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1957. The first day of Dorothy Counts at the Harry Harding High School in the United States .

Counts was one of the first black students ad itted in the school! and she was no longer able to stand the harass ents after " days.

#anuary 1$! 19%&. ' second before the #a(anese Socialist )arty leader 'sanu a was urdered by an o((onent student.

19%*. Thich +uang Duc! the ,uddhist (riest in Southern -ietna ! burns hi self to death (rotesting the go.ern ent/s torture (olicy against (riests. Thich +uang Dug ade a sound or o.ed while he was burning.

19%$. ' soldier shot by a sni(er hangs onto a (riest in his last

o ents.

19%5. ' o and her children try to cross the in South -ietna atte (t to run away fro the ' erican bo bs.

in an

19%%. U.S. troo(s in South -ietna

are dragging a dead -ietkong soldier.

0ebruary 1! 19%1. South -ietna (olice chief 2guyen 2goc 3oan shots a young an! who he sus(ects to be a -iet 4ong soldier.

197$. 'fter South -ietna

(lanes accidentally dro( a bo b on a town.

197*. ' few seconds before Chile /s elected (resident Sal.ador 'llende is dead during the cou(.

1975. ' wo an and a girl falling down after the fire esca(e colla(ses.

191&. ' kid in Uganda about to die of hunger! and a


0ebruary $*! 1911. Colonel 5olina .e ilitary (olice sei6es the )arlia ent building in S(ain . The (hotogra(her did not e7(ect the scene! and hid the fil s in his shoe.

1917. ' other in South 4orea a(ologi6es and asks for forgi.eness for his son who was arrested after attending a (rotest. He was (rotesting the alleged ani(ulations in the general elections.

1919. ' young an in China stands before the tanks during (rotests for de ocratic refor s.

199$. '

other in So alia holds the body of her child who died of hunger.

199". ' an who was tortured by the soldiers since he was sus(ected to ha.e s(oken with the Tutsi rebels.

199%. 4ids who are shocked by the war in 'ngola .

$&&1. 'n 'fghani refugee kid/s body is being (re(ared for the funeral in )akistan .

$&&$. Soldiers and .illagers in 89an are digging for the .icti s of the earth:uake. ' kid holds his father/s (ants before he is buried.

$&&*. 'n 8ra:i (risoner of war tries to cal

down his child.

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