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Personal Mission Statement

Step 1: Identify Past Successes: 1. I have graduated middle school making High Honor Roll. 2. I have graduated high school also making High Honor Roll. 3. I earned a plaque in Education when I graduated. 4. Im currently earning good grades in my classes. 5. I met a lot of nice people at COD including speech teacher Chris Miller and counselor Michael Duggan. Step 2: Identify Core Values: 1. Strong Work Ethic 2. Kindness 3. Compassion 4. Sincerity 5. Funny Step 3: Identify Contributions Ive helped out in the classroom by clarifying concepts, my positive attitude, and contributing insights and collaborating effectively. I support Autismerica by attending. Im a loyal friend. I volunteered at PADS, a charitable organization.

Step 4: Identify Goals 1. Short Term Goal: Receive my associates degree. 2. Long Term Goal: Attend a 4-year university. 3. Long Term Goal: Be involved in the film industry. Step 5: Write Mission Statement I want to contribute to the film industry either behind the camera or through film criticism.

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