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1: What observations did Rachel Carson make about her environment? Explain in detail.

Observes a town where life all life seems to live in harmony with its surroundings. A lot of prosperous farms, fields of grain and hillsides of of orchards. There is a variety of birds and animals and people come to see them. 2: How have chemicals changed the environment? What is DDT? What is it used for and what are the consequences of its use? Chemicals have changed the environment due to the contamination of the air, water and the atmosphere. The chemicals enter into the plants and vegetation in the environment, as well as entering into the food that us humans eat. Chemicals are lethal to plants and animals, killing some of them in the end. DDT is a toxic chemical that was used to kill off "pests", some of the pests were incests that were invading the farms. Some of the consequences of using DDT is that it sometimes leads to poisoning into some household items. If an animal survives DDT, they reproduce making them immune to DDT. 3: Carson uses Robert Frosts poem, The Road Less Traveled, as an analogy for making choices about our future- what does she say about what we must do? Instead of seeking toxic chemicals to solve some "pest' problems we should seek for other solutions. Carson states that we have already began creating some stages of labratory testing. She also states that solutions are biological and that they are based on the understanding of living organisms. 4: This book was written in 1962- have people heeded the warning about the toxins in our environment? Yes we have heeded the warning about toxics by passing laws such as the Toxic Substance Control Act in 1976, Food Quality Protection Act in 1996. 5: What is your opinion of the book excerpt? Explain. I believe this was a really excellent book ,and because of this book people with the same ideas as Rachel Carson started to question the relationship between mankind and nature. And if this book was never written who knows what could have been acceptable know-a-days.

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