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Designation: D3884 09 (Reapproved 2013)

Standard Test Method for

A rasion Resistan!e of Te"ti#e $a ri!s (Rotar% &#atfor'( Do) #e*+ead Method)1

This standard is issued under the 1i3ed designation '3%%$; the nu.ber i..ediately 1ollo)ing the designation indicates the year o1 original adoption or4 in the case o1 revision4 the year o1 last revision/ A nu.ber in parentheses indicates the year o1 last reapproval/ A superscript epsilon (5) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval/

1. Scope / This test .ethod covers the deter.ination o1 the abra6 sion resistance o1 te3tile 1abrics using the rotary plat1or.4 double6head tester (78'9)/
0OT& :Other procedures 1or .easuring the abrasion resistance o1 te3tile 1abrics are given in Test Methods '3%%#4 '3%%;4 '$ #<4 '$ #%4 '$=;;4 and AATCC =3/

/( The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard" the values in &nglish units are provided as in1or.a6 tion only and are not e3act e>uivalents/ /3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents (/ ASTM Standards:( ' (3 Ter.inology 7elating to Te3tiles ' <<; 8ractice 1or Conditioning and Testing Te3tiles '3%%# Test Method 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 Te3tile ?abrics (?le3ing and Abrasion Method) '3%%; Test Method 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 Te3tile ?abrics (In1lated 'iaphrag. Apparatus) '$ #< Test Method 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 Te3tile ?abrics (Oscillatory Cylinder Method) '$ #% -uide 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 Te3tile ?abrics (@ni1or. Abrasion) '$%#! Ter.inology 7elating to ?abrics and ?abric Test Methods '$=;; Test Method 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 Te3tile ?abrics (Martindale Abrasion Tester Method)
This test .ethod is under the Aurisdiction o1 ASTM Co..ittee ' 3 on Te3tiles and is the direct responsibility o1 Subco..ittee ' 3/;! on ?abric Test Methods4 Speci1ic/ Current edition approved Buly 4 (! 3/ 8ublished Septe.ber (! 3/ Originally approved in =%!/ ,ast previous edition approved in (!!= as '3%%$ C !=/ 'OI" !/ #(!*'3%%$6!=7 3/ ( ?or re1erenced ASTM standards4 visit the ASTM )ebsite4 )))/ast./org4 or contact ASTM Service at serviceDast./org/ ?or Annual Boo of ASTM Standards volu.e in1or.ation4 re1er to the standardEs 'ocu.ent Su..ary page on the ASTM )ebsite/

'#!3$ Test Method 1or FreaGing Strength and &longation o1 Te3tile ?abrics (-rab Test) '#!3# Test Method 1or FreaGing ?orce and &longation o1 Te3tile ?abrics (Strip Method) '<(## Test Method 1or Abrasion 7esistance o1 ,eather (7otary 8lat1or.4 'ouble69ead Method) (/( !ther "ocuments: AATCC =3 Abrasion 7esistance o1 ?abrics" Accelerator Method3 3. Terminology 3/ ?or all ter.inology relating to ' 3/;!4 ?abric Test Methods4 Speci1ic4 re1er to Ter.inology '$%#!/ 3/ / The 1ollo)ing ter.s are relevant to this standard" abrasion4 abrasion cycle4 breaGing 1orce/ 3/( ?or all other ter.inology related to te3tiles4 re1er to Ter.inology ' (3/ 4. Summary of Test Method $/ A speci.en is abraded using rotary rubbing action under controlled conditions o1 pressure and abrasive action/ The test speci.en4 .ounted on a turntable plat1or.4 turns on a vertical a3is4 against the sliding rotation o1 t)o abrading )heels/ One abrading )heel rubs the speci.en out)ard to)ard the periph6 ery and the other4 in)ard to)ard the center/ The resulting abrasion .arGs 1or. a pattern o1 crossed arcs over an area o1 appro3i.ately 3! c.(/ 7esistance to abrasion is evaluated by various .eans )hich are described in Section 3/ 5. Significance and se

#/ The .easure.ent o1 the resistance to abrasion o1 te3tile and other .aterials is very co.ple3/ The resistance to abrasion is a11ected by .any 1actors4 such as the inherent .echanical properties o1 the 1ibers; the di.ensions o1 the 1ibers; the structure o1 the yarns; the construction o1 the 1abrics; and the type4 Gind4 and a.ount o1 1inishing .aterial added to the 1ibers4 yarns4 or 1abric/

