?
2012-01-24 07:21:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, sigh... it would be so so beautiful! And yes, I wish my dream wasn't just a dream... Missing you terribly. My cute sweet darling... sigh
2012-01-24 06:51:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care on your way to the Tai Chi & then home. :-) I am jumping on you, arms & legs tightly wrapped around you for a twirl ;-)
2012-01-24 06:51:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I will do the ISP thing tomorrow or on Friday. Too much to do today... anyway my day is not as packed as yours. Poor sweet darling :-|
2012-01-24 06:50:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I am glad you liked the onrush of my butterflies... they are still there, kissing you all over & over again. ;-)They are happy too.
2012-01-24 06:50:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh my... a huge stone fell from my heart! You have no idea how wonderful to hear from you! Sniff. I am happy, so happy that all's fine...
2012-01-24 06:49:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Keeping an eye on my DM window, but... Sad sigh. I hope all is well... :-(
2012-01-24 05:54:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling Anand, where are you? I miss you so... :-(
2012-01-24 05:23:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Look outside the window, dear... my soft tiny butterfly-winged kisses waiting to be let in & envelope you in their sweetness... Smile.
2012-01-24 04:25:50 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling seems to be very busy... But I hope his day's a good one & he knows that his lady misses him a lot... :-)
2012-01-24 04:24:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My hip is happy now. Thank you :-) Undoing your top shirt button & softly kiss you on the base of your throat. :-) Miss you. Very much.
2012-01-24 02:28:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you decided to go to the Tai Chi, but please do take care. Ok? Don't torture your knee ;-)
2012-01-24 02:28:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Same here, darling. The usual stuff... And I'll drive to my ISP & ask whether to cancel the contract or take it with me to the new place.
2012-01-24 02:27:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Can't remember the details, but I think we were in a hotel room last night. Smile. Anyway, not in your US room.
2012-01-24 02:27:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet cute darling, good morning. So glad that you got a good night's sleep... :-) I slept ok & dreamt of you. No, really. I do it often.
2012-01-24 02:26:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, my darling Anand. Sitting on the swing in your forest, listening to the birds & trees & flowers & can't help but let tears fall
2012-01-23 15:35:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply and wake up fresh & smiling, with the lingering feeling of my fingers between yours...
2012-01-23 15:05:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I smile as you put your hand on my belly in your sleep, pulling me closer... breathing softly into my hair... sweetening my dreams :-)
2012-01-23 15:04:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I slip softly under the covers now, kiss your cheeks & snuggle up against you... curling my back into your chest...
2012-01-23 15:03:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got a call. The 2 guys- no, unfortunately with no six-pack ;) will come on Wednesday & help with the move... All's set & ready to go.
2012-01-23 11:41:40 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I will join you in a few hours and wrap myself around you... :-) Why skip Tai Chi? Knee still hurting? Aww, kisses on your knee...
2012-01-23 10:54:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... eyes, caressing you, cradling you in my arms while our fingers play... :-) Sleep well my sweetest. Dream lovely dreams. Good night.
2012-01-23 10:53:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, that feels so good. If only... Sigh. Darling, I wish I was there, so you could lie down with your head on my belly, kissing your...
2012-01-23 10:52:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I would so love to be cuddled all over now... Sigh.
2012-01-23 10:44:13 (EST)

syahidahz ahhh..the evil of food=(

2012-01-23 10:43:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fine. :-) Are you feeling tired, darling? Oh, not one and not a pouting lady... but you & your pouting lady. And you know well how. ;-)
2012-01-23 10:38:59 (EST)

syahidahz wow those looks good! I've had dinner but you're making me famish again
2012-01-23 10:38:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Meeting is over? How about dinner? And the pampering your pouting lady? ;-)
2012-01-23 10:32:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it happened... and deleted... :-)

2012-01-23 10:30:11 (EST)

beezpoetry it is so hot here **& to think it is night time i dread to think what tomorrows tempt will be eek ! lol waves of smiles to you me Bx
2012-01-23 10:30:00 (EST)

beezpoetry lol it is I beez .. thankQ kind friend ;) you make my day brighter with your message im heaps well & melting like a sugarcube in hot water
2012-01-23 10:28:29 (EST)

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syahidahz Yeah..such sadness...I wish I could make some for myself but I'm not much of a cook. My cooking skills are kinda rusty. =(
2012-01-23 10:26:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, really? I didn't notice it... otherwise I would have told you so :-|
2012-01-23 10:24:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, how true! My love is freely given but it isn't good enough... you don't want to have it. Sniff.
2012-01-23 10:15:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ooops, I meant "an innocent look..."

2012-01-23 10:14:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just checked it out... there I only saw a sweet lovely lady with innocent look... ;-p
2012-01-23 10:13:13 (EST)

syahidahz Nope..none that I know of atleast. :s

2012-01-23 10:07:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cheater? Where? Who?

2012-01-23 10:06:07 (EST)

syahidahz It's not like I want it daily, but just the taste of it. To know what it's like..
2012-01-23 10:02:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Forget. I will keep your kiss... and keep pouting ;-p
2012-01-23 10:01:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still pouting... You really think one kiss is enough to compensate...? Ha!
2012-01-23 09:46:38 (EST)

syahidahz Not here, they don't. And yes, I do live with my family.=)
2012-01-23 09:43:04 (EST)

syahidahz I've just never had a deep dish pizza. They mostly sells the normal pizzas here and they're all alriht. But my fav is probably dominos.
2012-01-23 09:37:33 (EST)

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syahidahz Hmm..if I could have anything, I'll most like to have some deep dish pizza and hot wings.
2012-01-23 09:30:54 (EST)

syahidahz Doing well. How are you?=)

2012-01-23 09:24:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your poor lil' lady... she wants nothing... just to be kissed once more. Sniff. But well, if not then not. Oh ok. Your phone meeting...
2012-01-23 09:17:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no. All about kisses and kissing is free.

2012-01-23 09:01:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kisses are free ;-)

2012-01-23 08:55:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! I shower you with thousands of kisses and you don't even want to give me two... Tztz. Yes, pouting.
2012-01-23 08:52:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come on darling... I can see one more kiss that you are hiding in your hand... ;-p
2012-01-23 08:38:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mmm, let me think... on both ;-)

2012-01-23 08:33:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, true. Then... nice to see you home at a normal hour. :-)
2012-01-23 08:28:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not good. Please do take care, darling.

2012-01-23 08:27:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you? How are you? How is your knee? Wow, you are home early... Nice. :-)
2012-01-23 08:25:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes, the sun is out but it is very windy, chilly here. The day is busy, not brilliant but also not that bad. I am hanging in there...
2012-01-23 08:24:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And home :-) As I see, you are home too. A sweet kiss and a
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soft arm-wrap for my darling.

2012-01-23 08:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be leaving shortly too. Driving to the office but it won't take long. :-)
2012-01-23 06:28:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, hope it is nothing serious and you don't get sick :-| Please take care of you. One more deep slow kiss & a tight hug before you leave.
2012-01-23 06:27:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. A whole lot more than a lot. Sigh. Sniff. Smile. Hope your day is going fine.
2012-01-23 06:20:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) How I love when you call me sweetie pie! Kisses for your lips, my sweet as spring rain, as passionate as a summer storm :-)
2012-01-23 06:16:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway... it was so wonderful to hold you in my arms. My sweet darling, nothing can ever compare to that feeling...
2012-01-23 05:12:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, sad that I didn't get to hug you without your undershirt. I would've so loved to hug you close to me, feeling your skin against mine...
2012-01-23 04:25:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I recall blushing...lying on bed with naked back & butterflies in my belly... :-) Oh, I miss too, the softness of your undershirt.. ;p
2012-01-23 04:17:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, the feel of your gentle yet strong hands... I still wear the imprints of your fingertips on my skin, dear... Miss you. More every day.
2012-01-23 03:06:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back :-) How was lunch? The softness of my skin, darling... you didn't massage me through the fabric... ;-)
2012-01-23 03:06:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss how you massaged my back. It was one of the sweetest things you did for me. Sigh. Hope your lunch is delicious. :-)
2012-01-23 02:39:26 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ :-) It is ok, darling. Really. Anyway, I am not young anymore. And yes, my back could use a massage... it aches for your hands. ;-)
2012-01-23 02:39:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Look around your desk...there should be a small package filled with my sweetest kisses, each one wrapped in my gentle caress... ;-)
2012-01-23 02:05:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, it is Monday, my busy day. :-) I have lots of office work to do & will maybe drive to the office too. Not sure.
2012-01-23 02:04:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you slept well, darling & I hope you feel more fresh now than in the morning. :-) How was the drive? How goes your day?
2012-01-23 02:03:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. I fell asleep on the couch last night, woke up in the middle of the night but decided to stay there...
2012-01-23 02:03:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung I think I spoke a lil too soon, brain tinglingz.. Oh well.. Not going to bother abt it ne more
2012-01-22 20:32:02 (EST)

ZinniaTung Much better today.. Fingers crossed, it stays like that..

2012-01-22 20:29:55 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hey, just got off work an hour ago

2012-01-22 20:29:37 (EST)

ZinniaTung Don't mind my bluntness, just a little whoozy

2012-01-22 12:45:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you very soon & hold you close to me, tenderly, lovingly... Oooh, sigh. :-)
2012-01-22 12:16:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, beautiful :-) Kissing your eyes & lips good night. Sleep sweetly with soft lovely dreams, my darling.
2012-01-22 12:15:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Your last tweet is lovely, oh so very lovely...

2012-01-22 12:02:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahhh, a relieved sigh. :-)

2012-01-22 11:57:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tomorrow??? Oh, gosh! I am sorry, some confusion on my part here... You don't have that much time, then :-|
2012-01-22 11:49:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May your sleep be sweet my dear & your dreams as soft as the caress of butterfly wings...or your lady's kisses- which you don't remember ;)
2012-01-22 11:38:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I know. It is important. But you have time till Tues. night. No? And yes, it is bedtime for my sweet darling. :-)
2012-01-22 11:35:17 (EST)

ZinniaTung Morning, ya I was fine.. It'ok. Yup work day

2012-01-22 11:02:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) give yourself a little rest, darling.

2012-01-22 10:55:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is it going with the report?

2012-01-22 10:52:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Good, then... come darling & let me squeeze you. ;-) Congrats! 30 excellent, deliciously poetic recipes. I am proud of you. :-)
2012-01-22 10:52:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, if only... My sweet gentle darling. Your lady would so love to really hug you. Smile, I am afraid I would squeeze you too hard.
2012-01-22 10:40:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... softly, slowly, savoring each second... :-)

2012-01-22 10:40:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was very beautiful. Just the feel of you in my arms, your scent... your breath on my neck... ahh, pure heaven. Kissing you back...
2012-01-22 10:39:44 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed :-) Hugging you tightly to me- of course on tiptoe, my head's resting on your shoulder, kissing your neck... :-)
2012-01-22 10:26:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you, dear. I so wish just... to be held by you right now. I so miss that. So so very much.
2012-01-22 10:19:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, sweet :-) Really nothing difficult or complicated or tricky... ;-)
2012-01-22 10:16:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please, don't say that... it is easy to learn about Europe... Welcome back, btw. :-)
2012-01-22 10:02:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, oooh... bon appetit, sweet darling :-)

2012-01-22 09:25:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? European people do eat a lot of rice. You can find rice in the smallest shops. Well, maybe not in the US... but I think yes.
2012-01-22 09:23:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are back! Wow! Happy :-) No no, not just like but love them darling. Well, rice is one of the most basic... no?
2012-01-22 09:15:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love your recipe tweets. Delicate in every way. I would love even more to cook them with you & try new recipes & also create new ones :-)
2012-01-22 08:47:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, rice is out? Why? It is as popular as potatoes, no? And nowadays, you can get almost everywhere Asian spices. Well, not African...
2012-01-22 08:39:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, please take care. Wish I could come with you... :-) A lil' kiss on your cute nose.
2012-01-22 08:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really do? But how am I to know if you don't tell me so? Hm? I miss you, darling. Deep longing sigh...
2012-01-22 08:31:17 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ You were sweet to your lady. She felt truly missed. Kissing you back on your neck behind your ear...while giggling & trying to push you away
2012-01-22 08:06:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was so sweet yesterday. For the first time in a long time it felt like old times again... Felt happy to have my sweet sir back...
2012-01-22 07:56:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) God! You really think I am silly like that? :-|
2012-01-22 07:47:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah! You meant this... yep, but this is a meal and not the chilli itself as a vegetable, so... :-)
2012-01-22 07:43:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really? I didn't know. Here the only difference is the color... red or green.
2012-01-22 07:37:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, green chilli is a green chilli. :-) Oh yes, so much fun, so many smiles, so many happy colorful food... & beautiful pics ;-) Sigh.
2012-01-22 07:27:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I actually know what green chilli looks like, but thanks. :-)
2012-01-22 07:14:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just noted down...Thank you, darling. I really wish you were here... I'd rather do it together with you. It would be more lovely... :-)
2012-01-22 07:10:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, most happily... It sounds heavenly delicious. Thank you darling, you know your lady well... :-) I just hope it turns out good :-|
2012-01-22 06:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, non-satisfied... whatever. :-) Yep, you are absolutely right. A healthy dissatisfaction is indeed needed...
2012-01-22 06:47:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. You seemed to be worried a bit... hmm, well, maybe not
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worried but unsatisfied with yourself... You will do it fine, darling.

2012-01-22 06:32:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... details, so... Learning takes time & all the details will get figured out over time...
2012-01-22 06:15:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, then the second... See? If it isn't an issue, then why worry, darling? You could've asked... but they could've gave you more...
2012-01-22 06:14:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...else they wouldn't have requested to extend it, etc... You will do it fine.
2012-01-22 05:41:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was your first report, darling... Maybe it didn't satisfy their needs, but they are interested, and I do think they found it good...
2012-01-22 05:41:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, now I remember you saying that you are doing report for another team...
2012-01-22 05:19:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, ok. Now I understand.

2012-01-22 05:17:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For the Wednesday meeting... together with the report? Yes, everyone is well. My mom is doing great.
2012-01-22 05:13:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Was on the phone with mom. Maid... I know a very sweet lovely lady who would be overjoyed to be your maid ;-) Short videos?
2012-01-22 04:29:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really miss you, darling. Very very much. It was lovely yesterday... :-)
2012-01-22 03:41:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had a nice, lovely lunch? Oh ok, I see. That's good. It means they did read your report thoroughly & paid close attention to detail... :-)
2012-01-22 03:41:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank god it feels better, but yes, please do rest it. Still no
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water bag? I thought the rituals need to be done early in the morning...
2012-01-22 03:40:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe go for a walk too- it's sunny here & pleasant-chilly. Soft nibbling butterfly kisses for you, my dear... wherever you desire them :-)
2012-01-22 02:17:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling... Today it's me who would love to spend the day with her sweet sir in idle sweetness...
2012-01-22 02:16:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My Sundays are usually very quiet. Not much to do... There's a few things that need to be packed & will clean up a bit, then... let's see.
2012-01-22 02:16:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I forgot to keep track of the moon phases... Darling, your monthly report? How is it going?
2012-01-22 02:15:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Glad you slept well & hopefully enough too... How are you feeling? How is your knee? Yes, I slept well, too.
2012-01-22 02:15:38 (EST)

ZinniaTung :D
2012-01-22 01:30:30 (EST)

ZinniaTung Am off to bed, thank u once again! :)

2012-01-22 01:22:36 (EST)

ZinniaTung Here, have to get one. Got no fam jam here..

2012-01-22 01:22:24 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hmm, true true, thanks for the advice.. :)

2012-01-22 01:21:38 (EST)

ZinniaTung Na , emergency is going to take the whole day.. Am going to have to book it w my fam doc ..
2012-01-22 01:20:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung Thanks for being patient, about all this can't handle it wen am physically not well. Emotional stress I can handle, Physical drives me nuts!
2012-01-22 01:17:50 (EST)

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ZinniaTung Hmm, am just goin to watch it for couple of days.. If it's still there will pay a visit to the doctor.. Hate going to the doctor
2012-01-22 01:16:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ya I know.. But I had to read it.. Am going to just book an appoint with the doctor
2012-01-22 01:12:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung Must pay a visit to a chiropractor

2012-01-22 01:08:31 (EST)

ZinniaTung I just read on the health forum online, it's the vit b-12 def.. Something to with the posture and spine alignment.. Inflammed spine..
2012-01-22 01:08:18 (EST)

ZinniaTung Sorry for the whining.. It's just I get all paranoid when am physically not ok
2012-01-22 00:53:34 (EST)

ZinniaTung Have a good day

2012-01-22 00:52:51 (EST)

ZinniaTung It's definately some nerve pressed

2012-01-22 00:52:42 (EST)

ZinniaTung It's been happening for 3 days in a row

2012-01-22 00:20:50 (EST)

ZinniaTung Am actually really worried, :(

2012-01-22 00:19:11 (EST)

ZinniaTung Why thank you! Sadist! Laughing at my pain!

2012-01-22 00:17:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahahah!
2012-01-22 00:17:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahaha! I like the travelling bit

2012-01-22 00:15:19 (EST)

ZinniaTung This is fucking ridiculous!

2012-01-22 00:15:04 (EST)

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ZinniaTung It's travelling all thru my body, now that am lying in bed, it's in my back and legs
2012-01-22 00:14:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung I have been beaten up quite a few times, (I don't even remember how many times) - so issue of pampering
2012-01-22 00:12:50 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahah! Nana, not pampered at all! Am just whiny today...

2012-01-22 00:12:13 (EST)

ZinniaTung Wth!
2012-01-22 00:11:13 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ya!! And it's in my right arm!!

2012-01-22 00:11:09 (EST)

ZinniaTung :( this is so not coool

2012-01-22 00:09:01 (EST)

ZinniaTung It did, now it's in my shoulder! My body is possessed by a jin I guess *rolls eyes*
2012-01-22 00:08:03 (EST)

ZinniaTung But it's not gas tho.. It's a weird numbing sensation, like the one u get when ur foot sleeps
2012-01-22 00:02:59 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahaha!! Remindind me of that, I need to copy all those down!!! ;) thank youz!!
2012-01-22 00:00:49 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ah! Will try it tommorrow, my friend suGgested hot oil massage
2012-01-21 23:59:48 (EST)

ZinniaTung I don't wanna die! :(

2012-01-21 23:58:11 (EST)

ZinniaTung It's weird tho, never had it before, sometimes it's my lowerback, then shoulder then now it's my right knee.. Maybe I guess..
2012-01-21 23:58:03 (EST)

ZinniaTung Don't know, I have this tingly feeling in my back , like I pinched
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a nerve or my frnd said maybe coz it's a lil too cold that's why!?scared
2012-01-21 23:54:53 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ya, I dunno what's wrong.. I think am going to die.. (Ok, maybe am exaggerating a little) but my body is going cuckkooo
2012-01-21 23:40:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then I snuggle up to you, wrap your arm around me & close my eyes... I hope your sleep is sweet & you wake to a fresh & happy day. :-)
2012-01-21 15:58:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you in bed, kiss your cheek & just sit by your side for a while, watching you sleep & smile as my hands gently caress your dreams...
2012-01-21 15:57:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, you went to bed really late, my dear. I just had dinner, then checked the time, freshened up and... your lady is ready to join...
2012-01-21 15:57:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I know it is annoying & it makes me feel so embarrassed but... please do allow us to meet. Please, my dear. Pretty please.
2012-01-21 14:21:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your lips & kiss them softy, sweetly... Yes, I will join you very soon & wrap myself in your arms... :-)
2012-01-21 13:40:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, see? You found the right place... ;-) Good night, my sweetest. Sleep soundly, dream beautifully. I run the tip of my tongue along...
2012-01-21 13:40:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Did I? Smile, then yes, that one.

2012-01-21 13:26:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your tweet.

2012-01-21 13:24:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Please let's curl up under the covers and cuddle us to sleep... It is almost tomorrow there :-)
2012-01-21 13:24:05 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ So lovely... :-)

2012-01-21 13:20:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exactly. Some people might be confused about the Pieta because they cannot see any beauty in it...
2012-01-21 13:19:29 (EST)

alotus_poetry :) It's for RTs, mentions, favs, comments, conversations, etc. :) Hence my reason for saying "#gratitude for everything"! & being a friend!
2012-01-21 13:10:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just listened to it. I don't like it that much either. Oh, the Pieta is indeed very beautiful. Good question dear. People are different...
2012-01-21 13:08:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, why confused?

2012-01-21 13:03:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Etta James? I will have to look it up. So, seems like you don't like the song that much... :-)
2012-01-21 13:01:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it means we have to do it again... & again...with the rec. button turned off... ;-)
2012-01-21 12:23:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aww, I thank you darling. So so much! I wish I could hug you tight :-) Me too... every second, every lil thing...just not our first kiss ;-)
2012-01-21 11:54:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And there is the recipe! God, it makes me smile & sad at the same time... I miss you. I miss you, I miss you and... I miss you. Sniff.
2012-01-21 11:49:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yep. And I made the sweet potatoes just because you weren't feeling well. Remember? I was shuttling between you & the potatoes ;-)
2012-01-21 11:48:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) It was darling, it was... Smile, I am glad you liked it. I loved everything you made. No, really.
2012-01-21 11:41:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ And I have the most overwhelming craving for your hug and kiss... Oh, your sweet kiss, your soft lips... Mmm, sigh. :-)
2012-01-21 11:32:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. It is. But with you... it was so so lovely, dear. I am missing our shared time together very much.
2012-01-21 11:29:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And to be honest, sometimes I just don't feel like cooking for myself & I don't like to eat alone.
2012-01-21 11:19:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because I had late breakfast & didn't feel hungry at lunch time.
2012-01-21 11:17:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A clumsy curtsey & a :-) My pleasure, dear. Please... really do it. Sigh. Yes, I had. But no lunch...will go & buy something in a bit.
2012-01-21 11:03:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh and please, you are welcome to come over anytime. Just please do it. My sweet darling... sigh.
2012-01-21 10:55:40 (EST)

ZinniaTung Work on the weekends

2012-01-21 10:54:39 (EST)

ZinniaTung Good morning! I did sleep well, but have to go to work, so no lazy saturday unfortunately
2012-01-21 10:52:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Late dinner, dear. Just looked it up... sounds and looks yummy. :-) Hm, day's going normal... would be more lovely if you were here.
2012-01-21 10:51:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, where are you?

2012-01-21 10:46:54 (EST)

syahidahz Nope..not strange at all. I understand where you're coming from. And if you want to, you can treat me like a kid sister.=)
2012-01-21 10:00:11 (EST)

syahidahz Irregardless, thank you for your concern for me. It's much appreciated.=)
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2012-01-21 09:56:19 (EST)

syahidahz I don't mind them at all. In fact, I do appreciate your questions. But I do wonder why you feel so.
2012-01-21 09:55:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh please, pretty please... come darling & cook for me. Smile.
2012-01-21 09:55:08 (EST)

syahidahz I feel that somehow both thought me something about the other. The process of growing is felt intensely through both my love and writing.=)
2012-01-21 09:49:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, all set darling. Everything is packed. Ooh, she is very happy, not an "I told you so" look but "so happy to have you back" look ;-)
2012-01-21 09:48:38 (EST)

syahidahz Nope..was never interested. Have always been a writer.

2012-01-21 09:44:59 (EST)

syahidahz's a pity you dropped the idea. The shopping festival is quite great. =)
2012-01-21 09:43:18 (EST)

syahidahz's journalism. Yeah..I do plan to move but it's all not too certain yet.
2012-01-21 09:42:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wish that too. I'd love more than anything else to be there & doing sweet nothings & smile & feel happy & cuddle & hug & kiss...ahhh!
2012-01-21 09:39:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... undershirt wants to be taken off & thrown into my arms. ;-p You really miss me? It feels good, darling. :-)
2012-01-21 09:39:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I meant it goes well with your undershirt. Not to...blush. More exactly, the color of my tiny shorts. Or so :-) Oh, ha! Actually your...
2012-01-21 09:38:40 (EST)

syahidahz How could you remember such detail? And yeah..all is good now. I will be done with school soon in fact.
3273 / 4823

2012-01-21 09:36:58 (EST)

syahidahz Lets just both keep our respective secrets =)

2012-01-21 09:33:21 (EST)

syahidahz Lets take it as my last bits of secret in each thought. =)

2012-01-21 09:28:24 (EST)

syahidahz I can't tell how you knew but yes, to a certain extent I am..not really out of decorum but just because.
2012-01-21 09:18:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, how is your knee? Your lil' darling is ok, just... you know... missing her darling sir. Just finished ironing.
2012-01-21 08:54:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet :-) Stretch into my arms darling for a smiling kiss... No temple visit? Then I stay in tiny goes to your undershirt ;-p
2012-01-21 08:53:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet darling dozed off. Sweet :-) I wish I could lie down beside you & hug you tenderly to me... I miss you immensely.
2012-01-21 06:59:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now reading your recipe tweets... there's poetry even in that. Brilliant and oh so dainty delicate. Smile.
2012-01-21 06:24:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I was there, you wouldn't feel drowsy, darling... ;-) Wait a second, on my way to the bed...but my hair is still wet. Is it ok for you?
2012-01-21 05:59:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then...don't hesitate darling, come & let's roll in bed ;-) Why not? Dentists are ok. Yep, it's better for your knee if you don't do Tai Chi
2012-01-21 05:47:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... at your lady in her bikini, standing at the stove ;-p After cooking we could laze around & rolling in bed & giggling & cuddling :-)
2012-01-21 05:39:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, yes, trust me, cooking would be fun. Just think of the sizzling oil... and if you are not convinced enough, then look...
2012-01-21 05:38:35 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I am not sure I understand... what did you skip? Tai Chi or dentist? Had a lovely, happy, colorful lunch?
2012-01-21 05:37:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are freshly bathed too! Perfect! :-) I would have so loved to soak in an oil bath with you... Oooh, sigh.
2012-01-21 05:37:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... bathed, lovely smelling, wrapped in a towel, waiting to be twirled around... be careful, otherwise I might lose the towel ;-p
2012-01-21 05:37:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your sweet butterfly wiped the dust with her soft wings, swept & mopped the house then took a late bath... and here she is, freshly...
2012-01-21 05:36:42 (EST)

agatekartik Yeah one of her sites is down i guess - but her art work is on the wp
2012-01-21 05:30:40 (EST)

agatekartik Strange - wrodpress page does open here Reason? Nothing specific, thought u might like her poetry n art, so shared with a few folks
2012-01-21 05:24:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... cuddling and teasing and... sigh. Yes, I miss those days more than words can say. :-( I miss you & would love to be with you, dear.
2012-01-21 01:38:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...cuddling and teasing and... sigh. Yes, I miss those days more than words can say. :-( I miss you & would love to be with you, dear.
2012-01-21 01:38:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hugging & kissing & playing in the kitchen, then watch a nice movie curled up in each other's arms & continue kissing and...
2012-01-21 01:37:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, that would be incredibly wonderful! But why pizza? You are in the mood for food, no? ;-) Let's cook something together...
2012-01-21 01:36:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Your poor knee. I'd say do skip your Tai Chi. Or... I don't know. Maybe it would help a little but maybe it would make it worse... Hmm.
2012-01-21 01:36:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I see. More powerful & more profound...Divine beyond comprehension ahh :-) You don't have to use the word muse.
2012-01-21 01:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling dear. Glad you slept well, I did too- you know, like a stone ;-) felt so exhausted last night...
2012-01-21 01:35:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. I can't help it, dear. Every part, every cell, every atom, every molecule of my being aches for you. It's maddening & painful.
2012-01-20 15:15:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I took my phone to bed with me, just to kiss you once more & hug you to me in my tiny PJ's... before closing my eyes, dreaming of you
2012-01-20 15:14:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly & in dreams running over grass with your lady, hand in hand, barefoot, chasing smiling butterflies... :-)
2012-01-20 14:40:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, I will take a quick shower & curl into your arms. Oh, how I miss your arms around me... You have no clue, my sweetest.
2012-01-20 14:40:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... anything that inspires can be a muse :-) To me, a muse is a person who inspires & gives someone the desire to create art... in any form.
2012-01-20 14:39:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, I was on the phone with Renata. Her hello to you :-) Well, a muse can be different for each person. And I think...
2012-01-20 14:39:23 (EST)

syahidahz Good night, E. Have a beautiful day tomorrow.=)

2012-01-20 14:10:37 (EST)

syahidahz You should get your rest then.=)

2012-01-20 13:58:01 (EST)

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syahidahz I're two hours late then. :p

2012-01-20 13:48:15 (EST)

syahidahz 5:00 is early! What time is it over there now?

2012-01-20 13:45:46 (EST)

syahidahz It does a little but I'll manage with love. So are you a fellow insomniac or..?
2012-01-20 13:40:04 (EST)

syahidahz A confirmed one. And being so allows me to write, tragically or not. The words find me in the depths of night.
2012-01-20 13:36:04 (EST)

syahidahz I am! Haha..but I'm also an insomniac.

2012-01-20 13:32:05 (EST)

syahidahz Yes it is. It's half past 2.

2012-01-20 13:26:36 (EST)

the_radish publish a book!

2012-01-20 13:25:19 (EST)

the_radish I must say tho that your poetry is very nice dear. indeed you should write
2012-01-20 13:25:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you take care of your knee. :-) A very soft sweet slow kiss on your lips... Good night. :-)
2012-01-20 13:22:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, yes, let's go to bed. Already there, waiting to be hugged and cuddled all over. ;-) Sleep sweetly, darling with gentle dreams.
2012-01-20 13:22:36 (EST)

the_radish :D . hry its late there...don't let me keep you up

2012-01-20 13:22:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I felt happy reading them... You have made me very happy, darling. :-) I miss those times...
2012-01-20 13:22:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep. Something like that. And also a special someone... as you
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said, the reason of the words. I was the reason of your tweets to me, no? ;-)
2012-01-20 13:21:52 (EST)

the_radish ha. you r anything but is late there...we should try n skype sometime again
2012-01-20 13:20:06 (EST)

the_radish how are you my beloved Anand? I hope things are well n happy in Madras. Miss our chats still :) Sending you better! :)
2012-01-20 13:14:00 (EST)

the_radish we r doing great! they grow up sooo fast. heavy snowfall here so we have forts, snow angels and lovely walks
2012-01-20 13:12:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you also wrote tweets for others... so, you did have some temporary muses. :-)
2012-01-20 13:08:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And btw... I was your muse when you wrote those tweets for me, so... don't say you haven't had any. ;-)
2012-01-20 13:06:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Please look at the time... shall we snuggle up under the covers & cuddle a bit before sleeping? Please... it would be wonderful.
2012-01-20 13:02:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and thoughts and emotions, etc. At least I think so... And yes, in your case the Gods and Goddesses. :-)
2012-01-20 13:00:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you know what I meant... And if you need a muse, just let me know... ;-p No, seriously, you are your own muse, your feelings...
2012-01-20 13:00:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-01-20 12:54:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, and don't forget about #sixwordsplusone makes no sense...

2012-01-20 12:50:40 (EST)

ZinniaTung :)
3278 / 4823

2012-01-20 12:50:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, Anand. Very much. I wish I was your muse on days when words don't come easy... shy smile.
2012-01-20 12:48:02 (EST)

ZinniaTung All in one you see, ;)

2012-01-20 12:41:23 (EST)

ZinniaTung Haha, why thank you.. U have redeemed yourself.. Just a little bit!
2012-01-20 12:35:33 (EST)

ZinniaTung Ah, ya well saggizz unpredictability runs thru my viens

2012-01-20 12:35:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love them darling and you know that. Somehow, I can't imagine you feeling like that... you are like a dam of words, about to burst... :-)
2012-01-20 12:32:38 (EST)

ZinniaTung What's that supposed to mean?? :(

2012-01-20 12:31:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your last 2 tweets are very beautiful. Well, actually all your lil' poems are beautiful... Sigh.
2012-01-20 12:24:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, absolutely. I loved to work with children. I miss it somehow.

2012-01-20 12:17:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, get up, get ready, go to work, go home, etc... Sigh. It was nice to be a child... :-)
2012-01-20 12:11:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... curious kids... and then to see the sparkle in their eyes while explaining them things... :-) Heavenly.
2012-01-20 12:09:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! No way, let your undershirt decide... btw, it was happy to have my hands under it... ;-) Oh, that's good, very nice! Nothing like...
2012-01-20 12:08:47 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ How about you? Had a pleasant day?

2012-01-20 11:59:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure, together with your undershirt ;-p The day was exhausting. I so need that hug darling...Hugging you back, resting my head on your chest
2012-01-20 11:58:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? ;-) Hope you know that your knee hurts because it needs my sweet soft kiss... Really. Just ask your knee... ;-p
2012-01-20 11:50:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Better than nothing... Sigh. Let me kiss your knee, my dear. I really don't know what to do...I hate that I can't be there... or you here.
2012-01-20 11:37:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So sorry. Nowhere? Then... don't forget to get a new one. Well, it is no help for now... Sigh. I wish my hands could fly across lands...
2012-01-20 11:11:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please rest your knee, darling. For now, a hot towel should work too...
2012-01-20 10:50:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Bathroom, kitchen, under the bed- smile, maybe in one of your bags?
2012-01-20 10:48:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe wrap a little towel, soaked in hot water around your knee... Please try it.
2012-01-20 10:38:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, no water bag? I have one, shall I come over & take care of your knee? My sweet darling, I would so so so love to do it... sigh.
2012-01-20 10:38:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to kiss your knee softly & place a water bag nicely on it. How was your day? How are you? I miss you constantly, dear.
2012-01-20 10:12:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Home now too. Yes, the traffic was horrible here too. Hope you know that you still owe me a ride... Please do rest your knee.
2012-01-20 10:12:33 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ And it isn't a disappointment, dear...I wish it was just that. I am leaving for home now. Yes, missing you...
2012-01-20 08:15:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I wasn't sulking. Really not. I am sorry for making you feel like I am taking it out on you. I didn't mean to...
2012-01-20 08:08:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be away for a few hours. Please do take care... My sweet sweet darling... a deep sigh & a gentle smile.
2012-01-20 05:11:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, if you understood how I feel, you wouldn't be angry with me...For now, I hope your day is fine & lovely. A lil' kiss for your nose
2012-01-20 04:03:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you expect me to be happy & smile? Tell me how? All I want is to be held by you... I miss you very much, darling.
2012-01-20 01:57:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How is your day? Darling, what process? I don't need to lose my mood, but this all... it pains me greatly.
2012-01-20 01:57:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. Yes, I slept well & hope you did too. No sun in sight, dear. It is overcast & cold here. Yes, many birds...
2012-01-20 01:56:44 (EST)

KrisLindbeck Well, I got the extra pleasure of noticing. You're on my FavStar list -- I think I found you there.
2012-01-19 19:35:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May you wake up with a smile to clear blue skies & sunshine. :) I miss you. And I love you. Have a sweet pleasant day.
2012-01-19 15:38:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly my darling & you do feel the soft warmth of my body against yours... My sweet sweet dear lovely darling...
2012-01-19 15:34:18 (EST)

3281 / 4823

_stoicOne_ I snuggle up behind you now, kiss your smile & hold youclose... my arms around your waist, my cheek against your back... Ooh, dreamy sigh.
2012-01-19 15:33:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My lovely darling, I wish you could feel how I feel... I wish you could see into my lil' heart... & hear the faint whisper of my butterflies
2012-01-19 15:33:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My mood changes like a leaf in the wind... And I miss you so! My sweet Anand, I miss you. I need your arms wrapped around me tightly...
2012-01-19 11:37:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not complaining... just noticed that you are busy with something... and it is very late, so... that's all.
2012-01-19 11:30:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But well, then again... good night. Sleep sweetly. I hug you tight as you twirl me & kiss your cute nose...
2012-01-19 11:27:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? That's why... you were away... Or should I have waited for your good night DM? Sigh. I miss you, Anand.
2012-01-19 11:24:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Because it is bedtime for you... and... I don't know.

2012-01-19 11:15:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm. :-| No, I am not busy.

2012-01-19 11:10:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, never mind... Good night. Wishing you a restful sleep & cheerful dreams. A sweet soft kiss on your lips & eyes...
2012-01-19 11:07:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missed you. Tried to hurry home...

2012-01-19 11:01:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was ok. Lots of driving.

2012-01-19 10:57:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, ok.

2012-01-19 10:53:38 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ You seem to be busy with something... Hope my hugging you doesn't disturb you... Shy smile. Sigh, yes, I'd so love to be held by you...
2012-01-19 10:50:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I don't think he would be happy... Anyway, it is not my problem, so...
2012-01-19 10:44:39 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you for the listing=)

2012-01-19 10:36:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, don't think it would help. He is a Jewish guy, perhaps it is not allowed to bath every day :-|
2012-01-19 10:34:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, good question. He is a pleasant person & very quiet but... he smells unpleasant. Oops.
2012-01-19 10:12:22 (EST)

dgdreamin :))) how's your day? It's sunny and very chilly here. Winter can't make up it's mind... On a temperature seesaw.
2012-01-19 10:10:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... does the translation & such...

