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Most people learn best in concrete manner that includes personal participation, hands-on activities, and opprtunities for personal discovery. Learning is enhanced when concepts are presented in a context that is familiar to the learner. Most learners relate better to concrete examples rather than abstract conceptual models. Most students learn best when they have a opportunity to interact with other students. Rote memorization of isolated skilss is relatively inefficient and ineffective for most students.

Contextualized instruction is.. Providing instruction for the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes drawn from the context in which they will be used, using real-life materials and situations from the context.

An instuctional strategy that: Actively involves the learners in the learning process Combines content and context Uses authentic materials

Characterisitic of Contextual Learning CL is application oriented . CL is learner centered. CL is time flexible. CL goals and purpose are explicit from the beginning of instruction.

Benefits to the learner The purpose of the learning is explicit. (why & how are discussed) Learners share previous knowledge. (learner is actively learning) Learners discuss how they apply information to their roles as parent, worker and community members. (learning impacts real life) Learners solve problems. (learner uses skills that can be used outside the lesson) Learners control their learning process byh their rate of participation. (learner is responsible for learning) Transference of knowledge is explicit and immediately recognizable.

Benefits to the Instuctor Knowledge retention increases. Students motivation increases. Tutor fuides the learning process. Learning is a team effort between the tutor and learner, encouraging students persistence. Learning is the learners responsibility.

Cooperative learning Learners work in small group and rewarded for their collective accomplishments. A small group of classmates work toward common goals. (Slavin, 1990) group must be heterogeneous.

Journal Writing As communication tools that allowed students to express their own thought and ideas. As an opportunity to apply what they have learned. As an outlet to oncourage fluency and creative expression in language usage

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