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Screening of disease using Serum Samples


Yameni P, Samadri G,Ashika Jaffar, Madhukiran D, Ashwini D, Sana Shah, Praveen M, Linda L, Sulekha N & Fahmina Y

Consent Form
A consent form containing information like Background/Purpose of this study, Objectives, Study Procedures, Immunological Research, Banking Specimens during the study , Risks of the study, Benefits of the study, Consent for Voluntary Participation, Costs/Payments offered, Compensation In Case Of Injury, Details on Confidentiality of Records and Authorization to Use/Share Protected Health Information for Research, A Consent to Participate In Research & Authorization to Use and Share Personal Health Information and contact information ) was prepared and consents for the project was acquired prior to obtaining the samples. A digital copy of the form was also made available to the test subjects on request

CRP Test
Aim:To use diagnostic reagent kit for the detection of C-Reactive protein in human serum by qualitative and semi qualitative rapid latex slide test. Principle:The CRP antigen that is present in the serum of the paitent will reacts with the antibodies that are present on the body of the latex causing a agglutination reaction.

Procedure:1. All reagents are bought to the room temperature. 2. One drop of the CRP latex is placed in one of the rings with a drop of the test serum and is gently mixed. 3. Controls are prepared in the same way as the test sample is prepared. 4. Observe for no more that two minutes for agglutination and record the results.

Results:All but one sample was found to be negative.

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