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Sunspot AR 1936 Awakens: Medium Flare Starts The Fireworks

Posted By Chris Carrington On December 28, 2013 @ 4:10 pm In Editor's Choice,Featured,Science | 1 Comment


Sunspot AR 1936 has woken up after several quiet days. It has the energy to produce strong eruptions and has started to crackle with beta-gamma energy, throwing off a decent sized flare. Although not officially sized yet it looks to be a hair short of M-class. As the spot is directly Earth facing the effects of flares will be felt on Earth over the coming days. Tonights offering will cause ionization in the upper atmosphere and little more, but that will not be the case if the activity increases and intensifies. NOAA has not yet updated their estimate of further flares in light of the activity from AR1936. Todays sunspot number is 107. Wind blowing from a coronal hole on the Earth side of the Sun is set to reach us on Jan34th. Deliv ered by The Daily Sheeple [2]

Contributed by Chris Carrington of The Daily Sheeple [3].

Chris Carrington is a writer, researcher and lecturer with a background in science, technology and environmental studies. Chris is an editor for The Daily Sheeple [4] . Wake the flock up!

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