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THE DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD The planet of self-discipline, SATURNs goal for o!

is perfection" SATURN helps us bear our karma and successfully pass our tests. Until #e #illingl accept self-discipline, #e e$perience SATURN as feelings of li%itation, depri&ation, dela , and disappoint%ent" SATURNs true desire is to grant us wisdom and compassion. SATURN RETRO'RADE is your signal that o! are re-doing a lifeti%e" This incarnation is your 2nd chance thus! you will feel the burden of dealing with two lifetimes at once. "ou can! therefore! e#perience inner doubts about your self$worth and your ability to o%ercome difficulties. The good news is that your soul knows you ha%e achie%ed the spiritual maturity re&uired to re$do successfully a lifetime. "ou ha%e in prior lifetimes ad%anced through great personal struggles and sacrifices. Now! as you learn to flow with SATURNs discipline! you will be rewarded with enormous wisdom. SATURN is comfortable in R'TR()RA*' motion! and as you flow with it! you de%elop the capacity to tap into all of your past life wisdom and talents. SATURN RETRO'RADE is a sign of an old So!l #ho has ad&anced far on the spirit!al path" No#, o! ha&e incarnated to perfect #hat o! ha&e learned" (ARENTS+ your SATURN RETRO'RADE child is likely to possess a serious nature and to feel o%erly responsible. "ou can assist your child by incorporating regular periods of play into the daily schedule. "ou might need to reassure this child that until he,she grows into adulthood! you will be the parent while he,she en-oys being the child. Self$discipline learned through play can be effecti%e. .ompetiti%e sports may o%erload the child with the need to be responsible and do well for his,her team. /ndi%idual sports! such as swimming! track! and tennis may be more helpful. (bser%e your child and follow your intuiti%e guidance. Sculpture! sewing! and woodworking can be playful ways to satisfy the SATURN need to build structures. SATURN RETRO'RADE )AR*A 0 the re-doing of a lifeti%e! with the e#tra weight that entails. SATURN R'TR()RA*' will be serious about getting it right this time.

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