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5 Tips to Help You Succeed

10 Jan 2013


If you have always felt that success is elusive, perhaps its time to try something new. Here are 5 tips from Sadhguru to help you find success in all that you do.

#1 Forget Luck, Live by Intent


A few things may happen by chance. But if you wait for the chance, good things will

happen to you only when you are in your grave because things may take their time. Even quantum theory says that if you try, you can actually walk through a wall once in a zillion times because there is a pulsation of particles happening and you may walk through. !t is "ust that before you reach that one zillionth time, you#ll have a cracked skull. $hen you live by chance, you also live in fear and an%iety. $hen you live by intent and capability, it does not matter what is happening or not happening, at least you are in control of what is happening to you. !t is a more stable life.

#2 Stop Fixating on Fai ure

Sadhguru: &or a committed man, t!ere is no suc! t!ing as "ai ure. !f you fall down '(( times
in the day, it is '(( lessons learnt. !f you commit yourself like this to creating what you really care for, your mind gets organized. )nce your mind gets organized, your emotions will get organized because the way you think is the way you feel. )nce your thought and emotion are organized, your energies and your very body will get organized. )nce all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. *ou are the creator in many ways.

#3 #ork $it! C arity


#!at a !uman being nee%s is c arity, not confidence. !f you want to walk through

a crowd of people, if your vision is clear and you can see where everybody is, you can "ust walk through the whole crowd without touching anyone. !f your vision is not clear but you have confidence, you will walk over everybody. Because there is no clarity, people think that confidence is a good substitute. !t "ust cannot be. +et#s say you make all the ma"or decisions in your life like this, get yourself a coin, flip it. !f it#s heads, it#s one way, tails the other. !t works -(. of the time. !f you are right only -(. of the time, there are only two professions that you can keep / either a weather man or an astrologer. *ou cannot keep any other "ob on this planet.

#& 'mbrace t!e (eop e an% )!ings *ou +is ike


0o handle different kinds of situations in our lives, we need different kinds of

identities. !f you are fluid about it, if you can change from one to another gracefully, then you can play your role to the hilt and still have no problem with it. But for most people, their personality is like a rock. !t sits on them all the time and makes them suffer anything that does not fit into its ambit. !f you have to break that, you have to do something in reverse. 0his is a simple thing you can do, team up with somebody that you do not like.Spen% time $it! t!at person, very oving y, ,oy"u y. +earn to do things that you do not like, be with people that you do not like, and still live your life sensibly, lovingly and "oyfully.

#- +rop *our Ca cu ations


0here is no need to aspire to greatness. !f you make the focus and ambit of your life

well beyond the concerns of who you are, you will anyway be a great human being. !f you look at certain people, greatness happened to them not because they were seeking to be great, but because their way of looking at life was way beyond $!at about me1

!f you "ust drop this one calculation, $hat about me1 from your head, and function to the best of your ability, in some way you will be great because you will naturally be looking at, $hat can ! do about all the life around me1 2o, you will naturally enhance your capabilities because there is so much to do3 Editors note: Isha Kriya is a free online guided meditation that helps bring clarity and wellbeing into ones life. or more information, please visit! http!"""isha#riya $o you have a method that has brought you success% &lease do share in the comments section below, how things are wor#ing out in your life with regard to success ' failure.

Ahimsa Hand 0his is a 4ain symbol that is very common in !ndia. 4ains believe in total non5violence and the stopping gesture of the hand is a reminder of the pledge against violence.

Yin and Yang 0his 6hinese sign basically symbolised the balance of 7ature. !t is also seen as a representation of male and female energies

Menorah 0he 8enorah is a 4ewish symbol that looks like a candle stand. Apparently, 9od revealed the design of the 8enorah to 8oses in :is dreams.

Fish or Ichthus 0he ichthus or fish is the earliest symbol for 6hrist. 0his could be because all the '; original Apostles of 6hrist were fishermen.

Pentagram A pentagram is basically a < pointed star surrounded by a circle. 0his symbol stands for the :oly &eminine, but is also used in occult practices.

Om =)m= is a :indu symbol that stands for the entire >niverse. 0his symbol is actually a mantra that is pronounced from the core of your soul and represents +ord Brahma, the creator of the >niverse.

tar and Crescent 0his !slamic symbol is now the commonest sign for 8uslims. 0his symbol actually represents the )ttoman empire flag.

Khanda ?handa is a 2ikh religious symbol and its meaning is related to power and purity. 0he ?handa has a crossed kirpan in it that represents political power. 0he double edged sword repents belief in a single god.

Cross 0he cross is the most popular signs of 6hristianity. !t represents the suffering of 6hrist who purged the sins of 8ankind with :is own blood.

Trident 0he trident is a 9reco5@oman symbol of power as it used to be held by Aoseidon, the god of )ceans. !n :induism, it is seen as the symbol of +ord 2hiva. !n 6hristianity, the trident stands for the Bevil and is called a =fork=.

