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*****Advice***** >Do more on data structure?

[Tech mahindra 4 ALU] >Do more on writing core java code and design prepactive ?Prepare ur Prjects?[HC L 4 Juniper] >Prepare basic for all technologies on resume and maily n Core java and NMS EMS concepts like events ,FACP,?[Lnt] ******JAVA**** >what is join,yield? where to use?[LnT] >Regular expression for given string?"A1{}A2{A3{}}A4{}"?create method("A1...4")a nd get corresponding statement b/w curlly brases?[HCL 4 Juniper] >write prog of linklist,factorial,palindrom?[HCL 4 juniper] **** >sequence of loading by classloader >Serilized object is modifed,Then how to retrive date befor mofification? >why wait,notifiy declared in Object class not in Thread class? >What is default capacity and Load factor in collection? >What will put method return if try to add duplicate key? >When you get ConcurrentModificationException? >where to use singaltone? >How browser know to redirect request? >Differene in forwared and redirect? >If object in request scope what happen when forwared and redirect? >Differences between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java? >How to make mutable ,immutable ?and why? >What is deep copy and shallow copy? >Can static can be serialized?difference in transient ,volatile? Statics are implicitly transient, so you don't need to declare them as such. Serialization is for serializing instances, not classes. Static fields (methods are irrelevant since they are part of the class definition so they aren't serial ized) will be reinitialized to whatever value they are set to when the class is loaded. If you have a mutable static field, then the changes made to that value will be lost. ***********XML******* >Diff in DOM & STAX parser ***********Other********* >Diff in topic & Queues?what is JMS?Design pattern used in JMS? >diff in ant and mavean? >which xml parser u use?diff in DOM& SAX? >Do u knoe awk & sed?scripting? >SNMP version using?data used in V3? >how configure security in JBOSS?

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