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Mr and Ms Fresher


Answer all questions. No negative marking for wrongly answered ones. Star marked questions reward you with extra points. Time limit is ****Good Lu k****

!" At #$o lo k lo k ti ks # times. The time %etween first and last ti ks was &'se . (ow mu h time it takes at !)$o lo k* Time + ,,,,,,,,, se . )" There are & so ieties a-%- . a lent tra tors to % and as many as they had. After some time % gave as many tra tors to a and as many as they have. After sometime did the same thing. At the end of this transa tion ea h one of them had ).. /ind the tra tors ea h originally had. A+ ,,,,,,,,, 0+ ,,,,,,,,, 1+ ,,,,,,,,, *&" There N stations on a railroad. After adding x stations .# additional ti kets have to %e printed. 2hat are the values of N and 3*

." Given that April ! is Tuesday. a-%- are & persons told that their farewell party was on a - may 8, Thursday b - may 10,Tuesday c - jun 8, Friday 4ut of a-%- one is only orre t one of the regarding month-day-date. 4ther told two orre t and the third person told all wrong.2hat is orre t date-month-day* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

5" A family 6 know has several hildren. 7a h %oy in this family has as many sisters as %rothers %ut ea h girl has twi e as many %rothers as sisters. (ow many %rothers and sisters are there* No of 0rothers+ ,,,,,,,,,,,, No of Sisters+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


2** 3** ---------------5** * * **3 ---------------***** ---------------Num%er $8$ doesn$t o ur in this multipli ation. /ind out the $9rodu t$.

:" 5'' men are arranged in an array of !' rows and 5' olumns . ALL tallest among ea h row are asked to fall out - and the shortest among T(7; is A. Similarly after resuming that to their original positions that the shortest among ea h olumn are asked to fall out- and the longest among them is 0 . Now who is taller among A and 0 * ,,,,,,,,,,,. <" A hain is %roken into three pie es of equal lengths ontaining & links ea h. 6t is taken to a %la ksmith to =oin into a single ontinuous one . (ow many links are to to %e opened to make it * ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. *!'" >ou are given )5 horses and a ?a e ground with 5 ra e tra ks. >ou an only remem%er that the pla e of a horse in a parti ular ra e that has %een ondu ted. >ou are not provided with a timer or any measuring devi e. 2hat are the ;6N6;@; num%er of ra es %y whi h you an determine the first & ra e horses* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

!!" A person has ?s !''AB in his po ket- he an as )5 pen ils or !5%ooks. (e kept !5C of the money for travelling expenses and pur hased 5 pen ils. So how many %ooks he an pur hase with the remaining money.


a D % D E !5 e D f D g E !#

2hat is the value of 3>. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

!&"" Arrange the senten es in the orre t order. F G A. They are the three fa es of dysphoria B %ad feeling. 0. Anxiety- Hepression and Anger. 1. 2hen the three om%ine and get out of ontrol- we get what is alled mental illness. H. All of us experien e three emotions almost daily. Ia" A1H0 I%" 10HA I " H01A Id" H0A1 *!." 2hats the relation %etween dou%le the num%er of fa tors of an odd num%er and the num%er of fa tors of dou%le of itself. F G a" J %" K " E d" JE e" KE f" 1annot %e determined. F G

!5" 4dd man 4@TLL ! ) 5 !' !& )# )< .:

!#" Six swimmers A 0 1 H 7 / ompete in a ra e. There are no ties. The out omes are as follows. !. 0 does not win. ). 4nly two swimmers separate 7 M H &. A is %ehind H M 7 .. 0 is ahead of 7 - with one swimmer intervening 5. / is a ahead of H Ii"who is fift( IA" A I0" 0 I1" 1 F IH" H I7" 7 F G G G

Iii" The swimmer %etween 1 M 7 is IA" / I0" H I1" 0 IH" A 7" N4N7

Iiii"6f the end of the ra e- swimmer H is disqualified %y the Nudges F then swimmer 0 finishes in whi h pla e IA" ! I0" ) I1" & IH" . I7" 5

*!<" >ou have a ?e tangle and a ir le of any radius anywhere inside the re tangle. (ow an you draw a S6NGL7 line and ut the %oth the re tangle and ir le into 7O@AL halfs**

)'"Given a u%e- with different olors on its fa es- and then is ut into #. equal pie es. (ow many u%es do not have any of their fa es painted** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

)!" 1ost of an item is x. 6t$s value in reases %y pC and de reases %y pC. Now the new value is ! rupee- what is the a tual ost of the item 3* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

))" A workers pay is )'AB day - he works !- !A&-)A&-!A:-&A. of various days per week. what is the total amount paid for that worker. ,,,,,,,,,,,,.

*)&" There is a ertain four digit num%er whose fourth digit is twi e the first digit. Third digit is three more than se ond digit. Sum of the first and fourth digits twi e the third num%er. 2hat was that num%er *I Give all the options possi%le". ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

)." Three friends divided some %ullets equally. After all of them shot . %ullets the total no.of remaining %ullets is equal to that of one has after division. /ind the original num%er divided. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

* )5" /ive people a-%- -d-e are related to ea h other. /our of them make one true statement ea h as follows. i" % is my father$s %rother. F G ii"e is my motherBinBlaw. F G iii" is my sonBinBlaw$s %rother. F G iv"a is my %rother$s wife. F G who said ea h statement*

)#" !!. 2ho is the 174 of ;i rosoft * a" 0ill Gates. %" Steve No%s. " Steve 0almer. d" 9eter Nohns. )8" /ind the next num%er in the series. #-<-!.-)! - ,,

):" 6f S(44T E 2;@PA 2hat would %e 1AL1@TTA** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, )<" (exade imal equivalent of &.5) is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. &'" 2hat is the num%er of Qeros at the end of num%er formed %y the produ t of num%ers from ! T4 !''** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. &!" 2hat is the total num%er of squares in an : * : hess %oard** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. *&)" /ind the least num%er when divided %y 8 gives the reminder #- when divided %y # gives reminder 5- when divided %y 5 gives reminder . and so on... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &&" A die is thrown twi e. 2hat is the pro%a%ility that you get same num%er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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