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Amanda Anderson 10/30/2013 Class Notes

*Dont bring bias to class

Movement-work gross then fine motor Some movement skills are harder to learn/teach Can communicate through movement Def. muscle tone through movement Nonverbal communication- a conductor to his band

Non locomotive movement Physically challenged Self-conscious Play a morning song-stretch in place Some songs give directions

Locomotor Bunny Hop-gives directions Shadow Dancer-Kids in Motion, Kevin Quinn Tummy Tango Clock song-number plates on the floor, students walk clockwise around the clock; student in the middle is the hour and minute hand. Syncopated clock by Leroy Anderson Math dance class, symmetry, symmetrical shapes. Low to high level shapes, do symmetrical poses. o Mirror activity o When you do worksheets its for the teacher, when you do things with your body its for you. o Reflect-what went well, do better next time? African Drum music group symmetrical dance o Incorporate art/culture into class Naxos Bean bag song Color dance book- AM Jonas. o Use soft music and colored thin scarves. o

Leaf man, Ellert. Book o Read once- ask them to pay attention to where leaf man went. o Ask students where he went-give leaves to those students o Read book again, when a new place comes up the student that said where it was throws their leaves. Lummi sticks o Music tells you what to do with them. Tokoyo Dantau (see content on D2L) o Seated folk song o Clap clap, brush down up, clap. Paddle to side paddle to side, shade your eyes (one hand on eye one pushing out alternate), tree tree , pat your sleeves pat your sleeves. Dance Circle thing o Get into a circle o Walk 16 steps counter clockwise, 16 steps clockwise, face center 4 steps in, 4 steps out, 4 steps in, bow.

Amanda Anderson Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Movement Ideas and Songs for Dancing

Movement is life. Life is movement. The better we are at moving, the more rhythmical, the easier and fluid, the more successful we will be in all areas of life. Children learn about their environment and themselves by moving-they discover connections between things and themselves, and become comfortable with their world. Through movement activities children can learn co-coordinative skills, body awareness, body image, directionality, laterality, etc.

Movement: o o o o o o Is performed by the body Can be non-locomotor (takes place in one spot-bend, twist. An be locomotor (moving, galloping, running) Takes place in time. Can be fast or slow Uses space o Body can be narrow and small or open. o High, low, medium levels o Directions Uses weight o Light heavy o Forceful or airy o Tight bound or free

Non-locomotor movement: o o o o Stretch-arms up high Bend-as many places on your body as you can Twist- yourself into a knot Shake- yourself out

Locomotor activities: o o o Listen to a drum and move how you think it wants you to. Gallop, run, hop, sway, slide. Use picture cards to show movements.

o o o

Use action verb cards Play mirror game Machines that move o Imitate the working of machines in movement o Is it a big or small machine? o Make a sound to imitate it. o Start with one person making a machine-like shape, performing a motion, and making a sound. Transportation o Imitate riding a bike, driving a car. o Do things both fast a slow o Work as a group-airplane taking off. Names o Write your name in the air with a body part. o Students can write other students name and the class guesses whose name it was. Moving to recorded sounds and music o Find selections that are short enough not to be intimidating, but long enough so that the idea can be internalized before movement takes place. o Tell children to move any way they like o Class can explore a concept thoroughly before trying it with music. o Try jumping in different ways at different levels and tempos. Using props to stimulate movement o Balloons-tapping gently to the music to keep in the air. o Scarves-draw shapes in the air, throw them up and catch them using different body parts (body awareness). o Hoops o Ribbon sticks o Lummi sticks- two sticks of light weight wood When used with students with special needs they can assist general coordination, concentration, eye-hand coordination, group/partner cooperation, sequencing movement patters, crossing the mid-line, and directionality. Hold sticks between thumb and fingers to those two sticks can be tapped together. Best to sit crossed legged or kneel on the floor at first. Call out moves as they are performed 1. Right hand-tap in front, to the right, front, right. Keep repeating 2. Left hand-tap in front, to left, front, left. Repeat 3. Right hand-tap left, right, left, right 4. Left hand- tap right, left, right, left Can pass sticks too Formations for movement and dancing o Scatter formation-work by themselves in their own space. o Circle formation- gives sense of security, good for visually impaired

o Lines-step towards socialized movement. o Partners-work with and relate to one person at a time. Wheelchair Dances o Non-locomotor- circle formation Partners sitting in circle with chairs close together A-lean left, left left, pause, right , right, right, pause. Hands up four counts, hands down four counts. B-shake partners hand seven counts, pause, shake hands with person on other side seven counts, and pause. Goes well with square dancing music. o Locomotor dances Square formation, four couples not holding hands A-as above B-first and third couples come in towards each other eight counts, then back to places eight counts. A(another verse)-repeat above. B-second and fourth couples perform B action Songs with specific movement patterns o Pick a Bale of Cotton- Im going to jump down turn around pick a bale of cotton, jump down turn around pick a bale a day. Oh lordy pick a bale of cotton, oh lordy pick a bale a day. o Skating away-there were three couples skating away, skating away, skating away. There were three couples skating away so early in the morning. The ice was then and they all fell in the old swing out and the new swing in Dance: circle, joined hands 6 people in the middle. Verse 1, 6 dancers in the middle join right hands and skip or walk around clockwise. Outside circle skips or walks counter clockwise. Verse 2. Dancers inside make motions imitating falling through ice-be safe. Verse 3. Each person in the center chooses a partner from eh outside circle and swings him or her around. The new six dancers stay in the center while the former ones move to the outside circle. Repeat. Poems o Flip, flop, flip, flop See the scarecrow go Flip, flop, flip, flop Bending to and fro To the left, to the right, Back and forth with all his might, Then the wind is quiet and so Flip, flop, flip, flop, Down you go

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