3 Available 1ro. A.erican Association o1 Te3tile Che.ists and Colorists (AATCC)4 8/O/ Fo3 (( #4 7esearch Triangle 8arG4 0C (<<!=4 http"** )))/aatcc/org/

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Oct 3 !"# "$% &'T (! 3 'o)nloaded*printed by Carlos +uevedo (,aboratorios M-) pursuant to ,icense Agree.ent/ 0o 1urther reproductions authori2ed/

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C 00, !e"t Con"hoho#$en, PA 1%&'()'%*%+ ,nite- State"

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Oct 3 !"# "$% &'T (! 3 'o)nloaded*printed by Carlos +uevedo (,aboratorios M-) pursuant to ,icense Agree.ent/ 0o 1urther reproductions authori2ed/

D3884 , 09 (2013)
#/( The resistance to abrasion is also greatly a11ected by the conditions o1 the tests4 such as the nature o1 abradant4 variable action o1 the abradant over the area o1 speci.en abraded4 the tension o1 the speci.en4 the pressure bet)een the speci.en and abradant4 and the di.ensional changes in the speci.ens/ #/3 Abrasion tests are all subAect to variation due to changes in the abradant during speci1ic tests/ The abradant .ust accordingly be discarded at 1re>uent intervals or checGed periodically against a standard/ Hith disposable abradants4 the abradant is used only once or discarded a1ter li.ited use/ Hith per.anent abradants that use hardened .etal or e>uivalent sur1aces4 it is assu.ed that the abradant )ill not change appreciably in a speci1ic series o1 tests/ Si.ilar abradants used in di11erent laboratories )ill not change at the sa.e rate4 due to di11erences in usage/ 8er.anent abradants .ay also change due to picG up o1 1inishing or other .aterial 1ro. test 1abrics and .ust accordingly be cleaned at 1re>uent intervals/ The .ea6 sure.ent o1 the relative a.ount o1 abrasion .ay also be a11ected by the .ethod o1 evaluation and .ay be in1luenced by the Audg.ent o1 the operator/ #/$ The resistance o1 te3tile .aterials to abrasion as .ea6 sured on a testing .achine in the laboratory is generally only one o1 several 1actors contributing to )ear per1or.ance or durability as e3perienced in the actual use o1 the .aterial/ Hhile Iabrasion resistanceJ (o1ten stated in ter.s o1 the nu.ber o1 cycles on a speci1ied .achine4 using a speci1ied techni>ue to produce a speci1ied degree or a.ount o1 abrasion) and IdurabilityJ (de1ined as the ability to )ithstand deteriora6 tion or )earing out in use4 including the e11ects o1 abrasion) are 1re>uently related4 the relationship varies )ith di11erent end uses4 and di11erent 1actors .ay be necessary in any calculation o1 predicted durability 1ro. speci1ic abrasion data/ ,aboratory tests .ay be reliable as an indication o1 relative end6use per1or.ance in cases )here the di11erence in abrasion resis6 tance o1 various .aterials is large4 but they should not be relied upon )here di11erences in laboratory test 1indings are s.all/ In general4 they should not be relied upon 1or prediction o1 actual )ear6li1e in speci1ic end uses unless there are data sho)ing the speci1ic relationship bet)een laboratory abrasion tests and actual )ear in the intended end6use/ #/# These general observations apply to all types o1 1abrics4 including )oven4 non)oven4 and Gnit apparel 1abrics4 house6 hold 1abrics4 industrial 1abrics4 and 1loor coverings/ It is not surprising4 there1ore4 to 1ind