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It was July one year ago when I wasn`t in the school, I stayed on vacations. I went to Veracruz.

I went with my parents and my brother and my grandmother. First we traveled for a lot time, sixs hours approximately. First we rested because we didnt sleep when we traveled. In the morning I ran on the sand of beach with my brother. I wore a short, t-shirt and sandals. Then my family swam on the beach for three hours, then we ate volovan, it is bread with cheese and jam or with fish The weather: it was hot because the place always stayed with sunny. We walked a lot, in the night we watched the ships and we flew a kite for 2 hours. And my family played with water of the beach with foots. This night we watched movies because we didn`t sleep. We ate junk food. My family and I decided go to back when we stayed three days. It was a memorable travel because we made a lot of things and I like swim, run, and the place its beautiful

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