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Know the significance of Victor I, Damasus, Siricius, Leo I, and Gregory the Great in the development of the papacy.

Why did Rome gain influence in the 2nd and 3rd centuries? Know about the word pope. What were the 5 prominent churches in the Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries? Why did Rome/the Pope gain influence in the 4th and 5th centuries? Know some of the biographical data on Augustine of Hippo? What were the three major crises that Augustine faced in his life? Who were the Donatists and what did they believe? What was Augustines reaction to them? Who was Pelagius and what did he teach? What was Augustines reaction toward his teaching? What does ex opere operato mean? Know the evolution of Augustines thought regarding free will and predestination? Know who wrote City of God and Confessions and something about them. What 2nd century bishop of Rome excommunicated his eastern opponents over the dating of Easter? Who was the great and influential emperor of the 6th century? What was the difference between proskuneo/ honorable reverence and latreo/true devotion? Which great Cappadocian worked on the doctrine of the Trinity, but never referred to the Spirit as God? Which great Cappadocian viewed the incarnation in a similar way as did Athanasius, believing that the Son became human that humans might become divine? Which great Cappadocian was known as The Theologian? Who was known as the Father of Liturgical Hymnology? Which great Cappadocian viewed the vocation of man as neverending growth in sharing Gods life? Who was the great golden mouthed preacher of the 4th century church?

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