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I will tell you my opinion about being a good leader is like a thumb as we all know that everyone has

five fingers. they are the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb last. So why the thumb is symbolized as being a good leader while the thumb has a different shape with the other finger, the thumb has the form of fat and shorter than the other fingers. but you do not realize that the thumb is the only finger that can touch the other fingers but can only finger touching the thumb and forefinger can not touch other fingers and so does the little finger, middle finger and ring finger it means that being a good leader must be able to interact, communicate, and build a good relationship with members and maybe some of you confused why I chose the thumb as a symbol of a good leader

it means that being a good leader must be able to interact, communicate, and build a good relationship with members and you also do not realize that when you clench your fingers, you can see that the thumb looks to protect the other fingers

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