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Victoria Winter Jensen Pd.

7 Methods 1) Cut index cards into strips with 10 numbers on them ranging from 0-9 (you need 6 of these, 1 for each noise) 2) Bring the test subject into a quiet room with a chair and table 3) Have the test subject sit down in the chair across from you 4) Hand them one of the index card strips face down 5) Get out the timer and set it to 30 seconds 6) Tell them they can flip it over then start the timer* 7) Once the 30 seconds are up take away the index card 8) Ask the subject to repeat the numbers memorized. 9) Record the amount of numbers the subject got right on the data tables 10) Repeat steps 4-7 with each background noise and give the subject a new card with a different number sequence for each noise *Subjects should begin memorizing the sequence once the 30 seconds begin

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