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Innocents at Risk: Mrs.

Deborah Sigmund Photo Essay

By: Emoni Lewis and Santana Holmes

Innocents at Risks Deborah Sigmund and interns arriving at Dominican Republic. This was Mrs. Sigmunds Fifth trips to Dominican Republic. Innocents at Risk plan their trip to Dominican Republic From July 12th to July 16th to aid the children of the orphanage, Ninos de Cristo.

The Arrival at Dominican Republic escort. Mrs. Sigmund Sigmund heard about trafficking while in Europe. Then was later informed about Ninos de Cristo and Jackies House in the Dominican Republic.

Mrs. Sigmund (in the middle), along with two of the girls, and one of the caretakers at Ninos de Cristo. Innocents at Risk go to Dominican Republic to see the children at Ninos de Cristo and Jackies house. Innocents at Risk plan a trip to Dominican Republic every year to help out at these homes, they are both homes for many children who have been abandoned or whose parents are in jail.

While at Ninos de Cristo Innocents at Risk brought gifts and spent time with the children. Mrs.Sigmund want the children to know that Innocents at Risk are here for all of them whether they're in a different country or not.

Mrs. Sigmund, a caretaker and the children at Ninos de Cristo. April and May of 2010 Mrs. Sigmund was awarded the annual Making a Difference Award and the Ruby Award, both from the Soroptimist International. Mrs. Sigmund won these awards because of how dedicated and how hard she works to improve the lives of children and women.

Mrs. Sigmund with a few of the kids from Ninos de Cristo. Mrs. Sigmund feels strongly about ending human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. Once contact about a suspicious act Mrs. Sigmund does everything she can to stop whatever is happening and save the child that is in this situation.

Mrs. SIgmund with Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden. Mrs. Sigmund attends Christ Episcopal Church in Georgetown and is active in activities at her church. She is also currently on the boards of The Washington Ballet and The Second Genesis.

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