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Upper Body Power Focus Lower Body Power Focus Upper Body Power& Assistance Lower Body Power&

Assistance Stretching on off days

Upper Body Power Focus 1. Clean& Power Press 3x3 2. Chin Up 3x5-7 3a. Bench Press 3x5-7 3b. Face Pulls 3x8-12 4. Machine Dips 3x6-8 5. Lying L Flys 2x10-15

Lower Body Power Focus 1. Deadlifts 3x3-5 2. Front Squats 3x5-7 3. Heavy Bicep Exercise 3x5-7 4a. Seated Calf Raises 3x15-20 4b. Behind the Back Barbell Wrist Curls 3x8-10 5. L Sit 3xamap 6. Rollouts 2-3xamap

Upper Body Power& Assistance 1. Snatch 3x3 2. High Pullups (Progressing to Muscle Up) 3a. Bench Press 3x5-7 3b. Incline Rear Delt Raises 3x8-12 4. Kroc Rows 2xamap 5. Close Grip Pushup 3x5-7 6. Seated L Flys 2x10-15 Lower Body Power& Assistance 1. Power Squats 3x2-5 2. Overhead Squats 3x5-8 3a. One Legged Standing Calf Raises 3x6-10 3b. Bicep Exercise 4. Reverse Forearm Curls 5. Decline Sit Ups 3x6-12

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