Star of David 0he famous < pointed star is called the =2tar )f Bavid=. !t is an emblem of the !sraeli flag and marks 4ewish graves. 0he interlocking of the lines represents the "oining of Bavid and Ben"amin.

Swasti a 0he 2wastika is a :indu symbol of peace and prosperity. All home entrances and the =?alash= that stands for 9oddess +akshmi is adorned with this symbol.

@eligious symbols and their meanings are sometimes lost on us. Cery often, we see a holy symbol and don=t really know what it means. !n other cases, some common religious symbols become so popular that their actual meaning is lost in history. !n fact, some religious symbol means can also shock. &or e%ample, the cross is the most well known holy symbols for 6hristianity. But actually, the cross represents the persecution of the 4ews and early 6hristians by the @omans. 2o in the holy signs of a religion, we can sometimes find traces of its history. 2ymbolism thus works by popularity and interpretations. @eligious symbols and their meanings can change according to the person interpreting it. &or e%ample, the swastika to :indu is the holy symbol of peace. 0his motif is drawn on pots and home entrances. But to a 4ew, it is the sign of :itler=s 7azi regime that represents nothing but death and devastation. 2ometimes, old holy symbols acquire a new meaning in the light history. &or e%ample, the Aentagram has long been associated with Bevil worship and the occult arts. But in light of new research, it is a 9reco5@oman symbol for the :oly &eminine that was branded pagan by the 6atholic 6hurch. :ere are some common religious symbols and their meanings e%plained for you.

Who we are?
M !t" o# Success, estab is!e% in t!e year $%%% at Ne& Del'i, !as continuous y striven to bui % an inc usive kno$ e%ge society t!roug! inc usive e%ucation. #e are kno$n "or our !ig! stan%ar%s in teac!ing. /ur teac!ers !ave en%eavore% $it! "u %e%ication to e%ucate stu%ents. 0s a resu t, many ac!ievers !ave been pro%uce% by our center. #e a so aim to make 1antra o" Success, as t!e most prestigious tuition center in In%ia. Continuous assessments toget!er $it! innovative teac!ing tec!ni2ues !ave enab e% t!e earning process to be more "un an% e""ective. 1antra o" Success, is prou% to bring about aca%emic exce ence t!roug!out. #e began $it! t!e vision o" e%ucating young pro"essiona s to !e p t!em bring about %eve opment in t!emse ves, t!eir !omes an% society. #e are committe% to give our stu%ents a sense o" 3o% an% t!e abi ity to recogni4e t!e +ivine in t!emse ves an% t!eir "e o$ beings, an% to t!us respect t!e %ignity an% uni2ueness o" eac! in%ivi%ua . /ur en%eavor !as been to o""er an integrate%, a roun% e%ucation, t!at "ocuses on inte ectua , cu tura , socia , aest!etic an% spiritua %eve opment o" our stu%ents to make t!em compassionate an% committe% !uman beings. It !as been institution5s consistent en%eavor to provi%e 2ua ity e%ucation to its stu%ents, incu cate %iscip ine as $e as provi%e an opportunity "or a roun% persona %eve opment. #e are "ortunate to !ave %e%icate%, committe% an% competent "acu ty, $ear students, ma#e use of every opportunity available at ()S to develop your abilities and potential. *ogether let us strive to wor# for change in society, translating our vision into reality

Why Us?
#e are passionate about grooming ea%ers $!o are not on y t!oroug! pro"essiona s but a so goo% !uman beings $it! va ues an% sanskars

Ou" Ai( )o %eve op 2ua i"ie% an% competent citi4ens t!roug! teac!ing an% training, expan% t!e !ori4ons o" kno$ e%ge t!roug! researc!, to en% kno$ e%ge an% support to various organi4ations "or t!eir e""ective "unctioning, to contribute to t!e creation o" a !appy an% !ea t!y society t!roug! "ruit"u interaction $it! it, an% to participate in t!e %eve opment o" t!e society. Ou" Visio! )!e 1antra o" Success, $it! !ig! recognition an% presence, s!a provi%e seam ess access to sustainab e an% earner6centric 2ua ity e%ucation, ski up6gra%ation. )!e institution is committe% to 2ua ity in teac!ing. Ou" Missio! )o a%vance "rontiers o" kno$ e%ge 7 to promote its %issemination t!roug! sustainab e institution accessib e to a .

What we do?
#e o""er consu ting, training 7 e%ucating services "or t!e pro"essiona s !aving visionary %reams in t!eir eyes an% !aving "ait! in t!emse ves to be a success"u C0 (ro"essiona s.

o o o o o

Finance 7 0ccountancy C asses Carrier Counse ing (ersona ity +eve opment Intervie$ (reparation 'ng is! Language Improvement C asses #e a so e%ucate our stu%ent an% !e p t!em e iminating, some rea y common errors ike8

o o o

Common mistakes in examination !a )!ings to remember %uring intervie$ (oints to remember %uring exam preparation, an% many more

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