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The Piece of Sky

It was a nice sunny morning for this time of year, but the best part of it was the sky. Shed been staring at it for some time now, unable to tear her eyes away. That perfect shade of blue reminded her of his eyes. Even though it was sunny, her clothes were still too sleazy and the slightest breeze made her shiver. Soon enough someone was certain to come and comment on her health both mental and physical! and drag her back inside. "eople considered #dina to be beautiful, with her fair skin, her shining blue eyes and dark hair, and even though she had delicate health, all single men in her village and the ones close by had asked for her hand in marriage. $f course, this made her parents very proud, especially since they knew that she was desired even by those that should not want her, but their daughter declined all the offers. %hen asked, she would &ust answer that she did not have a heart to give and that she could only love the sky. 'any considered the girl batty, but she knew better. (er heart was already given to him and even though she was naught but a simple peasant girl, she knew that the one she loved was more different than anyone here could understand. # warm blanket went around her shoulders as two figures took their respective places on either side of her. Sometimes people saw them, sometimes they did not and even when they did, most had the tendency to forget about them soon after. (er parents too, they would ask about the two men and later forget all about them. #t first she was troubled by it, but soon learned to accept them as her guardians, creatures of magic that had been by her side since her birth and maybe even before. The two were light and shadow, day and night. Their faces were the same but )iva had blonde, almost white hair, with golden green eyes, while *illah had dark purple hair with matching eyes. )ight and shade+ an interesting pair sent to watch over her. ,-ou should enter, #dina,, said )ivas soft voice. ,-ouve been coughing in your sleep all night.. ,/ust a while longer+. she murmured, eyes still glued to the sky. ,(es not coming. said *illah in a harsher tone, ,not for now at least.. The girl turned to look at him, as did his twin. )iva was distressed with his brothers lack of gentleness in handling someone as frail as their charge. (e could

be so insensible at times, even if deep inside, he did care about the girl. *illah was more found of her than he would ever care to admit to anyone or even himself. ,Then I should go in. she said softly. The two men helped her inside and she spend the rest of her day in bed. #t some point a young man of good family from a neighboring town came and asked for her hand in marriage for the second time, but she felt too weak to come out and e0plain that her heart was already given. Sometimes, she &ust wished that her parents would understand and stop receiving all those men. She knew they were proud to receive so much attention from everyone and get so many favors, because they either wanted her for themselves of as a bride for their sons, but her parents should understand her feelings as well. They may not understand what was wrong with her, may not see inside her heart, but they should still be on her side. Truth be told, she was afraid that one of this days they would indeed give her away to some rich man, who had no idea what she was about+ She would never be able to live with anyone else, but how could she e0plain him, when no one knew of his e0istence1 )iva held her hand for most of the time, while *illah walked around the room in circles. #t some point she started wondering if he left any holes in the floor+ (e was sweet, even if he would never admit caring for anyone, which made her wonder what or who hurt him so much. (er fateful guardian built a wall around himself for a reason and she was afraid that if she pushed at those walls, she might harm him even more. #s night fell she closed her eyes and dreamt of him as she did every night. # peaceful dream about summer days outside in the valley, under a sky so blue, that no gem could compare. She dreamt of arms holding her close and lips that kept repeating that everything will be okay, as if it was a chant. She dreamt a dream about a man more beautiful than the gods that promised to make thing right one day. The ne0t day, the sky was &ust as clear, and she loved it. )ooking up at the sky was like staring into his beautiful eyes. She laughed inside, thinking about it. This was really turning into an obsession, &ust like *illah said, but she found that she couldnt help herself. 2uring these times apart, it was the only connection she had to him, the only thing that reassured her that he was still watching over her. "eople said that she had become even more beautiful lately, but what they did not know, was that her beauty came from loving him, from knowing that she was his and his alone. It is said that love make you beautiful, which would e0plain why other people considered her to be beautiful. This glow they all seemed so attracted to, was the reflection f her feelings and she wasnt scared to admit to it. In this age and time, such things werent said out loud, it wasnt proper, but going against her own nature, wasnt something she was willing to do. Those who truly