that there are .any di11erent types o1 abrasion testing .achines4 abradants4 testing conditions4 testing procedures4 .ethods o1 evaluation o1 abrasion resis6 tance and interpretation o1 results/ #/; All the test procedures and instru.ents that have been developed 1or abrasion resistance o1 1abrics .ay sho) a high degree o1 variability in results obtained by di11erent operators and in di11erent laboratories4 ho)ever4 they represent the procedures .ost )idely used in the industry/ Fecause there is a de1inite need 1or .easuring the relative resistance to abrasion4 this is one o1 the several procedures that is use1ul to help .ini.i2e the inherent variation in results that .ay occur/ #/< Fe1ore de1inite predictions o1 1abric use1ulness can be dra)n 1ro. an abrasion test as .ade on the rotary plat1or.4 double6head (78'9) abrader (?ig/ )4 actual end6use trials should be conducted and related to the abrasion test/ 'i11erent types o1 )ear (1or e3a.ple4 )ear on .enEs clothing at cu11s4 crotch4 etc/) .ay correspond to di11erent ratings o1 the 78'9 test/ #/% In .aGing a co.parison o1 di11erent 1abrics (that is4 o1 di11erent 1ibers4 )eights4 etc/) the 78'9 test )ill not al)ays reveal a di11erence Gno)n to e3ist )hen the 1abrics are actually used/ There1ore4 end6use trials should be conducted in conAunc6 tion )ith the 78'9 abrasion test4 at least as a guide 1or 1uture testing o1 these 1abrics/ #/= @ncontrolled .anu1acturing or 1inishing variations oc6 curring )ithin a 1abric or )ithin lots o1 the sa.e style o1 1abric can4 ho)ever4 be detected satis1actorily )ith the 78'9 tester/ #/ ! Fecause o1 the conditions .entioned above4 techni6 cians 1re>uently 1ail to get good agree.ent bet)een results obtained on the sa.e type o1 testing instru.ent both )ithin and bet)een laboratories4 and the precision o1 these test .ethods is uncertain/ This test .ethod is accordingly not reco..ended 1or acceptance testing in contractual agree.ents bet)een purchaser and supplier because o1 the poor bet)een6 laboratory precision o1 the test .ethod/ #/ I1 there are di11erences o1 practical signi1icance be6 t)een reported test results 1or t)o laboratories (or .ore)4 co.parative tests should be per1or.ed to deter.ine i1 there is a statistical bias bet)een the.4 using co.petent statistical assistance/ As a .ini.u.4 the test sa.ples used are to be as ho.ogeneous as possible4 dra)n 1ro. the .aterial 1ro. )hich the disparate test results )ere obtained4 and assigned in e>ual nu.bers to each laboratory 1or testing/ The test results 1ro. the t)o laboratories should be co.pared using a statis6 tical test 1or unpaired data4 at a probability level chosen prior to the testing series/ I1 bias is 1ound4 either its cause .ust be 1ound and corrected4 or 1uture test results .ust be adAusted in consideration o1 the Gno)n bias/ !. "pparatus ;/ #otary $latform, "ouble-%ead &#$"%' Abrader$(?ig/ )4 consisting o1 the 1ollo)ing ele.ents described in ;/ / 6;/ /# ;/ / 7e.oveable4 turntable plat1or. that includes a rubber pad4 cla.p plate and Gnurled nut4 and cla.p ring to secure the speci.en/ The speci.en holder shall be .otor driven4 and .ounted so as to produce circular sur1ace travel o1 a 1lat speci.en in the plane o1 its sur1ace/ ;/ /( 8air o1 pivoted ar.s to )hich the abrasive )heels and accessory )eights are attached/

