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HL1002 Tutorial 2 Bob and wheel end of stanzas (one word line followed by 4 other lines) Alliterative poem

em Gawain carrying a twig of holly pagan symbol Arthur is a kid vs Bertilak who is middle aged and tall/imposing Stag and boar good hunting kills Important for Bertilak to maintain his pride offering to Gawain is worth something Fox pelt received on 3rd day is not considered a good hunt Rodents of the field easy to kill

Girdle symbolises many things if Gawain had produced the girdle, it would dishonour Bertilaks gift of the fox pelt Sense of pride and prestige in the gift Girdle speaks to his dread supernatural almost pagan magical aspects of the item vs the faith he has Girdle (undergarment) represents: Intimate piece of womans clothing Suggests that they had a sexual relationship Idea of belonging women are objectified and seen as property Clothing given to someone outside the relationship guilt of Gawain as he feels he has stolen something

Should Gawain be punished for taking the girdle? Does he get punished? Gawain is scarred by the shame of what he did He kept quiet about the girdle Girdle is a symbol of his shame in the end Knights of the table wear a similar girdle they wear the shame together with him? o Blame and selfishness o Inverted shame turned it into a badge of honour o

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