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politic just a verbal war. dont take it serius la bro. we just want brighter future for tomorrow.

transperance leader. less corruption. less poverty in cosmo city. and another most important thing is..."ZUHUD' leader to be our administrator for socialist economy control.... its not a big deal. DEMOCRACY is people power. DEMO and CRATOS. u can vote and u can be voted. change the party if we definitely believe the delegate cant be a good voice for civilian...for people...for econmoy and for the country... arrr... come on man. 13 mei .. i m having a tea and roti canai with my student. almostly they are chinese and of course we are malaysian. some of NOISE OLD MACHINE want for parang terbang? for what ? better kick some ass lar to punish the NIGGER around kepong, kl and pandan indah. they are dirty just like their fucking ugly ass. cheating their visa and cheating our people for many reason...

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