$ The sole source o1 supply o1 the apparatus Gno)n to the co..ittee at this ti.e is Taber Industries4 $## Fryant St/ 0orth Tona)anda4 0K $ (!/ I1 you are a)are o1 alternate suppliers4 please provide this in1or.ation to ASTM head>uarters/ Kour co..ents )ill receive care1ul consideration at a .eeting o1 the responsible technical co..ittee4 )hich you .ay attend/

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Oct 3 !"# "$% &'T (! 3 ( 'o)nloaded*printed by Carlos +uevedo (,aboratorios M-) pursuant to ,icense Agree.ent/ 0o 1urther reproductions authori2ed/

$-./ 1 Rotar% &#atfor' Do) #e +ead A rader

;/ /3 Motor capable o1 rotating the plat1or. and speci.en at a speed o1 <( ;( r*.in/ ;/ /$ Lacuu. no22le and vacuu. cleaner 1or re.oval o1 lint and debris 1ro. speci.en/ The height o1 the vacuu. no22le shall be adAustable and the no22le )ill have t)o openings C one opening positioned bet)een the t)o )heels and over the )ear path and the other placed dia.etrically opposite/ The distance bet)een the a3es o1 the t)o openings shall be <;/! ; /! ../ ;/ /# Counter 1or indicating the revolutions o1 the speci.en holder/ ;/( Abrasi(e wheels, )hich are attached to the 1ree end o1 the pivoted ar.s and rotate 1reely about hori2ontal spindles/ ;/(/ Their internal 1aces shall be #(/$ ; /! .. apart and the hypothetical line through the t)o spindles shall be =/!# ;!/3 .. a)ay 1ro. the central a3is o1 the turntable (see ?ig/ ()/ Hhen resting on the speci.en4 the )heels )ill have a peripheral engage.ent )ith the sur1ace o1 the speci.en4 the direction o1 travel o1 the periphery o1 the )heels and o1 the speci.en at the contacting portions being at acute angles4 and the angles o1 travel o1 one )heel periphery being opposite to that o1 the other/ Motion o1 the abrasive )heels4 in opposite directions4 is provided by rotation o1 the speci.en and the associated 1riction there1ro./ ;/(/( The abrasive )heels$ are either resilient or vitri1ied6 based/ Foth types o1 )heels consist o1 hard particles e.bedded in a binder .aterial and are .anu1actured in di11erent grades o1 abrasive >uality/ The )heels shall be (/< ;!/3 .. thicG and have an e3ternal dia.eter o1 # /= ;!/# .. )hen ne)4 and in no case less than $$/$ ../

;/3 Accessory )oads, The 78'9 abrader is provided )ith a load adAust.ent 1or varying the load o1 the abrader )heels on the speci.en/ The pivoted abrader ar.s )ithout au3iliary )eights or counter )eights apply a load against the speci.en o1 (#! g per )heel (e3clusive o1 the .ass o1 the )heel itsel1)/ The .anu1acturer provides additional )eights that can be used to increase the load to #!! or !!! g per )heel4 and a counter)eight attach.ent that can be used to reduce the load on the speci.en to (# g per )heel/ ;/$ Au*iliary Apparatus+7esur1acing discs (S6 )4 o1 carborundu.6coated paper4 are used to resur1ace the resilient )heels/ ;/# Abrasion ,heel #esurfacing "e(ice, 1or resur1acing vitri1ied based )heels or 1or correcting uneven )heel )ear/ #. Sampling </ TaGe a lot sa.ple as directed in the applicable .aterial speci1ication4 or as agreed upon by the purchaser and seller/ In the absence o1 such a speci1ication or other agree.ent4 taGe a laboratory sa.ple as directed in </ / / Consider rolls or pieces o1 1abric to be the pri.ary sa.pling unit/ </ / TaGe a laboratory sa.ple that is the 1ull )idth o1 the 1abric and at least #! c. (appro3i.ately (! in/) long4 1ro. each roll or piece o1 1abric in the lot sa.ple/ The laboratory sa.ple should be taGen no closer than . ( yd) 1ro. the end o1 each roll or piece o1 1abric/ </( Sa.ple ship.ents o1 gar.ents as agreed upon by purchaser and seller/

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Oct 3 !"# "$% &'T (! 3 3 'o)nloaded*printed by Carlos +uevedo (,aboratorios M-) pursuant to ,icense Agree.ent/ 0o 1urther reproductions authori2ed/

$-./ 2 &osition of A rasive 0hee#s on Rotar% &#atfor' Do) #e +ead A rader

$. %um&er and 'reparation of Test Specimens %/ I1 the nu.ber o1 speci.ens to be tested is not speci1ied by a .aterial speci1ication or an agree.ent bet)een purchaser and seller4 test 1ive speci.ens/ %/ / I1 the nu.ber o1 speci.ens to be tested e3ceeds the nu.ber o1 laboratory sa.ples4 select those labora6 tory sa.ples 1ro. )hich .ore than one test speci.en )ill be taGen/ I1 not4 test one speci.en per laboratory sa.ple/ %/( TaGe speci.ens 1ro. gar.ent sa.ples as agreed upon by all interested parties/ %/3 Cut ten speci.ens appro3i.ately # c. (; in/) s>uare4 1ive 1or abrasion tests and 1ive reserved 1or controls/ ?or the 1ive speci.ens to be abraded4 cut a ;6.. ( M$6in/) dia.eter hole in the center o1 the speci.en/ %/3/ ?or 1abric )idths (# .. (# in/) or .ore4 taGe no speci.en closer than (# .. ( in/) 1ro. the selvage edge/ %/3/( ?or 1abric )idths less than (# .. (# in/)4 use the entire )idth 1or speci.ens/ %/3/3 Cut speci.ens representing a broad distribution di6 agonally across the )idth o1 the laboratory sa.pling unit/ TaGe length)ise speci.ens 1ro. di11erent positions across the )idth o1 the 1abric/ TaGe )idth)ise speci.ens 1ro. di11erent posi6 tions along the length o1 the 1abric/ %/3/$ &nsure speci.ens are 1ree o1 1olds4 creases4 or )rinGles/ Avoid getting oil4 )ater4 grease4 etc/ on the speci.ens )hen handling/ %/3/# I1 the 1abric has a pattern4 ensure that the speci.ens are a representative sa.pling o1 the pattern/ (. 'reparation) *ali&ration) and +erification of "pparatus =/ ,heel $osition+The )heels should be spaced e>ually on both sides 1ro. the )heel6.ounting 1lange to the center o1

