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Postmodernity: Lecture Outline Key Questions: What does it mean to refer to Postmodernity and how has it been conceptualised?

ed? What are the theorised differences between Modernity and Postmodernity Can we see postmodernity in the world around us and how might it impact our everyday lives

Conceptualising Postmodernity Theoretically Historically and Politically Stylistically

Key Theorists: Lyotard - Abandoning Metanarratives Baudrillard - Simulation, Simulacra and Hyper-reality Harvey - Shift from Fordism to a "more flexible mode of accumulation" Butler - Identities Jameson - Late Capitalism Bauman - Liquid Modernity Giddens - High Modernity

Differences between Modernity and Post-Modernity, in terms of: Rationality and order Enlightenment and reason Progress, Production and Consumption Key Historical and Political Events

Postmodernity around us: Art, Architecture, Media, Identities, Culture.... etc...

Discussion Activities In small groups discuss each image in terms of what it might say about postmodernity in society. Images: Architecture, Shopping Malls, Human Rights, Style, Family life, Internet Networks, Sports, Non-western cultures Questions based on a reading from: Harvey, D. (1990) The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change, Oxford, Blackwell. Watch a film Clip of The Matrix and discuss the ways in which the film reflects some of the ideas of postmodernism and postmodernity

Conclusions and Critiques Do you think we live in a Postmodern world? Critiques of Postmodernity

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