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THE RAW FOOD DIET by Silvia Royet The raw food or raw vegan diet it is mainly consumed daily

all kinds of foods that have not been processed and cooking. Food should be cooked at temperatures between 40 C and 46 C. Is this healthy diet? And can we adopt it as a lifestyle? Humans are the only species of the planet who cooks the food, causing all kinds of changes in it. Humans are the only species on the planet that puts salt to their food, so at least 50% of its population is hypertensive. The cooking processes 80% of the nutrients are destroyed. And processed foods less than 47 C preserve their enzymes and vitamins, creating a better functioning of the immune system and cells. Foods allowed on the diet All types of raw fruits and vegetables, being best those achieved directly from the tree and have not yet gone through the supermarket. Grains and seeds not exceeding doneness mentioned. Dried fruits, alfalfa, raw olives, and products made from raw ingredients that are available in stores or health food stores. ADVANTAGES You eat more fiber, nutrients that are usually lost in the processing of food eaten, and additives and preservatives that excess can be harmful to health are avoided. This diet is effective in losing weight by low caloric content for non-flavoring food, but provided that no abuse of nuts, avocado, coconut Also raw fruits and vegetables contain more water and therefore greater diuretic properties. Many people doing this diet feel more energetic DISADVANTAGES A raw product exclusive diet can lead to a loss of vital nutrients. It is essential to ensure the freshness of food as there is more risk of diseases caused by bacteria (E. coli, salmonella, bacillus ...) and parasites, which die by cooking. "In people with hiatal hernia, gastritis or digestive intolerance is also not recommended," says nutritionist. "And it's hungry because food satisfies more hot than cold. Those who follow the raw food diet say and express their arguments about the ability of this method and lifestyle and diet to lose weight. There are different stages. The first is the stage adaptation, which is around two weeks and is based on detoxification. At this stage the raw food diet drawbacks as colds, bad breath, headaches, mood swings in, poor concentration, significant lowering of libido, etc

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