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Barriers in Communication

Prof Aparna Rao 25-06-12


Dynamic: Constantly changing Continuous: You cannot not communicate Two-way/circular: Never one way Unrepeatable: Same message, same sender can have different meanings for different listeners Irreversible: Once said Complex: Multiple cycles, multiple processes at one time

Communication Skills for Managers

Barriers to Effective Communication

Messages that are unclear, incomplete, difficult to understand Messages sent over the an inappropriate medium Messages with no provision for feedback Messages that are received but ignored Messages that are misunderstood Messages delivered through automated systems that lack the human element
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21st Century Workplace Challenges & Demands

Present workplace Multi-cultural Multiple time zones Languages People Technology Expectations Knowledge workers Communication

Cultural Differences
Global Village Internet, Skype, Technology, time zone barriers Not necessary, but useful to be multilingual Accent Neutralization Barriers built in from childhood mindset not my fault / am so strong Mindset evolving towards projection Multi-ethnic

Types of Barriers
Physical Psycho-social Cultural Linguistic Semantic Body Language

Physical Barriers
Physical Barriers Challenges of multi-tasking - Man, by nature, not wired for this Speed of thinking, talking, typing 200 wpm, 80 wpm, 40 wpm -Deficit Word pickers During a talk/conversation one word may trigger a feeling of I know whats coming Concentration time Linkages miss the talk, snap back with change of inflection/tone etc Medium Interference in communication, eating, driving, talking on the cellphone while walking on the road/public travel, texting in class

Cultural Differences

The result of U.S. warning to Japan for unconditional surrender - an ambiguous mokusatu meaning to kill with silence Tokyo radio used the word, saying the government would mokusato the declaration and fight onThe English translation became reject and the President took it as a rebuff. The result? Egyptian pilots radioed (in English) their intention to land at an airbase on Cyprus, and the Greek traffic controllers reportedly responded with silence, indicating refusal The Egyptians interpretation of this silence assent The outcome? Lives lost

Cultural Differences

Assuming Similarity -Danish Woman with baby in the US Assuming Difference Urban/rural; Eastern/Western/South/North etc. Eye Contact Critical Differences in stare, gaze, lecherous look, business look Gestures Thumbs up, Victory sign meanings Basic unwritten rule to follow no assumptions, no judgments; Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see

Linguistic Differences

Language, Culture & Body Language inter-twined E.g. English You; Yes, yeah Indian languages Aap, Tum, tu; words describing relationships cousin, aunt, mausera bhai, chachera bhai, mausi, chachi, maami etc. Word bai in Hindi and Marathi When disrespect is perceived, the message is lost in the emotional thought process over the disrespect

Semantic Differences
French Lemonade cannot be launched with the same name in English speaking countries Japanese brand of cold drink Argentinian curry powder - Poo German drink Portugal tuna Atum bum Communication is about making meaning make sure you communicate what you are meant to The intended outcome of the message should be clear to sender and receiver

Psycho-Social Barriers
Status Horns/Halo Effect Allness & Closed Mind Resistance to Change Unclarified Assumption Different Perceptions

Organizational Barriers
Communication Relationship Satisfaction Extent to which available information meets taskrelated and general information needs of employees in an organization Perceptions of Justice Distributive, Procedural & interactional Justice Evaluated by 4 aspects of communication in an organization with immediate superiors, peers, top management & overall communication within the organization

Justice Multi dimensional Construct

Distributional Justice Fairness of the outcome of the process Procedural Fairness perceived in the policies, procedures and criteria followed in the process Interactional perceptions about the manner of treatment of people

Premises & Survey Findings

There is a positive correlation between CRS and all facets of organizational communication CRS and top management would provide strong predictions for distributive and procedural justice CRS with immediate supervisor is a predictor for interactional justice Necessary to ensure that messages are routed through communication channels


CONTENT BARRIERS Content Known/Unknown, Disinterest

PERSONAL BARRIERS Poor Listening/ Thinking of response

ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS Light/Air/Noise/Ventilation/Interruption LINGUISTIC BARRIERS Language/Semantics/Tone/Delivery Style
PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS Frustrated/Anxiety/Anger/Status


Language Barriers
'Ici on parle Anglais'... 'Ici on se rit de votre francais.' ('We speak English here'... 'We laugh at your French here')

What Kind of Barriers Do You See Here?

Types of Barriers
Interpersonal Takes into account uniqueness of individuals due to age, perceptions, experiences, education, culture, personality interpretation differs e.g.??? Causes Wrong assumptions, varied perceptions, wrong inferences, differing background, blocked categories Prevent or overcome You attitude, audience oriented choice of words, technical words to be explained, avoid oversimplification

Prevent or Overcome Organizational Barriers

Keep receiver in mind Open communication environment Avoid too many transfer stations Avoid communication when emotionally disturbed Be aware of diversity in culture, language etc. Use appropriate non-verbal cues Select most suitable medium Analyse feedback

Additional Reading communication_barriers_and_strategies.html - Strategies m.pdf - Communication across cultural barriers Workplace Communication - Gestures - Hand gestures to avoid

Thank You

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