2012-01-19 10:07:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ He worked in Germany but they don't need him any more. Yep, my ex is the managing director there & he does need someone who...
2012-01-19 10:07:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was your day? Had dinner? I'd so love to get that kiss now... and then some more. Please...Sigh.
2012-01-19 10:00:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My hand is very good, so I can gently massage your head & temples. Yes I know, you have tiger balm, but still... :-)
2012-01-19 09:59:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. I am sorry. There's a new guy (from Ukraine) in the office & I had to drive him back to the hotel. The drive was stressful.
2012-01-19 09:59:09 (EST)

3283 / 4823

KrisLindbeck Thanks for including me in your list dear thoughtful "?"

2012-01-19 09:00:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I pull you to me & kiss you deep and long... God! How I miss that. How I miss you! Sad sigh. Hope your day is fine, my darling.
2012-01-19 04:13:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I have to leave now. Driving to the office. It rained & it's very cold, so... the streets are icy now. No, no speeding.
2012-01-19 04:13:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... if I wrap my legs around your neck & you hold me, it should work... ;-)
2012-01-19 03:38:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh really? Darling, no matter in what position... just kiss my hips & I am happy. But I can't do handstand.
2012-01-19 03:32:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... my legs, kissing my hips... or you on your knees (this I love more ;-p), doing the same. Sigh. So, I do have to bend down, then... ;-)
2012-01-19 03:15:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yum! Who cooked it? Miss your cooking very much... Well, you kissed my hips right? I imagined you, sitting on a chair, your arms around...
2012-01-19 03:14:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank god! Be careful dear, no pizza today... :-) They are beautiful. And the feel of them... ahhh. I bend down & kiss the top of your head
2012-01-19 01:56:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet small kisses on your nose, cheeks, chin and lips my dear... on tiptoe, hands on your hips...
2012-01-19 01:43:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? How is your stomach? Oh, if only...You have beautiful, soft, gentle fingers...I could play with them for hours...
2012-01-19 01:42:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. I could've slept more but I slept ok. How about you? Slept sweetly? Feeling all fresh & smiling?
2012-01-19 01:42:03 (EST)
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agatekartik Have a look - dancer (bharatnatyam, ballet, jazz), painter, poet -
2012-01-19 01:15:23 (EST)

ZinniaTung True.. Well I do as long as they are not creepy, :)

2012-01-18 23:05:08 (EST)

ZinniaTung I think I shud write that on the pic , just in case ,

2012-01-18 23:01:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Haha, naaa..

2012-01-18 23:00:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung Bahaha! It's supposed to represent a stone or an obstacle and 'monk' is leaning against it "Zen way of dealing w obstacle" wanted to change
2012-01-18 22:57:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I sit by your side, take your hand in mine & kiss it softly as my fingers lace with yours... Hope your sleep is sweet & your morning bright.
2012-01-18 15:47:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, even the waiting & missing you was sweet, because I knew I will be with you, but now... just look at those wilted butterflies...
2012-01-18 11:52:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you terribly and it hurts me too much. Sigh, just to hug you and hold you in my arms... My sweet Anand... :-(
2012-01-18 11:27:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing happened, but yes... I am not ok. You know the reason, so... there's nothing else to say. Good night, sweet darling.
2012-01-18 11:19:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. Please go to bed... you really should get some sleep.
2012-01-18 11:12:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is not ok at all...

2012-01-18 11:09:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss on your temples & a slow sweet one on your lips. Sigh yes... I will join you in a bit. If only... words, just words... Sad sigh.
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2012-01-18 11:05:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is getting late there, so... good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly with tender dreams.
2012-01-18 11:05:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, blush... no no... I did pack a lot yesterday evening. :-)
2012-01-18 11:04:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. Very very much. I feel like a bird without a song... It is lonely without you...
2012-01-18 10:54:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day went quietly... Just done with office work and almost done with packing too. I was way too fast... :-|
2012-01-18 10:43:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Someday... I will let you know when I have a bad tummy, but... I will need you to make it for me. ;-)
2012-01-18 10:31:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had to look up carrom seeds... :-) ugh, in a betel leaf? But well, if it helps... hopefully it does.
2012-01-18 10:26:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As always darling... ;-p

2012-01-18 10:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I can't help it, darling... and I would love to caress and rub your tummy... not your undershirt ;-)
2012-01-18 10:15:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... rubbing your poor tummy, drawing soft circles on your skin, making you giggle.
2012-01-18 10:03:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! I am here, just changed into something more comfortable... ;-) Pulling your undershirt up, kissing your bellybutton and...
2012-01-18 10:02:59 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you dear. =)

2012-01-18 09:53:18 (EST)

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syahidahz I'm good today..aching to write as always. How are you?=)

2012-01-18 09:50:17 (EST)

syahidahz As much as I love it, sadly it's not mine to claim. Just a photo founded on the internet.
2012-01-18 09:47:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Poor you. But then... the pizza was ok. Shall I rub your tummy? I will be very gentle. :-)
2012-01-18 09:44:54 (EST)

syahidahz Ahh..I see! Haha. I don't even know why I'm drawn to this photo. I just really like story attached.=)
2012-01-18 09:44:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not good. Did it disagree only with you or with the stomach of others too? A lil' kiss on your tummy... I would've loved to drive you home..
2012-01-18 09:37:48 (EST)

syahidahz AVI pic?? I'm not sure what you mean.

2012-01-18 09:33:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you a sweet welcome home... Feels good to be home this early? How was the drive home? How are you?
2012-01-18 08:53:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care. I will be waiting for you with the sweetest kiss & a happy squeezing hug...
2012-01-18 06:36:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ This, I didn't know...

2012-01-18 05:26:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No evening meeting? That's great! Happy. Well, you had it yesterday...
2012-01-18 05:22:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back to boring meetings... Aww, smiling at the image of you, sitting in the room, yawning & propping your head on your hand... ;-p
2012-01-18 05:22:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sir seems to be very busy... Can you please tell him that I miss him a lot? A soft kiss is already on its way to land on his nose..
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2012-01-18 05:14:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, just the thought of your kiss on my wrists...Sigh :-) I kiss you sweetly on your lips & wrap you in my fresh sweet scented embrace...
2012-01-18 01:21:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day will be about some office work & packing... Daily chores too. Just the normal stuff. Hmm.
2012-01-18 01:20:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I too hope that your day is nice & pleasant-busy. No sun in sight, my dear. It is still dark, overcast & very cold here. :-)
2012-01-18 01:19:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling Anand, good morning. Glad you slept well, I did too. Woke up with a smile? How are you feeling? How goes your day?
2012-01-18 01:19:24 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you!=)

2012-01-17 23:59:19 (EST)

syahidahz I don't even know..the worth of words seems like a beauty I have yet to fully unveil.
2012-01-17 23:47:01 (EST)

syahidahz In my heart is all of me, the real tears and words and longing silence. His voice rings in each beat, and my heart follows through with ink.
2012-01-17 23:18:40 (EST)

syahidahz You're too kind with your praises. I feel so unworthy of such praise.
2012-01-17 22:54:27 (EST)

syahidahz Your wonderful encouragement gives me so many more reasons to write.=)

2012-01-17 22:30:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... lady will join you soon & hold you in her arms through the night. :-) A gentle kiss on your forehead, my darling. Oh, how I miss you!
2012-01-17 12:14:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have missed you again :-( But I hope your day was fine, had a lovely dinner & already sleeping... & smiling softly, knowing that your...
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2012-01-17 12:13:34 (EST)

syahidahz Thanks for the many favs tonight! Glad you like the tweets=)
2012-01-17 12:11:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Just now saw your DM... what a sweet sweet surprise! :-) How are you? Some more warm lovely hugs...? ;-)
2012-01-17 11:51:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, you are not... I wish I was there, sitting behind you on your bike, holding you close, keeping you warm with my body heat...
2012-01-17 10:43:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in the office?

2012-01-17 10:25:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wrap your kiss around my neck like a scarf... it goes perfectly to my white shirt & dark blue jeans... ;-) Thank you.
2012-01-17 10:24:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly, darling. I will join you in a short while and wrap myself around you... Good night, my sweetest. Sniff, sigh & a lil' :-)
2012-01-17 10:12:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, sniff. It means you don't log in, right? :-( Please take care darling. A soft kiss & a tight hug await you in your bed.
2012-01-17 10:12:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's true :-)

2012-01-17 10:06:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No way, you know how much I love your undershirt... ;-p
2012-01-17 09:49:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That kiss is sneaking under your shirt now... and undershirt... slowly moving down your chest to your navel & an inch below ;-p
2012-01-17 09:46:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, sad sigh... But I understand. It will be very late... & you need time for dinner, freshen yourself for bed, etc...
2012-01-17 09:40:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy :-) How goes the meeting? Hope the people in the room
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don't notice my kiss that crawl up your shirt's buttons... ;-)

2012-01-17 09:40:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just now realized... you will get home very late. How is your sweet soft tummy? It must feel hungry... :-|
2012-01-17 08:31:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are taking care & the traffic isn't horrible... Many many lil' sweet kisses on places where you most like to be kissed.
2012-01-17 08:28:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Well, were... because you are on the road again...You on a bike.... ahh :-) How are you, darling? How was your Tai Chi?
2012-01-17 08:28:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, hope the drive to the Tai Chi & back to the office is as smooth as in the morning & hope you leave the class feeling great :-)
2012-01-17 07:23:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love table tennis! I played a lot when I was young. :-) Had a nice lunch? Sigh, sometimes there's too much blue in missing you...
2012-01-17 04:11:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and bite them gently... ;-) I miss you. My sweet Anand... Sigh.
2012-01-17 04:04:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A soft kiss is on its way to you, to tiptoe up your arm onto your shoulder & skate over the skin of your neck, finding your earlobes...
2012-01-17 04:04:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Huh :-) I lift my shirt so your kiss can sneak under it and nuzzle into my bellybutton ;-p
2012-01-17 02:51:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Perfect! Darling, I meant when I drive I get all red lights. And you got all green... wow!
2012-01-17 02:15:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... but just to be around you, to be with you... Your laconic spallow lady... Smile. No, really.
2012-01-17 02:11:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you Anand. Very much. I would so love to hug you now &
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kiss you softly... Sigh. There are days when I don't want to talk...
2012-01-17 02:10:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well too & feel fresh. Today going to be less busy... Smile, when I drive, I have to stop at every signal light. Bad luck.
2012-01-17 02:09:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How's your day? I hope it is pleasant even if busy...with no hectic. All's well with the software? Ready to release?
2012-01-17 02:09:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling. Glad you slept well & had a smooth lovely sunny drive. :-) A nice way to start your super busy day... :-)
2012-01-17 02:08:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I hope you are sleeping sweetly. Yes, I join you now & kiss your shoulder as I hug you & hold you close to me...
2012-01-16 16:19:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You have a very cute, sweet nose. I love it. And your hands too. I miss your hands. Your gentle fingers on my skin...your lips... everything
2012-01-16 11:51:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) that would be wonderful. I remember rubbing our noses together, playing... smiling & kissing each other. I miss that a lot. Good night
2012-01-16 11:49:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly and hug you to lovely sweet scented me... Good night, my sweet darling.
2012-01-16 11:47:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then don't skip it. Simple. Wishing you a restful sleep & lovely dreams that make you smile in your sleep. A sweet kiss on your eyes & lips.
2012-01-16 11:46:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh, your tomorrow is really packed... and I guess you don't want to skip your Tai Chi...
2012-01-16 11:41:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, really... I would give anything just to hold you again...
2012-01-16 11:32:49 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I would so love to be there now... gently rubbing your tummy... :-) Yes, it is late, and tomorrow is working day again, right?
2012-01-16 11:32:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Oh so happy! Let me kiss your tummy, dear...still feeling like a stuffed turkey? :-) Mmm, your chocolate laced kiss tastes heavenly ;-)
2012-01-16 11:26:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet sir? Having a late dinner or has fallen asleep? Sigh. I am sorry for being away... :-(
2012-01-16 11:09:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back too. :-) How sweet of you! Yum! I thank you darling, do think of me when you eat it. Sniff. :-) All is well with your mom?
2012-01-16 10:16:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I too, have to go to the store. Will be back asap to cover you in soft playful butterfly kisses...
2012-01-16 08:48:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is going ok, darling. It is busier than expected, but it is ok. And yes, I miss you.
2012-01-16 07:49:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are taking care on your way & you come back from the store with something sweet for your lady... ;-)
2012-01-16 07:48:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did leave the room after you dozed off... then got lost in work & totally forgot to check on you. Sorry. How can I make it up to you? ;-)
2012-01-16 07:47:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the solution was there all the time, hiding from your eyes... it was just waiting to be found... :-) Fantastic.
2012-01-16 07:19:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back my sweetest :-) 40 min. isn't that much but hope your rest was sweet. Wow, so happy to hear that the puzzle is finally solved!
2012-01-16 07:19:25 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Good day to you too : )

2012-01-16 04:27:21 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ;-) Of course it is. Ahh, if only... Rest sweetly, my darling. I would so love to hold you close to me while you snore softly... :-)
2012-01-16 04:21:26 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Thank you - I shall have a look when I get a tea break. Work calls : )
2012-01-16 04:19:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...pretend to be still asleep & peek as you do all the chores...but would've got out of bed the moment you are done with prep. breakfast ;-p
2012-01-16 04:05:47 (EST)

feltsensejunkie thank you : )

2012-01-16 04:05:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not super fresh, just... fresh fresh. :-) Oh, don't worry darling, I don't mind one bit. I would've stayed in bed even if I was awake...
2012-01-16 04:04:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... while you purr & stretch & smile & feel like you are in heaven and then let my lips follow the same trail my hands have taken... :-)
2012-01-16 04:04:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, pampering & scratching a stuffed turkey sounds like a dream... ;-p Seriously, I would happily scratch you all over...
2012-01-16 04:03:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ridiculous? Most certainly not, my darling :-) It is nothing new that you do the opposite of what you say... & then blaming the keyboard ;-p
2012-01-16 04:03:24 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Inability - my brain has been too hectic the last few nights and doesn't want to cooperate with my body.
2012-01-16 04:00:08 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Lack of sleep and an over active mind... : )

2012-01-16 03:51:10 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Hahaha!! Duly noted. Tomato brain it is! Tomatoes get hiccups? Haha! ; )
2012-01-16 03:47:06 (EST)

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feltsensejunkie Haha! I fear my clumsy side would land me in deep trouble and cause a splatter of great proportions with this scenario! : )
2012-01-16 03:42:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for a lil' while then go through the app again, point by point to find out where the sticking point is...
2012-01-16 03:13:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, darling. I doubt that I could help you but I could pamper you with my sweetness & distract your mind...
2012-01-16 03:13:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is it going with the app? I hope you find that missing puzzle piece. Maybe it is so small that you overlook...
2012-01-16 03:12:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sir seem to be in a contemplative, pondering mood today. :-) No, I won't strain myself, but I do have some office work to do.
2012-01-16 03:12:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Please don't forget about the earrings, too. :-) No office today? That's wonderful! As I see, you didn't stay away...
2012-01-16 03:11:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a bit late. I think I needed that. Your lady is all fresh & lovely today :-) and cannot wait to receive your beautiful jewelery set ;-)
2012-01-16 03:11:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Glad you slept well & feel well-rested. I slept like a stone & didn't hear the alarm, so I woke up...
2012-01-16 03:10:34 (EST)

OliviaDresher I love snow in the city neighborhoods. The aesthetics of it on house rooftops and decorating a variety of trees.
2012-01-16 00:37:21 (EST)

OliviaDresher As a child, on Christmas Eve, I used to pray for snow (and this was in warm Southern California). As if snow meant proof of god.
2012-01-16 00:32:42 (EST)

OliviaDresher I would love for you to see snow fall! It would bring out the child in you, for sure. It is magical. Snow filling the night is light.
2012-01-16 00:31:03 (EST)
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OliviaDresher Yes, I'm being more careful. Haven't been out of the house in 3 days because of ice/snow. Snowflakes DO sigh, a chorus of sighs.
2012-01-16 00:19:53 (EST)

OliviaDresher I slipped on some ice in the dark outside while walking; also hit my forehead on a table and it was a deep wound (went to the hospital)...
2012-01-16 00:05:18 (EST)

OliviaDresher Basically, was your stay in the U.S. OK, or are you glad to be home? Or are you ready to travel again?
2012-01-15 23:37:12 (EST)

OliviaDresher I suffered two accidents recently, but never tweeted about them... I'm OK now, but might have a permanent slight scar on my forehead.
2012-01-15 23:34:59 (EST)

OliviaDresher I imagine your eyes are beautifully alive. My fingers smell like herbs. Where I cut myself is finally no longer bleeding.
2012-01-15 23:32:20 (EST)

OliviaDresher Hello, I can almost feel your eyes.

2012-01-15 23:24:30 (EST)

OliviaDresher When I go up to a cat in the neighborhood that I "know", I always greet it like it's the first time.
2012-01-15 23:17:04 (EST)

OliviaDresher I would love to meet all over again...

2012-01-15 23:16:13 (EST)

OliviaDresher My books are right now IN my kitchen. Actually, on my breakfast nook table. Where Courtney sat when I made her dinner.
2012-01-15 23:14:45 (EST)

OliviaDresher But I remember you, eroteme, I haven't shed that skin of memory.
2012-01-15 23:12:55 (EST)

OliviaDresher Oh my dear eroteme, you will always be dear to me.

2012-01-15 23:10:59 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Well, off to shower & join you... :-) Sweet happy sunlightflavored kisses for your morning, darling & lovely wishes for a gorgeous day/week
2012-01-15 14:17:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I almost forgot! What about the application? How many days left for the release? I hope all goes well...
2012-01-15 14:07:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping sweetly & smiling in your sleep knowing that your lady is holding you... :-)
2012-01-15 14:06:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and join you in bed, snuggle up behind you, kiss your nape & hold you tenderly to me. If only, my sweetest... if only... Sad sad sigh.
2012-01-15 14:05:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I am so extremely tired, I can't even think straight. I will take a quick shower now, get into my tiny PJ's
2012-01-15 14:04:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a necklace, a nice bracelet and rings for each finger... all made of your soft delicate kisses. No, I am not greedy. ;-p
2012-01-15 14:04:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would've loved you to be here & cook for me & feed me & dress me in your kisses. A belt & anklets I already have, now I need...
2012-01-15 14:03:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Would you really feed your lady like that? Just knowing you would makes my heart melt... :-) Did I tell you how wonderful you are?
2012-01-15 14:03:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't get to wish you good night, kiss you long and sweet all over & cradle you in my arms... :-(
2012-01-15 14:02:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry darling, after eating we talked a little about this & that & then all I wanted is to drive home. I am so so sorry :-( Yes, home & safe
2012-01-15 14:02:08 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme awe, thank you lovey. <3 as always your words brighten my days
2012-01-15 11:10:48 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I will now eat something, but will be back soon... Tired. Really tired. I wish you were here... or I there, just to be with you...
2012-01-15 10:33:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... of something else, then return working on that application. Sometimes it helps. :-|
2012-01-15 10:31:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, gosh! That's bad. I wish I could help you somehow... Please, take a few min. break, have a tea or a piece of chocolate & think...
2012-01-15 10:31:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... them... all of them while you whistle at the non existing cobwebs... and blowing lil' butterfly winged kisses to wrap around you... :-)
2012-01-15 10:25:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had a lovely dinner? Yes, still cleaning. Feeling exhausted. I pretend like I don't notice your kisses but smiling & secretly collecting...
2012-01-15 10:25:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What application? I am sorry you are stuck, but you are a very smart, creative one, so I am sure you will solve it soon... :-)
2012-01-15 10:25:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady misses you.

2012-01-15 09:22:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Don't have many furniture anymore, so it will fit. Colors are ok. The stove is a disaster, will need a new one & a bigger fridge.
2012-01-15 09:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. You.

2012-01-15 08:23:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... where I live or how big the place is. It must be clean, that's all. The most important thing is missing... Sigh.
2012-01-15 08:16:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ One room less... but there's still enough space for you too. *hint hint* Shy smile. And to be honest, somehow it doesn't really matter...
2012-01-15 08:15:29 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ It is pretty dirty... & the bathroom too. Very much to do. Nina is happy, btw. Hmm, well I did tell you it is smaller.
2012-01-15 08:15:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok. Oh, guests? That's wonderful. Hope it was lovely & you had a really nice day. Well, I am cleaning the kitchen at the new place.
2012-01-15 08:14:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day is beautiful & lunch was delicious & you are still beaming :-) No speeding, I promise. :-) Kiss you sweetly & whoosh...
2012-01-15 05:06:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am leaving now, but will try to get online. I miss you terribly. I was hoping to "see" you before leaving, but... Sigh.
2012-01-15 05:06:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet soft nibbling kisses along your collar bone, my dear while my hands slide down your sides to hold your hips... :-)
2012-01-15 01:44:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your day sounds peaceful to me. I wish I was there, stay inside with you... or maybe go for a short walk after lunch... :-)
2012-01-15 01:44:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will drive today to see Nina mama & the babies & check that apartment again. It's smaller than my house, but well... Hmm.
2012-01-15 01:43:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... eating and don't wash "dirty" stuff in the kitchen sink. :-) Missing you, darling Anand. Very very much. It pains me a lot.
2012-01-15 01:42:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with the rituals? All went well? Smile, I remember how clumsy I was when I was there... I still wash my hands after...
2012-01-15 01:42:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a festival? How nice! But yes, I remember you telling me no festivals or any celebrations for a year, so...
2012-01-15 01:41:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... woke up at 2am, turned off the light & went back to sleep. I feel a bit wilted. I'd so love that kiss on my tummy... Sigh.
2012-01-15 01:41:09 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Slept soundly? Woke up with a smile? How do you feel today? I fell asleep reading last night...
2012-01-15 01:40:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) me too, darling, me too... More than you could ever imagine. I miss the feel of you...
2012-01-14 12:03:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit and curl into you... so you can put your hand on my belly & hold me... Sigh. Good night my sweet darling.
2012-01-14 11:55:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Sleep sweetly in wonderful dreams... Soft kisses on your temples & eyes. And a very gentle one on your lips.
2012-01-14 11:54:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, true. I'd love to learn & experience more...Silly, but sometimes it feels like I am a stranger in this world I am living in...Blush.
2012-01-14 11:49:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you.

2012-01-14 11:33:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was normal, darling. I started to pack...will vacate in 2 weeks. Again :-| My hands are good. It feels nice to have them back :-)
2012-01-14 11:32:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, your lady is from a different world, but I know what you mean & how you (might) feel. I do. I really do.
2012-01-14 11:31:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful. So very beautiful, don't know what else to say... words fail me. I am sure, the Gods feel happy too, such beauty to be offered...
2012-01-14 11:31:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, even your tweets float on a cloud and fly with the winds tonight... Beautiful.
2012-01-14 11:04:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just tease me all the way you want, dear. Sweet, very sweet :-|
2012-01-14 11:03:22 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, you know well what I meant. :-)

2012-01-14 10:53:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then, I did understand it right. :-) It sounds beautiful & peaceful & happy. But... what about your lady? Hmm? Shy smile.
2012-01-14 10:47:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I am so so happy to "see" you beaming like that. :-) What do you mean, dear? I am not sure I understand...
2012-01-14 10:42:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I believe you, dear. I can only imagine the beauty you have seen... experienced there...
2012-01-14 10:21:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sure it would have fascinated me even more... :-) Beautiful. Your world is beautiful.
2012-01-14 09:57:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... home kiss and an arm-wrap for my smiling, floating darling. :) I would have so loved to be there too,
2012-01-14 09:56:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, just knowing you tried to send me a DM makes me smile gently. You are sweet :-) And of course, a sweet happy welcome...
2012-01-14 09:56:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your Tai Chi is great & you got your chores done, too :-) Did you take your bike? Oh, a ride with you would be so much fun...Sigh & :)
2012-01-14 07:49:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I changed into black jeans & a light shirt with much blue & little white :-) The house is clean & did my Sat. shopping.
2012-01-14 07:48:47 (EST)

melancholundone hello sweet one. In april i am going to guatemala to house dog sit for about eight weeks. things are good. I hope you are well
2012-01-14 05:51:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oooh, please take your lady with you... :-) You take care too, my darling. A sweet slow kiss on your lips. Enjoy your Tai Chi :-)
2012-01-14 05:00:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, maybe because they deep down feel that you are a lesbian... but they might not know that in a body of a man... ;-p
2012-01-14 04:46:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, how I envy you... having yourself around you... can you not be around me, instead? Please? ;-) Not half as much as I miss you, dear :-)
2012-01-14 04:45:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, darling. I wish you were here... It is just not the same without you, you know?
2012-01-14 04:34:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here is the missing "d"... I meant day. Blush.

2012-01-14 04:29:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fine! What was for lunch? Your dream-temple... I do hope you will see it some ay & say... that is it! It would be fabulous :-)
2012-01-14 04:28:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where is my sweet sir? Having lunch? I just had a late breakfast... :-)
2012-01-14 03:53:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, don't confuse me. I wish you would receive a call from the US guys asking you to come back... Ahh, those times... :-)
2012-01-14 02:37:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, but not all of them was from Brazil, right? :-) And then, he was the new Brazil guy with whom was sweet to pair... right?
2012-01-14 02:34:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok. I see. Let me think... the same guy you were pairing with, right? :-|
2012-01-14 02:27:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The one you worked on in the US? Sorry, my mistake... I thought the Brazil guy you worked with... not a guy in Brazil.
2012-01-14 02:11:38 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... and my not-long-tee, nothing else. :-) Oh, it is the same Brazil colleague you mentioned in summer? The old US project or a new one?
2012-01-14 02:07:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Just for you, darling... ;-) Hmm, I don't know. Right now, I am home & will stay home for a while, so... wearing just a black leggings
2012-01-14 02:07:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am, freshly bathed, soft and smooth, wrapped in a towel, smelling sweet like spring after a fresh fall of rain. Smile.
2012-01-14 01:45:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, today is your temple evening & now you have Tai Chi too. I will be doing some cleaning & my Sat. shopping, that's all so far.
2012-01-14 00:59:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well too, woke up a little early but stayed in bed... Still in my PJ's, just about to take a bath... Smile.
2012-01-14 00:58:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If yes, maybe you should visit some day. :-) Giggling as my smiling sir kisses my arm, pull him to me and kiss him deeply. ;-)
2012-01-14 00:58:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling dear. Glad you slept well & a little longer. :-) Your dream sounds lovely, do you know that temple?
2012-01-14 00:57:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ May you wake up to a beautiful sweet Saturday :-) I miss you. There is not a second darling, not a single moment that I don't miss you.
2012-01-13 15:21:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping like a lil' boy, my darling. Wrapped around each other & in dreams walking along a lake, hand in hand... oooh, sigh.
2012-01-13 15:20:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am hungry. I will eat something little & rush back to you :-) Feeling very tired the whole day- kind of groggy. Perhaps 'cause of the med.
2012-01-13 15:19:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in your sleep. I kiss you softly & run my fingers through your
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hair... before slipping quietly out of bed to have dinner. :-)

2012-01-13 15:19:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am propping up on one elbow & watching you sleep sweetly, smiling gently as you stop snoring for a moment & pout your lips for a kiss...
2012-01-13 15:18:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not hugging but caressing... My mistake. But now I am hugging you, holding you close to me... :-) Really really.
2012-01-13 12:49:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am there, was kissing you and nibbling and hugging you while you were busy tweeting. ;-) Sleep well, darling. Good night :-)
2012-01-13 12:41:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. Silly me. My sweet darling, it's up to you and only you... and you know that.
2012-01-13 12:39:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fine! You can tweet while I try to distract you... right now, nibbling your ear... ;-p So, why did you say "me too"?
2012-01-13 12:31:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You too? What do you mean? Ahhh! I was hurrying to get ready... and you are not even in bed. Unbelievable!
2012-01-13 12:15:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a sweet night's sleep with happy dreams. I might leave the bed after you fell asleep, but will return asap. :-)
2012-01-13 12:09:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) See? Your silly the sweetest. ;-p Good night my sweet darling. I kiss your lips softly as I wrap you in my arms for...
2012-01-13 12:09:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooh, what I would give to be able to hold you again... You have no clue dear... Deep dreamy sigh.
2012-01-13 11:58:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No joke, darling. I really did it. :-) And now, let me kiss you and hug you and cuddle you and be all over you... grin. God! If only...
2012-01-13 11:56:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Tada! Here is your freshly showered, lovely smelling lady in black tiny PJ's...ready to join you under the covers & kiss you to sleep :-)
2012-01-13 11:47:18 (EST)

heartlessndark Miss you sweet one!

2012-01-13 11:34:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) busy undressing to get under the shower ;-p

2012-01-13 11:30:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with work... :-) I am all yours, darling. Hmmm, give me 15 min. to freshen up... you can wait for me in bed ;-)
2012-01-13 11:24:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling, shall I tuck you in bed, kiss you sweetly & hold you till you fall asleep?
2012-01-13 11:10:47 (EST)

dgdreamin sorry, if I gave you even a single moment of pause, or reflection. My apologies. You are delightful! xo
2012-01-13 11:07:51 (EST)

dgdreamin funny. I love her. But the only thing we probably have in common is blond hair and a love of humor & witty ppl. :)) I'm really
2012-01-13 11:07:42 (EST)

dgdreamin Oh, no! Not at all. I just got busy had failed to respond. I'm sorry. I would never get offended over something like that ;) she's too
2012-01-13 11:06:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Ooops, see? So beautiful that I had to type it twice... Blush :-D
2012-01-13 11:01:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. I really miss those days with you.

2012-01-13 11:00:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even more beautiful beautiful because of you, my dear...

2012-01-13 10:59:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, more bread... but it was delicious, and cheap, so... ;-) Sigh, in the US everything seemed beautiful...
2012-01-13 10:52:30 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Miss you, dear.

2012-01-13 10:27:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! And when and where? ;-p

2012-01-13 10:00:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sounds fine. :-) Oh a pizza... 3000, smile. Would you share it with me and then cuddle with me before sleeping? Please? :-)
2012-01-13 09:57:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kind of busy with lots of work. Nothing special. My hand is much better, thank you. :-) How is my sweet sir, how was his day?
2012-01-13 09:52:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really. Now you know what was tickling you... ;-) Welcome home. A kiss & a squeezing hug for my sweet darling.
2012-01-13 09:52:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no, not all... a little one is sneaked under your shirt, so please be careful... ;-)
2012-01-13 08:04:14 (EST)

dgdreamin just moved in last night; it's been a rather warm winter. How are things with you? Hard to believe we're almost two weeks into the new year!
2012-01-13 08:00:07 (EST)

dgdreamin Hey there! I'm doing well. Not as much tweeting except for in the morning recently. Busy. It's shivery cold here this morning, a cold front
2012-01-13 07:59:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. A surprise DM. I really didn't expect it. :-) Those impatient butterflies... hope they keep kissing you till you get home ;-)
2012-01-13 07:22:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A few butterflies just departed to find the cab & cover you in sweet soft kisses... :-)
2012-01-13 06:54:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are good, your lady is proud of you. ;-) Please take care, darling. Hope the traffic is ok... :-) Are you in the parachute too? Sigh.
2012-01-13 06:52:10 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Missing you. A plane just flew over my head... Qatar airways... probably coming from India... without my sweet darling. :-(
2012-01-13 06:45:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, now, this sounds even better. Still a new challenge, darling... ;-)
2012-01-13 04:51:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...millions you will receive from your lady. ;-) So, a new project will start next week? Never boring, always something new to create... :-)
2012-01-13 04:10:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I thought he would say no or be angry or whatever :-) You are sweet darling, and the 1000 kisses are just a few of the many...
2012-01-13 04:10:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I couldn't write earlier because the owner was here. He said I can vacate whenever I want... And I was so afraid to ask him... :-)
2012-01-13 03:06:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope everything goes fine & the day is great- despite the hectic. :-) Thousand sweet fluttering kisses from your head to toe... :-)
2012-01-13 03:02:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, wow! Months of hard work... coming to its final stage. Darling, how does it feel? Are you excited? Happy? Proud? :-)
2012-01-13 03:02:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss watching a movie with you, curled up together or having you snuggled up behind me, hugging me... sigh.
2012-01-13 03:01:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I am so happy that you slept well, I did too... and dreamt of sleeping in each other's arms. I miss you, I miss holding you.
2012-01-13 03:01:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning :-) A little early & little groggy sounds fine. Maybe it was the noise of me showering that woke you up.. ;-p
2012-01-13 03:00:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... feeling fresh & well-rested. I wish I was there to kiss you a
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happy good morning... My sweet Anand, your lady misses you. :-)
2012-01-12 14:59:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope I don't disturb your sleep, my dear but sweeten your dreams... :-) I so hope you are sleeping soundly & wake up with a smile...
2012-01-12 14:58:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is sneaking quietly under the covers, kissing your temples and holding you tenderly to her warm, soft body... :-)
2012-01-12 14:58:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I love it all, truly! I like piecing the puzzles together, this sort of allows me to do that in a lot of cases.
2012-01-12 13:20:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done with work for the day. You made me smile and feel good today. I thank you for that. :-)
2012-01-12 11:54:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know my sweet darling, sometimes it's really hard...I've never felt this kind of agony before...I miss you & want to have you in my arms
2012-01-12 10:53:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... deep, sound restful sleep and the sweetest dreams. I will join you shortly & wrap myself around you :-) Good night.
2012-01-12 10:48:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I would so love to cradle you in my arms till you fall asleep... kissing your eyes & forehead. :-) Sweet darling, wishing you a ...
2012-01-12 10:48:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had a lovely dinner? Well, you are good ;-) I try it too, but sometimes it doesn't work... Oh, a soft kiss on your eyes, darling.
2012-01-12 10:43:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I meant how could you manage... or so. Blush.

2012-01-12 10:20:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, phone meeting? How did you manage to talk, listen & write that much at the same time? Wow :-) Enjoy your dinner ;-)
2012-01-12 10:17:42 (EST)

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syahidahz Hahaha! :p
2012-01-12 10:16:14 (EST)

syahidahz I will. As long as my essence crave words, this space will always be filled. =)
2012-01-12 10:13:31 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you so much dear friend. Your words brings a smile to me tonight. =)
2012-01-12 10:10:00 (EST)

syahidahz Will do. Thank you for your willingness to listen. Sometimes a stranger's words feels kinder than the voice of a close acquaintance. =)
2012-01-12 10:07:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) You know that your lady is normally cheerful... but there are times when things are very sad and I just can't smile...
2012-01-12 10:02:19 (EST)

syahidahz don't come across probing at all. It's just that the reminder of my scars pain me and maybe I just need words to run away with me.
2012-01-12 10:01:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, seriously... my mood is some better but I still miss you terribly and all I want is to have you here...
2012-01-12 09:57:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, the spring-feeling you know? ;-)

2012-01-12 09:54:59 (EST)

syahidahz Thank you for your concern, Eroteme. My heart begs to be free..well maybe someday.=)
2012-01-12 09:51:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've been asking myself the same question. Btw, I know that I am modest, even without reminding me of it. ;-p
2012-01-12 09:44:03 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Excises it. Cool stuff!

2012-01-12 09:36:37 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, there's general ultrasound, and then assisting the

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doctor on surgeries where you visualize how deep, say, a tumor is, while he/she
2012-01-12 09:36:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really think so? Oh darling... I wish you are right. Smile, and most definitely the best one... ;-)
2012-01-12 09:22:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ultrasound tech...not sure what subspecialties yet...leaning towards vascular and echocardiography
2012-01-12 09:22:23 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ah, sorry...a turn of phrase for "all good". I think I'll have this one tied up quite nicely.
2012-01-12 09:18:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I think I'm basically golden...just want to get it out of my hair already!
2012-01-12 09:13:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Very sweet of you, thank you darling. :-) I just really hope he's alive and found a new home. Sniff.
2012-01-12 09:03:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't think he will ever return :-( but I do think he ran away to find our old home or Nina mama...
2012-01-12 09:00:10 (EST)

DangerslyClaire That sounds beautiful! A rainy morning here now...I much prefer fireflies!
2012-01-12 08:57:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You know, I actually had to do that for one class! It definitely helped. Is the day done, by you?
2012-01-12 08:54:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Still not 100% sure, but... Hmm.