loved her would accept her &ust the way she was, flaws and all+ &ust as he did. The thought kept her smiling all the way to the market. Today would be the day he would return to her, the day her heart would feel at ease again+ she &ust knew it3 Their market was one of the biggest from the area, mostly because it was a &ointed one, merchants from all over coming to sell their products here. "eople were chatting with each other, smiling, waving, looking+ Some young men approached her, even offered to help her carry her basket, but she refused politely. There was no need to encourage them, especially knowing that others would see it as a sign that they may have a chance to win her heart, which wasnt the case. (er two guardians were also there, in case she may need them, but choose to be unseen by others today. 4or some reason she &ust couldnt help smiling today3 Every time she tried to keep the smiling under control, it would &ust resurface even brighter. Soon enough, people will start wondering if she had truly lost her min, but what could she do against something so strong1 #dina could sense his approach even when he made no sound at all. She had no idea how it worked, but there was this deep connection between them+ all they had to do was look into each others eyes and it would all be clear. She always knew when he was close, or when he would come to her, even if they never communicated during their time apart. (e took the basket out of her hands and give her a hard look. ,Someone told me you fell ill again,. he said, concern burning in his voice. ,It wasnt anything wearing+ I was gazing at the sky,. she said innocently. ,-ou seem to do that a lot, love. %hy1. ,5ecause it has your eye color,. she answered slowly, face turning red. ,If I were to find something to replace it, would you take more care of yourself1. ,I dont want you to worry, 6eiran+. (e bent to her level and placed a soft kiss on her lips, and despite all of the people looking at them, she did not seem to be bothered in the least bit. Slowly, the kiss grew deeper, as his free hand entwined into her hair, and her arms went around his neck. 7nfortunately, he had a bad influence on her at times, but it was &ust fine with him in these conditions. Touching her cheek, he unwillingly tore his lips from hers8 conscious of all the evil looks sent his way. They could stare until their eyes fell out, for all he cared3 )et them see she was already taken, that she already has someone and that they could not have her. #dina was his, she was created into this world for his sake and he was ready to give up everything for her

sake. If he were to be given a choice between her and any other thing, it would not even be a matter of choosing, because as long as he had her, he had the world. 4or him, it wasnt a matter of physical beauty8 it had to do with her essence and the allure it was for him. #ll he knew was that without her, he was nothing. ,-oure shivering,. he said. ,Its okay, Im not cold.. ,%hy on the )ords name were you carrying the basket on your own1. he asked suddenly annoyed. ,%here are those two fools that supposedly take care of you1 (onestly, theyre doing a very poor &ob at it.. ,2ont be mad, 6eiran, the basket is almost empty. Im sure )iva would have taken it if it would have gotten heavy.. 6eiran sighted. (e knew that they would do anything to protect her, which only made him feel even more useless. (e needed her more than he needed air, and yet he could do nothing to keep her safe. It was him that posed the biggest threat, he acknowledged the fact, yet he could not keep away. It was a fact he knew from the start, but how could he keep away from the one creature in the world that made him feel like he belonged1 (ow many times before did he promise himself that this time around he would stay out of her life1 5ut every time he caved in, and walked right back in her life, waiting for it to be destroyed once more, without him being able to stop it1 It was a vicious circle, but one day, probably many lifetimes into the future, he will be able to brake it and make things right. #ll he needed was an opening, something he could twist around enough to free both her and himself. %hile he wrapped his arm around her, #dina cast some looks around. 'any friends of her parents and even some neighbors were today at the market. Soon her parents will find out too, and maybe even stop playing matchmaker for her. 5ut how would she e0plain him to them1 (ow will she e0plain the reason for which she cant introduce 6eiran to them, what he is+ Truth be told, not even she knew who or what he truly was, or where he came from. "robably both *illah and )iva knew this, but they would never share such information. Somehow, she knew that they were here because of him, that 6eiran sent them, but she also knew that they had been by her side since birth+ so what was the connection1 ,I cant stay long,. he said. .I wasnt supposed to be here today, its not yet safe+. ,5ut you were worried,. she finished for him. ,6eiran, Im not made of glass and paper, I can survive &ust fine without someone always holding my hand.. ,I know+.he said, his eyes sad, ,but youre not strong enough this time around, love, and Id do anything to make thing even if &ust a little more bearable..

