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How to: Add, consume and update localized strings in POS

Further reading
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Developers [AX 2012] SDK Download

Dynamics Retail AX Reail POS project allows add or update any existing string resource. The default string resources are packed in .NET assemblies that can be overridden by adding string resouces to RetailLanugageText table. (This table is part of N-1090 / A-1090 job)

To update an existing string: Launch POS with -TR parameter and find the string id of the string that needs to be updated. [with TR switch POS Prepends string to the string. E.g. (100) String] Add a row to RetailLanugageText table with appropriate data and executes Schedure jobs to send data down to POS. POS will now use the overridden string.

To add / consume a string: Add a row to RetailLanugageText table with appropriate data and executes Schedure jobs to send data down to POS. (Can add multiple row with same id for various cultures) Use ApplicationLocalizer to get the localized string. (Refer POS assembly SystemSettings.dll).

using LSRetailPosis string localizedString = ApplicationLocalizer.Language.Translate(<StringId>);

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