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Rhydian Talbot Interpersonal Communication (Section 2) 4 September 2013 Honors Contract Proposal In expanding on the content concerning sexual

communication, I propose to research cross-cultural sexuality that American culture would deem atypical. Such topics may include arranged marriages, age of consent, abortion rates, and the like. Utilizing the website were building throughout the semester, I would update a subsection of my site every other Friday with information regarding an atypical sexual practice. Within this information, I would apply two additional concepts not discussed in class but found in our textbook Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships. These concepts would also be different from the ones I utilize for my assigned website update each week. If time/need allows, I could also briefly present my findings in a 5-10 minute presentation to the class at the end of the semester. Through this exploration, Im seeking to expand on my knowledge of social interactions and communication. I find the psychology and introspection of the subject fascinating, and this project would allow me to delve into numerous topics and theories we simply dont have the time to cover during lecture. Im also aiming to understand and empathize with cultural practices unlike our own, specifically in a subject as hot button as sexuality. From what I currently understand, empathy is key to truly connecting and interacting with others, and this topic will ideally allow me to begin relating empathetically in a wide variety of other social interactions.

Im also aiming to build fluency and finesse in website design. Ive never created a website before, and Im really excited to explore this new frontier through required classwork. By updating my site with this expanded material, Ill gain more time and experience working with a valuable social medium.

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