the speci.en holder/ The distance 1ro. the inside o1 the )heel .ounting 1lange to the center o1 the speci.en holder should be 3%/= ;!/# .. ( /#3 in/)/ =/( ,heel Bearings+The abrader )heel bearings4 installed in the 1ree end o1 the pivoting ar.s to support the abrader )heels4 should not sticG )hen caused to spin rapidly by a >uicG driving .otion o1 the 1ore1inger/ =/3 $latform $osition+The vertical distance 1ro. the cen6 ter o1 the pivot point o1 the abrader ar.s to the top o1 the speci.en holder should be appro3i.ately (# .. ( in/)/ The speci.en plat1or. should rotate in the plane o1 its sur1ace4 )ith no visible )obble/ This can be checGed )ith a dial indicator at the top outer edge o1 the plat1or./ =/$ $latform Speed+The plat1or. should rotate at the speed stated in ;/ /3/ =/# )oad+The load to use is dependent on the type o1 te3tile 1abric being tested4 and should be agreed upon by the interested parties/ =/; -acuum Suction+The vacuu. suction 1orce should be adAusted to li1t the abraded particles4 but not li1t the speci.en/ A setting o1 <# C !! has been 1ound to be su11icient and should be used4 unless other)ise agreed upon by the interested parties/ At a vacuu. level o1 !!4 the suction 1orce shall be 3< .illibar (## in/ o1 )ater colu.n) or greater4 as .easured by a vacuu. gage/ =/< Selection of ,heels+The abrasive )heels are .anu1ac6 tured in di11erent grades and selection o1 )hich )heel type to use .ust be agreed upon by the interested parties/ A )heel selection guide is presented in Appendi3 A to help )ith this selection process/

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Oct 3 !"# "$% &'T ;; ;; 'o)nloaded*printed by Carlos +uevedo (,aboratorios M-) pursuant to ,icense Agree.ent/ 0o 1urther reproductions authori2ed/

