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Good Morning, Im Marissa Beaumont and youre listening to Oldham Community Radio Newsflash, on 99.7 fm.

The headlines, at 8am (jingle): The Prime Minister, Mr. Cameron has pledged to cut benefits for under-25. Oldhams proposal for a cinema has finally gone ahead, and local bake verses supermarket cake; find out what the people of Oldham thought. (Jingle) Hard News The Prime Minister David Cameron has suggested cutting benefits for under 25s at the latest Conservative Party Conference. In his speech, Mr. Cameron has promised to nag, push and guide young people away from the dole queue, in an attempt to reduce benefits. He pledged to create a Land of Opportunity, by also boosting business revenue. Talking about how this proposal could affect local people, is the Oldham West and Royton MP, Michael Meacher. (Interview with Michael Meacher) Soft News Oldham have finally received the green light to convert the Old Town Hall, into a cinema-led Leisure Complex. This will put the town back on the map, and give the public a new opportunity to watch films, rather than relying on Ashton and Manchester. The Town Hall closed in 1980, and various proposals have since been discussed, but none have gone through. Our Entertainment correspondent, Daniel Howarth, spoke to the Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, Shoab Akhtar, to ask how this plan will be different. (Interview with Shoab Akhtar) Off the Wall As you know, The Great British Bake Off is one of the most popular TV series. Therefore, we decided to test the theory of local bake verses supermarket cake. (Interview with Oldham cake eaters) Thanks for listening, next up is Daniel, interviewing an upcoming comedian. Ill be back in around an hours time, goodbye.

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