2012-01-12 08:53:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No news about my cat boy. Poor thing, I miss him so much :-( Yes, if everything goes well, I will move at the end of the month.
2012-01-12 08:52:57 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Darling, I am in the middle of my day... :-) Day is ok. Lots of work to do, that's all. My hands look & feel some better. :-)
2012-01-12 08:52:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh, I don't know what to say... so yes, just be happy you are home now. Maybe you could've made it home earlier on your bike...
2012-01-12 08:32:44 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Instrumental Physics (for diagnostic sonography)

2012-01-12 08:26:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was your day? How are you feeling?

2012-01-12 08:26:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the traffic, no? You can sit back and read or do something else. But yes, it can be annoying... :-) Glad you are home, dear.
2012-01-12 08:24:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A happy welcome home kiss & a tight hug :-) Oops, I am sorry it was that bad. Well, but sitting in the car is better than driving through...
2012-01-12 08:23:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Thank you thank you... Very thoughtful! Taking it tomorrow, actually.
2012-01-12 08:15:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, there is a new Sherlock Holmes movie. No, I haven't seen it. I would love to... but with you.
2012-01-12 07:52:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you on your way home? Hope the traffic isn't bad... I wait for you with arms wide open... :-)
2012-01-12 07:47:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I keep watching the sky... all these planes dear... Sigh. It makes me really sad, sometimes...
2012-01-12 07:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah you... :-) I wish that paper aeroplane was carrying you to me... with a kiss.
2012-01-12 06:27:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No doubt, the climate is changing very fast...But I love your

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theory more ;-) If only I knew a way to get you here in a flash...Miss you so!
2012-01-12 05:51:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here darling. It would be so wonderful, sweet, lovely, joyous to spend the weekend together... Ahhh, sigh.
2012-01-12 05:32:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful sunny day here. I can't remember having such a mild winter. The first signs of Spring are already there... Strange.
2012-01-12 05:20:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Exactly. Esp. lazy Sundays... :-) No no, it's too late darling... up my knee to the hip and then my bellybutton ;-p How is your day?
2012-01-12 05:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet soft small kisses for my darling dear & one teasing-nibbling for your lips. :-) Missing you very much.
2012-01-12 02:29:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I told you... I am aging. :-| But what about you? How are you feeling? After all, I hope not too tired & your day goes smoothly...
2012-01-12 02:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are so very sweet! :-) Please don't worry. I got anti inflammatory med. it should help for now. Why & how this happened? No idea.
2012-01-12 02:28:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sleep was not the best either... seems like it's a week of bad sleep. Hmm.
2012-01-12 02:28:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will sit by your side tonight & hold your hands or gently rub your back or chest & wake you at 6 with a soft fresh kiss. :-) What say? ;-)
2012-01-12 02:27:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, good morning. :-) I am sorry that your sleep was interrupted... & insufficient the whole week. My sweet darling, why?
2012-01-12 02:27:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. In bed now with a book and my Anand pillow... and I miss you so! :-( It's too much for my lil' heart to bear...
2012-01-11 15:02:33 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Yes I am going to bed now, read & sleep. Hope your sleep is sweet & restful my darling dear & wake up to a beautiful tomorrow. :-)
2012-01-11 14:44:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hope you don't mind that she will read before snuggling up to you & wrapping you in her arms for a sweet night's sleep with you. :-)
2012-01-11 14:43:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shhh, sleep my dear & smile as your freshly bathed, lovely smelling lady joins you in bed, kisses your neck behind your ear, but...
2012-01-11 14:43:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm, smile, and I am not vegetarian but I don't eat meat or any meat products and eat a lot of fruits & veggies.
2012-01-11 12:39:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, btw, the zucchinis were dipped in a batter without eggs. Funny, D is vegetarian but he eats a lot of eggs & doesn't eat fruits :-|
2012-01-11 12:35:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, it is very early. Anyway I had dinner... on my way home I bought fried zucchini, rice with veggies, salad and... a baklava :-)
2012-01-11 12:11:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I thought too that warm water was right, so... ;-)
2012-01-11 11:36:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I will have dinner, a quick shower, jump in my tiny PJ's and snuggle up to you under the covers... :-) Good night, my darling.
2012-01-11 11:35:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I will do the test. :-) Giggling as you twirl me and trying to kiss you... ;-p Please, nothing to be sorry for. Ok? :-)
2012-01-11 11:33:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you asap, lay my head on your chest and wrap you in my arms... Missing you, dearest.
2012-01-11 11:30:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, good night my sweetest. Sleep soundly with happy dreams. Kissing you on your eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips & hug you
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sweetly :-)
2012-01-11 11:29:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And btw, the doc. said warm water was very wrong. :-)
2012-01-11 11:27:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is rheumatoid arthritis :-| I got medicine but I have to go to the hospital for some tests... just to be sure it is not something else.
2012-01-11 11:26:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wait, wait! Just got back with some feather-light kisses for your belly... :-) I am sorry, I tried to hurry back, really.
2012-01-11 11:25:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Same here. Writing during the meeting... I love that. Again, please take care... A tiny kiss on your nose and whoosh...
2012-01-11 08:13:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now but will be back before you go to bed. Please take care of you, darling. I hope your day was fine & not too tiring.
2012-01-11 08:02:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't think otherwise, just feel like you don't want them any more... True, we aren't in the neighborhood, but am sure there's a way...
2012-01-11 08:01:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I still miss you the same. And my heart still leaps at the thought of you... or when I see a DM from you. Sweet darling... Sigh.
2012-01-11 05:10:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would still love to be hugged & held by you, to run over grass hand in hand, to smile & play, to watch the sunset & feel happy together...
2012-01-11 04:59:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is sad. I wish I didn't feel this way. From my side, the sweetness is still there... I am still the same, feel the same.
2012-01-11 04:59:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I so need that, darling. And I so miss it... I so miss my sweet teasing gentle sir who made his lady so happy...
2012-01-11 02:53:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to be held by you, darling. To have your arms

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wrapped around me tightly, your lips kissing me...smiling & feeling wonderful...
2012-01-11 02:47:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day is fine my dear, doing a lot of good work & meetings aren't boring. :-) A sweet sighing butterfly kiss on your lips...
2012-01-11 00:45:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is going to be a bit busy & will be off to the doc. at 14:30 (19:00 your time) Oh yes, it is Wednesday, your long day :-)
2012-01-11 00:44:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's not just about making you smile, but about the sweetness that was once there...& playfulness & your hugs & your missing lil' me, etc.
2012-01-11 00:43:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept well & feel less tired. I did too. Smile, it was maybe bad but I felt immensely happy, you know?
2012-01-11 00:43:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... be here when you wake up & kiss you good morning. :-) I'd maybe be a bit wilted, but... Darling, those nights were really lovely :-)
2012-01-10 15:15:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember? When you were in the US I went to sleep very late- mostly after midnight. Maybe I should stay up late again, so I could...
2012-01-10 15:14:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping deeply and wake up well-rested... I'd so love to wake you up with fresh & happy kisses & hugs & smiles. Sigh.
2012-01-10 15:13:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Done for the day. Had a light dinner, a hot shower- ready to go to bed now, read a little, kiss your forehead, hug you gently & sleep...
2012-01-10 15:12:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My every attempt to be sweet & cheerful & make you smile goes futile and in vain... I just would love to have my sweet sir back :'-(
2012-01-10 12:13:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Please sleep well. Dream honey-sweet dreams. A soft long kiss on your lips... Good night. If you want me to join you... I'll do in a bit.
2012-01-10 11:33:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, not one bit. Still no tiger balm... You know, just to be in your arms would make me forget the pain... Sigh. My sweet darling... :-(
2012-01-10 11:33:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do it darling, several times a day.

2012-01-10 11:25:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have no feeling in my fingers... seems like I didn't hit the key hard enough. Hmm. I wish you were here dear, I could use a hug or two...
2012-01-10 11:20:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Blush, just now realized... a sow... Well, I did hit the "l" key. :-)
2012-01-10 11:16:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And some daily chores. :-)

2012-01-10 11:13:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant slow.

2012-01-10 11:12:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was working, darling. Still am... I am pretty sow today. Blush.
2012-01-10 11:10:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A very late dinner... hope it was something light. Oooh... sniff. But well... it is late & you must be tired.
2012-01-10 11:08:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now it's time for read in bed & sleep...So, wishing you a restful sleep & the sweetest dreams. Good night, sweet darling. Miss you so...
2012-01-10 11:02:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you, dear? Been waiting for you and was so happy when I finally saw your DM and now... Sigh.
2012-01-10 10:52:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it has nothing to do with your age. And btw, you are not old... but your lady... :-|
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2012-01-10 10:26:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet hug, some kisses & a gentle massage? ;-) Wait up darling, a few weeks & your muscles get used to it... :-)
2012-01-10 10:23:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, it makes no sense to wait any longer, my fingers are getting worse... Oooh, a freshly bathed you... How I wish I was there... :-)
2012-01-10 09:57:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are home... and did the phone meeting too. And I was wondering... How was the Tai Chi? How are you, dear? How was your day?
2012-01-10 09:56:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, just spoke with a doctor. I will go to him tomorrow afternoon. Smile, I can't believe... me going to a doc. :-)
2012-01-10 08:10:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss everything about you, darling. More and more. And you... it feels like less and less...
2012-01-10 07:18:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss the way you made me feel & smile & blush with butterflies in my belly. I miss your hugs, your kisses, your smile, hearing you sing...
2012-01-10 07:12:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I could really use a kiss like that... & the other one to make your lady :-) Please take care darling & all the best for your Tai Chi :-)
2012-01-10 06:48:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a kiss, wrapped in my gentle caress & a :-) ... Thinking of you, darling...
2012-01-10 06:15:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back. Having a happy tummy? :-) You really do? Honest? The poor lil' lovely lady me... or me? ;-p
2012-01-10 04:14:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or maybe not... Seems like the sweet sir doesn't miss poor lil' lovely me... Sniff. Hope lunch was fine.
2012-01-10 03:42:41 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Just tease me dear, but I am sure you'd happily wake up to your lady's fresh morning cuddle... ;-p Btw, I wake up at 6, 10:30 your time.
2012-01-10 02:47:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And did I tell you that I miss you? I do. A lot. My sweet sweet darling, a lot lot lot. :-)
2012-01-10 02:04:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is snowing. Quite beautiful :-) Your kiss is happily fluttering now around my belly... Smile. I wish I could kiss you & hold you close...
2012-01-10 01:58:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My night was restless darling, didn't sleep much. Nothing new here either. Some office work, some other chores, that's all.
2012-01-10 01:58:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Hmm, let me think...maybe because your lady in a towel and her good morning kiss was missing... ;-)
2012-01-10 01:57:55 (EST)

CarolineSkanne thank you! love n gratitude beautiful poet : )

2012-01-09 15:37:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, right now, all I want to do is sit by your side all night, hold your hands & watch you sleep sweetly... Anand, I miss you. A lot.
2012-01-09 15:08:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Good night.

2012-01-09 10:50:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, good night. Sleep well with sweet dreams. Have a lovely read in your bed...
2012-01-09 10:43:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you have to sleep...

2012-01-09 10:41:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice! Hope it was a good discussion. My day is normal, darling. How are you, are you happy with your day? Oh, you will leave me...
2012-01-09 10:34:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just fell in love with them :-) Oh, I almost forgot about the phone meeting...A kiss on your neck & a :-) Hope it goes quickly & fine...
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2012-01-09 09:39:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful, your tweets are so beautiful... sigh, exactly... that kind of love...
2012-01-09 09:09:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Actually, the sweetest, loveliest, most adorable lady... and modest too ;-p A soft welcome home kiss & a tender hug for my sweet sir :-)
2012-01-09 09:01:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Same to you, my friend....the studying continues...

2012-01-09 08:06:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Darling? You mean... the b-day of your silly but oh so lovely lady? Blush. Good. Please take care darling.
2012-01-09 06:31:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh no! Just nibbling you all over, dear. No eating up :-) A month left for what?
2012-01-09 06:20:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad your day is fine. Mine is normal. I miss you a lot. Sigh. I'd love to have you here now, kiss you deeply & nibble you all over :-)
2012-01-09 04:14:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Welcome back, darling. Had a yummy lunch? Smile, pretty cool combo... I am sure you look... oh so nibbleable ;-)
2012-01-09 04:14:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Lots of office work to do today. In case you'd like to know, I am in blue jeans & grey shirt with white & beige checks...
2012-01-09 03:00:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Fresh lovely scented kisses on your neck :-) I miss waking you up. How are you darling? How goes your day?
2012-01-09 02:01:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping well and wake up with a smile, my darling. Soft butterfly kisses for your morning & wishes for an excellent day...
2012-01-08 14:28:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much darling. I wish I could curl up in your
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arms & doze off... feeling your warmth, listening to your snoring... Heaven.
2012-01-08 14:28:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finally home. Feeling tired. It's been a good day, I think... We did not do that much, but at least I wasn't alone. Hmm.
2012-01-08 14:27:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My fingers are very bad, so yes, I have to go to a doc. :-| Please go to bed, darling. :-) I wish I could hug you & put you to sleep... Sigh
2012-01-08 11:34:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes... I miss you. Very very very much.

2012-01-08 11:29:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, my darling dear. Dream sweetly. A kiss on your lips & then kiss you once more... :-) I join you asap. :-) Good night.
2012-01-08 11:29:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Better later than never... :-) I didn't go to the doctor, dear. And yes, I will drive carefully, it is very cold & the roads are wet...
2012-01-08 11:29:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You got what? Well, she said it is my choice.

2012-01-08 10:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am still there, darling-even this I wrote you...Well, for her it doesn't really matter where I live, so...there was not much to discuss...
2012-01-08 10:48:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really didn't get my DMs? :-| I've sent you 5 DMs after you wrote me that you are on the way to the airport. Hmm.
2012-01-08 10:48:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, I think centering myself is a good idea...been awhile since I meditated fully. I'm going to do it, great suggestion!
2012-01-08 10:45:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, I do! Deep dreamy sigh :-) Didn't you get my DM? I DMed you that I am off to my sis. Smile, your Nook... Glad the flight was ok.
2012-01-08 10:28:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case I didn't mention it, your tweets leave me breathless...Wow just wow! If I was there, I wouldn't be able to keep my
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hands off you ;-p

2012-01-08 10:19:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You're back safe and sound. Great writing, btw...very vivid, the language was like velvet.
2012-01-08 10:02:46 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, the one I have yet to take is difficult, and my brain really isn't in the game. Better get into gear. Glad the trip went well, and
2012-01-08 10:02:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy! :-) How was the flight? How are you, dear? I am still at my sister's place. The day's been ok so far...
2012-01-08 09:59:53 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Later...nervous already! How is your trip?

2012-01-08 09:02:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No apologies necessary! Saturday night was pleasantlistened to music, dodged any and all housework...;-) time to crack down and study
2012-01-08 09:02:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I missed your departure, I should have left a bit later. My mistake. Hope you got a good seat :-) I love flying, the view is breathtaking.
2012-01-08 07:49:39 (EST)

paintswithwords Thank is just an avi...not me

2012-01-08 07:02:12 (EST)

syahidahz This space has allowed in so many thoughts. I guess I'm just channeling them out now as they find their words. Thank you for reading=)
2012-01-08 06:23:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, off I go... Hmm, I wish I was at the airport... to greet you with a happy jump-on-you & downpour of kisses... Smile... and whoosh.
2012-01-08 05:59:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... I am away and can't get online... even if for just a minute, to send you some kisses. Smile.
2012-01-08 05:58:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I am off for now - driving to my sis, but there's a

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wifi, so... I can check my DMs & write you :-) You know, I so hate when...
2012-01-08 05:58:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I know. But I didn't know this, the sweet sir forgot to tell me... ;-) Hope you enjoyed your stay. A kiss on your cute nose & a :-)
2012-01-08 05:03:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Please take care, darling. Wishing you a pleasant trip. Come home safe :-) It's nice to fly... I love it. It's ok if you can't connect.
2012-01-08 05:03:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

2012-01-08 04:38:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...& a slow deep long one for your soft warm lips, pulling you close to me... I loved that you are taller than me, kissing you on tiptoe :-)
2012-01-08 02:48:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hope you have a wonderful day, my sweet darling. God, how I wish I was there! Sigh. Thousand small sweet kisses all over you...
2012-01-08 02:47:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...time. And I don't know how to ensure it doesn't go to the last three. As you said, it's difficult across miles...& you don't want to meet
2012-01-08 02:46:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I still feel the same way. The initial excitement is still there. Maybe that's why I doubt...or am just afraid you'll get bored of me over..
2012-01-08 02:45:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no, please don't understand me wrong. There is sweetness... :-) At least from my side... and I can only hope from your side, too.
2012-01-08 02:45:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ach so... I didn't know you booked the hotel for one night. You stay longer? Or you meant longer than one day? Don't confuse me, dear :-|
2012-01-08 02:44:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Glad you slept well, your lady slept like a stone- slept way too much. Hmm, old age, you know? ;-)
2012-01-08 02:44:20 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire How are you, my friend? Thinking of you. xoxo

2012-01-07 22:28:20 (EST)

EdBremson thank you for everything

2012-01-07 21:49:00 (EST)

EdBremson yes, thankQ, I too am not sure what they are for, but old men like to receive recognition sometimes. I might be able to win the haiku prize
2012-01-07 21:48:47 (EST)

EdBremson sorry to bother you, but could you please vote for me in haiku also? thankingU
2012-01-07 20:47:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply, my darling dear & wake up fresh and with a smile to a sweet sunny Sunday... :-)
2012-01-07 14:25:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will take a shower now, dress in midnight blue & join you under the covers, kissing your palms, snuggling into your chest & sleep. :-)
2012-01-07 14:23:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I didn't know what you meant. Honest. You really mean we have something sweeter now? But what? Just... not sure.
2012-01-07 14:22:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wait, wait... I thought you were in the hotel. And now I read you are at your friend's place? You didn't tell me, dear. Who's forgetful? ;-p
2012-01-07 14:22:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I dozed off hugging my Anand-pillow... and didn't get to kiss you sweetly & hug you & wish you good night with sweet soft dreams :-(
2012-01-07 14:21:46 (EST)

EdBremson if you care to nominate me for a poetry award I would appreciate the vote :-)
2012-01-07 12:19:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. My sweet darling, I miss you a lot.

2012-01-07 12:10:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, btw... some shared words... Really? That's all? To me, it was more than just some words... :-(
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2012-01-07 12:07:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, seems like the sweet sir went out for dinner... letting his lady sit here, waiting... Never mind. Hope you are having a fun evening.
2012-01-07 11:37:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. And thank god it feels better. Smile, I have herbal tea for sore throat, it tastes ok but smells awful. :-) Oh, what else?
2012-01-07 10:05:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...took a bottle of water with you & drink often. Shall I make you a cup of tea with honey? Or eat a spoon of soothes the throat.
2012-01-07 09:57:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A happy welcome back kiss, darling. Cookies! Yum! I would've so enjoyed to shop with you... God! Hmm, that's bad, you should have...
2012-01-07 09:55:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a tiny happy world inside the basket by one butterfly at a time... I miss those times. I miss those colorful days. :-)
2012-01-07 09:54:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's it...we don't exchange that much any more...I remember how it all has started & unfolded...beautifully, effortlessly, how we created
2012-01-07 09:53:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I do miss you. Sorry that I can't word-play with you & our interactions became less intense... less rich in sweetness, color & cheer...
2012-01-07 08:36:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you think so... Thank you.

2012-01-07 06:29:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. It is better and more interesting than to sit in one room for hours...
2012-01-07 04:23:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, a light healthy nice meal, indeed. Thank you. :-) I would love to have you here, hugging me from behind while I prepare it... ;-)
2012-01-07 04:19:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Decent sounds fine enough :-) I loved it darling, and you know that... ;-) Oh, isn't it one conference in the same room?
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2012-01-07 04:19:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I see, it's lunchtime there... Hope it is as lovely as yesterday's dinner... :-) I don't know what to cook today... Missing your cooking.
2012-01-07 03:37:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You can't see it, but your lady is still beaming. I wish I was there...letting my breathless tongue write its wordless response on your skin
2012-01-07 03:33:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blushing smile... You are the sweetest thing. Thank you. I love it.
2012-01-07 02:32:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet sir today? How goes the conference? A sweet kiss on your nape to slip under your shirt & roll down your back... :-) Miss you
2012-01-07 02:21:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The sun in the winter is white, like a huge moon, sometimes milky & doesn't give much warmth. Still... it is Sun.
2012-01-07 02:21:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. Yes, very late but I am glad you slept well. I did too, thank you. Woke up to sunshine :-)
2012-01-07 02:19:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to feel, to savor, to make your heart want to dance with butterflies, sing with the flowers & sigh in delight... My sweet darling...
2012-01-06 18:18:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could take pictures of all the words that are hiding in the curls of my brain and turn them into little poems for you to read...
2012-01-06 18:17:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire It was actually pretty sudden and shocking...we were very close, so it's been quite rough. Thanks for your support, on all points. ((hug))
2012-01-06 14:23:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lovely dialogues between you and feltsensejunkie, btw. No, not jealous. Why should I be? I just wish I wasn't so clumsy with words...
2012-01-06 14:01:55 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I would so love to get that hug now... Sigh. I will most definitely join you soon and hug you tenderly to me... Good night.
2012-01-06 13:51:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it is already tomorrow there :-) Good night, darling. Sleep well. Have sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your eyes, nose & lips.
2012-01-06 13:45:08 (EST)

DangerslyClaire With the girls for a little get away. Looking forward to it.
2012-01-06 13:45:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Far as next week, I have to study for an exam (went back to school), that I missed last semester, due to my father dying. Then Atlantic city
2012-01-06 13:44:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am relaxed :-) Well, joint inflammation, that's for sure. It is not only about the house, feeling low in every way...
2012-01-06 13:43:50 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Nothing much, actually...I'm sure my kids will be climbing the walls, so some group activity to wrangle silence out if them, I'm
2012-01-06 13:43:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe it is arthritis. Both of my aunts have it. And my older sister. Well... I am aging, darling. Sniff.
2012-01-06 13:35:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am pretty confused, dear. I don't know what is the right thing to do. Somehow, nothing feels right at the moment :-|
2012-01-06 13:33:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know darling. Maybe I will stay...

2012-01-06 13:29:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My hand is not one bit better. I think I should go to the doctor.
2012-01-06 13:28:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It feels awful to sit here, so far away from you... knowing that we could have such a lovely time, full of cheer & smiles and... It is sad.
2012-01-06 13:27:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shall I come over? ;-) I wish I could...

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2012-01-06 13:25:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then the hotel room... smile, doesn't it feel like something's missing...?
2012-01-06 13:22:33 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I always prefer it hot, no pun intended ;-)

2012-01-06 13:19:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A smile and a sigh... I would walk with you everywhere, throughout the city, listen to you for hours... Hand in hand... pure heaven.
2012-01-06 13:16:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My days was uneventful, darling. Missed you. I so wish I was there... Hmm.
2012-01-06 13:10:40 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Haha, if I never saw snow for the rest of my life, except in a picture, I'd be a happy woman!
2012-01-06 13:10:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sounds very nice. I am happy for you. Just thinking back those US dinners... Seems like it is going to be a nice weekend for you & the guys.
2012-01-06 13:09:56 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ahhhh, we are freezing here! Gloves, hats, scarves! I am positively green with envy!
2012-01-06 13:06:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) A careful welcome back hug, darling. Was it fun?

2012-01-06 13:00:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Glad I can keep you warm- it's very cold here, not sure about where you are! Enjoy your day! xo
2012-01-06 11:02:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, hope you enjoy the dinner with your colleagues (?). Sweet slow kisses for you dear... one for each part of your body ;-) Miss you.
2012-01-06 10:41:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And show me that nice lively city & tell me stories of your time there? Sweet darling, it would be so wonderful... :-)
2012-01-06 10:41:06 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Glad you reached safe & sound. :-) Ahh, hotel room... How I wish I was there with you... Sniff. Would you go with me on a walk after dinner?
2012-01-06 10:40:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, just got back. I was in the office, then stopped by the supermarket. Bought some fruits, veggies etc.
2012-01-06 10:40:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Is it a nice city? I meant how long does the flight take... :-) Hope you can get online there... I already miss you, dear.
2012-01-06 04:25:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you too. Kisses on your lips for kissing my tummy. :-) Where do you fly? And how long? Again... please do take care.
2012-01-06 03:26:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems I was late... Anyway, hope you have a pleasant & safe trip. Please do take care darling. Kissing your lips softly...
2012-01-06 02:46:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, please let me hug you and squeeze you and kiss you all around and all over... ;-) I really missed you.
2012-01-06 01:57:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... within me and not me in person that swept across Europe. ;-) My sleep was ok, woke up a little late.
2012-01-06 01:56:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...& tried to keep it warm. It is somewhat better, thank you :-) Darling no joke, storm Andrea does exist. And if anything it was the storm
2012-01-06 01:56:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the day fine. And so you had time for the book review. Perfect. How are you feeling today? Yes, I wrapped a towel around my hand...
2012-01-06 01:55:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. So happy to have you back! :-) I missed you loads. Well, no drink would be the hardest part for me. Glad you managed
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2012-01-06 01:55:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You are much too kind to me! Your words are intoxicating, truly.
2012-01-06 01:28:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Well, that's quite the compliment....yes, many of your tweets catch my eye, admittedly. ;-)
2012-01-06 01:13:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I love you. Or call it whatever you want... but I do... Wholly, without reservation, in all your forms & variances.
2012-01-05 12:08:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a beautiful tomorrow with blue skies, sunshine & a safe, pleasant trip. Please take good care of yourself, my sweet darling.
2012-01-05 12:03:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...night, land by your side before you open your eyes & wrap you in my arms :-) I miss you! There are no words to describe how much... Sigh.
2012-01-05 12:03:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...of the sweetest, softest kisses await you in the morning :-) How I wish I could really give you them...To grow wings & fly through the...
2012-01-05 12:02:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think it is not allowed to join you tonight & I might not manage to wake up before you leave... but my warm happy hugs with a downpour...
2012-01-05 12:01:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, dearest. Hope you are sleeping sweetly in tender dreams. :-) I will have a light early dinner, then read in bed & sleep early.
2012-01-05 12:01:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you were here. And of course, she is hoping that her sweet sir is well & the praying & meditation nourish you from the inside out. :-)
2012-01-05 08:57:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is going slowly. Not feeling the greatest. But wanted to let you know that your lady is missing you & thinking of you & wishing...
2012-01-05 08:56:31 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ...across Central Europe. Smile, no no, I swear, it wasn't me! Or...who knows? ;-) As if the storm within me came to life on its own...Sigh.
2012-01-05 08:55:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some more sweet silent kisses for my darling dear... & a lovely :-) It is very windy & cold outside, windstorm Andrea is sweeping...
2012-01-05 08:55:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, my darling dear. I still remember everything like it was yesterday... Silly, but I believe the Gods created you for me. Smile.
2012-01-05 02:51:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My hand is better too, though still swollen. I'll stay home today, take a long hot herbal bath, read, rest & try to stay away from my laptop
2012-01-05 02:51:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Couldn't fall back to sleep, so I watched The curious case of Benjamin Button. :-) Then I slept again & woke up at 8:00. I feel much better.
2012-01-05 02:50:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... & your day is a nice, calm, peaceful one. I fell asleep around 20:00 (felt very sick, tired) & woke up in the middle of the night (1am)
2012-01-05 02:49:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, a gentle kiss landing very softly, carefully on your forehead as you meditate... :-) I hope you slept well & long...
2012-01-05 02:48:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly and curl into you, so you can put your hand on my belly and hold me close... :-)
2012-01-04 12:58:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling. Sleep soundly with beautiful dreams. Yes, I will do :-) Kisses from your head to toe...& a deep one on your lips.
2012-01-04 12:57:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I will keep sending them to keep you silent, sweet company, my dear. Sigh. Have a peaceful tomorrow & do think of me... :-)
2012-01-04 12:56:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be thinking of you & hoping you will get all of my sweet
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kisses that I will be sending you on soft smiling butterfly wings... :-)
2012-01-04 12:46:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. See? I told you that you will like it ;-p Yes, it is very very late. I will miss you, darling. Very very much :-(
2012-01-04 12:43:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How was your day? And your Tai Chi?
2012-01-04 12:28:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant thank you. I did hit the "T" key... :-)
2012-01-04 12:27:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exactly :-) I tried hot water... anyway without salt. hank you, will try it with salt... but I don't have rock salt.
2012-01-04 12:24:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can barely move my hand. Never had this before. Well, be a bit more careful darling... :-) I had to pay for fast driving last year. Blush.
2012-01-04 12:17:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, it's been a while... my hip is fine darling. No idea. The middle finger & ring finger joints are swollen & red & very painful :-|
2012-01-04 12:17:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't take medicine.

2012-01-04 12:01:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, gosh! Was the police man very strict? Poor darling, a sweet hug for you :-) I don't know, maybe because of my hand. It hurts badly.
2012-01-04 12:01:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Our DMs crossed paths... :-) What? Did you drive too fast or just gen. control? All went well? :-) Feeling tired? I am ok dear, having fever
2012-01-04 11:57:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Miss you. Hope all is well with you.

2012-01-04 11:54:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, it is very late... I hope you are home safe & ok, had dinner and all... :-)
2012-01-04 10:44:31 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Ah, ok :-) You are already on your way, but still...hope you are taking care & enjoying the 2nd session. An "almost" kiss for your lips ;-p
2012-01-04 07:47:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, and then the conference...Far away from your city? I will miss you darling a lot. :-( I just really hope that you can get online...
2012-01-04 07:17:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember. It was terrible because it was the first day you were away for a whole day. You mean the first fast of the year, no? ;-p
2012-01-04 07:17:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, Tai Chi today too? Nice! Enjoy it, but please take care of your knee. :-) Pleasant busy or tiring busy? Mine is decent busy. Smile.
2012-01-04 07:17:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you back, darling. Holding you firmly to me, one leg wrapped around yours... ;-) God! I miss you so so so much!
2012-01-04 04:33:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ D got offended every time they tried to discuss things with him. They mostly liked what he made but he didn't do what they wanted/wished...
2012-01-04 04:33:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, I think he thought of the bakery as his own territory & didn't respect the wishes of the owner, managers & customers.
2012-01-04 04:33:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... of the reasons.

2012-01-04 04:16:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ do so 'cause he said his croissant is perfect as it is. The communication between them didn't seem to work. I think that was one...
2012-01-04 04:15:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For example, when I was there, one manager asked him really nicely to shape the croissant like it is supposed to be shaped, but D refused...
2012-01-04 04:15:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, he made breads his own way & he felt offended when any
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of the managers or the owner told him to make them differently.

2012-01-04 04:14:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love when you secretly DM me while you are in a meeting... Sweet :-) My day is ok too, nothing exciting. Yep, I believe that, dear.
2012-01-04 04:14:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. I wish you were here, darling. I don't seem to be able to focus on work today... Hope your lunch was lovely. :-)
2012-01-04 03:30:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Funny, it is cold but it doesn't feel like winter. A cold autumn with naked trees or the end of winter with the first signs of spring... :-)
2012-01-04 03:29:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, let your freshly bathed, lovely smelling lady in her towel pull you close & kiss you sweetly and long... :-) I miss you, darling.
2012-01-04 01:22:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The owner's & managers' criticisms were personal too & about incompatibility in working together in the future. Strange, no? And sad.
2012-01-04 01:22:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... after 8 yrs of working with him, he knows D pretty well & he knows the things that people can change & can't change. I didn't need 8 yrs
2012-01-04 01:21:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I don't know him. I think it was just D's strange way to let me know that he was fired. He said, the owner said that...
2012-01-04 01:21:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is my sweet sir? Does he feel fresh & happy? Slept well? How's your day? Did you find the box of kisses I left for you on your desk? :-)
2012-01-04 01:20:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet soft cuddleable darling, good morning. :-) Now I know why I woke up tenderly hugging my pillow...smelling your scent on it. Sigh.
2012-01-04 01:20:18 (EST)

ZinniaTung Haha, yes

2012-01-03 20:55:19 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) , couple of my friends are vegetarians too. I used to love

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chicken, just became vegetarian 6mnths ago. No reason, just because

2012-01-03 20:53:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ He said it is strange how my criticisms and the bakery's seem to merge in some way... I feel sorry for him.
2012-01-03 12:07:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, D got fired today. He asked if I had anything to do with it. I couldn't believe my eyes, had to read it twice... Still can't believe...
2012-01-03 12:06:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Soup is very good :-) And I missed you again...I thought you were off. Sniff. Ouch, not a minor issue indeed :-| One more kiss & good night
2012-01-03 11:25:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Damn! I missed my kind sir... as so often lately :-(

2012-01-03 11:11:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet small slow kisses from your nape down your spine... Good night, my sweet sweet darling. I will join you soon & wrap you into me... :-)
2012-01-03 11:07:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to be held by you like that again... I so loved it! It felt beautiful, so beautiful...Sleep soundly darling with lovely dreams.
2012-01-03 11:06:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a minor issue, I hope... Oooh, how sad... But it is late & the book is waiting to be reviewed... Sigh. Did you have dinner, dear?
2012-01-03 11:05:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And I almost forgot... Kissing my sweet sir welcome home! I miss you too, a lot. Hope the call won't take long... it's late there.
2012-01-03 09:59:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But please do put a cold pack on your knee & give it a rest. Shall I make a nice cup of tea for your throat? Sigh, I wish I could...
2012-01-03 09:58:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? No no, I am not going to say "I told you" I just hoped it would help... ;-) Let me kiss your knee, dear & hug you sweetly... :-)
2012-01-03 09:58:33 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant massage. Blush. But I really wish I was there to give you a gentle head massage... and many many soft butterfly kisses. :-)
2012-01-03 07:24:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe the Tai Chi will make you feel better. Well, let's hope...If not, please leave the class earlier & go home. Please take care, darling.
2012-01-03 07:18:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there to kiss your eyes & gently massages your temples... You could lie down with your head on my lap, resting... :-)
2012-01-03 07:18:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... alone. Sigh. You really really do? I know it's silly, but I needed to hear that... Feels sweet to know, you know?
2012-01-03 07:15:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, darling. Don't race through the city. ;-) Hope you do enjoy your first Tai Chi day. A sweet kiss on your handsome nose :-)
2012-01-03 06:23:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's a beautiful, chilly sunny day. I am off for a short walk. Yes, still hoping to find my cat boy... I miss him so!
2012-01-03 06:22:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, I was on the phone. Thank you, dear. My lil' heart smiles. And I wonder... does the sweet sir still miss his silly lady? Shy :-)
2012-01-03 05:53:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)
2012-01-03 05:32:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is not that I don't understand. Life is busy. I just miss you, darling.
2012-01-03 05:00:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, maybe it saddens me a bit & seems like you have no time for me anymore... & the time will lessen & lessen until it's gone completely...
2012-01-03 04:58:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I mean please don't think I am against it. I am not.

2012-01-03 04:39:22 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Gosh! I missed you... :-( Having a busy day too. Team lunch sounds fun. :-) Well, then... all the best with your schedule.
2012-01-03 04:37:59 (EST)

ZinniaTung :) , am still alive.. So am guessing it is! Lol

2012-01-03 04:27:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a think-of-your-lady-for-a-moment app wouldn't be that bad ;-p Hope your lunch was yummy & your day is fine, my dear.
2012-01-03 04:02:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you immensely. Do you still have those silly notes I wrote you? Smile. A sweet slow kiss on your lips, my hands on your hips...
2012-01-03 02:30:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How goes your day? I would love to get that kiss, to feel your arms around me, your skin against mine... Sigh.
2012-01-03 02:29:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How was the ride? Hope it was pleasant & you reached the office very fast. Your first day... I think it will be fun & you'll like it.
2012-01-03 02:29:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... writing tweets at all or have no time for it, and there will be days when you will write more than 10, so... :-)
2012-01-03 02:28:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please don't be too strict on yourself. If you don't manage 10 tweets then not. And there will be days when you don't feel like ...
2012-01-03 02:27:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling dear. An extra half hour & then a fresh lovely scented hug... ;-) Glad you slept well, I did too though slept late.
2012-01-03 02:27:27 (EST)

ZinniaTung I am
2012-01-03 02:23:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope my sweet darling sir is sleeping deeply & waking up fresh & smiling to a sweet sunny day. :-) I miss you, Anand. Very very much.
2012-01-02 15:55:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... around you. My palm on your chest, your gentle fingerscurled around my hand... You are my favorite dream. Sigh and daydream too.
2012-01-02 15:54:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you, hoping that you feel in your sleep as I slip under the covers, snuggle up behind you, kiss your shoulder & wrap my arms...
2012-01-02 15:53:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you managed the 10 tweets. Great! Happy? The last one made me smile... I would love to stand in front of you like that...
2012-01-02 11:47:35 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sweet dreams :-)

2012-01-02 11:42:02 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Bahaha! Fantastic way of looking at it!