1,. Standardi-ation of "&rading .heels !/ $reparation of resilient abrading wheels+To ensure that the abrading 1unction o1 the )heels is .aintained at a constant level; prepare the resilient )heels 1ollo)ing !/ / 6 !/ /$ !/ / Mount the selected resilient )heels on their respec6 tive 1lange holders4 taGing care not to handle the. by their abrasive sur1aces/ AdAust the load on the )heels to the load agreed upon bet)een the interested parties/ !/ /( Mount the resur1acing disc (S6 ) on the turntable and a11i3 using the cla.p plate and nut4 and cla.p ring/ ,o)er the abrading heads care1ully until the )heels rest on the resur1acing disc/ 8lace the vacuu. picG6up no22le in position and adAust it to a distance o1 < ; .. above the sur1ace o1 the disc/ !/ /3 Set the counter to N2eroE and adAust the vacuu. suction 1orce to !!/ !/ /$ I1 the vacuu. syste. does not turn on auto.atically at the start o1 the test4 start the vacuu. suction and then the turntable/ 7esur1ace the )heels by running the. 1or the appropriate nu.ber o1 cycles against the resur1acing disc as sho)n in Table / &ach resur1acing disc is good 1or one (# or #! cycle resur1acing operation4 a1ter )hich it .ust be dis6 carded/
0OT& (:.ew Set of ,heels &brea -in procedure' - The co.position o1 resilient )heels can .aGe the. subAect to slight changes o1 1or./ Fe1ore placing in service a ne) set o1 resilient )heels they .ust be subAected to t)o (() resur1acings o1 #! cycles to ensure per1ect contact o1 the abrading 1aces )ith the speci.en sur1ace/ The resur1acing disc is used only once (.a3i.u. o1 #! cycles)4 there1ore this initial resur1acing o1 ne) )heels )ill re>uire t)o (() resur1acing discs/ 0OT& 3:Starting a test with pre(iously used wheels C Fe1ore testing a speci.en )ith previously used )heels4 resur1ace (# or #! cycles on a ne) resur1acing disc/ Hhen the previous test )as short in duration (O 4!!! cycles)4 resur1acing o1 (# cycles is su11icient/ Hhen the previous test )as 4!!! cycles or .ore4 a resur1acing o1 #! cycles is reco..ended/ Hheels that have not been used 1or an e3tended period o1 ti.e .ay re>uire a breaG6in resur1acing liGe a ne) set o1 )heels/ 0OT& $:#esurfacing during testing 6 To .aintain consistency and avoid clogging o1 )heel 1aces4 the )heels .ay need to be resur1aced periodically during the test/ 7e.ove the speci.en and resur1ace the )heels 1or (# or #! cycles )ith a ne) resur1acing disc/ The sa.ple should be care1ully replaced on the speci.en holder a1ter resur1acing o1 the )heels/ To prevent the integrity o1 the test 1ro. being Aeopardi2ed )hen re.oving and replacing the sa.ple4 speci.ens .ay be a11i3ed to a .ounting card (see 0ote #)/

accordance )ith 8ractice ' <<; or4 i1 applicable4 in the speci1ied at.osphere in )hich the testing is to be per1or.ed/ 12. 'rocedure (/ Test the conditioned speci.ens in the standard at.o6 sphere 1or testing te3tiles4 )hich is ( ; PC (<! ; (P?) and ;# ; (Q relative hu.idity/ (/( Mounting of Specimen+8lace the test speci.en 1ace up4 unless other)ise speci1ied4 over the rubber .at on the speci.en holder/ ,ightly secure the cla.p plate and Gnurled nut in place to hold the center o1 the speci.en/ 8lace the cla.p ring over the speci.en and holder )ith the scre) o1 the cla.p at one end o1 the )arp4 partly tighten it4 and push hal1 )ay do)n/ 'ra) 1abric taut over the speci.en holder by pulling on corners and edges o1 1abric4 then tighten the cla.p ring 1urther4 and push the ring all the )ay do)n over the edge o1 the holder4 thus putting tension on the 1abric as it is secured on holder/ Then 1inish tightening the cla.p plate and nut4 and 1inally4 retighten the cla.p ring/ Avoid bucGling the 1abric )hen tightening/ Tri. o11 e3cess 1abric around the edges/
0OT& #:It is i.portant that the speci.en be .ounted such that it is co.pletely 1lat and re.ains 1lat )hen subAected to abrasion/ A .ounting card )hich is appro3i.ately !% .. round or s>uare )ith a ;/3# .. center hole and one side coated )ith pressure sensitive adhesive .ay be used 1or this purpose/ Clean the bacG o1 the speci.en )ith a so1t bristle brush to re.ove any loose debris4 and attach to the .ounting card ensuring the .ounted speci.en is 1ree o1 1olds4 creases4 or )rinGles/

(/3 .umber of #e(olutions+The nu.ber o1 revolutions o1 the table to )hich the speci.en is to be subAected )ill depend on the type o1 .aterial being tested4 the type o1 abrader )heels used4 and the type o1 test e.ployed4 such as that based on loss in breaGing load due to abrasion and loss in .ass due to abrasion or occurrence o1 yarn breaGdo)n/ The nu.ber o1 cycles should be predeter.ined by .utual agree.ent/ (/$ ,o)er the abrading heads care1ully onto the sur1ace o1 the speci.en/ (/# /leaning of Specimen+The 78'9 vacuu. syste. is used to clean the speci.en o1 debris and abrasive particles during the test/ 8osition the no22le < ; .. ( *$ in/) above the speci.en sur1ace and adAust the vacuu. suction as outline in =/;/ 'o not re.ove the speci.en 1ro. the speci.en holder until the entire test is co.pleted (e3ception4 see 0ote $)/ Hipe the rubber pad clean a1ter each test/ (/; Start the 78'9 tester and subAect the test speci.en to abrasion 1or the speci1ied nu.ber o1 cycles/ I1 cycles to a speci1ic end point is used as the evaluation criteria (see (/#)4 stop the instru.ent at intervals during the test to e3a.ine the test speci.en/ (/< #esurfacing and /leaning of ,heels+'ue to uneven )ear and clogging o1 the sur1ace crevices )ith 1iber particles4 si2ing4 1inishing .aterials4 and the liGe4 the abrading )heels should be resur1aced or cleaned at established intervals during tests4 the 1re>uency depending on the type o1 .aterial being tested and the type o1 )heel used (see Section !)/ (/% A1ter testing4 raise the abrader ar.s and vacuu. no22le then re.ove the speci.en 1or evaluation/ I1 desired4 the turntable plat1or. .ay be re.oved 1ro. the tester by li1ting

