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Anand Krishnaswamy


How Your Thinking Works

While each of our brains is wired differently, all engage based on three simple rules. The rules of: Certainty (what do I know?), Probability (how can I get it done?), and Possibility (whats possible?).
Your thinking is oriented toward:

Certainty Thinking: Probability Thinking: Possibility Thinking: 8.5 (33%) 7.5 (29%) 10 (38%)

Your mental energy is oriented towards building consensus, developing bridges of understanding and communication between people. You hear all points of view fairly and without bias by developing relationships with a diverse crowd of people. Your way of thinking generates: A desire to support others in achieving their goals A need to be valued for your flexibility and multi-talented efforts A temperate nature that welcomes diverse experiences and points of view A global view of issues and situations A realistic set of expectations about people and what they can or will do A tendency to buy what feels right rather than support a specific brand You will always blend Certainty, Probability and Possibility; you are the bridge builder between people, the go to person when someone feels unheard. Of 10 thinking archetypes, yours is called: Collaborative Bonds
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