2012-01-02 11:39:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly, darling. Honey-sweet dreams to you. And in return... light, soft kisses on your belly :-) I join you soon & hold you to me...
2012-01-02 11:37:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire No, no. That's always fresh! ;-}

2012-01-02 11:37:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really don't want to complain when I do... just don't know how else letting you know. But yes, it's bedtime for my sweet sir. :-)
2012-01-02 11:37:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Told ;-) I can give you the recipe, but it's nothing really's just cans of crushed tomato, which I put a whole bunch of love into
2012-01-02 11:32:04 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ruined them all! Burned 2, put too much mustard in the deviled eggs; I was so upset with myself, I'm generally a good cook- or so I've been
2012-01-02 11:30:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Haha, oh man, that came out wrong! I think I was just happy with how it came out, as the day before, I made 3 things for new
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years, and
2012-01-02 11:30:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Uncomfy because I complained again... Blush.

2012-01-02 11:30:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing darling. Yes, I saw your schedule. You are booked out. No time for your lady. Sniff. It is ok.
2012-01-02 11:29:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So, I am happy that you decided to stay a little longer... but also makes me feel uncomfortable. Know what I mean?
2012-01-02 11:27:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, not greedy, darling. Just... I don't want you to think that I am complaining. And also makes me a bit sad that you reduced our DM time.
2012-01-02 11:25:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know. First, I need to talk with the owner. I don't know what to say... Oooh, you meant just this one night? Well, hmm. Ok.
2012-01-02 11:20:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I really don't want to seem selfish or so... It is just that I miss you, you know? So, if you want to read instead... then do it.
2012-01-02 11:18:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure? I am not so sure any more, darling... ;-p Hmmm, I think I will do it.
2012-01-02 11:15:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sounds fantastic. Thank you. Or you need an app for that... just to remind you... ;-p
2012-01-02 11:11:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... good night. Sleep well. It's ok if you didn't manage to write 10 tweets... A soft kiss on your forehead & cute nose.
2012-01-02 11:08:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I was just kidding about sharing it with the manager. Huh :-) So, you reduced our time too... Sad.
2012-01-02 11:07:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... available for your lady too. Lil' smile. Sandwiches... yum, sounds great. :-)
2012-01-02 10:54:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... this challenge with the schedule. Makes me smile. Sweet. Your days are perfectly planned, I just hope there are still some spots...
2012-01-02 10:54:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is ok. Nothing interesting. Lots of work with some missing you moments... How was yours? Seems like you really enjoy...
2012-01-02 10:53:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, there you are! You should share your schedule with your manager too... just to know when to call you, etc. ;-p
2012-01-02 10:53:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, your lady misses you. Yes, I know, your schedule... sigh.
2012-01-02 09:06:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... bad, so I can welcome you home very soon with the sweetest kiss and a tight, gentle hug... :-)
2012-01-02 07:51:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, this new year craziness... But I hope the day went well & the meetings weren't too exhausting. And hope the traffic is not too...
2012-01-02 07:51:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... not the same without you... not so delightful. Maybe that's one of the reasons I skipped meals... Blushing smile.
2012-01-02 04:30:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet sir is kind of busy... :-) Me too. I think the whole week is going to be busy. What was for lunch? Meals are just...
2012-01-02 04:30:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or just filling your time 'cause I am not there...Smile, in the end, it is the same. I miss you, dear. Soft lil' kisses all over you & a :-)
2012-01-02 02:44:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept well, I think. Woke up with hugging my pillow. Sigh. I miss those sweet morning trysts. I am not there, so you did replace them...
2012-01-02 02:44:03 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I would have so loved to put you to sleep... Darling, if you don't feel sleepy, read a bit longer. Just no pressure. Ok? :-)
2012-01-02 02:43:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And your throat? Was the traffic bad this morning? Hope your day is pleasant-busy with some good work & no tiring meetings.
2012-01-02 02:43:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet, gentle darling. And a glad you reached sweet deep kiss for your oh so kissable lips. :-) How are you sweetest?
2012-01-02 02:42:52 (EST)

perlygates please see this card I made for my special twitter friends. oxo
2012-01-01 23:15:29 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I love that as well....made the best pasta sauce today, it was enormously satisfying!
2012-01-01 23:13:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire That would be so much fun!

2012-01-01 21:05:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I didn't!!!! This week!

2012-01-01 20:36:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, how I miss that! And our morning cuddles... Now, you replaced it with reading and meditation. Missing you, sweet darling dear. A lot.
2012-01-01 15:35:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just checked your schedule again... Remember? t was me who woke up every morning at 5:30 in the US, just to kiss you good morning at 6:00
2012-01-01 15:33:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...him closer as he smiles in his sleep. I hope you are sleeping sweetly my dear & you start the first week of this year with a bright :-)
2012-01-01 15:33:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Slipping softly behind my sweet sir now, kissing his cheek, holding him gently to the curve of my warm, lovely scented body...and pulling...
2012-01-01 15:32:22 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Happy new year, love! Xoxo

2012-01-01 11:56:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet darling. Sleep deeply. Dream sweet dreams. A soft kiss on your lips & a tight hug. :-) I will join you very soon...
2012-01-01 11:00:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, if you feel you can... I hope so, too. :-) Ooh, you are leaving me? Sniff. Well, then... all the best with your schedule.
2012-01-01 10:58:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Boy? A quick check... smile, still a woman, phew! ;-p Hmm, then do it together with someone, or tell them you need more time for it.
2012-01-01 10:51:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I thought it was a tech. book. But a tech. book can be well written too or total boring. How is it going, btw?
2012-01-01 10:14:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, me too, dear me too... so that I couldn't stop nibbling & kissing & you would have to read a page twice... Smile. I miss you, darling.
2012-01-01 10:13:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. :-) Till then... a kiss on your neck behind your ear... and a gentle nibble for your ear ;-) Hope the book is to your liking, dear.
2012-01-01 09:18:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am...but I wish I could be there rather than here "don't get angry" with you...kissing you every time you do get angry ;-p
2012-01-01 08:17:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be back in about 15 minutes. Ok? Busy daydreaming of you... sigh. Smile, will do that too... while cutting fruits. ;-)
2012-01-01 07:32:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ more sigh than the nice six-pack of 100 guys. ;-) Yes, I did.
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I am not the only one. Someone is missing his/her cat too. A black one.
2012-01-01 07:29:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, their apartment will be over mine. No thin walls... or shared walls at all. My sweet darling, you know well that your soft waves make
2012-01-01 07:28:24 (EST)

feltsensejunkie I've been meaning to visit : ) so glad I did. Beautiful words as always! Thank you, and wishing you all the best for the coming year.
2012-01-01 07:16:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, no... I meant this house, darling. Where I live now. It is a twin house with thin shared walls.
2012-01-01 07:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, Nina mama was so happy to see me! I miss them so much! :-) Btw, my cat boy didn't come back, darling. I miss him horribly :-(
2012-01-01 07:13:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, but just the 2 months deposit, no packing & moving costs. I can pack myself & my ex offered me 2 guys (evil grin ;-p) with a van.
2012-01-01 07:12:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, in a sense calculative. Doesn't make me happy.

2012-01-01 07:12:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, you are absolutely right. I thought exactly the same & yesterday I said no first... and as I said, I am still not sure...
2012-01-01 07:11:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I had time to think about it last night. These thin walls are very annoying, and when they watch TV... God! :-|
2012-01-01 07:10:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would cost nothing to vacate this place. In the worst case, I will not get back the 2 months deposit or security? Or whatever :-)
2012-01-01 06:56:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to pay for the smaller apartment too, even if they don't use it, so... it is wasted money for them. Still... I am not sure. Hmm.
2012-01-01 06:55:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ On the other hand, it is better to have someone I know as

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neighbors than a stranger. And no, they won't change their mind. Now, they have...
2012-01-01 06:54:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would definitely do nothing for them. We agreed on this. Anyway, that's the problem... maybe it would bother me to have them this close.
2012-01-01 06:54:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just imagine, the previous house was about $1000, now it is about $400-450 and the apartment is about $200. Not bad!
2012-01-01 06:54:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Close to markets, yes. And there is a small, neat bakery 2 min. from the house. The diff. in rent is about $200-250.
2012-01-01 06:53:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No planes overhead, no loud neighbors- this house is a twin house with shared walls & the walls are thin, I can hear them talking, etc. :-|
2012-01-01 06:53:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Calculative? I don't know...I think they did not realize that the apartments in the house is completely separated. It is a quiet place, yes.
2012-01-01 06:52:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... replaced with a bathtub. The good thing is that it is not so isolated & it would cost me only about $200 per month. Not sure what to do.
2012-01-01 05:05:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The kitchen is not really for my taste- it is built for tall people, like you... ;-) no bathtub, but I think the big shower cabin can be...
2012-01-01 05:04:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The apartment is nice, it has one room less, but has a nice big winter garden- where Nina mama & the babies live now. :-)
2012-01-01 05:04:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was quite shocked & also surprised. They knew I was looking for a new home & now... Hm. I don't know what to do.
2012-01-01 05:03:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, my ex & his girlfriend renting a house with 2 separated

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apartments. They asked me if I wanted to have the smallest one.

2012-01-01 05:03:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You don't want to meet- well, better to say it makes no sense to you, so... it is up to you. I can do nothing... just keep missing you :-(
2012-01-01 05:02:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I understand what you mean. I am very sorry if I seemed accusing. I really did not mean to... Anyway, what something different?
2012-01-01 05:01:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... myself to write 2012 and not 2011. Blush. Why doubt? I believe you will get 80% or more. And maybe you will get stuck at 85-88% ;)
2012-01-01 05:01:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Late lunch :-) I really don't want to sound apathetic, but today feels like yesterday. The only difference is that I will have to remind...
2012-01-01 05:01:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you for sharing your schedule. Hope it works... Your days are indeed very packed. 3 hrs for DMs, email, etc... not much.
2012-01-01 03:41:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe I should keep silent... if this helps you to not get annoyed. For now, a long slow kiss on your lips. Hope your day is beautiful. :-)
2012-01-01 02:58:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I can't help it. I am sorry. You know how I feel for you & you know that I want nothing more than... You know what. Sigh.
2012-01-01 02:56:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You liked the silly, playful, sweet, smiling Andrea...I miss her too, I don't like this hurt cry-baby either. Feels strange to be like that.
2012-01-01 02:56:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is still things in my heart. Even if we will not talk about it, my missing you & wanting to hold you won't change. I am sorry.
2012-01-01 02:56:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, dear. You seem to be energetic, happy,

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renewed. Very nice. Makes me smile gently.

2012-01-01 02:55:42 (EST)

melancholundone I think India may have a different time to celebrate New years. i just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.
2011-12-31 18:19:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! Wow, you finally signed up for Tai Chi? Congrats! ;-p Sounds like your day was a real good one. I am happy. Sorry for being stupid.
2011-12-31 14:10:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I will join you shortly and wrap you in my arms... holding you close to me, dreaming with you... hand in hand.
2011-12-31 13:58:00 (EST)

ZinniaTung Haha, royal treatment huh! Thank u! Same to you!!.. But naa I wasn't no princess.. Regular girl.. Don't like princesses! :)
2011-12-31 13:55:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly my darling with the sweetest dreams. A sweet soft kiss on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and lips. :-) Good night.
2011-12-31 13:54:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I would so love to give you them... with a sweet kiss, of course... and a curtsey. :-) I miss you, dear but I will try to smile.
2011-12-31 13:53:13 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ;-)
2011-12-31 13:47:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah you... let me hug you & squeeze you a bit. :-) Really? For how long? And btw, you know well how to make your lady smile, so... ;-)
2011-12-31 13:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. :-) Smile, that can't be controlled, dear. You have done a good job anyway. :-)
2011-12-31 13:44:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe not the best... but to me- the best :-) And the idea was simply brilliant.
2011-12-31 13:38:14 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Yep, I did...

2011-12-31 13:36:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A very happy New Year to you, sweet darling Anand. Wishing you all good things & the very best. Smiles, cheer, success & good health too.
2011-12-31 13:36:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, now I understand! And... you did it! Congrats, darling! You are simply the best. Brilliant :-)
2011-12-31 13:35:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Oh, huh... 37 tweets? Why?

2011-12-31 12:39:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish we were together & slip into the new year with you in my arms, kissing you sweetly, watching the sky quietly, smiling... I miss you.
2011-12-31 12:36:18 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Much in between!

2011-12-31 12:32:28 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You know, I SHOULD! that is amazing about languages...I knew there was a difference between northern and southern, didn't know there was so
2011-12-31 12:32:20 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Many languages/dialects were spoken! I'm somewhat familiar with the culture through some close friends. Now you have me craving Indian food!
2011-12-31 12:26:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Haha, yes, makes one appreciate convenience, I'm sure. The culture and architecture must be amazing! Why the huge move? I didn't know that
2011-12-31 12:24:55 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ah, not too far...I'm in the ny/nj area. Do you enjoy India?
2011-12-31 12:16:24 (EST)

DangerslyClaire You're not, considering you were coming from dinner. I'm on New York time, here.
2011-12-31 12:11:14 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Prob try out some hearty dips, different recipes, play the wii, things like that. Fight to stay awake, haha! I'm in the US- I'm guessing
2011-12-31 12:10:41 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, dinner, lovely! What are you doing for NYE?
2011-12-31 11:30:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back... Did your mom like it too? Was she happy? Yes, it would be very nice to have you here now... in every way... I am sorry again
2011-12-31 11:23:16 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Holidays. Yes, junk was funny, but I got your drift, haha!
2011-12-31 10:57:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire There *was* a liberal amount of sangria flowing...;-) one of my friends moved to Cali, haven't seen her since march, and she was in for the
2011-12-31 10:56:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here...

2011-12-31 10:39:48 (EST)

DangerslyClaire As all the drunk drivers make me nervous. I invited a few friends over. Went out last night- i'll need today to recover from that!
2011-12-31 10:34:36 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Yes, twitter *is*...everyone weaves and stacks in their own way, it's quite wonderful. Nothing really lined up, staying in tonight,by choice
2011-12-31 10:33:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand? I am truly sorry... Wishing you a very nice evening with your mom and a delicious dinner. A lil' :-) ...
2011-12-31 09:03:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The red flag came a little late, darling. I was already lost...
2011-12-31 07:32:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... because of you. It felt very wrong and I couldn't continue it.
2011-12-31 07:32:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tried to tell you that our closeness makes me feel guilty, but
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then, you found out why. And no, I didn't end our hmm...something with D...
2011-12-31 07:31:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't know how to handle the situation I got into... I know, there is no excuse for what I have done. I feel very ashamed. :-(
2011-12-31 07:31:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I traveled to D as a friend, nothing else. I made a big mistake, reached a point where things got out of hand & didn't know a way out of it.
2011-12-31 07:31:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... I am sorry, I really didn't mean to accuse you. And I didn't mean to act like a victim. I am hurt & in despair. That's all.
2011-12-31 07:30:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It won't take long. I miss you Anand, very much and I am sorry for feeling the way I am feeling... Anyway, hope your day is sweet.
2011-12-31 05:38:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now. My ex & his girlfriend want to meet and ask something. I wonder what's so important that can't be asked over the phone...
2011-12-31 05:38:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. If you think so... I did not mean to accuse you of anything. I am sorry.
2011-12-31 05:13:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not literally playing and maybe you meant no harm, but still... You made my lil' heart happy first, then broke it...
2011-12-31 05:03:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, hmm. Well, you know, the heart is not a toy to be played with...
2011-12-31 04:42:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, why did you say that you don't know what to say?
2011-12-31 04:08:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Well, you can tweet or work on the plan after a short nap too... Oh & your US colleagues want to hear our opinion? Pretty cool.
2011-12-31 03:46:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ You don't know what to say. As in?

2011-12-31 03:12:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Beautiful tweets yesterday... Going out for dinner sounds wonderful. With friends or with family? Will do some chores, that's all so far...
2011-12-31 03:11:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here. I would love to hug you, to kiss you, to see your :-) to laugh together & feel happy...Your lady's crushed to the core
2011-12-31 02:13:17 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh my! I was going to say, that would be quite the compliment! Lol ;-) Feel free to tongue my mind- anytime...
2011-12-31 02:03:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd love more than anything else to be held by you like that. I miss you so, so much & can't believe that I can never again hold you... :-(
2011-12-31 01:57:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe a snack, but I am glad I could eat at all, you know? I didn't sleep well, dear. But... hmm. Never mind.
2011-12-31 01:56:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A kiss on your throat & a gentle one on your lips. How did you sleep? How's my sweet sir feeling today? Any plans for the day?
2011-12-31 01:56:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. Oh, your voice has returned! Say something... maybe I can hear it too. But be careful, speak softly dear :-)
2011-12-31 01:55:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And... this is me, running my fingers lightly over your sleeping form, hugging you gently... Oh! Anand, my dearest...
2011-12-30 15:42:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had a toast with cheese & tomato, one with strawberry jam, a fruit yoghurt & three tangerines. And this teeny-weeny :-) is for you...
2011-12-30 15:12:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It hurts so much. So, so much.

2011-12-30 13:19:03 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I would love to curl up in your arms, bury my head into your chest, wrap my arms around you tightly & just... cry. I miss you so! :'-(
2011-12-30 13:16:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please go to sleep. It is very late. Oh, how is your throat, btw? Feels better? Whispering a shy I miss you, dear...
2011-12-30 13:01:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sure it is important, but... what to do when I am not hungry? No appetite for anything at all... :-| But I will eat something. Better?
2011-12-30 12:55:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I made myself breakfast, but... couldn't eat it. Btw, I am still not hungry :-| Not important.
2011-12-30 12:51:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Had no time. And had no appetite, dear...

2011-12-30 12:45:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't eat anything today, but now I will...Well, then... good night. Thank you for staying up... Sweet. Please sleep well. Sweet dreams.
2011-12-30 12:40:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, still awake? I am safe, thank you.

2011-12-30 12:37:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... forehead gently. I hope you are sleeping soundly with sweet dreams.
2011-12-30 12:27:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now see... it's very late there. Perhaps you are already sleeping... Wish I could sit by your side, holding your hands & kiss your ...
2011-12-30 12:26:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got back. Yes, everything went well. Hope your day was lovely.
2011-12-30 12:11:25 (EST)

ZinniaTung Lovely! :) Oh I know! Soo hoo cold!

2011-12-30 11:32:03 (EST)

ZinniaTung Nice :)
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2011-12-30 11:26:42 (EST)

ZinniaTung They moved to a village in india, my parents moved to a city and am in canada
2011-12-30 11:26:26 (EST)

ZinniaTung My grandparents
2011-12-30 11:25:59 (EST)

ZinniaTung Not living a rural life, and yes I do miss india

2011-12-30 11:23:27 (EST)

ZinniaTung Am not married

2011-12-30 11:23:12 (EST)

ZinniaTung Hahaha! Oh yes! It is! But I don't live in that suburb

2011-12-30 11:22:38 (EST)

ZinniaTung Funny how life works

2011-12-30 11:19:23 (EST)

ZinniaTung And then well got married , lived a rurual life but my parents moved to a city, and now am in canada
2011-12-30 11:19:16 (EST)

ZinniaTung :), well na, my grandparents moved during partition, very sad, but they had to flee. So my grandparents they were still kids moved to india
2011-12-30 11:18:39 (EST)

ZinniaTung Punjab
2011-12-30 11:13:44 (EST)

ZinniaTung Was soo pleased with my great grandfather that he gave him his blessings to have his own village by his name - tung - hence my sirname
2011-12-30 11:13:33 (EST)

ZinniaTung Thank u, well my great great grandfather did 'seva' helped around when golden temple holliest places for sikhs was built & one of the gurus
2011-12-30 11:12:54 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Haha, very true, my friend, very true! That was a great use of imagery.
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2011-12-30 11:11:54 (EST)

ZinniaTung But some indians do have that sirname, quiet a few of them tho, mostly in north india..
2011-12-30 11:10:17 (EST)

ZinniaTung Zinnia - my dad always wanted to name his daughter that Tung well long story - lot of people do ask me, I don't look indian, or am I chinese
2011-12-30 11:09:46 (EST)

ZinniaTung I know, women haven't forgotten it .. The system has forgotten to empower them and since they don't have ne where to go, some just accept it
2011-12-30 11:08:14 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Oh, my! How did i miss THAT??? Quite fantastic...made my pulse quicken...>;-}
2011-12-30 10:44:28 (EST)

ZinniaTung Thank u! :) Very shameful to say the least.. I am beyond mortified esp after readin that article.
2011-12-30 09:53:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I have to leave now. The owner of the old house is back & he wants to meet. Hope your day is lovely. A lil' kiss on your nose...
2011-12-30 05:08:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think if the mom of my teenager love didn't forbid our relationship, we would have married & still be together.
2011-12-30 05:07:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The difference in values... like I had so many partners & enjoy sex... The last I had was 9 yrs ago with my ex. The past... God :-|
2011-12-30 05:07:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My views are different, darling. I think somewhere between West & East... Not as strict as in the East & not as unscrupulous as in the West.
2011-12-30 04:36:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even divorce is normal nowadays. But then, it makes no sense to marry. And yes, these are things that cannot be learnt...
2011-12-30 04:35:50 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I didn't even kiss other men. Well, D :-| blush and then you. Yes, sadly, in the West causal sex is as normal as breathing.
2011-12-30 04:35:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had real sex only with my partner. With my teenager love- I told you what happened, and then with the father of Kelvin.
2011-12-30 04:34:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...something, but thank god it didn't work, if you know what I mean. It was the biggest mistake... I regret it from the depth of my heart.
2011-12-30 04:34:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't have multiple partners, I had two men in my life. And D, but he wasn't my partner. We shared one bed, and almost happened...
2011-12-30 04:33:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How to come to terms with it? Here I stand, in love, with a shattered heart, missing you like crazy. How could I be such a fool? Silly me.
2011-12-30 03:36:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I wanted to meet you at least once... But really? That was? Why didn't you tell me that we will never meet again? Very fair, indeed :-(
2011-12-30 03:31:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you without all the sweet things too. Or call it whatever... So, we met just because I insisted? As if I forced you to do so :-|
2011-12-30 03:30:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you see an old couple, walking hand in hand, what do you think, why they do that? I don't think because of the spark or sweet things.
2011-12-30 03:29:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The spark will diminish over time. Some people think if no spark, no love. It's wrong, love itself changes & grows & deepens with time.
2011-12-30 03:28:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, love is a tricky thing indeed. Love can be mistaken for other feelings, maybe that's why so many people fall in-fall out of it. Hmm.
2011-12-30 03:28:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Our lifestyles are different, but honestly... this is the littlest
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problem. One can adapt & grow & learn new ways. No?
2011-12-30 03:27:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is not my fault that he didn't want to marry me. You were married & the lady broke the marriage. It is not your fault either.
2011-12-30 03:27:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My past is not so horrible. I am not a bad woman. When I told you I have a son out of wedlock, you said it is a problem, but not a disaster.
2011-12-30 03:26:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry you woke up with a headache but glad it is gone. Inside the museum isn't pouring, you can take a cab... Or read/relax/etc. Fine, too.
2011-12-30 03:26:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning. Maybe you should take your naps earlier, after lunch, or so. My night was restless, didn't sleep much.
2011-12-30 03:25:45 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I spent it with family which was really nice! How did you spend your holiday? I knit my whole family scarves and cowls haha. yes I do!
2011-12-30 01:37:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, love comes unexpectedly, strongly, sweetly, it soothes & maddens...Once I am in love, truly, with all my heart, it lasts forever.
2011-12-29 14:07:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping well & your throat feels better. Wishing you a nice, sunny tomorrow. Maybe visit a museum or library... Just an idea.
2011-12-29 13:58:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't want your family to disown you. All I wanted is just to see you again... I am sorry. Please forgive this silly lady in love :-(
2011-12-29 13:57:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you only once? And now you want me to smile and be happy about it? I am sorry. I can't smile. But also won't annoy you...
2011-12-29 13:54:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's all? Months & months of DMs, smiles & longing sighs...a
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lady completely in love & 10 beautiful days together? I was allowed to see...
2011-12-29 13:53:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I am sitting here, deeply hurt, with the same love in my heart...You miss me, I miss you... and it annoys you that I want to see you?
2011-12-29 13:53:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ After all, we've met. There's not much to tell about. We were wonderful together & you agreed on this. It was like a dream come true- for me
2011-12-29 13:51:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then... you changed your mind, things become sad, but the longing and missing each other stayed and yes, my love for you, too.
2011-12-29 13:50:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have never felt so happy before... I was literally beaming. It felt like a missing piece of the puzzle has finally fallen into place.
2011-12-29 13:50:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Maybe you made it too easy for me... I didn't even have time to think about what the hell happens and tada- I found myself in love with you.
2011-12-29 13:49:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Actually, you were the one who said- with your words "it feels like our relationship has more rights over time..." Without knowing me.
2011-12-29 13:49:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You never imagined what? Think back... we felt drawn to each other from the very beginning & become closer & closer... We both were happy.
2011-12-29 13:48:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, it's very late there & I don't want to annoy you. Please sleep well with tender dreams. A kiss on your forehead... Good night.
2011-12-29 12:15:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am deeply hurt, Anand. We should not have started this whole thing at all... but we did & then... it was already too late for me.
2011-12-29 12:14:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You think if I have loads of friends, it will be easier? Forming a

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family? With whom? And how? With the love in my heart for you? Oh please!
2011-12-29 12:09:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not sure I understand what you mean.

2011-12-29 12:02:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What is with the circle of friends? And what family?

2011-12-29 12:02:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could undo that first mistaken DM somehow. But I can't. And I also can't change my feelings... I should've been more careful.
2011-12-29 12:01:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, what to do? You have no idea how this whole thing makes me feel. I miss you, Anand. And I would love to see you.
2011-12-29 11:50:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry.
2011-12-29 11:48:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What do you mean? What line of conversation?

2011-12-29 11:42:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not sure either... Not important. Just... forget.

2011-12-29 11:36:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, anyway... does it matter what I think? Do what you think it's right and what makes you happy.
2011-12-29 11:31:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then make a plan or so... Anyway, giving your body a rest isn't wasted time.
2011-12-29 11:28:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And you? Any plans?

2011-12-29 11:19:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have some old friends, but don't forget, I was 7 yrs away... they have now family or moved elsewhere. My best friend lives in Sweden now.
2011-12-29 11:18:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No long weekend. Have no plans. Renata will celebrate the New
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Year with her boyfriend & friends. My sister too. No other friends here.
2011-12-29 11:14:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ True, it was indeed great, both the music & dance. Some flash mobs are simply too stupid, but there are some cool ones, too.
2011-12-29 11:05:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Pretty neat. Thank you for sending it. I generally find these flash mob things kind of cool.
2011-12-29 10:29:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. Yep, I thought so... I was about to kiss you awake, but then you DM-ed me. It can't create more pain. It can't... :-(
2011-12-29 08:52:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you feel much better, darling and your day was quiet and sweet.
2011-12-29 08:42:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I mean it cannot be that we will never see each other again. That is not fair. It feels more wrong than anything else.
2011-12-29 08:36:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And back... Rice and veggies sounds lovely. Ouch. That hurts. Darling, why? Why not to meet? What's so wrong in that? Please...
2011-12-29 08:32:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am off for now. A quick trip to the office & I might stop somewhere for lunch. A cute lil' kiss on your bellybutton... :-)
2011-12-29 06:56:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ & also to figure out how many rupees per day do I need for food, etc. Please. It is maddening to just sit here and do nothing. Miss you so!
2011-12-29 06:55:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please help me to find a decent hotel... where we can be together (at least it would be wonderful. If not, then... hmm, sigh)
2011-12-29 06:55:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It may be extravagant but I don't know what else to do. I miss you & want to see you, to hold you, to feel you, to look into your eyes...
2011-12-29 06:54:37 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Blush, I meant for... I think I wanted to write fr... and typed fur. God! Blush. Smile.
2011-12-29 06:05:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw, what was fur lunch? How is the weather outside? Hope your day is peaceful, my dear.
2011-12-29 05:53:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ have no pain :-) Till then, you can write or draw pictures to communicate. :-) I know, it is no fun. I am sorry. My day goes quietly.
2011-12-29 04:56:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! And I was not there to help you wash your back... ;p One-two days & you will get your voice back. Important is that...
2011-12-29 04:55:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to hug you back, giggling & blushing, and then rising up on tiptoe to kiss you... Sigh. I miss my sweet sir. :-(
2011-12-29 02:45:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... teenage-girl, with butterflies in my belly. ;-) I miss you too. Very very much.
2011-12-29 02:44:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I don't know darling. Normally I don't listen to such songs. I found it sweet & you know... when I think of you, I do feel like a...
2011-12-29 02:43:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there, anyway, I am afraid you wouldn't be able to meditate then... ;-p How is your throat? Getting better, bit by bit?
2011-12-29 02:42:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, a cyclone? Now I am happy that you stayed home. Please take care & don't venture out. Stay in your room, read, meditate, rest, nap. :-)
2011-12-29 02:42:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blushing and smiling... Good morning, dearest. No, you wouldn't do that but maybe you would tell it a bit late & I didn't want to miss you.
2011-12-29 02:41:43 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ For you, before you leave... Perhaps not the perfect two, but the perfect you :-) Hope it brings a :-) to you
2011-12-28 19:39:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And in case I might forget, a lil' butterfly is on its way to you... just to ensure you get my kisses. I love you, Anand. Please take care.
2011-12-28 19:37:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'll now go back to bed (half asleep) but please know that I will miss you horribly. I'll be sending you a sweet soft kiss every hour... :-)
2011-12-28 19:36:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you all the rest & peace my dear. I hope you return with a cleansed mind, refreshed body & a bright smile. Enjoy the quiet serenity.
2011-12-28 19:36:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you slept deeply & woke up with a smile & a smoother throat. :-) All is packed & ready for your well deserved "alone time" ?
2011-12-28 19:34:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...under the covers, your lady in a towel, you still sleepy, yawning & stretching & smiling & trying to roll your lady over you. Ahh... ;-)
2011-12-28 19:34:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet gentle darling dear! :-) I couldn't let you go without hugging you, kissing you, cuddle with you for long...
2011-12-28 19:33:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No. I was wrong. I missed my darling dear... :-(

2011-12-28 12:27:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh and yes... I will join you shortly and wrap myself around you, holding you snugly... Good night.
2011-12-28 12:25:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh oh...I almost missed you. Well, then... good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly & dream sweetly. I kiss your lips & hold you close...
2011-12-28 12:18:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad you had dinner. I mean glad that you can eat at all... you know, your sore throat... :-) Don't speak, just... kiss me. ;-p
2011-12-28 12:16:33 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ The sweetest kiss for my sleepy sir. :-) Decent...tired and old, but alive and now that you are home... happy. My day was ok. And yours?
2011-12-28 12:16:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would never get bored of you. No way. And my butterflies... Dreamy sigh. I would love to kiss you now & hug you & not let you go.
2011-12-28 10:25:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We could have so much fun darling... there are so many things we could do together. So many things to discover, so many sweet moments...
2011-12-28 10:25:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) and a smile and giggle and one more kiss... ;-) Have a safe, pleasant drive home. I'll be waiting for you, sitting at the door... :-)
2011-12-28 09:57:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I don't dance 'cause I can't dance. But with you...yes, it would be sweet. And please, a twirl too at the end of the song... ;-)
2011-12-28 09:45:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then there will be the weekend too. :-) I missed you too. A lot. I am glad you liked it. I thought of you the second I saw it. :-)
2011-12-28 09:44:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? Still there & in a meeting? This late? God! My sweet wonderful darling, you must be very tired, but... just think of the 2 days... ;-)
2011-12-28 09:44:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you still in the office? I know, it's Wednesday, your long day, but... one never knows. :-) I miss you. Hope your day's been fine.
2011-12-28 08:05:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-)

2011-12-28 05:11:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you terribly. 2 days... Sniff. Darling, I am home. Not planning to drive today. Please don't worry... :-)
2011-12-28 04:42:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? It was good that you've postponed your plan... You will get
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the rest you need & hopefully you will return with a refreshed body & mind.
2011-12-28 04:41:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to be your alarm... just to ensure your day starts in the sweetest way... :-) I miss you, Anand. Very much.
2011-12-28 04:40:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, please don't overwork. Kissing your throat, your chin & sweet lips... Glad it is better, but please speak only as much as necessary.
2011-12-28 04:40:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) There is my sweet sir! What? You are in the office? So, do you feel better & fresh enough? Nice. I am happy. Was kind of worried...
2011-12-28 04:39:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have some office work to do today, nothing else. I wish you were here, my dear... I so miss holding you & just... to have you by my side.
2011-12-28 02:49:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please do take care of you, darling & listen to your body... I woke up a little late, missing the sun in the mornings... and of course, you.
2011-12-28 02:46:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seeing no message from you leaves me a bit restless, but I hope all is well with you & you stayed home...or maybe decided to go to the doc?
2011-12-28 02:45:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Let me hug you gently & kiss you sweetly... :-) Slept well & long? How are you feeling? How is your throat?
2011-12-28 02:45:32 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme For being sweet of course, sillybilly! Oh yes! Thank you darlin!
2011-12-27 23:04:30 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Awe thank you sweetdear! What photo?!

