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Dear Gruber,

I am barrister Noble Chikwati, An Attorney of the Law and acted as a personal advocate for (late) Engr. Edward Gruber, who lived and worked here in Togo for more than twenty years for Golden business merchant, main contractor company and Shell Petroleum Development Company. I am writing this letter to you, because there is something important I want us to work on your left hand over a property. He has the same last name with you, so I would like to introduce you as his relative, so that we can claim to be 13.8 million dollars (13 million eight hundred thousand United States dollars) he left in a bank here in our country, I am looking out for an honest Person with the same last name who could cooperate with me to claim the fund from the Bank. I was his personal lawyer before he died, all my effort to get in contact with his relatives has been in vain and I have been approved by the Bank to call his relatives claim this Fund or have it confiscated in the bank treasury fund. Therefore, I would like to present you as the beneficiary or next kin because of the similarity in Last name; this will qualify you for fund, so I want you to work with me to secure it for our mutual benefit, I will be given you 50% of this money, do let me know of your interest urgently.

Waiting in anticipation, Merry Christmas and happy New Year in advance, With respect, (Bar. Noble chikwati (SAT Esq.).

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