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Renaissance & Reformation Study Guide

Chapter 5
Use your text, class notes, worksheets, video guide, and organizers to study for this test
You should be familiar with the following:

Key Figures from the “chart” that was assigned.

Key terminology from the list assigned in “Core Concepts of Ren. & Ref”

Key Concepts, Events & People:

Bubonic Plague & its impact on society
Pre-Renaissance culture, ideas, and religious/social views
Changes in Economy prior to the Renaissance
3 major Characteristics of the Renaissance
Humanism & its influence on the Renaissance
Characteristics of City-states: governments, economics, role in Italy’s problems
Medici family & their role in the Renaissance
Changes in Art during the Renaissance
Major Artists & their works
Northern Renaissance & how it differs from the Italian Renaissance
Machiavelli: The Prince, its impact on rulers
Italian Wars: causes, impact on Italy, reasons for the Sack of Rome
“Renaissance Man”
Dante & Chaucer
Causes of the Reformation: within society & Catholic church
Martin Luther: his role in dividing the Catholic church, his issues with the church, his
Actions that led to the Reformation,
Edict of Worms
95 Theses
Peace of Augsburg
Impact of the printing press on the Renaissance & Reformation
Calvinism, Anabaptists, & Zwinglian Reform
Impact of Anabaptist ideas on American government
Counter Reformation: what was it? What caused it? Long term impact?
Henry VIII: his role in the English Reformation. Long term impact of his actions.

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