2011-12-27 20:42:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you feel some better, my sweet love. You may have been pushing yourself too hard lately... Please take care of yourself. Please.
2011-12-27 16:17:16 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... your lady will be there, freshly bathed, in a towel, kissingyour eyes & lips a happy good morning. :-) If only... God, if only...
2011-12-27 16:16:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So tired... I snuggle up behind you now, wrap my arms around you & hold you tenderly to me... Sleep sweetly my dear & when you wake up...
2011-12-27 16:15:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just going through all the pictures you've sent me. Oh darling... your lady is smiling & her lil' heart is crying. I love you & miss you so!
2011-12-27 16:14:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, so happy... :-) But now, rush to bed darling. Please. I am waiting for you there in my tiny PJs ;-) & wide open arms. Good night.
2011-12-27 12:07:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like I missed you. Again. :-( I hate that I need the internet to reach you... I hate the distance and all. I miss you so so much!
2011-12-27 12:01:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really really would love to be there, and just... hold you and be there with you and give you sweet lil' kisses & put you to sleep. Sigh.
2011-12-27 11:57:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you shortly and wrap you in my arms... watching over your sweetly sleeping form... :-)
2011-12-27 11:56:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes please, do go to bed. Wishing you a restful sleep & the sweetest dreams. Good night, my darling. A soft warm kiss on your throat & lips.
2011-12-27 11:55:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It turns out good or not. It is worth a try, no? :-) You are sweet. So heartwarming... Yes, I promise to reduce my trips.
2011-12-27 11:54:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Do you like the books? Happy? :-) God, blush! Just now see... I wrote "too" but I meant "to". Well, darling, try it and you'll see.
2011-12-27 11:53:36 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh dear...maybe you should really go to the doc. Please. Is there anything I can do? Sigh. I wish I was there with you... :-(
2011-12-27 11:53:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, where are you? And most important, how are you? How's your throat? I would so love to hold you now, cradle you quietly...
2011-12-27 11:09:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? You love too cook, right? Why don't you try to bake a bread? A simple, basic one... :-)
2011-12-27 09:44:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...bakery or supermarket, in the hope they have some other fresh warm breads for you... :-) Yes, true... Hungary doesn't have you either :-(
2011-12-27 09:36:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The drive was bad, roads are slippery & thick fog everywhere. I would so love to share my breads with you or take you to a ...
2011-12-27 09:35:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. Bought a funny shaped bread- just 'cause it was very fresh & hot :-) & 3 mini olive ciabattas. Not much, but it's enough
2011-12-27 09:35:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway I'll be off for an hour or so. Need fresh bread, milk & some other stuff. Outside is cold & wet- unfriendly. A kiss on your cute nose
2011-12-27 07:22:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Having you in my life is like being in heaven & hell at the same time. Anyway, I can't cut away from you. I don't know what to do.
2011-12-27 07:17:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, sometimes I (almost) wish I had never known you. You kinda muddled up my life, dear... but also enriched it in many ways.
2011-12-27 07:16:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in love, Anand. I fell in love with you. I can't change that. And I can't do anything about it. It pains me more than you think.
2011-12-27 07:15:18 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I don't know darling. I only know that I miss you & our time together was beautiful & accepting not meeting again feels wrong. It'd be a lie
2011-12-27 07:14:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no, please... no need to apologize. I thought that you were reading or napping or so. I truly hope you feel some better.
2011-12-27 07:13:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you. Hope your day is peaceful with some reading/studying/resting... And I so hope you feel better, dear. A kiss & a sweet hug...
2011-12-27 05:31:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We have met and we had a wonderful time together without breaking any rules, we both felt it... Then why not to meet again?
2011-12-27 02:26:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I didn't forget them, darling. But you also know that I don't agree with you. I just can't do so. It isn't an impossible situation.
2011-12-27 02:25:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hold you gently to me, darling and kiss your throat softly. Please do gargle often and drink tea.
2011-12-27 02:25:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you decided to stay home. Please, if it isn't getting better, go to the doctor. Maybe you will need antibiotics...
2011-12-27 02:24:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweet darling. Oha, it got worse? I am so very sorry, dear. I wish I was there to take care of you like I did...
2011-12-27 02:24:24 (EST)

heartlessndark Wish you were we could talk but at least we can stay friends.. hugs
2011-12-26 20:24:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wishing you a nice, cheerful day & a safe, pleasant ride to the office. A very soft kiss on your throat, dear. I do hope it feels better...
2011-12-26 16:54:15 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping sweetly, my darling & you smile (even stop snoring for a moment ;-p) as I join you quietly & hug you to me...
2011-12-26 16:53:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even though I did mean it, it is very embarrassing...Anyway, it is too late now, I cannot undo those DMs. They are in your inbox too, right?
2011-12-26 16:53:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I know I am getting annoying with this and I am really sorry, but... I just miss you, you know? And I don't know what to do... It does hurt.
2011-12-26 13:13:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And yes, I would love to be with you, I mean under the same roof. At least, I would be very happy... Darling please, allow us to meet again.
2011-12-26 13:11:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to do so many things with you... It will be a bit tough because I will need a hotel & all... but I will manage it anyway.
2011-12-26 13:10:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel, you don't want to come, then please allow me to do so... I would love to see you again, to hold you, to walk with you...
2011-12-26 13:10:40 (EST)

heartlessndark Hi sweet one. how have you been? i miss our chats so much. hugs
2011-12-26 12:59:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you very much today. I wish you were here. The day is slow & too quiet. Your lady feels lonely.
2011-12-26 12:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... then I am away from my laptop for a few minutes and then, exactly then you DM me. :-(
2011-12-26 12:34:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just missed you... I am sorry. It's always the same. I am sitting in front of my laptop waiting for you & waiting & waiting...
2011-12-26 12:33:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Poor darling, please do take care of your throat. Wish I could do
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something but I can't. Good night. Your lady will join you soon in bed...
2011-12-26 12:28:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't get Tazo. Other brands yes, but I don't know they are better or not. Different.
2011-12-26 12:27:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ohh, sigh. It's very late there, so... Please sleep well. A soft butterfly kiss on your chin & lips & a sweet hug for tender dreams.
2011-12-26 12:27:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you still have your teas? :-) I need to buy some too... How was your day? How is my sweet sir feeling tonight?
2011-12-26 10:41:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. :-) Ok. In the meantime, I make a cup of tea... Kissing you back, darling and sighing with a smile as you walk away... ;-)
2011-12-26 10:39:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And hope your evening was lovely with your sister's friend. Was it a surprise visit? :-)
2011-12-26 10:29:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Welcome back darling :-) Sweet. Thank you. I missed you. Wow, that's crazy! There was no other way...? Hope it will be better tomorrow.
2011-12-26 10:29:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope the ride home is enjoyable. You still own me a ride ;-) Thanks for the kiss. A deep, long happy kiss awaits you at the threshold... :-)
2011-12-26 07:49:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and a bottle of cream liqueur. He knows I don't drink alcohol but he found the bottle cool. :-) Normally, I don't get anything at all.
2011-12-26 07:48:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am home, so... I am in black leggings & a purple top. Not very exciting. :-) I got a Buddha canvas print from Kelvin...
2011-12-26 07:47:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, I was cleaning the house and got lost in it. I am done. Now... hmm. Have nothing else to do. Feeling lonely.
2011-12-26 07:46:35 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ But I find it good that you want to keep your skills sharp & active. That's important.
2011-12-26 07:45:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I can't wait to see your schedule... so, our time will be reduced too, right? Sigh.
2011-12-26 07:45:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, I wouldn't say you've been lax...your days were packed with loads of work & other things, there was simply no time for reading/studying.
2011-12-26 07:44:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blush, sometimes I forget to think before saying something. So it is with the cab cancellation... :-) Hope the ride was fun, dear.
2011-12-26 07:43:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Does it mean your throat is better? You are right, here too...people wear a jacket & cover their head/ears when on a bike, even if it's hot.
2011-12-26 07:43:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Finally no hectic & the like... :-) Oha, hope you will find your laptop in its place tomorrow... Just thought of your chocolate... :-)
2011-12-26 07:42:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your day is a nice, not too busy one & you are all smiles. How's your throat? I kiss it softly & hug you to me...I miss you darling.
2011-12-26 02:55:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? I do :-) Because of you... :-) For some reason, I was really afraid that you will be off...I got sentimental last night, or so. Blush.
2011-12-26 02:55:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are riding your bike to the office? What about the cab? Well, you told me that you will ride your bike once in a while, but still...
2011-12-26 02:53:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A fleece-wool jacket to protect you? From what? I thought it was warm there... Btw, what color?
2011-12-26 02:52:46 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Remember the word I didn't understand? You had to repeat it several times... Yes, it was Mercedes. My sweet darling... :-)
2011-12-26 02:52:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You found my "darling" amusing? God! I am blushing like a tomato. But at least, it made you smile. ;-)
2011-12-26 02:51:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my sweet darling. Glad you slept well. I did too. Just yes, the night was too short. :-) Fell asleep very late.
2011-12-26 02:51:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy! Happy, happy, happy :-) I kiss you back happily with my arms & legs wrapped around you as you twirl me. Oops, the towel... ;-p
2011-12-26 02:50:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will miss you, darling. Terribly. Many many sweet lil' kisses & a lady butterfly to watch over you & keep you sweet silent company...
2011-12-25 17:05:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... wishing you a wonderfully relaxing, peaceful time & hope you return home with a clear, refreshed mind & body & of course with a big :-)
2011-12-25 17:04:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I hope you sleep sweetly, my darling & your throat feels better when you wake up. In case you will be off (I so hope not),
2011-12-25 17:04:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How to sleep now...? I am afraid to wake up to your message that you will be off for two days... Silly, silly me :-(
2011-12-25 17:04:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! I forgot to ask...what did you decide? Monday-Tuesday or Thursday-Friday? Please, please say it is Thurs-Fri. Your lady is so silly :-(
2011-12-25 17:03:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you Anand. Or call it whatever you want... Truly, deeply, endlessly, helplessly... just as I have the whole time. Sigh.
2011-12-25 12:35:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Seems like I missed you... Darling, I so wish I could magically appear beside you... just to hold your hands & watch you
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2011-12-25 12:06:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on your soft warm lips. :-)Good night, my sweetest. I will join you asap and curl into you, so can put your hand on my belly... :-)
2011-12-25 11:53:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I hope I didn't miss wish you a restful night's sleep with the sweetest dreams... I kiss you softly on your eyes & once more...
2011-12-25 11:53:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kelvin was very happy. He got a microscope too & a Led TV from all of us... I got from Kevi a big Buddha picture, smile. He found it nice.
2011-12-25 11:53:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful. :-) And so glad the fight wasn't serious... :-) My day's been ok, darling. I've never heard of that movie, btw. Hmm.
2011-12-25 11:52:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you had a lovely dinner & feeling more calm... If I may ask, why did you fight with your mom? Hope it was nothing serious...
2011-12-25 11:10:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. They are gone. :-) What about you, dear? Still busy cleaning, organizing or watching a movie, reading...or sleeping? :-)
2011-12-25 11:05:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet cuddleable, gentle darling. I will be off for a while. Kelvin just arrived... I don't think he'll stay here for long. :-)
2011-12-25 08:31:39 (EST)

melancholundone Thank you. Sending you a smile and hug.

2011-12-25 08:28:28 (EST)

dgdreamin Merry Christmas to you... Joy always! xo

2011-12-25 08:20:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest, please come... you know why...

2011-12-25 07:58:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you feeling, darling? Some better? I kiss you back sweetly & rub my nose against yours with a smile.
2011-12-25 07:57:41 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, you are cleaning your room! And your computer will get a new place. Nice. :-) I wish I was there to help you. It would be fun :-)
2011-12-25 07:56:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You want to use the zipper on your bike? A zipper bike! Very practical... zip-zap & ready to ride. ;-p I know what you mean, dear :-)
2011-12-25 07:55:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aww, you woke up... & I couldn't nap because I got a call. Never mind, we can do the dream-picnic next time...or tonight. ;-)
2011-12-25 07:55:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for a gorgeous, happy picnic. :-) Oh, I will dream us a swing too, and a small lake... Sigh. My sweet darling, if only...
2011-12-25 06:56:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know what? I take a short nap too. Just to slip into your dreams & take you to a meadow of daisies & butterflies & singing lil' birds...
2011-12-25 06:55:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I lie down with you, wrap you in my arms and hold you gently to me while you nap. :-) Please set an alarm... ;-) A sweet kiss...
2011-12-25 05:56:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, maybe so... but you had problems with your throat in summertime too. Or maybe your immune sys. is somewhat weak... Hmm.
2011-12-25 05:56:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... market was very joyous. Remember that tiny butterfly? :-) I miss you, darling. Incredibly much.
2011-12-25 05:55:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? ;-) A picnic is simple & lovely & I am sure it would make you smile... God! Blush, those pictures... But our trip to the farmer's...
2011-12-25 05:55:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, a fight with your mom? How comes? Why that? My sweet darling, even though you want to be left alone, I so wish I was there...
2011-12-25 05:55:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, what are you doing? Shall we go for a sweet
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walk? Or what about a picnic at a nice, secluded spot? :-) Please, do :-)
2011-12-25 05:41:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here darling. Or I there... to kiss your frowns away, to cheer you up & make you feel better. :-)
2011-12-25 04:06:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But it isn't normal, if you know what I mean. Maybe you are irritable 'cause you aren't feeling that well. Not sure.
2011-12-25 04:05:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, you should go to the doctor. You have too often problems with your throat. Not sure what to think or how to feel about it.
2011-12-25 04:05:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then call them or walk over & ask... just to be sure, you know? I don't know why I did not sleep well. I think I missed you. Felt lonely.
2011-12-25 04:05:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it was a very lovely time. I miss it terribly much. I miss You. A soft smiling kiss on your nose... Hope you have a sweet sunny day.
2011-12-25 02:12:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What about the cetre near your home? I know, it is unavailable right now, but do you know when is it available again?
2011-12-25 02:11:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you ask me? Wow. :-) Darling, as you feel. Thurs-Fri is fine too. Maybe more so than Mon-Tues. You have more time to plan it, etc.
2011-12-25 02:11:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad you slept late. Feeling fresh now? :-) I didn't sleep well at all. Couldn't fall asleep & slept very light.
2011-12-25 02:10:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. :-) In case you celebrate it in some way... and even if not, Merry Christmas, darling. And good morning, my sweetest. :-)
2011-12-25 02:10:35 (EST)

the_radish You will tell what you did for your birthday, won't you? I would love to hear all about the celebration. :) I like your butterfly wings :)
2011-12-25 00:11:46 (EST)

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the_radish I am going to put the girls to bed now dear. You have a lovely day. So nice chatting with you. Almost like old times :)
2011-12-25 00:03:29 (EST)

the_radish My mother's is the 11 of October! She turned 81, but I know you are 33 now? Guessing.
2011-12-25 00:00:06 (EST)

the_radish Yes, we have much in common and talk about everything others think boring...he is a good friend indeed.
2011-12-24 23:59:37 (EST)

the_radish When is yours?

2011-12-24 23:56:16 (EST)

the_radish It is August 24...year 1968 to be precise...I can trust you with my old age ha ha
2011-12-24 23:56:09 (EST)

the_radish He is a good friend to have

2011-12-24 23:55:29 (EST)

the_radish He is very nice...lives about 20 minutes away from me and has helped me tremendously
2011-12-24 23:55:19 (EST)

the_radish Yes, your splendid writing is very good . perhaps you could find another writer to compile with?
2011-12-24 23:54:43 (EST)

the_radish As you wish dear.

2011-12-24 23:51:50 (EST)

the_radish My pakistani friend, Wajid is helping me with time management and is a great encourager on me finishing my book.
2011-12-24 23:50:53 (EST)

the_radish Hey, it's not for you but for us...those that need to hear your stories and philosophy...don't keep it hidden!
2011-12-24 23:50:16 (EST)

the_radish gather your notes and your splendid words and make the world take notice!
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2011-12-24 23:47:58 (EST)

the_radish Quiet time, cup of tea and write your book? You need to publish dear.
2011-12-24 23:46:37 (EST)

the_radish I hope you have a wonderful day dear. You shop for food today? I wonder what you will buy...
2011-12-24 23:41:50 (EST)

the_radish Thank you so much for that Anand. I know your time is very valuable...Julia will be very happy with your list, I know.
2011-12-24 23:34:20 (EST)

the_radish Ruth can be sunshine...very loud sunshine...she might be an opera singer some day :-O
2011-12-24 23:31:51 (EST)

the_radish Julia can read well above her grade level but the genre is less than seeming for a girl of her is hard to find decent books for her
2011-12-24 23:29:21 (EST)

the_radish ha ha . you* managed because you are also an avid reader...She read the aforementioned fairy tale books by 7 also.
2011-12-24 23:27:42 (EST)

the_radish Anand, I welcome any recommendations for Julia...she has an extensive vocabulary and I need guidance in selecting books for her
2011-12-24 23:26:34 (EST)

the_radish She has already read all of my fairytale books, swedish, russian and the lang books are not safe from her ha ha
2011-12-24 23:25:35 (EST)

the_radish It is very easy for Ruth to make friends

2011-12-24 23:24:23 (EST)

the_radish Yes and where Julia was once shy, she has now bloomed and makes friends with other girls...a must
2011-12-24 23:24:11 (EST)

the_radish Julia isn't quite up to the Lord of the Rings, of which we have but she has read a lot of the classics, books that I have never read
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2011-12-24 23:20:17 (EST)

the_radish Finding a man will be after college, job and buying a house...I have already grilled my children in such a manner. ha ha
2011-12-24 23:19:17 (EST)

the_radish It is so cute to watch them play and sit together...They are tight
2011-12-24 23:17:02 (EST)

the_radish Julia and Ruth enjoy playing with each other and barbie dolls. Julia is my reader but any book i get for her is finished within the hour
2011-12-24 23:16:43 (EST)

the_radish Josiah got his own lap top a couple of weeks ago, Julia is getting barbie dolls as is Ruth. They have so much
2011-12-24 23:14:54 (EST)

the_radish I don't have a recording of her singing but she does take a lot of videos of herself...she is soooooo cute.
2011-12-24 23:14:17 (EST)

the_radish Yes, Ruth sang with her class :) She looked very cute. Alas tho, I didn't take any pictures but Josiah videotaped it on his ipod :)
2011-12-24 23:12:28 (EST)

the_radish I always enjoy a good challenge...and I am on the thought that it is in the challenges and the conquering thereof that make me happy
2011-12-24 23:07:44 (EST)

the_radish Tomorrow I and the kids go to my brothers house for dinner :) It's all good andn nice.
2011-12-24 23:05:55 (EST)

the_radish We already watched ruth sing in a christmas eve service and have allowed the kids to open one gift and now just hang out.
2011-12-24 23:05:28 (EST)

the_radish I meant it is a challenge to be a single mom, work and go to school full time...that is indeed my chosen challenge
2011-12-24 23:02:17 (EST)

the_radish Have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas for real!

2011-12-24 22:56:19 (EST)
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the_radish And I do enjoy a good challenge :)

2011-12-24 22:55:59 (EST)

the_radish I made a good investment and now to find a job! I will work full time while attending school. It's going to be tough but it's a challenge
2011-12-24 22:55:47 (EST)

the_radish Thank you dear...I was afraid you would frown on my extravagance. Your opinion matters to me. :) And thank you for the compliment.
2011-12-24 22:55:03 (EST)

perlygates i will take well wishes. in any form. ( yes....we celebrate Chanukah)
2011-12-24 22:40:53 (EST)

perlygates wishing you a lovely Christmas and many blessings and peaceful moments during the coming year. xox. -an. aka leslie
2011-12-24 22:36:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping soundly, sweet darling & wake up to the sun's gentle rays kissing your cheeks... :-) I love you, Anand. I really do.
2011-12-24 17:27:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Those moments felt peaceful, warm, lovely & more intimate than anything sexual...Pure magic. I felt very close to you. Oh how I miss you :-(
2011-12-24 17:26:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... pleasurable than anything else, to me, lying quietly in your arms like that was sweeter than anything else.
2011-12-24 17:25:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't sleep, darling. Missing your arms around me, your hand on my belly, your breath on my skin... To you, our walks were more...
2011-12-24 17:25:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry. I shouldn't worry so much. And you do have other things to do than to be on here with me... Really sorry.
2011-12-24 13:12:06 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good night, dear. Kissing your forehead softly... Sleep well, dream sweetly. I join you very soon & snuggle up to you, holding you gently...
2011-12-24 12:45:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God, no! I didn't mean to rush to the computer... I am sorry. Well, but what are they doing in the night? 20 hours... unbelievable. Smile.
2011-12-24 12:45:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When you DM me that you are on your way home... or to elsewhere, please do let me know that you've reached. Don't let me wait & worry...
2011-12-24 12:36:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ When you DM me that you are on your way home... or to elsewhere, please do let me know that you've reached. Don't let me wait & worry...
2011-12-24 12:36:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it is not the nicest feeling worrying & not knowing whether you are well & returned home or happened something...
2011-12-24 12:36:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ugh, but you got lost in it anyway, so... Wow, 20 hours of the day? When do the people rest? God!
2011-12-24 12:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, bad traffic late in the evening? Hmm. Here it is only horrible early in the morning & between 15-19 hrs. Hope your day was enjoyable.
2011-12-24 12:14:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now it's too late and you should sleep... Well, then, good night. Hope you sleep well with sweet dreams.
2011-12-24 12:08:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Why do you always do that to me? :-| But am glad you are home, had dinner and all... Machete? Haven't seen it... Was it good?
2011-12-24 12:07:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, is everything alright? It's been 2 & a half hrs since you
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DM-ed me that you are on your way back... :-(

2011-12-24 11:55:03 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Not my chin...though I shall now! ; )

2011-12-24 10:41:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So so, feltsensejunkie... Just teasing. ;-p Darling, where are you? Are you back?
2011-12-24 10:35:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now reading your tweets... I do not lie if I say they stole my breath and then gave it back to me... Wow, just wow.
2011-12-24 10:35:30 (EST)

the_radish before u set that frown too deeply in your brow, I sold my old car myself and bought the new one all by myself. No worries on finance
2011-12-24 09:58:45 (EST)

the_radish ha ha I have a 1990 745 iL BMW...Lady new toy I bought myself. Shd's lovely. The kids r awesome. What would u like from santa?
2011-12-24 09:53:02 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Wonderful words; thank you. I shall see my chin in a new light! : )
2011-12-24 09:38:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It works excellent. :-) Hold out your hand, darling so I can take it in mine... and play with your fingers on the way back ;-) Miss you.
2011-12-24 09:23:04 (EST)

the_radish Merry Christmas dear :)

2011-12-24 08:32:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to the temple & stop somewhere on the way back, watching the sunset with you, nestled in your arms... My sweet darling, sigh.
2011-12-24 07:21:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it's Saturday... your temple visit day. :-) What about the dentist? Didn't you go there? I would've so loved to go with you...
2011-12-24 07:19:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No matter what you say, I find India beautiful, fascinating & I
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could go on... :-) If I could find a way, I'd move there without hesitation.
2011-12-24 07:19:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, it's silly that it is unavailable right now... Maybe next time, darling. :-) I believe the meditation hall will be fine too.
2011-12-24 07:18:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, beautiful! I can almost feel the peace & beauty of that place (the centre near your home) as I read your words... Sigh. I envy you.
2011-12-24 07:18:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the CD. It isn't music darling, it is a horrible something. :-D Just a small gift, but he will be very happy, he doesn't expect it.
2011-12-24 07:17:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ His gift looks scary. I ordered him this He so wanted to have it. Thank God I will not hear when he listens to...
2011-12-24 07:16:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It makes no sense to me, you know? Anyway, Kelvin comes tomorrow to pick up his gift & maybe will stay here for a few hours. That's all.
2011-12-24 07:15:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. More than words can say. And you know that, right? :-) I will spend Christmas alone. I don't celebrate it.
2011-12-24 07:15:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for me & happily curled around my neck the moment I reached the door. Thank you, darling, I so needed that :-)
2011-12-24 07:14:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am back, darling. It took a bit longer because it's snowing, but it melts & making the roads slippery. Your kiss was patiently waiting...
2011-12-24 07:14:03 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Well, you did : ) thank you

2011-12-24 06:17:41 (EST)

feltsensejunkie Well thank you! No one has ever mentioned my chin before. Wonderful timeline of yours today, as always. Merry Christmas to you too : )
2011-12-24 05:06:43 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My sweetest, Kelvin's gift arrived from Germany. I drive to the office to pick it up. It won't take long. Till then, a nose-rub & a hug :-)
2011-12-24 04:03:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly, slowly, savoring the taste of your lips... Sigh. I miss you, my sweet darling dear. More and more every day.
2011-12-24 02:43:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd rent a cabin or so somewhere in the nature. Go for long walks, take some books with me, etc. :-) Anyway, I'd take you with me too ;-)
2011-12-24 02:42:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your plan sounds fantastic, darling. Even if it means no DMs or anything for 2 days. Sniff. But I think you do need some "alone time".
2011-12-24 02:42:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I should keep track of the moon phases too. I did it, but... somehow, sometime I stopped to do so. Hmm.
2011-12-24 02:41:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your sweet surprise made me so happy. The truth is that you do that more often than I...Blush. Yes, I do notice them & my lil' heart smiles.
2011-12-24 02:40:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seriously, I hope your throat feels better. Maybe you were snoring & the air you breathed in made your throat dry, that's why it felt sore.
2011-12-24 02:39:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... woke up with a smile... & thoughts of you. :-) Darling, no biking in the night air, but you kissed your lady with a cold, so... ;-p
2011-12-24 02:39:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. :-) How did you sleep? How are you feeling? More rested than yesterday? I slept like a stone & yes...
2011-12-24 02:38:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I was too hungry & too tired to think clearly...So sorry. Now, let me wrap you in my arms dear & hold you close to me as I sink into sleep..
2011-12-23 16:58:38 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ You really stayed up... just for me? My sweetest, you have made me so happy, you know that? Just to know that you'd do that for me... :-)
2011-12-23 16:53:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I just now realized... you waited up for me to return? You had a long day & you were exhausted and... god! It was midnight there!
2011-12-23 16:52:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please go to sleep now. The sweetest, softest kiss on your lips... :-) I am not angry any more, btw. Thank you :-) Will join you soon..
2011-12-23 13:49:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your day was fine too. :-) Wow, you fixed your Nook & desktop too! You are great, my sweet wonderful darling. Congrats! :-)
2011-12-23 13:48:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling... I so wish I could hug you for being so very sweet! I would so so love to cuddle you. God! :-( But I am happy you are fine &...
2011-12-23 13:48:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I suppose you are already in bed. I kiss your forehead softly & caress you & stay by your side till you fall asleep... I missed you so! :-(
2011-12-23 13:41:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just hope you are fine and your day was a good one. You must be very tired my sweetest, it's been a very long day for you...
2011-12-23 13:36:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will now have dinner & a quick hot shower & then I join you in bed and wrap myself around you... :-) I am sorry for coming home this late.
2011-12-23 13:33:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are sweet & I missed you a lot. But please, really, sleep now. I kiss you softly & hug you tightly... Sweet dreams, darling. Sleep well.
2011-12-23 13:31:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodness, you are awake??? Please, go to sleep darling. I am fine. I decided to go to buy the carpet too & it was in the middle of the city.
2011-12-23 13:30:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home, darling. Traffic was horrible & all the people... :-| I was so angry, I wanted to hurry back but I couldn't get home earlier.
2011-12-23 13:29:53 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am leaving now. I so wish you were here... sniff. Anyway, hope all is going fine today for you :-) Miss you. A lil' kiss
2011-12-23 07:43:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Are you home or in the office? How goes it with the report? Smoother than yesterday? :-) I really don't want to go but I will have to.
2011-12-23 06:27:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... it will get any better. Europe is in a very bad shape too, even Germany has serious financial problems, not to mention Greece...
2011-12-23 06:27:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, the US is not a perfect place, but nowhere is perfect nowadays. :-) And the economy is bad all over the world and I don't think...
2011-12-23 06:27:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Somehow, I miss the US supermarkets. There you can find everything. I know! We should move to the US, darling. Not kidding.
2011-12-23 05:56:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I totally forgot that the shops will be closed on Sat. Sun. & Monday. I so do not want to go! If you were here, I'd happily go with you :-)
2011-12-23 05:55:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Mine is kind of quiet. Doing some office work. Other than that... hmm. I will have to go buy some groceries. Maybe in the evening.
2011-12-23 05:55:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A shy smile and an ever so gentle kiss... to let you know that your lady is thinking of you. :-) How are you, darling? How goes your day?
2011-12-23 05:55:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I hope your day is quite fine & you feel more fresh... :-) A sweet soft kiss-nibble for your ears darling, holding you close... :-)
2011-12-23 02:45:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and see you instead of writing "welcome home". :-) I miss that a lot. I miss everything about you, about our time together. Sniff.
2011-12-23 02:45:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And somehow, I felt a bit sad but also loved that you had to go
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to work...'cause I knew you would return to me & I can hug you & kiss you...
2011-12-23 02:44:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you too. Terribly much. Oh, you just think...? Those days were beautiful, darling. For me, the happiest days in a long long time.
2011-12-23 02:44:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you say so...No no, I believe you. Honest. Marmalade without butter is too dry & tastes better with butter. Glad you liked the combo :-)
2011-12-23 02:43:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept ok & woke up with a sore shoulder (the tattooed one, btw). It hurts to raise my arm. Old age and wintertime. :-)
2011-12-23 02:42:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... a do-nothing day. Maybe go for a walk & read real books, take naps, etc. So your body & mind can relax & get back to balance...
2011-12-23 02:42:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest. If I was there, I would've kissed you awake, that's for sure. ;-) Seriously, maybe you do need...
2011-12-23 02:41:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, and our beautifully decorated basket... and the swing, the lil' birds, flowers, butterflies... My sweet darling Anand... God!
2011-12-22 16:37:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you... of your snoring & how I sat beside you, rubbing your back, watching you... Sigh. And you didn't wake up... :-)
2011-12-22 16:33:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, first you had your toast only with butter, your lady had her toast with orange marmalade. You tried it & liked it ;-)
2011-12-22 16:25:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep sweetly & wake up with a cute lil' smile which I so love :-) May your day be smooth & everything go the way you wish... :-)
2011-12-22 16:24:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Shh, it's just me darling...slipping softly behind you, kissing your shoulder & hugging you gently...yes, my palm is on your chest my dear.
2011-12-22 16:24:12 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Aww :-) Please go now & sleep my dear. One more soft kiss & a gentle hug... Sigh, I'd so love to be there, sit by your side & hold your hand
2011-12-22 11:49:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love you dearly. Good night.

2011-12-22 11:42:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many many sweet kisses all over you... to keep you warm & snugly like a soft blanket. :-) I join you in a bit & wrap you in my arms... :-)
2011-12-22 11:40:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? I didn't know this. Why not? Anyway, do wait... :-) But for now, good night, my sweet darling. Sleep soundly & dream beautifully.
2011-12-22 11:40:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, please come... Pretty please. You need nothing. Really. Well, visa... and a few warm clothes ;-)
2011-12-22 11:36:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes! The orange marmalade too & your apple juice :-) I miss those mornings too, very very much. And the city too. It was lovely there.
2011-12-22 11:34:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you want to buy something online or on Amazon, wait... it is Christmas time, all prices go up.
2011-12-22 11:33:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What? That's not fair! Wait a little, perhaps the price will go down again...
2011-12-22 11:30:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, yes... two toasts with butter, cornflakes & chocolate milk ;-) I still think of it when I have my breakfast :-)
2011-12-22 11:30:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, 4 months is long long ago... ;-) God! Imagine! So many months without you! :-(
2011-12-22 11:29:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exactly, otherwise you will only tire yourself, darling. :-) My day was ok. Somehow, I missed you today more than on other days. Hmm.
2011-12-22 11:29:28 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ want it too badly & you overwhelm yourself with this. Try to relax darling & leave things alone for 1-2 days, incl. your desktop ;-)
2011-12-22 11:08:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear, I wish I could hold sweet tired you... gently, softly & make you feel wonderful. :-) It is just a bad phase or so. Or maybe...
2011-12-22 11:07:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's been almost 4 months... Sigh. I miss you very much.
2011-12-22 10:55:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Has my sweet darling sir fallen asleep? :-) I so wish you were here...I think you wouldn't like the place itself, but it'd be lovely anyway.
2011-12-22 10:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It means minimum 2 sections per week. It should work. :-) And now, I kiss you sweetly on your nape & hug you tight with a contented sigh ;-)
2011-12-22 09:59:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. Well, as I said it was just an idea. I didn't know you already do that. I find your idea great. Just don't forget to write.
2011-12-22 09:56:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But to be honest, everything felt special with you. I can't tell you how happy you've made me feel... You are just perfect for me, darling.
2011-12-22 09:56:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I agree with you on the walks. The only thing I missed was your hand in mine ;-) They were few but maybe that's why they felt so special :-)
2011-12-22 09:55:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Normally I don't like to shop &'s no fun at all but with was really delightful. I would've loved to have you here... :-(
2011-12-22 09:55:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to their other shop, but not today. The traffic is crazy & loads of people everywhere. I think 'cause of Christmas. Hm. Silly.
2011-12-22 09:54:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am darling :-) I found an ok carpet, it is cream with a light brown & a bit darker brown note. Not bad. Anyway, I'll have to drive...
2011-12-22 09:54:13 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Off for now, darling. I'll be back in about 2 hrs. Looking for a small carpet... or something :-) A deep soft sighing kiss on your lips...
2011-12-22 06:23:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And what about our shopping trips? They were delightful, darling. :-) I miss our time together.
2011-12-22 05:30:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What about cooking together & our mornings...? Sigh. I loved & enjoyed every second with you darling, everything we did together. Miss you.
2011-12-22 05:01:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on Saturdays, so... :-) You really enjoyed our walks that much? Aww, this makes me wish to take you for a long sweet walk now :-)
2011-12-22 05:00:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ to gather your snippets into a report. Well, just an idea...I am sorry you had to drop your dentist visit, but normally you go there..
2011-12-22 04:59:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... at the beginning of the month, writing notes, fragments, etc. so you can save time & at the end of the month all you have to do...
2011-12-22 04:59:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, one report per month? And as long as last month's report? Huh :-| Why do you wait so long? Why not begin with your report...
2011-12-22 04:58:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God, no! What are you doing with your computer, phone and poor Nook? My sweet darling, really, try to stop torturing them for a few days ;-p
2011-12-22 04:57:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... that you have a day off & plan to spend the day away from the office/home. That's all. :-)
2011-12-22 04:57:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? You are naturally cute & sweet even without trying... :) I wasn't really angry, just worried, you know? You could have told me...
2011-12-22 04:57:20 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ ... crowded street, market or anything... having you pressed against me, blaming the people ;-p God! I miss you so!
2011-12-22 03:03:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ We can also go for a short walk, or I can go with you to the dentist & on the way back, we can stop at a nice spot or walk through a...
2011-12-22 03:02:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you, darling. The feel, the memory of your touch, your kiss embedded in my skin, sparkling in my veins... Sigh.
2011-12-22 03:02:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to sit on your lap, with my legs around your waist, kissing and cuddling... Oooh, your lady would be in heaven. :-)
2011-12-22 03:01:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You mean a report like the one you have written last month? Or a bit shorter? :-) Hope all is going well at the dentist, dear.
2011-12-22 03:01:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ About your phone... well, it didn't really surprise me. I told you, please keep your fingers off any electrical appliances... ;-p
2011-12-22 03:00:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now I understand...that's why the long queue, right? And if I get it right, you & your mom had the luck to visit/see the temple. Very nice.
2011-12-22 03:00:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... yesterday, talking like a waterfall, without taking a breath and your kisses... ahh, I can't help but smile. All is fine, darling :-)
2011-12-22 02:59:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, good morning. Now, tell me... how could I ever be angry with you? Just the image of you, telling me about what happened...
2011-12-22 02:58:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss your forehead softly and hug you gently as you sleep. Hope you sleep well & long with the sweetest dreams.
2011-12-21 15:46:30 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Anyway, I am glad you are home & hope you had a beautiful day, despite the long queue & the accident with your phone.
2011-12-21 15:45:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then I fell asleep holding my laptop... & got teary eyed when I saw your DMs. I felt so relieved & sorry, but a bit angry at the same time.
2011-12-21 15:44:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ are, what's with you, etc. :-( Maybe I worry too much, still... normally you don't do such things like this & I was really worried.
2011-12-21 15:44:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... loads of work/meetings/whatever... and then... I just waited & waited... and believe me, it was truly maddening, not knowing where...
2011-12-21 15:43:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... didn't know about the fast, about your little trip to the temple with your mom. I thought you were in the office, very busy with...
2011-12-21 15:42:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Goodness! You are home... in the middle of the night, but alive & fine! Please, don't do this again. I didn't know you took today off...
2011-12-21 15:42:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I hate that I just sit here and can do nothing. My sweet darling, this is so maddening! God! I'd do anything just to be near you... :-(
2011-12-21 12:24:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Alright, it is no fun anymore... I hate this distance, I hate that I can't be there & hate that I don't know what's with you, what happened.
2011-12-21 12:00:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's nearly bedtime for you, darling & still no message from you... Your lady is getting a little concerned... Hope all is fine with you :-(
2011-12-21 11:08:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Looking at the time & wondering where you are... Hope you are well, my dear & will get home soon to your wilted lady :-)
2011-12-21 10:06:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be very very busy today, but hope things are fine. :-) My day is going very slowly, at least headache's gone. Missing you.
2011-12-21 07:07:18 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, it's snowing & it's cold enough for the snow to not melt & blanket the ground, the trees in white... I wish you were here.
2011-12-21 07:03:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My butterflies should reach you soon & cover you with lil' sweet soft tingly kisses... I miss you, darling.
2011-12-21 04:11:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just now see, it's Wednesday, your long day... Hope it's pleasant-busy with no hectic. Is everything going fine for you/your team?
2011-12-21 04:09:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was lovely yesterday. Thank you again. I missed that... :-) And thank you for your lovely wishes, I hope & wish the same for you.
2011-12-21 04:09:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's why I write so late. I am sorry.

2011-12-21 04:08:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... very early & woke up in the middle of the night with a bad headache & hot body. Got up late & then had to rush to the office.
2011-12-21 04:08:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. Did you really get up that early? Why? How are you? Got enough sleep? My cold got worse last night. I fell asleep...
2011-12-21 04:08:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just really don't know what to do... every part, every inch... all of me aches, screams for you.
2011-12-20 12:05:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. Missing you is the worst torment... Close your eyes my dear, your lady is holding you in her loving arms... rocking you to sleep.
2011-12-20 12:01:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. I hope so too. Yes, very happy & thank you for being there today. :-) But also sad, 'cause I miss you...
2011-12-20 11:55:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's late there... Sleep well, my darling in happy dreams. Soft butterfly kisses along your neck... I join you shortly :-) Good night.
2011-12-20 11:53:30 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh, they were happy, to be honest, I could hear them whisper 'unbutton me' ;-p
2011-12-20 11:53:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Those buttons... Sigh. I miss you, darling.

2011-12-20 11:49:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, I don't know... I prefer buttons outside their hole... esp. yours ;-p
2011-12-20 11:45:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There's a top under the shirt, btw... so, you needn't worry ;-p
2011-12-20 11:43:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Sniff. Why not? :-(

2011-12-20 11:41:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I mean shirt shirt... with buttons :-)

2011-12-20 11:37:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wearing blue denim skinny jeans & a grey checked v-neck shirt :-)
2011-12-20 11:37:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ First I need a little pause, darling. No job hunting at the moment. Car is usable & nothing new from the bank, so... all's well.
2011-12-20 11:36:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm. Perhaps so.

2011-12-20 11:23:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, actually seems like you do overload it ;-p

2011-12-20 11:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your tonight's tweets are stunning, darling. So, this for you ' your poetry / flows in my tongue - / moist & secret dialect ' Blushing :-)
2011-12-20 11:14:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No problem, darling. Late dinner... :-) I don't understand why does your sys. crash so often :-| And right, haven't tweeted in a long time.
2011-12-20 11:07:39 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ On the clothesline ~ Her prom dress ~ And sighs (sleek in silk/ her body requires / in braille / for you to read it) Smile.
2011-12-20 10:30:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That would be wonderful, but you are there & I am here... :-( So, what to do? For come or I fly 'cause I really want to see you...
2011-12-20 10:20:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nothing. I got a cold darling, maybe that's why...

