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Student: ____________________________________ MSIS#: _______________________Grade: ___________________ Teacher: ____________________________________ School: _______________________ Date: ____________________

Tier III Intensive Intervention Form

Teacher Support Team
Student: MSIS Number: School: General Information Teacher: Gender: Grade: Tier 3 Referral Date: Intervention Start Date (Must be implemented within 2 weeks after referral): First Documented Intervention Review Date (Must be completed no later than 8 weeks after implementation): Sufficient Progress? Yes No If no, an additional intervention form should be completed. School Year: Ethnicity: Subject:

Second Documented Intervention Review Date (Must be completed no later than 16 weeks after implementation):

Sufficient Progress? Yes No If no, an additional intervention form should be completed.

Tier 3 of the Three-tier Instructional Model consists of intensive interventions specifically designed to meet the individual needs of students. What is the referring problem? (State in specific and measurable terms.)

What data support the existence of the problem? (Describe baseline data.)

What is the goal to resolve this problem? (State in specific and measurable terms.)

Student: ____________________________________ MSIS#: _______________________Grade: ___________________ Teacher: ____________________________________ School: _______________________ Date: ____________________

Describe the intervention to be attempted. (Please complete all information as noted.) List specific objective(s) of Describe the activities for each objective(s) List the specific evaluation criteria this intervention. involved. to be utilized.

Conducted By: Time Span:

Name: Position: Implementation Date:

End Date (Cannot exceed 16 school weeks beyond the implementation date):

Frequency: Progress Monitoring Checks to Be Completed: Frequency of Progress Monitoring:


Evaluation of Success of Intervention (Please check the appropriate response and complete all information.) Compare baseline data to goal data. Attach documentation. Planned intervention was Planned intervention was not Planned successful in meeting childs successful in meeting the childs intervention was needs. This intervention needs. Another intervention will not successful in will be continued in the be conducted to attempt to meet meeting the current setting. childs needs. childs needs. Referral for Child Study is being considered due to:

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