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On joining the group 1.

This group is open to everyone who shares the sense of purpose and reason stated in our description. 2. This group is not affiliated in any way with official or unofficial operations of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 3. Participation within the purpose and reason of the group is neither moderated nor censored by administrators. 4. Opinions/beliefs and forms of expression in this group are the sole responsibility of individual participants. 5. It is the policy of this group to not delete posts. 6. Check the facts and ask questions first before you attack a viewpoint. 7. Please ask for clarification before you make assumptions. 8. Please be cordial. No name calling or personal attacks. You dont have to agree with everything everyone says. Dont be rude when you dont agree and have a tantrum. At times it may be best to agree to disagree and unfollow a thread. 9. If you are offended by a post the group recommends that you either: a. Speak directly to the person who posted and tell them of your concerns. (Message them in private) b. Block that post from your sight clicking the x in the comment, hiding the comment, and the last resort would be to block the person from their page. (No blocking of Admins, though). !

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