2011-12-20 10:20:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no no... I meant it seriously. I would love to hold you again, dear. Please? My day is ok so far... decent. Having a light headache.
2011-12-20 09:55:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For example ;-p But you didn't blush... so, we have to meet and try it again ;-)
2011-12-20 09:26:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No? Oh, perhaps I had something better to do than blushing ;-p
2011-12-20 09:15:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, gosh! Blush :-)

2011-12-20 09:09:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The color is clear... I would like to have cream. Well, let's see what I find... And darling, again... what would be nice?
2011-12-20 09:04:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. I found turkish bath towel :-| and then turkish carpet. But I think I know what you mean. :-)
2011-12-20 08:55:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What would be nice? Ok, just a minute... going to look it up. :-) No curtains. It can wait.
2011-12-20 08:50:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, you meant DMs for me or DMs in general?

2011-12-20 08:46:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Fantastic idea, dear. I would love you to tweet sitting next to me... so you wouldn't even need to DM... ;-)
2011-12-20 08:45:26 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ... and necessary and then all the other things... Anyway, your day is so packed with work, it is not easy...
2011-12-20 08:39:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh! Darling, please come...Or I do... Blush, what is a turkish towel? Maybe you should write a list, begin with what's really important...
2011-12-20 08:38:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are home too! :-) Then... let's kiss and hug and hold each other... and play and enjoy your choin choin while I enjoy your waves ;p
2011-12-20 08:38:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the weekend trip, your Nook, work, your daily phone meetings took up a lot of your time & don't forget about the diverse lil' things...
2011-12-20 08:13:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to welcome you home with a real sweet long kiss & an arm-wrap... Sigh. Yes, I did notice it dear. Well, your new phone...
2011-12-20 08:13:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Glad your day was fine. At least it wasn't all about meetings. :-) I guess you are now on your way home...
2011-12-20 08:12:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Jut got home, btw. I went to buy a couch table. Nothing special & a lil' dark but it's ok. Now, I def. need a carpet under the table, hmm.
2011-12-20 08:11:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... better at the latter. As I told you... we were/are/could be wonderful together. ;-) Missing you darling. Very very much.
2011-12-20 08:11:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, you are excellent at planning but poor at implementing. ;-p Your lady is not so good at the former, but...
2011-12-20 08:10:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... far too excited and my mind went blank and for a sweet moment, I was lost in your kiss. Smile. Hope your day is fine, my dear.
2011-12-20 05:24:13 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ My sweet lil' over-excited darling sir, just this :-) and a kiss on your nose... Still trying to recall our first kiss, but I think I was...
2011-12-20 05:23:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you back darling, gently & slow as my hands on your hips pull you close to me... Sigh. I miss you so incredibly much!
2011-12-20 02:53:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not there, so I can't tell how much time you spend in front of your screen, I just notice that you write/DM me less & less, so... :-)
2011-12-20 02:52:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you did mention some time ago that you plan to restrict/reduce your in-front-of-laptop time. Perhaps it works this time :-)
2011-12-20 02:52:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? How about the meetings? Hope they are less now with more meaningful-interesting work.
2011-12-20 02:51:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My hip is nice purple-yellow :-) It will be fine in 3-4 days. I bumped it against the side of the door. Blush.
2011-12-20 02:51:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and play with your lady instead. ;-) I slept well, I think. Got a cold darling. My day just started, will do some work & let's see...
2011-12-20 02:50:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How could I ever compete with them? ;-p But maybe, just maybe if I was there... I would've been able to make you stay away from them...
2011-12-20 02:50:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. Shaking my head & smiling as I read your DMs. Your Nook! And now your phone too...
2011-12-20 02:49:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly & dreaming sweetly my darling dear. May you wake up fresh & well-rested. Have a great, colorful day :-)
2011-12-19 15:56:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I miss you so! :-( Anyway it's time to slip under the covers, kiss the corners of your sleeping :-) & snuggle up close to your warm body :-)
2011-12-19 15:56:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest, it is snowing. I sit outside, watching the soft tiny flakes gently fall... How I wish you were here with me now, sigh.
2011-12-19 15:54:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, why over-excited? Anyway, sleep soundly darling. I will come & curl into you soon... :-) My sweet sweet darling sir... Smile & sigh.
2011-12-19 12:09:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you should sleep darling. I tuck you in & kiss you a sweet good night. :-) And please, don't you worry, your lady got used to it ;-p
2011-12-19 12:09:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, ooops. My sweet darling, please do nothing for the next 2-3 days. :-) I mean keep your hands off the computer, Nook whatever :-)
2011-12-19 12:08:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff... there was my sweet darling. And it's already bedtime there... Have you fallen asleep ... or still busy with your computer?
2011-12-19 11:42:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I like your idea. I just don't know how to do it. And don't know how it will look... Hmm. Come over dear & show me what you mean... ;-)
2011-12-19 10:36:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet darling! :-) As I see, you successfully upgraded your system... with some help. Great! All's working fine?
2011-12-19 10:36:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, the bruise isn't that bad, anyway I'd love to have your soft kisses rather than use a hot water bag ;-)
2011-12-19 09:19:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Fantastic! First the shock... then the smile. I hope your Nook will behave, darling & it will last long, long, very long. :-)
2011-12-19 09:18:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like your day was quite busy too. But hope it was a good one. I miss you darling. A lot. Sigh. How are you? Are you home now?
2011-12-19 09:18:09 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Just got home darling. Busy Monday. Tired. I drove to the office & then to look for curtain. I decided that I hate curtains :-|
2011-12-19 09:17:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please be careful of the bruise on my hip ;-) I kiss you softly on your neck, behind your ear as I hold you close... :-) Miss you.
2011-12-19 02:43:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How did you sleep darling? How are you feeling? How is your day? Hope it isn't too busy... you didn't get much sleep... :-)
2011-12-19 02:43:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But maybe it is a helpful site for you... Don't know. Anyway, I am happy it is working now. :-)
2011-12-19 02:42:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I've read about this Nook-won't-start-up issue last night at B&N community, the problem is, I don't have a Nook & know nothing about it. Hmm
2011-12-19 02:42:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? I told you... don't exactly know what, but I did ;-p Maybe your Nook didn't like the hacking... or there was any other minor prob.
2011-12-19 02:41:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweetest! Your kiss, your smile & then hearing your Nook is alive... ahh, such a lovely way to start my day... :-)
2011-12-19 02:41:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, for now, I hug you tightly to me darling & lovingly watch over your sleeping form... I do hope your sleep is sound & peaceful.
2011-12-18 15:34:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so sorry, I so hope it is just a minor problem & it's fixable. :-| It makes me so sad to see you :-( I wish I could do something...
2011-12-18 15:33:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...about your Nook... Oh dear, say that isn't true :-| Please do check it again... & again...& again. Or maybe take it to any service or so.
2011-12-18 15:33:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I really didn't expect to get any message from you today. Knowing you are home & seeing your DMs gladdened my lil' heart but hearing...
2011-12-18 15:32:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ First of all: welcome home my sweet darling! I am so so happy that you are home safe & sound! Just now saw that you've DM-ed me.
2011-12-18 15:32:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you softly, my sweet darling Anand. Please do :-)

2011-12-17 02:44:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In some ways, your friend will be there darling & me too, holding your hand... Please go for a long walk... alone, yet with your friend :)
2011-12-17 02:43:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you slept well & your travel is comfortable, safe & smooth. Please enjoy your stay with the family.
2011-12-17 02:41:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It seems it worked. Happy. My sweet darling, your lady loves you. I know, I am not always good at showing it, but I do.
2011-12-17 02:40:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... alarm at 1:30 just to bring a smile to your morning & some nicely wrapped kisses to take them with you for the long way... :-)
2011-12-17 02:40:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, when I woke up- I mean really, really- I wasn't sure if I DM-ed you or it was just a dream. I went to bed early, darling & set an...
2011-12-17 02:39:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... when you need a hug & keep you company in case you miss your silly lady :-) Please take good care of yourself. I will miss you darling.
2011-12-16 19:48:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I go back to sleep- typing with eyes half closed :-) See the lil' butterfly? She is for you to watch over you & wrap her wings around you...
2011-12-16 19:47:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and wish you a safe, pleasant travel before you leave &
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despite all, hope you have a lovely, gentle time with the family.
2011-12-16 19:47:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. My sweet Anand... :-) I have set an alarm to wake me up just to say you good morning & kiss you & hug you...
2011-12-16 19:46:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A lil' surprise... :-) Yes, it's your lady in her white towel, hugging you, cuddling you, waking you up with soft, sweet delicate kisses :-)
2011-12-16 19:45:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night. :-) Yes, will slip beside you in a bit. Ok? :-) A soft kiss & nose-rub... Sweet dreams.
2011-12-16 13:36:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ha! It's midnight! Rush to bed, darling. Giggle... how I love your trumpeting kiss! Pleeease, do it again! :-D Sleep soundly, darling.
2011-12-16 13:34:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And please, take care of yourself. Wishing you a pleasant trip darling. If you see a butterfly, :-) & know that your lady is thinking of you
2011-12-16 13:07:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well, my sweetest. Dream lovely dreams. I kiss your forehead, your eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & a sweet slow kiss on your soft lips :-)
2011-12-16 12:57:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed now. It's very late. I will come in a bit too & curl into your arms... so you can hold my belly & snore in my ears ;-)
2011-12-16 12:54:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day was ok. Nothing special/interesting. Hm. I miss you too. Very much. I miss cooking with you too & your smiles... & everything...
2011-12-16 12:50:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile... you know... come darling and you can sleep & sleep & sleep... well, you can spend one whole day napping/sleeping/lazing around ;)
2011-12-16 12:46:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh darling, you do such things this late??? All is ready for
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tomorrow? Yes, you should sleep... Will you leave very early?
2011-12-16 12:41:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, are you asleep or awake... busy packing for the weekend?
2011-12-16 12:07:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The truth is that I can't even imagine losing someone I love so much, you know? Yep, my grandfather but... it's over 15 yrs now.
2011-12-16 10:59:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ As I said before... he must have been an amazing man. I am so sorry he's gone. Feel so clumsy & I so wish I had more to say...
2011-12-16 10:57:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And I will be overjoyed if you can manage to sneak on to the internet somehow... :-) Happy. Happy, happy. Smile.
2011-12-16 10:25:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ 2 days without my sweet darling??? Oooh, sniff. I will miss you terribly but also happy that you will meet... you know, his family...
2011-12-16 10:23:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, she is coming for only one day, but still... I am glad. Didn't go shopping. Will do it tomorrow with my lil' sis.
2011-12-16 10:23:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Awww, so so sweet! Beaming :-) If only I could really hold you... Sigh. Yes, like my cat boy. Nothing new about him :-(
2011-12-16 10:23:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now... you are home, so please take a deep breath & smile for me... let your lady wrap you in her arms & kiss your :-( away... :-)
2011-12-16 10:11:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I remember... but I thought he's already left. I am sorry his leaving causes such a silly hassle.
2011-12-16 10:11:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! So wonderful to hear from you! I thought you got lost too... Smile. I am happy you are home, darling. What a long day! & it's Friday...
2011-12-16 10:10:56 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, where are you? Been checking my DMs every 30 min., but it's getting late there & still no DM... All is well with you? :-|
2011-12-16 09:57:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Renata just called me, maybe she comes tomorrow. Not sure. Kissing a smile on your lips... hope your day is fine, my sweetest.
2011-12-16 05:39:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, I would love more than anything else to be held by you, to feel you close to me, your soft lips... Ah, just to kiss you. Sigh.
2011-12-16 02:50:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day will be about office work & maybe will drive to look for curtains- still don't have, or carpet or anything. I still need some things.
2011-12-16 02:49:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss waking you up. Anyway, I am glad you didn't rush. Normal busy is good &... it's Friday! :-) When will you travel? Tomorrow or today?
2011-12-16 02:49:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You didn't set an alarm & overslept? Oh dear.. :-) See? If I was there, it wouldn't have happened. Your lady is better than any alarm... ;-p
2011-12-16 02:48:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and all the stuff you bought. I find it very very sweet. We are alike in this... :-)
2011-12-16 02:47:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet lil' boy ;-) I remember how happy you were when you got your Nook... and the case for your Nook... and the teas...
2011-12-16 02:47:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, good night my lil' sweet darling. Sleep well... with the taste of my kiss on your lips... :-) I missed you today. I still miss you.
2011-12-15 12:50:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on Christmas eve. ;-p Sweet, so sweet! No no, you can play with your lady under the covers. I assure you, it will be even more fun ;-p
2011-12-15 12:49:51 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, you are awake? :-) Ok, I see what you mean. Yep, very clever tool, indeed. :-) I can't help smile darling, you are like a lil' boy...
2011-12-15 12:49:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... sweet colorful dreams. And in a short while, I join you & curl around you, holding you gently to the curve of my body...
2011-12-15 12:36:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to have fallen asleep, darling. So, I kiss your eyelids & whisper good night... May your sleep be sound, sprinkled with...
2011-12-15 12:36:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, you can find out the book reviews without the app too, or...? But I am really happy for you. Honest :-)
2011-12-15 11:12:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, yes I can feel the excitement in your voice (well, words) :-) I'd so so love to hug my boyish happy darling right now!
2011-12-15 11:11:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And that app... you mean an Amazon app? Ahh you... :-D
2011-12-15 10:46:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, see? I forgot about your daily phone meetings... Glad you are happy with it, take good care of it dear :-) Ratings for what?
2011-12-15 10:44:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I see you are very happy with your phone... ;-p Just don't forget your dinner, darling. Miss you a lot. Hope your day was great.
2011-12-15 10:26:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, nice! Congrats on your new phone! Good choice. :-) Do you like it? Silly question, but... :-)
2011-12-15 09:24:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I should try to cook on that stove... Hmm. :-) Anyway, I wonder where is my sweet sir... Hope all's well with you. Please come home soon.
2011-12-15 08:31:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, just got home... drove to the office to pick up some paper work & on my way home stopped for lunch. It wasn't so good.
2011-12-15 08:30:48 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I will be off for about an hour. Hope you are fine & all is well in the office... Please take care darling & know that your lady misses you.
2011-12-15 06:06:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A deep, sweet kiss on your lips my darling. One that sends tingles through you... and makes you want to get more... :-) Missing you.
2011-12-15 03:57:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not much. Have some work to do, and maybe I drive to the office. Not sure. Hope yours goes smoothly & it is interesting-pleasant-busy :-)
2011-12-15 03:56:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ With you, everything was so simple, so easy, cheerful & so beautiful... Sigh. I felt entirely happy with you, darling. Honest.
2011-12-15 03:56:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, did you sleep well? Woke up fresh & happy? I miss those mornings... and days... and nights.
2011-12-15 03:55:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning my darling dear. The night was restless but the moment you kissed & hugged me, my sleep turned sweet & peaceful...Thank you :-)
2011-12-15 03:55:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You know, the mornings are just not the same without you... :-) I miss you, Anand. Very very much.
2011-12-14 16:01:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...up close to you, falling asleep happily...My sweetest, I hope you are sleeping well & wake up with a :-) & thoughts of our sweet mornings
2011-12-14 15:58:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just sitting on the bed, watching your sweet sleeping form till I can't keep my eyes open... then I kiss your forehead softly & snuggle...
2011-12-14 15:55:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I do love you. And I also find you interesting. So?
2011-12-14 13:09:25 (EST)

melancholundone Hello. thinking of you. and thank you. ;) hope you are
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2011-12-14 12:33:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, she is fine :-) Yes, it's way too late... So, one more kiss and... good night my sweet sweet darling.
2011-12-14 12:12:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please sleep well. Dream sweetly. Kissing your cute nose & hug you gently... Good night. I will join you in a short while...
2011-12-14 12:07:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I wish I was there to tuck you in and pull a blanket of kisses over you... :-) I miss you darling. Very much so.
2011-12-14 12:07:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Not in a mood to write? What happened? You did manage to write anyway... They are all beautiful. :-)
2011-12-14 12:06:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling. It was my lil' sis. Well, it was quiet & decent & not quite done for the day... No news about my cat boy. :-( Worried.
2011-12-14 12:06:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ just a sec. on the phone

2011-12-14 11:49:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yum. Sounds lovely but chillies for the night...? :-) Oh, that's enough... he enjoyed a bit... and his son a bit more... ;-)
2011-12-14 11:41:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. Happy fruits for dinner? From whom did you inherit your poetic DNA, btw? ;-)
2011-12-14 10:37:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, kissing your lips welcome home & bite your tongue for being so kind... ;-p I meant kitchen stove. And it doesn't have arms, sniff.
2011-12-14 10:36:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, here is very, you have to come to keep me warm. Period. Otherwise I'll get a runny nose & all...Sniff. See? Already sniffling
2011-12-14 08:30:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care darling. Hope the drive home will be
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pleasant... A sweet nose rub back with a smile & a quick kiss. :-)
2011-12-14 08:25:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, you! Your teasing didn't really work... ;-p Lovely, small bookstore... dreamy sigh :-)
2011-12-14 08:23:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But we also have Chinese markets. Lots of cheap, crappy stuff. :-D
2011-12-14 08:21:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I live in Europe darling. So, I think our markets are European. :-|
2011-12-14 08:19:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, it's call & long hours in the office. :-| My poor darling, hope the clients are happy with your (the team's) work.
2011-12-14 08:18:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feels like that stolen kiss in the bookstore... ;-p Remember? :-)
2011-12-14 08:18:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ $10,000 is a lot of money, darling. At least for many people, you know? :-) Awww, so sweet! Thank you for secretly DM-ing me.
2011-12-14 08:17:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile. Ok. Sounds lovely. :-) Yes, it would be very nice darling. Please come... and I will take you to an European market. ;-)
2011-12-14 08:17:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And mostly it is very decent. Because a nice, big, colorful wedding is way too expensive & people can't afford. Sad, but... :-)
2011-12-14 08:07:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow, this I didn't know. Interesting. In western world, people marry whenever they want. Mostly on Saturday & in spring or summer. :-)
2011-12-14 08:06:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ One that looks like the plate in my dreams. :-) Hm, mostly done with unpacking & arranging. A new stove 'cause the stove here is ugly & old.
2011-12-14 08:06:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Makes me smile that you liked my silly dream. Smile, I was thinking the same... I hope I find a plate with blue bunny... For you, of
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2011-12-14 08:05:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Aww, and your lady feels like sweeping you into her arms, kissing you back and... just keep kissing you ;-) for calling me sweetie pie :-)
2011-12-14 08:05:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... that I do think of you and I miss... I miss... I miss you so! Smile. Hope your day is fine & colorful in every way. :-)
2011-12-14 05:29:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't really know what to write & my sir seems to be very busy today, so... just this :-) and a sweet fluttering kiss to let you know...
2011-12-14 05:28:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... play and caress and tease... :-) I miss you very much. Please... do come... Oh, isn't it lunchtime? Bon appetit, dear sir. :-)
2011-12-14 03:03:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, my sweetest? How goes your day? How I wish I could kiss your warm, soft lips & then nibble on them while my hands...
2011-12-14 03:02:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, shifting work is done. Remember, I don't have the keys any more... Hm, the fridge can wait, right now, looking for a new stove.
2011-12-14 03:02:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... brown Bambi eyes feel less tired. :-) My darling, I hope so too. It's the second day... and still no sign of cat boy. :-( So so worried!
2011-12-14 03:01:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am glad your eyes feel better. Eye drops do help, but I still think you should try glasses... Maybe it helps to make your sweet...
2011-12-14 03:00:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Why didn't you go for the wedding? Are you serious? At 3:43? Wedding at predawn? Oh, my... :-| Yes, colorful as everything in India :-)
2011-12-14 03:00:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... riding her bike. :-D The dream was a little chaotic, but it was lovelier than it sounds... :-)
2011-12-14 02:59:23 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ You were pouting but we had loads of fun. :-) Then we was in the city where my mom lives. She waved at us from across the street...
2011-12-14 02:58:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... have a plate with a blue bunny on it but a woman was faster & bought the last one & we couldn't find another one.
2011-12-14 02:58:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my sweet darling. Glad you slept well, I can't complain either. :-) I dreamt of you. We went to the market & you wanted to...
2011-12-14 02:57:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... share... Deep dreamy sigh. I hope you are sleeping well in wonderful dreams, my sweet darling dear. Wishing you a joyous morning... :)
2011-12-13 15:56:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am slipping quietly behind you my dear, kissing your nape, hugging you to me...Oooh, just to feel your skin on mine under the sheets we...
2011-12-13 15:55:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night my sweet darling. Sleep soundly. A deep, sweet kiss on your lips for smiling dreams... :-) I join you soon...
2011-12-13 11:43:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wow! A wedding! Oh how so lovely & sweet & romantic... :-) But early in the morning? Huh. My best wishes to them :-)
2011-12-13 11:41:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, if eye drops help... I did went to hunt for him, but... :-( My neighbors will let me know when they see him. Nothing else I can do :-(
2011-12-13 11:40:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Almost done for the day... Cat boy is still away. Sad sigh. Sitting outside & hoping he'd come home. The sky is starless & pitch-black...
2011-12-13 10:57:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... glasses to protect your eyes? Hmm...

2011-12-13 10:55:03 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Ooops, I meant "and". Blush. Nice! Sweet colorful lovely fruits... ahh! :-) Soft kisses on your eyes, darling. Maybe you should wear...
2011-12-13 10:54:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, had dinner? Oh! An what about the CPU? Is it really the right one?
2011-12-13 10:41:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. I understand. I just didn't understand why these daily phone meetings after work... :-)
2011-12-13 10:37:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, vid. call on Wednesdays in the office. This, I remember :-) God! Every day? It should be enough once a week... stat. report on Fridays
2011-12-13 10:10:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your beloved Nook... ;-p Still enjoy it? :-) Phone meeting! Almost every day? You spend the day in the office & it isn't enough? :-|
2011-12-13 09:09:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, blush. Thank you darling. It was easier than I thought... :-) It feels good yes and overjoyed to have wifi. :-) How are you, sweetest?
2011-12-13 08:39:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Busy sounds way better, darling. But other than that, was it a good day? No news about cat boy. I am really worried :-(
2011-12-13 08:39:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the lady misses her sweet darling sir. A lot lot lot. :-) A deep, slow welcome home kiss & a wing-wrap for you ;-)
2011-12-13 08:38:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It would be so comforting to have you kiss my shoulders, holding me from behind... My sweet darling, I so so wish you were here now...
2011-12-13 06:24:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, I mean he's never been away... Blush.

2011-12-13 06:23:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or when I called him, in a few minutes. He's been never away this long. Never. I just hope he is alive :-(
2011-12-13 06:22:23 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My day is going quietly. Working. Nothing special. Well, I can't track where my cat boy goes but he always came home in a few hours.
2011-12-13 06:21:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I am glad my butterflies made you giggle. I told them to behave, but...seems like they just couldn't keep their wings off you... ;-)
2011-12-13 06:20:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on her belly. ;-p Darling, hectic or busy? Hectic isn't good, but busy can be pleasant... you know? So, do you enjoy your day, the work?
2011-12-13 06:20:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... out for a few minutes. :-) Oha, you are killing mosquitoes in your sleep? And the lady wonders why she wakes up with stains of blood...
2011-12-13 06:19:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming, overjoyed! :-) Smoking is not good but in this case, I am so happy your pair is a smoker! Thank you for shooing him...
2011-12-13 06:19:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where are you? Oh tell me where?

2011-12-13 04:53:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And bon appetit, sweet darling sir. ;-)

2011-12-13 03:30:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you dear. Many many lil' butterflies are on the way to you, to cover you in sweet soft kisses, wrap you in their smiling wings... :-)
2011-12-13 03:23:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How goes your day? How do you feel? Still happy & full of energy, I hope. I have a lot of office work to do, besides that... nothing else.
2011-12-13 03:22:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I woke up a little late, couldn't sleep last night. My cat boy didn't come home. I worry about him a lot. Sniff.
2011-12-13 03:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest. Today seems to be just another busy day for you... :-) Hope you slept well & enough & didn't have to rush... :-)
2011-12-13 03:21:53 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I love you dear and miss you very much.

2011-12-12 15:28:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly my darling dear & you wake up with a cute smile, fresh & ready for a new day to begin. :-)
2011-12-12 15:27:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... on his eyelids, snuggles up to his chest & falls into a sweet sleep, feeling happy & content to be in your arms... Oh, sigh :-)
2011-12-12 15:27:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lovely smelling lady in her white tiny sleepy-shorts & blue sleepy-top comes back to bed, kisses her sweet sleeping sir...
2011-12-12 15:26:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nibble of baklava... Aww, my sweet darling! :-) You can have it all... the baklava is all yours and yours alone. ;-)
2011-12-12 12:42:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I missed you. :-( You have a talent to DM me when I am away from my laptop. But when I am here... no DMs. Sniff.
2011-12-12 12:39:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly and dream beautifully. Once I hear you snore, I crawl out of bed for a short while before my final joining you. :-)
2011-12-12 12:37:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweet darling. I kiss you back and slip under the covers with you, hugging you into sleep... :-)
2011-12-12 12:36:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you did nothing wrong. He took your words too serious. ;-)
2011-12-12 12:36:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't know how to explain, darling. But you are not a very manly man. And I love this about you. :-) Oha, poor you. But don't feel bad...
2011-12-12 12:36:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have it! Somehow, you have a girlish side... or so. :-) Hmm, but what about tomorrow? Please, you will wake up feeling tired...
2011-12-12 12:01:04 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Well darling, it is very late there. I believe you that you want to write, but think of tomorrow... How do you feel now? Tired?
2011-12-12 11:51:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, why oye? I don't find it bad. Sometimes, the way you speak, your walk, your... appearance, I don't know how to explain.
2011-12-12 11:51:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, did you know that you have something feminine about you? So, it shouldn't be hard to write like one... ;-p
2011-12-12 11:42:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, darling. I think so. Hmm, I am not sure... but I'd say it is not necessary to polish it. :-) I pretty much enjoy your tweets ;-)
2011-12-12 11:40:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you seem to be in a playful mood tonight. I love the idea. And as I see, you do it wonderfully. ;-)
2011-12-12 11:08:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, it would be absolutely delightful. Some things cannot be shared through words... the physical presence is needed... :-)
2011-12-12 11:07:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok. I won't bother you then ;-p You know... just teasing you.
2011-12-12 10:57:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy to see you like that... :-) I wish you were here darling... just for an even more perfect ending of the day... :-) Missing you.
2011-12-12 10:56:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? I told you that shouldn't hate the guys & be so impatient... ;-p So, you are all smiles, satisfied & happy now?
2011-12-12 10:36:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And a dozen kisses all over my sweet sir... :-) Congrats darling! Your lady is proud of you. :-) And you got your CPU? Fantastic!
2011-12-12 10:35:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, btw... your lady is good. ;-) I fixed my internet/broadband problem & have also wifi now. I did it all alone, smile.
2011-12-12 09:19:40 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ How about you, darling? How are you? How was your day? Very hectic? Tiring? I missed you. Well, I still do... :-)
2011-12-12 09:11:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Now, I worry about my cat boy. He went outside early in the morning at 5 & he didn't come home... He never was away this long.
2011-12-12 09:11:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am a bit more relaxed now & relieved 'cause I spoke with Kelvin & he said Nina mama & the kittens are doing well. :-)
2011-12-12 09:10:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling sir, I just got home. Having a busy day, too. Web conference instead of phone meeting? Wow, this is something new. ;-p
2011-12-12 09:10:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ All is fine, darling. First comes the work... ;-) I just hope you are all smiles & your day isn't tiring, but pleasant-interesting-busy :-)
2011-12-12 03:22:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have no TV in the bedroom & don't know why, but somehow I try to avoid to sleep in the bedroom. The couch is pretty comfy :-)
2011-12-12 03:21:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you so much! A sweet slow sighing kiss for you my dear for making my lil' butterfly heart smile. Happy :-)
2011-12-12 03:21:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, hope your lunch was lovely :-) I did notice that tweet & couldn't help :-) but... I wasn't sure...
2011-12-12 03:20:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It will be a busy day for me, have to catch up on some office work & also drive to the office. Missing you darling...
2011-12-12 02:02:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's cold and grey and rainy outside, strange because I can't remember having a rainy Christmas, but white & bloody cold. :-)
2011-12-12 02:01:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You seem to be busy today :-) I was watching Night at the Museum II last night & fell asleep on the couch. I have become a couch
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sleeper :-|
2011-12-12 02:01:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning! How is my sweet sir today? :-) Slept well? Woke up fresh? How goes your day? A sweet kiss on the base of your neck, my dear.
2011-12-12 02:00:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep soundly my darling with happy dreams. I join you in a short while, hug you to me & hold you snugly... Good night.
2011-12-11 11:43:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oooh, those kisses... would so love to really get them, they felt beyond beautiful. :-)
2011-12-11 11:42:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, a bit annoying... :-) Darling? All is well? Or are you just too tired? Anyway I see, it's late & yes, you should go to bed now. :-)
2011-12-11 11:42:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady wishes to play with her sweet sir and sweetly tease... be happy I am not there right now. I just so so so miss you, you know?
2011-12-11 11:30:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, no no darling... not jumping around, but on you. And don't forget the squeeze & lil' kisses all over you ;-p
2011-12-11 11:28:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you. :-) I believe they will do whatever they can... Don't blame them. Please. If not tomorrow, then wait 1-2 days.
2011-12-11 11:27:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, there you are! Jumping on you & squeeze you gently :-) I missed you today... How are you? Oh and it's bedtime for you. Sniff
2011-12-11 11:21:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, how are you feeling now? A bit more relaxed? Had dinner? Your arms are ready to hug your lady? ;-) How's your grandma?
2011-12-11 10:36:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, even at night. They fly so low... But it really doesn't
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bother me. At least not yet. :-)

2011-12-11 10:36:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, here you can easily be isolated. I am just happy that I have a car. You aren't isolated in big cities, but small ones are horrible.
2011-12-11 10:35:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I miss the old house. Yes, still feel bad. I miss the bathroom a lot. And the kitchen. And the kittens. And you. :-(
2011-12-11 10:35:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, good for you. I always forget to take my doc. with me, so... when I see cops, I just hope they don't pull me over. Blush.
2011-12-11 10:34:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What happened to your clothes? Did you wait or will you pick them up tomorrow? This is annoying, even I would frown.
2011-12-11 10:33:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...silly day. Seems like everything that could, went wrong today. Don't hate the CPU guys. Today or tomorrow...makes not much difference :-)
2011-12-11 10:33:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I am sorry. Just got back. I went to buy some stuff... the fridge was emptier than empty. :-) I am sorry you had such a...
2011-12-11 10:32:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... so many little shops, restaurants, the parks, the river... Sigh. All so beautiful. I miss it. All of it. And you! I felt so happy...
2011-12-11 07:38:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it was a beautiful small city and even though alone, but I so enjoyed my daily walks. I loved to see so many people...
2011-12-11 07:38:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the place... God! It isn't a city, it is a village, darling. No nice places to walk, nothing... And you complained about Portsmouth!?
2011-12-11 07:37:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and the right CPU. :-) My day is quiet, cleaning... trying so hard not to think at all, but... Sad sigh. And cat boy refuses to eat :-(
2011-12-11 07:37:16 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Thinking of you, darling. Missing you. I hope your day is better than you thought it would be... And hope you return home with a smile...
2011-12-11 07:36:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your earlobes darling and nibble on them gently. Standing on tiptoe, of course... letting my fingers walk up and down your back...
2011-12-11 04:10:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I love when you kiss my wrist. It sends tingles through me & makes my butterflies flutter like they are drunk. :-)
2011-12-11 04:08:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there... your day wouldn't be half as tiring... at least you wouldn't notice it is tiring. ;-)
2011-12-11 04:07:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, how is your grandma? Are you in the hospital now? Hope she can go home soon...
2011-12-11 04:06:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... airport? They fly over me! It is loud, anyway it doesn't bother me. I grew up next to the railroad tracks, so... :-)
2011-12-11 04:06:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I have to clean up a little and have loads of laundry to do. Just now realized... do you know what it means to live near the...
2011-12-11 04:05:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept on the couch with cat boy, it was a sad night. Woke up late with a headache. I don't feel like doing anything today.
2011-12-11 04:04:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! No! Such bad luck! I hope too, that they are open. It's Sunday... :-| I cross my fingers for you, darling. :-)
2011-12-11 04:04:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ After all, I hope you got enough rest. Traveling woes? What do you mean? Blush, I am not sure I understand...
2011-12-11 04:04:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, just to wake up with you beside me... My sweet darling,
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good morning. Glad you slept well but sorry those phone calls woke you up.
2011-12-11 04:03:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping deeply, my darling & wake up to a lovely morning with clear blue skies & the sun's smile. Miss you...
2011-12-10 15:22:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I join you in bed, snuggle up close to you, kiss your upper arm, curl my fingers around your hand & hold it tight all night...
2011-12-10 15:22:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ops, I meant let's without the us. Can't think clearly. Blush. Yes my sweetest, let's sleep. In each other's arms...Good night. Sleep tight.
2011-12-10 12:42:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, let's us not talk about it now. Please. It feels horrible...
2011-12-10 12:37:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My ex & the girlfriend of the owner. Perhaps they are still in the house... or my ex did take them to his home... or on the street :'-(
2011-12-10 12:35:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But now, please my dear go to sleep... you will feel tired tomorrow...
2011-12-10 12:32:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, but how!? I am not there any more & have no keys for the house. I didn't want to leave but my ex was really rude... to me too :-(
2011-12-10 12:29:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please go to bed darling, it's pretty late. Sleep soundly with sweet dreams. Hope your grandma is well, my lovely wishes to her...
2011-12-10 12:26:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Very tired too. I would so love to curl up with you, kiss & cuddle sweetly & fall asleep holding each other gently... Sigh.
2011-12-10 12:25:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You did cheer me up, darling. I thank you. :-) I didn't find a new home for my sweeties, I just hope my ex really took them with him... :-(
2011-12-10 12:25:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was a dandelion wisp, then... :-) My sweet darling, let's
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vanish together. Wow, long ritual & long dinner :-) How's your tummy now?
2011-12-10 12:24:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, my sweet sweet darling, hope you are having dinner (or so) right now. Please don't eat/drink too much even if you feel like doing so.
2011-12-10 11:17:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is pretty cold for a walk and too wet for sitting in the grass, but a walk would be lovely now. Hand in hand, it's dark, so... :-)
2011-12-10 11:16:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I would love to have you here right now. Then, and only then would all seem better... Deep sigh. I miss you so!
2011-12-10 11:15:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, I try... :-| oops, wait... :-) a lil' one but still... & one more :-) for you, darling. But I don't feel like dancing. Is it ok?
2011-12-10 11:15:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dog lady is Sandy, Nina is the mom of the cat babies. See? A whole lil' zoo. Sigh. I am worried about the babies & Nina mama. :-(
2011-12-10 11:14:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really not? Oh dear, I am so sorry for my outburst. But... it does hurt a lot, you know? I am afraid they will not be fine, this hurts me so
2011-12-10 11:14:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be here. Ok? I miss you more than ever. I am sorry if I spoiled your mood. Please... just smile & hold me close.
2011-12-10 10:11:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, but right now I am kind of in despair and can't stop to cry. I am so sorry. Your lady is too sentimental. Silly silly me
2011-12-10 10:09:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My dog lady is 11 yrs old, I can't dump her... You are sweet darling & I thank you. I would so love to have your arms around me...
2011-12-10 10:09:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am crying all the time, I didn't know I have so many tears... Sniff. Why not Nina mama? 'cause cat boy is too attached to me.
2011-12-10 09:59:45 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I don't even know what happens now to Nina mama & the babies. They were so scared. :'-( I love them so much dear, so so much!
2011-12-10 09:58:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The old house darling. I am completely out now... Yes, to the new house. I have a dog, a cat boy & Nina mama. Only a dog & 1 cat allowed.
2011-12-10 09:56:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lunar eclipse... Really? See? I don't even have time to look at the moon. Blush. All the best for the ritual... or so. Smile.
2011-12-10 09:55:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here darling. I so so so wish! Sad sigh. Good. Thanks for letting me know. A soft kiss on your lips before you go off... :-)
2011-12-10 09:55:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here works nothing. My internet doesn't work properly, nothing works... I am unhappy & entirely sad & dislike this place, but well...
2011-12-10 09:54:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And the babies... my ex was there too, to take them & he was so mean to the babies, he wanted to dump them. :-( I miss them so!!!!
2011-12-10 09:54:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is very hectic darling. I had to hand over the house... I cried a lot, darling. I couldn't take Nina mama with me. :-(
2011-12-10 09:53:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am so happy you found all the stuff & got them cheap. You are very good ;-) So, you didn't go alone. Two guys haggling...I can't help :-)
2011-12-10 09:52:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't do that. I am too shy & modest for that. :-) But with you... it would've been fun, even if it was congested & dirty.
2011-12-10 09:52:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The sweetest welcome home kiss with my arms tightly around you, my dear. I missed you terribly. Wow, bargaining & haggling sounds fun! :-)
2011-12-10 09:51:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oh, I thought you had already left. No problem, darling. I know well how you can get lost in researching & looking for this & that... ;-p
2011-12-10 02:00:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, you take care too. No time for rest today... Mmm, your kiss is sweet as ever... ;-) I kiss you back darling & pull you to me :-)
2011-12-10 01:26:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I will miss you! A lot. But I hope you find the parts you need. I wish I could go for the hunt with you... It would be fun.
2011-12-10 01:24:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss them too, sweet darling. Very much. They were indeed delightful. :-) Thank you for thinking of me... :-)
2011-12-10 01:24:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for when you return... :-) Good morning, darling. Glad you slept well. I slept very light, in a half asleep half awake state. Tired.
2011-12-10 01:23:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The kind sir is very busy this morning. I woke up to find the space next to me empty... Then I went to take a bath to be fresh & lovely...
2011-12-10 01:23:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope your sleep is sweet & dreams are lovely. May your morning be bright, my dear. Think of me for a sec. when you have your breakfast :-)
2011-12-09 15:33:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I join you now darling, curl into you, turn my head & kiss your shoulder as you wrap your arm around my belly with a content sleepy sigh :)
2011-12-09 15:32:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They just burn brighter... And the feeling of missing you grows with every heartbeat. :-|
2011-12-09 13:25:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I find myself thinking of you & of our time together more and more. They say memories fade over time. My memories don't fade, dear.
2011-12-09 13:24:04 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I am very tired, will join you shortly and curl up in your arms. I miss you, my sweet darling Anand. I miss hugging you.
2011-12-09 12:09:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, very late, So again... good night darling. Sweet dreams. I kiss you back on your belly button... & one more kiss an inch below... ;-)
2011-12-09 12:07:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, you are awake! :-) Did your neighbour come over? Upgrading when? Together with your neighbour or alone?
2011-12-09 12:07:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, then... I tiptoe to you, lean over you & kiss your forehead, whispering good night sweet darling. Sleep & dream sweetly... :-)
2011-12-09 11:43:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like my sweet sir dozed off...