,-ou talk strange sometimes.. ,'ostly, Im hoping you wont understand any of it, so you wouldnt run away screaming+ which is e0actly what you should do if you knew what was good for you.. She laughed out loud, ignoring the stares she received from all around. This was a strange sight for everyone else, because she always acted so proper around people, never showing too much &oy or sadness. The only people she felt comfortable enough to be herself around, were her two guardians and 6eiran. ,#pparently I have no idea what is good for me. Seriously, 6eiran, I only live once+ and I want it to matter. I want to do the things that make me happy, regardless of what others may think of me because of it.. ,Ill take you home now,. he said without looking at her. The truth was that she didnt &ust live once and she did matter, more than she could ever imagine. 5y the 9olden )ords name, she was the sole reason he kept himself alive each day in this cruel and cold reality. 'aybe he was being melodramatic and was whining too much, but if only shed been made differently, then, he could have kept his distance and spared her the pain of being his connection to the world. ,:o matter what you are thinking, 6eiran, stop3. she said, putting both hands on his face, making him look at her. ,I want this and if Im somehow wrong, I also know I wont regret anything, not even a second spent with you, so &ust stop.. ,-ou have no idea what you are saying, love,. he said turning his face into her left palm and kissing it, ,but have it your way. Ill stop being bitter around you and spoiling the mood.. ,9ood,. she said placing a ;uick kiss on his lips. ,Take me home, but before, I must finish buying the things I came for.. ,2eal,. he said with a smile. $nce home, she went straight to the kitchen and left the basket full of food. #s she predicted, )iva did indeed carry the basket for her as soon as 6eiran left, and *illah became even more moody, if possible. Somehow, 6eirans presence always had that effect on him. #nother mystery, for another time. :ow, what mattered were her chores. If it hadnt happened already, word would soon come to her parents about the events that took place during the day and she wanted to be rested for when the ;uestions would start raining down. Strangely, no one said a word to her about it, although they had a lot of visitors that day. #ll the better for her, since she had no idea how to answer any of the possible ;uestions. #s night fell, #dina retired to her own room, alone and away from all the in;uiring looks.

She couldnt suppress a smile as she could feel 6eiran approach. It was odd for him to return so soon, but she wasnt complaining. The moment she opened her eyes and turned around in her chair, he was there. (is eyes the blue of the clearest skies, his beauty greater than the sun. (er heart filled with &oy, as always, but she couldnt help noticing something different about him. %as he flushed1 %as 6eiran actually embarrassed about something1 This couldnt be his first time in a girls room, could it1 The sole idea of it being the reason behind his shyness, was amusing, and she would have laughed if she wasnt afraid of attracting attention from outside her room. ,I wasnt e0pecting you so soon, 6eiran.. She said her voice a whisper. ,It was better for me to arrive before sunrise. 6nowing you, love, youd probably go out in the cold air for your sky<gazing.. ,That is something I cant help.. ,-ou will now,. he said with a devilish smile on his beautiful lips. #dina wanted to say something, but his finger on her lips put a stop to it. (e motioned her to wait while he pulled a ring out from under his cape and placed it on her finger. She couldnt help noticing that the stones encrusted in it had the color of his eyes. She almost give in to tears at the thought that h would do this for her. ,I havent given it a name yet,. he said ,but this is a ring of magic, it creates a special bound that cannot be broken by any living being. If you accept this ring, then you accept m to share this e0istence with+. ,The piece of sky+. she said softly ,the kallan+. ,Thats a good name for it+ 6allan, the sky=heaven above+. ,'y answer will always be yes and somehow I have the feeling I said it before too.. ,I love you. he said against her lips ,now and always, it will only be you..

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