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gaVI cyqI mhlw 1 ] (156-3)

Gauree Chaytee, First Mehl:

AaKD mM mUlu mn eykY jy kir ..V icqu kIjY ry ] (156-3, gaVI cyqI,
mhlw 1)
O mind, there is only the One medicine, mantra and healing herb - center
your consciousness
firmly on the One Lord.
jnm jnm ky pwp krm ky kwtnhwrw lIjY ry ]1] (156-4, gaVI cyqI, mhlw
Take to the Lord, the Destroyer of the sins and karma of past incarnations. ||
mn eyko swihbu Bwe ry ] (156-5, gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
The One Lord and Master is pleasing to my mind.
qyry qIin guxw sMswir smwvih AlKu n lKxw jwe ry ]1] rhwa ] (1565, gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
In Your three qualities, the world is engrossed; the Unknowable cannot be
skr KMfu mwieAw qin mITI hm qa pMf acwe ry ] (156-6, gaVI cyqI,
mhlw 1)
Maya is so sweet to the body, like sugar or molasses. We all carry loads of it.
rwiq AnyrI sUJis nwhI lju tUkis mUsw Bwe ry ]2] (156-6, gaVI cyqI,
mhlw 1)
In the dark of the night, nothing can be seen. The mouse of death is gnawing
away at the
rope of life, O Siblings of Destiny! ||2||
mnmuiK krih qyqw duKu lwgY gurmuiK imlY vfwe ry ] (156-7, gaVI
cyqI, mhlw 1)
As the self-willed manmukhs act, they suffer in pain. The Gurmukh obtains
honor and
jo iqin kIAw soe hoAw ikrqu n myitAw jwe ry ]3] (156-7, gaVI cyqI,
mhlw 1)
Whatever He does, that alone happens; past actions cannot be erased. ||3||
suBr Bry n hovih xy jo rwqy rMgu lwe ry ] (156-8, gaVI cyqI, mhlw
Those who are imbued with, and committed to the Lord's Love, are filled to
overflowing; they
never lack anything.
iqn kI pMk hovY jy nwnku qa mUVw ikCu pwe ry ]4]4]16] (156-8,
gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
If Nanak could be the dust of their feet, then he, the ignorant one, might also
obtain some.

gaVI cyqI mhlw 1 ] (156-9)

Gauree Chaytee, First Mehl:

kq kI mwe bwpu kq kyrw ikdU Qwvhu hm Awey ] (156-9, gaVI cyqI,

mhlw 1)
Who is our mother, and who is our father? Where did we come from?
Agin ibMb jl BIqir inpjy kwhy kMim apwey ]1] (156-10, gaVI cyqI,
mhlw 1)
We are formed from the fire of the womb within, and the bubble of water of
the sperm. For
what purpose are we created? ||1||
myry swihbw kaxu jwxY gux qyry ] (156-10, gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
O my Master, who can know Your Glorious Virtues?
khy n jwnI Aagx myry ]1] rhwa ] (156-11, gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
My own demerits cannot be counted. ||1||Pause||
kyqy {K ibrK hm cIny kyqy psU apwey ] (156-11, gaVI cyqI, mhlw 1)
I took the form of so many plants and trees, and so many animals.
kyqy nwg kulI mih Awey kyqy pMK afwey ]2] (156-11, gaVI cyqI, mhlw
Many times I entered the families of snakes and flying birds. ||2||
ht ptx ibj mMdr BnY kir corI Gir AwvY ] (156-12, gaVI cyqI, mh

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