2011-12-09 11:33:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I really wish you were here. Your wilted lady would be in full bloom again...
2011-12-09 11:17:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, the list is long darling... And your kiss made me forget everything, so... there comes nothing after the and ;-)
2011-12-09 11:03:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, because of the shifting around, because of a lot of stuff, because the new house is still messy and and and...
2011-12-09 10:53:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice. Light? As in? I feel a bit wilted, darling.

2011-12-09 10:44:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I have seen that movie too many times. It is funny anyway. :-) How are you darling?
2011-12-09 10:38:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There you are! Happy :-) Then don't hold my hands. I wouldn't allow it even if you wanted to. So! ;-p Btw, why not in public?
2011-12-09 10:37:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... stars while you are holding me from behind, enjoying the
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evening breeze... But you are not around. Hope all is well, darling.
2011-12-09 10:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, where are you? I planned to go for a sweet walk with you, hand in hand (I know you don't like it, still...) watching the...
2011-12-09 10:21:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And in case your forgetful lady forgot to mention it... I miss my sweet darling sir. A lot. A whole lot more than a lot. :-)
2011-12-09 09:29:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please, it's ok darling... My day's been hectic too. Busy is good but hectic...Sigh. Yep, broadband stuff is done. At least this is done...
2011-12-09 09:26:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So glad your grandma is doing good. And so glad you are fine. If the sweet sir is fine, his lady is fine too... just a bit wilted :-)
2011-12-09 09:25:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In case you are just on your way home... Impatiently waiting for you to arrive and shower you with lil' pretty kisses. :-)
2011-12-09 09:24:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hi my sweetest. :-) Sorry, just got back. In case you are home... hope you found my kiss & arm-wrap waiting for you at the threshold :-)
2011-12-09 09:24:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I have to leave now. Will try to get online asap :-| Please take care... Thousand & three sweet soft kisses... ;-)
2011-12-09 05:10:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... (broadband, phone) but it ends tomorrow, so I need to bring all the stuff back (router, cables etc.) & pay the final expenses. :-|
2011-12-09 03:44:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Hope your day is an easy and pleasant-busy one... Mine is going to be hectic, I couldn't cancel my T-home service contract...
2011-12-09 03:43:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you deeply darling. Nibbling your lips, teasing you... just to distract you from my unbuttoning your shirt. ;-p
2011-12-09 03:43:25 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ No darling, I don't really need the old house... but there's still many things need to be done in the new one. :-|
2011-12-09 03:43:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And your lady finds you cute & so cuddleable in your undershirt, padding sleepily around in the morning with tousled hair. Sweet :-)
2011-12-09 03:42:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I didn't scamper around in my PJs. Did I? Blushing smile. The first night was so embarrassing... I felt so naked :-D
2011-12-09 03:41:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...the week ends on a more positive note for you, despite it all. My poor sweet darling... I really wish I was there... How is your grandma?
2011-12-09 03:41:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about you? Slept well & enough? Is my sweet sir fresh & feeling some better? Yes, thank god it's Friday again and I hope...
2011-12-09 03:41:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...around you & pull you to me ;-) Ah, it would be so wonderful! I didn't sleep well, darling. Woke up several times...Feeling a bit wilted.
2011-12-09 03:40:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dearest :-) I'd wake up to your first kiss, and then pretend to be still asleep... till I can't help but wrap my arms...
2011-12-09 03:39:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping in sweet dreams. A fresh playful butterfly kiss for your morning, my darling. :-) I miss you. I miss waking you up...
2011-12-08 15:02:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile in your sleep my dear & put your arm around me as you feel lovely-me nestling into your chest, hugging you softly... :-)
2011-12-08 15:02:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What was I thinking? ~ Chasing butterflies ~ Instead of ~ Becoming a flower? (butterflies sing / even flowers / must have wings) Smile.
2011-12-08 12:53:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? Such lovely little poems... :-) You should not have
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doubted, my dear.
2011-12-08 12:09:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh dear... :-) I miss you too, not just your kisses.
2011-12-08 11:39:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Thank you. I miss your kisses, darling.

2011-12-08 11:34:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and snuggle into each other's arms... :-) A sweet soft kiss on your lips for a good night's sleep.
2011-12-08 11:28:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweet daring. Sleep soundly with the loveliest dreams. Let me jump into my tiny PJs first, so I can slip under the covers...
2011-12-08 11:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) But my phone... Smile. Then, don't force the writing tonight, darling. It comes... or it doesn't... :-)
2011-12-08 11:27:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet. But... why my phone? :-) I am at home, so... just a white soft cotton pants & my not too long long tee... :-)
2011-12-08 11:14:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, ok... always happy to see you :-) It was an iPhone, darling. Why do you ask?
2011-12-08 11:05:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's not funny darling. You are not feeling well & I feel so clumsy... and so wish I could be with you now... Yep, you have seen it, no?
2011-12-08 10:55:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I told you... because I am here and not there with you...
2011-12-08 10:49:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am ok. A bit sad... I miss you darling & hate that I can't be there... Not really settled, yet.
2011-12-08 10:47:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Even if you don't feel like taking a shower, it would feel good to have the water run down on you... :-)
2011-12-08 10:46:52 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Oh god! So happy you are home! I was almost worried... Phone meeting... I should've known. :-) How are you, my sweetest? How was your day?
2011-12-08 10:46:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, I hope you are home by now. Please take a long, nice shower to soothe you like a gentle summer rain. It helps a bit.
2011-12-08 09:21:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here we usually get wireless, but well... You are right, darling. It shouldn't be a problem to set one up. :-) I will do it on the weekend.
2011-12-08 08:55:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But I am glad the work distracted you...even if for a lil' while. Visiting them is a great idea. It'd be good for both- you & for his family
2011-12-08 08:55:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to him. :-| I don't know what to do or how to console you... I feel I should be there... It's soul destroying knowing you are hurt :-(
2011-12-08 08:54:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling, had to step out for a bit. Please, don't feel bad about not calling him... If anything, this should not have happened...
2011-12-08 08:53:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, the broadband work is done, but I got a wired router. They said if I want a wireless one, I have to buy it on my own.
2011-12-08 03:38:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... just a little bit better. I hope the work distracts you, my dear. :-| My day is ok. Nothing special. Kind of quiet.
2011-12-08 03:37:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's ok darling, please... no reason to apologize. :-) I do understand. It hurts that I can't be there to hold you tight & make it feel...
2011-12-08 03:37:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I could kiss you on your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin & lips, holding you gently... with your head resting on my shoulder...
2011-12-08 02:27:06 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning. How do you feel? How did you sleep? Hope your are having a decent day in the office. Easy-busy, not mind-tiring
2011-12-08 02:26:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... embrace. I hope your sleep is peaceful & your morning nice & the sun gently smiles into your room to kiss you for me good morning... :-)
2011-12-07 15:19:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anyway, I join you now my sweet darling, kiss your temples & wrap myself around you like a cozy blanket, holding you in my soft warm...
2011-12-07 15:18:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... want to have you in my arms, to show you what I can't put into words. I love you & I feel sad not being able to be with you now...
2011-12-07 14:37:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry darling for being so clumsy. Words fail me. I don't know how to console you or what to say. Silly me. I just want to be there...
2011-12-07 14:37:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just reading your tweets...I can feel the sadness in your voice...& how much you admired & respected him. He must have been an amazing man.
2011-12-07 14:36:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel bad. I should really be there... sitting by your side, rubbing your back, putting you to sleep & watch over you while you sleep :-(
2011-12-07 11:48:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep peacefully my sweet darling & your dreams will be lovely. Good night, dearest. I am sitting by your side...
2011-12-07 11:40:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My internet conn. dropped... I think I missed you. :-( But please know, I hold you close to my heart, cradle you in my arms...
2011-12-07 11:38:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish I was there with you now... to comfort you, to soothe you, to have my shoulders there for you... :-(
2011-12-07 11:38:30 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Gosh! Oh no! Yes, I remember, you mentioned how much you respect him. I am so sorry darling. I don't know what else to say.
2011-12-07 11:38:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss you for being so sweet. :-) Oh ok. I see. But why is it best done from the office? How are you, darling?
2011-12-07 11:15:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here I am. Your lil' butterfly reached me, I opened the window to let her in & rest her wings :-) Thank you, my dear. I wish I could...
2011-12-07 11:15:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am driving now back... Yes, I will drive carefully... but also hurry, just to get online before you go to sleep. Miss you :-(
2011-12-07 10:01:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet happy welcome home kiss for my darling :-) You prefer to stay in the office or phone meetings at home? I guess the latter, right?
2011-12-07 10:01:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish there's no more meetings (telephonic) once you are home. :-) How is your sweet tummy? I would so love to kiss it softly... :-)
2011-12-07 09:17:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, it's getting late there... Hope you are on your way home by now. And hope your day was not too tiring.
2011-12-07 09:17:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the new house, will have broadband tomorrow. I hope. Now, I am online with this USB thingy. Very slow, I tell you. :-|
2011-12-07 09:16:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If I didn't remember the feel of your kisses & touches, I wouldn't miss them. But I do. You have no clue how much... Sigh. A deep one.
2011-12-07 09:16:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and new, but still... I would miss something. I remember your kisses, your touches, your hugs... and miss them so so much!
2011-12-07 09:15:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A stone, darling. Definitely a stone. ;-p Strange. You really don't
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remember any touch or kiss? Hmm, that's true, every time feels fresh...
2011-12-07 09:15:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Seems like you really slept well too & yes, it's good to wake up before the alarm. It means the body feels well-rested.
2011-12-07 09:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet darling, you made your lady beaming :-) Nothing is sweeter than stolen minutes... with quick deep kisses & hugs... ;-)
2011-12-07 09:14:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thousand and one kisses all over you, softer than silk, sweeter than... baklava. ;-p
2011-12-07 04:29:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... these people. I will try to get back asap. :-) I miss you so much! So, so much! Hope you are fine, sweet darling.
2011-12-07 04:28:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be leaving shortly. Now it's me who is going through all the trouble of getting broadband... I could scream at the stupidity of...
2011-12-07 04:28:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? I remember everything but I do not remember our first kiss. :-|
2011-12-07 02:37:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet slow kiss on your lips, while my hands sneaking under your shirt... ;-) Oh, how I miss you!
2011-12-07 02:36:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, you did but still... I have not asked you... Sigh. Getting old & forgetful.
2011-12-07 02:36:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I went to bed early & slept like a stone. :-) Your lady is fresh & lovely, still in a towel... wishing you were here right now... :-)
2011-12-07 02:35:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Slept well? Is my sweet sir all fresh & smiling? How is your sweet tummy? How is your day? Pleasant-busy, I hope.
2011-12-07 02:35:00 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Oooh, what a lovely way to wake up! Just to be in your arms, to feel you holding me close...would make me think that I am still dreaming :-)
2011-12-07 02:34:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In bed, fading fast... and realized that I have not asked you about your day. Oh dear, I am being very selfish :-( So sorry.
2011-12-06 15:19:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping in tender dreams. I wish you wake up fresh to a bright morning, my dear. I so hope your sweet tummy feels better...
2011-12-06 14:58:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't keep my eyes open any longer... I join you now my dearest, kiss your shoulder & hug you to me, my hand softly on your tummy... :-)
2011-12-06 14:58:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was too easy for you... It just took a few days and...I was lost. Still don't understand how could this happen. You are a magician. Smile
2011-12-06 13:36:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For god's sake, out of all the guys in the world, why did my heart choose you? Why!? And why me? Darling why? Why not another lady?
2011-12-06 13:28:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My heart loves you. No matter what my mind says. When my heart loves, it loves. I can do nothing... But why you!?
2011-12-06 13:27:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, really. It hurts. You have no clue how much...

2011-12-06 12:24:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand, my sweetest... I miss you. I miss so, so many things about you... It was so very wonderful with you. I can feel my lil' heart crying.
2011-12-06 12:12:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's so good to sit back...Darling? Once you feel better, can I get that massage? Please? Shy smile. Your hands can really do wonders :-)
2011-12-06 11:43:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night my sweet darling. Yes, will go to bed early too. I join
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you in a bit and wrap you in my arms... :-)

2011-12-06 11:17:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, please. Wishing you a good night's sleep & honey-sweet dreams. I hug you gently & kiss your adorable nose... :-)
2011-12-06 11:16:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh you... Not the illness itself, that was really bad. I just miss taking care of you... Hope your tummy gets well soon, dear.
2011-12-06 11:14:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, remember...? The little, cold towels on your forehead...? I really miss that.
2011-12-06 11:06:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No no, you don't feel well... Although it's very tempting & it would be wonderful, but... no. I would love to pamper you, my dear.
2011-12-06 11:05:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ha! Blush. What now? For or on? Anyway... the walk is what matters... with you, of course. ;-) Me too. I couldn't really sleep last night.
2011-12-06 11:04:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I meant cradling... never mind. Feeling exhausted too.

2011-12-06 10:53:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, then... please go to bed my darling. I really wish I was there... rubbing your tummy, cradle you... just to be there with you...
2011-12-06 10:52:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The owner has a copy of the keys, but he's living about 2 hrs from the house, so... Smile, blush yes... forgetful... old age, you know? ;-p
2011-12-06 10:51:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The owner has a copy of the keys, but he's living about 2 hrs from the house, so... Smile, blush yes... forgetful... old age, you know? ;-p
2011-12-06 10:50:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, I would have so loved to go for a walk with you! Sigh. How are you feeling? Better? Please... let me kiss your sweet soft tummy :-)
2011-12-06 10:50:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you.

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2011-12-06 10:06:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And if anything, eat something light. And no fruits or milk products...I wish could give a sweet soft kiss on your tummy & softly rub it...
2011-12-06 10:04:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice to hear your grandma is fine. Not so nice to hear about your peek-a-boo cold & your poor tummy. Please do take care, sweet darling.
2011-12-06 10:03:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in the old house. Had to drive all the way back, the traffic was even worse. :-| See? Your lady really is silly.
2011-12-06 10:03:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, now... I am here. Hectic day. I got lost in the city then suck in traffic jam & I reached the new house to find that I left the keys...
2011-12-06 10:03:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. Will try to get online asap. Please take care, darling. A quick sweet deep kiss and... whoosh... :-)
2011-12-06 06:10:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would give everything to be able to see you... to hold you again. Really, everything.
2011-12-06 05:46:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your smile, your voice, your walk, your embrace, your kisses, the feel of you... I still remember all... like it was yesterday.
2011-12-06 05:45:53 (EST)

rgogos okay.. & very much concerned with world politics, economics not just in EU.. recommend these documentaries & THRIVE
2011-12-06 05:38:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Plenty of soft butterfly kisses on your neck, slowly dripping their way down your chest to your navel... Smile. I miss you.
2011-12-06 05:25:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thinking of you... hoping you feel better & your grandma's doing fine. Btw, had lunch? I hope yes... and not a late one.
2011-12-06 05:25:02 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I hope I can get online, then. I hug you back darling, holdingyou firmly to me & kiss your sweet lips... :-)
2011-12-06 03:28:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will be driving to the office at 12:15 (16:45 your time) & then to the new house. I will take my laptop & that USB thingy with me.
2011-12-06 03:28:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and she may not be able to fight off a virus. In brief... in her case, even a minor cold can cause serious illness. No kidding. :-|
2011-12-06 03:27:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You have a cold, my dear. I don't know how is your grandma doing, but she is in the hospital... so, her immune system is weakened...
2011-12-06 03:27:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take good care of yourself & please be careful... I hope you know, it isn't a good idea to be with your grandma right now.
2011-12-06 03:26:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But the awakening... Oh darling, sad sigh. You have no clue how much I miss you. Do you?
2011-12-06 03:25:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It was hard to fall back to sleep... & woke up a bit late. Yes, the dream was a beautiful, lively one & thank god you didn't behave... ;-)
2011-12-06 03:25:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear sir. I don't get it... how do you always get a cold in warm weather? But glad you slept... ok? So, you did snore! :-)
2011-12-06 03:24:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If only I could dream you here... I'd close my sleepless eyes & rush back to sleep... Sigh. I hope your sleep is sweet & sound, my dear.
2011-12-05 16:47:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... love to you. Still trembling from the dream... And my butterflies... their longing for you is unbearable. God! Anand... :'-(
2011-12-05 16:33:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I fell asleep on the couch. I wish I didn't wake up. For the first time in a long time, I dreamed of making sweet, slow, passionate...
2011-12-05 16:33:03 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I didn't know it will be so hard... I think of you and of our time together. My lil' heart really aches. It is painful to be apart...
2011-12-05 12:51:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Huh? What was that? Sleep sweetly darling with happy dreams. Kissing your lips & eyes good night. I will join you soon...
2011-12-05 12:02:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are sweet. Thank you :-) Ha! What did you do? Your poor computer... Yes, you should go & get a good night's sleep.
2011-12-05 12:00:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! Why that? Your new machine?

2011-12-05 11:57:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, where are you? Dozed off? I see, it's pretty late there...
2011-12-05 11:51:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are such a good boy... Smile. No, really. Sweet :-) Thank you, dear. And I will send you some pics too, once I unpacked etc...
2011-12-05 11:24:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Lovely. :-) Will have fruits before sleeping too...

2011-12-05 11:19:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, huh? But... why? After all... it is your room.

2011-12-05 11:19:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, your room. No, it was your bookshelf.

2011-12-05 11:15:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... to him talk about hmmm... anything while drawing circles on my belly. Smile. You still didn't send me pic. of your room :-)
2011-12-05 11:07:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is dreamy... Daydreaming of her dear sir, of how wonderful it would be to be with him... lazing around in bed, listening...
2011-12-05 11:06:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly me, I have not asked you dear... did you have dinner? I know, normally you don't skip meals, but still...
2011-12-05 10:58:56 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Good. I wish I was there gently massaging your temples while you are resting your eyes. :-) My sweet sweet darling...
2011-12-05 10:31:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will try... but I have no appetite. Anyway, even though not regularly but I do eat... and have fresh fruits too. :-)
2011-12-05 10:31:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... will never do. It's a bit chaotic right now, so no... I eat whenever I find time... or something to eat. Blush.
2011-12-05 10:22:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Really? Really, really? Sigh... I so miss your smile and hug and... One more sigh. I am not going to lie to you. Have never done and...
2011-12-05 10:22:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just ok? Hmm... Not really tired, but sleepy. And missing you.
2011-12-05 10:12:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! No, no... you can't kiss your client through the phone. ;-) It was quick... Nice. So, tell me, how are you?
2011-12-05 10:09:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) usual long... is long enough. ;-) But hope it's a good one or so. I kiss you back... then? We end up kissing... & you lose focus... ;-p
2011-12-05 09:52:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am in the old house, here I have internet. Hmm. Just got home... and in a phone meeting!? Hope it won't take long, darling...
2011-12-05 09:38:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Finally... and you get a squeezing hug & a deep welcome home kiss, darling. It's quite late there... Bad traffic? Just happy you are home...
2011-12-05 09:38:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about you, darling? How are you feeling? I guess you are on your way home... I will be here, waiting for you with a squeezing hug :-)
2011-12-05 08:02:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No unpacking today. Have some office work to do. Feeling kind of sleepy and my missing you is still there. Other than that, I am ok :-)
2011-12-05 07:59:32 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ ... that bad, and why pointless? But well... awww, my sweet darling... let your lady hug you and kiss a smile on your lips. ;-)
2011-12-05 07:59:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I love when you call me sweetie pie. It's ok, darling... work comes first then all the other things. :-) Bookkeeping work isn't...
2011-12-05 07:58:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing my sweet sir.

2011-12-05 05:35:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry I couldn't write earlier... My day is very busy, have to catch up on work. A soft kiss on your bellybutton... & an inch below... ;-)
2011-12-05 04:03:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, hope you know that your lady is very ticklish. I'd giggle & try to push you away... but sigh & ask for more at the same time ;-p
2011-12-05 04:02:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your grandma? And your mom? I love how your family takes care of each other. So, tomorrow is your turn...Beautifully organized... :-)
2011-12-05 04:01:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How is your day, darling? Really hectic or "just" busy? There's a difference... Hope it is busy in a good way & you enjoy the work...
2011-12-05 04:01:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh you... I'd pretend not to notice you hiding behind the curtains & move the couch a little closer... waiting for your jumping on me ;p
2011-12-05 04:00:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, no darling, the stove is truly ugly and old, I can think of nothing to make it look nicer. Btw, gas stove & me... dangerous combo. :-)
2011-12-05 04:00:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... I was thinking about you and your US room and then... tada! Now it feels like the carpet wasn't my idea. :-| Smile.
2011-12-05 03:59:40 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Smile, I didn't say I like the house. Maybe just one room... ;-pYou were really going to recommend that? That's funny because...
2011-12-05 03:59:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How did you sleep? How are you feeling? I didn't sleep very well, silly but I was too tired to fall asleep.
2011-12-05 03:58:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling sir, good morning. :-) Guess why. I wanted to get back before you went to sleep. But I was late... again. :-(
2011-12-05 03:58:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet sunshine flavored kiss & a fresh, clean scented hug for your morning, my darling... & for a nice, happy start into the new week. :-)
2011-12-04 15:22:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I feel so tenderly towards you right now... like a feather brushing against me, tickling the wings of my butterflies... Smile. Sigh.
2011-12-04 15:22:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I join you my darling after sending you these DMs, snuggle up behind you, kiss your nape & hug you softly to me, my palm on your chest...
2011-12-04 15:21:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Freshly showered, lovely smelling and... typing this naked but I will jump into my tiniest PJs on my way to your bed. ;-)
2011-12-04 15:20:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and making the house lovely & cozy. :-) I miss you so so so incredibly much! Please, come. Please my dear... Sigh, pretty please.
2011-12-04 12:52:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to have you here, my dear. It would be so much fun to unpack with you, finding a place for everything...
2011-12-04 12:51:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So sweet of you to say...Thank you darling :-) But tell me, why do you think so? The truth is that I am rarely happy/content with the result
2011-12-04 12:51:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The guest-office room is still a problem, but not important at the moment. It can wait. Oh & the livingroom needs a carpet too. Can wait too
2011-12-04 12:50:02 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Bedroom isn't as bad as I thought. All I need to do is to buy a carpet, just to add a little contrast. See? Your lady is good. ;-)
2011-12-04 12:49:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So... here I am again. The livingroom looks lovely, I like it. Except the curtains... they are ugly, need to replace them sometime.
2011-12-04 12:48:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ooops, here is the missing "you". Blushing smile.

2011-12-04 12:07:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I tiptoe to your bed, lean over you and kiss your forehead before I go to take a shower, have dinner etc... so I can join in a bit.
2011-12-04 12:06:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly silly me... I missed you. :-( I hope you are sleeping deeply my dear & dreaming of flying on a dragon high above the clouds... :-)
2011-12-04 12:04:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I haven't watched that movie... but I planned to watch it. I love animations. I love to watch cartoons & Disney movies, too. :-)
2011-12-04 11:59:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How your lady smiles! Actually, I am glad that you dozed off. Seems like your body needed the rest. Not undisciplined just tired. :-)
2011-12-04 11:56:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Tired, exhausted. Oh yes...holding your face gently in my hands, enjoying your kiss, loving the sweet taste of your lips...My darling, sigh!
2011-12-04 11:56:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh! I drove as fast as I could but seems like it wasn't fast enough. :-( I am sorry darling, sniff.
2011-12-04 11:56:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... while your lady is driving and playing with your fingers for a while, then placing your hand on my thigh... Sigh. :-) Missing you.
2011-12-04 06:14:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Read, nap, rest... enjoy your afternoon :-) I will be daydreaming
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of having you sit next to me & listen to you talk... & talk... & talk :-)
2011-12-04 06:14:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, I am leaving now. Will hurry back for dinner, darling ;-) Sweet butterfly kisses on every inch of your body.
2011-12-04 06:13:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... kitchen is unpacked & living room too. Yes darling, I will race carefully. ;-p
2011-12-04 04:49:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ What are you reading? I am in the old house, doing some cleaning. Will drive to the new one a bit later.
2011-12-04 04:48:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ahh, sounds heavenly, darling. Lovely, mellow colors. Wish I could jump over... :-)
2011-12-04 04:47:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some of them are completely alone, no husband, no children, no siblings etc... No one cares about them. Sad.
2011-12-04 03:46:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, that's great! So, she is in the best hands possible... :-) Sadly, in the western world more & more elderly are being left alone.
2011-12-04 03:46:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, I am glad that you decided to skip the office work. It's Sunday... and you deserve some work-free time.
2011-12-04 03:44:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You really are sweet. Your mom sure is lucky to have a son like you... :-) What is (or was) for lunch? I so miss your cooking!
2011-12-04 03:43:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Yes dear, I did sleep well too, just... missed to see the sweet sir snoring under the covers when I woke up... ;-)
2011-12-04 03:43:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hugging you, nuzzling your neck... ;-) I miss you terribly.
2011-12-04 02:24:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would so love to be there... I'd quietly tiptoe behind you while
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you are absorbed in work... or in whatever, gently bite your earlobes...

2011-12-04 02:24:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, if you miss not doing anything but reading, finish the office work and... do nothing but reading. :-)
2011-12-04 02:23:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No hospital? But hope your grandma is not alone... Strange, I have never visited anyone in hospital.
2011-12-04 02:23:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, my sweetest, my body needs your body close to it... passionately close. Deep sigh and a smile.
2011-12-04 02:22:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss being held by you like that, too. I miss to feel the weight of your arms, the warmth of your breath, the softness of your lips...
2011-12-04 02:22:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I believe you even form poems while sleeping. Smile. I admire you for that.
2011-12-04 02:21:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I can't write, I wish I could... But you, my dear! The images you paint with your words are beyond beautiful.
2011-12-04 02:21:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You mean me? I didn't tweet last night. Ahh! You mean...? Blush. Smile. You are sweet. My fingertips are happy, enjoying your kisses ;-)
2011-12-04 02:21:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest dearest darling sir with the most adorable nose...good morning :-) Slept well? Woke up with a :-) looking for a white towel? ;-)
2011-12-04 02:20:38 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'm sorry, I know that sounds highly dissociative, but they each kind of represented different feelings, so I gave then their own voices.:)
2011-12-03 22:53:09 (EST)

DangerslyClaire To EC.
2011-12-03 22:46:12 (EST)
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DangerslyClaire Didn't I created DC; I felt it needed another voice. Then some loss, displacement, childhood stuff rears it's head, and that goes
2011-12-03 22:45:42 (EST)

DangerslyClaire ...that is awesome, thank you! I started with just HC, and the darker stuff, the sex, anger, lust, desire, just
2011-12-03 22:44:25 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I'm going to have to tool around on the pc now, you have this in my head....DAMMMN IITTTTT!!!
2011-12-03 22:34:00 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Ooh, can I do that??? I had no idea! I have this one, @ honestlyclaire and @eternallyclaire
2011-12-03 22:20:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And... there we are! ~Helpless we land / in the net / of the quivering stars... ~ Smile. Silly lady.
2011-12-03 16:02:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping peacefully. I am on my way... rushing to take you to a dream-walk with me... :-) May your Sunday be sweet, dear.
2011-12-03 15:58:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... your hand on the soft skin of my belly... :-) Oh, how I miss the feel of your gentle hands, your caress... Anand, my dearest... Sigh.
2011-12-03 15:58:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Joining you, sweet darling; curling my back into the curve of your chest, pulling my snoopy sleepy top up... just enough for you to place...
2011-12-03 15:57:23 (EST)

darkntwistd many things to talk about....i miss our chats..

2011-12-03 14:57:32 (EST)

DangerslyClaire I desperately want to fit that concept everywhere

2011-12-03 13:36:52 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Now I'm looking at my other Claire avi's to see if I can see their initials! Lol
2011-12-03 13:36:17 (EST)

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DangerslyClaire Haha, I think it's hysterical...I love when I stumble on people who have an eye for the more obscure things in life. :-)
2011-12-03 13:32:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep sweetly my darling. Dream lovely dreams. I will join you in a bit... Very tired. Kissing your sleepy smile good night. :-)
2011-12-03 13:30:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. I go with you to the hospital & then we drive to the house & unpack together. ;-)
2011-12-03 13:27:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will drive to the new house to unpack and the like... :-) And you? Any plans for tomorrow?
2011-12-03 13:22:49 (EST)

DangerslyClaire Sexy! I did not notice that, great eye you have, there... Thanks for pointing that out!
2011-12-03 13:22:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it's nearly midnight there... :-) Please let your lady tuck you in bed, kiss your forehead and rock you to sleep... :-)
2011-12-03 13:22:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, blush. Your lil' poems are beautiful, my dear. I kiss you back on your nose & then rub mine against yours. I love your nose.
2011-12-03 12:50:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How pointless ~ A moon ~ When no lover ~ In sight (the candle-flame/ blows out/ between the closing thighs/ of night) Smile.
2011-12-03 12:43:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, I know what you mean. Drawing does the same to me... Sadly, no time for it & I tried weeks ago & it turned out bad, so... Sigh.
2011-12-03 12:31:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here dear, maybe I could cheer you up... :-) Lovely tweets, as always... :-)
2011-12-03 12:16:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Where? Right in my ears, dear. ;-p No, seriously... all is well?
2011-12-03 12:10:10 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Hmm, you don't sound really fine... All is well, darling?
2011-12-03 12:06:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ If you are sleepy, please go to bed soon... The day was long for you. For me too.
2011-12-03 12:01:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Good. I will try... Better? :-) My sweetest... I did the same. Came in & immediately turned my laptop on to see if you are around.
2011-12-03 12:00:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you darling? Not sleepy? Did you miss your silly lady... just a tiny bit? Ahh, would be so lovely to hug you now. :-)
2011-12-03 11:54:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, just rain but sometimes it's worse than snow. I did drive slow. :-) Oh, I doubt that, but it's ok. Really. Better than no home at all.
2011-12-03 11:54:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Right now, not really happy with the house. But well, let's see... I missed you darling. A lot.
2011-12-03 11:39:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? Isn't it bedtime for you? I am sorry, the drive back took a bit longer. It's raining & dark & 0 Celsius outside...
2011-12-03 11:39:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got back, darling. Glad your grandma is fine. Well, fine in a sense...Blush, I didn't know that but holding her hands is very nice too.
2011-12-03 11:39:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling dear, I will be off for a while, so much to do... Till then... soft playful kisses... :-) Please do take care. I miss you.
2011-12-03 07:12:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I thought the colors would work fine together, I was wrong. How to take color examples? Anyway, never mind... it could be worse :-|
2011-12-03 06:26:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, darling I am alone, I don't need 2 fridges. I think I was a bit hasty, but I ran out of time & the house isn't that bad.
2011-12-03 06:26:14 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ If you can't stay there because of your job etc... perhaps your mom...?
2011-12-03 06:25:30 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kiss the back of her hands for me. Silly, I know, but still... Please. I'd say it is a good idea to stay at your uncle's place.
2011-12-03 06:24:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet wonderful darling, I am so very sorry to hear about your grandma. Please do let me know what the doctors say. And please...
2011-12-03 06:24:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then return home together and hold and hug and kiss and caress and pet each other for a while... before leaving for the hospital. Sigh.
2011-12-03 06:23:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And then go with you to the dentist & hold your hand ;-p then waiting for you, sitting on a bench while you are in the bank.
2011-12-03 06:23:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ There is my sweet sir! Happy, beaming... Sadly, I can't twirl you, but to squeeze you... ;-) I would have so loved to cut veggies with you!
2011-12-03 06:23:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you long & sweet on your warm soft lips, my hands holding your hips. ;-) Please, take your time... your grandma is more important.
2011-12-03 03:13:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you my sweetest? All went well at the dentist? Did you go with your mom or alone?
2011-12-03 03:13:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... fit to the floor's color. Silly. And the rooms are definitely smaller than I thought. Well, bedroom doesn't need to be roomy, still...
2011-12-03 03:11:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... kitchen. Hmm, an electric stove needs 380V & in the house is only 220V, so... And I didn't know the color of the furniture doesn't...
2011-12-03 03:10:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, there's a stove & fridge, but I don't like them. They are
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white & too simple. Hmm, no my darling, I like to have the fridge in the...
2011-12-03 03:10:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd so love to be held by you, to rest my head on your chest while you... sing for me :-) play with my hair & kiss the top of my head. Sigh!
2011-12-03 03:09:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I slept like a stone. Woke up feeling like a stone... unable to move. :-D I wish you were here too. So, so much.
2011-12-03 03:09:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ and tuck you in bed, even undress you if needed :-) wrapping you in my arms & rock you back to sleep. Sweet, so so sweet! :-)
2011-12-03 03:08:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Secondly... awww, I wish it was me who found you sleeping like that :-) I would've kissed you half-awake, gently move the laptop aside...
2011-12-03 03:07:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I truly hope she feels better soon. Maybe call the doc. to come and see her? Where is she now? Does she has someone to look at her?
2011-12-03 03:06:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet sweet adorable darling, good morning. First of all... your grandma who visited for 10 days? How's she doing? What happened?
2011-12-03 03:06:14 (EST)

inVinceWil Xoxox. You're stellar

2011-12-02 18:15:41 (EST)

darkntwistd Hi ~ I am fine. hope you are writing is going well. hugs

2011-12-02 14:21:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Anand, I love you. I miss you so! My whole being is aching for you. Sigh. I don't quite understand why, but... this is how it is.
2011-12-02 13:46:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... my tiny PJs & join you quietly, happily in bed, kissing your cheek & then your shoulder & back as I wrap myself around you... :-)
2011-12-02 13:45:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping very sweetly & smiling softly in your dream... I am extremely tired, so I will take a quick shower now, jump into...
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2011-12-02 13:44:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I was secretly hoping you would be awake... But I was too late & you snored away. :-)
2011-12-02 13:44:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! And still no internet & nothing...I can't even apply for it 'cause there is an active conn. that needs to be closed (deactivated) first.
2011-12-02 13:43:48 (EST)

perlygates all is much the same except Ankle surgery which has slowed me down, tell me about your adventures. xo
2011-12-02 13:31:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And my bedroom furniture don't fit to the floor. :-( A disaster, darling. I can't afford to buy everything new.
2011-12-02 12:22:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No place for the bed. Well, there is place but it looks stupid. Sigh.
2011-12-02 12:20:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and there I can use only a gas stove. Gosh! Imagine, a gas stove. :-| The guest-office room is smaller than I had it in my head.
2011-12-02 12:19:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... wait. A new fridge & stove cost too much. I have a brand new great fridge but it's too big. I also have a stove, but it's electric...
2011-12-02 12:19:06 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am not very happy with the new house. I don't really like the kitchen & would love to replace the fridge & stove. Anyway, it can...
2011-12-02 12:18:39 (EST)

darkntwistd I miss our conversations so much. You really helped me work somethings out. hugs!
2011-12-02 12:10:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, so sweet... Now I know why I hiccuped & giggled. It was your kisses, my dear. I wish you were here so I could hug you tightly. Sigh.
2011-12-02 12:07:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you are already in bed. Sniff. I just hope you had a very good
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day, my sweet darling & smiled, knowing your lady was thinking of you...
2011-12-02 12:06:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ See? Now you know how it feels... ;-p I tried to hurry back but the traffic was horrible and now... it's very late there and perhaps...
2011-12-02 12:05:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The move went well, but the guys were too slow & one of them is too clumsy, but... Hmm. I missed you... & still do. Terribly.
2011-12-02 12:05:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The move went well, but the guys were too slow & one of them is too clumsy, but... Hmm. I missed you... & still do. Terribly.
2011-12-02 12:05:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and everything is packed, no bed to sleep on & feel too tired to puzzle the bed pieces together.
2011-12-02 12:04:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweetest, I am sorry, I couldn't get online earlier. Guess what! I came back to the "old" house. It is chaos in the new one...
2011-12-02 12:04:15 (EST)

darkntwistd Hope you have a nice day.

