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Terms and definition

1. vindicate: means to justify, prove, or reinforce an idea or to absolve from guilt 2. livid: furiously angry 3. menial: -- task takes very little training, skill, or talent 4. elation: extreme, exhilarating joy,sudden very high spirits, possibly even a feeling of lightness 5. valid: well-grounded in fact, law or logic 6. indefatigable: can go on for a very long time without becoming tired 7. delude: to trick or fool, often in relation to yourself 8. disparaging: express negative, low opinions in order to lower someone's reputation 9. solicitude: more-than-average concern for someone 10. sodden: wet through and through; thoroughly wet 11. surfeit: an excessive amount of something 12. callous: insensitive or emotionally hardened 13. eradicate: destroy completely 14. spurious: false or fake 15. undulate: move with a smooth wave like motion 16. intrepid: fearless, adventurous 17. lax: not strict, relaxed 18. commodious: large and roomy 19. elegy: sad poem 20. propensity: natural tendency to behave in a certain way 21. tepid: lukewarm or half hearted 22. emaciated: dangerously skinny and skeletal-looking 23. oust: remove from a position or office 24. ostentatious: intended to attract notice and impress others 25. docile: easily handled or managed\ 26. vivacious: vigorous and animated

27. fraudulent: intended to deceive 28. incongruous: Lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness 29. constraint: A -- is a limit or restriction 30. penury: a state of extreme poverty or destitution 31. flay: It means to peel or beat the skin of a person or animal 32. harangue: a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion 33. affluent: having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value/ a branch that flows into the main stream 34. habitat: the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs 35. pertinent: being of striking appropriateness and pertinence 36. reticent: reluctant to draw attention to yourself/ cool and formal in manner 37. obnoxious: causing disapproval or protest/ annoying and unpleasant 38. feline: of or relating to cats 39. replete: fill to satisfaction / food or drink 40. sedition: an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government 41. stipulate: specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement 42. infamy: a state of extreme dishonor/ evil fame or public reputation 43. cosmic: inconceivably extended in space or time 44. deteriorate: become worse or disintegrate /grow worse 45. distraught: deeply agitated especially from emotion 46. incumbent: necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility 47. debut: the act of beginning something new, appear for the first time in public 48. longevity: The property of being long-lived 49. erosion: The mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down 50. equitable: fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience 51. indelible: It describes something that can't be erased or removed"

52. discomfiture: Anxious embarrassment 53. infinitesimal: When it's incalculably small, when teensy seems large compared to it, then it is ________ 54. glib: artfully persuasive in speech 55. profuse: ____ is a word for a lot of something or even way too much 56. flagrant: conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible 57. tenacious: stubbornly unyielding, sticking together

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