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The Renaissance

Art Government Philosophy Science

Humanism Individualism Nationalism Mercantilism

Study of the Humanities Poetry Grammar Moral Philosophy Rhetoric History

Renaissance Science
Copernicus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres 1543

Launched the Scientific Revolution

Galileo Galilei
Father of Modern Science Laws of Nature are mathematical
That crazy experiment where he dropped stuff

Isaac Newton
Discovered Light Spectrum Developed differential Calculus Developed Laws of Motion Developed Laws of Gravity

Renaissance Literature
William Shakespeare Utopia Thomas More 1516 The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli 1532 Marlowe Dr Faustus 1592

Bartolomo de las Casas

War is irrational & the moral opposite of civilization Forced conversion to Christianity is wrong Free Will - conversion must be voluntary

Renaissance Art
Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Brunelleschi

Cimabue: Madonna in Majesty

Duccio: Maesto Madonna

Gioto: Ognisanti Madonna

Chiaroscuro Sacred and Profane Love

Boticelli: Madonna of the Rocks

Linear Perspective

Linear Perspective

Linear Perspective

Invented Linear perspective Designed the Church of San Lorenzo Designed the Church of San Spirito Designed the Pazzi Chapel the Pitti Palace the Palazzo Quaratesi the Dome of the Cathedral of Florence

Pitti Palace

Church of San Lorenzo

Pazzi Chapel

Dome of Cathedral of Florence

Raphael - School of Athens

Vaulted Ceiling


Plato and Aristotle

Da Vinci -Vitruvian Man

Da Vinci - Mona Lisa

Da Vinci -The Last Supper

Michelangelo - Sistine Chapel



Renaissance Music
Before: Music accompanies vocals After: Composers also wrote instrumentals

Malleus Maleficarum 1486

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