!/( $reparation of (itrified abrading wheels C Litri1ied )heels do not re>uire re1acing unless the abrading sur1ace clogged4 chipped or out o1 round/ A )heel re1acer should be used to correct any o1 these conditions/ 11. *onditioning / Condition the test speci.ens to .oisture e>uilibriu. 1or testing in the standard at.osphere 1or testing te3tiles in
TA123 1 &reparation of A rasive 0hee#s
!heel Stat." 1e2 ,"e- 3previo." te"t 4 1 000 #y#le"5 ,"e- 3previo." te"t 6 1 000 #y#le"5 D.ring Te"t 3a0ter every 1 000 #y#le"5 /e".r0a#ing Cy#le" ' re".r0a#ing" o0 *0 #y#le" '* or *0 #y#le" *0 #y#le" '* or *0 #y#le"

straight up/ This )ill a closer inspection o1 the speci.en prior to re.oval 1ro. the turntable plat1or./ 13. /nterpretation of Results
0OT& ;:This test .ethod does not reco..end any speci1ic interpre6 tation o1 results but does provide procedures co..only used by industry/ As a test .ethod4 no precision or bias have been deter.ined/


T average breaGing 1orce o1 the unabraded speci.ens4 g (lb)4 and T average breaGing 1orce o1 the abraded speci.en4 g (lb)/

3/ A1ter the speci.ens have been abraded to the set nu.ber o1 cycles or other speci1ied end6point4 evaluate as directed in 3/(6 3/# as appropriate/ 3/( #esidual Brea ing 0orce+I1 residual breaGing 1orce is re>uired4 calculate the individual breaGing 1orce o1 the indi6 vidual abraded speci.ens and the unabraded speci.ens to the nearest !/# Gg ( lb) signi1icant digits/ @se Test Method '#!3$ and '#!3#4 as appropriate4 e3cept that the distance bet)een shall be (# .. ( in/) and path o1 the abrasion on the abraded speci.en is hori2ontally placed .id)ay bet)een the o1 the .achine/ 3/3 A(erage Brea ing Strength+I1 average breaGing strength is re>uired4 calculate the average breaGing strength o1 the abraded speci.ens and the unabraded speci.ens separately to the nearest !/# Gg ( lb) 1or the laboratory sa.pling unit 1or the lot/ 3/$ $ercent )oss in Brea ing Strength+I1 percent breaGing strength is re>uired4 calculate the percentage loss in breaGing strength to the nearest Q as the abrasion resistance separately 1or each the length)ise and )idth)ise directions using &> 4 1or the laboratory sa.pling unit and 1or the lot/
A# # !!R A ( B S * A ( )

3/# /ycles to a Specific 1nd-$oint+Hhen the abrasion test end6point is described in a .aterial speci1ication or contract order4 the end6point .ay consist o1 a pass*1ail criteria/ The criteria .ay include" loss in breaGing strength4 yarn breaGage4 loss in coating4 loss o1 luster4 napping4 pilling4 color loss4 or other changes in appearance/ In those cases4 the abraded sa.ple is usually co.pared to a Gno)n standard o1 the .aterial tested/ Aesthetic evaluations should be .ade using an agreed upon 1ive6step rating syste./ 14. Report $/ State that the speci.ens )ere tested as directed in Test Method '3%%$/ 'escribe the product sa.pled and the .ethod o1 sa.pling used 1or the laboratory sa.pling/ $/( Type o1 )heel used4 $/3 ,oad adAust.ent or counter )eight4 i1 used4 $/$ Lacuu. suction level4 $/# 9eight o1 vacuu. picG6up no22le4 $/; 'epending upon the test option used4 report the 1ol6 lo)ing in1or.ation" $/;/ 7esidual breaGing load4 $/;/( 8ercentage loss in breaGing load4 $/;/3 Average cycles to 1ailure on the other end point/ $/;/$ I1 any other .eans o1 evaluating the e11ect o1 abrasion are used4 describe evaluation criteria used to obtain 1ailure or other end point/ 15. 0ey1ords #/ abrasion; rotary plat1or.; te3tile 1abric