2011-12-02 10:25:13 (EST)

darkntwistd Hi sweet one. it is wet and cold here..yucky.

2011-12-02 10:24:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just sneaked in to kiss you and hold you close... very close, hip to hip... :-) one more before leaving...
2011-12-02 06:13:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please take care, sweet darling. Have a pleasant, safe drive home. I wish you were here with me... Hmm.
2011-12-02 05:31:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Many many small sweet butterfly kisses from your head to toe... and for every inch, every little part in between. :-)
2011-12-02 05:28:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ They are here now. I am off for now, darling. I will try to get online in a few hours. I hope I can. :-( Missing you. Will miss you.
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2011-12-02 05:27:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice weather??? :-| Not nice at all and way too cold. Same here darling... 10-15 Celsius is ok, but lower than that... No, thanks.
2011-12-02 04:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just thinking... maybe I would be... if you were the only one... No, for some reason even then not. :-) Yep and she is also using it...
2011-12-02 04:14:56 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) No meetings? Unbelievable! Happy for you, dear. It must feel good to do something else... :-)
2011-12-02 04:14:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And... I miss you! Anand, my sweetest I miss you. I really do. If I had one wish... Just one, only one... Sigh.
2011-12-02 03:27:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Here is very cold, -3C foggy and overcast and the weather service is forecasting snow. :-|
2011-12-02 03:24:33 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... yes, she seems to have plenty of time on hand. Erudite and smart too. And before you ask... no, I am not jealous. :-)
2011-12-02 03:21:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, true... you are not the only one she is commenting, RT-ing etc., but still... ;-p To be honest, I don't really read her but...
2011-12-02 03:21:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You mean working working? No meetings and the like? Wow, that's great! No, really. :-)
2011-12-02 03:21:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, no no... I am happy they are late. I wish they wouldn't come today at all. :-) Glad your day is normal... not boring or so.
2011-12-02 03:20:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with words, to put my sometimes topsy-turvy upside down thoughts, feelings etc. into words. But I can't, so I just enjoy reading them.
2011-12-02 02:06:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, btw glad you found your ideal follower...she's been that
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way for quite a while... I wish I could write too, to play & juggle...
2011-12-02 02:05:49 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you? How is your day? All is fine? Oh dear, I would so love to hug and kiss you... long and sweet... & forget everything else...
2011-12-02 01:58:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, the truth is that they don't have six-packs. One guy is 50 something & the other is very young & too thin for my taste. ;-)
2011-12-02 01:52:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, things aren't that smooth & my lil' heart is so heavy... Sigh. They just called me. The new time is between 10 & 10:30.
2011-12-02 01:51:44 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I'll certainly check it out. I'm always on the prowl for new museums. :)
2011-12-02 01:37:58 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I love that so much! I adore Kubrick. I've never been to that museum though
2011-12-02 00:54:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The guys will be here at 9 (13:30 your time) and then... I don't know when I will be able to get online. :-( I will miss you terribly.
2011-12-02 00:12:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's going to be hectic darling & very tough. Sigh. I couldn't sleep... But I hope you slept well & your day is a real good one so far. :-)
2011-12-02 00:12:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my dear. Thank you for being so kind and sweet... I wish you were here too, it would be nice to have your hand to hold...
2011-12-02 00:12:00 (EST)

xieyipainter Hi! Thanks for inquiring. Had a series of heart attacks - clot in lung so breathing is difficult. Hope to be back in a bit. Thanks again.
2011-12-01 20:51:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly and for when you wake up, a fresh morning dew flavored kiss awaits you... :-)
2011-12-01 16:38:58 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ I think I'd better join you in bed and hug you tightly and kiss you and nuzzle into you... If only, my sweet dear, if only...
2011-12-01 16:38:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exhausted, incredibly sad, cuddling my sweeties as tears are pouring down my cheeks. Oh dear...
2011-12-01 16:37:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just unwrapped your kiss. Cradle it in my palm like a newborn baby... softly, carefully & lift it to my lips... The most beautiful gift :-)
2011-12-01 14:35:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You have me beaming over here. So, so so sweet you are. :-) I wish it was... Sigh. But it doesn't snore, so... ;-p Sleep now. Please.
2011-12-01 12:22:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I find myself squeezing my pillow, thinking it is you...
2011-12-01 12:12:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... that I am next to you... holding you gently... :-) One more kiss on your oh so sweet soft lips. Good night.
2011-12-01 12:03:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Thank you, darling. You are wonderful, you know that? :-) I doubt I can sleep tonight... But you, please go & sleep sweetly knowing...
2011-12-01 12:02:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, sweetest. Sleep deeply with tender dreams. A soft kiss on your forehead...Yes, I'll join you in a bit & wrap you in my arms :-)
2011-12-01 11:54:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... real memories. Please... Pretty please. I'd love you to stay, but it's very late there. So, please go to bed & sleep my dear. :-)
2011-12-01 11:52:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh you! Sturdy!? Blush... but well, it did look sturdy. :-) I take you with me darling. And hope you do visit me, so we can make lovely...
2011-12-01 11:52:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I don't feel ready to vacate...

2011-12-01 11:37:38 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ God! I really love her, but she talks so much. :-| If you do... then... please... Imagine your lady looking at you with innocent eyes & :-)
2011-12-01 11:36:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And btw, I would love to have YOU here... and you know that. Right? :-)
2011-12-01 11:31:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am sorry, darling. It was Lia, the mom of my ex. She wished me good luck etc. Well, I will have no friends visiting me... except Renata.
2011-12-01 11:29:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ one more sec. :-|

2011-12-01 11:23:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ just a sec., on the phone...

2011-12-01 11:14:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But still... lonely.

2011-12-01 11:11:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It's sweet of you dear, but... I don't know. Have never had such a small house... Feels strange.
2011-12-01 11:09:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady almost dozed off... Welcome in my bathtub dear. And ouch, you jumped on my legs. ;-p I will miss them too. Deep sigh.
2011-12-01 10:48:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, a last lovely-scented bath with your lady? With lots of happy bubbles of course and candles... :-) Sigh.
2011-12-01 09:58:48 (EST)

darkntwistd Have a good night and smile.

2011-12-01 09:46:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... nothing more than to have you here... Just your physical presence would be enough to soothe my lil' sad heart. I miss you.
2011-12-01 09:28:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sniff. I didn't know it will feel so bad... and sad. And I doubt I can be online tomorrow. Sigh. You are very sweet & really, I wish...
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2011-12-01 09:28:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. And I need to clean the windows :-| I miss you today a lot, darling. I would give everything just to have you here now. Really.
2011-12-01 09:19:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It looked like she is a boy but then, there was something missing... :-) Blush. Well, I am not an expert and she didn't complain. ;-)
2011-12-01 09:14:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :'-( I wish my ex can find them a home and they will be treated very well. Btw, I totally forgot to tell you... one baby boy is a girl. :-)
2011-12-01 08:38:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am just sad, very very sad. It pains me, dear.

2011-12-01 08:28:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... Nina mama and my cat boy. I so hope they allow it. A dog is ok. Btw, they have dogs too & those dogs hate cats. :-(
2011-12-01 08:27:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I can't take them... way too much, you know? Like a small zoo... :-( I think they don't even like cats. I just hope I can take
2011-12-01 08:27:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But tell me, how are you? How was your day? Tired? Hungry? Smiling?
2011-12-01 08:18:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My sweet darling, I really wish you were here. Everything would be alright... and easier and... I don't know. Sigh.
2011-12-01 08:15:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will miss them horribly :-( And I will miss the kitchen & bathroom too. Feeling emotionally overwhelmed. I think I am getting too old...
2011-12-01 08:14:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It really breaks my lil' heart. They are so cute, so lovely... My ex will take them tomorrow to him first & try to find them a new home.
2011-12-01 08:13:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the kittens with me. 5 cats and a dog. That's crazy & I am
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sure the owner wouldn't allow it. But I love them so so so much.
2011-12-01 08:13:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, my last day here... Very stressful, hectic &... I feel so sad, darling. Unhappy. :-( Also my last day with my sweeties. I can't take...
2011-12-01 08:13:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! How was the ride home? A sweet, long deep welcome home kiss, darling. :-)
2011-12-01 08:12:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... making snow-angels and a snowman with carrot nose & funny hat, hm? ;-) How is your day, darling? Pleasant-busy I hope.
2011-12-01 06:04:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would love to run around with you, giggling... over and over again. :-) Hmm, but what about running on fresh white snow...
2011-12-01 06:03:57 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we did run through grass, how could I ever forget? But you were kind of scared & didn't want to hold my hand ;-p You did it anyway. :-)
2011-12-01 06:03:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Loving the feel and taste of your lips... :-) Great idea, but really do it. Ok? Please. The thought of you on a bike makes me :-) gently
2011-12-01 06:03:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I kiss you long and deep, my darling, sitting on your lap, legs wrapped around your hips... Sigh. Hope your day is fine.
2011-12-01 02:50:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you didn't forget that you own me a ride. Hmm, it could be dangerous... with my wandering hands under your shirt... ;-p
2011-12-01 02:50:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Cool! :-) Perhaps you should ride your bike every now & then. When it is not too hot or not raining. It's fun & faster than with a car.
2011-12-01 02:49:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would be in heaven. :-) I miss your massages, darling. They felt so good. I miss everything about you. Every little thing.
2011-12-01 02:49:01 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Ahh, what I would give to have you here now! Just to feel your soft lips on my skin & the massage of your gentle yet strong hands...
2011-12-01 02:48:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How about you, my dear, adorable darling sir? How are you feeling? Slept well? How is your day going? No boring meetings, I hope.
2011-12-01 02:48:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in her dream as she ran and jumped and hopped across the meadow's green with her sweet sir. :-)
2011-12-01 02:47:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweet darling, good morning :-) Your lady is wilted (old age ;-p), woke up with a light headache but slept pretty well & yes smiled...
2011-12-01 02:47:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I miss you. Three months have passed now...

2011-11-30 16:17:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you are sleeping soundly & wake up with :-) remembering our sweet mornings together... Have a pleasant, joyous day my darling dear.
2011-11-30 16:15:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So we can run across sweet, rosehip scented meadows in dreams- hand in hand, caressed by the tender breeze of butterfly wings... Smile.
2011-11-30 16:14:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Your lady is total tired. I kiss you behind your ear & join you my dear. Hugging you from behind, curling my fingers around your hand...
2011-11-30 16:13:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good night, my sweetest. I will join you very soon... under your warm cozy blanket... If only... Dreamy sigh. :-)
2011-11-30 11:48:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ;-) I would so love to curl up with you... Hmm. Sleep deeply with happy playful dreams. Kissing you softly on your eyes, forehead & lips...
2011-11-30 11:47:19 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Darling? Isn't it bedtime for you?

2011-11-30 11:40:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope so. With nice six-packs ;-p

2011-11-30 11:35:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) My sweet darling... Sigh. Yep, I have one with 2 or 3 nice guys to help... :-)
2011-11-30 11:26:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just kidding, darling. I miss you... not just parts of you :-) But I'd be happy to have your hands here now, arms too... & head & chest :-)
2011-11-30 11:17:39 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes. :-D Some days just your hands... other days your arms, nose, lips, ears, in the night your pillow-stomach and so on... ;-p
2011-11-30 11:09:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Missing you, my sweet darling Anand. From head to toe. :-)
2011-11-30 11:06:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ It is exhausting to take care of things all at once... I so wish you were here to give me that kiss... and then curl up with you. :-)
2011-11-30 11:02:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Wonderful! I mean that your mom is fine & you had dinner. :-) I ran our of cat food darling & drink for myself. Sleepy too... very much so.
2011-11-30 10:49:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing your lips welcome home, my dear. :-) How are you? Very tired? Had dinner? All's well with your mom? Happy, healthy? :-)
2011-11-30 10:21:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My darling, I race to the grocery now. Be back very soon. Please, come home safe & eat something before you do anything else... Sweet kiss.
2011-11-30 09:25:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is very very busy darling. I just spoke with the new owner. I will get the keys on Friday... and will move on Friday.
2011-11-30 08:24:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And hope the drive home will be much smoother than usual...
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Wish I was there, waiting for you sitting by the door... :-)
2011-11-30 08:23:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. Yes, I see... a little late? Darling, it's already evening there. But I hope you are all smiles, even when not feeling so fresh... ;-)
2011-11-30 08:22:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No, really. I am happy for you. Also that the day wasn't just about meetings... :-) Anyway, hope the vid. call doesn't take too long.
2011-11-30 08:22:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Happy, beaming... whatever. :-) I so wish I could squeeze you now! Gently, of course. :-) So glad to hear that your day wasn't boring.
2011-11-30 08:22:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... the meetings were worth the time and you leave the office on a good note... My sweet darling... :-)
2011-11-30 06:35:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just a sweet lil' kiss, a :-) & a gentle hug to let you know that your lady is missing you... :-) Hope your day is a good one and...
2011-11-30 06:35:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... so I can hug you and kiss you sweetly and long, sitting on your lap, arms wrapped around your neck... :-) Sigh, I miss you so!
2011-11-30 03:11:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I wish I could transform into a butterfly, fly to you, land on your palm & transform back into my human self...
2011-11-30 03:10:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I need a break first before I continue the job hunt.

2011-11-30 03:09:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You are very sweet, thank you. Yes, packing is nearly done, but lot of cleaning still left to do... :-|
2011-11-30 03:09:23 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, smile. Regarding to what you said about your head... What are those things that aren't clear, my dear? Hm?
2011-11-30 03:07:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Some of those restrictions made sense & in some ways, I am

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glad they were there. I just would've loved to sleep with you in my arms... :-)
2011-11-30 03:06:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please... no need to be sorry. There were moments when it was really hard... and not only for me, right?
2011-11-30 03:06:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, sweetest? How did you seep? How is your day? Meetings! :-| Anyway, I really hope today is not as boring as yesterday... :-)
2011-11-30 03:05:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, my darling sir. I overslept...feeling a bit wilted, but... just the thought of your kiss on my wrists makes me sigh with a :-)
2011-11-30 03:05:26 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme oh yes, I love the art and food here. I live just outside of Manhattan. about 30 minutes away, on the Queens side.
2011-11-29 23:14:35 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme India is so lovely. My sister visited for a social work study and she came back with so many beautiful photos.
2011-11-29 23:13:52 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme I love it here too, sometimes it gets to be a bit much though. I'm a forest creature at heart and I often escape there.
2011-11-29 23:13:10 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme It's raining here this evening but it's a really soothing and beautiful rain. Do you visit here often?
2011-11-29 23:05:36 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme You are such a wonderful and inspiring darling. <3

2011-11-29 22:36:35 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme beauty in photos.

2011-11-29 22:36:04 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme You have a lovely eye for composition, I really enjoy your photos. You live in such a beautiful place and I'm happy that you've captured its
2011-11-29 22:35:57 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme to stop being so detailed but I just can't help myself. :P

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2011-11-29 22:34:55 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Very detailed and small painting is something that I quite enjoy doing, myself. My teachers were constantly on my case to paint larger and
2011-11-29 22:34:36 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Goodness, I love your painting. The detail is so delicate and refined. You are very talented! I love the little story that goes with it.
2011-11-29 22:34:05 (EST)

darkntwistd Hope you slept well...what have you been doing?

2011-11-29 20:14:08 (EST)

darkntwistd Thank you.. :)

2011-11-29 17:17:45 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your sleep is sweet and restful, my darling dear. May you wake up with a :-) & may your day be cheerful & not boring or too tiring. :-)
2011-11-29 16:47:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ For now, I kiss you softly on your temples, snuggle up against you and put your hand on my belly... Smile.
2011-11-29 16:47:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I did that every night. You have no idea how hard it was not to slip under the covers & letting myself fall asleep with you in my arms.
2011-11-29 16:46:51 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I loved to sit beside you, holding your hand, gently rubbing your back or chest and watching you deeply sleeping & loudly snoring... :-)
2011-11-29 16:46:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And hope you know, I did mean what I said about the tickets. Now, I'll eat something, freshen up myself & read a bit before joining you :-)
2011-11-29 14:03:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I think I wasn't mindful enough. Blush. Darling, what's going on in your adorable, smart head? Please, do tell your lil' lady.
2011-11-29 14:02:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will join you in a bit and hold you close to me... Good night, sweetest.
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2011-11-29 11:40:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, you made me smile. So sweet... Sleep sweetly darling. Dream beautifully. A deep sighing kiss on your smiling lips & a tight hug.
2011-11-29 11:39:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, thanks for letting me know... I will be away from my laptop then, btw. :-) Please, clear those things in your head asap... Sigh. Please?
2011-11-29 11:38:58 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, it would be... Sigh. I would be so so so incredibly happy, my dear. But you know... you can come whenever it is possible.
2011-11-29 11:31:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmmm... maybe it was you... didn't notice my poor panting butterfly outside the window and... oh god! :-| Grin.
2011-11-29 11:30:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I wish you were here, darling. Just to hold you... and then put you to sleep...
2011-11-29 11:27:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Or she met a cute butterfly boy... ;-p

2011-11-29 11:26:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) I have sent a sweet lady butterfly to you... didn't she deliver my message...? Then... she is to blame. ;-)
2011-11-29 11:23:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I totally forgot to tell you that I miss you. But you already know this, right? I really, really, really do...
2011-11-29 11:02:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hm, sadly yes. Sometimes too busy... Good. Take your time, darling. And have a lovely dinner. Even if it will be fruits... Lovely fruits :-)
2011-11-29 10:42:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A whole day of meetings, discussions, etc... and more of it in the evening? I tip my hat to you, my sweet sir. But glad it was a good one...
2011-11-29 10:31:10 (EST)

dgdreamin Thanksgiving; my Gma's birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. She was 98!!!
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2011-11-29 09:51:18 (EST)

dgdreamin I didn't notice I was coming up on a milestone tweet,shucks! Would've made it something special :) I was visiting my Mom and Grandmother for
2011-11-29 09:50:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh ok... I suspected that. :-) Yep, they are delicious, but stuffed... poor mushrooms.
2011-11-29 09:43:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Blush, my head feels like a stuffed mushroom :-) Yes, it would've been really great... Sigh. Had dinner? Or in the middle of phone meeting?
2011-11-29 09:23:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Gosh, I misunderstood... Sorry. Blush. Well, all is well with my present owner. He is now in Italy & will come here in January, so...
2011-11-29 08:37:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I will get the keys tomorrow or on Thursday. More, I don't know. The house is clean & ready to move in. This house is still messy! :-(
2011-11-29 08:36:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ He is very nervous & follows me everywhere. Dog lady too. Nina mama is quiet. Good girl. :-) Hm, I don't know, I think yes.
2011-11-29 08:35:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ He is very nervous & follows me everywhere. Dog lady too. Nina mama is quiet. Good girl. :-) Hm, I don't know, I think yes.
2011-11-29 08:35:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is quite busy, nearly done with packing. The girls & boys don't really know what's happening, but my cat boy... :-)
2011-11-29 08:34:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sigh. My poor sweet darling dear... I wish I was there... just to pamper you with some sweetness after such a silly day. :-)
2011-11-29 08:34:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Nice! A soft sweet welcome home kiss, darling. :-) You mean phone meeting? If yes... uhh. :-| How are you, darling? Was the day too boring?
2011-11-29 08:19:21 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ God! Then... I ran out of ideas. Buy a chocolate that doesn't melt in the heat. ;-p Are you still in the office, dear?
2011-11-29 07:52:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ You need energy in the office, not at home... Makes sense? ;-)
2011-11-29 06:32:46 (EST)

_stoicOne_ That's bad. Write your name on a post-it note & stick it on the chocolate. Maybe if they know it's yours, they don't dare to steal it. :-D
2011-11-29 06:31:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, if I was there, I am sure you wouldn't feel bored. I would hide under the desk and... tickle you & tease you ;-p
2011-11-29 06:31:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Too much (sorry) blahblah (even if it is important but still...) & work... hmm. Hope it gets more productive & more interesting soon.
2011-11-29 06:31:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh! I was about to send you a sweet kiss and a gentle :-) Can you read my thoughts, dear? ;-) That's exactly what I thought to myself...
2011-11-29 06:30:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And now, a deep kiss on your soft warm lips, my dear. Of course, on tiptoe, hands on your hips... ;-)
2011-11-29 02:22:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... and some other stuff. :-) And most meals are meat related. Ugh. As I said, I am not vegetarian, but I don't eat meat.
2011-11-29 02:21:34 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm... yes, the variety of breads, cheese etc. is huge but much less than in the US. I still can't find ocras, the spices you used...
2011-11-29 02:20:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... than manual labor. So yes, I know what you mean darling. You should really use the weekends to get as much rest as you can.
2011-11-29 02:20:13 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Most people think office work is easy & if at all, then only mentally tiring. It isn't so. Sometimes it is more exhausting...
2011-11-29 02:19:39 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ Hmm, when you are home, it's too late... I meant take the chocolate with you and have it between two meetings or so.
2011-11-29 02:19:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sighing would've been so beautiful to wake up to your watching me... & then your kiss. Remember? :-) My darling, I miss you so...
2011-11-29 02:18:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. It feels silly to say good morning, there's already afternoon. :-) How did you sleep? How's your day going?
2011-11-29 02:18:11 (EST)

darkntwistd Hi sweet one....hope you have a great day

2011-11-28 16:26:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you sleep soundly and snore softly ;-p and you wake up with a cute smile, feeling fresh & well-rested. Have a great day, my dear. :-)
2011-11-28 15:49:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... you gently, kissing your cheek and snuggle up close to you... Oh, how I miss you! Anand, my dearest... Sigh.
2011-11-28 15:48:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sweetest, I join you now in bed, take your book & place it on the nightstand... then, just watching you for a while & caressing ...
2011-11-28 15:47:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ...or something sweet. It helps. Not always & it doesn't do wonders but it works. No kidding. Perhaps you should try it too. Just an idea...
2011-11-28 13:09:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... chocolate milk. My body needed some sweets... :-) Oh! You know what? Sometimes when I feel tired & low in energy, I eat chocolate...
2011-11-28 13:08:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I had a slice of fresh raisin bread with butter & honey, one with blueberry-elderberry jam & one only with butter & a big cup of warm...
2011-11-28 13:08:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ And please... I meant it seriously. I would love you to come. I

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miss my sweet sir a lot.

2011-11-28 11:06:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well with sweet happy dreams. Yes, I will eat something... One more kiss on your lips... Good night, sweet darling dear.
2011-11-28 10:54:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good. Let me tuck you in bed, hug you & kiss your forehead my dear. ;-) I will join you asap, take the book & curl into you...
2011-11-28 10:54:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Makes sense. My dinners are mostly light too.

2011-11-28 10:38:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Healthy. But is it enough for your tummy? I mean after an exhausting day... Hm? Oh, I like them all, darling.
2011-11-28 10:32:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, had dinner?

2011-11-28 10:26:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Come! ~ Let's play ~ Take-my-breath-away (Give tingle and quake a whole new name) Smile.
2011-11-28 10:25:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Well, that's true. You will get it from me, just... come.
2011-11-28 10:24:27 (EST)

_stoicOne_ No darling, I don't know... But then, please... all you need is some warm clothes.
2011-11-28 10:07:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Please... please come.

2011-11-28 10:02:44 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ah, that bothering undershirt... Smile. Hmmm, how to scratch your back through your undershirt? It is just not the same... ;-p
2011-11-28 10:01:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Please come... not now, but when it is snowing. We could play and have lots of fun in the snow. Please...
2011-11-28 09:54:54 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ She is wearing dark blue jeans and dark red shirt. :-) And you? Already just in undershirt which I hmm... don't like as much? ;-)
2011-11-28 09:54:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Exactly. Not yet, darling. But already checked out what would work best. I will apply it tomorrow.
2011-11-28 09:46:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in Hungary within 30 days. All I have to do is to renew the doc. every month. Annoying, but pretty fine for now.
2011-11-28 09:32:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A few things still need to be packed, but 95% is done. You mean my car? I got a document that says I can drive the car...
2011-11-28 09:31:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My day is kind of busy, tired and yawning all day, too. So yes, it is definitely the old age. ;-p Yep, it's 10C right now but sunny.
2011-11-28 09:31:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope your day was good, despite the long meetings, sessions, etc. Please do sit back & breath deeply with eyes closed before dinner. :-)
2011-11-28 09:30:29 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly traffic. Hmm. But at least you didn't have to drive by yourself...That's good. My sweet tired, yawning darling... :-) Your mom is fun.
2011-11-28 09:30:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A sweet big welcome home kiss on your nose, darling... & a quick one on your lips between two yawns ;-p Of course, a tight hug too. :-)
2011-11-28 09:29:25 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feels good, right? Esp. if you solve a tricky one... :-) Meetings... These never ending meetings. Hope they were not boring or tiring.
2011-11-28 06:45:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ So sweet... :-) Smiling at my image of you proudly smiling & tapping your shoulder thinking to yourself "well done Anand" ;-p
2011-11-28 06:45:05 (EST)

_stoicOne_ A lil' lady butterfly is on its way to you... to kiss a smile on your lips. :-) I really hope your day is fine & cheerful. Yes, missing you
2011-11-28 05:37:23 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ My dear darling sir seems to be very busy today. Normally, Monday is the lady's busy day... :-)
2011-11-28 05:36:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Kissing you softly darling, nibbling your ear while my fingers do the walking under your shirt... :-) I miss you.
2011-11-28 02:20:11 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Was nothing interesting on the news yesterday. I just checked the distance... I will be about 20 min. farther away from Renka. It's ok.
2011-11-28 02:19:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Old tweet or new...still a lovely one. I will tell them your hellos. :-) Btw, Renka said you have to come, otherwise she will kidnap you ;-p
2011-11-28 02:18:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I would have loved to share my pizza with you. See? One more reason to come and visit your lady. And there's a lot more... ;-)
2011-11-28 02:18:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ How are you, darling? Did you sleep well? Feeling fresh? How is your day? Pleasant-busy, not tiring, I hope. :-)
2011-11-28 02:17:48 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, sweetest. No pizza crumbs on my lips, but... just keep kissing, maybe you will find a teeny-weeny lil' crumb on them. ;-p
2011-11-28 02:17:30 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme The first link in my bio is for photos I've taken, I shoot with a 35mm mostly. The second is to my paintings and illustrations. x
2011-11-27 20:15:32 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme You are the sweetest thing! I would very much love to see some of your paintings if you have any online.
2011-11-27 20:14:02 (EST)

ocarinaofrhyme Yes I did! I very much enjoy painting, particularly with watercolors! Are you a painter? The wreath is something a dear friend made for me.
2011-11-27 18:17:15 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ Just to see your sweet cute :-) before you open your eyes... and hold you closely as you stretch into my arms... Sigh. I miss you.
2011-11-27 15:13:55 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hope you are sleeping sweetly, feeling my back against your chest as you dream...
2011-11-27 15:10:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ News being watched, your lady is showered, smelling soft, sweet & clean; ready to join you in bed, kiss your nose and nestle in your arms.
2011-11-27 15:07:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Feeling very tired, darling. But I would love to watch the news before taking a shower. Smile, I just hope I don't doze off.
2011-11-27 14:03:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I spoke with Renata & my lil' sis. They both pass on their hellos to you :-) Just found out that the new house is closer to my sis. Great!
2011-11-27 14:02:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ The pizza was quite good, just too much. Ugh. Smile. It was a spinach broccoli pizza with mozzarella.
2011-11-27 14:02:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My tongue ~ There. ~ Your gasping eyes ~ Missing the fireworks. ( Just this one moment in time... is all there... )
2011-11-27 14:01:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ops, I meant fall & not fell. Darling, please come...I'd drive you wherever you want, without screaming. Smile. I'd even arrange an Audi.
2011-11-27 12:08:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Rosehips... you made me fell in love with this word. :-) Beautiful tweets tonight, btw... as always. Good night, darling.
2011-11-27 11:50:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sleep well darling with happy dreams. The softest sweetest kiss on your lips... after your hips-kiss. :-)
2011-11-27 11:50:24 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... will eat it now, then have a quick shower, jump into my tiny
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PJs and join you under the covers, hugging you to me... :-)
2011-11-27 11:50:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes, I see... it's very late there. Glad you solved that problem, a big sweet well-done kiss for you, my dear. I got my pizza, so...
2011-11-27 11:49:43 (EST)

_stoicOne_ God! Not you, darling. You would look quite funny in a bikini. :D
2011-11-27 11:42:18 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Then walking in a bikini ;-p

2011-11-27 11:36:53 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am fine with being screamed at... and I don't really like to scream. :-D Hmm... then walk. :-)
2011-11-27 11:32:19 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Ok, I have never been there, but always felt attracted to India. I find it beautiful with all its imperfections.
2011-11-27 11:27:42 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, we had fun darling and those sweet moments... Sigh. I really miss you. It was beautiful with you. Hmm, why do you say that?
2011-11-27 11:27:21 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yep, I did. :-) It takes about 20 min. Oh yes! It was my dear, it was... :-) Will never forget that day. Wish we could do it all again...
2011-11-27 11:18:41 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I like the image... :-) It reminds me of you... in the dressing room... not feminine & a big flower, but still... what a sweet one ;-p
2011-11-27 11:14:54 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... hibiscus, rosehip and chamomile. Tastes pretty interesting. :)

2011-11-27 10:56:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... for my hungry tummy. You know what I have? Verbena & lemon grass flavored water with extracts of rosemary, lavender,
2011-11-27 10:56:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, you are right... Normally, I don't skip lunch, dinner yes...
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sometimes. Will call in a few minutes. :-) No, no fruit juice, not good..
2011-11-27 10:55:52 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... or have a pizza 3000 ;-p I am really hungry. Skipped lunch. Blush. Had no time...
2011-11-27 10:48:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ My tummy is hungry, darling. Don't know what to have for dinner. I didn't do my shopping... Maybe I will race to the store ...
2011-11-27 10:48:20 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yum! Looks & sounds lovely. Smile, well-shaped or not... important is how it tastes, right? Like my not so well looking cakes :-D
2011-11-27 10:48:02 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... than buy. So, you can find less and less houses for rent. And there are more and more houses to buy.
2011-11-27 09:41:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, I got explained why is it so hard to find a house/apartment. People can't afford to buy a house/ap. any more. So, they rent rather...
2011-11-27 09:41:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ :-) Ok. Dinner time?

2011-11-27 09:35:17 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I started the hunt from August. Hmm, maybe but I don't think so...
2011-11-27 09:32:14 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Slovakia, not Slovenia... :-) Yes, you remember right. I found a way that solved the problem, anyway it isn't a long term solution.
2011-11-27 09:29:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, the only reason is that this house is way too expensive and way too big for me alone.
2011-11-27 09:28:08 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes darling, but... what else to do? If I had more time maybe I could find a neat lil' house near the Buda side, but I don't have the time.
2011-11-27 09:27:38 (EST)

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_stoicOne_ I'd say yes. More active and more ugly too. :-) Buda side ismore peaceful, greener and nicer with beautiful places.
2011-11-27 09:06:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh, ok. A new one. I should have known... So, how is it going? Hope it isn't too complicated/difficult/tricky/... whatever.
2011-11-27 08:58:32 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Oh yes! Pizza 3000! How could I ever forget? ;-) Feeling some better, darling. A little uneasiness is still there.
2011-11-27 08:58:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Smile, well... not really closer to the city. Or closer but to the Pest side... here I am closer to the Buda side which is nicer. :-)
2011-11-27 08:57:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... plus current expenses (about HUF100.000) and the new one is 80.000 + about 30.000 the current exp. So yes, saving a lot... :-)
2011-11-27 08:37:38 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Yes, I am glad too. I was really afraid they are some grumpy people or so. :-) Well, this house costs HUF (Hungarian forint) 200.000
2011-11-27 08:37:00 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Office work on Sunday? Still the same issue you worked on last weekend or a new one? How is it going? And how are you feeling?
2011-11-27 08:36:36 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Sorry, just made a cup of tea :-) I did understand. At least I hope so. I don't know what's wrong with me...Have I always been that awful?
2011-11-27 08:36:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Btw, the owner and his girlfriend are very kind, friendly. I will get the keys on Wednesday... and perhaps move on Thursday. Not sure.
2011-11-27 08:19:16 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I hope you had a lovely day, got enough rest & got everything done that you wanted to. :-)
2011-11-27 08:16:40 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I just wish everything could be as cheerful as it once was... Sigh.

2011-11-27 08:16:02 (EST)
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_stoicOne_ There is one thing... we could be co-located and you know that. But for now, please can you forgive your silly lady? Please.
2011-11-27 08:15:22 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Silly, but feels embarrassing somehow. I am very shy, darling. I am sorry. I understand all what you said. Now, I really do. Honest.
2011-11-27 08:14:47 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Hmm, it is not about how I will present myself. I am uncomfy with pics of me (you got some, btw) & have never done vid. chat before.
2011-11-27 08:14:12 (EST)

_stoicOne_ In Portsmouth, I was simply scared 'cause it was an unknown place & didn't know how to get to the airport, etc. I get lost very easy. :-|
2011-11-27 08:13:37 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... with your mom & fell asleep. I was just relieved that you were safe & sound, you know? Anyway, yes... I should be more mindful.
2011-11-27 08:13:04 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I stop complaining. Yes, I should've asked you what happened... But then, you said that you went to the dentist, had lunch...
2011-11-27 08:12:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Reading your DMs & blushing like a tomato. Am I so bad? I am so very sorry... don't know what else to say.
2011-11-27 08:12:07 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Just got home. All went well. I got the house. Yes, sadly I have to return the Audi. Well, not an Audi, but I have a car, dear. Remember?
2011-11-27 08:11:50 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... in the Audi. I will miss it. Sniff. Thank you for your wishes... I kiss you once more my sweet daring and whoosh... :-)
2011-11-27 03:02:59 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Leaving now. I kiss you back sweetly and long, my hands on your hips... I wish you could come with me. Today will be my last drive...
2011-11-27 03:02:35 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling? Why do you call me just... dear Andrea lately? Silly, I
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know... but I loved & so miss how you called me...

2011-11-27 02:41:26 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I am getting ready now. Smiling as I undo my socks... I remember how you smiled when you saw yours... The sock-within-a-sock. :-)
2011-11-27 02:40:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... cleaning and help me a little? I really wish you were here, you know? Not only for helping, but... you know... Deep "I miss you" sigh.
2011-11-27 01:33:15 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Darling, it is not necessary to respond... Blush. I will be leaving at 9 (13:30 your time) Please, can you jump over once you finished...
2011-11-27 01:32:28 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... go back to bed and sleep some more. :-) And you didn't come to sit by my side... Never mind.
2011-11-27 01:32:01 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But seems like your body really needed that, so... After all, I am glad you feel fresh. :-) I didn't sleep well, wish I could...
2011-11-27 01:31:31 (EST)

_stoicOne_ Good morning, darling. Smile, well... what did you expect? Your afternoon nap was a hmmm... tiny bit long, don't you think? ;-p
2011-11-27 01:31:10 (EST)

_stoicOne_ But if you don't want to, it's ok, I understand. Silly me. Blush. For now, I hope you are sleeping and dreaming sweetly. A soft kiss for you
2011-11-26 16:30:03 (EST)

_stoicOne_ I'd better go now, curl up and sleep. Please my dear, come and sit by my side when you wake up... holding my hand... Please.
2011-11-26 16:29:09 (EST)

_stoicOne_ ... emotionally at the moment. I even start to cry from one sec. to another

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