2014-2015 VOICE Charter School

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Are you |ook|ng for a teach|ng pos|t|on for the upcom|ng schoo| year (2014-1S)?

vClCL CharLer School ls looklng Lo ldenLlfy and lnLervlew exLraordlnary educaLors commlLLed Lo urban educaLlon who
wlsh Lo [oln a dynamlc professlonal learnlng communlLy. We wanL Lo work wlLh Leachers who have exemplary
communlcaLlve skllls, hold Lhemselves Lo Lhe hlghesL sLandards, and push and supporL Lhelr sLudenLs and colleagues.
1eachers ln our communlLy undersLand LhaL Lhe performance and progress of our sLudenLs, colleagues, and ourselves
are dlrecLly under our conLrol, and Lhey Lake personal responslblllLy Lo ensure LhaL all achleve and grow. vClCL Leachers
know LhaL sLudenLs and Leachers need Lo en[oy school ln order Lo be successful, and Lhey work Lo brlng [oy Lo Lhelr
classrooms and Leachlng. We are growlng and looklng Lo sLaff Lhe followlng poslLlons for Lhe 2014-13 school year:

CerLlfled SLaff
Ceneral LducaLlon
Speclal LducaLlon
Lngllsh as a Second Language (LSL)
vlsual ArLs
Soclal SLudles

Classroom | Cfflce SupporL
Classroom and Cfflce AsslsLanLs

Leadershlp oslLlons
Currlculum and lnsLrucLlon
CulLure and ulsclpllne

Ior more |nformat|on, p|ease v|s|t our webs|te at: www.vo|cecharterschoo|.org

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