)here" A# T abrasion resistance4 Q4

4%onmandatory /nformation5 31. .heel Selection 4see Ta&le 31.1 5

U / Material speci1ications have been developed 1or .any di11erent types o1 te3tile 1abrics/ I1 you are 1ollo)ing a particular .aterial speci1ication4 please re1er to it 1or the appropriate )heel/ U /( The 1ollo)ing in1or.ation is intended to serve as a guideline only4 )hen an abrasive )heel is not speci1ied/ 'eciding )hich abrading )heel is appropriate 1or your appli6 cation is best deter.ined )ith preli.inary testing on the actual .aterial/ The ideal selection criterion is to reproduce4 as nearly possible4 the )ear )hich the .aterial )ill be subAected to in actual use/ U /(/ 7esilient )heels" *S61,: Mediu. abrasive action/ *S61# : Mediu. to coarse abrasive action/ U /(/( Litri1ied (clay) )heels"

783$ C ,ight abrasive action (re>uires .ulti6point dia.ond tool 1or re1acing)/ 781, : ,ight to .ediu. abrasive action/ 761$ : Mediu. abrasive action/ 7622 : Coarse abrasive action/ U /3 Specialty )heels are also available 1or uni>ue appli6 cations/ *S6, C 7esilient .aterial4 containing no abrasive grain/ @sed )hen a very .ild abrasive action is re>uired/ Alternatively4 sandpaper strips (S633 or S6$() .ay be adhered to outer periphery 1or aggressive abrasive action/ *S65 C 'ensely4 co.pacted )ool 1elt/ Suggested )hen the service )ear o1 te3tile 1abrics involves one 1ibrous .aterial rubbing against another/

S635 CTungsten Carbide )ith sharp4 helical teeth cut in its periphery ((# per inch set at $#P spiral pitch)/ Intended 1or use on resilient .aterials only (e/g/ rubber4 linoleu.4 and leather) )hen a cutting and tearing action * severe abrasion is re>uired/

S63( C ,eather strip adhered to a brass hub/

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned

TA123 41/1 0hee# Se#e!tion

Textile :abri#" Textile :abri#", Me-i.8 !eight Textile :abri#", Deli#ate Textile :abri#", Pile Textile :abri#", CoateTextile :abri#", A.to8otive ,phol"tery 9eather, A.to8otive 9eather, Dye9eather, D.rable 1on2oven" A.to8otive Carpet Material" Broa-loo8 Carpet CS)10 ; < < < ; < ; < < ; ; < ; CS)1 ; < ; ; ) ; ; ; < ; ; ; ; H)7( ; ; < ; ) ; < ; ; ; ; ; < H)10 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; < ; ; H)1( < ; ; ; < < < < ; < ; ; < H)'' < ; ; ; ; ; < ; ; < ; ; < /e#o88en-e- 9oa- 3g5 1000 *00 or 1000 '*0 or *00 *00 1000 1000 *00 or 1000 1000 *00 or 1000 1000 '*0 1000 *00 or 1000

in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsi ility. This standard is su !ect to revision at any time y the responsi le technical committee and must e reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. "our comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should e addressed to ASTM International #ead$uarters. "our comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsi le technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM %ommittee on Standards, at the address shown elow. This standard is copyrighted y ASTM International, &'' (arr #ar or )rive, *+ (ox %,'', -est %onshohocken, *A &./012 0.3., United States. Individual reprints 4single or multiple copies5 of this standard may e o tained y contacting ASTM at the a ove address or at 6&'21702.313 4phone5, 6&'21702.333 4fax5, or 4e2mail59 or through the ASTM we site 4www.astm.org5. *ermission rights to photocopy the standard may also e secured from the ASTM we site %+*";I<#T:5.

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